Author Topic: Tekko 2014 - Now with a Zillion Pics (slow connections beware)  (Read 6610 times)

Sooooooooooooo Tekko is a smaller con but I know we've got a lot of MotK kids in that part of the country so maybe I won't be the only person there? :V

Also one of the bands is sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet, they were sort of the clincher in me deciding to go this year

oh god it's my first con since Ohayocon in '07 and my first con alone :ohdear:
« Last Edit: April 09, 2014, 07:08:35 PM by Arashi Camusbara »


  • It's a cheer up charm!
  • *
  • ふそそそそそ
    • Hydrangeamaiden
Re: Tekko 2014 - Because the Old Name Was Too Long I Guess
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2014, 01:14:41 PM »
I'm not gonna be there this year, but since it seems you're going please tell us about it!  I want to know what cosplays there are a lot of this year, since Kill la Kill just finished and all

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Re: Tekko 2014 - Because the Old Name Was Too Long I Guess
« Reply #2 on: April 02, 2014, 06:08:35 PM »
I would go but I'm on the wrong side of the state to feasibly attend this one, sadly.

Re: Tekko 2014 - Because the Old Name Was Too Long I Guess
« Reply #3 on: April 03, 2014, 02:11:21 AM »
I'm not gonna be there this year, but since it seems you're going please tell us about it!  I want to know what cosplays there are a lot of this year, since Kill la Kill just finished and all

Yeah I figured even if no one else here is going, worst case I can photodump into this thread after like Ruro always does after Nan Desu Kan. :V (Except my pics probably won't be as good =P)

Re: Tekko 2014 - Because the Old Name Was Too Long I Guess
« Reply #4 on: April 09, 2014, 07:08:04 PM »

Finding a cosplay of the Amnesia protag almost right off the bat on Friday seemed to bode well for my own cosplay being recognized Saturday/Sunday (spoiler: it didn't)

Professor Layton and Luke from, well, the Professor Layton games

Two Madoka Kanames and a Sayaka Miki from Madoka Magica

The dealers' room/artists' alley, as seen from the balcony/hall alongside the card and board games area. The view was sweeeeeeeeeet but seeing a really great cosplay down here when you're up there is, like, the worst feeling ever. :(

Plutia from Hyperdimension Neptunia (Victory and the anime)! Cue Amra.

Ariel, Belle, and Megara from Disney movies (The Little Mermaid, Beauty and the Beast, and Hercules, if anyone somehow doesn't know) in their respective male leads' outfits

A couple shots of a whole bunch of League of Legends cosplayers - the second shot is everyone else caught in a Sona ult. :V

Donnel from Fire Emblem: Awakening

Yubaba from Spirited Away/Sen to Chihiro no Kamikakushi and I think Alucard from Hellsing?

Commander Shepard, presumably (I mean he can look however but this dude had the N7 logo and shit on the armor :V) from Mass Effect and I'm not sure if the guy on the left was anyone in particular but his armor was great too.

Glaceon and Eevee from Pokemon - there was a whole big group of all the Eeveelutions but the only time I managed to catch them all together was on my way back from dinner and it was gross and rainy out. I did get more of the others later on though.

I had no intention of buying any daki covers in the first place and I promised a friend who (jokingly) told me not to buy any so, but not gonna lie seeing a couple prominently-displayed ones of Hakuouki's version of Toshizou Hijikata (just linking though because one other one that is in the pic is nooooooooooot SFW and only has some crappy post-it not censoring) was about as tempting as any of 'em are ever gonna get to me (i.e. still not very but at least made the idea less completely ridiculous). Mostly I just took the photo as an exhibit of how much less skeevy the ones of dudes aimed at ladies are on average than vice-versa.

Not really a big pony kid but this pony cop dude looked great, I dunno if he's a specific character or just a kinda cool idea.

Jace Beleren from Magic: the Gathering

Lucina from Fire Emblem: Awakening - aside from the one Donnel I think about all the FE cosplays I saw over the weekend were her. Not like I can blame 'em. =P

Sailor Moon!


Aigis from Persona 3

Jade Harley and John Egbert from Homestuck. There were a bunch of great-looking Homestucks but somehow I felt like I was always running across them at really awkward times? So I didn't get pics of many.

Gacharic Spin oh god they were adorable

Journey characters!


Mitsukuni Haninozuka (Honey), Kyouya Ootori, and Renge Houshakuji from Ouran High School Host Club.

More of the Eeveelution group! This time it's Sylveon, Vaporeon, Flareon, and Espeon

Rei Ryuugazaki, Nanase Haruka, and Rin Matsuoka from Free!

And more Touhous! This time it's Lily, Parsee, Suwako, and the Yumemi again.
« Last Edit: April 09, 2014, 07:28:57 PM by Arashi Camusbara »

Re: Tekko 2014 - Now with a Zillion Pics (slow connections beware)
« Reply #5 on: April 09, 2014, 07:23:02 PM »

Clear from Dramatical Murder

Meenah Peixes from Homestuck

A whole bunch of Sherlock cosplayers

a TARDIS from Doctor Who, the look was so cute, I loved it.

Sophie and ??? (oh god I haven't seen this movie in ages) from Howl's Moving Castle

Chiaki Nanami and Monobear from Dangan Ronpa (well Chiaki's from the sequel but Monobear's in both so)

Mayor Pamela Winchell and a Big Rico's delivery man from Welcome to Night Vale

Clover/Yotsuba from Nine Hours, Nine Persons, Nine Doors

Yomiko Readman from Read or Die

Sniper from Team Fortress 2

Rakka from Haibane Renmei

Haman Karn and Quattro Bajeena (i.e. totally Char Aznable) from Gundam (specifically Zeta Gundam)

Kyouko Sakura from Madoka Magica, with a something-from-Naruto cosplayer friend of hers she was jokingly threatening =P

The Tenth Doctor from Doctor Who

Sailor Saturn!

Rin Matsuoka from Free!

Titan!Eren Yaeger from Attack on Titan

Steam Powered Giraffe cosplayers oh man oh man

Kiyotaka Ishimaru, Mondo Oowada, and Chihiro Fujisaki from Dangan Ronpa

Dio from Virtue's Last Reward

The Touhouvania/Koumajou Densetsu version of Reimu!

And a Komachi! So much Touhou, I was pleased.

Me (as Camus from Uta no Prince-sama) with a girl from the AKB48 anime, idk which one though =P

Ryuuko Matoi from Kill la Kill - there wasn't nearly as much KLK cosplay as I was expecting but it was all pretty good.

Re: Tekko 2014 - Now with a Zillion Pics (slow connections beware)
« Reply #6 on: April 09, 2014, 07:23:32 PM »

I told Matsuri I'd seen a bunch of Precure CDs at one of the more bookstore-y vendor booths buuuuuuuuuuuut it turns out to mostly be a zillion copies of the Max Heart OP single and a big expensive vocal boxset... but then there was a bunch of Sakura Taisen hiding in there so that was cool.


Ahiru/Duck from Princess Tutu

Koan/Catzy from Sailor Moon R

The Tenth Doctor again, this time specifically from a hilarious scene in the episode "The Girl in the Fireplace".

Tamaki Suou from Ouran High School Host Club

Ringo Tsukimiya from Uta no Prince-sama! She also got a selfie of the two of us together (since I was in my Camus cosplay that day too) but I haven't seen it floating around. :(

Merch time! I didn't see nearly as many model kits around as I was hoping for (how did my coworker manage to blow over a grand on kits?!) but damned if I wasn't gonna leave without one and I did almost get the version of this kit with a special finish once, the plain is fine too. :3

My badge along with (most) of my other purchases - keychains/charms of Camus from UtaPri, Natsume Asahina from Brothers Conflict, and a Rei Ryuugazaki from Free! that I picked up in the artists' alley (there were plenty of official merch ones around but I really wanted to get something from the artists and I don't have anywhere good to put buttons or prints and this was reeeeeeeeeeally cute).

Not pictured: the Hirato from Karneval I somehow managed to lose in the time between taking them all off my purse and getting them to where I was gonna take pics?

Except it's cool I found the Hirato the next day. :V Also, I realized I'd forgotten to take a pic of the Gacharic Spin album I'd gotten signed oh gosh~

Had all the charms on my purse during the weekend but even on Friday when it was just Camus and Hirato, the latter was getting covered up pretty easily. Probably gonna leave Camus and Natsume on there (they have the same seiyuu even!) and find somewhere else for Rei and Hirato.

Re: Tekko 2014 - Now with a Zillion Pics (slow connections beware)
« Reply #7 on: April 09, 2014, 09:20:55 PM »
Yay, a Keine!

Looks like it was a good time. Thanks for sharing!


  • time for kittyrina lessons
  • time to press r again
Re: Tekko 2014 - Now with a Zillion Pics (slow connections beware)
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2014, 09:31:14 PM »
THE ONE YEAR I DON'T GO AND THERe'S A PARSEE read about me playing league i guess

Re: Tekko 2014 - Now with a Zillion Pics (slow connections beware)
« Reply #9 on: April 09, 2014, 09:59:43 PM »



Re: Tekko 2014 - Now with a Zillion Pics (slow connections beware)
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2014, 04:04:25 AM »
Chihiro and Chiaki :*