Author Topic: A Peaceful Day at Gensokyo . . .  (Read 2388 times)


A Peaceful Day at Gensokyo . . .
« on: January 20, 2014, 09:33:18 PM »
These will be short (I think) stories about the residents in Gensokyo, living their days to the most (really?). Most of them will be funny.

Entry 1- Part 1 - "Tewi's Daily Prank Exercise"
It was a cool,bright morning at Eientei. Reisen has just been woken up by a peculiar sound of something being pounded. With a stretch, Reisen quickly got up, dressed, waiting for her daily chores from Eiren. Reisen let out a yawn as big as if Yuyuko was about to eat a buffet, "ah~ I might as well make use of this time and straighten my hair a bit" (She did look like a wreck). Pichun~ Pichun~ " Ugh, that noise though, it's been at it all night". Reisen quickly got a brush, and swiftly stroked her hair with a very gentle like motion and whispered a little tune "Kagome~ Kagome~ Kago-" PICHUN~ PICHUN~, RRRIIIIP! A horrible sound was heard by Reisen's ears that wasn't just by the pounding, and realized her arm was spread out and beside there was a Lavender-like hair piece. "M- m- m- MY HAIR! HOW? WHO?". Reisen peeked at a mirror and quickly saw the disaster of her appearance, she observed that her hair was filled with glue. Like an angry Miko, Reisen let out a yell, "TEWI!!!!" PICHUN~ PICHUN~ "AND WHAT'S WITH THAT HORRIBLE NOISE?!". Reisen quickly got a horrible looking hat, placed it on her head and went running toward the annoying noise. Though there, standing in front of her laid a horrible and surprising sight. . . . "Tewi?". Tewi took the sweat off of her head and glanced at Reisen "Oh, hey Reisen. How has the morning like fashion show?" . . . . Reisen completely ignored her anger, and looked straight at the pound mochi next to Tewi. "y- y- You made all of those by yourself?! I'm dreaming again, aren't I?". Tewi, quickly face palmed herself, "No, I DID make all of this Pound Mochi by myself!". Reisen studied Tewi like a surveillance camera, "What did you do this time?". Tewi stuttered, "er, I'm just doing this to get some extra cash that's all . . . .". Reisen found this hard to believe, so she just gave Tewi the hairy-eyeball until she confessed. . . . "FINE! I might have broken something at Kourindou . . ., so I'm asking Eiren for some extra cash". Reisen found this however, easily believable, "hm, well I guess it's fine for you to do work for change" (Even though it was for a reason like that). "Well I guess I did enough work, so I'm going to take a long~ long~ nap-" Reisen quickly interrupted, "Oh, NO YOUR NOT! You still have some explaining to do with my hair!". Tewi tried really hard not to laugh as she gasped for air and thought of an excuse, "erm, umm, HERE- have some pound mochi. I made it from an extra good looking recipe from the human-village, just for you~" . Reisen peeked inside the food, to check for poison,mouse traps, etc, but it was clear of anything and actually smelled good. Reisen took the Mochi like some ticking explosive and gulped it down, "COUGH fatrabbit" "nngh, whot was thot, nngh" "oh, nothing. Is it good? I used danmaku to make it!". Reisen looked through what has happened in the Morning, from a bad hair day to Tewi doing work. . . . Reisen looked at Tewi with disbelief, while Tewi just stayed there with a proud posture and look. . . . . . ."It's burnt. . ."  -_-:
« Last Edit: January 20, 2014, 09:38:58 PM by Hard-To-Destroy-Reptile »