Author Topic: Ephemeral Light of a Cherry Coloured Innocence - Now With 100% More Fuwafuwa!  (Read 43894 times)


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Chapter 6 Part 3

Capital City of Flowers in the Sky, Arrange by RD Sounds -

   "Odd." The werewolf suddenly murmured while she and her Kirrin co-worker laboured under the setting sun, gathering the lamprey and fish off the riverbank.

   "Was that an existential statement or just a general comment?" Akyuu asked, setting aside another full bucket of lamprey.

   "Harhar, I?ll give you an existential crisis if you don?t shut it." Her werewolf partner said, sniffing the air. "Smell that?"

        "Smells like flagrant verbal diarrhea." Akyuu replied.

         "I suggest taking a mint or two. Helps when you suck." The wolf said, ?I smell snow.?

   "You can smell something aside from all this fish and lamprey?" the little Kirrin asked as a chilly evening wind blew another dose of fishiness in her face. "Phew?.I hope my fur doesn?t catch this?? She said, before she could stop herself. ?Fur? I?m starting to think like a youkai? she thought to herself.

   ?I agree it?s difficult to smell much with you around.? Kagerou nodded, ?But yes, I can. Why is there snow in the air??

   "I don't see any." Akyuu said, looking about the cloudy yet sunny sky. "You're sure it's not dandruff?"

       "Hey, you wish you had fur this immaculate and beautiful, alright? It's all natural~" The werewolf said indignantly, one hand flicking her hair back, another against the waistband around her dress. "Where is that smell coming from?" She asked, looking up at the air.

"You can smell snow?" Akyuu asked.

   "Amongst other things. Better than Tengu forecasting any day. It's something all beast youkai pick up, even you, Fluffy." Kagerou said, "It's a little late in spring for'll probably melt before it even lands."

   ?Speaking of late....? Akyuu said, noticing how cool it had gotten as the sun slowly sunk behind the thick canopy of the great youkai forest. 

   ?Yeah, we'd better hurry or it'll be us melting under the boss? glare.? Kagerou agreed. A coarse evening gust blew by, whipping at their clothes as if hurrying them on.

It didn't take much longer to gather the lamprey when they were already grounded and ripe for the picking. The two found themselves making good time with their task. Akyuu decided it was her chance to ask her pressing questions. " know Tokiko quite well then?" She asked innocently, seizing the opportunity.

   "Sure do." Kagerou said, hefting her lamprey bucket.

   "Tokiko actually calls herself that?" Akyuu asked.

Still, by Chata -

   "Yeah. She insists everyone call her that. I've always found that a weird choice of nicknames, but, hey, a name's the one thing you can truly call your own, right?? The werewolf said, ?Apparently it's her beloved sister's nickname for her or something. Hahah, if I had a sister with that kind of naming sense I?d have jumped inside the sunflower field with some Burgundy and napalm in shame. Tokiko, now, she wore the name with so much pride."

   "Oh...." Akyuu gave a little nod.

   ?Let Rin guess?.? Rin began, gleefully. Akyuu?s heart sank. ?That was your naming sense, wasn?t it, little Kirrin??

   ?I was 7 years old, alright? It stuck.? Akyuu muttered. ?I never thought she?d use it outside home....?

   ?Good thing Rin didn?t forget Rin?s own name. Yama knows what you?d call Rin.? Rin said. ?Something ridiculous like Fuwafuwatama*, perhaps.?

*Fuwafuwatama: Fluffy fluffy head, an actual touhou canon name, believe it or not.

   ?I was thinking more Nail-Meet-Chalkboard.? Akyuu sighed inwardly. "What is Tokiko like here?" She asked Kagerou.

   "Quiet, keeps to her books during breaktimes, but otherwise works like a beast. Makes me look bad sometimes." Kagerou said, but Akyuu noticed she didn't seem at all bitter to admit to this, "She works quite a few jobs, this being one of them. Does a day job at that 4-eyed-jerk's shop, night job here, early morning job at the library, odd jobs anywhere else. Barely ever sleeps. If I worked that much, I'd be able to afford slacking off more."

       Akyuu resisted pointing out the obvious flaw in this plan and instead murmured to herself, ""Why did she push herself so...?"

   "Oh, she saved money like a dragon....or, well, as best as she could with daily doses of Daidarabotchi fairypoopers beating her senseless over their 'share' of her take. You've got to hand it to the girl though, she did manage to stash a fair bit in secret behind their backs, above their heads, from under their feet, sometimes even right under their noses."

   "They..." Akyuu couldn't help but feel a quiet rage brew like a rising thunderstorm within her. How dare they?! But behind the storm hid an uglier monster - guilt. How? How could she had not known about this all this time? Every single time Tokiko had visited she had had bumps and scrapes from top to toe....every time it had been some 'danmaku accident' or 'bookcase bookalanche'...

   "Spent every penny she saved on..." Kagerou went on.

   "Books?" Akyuu finished for her, a bright little smile rising above the storm as she remembered Tokiko?s face every time she received a new book from Akyuu.

   "....medicine." Kagerou finished, pausing to give Akyuu a look.

   Akyuu's smile fell at this. "...m-medicine...?"

   "There's this medicinal plant she's always after. Irei-somewhatsit. Some quack in that bamboo forest place told her it'd extend her dear sickly sister's life. When it's in season she treks deep into the mountains, dodging tengu patrols and all manner of fairypoop to find'em. When they're out of season she blows all her savings on any extortionate deals she can get her hands on." Kagerou muttered, kicking a stone into the river, "...she's a good girl. She deserves better." She sighed, watching as the stone skipped the entire length of the river.

   "...I...never realized...." Akyuu murmured quietly, mostly to herself.

   "So, your turn. Who's she to you?" Kagerou asked, raising a curious eyebrow.

   "....she?s my...." Akyuu felt something get stuck in her throat. It was her answer, but...could she call herself that now? Was she worthy? She had only begun to understand Tokiko's suffering as a youkai now. How did Tokiko manage to think about anyone else despite all that? About her no less? How did she work herself ragged for Akyuu's sake? When Akyuu herself, chronicle sage who prided herself in her knowledge on youkai, was oblivious to the state of youkai in Gensokyo, to that of her dear Tokiko no less? When Akyuu had carried on harbouring such childish naive fantasies of life as a youkai? Just how did Tokiko....?

   "...I-I'm sorry...I'll...I'll go collect some firewood..." Akyuu mumbled, suddenly turning away, leaving her buckets behind.

   "We use a hakkero-powered charcoal stove..." Kagerou began, before quickly adding, "....ah, okay, take your time, I'll let Mystia know."

Eternal Shrine Maiden arrange by Hatsunetsumiko -

   ?Thanks?.? Akyuu hurried off into the forest, somewhere, anywhere. She just had to run. But as she had learned all too well in the past few days, there was no running from her own tears. Before long, they claimed her vision, leaving her to stumble through the blurry darkness. She finally staggered to a stop under the shadow of a tree, panting, leaning onto its bark for want of something to grip onto. She needed it. For the little Kirrin the rest of the world was slipping away beyond her grasp at an alarming speed.

   "Little Kirrin....?" Rin finally spoke up, her voice full of concern.

   "She's my sister, Rin." Akyuu suddenly blurted out, as if finally taking in Kagerou's question. "Her mother was caught stealing food from the village stores one very bad winter. She killed two guards and the village elder's son while trying to escape. They....they hunted her down, Rin, all the way to Eientei where she was finally caught.? She was babbling. She knew she was, but it was either that or crying.

   ?Her mother didn't know that Tokiko had followed her into the village. The guards found Tokiko trying to release her mother. Her mother pretended not to know Tokiko at first. When Tokiko's crying gave her away, her mother begged us to give Tokiko mercy. Keine intervened and saved Tokiko but the Elder was bent on having her mother exterminated for her crimes." She barely paused for breath. If she didn't get it all out fast enough her heart would burst and overflow.

   "Her mother was exterminated in the village square one cold morning. Tokiko...she...she insisted on coming to the execution." Her eidetic memory had long since taken over, forcing her to recall every little detail. "She said that seeing her mother off was the least she could do. She made a promise never to cry ever again. She smiled bravely at her mother all throughout, shouting her love for her until the end." Akyuu closed her eyes tight, clenching her teeth as her sister's cries for her mother echoed in her mind. "Even the ones cheering and jeering for her mother's death found themselves faltering and finally shutting up, until Tokiko was the only one shouting herself hoarse." Her eyes had glazed over as her perfect recall replayed the entire scene before her very eyes.

   "She was only 6 years old, Rin. 6 human years. Yama knows how young she was in youkai years." She felt the tears overflowing in her eyes as she tried to shut the scene out. "Keine adopted her. She became my younger sister. We grew up together. Eventually human-youkai relations improved and we thought we'd be able to be together forever...."

   Akyuu had to choke back a sob, "Then everything....everything went wrong. The youkai attacks began...humans began hunting youkai again. It was Christmas eve, Rin....they chased her out of the village. They chased my sister out. Rin, she had only turned 11...and after all that she still called me sister. Even after I failed to protect her, she still loved me, she still wanted to save my life. I never?I never?never bothered...never cared enough...I never knew...Rin, I never knew what she was going through all this time!"

    ?It?s alright, little Kirrin.? Rin said, soothingly, "It's alright..." she said, softly, doing her best to console the young youkai.

   "All...she ever wanted...were books, Rin..." Akyuu whispered, leaning against the tree as she sank to her knees, "That's all...she deserves more...but she carried on giving instead..." She sniffled weakly, burrying her face in her hands.

   "To be frank, there wasn't much you could have done even if you knew, sure isn't, little Kirrin." Rin  finally said, "And Rin thinks she was wise enough to know that. To involve you would only have led to trouble for you and for all the human villages." Akyuu went quiet at this. Tokiko...thought that far? "She knew something else too." Rin went on, "She knew her story is just one of many out here in the wilds, little Kirrin. If it isn?t the humans it?s hunger or, worse, fellow youkai. It happens so often not even we youkai think much of it, sure don?t. To us it?s just another stormy day, another withered flower.?

   Akyuu could only bite her lip at this, fighting back the tears. ?But you know, she knew she had something the others didn?t have, sure did." Rin went on, her usually cheery voice taking on a firm yet gentle maternal tone,  "Do you remember the night 2 nights ago, little Kirrin? Do you remember how alone you were? That is how most youkai live out their entire lives." Akyuu hadn't forgotten off course. It had only been 2 days, but even then, she knew she'd carry that memory for the rest of her new life, the loneliest first few hours when even her own fellow villagers and her own adopted mother cursed her very existence. Is that really what it's like to be a youkai? Is that what it is to be Tokiko?

   "But your sister, she had you, little Kirrin." Rin said, "She had a sister, a family. She wasn't alone. If there?s anything youkai wish for more than anything, it?s acknowledgement, it?s someone noticing that we exist, that we live, however brief. You gave her more than that. You gave her your love, little Kirrin. To us, that means more than the world, more than our own lives, sure do.?

?It?s?I?m?I?m not w-worth?.? Akyuu had long since given in to her overflowing tears, hiccupping. "I don't...I don't deserve it..."

"What you're worth, what you deserve, often that's something others decide." Rin said, "Your sister decided you're worth the world to her. She desired your happiness over her own. You need to honour that, little Kirrin, sure do."


"No buts, little Kirrin." Rin said firmly. "The question is what do you want to do about it now?" Rin's voice took on a more commanding maternal tone. "Gather yourself, little Kirrin. You're a youkai now. Not just any youkai, you're the great Kirrin. Kirrin don't just sit and mope, sure don't. Kirrin act."

"I...I don't know yet..." Akyuu bit her lip, wiping away her tears frantically and gulping as if trying to force down the hot lump in her chest. "O-only a youkai can resolve t-this problem between youkai, at least without causing an all-out human-youkai war. That's what Reimu said."

"Indeed it was. And Rin thinks we're getting an idea of what the problem is." Rin nodded in agreement.

"But...youkai gangs and the youkai's all much too big, Rin." Akyuu said, worriedly, "It's so much bigger than I ever thought possible. It's much much bigger than me. I'm...I'm just a...."

"Do you know any other youkai who can do this?" Rin asked, raising a mental eyebrow, "Any other youkai who could save the human villages, the youkai, your little sister Tokiko?"

"...." Akyuu gritted her teeth. "'re right, Rin. There's just me." Akyuu opened her eyes, "There's just Satsuki Rin." Akyuu said, her expression darkening with determination as she slowly pushed herself to her feet. Gradually it became clear in her mind what she had to do, what she had to be. "I have to become bigger than youkai gangs, bigger than this Empress, bigger than anything that can threaten Gensokyo. If...If Tokiko can make a promise never to cry again then I...I can make a promise to never be this weak again." She tightened her fists, as if trying to grasp her resolve tightly in her hands. "You've chosen me, Rin. I'm the next Kirrin. I will be the Kirrin Gensokyo needs."

"That's the spirit, little Kirrin." Rin nodded with approval. "That's the kind of determination you'll need if you're going to take over all of Gensokyo."

"Yes, I..." Akyuu did a mental double-take, "Sorry, Rin, what did you say...?"

"Rin said that's the kind of determination you're going to need to save all of Gensokyo, little Kirrin." Rin 'repeated', innocently.

"Right." Akyuu nodded, smiling bitterly as she felt the last of her hiccups and tears recede, "Not much I can do if I can't even dodge or shoot though." She said, crossing her arms thoughtfully as she considered the practicalities of her reaffirmed goals.

"Who ever said you need to?" Rin asked, gleefully.

"Wait....what do you mean by that?" Akyuu asked, suddenly curious.

"Common sense is a weakness in Gensokyo, you said so yourself, little Kirrin." Rin said, with a knowing smile. "As for what Rin means...hmmm...ah, perfect timing. Notice that we're being watched, little Kirrin?"

Capital City of Flowers by Pizuya's Cell -

"Kyuu?" Akyuu looked around the darkness gathering under the forest's leafy shade and noticed for the first time her little audience. Faces radiating the very ideal of childish innocence and curiosity were peeking out at her from behind every tree and rock. They were the right size and shape for human children, albeit dressed in the most pitiful rags Akyuu had ever seen anyone other than herself wear. Their multi-faceted wings of various shapes and hues betrayed their real nature, however. Akyuu's mind was quick to find the right page in her mental copy of the chronicle - Fairies, the embodiments of mother nature, perhaps Gensokyo's most populous race. Their love for mischief is only exceeded by their curiosity, hence, perhaps, her audience.

"Darn it, just when Rin didn't have any helium." Rin sighed, despondent.

"Ah...hello..." Akyuu began, raising a hand in nervous greeting. But before she could get another word out, there was a rush of activity, a flurry of flapping wings. The forest around them was almost instantly devoid of fairies. "Oh..."

Except for one.

"Meeee! Meeeeee!" The straggling fairy squeaked, running away frantically after her fellow fairies, leaping up and down in panic, her wings flapping in a desperate struggle against gravity. A rootling finally stopped her in her tracks, grounding her permanently. "Meeeeeeee!" The little fairy cried, sobbing.

The sight tore at something deep inside the little Kirrin. She couldn't help but rush to the little fairy's side. The fairy seemed to freeze at the sound of her approaching footsteps. Slowly she turned to face Akyuu, her face stricken in a rictus of fear. "Meeee....meeeeeee..." The little fairy squeaked tearfully as she slowly, weakly, tried to move her petrified limbs to push herself away from Akyuu.

"'s alright." Akyuu said, softly, raising both hands up calmingly. She quickly took stock of the frightened little fairy. She had a messy mop of very long rose-coloured hair topping one of the brightest faces Akyuu had ever seen, sporting large would-be-inquisitive dark crimson eyes and a shapely little nose and mouth. As Akyuu's gaze travelled down, she noticed the dirty rags that clung onto the fairy's light trembling frame. They barely did much against the cold, even less for her modesty. It must be for want of something that would at least keep the wind off, Akyuu decided.

   Then her eyes came to rest upon the fairy's wings. They were a beautiful collection of wing-shaped incandescent precious stones, bound by what looked like wrought iron. But what struck Akyuu most was how the right wing was bent at a very odd angle, almost hanging from what looked like a deep gash at its base. "You're hurt, aren't you." Akyuu murmured, getting to her knees and leaning in closer.

   "Meeeeee..." The little fairy peeped, closing her eyes in fright, her entire body trembling pitifully in terror, causing her wings to tinkle gently in the silence. She drew herself into a tiny ball in a final attempt to shield herself with her hands and feet.

   "I won't hurt you, promise." Akyuu said in the gentlest tone she could muster as she reached out for the little fairy. Her mind went back to the scariest moment of her life 2 nights ago, the night she thought her adopted mother had been taken from her, the night she discovered her power to heal, to make things right again. She tried her best to channel those same powers, those same feelings, once more. "...I want to heal her..." She whispered to herself. "She is precious to me and I wish to help her."

   She felt power well up deep within her again, this time it was like a blossom eager to burst forth. A bluish white-tinged light swirled about her hands, carrying with it ghostly flower petals. They gathered together, coalescing into a small ethereal dandelion. With the softest breath from the little Kirrin, the dandelion burst into the air, floating off towards the injured wing like moths to a flame. They spiralled about the gash, lighting up the gloaming darkness with their eerie light. Then, before her very eyes, the wing righted itself, the gash mending, many weeks healing all happening in the space of moments.

   The lights receded. The wing was restored. She finally dared take a breath. It worked.

   The little fairy must have noticed it too as she slowly, cautiously, peeked out from underneath her arms. Akyuu watched her eyes widen perceptibly at the spectacle. Her wings, returned to their full incandescent glory. "Meee...?" She peeped.

"There, all better." Akyuu said with a reassuring smile. The little fairy flapped her wings a little, as if testing them, before spreading them out to their full span. The darkening forest around them was suddenly lit up as the last of the sun's rays reflected brilliantly off the surface of the gem-like wings. It was then when Akyuu properly noticed the many strange rune-like characters engraved into the fairy's wings. "So...beautiful..." Akyuu murmured in awe.

"Meee...?" The little fairy cocked her head to one side, pulling herself onto her knees.

"Yes, you." Akyuu gave a little giggle.

"Mee Meeeee...?" The little fairy asked, head gently tilting in the other direction.

"Is that all you could say, little one?" Akyuu mused,  "I'm Rin." She said, gesturing at herself.

"....Lllin..." The fairy repeated, slowly. She seemed to mull the word around in her mouth a little, as if tasting it, "Lllliiiiin."

"Rin." Akyuu repeated.

"Rrr...?" The little fairy pursed her lips, achieving only a partial raspberry, "Rrrrrrr...!"

"Rin." Akyuu said again, patiently.

"Rrrr.....Rriiiiin?" The fairy finally managed to put the two together.

"Yes." Akyuu gave her a nod of encouragement, "What's your name?" She asked.

There was a moment of silence before....

"M-Meee....!" The little fairy's face burst into a fierce blush. There was a flutter of crystalline wings. And then the little fairy was gone.

"Hmmm...she didn't speak much, did she?" Akyuu said, getting to her feet and patting the dirt off her knees, "I wonder if she knew how to speak at all."

She heard a little sigh from Rin in reply. "Fairies and youkai who do know how to speak are actually the exception to the rule, little Kirrin." Rin said.

"Why is that, Rin?" Akyuu asked, watching the gathering darkness a little while longer.

"Think about it. You'd be kinda lucky to come across a perfect language class out here in the wilds." Rin said, "When all languag-y people ever say to you is 'Hey you! Die!', you can't help but be a little short in the vocabulary department. That, and, well...fairies."

"I see...then if that's the case...." Akyuu said, her expression one of deep thought. But as she turned to leave, she noticed the same red length of hair and crimson wings  poke out from behind a tree a short distance away. "I can see you, you know..." Akyuu sighed under her breath as she walked off.

A pair of curious ruby-set eyes followed her departure. "Rin...-chama..." a little voice murmured, almost yearningly.

Akyuu didn't quite see the other figure watching her silently from behind a slightly more distant tree. A pair of furry lupine ears twitched, a long fluffy tail swished. "You're a funny one, Fluffy..." The figure said, with a little smile. A moment later, the figure vanished under the gathering darkness.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2013, 10:14:22 AM by Gappy »


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Chapter 6 Part 4

OST - Romantic Children/Japanese Flower Arrange by Forest306 -

   The sun was very low on the horizon, setting the entire world ablaze with the last of its light, when Akyuu finally made her way back to the clearing housing the cart. A chilly little gust nipped at her heels as she hurried along. It didn't take long for her to find her new boss and co-worker behind the stall counter which, while still wheel-less, was now at least standing upright.

   From the looks of it, they already had their first customers for the evening. Akyuu's heart leapt a little on seeing the new arrival kneeling by the campfire waving a cattail idly at her little kittens. The kittens were no stranger to that face, having already encountered her quite often on her numerous visits/intrusions to Akyuu's old home. She watched as Kuro climbed up the girl's frilly pitch-black skirt, pawing up her pure white apron, before leaping up her curly blonde hair to slip under the girl's steepled black magician's hat, poking his head out from underneath as he settled there comfortably.

"That whisker-flicking traitor!" Rin hissed, "Rin knew that kitty furball couldn't be trusted!"

"You know her, Rin?" Akyuu whispered, ducking behind the nearest bush and peering out carefully.

"Those bloomers...." Rin muttered, her tone foreboding.

"....." Akyuu fought to resist the urge to cradle her face in her palm, "I am concerned that that is the first thing you looked at, Rin. So....what about them?" She sighed, deciding to humour Rin just this once.

" They are deadly." Rin muttered darkly, "Rin can sense evil bloodlust in them. Those bulletproof bloomers have claimed many, many lives, both innocent and deserving, sure has."


"Only in Gensokyo, butt kicks you." Rin said, as if it were common knowledge. "Quick, get us closer so Rin can get a better look at them."

"I'm more worried about the one wearing them." Akyuu murmured softly as she slunk silently towards another convenient bush, "She knew me as a human. I doubt she'd recognize me now but she has a...."

"....pair of deadly bloomers." Rin repeated, darkly.

"....alright, yes, AND a knack for trouble." Akyuu said, wearily, "Both causing and attracting."

"There's someone else there with her. Those traitorous furballs brought another!" Rin declared, gesturing wildly at the other girl beside the black-white one. "...get closer so Rin can get a look at her bloomers too..." Rin murmured, licking her lips.

"We don't have time to find out who she is." Akyuu hissed urgently, "We need to slip behind the cart and blend in behind Kagerou and Mystia." Making use of her soft, silent Kirrin footsteps, she quickly dashed across the clearing behind the customers' backs, ducking behind the stall in record time.

"Oh, welcome back,  Sch?tzchen. Well done with the food gathering." Mystia said, looking up from the grill behind the counter as Akyuu sped by. "You'd better get changed back into your clothes. We'll be opening up for the dinner hour soon."

"Oh..." Akyuu paused to look down at the thin gray yukata she was wearing, only then remembering she was wearing them at all. "Yes, right away." She said as she carried on towards the back of the cart.

"RouRou." Mystia suddenly said, as if remembering something, "...weren't those Sch?tzchen's clothes you were fiddling with just now?"

"Yes." Kagerou said with a little smirk, "What of it?"

"You didn't..." Mystia began.


" did..." Mystia allowed her palm to meet her face.

"Score 1." Kagerou nodded to herself, fist pumping.

"Grandma! Why is there a big hole in my bloomers?! And my dress?!" Akyuu squeaked, storming into the stall with her precious dress clutched over her bare bossom, the fur on her ears and tail standing on end.

"All the better for me to see your tail poking out, dear." The werewolf grinned a toothy grin.

"But....but...." Akyuu blushed furiously, "I-I-it's practically a gaping window, I-Imaizumi!"

"A good healthy breeze doesn't hurt anyone, Fluffy." Kagerou said.

"Don't be silly, Sch?tzchen. It's barely enough for your tail to squeeze through." Mystia sighed, "It's an improvement over having your tail lift up the back of your dress every time you get overexcited."

"But...but..." Akyuu squeaked, the splitting image of a ripe tomato.

"I agree dass Kagerou should habe told you before. Still, just get dressed for now, Sch?tzchen. We already haben customers for the evening." Mystia said, her tone dropping the full stop on the argument like a nyuudou's fist. "Go on."

"....yes..." Akyuu sighed, trudging off.

"RouRou..." Mystia turned towards her other employee.

"Yes, yes, I know. My pay's as red as that loli mosquito's mansion next week." Kagerou sighed. "Worth it."

" red as...the loli mosquito's mansion..." Mystia murmured to herself, flipping open her little red book. "....mosquito's mansion....sweet potato tension...autumn goddess session..." She scribbled.

"Jeez, that sounded like that hellcat run overs by her own wheelbarrow. I ordered lamprey, not a skinned cat, ya'know." The ordinary black-white witch said, taking a seat at the stall. "They're kinda cutes ze. Didn't know you started keeping livestock handies, Mischy." She said, nodding back at the kittens playing in the clearing.

"I have bad luck with strays lately." Mystia shrugged, pocketing her book. Kagerou stiffled a giggle at this. "For example I've got this one stray hund. I'm looking to give her away."

"Wolf. Big bad wolf." Kagerou muttered under her breath.

"Don't need that kinda livestock." The witch said. "Don't like coughing up hairballs."

"I'll help you cough up other things if you like." Kagerou muttered. "Your tab for starters."


"Yeah yeah."

The witch smirked. Kagerou growled.

"Danke again for helping us with reparatur the hakkero-stove, Marisa." Mystia quickly said, not-so-subtly changing the subject while nodding at her grill. "We wouldn't be able to be back in business so soon otherwise."

"You're treating me to a free meal, more than fairs daze." The witch, apparently named Marisa, shrugged, watching idly as Mystia instructed Kagerou to start on some lamprey. "Just luckies I was in the area."

"I certainly didn't expect it. You're quite deep inside the youkai mountain today. Hunting mushrooms again?" Mystia asked, getting to work herself.

?Nope, bodyguard and assistant pharmacist duty todays daze.? Marisa said. ?Escorting her and helping hers gather medicinal plants on the mountain and stuff. Easy cash ze.? She grinned.

?Who ist es?? Mystia asked.

?Oh, you haven?t met?? The witch asked, ?It's no surprise, I suppose ze. She lives quite far out in the wilds. This here?s my punter for today, she?s?.? She turned to gesture at the clearing behind her?.which was empty. ??.gone." Marisa muttered, eyes narrowing. "Yamadammit! I told her not to wander offs again!? She snapped.

?Well, sounds like an awfully troublesome client." Mystia said.

?I-I think I found her!? Mystia heard her newest member of staff squeak at the top of her voice. ?I-is th-this yours, d-dear customer?!? The cry came from somewhere behind the stall.

OST - Tabula Rasa Ellen's theme/Tomorrow's Special, Yesterday Wasn't Arrange by Q-Clocks

A witch, a nightsparrow and a werewolf peered behind the stall and found a little Kirrin sprawled on the ground, clutching at the navy blue dress she was halfway dressed in as if it were the only thing standing between her and certain charisma-break. The little kirrin raised a pair of teary eyes up at the girls in a silent plea for help. In perfect synchrony their gaze travelled further down and found an elfin figure tightly curled up around the little Kirrin's big bushy tail, hugging and nuzzling it lovingly. They could practically see the hearts radiating from the childish grin plastered all over the young girl's face. They couldn't help but shudder. It was like being suddenly bathed in highly infectious diabetes.

Akyuu peered down at her little assailant cuddling her tail like a pillow. The little figure lifted her face from where it was buried against the soft fur to peer up at her through big, bright amber eyes filled with nothing but 100% distilled childish innocence. The cute rosy face blushed deeply before breaking out into silly giggles, burying herself in the fur once more.

"The strong with this one..." Rin nodded, sagely.

Akyuu squeaked as she felt another tight squeeze on her precious tail, ?K-kyuuuu!? She gasped, blushing furiously, ?P-please?n-not there?.K-Kyuuuu!?

"Don't strain, Fluffy." Kagerou said, gravely. "It helps."

"Yours?" Mystia asked, pointing at the waiflike girl glued to the little Kirrin like a reversed siamese twin.

"Mine." Marisa had the look of a girl admitting relation to a celestial. She comforted herself with a palm to the face.

?Fluffyyyyyyy~? The girl squeed, rubbing her long golden blonde locks into the poor little Kirrin's tail. ?Ne, ne, Marisaaaa-ee~n, can we bring this home tooo~?? She pleaded. They could practically hear the tildes ease their way into her excited speech. It took every bit of cool they had to not melt on the spot under the assault of her childishly cheerful voice.

Marisa looked up at Mystia and Kagerou, as if actually considering the request.

Akyuu shook her head rapidly in horror.

"...We don't do take-aways." Kagerou said, finding it took quite a bit of her lupine willpower to deny the request.

Akyuu nodded her head vigorously in agreement.

?Eeeee~n??? The young girl paused in her rampant snuggling to aim a pair of big puppy-dog amber eyes as deep as aged honey up at her audience. ?But?but?it?s so fluffyyyy~?

?Ellen, we?ve been over this, a description of texture isn?t a valid argument ze.? Marisa said, her brows twitching in fierce concentration, ?I can?t believe I?m playing the tsukkomi* here.?

*tsukkomi: The straight/serious man in a stand-up comedy duo.

"I will call you fuwafuwatama and take you home, yes I will~" The girl cooed, stroking the tail affectionately with her fluffy mittens, causing Akyuu to shudder violently. Everyone else winced.

?It exists. There are people with worse naming sense than yours, little Kirrin.? Rin said. ?Rejoice!?

?Do you not remember the last times you tried to keep a new pet?? Marisa asked, sighing, ?We had to call in the kappa to your place to clean up all that glowing greeny radiation stuffs."

"P-please, can you p-please let me go, even for just a little bit?" Akyuu pleaded, struggling to at the very least pull her dress on. The real struggle was not kicking out with her bare feet, especially not with her newfound youkai strength.

"No~" The fluffy one replied without even a moment's hesitation. "It is fluffy. I will have it, Eeen!"

"It appears reason for her is like maths for fairies. We will have to apply force." Mystia decided. "Discretely."

"Scalpel? Crowbar? Sledgehammer?" Kagerou suggested.

"Discrete, RouRou."

"That was me, discrete."

"It'd take a nuclear reactor to split the twoes once Ellen's locked onto something fluffy." Marisa sighed.

"We've got salt." Mystia suggested.

"She might look like that but she's not a dog you know." Marisa pointed out.

?I think you meant leach.? Mystia said, ?But I see what you mean.?

?You?re all hopeless.? Kagerou muttered, ?Sorry, Fluffy, you?re doomed.?

?N-Noooo!? Akyuu squeaked.

"We've got RouRou." Mystia said.

"What?" The werewolf flinched, suspicious.

"That girl likes fluffy things." Mystia pointed out.

"No shit, Shameimaru." Kagerou muttered, her disapproval of the conversation's direction very obvious.

"You're a fluffy thing." Mystia said.

?I?m NOT hairy!? Kagerou protested. "Besides, you don't pay me enough for this fairypoop."

" Sch?tzchen's purity is in danger here." Mystia said.

Akyuu was quick to nod vigorously in agreement.

"So mine wouldn't be?!" Kagerou demanded.

Akyuu was quick to shake her head rapidly in disagreement.

"You have any left?" Mystia asked.

"That implies she had some to begin with." Marisa pointed out.

"ROUUUUUUU!" Kagerou let out a howl of exasperation, "Why do I even bother working for...."

"10 yen raise." Mystia said, flatly.

"Hey, look , here be fluffy stuff!" Kagerou shouted just moments later from the other side of the clearing, fluffy ears and bushy tail materializing and waving about tantalizingly. "Come get me, goldilocks!"

The proverbial fish took the proverbial bait, hook line and sinker. "FLUFFYYYYYYYY~!" Ellen's warcry shook the earth. Akyuu felt a massive weight lift off her tail. She watched as said burden almost entirely transferred onto Kagerou.

Having quickly slipped into the rest of her clothes, Akyuu stood up and joined Mystia and Marisa as they watched Kagerou run off into the fiery sunset, a rabid fluff-maniac hard on her tail, almost literally.

"Goodbye, doggy, we hardly knew ye." Marisa said, saluting.

OST - Tabula Rasa, Ellen's Theme Arrange by Nostalgic Wind -

   Despite everyone's best efforts, Akyuu still ended up spending the rest of the evening back in the fluffy one's tight embrace, her only consolation being the fact that she was at least fully dressed this time. The fluffy one even offered to pay a small fee for the service, something that, as Akyuu quickly learned, was not something Mystia could refuse lightly. Thusly, succumbing to the boss' pleas, she found herself twitching and trembling every so often as she sat on the bench facing the stall, her big bushy tail left at the mercy of the Fluffy one beside her.

   ?So, Mischy, you hired a maid ze?? Marisa asked, nodding at the flustered Akyuu.

   ?Nun, she looks like a maid, smells like a maid, I suppose you can call her a maid. So yes.? Mystia said, shrugging.

   "Fluffy maid~" the girl chirped. "Best kind of fluffy~"

   ?She looks familiar. I wonder where I might have seen her before." Marisa mused, cradling her chin in her hands as she leaned in closer. Akyuu was quick to pull her fluffy ears down over the sides of her face and will a little more scarlet mist into her flaming horns as she looked away. Unfortunately looking away meant coming face to face with the fluff-obsessed girl who gave a happy little squeak as she peered up at Akyuu over the tip of Akyuu's own tail.

   "Might have been another innocent youkai you blasted out of the sky randomly?" Kagerou shrugged. "Must be difficult remembering what they looked like before you burn their faces off."

       "Wasn't too difficults in your case, doggie. You looked just as hairy before and afters ze." Marisa grinned.

       "I'll show you exactly what you look like after I teach you the difference between your bum and your face." The werewolf growled.

      "Yes, doggie, you of all peoples should know exactly what my bum feels like, especially against your face ze." Marisa's grin grew even wider.

       "Rouuuuu!" Kagerou growled.

       "RouRou..." Mystia warned.

        "This'll be worth next year's pay...." Kagerou growled.

   "Eeee~n, there, F.M.C. tank now full~" The fluffy one announced happily, finally letting Akyuu's tail go, much to the little Kirrin's infinite relief. Akyuu felt herself breathe a nice long sigh in celebration. "As I thought, you're still the bestest, Fuwafuwa-chan~" She nodded in satisfaction.

       The distraction came at the exact right time. "F.M.C...?" Mystia took advantage of the convenient topic change. She and Kagerou both looked at Marisa for clarification. Marisa seemed to take great offense at this.

   "Why do you assume I'd know what that is?" Marisa asked, brows furrowing. "Fine. It stands for Fuwafuwa Mofumofu Chuuchuu*." Noticing their blank expressions, Marisa sighed, "I'm about as enlightened as you two, 'kay?"

*Literally translates to 'fluffy fluffy squishy squish kissy kissy'.

   The girl hummed a cheerful little tune behind them as she fussed with a red pocket-sized notebook, industriously gluing in a tuft of...

   "W-Wait, that's my fur..." Akyuu pointed at the tuft of incandescent red fur, still glowing with fiery scarlet mist, "When did you manage to...?"

   "Today's a special day, yes it is. I want to remember it forever and ever~" She said, fishing a big red marker out of her satchel. "Today....I met...the love of my life..." She said out loud as she scribbled in the notebook in big, lopsided letters.

   "My condolences." Kagerou sighed, patting Akyuu on the shoulder. However, despite that, Akyuu's attention was elsewhere. The young sage couldn't help but notice that despite the fact that it was the very first page, the girl's notebook was already battered, even charred and singed.

   Mystia leaned in to give the girl a closer look. "She looks like a human child...but she doesn't smell human." She said.

   "Her name's Ellen ze." Marisa began, for want of somewhere to start.

   "Fluffy Ellen~" The girl said. Apparently that was an introduction. Marisa's starting point was ruined.

   "So...Fluffy-san?" Akyuu asked, a little hesitant. Who wouldn't be? Just what does one do with a name like that?

   "Oh, no, no, my full name is Ellen Fuwafuwatama Aureus~." Ellen said. Or a name like that.

   "Fuwa..." Mystia, Kagerou and Akyuu repeated, "...fuwa...tama-san?"

   "It exists! There are people with names like that." Rin gasped, "Rejoice!"

OST - Tabula Rasa, Ellen's Theme Arrange by Y.GORO -

   "Oh, but you can call me Ellen~" Ellen said with a big smile. "I find it helps stop people dying from laughing too much." She said, with a surprisingly genuine tone.

   "Err, n-no, it's not funny at all." Kagerou said quickly, "Honest!"

   "She's a magician youkai like Alice and Patchies ze." Marisa continued. "At least I think so. Nobody knows for sure, not even Ellen here. She's anything but a childs though. She's more of an eternally-young hag."

"Eeeee~n...? That's not niiiice, Marisa-e~n." Ellen pouted. "Ellen's eternally young and fluffy~"

"Despite that her magic level's only second to mine ze. Plus she's good with her medicines and stuffs." Marisa continued. "In fact she invented the power drops and everythings."

"Eeee~n...You make it sound like they're Ellen's only redeeming features..." Ellen pouted even more. "Ellen's got lots of other amazing features, you know. Ellen's also very..."

"Fluffy. We know, we know!" Kagerou wailed.

"That moon quack's sort of gone for some reason so we're having Ellen fill ins for her at the human village." The witch explained. "That's why we're out here combing the mountains for medicinal plants and stuffs. There isn't much this early in the year but..."

" invented the power drops?" Mystia's feathery ears perked up at this. "Really?"

"Eee~n." Ellen nodded brightly, " least, I think so?"

"Then, do you know how to make more of it?" Mystia asked, practically hanging over the counter.

"" Ellen shook her head slowly, her face falling. "I...don't....." Her voice fell with it. "...remember..." she finished in barely a whisper. "The notebook with all my memor...all the information on's gone."

"But...surely you remember something...anything!" Mystia was almost pleading.

"I...." Ellen's voice had almost entirely died away. "I'm sorry...I always..."

"Oh...I'm sorry, I didn't..." Mystia murmured, biting her lip, relenting, though her reluctance to do so was obvious.

"It's alright." Akyuu finally spoke up. She hesitated to pat Ellen's head in reassurance at first but Ellen's trembling seemed to justify it. Her hesitation was put to rest when she felt Ellen's trembling ease with her reassurance. "It's alright, Ellen-san."

"Rin sees the problem." Rin said. "She's your exact opposite, little Kirrin. She lives forever but can't remember anything."

Akyuu gave a little nod. She had gathered as much herself. Considering she had at times considered her own circumstances a curse, to see that the exact reverse was just as much a curse was quite strange in a way. What was it like to live forever and not remember a thing? Would you remember that you don't remember anything? Perhaps Ellen does to an extent, thus her upset.

What can you do, what can you say to reassure someone like that though? No, there isn't much, not when you don't know what it's like. But if there's anything Akyuu knew lots about, it's about wanting a future, and all the things she wanted to fill it with.

Akyuu thought quickly. "Here, a little extra something for your notebook. It's not much but..." Akyuu suddenly said, closing one hand. When she opened it up again fiery red cherry petals sprang forth. "...I hope you'll keep reminder of us becoming friends?"

"O-oh...ummm...y-yes!" The girl squeaked, accepting the petals graciously in her hands. She looked between the petals and Akyuu, seemingly a little unsure of what to say or do. She finally settled on looking up at Akyuu and smiling brightly, perhaps the brightest, most earnest smile Akyuu had ever encountered. The little Kirrin felt herself blush a little under the smile's overwhelming warmth.

"Hot." Kagerou muttered, "Who knows? At this rate the lamprey might actually cook themselves in embarrassment."

"Ah, um, yes! Need to get this hakkero stove started." Mystia said, clapping her hands together. "Sch?tzchen, kommen over hier so I can teach you how to use this."

"O-oh, u-umm yes..." Akyuu nodded, scrambling for some composure. "So, this is a hakkero?" Akyuu asked, peering down at the grill. Sure enough, there was a octahedral block bearing the 8 trigrams attached to one side of the grill, positioned to fire across lengthwise across the grill's bed of charcoal. " Kirisame-san's?" She asked, feeling somewhat excited about the prospect. It is almost every village child's dream to be able to fire that beautiful rainbow-coloured beam from Marisa's famed mini-hakkero.

"Yep." Marisa nodded, proudly, "It's a kappa mass-production model thoughs. Nitori's to be exact ze. Works exactly the same ways and stuffs."

"But you need to have this monster's insane spiritual power reserve to fire that ridiculous laser." Kagerou muttered.

"Heheeee." Marisa grinned.

"So for normal people like us it's just a lighter and a heater." Kagerou said.

"HEHEEEE." Marisa grinned even wider.

"Enough, you." The werewolf muttered.

"Na, let me show you how to fire it up..." Mystia began.

"Isn't the self-proclaimed hakkero master right here?" Kagerou said, pointing at Marisa.

"Oh yeahs, absolutely ze!" Marisa nodded, hopping over the counter, seemingly glad to be doing something other than babysit Ellen.

"Errr....Marisa, are you sure..." Mystia began, doubtful.

"Sure I'm sures ze! I'm the hakkero meister after all." Marisa said, taking hold of the kappa hakkero. "First you concentrate your mind and think of someone you don't like..."

"Hmm hmmm." Akyuu nodded, attentively.

"Err...Marisa, maybe I should...." Mystia said, uncertainty growing.

"Whisper your words of love into the mini-hakkero tenderly." Marisa said.

"....aim the hakkero at someone you don't like..." Marisa went on, "This is important." Akyuu nodded.

"....Marisa, I don't think..." Mystia raised her voice, panic level rising.

"And now, you unleash your annihilation of LOOOOVE~" Marisa finished with a flourish.

"MARISAAAA!" Mystia shrieked.

"MASTER SPAAAAAAAAA-...." Marisa declared.

Nothing happened.

".....AAAaaaaaa....rk?" Marisa ended as if questioning the mini-hakkero.

"Can I breathe now?" Kagerou asked, removing her fingers from her ears.

"Weird ze." Marisa muttered, unscrewing the mini-hakkero from the grill and peering down at the pearl-like core set at the centre of the octagon. Kuro-chan, who had occupied the witch's hat up to that point, chose that moment to leap into Akyuu's hands, perhaps some sort of kitty-sense warning her of the impending narrative convention.

Marisa squinted into the core before muttering, "I'm sure I got it to work earlie-...."


An impressive pillar of prismatic rainbow-coloured light burst out of the cart's roof, piercing the darkening heavens and lighting up the night sky like a lighthouse powered by hell ravens on a sugar high.

It eventually died down sufficiently for Mystia to be heard. "MY ROOOOOF!" She mourned for passing of her cart's one last intact side.

"Is Marisa alright?" Akyuu asked, kneeling down by the smoking black-white figure lying sprawled on the ground. "She looks more black than black-white now."

"She ate her laser." Kagerou said, unsympathetically, poking Marisa's singed cheeks with a chopstick. "Ooops."

"Nnngghhh...did...anyone get the number of that...laser?" Marisa groaned, coughing up smoke. "Ugh....good thing...I used the blunt edge..."

" has a blunt edge?" Akyuu asked.

"Is it fluffy?" Ellen asked, kneeling down and picking up the hakkero.

"NO!" Akyuu, Mystia and Kagerou were quick to shout, "PUT THAT DOWN!"

The rest of the evening passed uneventfully, or, well, at least uneventful relative to Marisa kissing a master spark full in the mouth. The only real conversation happened between Mystia and Marisa as they exchanged more business-related news, one store-owner to another. Ellen, was, surprisingly quiet for the remainder of their time together, barely touching her food, seemingly thoughtful all throughout.

The moon was slowly climbing the heavens when the pair of magicians finally took their leave. Marisa took a moment to address Akyuu, Mystia and Kagerou separately. "Thank you." Marisa said, nodding at them. "I mean it, you guys did a lots tonight ze." She said. Even Akyuu knew this was somewhat out of character for her.

"Stop that. It's disgusting coming from you." Mystia said, flatly.

"I mean it ze." Marisa said, her expression serious for once. "I haven't seen Ellen speak this much, or speak at alls for that matter, in a long long times. Not since her home burned ups mysteriously with all her notebooks containing her memor...." Marisa realized then that she had said a tad too much and quickly checked herself, "Ah...what I meant to say is, thanks, guys. Reallies ze." She said, pulling her hat down a little.

"It was our pleasure." Mystia said with a smile. The witch took the opportunity to gesture for her to come over. The two seemed to huddle as they stepped slowly away from the cart. Akyuu could sense that Marisa had something to say in private, and had no qualms making it obvious.

"Have the youkai gangs been giving you trouble again?" Akyuu's youkai ears heard the witch ask, dropping her volume to barely a whisper as she nodded over at the cart.

"Well, the roof was all you." Mystia replied, pointedly.

"Ahaha...sorries ze..." Marisa grinned sheepishly. "But...the rest?"

"It's nothing I can't handle." Mystia shrugged in reply.

"But you're hurts ze." Marisa said, looking at the bandages covering the nightsparrow.

"I'm gut. Please don't trouble yourself ?ber mich." Mystia said. "Du hast more important things to worry about."

"Tsk...if only Reimu would let me go and teach them all a..." Marisa muttered, punching a palm angrily.

"Nein. You know why. That would be the first shot of the war." Mystia said.

"So I just waits till they shoot the first shot?" Marisa gritted her teeth.

"We youkai need to sort it out ourselves." Mystia sighed, "...hopefully...someone will..."

OST - Farewell by Chata -

Akyuu felt a little bad for eavesdropping so she turned away and occupied herself with finding Ellen. It didn't take long to find her by the cart, kneeling down with her mittens held out to Akyuu's kittens. Her kittens were in turn licking them affectionately, eliciting excited giggles from the young girl.

To lose everything in a fire...including your memories...what was it like? For Akyuu who had never been able to forget anything, ever, it was difficult to imagine.

"It's like going back to being a tabula rasa, a blank slate." Rin said. "If you have nothing behind you, you have no 'forwards' to face."

"..." Akyuu could only nod.

"You want to do something for her, don't you?" Rin grinned, knowingly, "It's fine, little Kirrin. Rin can't blame you. Despite being exact opposites, you're both so alike."

"Wait, I'm not obsessed with fluffy things..." Akyuu hissed back at Rin, "How are we alike?"

"Oh, little Kirrin, what's that behind you?" Rin asked, gleefully.

"I'm...not...falling...for that...again..." Akyuu gritted her teeth as her willpower was tested to the limits.

"You're their mistress?" Ellen suddenly spoke up to Akyuu while petting the kittens.

"Ah, yes, I am." Akyuu nodded, stepping up beside Ellen.

"They told me you're a really nice girl~" Ellen said, smiling as she stood up, patting down her skirt. "They love you lots~"

"Ah, is that so..." Akyuu blushed a little at this. She suddenly felt something cold prick her glowing cheeks. "Hmm?" She looked up at the dark heavens above. A myriad of crystalline flakes of snow spiralled down to meet her gaze. They lit up brilliantly in the firelight, melting almost immediately on landing. "It really did snow..."

"Fluffy~..." Ellen raised both hands into the air, twirling gently to the motion of the spiralling snowflakes.

"How strange..." The young sage murmured.

"Can I...can I come back here?" Akyuu's attention was brought back to earth by the little magician's sudden question. The little Kirrin looked down to find the girl twiddling her thumbs while staring at Akyuu's feet.

"Y-yes, please." Akyuu said, putting on her best waitress manners, "Please do come back soon. We'll be looking forwards to it."

"And...will you be here?" Ellen asked, looking up at Akyuu, the look in her golden honey eyes almost pleading. "...Can I...see you?"

"Y-..." Akyuu was caught off guard by the question. She felt herself teeter at the edge of her answer. But then she smacked herself mentally. Why the hesitation? All she wanted was to see her again. "Yes. Anytime you want." She answered, petting Ellen again.

"Eee~n..." Ellen sighed, happily. "Then...I'll come back soon, okay?"

"Sure. I'll be waiting for you." Akyuu smiled. "Always."

ED Song - Tabula Rasa Arrange by Seventh Heaven Maxion -
« Last Edit: January 01, 2014, 07:29:06 PM by Gappy »


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Author's Note: Still writing this. I just can't get away from this story, even if nobody seems to be reading it. I love it too much. XD If anybody does somehow get far enough to read this, thank you for sticking with me this far. :D Next chapter, the chapter after, and, in fact, the 2 chapters following are all done. Just needs polishing and buffing and plenty more tender love and care. :P

Chapter 6 Part 5

OST: Touhou Erhu Arrange of Suwako's Theme -

   Their first two customers for the night had set Akyuu's expectations for the rest of the shift at levels that would have made bored celestials jealous. However, much to her pleasant surprise, the rest of the night passed with few incidents and even fewer customers. There were a few tengu guardswolves on break (and some who weren't quite on break but came anyway) and the occasional nocturnal youkai who were actually interested in something more than just another fight. The snow was too light to put off visiting customers so Akyuu was left to wonder about their flagging volume of customers.

   It was around dawn when Mystia thanked both Akyuu and Kagerou for their hard work. "Dawn approaches. The night saw little to reproach. The cart...."

   "...what's left of it." Kagerou helpfully pointed out.

   "...danke, Rourou. What's left of the cart you have yet to blow up. Congratulations, you two. I'd count that as an achievement." Mystia finished. "That concludes the boss' morning address." She announced, crisply.

   "Hoooo~" Kagerou threw a fist into the air lazily. 

   "Hoooo....?" Akyuu copied her co-worker hesitantly.

    "Your enthusiasm bodes well for the future of Lorelei enterprises. I have nothing but high hopes for tomorrow." Mystia went on, deadpan. "Dismissed. Gute nacht, meine Damen."

   "Not too shabby for your first night, Fluffy." The wolf girl said, brightly, as they watched their pajama-clad nightsparrow boss head off with her blanket and pillow in search of a comfortable tree to perch in for the night. The two were lounging peacefully on a rocky ledge overlooking the river, sipping lukewarm cups of tea as they watched the first silver linings of sunlight coast over the pitch-black mass that was the youkai mountain. "Here's to many more." Kagerou said, offering her cup up for a toast.

   "Cheers, Imaizumi." Akyuu smiled, clinking her cup against her co-worker's. "Don't get drunk on the tea now, alright?"

   "Next time when we finally have some coin we'll have a proper drunk toast, with real sake." The wolf girl grinned, patting her new partner on the back. "Tonight wasn't too rough on you, Fluffy?"

   "I was expecting more laser-swallowing." Akyuu said, swirling her tea about. "I suppose I was pleasantly disappointed."

   "That's because most people living on the mountain suck instead." Kagerou shrugged. "Now, the bamboo forest lot, they're fun." She grinned, sipping some tea. "Kissing a laser's just an appetizer for most of'em."

   "You make good tea, Imaizumi." Akyuu said, sipping her tea. "Pity we let it cool."

   "Yeah, one of the few things I'm useful for." Akyuu noticed a bit of a forlorn look in the wolf girl's eyes. But it quickly disappeared as she spoke up again. "There are fewer customers though, I agree." She said, cradling her cup thoughtfully.

   "Why is it do you think?" Akyuu asked, picking up and running with the abrupt change in topic.

   "Stopping by a lamprey cart is a luxury these days, Fluffy. Food's tight, you see. That makes everything expensive. Doesn't help that there aren't many paying jobs." She looked up at the last of the stars just bring enough to keep up ahead of the glowing wings of dawn. "The scarlet mist, the missing spring incident, and that crazy weather incident* on top of it all messed with the human villages' harvests 3 years in a row. Sure those Buddhists tried to set up a granary* in their temple but things never really recovered properly for the human villages."

*Actual canon. The harvest was ruined in the wake of the events leading up to SWR, prompting Byakuren to convert part of the Myouren temple into a granary.

   "..." Akyuu gave a little nod. She was aware that things weren't perfect for the human villages, but that it affected the youkai too came as news to her.

   "We used to trade lots with the human villages. Heck, being what I am, I used to be the go-to-girl for human-youkai dealings. Those were good times." Kagerou said, a fond look on her face. "When food got tight they started charging an arm and a tail. Then trade stopped altogether. Hungry penniless youkai desperate to not resort to feeding on humans started stealing food. Relations broke down and the humans stopped hiring youkai hands. My old home and my job...." She became quiet and thoughtful for a moment. Akyuu filled in the blanks herself, realizing it was something Kagerou didn't even mean to touch on.

   "Aren't there enough jobs amongst youkai?" Akyuu asked in a considerate attempt at glazing over the faux-pas.

   "Somewhat." Kagerou shrugged, recovering quickly. "If you call things like splashing after lamprey a job. But think about it, Fluffy. For there to be money amongst the youkai, the humans receiving money for the food must be paying that money back to the youkai through jobs or trade or something. Not happening if humans fire all their youkai hands and stop buying youkai goods over silly wussy things like prejudiced bigotry. If prices for food go up while the pool of money amongst youkai shrinks, you get....what's that word....inflatulence? infatuation?"

   "Inflation..." Akyuu murmured, half to herself. Those e-cow-nomics that Keine used to go on about wasn't something that interested her greatly (she would be the last to admit that it was because she used to believe it was mainly about cows) but she at least understood the basics of it. The human villages weren't that big so this 'inflation' thing never was that serious an issue inside them. When times got rough the villages would easily resort to rationing. But for the youkai outside, who ever knew things got so bad?

   "The boss has been kind. To be honest she can easily manage the cart by herself. But she's taken me on anyway, giving me what wages she can. She's allowed me to carry on on the straight and narrow. I've been...lucky." The wolf girl said, staring out into the approaching dawn. "Feel sorry for the boss sometimes. She used to sing lots."

   "Is that what that little red book is for?" The kouhai asked.

   "Her rhyme book, yeah. Old habits die hard." The sempai said, "She used to sing during work. Heck, she used to speak in musical verse. But I guess even she finds it difficult to sing in these difficult times. Still, despite all that she looks out for the likes of us, Fluffy."

   "Lucky, is it..." Akyuu said, thoughtfully. She knew that the definition of luck varied from person to person, but for youkai to consider this a 'lucky' state....

   "Some others haven't been so lucky. No jobs. Some have to resort to stealing, waylaying food carts, that sort of thing, just to survive." Kagerou said, as if answering Akyuu's unsaid question, "Didn't help that around the same time power drops became as pricey as that miko's mercy. Whether it was because of the inflation thing or because of the supplies drying up, we don't know. Some youkai even got desperate enough to go back to kidnapping and eating humans from the villages." Kagerou said, bitterly.

   "But...what about the human village pact?" Akyuu asked.

   "You know quite a lot for a newborn, Fluffy." Kagerou suddenly said.

   "I...had a very knowledgeable mentor." Akyuu said.

   "One not very knowledgeable on the practicalities then." The werewolf said.
"The human village pact says we're not to attack humans inside the village. In return the gap youkai provides humans for us to eat. We never really questioned the source." The wolf girl explained. "To be honest it was never enough, but the power drops compensated for the lack. When the power drops ran was do or die for most of us. We all used to help enforce the pact and keep an eye on each other. Now with times being so desperate it's just the gap hag running about upholding the pact, but even she's stretched thin. 'Sides, not much even the likes of her can do when all the desperate youkai band together in those fairypoop parties they call 'clans'."

   "...dealing with the clans won't be enough then." Akyuu murmured to herself, "The root of the problem lies elsewhere."

   "Not something a kick to the face alone would solve, sure isn't." Rin agreed, "A kick to the face would still feel good though, sure would."

OST - Blue, Broken Moon Arrange, by Q-Clocks -

   "Still, there are some of us who do our best to get by with an honest night's work and patiently save up for our food and power drops." Kagerou said, getting to her feet. "That said...Aaah...nothing like finishing work." Kagerou sighed, stretching luxuriously towards the receding stars, her tail and ears twitching with obvious pleasure. 

   "That implies we've actually started in the first place." Akyuu grinned, finishing her own cup of tea. "Looking forwards to working with you, sempai. I'll be in your care."

   "Sure thing." Kagerou returned the grin with her own fanged crescent moon smile, reaching out a hand towards her newfound kouhai. Akyuu gladly accepted. With a friendly tug Kagerou pulled Akyuu to her feet before raising a hand up in the air. "High five, partner."

   "Err..." Akyuu blinked, unsure of what to do.

   "Come now, don't leave a sister hanging." Kagerou said, nodding at the hand, "Give me a good one."

   "Give you a..." Akyuu cocked her head to one side, "Oh, I see..." She said, understanding seemingly dawning. She strained.

   ", don't do that!" Kagerou gasped, waving her hands in rising panic as the little Kirrin gathered her scarlet mist in one hand, taking aim. "No, no, that's not what a high five is...!" She cried before ducking for the ground, doing her best impression of a certain little vampire's charisma break.

   A ghostly orb of fiery red light slowly and lazily meandered its way above the Untrodden Valley, high over the Great Youkai Forest, casting an eerie red glow over all that it passed. It carried on, slowly, gently, before finally, tiring of its maiden flight, it began to sink towards an unsuspecting hill...


   A small nearby hill was summarily beheaded, trees and all, leaving behind a fiery mushroom-shaped column of fire and smoke.

   A nearby tree shook rather violently in the aftershock. The nightsparrow it housed turned over restlessly in her sleep, moaning something about her intention to rock people.

   "You're doing it wrong, little Kirrin." Rin giggled helpfully.

   "Oh, sorry, I missed." The little Kirrin said, gathering another orb of mist in her hand. "Just a moment, I'll get this right."

   "No! Don't get it right! No, don't even get it wrong to start with! Errr...." The wolf girl cried nervously as Akyuu tilted her head again in obvious confusion, thick scarlet mist dissipating from her hand. "Er....w-w-we'll work on that." She panted, patting the little Kirrin on the head, relieved that the crisis had passed.

   "....oh....alright..." Akyuu said, looking down at her own hands, wondering what it was she was doing wrong. "Should I be shooting something else?"

   "No, no, you shouldn't be shooting anything at all." Kagerou was quick to say, "Ever. It's alright, I'll teach you how next time. A high five I mean, not shooting. Never shooting." She laughed nervously, eyeing the rising column of smoke in the distance. She took solace in the fact at the very least she wasn't the Tengu guardswolves who'd have to drag themselves out and investigate the scene of carnage...

OST - Because Princess Inada is Scolding Me Arrange by Vesuvia -

   "Still....thank you, Imaizumi." Akyuu said. " know..." It was surprisingly a difficult word to say, 'friendship'. But Kagerou's grin filled it in for her. 'It does not need saying'.

   "Rouhuhuu, no problem, no problem, my sweet little kouhai." Kagerou grinned a toothy grin, placing one hand on her own hip, slapping the other on Akyuu's back, "The great and magnanimous Imaizumi Kagerou's generosity knows no bounds. I came, I saw, we bonded and all that." The werewolf laughed, shouldering a tattered travelling cloak to ward off the snow. "And this is me leaving for the night. Sleep tight, don't let the dust bite." She said, throwing one last cheerful wave at Akyuu as she turned to leave. "I'll see you when I see you, Fluffy!"

   "...I wonder where she lives?" Akyuu wondered, clearing up the two tea cups as she watched Kagerou leap up between two trees before taking flight into the cold, snowy dawn air.

   "Somewhere with a critical shortage of soap or barbers. Or both." Rin shrugged. "You know, like some random tree or cardboard box somewhere."

   "But some youkai have homes like the Yakumo and the Scarlets..." Akyuu paused thoughtfully, "They're exceptions in the case of homes as well, aren't they...?"

"Sure are, little kirrin. Permanent homes are too predictable. Makes you an easy target, sure does." Rin said. "That and Rin gathers that most Youkai wouldn't be able to afford homes at the moment anyway."

   "Hmmhmm...That implies homes are a luxury only the strong can afford?" Akyuu asked, throwing out one arm commandingly. Her Kirrin-half stepped out of the gathering scarlet mist beside her, ready to serve as her shelter and bodyguard for the night. The kittens were quick to rush the now familiar form of the Kirrin-half and climb up to settle inside its thick and fluffy mane.

   "Exactly, little Kirrin." Rin said with approval, "Which is also why asking a youkai where she lives is either a death threat or a mating call, sure is." Rin said. "Occasionally both, but, hey, different strokes and all that."

   "It sounds like a rather lonely way to live, Rin." Akyuu murmured, petting her Kirrin-half absent-mindedly. "The death threat bit, not the mating call thing."

   "Youkai by nature keep themselves to themselves. A youkai's personal space is sometimes described in terms of entire desecrated wastelands. Leaving yourself open to others is considered suicidal, sure is." Rin said, "Which is why youkai clans are also the exception rather than the norm."

   "You're saying this gang forming is an incident in its own right, Rin?" Akyuu asked, walking off towards the edge of the clearing in search of a sheltered spot to curl up for the night.

   "It probably is." Rin nodded, watching as Akyuu had the Kirrin-half settle down in a nestled little nook between a few trees and a rock.

   "It must be a matter of desperate necessity for them to break the norm. Remove the necessity and the incident should resolve itself." Akyuu said, throwing her blanket over the Kirrin-half as a make-shift roof to keep the snow off herself while she slept. She knew it was more for show than anything. She had had little trouble with the snow thus far. Her flaming horns had seen to it that any errant flakes that dared violate Kirrin airspace was instantly and unceremoniously vapourized. Still, having a roof of sorts over her head was a comfort.

   "Ideally. And even that isn't easy, little Kirrin." Rin said. "Rin feels there are other powers at work, however."

   "The Empress." Akyuu agreed, "Mystia said she might be one in control of the power drop production. If that is true then this entire conflict might be her doing."

   "You know, you're usually only allowed to reach that conclusion through lots and lots of exposition, little Kirrin. It ruins all the foreshadowing Rin's been working so hard on, sure does." Rin muttered.    

   "Careful not to overwork yourself, Rin." The little Kirrin said, dryly. "Also, Rin, foreshadowing implies actual knowledge."

   "Yes. Can't you smell that glorious scent of ancient wisdom, little Kirrin?" Rin asked, a little indignant.

   "Is that what it is? Then it's quite well fermented. I almost couldn't tell it apart from fairypoop." Akyuu said.

   "That wolf is a bad influence on you, little Kirrin." Rin sighed.

   "Everything is relative, Rin. Even you." Akyuu replied, leaving the unsaid hanging in the air. "The real question is, what are the Empress' ends? Why start a war between the humans and youkai?"

"It might just be something boring like, you know, plain old power, sure might." Rin shrugged.

   "Give the youkai something to unite against...." Akyuu nodded, settling down in her warm little camp amidst the gently blazing fur. "Either way, I must... *yawn*...stop matter what..." She murmured, feeling herself sink deeper and deeper into the warmth that was the flaming Kirrin-half as deep, comfy sleep welcomed her. "But now...sleepy time....Good...night...Rin..."

   "Good night, little Kirrin." Rin said as she had the Kirrin-half curl up tighter, embracing the yawning little Kirrin in the banking flames of its massive fluffy tail. "Sleep well." Rin turned her attention out towards the approaching daylight, taking control of the Kirrin-half. Thusly she settled into her role of guarding her young charge as she slept, ever watchful, ever vigilant.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2013, 05:54:09 AM by Gappy »

I've been following the story for a while and it's nice to see that it has updated. Keep it up.


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Thanks for the comment! Here I was thinking nobody was reading this anymore until I saw your comment and Chocolate's PM XD. Thanks again, I really appreciate it. Here's an extra long chapter as a token of my appreciation. :D

Chapter 6 Part 6

OST - Minoriko's Theme Arrange by Dustbox 49 -

   The following afternoon brought with it a whiter, fluffier landscape than what Akyuu remembered on falling asleep. The late afternoon sunlight barely broke through the thick, heavy silver snow clouds. What little light managed to get through met a frosty end upon the snow-laden forest canopy. Underneath it all, the little Kirrin found herself trudging barefoot through the gathering snow, empty lamprey bucket in hand, full lamprey bucket in mind. Behind her trailed her Kirrin-half, Akyuu's breakfast lunchbox wrapped in cloth hanging from its expansive jaw, a host of kitty stowaways hidden in its mane.

   She was in relatively good spirits despite the cold. In fact, if anything, the cold was fuelling a little sense of vengeful pride within her. She found that the little trick she learned drying her clothes the previous day had other more useful applications, like avoiding freezing to death. With it her body was more than adept at warding off the cold, exuding a little layer of fiery warmth that enveloped her entire body. It even melted any snow she touched as she padded along the riverbank. Better yet, it was almost effortless. She yawned softly as she tried to stretch the last of her sleep out of her body. "Nnn....Rin....what is it?" She asked, rubbing her eyes drowsily as she sensed her inner Kirrin perk up at something.

   "Kirrin senses tingling...Rin thinks you've got a little stalker problem, little Kirrin." Rin said, seemingly unconcerned. Akyuu quickly gathered it wasn't something she considered a threat.

   She perked up her own fluffy youkai ears. Sure enough, on putting her youkai senses to work, she heard the snap of a twig, the crunch of snow under careless footsteps, the brushing of underbrush against clumsy trailblazing, the unnatural whisper of wind against a humanoid figure. There was off course the give-away chattering teeth and the laboured panting of a body fighting off the cold, but Akyuu wanted to think her newfound youkai hearing was beyond that. It didn't take her long to train her eyes on her stalker hiding behind a nearby tree stump. Everything from the tinkling ruby-red crystal shards the little figure had for wings to her ankle-length flaming red hair stood out against the white landscape like an ice fairy in hell.

   "Hello again, little one." Akyuu said, smiling brightly, waving her Kirrin-half to wait behind her.

   "M-Meee..." The little stalker fairy was quick to duck back behind her tree trump before slowly, carefully, peeking back out at her uncertainly through her rosy-red eyes, trembling all the while. The iron-framed crystalline wings, at least, were unmistakeable. They were the very same she had healed just the day before.

   "Why are you still trembling?" Akyuu mused, mostly to herself as she got closer slowly. The little fairy seemed to tense up but stood her ground, shaking herself and putting on a determined look as if reinforcing some inner will. "You can't still be afraid of me." Akyuu said as she knelt down on the other side of the tree stump, just a few feet away from the trembling little fairy.

   "Ah, I see, you're cold, aren't you?" The young sage said, noting how the rags thrown over the little fairy's body did little to stave off the frost and cold. They qualified as clothes as much as flour sacking, which, Akyuu suspected, they probably were in better days. The fairy didn't seem concerned for her decency. The rags seemed to only serve as a make-shift defense against the cold and nothing more. Her chattering teeth betrayed just how effective it was.

   The little fairy simply cocked her head to one side in reply.

   "Hmmm, let's see...if I can produce an erhu, bow and cotton candy from this mist, I should be able to..." Akyuu went on to herself, whipping up a stream of fiery scarlet mist from her burning tail as easily as pulling off a clump of cotton candy.

   "Little Kirrin, just what do you think you're doing?" Rin asked, raising a mental eyebrow. "Rin told you you shouldn't eat that. Cannibalism isn't one of your five-a-day, sure isn't."

   "A 'thought' experiment. Not a snack, for once." Akyuu said, spinning and weaving the mist in midair between her hands. The little fairy watched the spectacle intently from the safety of her tree stump, her eyes as big as saucers. "Hmm...this is working well..." The Kirrin muttered as the mist stubbornly remained shapeless.

   "Ah, Rin sees. Well, remember little Kirrin, you're the Kirrin, sure are. We Kirrins are all mind over matter." Rin said, nodding sagely, "Though we still do kick matter butt real well, so that says a lot about our minds."

   "Mind over matter...." Akyuu murmured the words back to herself. She closed her eyes tightly, fluffy ears twitching in fierce concentration as she did her best to picture the object in her mind. 'Something warm, simple, soft, and, most importantly fluffy." With a single wave of her hands, the mist seemed to coalesce and condense on top of her like whip cream, draping her in the finest, fluffiest red. "K-Kyuuh!" She cried, blinded by her own brilliance. She struggled a little, peeling off what felt like yards of woolen fluff.

   After finally disentangling herself, she found she was holding a rather messy and misshapen burgundy scarf long enough to wrap around her twice if not thrice. She was unsure whether or not it was a trick of the light but it seemed to flicker crimson as she turned it about in the light, almost like it was on fire. This was much was sure, it was incredibly warm, almost as if it was giving off its own heat. "It worked." She said, sighing with satisfaction.

   "Oh, good idea, little Kirrin." Rin nodded with approval, "Not like we already have our own central heating keeping us warm. Still, Kirrins always look nice in fiery flamey red, sure do."

   "Come here." Akyuu said, inviting the fairy over with a gesture of her hand. "Don't be scared. I've got something for you." She said with a smile as she offered up the scarf.

   "...Err...little Kirrin?" Rin blinked, "The packaging says 6 inches and up."

   The little fairy looked dumbfounded. She looked round, going so far as turning a full circle unsteadily on her feet, seemingly trying to find who Akyuu was talking to. After finding nobody else around, she pointed an uncertain finger at herself, cocking her head to one side inquisitively. "Meee...?" She asked.

   Akyuu giggled a little as she gave a nod and an encouraging smile. "Yes, you, silly."

   The little fairy unsteadily climbed onto the tree stump and cautiously edged closer on her hands and feet. She gave a little squeak of surprise as Akyuu lunged forwards and draped the scarf all around her, wrapping it about the fairy's small fragile figure. "There you go." Akyuu leaned back, placing her hands on her hips as she admired her own handiwork. "Now don't you look precious?"

   "Meee?" The little fairy cried in surprise and struggled at first. But as the warmth sank in she seemed to practically melt under the coiled scarf, cooing with obvious delight. "M-Meeee~" She sighed, happily.

   "Helium not included." Rin muttered darkly.

   "So, little one..." Akyuu said, leaning forwards once more to straighten out the scarf about the little fairy. "Where were we last time?" She asked herself. "Ah, that's it. What's your name?" She asked, pointing a finger at the little fairy.

   "Mmmm....?" A muffled reply came from under the coiled scarf as the little fairy cocked her head once more in what seemed to be her universal reply to everything.

   "Name?" Akyuu asked again.

   "Mmmmee?" A big pair of crimson eyes peered up inquisitively over the top of the scarf up at Akyuu.

   "I guess you really don't know how to speak." Akyuu sighed to herself. She gave the fairy a thoughtful look before pointing at herself.

   "Rrrin! Rin-chama!" The little fairy was quick to say, even before Akyuu opened her mouth.

   "Oh, so you did learn that. My, you're fast." Akyuu smiled, nodding encouragingly. Petting others wasn't something she did often if at all. If anything, she was usually the universal recipient of pettings. But her most recent exploits in the rather exciting realm of petting distribution with Ellen the previous night has fueled her with some newfound confidence. Besides, it seemed appropriate. Hesitantly, she reached out a hand. The little fairy seemed to flinch in apprehension at first. The old Akyuu would have been put off by the display, but Akyuu knew she had trust to win that day. Without faltering she rested her hand upon the fairy's long fiery red hair and gently ruffled it under her hand, finding it to be a lot finer and silkier than she expected from how messy it looked. Moreover, it was surprisingly warm. But most of all was the little fairy's reaction to it. She seemed to melt away under Akyuu's touch, sighing happily as her wings fluttered with evident pleasure. "Meeee~" She squeaked, happily.

   "Yes, good girl. You're learning fast." Akyuu repeated, approvingly with a big smile. "My name is Rin." She said pointing at herself, pausing her petting.

   "Nem ish Riin-chama!" the little fairy repeated quickly, her eagerness to please Akyuu glowing on her face.

   "Name?" Akyuu asked, pointing at the little fairy.

   "Nem?" The little fairy tilted her head again questioningly, worry creeping into her expression, seemingly worried that she might disappoint Akyuu.
   "Rin. My Name is Rin." Akyuu pointed at herself again. "Name?" She asked, pointing at the little fairy again.
   "Mmm....nem..." The little fairy shook her head. "Nem." She repeated, shaking her head again.

   "No name?" Akyuu repeated, shaking her own head.

   "No nem." The fairy repeated, her worry growing on her face.

   "Again, names and identities are the exception to the norm, little Kirrin." Rin said. "Most youkai don't live long enough to even develop a sense of self let alone names. Besides, you need others to have a name to use, sure do."

Eastern Dream Crimson Tower Arrange by QLocks -

   "A name's the only thing you can truly call your own..." Akyuu said, mostly to herself, remembering a certain werewolf's words. "Something you can hold onto, something nobody can ever take away." She said, looking at the little fairy intently. "You need a good name, a strong name, little one. Don't fairies always have some sort of western name, Rin?"

   "Oh no, you're not about to Engrish her as well, are you?" Rin sighed. "She's still technically a minor, you know."

   "You seem to say 'Meee' a how about, 'May'...'Maybelle'." Akyuu nodded to herself. "Your name is Maybelle." She said, ruffling the little fairy's silky hair gently.

   "Meee...bel?" The fairy repeated, uncertainly.

   "Maybelle." Akyuu nodded with a smile, "Maybelle Fireheart. Maybelle, that you may be forever blessed with love and happiness in life," She closed her eyes as she chanted the naming prayer. "Fireheart, that your heart may be warm and comforting yet unyielding and strong."

   "Mee...bel...Maybel..." The little fairy repeated, a little more confidently. "Nem Maybel...?" She said, pointing at herself.

   "Name Maybelle." Akyuu nodded, smiling with approval as she petted the fairy encouragingly.

   "Nem Maybel!" The little fairy exclaimed, smiling brightly, though Akyuu found it difficult to tell whether she was happier with the name or with having pleased Akyuu.

   "My name is Maybelle." Akyuu said, pausing her petting again. She found it was exceptionally effective in returning the fairy's attention to her.

   "Mai nem..." The little fairy repeated, slowly.

   "Is Maybelle."

   "Ish Maybel."

   "My name is Maybelle." Akyuu said, pointing at the little fairy.

   "Mai nem ish maybel..."

   "My name is Rin." Akyuu pointed back at herself.

   "Rin-chama!" The little fairy pointed at Akyuu. "Mai nem is maybel!" The little fairy declared, pointing at herself confidently.

   "Good girl." Akyuu smiled brightly, "Maybelle is a good girl." She said. Before she even got to it she found that the little fairy was already offering up her head for even more pettings. She sighed to herself as she happily obliged, giving the fairy yet another round of pettings.

   "Meeheehee...Maybel ish a gud gul!" The fairy giggled, wings fluttering excitedly.
   "Hai, hai, Maybelle is a good girl." Akyuu nodded, smiling. She felt a funny feeling balloon up, filling her chest with a warmth like no other. It was pride, but one unlike any she had ever felt before. It felt almost as if she was sharing the little fairy's great achievement. She was almost surprised to notice she herself was beaming from ear to ear. It was a smile she had often seen on...

   " this is...what it feels like..." Akyuu murmured.    

   " not have any helium when it matters..." Rin muttered. "Little Kirrin..." Rin began, seemingly rather grave, "Do you understand yet what your power is?"

   "Oh...mmmm..." Akyuu snapped out of her reverie, "Fire, wind, flowers and the red mist thing?" She answered, listing them off with her fingers. The newly-christened Maybelle, seemingly noticing that the pettings had ceased for the time being, began to honour the timeless fairy tradition of fidgeting in boredom.

   "No, those are just the sorcery elements you command as an expansion of your power, you know, sort of like when you get batteries included with your new toy." Rin said.

   "No, I don't know, but do go on." Akyuu said, watching as her kittens disembarked from her Kirrin-half to investigate their potential new toy, Maybelle.    

   "Rin's talking about the aspect Kirrin manipulate." Rin said. Meanwhile, kitty-fueled curiosity met fairy inquisitiveness head-on as Maybelle and Kuro's posse peered at each other over the edges of the tree stump in the curiosity equivalent of a nuclear standoff.

   "Oh.....yes, I remember!" Akyuu's memories sped back to her earliest memories of her first encounter of the Kirrin kind, "Kirrin are the patron protectors of sweets!" She said, recalling the most important bit.

   "....err.....well, yes, when it's convenient for us..." Rin acceded, blushing a little, "But more importantly, do you know what the Kirrin's main aspect is?"

   "Oh, it's...." Akyuu's mind clicked, "...Hope."

   "Yes. All the ephemeral, to be exact." Rin said, "Hope, dreams, wishes, fantasies. In essence, all things that straddle the fine line of common sense like an uncertain shady miko."

   "How ironic." Akyuu said. "So you're bringing this up because....I just granted a wish?"

   "Arguably she didn't wish for it. You granted a need. All the same, it will remain ephemeral." Rin said.

   "You mean it will disappear after a while?" Akyuu asked, suspecting the usual cliche limit to such a convenient power. Meanwhile a staring contest of truly titanic proportions raged on silently between the fairy and the kittens.

   "Oh, no, it exists now so it'll carry on existing. You spent spiritual power to create it after all. Matter is kinda stubborn like that, sure is. It's more a case of the universe sort of not liking freebies. It sucks like that." Rin shrugged. "It'll try to balance things out and return it to being ephemeral again one way or another, you know, karmic balance and cosmic failscrapers and all that."

   "No, I still don't know, but alright." Akyuu sighed, watching as Kuro and the kittens celebrated their dire victory over the pouting Maybelle. "Can you try explaining it again in Japanese?"

   Rin sighed. "By returning it to being ephemeral again, Rin means the granted wish will inevitably lead to a new wish or dream of some sort, or, worse, a desperate desire or nightmare. It's difficult to explain. Some things you understand through words, some you can only understand through experience, Rin supposes." She said, in, what was to Akyuu, a surprising display of profound wisdom by Rin's standards. "To put it simply, nobody has ever achieved lasting happiness through having their wishes granted with a magical snap of a finger. You, little Kirrin, should know this better than anyone."

   Akyuu gave a little nod, reflecting on how the past 3 days were, after all, a result of a whimsically naive little wish she had barely thought through. But then it was only a warm scarf. It was nowhere near becoming a youkai. What could go wrong, right...?

   An errant gust blew through the little clearing. It picked at the scarf wrapped about the still sore Maybelle, lifting its ends up in the breeze. "Meee~" The little fairy squeaked playfully, suddenly forgetting her recent loss as she lunged out for the ends flapping in the wind. Akyuu watched as the little fairy began running about in circles, her little feet crunching through the soft snow, chasing the end of her own scarf.

   "Typical fairies." Akyuu said, giggling.

   "Takes one to know one." Rin sighed, shaking her head.

   They watched as the little fairy chased her own scarf out of the clearing, disappearing from sight. "...It's just a scarf. The universe isn't so petty that it'd make a big deal of one scarf, would it?" Akyuu asked, worriedly.

   "Scarves tie more than just cold bodies." Rin said.

   "That was surprisingly deep." Akyuu commented.

   "Rin always works to achieve new depths." Rin replied, proudly.

   "That's...not a good thing, Rin." Akyuu said.

   "Worst comes to worst, fairies don't die. Even if the world were to end they'd simply respawn somewhere where they can watch the rest of the fireworks." Rin shrugged.

   "I really hope she'll be fine..." Akyuu sighed. "Well, that's our little stalker problem solved at least, at least for today."

   "Who said Rin was referring to the fairy?" Rin asked, suddenly gleeful.

   "Eh?" Akyuu blinked. "What do you mean, Rin?" She asked, oblivious to the figure watching her silently from behind one of the forests' many convenient trees.

   "What a strange little girl you are, schatchen..." The figure murmured to herself, her wings ruffling gently in the snowy breeze. Said figure was lucky she didn't choose that moment to turn around. Otherwise she would have collided head-on with a certain stalking werewolf sneaking away in the other direction.


OST - The Fantastic Legend of Tohno Arrange by QLocks -

   The thick coat of clouds sat heavily in the sky like an overweight ghost princess, seemingly growing heavier with snow despite continuously shedding its fluffy silver all across the miles of forested hills hugging the river. The little Kirrin paid them little attention. Her focus was directed elsewhere far more pressing.

   "Kyuuuu....!" The little Kirrin growled, straining, as mist began to gather about her readied hand again.

   "Yaaaawn...." The big Kirrin in her head yawned.

   "Kyuh!" The little Kirrin cried, thrusting her throwing hand forwards towards the lamprey swimming about lazily in the frosty river before her.

   "....yaaawwwnrunya..runya...runya..." Rin finished yawning, watching lazily as nothing much happened. The unimpressed lamprey, seemingly agreeing that the show was over, flicked their tails at Akyuu and swam away.

   Akyuu looked down at the misshapen ball of mist stubbornly clinging to  her hands, refusing to be thrown. "Rin, why is it I can only throw big balls of doom or nothing at all?" She asked in obvious frustration. The little youkai sage had spent the past 15 minutes of her youkai life on the riverbank trying her best to limit the amount of scarlet mist she fed into her bullets. So far she had only succeeded in flailing at thin air as the misshapen misty bullets refuse to leave her hands, seemingly unimpressed with her stinginess. She was dangerously approaching the same amount of mist she had used to climax half the river to smithereens the previous day. She had a feeling that Mystia would not let her off quite as lightly if she blew the other half up as well.

   "There's no such thing as half-a-climax, is there?" Rin shrugged. "That would be some kind of embarrassing illness, sure would."

   "Rin, embarrassing will be our balls breaking everything but the enemy next time we meet a socially-challenged hermit or a financially-challenged miko." Akyuu pointed out, bluntly.

   "Who needs accuracy when your area of effect has a margin of error measured in entire countries?" Rin shrugged.

   "What have those poor countries ever done to us, Rin?!" Akyuu squeaked.

   "Firepower can be intoxicating so we Kirrin always advise to enjoy responsibly. Never half-heartedly." Rin nodded, sagely.

   "Never half-hearted, is it?" Akyuu repeated, dribbling with sarcasm. "Let me guess, subtlety is another not-Kirrin thing..." She muttered, twirling her hands together as she gathered more scarlet mist between them.

   "Kirrin are absolute masters of land and air, melee and ranged warfare." Rin declared, defensively. "Not sissy things like subtlety."

   "Still working on the air and ranged part then?" Akyuu asked tersely, rearing back her throwing arm.

   "How rude." Rin muttered, haughtily. "Rin prefers to call it 'potential'."

   "Potential implies there's something there to begin with." Akyuu said. "Kyuu....Fine, I'll figure out how to make it a Kirrin thing myself." She hurled the gathered mist as hard as she could.

   There was a fiery whoosh, an explosive pinpoint splash, then a swish as a lone, stupefied lamprey went flying on its first and last flight through the air, landing neatly on the shore opposite.

   "Oh, look, you hit one." Rin said.

   "That...wasn't me..." Akyuu murmured, feebly, looking down at the scarlet mist still stubbornly swirling about her throwing hand. 

   "Oh...then...who was..." Rin looked around. Akyuu joined her in looking behind her.

   They looked around just in time to see their  familiar little fairy throw another fireball overhead. "Meeyaah!" The newly-christened Maybelle cried. They barely managed to follow the blazing trail of fire behind the bullet let alone the bullet itself with their eyes before it accurately made contact with an unsuspecting lamprey 30 yards away, blasting it neatly out of the water and onto the river bank opposite.

   "She's good." Rin muttered, weakly.

   "Yes." Akyuu nodded, just as weakly. "She is good."

   "Maybel ish a gud gul!" The fairy declared, puffing her chest out proudly.

   "Rin's found the first member of your lunatic fairy fodder army." Rin murmured, eyes aglow with excitement.

   "...sorry, what?" Akyuu asked, still dumbfounded.

   "Rin said she's got a killer arm for a fairy, sure did." Rin 'repeated' without missing a beat.

   "Ah...yes..." Akyuu agreed, stepping up to show the little fairy her approval again. "Yes, good girl, Maybelle." She said, still somewhat stupefied, as she patted the little fairy on the head. This was met with a giggle of approval and a tinkling of wings from the little fey. "So, my little stalker, why are you following me?" Akyuu asked the little fairy with a playful smile.

   "Maybel ish a gud shtalker!" The fairy was quick to reply.

   "No, not good. Stalker not good." Akyuu sweatdropped massively.

   "Now we just need to figure out how to aim her at people we don't like." Rin said. "Should we throw big balls of glittery or sugary doom at our enemies?"

   "Let me guess once more....making others do the fighting for you is a Kirrin thing." Akyuu said, testily, "You haven't been exactly subtle with the suggestion, Rin."

   "Well....You make it sound like a bad thing, little Kirrin." Rin said, innocently.

   "Because it is." Akyuu snapped, inwardly. "I will not allow anyone to be hurt because of me."

   "Said the bee to the flower." Rin said.

   "What's that supposed to mean?" Akyuu demanded, "You're saying we're insects?"

   "Kirrin are super awesome at lots of super awesome things." Rin said. "But...Rin has to admit we're'...not so awesome at some not-so-awesome things." She said with just the slightest hint of bitterness.

   "Like shooting, flying and dodging." Akyuu said flatly, "Which, by Gensokyo standards, we are...."

   " least bronze tier?" Rin suggested, hopeful.

   "....cardboard-in-the-wind tier."Akyuu said, bluntly.

   "The point is, Kirrin have weaknesses. Yes, Rin admits it. Kirrin were cut and moulded perfectly for land combat. Unfortunately that means we're poop at aerial combat." Rin admitted, sounding quite bitter.

      "That's pretty much all of danmaku." Akyuu pointed out.

      "Yes, yes it is." Rin sighed. "You're right, little Kirrin, in danmaku battles we have all the survivability of a suicide death fairy. You see, we were tailored more to be leaders and commanders. Our massive tanks of spirit mojo are much bigger than average and it was never made for shooting balls of doom, sure isn't....though Rin must admit that's fun too. No, it's all for supporting and powering an entire army of shikigami to do the fighting for us. There, Rin said it." [/i]Rin did the mental equivalent of crossing her arms indignantly. "Happy now, little Kirrin?"

   "....shikigami." Akyuu's mind flipped through her mental copy of the Gensokyo Chronicle. "Even if it was alright to do something like making others our shikigami, don't we need that 'software' that shikigami run on?" She asked, mentally reading through the pages on the Yakumo. She had never been sure what a 'software' even is but that's the word Yakumo-san had used. She had always personally suspected it was some kind of soft, sweet bait used to gather potential shikigami.

   "A shikigami OS, yes." Rin nodded. "Though Rin suspects our friend the gap hag has foreseen that need too."

   "Hmmm? What do you mean, Rin?"

   "That means you might want to keep an eye on that Kirrin flower that furball came with." Rin said. "Speaking of keeping an eye, you should really pay more attention to your Kirrin senses, little Kirrin, and your lunch box too, sure do."

OST - Tiny Tiny Clever Commander Arrange by Bossa Nova -

   "..." Akyuu tensed up, heart suddenly in her throat, her fluffy ears perking up, twitching attentively in the air. Her sharp Kirrin gaze swung around towards the lunch box her Kirrin-half had left on the riverbank...or at least, where it had been. A forlorn breeze blew across the empty snow where her lunchbox once stood, almost pitifully. Her gaze narrowed as she stretched her hearing to the full. "The sugarfrosted-seaweed-wrapped-sugared-cherry-and-sweetened-marmalade-saccharine-riceball I had been looking forwards to..." She sniffled softly. But before she could mourn the disappearance of her much-anticipated lunchbox,  her youkai ears just about picked up the sound of a set of teeth crunching into the thick crisp sugar-coated seaweed, sinking deep into the sugared rice, from somewhere deep in the underbrush next to them.

   Akyuu had only spent 3 days as a youkai but that was more than enough to gain a basic understanding of the rules of the game. This person should know what the consequences of sneaking up on a youkai were, let alone getting in between a youkai and her meal. Survival was everything out here, that much she had learned the hard way. Even a warning shot would be generous. And Akyuu was more than generous.

   The Kirrin-half lunged and unceremoniously tore apart the bushes just next to where she knew the lunch thief was. 'That should be enough of a threat' She thought to herself as she quickly considered her warning. Threats had never been Akyuu's thing*, but it was very obviously a youkai thing. And this was a youkai's game where comfort zones are described in terms of the afterlife. "I know where you are. I won't miss the next time." She said, keeping her voice as level as she could despite how shaky she was within.

*In terms of threatening others, obviously. Nobody finds receiving threats least nobody reasonably sane.

   "Z-Zuuuu!" The bush occupied by her sneak thief shook violently. "P-poison! I-is that w-what y-you're trying t-to f-feed me?!" The voice demanded, accompanied by gagging and coughing. "A-Assault! Rape! T-that's w-what this riceball is!" The voice declared.

        "Little Kirrin, what did Rin tell you about using your Engrish on people? Let alone putting it in riceballs?" Rin said.

   "...." Akyuu could feel her very eyebrows twitch in obvious annoyance at this. "Stand up." She said to the bush.

   The bush shook a little in reply. "Stand? Zuu, why should I?" It asked.

   "Witty comebacks, pre-boss fight dialogue..." Akyuu murmured to herself like a mantra. Rin nodded encouragingly like a mother watching her little daughter go out and slay her first dragon. "Because my Kirrin is colour-blind. It can't tell between green and red." Akyuu said, putting on the most intimidating voice she could muster. "And the fairy over there is a crack shot with her fireballs, but even if she misses that bush looks like decent kindling." Akyuu warned, pointing back at her Kirrin and Maybelle.

   Maybelle who had frozen amidst gathering up a big pile of slithering lamprey against her chest dropped her load from all the attention. "M-Meee....M-Maybel ish a gud shtalker!" She declared, helpfully. Akyuu's army of kittens were quick to helpfully swarm the lamprey on the ground.

   "Nuzuu...Bossy. That's what you are." The bush replied haughtily, though shaky with the slightest hint of fear. A small figure straightened up out of the bush. Akyuu noted that the two round fluffy ears poking out of the figure's short silver hair and the long thin whip-like tail poking out from behind her were trembling, betraying how effective her little threat was. She took a small measure of guilty pride in that. "Daydreaming. That's how accidents happen. That'd get you killed on the battlefield." The small figure said, huffing conceitedly, albeit nervously.

   The little Kirrin took a small step forwards, doing her best to calm herself down, fighting to not allow her face to betray her own nervousness. But her panic was already slowly subsiding. Her mental copy of the Gensokyo Chronicle was quick to identify her lunch thief for her. The little dowser general, Nazrin. She noted that this was far from her usual treasure hunting spot in Muenzuka or her usual haunt at the Myouren shrine.

   "Nazrin, isn't it?" She addressed the little mouse youkai by name, taking some solace in having the youkai at a disadvantage. "I can list a lot of other things that might do the same to you, Nazrin." Akyuu raised her voice, gathering her scarlet mist in her hands again. "Want to see an accident? My danmaku practice accident yesterday did that." She thrust a thumb over her shoulder back at the scene of carnage left behind by the previous day's climax. "I'm still practicing today. My aim is poor but I'm told that doesn't matter."

   The youkai before her gulped perceptibly, raising her hands up reflexively in what was perhaps a disarming gesture. Except they were each holding a riceball, one of which bore a big bite mark.

   "The things in your hands." Akyuu said, nodding at the obvious evidence.

   "Riceballs. Duh. Retarded. Is that what you are?" The youkai asked, though her tone had long since shed its arrogance, replaced with a shakily high pitch.

   "You can't just walk up here and eat up my breakfast...or is it lunch? Or dinner? Or whatever it is youkai call the first meal of the day." Akyuu pointed out.

   "Actually I can. I'm doing that right now." The youkai before her said, taking a big bite out of the intact riceball defiantly. "Your eyes. They just for show or something?" The youkai's own eyes widened in obvious shock, her cheeks puffing out as she gagged painfully. Akyuu watched as the little youkai did a perfect impression of a street light, going from red to green in seconds. She finally turned around and spat out the offending bite into the undergrowth, coughing and spluttering in obvious pain. "M-Marmalade?! This one has marmalade! In a riceball! This! Y-you call it lunch? I call it murder! Diabetes! A-are you trying to kill me with it?!"

   "No. Not yet. Do you want to see me trying?" Akyuu asked. Much to her surprise, this time the threat didn't take much thought at all.

   "A-ah, u-umm...Religious practice! That's what it is." The riceball thief said, hurriedly, "This exact time, this exact place, a riceball. I must devour one. Very precise religious commandments. It specifies that it must  be anthrax...?"

   "...sugared cherry..." Akyuu filled in impatiently.

   "...sugared anthrax and...err...cyanide...?" The youkai guessed.

   "...sweetened marmalade..." Akyuu sighed, helpfully.

   "....sweetened cyanide riceball." The mouse youkai finished, nodding in agreement. "Self-mortification. Very religious. That's what it is. See how much I'm suffering from all that religion?" She grimaced.

   "No, though I can help with that." Akyuu said, darkly. She suddenly realized just how effortless and, at the same time, menacing, her 'snappy comebacks' were becoming. "So your religion condones stealing?" She asked, in an attempt to soften things.

   "No, course not, silly. Politics. Don't confuse it with religion." The youkai replied, a little sneer creeping back into her expression. Akyuu had never imagined she'd ever be called silly by someone stealing her own food. Now she didn't need to. "Generosity. I'm simply partaking in it. Yours. No harm in that." The youkai said, airily. "Karma. My religion believes in it. Means you will be duly rewarded. Be grateful."

   "I...see..." Akyuu muttered, "When exactly?"

   "The next life. Sometime in it. Your breath. Don't hold it." The dowser general shrugged.

   "Ah, shall we test that theory then? Though I wonder if there'll be enough of you left for rebirth after this." Akyuu asked sinisterly, before she could even stop herself. As if echoing her threat, the Kirrin-half took an intimidating step forwards. Something inside her even took some malicious pleasure at watching a tremor of fear run through the seemingly defiant little mouse youkai. A slightly more lucid part of her took horror at this. "Come out of the bush, Nazrin." She demanded, in an attempt to buy herself a little more time to examine her own thoughts.

   "Preferences. We all have them, right? Different strokes and all that. Bushes. I like them. Coming out is sort of..." The mouse youkai stammered..

   "A chick in the hand is worth three in the bush. Do you want to be worth something, Nazrin?" Akyuu asked, the scarlet mist swirling about her arm burst forth in little tendrils of miasma. Another spark of malevolent glee ran through the little Kirrin as she watched the little mouse youkai flinch. The still lucid bit of her cried to make itself heard.

   "Alright, alright, if it makes you feel better." The little dowser general said quickly, stepping out of the bush, revealing the short gray cape that hugged her tiny shoulders, pinned together by a sapphire pendant, and the long black dress underneath. A set of heavy duty snow boots, a scarf and a warm pair of mittens were her concessions to the weather. Otherwise, the dowser general was as simple and practical as ever. "There. Happy?"

   Inside the little Kirrin was almost a wreck. Happy? She was enjoying this. She was actually enjoying bullying and terrorizing the little mouse youkai. Why? She had enjoyed her exchange with Kagerou the previous day too, but that was different. Kagerou wasn't shaking in fear. This mouse youkai was, and Akyuu was taking pleasure in it. She shook herself mentally as she waved a hand for the Kirrin-half to stand down. Something, anything, to try and defuse things even a tiny bit. The Kirrin-half sat itself down in the snow, keeping a wary eye upon the mouse youkai. "So, Nazrin, what's Bishamonten's dowser general doing out here?" She demanded, a little more levelly.

   "A walk. Fresh air. Getting plenty of both. Harm. There isn't any, right?" The dowser shrugged, almost convincingly.

   "Not a very healthy thing to do. People can get themselves killed walking like that." Akyuu nodded at the bush Nazrin had previously occupied, again before she could stop herself. There it was, that sinful pleasure of watching her prey tremble in fear. 'Prey? Who's the prey?' She thought to herself quickly. "Tell me, Nazrin, what were you after?" Akyuu strained to focus.

   "What I do. That's my busine-..." Nazrin began in protest.

   "It became my business when you snuck up on me." Akyuu snapped, fighting to not give into the malevolence. "And stole my diabe-...lunch."

   "Kappa. Need to find some." Nazrin said, defensively.

   "Why?" Akyuu asked, not about to be put off by the obvious evasive answer.

   "Another religious commandment. It requires me to find some kappa today." Nazrin replied, offhandedly. Another burst of scarlet mist roaring gently in the little Kirrin's hands caused the dowser to add, "M-My Mistress. I-'m looking for her. Repairs for an artifact. That's what she's visiting the kappa for. That was 6 hours..."

          "Missing for 6 hours? That's not too worrying is it?" Akyuu asked.

          "...And 15 days now, she's been missing." Nazrin finished.


   "The kappa village. Nobody was at the Genbu Ravine gate. Nobody answered so couldn't get in. Searching. That's what I'm doing here." Nazrin explained, nervously.
   "Do I look like a kappa?" Akyuu demanded.

   "Identity crisis. Can't help it if you've got issues." Nazrin sighed, shaking her head. Another threatening crackle of the scarlet mist caused her to speak up, "A-ah, n-no. H-hungry. I j-just got real hungry after searching 2 days straight. T-the dowsing rods...err...the things on my back..." She gestured at the two long iconic iron rods slung on her back, "They reacted you."

   "Accurate, aren't they?" Akyuu said.

   "Her. It was all her idea." Nazrin pointed behind her at the little straw basket hanging from her tail. A little mouse poked her head out from underneath the woolen stitching covering the basket. It wrinkled its nose distastefully at her mistress. "See?" The dowser general said, unconvincingly.

   Akyuu sighed, deciding the little mouse youkai didn't mean any real harm. She shook the scarlet mist off her arms. "Alright, I'll let you off today, Nazrin."

   "Hey! Poisoning me. You were the one trying to do that! Letting me off indeed!" Nazrin snapped, though she seemed to relax quite visibly.

   "Might make you think twice next time you try to steal someone's food." Akyuu said, having her Kirrin-half retrieve her lunchbox from the bush. "Here, a plain riceball, since you're hungry." She reached inside the box and and tossed Nazrin a single riceball.

   "Odd one. That's what you are, Bossy." Nazrin said, catching the riceball. "Rarity factor at least 10. For being a good silly. Silly, but a good one." She said, before biting hungrily into the riceball. "Probably... *munch* why my rods *chew* reacted to you."

   Akyuu could only roll her eyes. She knew just how arrogant the little general could be. It was still a little shocking each time she experienced it.

   "So, my name. How come you know it, bossy?" Nazrin asked, finishing off her riceball in record time. "Ugh...sweet. Even this riceball."

   "I'm a youkai sage." Akyuu replied, and left it at that.

   "Hah! Sage. Like the gap hag? Big words from such a small youkai." Nazrin snickered, whipping out her dowsing rods.

   "We are the same size you know." Akyuu muttered.

   "Well, these dowsing rods. They're still reacting to you." Nazrin said. They both watched as the dowsing rods swung about the dowser's hands eerily in Akyuu's direction. "Unique. Perhaps that's what you are."

   "I suppose I should be flattered." Akyuu said.

   "Must be all the priceless comments." Rin commented.

   "Rarity factor...can't really measure. Broken? Again?" Nazrin frowned. "But oh...something else here...." She turned towards the Kirrin-half. "Rarity factor 42. Oh, a really rare treasure! What could it b-..." She took a step towards the Kirrin-half. A step was as far as she could go as the Kirrin Absolute Defense System AKA the kitty brigade chose that exact moment to spring out at her from within the Kirrin-half's mane. "NUZUUUUUUUU!" She shrieked as if the very Kassha were out to collect her (which, quite often, they are).

   She raised a hand in self-defense, her claws unwittingly shearing off the flower clasped about Kuro's collar. Just as the great dowser general fell to earth, cowering in absolute fear, mobbed by her adoring fans, the flower too fell by her side. "P-please d-don't e-eaaaat meeeeeeee!" She pleaded, curling up into a trembling little ball on the ground as the kittens besieged her with nuzzles and snuggles. In between her tears, however, she managed to spot the fallen Kirrin flower.

Akyuu spotted her spotting it. She failed, however, to spot the glimmer in Nazrin's eyes in time. When she did it was too late. The mouse youkai had snatched it up, rolling her furry assailants off before leaping to her feet.

"W-wait, that's my Kirrin flower!" Akyuu gasped.

"No, not just any flower." The mouse said, panting breathlessly as she backed away from the kittens, "What's inside. That's what's valuable. It's...." She gasped, "These...shouldn't exist anymore."

"Well, Kirrins are sort of extinct." Akyuu said.

"Hey!" Rin protested.

"Alright, endangered." Akyuu corrected herself.  "It's not a shikigami os by any chance, is it....?" Akyuu asked, sweatdropping.

"...A-a shikigami OS disc. That's what this is...." Nazrin replied, holding the flower as if it were about to explode. "Only one person in Gensokyo. Only one should have this....and she's definitely not some bossy hairy little murdering rapist."

"I'm fluffy!" Akyuu retorted.

"Rin is surprised that is what you find most bothering, little Kirrin." Rin said "Now, remember what Rin said about that flower, little Kirrin?"

"Keep an eye on...."Akyuu began, just as Nazrin took flight in a burst of speed, kicking up snow in her wake, Kirrin flower clutched tightly against her bossom. "H-hey! W-where are you taking my flower?!" She cried after the runaway mouse.

"Finders keepers!" The dowser general shouted back over her shoulder. "Baby newborns. The likes of you shouldn't be playing with dangerous toys like these!"

"I can't believe her! After all that she still had the nerve to steal my Kirrin flower!" Akyuu cried in disbelief, watching the dowser pick up speed.

"Hmmm...." Rin seemed pensive.

"What is it Rin?" Akyuu asked hurriedly.

"...if a chick in the hand is worth three in the bush...just how many chicks is a hand in the bush worth?" Rin mused, seemingly deep in contemplation. "This is important."

"Rin, I've always wondered...." Akyuu said, after a short exasperated pause. "Are you ...?"

"Crazy?" Rin finished for her, her expression more than answering the question. "That mouse thinks she can outrun the fastest creature on land. Let's ask her shall we?"
« Last Edit: September 22, 2013, 10:28:30 PM by Gappy »


  • Still working on the Grimoire
  • It's all about devotion
* OkashiiKisei types up massive post covering every single detail of each chapter since his last post

* OkashiiKisei accidentally goes back a page

* OkashiiKisei loses entire post

... ;___________;

brb smashing head against wall

But before I do that, I'll sum up my lost post and say that you're doing a great job, Gappy. I love the new (surprising) character additions, I love the characterization and I love the world building you've got going. You once again made me laugh, cry, blush and d'awww, sometimes all at once. You keep giving new twists to some of Gensokyo's phenomena, and successfully show that life in this wonderland isn't always sunshine and rainbows.
I once again applaud your use of music to set the mood. And I still enjoy your witty writing and cute characters. Though I noticed that the story is getting naughtier and naughtier with each chapter. Rape subtext, cherry popping symbolism, climax allusions and various states of undress, oh my! Oddly, the story still manages to stay classy in it's own way even with such gags.

The only critiques I could have are just mere nitpickings over the lore, though I worry that some might not be able to understand Mystia's German phrases. I had a bit of German in school, so I could understand her perfectly, but others might have trouble.

I'm really curious how the story will continue. Particularly who this Youkai Empress is and who Akyuu will chose as her shikigami. I'll eagerly await the next chapters, Gappy, and I hope you'll still enjoy writing for this story~

PS: I know Maybelle's original 'vocabulary' was supposed to be just cute squeaks, but I couldn't help but be reminded of this guy:

Yeah...  :derp:


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Re: Ephemeral Light of a Cherry Coloured Innocence - Now With 100% More Fuwafuwa!
« Reply #36 on: September 20, 2013, 12:13:08 PM »
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Oh dear. Thread necro incoming! An extra long necro too, to make up for long absence. I'll reply to the comments in a separate reply below. Thanks ever so much for all the encouraging comments, folks! They're perhaps the only reason this chapter even exists!

BGM: Ultimate Truth Arrange by Ziki 7 -

   ...And she honestly believed she could outrun the Kirrin. Especially after stealing my food! Oh, and Keine's keepsake flower too, but, more importantly, my food! Nobody gets between a youkai and her meal, especially me and mine! Ah, speaking of which, my food. Let's eat!

   No, not you, silly. My grilled bamboo shoots I found earlier off course. Or have you had a change of heart and come to terms with your fate as my dessert? No? Then don't say silly things like that, a hungry youkai may easily misunderstand. And that would be a very silly thing to have on your epitaph.

   What's that? Why I still need to eat despite the whole business with power drops? Oh, you, do you really think I need a reason to eat your cute little self up?

   Yes, alright, alright, as you say, a serious question deserves a serious answer. I suppose it is a confusing idea for you humans who only ever have to eat and drink. Using that as an comparison, to us youkai, eating humans or power drops is just like  eating food. Eating what you humans consider food is just like drinking water. You can get by on water alone for weeks if you have to, eugh. But you eventually have to eat something, no?

   Such is the case with us youkai. Eating your food allows us to put off feeding on humans or the substitute power drops for weeks at a time. We need food and water as much as you do, we just have a third need on top of that, one that food and water helps put off. That's why we youkai used to rely quite heavily on the food you humans grow and cultivate.

   Yes, 'used to'. You've heard of the harvest goddess' farming cooperatives up on Mount Genbu, haven't you? But we'll get to that later. Uuu....the thought of only drinking water for weeks sends shivers down my tail. I might just eat something nice to clean out that unpleasant thought. Speaking of nice....hmmm, no, not yet. Now, go on, sit down and eat your grilled lamprey.

   Why am I not eating the lamprey? Do I not eat meat, you ask? Ah, don't you know how fattening lamprey can be? No, I'm fine with my bamboo shoots. I only had you catch them for yourself. Hmmm? Why am I having you eat them if they're fattening? Hmmm, well, do you really have to ask~? Kyuhuhu~

   Now, where were we? Ah yes, my Kirrin flower. What was that? What in Bhava Aghra's name is an OS? It's an English word, actually. And yes, before you ask, I do know the actual meaning. I've long since Engrished people to death, you know. It stands for 'cOpu-la-ting See-see-mu'. In the outside world they have these handy little mechanical servants that do everything you tell them to as long as you have this thing called the 'OS'. That gap youkai very creatively decided coin the same term to refer to the spell that bind youkai as shikigami servants.

   There aren't that many copies of the spell left in Gensokyo. Just as well, really, as they so readily upset the power balance in Gensokyo. How so? When a youkai becomes a shikigami, they can draw power from their mistress. It's like having a built-in steroid dispenser. In return the mistress gains powerful followers with unquestioning loyalty. It's the ultimate weapon of mass domination. The only limit is the mistress' reserve of spiritual power.

   Too convenient you say? Oh, the shikigami os inside the flower when I needed it? Oh yes, I thought the same at the time. But you'll be surprised how convenient life can be when you've got a gap youkai watching over you....or is it stalking? I could never tell the difference with her. But yes, Kuro and my kittens appearing when they did, that seed of the unknown too...oh, I mean that UFO that giant toad swallowed, the OS disc hidden inside the flower pinned to Kuro's collar, that was all Gap brand convenience as it turned out.

   Why, you ask? You know, to be very honest with you, I never sat down and discussed it with her. We usually end up trying to drink each other under the table whenever we meet these days. Then again I think she enjoys being all enigmatic and mysterious so it's probably just as well I never asked. Besides, it'd probably be some annoying reason of some sort as usual. Personally, I've always thought she just needed someone, anyone, who wasn't attached to any of the big factions to go sort out the mess. I was just particularly convenient. ...That gap hag...she owes me one....

Chapter 7

BGM: 春の湊に Arrange by Xi-On,

   "Strain." Rin said, "Like you're about to..."

   "Yes, Rin, you don't have to say it!" Akyuu said, hurriedly.

   "Now gather all that power in your legs as if your legs are about to...." Rin continued.

   "Rin! How is that even possible?!" Akyuu interrupted.

   "And, well, climax." Rin finished.

   "RIN!" Akyuu protested.

   "Now, this is why prudes never get anywhere. At least not fast. Or fun." Rin said with a sigh, concluding her very literal crash course on Kirrin running.

   "Meee? Rin-chama ish a gud gurl?" Maybelle supplied helpfully from where she hovered idly by Akyuu's side.

   "...thank you, Maybelle..." Akyuu sighed, giving Maybelle a token petting for her trouble, earning her a squee of delight from the little fairy.

   "Now, do you want to get your flower back or not?" Rin asked.

   "Mew!" Kuro answered for her from where he had strapped himself behind her frilly maid headband.

   "That's my dinner, furball! Get your own!" Rin shot at Kuro.

   "Nyah!" The kitten replied, licking his lips hungrily.

   The little Kirrin bit her lip as she dug her toes into the snow. Scarlet mist swirled about her ankles like coiled snakes ready to strike. Tension gathered in her legs, winding tight like an iron spring. "Mmm....i-is this a good idea?" Akyuu asked, suddenly feeling treacherous uncertainty rear its ugly head.

`   "Off course it's a good idea. It's mine." Rin said casually.

   "T-That's why I'm w-worried..." Akyuu squeaked, "I-it feels l-like I-I've got the wriggles in my f-feet!" She winced, feeling the overwhelming power surge through her thighs and calves, prickling the soles of her feet and toes.

   "Could be worse. Could be the whiterocks in your feet." Rin replied. "Now, just let it all go and...."

   Akyuu gulped. Uncertainty and fear crept up her spine, twirling treacherously about her heart. As a youkai she knew it would come, the day she sought out a fight on her own terms for the first time. It's a youkai thing after all. But would she be able to survive her first?

   "Just do it!" Rin gave her a big mental shove.

   "K-Kyuuuuu!" It took but a moment to release all the built up force all at once in one massive burst of acceleration. Snow and earth exploded into the air in her wake, rising up into the air behind her like a vengeful wraith. Flaming embers trailed through the air behind her glowing tail and horns, leaving fiery afterimages. The air she ran against felt thick against her furry ears, whipping against the sleeves and hem of her yukata as they flapped wildly in the wind behind her. The Kirrin-half and Maybelle, struggling to keep up, quickly became a dot in the distance.

   "K-KYUUUUuuuuuuu!!!" Akyuu's squeak of mortal terror Doppler'd across the entire forest.. "R-R-R-Rin! T-T-Too f-f-faaaast!" She cried. The trees simply melted into a single blur of black and white, melding with the ground that seemed to dissolve away under her feet. Even her tears were barely able to form before being whipped away by the fierce wind raging against her face. She could barely hear herself think over the sound of raw speed thundering against her ear drums. She had only experienced Kirrin running once before during her battle against the shrinemaiden, and it was only just dawning on her that it was but a fraction of what Kirrin were capable of. "W-Where are t-the brakes....?!" She pleaded for dear life.

   "Brakes?" Rin blinked, "Oh, silly little Kirrin, this is no time for jokes~" She giggled.

   "Y-yes i-it isn't!" Akyuu agreed wholeheartedly, spitting out leaves and snow as she reduced a snow-laden bush into rabbit food.

   "Oh, try not to run into that tree. We won't need the toothpicks till afters, nope." Rin said.

   "What tre-..." Akyuu saw the tree a moment too late. "Oh that tree..." It was practically in her face. Fear ran like wildfire in her head. She panicked.

BGM: Scarlet Chain, U.N. Owen Arrange by Xi-On -

   "♥~The shortest distance between two points is ANNIHILATION~☼"

   Her vision was awash in a sea of red. Silence roared in her ears, punctuated only by a strangely distant singsong voice. Just as she wondered if this is what receiving a faceful of tree felt like, she felt her claws erupt in ticklish fiery flames. She peered through the deep curtain of red and saw the tree. It was approaching. Slowly? Very slowly. Why had she slowed down so much? Why is everything red? Why does that tree look like it's going to hurt lots?

   "♥~What's the tree going to do? Bark at us?~♠"

   That same uncharacteristically vengeful malice rose up within her once more like a sweet, invigorating song. How dare it? How dare a mere shrub stand in her way?! It shall burn! And die! And all its leafy green brethren! They wil die too! With fire!

   A single swipe of her flaming claws, an explosive whirlwind of smouldering splinters, and she burst forth from a cloud of ash that was once an entire tree. Spiteful glee filled her. It felt wonderful. Intoxicating.


   "♦~Nope, I think it feels more like....scarlet~♫"

   No, this was right. This musical voice was right. Everything was right. She had never felt so right, ever.

   She leapt forwards to run on all fours again, powerful claws ripping into the ground and launching her onwards in furious leaping gallops, speeding up like a flaming asteroid hell-bent on planetary annihilation, leaving burning paw prints in the sea of ash behind her. Bushes and shrubs dissolved into ash before her. Trees spontaneously erupted in fire in the wake of her flaming tail. She barely had to navigate. Not when she was quite literally trail blazing. Few things burned for long enough to stand in her way. Her claws took care of the smaller things that failed to burn fast like pesky trees and the occasional unfortunate hill.

   "Mew!" A familiar sound suddenly pierced through the deafening silence in her ears. She felt a furry paw tapping her forehead urgently. Slowly, like blood in the ocean, the curtain of red dissolved. "Nyaah!" The little ball of fur curled up defensively behind her headband urgently fought for her attention.

   She felt her claws, tail and horns cool down as the fires dimmed.

   "...Are you even listening to Rin, little Kirrin?" Rin's demanding voice returned indignantly. "Rin said just what did that tree do to you? Or all those trees? Or that entire forest? Or, y'know, the whole world, sure did?"

   "...It...was in my way..." Akyuu murmured weakly, barely believing her own words, straightening up back onto her two feet. 'What was that?' She thought to herself, 'This wasn't the first time...'

   "Then at least say 'excuse me' first before you incinerate them. Have some manners, little Kirrin." Rin huffed. "And what did Rin tell you about getting your clothes dirty?"

   "Kyuu?" Akyuu looked down at her clothes...or what smouldering bits are still hugging her body. "That's...going to leave a stain..."

   "Target in sight!" Rin exclaimed excitedly as they gained on the fleeing mouse.

   "She can see us too." Akyuu noted. It didn't take Nazrin long, considering Akyuu was raising a dust cloud the size of a rampaging oni, heralding her arrival like a vengeful phantom from hell. "Where is she headed?" Akyuu wondered as a pair of canyon walls rose up on either side of the river, leaving her very little space to run between the river and the rock face.

   "The Genbu Ravine." Rin observed, "Home of the Kappa."

   "Kappa don't like intruders. We need to deal with this before we reach the Kappa commune." Akyuu said, picking up her pace.

   "Zuu. Persistent. That's what you are." Nazrin shouted as Akyuu ran up the river's edge, pulling up closer.

   "Let's settle this with a danmaku duel!" Akyuu shouted as she gained on Nazrin. "If I win..."

   "Heh....kidding. That's what you're doing, right?" The dowser general snickered scornfully back at her, much to Akyuu's surprise. "Human. You're not one. Youkai only play along with them rules 'gainst humans, and only when we think the red-white's watching." Nazrin said, flying backwards up the ravine.

   "Wait....why?" Akyuu demanded, perplexed.

   "Rule keepers. Humans have their shrinemaiden. We youkai have the jungle." Nazrin said, darkly. "By all means, go cry to her. She might stop at killing you once."

   "...." This wasn't it. This wasn't what Gensokyo's supposed to be like. This wasn't the Gensokyo of her chronicles.

   But then, was that really a surprise? "In a world without rules, danmaku is nonsense..." Akyuu murmured to herself, suddenly realizing the meaning behind a certain ordinary witch's words.

BGM: At the End of Spring Arrange by Shinigawa Satellite:

   "Don't like it? Tough." Nazrin snapped as she threw out one hand. Her mouse emerged from her cape and ran up her arm, a spellcard in its mouth. "This is why. This treasure. It must reach the right hands!" She shouted, grasping the card and tossing it up into the air. "O'Dowser rod of the divine treasure house, uncover my deepest desires! 'Rod Sign「Nazrin Rod」'!" the dowser general declared, throwing the card out before shattering it into little prismatic pieces with a swipe of her own dowsing rods. The rods began to burn with a fiery bluish white glow. With a glowering look the little mouse youkai swung around to face Akyuu, aiming both dowsing rods straight at her.

   "It's all nonsense. That's why....that's why..." Akyuu muttered to herself, glaring at the fiendish glow growing brighter and brighter at the end of Nazrin's rods.

   "Little Kirrin!" Rin shouted. Twin rays of brilliant white light lanced out from the ends of the rods. They aimed straight for the little Kirrin.

   "...I won't allow it!" Akyuu declared. Her heart leapt. She leapt with it. With a desperate 'Kyuu!' she spun sideways in between the two rays. She barely squeezed between them. Her body trailed little sparks of light, reflecting in her bright red eyes. She felt an invigorating jolt. She was grazing! And absorbing energy from it! But before she could celebrate she sensed something explode behind her.

   She looked behind her just in time. Bits of ground lit up by the dowsing beam were cracking and crumbling behind her. Razor-sharp circular shards of gleaming gold burst forth from the jagged earth. Akyuu's eyes widened as they pierced the ground just underneath her feet. She realized it. She wasn't fast enough.

   She felt a searing pain stab through her tail. Fiece pain shot up her back. Stars burst in her vision. Flaming fur, flecks of hot blood, tears of pain flew through the air. But she didn't have time to look at the damage. She danced out of the way of another shard as it threatened to impale her just as it sheared her tail. The shards launched into the air in all directions. A two-pronged danmaku pattern! She didn't even know it was possible!

   Realization hit her like a bullet to the tail. There was nothing non-lethal about this. This was not danmaku. From the vaguely bored look on Nazrin's face, she wasn't aiming to kill....yet. She was testing. Is the flower worth Akyuu's life? If Akyuu dared answer she might actually seriously honest-to-goodness die.

   The searing pain clamoured for attention in her crowded mind.  She had to dodge! She didn't want to die! She didn't want to...

   "Little Kirrin! Calm down!" Rin barked, seemingly in sudden panic, "You're pani-.....too mu-....just calm do-......"

   A familiar pale red sheen descended over her eyes. A loud dull silence filled her ears, drowning Rin out. She felt her kirrin senses take control again. This time it was overwhelming. 'Leap~♪', it said. She did. Her body had no choice but to obey. She launched herself sideways off the riverbank, into the air, squeezing right in between the gold shards and the beam of light. With surprising ease she landed on the water's surface and carried on running without losing even an inch of speed.

   The red curtain before her dissolved. The world came back into focus.

   "....-rin! Little Kirrin!"

   "Y-yes, Rin?"

   "Oh, good, you can hear me." Rin sighed, almost radiating relief. "Use the Kirrin instincts. But don't panic and let it use you, sure don't." She warned, uncharacteristically gravely. "If it's starting to overwhelm you then...then don't use it, sure don't."

   "B-but, I-I c-can't...." Akyuu began in protest.

   "Chuu! Stop jumping around and let me hit you!" Nazrin barked. She crossed her dowsing rods together. The lasers closed in towards the Kirrin. More shards of gold spiralled madly overhead, threatening to close in on her. She was boxed in between danmaku and a hard place.

   Akyuu could already feel the Kirrin instincts threatening to grip her in her confusion once more. It felt like an intense pressure, a scarlet tinge at the edge of her vision, trying to force its way in amidst the chaos. She tried to listen to it while keeping it at bay with all her might. It said to jump? Jump where? If she just allowed it to take control, it'll surely help her survive. If she just...

   "Focus shift, little Kirrin!" Rin cried.    

   "" Akyuu realized, much too late, one flaw in this plan. She forgot to ask Mystia and Kagerou how to properly focus shift. The lasers closed in, crossing back and forth in front of her. What did Kagerou say? Strain like...?

   'NO! Don't!~☼' A faint voice cried.

   Oh what the heck!

   Akyuu closed her eyes tight in terror, strained like her life depended on it (which it did) and shouted inwardly, 'Shift, Shift, SHIFT!'. There was a rush of air, a flash of light. She felt an unsettling heat pass through her body like a rush of hot molten liquorice. She opened her eyes. Her heart skipped a beat. Her whole body was blurring at the edges, afire with an ethereal reddish white glow, leaving phantom-like afterimages in the air behind. Her body and tail trailed water droplets and graze sparks as the lasers and gold shrapnel passed seamlessly through her, almost ghostlike. And there, in the depths of her chest, was a bright white glow burning like a miniature sun. 'My hitbox!' she thought.

   Her eyes caught Nazrin's. Her breath caught. Nazrin was smirking! Triumphantly no less! She realized it. It was too late though. Nazrin was thinking the exact same thing! Her Kirrin instincts went off wildly in her head. The river beneath her, lit up by the laser beams, parted. More jagged shards of uncut gold ore burst forth. They flew up into the air straight towards her. Gold and water rose up like a furious fountain.

   It aimed right for her hitbox.

   Her leg muscles coiled. She tried to leap into the air It was a desperate last ditch attempt. But it was for naught. She couldn't leap off the water. Her legs were kicking at nothing. She realized too late what she had done. While she was focus-shifted she passed through everything, but that meant everything passed through her too. That meant no running on water let alone leaping off it. That meant she was effectively flying. Flying for her meant no dodging.

   There was no escape. Both she and Nazrin knew that much. Akyuu closed her eyes tight, bracing herself.

   "Little Kirri-...." Rin was cut off mid-cry. Searing pain tore through Akyuu's body and mind savagely. A flurry of jagged golden pillars shredded through her frail form, exploding into more shards that sheared through what was left of her.

   Her limp form was swallowed up by the falling water and gold shards. There was a dull splash. Darkness. And nothing.

BGM: Wheel of Destiny, Clockwork Arrange, by Ziki 7 -

   There it was. The familiar clinking of coins weighing the value of a life, the unmistakable dull footsteps thudding like tombstones.

   "...not...yet...please..." She could just about see the swish of dark blue cloth against the deep darkness. It was her again, the reaper, approaching, always approaching. "I...I'm...still not...ready..."

   Her pleas seemed to fall on deaf ears.

   "♠~Hey, Red, are you deaf as well as death?~♦ Which bit of 'not yet' do you not understand?~♯."

   Somebody voiced it for her.

   The footsteps seemed to stagger. The dark blue shadow receded, drowned out by a thick murky fog of deepest, darkest scarlet, swirling all about her. She felt some strength return, enough for her thoughts to run clear. Something, somebody...saved her? Scarlet mist again? Was that...Rin?

   "Hello, my little princess, we meet again~♫."

   "R-Rin? W-wait...." The voice, it didn't sound the slightest bit like Rin's usual cheerful singsong voice.

   "Be-Beeeeep~♣! The answer is NOT-Rin~♪" It was a colourful voice. The same kind of colourful as a poisonous spider kind of colourful. It was a voice that was in no hurry to get anywhere, one that sashayed along with a sultry musical drawl. In short it was very unlike Rin's usual genuinely merry and excited tone.

   "Y-you're not Rin...w-who...?"

   "♪~Would you like to continue, my little princess?"

   "Y-yes! Yes yes!"

   "Ufufu~ I see. Then fret not. Leave it to Not-Rin~♠"

   "W-who a-are you? I-I c-can't see anything. I-it's s-so dark..."

   "Welcome to the border of life and death, princess~♦. Your hitbox kind of got fairy'd~♥."

   "D-Does t-that mean I d-died?"

   "Yes....if you hadn't been feeding plenty. We have enough for about two more hits~♫. That shot knocked out little miss Goddess though."

   "Y-you mean Rin? W-wait, is she alright? I can't do this without her!"

   "Worry not, she's just sleeping it off like she always does~. I'll guide you out of the clusterfairy she landed you in, my little princess~♫ As for who I am....hmmm. Do you not already have a name for me~♪?"

   "I-I d-do...? W-wait...Y-you're...the voice that was guiding me....Little Miss Instinct?!"

   "Ting-Tong, gold medal get, little princess!~♥"

   "Y-you're not supposed to be able to come out! R-Reimu-san sealed you away!"

   "My ability to consume  nature, maaaaaybe~☼ But nothing, not even her royal armpitness, can stop us, princess~♫ Besides, you've been feeding me plenty~♣ I need to exercise a bit, don't I~♥?"

   "So you won't consume the forest like last time?"

   "I hate to admit it but this seal is quite effective, so, no~☼"

   "....alright...then? And you'll help me, little miss instinct?"

   "Yes~♪ And unlike little miss 'Goddess', I mean it~♫"


   Nazrin hovered idly above the river, watching the bubbles on the surface with some measure of gloating satisfaction. She knew full well that wasn't enough to kill any youkai, even a newborn. It was just enough to keep them down long enough for her to make her escape. No harm done, little newborn gets away alive, Nazrin gets away with the treasure. Win win. Very religious. Very karmic.

   A frown crept across her face. The bubbles....were increasing in number? Dramatic convention dictates that they should recede until the last bubble heralds her enemy's defeat. But this...

   The cynic in her won. She began pulling away slowly, cautiously.

   The bubbles began to release steam, hot and thick. The river was very quickly blanketed by condensed mist. Scarlet mist, thick and heavy.

BGM - Silent Voyage To Eternity, Arrange by Demetori:

   Nazrin, in all her vermin wisdom, took this as her cue to run. She didn't get far. A thick column of Akyuu-shaped mist shot up into the air straight for her, engulfing her before she could dodge. "Seeker's pendulum, point the way, sway in my favour ! Vision Sign「Heart-Seeker Pendulum」!" Nazrin's cry of desperation pierced the air. An explosive burst of prismatic light burst forth from the card, scattering the column of mist, dispelling its grasp. The mist dissipated harmlessly to reveal Nazrin, a series of diamond pendulums orbiting her, each one trailing steel wires.

   She didn't get a moment to relax. More Akyuu-shaped columns of mist rose up from the thick mist, spiralling straight for Nazrin like candy-floss powered rockets. Nazrin swung her hand down commandingly, sending her pendulums flying towards each of the Akyuu-shaped mist clones. Each one burst into harmless puffs of mist as if popped by the diamond-sharp pendulums. None, however, contained the real Akyuu.

   Her mouse squeaked urgently. Nazrin looked up just in time. There, framed against the gray sky, was the crimson comet on wings of fire that was her opponent hurtling down towards her at breakneck speed, aiming for her natural blindspot.

   "ZU!" Nazrin barely had a moment to react. Her assailant descended upon her like a shot. Nazrin threw out another volley of pendulums in desperation. She could only watch as her attacker brandished a pair of razor-sharp claws, each trailing ethereal flame as they sailed through the air. With a swipe of one claw most of her pendulums were thrown aside in a shower of sparks. With the swipe of another her attacker took hold of one pendulum guide-wire. More sparks flew as the steel wire slid against serrated-edged claws. The fearsome monster gave the wire an almighty tug, pulling Nazrin's helpless form up with it.

   Nazrin barely gave a squeak as she was sent flying towards her pursuer with but a single tug. She watched as her assailant threw her arm out to one side, reaching into the scarlet mist spiralling around her. Out of the scarlet mist a weapon of some sort took shape in her hands. Nazrin barely got a good look at what it was before it was swung down on her in a wild overhead arc. Whatever it was, it was blood red, pointy-looking and would probably hurt like the seven hells if it hit, that much Nazrin knew.

   The dowser general raised her rods in defense. She had two rods, her opponent had one blade. This should be enough. Or so she thought.

   Explosive prismatic sparks filled the misty air as scarlet steel met dowsing rod. But Nazrin very quickly realized her folly. Her rods barely offered any resistance. An explosive shockwave of crimson energy blew her rods, arms, her entire body, backwards. Excruciating pain shot up her right arm as it was thrown akimbo, bent at an odd angle. Her flailing right arm quickly lost hold of her dowsing rod which spun away into the ravine below. She herself was spent spiraling away backwards by the impact.

   With a grunt she shot a wired pendulum out for the ravine wall with her left arm, using it to stabilize herself out of her flat spin and pull herself away to safety. As she did she tested her right arm. More sharp, mind-numbing pain shot up her arm into her shoulders. It was broken. She knew that much. And just from blocking the one strike.

   She looked around at her assailant zooming straight for her. Those feral eyes glowing a livid red, those horns and gigantic tail, burning Actual fire? "...those flaming horns...that massive tail...y-you're..." Nazrin's eyes widened, flooding with recognition and fear as she finally realized who she was up against. "...T-the B-Blood Red Moon, S-Satsuki Rin..."

   Her assailant bore down on her again, her body trailing burning scarlet mist like a deathly crimson phantom sailing through the air. In her hand a scarlet blade burned fiercely with a the glow of a thousand hells. 
   "Seeker's pendulum, bloom in my heart! Defense sign! 「Pendulum Guard」!" Nazrin declared desperately, throwing a spell card out between herself and the rampaging berserker with her remaining good arm. It burst in a cloud of crystalline light, leaving 3 gigantic clones of her diamond pendulum, clustered together like a star-shaped wall, casting rainbow-coloured light all across the river. And like a wall, it stood still, waiting for her attacker to run into it.

   The dowser general gave a token wince as the fleshy smack resounded across the Genbu Ravine. Nazrin peered back through the thick diamond, at the Akyuu-shaped stain now pressed against the now cracked surface opposite.

   Akyuu peered out through the burning red sheen engulfing her vision, out at  Nazrin's face, refracted multiple times through the cracked diamond, glaring fearfully right back at her. She listened to Nazrin's voice, shaking with fear, as the mouse slowly backed away from the shield. "...Kidnapped human children. M-Massacred the newborn y-youkai. Killed the Hieda girl. D-Defeated the Red-White. Destroyed the Untrodden Valley. Summoned the Dragon Lord. S-S-Satsuki R-Rin...t-that's y-y-you..." The voice sounded distant, echoing, almost unreal.

   Forget smelling the fear. Akyuu could taste it. Every bit of her could. The flavour coursed through her entire body. And it was delicious, almost a feast of flavour.

   "Hmmm, a coarse flavour and rather crude texture, but the aftertaste is decent~♥ I can already feel growing stronger~♦ Now....the main course...rare or flamb? preferably, but I don't mind it well done if necessary~♫" Akyuu could feel the voice in her head lick its lips hungrily. She could feel herself do the same.

   Akyuu peered back down at her flaming left claw. Tendrils of thick fiery scarlet mist curled about her like ruthless wraiths. If the usual Kirrin powers felt like a chocolate milkshake bubblebath then this felt more like drowning in a vat of thick, rich mocha. The wind, the flowers nor the fire, none of her usual Kirrin elements listened to her. There was only thick fiery scarlet mist, lots of it. It coursed around her, through her, furious and overwhelming, eager to burst forth.

   And it felt good. Really good.

   The only thing that could feel better was finally getting her hands on Nazrin and...and....

   What did she want to do again? her. That's it. Yes. Taste her. Devour her. Feel the fear pour out of her. Drink up every last bit. 

   "MEW!" A desperate mew pierced through the deafening silence in her ears again. A small, shivering, furry mass had pulled itself out of the protection of Akyuu's yukata and was desperately  licking at her face, calling out to her frantically. "Nyaah!"

BGM: Red Eye Abyss, Septette for the Dead Princess Arrange by Tutti Sound -

   "...Kirrin! Little Kirrin!" Rin's voice returned, albeit distant and almost imperceptible.

   "Kyuuuh..." Akyuu felt the mother of all headaches wrack her foggy mind. The red sheen over her vision spiralled madly like a spectre stubbornly refusing to disappear. The hunger within her raged. The bloodlust roared. She could feel her free hand moving of its own accord. Scarlet mist was surging into it, gathering, condensing into a sphere of crimson energy burning like a miniature supernova.

   "Wh-what are you doi-..." Rin's cry echoed through the fog in her mind, "Wait! NO!"

   Akyuu felt the arm rear back for the throw. She could already feel how frighteningly accurate its aim would be. The target, Nazrin, was already fleeing far behind the glowing diamond shield.

   "Little Kirrin! Listen to Rin! You-..." Rin's voice was drowned out again.

   "No!" Akyuu struggled against her own arm. But she barely managed to slow it down.

   "Nyah!" Kuro ran up her arm, pounced, and bit into the flesh of her hand with all the kitty ferocity he could muster. It was enough. The sphere of scarlet mist was dislodged mid-throw. It fell, lamely, obeying gravity.

   "She'll get away with your flower...." The other voice in her head warned. The words tugged at her resolve. "Don't worry, this won't kill her~♠" It whispered, reassuringly. "She'll just spellcard bomb your attack again. But that'll give you enough time~♫"

   "Kyuu...." The flower. She musn't let it go. Not now. She gave in. She bit her lip thinking quickly. The only way she'll catch Nazrin with this orb is if she nukes the whole ravine. Except if....

   ...this is stupid but it's worth a shot anyway...

   She spun around, raising her leg in a sweeping spin kick. Her foot caught the orb of energy in its descent. A shockwave shook the ravine. A violent blaze of crimson light blinded Akyuu. She pulled out of her spin, her foot trailing ruby red sparks, just in time to peer out long enough to see a furious missile of blinding scarlet light rush across the ravine, straight for the diamond shield and the Nazrin behind it.

   The diamond shield, already shattered from receiving a faceful of berserking Kirrin, barely held up for a split moment before bursting into a harmless shower of dissolving shards. The comet flew onwards, holding its course straight for Nazrin.

   "When she spellcard bombs, that's my-....your chance. She won't be able to use her barrier at the same time~" The voice prompted helpfully.

   Just as the voice predicted, Nazrin spun around, holding up a spellcard. "D-D-Divine Treasure House!" She wheezed, breathlessly, "S-Shower m-me in t-thy boon! Treasure Sign! 「Gold Rush」!"

   The card burst into many many little shards. Each shard spiralled out, gathering particles of light out of the air. The very air rippled as the shards shimmered before bursting forth in size, becoming gigantic icebergs of gleaming gold that rushed outwards, hammering the ravine with craters, raising clouds of dust and water vapour. Explosive echoes boomed across the ravine.

   Nazrin breathed a sigh of relief as the fearsome ball of doom was dispelled in the radiance of her spellcard. But fear returned to her face as the sphere of mist dissolved to reveal Akyuu right behind it, racing forwards ahead of the gold icebergs.

   "See? It didn't kill her~" The voice in Akyuu's voice chirped pleasantly. "Cause I will~♥" It added, cheekily. "Forth! 「Mistirteinn」!"

   Akyuu felt her sword arm rise of its own accord again. She wasn't quick enough to stop it this time. Before she knew it had thrown the scarlet blade out at the poor hapless mouse. Both she and Nazrin could only watch, horror-struck, as it sailed through the air, leaving a mistletoe-red trail in its wake. The blade caught Nazrin square in the shoulder of her remaining good arm.     

   The mouse's limp body spun through the air like a rag doll with all its string save one cut. The ground claimed her in a cloud of dust. The blood red blade quivered as it pierced the ground, pinning its victim into the ground with a decisive twang.

   Akyuu hovered in the air, petrified with horror. What had she done? Murder?! Is Nazrin dead?!

        She shook herself. Now's not the time! With a few powerful flaps of her wings she descended towards where the mouse lay in the dust by the riverside. The dirt around her was quickly soaking something dark and red, turning the colour of dead flowers and grass. Akyuu couldn't help but give a little gasp upon noticing that. As she approached she feared the worst. Please! Please reply to me! Please! Please be alive!

        Much to her surprise, she found her felled opponent...chuckling?

        She forgot. This was a fearsome youkai she was facing, not a frail little human. As long as the hitbox remains, she remembered Mystia telling her...

        Still, Akyuu didn't want to take any chances.

   "Go on. Kill me." Nazrin hissed, her smile as smug as ever.

   "B-Be quiet. You're already doing a good job of dying all by yourself." Akyuu said, urgently, kneeling by Nazrin and summoning up her healing powers. But it wasn't there. None of her flower powers were. There was only scarlet mist, furious and fierce. "W-what's so funny?" She demanded.

   "She's installed your shikigami OS on herself, the cheeky little fairy poop~♣" The voice said. "Killing her would destroy it. The only way you're getting it back is if she becomes your shikigami. But it also means she's a shikigami now. One without a mistress at that. Her magical powers are running at full without a mistress to draw energy from. Using a single spell would drain her magic dry and kill her. Either way, watch me care~♥"

   "Enough." Akyuu snapped as she felt her hand twitch by itself. "I feed on fear, including my own. But that's enough. I have nothing to be frightened of right now." She declared inwardly.

   "Oooh, my little princess has such sharp wits about her?~♪ As expected of my little princess~♥ Fufu, fine~♣" The voice seemed to give up, realizing that Akyuu had regained full control over herself. "I'll put off feasting on fresh flesh and live with those measly bits of lamprey for now, meanie meanie miser~♦" There was an indignant raspberry...then silence. Akyuu breathed a sigh of relief as she felt the fog lift from her mind.
   "....Little Kirrin..." Rin's voice finally returned. She sounded grave. Akyuu was about to apologize when Rin went on, "That was little miss instinct. You let her take control again, didn't you?" She probably just imagined it but Akyuu felt a twang of accusation in her voice, one that struck a discordant note in Akyuu's pride. Her apology was washed away in a little rush of anger. How dare she?! She was the one who let Akyuu down in the first place! Focus shift indeed! And there's more to little miss instinct, a lot more that Rin isn't telling her. She's not just some inbuilt survival mechanism. Akyuu had a bad feeling she was yet another being like Rin piggybacking on her mind. There was no way Rin didn't know who or what she was, but obviously she didn't feel Akyuu was worth telling. Such trust!

   The rising anger and indignation seethed within her. But Akyuu managed to swallow her rage along with her apology as well. "...not now, Rin." She muttered and left it at that. "You used up all your spellcards and I still struck you down. I won that danmaku duel." She put on her hardened boss-fight-dialogue self on again as she addressed Nazrin once more. "Honour the rules and I will let you live."

   "S-Sorry. Too busy dying." Nazrin coughed, grinning. "That cat. Just...don't feed me to it...when I'm done..."

   "Nyah!" Kuro mewed indignantly back, looking rather insulted.

   "You think you're clever, mouse?" Akyuu snapped. "You realize you now can't as much as fly without killing yourself? Is this really worth your life?"

   "W-Walking. I enjoy that m-more. Healthy. I'm sure I'll...I'll l-live long." The mouse chuckled.

   Why?! What is it?! Why can people simply throw away their lives like that?! Tokiko, now Nazrin too. What can be worth more than one's life?! Everything surged up all at once within her.

   "Your life is worth more than that disc!" Akyuu shouted, her boss fight exterior giving way. "Do you even know how difficult it is to be alive?! Do you know what some have to do to survive?! This...this isn't worth it!" Akyuu noticed the look of surprise on Nazrin's face. She felt something warm against her cheeks. It was tears. Her own. "I'm....I'm not letting you throw it away! I won't let you!" She cried, gathering her healing powers again. This time she felt the ethereal healing blossom gather and grow within her. The same ghostly dandelion bloomed in her cupped hands. With a desperate puff she blew the tufts into Nazrin.

   "Unique....You....really are..." Nazrin muttered, her expression one of disbelief, as she felt the pain dissolve in the tufts of light spiralling about her. "You...won't survive long that...." The little mouse slowly closed her eyes.

   "...Nazrin...!" Akyuu gasped, "Nazrin! Wake up!" She cried, shaking the mouse as the tears welled up again. "Nazrin!"

   "It's alright, little Kirrin. She's just passed out, sure has." Rin said, reassuringly.

   " that what it is?" Akyuu breathed a sigh of relief, feeling her heart settle back down. She wiped the tears on what's left of both her sleeves as she settled back. "...that's....that's a relief..." She breathed.

   "She's right about one thing little Kirrin." Rin said, "You won't survive long here thinking that way."

   "What would you have me do, Rin?" Akyuu asked, feeling the niggling anger well up again. "Kill every youkai I come across?"

   "Youkai kill each other everyday little Kirrin." Rin said, "Youkai have killed another for much less. She knew when she stole your flower that she was likely to be killed for it, sure did."

   "I wouldn't!" Akyuu almost shrieked, heatedly. "I'm not a murderer! I...." She remembered that feeling, the malice, the malevolence...the sheer joy of toying with her....her prey. She was going to kill her, she was going to revel doing it, and...and...s-she was...she was going to...e-e-eat...her?

   "Kyulp..." Akyuu felt herself double up on the ground, gagging, as she fought the urge to hurl into the river. She gasped, panting for breath. "R-R-Rin...w-what...what have I b-become...?"

   "A youkai." Rin answered, bluntly. "Look, little Kirrin, Rin's not saying you must kill. Rin's saying you need to be ready to. You need to be able to face battle with the intent to kill."

   "..." Akyuu was silent for a while. She grudgingly knew deep down that Rin was right. She didn't want to admit it.

   "Now, about letting little Miss Instinct..." Rin pressed her luck with the topic.

   "Oh, Maybelle and the Kirrin-half caught up." Akyuu was quick to resort to her usual abrupt topic changing. She wasn't going to have any of it, not right that moment. Otherwise she knew she'd say something she'd regret to Rin. She looked around at the blade still stuck in Nazrin. Best she didn't let Maybelle see this, she thought, guitily. With a wave of her hand and a command in her mind she dispelled it, letting it dissolve into tufts of scarlet mist. It was getting easier and easier, controlling her powers. The wound left behind was quick to begin knitting itself back together underneath the bloodied cloth.

   "Meeee!" Maybelle cried worriedly as she rushed down to Akyuu's side, wings fluttering nervously. She seemed about to tackle Akyuu in a tight hug but appeared to stop herself, blushing furiously. "M-Mee....R-Rin-ch-chama ish gud....?" She managed to ask.

   "Yes, I'm good, Maybelle." Akyuu forced a smile, struggling up onto her shaky knees. "I'm good..." She lied, petting Maybelle comfortingly.
   The Kirrin-half, meanwhile, helpfully picked up Nazrin by her cape in its mouth before swinging her bodily onto its back.

   "You're taking her back?" Rin asked. Akyuu was glad Rin picked up the hint and dropped the earlier subject.

   "Yes. She won't survive out here, not without her magic." Akyuu said, "It wouldn't be humane."

   "Youkai." Rin corrected.

   "Yes." Akyuu agreed, stubbornly. "It wouldn't be youkai." Rin seemed to give a sigh of exasperation at this.

BGM: Candid Friend Arrange by Senya:

   "It's not like the Kappa commune is the most dangerous place ever, sure isn't." Rin said.

   "You might want to rethink that." Akyuu pointed out, taking in her surroundings for the first time. The ravine walls and the river were wider, much wider here, forming a giant natural bowl surrounded by greenery. It was almost as wide as the human village. Many, many little houses of every imaginable shape were set into the ravine walls in complicated multi-layered terraces. Some towered, some were long and squat, but they all seemed to share some features. The roofs invariably shared hexagonal turtle-shell-like motifs, the doors and windows were all circular, they were all wooden and alive with many many shrubs, flowers even trees hugging every inch, and they all had water flowing down from them, all around them, through them even. Complex little canals ran through the terraces, each with beautiful waterfall outlets onto the next level below. Most of the houses had waterwheels jutting out into the canal nearest them. And just to make sure nobody mistook these for anything but kappa homes, each and every one bore marks of their inhabitant's industrious insanity. Randomly mishapen inventions littered the exterior of each house. It was perhaps to kappa what rosebushes and manicured lawns were to normal humans.

   But what struck Akyuu the most deserted and desolate it was. She knew the kappa were shy but to empty the entire village? And on closer inspection there were subtler disquieting signs. Some doors were hanging off one hinge. Some windows had been broken in. But if there had been a struggle at all, it wasn't much of one, seeing as the rest of the scene was undisturbed.

   "What happened here?" Akyuu thought out loud, feeling a little shiver of discomfort, "No wonder Mystia didn't find anyone to fix the hakkero yesterday. There's nobody here."

   "Looks like somebody beat you to destroying the place for once, little Kirrin." Rin said. "Nothing some floral wallpaper couldn't fix." Rin said, lightly, "Maybe a firebomb or two."

BGM: Isolated Doll's War, Dolls Judgement Orchestral Arrange by Kitsune Workshop -

   Akyuu's fluffy ears pricked up. It was distant, but it was there. Dull, heavy footsteps. Very heavy footsteps.

   "Meeee!" She felt Maybelle pull at the sleeve of her arm. She looked around at where the fairy was pointing frantically. She felt a chill at the sight. Shadows., silhouetted against the mist that obscured the other half of the ravine, roughly humanoid in shape, if humans towered 4 stories high. And not just one but three at least.

   And from the heavy footsteps, the shaking of the ground underfoot, they were approaching.

   "What are they?" Rin wondered out loud.

   "I'm not staying to find out." Akyuu decided, wisely. She was in no shape for another fight, especially with an unconscious Nazrin as well as Kuro and Maybelle around. She waved a hand, willing the Kirrin-half to take flight ahead of her. With her other hand she took hold of Maybelle's and leapt into the air, majestic wings flapping powerfully.

   Just in time too. The footsteps suddenly picked up in speed, alarmingly, almost unnaturally so. Nothing that big should be able to run that fast, Akyuu thought as sudden panic rose up. She pulled up, fighting for altitude as much as she could, pulling Maybelle after her.

   It was then when she caught sight of them as they burst forth from the mist behind them. They were massive. Everything from their menacing red eyes to their tree-trunk-like fists and hill-like feet screamed gigantic. And they were running. Those hill-like feet were actually running! And to top it all off they were actually gaining!

   She wasn't gaining altitude fast enough! They'll be on top of her soon! Both she and Maybelle! She thought. She thought as hard as she could. What could she do? There was no way she could fight! But at this rate, there was no escape either. Except.....except if....

   Akyuu spun around and gathered what little scarlet mist she had left. With an explosive burst of mist she sent more of her Akyuu mist clones out in every possible direction, praying with all her might that it'd work.

   She held her breath, holding tightly onto Maybelle, while hiding them both behind a screen of what scarlet mist remained.

   It did. It worked.

   Akyuu watched as the three giant dolls lumbered off in different directions, chasing after elusive mist clones. Relief filled her. Every receding footstep filled her with more. But she barely paused for breath as she flapped her wings once more, sending them both higher into the air, beyond the giants' grasp.

   "...Giant dolls?" Rin finally breathed out.

   "Goliath dolls." Akyuu said, barely stopping to look behind her. "I thought the last one was dismantled years ago."

   "Evidently not." Rin pointed out. "If anything they've spawned more. Well done getting away, little Kirrin."

   "The kappa....probably didn't." Akyuu muttered to herself. "The kappa were one of the few youkai allies that humans have here, the only ones we still traded with."

   "Probably why they got wiped out then." Rin said. "If whoever's behind this is bent on worsening human-youkai relations and stiffling the youkai economy then this was the ideal move to make."

   "Kyuuh..." Hungry youkai, youkai gangs, youkai not respecting danmaku duel rules, now an entire youkai village disappearing. And she had to solve all this? It was too much for one little Akyuu. Akyuu felt herself squeeze Maybelle's hand for comfort. She felt an encouraging squeeze in return.

   "Meee!" Maybelle said, putting on the most serious expression she could muster, which to Akyuu looked more like a look of cute constipation. "Rin-chama ish a gud gurl!"

   Akyuu couldn't help but smile, feeling some measure of courage return. Perhaps, perhaps for the sake of those like Tokiko and Maybelle, perhaps she can do it, just perhaps. "Thank you, Maybelle."

ED Theme: True Conclusion by RD Sounds -
« Last Edit: September 24, 2013, 07:07:06 PM by Gappy »


  • master of karate and friendship
  • Only Rumia can do it better.
Re: Ephemeral Light of a Cherry Coloured Innocence - Now With 100% More Fuwafuwa!
« Reply #37 on: September 20, 2013, 12:56:01 PM »

I just realize that if you take all the sexual subtext into account nazrin may have just sealed her fate as sex slave.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2013, 12:14:43 AM by Chocolate »
This is the last time I buy weed from Tiny Pete.
This is the last time I buy shrooms from Tiny Pete.

Re: Ephemeral Light of a Cherry Coloured Innocence - Now With 100% More Fuwafuwa!
« Reply #38 on: September 20, 2013, 03:17:25 PM »
Huzzah, the glorious 'kyuufest returns! :D

But lo, what is this, internal strife? A darker side come to light? The plot thickens! And 'tis grand!
« Last Edit: September 20, 2013, 03:19:33 PM by Yaersulf »


  • Still working on the Grimoire
  • It's all about devotion
Nazrin really is a bit of an intolerable bitch in this. Why would she put so much worth in a trinket that she likely can't use anyway, so much so that she stakes her life on it? It seems incredibly disloyal to Shou. Nazrin, Shou's faithful assistant, gets herself killed out of greediness, completely forgetting how much Shou needs her. Nazrin puts everything at stake out of greed, and rather kills herself than give up her loot.

And what, is the OS used up now? Is Akyuu stuck with Nazrin now? Sounds like a really sore deal. And how will Akyuu explain to Shou that her own assistant isn't hers anymore?

I'm curious to see how this mess gets resolved.

I love your story.

btw, what's happening to the Yokai economy is massive deflation, not inflation.
I have...a terrible need...shall I say the word?...of religion. Then I go out at night and paint the stars.


  • Oh...oh I was not ready for this.
  • It's only Logical....
Quote - Deep Forest Where The Dragon Sleeps, Mamizou's Theme Arrange by K2 Sound

   Ah, don't let the fire burn too low. My bamboo shoots are nowhere near sweet enough yet. You keep the fire going, I'll sprinkle some more sugar on it.

   Hmm? What sugar you ask? This sugar.

   ....what's that look for? Everyone always carries a bag of Kirrin-brand sugar on them. It's common sense.

   You don't? Really really? What would you ever do if you come across a delicious-looking huma-....snack thing on the road? You don't? You obviously don't get out enough, human. I mean, you live in the human village for Hina's sake. It's like living in a great big unlimited snack cupboard.

   ....what? You're giving me an even funnier look. I was talking about snack shops. All the good snack shops are there. What did you think I was talking about?

   Speaking of snacks is making me hungry. If the bamboo doesn't cook soon I might just have to snack on something....hmmm....something....

   ....what? No, I'm not sprinkling sugar on you. You're imagining things. It's just snowing. Yes, it's snowing in late spring. I wouldn't sprinkle sugar on you. You're sweet enough as it is. I know, I tasted.

   ....are you alright? Does that lamprey taste funny or something? Here, this one's done. Might taste better.


   ....are you...alright? You don't look too good....


   No! I didn't poison it! What are you accusing me of?! I would never ever poison anyone! Not when I could burn them. Or poke them. Or both! To death that is.

   Ah, you mean it's sweet.  Yes, off course it's sweet. What did you think sugar tasted like? Fairies? Well, yes, off course I added sugar to the lamprey. It's what everyone does!

   Good point. By everyone I mean everyone who is not you. And awesome.

   Hmm? You're offering it to me? Cause I'm hungry? Ah no, I really shouldn't have lamprey, thanks. You don't want to see me after I've had lamprey. It gives me...flagrance.

   What was that? I said it makes me fat earlier? Am I just avoiding eating meat, you ask? Ufufu, why do you ask? Did I not tell you I'm a fearsome youkai, wild and ferocious and rawr and all that? Does this not imply anything to you, human? Don't get too hopeful~

   Oh, what's that you're doing to the fire? Oooh, a spellcard. I am impressed, human. Yes, well done with kindling the fire. Yes, little fire, grow up big and strong and awesome like your dear mother....yes...

   Did you get that from the spellcard store in your village? Yes, I thought I recognized it. Kindle Sign「Noble Blaze」 is one of mine after all. Most of the Kindle Sign series is....except the few that are Maybelle's.

   So, any good with danmaku? You're decent, you say? Good for you. Your school has taught you well then. You'll never go wrong with a spellcard or two.

   Hmmm? Why did the pipsqueak bring spellcards to a claw fight you ask? Especially when danmaku's designed to level the playing field for humans and not youkai?

   That's an interesting question. Let me ask you then. Why did you use a spellcard to enkindle the fire just now? Because you're just too lazy to go get some firewood, you say? Well, same reason. Spellcards are spells for the lazy. Why drain a cow dry to get enough blood to scribble a hundred magical circles or chant yourself hoarse over a thousand incantations when you can flick out an easy spellcard? It saves time and effort. And in a fight that's all the difference between being on the receiving or giving end of hell.

   Nazrin is quite the clever one...maybe a little too clever at times. We're both beast youkai. It means we pack some serious punch in a head-to-head tumble but are a little lacking in the ranged department. Assuming we were both average beast youkai we'd simply catfight each other to a draw. Working off that assumption she decided to open with ranged attacks and gain an advantage first. Spellcards simply allowed her to cast spells without giving me the time to get within poking-range. Just as well for her. As you can easily gather, the battle would have been mine from the start if we had gone straight to fisticuffs from the start.

   Difficult to imagine, isn't it, a time when nobody abided by the spellcard rules? You know right now that you can easily challenge me to a spellcard battle and regardless of who wins you'd stop me from eating you. Ahem...hypothetically speaking, off course. The point is, you can feel at ease around me knowing that. Imagine not having that guarantee of safety. Exactly, no human would ever dare come within a fairy's throw of a youkai, let alone negotiate and trade. can put down your spellcard now. Someone's eyes might get put out. I should know. Last time my visitors did that poor Nazrin had to spend a whole night dowsing the front lawn for their eyes...and other bits more difficult to find.

   Hmmm? Oh, yes, I'm being sidetracked again. Speaking of Nazrin...

Chapter 8

Quote - Tiny Tiny Clever Commander Arrange by Hatagoya Spring

   Kirrin instincts...It's just like drinking, Akyuu decided. Everything from the irresistible temptation, the guilty first sip, the 'one more should be okay' that followed, the senseless sense of oni-like invincibility it came with, all the way to having as much control as a celestial on her period. It even came complete with a bout of bridge-princess level self-loathing on the trudge home after.

   She can claim a victory as much as Marisa can claim she owns the SDM library. Nazrin owned the battle from the start. Akyuu's win was a steal, one she had a suspicion was not entirely hers either. Despite having as much respect for spellcard rules as the shrinemaiden has for gods, Nazrin, a youkai, had chosen to open the fight against a fellow youkai with spellcards. Now on closer thought it was as orthodox for youkai as the concept of sobriety to oni. It had only just begun to sank on Akyuu what that meant. Nazrin had it all planned out, from drawing her into the tight confines of the Genbu Ravine to opening the fight with a deadly ground-and-air pincer pattern spellcard, all while never letting Akyuu get within a fairy's breadth of erhu-poking range. It was not the approach of an average youkai, it was one of a clever tactician. Akyuu simply overwhelmed her through brute force alone, a force she had as much control over as Hakugyokorou has on its fridge.

   But what really rounded off her self-loathing was that last fact - she only began to win once she gave into that feral murderous intent. She was out to kill Nazrin, and she even enjoyed it. Every bit of it. It was like drowning in a liquorice-like euphoria, thick, dark and sweet. And the fear. She could practically taste the fear pouring out of Nazrin. It was very....hellishly delicious, a taste that sent her into a trance-like ecstasy. Just the very thought of that wondrous pleasure made her mouth water, her body tremble, her tail and ears wag.

   All that mixing with the deep dark guilt sitting like a giant toad in her tummy made her feel sick with self-loathing. Now all she needed for completeness was the oni-like hangover.

   Speaking of hangovers, Rin had been strangely quiet throughout the journey back. Akyuu couldn't help but wonder if it was uncharacteristic guilt of her own or some sudden newfound Kirrin wisdom that was keeping Rin from raising the subject of her fellow stowaway. Akyuu herself couldn't help but err towards the former. It must be Rin's fault! She's to blame! Akyuu just wanted to survive. She needed to use those instincts. She....

   Ugh, down that road lies guilt city...

   Still! Rin must have known about little miss instincts! Rin didn't even bother warning her about it! It's all her fault! It must be! This silence must be her trying to think up a way to explain herself! It must be! Well, this had better be good! Because Hieda no Akyuu is not a lad-...youkai you can so easily cross, thank you very much!

   "You know..." Rin began. Akyuu held her breath. Here it was. Don't dissapoint me, Rin! "...Rin has it worked out. A hand in the bush is definitely worth all 3 chicks. And then some." Rin said, sagely.

   Akyuu had to fight not to facefault straight into the snow. This was a considerable feat, considering she had enough weighing down on her as it was with a tiny commander over one shoulder, a bucketful of lamprey under another.

   Rin! I expected more of you! Why do you have to be so...Rin!

   The little Kirrin couldn't help but sigh, shaking her head. All the pent up tension and anger seemed to slowly dissolve. She simply couldn't help it. She couldn't stay angry at Rin, at least not this once. It was like trying to be angry at a stubbornly cute giant panda for being big and heavy. She just couldn't help being...well...Rin, all incurably adorable and obliviously lovable to least for an obnoxiously nonsensical voice in one's head.

   Then again, she only had two to judge from. The other she just learned was a murderous psychopath. But let's not think about that right now, she thought to herself.

   It's alright, she told herself. It'll all be alright. Yes, stay calm, be the mature one. She's supposed to be over a millenia old mentally, so she should act it. Rin has done right by her so far. She wouldn't intentionally place her in harm's way. Besides, her own survival relies on Akyuu's too.

   Now, more importantly, Akyuu's own survival relies on sneaking back into Mystia's camp as quietly and stealthily as she can before her nightsparrow boss notic-....

Quote - Lost Place, the Sealed Away Youkai Arrange by Floating Cloud


   Akyuu froze mid-step.

   "Nein, there's no point pretending to be a tree either, Sch?tzchen."

   "Oh....hello, e-elder s-schwester Mystia-san...." Akyuu squeaked, turning about face snappily to face her boss. Meanwhile one arm unceremoniously dropped the mouse youkai behind her, the other reached forwards with the bucketful of lamprey in an attempt at a token bribe, "Lamprey?" She asked while mounting a valiant but futile attempt at inconspicuously kicking the mouse under the bush behind her.

   "What did I tell you about bringing home food from outside, Sch?tzchen?" Mystia asked, nudging the mouse on the ground with her own foot, her face bearing all the amusement of a mistress seeing a kitten bring home her first mouse, literally. "Is this even hygienic?"

   "...does it count if she's knocked out?" Akyuu ventured hopefully, her fluffy ears very visibly drooping, tail low between her legs. She was silently grateful she had sent off Maybelle with some sweet riceballs and some parting pettings. She had enough to explain to Mystia and Kagerou without Maybelle being there to helpfully add that she was a good stalker.
   "I guess it's consensual if she can't say no?" Kagerou contributed, sauntering up to join them.

   "That's 'knocked up', RouRou." Mystia pointed out, her eyes critically noting how both Akyuu and Nazrin's clothes looked as if they had taken the scenic route through the hell of blazing fires without any sun screen or common sense for that matter. "So either you two had a rather hot catfight or you both decided to have a staring contest with the hell raven. Which ist es?" She asked, eyebrow raised and arms crossed in a maternal equivalent of a military demonstration of force.

   "She started it!" Akyuu said, aiming a digit at Nazrin for blame emphasis.

   "And yet you took her home?" Mystia's eyebrow rose by a few more millimetres.

   "Spoils of war, pillage, women, food, all in one." The wolf said, grinning. "The cool girls do it all the time."
   "What she said." Akyuu nodded emphatically in agreement again, aiming a digit at Kagerou for further emphasis. It took her a moment longer to properly process what Kagerou said, another to regret it. "W-wait, what...?"

   "Liebe at first sight, was it? Ah, wunderbar..." Mystia sighed. Kagerou gave a perfunctory wolf-whistle.

   "N-not what you said!" Akyuu was quick to deny, her face burning like a miniature hakkero.

   "Heeeh....why else do people bring girls home?" Kagerou grinned, teasingly. "Play chess?"

   " it too late to choose the we-had-a-staring-contest option?" Akyuu sighed in defeat.

   "Na, I can't really afford to feed a third hungry pet though." Mystia muttered, scratching the back of her head.

   "We don't eat that much!" Both Kagerou and Akyuu retorted.

   "So you don't have a problem with being pets?" Mystia sweatdropped massively.

   "I just want to tend to her wounds until I can get her on her way again." Akyuu said, quickly.

   "You beat people to a pulp so you can nurse their wounds?" Mystia shook her head, "You really are a strange one, Sch?tzchen."

   "Eh, different strokes for different folks." Kagerou shrugged. "We're an open and tolerant society." She nodded at Akyuu's clothes, "I mean, if we can tolerate her streaking we can tolerate anything."

   "Naaa, what are we going to do with you, Sch?tzchen?" Mystia sighed to herself again. Only then did Akyuu properly take a look at herself. Her clothes, or what charred remains still clinging to her body still qualified as clothes, were guarding her decency about as efficiently as the scarlet devil mansion doorguard.

   Kagerou gave another wolf whistle.

   "Was that really a necessary contribution to the discussion, RouRou?" Mystia asked, tetchily.

   "It is. I'm a wolf." Kagerou retorted.

Quote - Extend Ash Arrange by Sound Holic
   "Came at a bad time?" Another voice joined the conversation. Akyuu almost leapt out of what was left of her yukata. Another voice? She turned around quickly to face its owner. She breathed a sigh of relief as she noticed the owner, at least, had a body, and that she hadn't somehow spawned a third disembodied voice in her head. The fact that it was a human one, a female one at that, was a bonus.

   Mystia, on the other hand, was anything but relieved at the appearance of the newcomer. In fact, her face was turning the very colour of her hair. "Mouuu...You're here early. W-We're not ready for deliveries, you know." She muttered, very visibly fidgeting, her voice suddenly becoming quiet and high-pitched at the same time. 

   Wait? 'Mouuu'?

   Akyuu could tell Mystia had the word 'nonchalant' in her mind, maybe even 'breezy' or 'blas?'. But what it translated to in her mouth was anything but. And the knowing grin of sheer amusement on Kagerou's face only confirmed Akyuu's suspicion. It was all she could do to stop herself from mirroring her grin.

   Akyuu looked around at the culprit. It was difficult to take in the new arrival all at once. To do so properly would require her to take a few steps back, maybe even get a stepladder. She was tall, incredibly so, almost two heads more so than Akyuu. A baggy pair of fire-red trousers, a pair of well worn heavy duty leather boots and a plain white shirt, all unkempt and darned in places with colourful charms, were her seemingly-reluctant compromise to the fashion department. But on looking further up (and straining her neck doing so) an almost surreal beauty seemed to slowly bleed into the picture. Finest strands of silky straight silver-blonde hair cascaded in a gleaming waterfall over well toned curves. And hiding underneath the swaths of perfect hair was a face that glowed with abundant youth, featuring sharp, ruby-red eyes, thick set eyebrows and a serene smile exuding a gentle, boyish charm. Still, there was something about her eyes, about how the shadows formed on her face, that suggested a wealth of experience, a rugged maturity of sorts.

   And charms. Paper charms. Lots of it. Everywhere. On her clothes, tied in her hair, simply everywhere.

   It was a figure Akyuu knew well, often even an object of secret envy. There were none closer to her adopted mother than, perhaps, this person. It bothered Akyuu at times that there was a side to her adopted mother she never got to see, one that was almost entirely this woman's monopoly. But still, Keine seemed happiest when she had the pleasure of her companionship, so it was something Akyuu readily forgave. Akyuu would always silently worry for Keine, knowing how short-lived this woman would be compared to Keine's youkai lifespan. Surely Keine knew this well, poor poor Keine.

   Despite how often she saw them together, she knew very little about this woman. What little she knew was what she had in her mental copy of the chronicle. One Fujiwara no Mokou, bamboo forest watchguard, health nut and fried chicken stand owner. Not to mention a closet ninja, something she kept concealed from Akyuu oh so very carefully, just like a true ninja (But Akyuu knew better! Nothing escapes the Hieda eye!). In short, a very, very strange human. And from the looks of the big sack of charcoal on her back, charcoal supplier too.  She made a mental note to update the chronicle entry with this when.....oh...never mind.

   " Really?" Rin asked, reading the mental entry on Mokou over Akyuu's mental shoulder. "....Ninjas don't wear red or orange." She pointed out.

   "You're behind the times, Rin. All ninjas do that these days. Nobody expects it." Akyuu said inwardly, nodding sagely all the while.

   There was something about Mokou, about her calmly caring exterior, her silently suffering nature, about her selfless self-neglect, that drew the maternal sort to her. It was like homing amulets for Keine and Mystia's hearts. She simply couldn't blame them. Still, despite Akyuu's suspicions, if Keine had feelings for Mokou, she kept them as well hidden as Mokou kept her ninjahood. Mystia's feelings, on the other hand, were about as hidden as Unzan's hitbox.

   Apparently it was not too uncommon, relationships between two girls, or so Akyuu heard. This was especially true amongst the youkai. It was a rather strange concept to her but not an absurd one, just like eating her carrots and broccoli.

   "Too busy for the charcoal, Okamisty-san*?" Akyuu didn't miss the mischievous twinkle in the tall girl's eyes. "Haa, maybe another day then." She sighed in obvious mock disappointment, making a dramatic gesture of turning around to take her leave.

*Okamisty-san: A portmanteau of 'Okami' which means 'proprietress'/'manager' and 'Misty' short for Mystia.

   "W-wait! Mokou! D-don't go! N-not yet, I-I mean. N-nein, what I mean is...this...that..." Mystia faltered, fidgeting like a bomb waiting to explode. Her face, at least, looked the part. This was all the confirmation Akyuu needed.

   "What the boss meant is she can rearrange our very, very busy schedule and make an allowance for you and your charcoal just this once." Akyuu said for her, smoothly.

   "Like always." Kagerou added, grinning wide, giving Akyuu an approving nudge.

   "Ja, what they said!" Mystia squeaked, smiling a watery smile. 

   "Haa, good, good." Mokou nodded amicably, setting down her bag of charcoal and taking a seat at the stall. Akyuu couldn't help but note that despite there being snow atop the bag of charcoal, Mokou herself was perfectly dry and snowless.

   "J-just a m-moment, I-I'll f-fix you s-something gut." Mystia said, ending on a rather high-pitched squeak, as she dashed behind the cart. "I-I'll a-also p-pay you, s-soon, p-p-promise."

   "No rush. The meals are more than enough." Mokou said, waving her hand dismissively. "So, you're a fire user?" She turned and nodded at Akyuu.

   "Is it that obvious...?" Akyuu smiled sheepishly, the fire about her horns dimming a little.

   "Haa, pain isn't it, clothes not keeping up with you?" Mokou said, sympathetically. "Used to have the same problem myself."

   Akyuu had always suspected Mokou was in some way superhuman. Ordinary humans don't regularly fight off youkai or give away dessert at dinner. Now her words confirmed it for her. Now Akyuu couldn't help but wonder, is she more like Marisa or more like Sanae and Reimu?

   "So you're asking is she more a thief or a beggar or both?" Rin asked. "That's harsh."

   "Not easy asking your opponent to wait while you strip before a fight." Mokou went on to say. "And let's not begin on the awkward misunderstandings." Mystia seemed to blush quite visibly at this.

   "Must've made for one heck of a hot distraction though." Kagerou grinned. "Hot? Get it? Anyone?"

   A sympathetic tumbleweed tumbled across the windswept snow.

   "Wait, you said 'Used to'?" Akyuu asked, absentmindedly patting the sobbing wolf bent over in the snow in despair.

   "Yeah, used to, till the BlackWhite came up with these." Mokou said, gesturing at herself. This was followed by a short pause as her audience looked her up and down in search of the 'these'.

   "Suspenders?" Mystia asked, finally.

   "....pants?" Akyuu ventured, uncertain.

   "Boobs." Kagerou snapped a finger triumphantly. "Amirite? Yeah, I am so right. Wait, that means the Black White sells boobies? Hah, there might be hope for you yet, Fluffy!"

   The sympathetic tumbleweed tumbled back the other way.

   "We give up." Akyuu said, ignoring the howling wolf being mobbed by a pack of kittens.

   "It wasn't a guessing game to begin with..." Mokou chuckled, "It's the charms." She said, pointing out the paper charms adorning her clothes and hair.

   "They make your clothes fireproof?" Akyuu asked.

   "Sort of...but why don't you try them yourself?" Mokou suggested, "Tell you what. Happen to have bought some spare charms from the Black White's shop today." She said, bringing forth a wad of paper charms from her pocket, not unlike the ones plastered all over herself. "Have some. Don't really get it but in practice keeps'em from catching fire and makes'em regenerate when you do. Saves on laundry and new clothes."

   "Oh, thank you so much." Akyuu said, gratefully accepting the gift.

   "Don't mention it." Mokou gave another dismissive wave of her hand. "Always glad to help Okamisty-san and her friends."

Quote - Eastern Dream Arrange by Floating Cloud

   " Sch?tzchen, go out back and put them on your dress." Mystia said, bustling past Akyuu with Akyuu's full lamprey bucket. "Oh, and you can keep your new pet. I'll give you some extra power drops until she gets better." Mystia whispered aside, seemingly grateful for the hand earlier.

   "Y-you d-don't have to." Akyuu stammered, suddenly blushing again.

   "It's alright. The sooner she recovers, the sooner she can get on her way." Mystia said. "Now, run along."

   Akyuu could tell Mystia wanted to have a quiet chat with Mokou, seeing as she pulled Kagerou out from underneath the kitty-dogpile and sent her off to grudgingly set out the tables and chairs. Akyuu was more than happy to oblige...provided she got to eavesdrop.

   "Cheeky." Rin intoned.

   "She might have news on Keine, that's all." Akyuu hissed inwardly as she went to pick up Nazrin. She still marvelled at how easily she could swing around a youkai her size onto her shoulder as easily as . As a human she could hardly move her snack cabinet by herself, at least not without emptying it first*.

*Furniture rearrangement happens a lot in the Hieda household. The snack cabinet changes location every week. Visitors are told it is moon-based Feng Shui. Those who know Akyuu know it is more appetite-based interior design than anything.

   She set Nazrin down on a convenient bench behind the cart, made the little mouse comfortable with a rug and blanket, before setting herself to industriously eavesdroppi-....applying charms to her dress.

   "Can't stay for long. Needed back in the village tonight." She heard Mokou say. Three cheers for fluffy ears! Three cheers for the sharpness of youkai hearing!

   "Oh, urgent?" Mystia seemed to have regained some composure, at least voice-wise. Good for her.

   "Yes. It's a wake. For the daughter of a best friend." The temperature dropped a few degrees.

   "Way to read the atmosphere, casanova." Rin rolled her eyes. Akyuu couldn't help but sigh in agreement.

   "Oh...." Mystia seemed at a loss at how to react, "...the chronist girl, frau Hieda." She finished lamely.

   "Yes, her." Mokou confirmed

   "Stop butting into everything, little Kirrin." Rin muttered.

   "I can't help being dead. Can you?" Akyuu sighed, cradling her face in her palm.

   "Yes Rin can. That's why Rin's here in your head." Rin replied.

   "Get your own." Akyuu hissed back.

   "There aren't any with enough empty space." Rin shrugged.

   "You take up too much space." Akyuu retorted. "Now shush."
   "Poor girl. Don't even have a body to bury. The coffin'll be empty." Mokou said.

   "Poor girl..." Mystia echoed.

   "Give it back." Rin said.

   "Be quiet." Akyuu muttered. "This is a very serious conversation."

   "How is the school teacher taking it?" Mystia asked, her voice full of concern. Akyuu's fluffy ears stood at attention at the mention of the name. She held her breath for the answer. The pause seemed to drag on forever.

   "Oh, Black-White, when did you appear?" When Mokou did finally speak up again, she seemed glad for a convenient change of topic. Akyuu almost cursed Marisa for turning up at the worst possible time.

   "Oh, at arounds 'Mouu, y-you're here early'." Marisa said, offhandedly, doing an almost perfect imitation of Mystia.

   Correction, perhaps the second worst possible, Akyuu thought to herself. She guiltily felt some measure of relief that she wasn't Mystia at that very moment.

   "M-M-M-MARISA!" Mystia cried helplessly. Akyuu could only imagine her face.

   "Okamisty-san is shy enough as it is. Best not to tease her too much." Mokou said.

   There was a laugh from Marisa at this. Akyuu could hear Kagerou put a table down a little too violently in the distance. She herself couldn't help but ram her palm into her face hard in silent agreement. That confirmed it. Mokou is the clueless insensitive airhead type. Poor Keine. Poor Mystia.

   "What're you doing all the way out in the middle of nowhere, Black-White?" Mokou asked. "Surely the only thing to 'borrow' out here is time?"

   "Hahah, coming from yous that's pretty funnies ze." Marisa laughed good-naturedly, "I'm being a good girls todays ze, gathering medicines for the peoples and stuffs."

   Wait...if Marisa's here, that means....

Quote - Road To The Moon Arrange by Floating Cloud

   A chill ran down her spine, running all the way down to her fur now standing on end. She looked around in terror, eyes darting about in panic. Right? Left? No, neither. She turned her Kirrin senses on full.

   "Eeee~n! Fuwafuwa-chaaaa~n!" A voice called out growing louder at an alarmingly fast rate.

   Above! Akyuu reflexively dove forwards onto the ground in a valiant attempt to roll away to safety. Sure enough, something dove after her from the stall's rooftop. "Eeee~n! Fuwafuwa heart-seeker attaaaack!" Unfortunately for Akyuu, she was on the receiving end of a fluffy-guided youkai homing missile.

   "Kyuuuuu!" Akyuu gave out one last cry of desperation before she was smothered by an angelic glomp-meteor from heaven.

   "Flufffyyyy~!" A pair of nimble hands were quick to apply themselves to Akyuu's helpless tail while a pair of surprisingly powerful legs entwined themselves about the rest of her downed form, pinning her mercilessly.

   "KYUUUUUH!" Akyuu could only squeak helplessly as her futile struggle seemed to only entangle herself with her assailant even more.

   "Eee~n! It's a match!" The little creature applying itself luxuriously onto Akyuu cried triumphantly. Akyuu just about managed to catch a glimpse of the little figure clinging onto her holding out a familiar little notebook, one that bore a sample of her fur on its open page. "Found you, Fuwafuwa-chaaa~n!" Ah, so it was for remembering who Akyuu was, how fascinating, the little Kirrin thought, for the briefest moment, before resuming panicking.

   "RouRou! Go pour some cold water over those two!" Mystia called out.

   "Why me, Yamadammit?!" Kagerou shouted back in exasperation. "Just neuter one of them! Or hell, both!"

   "20 Yen bonus!" Mystia shouted back.

   "30!" Kagerou bargained.


   "Deal! Hey, Goldilocks, wanna chase some tail? Look over here!"


   "What just happened?" Mokou asked aside, watching with mild concern as the big bad wolf ran for dear life, a little girl in red quite literally on her tail.

   "Young loves ze~" Marisa grinned.

   "Mein life." Mystia could only sigh in exhaustion, rubbing a dull throb in her temple.

   "500 yen." The nightsparrow said, hand held out, palm up.

   "Oh, that's not too bad. Might still have some spare changes left overs from my last visit to Suika's ze..." Marisa said, reaching into the utility pack strapped to the side of her belt and drew out a purple crescent-moon-shaped purse.

   "...per minute." Mystia added.

   "..." Marisa froze, dropping her* purse in shock. Mystia caught it smartly out of the air and whisked it whole into her cash register in one neat swoop. "Wha...wait!" Marisa gasped, "H-how is hugging your fluffy mascot maid worth 500 yen per minute?!" She demanded, pointing a disbelieving finger at Akyuu who was once again sitting at the front of the stall squirming in the loving arms of one Ellen Fuwafuwatama Aureus.

   *Considering this is Kirisame Marisa, even calling it her purse may be an exaggeration.

     "Yeah, it should be worth more!" Ellen chirped helpfully.

     "Ellen, very helpfuls ze. Now, shut up." Marisa muttered, "That's way more expensives than last times ze! You just made it up didn't yous?!"

   Mystia calmly raised a finger to indicate the menu that hung from the stall's awning. There, alongside terriyaki eel and eel flamb? was 'Fuwafuwa Mofumofu ChuuChuu Refilling - 500 yen per minute'.

   "Oh...." Marisa blinked. "That's fine then." She said, settling down for all of an entire second. "Like the Tanuki's butt it's fine!" She snapped, slamming a hand down on the table.

   "Na, put it this way, spend enough today and I might overlook your tab." Mystia said, offhandedly.

   "Ergh...." Marisa winced, before pouting with her chin cradled in one hand. "...can't you at least gimme a little loaner?"

   "What? Let you borrow more?" Mystia asked, "You realize you'd run out of space in your will at this rate."

   "...tch..." Marisa managed to extend her pout.

   "Hahahah. Ah, never a dull moment here." Mokou laughed amicably, "Might have to order this Fuwamoumouchu refilling thing myself." She said, swirling her cup of tea idly.

   There was a crash, followed by the rattling and clanking of a pile of pots and pans sliding down an avalanche of crockery, ending in the compulsory plink plink plink of a lagging teaspoon. Akyuu, Kagerou and Marisa couldn't help but wince as they peered over the counter's edge at the nightsparrow now buried under half the kitchen.

   "Oh, are you alright, Okamisty-san?" Mokou asked, joining them in peering over the edge.

   "N-Nein! Y-you-c-can't, I-I'm-n-not-m-mentally-prepared, n-not l-like this. I-I w-want to at least d-date first...and...stuff...b-but to p-pay f-for it...s-so forward...y-you d-dont n-need t-to pay...I-I-Imean it's on-t-the house...I-I mean I-I'm n-not that kind of girl...n-no, I do want to, I-I just d-don't w-want you to youknowIdontknowmaybeIdoaaaaaaaa..." Incoherent muffled babbling wafted up from somewhere underneath the massive pile of pots and pans.  Akyuu and Kagerou could only share a defeated look.

   "She's alright, she's just doing the inventory." Akyuu was quick to respond, "She speaks to herself often when she does." She nodded at Kagerou. "Sempai!"

   "Yeah, yeah, don't worry, I'll help her with the 'inventory'." Kagerou said, rolling her eyes as she leapt behind the stall counter. "Not like there's any helping anything else..." She muttered under her breath.

   "Don't work yourself too hard, Okamisty-san." Mokou said, before turning to peer at Akyuu once more. "Haa, see you've put on the charms. Good, good." Mokou nodded approvingly at Akyuu's dress, now bearing the Kirisame brand charms.

   "Oh, you gave hers my patented explosive charms No. 3117 ze." Marisa said. "Good choice daze."

   "....explosive charms?" Akyuu blinked, suddenly regretting something massively.

   "Quick, Fluffy, strip!" Kagerou said, barely stiffling a mischievous giggle.

   "Eee~n! Eeee~n! I can help!" Ellen was quick to offer. Akyuu's hands stopped halfway towards the hem of her dress, realizing in time that taking the dress off might be just as deadly as keeping it on.

   "Yep, explosives daze." Marisa grinned, not helping.

   "Come now, BlackWhite." Mokou said, laughing, "Stop pulling the poor newborn's leg. Don't worry, kid, it's just the name." She smiled reassuringly.

   "Why does the name have 'explosive' anywhere near it?" Akyuu demanded, eyeing the charms covering her with newfound dread.

   "Oh, originally designed'ems to be explosive charms for controlled demolition use ways back when Rika was trying to build some railway things into the undergrounds." Marisa explained, taking a sip of her tea. "They're supposed to explode and regenerate repeatedlies as long as you give'em magics, but ended up only doing the regenerating bits. Also turned outs to regenerate things its stuck tos. Wuld've gone and continued developments but RikaRika suddenly upped and vanished without paying mes a single pennies." Marisa sighed. "Probably went off chasin' some other antique overgrown rust buckets and forgot all 'bouts its ze."
   "....they're not going to suddenly start exploding then?" Akyuu asked anxiously.

   "Hasn't yet." Marisa sighed, looking both disappointed and hopeful at the same time.

   "Yet?!" Akyuu squeaked.

        "Yeppers." Marisa nodded, "Let me know if they dos, 'kays?" She said, looking hopeful, a look Akyuu didn't like one bit.

   "Take it from me, they're quite safe." Mokou said, "Been wearin'em for a while now."

   "Safe for you, maybe." Kagerou said, quietly.

   Akyuu was busy weighing what was worse between wearing a potential timebomb or not wearing anything at all during battle when Mokou interrupted, "Speaking of the dress....that symbol on the back looks familiar." She nodded at the symbol on the back of Akyuu's dress resembling a yellow rising sun with 3 rays spreading outwards from the centre, partially hidden underneath Akyuu's long silky hair.

   "Now that you mentions it, it does ze." Marisa nodded in agreement.

   "It looks just like the hell raven's symbol." Mokou said.

   "Yeah, that's it, the one that appears everywheres when she's about to make you go booooms." Marisa nodded in agreement.

   "Not a good one to be wearing at the moment." Mokou said, suddenly wearing a sombre look. "That hell raven's leading the resistance against the Youkai Empress in the Ancient Capital."

   "Hahahah, the hell ravens? Leading a resistance?" Marisa suddenly broke out in laughter. "Isn't 'resistance' three syllables too much for hers?"

   "She's still wanted by the Empress, regardless." Mokou said.

   "Who isn't?" Marisa said.

   "You." Kagerou said. "Nobody wants you."

   "For high treason." Mokou added.

   "Treason implies loyalty in the first place." Marisa said.

   "What does high tree-son mean?" Ellen asked.

   "It's where sons get hangeds from really high trees." Marisa said, knowingly. "When they run out they start using daughters...." She said, ominously.

   "Eeen....Marisa-en knows everything." Ellen said, thoughtfully. "Good thing we have plenty of trees then. I don't want stuff hung from me. They'd tangle when flying, like my hair."

   "Speaking of familiar and bounties, your head looks like it's worth a lots ze." Marisa suddenly said, nodding at Akyuu.

   "K-kyuuh?!" Akyuu squeaked. "W-what do you mean?"

   "Oh, those wanted posters." Mokou nodded, "All over the human villages right now. Now that you mention it, the resemblance..." Mokou said, looking at Akyuu closely. " uncanny..."

   Akyuu shrunk uncomfortably, wishing she could simply disappear as squirmed deeper into Ellen's embrace in a vain struggle to hide herself, much to Ellen's approval.

   "The Blood Red Cappricious Moons." Marisa nodded, "Wanted for the murders of poor little Akyuu-chans and the kidnapping of all the village childrens."

   Akyuu visibly shrunk even further. Ellen became visibly happier.

   "Except the bounty's frozen." Mokou added, "Reimu demanded it be rescinded."

   "Yeah. If only it was still worth something I'd have you to take aways ze." Marisa grinned. Akyuu couldn't help but shiver at her longing gaze. "Reimus had to be a spoilsports and declare her super duper S-Class dangerous, flee-on-sight order, bounty's just gonna feed Satsuki Rins with fodder, blah blah blah." Marisa sighed, "Just cause she got her butts handed her to hers doesn't mean we gonnas, right?"

   " very nice of that tsundere miko, gathering all that fear for us..." Rin said.

Quote - Legend of Hourai Arrange by C-Clays

   "But if it's true then she's incredibly powerful. The RedWhite isn't the least bit a pushover." Mokou said, thoughtfully, "The youkai are talking 'bout her too. Word is she summoned the dragon lord down to the youkai mountain. People say they've seen it roaming the forests."

   "Dragon Lord...." Rin murmured, gleefully, " don't say..." Akyuu could only resist the temptation to shove her palm into her face.

   "Probably just the giant toad ze." Marisa laughed, nervously. "Happens all the time with the excitable folk, like back with that giant kappa balloon thing."

   "Yeah, they also said she was the one who burned down the entire Untrodden Valley." Kagerou joined in the nervous laughter, "No youkai's able to blow up half a river and it's surroundings and st...." She seemed to pause for a moment. Akyuu looked up at her wolf friend, noticing the pause in her voice. For the briefest moment she thought she saw Kagerou staring at her. "*Cough*! *Hack*! *Wheeze*!" Kagerou coughed, leaning onto the stall counter for support, "Sorry *Cough* hairball..." Just her imagination, perhaps?

   "...just starting to remember, the stories Keine used to tell." Mokou suddenly said, "The legends of the goddess of youkai."

   "...sounds familiar." Marisa murmured, "Isn't that what the Empress is calling herself? Hahah, lemme guess, the Blood Red Moon's calling herself thats?"

   "No. The youkai are." Mokou said. "The ones who care to chat anyway."

   "Hahah. Looks like the two might have to toss for its ze." Marisa said.

   "It's one thing to claim it. It's another thing entirely to summon the actual dragon lord." Mokou said. "The legend told of an all-powerful youkai, one who heralds the return of the dragon god."

        "Oh, the one where she returns as a youkai newborn?" Kagerou said.

        "That would explain the Empress' bounty on all newborns." Mystia said.

        "Pretty sure the legend said it would be a human-child." Mokou said.

        "....huh, suddenly the kidnappings of human childrens makes sense ze." Marisa said, taking a sip of her sake. "Looks like the Empress is taking this legend thing seriously." She scoffed.

       "These days it's difficult not to." Mokou said.

       "Hahah, something like that...." Marisa laughed, though with just a hint of uncertainty.

   "When hope fails and despair reigns, when shadow falls and light wanes," Mystia suddenly sang slowly, in a soft, hushed voice, as if frought by a sudden inspiration. "When the land wails in misery and pain....forth, from a bloom of blaze and gale, rise, from a mist of hale and sorrow," Mystia chanted a slow dirge-like tune, almost whisperingly. "One lady, crowned with fire, robed in fear and blazing wings. One deity, with fiery lyre in hand she sings, to her summons the Dragon lord appears. One mother, raising her loyal legion to wash the land of tears."

   A silence followed as Mystia finished. Nobody wished to be the first to admit to shivering with goosebumps.

   "....hahah, just a fairytales daze." Marisa finally laughed, though her pitch betrayed her anxiety. Everyone around seemed to breathe a sigh of relief at someone, anyone, breaking the silence.

   "Hahah, doubt the goddess of all youkai would be serving tea at a lamprey stand." Kagerou said, laughing just as nervously.

   "Doubt the 'big bad frickin' wolf' would be either." Mystia muttered, darkly.

   "I-I didn't mean anything by t-that, boss..." Kagerou said, meekly.

   "I don't mean anything by cutting your bonus either." Mystia said, offhandedly.

   "ROUUUUUUU!" The wolf wailed.

Quote - Starry Sky, Capital City of Flowers in the Sky Arrange by Yonder Voice

   The night wore on, bringing with it more snow and cold, but not customers. The only thing thicker than the snow was the darkness. The clouds saw to it that not a single sparkle of starlight saw the earth. The darkness seeped out from the forest around them, flooding the little clearing, besieging the little encirclement of light that was Mystia's stall, threatening to smother it. But the crackling of the charcoal embers and the bright chatter more than proved stalwart defenders against the dark.

   Akyuu leaned back against the back wall of the stall as she peered up absentmindedly at the darkness above. 'What am I doing here? Where do I go next?' The thoughts seemed to gnaw at her as she realized it was already her 3rd day staying with Mystia. She was still nowhere closer to resolving the incident. If anything, it was only growing more and more complicated. The youkai kidnapping children, the food and power drop shortage, the clans extorting lone youkai, now the whole kappa village gone and giants running amock? Where should she start?

   The answer, however, felt about as clear as the night sky. She sighed, letting out a little puff of thick white steam as she looked down at the little girl she was accompanying, the self-proclaimed Fluffy Ellen, who was industriously drawing lines in the snow with a twig. Ellen had gotten tired of the drinking and talking and had decided to find other means of entertainment. Unfortunately any form of entertainment for Ellen seemed to include Akyuu in one form or another, even if it were just her company.

   Akyuu decided to shake off the thoughts and occupy herself with straining her ears to catch the conversation at the front of the stall, hoping to find out even the slightest bit more about the situation outside, especially at the village. Luckily enough, she didn't have long to wait.

   "Not drinking much tonight?" Akyuu heard Mystia ask. There was a clink of a sake cup being pushed back across the counter, presumably Marisa's.

   "Nah, I need ta fly back to the village ze. Need to get back early. Not gonna drink'n'fly." Marisa said. "Sides, can't be drunk at a wake. Would be disrespectful and such."

   "You're going to the wake too?" Mokou asked.

   "Yeppers." Marisa said. "She was a close friend. Only person in Gensokyos who was never stingy with mes. Need to pay my last respects and stuffs. But more importantly, need to back up Reimus."

   "Oh, yes....helping her keep a lid on things, suppose." Mokou said, her tone taking a darker edge.

   "Hah, yes." Marisa muttered. "A hero's funeral indeed..."

   "A hero's funeral?" Mystia asked, bewildered.

   "Yeah, that's what she's getting." Mokou said. "For sacrificing herself to save the children."

   Mystia must have noticed a look on Mokou's face as she replied,  "You...don't approve?"

   "No, don't like it, cause it's the SSG* that turned it into one." Mokou said, gravely. "Turning the poor girl into a martyr, their poster girl in their recruitment campaign."

   *Secret History Society of Gensokyo: A canonical group of anti-youkai human supremacists that believe in a Gensokyo free of youkai. Source: Bohemian Archive in Japanese Red.

   Akyuu's face visibly darkened at the mention of the name. Her little fists tightened until her knuckles turned the colour of the snow around them, what snow resisted being turned to steam around her feet.

   "Are they...really planning on going to war with the youkai?" Mystia asked.

   "If anyone on the human side will, it's thems." Marisa muttered. "Knowing them they'd probably set ups a recruitment desks at her doorsteps. Not like they're having any difficulty recruiting at alls at the moments."

   "Yes, Hieda-san's death has finally convinced the fence-sitters and softened the nay-sayers." Mokou said.

   "Are you alright, little Kirrin?" Rin asked, noticing the little column of steam rising around the incandescent little youkai.

   "I...I didn't mean for happen..." Akyuu muttered.                                              

        "Don't take it too hard, little Kirrin. You're not to blame." Rin said, soothingly.

    "I'm not." The little sage growled. "...They killed Tokiko's mother. Now they're using me...and walking all over Keine's feelings..." The red sheen burned at the edges of her vision again, threatening to consume her with rage. The SSG....They will burn. In fire. Burn and burn and burn some more. They and all their bigoted brethren. The fires of all seven hells would not be enough. No, she would make them drink the hourai elixir so she could burn them for all eternity and a day, and...and...

   "Mew~?" She felt the familiar comforting feeling of Kuro licking her cheek with concern. The red sheen, almost drowning out her sight entirely, instantly dissolved away, taking away with it the seething anger and rage. She hadn't even noticed it taking over.

   "I...I'm alright, Kuro." Akyuu sighed, petting her most loyal little kitten gratefully.

Quote - Sumisome by Yonder Voice

   She felt a tug on her dress. She looked around to find Ellen peering up at her, teary with worry, little hands clutching her apron. "Fuwafuwa-chan....?" She quavered. "You...don't look so good. Are you cold?"

   "..." Akyuu was quick to put on her usual smile, her practiced forced smile, as she reached out to pat Ellen on the head. "I'm alright, Ellen-san." She said, ruffling Ellen's hair gently.

   "...." Akyuu was rather taken aback by the glare she received in return. "Een! You're lying...." Ellen muttered, pushing Akyuu's hands away. Her simple words stung Akyuu more than she thought possible. "Friends don't lie to each other..." Nobody, not even Tokiko, had ever been that blunt to her.

   Has she ever been honest her entire life? Or lives for that matter? She, blessed with her infallible memory, can she remember even one instance where she has ever truly spoken her mind? Opened up to another fully? Shared her heart entirely?

   Once, perhaps. That was the day she became a youkai.

   "No...I'm not alright." Akyuu conceded, reluctantly. "I'm sorry, Ellen-san. Would you forgive me this once?"

   "Eeen! Friends don't say sorry either!" Ellen snapped, pulling Akyuu into a surprise glomp. "When you can't say what you want to, you don't have to say anything. Because friends can just do this~" She trilled, holding Akyuu tight.

   Akyuu couldn't help but be taken aback at first. It was most definitely awkward and random, no matter how you looked at it. Nobody has ever been so unabashedly forward with her. But somehow it felt...strangely nice...knowing just how sincere and honest Ellen was with her friendship. If she were honest to herself, it was something she wanted more of deep down inside.

   ...if she were honest....

   Akyuu's arms reached out, uncertainly. Slowly they sought to encircle the tiny figure before her. Slowly they found purchase about her slender shoulders. With a little pull she drew Ellen closer. Ellen squirmed closer against her, washing away any uncertainty Akyuu had left.

   It was warm. So wonderfully warm. It was a warmth that seeped all the way through her, filling up the very depths of her troubled heart, washing away all her doubts and fears until all that was left was a wondrous comfort. There was an unflinching sincerity, a pure heartfelt earnestness, in Ellen's hold. It struck Akyuu just how right Ellen was - no words could express how genuine Ellen's friendship was. No words were needed, not here, not now.

   A little pang crept into her bliss. Lies. To Ellen who can't remember anything, lies must be worse than losing her memories. It would be manipulating what little she had left, twisting them, shattering them. It was perhaps the cruellest thing you could possibly do to her.

   No, Ellen deserved better. Much, much better.

   "Ellen..." Akyuu took a deep breath, "I won't lie to you ever again. Promise."

   "Eee~n, it's alright, I already know that~" Ellen giggled, "Because your hug said so~"

   Akyuu couldn't help but stifle a giggle. "Oh, Ellen..." Akyuu sighed.

   The cold and darkness laid a formidable siege upon the little circle of light. But nothing could touch the fortress of warmth that was Akyuu and Ellen.

Quote - Water Mirror, Candid Friend Arrange by Foxtail-Grass Studios

   The fourth day brought with it more gray skies, snow and a grim realization. Life as a youkai still involved waking up early and working...or at least early in youkai terms. All in the absence of a roof or, worse, sweets. Then again, with her breakfas-....mouse guest still out cold, there was little else she could do.

   New and improved (and potentially explosive) dress donned, the little youkai once again found herself lamprey hunting. Or, perhaps, more accurately, lamprey-watching, as the only thing she was close to catching as she waded through the icy river was a cold...and maybe her death but she was trying to think positive thoughts.

   Did that lamprey just flick its tail? At her?! How rude!! Just cause it's fast and slippery and impossible to catch, it thinks it's all that?!

   ....positive thoughts....positive thoughts....

   "All I wish some fish..." Akyuu muttered to herself.

   "...and all Rin wishes for is a hand in the bush." Rin sighed to herself.

   But perhaps....? Akyuu looked down at her hands, then right and left, furtively.

Quote - ED Song - Futatsuiwa No Sado's Theme Arrange by Tamaonsen

   "...Little Kirrin?" Rin asked, "...Rin didn't mean a literal bush, you realize? Well, alright, it is a literal bush, but not that kind of bush...."

   Akyuu might not have much in the way of positive thoughts, but she's got something else aplenty...

   "...Little Kirrin...what are you planning?" Rin asked, suspiciously.

   Without another word the little Kirrin summoned up her scarlet mist. They bent to her will almost instantaneously, spiralling out in thin, serpentine tendrils, circling about her body and arms.

   "...little Kirrin...?" Rin's voice took on an anxious edge.

   She gathered them all into a compact ball, as small as she could will it to be, in the palm of one hand. There it spiralled like a turbulent gas planet the size of a kemari ball, storms of energy raging across its surface. It was almost perfectly spherical this time, smaller too.

   "Little Kirrin...." Rin said, slowly, "Rin knows you've been having bad days...but the rest of the planet isn't really to blame...."

   Then, taking a deep breath, Akyuu stretched her hand out...and dropped the orb.

   "LITTLE KIRRIN?!" Rin gasped in disbelief, "DUCK! DUCK FOR COVER!" She cried.

   "Kyuuu!" With a cry Akyuu ducked her body low, but not for cover. She spun herself around, raising one foot up into the air in a perfect (but technically illegal, but the lamprey didn't know that) kemari spin kick. The sweeping kick, trailing sparkling water droplets, caught the orb, sweeping it out of its descent. There was the now familiar violent blast of energy, the blinding crimson shockwave. She threw herself out of her spin, diving into the water for cover, peering out just in time to see exactly what she expected to see - an angry scarlet meteor racing out over the river, straight towards a gathering of lamprey.

   Akyuu held her breath. Even Rin was silent. Together they watched the high speed comet streak across surface of the water. Finally, it struck. There was a little splash as it hit the surface. Then....


   An impressive jet of crimson water the size of Mystia's stall exploded into the air, spraying the air with superheated vapour, finely crushed stone, and a little fountain of lamprey, some of which were even ready-cooked, half-steamed, half-broiled.

   Akyuu and Rin watched the spectacle, slightly terrified, mostly awed. Performance-wise, it delivered exactly what Akyuu wanted, compact controlled annihilation, with accuracy and range, and, above all, apocalyptic special effects to boot. Except....


   "....Pyaaaa?" Rin said, thoughtfully. "Since when did our all-consuming apocalyptic powers come with such a lame sound effect?"

   "...ever since it started making it rain lamprey and...." Akyuu gulped, looking up at the sky nervously, "....that..." She murmured uncertainly, pointing at a dot in the sky that was slowly growing into a sizeable silhouette.

   "...a bird?" Rin blinked.

   "...a fairy?" Akyuu ventured, squinting.

   "...a dragon?" Rin guessed.

   "No, its...." Akyuu gasped, recognition dawning, "It''s a fish?!"

   "...and a bush." Rin added.

   "pyaaaAAAA....NO! IT'S MERMAID! aaaAAAAAAAA!" The silhoutte corrected in between screaming.

   "Runyahahah! 2 wishes in one." Rin fistpumped triumphantly. "And now, for the third wish...."

To be continued....
« Last Edit: November 30, 2013, 09:45:14 AM by Gappy »

fuwa fuwa for the win!
I have...a terrible need...shall I say the word?...of religion. Then I go out at night and paint the stars.