Author Topic: Touhou Subterranean Animism Remix Album!  (Read 2349 times)


Touhou Subterranean Animism Remix Album!
« on: September 29, 2012, 05:17:27 PM »
Yeah, what the subject title says. Basically, over the summer I tried my best to remix most of the soundtrack for fun, because SA has a really nice OST. :3
Just remember; I'm an amateur, haha. Don't expect anything too crazy.

For a preview, here's a link to the remix of Orin's theme in the album:
Another preview; this time for Heartfelt Fancy's remix on the album:

Finally.. here's a link to the video I have up with the entire album collected in one spot:

If the remixes don't make your ears bleed, then there's a download link in the description of the compilation video for those who would like the album on their iPod or something. xP

Thank you to anyone who listens to any of the above previews and/or replies to this thread! :D


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Re: Touhou Subterranean Animism Remix Album!
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2012, 12:54:57 AM »
The immediate impression that I get from your music is that of something that I might find at a rave; it's very techno for the most part...

In addition, I found your renditions of "The Dark Blowhole" and "Hellfire Mantle" to have the most interesting sounds compared to the other tracks on the album, which all sort of blended together a little too evenly and didn't bear much of a sense of individual identity (save for the two I just mentioned) in my mind~

That's about it for now, though, so keep it up~! I'd like to see where you go with your music in the future~ ;)

Now, you can follow my art studio, KyokoPro Studios, on deviantART, Facebook, and YouTube~!


Re: Touhou Subterranean Animism Remix Album!
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2012, 01:38:14 AM »
Thanks for replying! :D

Yeah, most of what I make has that techno style to it. I don't know, that's just how I find I end up composing something. Sorry that it didn't sound too interesting as a whole, I have lots to learn yet. xP

Haha, Hellfire Mantle was certainly a thing. Not a usual thing, on my part, I can see how it would stand out and be possibly interesting :V I actually figured my "The Dark Blowhole" remix was rather obnoxious and bleh, and hey it probably is, but it's good to hear that it's at least not so boring as other remixes in the album.

I appreciate you putting your input on how you feel about what I make, it means a lot to get some criticism! :D


  • Don't think. Feel, and you'll be tanasinn.
    • OverCoat Music
Re: Touhou Subterranean Animism Remix Album!
« Reply #3 on: October 01, 2012, 10:06:07 PM »
I agree with BL2W for the most part. I found the shrill leads and simplified basslines and chord progressions to do more harm than good, and I wasn't a fan of the changed melody lines on most of the songs... Touhou music is so simple that any attempt to simplify it even further just makes the arrangement dull.

That said [even though I just shat all over your music, sorry], I'm glad to see more westerners arranging touhou music, and especially Subterranean Animism :D my favorite soundtrack from those games.


Re: Touhou Subterranean Animism Remix Album!
« Reply #4 on: October 01, 2012, 10:31:39 PM »
I agree with BL2W for the most part. I found the shrill leads and simplified basslines and chord progressions to do more harm than good, and I wasn't a fan of the changed melody lines on most of the songs... Touhou music is so simple that any attempt to simplify it even further just makes the arrangement dull.

That said [even though I just shat all over your music, sorry], I'm glad to see more westerners arranging touhou music, and especially Subterranean Animism :D my favorite soundtrack from those games.

Haha, yeah sorry that the remixes were bleh xD I admit that I didn't really do much of a great job overall. I don't think long projects like this really work out in my favor, for whatever reason.

Nah, you didn't shat over anything. I need reality checks like this occasionally; as I don't really get any criticism on Youtube, and if I get too elated over anything I get careless, which is dangerous business. :derp:

Thanks for listening, anyhow. I appreciate the reply, as well! :D