Author Topic: The Elements Of Gensokyo: Act One, Arc III.  (Read 134347 times)

[Y]oukai [J]esus

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Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo: Act One, Arc III.
« Reply #540 on: August 28, 2012, 01:56:16 PM »
Game is on
Last fight kaiten

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.

Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo: Act One, Arc III.
« Reply #541 on: August 28, 2012, 08:47:21 PM »
(By now you should know who you will be fighting. First, are the enemies from the fight you had earlier at the shrine. Do you remember them? Of course you do! I mean it was in the outside world.
((...So we can fight all the ones from there? YUUKA MINE!))
((Characters were...Sariel, Yumeko, Meira, Kotohime, Kasen, Yuuka, ....who else? Plus Rinnosuke.))
((Can well kill any off? Have the healed up?  Are they back to full power? Are they more ready than ever? What do without a healer? Will the chaotic versions of ourselves be in the fight? What about Nanaya? And what about Squawks? He's gone MIA.))

[Y]oukai [J]esus

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Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo: Act One, Arc III.
« Reply #542 on: August 28, 2012, 11:24:44 PM »
((...So we can fight all the ones from there? YUUKA MINE!))
((Characters were...Sariel, Yumeko, Meira, Kotohime, Kasen, Yuuka, ....who else? Plus Rinnosuke.))
((Can well kill any off? Have the healed up?  Are they back to full power? Are they more ready than ever? What do without a healer? Will the chaotic versions of ourselves be in the fight? What about Nanaya? And what about Squawks? He's gone MIA.))
Who knows?
I will handle it
And this.

I realized I forgot to describe the background of the dragon palace.

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo: Act One, Arc III.
« Reply #543 on: August 29, 2012, 01:42:25 AM »
Acheivemt list, please. Also, can Kanako still summon Sanae?

Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo: Act One, Arc 2ED and 3
« Reply #544 on: August 29, 2012, 03:50:43 AM »
Ah, that's good then. That he'll return.

Anyways did you want the Achievement list?

Gonna drop it here anyways

The Achievement List
-Mythical Reunion (EASY, VANTE) -Used
-Artful Sacrifice (EASY, ALYSSA) -Used
-Nuclear Induced Insanity (EASY, GALE)
-As Resolute as the Mountains (EASY, AESERA) -Used
-Cheese! (EASY, NEWAN) -Used
-Bird Of Prey (EASY, VANTE) -Used
-Mother Of All Sparks (NORMAL, NEWAN) -Used
-Bird Of Eternity (EASY, RANNA) -Used
-Ghost Busters! (EASY, RHISEZA) -Used
-Climax Of The Subconscious (NORMAL, GALE) -Used
-Chaotic Discovery (NORMAL, NEWAN) -Used
-Chaotic Discovery (NORMAL, AESERA) -Used
-Chaotic Discovery (NORMAL, GALE)
-Chaotic Discovery (NORMAL, VANTE) -Used
-Chaotic Discovery (NORMAL, RANNA)
-Chaotic Discovery (NORMAL, ALYSSA) -Used
-Chaotic Discovery (NORMAL, RHISEZA)
-Curiousity Killed The Cat (HARD, AESERA)
-Just a Flesh Wound (LUNATIC, AESERA)
-Mortal Kombat (HARD, VANTE)
-Gracious Victory-Honorable Defeat (LUNATIC, VANTE)
-Breaking the Rules (HARD, GALE)
-Little Miss Princess (EASY, RHISEZA)
-Genuflection (PHANTASM, RANNA)
-Wall of Dolls (EASY, ALYSSA)
-To Save Or Damn the World (NORMAL, NEWAN)
-To Save Or Damn the World (NORMAL, AESERA)
-To Save Or Damn the World (NORMAL, VANTE)
-To Save Or Damn the World (NORMAL, GALE)
-To Save Or Damn the World (NORMAL, RANNA)
-To Save Or Damn the World (NORMAL, ALYSSA)
-To Save Or Damn the World (NORMAL, RHISEZA)
-Resurrection Unleashed (SPECHUL, ALL) -Used?

Total Unused;;
Gale - 4
Ranna - 3
Rhiseza - 3
Aesera - 3
Vante - 3
Alyssa - 2
Newan - 1

Here ya go GYMO.
I don't know if it's 100% up to date, but It's got most all of them. I can't remember if one was given out since or not.

Anyways. Yuuka's mine to fight, please and thank you.
I'll also be taking Yumeko. I have a score to settle with her.
Idk about Sariel though, I'll probably share her.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo: Act One, Arc III.
« Reply #545 on: August 29, 2012, 03:55:41 AM »

YJ, can we use the acheivements of other characters we in our groups (such as me using those for Gale, who's been with Aesera for a while now)?

Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo: Act One, Arc III.
« Reply #546 on: August 29, 2012, 03:57:42 AM »
And what will happen to the achievements of those that have quit? Will they be wasted due to having their character removed?

[Y]oukai [J]esus

  • "MotK's 1%" (?)
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Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo: Act One, Arc III.
« Reply #547 on: August 29, 2012, 10:05:13 AM »

YJ, can we use the acheivements of other characters we in our groups (such as me using those for Gale, who's been with Aesera for a while now)?

Sadly, no.
What Sonae said. I know it's wasteful, but... Circumstances call for it.

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo: Act One, Arc III.
« Reply #548 on: August 30, 2012, 01:53:56 AM »
It's not the full team, but it'll have to do.

On the one hand, it might actually be fortunate that some of the embodiments were not present. If time did indeed move slower here, there was no telling how long they'd be away from Gensokyo for, and having people left behind to handle things there might be a good idea. On the other hand, defeating these enemies previously had taken all of them, and had been very close even then. And although they were stronger now, the chaos had to realize that.

"Okay," Aesera said, "we won this fight once already, so we have to assume that the chaos has something more ready for us. We need to take these people out quickly. So here's the plan. Kanako, tell Reimu's team to spread out and keep the enemy occupied. While they're doing that, we'll be moving as a group. We target one of them at a time, gang up on her, take her out, and move on to the next. We take them in order of opportunity, with one exception. Yuuka was by far the most powerful, so we leave her for last. Even she should go down fairly quickly against all of us."

"Right," Kanako said. [Spread out and engage,] she sent to the partners in Reimu's group. [Keep the enemy occupied. My team will eliminate them one at a time.] "Ready."

"Then let's move." Aesera selected the first target. "That one." And she led her team in towards their first target, Meira.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2012, 02:14:49 PM by GuyYouMetOnline »

Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo: Act One, Arc III.
« Reply #549 on: August 30, 2012, 06:36:34 AM »


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo: Act One, Arc III.
« Reply #550 on: August 30, 2012, 02:14:33 PM »
Oh. Sorry. *Edits*

[Y]oukai [J]esus

  • "MotK's 1%" (?)
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Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo: Act One, Arc III.
« Reply #551 on: August 30, 2012, 04:44:38 PM »
Oh, I forgot to say.
Kanako can summon Sanae, but it will take much longer because of where the Dragon Palace is.
Nobody can use the achievement "To Save or Damn The World"
Update after Crow/Sonae posts.

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo: Act One, Arc III.
« Reply #552 on: August 30, 2012, 06:33:22 PM »
Oh, that's right.

>Use acheivement: Just a Flesh Wound.

Forgot to do that.

Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo: Act One, Arc III.
« Reply #553 on: August 31, 2012, 02:56:50 PM »
Vante's armor had not materialized yet, as he was busy figuring out how to keep the things on the other side occupied. Playing nervously with his hands, his scythe appeared, lodged comfortably in his grip. He had been using it for the past few fights, and while it was quite unnaturally natural to wield, it was too cumbersome to swing around and be versatile. The scythe disappeared; he was going to be using the sticks this time.

Mystia was already in the air when the human unsheathed the sticks. Unlike the previous fight at the shrine in the Outside World, she was zipping to and fro more quickly than she had. [You're going to fight them with twigs again?]

[We just need to keep them occupied, don't we? Then let's make it as hard for them as possible. Besides, these are faster than the scythe.]

[Okaaay. Whatever. So what now?]

[Sing. Annoy them. Stay low, too.]

Mystia looked down at Vante. [What?]

[You're too easy to trap up there. You don't want to get sniped again, don't you? I'll be hanging by you, just in case they try to go for you.]

Reimu didn't need to be told plan at all. "Finally, I'm going to cream you all and get this over with!" With a wicked smile, she fired off a stream of needles straight at one of the corrupted beings- Kotohime, in particular. She nonchalantly stepped aside and let the needles fly by. The volley of needles not letting up, the shrine maiden brought out her yin-yang orbs. They released amulets that swarmed towards all of the corrupted like angry bees. None of them were able to make contact- they just kept swimming around in the air, trying to land on their targets.

The night bird began packing her own heat, but she concentrated on singing. This had the still unfortunate fallout of everyone hearing it, but whatever distraction she could pelt at the enemy was still helpful. Vante had summoned his armor after grabbing his sticks, which he twirled slowly in his grip. The time it would take to get close to the other side was too long, and so many things could happen in that period of time- while it would help to bash them up close, it wasn't worth risking.

[Sing louder.]

"And I have no idea what you're dooooooooing!" the bird vocalized as she happily obliged.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."

Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo: Act One, Arc III.
« Reply #554 on: September 01, 2012, 10:59:31 PM »
Ranna gazed ahead, her cold glare locked onto their enemies. A scowl covered her face, emanating a deathly serious aura. Every face was burned into her mind, carved into her memory. Her eyes scanned them one by one. Until they came to hers.
The demonic maid, Yumeko.
Memories of pain flashed vividly in Ranna?s mind. Her face flickered with hate. The violet within her eyes was caught in a vigorous dance. Like fire.
Then, she saw the red man.
A flash of nostalgia made her mind faulter for a split second. Who was he, and why did he seem so familiar?

?I hope ya won?t freeze up like last time.?, came an all too familiar voice.
Ranna snapped out of her daze and turned to her right to see Mokou standing there, a grin on her face.
Ranna didn?t speak, but just nodded in agreement. She couldn?t afford to fuck up again, she had to be tough, stay focused, and be ready for anything?
With a yawn and a stretch, Mokou stepped forward, letting out a cocky laugh.
?Well, Let?s rock!? Mokou shouted, whipping out a spell card.
Mokou took to the air in a burst of fire, her wings pulsating with energy. She held the card above her head and shouted.
?Hourai! ?South Wind, Clear Sky! -Fujiyama Volcano-?

As her serious expression returned, Ranna lifted her left hand into the air.
Within her grasp materialized her bow. Its metallic structure was sleek and smooth, sharp yet gentle. Ranna clutched it in her left hand, and held her right at her side. Swirls of green and violet energy gathered in her right palm, forming an arrow.
Ranna lined the arrow up and began to pull back on the string.
Her face radiated with animosity. Her eyes, now completely violet, were unforgiving.
Ranna took in a breath, preparing herself. This time she wouldn?t lose.
The girl drew back the bow, and locked her sight onto her target.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2012, 11:40:08 PM by Sonae »

[Y]oukai [J]esus

  • "MotK's 1%" (?)
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Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo: Act One, Arc III.
« Reply #555 on: September 07, 2012, 05:32:10 AM »
Hakurei Reimu               
Fujiwara no Mokou
Mystia Lorelei
Yasaka Kanako
Reiuji Utsuho
Rin Kaenbyou
Wriggle Nightbug
Hinanawi Tenshi
Rinnosuke Morichika
Kazami Yuuka
Update tomorrow or later today. Depends on my lappy's condition because I do not want to lose info while writing.

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.

Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo: Act One, Arc III.
« Reply #556 on: September 15, 2012, 01:11:58 PM »
What about KanaAna? (Kana Anaberal) She was one of the corrupted Gensokyans too.


Update tomorrow or later today. Depends on my lappy's condition because I do not want to lose info while writing.

I've heard from YJ that his laptop has officially died. He is currently waging war with a crappy iPad and not succeeding it seems...
So the update will be delayed.
« Last Edit: September 17, 2012, 02:58:05 AM by Sonae »

[Y]oukai [J]esus

  • "MotK's 1%" (?)
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Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo: Act One, Arc III.
« Reply #557 on: October 28, 2012, 05:14:04 AM »
Surprise Surprise.
I'm putting EoG on hold until 12th November.
Hopefully by then I can have a proper computer/laptop and enough time to write.

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.

[Y]oukai [J]esus

  • "MotK's 1%" (?)
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  • Idiot Deity 2013 - 2014 RIP
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Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo: Act One, Arc III.
« Reply #558 on: November 14, 2012, 05:34:56 PM »
Because Fuck this iPad, that's why!

Just to make sure, are the three of you still in this? I'll finalize and post within two days from today.
Let's finish this and start Act 2 with new players, shall we?

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo: Act One, Arc III.
« Reply #559 on: November 15, 2012, 05:52:56 AM »

Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo: Act One, Arc III.
« Reply #560 on: November 15, 2012, 11:46:50 AM »
Yeah, let's get it over with. My interest is quickly running out. :fail:

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."

Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo: Act One, Arc III.
« Reply #561 on: November 16, 2012, 05:04:02 AM »
Les go~ I'm still waiting intently.

[Y]oukai [J]esus

  • "MotK's 1%" (?)
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Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo: Act One, Arc III.
« Reply #562 on: November 27, 2012, 05:56:55 AM »
(Because I can't muster the will to continue writing currently I'm sorry there's been a lot of problems. Refer to lettyjournal.)

"You're missing a few. Have they fallen to my minions or just left you? No matter. As long as even one of you remain, this'll be a clean sweep. I'll just watch as my girls rip you all to shreds." Rinnosuke leans on a broken pillar, sickly energy leaking from every pore on his skin. The ground itself seems to tremble as the aura of corruption grows. But there would be no time to analyze Rinnosuke's powers. It had begun.

"I like how you call me 'That one', as if I'm just a bystander at a corner. I assure you, I'll be more then enough for your little team." The samurai brandishes her sword, smirking. Her blade is different, once sharp, smooth and flawless, now chipped at various places, showing signs of incredible wear and tear. They once said that the blade of a warrior represents his or her mind and will. It's been broken. Meira's already dark eyes begin to fade to black, her pupils turning a sickly green before settling as a purple similar to Rinnosuke's energy.

"I have failed only twice in my life, and this would not be the third time. It's disrespectful to come at me all at once, so I'll just give the others some fun." Meira's damaged sword shakes, almost vibrating in anticipation. With a sudden jerk, the samurai throws her blade directly at the first Gensokyan in front of her - Kanako. The latter reaches forward and deflects the battered sword with a swing of her own.


A burst of purple energy fires forth from the sword in mid-air, creating barriers out of nothing, blocking off the team's members, separating them almost completely.

New Teams:
Kanako, Tenshi.
Aesera, Gale.
Wriggle, Utsuho, Orin.

"Come on girls, we have a war to win." Rinnosuke claps his hands together.

Meira, Sariel and Kasen take their respective places, laughing. Just by appearance, they have gotten stronger. Sariel's angel wings cast a sickly green shadow on the ground below, fluttering in anticipation. Yuuka stands at the back, twirling her parasol in hand. Nothing has changed about her. She looks completely normal, by the standards of Gensokyans. Not even her eyes have changed. Not a hint of corruption.

The arrow flew, with deadly accuracy. It pierced the veil of silence on the other side of the battlefield. Whizzing through the air, the arrow snapped in half, right through the center. Like a chisel being hammered through a thin piece of wood. Breaking through the end of the arrow was a sword. One as thin and sharp as the knives Sakuya always had on her. It had no hilt, and instead was just the blade of it's entirety.

And with the first attack, came the retaliation. In a flash, Yumeko dashed forward, her feet lightly touching the ground.

She's fast.

With her cold stare penetrating through Yumeko's own, Ranna formed another arrow, raising it forward in an action much like reloading a gun. As Yumeko's first attack drew, the arrow too, grew in size to block the first sword. The air around the two hisses, one burning the sword in half and the other evaporating the arrow. Her feet grazed the creeping sickness on the floor, pushing herself back from Ranna.

"...Fast." The demonic maid drew her hands towards her chest, swords forming within the gaps of her fingers.



Yumeko threw herself toward, the blades whistling in the wind due to the speed of her movements. In a split second, the embodiment too drew forth another arrow upon her bow, and released.

"Ey ey, over here!"

Fiery wings brought down a grand slam, delivered by Mokou. The maid spun, absorbing the exploding danmaku with her swords. Ranna's arrow, aimed right at Yumeko's head, broke and evaporated as the maid's sword reached forward. The sword too broke, melting away. An opening.

Yumeko ran forward, using her fist instead of a sword, throwing a punch towards Ranna's chest.



Mokou's own fist clashed with hers. The air spun around their meet and flew apart in all directions. The force unbelievable, sending both the immortal and the demon back  at least ten feet. The immortal clutched her mangled hand, bones shattered and distorted in various positions. If that had hit Ranna, she'd be dead instantly. Mokou turned back, seeing the embodiment's shocked face right behind her.

"I regenerate. It's fine."

"...If you say so."

Her advantage in close range is incalculable. She can fight with her fists and with her weapons... But now...

The maid had begun to pant. Her fist too, broke from the impact. There were cracks on her skin where the veins were supposed to be. Black blood oozed from the cracks, and the bones visible stayed in their disconnected places. She could'nt regenerate like Mokou.

Ranna formed another arrow, just as Yumeko generated swords in her fingers. She released the arrow, and Yumeko raised her blades. Ranna's single arrow compressed itself before impact, splitting into five smaller bullets that impacted each sword, melting them. Yumeko snarled.

My Swords need energy, and she is able to break them. Those arrows don't hit physically. They penetrate the mana I used to form the swords.

Her swords neutralize my arrows. If she comes close to me and manages even a light hit, it's over.

I have enough for thirty swords.

I've never tested the limits of my arrows...

That bitch is making this annoying with her own regeneration... Immortals...

I'll break through. Rapid fire.

A flash of bright green light comes from Ranna's bow. Four arrows come into existence, flickering. The strain on Ranna's master arm is visible now; Her fingers are turning red, veins visible from the wrist crawling towards the elbow. The panting demon waits, as Ranna tugs on the almost invisible string upon the bow.

And releases.

A shriek pierces through as the wind howls. The immortal nowhere in sight.

Blades form in an instant. One, four, eight. Half of them spin through the air, coming straight for the embodiment. The other half meets the arrows. The four arrows split upon impact, changing their targets and flying back towards Ranna to neutralize the swords.

"I'll kill you!"

"If you haven't noticed, the night blindness is weak. Very weak." Reimu crossed her arms, flicking her fingers as orbs of red light rise around her. "This'll take longer than I thought... Hey, Mystia... Can you sense that?"

"Ehhhh? What?"

"It's the same bloody sensation as the Scarlet Mist incident."

"Ohohoho! Well, as expected from the Hakurei shrine maiden! No point in hiding now. Come on Remilia, you have a job to do." Rinnosuke motions behind him, laughing all the while. In the distance comes forth a searing red beam of light.

"Too easy!" Reimu pulls out two amulets from her sleeves, using them as makeshift gloves to catch the light as it grazes past her face. Gungnir. It however, is different in appearance. Spikes are lodged in multiple places, making holding it as a physical weapon impossible. It was a miracle Reimu managed to catch it in between the spikes. Instead of a sleek spear of energy, it's a mass of spikes and entrails. In Reimu's grasp, it fades till it forms a black smoke trail, floating back to where it came.

"Remilia too?"

"Close, but no. I would've loved to have the Scarlet Devil in my pocket, but... This'll have to do. She's a failed experiment. Failed, but she still has the same powers as the original."

Two sword wielders stand against a lone samurai.
The Fallen Angel spreads her wings as she faces the Embodiments.
A fellow Gensokyan, known to most, meets her fellow friends.

"Delightful. Prepare yourselves."

"Sink in the glory which is I, Sariel!"

"I'll show you how one of the four Divas fight... Like old times."

"Mystia!" Reimu shouts, throwing forth one of her ying-yang orbs to stop the incoming attack. Still from afar, the fake Remilia launches her gungnirs with incredible accuracy. The night sparrow, however, only sees the ying-yang orb coming towards her.

"W-W-What?! Waaaaaaaaaait!"


Just like two metal rods being hit against each other, the orb and the gungnir meet. The latter fades into smoke and the former cracks slightly.

"It's not strong enough, eh. Easy then."

"Reimu! That's dangerous! You almost hit Mystia."

"Good job Vante. You missed the point where I saved her life."

"...T-That too."

The embodiment turns to Kotohime, who had, among the commotion, just taken a place to sit and rest. She raises her hand elegantly to cover her mouth as she yawns. Her clothes show no sign of the corruption around her. What a princess.

"Done yet?"

The air rips apart as a stray arrow flies towards Kotohime, who silently raises her hand to grab the tip of the arrow, bending her fingers inward to break it.


"Can I kill her?" Reimu grits her teeth, pulling out more amulets. All this fighting is getting to her head - and it hasn't even reached the scale of the last battle.

"Calm down Reimu. You'll get your chance. You need to deal with that Remilia thing first, right?"

"I don't care. I'm going." In a mad dash, Reimu lunges forward, covering the distance between Kotohime and her in less than a second. The princess blocks Reimu's first punch with her backhand, and in a single motion, throws Reimu upwards. The shrine maiden retaliates by throwing her amulets in grasp at Kotohime. The latter merely catches the amulets as they begin to burn.

Vante too, joins in the fray. Sprinting forward, his armor forms, floating and maintaining a few centimeters from his skin.

"Boo." Four spectral white orbs burst from the ground right below Vante's feet as he runs forward. As they impact him, his armor joins and attaches to his body, blocking the entire attack. A woman forms in front of Vante, tossing the same white orb in the air. It resembles the ghost-half Youmu always had following her.

« Last Edit: November 27, 2012, 12:50:07 PM by [Y]oukai {J}esus »

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo: Act One, Arc III.
« Reply #563 on: November 27, 2012, 06:33:00 AM »
What, nothing for mine? Aside from splitting them up, that is. Speaking of which, which enemy is attacking which split group?

[Y]oukai [J]esus

  • "MotK's 1%" (?)
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  • Idiot Deity 2013 - 2014 RIP
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Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo: Act One, Arc III.
« Reply #564 on: November 27, 2012, 12:16:36 PM »
Two sword wielders stand against a lone samurai.
The Fallen Angel spreads her wings as she faces the Embodiments.
A fellow Gensokyan, known to most, meets her fellow friends.

"Delightful. Prepare yourselves."

"Sink in the glory which is I, Sariel!"

"I'll show you how one of the four Divas fight... Like old times."

...Anyway I will be trying to add extra stuff if I can force myself to.

<Nietz> Anyway, sex toys alone won't come up to 11k.
[18:48] <Warma> There must have been a new depth, where you've sunk as a person. Then you dug through that.


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo: Act One, Arc III.
« Reply #565 on: November 27, 2012, 03:59:04 PM »
Ah. Okay, got it.

Also, I did use the 'Only a Flesh Wound' achievement.

Re: The Elements Of Gensokyo: Act One, Arc III.
« Reply #566 on: December 11, 2012, 12:41:26 PM »
With a shout, Vante brought his armored elbow into the coalesced woman. When her block came up, the impact was like metal on metal, and the shock nearly stopped Vante from kicking up with his knee. The woman's small stature caught much of the blow, making her flinch as Vante prepared another elbow strike.

The misty orb that had been thrown up then knocked Vante forward. The woman took the opportunity to strike his chest and push him back, sending him a good distance away from her. The combined force of the orb, the punch, and the push was starting to send the human's brain into confusion, and it nearly caused him to lose balance and fall over.

"Ooooooh my, I think I overdid that~"

And where was Mystia?

Kinda busy trying not to die here.

Do you think you could bring her here?

Yeah, and they'll gang up on us.

You don't know that for sure.

The night sparrow was on her own offensive, swooping down from heights and trying to snag her opponent with her small claws. If nightblindness was useless, speed would have to make up for it: up, down, up, down, up, down; rinse and repeat. The vampire fake was just as fast as the real one, which Mystia could barely match.

Maybe if we could both slow down, I'd be able to lure her to you. But, no, she's going way too fast. Deal with it~

The brief thought of throwing his scythe at Mystia's opponent came into mind, but Vante dismissed it. Too fast. They were on their own.

He needed the enemies to come to them, but they were pressing their magical advantage really far. His opponent's strength was the thing that held him back from using his; she could very well catch his scythe and send it back to him. That left the sticks. He drew them out and let his arms relax.

"Hoy, could you stop using magic for once?" Vante shouted at the small woman.

OOC: Am I fighting Suika? I'm just assuming from the YJ's previous post.

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."