Author Topic: Modifications Of A Furious Kind  (Read 2022 times)

Modifications Of A Furious Kind
« on: September 11, 2011, 04:38:25 AM »
I guess Its time to do it. Im going to be making my own Danmakufu script.

The Story will be as such.

In Gensokyo a strange occurance has been happining, Humans have been taken from the outside world and brought into Gensokyo and its not entirely Yukari's fault this time! All of these humans (six of them) Have been turned into Youkai as well, and it is up to the Main characters to investigate and solve this incident!

Yeah short story but I can expand when I get some of the game up. Those spell cards I've been posting and custom Touhou Chars, they will be shown in this game. Also my friend is working on a manga that takes place after the story of my game so I just hope he isnt super lazy with it, cause i like my  chars and such.

I Decided to finnaly do this when the new danmakufu was relesed. I will be giving it custom sounds too I think If I can get some help on that.

Well for more info and stuff just check out the threads Make your Own Spell Cards, and Create Your own Touhou. I'll be adding more when i get off the ground.

Chronojet ⚙ Dragon

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Re: Modifications Of A Furious Kind
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2011, 02:23:50 PM »
Eh... Would you mind reposting the characters here because we certainly wouldn't wanna, like, go searching for information elsewhere, etc.

But, yeah.