Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Hakurei Shrine~ => Rika and Nitori's Garage Experiments => Topic started by: warpshadow on May 25, 2011, 09:21:36 PM

Title: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 10/19/12
Post by: warpshadow on May 25, 2011, 09:21:36 PM
I was thinking of creating a new Touhou rpg. It would have a cross between the Quintet games from the Snes era and Harvest moon with more tradition rpg combat. I guess I will call it Gensoblazer until I have a better name for it.The story so far is Tenshi and Nue meet up and troll Gensokyo into oblivion. You have to thus rebuild the entire land from scratch. The game will be build from the RPGmaker xp format since I have all the sprites for that. If anybody has any suggestions for the game I am more than willing to listen and if they wish to help I will accept that as well.

Update (10/17/12)
Version 10 of the game is now ready. You can download it here (
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: Koakkuri on May 28, 2011, 07:12:51 PM
All I can say is that this sounds relevant to my interests.  :3 I'd love to help, but I doubt there's anything I can do beyond beta testing. However, I'd love to hear more about the concept and gameplay, this really piqued my interest.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: warpshadow on May 28, 2011, 08:01:56 PM
Don't worry too much about helping, I have all the sprites I need plus I haven't run into any programming roadblocks just yet. I don't have one yet but give me a week or so and I can come up with a decent beta for the game.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: Spiderpig2398 on May 28, 2011, 08:27:23 PM
I might try the first beta if I get a chance. Best of luck! :P
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: Hyouga Kazu on May 30, 2011, 12:37:45 PM
Actually I'm pretty interested why you decided to drop your old project.

Nevertheless, once again I offer my mapping/eventing skills, as well as my slightly under-average programming skills.
That is, assuming you're using RPG Maker XP again.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: warpshadow on May 30, 2011, 08:58:23 PM
As for the reason I decided to drop Gensokyo every day's story is that I ran out of plot ideas. You might have noticed that I fell into the trap of not adding more plot elements to the game and mostly adding even more characters. I felt that I wanted to create a game with a good Reimu route before I added the next unfinished scenario.

As for any help you can provide I am happy to have it.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: Spaztique on June 01, 2011, 05:45:48 PM
As for the reason I decided to drop Gensokyo every day's story is that I ran out of plot ideas. You might have noticed that I fell into the trap of not adding more plot elements to the game and mostly adding even more characters. I felt that I wanted to create a game with a good Reimu route before I added the next unfinished scenario.

As for any help you can provide I am happy to have it.

One important storycrafting technique is to know your ending before you write the middle of a plot (some say you do this before you even write the beginning so you can come up with the best beginning possible, but if you have a solid start, you shouldn't worry as much). That way, you can fill in the gaps without the chance of getting lost. If you're worried "knowing the ending will spoil the discovery part of writing" or "it will inhibit my creative choices", don't be; by knowing how the story will end, you can come up with as many crazy ideas as you want if they are relevant to the plot (and even if they're not if you want to set up a red herring).

If you need any story ideas/advice, feel free to contact me.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: atoms2ashes on June 01, 2011, 06:15:12 PM
So it's a game where you control either Tenshi or Nue and beat fairies and youkai for materials to rebuild everything?

Sounds good.

Also, what do you need help with in this game, exactly?
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: warpshadow on June 05, 2011, 07:18:56 PM
Okay I said about a week and after just a little more than that I have come out with the first beta for Gensoblazer. Although it is on a rpg maker xp format I think I have everything set so you don't need to download the program  to play it. Some of you have asked what I would like for you to do to help the game along. First and foremost I would like you to play the game (it shouldn't take long) and give feedback so I know what to do better in Gensoblazer version 2 which hopefully will be out in a few of weeks. I know there isn't much there to the game right now but I would like imput on what can be done to make your playing experience more enjoyable. That and since I am terrible as an artist I would please like someone to make a title screen for the game.

So without further chatter here is the game (
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: Koakkuri on June 05, 2011, 07:56:14 PM
"RGSS104E.dll not found."

EDIT: I downloaded the RTP and got the game to work. Here's what I have so far:

- A spellcheck could do wonders. Even the .exe file's name is misspelled, and there are typos everywhere.
- This may be just a personal preference, but I'd like the action button to be Z rather than C/spacebar
- Any way to zoom the game in more?
- Good old RPG Maker default combat is sluggish and uninspiring, especially now that I only have one character. Any way to improve it?
- There's this graphical error:

On the plus side, I'm really enjoying the music and interested in the story.

EDIT No. 2: Here are some other issues.

- A level-up message would be nice. Just noticed the message. Sorry, I'm a Yoshika-level derp. Still, the level-up could be more noticeable.
- So would info on item and skill effects.
- How about some teleporter items? Or maybe even maps?
- The amount of damage venom makes seems ludicrous.
- Marisa has tons of MP, yet starts with no skills? Seems like a waste.
- Returning to combat once more, since the options are so limited there's no real strategy when it comes to battle. A bunch of varying skills would help a lot.
- The difference between Reimu and Marisa's HP and MP at this point is rather noticeable.

Hope I'm not being too critical.  :ohdear:

EDIT 3: Could you make the encounter rates less...random? As in, you can take at least ten steps after a battle without risking bumping right into another monster.


- Agreeing with Blabla on the purple shadows, they are a pain to fight and a pain to run away from. (speaking of running away, how about a "failed to run away"-message?
- When I spoke to Kourin again, it showed Reimu's portrait during the whole discussion. Also, when I asked him about skill enchanting equipment (can't remember the exact wording?), the game borked and now I can't talk to Rinnosuke at all.

EDIT 5: The music sometimes plays for longer than it's supposed to (i.e. If I open a treasure chest and end up in combat afterwards, the fanfare still plays for a while.

Also, what's this The Flower Like the Fantasy-remix called? It's really pleasant.

EDIT 6: More sound effects, maybe?

Also, this is really minor, but the treasure chests have the same graphic whether opened or not.

EDIT 7 (and final): Well, can't figure out how to gather wood, so I'm stuck for now. Will continue if some kind soul informs me how it's done. Anyway, good luck with the project.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: blabla1994 on June 05, 2011, 08:33:54 PM
Ok in addition to what was already said above, if you continue going south past Kourindou you can enter the forest and get a scene with Marisa before you get her.

Id also like the Level Up indicator to be a bit more obvious.

Also getting the Marisa scene glitch makes the image stuck in the corner Reimu.

And could you consider making the Character walk a bit slower? It's, in my opinion way too fast and make it hard to do things at times.

Also whats up with the purple slimes? They do more damage then the boss.

Marisa's stats... what.

Also after talking with Rinnouske and choosing skill improving equipment, nothing happened and then I couldn't talk to him anymore

And For some reason Nothing I did used up any food or wood.

Also some of the houses where difficult to exit.

Ok I was able to free Star Sapphire from the Crystal twice somehow.

I'm agreeing with Koa on the venom holy crap...

Well I'm stuck, can't enter the village anymore and have a dead Reimu, going to load a earlier save...

It seams that entering the forest is what glitches the village, unless it's intentional in which case you'll need to dial the difficulty WAYYYYYYY back.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: Koakkuri on June 05, 2011, 09:04:57 PM
And For some reason Nothing I did used up any food or wood.

Funny, the wood I got from Rinnosuke did vanish (as I assume it's supposed to) once I built the cabin.

Also, one more thing: There was this one enemy in the woods that supposedly missed every attack, yet actually made outrageous damage.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: blabla1994 on June 05, 2011, 09:09:59 PM
Now that I think About the wood Rinnosuke gave me did vanish, just non of the wood  I collected did.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: Koakkuri on June 05, 2011, 09:12:46 PM
Ah, you're right, the food I collected and supposedly used didn't vanish either, only the initial wood did.

Speaking of which: I cleared the boulders, and yet there's nothing there? Aww.  :(

Edit once again: Where can you collect wood? I only seem to be able to find ways to gather food.

(Edit 2: sorry for the derp.)
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: blabla1994 on June 05, 2011, 10:00:00 PM
You gather wood to the south past Kourindou at the tree stump.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: Koakkuri on June 05, 2011, 10:09:25 PM
Thanks, you're a mate.

EDIT: Well, I finished building everything I could, got Star Sapphire to join, and can't enter the village anymore, nor does there there seem to be anything else to do. Guess that's it for now.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: warpshadow on June 06, 2011, 04:18:31 AM
First of all I would like to thank everyone that commented. Since there was a lot of comments I will try to answer most of them here.

The village bug, the infinite wood bug, the graphics bug, Marisa's stats and skill- fixed, thanks for pointing that out to me.

Other bugs, I will get on it.

The boulders and the bridge- I haven't created the areas beyond them yet. I will work on it in version 0.02

About complexity of combat I am not that great of a programmer but I will see what I can do to improve combat for version 0.02

Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: Hyouga Kazu on June 06, 2011, 05:53:08 AM
- A spellcheck could do wonders. Even the .exe file's name is misspelled, and there are typos everywhere.
I advise getting someone to proofread for you before you release a demo.

- This may be just a personal preference, but I'd like the action button to be Z rather than C/spacebar
- Any way to zoom the game in more?
Koakkuri, press F1 in-game and you can change controls. You can also toggle fullscreen mode.

- A level-up message would be nice. Just noticed the message. Sorry, I'm a Yoshika-level derp. Still, the level-up could be more noticeable.
I have some nice script lying around that gives a more extensive level up message. Though you can find it easily if you know where to look.

EDIT 3: Could you make the encounter rates less...random? As in, you can take at least ten steps after a battle without risking bumping right into another monster.
This would require messing with the original RPG Maker scripts, which I might give a try when I'm back from work.

- Agreeing with Blabla on the purple shadows, they are a pain to fight and a pain to run away from. (speaking of running away, how about a "failed to run away"-message?
Same as the above point, which I might try as well. It's good practice anyway.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: Koakkuri on June 06, 2011, 08:48:46 AM
Koakkuri, press F1 in-game and you can change controls. You can also toggle fullscreen mode.

Ah, I'm not talking about fullscreen mode, but actually zooming the game in (making the resolution smaller, maybe?). Everything in the game is so small right now, it's not very immersive. Good to know the controls are changeable, though.

This would require messing with the original RPG Maker scripts, which I might give a try when I'm back from work.

I've actually seen a script that does this, but there's a chance it was for some later version of RPG Maker.

Edit: I'd still like to discuss the combat system. What changes have been made so far? Even the default system can be made interesting enough with a bunch of varying skills. (And c'mon, give us a early level healing spell, being completely dependent on items for healing when they never even seem to drop is no fun.)
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: warpshadow on June 06, 2011, 05:53:56 PM
I haven't really touched the combat system yet but I am open to some more suggestions. In version 0.02 Reimu and Marisa should have at least 3 skills apiece and mostly likely more.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: Koakkuri on June 06, 2011, 06:13:57 PM
Well, I would like to share some ideas if that's alright.  :3

- First of all, maybe some buffs and debuffs? Ones that are effective and vital for boss fights (compensated by being somewhat expensive and unnecessary against random encounters.)
-  Status effect attacks. Again, mostly pointless against mooks, yet if effective, great against bosses. (if there was a whole plethora of status effects and every boss was weak against one or two, that would be fantastic, yet challenging enough.)
- Maybe an elemental magic system, with elemental weaknesses and resistances etc.? Those usually add a lot of depth into any combat system.
- And most importantly, some healing spells. Not just HP recovery, but an ailment healing spell too. For example, I didn't notice a single way to cure venom, and with it being as ridiculously potent as it is, it was a real problem.

The difficulty of random encounters is passable as they are now for the most part, but if you add some or all of these skills you can make some really tough and engaging boss fights.

Also, the level-up requirements aren't too bad, but could you up the exp rewards just a tiny bit?
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: warpshadow on June 07, 2011, 08:45:47 PM
Excellent advice. I will go about implementing it in the next version of the game. One other question I have for people out there, If I could add two new playable characters in the next version who would you like me to add?
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: Koakkuri on June 07, 2011, 09:06:05 PM
MIMA *shot*

Ahem, how about Sanae and Youmu, and have the whole playable cast of TD?  :] Or maybe some lower-level characters, like Team Nineball characters?

Also, feel free to contact me if you need ideas, I'll do my best to assist this project.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: blabla1994 on June 08, 2011, 02:35:57 AM
I'd say Yukari as she's my Favorite Character and doesn't appear as playable in enough games (which annoys me greatly) but that seems kinda unlikely with the plot heading in the way I think it is, so I vote for Alice and Youmu.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: warpshadow on June 15, 2011, 10:17:36 AM
If anybody is wondering what I am doing with the game, all I can say is that the next version will take a bit more time to be released. Namely because I am planning a much bigger version of the game and progress has been a bit slow as I have only now finished the outlines for the new dungeons with a lot more work still to do.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: warpshadow on July 05, 2011, 09:22:10 PM
Good news everyone There is a new version of GensoBlazer out for all of you to play. It has several improvements including
More than a dozen bug fixes
Two new levels to explore
More character skills
More characters to interact with

You can download the game at (

I look forward to any feedback as well and suggestions on how I can improve the game for version 3.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: Koakkuri on July 05, 2011, 09:42:21 PM
Going to sleep now, but downloading and trying it out later tomorrow.

Edit: Except that the link doesn't seem to work. Hmm.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: warpshadow on July 05, 2011, 10:52:00 PM
Maybe a mediafire link will work (
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: blabla1994 on July 06, 2011, 06:41:14 AM
I'll give it a try, aint goin to bed for a while because apparently my neighbors have decided to use Dynamite instead of fireworks this year or something . >_>

Alright first thing I noticed is the exe is still GenosBlazer. -_-;

Ah, I might be remembering incorrectly but I think you changed the appearance of the Slimes.

Hmm did you make the slimes weaker? I seem to recall the blue slimes having about 100 hp.

Encounter rate is still utterly random, but the enemies seem a bit weaker so eh...

Purple Slimes are still kicking my ass around though, but they do seem significantly weaker so its cool.

Oh, I don't think Reimu had a title before now.

Oh the early Marisa scene glitch is gone, yay. ^_^

Hmm the volume of the music seems to vary kinda wildly.

Well the level up icon is still kinda easy to miss if your not looking at the characters portraits after the battle, though IIRC it seems a bit bigger, ah well it seems fine as is, been playing to much Fire Emblem were the level up is quite literally thrust into your face.

Ok you really weakened Purple Slimes, I can one shot them sometimes at level 3, awesome.

Err, at the really long wall on the bottom of the second floor of Kourindo, are you supposed to be able to walk on the tiles right above it? It sorta seems like I'm walking on the top of the wall.

Oh woops I think I get it, I think it show that you are on a higher level from there, sorry.

Oh what. Suddenly lots and lots of new skills.

Hmm some of the skills don't have a description.

Wait Hakurei Remedy heals poison? Phew that's helpful.

Hmm maybe you could put some chests in the first dungeon to make exploring the it worthwhile?

Although Marisa's stats still start at 55 and raise by 5 every level, (so far) is that intentional?

Annnnnnd the stuck picture glitch is still there -_-' yay...

Ok the stuck picture vanished Marisa talked about her house.

Oh a copper axe and hoe, awesome.

...I talked to Marisa and sent her to gather some food... it said Star Sapphire gathered one food, I don't even have her yet.

Wait what? Marisa randomly deleveled back to 1 at some point after exiting the dungeon.

Oh you put a limit on venom, nice.

And crud, after upgrading the item shop you cant exit it. -_-

I'll get back to this at a later date.

Ok turns out my other save wasn't as far behind as I thought, anyways I told Marisa to work in the Item Shop she said she would... annnnd then nothing, no one there.

Dimensional Rift is pretty darn cool.

Ok this is really annoying Marisa reset to level 1 again.

Wriggle has mysteriously vanished from the village...
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: warpshadow on July 06, 2011, 06:48:38 PM
Can you tell me more about the Marisa deleveling? I am having trouble figuring that bug out.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: blabla1994 on July 06, 2011, 06:54:23 PM
All I know is it happens randomly after leaving a dungeon, although I do have a theory, Marisa only deleveled in the forest after I freed Star Sapphire, Wriggle, and Rumia. If that's all the characters in the forest maybe it only happens after you free all the characters in a dungeon.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: warpshadow on July 07, 2011, 01:17:54 AM
Due to the Marisa bug Is it safe for me to believe that no one has gotten into the two new levels?
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: blabla1994 on July 07, 2011, 05:25:38 AM
I at least haven't, It's far to much trouble to raise Reimu high enough to solo those levels.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: warpshadow on July 08, 2011, 12:37:36 AM
One question, other than some bug fixes what would you like to see in the next version of the game?
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: blabla1994 on July 08, 2011, 03:03:45 AM
Ugh honestly I haven't got any farther then the forest and can't exactly say as I have no idea what is in those two new dungeons, so honestly, fix the Marisa bug and it will be like you added two new dungeons for me.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: warpshadow on July 26, 2011, 04:30:38 AM
An update there is a new version of the game. This is of course is the best version of the game yet with the following new features
You can download the game here (
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: warpshadow on July 26, 2011, 10:16:24 PM
I am guessing by the lack of response I can assume that the new version of the game isn't as buggy as heck. Let me ask you this, what would you like to see in the next version of the game?
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: blabla1994 on July 26, 2011, 11:23:33 PM
Wait... What? Uh... no idea how I missed this, derp. I'll go download it now...

Uh... did you mean to leave in that guy who maxes your levels?

Encounter rate is turned off...

You fixed the Marisa glitch, awesome.

Alice... =D

Although she also has the same odd stats as Marisa.

Oh you increased the amount of chores you can do, cool.

The village system is still rather glitchy as villagers seem to decide at random whether or not they want to join, and god forbid you ask someone to join if you don't have enough room, you will never see them again.

Desert area - oh cool.

Oh wow its also a straightforward dungeon, finally.

Branching path - nooooo my straightforward dungeon, what have you done to it. ;_;

Uh... you know that big ruins/temple thing? Are you supposed to be able to walk up the side of it?

Ok its only the right side you can walk up.

Swamp Dungeon - oh god here we go again...

Ya know you would think you could equip the Snake Gohei on Reimu but you can't. Is that intentional?

Ok I can't exit the area of the swamp with Nitori in it as there is a frog the refuses to get out of the way of the exit. Loading a earlier save...

An Ice Dungeon, cool (it's a pun. Laugh)

Well my overall opinion is that while the game is still pretty glitchy (the village system needs an overhaul at this point) it has gotten magnitudes better (as evidenced by the fact that I was actually able to access all the content this time.) It is overall a pretty fun game.

As to what I'd like to see in the next version, Yukari a massive overhaul of the village system is honestly the biggest thing this game needs right now.

Also is it just me or am I the only one still playing this. ;_;
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: Supreme Gamesmaster on July 27, 2011, 11:49:10 PM
I would play, but it insists on coming up with an error before the game even starts. For one thing, I think the RGSS is in the wrong place on the default installation (it's in Data and gets pointed to the main folder); for another, Invalid Access to Memory Location keeps hitting me and I think that's just my computer.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: warpshadow on July 28, 2011, 01:52:35 AM
Have you tried moving the RGSS file to a different folder and seeing if that would work?
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: Supreme Gamesmaster on July 28, 2011, 03:29:42 AM
It does work if you move it out of Data and into the same folder as the game (id est, it starts giving me "Invalid Access..." etc, which is a problem with my computer, I think). I figured you should know, though, for the next time you put together the installer package.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: warpshadow on July 28, 2011, 05:26:09 AM
Thank you and the rgss file is taken care of.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: warpshadow on August 23, 2011, 05:11:45 AM
It's been a while but I have a new version of the game ready to be played. My work schedule has changed and I wanted to get a new version of the game out before I didn't have much time to work on Gensoblazer. Besides I lose interest when I don't get any feedback on the game for a while. I have worked to fix some of the flaws in the earlier versions of the game allowing you to play with the characters in the newer dungeons. I have also upadted crafting and there are a couple of new sidequests. If you are interested in playing the new version of the game you can download it here (
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: warpshadow on August 24, 2011, 06:40:22 AM
I haven't heard from anybody yet. Does this mean that the game isn't all buggy like the previous versions were?
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: Ghaleon on August 24, 2011, 07:38:21 AM
I haven't tried your game at all yet sorry. I want to but I'm too involved with a couple others atm. I'll try to shortlist it on my gaming backlog if you don't get feedback soon though. Sorry if the post sounds useless to you, I just don't want you to think nobody is listening >=).
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: warpshadow on August 26, 2011, 12:46:02 AM
I thank you for your desire to look into the game, I do enjoy feedback. I would also like to note that a lot of the feedback that I get is error reports and I was being cautiously optimistic since no one was giving me one of those. In that case I think this might be a good version to check out since you can finally play Gensoblazer free of a ton of bugs.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: sumisumi on August 30, 2011, 06:19:29 PM
I just cleared the first dungeon, and now I think I'm supposed to find Marisa's house, but I can't find it...
Or am I supposed to go into one of those other dungeons?  I tried one that led me to a desert but I was killed immediately.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: warpshadow on August 30, 2011, 07:08:52 PM
You are supposed to go to the other dungeons. Also I should probably put some sort of warning on the desert and ice dungeons as you can get to them immediately but they are far out of the starting player's capabilities.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: sumisumi on August 31, 2011, 03:06:09 AM
Ah, I see.  Well, the game is starting to come together now that I've built a cabin.

There are a lot of typos which are pretty annoying, by the way.  I could proof-read for you if you want.

Also, the sign west of the shrine changes it's sprite depending on what direction you talk to it from.

And the portal in Korindo appears for a second when you enter the shop after you clear it.  Try making it invisible by default and only make it visible if you haven't cleared it yet.

I didn't play the earlier versions, but it looks like you improved on player skills, since both Reimu and Marisa have some nice and unique ones.  I wish they all had descriptions, though.

A big problem I'm seeing now is lack of enemy variety.  It kind of sucks when there are only two kinds of enemies in a dungeon, and one of them is a palette swap of the other.
Even having a wider variety of formations of the enemies you already have would help a lot.

Good job so far.  I'm a fan of the original Soul Blazer series, so I'm looking forward to playing this some more.  I'll give you some more thoughts when I'm finished.

EDIT:  Ah, but do characters still disappear if you find their crystal when you don't have enough room for them?  I just had to load an earlier save because I was afraid of that.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: warpshadow on August 31, 2011, 07:42:42 PM
Thank you for the feedback, I will get to the problems you addressed.
Also don't worry about characters disappearing, if you don't have room for them you can meet them outside the dungeon.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: sumisumi on September 02, 2011, 05:57:56 AM
I?ve cleared almost all of it now.  The enemies in the higher-tiered dungeons were too tough for me, so I ended up just running away from them, (which worked extremely well, by the way.)  I was able to defeat all of the bosses, despite skipping the enemies, (which is a good sign that you should make the bosses stronger.)

I assume you meant for the ice dungeon to be last.  The story there threw me for a loop.  Are you planning for the main villain to be a non-touhou character?  Anyways, I managed to beat him, but I didn?t have any Mp so I had to use my pathetic basic attacks and use candy every turn.  It was a pretty lame battle, because a strategy like that worked.  To stop that from happening, I think maybe you should have it so your Mp recovers a little every turn, which would also make it more worthwhile to use it more often instead of just saving it up for a boss.  Also, Cirno?s dialogue is rather ironic considering that there are lots of similar errors throughout the rest of the game.

There was one thing which stopped me from going through the whole game.  Namely, there was a glitch where I couldn?t get into the inside area of the Doll Castle.  I went up to the door and pressed ?c? to open it; the door opened, but Reimu just stood there and I couldn?t do anything so I had to Control-Shift-Escape.  I had been in there once earlier in the game; I went in, talked to the doll, grabbed the first treasure, then left.  So it worked at first.  I think the problem may have something to do with unlocking new areas in the homeworld, since it was after that that I found the glitch.

Talking about the unlockable homeworld areas, they?re rather glitchy.  I?m specifically talking about the Mountain and the Cave.  First I unlocked the Cave, (which was just a big empty room,) and when I left it, instead of going out into the other underground area, I was out at the base of the mountain, except the mountain trail was there even though I didn?t unlock it yet.  When I left and came back, the trail was gone.  After I actually did unlock the trail, the entrance to the inner cave was gone, and so I couldn?t access it, even though I unlocked it earlier.

About the other unlockable area, across the bridge?  Well, first of all, you have to press ?c? to access the bridge area; you should just have to walk to the edge of the screen.   Also, the teleporter in the town ?dungeon? brings you to the desert dungeon, which is quite odd.

After I had cut a whole bunch of wood for a few days, the amount of wood I could get decreased until I couldn?t get any.  I would try to get some and it would say ?You got 0 wood?.  From that point on I had to buy all of my wood at Korindo.  Talking about buying wood at Korindo, it?s really is cheap, isn?t it?  With that low of price of price it?s easy to just ignore the chore system.  I think 3 Gold would be a better price (for both wood and food.)  Another thing about Korindo, when you ask Rinnosuke about ?Skill Improvement Equipment?, if you already have everything he doesn?t say anything and the text box just closes.  He should at least say ?Sorry, I?m all out? or something.  This actually happens for a lot of characters. 

About the village shop?  When I first went there, Nitori was there, even though I?d never seen her before (I couldn?t interact with her at all.)  I don?t really understand this whole ?Marisa working at the store thing either, since she exists at both places anyways.  You can also ask her to get mushrooms indefinitely, which doesn?t really matter since her potions don?t do anything yet.  Also, trying to return from the area in the village where the shop is is impossible when you have the max number of houses.

Oh yeah, and Rumia is invisible in the village.  If you?re lucky you can still talk to her, but she?s invivisible.  (Talking about graphical oddities, someone I thought was Youmu looks suspiciously like Yoshika in the village, but the game treats her as if she was Star Sapphire?)

There is also a cutscene where Reimu and Marisa talk about Marisa?s house, which I hadn?t seen until pretty late in the game.  I assume you were supposed to see it the first time you enter that area.  You might have to enter from a specific direction, and I had simply entered from the other way every time up to that point.

Getting a game over result in an error.  ?Cannot find [gameover.img]? or something like that.

And after you unlock all the extra homeworld areas, if you select ?Access New Areas? under ?Building Projects? in the village, the game will give you two yes or no questions, without any explanation.

?I have things to say about the design choices and the execution of the game systems as well, but this post has become large enough already.  And I?m tired.  So I?ll talk about that later.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: warpshadow on September 03, 2011, 09:12:44 PM
First of all I would like to thank you for the input and I will get on the things that you mentioned as soon as I have some free time (I work mostly on the weekends).
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: blabla1994 on September 04, 2011, 10:09:44 AM
Hey sorry I haven't said anything on this yet, but I just moved and won't have internet for a while I am currently typing this on a cell phone.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: warpshadow on September 07, 2011, 10:38:13 PM
I have just started work on the game again and have been working on the bugs Sumisumi mentioned. The next version of the game will contain more dungeons but how many I am not sure of, as that depends on my motivation and how soon you guys want a new version of the game out.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: sumisumi on September 16, 2011, 12:05:08 PM

First, I want to talk about what made the original Soul Blazer cool.
The defining feature of the game was how actions in the dungeon areas effected the towns by unlocking expansions to the town.  By unlocking these parts of the towns, as well as the towns' inhabitants, you could not only improve the main character's abilities, but also unlock new parts of dungeons.  A lot of the different parts of the game were very closely integrated with one another, which is what made the game very dynamic and interactive.

You are doing very well at bringing a lot of these elements into your game, and expanding upon them.  The wood and food system is a good idea that places emphasis on tending to your town and talking with your villagers often.  The building projects system to go along with this is also great, since it gives you a lot of freedom for what you want to build and when.

The chore system which goes along with this, however, I think needs some changes.  Most importantly, a lot of information about it isn't displayed.  It would be great to know more about days.  It would be great if there was the 'time of day' on the menu to show you how long until the next day.  How many chores you can still do would also be a great thing to have on the menu.  It would also be nice if the things that you can use to perform chores were more clearly marked.

Putting villagers into houses is also a bit clunky right now.  There's really no freedom for where they go to.  You should be able to choose which house they go into, and you should be able to move them to another house even after you get them.

Talking about that, it would be a good incentive to move them around if you could have multiple people in a single house.  Perhaps two people per normal house, three for a larger one.  If the inhabitants of a house get along well, (i.e. Minoriko and Shizuka,) then they'll become more useful somehow.  Or, if they don't get along, (i.e. Cirno and Suwako,) then they'll become less useful.  Right now, villagers don't interact with eachother at all.  It's like they're in their own seperate worlds.  A system like this would help to integrate the community better.

About the shop.  I'm not sure what plans you have for this yet, but I think you're on the right track with Marisa (even if it doesn't work yet).  If the things you can buy at the shop change depending on who you assign there, it could be quite dynamic.  It would also be fun if there were other facilities that you could build and then assign villagers to.  A shrine or something might be fun. ^_^

As for items, there a couple of problems.  The first and most natural is that they're not all finished yet.  This is to be expected, and wouldn't be so bad if not for problem number two, which is lack of descriptions.  In your next release, please have descriptions for all items, and tell us if an item doesn't work yet.

Dungeons are pretty good so far.  I especially like the forest dungeon; areas with lots of branching paths straight from the get-go work well in a game like this.  The other dungeons are more problematic, because they are more linear.  Linear dungeons are great, of course, but you need to think differently when making a linear dungeon for a game like this.  Note the original Soul Blazer, where there were many shortcuts that you could unlock as you went along.  With these shortcuts you could easily travel back to the town, and when you go back to the dungeon you can start right where you left off.

Gensokyo Blazer lacks this.  Your linear dungeons are long gauntlets which carry you further and further away from the village.  If you want the village to be an important part of the game, you should never be too far away from it.  You should be able to go back and forth to it and the dungeons fairly easily.  In other words, you need to add unlockable shortcuts to your more linear dungeons.

The lazy way to do this would be to add simple teleport points.  I recommend against that.  Try to make enviromental changes, such as rocks moving out of the way when you press a switch, or try have the player throw down a rope back to the entrance from a higher point on a cliff.

Better yet, implement the villagers in the shortcuts.  As an example, say you have to go a long ways to get across a river and then return back to the starting room, but on the other side of the river.  You find a crystal, and Cirno pops out and creates an ice bridge!  Now you can cross it and you don't have to go all the way around again. In addition, part of Cirno's personality is imprinted onto that stage, so when you go across her bridge you can say "Yup, that's Cirno all right."  In this way, you can make the villagers seem like they're part of a bigger, more dynamic world.

I noticed that when you get near Rumia's crystal it gets darker.  I personally found it quite cool.  This is the sort of thing you should do more of to connect the villagers more with their surrounding dungeons.  This is also the sort of cool secondary effect that unlocking shortcuts with villagers can have.

Integrating the village system with the rest of the game was an extremely important part of Soul Blazer.  I think the best thing you can do for your game is finding more ways to integrate your village system with the rest of the game.

One great opportunity which you have is with your battle system.  Right now, your village really doesn't effect the way you fight at all.  One difference that it can make is when Rumia gives you the Shadow Gohei.  All this does is raise Reimu's attack, but it does make a difference.

What you should do is make it so that every villager can make a difference in battle, and a unique difference at that.  If everyone gave you a piece of equipment than that might help, but that wouldn't really be unique.  The sort of uniqueness that you want is something that will change a character's fighting style, something that will change the choices that they have, not just change stats.

I recommend you implement a system where villagers can change the skills that a character has.  For example, if you have Sunny Milk in your village, then she could change Reimu's 'Persuasion Needle' into 'Sunshine Needle'.  Such skill changes would make an attack stronger and provide it with extra effects.  Sunshine Needle could for example be strong against dark enemies.

Sunshine Needle might not be the only alternative form of Persuasion Needle, though.  Maybe if you have Yukari she can change it 'Purple Needle' instead, which would have different advantages than Sunshine Needle, so you would have to choose between them.

Another good example would be between alternative forms of 'Homing Amulet'.  Suika might have a powerful upgrade called 'Homing Vapor' or something, but then Hina might have an upgrade called 'Broken Amulet' which is less powerful but which can debuff.  So there, too, you have to make a choice.

In short, I'm suggesting that the main characters have a dynamic set of skills which can be changed depending on what villagers you have.  This would strongly integrate the battle system with the village system.

Of course, there are lots of ways you can go about doing this.  I provide my suggestion as an example.  Regardless of what you choose to do, though, I urge you to implement a system where villagers can in some way provide unique changes to the main character's fighting styles.

I think that rather than adding a bunch of new dungeons, your main focus should be on refining what you already have, making it more dynamic and integrated.

I'm glad to see people working on projects like this.  I'm excited about this project specifically because of it's ties with Soul Blazer, and because of the great potential it has, and I'm looking forward to the next release.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: warpshadow on September 16, 2011, 09:21:15 PM
I read over your suggestions and I will try to implement what I can with my limited time and programming knowledge. Part of the reason I say time is that I want to release a new version of the game at the end of the month. One thing that I think I can implement is a happiness system for the village residents, as in what other characters are in a village affects how a certain character does their work. As for skill modifications I wondering if people are more interested in a smaller pool of playable characters as skill modifications will work best with those.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: warpshadow on September 23, 2011, 07:46:18 AM
I have worked on the game quite a bit more and I now have a new version of Gensoblazer ready for all that wish to play. Beyond a bunch of bug fixes (and trust me there were several bugs caught this time around) I have expanded the gameplay by having two new levels. Not only is there more to play but I have added some features to improve gameplay including some village improvements (I took some of SumiSumi's suggestions and implemented them) and I also slightly reworked the monsters in the game to make bosses a bit tougher. But enough harping on the game here is the download (
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: warpshadow on September 25, 2011, 11:16:45 PM
Having completed the fifth version of the game I am going to start of the sixth and I was wondering what to do. I usually try to work on some of the dungeons but I am a bit stumped on what to work on next. The choices I have in my head are

The misty mountain
The dimensional cave
The hall of judgement
Scarlet castle
Flower castle

As for a reference the dungeons I have already completed are The dimensional shop, the forest maze, the doll castle, marsh labyrinth, The desert ruins, The ice caverns, Tengu mountain, and the uncovered dungeon. I am working on the phantom village as well as one of the ones above but I don't know which one.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 28, 2011, 03:15:06 PM
Yeah, found something weird in the forest dungeon where you find Rumia, Wriggle, and a few others.
I ended up losing to Remi, and the game just up and froze where it was when...Shizuha(?) walked past, it hung up right as she got to the tile next to me.
Music was still going and stuff, but it wouldn't accept any inputs.
Was I not entirely meant to lose? Then again, level grinding solves everything, just gotta approach it like a Roguelike..

Also, were the dungeon rooms meant to be so big?
I mean, i got lost in the forest maze and ended up finding Remi by pure accident.

EDIT: Got past Remi, but Shizuha didn't appear in the village, despite me recruiting her and having more than enough room to accommodate her,
It also froze when I tried going into the doll castle.

I also vote that you work on the Scarlet Castle.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: warpshadow on September 29, 2011, 04:46:39 PM
I fixed the Shizuha bug for the next version of the game. It seems I already fixed it for when you purposefully give in to Remilia but not when you lose.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: warpshadow on October 26, 2011, 10:29:09 PM
If anybody was wondering, no Gensoblazer is not dead, it's just taking some more time before another release comes out. I should finally get the human village (what is on the other side of the bridge) finished in the next release. I think I fixed the dollcastle bug as well. If there is any other improvements you would like to see, please tell me.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: warpshadow on November 03, 2011, 11:38:15 PM
I was wondering how far everyone has gotten in gameplay and what characters they like to use. I would like what I need to work on.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer
Post by: warpshadow on November 29, 2011, 05:04:04 PM
If you were wondering (and I hope you were) if another, better version of Gensoblazer would ever come out cease your fretting for a new version of the game is now out. New improvements include a new level (the phantom village) as well as a new playable character. I also hopefully fixed the doll castle bug and added some new side quests.
You can download the new version of the game here (
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.06 out 11/29
Post by: warpshadow on December 03, 2011, 07:35:50 PM
I have noticed a lack of interest in the new version of Gensoblazer  :ohdear:  On the bright side I haven't received any error complaints about the new version either. I was wonder what I could do to make it a more interesting game that you would like to play.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.06 out 11/29
Post by: Savory on December 05, 2011, 03:17:43 AM
Any chance you can post screenshots? It's better for me to see what I'm going to download first.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.06 out 11/29
Post by: warpshadow on December 05, 2011, 06:42:32 PM
Okay here are a couple of screenshots
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.06 out 11/29
Post by: Starxsword on December 09, 2011, 04:41:19 AM
I will probably try the newer version out some time later. So busy...
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.06 out 11/29
Post by: blabla1994 on December 09, 2011, 04:52:18 AM
Sorry, but I'm pretty sure you just chose a bad time to update as everything from Skyward Sword to Skyrim to the latest Call of Duty came out roughly in this time period. So basically there is a game for everyone who calls themselves a gamer out for them to drool over, leaving little time for any (no matter how well made) fangame.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.06 out 11/29
Post by: warpshadow on December 12, 2011, 11:13:09 PM
Don't worry too much about it. Besides I think you might like version 0.07 when comes out better since it has a bunch more Yukari stuff.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.06 out 11/29
Post by: blabla1994 on December 14, 2011, 04:13:37 AM
Sounds awesome. No seriously, I'm highly anticipating the next release.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.06 out 11/29
Post by: warpshadow on December 16, 2011, 04:07:55 AM
I hope your aren't too excited because it will take some time before the next release. I have at least a dozen side quests and nine scenes to code. I plan on a major update to crafting as well. I am also adding a new character, please tell me if Alice or Cirno isn't working properly.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.06 out 11/29
Post by: warpshadow on December 30, 2011, 03:01:54 AM
Just as a heads up I still have at least a week of stuff to program into the game before I think it will be ready for another release.  BTW is there anything that you would like to see in the next version of the game?

Oh and as a bit of a spoiler this song is going to be in the next game version (
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.06 out 11/29
Post by: Starxsword on December 30, 2011, 03:52:31 AM
I am still playing some other game, so I only tried a little bit of this. Since I am not far, I would not what to suggest.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.06 out 11/29
Post by: warpshadow on January 10, 2012, 10:37:17 PM
I have a new version of Gensoblazer for all of you to enjoy. It has eleven new quests, a new playable character and I have upgraded the crafting system quite a bit. You can download it here (

Please tell me what you think of the game and what you want to see in future versions of the game.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.07 out 1/10/12
Post by: warpshadow on January 10, 2012, 10:38:57 PM
I was thinking of creating a new Touhou rpg. It would have a cross between the Quintet games from the Snes era and Harvest moon with more tradition rpg combat. I guess I will call it Gensoblazer until I have a better name for it.The story so far is Tenshi and Nue meet up and troll Gensokyo into oblivion. You have to thus rebuild the entire land from scratch. The game will be build from the RPGmaker xp format since I have all the sprites for that. If anybody has any suggestions for the game I am more than willing to listen and if they wish to help I will accept that as well.

Update (1/10/12)
Version 7 of the game is now ready. You can download it here (
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.06 out 1/10/12
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 11, 2012, 07:43:30 PM
This game's vista-compatible right? I hope so. :ohdear:

EDIT: It keeps spitting out this error when I try to start it.
Quote from: Error
RGSS-RTP Standard not found.

EDIT #2: Turns out I just didn't have it on this loaner computer.

EDIT #3: There's a bug with the new crops thingy, I went to negative chores by messing with 'em.

Edit #4: There seems to be a bug with the villagers. I've gotten to what seems to be the maximum expansion for the village itself, but when I go to rescue Shizuha and Rumia, it says that there's no room for them.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.06 out 1/10/12
Post by: Trickysticks on January 11, 2012, 11:24:08 PM
At first glance this seems pretty good. Maybe you'd like someone to proofread and such?
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.06 out 1/10/12
Post by: warpshadow on January 11, 2012, 11:52:16 PM
I would love to have a proof reader for this game.

Also I fixed the veggies bug for future versions of the game.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.06 out 1/10/12
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 12, 2012, 01:49:56 AM
Oh yeah, the rain from the Border Dungeon seems to be bugged, as is the ending of the Hunt The Mushrooms! Sidequest Marisa gives you.
I had both the rain from there, as well as Reimu's dialogue portrait stuck on-screen. The rain was tolerable, but the portrait just made things difficult.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.06 out 1/10/12
Post by: warpshadow on January 12, 2012, 05:14:45 AM
Done and done. I also found the bug the screws up the upgraded village. Other than bugs is there anything new you want to see i the game?
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.06 out 1/10/12
Post by: blabla1994 on January 12, 2012, 06:53:19 AM
Welp I finally started this up again, so far, whats with the switching back and forth between fast walking and slow walking? Oh and *starts game* oooo a portal! *enters* ? Oh an ecoun-*dead*... Yea.

OK it's been a while but I seem to recall there not being purple slimes on the first floor. When did this change?

Seriously those purple slimes are just annoying, they give only 1 more xp then the basic slime, take 2 hits, and deal 4 times the damage. I actually found myself running from battle from them, and I never run from battles in RPG's. >_>

Not that I'm really complaining all that much, just ranting.

Oh hey you actually put things other then candy in the starting chests.

See those geists are good, they also give only 1 more xp then the basic slime, but also only do 3 times damage and take 1 hit.

Oh by the way, don't take all this the wrong way, I'm being intentionally nitpicky because I figure if I say my opinion on just about everything in the game you'll be able to take that and make something better from it.

Also no matter how I typed that sentence it still came off as fairly pretentious. >_> Sorry.

Ok, I still have no idea why seven versions later Marisa still starts with 55 in every stat and gains 5 every level, is there a reason for this, or have you not gotten around to it yet? As I've asked what up with that and never exactly gotten a concrete answer or well any answer at all.

Never mind, figured out the slow/fast thing.

Ok well I'm done for the night, so far it looks significantly more polished then the last version I played, which was like version 4 or something.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.06 out 1/10/12
Post by: warpshadow on January 12, 2012, 08:22:11 AM
1. I will try to get to working on the ability scores this version, sorry I haven't gotten around to it.
2.Remember to upgrade your village, at least five times. ;)
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.06 out 1/10/12
Post by: Lunaca on January 13, 2012, 02:06:40 AM
i keep getting invalid access to memory location en start so i cant start it up
using x86 win7 HP
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.06 out 1/10/12
Post by: warpshadow on January 14, 2012, 07:23:55 PM
From checking out the faq the solution I have found out is to run the game as an admin under the compatibility settings.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.06 out 1/10/12
Post by: Lunaca on January 15, 2012, 06:54:50 AM
there seems to be a bug for wood collecting

if you collect wood(2 pcs) before buy the copper axe you'll be able to get 3 pieces of wood

however if you buy the copper axe right off the bat before rinno gives you 20 pieces of wood for the cabin and build the cabin or even collect wood you'll only be able to collect 2 pcs of wood

edit #1: seems like if you only expand the village there'll be an empty lot at the right side(item shop place) of the village fence and if you go into it you'll be trapped FOREVER

edit#2: the human village store is bugged
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.06 out 1/10/12
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 16, 2012, 07:37:06 PM
I have an idea for the various Ultimate Weapons for each playable character. (That I know of.)

Hakurei's Ancestral Gohei
Description: This gohei has been passed down in the Hakurei Clan for generations, and now Reimu has mastered it's power.
Stats: Subjective, up to the programmer.

Crescent Broom
Description: It looks somewhat unwieldy, as it's just a strange old staff roughly fashioned into a broom, but there's no denying that it's somehow important to Marisa.
Stats: Subjective, up to the programmer.

Monkey King's Wrench
Description: This is that legendary wrench the Monkey King uses to repair his plumbing! ...Let's hope he doesn't notice it's missing.
Stats: Subjective, up to the programmer.

Guignol's Marionette
Description: A legendary puppetmaster used these dolls to conduct grand plays, now they've found a home with Alice. They seem somewhat sad though...
Stats: Subjective, up to the programmer.

I know Alice uses books, but this just seems to fit more. thematically speaking.

Also, the village size is just too small y'know? maybe update it to have a max size of 18. You don't even need to restructure the map that much, just give the option to upgrade the individual buildings like with the main house. And maybe give the main house an option to expand further. (And maybe add in a line of code that makes all playables go in the main house, and nobody else.)
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.06 out 1/10/12
Post by: Lunaca on January 17, 2012, 09:41:32 AM
since me and hanz are breaking the game for bugtests ive found 2 more serious ones

Reverse Village 4 is improperly mapped you cant escape it since some stairs point to the same exit point once you hit the portal area you're pretty much trapped forever

Nitori does not retain her levels if you make her leave the party

aside from the fact you cant kick nitori and alice from the workshop, medi and kogasa being un-evictable, adding suika to your village gives you mino
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.06 out 1/10/12
Post by: warpshadow on January 18, 2012, 02:00:54 AM
A couple quick questions, I have been working on the various bugs reported.
1. Does anybody switch out their playable characters for new ones?
2. Do you do any of the quests that the town characters ask of you?
3. Do you consider the game's bugs game breaking so that you would prefer a quicker release of the next version with less new content but with bugs fixed?
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.06 out 1/10/12
Post by: Lunaca on January 18, 2012, 03:41:39 AM
yeah i swap out characters for new ones (the playable ones should all just stay in the main house imo so its less confusing)(youmu's double attack is broken)

yeah i do quests (finished alice's subquest completely but it traps you in the trees south of her house and when you townportal away you'll never see alice again and she stays in your party permanently)

i'm all for bugfixes before new content since you cant enjoy the new and old content if the pre requisite to the new content is the broken old content

yeah and rinno should sell town portal scrolls those things are useful
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.06 out 1/10/12
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 21, 2012, 07:24:12 PM
I'm all for the bugfixed version myself.
it gets kinda jarring when you get told you have no room for anyone when you clearly do.

Also, a suggestion for the village. Add the option to upgrade the main house one bit further, and give the option to upgrade the other houses to one step below the main house.
Maybe make the main house have a different, more extravagant look, like a Village Chief's house.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.08 out 2/22/12
Post by: warpshadow on February 23, 2012, 03:50:40 AM
There is a new version of the game out. There isn't supposedly that much new stuff but with the bugs removed from previous versions of the game you can now play three additional characters.
You can now play the game at (
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.08 out 2/22/12
Post by: teefa85 on February 23, 2012, 02:52:07 PM
I was wondering if you'd be interested in using some sprites I've been working on.  I actually lurked for a long time back when you were working on your first game and used the link you'd posted to get sprites, and myself started working on some of the characters that weren't there.  Granted, I'm not releasing it (I do it more for my pleasure than to make them good enough for online) but I do enjoy making them.

Currently, I have all the HRtP bosses, Rika and Meira, Shinki and Yumeko, and Futo (since I made her from the base I'd used for Shingyoku M).  And Ruukoto, seeing as she was the only PoDD character you didn't make.  Though my Shingyoku Orb, Kikuri and YuugenMagan eyes aren't that good...mostly because I have little understanding of shading objects in that manner (I'm good enough to recolor but not enough to actually do my own shading).  If this helps you in any way I'd be happy to give them to you.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.08 out 2/22/12
Post by: warpshadow on February 23, 2012, 04:31:56 PM
I would be very happy to have them as they would save me quite a bit of work in later parts of the game.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.08 out 2/22/12
Post by: teefa85 on February 23, 2012, 06:28:11 PM
Your welcome; I enjoy your games so much that I'd love to give what I can.  How would it be best for me to get them to you?  I'll just send all the ones I worked on; I might try to fix up the orb ones at a later date or unless you have any ideas to fix them...drawing Kikuri on a small circle wasn't easy and I even gave up on that beyond the shading part.  Plus I might goof with more when I'm done so if I finish ones that you haven't done in the future I'd be glad to send them over as well.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.08 out 2/22/12
Post by: warpshadow on February 28, 2012, 03:25:20 AM
Given the time since I made the download available can I assume that the latest version isn't that buggy. I don't want to give out too many spoilers but the next area in the game is going to have quite a few bosses in it. I would like to ask people what have they thought of bosses in the game so far and what can I do to improve them? Also is there any balance issues with character skills that need to be addressed?
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.08 out 2/22/12
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 28, 2012, 05:18:09 PM
According to what I've found and heard from Bystander/Lunaca, there's still the glitch where you can't evict folks, the bridge randomly breaks, and trying to recruit someone again without leaving when you got them makes copies of them in the village.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.08 out 2/22/12
Post by: teefa85 on February 28, 2012, 08:51:47 PM
I got images stuck once or twice and they didn't go away after the dialog finished.  Once was after finding a phantom Lyrica outside Kourindou and I think one other but forgot where.  Probably just a forgotten image deletion command after the conversation.

Also, sometimes the images of who's talking doesn't change, but I can tell that the character talking has changed by the dialog (like having Reimu's portrait stay up while Rinnosuke or Marisa are saying something that you know only they would say).
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.08 out 2/22/12
Post by: warpshadow on February 29, 2012, 02:51:27 AM
Okay I fixed the lyrica bug as well as all of the bugs that allow you to get a duplicate of a character. I am working on the rest of the bugs as well. Is there anything you want to see in the next version of the game?
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.08 out 2/22/12
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 01, 2012, 07:19:36 PM
I dunno, maybe more room in the village? I mentioned this earlier on.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.08 out 2/22/12
Post by: teefa85 on March 02, 2012, 04:19:04 AM
I'd second more room in the village.  I'm pretty much out and to upgrade again I have to grind enough to beat the dungeon that just opened up; I went in and the monsters were beating my rear in.

Some more glitches I found out while playing today...mostly with certain recruits or in the doll castle.

1.  The doll enemies in doll castle have their transparency set to white, so parts of the frills of their dresses and a bit around the white of the eye take on the color of the background during battle.

2.  The fountain in front of doll castle can be walked through on the sides.  Two ways I found to go about this are A) to make it a static fountain tile instead of an event, or B) to make a "dummy" blank tile that has no passability and place that tile on Layer 3 to the left and right of the event.  Yeah, since I have RPGmaker myself I'm goofing with any glitch I find in hopes of helping to find a solution.

3.  The doll archer enemy's Elf shot skill has no animation nor effect.

4.  All chests in doll castle that contain Wood, as well as the Magician's Broom and the shield on the other side of the mirror say "you found an item" instead of saying exactly what it is.

5.  Medicine doesn't vanish after you recruit her, so you could theoretically ask her to join again and again until all your houses are filled with Medicines.  Also, if you leave the area and return, the Treant boss is back.

6.  When you ask Medicine to do something for you in town, you get a blank dialog box with only the Yes/No prompt.  When you ask Shizuha to do something for you, after she's done you get a blank dialog box with a Yes/No prompt that does nothing.

7.  If you talk to Shizuha, she says "I Miko should take care of gods."  I guess it's supposed to be "A Miko."

8.  The portal to the introduction dungeon in Kourindou still appears, but vanishes a moment after you enter the shop.

Hope this helps.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.08 out 2/22/12
Post by: warpshadow on March 03, 2012, 08:19:35 PM
Okay I fixed all eight of those problems. I was wondering what do you think of all the bosses in the game? Are they too easy? Too hard? What should I do to make them more interesting?
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.08 out 2/22/12
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 03, 2012, 10:03:24 PM
I kinda liked the bosses, I remember that the original version of Remi hit MUCH harder, and was also much more durable.
This current version is much weaker, more fitting of a Second Boss.
Though I remember that the first dungeon also provided you with a bevy of Fire Scrolls/Fireworks to use against the Mimic.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.08 out 2/22/12
Post by: teefa85 on March 04, 2012, 04:24:27 AM
Bosses seem fine to me.  I tend to basically take dungeons in a few runs, the first few to get items at different points and to grind out levels, the last few to run if possible and try to conserve power so Reimu and Marisa tend to have high SP before bosses (Reimu to heal and Marisa to nuke them).  Then again, I'm still early on enough seeing as I explore everything, grind up so new recruits catch up (probably won't enter the next level till Alice gets closer to the others) and have basically been fooling with stuff just because.  Or just using RPGMaker to check any oddities I encounter in case they're unintended glitches; when those chests weren't saying what they were, I was saving and quitting after every one to double check it and write it down.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.08 out 2/22/12
Post by: Mew seeker on April 04, 2012, 01:41:43 AM
I am trying the game so far.
Treasure chests look open after you take their item which is fine.
However, if you search them again, they close then open again. Weird but not gameplay affecting.
However, if you leave the floor and come back, they now look closed but are still empty.
This is bad for dungeon exploring. The bigger a floor filled with chests would be,
the worst it'll get.

Also, magic is too awesome to use for anything else than healing,
at least for me who conserve it  for when needed. X D
Then again, it's something hard to do right.
Romancing SaGa does it right as you get full HP after each battles and having enemies hit hard.
Megaten games also get it right by having enemies doing horrible things to you if you don't kill them quickly
and also eventually giving you several skills and items to recover MPs.
That being said, I am only at the beginning and as a player I don't use items easily.

When I leave a section, I have to take a step forward before to take a step back before leaving.
Perhaps you could consider placing the character entrance point one step further
to allow going back immediately.
Also, on the map, you can only going to the next screen if you're exactly on the road.
You could consider enlarging the entrance by a few squares for those who like to cut corners. ^^

Against the boss of Kourindo's dungeon, I only used defense up and healing against it.
If I knew better, I would have used the defense down move on it.
Maybe I should have use the amulet attack too but I wanted to conserve magic. X D
Also, lot of Candy in that dungeon. X D
That's nice for healing but perharps you could consider at some point more variety in treasure chests?
Then again, I only tried a dungeon so far.
Oh and I realised the dungeon dissapeared when I left it. Ooops. X D

Anyway, if I get more relevant stuff to mention, I'll, uh, I'll mention it. X D
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.08 out 2/22/12
Post by: warpshadow on April 04, 2012, 09:48:42 PM
Thanks for you input, I am trying to figure out how to balance magic a bit but it is difficult.
Also I am looking to see what you think of the forest, castle, marsh and desert dungeons.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.08 out 2/22/12
Post by: teefa85 on April 06, 2012, 03:05:11 AM
I found more of the wood chests labeled simply as getting an item in the Marsh Dungeon.  Which I've been too busy to finish, sadly; my various online games keep having cool events coming up that I'm participating in, and the ones that don't require me to actually do things directly eat up enough processing power that I don't want to run other games at the same time.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.08 out 2/22/12
Post by: Mew seeker on April 08, 2012, 10:08:04 PM
Magic is not necessarily an easy thing to balance. ^^;

Ok, I have played a little more. Here is what I have to say so far. ^^
*looks at notes*
... X D
Wall of text alert. X D

I was thinking, in the opening, when Reimu mention she can fly,
wouldn't it be better
if she jump in the water first before realizing she can't fly? : P
Also, more an observation than anything but if you speed through the text
in the intro, Reimu spend a while just waling before anything can be done. : P

I was wondering, do you have some kind of event flow chart?
In this game, it is possible to try to do things out of order.
Some kind of chart could be useful to prepare stuff in case the players try to do so. ^^
Speaking of which, should we be able to build stuff
in the game before Rinnosuke mentions it?
Perhaps it would be more logical if the option did not appeared right away?
By extension, should Rinnosuke sell wood before he talks about building stuff?
Worth noting is the stuff he sell get updated after he mention it.
The wood could appear then in the list.

I tried to save Marisa first to see what happens.
You actually thought of that. X D
I like that smug face Rinnosuke makes when he mention that the crystal could not be sold without him. : P
I tried for fun the Fire Scroll against the first boss.
It does decent damage. I wouldn't use it so far for random battle.
Also, it can be sold. I suppose it would encourage it being used.
In the second floor of the first dungeon,
both stairs have invisible walls around them to the left and right of their south part.
While not gamebreaking, that is something that should probably be corrected.

When you level up, the game don't warn you when you get a new skill.
... or maybe you don't get skill at all when you level up? X D
From what I read in the other post, you do get skills from interacting with other people.
However, the game don't mention it that, um, loudly?
Maybe some kind of obvious message needs to be there?
Or maybe it's just me. X D

I noticed that when you save in a dungeon, the game save the encounter's counter.
So if you save one step away from a battle,
when you reload you will always have a battle at the next step.
However, what you might fight is not saved and random.
I got Marisa. She should do more exercise. : P
But she does her role as a mage fine.
It's easier for me to use magic when I don't have an healing spell. X D

Based on what I read from other posts, maybe you could consider writting a routine
for when you open a treasure chest.
Maybe something like "You got X!"?
Also, perhaps you could consider at some point putting more than one item in a single chest?
Something like "You found 5 candies"?
There are a lot of candies in the first dungeon.
Perhaps it's not a bad thing as it make healing easier.
However, there are also a lot of candy in the second dungeon IMHO.
Eventually, that's something that could be improved.
Maybe put in a Toothbrush somewhere? : P

I have not seen item drop so far.
Maybe it has yet to be implemented?
As for items, I was thinking of the game balance.
On one hand you can get item from spots and sell them.
On the other hand, you have to rest, items are not worth a lot
and not all spot are convenient.
Also, on one hand, you could raise the price of wood to encourage farming items on your own.
On the other hand, that would make selling wood too easy for money making.
And while you can use items to make money, you don't level up.
Perhaps there is some kind of balance so far.

Obviously, the first dungeon people should go is the one in Rinnosuke's shop.
However, the game don't really tell you that.
The way you find out is by getting some kind of horrible death. X D
Perhaps there should be some pointers in game toward the first dungeon.
Also, perhaps the game should not let you at first go into the other dungeons.
After the first dungeon is cleared, the games dialogue point toward the Forest of Magic and the Doll Castle
but it's still possible to visit the other dungeons.
Eventually, you might want to consider how the game point the player in some directions
and how you might deal with sequence breaking.

It's not necessarily that obvious where you can farm items.
At least Rinnosuke tell us about the places in town where items can be farmed.
It was mentioned before but there is a bug with Carrot and Cumcumber.
Unlike other item farming, the game let you farm those event if you're out of points.
I have ended up with - 3 points. : P
What does exactly giving the three mushroom does?
Does it unlock a tech? The game is not clear about that.

When the game talk about needing food for workers,
does it mean Reimu? X D
Oh, when you try to clear the forest, the game ask for 20 foods.
Then it says : " Not enough wood." X D

And now for today's special deal, make some stair in the mountain
and the game will give you for free the bridge to the human village! X D
And while the game brings you to the new bridge, the stair DO get build.
The game still give you the option to repair the bridge though. X D

The spirit fox in the forest of magic suspiciously looks like Carbuncle from Final Fantasy.
He's also fast. X D
He seems to give decent money though.
Some treasure chest in the forest gave a candy...
and then some music played.
What is this, a Super Candy? X D
In that part of the forest
where you find the crystal containing Rumia
, the game get darker.
However, if you don't
release Rumia
, the game will stay like that until you rest.
You might want to had some flags to make the game go back to normal
for when the player go back from that section or warp out of the forest,
There some part in the forest along a south wall between two sections
where the well don't properly hide Reimu.
I forgot where exactly. X D
Oh well, it's i minor graphic bug so I suppose it's not high priority.

I fought the boss in the dungeon,
Remila Scarlet
Cold Inferno delivered. Seriously. X D
I also boost my magic attack before using it just in case.
While the boss did decent damage, Reimu did decent healing. ^^
That being said, after the battle,
if you check the spot where Remilia was, you'll get a key.
I don't remember seeing any clues though on that key being there so maybe it could be lost easily?
Unless I missed somekind of visual signal, some clue will be needed for the key, visual or not.
Also, when you pick it, some kind of Secret of Mana Unicorn appear at its location.
Also, after the battle, I found lot of treasure that would have helped me for the boss fight! X D
Oh well.
One of them is a armor that increase physical defense but doesn't have any magical defense.
Circumstantial but useful.

I was wondering, are buffs and debuffs working fine in the game?
I remember using a spell to lower the first boss defense
but I didn't notice any difference.
Then again, I didn't test the tech that much so far so maybe it's just me. X D
One thing that I wonder is if the effects stack.

Reimu has a move that both attack and allow you to evade.
The cost is a bit high, I wonder if there will be an occasion to put that move to good use.
That being said, that move would be so useful in a Megaten game,
especially in Digital Devil Saga 2! X D

About items, in battle, lot of items can be selected but don't have an effect.
Even worse, they are wasted while doing so.
This is something that will need to be worked on eventually.
Also, item count don't decrease when they are selected.
Basically, it mean that if I only have one Fire Scroll,
both my characters can try to use it in the same turn.
That too will need to be worked on.

The Yuki Onnas in the ice dungeon don't deal damage and don't give exp.
I guess they are being worked on?

Anyway, that's all I have to say about the game so far for now. ^^
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.08 out 2/22/12
Post by: warpshadow on April 10, 2012, 03:58:21 AM
Thank you from that I was able to fix about five or six things.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.08 out 2/22/12
Post by: teefa85 on April 10, 2012, 08:07:44 PM
I just got through the Marsh Dungeon and found a few things out as well...

1. Mystia's portrait has transparent sleeves so you see the background.  Also, if you don't recruit her and speak to her in the forest, the picture doesn't erase itself.

2. When you fight the fishmen before Nitori's crystal, only the initial one vanishes after the battle.

3. If you recruit Nitori from the outside of the dungeon (since I was out of room and had to go back and Evict someone since Nitori was playable and I wanted a full party), her sprite does not vanish from the world map.

4.  Speaking of Evicting, you can't Evict Hina from the village.

I must say, the cutscene after you beat the boss of the Marsh Dungeon and get the crystal beyond them is quite amusing.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.08 out 2/22/12
Post by: Yao-Kun on April 11, 2012, 05:37:19 AM
Hi, I'm new here, and found this game quite interesting.
So, when I play, I found some bug and hope you can fix it  :3
Here's list bug I encounter so far :

1.When you gather food from Alice, it's name show Kogasa on result (Kogasa found # pieces of food), and can do "unlimited" work!
2.Some chest at doll castle show message "You found an Item" and got nothing.
3.Shizuha's confirmation (yes/no) message at doing work shown after result.
4.At work shop, there's Nitori sprite instead Alice working at cloth shop.

P.S. sorry for my bad grammar  :derp:
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: warpshadow on May 01, 2012, 01:51:31 AM
Greetings everyone I have a never version of Gensoblazer out for all of you to play. It has the following imrprovements.
A new level
Two new playable characters
All the bugs mentioned have been fixed (over 20 bug fixes)
Four new quests

You can play it here at (
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: teefa85 on May 01, 2012, 07:43:37 PM
Yes, gonna try this out later.  And as usual pick through with a fine toothed comb if I find any other bugs; I love having RPGMaker myself...means I can do more than just say "X is wrong" since I can look for answers myself.

Oh, and I finished the rest of the Mystic Square cast if you want me to upload them and PM you a link.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: warpshadow on May 01, 2012, 09:35:31 PM
I would appreciate the mystic square cast as that would save me a bunch of work, thank you very much in advance.

Also what would you want to see in the next version of the game. Is there any new playable characters you would like to see?
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: Hanzo K. on May 02, 2012, 04:28:13 PM
I'll give this a testing from the start again, should be more fun now that most of the bugs that were bothering me are gone.
As for possible playables....Maybe Kisume or something?
Alternately, add the ability for all possible recruitables to join the party on a swap-out/swap-in basis.
Kinda like what they did with Chrono Cross, where you can go to the town to edit your party.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: teefa85 on May 02, 2012, 07:46:12 PM
K I'll get that set up and PM you soon.

I had a hilarious "whoopsie" last night.  When I was playing, I talked to the girl that turned off the encounters and frantically searched through all the files trying to figure out what I did wrong.  Finally, I remembered the fact that talking to her had done nothing, since I'd dismissed it as future content before, looked through the game files and sure enough saw I had screwed up.  After getting back on track, I started laughing.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: Yao-Kun on May 03, 2012, 01:23:24 AM
I would appreciate the mystic square cast as that would save me a bunch of work, thank you very much in advance.

Also what would you want to see in the next version of the game. Is there any new playable characters you would like to see?

TD crew please??  :D
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: Hanzo K. on May 03, 2012, 04:35:54 PM
Okay, here comes my mini-review!

So far, it's quite nice now.
Very few bugs were encountered, but a few minor complaints that have held since the first version will be adressed in the Cons Section.

Review is up to: The end of Magic Forest
Recruited: Reimu, Marisa, Rumia, Wriggle, Star Sapphire, Shizuha Aki.
Skillup Items Bought: Copper Axe, Copper Hoe.
Bosses Defeated: Mimic, Remilia.
Sidequests Completed: Rumia(Shadow Gohei), Marisa(2 Herbs).
Incomplete Sidequests(Current): Star Sapphire(Blue Flowers? Where2GetThem?), Shizuha Aki(Onigiri?), Wriggle(Mochi?), Everyone who isn't recruited.
Completed Dungeons: Secondhand Shop, Magic Forest.
Next Dungeon: Doll Castle.

+Nostalgic gameplay that's like the early Dragon Quest and Final Fantasy games.
+Good cast of characters(What'd you expect?).
+Simple and easy-to-pick-up.
+Mushrooms are easier to get. (Now I can get as many potions as I need!)
+Effective Skills.

-Frequent Grammar Errors/Typos(Gotta fix these, maybe have someone proofread the script?).
-Lack of equipment to choose from at the start(Most RPGs let you do this y'know).
-Spirit Fox and Mangy Kobold lack attack animations. (Minor, but should probably still be fixed regardless.)

Make unique equipment you can only get easily near the game's end, but make it possible to obtain with much effort as early as halfway through.
Make it possible to add the stronger townsfolk to the party as needed, ala Chrono Cross. But with the Town acting as a hub that you can swap in, instead of an item or menu function doing so.(Examples: Suwako, Sanae, Kanako, anyone 3rd Stage and on. Excluding Cirno, because she's Cirno.))
INCREASE THE TOWN'S CAPACITY. (I cannot stress this enough. But just for party members is fine, so do that?)
Add Remilia and her crew as eventual party recruitables midway through the game. (Perhaps after the Scarlet Devil Mansion dungeon? Seeing as how you're meant to go there last in this current version.)
Team Skills. Examples: Fantasy Spark, a Marisa+Reimu Team Tech(Powerful Single-target Skill, Avalible after learning Fantasy Seal and Master Spark.).
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: warpshadow on May 04, 2012, 10:14:23 PM
About Requests
1. I haven't thought about it but when her dungeon comes up Miko would probably make a good addition to the party.
2.About town capacity for party members right now seven playable characters and eventually more will eventually give you a request that they want their own house. If you build it for them they stop taking up a spot but you can still use them for crafting as well as party recruitment.
3.I had the idea of having a skill that is only accessible in town that takes you to a screen where you can access all of the current playable characters (those in town and those with their own houses).
4.Has anybody gotten the Malice cannon yet? I do have one team skill so far and I would like feedback on it before adding others.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: Hanzo K. on May 04, 2012, 10:17:24 PM
That could work.
But what's the requirements for getting Malice Cannon anyhow? beyond just having Marisa and Alice that is.

And on another note, where the heck are you supposed to go to get the Blue Flowers?
I've looked all over the map with the exception of the Mountain and Village areas, nothing.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: Hinacle on May 04, 2012, 10:28:23 PM
I can't seem to get this game to work. Whenever I open it the window appears and then closes without even telling me what's wrong.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: warpshadow on May 04, 2012, 10:48:29 PM
That could work.
But what's the requirements for getting Malice Cannon anyhow? beyond just having Marisa and Alice that is.

And on another note, where the heck are you supposed to go to get the Blue Flowers?
I've looked all over the map with the exception of the Mountain and Village areas, nothing.
You need to complete Alice's second quest.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: Hanzo K. on May 04, 2012, 10:50:33 PM
AH, alright then, I'll see about working on that when I get her.
...Though I still have no clue where to get the Blue Flowers for Star's Quest.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: warpshadow on May 04, 2012, 10:53:55 PM
I can't seem to get this game to work. Whenever I open it the window appears and then closes without even telling me what's wrong.
Unfortunately I think that is more of an issue of how rpgmakerxp works with your computer than my game in particular. The people here ( could probably help you better than I could.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: Hinacle on May 05, 2012, 12:12:44 AM
Sorry to bother you but, now I get an error message that says "Invalid access to memory"
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: warpshadow on May 05, 2012, 12:17:20 AM
Sorry to bother you but, now I get an error message that says "Invalid access to memory"
You might want to try deleting the rgss104e.dll file or at least moving it out of the folder. Sometime I find people need it but sometimes it is in the way.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: Hinacle on May 05, 2012, 01:06:03 AM
You might want to try deleting the rgss104e.dll file or at least moving it out of the folder. Sometime I find people need it but sometimes it is in the way.

No that didn't work. Maybe I should switch out of Japanese locale huh?
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: teefa85 on May 05, 2012, 02:54:32 AM
So do you keep doing sidequests to get people to ask for their own houses?  If so I'm gonna probably do as many of those as I can while I level up and spend every day chopping wood or gathering food to prepare for things.

I'm gonna do a few things with my party in this run.  Gonna not recruit until I got to where I stopped last time (with the exception of people who actually join) to leave up spots open so I can try stuff with other people.  Once I get those houses built then I can replace in the people I didn't get before (unless there are still people I need to that case I'll recruit a bit and not save while I goof around).

Oh, and did you get the PM I sent?  It wasn't in my Sent box but I'm not sure if that meant it was received or not (since every forum is different in regards to how their PM systems work).  Just want to make sure you got the link.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: warpshadow on May 05, 2012, 08:50:00 AM
First of all I got the link.

secondly the people that get their own house in the current version of the game are
Nitori you probably need to recruit hina to finish the second quest
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: teefa85 on May 05, 2012, 03:37:12 PM
Thanks for the link; now I know who's quests I should concentrate on.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: Yao-Kun on May 06, 2012, 02:27:39 PM
Strange, there's no random encounter at dungeon (or just me?)
or maybe this version not support 0.08 save?
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: warpshadow on May 06, 2012, 07:26:52 PM
Did you talk to the purple haired lady who said nothing? She is there for testing purposes and I forgot to take her out of the release version of the game.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: Yao-Kun on May 07, 2012, 01:07:25 AM
Yes, I talk to her.
... Wait, she trigger that bug?
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: teefa85 on May 07, 2012, 03:19:01 AM
Don't worry...I did the same thing.  And laughed when I realized that I completely forgot about her when I found no random encounters after testing a million other things to try and fix the bug myself.

Kay, I'm back up to the Marsh Dungeon after some free time over the weekend, and here's a few things I've found.

1.  If you get Marisa's house and enter the area from the left (direction of the Garden of the Sun) the portal is back and her house is gone.  It fixes itself if you enter from the right (direction of Kourindou) or south (direction of Doll Castle and what I assume will be Alice's house).

2.  You can do Medicine's "give her a cotton dress" quest even without having one in your inventory.  Meanwhile, since Rumia's quest checks for if you have the Shadow Gohei, you can get infinite of them by just equipping your first one on Reimu and then selling after doing the quest.

Suggestions for the next build of the game.  There were some things I noticed about the character classes that I think would be best fixed before adding newer characters.

1.  Some characters don't have their own class (namely Suwako and Sanae, while Yuyuko and Byakuren have class names but they aren't working) so they're using Reimu's class on the character list.

2.  Some characters have armor issues.  In addition to Yuyuko and Byakuren having no equippable armor in the classes made for them, Remilia has none and Rin can only equip body armor.  Also, Reimu, Alice and Youmu can't use the Red Ribbon and there might be other characters not able to use things from their normal equipment types.  Dunno if those were conscious choices or oversight so I'm pointing it out in case it was oversight.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: warpshadow on May 07, 2012, 08:22:36 AM
1. Thanks for pointing out the medicine, marisa and rumia bugs. They are now taken care of.
2.Byakuren, Yuyuko, Sanae and Suwako are works in progress.
3.Before anyone notices, I have realized that the two new playable characters are not available in this version of the game. The reason is once you complete the latest dungeon the new characters should have been available but I forgot to put the switches in that makes them available. I have already corrected this for the next version of the game.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: teefa85 on May 17, 2012, 03:11:38 AM
Was playing earlier (half because I've been waiting to have time to do so and half because I wanted to not throw my laptop across the room in raging frustration at Touhoumon) and found a few other errors...

1.  There are two remaining chests that just say "got an item" and give a piece of wood in the Marsh Dungeon.  One is in the area you recruit Mystia in, the other in the area you recruit Nitori in.

2.  Kogasa, Mystia and Nitori's sprites stay in place if you let them join the village from the dungeon.  Sanae has no dialog if you talk to her after the battle, but her sprite is still hanging around.

3.  In the part of the dungeon by where you fight Sanae, there are two sections of bridge you cannot cross due to not having the "joint" tile you usually use when they change directions.  One is in the upper part and just leads to a dead end, the other leads to the bottom most treasure.

4.  If you use a Town Portal Scroll when in the area by where you fight Sanae, the rain remains when you return home.  A solution I can think of for that is to add changing the weather to None in the Common Event for the Town Portal Scroll.

5.  If Alice is at shop and you select "make things" then back out, you get two options (fancy and silk hakama) that don't do anything.

6.  Mystia has no quests active and I'm also not quite sure of the effect of her daily job since there is no dialog after she asks you for food to make breakfast with (I don't think my inventory changed)

7.  Nitori asks if you want her to fish twice if you ask her to do something for you.  Also, she asks to fish if you ask her to work in the shop, but it doesn't take away from her job quota.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: warpshadow on May 18, 2012, 02:17:07 PM
Thank you for the error report, it will help the next version of the game be even better.
I fixed all the mistakes listed.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: teefa85 on May 18, 2012, 07:32:39 PM
Your welcome.  When I get time again I'm gonna get some levels and then venture into another dungeon to see what else I can see.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: warpshadow on May 22, 2012, 04:00:28 AM
Okay other than
1.Fix all the bugs you or I find
2.Add a system to more easily switch your party members
3.Add a bunch more side-quests
4.Add another level to the game
5.Add more combo techniques, still wanting to see if Malice cannon works out before adding more though.
what would you like to see in the next version of the game?
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: teefa85 on May 22, 2012, 07:38:29 PM
Probably just touchups to the already in the party characters, whether it be balancing, new abilities for ones who don't have many or other unique things for them.  Really all I can think of at the moment.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: warpshadow on May 27, 2012, 05:29:08 AM
So how is the game going? Has anybody run into any more bugs? Have they gotten a chance to figure out if the Malice cannon works or not?
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: Kumori on May 27, 2012, 07:42:54 AM
My version of the game crashed just seconds after it loaded up. I thought perhaps I could go into the project file and play it with the playtest, but it seems you're using an older version of XP.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: teefa85 on May 27, 2012, 07:56:21 PM
Some new stuff I figured out after running the first half of the desert yesterday (the cave side)...

1. Lily W doesn't vanish after recruiting her and the portrait doesn't either, the crystal returns if you leave the screen and come back,  but the scene doesn't play a second time.
2.  Orange doesn't vanish after recruiting her, you can do the scene again
3.  Orange asks for "good" instead of "food" when you ask her to do something, and the message afterwards says "Shizuha" has found wood.  She also doesn't have a quest, though if quests are a work in progress I might suggest having a placeholder for any character who doesn't have them yet (or will have more in the future) where the character says something like "No thank you, there's nothing right now."

And as for something I just found out but could have seen in town last time, Kogasa's sprite has missing pixels from the back and side views.  They're white, and if you used white as your background they probably vanished when you made it transparent.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: warpshadow on May 28, 2012, 01:58:14 AM
Here is a list of all the recruit able characters that don't have a quest associated with them
daiyosei hatate kana nazarin kotohime yoshika merlin ellen koakuma also characters with quest upgradeable weapons cirno suika rin  only have their weapon upgrade quests

Edit I just fixed the three bugs mentioned.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: warpshadow on June 13, 2012, 10:17:36 PM
I am just saying that it will be some more time before the update, as I have a pretty busy schedule. Other than the bugs mentioned and that Nitori doesn't produce weapons if you giver her own house (found and fixed for next version) is the game running decently?
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: teefa85 on June 16, 2012, 04:57:26 PM
I found a few new things in the desert and involving recruits from the desert.  As well as some scenes I finally managed to get.

1.  Sunny doesn't vanish if you refuse her or let her join (and you can do the event again) nor does the picture...leave/return and the chrystal is back.  So you can't get the chest.

2.  Ask Sunny to do something and you get a blank Yes/No prompt; answering Yes gets her to hunt for food as usual.

3.  If you build Alice's house, the scene from earlier when you first found Doll Castle with Marisa plays, and Reimu ends up stuck in the trees (I had to Town Portal out of there).  You can also walk on the trees there, but it doesn't help when your character is still scripted to move downward and you need to move up.

4.  Entering Marisa's from Alice's rebuilt house also reverts back to the Forest Dungeon portal.  Like the earlier glitch, leaving and returning from the direction of Kourindo/Forest Entrance fixes this.

5.  Youmu's crystal comes back and you can re-recruit her.

6.  If you ask Youmu to work, she says she got /[v](number gained) food, probably something to do with the variable formula being shown.

7.  Asking Nitori or Kogasa to work at the item shop without someone else there makes them double up and leaves a dummy in the second shop place.

8. Yoshika, Merlin and Rin also stay behind when you finish their talk in the pyramid, and you can do the event again.

9. The skeletons in the tomb's bottom floor don't vanish after killing them.

10.  I can't find Rin or Merlin on the map since I didn't have room for them in my village.

Characters you can't evict for any reason
Option doesn't do anything:  Lily White, Kogasa, Orange, Mystia and Sunny

Option doesn't work:  Nitori, Yoshika.  In the former's case, she is still in the house and reappears where you would have normally found her if not recruited, while the latter gets a prompt to evict Star Sapphire instead and she stays in the house

Characters not equipping what they should
Wool Hakama: Reimu

Wool Dress:  Marisa, Alice

Not sure if the above is supposed to be like that or they're just not implemented yet so I'm mentioning it just in case.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: warpshadow on June 24, 2012, 05:19:07 PM
I just wanted to say I fixed all of the problems listed. I also checked the ice cave characters for the same problem that the desert characters had.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 4/30/12
Post by: teefa85 on June 24, 2012, 07:20:29 PM
Nice.  I'm tapped out at the moment since all my characters can't be evicted and thus I can't recruit new people (can't even get Nitori's house since I didn't pick up Hina this time around...then again I'd want to wait on that anyway since next version will fix the glitch of her not working in her house).  Might try to brave (i.e. run from enemies) in that portal that appeared in town to allow for more building, but I don't know if I can make it.

If I can't do anything else this version, I'll be sure to get right back at it next version of the game.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 6/24/12
Post by: warpshadow on June 24, 2012, 10:16:08 PM
Well then how about a new version of the game. It has not only all the bugs mentioned so far fixed It also has 3 new playable characters
Meiling, Remilia and Kogasa
A new dungeon the dimensional cave
Twenty one new side quests including
The upgradeable New Scarlet mansion
combo techniques for Nitori, Patchouli, Aya and Suika

You can download it here (
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 6/24/12
Post by: teefa85 on June 25, 2012, 03:44:20 PM
Nice.  Just in time!  I'll probably plan out my recruitment to people who'll help either A) get items or B) help others remake their houses until I get back to where I was.  Thankfully, I have short work days in the summer so I should be able to get on it quickly.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 6/24/12
Post by: warpshadow on July 02, 2012, 03:54:16 AM
I have a simple question for the game, so how far have to you made it through the game? Where do you usually quit and why?
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 6/24/12
Post by: teefa85 on July 02, 2012, 03:56:22 PM
I tend to quit when a new patch comes out because I like checking every little thing; I know from my own game editing that sometimes quashing a bug means something new cropped up to take care of.  Of course, now I'm on a break because an MMO I play decided to have an event and though I can just run it in the background (it involves sitting around) the darn game takes up so much processing power that I'm reluctant to play for long periods of time.

Some new things I found so far, starting from the beginning again...

1.  You can buy wood from Rinnosuke and build your cabin before finding Marisa, and he'll still mention "the two of you".  It also seems to glitch me out of getting  Rinnosuke's shop to sell better stuff since I never see the conversation where he gives you the wood to start building.  Maybe prevent him from selling wood until he gives you some?

2.  Rumia/Wriggle vanish at the same time as the Yes/No prompt to recruit, Star/Medicine/Hina/Alice don't vanish but you can't do the event again so at least you can't accidentally get copies running around.

3.  The Fire Scroll in the forest is labled as Firecracker in the chest.

4.  Reimu/Youmu can't use the Red Ribbon despite using other ribbon type equips.  Maybe a check of character equipment tables to make sure they have everything is in order.

5.  The key Remilia dropped isn't direction locked and changes icon if you examine it from the wrong side.

6. It says you need 30 wood to upgrade the item shop, but it only uses 20.

7.  Entering Marisa's home (either when it's built or still a portal) from the side by the Garden of the Sun transports you to the side by the Forest Entrance.  Dunno if Alice's house entrance has the same glitch yet since I'm not back to the point where I rebuilt it.

8.  Hina doesn't do anything in town, even with a Cursed Box in inventory.

Grammar Issues
1.  A general go through of the enemy names and item/weapon/armor/skill lists might be good since there are several of each that are not capitalized.

2.  Some of the sentences in Star's recruitment convo are not capitalized at the start.

3.  In the post conversation, Reimu says she wishes she had to "rescure" Remilia

4.  The prompts to recruit Medicine and Hina both aren't capitalized (should you...  and (you could... are the beginnings of those sentences.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 6/24/12
Post by: warpshadow on July 03, 2012, 06:41:55 AM
Thanks for the bug report. I was wondering the following about the following questions
1.Is there any dungeon that is too difficult, I am thinking about the doll castle and the uncovered ruins in particular.
2.Of the following characters who would you like to see as playable Komachi, Shou, Byakuren?
3.Has anybody cleared the scarlet castle or does the game get boring before then?
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 6/24/12
Post by: teefa85 on July 03, 2012, 03:54:09 PM
I think most of the problem is that enemy HP scales too fast.  Most of Doll Castle is okay, though those soldiers that attack you if they see you are pretty beefy and annoying to fight (especially since one guards a chest so you can't just sneak around).  The pyramid is also full of things that took me awhile to hack through even with magic, though they were doing barely anything to me so it wasn't as if I needed more levels.  But seeing as I tend to play my games by making one run to grab the treasures and one run where I run from every battle to conserve MP, it isn't as big a deal as it could be.

Byakuren probably.  She could probably have some stat buffing spells because she does canonically know spells to enhance physical abilities.

I haven't gotten there yet because I tend to either A) run out of space/people who can be kicked out and wait for another update (where I can try new people in town) or the game gets updated.  Farthest I've got is the pyramid.

This time I put in a tester EXP growth event so I don't have to grind when getting new characters, but I'm stopping that when I get back to the levels I was at before since it's more or less a way for me to still look at early bugs and end up where I left off without too much waiting.  But for new areas I'm gonna grind like normal because then I can look at stuff like that.  That and the fact that I love party building (it's why I get addicted to Touhoumon).
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 6/24/12
Post by: Mr_Bob on July 04, 2012, 10:15:32 AM
Just downloaded this and got it to start working (you should probably edit the opening post to contain the link to the newest version).
I'll be taking notes while playing through, with an emphasis on grammar and spelling. Thanks for all the work so far.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 6/24/12
Post by: teefa85 on July 05, 2012, 03:06:44 AM
A few more things I've found...

1.  Mystia/Nitori/Kogasa don't vanish when you finish talking with them. 

2.  I found how you get Hina to open your cursed's only after giving her Nitori's cursed engine and then it's only one.

3.  You can't Evict Mystia; it doesn't do anything.  Also, Rumia's Evict prompt is "Not right now" but you are still asked if you wish to Evict her

4.  Kogasa has a small bit of her back that's invisible, probably due to it being white with white being the background color that was told to be invisible.  I usually solve this by making a gaudy color be the backgrounds of every picture I'm uploading with transparency (whether it be a sprite, object, tileset or battler) so I don't use a color that would actually be used for anything.

5.  There's a white line under Reimu's battler and to the right of Nitori's.

1.  In Hina fixing Nitori's cursed item, the second dialog box, beginning with "we aren't sure ourselves..." needs to be capitalized.

Stuff that may be intentional but are oddities so I'm marking them
1.  There's no EXP/Money reward for fighting Mystia or Sanae.

2.  More equipment, with Alice, Nitori and Youmu unable to equip the cheap bracelet.  In fact, about half the characters going down the class list can't use it.

And a question.  What is Mystia making breakfast supposed to do?  I can't figure it out.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 6/24/12
Post by: warpshadow on July 14, 2012, 06:40:31 AM
I think I have worked through most or all of the bugs that have been mentioned. Other than the bugs what feature in the game do you think is lacking the most?
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 6/24/12
Post by: Mr_Bob on July 14, 2012, 09:24:59 AM
Hmmm, it's nice and all, rebuilding Gensokyo, but what about the Hakurei Shrine? Maybe at first it can just be a donation box, but eventually upgradeable to a shrine, with a torii and what not. Maybe if some residents are dissatisfied, they use the donation box as a suggestion box. Maybe be able to upgrade various houses with furnishings, which helps residents work better, or more times. Something that would be amazing, yet difficult (maybe not worth it), is the abilty for characters to have a unique mark, or item on the outside of the house, so you can tell who is in there.

Otherwise, there is a paucity of item variety, and some equipment issues. Maybe more scroll types, armor that focuses on MDEF, rather than PDEF, or raises some stat. Temporary stat increase items? Though, if you do implement more stuff, inventory won't be as simple, and it won't feel as special to get something that's not a health item.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 6/24/12
Post by: teefa85 on July 14, 2012, 03:30:25 PM
I think the shrine is implemented at some point; I know I saw the maps in the file while I was looking through it.  Though I take it this happens after you clear the disturbance in town.

Here's what I saw in my latest playthrough, and now I can move on to new territory in terms of areas I haven't been before...

1.  During the scene where you rebuild Nitori's house, you are put by Marisa's instead.

2.  After rebuilding Nitori's house, you cannot go to it; you can't transfer from the bridge to her home.  NBD for me who has RPGMaker and just added in the event in, but anyone without can't get to her place.

3.  Wool Dress uses 3 Cotton instead of Wool.

4.  Kogasa's Other option doesn't work if she's working in the store.

5.  When Lily jumps around after telling her its spring, she vanishes into the pond due to the prompt to make her disappeare coming too soon.

6.  Orange, Yoshika, Merlin also vanish before you tell them Yes or No

7.  The portrait doesn't disappear when you talk to Orange in the cave (but it will if you talk to her in the flower fields), nor after talking to Youmu.

8.  Sunny, Youmu and Rin still don't vanish when talking to them, and you can do the event again.

9.  Merlin has no job in town, both Youmu and Rin have their "found food" prompt contain the variable sign.

10.  Wriggle mentions Cirno in her town quest even if you don't have Cirno.

11.  Even though Sunny is standing right next to her, Star is still talking about finding her.

And the following characters have trouble with eviction in some shape or form.
1.  Rin (seemed to Evict Youmu instead).

2.  Alice (who also is still in town even though I made her home).

3.  Kogasa (works well, but it asks about evicting Alice instead).

4.  Wriggle's Evict prompt is telling her you want nothing instead.

5.  Can't find Merlin and Youmu on the map anywhere after Evicting them.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 6/24/12
Post by: warpshadow on July 15, 2012, 07:04:04 AM
Teefa's right, you can get a shrine upgrade after you handle the underground ruins. I will also get to working on some crafting improvements as well as a secret for the next version of the game.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 6/24/12
Post by: teefa85 on July 19, 2012, 03:20:26 AM
Did a big run tonight and have a lot of stuff I found.  This consisted of going through the Misty Lake ice dungeon and the dungeon under your town.

Ice Dungeon
1.  When you give Sakuya the mushrooms she asks you for, she stays there but you cannot talk to her again.  Leaving/re-entering fixes it.

2. Daiyousei disappears at the same time as her recruitment prompt appears, and said prompt is only a Yes/No (you aren't asked if you want her).

3.  The Arctic Wolf has some killer defense high above other creatures in the game sofar, including the bosses of the area, and none of my characters can scratch it unless Marisa uses her highest tier spell at the moment.

4.  Kurumi doesn't vanish after talking to her, and you can do the scene again; she, like Daiyousei has no question in front of her recruitment prompt.

5.  Letty doesn't vanish after talking to her, but you can't do the scene again; she also has no question in front of her recruitment prompt, and the picture does not vanish either.

6.  After fighting Magus, you are unable to move, but you can still talk to Sakuya.  Then, you still can't move.  I used a Town Portal Scroll to get out of there, and found that we were scripted to move forward with Sakuya still in the way, thus our inability to move.  Therefore, the answer to this is to possibly have her move to the corner before the scripted movent, get rid of it, or select Ignore if Can't Move on the movement screen (since only the center of the bridge will cause this, but I didn't want to redo the fights to check for sure).

7.  Cirno doesn't vanish after talking to her, and you can do the scene again, plus the picture doesn't vanish afterwards.

8.  During the conversation with Cirno, you spell "lying" as "lieing."

Underground Ruins
1.  Kana/Patchouli/Yukari don't vanish after talking to them, and you can do the scene again.

2.  Recruited Patchouli, Lyrica appeared in my house instead.  Recruited Lyrica, Kana appeared in my house instead.

3.  I started walking on the wall a bit in the 4th level of the Uncovered Dungeon (the part at the top of the wall).

4.  Lyrica doesn't vanish after talking to her, and you can do the scene again, plus the picture doesn't vanish after you talk.

5.  During the talk with Yukari, you have written, "someone as powerful as get trapped..." and there should be a "you" between "as" and "get."

6.  The portal still isn't gone if you finish the dungeon in town (unless I missed something...I opened 4 crystals and beat a boss).

7.  I built Yukari's house, but can't find how to get there once you return to town.

8.  In Yukari's house, she doesn't do any of the things she does when she's in town (like do her quests or have her give you things).

Stuff I Did Afterwards
1.  I did an experiment to get the portal to vanish, by making the Yukarifree switch activate after talking with her, and having that be a condition to turn the
portal off (I don't know if this is how you want to do it, but it worked for me), just to get to the next upgrade. 

2.  Found that there's no 6th or 7th upgrade exit from Reimu's house and had to put one in.  In addition, the two new houses built had "action button" and not "player touch" conditions to activating them so I had  to stumble to get out of the homes.  The same thing happens with all the houses added in the 7th upgrade, as well as the entrance to the shrine.

3.  The Magatama event when you first make the shrine doesn't give you anything, and it's not direction locked so the necklace turns into a chess piece.

4.  I have two extra spaces for characters as of the 6th upgrade and recruit two random people.  The first ends up in the first house, but the second is nowhere to be found despite the second house having room for her.

5.  Sakuya, Kana and Lyrica don't vanish from the area by Kourindou when you recruit them from there.

Eviction Issues
1.  Can't find Daiyousei/Letty/Patchy on the map anywhere if they're not in your town.

2.  Unable to Evict Yukari (no prompt, though considering who it is I don't know if this was intended).
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 6/24/12
Post by: warpshadow on August 08, 2012, 01:52:17 PM
I just wanted to say a couple of things. First off the game isn't dead. I am just working on an interesting revision of the game, at least for the first eight levels of it for this release. Also I have long since handled the bugs listed. As always if there is something you want in the next version of the game please feel free to post it.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 6/24/12
Post by: teefa85 on August 08, 2012, 06:57:36 PM
I seriously need to give a few more stuff a try, but my computer harddrive decided to die on me and I don't even know which version I last had when I backed up my files.  Could always redownload if necessary, but I had a lot of things to do to get my compy back in shape (including trying to find where the new location of my Touhou folder was so I could put the exact address of SWR into 'soku for the extra characters).
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 6/24/12
Post by: warpshadow on October 18, 2012, 04:19:49 AM
Hello everyone I want to say that first of all the game isn't dead and in fact it has a new version ready for you to play.I have added wandering monsters to the first few dungeons of the game as well as fixed a bunch of errors in the game. I hope you enjoy it. download here (
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 6/24/12
Post by: teefa85 on October 21, 2012, 03:25:36 AM
Yes, something to do while my DS is recharging and I can't play Pokemon.  Or I get ready to throw it at the wall due to my stubbornness.

Gonna go out and give it a try in the morning, since it's almost time for me to go to bed.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 10/19/12
Post by: Mr_Bob on October 24, 2012, 08:15:21 AM
Hoo boy, it's been awhile.  There are a lot of neat little tweaks I'm noticing.  As I'm playingtesting, I'm documenting errors I see.  So far, up to the third dungeon, the only bug I've found is that I'm able to recruit Marisa multiple times for multiple Marisas.
(Or should I say Lyrica Prismriver?)
Fortunately, many Marisas act as if there were only one Marisa.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 10/19/12
Post by: teefa85 on October 25, 2012, 03:12:33 AM
Okay, here's a report I have after getting through the first three dungeons again.  This includes some stuff I found by buying a ton of wood and getting areas accessed as well.  Though I still have to do some checks into the new areas that I couldn't reach in previous versions.

Error List
1. Wriggle vanishes at same time as recruitment prompt, Star doesn't vanish if you say no to recruiting her.

2. Medicine doesn?t vanish if you recruit her, the crystal is back if you leave and re-enter.

3. You can also fight the Treant again by leaving and re-entering.

4. The dolls in Doll Castle have some white in the area below their left arms instead of a transparency.

5. There?s a doll near the door to the backyard (where you fight Treant and get Medicine) who has no dialog and doesn?t fight you.

6. Alice doesn?t vanish after recruiting her.

7. The Marisa and Reimu convo when she?s just walking in town is all darkened.

8. When you talk to Marisa in her new house, she?s walking around like her normal script instead of standing still to talk to you.

9. While some purple slime fights in Stage 1 are different colored, some aren? contrast all Mangy Kobald fights are different colored.  Dunno if you wanted all the purple slime fights to have that different hue, but the stuff in Stage 2 seems to suggest that was the intention.

10. If you say ?Yes? to give Medicine a Lily of the Valley, even if you don?t have one, she brings out her second request.

11. If you leave from the ?deeper in? area of the cave that you clear away, you end up coming out of the mountainside one tier up, instead of returning to the part of the cave with the mining equipment.

12. One Cursed Box can be opened indefinitely since it doesn't leave your inventory when Hina opens it.

Dialog Issues
1. Recruiting Hina has the prompt (you can ask her to join your village) where the ?y? in you should be capitalized.

2. A Floor 2 chest says you got a firecracker, when you got a fire scroll.

3. The chest with the Cotton Hakama calls it a ?cotton Hakama? (the ?c? needs to be capitalized).

4. If you ask Hina to do something, it?s just a Yes/No prompt before she starts talking about the Cursed Box.

5. Asking Alice to work at the shop? ?I know how to make doll clothes so I use that to make human sized clothes as well.?  (should be a ?can? between ?I? and ?use?).

6. It says that she uses three pieces of cotton to make a Wool Hakama or Wool Dress.

Don't Evict Properly
1. Rumia's Evict prompt is to tell her you want nothing.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 10/19/12
Post by: iori98 on October 27, 2012, 05:43:56 PM
I'm stuck in an infinite loop in the human village maze and can't escape, the stairs leading to the exit take back to the same place can someone fix this :(
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 10/19/12
Post by: Maiden Synnae ミ☆ on October 27, 2012, 06:19:59 PM
...Can't anyone post screenshots of this game?

I want to see how it's like.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 10/19/12
Post by: Mr_Bob on October 29, 2012, 08:22:40 AM
I'm stuck in an infinite loop in the human village maze and can't escape, the stairs leading to the exit take back to the same place can someone fix this?
Oh right, that was in the mansion part of the dungeon, somewhere near the beginning of the stairway pathing.  I think specifically it was a small room with three stairs. Might not have reported it because I lost my notes and saves when computer problems popped up.  A town portal scroll needed to be used.  I think there were also minor graphical issues in a few places where the wall didn't end in the wood paneling tile that was characteristically used for the wall-endings.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 10/19/12
Post by: teefa85 on November 03, 2012, 03:49:43 PM
Now that my power's back on from the storm, I can get a few sessions of this in again and look around some more.  I'm also at work on some more of the sprites for characters not yet done, including an adult Akyuu since she looked older in Forbidden Scrollery.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 10/19/12
Post by: warpshadow on November 04, 2012, 08:26:24 AM
Thank you very much for your help. I have worked on the errors found and will work on the game some more.
Title: Re: New Rpg Gensoblazer version 0.09 out 10/19/12
Post by: EthanSilver on November 05, 2012, 02:27:56 AM
So, this does not run. At least, not without some modifications. The game will complain some files are missing when launched (unless you have RPGMaker installed I'm guessing; I don't). After some messing around I found that modifying the Game.ini file so the "RTP1=Standard" line doesn't have a value (ie, just "RTP1=") fixes this and makes the game run just fine - RPGMaker's standard RTP isn't needed as far as I can tell. You should include a fixed Game.ini in the next releases so everyone can run the game.

After getting it to run everything went fine. It's a pretty standard RPGMaker project with few serious modifications to the default game engine (from what I've seen so far), but the idea sounds pretty good and it's been enjoyable to play. Major complaint though: stop whatever development you're doing and proof-read/spell-check your game. Normally I'd see this as a nitpick, but it does get very inconsistent or blatantly obvious that proofreading was neglected in some places...

"Your Welcome"? What's a girl now?

Sometimes things are capitalized, other times they're not.

Gonna play it some more later; I guess I'm too early in the game right now to form much of a coherent opinion, but it's promising. ;)

Edit: Se-se-se-sequence breaker!
So I figured I'd grind in the forest dungeon for a bit to breeze through the first dungeon (kinda forgot to save... fuuuuuu-). After wandering a bit I found a crystal and figured, oh hey, a new person. May'swell see what happens if I open it up. Bam - for some reason Marisa and Reimu are chatting up the freshly-released Rumia. I have no idea where Marisa came from. Sneaky little witch seems to have been with Reimu all along after all. :)

Might want to check if the player completed the previous dungeon before allowing them to trigger these events. Or better yet, have special cases for sequence-breaking (ie, make a version of the Rumia cutscene without Marisa).