Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Akyu's Arcade => Topic started by: Fightest on April 11, 2011, 05:58:48 PM

Title: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on April 11, 2011, 05:58:48 PM
Opening - Pursuing My True Self
( (
It is April 11th, 2011. As such, Persona 4 starts, canonically, today. Thus a few of us P4-loving folk have decided to play the game out day-by-day.

My particular entry won't be an LP, as I am able to neither take screenshots nor video. I hope that someone else manages to work either of the two in, as pictures are great.

My personal contribution is a solo run, but on Normal, as I don't want to have to really strain myself on the grind. How am I going to do it without images? I'll figure it out.


We follow a luxurious blue limousine as it makes its tracks through a thick, white fog. Its origin and destination unknown, we may only briefly wonder about this strange sight before we are whisked inside.
A bizarre-looking, hook-nosed man greets us from across a small, deep-blue table. To our left, a row of tumblers and champagne flutes, all masterfully crafted from deep-blue glass, emits the occasional quiet tinkle. The floor beneath our feet is bedecked in deep-blue velvet, and the woman to the man's left - even now calmly observing us with striking golden eyes - is wearing a strict deep-blue dress.
The man greets us, and gives us his name - Igor. It seems we are expected. He tells us that this peculiar place that we are in - the so-called Velvet Room - does not exist in the real world, but is, rather, a gathering-point for certain individuals that hold a contract.

Still wearing his wry, implacable smile, he offers us a look into the future, as if such a task is a simple stage trick for him. With a gentle flash of blue light, he spreads seven cards on the table in front of him. Wondering at the simplicity of the process that yet carries a myriad of results, the odd man remarks with a giggle that a deck of cards is much like life itself.

Our first card is the Tower in upright position - a portent of terrible things to come, of ruin and fall, of the collapse of everything that had been strong and impregnable.

It is then no wonder that the future is represented by the Moon in upright position - a future shrouded in illusion and mystery, a symbol of signs that lead astray, and of the truth, obfuscated.

Unperturbed at this perhaps disquieting turn of events, the strange man tells us that we would meet him again, when we would enter into a contract. His tone not changing one bit, he warns us that should we fail at unraveling the mystery that will no doubt soon surround us, our very future may be forever lost.

No doubt the odd man understands the weight of his prophecy. He reassures us that we may rely on him, and his assistant, for aid. Perhaps the man is forgetful, for he realises with a chuckle that he has not yet introduced his assistant by name - Margaret.

For the first time since we entered this strange realm, Margaret speaks, echoing her master's reassurance that she would help us to her best abilities.
And, as quickly we entered the enfogged limousine, we leave.

Day 1

It is now that we meet a certain young man, waking up after a long train journey. It will still be a few minutes before he arrives, so why don't we let him introduce himself?

( Thanks, Narrator. I'm Souji Seta, and I'm moving to Inaba to stay with my uncle whilst my parents are away for a year. I like puzzles and videogames, but I'm not really good at working with others - I tend to formulate and optimise things too much. Narrator here is pretty much the only exception.

Thank you, Souji. Look, we're arriving.

We arrive at a small, rural train station and, once the train has left, we have no choice but to remark at the silence that is only broken by the chirping of birds. Indeed, this will be a different life for Souji, who was brought up in the inner city.

A sharp-jawed gentleman with a bit of a five-'o-clock shadow and a messy haircut greets us as we exit the station, a little girl hiding nervously behind his legs. Souji recognises him right away as his uncle, Ryotaro Dojima. Despite the man being obviously stressed and tired, he goes out of his way to put on a friendly face.

( He seems to be more nervous than I am, actually. There are a few ways to approach him, but I'll stay casual - it should diffuse the situation, break the ice... There I go again, calculating instead of relating. I hope this doesn't become a problem for me.

BGM - New Days (

Dojima takes the casual tone in stride, easing up. With a genuine smile on his face, he gently pushes forward the little girl who had been hiding behind his leg all this time. He introduces her as Nanako, his daughter.

( She doesn't seem to be very good with strangers.

Indeed, the girl manages only a "'lo" before running into the refuge of her father's shadow. Dojima only chuckles, earning a solid smack from Nanako.

Introductions come to an end, and the group heads over to Dojima's car, to begin their short trip home.

We see a brief view of Inaba's main shopping district. Small, no doubt family-run shops dot the area, and not a single building is over two stories high. Dojima pulls over at a small gas station, and an attendant immediately runs over to greet them. Nanako runs off to the restrooms, and the attendant, tasked by Dojima to refill the car, takes the opportunity to engage in conversation with Souji.

( That attendant comes on a bit too strong. "Friends" this and "part-time jobs" that. And what is up with that handshake? It... stung.

No doubt we will understand more as time passes, Souji. Both you and I know that there is more to this town than meets the eye. And consider the silver lining - Nanako's finally managed to pull together the courage to talk to you herself.

( Only to worry about me. She looks like a nice kid, though. Still, I do feel dizzy. I hope it wears off.

The journey home is uneventful, and we finally arrive at the Dojima residence. It is a spacious house, considering that Dojima and Nanako are its only inhabitants. It starts getting dark outside that we find Souji, Dojima and Nanako at a table. Dojima proposes a toast, and tries to strike up conversation with Souji.

( He knows what my situation is, and seems actually happy to have another person around the house. I heard his wife passed away some time ago. I guess the guy still still can't get used to the empty third space. It was getting a bit heavy, so I tried to diffuse things with a bit of comedy. He didn't get it.

Dojima barely has time to pick up his chopsticks before his mobile phone rings. With only the briefest of conversations with the other end, Dojima hangs up and excuses himself.

( The awkward silence was deafening. Dojima's call sounded important, I'd guess he's a doctor or a detective. Not many other jobs have a guy on-call the whole day. Maybe I can get a few more words out of Nanako, see if I can't get her to talk about her dad.

Nanako tells us that her father's work is, indeed, that of a detective.
( And then the news comes on - something about a civil servant having an affair. Narrator, please keep track, this sounds important.

The news tells us of a council secretary, Taro Namatame, indeed having an affair with newscaster Mayumi Yamano. The man's wife, Misuzu Hiiragi, stated that she would be pursuing damages.
( Looks like Yamano will be keeping low while everything is being resolved. Nanako agrees with me that this isn't the most exciting stuff in the world. Junes, on the other hand, seems great.

Souji tries to get some more words out of Nanako, but no no avail. Still feeling hungry, he roots around in the fridge for something to eat.

( That fried rice ... had no taste. Literally. Weird.

With nothing better to do, Souji decides to turn in for the night.

( You're very insistent today, Narrator. It's just a sofa, let me have a look at it.

With nothing better to do, Souji decides to turn in for the night.

( Fine.

And so ends Souji's first day in-

( Hold on! There was that dream, with the fog and the red path!

My apologies, Souji. Indeed, our hero finds himself in a strange realm, surrounded by an impenetrable fog extending as far as the eye could see. The only sounds around are the quiet blowing of a still wind and Souji's footsteps as he tries to find a way out.
( You don't give me much choice, Narrator. What if I were to jump off this path? ...On second thoughts, you know best.

A mysterious voice echoes around the realm, as if the wind itself were speaking. Almost mocking, the voice invites Souji to search for truth, and, in doing so, search for the speaker themselves. Soon enough, Souji finds a door, beyond which he knows the speaker resides. Steeling himself, he walks through...

...Only to find his adversary enshrouded in the same fog that penetrates this entire realm. Their tone confident in their superiority, Souji's adversary states that Souji is unable to find his opponent.

( And so, unable to find the truth. That's a challenge if I've ever heard one. Still, these are terms I understand - Attack, Guard, Skill. I'll face the truth head-on.

Souji Attacks.

( Some damage got through!

The adversary seems surprised at this turn of events, wondering at how Souji is able to see through the fog.

( Fog of lies, I've heard that metaphor before. Good thing this fog is thick enough to cut!

Souji Attacks again, once again eliciting surprise from his adversary. Despite Souji's onslaught, however, the adversary does not seem perturbed.

( "Bewildering Fog?" He's gone, there's nothing to attack. Devious.

Confident in their superiority, the adversary tells Souji of a cycle. A cycle where one sees the truth that they want to see, so deepening the fog of deception that only shortens one's vision even further. Their voice echoing through the fog, the adversary wonders if, perhaps, they and Souji would meet again.

( That's where the dream ended.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Edible on April 11, 2011, 06:25:04 PM
Souji Attacks.

Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: theshirn on April 11, 2011, 08:21:14 PM
I have a tab open with an extremely similar format.  Time to close it, I guess. :V

If possible, I'd like to contribute, like we talked about.  Perhaps I could edit in screenshots to your posts?
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Edible on April 11, 2011, 08:22:42 PM
You two could switch off, given the inevitable end of most LPs on forums. <_<
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: theshirn on April 11, 2011, 08:26:37 PM
You two could switch off, given the inevitable end of most LPs on forums. <_<

Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on April 11, 2011, 08:47:06 PM
I have a tab open with an extremely similar format.  Time to close it, I guess. :V

If possible, I'd like to contribute, like we talked about.  Perhaps I could edit in screenshots to your posts?

Can you get screenshots? Screenshots would be great. Not really many needed now, but I'll like them when we get to actual meaningful fights. Also of specific Personas.

You two could switch off, given the inevitable end of most LPs on forums. <_<

Isn't there a rule about threadcrapping? Pretty sure there's a rule about threadcrapping.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Edible on April 11, 2011, 08:53:55 PM


Isn't there a rule about threadcrapping? Pretty sure there's a rule about threadcrapping.

My apologies for the tongue-in-cheek remark.  I had noticed theshim mention his desire to LP this as well in another thread, and figured switching off would keep both of you interested in the updates enough to have a better chance of finishing an otherwise extremely ambitious project, as opposed to two seperate threads about the same game.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: theshirn on April 11, 2011, 10:39:11 PM
Can you get screenshots? Screenshots would be great. Not really many needed now, but I'll like them when we get to actual meaningful fights. Also of specific Personas.
I'll pull up some screenshots later tonight, then.

EDIT: Technical issues have been solved.  Amassing screencaps now.  Please wait warmly.

E2: There we go!  I'm not sure how much I'm going to be adding to this, but I'll update with a few images and whatnot when I can.  Let me know if there's anything you want me to change or do differently!
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on April 12, 2011, 07:00:38 AM
I'll pull up some screenshots later tonight, then.

EDIT: Technical issues have been solved.  Amassing screencaps now.  Please wait warmly.

E2: There we go!  I'm not sure how much I'm going to be adding to this, but I'll update with a few images and whatnot when I can.  Let me know if there's anything you want me to change or do differently!


[edit] Still, well-taken and well-placed. Aspect ratio issues aside, they look great!

My apologies for the tongue-in-cheek remark.  I had noticed theshim mention his desire to LP this as well in another thread, and figured switching off would keep both of you interested in the updates enough to have a better chance of finishing an otherwise extremely ambitious project, as opposed to two seperate threads about the same game.

I must have misunderstood your intent in your post, and I'll apologize in turn for the curtness. It is my belief that, whilst requiring a rigorous schedule, this isn't the most challenging of things to do, as, aside from the beginning, December and the endgame, not many things happen at once in one day in P4. Heck, I can play weeks ahead during the game's exam periods.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: WHMZakeri on April 12, 2011, 07:37:11 AM
( Thanks, Narrator. I'm Souji Seta Yu Narukami,

I've personally never been a fan of the "One day per day" thing, mainly because social links are the most fun thing ever for me for some reason, and I don't think I could put the game down after just one (and consequentially, I don't think I could devote an entire day to just grinding, or worse, run out of time while Grinding). Still, this is an interesting project, and I'd like to see how this goes, so you have my full support.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: theshirn on April 12, 2011, 02:40:43 PM
To be honest, I'm not certain I can.  My monitor's not being nice about it, and the only way I think I could get it in 4:3 without way too much effort is with black bars on the side and stuff.

I'll see what I can do.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on April 12, 2011, 03:07:34 PM
To be honest, I'm not certain I can.  My monitor's not being nice about it, and the only way I think I could get it in 4:3 without way too much effort is with black bars on the side and stuff.

I'll see what I can do.

Can't you do a black-bars 4:3 and then do a batch crop? Alternatively, just leave the black bars in, they'd bother me less than ( ' ______' X). As it were.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: theshirn on April 12, 2011, 03:38:14 PM
Initial results are promising.  I'm not going to touch the ones in the first post (at least not right away) but I'll do what I can for future updates.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on April 12, 2011, 06:11:15 PM
Day 2, April 12, 2011

The following day, Souji is awakened by Nanako calling him to breakfast. He shakes off the strange sensation the nightmare had left behind and heads downstairs.

( Bacon, eggs and toast? It works. Looks pretty good, too.

Nanako tells Souji of her culinary abilities, including her mastery of the preparation of toast and sunny-side up eggs. No doubt she has taken over the rest of the household duties as well.
And so begins Souji?s first walk to school, accompanying Nanako, whose school is on the way.

( And she took the time to show me the way to school. The kid?s something special.

Soon enough, Souji has his first of the day?s many strange encounters. A young man, wearing the same uniform as Souji?s, wobbles past him on his bicycle, coming to an abrupt, and no doubt unintended stop against a nearby lamppost.

( That looks like it hurt. Hm, Narrator? That guy has a portrait.
Certainly, Souji, but we are not to introduce him quite yet. For the moment, we have arrived at the front gates of Yasogami High School, a large, three-story building, with students walking to and fro.

With little more ado, we find ourselves inside Souji?s homeroom class, where gossip and chatter fill the air. Talk of a ?King Moron,? the unflattering nickname of a Mr. Morooka is abound, who seems an unpopular individual. More interesting to us, however, is the talk of a transfer student.

( I don?t mind a little bit of popularity every so often.

We focus on the talk of three particular students ? a girl in a green tracksuit coat, another girl in a striking red jacket, and a miserable-looking boy with headphones around his neck. It seems that the miserable-looking boy is the same one we saw this morning on the way to school, and is still suffering the effects of his accident.

Conversation is quickly silenced by the entry of Souji and the homeroom teacher.

( I like this guy already.

The homeroom teacher introduces himself as Kinshiro Morooka, and immediately enters a heated monologue on the virtues of self-restraint and chastity amongst students. He then proceeds to introduce Souji, taking his time to make his dislike for those like Souji abundantly clear.

( So they guy calls me a loser. Normally I wouldn?t care, but I can?t afford to pass up this opportunity. Standing up for myself will, well, make me look better to the rest of the class.

Souji stands his ground against the tyrannical teacher, shocking the rest of the class.
( Courage increased? Excellent. Being on Morooka?s bad side is an easy price to pay.

Morooka resumes his lecture. It is clear that society had advanced faster than he had, and the man clearly harbors a deep resentment for the life that seems to have left him behind.
Before Souji is sentenced to standing next to the rambling teacher for the rest of the lecture, the girl in green raises her hand, suggesting that Souji sit at the free table next to hers.

( She has a portrait as well! Don?t have to tell me twice!

The girl in green quietly expresses her sympathies to Souji for getting chosen for this class. Souji?s keen ear picks up the gossip quietly reverberating around the classroom. It appears that he is indeed the centre of attention today.

The rest of the school day promises to pass by uneventfully. The calm, however, is subtly perturbed by an announcement over the school?s intercom for a staff meeting, warning the students not to leave the school.

( Odd, they would have normally scheduled a meeting beforehand, so this is an unforeseen event, never mind the second bit. You and I should keep our eyes open, Narrator.

Indeed, no sooner than Morooka leaves, sirens are heard close by the school. Wasting not a second, the gossip starts again, including mention of paparazzi and an announcer. Indeed, it appears that Mayumi Yamano was spotted in Inaba and, furthermore, stays at a nearby family inn.

( Good place as any to lay low. The girl in red also has a portrait, and it looks like her name?s Yukiko. The other student addressed her with honorifics, I guess she?s a figure of some respect?

The students get more and more restless as time goes on, and the girl in green strikes up conversation with Yukiko, with talk of rainy nights and soul mates.

( She mentioned Yamano as well.

Before any more information is shared, the intercom announces that an incident had occurred nearby, and that police were present. The students are urged to remain calm and leave quickly.

( Instead, everyone got excited and ran off to take a look. If I play my cards right, I should be able to find out what?s going on from Dojima himself.

As Souji gets up to leave, the two girls that had been talking earlier offer to accompany him on the way home.

( When you put it that way, Narrator, it sounds pretty suspicious. They?re just being friendly. I also have a name to the portrait of the one in green ? Chie Satonaka.

Souji assures Chie that he remembers her valiant effort to get him a seat during Morooka?s lecture. Chie formally introduces Yukiko Amagi as her friend, whose polite, formal tone is in strong contrast to that of Chie?s open and casual one.

As the three start to leave, they come across the boy with the headphones, stumbling over his words and, if it is somehow possible, looking even more miserable than he had this morning. It appears that he had broken a DVD that Chie appears to have lent him.

( Chie does not take it well. I note that she kicked the guy before she even found out what had happened. I wonder who of the two is to blame for that. That said, ?Trial of the Dragon.? Good taste.
Paying the wounded warrior no further mind, Chie and Yukiko leave. Souji follows.

( Still no introduction? Poor guy.

Outside the school, a strange young man in a uniform not of Souji?s school asks Yukiko if he could accompany her on a date. Despite the young man?s familiar tone, it appears that Yukiko does not know him. Nearby gossip suggests that most, if not all courting events focused on Yukiko end up very poorly indeed. The strange boy presses his invitation, and, as predicted by the bystanders, he is rejected.

( It actually seems she didn?t have a clue what he wanted from her. Self-esteem issues? But Chie?s right, the guy stepped over quite a few lines there.

The boy with the headphones shows remarkable resilience to punishment, and greets Souji, Chie and Yukiko as the three discuss the strange boy. He mentions that Yukiko turned him down a year before, who claims not to remember, and immediately turns down another invitation.

( He took it pretty well, though.

The three finally manage to leave school grounds. On the way, they learn of Souji?s situation, and reassure him that Inaba is a pleasant enough place to live, if perhaps unexciting, with the Amagi Inn as the only point of interest.

( Fine with me, it?s hard to get any peace and quiet in the city, which is what I was about to say, when Chie goes and straight up asks me if I think that Yukiko?s cute. As far as I?m concerned, there?s only one correct way to answer that, but they wouldn?t believe me if I said I was running late for cram school and pegged it. So I went for the second-best option and said yes.

Chie talks about Yukiko?s popularity with glee, much to Yukiko?s chagrin ? Yukiko denies all accountability and, soon enough, gets tangled up in her own words. Chie takes the whole deal with good humour.

( Yeah, that?s when we saw the police cordon.

A gaggle of onlookers stood around barricades, hastily constructed by a group of policemen. Talk was abound about something hanging off an antenna that had only recently been taken down.

( One of them was seriously saying how she would have wanted to see the body that, presumably was suspended off an antenna. Chie was saying something, but then Dojima showed up.

Indeed, Souji?s uncle was no doubt part of the police cordon managing the area. He strictly inquired about what Souji was doing there.

( It wasn?t the right time to ask, so I said that we were just passing by.

Chie wonders about Souji?s connection to Dojima, who introduces himself, encourages the two girls to get along with Souji, and warns the three to head home immediately. Before he can say anything else, he is pushed aside by a young-looking officer rushing past and proceeding to make retching noises in a nearby ditch.
( Watch for him, Narrator, he?s got a portrait. Name?s Adachi, and he?s a detective who apparently came here from the central office. Did he transfer here by choice? Not the most exciting life for a detective, out here. Well, not taking into account dead bodies strung up on antennas.

Dojima scolds Adachi for unprofessional behaviour, and the two leave to gather information. Chie wonders breathlessly if this what the earlier school announcement was and, deciding that this day was not the best for trips to Junes, the three part ways.

Later that evening, Souji and Nanako sit at the table, watching the news.

( Looks like Dojima not coming home for a night is pretty common. Means that Nanako spends a lot of her time alone. I wonder if she has many friends at school.

The news comes on to confirm the rumours of what Souji learned earlier in the day ? a dead person had been found. The deceased was Mayumi Yamano, the announcer embroiled in the scandalous affair that was all over the news recently.

( Yamano, Yamano, Yamano. She?s been heard about everywhere, but there is no way she?d be hated enough by any one person that they would kill her. An accident? One doesn?t get accidentally strung up on an antenna.

Nanako exclaims in recognition when the Inaba police department is mentioned. Souji reassures the girl that everything will be all right, wondering himself about this nonsensical event.

( And she?s all ?I know, it?s his job, stuff happens.? The girl is solid as a rock. A rock that sings the Junes song pretty well, I?ll add. Better than I can, certainly, not for lack of trying on my part.

Leaving a worried Nanako alone in the living room to wait for her father, Souji retires for the night.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Shizumarashi Mayuzumi on April 12, 2011, 07:45:58 PM
Can't you do a black-bars 4:3 and then do a batch crop? Alternatively, just leave the black bars in, they'd bother me less than ( ' ______' X). As it were.

Get irfanview, batch resize to proper aspect ratio, problem solved. (640x480 or, if you don't want to scale a dimension up (which is reasonable), then with the height you've got... *maths*... 480x360. At least I'm guessing that those are right, you may wanna check and tweak after.)
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: theshirn on April 12, 2011, 08:21:06 PM
quiet, logic woman
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Shizumarashi Mayuzumi on April 12, 2011, 08:29:03 PM
quiet, logic woman


(Seriously though, great job guys. <3)
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on April 13, 2011, 03:48:24 PM
Day 3, April 13, 2011

We begin the day accompanying Souji on his way to school. As if resigned to a fate not of his choosing, the boy with the headphones wobbles past, once again, stopping abruptly against a trash dump. Souji, eager to help the tortured soul, extracts the unfortunate youth from his garbage bin prison.

( Finally! Let?s have a name to that portrait!

The young man introduces himself as Yosuke Hanamura, quickly recalling Souji?s face with an easy smile and friendly tone.

( He looks fine, and probably would want me to forget this whole accident ever happened. So I just say ?hi.?

Yosuke takes easily to the returned greeting, and inquires about yesterday?s incident. He seems to follow Souji?s own thoughts that the manner of the death almost certainly precludes that of an accident. The obvious, and chilling, conclusion that the two come to is that this is without doubt a grisly murder. Before the conversation becomes too grim, however, Yosuke realizes that the two are running late, and offers Souji a ride to school.

( Mountain bike. Not the easiest thing to ride with two people.

Later that day, we see that lessons have well and truly started, with Morooka informing the students, in his inimitable manner, that his function is that of a philosophy teacher. He disparages of talk about the murder, and urges the students to focus on their studies.

( Narrator, you?re too kind. I?ll note that words like ?assholes? and ?morons? were thrown about.
Indeed, Morooka throws about such language with wild abandon. Despite this, however, his teaching skills are up to par, and Souji leaves the lesson having learned new things.

( I wouldn?t have believed it if not for the Knowledge Increased message.

After school, Yosuke engages in conversation with Souji. Learning that Souji has quickly gotten used to this change of pace, he talks of his own experience in adapting to life in the country. With a wink, he invites Souji for grilled steak, apparently the region?s delicacy.

( Chie tags along, too, playing on the breaking-her-dvd deal. Normally I?d cry foul play, but steak. I?d do the same thing.

Chie asks Yukiko along as well, but the latter refuses on account of chores to perform back at her family inn.

( She is almost literally denying anything that might cast her in a positive light ? looking pretty, her figure being fine as it is, her obviously eventually inheriting the inn. I?d worry, but Chie?s probably got her back, the two look pretty close.

Later that day, we find the three at Junes, a major supermarket that?s recently opened in the town. It looks like Yosuke?s changed his plans once Chie decided to muscle in on the young man?s offer. As the conversation carries on, we learn that Yosuke?s father is the manager of the store, transferred here from another city. After Yosuke toasts to welcome Souji to Inaba, the three engage in small talk.

( It turns out Junes has been gobbling up all the business of the minor stores in the area. I was about to go all economic theory on the matter, but Yosuke got distracted by a girl on the other end of the food court.

As Yosuke excuses himself to talk to the girl, Souji inquires about the girl?s identity. Chie identifies her as Saki Konishi, whose family runs a liquor store in the shopping district. It seems that the girl herself works at Junes part-time.

( I wonder what her family thinks of this. It would depend on how they?re doing business-wise, of course.
It is obvious to us that Yosuke is infatuated by the girl, who, in turn, responds with sarcasm. Yosuke attempts to make light of the matter, but Saki does not much improve her attitude. She briefly wonders to herself with a sigh why she had to leave school early yesterday.

( Where would I be without you, Narrator? I didn?t hear that last bit.

Abruptly changing topic, Saki asks about Souji, and comes over to his table. She expresses a degree of concern about Yosuke?s not spending time with his peers, and hopes that Souji and Yosuke get along well.

( She obviously wants Yosuke out of her hair and, yet, she?s stringing him along, not telling him directly. I got a bad vibe off her. And that?s before she started talking about telling Yosuke in the face if he gets annoying. I?ll take Yosuke?s side here and put her in her place. He does seem like a pretty great guy, anyway.
Yosuke once again tries to alleviate the tension in the air, to little success. Saki excuses herself to leave back to work. Chie takes the moment to mercilessly rib Yosuke on the topic of his infatuation with Saki, which is obviously an awkward topic for him. In good spirits, Chie uses the situation to talk of an urban legend.
( I?ve got this one, Narrator. So, this thing is called the Midnight Channel. You look into a TV, alone, at midnight on a rainy night. As you stare at yourself, you see another person on the screen, who is apparently your soul mate. I use those words very carefully ? ?soul mate.? You don?t hear that turn of phrase very often, and I?m pretty sure I?ve heard Yamano and ?soul mate? together in the same sentence before, and I?m pretty certain rainy nights figured in somehow. I?ve got a bad feeling about this.

Yosuke brushes off Chie?s story as childish urban legend, to which Chie takes great offense. In a huff, she challenges the three to try it out for themselves. Yosuke remains unimpressed, and turns the topic to the incident of the day before. He makes light of the situation, joking about whether the perpetrator was still in the area. Chie calls him on his bad taste, and brings up the Midnight Channel again, as it seems that she had not seen it for herself, either.

( I don?t know about Yosuke, but I?m certainly going to try.

Later that evening, Souji and Nanako are having dinner without Dojima. Souji casually wonders whether Nanako had talked to Dojima during the day, to which Nanako answers in the negative. The mood starts to turn sour when the front door opens. Nanako jumps up in glee at the prospect of her father?s company, but the man is evidently too tired from the hectic investigation of yesterday?s incident to do anything but listen to the news.
( Nanako wasn?t happy, but it looks like this isn?t an uncommon thing.

The news confirms our knowledge of the death of Mayumi Yamano, and, after presenting the facts, shows an interview with an unnamed student who, as it turns out, had found the body on the way from school

( That had to have been the most unprofessional interview I?d ever seen. They blurred out her face and distorted her voice, but I think I?d seen her somewhere before. The students were confined to classrooms just as school ended, so it had to have been someone who left early. I think I?ve got an idea.

The interview continues, but the girl being questioned does not manage to provide many answers to the bizarre incident.

( No doubt. That?s Saki Konishi. That explains her stress earlier today.

The news provides scant explanation to the nature and purpose of the incident, but it seems that most agree that it was murder, despite there being no evidence for or against the claim.

( Nanako repeats the Junes song almost like a mantra. An adorable mantra.

Nanako wonders out loud whether her father would accompany her to Junes one day, but no doubt Dojima?s stress has gotten to him and he has fallen asleep on the couch he was sitting on.

Not wanting to interfere with the situation, Souji heads upstairs to see for himself the so-called Midnight Channel.

( The clock ticks loudly when it?s the only thing making a noise in your room. There I am, staring at an empty television set. I know something is going to happen, but there?s always the hope that you?re in the wrong play, you know what I mean? And the images start flickering by, one by one, this girl in front of some vending machines, getting assaulted by someone. The whole ?soul mate? thing heads straight out of the window ? this is a warning, or a message or something like that, and then, as if that weren?t enough, a voice ? clear as day ? rings out in my head, like my very own personal PA, about a path opening, so, me being me, touching the proverbial wall with a ?wet paint? sign, I reach out for the TV screen, and the thing sucks me in... Narrator, take over for a bit.
Souji recoils from the strange force, toppling over and hitting his head on his desk. He hears Nanako?s voice outside his room, asking him if he is all right, to which he answers in the positive. Nanako asks no further questions and wishes Souji a good night.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on April 14, 2011, 03:40:15 PM
We find ourselves in the class of Ms. Sofue, the history teacher, introducing herself and the subject being taught. She has the air of a romantic about her, and clearly loves her subject very much. She chooses to start the lesson with a warm-up question, which Souji easily answers.

( A.D. ? Anno Domini ? the Year of Our Lord. Birthday of the Christ. Knowledge Increased, apparently, although it feels a bit retroactive.

The teacher mentions the influence of religion on the development of human culture over the centuries, and encourages students to investigate for themselves how many public holidays are related to religious events.

After school, the three Midnight Channel conspirators gather to compare and contrast opinions. Yosuke seems too flustered to express his thoughts, and Chie takes the opportunity to confirm Souji?s suspicions of the day before ? it was almost certainly Saki Konishi that discovered the body of Mayumi Yamano. Once again, Yukiko excuses herself to help out at the inn. Commenting on Yukiko?s apparent stress, Chie moves on to the main topic of the conversation ? what each saw the night before. She herself mentions seeing a girl, expressing confusion at the implied connotations of the person seen being a ?soul mate.? Hearing Chie?s description of the person, Yosuke exclaims that the one he saw looked much the same.

( That confirms it. No mention of her being assaulted, though. Chie?s barking up the wrong tree, though, and, funny as it may be to play on the soul mate angle, this is more serious than that. So I tell them my side of the story.

Yosuke expresses the same suspicion as Souji?s about seeing the same person, but evidently does not believe Souji?s account of getting drawn in by the television set. He and Chie joke about the matter.

( The whole world is a Greek tragedy and I?m Cassandra. Just as well, really, I don?t want them mixed up in what seems to be my business.

Chie abruptly changes subject onto the topic of purchasing a new television, and Yosuke offers the three take a look at what Junes is offering. Chie expresses excitement at the prospect of being able to see her movies on a big screen.

We reconvene at the Junes electronics department. An impressive array of flatscreen television sets is available for purchase. Chie and Yosuke demonstrate their inability to enter the television set in Souji?s manner, and continue joking on the manner.

( So I was all ?I?ll show them!? That wasn?t my high point of the day.

Souji?s clear demonstration of placing his hand inside the screen shocks Yosuke and Chie, who still have trouble believing in the veracity of this act.

( One with common sense would have stopped then, sat down and tried things carefully. I guess we all have our off-days.

In a panic over Souji?s sticking his whole head inside the television set?s screen as customers approach, Yosuke and Chie bump into each other and Souji, sending all three plummeting into the strange realm on the other end of the television screen.

( So we?re falling through a tunnel of blacks and whites, smashing into some platform in the middle of some foggy, yellow place, and all I can think of is ?Huh, Chie wears lipstick. Didn?t notice that before.? I shake the stupid out of my head and make sure everyone?s okay. Turns out asking questions people can actually answer improves my Understanding.

Yosuke is the first to notice ? and Chie to point out ? that the place that the three have landed in appears to be a vast television studio of sorts. It is obvious that no such place exists in Inaba.

( I take lead and suggest we look around. I?m not seeing an exit, anyway.

Chie and Yosuke reach the same observation as Souji, and a brief panic ensues, which Souji attempts to quell by making light of the matter.

( What can I say? Off-day. Still, my Shaggy impression was spot-on, I?d say.

The humour does not come across well, but gives Yosuke a chance to calm down and suggest a rational approach. The three agree to search for a way out and, eventually, find a peculiar chamber, festooned with posters of a person with the face cut out, and ominous red splatters on the walls.

( I?ve seen that poster before as well, in better condition, though. Can?t forget that bright-red kimono.

Chie notes that the only exit to this room is that through which the three entered. Soon enough, the three also notice the room?s final contents: a noose made of a red scarf, suspended from the ceiling, with a chair beneath it. Not wishing to stay in the room for much longer, the three move to leave.

( We are all starting to feel sick, and no exit in sight, so we decide to head back to where we started and put on our thinking caps. And then?

The three return to their starting point, but, before they can come to any more decisions, they spot a strange silhouette.

( I still don?t know how to describe it. I guess you could call it a comically-proportioned bear in a red suit.

The strange creature?s bright colours and cheerful tone seem completely in contrast to the realm?s oppressive atmosphere. It asks the three who they are, and, when Chie responds in a hostile manner, cowers. It evidently is not of plan to harm the three young people.

( I asked him who he was.

The creature calls itself a bear, claiming that it lives in the realm by itself, and has done so since as long as it can remember. It recommends the three leave as soon as possible, and then remarks that someone had been throwing people into this realm.

( A man better than I phrased it well: ?Whoa.?

Obviously stressed, Yosuke and Chie yell at the bear for clarification, only intimidating him into cowering again. The bear takes refuge behind Souji?s back, once again urging the three to leave. Yosuke mentions the obvious problem: the three do not know how to do so, to which the bear replies that he would let them out. The bear taps its foot, and a stack of television sets appears out of nowhere. With no further ado, the bear unceremoniously shoves Yosuke, Chie and Souji through the television sets.

( And, all of a sudden, we?re out! I?d never have thought I?d welcome the sound of that supermarket jingle.

It appears that the time spent inside the television realm passes like that outside, and Yosuke realizes that it is getting late. With a start, he recognizes the poster that the three saw inside the realm ? it is that of Misuzu Hiiragi, the bescandaled council secretary?s wife. Yosuke considers that the room they were in was related to the death of Mayumi Yamano. The three decide not to talk about the matter today, for they are already stressed to the limit.

Later that evening, Souji sluggishly sits down at the table with Dojima and Nanako. Dojima queries Souji about Saki Konishi, to which Souji replies that she is the one that discovered Yamano?s body. Dojima confirms this, and mentions that she?s been declared a missing person.

( I couldn?t stop myself from thinking ?she?s next.?

The television news mentions that Yamano had been staying at the Amagi inn that Yukiko?s family runs. Souji is still under the weather from the effects of the strange realm beyond the television screen, and retires to bed.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on April 15, 2011, 03:22:45 PM
Day 5, April 15th, 2011.

Morning. The pitter-patter of rain. A body in a school uniform hangs lifelessly off a tall telephone post, as if a grisly component of the equipment adorning the cosmopolitan obelisk.

Souji comes downstairs to see Dojima leave in a hurry. Nanako tells Souji that her father had an urgent call.

On the way to school, Souji comes across a pair of girls, gossiping about something they had seen this morning. Despite a seemingly-exciting subject matter, the two do not have much information to share with us.

( I?ve already read what you said earlier, Narrator. I?m just hoping that I?m wrong about what I thought yesterday.

We cut to the auditorium of Souji?s school, where he, Chie and Yosuke stand, waiting for some sort of announcement. Ms. Sofue, the history teacher, calls the students to settle down, and the school principal steps up to the podium.

With a heavy voice, he announces the death of third-year student Saki Konishi.

( I don?t know her at all, and Chie sees to be confused more than anything else, but Yosuke is hit hard, I can see it. I don?t know what to say.

The principal further announces that Saki was found deceased early that morning, but divulges no further details.

Details are soon learned, however, as Souji and Chie come across another pair of gossiping girls, who discuss the oddness of the nature of Saki Konishi?s death being very similar to that of Mayumi Yamano?s. To further compound matters, it is mentioned that others had seen Saki on the Midnight Channel as well. Talk of a serial murderer begins.

Soon, Yosuke catches up to Souji and Chie, wondering if either of the two had watched the Midnight Channel the night before. Despite Chie?s admonishment, he claims that he saw Saki Konishi on the Channel, and that she was in a lot of pain. Continuing his theorization, he connects the mention of Mayumi Yamano being called somebody?s soul mate to the case, suggesting that Yamano might have been seen on the Midnight Channel before she died.

( Chie put it together in simpler terms than I was going to ? people, who appear there, die.

Yosuke wonders at the claims of the strange bear that the three had seen earlier, about the strange realm that they found themselves in being dangerous, and that somebody had been throwing people inside.

( Yosuke was on a roll, putting the room with the posters into the theory as well. It was a conclusion that I was coming to myself ? the world behind the TV screen was absolutely connected to the deaths.

Yosuke suggests that the three investigate the place further ? perhaps they would be able to find evidence of Saki Konishi?s presence inside the realm.

( All this is going on, I?m thinking ?all right, good thinking, Yosuke,? and suddenly I start wondering. Isn?t Yosuke being a bit too upbeat about this?

Chie weakly protests against the suggestion, but Yosuke passionately states that the police would be unable to help in the case, even if the claims of Yosuke, Chie and Souji were believed. Yosuke runs off to prepare for the venture, and Chie expresses her concern with the idea.

( She is right, of course ? we have no idea we?d be lucky enough to leave again. Despite his good intentions, Yosuke is being too excited about this. I decide that Chie and I would stop him.

The two follow Yosuke to Junes, finding the young man already prepared with rope and golf club. Chie exclaims that Yosuke should not proceed with his foolhardy venture, to which Yosuke responds that they might have the fortune of meeting the bear again. Chie is convinced by Yosuke?s mention of him feeling responsible for the investigation.

( He asks me the million-dollar question, whether I could just walk away. I couldn?t, but I am also not going to involve more people than necessary. Yosuke might have a personal vendetta, but there is no need to drag Chie into it. I say as much. Which makes me an Understanding person, who knew?

Yosuke agrees that the venture would involve just him and Souji, and reassures Chie that he had a plan ? a safety rope attached to him that he would let dangle on the other side of the television set. The golf club he hands to Souji.

( Along with some unmarked bottles that he claims are ?Medicine.?

With no further ado, and ignore Chie?s protests, the two climb inside the television set.

They do not see Chie giving the rope a tug a few moments later, and the rope coming off as if sliced cleanly through by an unseen blade.

The two land back in the same area they found themselves in previously ? the vast, fog-covered television studio. Yosuke concludes that locations between the two worlds are connected directly. No more than a few moments pass when the strange bear walks out in front of the two again.

( It claims that we were responsible for the events in that realm. I think it must have skipped a few steps on the way to that conclusion, despite our admittedly quite suspicious presence. I point out that his conclusion is highly biased.

Yosuke backs Souji up, claiming that an act of throwing a person inside this realm would certainly endanger that person?s life. With a start, he realizes that the people thrown in that the bear refers to were no doubt Saki Konishi and Mayumi Yamano, and that the individual throwing them inside the television realm could well be doing so with the intent to kill.

( I agree on all fronts.

The strange bear exclaims that, despite Yosuke?s deductions, he has no way of leaving the realm. Yosuke?s assurance that he had thought of a lifeline fall flat as he realizes that he holds a severed length of rope in his hand. After a tense back-and-forth with the bear, during which Souji takes time to explain the concept of the burden of proof to the bear, Yosuke explains that the matter is serious indeed, mentioning the deaths that had occurred during foggy days. The bear tells that the fog lifts inside the strange realm when the real world is foggy, and that during this time the world gets dangerous, and the Shadows get violent.

Angry at the bear?s roundabout or outright nonexistent explanations about the nature of the strange realm, Yosuke attempts to pull the head off what he assumes is clearly a costume.

( Not a costume. The bear seems to run on cartoon physics, however, fortunately for everyone involved ? the suit had nothing inside. I don?t think Yosuke would want ?murder by decapitation? on his list of things done today.

The bear soon appears to change its mind, agreeing that he would let Souji and Yosuke investigate provided that the two find the culprit, threatening not to let the two out otherwise.

( An agreement. A decision by two equally-minded parties. A contract. That dream I had on the train almost perfectly flashed before my eyes again. I have no choice in the matter, so it?s not a legally binding contract, but the bear needs some cheering up, he looks pretty miserable. I agree to go along.

Yosuke and Souji introduce themselves to the bear, who says his name is Teddie. Teddie offers to show the two the location of the last person who had come inside the realm, who Yosuke realizes must be Saki Konishi. He proceeds to give Yosuke and Souji a pair of glasses each, who, upon putting them on, are shocked to find that their vision had been significantly cleared up, as if the fog had been wiped clean away. Mentioning that his best combat capability is limited to moral support from a distance, Teddie offers his knowledge of the realm to lead the two around.

( I tested this lack of combat capability for myself. The guy?s knocked over by a stiff breeze.

We find the unlikely trio in a strange and twisted version of the Inaba shopping district. Teddie claims that this had appeared only recently.

( According to Teddie, what we see is ?reality? for the person here. I?m beginning to see what?s up.

The trio quickly find the liquor store that is run by Saki Konishi?s parents. Before Yosuke is able to walk inside, he is warned off by Teddie, who exclaims that Shadows are nearby, ready to attack.

( I?ve got this one, Narrator. So these things seep out of the entrance to the shop. We look at each other, wondering what the heck we?re supposed to do, and the PA voice starts up inside my head, all ?I am thou? this and ?inner self? that. A card appears in my hand and I just know what I have to do ? I crush the sucker with my bare hand, and all this character rushes into my head, a knowledge not my own, a manifestation of a self controlled by the ego, used as a shield to guard against the influence of the world outside the mind.

A Persona.

I had a weapon. And I was sure as heck going to use it. Teddie knew how to best ? seems the things that seeped out of the store, the Shadows, have weaknesses.

It is shocking how much knowledge having a Persona gives me in a fight. The guy at my back is Izanagi, strong to Lightning, weak to Wind. Nullifies Darkness, which sounds like it could be useful. I get magic as well ? Zio, a cheap lightning attack, Cleave, a physical move, and Rakukaja, a defensive boost.

Next thing Izanagi learns is Rakunda, which reduces enemies? defense.

I use Zio against the Slipping Hableries, pinpointing their weakness to the lightning attack. The move knocked them over, allowing me to follow up with another attack, and Teddie shouted that he?ll keep track of enemies? weaknesses.

For a fight against creeping monstrosities, it was a piece of cake, and I leveled up. It appears my personal level limits the level of the Persona I can? create? I can create these things?

Yosuke is shocked at Souji?s newfound power, and showers Souji with questions. Teddie berates Yosuke at troubling Souji, whom the bear now calls Sensei, out of respect for Souji?s power. Not wishing to waste any more time, however, the three decide to continue on inside the twisted version of the liquor store. As the three go inside, they hear voices surrounding them of people wishing ill on Junes due to its bad influence on the small stores in the area.

( It started getting more personal then ? talk of Konishi?s working at the store, and the outright disgust at her doing so despite her parents. It seems that the store was in poor shape because of Junes. I was about to start on a whole thing about economic theory, and then I realized they were disembodied voices. Who?d argue with people they can?t see?

Yosuke catches on to Teddie?s earlier comment about the twisted realm being reality for those inside, and wonders if the disembodied voices being Saki Konishi?s reality when she appeared inside.

The voices do not go away despite Yosuke, Teddie and Souji taking refuge inside the liquor store. In fact, it appears to get worse as the three hear Saki Konishi?s father berating her for her choice of work locale. Yosuke is dismayed at the realization that the girl had been hiding her true feelings from him.

( Then we hear Saki herself. It hits Yosuke harder than it does me, but it was still unnerving.

Saki Konishi exclaims that she greatly dislikes Yosuke, only appearing to be nice to him due to his father?s position. She disparages his enthusiasm, and blames Junes for all her personal and family troubles.

( Aaaaand it gets weirder. Another Yosuke shows up. This one?s a bit of a? well, you know.

The Yosuke-doppelganger mocks Yosuke?s emotional distress, claiming that he has little care for most things around him. He proceeds to claim that Yosuke is deluding himself, that he is obviously frustrated at living a life far away from the excitement of the city. Ignoring Yosuke?s protests, the doppelganger states that Yosuke?s friendly and sociable nature is a fa?ade put on to ward off the fear of isolation. The final nail in the coffin is the doppelganger proclamation that Yosuke?s only desire to investigate the strange realm behind the television screen is for the sheer thrill of excitement, for the opportunity to become a hero and achieve a fame of his own, and that Saki Konishi?s death was a prime excuse for such a venture.

( Yosuke is shouting ?you?re not me!? at the thing? but I was afraid of something quite like that. Not that I think Yosuke is a psychopath, he?s not all like that, I imagine, but there is certainly truth to the doppel-Yosuke?s words.

Proclaiming itself a Shadow, the true self of Yosuke, the doppelganger laughs at Yosuke?s protestations, and revels in the feeling of freedom as Yosuke rejects the Shadow?s words. With a rush of light, the Shadow transforms into a terrible monstrosity.

( First fight went well. Time for a two-for-two!

Despite Souji?s strong stance, the Shadow begins its turn with a mighty attack that knocks Souji down. Using this opportunity, it gathers itself for a potent attack.

( The thing exploited my own weakness. I?ll have to see about covering that up as soon as I can. It then went all Power Charge, and a look at its status bar gave me something to worry about ? those two up arrows are nothing good. I guarded against the inevitable beatdown.

The attack stung, but wasn?t as bad as I was afraid. Crossing my fingers, I went for the good old Zio again. Turns out luck?s on my side ? the thing and I were basically elemental antipodes ? it had my weakness covered, but I had its. I hit it in the face for good measure whilst it flailed around on the ground.

I had to see what else it could pull, so I kept guarding whilst it was doing the same. Good thing, too ? that?s when it used the wind attack. Guarding protects my weakness, which is helpful.

It turns out that that was the limit of the thing?s bag of tricks. It kept on repeating the same pattern, like a mindless automaton, and I beat it down handily, using its weakness to get myself all the extra actions I needed.

The fight gave me the experience needed to level up, likewise Izanagi, who learned Rakunda.

The fight gives Yosuke time to come to terms with his feelings, and to understand the truth behind the Shadow?s words. With gentle encouragement from Teddie, Yosuke accepts this darker side of himself.

( He?s still himself, all the good and the bad. It?s what makes us human beings.

With this acceptance, Yosuke finds a new power blooming within himself, similar to that of Souji, the protective fa?ade of a Persona with which he could stand against the horrors of the twisted world on the other side of the television screen.

Yosuke thanks Souji for his help in accepting this Shadow, and wonders if perhaps Saki Konishi was attacked by hers, but did not have the courage to accept it or allies to keep it in check. Teddie explains that Shadows, born from humans, go berserk when the fog clears, and, no doubt, it is then that the host is killed.

These revelations weighing heavily on their hearts, the three head back ? Souji and Yosuke required rest from their ordeal. Yosuke muses that the room with the noose and the liquor store must have formed due to the entry of Mayumi Yamano and Saki Konishi into the world behind the television screen.

Teddie reassures Yosuke and Souji that it is only when the fog lifts that the people inside this world are truly in danger, perhaps additionally reacting violently to investigators in their midst. Thus he believes that any additional people entering this world might be rescued before they meet the grisly fate of Saki Konishi and Mayumi Yamano.

( Much like what we did with Yosuke. I still don?t want to bring in anyone else into this business, but it?s good to have a plan.

Out of nowhere, Teddie wonders if Souji and Yosuke know where Teddie himself came from, receiving incredulous looks. It seems that Teddie has very selective knowledge of the realm that they are in. Promising that they would visit him in the future, Souji and Yosuke leave the world behind the television screen.

( We? forgot one very important thing in the excitement.

With a shaking voice, Chie exclaims her frustration at the pair?s extended absence.

( I?m feeling bad as it is, Narrator, she looked this close to a panic attack.

Chie runs off, and Yosuke and Souji decide to apologize to her tomorrow. Wishing each other farewell, the two head to their respective homes.

( I went back via the floodplain and saw Yukiko on the way. I am not ashamed to say that she looked like a giant piece of toffee in her pink kimono. I? do like toffee.

Yukiko explains that she is dressed in such a manner due to an errand that her parents had sent her out on. She questions, in a slightly awkward manner, whether Souji had gotten used to his life at school and in Inaba in general.

( I was still thinking about various sorts of confectionery when she asked, so I said yes. That said, I do like it here.

Yukiko mentions that she?s never left Inaba, and so is not in a position to truly understand Souji?s situation. She then asks if Souji gets along with Chie, to which Souji answers in the affirmative.

( Certain stupid things aside, that is.

Yukiko tells about how supportive Chie is, and that she is frequently there to give Yukiko the push she needs. She reminisces about the good times the two have had the preceding year. Remember her chores, she excuses herself and leaves. Souji continues on home.

Later that evening, the television news confirms what Souji already knows, and the likely connection between the cases of Mayumi Yamano and Saki Konishi.

( Nanako says that means that Dojima wouldn?t be home that night. I tell her I?ll be there with her, although I?m not too sure about the quality of my company. She says she?ll be okay.

The television program starts on a segment about the Amagi inn, revealing that the inn?s manager had stepped aside due to the Yamano incident, leaving Yukiko to stand in for her. The program?s interview with Yukiko tells us that she is expecting to only fill in temporarily before the reporter rambles further and further off-subject.

The program finishes, and Souji and Nanako wash the dishes together, after which Souji returns to his room, wondering if the Midnight Channel would have anything new in store that night.

( Right on-schedule, an image appeared, a kimono-clad woman. I wasn?t about to jump to conclusions, despite a myriad of them already presenting themselves. It was just too vague to judge anything. I tried prodding the TV then, but no dice, the image was just an image, I couldn?t touch the person or anything.

Deciding to talk about the matter with Yosuke and Chie the next day, Souji goes to bed.

( The day doesn?t end there, though. For the first time since my trip here, I found myself in the blue room.

The hook-nosed man, Igor, who seemed to be a permanent fixture in this room, along with his assistant, Margaret, assured Souji that he was perfectly safe, fast asleep in the real world, and confirmed Souji?s awakening to an immense power by answering a subconscious call. Igor eagerly presents Souji with a large blue key, the Velvet Key, that would enable him to enter the Velvet Room as he wishes. Igor continues to offer the young man his help, asking in exchange that Souji accept all responsibility for any decisions Souji might make.

( I?m under the impression that Igor does not particularly care about the legal validity of a contract made under duress. I?m not about to argue the point, the power I have is going to be a highly useful tool.

Igor tells Souji that, whilst similar to certain other individuals?, his Persona power is special indeed by not being bound to any restrictions, barring the strength of Souji?s Social Links with others around him. Margaret notes that, sometimes, these Social Links would be the ones to lead him to the truth that he searches for. With an enigmatic farewell from Igor, Souji?s vision of the Velvet Room ends.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: theshirn on April 15, 2011, 04:18:52 PM
This is awesome, but I ran out of time.  And now I'm going to be away from my computer for two weeks or so.  I'll try to catch up, I guess.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on April 16, 2011, 12:56:29 PM
Day 6, April 16, 2011

We find Souji talking to Yosuke on the way to school. Without beating about the bush, Yosuke mentions the content of the Midnight Channel, and the two decide to investigate after school, concluding that, should someone else had been thrown in again, there might certainly be a culprit involved in the matter. Yosuke does not believe that the police might help them in this matter, Souji deciding that, indeed, the matter had to be stopped quickly without anyone else?s involvement. Off-hand Yosuke mentions that he is now able to enter a television set much like Souji can, no doubt due to his newfound power.

( Yosuke thinks that it?s like we?re tasked to do this. Well, I am, anyway. He reaches out to shake hands, and this flash nearly blinds me. My vision?s swimming, and I suddenly know that my connection with Yosuke?s grown, and, with it, my power, just like Igor?s said. In other words: make friends, receive cosmic power. And then I realize that Yosuke?s dedicated to this deal more than I thought ? he would willingly put himself in the line of fire for me. That just reinforced my decision ? I?m running this alone.

In school, Chie runs up to Souji and Yosuke, worried about Yukiko ? it seems that she had not seen Yukiko all morning, and had not responded to her emails. Chie explains her worries coming from her thinking that the person shown on the Midnight Channel the night before being Yukiko.

( It was a false alarm, though ? it turns out Yukiko was just too busy helping at the inn ? we got through to her after Chie dialed the inn directly.

Yosuke wonders about the hypothesis about the Midnight Channel showing people that had been thrown inside the world behind the television screen. Wondering about the discrepancy involving Yukiko, Yosuke suggests they investigate.

After school, the three meet up in Junes and explain to Chie what had happened the day before. In a flash of ingenuity, Yosuke suggests calling over Teddie whilst remaining in the real world and asking for his input.

( The guy bit me! I played up the injury for comedy value, but nobody got the joke. Nobody ever gets my jokes.

The three converse with Teddie through the television, and the bear confirms that there is nobody inside the other world other than him. Souji and Yosuke exchange cell phone numbers and agree to pay close attention to the Midnight Channel that night.

Somewhere else, Adachi and Dojima stand near a police car in the rain on a crossroads. Adachi complains that they have nothing to find that points to a suspect, although it seems certain to him that they are not investigating an accident, but a homicide. Dojima agrees, musing that they are most likely dealing with a single perpetrator. Adachi wonders if the matter relates to the scandal involving the love affair, but Dojima reveals that Misuzi Hiiragi has a solid alibi performing overseas. Furthermore, there is no link between the murders and Taro Namatame himself. Dojima and Adachi discuss the similarities between the two death cases, but neither is able to determine the strange circumstances around the incidents, and agree to continue investigating.

( So I come home, Nanako greeting me as I come in, head straight upstairs, and wait for the Midnight Channel. So, about that false alarm?

The Midnight Channel shows its clearest image yet, Yukiko, in a manner clearly out of character for her, and wearing an extravagant pink dress, informs viewers about her upcoming quest to find a suitable bachelor for her tastes.

( I?m snapped out of my reverie on caramelized sugar by a call from Yosuke. We agree that this time is completely different from the others.

Souji suggests that the two calm down and start coming up with a solution. Yosuke promises to get in touch with Chie, and suggests that he and Souji meet up at Junes tomorrow.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on April 16, 2011, 09:48:03 PM
It strikes me that I must ask you readers some very key questions. First:


And second:

Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Seian Verian on April 16, 2011, 10:32:38 PM
Um... Soccer and Self-Esteem issues!
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Kasu on April 17, 2011, 12:26:24 AM
Soccer and Drama Queens...

I take it you need to make some in-game choices?
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Shizumarashi Mayuzumi on April 17, 2011, 01:01:44 AM
Soccer and... really either's fine for the other choice but I lean slightly towards the self-esteem issues option.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Ionasal kkll Solciel on April 17, 2011, 01:15:36 AM
Basketball and Self-Esteem!

I take it you need to make some in-game choices?
Yeah, these decide the path for two of the Social Links. Thankfully Souji doesn't have to burn a week doing nothing for the physical club Social Link.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Kasu on April 17, 2011, 01:40:03 AM
Yeah, these decide the path for two of the Social Links. Thankfully Souji doesn't have to burn a week doing nothing for the physical club Social Link.
I see.

Times like this I wish I had a PSP.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Alfred F. Jones on April 17, 2011, 05:14:55 AM
Soccer and Drama Queens!
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on April 17, 2011, 08:19:31 AM
I know of these choices, Basketball and Drama-Queen, just because these are easier to max and I'm trying to be nice to you.

But, I should hug you just because you're doing this, can I? :*
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on April 17, 2011, 10:27:19 AM
Soccer is the winner in this short poll. I'll let the second choice hang about for the moment.

I see.

Times like this I wish I had a PSP.

Persona 4 is for the PS2, if I understand your comment correctly.

Day 7, April 17, 2011.

Souji comes downstairs to find Nanako alone in the living room. He remarks that she is up early on a Sunday, and Nanako replies that she woke up at the same time Dojima did.

( It was breaking my heart leaving the kid all alone on such a nice day, but I could not leave this be any longer.

Souji rushes over to Junes, and meets up with Yosuke, who, we learn, had been looking for equipment for their trip into the other world.

( I have to say, the sword and dagger were pretty awesome, although Yosuke must?ve caught my case of the stupids when he started waving them about in the middle of the food court. Waving them well, I might add! Apparently they?re Junes stock ? I?d guess he?s been messing about with them since he came here. Still, the police weren?t impressed.

In the police station, Dojima berates Souji for his uncharacteristic behaviour, but lets the two off lightly. On the way out, Souji overhears the conversation between two police officers, who comment about the disappearance of Yukiko. A quick talk with Adachi, who divulges the information on account of Yosuke and Souji being Yukiko?s friends, confirms this. As Souji and Yosuke discuss this information, Chie manages to catch up with them, informing the three that she had been by Yukiko?s home earlier that day and learned that the girl definitely disappeared. The conclusion to head over to the other world is unanimous, Chie refusing to listen to recommendations to let Souji and Yosuke investigate.

( Chie was so nonchalant when she mentioned she knew where to get weapons it was almost worrying.

Chie leads the team to Daidara Metalworks, a shop festooned in all sorts of wartime implements.

( Yosuke suggests that she sit this one out, and Chie well near explodes on him. The two must be really close. I remember how often Chie talks about Yukiko. Still, she doesn?t have magical powers, and who knows what other Shadows might be out there. I try to take Yosuke?s side, but she?s completely made up her mind.

The three gear up and decide to meet up at Junes when the store is no longer crowded.

( I get some armour for myself. Survivability is going to be key.

Just as he leaves the store, Souji runs across a strange, glowing door that only he can see, adorned in the same blues as the Velvet Room. Igor?s voice rings out loud in his head, informing him that it is through such doors that Souji would be able to enter the Velvet Room. Inside the strange space, Igor explains that his main function is the creation of new Personas by fusing Persona cards together. Such cards, he claims, can be acquired by defeating enemies. Finally, he reminds Souji that Personas of a type that resonates with strong Social Links would be more powerful than usual. Margaret tells Souji that, should he wish to inspect Personas he had collected, he need but ask her.

( It seems that I?m really diving into the deep end here ? my contract is failed not only if I die, but also if I fail some other conditions. I? have an idea what these might be, and they may be related to off-red chewy sweets.

I leave the Velvet Room and decide to take the time to check out this small shopping district ? perhaps I can find some other gems like Daidara?s store here. I find a vending machine and load up on TaP ? I love the stuff, and it seems to restore SP.

With nothing else catching his eye, Souji heads to Junes. Chie and Yosuke are already there, Chie once again expressing her determination to tag along. Once there are few enough customers for the three to move, they head into the realm on the other end of the television screen.

( Looks like Teddie?s been doing some thinking. And thinking up bear puns. Mostly the latter, it seems ? he hasn?t figured anything out about himself.

Teddie does confirm that Yukiko had shown up in the realm sometime yesterday, although he cannot determine who it is. He offers to guide the party to where he believes the new presence is. Chie rushes off ahead, and Teddie, Yosuke and Souji catch up to her outside a large, castle-like structure. Chie expresses her confusion at the Yukiko she had seen on the Midnight Channel acting far from normal, and Yosuke agrees, suggesting that what they saw could have been similar to what had happened to Yosuke himself. Once again, Chie rushes ahead.

( I noticed Teddie carrying some stuff around ? useful items, he gave them to me to use as I wanted. Without looking back, I walked inside the castle.

As soon as I walked in, Teddie informs me that the Shadows will be aggressive. I?m ready.

The first Shadow was trivial, and, upon defeating it, I immediately see what Igor was on about. I snatch a card out of the air ? the Persona Slime, which appears to be resistant to physical damage. I think it will come in handy, so I equip it right away. I also level up.

I wreck my way through the first floor of the castle, picking up an Angel, a Pixie and an Apsaras before heading up to the second floor. The latter two have Dia, a healing spell, and will definitely be necessary in the future.

A set of double doors greets Yosuke and I as we enter the second floor. We should be catching up to Chie soon enough.

Indeed, Chie stands in the middle of the next room. Souji and Yosuke sense that something is terribly wrong.

( Yukiko?s voice was echoing around the room. Red does look good on her, but that?s neither here nor there. I think I was right about Yukiko?s self-deprecation, as that?s all her voice went on about ? her being cold and worthless.

Yosuke states that these must be Yukiko?s inner thoughts, and Teddie suggests that the castle appeared due to Yukiko?s influence.

( The Yukiko voice continued on about how Chie gave her life meaning, how Chie has everything Yukiko doesn?t?

And then Chie mark two appears.

Chie?s Shadow stands before Chie and starts laying bare many of the secrets that Chie herself is afraid to admit. Indeed, the Shadow revels in Yukiko?s feelings of low self-esteem, espousing jealousy at Yukiko?s attractiveness, and the immense sensation of schadenfreude as she realized that Yukiko was, indeed, jealous of her. The Shadow states that its objective is to ensure Yukiko?s dependence on Chie, the obvious superior. As Souji, Yosuke and Teddie rush in to assist Chie, the girl shouts at them to stay back, obviously deeply ashamed of herself. The Shadow continues demeaning Chie?s shame of her unconscious repression of Yukiko, simultaneously encouraging this behaviour, as Yukiko is vital to Chie?s confused feelings of self-worth. Chie finally breaks down, rejecting the Shadow, which, laughing in glee, turns into a Freudian monstrosity.

( We have to take this thing down quickly ? who knows how long Chie will last in here. Yosuke and I were at full strength, and we laid into the Shadow.

It looks like the Shadow is vulnerable to wind attacks, making Yosuke?s Garu valuable. The two of us are far better able to exploit openings once an enemy is knocked down.

The Green Wall message tells me all I need to know ? the Shadow?s somehow protected its Wind weakness, meaning that we have to tough it out until it wears off.

It seems that Yosuke did something to piss off the Shadow ? every so often it focuses on him at the expense of everything else. I tell him to just Guard through everything while I continue attacking. Good thing, too ? Mazio is a lightning attack that hits us both.

Despite the Shadow?s taunts and insults, the pair bring down the monster and rush to Chie?s aid. Seeing Chie?s discomfort, Souji reassures her, just as he did Yosuke, that the monster they had just faced was but a small part of Chie. With the reassurance she receives, Chie is able to accept the Shadow as part of herself.

( It made her stronger. The Persona Tomoe will be watching out for her.

Chie, still uncomfortable with the revelations Souji and Yosuke were witness to, attempts to defend herself, but Yosuke reassures her that her friendship with Yukiko is genuine. Deciding to call it a day, Yosuke and Souji help an exhausted Chie back to the real world.

( Yukiko will be fine here for the moment, at least until it fogs over. That?s our time limit.

Souji realizes that Chie?s physical condition is no doubt partially due to the fog in the area that he and Yosuke had mitigated with the help of Teddie?s glasses. Teddie presents Chie with a readily prepared pair. Yosuke insists that nobody work alone when investigating the television realm.

( He?s right about working together, at least. I?ll be able to put together information much faster with more people at my side. All of a sudden they appoint me leader, and the Social Link flash hits again. I think I?ll like working with this team.

Later that evening, Souji, Nanako and Dojima are together, eating dinner. Dojima sits quietly, his face stern. After some deliberation, he inquires if Souji is engaged in any strange business, no doubt still bothered by what happened at the station.

( I literally can do nothing but either be annoyingly cryptic or outright lying. I go for the latter option, at least it?ll keep Dojima stress-free.

Nanako, worried, wonders if Dojima and Souji are fighting, and the two reassure her that no such thing is happening. Dojima emphasizes that Souji must not get into trouble, and leaves the matter alone. Souji apologises to Nanako for the tense atmosphere and heads upstairs.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Kasu on April 17, 2011, 01:04:16 PM
Soccer is the winner in this short poll. I'll let the second choice hang about for the moment.

Persona 4 is for the PS2, if I understand your comment correctly.
Oh. :derp:

I still don't have the means to play it though. :ohdear:

Also things keep getting more and more interesting~
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on April 17, 2011, 04:48:07 PM
So, yeah, three questions. Are you going to max all S.Links?

And, ednings, are you going to show them all or just the True One?

And how are you gonna deal with the fast forward at the end of the game?
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on April 17, 2011, 05:28:39 PM
So, yeah, three questions. Are you going to max all S.Links?

WIll try, but I might end up not making some. More than one are just so dreadfully boring.

And, ednings, are you going to show them all or just the True One?

Got something planned for that.

And how are you gonna deal with the fast forward at the end of the game?

I'll figure it out.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Shizumarashi Mayuzumi on April 17, 2011, 05:39:03 PM
Will try, but I might end up not making some. More than one are just so dreadfully boring.

FWIW, as far as I'm concerned I vote you prioritize party member links, then any links that tie to REALLY AWESOME PERSONAS, and then just do what you can for the rest. Obviously all max is the best, but I totally get if it doesn't work out.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on April 18, 2011, 05:52:17 PM
Day 8, April 18, 2011.

Yosuke and Souji are in class, wondering how Chie was feeling after yesterday?s events. Their worries are dispelled by Chie?s assurance of her good condition. After a brief pause, she thanks Souji and Yosuke for their help the day before, admitting her embarrassment that her feelings were revealed in such a violent manner. Chie asks Yosuke what his facing of his Shadow was like.

( Yosuke answers with the most shameless change of topic since Nikita Khruschev asked what the weather was like in Cuba.

Chie and Yosuke wonder why Souji did not have to face a Shadow of his own, and Chie comments that it is perhaps that Souji has little to hide, and that this openness draws others naturally to him.

( It seems that I?m too much of a little girl to be suave about this. Scratch that, even Nanako could have done that. So I went for a poor joke instead. Chie didn?t get it, but Yosuke came back with a pretty good line.

Their mood improved, the three agree that their main priority is the rescue of Yukiko.

( Chie really trusts me with this business. I won?t let her down. The flash informs me that I?m on the right track ? the Charior Arcanum has grown in power.

Souji asks Chie for her contact information, claiming that it would help the three?s investigation.

During school, Souji is tasked to identify a definite article from a group of three. He chooses the correct one, reaffirming his strength of Knowledge.

( ?The.? A warmup question: English can and, probably, will get much trickier. Knowledge Increased. School ended soon after that, so I decided to check up on a rumor I?d heard.

Souji finds an afro-haired student on the third floor of the school, who quizzes Souji on a series of colours.

( Red, White and Green are in group A. Grey, Orange and Pink are in group B. The question is ? which group does Black belong to? This guy knows his quizzes, but I figure it out ? it?s all about flag colours.

Having defeated the riddle master, Souji gathers himself and heads to Junes. The investigation team decides to use the central studio as a hub point, returning to it should they get separated. Souji notices a door to the Velvet room here, but does not feel the need to use it at the moment.

( I ask Teddie to lead us to the castle. It?s go-time, we?re coming back with the shield, or on it. Teddie gives me something called a Goho-M ? it should help me come back should things get too hairy.

Souji has no trouble pushing his way through the first few floors of the castle.

( If I can get surprise attacks on the Shadows, I don?t have to use up any resources on the fight. Good ? the less we use, the further we can go before using any of our medicines or drinks. Some of the shadows glow an ominous red ? I figure that these are stronger than typical. Still, they give us the experience we need much faster. I manage to pick up the Persona Ukobach on the way.

Upon reaching the door behind which Souji and Yosuke had found Chie on their first foray into the castle, the three investigators feel a strange presence. They rush through.

( We found Yukiko. Well, not Yukiko precisely ? it was clearly her Shadow. For some reason, Yosuke and Chie didn?t catch on quite as quickly. 

Yukiko?s Shadow wonders at the presence of her new guests, but quickly rushes off to search for her Prince Charming, complaining how hard it is to find him

( The Shadow is looking for something to rely on, something to protect it, something it can serve.

Souji continues his battle through the castle, hearing Shadow Yukiko?s voice around him.

(  She really wants that Prince to come for her ? some sort of knight in shining armour bursting in to rescue her from her captivity in this castle. The Persona Sandman is added to my collection as well, to replace Pixie.

Souji keeps hearing the voice of Yukiko?s Shadow, sometimes interspersed with seemingly the voice of Yukiko herself. She greets the visitors to the Amagi Inn, beckoning them forward.

( Does she feel trapped by her function in the Amagi Inn? I?d probably be upset about having my life be decided for me from childhood. Anyway, by the time we reach the fifth floor, things start getting really weird.

Despite their efforts to continue ahead, Souji and his companions were continuously transported around the floor, accompanied by Shadow Yukiko?s mocking laughter. Soon enough they realized how to trick the Shadow?s traps and were able to navigate the floor freely.

( I find myself a Kevlar vest there, which I promptly equip. Soon after that, we find the Shadow again, beside one of the bigger Shadows I?ve seen in this castle ? a tall knight with a nasty-looking spear. I promptly reduce its attack damage and agility, relying on Slime to keep me protected from the worst of the knight?s attacks.

It turns out that the knight is, much like Slime, resistant to physical attacks. I ensure that Yosuke and Chie are at their best to lay into it with their magic by reducing the knight?s defense as well. We get a bit of a scare where a critical hit nearly takes down Yosuke, but it was too little, too late ? the knight went down on the next turn. The Shadow fled sometime during the battle ? I didn?t notice it leave. I dose out the TaPs and soul drops and we continue upwards.

Yukiko?s voice gets more and more agitated as we go up. She screams that she should be left alone, and wants nothing more than her Prince to come and take her away.

Soon afterwards I find a tuxedo, of all things. Why it offers better protection than a Kevlar vest I cannot fathom, but I?ll take anything. By the time we reach the top, we?re empty and exhausted, I?m level 14, my Angel regenerates me naturally and I?ve figured out how to extract my Slime?s Physical resistance. The nearby butterfly takes us down, and I head to the Velvet Room. I have work to do.

In the Velvet Room, Igor explains to Souji what he can do. He says that he can take Souji?s Personas and fuse them, giving rise to new, more powerful Personas that inherit their parents? abilities. He reminds Souji to register the Personas he sees in Margaret?s compendium to then be able to resummon them for a price.

( I first clear up some space ? having only six slots limits my options, but it appears that I am in for quite the day. As I try to fuse an Orobas from Izanagi and Sandman, the card slips off Igor?s table. Instead, I get Obariyon, who is even somewhat above my own level. It appears fusion accidents can break certain rules in this manner. Still, I need that Orobas, so I fuse him from Slime and Apsaras, making sure he inherits Slime?s Resist Physical. Forneus himself is not hard to find, and I form one from a fusion of Ukobach and Apsaras. Finally, the fusion of Forneus and Ukobach results in the fire-immune Senri, inheriting Resist Physical.

I decide to bite the bullet and go save Yukiko now. I couldn?t let the girl stay here any longer than she already had. Against my better judgement, we head back up to the double-doors.

Souji and the rest burst through the heavy double doors to finally come face-to-face with the Shadow Yukiko, as well as the real Yukiko, who is sitting helplessly at her Shadow?s feet. The Shadow expresses her delight at having three princes come in to rescue her, and invites her prince to go elsewhere, where she would not be recognized. A brief moment of confusion follows where the four investigators cannot decide which of them are the three princes, but Yukiko?s Shadow confirms that Chie is indeed a prince to her, a strong leader. However, the Shadow exclaims that Chie no longer suffices, as she is not capable of taking Yukiko from her metaphorical prison. Despite the real Yukiko?s protests, the Shadow rants at the chains holding her down ? the history of her family?s inn, as well as her position as a manager. She derides everything having been decided for her. Yukiko, strained, tries to deny this, but the Shadow mocks the girl, pronouncing her useless, with no strength to stay, nor the courage to leave, thus relying on others to rescue her. Yukiko vehemently denies everything the Shadow claims and, with a burst of laughter and exhilaration at its newfound freedom, the Shadow assumes its monstrous form.

( A monstrous bird in a gilded cage. An apt description for the darker side of Yukiko?s feelings. Still, I know there?s far more good to her than what this thing is trying to tell us.

A few moments in, the Shadow summons a pitiful little simulacrum of a prince. We wreck the thing before it can cause any more trouble, keeping it off its feet with ice attacks.

Soon enough, the Shadow decides that enough is enough, and brings out its big guns, I make sure Chie guards all the time ? no doubt the Shadow?s words cut deep. Also she is weak to fire. Yosuke is my main damage-dealer for this fight, his Persona?s Bash attacks being a reliable move. My role throughout the fight is to keep everyone on their feet with Senri?s Dia ? the Shadow essentially cannot hurt me, so I?m comfortable in concentrating on the others.

Despite my best efforts to protect her, Chie goes down eventually to the Shadow?s attacks, but not before doing her part in bringing down the monster?s hit points. Yosuke and I finish the job.

Yukiko, who had been knocked out at the beginning of the fight, comes to. Seeing her Shadow, she weakly attempts to defend herself, but Yosuke reassures her that she is not alone in her struggles. Chie stumbles over herself to profusely apologize to Yukiko for never understanding Yukiko?s problems, despite being her friend. Chie admits her jealousy of Yukiko, and how she wished for Yukiko to depend on her, admitting that she ended up depending on Yukiko. Yukiko, in turn, admits to never seeing Chie?s real feelings either, so caught up was she in finding an easy way out of her situation. Filled with understanding, Yukiko accepts the Shadow?s words and nature, acquiring the strength of a newborn Persona ? Konohana Sakuya. Exhausted, she falls to her knees.

( Teddie asks the question we should have been thinking of all this time. Then again, Yukiko?s safety, really, is equally important. Still, she didn?t remember who threw her inside. The only conclusion we come to there is that there must be an actual individual doing these things.

Despite her fatigue, Yukiko takes the time to promise Teddie that she would visit him again. Teddie immediately takes a liking to the girl for her gentle words.

( I decide to call it a day, have Chie take Yukiko home and let her rest. It makes me an Understanding person.

That evening, Dojima comes home with Adachi in tow, to Nanako?s confusion. Dojima introduces everyone, and Adachi tells Souji that Yukiko has been reported as found again.

( I play up the relief angle.

Adachi says that the case remains open, as Yukiko?s report gave the police force no information to work with. Before Adachi reveals any more police information, Dojima gives him a solid hit, berating the man for his loose-lippedness. Nanako reminds everyone that it is dinnertime, and the group sits down to a lively get-together.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on April 19, 2011, 06:18:06 PM
Note for you Americanians: I?m playing the Europe-localised version, and what we call Football you call Soccer. You weirdoes. :V

Day 9, April 19th, 2011.

Souji is woken up by a call on his cell phone from Margaret. She reminds Souji that improving his Social Links is likely the most potent manner to acquiring stronger Personas.

On the way to school, Souji overhears some gossip between some students. He learns that sports clubs would be accepting applicants today. Curious about the options on offer, Souji inquires at the school?s faculty office. Despite his simple request, he finds getting lectured once again on the virtues of moderation in his romantic life by Morooka. After an indeterminate amount of time, Morooka finally informs Souji that he can join either the Football or the Basketball club, reminding Souji that club days are on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.

( I prefer the open air. Football it is.

The physical education instructor introduces Souji to the football team, enthusiastic at having a player from the city. The rest of the team do not take kindly to being cast as inferior.

( It would have been embarrassing if I weren?t just so good. At the ball-kicking part, anyway. I say the usual pleasantries, hopefully they won?t hate me too much.

Despite the team?s disinterest, one of the players ? a square-jawed young man with a bandage on his nose - greets Souji as the rest of the team disperses over the field. With a smile, he tells Souji not to worry about the team?s attitude, and to have fun in the game. He introduces himself as Daisuke Nagase. Just as he finishes, a lanky student with messy hair shouts out to him. The new arrival recognizes Souji, and quickly uses the opportunity to make a few jokes at Daisuke?s team?s expense. Daisuke responds with an outburst about the messy-haired boy. The two are clearly friends as Daisuke introduces Souji to Kou Ichijo, who claims to be the basketball team?s up-and-coming most valued player.

( They?re a really open pair, I reckon they?ve been friends for a while.

Daisuke and Kou welcome Souji into their carefree banter.

( I?m almost expecting the flash to come, and, right on time, it hits. The Strength Arcanum has grown.

Souji and Kou wait for Daisuke to finish the exercise that the football team?s engaged in, and the three head home.

( On the way home I stock up on TaPs. Just in case. Daidara mentioned something as I was leaving last time, so I came back to sell all the junk we?d picked up on the run through the castle. It turns out that Daidara is some sort of metal-working machine, carving through the things I sold him and making cool new stuff. I replace the golf club with a longsword.

That evening, Souji takes some time to catch up on his studies.

( Knowledge Increased. Twice ? it seems the dictionary still holds some secrets from me.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on April 19, 2011, 06:59:52 PM
Come on people, I need a tiebreaker for the second set! First choice posted gets the green light!
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Kasu on April 19, 2011, 08:59:25 PM
Drama Queen. :3
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on April 20, 2011, 03:44:42 PM
Day 10, April 20th, 2011.

During lunch break at school, Yosuke invites Souji to eat together, if Souji had the time.

( Had a bit of a quiz this afternoon from a guy with his own face as a hand-puppet. And they say life in the country is boring. Yosuke was the one being asked this time, and he looks lost as anything. I whisper to him a handy little mnemonic on how to spell millennium. My Expression increased from that.

After school, Souji rushes out to town. He picks up Orobas from the Velvet Room, and purchases the book A Great Man[/i] at the nearby bookstore. He then goes back to school, and finds Yosuke standing idly in one of the hallways.[/i]

( I had nothing better to do that day, so I decided to take Yosuke up on his offer.

Souji and Yosuke head to a food stall in the central shopping district, where Yosuke claims excellent steak was sold. Yosuke makes light-hearted fun of the region?s peculiar delicacy. The mood is somewhat fouled, however, by the gossip of passers-by, who talk of Junes? slow takeover of the area?s commerce.

( I start on how the smaller stores could compete by offering luxury goods and modernizing their sales strategy, but Yosuke waves it off, saying not to worry. I sympathise with the guy, though, I guess the infamy can wear on.

Yosuke shrugs, saying that there is little he can do about the situation, commenting with a wink that he believes that there must be few people who do not know him in Inaba.

( I?m getting to know Yosuke better. The flash confirms that.

The two enjoy the peculiar steak croquettes and head home soon afterward. Souji spends the evening reading the book he had purchased earlier that day.

( That stuff?s surprisingly inspiring. It literally increased my Courage.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on April 21, 2011, 07:02:58 PM
Day 11, April 21st, 2011.

At school, Daisuke reminds Souji that he has football practice and urges him to come. Souji decides to act on this and rushes to town straight after school to pick up a persona of the Strength Arcanum.

( It looks like having a matching Persona improves my relationship with a person. I?ll be keeping that in mind.

Souji comes back to school in time for football practice.

( Adhering to a schedule increases my Diligence.

After practice, Souji is tasked with taking down the goalposts before leaving.

( I go for it, not the time to be a smartass. That improves my Understanding.

Daisuke inquires about Souji?s conversation, and expresses his disbelief at the team?s behaviour, stating that everyone has to take turns. He suggests that Souji ignore the task and go home, but is interrupted by Kou coming onto the field. Kou learns of the situation, disapproving of the situation as well, but suggesting they do the task anyway, as a way of getting closer to the team. Kou offers his help.

The three of them finish the job quickly, Kou exhausted from enthusiastically engaging in polishing the footballs. Souji thanks the pair for their help.

( The flash tells me that things are going well with those two.

Afterwards, Daisuke, Souji and Kou head to the Aiya Chinese diner, where Kou mentions spotting a girl expressing interest in Daisuke. Daisuke brushes off the comment, and offers to help Souji with his football techniques. Kou is quickly roped into the venture, and the three spend the rest of the day discussing football practice. Souji ends the evening by reading his book.

Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on April 22, 2011, 07:32:28 PM
Day 12, April 22nd, 2011.

( Yosuke?s wondering if I have any free time after school. Turns out I do.

Souji finds Yosuke in the corridor, and Yosuke leads the two, by a small journey, to Okina city, just off Inaba. Yosuke expresses nostalgia for their surroundings, noting his admiration for the scent of the city over that of Inaba.

( Apparently that makes him sound like Teddie, so I go for the joke about hair on the back of his hands. He actually got the joke as well! I?ve never been happier.

Yosuke is interrupted by his phone ringing, but he quickly finds that it is merely advertisement. Souji commiserates with Yosuke, noting that there?s no way to dodge this sort of invasive message. Yosuke responds that he has considered changing addresses, but is hesitant to do so, as he feels he may yet receive messages from old contacts. Wondering about his old life, Yosuke finds himself unable to recall in detail his friendly relations. With a nod, he decides that Inaba is fine enough for him.

( He feels he has something to do, so it?s driving him forward. The flash comes and goes.

After spending some time in the city, the two head back. In the evening, Souji continues reading his book.

( Just reading that book made me Reliable!
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on April 23, 2011, 11:05:15 AM
Day 13, April 23rd, 2011.

Daily gossip, being his most reliable form of news, this morning Souji learns that part-time job ads have been posted on the town?s notice board. Souji decides to have a look at them later that day.

( The girls talk about Diligence and Understanding required. Mine aren?t the best, but a guy?s got to start somewhere.

In class, Souji learns of ancient Mesopotamia from Ms. Sofue. She tells that the civilization grew between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and was called what it was due to this. All the great civilizations, according to her, grew near great rivers.

( Yosuke was seriously asleep throughout this. I had to remind him, through a careful series of hand gestures, what the teacher had said just moments ago. No wonder my Expression increased.

After school, Souji remembers that he had football practice. He decided he had enough time to rush to town and check out the bulletin board.

( Envelope constructor, Translator, Origami crane folder? Nothing too interesting. Assistant day care caretaker, however? I don?t mind kids too much. I apply ? looks like I?ll be busy on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays. Speaking of Saturdays, back to school!

Souji gets back to school on time for football practice.

( As usual, Diligence increased, and, as usual, I get stuck with cleanup duty.

Daisuke suggests that they take some more time to work on Souji?s technique. Kou, seemingly everpresent, offers his assistance, and Daisuke instructs him on what to do.

( I?m just this guy, but they?ve completely accepted me this quickly. These guys. Flash again.

During an intermission, a pair of girls approach Daisuke, about to ask him something, but he gives them a curt brushoff. Kou tries to apologize for him, but the girls rush off in a huff.

( I wonder what that was all about.

That evening, Souji returns to his studies.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on April 24, 2011, 12:08:39 AM
Pretty awesome so far. Sorry I don't have anything else to say.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on April 24, 2011, 10:07:53 AM
Day 14, April 24th, 2011.

Today Souji has a day off. He gets a call from Kou, who invites him out to spend some time with Daisuke, but Souji declines. Instead, he heads off to find Yosuke. Eventually, he catches up with him patrolling around in Junes.

( I haven?t talked to the guy like this in a few days, so I decided to make sure he didn?t forget me, or something.

We find the two sitting in the Junes food court. Yosuke says that he enjoys spending time with Souji in this manner, informing us that he gets a minor discount at Junes. Yosuke is interrupted by a pair of girls, who come to him with complaints of conflicting working hours at Junes. Yosuke attempts to reason with them, reminding them that the conflict is entirely their fault. Yosuke is clearly irritated at the girls? irreverence and poor work ethic, but does not say it out loud. Instead he says that he will try talking with the manager.

( Those girls had gaudy and snooty written all over them. And just as he was about to sit down again, this woman comes over with complaints about the butcher. It looks like this happens often. The guy?s a champ for sticking through it, though. I reassure him that we?re going to get through the murder case no problem. He?s enthusiastic about the deal, and that?s what I want to see in him.

Yosuke admits that he is happy that it was Souji who was involved in the incident with Yosuke?s shadow and thanks him for his support.

( Flash again. Who would think that experiencing each other?s deepest secrets would bring people together like this?

The two spend some more time at the food court before heading home. Souji ends the day studying.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on April 25, 2011, 08:59:56 AM
Day 15, April 25th, 2011.

This morning?s gossip tells Souji that cultural clubs are accepting applicants. That very morning, Mr. Kondo greets a drowsy physical education class and decides that the best manner to wake the lot up is with a surprise quiz.

( I?m the target, as usual. Turns out thieves will sneak into your house more commonly in the morning. I just guessed, but the more you know.

After school, Souji inquires about the cultural clubs at the faculty office. He receives a lecture he had heard once before from Mr. Morooka and then learns that the two clubs available are the drama club and the school band.

( I?m pretty good at putting on the face that I need to at a given moment, for better or worse, so I decide to go for drama.

Souji heads over to the Practice Building where he can never find the Drama club?s room and finds that the Drama club has appropriated the meeting room for their activities.

( I walk in on them doing tongue-twisters. Not the most dramatic of things, but I?m sure it?ll get better. This one girl rattles them off one after the other like it was nothing ? I?m having trouble reading them off the paper without going cross-eyed. She has a portrait, so I reckon she?s going to be important some way or other.

The president ? a boy called Nagai - recognizes Souji and introduces him to the rest of the club. The girl Souji took notice of earlier introduces herself as Yumi Ozawa. A student inquires as to Yumi?s introduction having ulterior motives, but Yumi brushes him off. The president tells Souji that the group has neither a stage, nor a script, so they are spending their time practicing. Another student emphasizes that Souji is bound to improve his expressiveness if he attends the club often.

( The club proceeds to faff about, so Yumi recruits me as a practice partner.

Yumi instructs Souji on how to use his voice properly. Souji cooperates well. So caught up is Yumi in teaching Souji that she does not notice that school has ended and that most students had already gone home for quite a while. She urges Souji to come to the next meeting.

( Not one to let the opportunity go wasted, I crack a joke about her being a brutal taskmaster. She just plays it straight. What have I gotten myself into? Heedless of my worries, the flash informs me that I have made a link of the Sun Arcanum.

Yumi suggests that Souji watch live performances of bands or drama troupes, lamenting her club?s being lax in that area. The two walk home together. Souji finishes the evening by studying.

( All that studying?s made me Informed!
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on April 26, 2011, 08:51:37 PM
Day 16, April 26th, 2011.

At school, Souji hears rumours of an animal dwelling in the shopping district area. The teacher continues talking about the value of currency in the modern economy, segueing into mathematics. Chie gets asked to answer a question that she is unable to.

( A tricky one, after all the easy stuff. A natural number that?s half the sum of its positive divisors is a perfect number, but I know that only because I saw it somewhere the other day. I convey the information through interpretive dance. That sure did a number for my Expression.

After school, Souji heads off to football practice, and, upon it ending, he heads home.

( I find something in the fridge. It looks like white miso, but I?m pretty sure it used to be red miso. Still, can?t waste food, so down she goes!

Souji is too ill to study that evening.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on April 27, 2011, 09:41:56 AM
Day 17, April 27th, 2011.

( It?s raining today, and nobody wants to hang out. I saw a poster over in town, so I?ll head off to check it out.

Souji finds the poster in question, a promotion held by the Chinese Diner Aiya. The offer is of a Rainy day challenge, 3000-yen Mega Beef Bowl, offering it for free for whomever might finish the quintuple-sized bowl.

( I accepted the challenge. Perhaps that was my first mistake ? that thing was vast. I?m suspecting complex theoretical physics and membrane theory were used to construct this monstrosity. As I am, at the moment, unable to harness the laws of entropy to my will, I do not finish the bowl. Soon however, soon. My Knowledge, Courage and Diligence all increase, like a defensive mechanism adapting to an implacable foe. I?ll get you yet, bowl.

That evening, Souji returns to his studies after his unexpected short break.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on April 28, 2011, 09:36:13 AM
Day 18, April 28th, 2011.

That morning, Chie tells Souji that Yukiko will have recovered enough to come to school the day after next.

( I thank her for the assist back then.

Remembering he had drama club after school that day, Souji runs to the Velvet Room to get the Persona Cu Sith from the fusion of Nata Taishi and Obariyon.

(  I also load up on TaPs. It looks like the vending machine got refilled.

Souji rushes back in time for drama club. After spending some time practicing, the president suggests the group attempt some actual performing. He holds a brief audition, which involves reciting a line from memory. Souji is the first to be picked, and Yumi cheers him on.

(  Remembering the line wasn?t the hard part. It is getting it out in front of a bunch of people whose deepest, darkest secrets I am unaware of. Perhaps that came out somewhat wrong.

Yumi attempts the line next, showing a masterful reading of the simple line, impressing the rest of the group.

(  Crying on cue, as well! Very nice.

Yumi challenges the rest of the group to do better than her, and the president awkwardly tries to make light of the matter. Yumi responds by calling the president out on his incessant flirting and his poor acting talent. Noticing the boy?s discomfort, she drops the issue and, with the urging of the club?s vice-president, the club went to work on reciting the line, only proving Yumi?s superior acting skills.

(  She is voted into the lead role unanimously. I am voted into her opposite right afterwards. I?d protest, but this is something I can do well.

Yumi is very serious, near-professional in her acting ethic, and Souji responds equally. Yumi comments that she enjoys the freedom of character acting brings with it, enabling her to take on the life of another person.

(  Oh no. I think I know where this could be going.

Yumi says that she need not lights nor costumes, but merely to have a role, merely to not be herself. She catches herself, and resumes practicing her lines.

(  That flash comes whether I like it or not. This girl could need some serious help.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: theshirn on April 28, 2011, 03:27:07 PM
Wait - are you soloing like you originally planned, or did you scrap that for a party?
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on April 29, 2011, 12:32:16 AM
Wait - are you soloing like you originally planned, or did you scrap that for a party?

Fun fact: you can only start the solo run when you can select party members, i.e. only once you've got Kanji. At least, as far as I've been able to tell.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: theshirn on April 29, 2011, 12:33:54 AM
I know you can solo at least as early as when you have access to the Sauna, so... :wat:
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on April 29, 2011, 09:06:38 AM
I know you can solo at least as early as when you have access to the Sauna, so... :wat:

Will check when I'm back at the console.

Day 19, April 29th, 2011.

With nothing to do that day on account of it being a public holiday, Souji attempts the Aiya Beef Bowl Challenge.

( Long story short, I didn?t make it that time, either. Next time, bowl. Next time.

That evening, Souji, Nanako and Dojima are gathered around the television, where the weather forecast predicts more rain in the future, and a thick fog to set in that night. Dojima hopes that the fog is not a sign of more trouble. A commercial rings out upon Nanako?s changing channels, advertising events to attend during Golden Week. Nanako exclaims that Junes will be open during Golden Week, and Dojima asks with a laugh if she wants to go somewhere during the holiday. Nanako is shocked at this development, and Souji confirms that he has no plans for the week. Nanako excitedly proposes that they all go somewhere as a group, suggesting in no uncertain terms that that destination would do well to be Junes.

( She?s really hyped about this sudden outing. I wouldn?t mind having some fun with her and Dojima.

Souji returns to his room to watch the Midnight Channel, curious as to what he?d see now that Yukiko had been rescued.

( The answer is? nothing. It?s actually quite a relief. No news is good news, as they say.

Elsewhere, at a location shrouded in fog, surrounded by houses and shops, we see a lone figure. The figure pauses, thinking to itself, and walks on.

( Wait! Go back! Give me some description! Damn it, if I run out I should be able to-
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on April 29, 2011, 09:47:02 PM
Elsewhere, at a location shrouded in fog, surrounded by houses and shops, we see a lone figure. The figure pauses, thinking to itself, and walks on.

( Wait! Go back! Give me some description! Damn it, if I run out I should be able to-

Sorta the opposite of that one Persona 3 LP I saw where "protag can 'see' cutscenes he should have no access to" is explained by
visions caused by Thanatos
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on April 30, 2011, 08:52:21 PM
Day 20, April 30th, 2011.

Souji meets Yukiko, who is smiling sheepishly at him at the school gates. Souji inquires as to how she was feeling, to which she responds positively, looking eager to go to school again. Having trouble finding the right words, she settles on thanking Souji for his help, and expressing her realization that she was perhaps too caught up in trying to achieve too many things by herself.

( Wasn?t I? doing something last night? It was after the Midnight Channel? Doesn?t matter. Yukiko looks much calmer, anyway ? I think she?ll do fine.

Yukiko states her embarrassment at her emotions being put on display in the manner that they had, and Souji reassures her that the Shadow was merely a small part of her. At that moment, Chie calls out to them, and Souji leaves the girls alone to catch up.

( I get picked on again for questions. Geography this time, of all things, with a trick question. The highest mountain is Mars? Mt. Olympus.

After school, Souji, Yosuke, Chie and Yukiko gather on the school roof to discuss matters, Yukiko bringing ramen for Chie and herself. Yukiko reaffirms that she remembers nothing of the incident of her kidnapping, except for the doorbell ringing and her name being called. Chie muses whether this means the visitor is the culprit, and Yosuke wonders about what sort of person would kidnap so overtly. The group can also not ascertain the kidnapper?s motive. Yosuke reassures Yukiko that he and Souji will be the ones to catch the culprit.

( I do the same. Chie reminds us that she?s helping, whether we like it or not, threatening the kidnapper with violence. Then, all of a sudden, Yukiko asks to help as well, claiming a part in this whole affair as well.

The group agrees to work together to catch whomever is behind the murders.

( And flash ? our group grows bigger by the day.

Despite their lack of leads, the group decides to outpace the killer next time he decides to strike. Yosuke suggests that the connection between the victims is that they are all women, as well as the second and third victims having a connection with the first. He also suggests another angle of approach ? if another person disappears, they might be seen on the Midnight Channel. Indeed, the Channel might show the victim before they even disappear. Despite not knowing why it happens, Yosuke suggests that this is a manner of identifying the next victim.

( We?re talking and talking, and the smell of delicious instant noodles wafts at Yosuke and I. The girls generously offer us a bite, but I?m afraid to say that they do not quite understand men and food.

Souji and Yosuke apologise profusely for eating all of the girls? food, and Chie warns Yosuke that compensation was expected for this event. Yosuke hurriedly offers steak in exchange, which Chie gladly accepts. Yukiko, still shocked at the loss of her fried tofu, accepts the offer as well. Souji agrees to assist Yosuke with the bill.

Later that evening, the group is gathered at a table at the Junes food court, where grilled steak has started to be served that same day.

( I honestly feel bad for doing that, but the girls seem to be placated enough by the steaks.

The group gets back on-topic regarding the discussion of the kidnapping and murder cases. They briefly consider the revenge angle before remembering Misuzu Hiiragi?s solid alibi. There is agreement that the murder of Saki Konishi was performed to prevent the girl from telling anything. Unfortunately, the bizarre nature of the murder precludes any strong evidence cropping up that would help the police. As the group continues their discussion, Adachi strolls by, examining the new menu. Noticing Souji, he tells him to pass on the message to Nanako that Dojima will be coming home on-schedule that day. Adachi introduces himself to the rest of the group. Following Chie?s question, Adachi confirms that the police are also considering the reason of Saki Konishi?s murder as having the motive of silencing her, and that they might have been close to her. Adachi catches himself before he can divulge any more information, and reassures the group that the police have the matter well-in-hand.

( We decided to check with Teddie, as well as show Yukiko what the place is all about.

Yukiko recognizes Teddie, who is obviously clearly infatuated with the girl. Teddie states that he was expecting Yukiko to join the group and presents her a pair of glasses that he had prepared beforehand. Teddie wonders about Yosuke?s disinterest, and attempts to get close to demonstrate the dexterity of his fingers. Yosuke pushes him away, and Teddie drops something that he was carrying. Teddie says that it is a pair of glasses that he was unsatisfied with, and Yukiko promptly tries them on.

( It?s? quite a thing. Complete with googley eyes, fake nose and mustache. Yukiko seems to love them. Fortunately for everyone, that pair does not have the right lenses.

Yukiko urges Chie to put on the pair of comedy glasses, and Chie accepts with a sigh.

( She looks as ridiculous as you would think. Yukiko can?t stop laughing. How did it come to this?

Teddie threatens that more such artifacts might be aplenty should he be left to his devices that often.

That evening, Souji, Dojima and Nanako discuss their plans for Golden Week. Dojima states that he believes he can get the required days off work. Nanako cautiously wonders at this, and Dojima reassures her that he can and will. Nanako presents evidence that Dojima is well-known for cancelling such events. Dojima suggests that the group head out on a trip, once again exciting Nanako into excitement. Nanako exclaims that she would prefer they all go on a trip together, and Souji agrees. Dojima volunteers Souji to help Nanako with making boxed lunches, which Nanako is highly pleased with.

Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on May 01, 2011, 05:07:44 PM
Day 21, May 1st, 2011.

Souji declines Chie?s invitation to explore the world behind the television screen.

( Chie?s right ? Yukiko does need some experience there eventually, but, for the moment, I don?t think it?s that important.

Instead, Souji spends the day catching up on studies.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on May 03, 2011, 04:14:08 PM
Day 22, May 2nd, 2011.

Yukiko catches up to Souji as he walks up the hill to school in the rain. She contemplates the feelings of the group during raintime, as, no doubt, it must have been a tense experience. She asks Souji if he has any plans during Golden Week, to which Souji replies that he has an outing planned with Dojima and Nanako.

That afternoon, Souji listens to an impassioned lecture from Mr. Morooka, who explains the teachings of Descartes and the attainment of an idealistic great virtue. He also reminds the class that mid-term examinations start the next week, suggesting that successful students are those that tend to experience the most popularity.

( I somehow got smarter by listening to all that. The Descartes bit was quite interesting, granted.

That afternoon, Souji once again partakes in the Aiya challenge, once again not quite succeeding at the task.

( I am now Persistent, however!

That evening, Souji and Nanako watch the news report about a destroyed ATM machine. Nanako notes gloomily that her father is late. The phone rings and Nanako answers, looking more and more dejected with every minute of the conversation.

( Nanako gives me the phone, and mutters that Dojima couldn?t take Golden Week off. Before I can say anything, she runs off and shuts herself in her room. I don?t know what to do.

Dojima informs Souji that he has to cover for the illness of one of the younger policemen.

( I realize just how hard it must be for the guy, but I can?t stop myself from rubbing it in a little and mention Nanako.

Despite the tense atmosphere, Souji diligently spends the rest of the evening studying.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on May 03, 2011, 04:35:15 PM
Day 23, May 3rd, 2011.

Today is a day off for Souji. He finds Nanako in the living room when he comes downstairs. The doorbell rings soon afterward, and Souji is somewhat surprised to see Chie at the front door. She invites Souji along for an outing, mentioning that Yukiko is coming as well. Noticing Nanako, Chie eagerly invites her along as well, and Souji encourages her to do so.

( We all somehow ended up gravitating towards Junes again. Nanako and Yosuke got along like a proverbial house on fire, what with her being such a diehard supporter.

Nanako explains about the cancelled outing and Yukiko picks up on the details regarding the boxed lunches that were planned.

( Nanako points at me, which promptly earned me the title of cook and big bro.

The conversation turns to cooking, Chie assuring the group that she, too, is probably a good cook. Yosuke promptly declines her offer of preparing lunches, and a fired-up Chie challenges Yosuke?s attitude. Yosuke is unperturbed, and offers that Nanako be the judge of the proposed culinary contest, suggesting that no doubt they would prepare something on par with Nanako?s mother?s cooking.

( There?s no way he could have known. I still winced.

Nanako reassures the group that they should not worry, expressing her trust in Dojima and, blushing, exclaiming that she now has a brother. The group agrees to meet up more often.

( Yosuke and Nanako head off to get some soda, and Yukiko puts it better than I could have done. Nanako?s a strong girl, all right. I should look out for her. The flash hits, telling me of the growth of the Justice Arcanum.

That evening, Souji continues studying for the upcoming examinations.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on May 04, 2011, 04:42:43 PM
Day 24, May 4th, 2011.

It is another day off for Souji. He declines Yosuke?s invitation to an outing and, instead, heads off to the central shopping district, stopping by the Velvet Room on the way, to meet up with Chie.

( Chie can be pretty insightful sometimes, so I wondered if we might brainstorm about the situation somewhat.

Chie has other things in mind, however. She leads Souji to the bank of the local river, claiming that it is an excellent spot for physical training.

( I didn?t quite realize how active she was. She?s got a point, though ? training before TV excursions keeps one in good shape!

Souji accepts Chie?s suggestion to have a training session. Chie muses on her embarrassment at feeling weak in front of her Shadow self, and resolves to work harder.

( Chariot grows as a result ? I knew this was worth my time.

Souji continues studying that evening.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on May 05, 2011, 04:28:49 PM
Day 25, May 5th, 2011.

Souji enjoys another day off, and decides to take this opportunity to investigate Inaba and its surroundings.

( There was this shrine in the shopping street. It looked abandoned, but it?s still probably got some interesting things to see.

Indeed, Souji finds nobody on the premises of the shrine. It is dusty and poorly-maintained, with grime and dirt covering everything. On the way out, Souji gets an uncanny feeling of being watched. Ready for anything, he turns around, only to find himself being observed by a strange animal.

( It them leaps ? I?m not kidding ? fifteen feet into the air and lands in front of me. I get a chance to see that it?s a fox, wearing a red bib, before it thrusts an ema plaque into my face.

Souji examines the plaque, which has a wish written on it in a child?s scrawl for the recuperation of their grandparent. Souji notices a leaf stuck on the back of the ema.

( I?m still trying to figure out what goes where when an old man walks up. He tells me that he?s a voluntary caretaker at the shrine, but he can?t work as well due to his legs. He mentions his grandson ? Keita ? and, as I start putting things together, he snags the ema out of my hand, along with the leaf. Turns out it?s a traditional remedy.

The leaf?s effects are near-immediate, reinvigorating the old man. The fox looks approvingly at Souji, then examines the shrine?s offertory box.

( Looks like the fox is somehow collecting donations for the shrine all by itself. As I look at the pile of leaves that the fox is showing me, the flash hits. I do believe that I?m a fox?s sidekick in its quest to grant people?s wishes for shrine donations. Stranger than fiction, huh, Narrator? Still, those leaves might help over in crazyland.

That evening, Souji and Nanako learn that the ATM robber had been arrested, and, soon afterwards, Dojima comes home. Nanako greets her father happily, and Dojima apologises for canceling the trip they had planned. On account of it being Children?s Day, Dojima got both Souji and Nanako presents ? Nanako a t-shirt with a humorous picture, and Souji a pair of swimming trunks.

Souji ends the evening studying.

Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Edible on May 05, 2011, 05:16:05 PM
Souji a pair of swimming trunks.

Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on May 06, 2011, 04:24:15 PM

Day 26, May 6th, 2011.

School has started again after the break of the Golden Week. Souji meets Yosuke on the way to school, complaining about his bicycle. He pays little attention to Souji?s suggestion, instead taking the time to apologise for his faux pas the other day. He notes that Chie and Yukiko seem to be on better terms than ever recently, and is about to ask a question, but catches himself, realizing that he and Souji are already running late.

( Yosuke continues moping about his bike, and mentions wanting to get a motorcycle license. Now, I have nothing against the guy, but whether I trust him on a speeding deathmachine is another issue.

After school, the whole investigation group gathers in class. Chie bemoans the shortness of the break, but Yosuke reminds everyone of the bright side ? nothing of note happened during them. He wonders if Yukiko might have been the last victim, but Souji suggests not to ease up on the matter quite yet. Chie says that they will deal with any emergent matter if they see anything on the Midnight Channel.

( And she somehow manages to spin that into the upcoming midterms, like I needed any more reminding. Then Yukiko manages to break all that tension by wildly misunderstanding Yosuke?s request for some tutoring and slapping him so hard it's heard in Australia. You know, Narrator ? I like these guys.

Souji decides to catch up with Chie afterwards. Soon enough, we find the two on the shore of the river again, following Chie?s strict training regimen.

( Nanako notices us and comes on over. Chie tells her that we?re training and Nanako goes straight for the metaphorical psychiatric jugular by asking Chie whom she?s fighting with. I?d chalk it up to kids being kids, but Nanako drops these Zen bombshells with an uncanny regularity. She?ll show the world a thing or two when she grows up, that?s for sure.

Nanako quickly ceases her line of questioning, however, despite Chie not being able to come up with an answer. A humorous situation ensues when a grasshopper lands on Chie?s back, resulting in Chie expressing uncharacteristic panic.

( Can?t blame her, really. They?re like daddy-long-legs, only they jump as well. Double the evil. Nanako doesn?t agree, but she?s our civilization?s bastion of stability and strength. I tell Chie that it?s plenty cute, I don?t want to spark any more Yukiko jealousy, even though I?m pretty certain she?s over that. Nanako reassures her as well.

Chie convinces Nanako to join her and Souji in their training. Afterwards, once Souji has sent Nanako home, Chie expresses her desire to overcome her fears.

( I do get what she?s saying, and Chariot grows.

That evening, Souji decides to spark up conversation with Dojima. Despite Dojima?s eagerness to talk with Souji, he has trouble finding a topic for conversation.

( I help him along as much as I can ? it?s pretty clear he?s trying his best, but just isn?t very good at this.

Dojima wonders to himself why Souji is so frequently close to the the murder incidents that had occurred around town, and, despite himself, muses that the killings started when Souji came to Inaba.

( Dojima gets pretty caught up. It seems he can?t really take off his detective hat, even if it?s at home. Nanako comes to my defense. Of course she does. Nanako goes to bed afterwards, and Dojima does actually ease off. I can tell the guy?s just concerned about me. The flash comes out of nowhere, telling me that the Hierophant link has formed. So even Dojima himself is a source of strength.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on May 07, 2011, 11:49:53 AM
Day 27, May 7th, 2011.

This morning, Souji learns about free morphemes in Mr. Hosoi?s class, after a brief discussion about the release of a new book.

( Basically it?s words without suffixes or prefixes. ?Ion,? but not ?Ionize,? for example.

After school, Souji heads into town, deciding to stop by the bookstore to pick up the new release before having lunch at Aiya. Having been defeated once again by the voluminous meal, Souji heads home, where he decides to talk with Nanako.

( Nothing really important happened, we just talked about this and that.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on May 08, 2011, 11:37:18 AM
Day 28, May 8th, 2011.

Souji gets a phone call from Chie in the morning. Souji accepts her invitation, as he, too, does not mind a break from studying.

( We?re on the riverbed again when some guy walks up. It looks like he knows Chie.

Chie identifies the boy as Takeshi, and explains her training regimen. The boy snidely recounts Chie?s exploits to express her strength and free-willedness when she was younger.

( I tell him to mind his own. Guy?s being annoying.

The boy apologises for his tone, and backs off from the confrontation. Soon afterwards, he leaves. Chie appears unhappy to see him leave.

( I make a gamble and crack a joke at the guy?s expense. Something about accepting girls in the mafia.

Chie enjoys the joke, and tells how the boy was an old classmate of hers. She bitterly says how the attitude that the boy had just shown was a common thing towards her when she was younger.

( Despite the gloom, Chariot still grows. I?m not really sure what to say to Chie, but she really seems quite insecure about her strength and determination, despite her best attempt to make light of it.

That evening, Souji starts reading Off Today.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on May 09, 2011, 05:57:24 PM
Day 29, May 9th, 2011.

Exam week starts today for Souji. He meets Chie on the way to school.

( I ask if she actually ended up studying. The look on her face makes the answer obvious. She?s right about one thing, though ? the exams pale in comparison to the case we?re knee-deep in.

The examinations cover material Souji had diligently remembered, and, for today, he has no issues remembering the correct answers.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on May 10, 2011, 04:00:25 PM
Day 30, May 10th, 2011.

The examinations continue. Souji correctly answers questions on Mathematics and Literature.

Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on May 11, 2011, 07:44:04 PM
Day 31, May 11th, 2011.

Examinations continue.

( Morooka?s questions are making these quite challenging. The stuff on greatest minds? vice and virtue was Descartes, I think. The bit about Mt. Olympus is trivial in comparison.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on May 12, 2011, 03:46:19 PM
Day 32, May 12th, 2011.

It is the last day of examination week. Souji answers all the remaining questions confidently. After exams are over, the whole group gathers in class to discuss their self-evaluated performance.

( Chie was comparing answers with Yukiko, but judging from Chie?s comments, she had somehow managed to find some bizarro-copy of the exam paper. Or she was just terrible.

Yosuke says with a degree of dread how the results will be eventually posted on the notice board. Souji then overhears some chatter from some students, who discuss the presence of a TV station?s filming in Inaba. It appears that the local biker gangs have caught the attention of the media.

( Chie tells us more about the biker gangs, how they tend to raise a ruckus from time to time. Yosuke says the same thing, and tells us that there are rumours about a first-year being ?a total hellraiser.? That sounds pretty hard to keep at rumour level.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Edible on May 12, 2011, 08:12:51 PM
?a total hellraiser.?

:D :D :D
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on May 13, 2011, 07:46:34 PM
Day 33, May 13th, 2011.

Souji had made some well-simmered beef stew the night before, and invites Daisuke and Kou along to lunch. The stew is popular, and Souji is heartily praised.

( A girl called Ai Ebihara came to our soccer practice the other day. She gives the impression of the delinquent type, rather quickly souring her impression on the rest of the group. That?s the thing, though ? she only gives the impression. I think there might be something more to her. Unfortunately, it looks like I?m not brave enough yet to skip class with her.

Instead, Souji takes the bus to the day-care centre, to work on his part-time job.

( The kids love me. Who would have guessed?

At the end of the day, Souji notices a single boy remaining. One of the workers tells Souji that the boy?s name is Yuuta, and that this is a somewhat common occurrence. Soon enough, a smartly-dressed lady comes to pick up the boy.

( He didn?t seem thrilled. Once they?d left the other workers told me about how the lady was his stepmother. There seems to be some tension between her and the boy, despite her best efforts. I?d be more concerned, but the pay was 5 grand!

That evening, Souji and the Dojimas listen to the news report on the motorcycle gangs. The news crew appears to be harassed by an exceptionally angry young man, curiously wearing Souji?s school?s uniform.

( Dojima recognizes his voice. Is that the legend that Chie mentioned? Apparently his name?s Kanji Tatsumi and, I kid you not, Narrator, his modus operandi is to crush biker gangs. Why? The noise keeps his mother up at night. Colour me impressed.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on May 14, 2011, 09:34:39 AM
Day 34, May 14th, 2011.

After school is over, Chie notes that it has started to rain, just as the weather report had predicted. Yosuke muses that the Midnight Channel would be on again that night, and the group agrees to check their televisions that night.

( Just we thought, the Channel came on, complete with vague silhouette. There?s no way to tell who it is, though, barring it being a guy from high school. I gave Yosuke a call, but he had no better ideas.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: theshirn on May 15, 2011, 07:18:07 PM
As Fightest is out for a couple days, he's asked me to post his updates for him.  Of course, they're still his updates, because he, unlike me, is capable of sticking to a schedule. :V

Day 35, May 15th, 2011.

The investigation group gathers at Junes, Yosuke starting off the meeting. Chie calls him out on his officiousness, but Yukiko runs with the tone, declaring the meeting spot the group?s special headquarters. Chie warms to the idea.

( We get to business afterwards. We all agree that it was a guy, but none of us had a good image. Yukiko catches on to a detail I?d just about forgotten ? our initial theory was that the victims were females with ties to the original incident, but this new development just about blows that out of the water.

Taking into account the event with Yukiko, the group concludes that the victim had not been kidnapped yet, meaning that they had a chance to both warn the victim and catch the killer in the act. Chie summarises the group?s conclusions.

( Which we had just said. Yukiko breaks out into a fit of laughter, and I?m pretty sure she injures herself in the process. She doesn?t seem to care.

Chie wonders if she had seen the person on television before, and says that she might have seen him recently.

That evening Souji, on his inspection of the contents of the fridge at home, finds some curious-looking grass that Nanako might have brought home from school.

( When you put it that way, Narrator, everything?s so much clearer in hindsight, isn?t it? It looked delicious, what can I say?

Souji ends the evening by watching the Midnight Channel again. The image is much clearer this time, showing a young man with a skull T-shirt in a fight.

( Yosuke calls almost immediately, and I tell him what I think ? it?s almost certainly Kanji Tatsumi, unless there are other skull-adorned hellraiser highschoolers in this town. Yosuke thinks the same ? we both saw him on the special news report the other day.

Yosuke suddenly changes subject, but decides that he might as well.

( Figures. He asks me which of Chie and Yukiko is my type. What a question to ask a dude, especially when Yukiko has that whole toffee thing going on and Chie has a certain je ne sais quois. Or maybe elle ne sait quois. I go greedy, which, of all things, increases my Understanding.

Yosuke approves of the decision, saying that it improves Souji?s chances.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: theshirn on May 16, 2011, 06:24:09 PM
Day 36, May 16th, 2011.

Once school has ended, the group decides that the figure on the Midnight Channel is Kanji Tatsumi. They had all seen the news report on biker gangs, and Yukiko mentions that Kanji was not so aggressive when he was younger. She says that Kanji?s family?s textile shop has a business agreement with Yukiko?s family?s inn.

( Yukiko even suggests that we go there immediately. Good initiative. Chie says that, should anything happen involving a violent Kanji, Yosuke and I are the front-liners. Chie, what are you on about? You can literally kick a man into Low-Earth Orbit.

The group heads to the shop, where they find an unfamiliar young man talking to the owner. He soon leaves, and the shop owner greets Yukiko.

( Yukiko and I start asking the lady about Kanji, but Chie interrupts us ? she?d noticed a scarf that she?d seen before. I start to wonder what that had to do with anything, and then I remember the one scarf that would stand out like that. The one that was the property of Mayumi Yamano.

The shopkeeper confirms that this particular scarf was one half of a special order from Yamano. The group wonders if that counts as a connection to the original incident, but it is a strained link indeed. As the shopkeeper gets up to pick up a delivery, the group heads outside, where they notice the young man they?ve been inquiring after ? Kanji Tatsumi.

( He?s talking to that young man we saw earlier. He seems oddly subdued, and agrees to meet the young man after school tomorrow, at the gates. Kanji looks pretty confused as to what?s going on. I guess he?s never had a guy express interest in him.

Kanji, wondering to himself, spots the group eavesdropping on him and explodes into profanity. The group does its best to distance themselves from him.

( And by that you mean we ran like the anthropomorphic manifestation of the end of everything that is and will be was chasing us.

Once the group had gotten their breath back, they discuss what they know. Despite the connection to the original case going to the mother, Souji still believed that, considering what they saw on the Midnight Channel, Kanji was the sole target.

( And if that?s true, then a lot of our theories just don?t hold any more. Maybe none of this had anything to do with grudges or revenge. Chie suggests we go straight to Kanji and ask him if anything odd?s been happening.

The group agrees to keep a watch on the textile shop and on the school gates the next day. Phone numbers are exchanged.

( It turns out that Yosuke tends to call Chie at night just to tell dirty jokes. He never calls me to tell dirty jokes. Yosuke, what did they tell you about bros and women of loose character?

Yukiko exclaims to herself that she needs to purchase tofu on the way home, demonstrating that she had not heard a word Yosuke had said. Chie, however, is excited about the prospect of the group?s investigative work tomorrow.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: theshirn on May 18, 2011, 02:41:37 PM
a herp derp derp derp derpity derp yesterday was a crappy day not least because I forgot to put this up

Day 37, May 17th, 2011.

We find the group huddled outside the school gates, waiting for Kanji.

( Yosuke and Chie are really into it. Good for them, they?re the ones tailing Kanji today. May God be merciful.

The young man is prompt about his meeting, and he and Kanji walk off. Chie wonders how the teams should be split up.

( Oh Chie. Simple Chie. Easily-manipulated Chie. Little do you know that your fate has already been decided by powers greater than you.

While Chie and Yosuke run off to follow Kanji, Souji and Yukiko head to the textile shop. When they arrive it seems quiet, and the two take the time to discuss the case some more.

( I doubt the culprit will come, anyway. Yukiko agrees, but, in her own way, she?s as determined as Chie and Yosuke to get the bad guy.

Yukiko expresses her unease at talking with Souji in this manner, as she has not had any male friends before. Despite this, Yukiko feels that she has been having a much more enjoyable time from Souji and Yosuke?s company.

( There it is ? the Priestess link. I ask her for her phone number before I even realize the implications, sending her into a fit of blushes. She?s fine with it, though, so all is well.

Meantime, Chie and Yosuke are tailing Kanji and the strange young man. Chie finds the whole situation strange, Yosuke confirming his and her inability to look unremarkable. The two wonder how the other side of the team is doing, Yosuke?s comments arousing suspicion in Chie regarding the wholesomeness of the time spent together by Souji and Yukiko. Yosuke denies all knowledge.

( I?m not even supposed to know you?re having that conversation, Yosuke, but I say it anyway - good man!

Yosuke and Chie are so caught up in their discussion that they do not notice Kanji walking up to them. Yosuke bluffs poorly, further enraging Kanji. Chie further compounds the situation by assuring Kanji that there is nothing strange about his situation, hitting several nerves. Seeing no other way out, Chie and Yosuke run, Kanji giving chase and shouting that the situation has been grossly misinterpreted.

( They lose him eventually, I guess, for better or worse, considering that they were supposed to keep an eye on him in the first place. That said, Kanji must moonlight as a ninja in his spare time, because he somehow managed to walk up on us without us noticing. Again.

The group braces for a fight, but Kanji is more confused than vengeful at the moment, expressing that he understands that the group is not to blame for anything that has been happening to him.

( Yosuke asks if Kanji?s experienced anything strange recently. It looks like the word ?strange? is banned around Kanji from this moment on.

The group barely escapes again, and regroups at another location.

( Yosuke says what?s on our minds ? if Kanji?s going to be kidnapped, it will be soon, and we?re nowhere closer to deducing the culprit. We?ll just have to keep an eye on the Channel again.

That evening, Yukiko calls Souji and tells him that Kanji has been reported missing. Souji agrees that this could be bad news.

( So I watch the Midnight Channel. The image is as sharp as it was with Yukiko?s kidnapping. Only this time, it?s a bit more? flamboyant.

A markedly different Kanji, dressed only in a loincloth, introduces viewers to ?Bad, Bad Bathhouse,? where he promises to introduce a sublime love that surpasses the separation of the sexes. Kanji expresses excitement at the things that would occur to him inside the bathhouse, and rushes inside.

( Yosuke calls, but he has trouble getting the point across. Can?t imagine why, he only saw a near-naked man offer him pleasured he had never dreamed of. I tell him to calm down, and try to take my own advice. We?ve got work to do tomorrow.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on May 18, 2011, 04:27:05 PM
Day 38, May 18th, 2011.

Yosuke, Souji, Chie and Yukiko gather after school to discuss what had transpired the night before. They conclude that Kanji must have already been kidnapped. Yukiko wonders about the nature of the Midnight Channel, but none of the group is able to give a satisfactory answer. Yukiko muses that the killer must have watched the Midnight Channel as well, along with the sordid programs that it shows. Chie is enraged at this violation of privacy, and the group agrees to show the killer no mercy.

Inside the world behind the television screen, the group asks Teddie whether he senses anyone inside. He confirms that this is true, but, dejected, says that he is unable to find where Kanji is. After some deliberation, he says that, should he have some more information about Kanji, he might be able to more accurately track him.

( We don?t know him at all, besides rumours, and there?s no way we should go on those.

The investigation team spreads out around town, asking for information on Kanji. Despite running into rumour, hearsay and uncertain testimonies, they persevere and, soon enough, Souji comes across a strong lead ? the boy that Kanji had met the day before was seen on Tuesdays and Thursdays at Junes.

( I?ll have to keep an eye out for him tomorrow. Today I?m going to figure out that Ai girl, the one with the supposed attitude problem.

Ai tells Souji that she will find him when she pleases, and that he should be ready to play truant. His mission for the day complete, Souji joins up with Daisuke at the football club.

( Apparently we?ve got a game today! Could have told me earlier, Daisuke. Still, it was a good game, with a certain wrecking done by yours truly.

Impressed by Souji?s skill, the soccer team accepts him as their own. Later, Souji, Kou and Daisuke discuss the game at Aiya?s restaurant.

( We thank the ever-gracious Kou for his invaluable work at polishing all the balls he could get his hands on.

That evening, Souji talks with a restless-looking Nanako.

( Talking to that girl is like pulling teeth. Am I that intimidating, Narrator? We eventually manage to get a conversation going about family and such things. I?m cemented as Big Bro now, and part of the family. I?m not complaining, the Dojimas might be a bit awkward, but I wouldn?t have anyone else at my back.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Vecktor on May 19, 2011, 05:21:38 AM
No more screenshots? I'm enjoying the Playthrough though.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: theshirn on May 19, 2011, 06:12:46 AM
No more screenshots? I'm enjoying the Playthrough though.
those are also my fault, a herp derp derpitty derp

it seems likely that I shall soon have more time than I know what to do with, so I shall probably be getting some back up soon, I blame finals
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on May 19, 2011, 07:39:52 PM
Day 39, May 19th, 2011.

On the way to school Souji meets Yosuke, who reassures Souji that there will be no fog for a long time.

During lunch, a girl runs into class to announce that the examination results had been posted up.

( I scored top ten!

After school, Souji heads immediately to Junes to try to head off the mysterious young man who was seen talking to Kanji.

( I manage to find him quickly. He tells me that Kanji reacted unusually strongly to being called odd, and that he often comes across as forced and unnatural. I agree with him that it is quite clear that Kanji is harbouring a complex of sorts.

Acting on this information, the investigation team gathers at their headquarters, now accompanied by the strange fox Souji had befriended earlier. They quickly accept the fox as a strange new member of their team, hoping that the fox?s leaves would aid them in their exploration of the world behind the television screen.

( Speaking of, the information about the complex was enough for Teddie to point us in the right direction.

The group comes across what appears to be a changing room before a steamed-up sauna. A deep, masculine voice assures and beckons visitors. Yosuke feels ill-at-ease about the whole situation. Souji makes a swift stop at the Velvet Room to fuse his Orobas and Angel into a Valkyrie.

( Regenerate 1 and Resist Physical will keep me alive for a while. Now I see the potency of the Social Link ? the Persona got three levels just for being created!

[Fightest?s note: Have fun getting screens of that, shim. Took me about twenty minutes to get that. Further note: queue 1 hour of Fightest getting wrecked by some unexpectedly brutal combos of Shadows and giving up the solo run. It?s just un-fun. From now on it?s a standard run.]

On the third floor, the investigation group runs into Kanji?s Shadow.

( Did we ever.

The Shadow bemoans the fog?s presence, but expresses its excitement from the steam and sweat in the atmosphere. The shadow wonders if it would be able to find what it is looking for inside this strange realm, and runs off into the fog.

( As we go up, we hear Kanji?s shouting. Looks like he wants to show to everyone how manly he is. I guess he feels that he has something to prove.

On the seventh floor of the sauna, the group encounters Kanji?s Shadow again, welcoming them to the man?s world. Kanji?s Shadow forces the group into a fight with a mighty Gigas, but the group prevails by taking advantage of the Gigas? slow attack sequence.

( Kanji?s getting more and more confused about himself. Guy needs a good moral compass, but he keeps pushing everyone away.

Souji reaches the top of the sauna, but, exhausted from the dungeon trek, decides to leave the battle for another day.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on May 21, 2011, 01:13:47 PM

Day 40, May 20th, 2011.

During lunchtime, Ai calls out to Souji as he walks past, and proposes they leave school early, with the promise that they will be back before the last bell. Curious, Souji agrees.

( This sounds like it could go somewhere interesting.

Ai takes Souji to Okina City.

( It looks like this whole skipping class deal is something she does often. I wonder if she might open up a bit more, so I play along with the delinquent angle.

Ai tells Souji that she plays truant less often than she used to, then switches topics and takes Souji along on her shopping trip. Souji reluctantly agrees.

( She has the whole deal ? a snazzy-looking credit card, treating companions like trash, upturned nose. If she weren?t trying so hard I?d almost buy the act.

Ai tells Souji that she had a good time with him, and suggests that they make the next trip some other day, but when school ends.

( The Moon. Figures she has something to hide.

After school, Souji makes a quick detour at the shrine, where the fox gives him another assignment.

( A young girl wants things to go well with the person she likes. I head back to school on a hunch, and, right as rain, was a girl hanging about the shoe lockers. She pegged it as soon as I talked to her. I check my own shoe locker, and find her note, addressed to someone else. They still do the whole note-in-a-shoe-locker thing these days? I?ll catch up to her tomorrow.

Souji gathers the investigation team and heads off to Kanji?s sauna, ready to rescue the young man.

( We barge in to see Kanji and his Shadow already at it. The Shadow?s obviously been wearing on him for quite a while.

The Shadow tells Kanji that there is nothing wrong with embracing oneself, and that the Shadow?s flamboyant attitude is what Kanji really wants. It expresses its hate for girls for their rejection of its aspirations and interests, for their preconceived notions of what it means to be a man. Instead, the Shadow proclaims its preference for men.

( Kanji loses it, and the Shadow transforms.

Souji is well-prepared, however, and makes short work of the Shadow?s cohorts before concentrating on the Shadow itself.

( It gets angrier and angrier as we beat on it, but, despite the poison, despite the lightning storms and the vicious beatdown, we finally manage to beat it.

Even though the Shadow was defeated, it still gets up, praising the group for the passion in their approach, and proposes they become more than friends. Feeling the group?s confusion, the Shadow pleads for somebody to accept it for what it is.

( In the chaos and confusion, Kanji responds in probably the only way that really makes sense to him. He lays out the Shadow with a punch.

Kanji admits knowing about the Shadow, and, in a heartfelt confession, says that it was not a matter of men or women, but that he fears rejection. It was because of this fear that he pushed everyone away from himself.

( The guy needs some people who understand him. Some friends. I volunteer us. I don?t think anyone would object.

Kanji accepts the Shadow, binding the Persona Take-Mikazuchi to his will. The group helps him outside.

( Relief practically radiated off the guy. I think that years? worth of tension just rolled off him.

Yosuke escorts Kanji home. That evening, Dojima tells Souji that Kanji was found.

( Regardless of my involvement, I?m pretty glad that we managed to save another person.

Dojima presses Souji on his presence around the textile shop, and Souji answers truthfully about being there with Yukiko. Dojima sighs and tells Souji not to get into things over his head. Nanako, worried, inquires as to whether Souji and Dojima are fighting again.

( That ended that quickly.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on May 21, 2011, 10:56:20 PM
Your signature is REALLY appropriate for that ending.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: theshirn on May 22, 2011, 02:23:43 AM
Were you playing on Normal, Fightest?  I specifically played on Easy for this, but I dunno how much patience I will actually have for the solo run and will probably abandon it myself.

EDIT: Finally got some images up for way back when, huzzah.  I should also ask out of curiosity: who are you using in your party?
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on May 22, 2011, 10:37:12 AM
Were you playing on Normal, Fightest?  I specifically played on Easy for this, but I dunno how much patience I will actually have for the solo run and will probably abandon it myself.

EDIT: Finally got some images up for way back when, huzzah.  I should also ask out of curiosity: who are you using in your party?

Yeah, Normal run. Basically solo is doable, but is a frustrating grind all the way. Who knew? :V
As for the party, I just run everyone. Might as well. Unless you mean Personas, the most important ones of which I note. Uh, except for the Kanji run, where I neglect to talk about the Power Charge Rakshasa I have.

Day 41, May 21st, 2011.

Souji overhears students gossiping on the way to school. The conversation is about a mail-order television show on Sundays.

( I join up with Daisuke after school. Some football would be great to get the tension out.

Daisuke clearly looks not at the peak of his performance, and the team calls him out on this. Daisuke reassures them that it will not happen in an actual game. Kou exclaims that one ought to give one?s all whether game or practice. Daisuke is surprised at this confrontation, and presses Kou on what he knows. Kou dodges the question, and Daisuke walks off the field in a sour mood.

( He walked past a girl on the way out, who seemed to be interested, somehow. He did the usual brush-off. Kou tells me that there?s something we need to talk about regarding Daisuke. I guess I?ll find out next training session ? Kou?s busy for the moment.

That evening, Souji continues reading his book.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on May 22, 2011, 10:59:37 AM
Day 42, May 22nd, 2011.

Souji has the day off school today. He starts off the morning by watching the television shopping programme that he heard about earlier.

A catchy tune starts off the show, and the presenter, Tanaka, tells of the products available today ? a pair of shoes or a medical set.

( I?m pretty loaded, and the shoes look like they?d help Chie kick things harder. I?m all for the Chie-enabled space program, so I place an order for that.

Afterwards, Souji heads into town. He fuses the Persona Omoikane of the Hierophant Arcana to assist him with his talks with Dojima.

( I spot Yukiko just outside. I haven?t talked with her much, so I invite her for a chat.

Yukiko is sporting a book about job certifications, and says that she picked it up on recommendation for having a varied list on job licenses. Answering Souji?s query, she confirms that she wishes to apply for a job. With a downcast look, she states her reason to be her Shadow?s exclamations of not wishing to inherit the Amagi Inn. Believing those to be her true feelings, she comes to the decision to refuse to inherit the inn.

( On the one hand, I applaud the initiative. On the other hand, haven?t we gone over the fact that Shadows aren?t actually the whole of one?s true feelings?

Yukiko continues her declarations, stating that she will not only get a job upon finishing school, but that she will also leave Inaba to do so. She appears relieved upon saying this, obviously letting loose tension that had been building.

( I point her in the direction of the part-time jobs on offer on the bulletin board if she wanted funds to get that job license. I don?t know how much it?ll help, but she looks happy. Notch one more for the Priestess.

That evening, Dojima praises Souji for his diligence in his schoolwork, and gives him spending money as a present. Souji finishes the day by reading.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on May 23, 2011, 05:38:26 PM
Day 43, May 23nd, 2011.

Souji catches up to the girl whom he had met at the lockers earlier to return her note. Flustered, she asks him to destroy the note.

( So after that I decide to go bother Chie.

Sometime after their semi-regular training regimen on the riverbank, Chie and Souji decide to eat dinner at Aiya.

( I?ve never seen someone so happy over a bowl of rice and a slab of meat. Chie compares it straight to action movies, making her priorities all right in my book.

Chie expresses her desire to protect the investigation team, and wonders if their work is putting undue stress on Yukiko.

( I tell Chie I?ll watch out for her as well.

Chie orders another bowl of fried rice for the road, and she and Souji part ways. That evening, Souji finally finishes his book.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Edible on May 23, 2011, 06:57:58 PM
Chie-enabled space program

Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on May 24, 2011, 05:01:14 PM
Day 44, May 24th, 2011.

( I go pester Chie again.

The two go about their usual training session, then head to shopping district, Chie intent on having Souji try the steak skewers.

( A policeman stopped by and asked us about reports of bullying around the place. We know nothing, but I can almost hear the gears start to turn in Chie?s head.

Chie is outraged at the notion of bullying in the neighbourhood. She quickly decides to find the gang responsible and extract apologies from them.

( I agree, because there?s literally no stopping Chie now - she?s in superhero mode.

Despite the determination, the two are unable to find the gang. Chie, however, is pleased with Souji?s company.

( I don?t know if she?s blushing or is just in the heat of bloodlust. I smile and nod, not entirely sure which of the two I prefer.

That evening, Souji makes lunch for the next day, remembering to thicken the sauce with potato starch.

Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on May 25, 2011, 05:10:25 PM

Day 45, May 25th, 2011.

Souji has lunch with Chie, who heartily praises Souji?s cooking.

( I make a quick run by the bookstore after school. This guy?s been standing outside every time I look, and, it turns out, he?s just looking for someone to trade his old books to. Deal!

Afterwards, Souji heads back to school, where he spots Yukiko updating the school bulletin board.

( I?ll chat with her, see how she?s doing.

Souji accompanies Yukiko to the supermarket. Yukiko has difficulty picking out the correct products for the variety on offer.

( She looked aghast when I asked whether she was going to cook at the inn.

Yukiko says that she wishes to practice cooking for herself in preparation to her leaving Inaba.

( Best of luck!

Yukiko wonders if Souji would be interested in testing the food she makes, trusting his opinion.

( I?m still too much of a little girl to talk to? well, girls, openly ? because, seriously, Yukiko, free food, what else can a guy want ? so I just play the cool ?yeah sure whatever? card. I hate myself.

Yukiko expresses her desire for independence, reveling in the freedom she has been enjoying, and the newfound strength she has acquired from it.

( One more for the Priestess. Looks like Yukiko?s doing well.

When he gets home, Souji starts reading the book he had acquired that afternoon.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on May 26, 2011, 05:19:39 PM
Day 46, May 26th, 2011.

( Yosuke fell asleep in class today again. Do you know how hard it is to express that the ancient Egyptians used a form of sacred carvings in their script using only one?s eyebrows? I do.

After school, Souji finds Yukiko, wondering how her first foray into the world of cooking went.

( She takes me to the gazebo on the riverbank ? very nice place, by the way ? and hands me a lunchbox. First thought is that it looks nice, no matter what my nose and common sense might say.

Souji is just about able to swallow his first bite, despite the cornucopia of sensation in his mouth. Yukiko is able to deduce the quality of her food from Souji?s silent struggle.

( There?s always next time, I say, realizing what fate I?ve just signed myself to. Then Nanako shows up.

Nanako asks whether she might try the lunch, but Yukiko warns her off it. Nanako happily agrees to try Yukiko?s food once Yukiko deems it good.

( Yukiko?s looking a bit sullen for the whole affair, so I try to cheer her up. No matter the ?lunch,? it?s still a nice gesture, and her company is fun.

Yukiko nods, declaring that she has to learn all she must for her independence within only a year.

That evening, Souji talks to Dojima, despite the difficulty the man obviously has expressing himself.

( I try to get him talking about himself, maybe we can discover some common topics.

Dojima apologizes for not being able to relate to Souji very well, but does express his appreciation for Souji?s presence in the house, especially for his influence on Nanako. He says that he sees Souji more as a little brother than a son.

( I crack a joke, and he actually gets it, Narrator! Oh, happy days!
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Edible on May 26, 2011, 05:30:48 PM
Yosuke fell asleep in class today again. Do you know how hard it is to express that the ancient Egyptians used a form of sacred carvings in their script using only one?s eyebrows? I do.

hee hee hee
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on May 28, 2011, 10:58:17 AM
Day 47, May 27th, 2011.

( I stop by the Velvet room in preparation to meet Ai, but something?s different this time.

Igor is nowhere to be found, and Margaret is there alone to greet Souji. After some deliberation and hesitation on her part, she asks him to stay. She tells that her function is to rule over power, and that her predecessor suddenly disappeared, leaving Margaret to take the position.

( She seems as surprised as I am about this strange meeting. I?m not one to let an opportunity to go to waste ? and neither is she ? so I accept her invitation to stay and chat. A good choice ? the Empress social link flashes into existence. I wonder what Margaret?s role in all of this is.

Margaret, still clearly unsure of the consequences of her action, asks Souji that he allow her to become entangled in his fate as well. Eager to learn Souji better, she chooses to do so by becoming familiar with his Persona ability, and requests that he produce an Ippon-Datara with Sukukaja. With an enigmatic smile, she bodes Souji farewell as he leaves.

( Still wondering what that was all about, I head back to school.

Souji meets Ai, and the two head to Okina station, led by Ai.

( She?s looking for some newly released fashion, I think, but there wasn?t any in the shop she chose. Guess we?ll have to come back later.

Ai then demands that Souji buy her iced coffee.

( I?m pretty curious how far I can stretch her act before it breaks, so I refuse. She? seems to like it.

Having found nothing to her satisfaction, a disgruntled Ai returns to the station. She says that she dislikes salespeople, wishing they be replaced by vending machines instead.

( With the salesperson attitude in this country, I?d almost agree. It?s embarrassing to watch a guy have to prostrate himself before some idiot customers just to earn his pay.

Ai muses that she dislikes the obvious ulterior motives in a salesperson?s attitude, much like those in typical relationships.

( Yeah, there?s a lot of depth behind that upturned-nose fa?ade. I?m going to get to the bottom of it.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on May 28, 2011, 11:19:28 AM
Day 48, May 28th, 2011.

( It?s Chie-bothering time!

The two spend time on physical exercised by the riverbank, and, afterwards, head to Aiya for dinner. That is when the two hear the sounds of a conflict in a nearby alley.

( A group of three punks had a kid up against a wall.

The boy in question was Chie?s former classmate, Takeshi. He runs to cower behind Chie, who strikes up a menacing pose against the bullies.

( Those poor fools. Did you know that the human body can survive approximately ninety seconds in the vacuum of space? One loses consciousness very quickly due to the disrupted flow of blood, which is, I suppose, a mercy, considering what follows is paralysis and convulsions, often accompanied by fibrillation. In addition, small blood vessels would most likely burst in your exposed soft tissues ? your eyes and nose would bleed quite profusely, the blood immediately boiling off as it comes into contact with the hard vacuum. Furthermore, your body could well swell to up to double its volume due to the massive expansion of the water that most of your body is made out of. Oh, and that?s if you survive the acceleration of achieving escape velocity?

What I?m trying to say is: Don?t Fight Chie. So I save three lives that day and rush at the punks myself, before Chie gets going.

Fearing possible confrontation with the police, the bullies run away. Chie is unhappy that she did not get an opportunity to fight, then realizes that she must have could easily have escalated the situation further than it should have gone.

( I like seeing a punk get stomped as much as the next guy. It?s no trouble, Chie.

Chie expresses her regret at her inability to rely on others, to let go of her vision of a lone vigilante when she has such a reliable group of allies at her side.

( She?ll be fine, it?s never easy to change so abruptly. It just needs some time.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: theshirn on May 29, 2011, 03:26:37 AM
( It?s Chie-bothering time!

I'm oddly a fan of Ai's SL.  She starts off as a complete and utter bitch, but something about getting to the person under it all spoke to me.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on May 30, 2011, 04:21:19 PM
Day 49, May 29th, 2011.

( Kou calls ? him and Daisuke were planning on hanging out somewhere, and I?m invited along. I?ve nothing better to do, so I?m game.

We meet the three young men gathered at Inaba?s bookstore, discussing their latest purchases.

( Daisuke thought he managed to snag an early issue of a comic he liked. It turns out he didn?t actually read the cover and got Witch Detective something instead. To be fair, the cover on that one looks very much like what he thought he was buying.

Daisuke gives Souji the unwanted comic book.

( Why not just return it? Or is this some ploy to get me to read something Daisuke secretly likes? Is this like that pony thing going around the Internet these past few months?

At that moment, Chie notices the three young men and walks over.

( Kou seems to harbor an irrational sense of terror of Chie.

The group spends an enjoyable afternoon.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on May 30, 2011, 04:37:55 PM
Day 50, May 30th, 2011.

Souji learns of the teaching of Descartes in Mr. Morooka?s class, which tell of considering things with a grain of salt that one would normally take for granted.

( Haven?t seen Yukiko in a while, so I go grab her. As it were.

Yukiko and Souji head to Junes on a shopping trip. Yukiko amasses a large amount of stationery, as well as catalogue numbers for desks and lamps.

( Apparently it?s for studying for her job license, which brings up the question: where has she been studying before now?

Yukiko is still not clear on what job she wishes to pursue, but is determined to try every one she is able to, and thanks Souji for his aid in pointing out a part-time job, which has enabled Yukiko to earn some money of her own.

( And then some people I?ve never seen walk up. I get a bad vibe off them immediately. Yukiko seems to know them, but there?s certainly no love lost between her and them.

Once the trio has left, Yukiko tells that they are from a television station that wants to cover the Amagi Inn.

( She rejected them, as it turns out, because they seem more of a tabloid report-type. Very tabloid, actually. Good call on her part.

Yukiko wonders about the inn?s reputation, hoping that the recent incident would not drive away customers. With a hesitant sigh, she wonders if such a thing happening would make her feel better about leaving.

( I stop her right there. That?s a really dangerous justification to be making.

Yukiko quickly catches herself, reassuring herself that she is in control of her life as it is. Yukiko thanks Souji for his patience in listening to her.

That evening, Souji starts reading the comic that Daisuke had given him ? Witch Detective.

( Hm, this is actually pretty good. Maybe I?ll give that pony thing a go as well.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on May 31, 2011, 12:40:56 AM
( Kou seems to harbor an irrational sense of terror of Chie.

The group spends an enjoyable afternoon.
This made me giggle. :3c
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on May 31, 2011, 03:38:08 PM
Day 51, May 31st, 2011.

Souji heads to the shrine in the shopping district.

( I wonder what the fox thinks of my doing that little assignment.

The fox, an ever-vigilant guardian, shows up quickly once Souji arrives. It is exuberant when Souji tells it that the wish had been fulfilled, and the offering made. Souji spends some time at the shrine, then heads home once evening approaches.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on June 02, 2011, 07:48:37 PM
Day 52, June 1st, 2011.

After school, Souji heads to the central shopping district to purchase a book -  Forever Macho ? that had been advertised for the past week.

( Then I pegged it back to school ? Ai came by during lunchtime and asked me out. Can?t keep a lady waiting.

Ai insists on coming to Okina City, however, she is not in the mood for shopping. Souji suggests she accompany him on some shopping. Despite her initial incredulous reaction, she decides that it could be interesting. Getting up, she wonders aloud, saying that she would not have met Souji had she not signed up to manage the football team.

( That came out of nowhere, really. And, no matter how interesting she may be, it?s not the luckiest of experiences no matter how she spins it.

Ai is untroubled at Souji?s rebuttal, amused by her mischief of having Souji skip class. She quotes the advisor?s speech when he assigned her as team manager, making fun of his team-play attitude and saying that she would never understand the appeal of team sports.

( And, despite all this, she decides to cheer me on every so often. Who is she fooling here, anyway?

A boy suddenly runs up to Ai and asks her on a date. Ai quickly and harshly rebukes him by means of a disparaging comment about his appearance.

( She could have at least talked to him. Then again, she wasn?t interested at all, so her thinking is that shutting him down right off doesn?t build false pretenses. Good thinking, but might require a bit more finesse.

Tired, Ai insists on heading home.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on June 03, 2011, 12:02:47 AM
Day 53, June 2nd, 2011.

Eager to pass the rainy day, Souji heads to the drama club. After their exercised, Yumi starts to talk about the school concours this year, where she is expecting to play the lead role.

( And then a girl runs in. You know how this is the drama club? Yeah.

The girl tells Yumi that her mother has collapsed. Souji urges the confused Yumi to head immediately to the hospital.

( The club chair called off the rest of today?s rehearsal. I couldn?t just leave Yumi like that, so I head over to the hospital as well.

Souji finds Yumi shouting questions at a woman in the hallway about an unknown man. The woman is her mother, who, it is revealed, had not collapsed at all. Instead, she lied about the situation to trick Yumi into coming to the hospital.

( Yumi?s always him, him, him, in this utterly derisive tone. A father figure of sorts, maybe? There?s certainly no happy feelings going on there, that?s certain.

Yumi?s mother explains that Yumi?s father is terminally-ill, and, in his last moments, wanted to see her. Yumi exclaims that the man is a stranger to her, and she does not care about his condition either way.

( It turns out he left the family way back when. Yumi won?t accept him coming into their lives like this. I can see how Yumi?s nerves are wracked, and I?m just eavesdropping.

Yumi?s mother declares that she will stay by her husband?s side until he passes away regardless of Yumi?s choices, and walks away. Yumi spots Souji at the end of the hallway.

( I ?fess up. She calls me names. I reckon I deserve it.

Yumi elaborates on the story afterwards. Her father left ten years ago with another woman, and, in his last moments, has requested the presence of his wife and daughter. Yumi feels enraged that her mother still holds feelings for the man whom Yumi clearly loathes.

( I try my best to say something comforting, but I can?t even convince myself. My most genuine contribution is standing there looking very awkward. Go me. You?re a real Cyrano de Bergerac, Souji.

Having resolved nothing, Souji and Yumi head home in silence.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on June 04, 2011, 02:48:44 PM
Day 54, June 3rd, 2011.

The rain continues, and, in the gloomy atmosphere, Souji is unable to find anyone to spend the afternoon with.

( So I go for the next best thing, the friend in a rainy day one can always depend on. The Aiya Mega Beef Bowl.

That evening, Souji, having finished Witch Detective, starts on the next installment of Forever Macho.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on June 04, 2011, 02:56:17 PM
Day 55, June 4th, 2011.

( You?re killing me here, people. Literally ? if I keep eating Mega Beef Bowls at this rate, I?m going to have a heart attack.

That evening, the weather forecast reports heavy fog moving into the area. In a bout of exhilaration at having beaten their unknown adversary once again, Souji drinks a bottle of milk far past its expiration date.

( Yes, yes, hindsight etcetera.

Elsewhere, at the fog-shrouded shopping district, a figure mutters darkly to themselves.

( Wait! Didn?t that happen before? Back when? Oh, I am not feeling well tonight. Be right back, Narrator.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on June 06, 2011, 06:46:56 PM
Day 56, June 5th, 2011.

( I?m scouring the shopping district for the person who put up that latest ema ? something about not wanting snacks any more, and I run into the woman in question. She thinks that having a weird snack might allow her to stop snacking. I?ve no idea, but I?ll keep an eye out. In unrelated news?

Souji notices Chie down the street, near the armoury. In a flash of inspiration, he asks Chie if she knows anything about unusual snack foods. Unfortunately, Chie is unable to think of something.

( ?And gives me a stick of Meat Gum. Never change, Chie. That?ll do nicely!

The strange chewing gum turns the woman off snacks, and she rushes off to the shrine to present her offering.

( Well, might as well hang around with Chie and bond over weird tastes.

Later, by the riverbank, the two are discussing martial arts movies. Takeshi comes by to apologize to Chie for giving her trouble. In response, Takeshi calls Chie out on her attitude, saying that she would have nothing left without her direct approach to matters. In addition, he disparages Yukiko?s sporadic laughing tic.

( Chie snaps. The guy leaves post-haste.

Chie recalls how she met Yukiko long ago, when Yukiko was sitting by the side of the road, utterly despondent, having decided to run away from home. Chie had tried her best to cheer Yukiko up, and, since then, was determined to protect Yukiko no matter what.

( Somewhere along the road, she says, that must have gotten all twisted up to form that Shadow.

After that incident, Chie focused on herself, striving to become as reliable as possible, doing different tasks, but, in hindsight, missing the point of her own resolution.

( She?s made the first step of coming to terms with who she really is, and it?s an easier road from there.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on June 06, 2011, 07:21:07 PM
Day 57, June 6th, 2011.

The young group of investigators has gathered on the rooftop of the school, with their recent rescuee, Kanji. Despite his attitude when they first met him, Kanji finds it hard to find the right way to address everyone, as they are a class older than him.

( Kanji?s just as in the dark as Yukiko was. He can?t even tell us much about that boy he talked to. He couldn?t even figure out if he?s in the proverbial closet or not, or whether he even needs to bother thinking about it, apparently. He?s fine now, though, so it?s probably much of a moot point.

Kanji tells how, since he was a child, he was interested in sewing and clothing due to his parents. He, however, resents the reactions he usually gets for expressing his interests in public and, as a result, lost control of his emotions and became the violent and angry individual for a long time.

( It?s pretty cool how he can be so honest about himself. I tell him that much.

After some deliberation, Kanji wonders if the group has made any discoveries about the incident he was in, and offers any help he can provide. Souji invites him into the team, and Kanji eagerly accepts.

( So we take him to our ?special headquarters.? It takes several passes to explain to Kanji what?s going on. It?s interesting how everything happened just about the same way as with Yukiko, but nobody noticed anything out of the ordinary. Also all our initial theories are just about gone, and we don?t have anything new to replace them.

Eager to help, Kanji produces a sheet of paper that he had taken off a classmate earlier that day.

( Interesting. This particular list of TV programs rings a few bells?

The list provides a list of names and dates, and the group quickly matches the dates to when said people were seen on television.

( It went through Yamano, Konishi, then Yukiko ? how can I not remember the toffee ? and Kanji.

The group deduces that every victim had been seen on a television interview prior to their disappearance. Considering that Yukiko had not been targeted twice, it is considered that perhaps the killer is following an unknown set of rules. Despite this, the killer?s motive still remains unknown.

( We?re looking at a serial killer. Motives are going to be difficult to pinpoint, but this is a good lead nevertheless.

Kanji praises the group for their work regardless, and Yukiko chimes in that their deduction about Kanji being the victim was correct.

( We?ve got nothing better to do than keep watching the Midnight Channel. Then, Chie changes topic quite abruptly ? turns out there?s some sort of camp-out next week. Sounds fun, but we?ve still got things to do today before we can relax.

Inside the world behind the television screen, Kanji is introduced to Teddie. Teddie warns Kanji off touching his fur, much to Kanji?s chagrin.

( It dawns on Kanji right then that Yukiko went through the same thing as him. His entirely innocent question is answered with that same slap that Yosuke got way back when. I?m pretty certain we?ll be hearing that one soon enough again once it makes its way around the Earth.

Teddie presents Kanji with a pair of glasses, in celebration of the new addition to the investigation team.

( It?s those things again! The ones with the moustache and the googley eyes! I thought we destroyed those! Are you making more of these, Teddie? The world can only handle so much stupid before it starts to crack.

Yukiko responds mirthfully to Kanji?s bizarre appearance. Kanji, enraged, snatches the other pair of glasses in Teddie?s hands, apparently the ones he was supposed to get.

( Aah, the double-gag-glasses switcharoo. Masterfully-played, Teddie. Dix points.

Eventually, Kanji gets his proper pair of glasses.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on June 07, 2011, 12:29:42 AM
"Dix" points?
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Hanzo K. on June 07, 2011, 06:17:56 AM
"Dix" points?
I think he means Six. :wat:
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on June 07, 2011, 08:56:35 AM
"Dix" points?
I think he means Six. :wat:

It's French for ten. You philistines. :V
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Hanzo K. on June 07, 2011, 09:07:14 AM
Well excuuuuuse me for not being too good with french. :V
Only foreign language I'm even remotely good with is Japanese.
Though you'd be surprised what you pick up watching Raocow.

Besides, the D's right next to the S. Anyone with half a brain and little knowledge of french would think it's a typo. :V
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on June 08, 2011, 07:05:09 PM
Day 58, June 7th, 2011.

Souji reports to the Fox about having completed yet another ema assignment. The fox is elated at the news.

( No journeys of self-discovery, no personal drama that brings one to a new level of understanding. Just me and a fox, bro?ing out. It?s nice to do every so often.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on June 08, 2011, 07:25:03 PM
Day 59, June 8th, 2011.

Mr. Kondo tells of ham actors, and Yukiko asks Souji where the term originated.

( It?s derogatory short-hand for Hamlet. What can I say? Wellspring of useless trivia, that?s me.

After school, Mr. Morooka seeks out Souji to inform him that this week is a so-called health week. He volunteers Souji for a position in place of a sick member of the Student Health Association.

( Hm, it sounds easy, and will probably get me some extra credit here or there. Sure, I?m game.

Souji heads to the infirmary, where he is tasked to invigilate the room, use the first aid kit should someone use it and watch for salesmen and representatives.

( Speaking of! Some guy ? Kitao - from Santo Pharmaceuticals showed up to tell that the gauze would arrive the month after next. I tell the health council as much when they come back.

Afterwards, the council discusses matters around the school. Apparently, they are short-staffed due to the absence of a certain Konishi.

( Either they are being bizarrely insensitive, or there is something I don?t know.

A pale-looking boy walks in at that moment. He and Souji are tasked to clear the infirmary. When the council leaves, he introduces himself as Saki Konishi?s brother.

( I try not to wince.

The boy immediately expresses his dislike of Souji and Yosuke, and excuses himself to leave.

( The kid?s been through a lot, he?s obviously just lashing out. I let him go.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on June 11, 2011, 05:10:32 PM
Day 60, June 9th, 2011.

Souji invites Yukiko to have lunch, and shares the spicy curry he had made the evening before. Yukiko greatly appreciates the food, and, blushing, suggests he consider working as a chef at the Amagi inn.

( After school, I ran across the Konishi kid. He snapped at me, but he didn?t seem really into it.

The boy complains about how everyone acts uncomfortably around him. Despite resenting this situation, he also finds it oddly comforting. Saying he had nothing to talk to Souji about, he turns away.

( Maybe he?ll open up a bit more eventually. I head into town, one thing leads to another, and now I?m on the hunt for a hungry cat on the riverbank. I find it and give it some fish I had bought on the shopping channel. Don?t ask.

Afterwards, Souji heads back to school.

( I?ve obviously not had enough misery for one day, so I head on over straight to Drama. Fortunately, nothing noteworthy happened this time around.

That evening, Souji spends time talking with Dojima. It seems that Dojima is aware of the investigation group?s gatherings at Junes, and even has noticed their large amount of trips to the electronics department.

( And once again he?s shut down by Nanako. Nanako, where would I be without you?

( ?

( In jail. That?s where.

Nanako complains that Dojima does not spend enough time with her. Dojima attempts to make excuses, but Nanako is insistent.

( She?s falling asleep on her feet, though, so we put her to bed and sit back down. I wonder aloud if Dojima doesn?t really know how to deal with children.

Dojima explains that, while true, that is not the main issue. He had left raising Nanako to his wife, and, now, does not know how to approach her. He wonders if he is at all fit to be the girl?s father.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on June 11, 2011, 05:21:48 PM
Day 61, June 10th, 2011.

Souji runs into Chie on the way to school. She is enthusiastic about solving the serial murder-kidnapping case, but admits that she is not very capable at deduction and logic.

( At lunch, we talk about how we?ve got to keep an eye on the Midnight Channel just about every day now ? the rainy season?s just about starting.

Yosuke agrees, and wonders if the rain will affect the school campout. Chie says that it is nothing to get excited about, and mocks the campout?s intended purpose.

( It turns out that the real reason for the campout is to pick up trash off the mountain. To be fair, compared to what we do in the TV, that?s approximately zero effort.

Yukiko says that the camp only lasts one night and disbands shortly before noon the next day. Chie recalls that the year before they had fun at the river, and Yosuke appears to pick up on some sort of idea.

( That was about it for school. After school, well, rainy day means Aiya, and a lighter wallet. I stop by the shrine to pick up another assignment first: it looks like a family wants Koro to come back. A dog, perhaps?
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on June 13, 2011, 06:12:17 PM
Day 62, June 11th, 2011.

Souji hears rumours about Kanji bullying students in school. Curious, he finds Kanji near the sewing room in the Practice building.

( I tell him we need to talk, and he suggests we talk somewhere else.

Some time later, we find the two young men on the Samegawa riverbank.

( I ask him if he?s connected to the bullies. I mean, I believe he?s not part of it, but I want to hear it from him.

Kanji confirms that he is not part of the gang. Worried, he says that he might be responsible for such rumours being spread.

( I tell him not to worry about it. Still, I?m surprised that he cares so much.

Kanji asks Souji if he could, in the future, listen to Kanji and help him through his issues.

( I owe him that much. Kanji?s link is the Emperor, and I?m certain he?ll be great on our team.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on June 13, 2011, 06:28:18 PM
Day 63, June 12th, 2011.

Souji receives an invitation by phone from Yukiko to spend the day together.

( Why not? I wonder how she?s doing with her plans.

We find Souji and Yukiko in the Junes grocery department, Yukiko carefully following her shopping list.

( She hopes she?s gotten better at her cooking, and, for my sake, so do I. I suggest she keep practicing no matter how her cooking might turn out.

Yukiko agrees that there is little point to her efforts unless she works alone, and mentions how her inn?s cooks often prevent her from making mistakes, despite her continued requests to the contrary.

( They just care about her, but I do see her point ? you?ve got to make mistakes to learn. Provided you recognize them as mistakes, that is.

Yukiko says that her efforts have spread rumours around the inn that she is learning to cook for a boy she likes. Blushing, she mutters how there?s a grain of truth in that, and asks Souji to taste her cooking again.

( I, uh, hm. Well? You know. Uh. Narrator, take over, please.

Souji helps Yukiko finish her shopping, and heads home soon thereafter.

Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on June 13, 2011, 06:51:37 PM
Day 64, June 13th, 2011.

During lunch period, Souji shares the potato salad he had made the night before with Yumi. She praises the meal, and encourages Souji to share his next one as well.

( We have gym afterwards. The teacher springs a pop quiz ? sprinting is anaerobical exercise, what with the body never being able to take in enough oxygen during the run for it to be, well, aerobical.

Souji seeks out Yukiko after school to make good on his promise to be her primary taste-tester.

( We head over to the shrine ? Yukiko wants to pay her respects, apparently.

Yukiko tells Souji that the shrine is a popular destination for the Amagi Inn staff, who all pray at the shrine for small blessings. Sighing, she wonders about being able to come to the shrine again after she leaves Inaba.

( She thinks she couldn?t be able to face her parents again. On the one hand, that?s really admirable dedication. On the other hand, if this decision is tearing her up so badly, is it really the right thing to decide without talking to her family?

A woman in a kimono walks up to the shrine, and greets Yukiko. After some small talk, she wonders if Souji is the boyfriend from the Inn?s rumours.

( Yukiko denies everything and, after the woman walks away with a satisfied grin on her face, has trouble looking at me. This is the same girl who?s determined and ambitious enough to potentially sever ties with her own family. It strikes me that she, perhaps, might be trying to run before she can walk, as it were. I don?t think Chie can help her with this particular problem, and, well, I like her anyway. So I bust out the smoothest line I?ve said since I ever arrived in Inaba. Which isn?t saying much.

Yukiko breaks out in a flush at Souji?s comment how the rumours are not mistaken, and tries to laugh it off. Suddenly introspective, she remembers how much the Inn?s staff have aided her throughout her life. She says that she is happy for their support and care. Thankful for her friends and family, she declares her dedication to doing her best for their sake as well as hers.

( I?m beginning to hear a grain of doubt when she again talks about leaving.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on June 18, 2011, 07:17:59 PM

Day 65, June 14th, 2011.

( Nothing interesting today. Ate at Aiya?s, and that?s about it. There was most certainly nothing about a trick with a rubber band that Nanako saw through effortlessly.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on June 18, 2011, 07:18:20 PM
Day 66, June 15th, 2011.

In morning class, Mr. Morooka reminds about the serious nature of the school?s camp-out the coming weekend. Souji assists Yosuke in answering a question the answer to which Yosuke does not know.

( I think I may have invented a whole new system of nonverbal communication from all this.

After school, Souji follows up on his promise to meet up with Ai that he had made that lunchtime. While waiting at the designated spot, he sees Daisuke, who greets Souji. Daisuke?s classmates wonder about the football team, and about the team?s manager. Daisuke remarks dryly that she does not perform her duties. Daisuke?s classmates start to wonder, and then proceed to make increasingly questionable and vulgar remarks about Ai?s personal life.

( Seriously. Stop it.

Daisuke is equally offended by the conversation, and chastises the students for their poor taste and rumourmongering. The group leaves soon afterwards.

( And, right on cue, Ai walks out from behind the lockers. It turns out she heard everything.

Ai comments that she is unperturbed by the students? remarks, and, with a tense expression, continues to reassure herself that she need not concern herself with the opinions of people she does not know.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on June 18, 2011, 07:18:40 PM
Day 67, June 16th, 2011.

Souji is greeted by Yukiko on the way to school, who wonders about the campout group and the dinner that they would have to cook. She suggests that they gather and purchase ingredients after school.

( And that?s exactly what we do. Yukiko and Chie decide to make curry, which is fine ? it?s hard to mess up a curry.

The two girls continue discussing the ingredients they should purchase for the curry.

( Have you ever seen a trainwreck in slow motion? The grinding of wheels, the sparks as metal scrapes against metal, the flying shards of glass as carriage upon carriage piles up into an unidentifiable mess.

Hoping for the best, the girls decide to take every ingredient that sounds appropriate to put into a curry.

( The wailing of women and children, the shouts of panic and despair as people scramble from the devastation, and the profound survivor?s horror that sets in as those alive realize how many did not make it out.

Deciding to add more character to the curry, Chie and Yukiko decide to add unusual ingredients ? Chie recommends mint chocolate and mocha coffee, while Yukiko considers seafood.

( Those people?s lives will never be the same, not really. A brush with death ? and such a violent one, at that ? always changes a person. The lucky ones will merely be shaken for weeks, their nerves stretched to breaking, terrified of leaving their lives in the hands of strangers. But there will be those worse off ? post-traumatic stress disorders will set in, manifesting in a vast variety of ways ? somatoform disorders, schizophrenia, intense phobias, leaving them broken wrecks of people. Only years of therapy will give them a chance to stand on their own two feet again.

That evening, Souji talks to Dojima again.

( Huh? Where was I? Oh, right, Dojima. Nothing interesting this time around.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on June 18, 2011, 07:19:27 PM
Day 68, June 17th, 2011.

Today is the first day of the school camp. Souji hurries to the meeting place.

( It was as Chie and Yukiko said it would be: back-breaking slave labour. We got through it somehow, though, so Yosuke and I sit around, waiting for Chie and Yukiko to finish cooking. Well, Yosuke?s waiting. I?m hardening my body for the ordeals to come.

Yosuke is enthusiastic at the prospect of trying the food the girls are cooking, reasoning that Yukiko must have great experience from her Amagi Inn heritage.

( I tell him straight not to eat it. Bro to bro. This is serious business, not to joke about.

Yosuke is unconvinced, and laughs at what he thinks are Souji?s transparent attempts to keep the food to himself.

( And that?s when the girls come over with the curry.

Yosuke eagerly takes the first bite.

( Alas, poor Yosuke. I knew him, Nanako, a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy.

Yosuke recovers from his faint, and lashes out at the girls, citing their curry as something inedible. Chie tries to offer a positive aspect of the curry, but Yosuke is highly unconvinced, and emphatically implores Souji not to eat his portion.

( Dolce et decorum est pro Chie et Yukiko mori, right, Narrator? A man ought eat what be placed before him, especially if it is through the efforts of a fair maiden. Is this a spoon which I see before me, Narrator, the handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch thee?

Despite his best efforts, Souji is unable to swallow a bite of Chie and Yukiko?s curry. Once Souji has recovered, the girls apologise for their poor performance, and Yosuke bemoans the group?s foodless fate.

( spot a girl eating what amounts to a bucket of curry on the table next to ours. She wasn?t willing to share, though. Where do they get these people, Narrator?

Mr. Morooka calls the curfew and, with sheepish grins, the girls bid Souji and Yosuke good-bye and the groups head to their respective tents.

( Turns out Kanji?s with us as well! He got bored of the first-year tent and snuck over to ours. The other two who were supposed to be with us called in sick, so it?s just us. Quite hilariously, this makes Yosuke profoundly uncomfortable, for some reason.

Kanji talks about a run-in he had had with Morooka, who had threatened Kanji with expulsion, and how, apparently, Morooka had been heard commenting in poor taste about the deaths of Mayumi Yamano and Saki Konishi. The group agrees that it is very easy to imagine the man talking in such a manner.

( And it is approximately then that the true tale of these two days begins. The Sordid Tale of Yosuke?s Poor Decisions and How Souji Takes the Bad Karma For Them.

Yosuke warily asks Kanji about the true purpose of his visit to their tent. At Kanji?s confusion, Yosuke elaborates on his fear of whether he would be safe alone with Kanji. Kanji reacts violently, and Yosuke demands proof that Kanji is comfortable being around girls.

( I tried to stop him, but, well, look at that guy. He?s scary.

Meanwhile, in Chie and Yukiko?s tent, the two girls are kept up by the snoring of their tentmate. The two even have trouble focusing on their conversation, and, while they deliberate on darker and darker solutions to their predicament, they hear a rustling outside their tent?

( Some time after Kanji charged out of our tent, we hear Chie and Yukiko outside. We let them in before Morooka spots them. It turns out they?re here because Kanji was, and I quote, ?out cold.? Chie elaborates how he barged into their tent and, I continue to quote, ?fainted all of a sudden.? It sounds to be like a case of unstoppable force meeting immovable object.

The group eventually figures out sleeping arrangements and, in the cramped space of the tent made even smaller by the haphazard assembly of a dividing wall between the girls? and boys? sides, the investigation team goes to sleep.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on June 18, 2011, 07:20:01 PM
Day 69, June 18th, 2011.

The next morning, the investigation team gathers by the local river, Kanji unable to piece together the events that had occurred to him the night before. Eager to put the events of the night before behind him, Yosuke encourages the group to go swimming.

( The girls pass, which, according to Yosuke, seems to not be good enough.

Chie and Yukiko claim that they do not have swimsuits with them as the reason for their reluctance.

( I have to say, Yosuke?s response just about proves that he must be some sort of genius mastermind. Now if he only stopped making really poor decisions.

Yosuke produces two sets of Junes-brand swimwear that had, according to him, just come in for the summer. Noticing the girls? reluctance, he mentions how much he had been looking forward to dinner the night before, and how, without his and Souji?s help, they would be out of a tent.

( Genius. Awful, but a genius nonetheless.

Soon enough, the girls come back from changing.

( Yosuke deserves a monument to him. Oh, and the girls look pretty great too, I guess. That is not to say that the good times would last, given Yosuke?s presence.

Yosuke comments that Chie and Yukiko would grow up into good-looking women, and asks Souji for his opinion on the matter.

( Et tu, Yosuke? Just for reference, the correct answer to a question like that would be to run like hell. Unfortunately, the river was behind me, and Chie ? and, by extension, the cold vastness of outer space ? was blocking off my escape route. So, once again resigned to my fate, I smile and nod.

Souji and Yosuke are promptly shoved into the freezing river waters.

( I?m not too sure what happened up there, but Kanji followed us in shortly thereafter. So there I am, considering my fate, when we all hear a man vomiting into the river upstream. Turns out it was Morooka from last night?s binge. Narrator? We will never speak of this again.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on June 23, 2011, 08:28:34 PM
Day 70, June 19th, 2011.

( Yosuke no doubt pines without my company, so off I go to Junes!

Souji meets up with Yosuke, and Yosuke insists that Souji shows him the house he lives in and his room.

( Yosuke leads with the best and most tactful question one can ask one?s male friend. Where do I keep the proverbial ?goods,? eh, Yosuke? Not under the futon, I?ll definitely tell you that. Indeed, there are men who would prefer to have their goods in plain sight, for all to see! As it were.[/i]

Yosuke continues his line of questioning, and finds out that no girls have so far ventured into Souji?s room. Before his interrogation continues, Nanako knocks on the door, wondering if Souji had seen something she was looking for.

( I am not entirely sure how this happens with Yosuke, but one neck-breaking change of direction later, the conversation turns to him being resigned that a love life is not something he needs right now. Nanako is about as lost as I am.

Despite the young man clearly having trouble grasping his place in life, his determination to solve the case and help Souji shines through.

( Yosuke leaves soon afterwards, and I help Nanako prepare dinner.

During dinner, Souji hears a press conference on television discussing a certain Rise Kujikawa?s leave of absense from the entertainment industry.

( An idol, right? She says that it?s not for health ? physical or mental - reasons, but, Narrator, I?ve never seen a more tired girl in my life. She?s two yards off a hundred-yard stare, if you catch my drift.

A slew of questions follow, some wondering if the idol would be staying in Inaba with her family. An agency spokesman closes the press conference before it goes on any further, and the report ends.

( Dojima seems to know more, judging from his comment about her being the centre of attention if she comes to Inaba. He usually doesn?t just wonder about that. Which leads me to think that my narrative-driven life will clash with Rise Kujikawa?s soon enough.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on June 23, 2011, 08:29:06 PM
Day 71, June 20th, 2011.

On the way to school, Kanji tells Souji that the shopping district was more lively than usual that morning.

( That about confirms what Dojima was saying.

At school, the investigation team discusses Rise Kujikawa?s break from the showbusiness. Yosuke tells that she is highly popular, often seen on the media. Indeed, Yosuke admits that he is a fan of her as well.

( Chie confirms for us that Rise used to live in Inaba, and no doubt has many local fans. Apparently her family runs a tofu shop that ? according to Yukiko ? have been working with the Amagi Inn for a long time.

The group remembers the little-mentioned Marukyu tofu shop in the shopping district.

( Chie ? of all people ? reminds us about our case, that Rise, having been shown on television, could well be the next target. Yukiko says that there is no connection between Rise and Yamano, but she?s definitely the talk of the town, and easily fits the pattern so far. We agree to keep an eye on her.

Later that morning, Souji gets quizzed on History.

( Who said ?Law is the correct judgement of the state?? These are getting hard. Good thing we?re going multiple-choice ? Pascal was more of a mathematician and religious philosopher, so probably nothing on law from him; Plato wrote a lot on everything, but was Socrates? student, and followed his teacher?s words quite closely when he talked on the state of government. Socrates it is.

After school, Souji spots Saki Konishi?s brother standing alone in a hallway. Hoping to get through to the boy, Souji asks if they can talk.

( Just then the intercom goes off. They?re looking for the Health Association members. I tell the kid to go on. I get dragged in at the last moment ? it seems I?ve been volunteered by Morooka again.

Souji makes his way to the infirmary, where the rest of the Association have already gathered. Conversation quickly turns to Saki Konishi?s brother, and how his situation gives him seemingly-unfair priviliges.

( I was this close to giving them the biggest rant of this week, Narrator, but I held my tongue. The kid needs to defend himself.

Saki Konishi?s brother comes in at that moment to deliver a scathing remark to the gossiping students, reminding them of what his situation exactly is. With a curt apology for the outburst, he leaves again.

( I find him near the lockers after we finish. We have the most awkward of greetings, and part ways. He decided to stay a bit to complete his task for the Health Association.

That evening, on his irregular raid of the refrigerator, Souji chances upon a bag of wasabi.

( Okay, I have no idea what I was thinking then. Sometimes you just go for the lick, you know?

Souji decides to go to bed early that day.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on June 23, 2011, 08:29:38 PM
Day 72, June 21st, 2011.

Wondering how Yumi is doing, Souji heads to the Drama club.

( We practice and practice, and, eventually, the president decides to call it a day early. Yumi?well, explodes. Looks like she feels that she?s the only person putting their all into the club, and that the president is holding her back. She looks like she?s about to go on, but the bell rings just then anyway. The president takes the opportunity to leg it.

Yumi asks for Souji?s comments on how she handled the situation once the rest of the club has left.

( Not?entirely wrong, but her approach could have used any finesse.

Yumi says that, despite her practice in controlling her emotions, she still lacks the ability to properly do so. She resolves to continue practicing, with the caveat that it does not happen at her home.

( Why? Her house is empty ? her mother heads straight to the hospital after work. Yumi?s still got the hate going for her father, but that?s not going away any time soon.

Yumi muses that she cannot avoid her past, despite trying to run away from it. Catching herself, she asks that Souji forget what she said.

( Uh, no. That way be dragons. Or shadows, specifically, as has been demonstrated so many times. If not for me, then for her certainly ? the problems need to be confronted, I know that much.

Yumi is taken aback, but thanks Souji for his company and support.

( We part ways, and I head home. Later that night, I wait for the Midnight Channel to flick on. A vague silhouette app- okay, it?s Rise Kujikawa, I don?t think anyone is surprised about that.

Souji receives a call from Yosuke, the two resolving to visit the tofu store the following day.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on June 23, 2011, 08:30:18 PM
Day 73, June 22nd, 2011.

Gossip is abound at school that Rise Kujikawa has arrived, and is working at her family?s store.

( Chie and Yukiko are busy, so it?s us guys visiting the pop idol and warning her that she might get kidnapped and thrown into an alternate dimension by a serial killer, where she will get attacked and killed by her own fears and complexes. Hm, when one puts it this way, we should probably come up with a story that won?t get us thrown in prison for harassment.

Souji, Yosuke and Kanji head to the shopping district, where they find detective Adachi on traffic control duty. He wonders if Rise Kujikawa has already arrived, but Kanji quickly turns aggressive, asking Adachi what a plainclothes detective is doing on mundane police duty. Adachi hastily says that it is due to the police department being badly understaffed, and leaves to avoid further confrontation.

( Yosuke quietly wonders if the police think that Rise is a target as well. Right then, Dojima walks out of the shop ? which explains what Adachi was doing here ? and spots us. Seems he?s unaware of Kanji being the latest addition to our group, but doesn?t press the issue.

Dojima asks what the group is doing at the tofu shop, and Souji answers truthfully, if concealing his true intentions through omission. Yosuke corroborates the story. Dojima gives up, and warns the group not to bother the idol too much.

( The crowd in front of the shop begins to clear away, talking about how Rise?s presence being just an unsupported rumour. We decide to go in anyway, our conversation turning to tofu, and how Yosuke can?t eat normal tofu, and how Kanji is shockingly well-informed about tofu.

The group spot a uniformed worker hunched over a worktable towards the back of the store, and assume it is the old lady that runs the story. They are shocked, however, when they call for a salesperson, and an actual old lady approaches from another direction. The worker turns around, showing herself to be none other than Rise Kujikawa, albeit in a simple apron and a kerchief. Kanji asks if she is indeed Rise.

( I?d recognize those dead eyes from a mile away. It?s definitely her.

Yosuke, sensing the idol?s irritation, tries to turn the conversation to the purchase of tofu, but immediately forgets the differences between the tofu types.

( He?s rescued by Kanji, who makes the order for him. I swear, that girl seems nearly dead inside from her tone. The industry must be brutal.

As Rise walks to the counter to collect the tofu, Yosuke remembers the group?s mission at the store. After some heckling from Kanji on Yosuke?s attitude of questionable taste towards the idol, Yosuke finally manages to tell Rise about the incidents that have been going on in Inaba.

( It turns out that Rise is already aware of the Midnight Channel, which makes our life a lot easier already. She, however, denies the person shown on the Channel being her: apparently her ? the real Rise that is - uh, ?attributes? aren?t that well-defined.

Yosuke continues explaining the group?s theory, that the people who appear on the Channel are likely targets to be kidnapped. Rise accepts the group?s warning, and thanks them.

Later that day, after Souji and the rest have already left, we see Dojima and Adachi talking to Rise. Adachi tells Rise to not be hesitant about calling the police, and Dojima takes the time to inform Rise about the string of violent cases in the region. He continues to tell Rise about her possible connection to the cases, but she tells him that she is already aware that she may be kidnapped. Dojima is shocked to find out that Souji and his group appear to be a step ahead of him in the investigation.

In the evening, Souji is enjoying a meal of freshly-bought tofu with Dojima and Nanako. Dojima asks Souji what he was doing visiting Rise Kujikawa.

( I sense trouble. Dojima?s never out of detective mode, not really. I go for the half-truth again. He won?t buy it, but hopefully he?ll realize I?m not just in this for the kicks.

Dojima, indeed, drops the subject, and Nanako immediately picks up on the fact that both Souji and Dojima met Rise personally, and, from the tense reply, wonders if Souji and Dojima are fighting again.

( Even that doesn?t break up the tension.

That night, Souji checks the Midnight Channel again. Although by now unnecessary, the images show Rise?s face clearly.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on June 23, 2011, 08:30:52 PM
Day 74, June 23rd, 2011.

The investigation team gathers at their special headquarters at Junes after school. There is no doubt by now that the next kidnapping victim will be Rise Kujikawa. Considering that Yosuke spotted Rise in her family?s shop that morning, the conclusion is reached that the strange Shadow television show only occurs once the victim has been thrown into the world behind the television screen. The group wonders why the image is shown at all prior to the kidnapping, Yukiko suggesting that perhaps what is seen are the killer?s intentions. Yosuke muses that the entire Channel?s world might be based on this premise ? a reflection of the minds of the victim and the killer, perhaps even of the people watching the Midnight Channel.

( Sure it sounds weird, but anything?s possible at this stage. Impossible to make any sort of judgements, though. Kanji agrees with us by having fallen asleep.

The group is unable to make any more progress on deducing the nature of the strange world. Instead, they decide to spend the day on a stakeout, hoping to catch the kidnapper in the act.

( We run into Adachi while buying snacks. Turns out he?s on duty watching Rise, too.

Despite their vigil, the group does not manage to catch sight of any potential kidnappers. Just as they are about to disband, Yukiko catches sight of a suspicious individual on a nearby lamp-post. The suspicious man is startled, and, after nimbly sliding down the lamp-post, takes off at a run. The group gives chase.

( I can already tell something was wrong ? not in the right sense of wrong, either. If it looks like a stalker and it smells like a stalker, well, you know, right? Still, we can?t afford to take any chances.

The group quickly tackles the suspicious man, who denies any sort of involvements in the murders. Adachi declares there being no doubt that the man is the culprit and, after warning the investigation team off involving themselves with the serial murder case, hauls him off to the police station, happy about his arrest.

( I never thought it would be as anticlimactic as this ? and it seems that I?m still right. As we come to the tofu store and hear the old lady?s comment that Rise stepped out without saying a word, we all start to fear the worst and split up to find her.

Despite the group?s frantic efforts, they are unable to find Rise. With grim determination, everyone heads home to watch the Midnight Channel.

( There it was, in glorious Technicolor. Rise?s Shadow ? and it?s definitely the Shadow, no doubt about it ? tells the viewers that she is going to show off everything. Everything. To be fair, that outfit leaves just about nothing to the imagination, but I don?t think Rise wants to just show off her physical appearance. As usual, Narrator, the rabbit hole is more than just skin-deep.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on June 23, 2011, 09:47:55 PM
Nice job MISSION FAILEDing it, Adachi. :smug:
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on June 30, 2011, 06:36:01 PM
Day 75, June 24th, 2011.

The investigation team quickly heads to find Teddie after school. The find him staring into the foggy distance, wondering why the group abandoned him to have fun on their own. Chie and Yukiko apologise, and reassure the bear that they would never do such a thing.

( Teddie is still having identity issues, and now he?s got abandonment added on top of that. He may be hollow inside, but he?s just as screwed-up as the rest of us fleshy humans.

Teddie tells the group that he is unable to detect Rise?s presence, disappointed at his own poor performance, wondering if he?ll be thrown away once his usefulness has dried up. Souji tells Teddie that he?ll always have a place on their group, and not to try to rush his self-discovery.

( All of a sudden, the flash hits. It?s been some time ? but I get a feeling from Teddie. He?s as in on this as we are, and the Social Link proves that there?s more to him than cotton stuffing and bright pastel colours.

The investigation team decides to head out into town to try to find clues about Rise that will assist Teddie with his search.

( A quick stop at the tofu shop later, we find out that there?s a paparazzo that?s been following Rise around. Already? She?s been here for all of two days. All sorts of people, I guess. Apparently he tends to hang out at the riverbank.

No paparazzo is found on the riverbank, however. A passer-by warns Souji that the paparazzo wasn?t seen today.

( On a hunch, I go back to school. She?s popular with the students, so I should be able to find something about her from them. And what luck! After some running about, I find out that Rise went for an extended R&R due to her, and I quote, ?having a lot on her mind.? No kidding, chubby.

Souji decides to keep this information in mind, and resume the investigation tomorrow.

( I guess it?s more of the usual today - Rise should be fine for now. I remember that I?ve got the Konishi kid?s hankerchief and decide to return it.

The boy explains to Souji that the hankerchief was his sister?s, and thanks Souji for using the now-useless hankerchief. After some awkward deliberation, he introduces himself as Naoki Konishi. He apologises profusely for telling Souji that he hated him.

( I didn?t particularly care then, and it?s certainly the last thing on my mind now ? being close to this kid opens up the Hanged Man link. Not a good Arcana to be sitting under, but I am genuinely curious as to what revelations Naoki will come to.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on June 30, 2011, 06:36:46 PM
Day 76, June 25th, 2011.

The investigation team resumes its search after school.

( I head straight for the riverbank. The paparazzo is there and, revolted as I am by working with people of his caliber, I have no choice but to share information.

Souji learns that Rise was rumoured to be tired of her fictional personality of Risette ? which was completely different from her normal one, and she was frustrated at having to live these two lives simultaneously.

( Not knowing or understanding one?s true nature, dealing with false little aspects of ourselves that we make up or, in Rise?s case, are forced on us. Rise?s in the same boat as all of us, and we?re definitely getting her out of this, no matter what. That said, I don?t want to rush to Teddie quite yet ? rainy day is Aiya day.


I need to get my priorities straight.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on June 30, 2011, 06:37:24 PM
Day 77, June 26th, 2011.

( Still not going dungeon-crawling quite yet. Trust me on this one, Narrator. Instead, I finally find that dog that the ema was talking about. It looked hungry as all get out, so I get it a steak skewer.

The dog runs off afterwards, energized enough to get back to its owners.

( I report back to the Fox, and, after some time at the shrine, head back home.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on June 30, 2011, 06:37:58 PM
Day 78, June 27th, 2011.

At school, Souji attends Mr. Morooka?s lecture on Friedrich Nietzsche, specifically, about the ressentiment that he suspects the class feeling towards the popular Rise Kujikawa.

( That?s hatred and jealousy, for you fine folks back home. Two factors bred from a feeling of inferiority and weakness before another.

After school, Souji picks up another assignment ema from the Fox.

( Something about a kid wanting some friends. I promptly find him on the riverbank. Turns out he wants a sticker. Aah, the materialism of youth. He finds my prize stickers from the shopping channel program appropriate, and runs off. I?think I should brace for disappointment and get the kid a better sticker.

Souji heads back into the shopping district, having spotted Naoki Konishiwa there.

( We end up eating together at Aiya. Naoki says he hasn?t spent much time here, despite how free he tends to find himself.

Naoki mentions that there is not much business at the liquor store. Instead, he tends to see local housewives there to appearing to sympathise with Naoki?s situation. The boy explains with derision that the unwanted attention is suffocating. Despite the heavy atmosphere, Souji and Naoki are able to talk for some time, Naoki curious about Souji?s company being able to get him to talk about things he is not used to.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on June 30, 2011, 09:44:27 PM
Day 79, June 28th, 2011.

( Yeah, the sticker didn?t help the kid any. I have a feeling I should consult a regional expert on this. For the time being, however, let?s go see how Naoki?s doing.


Rise will be fine, calm down.

Naoki and Souji head to Souzai Daigaku, to enjoy the regional delicacy. While they wait, Naoki tells a humorous story of events he witnessed in class that day.

( I decide to reciprocate. Nothing like a little schadenfreude to bring people closer together

Naoki enjoys the tale, saying that it has been a while since he last enjoyed himself so much.

( Oh no, let?s not allow the kid to actually have any fun. The housewives in this town can get a bit too nosy for their own good, Narrator.

Souji tells an annoyed Naoki to ignore the comments, and Naoki agrees, admitting that he is happy to have found an understanding acquaintance in Souji. Naoki feels that he is forced into the victim mentality by the rumourmongering in Inaba, which prevents him from living the life that he wants to.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on July 03, 2011, 02:23:22 PM
Day 80, June 29th, 2011.

( I consulted with the regional expert on children?s stickers last night, and Nanako presented me her thesis, as well a demonstration sample. I promptly hand it over to the kid on the riverbank, let?s see if that helps any.

During lunchtime, Ai had asked Souji to keep her company, so Souji quickly returns to school after finishing his errands in town.

( Ai takes us to the rooftop, of all places.

Ai thanks Souji for what he did during their previous meeting, and, stumbling over her words, says that she felt happy.

( Apparently all those things those guys said got far deeper than she wanted to admit. She?s still feeling extremely uncomfortable remembering the incident and, apparently, thinks she?s in love with the first person that stood up for her back then. I?m sure there?s a psychiatrical term for that, because that is not an entirely healthy association to be making.

Ai wonders if Daisuke has a girlfriend, asking question after question about Daisuke?s preferences.

( I tell her to man up, as it were. Ai?s a smart and witty girl, underneath about a million complexes, so she should not have to feel so insecure about herself.

Ai thanks Souji for his candor, but still, stuttering, asks Souji for his help with Daisuke. Souji agrees.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on July 03, 2011, 02:24:02 PM
Day 81, June 30th, 2011.

( Today, on names of places you can?t believe are real: the Pis Pis River! It?s going to be on the test, folks!

After school, Souji heads to football club, along the way asking Daisuke on his taste in women.

( He practically yells that he?s not interested in girls. After a brief eyebrow-raising moment of silence, he elaborates that, if he were, he might like, and I quote, ?a nice girl,? end quote. Knowing how determined Ai looked, I can already tell that this is not going to end well.

After practice, Daisuke tells Souji to continue without him, as he has to fill in the register.

( Kou and I head back ? apparently Kou has something to tell me.

At Aiya, Kou explains his concerns ? he knows Daisuke had been performing sub-par at practice, something extremely out-of-character for him. Kou considers that perhaps Daisuke put so much effort into training Souji because Daisuke thinks he might no longer be able to perform as well as he thinks he should.

( Yeah, I?m as lost as you are. The conversation suddenly steers onto Daisuke?s attitude towards girls, and how cold he is towards them these days. It could be related, though.

Kou tells Souji that Daisuke was in a relationship in middle school, but it was weak and without substance. It ended quite quickly and, Kou tells from hearsay, the girl made a big scene and slapped Daisuke.

( Kou thinks that it?s then that Daisuke became who he is now. Obviously we?ve got a problem, but a solution isn?t going to be easy to come by.

Kou, however, immediately comes up with what he claims to be a brilliant idea. Skimming the details, he tells Souji to be ready.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on July 03, 2011, 02:24:37 PM
Day 82, July 1st, 2011.

Souji notices an advertisement for a part-time cleaning job at the Inaba hospital.

( It?s raining, so you know what time it is. One of these days, Aiya. One of these days?

That evening, Souji goes to his newly-assigned job as janitor.

( Nothing special, only the wailing of the damned echoed down the corridors, chilling those of frail constitution to the bone. Not me, that is. Obviously.

At the end of his shift, Souji notices a doctor talking to a nurse. He is not able to discern much about their conversation.

( After the doctor leaves, the nurse comes up to talk to me. Oho, she has a portrait. Hello, nurse!

The nurse, wearing a coy smile, tells Souji that he is cute, and asks if he is the student that signed up for the janitor job. In a sultry voice, she tells him that she will show him something fun during his next night at the hospital.

( I?ll be there! Ahem. For the pay, that is. Yes, good pay.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: theshirn on July 03, 2011, 02:59:09 PM
Ai?s a smart and witty girl, underneath about a million complexes
comments like this are why I'm glad you're doing this
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on July 03, 2011, 04:41:35 PM
Day 83, July 2nd, 2011.

( I finally catch up to the sticker kid. Nanako?s sticker came through, and, apparently, the kid has plenty of friends now. Was I really like that when I was little?

His mission complete, Souji calls up the investigation team and heads to Junes.

( It?s the proverbial go-time.

The information that the group had assembled about Rise is sufficient for Teddie to pinpoint her location.

( The deep purple d?cor, the soft lighting, the suggestive imagery. This is definitely what we saw on the Midnight Channel. Yosuke and Yukiko know a surprising amount of detail on where such establishments can be found in the real world.

Teddie tries to take the opportunity to make a joke, but it goes over poorly.

( Man, Teddie, even your jokes have become lackluster lately.

With the investigation team becoming larger and larger, the group decides to only go into dungeons in teams of no larger than four to avoid attracting too much of the Shadows? attention.

( I leave Yukiko on the sidelines for the moment. We need more stamina than firepower.

Inside the club, the atmosphere is even more oppressive. The team pushes their way in, Teddie encouraging them with every floor ascended.

( We find the Shadow soon enough. And boy do we find her.

The Shadow welcomes the investigation team along with an unseen audience, reminding everyone that it plans on revealing every last inch of herself.

( The Shadow then runs deeper inside. Apparently it?s going to be too hard to see with all the smoke. Say what you will, it knows how to play its audience.

The group resolves to stop the Shadow before it does anything irreversible.

( As we go up, we start to hear the Shadow. So far it?s spouting the advertisements that Rise?s been on. Perhaps it?s confronting the entirely false and shallow persona that we?ve seen there?

Eventually, the investigation team catches up to the Shadow again. With a crazed shout, imploring everyone to look at her, Rise?s Shadow sends a foe at the investigation team.

( That thing managed to lay everyone out in just a few turns without Yukiko, but I held the line by myself and eventually took it down.

Further up, the Shadow?s voice is heard again. It claims that it does not care about appearances when looking for a relationship, believing that what is on the inside matters more. Teddie wonders what he could possibly have on the inside, him being hollow as he is.

( And, sooner than we thought, we reach the top floor. The butterfly takes us back down ? we have some prep to do. First off, Teddie had been clamoring about a shadow showing up where Yukiko was, so I head back to the castle and beat it up, getting a weapon for Yukiko in reward. I then upgrade my Persona selection across the board to an Ose and a Ganga, making sure the Physical Resist continues being inherited.

His preparations done, Souji returns to the top floor of Rise?s dungeon to confront Rise?s Shadow.

( As predicted, Rise was fine. Mostly.

The Shadow exulted in glee from being watched by everyone. Despite Rise asking the Shadow to stop in a pained voice, the Shadow becomes more and more exuberant. The Shadow denounces Risette as a fake celebrity, and declares itself sick of being an airheaded clich?, forced to choke down everything it is fed and take it with a smile.

( That?s where all the look at me must be coming from. Rise wants people to see her true self, and the Shadow is just taking that and twisting it out of control.

Confused and embarrassed, Rise rejects the Shadow and, with a laugh filled with madness, the Shadow goes berserk.

( Wouldya look at that thing?

The fight goes easier than normal.

( My suspicions prove fruitful. After a while of me and the Shadow exchanging blows, the Shadow uses something Supreme Insight. From that moment, none of my attacks can connect.

The Shadow taunts the investigation team?s inability to attack it. Teddie, standing in the back, is beside himself with worry at being unable to contribute to the fight.

( We try to think of something, but before we can even do anything, the Shadow scans us and lays us all out with an absurd attack that we can?t even see coming.

The investigation team looks to be in dire straits. Teddie refuses to listen to Souji and run away. Instead, he resolves to make a stand ? as far as he cares, his last.

( Teddie roars, engulfed in a blazing aura! I?d blame him watching too much TV, but I know for a fact that he doesn?t. Still, can?t argue with results ? he nukes the Shadow to smithereens.

Teddie is literally flattened by his own attack. He asks if he was able to help, and Yosuke reassures him that he, in fact, saved their lives. With a great exertion, Teddie pulls himself up, bemoaning the fate of his fine, silky fur.

( Teddie will be fine, so we run over check on Rise.

The girl is tired and confused, and apologises for the harm she did. She stands up and, kindly, asks her Shadow to do the same. Rise accepts the Shadow?s words and actions as part of her, and explains that she had been trying to understand who the real her was, but had been on the wrong track. Instead of rejecting false images of herself, she says, she should have been accepting them all as a true part of her.

( I hear Teddie muttering behind us about there being no real self, but I pay it no mind. Rise manifests the Persona Himiko.

Rise finally fully comes to her senses, recognizing the investigation team and thanking them all for their timely rescue.

( We turn around to head home, but we?re stopped by an odd sight.

Teddie stands in their way, muttering about there being no real him. Rise quickly warns them to stand back, and a deep, cold voice rings out across the room. It proclaims the foolishness of trying to find one?s real self.

( A Shadow steps out of Teddie. A Shadow?Teddie.

Rise explains that she felt a powerful presence intervene when Teddie?s Shadow stepped out. Teddie, who had not noticed his Shadow step out, only notices it now. The Shadow states that the truth cannot be attained, no matter what the investigation team might try ? they have no means of knowing that what they learn is the truth. It bids the group close their eyes and lie to themselves, forever remaining in ignorance.

( Teddie, bless his heart, stands up to his Shadow, even if he doesn?t understand half of what the Shadow?s saying.

The Shadow reminds Teddie that he is empty inside, and his search for his nature is a futile attempt to deny his true self. Turning to the group, the Shadow asks how they could possibly find something that they do not even know the nature of.

( The truth has to exist, fundamentally speaking, but I already know that this argument is not going to be won with words.

The Shadow confirms Souji?s dread and attacks. Rise reassures the group that she will help them in Teddie?s place.

( That thing?s weakness is that all it has are Ice and physicals. It has something called a Nihil Hand that looks nasty, but it?s telegraphed from so far away that it?d set a record in intercontinental communications.

Souji is able to weather the Shadow?s attacks through careful Persona selection and eventually comes out victorious.

( We gather around Teddie after the fight. The guy must?ve had a lot more on his mind than we all gave him credit for.

Teddie admits that he does not even know what he is looking for. Reassured by the investigation group, he resolves that, at least, he has something to look for in the first place. With the strength of heart made manifest, Teddie earns the Persona Kintouki-Douji!

( We all head back out. It?s been a hell of a day.

Teddie asks for some time alone, explaining that he must work hard at training himself for the hardships ahead. Chie and Yukiko bid Teddie good-bye and take Rise home.

( I stay behind to talk a bit with Teddie. He thinks that there must be something that only he can do. To be frank, he?s already done more than enough, but if the guy wants to go above and beyond, then let him.

That evening, Nanako finds a drunken Dojima being dragged home by Adachi.

( Not the best way to meet one?s daughter after nights of not being at home.

Adachi explains that the prefectural police sent in special support for the case due to the lack of progress in the serial murders. The special support was an expert private detective, but, as it turns out, who is also a young man not older than Souji.

( Basically, politics here and there mean that the local police may not refuse help and that?s gotten Dojima frustrated to no end.

Soon, however, Dojima falls asleep, and is dragged to bed. Souji and Nanako retire as well.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on July 03, 2011, 09:20:07 PM
shadow Teddie
"Say, kids, do you know a word that begins with F!?"
"Uh ... fsteak?"
(and no one had dinner that night)
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on July 04, 2011, 04:20:19 PM

For those of you interested, that was done in one day, and could have been done solo were I not careless and allowed Shadow Teddie to hit me with a Mind-Charged Mabufula after a Nullity Guidance while I was off Ganga. He was on about 30% health at the time. He has no other tricks.  :(
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on July 05, 2011, 06:58:27 PM
Day 84, July 3rd, 2011.

Souji strikes up conversation with Kanji whilst in the shopping district. As it is near lunchtime, the two head to Aiya.

( Kanji?s talking about his mom?s cooking, when some man walks in and recognizes Kanji.

The man turns out to be a police officer, and asks Kanji his business. Kanji retorts angrily, urging the policeman to do his job more professionally.

( Not using quite those words, mind you. The policeman leaves after Kanji?s tirade.

Kanji explains that this is a common occurrence, and apologises to Souji for getting him involved.

( I tell him he just needs to change outwardly ? he?s plenty enough of a good guy on the inside.

Kanji agrees, enthusiastic at finally being able to repay others who helped him with his newfound power.

( Kanji threatens the owner with excessive vandalism due to the food taking a long time. He catches himself, though, not without help from stern glares from my and Aiya?s direction, and adds the threat of excessive renovation to the threat of vandalism.

That evening, Souji talks to Dojima.

( Nothing really interesting, just, uh, awkward back-and-forth.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on July 05, 2011, 06:58:57 PM
Day 85, July 4th, 2011.

In the morning, Morooka urges his class to take down more notes on Pascal. He asks Yosuke the difference between inductive and deductive reasoning.

( Yosuke should know this, what with our entire team engaging in the latter. Still, I end up having to use my newly-found powers of ventroloquism to tell him the answer.

After school, Souji goes to the north side of the shopping district to see Naoki.

( So we?re heading to Aiya ? why is it always Aiya? ? when some housewife runs up to Naoki and starts shouting about how he should get home and not worry his parents, and how a family should stay together and help each other out, and how she?s just trying to help.

Souji, outraged, snaps at the housewife.

( Today, kids, we learn the meaning of shameless hypocrisy! When your help and sympathy to someone is limited to armchair advice and condescending judgement, then you too might be a shameless hypocrite!

Souji tells Naoki that it is not Naoki?s fault, which cheers Naoki up.

( He?s got a similar problem to Yosuke, actually ? both of them can?t afford to act out-of-place due to their parents? business.

Souji heads home afterwards.

( Nothing untoward happened to any puddings that night. Certainly not ones belonging to Nanako.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on July 05, 2011, 06:59:28 PM
Day 86, July 5th, 2011.

Souji goes to the liquor store after school, wishing to speak to Naoki again after the previous day having been cut short by a rude interruption.

( We?re able to get to Aiya in peace this time. Out of the blue, Naoki tells me he?s planning on quitting school and taking a full-time job at his family?s business.

Naoki has taken to heart the comments from the housewife from the day previous, and believes that he should stick close to his family.

( It?s actually a good idea, but not for those reasons ? he?s obviously feeling a lot of pressure, and he really needs to take some time out to get his emotions straight.

Naoki comments how their store is likely to lose customers to Junes, and how he himself believed that the store would end once his father retired.

( I was this close to starting on that rant on market theory that had been building up for quite a while now, but then I realize that Naoki is the one with actual issues between the two of us. So I just tell him good luck.

Naoki wonders on the abrupt futility of life, and how his sister?s death opened a hole in his family that nothing could fill.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on July 05, 2011, 06:59:53 PM
Day 87, July 6th, 2011.

( I continue pestering Naoki for the third day in a row. I wonder if his decision to quit school has survived a good night?s sleep.

Naoki tells that his parents were against the plan, instead urging him to live the life he would want to. He continues to tell how they got suspicious, wondering if he perhaps hated school, and was running away from his problems.

( Entirely expected. Blunt, but expected. I tell him that he should consider that he might well be causing his parents worry.

Naoki says that his parents telling him to do what he wants to is something he hears a lot everywhere ? from his teachers, the health association and his neighbours. He resents his actions not having consequences and him not having a moral compass due to everyone around him acting in the same way no matter what he does.

( Everyone takes responsibility away from him, so he feels like he?s living a pointless life.

Naoki cannot understand how he is supposed to continue, being shunned and alienated by the unwanted kindness of others, wondering if he should perhaps ignore them, eventually even forgetting about his own sister.

( Thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. Different situation, similar outcome. It is ironic how a sister is so critical to one?s redemption, and the other?s fall.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on July 05, 2011, 10:51:26 PM
I remember coming out of the high school class's unit on that book wanting to go "if I see the word 'phony' one more goddamn time ..."
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on July 10, 2011, 11:38:52 AM
Day 88, July 7th, 2011.

Souji learns about the Man-yoshu in class this afternoon, a famous tome of Japanese poetry.

( I was asked ? get this ? which poet wrote the most poems about Tanabata in the Man-yoshu. Now, normally I respect school and teachers ? they know stuff, and we don?t. But this is exactly the sort of stuff that turns people off learning forever ? expecting students to know absurdly situational facts that only a genuine expert would ever need to know. That said, I read ahead in the handout. It?s some guy called Kakinomoto no Hitomaro.


I would guess that it is somehow apropos that answering this question correctly bumps my knowledge from Expert to Professor.

After class, Souji finds Ai to tell her about Daisuke?s preferences.

( As I expected, Ai just about freaks out when I tell her about the whole ?nice girl? thing. She?s had this impression that guys only care about appearances, which she qualifies plenty for, of course. Frustrated, she asks me to just go and ask him if there?s any girls he likes out there.

At Ai?s insistence, Souji heads downstairs to ask Daisuke, who says there is nobody who holds his interest. Souji queries him on Ai, and Daisuke flatly says to be uninterested. After Daisuke leaves, Souji notices that Ai had been eavesdropping.

( I run after her and? Ai, get off there! Narrator, take over.

Ai had managed to climb over the school roof?s outer fence, and now stands on the edge, looking out over the fifteen-meter drop. Completely hysterical, she warns Souji away, saying that she had worked hard to become as pretty as she is now. Surely, she believes, that should have been enough for her to attract young men.

( You stupid girl, look, I?ll genuinely hear you out, I understand your problem, just get off the damned death-drop.

Ai, sniffing and sobbing, comes back, completely unsure of herself. She tells that she used to be clumsy and overweight, and her family poor. Because of this, she used to be bullied. She was cruelly rejected by the young man that she was attracted to, and others at her school treated her poorly as well.

( Her family came into their money just afterwards, when Ai was to go to middle school, and they all decided that it was a chance to start over, Ai included. She essentially dedicated herself to turning the whole business of being attractive into a science.

Bitterly, Ai says that all her work appears to have been for nothing ? she could not find fulfillment before, and she cannot find it now, despite her efforts. She believes that she has no redeeming qualities other than her appearance.

( I promise to yell at Daisuke later ? the guy?s a bit blunt for his own good, anyway.

Ai thanks Souji for his continued support, wondering if, perhaps, she should have fallen in love with him instead, but immediately laughs off the notion.

( I play along with the joke, but I think we both know well enough that Ai doesn?t need to waste her time trying to find love or what have you right now ? she needs to find herself first and foremost ? the Ai that she?d buried under years and years of self-delusion.

That evening, Souji continues his janitor work at the hospital.

( That nurse shows up again ? I guess she?s a night-shift nurse. She introduces herself as Sayoko Uehara, and offers me, and I quote, ?some hot coffee.?

Sayoko compliments Souji on the smoothness of his skin, and wonders if he knows what she is trying to suggest.

( I tell her to back the heck off. She just chuckles, and says she?ll adjust her shift to coincide with mine next time. Is? Is she a serial killer, Narrator? She?s got the Devil Social Link with her, but that doesn?t preclude anything. Do we have two murderers in Inaba now?


I?m scared.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on July 10, 2011, 11:43:18 AM
Day 89, July 8th, 2011.

( Today?s a good a time as any to tell the Fox that the kid got his friends.

Souji spends some time with the fox and goes back home in the evening.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on July 10, 2011, 11:49:51 AM
Day 90, July 9th, 2011.

( I go back to the shrine to see if there are any more wishes to fulfil. Turns out a man wants to, uh, recapture the joy of life. I?m sure it?s entirely wholesome and family-friendly. That said, it?s a rainy day, and you know what that means!

In the evening, Souji watches the Midnight Channel. Once again, nothing shows up due to the investigation team?s efforts.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on July 10, 2011, 01:11:49 PM
Day 91, July 10th, 2011.

Cicadas chirp on a balmy summer morning. The lifeless body of an adult man hangs high up off the railing of a water tower.

( What? But we? No this isn?t right, there is no reason the rules would change on us suddenly like this.

Chie calls Souji in the early morning to ask if he had heard yet, and confirms that a dead body had been found.

( We all rush to gather at Junes.

The investigation group gathers, Yosuke rushing to last ? he had taken a detour to confirm the events, and details that a body had indeed been found and reported. Furthermore, it appears that the victim was Mr. Morooka.

( Everybody freaks out at this curveball. Kanji says what we?re all thinking ? Morooka hadn?t been on any television programs whatsoever.

The group falls into a depression, wondering if their efforts and success were merely coincidence. Souji reassures them, saying that it is too early to give up.

( Kanji backs me up, with a strongly-worded ? very strongly-worded speech.

The group decides to ask Teddie, and heads to the electronics department. However, a pair of staff are talking busily near the televisions. Yosuke asks them if anything had happened, and the two tell him about a strange mascot that had been around the department for a while. They have trouble recalling his name.

( Terry? Eddie? Oh?Oh no. This is going to be weird.

Chie is the first to spot him ? Teddie is in the electronics department, relaxing on the massage chairs.

( None of us even considered that Teddie could possibly come out of the TV, like some sort of plush, adorable Sadako.

Teddie eagerly tells how his interest in the outside world had been sparked by the investigation team, and, without considering the consequences, he got to where he is now.

( We finally get ourselves together enough to ask if there was anyone who entered the other world. Teddie says that he had stayed until the fog settled, but nobody showed up inside.

The group considers that, with Morooka never being seen on television, and, with Teddie having told them that he sensed nobody, perhaps that the murder is not Midnight-Channel-related.

( Teddie breaks the train of thought ? looks like he wants to give a pair of glasses to Rise. It makes sense ? she?ll need them if she?ll want to join the team. Teddie says that, now that his role is taken by Rise, he?ll join us on the front lines, with ?a powerful attack, an unbeatable defense, and a winning smile.? Shine on, Teddie, you crazy diamond.

The group has started to draw attention, so they leave the electronics department and regather at the food court. They reconfirm that Morooka was never thrown into the television, and conclude that he was killed in the real world.

( Yukiko and Chie consider that maybe the murder was done in this manner because we?ve been so good at rescuing people from inside the TV. I?m not entirely sure we?re barking up the right tree, but we?ll need a few more clues before we can decide anything, so we decide to check with Rise first.

Just then, Teddie declares that, because it is so hot outside, he is taking the bear suit off.

( That?s a surefire way to get people?s attention. Hollow headless mascot wandering the food court.

Teddie claims that he is no longer a hollow bear. Having trained and trained, he claims to have an inside.

( And so?he takes off? his head. There? is a guy inside the bear suit. He sparkles. Have? Have I gone insane, Narrator? Has the pressure finally gotten to me?

Teddie(?) asks Chie and Yukiko if, perhaps, he can be brought something to wear, for he is, at the moment, much like a newborn. The two girls, at a loss for words, take him to the clothing department.

( Whilst we just sit there, slackjawed. Yosuke?s right ? it?s not like we haven?t seen weirder things, though. We get ourselves into gear to check with Rise ? the girls can take care of themselves if Teddie(?) turns out to be a zombie monster or something.

However, Souji, Yosuke and Kanji end up eating ice-cream whilst waiting for Chie and Yukiko to catch up. Teddie follows closely, obviously enjoying his new human form, and the fashionable clothing picked out for him by Chie and Yukiko.

( Chie regales us with stories of Teddie?s exploits in the clothing department. Guy?s going to need to learn some restraint.

The girls comment that Teddie could be quite charming should he learn to behave himself. Yosuke asks if Kanji agrees. Seeing Kanji?s confusion, he clarifies by asking if Teddie was Kanji?s type.

( Good lord, Yosuke. I mean, sick burn bro and all that, but learn to pick your fights.

After desperately smoothing things over with Kanji, Yosuke hands him and Teddie a 1000-yen note, suggesting they purchase Teddie some ice-cream, despite their protests. Chie comments how good it is that Yosuke has matured into an adult that does not let trifles bother him.

( That sounded suspicious. Yosuke thinks so, too.

Chie explains that she and Yukiko did not have enough money for Teddie?s clothes, and so charged the rest of the sum to Yosuke.

( It?s almost entrancing to see how quickly karma gets back at Yosuke for the stupid things he says and does.

Yosuke threatens Teddie to keep his newly-bought clothes in the best of condition. Chie shouts back at Yosuke, and the two get into a prolonged argument. Yukiko and Souji decide to leave the two be and go to Rise?s tofu shop.

( We run into that guy again, the one with the hat and the Kanji. As it were. He introduces himself as Naoto Shirogane, and it turns out that he?s the private investigator the city sent over to investigate the murders.

The boy asks the group about their knowledge of Morooka, and comments how the public?s view of the teacher?s being associated with the second victim?s school is irrelevant. He proceeds to state that he is intrigued at the inconsistency of Morooka having never appeared on television.

( Nice. No wonder this kid is driving Dojima up the wall.

With an enigmatic smile, the young man leaves. As the group starts to discuss, Rise comes down the road and greets them. She asks them if they have some time to spare, and invites them to follow her.

( On the way, we ask her if she remembers being kidnapped. Unfortunately, she gives us no leads, either. She does tell us that the Naoto kid had asked her many things about the incident, and, when asked about us, she had made things up.

Rise, trying to find the right words, thanks the group for what they did for her and, with a sudden change of character, as if a great weight had dropped off her shoulders, exclaims once again her thanks and her admiration for the investigation group.

( We?re all understandably surprised at the sudden cheer out of nowhere. Rise explains that her gloominess from the stress was probably not winning her any points.

Rise comments how her more cheerful self probably sounds more natural to the public, and muses how she?d entirely lost touch with what the ?normal? her is like. Chie and Yukiko reassure her that having multiple sides to a person is entirely normal.

( Before we all forget, we decide give her the glasses. While I try to put some sort of invitation together in my mind, she offers her help first.

Rise cheerfully accepts the glasses, eager to help the rest of the team. She says that she will be going to the same school as them, and asks for the group?s continued company.

( Kanji shows up then ? apparently Teddie ate a whopping five Topsicles. The guy?s a beast. We split up afterwards and everyone heads home.

That evening, Souji and Nanako watch the evening news. A picture of Morooka is shown on-screen. Nanako, scared, wonders if someone Souji knew had passed away.

( This is not the sort of thing Nanako should be watching. She?s such a rock normally ? and I mean that in the best of ways ? that one can forget about her situation.

That night, Souji finds himself whisked away, in his dreams, to the Velvet Room. Igor asks if Souji feels himself coming closer to the solution of his mystery, and tells Souji that a new form of Fusion is now available ? the ability to combine four or more Personae at once.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on July 11, 2011, 01:12:43 AM
Ah, uncharted territory. I knew much of the plot from Hiimdaisy's comic, which sorta ended abruptly; I know some of the details after this, but I didn't know about
Morooka's death
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Hanzo K. on July 11, 2011, 01:27:28 AM
Fun Fact: In Persona 2(both of them), there was a particularly draconian teacher/principal.
And he looked a lot like our old buddy Morooka. Can you guess what happened to him?
If you guessed that
he died horribly
, you win!
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on July 11, 2011, 06:18:47 PM
Fun Fact: In Persona 2(both of them), there was a particularly draconian teacher/principal.
And he looked a lot like our old buddy Morooka.

Huh, fascinating!

On my first playthrough of P4, I actually liked Morooka quite a lot - he had a lot of character, and quite unusual character at that.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on July 11, 2011, 06:18:59 PM
Day 92, July 11th, 2011.

Yosuke and Souji talk on the way to school, wondering what their new homeroom teacher would be like.

( Yosuke says they cannot be worse than Morooka. Well, Yosuke, now you?ve done it. We?re doomed.

As homeroom starts, the new teacher introduces herself as Noriko Kashiwagi.

( She promises to take ?good care? of us, with a giggle and a wink. She proceeds to ask us to close our eyes for a moment of silence for Morooka and, when we open them again, she?s sitting up on the desk, playing the Basic Instinct game, telling us what it means to become an adult.

Kashiwagi goes off on a sudden tangent to badmouth Rise Kujikawa and her status as an idol.

( She did say ?inexperienced jailbait,? I?m pretty sure.

After school, the investigation team gathers at the Junes food court. Chie and Yosuke lament about the upcoming exams, and Rise laughs, happy that she was able to make friends so quickly, despite the circumstances in which the friendship was forged.

( Yosuke eventually changes the subject to Morooka?s murder. Chie mentions that, even though he did not appear on TV, the murder happened just like all the other times. I think I?ve got an idea what?s going on.

Rise mentions that there is little sense in trying to deduce motive for the murders from the direction of personal grudges, instead suggesting that the killer most likely does not know his targets personally.

( We?re wondering what to do when that Naoto kid shows up again. He says that there is no reason to examine the Morooka case any further ? apparently the police had already found a suspect.

Naoto explains that the suspect is a high-schooler, and that the police have testimonies directly linking him to the incident. Yosuke asks why Naoto has told them what is certainly confidential information.

( Naoto says that he told us because our ?game? is to soon reach its end. I know I speak for Yosuke at least when I say that it?s not a game.

Naoto notes that Souji does not deny being involved in the matter.

( Very cute, detective kid. This guy would infuriate me to no end if he didn?t have a portrait. With that in mind, however, and the impression that he?s got something to prove ? to anyone, it seems, including a bunch of high-school punks ? I?m suspecting there?s more to this Naoto than meets the eye.

Rise berates Naoto for his poor taste in words. She says that it is Naoto who no doubt thinks of the affair as a game, with no personal connection to the case, only involved in it for the mystery and the solution thereof. Yosuke follows up by telling how the late Saki Konishi meant a lot to him. Naoto is cowed by the rebuttal.

( Yosuke, in his somewhat tasteless way, manages to hit the nail on the head ? now that the police have a suspect, Naoto?s assistance to them is unnecessary.

Naoto admits that this is true, bitter at how he is only paid attention to when he is necessary, and for no longer. Naoto excuses himself and leaves soon afterwards.

( That evening it?s Nanako and me again, braving the Dojima-less cold, hard night. Actually, Dojima calls, saying he?s on his way.

Nanako, in high spirits, starts preparing dinner, but finds out that there are no more pickled radishes in stock.

( I offer to run out and buy some, and have Nanako hold down the fort. She insists she come along, because we?d have to go to Junes.

Souji and Nanako head out and, soon enough, come back with the shopping to find Dojima already at home.

( Dojima is not pleased. He scolds Nanako for going out this late at night ? apparently, no matter the reason, rules are rules. I jump in ? Nanako?s not at fault, here.

Despite Souji?s taking her side, Nanako gets upset and runs to her room.

( Dojima, his face the sternest I?ve seen in a while, explains that he can?t allow kids to run about late at night, how dangerous it?s been, how I shouldn?t have been out there either? I just nod and head back to my room ? Dojima needs to cool off. I hope I?m not making light of the matter, but I do think that this overprotectiveness stems somewhere from the death of his wife, and now Nanako is suffering for it.
Title: Re: [P4] In Which We Follow the Day-By-Day Life of a Young Man In The Town of Inaba
Post by: Fightest on July 12, 2011, 10:26:58 PM
Day 93, July 12th, 2011.

Souji overhears students talking in the morning, reminding him that examinations start the next week.

[souji] And we learn from Kashiwagi ? who is quickly taking the place of ?teacher people are most uncomfortable being around? ? that eels are slimy due to some protein called mucin that agglutinates into microparticles.

The rainy day is otherwise uneventful, Souji once again trying his luck at Aiya and heading home afterwards.

Fightest's note: I'm going on vacation for a week and a half from tomorrow onwards, and I have not had the chance to play ahead, so updates will not resume until then. Fortunately, next week is exam week for Souji, meaning that nothing's happening anyway!