Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Hakurei Shrine~ => Rika and Nitori's Garage Experiments => Touhou Projects => Topic started by: Kasumi Tani on November 11, 2010, 04:27:17 PM

Title: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Kasumi Tani on November 11, 2010, 04:27:17 PM
As title says, I am wondering, is there English patch for Touhou Hack and Slash? (And if there is, does anyone know where to download it?)

I tried to google it, but no results.. And I really want to play this game.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Dude on November 18, 2010, 07:00:19 PM
Not that I know of, but it should be easy to translate because the .dat files in data\etc_data are exactly like text files and can be edited very easily.

I just wish I knew more Japanese so I could do it myself.

EDIT: The .dxa files are not so easy. D:
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Kasumi Tani on November 25, 2010, 03:48:48 PM
Unfortunately, I know basically nothing of Japanese and even less of any kind of programming or data-editing, so I am not qualified to do the translating myself...
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Dude on November 27, 2010, 07:37:35 PM

It honestly isn't that hard, but all I can change right now are item and enemy names. Oh, spaces don't work either so I used an underscore. I'll try and look around the files to see if I find anything interesting.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Kasumi Tani on November 28, 2010, 10:20:23 AM
Thank you very much for your work, Dude! This is a game I really wish I could play.

I wonder if items's names/stats and character's stats are in easily-accesable format? They are probably my main barrier towards playing this game, since I can't even just dungeon-crawl without knowing the properties of the items I find.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Dude on November 28, 2010, 04:21:32 PM
Yes, the item names and descriptions are located in data_11.dat. Sorry, I forgot to mention that. So each dat file contains:

11 = Item name and description (This is what you mostly want, right?)
21 = Enemy name and their stats (Not entirely necessary, but would be nice)
31 = Says something about "Enchantment". (I'm not too sure what it is yet.)
41 = Experience data. (It doesn't really need to be edited.)

And all of the images are compressed in a  single .dxa, so until the compression is undone, I, nor anyone else, can do anything to translate the images.
However, I have seen a guide on DS with what each stat thing does and I can quote it if you want me to.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Kasumi Tani on November 28, 2010, 06:10:19 PM
11 = Item name and description (This is what you mostly want, right?)

Yes, this is what I need the most. It really hurts not knowing items' properties and "magical" bonuses, especially since finding good items is one of the most fun parts of dungeon crawl games (for me, at least *sweatdrops* )

If you could translate at least items, I would gratly appreciate it.

And if character's stats are hard to translate, I guess a guide of which one means/does what would solve the problem (though fully translated character stats would still be very nice).
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Dude on November 28, 2010, 08:35:51 PM
FROM: Headhunterz

F1~F4 - spell cards
S = spell card window
C = status window
I = inventory
(Dude's note: Also, ESC = Save and options menu)
Hold CTRL = run
TAB = toggle zoom in/out map
(Dude's note: I usually just use the bottom buttons for the windows. The order from top to bottom is: Status, Spellcards, Inventory, then the save menu and options stuff)


defeat them in solo mode

Finish the game with solo or multiplayer mode.

In order to play in network mode edit network_config.ini manually because the developer said "it's a bonus mode so we dont really care about it"
up to 8 players and works fine with hamachi
(Dude's note: I still have yet to try this, if anyone wants to try, please let me know.)

you'll see some unknown meaning of the numbers in network_config.ini but no worry.. here i go
Line 1: Nickname
Line 2: port
Line 3: Your IP address
Line 4: Your server address

(*) for first time play. create a new character then quit.
(*) Load the character (2nd menu from main menu)
(*) you'll see new menu appear. 1st menu: Solo, 2nd menu: Multiplayer
(*) and another menu appear after you click multiplayer. 1st menu: Host, 2nd menu: join



1. Strength
2. Technique
3. Vitality
4. Energy

5. Attack
6. Accuracy
7. Evade
8. Defense
9. Magic defense

Status explanation:
Strength = we know this already  :D
Technique = its like agility and dexterity. this status affect Evade and hit
Vitality = of course we know this too but this status affect defense too
Energy = add more SP, magic defense (danmaku bullet imo), and Magic attack


Akyuu quest:
- defeat Rumia, Flandre, Suwako and Orin

Eirin quest item in order (and need 3 items each quest)
- 1-3F = iron block
- 4-6F = bat wing
- 7-9F = tengu nose
- 10-12F = Fire seed
- 13-15F = crow beak

Rinnosuke quest items (to get the spell card, 3 items)
- 3F = fluff
- 6F = Bone
- 9F = Ghost band
- 12F = beast paw
- 15F = Wolf skin

(*) to increase the spellcard power to next level. you need to learn the same spell card
(Dude's note: And be sure you are at a high enough level to use it)
(*) warehouse is shared. one for all characters

the blue ones allows you to refine up to +3
the green one refines up to +5
the red ones up to +7

Fun fact: capture the screen with "print screen" button. and the folder name is "shameimaru" instead of "screenshots"


That should be as much that is necessary. Sorry for the long post.

EDIT: I found a character that looks exactly like a space, but isn't created using the space bar, so it's usable for names! Yay.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Dude on November 28, 2010, 10:33:59 PM
New post because the last one is too long to edit this post into.

Here's a release of what I've done so far: (

All that's done right now are the one use items, such as potions and maps, quest items, and I change the Kanji used for yen to "Yen".  There are a shit ton of weapons to translate, so I'll work when I can. Right now, I have a paper due tomorrow and it's halfway done. So I can't work on it any more tonight.

EDIT: Well the paper is done. I guess I can work on the translation for another hour...

EDIT2: Ok, I need some translating help real quick:

A. What is the stick thing called that Reimu caries and attacks with?
B. What is the translation of "Sepisu"? (It's written in Katakana)

EDIT3: Oh dear god these weapon names are going to be a pain.  I might just have to be creative.  Also, I can't seem to find the text for the stat bonuses that show up on the equipment... It's probably somewhere else.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Kasumi Tani on November 29, 2010, 07:25:42 PM
Thank you very much for your work, Dude! You can't imagine how much I appreciate it.

Sorry that there seems to be too much work involved in this; well, there is no need to rush, just take it easy ~_^

Oh, and the wands that Reimu and Sanae carry are called Gohei (
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Piemur1 on December 19, 2010, 10:51:32 PM
Sorry for rezzing this post but I'm also working a bit on the item datafile as well as a tiny bit of the monster datafile. I've only added the common monsters of floor 1 (Kedamas, Golems, and Slimes) and haven't actually GOTTEN to Kisume to figure out what her data ID is...As for items, again, since I don't read a single word of Japanese, I'm going with extremely generic names like Hat and Ribbon and Hakkero. And when identified, a bit more specific, but still bad sounding, such as WitchHat1 and MiniHakkero2, etc. And I'm not touching the descriptions. If anyone who can read japanese would be willing to send me a translation for those, would be appreciated. But for now, I'm going generic with what I know.

But I've figured out that the game does NOT like OpenOffice when I open it as a .csv file to get it into a spreadsheet format and then resave it as a .dat file. Somewhat frustrating when I'm trying to figure out what parts are like their spellcard names and whatnot (you know with those cool bracket things that they use for quotations?) Anywho...I'll be working on this some more then send you what I've got, if anyone's still interested.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Nyrin on December 30, 2010, 07:46:39 AM
Actually, I wouldn't mind getting that file off of you. I'm playing it now as well, but I'm having a hard time figuring a lot of this out. Dude's post was helpful in getting me to understand the basics. I'm also wondering if in any of the .dat files is the stats for your character, I'd really like to change their names. Any help is greatly appreciated :3
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Piemur1 on December 30, 2010, 06:33:17 PM
Here you go. I'm attaching all the data files even though I've only updated 2 of them. They go in the ..Touhack\data\etc_data folder. The updates include Monster names (generic such as Green Slime, Blue Golem, etc) and item names (including unidentified ones). Again I'm not very creative for item names so they all include a generic unidentified name and when identified names such as "Marisa's Mini-Hakkero 1" and "Reimu's Miko Outfit 4" and so on. I haven't yet found if you can change the character names in the game or not. I've gone through the files and it seems that these files in the etc_data folder are 11 for item stats, 12 for monster stats, 13 for stat increases from upgrades, and 14 for experience gains/requirements. The other .dxa data files I believe are files for background music, sound effects, images and animations, and mapping data. The actual text and such in the game might be encoded directly in the executable or some such, and I don't have experience in editing those directly as of yet. Don't actually PLAN on hacking that stuff (lol hacking into a hack n slash game xD) so yeah, I can help with the data files where the stuff is stored as plain text, but don't count on me being able to actually change the dialog and names for the actual game text.

Here're the files that I've got done so far... (
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Nyrin on December 30, 2010, 09:07:48 PM
:3 Thank you so much c: This is very helpful, thank you very much :3

Edit: I've renamed the refining materials to refining ore, as that seems to be what they look like. I've seen the +3 and +5, and have named them Blue Refining Ore and Green Refining Ore respectively, the +7 and +9 have both been named to ?? ?? Refining Ore until I can find them and get their colour.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Dude on December 30, 2010, 09:58:35 PM
It's official, I'm lazy.
I start on one project then stop halfway through and go to a different project. I really hate that about myself :(
At least I helped other people learn how to start the translation!  :D
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Piemur1 on December 31, 2010, 01:25:50 AM
Heh, glad you like it. And thanks for the refining ore renaming thing. I believe +7 is red. Also, you will notice I named all the monsters and bosses by their ID number, so when you encounter enemies with numbers, mark them down and replace the second number (after the comma) with their name.

Oh, and I believe the description text is right after the comma. But no, I haven't found anything that explains the bonuses and such...You'd have to just compare symbols and guess for the best.

And Dude, don't worry dude. Happens to all of us.  ;)
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Nyrin on December 31, 2010, 01:56:10 AM
I'm on the fifth floor now, actually, Scarlet Devil Mansion, ran into Hong Meiling as the floor boss for floor four, now I'm running around on the fifth. Seems like:
Black Bat, Skeleton, and I can't remember for the life of me what the little fairies are and have a blue outfit, and Hong Meiling as the floor boss.
Green Bat, Blood Skeleton, and see above but with a black outfit, and I have yet to run into the floor boss for floor five.

I'll go update the 21.dat now.

Okay, it's updated. I'm going to god-mode myself (as much as possible) and run through and collect data, I'll let you know when I'm done. Oh, and I met Flandre. She doesn't like you.

Met Sakuya, turns out that beating her isn't TOO difficult, however, she has spell cards, and she likes to use me. Just as in the the original games, to make her switch, you have to have dealt enough damage to her. Well, she's unlocked now, just gotta figure out if I want to continue as Marisa or switch.

Newest Update: I just finished floor nine, and I have the floor boss data for each floor, as well as the enemies. I don't have the exact name for the enemies, so I'll post pictures in a later update/post to those in question. I have all the boss names, so I'm good now. :3

Next Newest Update: Okay, I've finished floor 12, and I've got the data for the enemies and such there. I've got the boss data for Floors 11 and 12, but I couldn't seem to find a way into a large block of terrain that seemed completely blocked off at all directions. If anyone has any info on this, let me know please.

"Final" Boss Beat: Okay, looks like I've beaten the final boss. I'm missing names for three bosses now, as I couldn't find one on floor 14 and floor 13 pulled the same stint as floor 10. I'm going to see if the enemies at the same on Hard and Lunatic tomorrow, if they are, I'm going to copy the names over from Normal and go from there. Still need to find floor 16 :/
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on December 31, 2010, 07:46:41 AM
Does anyone know what the stats are? I'm having trouble choosing which Item to equip Reimu with as I'm not sure what they increase.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Nyrin on January 01, 2011, 12:25:01 AM
FROM: Headhunterz


1. Strength
2. Technique
3. Vitality
4. Energy

5. Attack
6. Accuracy
7. Evade
8. Defense
9. Magic defense

Status explanation:
Strength = we know this already  :D
Technique = its like agility and dexterity. this status affect Evade and hit
Vitality = of course we know this too but this status affect defense too
Energy = add more SP, magic defense (danmaku bullet imo), and Magic attack

If you're equipping something, open up both the item and character screens, then equip and unequip weapons and armour to see which is better. As far as I know, I don't see a difference between Magic Defense and Magic Attack, I think they're the same stat.

Oh, and I have discovered that the maximum level in the game is 56, which requires something like 9 or 90 billion exp. I'll double check the number, as soon as I figure out why it won't load.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on January 01, 2011, 04:57:44 PM
Thanks Nyrin. Good luck with translating this you guys.

Edit: *Looks where the quote is from....* :blush:
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Piemur1 on January 02, 2011, 04:00:07 AM
Heh, it's less translating and more fiddling, generic names, and guesswork. I really wish we COULD have a translator help us out for some of this, but alas...and at least we know who most of the bosses are, right? :D

Nyrin, do the shops update their inventory the further down the dungeons you go? I haven't really had a chance at playing this game much because of the hols, but I'm still keeping up to date on what you're doing and stuff. Would the little fairies be called "Fairies"? Or to be more precise, "Fairy"? And is the number in the description text on the spellcard item the level requirement to level up your spells? There's a 6 for Marisa's "Shooting Star" type spell (can't remember its exact name) and I can't use them to level the spellcard up yet. I only have a level 1 Star still. Then again, I'm only level 4 (or was it 5?) and only around the 3rd floor in the dungeon. Also hate how I have to restart the dungeon at level 1 everytime I close the game. Hence why I'm asking if there's an update for the shop inventories. I want faster ways to get to the higher floors.

One thing I wan't to point out for lulz is the fact that the stairs all go up when you proceed to the next level...but it's just a cave outside, right? Is Yukari messing with our boundaries with gaps again?  :D
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Nyrin on January 02, 2011, 09:54:05 AM
Heh, it's less translating and more fiddling, generic names, and guesswork. I really wish we COULD have a translator help us out for some of this, but alas...and at least we know who most of the bosses are, right? :D
Well, I know all but four of the bosses, as I stated, floors 10 and 13 pulled this block of area that I couldn't figure out how to get into. Might have something to do with quests, I dunno.

Nyrin, do the shops update their inventory the further down the dungeons you go?
They update according to your level, as I hit level 56 at floor five and there was high level gear in the shops, as well as epic pots for healing.
I haven't really had a chance at playing this game much because of the holes, but I'm still keeping up to date on what you're doing and stuff. Would the little fairies be called "Fairies"? Or to be more precise, "Fairy"?
Actually, I've renamed them to Daiyousei as that's what the Wiki says for their name. I've given them differing names as I went according to colour and such.
And is the number in the description text on the spellcard item the level requirement to level up your spells? There's a 6 for Marisa's "Shooting Star" type spell (can't remember its exact name) and I can't use them to level the spellcard up yet. I only have a level 1 Star still. Then again, I'm only level 4 (or was it 5?) and only around the 3rd floor in the dungeon.
Yes, the number you see there is indeed the level you need to be to level it up. I believe the level changes if you pick up a third spell card of the same type after leveling it up. If you can find a third one and check this for me, that'd be appreciated, as I can't seem to open my game anymore (still working as to why).
Also hate how I have to restart the dungeon at level 1 everytime I close the game. Hence why I'm asking if there's an update for the shop inventories. I want faster ways to get to the higher floors.
Yes, Eirin's shop updates with scrolls to teleport to the the fourth, seventh, tenth, and thirteenth floors, according to the areas. You'll receive scrools when you hit those floors in her shop at increasing prices the farther down you go.

One thing I want to point out for lulz is the fact that the stairs all go up when you proceed to the next level...but it's just a cave outside, right? Is Yukari messing with our boundaries with gaps again?  :D
No, not really, you go down a flight of stairs to the first floor.

Kind of figured out why it wouldn't load. Seems I made a mistake somewhere in data_11. Since I really didn't change anything in it except the refining ore names, I'll just go pick up the other one that's here and swap it in and reedit the names.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Piemur1 on January 02, 2011, 02:33:31 PM
Ah cool. Thanks. So are there regular fairies and slightly bigger fairies? Daiyousei is the name I think for Greater Fairy. I watch a lot of anime, and the Dai prefix usually means bigger or greater. And from watching the anime Yukikaze, I found that the full name is "Sentou Yousei Yukikaze" with the translated name being "Battle Fairy Yukikaze". I've also heard that name referencing to an actual fairy, but I always attributed it to the name of a particular fairy (I think the one in Mokou's stage before EX-Keine...or mebbe right before Mokou herself, I forget). I know a TINY bit of Japanese, but nowhere NEAR what's required for a translation project. And I can't read a single stroke of kanji...  ???

But yeah, anyway. I believe Cirno and Lilly are both "Daiyousei" with Cirno being "The Strongest" ((That eye am!)) Shut up nineball. :] So I'm guessing it would be more along the lines of your call for calling them Daiyousei or just Yousei (or even just fairy)  ;)

Yes I have two of those items for upgrading spellcards, and theyre both got a 6 in them, so I'm guessing that when you upgrade one, the other self-updates to the next level requirement. :3

Here's a hint for updating something like that...back-up everything. It really helps if you ever mess something up and the program just won't cooperate anymore. Here are two rules for that I'd seen somewhere a long time ago:
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Nyrin on January 02, 2011, 03:57:26 PM
Hmm, alright, I'll go change the names to Yousei then, so it makes better sense to those playing it, as there aren't really any bigger fairies.

Okay, it's editted. I left the names for Daiyousei exclusive to the floors for 13-15, as those fairies a freaking MEAN.

I have the sudden urge to make a Cirno themed 9 Ball for billiards now.

Also, freaking Sakuya. AWESOME.

I have just discovered how to take your character beyond level 56. I will experiment until I can draw a conclusion to how to do it properly and raise the level cap to 99. Also, it turns out that you're not expected to hit level 56 on a Normal play though, as you can take your character you made and bring them to Hard Mode, which a green slime gives just about as much EXP as Satori does in Normal mode. Well, not exactly the same as Satori, but it's not far off. So those of you trying to figure out how to get 1.3 Billion EXP, this is how you do it, by progressing through the modes.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: AgeBlader222 on January 05, 2011, 01:07:42 AM
Well, I did decide to help a bit myself

But i'm going to be honest, that i toyed a bit with the enemy's EXPs on normal mode so... yeah...  :V
Some names I just couldn't figure out.

Also, I did manage to get the Spellcard names
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Nyrin on January 05, 2011, 01:23:54 AM
Perfect! Thank you, I'll add this to my list. I have all the enemy names, however, do you have floors 2, 10, 13, and 14 bosses?

I like your names for the refining items better, I'm going to switch mine with yours :3 Okay, done, However, I've noticed the names of the spells once registered don't change.

I've noticed you got Alice Margatroid listed for Floor 16, but I encountered her right after Sakuya on floor 7. How did you play as?
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: AgeBlader222 on January 05, 2011, 01:55:21 AM
I've noticed you got Alice Margatroid listed for Floor 16, but I encountered her right after Sakuya on floor 7. How did you play as?

Oh that, when I opened my data 21 in the first place, I saw her on the bottom there too. Its just the placement in the file that makes her look like she's on the 16th floor.

2nd floor boss is Rumia
10th is Yuugi
13th is Ran Yakumo
and 14th is Koishi

Also, the reason the spells don't change after leveling them up is because their in a different file instead of the data ones. Same with character names.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Nyrin on January 05, 2011, 02:01:42 AM
Also, the reason the spells don't change after leveling them up is because their in a different file instead of the data ones. Same with character names.
This isn't when leveling, even the level 1 spell card that I have registered for Marisa and Sakuya both still read in their original language. Maybe the names in Data_11 apply only to the items and not to the registered name data. Either way, they've been placed in, I've updated my bosses, and I believe Cirno is the boss of floor 16, but we don't get access to that until we beat Lunatic I believe. And I did the EXP trick to run through as well. How did you get to floors 10 and 13 for the bosses? They were completely blocked off for me.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: AgeBlader222 on January 05, 2011, 02:07:41 AM
Blocked off? Well, I did manage to find a wiki that showed maps on each floor of the game. But of course, its all in Japanese. But if I remember the bosses would be in the center of the dungeon rooms, you'd just have to go around the entire area (I usually do that to find more items) and find an opening to the boss's rooms.
Also, sorry I put Utsuho, I mean't to say Ran.
Also, for the Extra mode on Cirno's farm, I did change the data for that and put in her name. (and lol'd at her 9'd values)
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: AgeBlader222 on January 05, 2011, 02:22:46 AM
Sorry i reposted, but

This is a Japanese wiki of the game that has the dungeon maps to every floor so you can find the bosses and what not.
The red squared areas are where the bosses are at.

Also, someone should really post a Hamachi server I do want some more playmates~ Too bad I terrible lag
So I might cause you to RAGE uncontrollably.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Nyrin on January 05, 2011, 03:04:53 AM
If you're on tomorrow, I could play with you
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Ghaleon on January 05, 2011, 04:18:20 AM
kinda wanting to learn more japanese/get a more complete translation patch before I play this game, otherwise I'd hook up with you.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: AgeBlader222 on January 05, 2011, 01:38:28 PM
kinda wanting to learn more japanese/get a more complete translation patch before I play this game, otherwise I'd hook up with you.

Well, if more people decided to contribute to playing this game... there would be an english patch >_>

Also. Just unlocked hard mode
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Nyrin on January 05, 2011, 01:48:30 PM
Well, if more people decided to contribute to playing this game... there would be an english patch >_>

Also. Just unlocked hard mode

If I had any knowledge of coding, I'd be more than happy to make a complete english patch for this game, otherwise this is as much as we can do for it until someone with coding power comes in.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: bennelsey on January 05, 2011, 03:10:32 PM
Well, if more people decided to contribute to playing this game... there would be an english patch >_>
what kind of contribution? I unlocked extra about the first half of last year lol
My Sakuya totally pwns even after Reimu's hax melee elemental ribbon got nerf'd on the patch that added lunatic mode
level is somewhere near 50, i know a few people that already reached the limit ^^
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: AgeBlader222 on January 05, 2011, 07:02:08 PM
By contribution, I meant that if a lot more people would start playing this game, someone would have to have made an english patch, and by a lot, I mean quite a lot.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Ghaleon on January 05, 2011, 08:36:36 PM
I'm sorry, but I think you're living in a fantasy land if you think translators/hackers fall from the sky and work on a game because they were counting the number of people playing it. That might fly for commercial games, but not doujin. For example Fushigi no Gensokyo seems to have a rather large fanbase, and people have tried to translate it (Before the fanbase was as large), but given the technical difficulties, that project was scrapped unfortunately.

Besides, if I was a translator, rather than caring about how many people are playing the game, I'd be more interested in those who are not playing it but  WOULD if I translated it anyway.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: AgeBlader222 on January 05, 2011, 09:21:09 PM
Oh well, can't say I didn't wish for the sky to crap translators. I'd rather just learn from a couple of my friends who can code.

If you're on tomorrow, I could play with you
I'm always, always, always, always, on the internet. Sadly I have no outside life~
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Nyrin on January 06, 2011, 01:52:06 AM
Oh well, can't say I didn't wish for the sky to crap translators. I'd rather just learn from a couple of my friends who can code.

Also,I'm always, always, always, always, on the internet. Sadly I have no outside life~
Yeah, well I didn't expect to have to work a full day today, so it'll have to wait until tomorrow :3 And Happy Birthday
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on January 07, 2011, 07:49:49 PM
I just started playing this game as well, level 22 at the moment. Also in the process of making a page on the wiki. I'll play with you guys if you have a hamachi server. If not I have my own you guys can join.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: AgeBlader222 on January 07, 2011, 09:03:47 PM
Sure i'll go for your server i'm lv 40~ and love to use Sakuya
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on January 07, 2011, 09:16:54 PM
Sweet, server is Touhou Hack and Slash, pass is touhou.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Nyrin on January 08, 2011, 01:10:35 AM
I'll come join the server now :D
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on January 09, 2011, 06:44:17 AM
We got netplay working like a charm, if anyone wants to join =D
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Nyrin on January 12, 2011, 09:48:23 PM
Wow, lack of activity much? So, anything new on the patch? I've been clearing up small stuff in the 11-41 thngs. Other than that, not much activity on my part.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on January 12, 2011, 09:57:24 PM
I've been trying D:

Actually, I just found a megaunpacker that says it has a lot of the common japanese packing algorithms. Except it's for mac only D:  Anyone have a mac that wants to test this?
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Nyrin on January 17, 2011, 12:18:43 AM
I've been correcting small errors here and there in the other files, but other than that, I'm about as far as I can go with this.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: blozzee on July 27, 2011, 05:50:10 PM
I didn't save any item in the inventory!!! does that mean ALL MY ITEM WILL BE GONE!!! ;A;


Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Dude on August 31, 2011, 01:29:08 AM
Hey everyone, I found a way to open .dxa files:

There is a dxadecode and dxaencode, but if you re-encode the decoded files to a .dxa again, it doesn't work properly but it will work fine if it's in a folder.
For example, say you have IMG.dxa, extract everything from it, stick it in a folder named IMG and move the original IMG.dxa.

And also, the text script is not in the dxa files! It's compressed inside the .exe so... we'll probably need some way to edit that data, anyone got any ideas?
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on August 31, 2011, 01:36:40 PM
Yea I remember qazmlpok said the dxa files we're similar to the the ones for Labyrinth of Touhou, but when he decoded them they were slightly jumbled up.

I can disassemble the exe and take a look, it wouldn't be hard to change the text if it's directly added as strings in the exe.

Edit: Omg...this whole time the text has been on the exe, I even went through it and didn't realize that it was the game script.... *facepalm*.

I can do it all pretty easily, all I need now is the text to be translated. If someone wants to translate, I can dump the dialogue, though each sentence might not be in proper place, not sure.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Dude on August 31, 2011, 07:44:09 PM
So I'll just leave this here: (
Everything but the introduction image when you first select a character is translated.
(Credits to FlanP0P)
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on August 31, 2011, 09:20:06 PM
Awesome. I'll make sure FlanP0P gets credit. Would he/she want to translate the dialogue? o.o

Edit: Mission accomplished.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Dude on August 31, 2011, 11:36:51 PM
Awesome. I'll make sure FlanP0P gets credit. Would he/she want to translate the dialogue? o.o

Edit: Mission accomplished.
A. I just PM'd him/her and haven't heard anything back yet.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on August 31, 2011, 11:38:33 PM
Right now I'm seeing what I can do with offsets/trying to change how the dialogue box works. Hopefully it won't be a problem and I can fit all the text in.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: XephyrEnigma on September 01, 2011, 12:22:18 AM
Oh my, progress is being made, and I can see it happening. This is a first. (I don't normally get to see things like this happen in real-time) Keep up the good work guys, Wish I could help, but no knowledge of japanese to work with :I
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on September 01, 2011, 09:42:33 PM
Here's a dump of the dialogue.

The start of a message box is on a non-tabbed line. Tabbed lines refer to new lines in a message box in-game. Just as a reference. Also, if anyone does wish to translate, it would be awesome if you could type it up on a separate text file, in the exact same order as it appears untranslated. Actually, just message me first before you do so.

Oh, and ignore the couple file names randomly in the middle, they're just there for reference when inserting stuff back in.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Dude on September 02, 2011, 12:11:31 AM
I think I'll try translating it. I know very basic Japanese, but I'll use google for some words and kanji I don't know.

I can piece together what they're saying, it's just turning that same meaning to english words is pretty difficult.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on September 02, 2011, 01:40:55 AM
Yeah, I'm hoping for some quality control. I'll be going over the text afterward at the very least to make sure it makes sense and to fix errors.

Oh also, I've been looking through othere game exe's with IDA/hex editor and I think a lot of the untranslated games have their dialogue in the exe.  I already found that both Sanae! Challenge games are that way, so I might try to extract the dialogue from those games later too for translating.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Dude on September 06, 2011, 04:31:25 PM
B. What is the translation of "Sepisu"? (It's written in Katakana)

Apparently it's "Sepith"

...I still have no idea what that is, but we'll call it that. :V
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: XephyrEnigma on September 06, 2011, 04:43:43 PM

Apparently it's "Sepith"

...I still have no idea what that is, but we'll call it that. :V

Apparently another game uses it as some kind of refining phlebotinum, but it isn't really a word anyway.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Dude on September 06, 2011, 05:20:18 PM
Well we're using it.

To be honest, the only thing I need translated is the stat stuff, which is also in the .exe

This crap:

How do we edit that?
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on September 06, 2011, 06:23:17 PM
If you translate it, I'll be able to edit it into the game through hex editing. Or wait, there's an earlier post with that already; I'll try putting it in now.

Edit: Err, silly me, those are just comments and the modifiers for values. Lemme look through the dxa files for the image.

Actually, did you write the encoding program? If not, where did you get it from?

Double Edit: How did you say you got the encoding to work again? It extracted under the img folder, and then I encoded, but it didn't work.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Dude on September 06, 2011, 11:21:00 PM
Yeeeeah, encoding a .dxa and trying to use it with the game executable doesn't work. FlanP0P mentioned that in her post on DS.
I forgot to mention earlier~ You can use dxaencode and dxadecode for the .dxa files in the data folder.
When I used dxaencode to turn the folder back into a .dxa. The game refused to run~ So thats why I left
the img folder as it is now.
Hopefully someone can figure it out!

Just rename img.dxa to something like imgoriginal.dxa and load the translated img folder with all of it's contents where the img.dxa should be.
Like this: (

It should work then.

Oh, I didn't make it, I just installed this then zipped the two executable files in the file I posted earlier:
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on September 07, 2011, 12:23:37 AM
So, how's this for a first attempt ever at image editing game files? :D

That's weird that it bypasses the dxa encoding, I guess the creator added that functionality just in case...or left it out by accident with improper coding.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Dude on September 07, 2011, 02:20:51 AM
Energy should be Intelligence imo.

And what about the partially translated img folder that I posted earlier that Flan made? ^^;
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on September 07, 2011, 02:25:03 AM
Oh yeah, jeeze. I thought I downloaded it but I guess I didn't. I'll try implementing all those now.

And hey, you were the one who put in energy when you translated the stats on the first page of this thread, pshhhh.  :derp:
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Dude on September 07, 2011, 02:29:48 AM
FROM: Headhunterz
Guess again~!
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on September 07, 2011, 02:38:56 AM
Foiled! :(

Well, there's only 8 images now left to translate, and the dialogue, as well as some system text I think. (I think one of the images is something that pops up above Utsuho's head, and the image name is fresh_meat; probably a reference to the Butcher from Diablo, lmao).
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Dude on September 07, 2011, 02:48:55 AM
(That image is for Rumia)

The main thing I want translated is the equip bonus stuff. Like when you identify an item and refine it, it gains stuff, but I don't know what that stuff is! It shouldn't be hard if we can just find where it is.

Everything else is fine by me. Personally, I'm not that into stories. :V
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on September 07, 2011, 02:55:36 AM
Ohhhh right, the screenshot was the text for the modifiers. I'll redo the editing and test it.

Edit: Yup, that was it. The rest of the data, such as names and descriptions, are in the .dat files, so those still need to be finished translating.

Alright, I decided to stay up and I made a lot of changes, including names shown when hovering over stuff (NPC's, stairs, etc.) I haven't had much trouble yet, though I have to stay within the character bounds since I don't know how to offset the text to make more room and not screw up the exe at the same time. Looks good otherwise though.

Edit 2: Also, I should hopefully be able to fix the spacing issue. There should be a spacing character that doesn't evoke a line break somwhere...
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Dude on September 07, 2011, 10:53:25 PM
U+3000 is a space character that doesn't screw stuff up.

Also, I'm editing the .dat files FlanP0P posted which have the _ character atm, so I'll upload it when I'm done.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on September 07, 2011, 11:08:05 PM
Ideographic space? Mannn that was like the one character I didn't try. D:   Alrighty, I shall wait. I have pretty much all of the system text translated that's inside of the exe. (except a few things that I can't do because of space requirements, which is pretty much just the spellcards)

If you want to look through it, here's what I have so far in the exe.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Dude on September 08, 2011, 12:34:29 AM

And here's what I've got:

EDIT: Enemies are acting weird, fixing now.

Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on September 08, 2011, 12:57:59 AM
Lemme try adding the 30 00 char and testing it.

Edit: Nope, Shift-Jis doesn't recognize it and the null char cuts off the description.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Dude on September 08, 2011, 01:08:03 AM

WE'RE SO CLOSE. Oh well, a weird character shouldn't really hinder gameplay much, right? It's probably not that big of a deal but it's just annoying. :<

...I think I'm gonna play it right now, just to see if everything else works correctly... I'll  keep watching the topic, but yeah.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on September 08, 2011, 01:30:30 AM
We'll, I'll try to deal with that later. Right now we just need the dialogue done, and to find a way to insert longer strings.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: XephyrEnigma on September 08, 2011, 02:03:34 AM

And here's what I've got:

One of the dat files is causing inexplicable*(*XXXXX has encountered a problem and needs to close) errors there. Also, some buttons and parts of the menu interface become invisible. (I think this is happening from etc_data2. just a heads up.)

Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Pesco on September 08, 2011, 06:51:15 AM

And here's what I've got:

EDIT: Enemies are acting weird, fixing now.


The screenshot reminds me of Diablo 1. It's great motivation to make me work on LoM even harder.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on September 08, 2011, 10:00:47 AM
One of the dat files is causing inexplicable*(*XXXXX has encountered a problem and needs to close) errors there. Also, some buttons and parts of the menu interface become invisible. (I think this is happening from etc_data2. just a heads up.)

He said he screwed that file up, I wouldn't use it.

The screenshot reminds me of Diablo 1. It's great motivation to make me work on LoM even harder.

Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Dude on September 08, 2011, 03:06:35 PM
This is as good as I'm going to make it.

It should work, but the enemy names are effed up :<

Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on September 08, 2011, 06:16:43 PM
That's fine, we can deal with that last.

Atm, I'm trying to figure out how to manipulate the pointers in hex to increase the array size for text strings.

Edit: WELL! That wasn't so hard, I just figured out how to offset text to anywhere in the program. :D
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on September 09, 2011, 04:10:06 PM
Yessssss! It's working! I was able to offset and increase the test size, and I translated and replaced all the boss spell cards through pointer manipulation. So basically, there are no more obstacles left (except maybe that stupid space thing  :V)

I'll hopefully have all the system text and such done by today or tomorrow. After that, all that's left is dialogue and item stuff in the dat files.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Dude on September 09, 2011, 11:15:28 PM

Officially fixed. :D

I rebundled everything, so just put it all in the etc_data folder~
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on September 09, 2011, 11:40:34 PM
That's the old space we used o.o

I already had that, lol. I'm trying to find a regular length space. :V
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Dude on September 10, 2011, 12:00:52 AM
Oh, k

At least it's not a weird character anymore...  :V
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on September 10, 2011, 12:02:55 AM
Blah, I'm having problems with boss spell cards. If there's more than like, 30 chars in the name, it goes off to the left of the screen, and spaces don't fix it for some reason.

Edit: Nvm, I know what I did wrong.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on September 10, 2011, 08:45:54 PM

All system text is done, including boss spell cards, stats, location names, etc. (few minor organizing adjustments still needed).

Player spell cards are in the dialogue so I haven't touched them yet.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Dude on September 10, 2011, 09:22:56 PM
So I looked inside the exe again to find out what font it uses so we can edit the length of the ideographic space.

MS UI Gothic is what I saw. Is it possible to make it use a different font?

And by different font, I mean just copy and paste the current font it uses and change the length of that space. I already edited it to be the same length as a normal space. I just need to know how to implement it in.

Like maybe rename it to MM UI Gothic and have the ttf file in the same folder as the exe? Sorta like what they did with PoFV?
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on September 10, 2011, 09:38:08 PM
I already planned on doing something like that after, it might work. I'm not gonna look at it til last though, since it's not a major thing, but if you can figure it out that'd be awsum.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Dude on September 10, 2011, 09:49:42 PM
Well I made the font file already, but I can't seem to edit the program. How do you do it? ???
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on September 10, 2011, 10:36:29 PM
To directly edit the contents, you use a hex editor.

Edit: Alright, I'm all done system text including the small kinks before(unless random errors occur during play). I'll try to figure out the font thing.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Dude on September 11, 2011, 01:31:20 AM
From what I saw, the only thing that changed was the dialogue box that pops up when you don't have a config file. -_- I'm trying to figure out what font the game really uses. Once I know that, it will be easy to fix.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on September 11, 2011, 02:40:55 AM
I found this font listed in the program: MS Pゴシック, which is MS P Gothic.

Edit: And also just found MS ゴシック, so MS Gothic, though I'd assume this is for english characters.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Dude on September 11, 2011, 03:40:09 PM
I renamed it to MS (P)Kothic and remapped the characters in both.

If you can change it, that'd be great. I'm stupid and can't find anything. :V

So basically, change the "go" to "ko" and we're good.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on September 11, 2011, 04:43:23 PM
Hopefully this works.

Upload the font too so I can test it as well.

Edit: It seemed to work, I tried just opening the game while it was changed and it seemed to default to something else, the + sign was different at least,
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Dude on September 11, 2011, 04:49:08 PM
One sec, it works, but I didn't edit PKothic right. Fixing now.

EDIT: It shows no difference for me... what do you think? Deleted cuz new one

EDIT2: I think I found it, hold on for a minute.

EDIT3: Nope. orz
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on September 11, 2011, 05:17:36 PM
Yeah, it doesn't load the new font.

The one on the left is what it defaults to, which is actually worse, lol.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Dude on September 11, 2011, 05:26:16 PM
All system text is done, including boss spell cards, stats, location names, etc. (few minor organizing adjustments still needed).
Hopefully this works.

Upload the font too so I can test it as well.

Edit: It seemed to work, I tried just opening the game while it was changed and it seemed to default to something else, the + sign was different at least,
It's the same link ._.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on September 11, 2011, 05:33:24 PM
Oshi, wtf.

Oh, when I upload it keeps linking to the same file cause its the same name, wtf. One sec.

Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Dude on September 11, 2011, 05:41:19 PM
o/ I'm almost positive it's smaller!

Here you go:

And you need to install it for it to work. You can't just have it in the same folder.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on September 11, 2011, 05:51:50 PM
That's perfect. :3

What are we gonna do about implementing it though if it needs to be installed?
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Dude on September 11, 2011, 06:04:32 PM
It doesn't overwrite anything...

Write a tutorial maybe? Put this screenshot with it?

It's not like the Touhou community is computer retarded, right? :V
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on September 11, 2011, 06:38:56 PM
Well yea, I guess it can be part of the installer.

So yea. Who's doing the dialogue. D:
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Dude on September 11, 2011, 07:43:24 PM
Idk, Flanpop's busy with life... I suck at it... Who does that leave?
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on September 11, 2011, 08:51:44 PM
Oh also, we should only install MS PKothic. MS Kothic is for the dialogue...and it got screwed up. There's huge spaces between them now. D:

I changed that font back though, and now everything is fine, and the inventory font is still good to go. Here's the updated exe.

So uh...anyone reading this thread wanna translate? ;-;
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on September 12, 2011, 08:48:02 PM
GOOD NEWS! The amazing Deranged translated the dialogue for me in one night. :D

I'll get to work on it ASAP. (hopefully school won't be too much of a bother  :ohdear:)

Edit: I just compared the character count; there's a lot of extra space to work with, there's 64064 bytes of space that the original dialogue takes up, and 54735 bytes of english characters (plus about 1000 null characters I'll need). So yea, it should be relatively easy to line everything up, so I won't have to do ridiculous hex calculations to move pointers. So in other words, it should be fairly easy and straight-forward.   :3
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on September 17, 2011, 05:25:43 AM
Well, I have about 400/1500 lines done so far. Everything didn't line up too well in the end.  :V  But I'll get it done either way, just a little extra work.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: bennelsey on September 18, 2011, 12:59:17 PM
been waiting for this patch for a while now, awesome :D

still waiting for the full patch tho since i already overplayed the game to hell and back lol
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on October 11, 2011, 01:02:56 AM
Pheww. All done dialogue.

All that's left is a few tweaks, and to finish the couple of images and make an installer. And also descriptions for items and other things that are in the dat files. That being said, I spent the time testing every single string, but I may have missed something here or there. If anyone wants to play through it, I'd appreciate it if you'd screenshot errors and send them to me, whether major or minor (even something seemingly pointless to fix, I want to make sure it's perfect).

Things to look out for:

-Text going off the right side of the message box
-Grammar errors (I don't think there is any since I'm meticulous about grammar, but there might be one or two somewhere)
-Spelling or other errors (possibly saying Sakuya when Reimu is supposed to talk, something like that, though I don't think I made any errors like that)

Things that are errors that can't be fixed:

-Curse Sign "Straw Doll Kamikaze" goes just barely off the sides of the spellcard bar on the bottom left. I would have to make the spellcard name shorter, which I won't do since that's the name of the spellcard
-On the loading screen, Alice will have her level almost directly after her name. Because of the way the game was setup, I can't fix this without making Alice's name go off the left side of the screen
-I changed Unidentified (as in an unidentified item) to Sealed, to prevent the name going off center. I'll try to fix it, but I don't know if it's possible

Errors that haven't been fixed yet:

-Boss spellcard names are slightly misaligned after I changed from japanese to english quotation marks; I'll be fixing that soon
-Some text barely going off the side of the message box (mostly quotation marks right on the edge, sometimes a letter), these might be able to be fixed depending if I can find synonyms for words or something, I can't remember where they all were though
-I also haven't tested the refinement text yet
-Possibly other things I can't remember

Errors that are part of the game and can't be fixed:

-If someone endtasks the game while trying to connect to a server, the people in the server will see "has left Gensokyo." without their name in front

If noone wants to go through the game right now and would rather wait for a full release, please send me screenshots of errors then and send them to me; I'll make a v1.1 patch after that if there are errors.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: DemitrySynclair on October 13, 2011, 07:02:24 PM
when i download it, norton says it's a moderate risk and auto deletes it.  ???
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on October 13, 2011, 07:58:43 PM
That's why I don't use anti-virus programs, so many false-positives. D:

I assure you though, I haven't put a trojan or anything in it. :V  You can probably put the file on a safe list in norton or something.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: DemitrySynclair on October 13, 2011, 09:01:00 PM
i know, in fact i disabled norton just before posting that i just thought i was worth mentioning :D
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: DemitrySynclair on October 13, 2011, 09:32:28 PM
what am i supposed to do to start this, when i just run the .exe i get a tiny window with a bunch of question marks next to screen sizes as choices. no matter what i pick, it just opens and then closes

sooooo, turns out i somehow got this game and Touhou Lotus land by Aqua Story confused, :blush:
that explains why the patch didn't work, but now i have to decide if i prefer better graphics and a gameplay style i am more accustomed to, or actually being able to understand what im doing and whats going on.

oh wait. this is the internet. i can have both :D
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Dude on October 14, 2011, 08:12:53 PM
The "Your game has been saved" text is still untranslated.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on October 14, 2011, 08:38:34 PM
Yeah, I have a few strings that I left because I wasn't sure when they appeared (or thought they were debug messages). When does it say that? I thought it only saves when you quit.

Edit: Durrrrr. Right in the menu. I just never used that before :V. Thanks for the heads-up.

Also, since I just mentioned that, here is a list of possible text that may appear in game, but I never found:


With google translate:

The number of digits exceeds the limit
Accepted with at least Lv% 99
Disconnect the connection to the server
Clear the state that accepts the connection
Error number% d: Could not save

These may simply all be debug messages, but I'm not sure.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: DemitrySynclair on October 15, 2011, 12:15:25 AM
as soon as it finishes loading, the game window closes.

i'm hesitant on posting this because i get the feeling i've overlooked something huge. i installed the fonts, put the etc data in its place, and downloaded both this

and the most recent link that mr.bigz gave.

both have the same problem
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on October 15, 2011, 01:58:30 AM
Hmm...the only 2 things I can think of is that your exe got corrupt (I doubt both of the ones you dl'd did), or you don't have the proper .dxa files.

Try redownloading the newer exe (it's the only one you need). Also, were you able to open the game before? If so, which one, the Dx9, the regular one, or both?
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: DemitrySynclair on October 15, 2011, 05:40:09 AM
both the DX9 that has japanese text, and the DX9 Hack and Slash have that issue, i redownloaded it and it still did the same thing, the original 東方ハックアンドスラッシュ.exe file still works so i can play the game in japanese, and if i remember correctly, when i first got the game there was an exe that said DX9東方ハックアンドスラッシュ and it worked fine but i over wrote that with a file i got from you guys that was named the same, and it has that issue.
i may be misremembering that last part though
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on October 15, 2011, 12:34:31 PM
You might not have DirectX 9 or later then. Do you know what version of DirectX you have?
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: DemitrySynclair on October 15, 2011, 07:21:00 PM
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on October 15, 2011, 08:26:00 PM
So what exactly happens, does the "Now Loading" pop up on the bottom right of the screen? Do you see the main menu at all before it crashes? Does it crash or simply close without an error?
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: DemitrySynclair on October 15, 2011, 10:07:49 PM
it says

Now Loading. . . . .

then the window closes as if i had hit alt-f4

no main menu.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on October 16, 2011, 03:56:43 AM
That usually happens with a botched exe or game files; I suppose I'd recommend redownloading the game, and then redownloading my new exe.

Though I'd try the original exe first if you still have it. If that works, then it might be some other problem.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 16, 2011, 04:26:54 AM
Yeah, I just ran into a similar problem.
It'll run just fine without the new .exe, I just have to use Applocale.
But when I try to run it using the new .exe, it closes before reaching the main menu.
I'm thinking, do I need more than just the new .exe? Because if that's the case, I'll have to dig it all up.

EDIT: Just uh...No megaupload please, that site refuses to work for me right now. Which is a pain.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on October 16, 2011, 04:41:25 AM
There's a font file you need, but it shouldn't cause that to happen. The new exe is uploaded to mediafire as well, which file were you downloading? The one demitry linked is an older one.

Also, have you guys updated to patch 1.40a?
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 16, 2011, 04:43:48 AM
The newer one, it was mediafire, all that works reliably for me anymore.
You linked it last page, so I figured I'd pick it up.
I haven't kept up with this thread much though, so I expected something like this. :ohdear:
I'd better go dig up the fontfile then?
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on October 16, 2011, 04:45:00 AM
Wait, the mediafire one worked or didn't? And do you have patch 1.40a?
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 16, 2011, 04:48:00 AM
...Well there's my problem. :V
I'm still on 1.00a.
The mediafire one sorta worked, but it was the one that closed on the Now Loading.
The original game itself works just fine as long as I run it with Applocale.

Welp, time to hunt down the 1.40a patch.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on October 16, 2011, 04:50:15 AM
Here you go:
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 16, 2011, 04:55:55 AM
Already found it on the wiki entry.
Item descriptions are still in Japanese though, and it'll only work if I run it in applocale.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on October 16, 2011, 04:59:38 AM
Yeah, the item descriptions aren't done yet. And of course AppLocale would be needed like most fangames, unless you set your locale to japanese. But other than that, everything works fine?
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 16, 2011, 05:41:06 AM
Yep, workin' like a dream.
...Even though I have no clue what the stats buttons do.
I've deduced that the topmost one you can upgrade affects attack damage.
The one below it seems to be an overall upgrade, it upgrades everything from what I can tell, but at a cost of damage output being slightly weaker.
The ones below that? No clue, haven't tinkered with 'em.
But hey, at least I can kill Kedama in oneshot on Marisa's story.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on October 16, 2011, 07:12:10 AM
Well they're standard rpg stats; strength, dexterity, vitality, and intelligence. There's descriptions on the wiki I think. I'm probably gonna redo the character window though, it's the one image that Flanp0p did that I didn't think fit well.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: DemitrySynclair on October 16, 2011, 10:54:13 AM
that's it, i just needed the 1.40a because now it works great.

thanks for the help
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: DemitrySynclair on October 16, 2011, 11:27:59 AM
none of the mouseover names are in english, save for stairs, chests, and npcs.
additionally, the item names are in japanese, which is weird because before i patched it, those were in english in the japanese version.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on October 16, 2011, 02:15:46 PM
You're probably using the megaupload one then. Use the newest one that has english in the exe.

Did you redownload the game? If so, you'll have to get the english dat files from the 3rd/4th page again. All the things you listed are part of the dat files.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: DemitrySynclair on October 17, 2011, 01:40:58 PM
yessss, its working perfectly now, thanks for your help and for putting up with my incompetence.  m(_  _)m
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 21, 2011, 02:17:06 AM
Suppose it's about time for a general gaming thread for this in HME?
Because I've been wondering what all affects spellcard damage.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on October 21, 2011, 02:37:55 AM
I thought before there was a hidden magic attack stat that isn't shown in the character window, but now I don't think there is; I think it's based simply on attack.

Also, once Deranged translates the dat files, the translation will be pretty much done, and all that will be left is making an installer.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 21, 2011, 02:45:14 AM
I was wondering about that too, but Killer Doll seems to get weaker the more STR you have. But it uses knives, a notably physical weapon.
So you'd think STR was the order of the day. But after sinking a levelup into INT, I got about 1-3 extra damage.

And even with a bunch of levels sunk solely into INT, master spark at Lv3 never seems to do much more than 16-31 damage a hit.
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: Reimu on September 20, 2012, 10:28:29 AM
Can someone make a server if not id gladly make one. the first one which is posted on here is full
Title: Re: Touhou Hack and Slash ~ is there English patch?
Post by: MrBigz on October 23, 2012, 04:05:35 AM
Hamachi server capacities were severely nerfed for free servers; it's limited to 5 now. We pretty much finished playing it together anyway; you'll have to find other people or make another hamachi server or whatnot.