Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Akyu's Arcade => Topic started by: FinnKaenbyou on June 16, 2009, 09:11:33 PM

Title: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: FinnKaenbyou on June 16, 2009, 09:11:33 PM
A topic where we share stories of the various stupid mistakes we've made during our time in gaming outside of Touhou. I'll start with an example from today.

I was scrambling through the Code Geass game for a joke, and just got to Lelouch meeting C.C. for the first time after the Shinjuku (I think? I forget, I never actually watched Code Geass) incident. I got a set of four choices, all in Japanese, and having no idea what any of them meant I picked one at random.

Somehow, my choice convinced Lelouch to shoot himself. I accidentally convinced my protagonist to commit suicide.

I'm kinda hoping someone else has something that can top that. >_>
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Drake on June 16, 2009, 09:40:37 PM
When I picked Cave Story back up, the first time I beat the Core I made sure to take Curly with me. I got to the cabin, got all the water out of her, and left. I saved later, completely forgetting I didn't bring her with me.


Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Third Eye Lem on June 16, 2009, 10:11:18 PM
Ouch, that sucks.

One time when I was playing the Ancient Relic dungeon in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Blue, I was trying to do an escort mission, but I made the mistake of restarting in mid-dungeon (the game requires that you make a quicksave before entering), and when I restarted I lost ALL of the items I was carrying. I friggin' hate that game.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: shadowbringer on June 17, 2009, 02:05:40 AM
tl;dr: I'm bad at performing combos and memorizing things, and don't have much to say about my failures, because I reset the game in that case and my memory doesn't remember what happened back then..
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Easy Mode on June 17, 2009, 02:10:56 AM
I bought a licensed movie game.
Not any licensed movie game, but the Shrek licensed movie game.
'Nuff said.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Ghaleon on June 17, 2009, 02:13:40 AM
I bought a licensed movie game.
Not any licensed movie game, but the Shrek licensed movie game.
'Nuff said.

I have 2. yes 2 copies of E.T. for my Atari..Granted they were both given to me, but still.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Heartbeam on June 17, 2009, 02:48:46 AM
When I played The Legend of Zelda: OoT I fell into the habit of randomly pressing Z no matter the game I was in.  Time and time again this led to the deletion of my game on Banjo Kazooie.

For a relative of mine he went through this one painting in Super Mario 64.  The name of the level escapes me but it was a winterworld with a large snowman who liked to blow you off the mountain, and a penguin to hide behind (or on top of).  The other location of notice is a maze-like cube with a star inside it.  Well, Mario gets blown off the mountain and his hat falls into the cube right next to the star.  My cousin could never retrieve it.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: nintendonut888 on June 17, 2009, 04:10:40 AM

So me and my sister ages ago actually challenged this game with minimal walkthrough use (we used it about three times the whole game I think). We gathered all the red pages, gave them to Sirius, and BAM, we lose. So instead of thinking "hey, maybe we should open that green book", we thought "NO! Let's go back through all the worlds and get THE BLUE PAGES INSTEAD! So hours later, we do that, give them to Achnar, and ZOMG WE LOSE AGAIN!

Even then, it took us one of those three walkthrough looks to realize LET'S OPEN THE BOOK BOTH OF THESE BACKSTABBING LUNATICS WARNED US NOT TO OPEN!
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Hououin Kyouma on June 17, 2009, 04:18:19 AM
I forgot to save in Final Fantasy III and i had to start again which took about 1-2 hours  :(
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Zengar Zombolt on June 17, 2009, 05:48:21 AM
Drake's post made me replay Cave Story. I missed 5 times to jump on the exact spot to save Prof. Booster and get the Booster 2.0 later, and even after that, I missed the Cabin where you drain Curly 10 TIMES.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: ♛ Apher-Forte on June 17, 2009, 06:11:55 AM
So yesterday as I was on the Blackwatch Completely Eliminate mission in Prototype, I totally got pissowned...

six helicopters somehow zoomed in on me as I attempted escape, it was all fine until I somehow reached a quarantine zone and there were HUNTERS everywhere, thinking I was bright, I decide to call the choppers over to shoot them.

FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK i forgot I was the hunted list for Blackwatch, so they all fired at me, while Hunters kept me from landing, two seconds later, a strike team along with 4 Tanks entered the forte.

I knew I was doomed so I hi jack a tank for protection.

Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Cadmas on June 17, 2009, 06:57:01 AM
In Way of The Samurai there is a mission where you have to take a baby out for a walk
And of course you get attacked. So you have to take the baby and run with it or fight the bad guys.
I dropped the baby on it's head and ran away. Made 80 yen.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Rabbit on June 17, 2009, 09:03:08 AM
I replayed Xenogears for the first time in like 6 or 7 years the other day.  I lost the Aveh tournament for the first time ;_;
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: trancehime on June 17, 2009, 11:20:15 AM
This (
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: SONIC BHOCOLATE STRIKER on June 17, 2009, 03:34:07 PM
This (
What is that?
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: RainfallYoshi on June 17, 2009, 03:42:07 PM
I was fighting one of the last few bosses in Final Fantasy X and used an Al Bhed Potion with Rikku right after everyone just got Zombied. Rikku had Alchemist as well.

Everyone died pretty quickly after that. <_<
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: SONIC BHOCOLATE STRIKER on June 17, 2009, 03:52:17 PM
MegaMan X Command Mission in the fight with Psyche. I used up everything I had on the first form, oblivious to the fact that he had a second form. By the time I had figured it out, I had used all of my hyper modes, most of my Energy Tanks, and had ran out of items.


On top of that, it took me 3 tries to beat the second form (well, twice if you don't count this first one) after realizing the second time through that it's best to just guard until he opens up his weak spot.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: An Odd Sea Slug on June 17, 2009, 08:14:08 PM
Only one I can think of is a little incident in Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World. Made it to Palmacosta, forgot to save, and managed to completely miss the item shops. Went into the nearby ruins and got utterly decimated by Alice and her beasts.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: ?q on June 17, 2009, 10:05:28 PM
I bought Super Paper Mario.

Also, literally every time I play Rainbow Road (MK:DD!! edition) qualifies as a disgrace to video gaming at large.

And then there's the time I walked into Kaguya (Hard) with six lives and three bombs in reserve as Marisa solo and beat her with no lives and no bombs in reserve.  Up until then that was my best IN Hard run.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: helvetica on June 17, 2009, 10:19:27 PM
I played a Touhou game :[
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Herasy on June 17, 2009, 10:36:43 PM
I decided to replay Twilight Princess again ( I really don't know why) and I have found myself making incredibly lame puns about everything you could possibly poke a stick at in that game and laughing at them.
I suppose that's not technically a game screwup but It sure felt like it to me.

I bought Super Paper Mario.
Hey. Super Paper Mario wasn't a bad game, granted I pirated it using emulated software on my Wii, but still...

luigi boss
at the end of the game makes up for the whole thing
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: FinnKaenbyou on June 17, 2009, 10:47:18 PM
I played a Touhou game :[
Oh God. You played a game about little girls shooting each other, and you haven't actually killed yourself yet?
Admins, please ban TSO. I can't believe you actually PLAYED one of those games. I used to have respect for you, dammit.

In other news, I was playing KoF '02 today and a friend kicked my ass as Benimaru. I tried to comment on it with something along the lines of 'I just lost to FREAKING BENIMARU', but somehow I managed to say 'I just lost to the sexy guy'.
Needless to say, I've never felt anyone stare at me so awkwardly before in my life.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Momiji on June 17, 2009, 11:14:33 PM
My worst screwup?  Starting to play WoW.

Instantly burnt 2 years of my life away.  =[
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: shadowbringer on June 18, 2009, 02:59:00 AM
well. One of the screwups that I didn't forget: I was at a KoF 2003 tournament at a con (that tournament wasn't competitive at high levels, I should mention), don't remember when. As my match went on, I had my Gato facing the opponent's Ash, and there was only 5 seconds left. I was winning, barely. So, in order to not win by time out, which I thought to be shameful, what do I do? I try to pressure my opponent, jumping towards him hoping that he doesn't do the one thing that he can do.

As the match ended, I stared at the screen for a few seconds, thinking to myself "what have I just done. Congratulations, stupid.". After me and my opponent shook hands, for a tight match, I promised to myself that I'd (ideally) never again bother being called cheap for using the timer to my advantage.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: shinyjam on June 18, 2009, 03:29:38 AM
When I cheated. Worst that not able to beat a game, I just stopped playing and lost all interest.  :'(
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Gambit on June 18, 2009, 04:24:02 AM
My worst screw up would be when I was playing an online match in Socom 2. I was trying to cross this alley when someone on the other team threw a grenade there and for some reason it didn?t go off and was just lying there on the ground. So I then get the genius idea of trying to run past it and of course as soon as I got near it, the grenade went off, killing me and ending that round. 
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Sean on June 18, 2009, 06:05:07 AM
I either play Gunbound Well or Absoloutely retardedly. There is no middle ground.

3v3 Score game with my friends. We have two lives left the enemy has one. My friend gets one mobile near me down to low health. It's double death and I have the confidence I have the power to kill it. I switch my target and try to end the match quickly since all of us are pretty weak. I overdo the power and wind up hitting my friend, and sending him plummeting to his doom. Then the next turn one of the other mobiles kills me. Quite possibly the second worst way a match has ended for me.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Ghaleon on June 18, 2009, 08:38:00 AM
I either play Gunbound Well or Absolutely retardedly. There is no middle ground.

3v3 Score game with my friends. We have two lives left the enemy has one. My friend gets one mobile near me down to low health. It's double death and I have the confidence I have the power to kill it. I switch my target and try to end the match quickly since all of us are pretty weak. I overdo the power and wind up hitting my friend, and sending him plummeting to his doom. Then the next turn one of the other mobiles kills me. Quite possibly the second worst way a match has ended for me.
Wow, I forgot about gunbound. I played it quite a bit until I got golden axe, and I just stopped cold turkey (ranking up past that wasn't too hard or something, I just never bothered to try). I always picked random, and I swear to god every time I got dragon, I couldn't hit the broad side of a castle. When I was the knight, I did a little bit better half the time, and the other half was the same. Which is funny because my best tank was the one that was like the knight.. Uhh, the yellow one that shoots tracers to be nuked by a satellite.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Hououin Kyouma on June 18, 2009, 08:42:46 AM
I decided to replay Twilight Princess again ( I really don't know why) and I have found myself making incredibly lame puns about everything you could possibly poke a stick at in that game and laughing at them.
I suppose that's not technically a game screwup but It sure felt like it to me.

I bought Super Paper Mario.
Hey. Super Paper Mario wasn't a bad game, granted I pirated it using emulated software on my Wii, but still...

luigi boss
at the end of the game makes up for the whole thing
I think he meant it as 'the game ruined my life because i played i for so long'  :V
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: RainfallYoshi on June 18, 2009, 11:09:55 AM
I either play Gunbound Well or Absolutely retardedly. There is no middle ground.

3v3 Score game with my friends. We have two lives left the enemy has one. My friend gets one mobile near me down to low health. It's double death and I have the confidence I have the power to kill it. I switch my target and try to end the match quickly since all of us are pretty weak. I overdo the power and wind up hitting my friend, and sending him plummeting to his doom. Then the next turn one of the other mobiles kills me. Quite possibly the second worst way a match has ended for me.
Wow, I forgot about gunbound. I played it quite a bit until I got golden axe, and I just stopped cold turkey (ranking up past that wasn't too hard or something, I just never bothered to try). I always picked random, and I swear to god every time I got dragon, I couldn't hit the broad side of a castle. When I was the knight, I did a little bit better half the time, and the other half was the same. Which is funny because my best tank was the one that was like the knight.. Uhh, the yellow one that shoots tracers to be nuked by a satellite.

A. Sate.

Yes I still remember that, I have some wtf memory sometimes. That was my main tank. I swear I got so crazy with that tank, I loved it so much. I even got to the point where I could (somewhat) aim through tornadoes, which usually royally fuck A. Sate's lasers.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: trancehime on June 18, 2009, 11:37:02 AM
What is that?

Tactics Layer, a recently released DS SRPG by NinjaStudios.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Ionasal kkll Solciel on June 18, 2009, 11:54:44 AM
I either play Gunbound Well or Absolutely retardedly. There is no middle ground.

3v3 Score game with my friends. We have two lives left the enemy has one. My friend gets one mobile near me down to low health. It's double death and I have the confidence I have the power to kill it. I switch my target and try to end the match quickly since all of us are pretty weak. I overdo the power and wind up hitting my friend, and sending him plummeting to his doom. Then the next turn one of the other mobiles kills me. Quite possibly the second worst way a match has ended for me.
Wow, I forgot about gunbound. I played it quite a bit until I got golden axe, and I just stopped cold turkey (ranking up past that wasn't too hard or something, I just never bothered to try). I always picked random, and I swear to god every time I got dragon, I couldn't hit the broad side of a castle. When I was the knight, I did a little bit better half the time, and the other half was the same. Which is funny because my best tank was the one that was like the knight.. Uhh, the yellow one that shoots tracers to be nuked by a satellite.

A. Sate.

Yes I still remember that, I have some wtf memory sometimes. That was my main tank. I swear I got so crazy with that tank, I loved it so much. I even got to the point where I could (somewhat) aim through tornadoes, which usually royally fuck A. Sate's lasers.
I really hate those guys.  Especially since I use the frog.  My tactics involve digging a hole they can't get out of, but of course their 2 attacks can pound the shit out of my poor frog since the tracer shot goes under me and the satellite they use is above the field.

Speaking of which, bunging myself when I tried a SHA shot with the frog.

Missing a shot that would have won the game due to a single random pixel blocking the path of my shot.

Bringing mostly Bufu spells in DDS against an ice-resistant enemy.

Eating my own Mamudoon in Persona 3.

Letting the one guy who can revive (but only once, goddamn Mana reqs) die first in Atelier Iris 1.  Three times.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: trancehime on June 18, 2009, 12:51:02 PM
lol gunbound

I usually used Raon second shot. When I was younger and still playing Gunbound, I used to royally rape everyone with Raon. I still call it the baby bot because it produces explosive mini Raons.

The last time I actually played was in the days of Thor's Hammer, though. Those were good times.

They were. I mained NikNak or whatever its name was. Assmissiles.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: trancehime on June 18, 2009, 01:39:14 PM
Nobody uses Nak anymore, they use Aduka. They have rooms dedicated to just Aduka shot2/ss.


I meant during the very old days of GB, I don't play that game anymore.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Zengeku on June 18, 2009, 05:53:15 PM
I believed in reviews and bought Far Cry 2. My love for it was like Halo 3.
Then there was Blue Dragon... but i really ought to be able to find other epic fails than just bying the wrong games... maybe its cause i generally don't fail at games... nah thats not true... hmm...

How about this one: Summoned Palidor (the one that causes all your chars to use Jump) during the final boss of Final Fantasy VI. I had three guys alive. Then as they were coming down they were wiped out by Havoc Wing, Hyper Drive and Ultima respectively. All attacks dealt about 5-7000 damage. Gameover. Ooops...

Another story: Chose to play Eat Lead on Normal in an effort to get the extra achievement for doing so. Had to die again and again and again... ... and again and so on until the game was over. Mainly due to cheap deaths. That game should only have had Easy mode difficulty. Almost ruined the game for me.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Sean on June 18, 2009, 06:20:52 PM
I played it like twice later during World Championship, but it wasn't long before I uninstalled Gunbound. Shit sux.

I can't blame anyone really for quitting that game, me and my friends gave up on it after a while but....with summer and all we needed something to do so we started playing again. It's a bit more enjoyable now that most, if not all of the glitches are fixed. That said, the playerbase still drives me to insanity, but most online games will do that to me. Phoenix can go straight down a pit though for all I care, I hate that damned mobile.

That said, my number one screwup in that game was probably not noticing a small gap in the floor and inadvertently suiciding.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Ghaleon on June 18, 2009, 06:28:46 PM
Yeah tornado shooting with it isn't too hard.

Shooting thru TWO tornados on the other hand...ugh.

I didn't even know they got rid of thors hammer, it was still around when I quit too.

I hated boomer personally. It was so good in the hands of a pro, and every game pretty much was given to the "really good guy with a boomer". You basically HAD to be a boomer too to compete, I'm hoping they nerfed it since.. or maybe that's why they got rid of thors hammer. seemed to favor boomer more than other mobiles at long range.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: RainfallYoshi on June 18, 2009, 06:37:21 PM
Well, the main thing with tornadoes was that A. Sate had to go through it twice. The tracking shot and the lasers themselves. It made it extremely hard to judge a shot and still hit your mark.

Back somewhat on topic, I remember before I got really good with the A. Sate that I would always end up bunging teammates with Shot2 and SS. I remember once I was using a SS and royally 'effed up with my aim. I ended up trapping a team mate in a large hole.

Then a Grub nearby raped him for the last kill of the game.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: shinyjam on June 19, 2009, 04:30:34 AM
What, you didn't get it all the first time? You want me to tell you again?

Yes! I mean, wait, no, no, NO--

Alright, first, you gotta pick this up and blah blah blah blah blah blah [repeat]


Especially when I button mash to skip the text and accidentally hit Yes AGAIN.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: ♛ Apher-Forte on June 19, 2009, 04:26:24 PM
Well, I am disappointed that no one on this forum plays prototype.

I so wanted to discuss Prototype.

Best game this year hands down. Never would I imagine a game where you can basically God Mode and still impossible to finish.
The mission states that you must stealth transform and what's not and still you have to crack your head over it.

So as I was taking down a Blackwatch mission, where I must hi jack a helicopter... I ended up with myself the very last minute as the mission looks like a success...failing to see a missile coming straight for me.
I jumped at the missile, to exit the craft.

As I landed, I had a few drops of HP left and desperately needs some juice.

Then, without a hint of warning, a large Hunter came bashing me from behind and I was...dead.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Kanako Yasaka on June 19, 2009, 04:29:45 PM
Doom 3: Alpha Labs Sector 2 I forgot to pick up all of the ammo after escorting that guy, and so I made it to Sector 3... with 30 machine gun ammo.  It just happened to be OVERFLOWING WITH TRITES and so I had to use my PISTOL against the little fuckers. Ugh...
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: RainfallYoshi on June 19, 2009, 05:33:42 PM
Just thought of another awful one.

I'm playing through FFIX and am near the end of Disc 3. I'm in Terra at the part where Zidane goes crazy on everyone. Well, my Steiner and Quina were severely underleveled and just could not survive in their fight. Zidane shows up after a few rounds but they couldn't even last that long.

I had already saved past the point of being able to level them or change their equipment too. I ended up having to restart my game because of it.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: LHCling on June 24, 2009, 09:29:38 PM
So I was playing Spelunky.

Made it to That One Boss (
The Giant Golden Head of Stompiness
after ~140 attempts.

After taking him it out, I realized what I just did. I trapped myself. No rope and impossible-to-scale walls.

Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Danielu Yoshikoto on June 27, 2009, 01:49:10 PM
Accidently killing someone from my team... it happened to me at least 3 times  :V
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: KumaKinko on June 29, 2009, 05:51:18 PM
I bought the PS2 version of wolverine origins thinking that it'd be the same as the ps3/360 version.
I accidentaly bought a GC game, thinking it was a PS2 game.

Oh, and also I didn't save for a long time in Persona 4, died at the boss/half way to the boss, and got thrown back an entire week.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Ionasal kkll Solciel on June 30, 2009, 09:10:09 AM
One I forgot until I resumed playing Ace Combat 4:

Ace Combat Zero.  Mission: The Round Table.  I crashed into the Round Table.  It's a goddamn flat battleground (or as flat as you can get like that).  Most of the combat is somewhere around 5-10km in the air.

Ace Combat 4: Wasting all of my XLAAs and Sidewinders on a Yellow during Shattered Skies.  I hit him once.  Damn, I wish I had a FALKEN or a Morgan.

Mana Khemia: Just Vayne alive, against Isolde.  We're fighting at night.  I pull up my items, and grab a Nectar.  I use it on the wrong person (the other one had a turn before Isolde), who immediately gets smacked in the face by Isolde's next attack.  Vayne dies soon after from her Haste.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Herasy on June 30, 2009, 12:40:44 PM
Well, I am disappointed that no one on this forum plays prototype.

I so wanted to discuss Prototype.

Best game this year hands down. Never would I imagine a game where you can basically God Mode and still impossible to finish.
The mission states that you must stealth transform and what's not and still you have to crack your head over it.

So as I was taking down a Blackwatch mission, where I must hi jack a helicopter... I ended up with myself the very last minute as the mission looks like a success...failing to see a missile coming straight for me.
I jumped at the missile, to exit the craft.

As I landed, I had a few drops of HP left and desperately needs some juice.

Then, without a hint of warning, a large Hunter came bashing me from behind and I was...dead.

While I did like Prototype, I would not give it GOTY. I completed the game's main story in about half a day (on medium) and now I have found that other than the events (which most of them feel the same as each other) there really is a huge lack of things to do. I mean sure, I could go around and find the rest of the web targets, but that's pretty much running around the city and hoping they randomly appear and then HOPING some hunter doesn't kill it or some soldier/tank/helicopter doesn't blow it to smithereens!

That's another thing, getting around the city. While it sure is a bit fun to jump rooftop to rooftop and scale buildings easily, the fun can really only last so long. You do the same things over and over and rarely do you find any part of the city that is actually different than the rest. Hell it takes about 8-10 minutes just to run from the top to the bottom and thats IF you don't have to hide from Blackwatch at any point.

Ill admit, this game was fun. But it sure gets boring fairly quickly.

Also it reminds me alot of Spiderman 2 on the Xbox.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: WHMZakeri on June 30, 2009, 01:03:04 PM
Failing to go OCD over every minute detail of your team up to and including using weaker monsters because they let you move seven spaces instead of five in Devil Summoner (It's been a while since the Nintendo has had a game that could be considered Nintendo Hard :V )

I mean it, right now I'm at a part where I have to grind to level 26 just so I can fuse a Demon that knows the "Double Up" Racial Skill. Up until this point, you have never seen or heard of the Double Up skill, and until you can fuse a monster that has it, you will not know what it does. Heck, I don't even know what it does yet.

Also, on Persona 4, I remember once while doing Mitsuo's dungeon I had to level up before fighting the boss. I simply could not do that in a single day. I remember having to Grind Yukiko's Castle just so I would have enough money to pay the damn fox just so I could go back to the top of the Dungeon just so I could grind more levels. It took me days of doing that just to be able to beat the boss.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Marc on July 01, 2009, 05:12:38 PM
i had two huge screwups in ultima 7 (the black gate).

1-i spent many hours killing stuff until i reached totally insane levels. then...i accidentally click load instead of save.  :-X

2-i got a LOT of money through gambling (i did not know of the fellowship medallion trick then so i had gotten the money through pure luck). it was so much money that the game COULDN'T COPE WITH IT, walls and roofs started dissappearing and everything got weird.
then...the dog unplugged the computer  :'(
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: trancehime on July 02, 2009, 11:47:48 AM
I mean it, right now I'm at a part where I have to grind to level 26 just so I can fuse a Demon that knows the "Double Up" Racial Skill. Up until this point, you have never seen or heard of the Double Up skill, and until you can fuse a monster that has it, you will not know what it does. Heck, I don't even know what it does yet.

Are you sure? You can gain access to nearly every single racial skill before level 26, since I only played the Japanese version, the only family's racial skill I can think of that would match "Double Up" would be Kishin's Kishin Twin Hand, which gives you a chance to do a double attack when fighting
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Chronojet ⚙ Dragon on July 03, 2009, 04:55:27 AM
I was trying to pass Kaguya's Tree-Ocean of Hourai, and Kaguya appeared right on top of me. (I died, duh.)

Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Bias Bus on July 03, 2009, 07:05:40 AM
Accidentally, attacking my only remaining Healer...while she was on a [Deathblow] panel.

I fucking hate the Iem world
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: PirateKefka on July 04, 2009, 03:24:57 AM
I had a very glorious fail in WoW last night.  I was main tanking and raid leading Ulduar and we were taking on Kologarn.  A fun fact of Kologarn is that he is massive, in fact, where the raid fights them is on a platform that's at chest height for him.  But after the whole buffing and fun, I get everyone ready, rush in to start the battle................and walk right off the edge of the platform to a very hilarious-looking (at least to the rest of the raid) death.

IIRC, we actually got our guild first kill of him the next try.  Meaning all I had to do was watch my step and we can obliterate him
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: LHCling on July 05, 2009, 11:47:55 AM
( (
Guess what's missing?

Apart from
missing the scepter, because I had no Sticky Bombs; not in shops, no giant spider or anything else(?) that drops it, and the mummy was in a secluded area in the top corner of the area I was in, so bombs didn't create an opening for me to use.

The thing I did wrong is in the picture. You can see it if you know the secrets of the game.

Also, I got pretty reckless at the end, having my Health move from 13 at around Level 10 to 2 when I finished. Jetpack + Spike Boots is probably my newest favorite combination of items.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Ramus on July 06, 2009, 12:34:06 AM
My failures consist mainly of first person shooters.  The fact that under heavy fire, I will pull out the machine gun of all things, swing across the screen with my finger hard down on the firing button out of pure reaction and kill most, if not all of my allies, the survivors being heavily wounded.  I'm largely hated and excluded from online team matches because of this.

It gets better:

You know those big guns that shoot explosives?  It's typically my bright idea that when out of sensible ammo, such as, say a shotgun, I'll come around a corner and fire a bazooka, however, these have a half second delay time far too often and by then, I've strifed back behind the wall only to fire that missile dead center two inches from my face.

There's also the capture the flag scenarios in which I somehow often manage to get the enemy flag (probably because the one thing I am good at in FPS is that I'm able to not get hit), run back to base only to somehow circle while running to evade enemy fire and end up back in enemy base to be gunned down.

Other notable things I've done:
-Forgotten to throw a grenade.  While standing by my team.
-Set land mines and later walk on them.
-Completely miss some guy who's out of ammo and running at me with a knife from far away despite the fact that I have a fully automated machine gun.

Yeah...  meantime in roguelikes, there's been only one death I can think that was really, really stupid.  Heading into lair of the boss of the fire branch of hell in Crawl, I was looking away talking to a family member while I put in the commands for my character to eat a peach since he was hungry.  To eat, hit "e" to wield a weapon, hit "w".  I wielded a banana and died horribly not realizing why I wasn't doing jack damage.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Ghaleon on July 06, 2009, 08:26:22 PM
My failures consist mainly of first person shooters. Blah blah

roffle. That reminds me of when I play FPS games LAN style with my brother and friends. I'm a better gamer than pretty much everyone I know irl, and it gets compounded when I play in a LAN with them because they enter panic mode...Not to mention people don't even try to win before long, and are more interested in getting me and me only.

anyway I've managed to many a killing spree/rampage in ut2k4 using the shield gun much to their dismay >=p. I can't quite get more than 2 or 3 kills in a row with the melee attack in CoD 4 though >=(...

I can never seem to flashbang in cod4 though. I don't understand, it seems like I'll throw one right in my enemy's face.. and then they kill me.. and I watch the killcam and they weren't affected at all, and I swear to god they were looking RIGHT at my flashbang as it goes off on the killcam. wtf. It's worse too because after I chuck the thing I turn around and look away, and like half the time *I'm* blinded by my own flashbang. WTF.. agarghagh.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: M. Burusu on July 07, 2009, 05:00:49 AM
( (
Guess what's missing?

The thing I did wrong is in the picture. You can see it if you know the secrets of the game.

I've been playing that recently, so let me take a guess . . .

. . . It has something to do with Damsels and the kill count, if you catch my meaning. *has not won yet, so doesn't know what would be missing and why*

IN any case, I recently pulled something unintelligent in MapleStory . . .

I'm a Bandit, and I have Dark Sight (turns you invisible, can't take physical damage) . . . SO I like to explore a lot.

I was in Showa today, completing that quest involving Teddy Cottons . . . and decided to check out the Secret Spa (hint: look over by the faucets for a hidden warp).

I learned today that the steam jets in the Secret Spa (a training area) do in fact contain POISON. I spent a good deal of time panicking and trying to get my hands on an antidote . . . it wore off before death, thankfully, but it was still frightening (I'm Lv3X, in case you're wondering why it's such a big deal, and it was dealing about 30 dmg a second).
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: linthuslyth on July 12, 2009, 12:26:32 PM
Not my worst, since I'm known for making absurdly stupid mistakes, but I remember one recently.

Persona 4, Izanami's dungeon. I played from a file and got from floor 3 to 8. Then encounter:

Me: "Oh, it's those stupid dice enemies that use Last Resort even on full life... I should kill it"

Chie: Agneyastra(I think that how it was spelled)
Main Char: BLADES OF FURY(taking MC's life down to 300-ish)
Yosuke: Magarudyne
Yukiko: Maragidyne (Not enough to kill the dice enemy)
Dice: Last Resort

Me: "What, oh shi... what's MC's life..."

Last Resort does 300+ damage to my party, only MC dies.

Me: "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFfffffffffffffffuuuu....."

Silly me, even though I warned myself, I still do the exact same thing I do normally...
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: M. Burusu on July 12, 2009, 12:31:48 PM
Not my worst, since I'm known for making absurdly stupid mistakes, but I remember one recently.

Persona 4, Izanami's dungeon. I played from a file and got from floor 3 to 8. Then encounter:

Me: "Oh, it's those stupid dice enemies that use Last Resort even on full life... I should kill it"

Chie: Agneyastra(I think that how it was spelled)
Main Char: BLADES OF FURY(taking MC's life down to 300-ish)
Yosuke: Magarudyne
Yukiko: Maragidyne (Not enough to kill the dice enemy)
Dice: Last Resort

Me: "What, oh shi... what's MC's life..."

Last Resort does 300+ damage to my party, only MC dies.

Me: "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFfffffffffffffffuuuu....."

Silly me, even though I warned myself, I still do the exact same thing I do normally...

It's encounters like this one that make me glad that my Black Frost knows Trafuri (Persona 3 FES vs P4, but it's still a very useful skill to have).
That said, do the shadows still run on the Arcana system in P4? I honestly forget.  :P
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: linthuslyth on July 12, 2009, 01:46:27 PM
Not my worst, since I'm known for making absurdly stupid mistakes, but I remember one recently.

Persona 4, Izanami's dungeon. I played from a file and got from floor 3 to 8. Then encounter:

Me: "Oh, it's those stupid dice enemies that use Last Resort even on full life... I should kill it"

Chie: Agneyastra(I think that how it was spelled)
Main Char: BLADES OF FURY(taking MC's life down to 300-ish)
Yosuke: Magarudyne
Yukiko: Maragidyne (Not enough to kill the dice enemy)
Dice: Last Resort

Me: "What, oh shi... what's MC's life..."

Last Resort does 300+ damage to my party, only MC dies.

Me: "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFfffffffffffffffuuuu....."

Silly me, even though I warned myself, I still do the exact same thing I do normally...

It's encounters like this one that make me glad that my Black Frost knows Trafuri (Persona 3 FES vs P4, but it's still a very useful skill to have).
That said, do the shadows still run on the Arcana system in P4? I honestly forget.  :P
Uhh.... not sure. I don't think so but I'm pretty sure they kept the whole template for enemies thing throughout the game. And I think all the shadows do get the masks they have in Persona 3.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: M. Burusu on July 15, 2009, 08:42:40 PM
Recent talk about Impact from Ganbare Goemon has caused a horrible memory to resurface.
In Goemon's Great Adventure (one of the only 2 Goemon games ported to the US), the battles featuring Impact also feature another character -- Miss Impact, a robot made to resemble Omitsu (Goemon's main love interest; not that she'll admit to any resemblance to the giant machine, of course) that Impact is quite smitten with.
That said, with the introduction of Miss Impact also comes 2 things: first, the Baton Pass, where you fire a baton (that looks suspiciously like an egg roll to me, now that I think about it) at your partner to switch control (your partner is otherwise in the background either A) flailing ineffectually at the boss or B) being controlled by a buddy who is flailing ineffectually at the boss). And second . . .
. . . Sudden Death Attacks. Each boss has an attack that looks markedly different from the others -- for example, the second boss (Taisamba 4, the Enchanting Mermaid) will become veiled in a vertical whirlpool that looks markedly different from the vortex spawned by its 'unavoidable attack' (where it angles the thing at you and shoots eels at you, but that's neither here nor there). Needless to say, get hit by a Sudden Death Attack and you die no matter what . . .
. . . but passing the baton to your buddy interrupts it.
That is the whole premise behind this complete bullsh!t screw-up.
The Castle 4 Impact Boss, whose name I shall spoiler because you are going to WTF if you ever fight him (
it's Kabuki Final, ANOTHER iteration of Kabuki
) . . . his Sudden Death Attack is an advancing wall of its namesake -- Colorful Shadows -- which will pulverise you if it ever finishes inching towards you. Your partner will automatically move to the extreme left or right of the screen when a Sudden Death Attack is launched, so this normally wouldn't be a problem . . .
. . . but when the attack was launched, the shadows clipped my wingman and so I had to just sit there raving about what complete and utter nonsense this was as mi amiga was getting her sleeves handed to her and I eventually followed suit . . .
So yeah, short form: Guy launches 1HKO, it knocks out the guy I'm supposed to swap with, and I'm left helpless as the tutti-frutti mecha stalks his technicolor way to me and then beats the tar (and Oil) out of me.
I was so pissed I beat him next life in ONE.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Doomsday on July 28, 2009, 09:07:03 PM
Uwabami Breakers

Final Boss

Final Attack

dies with 1/4 health left

Keyboard flies out nearest window

Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: LoveSign on July 28, 2009, 09:34:28 PM
My screwup doesn't involve playing a game but rather the fail involved in the purchase of one: I accidentally bought Star Ocean: Till the End of Time because I'd played my first Tales game ever at a friend's house (Symphonia) and having enjoyed it was hoping for a similar action RPG that was also multiplayer for the PS2, since I didn't have a GC. Real time battles? Check. What does the back of the box say? 1-2 players, check. Minutes into the game - "WTF IS THIS SHIT?!?!?!"


Good riddance you failtards at Tri-Ace, I'm glad your whiny asses left Namco after Tales of Phantasia so that the series could actually become what it is today, unlike your crappy Star Ocean bullshit where there's still no guard cancelling out of casting, skill activation regardless of range or even multiplayer on your fourth damn game! /rant /rage

Moral of the story - I should have Googled the stupid game and made sure there was multiplayer or not instead of trusting the stupid box. I was never so ridiculously pissed off about a purchase before. I did end up beating the game, but the voice acting was grating, the plot was insipid, and the combat wasn't anything like 'Tales of Symphonia'.

Thankfully Tales of the Abyss came out later and I had a Tales game for the PS2. I fell in love with 'Tales of' games ever since.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: trancehime on July 29, 2009, 12:15:31 PM
If you bought Star Ocean: TtEoT for the non-existent multiplayer you are a piece of idiotic fail.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: LoveSign on July 29, 2009, 12:35:58 PM
If you bought Star Ocean: TtEoT for the non-existent multiplayer you are a piece of idiotic fail.

Um, yeah. That's why I posted in this thread Captain Obvious.  :V Though to be fair I assumed that if it had "1-2 players" on the box that would include the main game and not something that's a boring unlockable that gets old within a couple of minutes.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Apotheosis on July 31, 2009, 07:24:22 AM
Dunno if this counts, but I currently can't find my old PS2 memory card, with all my completed or nearly-completed games on it. It happened shortly after I moved. Current theories include me accidentally tossing it out in a box filled with that packing paper stuff moving companies shove into every nook and cranny and me accidentally storing it in a storage building, where it has been for a month of days with heat indexes in the 100s.

Of course considering that I've played through and restarted and played through most of those games at least twice, one more time isn't going to be an issue. Hell, for AC0, it's been at least seven to get all the aces and medals.

It's just...y'know...all that bloody effort.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: DarkHedge on July 31, 2009, 08:48:57 AM
Oh, screwups, how many of these did I do in my gaming career that's already over 10 years long (and still counting). It dates back up to when I was a Sonicfag (rest in peace people, I AM NOT ONE ANYMORE, THIS FANBASE IS TERRIBLE. But anyway)

Being the amateur of driving and racing games I am (if you don't know it already), most of my best (worst?) fails were made of these...

GTA San Andreas: How many HOURS did I spent on this game, I don't know, but the longer you play a game, the higher the amount of screwups you may do. It's maybe also part of the PS2's bad habit of not loading fast the textures, but on several occasions, when I was flying a plane and trying to fly low (ESPECIALLY IN THAT MISSION N.O.E WHERE YOU ARE REQUIRED TO FUCKING FLY LOW)... I end up in a tree that was invisible on impact, then gets visible ONCE I'M SENT IN HELL. How FAIL is that. Srsly.

NASCAR Racing 2003: The main and biggest problem with this game is that keyboard players are rewarded with shit. Oh I don't say NR2003 is that bad of a game, but it's when you get a hold of the controls you realize analog control of any kind is REQUIRED to play well. Keyboard controls when running on ovals consist of tapping with precision the direction keys (mostly left), and if you EVER press that button one split-second too long, you can say hello to your followers for a good T-Bone. Or at best, you just spin out and get PISSED.

...especially when I was first, for once, goddamnit.

NFS Most Wanted: SPIKE STRIPS. My worst enemies. During pursuits, if you ever lower your guard, you can say hello to those fuckers. happened to me that I didn't EVEN notice there was a spike strip coming full speed ahead of me... UNTIL I hear the Sound of Doom: FOUR FLAT TIRES in less than five seconds. Hellloooooooo Sergeant Cross, you dumbfuck asshole.

GTA San Andreas, PS2: Instead of choosing "Load file", my finger slipped and I chose "Delete file". And it got too fast before I realize I just chose "Delete"... AND SHUT OFF THE CONSOLE. That was my loudest vocal "FFFFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU" (or its version in French. But I happen to swear in English sometimes.)

There have been lots of other screwups but I think I've listed the most pissing off ones for me... Excluding the touhou-related ones. :V Ohohoho.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: WHMZakeri on July 31, 2009, 07:27:22 PM
Monster Hunter FreedomUnite: Fighting Rathios.

Now, let me tell you these monsters are hard. I still haven't completed this mission despite being the last guild Hall 2 Star Mission left I have yet to complete.

So, s/he's been kicking my ass for a while now, when finally I make some headway after my second defeat (You only get three KOs before you're sent back with a failed rating). Suddenly, the monster starts limping away to sleep in it's nest. This is a good thing, because it ALWAYS means you can set down a trap and tranquilize the Monster, resulting in not only success, but better rewards as well.

So, being the first time I've gotten an 'ios to head back to it's nest, I immedietly run towards the place where every Wyvern I've fought before in that area goes to to sleep, and set down a Trap right at the point where the Wyvern would land entering that area.

So I wait for a good minute or two wondering why it's not coming, so I take a look around, and apparently it fell asleep in the larger Area next to where I had assumed it was going to sleep.

Now, another thing about this is that once you set down a trap, you can't pick it up. Also, if you set one down, you can't go to another area and set another one down. You also can't dismantle traps, you have to wait for it to time out.

Of course, I didn't have time to wait for it to time out, since one of the vicious yet weak monsters hanging around decided to wake up the 'ios. It charges at me a few times, and I fight it to reduce down whatever health it gained while sleeping for however long I let it, and possibly to kill it if I can't set up another trap soon. I lost a lot of health and some potions, and while scrolling through my quick-inv and saw I could put down another shock trap. So I quickly try to dive out of the way and set down the Trap. As soon as the trap was complete, the 'ios knocked me away and fell right into the Trap...

...just as I was fainting from losing the last of my HP. Third KO. Go directly to Jail, do not pass go, do not collect eight or ten pieces of Dragon carcass.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: wailofthebanshee on July 31, 2009, 07:36:15 PM
Well the other day I overwrote my 100+ hour save file in FFXII where I had done pretty much everything but beat Omega Mark XII and Yiazmat with a 15min file by accident... :V
Thank god I had saved that game on another slot at around 90 hours in, but still haven't bothered playing that game since for obvious reasons.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: BoLaD on August 04, 2009, 11:04:05 PM
Buying a cyclo DS evolution for the NDS and tried to get into NDS games... worst mistake I ever made when it came to video games.
As for playing Touhou, my worst screwup(s) would be score running. Holy crap, the game is so much more fun when you don't play for score.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: dustyjo on August 05, 2009, 02:23:05 AM
NFS Most Wanted: SPIKE STRIPS. My worst enemies. During pursuits, if you ever lower your guard, you can say hello to those fuckers. happened to me that I didn't EVEN notice there was a spike strip coming full speed ahead of me... UNTIL I hear the Sound of Doom: FOUR FLAT TIRES in less than five seconds. Hellloooooooo Sergeant Cross, you dumbfuck asshole.

You don't really have to avoid the spikes in NFS Carbon, they just slow the car down a bit and mess with the handling instead of your car grinding to a halt like in the rest of the games.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: An Odd Sea Slug on August 05, 2009, 06:13:57 AM
Hit the wrong button in cyberspace while playing Dystopia, nearly costing my team the objective. A little later, I accidentally nailed two of my teammates at once with the tesla rifle. Nice job breaking it hero.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: linthuslyth on August 05, 2009, 04:13:24 PM
Monster Hunter FreedomUnite: Fighting Rathios.

Now, let me tell you these monsters are hard. I still haven't completed this mission despite being the last guild Hall 2 Star Mission left I have yet to complete.

So, s/he's been kicking my ass for a while now, when finally I make some headway after my second defeat (You only get three KOs before you're sent back with a failed rating). Suddenly, the monster starts limping away to sleep in it's nest. This is a good thing, because it ALWAYS means you can set down a trap and tranquilize the Monster, resulting in not only success, but better rewards as well.

So, being the first time I've gotten an 'ios to head back to it's nest, I immedietly run towards the place where every Wyvern I've fought before in that area goes to to sleep, and set down a Trap right at the point where the Wyvern would land entering that area.

So I wait for a good minute or two wondering why it's not coming, so I take a look around, and apparently it fell asleep in the larger Area next to where I had assumed it was going to sleep.

Now, another thing about this is that once you set down a trap, you can't pick it up. Also, if you set one down, you can't go to another area and set another one down. You also can't dismantle traps, you have to wait for it to time out.

Of course, I didn't have time to wait for it to time out, since one of the vicious yet weak monsters hanging around decided to wake up the 'ios. It charges at me a few times, and I fight it to reduce down whatever health it gained while sleeping for however long I let it, and possibly to kill it if I can't set up another trap soon. I lost a lot of health and some potions, and while scrolling through my quick-inv and saw I could put down another shock trap. So I quickly try to dive out of the way and set down the Trap. As soon as the trap was complete, the 'ios knocked me away and fell right into the Trap...

...just as I was fainting from losing the last of my HP. Third KO. Go directly to Jail, do not pass go, do not collect eight or ten pieces of Dragon carcass.
Wow, how could I forget Monster Hunter screw up! Yeah, Rathian and Rathalos(which one are you mentioning here?) can really screw you up since the Capcom made them into such assholes.

Yeah, I remeber once: similar scenario. Hunting Rathian, 3 star mission, she limps(and I'm at my last "life") and flies to the sleeping area. I enter the area, and slowly walk towards her. A 3 small monsters gang up on her(apparently they like to do that) and she wakes up. She wakes up and completely ignores those who woke her up then rushes towards me. I can't remember exactly what happened but I'm pretty sure I got hit by one of her fireballs and died... I even cut the tail

For those who don't play the game: you can cut the tail of some big monsters for an extra carve. Carve is what you do to a monster once it's dead so that you can collect some of it's parts.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Sean on August 08, 2009, 06:02:47 AM
Ah, Overconfidence, you are the bane of my existence.

Dynasty Warriors 6: Empires. We're defending. One of the officers inspires his troops. (Basically the officer's attack spikes. Anyone familiar with Dynasty Warriors: Think Lu Bu in the Hu Lao Gate level.). I'm pretty close to max level so I go to take them on. I manage to do some pretty good damage, but instead of using my skills like a smart person, I just decide to finish it with regular attacks.

He starts a combo. Four hits. Dead. Mission failed, Territory lost. Note to Self: Never let any enemy officer attack. EVER.

To add insult to injury, it was a custom character I made, of one of my friends. The one I constantly complain on how he beats me in everything.
Title: ITT I am an idiot
Post by: Apotheosis on August 10, 2009, 06:14:58 AM
Dunno if this counts, but I currently can't find my old PS2 memory card, with all my completed or nearly-completed games on it. It happened shortly after I moved. Current theories include me accidentally tossing it out in a box filled with that packing paper stuff moving companies shove into every nook and cranny and me accidentally storing it in a storage building, where it has been for a month of days with heat indexes in the 100s.

Of course considering that I've played through and restarted and played through most of those games at least twice, one more time isn't going to be an issue. Hell, for AC0, it's been at least seven to get all the aces and medals.

It's just...y'know...all that bloody effort.

Right you know this? Well forget it because I just found my memory card.

Do you want to know where it was?

It's been in my PS2 all this time.

I've only been playing games that I've newly bought, so I never noticed.

I'm an idiot.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Rikter on August 10, 2009, 11:53:37 AM
I guess it would be erasing my highest level character on Phantasy Star Online Blue Burst. Thankfully I had most of his things transferred to my weaker characters at the time I did that. But still that was very annoying.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Easy Mode on August 10, 2009, 02:29:01 PM
I finally got around to buying Wrath of the Lich King. I turned in a shitload of my games for that money, which I could have very easily saved up for something.
Anyways, long story short, I had to sit through 8 gigs of patches to download, and lord knows how long my dad will take to actually reactivate my fucking account or whatever. :/
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: OneSS on August 11, 2009, 09:57:10 AM
Halo 2 Vista, Random multiplayer server running Coagulation.
I attempted to hijack a Wraith, but got shot by TWO snipers at once while meleeing.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: BoLaD on November 01, 2009, 04:16:46 AM
-Buying a DSlite and a cyclods- a waste of 190 bucks.

Sigh.... that was before I met Touhou... I was stupid back then to believe I wanted to play RPGs.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Grand Octopus on November 01, 2009, 01:40:08 PM
I first played Thunder Force IV when I was about 8-9 years old. Played it a little more as I grew up, and I always figured the game was a bit on the easy side. It wasn't until recently that I realised there was an options screen you could access by holding down A/B/C on the title screen and pressing Start. And hey, turns out you can adjust the difficulty to Easy, Normal, Hard or Lunatic Maniac.

So I figured I'd give Maniac a try. Probably just more bullets, slightly more durable bosses, that sort of thi--


Wait the level just started why am I being attacked by the midboss--


Jesus fuck why are missiles spawning behind me--


And so on. The game pretty much turned me inside out.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Bananamatic on November 01, 2009, 02:21:34 PM
Persona 3. Hard mode. After a good amount of grinding, 1 floor before the boss, seen a purple enemy....

"Hey, I'll complete that quest before the boss, cool"
*1 turn later*
"Cool, Yukari finishes that dude and I get a shitload of exp- *miss*
" turn"
"What? Mudo? Well, it shouldn't hit the- WAIT, ARE YOU TARGETING THE MC?"
*hopes it doesn't hit or that I still have a homunculus*
*hits, no homunculi in my inventory*


Took me 1 month to grab that game again.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Suwako Moriiya on November 01, 2009, 04:10:33 PM
one of my worst one was when i was playing a japanese final fantasy game.

i had a boss fight, and was low on health, i looked for a potion, on japan of course.

when i used it on one of mine it ended up i casted a frog spell item instead, so it died and i lost.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Napalnman1231 on November 03, 2009, 02:06:44 AM
If you bought Star Ocean: TtEoT for the non-existent multiplayer you are a piece of idiotic fail.

that's why I just prefer my old Star Ocean for Snes
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Seian Verian on November 03, 2009, 05:06:31 AM
Buying the original .hack games after having played G.U. They didn't stay bought for long <.<
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: trancehime on November 03, 2009, 11:08:17 AM

...I died later on 8D
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Chirumiru on November 03, 2009, 04:51:48 PM
Dying for the first time all game on the final form of Dr. Wily in Mega Man 9 on Superhero mode cuz my roommate shouted something and scared the crap out of me XD
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Bananamatic on November 03, 2009, 05:51:58 PM
If you bought Star Ocean: TtEoT for the non-existent multiplayer you are a piece of idiotic fail.
The SO3: TtEoT fanboy inside me is raging. Hard.
And VS mode is fun. Wish I had somebody who plays RPGs who would play it with me :V
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: AlexX Unlimited on November 03, 2009, 07:41:07 PM
Fire Emblem loves to give me these as bad as any touhou game.

It is not unusual in the least for me to be doing a mission (getting some nice stat-ups for my units, I might add), only to end up screwing up (such as using a unit to block attacks that can one-round an enemy, clearing the way for more to come in and wear him down to nothing, then moving on to my healers...). RNG-screwage is one thing, but stuff like chapter 11(?) in Shadow Dragon with all those high-defense ballista units tend to throw me for a loop.

Nothing like losing your favorite characters a few times to make it clear just how crappy a tactician you are...
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Seian Verian on November 03, 2009, 07:46:33 PM
Fire Emblem loves to give me these as bad as any touhou game.

It is not unusual in the least for me to be doing a mission (getting some nice stat-ups for my units, I might add), only to end up screwing up (such as using a unit to block attacks that can one-round an enemy, clearing the way for more to come in and wear him down to nothing, then moving on to my healers...). RNG-screwage is one thing, but stuff like chapter 11(?) in Shadow Dragon with all those high-defense ballista units tend to throw me for a loop.

Nothing like losing your favorite characters a few times to make it clear just how crappy a tactician you are...

Actually, this applies to me too. And probably to most people who play Fire Emblem.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: AlexX Unlimited on November 03, 2009, 07:52:10 PM
Actually, this applies to me too. And probably to most people who play Fire Emblem.
Like I said, this isn't RNG-screwage, which gets everybody (though god-tier players like SpyroDi and Eaichu can apparently RNG-abuse themselves immunity). I'm talking about not paying enough attention to notice important details, such as not noticing your meat shield being strong enough to take out the randoms they're supposed to be walling. And, like I said in my specific example, ballistae (particularly the strong and durable ones in Shadow Dragon) really throw me for a loop.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Seian Verian on November 03, 2009, 07:58:01 PM
I tend to screw up like that too though. A lot of chapters end up being restarted several times due to my having units dying when I REALLY don't want them to x.x And let's not even go into Micaiah on Radiant Dawn <_<;
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: ebarrett on November 03, 2009, 08:23:41 PM
ADOM. Playing some elf mage, decent chance of victory. Cast spell, wanted to choose healing, chose lightining. Target self, game prompts me to confirm if I'm really THAT stupid. [Y]es, lightning bolt bounces on the floor and on the ceiling a bunch of times and I get zapped repeatedly. End result: one fried, dead elf.

ADOM again. Dwarven archer (godly combo by the way), going for an ultra ending. DAYS if not WEEKS of grinding and mining and smithing had turned him into an invulnerable machinegunner. All the ultra ending preparations taken care of, I make my way to the bottom of the Dungeon and prepare to enter the gate....
and forget to equip one of the items of the Chaos Trinity.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Chronojet ⚙ Dragon on November 03, 2009, 08:48:24 PM
Dying for the first time all game on the final form of Dr. Wily in Mega Man 9 on Superhero mode cuz my roommate shouted something and scared the crap out of me XD
Not a screwup, but...
Megaman ⑨??
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Hanzo K. on July 03, 2010, 08:44:16 PM
Oh, where do I start?  :]

I've got countless tales to tell.....If I could remember 'em all.

Let's see.....there was this one time I was playing Aria of Sorrow, ran smack into the Manticore Boss.

And then there was that time on Darius R........Why the hell did i dodge into the walls?!

And then there was that one time on Harmony of Dissonance.........Backdashing into a Living Armor.......Wasn't a bright idea.
Another OHKO.

Man....there's more, but I'd have to remember 'em.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Fetch()tirade on July 03, 2010, 08:53:27 PM
Elder Scrolls: Morrowind.

Charging into what appeared to be another bandit cave when it was actually a Sixth House base. I was around level 5 or so.
Same problem when I first discovered the old Dunmer fortresses, especially the one next to Balmora.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Arcengal on July 04, 2010, 12:20:54 AM
Any time in Morrowind when I ran into what appeared to be a normal cave, got molested by one of those things that reduces your stats to zero and makes you unable to move because you're carrying something that weighs more than an ounce.

After not having saved for ages.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: KOA on July 04, 2010, 01:56:05 AM
I screw up a lot of my own runs in a lot of shmups.
I have a tendency to screw up other people's shmup runs too. (
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Third Eye Lem on July 04, 2010, 02:33:31 AM
So, Lego Harry Potter came out recently. Kids game, Easy Modo, yadda yadda. I don't wanna hear it, I play what I like. Anyways, I came across a nasty glitch in Hogwarts Castle, there's this room where you can get a character token to unlock Draco Malfoy (it has swinging pendulums and a statue of a blue pixie holding a chest). I blast some of the Lego stuff for studs, jump on over to the token, grab it, and try to leave...Somehow the door stops being a door and decides to be a solid wall. I can't get out, even though there's a room beneath me, falling down kills me. So I quit the game using the guide button, resume, wind up in a different section of Hogwarts somehow. I go back to that room to make sure I still have that token, and to check to make sure the debris from the stuff I broke disappeared (this game has a physics engine now). It's still there, I try to move the debris away but the door still wouldn't work. So, I quit the game normally (not through the guide menu), resume, and surprise surprise, I'm stuck in that room again! So I have to restart my game now, and to make sure I don't make this mistake again, I'm gonna buy a 360-compatible USB and copy my save file to it, so in case that room DOES glitch up again I can have something to fall back on. My fault for not paying attention to common sense, Traveler's Tales' fault for not doing enough to squash all the bugs in this game.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Bias Bus on July 04, 2010, 02:53:33 AM
Playing Jidaigeki (River City Ransom 2) and I actually let Tex get a pole even though I KNOW he's fucking beast with that weapon type. Apparently I figured I could Dragon Knee him and he'd drop it. I was horribly mistaken.

Me and my buddy got utterly destroyed in that fight.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Vanishing Sock Puppet on July 04, 2010, 01:31:43 PM
I remember this one time when I was playing Mountain of Faith. I normally reset the game when I die in a shmup, but I didn't do that for this run and made it to stage 5 for the first time as a result. I had about 3 more lives when I realized I hadn't reset the game on each death at all. So, a few seconds later, I was hit by a bullet, died, and before I knew what I was doing, reset the game.

Cue on head desk.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: orinrin on July 05, 2010, 03:12:08 AM
Playing as a Robotics in Global Agenda is pretty fun and all, but there are a few things that irk me.  I was about to kill a Recon straggler that slipped past my team and right when I thought he was about to die, I accidentally went too close to him and my rocket turret hit me instead, instantly killing myself.  I should also mention that aforementioned Recon managed to kill 6 other teammates after that, 2 of which included Medics.  Oh yeah, he raped our turrets and stations too.  I never felt so noobish in a game before.  (Unless you count the time where I decided to level a building in BC2 while I was still inside it)
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: RainfallYoshi on July 05, 2010, 04:29:27 AM
Final Fantasy IX. I saved right before the "You're Not Alone" segment (you know what I'm talking about). And since I had neglected to ever level or gear Steiner and Quina I was stuck at that spot of the game with no conceivable way to pass it because Steiner and Quina kept dying 1 turn before Zidane would normally show up.

FML man. You know how far into the game that is?
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Krimmydoodle on July 05, 2010, 06:38:45 AM
That reminds me of the one screwup that's managed to stick with me through my gaming career and affect how I play.  I was playing through Secret of Evermore, and got to the second world that emulates ancient Rome or something to that effect.  Shortly into it, you get thrown into the city's colosseum for a fight to the death.  Just before the fight, you get an opportunity to save, but you're locked in a prison until the fight, so no chance of grinding, and you're stuck at the level you have.  I was still using the very first weapon at the time and hadn't put experience into any other weapons, and this is conveniently when the first weapon becomes completely useless.  With my decent weapons stuck at their minimum level, I had nothing to properly fight with, and was doomed to never beat this boss.  Cue a bit of rage and a restart of the game.

Ever since then, I'm pretty obsessive about save files and will usually save a new file if anything important occurs, so if I get locked in some part of the game in an unwinnable situation, I can at least go back to that save an hour ago rather than restarting the game completely.  The one exception to this was the time I played Golden Sun, which was on a friend's copy of the game.  Two of the slots were taken and he let me use the third, so I was unable to do any sort of obsessive multiple saving.  Naturally, I went and fucked up again here by saving after the last boss, locking me in the epilogue and unable to walk around finding the rest of the djinni for obsessive 100% completion, though at this point I just returned the game and that was that.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: orinrin on July 05, 2010, 06:48:13 AM
Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure some of you here have deleted an irreplaceable save at one time or another.  If that isn't a screwup, then I don't know what is.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Garlyle on July 05, 2010, 11:43:15 AM
Now that I think about it, I'm pretty sure some of you here have deleted an irreplaceable save at one time or another.  If that isn't a screwup, then I don't know what is.
I've lost save data without it even being an accident.
My sister owned the house's gamecube and its memory card, although I used it far more.  When it came time for me to move out I got my own memory card.
Thanks to game companies that decide people can't copy over data, I lost my F-Zero GX save data, which anyone who's played it will know induces hours worth of rage in trying to get anywhere - and I had story mode clear and pretty much all the hards and about half the Very Hards done.  And even a couple Master cup clears.  FFF.
Also in that same instance I ended up losing my FE9 data.  Which wouldn't have mattered much, but I had the Trial Maps and Character Images unlocked from hooking it up to FE7/8.  And while that could also be done again fairly easily, that would be matter of having a GC/GBA link cable, which no human on the planet possesses.  At least not around here.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Azure Lazuline on July 05, 2010, 07:01:09 PM
I was attempting a low-items run of Super Metroid (beating the game with as few powerups as possible), and after half a week of work, I finally made it to the final boss. I'm pretty confident against this boss, so I thought it would be smooth from then on. But I forgot that you're forced to take a hit from its super-attack, which does 300 damage... I only had 299 max health, and it was a no-backtracking area.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: AMZYoshio on September 08, 2010, 11:08:21 PM
Turning on Jaws for my NES. (For real.)

But in reality, probably Final Fantasy 4, on the last boss. I went to throw my Cleaver at Zeromus because I forgot about it, and Edge + Cecil were the only people left alive. I had figured the boss was already almost dead, he'd been meteo spamming me for a bit. So I go through the menu and hit it real fast (I had the setting to Active and battle speed pretty high), and I selected the thing under it instead. A terrible sword that did like 1k damage.

I'm never a packrat again in that game.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Fujiwara no Tobi on September 11, 2010, 10:29:33 AM
One of my worrst screw ups...
Playing  Brawl Subspace Emissary with ONE HAND on  Hard Mode..(GameCube Cotroller) i beat it somehow, but I got over 300 Game Overs. :X
Since I had a broken hand I wanted a challenge. 
Never again =X
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: An Odd Sea Slug on September 11, 2010, 07:48:07 PM
I TK'd three teammates with a minigun in Dystopia the other night. Then again, why they thought crowding into that tiny room which already three heavies (iirc) was a -good- idea, I'll never know.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Geoodees on September 11, 2010, 09:04:26 PM
Nothing from a game really, but still screw ups.

One time I sold a Playstation 2 because I had two of them. Nothing special about that. But I noticed my mistake a few months later when I wanted to check out Kingdom Hearts II and it wasn't in the case. After checking around, I realised that it must have been in the console I sold and I made some family happy with a free game.

I was like; *derp*. :V

And this one time when I played Gears of War online with my friends and I broke my microphone by accident, don't ask how. But this was just humorous, because when I explained to my pals with messages they started to joke about it, e.g. they said I had eaten the mic. It was funny until I had to spend money on a new mic.
Title: Re: Your Worst Screwups in Video Gaming
Post by: Stitchpunk on September 12, 2010, 08:08:50 PM
I bought and played Superman 64.

...and somehow enjoyed it. (for the first 30 minutes)

Then about a week later I woke up in the middle of the night and began to cry.

It took months of therapy to restore what I once was.

Damn you Superman!.....sixty four.