Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Rumia's Party Games => Topic started by: Totaku on July 23, 2010, 04:50:08 PM

Title: Suika Fortress Game III GAME OVER: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death
Post by: Totaku on July 23, 2010, 04:50:08 PM
Greetings everyone, just as I promised before the end of the month, I planned to attempt another run of Suika Fortress on a more stable version of the game.

As of right now I'm busy making the final preparations for the game before we begin.

As of recently Suika Fortress has undergone mages change since the last game we held and is now far more stable compared to before.

For those who haven't followed up Suika Fortress since the last game, many of the bugs have been worked out slowly and surely be the game's creator Toady One, and now as of this point we should have a more functionable military and have better control over it. (even if it's still complicated)

Of course, there is one I must bring up....

Over the course of the new release, I had been working on modding the new version include a whole bunch of new things. In fact, we now have tons of new yukkuri, new creatures, and a whole new system to fiddle with and I'm certain that many of you will find many shocking surprised as play through this new game...perhaps even....FUN!

I'm looking forward to seeing how you all respond to my new lovely mod project I put together. ^^

Now it's time to cover a bit of what makes up Suika Fortress.....

The World of Suika Fortress

Welcome all to the wonderful world that is Suika's Fortress which is a mod of Dwarf Fortress. Today, we will be covering all about the basics about what to expect to all those that do not know of the game. I shall to you all about this mod in the simplest way possible. Let us begin!

1. What is Dwarf Fortress?

Think of it as what would happen if you?re cross together Dungeon Crawler  concepts, with the Sims, and even some RTS like concepts for extra measure! That's sort of what makes up the Dwarf Fortress. Basiclly your trying to help your dwarves make a living by building a fortress and help them be able to survive against just about anything. Wether it be Elephants, Unicorns, Goblins, you name it. And at the same time, make sure they can survive, get food and water and be comfortable and happy as possible. And while doing they will always dig deeper.  And who knows what they'll find down in the deep..... perhaps it'll be.....FUN!

In Suika Fortress, we do pretty much the same thing, except it?s with Suikas, and most of our livestock and predators are yukkuri, though there are some animals out there too?

It?s also important to note that every Suika has their own personality and quarks too so be alert with how they behave too.

2. What does Suika Fortress look like?

Imagine a world full a Suikas mining caves, managing yukkuri, and all sort of other things just to making a living and survive. The game flows in real time and you will spend your time managing the activities and actions the Suikas do. You can pause it however if you need to plan things out. Before letting the game continue. It should look something like this,

( (
( (

All these nice graphics while they attempt to build a fortress. It should be fun to see how this develops? and yes I created the suika graphic tile sprites for this as well as the yukkuri sprites and some other tiles while some other are from other people like Mike Mayday.

The interface mainly consist of the following:

( (

On the left is the activity screen where you can watch the mini suikas as they run around doing what they do best. Get drunk and work. 

The middle is the menu, you will be pressing the keys to that cordinate with what every option you want to select, this is vital for especially because you will need to tell the mini suikas what to do.

And on your right is the map or your region. Here you'll see that suikas are marked in red while other creatures are in read. While it may look simple it's important to know that the map consist of many levels and to alternate between the levels you'll have to press the < or > keys to work with them.

This mostly covered the basics on what to expect in the interface of Suika Fortress for more information check the wiki (

3.Where can I get the game? What version do I need?

Toady has just recently updated to 0.31.12. And thankfully the open GL works as well as a number of bugs have been fixed!

Here's the mod that you'll be needing to play. And remember, this will be updated with every release!

Be sure to look over the init file and adjust the settings accordingly. As the settings our currently set more toward how I prefer them. So again please make sure you go to the init file and adjust the settings to your liking...
4.What has changed since the last Suika Fortress community game?

A whole lot of things... too many to count or go over. But if you go here (, you will find everything you'll need to know.

5. How do I adjust the screen size?

It is important to note that in order to change the window size you will need to go into the data folder of the dwarf fortress files and select the init folder and then open init.txt.

From there you will have to go down to [GRAPHICS_WINDOWX: ]and [GRAPHIC_WINDOWY: ] and change the number that the colon to change the window size like for example:

Code: [Select]

And for the full screen make sure you know what the full screen resolution of your computer is and then go to [GRAPHICS_FULLSCREENX:]and [GRAPHICS_FULLSCREENY:] and insert the number in the respected areas after the colon to make the file work on full screen for example my full screen resolution is 1280 x 1024 so:

Code: [Select]

Want more tiles on your new screen size? You can adjust it on the [GRID:#:#] and [FULLGRID:#:#] you?ll have to tweak with this a little to make the size work for example:

Code: [Select]

If for some reason you want to adjust other features, that?s up to you, but personally it should work for most here.

But since we are using the DSL version you should be able to automaticlly control the screensize by scrolling grabbing the corner of the screen or however you do it.

And with the mouse wheel you can adjust zooming too!

6. What can I do about the game's frame rate?

As you may experience with Suika Fortress as well as Dwarf Fortress, the game is known to slow down with time but I will provide you a few tips to help keep the frame rates from dropping too much.

Change the print mode!!

In the SDL the init file has a bunch of new features to go over, you will want to fiddle with all of them. There's normal, partial, Accum_buffer, Accum_frame, VBO, and various 2D settings. Fiddle with them and see which one works the best for you.

For example:

Code: [Select]
You can also adjust the texture prameters and prioirty too since they seem to have an effect.

Be advised, changing the priority will put the more energy into the game, be sure your are not putting your computer at risk doing this.  While I never seen it, I've heard stories that it can melt your computer. So change at your own risk! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!

Change the Frame refresh rate!

Under the current version the frame refresher is use to constanstly refresh the frames every so often by default it looks like this:
Code: [Select]
But by lowering it, it can make the game faster! But at the same time it can cause things to sometimes flicker, or things you want to display to not refresh quick enough. It all depends on the location and so forth and it also depends on your computer, so experiement and see if it works for you.

Here's an example:
Code: [Select]
Put animals in cages

Animals take up some memory, so you may want to make sure most of your animals are caged up. This'll save your frame rate somewhat.

Get rid of excess items and rocks!

It's been proven that with a large ton of rocks and items in your map the frame rate will slow down. And this can cause some serious problems to the FPS. But if you set up some things to get rid of items and rocks... like bridges and catapuls, then it'll all work out!

If I can think of others, I'l be sure to put the information down here.

7. This game seems hard, it there an easier way to understand it?

Well, it is somewhat hard at the start, even the tutorial only gives you enough info just to start and learn the simple basics. But if you feel you want to learn more things without as much struggle then to the Dwarf Fortress Wiki here.

Here you?ll find pretty much all the ins and out about how everything works in the game. It?s rather useful so I highly recommend looking through it when you having trouble. Pretty much everything from this wiki will apply to Suika Fortress as well. Just remember though, while it's important to understand the game it's also important to now cheat either and spoil yourself from the real adventure of Dwarf Fortress cause after all one thing they always say is..."Losing is Fun!

8. So how?s the process going to work?

For right now I?m am going to give you some time to sign up while I finish the Suika Fortress mod transfer. Unlike before though I'm going to do something a tad different.... the who will go first, will be based on who is the expodition leader! Meaning whoever signs up to play will have a fair chance of getting to play first!

When the game starts I will have a land that is created and all who are interested can decide on which part of the land the Suikas will settle in to create their fortress.

Because I want the Suikas to be able to have an exciting adventure, I would like to settle if possible to go for a large grid but I will settle on a grid as low as 4x4 in term of our land space. Cause that should have more than enough animals to keep everyone busy.
I will explain more about game length later?

Once that is decided, we have to decide how the Suikas will plan for their trip. In terms of their occupations, and what supplies they will carry. This is very important in the beginning and we shall discuss this before we go on.

After we complete these steps we will begin the gamplay...

Depending on who is selected to be the leader, we will then pass the game over to that player, and if the leader the leader happens to be spectator, we will then have decide based on two factors:

1. Where the spectator posted in terms of which player he or she is closer two and....
2. Where the spectator is located in the list of Suikas once the game decided on the unit list assuming there is a tie in step 1.

If both fail the spectator will have to pick between the two.

9. Gameplay rules

We shall play Suika Fortress as a succession game. When the game begins, you will have one year to do whatever you got to do to help your Suikas develop their fortress. Get materials, build things, fight creatures, whatever. During the run you should take pictures of some of the events that unfold during your year. Try to update periodicly as I know a year takes a while go through. Because speed can vary based on one?s computer, I will give the player one week (7 days) to complete the task, and if an extension is needed, he or she must provide an update with pictures on where he or she is at so I know where they stand. And if progress that is made shows some promise of progress I will allow another 3 days of extension.

Starting with this game onward, we are required to follow the rules that are part of MotK as in KEEP THE IMAGES IN THUMBNAILS! There are small exception, but that's only if the picture itself is small enough to meet MotK's size requirments. Please review MotK's rules on image posting ( before participating! This is a must in the entire board and it'll be required here too. Pesco will be monitoring this and insist you must follow this rule. The last thing I need right now is for this game to be exterminated after the time and work I put into it.

The players turn will come to an end when the Lily White comes along and announces the coming of spring!

Or rather ?Spring has arrived!? which will appear at the bottom of the game window.

From there you must pause and save your game. To do that press escape, and then go down the menu and select  "Save game and press enter. And then take the save file which is located in  data -> saves -> Reigon folder. Take the region folder that contains the Suika Fortress data and then zip it (or rar it) and upload it to Mediafire, Rapidshare or the like. Once it's saved you turn is done.

The next person will then take the Region folder and place it in save folder and start off the game and continue from there till the next spring.

Because the game lasts for a long time we will end the game under two conditions:

1.We create an epic Suika fortress
2.The Suika Fortress dies in an epic death (ala boatmurdered or something along the line)

Say like maybe in 15-20 years in game time maybe. By then we will have done most of everything that we can do with it. But then again who knows? it'll depend on how many people decide to participate in this too. As well as how many bug changes take place.

If for some reason the Suika Fortress dies... We can decide if we shall embark to a new location or go back to the last save. Unless the 2 conditions are met.

Finally if the person is unable to complete the run in time, his run will be nulled as we will return to the last save?

Also it is important to know that you can resign yourself up for another round though you will be placed on the bottom of the waiting list and I will contact you when your turn is up.

10. Can I still participate in it even if I?m not playing?

OF course! As I said, I want the player to make some updates as they go through their adventure building the fortress you can give your own thoughts and suggestions at the time that?s posted. Also because we have so many Suikas to deal with maybe we can give them ?nicknames? to make them stand out.  That always helps.

11. Can I run the fortress to the ground?

No! Don?t destroy to fortress on purpose, it ruins the fun of having ?fun? Rather try to do whatever you can to survive and if the death comes upon, we can understand. If the player intentionally tries to destroy the fortress on purpose too many time, they will be removed from the game.

12. Did you make these sprites?

Well I made all the Suikas and Yukkutri sprites, so yes I?m responsible for those. All the other creatures are Maydays?s work. He should earn the credit for making a tile of  the Dwarf Fortress version possible for me to do Suika Fortress.

13. Some text appears odd / sprites have an odd color.

 If that?s the case, send me a picture so I can look into the problem. It?s important for me to look into it. As I had to work on this alone with only advice and feedback from the IRC gang. And if I fix the problem, I?ll post an updated file to insert into the files and graphics.

14. I have suggestion for other things to add.

Don?t be afraid if you got an idea of what I could add into Suika Fortress let me know I can see about working it out possiblely. Just remember I?m also a busy man so be patient.

15. Can I have an adventure instead?

This time, I'm going this option open! Because the bugs have been fixed. But because we haven't decided yet on how we'll tackle it. Likely it'll be to go located the old fortress and explore it like before end of story... But we can decide on that later.

16. This game is buggy, is it going to be fixed?

Thankfully alot of the nasty bugs have been removed and fixed, which includes crashes, trade depot related bugs, military, combat, crafting ect. But there are still some bugs here and there, but thankfully on the most it is playable! So this should be alot like playing Beer Ax and like Drunken Graspings. hahahahaha.

17. What kind of bugs should I worry about?
Currently, I have listed a list of bugs that are likely  to occur in our game depending on how we play. These all have a work around thankfully.  I just to all be aware of them. As for now the list can be located here. (

18. Can we use 40d# version with the new version?

No, the new version had such a tremendous makeover especially with the underground that we cannot use the older version at all. We can only work with 0.31.04 and onward. And if there's a compatablity complication in the later version we can discuss about starting a new game on that version.

19. The game is crashing, what are we going to  with the file?

Were going to start with a compressed file for now, and see how that goes, if worse comes to worse we can to an uncompressed file and attempt to work from there.

20. My keyboard is designed different and I want to play this game. What can I do to fix the key board setting to make it work for me?

This has been a question that has been brought up for a while now. So I'm going to put up a hint for you all here who have different keyboards that aren't built the same way as most standard ones.

When you get the game started, the first thing you will have to do is to go press esc once your in the main menu. You will get a list of options to pick from. The one that you'll need you'll fix your key board is "Key binding". When enter there, you will have to go through each menu of options of see which keys you will need to change, and from there set up a key that you can use for it in place of the one that's there.  It shouldn't be that hard.  Just a little time consuming at most. But once you gone through and made the changes, you can go and save your settings and then they'll be permament. Or just save as a temporary setting.  That's the best I can explain it to you here.

21. When I save my game, what should I do with the file?

As of this point, I recommend that you zip it or rar it. But known the size of files allowed in MotK, a DF file will be too big. So I'm going to recommend that you put the file up on an file hosting site, like Mediafire, and rapid share, ect. And be sure to post the link here. I will be needing to do this especially to test out crash errors that occur from saves.

And so this concludes my introduction to Suika Fortress! As of right now it is time to sign up. I will sign myself into the game. And I look forward into anyone else who wants to sign in to help build the Suika Fortress!

As like in the last game, the first six people who sign in to play will get the call dibs on naming their Suika  and thier occupations ect. that'll come once we embark. Any people that sign in after the first 7 and spectator will call dibs on Suika migrants that come in.

If there are not 6 people in the list, then what ever spectators that come to provide feedback will become part of the embark team.

And if there are not 6 then we will just simply embark with a few suikas by their default names.

Anyways, it's now time to sign up! I'll explain more about the world process later on...

Waiting List:
Totaku (Butcher / Cook / Engraver )

Spectator List:
Anthony (woodcutter/ carpenter/ AxeSuika/ teacher)
AsianWarriorS (Cook)
Pesco (wants to be named "tits")
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Totaku on July 23, 2010, 05:13:17 PM
Currently known bugs

As you know, even though we gone through many different versions, we still have within the game that are still being fixed. But at the same time, new features are being thrown in as well as many bug fixes with each passing update. But for right now, what I will be putting here are most of the known bugs that are still present in the current version and will likely be fixed over time...

Farm seed bug: if you for some reason plant seed after a certain time frame and they don't grow by the end of the season in which it's possible to plant them.... it can cause all your seed you planted to vanish! The only thing this dosen't apply to is plump helmets.

Hospital Bug: It seems that plaster can't be made properly through the kiln as it disappers before being made. However, as a work around you can trade for them and they can be used for bone setting so thankfully not all is lost. I've also confirmed that using bucket to get water to make the cast do not work properly. A workaround is to find a Suika who's going to fetch water for the well or for the sick, forbid it. And then when the other Suika that's going to treat the cast comes to the area to get water, force her to drop the bucket and maker her claim the once forbidden bucket filled with water. That should do the trick.

Massive Damage Bug:: If a Suika just so happen to lose thier abilty to use thier arms and legs and has moter and sensory damage. Chance are they will not recover at all. I also applies  if they loose one leg.

Soldier's Nightmare Bug:Will be fixed in 0.31.13 An interesting fact, if for some reason and enemy is captured in a cage trap while a solider is fighting it and just so happens to get a terrible wound from it. She'll be stuck in soldier mode unable to rest. And will reamins on the orders until the creature that is caged or fighting is killed. If the wounds are too great, that Suika should die the very moment that creature dies.

No sleeping in assigned bed bug:Will be fixed in 0.31.13

Noble Bug: Beast tamer and Tax collector have been reported to not come to feild when your fort is large enough. So it seem taming exotic animals and starting a Suika Economy might be out until this is fixed. (Not that it's bad thing)

No fish in the scroching heat Bug: This bug seems to still linger, but only in scorching heat. And there have been some reports of melting Suikas too... but again, this is rare. We won't be embarking to a scorching location.

Material bug error: Might be fixed in 0.31.13Seems that making a leather waterskin always results within a non material flask that ends up not being used or being store. Best solution for now is to just trade for waterskins till this can be fixed.

Training Crash bug: FIXED in 0.31.12

Trade Carvans without the wagon bug: This bug is rather common, and and far as I know there is no work around. It does however make trade access easy for every race. But naturally they are suppose to have wagons which make things harder but either way enjoy having the easy trade access for now....

I'll probably add more bugs as I locate them....
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Psieye on July 23, 2010, 06:17:29 PM
I sign my name down on the waiting list. Let's see how this fort plays out. Will Aquifers be kept in or not during world gen?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Totaku on July 23, 2010, 06:27:13 PM
I sign my name down on the waiting list. Let's see how this fort plays out. Will Aquifers be kept in or not during world gen?

Signed in!

As for Aquifers, I'm going to say yes, because I've been known for tossing in aquifers in all the world maps I make, but at the same time I always pick at least 4 -5 locations without aquifer when I give choices. And generally leave an aquifer area or two in as an option. Even though no one ever wants to embark on such a location.^^;

Oh, and I will make sure that this time when we make the world, that it all civilizations survive. Because dealing with no Suikas made life misriable last time....

And I will note that even when you do sign up, the turn order will not be final until we embark. So feel free to sign up, everyone has a chance for first dibs on fortress once we embark.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: ES-Anthy on July 24, 2010, 04:38:39 AM
Currently I shall be a viewer in this and I wish to have a suika named after myself. Though I may join in on this at a later date.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Stuffman on July 24, 2010, 04:41:58 AM
Will join as spectator for now, too busy with other stuff to play just yet.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: communist unity (comm-unity) on July 24, 2010, 04:45:48 AM
I'll spectate this, hopefully things end up better this time around. I volunteer to name a suika after me, though.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Serela on July 24, 2010, 04:47:07 AM
I'll spectate/have a suika named for me! I personally have more fun reading about complicated games like this instead of actually playing them.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Zengar Zombolt on July 24, 2010, 05:02:10 AM
Spectator here!
Zengar Zombolt, Guard Capn' season three! Let's not die again.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Stuffman on July 24, 2010, 05:25:12 AM
Let's not die again.
Haha, good luck there, chief.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on July 24, 2010, 02:01:35 PM
So, what exactly do we do spectating?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Totaku on July 24, 2010, 02:08:25 PM
So, what exactly do we do spectating?

The spectator list is mainly set up for those who wish to become a part of the game without playing it. By signing up in the spectator list, you will get a Suika reserved to be named after you. You can also choose her occupation assuming you know Dwarf Fortress.

Course also as the role of spectator you are allow to give advice and feedback. After all it's sort of fun to have your own Suika. And if your interesting in playing you can be moved from the specator list to the waiting list at any time.

I will get some world set up sometime later today for everyone to decide on which world to pick. I will make sure that this time, all civilizations survive one way or another.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on July 24, 2010, 02:14:03 PM
Well okay then, sign me up to spectating, I was always interested in dwarf fortress but never took the time to play it
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Chaore on July 24, 2010, 03:17:22 PM
Woop. Sign me up as a spectator. :V
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Dead Princess Sakana on July 24, 2010, 03:37:53 PM
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: ES-Anthy on July 24, 2010, 04:56:09 PM
Oh yea, for my suika make me a wood cutter/carpenter Suika, and if possible also add on being an axesuika.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on July 24, 2010, 04:59:48 PM
Can you make my Suika a cook? I'm currently trying to be one in RL
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: FinnKaenbyou on July 25, 2010, 05:48:06 PM
According to Dwarf Fortress Mafia (, I am a blacksmith. So /in as a spectator this time around.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Tapsa on July 25, 2010, 05:52:37 PM
Signing up to play... won't be a delay this time though
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Chaore on July 25, 2010, 07:37:20 PM
Err uh, Hey don't forget about me. I'm only right above the fish.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Totaku on July 25, 2010, 07:52:09 PM
Ok, I'm making sure to sign you all up accordingly.

As of right now, I'm am slightly delayed because I'm currently learned that version 0.31.12 is out and fixed the crash errors that I mentioned back a while ago as well as fixed issues with Laisons and even possible human laisons as well!

So we could have something pretty close to the old days of beer ax.

Anyways... while your all waiting, I'm going to set up 3 maps that were made.

I would like you to pick one before we then decide on some locations.

So here you go...
( (
Region 1
A land that seems to be at  peace with little going on. As the wars of past have long gone.... The humans seem to live alll over the southern area while the kappa keep to the north. Remains of thier war still resides to the east of the kappa's territory...

The parsees live quietly in the forrest to the southwest and in the large mountain region, the biokkuri reside in large numbers along the western side of the mountain. But over in the northern ceteral area live a small group of Suika who seem to manage on thier own... What will become when a group of Suika's embark to expand thier homeland?
( (
Region 2

Down in the south a bitter war between the human and the kappa has been going on for ages as they fought over the sea that has now become cursed from the kappa's production work. In the midst of the war, the parseekkuri were driven away living far to the north east....

The Suikas and the biokkuri live quietly in the mountains as they watch it all unfold. However, they still hold a grudge of thier own. What kind of place could we embark to on here?

( (
Region 3
Conflicts grow as the nations spread.. The Parsees rule the north while the kappas rule the center, and the human maintain the south....meanwhile the Suikas hang around the low populated human towns located southwest, while the biokkuri remain isolated deep in the north east....

What kind of place will we embark on here?

Now go ahead and pick an area, even give a suggestion if you like I'm open. Once we decide on an area I will pick a few location and we will go from there.

Also anyone's open to join as always. Wether it be specator or to play.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Psieye on July 25, 2010, 08:50:53 PM
I vote for Region 2 - cursed sea from Kappa industry and wars fought because of it is an awesome history.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: barasia on July 26, 2010, 02:34:40 AM
Let me try to dl once more(once you post the mod) and see if key binding works.
if it works, i'll do my own fortress to get a feel of it before signing as spectator.

if it doesn't work.....oh well.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Totaku on July 26, 2010, 03:00:13 AM
OK, I finished the transfer and now the new upload for Suika Fortress is up! I've decided to place it in the Dwarf Fortress File Depot since it's sort of a home spot to download Dwarf Fortress content.

If for some reason this doesn't work, I will set up a media fire download as well. Go at it, get the game and try it out for a bit. And if you are having complication with running the game, please let me know so I can help guide you. But before that, please look at the first post and see what you can do to adjust some of the settings as it'll help.

And you all still have time to vote for a region so get to voting!
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Chaore on July 26, 2010, 06:36:39 AM
Region 3. After how quickly we got stomped by the Bios last round... Well, Putting some distance between us may be smart.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Tapsa on July 26, 2010, 11:36:03 AM
I'd go region 2 so we won't die out of boredom from nothing happening around. As for getting crushed by biokkuris, remember that the last time the only Suikas alive in that world were the ones that we embarked with. No migrants ever came to that fortress.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Psieye on July 26, 2010, 12:13:41 PM
The fort died to Biokkuri last time because we didn't have steel on site, we took ages to get magma forges up, bronze wasn't smelted and turned into equipment fast enough and we didn't train. That as well as the lack of immigrants and being caught by surprise with the new combat balance of v0.31 (5 layers of stonefall traps are not a good defence anymore). Not to mention far too much of the earlygame was spent designing a nice fort instead of getting some defences up and getting to the magma (and when we did, it was done far too slowly due to over-caution).

Biokkuri come only in the 2nd year onwards. A lot will depend on who Xom (the RNG) decides the first player will be.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Totaku on July 27, 2010, 07:01:53 AM
From my experience, Biokkuri raids can happen as early as the 2nd year, but at times I've seen it take place much later like 4-5 year so it can be pretty random....


Let's go over what I have so far....

From the vote count I gathered, Region 2 is the most favored area. So I went ahead and picked several locations.....

This time it was rather tough to pick a location in the area but I did manged to find 7 areas we can decide on so..... here we go!

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Area 1: Forest near the Kappa civilization

Down along the river torward youkai mountain is a forest where a bunch of kappa seem to be living. They are pretty much living quietly on thier own while most likely still duking out with the human civilizations. Can we gain anything by living closer to them?

Around this area is a steep mountain, with a volcano in it. and a forest  surrounds the area. Wildlife seems to be present, but mostly friendly. we even have a brook located in the northwest. And the climate here is pretty hot. But in the earth we got plenty of  Schist, Granite and Garrbo, and sand along the south east, In the west is an aquifer just past the mountain. We can probably get around it by simply staying within the mountain since it's dry.

Diffuclty: Easy- Normal

Area 2: The cursed lake
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Somewhere along the dark road a lake stands where the curses seems to rest. It is because of this that the lake is cursed itself and likely plauged with undead aqautic life!  The wild life here as well seems pretty vicious.  And vegitation and trees don't grow much here. So we must make sure that every tree doesn't go to waste! The land itself is filled with many valuable stone and has some marble and claystone all over the place. Could serve as a good crafting certain metals... But as we said we must be alert for we have alot of wild animals and likely undead creature to handle.

Diffuclty: Normal- Hard

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Area 3:The mystical plains of Gensokyo

Out in the middle of nowhere is a deep canyon where a waterfall stands plumetting many feet down. It seems creatures of myth roam here in great numbers too. And to top it off there is aquifers present, but mayber we can find a way through here. The climate here will switch from cold to warm as the seasons flow and the stone here mainly consist Chert, and claystone along with garbbo and Dorite. Plant growth seems to be somewhat small here. But  so is the whole area. We probably have enough to get some basic living down here.... Should we settle here?

DiffucltyL Normal - Hard

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Area 4: Staying near the homeland

Our land we live near has enough resources to keep us pretty busy.  We even have a forest and a river to use. And rock salt. The wild life is also pretty calm. So if anything maybe being close to home is always an option.

Diffculty: Easy - Normal

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Area 5: The land which Letty lives strong

It's really cold here, that's for sure, but on the bright side we don't have contend with alot if vicious predators.... Thankfully we have plenty of trees, so we should be fine on the most part.  We also have access to an good rescourse Obsidian. The Mountain itself is very steep  and we will have to make a living deep inside if we wish to use the volcano. There is also no river...which can spell a big problem since everything is cold here to top it off. So water will be a problem... Should we brave the cold?

NOTE: This area is 5x4 to allow volcano access.

Diffuclty: Hard to Lunatic

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Area 6: The Fortest of magic near the Parseekkuri settlement.

This place is mainly with the exception of the canyon and waterfall to the south. We could make a living in there. There are definetly alot of trees here as well. The mainy issue here will be aquifers as they are all over our embark zone. Thankfully wildlife isn't dangerous and we got plent of valuable stone....of course we have get under the aquifer to get it....first.....

Diffucuty: Hard - Lunatic

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Area 7: Living near the polluted sea

As we watched the kappa contaminate the waters we wonder could do something about it.... be able to make a functioning purifing system. Imagine the parties we could have we could be drowning in beer we found a way to purify the water.Plenty of sand can be found here definetly, but you can also a snall but stead amount of trees, and the wild life is tame on the most part.... course we have to remind ourselves that the water here is contaminated and can't be consumed. So if someone is injured it will be a serious problem... Also Aquifer seem to be present, but only in the sea and the land.. the mountains thankfully don't have an aquifer. Can we manage a purifying industry?

Diffuclty: Hard -Lunatic

So here you go, 7 locations, all for you all to pick. You all must decide on where we must go so we can prepare for trip. So get to voting! Your will count torward where we go!

Also for those who haven't joined yet, don't be afraid. You can sign up to play, or be a spectator and have your own Suika!

Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Serp on July 27, 2010, 07:31:50 AM
Count me in as the Bookkeeper and also probably as a player, since the new version of DF seems to be working very well for me.  The fortress I'm running now is about 70 fps with 50 dwarves, so that shouldn't be an issue.  Site 2 sounds like the most fun to me.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Stuffman on July 27, 2010, 08:48:27 AM
Site 5 sounds interesting to me, a volcano is always a very attractive option...the trouble is if it's too cold for the ponds to melt, which would make it so we can't irrigate without digging down into the cavern; we would likely need to dig deep right away and pump some water up (dangerous!)

Does the cold itself have any directly negative effects on our Suikas? I haven't played in a freezing biome before.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Totaku on July 27, 2010, 08:59:03 AM
Site 5 sounds interesting to me, a volcano is always a very attractive option...the trouble is if it's too cold for the ponds to melt, which would make it so we can't irrigate without digging down into the cavern; we would likely need to dig deep right away and pump some water up (dangerous!)

Does the cold itself have any directly negative effects on our Suikas? I haven't played in a freezing biome before.

Well there is the potential risk that your Suikas can freeze to death outside if the temperaturs are dangerously low (Which they might be especially when the winter comes). Course they would have to be outside for a good period of time. Course I think you can get frost bite too if your not careful. And if that happen who know, you have might to get some toes amputated. I know it's possible to get frost bite, but I don't know how dangerous it is game wise.

But yeah if we go to some place cold, you best bundle up and stay indoors as much as possible.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Psieye on July 27, 2010, 01:02:43 PM
Hmm, to be honest I don't like any of the sites as none of them have steel on site. If I had to pick from here, I'd go with region 4 for the hope of getting some bronze but we'll be relying heavily on trade for flux and maybe even copper. Region 5 is ok too, though I don't think I heard anything about obsidian swords being fixed. Digging to the caverns to get water isn't a problem at all.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Totaku on July 28, 2010, 01:54:11 AM
Ding ding! Times up!

It seems that after some voting took place the choices tallied down to one area.....

Area 5! This somehow has me a bit excited because I never really embarked to a cold area before to be honest. But I'm pretty excited myself.

Anyways, I went ahead and put together the people that'll make up the embark team!

As usual those that came in to play get first dibs on their Suika. The rest got there's because they signed up. And as for the rest of you who aren't in yet. Don't worry. Come after a few waves of migrants you will all be named and in place. It would be nicer if you all picked occupations but we can just randomly slap you in if you don't mind come the next few migrants.

So here we are. This is our embark group.
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So here's what I was thinking for the team.....
Totaku (adequte Butcher, adequte Cook, adequte Tanner)
Psieye (adequte Mason, adequte Engraver)
T34G3 (adequte Building Designer, Adequte mechanic, adqute stone crafter)
Serpetarius (adqute farmer, adequte brewer, adequte record keeper)
Anthony (Adequte wood Cutter, Adequte Carpenter, adequte Axe Suika)
Stuffman (Competent Miner)
Head Crabs (Competent Miner, Adequte hunter or some novice doctor skills [???])

By the time I allocate these point we should have less than 100 point left for the supplies.
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I'm going to say...
2 Yusakuya of the opposite sex, 2 chenkuuri's male(one will serve as an emergency food scouce if it doesn't adopt a Suika right away), and the rest to be put toward food food and more food.

That's what I'm thinking and also those that have selected an occupation should have at least the skills they asked for.

So do you all think this would work, or is there something we should change around?

Also... a name for this new fortress would be nice, and possible a name for our group too. So let's get to thinking!
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Serp on July 28, 2010, 02:40:48 AM
Someone starting with doctor skills would definitely be useful.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Psieye on July 28, 2010, 07:58:18 AM
Totaku (adequte Butcher, adequte Cook, adequte Tanner)
Psieye (adequte Mason, adequte Engraver)
T34G3 (adequte Building Designer, Adequte mechanic, adqute stone crafter)
Serpetarius (adqute farmer, adequte brewer, adequte record keeper)
Anthony (Adequte wood Cutter, Adequte Carpenter, adequte Axe Suika)
Stuffman (Competent Miner)
Wait are we deliberately embarking with nerfed skills? Why isn't everyone at Proficient? Don't tell me we're embarking with the default item setup that has a lot of worthless stuff?

Here's my item embark list:

2 copper picks
1 copper axe
1 iron anvil
~30 food
~40 booze
~50 seeds
~15 common stone (why wait to dig it up? Workshops can get set up as the first tile is dug out)
~15 wood
~15 bituminous coal + 1 charcoal (speed up the metal industry)
NO thread
NO cloth
NO bags
NO ropes
NO splints
NO crutches
NO buckets

Add in animals and we should have 490 points left over. That lets each suika be proficient at 2 skills or they can learn competent/competent/adequate.

Skills: a lot of what you suggest is unnecessary and a lot of what is very nice to have are missing. Here's what I suggest as essential:

2 x mining (for speed and to safetly extract gems/ore quickly, which can then be used to increase population size early on)
1 x weaponsmith
1 x armoursmith
1 x mason
1 x carpenter (because no matter how scarce the wood, we still want quality beds)
1 x mechanic
1 x farmer

Distribute those skills all at proficient to various suikas as fit. Then we also want:

1 suika with Novice/Adequate at all 5 medical skills, novice appraiser, novice leader and novice judge of intent (this suika will then be guaranteed to be the expedition leader and broker)
1 suika with Competent Teacher, Competent Armour User, Competent Dodger, Novice Axedwarf (this suika will be training on wildlife and will become our drill sergent when the military get trained)

Skills like Brewer, Tanner and Butcher are wasteful to level up on embark. Training them on-site is no problem.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Stuffman on July 28, 2010, 08:11:22 AM
~15 common stone (why wait to dig it up? Workshops can get set up as the first tile is dug out)
Ehhh? You'll have raw stone dug up within seconds of embark, and the workshops will be right next to where you cut into the side of the mountain anyway.

Getting metal industry right off the bat seems a bit excessive, it's like planning to rush in an RTS! I'm not sure how we'll put it to use that early, since we'll have no combat-skilled Suikas and embarking with enough coal to build mass weapon traps will be pricey (plus we have to wait to mine out the metal anyway...)

I like to spend a chunk of my points on breeding stock animals to get a nice start on meat and leather, but this is just a personal preference.

I do agree with your skill loadout though.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Psieye on July 28, 2010, 08:23:08 AM
Ehhh? You'll have raw stone dug up within seconds of embark, and the workshops will be right next to where you cut into the side of the mountain anyway.

Getting metal industry right off the bat seems a bit excessive, it's like planning to rush in an RTS! I'm not sure how we'll put it to use that early, since we'll have no combat-skilled Suikas and embarking with enough coal to build mass weapon traps will be pricey (plus we have to wait to mine out the metal anyway...)
Those few seconds matter when rushing~ Metal industry comes as soon as we dig into the magma sea, which I do before spring is over. By mid-summer of first year I'll have safe magma forges churning out steel gear (if we had steel on site) and electrum toys (because you'll almost always find some gold and silver while looking for the magma). This means our one drill sergeant suika gets gear to start training on wildlife and we get some high quality trade goods to get a population boost in year 2 from large exports.

Mind, the electrum toys won't happen in this fortress as we don't have room for a Proficient MetalCrafter, but we can still make steel bolts which are worth a lot too (when encrusted with gems, oh wait we don't have a gem setter in our build either). I do all this for fast population expansion. Livestock can wait, especially when we're busy killing all wildlife for training.

Oh that reminds me, I forgot the ~10 leather I also embark with to make into bags at the start.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Totaku on July 28, 2010, 02:26:28 PM
May I humbly suggest:

Angry Anger ect ect.

Now that's rather amusing name, but seems a bit off for Suika standards. XP Perhaps Boiling Anger would be a more suitable name?

I will think about some name though...

Edit: Anathe gave out another name to me a short time ago "Lovely Muscles" I think I'll consider that as an option along with "Boiling Anger"

Wait are we deliberately embarking with nerfed skills? Why isn't everyone at Proficient? Don't tell me we're embarking with the default item setup that has a lot of worthless stuff?

Well let me remind you, were in a the frozen lands. Food's going to be an issue since we lack water (Since it's frozen) And we also don't have a river.

Then there's also the issue of the underground.... what are we going to do once we get to the water? I bet is we're going to pump it up. And what are we going to need for this? Windmills, lots of them, wood and alot of that too, some mechanics to build the compentns and some other wood related parts. If anything this seems like good training, but I'll see about the profficiant thing.

As for the items, well in truth, I think these stuff can be important, the thing we can probably do without are split and crutches. What if something nasty happen at our embark point? I know that's rare, but I know it's possible. I like to prepare for the worse case senario. Plus some of that cloth while good for the hospital can double for clothes, which based on our location will probably be a must unless we want to die in the cold.

And as another reminder, this is my usual default embark. :P

Now let's look at your list....

Here's my item embark list:

2 copper picks
1 copper axe
1 iron anvil
~30 food
~40 booze
~50 seeds
~15 common stone (why wait to dig it up? Workshops can get set up as the first tile is dug out)
~15 wood
~15 bituminous coal + 1 charcoal (speed up the metal industry)
NO thread
NO cloth
NO bags
NO ropes
NO splints
NO crutches
NO buckets

Add in animals and we should have 490 points left over. That lets each suika be proficient at 2 skills or they can learn competent/competent/adequate.

Crutches, buckets, splits, I can understand, so I can remove them.

Cloth, bags, rope, and thread I debate upon. I always belive that it's best to be prepared for the worse case senario. What if for some reason we embark and wind up near a giant's cave. And then that said decides to attack. I've had that happen before and that really was frustrating. ^^; I like a way to treat the wounds in this case.... Cause I think we can handle some of the other stuff easily... by cutting wood.
And like the Stuffman, I think that's a bit over the top, I know what your thinking, but to we can dig in to our spots in like a a few seconds and start building shops safe from outside the cold. Remember we're in cold and Frozen terrain! We could die if stay out too long! So wouldn't it simply be safe build our work stations inside the fort?

This also brings up supplies we definetly need to move them in ASAP.

Also why one axe? This is another case of emergency senario. I always would carry a spare just in case.

The rest I don't mind here.

Now on to skills...

Skills: a lot of what you suggest is unnecessary and a lot of what is very nice to have are missing. Here's what I suggest as essential:

2 x mining (for speed and to safetly extract gems/ore quickly, which can then be used to increase population size early on)
1 x weaponsmith
1 x armoursmith
1 x mason
1 x carpenter (because no matter how scarce the wood, we still want quality beds)
1 x mechanic
1 x farmer

This part I agree on for the majority factor, it'll help us out. But I do want to remind you of this...

The players who signed up are getting thier occurpations that they have request. This is just to how I try to make the game a little bit different from being just regular old game.

So for instance when you mentioned this:
Skills like Brewer, Tanner and Butcher are wasteful to level up on embark. Training them on-site is no problem.
I have to say that one the most part I have to say no only because I want my Suika to have flavor because as you know, I want my Suika to be a cook,butcher and Tanner. This is part of my personal taste prefference for my suika.

If you read though how we played Beer Axe, I think you might understand. ^^

So I can't exactly agree with you about the butcher part, I can drop the tanner only because I usually don't play as a tanner.
Brewer on the other hand was one of serp's key responsiblities in every Suika Fortress game and I have to say nay to that. Unless he changes her mind.

So remember, it's also player taste and prefferences I apply here in the game. I'm sorry if I'm coming out a bit hard, I'm just trying to make it clear what I'm trying to achive here with the game.

Distribute those skills all at proficient to various suikas as fit. Then we also want:

1 suika with Novice/Adequate at all 5 medical skills, novice appraiser, novice leader and novice judge of intent (this suika will then be guaranteed to be the expedition leader and broker)
1 suika with Competent Teacher, Competent Armour User, Competent Dodger, Novice Axedwarf (this suika will be training on wildlife and will become our drill sergent when the military get trained)

The teacher, armor uses, ect. that can fit in Anthony's request but I don't know if I can do exactly that.... with what Anthony requested.

Now I wasn't going to explain this part.... but.... the novice appriser, leader and judge of intent, I'm going say no to because of a very important reason which I was going to bring up once we embark but I'll bring it up here....

"The person who becomes the Expodition leader will be come the first player on the list that will play! The order will be decided based on the expidition leader. And if for some reason the expodition leader turns out to be one of the spectators, then we will go down the list to the next person till we reach the player. The only catch here will be if I become the expodition leader or first player in line, I will not play first. Because under the request of some players, I have decided that it'll be someone else's turn first so that we can have construct the fortress different for once. Because every doesn't want my redudent style that I have used for the last two games..."

Besides, I never had issues with the manager or what not wither he was skilled or not.
Anyways, here's the set up now taking what I've put together and revised based on the current suggestion that are in place and maintaining some of the other prefferences...

Totaku: Competent Butcher, Competent Cook, Competent Engraver
Psieye: Competent Mason,  Novice Furnace Operator, Adequte Metal Crafter, Competent Leather worker
T34G3 adequte Weapon Smith, Adequte armor smith, Competent mechanic, Competent stone crafter
Serpetarius: Skilled farmer, Adequte Weaver, Novice Clother, Competent record keeper
Anthony: Adequte wood Cutter, Adequte Carpenter, novice Axe Suika, Novice Armor User, Novice dodger, Competent Teacher
Stuffman: Proficient Miner, Competent Gem maker, Adequte Building Designer
Head Crabs : Proficient Miner,  novice doctor skills


Two copper picks
Two copper axes
Iron Anvil
50 beer
50 seeds
50 food (realized we lacked some plump helmets so I added some)
2 thread
2 Cloth
26 logs
15 Bituimous Coal
1 Charcoal
10 leather

Think we can so fine with this combination?

Also if anyone has some other interesting names, feel free to put then down.

Edit: Fortress name will be : Lovely Muscles the Beloved Angerm it's simply too awesome.

Edit 2: Serp told me I could drop the Brewer stuff so I accepted it. Now he has weaver and clother in place of it.

Edit 3: Switch up a few things based on Psieye's suggestions
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Psieye on July 28, 2010, 03:43:41 PM
Very well, you've tailored the suikas to player preferences and you've now fixed the problem of not spending all the skill points available on embark. The leader roulette I can understand though it means we won't be able to see any values in the z-screen until first trade caravan (because you need appraisal skill on your broker for that) and we won't know the mood of the traders on first caravan (which you need judge of intent for). I can accept your revised skill choice - btw is Stuffman meant to only have 1 skill?

Thread and cloth as emergency medical supplies makes sense. The 2 bags and quivers don't since there is no very-early game emergency situation they can be applied for. Both can be made from the leather we bring on embark. Wooden training axes can cut down trees just as well as metal axes, so technically we don't need any axes on embark but I like bringing 1 to get started immediately. More wood purchased with the points spared would be nice if we're to avoid the outdoors.

It will be up to the players to decide what to do with cavern water. I for one don't see a need to pump it up all the way to the surface when we can just build our fort down far below.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Totaku on July 28, 2010, 04:40:50 PM
Well generally I follow the motto, once a miner, always a miner, because that's what the majority of thier work will be doing, mining....

Course I gave it some thought and decided to look over some things. Since you did convince me about the leather being better I decided to give you leather working from the get go. Should help with production. (Just don't make waterskins till they're fixed!).

As for the wood axe thing.... yeah I forgot about that bug exsisted... But in the long run what will we do with these axes once Toady fixes this bug? I'm think we'll just keep the 2 axes for now.....

I get the idea about what your planning... Build the fort in the underground world.... not quite the usually thing I have in mind, but interesting idea non the less. I'll see what I can do about the wood though I should have enough to get another 6 in supplies.

Otherwise as it stand right now unless there are any other suggestions, this will be the final call on our embarking goods.

Our Fort's name will be Lovely Muscles the Beloved Anger

Group name will likely be Sisters of Beer like last time.

I'll give you a few hours to decide if there are any other changes before we set forth and STRIKE THE EARTH!
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Psieye on July 28, 2010, 04:47:14 PM
Hmm, regarding my suika, change Competent Furnace Operator to Novice and put in 2~3 ranks of Metal Crafter (or Glassmaker if we have sand on site). Furnace operating can train fairly quickly and I want my suika to be producing some golden mahjong sets when she's got off-time from masonry (and leatherworking and furnace operating).

Regarding miners - there are some jobs out there which don't need much time but which do benefit a lot from skill. It depends on the fort, but say blacksmithing or architecture.

About the location of the fort - I usually build inbetween cavern layers. In fact, I build my fort spanning all the way from the surface to the magma sea with the bedrooms right at the centre, between 2 caverns. That way I get access to everything in walking distance - magma, surface and whatever else.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Serp on July 28, 2010, 05:25:40 PM
I got into DF just after the 3d version first came out, so I've always taken z-levels for granted.  Kind of disoriented me, these last couple of games, seeing Totaku's very flat fortress design.  Me, I like to put codependent workshops on top of each other with stairs connecting them, and then devote a whole z level to stockpiles with stairs going down to each column of workshops.

Of course, it's not always all about efficiency.  The fort I just started in the new version is build around a hollow central column, which takes a long time to navigate around, but when an invading goblin dodged off the edge of the walkway and fell 12 z levels down, past crowds of dwarves going about their business, to splatter against the ground and leave gore everywhere...  Well, I figure that made it worthwhile.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress: Episode 3 - The Return of the Sake
Post by: Totaku on July 28, 2010, 09:13:32 PM
Well gang, enough time has passed (And I'm not going to keep the screen on my computer for ever. So let's begin!

And so after a long discussion Suika had decided on the supplies and so Yukari sent her tiny replicas to a location very far off. The idea, see how they can survive in cold climates.

( (
And so our Suika embark to their new location to STRIKE THE EARTH!

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And what rotten luck, Yukari decided to dump the whole crew in the one place they probably shouldn't be at.... near the top of a freezing mountain!!

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Need less to say the view was spetacular from up here! As it was a wintery wonderland. Now weither or now our Drunkern Suikas saw the same thing is another question. (And yeah I should take more time to fix my errors with drawing, but time has always been my biggest enemy no matter what)

Now let's see who's our leader in our little gang of Suikas.
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Oh this is interestng. T34G3's our leader! This prove to be an interesting turn of events!

So based on the order we go from leader and descend onward so the order of the players will be...


Now remember, were up near the top of the mountain....
( (

The ground level is at 36 z levels below. Down here the temperature is cold unlike the mountain which is freezing!
( (

And 10 z levels below where we are at is the top of the volcano. Interestingly enough, it's located the western area far into the base of the mountain.
( (

So what's game plan here?

There's two options here, We should either make a temporary base in the mountain right where were at so that was can avoid everyone from freezing to death.... make sure to set up a meeting area so they avoid hanging out in the freezing air up in the mountains.

Take the supplies down to the ground level of the mountian where the temperature is only cold. At least here there's a better chance of survival. We'll need to set up stock piles for our goods and set up a meeting area for our Suikas so that they'll stay down there. And of course as soon as you make enough room for them....move them into the mountain so they can stay warm!

Remember though to be careful where you set up everything if you take this option because there are frozen ponds down there and if they happen to thaw out, you supplies will fall right in.

The choice is yours T34G3. Just remember, survival is out first and foremost prioirty!

Here's the file
You should know the drill by now. You got one week to complete a year's time. And make sure you update every season!

Now go forth and STRIKE THE EARTH and help create the world of Lovely Muscle!
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III: Year 1: Go forth Lovely Muscles and STRIKE THE EARTH!
Post by: Psieye on July 28, 2010, 09:22:30 PM
If I had to make the decision? First, dig a hole right there in the mountain. Get all supplies quantum stockpiled inside. Then dig downwards from that hole a long staircase and channel out a drop chute next to it. Once at ground level, quantum stockpile again, this time dropping all our supplies down the chute.

Excellent drawing for a quick job.

I take it we're not shy of just blocking off all routes into the fortress if we get caught by an ambush with no military or traps?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III: Year 1: Go forth Lovely Muscles and STRIKE THE EAR
Post by: Totaku on July 28, 2010, 09:31:53 PM
If I had to make the decision? First, dig a hole right there in the mountain. Get all supplies quantum stockpiled inside. Then dig downwards from that hole a long staircase and channel out a drop chute next to it. Once at ground level, quantum stockpile again, this time dropping all our supplies down the chute.

Excellent drawing for a quick job.

I take it we're not shy of just blocking off all routes into the fortress if we get caught by an ambush with no military or traps?

Wait, that's possible? Drop chuteing the supplies down to the bottom?! I would worry it would break, but otherwise, sounds really clever!

And yeah we did that back during the 40d days with beer axe when things got ugly with biokkuri raids. So yeah we can seal off the area if nessessary. Let's just make sure we can said up a trade depot access ASAP though.

And thanks, though I know I could do better, but yeah. I appriciate it. I've already sent T34G3 a PM so he should know.

Also from the looks of it, the mountain is crawling with copper....LOTS OF IT!  Just from looking at the outside.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III: Year 1: Go forth Lovely Muscles and STRIKE THE EARTH!
Post by: Psieye on July 28, 2010, 09:37:19 PM
Fun fact: nothing ever breaks upon dropping. It's just not coded in. I've also read of freezing biome forts where dwarves were hanging around outdoors but that was in 40d before diseases/contaminants came in so it's best to be cautious of the freezing outdoors for now. If nothing else, it adds flavour to the RP.

Ok so we got copper and granite is likely to have tin. We'll be able to churn out decent military equipment, thank goodness.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III: Year 1: Go forth Lovely Muscles and STRIKE THE EARTH!
Post by: Tapsa on July 29, 2010, 05:03:10 AM
oh I'd play Suika Fortress and conquer the K2 reverse but I've got this epileptic graphics bug:

( (

where the graphics are screwed up and flicker wildly
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III: Year 1: Go forth Lovely Muscles and STRIKE THE EARTH!
Post by: Stuffman on July 29, 2010, 08:06:50 AM
oh I'd play Suika Fortress and conquer the K2 reverse but I've got this epileptic graphics bug:

( (

where the graphics are screwed up and flicker wildly

Go into dfdatainitinit.txt. Find the line that says [PRINTMODE:PARTIAL:0] and change it to [PRINTMODE:STANDARD].
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III: Year 1: Go forth Lovely Muscles and STRIKE THE EARTH!
Post by: Psieye on July 29, 2010, 09:25:03 AM
While you're at it, switch off the intro movie too.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III: Year 1: Go forth Lovely Muscles and STRIKE THE EARTH!
Post by: Tapsa on July 29, 2010, 10:35:08 AM
Alright, I've done the chute now but the Suikas won't touch our supplies when I try to assign them to dump them down it. They do dump stones and everything else, though.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III: Year 1: Go forth Lovely Muscles and STRIKE THE EARTH!
Post by: Psieye on July 29, 2010, 10:37:57 AM
Unforbid your quantum stockpile. You need to unforbid after each dump if you want to reuse what you dumped. Use the mass reclaim designation (d-b-c).
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III: Year 1: Go forth Lovely Muscles and STRIKE THE EARTH!
Post by: Tapsa on July 29, 2010, 10:43:49 AM
I skipped that step, I broke apart the wagon but the supplies there can't be dumped. I tried reclaiming them but it didn't help.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III: Year 1: Go forth Lovely Muscles and STRIKE THE EARTH!
Post by: Psieye on July 29, 2010, 10:45:27 AM
Screenshots. I need to see what's wrong. Show me the 'k' view to see just what state our supplies are in.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III: Year 1: Go forth Lovely Muscles and STRIKE THE EARTH!
Post by: Tapsa on July 29, 2010, 11:05:21 AM
( (
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III: Year 1: Go forth Lovely Muscles and STRIKE THE EARTH!
Post by: Psieye on July 29, 2010, 11:28:55 AM
Blah, something's wrong when it's faster to download the 20+MB save file than waiting for a 77KB screenshot to load. Ok I think I found the problem: did you forget to set "dwarves gather refuse from outside" in the orders screen (o-r-o)? They won't dump unless you do that. While you're at it, if you plan to build a farm I suggest you switch off "all dwarves harvest" (o-h) so only the designated farmer does it: trains grower skill faster that way.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III: Year 1: Go forth Lovely Muscles and STRIKE THE EARTH!
Post by: Tapsa on July 29, 2010, 12:08:01 PM
Oh looks like I was too slow and everybody died of thirst by the time I was digging stockpiles. I'm going to try that again faster
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III: Year 1: Go forth Lovely Muscles and STRIKE THE EARTH!
Post by: Psieye on July 29, 2010, 12:10:57 PM
Suggestion: go to init.txt and set the FPS cap to like 40. It gives you time to think. I take it the chute worked then.

Suggestion 2: Stockpiles are not the highest priority. Once our supplies have been dropped by chute, get food and booze production going without bothering to sort the unforbidden quantum stockpile.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III: Year 1: Go forth Lovely Muscles and STRIKE THE EAR
Post by: Totaku on July 29, 2010, 01:27:47 PM
Oh looks like I was too slow and everybody died of thirst by the time I was digging stockpiles. I'm going to try that again faster

Ouch, our glorious leader lead us to our death already?!

I understand your trying learn to how to do the chute drop thing. I'll give you another shot at it.

 But yeah if you got a better idea how it works now I'll let you go at it, otherwise I'll see if I can provide to you some instrcution on how to handle it. Assuming you need to learn how.

Just remember to unforbid your quantum stacked stock pile so you can drink or eat from them.

(If I had been awake earlier I would of been able to help...maybe)
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III: Year 1: Go forth Lovely Muscles and STRIKE THE EARTH!
Post by: Psieye on July 29, 2010, 01:40:28 PM
That's a good point, what was the date when everyone died of thirst? There's no way we'd run out of booze until around autumn with the amount we embarked with unless all of them were forbidden (which happens after the chute drop).
Title: Suika Fortress Game III: Year 1: Go forth Lovely Muscles and STRIKE THE EARTH!
Post by: Totaku on July 29, 2010, 09:01:07 PM
Well gang, I got a PM from T34G3 report that he has to skip his turn due to unexpected reasons. We'll just say he really didn't expect to be picked first to play with what event are happening.

So..... It looks like we're skipping to Serpetarius now.

So Serp, it's your turn to run the Fortress..... go back to pay two and downlaod my save so you can use it.

Also while I'm at it, I went and fixed up the Suika Fortress file a little bit. I found out some color were not being displayed correctly. I was getting blue vomit for some odd reason..... as well as blue shells. So I fixed the color error so now it appears green.

So go ahead and down load it and fix the init settings to meet your needs.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III: Year 1: Go forth Lovely Muscles and STRIKE THE EARTH!
Post by: Serp on July 30, 2010, 04:59:48 AM
Doing a slight deviation from the plan, here.  Got a fortress concept in mind that could be pretty cool.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III: Year 1: Go forth Lovely Muscles and STRIKE THE EARTH!
Post by: Serp on July 30, 2010, 07:21:14 AM
Bookkeeper's Log, 1st of Granite, Early Spring 1051

After a long journey, we've arrived at Lovelymuscles, and made our camp on the side of the mountain.  The earth here is rich with resources.  On the surface alone, I've sighted abundant copper, silver, and gold, sphalerite for brass, malachite and hematite for iron, and even marble near the base of the mountain to aid in the production of steel.  Furthermore, a volcano breaks the surface to the west, which will allow us to smelt these metals easily.

However, the land here is not hospitable.  The cold is intense, and the land is blanketed with snow as far as the eye can see.  There are no animals here.  Perhaps the land is too harsh for them.  The only life here is the sparse dusting of trees across the landscape.  There is no liquid water here, either, as it has all been frozen by the climate.  Death is not far away, and only the supplies we brought will sustain us for the next caravan.  It is almost as if some cruel god opened a gap in reality and dropped us here to suffer and struggle for her twisted amusement.

But I digress.  Our leader, T34G3, has delegated most of her responsibilities to me for the time being.  I have asked headcrabs and Stuffman to dig us a shelter in the side of the mountain.  Once we're out of the cold, we can begin to plan for the future of our fortress.


Bookkeeper's Log, 8th of Granite, Early Spring 1051

We've successfully dug into the mountain, and are beginning to move our supplies indoors.  I've had Psieye construct a small, temporary office for myself to do some preliminary work on planning.

With the wealth of resources available to this fortress, it should have no problem attracting many, many Suika to work here.  The primary challenge will be using these resources efficiently.  The design I've sketched out takes these factors into account.

I will be designating work burrows on-site for each of the resources.  One near the volcano, for smelting.  One near the marble quarry, for mining and stonecrafting.  One beneath the forest, for wood gathering and carpentry.  A central hub will be our trading center, our barracks, our hospital, and the living quarters for Suika with responsibilities not directly related to any of the burrows.  So, any non-professional Suika will serve the fortress by hauling supplies back and forth between the burrows.  There will be a system of tunnels through the mountain so that the hauling can be done without any need to go outside.

Some of this planning is quite distant, of course, but it's the design around which I will be structuring the fortress.


"Hey, Serp, come away from those books for awhile and help us haul!  I'm freezing my horns off out here!"

Bookkeeper's Log, 18th of Granite, Early Spring 1051

Progress on the system of tunnels goes smoothly.  We've almost reached the volcano, and once we get there, we can begin construction on some magma forges.  Meanwhile, T34G3 has already begun work on some stone crafts to commemorate our arrival here.  Hopefully we will be able to sell them off for some supplies when the caravan arrives here half a year from now.

More good news.  While out taking a breath of fresh air, I spotted a herd of roving yukkumoi on a nearby peak.  Perhaps this land is not so barren after all.  We will be able to hunt, then, for much-needed food and leather.


Bookkeeper's Log, 28th of Slate, Mid Spring 1051

After weeks of concentrated effort, we have managed to establish a magma smelter and forge!  The lever next to the smelter controls the floodgate between the magma trench and the volcano.  I will be closing it just as soon as the trench fills.  I will also order a wall built at the end of the magma works hallway to seal out any monsters lurking within the magma.  I've confirmed that there are fire men inside, so it's prudent to be extremely cautious here.

The rest of the fortress continues to function smoothly.  Temporary beds and workshops keep us going while we work on our more permanent arrangements.  Anthony has adopted one of the chenkurri as her own.  There have also been a few snowstorms that have passed us, though thankfully none of us have had to go out into the cold since those first days of our arrival.


Bookkeeper's Log, 23rd of Felsite, Late Spring 1051

As our fortress begins to settle in, I have begun to assign some of the vital positions.  headcrabs is now officially our chief medical expert, and she finished digging out her own office just a few days ago.  Anthony is our militia commander, even if she also happens to be our militia's only member at this point.  She has begun training in a simple barracks where I've assigned her, to better be ready to train any new arrivals that appear to join her.

The tunnel to the marble quarry has also just been completed.  If all goes well, then we will soon be able to produce some steel armor.


Bookkeeper's Log, 1st of Hematite, Early Spring

Our fortress has survived its first season.  Looking at the stockpiles, I begin to worry, because it seems that we're running out of drinks, and the water here is still frozen.  Nonetheless, we will persevere somehow or another, as we pass into whatever passes for summer around these p


By the glory of all that is potable!  It seems that a thaw does reach this far north after all, albeit only for a couple of months.  This certainly changes things.  We'll be able to gather the greenery at the foot of the mountain and brew more booze with that.  It's unclear yet whether the frozen lakes will also have time to thaw, but if they do, then we may be able to have access to some fresh water after all.  This is excellent news for the fortress.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Spring 1051: Setting up our fort as we STRIKE THE EA
Post by: Totaku on July 30, 2010, 09:52:50 AM
Chance are since this forest down below is only cold and not freezing like the mountain you might be able to get lake water out of the frozen lakes before too long, but it'll only be within a few months. So if you set up an underground farm near there, just make sure you get it done within a few months  cause once it freezes again (likely in the fall) there'll be no access to it till the next summer.  Otherwise, I'm quite interested in the set up you got going there.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Spring 1051: Setting up our fort as we STRIKE THE EARTH!
Post by: Psieye on July 30, 2010, 10:11:29 AM
Running an experimental fort in freezing biome as I've never tried before. Pools do not thaw in freezing biomes, they may do in cold. If you want water from freezing surfaces, you'll need a magma heating system (put magma 1 z-level below the water). Alternatively, a cave-in of the ice...

Dig down to the caverns. This is urgent for water as fiddling with a magma heating system is more effort than just getting the cavern water separated. Wall the caverns off immediately after breaching then plan. Caverns are also free mud (once walled off) for underground farming. Get surface farms for now though, I'm not seeing any problems with surface farming despit teh freezing conditions.

Note the initial large coating of snow on teh ground will never come back. You'll get "snow-covered grass" in the future, but it'll never get as thick as at embark.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Spring 1051: Setting up our fort as we STRIKE THE EARTH!
Post by: Serp on July 31, 2010, 01:22:00 PM
Bookkeeper's Log, 2nd of Hematite, Early Summer 1051

This may be my last log for awhile, as I have volunteered to go out and gather the plants exposed by the thaw myself.  The fortress has no other hands to spare.  Everyone else is either digging, smelting, or crafting, and my bookkeeping work is less urgent than any of those tasks.

I saw a couple of Rankurri at the foot of the mountain during my first trip.  At any given time, there are only a couple of yukkuri of any type visible from the fortress.  Animal life here is not completely absent, but it's not common either.  I'll see if I can send Anthony out to bring one back to butcher.


Bookkeeper's Log, 24th of Hematite, Early Summer 1051

The pond to the south of the mountain range has thawed, and so I have designated a reservoir inside the fortress.  Anthony is producing buckets to carry the water into the fortress.

Activity is frantic.  We don't have much time before the freeze sets in again, so we must make the best of the time we have, to gather plants and water.  Our supplies are running low.


Bookkeeper's Log, 19th of Malachite, Mid Summer 1051

A small group of migrants have arrived at the fortress!  This morning, I saw them making their way around the steep rim of the volcano's caldera, and I was able to greet them and put their names down in the books earlier today.

They are Roukanken, a blacksmith, Sakana, a fish dissector, and Zengar, the most talented soaper in the land.  Zengar's skill in battle seems almost equal to her skill with soap, and so I have named her to be our sheriff.  Given the lack of fish around these parts, I have instead assigned Sakana to be our hunter.

This is a bit of a mixed blessing, I fear, for our supplies are beginning to run low.  Fortunately, the migrants have brought along a few yukkureimu, which we will probably soon need to butcher.


Bookkeeper's Log, 16th of Galena, Late Summer 1051

The pond has frozen over again, and it will only get colder from here.  We still have a few weeks of viability for plant gathering, which I fully intend to use, but for the most part, the flurry of activity over the summer is over.  This brief period of relative warmth has been a much-needed respite.  The extra help from the immigrants, the stockpile of plants we've been able to build, and the reservoir of water all were unexpected but much appreciated.

We'll survive until the caravan gets here.  I only hope that it will bring enough supplies to get us through the winter.


- - -

I'm holding off on digging to the caverns for now.  We've got enough water to get by, and we probably won't even have to rely on that, with the plants we've gathered to brew.

Also, I count four spectators that haven't gotten a Suika named after them yet.  If I get a second wave of migrants this year, it'd be nice to have some more names and roles to work with.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1051: Suddenly...MIGRANTS!
Post by: Totaku on August 05, 2010, 12:57:15 PM
Ok I know his time has almost past, but I talked to Serpentarius yesterday and he explained that he's requested an 3-day extention period to allow him to get the time to get to his game. I won't go into details about it, but with today and extention period he will have 4 days to report on the Fall and the Winter to complete his turn.

If he completes his turn, then it'll be my turn.

 And if for some reason he can't complete it, I will skip my turn once again under the player's request since everyone want's something different. That'll mean it'll be Psieye's turn.

Anyways like always, I'm always open to anyone that wants a to give name for thier Suika for his game.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1051: Suddenly...MIGRANTS!
Post by: Serp on August 06, 2010, 12:01:42 AM
Bookkeeper's Log, 20th of Limestone, Early Autumn 1051

We're now putting the finishing touches on the main living quarters underneath the trade depot and workshops.  As of yet, the fortress is too small to benefit from building full living quarters and amenities at every work station, but construction has also started on a small living area near the forges for Roukanken and whoever will be joining her in the next migrant wave.

Speaking of smithing, we've managed to forge some steel and will soon have some fine armor for Anthony and Zengar.  I don't expect any goblin raiders anytime soon, but it never hurts to be prepared.  Sakana's growing skill with a crossbow will also serve us well in the event of an emergency.


Bookkeeper's Log, 16th of Sandstone, Mid Autumn 1051

The efforts to feed and armor ourselves continue.  There is little of note to mention, aside from Sakana taking unexpectedly well to her job as a hunter.


Bookkeeper's Log, 21st of Sandstone, Mid Autumn 1051

More migrants!  Among their number are Anathe, a deadly archer, DollWarrior, a skilled cook, NeoSerela, who I have sent to help Roukanken with the smithing, and Chaore, who I have placed under Anthony's command.  As well, there are several others whose names I did not get a chance to take.  With this, our fortress has a Suika population of 17.


Bookkeeper's Log, 19th of Timber, Late Autumn 1051

Just when I began to fear that they had not been able to make the journey themselves, I caught sight of the trade caravan through the driving snow!  We have been doing well enough for ourselves that I think we could have survived without the supplies, but I am happy nonetheless.  I've sent Totaku to go barter with the traders, and with any luck, we will soon have enough supplies to live comfortably all winter.


- - -

Alright, if there are any requests you want me to put in with the liaison, or anything in particular you think I should trade for now, this would be a good time to tell me about it.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1051: Suddenly...MIGRANTS!
Post by: Psieye on August 06, 2010, 04:21:31 AM
Suggestions for trade requests:
Leather, preferably some exotic animal like Jaguar or a rarer Yukkuri (1 rank)
Expensive gems: Star Ruby/Sapphire, all Diamonds, etc - maybe even Opals (the cooler sounding ones, like Precious Fire Opals) at 3+ ranks
Wood (2 ranks)
Dogs er Sakuya Yukkuris (2 ranks, we don't want their weight dominating the caravan)
Rutile or Kimberlite stone block (1 rank) for a snazzy well when we rebuild it in the future
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Fall 1051: Tradin' among Suikas
Post by: Serp on August 08, 2010, 11:23:34 PM
Bookkeeper's Log, 20th of Moonstone, Early Winter 1051

The traders just left today, taking with them the crafts we've been sculpting since arrival, and leaving behind plenty of food to hold us through the winter.  I've asked them to bring back a checklist of goods when they come around next year, though I hope that we will see some other caravans from the other sentient races before then.  For now, there's nothing to do but endure until spring.


Bookkeeper's Log, 16th of Opal, Mid Winter 1051

With the help from the latest wave of migrants, the steel industry here has really begun to pick up.  Our small military now has the majority of the steel equipment it needs.  I've also ordered some brass smelting to be done as well, for sphalerite and copper are common here and the magma makes it cheap to produce.  Brass bins will be nice to store our crafts in, and brass furniture will look very nice around the fortress.


Bookkeeper's Log, 24th of Obsidian, Late Winter 1051

A yukkousei thief attacked the fortress today!


I immediately called for Anthony, Zengar, Chaore, and Anathe to kill it.  Chaore was closest, so she chased it down.  The battle started with Chaore charging at the yukkuri and knocking it down, sending it rolling along the mountainside.  Using her battleaxe, Chaore sliced one of its wings almost all the way off, sending warm bean paste splattering all over the snow.

The yukkuri tried to fight back by slashing at Chaore's hands and body with a dagger held in its hair, but the steel gauntlets and breastplate Chaore was wearing protected her from harm.  But the yukkri's third slash managed to find a gap in Chaore's boots, and dealt a deep gash to her leg!

The yukkuri was much faster than Chaore, and attacked several times, but no more attacks got through Chaore's armor.  Chaore managed to knock the yukkuri down again and began hacking at it mercilessly.  Finally, as a killing blow, Chaore chopped the accursed thing clean in half, putting an end to the fight.

Chaore has since gone off to the hospital, though headcrabs has not yet gotten a chance to look at her.  For my part, I think I will pass over the duty of supervisor of the fortress to another Suika, for it is beginning to get too big for my own humble abilities to handle.  The basic amenities have been set up, but more permanent accommodations still need to be built.  I sense that we will need to dig deeper into the earth to grow this fortress, and I feel a strong drive to do so.  It's almost as if something is subconsciously urging me to go and see what lies in the underground...

But I digress.  With this, I pass on the fortress to Totaku.  This will be my last report as supervisor of the fortress, at least for the time being.

- - -

Alright, file is here:
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Winter 1051: Charoe gets a bad cut
Post by: Totaku on August 09, 2010, 02:46:56 PM
Ouch Chaore got a cut? Well let's hope the headcrabs will know what to do. It should be fun to see how the doctor thing plays out. hehehe.

Anyways, I got the save and I'll play it in a bit. Let's hope year 2 beings more excitement!
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Winter 1051: Charoe gets a bad cut
Post by: Psieye on August 09, 2010, 03:43:27 PM
Chaore got off lucky only getting a leg cut after several attacks. Or maybe because it was a Kobold (Daiyousei yukkuri) that it turned out that way. I once lost 2 steel clad soldiers to the same goblin (biokkuri) thief who got headshots with face stabs.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Spring 1052: Expanding and making farms
Post by: Totaku on August 11, 2010, 10:04:35 PM
Alright people, sorry for the delay. I had some things come up but without further ado, here's the Spring report!

First month of Spring Day 1
The spring is finally here and I?m busy working on the food?. I will say though the place feels rather confusing?like a pyramid type layout?.
( (
I?ve decided to talked to stuffman about working on more bed rooms. Cause were going to need them sooner or later anyways. Especially if more Suika being to appear. So I began coming up with the plans to expand?.
( (
( (
Meanwhile Chaore is laying in the bed and the yukkumoi are running around near our entrance. I thinks it?s time for our military to get some training with these yukkkuri?.

Above all else?we need more room for everthing. This shelter will only work for so long like this?.

First Month of Spring Day 11
( (
For the last few days our Suika army have been chasing down the yukkumoi along with Zengar who?s been beating them senseless. This proven to be worth the time. Also we got the steel production done and currently working on brass. I think I?ll add more steel into the list?.

Also we need more axes! We need to get to tree cutting sooner or later!

First Month of Spring Day 20
( (
Most of the expansion work is done, and so I?ve decided to start working on prettying up the place some.  We need to make the rooms more invinting anyways. Mean while Dr. Headcrabs decided to take the yukkumoi?s that were killed and start butchering them so we got more meat to add into inventory.
First Month of Spring Day 28
( (
Dr. Head Crabs finally checked out Chaoroe, and according to his report, Chaore was plenty healthy enough to go about on her own without any treatment. The reason for this according to what she explained was that her body seems to be very good at healing. So the only thing that remains from the stab wound is a small scar now. So she?s now back to work and training.

Second Month of Spring Day 23
( (
( (
A wave of migrants have come! And now there are more Suika to deal with. As of now our population has grown to 33 now?.I guess it?s time to make room?.Mean while Head Crabs and stuffman are half way though making the tunnel? It shouldn?t be long before we get to making the farming zone.
( (
Also some random Suika is now processed by unknown forces and has decided to take over the Carft Suika shop?

Last Month of Spring Day 1
( (
Our digging team has finally broke into the floor to begin plans on the farming area. If everything go on schedule we should have a functioning farm once the ice melts which occurs during the summer.
( (
On some other news, Our possessed Suika finally made the artfiacted item?.

A crown worth 19200 Suika buck! I?m not sure what purpose it?ll serve right now but at least it was craft suikanship of the highest quality!

Last Month of Spring Day 11

Yukkumoi are near our area again. Means time to hunt them down and collect their bodies. Time to send our armies out to play with the yukkuri and show them how to really take it easy.
Also I noticed the snow is melting in the ground below the mountain?. Luckily the farm is nearly done so it should soon pay off?

Last Month of Spring Day 13
( (
The Parsee Caravan has arrived And it?s coming this way. A good sign from this is we can replenish our drink supply. Course we also have to be picky with what we give them. They are very uptight about what we give them since it can easily make them jealous?. We haven?t had a lot of time to work on the good either thanks to our possessed Suika but regardless we are prepared?

Last Month of Spring  Day 21
( (
Thel layout for the faeming zone is done and just on time as the snow is beginning to melt it?ll only be a matter of time now and then food will not be a problem at all!

Last Month of Spring Day 24
( (

I sat down and work with the Parsees. They act like pretty confident yukkuri as you would expect from what they are. Their green eye glare at me as every pressing moment as I pass out the good to trade with them?.They really are looking for an excuse to get jealous at me?. Sigh?. Anyways, after trading some Daiyouse goods and stone crafts, I got some wood, barrels, drinks, vegetables and other good in exchange so we?re good.
( (
Also I took the time to set up a wood stock pile near the fort entrance. No reason to keep running down the mountain the whole time esepcially since it's so damn cold up here!

( (
On that very same day a yukkyousei appeared in the moutani looking to steal our good. And it turned out it was one of out yusakuyas who found it! Stragnly enough the yusakuya manage to tear apart the yudaiyousei before she could do any damage to it! That alone it pretty awesome. Reminds me we have an animal caretaker with us, we should go and make a kennel to turn our yusakuyas into war dogs.
Final Spring Report

With the farm land in place, we?re close to getting an operational farming area. And thankfully with the expanding of the bedrooms we have less to worry about. But I got a lot more things to be concerned about such at dealing with the fort?s current layout.

It reminds me too much of an Egyptian pyramid. And I overlooked some things as I was building some areas. I?m going to look to see if I can figure out what I can do to make this place look more like a Suika Fortress? in the long run?.

Also why the bloody heck do we have a bowyer shop outside?!!

Anyways, this should cover what happen so far, I've also went and took pictures of the fort to show some of the key points of the fort:

47 z levels above ground: Main entrance trading depot, work shops
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37 z levels above ground: main bed room area
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30 z levels above ground: smelting chamber
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1 z level below ground: soon to be farming zone
( (

I didn't include the pond, barrack or hospital right now cause I'm considering revamping them. Seems hard to think that the doctor and military can work is such a confined space...

Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Spring 1052: Expanding and making farms
Post by: Serp on August 12, 2010, 12:04:23 AM
Kekeke, throwing a 3d fort at a 2d player, what fun. :3c
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Spring 1052: Expanding and making farms
Post by: Psieye on August 12, 2010, 12:55:25 AM
Once it's my turn, there's probably going to be a whole lot of revamping and cleaning anyway. Oh and cavern breaching if it hasn't been done that late in.
Title: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1052: More expanding and the dealing with humans
Post by: Totaku on August 12, 2010, 11:34:16 PM
Kekeke, throwing a 3d fort at a 2d player, what fun. :3c
Yeah and you tried to make as painful as possible for me(kidding). :P But at least I found a way to make use of the set up and it's bound to change with time...

Anyways, time for the summer report!

First month of Summer Day 2

Yukkuyousei thief appeared at the entrance once again. So our soldiers once again chased it down. Within no time, Zengar began beating on it as usual. And within moment following that. Another Suika Soldier took her axe and slash it?s face completely off as flew a ways and plummet down several stories along the mountainside. The Daiyouseikkuri was good as dead obviously? So we took her belonging back to the fort as usual?.

First month of Summer Day 9
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I came up with a fix for the problem regarding the fort and where it stands. It?s complex pyramid like setting makes things complicated, but I came up with a solution for the problem! And apartment like setting!

So as of right now each floor will have a 24 room setting. And I considering making it so that between certain floor we will have food stock in various floor and maybe other goods too. It should make for east access compared to how the for it set up right now.  This will probably take some time, but hopefully it?ll make life easier for the Suika Fortress. Now it look I?ll be devoting time to carving out the rooms as usual?.

First month of Summer Day 16
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The pond along the south has south, however, the north still need time to melt. So no farm yet?. But hopefully it?ll happen soon.
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Also the second floor is finally finished it?ll still need remodeling but I?ll start working on the beds sooner of later?.
Also I have begun working on the 3rd floor of the apartment. Food and drink storage.

Second Month of Summer Day 16
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One month later, and now we can now work on making crops and just on the nick of time too! As now our food supply has been extinguished! We now only have the crops and the plants we can gather. For right now I?m letting our herbalist gather some plants since we?re running low on drinks. Once we get a farm running the rest should come smoothly?.

Last Month of Summer Day 1
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The water has evaporated enough that we can now being work on the croplands. I have set up a total of 6 crops in the area to allow for maximum usage to grow a variety of underground crops.

Last Month of Summer Day 13
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We moved all the stones out of the rooms to make room for the storage rooms for our foods. And as or right now I?ve went and switched the stockpile up at the entrance to allow finished goods as we got more helping hands and this will mean expanding out business as times continues onward?.

Last Month of Summer Day 19
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The human Caravan has arrived so we need to get the stocks ready! I?m going to go get a drink, I can?t deal with everything at the moment without my booze? What? The barrels are almost empty? Don?t worry about it, just get lour luggage up there and I?ll sit down and talk with the trade I?ll get more food and drink then?
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Oh and did I forget that I have expanded the workshop area? We need more shops since all our new Suikas are here to give a helping hand. Best they don?t go to waste?

Last Month of Summer Day 26
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A Suika weapons smith all of a sudden got a sense of inspiration and decided to go run around started to collect stuff, and he went off to claim the magma forge? this better be worth while. As he halted production of our steel armor work!

Last Month of Summer Day 30
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That steel crafter finally took the moment to get back at the shop once she got the supplies she needed. So far it consider of a bar of steel and 2 yukuumoi bones? I wonder what she?s going to make. It better be worth it?s time! Maybe something for Zengar?
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Also the military went on another yukkumoi hunt. And as usual Zengar, Anthony are usually the first to get to them and hack them apart.

Final Summer report
This season been more about expanding more than anything else. Most of the time was spend organizing everything and make the fortress more function able. And the military has been doing all right from what I have seen so far. And now we have a farm. There?s still more organization that needs to be done. But as or right now it?s been smooth sailing.

Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1052: More expanding and the dealing with humans.
Post by: Serp on August 13, 2010, 12:59:16 AM
Did you manage to find a huge human sword to buy for Zengar?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1052: More expanding and the dealing with humans.
Post by: Psieye on August 13, 2010, 03:07:36 AM
If we can't find one, I will make a sword for Zengar. I can't do anything about its length, but I'll do my darnest to get it looking good within the constraint that I only have 1 year to do it.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Fall 1052: The Great Bloody Biokkuri Ambush
Post by: Totaku on August 13, 2010, 06:37:43 AM
I don't know guys things have taken a drastic turn for the worse...

First month of Fall Day 5

Our Suikan weapon smith has finally crafted the weapon he was putting together and it was!
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A steel pick!
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Ok so this wasn?t what I was expecting but I?m not complaining really?..
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It?s quite valuable too considering it?s just steel and yukkumoi bone, but anyways all Craft Suikanship is of the highest quality so now our weapons smith should produce weapons like crazy now!

First month of Fall Day 10
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The Snow is beginning to fall once again at our fort. We are at least now prepared to handle the it as we are now getting a food supply ready..slowly but surely?.

First month of Fall Day 15
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I was too busy to sit down and trade with the humans so I sent a miner to do the work and told him what to order. Mainly get bought off some wood and some leather and a few other things like that. It wasn?t that diffuclt and we got off fairly so at least now we can continue wood production and work on our leather works?Sadly the humans did not have any katanas for sale.....

Also our abnoxious parsee leader demanded for some attention after waiting for a few seasons...
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What cap our tree cutting? You must be jealous of us.... you know what?  NOOOO!!

Second Month Of Fall Day 20
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The Fort needs more protection, at our current rate we?re going to get screwed over eventually which is why I?m setting up a few cage traps so I?ve set orders to get cages done, but we got other things to work on as well?

Last Month of Fall Day 5
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The Second floor is finally paved out now so it looks pretty. At least it?ll make a nice home for whoever lives in them. Now I need to remake the work station on the top floor?

Last Month of Fall Day 7
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I have no idea why someone made this path down near the bottom floor. Here in the fort. I assume it was for easy tree access. But it also presented a danger that made things worse  As sooner or later someone might take the bottom entrance and try to attack from below. We should minimize conflict to the top for now?. So for the time being I?ve set up a wall to block off  anything from getting in. Later on we will probably do something with it? but this will do?
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Also as typical as the autumn seasons is the yukkurikos are out to  play...

Final Month of Fall Day 12
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The Suika traders have arrived once again! It is time to start getting our supplies ready for their arrival! I made orders for them to being taking our goods and moving them to the depot as they make their arrival. I sure hope this goes well?

Final Month of Fall Day 15
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IT?S AN AMBUSH! We?re are under attack by a band of vicious biokkuri! So far from what I can see, it consist of 1 Spearman and  4 archer this is going to require some planning?.
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I made orders to tell everyone to evacuate to the Food storage center and remain there till further orders?.
Psieye was the first to spot them but was also the first to nearly get killed as arrows zoomed right past her as she fleed to the burrow. Luckily she manage to arrive to her spot.

Meanwhile another ambush was reported to the north! It consisted of 3 hammers 1 bowmen. I?m getting Anthony?s squad ready as they will need to be prepared to take on the biokkuri menace.

Final Month of Fall Day 18
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We stantioned the squad near the entramce as we waited for the right moment to strike. Eventually we spotted a biokkurii squad that got separated from their group?. 2 hammer and 1 archer. We knew this was the door of opportunity. But we had to wait.  They came up the mountain to attack an unsuspecting yukkureimu. And when they came to the entrance door?
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Our team attack the biokkuri as they attempt to afight back. We clashed right near the traps! And as a result. The fight was a success. One biokkuri was sliced apart while the other two were trapped in the cages and became our prisoners.
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We then follow another assualt on the lone biokkuri hammer around the mountain side?.easy work! Time to regather and plan our next move?.

Final Month of Fall Day 20
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We see the remaining 5 biokkuri squads taking on a yukku Reimu along the bottom of the mountain. We thought that it would be simple work as we could launch an assult while they were distracted?

However? we re proven wrong! The Biokkuri turn and fire their arrows at our Suikas. I thought the steel armror and shield would work and allow the squad pass over while the archers got their ammo ready. But it turn it only got ugly. Almost every shot struck through the steel armor and harmed the Suikas. Anthony, Zengar, and a nameless Suika?. All hurt, bleeding and lying on the ground?
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Charoe chickened out and sat by the mountainside shivering in fear unable to find the will to fight back! It was turning very grim all of a sudden?. What will become of our Suika Squad?

Fainl Month of Day 22

Anathe?s squad finally came to the rescue They fired their arrows at the biokkuri suqad as they were busy fighinging the others. Anathe maange to strike one of them in the brain pretty much killing her off.

This somehow gave Chaoroe the courage to fight and she decided to press on an attack. But sadly she wasn?t truly prepared as she soon became too wounded to fight and fell unconscious.

Anathe runs out of ammo and decided to launch an assult of her own. She held off well, but she too soon got injured.
Final Month of Day 27

I then decided that we had to enlist some random Suikas into our army. In hopes that by some change we could take out the biokkuri squad?.

My luck payed off?

The Mason and Blacksmith became our new ax and hammer SUika and their fighting payed off!
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They took out the biokkuirs who will still trying to beat up Anthony and Zengar?.But even though we saved them?.it was too late?.

Anthony and Zengar both died soon after the biokkuris were killed. It was almost as if the tourture they went through was the only think keeping them alive. But now their souls may rest?

As it stands right now we have 5 injuries 2 dead. And now we?re free to come out of the fortress. Our first priority?. Getting out squad into the emergency room!

Final Month Day 29
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Dr. Head Crabs has taken the chance to evaluate our first two injured Suika?. Choaroe and a nameless Suika.
Both seem to have injuries on the upper leg. Dr. Headcrabs we unable to what kind of injuries Chaore had as her priority was set on the nameless Suika right now due to her cut on her upper right leg?.

Hopefully we?ll learn soon enough?

Final month Day 30
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I finish trading with the Suika for the time being. But the original plans were shot?.Because of the many who have fallen after the nasty battle that took place I placed in order for wood, cloth, silk, thread and leather?  and pretty much had to trade every thing to get the supplies.

I?m getting to Suikas ready to make beds, crutches and splints, along with tables and traction benches for the hospital. We?re going to need everyone?s effort if we wish to help our fallen soldier back on their feet!

Final Fall Report

The ambush was grim and has forced a change of plans to what I originally had in mind. Survival of our wounded soliders is what?s most important right now! And with our inside pond running dry I?m about to consider digging deep in hopes to find additional water?

This winter will be a season of survival? Nothing more, nothing less!

Sorry guys. I didn't know that this would of gotten this ugly. I thought that after nearly two years of indivudual training / hunting. They would be able to handle them... I'm not sure if there was any ways to really work around this.... So all I can say is what happen has happened...

So yeah sorry Anthony and Zengar.... you both died proudly in the heat of battle.

Anyways... Anthony and Zengar....would you like to have another Suika named after you?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Fall 1052: The Great Bloody Biokkuri Ambush
Post by: Psieye on August 13, 2010, 07:17:10 AM

1) Individual weapon training got nerfed in v0.11 and hunting doesn't actually involve a lot of shooting.

2) Ranged combat balance is broken, where mere copper bolts can pierce steel armour.

Looks like I got a lot to do when it's my turn.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Fall 1052: The Great Bloody Biokkuri Ambush
Post by: Totaku on August 13, 2010, 07:28:42 AM
So then how would you propose going about handling biokkuri armed with ranged equipment?

The first conflict went fine because they deflected them with thier sheilds, but the second fight was grim. Know of anyways how an army can tackle them short of using traps? Course I mean under the current system.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Fall 1052: The Great Bloody Biokkuri Ambush
Post by: Psieye on August 13, 2010, 07:32:39 AM
Pit of chafffs is how you deal with them. You wait for them to unload all their ammo on some random tame animals in some pit behind fortifications. Then you charge. Alternatively, an elaborate setup with glass/gem windows may also work where both sides see each other but can't shoot each other so therefore need to charge to melee rnage.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Fall 1052: The Great Bloody Biokkuri Ambush
Post by: Totaku on August 13, 2010, 07:46:11 AM
Sounds like taking advantage of the AI if you ask me (ah well Toady plans to fix up Seiges evetually). I was hoping for a more epic battle conficlt than to sit back and let them wast thier ammo. But to each thier own I guess. Especially since the ammo is alot like how it use to be like in the 40d days. I'll see about finishing up mu turn hopefully in a day or two.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Fall 1052: The Great Bloody Biokkuri Ambush
Post by: ES-Anthy on August 13, 2010, 08:35:08 AM

Ahem, either way are we going to handle this like the previous Suika Fortresses (not including number 2 due to the lack of suika) and let the ones who died get a new suika?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Fall 1052: The Great Bloody Biokkuri Ambush
Post by: Totaku on August 13, 2010, 08:42:39 AM
That's exactly why I was asking at the end of my post. I'm guess you won't mind. I think we can find a replacement for you. If anything the axe Suika that saved everyone in the end can be the replacement if you like.

I will call him "Anthony the II"
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Fall 1052: The Great Bloody Biokkuri Ambush
Post by: Dead Princess Sakana on August 13, 2010, 08:43:08 AM
Ahem, either way are we going to handle this like the previous Suika Fortresses (not including number 2 due to the lack of suika) and let the ones who died get a new suika?
Anyways... Anthony and Zengar....would you like to have another Suika named after you?

EDIT: Damn, Totaku-ninja'd :V
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Fall 1052: The Great Bloody Biokkuri Ambush
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on August 13, 2010, 08:44:40 AM
My Suika can join the army if you guys need extra hands.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Fall 1052: The Great Bloody Biokkuri Ambush
Post by: ES-Anthy on August 13, 2010, 08:50:39 AM
That's exactly why I was asking at the end of my post. I'm guess you won't mind. I think we can find a replacement for you. If anything the axe Suika that saved everyone in the end can be the replacement if you like.

I will call him "Anthony the II"

Welp didn't notice it due to skimming this :V

Either way I'm perfectly fine with it.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Fall 1052: The Great Bloody Biokkuri Ambush
Post by: Totaku on August 14, 2010, 10:36:51 PM
Ok I will try to get this run done but I'm going to go ahead and ask for an extention right now. Since I'm tied up with New Super Marisa Land, and Fairy Wars at the moment. So yeah I'll try to get something in 5 days at least.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Fall 1052: The Great Bloody Biokkuri Ambush
Post by: Psieye on August 14, 2010, 10:48:41 PM
I'd have been troubled if yo'ud dumped me with my turn just as Comiket came out yeah. Extension very happily agreed with.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Fall 1052: The Great Bloody Biokkuri Ambush
Post by: Totaku on August 19, 2010, 05:32:01 PM
Alright gang, I want to inform you that the game is still going. I've been side tracked by Fairy Wars and New Super Marisa Land. But I've managed to complete the Winter season so I should have the save up and ready for use later tonight or tomorrow.

And I have big story to report too. This will probably take a bit of time to explain because ALOT has happened!

Also while I'm at it, for future experience, how do you get your doctor to override the surgery interuption since the patient wakes up sometimes? Thought I might as well ask....
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Fall 1052: The Great Bloody Biokkuri Ambush
Post by: Psieye on August 19, 2010, 06:06:20 PM
All else fails? Put bed and table right next to each other in hospital, wall off the entire area, cancel every job on both except the doctor's surgery skill. I've never actually had a patient that needed surgery before so I'm not sure but from what I've read, that should do the job.
Title: Suika Fortress Game III Winter 1052: Anthony get bashed badly and loses a horn!
Post by: Totaku on August 19, 2010, 07:17:07 PM
Ok here's the report for everyone on what happened in the winter!

First month of Winter Day 2
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A nameless Suika Wood crafter was striken by a Fey Mood during the conflict, but after the war and the trade he grabbed some logs, earth spider silk, and some cloth fibers to make the artifact? what will it be?

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Meanwhile, Anathe has recovered to the point that she?s coming on her way back up to the mountain to get treated
From the looks of her, she?s suffering from a broken hand and bone from the fight?. She?ll need to get this treated right away
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Meanwhile a nameless Suika is suffering from broken ribs, a cut up chest and a broken horn? our doctor?s going to have his hands full?

First month of Winter Day 9
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Our possessed Suika finally finished working on the craft. It was a willow ring!
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First month of Winter Day 10
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Dr. Head Crabs reported that one of the nameless Suika Soldiers who served in the army is incapable of standing as she lost her ability to stand and grasp as a result. It is feared that this Suika could be bedridden for a while now as his priority is to work on the other patients for the time being until he handles the more critically injured.
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However another report showed that one Suika was going to need work on her spleen and body due to her injuries.

First month of Winter Day 13

Water is down to it?s minimum level. We need to dig deep if we are to find water So I tell Stuffman to dig deep and thankfully it paid off..
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We uncover an underground cave, which is full of underground plants and resources?. It also seems to have water too down to the south? Just in the nick of time we should be able to give our patients a chance to survive?

First month of Winter Day 17
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Seems we located a magma pool in the depths of the underground cave! This is a plus here! This mean have twice the magma as before! May we can consider using this for something. The Question is how are we going to get to it? It?s located past the underground waters down toward the south?.

First month of Winter Day 20
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Reports from Dr. Head Crabs shows that our Soldier Chaore is in need of medical attention. As her lower body and spleen are badly cut. It?s going to require some work to get them back into shape. But I?m certain the doc knows what he?s doing.

First month of Winter Day 26
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As we continue to explore the underground we discover that the cave has a lot of ups and down and we find out it sometimes goes deeper than expected.
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So Dr, Head crabs starts work on healing the first batch of patients. 2 nameless Suikas and Charoe.

Second Month of Winter Day 2
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Two nameless Suika are finally treated and our back to military training. Dr. Headcrabs turns his focus to Chaore so hopefully he?ll be fixed up soon?

Second Month of Winter Day 7
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Chaorie is all healed up. Surprising some of the wounds healed up on their won. So it makes Charoe?s treatment go a lot faster. With this out of the way, Dr. Head Crabs can now work on the two critically injured Suikas?.

Meanwhile deep underground, Stuffman and a fellow mason had been Building a floor panel across the underground pond to make a bridge. I think it?s because he wants to mine some of the herminite near the magma pool?.
Second Month of Winter Day 12
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Anathe?s been treated and is back to training as usual. So she?s should be doing fine now.
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Head crabs then decided to diagnose a patient in bedroom. The patient had a series of massive fractures and will need splints and casts and likely crutches. Dr. head crabs take the patient down to the hospital to get him ready for his operations?.

Second Month of Winter Day 15

A Second Magma pool was uncovered up in the north end of our area. We definitely got more access to magma then we?ll ever need. So maybe we can utilize the magma for other purposes?

Second Month of Winter Day 18
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I told Stuffman to work on another set of floors to the tower set up. I?m going to stop making these following this floor mainly because I?ve seen very few migrants come over the last three seasons. This has gotten me worried?

Dr. Head crabs on the other hand I having complications getting a patient to cooperate to go to surgery. This is only making thing worse?

Last Month of Winter Day 2

There?s a new Suika born in the family of a glassmaker and leymaker. This brings the population up to 36 now. I still haven?t seen any migrants though, but I hope this will change?

Last Month of Winter Day 10
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Spook it easy! Out of the blue yukkugasas suddenly appear and start to attack Psieye down in the cave. He gets some bruises from them but eventually, Psieye escapes and our Suika team manages to fight off the yukkugasas hacking them to pieces.

Dr. Head crabs declared patients unsavable and decided to no longer treat patients. As of this point he says that they are at the point of no return. And so leaving them to die? this is pretty sad if you ask me? what kind of doctor are you?!

Last Month of Winter Day 15
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Out of the blue we got a new set of traders.... kappa traders. Who are well known for being a secretive group of youkai. I'm guessing the main reason they are here is because they heard something interesting about our fort so they decided to come trade with us. So for now we're going to get everything ready for them ASAP.

Last Month of Winter Day 18
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It appears there are more yukkugasas underground read to surprise us. This is becoming quite a mess. We can?t even walk through the underground without having some time of mess before us? So again Chaore and his Suika squad go down to fight the yukkugasas.

Last Month of Winter Day 20

They?re at it again! Another ambush by the biokkuri, and in less than a season! This is getting ugly since they are coming so suddenly. As of right now we got reports that they are all koa-type mace users made up of seven units in total. I already made orders for the civilians to evacuate to the inside while our troops make a stand at the trade depot with the kappa. We?re going to wait it out till they arrive?

Last Month of Winter Day 23
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Now it seems trouble?s always knocking underground? we now are getting a visit from a Suwakkuri. Once again it?s picking on the nearby Suikas under the cave and now decided to climb up the stairs to greet the farmers. Looks Like I?m sending Anthony?s squad down to take care of this menace. Once it?s put out of it?s misery I?ll send Anthony the II?s back up to watch point to keep track of the Biokkuri and report in?
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Scratch that, they?re at the front door already! ATTACK!

Last Month of Winter Day 24

The battle started out great, but turned ugly as our Suikas began to receive some nasty injuries from the biokkuris, About three Suikas got serious injuries including Anthony, and it turned out Chaore and a kappa soldier did most of the dirty work in order to save them.
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The injuries Anthony received were most devastating as he received a lot of broken ribs, legs, arms, toes and fingers. And also her left horn was completely knocked off! So she now has one less horn on her head?.

To make it worse the two sick patients die from infection. But that expected thanks to mr. head crab?s logic?
Last Month of Winter Day 26

We?ve got the injured into the hospital and now know we have 3 injured in total. Thankfully no fatalities. I?m hoping this time though; doctor headcrabs will be more serious about saving the patient?.

Also one Suikas is in need to need surgery for her toe injury.

Last Month of Winter Day 28
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I did some treading with the Kappas and it turned out that had some interesting goods here. A large assortment of items made of iron, steel, and something ?shell iron? I wonder how good that it? He buy off them a sword. Some leather, some foods and other goods to keep things busy in the fort for the time being.
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Just then, a Suika Furnace operator became possessed and took over the  craft Suika workshop. And within moments he gathered everything he needed. Yukkumoi bones, a rough gem, and some wood. I wonder what he?s going to make.

Final Winter report.

Somehow we?re managing to survive. I can?t believe we were attack a second time in less than a season. But we managed to hold them off. The big problem will be how soon will our wounded recover? And especially Anthony the second with his massive injuries? As of this point, I moved his other soldier into the other squad while he gets the treatment he needs.

I?m going to hope that Chaore and the rest of the non injured can handle themselves for the time being till our men recover. Cause right now our big concern is the underground and all that lurks down here?.

And also as a bigger fear?. When are we expecting another biokkuri attack?

And finally the biggest question of all, will more Suikas come to our fort?

With this, my turn in done, and I experienced more of a mess than I had even anticipated. But now we should be fine....hopefully.

Psieye, I hope you can maange a fort with 34 Suikas cause your going to need it.
Go forth and strike the earth!

And I'm also signing up again!

Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Winter 1052: Anthony get bashed badly and loses a horn!
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on August 19, 2010, 07:24:23 PM
No mention of my Suika :(
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Winter 1052: Anthony get bashed badly and loses a ho
Post by: Totaku on August 19, 2010, 07:31:47 PM
No mention of my Suika :(

Yeah I'm sorry about that. You see I haven't placed you in the military yet either. Because I was hoping for a migrant group to come so I could have a chef in your place in case something terrible happens. But there has been a lack of migrants over the year for some reason....

So yeah, I apologize. Hopfully Psieye can work something out since it's his turn.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Winter 1052: Anthony get bashed badly and loses a horn!
Post by: Psieye on August 19, 2010, 07:37:07 PM
A population of 34? I was expecting 60 sui- oh wait, the spring migrants haven't come yet. Alright, I'll make a survey report of Lovey Muscles before I actually start. Not sure when I'll get to it - might have to wait until the weekend. Whatever the size of my spring migrant wave, I'm going to try hard to make sure we're at 80+ suikas when the next person's turn hits summer.

Oh and can someone give me a list of people wanting suikas named after them still pending? As well as any people who need a new suika because their original died.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Winter 1052: Anthony get bashed badly and loses a ho
Post by: Totaku on August 19, 2010, 08:27:03 PM
When I last check, what was on the first page pretty much made up nearly everyone that has gotten a Suika and they have alreaady been named (including Psudoelous who I haven't added to the list yet because he talked to me over IRC and I'm going to register his name correctly once I get it)

As far as I know other than Anthony who died and came back as "Anthony II". Zengar also died., but he hasn't come online here for 15 days. And of course hasn't asked to for another Suika so he may be left in limbo for a while. Let alone whoever will take "Captain of the Guard position"
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Winter 1052: Anthony get bashed badly and loses a horn!
Post by: Psieye on August 20, 2010, 12:13:49 AM
Love how my suika has "Strives for Excellence" in his personality, though it slightly annoys me he also has 'lousy creativity' yet has 'fertile imagination'. Any "in character" thoughts from my suika will be in italics.


1st Granite, 1053: Totaku gave leadership to me. I've not really been paying much attention to what we'd dug out as a home in this freezing mountain but I do remember having to run for my life - twice. I need to see just what state our defences are that I risked life twice...

............ you mean you guys were playing without 'h'otkeys to quick-zoom the screen to key locations?

z = 185, the entrance.

Oh, that explains a lot. We don't have any defences worth speaking of. Hmm, the Kappa are still here to trade, I'll have to be quick to decide if we have anything else we can trade. There's some useful stuff still on offer. Why is Serpetarius the manager's office doubling as a finished goods stockpile? It's not even cleared of rocks! Speaking of goods, there's some biokkuri 'imported' goods waiting outside. I'm sure the Kappa will pay us to let them take away that trash.

Wait, this big room just south of the trade depot has one of every workshop? Including a butcher's shop? Someone please tell me: what were we drinking when we did this? Oh and a suika is busy working with... blah we're gonna get another stupid wooden artifact looking at these materials she's gathered.

It's a possession anyway so she won't even get any EXP from it.

z = 184, the hospital.

Why are the staircases so narrow? How are we meant to get around when more of our kind decide to settle here? Why do all the offices not have tables accompanying them? Speaking of which, why is the doctor on a break when there's a soldier here with so many grevious wounds I can't even count?

Btw, Psieye the suika has a grudge with Headcrabs the suika.

z = 183, the barracks.

A well? Here instead of upstairs where it's needed to wash patients? Also, why am I carrying this bucket to fill this tiny reservoir? Oh I guess it makes sense to have a small reservoir here to wash patients with but I am going to build a proper meeting room with a real well! For that matter, why am I the only one filling this reservoir? Get me more helpers so we can move on! Get me more buckets so they can actually help me! Oh and I see our standing orders in case of emergency is to run indoors to this 'burrow 1' as someone called it. Time to call it "indoors anywhere".

There is no point designating a huge area as a pond. Lots of little 1x1 pond zones will get the job done faster - provided you have lots of buckets. I need to make those buckets...

z = 181~182, the reservoir for that well.

z = 179~180, the housing area.

Well at least our rooms are spacious, though I don't like how thin the walls are. Nor how shoddy our beds are. Who's the carpenter around here? How are we meant to get through these tough days when we don't have a good bed to look forward to collapsing in afterwards? Hmm, I wonder if I should make some new bedrooms for the future or just stick with what we have since luxuries aren't our top priority. But I'm really tempted as I don't like having my room be right next to Dr Headcrabs' room...

Thin walls mean overlap of room designations. Overlap reduces room value.

z = 178, food & drink storage area.

Some suika was eating on the floor in the food storage area. Do we not have a dining room? Also, why is every food type being stored in the same place? I'll need to find some space to separate the ingredients from the raw edible food and put aside space for meals that chefs cook... Parseekkuris don't like our wooden barrels but they'll still accept meals.

z = 176~177, further housing areas under development.

Uh... yeah. I might not do anything with existing accommodation but I won't allow new accommodation to be made with the same thin walls. I'll think about how to re-use this space.

z = 175~177, magma forges.

Oh I almost missed this area. The magma forges, and associated stockpiles to go with them... WHY IS EVERYTHING SO SMALL? We only have 1 forge and 1 smelter... This is no good, no good at all! Thankfully, Serpetarius made it easy to expand it.

z = 164, gold deposits sighted in the staircase.

Serpetarius, our manager and bookkeeper, tells me we only have 1 gold bar in stock. What have we been doing when there's gold in the walls?

z = 149, the ground at the bottom of the mountain.

IS THAT ZENGAR'S SKELETON I SEE OUT THERE? Were we really so drunk as to forget to build a coffin for him? Also, why is this Amethyst cluster not mined out? We've got 2 legendary miners so they'd surely dig them out without destroying them... Oh and this is also where all the marble comes from. There was hematite all over the place, we'll get the steel works going big time!

z = 148, underground farms.

........ Thank goodness those kappa aren't here to see these wilted cucumbers. I know farmers want all the practice they can get but if they're so busy that they don't even harvest what they plant before it all wilts away... EVERYONE BRING IN THE HARVEST NOW! I'll think about what to plant for the coming seasons later. At least the staircase is nice and big.

z = 144, ceiling of the first cavern layer.

SERIOUSLY? We had a liability from the underside of our fortress all this time? Why is the entrance to the great underground completely devoid of any defence whatsoever? Didn't anyone hear the legends of the forgotten ones roaming around down here, sealed away by the surface inhabitants? On an aside, I see ALEXANDRITE all over the place! TANZANTINE and PERIDOT too! Don't follow me? Then look at those Light Yellow Diamonds there. This place is RICH. Who's our best gem crafter?

Ok and that's as far as we've got. Also, we have 3 squads but two of them have far too few members to warrant being called squads... I'm going to do some remodelling once I actually start my turn. For one, the entrace is going to be moved to the ground, where it's much easier to defend. Don't worry, I'll post pictures once I'm actually playing, this was just me getting my head around this fortress. I'll have to do a similar post to report on the census of our population but that post will wait until I've slept.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Winter 1052: Anthony get bashed badly and loses a horn!
Post by: Psieye on August 21, 2010, 01:54:32 AM
Serpetarius gave me a list of suikas in our population. I asked him to give me some cliff notes of what skills everyone has and what labours they're doing. So let's see... Ugh, why is everyone doing every hauling duty??? Let's get some specialisation and prioritisation going here!

Ok so two of our axe-soldiers had some medical experience before - I tell them to help out with hospital work whenever they're free. Anthony the II is also our very best blacksmith... He happens to be our militia commander and is in bed with too many wounds to count... Were we really that desperate for soldiers that we put an artisan as head of our militia?

Roukanken is our 'backup' blacksmith in terms of skill. I don't know whether Anthony the II will ever do any work now so let's see if any new migrants have blacksmithing skill. I hope there will be migrants soon...

We happen to have an excellent crossbow maker in the fort. We have a lot of bones. Once things are re-organised, I shall see to forming and outfitting a firing squad. Goodness knows how dangerous it is to fight without any cover fire of our own.

Excellent, Sakana is a Great carpenter. I must ask him to pump out as many beds as possible so we can have a good night's sleep.

Hmm, Serpetarius is one of our 3 farmers. He's busy enough with his managerial duties and I know I'll be asking him to pick the wild plants that are starting to grow in our fort now that underground spores have entered our homes. Eh but no harm in having a spare farming hand. I just hope he doesn't accidentally go to the caverns to grab some web - yes, I shall ban automatic silk collection immediately.

Note: discovering a natural source of underground water makes underground trees and shrubs grow in your fort. This is one reason why I always breach the caverns within first month of embark. Trees take 1.5 years to mature, gotta start early.

Woah, we had a High Master cook with us? Why don't we know her name? Hopefully she'll have more of a presence when she starts whipping us some feasts. We'll need all the cheer (and trade goods) we can get.

I'm curious, just what was Totaku and this other engraver actually working on that they got so good at engraving? Whatever it was, that practice will be put to GOOD use. Yes, I shall indeed make new living quarters where everyone will have their own engraved walls instead of having to share! On a side note, Totaku still wants to do some cooking. Well, rendering fat counts as cooking I suppose. I'll see what I can arrange. Wow and that other engraver has a long history of tanning before he came here. Yes he's certainly allowed to do some tanning on the side of engraving work.

Acidus is a... fish cleaner? Where we gonna get fish in this place? Oh but of course, ok I'll make a note to install some grates over the underground water source (after more urgent matters are attended to) so we can fish in safety. It was pleasantly warm down there when I was sent to fill our well reservoir.

NeoSerela and this other suika were in charge of all our furnace operating in the past and Serpetarius writes that they clocked a very large number of hours on the one smelter we have. I suppose I can leave all the high priority smelting jobs to them but when I expand the magma works, they'll get a lot of kouhai to look after.

Chaore is a very very experienced gem cutter, just what we needed to take advantage of our newfound riches in the underground walls! But who's going to set the gems? Hmm... that bowyer is the only one among us with some experience. If no gem cutter arrives from the migrants, he'll have to do.

Oh hey, a hammer soldier is actually a high master fisher. I'm going to need to restructure our military anyway, I'll see if I can spare to... oh wait, he's injured. Doctor Headcrabs says there's "no health problems" with him so he just needs to recover from his... fractured rib, broken ear, smashed left horn and badly cut open toe... seriously doctor, I sometimes wonder at your diagnosis!

Hmm, a very experienced hunter is among us. That bowyer already has a client waiting for him. I'll see about making a quiver for him personally.

Scratch that bit about me personally making that quiver, I didn't know I was living in the same fort with a high master of leatherworking. I'm bowing out of that trade, I've got plenty of other work to do.

Oh my, I was also living under the same mountain with a high master mason! Who is resting in the hospital with "no health problems" meaning a broken arm and a fractured leg. I really want to give all masonry work to him, but I can't wait too long for work to be done... I shall wait and see.

Ok so we have 2 metal crafters including myself and neither of us are very good at it. I hate to admit it but I don't have good creativity either, despite my fertile imagination. Let's see if a migrant will fill that role.

Pseudolus is well-versed in all fishing industry work. Clearly, I must get that fishing grate hole set up.

T34G3 is our mechanic and our 'trash recycler' - she takes rock that our legendary miners leave behind and turns them into a portable form that foreigners seem to want. It's not the most lucrative business by far, but somebody's got to do something about our endless piles of rock. Oh and she's our current expedition leader. We should think about a Mayor position soon when the next migrants come.

......... why hadn't I heard of our legendary weaponsmith? He's made that steel pick of such impeccable quality everyone in our world knows of it and he chooses to remain nameless? Ok, T34G4 is going to be working closely with him for some automated first-line defences to the new entrance I've got in my head.

This suika (why do they all remain nameless?) who made that wooden artifact will be put to good use churning out high quality wooden bolts for hunting. Where to get all that wood... we will need to send escorted woodcutters to the caverns while we make a tree farm or three in our fort.

Speaking of which, DollWarrior is the sole woodcutter in our community and doens't have much experience with it. Can't blame him, there just isn't much to cut down on the surface. Now that the caverns are visible though...

Ok, RL is getting a tad bit busy, I'll probably delay starting my turn until the end of the weekend or so. I've already spent some 4 hours in pause mode to get my head around this fort and its suikas.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Winter 1052: Anthony get bashed badly and loses a horn!
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on August 21, 2010, 02:31:28 AM
Hey, I thought my Suika was a cook.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Winter 1052: Anthony get bashed badly and loses a horn!
Post by: Psieye on August 21, 2010, 02:34:25 AM
All I'm reporting on is the game's data on who has what job permissions and what skills they have. If you want, I can move your name to the high master chef instead of this lowly woodcutter - I assume there was some mistake in naming "DollWarrior".
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Winter 1052: Anthony get bashed badly and loses a horn!
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on August 21, 2010, 02:36:56 AM
Yeah, that be nice.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Winter 1052: Anthony get bashed badly and loses a horn!
Post by: Psieye on August 21, 2010, 10:25:16 PM
2 months down. I need some sleep before I do the next major step of planning, so I'm putting this report up early. As usual, pictures will come in a while, you get to read the text first.


2 Granite: I must have been sober to have made such a blunder yesterday. DollWarrior was the high master chef, not the woodcutter. Right, now that I'm drunk again, first order of business: gather all the valueable trash outside that the biokkuri left behind! Also, strip the biokkuri prisoners in cages!

All hail Dwarf Therapist for making that name change (and the entirity of my census post before) relatively effortless. Cages with Biokkuri in them were built so I could mass-dump designate their contents and cancel dump the cages themselves. Mass-reclaimed all the Biokkuri possessions so we could trade them.

I don't know about this Shell Iron that Kappa have but ordinary pure iron is a bad metal to make military gear out of: the Iron Age of humans was really the Steel Age. How Biokkuri get all these silk clothes I don't ask, they're worth a fortune. What am I doing? Why am I still trying to fill that pond? I order myself into the militia and tell myself to station nearby. Hey I'm drunk, I gotta do things this roundabout to stop myself from doing a useless task. As soon as I'm out of the caverns I tell everyone to wall off the caverns. I don't care for the stray Hatate Yukkuri still down there that got poisoned - it'll be a good scout.

Oh, I forgot to tell the miners: they're banned from any hauling duties now. There is a LOT of digging to be done!

Huh? I could have sworn that artifact-in-making had numerous ingredients going into it, why's it a bone helm with no decorations whatsoever?

5 Granite: Why is this useless stockpile in the hall of every workshops creating useless tasks? I remove the stockpile since I'll be remodelling it anyway.

As much as I want to remove the food stockpile too, things would get hectic fast and the fields would rot with nowhere to store the harvest. I'll have to leave that inefficiency for the time being. Migrants coming when?!

Oh and Chaore announced he's getting attached to his (well-crafted) steel battle axe. I'd wanted to give him a better weapon but... well it had 3 kills to it when Anthony the 1st wielded it. Fine, it's got history to it. I can understand the attachment.

6 Granite: Ugh, something stinks near the cavern entrance... what killed this Sakuya yukkuri? More importantly, why has nobody carried off its remains? Oh wait oh wait, you mean that pile up at our gate was our meagre refuse pile? Everyone, new rubbish dump at our new entrance-to-be, now!

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Now hotkey'd to F1.

Ok, Stuffman made a passageway to block off the cavern stairwell from. When the time comes to collect the riches and the lumber, we will make a much more secure entrance to the caverns. There's enough wood out there for the time being though.

What do you mean we have no water source? That reservoir for our tiny well shall be our water source - now use it before our patients die of thirst!

We're still gathering the biokkuri trash to sell to the Kappa (who seem all too happy to take that junk off our hands) but we've enough to trade. I ask for all the booze to be bought, then all seeds, empty bags and sand bags they have. We still have plenty left over, so I ask for all the meat, yukkuri paste and berries to be bought off them too. That left them with 70% profit, hope they're happy as we've got more coming in.

13 Granite: ARE THOSE CORPSES OF EX-PATIENTS STINKING UP THE HOSPITAL? I must build some coffins RIGHT NOW! I ban myself from all hauling tasks. Ah the miners are ready for more jobs. Right, I need a grand slope to serve as the backbone of travel across floors. Why slopes instead of stairs? I like slopes!

Actually, research suggests slopes are easier on FPS than thick staircases.

Hmm, now that I look at where I proposed our new entrance, it's too far away from everything we have. I'd wanted a nice open space but that's too inconvenient for the rest of our existing fortress. I'm not crazy enough to re-build everything, so I position the entrance closer to existing infrastructure:

( (

Ok so these sketches I'm making are meaningless right now. It'll look good once it's all finished. I don't like designating all of the design in one go. Dr Headcrabs was ordered to take up mining duties now. If he says he's got no work to do as a doctor at present, then I'll make him useful. I feel sorry for our patients but the fortress needs to secure a better layout before we can tend to the unfortunate.

The caverns are now sealed off again. We need a water supply fast, so that'll be my next task after I wall off this old entrance up high in the mountain. The Kappa merchants are now off and I'd gotten everything I'd wanted from them so all is good. Well, maybe I could have done with those bolts they had, but ammunition is expensive. We'll be ready next time.

19 Granite: I'm still waiting for our new entrance to be dug out. We suikas don't sleep often, but we sleep long when we do. Dr Headcrabs is making sure he's not sobre while working. I arrange for a plant stockpile to be put right at our farms so farmers don't have to walk ages to put their harvest down. A seed stockpile is put next to that too.

Hey everyone, ignore filling in that reservoir for now, we'll get a real water source soon.

20 Granite: Yes I know our patients are thirsty. Oh alright, use what's left of that well's reservoir to keep them hydrated. It'll last while I get a real reservoir dug out ASAP.

10 Suikas suddenly report they're idle. Ok good, I was waiting for this. Everyone, let's clean up some stone!

Garbage dump zones were designated (away from cliffs or ramps) and mass-dumping was thrown around to clear stockpile space.

24 Granite: The food stores were overflowing. I designate a temporary stockpile to take in the surplus for now. Once those migrants come, a better layout should have been dug out and we can move things.

Coffins are prepared, we don't have proper burial chambers dug out so I assign them to the edge of a random corridor. Yes it's inappropriate - let them serve as a reminder of our fort's early struggles and valiant sacrifices. Also, that will be where our temporary meeting zone will be. Everything is so temporary even though it's been 2 years since we struck the earth...

1 Slate: 1 month has passed already. I've designated the new reservoir to be dug out, the central slopeway is almost complete. I've instructed that no plant or seed be stored in teh food larders - they're being moved to the harvest area right now. All temporary measures, temporary measures.

6 Slate: Damn, our high master mason is dedicated. He healed his leg and he's back to work walling off the old entrance despite his broken arm.

Sakana, you are now banned from doing any hauling work. We need a huge surplus of barrels and beds! Make a new carpenter's shop right next to the farms. We'll arrange for wood delivery so you concentrate on cranking out the goods.

9 Slate: Time to assign more stone dumping. Our entrance needs to be cleared. Let's do this everyone!

Wow, we're finding Melanites (semi-precious gems) around here while we dig our entrance. When will I have time to design the new workshop areas?

13 Slate: T34G3, please stop all hauling duties and see to our Kappa diplomat, he's been waiting a long time.

Ooh, Dr Headcrabs is actually doing some medical work!

We need some storage space right where the work is at - I ask for a large room to be dug out of the soil next to our farms. It should function as our tree farm in later months:

( (

16 Slate: Ok, so the high master mason is fully back in business, regardless of his health status. I ban him from any hauling work and tell him to pump out furniture for a dining room. Oh yeah I made a few chairs back a few weeks ago, I better get that set up as a temporary dining room while we dig out a suitable location.

The farms were producing nothing but plump helmets. I'm sick of those mushrooms. I got the farmers to make cave rice instead from now on. We still have 3 big fields left if we ever want mushrooms again.

Those migrants should be here any day now. I want to know what work I'll be doing - metalcrafting or something else.

Oh yeah, I need to do something about security for our new entrance. I order some cloth ropes made.

Here's hoping we don't need to use our military this season. No guarantees though. Why? Because I just sent out our woodcutter to chop down more lumber. All hauling disabled of course. ALL OTHER LABOURS disabled in fact - why he went off to do some fat rendering, I don't ask.

20 Slate: I just saw Sakana sleeping at her carpenter's shop. Dah, is the reservoir about ready yet? I need to dig out new bedrooms fast. Wait I can dig that out right now, the reservoir just needs to be cleaned and filled. Right, let's make these new living quarters...

( (

Oh but before that, I need to widen the passageway to the reservoir. Hey get some booze down here too, we hate walking far to get our drinks!

22 Slate: Ah, the storage room I ordered next to teh farms was still being dug out. Ok, let's wait for that to be done. Now how to design our new well...


List of notable migrants:

Bone doctor
High Master Glassmaker

This brings our population to 54. A useful number.

No metalcrafter migrated to us. Ok, I'm free to take up my old hobby of metal crafting. After expanded living quarters and reservoirs are done. Oh blah, I forgot the Parsee Yukkuris are coming for trade soon, hey DollWarrior cook us some delicious trade goods! Make your kitchen right next to the larder and get to work! No more menial hauling for you!

2 Felsite: I need to hurry. No ambush so far but that's just luck. Darn I need to get a bridge set up as a gate at our entrance. Our new entrance has a unique defensive boost for scouting ambushes - we have a narrow T-junction. I'll sketch a picture once I'm done installing some ropes for yukkuri scouts to sit at.

Many helping hands are clearing the reservoir very quickly now. The pump is ready to be installed and operated.

DollWarrior has now set up shop and is cooking meals to sell. I've asked for a new trade depot to be made at our new entrance and a stockpile to only accept prepared meals with no barrels has been arranged. Again, temporary arrangements while I figure out how to re-structure.

5 Felsite: The mass of idlers need more work! I've got it! The old living quarters can be remodelled as the group dormitory! I'll think about where to put the dining room later - it needs to be close to the food afterall. Ok everyone, clear out the rocks at the old living quarters!

I promised a sketch of the new entrance:

( (

I only included one end of the T-junction, but you can see that rope there to tether a young Sakuya Yukkuri to. Any animal will do the job - ambushers will give away their position when they come in melee range of any living creature of ours. It's their bloodlust I think.

Also included in that figure is the pile of prepared meals DollWarrior has churned out. Care for some Warthog Spleen Onigiri?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Winter 1052: Anthony get bashed badly and loses a horn!
Post by: Psieye on August 22, 2010, 05:03:04 PM
6 Felsite: Now that the new migrants are here, I interview every suika in the fort to make decisions on who does what. Or put more bluntly, who becomes an interchangeable drone or soldier.

Basic rule I'll follow: named suikas won't be changed from their roles. I also suggest people come up with more names to go with some suika roles I'll list. We've got too few spectators to really feel like a community fort.

What follows are some notes I'm making - normally I'd use nicknames to keep track but as nicknames already have a use in this fort, I'm doing manual notes:

Right, that leaves me with 12 Drones, 8 green recruits (not counting the 2 soldiers in bed and any named suika soldier) and 3 veterans. What do drones do?

( (

Some 30 interchangeable jobs where skill only affects job completion speed.

Acidus - why is he carrying a bow yet loaded with bolts? Oh right, there must have been a mixup in logistics and he got assigned a bow instead of a crossbow. I must say he's got respectable skill with that bow but he's got no kills with it and we cannot manufacture arrows. I'll be switching him to a crossbow, he'll be the captain of our markssuikas. Ok, I've optimised the work permissions. Now about our military...

Our militia commander, Anthony the II is in such horrible state, I'm going to relieve him of his position until he gets better. Here's hoping to his health but with severe blood loss, ability to stand AND grasp lost, motor nerve damage and sensory nerve damage... I'm not holding much hope. In the meantime, Chaore who was captain of a squad has been promoted to commander.

Next, I re-organised the uniforms. A "Crossbows" uniform was made with no shields (can't shoot while holding one) and leather gear. "Steel gear" uniform will have everyone decked out in steel, no compromises. Mail shirts and leggings - veterans can then be individually upgraded to wear a breastplate above that but the mail stays on as that's what protects arms.

Our squads look like this:

Clasps of Responsibility, led by Chaore. The veterans. Steel gear and axes by default (one hammersuika assigned separately).

Barricaded Morals, led by Acidus. The Markssuikas. Leather gear and crossbows.

The Laborious Glazes, led by a nameless veteran. The training squad. Steel gear and axes by default.

Right, now that I've got this mess halfway sorted, I can get to actually playing... after I finish some RL work.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Winter 1052: Anthony get bashed badly and loses a horn!
Post by: Psieye on August 22, 2010, 11:02:59 PM
7 Felsite: Hunters are assigned wood and bone bolts, our shooting squad is assigned copper bolts. Oh yeah, I need to set up mass-production of mechanisms and expand the magma works... Someone build me 2 pipes and corkscrews made of iron. Someone else make me some obsidian blocks. They must be obsidian ok? Other rocks will melt in magma heat. Oh and bring the wood indoors now, I've designated a wood pile in the farm storage room. Woah our outdoors refuse pile has filled up already. Make another one!

Bug: soldiers don't distinguish between combat and training bolts. On the other hand, ranged combat is imba right now anyway so it doesn't matter that we're using copper bolts.

12 Felsite: Hmm, there's no report of them but I know there are hostile lifeforms indigenous to magma in this world. This floodgate can be broken down by them if they happen to wonder over and powerful monsters will certainly think to fly or swim in through here. I must make a more defensive magma access point.

Ah Stuffman said he's taking his vacation now. Alright, I understand. He'll need it to see through all the digging I'll have for him.

Ok, 5 mechanic shops set up next to the farm to mass produce some low quality mechanisms. I'll factor in their inaccuracy for my detour trap corridor.

Darn, that little well's reservoir has almost run dry. Dr Headcrabs, it's up to you to officially open up the new reservoir.

16 Felsite: About time the Parsee Yukkuris brought their merchants to our territory. We'll load up the new depot shortly. Uh, I hope they use the new one instead of the old one, the travel distance is a bit longer otherwise.

19 Felsite: Drat, they want to use the old depot. Ok, let's be selective in bringing our wares over, don't want to create unnecessary labour right now.

Geshud is now filling our reservoir now - he's being a temporary pump operator just this once:

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Yes, I'm using the setting where I see water depth all the time, that's why you're seeing all those blue '7's.

AMBUSHHHHHHHHHHHHH, Everyone GET INSIDE. Drat we don't have our door ready or anything. Just my luck, or is that my laziness for not having set all things in motion sooner? Ok veterans, time to show your worth. Just in case, I cancel all refuse dumping orders and tell every drone to wall up our entrances. We just needsome time to smelt steel equipment and we can fight back.

Dammit, some foolishly brave soldiers are charging at the invaders with no equipment (because we didn't have enough equipment for everyone). We're about to lose both our hunter recruits:

( (

20 Felsite: ... Just realised that the rest of our veterans either died in hospital bed, or are still recovering. This means Chaore is our only armed and able-bodied veteran.

Also just realised: when I told all the new recruits to get ready for a joint suicide attack, they instead jump the gun by running outdoors. Why? Because they've been assigned the equipment of our dead soldiers... still outdoors. CHAORE, ACIDUS GET OUT THERE NOW! We got idlers ready to close off the entrance if worst comes to worst.

Finally another realisation: this is a pincer attack. Another squad appeared at the other end of our T-junction entrance:

( (

Thank you young Sakuya yukkuri for informing us of this second squad. We've engaged the first squad, who used all their ammo trying to kill one suika:

( ( (

26 Felsite: I really am impressed by how much time our military has bought us. We've walled off everything now and we're digging tunnels so we can still get around the fort:

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Also surprising is that we seemed to have actually killed some biokkuri in this FUBAR.

Incidentally, the Parsee Yukkuris wanted business to proceed, whatever was going on downstairs. Pseudolus did the trading - teh random junk we had available was enough to trade for all teh food, wood, sand and seeds they brought. Right, now back to the ambush down there.

1 Hematite: Thank our creator, Ibuki Suika. SOMEHOW we beat back the ambush. Let me go debrief the survivors to see what happened. We're down to 43 in population now: Acidus and 3 green recruits are the sole survivors who went out there - a nameless veteran in bed is the only other veteran besides Acidus still alive.

Ok so Chaore died very very slowly after the first strike from a biokkuri swordsman incapacitated him - he got to cleave a bowman in two before that though.

Acidus somehow managed to live through all that and shot almost 50 bolts. No telling whether any of them did significant damage or helped out in someone else's melee. He claims he didn't get any direct kills at least.

One of the green recruits actually got a kill while fighting with his bare hands. Actually, he was using a leather cap (made of mountain goat leather) as a weapon for some time.

Another recruit says he fought with a copper axe. I thought I told them to accept no compromises in material, apparently I was mistaken. That's now rectified at least. The copper axe didn't do any damage, as I knew. It was meant to be a woodcutting axe.

Anyway, the ambush has been repelled and our important workers are still alive. We must set up a more automated defence for next time as we don't really have any competent soldiers left. I must also install a turret for Acidus to shoot from next time. Ok tear down those walls everyone, we've got work to do!

Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Winter 1052: Anthony get bashed badly and loses a horn!
Post by: Psieye on August 23, 2010, 11:59:57 AM
2 Hematite: I've asked our weaponsmith to pump out steel serrated discs immediately. I'm going to be re-adjusting the magma works but that'll take time. Make use of the magma forge while it's still up.

Acidus is our 3rd militia commander now. Gonna do a complete equipment dump and re-equip.

3 Hematite: About time Parsee Yukkuris did something out of jealousy. They're demanding we limit our deforestation. Eh, sure I'll agree to it in words and just hide all evidence we've been mowing down trees when they next come. They're willing to see at most 100 trees be butchered by our industry. So be it.

Fun fact: What really concerns Elves is how much wood is left in your stocks, not how many less trees there are on the map since they last visited.

5 Hematite: Oops, I should have paid closer attention to the water reservoir while overseeing the magma plumbing. We've overpumped. Nothing unfixable though:

( (
( (

That suika got out of stun and walked back up the ramp no problem. But...... she left her baby down there... The water's gonna come back soon you know...

6 Hematite: Darn legendary craftssuikas work fast. We've used up all our steel bars to make 14 steel serrated discs. It's been what, 4 days only? I ask for all 8 of our copper bars to be used in making bolts. We'll smelt some more bars later, magma is coming soon.

Ok drones, I think that's enough mechanisms for now. I'll mention if we need more.

8 Hematite: Time to clear away the rubble before filling the new magma pipe:

( (
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Water reservoir is under control and the new well room is coming along nicely:

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Time to get a chain made for this. Out of billon for now - maybe when we're better off we can remake it out of gold, studded with all sorts of gems and metals. Far off dream huh?

13 Hematite: Huh? Sakana you were a hunter in your spare time? Hmm, but you're too valueable as a carpenter to lose in a battle.

New squads have been set up: Acidus is alone in the shooter squad and the 3 recruits are in a second squad with a wounded veteran for a captain.

Trap corridor being dug out.

23 Hematite: Oh darn, some blood smears around the reservoir's pump reminds me I forgot to close off the pump access point. Someone wall it up now. Uh, that baby will fend for itself I'm sure.

1 Malachite: The well room is now complete, aside from setting up the well itself. I've decided to also make it our mausoleum at the same time:

( (

Also, I'm told DollWarriors has finished cooking all our food - except for things I banned like plants, seeds and milk.

10 Malachite: Well completed, disbanding our temporary meeting zone.

Trap corridor is underway. It's mostly cleaned out and now we need to install it. Front gate bridge is also set up.

Digging out our dining hall. Oh crud, I need to tell everyone to set up the dormitory so we can get some good sleep.

Magma plumbing is nearing final stages, just need to pump it in now:

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Yes that's microcline walls I built after cleaning out the gold vein in the vicinity. I'll be damned if I let gold go to waste.

13 Malachite: A reminder that magma plumbing is very slow if the pump position is suboptimal:

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It's been days and this preliminary magma pipe isn't cleared yet. I need to block this off so I can shunt all magma to the new pipe.

Oh by the way, the ponds outside have thawed. Like I care, we have permanent water underground.

The hodge-podge dormitory for the homeless:

( (

Yeah I'll do a better job of it later, after the living quarters are finished. Speaking of which, we're now free to dig that out.

18 Malachite: Magma pumping is mostly done, now to wait for the remaining lot to dry up on its own, then we can close up the old pipe and start business.

19 Malachite: FEY MOOD! Oh shit, that drone's probably going to want a magma forge... HEY OPEN THAT OLD MAGMA TUNNEL NOW, THIS GUY NEEDS A FORGE TO WORK AT! No wait, he's waiting in his room - he knows the current forge is down. Quick, get me a new one set up at the new magma pipe! I don't have time to wait for magma to cool anymore. We're gonna pump while the old tube hasn't been closed off!

Dining table is starting to be furnished. It's going to be a mish-mash of colours at first, but someone else can fix that later if they want.

22 Malachite: So long as that drone doesn't get tired of pumping, this should be ok:

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23 Malachite: WHAT DO YOU MEAN STUFFMAN BLED TO DEATH? Did his skin melt off or something?

( (

Huh, this must be a remnant of that 'acid rain' bug. Damn, was Stuffman wet when hwe did this magma pumping or... oh oh ohhhh I see what happened...

Oh shit, the magma was flowing so slowly, it overflowed from that hole...

( (

24 Malachite: Alright kid, be grateful you have a magma forge to get your mood product done with. Stuffman gave his life to dig this out.

I've instructed for our Talented Blacksmith to double up as a miner for now. I need another miner apprentice for that matter... Yes, our leathermaster and glassmeister will join in.

1 Galena: Living quarters are finally being dug out. I don't care if the apprentice miners ruin some copper ore while they bash out the rooms. While that's being done, the common dormitory is being stripped of Exceptional and Masterwork beds - the Superior crafted beds can stay.

I worry for another ambush, but we're not exactly defenceless this time. Oh that's a point, I should tell them to close the trap room for now. We'll re-open it later when we actually have the spikes ready for that area.

11 Galena: That baby trapped outside the reservoir room has now died of thirst. Nothing notable.

13 Galena: About time the human merchants showed up. Let's hope biokkuri didn't also show up on the map.

18 Galena: Millstones are operational, this place has some wind fortunately. I ought to make the windmill secure with a perimeter wall. We can then open up outdoor farming too that way. Oh yeah, need lots of bags now since milling will fill them up fast.

24 Galena: Totaku? I know you're drowning your sorrows at having lost your lover Stuffman. But the human merchants are waiting. Take your time, we're in no rush, even though we're rather short on food because we put all the cooked products in the depot.

Ok she's trading now. Did you know the biokkuri brought 6000 suikabucks worth of goods when ambushing us? Then compare it with this:

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That's DollWarrior's work, supporting the entire export industry of our fort while I get the rest of the industries and defences online. Here's another masterpiece, going for 5060 bucks:

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Since we have a surplus and we just got a bunch more ingredients, I offer 1300 bucks worth of food to the humans as an advertisment of DollWarrior's works. Maybe they'll bring even more goods next year to trade for them.

Oh and the ponds have frozen up in the north. As before: we don't care anymore.

1 Limestone: Right, setting up the storage area to support the magmaworks. We'll be pumping out steel again soon, the iron is already stacking up:

( (

I dislike how far away the magma works are, but we just don't have time to mess around any further. I was lucky to not get ambushed in summer, but I need to get ready for autumn's ambush dice roll.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Winter 1052: Anthony get bashed badly and loses a horn!
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on August 23, 2010, 01:10:57 PM
Awww, poor Stuffman.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1053: Stuffman melts with the magma
Post by: Totaku on August 23, 2010, 01:14:43 PM
Noooo Stuffman! ;_;

This is starting to take an interesting twist. As for the bug, have you by any chance reported it? Might be somewhat important since it seems the acid rain/ magma bug still seems to be around.

Oh and Psieye, Pesco has requested for a Suika....

He wants his to be named... err..."Tits" and be... a milker. :P
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1053: Stuffman melts with the magma
Post by: Psieye on August 23, 2010, 01:17:28 PM
No, you can see what happened in the next screenshot. I forgot how amazingly slow magma flows, so a 1/7 deep glob of magma overflowed from the trench and touched Stuffman's feet while he was digging out the rest of that room. Just like fire, dwarves (suikas) have no sense of self-preservation when it comes to seeing magma creep up towards them. That mood threw me off balance and I rushed what should have been a slow operation.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1053: Stuffman melts with the magma
Post by: Totaku on August 23, 2010, 01:31:50 PM
And that's why I always release the magma as the last thing. :P Tis a shame though, I had someone I was in love with. I was hoping to give the story some flavor. Now I guess my Suika's going to remain as he always been.... lonely and depressed. ;_; Also don't forget to add Pesco's Suika as mentioned above.

Edit: I've went and added a list of bugs that I've come across over my freetime to give as a heads up. And yes, I'm worried Anthony may remain a vegetable due to her injuries.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1053: Stuffman melts with the magma
Post by: Psieye on August 23, 2010, 03:53:16 PM
And that's why I always release the magma as the last thing. :P Tis a shame though, I had someone I was in love with. I was hoping to give the story some flavor. Now I guess my Suika's going to remain as he always been.... lonely and depressed. ;_; Also don't forget to add Pesco's Suika as mentioned above.

Your suika is female:
( (

And yeah, I agree that magma should be the last thing moved but I had a time bomb ticking away and I didn't want to lose a metal crafting fey mood. Speaking of which... HE'S DEMANDING BODY PARTS DAMN - he's coutning all 13 bones we had as one stack. BUTCHER A STRAY ANIMAL RIGHT NAOOOOOOOOOO. It's been just over a month... how long do moods wait for before snapping? I'd rather not risk it so I'm going to attempt an AI exploit to extend the timer...

Edit: I've went and added a list of bugs that I've come across over my freetime to give as a heads up. And yes, I'm worried Anthony may remain a vegetable due to her injuries.
Oh I guess I didn't mention it explicitly:

( (

He wants his to be named... err..."Tits" and be... a milker.
This means I must set up a meat industry proper as it's now in demand. Which in turn needs a cloth industry set up. Yeah it'll be done around winter I think. I'll set him up for business, you'll see.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1053: Stuffman melts with the magma
Post by: Psieye on August 23, 2010, 08:09:05 PM
10 Limestone: Ok, that metalcraft artifact is starting up now. Was worried for a moment as we realised a little late that he wanted more bones. A Sakuya yukkuri was sacrificed immediately for the artifact.

15 Limestone: Completion:

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Also, the old magma tube is now blocked off with constructed wall and floor. No magma travelling abominations will get in without our knowledge now.

I need to expand the living quarters... then give these mining apprentices a lot of soil to dig through to make tree farm space. No we don't have time for that, we need the hematite dug out by Dr Headcrabs and the normal rock dug out by the apprentices. Ok, time to micromanage with burrows.

21 Limestone: Oh a thief. Haven't had one of those since I started leading this fort. It ran away upon spotting.

26 Limestone: Steel needs charcoal... We can't spare all that wood hmm... say what did bronze take... bronze will be good enough to finish the corridor of traps, saving the steel for equipment. Bronze needs tin, which comes from casserite... which is only found in granite... doesn't look hopeful. Drat, we'll have to stick with steel all the way. Ok everyone, let's get charcoal production going... Move the wood up here, stop bin/barrel production, we've made enough for the time being. We'll have to breach the underground again for more wood. I must make equipmetn with the steel I have... Oh drat, we don't have enough barrels...

6 Sandstone: Gee time flies. Ok, did a practice drill and had our military gather in the dining room in full gear. They collected what they had assigned to them. Let's see what the gaps we need to fill in are... the body and legs... the most important parts... ah gee, who assigned their outfits?

Roukanken, since the other blacksmith is training to be a miner, I want you to make me some anvils. I ask for that last month, stop hauling and get to it please.

Bahhhh, I asked for an outer wall and lots of smelting. We don't have enough hands. That's it, I'm stopping everything else and doing nothing but furnace operating and masonry. I know there were some highly experienced furnace operators around here... ah yes, NeoSerela stop all hauling and just melt or burn things.

23 Sandstone: Asked Acidus to train all our Sakuyas into war Sakuya yukkuris. Specifically Acidus so they follow her around by default instead of someone else.

Assigning war dogs is making them pets. Not good when they die (and they wILL die).

25 Sandstone: Got DollWarrior to cook up another batch of profitable meals.

It's regretable but I don't have time to make all this steel and then make the spikes for the lower trap corridor. I'm going to have to settle for it to be a prison for the time being, until next season at least. Can't afford to risk an ambush with the defences not ready.

T34G4, please stop all other activities and make us some steel armour immediately.

9 Timber: Just realised the hospital needs much more storage chests than what's currently available. Making some coffers now.

You know, now that I go around unforbidding the biokkuri drops from late spring, I note how they all seemed to have died in such odd locations - travelling up slopes. A more thorough search through the stocks (thank you Serpetarius) may reveal more to unforbid.

Mass unforbid by designations when you do find these, or just use the stocks menu.

16 Timber: As callous as I was for the sake of security and efficiency, I really must bow down to the power of love. Likot Ozkakobok, Drone had her husband killed in the spring ambush and her baby daughter abandoned in the reservoir flooding incident in early summer. Apparently she held another baby in her womb all this time and she's given birth just now.

( (

Oh and suika merchants have arrived. Bracing myself for an ambush and if it doesn't materialise, I can begin work on the final stage of the trap corridor.

19 Timber: Fey Mood! This will either be useless wood, useful bone (but we don't have any...) or mediocre stone crafting. Not too excited then. It DOES remind me of our lack of a meat industry, which I need to get going.

Wait he wants body parts... Oh and cut gems too, damn I have been distracted far too long from the gem industry.

22 Timber: I've waited long enough. I'm going to butcher an Aya Yukkuri myself for that mood. Out of my way everyone!

............ damn, I feel woozy. I must have been working too hard. Time to take a break. Someone else make those bones right now! NeoSerela, you'll do. Stop the furnace working for a while.

Oh a Daiyousei Yukkuri thief. It ran away harmlessly and I let it - no telling what they'll do when cornered. Ah and while it was running away I spotted some native aluminium in the mountain. Designated that as the "Good Miners" territory and told Dr Headcrabs to go mine it out.


1 Moonstone: CONFIRMED! IT'S GONNA BE A BONE ARTIFACT. Wow, I must be getting extra drunk lately. Shouting all over the place.

I'm starting up a basic gem industry. Seeing as our gem cutter died in spring, I'll be taking on all gem duties. I like Topaz so here's hoping we'll get some later.

First round of biokkuri trash recycling nets us all the wood, sand, seeds and glass pieces of the caravan, as well as some shiny coloured blocks I want used for remodelling in the future.

Oh by the way, no ambush. Time to finish the doom corridor~

Ugh and we've got a large backlog of hauling so it'll take forever to move all this in place. Fine, forget binning them, just bring me the gold products from our legendary metalcrafter.

Enough mining training has been done that I'm satisfied. If more training is needed, I'll assign the burrows again but for now, you're free to get back to fortress life everyone.

Uwah... that bone artificer wants even more bone. I'll see about getting somethign slaughtered again. Oh and NeoSerela, I'll need you to pick those plants out there in our garden so we can set up outdoor farms.

Hmm I didn't take many pictures. I'll make up for it in winter. The ground floor looks very different now. Oh and Totaku? What did you replace the Mule with? Which Yukkuri do I sacrifice with no worry of reproduction being hindered?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1053: Stuffman melts with the magma
Post by: Totaku on August 23, 2010, 08:27:44 PM
The yukkane or Sanae yukkuri. I made them that due to thier rarity since they don't have much of a purpose since they're incapable of breeding. (When interspecies breeding is implied I will make them breedable with the Kanako and Suwako yukkuri.)
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1053: Stuffman melts with the magma
Post by: ES-Anthy on August 23, 2010, 08:30:00 PM
God dammit I died again, so when is Anthony the III coming in? BV
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1053: Stuffman melts with the magma
Post by: Chaore on August 23, 2010, 08:37:11 PM
Aww man, Right when my track record was looking good too... :ohdear:
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1053: Stuffman melts with the magma
Post by: Psieye on August 24, 2010, 12:37:21 AM
6 Moonstone: Right, that artificer is now off to get his second batch of bones from a Sanae Yukkuri.

Just realised the entrance is compromised right now. Will recitfy that immediately with some walls. Good thing the ambush didn't come when I was carried away with digging.

DAH, DollWarrior sorry I forgot to tell you to ignore all hauling again, please do something about our huge surplus of food! Make it tradeable!

Meantime, let's get some serious trade going. All the metal bars, gems, food and a few other items were traded for our brass toys (Mahjong sets, Go boards), gold instruments and DollWarrior gourmet food:

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Next wave, now that the trader is ecstatic (I can tell, even if Totaku isn't skilled at judging intent), the next batch of trade occurs. All their silk, cloth and leather (never know when tehy'll be needed for moods) as well as seeds, gypsum plaster and whatever else. Oh and a pair of semi-luxuriously decorated boots:

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If I had my way, I'd be making much more luxurious goods, but I'm starting to feel the strain of leading this fort. I'm thinking of retiring at the end of the year after I focus on stability and the essentials. I also include an iron war hammer (well-crafted) with spikes of diamond in the purchases. Cost 11k bucks. Further 5k bucks on a cage with spikes of crystal glass and yellow diamond, both exceptionally done. 2700 bucks for this awesome rope too. We're that rich to still give them 50% profit. Yeah, they're ecstatic so they accept a smaller profit margin now.

14 Moonstone: The bone artifact was complete. We now have a legendary bone carver to pump out bone bolts like mad. Good timing, I'm setting up a meat industry proper. Once these merchants go back home, I'm arranging our domestic livestock yukkuri for milking. I was approached by some suika who wanted sole milking rights, went by the name 'Tits'. I shall talk to this 'Tits' later I guess.

The artifact was devoid of all the decorations that should ahve gone into it. Must be a bug I guess.

Acidus is now off to train on live targets. I'll call him off the hunt later in the month when I expect ambushes.

I flat out give away 30k bucks worth of gold works from our legendary metal crafter. This is our propaganda message to the suikas out there: "our fort is wealthy and the food is legendary, come and make a better living together with us."

24 Moonstone: T34G3 finally made time for the diplomat. I requested a rather large shopping list for next year, including sand, precious gems, silk thread (because weaving it ourselves is much better), leather, Keine yukkuris and more.

Also, some pitchblende. Because uranium rock is always fun to play with, even though radiation isnt' in the game.

Outdoor farming is go, to hell with the freezing weather, let's see if we can grow something out in the air.

I will now demonstrate how this decorating room will be used in the future with this bed as an example:

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This is Psieye, inside the chamber. It'll be cleaned out and stocked with the good gems in the future but for now, time is short. That lever there locks the dark coloured door, made of Mica stone. The other 2 doors we lock at will but that door is locked only by the lever. Pull this lever to bring a gem artisan in and lock him up until he gets the job done. Leave 1 item in here (furniture is easiest, just deconstruct afterwards with no furniture pile) and spam decorations with gems already inside. Alternatively, use burrows. Whichever way, this system lets you make some awesome things.

20 Opal: Almost over. Just a little more and the trap corridor of doom will be complete. Tits' personal workspace is under construction now. I still don't remember who Tits is, but I'll find out later. I've got a statue of Keine Yukkuris set up at the entrance to his space. Hope he likes it.

Also, I've put some menacing statues at the turn of our entrance. I'll include a lot of pictures once I'm all done.

I should do another practice drill to get everyone equipped again. It's ambush time again in case it comes.

Good thing I did a practice... some Yukkumois came and a trainee blindly charged at it with no equipment. Uh yeah, everyone go help him.

16 Obsidian: The promised ambush has come. TIME TO TEST ALL THIS ON LIVE TARGETS - I don't have the trap corridor fully ready but that's a lesser concern. The main meat is ready.

( (

Uh Biokkuris? Why you headed straight upward the mountain? Oh... the kappa merchants. Good thing they brought their own escorts, they just kicked all the biokkuri ass. I'm expecting a second squad to turn up though.

There we go... damn and with a brainwashed kappa as their sergeant. I should have called the alert and had everyone indoors from teh start, but I needed a replacemetn animal scout. A few suikas are gonna get hunted down today.

24 Obsidian: Apparently a biokkuri kidnapper tried to gain entry, then died to the traps:

( ([[]]
(Drat, took that screenshot when the 'b' icon was blinking out. You can see its oil-smears on teh weapon traps though)

Ok, here come the ambushers:

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That other 'body part' icon on that last screenshot is from the same biokkuri - it was a really messy kill yes.

I don't believe it, this Kappa JUMPED across the gap:

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Too bad the entirity of what remains of our military was waiting for him behind that door, in addition to the entirity of the Kappa caravan escort.

Ok now this is exactly what I had expected:

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Biokkuri have dodged whirring blades and fallen into this killing chamber.

Pity I don't actually have these upright spikes linked up to that lever being constructed on the left. This calls for Acidus to get free shots on them while standing above them.

Meantime, business as usual for everyone else. Let's trade with the kappa and finish constructing the floor pattern for this death corridor lever. Once the Biokkuri are killed off, we'll deconstruct the wall and install everything. I shall leave all that to my successor.

Oh before I forget, this is Tits Whipdream:

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Now, I'm going to retire into my room. Call me when gems need working.


Next player can decide who Anthony the III is. There's already a candidate: the militia captain of the melee squad. I'll have the save and a tour in a bit.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1053: Stuffman melts with the magma
Post by: Psieye on August 24, 2010, 01:19:42 AM
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This here is the entrance. I modified the T-junction to be a one-directional entrance. Further south of this screenshot is where a couple of leashes are - tie some puppy Sakuya yukkuri there for early ambush warning. The red bridge is currently down, allowing easy access to the fort. 3 statues watch over the entrance, one of them is Anthony the 1st and another is a goddess of volcanos and such.

Note the U-turn that everyone is forced to take when the bridge is closed. Red is weapon traps, Green is cage traps. The lone weapon trap at the very bottom has 10 weapons packed, the rest have highly inaccurate mechanisms but well made (good damage) steel serrated discs.

You may not have seen a window before. Those 5 blocks in front of the 5 floodgates are windows made of clear glass (had to make pearlash for that). Idea is, the squads assemble behind those windows with the floodgates closed. They can't see the enemy so don't charge pre-emptively. Once everyone has assembled (and they will take their time), then you open the floodgates and suddenly they can see the enemy (if they were still loitering outside the bridge). The enemy can see htem too, but can't shoot at them because the windows are in teh way and are unbreakable. Therefore the two sides will charge around that corner and ranged enemies will be forced to start the fight at close range.

The new barracks position is right next to this assembly point for this reason - the soldiers should always try to be nearby in case of emergencies. Ambushes tend to happen in the last month of each season so prepare well.

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This is north of the entrance. On the right is a garden for outdoor farming, the wind mill and the butchery/tannery area (with corpse drop off points for hunters - butchers refuse to work with corpses unless they're dumped in a pile). In the middle is what should have been the gem area (incomplete, ran out of time); Tits' personal workspace (needs more livestock) and the decorating room. After I took that screenshot, I assigned some piles in there for high grade metals and gems - all that's left is to put in some high grade items that are worth decorating. It's advised to train up gem setting with cheap gems, saving the big name gems for later. On the left is the dining room (again, incomplete) and a surplus meat stockpile (we're drowning in meat, someone sell it all off after DollWarrior processes them).

About Tits' work: I advise the raws be tweaked so you can easily distinguish male and female yukkuri (like Cow vs Bull). Makes meat industry so much easier knowing whether you're tethering a milkable female or a male. That's a statue of a Keine Yukkuri at her work area and I've tethered males to it.

Oh and yeah, the big pile in the middle-right is for refuse. Other piles are for corpses and body parts.

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I can't remember what that long passage to the left leads to - some stairs but no clue where that went. Oh that's right, the old entrance to the caverns. I never did breach the caverns again, but it really should be treated with respect. Get a thick line of traps ready before making an entrance from a different direction. Note the traps won't help against forgotten beasts, so have a bridge to block it all off too.

Also seen is the drinks pile, the prepared food pile for trade, the trade depot and three important levers. See that lever surrounded in red? That's the FRONT GATE lever. The lever circled in blue? Opens the window 'curtain' floodgates. The lever in the barracks? That closes the 'backdoor' at the trap U-turn corridor: use if a total lockdown of the fort is required.

I didn't get a chance to clean it up, but down below is the ramp to the well and mausoleum.

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It also happens to be where stray animals will gather. I put a cage down there but forgot to stick them all in there. Remember to do that - it further boosts suika happiness when they're relaxing to see caged animals. I recommend sticking the young animals and yukkuri in there to save FPS.

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The living quarters. In the end, I didn't dislodge anyone who already had a room in the old living quarters. These new quarters have thick walls so everyone can have their own mural when the engraving eventually is done. Yes, that pimped out room is Psieye's room. The statue is of Anthony II.

Oh and if you're FPS conscious, please seal up that huge ugly vein I dug out all that hematite from. It's a killer for the pathfinding.

( (

Hospital. Nothing changed, besides getting many more chests. I think it still needs more, but put more beds in there first. Oh and I forgot to move the well to here - ther'es a small well with a small reservoir 1 floor below. Move it up here, the well can operate over multiple z-levels.

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The magma works and the entry way from the central ramp. As I said before: I hate how far away this thing is. I want to move the magma much closer to the trade depot so nobody needs to travel so far to collect the goods. The alternative is to re-build the depot to up there, but then all the other industries will have to move to stay nearby too - notably DollWarrior's personal kitchen, next to the farms.

Dah, too tired to go back and put up a screenshot of the underground farm area. Suffice to say, it's where the legendary mason has his personal shop to pump out high quality masonry. There are 5 mechanic workshops there for mass-producing low-grade mechanisms. The farm area has been dug around a lot to make space for underground lumber to grow. Also doubles as space to store the harvest and seeds. Farmer's workshops, a loom and millstones are nearby to take advantage of the short distance to the plants. The pile arrangement could be done better.


The save: (

To do: kill off those 3 Biokkuri trapepd below, deconstruct a purple wall in the kill zone and link up ALL those spike traps to the one lever you'll find to the left of the kill zone pit. It'll be really obvious, I'm building a blue ring aroudn it and a red arrow too.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1053: Stuffman melts with the magma
Post by: Myschi on August 24, 2010, 01:38:09 AM
I know that this post is late as hell, but I didn't stumble upon this before.

Care if I spectate? Just name whichever nameless Suika ya got after me, no real preference. (I fully expect to die a horrible death if named!)
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1053: Stuffman melts with the magma
Post by: Chaore on August 24, 2010, 01:42:26 AM
Oh, And uh, Sign me up for a second Suika, if possible. :V
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1053: Stuffman melts with the magma
Post by: Totaku on August 26, 2010, 02:15:31 PM
Looks like T34G3  has informed me that he's once again cannot participate in the relay and has asked me to put him in the back....

So with that I guess it'll be Serpetarius's turn once again....

So go get Psieye's file and proceed to continue with the game.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1053: Stuffman melts with the magma
Post by: Psieye on August 26, 2010, 08:07:32 PM
Oh yeah as for my turn, keep me on the roster but know that I'm likely to keep pushing my turn back for the foreseeable future - things are getting busy again. Serpetarius, if there's something you don't understand about how the fort currently operates, ask and I'll answer ASAP.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1053: Stuffman melts with the magma
Post by: Stuffman on August 27, 2010, 08:07:00 AM
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1053: Stuffman melts with the magma
Post by: Totaku on September 02, 2010, 12:38:23 PM
Ok guys, Serpetatius informed me that he got back from a trip and hasn't had time to work on Suika Fortress. So it looks like I'm taking over Lovely Muscles again. I wonder if we'll all survive this round?? Anyways time to grab the file and continue onward. I would like to get  my run done before 0.31.13's release.
Title: Suika Fortress Game III Spring 1054: Managing, adjusting, and bone axes
Post by: Totaku on September 06, 2010, 06:18:41 PM
Well gang I fnially got around to getting to this thing. I'm going to have to do one update a day to keep the mometum moving and get everything done on time. Otherwise I'll request an extention.

Anyways here's the report.

First month of Spring Day 1

Once again the torch was passed to me to maintain our little Suika Fort, and we are now on our 4th year with the fort. I?m going to be taking a little bit of time to manage and look over everything cause there?s several things I need to look over. The levers, the pits, the traps, and the biokkuri stuck down in the slaugter pit?..
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But just as I was beginning to check out everything I hear a fellow Suika go about blabbering, she was one of our own soldiers. And she withdrew from sciocty and went all the way up to the former workshop to begin work on an project of some sort?.

I wonder what she has in mind?.

First month of Spring Day 2

I went and did some observation around the fort as I went to check out some of the Suikas. I found out that some of our Suikas are distant relatives to others.

First off we have Charoe the II and Militia commander for the combat team as  well as training specialitst?..

Then there?s Pikbak the weapon smith

And finally Stuffman the II. Who was among our Suika Miners the whole time.

Meanwhile I?m still looking around to see what I can do with the remaining Suikas and also need to get to work on doing some trading with the kappa.

First month of Spring Day 3

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I sat down to do some trading with out fellow kappas. I decided that trade out mainly some of the brass and other goods that were produced along with some of Doll Warrior S?s food. And got some blocks, gems, and shell iron, ect. And also managed to obtain some Yukkanes as I noticed our Suika Soldier who is currently in a fey mood wants bones. So this little yukkuri is set for slaughter?.

First month of Spring Day 12
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We open the wall where the wounded biokkuri sit . And had Charoe and Anathe?s team ready (which wasn?t many). Thankfully with the help of the kappa we disposed o them. The process was a little messy, and we even got blood on the prepared food, but that shouldn?t hurt?. Thankfully no casualties were reported? Now it?s time to clean up!

First month of Spring Day 16

One nameless Suika frm Charoe?s army was injuried. Dr. Head crabs reports that she had injuries in the right hand, that resulted in her hand being cut badly. Her thumb was also cut and broken. Thankfully she can still use her hand, but for the time being she is getting the proper treatmen. More or less she will be getting stutures, cleaning and have her wounds dressed.

First month of Spring Day 24
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Migrants have arrived in the middle of winter! So far many Suikas arrived to the fort to make a livng! Among the team considered a peasent who seems skilled for combat so he will be enlisted into Charoe?s army right away! A carpenter who has a talent for archery, a high master wood crafter/ carpenter with leadership skills, a gem cutter with some mace combat skilled, a wound dresser and a surgeon, a pesent with dencent spear skills, An expert Mason and engraver, a tanner who could be an archer, a Seige Operator and Engineer.

With this the Suika Population is now at 58 meaning 20 Suikas came to make a living on out fort! Time to look into expanding our living grounds?..

And out of all of them at least 3 of them will be added into the Suika Military.

Second month of Spring Day 3
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The corpses of the biokkuri are a mess?. In fact it?s annoying. I can?t stand when there are cropses that don?t rot away fast enough so I deviced an alternet plan since the current issue that?s occurring is the miasma from the biokkuri?

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So I decided to tell all our fellow Suikas to toss the corpses in to the magma and let em burn! It?s a nice alternet solution and it?s the best method of disposing unessary trash that we don?t need. As for right now the military has expanded from 4 to 6  soldiers in Charoe?s group and 2 archers now in Anathe?s squad.

 Second month of Spring Day 4
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One Sanae and Chen yukkuri later, our military Suika finally has enough bones to make her artifact. And so she begins to work on her creation. I hope it?ll worth while?

Second month of Spring Day 8

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It appears our Suika has finished making her artifact which turned out to be a Yukkane battle axe?.made of bone?.. Sounds sort of prehistorc if you ask me?. It?s not even that valuable (only 4080 Suika bucks) but let?s look on the bright side, her self esteem is up. She?s now a legendary bone carver and a solider!

Last month of Spring Day 2
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Production has been slowing down as the snow melts outside.,, lately a lack of coal has causing steel production to be put on hold, so now I had to resort to having our wood workers go back to cutting things outside again so add to the wood pile?. Until the Parsees arrive we can?r do much with the current supply of wood until we cut down some of it?.

Meanwhile we start up our booze production again because our booze is running low too?.

And finally we got plenty of left over thread so we might as well start making some cloth, and maybe if there?s a clother around, we should make clothes.

Last month of Spring Day 13
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We got reports from our fellow Suikas that the parrseekkuri are coming along the mountainside to our fort, I?m going to get the team together be begin sorting out our metal crafts for trade. We?ll see how it all goes in a little bit?.

Last month of Spring Day 17
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I took a moment to trade with our jealous traders and as usual we got plenty of wood, animals and yukkuri from them, and all I had to trade them were 1 or 2 gold or brass crafts. Now we can probably work on the Steel again since we got some wood for charchol.

Last month of Spring Day 19
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As expected the Parseekkuri leader talked to our leader about the cutting of our trees?.as expected though?. We cannot cut down on our quota because of this. So yeah typical jealous yukkuri being jealous.

Last month of Spring Day 24
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A buch of yukkumois were roaming about down in the grasslands so we though that now would be a good time to go sent the troops to go hunt them. And as a result it all payed off. As they managed to kill two of them. Sadly during the time some yukkuyouseis snuck in and managed to kill off a yusakuya and managed to retreat. Thankfully one of them was taken out?

Last month of Spring Day 30

Noticing all the armor spread out across the field I can?t help but find it messy so my main concern is to clean up the mess so I?ve set up a armor and weapons stockpile and in the process I plan to add  bins to keep everything in order. Heck a lot of bins are needed for most things here. We can?t seem to keep up with the production.

Final Spring Report
Now that things are back in order and we got a decent sized population, my first order of business is to get our new recruits fully equipped?. Then?. We will go forth and open the path to the underground cave once more and begin our exploration of the underground once more?.

Hopefully the rest will come easily?.

And before you ask, I nearly got everyone renamed.. I right now lack only Anthony. Because I didn't get a good axe Suika. Unless you want to be a traniee. I won't mind either way.

I will do another update tonight.

Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Spring 1054: Managing, adjusting, and bone axes
Post by: Psieye on September 06, 2010, 08:10:25 PM
We should use our brass for bins now. Gold will be our craftsmetal and brass will be our bins/barrels. We need all the wood we can spare for charcoal. Keep DollWarriorS pre-occupied with food cooking - it keeps our food stockpile nice and available as well as making the best trade goods we can make.
Title: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1054: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death
Post by: Totaku on September 08, 2010, 03:36:52 AM
I had expected to draw something for this, but I had no time due to the ever constant events in this house.... Following after this have a big question....

First month of Summer Day 9
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Our miners did some digging along by the northern magma pipe to get some more marbles and one of them managed to uncover something…. Deep down in the depths of the magma pipe….rest and most richest resource known to all of Gensokyo…..

Adamantine! The most valuable rescourse in the world. It’s deep, but we must obtain it! For with Adamantine we can have the most richest fortress in the history among us Suikas! I will be get the troops ready to fend off any dangerouns undergrond life while we attempt to… DIG DEEP!

First Month of Summer Day 13
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After getting information from Stuffman the II about the location of the Adamintie, my first orders were to dig around in the location where the adamantine stands. And from there once all the walls are cleared out to begin digging a path undergrond…..We’re going to reach this! I know it!

First Month of Summer Day 15
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Despite taking Psieye’s advice, I noticed there’s a disturbing lack of brass…. So due to that, we can’t make brass bins…. So for now I’m going to have to go back to wooden bins for now cause I want to make sure everything is clean and sorted out sooner of later. But for now I’ll be keeping eye on things up here and make sure our local chefs and brews keep the food and booze coming….

First Month of Summer Day 17
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A working at the magma forge has just given birth to a Suika, and it’s a boy. Guess we got someone who can be part of our military in the future….

First Month of Summer Day 19
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Our Fortress has become large enough due to our birth of our new Suika that we now have been talking about establishing a form of conrol in our now village of Suika. Currently a nameless Suika has become our current mayor for our growing fortress. He’s hoping he will help make our future brighter….

First Month of Summer Day 21
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We got reports that the waters underground rest cave fish so the good news is we have plenty of fish the catch in the underground… However something else lurks in the depths….

Pond grabbers, a strange type of tentacle beast that pulls upsupecting victims into the water in an attempt to drown them. I will be monitoring the situation while our fishermen fish the area….

First Month of Summer Day 28
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Our digging team has been digging deeper into the underground as they make their attempt to reach the Adamantite. During their dig, they breach the Second Cavern layer.

This place too is flourishing with plant life and there’s something else deep underground…..
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Cave fish men! Apperently we have stumbled upon a campsite where the fish men rest. This has me curious since I knew strange things lived undergrond, but are they friendly? For now I will redirect movement to a spot near by so we can dig deeper I will send a squad down there to see if these strange creature are friendly or not… later on…

Second Month of Summer Day 13
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We managed to dig down to the where the fish people lived. We sent our soliders to greet the mysterious fish people but they turned hostile the moment we walked into our campground!

Strangely only one Suika went down there and fight the fish people. Thanks to the steel equipment, all the fish people’s wooden equipment prove worthless to them. The Suika Soldier managed to slaughter the entire fish people camp. Leaving their corpses to rot…. And it turned out this Suika….was also the inventor of the bone axe artifact…..

And also I was told this Suika was…. Another decent from Anthony’s family…..Anthony the III,

Second Month of Summer Day 19

We breach the third underground caveran and it’s full of plant life just like the last location. But it also appear to have water too! It’s beginning to feel warm now. So we have to be getting close to the magma sea…. Here’s hoping to get our hands on that Adamantite!

Second Month of Summer Day 21

A nameless Suika  has become possessed by mysterious forces…. Who know what she’s going to do. But we know she’s a stone worker. So maybe it’ll mean a new statue or something of that nature….

Second Month of Summer Day 22
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The worst case senario has just happened….. the Anamantite spire was a trap from the get go! It lead to a shaft all the way to hell!

We could hear the horrifying screams as they bellowed out from the shaft...
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And now demons begin to pour out!!!

This is it everyone! My greed has cost us our fort! I’m send the troops in as a last line of defense. I salute the brave miners as they may not live much longer now….

Second Month of Summer Day 24
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I can hear the screams of agony as our Suikas are being eaten and burned alive by the evil that was let out…. I can’t belive that top lair had a shaft….

I am riding on the hope of a few brave soldiers to defend the fort….

Second Month of Summer Day 26
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They’re now in the fort! No one here is prepared to fight and were all doomed!!! WHY DID I DO THIS?!!!

Second Month of Summer Day 28

The demons are feeding among the corpses of those they have killed and I’m stuck in the room with them…. I need to an escape, I know what I must do….

Last Month of Summer Day 1....
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This looks like it… the fort has become a slaughter house…. Within less than a few days everyone is nearly dead…. I know that the mayor is still alive….everyone else has been eaten…. Eaten by my greed…. I guess I will take one more drink of my booze before I become devoured by the demons…. For I can’t out run them…. To every one out there….. LOSING IS FUN!
And with that Totaku was beaten to death by a giant ash lizard demon and the everyone following that died quickly the last survivor was the mayor who made a daring escape from the fort…. But sadly the Suika mayor was caught by a one eye Sparrow brute as  it grabbed and beat up the mayor just as she was making her way outside…

With that…. The mayor died a slow and painful death as she beaten, chocked and breathed flames upon her as she slowly died…..

The only witness to see it…. A raccoon….who isn’t going to likely tell anyone about it.
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Ok, I was hoping to go down and reach around the spot where the adamanite was and mine it out carefully, I never expected that I would end up mining it from the top!  Because of this, the fortress is now doomed.:P

Course now comes the big we want to reset and go back to Spring (which mean Psieye will take a turn) or should we try something....different like... say..... an "a make your own adventure mode" where we take the role of a Suika and attempt to.... say...Clear the abandoned fort of the demons? Or even try to embark to a new location?

I'll let you guys make a call here. But yeah I'm sorry for my accident here, I haven't had a complication like this when mining adamanite before hand. ^^;

And before asking "why didn't I plug up the hole the demons come out of?" Do you know what that does to your FPS? It's murder on it!
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1054: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on September 08, 2010, 04:43:20 AM
Restart, the Suikas must be lead to glory!
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1054: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death
Post by: Psieye on September 08, 2010, 07:18:38 AM
I want to know whether T34G3 or Serpetarius are around to take a turn. May as well let them take it from where I left off and we continue. Otherwise this fort will have too much of my vision imposed on it and that's not what a succession fort is about... oh wait, Nahkh and his Sparkgears forts...

Put simply, I'm reluctant for adventure mode or restarting.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1054: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on September 08, 2010, 07:32:16 AM
Hey, I got Suika Fortress but having a hard time starting the game, can you guys help?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1054: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death
Post by: Psieye on September 08, 2010, 07:33:23 AM
Does that mean it's crashing when you start it or you need some help on how to play?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1054: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on September 08, 2010, 09:16:35 AM
Well for one, I keep only playing dwarf fortress, an another is that it keeps flashing and I have a hard time with the menu.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1054: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death
Post by: Totaku on September 08, 2010, 10:17:46 AM
Well for one, I keep only playing dwarf fortress, an another is that it keeps flashing and I have a hard time with the menu.

This here is a common error I seem to keep getting a report of....

It's mainly due to the setting I place the game in when I uploaded it since it helps my computer run

Here's how you can fix it:

Go into you Suika Fortress Folder, then go to the data folder, then open the init folder, locate init.txt and open it.

Now in init located PRINT_MODE

It should be set at PRINT_MODE:PARTIAL:0

Try changing it to PRINT_MODE:STANDARD

That should fix the flickering problem. (feel free to try other settings like 2D, VBO, other modes if you want to look for a better performance..)

I will contact TG3G4 that it's his turn. From there we'll see how that goes...

Also I will see about fixing the flicker problem with the next release (which should be out soon) so that those who aren't famaliar with init settings won't have to worry about it.

To the next player don't forget, Charoe (ax military Suika), Stuffman(miner), Anthony(axe military Suika), and Pikbak (whatever you like for him) needs a Suika!

Also Dwarf Fortress is Suika Fortress as there is no way to edit the game mode title so your playing it right if your playing Dwarf Fortress mode.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1054: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death
Post by: Psieye on September 08, 2010, 10:52:36 AM
There is no separate "Suika fortress" option. You select Dwarf Fortress and that will load the Suika fortress files.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1054: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death
Post by: Kingault on September 08, 2010, 11:39:46 AM
Interesting, I might get this later.
Can I have a Suika named after myself?
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1054: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death
Post by: Totaku on September 13, 2010, 04:07:01 AM
Knock, Knock, T34G3.

I know I confirmed that you wanted to play a few days ago, but are you still up to taking on the relay? Cause I haven't heard anything from you past the PM.

You still have 4 days...
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1054: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death
Post by: Totaku on September 17, 2010, 09:08:49 PM
It's been over a week, I even PMed T34G3, and he hasn't responded....

Due to the rules that I have placed...  his turn is now nulled out and he is sent to the back....

I contacted Serpetarius a day ago to ask if he had time to play. He said he couldn't and has asked me to remove him from the list....

This means that only me and Psieye (and maybe T34G3 though he's been a no show after the first attempt)

This leaves me to ask...

Should we just retire this fort?

I am not sure I can keep going like this if there aren't any player who want to sign to actually play. :P

I may still play if we really want to... but it would be so much better if there were more players out there that would sign up.

Course if we stop, it could be a good while before a new Suika Fortress comes into play, since starting with 0.31.13, the entire world generator features have been scrapped and remade. Leaving adventure mode to become mostly a wasteland with only human farms and villages.  And the new spawls are in need of some serious adjusting.

Plus I hope you all have an OS that's XP or above since now DF will no longer support Windows 2000 starting with 0.31.13 and higher.

If we do continue to play, we're going to stick with the 0.31.12 version for the time being until some issues are sorted out (which may be by 0.31.14 is what Toady said was true about fixing bugs.)

Anyways, I'll let you guys make the call here.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III Summer 1054: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death
Post by: Psieye on September 17, 2010, 09:12:49 PM
Let's put this fort in hibernation for now then. Colleges and schools the world over are starting back up so let's see after people have settled in again. 4 players was too small for a succession game pool anyway.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III GAME OVER: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death
Post by: Totaku on September 18, 2010, 10:16:11 PM
Well I guess I will wrap this up and we'll just call this game over then....

It probably will be a while before we get back to start another game again as I'm awaiting to see the changes that will occur since right now there is alot that has changed rather sudden and alot of things have been scrapped in adventure mode to make room for new things. Plus it's now become buggy in the new version so we will be waiting a bit....

Course I guess it wouldn't hurt to ask this question....

When I do another game, would you all be interested if I spicing things up by saying....doing a cross forum relay involving this board and bay12 games together (I know it has it's own Touhou team there too)?

From what I got somme think this wouldn't be a good idea, but I thought I'd ask here just to see if I can get additional feedback...

As for now, I will be turning my focus on getting Touhou Crawl ready since I need to fix an error that suddenly occured that set me back by a few days. ^^;;;
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III GAME OVER: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death
Post by: Psieye on September 18, 2010, 10:56:21 PM
Oh that would be good. We have way too small a player base in this forum alone to justify a succession game. Too many people aren't familiar with DF to contribute. We can cross-post player reports between the forums so we don't have to go out to other forums.
Title: Re: Suika Fortress Game III GAME OVER: One Greedy Suika = Everyone's death
Post by: Totaku on September 18, 2010, 11:54:21 PM
That's the whole game plan I had in mind so far was to post the reports between Bay12 and here based on who's playing (and maybe responds to. :P) I'll probably still keep the rules pretty much the same on the most part with the exception to the cross forum idea.

I'll take some time to think about how I'll put this together. Since it'll definetely be a while before I do another game. :P (Especially with the current version.) But yeah I'll leave it at that. Should be fun though to see how each community react to one another's actions. XD