Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Rumia's Party Games => Topic started by: Spidere on May 23, 2010, 07:34:43 AM

Title: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 23, 2010, 07:34:43 AM
> You are AURICA! A lonely faerie from the outside world! You have been hired on by YUKARI YAKUMO. So far, you have defeated an ice faerie, bought groceries, sold cookies to a hungry salesmen, survived and  lipped off one of the strongest youkai in all of Gensokyo. You can copy abilities at a whim, stopped a zombie infestation, escaped from a universe of chaos, got a suppository the size of a grapefruit administered, got a living doll companion that can only say it's name, befriended an eccentric Kappa, made it into the tabloids, and befriended the mistress of the palace of spirits and her sister. You stopped their haywire pets, Orin, and Okuu/Utsuho! After performing a military exercise with Eientei in which you got a shikigami by the name of Roger, you are now trying to stop magical leaks and a ROBO NITORI!

> Skills:
-CONCENTRATED FISTICUFF LV.2: An attack used by focusing energy into your fist and punching. You can also focus kick.

-FAIRY FLIGHT LV.2: A form of flight that allows fairies to fly using wings. Allows flight anywhere, even in anti-magic zones. You can fly very fast.

-ELEMENTAL CONCENTRATION LV.3: Allows you to change internal element. You are currently neutral type. You can utilize; fire, ice, wind, earth, metal, and sun with extra potency. You can also utilize moon.

-FAIRY REGENERATION LV.2: If damaged and not yet dead, you can rapidly regenerate health.

-ATTACK COPY LV.2: A very powerful ability that allows you to copy a LV.1 version of an enemies attack. Holds up to ten skills. Currently holding:
-GAP LV:0.6
-Lunatic Red Eyes

-FEIGN DEATH LV.1: Temporarily stop your heart.

-AERO DASH LV.1: An ultra fast dash.

-CUTE LOOK LV.1: Increases negotiation ability.

-DANMAKU LV.4: Even though you're a fairy from the outside world, you've spent a lot of time perfecting magical attacks. Studying only gos so far though!

> Spellcards:

- Foreign entity ~ One with no face: A spiral pattern. Quite low level.

- A little fairy ~ Focused target: An accurate attack with wind element bound to it. Fires ten large bursts at the opponent.

- Luminous Gaze ~ Blooming flower: A sun elemental attack. Inaccurate, but very powerful.

- Trouble sign ~ Double the Fun: Create two big spheres behind the enemy that creep inward. Very stealthy.Element of attack is based on what element ELEMENTAL CONCENTRATION is bound to.

Magic leaking: Save the contracts, babe.
Kappanator: Solve the case of Nitori panic!
Mind the gap!: Master the gap.

-fairy set
-sack lunch
-super duper megacrystal pen
-fancy hat
-super umbrella
-bunny set
-thigh highs
-carrot sealed folder
-the paper

Shanghai inventory:

Roger inventory:

> "Hoho...Your bunny friend won't be able to make it in time. All of this was calculated from the beginning. Your...sweet little Kappa may have been unforeseen, but you will not be able to survive much longer."

> She raises the gun and prepares to blast Roger.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 23, 2010, 07:35:44 AM
>"What is your problem?!"
>Give her a faceful of them danmakus.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on May 23, 2010, 07:36:54 AM
>"Roger! Duck and cover!"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 23, 2010, 07:37:52 AM
>"What is your problem?!"
>Give her a faceful of them danmakus.
>"Roger! Duck and cover!"

> Your bullets just glance off of her head as she fires. Roger manages to graze the laser thanks to your warning. Unfortunately, he is now bleeding from the side.
> "Ahh...Punch her in the dick...Aurica..."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 23, 2010, 07:42:10 AM
>Don't have to tell us twice!
>Deck Suzy Homewrecker in the pecker motherfecker
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on May 23, 2010, 07:43:29 AM
> Your bullets just glance off of her head as she fires. Roger manages to graze the laser thanks to your warning. Unfortunately, he is now bleeding from the side.
> "Ahh...Punch her in the dick...Aurica..."

> "R-roger!"
> Do what Roger said, and Concentrated Fisticuff the Robo Nitori/Nitorinator "in the dick!"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 23, 2010, 07:50:16 AM
>Don't have to tell us twice!
>Deck Suzy Homewrecker in the pecker motherfecker
> "R-roger!"
> Do what Roger said, and Concentrated Fisticuff the Robo Nitori/Nitorinator "in the dick!"

> You give her a nice shot to the mommy zone. It hurts your fist as much as it hurts her. Which is a lot. As you made contact, you encountered some exposed wirings, by the feel of it.

> ROBO NITORI is sparking and exploding at the seams. It finally falls apart.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 23, 2010, 07:53:25 AM
>Shake hand until it stops hurting. Go to see to what is statistically likely to be an evil future clone.
>"Let's get her patched up, Roger!"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 23, 2010, 07:55:17 AM
>Shake hand until it stops hurting. Go to see to what is statistically likely to be an evil future clone.
>"Let's get her patched up, Roger!"

> You get used to robo hands.

> Roger is bleeding out on the floor. He is barely conscious, sitting in a fair-sized pool of blood. Nitori...isn't doing much better. You need to find medical attention fast.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 23, 2010, 08:00:11 AM
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 23, 2010, 08:02:51 AM

> Eirin comes rocketing out of a gap. She immediately patches up Roger before mending Nitori's wound.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 23, 2010, 08:04:29 AM
>Slump down in the corner. That was a lot of shit to deal with. =[
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on May 23, 2010, 08:06:33 AM
> Head over to Roger, and if he's concious, smile at him and mess his hair up a bit.
> Once Eirin looks like she is finishing up, thank her.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 23, 2010, 08:07:19 AM
>Slump down in the corner. That was a lot of shit to deal with. =[

> "Anytime."
> She continues to patch up Nitori.

> The tracker begins to beep wildly. You hear a loud, "MUKYU!" from upstairs.

> Head over to Roger, and if he's concious, smile at him and mess his hair up a bit.
> Once Eirin looks like she is finishing up, thank her.

> He is still pretty out cold.

> "No problem, Aurica."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on May 23, 2010, 08:07:44 AM
>"Patchouli! Oh crap!"
>Rush upstairs!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 23, 2010, 08:09:30 AM
>"Dammit if I have to hit all of 'em in the groin we might as well be married!"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Seian Verian on May 23, 2010, 08:10:23 AM
> "What-"
> "WHAT NOW?!"
> Border on breakdown
> Hold it off while we go to help Patchy
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on May 23, 2010, 02:06:12 PM
> If Patchouli is being attacked, rage tackle the aggressor.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 23, 2010, 05:26:36 PM
>"Patchouli! Oh crap!"
>Rush upstairs!
> "What-"
> "WHAT NOW?!"
> Border on breakdown
> Hold it off while we go to help Patchy
> If Patchouli is being attacked, rage tackle the aggressor.

> You hurry upstairs in a panic. Nitori's house has been mostly destroyed. You peer through the destroyed rooftop to see a massive Mech carrying Patchouli. At the controls you can see twelve Nitori.
> "THIS *whirr* is THe END oF AlllLL OF yoU *click*"

> Patchouli is trying to break the robot's hold. It...isn't working out.

>"Dammit if I have to hit all of 'em in the groin we might as well be married!"

> You shout some insults.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 23, 2010, 07:30:13 PM
>Take to the air, get behind it, try to danmaku up those controls.
>If there seem to be windows or the like in the way, grab a handy bit of debris and use it to smash them out.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 23, 2010, 08:12:54 PM
>Take to the air, get behind it, try to danmaku up those controls.
>If there seem to be windows or the like in the way, grab a handy bit of debris and use it to smash them out.

> You fly behind it and attempt to bash open the window. It doesn't even crack the glass.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 23, 2010, 08:15:30 PM
>Mix Concentrated Fisticuffs with it to make Concentrated Smash
>If one of the Nitorae try something funny, give them a dose of Lunatic Eyes.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 23, 2010, 08:58:58 PM
>Mix Concentrated Fisticuffs with it to make Concentrated Smash
>If one of the Nitorae try something funny, give them a dose of Lunatic Eyes.

> You smash the glass open and enter the ship.

> One of them charges at you with a knife. You try to Lunatic Eyes her, but it appears this is another robot.
> You all fall down as another giant robot slugs this mecha directly in the face.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 23, 2010, 09:03:23 PM
>"I hate time travel so much!"
>Take a moment to assess the situation, and try to get back on our feet.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on May 23, 2010, 09:03:52 PM
>wait what
>Try to get a look at who's piloting this other robot (I suppose the good Nitori?)
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 23, 2010, 09:16:28 PM
>"I hate time travel so much!"
>Take a moment to assess the situation, and try to get back on our feet.

> Who doesn't?

> A robot has punched this robot. You can't tell much more from inside of here.
> You stand up.

>wait what
>Try to get a look at who's piloting this other robot (I suppose the good Nitori?)

> You see someone that looks quite similar to Nitori...but isn't quite the same...
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on May 23, 2010, 09:19:08 PM
>"Di- did you just save me?"
>Through these words we can figure out if this is a friend or foe.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 23, 2010, 09:23:06 PM
>In the meantime, let's beat up the the rest of these Nitorae. They'll thank us for it later~
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 23, 2010, 09:24:54 PM
>"Di- did you just save me?"
>Through these words we can figure out if this is a friend or foe.

> It's hard to hear someone in a different mecha than you.

>In the meantime, let's beat up the the rest of these Nitorae. They'll thank us for it later~

> You beat up the Nitori, giving low blows to the robotic Nitori.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 23, 2010, 09:26:38 PM
>Once we're satisfied that the Nitorae are dealt with, go to a window and get a load of the other mecha.
>Also see how Patchy is doing.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 23, 2010, 09:35:22 PM
>Once we're satisfied that the Nitorae are dealt with, go to a window and get a load of the other mecha.
>Also see how Patchy is doing.

> You check out the other mecha. It appears identical to this one!
> It punches the robot one more time.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 23, 2010, 09:46:05 PM
>Is Patchy still caught in this one's fist?
>Try to remain standing this time.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 23, 2010, 09:50:20 PM
>Is Patchy still caught in this one's fist?
>Try to remain standing this time.

> She appears to have escaped.

> You brace yourself and stay standing.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 23, 2010, 09:59:29 PM
>Have a look at the pilots of the other mecha, see what they are up to.
>Check the tracker.
>Look around for something to smash out a window with, preferably a crowbar for fire extinguisher.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 23, 2010, 10:03:42 PM
>Have a look at the pilots of the other mecha, see what they are up to.
>Check the tracker.
>Look around for something to smash out a window with, preferably a crowbar for fire extinguisher.

> You can't get a clear look and the Tracker isn't giving you much of a reading.

> There's already a perfectly fine smashed window.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 23, 2010, 10:06:25 PM
>Oh well. Sun Tzu wrote that swift action will take the place of a plan!
>Fly out the window, Aerodash around, and smash out a window of the other Mecha!
>if anyone inside tries any funny business, whack 'em with whatever we stole from the first mecha. Or spray them, if what we stole was a fire extinguisher.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 23, 2010, 10:11:06 PM
>Oh well. Sun Tzu wrote that swift action will take the place of a plan!
>Fly out the window, Aerodash around, and smash out a window of the other Mecha!
>if anyone inside tries any funny business, whack 'em with whatever we stole from the first mecha. Or spray them, if what we stole was a fire extinguisher.

> You zip out the window and smash the window of the other mecha open. As you enter, you see that the people here are...
> Male Nitori? A male Nitori bot tries to shank you. Before he can get close, the robot is punched again by a different robot.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 23, 2010, 10:15:05 PM
>Enter. Lay beatings down on whatever even looks at us funny with out scavenged window-smasher.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on May 23, 2010, 10:16:06 PM
>If yet another robot comes in out of nowhere, see if we could possibly get Patchouli and ourselves to a safe distance away from this giant robot battle.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 23, 2010, 10:26:38 PM
>Enter. Lay beatings down on whatever even looks at us funny with out scavenged window-smasher.

> You don't have an item! The window was already smashed!
> You beat everyone up again.

> Nitori runs out of the smashed hut below with a strange looking device.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 23, 2010, 10:30:02 PM
>Well, if this one's been disabled too...
>Fly out, chase down the escaping Nitori. "You've got like five seconds to convince me not to beat you like a drum!"
>Ready length of Bamboo for this purpose.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 23, 2010, 10:46:23 PM
>Well, if this one's been disabled too...
>Fly out, chase down the escaping Nitori. "You've got like five seconds to convince me not to beat you like a drum!"
>Ready length of Bamboo for this purpose.

> The bandages sort of prove the point as you fly down. She is looking pale. You can also notice a bit of a limp.
> "This is an EMP I just put together. It might stop these goons from coming into this dimension, and it should even stop the time machine temporarily. Although, there's a slight chance that the universal fabric may go...boom."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 23, 2010, 10:50:53 PM
>"Eh. We've done that already. It's not that bad. Let her rip!"
>Offer her the length of bamboo as a crutch. Worse comes to worst we just finish injuring her.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 23, 2010, 11:00:20 PM
>"Eh. We've done that already. It's not that bad. Let her rip!"
>Offer her the length of bamboo as a crutch. Worse comes to worst we just finish injuring her.

> She activates the EMP. You notice reality explode around you. Stuff begins to flash wildly around your eyes.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 23, 2010, 11:03:04 PM
>"Oh hell, not again!"
>Brace self. Grab into Nitori so she doesn't get lost.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 23, 2010, 11:21:31 PM
>"Oh hell, not again!"
>Brace self. Grab into Nitori so she doesn't get lost.

> You can't grab into her, so you grab on instead.

> You feel time explode around you.

> You head outside with Yukari, Ran, and Chen. Yukari lays out the bouncy castle and inflates it in a few seconds.

> Chen lets out a happy "Nya!" at the finished product.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 23, 2010, 11:25:38 PM
>"Okay, this time I'm going to pull off an infinite bounce loop for sure!"
>Into the bouncy castle! Bounce with enough force to hit the ceiling, then the floor, then the ceiling, creating an infinite loop that Yukari will have to gap us out of, hell yes!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 23, 2010, 11:30:13 PM
>"Okay, this time I'm going to pull off an infinite bounce loop for sure!"
>Into the bouncy castle! Bounce with enough force to hit the ceiling, then the floor, then the ceiling, creating an infinite loop that Yukari will have to gap us out of, hell yes!

> You begin to bounce furiously along with Chen. Yukari and Ran don't try to compete, but instead laugh and look on to the two of you.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 23, 2010, 11:34:53 PM
>Do some flips!
>"Oh! Yukari! Yuuka's totally going to kidnap me, so be ready for that!"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 23, 2010, 11:40:27 PM
>Do some flips!
>"Oh! Yukari! Yuuka's totally going to kidnap me, so be ready for that!"

> Yukari nods.
> "I already know. That's going to be quite the story, right?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on May 23, 2010, 11:42:21 PM
> "Not the craziest story we'll be involved in thats for sure!"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 23, 2010, 11:46:22 PM
> "Not the craziest story we'll be involved in thats for sure!"

> Yukari nods.
> "It gets pretty crazy alright. Maybe you shouldn't have used that EMP."
> Ran is looking a bit worried.
> "W-what are you two talking about?"
> Yukari giggles a little.
> "Oh, nothing."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 23, 2010, 11:48:29 PM
>"I don't see why not? I mean, they happen all the time outside and nothing especially bad happens. Well, from the EMP anyways."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 23, 2010, 11:50:02 PM
>"I don't see why not? I mean, they happen all the time outside and nothing especially bad happens. Well, from the EMP anyways."

> "Do people usually disable time machines and dimensional overhauls?"
> She smirks.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on May 23, 2010, 11:50:58 PM
> "Point taken.  Now how exactly do I get back?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 23, 2010, 11:52:06 PM
>"Well, you don't seem worried about it, so it must be pretty fixable."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 23, 2010, 11:58:57 PM
> "Point taken.  Now how exactly do I get back?"

> "Oh, it'll revert back soon enough. May as well play around with the idea of changing time, right? If something goes awry, I'll fix it, don't worry."

>"Well, you don't seem worried about it, so it must be pretty fixable."

> "Oh, it won't change much."
> Ran is looking really worried now.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Seian Verian on May 24, 2010, 12:01:08 AM
> "...I wonder if I can keep all that time screwing up from happening."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 24, 2010, 12:03:53 AM
>"It's really really annoying to have a bunch of evil future Nitoris running around. And even if I find the real one, I can't tell her anything because they'll know it too!"
>"Oh! Would it be bad if I hit that time machine with a lead pipe?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 24, 2010, 12:10:35 AM
> "...I wonder if I can keep all that time screwing up from happening."
>"It's really really annoying to have a bunch of evil future Nitoris running around. And even if I find the real one, I can't tell her anything because they'll know it too!"
>"Oh! Would it be bad if I hit that time machine with a lead pipe?"

> "Well, it sent you back here. I'm guessing that it's just going to warp you randomly around time until you get lucky enough to destroy the-"
> Time explodes once more.

> You begin to pray. After a minute or so, you hear the door unlock.

> Yuka walks in, wearing pajamas and a nightcap. Shit.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Seian Verian on May 24, 2010, 12:12:20 AM
> Begin trying to think up a lie that would get Yuka to destroy the time machine without killing Nitori
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 24, 2010, 12:13:15 AM
>"Oh! I remember this. Hey Yuka! Ever wanted to bust up a time machine?"
>"Those are some cute jammies, by the way. Did Elly get my- Oh, that hasn't happened yet."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on May 24, 2010, 12:18:23 AM
> Listen to what Yuuka has to say. Of course, we already know what she's going to say, but I doubt that it is going to be good for our health if we tell her we're a timetraveler.
> Wait a minute....this might mean something.....
> If Yuuka offers joining her again, say "YES"! It might trigger something important!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 24, 2010, 12:22:30 AM
>Hell no we aren't joining that psychopath. Because you know she's going to remember it, and shit will just get messy afterward with rival claims and shits.
>Best instead to confuse her with things we shouldn't know, so she is more likely to believe us. So things like Elly.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 24, 2010, 12:24:58 AM
> Begin trying to think up a lie that would get Yuka to destroy the time machine without killing Nitori

> You have nothing. Why would she listen?

>"Oh! I remember this. Hey Yuka! Ever wanted to bust up a time machine?"
>"Those are some cute jammies, by the way. Did Elly get my- Oh, that hasn't happened yet."

> "No.

> She gives you with a mystified look.

> Listen to what Yuuka has to say. Of course, we already know what she's going to say, but I doubt that it is going to be good for our health if we tell her we're a timetraveler.
> Wait a minute....this might mean something.....
> If Yuuka offers joining her again, say "YES"! It might trigger something important!
>Hell no we aren't joining that psychopath. Because you know she's going to remember it, and shit will just get messy afterward with rival claims and shits.
>Best instead to confuse her with things we shouldn't know, so she is more likely to believe us. So things like Elly.

> You try to confuse her. It...doesn't really work. Finally, she just reaches into the closet of the room and pulls out an umbrella.
> "Are you going to speak sense? Or must I knock some sanity into you?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 24, 2010, 12:28:32 AM
>"Okay. I'm from the future. Want me to prove it? That faerie who hangs with you, Renge-something? She's just right down the hall. And there's also Elly. And you know I didn't know that when I came here, and you know there's no way Yukari could tell me. It happened in between times."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on May 24, 2010, 12:30:01 AM
>"Okay. I'm from the future. Want me to prove it? That faerie who hangs with you, Renge-something? She's just right down the hall. And there's also Elly. And you know I didn't know that when I came here, and you know there's no way Yukari could tell me. It happened in between times."

> Do we really want to die in a place where we might not be able to revive?
> Why else would we arrive in this time? I think it is a major hint.
> Listen to what Yuuka has to say.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 24, 2010, 12:31:56 AM
>The fact she was mystified the first time already suggests she's not just going to break us. Besides, honesty is the best policy~
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on May 24, 2010, 12:33:07 AM
>"Ummm, Nitori made a time machine and lots of stuff I can't explain right now happened; but basically, we really need to destroy the time machine! Or the universe might collapse! It's true, I swear, please don't beat me...!"

In other words, what Purvis was doing, except with more sense-making and less mess-with-the-serial-killer.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 24, 2010, 12:35:17 AM
>But let's not sign any contracts. Because neither Yukari or we need that sort of shit after today. =[
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on May 24, 2010, 12:46:20 AM
> Resolve to chew Nitori out if we get through this.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 24, 2010, 12:48:10 AM
>"Okay. I'm from the future. Want me to prove it? That faerie who hangs with you, Renge-something? She's just right down the hall. And there's also Elly. And you know I didn't know that when I came here, and you know there's no way Yukari could tell me. It happened in between times."

> She readies to beat you.

> Do we really want to die in a place where we might not be able to revive?
> Why else would we arrive in this time? I think it is a major hint.
> Listen to what Yuuka has to say.

> She doesn't seem to have much more to say. It's up to you to "make some sense" and stop her from beating you.

>The fact she was mystified the first time already suggests she's not just going to break us. Besides, honesty is the best policy~

> She looks like she's going to break you right about now.

>"Ummm, Nitori made a time machine and lots of stuff I can't explain right now happened; but basically, we really need to destroy the time machine! Or the universe might collapse! It's true, I swear, please don't beat me...!"

In other words, what Purvis was doing, except with more sense-making and less mess-with-the-serial-killer.

> She sighs.
> "You're crazy, kid. A few on the head should get your blood flowing~"

>But let's not sign any contracts. Because neither Yukari or we need that sort of shit after today. =[

> Well, Yukari could just fix it.

> Resolve to chew Nitori out if we get through this.

> You resolve to chew her out if you ever get through this.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 24, 2010, 12:49:55 AM
>"Don't you think I'd come up with a better lie, given you're going to try to get me on your team?"
>You know what? Never kneel to tyrants! Truth to power! All that good stuff!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 24, 2010, 12:56:16 AM
>"Don't you think I'd come up with a better lie, given you're going to try to get me on your team?"
>You know what? Never kneel to tyrants! Truth to power! All that good stuff!

> Time explodes out of sympathy for you.

> The barkeeper says that you seem a bit young for a drink. You tell him you're lost.
> "Well, where do you need to go?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Seian Verian on May 24, 2010, 12:59:04 AM
>"Um... Youkai mountain!"
> Of course, not that we're likely to manage to take out the time machine before things go wrong again...
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 24, 2010, 12:59:52 AM
>"I need, um...hey, do you have a lead pipe or something I can borrow?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on May 24, 2010, 01:01:58 AM
>We have a 70% success rate with gapping. Unless he actually has a lead pipe for us to borrow, try to gap to Kappa Village/Town/whateveritwas!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 24, 2010, 01:06:48 AM
>60% chance.
>And before doing that, make sure Yukari can keep an eye on us.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 24, 2010, 04:41:43 AM
>"Um... Youkai mountain!"
> Of course, not that we're likely to manage to take out the time machine before things go wrong again...
>"I need, um...hey, do you have a lead pipe or something I can borrow?"

> "Now what are ya talking about?"

>We have a 70% success rate with gapping. Unless he actually has a lead pipe for us to borrow, try to gap to Kappa Village/Town/whateveritwas!
>60% chance.
>And before doing that, make sure Yukari can keep an eye on us.

> "Hmm...I don't think it's the best idea to gap right now. Time is zipping back and forth. If a time warp occurs while gapping...I'd rather not think about the prospects of that."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 24, 2010, 04:49:30 AM
>"Right you are."
>Look at Bartender guy. "Well, I kind of need a good blunt heavy object to bust up this time machine that's kinda ruining everything. A lead pipe would be perfect. I think it might be what's drawing out all the contracts."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 24, 2010, 05:38:03 AM
>"Right you are."
>Look at Bartender guy. "Well, I kind of need a good blunt heavy object to bust up this time machine that's kinda ruining everything. A lead pipe would be perfect. I think it might be what's drawing out all the contracts."

> "You ought to be dragged into the nuthouse, kid. How do the little ones always think this stuff up?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 24, 2010, 05:41:14 AM
>"Oh yeah? How're you gonna explain it when the guy with the pointy shades comes in here in a few minutes, looking to start something."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 24, 2010, 05:44:50 AM
>"Oh yeah? How're you gonna explain it when the guy with the pointy shades comes in here in a few minutes, looking to start something."

> Sure enough, you see a figure move closer to you...
> It sits down, revealing a man dressed in white, wearing a monocle and top hat.
> "Ahh...Excuse me miss, but is this seat taken?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 24, 2010, 05:47:17 AM
>"Not at all! I'll probably disappear in a few minutes anyways."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 24, 2010, 05:49:39 AM
>"Not at all! I'll probably disappear in a few minutes anyways."

> "Hmm...Are you feeling up to snuff, my dear? Perhaps an Advil?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 24, 2010, 05:57:35 AM
>"Well, it could probably use one later. I'm just sorta unhitched in time right now and jumping around all over the place. It's kind of a pain."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 24, 2010, 06:04:48 AM
>"Well, it could probably use one later. I'm just sorta unhitched in time right now and jumping around all over the place. It's kind of a pain."

> He raises an eyebrow before adjusting his monocle with his cane.
> "As you say so, madam."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 24, 2010, 06:10:15 AM
>"So who're you, anyways?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 24, 2010, 06:32:05 AM
>"So who're you, anyways?"

> He smiles after ordering a drink.
> "Just a man looking for some rest."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 24, 2010, 06:38:24 AM
>"Oh, okay. I'm Aurica. I'm looking to bust up a time machine real good and fix this mess. Know where I could find a good lead pipe or something?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 24, 2010, 06:48:36 AM
>"Oh, okay. I'm Aurica. I'm looking to bust up a time machine real good and fix this mess. Know where I could find a good lead pipe or something?"

> Time explodes once more.

> Suddenly Suika Ibuki bursts out of the bar. She also appears to be very drunk.
> "Well 'ello dere Aurica! I was just slammin' a drink with me ol' mate Yuugi."
> The other oni falls down. She is holding a small dish of sake. Even though she tripped, her sake NOT EVEN DROP! Is there no one in this land whom drops their drinks?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 24, 2010, 06:51:36 AM
>"Hey Suika! I need you to do me a really big favor! Like, right now! I'll get Ran to bake you some cookies if you do. But this is super important!"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 24, 2010, 06:59:47 AM
>"Hey Suika! I need you to do me a really big favor! Like, right now! I'll get Ran to bake you some cookies if you do. But this is super important!"

> "Aye, mate. What's goin' on?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 24, 2010, 07:06:48 AM
>"Okay, I need you to go to Nitori's house, right now! She has this thing, a bit metal gray thing with doors that open upwards? She's working on it right now, probably. I need you to stop her from completing it. Okay? Steal it, beat her up, whatever it takes. Just don't let her finish it!"
>Grab Suika by the shoulders. Give her a look of grim faerie manicness.
>"This is so important I can't even elaborate. I need you to do it right now, okay? I'll even go with you, but I dunno how long I can stay. Alright? Alright? Let's go?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on May 24, 2010, 07:12:02 AM
>"If not for me, do it for the cucumber beer! Plenty of it there!"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 24, 2010, 03:49:38 PM
>"Okay, I need you to go to Nitori's house, right now! She has this thing, a bit metal gray thing with doors that open upwards? She's working on it right now, probably. I need you to stop her from completing it. Okay? Steal it, beat her up, whatever it takes. Just don't let her finish it!"
>Grab Suika by the shoulders. Give her a look of grim faerie manicness.
>"This is so important I can't even elaborate. I need you to do it right now, okay? I'll even go with you, but I dunno how long I can stay. Alright? Alright? Let's go?"
>"If not for me, do it for the cucumber beer! Plenty of it there!"

> "Aye, I'll ask her about it later. It's drinkin' night!"

> Yukari speaks.
> "Aurica, perhaps you should just drop the time machine thing. Try something different. Clearly you aren't making any progress."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 24, 2010, 06:01:26 PM
>"...But it's still kinda early in the day. Can't you take a break and get to it afterwards, equipped with cucumber beer?"
>Sigh, and walk off.
>"Yeah. Maybe. But it's kinda hard to think on the fly when things keep shifting around and stuff..."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 24, 2010, 06:03:17 PM
>"...But it's still kinda early in the day. Can't you take a break and get to it afterwards, equipped with cucumber beer?"
>Sigh, and walk off.
>"Yeah. Maybe. But it's kinda hard to think on the fly when things keep shifting around and stuff..."

> "Nah, mate. I don't think I could just get outta here 'ight now. I can't see straight..."

> "Well, just try anything different. If you're locked in a timewarp, may as well as enjoy it."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on May 24, 2010, 06:07:26 PM
> "Enjoy it, you say...?"
> "Lets get wasted!!!"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 24, 2010, 06:18:07 PM
>Hey, you know what could fuck up a time machine? Stuff in Satori's armory~
>Dash for the palace of the earth spirits!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 24, 2010, 06:34:09 PM
> "Enjoy it, you say...?"
> "Lets get wasted!!!"
>Hey, you know what could fuck up a time machine? Stuff in Satori's armory~
>Dash for the palace of the earth spirits!

> Time immediately explodes.

> "It's not using it, it's the fa-"


><>< Quests:
-? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? : ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
-? ? ? ? ? ?: ? ? ? ? ? ? ?

<< INvEntoRY:
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on May 24, 2010, 06:38:36 PM
> How did we do this last time again? Uhhhh....
> "This was a triumph. I'm making a note here, huge success!"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 24, 2010, 06:39:32 PM
>Don't cry!
>...For reals ;_;
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 24, 2010, 06:39:51 PM
> How did we do this last time again? Uhhhh....
> "This was a triumph. I'm making a note here, huge success!"

< Nothing happens.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 24, 2010, 06:52:38 PM
>Look around. Do things seem any different this time around?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 24, 2010, 07:00:11 PM
>Look around. Do things seem any different this time around?

^ Everything seems A ltle more ordrly, actlly.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 24, 2010, 07:06:40 PM
>Look around for some place to go in the mess.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on May 24, 2010, 07:11:39 PM
> How lethal would gapping be inside here?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on May 24, 2010, 07:14:12 PM
> Flip the f*** out.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 24, 2010, 07:17:56 PM
>Look around for some place to go in the mess.

^ You wander aimlessly, loooking four smeplace to go.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on May 24, 2010, 07:23:51 PM
> "Anybody here?"
> Just...HOW orderly is the dimension now?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 24, 2010, 07:30:09 PM
> "Anybody here?"
> Just...HOW orderly is the dimension now?

> "Nope!"

> You have no idea. It seems to be getting cleaner, though.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 24, 2010, 07:31:55 PM
>"Oh, okay. Sorry!"
>Look around, see if there is any apparent source of the cleaning.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on May 24, 2010, 07:35:33 PM
>Oh crap, hopefully this isn't the alternate dimension future Nitori was calling into existence or whatever...
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 24, 2010, 07:37:26 PM
>"Hey, wait a minute. This isn't some alternate timeline, is it?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 24, 2010, 07:43:29 PM
>"Oh, okay. Sorry!"
>Look around, see if there is any apparent source of the cleaning.

> You can't find the source, unfortunately.

>Oh crap, hopefully this isn't the alternate dimension future Nitori was calling into existence or whatever...

> Nope, some of the imagery is definitely from the weird corrupto-verse you entered after copying gapping.

>"Hey, wait a minute. This isn't some alternate timeline, is it?"

> No answer.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on May 24, 2010, 07:47:26 PM
>Well, it's more orderly then when we started; let's check our inventory again.
>Do the "I'm a little teapot" dance/song/thing for fun! Unless something significant happens.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on May 24, 2010, 07:51:47 PM
> "Hey wait a minute...who said that?!"
> Look at the source of the voice we heard (that "Nope").
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 24, 2010, 08:12:51 PM
>Well, it's more orderly then when we started; let's check our inventory again.
>Do the "I'm a little teapot" dance/song/thing for fun! Unless something significant happens.

> Items:

> You do a little dance.

> "Hey wait a minute...who said that?!"
> Look at the source of the voice we heard (that "Nope").

> It's pretty gone, now. Should have listened the first time!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on May 24, 2010, 08:15:31 PM
>Use Duc to summon Mode
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: COPIRIGHTO on May 24, 2010, 08:19:05 PM
>Forge contract with Duc
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 24, 2010, 08:39:03 PM
>Use Duc to summon Mode

> You pull out the piece of paper in your pocket labeled, "DUC."
> Nothing happens.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on May 24, 2010, 08:46:30 PM
> "DUC!"
> Look around.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 24, 2010, 09:01:19 PM
>Roam the shattered universe, watch it fix itself up.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on May 24, 2010, 09:12:50 PM
> Do as the paper says and duck! (as in 'hit the deck')
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 24, 2010, 09:20:09 PM
> Do as the paper says and duck! (as in 'hit the deck')

>This first.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 24, 2010, 11:03:37 PM
> "DUC!"
> Look around.

> Nothing happens.

> Do as the paper says and duck! (as in 'hit the deck')

> You hit the deck. Nothing happens.

>Roam the shattered universe, watch it fix itself up.

> The paper disappears as you begin to roam the shattered universe.

> Time seems to refract back into normal!

> You awaken at the dining table of the Yakumo home. There are some delicious looking eggs on your plate. Chen is...looking at least 20 years older.

> You spot Yukari looking at the paper. At least that hasn't changed! Ran is also perfectly normal!
> You lean down to eat your eggs when you spot Yuuka sitting at the table drinking what looks like a cappucino.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on May 24, 2010, 11:05:48 PM
> "... So then, what's new today?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on May 24, 2010, 11:07:34 PM
> Refrain from screaming our heads off/fainting/getting seizure.
> "....uhhh, hi Yuuka...."
> Examine Chen. How hot is she now?
> Examine our own body. Are we still our own age?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 24, 2010, 11:13:49 PM
> "... So then, what's new today?"

> Yuuka speaks up.
> "Ahh...The flowers bloomed today. That's all, really."

> Refrain from screaming our heads off/fainting/getting seizure.
> "....uhhh, hi Yuuka...."
> Examine Chen. How hot is she now?
> Examine our own body. Are we still our own age?

> You attempt to refrain from having an absolute stress meltdown.

> "Hello. Saying good morning twice must be a habit of yours now, huh?"
> She smirks.

> She looks like a respectable woman. She is wearing a more adult version of her old clothing. You notice her hair is a little longer, too.

> You appear...a few years older. Nothing too drastic.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 24, 2010, 11:18:43 PM
>"So. Um. Remember that whole thing Nitori did with the time traveling? I'm kinda still stuck in that right now. Any pointers? Or a good thing for smashing it with once I find it?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on May 24, 2010, 11:21:29 PM
>Waaaiit... examine ourselves for any sort of changes.
>Check inventory, anything different?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 24, 2010, 11:30:37 PM
>"So. Um. Remember that whole thing Nitori did with the time traveling? I'm kinda still stuck in that right now. Any pointers? Or a good thing for smashing it with once I find it?"

> Yukari flips down the paper.
> "No you aren't. Nitori never built a time machine."
> She winks.
> "She did discover a new alternative power source."

>Waaaiit... examine ourselves for any sort of changes.
>Check inventory, anything different.

> Nothing appears different...

> Shanghai flies in clutching a tiny axe.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on May 24, 2010, 11:33:23 PM
>Well now from that we can conclude that everything has turned out for the better in this world
>"Hey Shanghai! Where were ya?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on May 24, 2010, 11:33:54 PM
>Aaaghghaghhagahgghahghhhh inside your head.
>Has any of our skill levels changed? I mean, we're a few years older!... apparently, at least.
>"Hey Shanghai!" inb4ed
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Seian Verian on May 24, 2010, 11:37:42 PM
> "So I ended up in a completely different timeline...?"
> "Does this mean that it's not going to happen anymore? Maybe? ...Please?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 24, 2010, 11:41:30 PM
>"My head hurts. I'm going to go punch Nitori anyways..."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on May 24, 2010, 11:42:03 PM
> "Either I was just day dreaming or something, or something weird involving Time Travel is going on... What do you think?"
> Does Yuka seem more... sedate, or less likely to beat us up for little reason, then what we remember her being like.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 24, 2010, 11:44:40 PM
> "So I ended up in a completely different timeline...?"
> "Does this mean that it's not going to happen anymore? Maybe? ...Please?"

> "Oh no, time was just changed greatly. I'll explain a little more afterwards."
> "Well, you still need to head to Makai and pick up the award from Shinki!"

>Well now from that we can conclude that everything has turned out for the better in this world
>"Hey Shanghai! Where were ya?"

> "Shanghai!"
> She points to the living room.

>Aaaghghaghhagahgghahghhhh inside your head.
>Has any of our skill levels changed? I mean, we're a few years older!... apparently, at least.
>"Hey Shanghai!" inb4ed

> You panic a little in your head.

> None of the skills have changed. You just appear older, so far...

> Yuuka stands up after drinking the last of her coffee.
> "Well, I guess I should be going now, Yukari."
> Yukari stands up and they share a quick kiss.
> Yuuka leaves the house after picking her umbrella up from the corner.

>"My head hurts. I'm going to go punch Nitori anyways..."

> "Why? She never did anything. And I can see you're lying, Aurica."
> Yukari smirks.

> "Either I was just day dreaming or something, or something weird involving Time Travel is going on... What do you think?"
> Does Yuka seem more... sedate, or less likely to beat us up for little reason, then what we remember her being like.

> "Oh, nothing happened at all. No need to be so paranoid, Aurica."

> She seems...quite nice, actually. She exudes a bit of...something motherly. You can't put your finger on it. Sort of like Ran, really.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Seian Verian on May 24, 2010, 11:46:55 PM
>...Yuka, motherly?
> "I think I'm going to go lay down..."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 24, 2010, 11:49:30 PM
>...Yuka, motherly?
> "I think I'm going to go lay down..."

> Chen speaks up.
> "You're welcome to take a quick catnap in my bed, Aurica."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on May 24, 2010, 11:52:47 PM
> Yuuka and Yukari are lovers?
> "T-thanks Chen...  I think I'll do that..."
> Head for Chen's room.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on May 24, 2010, 11:53:07 PM
Just realized I posted something Purvis already posted... Whoops!

>"Thanks Chen! By the way, my memories running a bit odd lately, how old are you again?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 24, 2010, 11:54:45 PM
>Have a lay down on the bed.
>"Being lost in time sucks, Shanghai. Everyone thinks you're a liar."
>Ruminate that Yuka and Yukari would be a cute couple if the former ever settled down.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on May 24, 2010, 11:56:26 PM
> If NONE of our skills changed, our Gapping is still 60% right?
> "Thanks, something really seems... odd, as if nothing is how it should be. Maybe I just need a bit more sleep, or a dream from last night is lingering."
> How have we kept in touch with Yukari in the past? Just by thought, like her reading our mind, or by us trying to speak to her with our mind?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 25, 2010, 12:03:22 AM
Just realized I posted something Purvis already posted... Whoops!

>"Thanks Chen! By the way, my memories running a bit odd lately, how old are you again?"

> "Oh, around two-hundred years. Why do you ask?

> Yuuka and Yukari are lovers?
> "T-thanks Chen...  I think I'll do that..."
> Head for Chen's room.

> You hurry to Chen's room with Shanghai following you.

>Have a lay down on the bed.
>"Being lost in time sucks, Shanghai. Everyone thinks you're a liar."
>Ruminate that Yuka and Yukari would be a cute couple if the former ever settled down.

> You bury your face in the bed.

> "Shanghai, shanghai!"

> Yes, they would. Though it seems she already has...

> If NONE of our skills changed, our Gapping is still 60% right?
> "Thanks, something really seems... odd, as if nothing is how it should be. Maybe I just need a bit more sleep, or a dream from last night is lingering."
> How have we kept in touch with Yukari in the past? Just by thought, like her reading our mind, or by us trying to speak to her with our mind?

> "Shanghai!"

> Well, she IS omnipotent, from what you understand. So she likely saw everything unfolding differently.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 25, 2010, 12:06:57 AM
>"...This sucks Shanghai. Let's go beat up Nitori just to make sure. It's the right thing to do! Or at least ask some questions..."
>Exit house, head for Kappaburg
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on May 25, 2010, 12:30:13 AM
> Would the Yukari in this Time/Space hear us if we aimed a thought at the Yukari we know, or would it be specific to the one we know?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on May 25, 2010, 12:32:07 AM
>"I wonder how Roger is doing right now..."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 25, 2010, 12:52:32 AM
> Would the Yukari in this Time/Space hear us if we aimed a thought at the Yukari we know, or would it be specific to the one we know?

> This Yukari IS the one you know. You're guessing she's just playing along with the new continuity.

>"I wonder how Roger is doing right now..."

> "Shanghai!"

>"...This sucks Shanghai. Let's go beat up Nitori just to make sure. It's the right thing to do! Or at least ask some questions..."
>Exit house, head for Kappaburg

> You step out of the room and begin to leave. Yukari stops you and takes you to her room.
> "You aren't leaving yet."

Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on May 25, 2010, 12:53:20 AM
>"Ah finally, we can talk about what's happened. Any reason why we're heading to your room though?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 25, 2010, 12:54:46 AM
>"It's not my turn to do the dishes? Because if it is, the deal is over!"
>"...Okay, it's not over. But I really hate doing dishes. It makes my back hurt."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 25, 2010, 12:57:20 AM
>"Ah finally, we can talk about what's happened. Any reason why we're heading to your room though?"

> "We're keeping it private."

>"It's not my turn to do the dishes? Because if it is, the deal is over!"
>"...Okay, it's not over. But I really hate doing dishes. It makes my back hurt."

> "No, it isn't your turn to do the dishes. That is, and always will be Ran's job."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on May 25, 2010, 12:59:21 AM
>"Aahh! Good good! Not too fond of washing dishes I can tell ya... but uh... that aside..."
>"So, anything you want to tell me before I ask my barrage of questions?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on May 25, 2010, 12:59:37 AM
> "I hope you know how to fix this.  Time-travel gives me a headache."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 25, 2010, 01:05:22 AM
>"Also you and Yuka are super cute together, and I got to know what happened there."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 25, 2010, 01:29:05 AM
>"Aahh! Good good! Not too fond of washing dishes I can tell ya... but uh... that aside..."
>"So, anything you want to tell me before I ask my barrage of questions?"

> "Well, just that Nitori's time machine was never built. Your tampering got rid of it before it was made."

> "I hope you know how to fix this.  Time-travel gives me a headache."

> "It's fixed. How many times do I have to say that?"

>"Also you and Yuka are super cute together, and I got to know what happened there."

> "Oh, after what you did to Yuuka's mansion in Mugenkan, I apologized to her. We discovered we have a lot in know..."
> She turns as red as a cherry.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Seian Verian on May 25, 2010, 01:32:30 AM
> "..."
> Take moment to wrap head around this.
> "So why am I in the future then?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 25, 2010, 01:33:12 AM
>"Awwww..." Pat her hand. "That's great!"
>Back to business. "So I just have to wait this all out? What did I do exactly? Smash it? Steal it? Put sugar in the gas tank?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on May 25, 2010, 01:35:56 AM
>"Oh, or did I just keep it from getting made by the stuff I had said in those time explosions? To Yuka and Suika?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 25, 2010, 01:41:57 AM
>"I do get to go back, right?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on May 25, 2010, 01:42:37 AM
>"Waaiit... then how did Chen... for how long have you known me!?"
>"Also, where's Roger? Did he ever become my Shikigami?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 25, 2010, 01:57:38 AM
>"Awwww..." Pat her hand. "That's great!"
>Back to business. "So I just have to wait this all out? What did I do exactly? Smash it? Steal it? Put sugar in the gas tank?"

> "T-thank you!"

> "This is what happened after you changed the past. I won't lie, Aurica. Things were actually improves somewhat. You mostly affected us. There were very few others changed by your tampering."

> "..."
> Take moment to wrap head around this.
> "So why am I in the future then?"

> "You're only a few hours ahead of when you activated the EMP."

>"Oh, or did I just keep it from getting made by the stuff I had said in those time explosions? To Yuka and Suika?"

> "Well, when you got drunk with Suika...You and the Oni drunkenly blew up the mansion Utsuho and Orin were hiding in. You exposed they're plans without much effort. When Chen heard about what you had done, she decided that her role model had grown up faster than she had. So she did what some Youkai do, and changed her appearance from child to adult over the course of a few days."

> "With Yuuka...She gave you a bit of a beating, but nothing too serious. You managed to escape with a still young Chen. You then set fire to her mansion in a rage. It was put out quickly...but you know what happened next. It's worth noting that Lily Black was not present during the escape this time."

>"Waaiit... then how did Chen... for how long have you known me!?"
>"Also, where's Roger? Did he ever become my Shikigami?"

> "Roger? Oh, he's still around. Just...different. You'll see~"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 25, 2010, 02:02:23 AM
>"He's not a robot is he?"
>Try to remember setting Yuka's mansion on fire. That sounds extremely gratifying.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: COPIRIGHTO on May 25, 2010, 02:09:33 AM
>"He's not my husband now is he?"
>Step back in shock if he is
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 25, 2010, 02:24:16 AM
>"He's not a robot is he?"
>Try to remember setting Yuka's mansion on fire. That sounds extremely gratifying.

> "No~"

> You can't remember at all, actually.

>"He's not my husband now is he?"
>Step back in shock if he is

> "Nope~ Try calling him~"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: COPIRIGHTO on May 25, 2010, 02:28:24 AM
>"Roger! I summon you!"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 25, 2010, 02:32:39 AM
>"So I got to set Yuka's mansion in fire, get away with it, and I don't even get to remember doing it? What a drag!"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 25, 2010, 02:39:29 AM
>"So I got to set Yuka's mansion in fire, get away with it, and I don't even get to remember doing it? What a drag!"

> "That's time warps for you."

>"Roger! I summon you!"

> A rabbit is sent careening through the wall.
> It stands up and brushes off it's dress.
> "Y-yes, Master?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on May 25, 2010, 02:39:52 AM
> "... Oh for God's sake please don't tell me he's a woman."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 25, 2010, 02:41:24 AM
>... "Oh for God's sake please don't tell me he's a woman."

> "M-Master, I thought you could at least remember my gender."
> He makes another check to see if he's clean.
> "Yes, Roger is do you kids call it these days...a trap! Yes, that's the word! He's a trap! A nice young man that looks and dresses like a nice young woman."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on May 25, 2010, 02:42:18 AM
>Fall over in incomprehensibility of this all.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 25, 2010, 02:45:21 AM
>Pause that.
>"Wait. How'd I do that, anyways?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 25, 2010, 02:56:53 AM
>Fall over in incomprehensibility of this all.

> You fall over from the sheer...weirdness of it all.

>Pause that.
>"Wait. How'd I do that, anyways?"

> "I am not going to go into details. It's...confusing, to say the least. Unless you really want me to explain..."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 25, 2010, 03:01:06 AM
>"Well, I haven't know him that long, so I'm guessing it's something he always wanted to do and just decided to go with it? Or do I also end up in the distant past?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on May 25, 2010, 03:02:19 AM
>Get up from the ground.
>"Roger... can ya tell me all of your abilities then? I'm... at a bit of loss right now."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on May 25, 2010, 03:03:23 AM
>"Umm, is stuff going to go back to normal way it was before, or is it going to stay like this?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 25, 2010, 03:15:19 AM
>"Because this really isn't that bad."
>Make a mental note to burn down Yuka's mansion if that doesn't end up happening.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 25, 2010, 03:21:12 AM
>"Well, I haven't know him that long, so I'm guessing it's something he always wanted to do and just decided to go with it? Or do I also end up in the distant past?"

> "Well, not really. He was about as male as men get. That romping around in that corrupt pocket dimension caused most of the changes, really..."

>"Umm, is stuff going to go back to normal way it was before, or is it going to stay like this?"

> "There are quite a few good things to come out of this. I'll...leave it like this for the time being."

>Get up from the ground.
>"Roger... can ya tell me all of your abilities then? I'm... at a bit of loss right now."

> "O-Oh, I can't do much, master. I can punch real hard and shoot a few bullets. That's all I can do."
> He looks quite embarrassed.

>"Because this really isn't that bad."
>Make a mental note to burn down Yuka's mansion if that doesn't end up happening.

> "I'm glad you enjoy it!"

> You make a mental note to burn down Yuuka's mansion if things are turned back into normal.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 25, 2010, 03:23:28 AM
>"Oh. That's probably bad...the messing with his head thing. We oughta do something about that."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 25, 2010, 03:26:23 AM
>"Oh. That's probably bad...the messing with his head thing. We oughta do something about that."

> "Oh no, it's fine. As far as we're concerned, he was born this way."
> "Uhh...What are you talking about?"
> "Oh, nothing important."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 25, 2010, 03:32:29 AM
>"Well, it's still kinda wrong. But okay. Does this mean I'm done jumping around time?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 25, 2010, 03:41:42 AM
>"Well, it's still kinda wrong. But okay. Does this mean I'm done jumping around time?"

> "Oh no, you're fine now. But you still need to get to Makai and talk to Shinki about solving the incident."
> She smiles.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 25, 2010, 03:48:24 AM
>"Oh yeah! I still need to yell at Nitori, too. Thanks for reminding me."
>Make to depart.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 25, 2010, 03:53:59 AM
>"Oh yeah! I still need to yell at Nitori, too. Thanks for reminding me."
>Make to depart.

> "You'll just be confusing and making her mad. It's best to avoid doing that and being a brat about it."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 25, 2010, 03:57:27 AM
>"Yeah but right now I'm mad about it and that's worse! Well...really, I just want to make sure she's okay."
>Pause for a moment.
>"Lily's okay, right?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 25, 2010, 04:20:43 AM
>"Yeah but right now I'm mad about it and that's worse! Well...really, I just want to make sure she's okay."
>Pause for a moment.
>"Lily's okay, right?"

> "You have an odd way of expressing worry."

> "Of course. Lily Black simply wasn't present during the rescue."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 25, 2010, 04:25:39 AM
>"Okay, good. I didn't want her to get all messed up. I'll be"
>Head out toward Nitori's. Check the GPS and see what the messages, if any, have to say.
>Also check the tracker.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 25, 2010, 04:32:17 AM
>"Okay, good. I didn't want her to get all messed up. I'll be"
>Head out toward Nitori's. Check the GPS and see what the messages, if any, have to say.
>Also check the tracker.

> "Ahh...Don't forget about going to Makai!"

> You check the GPS and look for some messages. Not a single one is in the inbox.

> The tracker has but one Nitori, thankfully.

> Before you leave for Nitori's, Roger speaks up.
> "Uh...M-Master, p-please take me along. You've been leaving me at home so much."

Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on May 25, 2010, 04:33:12 AM
>"Alright then Roger... you still go by the name of Roger right?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 25, 2010, 04:37:53 AM
>"Don't worry, I'll call on you in a bit, Yukari."
>Motion for Roger to follow along.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 25, 2010, 04:49:43 AM
>"Alright then Roger... you still go by the name of Roger right?"

> "Of course. Is the master not feeling well today? You're memory appears to be malfunctioning a little. Perhaps some rest?"

>"Don't worry, I'll call on you in a bit, Yukari."
>Motion for Roger to follow along.

> You head out of the house with Roger following you.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 25, 2010, 04:51:57 AM
>To Nitori's shop!
>"Yeah, my memory's kinda funky. Don't worry about it. I'll adapt soon enough."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on May 25, 2010, 02:25:31 PM
> To Yukari "Hey, if we return everthing to normal, or to how it was before the EMP and time travel, should I set fire to Yuka's mansion, so you still get to end the hostilities with her? The way you looked, I think you kinda like being friendly with Yuka."
> To Yukari "So, the only changes are the ones you mentioned right? Busting out of the Kazami mansion and setting fire to it rather then being saved from it, drunken craziness in the Underground involving destroying a mansion rather then something more familiar to a Video Game, and the lack of a time machine rather then the trouble it was causing. Or could I encounter slight changes else where?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 25, 2010, 06:35:31 PM
>To Nitori's shop!
>"Yeah, my memory's kinda funky. Don't worry about it. I'll adapt soon enough."

> You head out to Nitori's place, assuring Roger that you're perfectly fine.

> To Yukari "Hey, if we return everthing to normal, or to how it was before the EMP and time travel, should I set fire to Yuka's mansion, so you still get to end the hostilities with her? The way you looked, I think you kinda like being friendly with Yuka."
> To Yukari "So, the only changes are the ones you mentioned right? Busting out of the Kazami mansion and setting fire to it rather then being saved from it, drunken craziness in the Underground involving destroying a mansion rather then something more familiar to a Video Game, and the lack of a time machine rather then the trouble it was causing. Or could I encounter slight changes else where?"

> "Well, she'd likely change back to normal too, so no."

> "You may encounter a few more changes. Nothing too particularly large, I don't believe."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 25, 2010, 07:20:33 PM
>"Yeah, we're not changing that part. Even if I don't get to remember the arson bits. Although, me and Yuuka have kinda made peace, right?"
>Once Nitori's place has been reached, look it over to see if anything's change; given the course of her inventing changed.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on May 25, 2010, 10:36:07 PM
> "If I encounter any changes that worry me I'll talk to you."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 25, 2010, 11:38:56 PM
>"Yeah, we're not changing that part. Even if I don't get to remember the arson bits. Although, me and Yuuka have kinda made peace, right?"
>Once Nitori's place has been reached, look it over to see if anything's change; given the course of her inventing changed.

> "Oh, of course."

> You enter Nitori's place with Roger. It's actually quite orderly right now. Nitori can be seen leaning over a table securing some bolts in a tiny robot.

> "If I encounter any changes that worry me I'll talk to you."

> "A-Alright, Master."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 25, 2010, 11:55:15 PM
>"Hey Nitori, got a minute?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 25, 2010, 11:57:45 PM
>"Hey Nitori, got a minute?"

> She looks up and turns around.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 26, 2010, 12:04:07 AM
>Hug. The fierce kind.
>"Don't ever do that again you big stupid dummy!"
>When the inevitable 'what?' comes, say, "It was another timeline, so you already learned your lesson. Don't worry about. I'm just frustrated. Oh, do you want your tracker thing back?"
>Don't let go yet, unless she struggles.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 26, 2010, 12:17:24 AM
>Hug. The fierce kind.
>"Don't ever do that again you big stupid dummy!"
>When the inevitable 'what?' comes, say, "It was another timeline, so you already learned your lesson. Don't worry about. I'm just frustrated. Oh, do you want your tracker thing back?"
>Don't let go yet, unless she struggles.

> You fiercely hug her and spew more nonsense. As she says what, you spew more even more nonsense.
> "Tracker? I never built a tracker."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on May 26, 2010, 12:18:20 AM
> "Exactly.  Because the one who built the tracker was a Nitori from another timeline."
> Look extremely serious while saying this.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on May 26, 2010, 12:19:39 AM
>Awesome. We have stuff that shouldn't even exist! Too bad it only tells us where Nitori is, though.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 26, 2010, 12:26:58 AM
> "Exactly.  Because the one who built the tracker was a Nitori from another timeline."
> Look extremely serious while saying this.

> "You're nuts. Might want to avoid talking like that around a doctor."

>Awesome. We have stuff that shouldn't even exist! Too bad it only tells us where Nitori is, though.

> Yeah, too bad.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on May 26, 2010, 12:31:38 AM
> Look over tracker for any interesting features.
> Show tracker to Nitori.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 26, 2010, 12:35:35 AM
> Look over tracker for any interesting features.
> Show tracker to Nitori.

> Nothing strange about it.

> "So? You built yourself a nice little tracking device."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on May 26, 2010, 12:38:02 AM
> "Yeah.  That's totally what happened..."
> Bid Nitori farewell and ask Yukari for a gap to Makai.
> Sigh in frustration at this new timeline.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 26, 2010, 12:39:27 AM
> "Yeah.  That's totally what happened..."
> Bid Nitori farewell and ask Yukari for a gap to Makai.
> Sigh in frustration at this new timeline.

>No not yet. She needs to know a few things.
>"No, you made this. I don't know how this even works/"
>"Did you ever have any ideas on making a time machine? Because, at one point, you did. And it worked. And it caused a whole lot of problems when future versions of yourself decided to abuse it. It was a huge mess. Now things have changed and I don't even remember what happened now because of it."
>"Before you say anything else, ask a question, why would I lie? What do I have to gain out of it? There's way better and easier ways to confuse you."

Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 26, 2010, 12:44:27 AM
>No not yet. She needs to know a few things.
>"No, you made this. I don't know how this even works/"
>"Did you ever have any ideas on making a time machine? Because, at one point, you did. And it worked. And it caused a whole lot of problems when future versions of yourself decided to abuse it. It was a huge mess. Now things have changed and I don't even remember what happened now because of it."
>"Before you say anything else, ask a question, why would I lie? What do I have to gain out of it? There's way better and easier ways to confuse you."


> You continue to explain, interrupting her to assure her you wouldn't lie.
> "Look, Aurica, calm down. Time travel happens a lot. Just forget about the whole thing. Timelines get changed, stuff happens. No point in trying to prove that things changed. Why, you could have been changed three times in the last few weeks."

> "Yeah.  That's totally what happened..."
> Bid Nitori farewell and ask Yukari for a gap to Makai.
> Sigh in frustration at this new timeline.

> You teleport to Makai after saying goodbye.

> "Oh, Aurica. Stop being a brat about changing the universal timeline. Who cares if people don't believe you? I'm amazed you care this much."
> She actually sounds quite annoyed.

> You're in front of the Makai Corp building.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on May 26, 2010, 12:50:27 AM
> Sigh again.
> Head inside.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 26, 2010, 12:51:46 AM
>"Because she did it! She was right, and it's wrong to take that knowledge away from her! Just let me handle it, okay? You don't even have to worry about it."
>General annoyance at being removed before the gaps in what we know happened and what has now happened have been filled.
>Trudge back to Shinki.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on May 26, 2010, 12:59:58 AM
>Try to raise our mood by the hopes that we might manage to copy Shinki's creation power! If our award includes a demonstration of it, at least. And if our Copy PIN can even do that. We can hope...
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on May 26, 2010, 01:04:04 AM
>"Because she did it! She was right, and it's wrong to take that knowledge away from her! Just let me handle it, okay? You don't even have to worry about it."
>General annoyance at being removed before the gaps in what we know happened and what has now happened have been filled.
>Trudge back to Shinki.

Purvis, drop the point. Sure, it is a new timeline and a few characters are different. So what? It basically never happened since no one but Aurica and Yukari saw it. It'll just make us look like a bitch and we don't gain anything from it. What did you expect? For Aurica to appear in Bunbunmaru?

> Regain your posture and look optimistic. We're going to get a prize AND (maybe) creation powers. Cheer up!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 26, 2010, 01:07:30 AM
When was Aurica the sort to screw over friends again? Is taking a friend's major success not a huge way to screw them over? And when did Aurica ever care about being annoying? I'm just staying in character. =[
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 26, 2010, 01:46:07 AM
> Sigh again.
> Head inside.
>"Because she did it! She was right, and it's wrong to take that knowledge away from her! Just let me handle it, okay? You don't even have to worry about it."
>General annoyance at being removed before the gaps in what we know happened and what has now happened have been filled.
>Trudge back to Shinki.

> You begin to head inside.

> "She did what? Create a time-warp? That's such a great achievement! Nearly destroying the space-time continuum is a great thing to tell her about! Haven't you heard of 'ignorance is bliss?"

>Try to raise our mood by the hopes that we might manage to copy Shinki's creation power! If our award includes a demonstration of it, at least. And if our Copy PIN can even do that. We can hope...
> Regain your posture and look optimistic. We're going to get a prize AND (maybe) creation powers. Cheer up!

> You regain your posture and head into the building. The secretary greets you happily.
> "Hello ma'am! Shinki is waiting for you on the top floor! The elevator is already unlocked. Please, hurry in."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on May 26, 2010, 01:47:33 AM
>"So Yukari, if you're listening, what happened between Patchouli and Koakuma?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on May 26, 2010, 01:53:46 AM
>Enter elevator, head up to the top floor!
>Assuming nothing out of the ordinary happens, exit elevator and head to Shinki's room.

EDIT:>Be ready to copy a power the moment you see it. We don't wanna miss any chance we get to copy a Goddess' power.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 26, 2010, 02:01:58 AM
>"So Yukari, if you're listening, what happened between Patchouli and Koakuma?"

> "Oh, Koakuma was given a vacation to rest off all of the stress. She's in Makai, resting."

>Enter elevator, head up to the top floor!
>Assuming nothing out of the ordinary happens, exit elevator and head to Shinki's room.

EDIT:>Be ready to copy a power the moment you see it. We don't wanna miss any chance we get to copy a Goddess' power.

> You head to Shinki's room, ready to copy a power the moment it happens. She greets you with a warm hello.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 26, 2010, 02:05:12 AM
>To Yukari, "That was afterward and only kinda related, with the EMP thing."
>To Shinki, "Okay, sorry about the delays and stuff. Bring me up to speed?"
>Patchy still here?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 26, 2010, 02:26:00 AM
>To Yukari, "That was afterward and only kinda related, with the EMP thing."
>To Shinki, "Okay, sorry about the delays and stuff. Bring me up to speed?"
>Patchy still here?

> "Well, my point is that time travel is a bad idea."

> She raises an eyebrow.
> "You mean you don't remember?"

> Nope.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 26, 2010, 02:30:18 AM
>"No. A lot of things came up and I got kinda messed up in the head. I'm fine now, I just have missing time."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: COPIRIGHTO on May 26, 2010, 02:41:07 AM
>"My familiar was a boy last time I remembered."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 26, 2010, 03:10:37 AM
>"No. A lot of things came up and I got kinda messed up in the head. I'm fine now, I just have missing time."

> "Hmm...Alright then. I'll refresh your memory then."
> She explains that you found a large cavern and basically found a device that was usurping energy. It was manned by a white cat that was absorbing all of the energy. When you discovered it, the cat escaped and you destroyed it. You claimed to have seen a red figure. Though, no one was really found.

>"My familiar was a boy last time I remembered."

> "He's always been a girl, hasn't he?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 26, 2010, 03:13:30 AM
>No more fronting on Roger's lifestyle choices ;_;
>"Okay. So, know anything about that stuff?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on May 26, 2010, 03:14:06 AM
>"Uh yeah! Yes she has! Hahaha... of course!"
>"Ah yeah! Now I remember, heh. White cat... and all..."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on May 26, 2010, 11:32:04 AM
> Consider how many people will be angry at us for trying to mimic Creation powers.
> "Yukari, if I tried to copy what I assume Shinki has, the stereo typical Creation powers sort of thing, what would happen. I'm guess like when I tired to copy your Gap but way worse?"

(Out of Topic: Guys, seriously, consider the down sides to trying for Creation powah. also consider it would probly be level 0.1 or something. Yeah it seems nice, but please don't try to make Aurica freaking OP by way of obtaining Goddess Powers.)
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 26, 2010, 11:41:45 AM
There's a few other ways to effectively limit them, too. But yeah, let's not push Shinki's good will too much. Yukari's kind of obligated to forgive us for anything short of settling Chen on fire, and we can take Nitori. But Shinki...naw. Especially since she could make things political

>"Oh, and that energy that was being usurped? Is it going back to where it's supposed to now?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on May 26, 2010, 01:49:56 PM
> I don't think she'd be the type to make a bifg fuss about it. She can't be the only one with creation powers, right? I say we shouldn't miss a chance and just try it. Better safe than sorry. It isn't going to cost us anything, and if it is underpowered we could just neglect using it or powering it up. Just try, man.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on May 26, 2010, 02:07:01 PM
> I don't think she'd be the type to make a bifg fuss about it. She can't be the only one with creation powers, right? I say we shouldn't miss a chance and just try it. Better safe than sorry. It isn't going to cost us anything, and if it is underpowered we could just neglect using it or powering it up. Just try, man.

Did you forget the problems with getting Gap? :flamingv: I doubt Aurica wants to meet Mr. Jumbo Butt Pill again. :V If you want to try and get it, go for it. But don't say I didn't warn you :smug:
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on May 26, 2010, 02:44:53 PM
Did you forget the problems with getting Gap? :flamingv: I doubt Aurica wants to meet Mr. Jumbo Butt Pill again. :V If you want to try and get it, go for it. But don't say I didn't warn you :smug:

> We got out of it safe and sound, right? BOTH times, and the second time we didn't even need an Eientei treatment. :3
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on May 26, 2010, 07:30:36 PM
Since there are people just jumping on the chance to copy something off of Shinki, I highly doubt Thundr will give us a chance if it'd make Aurica OP or anything. And I don't think Shinki would get really mad about it, although maybe some. Yes, considering we're apparently near the end of NQ and it might be obtained as Lv0.1, it might not end up terribly useful, but it'd be be pretty cool.

/wait for update :3
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on May 26, 2010, 10:24:10 PM
> "Do you have any idea who that white cat was?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 26, 2010, 11:40:26 PM
>No more fronting on Roger's lifestyle choices ;_;
>"Okay. So, know anything about that stuff?"

> You decide it's best to just stay quiet about Roger's lifestyle.

> "Well, Patchouli told me all about it. That's where my knowledge ends, unfortunately."

>"Uh yeah! Yes she has! Hahaha... of course!"
>"Ah yeah! Now I remember, heh. White cat... and all..."

> She gives you a rather questioning look.

> Consider how many people will be angry at us for trying to mimic Creation powers.
> "Yukari, if I tried to copy what I assume Shinki has, the stereo typical Creation powers sort of thing, what would happen. I'm guess like when I tired to copy your Gap but way worse?"

> Well, people likely wouldn't care. Unless you began to go crazy with power...

> "Probably nothing, actually."

>"Oh, and that energy that was being usurped? Is it going back to where it's supposed to now?"

> "It is beginning to flow back now, yes."


> You make a mental note to copy creation at the first chance you get.

> "Do you have any idea who that white cat was?"

> "No, unfortunately."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 26, 2010, 11:53:42 PM
>"So essentially, we got no leads and the case is pretty on the shelf until we get more clues. The energy that cat took, how much was it? And would that actually be, um, efficient? Like, would she actually get anything out of it that way?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on May 27, 2010, 12:04:07 AM
> "Do you have people looking into who the cat was?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 27, 2010, 12:06:32 AM
>"So essentially, we got no leads and the case is pretty on the shelf until we get more clues. The energy that cat took, how much was it? And would that actually be, um, efficient? Like, would she actually get anything out of it that way?"
> "Do you have people looking into who the cat was?"

> "We still have no idea what went on, exactly. The cat just...ran off. We're investigating the matter at the moment."

Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 27, 2010, 12:17:29 AM
>"So we're at a dead end. Anything else you want me to do, I guess?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 27, 2010, 02:21:38 PM
>"So we're at a dead end. Anything else you want me to do, I guess?"

> "Well, no. But there is one thing..."
> She sets her hand on the table.
> "As thanks for solving this incident, I shall grant any prize, of any value to you. It doesn't matter of the confinements of size, price, or even reality. I shall grant it."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on May 27, 2010, 03:21:29 PM
> Alright, the prize needs to at least involve Shinki's creation powers so we can copy them too. Personally, I'm thinking of a few options.
- First option: New familiar! We can make it something cool like a moe succubus, a dragon, an adamantium golem, a shapeshifter, a hobo reality warper or something else badass... :3
- Second option: Fan o' Destruction with + 9000 in the asskicking stat.
- Third option: a new power/skill, like our very own Master Spark!
- Fourth option: Goliath Doll form for Shanghai with dual Infinity +1 Swords :3

Lets discuss the options for a moment. Personally, I'm leaning towards option 5. :V

EDIT: > And remember guys to make sure we wish carefully and be VERY clear on what we wish. We don't want to let Shinki go 'Evil Genie' on us and screw us over 'cause our wish wasn't clear enough. Neither do we want Aurica to end up like those poor sods in Twisted Metal... :ohdear:
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on May 27, 2010, 08:20:01 PM
>Making Shanghai more lifelike (or actually alive, at that) would certainly be pretty cool. I'm wondering if it'd still work fine as far as copying Shinki's powers goes, though. Your suggestion about Ying-Yang Orbs/Skill+  is kickass, although how many skill+ points we would actually end up with? Enough to be worth it, I would imagine, but still. I somehow doubt it wouldn't be limited to a sane degree.
>Definitely liking those two ideas.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 27, 2010, 09:23:12 PM
Picking up the technique to make Shanghai go Goliath doll would be pretty funny, and I'd go with that if only for the inevitable fallout. But yeah, don't be all twinky, that's boring and dumb. Be stylish. I like the idea of enhancing Shanghai a bit.  Or possibly a couple orbs to make gapping more reliable.

Alternately, let's get some real estate: everyone wants to have a palace in Makai~
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on May 27, 2010, 09:58:13 PM
Picking up the technique to make Shanghai go Goliath doll would be pretty funny, and I'd go with that if only for the inevitable fallout. But yeah, don't be all twinky, that's boring and dumb. Be stylish. I like the idea of enhancing Shanghai a bit.  Or possibly a couple orbs to make gapping more reliable.

Alternately, let's get some real estate: everyone wants to have a palace in Makai~
If we go with the orbs, we may want to ask for at least ten.  That way we can finish leveling Gap and we'd have six skill points left over for other skills.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on May 27, 2010, 10:06:44 PM
If we go with the orbs, we may want to ask for at least ten.  That way we can finish leveling Gap and we'd have six skill points left over for other skills.

Yeah, and we're waaaaaaaaaaay due to maximize our fairy regeneration. It is going to help out a lot in the long run.

Though 50 orbs/level ups might be a bit overkill, it would still help us prepare for the finale :3

I mean, aren't we supposed to be maxed out at the end of the game? Better get it over with now?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 27, 2010, 10:12:03 PM
Why would we be maxxed out? What's the point of a system where you pick specialies if you get everything anyways? I wouldn't presume it myself, unless Thundr straight up said it (did he? I know yalls close).

Anyways, Orbs are a little dull, but I can go with it. I'm still recommending Goliath Doll technique for the purposes of terrible or a castle for purposes of awesome.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on May 27, 2010, 10:43:57 PM
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on May 27, 2010, 10:59:58 PM
Why would we be maxxed out? What's the point of a system where you pick specialies if you get everything anyways? I wouldn't presume it myself, unless Thundr straight up said it (did he? I know yalls close).

Anyways, Orbs are a little dull, but I can go with it. I'm still recommending Goliath Doll technique for the purposes of terrible or a castle for purposes of awesome.

According to Thundr it IS possible to max everything out, but it is very hard and tedious. I always assumed that we are supposed to max ourselves in the end instead of specializing. After all, most games allow you to max out your abilities and reach your fullest potential. 'Sides, don't want to see what kind of badass abilities Aurica is going to get? And if we asked for 50 orbs we could also immediately level up the Creation powers she might copy from Shinki!

Though a mansion would be nice, I don't really see why we should do that if we already live a fine life at the Yakumo Residence. And now that Yuuka and Yukari are in love we can probably also get to live in Mugenkan, which also is a fine mansion. I think the Makai mansion is unneeded luxury.

Omnipotence or the full potential of the border powers would just make the game a bit too easy....

The only worthwhile wishes besides maximum stats are Goliath Doll (with Shanghai still having the ability to shrink back down to pocket size) and giving Shanghai the ability to talk. Or making Aurica busty :V


BRILLIANT! Ultimate familiar and infinite wishes! PERFECT!!! And with her we have the three of the greatest Touhou powers as our allies: Yukari, Yuuka and Shinki! Be specific in the wish though! Like:

"I wish that you, Shinki, Goddess of Makai, will become my loyal familiar until either I am eternally and utterly destroyed with no possibility of coming back to a state of life or undeath at all or if I set you free myself. You will retain the entirety of your power, wealth, possession and all your other current features yet still listen to my every whim!"

Along those lines. Don't grant the wish yet though. Lets first see if the wish is specific and clear enough and just like how we want it. We MUST get this right!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on May 27, 2010, 11:07:54 PM
>Something tells me this is the part where Shinki says something like "No.". It's like wishing for infinite wishes :X
>But it's still a rather hilarious exploitation of the non-existent limits she set  :V
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 27, 2010, 11:13:34 PM

> "Ehm...Are you almost ready? I still have much more business to attend to."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 27, 2010, 11:14:19 PM
Shinki sux If it works, go for it.

And from what I recall, the Goliath Doll technique was temporary; what with the timer and all. So Shanghai ought to be alright at the end of it. So lets go with this if trying to get Shinki working for us fails.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on May 27, 2010, 11:18:15 PM
Well I'm all for it! Okashii has the best way of wording it though, so yes, you go on ahead!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 27, 2010, 11:28:53 PM
Well I'm all for it! Okashii has the best way of wording it though, so yes, you go on ahead!

> Her eyes suddenly widen.
> "Oh dear. Are'd like to wish for this? You NOT be a good idea. I don't want your one request to go to waste."
> She looks worried.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 27, 2010, 11:35:56 PM
(This ( started to play on Winamp as I read that.)

>"Why, what's the problem?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 27, 2010, 11:38:46 PM
(This ( started to play on Winamp as I read that.)

>"Why, what's the problem?"

> "Unfortunately, I can't tell you without using up the one request. The next thing you ask me for is your request. That's how the rules of this contract work."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 27, 2010, 11:40:39 PM
>"Oh. That's a pain."

(Goliath Shanghai time? It's like a mecha we don't have to learn to drive!)
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on May 27, 2010, 11:56:09 PM
> "I have decided, Demon Goddess."
> "I wish that you, Shinki, Omnipotent Goddess of Makai, will become my loyal familiar until either I am eternally and utterly destroyed with no possibility of coming back to a state of life or undeath at all or if I set you free myself. You will retain the entirety of your power, abilities, soul, wealth, possession, control on Makai and all your other current features yet still listen to my every whim! And you and all your creations, subordinates, lawyers and political figures will like it and have absolutely no problems with it, capable of living on without any qualms!"

EDIT: Gah, ninja'd. Sorry, Purv, I had this typed and was thinking about it for a long time. Sorry.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on May 27, 2010, 11:57:55 PM
I'm gonna take some responsibility if this all goes wrong in some way. :D

>Say this in a dramatic manner.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 28, 2010, 12:06:30 AM
> "I have decided, Demon Goddess."
> "I wish that you, Shinki, Omnipotent Goddess of Makai, will become my loyal familiar until either I am eternally and utterly destroyed with no possibility of coming back to a state of life or undeath at all or if I set you free myself. You will retain the entirety of your power, abilities, soul, wealth, possession, control on Makai and all your other current features yet still listen to my every whim! And you and all your creations, subordinates, lawyers and political figures will like it and have absolutely no problems with it, capable of living on without any qualms!"
I'm gonna take some responsibility if this all goes wrong in some way. :D

>Say this in a dramatic manner.

> She sighs.
> "Well, despite the fact that is technically more than one wish, I shall grant it."
> A contract for Shinki appears in front of you.
> "I am yo-"
> She is interrupted by a team of...around 20 lawyers that stomp into the room carrying briefcases.
> "Excuse me, ma'am. But that wish cannot be granted as according to the contract for the request. As you can"
> The one speaking lifts up an extremely long scroll. He points to the spot he's talking about.
> "In the rare instance that someone earns a single request to Shinki, all possible harm towards others is strictly forbidden. It must be in the confines of the wisher."
> He packs away the contract before continuing to speak.
> "Therefore, your wish can be rendered void by Shinki, thus forcing you to leave this place. Or, if Her royalty permits, she may allow you another request. It is entirely up to her. Thank you very much, miss."
> They step out of the room as quickly as they came in. Shinki appears dumbfounded.

> "So, would you like to try again?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on May 28, 2010, 12:08:24 AM
>"Hehe... sorry about that, just had to try."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 28, 2010, 12:15:01 AM
>Have a good laugh. Because conjuring lawyers out of the aether is pretty funny.
>"Okay, I got another one. When I was hanging out with Alice, I heard she was working on a spell to make her dolls big, like, really super big. And that sounds hella fun!"
>"So, I want to request to have that spell. And make it work like it's supposed to and not hurt Shanghai or me. And not be too hard or expensive or anything."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on May 28, 2010, 12:17:42 AM
>"And make her easy to maintain repairs wise as well as allowing her to shrink back to normal size and back to goliath size whenever I want."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on May 28, 2010, 12:19:23 AM
>This doesn't sound like it involves CREATIONIST things but try to copy powers from whatever happens anyway.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on May 28, 2010, 12:21:08 AM
>Have a good laugh. Because conjuring lawyers out of the aether is pretty funny.
>"Okay, I got another one. When I was hanging out with Alice, I heard she was working on a spell to make her dolls big, like, really super big. And that sounds hella fun!"
>"So, I want to request to have that spell. And make it work like it's supposed to and not hurt Shanghai or me. And not be too hard or expensive or anything."

> "And Shanghai will be capable of switching back and forth between her current, small form and the giant form without any clothing damage. She will be capable of supporting her body and function like she does in her normal form, except, well, bigger and stronger."

EDIT: Ninja'd again.....
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 28, 2010, 01:08:33 AM
>"Hehe... sorry about that, just had to try."

> "...Alright."

>Have a good laugh. Because conjuring lawyers out of the aether is pretty funny.
>"Okay, I got another one. When I was hanging out with Alice, I heard she was working on a spell to make her dolls big, like, really super big. And that sounds hella fun!"
>"So, I want to request to have that spell. And make it work like it's supposed to and not hurt Shanghai or me. And not be too hard or expensive or anything."
>"And make her easy to maintain repairs wise as well as allowing her to shrink back to normal size and back to goliath size whenever I want."
>This doesn't sound like it involves CREATIONIST things but try to copy powers from whatever happens anyway.
> "And Shanghai will be capable of switching back and forth between her current, small form and the giant form without any clothing damage. She will be capable of supporting her body and function like she does in her normal form, except, well, bigger and stronger."

EDIT: Ninja'd again.....

> You make your request.
> "Do we have confirmation of the doll?"
> Shanghai stands up on your head and nods.
> "Alright then!"
> She gives a wave of her hand as lightning strikes from the ceiling. It smashes against her hands, charging them, as she launches a bolt of lightning at Shanghai. It doesn't hurt her. She doesn't even flinch.
> "There you go. Shanghai will grow whenever you will it."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 28, 2010, 01:12:00 AM
>"Awesome! You're the best demiurge!"
>Give her a handshake, if she's down with that kind of thing. "Lemme know if you figure out anything more about that cat or the red guy."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on May 28, 2010, 01:13:53 AM
>Does the copy PIN not work on that because I totally said to try it on whatever happens ): dooo iiiiit
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 28, 2010, 02:29:02 AM
>Does the copy PIN not work on that because I totally said to try it on whatever happens ): dooo iiiiit

> No it does not. This here parser will tell you when something copyable comes along.

>"Awesome! You're the best demiurge!"
>Give her a handshake, if she's down with that kind of thing. "Lemme know if you figure out anything more about that cat or the red guy."

> "Ehehe...Thank you."

> You walk up to her and give her a handshake.
> "Of course."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 28, 2010, 02:49:07 AM
>Head out, if Shinki has nothing new to add.
>Once outside Makai Corp, TEST SHANGHAI OUT!
>Presuming nothing tragic happens, have a seat on her and direct her to take us exploring in a lovely fit of role reversal
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 28, 2010, 02:06:01 PM
>Head out, if Shinki has nothing new to add.
>Once outside Makai Corp, TEST SHANGHAI OUT!
>Presuming nothing tragic happens, have a seat on her and direct her to take us exploring in a lovely fit of role reversal

> You speak your farewells and leave the building.

> You set Shanghai on the ground and make her grow to enormous size.
> She picks you up and sets you on her head. Afterwards, she lets out a rather bellowing "SHANGHAI!"
> Someone in the street points and scream something about "Gajira" or something. You can't quite figure it out. No one else is panicking, thankfully.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on May 28, 2010, 02:24:40 PM
> How big is Shanghai about now? 50-feet or something like that?
> Lets test out Shanghai's flying abilities in this form! Maybe she is faster now~
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on May 28, 2010, 03:08:53 PM
> "Do you like it Shanghai?"
> "Now I'm sitting on your head! This is kinda fun. You definately had a nice place sit before."
> Lets :yukkuri: for a bit.
> "Sorry about earlyer Yukari, just, the time travel stuff was... hard to understand, so much so fast. Sorry about how I was."
> "Honestly Yukari, if you like the changes caused by the time travel and stuff, you don't need to set it back, unless it must be set back for some reason. I'm kinda liking you and Yuka the way you two are :) I also haven't seen any changes so massive and bad that it would be worth setting everything back."
> Check for Roger, where is he :P
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 28, 2010, 10:17:28 PM
> How big is Shanghai about now? 50-feet or something like that?
> Lets test out Shanghai's flying abilities in this form! Maybe she is faster now~

> About. Give or take.

> You think that destroying the public area like this would be a very bad idea.

> "Do you like it Shanghai?"
> "Now I'm sitting on your head! This is kinda fun. You definately had a nice place sit before."
> Lets :yukkuri: for a bit.
> "Sorry about earlyer Yukari, just, the time travel stuff was... hard to understand, so much so fast. Sorry about how I was."
> "Honestly Yukari, if you like the changes caused by the time travel and stuff, you don't need to set it back, unless it must be set back for some reason. I'm kinda liking you and Yuka the way you two are :) I also haven't seen any changes so massive and bad that it would be worth setting everything back."
> Check for Roger, where is he :P

> You take it easy and apologize to Yukari.
> "Eh...No problem, Aurica."

> You are in Makai! Roger never followed you, remember?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 28, 2010, 10:26:35 PM
>Go north!
>"Watch your step now. Don't want to break anything."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 28, 2010, 11:53:28 PM
>Go north!
>"Watch your step now. Don't want to break anything."

> You head north out of the town, assuring her not to break anything.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 29, 2010, 12:02:35 AM
>Have a look around and see what's there.
>If it's moderately empty, try making Shanghai huge again and see if the effect stacks. Because it'd be awesome.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 29, 2010, 04:55:44 AM
>Have a look around and see what's there.
>If it's moderately empty, try making Shanghai huge again and see if the effect stacks. Because it'd be awesome.

> You try to make her grow even more. It doesn't work. She appears to have somewhat of a limit.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 29, 2010, 06:49:09 AM
>Oh well. Have a look around. There has to be fun things in Makai for a faerie and her engine of destruction to get into.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 29, 2010, 06:13:42 PM
>Oh well. Have a look around. There has to be fun things in Makai for a faerie and her engine of destruction to get into.

> There's a large lake, a forest off in the distance...And a mountain range, too!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 29, 2010, 08:43:45 PM
>Lakes have never let us down before; let's head that way!
>If it doesn't seem to be very inhabited out here, say "I think we're clear now, Shanghai, so you can rampage a bit if you feel like it."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 30, 2010, 12:48:54 AM
>Lakes have never let us down before; let's head that way!
>If it doesn't seem to be very inhabited out here, say "I think we're clear now, Shanghai, so you can rampage a bit if you feel like it."

> It seems mostly empty at the lake...So you tell Shanghai to let loose. She just sits down and begins to prod off to sleep.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 30, 2010, 12:53:22 AM
>"Awwww. Have a good nap, Shanghai."
>Give her an affectionate pat, and disembark.
>Have a look around the lake shore.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 30, 2010, 01:21:35 AM
>"Awwww. Have a good nap, Shanghai."
>Give her an affectionate pat, and disembark.
>Have a look around the lake shore.

> You give her a pat on the head before disembarking.

> It's an average, run-of-the-mill lake. Complete with blue, crystal clear water.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 30, 2010, 01:28:20 AM
>Have a walk around the lake. Look around for intriguing objects, interesting things in the immediate surroundings, and assess the beaches (if any) for suitability of sand castle making.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 30, 2010, 06:58:59 AM
>Have a walk around the lake. Look around for intriguing objects, interesting things in the immediate surroundings, and assess the beaches (if any) for suitability of sand castle making.

> You search for anything of interest. Unfortunately...This place is quite boring. And the only plot of sand isn't even close to being fit for sandcastles.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 30, 2010, 07:09:59 AM
>"Lake, how could you let me down!? You'e a lake! We're like best friends, faeries and lakes! Well, I guess it isn't your fault, but I trusted you. I trusted you."
>Is Shanghai asleep? If not, reembark and head onward toward the forest.
>If so, let her rest and fly there the old fashioned way.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on May 30, 2010, 05:17:22 PM
> Maybe we should consider visiting the Human Village, Kourindou, Makai City, SDM or Kappa/Tengu Village for possible side-questing.
> Let's ask around Makai City bars first. Maybe we'll find Mr. Top-Hat-and-Monocle again!
> If there is nothing to do there lets try our luck at SDM.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 30, 2010, 10:27:39 PM
>"Lake, how could you let me down!? You'e a lake! We're like best friends, faeries and lakes! Well, I guess it isn't your fault, but I trusted you. I trusted you."
>Is Shanghai asleep? If not, reembark and head onward toward the forest.
>If so, let her rest and fly there the old fashioned way.

> You embark on Shanghai towards the forest.

> Maybe we should consider visiting the Human Village, Kourindou, Makai City, SDM or Kappa/Tengu Village for possible side-questing.
> Let's ask around Makai City bars first. Maybe we'll find Mr. Top-Hat-and-Monocle again!
> If there is nothing to do there lets try our luck at SDM.

> It might be a good idea, yes. And you still have that paper, too!

> Well, you're in the forest right now.

> Once again, in the forest of Makai. So you won't be traveling there for now.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 30, 2010, 10:37:26 PM
>Have a look around from the current bird's eye view.
>If nothing turns up, return Shanghai to normal and have a look around at the ground level.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on May 30, 2010, 11:02:38 PM
> How does a Makai forest look like? Are all the trees made of runes and other glowing shapes like in Super Paper Mario?
> What paper exactly?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 31, 2010, 01:21:19 AM
>Have a look around from the current bird's eye view.
>If nothing turns up, return Shanghai to normal and have a look around at the ground level.

> Trees. Yay.

> You reduce Shanghai to normal size to view at ground level.

> How does a Makai forest look like? Are all the trees made of runes and other glowing shapes like in Super Paper Mario?
> What paper exactly?

> It's trees. They're of a slightly...different colour than normal trees though.

> The one from Tewi's hideout! Remember? From the safe?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 31, 2010, 01:23:32 AM
>Pick up Shanghai and carry her about in our arms. It's only fair. And gives hug accessibility. Which is to be administered forthwith!
>"Did you have fun, Shanghai?"
>Head into the forest, looking around for neat things.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on May 31, 2010, 02:14:02 AM
> Well, lets check that paper!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 31, 2010, 02:19:39 AM
>Let Shanghai see it, too.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 31, 2010, 03:36:13 AM
>Pick up Shanghai and carry her about in our arms. It's only fair. And gives hug accessibility. Which is to be administered forthwith!
>"Did you have fun, Shanghai?"
>Head into the forest, looking around for neat things.

> You pick up Shanghai and hug her while roaming the forest.

> Well, lets check that paper!
>Let Shanghai see it, too.

> Shanghai has fallen asleep almost immediately, so you just look it over yourself.

> It's a map detailed with various locations. They're all marked with an X...
> One in the human village's school, one labeled in the Garden of the Sun, another in Eientei itself, one labeled in the Tengu Village, and one in...some location near the underground entrance just labeled "The Warehouse."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 31, 2010, 03:41:51 AM
>Make a mental note to ask Roger about this.
>Rove around a bit more. Try not to jostle Shanghai too much.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 31, 2010, 04:04:26 AM
>Make a mental note to ask Roger about this.
>Rove around a bit more. Try not to jostle Shanghai too much.

> You make a note to ask Roger about it the moment you see him.

> You rove around some more. You make sure not to wake up Shanghai.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 31, 2010, 04:09:36 AM
>To Yukari: "Makai's not very exciting, is it?"
>Look around some more.
>If nothing interesting shows up, ask Yukari to gap us home.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 31, 2010, 02:08:04 PM
>To Yukari: "Makai's not very exciting, is it?"
>Look around some more.
>If nothing interesting shows up, ask Yukari to gap us home.

> "Well, at least you don't have to worry about being attacked by wolves or faeries or something..."

> You ask Yukari to get you out of here. Nothing exciting at all.
> You are now in the living room of the Yukari home. Shanghai is still sleeping.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 31, 2010, 02:17:04 PM
>Hunt down Roger.
>Show him the paper.
>Demand explanations.
>Also demand he keep it down, Shanghai is worn out.
>Assess the possibility he might try to gank our clothes. Because if he steals our Yuka Jammies it is on. >=[
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on May 31, 2010, 02:19:07 PM
> Before we go, ask Yukari where the location of this 'warehouse' is. Show her the paper to point the mark.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 31, 2010, 02:24:00 PM
>Hunt down Roger.
>Show him the paper.
>Demand explanations.
>Also demand he keep it down, Shanghai is worn out.
>Assess the possibility he might try to gank our clothes. Because if he steals our Yuka Jammies it is on. >=[

> You grab Roger by the shoulder and show him the paper with a rather demanding tone. He panics a little.
> "M-Master, why are you so angry?"

> Highly unlikely. He seems blindly loyal to you in this state. You could probably tell him to jump off a cliff and he'd do it.

> Before we go, ask Yukari where the location of this 'warehouse' is. Show her the paper to point the mark.

> You show Yukari the paper after harassing Roger. Her face goes dead pale.
> "No. I have no idea."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 31, 2010, 02:27:56 PM
>"That's not what your face says, Yukari. Is this one of those things that'll break the universe if I mess with it? Because I am sick and tired of that thing."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on May 31, 2010, 03:01:34 PM
> "Your face says this has meaning to you Yukari, that or your scared of me, which I honestly doubt. When someones face goes practically dead-pale, that basicly says something is up. I may be an massive idiot at times, but I can tell when something doesn't seem right."
> Check the map, while leaving room for Yukari and Roger to look at it. Do the marks on it make a shape of any sort, if they were connected by a line?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 31, 2010, 10:21:29 PM
>"That's not what your face says, Yukari. Is this one of those things that'll break the universe if I mess with it? Because I am sick and tired of that thing."

> "No. It's nothing."

> "Your face says this has meaning to you Yukari, that or your scared of me, which I honestly doubt. When someones face goes practically dead-pale, that basicly says something is up. I may be an massive idiot at times, but I can tell when something doesn't seem right."
> Check the map, while leaving room for Yukari and Roger to look at it. Do the marks on it make a shape of any sort, if they were connected by a line?

> "Stop talking like you know what you're talking about for once, Aurica."
> She smirks.

> Nope. Just locations marked with a small, black X.

Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 31, 2010, 10:26:30 PM
>Oh, well, it's not like she's wrong very much.
>"Okay, Imma go play. "
>Head out, and and go explore one of those directions from Yukariheim we've yet to look into.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on May 31, 2010, 10:33:19 PM
>Oh, well, it's not like she's wrong very much.
>"Okay, Imma go play. "
>Head out, and and go explore one of those directions from Yukariheim we've yet to look into.

> She certainly isn't!

> "Alright then Aurica. Keep out of trouble."

> You head out and consult the map. Where do you wish to go?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 31, 2010, 10:53:36 PM
>Go West!
>In the meantime, what are our options on the map?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 01, 2010, 12:25:14 AM
>Go West!
>In the meantime, what are our options on the map?

> Areas listed:
>One in the human village's school, one labeled in the Garden of the Sun, another in Eientei itself, one labeled in the Tengu Village, and one in...some location near the underground entrance just labeled "The Warehouse."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on June 01, 2010, 12:27:59 AM
> Cringe at the thought of having to go back to the Garden of the Sun.
> Head for the school since it'll most likely be the easiest to access.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 01, 2010, 12:36:45 AM
>Ponder the Garden of the Sun, we're supposedly cool with Yuka now.
>But yeah, school first.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 05, 2010, 12:43:27 AM
> Cringe at the thought of having to go back to the Garden of the Sun.
> Head for the school since it'll most likely be the easiest to access.
>Ponder the Garden of the Sun, we're supposedly cool with Yuka now.
>But yeah, school first.

> You ponder the idea of going to the Garden first. You decide the school would work best.

> You fly to the school.

> You are now in the HUMAN VILLAGE! The school is currently unlocked!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 05, 2010, 12:55:59 AM
>Enter school. Knock first if it seems necessary.
>Try not to jostle Shanghai too much.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 05, 2010, 03:37:12 AM
>Enter school. Knock first if it seems necessary.
>Try not to jostle Shanghai too much.

> You knock on the door. You hear footsteps coming towards the door. As it opens, you can see a woman with long hair and distinct, blue clothing standing in the doorway.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 05, 2010, 03:54:15 AM
>"Hi, I'm here to ask some annoying questions."
>Pause for a moment.
>"Oh, and don't wake Shanghai. She's sleeping."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 05, 2010, 08:46:50 PM
>"Hi, I'm here to ask some annoying questions."
>Pause for a moment.
>"Oh, and don't wake Shanghai. She's sleeping."

> "...Okay..."
> She raises an eyebrow.

> "Shanghai!"
> Shanghai perks up at the sound of her name. She leaps back onto your head.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on June 05, 2010, 08:57:18 PM
> "Are you aware of anything that may resemble relics, treasure, or valuable things in or around the premises?"
> Show her the map.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 06, 2010, 02:08:19 AM
>While Keine contemplates the map: "You have a good time, Shanghai? Kinda fell asleep before I could ask."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 06, 2010, 02:54:50 AM
> "Are you aware of anything that may resemble relics, treasure, or valuable things in or around the premises?"
> Show her the map.

> "Erm...No. Why are you asking me this?"

> You show her the map. She looks it over without changing her expression.

>While Keine contemplates the map: "You have a good time, Shanghai? Kinda fell asleep before I could ask."

> "Shanghai!"
> She nods.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 06, 2010, 03:02:06 AM
>Smile, give Shanghai a loving pat on the head. "Lemme know when you wanna do it again! I don't mind. You could do that all the time if you wanted."
>Back to Keine: "I found that in a hideout of Tewi's. It was supposed to be really important. Um, has she been here much lately? Or maybe not so lately?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 06, 2010, 05:24:14 AM
>Smile, give Shanghai a loving pat on the head. "Lemme know when you wanna do it again! I don't mind. You could do that all the time if you wanted."
>Back to Keine: "I found that in a hideout of Tewi's. It was supposed to be really important. Um, has she been here much lately? Or maybe not so lately?"

> "Shanghai!"

> "Well, I don't really see the significance. I mean, that rabbit knows that I'm not afraid to administer a few disciplinary lessons if she tries to stir up some trouble."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 06, 2010, 05:29:50 AM
>"I bet she snuck in, then. Let's go have a look around!"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 06, 2010, 09:33:56 PM
>"I bet she snuck in, then. Let's go have a look around!"

> "Wha-?"
> She pushes you back.
> "I'm afraid I can't let you in without knowing who you are."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on June 06, 2010, 11:24:44 PM
> "I'm Aurica.  Outside-world fairy, incident solving, and gap-hacking extraordinaire."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 07, 2010, 03:36:41 AM
>"You know all those problems that got fixed recently? Yeah, that was me. and Shanghai. And sometimes Lily White. And Roger that one time."
>Sage nod.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 07, 2010, 03:40:29 AM
> "Sorry about not introducing myself sooner. May I ask who you are?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 07, 2010, 04:33:03 AM
> "I'm Aurica.  Outside-world fairy, incident solving, and gap-hacking extraordinaire."

> "As childish as you look, it seems."
> Her and Shanghai giggle.

>"You know all those problems that got fixed recently? Yeah, that was me. and Shanghai. And sometimes Lily White. And Roger that one time."
>Sage nod.

> "...What problems? The last problem I remember was the local miko checking out the treasure ship that appeared in the sky. And it wasn't even causing any trouble..."

> "Sorry about not introducing myself sooner. May I ask who you are?"

> "My name is Keine Kamishirasawa. The schoolteacher."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 07, 2010, 04:40:42 AM
>"And the reason you haven't heard of them?"
>Point to self with right thumb, then left thumb.
>"This faerie."
>Sage nod.
>"So, can we come in and a have a look around? I'm pretty sure whatever's here is important. Tewi had the map trapped and stuff."

Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on June 07, 2010, 10:06:02 PM
> Check notepad for time-travel related revisions.
> Update notepad.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on June 07, 2010, 11:56:36 PM
> Ask Yukari to appear and testify our heroic deeds for us. Keine can't argue against Yukari!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 08, 2010, 02:04:08 AM
>"And the reason you haven't heard of them?"
>Point to self with right thumb, then left thumb.
>"This faerie."
>Sage nod.
>"So, can we come in and a have a look around? I'm pretty sure whatever's here is important. Tewi had the map trapped and stuff."

> "Because no one ever told anyone."

> "You're certainly an egotistical little child, aren't you."

> "No."
> She blocks your path.

> Check notepad for time-travel related revisions.
> Update notepad.

> Notepad has not been altered. So you update it with everything up to this point.

> Ask Yukari to appear and testify our heroic deeds for us. Keine can't argue against Yukari!

> "Oh Aurica...Your people skills need work, don't they~?"
> She pops out of a gap and greets Keine. Upside down.
> "Hey, milk-mama."
> "Don't call me that."
> "Fine, fine...Well, this faerie here actually HAS done quite a few things around Gensokyo. You see, she's stopped a few incidents before they got too unprecedented."
> "If she's affiliated with you, then I have all the more reason not to let her through. You were with Reimu that night, and after the way you beat up Mokou on a whim from the moon princess like that, I'm afraid I've lost all faith in your abilities. Good day, you old hag."
> She slams the door in your faces.
> "Well, I suppose I should be off. Good going, Aurica."
> She slips back into her gap.

> Yukari pops back out and gives you a small bag of cookies.
> "A consolation. It was my fault, after all."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 08, 2010, 03:10:39 AM
> "Um... I do not know what exactly got her so annoyed, but wow she seemed like a bit of a jerk. I'm not going to hold it against her of course, but that seemed a bit harsh. Or is what she said fair?"
> "Thanks for the cookies Yukari, did Ran make them, or did you take a shot at it? Cause I think you would do pretty good."
> "You know a lot about the outside world, correct Yukari? Then you may understand this phrase... "You wanna cookie?"" Grin like a loveable idiot after the last part, while offering Yukari a cookie.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 08, 2010, 03:53:36 AM
>"And she's totally guilty."
>Contemplate ways to sneak into the school that may be employed later after Keine has had time to forgot about us.
>Check the map again. Contemplate if the location near Eientei corresponds with the hideout we raided.
>"I think I probably ought to check with this one at the Garden of the Sun. Since things are cool with Yuka now, it'd probably be impolite to let that go too long..."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on June 08, 2010, 09:56:16 PM
> "Whoa whoa whoa.  Hold up for a second.  What exactly did she mean by that anyway?  Was this another thing that happened on the new timeline?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 09, 2010, 02:12:52 PM
> "Um... I do not know what exactly got her so annoyed, but wow she seemed like a bit of a jerk. I'm not going to hold it against her of course, but that seemed a bit harsh. Or is what she said fair?"
> "Thanks for the cookies Yukari, did Ran make them, or did you take a shot at it? Cause I think you would do pretty good."
> "You know a lot about the outside world, correct Yukari? Then you may understand this phrase... "You wanna cookie?"" Grin like a loveable idiot after the last part, while offering Yukari a cookie.

> "Well, depends on your viewpoint."

> "No, they're Ran's."

> "No thanks, Aurica."

>"And she's totally guilty."
>Contemplate ways to sneak into the school that may be employed later after Keine has had time to forgot about us.
>Check the map again. Contemplate if the location near Eientei corresponds with the hideout we raided.
>"I think I probably ought to check with this one at the Garden of the Sun. Since things are cool with Yuka now, it'd probably be impolite to let that go too long..."

> Yukari just grins.

> You doubt she'd just forget about you...
> You could always try a window.

> "Yes, the might work best for now."

> "Whoa whoa whoa.  Hold up for a second.  What exactly did she mean by that anyway?  Was this another thing that happened on the new timeline?"

> "Oh no, something from a long time ago. No sense worrying yourself."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 09, 2010, 02:58:52 PM
>To the Garden of the Sun!
>"Hey, is there anything I should know about heading there, since I'm not trying to sneak in this time? Oh, and does Yuka know I got time discombobulated and don't remember the same things she does?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 10, 2010, 09:38:22 PM
>To the Garden of the Sun!
>"Hey, is there anything I should know about heading there, since I'm not trying to sneak in this time? Oh, and does Yuka know I got time discombobulated and don't remember the same things she does?"

> You begin to head to the Garden as you question Yukari.

> "Err...No. Just keep that thing under wraps, okay?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 10, 2010, 09:44:39 PM
>"Wouldn't that be lying to her? Because, it kinda doesn't count if I made amends and don't remember it. So I wanna do it right and make it good in my memories, too. And it really sucks I got to do arson and don't even remember it. So if you could explain, that'd be really nice. I don't want this lingering between us, it'd just make conflict you don't need..."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on June 10, 2010, 09:59:14 PM
> Are we even sure Yuuka is at Mugenkan? Isn't she still at the Yakumo residence?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 10, 2010, 10:05:31 PM
>"Wouldn't that be lying to her? Because, it kinda doesn't count if I made amends and don't remember it. So I wanna do it right and make it good in my memories, too. And it really sucks I got to do arson and don't even remember it. So if you could explain, that'd be really nice. I don't want this lingering between us, it'd just make conflict you don't need..."

> "Aurica, you're worrying too much. Like Nitori said, you've likely been changed from someone's own meddling with time multiple times. Do I go around warning people of their changes? No. Doing so causes suspicion, panic, and all the like."

> Are we even sure Yuuka is at Mugenkan? Isn't she still at the Yakumo residence?

> She left, remember? She said she was busy, so it's likely she's at the Garden.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 10, 2010, 10:11:02 PM
>"It's not worrying, it's being a good person. It's not right to act like bygones are bygones when they didn't happen for half the people involved... Don't you trust us both enough to do things right?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on June 10, 2010, 10:20:22 PM
>"It's not worrying, it's being a good person. It's not right to act like bygones are bygones when they didn't happen for half the people involved... Don't you trust us both enough to do things right?"

> I think we should let Yuuka be for now. If we see her in the garden just say 'hi' for a moment and walk on. Since we're on good terms with Yuuka we can assume Elly likes us too. If we ask Elly nicely she'll surely let us in.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 10, 2010, 10:33:07 PM
>True, but you want things to be right with your Boss's ladyfriend. But yeah, it doesn't have to be immediataneous.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 10, 2010, 11:23:46 PM
>"It's not worrying, it's being a good person. It's not right to act like bygones are bygones when they didn't happen for half the people involved... Don't you trust us both enough to do things right?"

> "It's thinking like yours that has destroyed countless people."

> I think we should let Yuuka be for now. If we see her in the garden just say 'hi' for a moment and walk on. Since we're on good terms with Yuuka we can assume Elly likes us too. If we ask Elly nicely she'll surely let us in.
>True, but you want things to be right with your Boss's ladyfriend. But yeah, it doesn't have to be immediataneous.

> You begin to question whether or not you should talk to Yuuka.

> Make up your mind!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on June 10, 2010, 11:28:08 PM
> Gah! We need to get a move on! We've got business to do! Ignore Yuuka and go straight to the marked point on the map. We can chat with Yuuka when she visits the Yakumo's place again.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 10, 2010, 11:30:28 PM
> Gah! We need to get a move on! We've got business to do! Ignore Yuuka and go straight to the marked point on the map. We can chat with Yuuka when she visits the Yakumo's place again.

> Thing is, the location sorta spans the entirety of the Garden. So Yuuka will most likely be accompanying you if you're parading about her field.

> You enter the Garden and step in nonchalantly. You can see Yuuka with a warm smile walking across one of the path intersections.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 10, 2010, 11:35:25 PM
>Wave, resolve to deal with it when an opportune time comes up.
>"And every kind of thinking has destroyed countless people. Yukari. There's a whole lot of history out there."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 11, 2010, 12:00:38 AM
>Wave, resolve to deal with it when an opportune time comes up.
>"And every kind of thinking has destroyed countless people. Yukari. There's a whole lot of history out there."

> She notices you and waves back before continuing on.

> "Ahaha...It's so funny when people try to use history against someone like me."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 11, 2010, 12:05:21 AM
>"Yep. Because chances are you've seen more timelines than anyone, so you ought to know better than anyone about what I said."
>Well, if Yuka doesn't mind us around, head in toward where that Ecks is. Try to respect the flowers.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on June 11, 2010, 12:12:36 AM
>And since the Ecks is the whole garden, just walk/fly around looking for anything not completely normal.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 11, 2010, 12:15:55 AM
>Shit, if Ecks is the whole garden, it's time to consult Yuka about it. =|
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 11, 2010, 12:22:58 AM
>"Yep. Because chances are you've seen more timelines than anyone, so you ought to know better than anyone about what I said."
>Well, if Yuka doesn't mind us around, head in toward where that Ecks is. Try to respect the flowers.
>And since the Ecks is the whole garden, just walk/fly around looking for anything not completely normal.
>Shit, if Ecks is the whole garden, it's time to consult Yuka about it. =|

> "Yes, I do."

> You step around the garden looking for something unusual. It seems that nothing is out of the ordinary...
> You hear a loud crack and a scream. You charge over to see a shadowy figure flying away from Yuuka's body, holding her umbrella.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 11, 2010, 12:25:27 AM
>"What the crap!? Yuka, you okay?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on June 11, 2010, 12:45:20 AM
> Take a quick look at the perpetrator. Can we see who it is?
> Rush over to Yuuka to see if she's alright.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 11, 2010, 01:44:17 AM
> Take a quick look at the perpetrator. Can we see who it is?
> Rush over to Yuuka to see if she's alright.
>"What the crap!? Yuka, you okay?"

> Too late now...

> She appears to be completely unconscious. Someone must have given her a powerful strike on the head...
> You notice a bit of blood forming. You have to get her to a doctor. Now.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Seian Verian on June 11, 2010, 03:08:16 AM
> Oh god someone actually managed to knock Yuuka out what the hell aaahhh
> Take a few breaths to try and stop panicking at just the idea of someone being that powerful
> "Yukari, do you think that doctor back at Eientei can help her?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 11, 2010, 07:43:03 AM
>Maybe it was a surprise attack! Yeah! It's not that they're powerful, it's just that they're sneaky! Yeah...that's gotta be it...
>Stay calm.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 11, 2010, 01:48:39 PM
> Oh god someone actually managed to knock Yuuka out what the hell aaahhh
> Take a few breaths to try and stop panicking at just the idea of someone being that powerful
> "Yukari, do you think that doctor back at Eientei can help her?"

> It's a little surprising...Though a Youkai's structure is pretty similar to a human. They wouldn't need that much force if they were to sneak up and smash them on the head...

> "Of course she can."
> Yukari pops out of a gap with a worried look on her face and pulls Yuuka through it.

>Maybe it was a surprise attack! Yeah! It's not that they're powerful, it's just that they're sneaky! Yeah...that's gotta be it...
>Stay calm.

> Hopefully!

> You attempt to remain completely calm. It's a bad hard, but you manage.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 11, 2010, 02:02:44 PM
>In the direction we say the assailant run off, or fly off.
>Keep an out of for signs of passage; footprints, recently bent up plantlife, and so on.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 11, 2010, 02:16:25 PM
>In the direction we say the assailant run off, or fly off.
>Keep an out of for signs of passage; footprints, recently bent up plantlife, and so on.

> You fly in the direction of the assailant. It seemed to be heading southward.

> Well, you can't detect bent air flow, so this is a little tough.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 11, 2010, 02:34:43 PM
>Curse the lack of a good wind faerie when you really need one. Even if there's no such thing. Especially if there's no such thing.
>Keep going southward. Do we know what lies south of the Garden of the Sun? Are there any points on the map that are marked south of there?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on June 11, 2010, 03:35:45 PM
> It's a little surprising...Though a Youkai's structure is pretty similar to a human. They wouldn't need that much force if they were to sneak up and smash them on the head...

Isn't a youkai of Yuuka's caliber supposed to be twice as durable as adamantium? I don't see onis go down from a knock on the head, so I doubt a mighty flower youkai like Yuuka would suffer a similar problem. And don't forget natural youkai regeneration.

> Let Goliath Shanghai scan the area for recent activity/the perpetrator. She's a lot taller than us, so she might be able to spot more.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 11, 2010, 03:41:03 PM
Different Youkai have different set-ups, to put in in RPG terms. Suika's right orky, but she can't do Master Sparks, for instance.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: mad on June 11, 2010, 07:16:20 PM
>Can't we just set our element to air and become a wind-type fairy? Do it and check the air for clues.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 11, 2010, 10:11:26 PM
>Curse the lack of a good wind faerie when you really need one. Even if there's no such thing. Especially if there's no such thing.
>Keep going southward. Do we know what lies south of the Garden of the Sun? Are there any points on the map that are marked south of there?

> Well, considering faeries generally represent aspects of nature/elements, it's completely possible.

> You're riding the mountain range right now. You'd be riding it towards the underground if you continue.

Isn't a youkai of Yuuka's caliber supposed to be twice as durable as adamantium? I don't see onis go down from a knock on the head, so I doubt a mighty flower youkai like Yuuka would suffer a similar problem. And don't forget natural youkai regeneration.

> Let Goliath Shanghai scan the area for recent activity/the perpetrator. She's a lot taller than us, so she might be able to spot more.

(Well, they certainly are tough. But not ZOMG tough. I was trying to get that across without sounding stupid. I failed.)

> You make Shanghai grow to epic proportions and tell her to scout out the area. She can't locate the perpetrator, unfortunately.

Different Youkai have different set-ups, to put in in RPG terms. Suika's right orky, but she can't do Master Sparks, for instance.

(^ What the hobo said.)

>Can't we just set our element to air and become a wind-type fairy? Do it and check the air for clues.

> You change to wind elemental and attempt to read the air. It's a bit late for that now, unfortunately. No hints.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 11, 2010, 10:27:13 PM
>How fast is goliath shanghai compared to our typical airspeed?
>If it's comparable, settle in her arms and let her carry us for a bit. Quid pro quo, after all. And devote time to looking around and reading the air. Keep an eye out for other peoples.
>If Goliath Shanghai cant keep up, return her to normal for now, and carry her along, let her do lookout.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 11, 2010, 10:45:33 PM
>How fast is goliath shanghai compared to our typical airspeed?
>If it's comparable, settle in her arms and let her carry us for a bit. Quid pro quo, after all. And devote time to looking around and reading the air. Keep an eye out for other peoples.
>If Goliath Shanghai cant keep up, return her to normal for now, and carry her along, let her do lookout.

> It's not even close. You shrink her back to size and allow her to take her normal position. You tell her to scout as best she can.

Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 11, 2010, 10:48:42 PM
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 11, 2010, 11:01:00 PM
> "No matter how Yuka is or was, I feel sorry for her. I don't know anyone who deserves to get kocked out like that. Although I am glad it wasn't one of us."
> "Your thoughts on this Yukari?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 13, 2010, 05:41:20 AM

> You continue onwards, southbound.

> "No matter how Yuka is or was, I feel sorry for her. I don't know anyone who deserves to get kocked out like that. Although I am glad it wasn't one of us."
> "Your thoughts on this Yukari?"

> No response. She's likely busy with Yuuka and Eirin.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 13, 2010, 10:20:28 AM
>If we don't see anything or anyone by the time we close in on the underground, angle toward that Ecks that's labeled Storehouse.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 13, 2010, 04:57:37 PM
>If we don't see anything or anyone by the time we close in on the underground, angle toward that Ecks that's labeled Storehouse.

> You can't pick up on the location of the assailant. It's a shame, really.

> You head towards the ecks on the "storehouse."
> You have entered a DEAD ZONE, flight is impossible. You land.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 13, 2010, 05:01:40 PM
>Use wings to fly.
>Have a look around.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 13, 2010, 06:29:39 PM
> Be extremely careful.
> Take note to find how far this "dead zone" goes once we are done here. As in, how far it spreads.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on June 13, 2010, 08:10:15 PM
> Carefully open the storehouse door.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 15, 2010, 12:07:13 AM
>Use wings to fly.
>Have a look around.

> You take to the skies using FAERIE FLIGHT.

> You take a peek around. Just woods, as far as you can tell.

> Be extremely careful.
> Take note to find how far this "dead zone" goes once we are done here. As in, how far it spreads.

> You take extreme caution.

> You make a mental note to check the range of the DEAD ZONE later.

> Carefully open the storehouse door.

> You do not see a storehouse yet! You are in the general vicinity, according to this map...
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 15, 2010, 12:14:31 AM
>Look around below the tree line for any signs of structures, people passing through here, or weird things in general.
>"Keep your eyes peeled, Shanghai..."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 15, 2010, 12:57:41 AM
>Look around below the tree line for any signs of structures, people passing through here, or weird things in general.
>"Keep your eyes peeled, Shanghai..."

> You don't see anything, really.

> "Shanghai!"
> She hops down and scouts around on the ground. You hear a clang as Shanghai falls over backwards.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 15, 2010, 01:04:57 AM
>"Are you okay, Shanghai?"
>Presuming she is, look for what might have have caused the clang.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 15, 2010, 02:57:29 AM
>"Are you okay, Shanghai?"
>Presuming she is, look for what might have have caused the clang.

> "Shanghai!"
> She perks up and salutes halfheartedly.

> You look around. You end up walking into whatever she did. Which...just seems to be air. Huh.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 15, 2010, 10:26:08 AM
>Feel around for that thing we hit.
>If it feels like there's something there, try some of that lunatic eyes business to see if that makes it visible.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 16, 2010, 03:37:17 AM
>Feel around for that thing we hit.
>If it feels like there's something there, try some of that lunatic eyes business to see if that makes it visible.

> You feel around a bit. Seems like an invisible wall.

> You play around with the light in the area. You can make out what appears to be a shed. Refraction is so handy!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 16, 2010, 12:27:28 PM
>Assess how big the shed is.
>Look around for a door.
>Listen against it to hear if there is anything inside.
>If there are no noises, open the door.
>Should it be locked, make Shanghai go goliath again, and knock it in/take it off its hinges.
>If there are noises, don't try to enter just yet.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 16, 2010, 01:47:18 PM
>Assess how big the shed is.
>Look around for a door.
>Listen against it to hear if there is anything inside.
>If there are no noises, open the door.
>Should it be locked, make Shanghai go goliath again, and knock it in/take it off its hinges.
>If there are noises, don't try to enter just yet.

> It seems to be of a fair size.

> You search for a door. There doesn't appear to be one...

> You listen against it. You can't help but notice this shed is made of some sort of metal. Certainly something you've never seen before. It's quite quiet, actually.
> Suddenly you hear a crash and some sort of wailing... (

> Shanghai can't tear down a door that isn't there.

> You decide not to enter. May be best to think about this.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 16, 2010, 01:52:49 PM
>Check the roof.
>Describe the wailing for someone who has dials-up and thus no real access to them youtubes?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on June 16, 2010, 01:58:52 PM
>Describe the wailing for someone who has dials-up and thus no real access to them youtubes?
Cave of the Past theme from Earthbound.
>Any windows?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 16, 2010, 02:04:50 PM
>Check the roof.
>Describe the wailing for someone who has dials-up and thus no real access to them youtubes?

> The roof appears to be completely squared. It fits in perfectly with the wall. As far as you can tell, everything about this shed is perfect. A perfect cube made of what seems to be perfect metal. And not even a door to create a break in said metal.
> ...You slightly doubt it's the kind of shed one stores gardening tools in.

> It's a very deep noise...It almost forms a rather broken, frightening melody.

Cave of the Past theme from Earthbound.
>Any windows?

> None at all, unfortunately.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 16, 2010, 02:09:41 PM
>"Shanghai, I think this is one of those things that shouldn't be messed with. Let's see if anyone's messed with it."
>Look around for signs that people have been here recently, aside from us.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 16, 2010, 02:16:42 PM
>"Shanghai, I think this is one of those things that shouldn't be messed with. Let's see if anyone's messed with it."
>Look around for signs that people have been here recently, aside from us.

> "Shanghai!"

> You and Shanghai search the area for footprints. After a little searching, you find two sets of adult-sized footprints.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 16, 2010, 02:22:09 PM
>Look at the footprints. Where to they seem to be going to, and coming from?
>Do they seem fairly fresh and distinct, or older and faded?
>Do they seem to be from different people, or the same person?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 16, 2010, 02:27:57 PM
>Look at the footprints. Where to they seem to be going to, and coming from?
>Do they seem fairly fresh and distinct, or older and faded?
>Do they seem to be from different people, or the same person?

> Shanghai tries to imitate your thoughtful look.

> They came from the direction of the Yakumo residence. They stop at the shed, and then they head back.

> They seem slightly older. You lack the skills to get it down accurately, though.

> Two different people. One footprint is much fainter than the other.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 16, 2010, 02:44:14 PM
>Is there anything else we know of in the direction of Casa de Yakumo?
>"So...maybe Yuakri or Ran. Or maybe Yuka. Two of those three. Yeah, all the better reason not to mess with this or ever mention it exists. Oh, or maybe some mugger person?"
>Undo that refraction effect so it's properly invisible again.
>Are there any footprints heading back toward Hacienda Yakumo?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on June 17, 2010, 12:13:19 AM
> Lets try and let Goliant Shanghai pick up the invisible block. Maybe the underside is open, allowing us to see what is inside?
> I think we should at least ask Yukari about this. I she tries to get around it we'll know she has something to do with it (there are Yakumo footprints here after all).
> On second thought....
> Smash it if the lifting thing doesn't work.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 17, 2010, 12:34:18 AM
> Lets try and let Goliant Shanghai pick up the invisible block. Maybe the underside is open, allowing us to see what is inside?
> I think we should at least ask Yukari about this. I she tries to get around it we'll know she has something to do with it (there are Yakumo footprints here after all).
> On second thought....
> Smash it if the lifting thing doesn't work.

>This is probably a terrible idea. It's invisible, it's got no doors, it's in a dead magic zone, and it's making nasty noises. Whatever this is, it's not meant to be found and it's probably for the best to leave it that way. It's likely a prison.
>In retrospect, given dead magic, Shanghai probably can't go goliath anyways. Oh well, she's still adorable. Administer a hug for mimicking our thoughtfulness.
>Follow the tracks away from the dead magic area, see if they veer off from the direction of Yakumohearth or not.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on June 17, 2010, 12:41:28 AM
>Well hold on a second... lets take another look at the door.
>Anything peculiar about the physical appearance of the door itself?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 17, 2010, 12:43:01 AM
>Is there anything else we know of in the direction of Casa de Yakumo?
>"So...maybe Yuakri or Ran. Or maybe Yuka. Two of those three. Yeah, all the better reason not to mess with this or ever mention it exists. Oh, or maybe some mugger person?"
>Undo that refraction effect so it's properly invisible again.
>Are there any footprints heading back toward Hacienda Yakumo?

> Nope.

> Shanghai nods.

> You make it invisible again.

> Other than the set coming here that went back, no.

> Lets try and let Goliant Shanghai pick up the invisible block. Maybe the underside is open, allowing us to see what is inside?
> I think we should at least ask Yukari about this. I she tries to get around it we'll know she has something to do with it (there are Yakumo footprints here after all).
> On second thought....
> Smash it if the lifting thing doesn't work.
>This is probably a terrible idea. It's invisible, it's got no doors, it's in a dead magic zone, and it's making nasty noises. Whatever this is, it's not meant to be found and it's probably for the best to leave it that way. It's likely a prison.
>In retrospect, given dead magic, Shanghai probably can't go goliath anyways. Oh well, she's still adorable. Administer a hug for mimicking our thoughtfulness.
>Follow the tracks away from the dead magic area, see if they veer off from the direction of Yakumohearth or not.

> Unfortunately, DEAD ZONE, so no Goliath. You hug her instead.

> You take the tracks home. They don't step off the path to home for a moment.

>Well hold on a second... lets take another look at the door.
>Anything peculiar about the physical appearance of the door itself?

> You zip back and cause the refraction again. There is no door to examine!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 17, 2010, 12:44:40 AM
> "Just... what is this... thing?" To no one in particular.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on June 17, 2010, 12:45:07 AM
>Oh whoops... forgot about that detail.
>Look around the shed, anything that hints that it might have once been an opening? Perhaps a weak point?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 17, 2010, 12:50:39 AM
>"Hey, um, Yukari. Sorry to distract you from Yuuka, but it's kinda important. What's the deal with the big invisible growly cube thing? Because there's footprints from home and stuff coming here..."
>If this doesn't work in the dead zone, leave and try again.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 17, 2010, 12:54:13 AM
> "Just... what is this... thing?" To no one in particular.

> Yukari peers out of a gap just outside the magic zone. She steps out with a frightened look on her face. She begins to walk towards you.

>Oh whoops... forgot about that detail.
>Look around the shed, anything that hints that it might have once been an opening? Perhaps a weak point?

> Not one imperfection. At all.

> Yukari is beside you now.

>"Hey, um, Yukari. Sorry to distract you from Yuuka, but it's kinda important. What's the deal with the big invisible growly cube thing? Because there's footprints from home and stuff coming here..."
>If this doesn't work in the dead zone, leave and try again.

> She stutters slightly as she speaks.
> "It doesn't exist, Aurica. There's nothing there and you're just a bit delusional. Let's go home and eat some ice cream, okay? I have chocolate~"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on June 17, 2010, 12:56:28 AM
> Slowly turn to Yukari.
> Oh God.  Something is totally screwed up with this timeline.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 17, 2010, 12:59:30 AM
> Slowly turn to Yukari.
> Oh God.  Something is totally screwed up with this timeline.

> You slowly turn to her and stare in fear. You think she knows what you're thinking.

> "Oh no it isn't, Aurica. This doesn't exist. But if it did, it got worse from any recent tampering with time that may have happened. N-Not that I'm saying it does exist, of course. Because it doesn't."
> She nervously chuckles.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 17, 2010, 01:02:20 AM
>"Um, if you say so, Yukari. But, well, you trust me, right? I'm not gonna mess with it. Or tell anyone. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that thing's really bad news. But if I know about it, and something goes wrong. Like with that map having it on there, I'll be able to figure it out sooner and help deal with it.
>"...But I'm okay with ice cream! And how's Yuuka?"

Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on June 17, 2010, 01:02:28 AM
> ?
> Refract the light again to make it visible.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 17, 2010, 01:05:49 AM
> ?
> Refract the light again to make it visible.

>This is just being kinda mean. We don't need to really do that to Yukari. Not after her lady go clubbed and she's clearly under stress =[
>It's clear she's just trying to tell us to shut up and forget about it.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 17, 2010, 02:16:07 AM
>"Um, if you say so, Yukari. But, well, you trust me, right? I'm not gonna mess with it. Or tell anyone. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to know that thing's really bad news. But if I know about it, and something goes wrong. Like with that map having it on there, I'll be able to figure it out sooner and help deal with it.
>"...But I'm okay with ice cream! And how's Yuuka?"


> "It doesn't exist, and it's good you aren't going to tamper with it. Because that'd be impossible."

> "Goody! And she's at home right now, laying down. I was just making sure you...kept away from this thing which...doesn't exist!"

> ?
> Refract the light again to make it visible.
>This is just being kinda mean. We don't need to really do that to Yukari. Not after her lady go clubbed and she's clearly under stress =[
>It's clear she's just trying to tell us to shut up and forget about it.

> You decide it's best to just go with the flow at the moment. Perhaps it would be best to find what's inside before you crack it open.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 17, 2010, 02:24:43 AM
> "Yeah, maybe I was seeing things, and if you say so, probly true. Back to the real topic on hand, ice cream! Mmm! This is soing to be good!"
> Let's hum a tune~ (
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 17, 2010, 02:26:42 AM
> "Yeah, maybe I was seeing things, and if you say so, probly true. Back to the real topic on hand, ice cream! Mmm! This is soing to be good!"
> Let's hum a tune~ (

> "Okay then. Let's go."
> You begin to fly home with Yukari.

> She remains silent.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 17, 2010, 02:30:24 AM
> "Okay then. Let's go."
> You begin to fly home with Yukari.

> She remains silent.

> "Something the matter Yukari? You look... troubled. If your worried about Yuka, remember, it's Yuka. Last I checked, she was one of Gensokyo's Greatest, I doubt this will do anything lasting."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 17, 2010, 02:32:38 AM
>"And, let's say someone was trying to make this thing exist? What would that mean?"

Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 17, 2010, 02:47:58 AM
>"And, let's say someone was trying to make this thing exist? What would that mean?"

> I think for now, we should drop the subject. Let's save the pestering about it until after ice cream/candy. We might not get any if we keep this up. This is bad.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 17, 2010, 02:59:50 AM
>This is an excellent point and I concede completely.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on June 17, 2010, 03:13:08 AM
>We should try asking Ran in private, later =D
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 17, 2010, 04:48:25 AM
> "Something the matter Yukari? You look... troubled. If your worried about Yuka, remember, it's Yuka. Last I checked, she was one of Gensokyo's Greatest, I doubt this will do anything lasting."

> "Nope. Not Yuuka."

>"And, let's say someone was trying to make this thing exist? What would that mean?"
> I think for now, we should drop the subject. Let's save the pestering about it until after ice cream/candy. We might not get any if we keep this up. This is bad.
>This is an excellent point and I concede completely.
>We should try asking Ran in private, later =D

> You decide to drop the subject, resolving to ask Ran later.

> You have arrived at the Yakumo residence. You and Yukari land.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 17, 2010, 12:32:06 PM
>Get them ice creams~
>Let Shanghai have some if she's interested.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 17, 2010, 02:11:30 PM
>Get them ice creams~
>Let Shanghai have some if she's interested.

> You walk into the kitchen, where Chen is enjoying some vanilla ice cream. Ran scoops you a little bit of chocolate onto a cone and hands it to you with a smile on her face.

> She can't eat, so it might not be a good idea.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 17, 2010, 02:33:49 PM
>Pwn that cone hell yes.
>Ponder if it's cruel and unusual punishment to make Roger watch over the thing that doesn't exist until someone shows up.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 17, 2010, 06:26:06 PM
> Does Roger already have some ice-cream? If not, ask if he would like some.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 18, 2010, 02:59:31 AM
>Pwn that cone hell yes.
>Ponder if it's cruel and unusual punishment to make Roger watch over the thing that doesn't exist until someone shows up.

> You begin to devour the cone at a rate that would make Chen jealous.

> Well, he's blindly loyal, so would likely just accept it.

> Does Roger already have some ice-cream? If not, ask if he would like some.

> You call for Roger. He falls down the stairs, stands up, and brushes himself off.
> "Yes Ma'am?"
> "Would you like some ice cream?"
> He ponders this for a moment before asking you a question.
> "Do you want me to have some ice cream?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on June 18, 2010, 03:09:08 AM
>"Only if you want to."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 18, 2010, 03:15:07 AM
>"Only if you want to."

> He makes a slight sigh.
> "Do you want me to want to?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on June 18, 2010, 03:20:47 AM
>"Only if you want me to want you to want to."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 18, 2010, 03:21:24 AM
>"Now show some initiative and voice your inner desires when I tell you to, or I'm making you wear pants and go thuggin' for a week!"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 18, 2010, 03:23:32 AM
>"Now show some initiative and voice your inner desires when I tell you to, or I'm making you wear pants and go thuggin' for a week!"
> Um... are we going for a tyranous master? Cause that seems like it. I think being nice... nicer, would be better.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 18, 2010, 03:24:41 AM
>All about the carrot and the stick. There's only so much evasiveness a faerie can take.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 18, 2010, 03:40:48 AM
>"Only if you want me to want you to want to."

> "B-But..."

>"Now show some initiative and voice your inner desires when I tell you to, or I'm making you wear pants and go thuggin' for a week!"
> Um... are we going for a tyranous master? Cause that seems like it. I think being nice... nicer, would be better.
>All about the carrot and the stick. There's only so much evasiveness a faerie can take.

> He makes a slight look of fear.
> "O-Okay then, ma'am. I'll have some ice cream."
> He reluctantly takes some vanilla ice cream from Ran and sits down next to you. He eats it with an exceptional level of care.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 18, 2010, 03:46:02 AM
>"See, aren't things better when you're forthright?"
>Pat him on the head.
>"You'd look super cool if went thuggin' though. But it's okay if that's not your style."
>Beaming smile!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 18, 2010, 03:51:43 AM
>"See, aren't things better when you're forthright?"
>Pat him on the head.
>"You'd look super cool if went thuggin' though. But it's okay if that's not your style."
>Beaming smile!

> "Of course, ma'am."
> You pat him on the head. He seems to be a big fan of that!
> He just looks at you silently before going back to his ice cream. Reluctant look on his face.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on June 18, 2010, 04:08:48 AM
>Right. Look around for Yukari... she there?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 18, 2010, 04:21:54 AM
> "Honestly, I'm just trying to be nice, so relax :)" Gotta be nice and give a smile.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 18, 2010, 05:04:50 AM
>Right. Look around for Yukari... she there?

> Yukari is sitting on a gap in the room, lost in thought.

> "Honestly, I'm just trying to be nice, so relax :)" Gotta be nice and give a smile.

> "Thank you, Miss Aurica."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on June 18, 2010, 05:13:44 AM
>"So Roger, how was your life before I met you?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 18, 2010, 05:31:57 AM
>"So Roger, how was your life before I met you?"

> He stops eating and looks up, beginning to think.
> "Well, I was always a good rabbit. I just kept to myself, really. Stayed within Eientei, only coming out and about when I was called. Or, even worse, needed. I would simply wander about, bored and useless."
> He looks directly at you.
> "And if you're wondering how the other rabbits would treat me based on my decisions in life, then I could tell you something."
> He leans in slightly.
> "They loved it."

> Roger finishes his ice cream and stands up. He stops before leaving and asks in a rather quiet voice.
> "D-Do you need anything, master? I'm going to bed soon..."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on June 18, 2010, 05:56:22 AM
>"Thanks Roger. It's nice to know more about my favorite little bunny!"
>Pet him on the head and let him head to sleep.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 18, 2010, 07:12:40 AM
> "Go ahead and get some sleep, I'm not going to stop you unless something comes up."
> "Thanks for telling me Roger... about your past I mean... nice to know more about you..." blush a bit when saying this.

(I gotta ask, other posters, who is our target lover? I can only see Yukari and Roger as choices right now, and "Disk Finale" shows we are getting to the end. We should act a little more on the romancing when we get the chances. I'm assuming Roger, with him being MALE and all.)
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on June 18, 2010, 10:43:16 AM
> "Go ahead and get some sleep, I'm not going to stop you unless something comes up."
> "Thanks for telling me Roger... about your past I mean... nice to know more about you..." blush a bit when saying this.

(I gotta ask, other posters, who is our target lover? I can only see Yukari and Roger as choices right now, and "Disk Finale" shows we are getting to the end. We should act a little more on the romancing when we get the chances. I'm assuming Roger, with him being MALE and all.)

> And what is Lily White then? Chopped liver? She helped us out so many times! And what about our confession to Nitori?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 18, 2010, 01:19:01 PM
>Nitori swept us off our feet with her wily ways and cucumber candies, then left is to drown in our own tears. ;_;
>Lily's always been there for us. Plus she would be better than anyone at driving off solicitors.
>Yukari is pretty clearly taken, and we are not gonna try to win that battle.
>We are not a Tohno or an Ushiromiya. We won't be seducing our servant.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 18, 2010, 06:46:32 PM
>"Thanks Roger. It's nice to know more about my favorite little bunny!"
>Pet him on the head and let him head to sleep.
> "Go ahead and get some sleep, I'm not going to stop you unless something comes up."
> "Thanks for telling me Roger... about your past I mean... nice to know more about you..." blush a bit when saying this.

(I gotta ask, other posters, who is our target lover? I can only see Yukari and Roger as choices right now, and "Disk Finale" shows we are getting to the end. We should act a little more on the romancing when we get the chances. I'm assuming Roger, with him being MALE and all.)

> You pet him while telling him to get a little sleep. He thanks you, bows, and trots off upstairs.

> And what is Lily White then? Chopped liver? She helped us out so many times! And what about our confession to Nitori?
>Nitori swept us off our feet with her wily ways and cucumber candies, then left is to drown in our own tears. ;_;
>Lily's always been there for us. Plus she would be better than anyone at driving off solicitors.
>Yukari is pretty clearly taken, and we are not gonna try to win that battle.
>We are not a Tohno or an Ushiromiya. We won't be seducing our servant.

> You run a few romantic thoughts over in your mind. You've never really thought about it...
> Roger would likely give himself up if you asked him to, but you're not really the type to abuse someone like that...
> Nitori never took your confession literally. Perhaps you could try one more time...
> Lily is a best friend, and you've never really checked if she feels about you like that.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 18, 2010, 06:57:07 PM
>Consider sleeptimes.
>Ponder if it's possible to make Shanghai go only partially Goliath. If so, we may well have something better than a bed to sleep on! Beds can't cuddle, after all...
>Help Ran clean up, observe Yukari discretely to see if it seems like she wants to open up about things, or depart so we can bother Ran about them.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 18, 2010, 11:18:59 PM
>Consider sleeptimes.
>Ponder if it's possible to make Shanghai go only partially Goliath. If so, we may well have something better than a bed to sleep on! Beds can't cuddle, after all...
>Help Ran clean up, observe Yukari discretely to see if it seems like she wants to open up about things, or depart so we can bother Ran about them.

> You're not that tired yet.

> She certainly can! Though her minimal flight abilities are still unusable in that form.

> You help Ran clean up while watching Yukari. She shows no signs of sharing anything. She leaves the room to head to bed. Now's your chance!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 18, 2010, 11:49:47 PM
>"Hey Ran? What's up with that dead area to the <direction> of the house?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 19, 2010, 12:53:43 AM
>"Hey Ran? What's up with that dead area to the <direction> of the house?"

> She looks right at you.
> "What dead area?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 19, 2010, 01:04:03 AM
> "I found an area where magic stuff didn't seem to work. I actually had to use my wings arther then magic, to fly around in it. Do you know anything about it?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 19, 2010, 01:31:54 AM
> "I found an area where magic stuff didn't seem to work. I actually had to use my wings arther then magic, to fly around in it. Do you know anything about it?"

> "Not at all."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on June 19, 2010, 01:32:52 AM
>"Really? Not at all? Nothing about a shed or wailing or... anything of the sort?"
>Does Ran look or sound like she's in doubt with her words?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 19, 2010, 01:33:46 AM
>"Wanna go see?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 19, 2010, 03:16:58 AM
>"Really? Not at all? Nothing about a shed or wailing or... anything of the sort?"
>Does Ran look or sound like she's in doubt with her words?

> "Not at all."

> Nope. Those seemed to be her footprints though...Either they were someone else's, or she was never there.

>"Wanna go see?"

> She thinks about it for a moment.
> "Possibly some other time. Maybe we could go see then."

> Two hands cup around your eyes as an unfamiliar voice rings out.
> "Guess who~"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on June 19, 2010, 03:19:06 AM
>"... Lily?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 19, 2010, 03:24:27 AM
> "Oh, I am not to sure... Yuka, maybe? Or maybe someone strong enough they could kick my ass, heh." Sarcastic sort of tone for the 1st part, but not sarcastic for the 2nd. Not rude for either, since we are playing along :V
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on June 19, 2010, 03:24:47 AM
> "Kogasa!"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 19, 2010, 03:25:36 AM
>"... Lily?"

> "...Wow. Didn't know my voice still sounded so childish."

> "Oh, I am not to sure... Yuka, maybe? Or maybe someone strong enough they could kick my ass, heh." Sarcastic sort of tone for the 1st part, but not sarcastic for the 2nd. Not rude for either, since we are playing along :V

> "Nope, I'm not Yukari's lover, either. And I think a fight between us might be pretty even."

> "Kogasa!"

> "...Uh...Not even close."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 19, 2010, 03:29:33 AM
>"Oh! Oh! I got it! The Shrine Maiden! What'd I win?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 19, 2010, 03:31:20 AM
> "Ummm, based on what you said... Nitori? it can't be anyone to powerful, since I'm not that powerful."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on June 19, 2010, 03:33:32 AM
>"Haha, sorry, my memories on the fritz. But don't tell me! I know I can remember you!"
>Try and identify her voice, how mature does it sound?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 19, 2010, 03:35:48 AM
>"Oh! Oh! I got it! The Shrine Maiden! What'd I win?"

> "...Ooh boy, this is going to take a while."

> "Ummm, based on what you said... Nitori? it can't be anyone to powerful, since I'm not that powerful."

> "Nope."

>"Haha, sorry, my memories on the fritz. But don't tell me! I know I can remember you!"
>Try and identify her voice, how mature does it sound?

> "It'll take you a few years at this rate."

> Quite mature. Older than yours...
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 19, 2010, 03:41:18 AM
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on June 19, 2010, 03:42:10 AM
>"Wait wait... I think I'm remembering now... when was the last time I met ya?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 19, 2010, 03:49:13 AM
>"Wait wait... I think I'm remembering now... when was the last time I met ya?"

> She lets out a quiet nya.
> "I was just at the table eating vanilla ice cream."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on June 19, 2010, 03:51:40 AM
>"Chen! Haha, I'm sorry! As I said my memory is on the fritz..."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 19, 2010, 03:55:01 AM
> "Ahhhh... Ahem... CHEEEEN!" Burst out laughing after saying that :3
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 19, 2010, 03:57:27 AM
>"Chen! Haha, I'm sorry! As I said my memory is on the fritz..."
> "Ahhhh... Ahem... CHEEEEN!" Burst out laughing after saying that :3

> "Yes, alright then."
> As she removes her hands, you can see Ran stifling a giggle.
> "I just wanted to talk to you for a second. Could you come to my room?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on June 19, 2010, 03:59:24 AM
>"Sure thing!"
>Follow her into her room.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 19, 2010, 04:00:40 AM
> "Yes, alright then."
> As she removes her hands, you can see Ran stifling a giggle.
> "I just wanted to talk to you for a second. Could you come to my room?"

> "Oh, ok. I honestly did not reconize you, you sound so much more... mature."
> Head to Chen's room with her.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 19, 2010, 04:02:10 AM
>"And I was kinda hoping it was mom..."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 19, 2010, 04:16:54 AM
>"Sure thing!"
>Follow her into her room.

> You follow her into her room.

> "Oh, ok. I honestly did not reconize you, you sound so much more... mature."
> Head to Chen's room with her.

> "Well, that's what I'm going for."

>"And I was kinda hoping it was mom..."

> "You don't have a mom, do you?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 19, 2010, 04:18:19 AM
> Do we have a mom, at all? Living or deceased?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 19, 2010, 04:29:52 AM
> Do we have a mom, at all? Living or deceased?

> Nope.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on June 19, 2010, 04:31:52 AM
>...did we come from the stork, then? D:
>"Okay, so what did'ja want to talk to me about?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 19, 2010, 04:48:20 AM
>...did we come from the stork, then? D:
>"Okay, so what did'ja want to talk to me about?"

> Faerie's don't reproduce. They just...appear, often representing some aspect of nature.

> She looks around after thinking for a moment.
> "I...can't...remember..."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 19, 2010, 04:54:26 AM
> "I don't think I have a mom. ;-;"
> "Anyway, what did you want to talk about Chen?"
> "You don't remember why you wanted to talk to me? I am sorry, but that sounds a bit funny :3"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on June 19, 2010, 05:04:07 AM
>Assuming she doesn't remember/start a different topic, ask her about the dead area weird thing shed wailer whatever we saw etc.

too sleep deprieved to elaborate
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 19, 2010, 05:07:44 AM
>Assuming she doesn't remember/start a different topic, ask her about the dead area weird thing shed wailer whatever we saw etc.

too sleep deprieved to elaborate

then sleep damnit, and dream of Yukari :3 Doo eet :3
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 19, 2010, 05:37:22 AM
> "I don't think I have a mom. ;-;"
> "Anyway, what did you want to talk about Chen?"
> "You don't remember why you wanted to talk to me? I am sorry, but that sounds a bit funny :3"

> "...Sorry..."

> "It does, doesn't it?"
> She grins.

>Assuming she doesn't remember/start a different topic, ask her about the dead area weird thing shed wailer whatever we saw etc.

too sleep deprieved to elaborate

> "What shed thing?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on June 19, 2010, 05:38:48 AM
>"... Here, I have an idea! Why don't I show it to you?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 19, 2010, 06:54:22 AM
>"... Here, I have an idea! Why don't I show it to you?"

> "It was some weird thing, it was all weird, and stuff."
> Was the shed-thingie, whatever it is, in the Dead Zone?
> If so "It was in a Dead Zone to."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 19, 2010, 07:33:17 AM
>"... Here, I have an idea! Why don't I show it to you?"
> "It was some weird thing, it was all weird, and stuff."
> Was the shed-thingie, whatever it is, in the Dead Zone?
> If so "It was in a Dead Zone to."

> "Okay then. It certainly sounds...strange enough to warrant a look!"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on June 19, 2010, 07:48:20 AM
>"Alright then! Follow me!"
>Lead Chen toward the shed.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 19, 2010, 02:30:35 PM
>"Alright then! Follow me!"
>Lead Chen toward the shed.

> You step out of the house and fly towards the shed with Chen following you.
> "When did you find this?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on June 19, 2010, 02:31:45 PM
>"Right before we ate that ice cream!"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 19, 2010, 02:40:07 PM
>"Right before we ate that ice cream!"

> "Oh, I see..."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 19, 2010, 02:43:05 PM
Yukari gonna spank us for this =[
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on June 19, 2010, 02:45:08 PM
Yukari gonna spank us for this =[
You know you wanna know. I know you know you want to know.

>Reach the... shed-thingy.
>Refract light so it's visible.
>"There it is! Normally it's invisible, but with that ability I copied from Reisen, I can make it appear!"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 19, 2010, 02:49:45 PM
Oh, of course. But the proper answer to "This thing doesn't exist, please stop asking" isn't to start showing it to people who aren't even involved. That's just directly violating the trust and the desires of the person who doesn't want this spread.

We're gonna get evicted ._.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 19, 2010, 02:52:08 PM
We're gonna get evicted ._.

Maybe this wasn't such a good idea? Although, at the same time, we wouldn't be doing this is Yukari told us about it in the first place. She may want to avoid the topic, but she is only leaving us curious.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 19, 2010, 02:58:26 PM
True, but that doesn't really justify spreading it around behind her back. =I
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 19, 2010, 03:42:50 PM
You know you wanna know. I know you know you want to know.

>Reach the... shed-thingy.
>Refract light so it's visible.
>"There it is! Normally it's invisible, but with that ability I copied from Reisen, I can make it appear!"
Oh, of course. But the proper answer to "This thing doesn't exist, please stop asking" isn't to start showing it to people who aren't even involved. That's just directly violating the trust and the desires of the person who doesn't want this spread.

We're gonna get evicted ._.
Maybe this wasn't such a good idea? Although, at the same time, we wouldn't be doing this is Yukari told us about it in the first place. She may want to avoid the topic, but she is only leaving us curious.
True, but that doesn't really justify spreading it around behind her back. =I

> You reach the shed and make it visible.

> "I see...That's odd..."

> You begin to argue with yourself if doing this is right. You resolve to satisfy your own curiosity. Though you still guilty about it.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 19, 2010, 04:03:18 PM
>Recloak the shed, so some passerby doesn't see it.
>"You gotta keep this super omega double plus secret, okay?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 19, 2010, 04:04:16 PM
>Recloak the shed, so some passerby doesn't see it.
>"You gotta keep this super omega double plus secret, okay?"

> You make the shed invisible and make Chen promise to keep this a secret.
> "Okay."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 19, 2010, 04:09:40 PM
>"So Ran, or Yukari, and Yuuka haven't said anything about this at all?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 19, 2010, 07:29:45 PM
>"So Ran, or Yukari, and Yuuka haven't said anything about this at all?"

> "Not at all, why?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 19, 2010, 07:35:50 PM
>"Yukari knows about it. Ran...might. Or Yuka. One of the two..."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on June 19, 2010, 08:36:32 PM
>"What do you think we should do about it Chen?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 19, 2010, 09:20:49 PM
>"Yukari knows about it. Ran...might. Or Yuka. One of the two..."

> "That's odd...I don't know why they'd keep it from you."

>"What do you think we should do about it Chen?"

> "No clue whatsoever."

> She puts her ear against it and listens. She hears the wailing, you think. At least, that's what the expression on her face says.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on June 19, 2010, 09:22:21 PM
>"Any guesses on just where that wailing might be coming from?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 19, 2010, 09:23:55 PM
>"I'm pretty sure they don't want it messed with, so don't try to do too much to it..."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 19, 2010, 09:37:11 PM
>"Any guesses on just where that wailing might be coming from?"

> "Inside is my best bet."
> She smiles.

>"I'm pretty sure they don't want it messed with, so don't try to do too much to it..."

> She's too busy scratching through the metal to hear you.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on June 19, 2010, 09:41:18 PM
>Wait, she's scratching through the metal?
>Is she making progress by doing so?
>If the answer is yes, start freaking out a little, but don't stop her because we won't be able to stop thinking about this until it's all done with.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on June 19, 2010, 09:47:36 PM
>"Er... hehe, wrong question. I meant what that wailing might be coming from..."
>"... Think... we should take a look inside?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 19, 2010, 09:57:24 PM
>Push her away from the shed this instant!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 19, 2010, 09:59:45 PM
>Wait, she's scratching through the metal?
>Is she making progress by doing so?
>If the answer is yes, start freaking out a little, but don't stop her because we won't be able to stop thinking about this until it's all done with.

> She is indeed.

> You freak out a little before letting her continue a while longer.

>"Er... hehe, wrong question. I meant what that wailing might be coming from..."
>"... Think... we should take a look inside?"

> "Of course we should!"

>Push her away from the shed this instant!

> You push her out of the way.
> "Wha-? Make up your mind, Aurica!"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on June 19, 2010, 10:04:09 PM
>"Well... a... quick... peek couldn't hurt?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 19, 2010, 10:06:46 PM
>"Well... a... quick... peek couldn't hurt?"

>Disregard this: it most certainly could.
>There's a difference between wanting to know what it is and letting something Yukari does not want know to exist to go free =[
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on June 19, 2010, 10:55:01 PM
But it's so obvious that this is what we're supposed to do next ):
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 19, 2010, 11:06:01 PM
I dunno. I've certainly set up situations to be tripped by people trying to use that logic in the past.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on June 19, 2010, 11:13:21 PM
But he's been going on about how he's been waiting for this the entire game, he's one big troll if it's just a trap ):

Besides, even if we die, we get sent back to the last possible time to not die =D

Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 19, 2010, 11:17:46 PM
If Yukari's afraid of it, there's a fair chance it might be enough to keep her from saving us.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on June 19, 2010, 11:19:13 PM
>What other stuff was on the piece of paper anyway. Is there any we haven't checked out?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 19, 2010, 11:26:38 PM
>We've not seen what's actually in the school.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 20, 2010, 05:27:47 AM
>"Well... a... quick... peek couldn't hurt?"
>Disregard this: it most certainly could.
>There's a difference between wanting to know what it is and letting something Yukari does not want know to exist to go free =[

But he's been going on about how he's been waiting for this the entire game, he's one big troll if it's just a trap ):

Besides, even if we die, we get sent back to the last possible time to not die =D


> You continue to argue with yourself. You finally stop and allow Chen to continue her work.
> "Nyaha! Here's the weak spot!"
> She begins to scratch on what she simply claims to be the "weak point." Breaking a small hole after some time. She sticks her hand through and begins to howl with a blood-curdling scream.

>What other stuff was on the piece of paper anyway. Is there any we haven't checked out?
>We've not seen what's actually in the school.

> Areas listed:
>One in the human village's school, one labeled in the Garden of the Sun, another in Eientei itself, one labeled in the Tengu Village, and one in...some location near the underground entrance just labeled "The Warehouse."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on June 20, 2010, 05:29:35 AM
>Grab Chen and pull her back, to get her hand out of the hole
>"Ahhh, I knew this was going to be a bad idea! I'm sorry!"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 20, 2010, 05:43:04 AM
>Grab Chen and pull her back, to get her hand out of the hole
>"Ahhh, I knew this was going to be a bad idea! I'm sorry!"

> You pull her hand out and she laughs uncontrollably.
> "Ehehe...Fooled ya!"

> The wailing can now be heard much more clearly. (
> "Well, what say you we investigate~?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 20, 2010, 05:50:09 AM
> 'C-chen y-you jerk! I thought something was actually attacking you! And that wailing sound is definately louder then it was before. I'm thinking this was a baaaad move..."
> "H-how did you get through that stuff anyway, isn't it solid steel or something? Are you really that strong?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on June 20, 2010, 05:54:39 AM
>Take a peek into the hole.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 20, 2010, 07:03:20 AM
> 'C-chen y-you jerk! I thought something was actually attacking you! And that wailing sound is definately louder then it was before. I'm thinking this was a baaaad move..."
> "H-how did you get through that stuff anyway, isn't it solid steel or something? Are you really that strong?"

> "Eh...No sense in living without danger. You can't be safe anyways!"

> She flexes her muscles a little with a proud look.
> "Well, I've got the strongest claws in all of Gensokyo."
> You have a feeling she just found a small crack or something and went from there.

>Take a peek into the hole.

> Too dark to see anything.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 20, 2010, 01:04:51 PM
>"This is totally your fault if we just let Nyarlathotep go," said in half jest.
>How thick does the steel seem to be?
>"Think we should shine a light in there?"
>Look around for something to cover up or plug the hole
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 20, 2010, 10:40:10 PM
>"This is totally your fault if we just let Nyarlathotep go," said in half jest.
>How thick does the steel seem to be?
>"Think we should shine a light in there?"
>Look around for something to cover up or plug the hole

> "Maybe we did!"
> She laughs.

> Not too thick, actually. You probably could've fisticuffed through it, if it weren't a DEAD ZONE.

> "Probably."

> Well, grass likely wouldn't suit it. Unless you plan on trying to plug it with some wood?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 20, 2010, 10:49:46 PM
>Maybe a large rock.
>Go Sun element; shine inside.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 20, 2010, 10:54:25 PM
>Maybe a large rock.
>Go Sun element; shine inside.

> Maybe. Could still be pushed out by whatever's inside. It's probably too late to not explore, now.

> Putting your eye up to the tiny hole can only shine you a minimal amount of light. Not enough to see very far in...You can detect an actual floor, though.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 20, 2010, 11:12:11 PM
>Look around, try to see if there are any furnishings or anything in there?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 21, 2010, 03:22:37 AM
>Look around, try to see if there are any furnishings or anything in there?

> Not that you can see. But you can't see much of anything, so you can't accurately get a look from here.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 21, 2010, 03:34:21 AM
>"Welp, I can't see anything. Let's block it with a rock."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 21, 2010, 03:48:01 AM
>"Welp, I can't see anything. Let's block it with a rock."

> Chen gives you a questioning look.
> "So you come this far, claw a hole in it, and then you aren't interested in seeing the inside? And you really think a rock is gonna plug that hole up for good?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on June 21, 2010, 03:55:37 AM
>"Well... what can we do?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 21, 2010, 04:07:55 AM
>"I'm not going in there. I'm sure not going to make Shanghai go in there. Yukari and Ran would kill me if I let you go in there... I can't see a thing even when I shine in a light."

Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 21, 2010, 12:39:22 PM
> "We pretty much have to either rip a bigger hole in it and find out why Yukari was so, eager I guess, to avoid being here, or try to block the hole and hope for happily ever after. I just hope she wanted to avoid this place because it was a Dead Zone. Actually, a Dead Zone within Gensokyo seems kinda... weird. How do you drain that much magic and keep magic from elsewhere from flowing in?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 21, 2010, 02:12:33 PM
>"Well... what can we do?"

> "Make a bigger hole and climb inside, of course!"

>"I'm not going in there. I'm sure not going to make Shanghai go in there. Yukari and Ran would kill me if I let you go in there... I can't see a thing even when I shine in a light."

> "Well then, I'll just climb in there, then. I'll take the blame."

> "We pretty much have to either rip a bigger hole in it and find out why Yukari was so, eager I guess, to avoid being here, or try to block the hole and hope for happily ever after. I just hope she wanted to avoid this place because it was a Dead Zone. Actually, a Dead Zone within Gensokyo seems kinda... weird. How do you drain that much magic and keep magic from elsewhere from flowing in?"

> "You got it. But the dead zone...would be all in a days work for Yukari."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 21, 2010, 02:25:15 PM
>"If it's all in a day's work for Yukari, that sorta suggest all the more she doesn't want us here.
>"...Maybe if we make it just a little bit bigger, so I can get some more light in... Then afterwards, we'll get Nitori to fix it."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 21, 2010, 10:55:16 PM
> "Jeez, if Yukari could make a Dead Zone freely, then I am really having 2nd thoughts on this."
> Does our Concentrated Fisticuff require magic to use, or can it be used within the Dead Zone?
> If it can be used, then get ready to use it near the hole Chen made.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 23, 2010, 12:53:48 AM
>"If it's all in a day's work for Yukari, that sorta suggest all the more she doesn't want us here.
>"...Maybe if we make it just a little bit bigger, so I can get some more light in... Then afterwards, we'll get Nitori to fix it."

> "Yeah, well...Uhh...I have no response for that, actually."

> "Okay, sounds like a plan."

> "Jeez, if Yukari could make a Dead Zone freely, then I am really having 2nd thoughts on this."
> Does our Concentrated Fisticuff require magic to use, or can it be used within the Dead Zone?
> If it can be used, then get ready to use it near the hole Chen made.

> "Speaking of dead zones...Have you noticed that only some magic isn't working?"

> It does indeed work. It shouldn't be able to work, but it is.

> You prepare to punch that hole open.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 23, 2010, 12:59:27 AM
>Let Chen do this. Claws are more precise than serious fisticuffs, and if Nitori is to fix it later, we'll want less damage.
>We'll just stand by, chargin' our flashlight.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 23, 2010, 01:14:05 AM
>Let Chen do this. Claws are more precise than serious fisticuffs, and if Nitori is to fix it later, we'll want less damage.
>We'll just stand by, chargin' our flashlight.

> You stand by and let Chen do the work. She gets to work of clawing the wall open.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 23, 2010, 01:31:08 AM
>"Take it easy, and get away from there if anything weird happens."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 23, 2010, 02:28:21 AM
> "And please, no more pretending the "something has my arm, help me" thing, cause you scared me with that. Jokes are good, but I don't like being in a Dead Zone to begin with, and jokes like that, while rare to be able to pull off, can make people panic. I bet Ran would freak out royally if she was here."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 23, 2010, 02:39:33 AM
>"Take it easy, and get away from there if anything weird happens."

> "I know, I know..."

> "And please, no more pretending the "something has my arm, help me" thing, cause you scared me with that. Jokes are good, but I don't like being in a Dead Zone to begin with, and jokes like that, while rare to be able to pull off, can make people panic. I bet Ran would freak out royally if she was here."

> "Nya...You just can't use magic...Not like there's any cosmic horror around here..."
> She "Nyahaha"s at her statement.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 23, 2010, 02:50:59 AM
>"Well, I guess Yukari doesn't count as a cosmic horror. She's too nice."
>Observe process!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 23, 2010, 03:23:00 AM
>"Well, I guess Yukari doesn't count as a cosmic horror. She's too nice."
>Observe process!

> "Yeah!"

> She's clawing away at the metal, occasionally feeling the inside for something.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 23, 2010, 03:25:30 AM
>"Oh, and did you forget that I'm a fairy, silly? I am heavy with the Magic on top of that, I feel... nerfed. Like I was once great but now pitiful and worthless. Actt\ually, how are you not feeling nervous in a Dead Zone. Either your braver then I remember, or your stronger then I remember, or both."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 23, 2010, 03:27:27 AM
>Shine some light in that mammajamma.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 23, 2010, 04:08:18 AM
>"Oh, and did you forget that I'm a fairy, silly? I am heavy with the Magic on top of that, I feel... nerfed. Like I was once great but now pitiful and worthless. Actt\ually, how are you not feeling nervous in a Dead Zone. Either your braver then I remember, or your stronger then I remember, or both."

> "Well, we all feel nerfed. But you shouldn't. I mean, it's only half a dead zone, by the feel of it."

>Shine some light in that mammajamma.

> Chen's in the way, tough guy.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 23, 2010, 04:15:21 AM
>Let Chen complete the work to her satisfaction.
>Stop her if she seems to be making it too large.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 23, 2010, 04:30:29 AM
>Let Chen complete the work to her satisfaction.
>Stop her if she seems to be making it too large.

> She shows no signs of stopping.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on June 23, 2010, 04:40:01 AM
> How big is the hole?
> "Don't make it too big, we just need to be able to see whats inside."
> "I think it's only "half" Dead cause whoever did this also needed to make this thing invisable. Can't make something invisable with magic when it's in a Dead Zone."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 23, 2010, 02:30:34 PM
> How big is the hole?
> "Don't make it too big, we just need to be able to see whats inside."
> "I think it's only "half" Dead cause whoever did this also needed to make this thing invisable. Can't make something invisable with magic when it's in a Dead Zone."

> About enough to stick your head in.

> "Yes, yes, I know."

> "Probably."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 23, 2010, 03:48:51 PM
>"Okay, let's give it another try."
>Once Chen gets out of the road, start firin' our flashlight into that hole and look through it.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 23, 2010, 09:21:47 PM
>"Okay, let's give it another try."
>Once Chen gets out of the road, start firin' our flashlight into that hole and look through it.

> Once she completes the hole to her satisfaction, she moves out of the way, allowing you to put your head through.

> You see a young girl at a table putting a forkful of food into her mouth. She looks shocked to see you.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 23, 2010, 09:23:56 PM
>Who puts their head through a mystery doom hole without looking first?
>What does this person look like?
>...What's she eating?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on June 23, 2010, 09:24:30 PM
>Wonder if this is a portal to somewhere that Yukari just couldn't close for some reason.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on June 23, 2010, 09:28:11 PM
>Examine the girl.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 23, 2010, 09:30:18 PM
>"Um, hi?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 24, 2010, 01:26:50 AM
>Who puts their head through a mystery doom hole without looking first?
>What does this person look like?
>...What's she eating?

> Aurica does, apparently.

> You grimace.

> She has a red ribbon of fair size, a sort of blouse-ish thing of a pink colour, and extremely bright, noticeable pink socks. The socks really catch your eye.

> Some sort of cake. Lots of frosting!

>Wonder if this is a portal to somewhere that Yukari just couldn't close for some reason.

> You have no clue. Maybe...

>Examine the girl.

> Eating cake, looking shocked to see you. There's actually a bit of light coming from a few candles scattered around the room.

>"Um, hi?"

> She sighs.
> "Well, that solves that problem."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 24, 2010, 01:28:33 AM
>"I like solving problems. Who're you, anyways?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 24, 2010, 02:29:52 AM
>"I like solving problems. Who're you, anyways?"

> "Oh...Uh...Tell me your name first, please. I know it's impolite to ask questions before being introduced...but I've just been in here for quite a while. One stops trusting after that, right?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on June 24, 2010, 02:35:19 AM
>Wonder if it's a baaaad idea to tell her our real name. I mean, she IS sealed inside an invisible thing in a half-dead zone. She could still be some eldritch abomination, no matter how cute.
>"I'm Callie, the fairy!", unless people think we should just use our real name.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 24, 2010, 02:52:32 AM
Purvis is ambivalent to pseudonyms. We have every reason not to trust this person.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 24, 2010, 03:30:43 AM
>Wonder if it's a baaaad idea to tell her our real name. I mean, she IS sealed inside an invisible thing in a half-dead zone. She could still be some eldritch abomination, no matter how cute.
>"I'm Callie, the fairy!", unless people think we should just use our real name.

> Well, she seems perfectly innocent...Though looks are generally deceiving.

> "Well, I doubt that, I heard a few different names going on out there. I'm Rin. Satsuki Rin."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 24, 2010, 03:33:25 AM
>"So what're you doing in here? And where'd that cake come from?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on June 24, 2010, 09:35:48 AM
For the love of SHINKI, you are all paranoid pussies. I'm gone from this game for a few days and NQ completely comes to a crawl. We're freaking immortal with a big red shiny reset button. What the hell can happen?! And have we ever been screwed over by Thundr? Has he ever put us through an impossible situation? Has he ever threatened permanent game over? Has anything ever happened that made everything turn irrevocably for the worst?


He's trying to tell a story, not to completely fuck you over at every possible moment. Think about it: if he game overs you, how can he possibly finish the story. We've come so far, he isn't going to make us lose. Just let the story flow and GET THE HINTS.

Now sit down and play the goddamn game, wusses.

> Smash the wall down with concentrated fisticuffs.
> Walk up to Rin her table and take a seat (assuming there is a seat). Invite Chen.
> "He, sorry, I've been a bit paranoid lately. You seem nice enough though. My real name is Aurica. The doll is Shanghai and the cat gal over there is Chen. Nice to meet you, Rin."
> "How did you get in here anyway?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on June 24, 2010, 01:36:27 PM
> Wonder why Yukari was keeping someone seemingly harmless from us.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 24, 2010, 02:02:58 PM
>"So what're you doing in here? And where'd that cake come from?"

> "Well, it's a long story...The cake is something I just found, which is another long story."

He's trying to tell a story, not to completely fuck you over at every possible moment.

> Smash the wall down with concentrated fisticuffs.
> Walk up to Rin her table and take a seat (assuming there is a seat). Invite Chen.
> "He, sorry, I've been a bit paranoid lately. You seem nice enough though. My real name is Aurica. The doll is Shanghai and the cat gal over there is Chen. Nice to meet you, Rin."
> "How did you get in here anyway?"

(Just a few things...Yes, I am trying to fuck you over at every possible moment. And there is a final grade, so I'm pretty sure people are just trying to play well, without dying.  :V)

> Chen steps in and looks around.
> "Err...Sorry about the wall. Nice place you have here."
> "Oh no, I'm glad you tore it down."

> "Well, I hope you're familiar with the scarlet mist incident...When that girl in the SDM began to spread mist that was beginning to block out the sun?"

> Wonder why Yukari was keeping someone seemingly harmless from us.

> You have no blooming clue. Investigation time~?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on June 24, 2010, 02:30:44 PM

(Just a few things...Yes, I am trying to fuck you over at every possible moment. And there is a final grade, so I'm pretty sure people are just trying to play well, without dying.  :V)


Excuse me for a moment, I'm going to sit in a corner for now, thinking over my jerkish reaction....

> "No, sorry, I haven't been that long here. I don't know about this 'Scarlet Mist Incident' besides a few side remarks from various people. Care to explain?"
> Examine the room. How big is this place anyway? And is there anything out of the ordinary in there?
> "How did you survive in this box?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 24, 2010, 04:47:03 PM
In my case, it's called reactng to things in character, rather than trying to metagame stuff. And no, we're not immortal. All it takes is for Yukari to say "Yeah no" and we're screwed. And guess what is most likely to make Yukari say "Yeah no"? Not to mention that dying isn't pleasant even if you do get better. And then there's collateral damage, what with Chen being there...(and outside of that, though Aurica probably wouldn't consider it normally) Sometimes them plot hooks are actually fishing hooks. Essentially, if you're ooking at it metagamey instead of in character, you're doing it wrong.

>In a completely innocent and conversational tone, like asking if she's a bit hot in here,: "Are you a horrible force of death and destruction and general meanness?"

Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on June 24, 2010, 05:55:28 PM
In my case, it's called reactng to things in character, rather than trying to metagame stuff. And no, we're not immortal. All it takes is for Yukari to say "Yeah no" and we're screwed. And guess what is most likely to make Yukari say "Yeah no"? Not to mention that dying isn't pleasant even if you do get better. And then there's collateral damage, what with Chen being there...(and outside of that, though Aurica probably wouldn't consider it normally) Sometimes them plot hooks are actually fishing hooks. Essentially, if you're ooking at it metagamey instead of in character, you're doing it wrong.

>In a completely innocent and conversational tone, like asking if she's a bit hot in here,: "Are you a horrible force of death and destruction and general meanness?"

First: Aurica doesn't have a character. She is a puppet used by us. We make up her personality. And this part says we need to get to business.
Secondly: Yukari will never say no. Ever. She's our foster mother. Like hell she'll kill us off, even if we did stuff like this. A mother doesn't kill her child for misdeeds. And we will survive till and past the end. There is no such thing as a permanent game over. Yukari loves us. Word of God.
Third: Yukari can reset time. Who gives a crap if Chen and other stuff get damaged? Time will be reset and everything will be alright.
Fourth: We've died fifty times already. Did we have any traumas or after pains left from it? No. So stop about that. We don't get a penalty for deaths. Word of God.
Fifth: You've been looking at other text adventures too much. This one's different. Even if its a fishing hook we always, ALWAYS get out of it for the better (Missigno incident, time incident).
Sixth: Holding up the game is worse than metagaming. You can't take hints either, like the time we were trapped in Mugenkan where we were SUPPOSED to punch Yuuka in the face or light Mugenkan on fire. Thundr had to bust out Lily Black to get the story moving and stop you from holding up the game with your pointless wisecracks (which ALSO killed us, hypocrite). Word of God.

> Don't say that. That is just rude. Just ask what kind of person she is and what she has done to get here. (And Purv you're a huge hypocrite if you say that. You object to smashing the wall down and approaching Rin, but now that you're in front of her you just blurt out your potential death wish. You're no better than me.)
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on June 24, 2010, 06:00:28 PM
> ...
> "Can we have some cake?"
> "Why are you in here anyway?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 24, 2010, 06:44:08 PM

Excuse me for a moment, I'm going to sit in a corner for now, thinking over my jerkish reaction....

> "No, sorry, I haven't been that long here. I don't know about this 'Scarlet Mist Incident' besides a few side remarks from various people. Care to explain?"
> Examine the room. How big is this place anyway? And is there anything out of the ordinary in there?
> "How did you survive in this box?"

> Relatively big. Cupboards, a basin, this table. And there's a small bed that just looks painfully uncomfortable.

> "Well, it happened exactly like I said it did. A Vampire was spreading mist to block out the sun. That miko and her witch friend stopped her and reclaimed spring. I was going to tag along to help, but..."
> She takes another bite of her cake.
> "I couldn't breathe in the mist. It choked me. I went to a place where the mist hadn't reached yet and I made this box with the help of Yukari. Then I had to make a sort of vent so I wouldn't run out of air. I've been here for...a few years now. I'm fine though. I just couldn't break the box open from inside. I guess the steel I used was too tough. The mist faded a long time ago, thankfully."
> She giggles.
> "I guess I'll know for next time; watch out for Kappa-steel."
> "Well, what do you eat?"
> "I don't need to eat much, thankfully. But every few days after I began to run out of food, a tiny satchel with a note just signed, "t.N.T" was left near that cellar door. Inside was a few veggies and perhaps some meat. Every so often, I'd get a cake like this one. I have no idea what's down there. Yukari said that I shouldn't open that door. Did you hear wailing out there? That's just that thing."
> She motions to a brown cellar door made of what appears to be very, very, old oak.

>In a completely innocent and conversational tone, like asking if she's a bit hot in here,: "Are you a horrible force of death and destruction and general meanness?"
> Don't say that. That is just rude. Just ask what kind of person she is and what she has done to get here. (And Purv you're a huge hypocrite if you say that. You object to smashing the wall down and approaching Rin, but now that you're in front of her you just blurt out your potential death wish. You're no better than me.)

> "Well, I used to be a nurse in the human village. I just couldn't breathe the mist and...had to run away."

> ...
> "Can we have some cake?"
> "Why are you in here anyway?"

> ...

> "Oh, of course. Most of the time the cake goes to waste. I just can't eat all of it."
> She stands up, takes a knife out of a cupboard and cuts you a piece of cake.
> "Here ya go!"
> She sets the plate on the table.

> "Breathing problems, basically."
> She goes back to eating her cake.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 24, 2010, 06:48:17 PM
(Things are being taken to PM. But I should reiterate the warnings about making things too personal. Pesco isn't a fraction as merciful about it as I am)
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on June 24, 2010, 06:52:23 PM
>"Eh... what's... in that there cellar door?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 24, 2010, 10:27:07 PM
>"Eh... what's... in that there cellar door?"

> "I dunno. I opened it once, though. Then I dropped my erhu down there, and, well...I'm too afraid to go get it."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on June 24, 2010, 10:28:57 PM
>"... Let's pretend it doesn't exist. That sounds like the most plausible choice wouldn't you agree?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 24, 2010, 10:38:19 PM
>Can we see the cellar door from here? If so, look at it. Look the hell out of it.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 24, 2010, 11:28:49 PM
>"... Let's pretend it doesn't exist. That sounds like the most plausible choice wouldn't you agree?"

> "B-But my erhu! I need that..."

>Can we see the cellar door from here? If so, look at it. Look the hell out of it.

> You can see it. The wood is splintered, but there isn't a crack in it. It seems like it's hundreds of years old. No wailing, at the moment.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 24, 2010, 11:33:47 PM
>"Let's pretend there is a cellar door, although there clearly isn't. What would you have seen you see down there if you looked? Stairs? A ladder?"
>Try not to get lost in how totally sweet cellar door sounds.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 24, 2010, 11:48:01 PM
>"Let's pretend there is a cellar door, although there clearly isn't. What would you have seen you see down there if you looked? Stairs? A ladder?"
>Try not to get lost in how totally sweet cellar door sounds.

> "Well, there was stairs. Lot's of stairs. I couldn't see much, unfortunately."

> It sounds pretty good, yes. You try to stay away from thinking about it too much...
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 24, 2010, 11:57:44 PM
>"Maybe we could get a new one?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 25, 2010, 12:17:27 AM
>"Maybe we could get a new one?"

> "B-But it's my erhu..."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 25, 2010, 12:28:28 AM
>"Oh, that's a good point."
>"Uh, what do you think, Chen?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 25, 2010, 12:35:30 AM
>"Oh, that's a good point."
>"Uh, what do you think, Chen?"

> "Not really. I can't think of any reason to go down there. I just really want my erhu back."
> She grimfaces.

> "I have no clue. Perhaps we should think about this?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on June 25, 2010, 12:41:53 AM
> "..."
> "We should get it shouldn't we."
> "We should ALL go and get it shouldn't we."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 25, 2010, 02:55:57 AM
> "..."
> "We should get it shouldn't we."
> "We should ALL go and get it shouldn't we."

> "Well, I dunno. We could just leave it."

> "We have the best chances of surviving whatever horrible evil is down there together, yes."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Seian Verian on June 25, 2010, 02:57:55 AM
> "...Wait when was horrible evil mentioned anyway?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 25, 2010, 03:08:08 AM
>Was it Chen or Rin who mentioned that?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 25, 2010, 05:21:47 AM
>Was it Chen or Rin who mentioned that?

> Rin.

> "...Wait when was horrible evil mentioned anyway?"

> "Well, considering there was absolute darkness that initially caused me to drop my erhu, I'm going to guess on horrible evil."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Seian Verian on June 25, 2010, 05:24:45 AM
> "Wait... Do you mean it reached up and grabbed your erhu, or you dropped it in surprise at how dark it was? Did the light just stop at a certain point suddenly where it was complete darkness with no fading in between or what?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 25, 2010, 05:30:35 AM
>Ponder if we're HARDCORE enough to rock the FACE off an ultimate evil.
>"Wait...does magic work in there? Or down there? This is important."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on June 25, 2010, 08:04:58 AM
> "About those breathing problems: do you have some lung problems or is your race incapable of breathing that mist?"
> "What is your race anyway?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 25, 2010, 02:02:02 PM
> "Wait... Do you mean it reached up and grabbed your erhu, or you dropped it in surprise at how dark it was? Did the light just stop at a certain point suddenly where it was complete darkness with no fading in between or what?"

> "I dropped it out of a sort of surprise. If you look down there, you'll see what I mean."

>Ponder if we're HARDCORE enough to rock the FACE off an ultimate evil.
>"Wait...does magic work in there? Or down there? This is important."

> Well, probably not. But when has the fear of dying stopped you?

> "Well, we could just tell Yukari to get rid of the the half dead zone and then we could come back."

> "About those breathing problems: do you have some lung problems or is your race incapable of breathing that mist?"
> "What is your race anyway?"

> "I don't know. I've never found out why. Mostly because, y'know, trapped in a box."

> "This may sound silly, but I'm not too sure about that either. I've always thought Kirin, but..."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 25, 2010, 05:07:00 PM
>"Well, I guess we're kinda married to this now. But at the same time, it's probably better to have magic be dead here. Whatever's down there is probably more limited by it than we are. So, we should probably get prepared! Chen, you have any awesome spellcards or something you left at home? And...maybe Lily would help, she's always been good to us. Oh, and maybe Nitori has some asskicker machine we can use!"
>Consider what will and will not work in this dead zone.

Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 25, 2010, 06:54:59 PM
>"Well, I guess we're kinda married to this now. But at the same time, it's probably better to have magic be dead here. Whatever's down there is probably more limited by it than we are. So, we should probably get prepared! Chen, you have any awesome spellcards or something you left at home? And...maybe Lily would help, she's always been good to us. Oh, and maybe Nitori has some asskicker machine we can use!"
>Consider what will and will not work in this dead zone.


> Rin nods her head.
> Chen tells you she has everything she could use.
> "Err...Aurica, where would we get Lily? I could get out there and look for her, or we could ask Yukari..."

> You have no blooming clue, once again. See a pattern here?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 25, 2010, 07:01:33 PM
>"Yeah, you go find her! And I'll hit up Nitori and maybe someone will have a brainstorm on the way... And, uh, we'll meet back here?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 25, 2010, 09:26:17 PM
>"Yeah, you go find her! And I'll hit up Nitori and maybe someone will have a brainstorm on the way... And, uh, we'll meet back here?"

> "Err...Okay!"
> Rin nods.
> "I'll stay here and wait."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 25, 2010, 09:37:26 PM
>"It's a plan! Um, try and remember anything else important while we're gone, Rin."
>Off to Nitorihearth!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 27, 2010, 11:43:45 PM
>"It's a plan! Um, try and remember anything else important while we're gone, Rin."
>Off to Nitorihearth!

> "Alright. I'll be eating this cake, then."

> Quest added!
> Fistful of Non-existence: Examine Rin's basement.

> You have successfully charted "The Warehouse!"
> You have leveled up!

> Current skills:

-CONCENTRATED FISTICUFF LV.2: An attack used by focusing energy into your fist and punching. You can also focus kick.

-FAIRY FLIGHT LV.2: A form of flight that allows fairies to fly using wings. Allows flight anywhere, even in anti-magic zones. You can fly very fast.

-ELEMENTAL CONCENTRATION LV.3: Allows you to change internal element. You are currently neutral type. You can utilize; fire, ice, wind, earth, metal, and sun with extra potency. You can also utilize moon.

-FAIRY REGENERATION LV.2: If damaged and not yet dead, you can rapidly regenerate health.

-ATTACK COPY LV.2: A very powerful ability that allows you to copy a LV.1 version of an enemies attack. Holds up to ten skills. Currently holding:
-GAP LV:0.6
-Lunatic Red Eyes

-FEIGN DEATH LV.1: Temporarily stop your heart.

-AERO DASH LV.1: An ultra fast dash.

-CUTE LOOK LV.1: Increases negotiation ability.

-DANMAKU LV.4: Even though you're a fairy from the outside world, you've spent a lot of time perfecting magical attacks. Studying only gos so far though!

> Spellcards:

- Foreign entity ~ One with no face: A spiral pattern. Quite low level.

- A little fairy ~ Focused target: An accurate attack with wind element bound to it. Fires ten large bursts at the opponent.

- Luminous Gaze ~ Blooming flower: A sun elemental attack. Inaccurate, but very powerful.

- Trouble sign ~ Double the Fun: Create two big spheres behind the enemy that creep inward. Very stealthy.Element of attack is based on what element ELEMENTAL CONCENTRATION is bound to.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 27, 2010, 11:48:05 PM
>What would improving Elemental Concentration grant us?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 28, 2010, 12:37:42 AM
>What would improving Elemental Concentration grant us?

> Can't tell you until you level up, unfortunately.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 28, 2010, 12:40:45 AM
>Good enough for me! Level up Elemental Concentration. We use it a lot, and it'll probably serve us well in the dead zone as it has thus far.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 28, 2010, 03:33:47 AM
>Good enough for me! Level up Elemental Concentration. We use it a lot, and it'll probably serve us well in the dead zone as it has thus far.

- ELEMENTAL CONCENTRATION LV.4: Allows you to change internal element. You are currently neutral type. You can utilize; fire, ice, wind, earth, metal, sun, and moon with extra power.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 28, 2010, 03:41:21 AM
>Consider what moon, metal, and earth types can do.
>To Nitorihold!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 28, 2010, 01:37:56 PM
>Consider what moon, metal, and earth types can do.
>To Nitorihold!

> Yay! Happiness!

> You'll have to experiment, now won't you.

> You head to Nitori's place with Shanghai.

> Kappatown is busy, as usual. Tons of people about. Nitori's shack stands where it always was.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 28, 2010, 06:55:47 PM
>Does it seem like there's anything in particular going on, or just the usual busying about?
>If it's just the usual, head on to Nitori's Shack and knock on the door. Or just walk in if the door's open.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 29, 2010, 12:04:11 AM
>Does it seem like there's anything in particular going on, or just the usual busying about?
>If it's just the usual, head on to Nitori's Shack and knock on the door. Or just walk in if the door's open.

> Usual busying.

> You stride into Nitori's house. She appears to be measuring a long...pole of some sort.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 29, 2010, 12:13:47 AM
>"Sup Awesomeneer, got anything for fighting unknown evils?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 29, 2010, 12:38:40 AM
>"Sup Awesomeneer, got anything for fighting unknown evils?"

> She perks up.
> "Ah, hello, Aurica! I do not!"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 29, 2010, 12:46:05 AM
>"Well crap."
>"Can you jury rig something up? We might have a big one, and it's in a kinda place where magic doesn't always work."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 29, 2010, 05:58:02 AM
>"Well crap."
>"Can you jury rig something up? We might have a big one, and it's in a kinda place where magic doesn't always work."

> You ponder before proposing a question to Nitori.
> She charges into the back room and emerges with a plasma cutter. You notice her lack of facial protection.
> "I'm too busy for safety!"
> She slams a hunk of raw metal onto a table and traces her fingers in some sort of pattern on it.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 29, 2010, 06:14:44 AM
>"Can I help!?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on June 29, 2010, 06:20:45 AM
>"... Are you sure you'll be okay?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 29, 2010, 04:53:49 PM
>"Can I help!?"

> She spin around and gets extremely close to your face.
> "No. This is a challenge."
> She turns back around and heads back to work.

>"... Are you sure you'll be okay?"

Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on June 29, 2010, 05:32:18 PM
> Cheer Nitori on.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 29, 2010, 06:02:18 PM
> Cheer Nitori on.

> You begin to cheer Nitori on.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 29, 2010, 06:09:51 PM
>Observe with awe!
>Have a few cucumber candies.
>Huggle Shanghai to try to keep boredom from settling in.
>Once boredom sets in, go exploring through the shack to see what can be found.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 29, 2010, 09:50:26 PM
>Observe with awe!
>Have a few cucumber candies.
>Huggle Shanghai to try to keep boredom from settling in.
>Once boredom sets in, go exploring through the shack to see what can be found.

> You observe her work while cuddling Shanghai and eating candies.

> You look around the shop for points of interest. Nothing, really.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 29, 2010, 10:02:02 PM
>Observe Nitori some more.
>If nothing happens, wander out the door and see what exciting things are going on in Kappahearth
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 30, 2010, 12:01:10 AM
>Observe Nitori some more.
>If nothing happens, wander out the door and see what exciting things are going on in Kappahearth

> Nitori finishes shaping the object. It's a small, metallic oval.
> She heads into the back room for a moment before returning, covered in soot.
> "This thing is a high-quality home-made napalm grenade. Use it wisely!"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on June 30, 2010, 12:12:39 AM
> Awe.
> "SWEET."
> Thank Nitori and head back to the warehouse.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 30, 2010, 01:44:56 AM
> Awe.
> "SWEET."
> Thank Nitori and head back to the warehouse.

> Awe.

> "It's nothing really. You came at a bad time."

> You thank her after receiving the bomb/grenade.
> BOMB obtained!

> You fly back to the warehouse, where Chen is waiting outside with Lily.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 30, 2010, 02:59:34 AM
>"Hey guys! I got this thing!"
>Demonstrate bomb.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on June 30, 2010, 04:06:13 AM
>"Hey guys! I got this thing!"
>Demonstrate bomb.
>By "demonstrate", do not actually USE said bomb. Because that would be a ridiculously stupid way to waste it.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on June 30, 2010, 07:47:07 AM
>"Hey guys! I got this thing!"
>Demonstrate bomb.
>By "demonstrate", do not actually USE said bomb. Because that would be a ridiculously stupid way to waste it.

> Chen catches on immediately.
> "A bomb. I didn't think we'd need explosives..."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on June 30, 2010, 08:06:50 AM
>"Yeah, but we might need it. It was the best she could do under short notice."
>"Lily, you're good with these kind of things, right? After the whole rigmarole in the mansion and stuff?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 01, 2010, 01:40:51 AM
>"Yeah, but we might need it. It was the best she could do under short notice."
>"Lily, you're good with these kind of things, right? After the whole rigmarole in the mansion and stuff?"

> "Alright then..."

> "...Umm...No..."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 01, 2010, 04:35:35 AM
>"Oh. Stupid timeline. I'll take care of it then. Do you have anything that'll work with dead magic?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 01, 2010, 09:20:25 PM
>"Oh. Stupid timeline. I'll take care of it then. Do you have anything that'll work with dead magic?"

> "Timeline? What? I mean, we went to the mansion, but that doesn't mean I"m a bomb expert."
> "And...I'm not sure."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 01, 2010, 09:23:26 PM
>"I wonder if Satori still has that Chicago Typewriter? You could use that..."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 01, 2010, 10:07:06 PM
>"I wonder if Satori still has that Chicago Typewriter? You could use that..."

> "...I'll be fine, Aurica."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on July 01, 2010, 10:08:06 PM
> "...I'll be fine, Aurica."
> "It was just a suggestion."
> Head into the warehouse.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 02, 2010, 04:11:16 AM
> "It was just a suggestion."
> Head into the warehouse.

> "I know."

> You all head into the warehouse, ready for anything.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on July 02, 2010, 04:23:49 AM
>"Alright everyone... here's what's going down. I'm going to need you to use whatever you can as cover before we open that door. Get ready to aim whatever danmaku or weaponry you may have. If nothing comes out, I will take point with Shanghai. Behind me will be you Rin, see if you can spot your erhu as we head down. Then Lily, you keep close next to Rin, and finally, Chen you take the rear. Once we engage, IF we engage, with the opposing force, Lily, I need you to help me keep the enemy distracted as Rin grabs her Erhu. Chen, keep close to Rin and help her get out of there. Once Rin and Chen both make it safely to the route of escape, Lily and I will both make a run for it, and I will detonate the bomb to keep the opposing force back. If we are overwhelmed, I may have to detonate the bomb early and if that takes place we will need to make a run for it and get out of the radius, however large it may be. Any questions, disagreements, or misunderstandings about everyone's role in this?"
>... And is everyone else good with this plan?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 02, 2010, 04:42:31 AM
Is good plan.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on July 02, 2010, 08:30:54 AM
(This is awesome.)

> Look pleased with self.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on July 02, 2010, 01:47:50 PM
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on July 02, 2010, 03:56:42 PM
> Don't forget we still have the reflectobrella. If the horror fires magic or danmaku at us we can reflect it back to distract/flinch/push away the horror, biding us more time to install the bomb and escape. We can also use the reflectobrella as an armored turret, since any magic we fire in it from the inside gets launched out the outside. Thus we can fire danmaku and reflect attacks at the same time.
> Since this thing is a being of absolute darkness I suggest we use sun element.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 02, 2010, 05:59:48 PM
>"Alright everyone... here's what's going down. I'm going to need you to use whatever you can as cover before we open that door. Get ready to aim whatever danmaku or weaponry you may have. If nothing comes out, I will take point with Shanghai. Behind me will be you Rin, see if you can spot your erhu as we head down. Then Lily, you keep close next to Rin, and finally, Chen you take the rear. Once we engage, IF we engage, with the opposing force, Lily, I need you to help me keep the enemy distracted as Rin grabs her Erhu. Chen, keep close to Rin and help her get out of there. Once Rin and Chen both make it safely to the route of escape, Lily and I will both make a run for it, and I will detonate the bomb to keep the opposing force back. If we are overwhelmed, I may have to detonate the bomb early and if that takes place we will need to make a run for it and get out of the radius, however large it may be. Any questions, disagreements, or misunderstandings about everyone's role in this?"
>... And is everyone else good with this plan?

> Everyone agrees, though Chen is a little shocked at the length of the plan.

(This is awesome.)

> Look pleased with self.

> You put on a pleased look.

> Don't forget we still have the reflectobrella. If the horror fires magic or danmaku at us we can reflect it back to distract/flinch/push away the horror, biding us more time to install the bomb and escape. We can also use the reflectobrella as an armored turret, since any magic we fire in it from the inside gets launched out the outside. Thus we can fire danmaku and reflect attacks at the same time.
> Since this thing is a being of absolute darkness I suggest we use sun element.

> Remember that the SUPER UMBRELLA only reflects elemental magic. May be a good idea to remember that...

> You switch to SUN ELEMENT.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 02, 2010, 06:48:13 PM
>Down we go, keeping the umbrella in hand and the bomb close by.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 03, 2010, 01:00:40 AM
>Down we go, keeping the umbrella in hand and the bomb close by.

> You enter the warehouse with the gang, ready for anything.

> You take a single step on the staircase, immediately slipping. You continuously smash against every stair, making it impossible to concentrate for a mere moment and fly.

> You ponder if someone warned you about stairs.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on July 03, 2010, 01:03:13 AM
>...I don't think anyone warned us about stairs, unfortunately. Other then that they're there.
>Stop falling. Probably by hitting the bottom of the stairs, but however works.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 03, 2010, 01:08:43 AM
>...I don't think anyone warned us about stairs, unfortunately. Other then that they're there.
>Stop falling. Probably by hitting the bottom of the stairs, but however works.

> The pain! Oh god!

> You hit the bottom of the staircase and lay there in pain. You don't hear the others parading down the stairs, oddly enough.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 03, 2010, 01:30:06 AM
>Does anything feel broken?
>If not, try to stand up.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on July 03, 2010, 01:48:13 AM
> Brush self off.
> Examine surroundings.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 03, 2010, 01:55:55 AM
>"And watch out for those stairs!"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 03, 2010, 02:23:34 AM
>Does anything feel broken?
>If not, try to stand up.

> You groan loudly. You hear something stir.

> Nothing is broken, thankfully...

> You stand up, a tad dizzy from falling down the stairs.

> Brush self off.
> Examine surroundings.
>"And watch out for those stairs!"

> You warn them about the stairs as you brush yourself off.

> It's really, really dark.

> Lily comes tumbling down the stairs, in the same fashion as you. She groans loudly.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on July 03, 2010, 02:24:56 AM
>We're Sun element now, right? Make a light thingy. THEN look around.
>Oh, and don't forget to help Lily get up.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on July 03, 2010, 02:28:09 PM
> "I warned you about stairs bro.  I told you dog."
> "Why are they so damn slippery anyways?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 03, 2010, 08:13:47 PM
>Be sure to stay out of the way for the any other tumblers

Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 03, 2010, 08:20:29 PM
>We're Sun element now, right? Make a light thingy. THEN look around.
>Oh, and don't forget to help Lily get up.

> You begin to glow. Amazingly enough, the darkness is not purged. You are still blind.

> You help Lily up.
> "Thanks..."

> "I warned you about stairs bro.  I told you dog."
> "Why are they so damn slippery anyways?"

> "S-Shut up, Aurica."
> She smiles.

> "I have no idea. I just missed a step and started to tumble down..."

>Be sure to stay out of the way for the any other tumblers


> You get out of the way.

> Still no one coming down...
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 03, 2010, 08:21:56 PM
>Can we hear anything? Stuff in the darkness, or people descending?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 04, 2010, 12:27:45 AM
>Can we hear anything? Stuff in the darkness, or people descending?

> Not a thing. It's perfect silence.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 04, 2010, 12:34:25 AM
>"Maybe we oughta have a look around. Find that Erhu."
>Try switching to moon element if sun isn't doing anything. Moonlight can be usefuls.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 04, 2010, 02:16:38 AM
>"Maybe we oughta have a look around. Find that Erhu."
>Try switching to moon element if sun isn't doing anything. Moonlight can be usefuls.

> "Yeah.'s a bit dark. Don't you think?"

> You switch to moon element. Still no light, unfortunately.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 04, 2010, 02:24:09 AM
>Can we get a feel for what moon element allows us to do?
>"Yeah, but I don't think we're gonna be able to do anything about that."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on July 04, 2010, 03:13:58 PM
> Can we 'sense' where the being is? Like do we feel a sudden sense of dread, despair or pure unholy evil?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on July 04, 2010, 06:22:15 PM
> Consider that you might be "inside" whatever it is.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 05, 2010, 02:24:35 AM
>Can we get a feel for what moon element allows us to do?
>"Yeah, but I don't think we're gonna be able to do anything about that."

> Not really. You'd have to shoot something, or think about what a moon could do...

> "Did you try to make a light, like you used to do?"

> Can we 'sense' where the being is? Like do we feel a sudden sense of dread, despair or pure unholy evil?

> It's just really, really dark.

> Consider that you might be "inside" whatever it is.

> Perhaps you're simply inside a horrible monster. Then again, what kind of monster has stairs leading into it's stomach?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 05, 2010, 02:26:03 AM
>"Yeah, I tried, It didn't do much of anything."
>"Um, maybe she should hold hands, so we don't get separated?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 06, 2010, 02:20:29 AM
>"Yeah, I tried, It didn't do much of anything."
>"Um, maybe she should hold hands, so we don't get separated?"

> "Hmm...Okay then...What could light this place up..."

> "S-Sure Aurica."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 06, 2010, 02:28:59 AM
>Grab dat hand!
>"Maybe we should go up and find the others?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on July 06, 2010, 05:33:38 AM
Try to see if you can ascend. Don't try to go too high, so if you fall you won't land as hard.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 06, 2010, 08:28:13 PM
>Grab dat hand!
>"Maybe we should go up and find the others?"

> You take her hand.

> "Probably. It isn't smart to stay down here..."

Try to see if you can ascend. Don't try to go too high, so if you fall you won't land as hard.

> You begin to climb back up the stairs carefully. After a few minutes, you realize you aren't really getting anywhere...
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 06, 2010, 08:31:02 PM
>Look down, to determine how little anywhere we're getting.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 06, 2010, 09:39:00 PM
>Look down, to determine how little anywhere we're getting.

> You look down as you move up the staircase. It's still too dark to see anything, so this doesn't really help.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 06, 2010, 10:08:48 PM
>"Guess we're stuck."
>Look to Lily. "Wanna go find whoever's doing this and beat them up?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 07, 2010, 03:37:50 AM
>"Guess we're stuck."
>Look to Lily. "Wanna go find whoever's doing this and beat them up?"

> "Yeah. We'll be fumbling in the dark now."

> She responds in an almost robotic voice.
> "I'm afraid I can't do that, Aurica."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 07, 2010, 03:41:16 AM
>"Please tell me that's a joke. Please? And mean it?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on July 07, 2010, 08:18:41 PM
Hello I'm new here and have just been reading this story, so I hope you don't mind my opinion.

So, I find this timeline extremely suspicious because of Yukari's stuttering, I mean when has she ever stuttered, not even with that gap incident did she stutter, also that robo-Nitori knew exactly what you said to nitori so there is some suspicion there, also how could you get out of those chains, punch yuka in the face and set her mansion on fire (I'm pretty sure you tried that and it didn't work), also wasn't Yuuka trying to fight Yukari.

> Than if your not Lily, who are you?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on July 07, 2010, 11:23:55 PM
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 07, 2010, 11:29:05 PM
>No face blastings yet.
>We have to try and get through to her, first.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 08, 2010, 03:45:39 AM
>"Please tell me that's a joke. Please? And mean it?"

> She once again speaks in that almost robotic tone.
> "I'm not kidding, Aurica."

Hello I'm new here and have just been reading this story, so I hope you don't mind my opinion.

So, I find this timeline extremely suspicious because of Yukari's stuttering, I mean when has she ever stuttered, not even with that gap incident did she stutter, also that robo-Nitori knew exactly what you said to nitori so there is some suspicion there, also how could you get out of those chains, punch yuka in the face and set her mansion on fire (I'm pretty sure you tried that and it didn't work), also wasn't Yuuka trying to fight Yukari.

> Than if your not Lily, who are you?

(Unfortunately, sir...All of this was explained. Sort of. Think of it as a cruel joke of blankness for the Yuuka's mansion thing.)

> "I sound like her, and I look like her. So clearly, I'm Lily."

>No face blastings yet.
>We have to try and get through to her, first.

> You almost blast her out of fear, but quickly stop yourself.

(Shit fixed. Post away!)
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Fin
Post by: axman36 on July 08, 2010, 03:58:56 AM
>Jump back, position our hand to get ready to fire danmaku at any given moment.
>"Who are you, what did you do with the real Lily, and why are you doing this!?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Fin
Post by: Spidere on July 08, 2010, 04:14:35 AM
>Jump back, position our hand to get ready to fire danmaku at any given moment.
>"Who are you, what did you do with the real Lily, and why are you doing this!?"

> She has your hand in a deathgrip. You can't let go.

> You raise a hand and prepare to shoot.

> "Well, there are two Lily. Is there a real one? If there is, do you know which?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 08, 2010, 04:23:00 AM
>Does she seem to resemble Lily Black, from the glances we got of her? Or are they identical?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 08, 2010, 04:24:54 AM
>Does she seem to resemble Lily Black, from the glances we got of her? Or are they identical?

> They were slightly different when you saw them in Yuuka's mansion...Though that was BEFORE time was horribly bent. You have no idea if this thing is Lily Black or not.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 08, 2010, 04:30:56 AM
>"Okay, what's the deal?"
>Be ready with the Concentrated Fisticuffs if she tries anything untoward.
>Ponder if that artifact thinger Yukari mentioned Lily got into is around here.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Fin
Post by: axman36 on July 08, 2010, 04:35:04 AM
>"What is it that you want, and why is it that you have to do this now when we have some sort of... thing that wants to eat the two of us!?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 08, 2010, 05:23:18 AM
>"Okay, what's the deal?"
>Be ready with the Concentrated Fisticuffs if she tries anything untoward.
>Ponder if that artifact thinger Yukari mentioned Lily got into is around here.

> "I dunno. What is the deal."

> You prepare to punch her at any moment.

> Maybe...Though you strongly doubt it.

>"What is it that you want, and why is it that you have to do this now when we have some sort of... thing that wants to eat the two of us!?"

> "I'm afraid there is no eating involved, Aurica. A shame. It would be the best fate for you."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 08, 2010, 05:32:35 AM
>"I wanna talk to real Lily now. So bring her back, okay?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 08, 2010, 06:54:31 PM
>"I wanna talk to real Lily now. So bring her back, okay?"

> She ignores you as she produces a small club out of her dress.

> ...She proceeds to smack you once on the head, heavily dizzying you.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on July 08, 2010, 06:57:35 PM
> "That wasn't very nice Yukarin~"
> Attempt to become un-dizzy.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 08, 2010, 08:47:24 PM
>Break away from her, as well.
>Once senses are regained, it's time to...shit. Do we punch Lily in the dick?
>Play defensive for now, and try to get off the stairs without falling.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on July 08, 2010, 09:38:52 PM
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on July 08, 2010, 10:45:43 PM
> I'm fairly sure we still have that option.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on July 09, 2010, 12:51:05 AM
>She sound like a robot, so if we blast, blast her with lightning, if we don't have lightning, I guess and if not water er....what are our elements again?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 09, 2010, 01:22:02 AM
> "That wasn't very nice Yukarin~"
> Attempt to become un-dizzy.

> You speak some nonsense and regain a bit of consciousness.

>Break away from her, as well.
>Once senses are regained, it's time to...shit. Do we punch Lily in the dick?
>Play defensive for now, and try to get off the stairs without falling.

> You break away and get off the stairs.


> Yes. You should have.

> I'm fairly sure we still have that option.

> Yes, you do.

>She sound like a robot, so if we blast, blast her with lightning, if we don't have lightning, I guess and if not water er....what are our elements again?

> You prepare to blast with...something. You aren't sure.

-ELEMENTAL CONCENTRATION LV.4: Allows you to change internal element. You are currently moon type. You can utilize; fire, ice, wind, earth, metal, sun, and moon with extra power.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 09, 2010, 01:26:44 AM
>Assess Possible Fake Lily/Possessed Lily.
>If the assessment shows she is about to attack, get ready to dodge.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on July 09, 2010, 01:49:52 AM
>If the assessment shows otherwise (including "can't see shit, captain") then blast her in the face. With ice, if changing element is a fast process.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 09, 2010, 02:10:12 AM
>Assess Possible Fake Lily/Possessed Lily.
>If the assessment shows she is about to attack, get ready to dodge.

> She's stiffly turning around, moving erratically. You can't get a good look due to the blackness...

>If the assessment shows otherwise (including "can't see shit, captain") then blast her in the face. With ice, if changing element is a fast process.

> You quickly swap to ice and shoot in her general direction. She continues to shuffle towards you, as if nothing happened.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on July 09, 2010, 02:30:06 AM
> Alright, were in the half-dead zone, its probably affecting our danmaku.
> Try a concentrated BOOT TO DA HEAD
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 09, 2010, 02:33:26 AM
>Boots to the Head leave us vulnerable to tree-topping.
>Instead, is time to take advantage of her having to descend the stairs to get to us, and concentrated PUNCH HER IN THE DICK!
>Try to weave around any incoming attacks leading up to this.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 09, 2010, 03:05:41 AM
> Alright, were in the half-dead zone, its probably affecting our danmaku.
> Try a concentrated BOOT TO DA HEAD
>Boots to the Head leave us vulnerable to tree-topping.
>Instead, is time to take advantage of her having to descend the stairs to get to us, and concentrated PUNCH HER IN THE DICK!
>Try to weave around any incoming attacks leading up to this.

> You smash her a blow to the mommy zone. It doesn't even phase her. She smashes you once more on the head.

> The flash of light.

> Yukari steps into view.
> "Well, well. Looks like your fist doesn't work as a father, does it?"
> She giggles.
> "I won't lie, I'm quite amused by moments like this. Thank you for dying again, it's quite amusing!"

> You're back to the future before smacking Lily.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on July 09, 2010, 03:28:41 AM
>Try using Lunatic Eyes on her.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 09, 2010, 05:51:01 AM
>Try using Lunatic Eyes on her.

> You try and daze her. You can see the area slightly better when doing this!
> ...You really wish you couldn't.

> Lily continues to limber towards you. A rather frightening smile creeps onto her face.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 09, 2010, 06:04:14 AM
>What can we see with the lunatic eyes?
>Does it work on Lily at all?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on July 09, 2010, 02:50:06 PM
> Purge the darkness in Lily with sun element!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 09, 2010, 09:57:06 PM
>Moon Elemental would be better for purifying, I think. According to Yukari in IN anyway.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on July 10, 2010, 12:52:55 AM
> But according to Alice, Remilia and Yuyuko staring at the full moon can make humans insane. Who knows what kind of effect it has on fairies. We're trying to make Lily come to her senses, not make her even more nuts. On the other hand, Lunatic Eyes didn't do anything to Lily, so maybe we don't have to worry about the insanity factor.
> Alright, lets try out moon element anyway.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 10, 2010, 02:31:02 AM
>What can we see with the lunatic eyes?
>Does it work on Lily at all?

> The room's walls are simply bloody, wrinkled flesh. The floor has various stains. Presumably blood.

> Not at all.

> Purge the darkness in Lily with sun element!
>Moon Elemental would be better for purifying, I think. According to Yukari in IN anyway.
> But according to Alice, Remilia and Yuyuko staring at the full moon can make humans insane. Who knows what kind of effect it has on fairies. We're trying to make Lily come to her senses, not make her even more nuts. On the other hand, Lunatic Eyes didn't do anything to Lily, so maybe we don't have to worry about the insanity factor.
> Alright, lets try out moon element anyway.

> You blast her with some moon elemental shots. She is still limbering towards you.

> Lily is in melee range. She prepares to club you on the head.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: COPIRIGHTO on July 10, 2010, 02:37:17 AM
>poke her in the eye
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 10, 2010, 02:49:52 AM
>She doesn't seem to stagger much, back away and use our hopefully superior speed to keep some distance.
>Presuming escape is successful, shout for Lily at the top of our lungs. Maybe she really have been replaced.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on July 10, 2010, 02:56:16 AM
>Try cutting one of the walls with some Metal danmaku.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 10, 2010, 04:01:24 AM
>poke her in the eye
>She doesn't seem to stagger much, back away and use our hopefully superior speed to keep some distance.
>Presuming escape is successful, shout for Lily at the top of our lungs. Maybe she really have been replaced.

> You move back and make some more distance.

> You call her name. It only elicits laughter from the possibly fake Lily.

>Try cutting one of the walls with some Metal danmaku.

> You try and pierce the wall. It simply makes a loud splurge, barely scathed.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 10, 2010, 04:20:12 AM
>How far away from we from Lily(?)
>Anything new in the darkness?
>Keep ready for various attacks.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 10, 2010, 10:07:03 AM
>How far away from we from Lily(?)
>Anything new in the darkness?
>Keep ready for various attacks.

> About two meters away.

> Nothing.

> You stay ready to defend.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 10, 2010, 10:11:23 AM
>Try to get quite a few more meters away.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 10, 2010, 04:20:50 PM
>Try to get quite a few more meters away.

> You move back a little more, only to end up against the wall.
> You can only assume you have a nice bloodstain on the back of your dress, now.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on July 10, 2010, 04:25:13 PM
>Aero Dash to the side to try and get some distance!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on July 10, 2010, 05:21:12 PM
> Third spellcard the hell out of the immediate area.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 10, 2010, 09:13:25 PM
>Aero Dash to the side to try and get some distance!

> You dash to the side to make more distance.

> Third spellcard the hell out of the immediate area.

> In a panic, you blast out magic in all directions. The few that hit Lily seem to be staggering her...
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 10, 2010, 11:53:16 PM
>Give our first shots didn't do a thing to her, does anything feel different? Or do spellcards just hit harder?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 11, 2010, 04:00:10 AM
>Give our first shots didn't do a thing to her, does anything feel different? Or do spellcards just hit harder?

> Spellcards just generally hit harder, yes.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 11, 2010, 04:04:50 AM
>Switch to Trouble Sign - Double the Fun and give her a faceful of moonlight.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 11, 2010, 04:56:24 AM
>Switch to Trouble Sign - Double the Fun and give her a faceful of moonlight.

> You close the two large shots in from behind her. Lily seems to know of their slow-moving presence, but continues to lumber towards you.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 11, 2010, 05:03:08 AM
>Is she lumbering fast enough they can't hit her? If so, let her lumber.
>If not, it may be time for a change of plan =I
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on July 11, 2010, 11:50:56 AM
> Keep shooting her in the face with powerful shots to push her into the large orbs.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 11, 2010, 08:09:17 PM
>Is she lumbering fast enough they can't hit her? If so, let her lumber.
>If not, it may be time for a change of plan =I

> They're moving at about the same speed, unfortunately. A change of plan may be a good idea.

> Keep shooting her in the face with powerful shots to push her into the large orbs.

> You fire some more rounds. She's stopped staggering from the hits. You notice that her face is getting more and more deformed every time you hit her.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: COPIRIGHTO on July 11, 2010, 08:36:54 PM
>condense our bullets into a superdense gathering of bullets to make a laser
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 12, 2010, 12:33:53 AM
>condense our bullets into a superdense gathering of bullets to make a laser

> You form a laser and blast it into Lily. It goes clear through her deformed skull...
> It doesn't phase her. You're pretty sure this isn't Lily.

> She cuts the crap and charges you, smacking you on the head with much more force.

> ...Things are pretty black, now. No flash.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 12, 2010, 12:52:02 AM
>Try to move away, leftwards, if possible.
>Keep other senses trained.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 12, 2010, 06:10:35 AM
>Try to move away, leftwards, if possible.
>Keep other senses trained.

> You can't move at the moment.

> You currently lack senses.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 12, 2010, 06:22:45 AM
>Try to make noises, to express the concept of "What the hell is going on?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 13, 2010, 04:59:16 AM
>Try to make noises, to express the concept of "What the hell is going on?"

>  You cannot do this either!

> Your eyes begin to open. The immediate sight upon opening them is a white room with a light over whatever you're on.
> Speaking of what you're on, you appear to be bound to a pure white seat in a well lit room. The deformed Lily (now with a hole through her face) is looking over various strange looking surgical tools.
> Only your hands and feet are bound to the seat, thankfully. It gives you a bit more breathing room.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 13, 2010, 05:11:04 AM
>Don't say anything!
>Try to Shinigami Roger in here to save our collective booty.
>Whether or not that fails, test the straps and look around.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 13, 2010, 08:01:11 PM
>Don't say anything!
>Try to Shinigami Roger in here to save our collective booty.
>Whether or not that fails, test the straps and look around.

> You remain quiet.

> You call Roger. You have no idea if it worked or not, unfortunately. You'll find out soon enough, when (if) he gets here.

> You test the straps. It seems you're in pretty tight...
> You look around. The chair you're in seems to be in the center of the room. The room itself is very bare. Pure white, no counters, shelves, etc...Other than the small surgical tray next to the seat, the seat itself, and Lily, this room is completely empty.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on July 13, 2010, 09:24:02 PM
> Is the seat stuck to the floor? And are there any exits in the room?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 14, 2010, 12:50:12 AM
> Is the seat stuck to the floor? And are there any exits in the room?

> The seat is stuck to the floor, yes.

> You search for an exit. You notice a small, clear door handle. Seems the room's exit blends in pretty well.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 14, 2010, 01:03:10 AM
>Shift to fire element, if we can do so inconspicuously.
>Consider the straps. Do they look flammable?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on July 14, 2010, 05:23:40 AM
> Try and sense whether or not we are in the Dead Zone any longer.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 14, 2010, 06:41:55 AM
>Shift to fire element, if we can do so inconspicuously.
>Consider the straps. Do they look flammable?

> You quickly swap to fire element.

> They don't look flammable...But it's worth a shot.

> Try and sense whether or not we are in the Dead Zone any longer.

> You're still in the half Dead Zone, by the feel of it.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 14, 2010, 07:04:34 AM
>Summon up the hottest flame possible from our fingers, and focus it tightly. Try to make an ersatz cutting torch. It shouldn't take too much to get through straps. Just focus on our dominant hand for now.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 15, 2010, 02:15:09 AM
>Summon up the hottest flame possible from our fingers, and focus it tightly. Try to make an ersatz cutting torch. It shouldn't take too much to get through straps. Just focus on our dominant hand for now.

> Said straps are around the wrist, so unless you plan on throwing stealth to the wind by lighting your whole hand on fire, you won't be able to reach said strap.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 15, 2010, 02:25:30 AM
>Is it not possible to bend our index and middle fingers back, in the manner of making a fist, and direct the hopefully cutting touch that way?
>Not that this would be any more stealthy, but it may be more focused.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 15, 2010, 02:59:54 AM
>Is it not possible to bend our index and middle fingers back, in the manner of making a fist, and direct the hopefully cutting touch that way?
>Not that this would be any more stealthy, but it may be more focused.

> You direct your fingers back and create a small torch to eat through the strap. This may take a while...

> The deformed Lily begins to speak, seemingly unaware of your impending escape.
> "I need your eyes, Aurica."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 15, 2010, 03:03:26 AM
>Try to talk nonchalantly. "You should get a dog for that. There's these people outside who train dogs to see for them. It's really neat and they are super nice dogs. They don't even bark at me!"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 15, 2010, 03:14:35 AM
>Try to talk nonchalantly. "You should get a dog for that. There's these people outside who train dogs to see for them. It's really neat and they are super nice dogs. They don't even bark at me!"

> She doesn't seem to notice the fact that you spoke.
> "I need your legs, as well."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 15, 2010, 03:38:34 AM
> She doesn't seem to notice the fact that you spoke.
> "I need your legs, as well."

>"They got these chairs with wheels on them, too. You could use that!"
>Progress on the strap?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on July 15, 2010, 04:08:11 AM
> She's going to take us apart by the sounds of it... not good at all.
> "Why do you need my eyes and my legs, why not someone elses? Besides, why can't you use your own? They seem to work fine.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on July 15, 2010, 04:08:56 PM
> "Why do you need my eyes and my legs, why not someone elses? Besides, why can't you use your own? They seem to work fine.

> "Well, sure, I blew your face off, but you can still talk and see. That is actually pretty cool!"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on July 16, 2010, 12:21:32 AM
> "What the heck is going on anyway?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 16, 2010, 05:01:38 AM
>"They got these chairs with wheels on them, too. You could use that!"
>Progress on the strap?

> "Your arms, the body, the lungs. All of it."

> It's coming. You're about halfway through.

> She's going to take us apart by the sounds of it... not good at all.
> "Why do you need my eyes and my legs, why not someone elses? Besides, why can't you use your own? They seem to work fine.
> "Well, sure, I blew your face off, but you can still talk and see. That is actually pretty cool!"

> "It isn't for me."

> "What the heck is going on anyway?"

> She remains silent as she picks up a small tool unlike anything you've seen. It's seems like a tiny, misshapen saw.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 16, 2010, 05:09:27 AM
>"Um, who are they for?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on July 16, 2010, 07:47:46 PM
> Pick up the paaaace! @.@
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 18, 2010, 02:03:43 AM
>"Um, who are they for?"

> She remains silent.

> Pick up the paaaace! @.@

> You can't go any faster without giving away your attempted escape...
> Lily begins to slowly lumber towards you with a smile on her face.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 18, 2010, 02:36:09 AM
>Does it seem like we'll finish before UnLily reaches us?
>If not, dispense subtly for effectiveness.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 18, 2010, 02:46:54 AM
>Does it seem like we'll finish before UnLily reaches us?
>If not, dispense subtly for effectiveness.

> You aren't totally sure. You continue to cut through, hoping for the best.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 18, 2010, 03:11:40 AM
>Keep working that strap. If she gets more than halfway to us, dispense with subtly for speed.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 18, 2010, 07:30:43 AM
>Keep working that strap. If she gets more than halfway to us, dispense with subtly for speed.

> You keep cutting. She's easily more than halfway here. You quietly burn faster.

> You strongly doubt you'll be able to break through in time before she gets here without blowing the cover.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on July 18, 2010, 07:33:49 AM
>Cover will do us no good any longer. BURN THAT STRAP!
>If we burn it off quick enough fire any danmaku at her directly to try and surprise her.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 18, 2010, 07:39:11 AM
>Cover will do us no good any longer. BURN THAT STRAP!
>If we burn it off quick enough fire any danmaku at her directly to try and surprise her.

>Rather: Cut through it with maximum speed.
>Then free the other hand and our feet the old fashioned way.
>Then violences if time permits.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 18, 2010, 07:59:08 AM
>Cover will do us no good any longer. BURN THAT STRAP!
>If we burn it off quick enough fire any danmaku at her directly to try and surprise her.
>Rather: Cut through it with maximum speed.
>Then free the other hand and our feet the old fashioned way.
>Then violences if time permits.

> You decide that it's not cutting it with the current pace, so you blast your way out of the straps.

> You whip down and fumble with the bonds on the leg. You hear a loud, sickening snap from Lily as she lunges forward.

> The bonds on the leg go rather easily. Without thinking, you spin sideways in the seat and catch her hand before it strikes you.
> Whatever this thing is, it's beginning to overpower you without much effort. Better think fast.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 18, 2010, 08:12:32 AM
>So we have it by the hand? It is time for BURNING! Pump all kinds of fire into that bad mammajamma until she backs off.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 18, 2010, 08:16:28 AM
>So we have it by the hand? It is time for BURNING! Pump all kinds of fire into that bad mammajamma until she backs off.

> You begin to torch through Lily's wrist. It's...rather frightening to look at, actually.

> She reels back with a burnt wrist, releasing a blood-curdling scream.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 18, 2010, 08:25:50 AM
>Reeling back?
>Concentrated Fisticuffs + Fire elemental. Don't even give her a chance to recover!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 18, 2010, 08:55:37 AM
>Reeling back?
>Concentrated Fisticuffs + Fire elemental. Don't even give her a chance to recover!

> That's what the man said, that's what he said.

> You give her a fire punch to the gut. Critical hit! It's super effective! She falls over and writhes on the floor in pain.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 18, 2010, 09:02:50 AM
>Keep up the music.
>"Pretend to be my Lily, will you!"
>Try not to take a flailing in the process.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on July 18, 2010, 09:32:48 AM
>Fiery Concentrated Beat-down the fake lily but don't kill her if you can since you need answers to whats going on.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 18, 2010, 10:09:08 PM
>Keep up the music.
>"Pretend to be my Lily, will you!"
>Try not to take a flailing in the process.
>Fiery Concentrated Beat-down the fake lily but don't kill her if you can since you need answers to whats going on.

> You hop onto Lily and begin to pummel her in a fit of rage.

> Suddenly, something pulls back on you.

> You wake up bound on the floor of Rin's house. Trying to focus, you see Lily sitting at the table, crying. She is heavily bruised. Rin is standing near you, glaring. Chen appears to be lost in thought. You cannot move. There is a heavy ringing in your ears.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on July 18, 2010, 10:12:11 PM
>"Guys? Is... everything okay? What happened?"
>Look at Lily's bruises.
>Remember we were attacking Lily in our dream.
>"Oh no... please don't... tell me that those bruises came from me!"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 18, 2010, 10:25:25 PM
>"Guys? Is... everything okay? What happened?"
>Look at Lily's bruises.
>Remember we were attacking Lily in our dream.
>"Oh no... please don't... tell me that those bruises came from me!"

> Rin thinks for a moment before speaking.
> "What happened? Well, we went down the stairs, you started speaking nonsense, and then you go nuts, firing bullets everywhere. Lily was cut up pretty badly by those shots. You didn't even try to hold back. Chen finally knocked you out. I grab my erhu, and we take you upstairs and sit you down on a chair. Lily comes to set some tea down on the table, and then you lash out, get her on the ground, and beat her within an inch of her life."

> "Yes, they did. Minor burns, too. Lily won't see a doctor until she gets some answers from you."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on July 18, 2010, 10:48:40 PM
>"I... it... oh my God. It was all a hallucination!?"
>"Lily, you have to believe me, I didn't know it was you. This is going to be very hard to believe I'm sure... but I wasn't myself down there. When we were down there, all I could see was a demonic version of you who started to attack me. Your evil version of you started to become deformed, with missing limbs and certain body parts disappearing. I didn't know it was you... I... couldn't think. At one point, your evil version even strapped me into a chair and told me she was going to steal my organs and take everything of me. I... I was so scared! I thought she took you away! Something was doing this to me, I think whatever was making that noise down there, whatever darkness this place had played an illusion on me! I would never do this to a friend, never! Please Lily, you have to believe me!"
>Start to cry.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 19, 2010, 01:26:19 AM
>Between sobs: "And I didn't even just flip out! You started acting all weird and stuff! Then you attacked me! Or, I guess that's what it looked like down there. And I thought it took you!"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on July 19, 2010, 01:52:27 AM
>"And, I-, I thought I slipped and fell down the stairs at the first step!"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on July 19, 2010, 04:11:15 AM
> "I-I'm really sorry Lily, everything went all weird, and it looked like you went crazy." More crying, cause we made a big mistake.
> "C-can you f-forgive me?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 19, 2010, 05:56:48 AM
>"I... it... oh my God. It was all a hallucination!?"
>"Lily, you have to believe me, I didn't know it was you. This is going to be very hard to believe I'm sure... but I wasn't myself down there. When we were down there, all I could see was a demonic version of you who started to attack me. Your evil version of you started to become deformed, with missing limbs and certain body parts disappearing. I didn't know it was you... I... couldn't think. At one point, your evil version even strapped me into a chair and told me she was going to steal my organs and take everything of me. I... I was so scared! I thought she took you away! Something was doing this to me, I think whatever was making that noise down there, whatever darkness this place had played an illusion on me! I would never do this to a friend, never! Please Lily, you have to believe me!"
>Start to cry.
>Between sobs: "And I didn't even just flip out! You started acting all weird and stuff! Then you attacked me! Or, I guess that's what it looked like down there. And I thought it took you!"
>"And, I-, I thought I slipped and fell down the stairs at the first step!"
> "I-I'm really sorry Lily, everything went all weird, and it looked like you went crazy." More crying, cause we made a big mistake.
> "C-can you f-forgive me?"

> The room is silent for a moment. Chen finally speaks.
> "Even if she is telling the truth, something is wrong with her. I'll take her to Yukari and explain what happened. She'll know what to do here. Lily, you should go to Eientei now. Take Rin with you. Wouldn't want you to collapse somewhere and get eaten by some crazy Youkai."
> Chen walks over to you and picks you up off the floor. She carries you over her shoulder as she leaves the shed and flies to the Yakumo home.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on July 19, 2010, 06:00:13 AM
> "I-I'm really sorry about that, I mean it."
> "D-do you think Lily hates me now?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 19, 2010, 06:21:26 AM
>"I wanna go to Eientei too, and make sure she's okay."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 19, 2010, 09:34:48 PM
> "I-I'm really sorry about that, I mean it."
> "D-do you think Lily hates me now?"

> "Whatever."

> "How should I know?"

>"I wanna go to Eientei too, and make sure she's okay."

> "No. Either you just had some sort of stress explosion, or you're completely insane. It doesn't matter which, though. Either way, Yukari will know what to do."

> During the flight to Yukari's house, everything flashes to an insane wasteland for a moment.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on July 19, 2010, 09:42:29 PM
>"No please God no not again!"
>Close our eyes, try to imagine being in a better place.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on July 20, 2010, 02:01:56 AM
> "Oh no, not again... Chen, things are starting to seem weird on my end, if I start acting weird again, please, slap me or something to snap me out of it. I didn't mean to hurt Lily and I don't want to end up hurting you either."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 20, 2010, 03:56:57 AM
>"And you sure don't have a lot of faith in me all of a sudden, what wit me having just lead the way into some evil basement place with horrible dark power! How come I'm totally insane now?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 21, 2010, 05:01:42 AM
>"No please God no not again!"
>Close our eyes, try to imagine being in a better place.

> You close your eyes and try to put the image out of your mind. You've calmed down, now.

> "Oh no, not again... Chen, things are starting to seem weird on my end, if I start acting weird again, please, slap me or something to snap me out of it. I didn't mean to hurt Lily and I don't want to end up hurting you either."

> "Fine. If you try to beat me to death, I'll make sure you stop."
> She laughs.

>"And you sure don't have a lot of faith in me all of a sudden, what wit me having just lead the way into some evil basement place with horrible dark power! How come I'm totally insane now?"

> "Wasn't much of a dark power. You just snapped on us. That's not an evil basement in my books."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on July 21, 2010, 05:21:15 AM
> Something is definitely wrong here. Either you snapped (which is somewhat likely, what with the whole time and gap incidents) or the whole place became a bit like that Stepford Wives Movie. Except with magic.

> Or someone is messing with you, probably evil Nitori.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 21, 2010, 05:53:30 AM
>"What do you mean, it wasn't an Evil basement! You were there when we opened the big stupid thing!"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 21, 2010, 07:45:29 PM
> Something is definitely wrong here. Either you snapped (which is somewhat likely, what with the whole time and gap incidents) or the whole place became a bit like that Stepford Wives Movie. Except with magic.

> Or someone is messing with you, probably evil Nitori.

> You have no clue what is happening, but whatever it is, it's rotten.

> You doubt that...the time warp fixed that, didn't it?

>"What do you mean, it wasn't an Evil basement! You were there when we opened the big stupid thing!"

> "I don't count it as evil until I see or hear some evil. And other than the chanting, I didn't see an 'evil' anything."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Doll.S CUBE on July 21, 2010, 07:49:42 PM
> The time warp probably never fixed anything or maybe it screwed reality up more, I mean all we have is Yukari's word and she doesn't exactly.....feel right
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 21, 2010, 07:52:04 PM
>"The feeling it gave out should have been enough! Chen, it's time for a test of trust. Okay?"
>"Put me down, and I'll come with you to Yukari. Okay? Otherwise, I'm gonna have to think your lid got flipped, too."
>"You trust me, don't you Chen? Haven't we been sisters? Remember the bouncy castle?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 21, 2010, 08:40:00 PM
> The time warp probably never fixed anything or maybe it screwed reality up more, I mean all we have is Yukari's word and she doesn't exactly.....feel right

> You aren't really sure. Nothing too bad seems to have occurred yet...

>"The feeling it gave out should have been enough! Chen, it's time for a test of trust. Okay?"
>"Put me down, and I'll come with you to Yukari. Okay? Otherwise, I'm gonna have to think your lid got flipped, too."
>"You trust me, don't you Chen? Haven't we been sisters? Remember the bouncy castle?"

> She thinks for a moment.
> "I know I'm going to regret this."
> She sets you down and tells you to bring Yukari to Rin's house. She'll wait there.
> "No funny business, now. If you end up killing someone, I will end you."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 21, 2010, 08:44:23 PM
>"...I didn't think that'd work. Damn, now I have to do it..."
>To Yakumohearth!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 21, 2010, 09:09:46 PM
>"...I didn't think that'd work. Damn, now I have to do it..."
>To Yakumohearth!

> You finish the trip to the Yakumo home.
> It's rather quiet. What are you going to do?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 21, 2010, 09:14:10 PM
>Walk inside.
>If Yukari is nowhere to be seen, approach her room.
>Reach up to knock-
>Stop. Oh god she's gonna be so super pissed.
>Start to knock again.
>Seriously consider running away from home. We could move in with Nitori, and live off love!
>...Crap, she'd find us.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on July 21, 2010, 11:51:16 PM
> Knock in a more confident manner.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 22, 2010, 01:51:59 AM
>Walk inside.
>If Yukari is nowhere to be seen, approach her room.
>Reach up to knock-
>Stop. Oh god she's gonna be so super pissed.
>Start to knock again.
>Seriously consider running away from home. We could move in with Nitori, and live off love!
>...Crap, she'd find us.
> Knock in a more confident manner.

> With a shaky heart, you knock on the door. Yukari steps out in button-up pajamas with a sleepy look on her face.
> "Aurica? Why are you waking me up...?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on July 22, 2010, 01:54:15 AM
>Fidget nervously.
>"I, I met Rin Satsuki... and some stuff happened..."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on July 22, 2010, 05:27:52 AM
Brace for impact.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 22, 2010, 05:46:41 AM
>"And I kinda accidentally Lily White in the face..."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 22, 2010, 06:06:52 AM
>Fidget nervously.
>"I, I met Rin Satsuki... and some stuff happened..."
Brace for impact.

> "Oh, Rin. I completely forgot she was in there."
> She chuckles.

>"And I kinda accidentally Lily White in the face..."

> She blinks a few times.
> "I already know what happened, going by what you said. You walked into the basement, hallucinated, beat your friends, and then you were promptly sent here."
> She enters her room and exits again.
> "Take these pills whenever you hallucinate. They'll stop the delusion cold."
> She yawns and prepares to go back to sleep.
> You remember the promise to Chen as you stop Yukari.
> "I have to see Chen? Oh, don't worry. I'll send her a note through a gap or something. She'll get the picture."
> She begins to close the door, laughing at the story.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 22, 2010, 06:09:26 AM
>"Wait! Um, is there anything I should know about the thing in that basement? Because it's pretty bad-sounding..."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 22, 2010, 06:17:44 AM
>"Wait! Um, is there anything I should know about the thing in that basement? Because it's pretty bad-sounding..."

> "Other than that it's possessed you, no need to worry. The pills will keep it under control."
> She reads the worried look on your face and remembers something.
> "Oh, and if you happen to see that hunk in those delusions, tell him I'm taken."
> She laughs as she closes the door and heads to bed.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on July 22, 2010, 06:25:51 AM
> "What the heck... If you say so Yukari..."
> Head back to Chen.
> Be thankful she didn't get angry at us.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 22, 2010, 06:31:42 AM
>Decide it probably does exist after all.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 22, 2010, 06:55:37 AM
> "What the heck... If you say so Yukari..."
> Head back to Chen.
> Be thankful she didn't get angry at us.
>Decide it probably does exist after all.

> You leave the house and immediately head for Rin's place. One conveniently placed timeskip later, and you're there.

> Chen is sitting at the table and looks up to greet you.
> "Yeah, Yukari talked to me already."
> She looks nervous.
> "S-Sorry about before, I didn't want to trust you...I thought you'd lost it."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 22, 2010, 06:58:26 AM
>"Yeah, I'm not that bad!"
>Glance toward the basement. Any changes?
>"Any word on Lily?"

Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on July 22, 2010, 07:17:14 AM
> "I'm sorry about it to Chen. Can we call it even."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 22, 2010, 07:59:03 PM
>"Yeah, I'm not that bad!"
>Glance toward the basement. Any changes?
>"Any word on Lily?"


> "Of course not."

> Nope.

> "None, yet. Rin can't poke her head through a gap, so we won't know what happens until they get back."

> "I'm sorry about it to Chen. Can we call it even."

> "Sure thing."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on July 22, 2010, 08:01:11 PM
>While waiting for them to return, wonder if we should explore the basement now that we have the pills from Yukari.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on July 23, 2010, 04:36:48 AM
Ponder use of pills as weapons. They're kind of shaped like bullets, aren't they?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on July 23, 2010, 04:39:30 AM
Ponder use of pills as weapons. They're kind of shaped like bullets, aren't they?
>But we kind of need those! D:
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on July 23, 2010, 05:37:37 AM
> "I'm glad Yukari wasn't mean, I was really scared of what she would say or do."
> "I'm thinking about checking out the basement again. With these, I should be fine." Hold up the pills we got. "Unless there was nothing down their."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 23, 2010, 05:42:47 AM
>While waiting for them to return, wonder if we should explore the basement now that we have the pills from Yukari.

> It could be done. You'd just need to be careful, is all.

Ponder use of pills as weapons. They're kind of shaped like bullets, aren't they?
>But we kind of need those! D:

> Very bad idea. They're just rounded, small, white pills. They'd likely hurt as much as stepping in a puddle. And besides, you need them if things start to get weird.

> "I'm glad Yukari wasn't mean, I was really scared of what she would say or do."
> "I'm thinking about checking out the basement again. With these, I should be fine." Hold up the pills we got. "Unless there was nothing down their."

> "Well, she's a rather mellow person."

> "Be careful then."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 23, 2010, 07:08:31 AM
>Into the basement!
>Keep a pill in hand.
>Is magic still half dead?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 29, 2010, 11:53:16 PM
>Into the basement!
>Keep a pill in hand.
>Is magic still half dead?

> You enter the basement, pill in hand.

> Yup.

> It's an ordinary basement. Albeit a little bare.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 30, 2010, 12:04:07 AM
>"Oh dammit!"
>Investigate the basement.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 30, 2010, 05:20:10 AM
>"Oh dammit!"
>Investigate the basement.

> You curse as you investigate the basement.

> You light up the area and witness gray walls, a rat running for dear life, and a damp floor. Nothing to pick up, nothing of interest.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 30, 2010, 05:23:29 AM
>"Stupid scaredy-cat evil basement darkness!"
>Check the walls, see if there's someplace it could have slipped through.
>Change element to wind; read the breeze and see if it has anything useful to add.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 30, 2010, 05:35:38 AM
>"Stupid scaredy-cat evil basement darkness!"
>Check the walls, see if there's someplace it could have slipped through.
>Change element to wind; read the breeze and see if it has anything useful to add.

> You check the walls. Cracks all over.

> You don't speak wind, unfortunately.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 30, 2010, 05:37:23 AM
>Are there any cracks large enough to peer into?
>And where did that rat go?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 30, 2010, 06:15:07 AM
>Are there any cracks large enough to peer into?
>And where did that rat go?

> No.

> The rat is sniffing a corner furiously. When you look at it, you can almost imagine a red exclamation mark appearing above it's head...
> It holds it's ground.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 30, 2010, 01:02:17 PM
>"Wait...wasn't this place sealed?"
>Eye the rat suspiciously. Consider blasting it, just to make sure.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on July 30, 2010, 08:32:23 PM
> Follow the white ratbit! ... er, I mean ... just follow the rat.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 30, 2010, 08:47:04 PM
>"Wait...wasn't this place sealed?"
>Eye the rat suspiciously. Consider blasting it, just to make sure.

> You continue to talk to yourself, as if you'd get an answer.
> Yukari pops out of a gap and grabs you by the shoulders shouting random noises. You would jump back in surprise if she hadn't of grabbed you.
> "It sure was, Aurica."
> She falls back into the gap laughing.

> You consider blowing the rat up. Then again, it doesn't seem too suspicious...

> Follow the white ratbit! ... er, I mean ... just follow the rat.

> You stand behind the rat. After a short time of it's sniffing, it stops. Seems it's beginning to notice you.
> It doesn't act like any rat you've ever seen.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 30, 2010, 09:14:26 PM
>Try not to cry. Because that was mean...
>Keep an eye on the rat.  Keep danmaku in mind in case it does something weird.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 30, 2010, 09:39:47 PM
>Try not to cry. Because that was mean...
>Keep an eye on the rat.  Keep danmaku in mind in case it does something weird.

> You hold back crying. That was rather mean.

> You prepare to explode the rat if it tries anything. It runs between your legs and scurries away.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 30, 2010, 09:52:21 PM
>Follow that rodent!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 30, 2010, 10:41:29 PM
>Follow that rodent!

> You follow the rodent. It runs inside a small hole in the wall. You, on the other hand, crash into the wall.
> Upon opening your eyes, the basement turns into a hellscape. A pill might help right about now.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on July 30, 2010, 10:45:40 PM
>Wonder briefly if the hellscape might actually help us explore. Then pop a pill in your mouth because we'll be much safer that way.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 30, 2010, 10:47:23 PM
>Wonder briefly if the hellscape might actually help us explore. Then pop a pill in your mouth because we'll be much safer that way.

> You doubt that fleshy walls and gore will help you explore.

> You swallow a pill and hope for the better. You black out.

> You wake up in Yukari's house, laying in your bed. Everything is back to normal, it seems.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on July 30, 2010, 11:12:47 PM
>Whaddafuc. Yukari conveniently left out the part where the pills knock us out.
>Get up and, assuming everything is still normal so far, exit our room.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 30, 2010, 11:24:26 PM
>Whaddafuc. Yukari conveniently left out the part where the pills knock us out.
>Get up and, assuming everything is still normal so far, exit our room.

> I built this game on convenience, deal with it Probably so you wouldn't be discouraged to use them. Or maybe she wanted to sleep. Why don't you ask her for once?

> You exit the room. The house is still quiet.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 30, 2010, 11:24:54 PM
>Go find Yukari.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 30, 2010, 11:33:01 PM
>Go find Yukari.

> You instinctively head upstairs and knock on Yukari's door. As she answers, you notice the miko that killed you a long time ago inside.
> "What do you need, Aurica?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 30, 2010, 11:45:31 PM
>"Uh, I just used one of those pills, and things got weird... can I have a hug?"
>"Hi Miss shrine maiden."

Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on July 30, 2010, 11:55:04 PM
> Check current condition.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 31, 2010, 12:16:48 AM
>"Uh, I just used one of those pills, and things got weird... can I have a hug?"
>"Hi Miss shrine maiden."

> She hugs you.
> "Oh, yeah. Chen found you passed out in Rin's basement. She brought you back here."

> "Reimu. Hakurei Reimu. Please remember my name."
> She thinks for a few seconds.
> "Yukari, is it a blonde?"
> "Yes."
> Reimu flicks down multiple panels on a small board laying in front of her.

> Check current condition.

> You feel perfectly fine. Clothes are in good condition, no scratches, bruises, gashes. You aren't even dizzy!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 31, 2010, 12:27:33 AM
>"Was that supposed to happen? The passing out?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 31, 2010, 03:21:46 AM
>"Was that supposed to happen? The passing out?"

> "No. When I had to use those, I stayed conscious. Then again, I guess they might be a tad strong for a faerie..."

> "Yukari, have you forgotten our game?"
> "Fine. Does she have a big nose?"
> "Yes."
> Yukari sticks her hand through a gap and knocks down some pieces on her board.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on July 31, 2010, 04:51:18 AM
> "Sorry Reimu, didn't mean to be rude."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 31, 2010, 05:46:31 AM
> "Sorry Reimu, didn't mean to be rude."

> "No worries. You should stop by the shrine some time. Donate...or go drinking with Suika again. Anything to get her out of the house."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on July 31, 2010, 07:09:15 AM
> "Maybe later. I'll see if their is anything else I can do before I go drinking with her, it'll porbly leave me useless for a while as well."
> "Speaking of things to do, do either of you have things you need done? I'd be willing to help." Happy, honest smile time :)
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 31, 2010, 01:01:12 PM
>To Yuka-tan: "Would half a pill work, maybe?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 31, 2010, 02:47:06 PM
> "Maybe later. I'll see if their is anything else I can do before I go drinking with her, it'll porbly leave me useless for a while as well."
> "Speaking of things to do, do either of you have things you need done? I'd be willing to help." Happy, honest smile time :)

> "Alright then."

> They look at each other before looking back at you.
> "Not really."
> "Not at all."

>To Yuka-tan: "Would half a pill work, maybe?"

> "It's worth a shot. Don't worry, I'll keep an eye out for you if you pass out again."

(I mistakenly thought you were referring to Yuuka, here. Had to stop myself and fix the post before...well, posting. *facepalm*)
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 31, 2010, 02:51:26 PM
>"Oh, uh, is Lily okay?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 31, 2010, 05:14:52 PM
>"Oh, uh, is Lily okay?"

> "I haven't heard anything, yet. Maybe you should take a look?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 31, 2010, 05:21:42 PM
>"She's at the place in the bamboo forest, though..."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 31, 2010, 05:38:07 PM
>"She's at the place in the bamboo forest, though..."

> "Well go and fly there! Ask Mokou to help you again or something. You can't expect me to guide you through everything, right?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 31, 2010, 05:48:28 PM
>"Okay...I just wanted to get thee soon so that basement wouldn't just be open the whole time."
>Depart for the forest. Recall the methods for summoning Mokou, if any.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 31, 2010, 07:15:48 PM
>"Okay...I just wanted to get thee soon so that basement wouldn't just be open and whole time."
>Depart for the forest. Recall the methods for summoning Mokou, if any.

> "It'll be fine. Just go."

> You depart for Eientei.
> Call her name wildly seemed to do the trick last time.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 31, 2010, 07:21:37 PM
>Take a swift but not too tiring pace. Lily won't get any better for us being there sooner.
>Wait...maybe she would?
>Do keep an eye out for interesting things along the way.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on July 31, 2010, 10:23:51 PM
>Take a swift but not too tiring pace. Lily won't get any better for us being there sooner.
>Wait...maybe she would?
>Do keep an eye out for interesting things along the way.

> You start slowly, but soon realize you ought to get there as soon as you can.
> Your pace has increased!

> You keep an eye out of interesting things. Unfortunately, nothing too important seems to be-
> You smash head-first into a stalk of giant bamboo. You stop and fall to the ground in pain.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 31, 2010, 10:28:33 PM
>Shake fist at the bamboo. "Tell me you're there, you big dummy!"
>Consider surroundings.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 01, 2010, 06:12:14 AM
>Shake fist at the bamboo. "Tell me you're there, you big dummy!"
>Consider surroundings.

> You yell at the bamboo. As if that will do you any good.

> You appear to be on the outskirts of the bamboo forest.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 01, 2010, 01:06:54 PM
>Head inside.
>Try to find way toward Eientei, if we can remember any navigational tricks to get there.
>Should Once this fails us, call for Mokou.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 01, 2010, 05:23:51 PM
>Head inside.
>Try to find way toward Eientei, if we can remember any navigational tricks to get there.
>Should Once this fails us, call for Mokou.

> You enter the forest.

> After a few minutes of blind wandering, you realize you're completely lost. You call out for Mokou.
> No reply.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 01, 2010, 05:25:21 PM
>Keep wandering whatever way feels right.
>Call for Mokou periodically.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 01, 2010, 05:36:13 PM
>Keep wandering whatever way feels right.
>Call for Mokou periodically.

> You frown.

> Continuing to wander, you appear to have become even more lost. You call out for Mokou periodically, to no avail.

> Your foot slips through the ground. You appear to be stuck, leaving you in an awkward position.
> Suddenly a rabbit's head pops out of a small hole in the ground.
> "What the-"
> It appears to be Tewi, albeit a very dirty Tewi. Her face has a bit of dirt on it, and one of her socks ears is almost completely coloured a light brown.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 01, 2010, 05:44:12 PM
>"Oh, um, hi!"
>Ponder if she's making more hideouts.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 01, 2010, 08:23:50 PM
>"Oh, um, hi!"
>Ponder if she's making more hideouts.

> "Hello!"

> You have no idea. If she was, you probably just caved in a tunnel or something.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 01, 2010, 08:25:16 PM
>"Hey, how do you get to Eientei from here? I got a sick friend there."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 01, 2010, 08:33:05 PM
>"Hey, how do you get to Eientei from here? I got a sick friend there."

> "Oh, to Eientei? Well..."
> She pulls a toolbox out of seemingly nowhere.
> "I'd be perfectly willing to sell one of these maps to you. I'd throw in a discount, just because I like folks like you a lot."
> Opening the box, she pulls out a very well-written map of Gensokyo.
> "It covers the forest. Has the best three routes through the forest. I can guarantee you'll be able to get through this forest in less than three minutes with these shortcuts."
> She digs through her toolbox.
> "Make me an offer."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 01, 2010, 08:46:40 PM
>"I wanna try before I buy."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on August 01, 2010, 08:49:35 PM
>Check our inventory... we haven't done that in a while now.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 01, 2010, 08:59:38 PM
>"I wanna try before I buy."

> She rubs her chin.
> "Well, I can't just give you a freebie, can I? You certainly aren't an unfortunate human. You're a faerie that gets in my way."
> She closes the box.
> "If you aren't going to make an offer, I'm going to get back to work. Them's gold in this forest."
> She puts the box away and steps out of the hole, carrying a shovel. She consults her map and begins to walk away from you.

>Check our inventory... we haven't done that in a while now.

> Your inventory:
-fairy set
-sack lunch
-super duper megacrystal pen
-fancy hat
-super umbrella
-bunny set
-thigh highs
-carrot sealed folder
-the paper
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 01, 2010, 09:01:28 PM
>Try to remember when we got the GPS.
>Test that sucker out. =[
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 01, 2010, 09:37:36 PM
>Try to remember when we got the GPS.
>Test that sucker out. =[

> From your memory, it seems like you picked the GPS up when you were getting some things from Kappatown for Alice.

> You look at the GPS. It reads "NO SIGNAL."
> No connection. You can't see where you are at the moment.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 01, 2010, 09:45:16 PM
>"Oh right. Time travel."
>Glare at GPS, then put it away.
>Back to the original plan! Pick a direction that looks nice, head that way, periodically call for Mokou. Try flight every so often if it seems doable.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 01, 2010, 11:57:38 PM
>"Oh right. Time travel."
>Glare at GPS, then put it away.
>Back to the original plan! Pick a direction that looks nice, head that way, periodically call for Mokou. Try flight every so often if it seems doable.

> You put your GPS away. Curse you time travel!

> You pick a different direction, calling out for Mokou. Still no reply...

> After quite a bit of wandering, you're knocked off your feet by a rabbit popping her head out of the ground. You look to see who knocked you down, only to see a bewildered Tewi.
> "Still trying to get through the forest, I see."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 02, 2010, 12:00:20 AM
>"...Are you lost, too?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 02, 2010, 12:08:57 AM
>"...Are you lost, too?"

> "Nope. Looking for something great."
> She pulls the large toolbox out of nowhere and sets it down.
> " about buying some of my goods?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 02, 2010, 12:12:18 AM
>"If maps worked, wouldn't people outside be selling them? That's kind why I wanted to try it before buying. Hey! Do you have any of those orbs with the ying yangs on them?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 02, 2010, 01:44:47 AM
>"If maps worked, wouldn't people outside be selling them? That's kind why I wanted to try it before buying. Hey! Do you have any of those orbs with the ying yangs on them?"

> "Maps do work. I bought the market."
> "As for the orbs..."
> She digs in her toolbox and pulls out a YIN-YANG ORB.
> "Now, I know what you do with these things. I ordinarily sell them as silly trinkets from the shrine. But when someone that can actually use them comes along...well...I'm going to up the price. I'm offering it for 2000. Let's start from there."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 02, 2010, 01:48:04 AM
>"Lemme see if it's real."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 02, 2010, 01:59:03 AM
>"Lemme see if it's real."

> She laughs.
> "I know what you're planning. Touch it, use it, then run off. I have five more of these in here. I'd be willing to toss a second in with your purchase, if it means enough to you to try and swindle it off of me."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 02, 2010, 02:01:25 AM
>"If you have five, then you've got little to lose. Besides if I steal it, you could just tell my boss. She'd be angry with me."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 02, 2010, 02:16:38 AM
>"If you have five, then you've got little to lose. Besides if I steal it, you could just tell my boss. She'd be angry with me."

> "You'd be surprised at how easy it is to price gouge people for these."
> She grins.
> "And your boss wouldn't care too much. Only if you badly hurt me. Something I doubt you'd do."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on August 02, 2010, 02:27:57 AM
>How much money do we have, anyway?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 02, 2010, 07:04:57 AM
>How much money do we have, anyway?

> You check your pockets and appear to be flat broke. You don't remember the last time you had money with you.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 02, 2010, 02:12:33 PM
>What were the contents of the carrot-sealed folder? Perhaps we could barter this.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 02, 2010, 03:56:34 PM
>What were the contents of the carrot-sealed folder? Perhaps we could barter this.

> It's a map to Tewi's different hideouts. You have a feeling she has hundreds of these.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 02, 2010, 04:24:15 PM
>"Hey, how about I trade you some secret information for one of them and a map?"
>If she seems interested, display the folder. Do not let her grab it or damage it.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 02, 2010, 04:40:23 PM
>"Hey, how about I trade you some secret information for one of them and a map?"
>If she seems interested, display the folder. Do not let her grab it or damage it.

> "You really can't expect me to buy my own map."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 02, 2010, 05:06:02 PM
>"No, but I figure you probably wouldn't want it just floating around out there, where anyone who finds it can just take it."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 02, 2010, 05:52:19 PM
>"No, but I figure you probably wouldn't want it just floating around out there, where anyone who finds it can just take it."

> She digs in her toolbox.
> "Of course not. But I take precautions for this kind of thing."
> She pulls out a small switch before activating it.

> The CARROT SEALED FOLDER has burst into flames!
> "Thank you for alerting me to one of my maps being stolen."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 02, 2010, 06:44:22 PM
>Toss aside the burning map.
>"Holy crap! That was neat! How'd you do that?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 02, 2010, 07:01:56 PM
>Toss aside the burning map.
>"Holy crap! That was neat! How'd you do that?"

> You toss aside the map and cry out in surprise.

> "The plastic carrots used to seal those folders carry tiny bombs. Just enough to set the folder on fire. And the folder itself is highly flammable, so the chance of failure is quite low."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 02, 2010, 07:09:13 PM
>"Awesome! How do you make 'em? Are they expensive?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 02, 2010, 07:19:13 PM
>"Awesome! How do you make 'em? Are they expensive?"

> "Yes. Very. I need money from folks like you to keep up to my expenses. So if you'd offer something for one of my goods..."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 02, 2010, 07:27:03 PM
>"Nope, you got pretty much the only thing I had to trade. Shame, though, you could have saved yourself the money and got rid of some dead weight.."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on August 02, 2010, 07:29:47 PM
>"Nope, you got pretty much the only thing I had to trade. Shame, though, you could have saved yourself the money and got rid of some dead weight.."
>Let's not say this. It's not going to get us a ying-yang orb or a map, and we could at least try pawning off the now-useless GPS and/or tracker. Or maybe the bomb.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 02, 2010, 08:48:37 PM
>We are not getting rid of the tracker or the bomb. They were gifts from Nitori!  ;_;
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on August 02, 2010, 08:53:13 PM
>We are not getting rid of the tracker or the bomb. They were gifts from Nitori!  ;_;
>The tracker does literally NOTHING though, now! It shouldn't even exist in this timeline! ;_; And the bomb is to be used as will best help us! It'd either be a one-time use, or possibly traded for a permanent boost to our abilities with a Yin-Yang Orb... either way, it's not really something we'd be keeping for awhile...
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 02, 2010, 08:59:45 PM
>It's still a gift! You don't give away gifts! ;_;!
>Also even Aurica knows its a bad idea to give Tewi a bomb.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on August 02, 2010, 09:05:15 PM
>Well... we could try the catnip. If that stuff drives cats as crazy as it does, Tewi could use it for some sort of prank or... something.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 02, 2010, 09:10:15 PM
>"Nope, you got pretty much the only thing I had to trade. Shame, though, you could have saved yourself the money and got rid of some dead weight.."
>Let's not say this. It's not going to get us a ying-yang orb or a map, and we could at least try pawning off the now-useless GPS and/or tracker. Or maybe the bomb.
>The tracker does literally NOTHING though, now! It shouldn't even exist in this timeline! ;_; And the bomb is to be used as will best help us! It'd either be a one-time use, or possibly traded for a permanent boost to our abilities with a Yin-Yang Orb... either way, it's not really something we'd be keeping for awhile...
>It's still a gift! You don't give away gifts! ;_;!
>Also even Aurica knows its a bad idea to give Tewi a bomb.
>Well... we could try the catnip. If that stuff drives cats as crazy as it does, Tewi could use it for some sort of prank or... something.

> You stand there, looking like an idiot, bickering with yourself over what you should barter.
> "...Are you okay? You're starting to look pale."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 02, 2010, 09:11:21 PM
>In a small voice, "Conflicted..."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 02, 2010, 09:12:44 PM
>In a small voice, "Conflicted..."

> "Ah. Remember, if you pass out, I can't guarantee that you'll wake up with both of your kidneys."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 02, 2010, 09:20:11 PM
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 02, 2010, 11:39:02 PM

> "Look, I'm going to go in a moment. You bother me."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on August 04, 2010, 12:41:59 AM
>"... Are you interested in some catnip?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 04, 2010, 12:44:42 AM
>"... Are you interested in some catnip?"

> "...What kind of catnip?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on August 04, 2010, 12:46:45 AM
>Show her the catnip.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 04, 2010, 12:56:38 AM
>Show her the catnip.

> "Most catnip looks the same, stupid. I said what kind. As in, where did it come from, anything added to it, who it came from, etc."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on August 04, 2010, 01:11:30 AM
>"This catnip came from the deep underground where two Satoris live together with super powerful pets. This here catnip is all that there is that can possibly take down the Satoris' pet cat who is actually a youkai that can transform herself into a human and has two tails. TWO TAILS! With catnip this powerful you know your getting your bang for your buck!"
>Waaaiit a second... Roger used to live around here... isn't it possible that he might know his way through?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 05, 2010, 07:37:12 PM
>"This catnip came from the deep underground where two Satoris live together with super powerful pets. This here catnip is all that there is that can possibly take down the Satoris' pet cat who is actually a youkai that can transform herself into a human and has two tails. TWO TAILS! With catnip this powerful you know your getting your bang for your buck!"
>Waaaiit a second... Roger used to live around here... isn't it possible that he might know his way through?

> "I'll give you one of these here orbs, then. That stuff is known for it's...secret ingredients. I'd like to get my hands on them."

> It's quite likely. Maybe you should call him?
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: axman36 on August 05, 2010, 07:39:40 PM
>"Alright! Thanks!"
>Receive the orb from her.
>Call Roger.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 05, 2010, 08:26:27 PM
>Apply orb to Gapsploitation.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on August 05, 2010, 08:40:56 PM
>Apply orb to Gapsploitation.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 05, 2010, 11:21:23 PM
>"Alright! Thanks!"
>Receive the orb from her.
>Call Roger.

> You exchange goods. Tewi nods and moves along on her way. Searching for whatever it is she's looking for.

> You call Roger. He should be here soon.

> You have obtained a YIN-YANG ORB! (

>Apply orb to Gapsploitation.

> Gap is now level 0.7.

> Roger sprints into the vicinity. He doubles over, gasping for air.
> "Y...You needed me, Master?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 05, 2010, 11:27:49 PM
>"Wow, that's pretty impressive. Need to get to Eientei."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on August 05, 2010, 11:37:26 PM
>So he doesn't just fall out of nowhere like he used to? Aww.
>Time travel sucks.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 08, 2010, 12:29:40 AM
>"Wow, that's pretty impressive. Need to get to Eientei."

> "Eientei? Err..."
> He nervously looks around before running off. He motions for you to follow.

>So he doesn't just fall out of nowhere like he used to? Aww.
>Time travel sucks.

> Tough titty, son Yes it does.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 08, 2010, 12:43:24 AM
>Make with the following!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on August 08, 2010, 02:39:56 PM
> The GPS can still receive messages from Nitori, right? It is our most convenient way of communication with her. It might not work hre in the forest, but outside should be perfectly fine, right?
> Bummer about the map. Who knows how much loot there was in those marked spots. There is still one at Keine's place that we need to check out.
> Follow Roger.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on August 08, 2010, 02:43:39 PM
> The GPS can still receive messages from Nitori, right? It is our most convenient way of communication with her. It might not work hre in the forest, but outside should be perfectly fine, right?
>I believe the theory was more of  "Time travel happened, GPS was never actually made now, and there's nothing for it to connect to".
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 08, 2010, 11:07:44 PM
> The GPS can still receive messages from Nitori, right? It is our most convenient way of communication with her. It might not work hre in the forest, but outside should be perfectly fine, right?
> Bummer about the map. Who knows how much loot there was in those marked spots. There is still one at Keine's place that we need to check out.
> Follow Roger.
>Make with the following!
>I believe the theory was more of  "Time travel happened, GPS was never actually made now, and there's nothing for it to connect to".

> You aren't sure! Perhaps it would be best to try the GPS later.

> You aren't sure if it's loot...Why would Tewi be here if she was looking for stored precious things?

> You follow Roger for a while. Soon, you end up at Eientei's gates.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 08, 2010, 11:19:23 PM
>Into Eientei, and toward the Nurse's office! We've only been there half a dozen times before.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Kasu on August 08, 2010, 11:27:12 PM
> Thank Roger for the guidance.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on August 09, 2010, 12:28:23 AM
> Make note to ask Ran if she knows of a way to allow shikigami to get to their master quickly without tiring.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on August 09, 2010, 08:08:20 PM
> Well I meant that Tewi might be hiding interesting things in her hide-outs, like treasure, weaponry, secret plans, stuff Tewi has stolen or other such things. We could have gotten our hands on it if we kept that map.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 09, 2010, 08:20:53 PM
>Well, we did check it a few times, chances are we have at least some of it memorized by now.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 09, 2010, 08:35:16 PM
> Thank Roger for the guidance.
> Make note to ask Ran if she knows of a way to allow shikigami to get to their master quickly without tiring.

> You thank Roger and scribble down a question for Ran in the notebook.

> Well I meant that Tewi might be hiding interesting things in her hide-outs, like treasure, weaponry, secret plans, stuff Tewi has stolen or other such things. We could have gotten our hands on it if we kept that map.
>Well, we did check it a few times, chances are we have at least some of it memorized by now.

> You don't remember scratch, unfortunately.

>Into Eientei, and toward the Nurse's office! We've only been there half a dozen times before.

> You enter Eientei. No one outside, strangely enough.

> You're greeted by a bored looking Reisen sitting at the counter. She looks up and says hello.
> "I was told you'd be coming. Follow me, please."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 09, 2010, 08:54:56 PM
>Follow along. "Things are okay, right?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 09, 2010, 09:08:25 PM
>Follow along. "Things are okay, right?"

> "Yeah. It's a bit empty, though. It's...kind of a weird story."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 09, 2010, 09:26:56 PM
>"I really don't like the sound of that."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on August 09, 2010, 09:31:18 PM
> "If it's not to much to ask, could you tell me why?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 10, 2010, 01:22:43 AM
>"I really don't like the sound of that."

> You initiate your classic incident solver frown. (Patent Pending)

> "Well, it's nothing terrible. There's a few rabbits around. You know, the ones that actually work."
> She curses under her breath.

> "If it's not to much to ask, could you tell me why?"

> "Well...Yukari was fooling around again, from what I understand. She brought packs of cards from a trading card game out of the outside world and sold them to Kourindou. Long story short, Tewi bought them, and distributed them amongst the rabbits. Now all of the lazier rabbits are lounging about the forest playing this game against each other. I suppose they weren't much help anyways...So it isn't really a loss."

> She begins to move down the halls. You follow her.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 10, 2010, 01:25:01 AM
>"Oh. I remember those things. They get expensive fast."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 11, 2010, 03:44:30 AM
>"Oh. I remember those things. They get expensive fast."

> "Yeah."

> You continue to Eirin's office. As you step in, Eirin greets you with a wave. Lily appears to be asleep on the only bed in the room. It's only now that you realize this place really isn't really equipped for major injuries. Thank god you didn't wail on her to badly.
> "Ah, Aurica. Yukari talked to me. You want to see Lily, right?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 11, 2010, 03:55:20 AM
>"Yeah! I'm really worried, after all the stuff that happened..."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 12, 2010, 07:23:04 PM
>"Yeah! I'm really worried, after all the stuff that happened..."

> "For good reason! You did beat your best friend quite thoroughly. She'll be fine, though. The burns are nothing serious, thankfully. We can take care of it quite easily."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 12, 2010, 07:27:46 PM
>"So, can I go see her? Or, um, is she not wanting to see me?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 13, 2010, 04:01:35 PM
>"So, can I go see her? Or, um, is she not wanting to see me?"

> "You can see her right now, can't you?"
> She smirks.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 13, 2010, 04:04:40 PM
>"Don't twist my words, menace!"
>"Can I go talk and stuff?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 13, 2010, 11:59:45 PM
>"Don't twist my words, menace!"
>"Can I go talk and stuff?"

> She laughs.

> "She's sleeping, but you could. like talking to the equivalent of a wall."
> She once again laughs at her musing.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 14, 2010, 12:15:01 AM
>"Hey! Walls are good listeners!"
>Go over to Lily, see how she's doing.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 14, 2010, 08:01:07 PM
>"Hey! Walls are good listeners!"
>Go over to Lily, see how she's doing.

> "...Okay then."

> You go over to Lily. There are some badly bruised places on her face. Likely where you, y'know, got her on the ground and beat the shit out of her.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 14, 2010, 08:13:56 PM
>Does she seem to be resting peacefully?
>If so, it's time to mess with her dreams! Whisper: "It's raining chocolate~" into her ear.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on August 16, 2010, 08:19:55 PM
> We should have brought a present for her...
> Consider going to Kourindou and buy an apology present.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 17, 2010, 03:38:48 AM
>Does she seem to be resting peacefully?
>If so, it's time to mess with her dreams! Whisper: "It's raining chocolate~" into her ear.

> Very much so.

> You whisper the deliciousness into her ear. Nothing happens.

> We should have brought a present for her...
> Consider going to Kourindou and buy an apology present.

> Yeah...

> Perhaps you should. It might be a nice thing to do. Maybe it'll make up for, y'know, beating her.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 17, 2010, 03:48:13 AM
>Consider where to get the monies to fund a gift.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 17, 2010, 05:17:24 AM
>Consider where to get the monies to fund a gift.

> You hear Yukari's voice immediately.
> "Yukari would be a good person to ask. I'm sure the old hag would lend you some money~"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 17, 2010, 05:24:52 AM
>Think: "But I don't know any old hags named Yukari. Just a kidnapper angel!"
>Assuming she's still around and listening, "Uh...I need to get some money. For a present for Lily."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 17, 2010, 05:57:41 AM
>Think: "But I don't know any old hags named Yukari. Just a kidnapper angel!"
>Assuming she's still around and listening, "Uh...I need to get some money. For a present for Lily."

> "Very funny, Aurica. You have me splitting my sides in laughter."

> "Sure."
> A small sack is dropped into your hands.
> "That should cover it. You're welcome~"

> Thou You have gained 3108 yen.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 17, 2010, 06:09:21 AM
>"...What's funny?"
>Distraction shinies!
>"Thanks, boss!"
>Off to Kourindou!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 17, 2010, 06:35:50 AM
>"...What's funny?"
>Distraction shinies!
>"Thanks, boss!"
>Off to Kourindou!

> "..."

> "No need to call me boss, Aurica..."

> You sprint out of Eientei and into the forest, promptly getting lost. Good plan, Faerie.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on August 17, 2010, 06:40:02 AM
>Lets try gapping there! We didn't level up that skill for nothing!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 17, 2010, 06:41:57 AM
>Since we're not trying to find any place in the forest, hopefully escape will be as simple as flying above it until the bamboo goes away. Preferably in a manner that also takes us toward civilization.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 18, 2010, 03:43:44 AM
>Lets try gapping there! We didn't level up that skill for nothing!

> You attempt to use Gap to reach Kourindou.
> You slam face first into a counter top in the store. Everything flashes into nightmare realm. You pray to god the pills are still with you.

>Since we're not trying to find any place in the forest, hopefully escape will be as simple as flying above it until the bamboo goes away. Preferably in a manner that also takes us toward civilization.

> You are already out of the forest!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 18, 2010, 03:53:06 AM
>Look around.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 18, 2010, 04:13:39 AM
>Look around.

> You groan loudly.

> Everything is a rather...disgusting looking, fleshy, bulging mass. Not to mention what you think is Rinnosuke walking towards you. It'd be easier to tell if he didn't have large fish eyes and crooked shark teeth.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 18, 2010, 04:17:28 AM
>"Just a moment."
>Look for pills. Assuming we can find one,, break it in half, take the half.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 18, 2010, 03:58:36 PM
>"Just a moment."
>Look for pills. Assuming we can find one,, break it in half, take the half.

> The Rinnosuke monster sort of snarls at you.

> You grab pills out of your dress of holding.
> Taking one, you snap it in half, and take it. Everything slowly fades back to normal, including a surprised looking Rinnosuke.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 18, 2010, 04:16:19 PM
>"Sorry...bad day."
>Shake head.
>"Rinnosuke, my main man! I need a gift for Lily White!"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 18, 2010, 05:01:33 PM
>"Sorry...bad day."
>Shake head.
>"Rinnosuke, my main man! I need a gift for Lily White!"

> "No worries."

> You shake your head.

> "I can't really help you unless you're looking for something specific..."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 18, 2010, 05:08:08 PM
>"Um, something around three thousand yen? Oh! And a good apology gift. Because I kinda got the hallucinations and, uh...beat her up a little...lots."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 18, 2010, 05:29:24 PM
>"Um, something around three thousand yen? Oh! And a good apology gift. Because I kinda got the hallucinations and, uh...beat her up a little...lots."

> "I-I see. Why don't you just...take a look around the store..."
> He helps you up.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 18, 2010, 05:41:31 PM
>Have a good look around the store!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 18, 2010, 09:50:05 PM
>Have a good look around the store!

> "Anytime..."

> You stand your ass up and examine the store's offerings.

>Shop inventory:
-THE UGLY DUCKLING (storybook)

>You suppose you should ask for the price of something.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 18, 2010, 09:59:16 PM
>"Hey, how much do these things cost?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 19, 2010, 12:43:57 AM
>"Hey, how much do these things cost?"

> "Which?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 19, 2010, 12:47:06 AM
>Pronounce the punctuation carefully.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on August 19, 2010, 01:18:46 AM
> "Does the Gameboy Advance come with a (few) game(s)?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 19, 2010, 04:16:01 AM
>Pronounce the punctuation carefully.

> "Uhhh..."
> He hands you a small notepad with the prices listed on them.
> Prices are as follows:
-GAME BOY ADVANCE = 6200 yen
-PLASTIC FLOWERS = 220 yen apiece
-POCKETWATCH = 5500 yen
-RADIATOR = 2300
-THE UGLY DUCKLING (storybook) - 800 yen

> "Does the Gameboy Advance come with a (few) game(s)?"

> "I'm pretty sure Pokemon is in there."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 19, 2010, 04:23:27 AM
>"I'll give you 50 yen for the box."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 19, 2010, 06:39:49 AM
>"I'll give you 50 yen for the box."

> "No."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 19, 2010, 06:46:27 AM
>"For all I know, all that's in there is a potato peel. 60 Yen."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 20, 2010, 01:15:35 AM
>"For all I know, all that's in there is a potato peel. 60 Yen."

> "Once again, no."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 20, 2010, 01:39:18 AM
>"Fine, I'll give you five hundred."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 20, 2010, 04:00:40 AM
>"Fine, I'll give you five hundred."

> "Sure, that sounds reasonable."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Serela on August 20, 2010, 04:04:22 AM
>Give him the money
>Receive Mystery Box
>Open iiiittttt
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 20, 2010, 06:53:58 AM
>Give him the money
>Receive Mystery Box
>Open iiiittttt

> You give him the money and tear the box open. Inside, there was a Cookie! Inside, you find a key.
> Looking the key over,  there's a tiny button on it!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 20, 2010, 07:07:04 AM
>Push the button, oh god!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 20, 2010, 07:52:14 PM
>Push the button, oh god!

> You push the button. You notice the end of the key changing to make a different key. Neat!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 20, 2010, 08:11:06 PM
>Push push push push!
>Afterward, examine the Radiator.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 20, 2010, 11:11:29 PM
>Push push push push!
>Afterward, examine the Radiator.

> You repeatedly push the button.

> It's a coil of a metal tube that heats the home.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 20, 2010, 11:18:41 PM
>"Nitori'd probably like this."
>Check The Ugly Duckling. Contemplate how faeries regard fine literature.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 21, 2010, 12:09:39 AM
>"Nitori'd probably like this."
>Check The Ugly Duckling. Contemplate how faeries regard fine literature.

> Rinnosuke isn't even here at the moment. He's likely in the back room or something.

> You have no clue how faeries would like such a thing.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 21, 2010, 12:37:33 AM
>Lament our lack of communion with our fellow faeries.
>Wonder when Rinnosuke ran off.
>Wait for him to return, buy the book and the wind up toy.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 23, 2010, 01:32:39 AM
>Lament our lack of communion with our fellow faeries.
>Wonder when Rinnosuke ran off.
>Wait for him to return, buy the book and the wind up toy.

> A crying shame you haven't really conversed with faeries at all...

> Where did that lazy bum go? Not too clever to leave one of a species known for mischief alone in a store...

> You wait for Rinnosuke to get back.

> You wait for quite a while...
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 23, 2010, 01:58:22 AM
>"I'm about to rob the place!"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 24, 2010, 05:24:38 AM
>"I'm about to rob the place!"

> Everything remains silent.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 24, 2010, 05:49:16 AM
>Take the book and the wind-up toy!  Walk out the door!
>Stop. Think of Yukari.
>Go back and count out the proper amount of money and leave it on the counter.
>Back to Eientei! Summon Roger when appropriate.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 25, 2010, 04:57:33 AM
>Take the book and the wind-up toy!  Walk out the door!
>Stop. Think of Yukari.
>Go back and count out the proper amount of money and leave it on the counter.
>Back to Eientei! Summon Roger when appropriate.

> You prepare to just leave with the items before your conscience kicks in. Deciding to be a good person, you leave the correct amount of money on the table before stepping out.

> You head back to Eientei, letting Roger guide you through once again.
> The place is still empty on the outside, it seems.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 25, 2010, 05:24:57 AM
>Enter! Back to the infirmary.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 26, 2010, 04:18:07 AM
>Enter! Back to the infirmary.

> You head back to the infirmary, ignoring Reisen.

> Eirin isn't here at the moment. Lily is still asleep.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 26, 2010, 04:32:53 AM
>Find some scrap paper.
>Leave the book, the wind up toy, and the key near Lily. Drag over a table if needs be.
>Write a note: "I came twice, but you weren't awake. I'm really sorry about what happened. I got you some gifts at Kourindou! <3, Aurica"
>Leave them where she'll see them.
>Start to creep off.
>Walk back over to Lily and whisper into her ear: "The floor is made of cookies~ Eat eat eat~"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 26, 2010, 04:41:01 AM
>Find some scrap paper.
>Leave the book, the wind up toy, and the key near Lily. Drag over a table if needs be.
>Write a note: "I came twice, but you weren't awake. I'm really sorry about what happened. I got you some gifts at Kourindou! <3, Aurica"
>Leave them where she'll see them.
>Start to creep off.
>Walk back over to Lily and whisper into her ear: "The floor is made of cookies~ Eat eat eat~"

> You find some paper and leave a note with the gifts.

> You begin to creep off before deciding to torment Lily some more. She doesn't stir.

> You leave the room.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 26, 2010, 04:52:25 AM
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 29, 2010, 06:22:20 AM

> You have no real quests, unfortunately.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 29, 2010, 06:23:59 AM
>Well, time to go bother our favorite Kappa.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on August 29, 2010, 07:14:19 AM
> Before leaving Eientei, look around for someone, preferably Eirin or Reisen.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 30, 2010, 02:20:55 AM
>Well, time to go bother our favorite Kappa.
> Before leaving Eientei, look around for someone, preferably Eirin or Reisen.

> You look around for one of the two. You hear some noises in a room in your search. Opening the door, you stumble into a room where a scantily clad rabbit is in the process of slipping a fresh change of clothes on. In moments, you're sitting on your rear outside the room, flustered.

> You stand up and leave Eientei, calling Roger to guide you out of the forest. You immediately depart for Kappatown.

> You have arrived in Kappatown. The place never changes, surprisingly. Kappa running from home to home. Doing their...Kappa things...
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 30, 2010, 02:27:12 AM
>Make way toward Nitori-Hearth. Surely there are cool things happening there.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 30, 2010, 02:39:42 AM
>Make way toward Nitori-Hearth. Surely there are cool things happening there.

> You walk towards Nitori-Hearth, before an explosion sends a single Kappa out of the hut.
> Panic ensues as various Kappa check the sploded one's pulse. She appears to be dead. In a rather disturbing display, only one person picks up the body after everyone else has just shrugged and left.

> Nitori steps out wearing a noticeably shinier version of her old hat. She cackles maniacally.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 30, 2010, 02:47:56 AM
>"It is!? That's great! But...that poor kappa over there..."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 31, 2010, 01:28:16 AM
>"It is!? That's great! But...that poor kappa over there..."

> "She forgot to wear safety goggles. Her fate was sealed."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 31, 2010, 01:36:23 AM
>"...Can I have some goggles, please?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on August 31, 2010, 02:20:00 AM
>"...Can I have some goggles, please?"

> She hands you a pair of goggles.
> "These belonged to the deceased. She won't need them anymore."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on August 31, 2010, 02:41:50 AM
>Put them on! Put the on and never take them off!
>...Heehee, free gift.
>"What'd you complete?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on September 01, 2010, 02:08:48 AM
>Put them on! Put the on and never take them off!
>...Heehee, free gift.
>"What'd you complete?"

> You slip the goggles on.

> Yes! Be thankful!

> "THIS!"
> She points to her hat.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 01, 2010, 02:16:52 AM
>Examine hat!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on September 04, 2010, 12:36:49 AM
>Examine hat!

It is identical to almost every other Kappa hat. It just seems shinier with a bit more of a glossy feel.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 04, 2010, 12:45:10 AM
>"Oh my stars, would you look at that shine!"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on September 04, 2010, 01:06:36 AM
> "Woooow, seems a lot more shiny and glossy! Anything else about it I should know about it beyond the fact you made your hat even more awesome?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on September 08, 2010, 11:24:02 PM
>"Oh my stars, would you look at that shine!"

> She stops suddenly.
> "I think I'd rather show you."

> "Woooow, seems a lot more shiny and glossy! Anything else about it I should know about it beyond the fact you made your hat even more awesome?"

> "Follow me."
> She walks into the hut.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 08, 2010, 11:51:47 PM
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on September 09, 2010, 02:27:19 AM
> Follow that Kappa!
> Be ready to be amazed!
> "This is gonna be awesome, isn't it!"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on September 12, 2010, 08:11:49 PM

> You follow Nitori, extremely excited.

> Follow that Kappa!
> Be ready to be amazed!
> "This is gonna be awesome, isn't it!"

> You prepare for AMAZEMENT.

> Her head whips around and looks at you.

> Once she reaches her desk, she pulls a large jackknife off the counter and points it at her own chest.
> She's going to kill herself! Do something!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 12, 2010, 08:15:20 PM
>Lunge and grab it!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on September 16, 2010, 02:31:25 AM
> "Oh crud! STOP!"
> Dive at the kappa, get the knife away from her, ASAP!
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on September 28, 2010, 02:26:40 PM
>Lunge and grab it!
> "Oh crud! STOP!"
> Dive at the kappa, get the knife away from her, ASAP!

> You leap at Nitori and attempt to snatch the knife. After a bit of wrestling, you get it away from her.
> Nitori looks annoyed.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on September 28, 2010, 10:54:15 PM
>Look at her, on the verge of tears.
>"Y-you can't do this to yourself! You've got so much to live for, Nitori! You've got too many people that love you! What would I do without you!?"
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on September 29, 2010, 06:07:55 PM
> "What the heck, you were going to shank yourself! Please explain why, please."
> Watch out for shankings from Parsee, Koishi, the SDM, and maybe Yukari.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: OkashiiKisei on October 03, 2010, 01:28:19 PM
> "And if that is some kind of invincibility hat you could have just told us!" D:
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on October 04, 2010, 06:54:35 PM
>Look at her, on the verge of tears.
>"Y-you can't do this to yourself! You've got so much to live for, Nitori! You've got too many people that love you! What would I do without you!?"

> She lets out a long sigh.

> "What the heck, you were going to shank yourself! Please explain why, please."
> Watch out for shankings from Parsee, Koishi, the SDM, and maybe Yukari.

> "Hat."

> "And if that is some kind of invincibility hat you could have just told us!" D:

> "But then I would have had to stab myself afterwards to prove it."
> She seems fairly annoyed.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: MysTeariousYukari on October 04, 2010, 09:24:29 PM
> "Oh... sorry."
> Give Nitori the knife back.
> "If your sure you'll be ok... then go ahead... but maybe I should test it, just in case it doesn't work. I don't want you to get hurt."
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Hello Purvis on October 05, 2010, 01:21:56 AM
>Bummed out expression. We were just trying to help...
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Dizzy H. "Muffin" Muffin on October 05, 2010, 03:23:37 AM
> Deflect shanking anyway. Including possibly by Parsee.
Title: Re: Nameless Quest of The Faerie, her bunny, her doll, and the MWwtVFU. Disk Finale!
Post by: Spidere on October 14, 2010, 12:22:25 AM
> "Oh... sorry."
> Give Nitori the knife back.
> "If your sure you'll be ok... then go ahead... but maybe I should test it, just in case it doesn't work. I don't want you to get hurt."

> You hand her the knife. She puts it away and sighs.
> "I like you, but you should never interfere with my SCIENCE!"

>Bummed out expression. We were just trying to help...

> You make yourself look as sad as possible. She starts to soften up, by the looks of it.

> Deflect shanking anyway. Including possibly by Parsee.

> You ensure that no shanking occurs. Damn Parsee, waiting downstairs, sharpenin' her knives...

> Please insert Disk (,7366.0.html) AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA to continue.