Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Daiyousei's Cold Storage => Topic started by: triangles on December 23, 2009, 10:58:32 PM

Title: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Internet
Post by: triangles on December 23, 2009, 10:58:32 PM may have to go through with them!

Mod warning: No posting spoilers!

Means don't say what the costume is!

So as you all should know, there's been a charity drive and we raised a ridiculous amount of money.  While I lost track of the bribes, MJP promised to donate a Toy for Tot in some sort of ridiculous outfit depending on how much money was raised.
And thus, at this insane level, he had to be a Touhou which I threw together last night.


Alas, when calling around the Starbucks we planned on going didn't actually have a donation box, and the restaurant that was local and listed on the site didn't have one either, we figured they already got picked up and had to come up with a Plan B....

So they didn't let us film in the store but he really did go in I promise (and you can see in the tail end of video 2) and we bought stuff and then came back to the Salvation Army guy who also wanted to take MJP's picture (and MJP is certain he's going to be on some sort of coffee room bulletin board of "WEIRDOS WE ENCOUNTER")

And that's that!  Sorry the quality's crappy I have a lousy phone for all this and I don't know how to edit video at all or hold a phone straight  :V

I posted this in CPMC because I did want to keep some sort of privacy about this since the supermarket wasn't exactly happy with us (though the check out clerk thought it was awesome, probably a nice change of pace from the usual shoppers) and in this day and age we don't want anyone getting fired or something, this is also why it's not on Youtube.  DO NOT UPLOAD THIS OR SHARE WITH OUTSIDERS. 
Please, I don't want anyone to get in trouble somehow.

But yeah.  Good job guys! 

Oh, and as for the costume choice: we asked the largest donater to give a short list of Touhous he'd want to be an option, and I went with the one that I could throw together the fastest and still be recognizable and not look like, well, someone sewed the costume blindfolded with boxing gloves on in the time constrants.  I was going to do a felt wig but it looked terrible whoops!

EDIT: Oh no we broke Mediafire!  Until someone else can figure out how to unsuckify the audio here's a zip with all the videos (
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Internet
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 23, 2009, 11:03:46 PM
This outfit better make it to Otakon.
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Internet
Post by: Rin Kagamine on December 23, 2009, 11:06:10 PM
I switched to watching this video from play Brutal Legend and your voice was so piercing it hurt.

Thanks for making him that costume though.  Since you couldn't donate it, what happened to the toy?
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Internet
Post by: Matsuri on December 23, 2009, 11:06:53 PM
That was fantastic.
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Internet
Post by: Janitor Morgan on December 23, 2009, 11:07:28 PM
That was fantastic.
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Inter
Post by: triangles on December 23, 2009, 11:08:13 PM
It's in my car right now  :V
I guess we'll return it, since he donated more than the toy's worth into the red kettle.

Yeah the audio's all crazy loud I have no idea how to fix it since this is my first time ever video recording anything.
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Inter
Post by: Menorah Jams, Pham on December 23, 2009, 11:08:36 PM
Thanks for making him that costume though.  Since you couldn't donate it, what happened to the toy?

It's gonna get returned; I donated the equivalent amount in cash so I think that covers the actual material donation box.

It was freakin' difficult to find one, though.  It's like there aren't any impoverished mikos in Jersey! 

your voice was so piercing it hurt.

Try being married to it.  >_<
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Inter
Post by: Fightest on December 23, 2009, 11:09:57 PM
You know what? That's a pretty decent costume. Also makes for a great joke costume, as it attracts attention by being nice and colourful, doesn't reveal enough of MJP for it to be embarrassing to everyone, and seems to be of a pretty good quality so that it even looks quite good.

All in all, great job!
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Internet
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 23, 2009, 11:11:11 PM

Mod warning: No posting spoilers!
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Inter
Post by: triangles on December 23, 2009, 11:15:31 PM
It was freakin' difficult to find one, though.  It's like there aren't any impoverished mikos in Jersey! 

More like "don't wait until December 23rd to donate a toy that is ideally to be delivered on Christmas day" well we know for next time.

@Fightest - thanks!  Again, I decided on that Touhou because I knew I could pull it off with two hours and $10 worth of material (and I have enough fabric left over I can almost make a second one maybe!) and have it be instantly recognizable to fans, I wasn't as confident with the other options supplied.  The upper half isn't sewn as well as I would have done if I was making it For Realz but you can't tell on crappy cameraphone  :V
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Internet
Post by: Moerin on December 23, 2009, 11:36:06 PM
My connection is being slow at the moment, so I've only seen the first video so far...

But by god, this makes it all worth it~  Well, more worth it than it was before, but still...

/me cackles maniacally~

I applaud your efforts.  That costume looks really good for something you knocked up so quickly, Triangles.  And MJP, the fact that you went through with this (not that I ever doubted you would) just goes to show that you're not afraid to make a fool of yourself, which I find highly commendable~
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Internet
Post by: Momiji on December 23, 2009, 11:36:58 PM
That was epic win.  You guys are awesome.  I don't think I've laughed that hard in the last couple months.

This outfit better make it to Otakon.
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Internet
Post by: Solais on December 23, 2009, 11:47:05 PM
Woah. Gordon Freeman like we never saw him before!
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Internet
Post by: Drake on December 24, 2009, 12:07:46 AM
You two win forever.

Also fantastic, your voice ow, awesome costume and it better make it to Otakon.
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Inter
Post by: Nobu on December 24, 2009, 12:08:10 AM
:V :V :V

And what Drake said. Completely.
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Internet
Post by: Moerin on December 24, 2009, 12:38:00 AM
Hmmm... Just out of curiosity, does this count towards the donations contest?  I mean, it wasn't Toys for Tots, but still... I really do think that MJP deserves at least IM for this, if not ID~

Of course, that's just my thoughts.  Ignore them if you will~
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Internet
Post by: Nobu on December 24, 2009, 01:05:42 AM
As a prize he should replace the Sariteru on the main page for a month :V
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Inter
Post by: Greyn on December 24, 2009, 01:07:56 AM
Try being married to it.  >_<

married to it.


Yo Triangles you seriously gonna take that disrespekt?
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Internet
Post by: Bananamatic on December 24, 2009, 01:10:22 AM
As a prize he should replace the Sariteru on the main page for a month :V
Might as well as throw him on the last page into the last topic :V

If he should get IM/ID, it should be a permanent one.
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Inter
Post by: Menorah Jams, Pham on December 24, 2009, 01:26:10 AM
If he should get IM/ID, it should be a permanent one.

For the record, I'm totally happy that I was able to get so much out to people who needed it.

That said, I'd happily graduate from Manliness to IM/ID, but if I was to be purged, I would hope I still merit the Manliness when I return to the common folk  :V  I leave the decision to the Powers that Be.
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Inter
Post by: Bananamatic on December 24, 2009, 01:27:19 AM
That said, I'd happily graduate from Manliness to IM/ID, but if I was to be purged, I would hope I still merit the Manliness when I return to the common folk  :V  I leave the decision to the Powers that Be.
Girliness :V
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Inter
Post by: Suikama on December 24, 2009, 01:29:25 AM
Girliness :V
How fitting considering what has just happened :V
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Inter
Post by: Moerin on December 24, 2009, 01:31:03 AM
That said, I'd happily graduate from Manliness to IM/ID, but if I was to be purged, I would hope I still merit the Manliness when I return to the common folk  :V  I leave the decision to the Powers that Be.

I know what you mean.  If I ever somehow managed to get IM again (or, heaven forbid, ID), I'd actually want to keep Fag Queen as my main usergroup (because then me and Mode would still be sisters~!).

...Of course, that's not going to happen anytime soon, so yeah~

Still, respect where respect is deserved.  I'm pretty sure you should get something for this...
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Inter
Post by: Menorah Jams, Pham on December 24, 2009, 01:48:50 AM
How fitting considering what has just happened :V

Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Inter
Post by: Bananamatic on December 24, 2009, 01:51:12 AM
You could still be on fire while doing that.
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Inter
Post by: triangles on December 24, 2009, 01:59:56 AM
Does someone who knows how to work video and audio want to normalize the earbleed volume?  I have no idea what happened, I didn't shout into the phone but maybe it's designed to not be recording the cameraman I don't know  >:(
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Internet
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 24, 2009, 02:28:44 AM
That said, I'd happily graduate from Manliness to IM/ID, but if I was to be purged, I would hope I still merit the Manliness when I return to the common folk  :V  I leave the decision to the Powers that Be.

It is possible to be in more than one usergroup at a time. If you won an IM/ID slot, you would still have the Manliness tag, but you'd also be whichever spot you won and would have the powers it comes with. It just wouldn't be visible.
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Inter
Post by: Menorah Jams, Pham on December 24, 2009, 02:47:46 AM
You could still be on fire while doing that.

You fool!

I am ALWAYS burning with manly passion and power!
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Inter
Post by: Suikama on December 24, 2009, 03:43:18 AM
You fool!

I am ALWAYS burning with manly passion and power!
Like this right? (
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Internet
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 24, 2009, 04:44:58 AM
I just tried to open Video 2 in VirtualDub so I could grab each individual frame and shop that Santa hat onto MJP's head in each one then put it back together but Vdub won't even open it due to an encoding error or some shit

triangles what the fuck did you do D:
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Internet
Post by: dustyjo on December 24, 2009, 05:13:12 AM
ahahaha oh god
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Internet
Post by: Kiro on December 24, 2009, 05:32:08 AM
That was beautiful. Thanks for helping to jump start the charity MJP and triangles and it was awesome to see that number continually rise and people get into the song contest.
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Internet
Post by: Dead Princess Sakana on December 24, 2009, 07:16:56 AM
Best thing to wake up to ever   :D

*clap clap clap*
Great job, you two.

Triangles, that looked really good for a costume 'thrown together'.
And MJP, going through with this was manlier than anything else.
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Inter
Post by: triangles on December 24, 2009, 12:59:57 PM
I just tried to open Video 2 in VirtualDub so I could grab each individual frame and shop that Santa hat onto MJP's head in each one then put it back together but Vdub won't even open it due to an encoding error or some shit

triangles what the fuck did you do D:

I hit the record button on my cell phone.
Granted it was a cell phone that was from MJP's old job that someone threw out which I didn't even know HAD a video record function until 30 minutes before we left uh oh I think I discovered the route of the problem or it could be I use one of those cheesy free file converters I am bad with technology  :(

Here's the raw 3gp whatever the hell files from my cellphone ( if you want to try reconverting maybe that's the problem I have no idea.
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Internet
Post by: Bananamatic on December 24, 2009, 01:10:53 PM
I've managed to convert it into .avi as VDub doesn't support .3gp
Said something about variable bitrate, but it opens now..... what did you want to do with these files? :V
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Inter
Post by: triangles on December 24, 2009, 01:13:51 PM
I think the audio needs to be normalized, which should tone down the ear splittingness of my voice?  Or it might be a lost cause I really don't know these things.
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Internet
Post by: Bananamatic on December 24, 2009, 01:19:21 PM
I guess that it's impossible to deloudify you without completely muting MJP :V

I'd say don't bother with it.
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Inter
Post by: triangles on December 24, 2009, 01:24:33 PM
If you can rip the audio I can try custom editing the audio file, I just have no idea how to get the new audio back on the video.
Also will be busy from about 2 hours from now until late tonight, then lolchristmas so this might not work so good  :(
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Internet
Post by: HakureiSM on December 24, 2009, 10:23:22 PM

Just kiddin', this was really awesome. triangles, you suck at video recording but have amazing sewing skills, and MJP, in the slightest chance I do manage to somehow go to Otakon next year, you'd better be wearing that. :V
Also, the whole charity drive idea is amazing. I wish I could've donated, but I ran completely out of money before it started and mother's already pissed with me borrowing her credit card to use on PayPal.
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Inter
Post by: Nobu on December 24, 2009, 11:27:18 PM
There has to be a way to keep the gain from going over a certain decibels, so it only tones down Triangles' voice.
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Internet
Post by: Doomsday on December 24, 2009, 11:54:37 PM
It's already been said, but nevertheless, you two are legends. Great job
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Internet
Post by: Drake on December 24, 2009, 11:59:04 PM
Gimme the audio file.

EDIT: >:(
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Inter
Post by: Nobu on December 24, 2009, 11:59:25 PM
Gimme the music file.

Replace Triangles' voice with ZUN trumpets. :V
Title: Re: MotK 2009 Charity Fest: Or, Why You Should Never Promise Things On The Internet
Post by: Nobu on December 29, 2009, 11:59:00 PM
just so those interested parties don't think I forgot or am avoiding it, I'm trying to find an iron to iron out the wrinkles in my skirt I just washed, and find more clothing to boot. :3

Please wait warmly~<3