Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Rumia's Party Games => Topic started by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 06, 2016, 04:48:35 AM

Title: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 06, 2016, 04:48:35 AM

>You are Maribel Hearn.

>You are 19 years old, and are a student in a university in Kyoto, Japan. You are not like most humans, you possess the power to see and manipulate boundaries, and that power is growing quickly over the years. Over time you have learned to create tears in boundaries, and, just yesterday, you learned how to create gaps, which are like tears, except far more stable and easier to maintain.

>Four days ago, you and your best friend, Renko Usami, finally entered Gensokyo. During your stay, you learned to (somewhat) fly and shoot danmaku. There was also an incident involving Renko, a shrine maiden named Reimu Hakurei, and an archangel by the name of Sariel, that left Reimu severely injured, and Renko facing pending judgement. However, there were a couple of good things that came out of this as well... You managed to find Renko's long-lost sister: Sumireko Usami. And you and Renko confessed your love for each other. This happiness was short, as you were sent home by Yukari Yakumo, a youkai you befriended during your visit, due to something about your powers developing.

>Yesterday, you returned to Gensokyo against Yukari's wishes. You soon reunited with Renko, and witnessed Sumireko awaken from her coma. Unfortunately, Sumireko didn't seem entirely right in the head, and she escaped, injuring a rabbit by the name of Reisen in the process. You wanted to pursue her, but were stopped by Yukari, who sent you back to the outside world,  promising to resolve the issue. When you were outside the barrier, a youkai by the name of YuugenMagan approached you, having slipped undetected through Yukari's gap. Together, the two of you went through Makai and returned to Gensokyo, where you began to search for Sumireko on your own. Along the way you met up with Marisa Kirisame and Renko. And met a lonely youkai named Rengeteki, whom you promised to come back for. You met with Yukari again soon after, who revealed that she was your mother, and has only been acting in what she sees as your best interests. She then let you go, and your group, escorted by a cat youkai named Chen, and sans Marisa, soon found Sumireko. Whom YuugenMagan promptly possessed, revealing her true motives. She then revealed that Sumireko was fused with an angel, whose name you later learned was Matenshi, and then used her powers to destroy Sariel and her counterpart, Uriel. After getting Sumireko and Matenshi to resist YuugenMagan's influence, you destroyed her, freeing them from her control.

>You, Renko, Sumireko (And Matenshi, by extension.), and Chen were then called by Yukari to the Netherworld, where you met her friend Yuyuko and her servant, Youmu. After a large dinner, you discussed with Yukari about deciding to become a youkai. You decided that you will stay in Gensokyo long enough to find a way to separate Sumireko and Matenshi, and then leave to allow your powers to mature in the outside world. You then all went to Yukari's home, where you and Renko fell asleep for the night....

>You are now in a beautiful landscape. Fresh flowers bloom all around and a crystal-clear creek runs through the area as odd shapes fill the sky.

>You are dreaming. Not dreaming, as in going to another place, but actually dreaming, and it seems to be a lucid one at that. You can't seem to remember the last time you've ACTUALLY dreamed...

>What will you do?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 06, 2016, 04:57:26 AM
>An actual dream? A world of our own?
>Establish that, first things first, I'm the realest, in case we get confused with fake Maribels.
>Imagine a dream Renko.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 06, 2016, 05:30:17 AM
>An actual dream? A world of our own?
>It certainly appears that way,,,

>Establish that, first things first, I'm the realest, in case we get confused with fake Maribels.
>You establish yourself as the REAL Maribel, but it's kinda pointless as you're the only Maribel here...

>Imagine a dream Renko.
>You conjure up a dream Renko, who immediately smiles at you.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 06, 2016, 05:38:55 AM
>Hold Renko's hand.
>"The family thing... I meant to ask about children. How my family could continue if I couldn't have a child of my own, being with you."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 06, 2016, 05:57:10 AM
>Hold Renko's hand.
>"The family thing... I meant to ask about children. How my family could continue if I couldn't have a child of my own, being with you."
>"I'm sure you'd find a way" says Dream Renko, "Who knows what you can do with your powers in time..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 06, 2016, 06:26:54 AM
>"These powers do seem strange... Being able to go to a world like Gensokyo from our world... I wonder if it's possible to go from this dream to the real world..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 06, 2016, 06:38:22 AM
>"These powers do seem strange... Being able to go to a world like Gensokyo from our world... I wonder if it's possible to go from this dream to the real world..."
>"I dunno. Give it a try..." Dream Renko suggests.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 06, 2016, 06:55:39 AM
>"Trying to not just think up a dream equivalent to the room might be tricky, but maybe I can find a way around it."
>Attempt to make a gap to Ran's room.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 06, 2016, 05:18:07 PM
>"Trying to not just think up a dream equivalent to the room might be tricky, but maybe I can find a way around it."
>Attempt to make a gap to Ran's room.
>You create a gap... But it suddenly catches fire...
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 06, 2016, 05:41:39 PM
>Jump a bit, then observe the fire.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 06, 2016, 05:46:36 PM
>Jump a bit, then observe the fire.
>The fire consumes the gap and hovers in the air a bit. Before quickly expanding, setting the beautiful field alight as the sky turns red and the creek begins to evaporate...
>"M... Merry...?" you hear Dream Renko's voice say.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 06, 2016, 05:56:18 PM
>Retreat back to Renko.
>"R-Renko ! Are you okay ?!"
>Try willing the fire in this dream to put out and stop it.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 06, 2016, 06:04:45 PM
>Retreat back to Renko.
>"R-Renko ! Are you okay ?!"
>Try willing the fire in this dream to put out and stop it.
>You turn back to dream Renko to see the horrible sight of her flesh falling off in large chunks as she slowly begins to melt into the ground. Eventually her entire skull is exposed and it stares into your eyes with empty sockets before Dream Renko disintegrates into a pile of ash as the fire threatens to consume everything.

>You attempt to will the fire to stop as you back away from the sight, but nothing seems to be happening. You feel your back bump into something.

>You turn around to see what it was, and you are greeted by the sight of YuugenMagan's eyes.
>"How did it feel when you killed me, Maribel?"

>You jerk awake in a cold sweat. You are in Ran's room, and sunlight is creeping in through the window.
>"Huh!?" Renko sits up right next to you with a concerned look, "What's wrong, Merry?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 06, 2016, 06:08:41 PM
>Hug Renko tightly.
>"Oh thank GOD that was just a dream. Ahhh... I-It was terrible Renko."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 06, 2016, 09:28:50 PM
>Hug Renko tightly.
>"Oh thank GOD that was just a dream. Ahhh... I-It was terrible Renko."
>You embrace Renko.
>"A bad dream? What happened?" Renko asks.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 06, 2016, 10:16:29 PM
>"It was a beautiful field and we were together, then i tried to make a gap and everything went to flames, i was so horrified, and suddenly Yuugen was there asking me about how did it feel killing her..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 06, 2016, 10:17:52 PM
>"It was so... vivid."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 07, 2016, 01:28:38 AM
>"It was a beautiful field and we were together, then i tried to make a gap and everything went to flames, i was so horrified, and suddenly Yuugen was there asking me about how did it feel killing her..."
>"It was so... vivid."
>You start crying.
>Renko holds you in an attempt to comfort you,  "H-Hey... Relax. It was just a dream, right?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 07, 2016, 01:33:14 AM
>Hold Renko in return.
>"I don't know. It sure felt like one. I don't want any more bad things happening like they've been so far. We've been through enough already."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Serela on September 07, 2016, 02:22:39 AM
>"I... I can't even remember the last time I had a dream, either. I-it didn't seem right. Maybe YuugenMagan isn't really gone...!"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 07, 2016, 05:08:36 AM
>Hold Renko in return.
>"I don't know. It sure felt like one. I don't want any more bad things happening like they've been so far. We've been through enough already."
>"Yeah... You can say that again..."

>"I... I can't even remember the last time I had a dream, either. I-it didn't seem right. Maybe YuugenMagan isn't really gone...!"
>"But she exploded! Both of us saw it. I doubt she could come back from that..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Samaren on September 07, 2016, 06:12:53 AM
>"I don't know... Maybe she has not really exploded but just temporarily lost her stable form... Anyway, "if" YuugenMagan is still alive and want to get revenge on me, then she will get same treatment as last time. At least in reality. Because when that fire appeared in my dream I was unable to control it anymore."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 07, 2016, 07:45:06 AM
//Hey ! A new face around here ! Welcome !

>"Nobody should betray you and force you to fight the sister of your girlfriend...."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 07, 2016, 01:58:12 PM
>"I don't know... Maybe she has not really exploded but just temporarily lost her stable form... Anyway, "if" YuugenMagan is still alive and want to get revenge on me, then she will get same treatment as last time. At least in reality. Because when that fire appeared in my dream I was unable to control it anymore."
//Hey ! A new face around here ! Welcome !

>"Nobody should betray you and force you to fight the sister of your girlfriend...."
//Actually, he's not new. He was around for a short part of Act II - Part 2
>"Well, let's just hope that was just a dream... And not something else..." Renko hugs you.

Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 07, 2016, 02:37:06 PM
>Hug her back.
>"Thank you Renko...."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 07, 2016, 03:58:21 PM
>Hug her back.
>"Thank you Renko...."
>You continue to embrace each other for a while.
>"Come on, Merry, let's see if everyone else is up."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 07, 2016, 04:20:29 PM
>Grab our hats, shoes and satchels, then open the door and head downstairs.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 07, 2016, 05:15:24 PM
>Grab our hats, shoes and satchels, then open the door and head downstairs.
>You grab your hat and satchel and put on your shoes. After Renko does the same, you open the door and head downstairs.
>Sumireko/Matenshi is not in bed, however, you do hear some noises from a neighboring room. As well as smell food being prepared.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 07, 2016, 05:24:41 PM
>"Breakfast ? Let's take a look."
>Head to the supposed kitchen.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 07, 2016, 05:28:28 PM
>"Breakfast ? Let's take a look."
>Head to the supposed kitchen.
>You head into the neighboring room.
>Yukari and Sumireko/Matenshi are sitting at a table. Sumireko seems to be talking to "herself", while Yukari is reading a newspaper. Chen is in the nearby kitchen... "cooking"...
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 07, 2016, 05:39:44 PM
>"Good morning everyone !"
>Wave and smile.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 07, 2016, 05:48:33 PM
>She's cooking, but she's being rather sloppy about it. The countertop is a mess, and the plates she has prepared on it so far are done so haphazardly. She seems to be frying some kind of fish right now...

>"Good morning everyone !"
>Wave and smile.
>Sumireko looks over to you and smiles, "Oh, good morning Maribel and Renko, did you sleep well?"
>"Ah, I was wondering when you would wake up." Yukari sets down the newspaper and looks at you, "What a shame... I had a bucket of ice water ready and everything..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 07, 2016, 05:58:12 PM
>"A bucket of ice would've seemed fitting, heh."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 07, 2016, 05:58:53 PM
>"Well.... it was fine for a while, but then it turned into a nightmare... everything started burning, and then she was there, that person that imprisoned you and Matenshi, and killed Sariel...."
>Look down.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 07, 2016, 06:03:21 PM
>"A bucket of ice would've seemed fitting, heh."
>"Oh?" Yukari asks.

>"Well.... it was fine for a while, but then it turned into a nightmare... everything started burning, and then she was there, that person that imprisoned you and Matenshi, and killed Sariel...."
>Look down.
>"A nightmare, huh?" Sumireko frowns, "I guess the events of yesterday finally caught up to you, huh? How else would she have appeared in your dreams? Huh...? Matenshi, are you okay...? Oh... I don't think she meant to bring it up..."

>"Oh. Hi guys!" You hear Chen say, "Are you hungry? Don't worry, breakfast will be done soon!"
>You smell something burning...
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 07, 2016, 06:09:19 PM
>We probably should've just said YuugenMagan instead of emphasizing it...
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 07, 2016, 06:16:46 PM
>Just saying the name is like a spike to the backspine though...
>"Sorry... i didn't mean to..."
>Take a deep breath.
>"W-What about you ? Did you have a nice night of sleep ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 07, 2016, 07:10:56 PM
>Then listing her crimes to affected ones would be...
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 07, 2016, 10:49:54 PM
>We probably should've just said YuugenMagan instead of emphasizing it...
>Just saying the name is like a spike to the backspine though...
>Then listing her crimes to affected ones would be...
>You think you should've mentioned YuugenMagan by name, rather than bringing up the death of Matenshi's mother

>"Sorry... i didn't mean to..."
>"She says its fine..."

>Take a deep breath.
>"W-What about you ? Did you have a nice night of sleep ?"
>"Yeah, we did. Thank you."

>That burning smell is getting stronger.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 07, 2016, 11:00:38 PM
>Head to the kitchen.
>"Chen i think the food is burning."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 07, 2016, 11:18:12 PM
>Head to the kitchen.
>"Chen i think the food is burning."
>You turn to look at the kitchen and Chen.
>"Huh?" Chen turns around to see the smoking pan, "NYAAAAAH!!!" she hastily scrambles and takes the pan off the stove, before scraping the partially burned fish onto the plates.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 07, 2016, 11:29:45 PM
>Sad face.
>"Ummm, can we really eat this ? Not to insult you dear, but it looks like it is too burnt...."
>Pet Chen.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 07, 2016, 11:32:38 PM
>Sad face.
>"Ummm, can we really eat this ? Not to insult you dear, but it looks like it is too burnt...."
>Pet Chen.
>"B-But it still looks edible..." Her ears droop as you pet her.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 07, 2016, 11:49:41 PM
>Aw.....can't...disappoint....cute Chen...
>"Okay, i will have a bite then dear."
>Eat a small piece of it.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: AzyWng on September 07, 2016, 11:53:17 PM
>How hungry are we, anyway? After eating the piece of fish, that is.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 07, 2016, 11:59:12 PM
>Aw.....can't...disappoint....cute Chen...
>"Okay, i will have a bite then dear."
>Eat a small piece of it.
>You take a piece of fish and bite it.
>It's a bit crispy, but it still tastes fine.

>How hungry are we, anyway? After eating the piece of fish, that is.
>You're a bit hungry.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 08, 2016, 12:00:14 AM
>"Well i was wrong, this is quite good, good job little Chen !"
>Rub her hair.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 08, 2016, 12:12:00 AM
>"Well i was wrong, this is quite good, good job little Chen !"
>Rub her hair.
>Chen's ears perk up as you ruffle her hair.
>"Thanks! But it's nothing like what Ran-sama can do...." She frowns, "Sorry I burned it..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 08, 2016, 12:19:34 AM
>"Don't worry, i am sure that with practice you can become just as good as her, or maybe even better."
>Offer it to Renko.
>"Try it Renko, it might be burnt, but it still tastes nice."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 08, 2016, 12:38:07 AM
>"Don't worry, i am sure that with practice you can become just as good as her, or maybe even better."
>Offer it to Renko.
>"Try it Renko, it might be burnt, but it still tastes nice."
>You offer a bit of your piece to Renko. Who takes it.
>"Mmmm, a little crispy, but still good." Renko smiles.
>"Here, Miss Maribel." Chen hands you the plate with the partially eaten fish, which also contains a couple of haphazardly made rice balls, "You can have this plate since you already ate part of it."
>A gap opens up underneath one of the plates on the countertop, and it falls through. Seconds later you hear something hit the table.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: AzyWng on September 08, 2016, 01:04:14 AM
>Take a look at what hit the table.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 08, 2016, 01:05:10 AM
//It was probably Yukari being lazy and gapping the plate to the table.

>"Thank you dear."
>Head back to the table and put it down, then return to get a plate for Sumitenshi too.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 08, 2016, 01:21:27 AM
>Take a look at what hit the table.
>You look at the table to see the plate in front of Yukari, who has gone back to reading the newspaper.

//It was probably Yukari being lazy and gapping the plate to the table.

>"Thank you dear."
>Head back to the table and put it down, then return to get a plate for Sumitenshi too.
>You set your plate down on the table, before turning to grab another for Sumireko/Matenshi and setting it in front of them.
>Once you do so, you notice that Chen has already set her and Renko's plates on the table.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 08, 2016, 03:32:42 AM
>"Has anything interesting happened in the news?"
>Recall our encounter with Aya and hope that neither of us are mentioned...
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 08, 2016, 04:17:36 AM
//I can actually parse this now that I have my internet back. It's painfully slow to type on a phone and even more painful to copy/paste...

>"Has anything interesting happened in the news?"
>Yukari hands you the newspaper, "Oh, I wasn't paying attention to the actual news, I was looking at page 3... If you want to know the news why not take a look yourself?"

>Recall our encounter with Aya and hope that neither of us are mentioned...
>You really hope neither of you are in there...
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 08, 2016, 04:23:54 AM
>Flip to page 3.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 08, 2016, 05:03:06 AM
>Flip to page 3.
>You flip to the third page.
>There are pictures of panty shots on here....
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 08, 2016, 05:16:07 AM
>Search for ours...
>And Renko's.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 08, 2016, 05:24:13 AM
>"I-I-I...... why i-is this even allowed ?!?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 08, 2016, 05:29:38 AM
>Search for ours...
>And Renko's.
>You scan for yours and Renko's. Thankfully, they don't seem to be on here...

>"I-I-I...... why i-is this even allowed ?!?"
>"What? You have to admit the tengu is a pretty good photographer... I do believe she does it to attract more people to her paper..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 08, 2016, 05:36:19 AM
>Search the other pages for ours.
>"Doesn't this make the newspapers too... lewd for younger readers? And what about those who's pictures were taken? Does she have permission from them?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 08, 2016, 05:49:09 AM
>"And why are YOU of all people seeing this mot-Lady Yukari ?!? What are you a pervert ?"
>Cross our arms.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 08, 2016, 07:13:31 AM
>Search the other pages for ours.
>You flip through the other pages, but find no panty shots. However you do find a couple of interesting headlines, one about a black wind, the other about a series of abductions...

>"Doesn't this make the newspapers too... lewd for younger readers? And what about those who's pictures were taken? Does she have permission from them?"
>"If parents have a problem with it, they can just not let their children near the paper. And no, I don't believe she has ever used them with permission."

>"And why are YOU of all people seeing this mot-Lady Yukari ?!? What are you a pervert ?"
>Cross our arms.
>"Maybe, maybe not..."
>"She isn't ..." says Chen, "Well... maybe a tiny bit..."
>"Chen! By all means let me have my fun with them..."
>"Sorry, Yukari-sama..."
>"Anyway, I just find it entertaining, that's all... it's sometimes amusing when you find someone you don't expect to see on there... And I don't look at it all the time,  most of the time I just toss the paper directly in the garbage..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 08, 2016, 08:39:06 AM
>Abductions ? Take a better look.
>Look a bit confused.
>"Well.... i don't understand what you see, but okay i guess..."
>Sit down and prepare to eat.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 08, 2016, 03:29:09 PM
//Hell yeah! Internet just came back, hopefully it won't cut out again.

>Abductions ? Take a better look.
>You read the paper:
Mysterious Abductions in Human Village:
>Clamor in the Human Village today as several young women, aged 17 to 22, were abducted during the night. Nobody saw the culprit, and no leads have been found as of yet. Eyewitness reports claimed to have heard soothing music prior to the abductions taking place. Sanae Kochiya of the Moriya Shrine* stated that she will begin to investigate the disappearances, however, many expect The Hakurei Shrine Maiden or Marisa Kirisame to get involved with the incident, as usual.

Keine Kamishirasawa**, schoolteacher and guardian of the Human Village, refused to comment when asked for an interview, saying simply that, "I can't believe this happened..."

We will continue to provide coverage of this event to keep all you incident enthusiasts and worried families in the loop.

*Page 3, top right.
**Page 3, bottom center.

>Look a bit confused.
>"Well.... i don't understand what you see, but okay i guess..."
>Sit down and prepare to eat.
>You sit down and prepare to eat.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: the old guy on September 08, 2016, 03:42:57 PM
>How old are we?
>Have we heard anything about "soothing music" before?
>"Oh man! It must be terrible for the parents of those poor women!"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 08, 2016, 03:46:24 PM
>How old are we?
>You are 19. Same age as Renko.

>Have we heard anything about "soothing music" before?
>You have not.

>"Oh man! It must be terrible for the parents of those poor women!"
>"Hmm?" Yukari looks up from her plate, "Did you find something that's actually news?"
>"Huh? What did you find, Merry?" Renko looks at you.
>You seemed to have grabbed Sumireko and Chen's attention as well.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 08, 2016, 03:59:35 PM
>"Several girls between 17 and 22 are missing, abducted during night time it seems, nothing of a clue was left, other than eye witnesses that heard a sort of soothing music before said abductions."
>Take a bite on the Chen fish and show them the page.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 08, 2016, 06:07:43 PM
>"Several girls between 17 and 22 are missing, abducted during night time it seems, nothing of a clue was left, other than eye witnesses that heard a sort of soothing music before said abductions."
>Take a bite on the Chen fish and show them the page.
>You take a bite of fish and show the page.
>"Huh!? Really?" Renko takes a closer look.
>"Hmm.... Just another incident I see... I'm confident Sanae or Marisa will solve it." says Yukari as she studies the article, "It's currently nothing of my concern."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 08, 2016, 06:17:15 PM
>"But underwear are it seems..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 08, 2016, 06:25:44 PM
>"But underwear are it seems..."
>Yukari seems to ignore your comment before returning to her breakfast.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 08, 2016, 06:51:46 PM
>"Lady Yukari, none of the humans from the village are supposed to be kidnapped or attacked correct ? Only outsiders that aren't in the village right ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 08, 2016, 07:36:52 PM
>"Lady Yukari, none of the humans from the village are supposed to be kidnapped or attacked correct ? Only outsiders that aren't in the village right ?"
>"Well, yes and no... Outsiders that haven't made their way to the village are more vulnerable and are generally the more preferred target, but humans that wander too far from the village without means to defend themselves are also fair game. Attacks within the village are rare, due to both Keine and Reimu being powerful deterrents, as well as most human-eating youkai being content with those isolated outsiders and wary wanderers. Though despite this, attacks within the village do happen occasionally. Really, it would only become a problem if a significant number of villagers disappeared at once, but, since the incident resolvers usually would be on the case in that situation, it wouldn't concern me unless the incident resolvers were all incapacitated, or if almost the entire village disappeared."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 08, 2016, 07:42:14 PM
>"Hmmm... so that means that all three of us can be targets for this mystery abductor.... we should be wary of any kind of soothing music we hear out there."
>Take another bite at the fish and a bit of the rice balls.
>"Did you inform Miss Ran of this already ? People might get suspicious if they notice that the Hakurei Shrine Maiden is not mobilizing to investigate a potential threat."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 08, 2016, 09:32:30 PM
>"Hmmm... so that means that all three of us can be targets for this mystery abductor.... we should be wary of any kind of soothing music we hear out there."
>"Yeah... Definitely..." says Renko.

>"Did you inform Miss Ran of this already ? People might get suspicious if they notice that the Hakurei Shrine Maiden is not mobilizing to investigate a potential threat."
>"She probably would've learned about it on her own. And if she hasn't, then I'll nudge her in the right direction when I feel the time is right."

>Take another bite at the fish and a bit of the rice balls.
>You take another bite of fish and then reach for one of the rice balls...
>You are treated to the sight of one of YuugenMagan's eyes on the back at your hand, staring soullessly into yours...
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 08, 2016, 09:41:04 PM
>"Ekkk !"
>Hit the eye with our other hand !
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 08, 2016, 09:43:35 PM
>"Ekkk !"
>Hit the eye with our other hand !
>You slap your other hand hard. It hurts.
>"What is it, Merry!?!" Renko looks alarmed.
>"Was it a spider?" Sumireko asks.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 08, 2016, 09:49:29 PM
>"Those eyes... It was one of those eyes of hers... staring down at my soul...."
>Take a breath.
>"What if she isn't really gone ? If she isn't she will come back for you and Matenshi, to use the archangel's power and Matenshi's capabilities to change the world...."
>"I could feel the merciless hatred... the same from that nightmare...."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 08, 2016, 10:20:11 PM
>"Those eyes... It was one of those eyes of hers... staring down at my soul...."
>Take a breath.
>"IS the nightmare still affecting you?" Renko tilts her head, "It must've been an intense nightmare then..."
>"Just take your mind off it. That's the easiest way to deal with nightmares." says Yukari.

>"What if she isn't really gone ? If she isn't she will come back for you and Matenshi, to use the archangel's power and Matenshi's capabilities to change the world...."
>"I could feel the merciless hatred... the same from that nightmare...."
>"But we saw her explode, Merry..." Renko frowns.
>"When you killed her, before we blacked out, Matenshi and I saw her disintegrate in our mind... With a horrible scream..." Sumireko adds.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: the old guy on September 08, 2016, 10:25:55 PM
>Do we know anything about having nightmares while awake?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 08, 2016, 10:30:35 PM
>She pointed her arm at us before exploding right ?
>"I hope... but remember that youkai you said that killed Miss Reimu's relatives and was supposedly exterminated ? It would explain why Yuugen had no body, and if she found a way to live without a body, then it could also mean...."
>If there is anything nearby to drink have a bit of it.
>"I will try to get it out of my head, but if these things continue to happen... i would like for you to take me somewhere where they can examine me, to see if there is wrong with my mind, everyone that was there was hurt by her, Renko, Matenshi, Sumireko, little Chen, and i, i am not letting that happen again."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 08, 2016, 10:35:30 PM
>Do we know anything about having nightmares while awake?
>As a psychology major, you know that sometimes nightmares could have an impact on waking life, especially soon after waking up.

>She pointed her arm at us before exploding right ?
>She reached menacingly for you in her last moments...

>"I hope... but remember that youkai you said that killed Miss Reimu's relatives and was supposedly exterminated ? It would explain why Yuugen had no body, and if she found a way to live without a body, then it could also mean...."
>If there is anything nearby to drink have a bit of it.
>"I will try to get it out of my head, but if these things continue to happen... i would like for you to take me somewhere where they can examine me, to see if there is wrong with my mind, everyone that was there was hurt by her, Renko, Matenshi, Sumireko, little Chen, and i, i am not letting that happen again."
>You have nothing nearby to drink.
>"Very well." Yukari nods.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 08, 2016, 10:40:33 PM
>Relax a bit.
>"....a cup of water or something would be nice to have now... could any of you please get one for me ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 08, 2016, 10:51:29 PM
>Relax a bit.
>"....a cup of water or something would be nice to have now... could any of you please get one for me ?"
>"Ah, yes, thanks for reminding me, Chen, weren't you supposed to brew some tea to go with breakfast?" Yukari asks.
>"Nyaaaa-I-I FORGOT!" Chen bows apologetically, "Sorry, Yukari-sama! I-I'll make it right away!"
>Chen makes her way to a cupboard with lightning speed and takes out a tea kettle.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 08, 2016, 10:56:49 PM
>Brighten up a bit.
>"Hehehe... that Chen..."
>Look back to those two (Three i guess actually).
>"Sorry for worrying you three, it's just that had i never asked for her 'help', that would have never ever happened, and everyone would have been happier...."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 08, 2016, 11:22:09 PM
>Brighten up a bit.
>"Hehehe... that Chen..."
>"Yes, she is quite the entertaining one..." Yukari muses.

>Look back to those two (Three i guess actually).
>"Sorry for worrying you three, it's just that had i never asked for her 'help', that would have never ever happened, and everyone would have been happier...."
>"It's fine." they reply.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 08, 2016, 11:41:47 PM
>"So you are sisters huh ? Mind telling us more about yourselves ?"
>Take a bite on the rice ball.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 09, 2016, 12:07:54 AM
>"So you are sisters huh ? Mind telling us more about yourselves ?"
>"I guess." Sumireko shrugs.
>"Sure." says Renko,

>Take a bite on the rice ball.
>You take a bite out of the ball.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 09, 2016, 12:13:35 AM
>"So did Renko give you a hard time when she was younger Sumireko ? Even today she is still someone that gives some trouble, even when we were first coming to Gensokyo she was late for the meeting."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 09, 2016, 12:58:45 AM
>"So did Renko give you a hard time when she was younger Sumireko ? Even today she is still someone that gives some trouble, even when we were first coming to Gensokyo she was late for the meeting."
>"No, not really... I mean she did some of the annoying little sister things for a few years. But we were close.... Well... at least until I started high school... Then we sorta drifted apart some..." Sumireko frowns.
>Renko frowns as well.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 09, 2016, 01:23:16 AM
>"And is that why you hid your powers from her ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 09, 2016, 02:25:48 AM
>"And what about your powers? How did they affect things. If you're willing to tell, I mean."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 09, 2016, 05:17:14 AM
>"And is that why you hid your powers from her ?"
>"And what about your powers? How did they affect things. If you're willing to tell, I mean."
>"I never told any of my family about my powers." Sumireko replies.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 09, 2016, 05:32:10 AM
>"It was the same for me. Seeing things no one else can isn't the easiest thing to convince people..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 09, 2016, 06:26:50 AM
>"It was the same for me. Seeing things no one else can isn't the easiest thing to convince people..."
>"Well, I actually had physical proof of my powers... So I didn't have to worry about convincing... I was more afraid of their reactions if they ever found out..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 09, 2016, 06:35:10 AM
>"Oh. I guess you and Renko could prove it easily..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 09, 2016, 06:48:04 AM
>"Oh. I guess you and Renko could prove it easily..."
>"Huh? What do you mean by Renko?" Sumireko looks at her.
>"Well, after you disappeared..." Renko answers, "I discovered I had powers of my own. I'm like a living GPS if I can clearly see the night sky..."
>"Huh... Interesting..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 09, 2016, 07:07:08 AM
>"It's always been useful to us."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 09, 2016, 09:05:53 AM
>"Renko was the only person i could trust for that kind of secret, even here in Gensokyo i still need to keep it quiet, because i am a half-youkai with the same powers as of one of the most notorious and strong youkai around..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 09, 2016, 01:57:43 PM
>"It's always been useful to us."
>"Did you two travel a lot?"

>"Renko was the only person i could trust for that kind of secret, even here in Gensokyo i still need to keep it quiet, because i am a half-youkai with the same powers as of one of the most notorious and strong youkai around..."
>"Well, you shouldn't really worry about that, you can be a bit more lenient with your powers here... I mean, I can freely use mine here without fear of my parents or some wack-job scientist finding out..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 09, 2016, 02:07:51 PM
>"I am not sure..."
>Make a example gap above the table.
>"A lot of people know about this, and what Lady Yukari can do, and if they see that someone like me can do the same, it might be troublesome...."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 09, 2016, 03:54:43 PM
>"I am not sure..."
>Make a example gap above the table.
>"A lot of people know about this, and what Lady Yukari can do, and if they see that someone like me can do the same, it might be troublesome...."
>"Hmm... I guess you have a point." Sumireko frowns.
>You hear the kettle begin steaming.
>"Tea's ready!" Chen exclaims, before you hear someone rustling through a cupboard.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 09, 2016, 04:06:05 PM
>"And i still have a lot to learn, since i caused a significant unstable tear to the spatial boundary.....which could have very well become something as serious as that whole change the world plan we stopped, had Lady Yukari not fixed it."
>Get up and and head to the kitchen.
>"Let me help you Chen."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 09, 2016, 04:23:39 PM
>"And i still have a lot to learn, since i caused a significant unstable tear to the spatial boundary.....which could have very well become something as serious as that whole change the world plan we stopped, had Lady Yukari not fixed it."

>Get up and and head to the kitchen.
>"Let me help you Chen."
>You get up and walk to the kitchen, Chen has already set out some cups and is holding the kettle.
>"That's okay, Miss Maribel. I got it."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 09, 2016, 05:09:40 PM
>"Oh okay."
>Watch Chen carefully.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 09, 2016, 05:21:03 PM
>"Oh okay."
>Watch Chen carefully.
>Chen pours the hot tea into the cups, taking care not to spill it, before setting the kettle down.
>She begins to take the cups to the table.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 09, 2016, 05:29:21 PM
>Smile at the sight of little Chen doing a good work.
>Go back and sit down on the table.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 09, 2016, 05:33:44 PM
>Smile at the sight of little Chen doing a good work.
>Go back and sit down on the table.
>You can't help but smile before you return to the table and sit down.
>Pretty soon, everyone has a cup of tea.

>"So, when do you all plan on heading out?" Yukari asks.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 09, 2016, 05:58:03 PM
>"Well.... there are three things that come to mind immediately, first would be to ask Miss Patchouli for her thoughts about Renko becoming a magician youkai and if she has any ideas for Sumireko and Matenshi's issue."
>Put on a thoughtful face.
>"Second is finding Koishi and backing her up when meeting again with her sister, so they can have a important talk regarding Koishi..."
>Sad face.
>"...and third would be visiting Regenteki to help with her traumas of the past, i also noticed she was heavily injured at those moments too, she is unable to fly now, and also seems to have movement issues with her body, she has no one left at her side, she lost them all.... so i must help her."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 09, 2016, 06:23:54 PM
>"Well.... there are three things that come to mind immediately, first would be to ask Miss Patchouli for her thoughts about Renko becoming a magician youkai and if she has any ideas for Sumireko and Matenshi's issue."
>Put on a thoughtful face.
>"Second is finding Koishi and backing her up when meeting again with her sister, so they can have a important talk regarding Koishi..."
>Sad face.
>"...and third would be visiting Regenteki to help with her traumas of the past, i also noticed she was heavily injured at those moments too, she is unable to fly now, and also seems to have movement issues with her body, she has no one left at her side, she lost them all.... so i must help her."
>"And I asked you when, not where." Yukari chuckles, "You should really listen to things closely, Maribel."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 09, 2016, 06:39:26 PM
>"O-Oh !"
>Blush a little.
>"Well after breakfast and after we all have a refreshing bath i suppose."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 09, 2016, 10:42:52 PM
>"O-Oh !"
>Blush a little.
>"Well after breakfast and after we all have a refreshing bath i suppose."
>"Very well. I would like to speak to you about an important matter before you head out." Yukari replies, "Also, since you mentioned it, the bathroom is upstairs, between Chen's room and the end of the hallway, if you're wondering."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 09, 2016, 11:15:30 PM
>Nod and keep eating.
>"Does it concern my powers ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 10, 2016, 12:18:40 AM
>Nod and keep eating.
>"Does it concern my powers ?"
>You continue to eat.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 10, 2016, 12:32:44 AM
>"At least there was a bit of time to unwind."
>Smile a bit and finish up.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 10, 2016, 12:57:22 AM
>"At least there was a bit of time to unwind."
>Smile a bit and finish up.
>You finish your meal and tea.
>Everyone else seems to be finishing up as well.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 10, 2016, 01:07:49 AM
>"I'm gonna go ahead and take my bath, i will be right back."
>Get up and head to said bathroom.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 10, 2016, 01:34:00 AM
>"I'm gonna go ahead and take my bath, i will be right back."
>Get up and head to said bathroom.
>"Alright." Yukari replies.
>"Don't be too long, Merry." says Renko.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 10, 2016, 01:39:15 AM
>"I won't !"
>Once there look around and lock the door, then take off our clothes.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 10, 2016, 02:16:23 AM
>"I won't !"
>Once there look around and lock the door, then take off our clothes.
>You make your way to the bathroom.
>There is a large bathtub, a sink, and a toilet in here.
>You lock the door and begin to undress.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Serela on September 10, 2016, 03:18:21 AM
>Take bath
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 10, 2016, 03:20:59 AM
>Take bath
>You turn on the water and take a nice, warm, relaxing bath...
>Nothing eventful happens while you are bathing.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Serela on September 10, 2016, 04:06:15 AM
>Get out, dressed, and back downstairs!
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 10, 2016, 08:16:29 AM
>Make sure we dry off before putting our clothes back on...
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 10, 2016, 02:29:14 PM
>Get out, dressed, and back downstairs!
>Make sure we dry off before putting our clothes back on...
>You get out of the tub, dry off, and get dressed, before heading back downstairs.
>Renko and Sumireko seem to be talking while Chen cleans the kitchen. Yukari seems to be looking through a small  gap.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 10, 2016, 04:45:10 PM
>"I'm back ! The bathroom is all free now."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 10, 2016, 05:10:09 PM
>"I'm back ! The bathroom is all free now."
>"Alright." Renko stands up, "I guess it's my turn, then?"
>"Matenshi, be nice..." Sumireko frowns.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 10, 2016, 05:17:39 PM
>"Huh ? What did she say Sumireko ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 10, 2016, 07:43:06 PM
>"Huh ? What did she say Sumireko ?"
>"She was just groaning because we're waiting on you and Renko when we could be out trying to resolve our situation right now..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 10, 2016, 08:03:27 PM
>"Well we can't have you two walking around alone there, considering that you two have the dust of the archangels inside your merged body, anything can happen..."
>"As nice as it would be to solve this quickly, it isn't wise to go around recklessly, patience is a virtue that is essential...."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 10, 2016, 08:23:49 PM
>"Well we can't have you two walking around alone there, considering that you two have the dust of the archangels inside your merged body, anything can happen..."
>"As nice as it would be to solve this quickly, it isn't wise to go around recklessly, patience is a virtue that is essential...."
>There is a few seconds of silence before Sumireko frowns.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 10, 2016, 08:32:08 PM
>Look a bit worried.
>"Matenshi, trust me, i think i speak for all three of us that we all care about you, believe it or not, and we want to help you, but please let's take this carefully, and it isn't just us that have issues, people out there have issues that are just as bad or even worse than any of ours."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 10, 2016, 08:41:53 PM
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 10, 2016, 10:49:35 PM
>Look a bit worried.
>"Matenshi, trust me, i think i speak for all three of us that we all care about you, believe it or not, and we want to help you, but please let's take this carefully, and it isn't just us that have issues, people out there have issues that are just as bad or even worse than any of ours."
>"It's not that, Maribel... she's just a little down because when you said that whole thing about patience and recklessness, she said you were starting to sound like her- er... You know..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Serela on September 11, 2016, 12:01:56 AM
>"Oh... I'm sorry... e-erm, we'll be able to leave as soon as Renko finishes, at least. We can visit the Scarlet Devil Mansion to talk to Patchouli about you two's situation, first thing."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 11, 2016, 12:20:05 AM
>Look down.
>"I never meant to..... I am sorry... i was just worried..."
>What is Lady Yukari doing now ?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 11, 2016, 01:33:15 AM
>"Oh... I'm sorry... e-erm, we'll be able to leave as soon as Renko finishes, at least. We can visit the Scarlet Devil Mansion to talk to Patchouli about you two's situation, first thing."
>"In that case, I should get started." Renko starts to make her way towards the bathroom, "I'll try to be quick."

>Look down.
>"I never meant to..... I am sorry... i was just worried..."
>"She says it's fine..." Sumireko replies

>What is Lady Yukari doing now ?
>She seems to have closed the small gap she was looking into and seems to be sitting patiently.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 11, 2016, 02:06:10 AM
>"It's just that i have so much on my mind now, i can't stop worrying about it, especially about Regenteki..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 11, 2016, 02:49:38 AM
>"It's just that i have so much on my mind now, i can't stop worrying about it, especially about Regenteki..."
>"So who exactly is this Rengeteki you keep mentioning anyway?" Sumireko asks.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 11, 2016, 07:58:15 AM
>"Um, while we were searching for you two and when you were still fighting, i stumbled upon a youkai with fairy-like wings, she found my satchel but when i asked for it back she was so afraid of me she took off running."
>Sit down.
>"I followed her because almost all my stuff was there, it was weird since she seemed like she was attempting but failing to fly, once i caught up to her with my tears at the time, she sprained her ankle and i couldn't just leave her there."
>Sad frown.
>"It was really confusing and saddening, her fear was so big, only after a little while she started trusting me and i kinda learned why.... should i go ahead ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 11, 2016, 08:21:43 AM
>"Um, while we were searching for you two and when you were still fighting, i stumbled upon a youkai with fairy-like wings, she found my satchel but when i asked for it back she was so afraid of me she took off running."
>Sit down.
>"I followed her because almost all my stuff was there, it was weird since she seemed like she was attempting but failing to fly, once i caught up to her with my tears at the time, she sprained her ankle and i couldn't just leave her there."
>Sad frown.
>"It was really confusing and saddening, her fear was so big, only after a little while she started trusting me and i kinda learned why.... should i go ahead ?"
>"Sure... It'll pass the time while we wait for Renko..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 11, 2016, 10:24:40 AM
>Nod and look down.
>"It was because in the past, Regenteki was really happy with her other two friends, until they found out that both one of her friends and Regenteki loved the other friend of hers, they started growing apart, and then.... an accident happened.... Regenteki lost the person she loved and her other friend blamed her for their love interest's death."
>Does it seem like they are keeping up qith the story ?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 11, 2016, 03:07:50 PM
>Nod and look down.
>"It was because in the past, Regenteki was really happy with her other two friends, until they found out that both one of her friends and Regenteki loved the other friend of hers, they started growing apart, and then.... an accident happened.... Regenteki lost the person she loved and her other friend blamed her for their love interest's death."
>Does it seem like they are keeping up qith the story ?
>"Oh god... That sounds horrible..."
>It appears so.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 11, 2016, 04:37:06 PM
>Take a breath.
>"...and it doesn't end there, after a while she did find company again and started recovering, but again, one of those people that she found was Miss Yuuka, the one from the Sunflower Fields and didn't really get along with Regenteki, and she caused an incident from what i recall, and after Miss Reimu and Marisa solved that incident, everything vanished, the friends she had made again, the mansion she spent her time on, the only person that remained was Yuuka, and when Regenteki went towards her to ask for answers, Yuuka acted like they never ever met.... and from that day Regenteki's wings were damaged, making her unable to fly."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 11, 2016, 06:50:45 PM
>Take a breath.
>"...and it doesn't end there, after a while she did find company again and started recovering, but again, one of those people that she found was Miss Yuuka, the one from the Sunflower Fields and didn't really get along with Regenteki, and she caused an incident from what i recall, and after Miss Reimu and Marisa solved that incident, everything vanished, the friends she had made again, the mansion she spent her time on, the only person that remained was Yuuka, and when Regenteki went towards her to ask for answers, Yuuka acted like they never ever met.... and from that day Regenteki's wings were damaged, making her unable to fly."
>"...God... that's even worse... So she's all alone now?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 11, 2016, 06:57:28 PM
>Nod faintly.
>"That is also why i am reluctant to leave Gensokyo, i can't leave her there, i want to help her recover from her wounds, both physical ones like her wings and body and mental ones like the loss of her loved one and finding out that all of her friends just vanished in almost an instant..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 11, 2016, 08:32:48 PM
>Nod faintly.
>"That is also why i am reluctant to leave Gensokyo, i can't leave her there, i want to help her recover from her wounds, both physical ones like her wings and body and mental ones like the loss of her loved one and finding out that all of her friends just vanished in almost an instant..."
>"Yeah... I wouldn't want to leave a person like that alone either..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 11, 2016, 08:51:43 PM
>"But i understand that you two want to get this merging issue solved quickly, and if it is quick i don't think there is harm in stopping by the mansion first..."
>Look curiously.
>"A question for Matenshi, about the dust inside you, do you know if there is a way to get it out of your body ? Just in case we have to do that for safety ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Serela on September 11, 2016, 08:54:23 PM
I wonder if the dust might be safer inside them than just sitting around in that other place, though. At least Matenshi is a proper angel.

>Let's not say that part about "if it's quick I don't think there's harm in stopping by the mansion". Rengeteki will be okay for another hour, Sumi-Tenshi's own crisis shouldn't be belittled to "well, if it's quick." Rest is good~
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 11, 2016, 08:56:27 PM
>"But i understand that you two want to get this merging issue solved quickly, and if it is quick i don't think there is harm in stopping by the mansion first..."
>Look curiously.
>"A question for Matenshi, about the dust inside you, do you know if there is a way to get it out of your body ? Just in case we have to do that for safety ?"
I wonder if the dust might be safer inside them than just sitting around in that other place, though. At least Matenshi is a proper angel.

>Let's not say that part about "if it's quick I don't think there's harm in stopping by the mansion". Rengeteki will be okay for another hour, Sumi-Tenshi's own crisis shouldn't be belittled to "well, if it's quick." Rest is good~
>Sumireko closes her eyes and reopens then.
>"I would advise against removing it..." She says in Matenshi's voice, "at least when it's in us it's contained... meaning nobody else can absorb it..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 11, 2016, 09:02:56 PM
>"But is there any danger of it going out of control ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 11, 2016, 11:48:00 PM
>"But is there any danger of it going out of control ?"
>"The only danger comes from tapping into it while not knowing what you're doing... And I'm not stupid enough to do that or let Sumireko do it..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 12, 2016, 12:14:15 AM
>"I am glad to hear it is all good ! The safety of all of you is my biggest priority, i don't want any of you to be hurt again."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 12, 2016, 12:18:04 AM
>"I am glad to hear it is all good ! The safety of all of you is my biggest priority, i don't want any of you to be hurt again."
>"Now is Renko done yet?" Matenshi frowns and looks in the direction of the doorway, "It's getting boring in here..."
>"You find my humble abode boring?" Yukari cuts in, "Well then, shall I give you some... entertainment?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 12, 2016, 12:42:44 AM
>Look back at our mother.
>"Entertainment ? How so ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 12, 2016, 02:05:10 AM
>Look back at our mother.
>"Entertainment ? How so ?"
>"Well, there's always a quick danmaku duel... Or I could give you a crossword puzzle... Or we could do this..."
>Yukari pulls a laser pointer out of a gap, and aims it in the direction of an unsuspecting Chen... Before setting it on the middle of the table.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 12, 2016, 02:35:01 AM
>Watch warmly...
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: AzyWng on September 12, 2016, 02:59:26 AM
>"Make sure she doesn't break anything."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 12, 2016, 07:35:59 AM
//squeezing in one post before I pass out from homework exhaustion... Sorry I wasn't that active today...

>Watch warmly...
>Yukari just waits as the laser pointer sits on the table...

>"Make sure she doesn't break anything."
>"Oh? You were expecting me to use it?" Yukari chuckles, "I was waiting for one of you to either pick it up or decide on something else to occupy yourselves."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 12, 2016, 08:31:03 AM
>Look at Sumitenshi with a doubtful face.
>"Will she even like if we do that to her ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 12, 2016, 01:43:55 PM
>Look at Sumitenshi with a doubtful face.
>"Will she even like if we do that to her ?"
>Sumitenshi is staring at the laser pointer with a perplexed expression.
>"No. But it's still amusing..." says Yukari.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Serela on September 12, 2016, 02:42:00 PM

We are doing this.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 12, 2016, 02:48:03 PM
>Hold on.

//I don't think so, she just said that Chen doesn't really like that, so why do you want to have fun at the cost of Chen ?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Serela on September 12, 2016, 03:26:36 PM
It's not like Chen's gonna hate us. <3 It'll be fuuuun. Plus Matenshi needs to live a little.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 12, 2016, 03:36:20 PM

>"Umm... just a little bit ? She won't mind right ?"
>Pick up the pointer.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 12, 2016, 03:56:31 PM

We are doing this.

>"Umm... just a little bit ? She won't mind right ?"
>Pick up the pointer.
>Yukari shrugs.
>You grab the laser pointer.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 12, 2016, 04:09:41 PM
>Point it to the way Chen is facing, making sure to point at a wall and not an object like a plate.
>How does she react ?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 12, 2016, 05:18:24 PM
>Point it to the way Chen is facing, making sure to point at a wall and not an object like a plate.
>How does she react ?
>You aim the laser pointer at the wall next to Chen and press the button.
>Chen stops what she's doing immediately when she sees the red dot. "Ha ha... I'm not falling for it this time, Yukari-sama..."
>She continues to stare at the dot for several seconds... Her tails curl through the air as if she were stalking prey...
>"N-Not falling for it..."
>She begins shaking before quickly slapping her hand against the wall.
>"HA! GOTCHA!" she looks at her palm for the red dot, only to see it on the wall again, "What!?!"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 12, 2016, 05:21:31 PM
>Be amazed by this adorable behavior of little Chen.
>"Aw... it's so cuteeeee ! Wanna try it Matenshi ?"
>Offer the pointer.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 12, 2016, 05:35:17 PM
>Be amazed by this adorable behavior of little Chen.
>"Aw... it's so cuteeeee ! Wanna try it Matenshi ?"
>Offer the pointer.
>It's so adorable!

>"Torturing an animal for our own amusement?" Matenshi asks, "Eh, why not...?"
>Matenshi takes the pointer and examines it in her hands, "So how does this thing work, anyway..." She aims the front end at her eye, and looks like she's about to press the button.
>"Don't what, Sumireko?" she frowns.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 12, 2016, 05:38:57 PM
>It's just teasing... Like if someone were to hold something delicious inches away from us without giving it to us...
>Whisper to her.
>"First, the sudden brightness won't be good for your eyes. Second, Chen's hand and or claws when she jumps at you for it would probably be worse for them..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 12, 2016, 06:38:58 PM
>It's just teasing... Like if someone were to hold something delicious inches away from us without giving it to us...

Is this supposed to be dialogue ?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 12, 2016, 06:56:25 PM
>It's just teasing... Like if someone were to hold something delicious inches away from us without giving it to us...
>You assure yourself it's just friendly teasing.

>Whisper to her.
>"First, the sudden brightness won't be good for your eyes. Second, Chen's hand and or claws when she jumps at you for it would probably be worse for them..."
>"You didn't have a problem with your eyes when you used it... Huh? What do you mean I'm aiming it wrong?"
>"Nyaaaa! Where did it goooo~!?!" Chen whines.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 12, 2016, 07:01:27 PM
>"You point this side to the wall, like this..."
>Guide her hand so that it is aimed at the wall in front of Chen.
>"And just press the button ! Try it now."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 12, 2016, 07:31:18 PM
>Whisper this too.^
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 12, 2016, 10:47:39 PM
>"You point this side to the wall, like this..."
>Guide her hand so that it is aimed at the wall in front of Chen.
>"And just press the button ! Try it now."
>Whisper this too.^
>You guide her hand and Matenshi presses the button.
> "THERE YOU ARE!" Chen immediately swats at the red dot again.

>Matenshi begins to move the dot in circles on the wall. Chen's head circles around, keeping her gaze on the red dot. Her tails sway from side to side as she prepares to pounce.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 12, 2016, 10:51:15 PM
>"Isn't it so cute ?"
>Smile brightly.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 12, 2016, 10:54:35 PM
>"Isn't it so cute ?"
>Smile brightly.
>"I guess..." Matenshi replies as she stops the dot in one place.
>"I have you now..." Chen gets down on all fours and leaps headfirst into the wall with a loud thud.
>"Owwww..." Chen stands up, rubbing her head.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 12, 2016, 10:57:46 PM
>"Chen !"
>Get up and go to her.
>"Are you okay dear ? You didn't hit your head too hard right ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 13, 2016, 03:15:03 AM
>"Chen !"
>Get up and go to her.
>"Are you okay dear ? You didn't hit your head too hard right ?"
>You quickly rush to Chen's aid.
>"I'm fine..." Chen replies, "I nearly got the red thing though!"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 13, 2016, 04:45:57 AM
>"What will you do after you get it?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 13, 2016, 04:53:39 AM
>"What will you do after you get it?"
>"Um..." Chen taps her chin, "Uh... I dunno..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 13, 2016, 05:52:05 AM
>"Be a bit more careful please though."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 13, 2016, 07:29:25 AM
>Hug her and rub her hair.
>"But you look soooo adorable when you are after it."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 13, 2016, 01:48:39 PM
>"Be a bit more careful please though."
>Hug her and rub her hair.
>"But you look soooo adorable when you are after it."

>Chen blushes a bit, "W-What!?! N-No I don't!!"

>You hear someone enter the room.
>"Alright, I'm ready." you hear Renko say, "...What's with the laser pointer?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 13, 2016, 02:13:38 PM
>"Yes you do dear, i bet Lady Ran would think the same."
>Smile, keep rubbing her hair and look back.
>"So i guess it's you two's turn now."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 13, 2016, 03:43:06 PM
>"Yes you do dear, i bet Lady Ran would think the same."
>Smile, keep rubbing her hair and look back.
>"So i guess it's you two's turn now."
>Chen frowns adorably as you rub her hair.
>"I do not need one." Matenshi frowns, after a few seconds she shoots a death glare at an empty space nearby. "Sumireko, resolving our situation is our priority... You can do that after we're done..."
>A few seconds later she dons a surprised expression, "W-WHAT!? NO! It's not that!" She turns red a bit, "S-Shut up!!"

>"Are you two okay...?" Renko asks.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 13, 2016, 03:56:44 PM
>Look a bit curious.
>"Are you embarrassed of seeing your own naked body ? Since your body mostly resembles Sumireko so..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 13, 2016, 05:20:00 PM
>Look a bit curious.
>"Are you embarrassed of seeing your own naked body ? Since your body mostly resembles Sumireko so..."
>"I... L-Look, can we just go now!? We've been waiting long enough!"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 13, 2016, 05:37:42 PM
>"If you say so, a bath is still a nice idea, but okay."
>Turn to our mother.
>"So what is it that you wanted to talk about Lady Yukari ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 13, 2016, 05:45:38 PM
>"If you say so, a bath is still a nice idea, but okay."
>Turn to our mother.
>"So what is it that you wanted to talk about Lady Yukari ?"
>You turn to Yukari.
>She appears to be asleep.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 13, 2016, 06:10:08 PM
>Look back to our friends and make a "Be silent" gesture, and then turn to Chen.
>"Chen dear ? Mind getting me a cup of cold water ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 13, 2016, 06:12:32 PM
>Look back to our friends and make a "Be silent" gesture, and then turn to Chen.
>"Chen dear ? Mind getting me a cup of cold water ?"
>"Huh? Okay..."
>Chen grabs a cup from a cupboard and fills it with water, before handing it to you.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 13, 2016, 06:26:00 PM
>Slowly pour some on our mother's head and stop, did she wake up ?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 13, 2016, 07:52:51 PM
>Maybe this isn't the best idea considering she wants to talk about something serious. We should try to wake her normally.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 13, 2016, 08:00:35 PM
>Okay...... hold on the water and prod our mother, them shake her if it doesn't work.
>If both fail, resort to the water.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 13, 2016, 08:04:17 PM
>Slowly pour some on our mother's head and stop, did she wake up ?
>Maybe this isn't the best idea considering she wants to talk about something serious. We should try to wake her normally.
>You almost pour the water on her head, but stop at the last moment.

>Okay...... hold on the water and prod our mother, them shake her if it doesn't work.
>If both fail, resort to the water.
>You gently nudge and shake Yukari.
>"Nnnnn... " She opens one of her eyes, "Ah, are you ready to leave...?"
>She lets out a large yawn.
>"What's with the water? You weren't planning on using that on me, were you?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 13, 2016, 08:10:08 PM
>"As a last resort, we are more alike than you think !"
>Giggle lightly.
>"So what was it that you wanted to talk about ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 13, 2016, 09:35:07 PM
>"As a last resort, we are more alike than you think !"
>Giggle lightly.
>You elicit a small smile from Yukari.

>"So what was it that you wanted to talk about ?"
>"Ah, yes. You're leaving now, are you not?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 13, 2016, 09:38:09 PM
>"Renko is done and Matenshi isn't in the mood for a bath it seems."
>Sit down and and look a bit worried.
>"Well, what is it ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 13, 2016, 09:40:26 PM
>"Renko is done and Matenshi isn't in the mood for a bath it seems."
>Sit down and and look a bit worried.
>"Well, what is it ?"
>"Give me your hat." Yukari holds out a hand.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 13, 2016, 09:43:21 PM
>"Huh ? Okay....."
>Take off our hat and offer it to her.
>"Why though ?"
>.....beware of any gaps that appear above us.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 13, 2016, 09:51:12 PM
>"Huh ? Okay....."
>Take off our hat and offer it to her.
>"Why though ?"
>.....beware of any gaps that appear above us.
>You quickly check above you as you hand Yukari her hat.
>Yukari waves a hand over the bottom of your hat, then hands it back to you. She then opens a gap and takes a notebook and a pen out of it, setting them on the table in front of you.
>"I've connected the inside of your hat to a special gap. Every time something new develops with your powers, I want you to record it on paper, then drop the paper into your hat. It will give me an idea on how quickly your powers are maturing..."
>"Now, that being said, don't worry about forgetting, occasionally. I will personally check on you every once in a while as well."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 13, 2016, 09:55:04 PM
>Nod then turn to Chen.
>"Little Chen will come too right ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 13, 2016, 10:32:57 PM
>Nod then turn to Chen.
>"Little Chen will come too right ?"
>"Of course." says Yukari.
>Chen nods as well.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 13, 2016, 11:25:10 PM
>"Thank you."
>Take the pen and notebook.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Serela on September 14, 2016, 01:34:20 AM
If I had been looking I totally would have woken Yukari up with the laser pointer.

In fact, doing that was my intention from the beginning. C:<

>"In that case, it's off to the Scarlet Devil Mansion now, yes?"
>...did we ever leave it by the actual front entrance to know how to gap there?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 14, 2016, 03:37:23 AM
>"Thank you."
>Take the pen and notebook.
>You take the pen and notebook and place them in your satchel

  >>A blank notebook you can easily tear the pages out of.

  >>A writing utensil.

>"In that case, it's off to the Scarlet Devil Mansion now, yes?"
>"Wherever you want to go." says Chen.
>"I guess so." Renko replies.

>...did we ever leave it by the actual front entrance to know how to gap there?
>You did not leave through the front entrance. You were about to, but decided to make a tear leading to Yuuka's Sunflower Field before you could.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 14, 2016, 06:15:05 AM
>"If someone questions my powers, do you have any preference for what I should tell them Lady Yukari?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 14, 2016, 06:22:29 AM
>"If someone questions my powers, do you have any preference for what I should tell them Lady Yukari?"
>"As long as it's not anything that definitively confirms our relationship, I'll be fine with it." Yukari replies
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 14, 2016, 08:49:42 AM
>Can we make a gap to the outside of the forest near the mansion then ?
>Turn back to those 4.
>"Is anyone ready ? Nobody forgot anything ?'
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 14, 2016, 01:50:03 PM
>Can we make a gap to the outside of the forest near the mansion then ?
>The closest you could gap would probably be that spot in the forest where you met Rumia.

>Turn back to those 4.
>"Is anyone ready ? Nobody forgot anything ?'
>"I'm ready." says Renko.
>Chen nods.
>"I've been ready." Matenshi frowns.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 14, 2016, 02:03:06 PM
>"Relax we are going already."
>Make a gap on said spot on the forest.
>"It will take a little while since i can't make a gap right outside of it though."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 14, 2016, 04:00:52 PM
>"Relax we are going already."
>Make a gap on said spot on the forest.
>"It will take a little while since i can't make a gap right outside of it though."
>You create a gap.
>"I'm fine with that." says Renko.
>"We don't mind either." Matenshi replies.

>"Why not directly inside?" Yukari asks, "Surely it beats walking, or flying for that matter..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 14, 2016, 04:07:51 PM
>"Miss Sakuya Izayoi, the head maid, has asked me to the front door next time we visited, i am merely doing my part."
>Turn to our group.
>"Now shall we ?"
>Head through the gap.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 14, 2016, 05:16:24 PM
>"Miss Sakuya Izayoi, the head maid, has asked me to the front door next time we visited, i am merely doing my part."
>"Suit yourself."

>Turn to our group.
>"Now shall we ?"
>Head through the gap.
>Everyone nods.
>You proceed through the gap and find yourself at the spot you and YuugenMagan met Rumia.
>Renko, Matenshi/Sumireko, and Chen follow shortly.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 14, 2016, 06:53:25 PM
>"We could fly there, but i would have to carry you again Renko."
>Close the gap.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 14, 2016, 11:11:18 PM
>"We could fly there, but i would have to carry you again Renko."
>Close the gap.
>You shut the gap.
>"I'd be fine with that." Renko smiles.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 15, 2016, 01:32:00 AM
>Smile too.
>Gently lift Renko and carry her like we did before, and start flying towards the direction we remember the mansion was at.
>"I'll lead us there, follow me."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 15, 2016, 02:57:30 AM
>Smile too.
>Gently lift Renko and carry her like we did before, and start flying towards the direction we remember the mansion was at.
>"I'll lead us there, follow me."
>You sweep Renko into a princess carry and start flying in the direction you think the mansion was in.
>The others nod and follow.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 15, 2016, 03:16:20 AM
>"So... when do you think we should start practicing flying? Or would you like to be carried like this everywhere? We could still do it after you learn."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 15, 2016, 04:34:26 AM
>"So... when do you think we should start practicing flying? Or would you like to be carried like this everywhere? We could still do it after you learn."
>"As much as I enjoy this, I still think I should at least try to learn to do it on my own... Maybe we can practice later?" Renko suggests.
>"Waaah!" you hear Sumireko cry out, "I am flapping them in sync! H-Hey I'm not uncoordinated!" there is a pause, "Maybe I'll have you try to levitate a playing card later and see who's uncoordinated then!"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 15, 2016, 05:44:33 AM
>"I really hope those two get used to each other..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 15, 2016, 06:34:47 AM
>"I really hope those two get used to each other..."
>"I hope so too..." says Renko.

>"S-Stop teasing me!"

>You soon see a large lake covered in mist. The silhouette of the mansion is on the opposite bank. Curiously, off to the left of the lake, into the forest a bit, you can make out the top of some ruined structure protruding from the misty treetops in the distance.
>There seems to be a small crowd of people gathered by the lake shore, one of them appears to be Rumia.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 15, 2016, 08:34:02 AM
>"Hey look, something is going on there, let's check it out."
>Head there and try to have a better look.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 15, 2016, 02:34:22 PM
>"Hey look, something is going on there, let's check it out."
>Head there and try to have a better look.
>You approach the group.
>It seems to be composed of two fairies - one with blue hair and six crystal-like wings, and another with green hair and wings rimmed with a brilliant gold -, Rumia, some girl in a cape with insect antennae, and that sparrow youkai you met your first night here. Mystia, you think her name was.

>"But why not?! That toad's been asking for it!" the blue-haired fairy whines.
>"Is that so~?" Rumia asks.
>"W-Well toads kinda eat insects... I'd rather not go up against a giant one..." the caped girl frowns.
>"Cirno, that toad isn't actively out to get you..." says Mystia, "So I say just leave it alone. Nothing good can come from attacking it... Besides, I couldn't come tonight if I wanted to. Kyouko and I have a gig."
>"Ooh, where will you be playing?" the caped girl asks, "Same spot?"
>"You know it."
>"You know, maybe you should play a concert here at the lake sometime." says the green-haired fairy, "I'm sure the fairies here would love it."
>"Well... I doubt the residents of the mansion will really like the noise..."
>"Flandre might like it." says Rumia, "You know, I don't think she's ever heard your music..."
>"HEY! THIS MUSIC STUFF ISN'T IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW!" The blue fairy exclaims, "We've gone off-topic..."
>"O-Oh, sorry Cirno-chan..." the green haired fairy turns to her, "I'll still go with you if no one else will..."
>"And you, Rumia?"
>"I have plans." Rumia replies.
>"UGH! What's the point of being a team if we don't back each other up on these things!?"
>"You mean like the time you guys were supposed to-" The caped girl's gaze meets yours, "-huh? Where did they come from!?"

>All of them turn to face you.
>"Hi Maribel." Rumia waves.
>"You know her?" the caped girl asks.
>"I think I've met her too... I didn't get her name though." says Mystia.
>"Is she friendly?" the green-haired fairy asks.
>"Yeah." Rumia replies.
>"Does she know I'm the strongest?" the other fairy questions.
>"I dunno."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 15, 2016, 02:59:26 PM
>Land and put Renko gently on the ground and wave.
>"Hey Rumia, how are you doing ? Are these people also your friends ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 15, 2016, 03:22:17 PM
>Land and put Renko gently on the ground and wave.
>"Hey Rumia, how are you doing ? Are these people also your friends ?"
>You place Renko on the ground.
>"I'm doing great." Rumia smiles, "And yes, they're my friends. Are those yours?"

>"Hey, look, Mystia! It's another bird!" says the blue fairy.
>"Cirno, just because someone has feathered wings, it doesn't mean they're a bird." Mystia frowns.
>"That's a lie! All birds have feather wings!"
>"Well, think of it this way, if I had insect wings, would that make me a fairy?"
>"Well... um... uh.... err.... Is that a riddle?"
>Mystia sighs, "It's not a hard question..."
>"Well... would you identify as fairy?" the green-haired fairy asks.
>"No. If I was still a bird, and I had fairy wings, would that make me a fairy?"
>"Well... I say it depends-"
>"AHA! I GOT IT!" The blue fairy triumphantly sticks her fist in the air before pointing at Mystia, "It would mean you would be BOTH!"
>"But what if she's neither because she isn't full fairy or full bird?" Rumia asks.
>The blue fairy remains silent for a bit, "AAAAAAAAAAGH! I HATE RIDDLES!"
>"It's not a riddle!" Mystia says exasperatedly.
>The caped girl just silently facepalms.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 15, 2016, 03:35:55 PM
>"Hey relax everyone, that's Matenshi over there, she isn't a bird youkai, it's complicated to explain."
>"So what are your names ? I know Rumia, and Mystia from the food vendor in the bamboo forest, but what about these two fairies and the youkai with the antennaes ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 15, 2016, 03:43:19 PM
>"Hey relax everyone, that's Matenshi over there, she isn't a bird youkai, it's complicated to explain."
>"So what are your names ? I know Rumia, and Mystia from the food vendor in the bamboo forest, but what about these two fairies and the youkai with the antennaes ?"
>"I'm Cirno! And I'm the strongest!" the blue fairy puts her hands on her hips and puff out her chest proudly.
>"My name is Daiyousei." says the green haired fairy, "Nice to meet you miss... um..."
>"Maribel." says Rumia.
>"Ah, thank you. Nice to meet you Miss Maribel."
>"I'm Wriggle." says the caped girl.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 15, 2016, 03:48:06 PM
>"I am Maribel Hearn, and this is my friend Renko Usami."
>Pet Chen.
>"And this little girl here is Chen."
>Examine Daiyousei and Cirno further.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 15, 2016, 04:04:12 PM
>"I am Maribel Hearn, and this is my friend Renko Usami."
>Pet Chen.
>"And this little girl here is Chen."
>"And I'm Sumireko." says Sumireko.
>"I thought you said her name was Matenshi or something?" Cirno asks.

>Examine Daiyousei and Cirno further.
>Cirno is wearing a blue dress, with white triangles lining the bottom. She has short, cyan hair, and a blue bow. On her back are six wings, however, upon closer inspection you notice they look more like ice crystals than wings. Her chest is about average.

>Daiyousei has green hair, some of it is tied off to the side by a yellow ribbon. She's wearing a light blue dress. Her wings look like normal transparent fairy wings, except the top portion of them is rimmed with gold, giving her a rather unique appearance. She is also taller than Cirno, and looks a bit more... mature... than most fairies you've seen.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Serela on September 15, 2016, 04:09:29 PM
>"Errr... it's complicated. Sumireko and Matenshi are kinda stuck together right now. We're heading to the Scarlet Devil Mansion to see about fixing them."

Doesn't seem like anything interesting is going on with them, so we should probably get going before we get entangled in fairy shenanigans.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 15, 2016, 04:18:31 PM
>"Say, your wings are really pretty Daiyousei, different from any other fairies i have seen, Cirno's are also neat."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 15, 2016, 04:30:03 PM
>"Errr... it's complicated. Sumireko and Matenshi are kinda stuck together right now. We're heading to the Scarlet Devil Mansion to see about fixing them."
>"Ah, is that so~?" says Rumia.

>"So wait... There's like two people... but one person?" Daiyousei asks.

>"Say, your wings are really pretty Daiyousei, different from any other fairies i have seen, Cirno's are also neat."
>"O-Oh. Thank you..." Daiyousei smiles, "Yeah... I'm a bit different from most fairies apparently..."
>"Yeah, I guess you can say that mine are quite cool." says Cirno.
>"Cirno. No..." Mystia frowns.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 15, 2016, 05:09:17 PM
>"Sorta, and that's good, being different makes you unique, and i can see why you are, you are also very pretty yourself, not just your wings."
>Examine Wriggle.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 15, 2016, 06:07:48 PM
>"Sorta, and that's good, being different makes you unique, and i can see why you are, you are also very pretty yourself, not just your wings."
>Daiyousei blushes slightly, "R-Really? Thanks..."

>Examine Wriggle.
>Wriggle has short, dark green hair, and two antennae protruding from her head. She's wearing a white shirt with knee-length blue shorts, and a black cape with a red lining. She is flat chested, and could probably be mistaken for a boy at a distance.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 15, 2016, 06:28:52 PM
>"Uh huh."
>"Well.... we have to get going now, time isn't going to stand still."
>Wave at them and gently lift Renko again like before.
>"See you all later, have a good day and don't get into trouble !"
>Nod and take off to the mansion gate.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 15, 2016, 06:50:38 PM
>"Uh huh."
>"Well.... we have to get going now, time isn't going to stand still."
>"Alright. Again, it was nice to meet you." Daiyousei smiles.
>"Wait. Can't the maid in the mansion make time stand still though?" Cirno asks.
>"Yeah, Miss Sakuya can do that I'm pretty sure." Rumia answers.
>"We wouldn't know if she does, though." says Mystia.
>"But that means that time will stand still! What she says doesn't make sense!"
>"I think it's a figure of speech..." Wriggle frowns.

>"Matenshi, be nice..." You hear Sumireko say, "Okay, maybe you have a point... But calling her that still seems a bit harsh..."
>"Huh!? Who are you talking about?" Cirno's attention snaps to her.

>Wave at them and gently lift Renko again like before.
>"Eeep!" Renko yelps as you suddenly lift her again. It sounded pretty cute.

>"See you all later, have a good day and don't get into trouble !"
>Nod and take off to the mansion gate.
>"Bye Maribel." says Rumia.
>"Wait! Hold on! I want to know what she said and who she was talking about!" Cirno flies in your way, arms crossed.
>"Uh... It'll be better if you didn't know..." says Sumireko.
>"And why is that?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 15, 2016, 06:56:58 PM
>"Well, I meant time wouldn't stand still for us, since we aren't Sakuya. Sorry for the misunderstanding, but we really should get going."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 15, 2016, 07:13:42 PM
>"She was probably complaining about someone we met before finding you five, right Sumireko ?"
>Do a discrete wink towards Sumitenshi.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 15, 2016, 07:25:06 PM
>"Well, I meant time wouldn't stand still for us, since we aren't Sakuya. Sorry for the misunderstanding, but we really should get going."
>Cirno continues to block your flight path, "I don't care about that anymore! I want to know what she said and why I wouldn't want to know it!"

>"She was probably complaining about someone we met before finding you five, right Sumireko ?"
>Do a discrete wink towards Sumitenshi.
>"Y-Yeah, that's totally what she was doing..." says Sumireko.
>"Well then, why didn't you say that in the first place?" Cirno raises an eyebrow.
>"Uh... Well... I didn't think it concerned a fairy like you..."
>"Because it's none of your business!"
>"Whose business is it then?"
>"Someone else's..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 15, 2016, 07:33:30 PM
>"We are having some tough times right now, a lot of bad things have been happening, so it's taking a toll, don't worry about us and go have fun with your friends, you were talking about some kins of show right ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 16, 2016, 03:51:48 AM
>"We are having some tough times right now, a lot of bad things have been happening, so it's taking a toll, don't worry about us and go have fun with your friends, you were talking about some kins of show right ?"
>"Oh yeah, Mystia won't help me take down the giant toad because she has a concert planned with what's-her-face" Cirno frowns.
>"Her name is Kyouko..." says Mystia, "And I wouldn't want to go up against the toad anyway, I have no quarrel with it, and I'd rather not be eaten alive either..."
>Mystia shudders.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 16, 2016, 06:54:55 AM
>"Well, then just leave the toad be, it's not like it will jump out of the lake and try to eat you isn't it ? Why don't you play together some instead ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 16, 2016, 07:28:33 AM
>"Well, then just leave the toad be, it's not like it will jump out of the lake and try to eat you isn't it ? Why don't you play together some instead ?"
>"It ate me before..." Cirno frowns.
>"She has a point, Cirno-chan. Maybe we should just play a game? How about hide and seek?" Daiyousei suggests
>"But we PLAY that ALL the time! Besides, you're way too good at that, Dai-chan..."
>"Oh, you're just saying things... I'm not that good... Tag?"
>"We do that every time we're NOT playing hide and seek... How about danmaku?"
>"Cirno-chan, you know I don't have any spellcards..." Daiyousei frowns.
>"Oh yeah, right..." Cirno taps her chin for a bit, before seemingly having a stroke of inspiration, "Ooh! What if THEY have spellcards? They could loan you one!"
>"I don't think that's how the rules work, Cirno-chan... Otherwise I could've borrowed one of Mystia, Wriggle, or Rumia's..."

>"She's right, I'm pretty sure." says Sumireko, "I mean, a lot of mine rely on my ESP to work..."
>"Huh, so you have spellcards?" Cirno tilts her head, "How strong are they?"
>"Well... I guess they're pretty strong... They've been able to hold their own against a lot of people, but, then again, most of them are meant for close-ra-"
>"Well they can't be stronger than mine, because I'm the strongest!" Cirno puffs out her chest.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 16, 2016, 07:37:59 AM
>"Ehhh, sorry, but we really have to go, no time for a danmaku duel and such, we will see you later."
>Nod and continue heading to the gate.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 16, 2016, 01:49:52 PM
>"Ehhh, sorry, but we really have to go, no time for a danmaku duel and such, we will see you later."
>Nod and continue heading to the gate.
>"Aw... Come on... I want to see how strong they are!" Cirno flies backwards to keep up with you, pouting.
>"Now really isn't the best time..." says Sumireko.
>"What, are you chicken or something?" She puts her hands on her hips and lets you pass by.

>"Huh, what is it, Matenshi?"
>"Sumireko?" Renko asks, looking over your shoulder, "Why did you stop?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 16, 2016, 01:56:45 PM
>Turn around.
>"I'm sorry Cirno, but we really have to go, there is no time for danmaku now, we need to see Miss Patchouli at the mansion as soon as possible, this duel can wait for another time."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 16, 2016, 04:05:04 PM
>Turn around.
>"I'm sorry Cirno, but we really have to go, there is no time for danmaku now, we need to see Miss Patchouli at the mansion as soon as possible, this duel can wait for another time."
>"Huh, so you guys ARE chicken, aren't you!"
>You notice Sumireko clench a fist and turn around.
>"Alright, that's enough." she says in Matenshi's voice, "Now, normally I wouldn't give a damn what people say to her, but since we're fused together, when you call her a coward, you're calling me a coward. And even though she is perfectly content with letting you get away with it, I'm not going to just sit there and take that from a fairy, especially a complete moron like you. So I'll give you two op-"
>"Well I'm not the one acting like one, am I?"
>"Guh!! Y-You-!!! I-!! You-!!! T-THE ONE SAYING MORON IS THE MORON!"
>"Well you just said it twice..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: AzyWng on September 16, 2016, 04:31:50 PM
>"Matenshi, don't fall down to her level! If you let her insults get to you, she's already won once!"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 16, 2016, 04:49:52 PM
>"Matenshi, don't fall down to her level! If you let her insults get to you, she's already won once!"
>"Excuse me?" She turns to give you a death glare, "She has NOT already won, and I am by no means stooping down to HER level. How dare you insinuate that!"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 16, 2016, 04:53:55 PM
//Cmon Azy ! You knew that would make it worse !

>Frown and fly there.
>"Enough with this !"
>Take a breath.
>"What is this childish talk about cowardice ? Simply because a person doesn't want to battle does not mean that they are a coward, a true coward would run away even if people were counting on him or her to do something ! But you know what is worse than being a coward ? Being reckless and endangering both the people close to you and yourself !"
>Eye Cirno.
>"Cirno, you have to learn some pacience, some people will just be too busy to have a duel with you, so you have to respect that and don't get in the way, or else you will upset them like now, if you don't qant to be called a moron, you need to show others that you have pacience, and respect, like Daiyousei over there."
>Eye Matenshi.
>"And you Matenshi gotta learn to keep your head cool, getting upset with a baseless insult that isn't even directed to you, but to the other person inhabiting the body is just bad, so what if they call you that ? Will you really turn into a coward by mere words that were said ? Will a danmaku duel really prove that you aren't a coward ?"
>Sigh and relax a bit.
>"Sorry for this, but i just had to say it, at any moment your fused body could start to show issues, and like i said i care about what happens to you three, more than i care about what happens to me."

>Don't parse until someone says anything.

//Any objections ?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Samaren on September 16, 2016, 05:05:43 PM
None from me. If Cirno will continue to play roadblock - just gap her away and be done with it.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 16, 2016, 05:25:26 PM
//Am I okay to parse?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: AzyWng on September 16, 2016, 06:01:38 PM
//Yeah. And sorry, I just typed the first thing that came to mind.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 16, 2016, 06:10:20 PM
//Well, doing the first thing that comes to mind in this quest always seems to end badly, no matter who does it from what it seems.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 16, 2016, 06:42:10 PM
//Cmon Azy ! You knew that would make it worse !

>Frown and fly there.
>"Enough with this !"
>Take a breath.
>"What is this childish talk about cowardice ? Simply because a person doesn't want to battle does not mean that they are a coward, a true coward would run away even if people were counting on him or her to do something ! But you know what is worse than being a coward ? Being reckless and endangering both the people close to you and yourself !"
>Eye Cirno.
>"Cirno, you have to learn some pacience, some people will just be too busy to have a duel with you, so you have to respect that and don't get in the way, or else you will upset them like now, if you don't qant to be called a moron, you need to show others that you have pacience, and respect, like Daiyousei over there."
>Eye Matenshi.
>"And you Matenshi gotta learn to keep your head cool, getting upset with a baseless insult that isn't even directed to you, but to the other person inhabiting the body is just bad, so what if they call you that ? Will you really turn into a coward by mere words that were said ? Will a danmaku duel really prove that you aren't a coward ?"
>Sigh and relax a bit.
>"Sorry for this, but i just had to say it, at any moment your fused body could start to show issues, and like i said i care about what happens to you three, more than i care about what happens to me."

>Don't parse until someone says anything.

//Any objections ?
>Everyone goes quiet for a few moments.
>"So... What you're saying is... That Dai-chan is more smarter than me?" Cirno frowns, "That can't be true."
>"That's not what she was saying, stupid." Matenshi sighs.
>"I'm not stupid! I'm a genius! J-E-E-N-Y-E-S! See? Would a stupid person know how to spell that?!"
>There is a bit of silence before you see a grin draw itself across Matenshi/Sumireko's face. Before she starts laughing.
>"What's so funny?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 16, 2016, 06:57:20 PM
>"Laughing of someone's innocent mistake isn't going to make you look any better you know ? You did mistakes yourself Matenshi."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 16, 2016, 07:10:56 PM
>"Laughing of someone's innocent mistake isn't going to make you look any better you know ? You did mistakes yourself Matenshi."
>Matenshi frowns, but does not say anything..
>"No, seriously, what was so funny?" Cirno asks.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 16, 2016, 07:21:44 PM
>Give Cirno a understanding look.
>"Genius is actually spelled as G-e-n-i-u-s Cirno, did you never go to that school of someone called Keine ?"
>Approach and rub her hair softly.
>"It's okay, you can still be a genius if you study, then you will be the strongest fairy, and the smartest, and you want that right ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 16, 2016, 10:59:00 PM
>Give Cirno a understanding look.
>"Genius is actually spelled as G-e-n-i-u-s Cirno, did you never go to that school of someone called Keine ?"
>"That place? Dai-chan tried to make me go with her once... But it was too boring..."

>Approach and rub her hair softly.
>"It's okay, you can still be a genius if you study, then you will be the strongest fairy, and the smartest, and you want that right ?"
>She backs away from your hand when you touch her.
>"But I'm already a genius!"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 16, 2016, 11:01:40 PM
>"If you are a genius then you should be able to defeat Miss Marisa or Miss Reimu correct ? Then why didn't you ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 17, 2016, 12:44:36 AM
>"If you are a genius then you should be able to defeat Miss Marisa or Miss Reimu correct ? Then why didn't you ?"
>"Huh? How did you know I fought them?" Cirno looks surprised, "And FYI, I've beaten Marisa!"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 17, 2016, 12:47:51 AM
>"I heard about you from some people i have met. What about Miss Reimu then ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 17, 2016, 01:25:57 AM
>"I heard about you from some people i have met. What about Miss Reimu then ?"
>"Haven't beat her yet. I'm gonna take down the giant toad first though!"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 17, 2016, 01:37:45 AM
>"Giant toad.... ?"
>Look a bit puzzled.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 17, 2016, 02:34:41 AM
>"Giant toad.... ?"
>Look a bit puzzled.
>"Yeah, the giant toad that lives on the mountain. It's really strong! And it ate me once..." Cirno shudders, "But I'm not going to let that deter me! I'm going to defeat the giant toad! And once he's down! I'm going to fight Reimu!"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 17, 2016, 02:36:48 AM
>"Well, i hope you can do it, hey i think your friends are waiting for you, you should go back."
>Gather up our ground and take leave.
>"Bye, we will see you later !"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 17, 2016, 03:18:39 AM
>"Well, i hope you can do it, hey i think your friends are waiting for you, you should go back."

>Gather up our ground and take leave.
>"Bye, we will see you later !"
>"Bye." Cirno waves back as you leave.
>You begin to fly across the lake.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 17, 2016, 03:28:39 AM
>Phew... managed to solve this peacefully...
>"Well that was a bunch of interesting people..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 17, 2016, 03:53:59 AM
>Phew... managed to solve this peacefully...
>"Well that was a bunch of interesting people..."
>"I'll say..." Renko comments.
>"Hey, it's me again..." says Sumireko, "I'm sorry... If I knew Matenshi was going to do that, I wouldn't have let her have control..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 17, 2016, 08:58:33 AM
>"No need to worry, everyone makes mistakes, and in the end nothing bad happened..."
>"Although we did lose a bit of time on that issue, but it shouldn't be much."
>How old did Daiyousei, or at least her body, look like she was ?
>Say..... did we ever have the strength to carry another human being like Renko before ?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 17, 2016, 03:16:32 PM
>"No need to worry, everyone makes mistakes, and in the end nothing bad happened..."
>"Although we did lose a bit of time on that issue, but it shouldn't be much."
>How old did Daiyousei, or at least her body, look like she was ?
>She looked like a young teenager, perhaps 14 or 15

>Say..... did we ever have the strength to carry another human being like Renko before ?
>You're unsure. It also depends on how you carry them. For instance, it's relatively easy to carry Renko like this, but if you tried it a different way it would be considerably more difficult.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 17, 2016, 03:50:47 PM
>"That Daiyousei girl was a lot different from the fairies i have seen before, she looked like a teenager rather than a kid like most fairies do, she was also rather polite and shy."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 17, 2016, 06:29:30 PM
>"That Daiyousei girl was a lot different from the fairies i have seen before, she looked like a teenager rather than a kid like most fairies do, she was also rather polite and shy."
>"Yeah, she did look kinda different from a normal fairy." Sumireko remarks.
>You are about halfway across the lake now you think.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 18, 2016, 12:37:29 AM
>"Maybe that is what Marisa meant with different fairies, i still believe in their potential, they are just kids that have lived a long time without no parental figure or someone to guide them, unlike the kids from the village or the outside world."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 18, 2016, 12:43:09 AM
>"Maybe that is what Marisa meant with different fairies, i still believe in their potential, they are just kids that have lived a long time without no parental figure or someone to guide them, unlike the kids from the village or the outside world."
>"Huh... I wonder what would happen if that potential was maximized...."
>You think you see another small crowd gathered off to the side, by the lake shore, as you fly closer to the mansion. You're about 2/3 of the way across the lake now.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 18, 2016, 12:47:19 AM
>"Huh ? What is that now ?"
>Approach carefully, do we recognize anyone ?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 18, 2016, 01:06:49 AM
>"Huh ? What is that now ?"
>Approach carefully, do we recognize anyone ?
>"I'm not sure..." says Renko.
>You take a detour to get closer to the crowd.
>There appears to be six people, you immediately recognize two of them as Kagerou and Sekibanki. Next to them, halfway submerged in the lake, is a blue haired girl in a green kimono.

>You begin to hear the sound of music as you get closer, and it seems to be emanating from the other three. Which are a lilac-haired girl with a biwa, a brown-haired girl playing some kind of instrument on her skirt, and a redhead providing a steady beat on a drumset. The result is a rather unique harmony.

>The other three seem to be listening contently.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 18, 2016, 01:15:26 AM
>Enjoy the music.
>"This is really nice."
>Fly down and meet up with Kagerou.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 18, 2016, 01:25:47 AM
>Recall how much money we had from She Who Shall Not Be Named, AKA YGMG the friend in Makai.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 18, 2016, 01:44:48 AM
>Enjoy the music.
>"This is really nice."
>"Yeah, it is...." Renko nods in agreement
>"Whoever they are, they're pretty talented." Sumireko remarks.

>Fly down and meet up with Kagerou.
>You land next to the group as the song finishes.
>"So, what did you guys think?" The brown haired girl asks.
>"It's pretty nice." says Sekibanki, "But you should be careful playing that around the village... The recent abductions have caused a bit of unrest with regards to soothing music..."
>"Hmm... So do you think we'll become as popular as the other bands in Gensokyo?" says the Biwa girl.
>"Well we already seem to be attracting an audience..." The redhead gestures towards you.
>"Huh?!" Everyone turns to face you.

>"Oh, it's you again." says Kagerou.
>"You know them?" the girl in the water asks.
>"Well, I know her and the cat..."

>Recall how much money we had from She Who Shall Not Be Named, AKA YGMG the friend in Makai.
>You never took the time to count it or ask YuugenMagan its value. In fact you never bothered to open the coin pouch at all...
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 18, 2016, 01:50:04 AM
>"Oh, hey again Miss Kagerou, good to see you again."
>Land and put Renko carefully on the ground.
>"So who are those three over there ? Their music is really nice to listen to."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 18, 2016, 01:55:51 AM
>Examine the crew Kagerou is with.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 18, 2016, 02:28:57 AM
>"Oh, hey again Miss Kagerou, good to see you again."
>Land and put Renko carefully on the ground.
>You land and set Renko on the ground.
>"Good to see you too... Maribel, was it?" Kagerou replies.

>"So who are those three over there ? Their music is really nice to listen to."
>"Oh, them? That's just Raiko and the Tsukumo sisters. They're other members of our organization."

>Examine the crew Kagerou is with.
>The girl in the water has blue hair, and is wearing a green Kimono. You notice that she has a pair of small fins protruding from the sides of her head around where her ears should be. She's eyeing all of you curiously.
>Sekibanki looks no different from when you last saw her.
>The lilac haired girl with the biwa is wearing a brown outfit with white sleeves, she has a floral accessory in her hair which has two long ponytails. The brown haired girl appears to have some kind of instrument - a koto, perhaps? - merged with her black skirt. And she's wearing a white shirt with light purple accents. Both of them are barefoot.
>The redhead is surrounded by a red drum set, and is garbed in a black and red shirt worn underneath a white top as well as an equally white skirt. She also has a purple tie.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 18, 2016, 02:45:18 AM
>"Oh ! Before i forget...."
>Grab our satchel and search for the money pouch, how much is inside ?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 18, 2016, 02:50:19 AM
>Hope there's enough to give to Kagerou and still donate to Reimu later for the trouble we caused...
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 18, 2016, 03:16:51 AM
>"Oh ! Before i forget...."
>Grab our satchel and search for the money pouch, how much is inside ?
>Hope there's enough to give to Kagerou and still donate to Reimu later for the trouble we caused...
>"Hmm?" Kagerou tilts her head.
>You take out the money pouch and open it. Revealing coins made of some kind of crystalline material. Each of them glowing one of four distinct colors, there are a few glowing red, a lot of orange and cyan, and a few indigo... You aren't even sure of the value of this stuff...
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 18, 2016, 03:19:56 AM
>Ponder slipping these into our hat and having Yukari (hopefully) identify them (and not question where we got them).
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 18, 2016, 03:23:59 AM
>"I have these coins here, i think they are from Makai, i dunno if they are worth anything here however...."
>Show her the coins.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 18, 2016, 03:37:16 AM
>Don't mention Makai. Just say they aren't really from here.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 18, 2016, 05:30:30 AM
>Ponder slipping these into our hat and having Yukari (hopefully) identify them (and not question where we got them).
>You wonder what would happen if you slipped these into your hat... Would Yukari even accept anything that's not paper?

>"I have these coins here, i think they are from Makai, i dunno if they are worth anything here however...."
>Show her the coins.
>Don't mention Makai. Just say they aren't really from here.
>You show Kagerou the coins, not mentioning they're from Makai.
>"Huh... Strange... They look kinda pretty..."
>"I bet they'd look even more beautiful on the bottom of the lake...." says the blue haired girl.
>"Definitely not like anything you'd see in the human village...." Sekibanki remarks.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 18, 2016, 07:10:57 AM
>Recall what we have in our inventory.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 18, 2016, 11:09:54 AM
>"Well i don't have much use for them, so as i said i could give you some."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 18, 2016, 04:56:02 PM
>Recall what we have in our inventory.
 >Clothes (equipped)
 >>Your signature outfit, a purple and white dress with a black belt.

 >Hat (equipped)
 >>A white cap that you wear almost all the time.

>Coin Pouch (Currently in hand)
  >>A bag filled with coins from Makai. You don't know how much is in here yet.

 >Satchel (equipped) (capacity: 16/20 units)
 >>A bag for carrying items. Has a limited carrying capacity.

  >Cellphone (1 unit)
  >>A communication device used to call other people. You doubt this would be of much use in Gensokyo...

  >Shopping Bag. (1 unit)
  >>A crumpled shopping bag you put your clothes in when you changed in Makai.

  >Black and White Shirt (4 units)
  >>A shirt obtained in Makai. It's a little too small. It feels tight around your chest.

  >Black Skirt (4 units)
  >>A skirt obtained in Makai.

  >Cloak (4 units)
  >>A grey cloak with a hood you obtained in Makai.

  >Notebook (1 unit)
  >>A blank notebook you can easily tear the pages out of.

  >Pen (1 unit)
  >>A writing utensil.

>"Well i don't have much use for them, so as i said i could give you some."
>"Huh? Why would you want to give me- Oh yeah... You still owe me for that."
>"Owe you for what, Kagerou?" the girl in the water asks.
>"Oh, I helped her track down her friend."
>"Oh. Well that was nice of you." the girl smiles.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 18, 2016, 09:19:38 PM
>"I am not one to forget my debts, plus it was really kind of you to help me even if i didn't have anything to pay you for at the time, if it wasn't for you Renko could have gotten more seriously injured."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 19, 2016, 02:42:46 AM
>"I am not one to forget my debts, plus it was really kind of you to help me even if i didn't have anything to pay you for at the time, if it wasn't for you Renko could have gotten more seriously injured."
>"So are those coins worth anything?" Kagerou asks, "I mean, I've never seen anything like them..."
>"Maybe you should just accept them anyway?" the blue haired girl suggests.
>"You just want me to accept them so I'd give you some so you can decorate your house on the bottom of the lake."
>"W-Wha!?! No!! Well they do look like they'd look good in the spot where the sunlight filters down..."
>"Oh come on, Wakasagihime..." Kagerou chuckles, "I know you too well..."
>"Oh alright... You got me..." the blue haired girl murmurs.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 19, 2016, 03:25:17 AM
>Put a few of the coins back. Just in case they're really valuable.
>"Do you... not want them?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 19, 2016, 05:29:16 AM
>Put a few of the coins back. Just in case they're really valuable.
>You never took any coins out of the pouch.

>"Do you... not want them?"
>"Oh, I'll take them." says Kagerou, "I'm just wondering how valuable they are... Maybe I should get them appraised?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 19, 2016, 05:37:36 AM
>"So you're just worried about the value huh..."
>Droop a bit.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 19, 2016, 06:19:52 AM
>"So you're just worried about the value huh..."
>Droop a bit.
>"L-Look. Forget about the value... I already said I'd take them." Kagerou smiles, "And I'm sure they're at least worth something. Besides, you did remember your debt after all... That's all that really matters I guess."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 19, 2016, 06:23:00 AM
>"Well, they do look a bit pretty too..."
>Give Kagerou most of the coins.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 19, 2016, 04:06:01 PM
>"Well, they do look a bit pretty too..."
>Give Kagerou most of the coins.
>You pour most of the coins out of the pouch into Kagerou's hand.
>"Thank you." she says, before offering her hand to the girl in the water, "Here, take as many as you want."
>"Are you sure?" the girl asks.
>"Yeah, go ahead."
>The girl in the water takes a small handful of the coins, "Thanks, Kagerou."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 19, 2016, 04:14:44 PM
>"Oh how rude of me, i didn't even talk to your friend here."
>Turn to the water girl with a smile.
>"Hello, my name is Maribel, it is nice to meet you Miss.... ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 19, 2016, 04:27:34 PM
>"Oh how rude of me, i didn't even talk to your friend here."
>Turn to the water girl with a smile.
>"Hello, my name is Maribel, it is nice to meet you Miss.... ?"
>"Wakasagihime." the girl replies, "And it's nice to meet you too."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 19, 2016, 05:00:02 PM
>Nod with a smile.
>"Say, i haven't seen an youkai like you on the time i have been on Gensokyo, are you some kind of water youkai ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 19, 2016, 05:27:58 PM
>Nod with a smile.
>"Say, i haven't seen an youkai like you on the time i have been on Gensokyo, are you some kind of water youkai ?"
>"I'm a ningyo." Wackosashime Wakasagihime replies, before lifting what appears to be a mermaid tail out of the water for a second before re-submerging it, "The only one in Gensokyo, I'm pretty sure..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 19, 2016, 05:32:09 PM
>Look amazed.
>"Why that is a gorgeous tail there ! There so many unique youkai and fairies and humans around here, Gensokyo is truly an incredible place."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 19, 2016, 05:40:09 PM
>We don't really need to be mentioning we're from another world like it's our birthday or anything...
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 19, 2016, 05:44:43 PM
//Whoops ! e.e
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 19, 2016, 06:21:21 PM
>Look amazed.
>"Why that is a gorgeous tail there ! There so many unique youkai and fairies and humans around here, Gensokyo is truly an incredible place."
>Wakasagihime blushes and submerges a little, "Uh... I-It's not really that great..."
>"What are you talking about, Wakasagihime?" Kagerou frowns, "I mean, it's certainly better than my... er... tail..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 19, 2016, 06:32:14 PM
>Look to both of them a bit confused.
>"Why are you two behaving like that ? I don't see anything wrong with your tail and ears Kagerou, nor with Wakasagihime's mermaid tail, i mean, look at little Chen here."
>Gently point and rub Chen's cat ears.
>"Chen isn't hiding her cat ears or tail, and nobody minds it, in fact they look cute and also useful with how well they can hear."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 19, 2016, 06:51:49 PM
>Look to both of them a bit confused.
>"Why are you two behaving like that ? I don't see anything wrong with your tail and ears Kagerou, nor with Wakasagihime's mermaid tail, i mean, look at little Chen here."
>Gently point and rub Chen's cat ears.
>"Chen isn't hiding her cat ears or tail, and nobody minds it, in fact they look cute and also useful with how well they can hear."
>Chen smiles a little when you rub her ears.
>"Well, I didn't say there was anything wrong with mine... In fact, I don't really mind them as much as I used to..." Kagerou replies.
>"Says the person who refuses to hang out on full moons because she thinks she's too hairy..." Sekibanki remarks,
>"You shut up! They don't have to know about that..."
>"But it's hardly noticeable!"
>"Seki, enough." Kagerou frowns, "Anyway, I'm just trying to get Wakasagihime to stop lying about herself..."
>"B-But I'm telling the truth... My tail isn't gorgeous... I-It's just a normal tail..." says Wakasagihime.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 19, 2016, 06:56:10 PM
>"So, how would you compare yourself to others with similar tails? You said you were the only one in Gensokyo..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 19, 2016, 07:00:56 PM
>"Well i don't think what you say about yourself is true, your tail looks smooth and nice, plus you fins on the head also look nice, i just look like your average person."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 19, 2016, 11:29:30 PM
>"So, how would you compare yourself to others with similar tails? You said you were the only one in Gensokyo..."
>"W-Well... I did live in the ocean a long time ago, and mine was pretty normal compared to the others' tails... I-I think..."

>"Well i don't think what you say about yourself is true, your tail looks smooth and nice, plus you fins on the head also look nice, i just look like your average person."
>"B-But all our tails are smooth... A-And a-all of us have fins like that!"
>"So what?" Kagerou asks, "Even if they're ordinary to you, others think they're pretty nice. I mean, even I think your head fins are ado- neat. I think they're neat."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 19, 2016, 11:37:37 PM
>"Yeah, so whatvif you aren't unique in appearance in the ocean ? Here in Gensokyo you are, and besides, what makes you really unique, is this."
>Point towards our heart and our brain.
>"This is what truly defines who you are."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 20, 2016, 12:08:40 AM
>"Yeah, so whatvif you aren't unique in appearance in the ocean ? Here in Gensokyo you are, and besides, what makes you really unique, is this."
>Point towards our heart and our brain.
>"This is what truly defines who you are."
>"Yeah, I guess you're right..." Wakasagihime smiles a little.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 20, 2016, 02:05:00 AM
>Nod with a smile.
>"So why did you move to over here in the lake ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 20, 2016, 04:42:04 AM
>I think we should get going and talk to them later...
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 20, 2016, 06:02:22 AM
>Nod with a smile.
>"So why did you move to over here in the lake ?"
>"It's a long story... You probably won't be interested."

>I think we should get going and talk to them later...
>You begin to think that it would probably be better to talk to these people later. Assuming they're still around then...
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 20, 2016, 08:35:17 AM
>"Well, now that this is all solved, i guess we have to go for now, we have some important bussiness at the mansion."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Hanzo K. on September 20, 2016, 12:16:01 PM
>Smile. "I wouldn't mind hearing that story sometime though. Maybe I should consider packing a picnic lunch for it. After all, stories go best with friends and good food!"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 20, 2016, 01:55:09 PM
>"Well, now that this is all solved, i guess we have to go for now, we have some important bussiness at the mansion."
>"Oh, okay."

>Smile. "I wouldn't mind hearing that story sometime though. Maybe I should consider packing a picnic lunch for it. After all, stories go best with friends and good food!"
>"Well, I still don't think the story will be that interesting..."

>You notice the lilac-haired girl begin tuning her biwa.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 20, 2016, 02:06:13 PM
>"Huh ? Will there be another performance ?"
>Turn towards the band.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 20, 2016, 03:43:10 PM
>"Huh ? Will there be another performance ?"
>Turn towards the band.
>"Oh, no I'm just tuning my biwa." She explains, "But if you want us to play again, we won't mind. Right?"
>"Yeah." The brown haired girl nods in agreement, "it'll be helpful to get more feedback too."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 20, 2016, 04:20:45 PM
>"Uh... not now sorry, but we could come later, when and where will you play next ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 20, 2016, 05:33:00 PM
>"Uh... not now sorry, but we could come later, when and where will you play next ?"
>"We don't really have a set spot yet..." the lilac-haired girl frowns.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 20, 2016, 05:35:02 PM
>"Um... well why don't you tell Wakasagihume here when you do then ? Then later we could ask her where it is and help her go there too if we can attend."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 20, 2016, 06:03:14 PM
>"Um... well why don't you tell Wakasagihume here when you do then ? Then later we could ask her where it is and help her go there too if we can attend."
>"U-Uh.... I wouldn't be the best person to ask where something is... I don't get out of the lake often..." Wakasagihime frowns.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 20, 2016, 06:06:15 PM
>"Just the name of it and the time where it will happen would be enough, we could just ask someone for directions if we don't know about it either."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 21, 2016, 03:39:38 AM
>"Just the name of it and the time where it will happen would be enough, we could just ask someone for directions if we don't know about it either."
>"Well, the thing is..." the biwa girl explains, "We don't really have a set time either..."
>"Yeah, we just kinda play whenever and wherever right now..." says the brown-haired girl, "Until we feel like we're good enough to do a concert..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 21, 2016, 03:41:36 AM
>"Well then i guess your senses are a bit dull on that, i feel like you are talented enough to do one soon."
>Smile with a nod, then gently pick up Renko again.
>"Now we should get going, time isn't really on my side now."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 21, 2016, 04:03:00 AM
>"Well then i guess your senses are a bit dull on that, i feel like you are talented enough to do one soon."
>Smile with a nod, then gently pick up Renko again.
>All the band members smile as you pick up Renko.
>"You really think so?" the brown-haired girl asks.

>"Now we should get going, time isn't really on my side now."
>"Oh, okay... Goodbye then."
>Everyone else says their goodbyes.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 21, 2016, 04:33:00 AM
>"I do, and i bet everyone else here thinks so too, right girls ?"
>Turn to our friends in tow.
>"Bye now !"
>Continue our way to the mansion.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 21, 2016, 05:17:39 AM
>"I do, and i bet everyone else here thinks so too, right girls ?"
>Turn to our friends in tow.
>Your group nods in agreement.

>"Bye now !"
>Continue our way to the mansion.
>Your group presses onward, eventually ending up in front of it, or rather, in front of the large gate in the brick wall surrounding it.
>A woman with red hair and wearing olive green attire is leaning against the brick wall. She seems to be asleep.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 21, 2016, 06:50:56 AM
>Set Renko down gently.
>Get behind Meiling.

Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 21, 2016, 06:54:20 AM
>Set Renko down gently.
>You set Renko on the ground.
>"What a lazy guard..." you hear Matenshi's voice say.

>Get behind Meiling.

>As she is leaning against the brick wall, you kind of have to force your way between her back and the wall. Unfortunately, this just causes her to fall forward and wake up on impact with a rock.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 21, 2016, 07:11:51 AM
>"Maybe it's just her break?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 21, 2016, 08:55:12 AM
>Approach the guard.
>"Hello ? Um... wake up, please."
>Wait a bit.
>"Miss Guard, please wake up, we need to get inside now."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 21, 2016, 04:13:33 PM
>"Maybe it's just her break?"
>"Wouldn't she be inside if it was a break, though?"

>Approach the guard.
>"Hello ? Um... wake-"
>An upside down bucket of water suddenly appears above the woman's head, and you watch as its contents proceed to drench her before the bucket itself bonks her.
>"WAAAH!?! Who's there!?!" she exclaims as she jerks awake and enters a fighting stance.
>You suddenly see Sakuya appear next to her, "Who else would it be?"
>"O-Oh... It's just you, Sakuya..." she relaxes, "Uh... for the record, I was just er... blink-"
>"Oh, spare me the excuses, Meiling. I know you were dozing off... again..." Sakuya sighs, "You know, if you could go at least 24 hours without napping on the job, just one day... It would make me much happier, because frankly, I am sick and tired of doing this on a daily basis..."
>"Sorry, Sakuya... But if you were in my position-"
>"-I would actually do my job."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 21, 2016, 04:30:59 PM
>"Hey hey, relax please, i'm sure that with the right procedure we can solve this issue."
>"So Miss Guard, i am Maribel Hearn, and this is my friend Renko, here we have Chen...."
>Gently pat her back.
>"....and this person over here is a unique case, and one of the reasons we are visiting again too, depending on the conditions she is Matenshi or Sumireko, the latter being Renko's sister."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 21, 2016, 05:37:01 PM
>"Hey hey, relax please, i'm sure that with the right procedure we can solve this issue."
>"Huh?! Where did you come from?" the guard asks.
>"Oh, hello again, Mary." Sakuya smiles, "I take it you found your friend?"

>"So Miss Guard, i am Maribel Hearn, and this is my friend Renko, here we have Chen...."
>Gently pat her back.
>"....and this person over here is a unique case, and one of the reasons we are visiting again too, depending on the conditions she is Matenshi or Sumireko, the latter being Renko's sister."
>You pat Chen on the back as you introduce everyone.
>"Nice to meet you all. I am Hong Meiling. " the guard bows, "So what business do you have here?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 21, 2016, 06:52:00 PM
>"Well, she's not just a friend. She's very important to me."
>Hold Renko's hand.

//Should we quickly apologize about all the Mary the magician business and reintroduce ourselves properly? Also I think I need a recap on what our goals for being here are. I know that one might be to try and get Sumireko and Matenshi two different bodies.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 21, 2016, 07:47:57 PM
//Yes, our goal is to separate their bodies again, or at least get them separate new ones at least, and the other one was to look into the process of becoming an magician youkai for Renko, also we don't really need to, since what we said later to them is kinda true, about us wanting to learn magic.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 22, 2016, 04:08:08 AM
>"Well, she's not just a friend. She's very important to me."
>Hold Renko's hand.
>"I see." says Sakuya, "So what is your business here, today, anyway? As Meiling was asking."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 22, 2016, 05:30:15 AM
>"There's a few things we want to check on. Is Miss Patchouli available?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 22, 2016, 03:16:33 PM
>"There's a few things we want to check on. Is Miss Patchouli available?"
>"She is." says Sakuya, "Would you like me to take you to the library while I'm here?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 22, 2016, 03:52:36 PM
>"If it is no bother for you, then sure."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 22, 2016, 04:21:45 PM
>"If it is no bother for you, then sure."
>Sakuya nods, pulls out her pocketwatch, and clicks it.
>Your group suddenly find yourselves in the library. You notice Koakuma organizing a nearby shelf.
>"Whoa." Renko blinks, "This place is massive..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 22, 2016, 05:34:54 PM
>"I know right ? I think it is bigger than the size the mansion appears to be."
>Wave towards Koakuma and look around for Miss Patchouli.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 22, 2016, 06:14:21 PM
>Approach Koakuma.
>"Miss Koakuma, do you know where Miss Patchouli is?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 22, 2016, 06:31:18 PM
>"I know right ? I think it is bigger than the size the mansion appears to be."
>Wave towards Koakuma and look around for Miss Patchouli.
>Approach Koakuma.
>"Miss Koakuma, do you know where Miss Patchouli is?"
>Koakuma notices you and waves back, "Hello again. Lady Patchouli is behind you." she says.
>You turn around and see Patchouli sitting at the same table from last time, silently reading a book. She seems slightly more gloomy than yesterday.
>"I wonder how many books are in here..." Renko looks around.
>"It looks like a lot..." Chen remarks.
>"Really, Captain Obvious? I never would've guessed." Matenshi makes Sumireko's body frown.

>"I must take my leave now. I hope Patchouli can assist you with whatever you need." Sakuya puts a finger over the watch's button, "Stay out of trouble."
>Sakuya clicks the watch and she vanishes instantly.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 22, 2016, 06:39:09 PM
>Frown back at Matenshi.
>"Brighten up a little will you ? She just said that innocently as a remark, can't you relax one bit ? It's not like the end of the world is nigh, we stopped that from happening already."
>Sigh and head towards Miss Patchouli.
>"Hello again Miss Patchouli, how are you feeling today ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 22, 2016, 06:49:08 PM
>Frown back at Matenshi.
>"Brighten up a little will you ? She just said that innocently as a remark, can't you relax one bit ? It's not like the end of the world is nigh, we stopped that from happening already."
>Matenshi continues to frown, before looking off to an empty spot, "Oh, shut up, Sumireko. I'll 'relax' when I feel like it..."

>Sigh and head towards Miss Patchouli.
>"Hello again Miss Patchouli, how are you feeling today ?"
>"Ah, hello again, Mary, was it? And I certainly don't feel as healthy as I-" Patchouli coughs, "-did yesterday... Speaking of which, you have my sincere apologies for what happened. I'm sorry I couldn't continue to assist you."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 22, 2016, 07:14:40 PM
>"It's fine. We've been reunited again."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 22, 2016, 07:20:59 PM
>"It's fine. We've been reunited again."
>"Ah, that's good to hear." Patchouli turns the page of her book, "So, what is your business here today, if I may ask?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 22, 2016, 07:23:05 PM
>Point her towards Sumitenshi.
>"Turns out she isn't alone, somehow she fused her body with this other girl called Matenshi, and now they are two souls and minds in one merged body."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 22, 2016, 07:36:27 PM
>Point her towards Sumitenshi.
>"Turns out she isn't alone, somehow she fused her body with this other girl called Matenshi, and now they are two souls and minds in one merged body."
>"Oh?" Patchouli closes her book and looks at Sumireko/Matenshi, "Interesting... " she coughs, " what does this have to do with me?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 22, 2016, 08:39:20 PM
>"We were wondering if you had magic that could help with this. They want to be separated into their own bodies again."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 22, 2016, 08:50:32 PM
>"Have you ever seen a case like this ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 22, 2016, 09:18:34 PM
>"We were wondering if you had magic that could help with this. They want to be separated into their own bodies again."
>"Have you ever seen a case like this ?"
>"No, I have not... But I do recall reading of a spell that can split a soul, and it might-" she coughs "-be of use... Unfortunately, the book that contained that information was stolen by the black-white a few years ago. Besides, it's not like I'd be able to cast many spells or rituals today anyway in my current state of health."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 22, 2016, 10:13:52 PM
>"Split a soul you say ? It could be useful, but what happens to said souls that were split ? Do you remember ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 22, 2016, 10:24:15 PM
>"Split a soul you say ? It could be useful, but what happens to said souls that were split ? Do you remember ?"
>"I'd need to take another look at it, but if I recall correctly, once the soul was split, one half could then either be consumed for use in a more powerful ritual or transferred into a vessel."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 22, 2016, 10:27:45 PM
>"I see, this is a good clue, thank you, but may i ask you something else ? It is about youkai."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 22, 2016, 10:40:44 PM
>"Or rather, magicians, I guess."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 23, 2016, 01:05:54 AM
//on break at work

>"I see, this is a good clue, thank you, but may i ask you something else ? It is about youkai."
>"Or rather, magicians, I guess."
>"Hmm...? What about them?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 23, 2016, 01:08:50 AM
>"Would you be able to tell us about the process of a human becoming a magician youkai ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 23, 2016, 03:59:39 AM
>"Would you be able to tell us about the process of a human becoming a magician youkai ?"
>"Oh? Well that would be relatively simple. Once a human magician masters a spell that can take away their dependence on food for survival, they immediately transition into a youkai. However, a youkai magician isn't considered 'complete' until they manage to halt their own aging with magic."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 23, 2016, 04:05:06 AM
>"Oh. So it's a fairly long process one would need time to work on huh..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 23, 2016, 04:13:04 AM
>"Oh. So it's a fairly long process one would need time to work on huh..."
>"Not necessarily. De-" Patchouli coughs," - Pardon me, - Depending on the magician's potential, whether or not they have a tutor, and how hard they work, they could remove their dependence on food within two years, and halt their aging within five. Of course, if one rushes things, they won't really be a good magician..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 23, 2016, 04:22:36 AM

//Welp, guess we've got a bit of trouble ahead of us. What with having to decide on staying human or going youkai probably soon while Renko still has to go through magician college successfully to become one. Not to mention everyone who voted on staying in Gensokyo mysteriously vanished aside from Raf... Didn't really want this approach, so I'll let you guys pilot.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: the old guy on September 23, 2016, 04:39:47 AM
Not to mention everyone who voted on staying in Gensokyo mysteriously vanished aside from Raf

Sorry, i've just been lazy busy.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: the old guy on September 23, 2016, 04:40:24 AM
How long did Yukari say it would take for us to turn into a youkai again?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 23, 2016, 04:51:24 AM
//IIRC Yukari said our abilities would grow in a few years, but we've gone past her expectations a lot before. I expect her to be worried about it happening in a day maybe, since she was cautious about us being in here for a day the first times we met her, as well as her wanting to monitor our growth. The latter supports the thought that she's unsure of how fast we might be able to grow.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: the old guy on September 23, 2016, 05:21:23 AM
Okay, how about we try to finish all (or most) of the things we have on our quest log today and then we can leave gensokyo? I don't think anyone wanted to stay permanently in gensokyo, just long enough to tie up some lose ends.

>"So, do you think Marisa will be willing to give up that book on souls?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 23, 2016, 06:10:40 AM
>"So, do you think Marisa will be willing to give up that book on souls?"
>"HA!" Patchouli suddenly enters a coughing fit, causing Koakuma to come over.
>"I'm - *cough* - fine... Koakuma... *ahem*" Patchouli recovers, "Anyway... If it's like all the other books she's stolen, your chances of coaxing her to give it up are slim..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 23, 2016, 08:31:28 AM
>"I think i have an idea, it might not work, but it is a chance she will give us at least."
>Turn to our group.
>"Anyone has any doubts before we leave ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Samaren on September 23, 2016, 12:57:42 PM
>"Do you remember title of that book? Or how book looked like?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 23, 2016, 03:51:17 PM
>"I think i have an idea, it might not work, but it is a chance she will give us at least."
>Turn to our group.
>"Anyone has any doubts before we leave ?"
>Everyone shakes their head.
>"Nope." says Renko.

>"Do you remember title of that book? Or how book looked like?"
>"If I recall correctly, it had a black cover, with silver lettering." Patchouli replies, "I do not recall the full title, though I am positive it contained the word 'Arcana'."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 23, 2016, 04:43:30 PM
>"Thank you for your assistance Miss Patchouli, now i think we should get going."
>Turn to our group.
>"You four don't mind if we stop by Regenteki's place now so i can check up on her right ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 23, 2016, 05:11:44 PM
>"Thank you for your assistance Miss Patchouli, now i think we should get going."
>"You're welcome."

>Turn to our group.
>"You four don't mind if we stop by Regenteki's place now so i can check up on her right ?"
>"I don't mind." says Renko.
>"Me neither." Chen replies.
>"Sumireko doesn't mind, but I thought we were going to take care of our situation first..." Matenshi frowns.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 23, 2016, 05:21:18 PM
>"Well, if i manage to make a gap leading to Marisa's house... it shouldn't take long either for this..."
>Sigh and prepare to make a gap, try to recall all the details that Marisa told us before, the lonely tree, the house and it's height, the windows on it, with the rest of the Forest of Magic surrounding it.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 23, 2016, 05:34:10 PM
//Inb4 we encounter Marisa and things get really awkward.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 23, 2016, 05:47:45 PM
>"Well, if i manage to make a gap leading to Marisa's house... it shouldn't take long either for this..."
>Sigh and prepare to make a gap, try to recall all the details that Marisa told us before, the lonely tree, the house and it's height, the windows on it, with the rest of the Forest of Magic surrounding it.
>You attempt to recall the details about Marisa's house that were described to you earlier...
>You get the mental image in your head, before it begins to shimmer like a boundary.

Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 23, 2016, 05:51:16 PM
>Open the gap leading there, you heard it, gap, not a tear.
>Head through with our group.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 23, 2016, 05:57:27 PM
>Open the gap leading there, you heard it, gap, not a tear.
>Head through with our group.
>You open a gap and head through.
>"Goodbye..." you hear Patchouli say behind you.
>You and your group arrive outside a two-story house in a middle of a forest clearing. The walls are overgrown with vines and there is a lone tree in front of it. A worn, dirt path leads to the front door.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 23, 2016, 06:08:08 PM
>Head to the door and knock on it.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 23, 2016, 06:21:05 PM
>Head to the door and knock on it.
>Leaving your gap open, you head to the front door and knock.
>You hear the sounds of two people talking within, before the door open a little, and the head of a green-haired woman wearing a pointed, blue cap with a yellow sun on it pokes out.
>"We don't want any, go away!" she says before slamming the door in your face.

>You hear sounds of yelling inside, before the door opens again, revealing Alice and Shanghai.
>"Sorry about that, she can be a little- Oh. Hello there, Maribel. What brings you out here?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 23, 2016, 06:30:42 PM
>"Oh hey Alice ! I didn't expect to see you here, isn't this Marisa's house ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 23, 2016, 06:46:38 PM
>"Oh hey Alice ! I didn't expect to see you here, isn't this Marisa's house ?"
>"It is. Actually, it's both our house, but we're actually planning on moving into my old house..." she frowns, "Once we finally get around to organizing Marisa's junk and Mima finds a job and stops living on our couch, that is..." she says that last part loudly over her shoulder before turning back to you and smiling, "Anyway, would you like to come inside?"
>"I heard that!" you hear the voice of the woman from earlier say.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 23, 2016, 07:03:06 PM
>"Sure, if it is no bother, we came here to get some help anyways."
>Nod and head inside.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 23, 2016, 08:58:05 PM
>"Sure, if it is no bother, we came here to get some help anyways."
>Nod and head inside.
>"What kind of help?" Alice asks as your group steps inside.

>It is an absolute pigsty in here! Boxes and piles of random junk are strewn about, along with a couple piles of books. There is a spot in this room that is distinct from the rest of the hoard in that it's neat and organized, and a few dolls are sitting on it...
>You also see a couple of chests, with notes reading "Property of Mima, do not touch except for Mima. Don't say I didn't warn you!" pinned to them.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 23, 2016, 09:22:53 PM
>"It's abou..... oh.... i see what you mean now..."
>"Uh... where was i ? Right, we kinda need a book that Marisa stole from Miss Patchouli in the past, it has a black cover, with silver lettering on the title i think, and it also had the word 'Arcana' on the title too, because it might help with an issue with merged bodies."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: the old guy on September 23, 2016, 10:55:46 PM
>Do not mention Patchouli.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 23, 2016, 10:57:49 PM
//Why not ? She obviously knows that if Marisa stole something, it was from the mansion.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: the old guy on September 23, 2016, 11:06:40 PM
She might think we are getting it for Patchouli, and refuse us.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 23, 2016, 11:07:15 PM
//We show her the issue we need to fix then.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: the old guy on September 23, 2016, 11:08:41 PM
Okay fine.

>"Is Marisa home?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 23, 2016, 11:13:43 PM
//No let's do it your way.

>Yeah do not mention her.
>Replace the "...that Marisa stole from Miss Patchouli in the past..."  with "...that i was told Marisa has..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 24, 2016, 01:29:43 AM
>"It's abou..... oh.... i see what you mean now..."
>"Uh... where was i ? Right, we kinda need a book that Marisa stole from Miss Patchouli in the past, it has a black cover, with silver lettering on the title i think, and it also had the word 'Arcana' on the title too, because it might help with an issue with merged bodies."
>Yeah do not mention her.
>Replace the "...that Marisa stole from Miss Patchouli in the past..."  with "...that i was told Marisa has..."
>"You'd have to ask Marisa about that. Even I don't know where all the books she 'borrows' are, they're mostly strewn about the house."

>"Is Marisa home?"
>"She is, but she's recovering from yesterday. Apparently some eyeball youkai jumped her and gave her a nasty shock that temporarily paralyzed her... Don't worry, she's safe and sound now, but if I find that youkai, they're going to pay dearly. Actually, would you know anything about that? I think Marisa mentioned being with you before she was attacked."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 24, 2016, 01:34:50 AM
>Frown and look away.
>"She.... that... that traitor is dead now, at least i think she is... look could we please not talk about her ?"
>Take a deep breath.
>"Would you mind if we took a look around ? It is an important tool that could probably fix our issue."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 24, 2016, 02:07:39 AM
>Frown and look away.
>"She.... that... that traitor is dead now, at least i think she is... look could we please not talk about her ?"
>Take a deep breath.
>"Would you mind if we took a look around ? It is an important tool that could probably fix our issue."
>"Alright... And no, I won't mind..." Alice replies.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 24, 2016, 02:17:34 AM
>"Thank you... and i am sorry for the trouble she gave Marisa..."
>Try to put up a weak smile and start looking around for a book that matches our descriptions.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 24, 2016, 02:21:37 AM
>"Thank you... and i am sorry for the trouble she gave Marisa..."
>Try to put up a weak smile and start looking around for a book that matches our descriptions.
>"You're welcome."
>You smile weakly and begin searching the area for a book.
>A couple of the boxes begin rustling as you approach.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 24, 2016, 02:28:12 AM
>"H-Huh ?"
>Carefully approach said boxes, being aware of anything jumping at us.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: AzyWng on September 24, 2016, 02:28:29 AM
>Gesture towards the boxes.
>"Are those supposed to be moving?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 24, 2016, 02:31:51 AM
>"H-Huh ?"
>Gesture towards the boxes.
>"Are those supposed to be moving?"
>"Oh, that's probably just Marisa's pet. Don't worry, it's harmless."

>Carefully approach said boxes, being aware of anything jumping at us.
>You carefully approach the boxes when a creature resembling a short, fat snake slowly emerges from between them. It looks you in the eyes, flicking its tongue.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 24, 2016, 02:33:02 AM
>Stare at it a bit amused.
>"It is kinda cute."
>Gently approach our hand to caress it.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 24, 2016, 02:56:50 AM
>Stare at it a bit amused.
>"It is kinda cute."
>Gently approach our hand to caress it.
>"Yeah, I guess it is..."
>You reach your hand towards the snake creature. It doesn't seem to back away.

Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 24, 2016, 03:17:37 AM
>Gently tap it's head and rub it.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 24, 2016, 03:34:21 AM
>Gently tap it's head and rub it.
>You gently rub the snake(?)'s head. It seems to nuzzle your hand as you do so, hissing contently.
>"Aw... That's kinda adorable, for a snake..." Renko remarks.
>"Actually, it's a tsuchinoko." says Alice, "It's close, but it's not actually a snake."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 24, 2016, 03:36:13 AM
>"Tsuchinoko ? What kind of animal is it then ?"
>Keep petting it.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 24, 2016, 03:49:29 AM
>"Tsuchinoko ? What kind of animal is it then ?"
>Keep petting it.
>You continue to pet the tsuchinoko, it seems to like it.
>"A cryptid, I do believe..."

>The green-haired woman from earlier emerges from a nearby doorway drinking directly from a bottle of milk. Now that you can see her whole body, you immediately notice that she lacks legs, and a ghost-like tail is in their place.
>"So what did they want?" she frowns,
>"They wanted one of the books Marisa 'borrowed'." Alice explains, "They said it could fix and issue they had- And will you PLEASE stop drinking directly from the bottle!? I've asked you hundreds of times! Marisa and I drink that too you know!"
>"And I've told you many times: I'm DEAD! It's not like I even have any germs to pass on."
>"But still it's- Ugh, just... nevermind... Marisa still has a headache, and I'd rather not make it worse by yelling at you..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 24, 2016, 03:57:32 AM
>Rub the Tsuchinoko one last time, get up and face the Green-haired woman.
>"Sorry to interrupt, but my name is Maribel Hearn, nice to meet you."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 24, 2016, 04:06:05 AM
>Rub the Tsuchinoko one last time, get up and face the Green-haired woman.
>You finish petting the tsuchinoko and turn to the green haired woman.

>"Sorry to interrupt, but my name is Maribel Hearn, nice to meet you."
>"I'm Mima." she replies, taking another drink from the milk bottle, "So you're looking for a specific book, huh? Well good luck with that, it'll be like finding a needle in a haystack."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 24, 2016, 04:12:37 AM
>"Plus we don't even know if that book has something that works with bodies either.... i guess we should start working..."
>Look around carefully through the piles of books.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 24, 2016, 04:44:33 AM
>"Plus we don't even know if that book has something that works with bodies either.... i guess we should start working..."
>Look around carefully through the piles of books.
>You start looking through the piles, Renko and the others start on some of the other piles.
>"Hmm... You know, come to think of it, I think I know what book you might be looking for..." says Alice, "I still don't know where exactly Marisa put it, though..."
>"Why are you so interested in a book, anyway?" Mima asks.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 24, 2016, 04:47:26 AM
>Point to Sumitenshi.
>"Because of their issue, basically, their bodies were merged into one, so they are two souls and minds in one body."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 24, 2016, 04:59:37 AM
>Point to Sumitenshi.
>"Because of their issue, basically, their bodies were merged into one, so they are two souls and minds in one body."
>"Really? What's that feel like?"
>"It's... difficult to describe..." Sumireko replies.
>"So you think this book could separate them?" Alice asks.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: the old guy on September 24, 2016, 05:18:26 AM
>"I guess its like Dissociative identity disorder, but there actually are more than one people in your body."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 24, 2016, 03:41:09 PM
>"I guess its like Dissociative identity disorder, but there actually are more than one people in your body."
>Alice still seems to be waiting for a response to her question.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 24, 2016, 03:55:04 PM
>"I was told that it could separate a single soul into two, so i was thinking that it could also separate a body into two, so yes, at least it is what i hope."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 24, 2016, 03:58:01 PM
>"I was told that it could separate a single soul into two, so i was thinking that it could also separate a body into two, so yes, at least it is what i hope."
>"Oh! I know exactly which book you're talking about then." says Alice, "Marisa 'borrowed' it from the Scarlet Devil Mansion's Library, and we were researching that exact spell."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 24, 2016, 04:19:39 PM
>"Huh ?"
>Look a bit confused then glance at Shanghai.
>"Oh ! I see ! You want to see if you can split a soul and give one part to Shanghai, how smart."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 24, 2016, 04:23:22 PM
>"Huh ?"
>Look a bit confused then glance at Shanghai.
>"Oh ! I see ! You want to see if you can split a soul and give one part to Shanghai, how smart."
>"Indeed, but it didn't really work out..." Alice frowns, "We can't just give her half a soul, because then it would just copy the soul's personality into Shanghai's body. And we want her to be unique... We thought we could split half of our souls and then combine them to make a new soul, but it seems the spell only splits souls, it can't fuse them."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 24, 2016, 04:36:46 PM
>Turn towards Sumitenshi.
>"Sumireko, does Matenshi know anything about that bubble capsule that imprisoned both of you ? Cause it was what merged your bodies together."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 24, 2016, 05:12:09 PM
>Turn towards Sumitenshi.
>"Sumireko, does Matenshi know anything about that bubble capsule that imprisoned both of you ? Cause it was what merged your bodies together."
>"She knows very little about it." says Sumireko, "All she knows is that it was supposed to convert a victim into a new extension of Uriel's body, and if it was allowed to go to completion the change would be irreversible... She also says that it's meant to work on one person, not two at once."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 24, 2016, 05:22:04 PM
>"I wonder if you two could make something similar... i would love to see this little lovely doll have her own soul."
>Smile but stay a bit curious.
>"Wait, if she doesn't have her own soul, how does she move and all that ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 24, 2016, 05:37:01 PM
>"I wonder if you two could make something similar... i would love to see this little lovely doll have her own soul."
>Smile but stay a bit curious.
>"Wait, if she doesn't have her own soul, how does she move and all that ?"
>"She's animated with some rather complex magic." Alice explains, "She can think and act on her own, but it's not the same as having a true soul, some things are... missing... Besides, the magic that animates her only works when she's within about twenty feet of me, she would enter an inactive state if she went any farther. So, if she had a soul of her own, she would also be no longer bound to me and have a lot more freedom."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 24, 2016, 05:40:31 PM
>"Oh, but wouldn't giving her a mix of your souls also change her personality to something similar to both of you ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 24, 2016, 05:52:33 PM
>"Oh, but wouldn't giving her a mix of your souls also change her personality to something similar to both of you ?"
>"Not necessarily... I mean, yes, there will be some influence from both of the parent souls, but ideally that influence will be minor. The soul should evolve a unique personality of its own in addition to those influences."
>"HUH!?! What's this doing here!?!" Sumireko exclaims.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: the old guy on September 24, 2016, 06:00:55 PM
>Look at Sumirenko.
>"What is it?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 24, 2016, 08:03:56 PM
>Look at Sumirenko.
>"What is it?"
>Sumireko is staring at a purple orb on a very messy table.
>"I-It's an occult ball! But I thought all of them vanished in the experiment..."
>"That's the Lunar Capital's occult ball." says Alice, "Marisa was studying it for a while, but now it just takes up space..."
>"Huh? What do you mean this isn't a real one, Matenshi? Interesting... So it was artificial this whole time? I wonder who made it..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 24, 2016, 08:14:10 PM
>"So what did the occult balls do exactly ? How do they work ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 24, 2016, 08:34:35 PM
>"So what did the occult balls do exactly ? How do they work ?"
>"They were a set of artifacts scattered throughout the world at places called 'Mystery Spots,' and they had a strange power. For instance, when enough of them are together they can actually distort Gensokyo's barrier, allowing someone to temporarily cross over for a short period of time. I um... kinda started an incident with that back then... Anyway, that was only a fraction of their power, and since I didn't have all of them at the time, I couldn't really experiment with them more beyond those... antics... regarding the border. I did get all of them eventually, and I was running an experiment on them. But then I blacked out and when I next woke up Matenshi was in my body... Oh, Matenshi has her own things to say about them."
>She closes her eyes and allows Matenshi a turn, "The occult balls, save for this pretty convincing replica on the table, are actually creations of Uriel, fashioned from a small portion of the essence of the fallen archangels. Their true purpose was to transport whoever gathered all of them and activated their true power to Uriel's realm and assimilate them into him. Sumireko, and I guess me as well, would've been the last to be assimilated if she hadn't been released... Anyway, with Uriel's death and the essence all channeled into one body, the original occult balls cannot exist anymore."

>Mima lets out a yawn.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 24, 2016, 08:57:52 PM
>"And this means you will just watch over now correct ? Since the world is now taking the course it was intended to."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 24, 2016, 09:15:52 PM
>"And this means you will just watch over now correct ? Since the world is now taking the course it was intended to."
>"I am honestly not sure..." says Matenshi.

Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 24, 2016, 09:33:18 PM
>"How so ? Uriel's plan was foiled, and so was the plan of that traitor too, isn't your mission to keep the world's course on it's tracks until the end ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 24, 2016, 10:09:54 PM
>"How so ? Uriel's plan was foiled, and so was the plan of that traitor too, isn't your mission to keep the world's course on it's tracks until the end ?"
>"Well, yes, I would have to regulate everything once I became a full archangel, but that doesn't necessarily mean I'll be watching your world constantly..."
>"Huh, some of these books are interesting..." Renko remarks, "It kinda makes me want to sit down and read the stuff written in here..."
>"Heh, you wouldn't want to read that book." says Mima, "The magic described in that is for babies..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 24, 2016, 10:15:00 PM
>"Well, seems like we all have some major responsibility to take, i need to learn more about my own powers too, so that i don't risk disrupting the spatial boundaries.... again..."
>Look at Mima.
>"For babies ? What do you mean ? Like for new apprentices at magic ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 24, 2016, 10:25:13 PM
>"Well, seems like we all have some major responsibility to take, i need to learn more about my own powers too, so that i don't risk disrupting the spatial boundaries.... again..."
>"Again?" Matenshi asks

>Look at Mima.
>"For babies ? What do you mean ? Like for new apprentices at magic ?"
>"Yes, specifically for those who are too dumb to figure things out themselves or are too lazy to find a mentor to teach them..." says Mima, "Why does Marisa even HAVE that book anyway...!? She shouldn't even need it with the things I taught her..."
>"I'm not sure," Alice shrugs, "She probably just took it by mistake while taking the books she actually wants... It's happened before..."
>"Tch... I don't ever recall teaching her to be sloppy at 'borrowing...' "
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 24, 2016, 10:33:30 PM
>"Looong story Matenshi, the same way you are a kind of jack-of-all-trades regarding the archangels and has a lot to learn, i also have a lot to learn too."
>Turn back to Mima and Alice.
>"Are there any for apprentice magicians around here ? That aren't too simple like that one i mean."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 24, 2016, 10:45:30 PM
>"Looong story Matenshi, the same way you are a kind of jack-of-all-trades regarding the archangels and has a lot to learn, i also have a lot to learn too."
>Turn back to Mima and Alice.
>"Are there any for apprentice magicians around here ? That aren't too simple like that one i mean."
>"Well, Marisa isn't an apprentice magician, at least not anymore. Besides, a book can only tell you so much. Actually doing it is how you truly learn, which I why I believe either self-teaching by trial and error or becoming the apprentice of an existing magician is the best way a novice magician can learn. Why are you so interested in this anyway?" Mima asks.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 24, 2016, 10:53:06 PM
>"Well, i plan to become one, it seems like a very interesting way of life."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 24, 2016, 10:56:40 PM
//I thought we were planning on becoming the kind of youkai Yukari was...
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 24, 2016, 11:02:10 PM
//We will, but remember, we only become an magician youkai if we use the magic to extend our lifespan and get rid of our need for food and water according to Patchouli right ?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: the old guy on September 24, 2016, 11:11:48 PM
>And I'm hoping for Renko to do the same.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 24, 2016, 11:16:01 PM
>"Well, i plan to become one, it seems like a very interesting way of life."
>And I'm hoping for Renko to do the same.
>"Oh, really?" Mima seems interested, "...Who's Renko?"
>"Oh, that's me." Renko bows apologetically, "Sorry for not introducing myself."
>"It's fine... Anyway, if you are aspiring to become magicians, then I would recommend becoming the apprentice of an existing magician, unless you're brave enough to be self-taught..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 24, 2016, 11:36:15 PM
>"Well, seems like it, we should look into that later too."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 24, 2016, 11:51:54 PM
>"Well, seems like it, we should look into that later too."
>"Well then, keep in mind what I told you, then..."
>You notice Alice and Shanghai leave the room.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 25, 2016, 12:02:03 AM
>"Hey wait up Alice !"
>Go after them.
>"Are you still studying that book or can we borrow it ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 25, 2016, 12:47:12 AM
>"Hey wait up Alice !"
>Go after them.
>"Are you still studying that book or can we borrow it ?"
>You follow Alice out of the room.
>"We aren't. And I don't mind if you take it." Alice replies, "I was actually going to ask Marisa where she put it."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 25, 2016, 12:58:14 AM
>"Thank you, but do you know where it is ? And if so could you please tell me ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 25, 2016, 01:08:17 AM
>"Thank you, but do you know where it is ? And if so could you please tell me ?"
>"If I did, I wouldn't be going to Marisa to ask where she put it..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 25, 2016, 01:14:31 AM
>"Oh, sorry then..."
>Look a bit down.
>"Do you mind if i go with you then ? It was my fault she was hurt, so i should at least apologize."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 25, 2016, 01:24:00 AM
>"Oh, sorry then..."
>Look a bit down.
>"Do you mind if i go with you then ? It was my fault she was hurt, so i should at least apologize."
>"No, I don't mind at all." Alice continues onward.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 25, 2016, 01:31:34 AM
>Follow !
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 25, 2016, 01:42:18 AM
>Follow !
>You follow Alice up a staircase and into a very messy bedroom. Marisa is lying on the bed, holding a bag of ice to her head.
>"Ugh... What's with all the noise down there ~ze...?" she complains.
>"That Maribel girl and her friends are here, they're looking for that book we used to study soul splitting. Do you happen to know where you put it?"
>"Nnnn... Check the pile..." she lazily points to a corner by the door where an absolutely huge pile of books lies, "So... are they all downstairs ~ze?"
>"Maribel is up here."
>"Oh..." she slowly sits up, wincing, and eyes you, "You have a really nice choice of friends, by the way ~ze..." she says sarcastically.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 25, 2016, 01:53:02 AM
>"I'm sorry about that, but please let us not talk about that traitor, she is dead now hopefully, she deserved it after what she tried."
>Frown slightly then ease up.

>"I think the least i can do is to tell what you wanted from Lady Yukari, but i will have to keep some details secret because of her will."
>Sit down if we can.
>"You wanted to know if i was involved in Miss Reimu's shooting correct ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 25, 2016, 01:58:33 AM
>"I'm sorry about that, but please let us not talk about that traitor, she is dead now hopefully, she deserved it after what she tried."
>Frown slightly then ease up.
>"What she... urgh... tried?"

>"I think the least i can do is to tell what you wanted from Lady Yukari, but i will have to keep some details secret because of her will."
>Sit down if we can.
>"You wanted to know if i was involved in Miss Reimu's shooting correct ?"
>You take a seat next to Marisa.
>"Huh!?" Alice raises an eyebrow
>Marisa doesn't look at you, "...Were you...?" she asks.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 25, 2016, 02:03:59 AM
>"She hurt my actual friends, and tried to possess one of them to fulfill her desires, let us end at that, it isn't a good set of memories..."
>Take a breath.
>"And yes... i was an eye witness of it, the first person to get there and try to aid her."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 25, 2016, 02:06:50 AM
//Should we try and tell Marisa most of the whole story? Involving Matenshi's mother/Sariel, Renko being desperate to find her sister, the end of the world almost happening, and getting rid of YgMg.
Telling about Sariel and how she forced the shooting would be something, but mentioning Renko might make things worse. I'm unsure on this, and I don't want Renko to get hurt.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 25, 2016, 02:10:16 AM
//I don't think Lady Yukari would appreciate that, and i will just say base stuff, like that the shooter had no choice since they were forced into doing that, and that they are already caught and awaiting judgement.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 25, 2016, 02:28:05 AM
>"She hurt my actual friends, and tried to possess one of them to fulfill her desires, let us end at that, it isn't a good set of memories..."
>Take a breath.
>"And yes... i was an eye witness of it, the first person to get there and try to aid her."
>"...That's all...? Did you see the... ngh... shooter?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 25, 2016, 02:32:01 AM
//Well, here's the point where we could lie about seeing the person who shot Marisa's best friend, or tell the truth and probably get hated for it, especially considering she expressed the want to destroy whoever did it.
//Didn't find the quote, but we know that by her behavior when we met them again in Eientei, she probably wouldn't be tame if we told it was Renko, and we definitely wouldn't be getting that book.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 25, 2016, 02:42:01 AM
>"I did, but she ran away as soon as she realized what she did, however she was caught and is now awaiting trial."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 25, 2016, 02:43:41 AM
//Marisa's gonna ask who it was. Maybe we should try a different answer.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 25, 2016, 02:45:43 AM
//We tell that we don't know, and even if we knew, Lady Yukari wouldn't let us tell anyone for the sake of her safety until the trial.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 25, 2016, 02:49:35 AM
>"I did, but she ran away as soon as she realized what she did, however she was caught and is now awaiting trial."
>"Do you know who it was...?"

>You notice Alice and Shanghai begin sorting through the book pile. Some other dolls are helping.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 25, 2016, 02:57:08 AM
>"No, i was not told, and even if i knew Lady Yukari wants to keep as many details as possible a secret in order to keep her safe until the trial, i am just telling you this because i think you deserve to know some of them, especially since she tricked you like before."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: the old guy on September 25, 2016, 02:59:24 AM
>Don't say that

That will just make Marisa suspicious of us.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 25, 2016, 03:00:37 AM
>"No, i was not told, and even if i knew Lady Yukari wants to keep as many details as possible a secret in order to keep her safe until the trial, i am just telling you this because i think you deserve to know some of them, especially since she tricked you like before."
>Don't say that

That will just make Marisa suspicious of us.
>You hold your tongue.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 25, 2016, 03:01:49 AM
//So what now then ? We need to plan this right.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: the old guy on September 25, 2016, 03:09:36 AM
>"Yukari knows, but she hasn't told me, it seems like she doesn't want people to know who it is yet until the trial."

It was just the "even if I did know" part.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 25, 2016, 03:26:26 AM
>"Yukari knows, but she hasn't told me, it seems like she doesn't want people to know who it is yet until the trial."
>"Well then... I guess we'll just have to wait for the... ugh... trial then..." Marisa frowns, "...thanks..."
>"I think I found it." you hear Alice say.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 25, 2016, 03:27:53 AM
>"Yea-huh ? You found the book ?"
>Turn to Alice.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 25, 2016, 03:48:22 AM
>"Yea-huh ? You found the book ?"
>Turn to Alice.
>You turn to Alice to find her flipping through the pages of a black book. Written on the cover in silver lettering is "Soma Arcana".
>"So you were looking for the soul splitting spell to see if it could separate your friends, right?" she asks.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 25, 2016, 03:54:00 AM
>"Yeah, if it can split a soul, then maybe it can split a body back into two."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 25, 2016, 04:19:47 AM
>"Yeah, if it can split a soul, then maybe it can split a body back into two."
>"Hmm... There wasn't anything about splitting bodies in here if I recall correctly... I think at most you should be able to split the soul, and then transfer one of them into a vessel until you can find a way to split the body... I have a few spare life-sized dolls that might work as vessels if you want to go that route..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 25, 2016, 04:21:46 AM
>"Hm... it could work for now, but i would have to ask them, and their souls aren't together, they are actually still separate, so we don't need to split them right ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 25, 2016, 04:24:15 AM
>"Hm... it could work for now, but i would have to ask them, and their souls aren't together, they are actually still separate, so we don't need to split them right ?"
>"Huh? If their souls are already separate, then why are you even looking for a way to split their soul in the first place?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 25, 2016, 04:26:57 AM
>"I am not, i am trying to find a way to split their body, and the closest of a clue i got was this book, if only i could apply it's principles on a physical object..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 25, 2016, 04:36:06 AM
>"I am not, i am trying to find a way to split their body, and the closest of a clue i got was this book, if only i could apply it's principles on a physical object..."
>"Oh... Well I'm sorry this book couldn't help you... We could check the rest of them, but that might take a while."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 25, 2016, 05:01:05 AM
>"It's not like the book is completely useless, we might be able to get some more info from it."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 25, 2016, 05:29:36 AM
>"It's not like the book is completely useless, we might be able to get some more info from it."
>"Alright... Would you like it then?" Alice asks.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 25, 2016, 11:46:21 AM
>Nod and smile.
>"Any help would be good."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 25, 2016, 03:41:42 PM
>Nod and smile.
>"Any help would be good."
>Alice nods and holds out the book to you.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 25, 2016, 05:52:36 PM
>Accept it with a smile and store it in our satchel.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 26, 2016, 02:56:14 AM
>Accept it with a smile and store it in our satchel.
>You take the book from Alice and place it in your satchel.

 >Soma Arcana
 >>A spellbook detailing magic involving the body and soul. Property of the Scarlet Devil Mansion library.

>Your satchel is now full.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 26, 2016, 03:27:17 AM
>Are the others with us, or did we leave them with the butt-less ghost?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 26, 2016, 03:37:57 AM
>Are the others with us, or did we leave them with the butt-less ghost?
>They are still downstairs.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 26, 2016, 04:02:55 AM
>Add Mental Note: Attempt to check ourselves and our friends for abnormal energies with someone like Patchouli's help, as YgMg specialized in it and could boost us...
>"Thank you."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 26, 2016, 04:10:30 AM
>Add Mental Note: Attempt to check ourselves and our friends for abnormal energies with someone like Patchouli's help, as YgMg specialized in it and could boost us...
>"Thank you."
>>You would like to get yourself and your friends checked out for strange energy at some point, since YuugenMagan specialized in energy, and you did receive quite a few boosts from her.

>"You're welcome." Alice replies.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 26, 2016, 08:46:12 AM
>"Now i guess it is time to go, again, thank you for your hospitality and time."
>Smile and head downstairs.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 26, 2016, 02:03:43 PM
>"Now i guess it is time to go, again, thank you for your hospitality and time."
>Smile and head downstairs.
>"Hey, don't mention it." Alice smiles as well.
>You head back downstairs.

>"...worry, those days are long behind me." you hear Mima say, "I honestly don't really know what to do now..."
>"Well, you know magic, right? Couldn't you do something with that?" Sumireko asks as you re-enter the room.
>"Well, I was considering starting up a school for young magicians once, but apparently humans would rather not learn from a dead girl." Mima frowns, "Eh, who needs them. Managing several apprentices at once would probably get annoying anyway. I mean, even Marisa herself was a hassle at times..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 26, 2016, 04:19:48 PM
>Locate Renko and head over to her.
>"A school for young magicians?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 26, 2016, 04:23:19 PM
>Locate Renko and head over to her.
>You quickly find Renko and stand next to her.

>"A school for young magicians?"
>"Yeah..." Mima frowns, "It was an idea I had years ago. It didn't really work out well...."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 26, 2016, 04:25:09 PM
>Whisper to Renko.
>"We could probably consider Mima as help for teaching. Maybe after knowing her a bit more though..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 26, 2016, 04:31:25 PM
>Whisper to Renko.
>"We could probably consider Mima as help for teaching. Maybe after knowing her a bit more though..."
>"Maybe..." Renko nods slightly.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 26, 2016, 06:05:33 PM
>"Marisa's not feeling well and Miss Patchouli isn't either. I'm not sure if there's other choices, but maybe more will open up after a while. We still have to help Rengeteki."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 26, 2016, 06:23:26 PM
>"Marisa's not feeling well and Miss Patchouli isn't either. I'm not sure if there's other choices, but maybe more will open up after a while. We still have to help Rengeteki."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 27, 2016, 02:19:10 AM
>"So, what kind of magic do you know Miss Mima?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 27, 2016, 04:27:51 AM
>"So, what kind of magic do you know Miss Mima?"
>"Oh, just various things ranging from basic fire conjuration to stars to destruction incarnate..." says Mima, "And considering I taught Marisa almost everything I know, I have most of the spells she uses..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 27, 2016, 06:40:37 AM
>"Most ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 27, 2016, 06:41:12 AM
>"Destruction incarnate? That sounds really dangerous to teach young magicians..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 27, 2016, 06:46:58 AM
>"Most ?"
>"Well, yeah, there were some spells she picked up after we... parted ways... that I do not use."

>"Destruction incarnate? That sounds really dangerous to teach young magicians..."
>"Well no shit sherlock!" Mima frowns, "It's not something a young magician should learn, let alone be taught!"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 27, 2016, 10:04:37 AM
>"Well why did you learn that in the first place ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 27, 2016, 01:59:38 PM
>"Well why did you learn that in the first place ?"
>"I mostly created it to see if I could make something far more powerful that Marisa's Master Spark. And it worked, though I did have to dumb down the power a bit to make it a legal spellcard and yadda yadda yadda.... You know, thinking back on it, it would've been so useful to have back when I still wanted to take revenge on humanity... Oh, and don't worry about that, as I told your angel friend over there, those days are long behind me... "
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 27, 2016, 03:02:18 PM
>"So you are just living an relaxing life ? Well, i guess in your case it is afterlife ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 27, 2016, 03:44:04 PM
>"So you are just living an relaxing life ? Well, i guess in your case it is afterlife ?"
>"Eh, not really." says Mima, "To tell you the truth, since I'm not trying to take my revenge on humanity anymore and that magician school idea went south, I really haven't had a purpose anymore... I'm mostly just waiting until an opportunity presents itself..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 27, 2016, 04:13:04 PM
>Scratch our head.
>"...we wouldn't mind becoming your apprentices, then you wouldn't just be standing around here, besides..."
>" would have an excuse to avoid being near Marisa whenether she starts to annoy you i guess."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 27, 2016, 05:18:00 PM
>Scratch our head.
>"...we wouldn't mind becoming your apprentices, then you wouldn't just be standing around here, besides..."
>" would have an excuse to avoid being near Marisa whenether she starts to annoy you i guess."
>Mima laughs, "Since when did I ever say Marisa annoys me? If anything I'd annoy her. Heh..." she smirks, "Anyway, I do need an excuse to get out of the house, besides, it might give Alice some relief. And I like telling people what to do, so I wouldn't mind taking you on as my apprentices. But the question is, are you two ready to make a commitment?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 27, 2016, 05:41:35 PM
>"Well... maybe not yet, but we'll try to come to you when we are."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 27, 2016, 05:49:15 PM
>"Well... maybe not yet, but we'll try to come to you when we are."
>"Oh... Alright then, well, you know where to find me."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 27, 2016, 05:50:42 PM
>"Now, we should go take a look on Regenteki, i hope that she is okay..."
>Try focusing on the image of the front of her shack.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 27, 2016, 05:53:26 PM
>"Now, we should go take a look on Regenteki, i hope that she is okay..."
>Try focusing on the image of the front of her shack.
>"Alright." Renko nods, "Hey guys, I think we're leaving soon."
>"Okay." says Chen.
>"Have we even found that book yet?" you hear Matenshi complain.
>You imagine the front of Rengeteki's shack. Soon, the image begins to shimmer.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 27, 2016, 05:55:46 PM
>"Yup, it is right here on the satchel, so don't worry."
>Make a gap leading to said place.
>"Well bye everyone, tell Marisa that i wish the best od recoveries to her."
>Wave with a smile at them and cross to the other side of the gap with our group.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 27, 2016, 06:00:20 PM
>"Yup, it is right here on the satchel, so don't worry."
>Make a gap leading to said place.
>You create a gap to Rengeteki's house.

>"Well bye everyone, tell Marisa that i wish the best od recoveries to her."
>"Bye." Mima replies, being the only one in the room with your group.

>Wave with a smile at them and cross to the other side of the gap with our group.
>You cross into the gap with your group...
>You notice upon your arrival that Rengeteki's shack looks different, the door seems to have been kicked open, and the place looks like it's been ransacked.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 27, 2016, 06:03:15 PM
>"Huh ?!?!?"
>Quickly head inside and search for her !
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 27, 2016, 06:09:38 PM
>"Huh ?!?!?"
>Quickly head inside and search for her !
>"That doesn't look good..." says Renko, before following you.
>You head inside the shack. The furniture has been thrown about, and everything is strewn around the floor as if someone was searching for something. There seems to be no sign of her.
>"What happened here?" Renko asks.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 27, 2016, 06:13:18 PM
>"I dunno ! I knew i should have come here earlier, but i was too busy with their issue... how stupid of me !"
>Hit the wall with our fist.
>"What now....?"
>Keep searching for something, any clue.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 27, 2016, 06:22:01 PM
>"I dunno ! I knew i should have come here earlier, but i was too busy with their issue... how stupid of me !"
>Hit the wall with our fist.
>You hit the wall with your fist.

>"What now....?"
>Keep searching for something, any clue.
>"Maybe she's still here?" says Renko, "Try calling for her."
>You keep searching, eventually heading into Rengeteki's bedroom. There are signs of searching here too, but the bed looks like it's been kicked to the side, as if someone quickly got off it in panic.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 27, 2016, 06:24:57 PM
>"Regenteki !!!"
>Wait of any response.
>What time is it ?
>"Agh ! What now ? She can't fly, or defend herself, and we have no idea where she is..."
>Head outside and look around, is that rock still there ?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 27, 2016, 06:29:39 PM
>"Regenteki !!!"
>Wait of any response.
>You call out for Rengeteki...
>"M-Maribel...? N-No... It's a trick! S-So they can get me! Trick! Trick! N-No shut up! Must shut up! If they're still here they'll find me..." You hear a muffled voice behind a nearby wall.

>What time is it ?
>You pull your cellphone out of your satchel.
>It says 12:30 PM
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 27, 2016, 06:41:14 PM
>Go towards said wall.
>"Regenteki are you alright ?!? What happened ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 27, 2016, 06:48:04 PM
>Go towards said wall.
>You approach the wall, you notice that hidden among Rengeteki's wall scrawlings is the faint outline of a crawlspace entrance.

>"Regenteki are you alright ?!? What happened ?"
>"Is it really her? N-No... Trick! Must be a trick..." you hear Rengeteki's voice say, "W-Wait! T-They're right outside the crawlspace! T-They can hear me! I was doing so well s-shutting up too... I-I'm going to die b-before I r-repent... I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die I'm gonna die..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 27, 2016, 06:54:05 PM
>"Regenteki, it's really me, Maribel, don't worry, nobody will hurt you now."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 27, 2016, 07:01:29 PM
>"Regenteki, it's really me, Maribel, don't worry, nobody will hurt you now."
>The crawlspace entrance turns translucent and Rengeteki slowly crawls through it, out into the room, eyes closed, before reverting back as soon as she's clear.
>She opens one of her eyes, before looking up at you, "I-It really is you... You a-actually came back...!"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 27, 2016, 07:06:21 PM
>"Of course, why would i leave a friend in a big need of help all alone here ?"
>Smile and hug her gently.
>"I am glad you are safe, what happened here ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 27, 2016, 07:14:48 PM
>"Of course, why would i leave a friend in a big need of help all alone here ?"
>Smile and hug her gently.
>She returns the hug, a little tighter than you're hugging her.

>"I am glad you are safe, what happened here ?"
>"A-A ghost from my past... came back to haunt me..." she mumbles. "Sent underlings to finish the job, she did... still hates me, she does... the music... the soothing music... horrible memories... like the nightmares last night... repent... must repent..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 27, 2016, 07:21:27 PM
>"Soothing music ?"
>Look back to our group.
>"That was also in the newspaper."
>Look back to Regenteki.
>"Who is she ? Please tell me, i want to protect you."
>Recall the names of that band from the lake.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 27, 2016, 07:33:09 PM
>"Soothing music ?"
>Look back to our group.
>"That was also in the newspaper."
>You look to Renko, Chen and Sumireko are just now entering the room.
>"What was?" Sumireko asks.
>"Yeah, I remember..." Renko replies.

>Look back to Regenteki.
>"Who is she ? Please tell me, i want to protect you."
>"I-It doesn't matter... Y-You won't find her... S-She didn't even show up in person... sent underlings she did... I-I don't even know where she is..." Rengeteki frowns.

>Recall the names of that band from the lake.
>You know one is named Raiko, but you don't know which. You never learned the names of the other two, but you do believe Kagerou called them the Tsukumo sisters.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 27, 2016, 07:43:36 PM
>".....wait... is it that Layla girl ? Could you tell me her full name please ?"
>Gently rub her her hair.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 27, 2016, 08:00:23 PM
>".....wait... is it that Layla girl ? Could you tell me her full name please ?"
>Gently rub her her hair.
>Rengeteki reluctantly nods.
>"I don't remember her last n-name... I th-think... it had something to do with... water...."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 27, 2016, 08:01:57 PM
>"How did she look like ? Describe her to me as well as you can dear."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 27, 2016, 09:22:21 PM
>"How did she look like ? Describe her to me as well as you can dear."
>"U-Um... Last time I saw her... she had green hair. Wavy hair. And green eyes. And a blue- N-No! Purple! I-I'm sorry! A purple dress. Um..." Rengeteki pauses, seemingly trying to remember more details, "S-She's a good musician... Plays lots of instruments... really good with the flute... she also has a baton... I-I know she used it for something, but I forget what... I-I'm sorry..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 27, 2016, 09:29:12 PM
>Does that match any of the musicians we met ?
>"No, don't be sorry."
>Smile towards her.
>"I know how traumatic it was, she hurt you before right ?"
>Gesture to her body.
>"I noticed you moved your body a bit oddly when i met you,  your upper body specifically, did she... hurt you there in the past ? Please show me."
>Pat her shoulder gently with a reassuring smile.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 27, 2016, 09:45:06 PM
>Does that match any of the musicians we met ?
>It does not.

>"No, don't be sorry."
>Smile towards her.
>"I know how traumatic it was, she hurt you before right ?"
>Gesture to her body.
>"I noticed you moved your body a bit oddly when i met you,  your upper body specifically, did she... hurt you there in the past ? Please show me."
>Pat her shoulder gently with a reassuring smile.
>Rengeteki nods, "I-I told you when you were last here... S-She... S-She broke my arm a-and tossed me into a thorn bush..."
>"That sounds horrible..." Renko frowns.
>"H-Huh!?!" Rengeteki looks and is finally realizing the presence of Renko and the others. She quickly cowers behind you, "W-Who are they!?!"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 27, 2016, 09:54:24 PM
>"Relax Regenteki, this is just Renko, a special someone of mine, the cute cat youkai over there is Chen, and the winged one is Sumireko, but also Matenshi, it's complicated."
>Look at her arm.
>"Let me see your arm then, maybe we could treat it and have it back to normal, and maybe the same for your wings !"
>Smile joyfully.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 27, 2016, 10:59:17 PM
>"Relax Regenteki, this is just Renko, a special someone of mine, the cute cat youkai over there is Chen, and the winged one is Sumireko, but also Matenshi, it's complicated."
>"They... T-They aren't going to hurt me...?" Rengeteki asks.
>"No! Of course not!" says Renko.
>"Yeah, we have no reason to harm you." Sumireko smiles.

>Look at her arm.
>Which arm?

>"Let me see your arm then, maybe we could treat it and have it back to normal, and maybe the same for your wings !"
>Smile joyfully.
>"Back... to n-normal...?" she lifts up her right arm and stares at it in contemplation.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 27, 2016, 11:02:49 PM
>Gently examine her right arm.
>"So how well can you move it ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 28, 2016, 12:00:45 AM
>Gently examine her right arm.
>You gently take her right arm and examine it.
>There doesn't seem to be any obvious injuries, at least from the outside.

>"So how well can you move it ?"
>Rengeteki attempts to close the fingers on her right hand, and you notice they don't close all the way... It wouldn't be a problem for grabbing a large object, but for smaller stuff it would be nearly impossible...
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 28, 2016, 12:18:18 AM
>Look worried.
>"Does it hurt if you try to close it all the way ? Or can't you even try to do that ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 28, 2016, 12:20:47 AM
>Look worried.
>"Does it hurt if you try to close it all the way ? Or can't you even try to do that ?"
>Rengeteki tries to close it more, but winces in pain.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 28, 2016, 12:25:54 AM
>"Stop, it's okay."
>Gently pet her head.
>"Maybe we could take you to Dr. Eirin, she should be able to help, don't worry, i won't let anyone hurt you."
>Smile while petting her head.
>"So Regenteki, how did you make that part of the wall disappear for a while ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 28, 2016, 12:38:17 AM
>"Stop, it's okay."
>Gently pet her head.
>"Maybe we could take you to Dr. Eirin, she should be able to help, don't worry, i won't let anyone hurt you."
>Smile while petting her head.
>"A-Are you sure?" Rengeteki asks.

>"So Regenteki, how did you make that part of the wall disappear for a while ?"
>"It's... something I could do... s-since as long as I can remember..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 28, 2016, 12:48:20 AM
>"Well that is an great ability, that was how you made the giant boulder disappear right ?"
>How is her ankle now ?
>"So, want to come with us to see the Doctor ? No need to be scared, we will be there for you, and i am sure they will be happy to help you."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 28, 2016, 01:55:25 AM
>"Well that is an great ability, that was how you made the giant boulder disappear right ?"
>She nods.
>"That's about as big as I can do..." She looks down, regret flashing in her eyes, "Repent... must repent..."

>How is her ankle now ?
>"So, want to come with us to see the Doctor ? No need to be scared, we will be there for you, and i am sure they will be happy to help you."
>It seems much better.
>"A-Are you sure they can... h-help?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 28, 2016, 06:22:28 AM
>"Yep ! They should at least be able to tell what is wrong with your hand."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 28, 2016, 06:41:53 AM
>"Yep ! They should at least be able to tell what is wrong with your hand."
>"B-But..." She looks down and mumbles, "I-I already know what's wrong with it..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 28, 2016, 08:36:17 AM
>Look a bit curious.
>"You do? Then what is it ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 28, 2016, 01:50:53 PM
>Look a bit curious.
>"You do? Then what is it ?"
>"I-It just never healed right... A constant reminder of my sins... repent, must repent..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 28, 2016, 02:45:57 PM
>"What sins ?"
>Look at her with an understanding face.
>"I am all ears, maybe i can help with that."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 28, 2016, 03:56:18 PM
>"What sins ?"
>Look at her with an understanding face.
>"I am all ears, maybe i can help with that."
>"The reason s-she hates me..." tears begin to form in her eyes, "P-Please... I-I'd rather not go i-into details..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 28, 2016, 04:37:17 PM
>Look back at our group.
>"Um... could you four please wait outside ?"
>Look at Regenteki and hold her hand.
>"Well Regenteki, you have to face your past if you want it to stop chasing you, no matter what you did, there is always forgiveness awaiting."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 28, 2016, 04:43:14 PM
>Look back at our group.
>"Um... could you four please wait outside ?"
>"S-Sure." Renko replies, before heading out of the room.
>The others nod before doing the same.

>Look at Regenteki and hold her hand.
>"Well Regenteki, you have to face your past if you want it to stop chasing you, no matter what you did, there is always forgiveness awaiting."
>There is no "Regenteki" but there is a Rengeteki
>You hold Rengeteki's hand.
>"You really think.... N-No... What I've done... I-It's unforgivable. She knows it. I know it... I must repent... Repent for the rest of my existence..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 28, 2016, 04:50:00 PM
//You kept calling her Regenteki...

>"Rengeteki !"
>Look at her decisively.
>"Did you mean to do what you did ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 28, 2016, 05:18:21 PM
//You kept calling her Regenteki...
//Uh, no I didn't. I've always said "Rengeteki"...

>"Rengeteki !"
>Look at her decisively.
>"Did you mean to do what you did ?"
>"W-Well... No... But that doesn't change the fact that it's still my fault..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 28, 2016, 05:24:50 PM
>"Stop being so harsh at yourself Rengeteki... cmon, tell me those whole story, this way i can show you that you shouldn't condemn yourself for all of what happened."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 28, 2016, 05:28:01 PM
>"Stop being so harsh at yourself Rengeteki... cmon, tell me those whole story, this way i can show you that you shouldn't condemn yourself for all of what happened."
>"I-I'd rather n-not... I-It's too painful..." she looks away and starts mumbling, "The nightmares are enough... Reminders it's my fault... All my fault... repent... must repent..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 28, 2016, 06:04:25 PM
>"I know it is painful for you, i can see, but if you don't face it you will have to keep enduring this pain forever..."
>Look down.
>"Trust me, i also couldn't save the life of someone i cared about in the end..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 28, 2016, 06:10:12 PM
>"I know it is painful for you, i can see, but if you don't face it you will have to keep enduring this pain forever..."
>Look down.
>"Trust me, i also couldn't save the life of someone i cared about in the end..."
>"W-Was that p-person someone t-that meant e-everything to you? D-Did she also, i-in her last moments... g-give y-you a l-look of complete f-faith and t-trust before your a-actions e-erased her?!" she takes a few steps back from you, tears are now running down her cheeks in streams, "I-I doubt i-it... y-you couldn't e-even BEGIN to u-understand the pain I feel!"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 28, 2016, 06:34:52 PM
>" never told me that...i'm... sorry... i really am... but you aren't the only one that is afraid of what you can do..."
>Head to her shedding some tears.
>"My powers are so much of a responsibility too, because if i make the wrong move, i could destroy the world as we know it, and i could destroy the person that is everything to me too..."
>Gently embrace her.
>"I don't want you to be alone, i know more about that than you think... p-please, trust me..."
>Shed some more tears.
>"...she wouldn't like to see you like this right ? She would want you to live a happy life right ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 28, 2016, 06:45:52 PM
>" never told me that...i'm... sorry... i really am... but you aren't the only one that is afraid of what you can do..."
>Head to her shedding some tears.
>"My powers are so much of a responsibility too, because if i make the wrong move, i could destroy the world as we know it, and i could destroy the person that is everything to me too..."
>Gently embrace her.
>You begin crying.
>She remains silent as you hug her, continuing to shed her own tears.

>"I don't want you to be alone, i know more about that than you think... p-please, trust me..."
>Shed some more tears.
>"...she wouldn't like to see you like this right ? She would want you to live a happy life right ?"
>"S-She would..." Rengeteki sniffles, "B-But I tried... A-And I just couldn't.... H-How could I be happy a-again anyway? L-Living with what I've done... T-The closest I-I came was with K-Kurumi and E-Elly but... I-I don't think they were e-even real... A-And now that t-the nightmares a-are back a-and L-Layla... I-I... I-I j-just can't stop thinking about it... more than e-ever..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 28, 2016, 07:09:43 PM
>"Then i will find a way.... i will find a way to make you happy, i can't let you down..."
>Tighten our hug a bit.
>"...what is this feeling ? It is not love... but it is similar to how i feel about Renko... and it feels to be more than just friendship... is this... sisterhood ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 28, 2016, 07:24:04 PM
>"Then i will find a way.... i will find a way to make you happy, i can't let you down..."
>Tighten our hug a bit.
>"D-Do you really t-think... y-you can....?"

>"...what is this feeling ? It is not love... but it is similar to how i feel about Renko... and it feels to be more than just friendship... is this... sisterhood ?"
>"W-What do you mean... Sisterhood...?" Rengeteki looks at you, confused.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 28, 2016, 07:44:30 PM
>"I dunno... like, you are more than a friend to me, but it isn't like the love i feel for Renko, yet it is still some kind of love..."
>Put on a faint smile.
>"Well, either way, what i want to say is that i might care for you like a sister of some sort, similar to Renko and her sister Sumireko..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 28, 2016, 08:59:25 PM
>"I dunno... like, you are more than a friend to me, but it isn't like the love i feel for Renko, yet it is still some kind of love..."
>Put on a faint smile.
>"Well, either way, what i want to say is that i might care for you like a sister of some sort, similar to Renko and her sister Sumireko..."
>"...Heh..." she smiles slightly, "...A sister, huh... I-I never expected a-anyone to call themselves a sister..." she frowns, "Thanks for th-thinking of me that way... But I-I don't deserve a sister..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 28, 2016, 09:03:52 PM
>"What you deserve is to be happy, and i want to make that reality."
>Smile a bit.
>"So... um... taking in account what you said in the conversations...does that mean..."
>Look a bit worried.
>...did she ask you to use your ability on her ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 28, 2016, 09:10:51 PM
>"What you deserve is to be happy, and i want to make that reality."
>Smile a bit.
>"So... um... taking in account what you said in the conversations...does that mean..."
>Look a bit worried.
>...did she ask you to use your ability on her ?"
>"...Y-Yes..." tears begin to well up in her eyes again, "I-It was the f-first and only time I-I've tried it on s-something that was... alive..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 28, 2016, 09:24:21 PM
>Hug her again.
>"Why did she want to do that ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 28, 2016, 10:14:34 PM
>Hug her again.
>"Why did she want to do that ?"
>"W-We were i-in a cave..." she sniffles, "T-There was an accident, a-a cave-in she..." more tears roll down her cheeks, "s-she was p-pinned underneath the r-rubble while p-pushing us out of the w-way... W-We couldn't p-pull her out w-without hurting h-her.... A-And t-the p-pile w-was too big to p-phase... s-she suggested i-it... A-And..."
>She starts bawling uncontrollably.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 28, 2016, 10:54:07 PM
>Hold her tighten and caress her hair.
>"There there.... i am here with you, it's all okay."
>Once she is a bit more calm.
>"It isn't your fault Rengeteki, blaming yourself like this won't do any good... she wouldn't want this."
>Keep caressing her.
>"Now, why don't we go outside to have some fresh air ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 29, 2016, 12:03:37 AM
>Hold her tighten and caress her hair.
>"There there.... i am here with you, it's all okay."
>She continues to sob.

>Once she is a bit more calm.
>"It isn't your fault Rengeteki, blaming yourself like this won't do any good... she wouldn't want this."
>"B-But it is m-my f-fault! I-I should've l-listened t-to my g-gut... I-I s-should've n-never... L-Layla t-thinks i-it's m-my f-fault too... s-she t-thinks I-I did i-it on p-purpose... I-I..."
>She continues to bawl her eyes out. Your dress is getting soaked with her tears.

>Keep caressing her.
>You keep caressing her until she eventually calms down.

>"Now, why don't we go outside to have some fresh air ?"
>After a few seconds she slowly nods...
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 29, 2016, 12:17:50 AM
>Slowly lead her outside.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 29, 2016, 01:38:57 AM
>Slowly lead her outside.
>You slowly escort her out of the room, you soon come across the rest of your group in the main room.
>"What's gotten into her?" Matenshi asks, "Also your dress is soaked..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 29, 2016, 01:42:38 AM
>"We talked about a very traumatic experience of her's."
>Gesture to the soaked part.
>"There are all tears....but she is okay now, we are going out for some fresh air before going to Eientei to get her some treatment."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 29, 2016, 01:45:18 AM
>"Is everything alright outside?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 29, 2016, 02:04:56 AM
>"We talked about a very traumatic experience of her's."
>Gesture to the soaked part.
>"There are all tears....but she is okay now, we are going out for some fresh air before going to Eientei to get her some treatment."
>"I see...."

>"Is everything alright outside?"
>"We don't know." says Renko, "We haven't gone outside the house."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 29, 2016, 02:21:20 AM
>"We gotta be careful then, the people that ransacked her home might come back, and i am not letting them hurt any of you."
>Head outside with our group carefully.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 29, 2016, 02:47:27 AM
>"We gotta be careful then, the people that ransacked her home might come back, and i am not letting them hurt any of you."
>Head outside with our group carefully.
>Renko nods.
>You cautiously head outside with everyone in tow, there doesn't seem to be any signs of anyone else here.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 29, 2016, 03:06:38 AM
>", let us take a breath and relax a bit now okay ?"
>Smile towards Rengeteki and take some breaths of fresh air.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 29, 2016, 03:28:53 AM
>", let us take a breath and relax a bit now okay ?"
>Smile towards Rengeteki and take some breaths of fresh air.
>"O-Okay... I-I'll try..." Rengeteki replies.
>You take a couple deep breaths of air, it feels nice.
>Rengeteki seems to be calming down a little.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: AzyWng on September 29, 2016, 05:26:37 AM
>Look around.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 29, 2016, 06:00:46 AM
>Look around.
>You look around, the shack looks no different than when you arrived, the door is still kicked in and you can see the furniture strewn about inside.
>Renko and the others are standing around, and Rengeteki seems a bit more at ease now.
>You also notice something lying in the grass nearby.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 29, 2016, 08:35:44 AM
>"Huh ?"
>Carefully approach the thing on the ground.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 29, 2016, 12:25:32 PM
//Probably should have someone else investigate it, as it could be something dangerous to Rengeteki. Especially bad after we got her like this...
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: AzyWng on September 29, 2016, 01:48:45 PM
>Can we tell anything about the object from here aside from "it's lying in the grass"?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 29, 2016, 02:40:05 PM
>"Huh ?"
>Carefully approach the thing on the ground.
>Can we tell anything about the object from here aside from "it's lying in the grass"?
>You approach the strange object.
>It seems to be an amber-colored block inside a wooden sheath that covers it on three sides, it's small enough to fit in someone's hand or pocket.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 29, 2016, 04:01:42 PM
>"Please stay here everyone."
>Approach and pick up the object carefully.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 29, 2016, 04:03:28 PM
>"Please stay here everyone."
>Approach and pick up the object carefully.
>You carefully pick up the block.
>Nothing seems to be happening.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 29, 2016, 04:04:46 PM
>"Do any of you recognize this ?"
>Carefully show them the block, don't get close however.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 29, 2016, 04:12:56 PM
>"Do any of you recognize this ?"
>Carefully show them the block, don't get close however.
>"Nope." Chen shakes her head.
>"I don't recognize it either, sorry." Renko frowns.
>"It kinda looks like amber..." says Sumireko.
>Rengeteki shakes her head as well.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 29, 2016, 04:15:47 PM
>"Does Matenshi have no idea either Sumireko ?"
>Examine the object more closely.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 29, 2016, 04:23:34 PM
>"Does Matenshi have no idea either Sumireko ?"
>"Yeah, Matenshi doesn't know what that is." Sumireko replies.

>Examine the object more closely.
>You turn the object over in your hands.
>It appears to be just a simple block of amber or resin inside a wooden frame.
>Curiously, when you turn it over, you find the initials "L. P." carved into the back of the wood.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 29, 2016, 04:33:25 PM
>"Hm.... hey Rengeteki, do you remember if Layla's surname start with a 'P' ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 29, 2016, 06:09:50 PM
>"Hm.... hey Rengeteki, do you remember if Layla's surname start with a 'P' ?"
>"I-I don't remember..." Rengeteki frowns, "...Maybe..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 29, 2016, 06:22:36 PM
>Take out the the note with the pen or pencil, dunno.
>Write a note saying: "Know anything about this ?" Then wrap the block with the paper, and let it go inside the cap's special gap.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 29, 2016, 06:26:21 PM
>Take out the the note with the pen or pencil, dunno.
>Write a note saying: "Know anything about this ?" Then wrap the block with the paper, and let it go inside the cap's special gap.
>You take out the pen and notebook and write a note to Yukari, then you wrap the block in it.
>You take off your cap and drop the block inside.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 29, 2016, 07:08:32 PM
>Did it work ?
>Nonetheless, wait.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 29, 2016, 07:11:44 PM
>Did it work ?
>The block went into the gap without trouble.

>Nonetheless, wait.
>You wait....
>After a few minutes, you feel something bonk you in the head, and the block lands on the ground in front of you. It's still wrapped in paper, but a different kind.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 29, 2016, 07:19:08 PM
>Unwrap the paper and read it.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 29, 2016, 07:36:38 PM
>Unwrap the paper and read it.
>You unwrap the paper and read it:

My, my... I give you this special gap and already you're abusing it for things other than its intended purpose.

Anyway, identifying items isn't something I normally do. It's more of Rinnosuke Morichika's specialty, have you met him yet? No, I suppose not. Anyway, take this item to the Kourindou, it's a shop on the outskirts of the Forest of Magic that Rinnosuke runs. Chen should know where it is.

I hope this helps,
            -Yukari Yakumo

PS: And please, do try to limit the things you throw into this gap to notes concerning your powers from now on. This is a way to get information regarding your power growth to me, not show-and-tell.

Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on September 29, 2016, 07:38:42 PM
>Blush a bit.
>"Um, so it turns out that there should be a place where we can find out what this is..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 29, 2016, 07:43:56 PM
>"Hmm... hey Chen, youkai are usually stronger than humans right?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 29, 2016, 09:09:01 PM
>Blush a bit.
>"Um, so it turns out that there should be a place where we can find out what this is..."
>"Where?" Renko asks.

>"Hmm... hey Chen, youkai are usually stronger than humans right?"
>"Yup. Why do you ask?" Chen tilts her head.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 29, 2016, 09:22:29 PM
>"Nothing, nothing, thanks though."
>Rub Chen's hair.
>"It is someplace called Kourindou, it's a shop in the Forest of Magic."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 29, 2016, 09:25:07 PM
>"Nothing, nothing, thanks though."
>Rub Chen's hair.
>"It is someplace called Kourindou, it's a shop in the Forest of Magic."
>"Oh, I know where that is." says Chen, "Yukari-sama sometimes has Ran-sama and I run errands there."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 29, 2016, 09:49:31 PM
>"Oh, could you describe what it looks like on the outside please ? Then i could gap us there to make it quicker and find out what is this."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 30, 2016, 03:30:56 AM
>"Oh, could you describe what it looks like on the outside please ? Then i could gap us there to make it quicker and find out what is this."
>"Uh... It's kinda hard to describe..." Chen frowns.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Samaren on September 30, 2016, 04:20:36 AM
>"Why hard? Is it looks different every time?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: AzyWng on September 30, 2016, 04:30:58 AM
>"Try to describe it as best as you can."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 30, 2016, 06:00:14 AM
>"Why hard? Is it looks different every time?"
>"Try to describe it as best as you can."
>"Yeah, there's a lot of random junk out front, and it's different every time we go there... I don't even know if looks the same as last time..." Chen answers, "Do you still want me to describe it anyway?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 30, 2016, 06:10:05 AM
>"Um... when was it the last time you went there ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 30, 2016, 06:28:59 AM
>"Um... when was it the last time you went there ?"
>"I dunno... I think it's been at least a year..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 30, 2016, 08:42:28 AM
>"Then it won't work... we can go there later, let's head for Eientei now i guess."
>Gently tap Rengeteki's shoulder.
>"We need to treat these wounds after all."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 30, 2016, 01:57:35 PM
>"Then it won't work... we can go there later, let's head for Eientei now i guess."
>Gently tap Rengeteki's shoulder.
>"We need to treat these wounds after all."
>"D-Do you really think... t-they can be treated?" Rengeteki asks.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 30, 2016, 02:20:13 PM
>"There must be a way, i will look for it myself if i have to."
>Make a gap leading to Eientei's front door.
>"Here, this should take us to Eientei, the doctor i know lives there and could help you."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 30, 2016, 04:04:20 PM
>"There must be a way, i will look for it myself if i have to."
>"If she was still around she could heal them..." Rengeteki says something very quiet to herself, you notice tears well up in her eyes again.

>Make a gap leading to Eientei's front door.
>"Here, this should take us to Eientei, the doctor i know lives there and could help you."
>You create a gap to Eientei. Rengeteki steps back from it a bit.
>"T-They aren't going t-to hurt me, r-right? A-And that looks kinda scary..."
>"She shouldn't." says Renko, "Doctors aren't supposed to harm people."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 30, 2016, 04:49:23 PM
>"Don't worry !"
>Step inside the gap.
>"See ? It looks strange but it won't hurt you."
>Get out and lead Rengeteki to the gap.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 30, 2016, 05:19:56 PM
>"Don't worry !"
>Step inside the gap.
>"See ? It looks strange but it won't hurt you."
>You step into the gap, and end up in Eientei.
>The only people present to hear you speak are a few rabbits, who give you a curious look.

>Get out and lead Rengeteki to the gap.
>You step back through the gap.
>"S-So it's safe?" Rengeteki asks as you approach her.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 30, 2016, 05:53:08 PM
>"Yeah, cmon."
>Offer our hand to guide Regenteki into the gap.
>Enter the gap with our group.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 30, 2016, 06:04:52 PM
>"Yeah, cmon."
>Offer our hand to guide Regenteki into the gap.
>Enter the gap with our group.
>You extend your hand to Rengeteki, and she hesitantly takes it.
>You then head through the gap with your group, ending up at Eientei once more.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 30, 2016, 06:12:51 PM
>"See ? It wasn't that bad was it ? I am here with you so no need to worry."
>Smile and lead our group to the door.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 30, 2016, 06:15:37 PM
>"See ? It wasn't that bad was it ? I am here with you so no need to worry."
>"N-No... I guess it wasn't bad at all..." Rengeteki replies, "And o-okay."

>Smile and lead our group to the door.
>You do so.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 30, 2016, 06:26:26 PM
>Open and enter !
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 30, 2016, 09:00:09 PM
>Open and enter !
>You enter the door.
>The lobby looks more or less the same. The receptionist, a different one this time, is sitting at the counter, looking bored.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on September 30, 2016, 10:10:18 PM
>Head to the receptionist.
>"Excuse me, but would Dr. Eirin be available now ? We need her help with this young lady injuries."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on September 30, 2016, 11:58:35 PM
>Head to the receptionist.
>You approach the receptionist.

>"Excuse me, but would Dr. Eirin be available now ? We need her help with this young lady injuries."
>"Dr. Yagokoro is out of the building at the moment. My apologies." the receptionist replies, "Reisen is filling in for her though, but depending on the seriousness of her condition she could at most stabilize her until Dr. Yagokoro returns."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 01, 2016, 12:32:00 AM
>"Reisen could also help yes, it isn't urgent after all, when will the doctor come back however ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 01, 2016, 12:33:59 AM
>"Reisen could also help yes, it isn't urgent after all, when will the doctor come back however ?"
>"I'm not sure. Give her a couple hours."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 01, 2016, 12:40:56 AM
>"Okay... so where can we find Reisen ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 01, 2016, 01:34:11 AM
>"Okay... so where can we find Reisen ?"
>"Right now she is in room 28. Down the hall, third door on the left."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 01, 2016, 01:39:49 AM
>"Thank you."
>Nod and head with our group to said room.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 01, 2016, 01:44:07 AM
>"Thank you."
>Nod and head with our group to said room.
>You take your group and follow the directions to the room.
>You see Reisen inside, she appears to be talking with a green-haired woman in a blue and white outfit. A young woman, around 17 years old, you think, is lying on a bed near them.
>You notice Reisen has a black eye.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 01, 2016, 01:45:06 AM
>Enter and wave.
>"Hey Reisen ! Are you alright ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 01, 2016, 01:59:53 AM
>Enter and wave.
>"Hey Reisen ! Are you alright ?"
>"Oh, hello again." Reisen stops her conversation, "Yeah, your friend gave me a black eye yesterday... it should go away in a couple days. Anyway, what brings you here?"
>The green-haired woman is looking at your group curiously.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 01, 2016, 02:12:42 AM
>Look back at the Green-haired woman curiously too.
>"Um.... oh ! We haven't met yet have we ? My name is Maribel Hearn, it is good to meet you Miss... ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 01, 2016, 04:39:56 AM
>Look back at the Green-haired woman curiously too.
>"Um.... oh ! We haven't met yet have we ? My name is Maribel Hearn, it is good to meet you Miss... ?"
>"Sanae Kochiya." she smiles, "It's nice to meet you."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: the old guy on October 01, 2016, 06:00:11 AM
>"What brings you here Ms. Kochiya?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 01, 2016, 06:34:00 AM
>"What brings you here Ms. Kochiya?"
>"I was bringing her in to get her checked out..." Sanae gestures to the girl on the bed, "Apparently she was one of the girls that was abducted last night, and she managed to escape whoever took her, though she was in too much shock when I found her for me to get any answers. Hopefully, I'll have more luck when she's awake and calm... And please, call me Sanae. Ms. Kochiya just sounds weird..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 01, 2016, 11:13:00 AM
>"Wait... you mean the one on the newspaper with the soothing music ?"
>Look worriedly at Rengeteki.
>"Didn't you say that you also heard a kind of soothing music when those people invaded your home Regenteki ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 01, 2016, 04:22:57 PM
>"Wait... you mean the one on the newspaper with the soothing music ?"

>Look worriedly at Rengeteki.
>"Didn't you say that you also heard a kind of soothing music when those people invaded your home Regenteki ?"
>You look at Rengeteki, she seems to be sticking close to you, and keeping you between herself and Reisen and Sanae
>Rengeteki slowly nods.
>"Huh? So you're saying they tried to abduct her too?" Sanae asks.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 01, 2016, 04:27:53 PM
>"When we arrived at her home, the door was forced open and the place ransacked, fortunately she was hiding in a secret crawlspace with the help of her powers, we also got some clues, according to her, it was the work of a former friend of her's called Layla, and i also found this."
>Show Sanae the amber block.
>"I found this just outside of her home, we have no idea what it does though, however there are these engraved letters on it..."
>Gently caress Rengeteki's head.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 01, 2016, 04:32:16 PM
>"When we arrived at her home, the door was forced open and the place ransacked, fortunately she was hiding in a secret crawlspace with the help of her powers, we also got some clues, according to her, it was the work of a former friend of her's called Layla, and i also found this."
>Show Sanae the amber block.
>"I found this just outside of her home, we have no idea what it does though, however there are these engraved letters on it..."
>Sanae takes the block and studies it.
>"Huh... I think I actually might know what this is..."

>Gently caress Rengeteki's head.
>You do so. Rengeteki doesn't seem to mind.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: the old guy on October 01, 2016, 05:06:50 PM
>"What do you think it is?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 01, 2016, 05:21:38 PM
>"What do you think it is?"
>"I think it's a thing musicians use on string instruments to make the bow grip the strings better. I think it's called 'Rosin' or something like that... I used to see the orchestra members use it when I was in high school... Oh, wait, this is Gensokyo, you probably don't know what high school is..." Sanae smiles, before tilting her head thoughtfully, "Well, actually... Now that I think about it, your clothes don't really look like something someone from Gensokyo would wear... Where are you from, anyway?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 01, 2016, 05:26:38 PM
>"Well, you got us, Renko here and i are from the outside world, more importantly, you came from there too ? Interesting !"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 01, 2016, 05:40:15 PM
>"Well, you got us, Renko here and i are from the outside world-"
>"WHOA! Really!?!" Sanae cuts you off, "I'm from there too! Hey, how different are things out there now? Do we have flying cars yet?"
>"Uh, no, not really..." Renko replies, "How long have you been in Gensokyo."
>"I'd say about 17 years."
>"Yeah, I don't think much has changed in our world since then... I mean, technology is definitely better than back then, but we're nowhere near flying cars..."
>"Aww... Really?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 01, 2016, 06:24:17 PM
>"It's life, still, i am happy to find someone like us, so, you are that other shrine maiden besides Miss Reimu huh ? How is that kind of way of life like ?"
>Turn to Reisen.
>"Also Reisen, would you mind examining my friend here, she has some really concerning injuries from her past..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 01, 2016, 06:36:35 PM
>"It's life, still, i am happy to find someone like us, so, you are that other shrine maiden besides Miss Reimu huh ? How is that kind of way of life like ?"
>"It's pretty nice." Sanae shrugs, "Just gathering faith and resolving incidents. Anyway, you said there was something engraved on the back of this, right?"
>Sanae turns the block over in her hands.
>"L. P.... Hmm... No... it can't be her..."

>Turn to Reisen.
>"Also Reisen, would you mind examining my friend here, she has some really concerning injuries from her past..."
>"Oh, sure." Reisen smiles, "Just lead her over to the vacant bed over there and I'll do the rest."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 01, 2016, 06:41:11 PM
>"We suspect it to be from that Layla person that hates Rengeteki..."
>Gently lead Rengeteki to the vacant bed.
>"Okay Regenteki, now you gotta relax and let Reisen here examine your arm, and your wings also need to be examined too since you said that after they were hit you cannot fly anymore."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 01, 2016, 06:50:23 PM
>"We suspect it to be from that Layla person that hates Rengeteki..."
>"Well, it's better than who I was thinking of. Is this Layla person a musician, maybe?" Sanae asks.

>Gently lead Rengeteki to the vacant bed.
>"Okay Regenteki, now you gotta relax and let Reisen here examine your arm, and your wings also need to be examined too since you said that after they were hit you cannot fly anymore."
>You lead Rengeteki to the bed and she sits on it.
>"O-Okay..." Rengeteki looks at Reisen nervously, "Y-You said s-she wasn't going t-to hurt me, right?"
>"Yeah, I won't hurt you. I can promise you that." Reisen smiles.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 01, 2016, 07:08:39 PM
>"From what Rengeteki said, she played a lot of instruments."
>Get a bit closer to Sanae and whisper:
>"Also about her... she had a very *very* rough and disturbed life, so much has happened to her, that she was left with nothing, no friends, no family, flightless and defenseless, it is just unfair.... so please be careful when you talk with her..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 02, 2016, 03:44:31 AM
>"From what Rengeteki said, she played a lot of instruments."
>Get a bit closer to Sanae and whisper:
>"Also about her... she had a very *very* rough and disturbed life, so much has happened to her, that she was left with nothing, no friends, no family, flightless and defenseless, it is just unfair.... so please be careful when you talk with her..."
>"Oh... Okay... I wasn't planning on talking to her though..." Sanae replies, "So... Do you happen to know this Layla's surname? Maybe that could narrow the search down if she is the one behind the kidnappings."
>"So. What seems to be the issue?" Reisen says softly.
>"I-I... I-I can't close my h-hand all the way..." Rengeteki mumbles.
>"May I see it? The hand?"
>Rengeteki doesn't move.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 02, 2016, 03:46:10 AM
>"She said that it might have been related to Water or something."
>Go to where Rengeteki is lying at.
>"Relax, she is just trying to help, i am here for you if you need to remember ?"
>Give her a soothing smile.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 02, 2016, 03:56:24 AM
>"She said that it might have been related to Water or something."
>"Well, if these are her initials, then there is only one water-related surname beginning with P that comes to mind..." says Sanae, "But it can't be that."

>Go to where Rengeteki is lying at.
>"Relax, she is just trying to help, i am here for you if you need to remember ?"
>Give her a soothing smile.
>"O-Okay..." Rengeteki smiles slightly in return before extending her right hand to Reisen.
>"Alright. How much can you close it?" Reisen asks, before Rengeteki reluctantly closes her hand halfway, unable to move her fingers any further.
>"Okay... Let me know if you feel anything." Reisen gently takes Rengeteki's arm and begins applying light pressure at certain points, starting at the elbow and working her way down the arm.
>Suddenly Rengeteki cries out and jerks her arm away, before giving you a look of utter betrayal, "Y-YOU S-SAID T-THEY W-WOULDN'T H-HURT ME!"
>"I-I didn't mean to!"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: the old guy on October 02, 2016, 04:01:50 AM
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 02, 2016, 04:03:37 AM

>Calm, not claim.
>Gently, very gently hug her on the table, being careful of the arm.
>"I'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 02, 2016, 04:10:48 AM
//Quick add-on.

>Turn to Reisen worriedly.
>"Don't you have any anesthetics around ? Anything to get rid of the pain so my friend doesn't suffer ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 02, 2016, 04:18:28 AM
>Calm, not claim.
>Gently, very gently hug her on the table, being careful of the arm.
>"I'm sorry i'm sorry i'm sorry..."
>"P-Please d-don't let her h-hurt me again..." Rengeteki whimpers as you hug her.

>Turn to Reisen worriedly.
>"Don't you have any anesthetics around ? Anything to get rid of the pain so my friend doesn't suffer ?"
>"Well... painkillers aren't really meant to be given during an examination." Reisen frowns, "And I was only trying to find the spot on her arm that seemed to be the root of the problem... We could probably take an x-ray to see what the problem is without having to physically feel for it, but using it is expensive... Besides, it would probably be better if we waited for Eirin to get back. She likely knows the most efficient way to diagnose her painlessly..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 02, 2016, 04:39:43 AM
>"She didn't mean it dear... it's just that your injury seems very serious, it;s incredible how you spent all this time like that...."
>Turn to Reisen and nod sadly.
>"...can she at least stay here ? Her house was ransacked, so it isn't safe there anymore, and if she stays here we can request Dr. Eirin's help immediately once she comes back."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 02, 2016, 05:02:04 AM
>"She didn't mean it dear... it's just that your injury seems very serious, it;s incredible how you spent all this time like that...."
>"...It's a-actually not that bad... I-I've lived w-with this for y-years..."

>Turn to Reisen and nod sadly.
>"...can she at least stay here ? Her house was ransacked, so it isn't safe there anymore, and if she stays here we can request Dr. Eirin's help immediately once she comes back."
>"Well-" Reisen begins.
>"W-W-WAIT Y-YOU'RE J-JUST GOING T-TO LEAVE ME HERE!?!" Rengeteki looks hurt, "I-I... I-I... I-I d-don't e-even trust t-the p-people h-here..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 02, 2016, 05:18:08 AM
>"No ! It's not like that... did you see what happened to your home ? We can't let that happen again..."
>Hold her left hand.
>"I guess the only other way would be if you tagged with us too... i want to keep you safe from this Layla person...."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 02, 2016, 05:28:32 AM
>"No ! It's not like that... did you see what happened to your home ? We can't let that happen again..."
>Hold her left hand.
>"I guess the only other way would be if you tagged with us too... i want to keep you safe from this Layla person...."
>"N-No... L-Layla i-is dangerous.... I-I don't want y-you getting hurt p-protecting m-me..." Rengeteki looks you in the eye, "I-I d-don't want y-you hurt... B-But I-I don't w-want you to l-leave me either... you... y-you..." she turns away and mumbles so that you can barely hear it, "Y-You are the first person in a long time that I've consider a friend and that I truly feel safe around..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 02, 2016, 05:38:58 AM
>Look a bit surprised by her words, then smile.
>"Regenteki... thank you, but i really care about your safety, and i can't let someone try to harm you, you are my friend... no... more than that.... you feel like family, like i said before."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 02, 2016, 05:42:12 AM
>Look a bit surprised by her words, then smile.
>"Regenteki... thank you, but i really care about your safety, and i can't let someone try to harm you, you are my friend... no... more than that.... you feel like family, like i said before."
>"T-Then l-let me c-come with you... b-but i-if we r-run into L-Layla or h-her underlings... j-just run... D-Don't try t-to fight..."
>"Underlings?" Sanae asks.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 02, 2016, 05:49:54 AM
>"She said that it wasn't Layla herself that came, but some people under her command it seems."
>Look back at her.
>"Of course i will let you come, but if she threatens you, even if a tiny bit, i will fight them until you are back to safety."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 02, 2016, 06:10:29 AM
>"She said that it wasn't Layla herself that came, but some people under her command it seems."
>"Huh, so this rosin probably isn't even hers." Sanae frowns.

>Look back at her.
>"Of course i will let you come, but if she threatens you, even if a tiny bit, i will fight them until you are back to safety."
>"P-Please don't...." Rengeteki replies.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 02, 2016, 06:14:44 AM
>"Don't worry, i can hold my own, my powers would help me too, since i could make a gap for you to escape, and then i could follow you soon after, it would be alright."
>Pat her head.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 02, 2016, 06:24:58 AM
>"Don't worry, i can hold my own, my powers would help me too, since i could make a gap for you to escape, and then i could follow you soon after, it would be alright."
>Pat her head.
>You pat the frowning Rengeteki.

>"Huh, you know what, now that I think about it... Maybe this does belong to the person I'm thinking of... Maybe she's a witness?" says Sanae as she continues to study the rosin.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: the old guy on October 02, 2016, 06:36:12 AM
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 02, 2016, 07:08:08 AM
>"Lunasa Prismriver. She's the violinist of the Prismriver Ensemble. They're like a 3-person orchestra."

>"Prismriver..." Rengeteki mumbles to herself, "W-was that it...?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 02, 2016, 12:18:07 PM
>"The name isn't the same so... what does she look like ? Her appearance i mean."
>What did Layla look like again according to Rengeteki ?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 02, 2016, 04:07:47 PM
>"The name isn't the same so... what does she look like ? Her appearance i mean."
>"Well, she's blonde, has yellow eyes, and she wears primarily black clothing with a matching hat, and the hat has a red crescent moon decoration on the top.  She always has her violin with her." Sanae replies.

>What did Layla look like again according to Rengeteki ?
>Rengeteki described Layla as having green, wavy hair, as well as green eyes. And that she wears a purple dress.

>"Prismriver... Prismriver... I-I swear that s-sounds familiar..." Rengeteki continues to mumble.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 02, 2016, 04:14:05 PM
>"Hm... it doesn't fit the description we have, Layla has an Green and wavy hair, with a matching eye color, and her dress is purple, not black...."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 02, 2016, 04:20:48 PM
>"Hm... it doesn't fit the description we have, Layla has an Green and wavy hair, with a matching eye color, and her dress is purple, not black...."
>"Well, that still doesn't rule out the fact that Lunasa might be a possible witness..." says Sanae
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 02, 2016, 04:23:20 PM
>Nod, then look worriedly.
>"Or it could be the worst case scenario......"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 02, 2016, 04:41:10 PM
>Nod, then look worriedly.
>"Or it could be the worst case scenario......"
>"Which would be...?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 02, 2016, 04:45:52 PM
>Look away.
>"That this Lunasa is one of the assailants that ransacked her home...."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 02, 2016, 04:49:03 PM
>Look away.
>"That this Lunasa is one of the assailants that ransacked her home...."
>"I doubt it." Sanae frowns, "It doesn't make sense for Lunasa or her sisters to do such a thing. They'd much rather perform."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 02, 2016, 04:53:47 PM
>"I know... but the kidnappings don't make much sense either do they ? Why does music have to play before the person is kidnapped ? I just hope this ends soon..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 02, 2016, 04:59:06 PM
>"I know... but the kidnappings don't make much sense either do they ? Why does music have to play before the person is kidnapped ? I just hope this ends soon..."
>"No, they don't. And I hope so too... I think I'll ask Lunasa about this rosin later... If she was a witness, then it least means I have a possible lead to whoever this 'Layla' is."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 02, 2016, 05:15:52 PM
>"May we come with you ? If this doesn't get solved, we will be continuously in danger while out there, so the more people working on it, the better."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 02, 2016, 05:32:41 PM
>"May we come with you ? If this doesn't get solved, we will be continuously in danger while out there, so the more people working on it, the better."
>"Um... Sure, I don't see any problem with that. Though, I have to ask: Can you fight? I mean, this is an incident after all, and that usually means at least one spellcard duel is a given..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 02, 2016, 05:45:53 PM
>"Yes, i have no spellcard, but i can hold my own, and in case things get too dangerous i can gap us out of there."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 02, 2016, 05:49:02 PM
>"Yes, i have no spellcard, but i can hold my own, and in case things get too dangerous i can gap us out of there."
>"Gap?" Sanae tilts her head.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 02, 2016, 06:05:57 PM
>"Well.... uh... it's my ability, i can create a sort of gap on borders, like this."
>Make a gap in front of us leading to the other side of the room.
>"It's very useful for transportation."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 02, 2016, 06:27:00 PM
>"Well.... uh... it's my ability, i can create a sort of gap on borders, like this."
>Make a gap in front of us leading to the other side of the room.
>"It's very useful for transportation."
>You create a gap, causing Sanae's eyes to widen in surprise.
>"Hey, you know, there's a Youkai in Gensokyo with an ability just like that. Oh, wait, that's her cat, isn't it? Does this mean you met her already?" Sanae asks, "You know, you kinda look a lot like her. Are you like sisters or something?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 02, 2016, 06:35:09 PM
>"You mean Lady Yukari ? No, i just look a lot like her by coincidence, and i am not a youkai either so...."
>"Anyways, where are we going ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 02, 2016, 06:51:24 PM
>"You mean Lady Yukari ? No, i just look a lot like her by coincidence, and i am not a youkai either so...."
>"Anyways, where are we going ?"
>"Well, I need to get something from my shrine first. And you said you don't have any spellcards, right? Can you at least use danmaku?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 02, 2016, 07:14:37 PM
>"Yes of course, so, could you describe your shrine for me, that way i could make a gap leading there."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 02, 2016, 07:28:05 PM
>"Yes of course, so, could you describe your shrine for me, that way i could make a gap leading there."
>"Well, it's near the summit of Youkai Mountain. And we have like a little storage shed off to the side. And our donation box is in front of the entrance. Um... How detailed do you want it?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 02, 2016, 07:45:06 PM
>"Stuff like it's size, the colors of the walls, windows, how does the front door look like, basically that stuff."
>Start focusing on a image as Sanae describes it.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 02, 2016, 07:47:57 PM
>"Stuff like it's size, the colors of the walls, windows, how does the front door look like, basically that stuff."
>Start focusing on a image as Sanae describes it.
>Sanae begins to describe the shrine and its surroundings in more detail.
>You focus on the mental image, just when you think it isn't going to work, you see a shimmer.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 02, 2016, 07:54:33 PM
>"There, i think i got it."
>Make a gap that leads to said place, same way we learned with our mother.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 02, 2016, 08:20:11 PM
>"There, i think i got it."
>Make a gap that leads to said place, same way we learned with our mother.
>You create a gap.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 02, 2016, 08:24:53 PM
>"There we go, let's go everyone."
>Beckon Sanae, Rengeteki, Renko, Chen and Sumitenshi and head inside.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 03, 2016, 01:16:05 AM
>"There we go, let's go everyone."
>Beckon Sanae, Rengeteki, Renko, Chen and Sumitenshi and head inside.
>You head through the gap with your party.
>You end up on a path in front of a really nice looking shrine on the summit of a mountain. It's larger than Reimu's, and is certainly much more taken care of.
>"Yup, this is the place." says Sanae as she starts walking forward, "C'mon! Let's go in!"
>"Hey, Merry, I've been wondering something..." Renko says as she start to follow.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 03, 2016, 01:22:14 AM
>"Huh ? About what Renko ?"
>Follow that Shrine maiden !
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 03, 2016, 01:26:27 AM
>"Huh ? About what Renko ?"
>Follow that Shrine maiden !
>You begin following Sanae.
>"What would happen if you made a gap with no destination? Would it even work?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 03, 2016, 01:45:34 AM
>"Hm.... i dunno, i will try that later."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 03, 2016, 01:59:51 AM
>"With no destination? Like, just trying to open one? I don't know..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 03, 2016, 02:14:53 AM
>"With no destination? Like, just trying to open one? I don't know..."
>"Hm.... i dunno, i will try that later."
>"I wonder what will happen... So anyway, what are we going to do once we find this L-"
>"BOO!" you hear someone yell extremely loud from right behind all of you, the sound is quickly followed by the shrill noise of megaphone feedback. It's enough to make Renko and Sumireko jump.
>Chen winces at the feedback. Covering her cat ears.
>"A-AH! D-Don't h-hurt me!" you hear Rengeteki behind you. You also hear a thud, as if someone fell.
>Sanae seems to be the only one who is unfazed.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 03, 2016, 02:19:42 AM
>"Wah !"
>Check up on little Chen and see what was this thud.
>"Is everyone okay ? W-What was that ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 03, 2016, 02:25:10 AM
>"Wah !"
>Check up on little Chen and see what was this thud.
>Chen is still wincing from the feedback.
>You turn around to see Rengeteki on the ground with a person, whose upper torso is obscured by a large, eggplant-colored umbrella, looming over her. A single eye on the umbrella's surface is staring down at her. A tongue is also protruding from it.
>"M-Maribel h-help!" Rengeteki whimpers as she tries to back away.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: AzyWng on October 03, 2016, 02:34:26 AM
>"D-Don't come any closer!"
>Try to enter into a fighting stance of some kind and get between the mysterious figure and Rengeteki.
>Review what we can do in a fight.
>You turn around to see Rengeteki underground
(Shouldn't it be "on the ground" instead? I know it must have been quite the shock but I don't think that she was that badly shaken...)
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 03, 2016, 02:45:22 AM
//We taught her so well. (tear). I miss the good ol' Wind Priestess Quest group.
>"Stop right there!"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 03, 2016, 03:07:09 AM
>"D-Don't come any closer!"
>Try to enter into a fighting stance of some kind and get between the mysterious figure and Rengeteki.
>You get into a stance and put yourself between Rengeteki and the figure.

>Review what we can do in a fight.
//Also:(Shouldn't it be "on the ground" instead? I know it must have been quite the shock but I don't think that she was that badly shaken...)
>You can fire danmaku and gap/tear... that's pretty much it.
>You are unsure of your physical combat capabilities.

//We taught her so well. (tear). I miss the good ol' Wind Priestess Quest group.
>"Stop right there!"
//Good times, good times...

>"Heh..." the figure lifts up the umbrella to reveal the face of a girl bearing a shit-eating grin. You also notice her holding a megaphone in her other hand, "I guess I really got you guys."
>"Well, you didn't get me~." you hear Sanae say playfully.
>"That's because you were expecting it." the girl smirks.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 03, 2016, 03:43:03 AM
>Frown disapprovingly.
>"That wasn't funny and it was far too loud."
>"Are you alright Rengeteki?'
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 03, 2016, 05:10:32 AM
>Frown disapprovingly.
>"That wasn't funny and it was far too loud."
>"But I surprised you didn't I?" the girl keeps smirking.
>"I bet you did," Sanae walks up to the girl, smiling.

>"Are you alright Rengeteki?'
>"I-I'm fine..." Rengeteki replies.

Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 03, 2016, 08:50:13 AM
>"Then apologize to little Chen at least, you made her ears hurt it seems."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 03, 2016, 01:50:32 PM
>"Then apologize to little Chen at least, you made her ears hurt it seems."
>"Oh, sorry." says the girl.
>"What?" Chen yells.

Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 03, 2016, 01:55:37 PM
>Help Chen uncover her ears and gently pet her.
>"Are you okay Chen ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 03, 2016, 02:02:41 PM
>Help Chen uncover her ears and gently pet her.
>You help uncover Chen's cat ears.

>"Are you okay Chen ?"
>"I'm sorry, Maribel, but can you speak up? My ears are ringing..." Chen replies.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 03, 2016, 02:04:40 PM
>Look at the mystery girl with a slight frown.
>"See ? Please be more careful later..."
>Rub Chen's ears, like a massage.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 03, 2016, 02:09:19 PM
>Look at the mystery girl with a slight frown.
>"See ? Please be more careful later..."
>Rub Chen's ears, like a massage.
>"Nyaa~" Chen mews as you being rubbing her ears, "M-Maribel, what are you... oh... t-that's nice..." she starts purring.
>"Aww...." Renko smiles.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 03, 2016, 02:12:46 PM
>"So you can feel better dear, plus you are just too adorable to not do that."
>Keep rubbing her ears.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 03, 2016, 03:55:35 PM
>"So you can feel better dear, plus you are just too adorable to not do that."
>Keep rubbing her ears.
>Chen continues to purr, her tails curl up in an adorable manner. Prompting more "Aww"s from your group.
>"Heh, that's pretty cute." says the mystery girl.
>"Not as cute as you." you hear Sanae respond.
>"Oh, shush."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 03, 2016, 04:04:28 PM
>Smile while still rubbing Chen's ears.
>"So are you two, um, like, a couple ? Like Renko and i ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 03, 2016, 04:21:18 PM
>Smile while still rubbing Chen's ears.
>"So are you two, um, like, a couple ? Like Renko and i ?"
>You turn to Sanae and the mystery girl, smiling, while continuing to rub Chen's ears.
>"Yeah." Sanae smiles, "We've been together for about ten years now."
>She puts an arm around the girl and holds her close.
>"So you and Renko a couple? Wait, who's Renko again?"
>"That's me." says Renko.
>"Oh, sorry!" Sanae bows slightly.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 03, 2016, 04:32:20 PM
>"Ehehe ! Yeah, after some events here in Gensokyo, our relationship had a big leap and then it just happened, so... i can see that you are also some special case that stops aging too, which is something that we are working on too."
>Look back at Chen and stop rubbing her ears a bit.
>"Does it feel better now dear ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 03, 2016, 04:44:17 PM
>"Ehehe ! Yeah, after some events here in Gensokyo, our relationship had a big leap and then it just happened, so... i can see that you are also some special case that stops aging too, which is something that we are working on too."
>"Well, I haven't really stopped aging yet." Sanae replies, "But I'm getting there. Anyway, let's all head inside. Um... Sorry for not warning your about Kogasa, by the way."

>Look back at Chen and stop rubbing her ears a bit.
>"Does it feel better now dear ?"
>"Mhmm~!" Chen nods.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 03, 2016, 04:52:08 PM
>Smile back at Sanae.
>"Relax, she is fine now, i am sure that Kogasa didn't mean to do harm."
>Pet Chen and have our group follow that shrine maiden.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 03, 2016, 05:05:05 PM
>Smile back at Sanae.
>"Relax, she is fine now, i am sure that Kogasa didn't mean to do harm."
>"Yeah, I don't mean to hurt anyone." says the girl, "I just surprise people."

>Pet Chen and have our group follow that shrine maiden.
>You pet Chen one last time and start following Sanae and Kogasa.
>You start hearing sounds of classical music as you approach the shrine.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 03, 2016, 08:48:04 PM
>"Huh ? What is that ?"
>Keep following.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 03, 2016, 09:05:48 PM
>"Huh ? What is that ?"
>Keep following.
>You enter the main room of the shrine.
>You see a tall, purple-haired woman talking on a cellphone, as well as a young, blonde woman sitting at a Kotatsu with a cup of tea. She is wearing a strange hat, sporting a pair of eyeballs that seem to stare at you.
>There is also a green-haired woman with a broom, the classical music seems to be coming from her. She is wearing a maid's outfit, and you notice a large radiation symbol on her back.

>"So what if it's impractical, Nitori? I want results." the purple haired woman says, "Huh? What was that? Hang on- Ruukoto, will you please shut that music off!?"
>"Oh, sorry Miss Yasaka." the maid stops what she's doing and the music abruptly cuts out, "Shall I play some smooth jazz instead?"
>"No. I need things quiet. This is an important phone call."
>"Oh, come now, Kanako, I was actually enjoying the music." says the eyeball hat girl.
>"Oh, shall I resume playing Beethoven then?"
>"No! I don't want to listen to Beethoven during a phone call!" the purple haired woman frowns.
>"So Mozart, then?"
>"Couldn't you just move to another room?" the hat girl asks.

>"I'm back!" Sanae waves as she steps forward.
>"I'll call you back." the purple haired lady says into the phone before pocketing it, "Oh, hello Sanae, back so soon?"
>"Y-Yeah, I kinda forgot my cellphone... Ehehehe~"
>"Sanae, you really shouldn't do that. What if we needed to contact you?"
>"We really don't need a phone for that." the hat girl frowns,
>"Well, Suwako, the phone is faster. Besides, why rely on such archaic methods when we're trying to bring Gensokyo into the future?"
>"I'm just saying she doesn't need to have it on her all the time."
>"Greetings, Mistress." the maid bows, "I see you have guests?"

>"Yeah, they're helping me with the incident." Sanae replies, before turning to all of you, "Everyone, this is Ruukoto and my goddesses: Lady Kanako and Lady Suwako."
>She gestures to each woman as she says so.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 03, 2016, 09:17:36 PM
>Nod and bow.
>"Nice to meet you, my name is Maribel, a student from the outside world, and these are my companions, Renko, little Chen, Regenteki, whom was also one of the victims from this incident, and Sumireko or Matenshi depending on the soul you talk to, long story."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 03, 2016, 09:29:20 PM
>Nod and bow.
>"Nice to meet you, my name is Maribel, a student from the outside world, and these are my companions, Renko, little Chen, Regenteki, whom was also one of the victims from this incident, and Sumireko or Matenshi depending on the soul you talk to, long story."
>"Nice to meet you too, I am Kanako Yasaka," says the purple haired woman, "the patron goddess of the Moriya Shrine."
>"And I am Suwako Moriya." the girl with the hat stands up, "the shrine's original goddess."
>"My name is Ruukoto," says the maid, "I am a domestic assistance android who has served this family for ten years, one month, fifteen days, sixteen hours, twelve minutes, thirty seconds, twenty-four point seven-"
>"I think they get it, Ruukoto." Sanae smiles.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 03, 2016, 09:33:22 PM
>"Hey, were you just talking with someone on the phone just now? How'd you get yours to work?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 03, 2016, 10:23:49 PM
>"Hey, were you just talking with someone on the phone just now? How'd you get yours to work?"
>"The Kappa helped us set up a cell phone network." says Kanako, "We tried distributing the phones, but it didn't catch on as well as we hoped."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 03, 2016, 10:36:59 PM
>"Huh.... hey ! You are goddess huh ? Can any of you heal injuries please ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 03, 2016, 11:28:32 PM
>"Huh.... hey ! You are goddess huh ? Can any of you heal injuries please ?"
>"It depends on the severity of the injury, and how much faith we would gain from the act." says Kanako.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 03, 2016, 11:46:46 PM
>"Guh... looks like we are out of luck Rengeteki..."
>Gently pat her in the back.
>"But i promise your arm will be okay again, and that your wings will be okay too,even if i have to spend a long time studying for a way."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 04, 2016, 12:12:51 AM
>"Guh... looks like we are out of luck Rengeteki..."
>Gently pat her in the back.
>"But i promise your arm will be okay again, and that your wings will be okay too,even if i have to spend a long time studying for a way."
>"D-Do you really mean that?" Rengeteki asks.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 04, 2016, 12:30:42 AM
>"I can't leave someone hurt like this, especially you or Renko."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 04, 2016, 02:36:22 AM
>"I can't leave someone hurt like this, especially you or Renko."
>"T-Thank you." Rengeteki smiles.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 04, 2016, 07:44:17 AM
>Smile back at her.
>"Anyways, i have another question for you then, would you be able to separate a fused body into two again ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 04, 2016, 06:25:53 PM
>Smile back at her.
>"Anyways, i have another question for you then, would you be able to separate a fused body into two again ?"
>"Hmm? What do you mean?" Kanako asks.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 04, 2016, 08:09:44 PM
>Point to Sumitenshi.
>"Welll, here is the case, this person is actually two, basically there are two souls inhabiting this body, and the body here is a kind of fusion from their original bodies."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 04, 2016, 09:08:09 PM
>Point to Sumitenshi.
>"Welll, here is the case, this person is actually two, basically there are two souls inhabiting this body, and the body here is a kind of fusion from their original bodies."
>"Huh, interesting..."
>"So what is that like?" Sanae asks.
>"Well, it's like having another person with you at all times." says Sumireko, "But both of you have the same body and only one can control it at a time."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 04, 2016, 10:15:41 PM
>"So now we are working on how to undo that."
>"My abilities are no good for that sadly..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 05, 2016, 12:31:09 AM
>"So now we are working on how to undo that."
>"My abilities are no good for that sadly..."
>"What have you tried so far?" Sanae asks.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 05, 2016, 12:40:40 AM
>"Well nothing yet, i only know as much as spatial boundary manipulation, like this."
>Demonstrate again by making a gap leading to the other side of the room.
>"And i took them to Lady Yukari for some help already... she said that if we do it her way we wouldn't have to sacrifice one of their soul and consequently their part of the body for the other to live, and no way i will sacrifice anyone's life."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 05, 2016, 01:04:25 AM
>"Well nothing yet, i only know as much as spatial boundary manipulation, like this."
>Demonstrate again by making a gap leading to the other side of the room.
>"And i took them to Lady Yukari for some help already... she said that if we do it her way we wouldn't have to sacrifice one of their soul and consequently their part of the body for the other to live, and no way i will sacrifice anyone's life."
>You create another gap. The goddesses' eyes widen in surprise. Ruukoto seems to tilt her head with curiosity.

>"Hmm... Maybe I could give it a shot?" Sanae offers, "Maybe you just need a miracle."

Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 05, 2016, 01:08:48 AM
>"Well from what we have been through it is already a miracle for us to be alive..."
>"But sure go ahead, any ideas to help are appreciated."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 05, 2016, 01:19:41 AM
>"Well from what we have been through it is already a miracle for us to be alive..."
>"But sure go ahead, any ideas to help are appreciated."
>Sanae nods, before taking out some kind of stick with a piece of paper at the end.
>She holds it in front of her and concentrates. It begins to glow, so does Sumireko.
>"Hrk!" Sumireko winces in pain and clutches her chest.
>"A-AH!" Sanae immediately stops what she's doing, and runs over to her, "Are you okay?"
>"I-I think so." Sumireko recovers, "Matenshi's fine too..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 05, 2016, 04:41:31 AM
>"What did you try?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 05, 2016, 04:56:15 AM
>"What did you try?"
>"All I did was try a miracle to separate them." says Sanae, "I don't understand why it didn't work..."
>"Well, I think it was working..." says Sumireko, "We started feeling like we were being pulled apart, but then I suddenly felt like I was going to have a heart attack... And Matenshi says she felt like her life force was breaking in two."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 05, 2016, 05:45:55 AM
>"Maybe we still need two bodies..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 05, 2016, 06:24:48 AM
>"Maybe we still need two bodies..."
>"But if they were separated, wouldn't their bodies split as well?" Renko asks.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 05, 2016, 09:11:20 AM
>"This must have been what Lady Yukari warned us about.... we can put their souls on different bodies i guess though, buti think their original bodies will remain merged."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 05, 2016, 01:59:29 PM
>"This must have been what Lady Yukari warned us about.... we can put their souls on different bodies i guess though, buti think their original bodies will remain merged."
>"I thought Miss Yukari said that 'their souls are intertwined' or something like that." says Renko, "I don't think she mentioned anything wrong about their bodies."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 05, 2016, 02:02:09 PM
>"Did she ? Hm... if that is true then maybe the book's information would work."
>Do we recall the same thing ?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 05, 2016, 02:05:47 PM
>"Did she ? Hm... if that is true then maybe the book's information would work."
>Do we recall the same thing ?

>You recall Yukari saying that "The boundaries between their life forces are intertwined" and that she could manipulate the boundaries between them to separate them, but it will destabilize and kill the other one.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 05, 2016, 02:17:18 PM
>"Hm... if only we had a magician that was in the state to do that, but Miss Patchouli isn't in the best of shape, and Marisa is still recovering..."
>"Well, about your miracles, could you at least try to minimize the pain Regenteki feels please Sanae ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Samaren on October 05, 2016, 03:55:24 PM
>"Hm... if only we had a magician that was in the state to do that, but Miss Patchouli isn't in the best of shape, and Marisa is still recovering..."

What about Mima then? We know that she is a magician too.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 05, 2016, 04:02:48 PM
Maybe, could work, but we just visited there.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 05, 2016, 05:26:33 PM
>"Hm... if only we had a magician that was in the state to do that, but Miss Patchouli isn't in the best of shape, and Marisa is still recovering..."
>"Hmm... Have you tried Byakuren Hijiri yet?" Sanae asks, "Wait. You've probably never met her... Anyway, she's also a magician, and I'm pretty sure she specializes in stuff involving the body..."

>"Well, about your miracles, could you at least try to minimize the pain Regenteki feels please Sanae ?"
>"I could try I guess."
>"Um... I-I only really f-feel pain if I t-try to f-force my hand closed..." Rengeteki speaks up, "I-It won't be necessary..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 05, 2016, 05:31:28 PM
>"What about your wings however ? They were what made you fly right ? And they are also hurt."
>Examine Rengeteki's wings.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 05, 2016, 05:37:29 PM
>"What about your wings however ? They were what made you fly right ? And they are also hurt."
>Examine Rengeteki's wings.
>"I-I don't know... maybe.... I just know I haven't been a-able to fly in y-years..."

>Rengeteki's wings are large, transparent, and almost fairy-like in appearance. Though you can't really see any signs of physical injury...
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 05, 2016, 06:38:46 PM
>"I will try to touch them now okay ? Tell me if it hurts."
>Very gently touch her wings, how do they feel ?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 05, 2016, 06:57:23 PM
>"I will try to touch them now okay ? Tell me if it hurts."
>Very gently touch her wings, how do they feel ?
>You gently touch her wings, they feel like the canvas used to make tents, but a bit softer.

>You continue touching them for about thirty seconds
>"S-So are you going to touch them...?" Rengeteki asks.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 05, 2016, 06:59:25 PM
>"Um... i am touching them, have they always been this soft ?"
>Can we see if the wings are directly attached to her back ? Or do they float near her back like a fairy's ?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 05, 2016, 07:49:16 PM
>"Have you tried to touch them yourself?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 05, 2016, 08:14:14 PM
>"Um... i am touching them, have they always been this soft ?"
>Rengeteki nods.

>"Have you tried to touch them yourself?"
>"Yes... I-I guess I still c-can't feel them..."

>Can we see if the wings are directly attached to her back ? Or do they float near her back like a fairy's ?
>You think they're directly attached.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 05, 2016, 08:50:04 PM
>Turn to Sanae.
>"Do you think you could help Sanae ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 05, 2016, 09:01:10 PM
>Turn to Sanae.
>"Do you think you could help Sanae ?"
>"Maybe." says Sanae, "You want her to be able to feel her wings again, right?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 05, 2016, 09:54:24 PM
>"Basically back to how they were before Miss Yuuka shot at her."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 05, 2016, 11:26:45 PM
>"Basically back to how they were before Miss Yuuka shot at her."
>Sanae concentrates again and brandishes the gohei.
>Rengeteki's wings glow, before she shrieks and falls on the ground, writhing in pain.
>"Okay! Okay!" Sanae hastily does it again, and Rengeteki stops screaming.
>She soon gets up and gives you a betrayed look before starting to run for the shrine exit.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 05, 2016, 11:44:58 PM
>"No ! Wait up ! Don't go !"
>Fly after her and grab her CAREFULLY, and not by the right arm.
>"Please ! I'm sorry ! I cannot predict what will hurt or not Rengeteki ! Forgive me !"
>Shed some tears.
>"I just want to find a way, any way, you said you couldn't feel your wings, but when she did it you could feel them again, that means that if you want your wings back, you have to endure it."
>Hold her LEFT/non-injured hand with conviction.
>"Please trust me, i beg you, can you see that i am being truthful to you ? Why would i harm someone like family to me ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 06, 2016, 12:06:18 AM
>"No ! Wait up ! Don't go !"
>Fly after her and grab her CAREFULLY, and not by the right arm.
>You fly after her and grab her in the left arm.
>"N-NO! LET GO!"

>"Please ! I'm sorry ! I cannot predict what will hurt or not Rengeteki ! Forgive me !"
>Shed some tears.
>"I just want to find a way, any way, you said you couldn't feel your wings, but when she did it you could feel them again, that means that if you want your wings back, you have to endure it."
>Hold her LEFT/non-injured hand with conviction.
>"Please trust me, i beg you, can you see that i am being truthful to you ? Why would i harm someone like family to me ?"
>"W-We're n-not even r-related! A-And you l-let someone h-hurt me twice now!" She starts to shed her own tears, "H-How a-am I s-supposed to t-trust you! I-I k-knew a-another chance at f-friendship w-was t-too good to be-"
>"Hey! Be quiet!" Sanae rushes over, "We never knew what was going to happen, if you're going to blame someone, then blame me for going through with it. Maribel did nothing wrong, and by the look of it she really, really cares about you too. So please don't get angry at her over a little mistake that wasn't even her fault..."
>Rengeteki just stands there, tears running down her face, shaking.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 06, 2016, 12:31:39 AM
>Hug her tightly.
>"Rengeteki, when we met, you ran away because you were scared of me, remember ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 06, 2016, 05:32:57 AM
>Hug her tightly.
>"Rengeteki, when we met, you ran away because you were scared of me, remember ?"
>You embrace her.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 06, 2016, 08:45:31 AM
>"When you tripped and sprained your ankle, you thought it was your end right ? But it wasn't was it ? It was a good thing, i helped you get back home, put you on the bed and promised to go back and visit you again didn't i ?"
>Gently tap her back.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 06, 2016, 03:41:35 PM
>"When you tripped and sprained your ankle, you thought it was your end right ? But it wasn't was it ? It was a good thing, i helped you get back home, put you on the bed and promised to go back and visit you again didn't i ?"
>Gently tap her back.
>"Y-You did..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 06, 2016, 03:45:45 PM
>"I know it hurt really bad, but if you felt your wings again, doesn't that mean that it was working ?"
>Stare at her eyes.
>"What if this is the only way to restore them back to how they were ? It might be the only way for you to finally be able to fly again."
>Turn back to Sanae.
>"Is there a way to minimize the pain she will feel ? Or is enduring it the only way ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 06, 2016, 03:55:01 PM
>"I know it hurt really bad, but if you felt your wings again, doesn't that mean that it was working ?"
>"I-I don't k-know..."

>Stare at her eyes.
>"What if this is the only way to restore them back to how they were ? It might be the only way for you to finally be able to fly again."
>She remains silent.

>Turn back to Sanae.
>"Is there a way to minimize the pain she will feel ? Or is enduring it the only way ?"
>"I could use another miracle to numb the pain..." Sanae frowns, "But I can only perform so many miracles in a day and I've already used three or four. I'd rather keep some faith in reserve in case I need to use a miracle for the incident. I'm sorry..." Sanae's frown shifts to a smile, "...But I'll definitely be able to do it tomorrow. I can promise you that!"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 06, 2016, 04:31:57 PM
>"No it's alright, i should have planned it better anyways."
>Look back at Rengeteki and touch her wings gently.
>"Do you feel anything now ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 06, 2016, 06:13:28 PM
>"No it's alright, i should have planned it better anyways."
>Look back at Rengeteki and touch her wings gently.
>"Do you feel anything now ?"
>Rengeteki shakes her head.
>"I-I'm sorry f-for running..." she looks away.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 06, 2016, 06:27:09 PM
>"It's alright... but there are things that you can't run away from Rengeteki, so when one of them appear, you will have to be brave, and confront it."
>Look back to Sanae.
>"Say, are we ready to go now ? We do have an issue to deal with about kidnappings."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 06, 2016, 06:51:12 PM
>"It's alright... but there are things that you can't run away from Rengeteki, so when one of them appear, you will have to be brave, and confront it."
>Look back to Sanae.
>"Say, are we ready to go now ? We do have an issue to deal with about kidnappings."
>"Oh yeah. Let me grab what I came here for. I'll be back in a minute." Sanae quickly walks out of the room.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 06, 2016, 07:29:39 PM
>Pat Rengeteki on the back.
>"Your wings are really cute you know ? It's almost like they were weaved with a smooth material."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 06, 2016, 07:58:58 PM
>Pat Rengeteki on the back.
>"Your wings are really cute you know ? It's almost like they were weaved with a smooth material."
>"N-No they aren't!" Rengeteki frowns, "Heh... you know... s-she... s-she also said that t-they were c-cute o-once..."
>She starts crying softly.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 06, 2016, 08:02:41 PM
>Look a bit curious.
>"You know, you never told me her name.... what was her name ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 06, 2016, 09:17:28 PM
>Look a bit curious.
>"You know, you never told me her name.... what was her name ?"
>"H-Her name w-was-"
>There is suddenly a knocking sound coming from the direction of the  shrine's entrance.
>"Come in, the shrine is open." says Kanako.
>"Pardon me, but I've brought the monthly report." you hear a new voice say.
>"Ah, I see. Well set it on the kotatsu and we'll take a look."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 06, 2016, 09:24:23 PM
>"Hold on..."
>Take a quick peek to see who it is.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 06, 2016, 09:46:17 PM
>"Hold on..."
>Take a quick peek to see who it is.
>You look and see a red-haired cat girl in a black dress approaching the kotatsu with a file, she seems a bit worried about something. Kanako is walking to the kotatsu with her.
>"Are you alright, Orin?" Suwako asks, "You look a bit troubled..."
>"Yeah, I'm fine..." the cat girl replies as she sets the file on the kotatsu, "It's just Satori-sama, that's all..."
>"Whats happened?" Kanako says as both goddesses adopt a concerned expression.
>The catgirl sighs, "Koishi-sama has been gone for several days, and Satori-sama is worried sick about her..."
>"Well, she'll be back, right?" Suwako tilts her head, "I mean, wandering off is kinda her thing, no offense..."
>"Well, usually she isn't gone for longer than a day..."
>"Have you started looking for her?" Kanako asks.
>"Okuu is going out to look for her soon..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 06, 2016, 10:05:43 PM
>"Koishi ? She didn't go back home ?"
>Approach with a worried look.
>"The last time i saw her she was at Eientei, i don't know where she is now however... which is bad, because i promised to go with her to talk with her sister..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 06, 2016, 11:14:41 PM
>"Koishi ? She didn't go back home ?"
>"Huh!?! You know her!?" the catgirl looks at you.

>Approach with a worried look.
>"The last time i saw her she was at Eientei, i don't know where she is now however... which is bad, because i promised to go with her to talk with her sister..."
>You let go of Rengeteki and approach.
>"Hmm... I'll tell Okuu to check there anyway..." says the catgirl, "Who are you, anyway? And how do you know Koishi-sama?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 06, 2016, 11:23:27 PM
>"My name is Maribel, and i met Koishi during my travels around Gensokyo, we kinda got to become friends after a lot of events that resulted in her eye opening again, and i promised her to help her talk with her sister about that later, so if you find her please tell me."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 06, 2016, 11:26:34 PM
>"My name is Maribel, and i met Koishi during my travels around Gensokyo, we kinda got to become friends after a lot of events that resulted in her eye opening again, and i promised her to help her talk with her sister about that later, so if you find her please tell me."
>"Well, I will if I can find you- Wait. Her eye opened!?!" the catgirl looks shocked.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 06, 2016, 11:37:15 PM
>"It was an accident, my abilities reacted to her eye and then it just opened, and now she is confused about it, i keep telling her that she shouldn't have to close her eye again, that i would be her friend even with the mind reading."
>"Satori or not, she is a good person, and that power isn't harmful, because i know she can keep things secret."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 07, 2016, 03:47:42 AM
>"It was an accident, my abilities reacted to her eye and then it just opened, and now she is confused about it, i keep telling her that she shouldn't have to close her eye again, that i would be her friend even with the mind reading."
>"Satori or not, she is a good person, and that power isn't harmful, because i know she can keep things secret."
>"Yeah, she is a good person..." the catgirl's ears droop a bit, "I hope we can find her..."
>"Alright, I'm back." Sanae announces as she re-enters the room, "Oh, hi Orin! What's up?"
>"Hey... I was just delivering the monthly report."
>"Oh, okay. How's everyone down there, by the way? Does Koishi still have our frying pan?"
>"Yeah,I think she does... Speaking of Koishi, have you seen her?"
>"No, I haven't." Sanae tilts her head, "Has something happened to her...?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 07, 2016, 04:15:48 AM
>What time of day is it?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 07, 2016, 04:46:34 AM
>What time of day is it?
>You check your phone for the time.
>It is 1:13 PM
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 07, 2016, 07:50:42 AM
>Look very worried.
>"Excuse me Orin, but would you mind telling ne how old is Koishi ?"
>Turn back to Sanae.
>"Hey Sanae, was it only human woman that were abducted in this incident ? Or did youkai also get abducted ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 07, 2016, 08:26:46 AM
//We should ask Renko if she could find Koishi using her ability when it's nighttime.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Samaren on October 07, 2016, 08:42:00 AM
What exactly Renko needs to know in order to use her ability? Maybe she could find that Layla girl too.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 07, 2016, 04:12:11 PM
>Look very worried.
>"Excuse me Orin, but would you mind telling ne how old is Koishi ?"
>"Huh? Why?" Orin asks.

>Turn back to Sanae.
>"Hey Sanae, was it only human woman that were abducted in this incident ? Or did youkai also get abducted ?"
>"Yes, only humans seem to have been targeted." Sanae replies
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 07, 2016, 04:44:26 PM
>"Then she shouldn't be in risk of beinf kidnapped hopefully, besides she must be able to defend herself i bet, either way, we can use Renko's power in case we still can't find her."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 07, 2016, 05:15:26 PM
>"Then she shouldn't be in risk of beinf kidnapped hopefully, besides she must be able to defend herself i bet, either way, we can use Renko's power in case we still can't find her."
>"We'd have to wait until nightfall before that can happen though." Renko frowns, "And hope there isn't any cloud cover..."
>"Hmm... Is there any place that she frequents?" Sanae asks, "Maybe she's there."
>"Well, we know she goes to the Myouren Temple at least once a week," says Orin, "Okuu was actually going to check there today, but I guess she should check Eientei first. She also likes to go to the shows that one mask youkai performs."
>"You mean Kokoro?"
>"Yeah, that's her name... But in both cases she always announces where she's going..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 07, 2016, 06:17:52 PM
>"We just came from Eientei, we didn't see her on the way however, but she could have been on another room too."
>Look back to Rengeteki and stand by her side.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 07, 2016, 06:22:50 PM
>"We just came from Eientei, we didn't see her on the way however, but she could have been on another room too."
>"All the more reason to check there."

>Look back to Rengeteki and stand by her side.
>You look at Rengeteki
>She seems to have stopped crying for the moment, but from the expression on her face, she still seems to be thinking of the person she lost...
>You head back and stand next to her.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 07, 2016, 06:30:53 PM
>"So... what was her name ? We could make a proper place, like a small shrine to wish for her a good rest."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 07, 2016, 06:36:17 PM
>"So... what was her name ? We could make a proper place, like a small shrine to wish for her a good rest."
>"I-It was Rin..." she murmurs quietly as tears start to roll down her cheeks once more, "Rin Satsuki... A-And what's the point of w-wishing someone who was erased a rest...? B-Because of me... s-she never e-even had c-chance to go to the a-afterlife..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 07, 2016, 07:04:44 PM
>"Then you honor the time she existed, you can't let her be forgotten right ?"
>Hold her Left hand.
>"I didn't want you to be forgotten in that forest forever, and i bet neither would she."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 07, 2016, 09:17:25 PM
>"Then you honor the time she existed, you can't let her be forgotten right ?"
>"I-I couldn't forget her even if I wanted to... my sins a-always remind me of her... Must repent..."

>Hold her Left hand.
>"I didn't want you to be forgotten in that forest forever, and i bet neither would she."
>"Y-Yeah... I guess you're right..." she looks down.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 07, 2016, 09:36:16 PM
>Carefully rub her hair.
>"I want to make you smile again."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 07, 2016, 10:17:00 PM
>Carefully rub her hair.
>"I want to make you smile again."
>"Why do you care so much about me, Maribel...?" Rengeteki murmurs
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: the old guy on October 07, 2016, 10:19:42 PM
>"Because i hate seeing people in pain."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 07, 2016, 10:24:18 PM
>"And because i can see that you are a nice person, besides.... i have a good feeling about you too."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 07, 2016, 11:32:22 PM
>"Because i hate seeing people in pain."
>"And because i can see that you are a nice person, besides.... i have a good feeling about you too."
>"But am I really a nice person after what I've done all those years ago...?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 08, 2016, 12:20:26 AM
>"Did you have any other choice ? It was either try that or trying to remove the rocks..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 08, 2016, 12:28:17 AM
>"Did you have any other choice ? It was either try that or trying to remove the rocks..."
>"I-I don't know if there was another option..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 08, 2016, 12:33:43 AM
>"And there were still rocks falling right ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 08, 2016, 01:49:31 AM
>"And there were still rocks falling right ?"
>"Well... no... but phasing or removing any of them might have caused another cave-in or crushed her... C-Can we please not talk about this anymore... I-I've been reminded of that d-day... m-my failure... my s-sin too m-much."
>Rengeteki starts crying again.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 08, 2016, 02:04:28 AM
>"Sure dear of course..."
>Rub her head again.
>"Cmon, don't cry...."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 08, 2016, 05:50:17 AM
>"Sure dear of course..."
>Rub her head again.
>"Cmon, don't cry...."
>S-Sorry..." Rengeteki sniffles.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 08, 2016, 06:39:15 PM
>"It's okay...."
>What are the others doing ?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 08, 2016, 07:02:59 PM
>"It's okay...."
>What are the others doing ?
>Orin is talking with the goddesses.
>Sanae is looking at you and Rengeteki. So is Renko.
>Sumireko is leaning on the wall, with a slightly bored expression. You think Matenshi might be in control right now.
>Chen is waiting patiently.
>Ruukoto has returned to cleaning.
>You have no idea where Kogasa went.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 08, 2016, 07:09:43 PM
>Turn to Sanae.
>"Are we ready ? We can't just stay still here."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 08, 2016, 07:39:28 PM
>Turn to Sanae.
>"Are we ready ? We can't just stay still here."
>"I'm ready when you are." Sanae replies.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 08, 2016, 08:00:42 PM
>"I think we are all done, right ?"
>Look to our companions.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 08, 2016, 08:34:33 PM
>"I think we are all done, right ?"
>Look to our companions.
>Your companions nod in agreement.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 08, 2016, 08:48:56 PM
>Look back at Sanae.
>"So we are going to meet this Lunasa correct ? If so would you be able to describe the place we are going to ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 08, 2016, 09:24:21 PM
>Look back at Sanae.
>"So we are going to meet this Lunasa correct ? If so would you be able to describe the place we are going to ?"
>"Correct. And it's an old, ruined mansion." says Sanae, "It's pretty close to Misty Lake."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 08, 2016, 09:27:25 PM
>Close our eyes and start making the image on our mind.
>"Anything else ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 08, 2016, 09:51:07 PM
>Close our eyes and start making the image on our mind.
>"Anything else ?"
>You imagine an old, ruined mansion close to the lake.
>"Well, it looks like it was damaged in a fire, and there is some overgrowth. It's mostly white and purple in color."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 08, 2016, 09:59:57 PM
>Add those details to the image, the burnt parts of the walls, the white and purple paint that must be wearing off, and the vegetation starting to invade the place.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 08, 2016, 10:17:55 PM
>"How close to the lake do you think it is? Where would the other mansion be from it?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 09, 2016, 06:16:23 AM
>Add those details to the image, the burnt parts of the walls, the white and purple paint that must be wearing off, and the vegetation starting to invade the place.
>You do so.

>"How close to the lake do you think it is? Where would the other mansion be from it?"
>"It's actually a little bit into the forest. The top of it barely pokes above the treeline. As for distance from the Scarlet Devil Mansion... I think it's about two thirds down the lake from it."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 09, 2016, 11:00:55 AM
>Add that to the image, does it shimmer now ?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 09, 2016, 02:55:41 PM
>Add that to the image, does it shimmer now ?
>You add it to the image, though you are unsure exactly how far into the forest "a little bit" means. You are also unsure how to factor the Scarlet Devil Mansion into account here, since you probably wouldn't be able to see it through the trees.
>The image does not shimmer.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 09, 2016, 02:59:28 PM
>Add a small portion of the Misty Lake in the back of the image.
>"Um... can't you be a little more specific please ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 09, 2016, 05:48:18 PM
>Add a small portion of the Misty Lake in the back of the image.
>"Um... can't you be a little more specific please ?"
>You add a visual of Misty Lake behind the mansion, through the treeline.
>"I thought I was being specific." Sanae frowns.
>The image still does not shimmer.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 09, 2016, 05:55:56 PM
>"It's because i can't really seem to fit the Scarlet Mansion and the lake in the picture..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 10, 2016, 02:23:44 AM
>"It's because i can't really seem to fit the Scarlet Mansion and the lake in the picture..."
>"I don't think you can see the Scarlet Devil Mansion from the Prismrivers' mansion. And I think you could barely see the lake depending on what angle you're looking from."
>"Can't you just make your little portal to the lake and we can just walk or fly from there?" Matenshi asks.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 10, 2016, 02:57:47 PM
>"Yeah... no dice, we have to take the longer road."
>Recall the shores of the lake, and attempt to make a gap leading to the shore nearest of the Scarlet Mansion.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 10, 2016, 03:54:01 PM
>"Yeah... no dice, we have to take the longer road."
>Recall the shores of the lake, and attempt to make a gap leading to the shore nearest of the Scarlet Mansion.
>You recall how the lake shore closest to the SDM looked. And create a gap leading to there.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 10, 2016, 04:02:11 PM
>"Alright, this should work, cmon."
>Head through with our group.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 10, 2016, 04:18:22 PM
>"Alright, this should work, cmon."
>Head through with our group.
>You start heading towards the gap.
>"Bye guys, bye Kogasa." says Sanae.
>"Bye Sanae." Kogasa peeks out of what seems to be a closet.
>"Goodbye, Mistress." says Ruukoto.

>You step through the gap, your group follows shortly.
>You are on the lake shore near the SDM, you spot Meiling sleeping by the gate in the distance.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 10, 2016, 04:41:21 PM
>Make a very small gap, enough to fit our arm, just besides Meiling's head.
>Gently poke her head through the gap.
>"Miss Meiling, cmon, you shouldn't be sleeping at this hour."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 10, 2016, 04:58:11 PM
>Make a very small gap, enough to fit our arm, just besides Meiling's head.
>Gently poke her head through the gap.
>"Miss Meiling, cmon, you shouldn't be sleeping at this hour."
>You create a small gap next to Meiling's head and poke her through it.
>Meiling stirs a moment before swatting your hand away.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 10, 2016, 05:05:38 PM
>"Meiling, Meiling, cmon ! Wake up ! Miss Sakuya is coming !"
>Poke her a bit harder.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 10, 2016, 05:23:31 PM
>"Meiling, Meiling, cmon ! Wake up ! Miss Sakuya is coming !"
>Poke her a bit harder.
>You poke a bit harder. Prompting a couple of giggles from your group.
>Meiling just swats you away a second time.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 10, 2016, 05:33:53 PM
>Do we still have that bucket ?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 10, 2016, 05:37:46 PM

>If we don't, do we have any container for liquids ?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 10, 2016, 05:40:01 PM
>Do we still have that bucket ?
>You check for the bucket, before you quickly realize that you forgot to take it with you when you left Hakugyokurou last night. Who knows if it's still there.


>If we don't, do we have any container for liquids ?
>You do not.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 10, 2016, 06:19:00 PM
>"Okay... let's try this..."
>Make a very small gap above Meiling's head, near the lake.
>Gather some water from the lake and throw it at Meiling through the gap.

//Why take the bucket out of our satchel anyways ?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 11, 2016, 06:39:54 AM
>"Okay... let's try this..."
>Make a very small gap above Meiling's head, near the lake.
>Gather some water from the lake and throw it at Meiling through the gap.

//Why take the bucket out of our satchel anyways ?
>You create a gap over Meiling's head, with the other end by the lake.
>You scoop up some lakewater in your hands and toss it in, splashing Meiling.
>Meiling snaps awake with a comical flail and soon enters a fighting stance, quickly looking around for the source of the unwelcome splash.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 11, 2016, 07:30:04 AM
//It was taking up a lot of the rest of our satchel space. Besides, since it's at home, we can just gap it to us if we needed it...
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 11, 2016, 08:02:39 AM
//Um... first we could just put stuff inside it like it said before, and second, it's not at home, it's at the Netherworld.....

>"Finally ! Good thing Miss Sakuya didn't come check up on you."
>Close that one and make a gap in front of her.
>"If you kept sleeping like that she would have seen it."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 11, 2016, 11:43:45 AM
//Home is where your rump rests. It was the last place we slept at. And we would need a better way to carry it than invoking inception by putting a container in a container. I don't want Merry becoming another Kisume either... but I'm not active enough to stop anything.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 11, 2016, 05:15:10 PM
//Um... first we could just put stuff inside it like it said before, and second, it's not at home, it's at the Netherworld.....

>"Finally ! Good thing Miss Sakuya didn't come check up on you."
>You don't think she can hear you through the gap.

>Close that one and make a gap in front of her.
>"If you kept sleeping like that she would have seen it."
>You close the gap and open a new one in front of her, causing her to jump.
>Your voice doesn't seem to carry through....
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 11, 2016, 05:34:03 PM
>Pop our head to the other side.
>"Finally, i thought you were gonna sleep forever, what is Miss Sakuya saw you like this again ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 11, 2016, 06:09:29 PM
>Pop our head to the other side.
>"Finally, i thought you were gonna sleep forever, what is Miss Sakuya saw you like this again ?"
>You stick your head through.
>"Oh, it's just you..." Meiling relaxes slightly, "And she'd probably just do what she'd normally do..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 11, 2016, 06:17:34 PM
>"Well you shouldn't be slacking off like that anyways, what if someone sneaked in ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 11, 2016, 06:26:33 PM
>"Well you shouldn't be slacking off like that anyways, what if someone sneaked in ?"
>"Well, in all honesty, if someone were to sneak in, they wouldn't have to go by me... There's literally nothing stopping people from flying over the wall in some other spot unless someone else is in the right place at the right time."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 11, 2016, 06:29:07 PM
>"Then why don't you patrol around the perimeter ? Or hire some more guards to help ? I bet even fairies like that Daiyousei one i met before would help too."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 11, 2016, 06:39:49 PM
>"Then why don't you patrol around the perimeter ? Or hire some more guards to help ? I bet even fairies like that Daiyousei one i met before would help too."
>"If I patrolled the perimeter, it would leave the gate unguarded." Meiling frowns, "Besides, using fairies is also out of the question. It's not like they're strong enough to hold their own against most intruders anyway, even in small groups. They're much more effective inside, where there's less room to maneuver. Plus, as Sakuya puts it, fairies from outside the mansion could be a bad influence on them. Especially if they're recruiters from the fairy village. So letting some fairies out here would increase the risk of that kind of bad influence happening."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 11, 2016, 06:52:20 PM
>"Yet you just said that being here leaves the other areas unprotected, and yeah, i guess the fairy thing is true, it's kinda sad they have no parental figure to lead them, since they are basically kids."
>Slight frown.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 11, 2016, 07:00:30 PM
>"Yet you just said that being here leaves the other areas unprotected, and yeah, i guess the fairy thing is true, it's kinda sad they have no parental figure to lead them, since they are basically kids."
>Slight frown.
>"Well, I think Sakuya is a bit of a parental figure to them in a way... well, a rather strict one.... but, strictness aside, a lot of them do look up to her and see her as a role model. Though, I can't say the same about wild fairies..."
>You feel someone tapping frantically on your back.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 11, 2016, 07:13:27 PM
>Look back.
>"Huh ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 11, 2016, 07:21:36 PM
>Look back.
>"Huh ?"
>You withdraw your head from the gap and look behind you.
>Rengeteki is frantically tapping your back, "M-Maribel w-what is that!?!" she points to a sphere of darkness rapidly approaching from across the lake.
>"Oh, that's just Rumia." says Sanae.
>You notice Cirno, Daiyousei, and Wriggle a bit farther back, flying slower than the sphere.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 11, 2016, 08:01:38 PM
>"Yeah, she is a small youkai girl, really adorable too, and those are her friends."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 12, 2016, 01:46:39 AM
>"Yeah, she is a small youkai girl, really adorable too, and those are her friends."
>"S-So she's harmless...?" Rengeteki asks.
>Rumia is still approaching at a rapid speed with no sign of slowing down. Cirno and Daiyousei seem to start talking about something.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 12, 2016, 01:50:39 AM
>Is something on her path ?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 12, 2016, 02:35:01 AM
>Is something on her path ?
>When she gets closer you realize she's heading right for a nearby boulder.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 12, 2016, 02:45:17 AM
>"Rumia watch out !"
>If she doesn't hear us try to make a gap right in front of her leading to us.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 12, 2016, 02:51:22 AM
>"Rumia watch out !"
>If she doesn't hear us try to make a gap right in front of her leading to us.
>"Huh?" Rumia asks, continuing to fly.
>You quickly make a gap in front of her, before feeling a lot of pain in your gut as Rumia flies through the gap and slams into you headfirst.
>You find yourself being flung backwards through your first gap before you feel something catch you.
>You're set carefully on the ground with Rumia in your lap. Your stomach hurts.

>You notice everyone running towards you from your first location. Renko in front.
>Daiyousei seems to gasp in the distance, before she suddenly ends up next to you, accompanied by a strange spatial distortion effect that could be described as a white "blink".
>"Rumia! Person from earlier! Are you two okay!?!"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 12, 2016, 03:02:10 AM
//Where is everyone ?

>"Ugh....ow....yeah... i think..."
>Who caught us ?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 12, 2016, 03:09:26 AM
//Where is everyone ?
//Are you talking about the rest of the players, or the NPCs?
//If it's the former, I've been wondering that myself.

>"Ugh....ow....yeah... i think..."
>Who caught us ?
>"Nnnn.... Maybe..." Rumia says, dazed.
>Considering you were flung through your first gap, which you neglected to close, it's very likely that Meiling caught you.
>"Are you sure?" Meiling's voice asks, "That looked like quite a hit there..."

>The rest of the group is still running to you.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 12, 2016, 03:14:16 AM
>Do we feel our body ?
>"Not really, hey Rumia, you okay ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 12, 2016, 03:23:54 AM
//I have certain reasons for being less active here...
>Check ourself and try to see if any of our regular actions like walking or flying are more tiring thanks to the hit.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 12, 2016, 03:33:03 AM
>Do we feel our body ?
>You can, and your stomach still hurts.

>"Not really, hey Rumia, you okay ?"
>"I... think so...?"

//I have certain reasons for being less active here...
//It's not me, is it?  :ohdear:  Have I gotten worse at parsing? Is my storyline bad or not interesting anymore? Did I do something to upset you?

>Check ourself and try to see if any of our regular actions like walking or flying are more tiring thanks to the hit.
>You don't think the hit knocked the wind out of you, but you're certainly in pain. Though you could probably still walk or fly.
>"Merry!" Renko runs up to you and kneels by your side, "Are you okay!?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 12, 2016, 03:45:02 AM
//No. If things are dying out and an easy post is doable, I'll probably do it to advance things.
>"Just gimme a second, please..."
>Take a moment to rest.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 12, 2016, 04:26:40 AM
//No. If things are dying out and an easy post is doable, I'll probably do it to advance things.
>"Just gimme a second, please..."
>Take a moment to rest.
>You take a moment to catch your breath.
>The pain begins to slowly subside.
>Renko continues to look at you worriedly as everyone else arrives. Rengeteki hangs back a bit, though she looks pretty distressed.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 12, 2016, 04:44:57 AM
>"Thanks Meiling."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 12, 2016, 05:37:01 AM
>"Thanks Meiling."
>"Hey, no problem." Meiling answers.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 12, 2016, 07:20:29 AM
>"At least you didn't crash into something harder Rumia..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 12, 2016, 04:02:18 PM
>"At least you didn't crash into something harder Rumia..."
>"Yeah, Rumia. That could've been very bad!" Daiyousei frowns, before turning to Cirno as she arrives, "Cirno-chan, I knew this wasn't a good idea!"
>"But it was fun while it lasted, wasn't it?" Cirno asks.
>"Cirno-chan, Rumia could've gotten very hurt!"
>"But she hits trees all the time and is okay, right?"
>"H-Hey! I don't hit trees!" Rumia sits up a bit, "Those evil things are out to get me!"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 12, 2016, 05:34:39 PM
>"Huh ? What idea ?"
>Get up and help Rumia get up too.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 12, 2016, 05:47:20 PM
>"Huh ? What idea ?"
>"We were playing tag, and Rumia was it, and she couldn't see us so I wanted to see how far she'd go." says Cirno.
>"Is that so?" Rumia frowns, "And all this time I thought I was gaining on you..."

>Get up and help Rumia get up too.
>You would, but Rumia is on top of you.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 12, 2016, 05:59:47 PM
>"Um, Rumia, could you please get up ? You're kinda on top of me."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 12, 2016, 06:32:04 PM
>"Um, Rumia, could you please get up ? You're kinda on top of me."
>"Oh, sure." Rumia stands up and dusts herself off.
>Renko offers you a hand.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 12, 2016, 07:06:12 PM
>"Thanks Renko."
>Smile and accept her aid to get up.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 13, 2016, 12:58:18 AM
>"Thanks Renko."
>Smile and accept her aid to get up.
>You allow Renko to help you to your feet.
>"Don't mention it." Renko smiles.
>"S-So... are you alright?" Rengeteki asks, she still looks quite distressed
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 13, 2016, 01:02:08 AM
>"Don't worry Rengeteki, a small bump doesn't hurt all that, we are both fine."
>Move our body to show her that, then dust off the dirt on our clothes too.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 13, 2016, 01:50:41 AM
>"Don't worry Rengeteki, a small bump doesn't hurt all that, we are both fine."
>Move our body to show her that, then dust off the dirt on our clothes too.
>You dust yourself off.
>"O-Okay... B-But don't do s-something like that again!" Rengeteki frowns, "I-I've already l-lost many people w-who cared about me... I-I don't want it t-to happen again."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 13, 2016, 03:22:43 AM
>"Don't worry, i don't plan on going anywhere besides Gensokyo."
>Smile and turn to Rumia.
>"Why do you fly with that weird darkness ball anyways if you keep bonking your head on trees ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 13, 2016, 04:17:23 AM
>"Don't worry, i don't plan on going anywhere besides Gensokyo."
>Smile and turn to Rumia.
>"Why do you fly with that weird darkness ball anyways if you keep bonking your head on trees ?"
>Rumia shrugs, "I just don't like traveling in the light."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 13, 2016, 04:27:25 AM
>"Well what do you prefer then ? Hitting trees while flying or flying with the sun around ? You could just make that darkness above you only."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: AzyWng on October 13, 2016, 04:50:15 AM

>When we saw the ball of darkness, did the ball itself cast a shadow?
>If so, add: "Like an umbrella." Also do this if we couldn't tell.
>If not, retract the proposal about the darkness, since if the darkness doesn't make a shadow the proposed measure would be useless.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 13, 2016, 07:12:39 AM
>"Well what do you prefer then ? Hitting trees while flying or flying with the sun around ? You could just make that darkness above you only."
>"Um... No I can't..." Rumia frowns.

>When we saw the ball of darkness, did the ball itself cast a shadow?
>It did not.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 13, 2016, 08:27:53 AM
>"You can't ? Why ?"
>Look a bit puzzled.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 13, 2016, 05:20:19 PM
>"You can't ? Why ?"
>Look a bit puzzled.
>"I just can't..." Rumia looks down, "Here, watch..."
>She soon forms a sphere of darkness around herself, and you see it move into an umbrella-like blob above her, but it doesn't seem to be holding its shape well...
>Within seconds, the blob abruptly becomes a spherical shape again, before Rumia dispels it.
>Curiously, you noticed a powerful shimmer, lasting less than a second, occur on the ribbon in her hair shortly before the blob lost it shape. The boundary seemed to extend from the ribbon to somewhere inside Rumia's body, though you can't tell exactly where.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Samaren on October 13, 2016, 09:49:16 PM
>"Can you tell me more about this strange ribbon, Rumia?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: AzyWng on October 13, 2016, 11:17:31 PM
>Add: "When you were trying to make an umbrella out of the darkness, I saw it shimmer for a second."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 14, 2016, 03:39:06 AM
>"Can you tell me more about this strange ribbon, Rumia?"
>"Huh? That? Oh, I've had that for as long as I can remember." Rumia replies, "Apparently it's a seal or something... I can't touch it."

>Add: "When you were trying to make an umbrella out of the darkness, I saw it shimmer for a second."
>"Is that so?" Rumia tilts her head, "I don't think it ever shimmered before..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 14, 2016, 03:58:57 AM
//Screwing with boundaries for Rumia's ribbon might yield similar results to Koishi. I'm sure Maribel would be curious enough to try it, but also worried enough not to try it thanks to how Koishi reacted.
>"A seal?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: AzyWng on October 14, 2016, 04:21:20 AM
//Screwing with boundaries for Rumia's ribbon might yield similar results to Koishi. I'm sure Maribel would be curious enough to try it, but also worried enough not to try it thanks to how Koishi reacted.
//Yeah, I know this qualifies as meta-gaming, but I'm really not interested in releasing the seal on a youkai that is many times stronger than we are.
>"Why can't you touch it?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 14, 2016, 04:30:22 AM
//Screwing with boundaries for Rumia's ribbon might yield similar results to Koishi. I'm sure Maribel would be curious enough to try it, but also worried enough not to try it thanks to how Koishi reacted.
>"A seal?"

//Yeah, I know this qualifies as meta-gaming, but I'm really not interested in releasing the seal on a youkai that is many times stronger than we are.
>"Why can't you touch it?"
>Rumia shrugs, "I just can't. It's like trying to touch fire."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 15, 2016, 08:22:15 AM
>"How hot does it feel? Do you think you could just do it quickly?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: AzyWng on October 15, 2016, 12:19:18 PM
>"How long have you had that ribbon, anyway?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Samaren on October 15, 2016, 02:46:07 PM
>"How long have you had that ribbon, anyway?"

>"Huh? That? Oh, I've had that for as long as I can remember." Rumia replies, "Apparently it's a seal or something... I can't touch it."

It have been answered already.

Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 15, 2016, 04:33:29 PM
>"How hot does it feel? Do you think you could just do it quickly?"
>"Like, really, really hot." Rumia tries to touch the ribbon to demonstrate, only to quickly jerk her hand away in pain as soon as her finger makes contact. "Ow..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: AzyWng on October 15, 2016, 05:47:51 PM
>"Oh... Probably best not to bother it, I guess..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 15, 2016, 09:42:56 PM
>"Oh... Probably best not to bother it, I guess..."
>Rumia frowns a little.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 15, 2016, 10:24:53 PM
>Pat her head.
>"Aw relax, look at the good things, you have all these friends that care for you Rumia, some weird ribbon can't take them away from you right ?"
>Smile a bit.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 16, 2016, 04:11:03 AM
>Pat her head.
>You pat her head.

>"Aw relax, look at the good things, you have all these friends that care for you Rumia, some weird ribbon can't take them away from you right ?"
>Smile a bit.
>"I know... But I've always been curious if I could ever do anything beyond my ball of darkness... I always feel I could do much more, but my ribbon... it feels like it's always holding me back..."
>"If it bothers you so much, why don't you ask someone to take it off?" Daiyousei asks.
>"I didn't think anyone would want to..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 16, 2016, 04:13:32 AM
>"If only we could first a way to make sure everything goes okay..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 16, 2016, 05:17:15 AM
>"If only we could first a way to make sure everything goes okay..."
>"Would you need to?" Cirno asks, "I mean what's the worst that could happen?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 16, 2016, 07:46:38 PM
>"It could probably just let her control her darkness better. Or maybe she would make all of Gensokyo dark..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 16, 2016, 09:47:06 PM
>"It could probably just let her control her darkness better. Or maybe she would make all of Gensokyo dark..."
>"I don't think Rumia will do something like that. Reimu would just beat her up before she could."
>"Rumia doesn't seem like the kind of person to do that either," Daiyousei adds "well... not without a reason..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 16, 2016, 09:53:07 PM
>"I know, i am just thinking stuff too much."
>Pet Rumia.
>"Besides all of her friends live here, so doing that would be bad for everyone."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 16, 2016, 10:06:45 PM
>"I know, i am just thinking stuff too much."
>Pet Rumia.
>"Besides all of her friends live here, so doing that would be bad for everyone."
>You start gently petting Rumia.
>"Well, maybe not for Flan," says Rumia, "But then again she doesn't get out mu-E-Eh!?!?"
>"Uh... Merry? What are you doing?" Renko asks.
>Everyone seems to be staring at you and Rumia.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 16, 2016, 10:26:57 PM
>"Huh ?"
>Stop petting her and look a bit confused.
>"What ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 17, 2016, 12:04:31 AM
>"Huh ?"
>Stop petting her and look a bit confused.
>You stop petting Rumia, only to realize that you already stopped. And that your hand is now on her ribbon, and seems to have been tugging at it. It definitely looks slightly looser now.
>You notice one of YuugenMagan's eyes on your hand, staring at you.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: the old guy on October 17, 2016, 12:11:56 AM
>Put our other hand on the eye.
>Try poking it out if that doesn't work.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 17, 2016, 12:32:45 AM
>Put our other hand on the eye.
>Try poking it out if that doesn't work.

//Hey, not all that, we have been on our guard for this kind of thing, plus others are looking at us.

>Let go of the ribbon, step back and hold our hand.
>"Eargh !"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 17, 2016, 02:51:52 AM
//Hey, not all that, we have been on our guard for this kind of thing, plus others are looking at us.

>Let go of the ribbon, step back and hold our hand.
>"Eargh !"
>You reflexively let go and hold your hand.
>"M-Merry!? Is something wrong!?" Renko looks genuinely worried now.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 17, 2016, 02:57:13 AM
//We haven't really been on guard for it. We've been enjoying our time, playing with Meiling just a bit and meeting Rumia with Rengeteki.
>"I-I didn't mean to try and grab it, b-but I saw her again! S-She was looking right back at me."
>Examine our hand and try to stop shaking if we are.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 17, 2016, 03:02:39 AM
//Oh, so i was the only one that was waiting for it to happen again ? :(
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 17, 2016, 03:17:04 AM
//That's a (sort of trauma related) eye suddenly appearing on our hand again as well as almost taking Rumia's ribbon off without meaning to. This thing that only happened back at the start of the day iirc would be in the back of my head (next to worrying about our powers), especially after we decided not to worry about it yet and continue a bunch of other things, like helping Rengeteki, discussing with Rumia about her seal, and the music and the kidnappings.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 17, 2016, 03:26:50 AM
//Makes sense.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 17, 2016, 05:51:03 AM
//We haven't really been on guard for it. We've been enjoying our time, playing with Meiling just a bit and meeting Rumia with Rengeteki.
>"I-I didn't mean to try and grab it, b-but I saw her again! S-She was looking right back at me."
>"H-Huh!? But how? She's dead, Merry...."
>"H-Her?" Rengeteki looks confused.
>"Who?" Meiling, Rumia, Wriggle, and Sanae ask.
>Cirno and Daiyousei begin looking around.

>Examine our hand and try to stop shaking if we are.
>You stop shaking and examine your hand.
>it appears normal.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 17, 2016, 06:16:28 AM
>"Uh, s-sorry."
>"Gotta get a grip... She's dead. It's not real... I'm worrying Renko too much."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 17, 2016, 07:29:09 AM
>"Uh, s-sorry."
>"Gotta get a grip... She's dead. It's not real... I'm worrying Renko too much."
>"Merry...?" Renko looks even more worried.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 17, 2016, 08:17:51 AM
>"I'm alright Renko. I'm just a bit unfocused."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 17, 2016, 08:47:43 AM
>Take a hold of Renko's hand.
>"As long as you are with me i will be okay..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 17, 2016, 02:13:09 PM
>"I'm alright Renko. I'm just a bit unfocused."
>Take a hold of Renko's hand.
>"As long as you are with me i will be okay..."
>"A-Alright... If you say so..." Renko smiles slightly, "But if something was really wrong, you'd tell me, right?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 17, 2016, 02:36:21 PM
>"But of course Renko."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 17, 2016, 03:58:19 PM
>"But of course Renko."
>"S-So you're okay?" Rengeteki fidgets a bit.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 17, 2016, 04:15:25 PM
>"Uh huh, it's alright now, it's gone now."
>Look at the others, how are they faring ?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 17, 2016, 04:23:36 PM
>"Uh huh, it's alright now, it's gone now."
>Look at the others, how are they faring ?
>Everyone is giving you concerned looks....
>...Except Rumia. She's attempting to touch her ribbon, only to jerk her hand away as soon as it makes contact.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 17, 2016, 04:33:25 PM
>Approach Rumia again.
>"Um, Rumia, maybe you shouldn't keep trying that, you are hurting yourself with that..."
>Look a bit worries.
>"...did you ever ask someone else to take a look at it for you ? Maybe they could find out if it's safe to take it off or not."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 17, 2016, 04:44:42 PM
>Approach Rumia again.
>"Um, Rumia, maybe you shouldn't keep trying that, you are hurting yourself with that..."
>"But it's loose!" Rumia frowns, "And it felt good when it was loosened! Like something heavy was starting to lift off my shoulders."

>Look a bit worries.
>"...did you ever ask someone else to take a look at it for you ? Maybe they could find out if it's safe to take it off or not."
>"I didn't think anyone would want to..."
>"You could've always asked us." says Wriggle, "We would've helped you, because that's what friends are for, right?"
>"Says one of the ones who won't help me take on the giant toad." Cirno frowns.
>"H-Hey! I said toads eat bugs... I'm not going on a suicide mission thank you very much."
>"Well the toad ate me and I'm okay!"
>"Well not all of us are fairies...."
>"You're okay?" Daiyousei tilts her head. "But I thought you said you still had nightmares about it Cirno-cha-"
>"D-DON'T TELL EVERYONE THAT!" Cirno exclaims.
>"A-AAAH! Sorry!"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 17, 2016, 04:56:35 PM
>"Ehehe, relax you two."
>Turn back to Rumia.
>"You see ? A lot of people would like to help, why not ask Miss Patchouli from the mansion, she should know if it is safe to take it off, we don't want you getting into trouble right ?"
>Tap her shoulder gently.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 17, 2016, 05:25:44 PM
>"Ehehe, relax you two."
>Cirno continues to frown.

>Turn back to Rumia.
>"You see ? A lot of people would like to help, why not ask Miss Patchouli from the mansion, she should know if it is safe to take it off, we don't want you getting into trouble right ?"
>Tap her shoulder gently.
>"But she's boring! Maybe I could ask Flan..."
>"Don't forget us..." says Wriggle.
>"Oh, yeah... Can one of you please take this off?"
>"I'll do it!" says Cirno, "If you promise to fight the giant toad with me and Dai-chan!"
>"Are you sure that's a good idea?" Meiling asks.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 17, 2016, 08:05:45 PM
>"We need someone that is very knowledgeable about stuff like this, and Miss Reimu is busy with this recent incident so she isn't available now, if you do it suddenly something bad could happen."
>"But i will try to help, you trust me right ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 17, 2016, 10:23:32 PM
>"We need someone that is very knowledgeable about stuff like this, and Miss Reimu is busy with this recent incident so she isn't available now, if you do it suddenly something bad could happen."
>"Is that so?" Rumia asks.

>"But i will try to help, you trust me right ?"
>Rumia slowly nods.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 17, 2016, 10:25:53 PM
>"So i guess we can be friends ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 17, 2016, 11:11:36 PM
>"So i guess we can be friends ?"
>"I guess."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 17, 2016, 11:29:46 PM
>Perk up a bit.
>"Great !"
>Turn back to the others.
>"So what is this story about a frog i hear ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 18, 2016, 12:04:17 AM
>Perk up a bit.
>"Great !"
>Turn back to the others.
>"So what is this story about a frog i hear ?"
>"There's this giant toad that lives on the mountain that ate me once," says Cirno, "I'm going to give it some payback!"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: the old guy on October 18, 2016, 12:09:14 AM
>"Oh my, how did you escape?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 18, 2016, 12:39:14 AM
>"Oh my, how did you escape?"

>Don't ask this, she just told us she couldn't.

>"And why did he eat you ? Were you messing with him ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 18, 2016, 03:43:30 AM
>"And why did he eat you ? Were you messing with him ?"
>"I was just minding my own business, freezing frogs, and he showed up outta nowhere and ate me! I had to valiantly fight my way out of his mouth and I barely got out alive!"
>"Huh?" Daiyousei asks, "But I thought you started to freeze his stomach from the inside and he puked... And then you-"
>"A-Ah! Sorry!"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 18, 2016, 04:17:58 AM
>"Freezing frogs?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 18, 2016, 05:38:03 AM
>"Freezing frogs?"
>"Yeah!" Cirno smiles, "It's one of my favorite things to do! Just take a frog, freeze it, watch it thaw... It's really fun! Though they do shatter sometimes though..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 18, 2016, 05:50:11 AM
>"Shatter? If I saw someone hurting other humans, I'd want them to stop... Maybe the big toad might've felt that way."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 18, 2016, 06:40:36 AM
>"Shatter? If I saw someone hurting other humans, I'd want them to stop... Maybe the big toad might've felt that way."
>"But frogs aren't like humans. Besides, it's not like I mean to shatter them. It just happens every once in a while."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 18, 2016, 06:57:20 AM
>"So why do you still do it if it does that to them ? Do you like harming others ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 18, 2016, 07:11:49 AM
>"So why do you still do it if it does that to them ? Do you like harming others ?"
>"Because it's fun. Besides, it's not like I'm doing it to a human or a fellow fairy. I mean, you humans squish bugs all the time. What's the difference?"
>You notice Wriggle looking a bit uncomfortable at Cirno's words.
>"Oh, no offense, Wriggle."
>"...N-None taken..." Wriggle frowns.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 18, 2016, 07:35:34 AM
>"Well we don't think that squishing bugs is fun. Some of us wish we could just avoid some of them."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 18, 2016, 07:47:15 AM
>"And the frog was just standing there minding his business, you wouldn't like being frozen still suddenly for someone's fun would you ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 18, 2016, 05:12:45 PM
>"Well we don't think that squishing bugs is fun. Some of us wish we could just avoid some of them."
>"C-Can we please stop talking about squishing bugs..." Wriggle fidgets.

>"And the frog was just standing there minding his business, you wouldn't like being frozen still suddenly for someone's fun would you ?"
>"Well, no." Cirno replies, "But frogs and fairies are completely different thingies."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 18, 2016, 07:14:38 PM
>"Well frogs have feelings too, and who knows ? What if you find a frog youkai ? Or what if messing with that frog again will make ALL the frogs start attacking you ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 18, 2016, 09:11:54 PM
>"Well frogs have feelings too, and who knows ? What if you find a frog youkai ? Or what if messing with that frog again will make ALL the frogs start attacking you ?"
>"What are they gonna do? The giant toad is the only one that can eat me!"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: AzyWng on October 18, 2016, 10:13:50 PM
//Huh, I'd try to ask what the rest of Cirno's friends think of the frog freezing, but I don't wanna make it seem like I'm abandoning the conversation or avoiding the question.

>Try to be patient, even though we never expected to teach a child basic morality today.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 19, 2016, 05:51:37 AM
//Huh, I'd try to ask what the rest of Cirno's friends think of the frog freezing, but I don't wanna make it seem like I'm abandoning the conversation or avoiding the question.

>Try to be patient, even though we never expected to teach a child basic morality today.
>You try to remain calm and patient. She should get it eventually, right?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 19, 2016, 12:57:50 PM
>"What if there's more than one giant toad, and you just don't know it yet?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 19, 2016, 01:12:34 PM
>"Besides, don't you know about the 'Karma System' ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 19, 2016, 02:16:11 PM
>"What if there's more than one giant toad, and you just don't know it yet?"
>"Well then I'll beat them up too!"

>"Besides, don't you know about the 'Karma System' ?"
>"The what now?"

>"Ugh. Are we really wasting our time with this moron?" Matenshi groans, before glancing to empty air at her side. "What?"
>"Excuse me?" Cirno turns to Matenshi, "Mind saying that again?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 19, 2016, 03:08:33 PM
>"Shh ! Pipe down you two !"
>"Karma is related to how you behave, treating others well gives you good karma, and if you keep doing that a lot of good things happen, like getting a nice gift or becoming stronger or meeting a new friend, but if you do bad things to others, you get bad karma, and then bad things start happening to you, like losing something important, have a bad fight with a friend and get upset with each other, and if you keep doing it still, your worst nightmares will become reality, and you could be eaten by an even bigger frog."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 19, 2016, 04:30:29 PM
>"Shh ! Pipe down you two !"
>"Fine." Matenshi rolls her eyes.

>"Karma is related to how you behave, treating others well gives you good karma, and if you keep doing that a lot of good things happen, like getting a nice gift or becoming stronger or meeting a new friend, but if you do bad things to others, you get bad karma, and then bad things start happening to you, like losing something important, have a bad fight with a friend and get upset with each other, and if you keep doing it still, your worst nightmares will become reality, and you could be eaten by an even bigger frog."
>"Well, I treat my friends well. But freezing frogs isn't really that bad. They're fine once they thaw. Unless they shatter... But that's only like one in..." she starts counting on her fingers, holding up ten. "One in this many frogs! ...Give or take."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 19, 2016, 04:49:22 PM
>"But that isn't nice at all, the frogs have other friends too i bet, what if they are like you with Daiyousei, Wriggle and Rumia ? Would you like if one of your friends got eaten just like you did ? Maybe you being eaten was a way to tell you to stop freezing frogs, and if you don't..."
>Look worried and pat her on the back.
>"What if a very strong frog youkai like the one on the sunflower fields comes and teaches you a lesson ? And keeps feeding you to a giant frog ever time a frozen frog shatters ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 19, 2016, 05:27:39 PM
>"But that isn't nice at all, the frogs have other friends too i bet, what if they are like you with Daiyousei, Wriggle and Rumia ? Would you like if one of your friends got eaten just like you did ? Maybe you being eaten was a way to tell you to stop freezing frogs, and if you don't..."
>Look worried and pat her on the back.
>"What if a very strong frog youkai like the one on the sunflower fields comes and teaches you a lesson ? And keeps feeding you to a giant frog ever time a frozen frog shatters ?"
>"WHOA!" Cirno goes wide-eyed, "I didn't know that scary sunflower lady was a frog youkai this whole time! And she's pretty strong too! I should freeze her after I'm done with the giant toad!"
>"Is that so?" Rumia asks.
>"Cirno-chan, i-is that really a good idea!?" Daiyousei looks shocked, "Miss Yuuka is scary! Frog or not she's gonna do horrible things to you if you make her mad! Have you seen what she does to fairies that pick her flowers!?"
>"Cirno, she isn't a frog youkai... " Wriggle frowns, "She's a flower youkai, and Daiyousei's right, you'd have to be insa-"
>"So she's a sunflower frog youkai!" Cirno concludes.
>Wriggle facepalms.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 19, 2016, 06:15:16 PM
>"No... i meant a frog youkai as strong as Miss Yuuka Cirno... not that Miss Yuuka is a frog youkai."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 19, 2016, 06:44:43 PM
>"No... i meant a frog youkai as strong as Miss Yuuka Cirno... not that Miss Yuuka is a frog youkai."
>"Oh... Well, I'd beat up that frog youkai too, because I'm the strongest!"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 19, 2016, 06:54:25 PM
>"If you say so... but keep doing that and you will end up like a friend i had, she kept doing some bad things and then she had her clothes stolen, forcing her to go back home completely naked."
>"That could happen to you too, or maybe even worse, you could bump into the tengu journalist, and then eeeeeeveryone would be able to see the naked you because of her."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 19, 2016, 09:07:07 PM
>"If you say so... but keep doing that and you will end up like a friend i had, she kept doing some bad things and then she had her clothes stolen, forcing her to go back home completely naked."
>"That could happen to you too, or maybe even worse, you could bump into the tengu journalist, and then eeeeeeveryone would be able to see the naked you because of her."
>"How stupid do you have to be to get your clothes stolen? You like... wear them all the time!" Cirno frowns, "That'll never happen to me because I'm not stupid!"
>You hear Matenshi snicker.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 19, 2016, 11:14:28 PM
>"Well you can't do anything if you are sleeping right ? What if they catch you on your sleep ? Or use sleeping magic on you ?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 19, 2016, 11:22:32 PM
>"Well you can't do anything if you are sleeping right ? What if they catch you on your sleep ? Or use sleeping magic on you ?"
>"Well I... um... uh..." Cirno seems to think for a moment, "Aha! How will they even steal my clothes if I'm laying down asleep, hmm?"
>"Cirno-chan has a point." says Daiyousei, "It'll be kinda hard to undress her while she's sleeping."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: the old guy on October 20, 2016, 03:00:06 AM
>"But what if they tied her up while she was asleep? Or they all held her down and she wouldn't be able to escape from the grasp?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 20, 2016, 03:28:13 AM
>"She could also be a heavy sleeper, and they would just need to be careful when moving her."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 20, 2016, 04:10:13 AM
>"But what if they tied her up while she was asleep? Or they all held her down and she wouldn't be able to escape from the grasp?"
>"She could also be a heavy sleeper, and they would just need to be careful when moving her."
>"That's stupid. How can they remove my clothes if they're under ropes used to tie me up!? Besides, I can just freeze the ropes!" Cirno exclaims.
>"Cirno-chan has a point." says Daiyousei.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 20, 2016, 04:14:22 AM
>"What if they have a way to keep you asleep, and you can't wake up on your own?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 20, 2016, 06:18:35 AM
>"What if they have a way to keep you asleep, and you can't wake up on your own?"
>"Well, then Dai-chan would wake me! I can always count on her!" Cirno sage nods.
>Daiyousei blushes slightly, "Y-You really think so, Cirno-chan?"
>"Of course, Dai-chan! You wouldn't be my best friend if I didn't!"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 20, 2016, 07:36:47 AM
>"I guess you have a lot of ways past it..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 20, 2016, 07:49:28 AM
>"Well, this is still just one of the many punishments for that, you could always be locked up like how Miss Yuuka did to that fairy from before."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 20, 2016, 08:01:05 AM
>"I guess you have a lot of ways past it..."
>"Of course I do!" Cirno replies, "I'm a genius!"

>"Well, this is still just one of the many punishments for that, you could always be locked up like how Miss Yuuka did to that fairy from before."
>"So what? I could freeze whatever they're holding me in, or Dai-chan can bail me out."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 20, 2016, 08:05:11 AM
>"So you can get out of anything?"
>Have we ever tried to create more than two passages with gaps?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 20, 2016, 03:49:17 PM
>"So you can get out of anything?"
>"I think so." says Cirno

>Have we ever tried to create more than two passages with gaps?
>You have not.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 20, 2016, 04:25:23 PM
>Try to picture an image of the gap space where we talked with our mother, does it shimmer ?
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 20, 2016, 05:57:53 PM
>Try to picture an image of the gap space where we talked with our mother, does it shimmer ?
>You imagine a purple, eye-filled void. Surprisingly, it does not shimmer.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 20, 2016, 06:32:08 PM
>Hm... try just making a gap, without any special destination, if it doesn work, try making a gap to somewhere, and closing one of them and leaving the other open.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 20, 2016, 08:32:47 PM
//I wonder if our powers could surpass Yukari's and we can actually gap straight to the moon... Ah, how would Renko's powers even work there~
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 20, 2016, 09:26:27 PM
>Hm... try just making a gap, without any special destination, if it doesn work, try making a gap to somewhere, and closing one of them and leaving the other open.
>You try to create a gap to no set destination, but you can't seem to find a boundary to make one on.
>Instead, you create a gap to the lake shore and attempt to close just one end of it. As soon as one side closes, the other side shuts as well.
>While your third set of gaps was open, you also noticed you felt a tiny amount of fatigue.

>Everyone is looking at you curiously.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: AzyWng on October 20, 2016, 10:05:05 PM
//Raf, what are you planning exactly? You're not just gonna gap out of the conversation like that, right? I know arguing with Cirno hasn't been(and likely won't be) very productive, but that's no reason to just leave without even saying "okay, goodbye".
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Monarda on October 20, 2016, 10:42:01 PM
>Make a gap to a random place we can see, then step inside, but stay at the eye space area.
>"I am just doing some experimenting, don't worry."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 21, 2016, 02:04:12 AM
>Make a gap to a random place we can see, then step inside, but stay at the eye space area.
>You create a gap to a random spot in your vision. You start to feel that slight bit of fatigue again.
>You step inside, trying to stay in the eye void, all that manages to accomplish is having half of you sticking out of either gap.

>"I am just doing some experimenting, don't worry."
>"Oh, okay." says Cirno, "Anyway what were we talking about again? I swear it was important."
>"Wasn't it something about escaping?" Daiyousei suggests.
>"Escaping from what?"
>"Um... I thought you knew? Wriggle?"
>"I think the original topic had something to do with hurting bugs. I definitely remember that." Wriggle replies.
>"Is that so?" Rumia tilts her head.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 21, 2016, 05:09:20 AM
>Exit and undo the gaps.
>Locate Sanae.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 21, 2016, 05:39:15 AM
>Exit and undo the gaps.
>Locate Sanae.
>You exit and close your three sets of gaps before locating Sanae.
>"Are you ready to continue?" Sanae asks as you approach.
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 21, 2016, 05:51:40 AM
>"Sorry if I got too sidetracked..."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 21, 2016, 06:03:32 AM
>"Sorry if I got too sidetracked..."
>"It's fine." Sanae replies, "Everyone gets sidetracked sometimes-- Well... Maybe not Reimu...--but the point is that it's not a big deal."
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Neovereign on October 21, 2016, 06:37:36 AM
>"Ah, yes. It would be a shame if Reimu were to get sidetracked again..."

>"Where would the mansion be, again?"
Title: Re: Maribel Hearn Quest: ACT III
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 21, 2016, 05:18:01 PM
>"Ah, yes. It would be a shame if Reimu were to get sidetracked again..."
>"Huh!? Did something happen to Reimu!?"

>"Where would the mansion be, again?"
>"It's right there, can't you see it?" Sanae points to the Scarlet Devil Mansion, "But what happened to Reimu?"
>"Oh, I'll tell you. After I deal with them..." You hear Reimu's cold voice behind you, followed by Renko screaming.
>You feel something stick on your back and your vision goes dark...