Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Rumia's Party Games => Mystia's Stored Games => Topic started by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 03:35:14 AM

Title: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 03:35:14 AM
> You are Daiyousei, a unique fairy living at Misty Lake.

> You used to be regarded as, if anything, a regular fairy a few years ago. But your life changed when you encountered Reimu and Marisa during the unusual Red Mist. Since then, because of how well you defended Misty Lake against them, you have been looked up to and respected by the fairies of the area, as if you were their leader, though, most have likely forgotten by now. You've begun to make a comfortable amount of friends thanks to the incident, and you've become much better than your old shy and reclusive self.

> You've also made many new friends and brought people closer together as couples.

> Along with your normal power to warp, you've learned tricks and abilities regarding changing size thanks to Sanae Kochiya from the Moriya Shrine. You promise to behave with said powers. You doubled this amount thanks to Alice and even figured out a new concept; fusion. By giving some energy to someone, they can use that energy's path for them to give you theirs. It seems like you can't take it by force though, as it won't budge at all, and you also have a limit on how much magic your body can hold before you pass out and everything goes back to normal. Maybe you could catch up to Cirno with all of this...

> You have died 1 time(s) so far.

> Take our hand off the ribbon, if we haven't already.
> Huh, that's weird. Well, I'm not gonna take it off, because it appeared when I absorbed you, and I don't know what taking it off would do to you.
> You let go of the ribbon.
> "I kinda wanna see what happens. I never got to take it off." Rumia tells you.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 20, 2016, 03:36:50 AM
>But we don't know what would happen!
>However the thought IS tempting...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2016, 03:39:22 AM
> To Meiling in private if we can, the grassy field thoughtscape if we can't: Hey Miss Meiling, who's this Flan, anyway?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 03:49:16 AM
>But we don't know what would happen!
>However the thought IS tempting...
> "But I might not have another chance. It's too hot to touch normally." Rumia says.
> To Meiling in private if we can, the grassy field thoughtscape if we can't: Hey Miss Meiling, who's this Flan, anyway?
> "Flandre is mistress Remilia's younger sister. She's really strong, but she needs to be more careful with that strength. Be careful if you meet her."
> "Why?" Cirno asks.
> "She doesn't hold back when playing with the fairy maids. She tries to when it's with me or Rumia though.
> You reach the stairs again. Will you go back to the main floor or deeper?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 20, 2016, 03:50:51 AM
>Have you ever tried having someone taking it off for you, though? Unfused, of course. I mean, you could find out that way...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 03:55:39 AM
>Have you ever tried having someone taking it off for you, though? Unfused, of course. I mean, you could find out that way...
> "Uh-uh. Nobody wanted to."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 20, 2016, 03:56:59 AM
>Why not...? Not even this Flan person you're friends with?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 03:59:01 AM
>Why not...? Not even this Flan person you're friends with?
> "I didn't ask her yet..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 20, 2016, 04:01:31 AM
>And why didn't you bother asking any of us? I mean, we probably could've helped, that's what friends are for, right?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 04:06:42 AM
>And why didn't you bother asking any of us? I mean, we probably could've helped, that's what friends are for, right?
> "I didn't know if it would burn you or not."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 20, 2016, 04:09:02 AM
>Well you would never know unless you tried. Right guys?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 04:15:12 AM
>Well you would never know unless you tried. Right guys?
> "Yeah." Everyone agrees.
> "But if it burns, maybe it's meant to stop something?" Meiling says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 20, 2016, 04:18:02 AM
>What a killjoy...
>Quickly rescind that thought before Meiling hears it. If it's too late, apologize and state that it's easy to forget we can all hear each other's thoughts...

//Whelp, I edited this to something less provocative and GM failed to notice before posting, so I edited it back... :P LET'S ROLL WITH IT!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 04:21:49 AM
>What a killjoy...
>Quickly rescind that thought before Meiling hears it. If it's too late, apologize and state that it's easy to forget we can all hear each other's thoughts...
> "I was just thinking about Rumia's safety..." Meiling says.
> You apologize.
> "I guess we should just try not to remember or think anything we wouldn't want to say then." Meiling smiles.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: AzyWng on April 20, 2016, 04:25:29 AM
I already told you guys...

>Use the second controller port! (
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 04:47:51 AM
I already told you guys...

>Use the second controller port! (
> You plug the controller into the second port...
> You are now Cirno, the ice fairy of Misty Lake. You're the leader of Team (9) and the strongest fairy you know. Your best friend Daiyousei is getting pretty strong, so fighting her will be fun! She seems to be acting a little more distant from you though. Is it because of what Lily said? Anyways, you started-

Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 20, 2016, 05:15:08 AM
>Anyway, Rumia, if you just ask, maybe we can help you with your ribbon later... When we're unfused, of course... Again, I don't know what would happen if we tried that, even moreso if we tried it when we're all together like this...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 05:29:53 AM
>Anyway, Rumia, if you just ask, maybe we can help you with your ribbon later... When we're unfused, of course... Again, I don't know what would happen if we tried that, even moreso if we tried it when we're all together like this...
> "Okay." Rumia says.
> "If Marisa's here, she's usually in the Library." Meiling says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 20, 2016, 07:58:02 AM
What do you mean there's a part 4 already ?!?!? *Quickly picks up the pace*

>But ummm, where IS the library anyways ?
>How would we be named right now ? It probably would sound strange...
>Try making some of the martial arts moves that Meiling knows. But just a few, we don't want to waste time !
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2016, 09:25:29 AM
> Make sure not to shout or hit anything while practicing. We don't want to give away our presence!
> ...Speaking of, did we actually condense Meiling's energy when she moved to the center of our chest? Back when we condensed Kogasa, Cirno, Lily, and Wriggle, we went from full to nearly empty, but when Meiling moved, we went from full to still close to full...
> Try properly condensing and storing Meiling's energy and see if we can free up some space that way.
> In addition, condense and store Rumia's energy in our chest to free up some more space.
> How much larger could we grow before we'd have to start worry about door heights and ceilings and such?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 01:17:36 PM
What do you mean there's a part 4 already ?!?!? *Quickly picks up the pace*

>But ummm, where IS the library anyways ?
> "It's in the basement, but it's pretty big, so it stretches up through the other floors."
>How would we be named right now ? It probably would sound strange...
> "(9) Mei gasa?" Cirno says.
> "Eleven? B-Because 9 + 2?" Kogasa says.
>Try making some of the martial arts moves that Meiling knows. But just a few, we don't want to waste time !
> Make sure not to shout or hit anything while practicing. We don't want to give away our presence!
> You try to go throug Meiling's memories, but only get as far as yesterday, where she hadn't done much.
> ...Speaking of, did we actually condense Meiling's energy when she moved to the center of our chest? Back when we condensed Kogasa, Cirno, Lily, and Wriggle, we went from full to nearly empty, but when Meiling moved, we went from full to still close to full...
> Try properly condensing and storing Meiling's energy and see if we can free up some space that way.
> It seems to already been condensed and focused there.
> In addition, condense and store Rumia's energy in our chest to free up some more space.
> You focus Rumia's energy to the center of your chest. Rumia appears in the garden-like area. You still feel relatively full.
> How much larger could we grow before we'd have to start worry about door heights and ceilings and such?
> Only a tiny bit larger. You're already tall enough that Meiling has to look up a bit.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2016, 01:22:23 PM
> Shrink down until we feel completely full. Don't try to force it, we can't risk exploding now. Compare height to Meiling's height when this is done.
> Head down the stairs all the way to the basement.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 01:36:11 PM
> Shrink down until we feel completely full. Don't try to force it, we can't risk exploding now. Compare height to Meiling's height when this is done.
> You shrink down some, until you're still a bit taller than Meiling. Shrinking any more might be dangerous.
> Head down the stairs all the way to the basement.
> You fly down the stairs to the basement. You can see Marisa flying slowly on her broom in the hallways, looking left and right for something.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2016, 01:39:02 PM
> Keep hidden, ducking behind anything large enough (including any usable walls) and stay silent.
> Peek out from our hiding place and watch Marisa to see what she does.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 01:54:08 PM
> Keep hidden, ducking behind anything large enough (including any usable walls) and stay silent.
> Peek out from our hiding place and watch Marisa to see what she does.
> You sneakily observe Marisa.
> Marisa starts to head down another hall, then starts to speed up.
> You quickly catch up and hide behind the corner. Marisa's heading to a door directly at a dead end.
> "Hey, we have to stop her!" Meiling says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2016, 01:57:05 PM
> What's behind that door?

Don't pursue just yet, I want to determine if pursuit or warping Marisa back is more appropriate.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 02:12:35 PM
> What's behind that door?

Don't pursue just yet, I want to determine if pursuit or warping Marisa back is more appropriate.
> "I think that's Flan's room." Rumia says.
> "It is." Meiling says. "Flandre gets lively whenever Marisa's here, and it's tough to calm her back down. Sakuya also said that we shouldn't bother Flandre for a day or two."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 20, 2016, 02:16:02 PM
Now we could trap Marisa or we warp her broom like we did before... ideas ?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2016, 02:19:41 PM
> Could we warp Marisa and her broom at the same time?

What do you mean by 'trap'?

I'd rather not warp just her or just her broom, that might be seen as an act of aggression. Getting them both at the same time is less so because it saves her from falling to the floor.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 02:29:13 PM
> Could we warp Marisa and her broom at the same time?

What do you mean by 'trap'?

I'd rather not warp just her or just her broom, that night be seen as an act of aggression. Getting them both at the same time is less so because it saves her from falling to the floor.
> You could not warp them together at the same time, or Marisa, might get clipped by the broom.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2016, 02:40:27 PM
Shoot. Okay, we also can't warp one or the other because it will make noise and possibly get Flan's attention. Looks like there's only one thing to do here.

> Warp ourselves so we are a couple of feet in front of the door.
> Turn around with wide eyes to face Marisa. Put the index finger of one hand up to our lips in a shushing pose, and wave or other hand in front of us in a frantic 'no' manner.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 02:50:25 PM
Shoot. Okay, we also can't warp one or the other because it will make noise and possibly get Flan's attention. Looks like there's only one thing to do here.

> Warp ourselves so we are a couple of feet in front of the door.
> Turn around with wide eyes to face Marisa. Put the index finger of one hand up to our lips in a shushing pose, and wave or other hand in front of us in a frantic 'no' manner.
> You warp ahead of Marisa and a bit before the door. Marisa slows to a stop.
> "Eh? Outta the wa-"
> Finally regaining control after warping, you make shushing motions to Marisa.
> "Why?" Marisa whispers.
> In the silence, you can hear noises behind the door.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2016, 02:52:31 PM
> What do the noises sound like?
> Lower voice to a whisper.
> "We can't bother her right now!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 20, 2016, 02:54:27 PM
>Stay Silent and try to hear what is going on inside the room, if someone in there walks close to the door, warp Marisa away as to put her out of sight if possible.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 03:00:59 PM
> Lower voice to a whisper.
> "We can't bother her right now!"
> "I know. I got business because of that though." Marisa whispers.
>Stay Silent and try to hear what is going on inside the room, if someone in there walks close to the door, warp Marisa away as to put her out of sight if possible.
> What do the noises sound like?
> It sounds like... Ripping and tearing. There's the occasional wet, slushing sound.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2016, 03:02:14 PM
> "What? Why?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: AzyWng on April 20, 2016, 03:40:54 PM
>"Remember, Marisa, this is a sneaking mission! Your goal is to infiltrate, not to fight!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 03:53:38 PM
>"Remember, Marisa, this is a sneaking mission! Your goal is to infiltrate, not to fight!"
> "Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. You already taught me enough to get by. I'll handle the rest, lady Mima..."
> "What? Why?"
> "From the sound of it, it's already too late." Marisa says, and starts to head in the other direction. "I'll just go speak to Remilia then."
> "Hey, she can't just speak with Mistress out of the blue. We still need to stop her." Meiling says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2016, 03:58:59 PM
> What would let her speak with Remilia? And what's going on in there, anyway?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 04:05:48 PM
> What would let her speak with Remilia? And what's going on in there, anyway?
> "You can't just speak with her unless you ask Sakuya first, then she has to ask mistress. But Reimu is somehow allowed most of the time..." Marisa says. "And Flandre's probably eating... She's a bit messy sometimes when alone, but other times, she behaves more. We should go stop Marisa though."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 20, 2016, 04:12:57 PM
>But..... what DOES she eat ?
>Follow that Kirisame !
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 20, 2016, 04:13:56 PM
> In head: And what if she asks Sakuya first? Then it should be okay, right?
> Whispering to Marisa: "What's too late?"

I'm thinking it would be best to resolve the missing(/getting eaten) humans thing without actually engaging with Marisa, since she's been a pal so far this game aside from refusing to get absorbed by fuse with us. Meiling's also been a pal, though, and who knows what would happen if she got agitated while inside us, so we need to keep her happy too.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 04:20:15 PM
>But..... what DOES she eat ?
>Follow that Kirisame !
> Meiling doesn't answer.
> I wonder what Sakuya would say if she caught me away from the gate today... Meiling thinks.
> You start to follow Marisa through the halls.
> In head: And what if she asks Sakuya first? Then it should be okay, right?
> Whispering to Marisa: "What's too late?"
> "Sakuya might try to kick her out..." Meiling says.
> "Nothin." Marisa says back.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 20, 2016, 04:23:31 PM
> Sakuya can't get mad at you for chasing after someone, right? Besides, Sanae and Waka are waiting at the gate, and they probably won't let anyone in...
> "C'mon, tell me! Pleeeease?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 04:29:41 PM
> Sakuya can't get mad at you for chasing after someone, right? Besides, Sanae and Waka are waiting at the gate, and they probably won't let anyone in...
> "C'mon, tell me! Pleeeease?"
> "I guess you're right."
> "If you wanna know so badly, it's too late to save the humans that were captured. Flan's already got them. It's not her fault though..." Marisa continues to fly.
> You can see the library doors far ahead of you.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 20, 2016, 04:44:09 PM
>"Oh.... well.... i see..."
>Keep following her.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 05:18:23 PM
>"Oh.... well.... i see..."
>Keep following her.
> You follow Marisa into the library. Patchouli is at her same spot.
> "Hey Patchy, where's Remilia?" Marisa asks.
> "Do you have business with her this time?" Patchouli asks.
> "Yeah"
> "Well she doesn't have business with you..." Patchouli picks up a book.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 20, 2016, 05:22:41 PM
> Did we meet Patchouli earlier?
> Hey, why is she asking Patchouli? I thought you said she was supposed to ask Sakuya.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 05:28:11 PM
> Did we meet Patchouli earlier?
> Hey, why is she asking Patchouli? I thought you said she was supposed to ask Sakuya.
> You had. She's that pajama girl that did the magic for you.
> "She's supposed to... But there's no telling where Sakuya is. Actually, she's probably with mistress."
> "Well then you answer for her. Why didn't you guys just let them go?" Marisa asks.
> "It was Remi's decision. She promised lady Flan that she would be fed her favorite food."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 20, 2016, 05:39:52 PM
>What magic did she do for us?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 05:44:10 PM
>What magic did she do for us?
> She had created a small snowstorm for a really short while to amuse you.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2016, 05:45:47 PM
> Her favorite food...? Wait, does that mean she wants to eat Marisa too?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 05:53:53 PM
> Her favorite food...? Wait, does that mean she wants to eat Marisa too?
> "No. Flandre would never think of eating Marisa, even if she new what her meals were made of." Meiling pauses. "I-I mean, she looks up to Marisa."
> "Did you even try to talk her out of it?" Marisa asks.
> "It would've made Flandre upset." Patchouli says.
> "Right..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2016, 05:56:26 PM
> She doesn't even know? Why not?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 20, 2016, 06:03:57 PM
>I thought that youkai weren`t allowed to eat humans from here, Miss Reimu will probably get furious.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 06:12:47 PM
> She doesn't even know? Why not?
> "It's better for her not to know, else she might try to find them herself, which would be a problem." Meiling explains.
> "So she eats them too?" Rumia asks.
> "That's kinda why you aren't allowed in her room yet..." Meiling says. "You might tell her what she shouldn't know about her favorite food."
> "I won't."
> "We still can't risk it..."
>I thought that youkai weren`t allowed to eat humans from here, Miss Reimu will probably get furious.
> "Flan is a vampire. Reimu already knows that she eats humans, but there isn't much she can do." Meiling says
> "Who is that behind you, Marisa?" Patchouli asks.
> "Dinolily, now if you excuse us-"
> "Dinolily?" Patchouli questions.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 20, 2016, 06:17:09 PM
> Blink.
> "Oh! Us! Um, we kind of gave up on that, there are too many of us now to make a good name. You should just use Daiyousei now."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 06:25:24 PM
> Blink.
> "Oh! Us! Um, we kind of gave up on that, there are too many of us now to make a good name. You should just use Daiyousei now."
> "That one fairy? How did you become like this?" Patchouli asks.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 20, 2016, 06:27:20 PM
> Smile.
> "I fusioned with people!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 20, 2016, 06:27:47 PM
>"I managed to fuse with Cirno ! And with Lily ! And with Miss Kogasa and with Wriggle and Mystia and Rumia !"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2016, 06:28:31 PM
> Don't say we fused with Meiling.
> "But don't worry! I heard the Rumia rule. We're staying inside."

Don't get Rumia or Meiling in trouble, now.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 06:39:14 PM
> Smile.
> "I fusioned with people!"
>"I managed to fuse with Cirno ! And with Lily ! And with Miss Kogasa and with Wriggle and Mystia and Rumia and even Miss Meiling !"

> Don't say we fused with Meiling.
> "But don't worry! I heard the Rumia rule. We're staying inside."

Don't get Rumia or Meiling in trouble, now.
> "Fusion?" Patchouli questions. "Hm. You do look like a collection of others..."
> The red headed girl from before brings Patchouli a tray of tea. She stares at you in wonder after she sets the tray down.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2016, 06:39:51 PM
> Who's the red-haired girl?
> "I could show you if you want!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 06:45:36 PM
> Who's the red-haired girl?
> "I could show you if you want!"
> "That's Koakuma. She's Patchouli's assistant, and she helps sign the fairy maids up sometimes." Meiling says.
> "I'd rather not be a part of fairies." Patchouli sips her tea.
> "How do you think Patchouli would react to Marisa and Alice being a couple now Daiyousei?" Lily asks.
> "Huh? Uh, we shouldn't tell her." Melting says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 20, 2016, 06:48:03 PM
> Aww, really? Well, if you say so...
> "Huh? We're not just fairies, we're youkai too!"
> Look at Koakuma.
> "What about you?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 20, 2016, 06:50:10 PM
>"It`s pretty fun !"

Wait, we can`t really fuse with anyone else, we`re already full, we need to think of a way to bypass that.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 20, 2016, 06:50:22 PM
Grow some more.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: AzyWng on April 20, 2016, 06:51:18 PM
> "That's Koakuma. She's Patchouli's assistant, and she helps sign the fairy maids up sometimes." Meiling says.
> "I'd rather not be a part of fairies." Patchouli sips her tea.
> "How do you think Patchouli would react to Marisa and Alice being a couple now Daiyousei?" Lily asks.
> "Huh? Uh, we shouldn't tell her." Melting says.
>Melting says.
Hold up, what?
>Who is this "Melting" person?
>Where'd they come from?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 20, 2016, 06:55:10 PM
Hold up, what?
>Who is this "Melting" person?
>Where'd they come from?

I think that`s actuallu Meiling, he just either mistyped it or used the Spellchecker.
And i guess growing would work, if we don`t get too tall, that is.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: AzyWng on April 20, 2016, 06:57:20 PM
I think that`s actuallu Meiling, he just either mistyped it or used the Spellchecker.
And i guess growing would work, if we don`t get too tall, that is.
:P I just wanna see the parser's response.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 06:59:36 PM
Hold up, what?
>Who is this "Melting" person?
>Where'd they come from?
//Meiling. Autocorrect and a tablet. [cries]
:P I just wanna see the parser's response.
// TT_TT
> Aww, really? Well, if you say so...
> "Hey, we're not just fairies, we're youkai too!"
> Look at Koakuma.
> "What about you?"
>"It`s pretty fun !"

Wait, we can`t really fuse with anyone else, we`re already full, we need to think of a way to bypass that.
> Koakuma jumps. "Uh, I don't-"
> "You should try it Koakuma." Patchouli smirks. "It would be good research if you came back with information."
> "Awww..." Koakuma floats to you, and looks up at you.
> "It's pretty interesting to watch too." Marisa says to Patchouli. "She changes all over and stuff."
Grow some more.
> You grow to a large enough size where you could accommodate another person. You're taller than the normal doors, but the library had a very large amount of room, so there's no worries about height.
> The height change causes Koakuma to jump again. She looks back at Patchouli, who motions her onward.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 20, 2016, 07:02:01 PM
> Hold out open hands, crouching if need be so Koakuma can reach them.
> "Okay, take my hands. When you feel a magic flow into you from me, return it to me at the same speed."
> When Koakuma takes our hands, send a flow of Alice-magic as before, and when Koakuma returns it, use the flow cycle to get a feel for her life energy.

As usual, pausing here for dialogue reasons.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 07:03:44 PM
> Hold out open hands, crouching if need be so Koakuma can reach them.
> "Okay, take my hands. When you feel a magic flow into you from me, return it to me at the same speed."
> When Koakuma takes our hands, send a flow of Alice-magic as before, and when Koakuma returns it, use the flow cycle to get a feel for her life energy.
> Koakuma timidly grabs your hands as you crouch down.
> "W-Wait, I don't get what to do!" Koakuma says as you start to make her grow.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 20, 2016, 07:05:17 PM
> How exactly are we sending the magic to her in the first place? Are we just willing it and it happens?
> "It's okay! Just send that magic back into me!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 07:15:09 PM
> How exactly are we sending the magic to her in the first place? Are we just willing it and it happens?
> "It's okay! Just send that magic back into me!"
> You just will the magic into them with the intent of making them grow bigger.
> "Send it back? How?" Koakuma asks.
> "If she's using her ability on you, then use yours on her." Patchouli answers.
> "Mine on her?" Koakuma asks.
> Koakuma starts to send her energy into you.
> "Is it working?" Patchouli asks.
> "I don't know."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 20, 2016, 07:18:58 PM
> We don't want another accident like with Sanae! Check to make sure that she's actually sending her life energy and not some other kind of magic.
> If she is indeed sending us her life energy, then do the below. If she is not, then stop at the check above.
> "There you go. Oh, you skipped a step somehow! Okay, now let me take care of the rest."
> Grab onto Koakuma's energy and start pulling it into ourselves, watching Koakuma as we do so.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 07:24:29 PM
> We don't want another accident like with Sanae! Check to make sure that she's actually sending her life energy and not some other kind of magic.
> If she is indeed sending us her life energy, then do the below. If she is not, then stop at the check above.
> "There you go. Oh, you skipped a step somehow! Okay, now let me take care of the rest."
> Grab onto Koakuma's energy and start pulling it into ourselves, watching Koakuma as we do so.
> You check. It is magic, but it's her life energy as well.
> "Uh, okay." Koakuma says.
> You mentally grasp the energy and start to pull it into you. Koakuma starts to vanish slowly.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 20, 2016, 07:26:25 PM
> "It's working!"
> Keep pulling and watching Koakuma until we take in all of her, unless we get interrupted by something before we finish OR we hit max capacity. If we DO hit max capacity before we taken in all of her, grow ourselves until we have the room to take in all of her, and then resume. (Don't want to explode!)
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 07:37:02 PM
> "It's working!"
> Keep pulling and watching Koakuma until we take in all of her, unless we get interrupted by something before we finish OR we hit max capacity. If we DO hit max capacity before we taken in all of her, grow ourselves until we have the room to take in all of her, and then resume. (Don't want to explode!)
> You manage to take in the rest of Koakuma's energy, and she vanishes.
> "Huh, so it worked." Patchouli says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2016, 07:39:31 PM
> To Koakuma only: Hiya! Welcome to me!
> Examine ourselves for any changes.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 20, 2016, 07:40:24 PM
> Don't shrink yet! I wasn't thinking. Sorry, parser.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 08:00:16 PM
> To Koakuma only: Hiya! Welcome to me!
> Examine ourselves for any changes.
> "Uh...h-hi?"
> You examine yourself for any changes. Your wings have a sort of bat-like edge to them now, otherwise, you look relatively the same.
> What's strange though, is that there's a smaller, somewhat adorable clone of you, floating right next to you.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 20, 2016, 08:05:36 PM
>"Oh hey ! Who are you ? Are you also me ?"
>Examine Cute Clone.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 20, 2016, 08:06:24 PM
> To Koakuma only: Did you make that clone?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 08:18:59 PM
>"Oh hey ! Who are you ? Are you also me ?"
>Examine Cute Clone.
> The clone nods in response.
> The clone looks almost exactly like you, except smaller. It's chest is smaller as well, but the hair appears to be the same length.
> To Koakuma only: Did you make that clone?
> "Y-Yeah..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 20, 2016, 08:21:47 PM
>That`s so cool ! Didn`t know you could do that, Miss Koakuma.
>Pet our Clone.
>"Sooo what name do we give you then....... why don`t you think of one yourself ?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 20, 2016, 08:23:32 PM
> To Koakuma only: Oh hey, do you want to say something to Patchouli?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 08:30:51 PM
>That`s so cool ! Didn`t know you could do that, Miss Koakuma.
>Pet our Clone.
> You pet your clone. It accepts the petting without resistance, and looks like it enjoys it.
>"Sooo what name do we give you then....... why don`t you think of one yourself ?"
> "I'm Daiyousei." It says.
> To Koakuma only: Oh hey, do you want to say something to Patchouli?
> "Yes."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 20, 2016, 08:32:01 PM
> Look back to Marisa and Patchouli.
> "Okay, Koakuma's gonna talk now."
> To Koakuma only: All right, go ahead! I think you can just move and talk with my body as you normally would.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 20, 2016, 08:33:24 PM
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 08:38:53 PM
> Look back to Marisa and Patchouli.
> "Okay, Koakuma's gonna talk now."
> To Kaokuma only: All right, go ahead! I think you can just move and talk with my body as you normally would.
> They both nod.
> You allow Koakuma to use the body.
> "Hello?" Koakuma and the clone speak at the same time. "O-Okay, I can talk..." Koakuma jumps a little, as if she realized something, and the clone disappears into you.
> "Sorry. Um...Ah. It feels like I'm in another body."
> "That's obvious. Is there anything different?" Patchouli asks.
> "Uh... Not much... S-Sorry Lady Patchouli." Koakuma looks down."
> She is equal to you in every way... except smaller.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 20, 2016, 08:44:10 PM
> To Koakuma only: You can use our abilities, too! Like, I can warp places, so you can too. Try warping to some open space nearby. Just make sure you don't warp into someone or something, because that'll hurt a lot.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 08:48:13 PM
> To Koakuma only: You can use our abilities, too! Like, I can warp places, so you can too. Try warping to some open space nearby. Just make sure you don't warp into someone or something, because that'll hurt a lot.
> "I don't think I can..."
> "You don't think you can what?" Marisa asks.
> "Uh, warp?"
> "Just try it."
> Koakuma closes her eyes, and the clone appears again. Both of them sigh.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2016, 08:53:57 PM
> "That's weird, Cirno was able to do it earlier..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 09:01:22 PM
> "That's weird, Cirno was able to do it earlier..."
> It's because my ability isn't that great... "I-I'm trying." Koakuma says
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 20, 2016, 09:04:11 PM
>Recall how Cirno managed to do it earlier.
>Relay info to Koakuma, Cirno-chan can help if necessary.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2016, 09:53:23 PM
> What is everyone else in our thoughtscape doing during this, anyway?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 11:02:07 PM
>Recall how Cirno managed to do it earlier.
>Relay info to Koakuma, Cirno-chan can help if necessary.
> You think about how Cirno did it before.
> Koakuma closes her eyes, and does it as she thinks it goes.
> Koakuma successfully warps into the open space in front of you.
> "There you go. You could do it." Marisa says.
> What is everyone else in our thoughtscape doing during this, anyway?
> The rest of Team (9) are playing, minus Cirno. Meiling seems to be talking to Kogasa about not being found out by Patchouli.
> Cirno seems to be waiting for you to start playing.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2016, 11:10:52 PM
> "Awesome! Nice job!"
> To Koakuma only: Hey, don't answer this out loud, but do you think we could get Patchouli to join us?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 11:16:11 PM
> "Awesome! Nice job!"
> To Koakuma only: Hey, don't answer this out loud, but do you think we could get Patchouli to join us?
> "Thank you." Koakuma says.
> "I don't think- oops. Sorry..." Koakuma says.
> "I don't think she would. Lady Patchouli prefers to be alone most of the time..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2016, 11:22:04 PM
> To Koakuma only: Aww. Well, I'll still try.
> Smile and look at Patchouli. "Isn't that great?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 11:34:41 PM
> To Koakuma only: Aww. Well, I'll still try.
> Smile and look at Patchouli. "Isn't that great?"
> "Wait, maybe we shouldn't, m-miss fairy" Koakuma says.
> "Yes. That means that whoever's in your fusion seems to be capable of using your powers." Patchouli says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 20, 2016, 11:40:40 PM
>"Maybe you should try it too ! It's pretty simple, and you could learn more about it and write how it feels."
>To Cirno-chan:"Just a moment, Cirno-chan, i'll soon go and play with you !"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2016, 11:41:58 PM
> To Koakuma only: Huh? Why not?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 20, 2016, 11:48:08 PM
> To Koakuma only: Huh? Why not?
> "I told you already."
>"Maybe you should try it too ! It's pretty simple, and you could learn more about it and write how it feels."
> "No thank you. I'll try it in my own time. For now, Koakuma will gather information." Patchouli says.
>To Cirno-chan:"Just a moment, Cirno-chan, i'll soon go and play with you !"
> "I can wait. Playing with you is always really fun and worth waiting a bit for." Cirno says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2016, 11:57:37 PM
> To Koakuma only: Well, hopefully she'll change her mind some time. I wanna know how many people I can fusion with! All right, something else is gonna happen now.
> Condense Koakuma's energy and focus it in our chest to free up some space.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 12:00:45 AM
> To Koakuma only: Well, hopefully she'll change her mind some time. I wanna know how many people I can fusion with! All right, something else is gonna happen now.
> Condense Koakuma's energy and focus it in our chest to free up some space.
> You focus Koakuma's energy into the center of your chest and free up a bit of space for more magic in your body.
> Koakuma appears in the garden-like area of your mind.
> "Miss Meiling!?" Koakuma asks in surprise.
> "Oh. Hi Koakuma." Meiling replies. "Don't tell Patchouli or Sakuya-san please."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 12:10:07 AM
> Yeah, she's being good and doing her job!
> Shrink down a bit until we feel full again.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 12:13:56 AM
> Yeah, she's being good and doing her job!
> Shrink down a bit until we feel full again.
> "Marisa snuck past, so I agreed to come in order to stop her." Meiling explains.
> "Okay."
> You shrink down some. You're still a bit bigger than the doors though.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 12:17:05 AM
> Look to Patchouli.
> "I just moved Koakuma around to free up some room inside me, which is why I shrunk. She can still see and hear you, but I don't think she can respond anymore. I can relay for you though!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 12:21:09 AM
> Look to Patchouli.
> "I just moved Koakuma around to free up some room inside me, which is why I shrunk. She can still see and hear you, but I don't think she can respond anymore. I can relay for you though!"
> "Koakuma. I'm allowing you to stay for the night to gather information. Please behave. Goodnight." Patchouli says.
> "W-What? But I...don't want to..." Koakuma looks down.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 12:24:31 AM
> Um...Should I tell her that?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 12:26:07 AM
> Um...Should I tell her that?
> "N-No, No. P-Please don't Miss Fairy. "
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 21, 2016, 12:29:21 AM
//Whelp, I guess we have a Koakuma with us for a while...
>Is Mini-me still there?
>If not, tap into Koakupowers and summon her.
>Pet the mini-me.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 12:32:03 AM
> Okay. Do you want to tell her anything?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 12:36:51 AM
//Whelp, I guess we have a Koakuma with us for a while...
>Is Mini-me still there?
>If not, tap into Koakupowers and summon her.
>Pet the mini-me.
> You pet the smaller clone of yourself. It smiles as you do so.
> "D-Do you really like it that much? It can do what you will it to..." Koakuma says.
> Okay. Do you want to tell her anything?
> "Uh, I... N-No."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 21, 2016, 12:39:43 AM
>Incorporate Koakuma just like we did Alice's Magic so we can keep Mini-me forever.
>Of course I like it! It's an adorable Mini-me!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 12:44:34 AM
> Nod.
> "I'll take good care of her."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 12:48:49 AM
>Incorporate Koakuma just like we did Alice's Magic so we can keep Mini-me forever.
> You turn the little devil into a little devil that you can keep forever.
>Of course I like it! It's an adorable Mini-me!
> Koakuma smiles a little.
> Nod.
> "I'll take good care of her."
> Patchouli nods.
> "Are we goin back to Sanae now?" Marisa asks.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 01:00:12 AM
> "If you want to, I guess?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 01:09:33 AM
> "If you want to, I guess?"
> "Right, let's get going." Marisa opens the doors.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 01:22:56 AM
> Follow Marisa out of the library.
> Miss Meiling, Miss Koakuma...shouldn't we do something about the humans?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 01:26:37 AM
> Follow Marisa out of the library.
> Miss Meiling, Miss Koakuma...shouldn't we do something about the humans?
> "It's too late to do anything. You heard it, didn't you?" Meiling says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 01:27:30 AM
> Well, maybe for these humans, but it sounds like this isn't the first time...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 01:32:21 AM
> Well, maybe for these humans, but it sounds like this isn't the first time...
> "It isn't. Anyone who goes into Flandre's room doesn't get out safely. Of course, Marisa and Reimu aren't just anyone, and me and the rest are her family. Well, only mistress is, but we still treat her like family."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 01:34:59 AM
> But that means that this could happen again, right?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 01:39:48 AM
> But that means that this could happen again, right?
> "Rumia just has to not kidnap any more humans, and it shouldn't happen anymore..."
> "I won't." Rumia stops from playing tag. "Sakuya already told me."
> You pass by the dead end with Flandre's room door again. You can't hear anything from here though.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 01:42:48 AM
> Huh. Is she done?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 01:45:37 AM
> Huh. Is she done?
> "Probably..." Meiling says, looking off to the side.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 01:52:23 AM
> Huh...I wonder what a fusion would be like with her...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 01:55:36 AM
> Huh...I wonder what a fusion would be like with her...
> "D-Don't tell me you're actually thinking about confronting her?" Meiling asks. "She probably wouldn't hurt Rumia, but you're a fairy."
> "Huh? What's the hold up Daiyousei?" Marisa asks.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 21, 2016, 01:56:39 AM
>How strong is Flandre ? And i`m not gonna fight her, i want to be her friend !
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 01:59:04 AM
> Anyone that's friends with Rumia can't be that bad, right?
> "Just thinkin' about fusions."
> Point at the door.
> "Kinda wondering what one with her would be like."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 02:03:38 AM
>How strong is Flandre ? And i`m not gonna fight her, i want to be her friend !
> Anyone that's friends with Rumia can't be that bad, right?
> "Flandre is incredibly strong, but she doesn't know how to use her strength."
> "Just thinkin' about fusions."
> Point at the door.
> "Kinda wondering what one with her would be like."
> "She's really strong ya know." Marisa says. "And a bit unstable, if anything."
> You hear a loud scream coming from Flandre's room.
> "Huh!?" Marisa shoots off towards the door.
> "Eh? That wasn't Flan." Meiling says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 02:04:50 AM
> What? Who could it have been, then?!
> Follow that Marisa!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 02:12:01 AM
> What? Who could it have been, then?!
> Follow that Marisa!
> "We really shouldn't!" Meiling says.
> You follow Marisa as she opens the doors to a dimly lit room. There's a girl with a red outfit and blonde hair walking towards a corner of the room. She has beautiful luminescent crystal's seemingly hanging from two lines protruding from her back. They appear to be wings. The girl is holding out a chunk of bloody meat towards a young boy, cowering in the corner. There are two mangled bodies that bring your attention to them in the middle of the room on the floor. They're missing limbs.
> The rest of Team (9) stop playing and stop in place.
> Koakuma looks away.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 02:15:14 AM
> ...Uh...
> Look toward Marisa in disbelief, then back toward the girl.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 21, 2016, 02:15:47 AM
>She`s Rumia`s friend, so we`d better get Rumia to talk to her.
>...........Rumia, can you try to talk to her ? We need to help that boy.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 02:24:16 AM
> ...Uh...
> "That's the young mistress; Flandre." Meiling says.
>She`s Rumia`s friend, so we`d better get Rumia to talk to her.
>...........Rumia, can you try to talk to her ? We need to help that boy.
> "I'm-"
> "No. Rumia wouldn't look like herself right now, so Flandre probably wouldn't know it's her." Meiling says. "She might get hurt."
> Look toward Marisa in disbelief, then back toward the girl.
> You look towards Marisa, who has a surprised face, then back at the girl.
> The girl turns around. "Huh?" Her face soon changes from a surprised expression to the happiest looking smile you've seen in a while. "MARISA!!!" she drops the meat and lunges towards Marisa at an extremely quick speed, slamming the magician into the wall.
> "Ugh." Marisa picks herself out of the wall. "I didn't come to play today Flan. I want the kid you have there." Marisa points to the kid cowering in the corner.
> "But I didn't get to play with him yet. At least let me play with him before you take him. The other two broke and Sakuya took them and brought me some snacks. I'll share them with you if you let me play with him first." Flandre says.
> "No Flandre. You have to let him go."
> "Aww. Oh! Then I'll let him go if you play with me instead!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 02:27:30 AM
> ...How does...What kind of 'playing' does she do to do...that?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 21, 2016, 02:33:44 AM
>"Uh, what... happened here ?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 21, 2016, 02:35:02 AM
>Examine mangled corpses. Are they children or adults?
>Examine boy.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 02:35:32 AM
Why are we drawing attention to ourselves when it's been stated at least once that Flan more or less rips fairies apart? <_<
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 21, 2016, 02:38:40 AM
Because we are no simple fairy, we`re (9) + 2 ! And besides, we have Marisa as safeguard.... i guess ?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 02:42:18 AM
> ...How does...What kind of 'playing' does she do to do...that?
> "She doesn't know her own strength, so she usually doesn't hold back when trying to play with someone..." Meiling says.
> "C-Can we leave Miss Fairy?" Koakuma asks.
>Examine mangled corpses. Are they children or adults?
> You observe the corpses. What you can tell from one of them, is that they might've been a child. You can't determine what the leftovers of the other one was...
>Examine boy.
> The boy sitting in the corner is a kid with a short sleeved blue shirt and shorts on. You can't really tell his hair color in this dimness, but it's either black or brown. He's crying, but trying to make as little noise as possible. He's as far in the corner as one can get normally.
>"Uh, what... happened here ?"
> Flandre turns to you. "Huh? Who're y-"
> "Fine." Marisa says. "Daiyousei, take the kid back to the Human Village."
> "YAY!" Flandre pulls out a black staff-like object, practically forgetting you. "Playing with you is always the funnest Marisa!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 02:49:01 AM
> "Huh? Are you gonna be okay?"
> ...Hey, Miss Meiling, can you shoot some danmaku in there? In that grassy field, I mean, not here in her room.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 21, 2016, 02:50:51 AM
>Is mini-me still with us?
>If so, how is she reacting to all this?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 03:00:37 AM
> "Huh? Are you gonna be okay?"
> ...Hey, Miss Meiling, can you shoot some danmaku in there? In that grassy field, I mean, not here in her room.
> "Just go, I'll be fine." Marisa says, speeding out of the room.
> Flandre chases after her.
> Meiling shoots a few colorful shots of danmaku into the distance. "Yes. Why?"
>Is mini-me still with us?
>If so, how is she reacting to all this?
> She is reacting similarly to you, and is staying close to you as well.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 21, 2016, 03:02:49 AM
>Well, I guess we have to take this kid to the village now...
>Wonder if mini-me has powers, and wonder if they're identical to our own...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 03:04:32 AM
> Honestly...I was wondering if this fusioning stopped all your powers, if maybe I could have fusioned with her so she could just play safely here with everyone in the grass. But I guess that's not how this works...
> Look to the boy and try to smile.
> "Hello, little boy. Would you like to go home?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 03:08:09 AM
>Well, I guess we have to take this kid to the village now...
>Wonder if mini-me has powers, and wonder if they're identical to our own...
> The clone seemed to warp the same time Koakuma tried it, so it may have powers.
> Honestly...I was wondering if this fusioning stopped all your powers, if maybe I could have fusioned with her so she could just play safely here with everyone in the grass. But I guess that's not how this works...
> Look to the boy and try to smile.
> "Hello, little boy. Would you like to go home?"
> You give a cheery smile at the boy.
> "P-Please don't hurt me! I just wanna go home!" The boy cries.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 21, 2016, 03:09:32 AM
>"Well hello there little boy, don't be shy! Step right up I'm a reasonable guy! Don't be frightened by the look in my eye, I'm just your average fairy fusion from outta the sky!" (

>"We won't hurt you. We're gonna take you home, okay?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 03:10:30 AM
> Beckon to the boy to come to us.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 03:13:48 AM
>"Well hello there little boy, don't be shy! Step right up I'm a reasonable guy! Don't be frightened by the look in my eye, I'm just your average fairy fusion from outta the sky!" (
//Sigh...At least it fits extremely well this time...
>"We won't hurt you. We're gonna take you home, okay?"
> Beckon to the boy to come to us.
> The boy scrambles over to you and holds his hands up towards you. You'll have to crouch down to pick him up.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 03:16:51 AM
> "Alley-oop!"
> Crouch down and lift the boy up, standing back up once we have him secure.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 21, 2016, 03:17:06 AM
>How young is he, about?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 03:20:47 AM
> "Alley-oop!"
> Crouch down and lift the boy up, standing back up once we have him secure.
> You lift the boy up, and he holds you tightly.
> You hit your head a bit on the ceiling.
>How young is he, about?
> The boy is probably still in the single digits...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 21, 2016, 03:21:50 AM
>"Don`t worry, i won`t let you go ! Now let`s go back to your home."
>Leave the room, mind our head when going out.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 21, 2016, 03:22:30 AM
>Crouch down and leave the room.

>Be casted as Gandalf in a Gensokyo adaptation of Lord of the Rings.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 03:28:46 AM
>Be casted as Gandalf in a Gensokyo adaptation of Lord of the Rings.
> You are not a gate guard, and therefore, missed the opportunity to exclaim a popular phrase... or are you technically?
>"Don`t worry, i won`t let you go ! Now let`s go back to your home."
>Leave the room, mind our head when going out.
>Crouch down and leave the room.
> You carefully leave the room. Marisa is still possibly being chased by Flandre. You can't see them, but you can hear them in one of the hallways. There's the occasional explosion.
> "Come on Marisa. You can't just run the whole time. You gotta do it too." you hear Flandre's voice.
> "L-Let's get going already please Miss fairy..." Koakuma says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 03:29:53 AM
> Right.
> Briskly make our way back to the first floor.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 21, 2016, 03:30:35 AM
>My name is Daiyousei, not Miss Fairy...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 03:36:15 AM
>My name is Daiyousei, not Miss Fairy...
> "I'm sorry Miss-" Koakuma jumps, then blushes. "D-Daiyousei."
> Right.
> Briskly make our way back to the first floor.
> You make your way to the stairs and reach the first floor.
> You spot Sakuya, heading towards your direction. Her blue eyes lock with your two-colored ones.
> "Crap!" Meiling says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 03:37:04 AM
I don't mind Miss Fairy, it makes us sound dignificated. :V

> Oh no! What do I do?!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 21, 2016, 03:40:50 AM
>Try not to panic internally.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 21, 2016, 03:43:48 AM
>Correction, try to have no one from our fusion panic internally.
>If we stay, she gets us, if we run, she`ll just freeze time and catch us, what now ?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 21, 2016, 03:45:53 AM
//Why don't we just tell the truth and say she has a bigger problem on her hands? (Flan running about with Marisa)
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 03:47:21 AM
Because we don't actually know what she wants yet.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 03:50:09 AM
> You let Meiling out, and she gets caught as you run for the exit. Right before you leave though, you're suddenly stopped by Sakuya.
> Betrayal End.

I don't mind Miss Fairy, it makes us sound dignificated. :V

> Oh no! What do I do?!
>Try not to panic internally.
>Correction, try to have no one from our fusion panic internally.
>If we stay, she gets us, if we run, she`ll just freeze time and catch us, what now ?
> "I don't know! She's not going to be happy with any of this." Meiling says.
> Sakuya looks you up and down.
> "You should've been guarding the gate Meiling. But seeing as you have a good reason, I'll let it slide this time." Sakuya bows. "Now, if you excuse me, the young mistress is making quite the racket, and will disturb the fairy maid's rest..." Sakuya walks past you and starts heading down the stairs.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 21, 2016, 03:52:34 AM
>Phew, looks like i REALLY am fairy Meiling now. Guess we just grazed a bullet.
>Let`s keep moving. go towards the entrance.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 21, 2016, 03:53:11 AM
>Well she recognized you rather quickly...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 03:53:29 AM
> Pause for a moment, then take on Meiling's voice, shift our grip on the boy so we're holding him with one arm, and offer up a salute with the other.
> "Thank you, Sakuya-san! Um, watch out for Marisa!"
> Continue on toward the entrance to the mansion.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 03:57:49 AM
>Phew, looks like i REALLY am fairy Meiling now. Guess we just grazed a bullet.
>Well she recognized you rather quickly...
> "S-She recognized me... I'm not sure whether to be glad or scared..." Meiling says.
> Pause for a moment, then take on Meiling's voice, shift our grip on the boy so we're holding him with one arm, and offer up a salute with the other.
> "Thank you, Sakuya-san! Um, watch out for Marisa!"
> You allow Meiling control of the body.
> "T-Thank you, Sakuya-san!" Meiling repeats your thought. "Um, watch out for Marisa!"
> Sakuya continues down the steps.
>Let`s keep moving. go towards the entrance.
> Continue on toward the entrance to the mansion.
> You head to the entrance of the mansion. The door was apparently re-closed, so you open it.
> Sanae is sitting with her feet in the lake, talking to Wakasagihime. Wakasagihime waves at you, and Sanae looks back and does the same.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 03:59:09 AM
> Jog over to them.
> "Hey, Miss Sanae, this is kind of sudden, but we kinda need to go to the Human Village immediately."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 04:03:14 AM
> Jog over to them.
> "Hey, Miss Sanae, this is kind of sudden, but we kinda need to go to the Human Village immediately."
> Sanae looks at the boy. "Oh. Let's go then. Sorry, but I have to go Wakasagihime."
> "It's okay. Don't forget to treat Kogasa right." Wakasagihime says.
> Sanae blushes, then grabs onto your leg. "L-Let's just go like this, it's quicker. I won't look up your dress."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 04:05:21 AM
> Hey, Miss Meiling, did you say what I thought just because I thought it, or because it's what you would normally say?
> Look to Wakasagihime.
> "You know, if you two were talking, you could come too..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 04:08:29 AM
> Hey, Miss Meiling, did you say what I thought just because I thought it, or because it's what you would normally say?
> "I didn't know what to say. I thought for sure Sakuya would've gotten angry." Meiling says. "By the way, is it alright for me to leave the fusion now?"
> Look to Wakasagihime.
> "You know, if you two were talking, you could come too..."
> "I'd like to come along..." Wakasagihime looks away.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 04:11:24 AM
> Um, the only way I know how to do that so far would take a while...sorry...
> "Ride-along or fuse-along?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 04:17:41 AM
> Um, the only way I know how to do that so far would take a while...sorry...
> "Ride-along or fuse-along?"
> "Hm..." Meiling thinks, then she closes her eyes.
> Meiling's life force seemingly separates from your chest, and radiates out of your body. You get a sort of... aura? around your body for a second, before it forms into Meiling herself. She looks as she did before fusing with you.
> "Huh... It worked." Meiling says.
> The garden transforms back into a featureless void, and you lose the traits that made you resemble Meiling. The clone loses it's respective traits as well.
> "Uh, ride please." Wakasagihime answers.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 04:24:18 AM
> How full do we feel now?
> Look at Meiling with a sad frown.
> "Aww...I was hoping we could stay together a little while longer, too..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 04:28:15 AM
> How full do we feel now?
> A lot of space has been emptied. You could probably return to a bit bigger than your regular size. About as tall as Meiling.
> Look at Meiling with a sad frown.
> "Aww...I was hoping we could stay together a little while longer, too..."
> "Sorry Daiyousei. It was nice while it lasted though." Meiling smiles.
> Wakasagihime holds her hands up towards your clone.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 04:31:24 AM
> "Maybe again some day! But yeah, I gotta go. Hold on tight, passengers!"
> Grow to double our current height, then, maintaining a grip on the boy with one hand and arm, reach down and lift up Wakasagihime and secure her with the other.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 21, 2016, 04:37:13 AM
>Is mini-me growing with us?
>If not, don't forget her!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 04:39:04 AM
> "Maybe again some day! But yeah, I gotta go. Hold on tight, passengers!"
> Grow to double our current height, then, maintaining a grip on the boy with one hand and arm, reach down and lift up Wakasagihime and secure her with the other.
> You grow to a larger height and lift Wakasagihime up with your other hand. As usual, her tail feels very smooth.
>Is mini-me growing with us?
>If not, don't forget her!
> The clone has grown to a larger height a few seconds after you did, but not your height. You could try to make it grow to your height if you wanted.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 04:40:03 AM
> "All right, see ya later, Meiling! Three, two, one, blastoff!"
> Take flight and head to the Human Village.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 04:54:57 AM
> "All right, see ya later, Meiling! Three, two, one, blastoff!"
> Take flight and head to the Human Village.
> You start off to the Human Village.
> When you land inside the village, the boy starts to tug on your dress.
> "Thank you a lot Miss. Can you let me down?" He asks.
> A few adults' eyes fall upon you, and they start whispering to each other.
> "Oh!" Rumia says to you. "I was supposed to not leave the mansion!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 21, 2016, 04:57:00 AM
>Oh, well... Um... Technically when you're fused with me, you're not technically Rumia anymore... SO therefore you technically didn't leave the mansion, Daiyousei did... So I guess it's... okay....?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 04:57:21 AM
> Besides, Miss Meiling didn't say anything about it when she left. I'm sure it isn't a big deal.
> Set the boy down gently.
> "Here you go, little guy!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 05:02:20 AM
>Oh, well... Um... Technically when you're fused with me, you're not technically Rumia anymore... SO therefore you technically didn't leave the mansion, Daiyousei did... So I guess it's... okay....?
> Besides, Miss Meiling didn't say anything about it when she left. I'm sure it isn't a big deal.
> "Okay." Rumia says.
> Set the boy down gently.
> "Here you go, little guy!"
> You set the kid down, and he runs off to one of the adults. They walk him to a house, and knock on the door. A light turns on in the house.
> "Was he one of the kidnapped humans?" Wakasagihime asks.
> "I think so." Sanae answers. "Reimu talked a bit about it. What about the others?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 05:04:38 AM
> "Um..."
> Look away.
> "Don't worry about them."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 05:12:50 AM
> "Um..."
> Look away.
> "Don't worry about them."
> "Oh..."
> The boy returns, holding hands with a woman. The two of them walk to you.
> "Thank you for finding my nephew. I thought that when my sister had gotten lost too, that there was no hope. Poor decisions were almost made, haha. ... I would like to know... did you find my sister? She had short black hair, kinda like this," she ruffles the kids hair, and he smiles a bit. "and she had on this one necklace, and it went very lovely with her."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 21, 2016, 05:14:44 AM
>Does this description match any of the mangled corpses we saw?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 05:17:38 AM
> "I, um...I didn't see anyone else, but I kinda didn't look too hard. I came here with him as soon as I found him."
> Look to Sanae, then back to the woman.
> "I kinda need to bring Miss Sanae home, too, but I could go back and look some more after that."

Even if it is one of the corpses, I'd rather say this than say what actually happened.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 05:20:08 AM
>Does this description match any of the mangled corpses we saw?
> You don't think so. There wasn't much left to identify.
> "I, um...I didn't see anyone else, but I kinda didn't look too hard. I came here with him as soon as I found him."
> Look to Sanae, then back to the woman.
> "I kinda need to bring Miss Sanae home, too, but I could go back and look some more after that."
> "That's...alright. I still want to thank you for saving my nephew. What is your name Miss?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 05:21:56 AM
> "Oh, I'm Daiyousei. You're welcome, Miss!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 05:24:08 AM
> "Oh, I'm Daiyousei. You're welcome, Miss!"
> The woman starts to walk back to the house with the boy.
> "Wow...You're a really nice fairy Daiyousei..." Koakuma says.
> "So, are Sanae and I going home now?" Kogasa asks.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 05:25:45 AM
> Aww, you want to leave too? Man...
> Look to Sanae and Waka.
> "You two ready?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 05:26:59 AM
> Aww, you want to leave too? Man...
> Look to Sanae and Waka.
> "You two ready?"
> They both nod. Your clone does as well.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 05:28:06 AM
> What if we could find a way to fusion with Miss Sanae? Would you stay then?
> "Okay, let's go."
> Take flight and head to the Moriya Shrine.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 05:31:11 AM
> What if we could find a way to fusion with Miss Sanae? Would you stay then?
> "Fusion...with Sanae..." Kogasa's face gets bright red, and she gives the most unnoticeable nod ever. You swear she only just lifted her head a bit.
> "Okay, let's go."
> Take flight and head to the Moriya Shrine.
> You continue your path and fly to the Moriya Shrine. There is no one outside.
> Sanae hops off your leg. "Thank you Daiyousei. And you did good back there."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 05:33:12 AM
> "You're welcome!"
> Lower our voice.
> " remember that thing I asked about the tall lady and the hat lady?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 05:37:10 AM
> "You're welcome!"
> Lower our voice.
> " remember that thing I asked about the tall lady and the hat lady?"
> "Hm? What thing?" Sanae asks.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 05:40:39 AM
> "The...if they would fusion thing."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 21, 2016, 05:42:10 AM
//I guess we're waiting another day to get the magic box?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 05:43:24 AM
> "The...if they would fusion thing."
> "Oh. Now that I think about it, even if they agreed, there probably would be no way for you to do it. You went out from trying to contain too much with me, right? Well, They're both Goddesses, so they must have an enormous amount of energy each."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 05:45:28 AM
We can ask about it if one of them shows up.

> "Oh, huh...well, actually, Miss Meiling was a lot of energy too, but I found that if I grow big enough I can do it!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 05:47:52 AM
We can ask about it if one of them shows up.

> "Oh, huh...well, actually, Miss Meiling was a lot of energy too, but I found that if I grow big enough I can do it!"
> "There wouldn't be much to do at such a large size with both of them though. Anyways, I'll be going to bed now. Please take ca-Oh! Wait. Is Kogasa still with you?" Sanae asks.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 05:48:41 AM
> "Aww, come on! You still owe me for the butt thing."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 05:51:47 AM
> "Aww, come on! You still owe me for the butt thing."
> "Please stop mentioning it..." Wriggle says.
> "I couldn't do it anyways..." Sanae says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 05:52:52 AM
> "Then someone else can take your place."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 05:54:24 AM
> "Then someone else can take your place."
> "What do you mean?" Sanae asks.
> "Could we try Sanae's way?" Kogasa asks. "She asked if it would work if she did it, right? That would let me fusion with her, if it works..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 05:58:39 AM
> Huh...hey, that's a good idea! Maybe if you fusioned with her, I could fusion with both of you after that. Let's try it!
> "Hold on, Kogasa just had an idea. Take my hand. I'm gonna see if I can send her to you."
> Hold out an empty non-mermaid hand to Sanae. When she touches it, focus on Kogasa's life energy, and try to send it into Sanae.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 06:07:23 AM
> Huh...hey, that's a good idea! Maybe if you fusioned with her, I could fusion with both of you after that. Let's try it!
> "Hold on, Kogasa just had an idea. Take my hand. I'm gonna see if I can send her to you."
> Hold out an empty non-mermaid hand to Sanae. When she touches it, focus on Kogasa's life energy, and try to send it into Sanae.
> You try to send Kogasa's life energy into Sanae's hands, as if Kogasa was an ability you used her magic to use on Sanae, and it seems to be working. You're getting used to this.
> Your features such as your dual colored eyes vanish, and Sanae adopts them. Her hair color becomes more like Kogasa's as well.
> "It worked..." Sanae says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 06:08:52 AM
> "Wow, you look neat! How's it feel?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 21, 2016, 06:09:16 AM
>"So... Does this make you Kogasanae?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 06:17:34 AM
> "Wow, you look neat! How's it feel?"
>"So... Does this make you Kogasanae?"
> "I feel a bit stronger. And I can hear what Kogasa's thinking, and she can hear what I'm thinking... just a bit."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 06:21:36 AM
> Nod.
> "Sounds about right. But now that you're fusioned with someone I've been fusioned with, it might work if you tried to send your energy into me now."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 06:23:47 AM
> Nod.
> "Sounds about right. But now that you're fusioned with someone I've been fusioned with, it might work if you tried to send your energy into me now."
> "Send my energy into you. Okay, I'll try again." Sanae holds out her hands.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 06:24:47 AM
> Take Sanae's hands and be ready to receive energy.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 06:32:59 AM
> Take Sanae's hands and be ready to receive energy.
> You grasp Sanae's hands. You receive no energy. Sometimes, Kogasa's starts to flow through, but it returns every time.
> After about a minute of trying, you start to feel Sanae's energy flow into you. Sanae starts to vanish. Before most of it goes however, Sanae's eyes widen. The energy goes back to Sanae as she abruptly lets go of your hands and takes a very large breath.
> "Oh my-..." Sanae breathes heavily and holds her chest with one hand.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 06:36:21 AM
> Frown worriedly.
> "You okay?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 06:38:57 AM
> Frown worriedly.
> "You okay?"
> "I think so...It felt like my heart almost stopped..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 06:40:22 AM
> "Wow...that sounds pretty scary. It was definitely working, though, 'cause I could feel your energy flowing, and you started to vanish...I wonder if we should ask your goddesses about this. Or maybe you could ask Kogasa what it was like."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 01:15:32 PM
> "Wow...that sounds pretty scary. It was definitely working, though, 'cause I could feel your energy flowing, and you started to vanish...I wonder if we should ask your goddesses about this. Or maybe you could ask Kogasa what it was like."
> "I'll think about whether or not to pursue it overnight." Sanae says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 01:30:49 PM
> If we were to return to the SDM from here, would Alice's house be on the way, or at least not too far out of the way?
> "Aww..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Nefer007 on April 21, 2016, 01:50:50 PM
> We... should probably drop off Rumia soon.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 01:59:19 PM
> Eh, Meiling didn't object to us leaving with her, and Sakuya had to have seen the ribbon. She'll be fine with us.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 02:01:10 PM
> If we were to return to the SDM from here, would Alice's house be on the way, or at least not too far out of the way?
> "Aww..."
> It's fairly close to the lake and isn't too far out of the way to stop by.
> "Sorry Daiyousei. Goodnight." Sanae waves.
> We... should probably drop off Rumia soon.
> Eh, Meiling didn't object to us leaving with her, and Sakuya had to have seen the ribbon. She'll be fine with us.
> You decide that it's fine for Rumia to stay out with you a while longer.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 21, 2016, 02:03:24 PM
> Wave with our free arm.
> "Good night! Have fun being one peoples!"
> Take flight and head to Alice's house.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 02:15:55 PM
> Wave with our free arm.
> "Good night! Have fun being one peoples!"
> Take flight and head to Alice's house.
> Sanae laughs a bit as you leave.
> You make your way to the Forest of Magic. A bit further along, you can see Marisa flying back home.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 02:16:54 PM
> Oh good, she made it out!
> Fly on over to her instead.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 02:29:34 PM
> Oh good, she made it out!
> Fly on over to her instead.
> You fly over to Marisa and accompany her on her flight.
> "Oh, Daiyousei." Marisa looks to you. She's got a few bandages on her face, and she's flying much slower than she normally does. "Sakuya kinda took over, hehe..." Marisa half-laughs.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 21, 2016, 02:32:42 PM
> "Wow, you look roughed up. I got something that might you feel better, though! I learned how to fusion other people, and now Kogasa and Miss Sanae are one peoples! I could do the same for you and Miss Alice if you want!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 21, 2016, 02:34:02 PM
>"Does Flandre always overdo it like that ? Why doesn`t anyone try to teach her how to take it easier ?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 02:39:14 PM
>"Does Flandre always overdo it like that ? Why doesn`t anyone try to teach her how to take it easier ?"
> "Right. I should talk to them about that..."
> "Wow, you look roughed up. I got something that might you feel better, though! I learned how to fusion other people, and now Kogasa and Miss Sanae are one peoples! I could do the same for you and Miss Alice if you want!"
> Marisa looks very surprised for a second. "Uh, I'd rather not have Alice know what I'm thinking. B-Because she'll worry about me from tonight. I'll just get some sleep alone."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 21, 2016, 02:41:01 PM
> Look a little crestfallen.
> "Oh. Okay."
> "Hey, um, did you happen to see a necklace in that room? I guess the boy's mom was also...y'know, and his aunt asked about her. I thought I should at least get the necklace back for them."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 02:47:22 PM
> Look a little crestfallen.
> "Oh. Okay."
> "Hey, um, did you happen to see a necklace in that room? I guess the boy's mom was also...y'know, and his aunt asked about her. I thought I should at least get the necklace back for them."
> "No, sorry. It was a bit too dark to see much, and I wasn't in there long before I tried to lead Flandre somewhere else."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 21, 2016, 02:54:28 PM
> "Shoot. I'll ask Miss Meiling to get it back for me, then."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 02:56:44 PM
> "Shoot. I'll ask Miss Meiling to get it back for me, then."
> Marisa nods.
> Alice's house is just ahead, and it doesn't appear that she's outside.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 21, 2016, 02:58:18 PM
>"So Flandre is that Vampire Lady`s sister right ? Then does that mean the Vampire Lady is just as strong as her ?"
>Land at the house`s entrance and knock.
>"Hello ? We`re back !"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 21, 2016, 03:02:48 PM
> Wait, don't land or knock yet.

I only came here for the MariAri fusion thing; if that's not going to happen, then I'm ready to deposit Waggyswaggy and head home. If there's something you want to do here with Alice, though, go ahead and land and knock again. I just want to be sure we don't bother her for no reason.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 21, 2016, 03:17:37 PM
Well, i was going to ask if Alice herself would try it, but maybe later.

>We`ll just land to say our farewells then.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 03:53:07 PM
>"So Flandre is that Vampire Lady`s sister right ? Then does that mean the Vampire Lady is just as strong as her ?"
> "Remilia's pretty strong, but not as much as her sister. Especially since she never holds back when it's me.." Marisa says.
>Land at the house`s entrance and knock.
>"Hello ? We`re back !"
Well, i was going to ask if Alice herself would try it, but maybe later.

>We`ll just land to say our farewells then.
> You and your clone land in front of Alice's house and knock on the door. There's no response.
> Marisa continues flying towards her house.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 03:54:28 PM
> Must be out or asleep. Oh well.
> Chase after Marisa! We're not quite done with her yet.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 03:58:37 PM
> Must be out or asleep. Oh well.
> Chase after Marisa! We're not quite done with her yet.
> You catch Marisa before she opens her door.
> "What is it?" She asks.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 04:04:47 PM
> "Um, don't forget that we still wanna fight you. Not tonight, you're too beat up, and that's no fun. But some time soon. And I think we should make a wager on it."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 04:07:33 PM
> "Um, don't forget that we still wanna fight you. Not tonight, you're too beat up, and that's no fun. But some time soon. And I think we should make a wager on it."
> "...I'm fine with that." Marisa says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 21, 2016, 04:11:09 PM
>"Okay ! Now have a good night ! And eat your veggies and brush your teeth and don't eat mangos and drink milk before sleep !"
>Take off towards..... where ? Oh right ! The lake.
>Fly to the lake with Wakasagihime.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 21, 2016, 04:13:26 PM
> Before leaving:
> "Awright! In that case, if we win, you have to fusion with us! And I started to do it with Miss Sanae before she pulled out, so no telling me it won't work!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 04:19:41 PM
> Before leaving:
> "Awright! In that case, if we win, you have to fusion with us! And I started to do it with Miss Sanae before she pulled out, so no telling me it won't work!"
> "Sure. I'll think of something I want when I win though." Marisa opens her door.
>"Okay ! Now have a good night ! And eat your veggies and brush your teeth and don't eat mangos and drink milk before
> Marisa just enters her house and closes the door.
>Take off towards..... where ? Oh right ! The lake.
>Fly to the lake with Wakasagihime.
> You fly off to the lake with Wakasagihime.
> Meiling is asleep at the gate.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 21, 2016, 04:20:47 PM
Oh good, I was hoping Meiling would konk again.

> Look to Waggyswag.
> "Ready to go back?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 04:24:11 PM
Oh good, I was hoping Meiling would konk again.

> Look to Waggyswag.
> "Ready to go back?"
> "Yeah. I didn't expect a fairy to wind up saving a human child, but I guess that's because it's you." Wakasagihime's says. "A bit surprised you challenged Marisa to a fight though."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 21, 2016, 04:29:24 PM
> Grin.
> "Oh, Marisa's great and all, but we have honor to uphold and a reputation to maintain."
> Tell 'er, Cirno.
> Let Cirno have temporary control over our body.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 04:41:15 PM
> Grin.
> "Oh, Marisa's great and all, but we have honor to uphold and a reputation to maintain."
> Tell 'er, Cirno.
> Let Cirno have temporary control over our body.
> "We're the strongest fairy ever!" Cirno says. "Well uh, not with Kogasa and the others, but we're still the strongest!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 04:45:00 PM
> "See?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 04:47:31 PM
> "See?"
> "Okay." Wakasagihime nods.
> "Uh..." The mermaid starts. "You can let me down now."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 05:03:07 PM
> "Yep! Here you go."
> Gently lower Waggyswaggy into the water.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 05:06:57 PM
> "Yep! Here you go."
> Gently lower Waggyswaggy into the water.
> "Thanks Daiyousei." Wakasagihime says as you lower her into the lake.
> "Miss Rumia is next, right?" Koakuma asks.
> "Wriggle and I could probably fly home from here if you let us go." Mystia says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 21, 2016, 05:10:18 PM
> Sure. We gotta let Rumia out inside, though, so we don't break the rules. So Mystia and Wriggle can go first. I hope we can all do this again soon! Especially when it comes time to beat Marisa.
> Let Mystia and Wriggle go free.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 05:18:32 PM
> Sure. We gotta let Rumia out inside, though, so we don't break the rules. So Mystia and Wriggle can go first. I hope we can all do this again soon! Especially when it comes time to beat Marisa.
> Let Mystia and Wriggle go free.
> "Right." They say.
> You try to let Mystia and Wriggle out. Based on what Meiling did, she removed her energy from your body, so you try that with these two.
> You let their energy leave through your hands, and Mystia and Wriggle appear. You lose your respective traits.
> "G-Good, we can separate..." Mystia says.
> The two of them start to fly off.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 21, 2016, 05:21:39 PM
> Wave to them as they leave, then return ourselves to our normal size (or at least as close as we can get to our normal size without blowing ourselves up).
> Float over to Meiling and touch her very gently, putting the palm of our hand on her hand or arm or other exposed skin. Our goal should be to not wake her up while doing this.
> See if we can feel Meiling's energy through touching her. We might have an affinity for her in particular, since we've been practicing and we fusioned with her once before.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 21, 2016, 05:25:34 PM
What are we trying to accomplish here ? Do you actually want to integrate or absorb Meiling into us or fuse again or just study something ? ???
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 05:27:26 PM
The latter to see if the former is possible. This'll teach Meiling to ditch us for a job and then fall asleep at it.

EDIT: Also, if this succeeds, it'll be useful for notes for Koa.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 05:37:12 PM
> Wave to them as they leave, then return ourselves to our normal size (or at least as close as we can get to our normal size without blowing ourselves up).
> You wave to the two as they leave. It's just you, Cirno, Lily, Rumia, and Koakuma now.
> You return to your regular size without much trouble.
> Float over to Meiling and touch her very gently, putting the palm of our hand on her hand or arm or other exposed skin. Our goal should be to not wake her up while doing this.
> See if we can feel Meiling's energy through touching her. We might have an affinity for her in particular, since we've been practicing and we fusioned with her once before.
> You place your hand on Meiling's arm, being careful not to disturb her.
> You can feel Meiling's energy indeed. There is a lot of it, as usual.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 05:38:53 PM
> Recall the feel of her energy and how we pulled it over before. Remember how we integrated her into our own magic system, what that felt like for us. Focus on these things, and try to siphon a little bit of Meiling's energy into ourselves.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 05:48:22 PM
> Recall the feel of her energy and how we pulled it over before. Remember how we integrated her into our own magic system, what that felt like for us. Focus on these things, and try to siphon a little bit of Meiling's energy into ourselves.
> You try to pull a bit of Meiling's energy into you. None of it seems affected by your attempts.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 05:56:34 PM
> Flow a little bit of our own energy into Meiling (not so much that we get fusioned to her!). Once it is inside, try to grab a hold on Meiling's energy using our own energy and knowledge of how to grab onto Meiling's energy from before.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 06:02:57 PM
> Flow a little bit of our own energy into Meiling (not so much that we get fusioned to her!). Once it is inside, try to grab a hold on Meiling's energy using our own energy and knowledge of how to grab onto Meiling's energy from before.
> You send a bit of your energy into meiling and try to grab onto Meiling's. You mentally grab onto it, as planned.
> Meiling's eyes start to open a bit.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 06:04:50 PM
> Ah! Let go and pull our own energy back into ourselves!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 06:07:30 PM
> Ah! Let go and pull our own energy back into ourselves!
> You quickly regain your energy as Meiling opens her eyes.
> "Huh? Daiyousei? You're here again?" Meiling looks up into the sky. "It's still nighttime."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 06:08:25 PM
> "Uh-huh. I gotta put Rumia back inside, don't I?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 06:14:46 PM
> "Uh-huh. I gotta put Rumia back inside, don't I?"
> "Oh, okay. Go on then." Meiling says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 06:16:47 PM
> "Thanks!"
> Head on inside and go upstairs to Rumia's room, being sure not to open or close any doors too loudly along the way.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 06:20:53 PM
> "Thanks!"
> Head on inside and go upstairs to Rumia's room, being sure not to open or close any doors too loudly along the way.
> You open the doors and head back up to Rumia's door without troubles.
> "Take care Miss Rumia." Koakuma says. "Don't get into trouble."
> "I won't." Rumia says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 21, 2016, 06:22:49 PM
> See ya later, Rumia! Be sure to let us know when you're allowed to leave again.
> Set Rumia free.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 06:25:02 PM
> See ya later, Rumia! Be sure to let us know when you're allowed to leave again.
> Set Rumia free.
> You repeat the process you did with Wriggle and Mystia, releasing Rumia's energy.
> "I will." Rumia enters her room door and closes it behind her.
> it's just you, Cirno, Lily, and Koakuma now.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 06:27:15 PM
> Quietly head back out to the gate where Meiling is.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 06:30:09 PM
> Quietly head back out to the gate where Meiling is.
> You make your way back to the gate, closing the mansion doors quietly.
> Meiling is still here, and she's awake at the moment.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 21, 2016, 06:35:45 PM
>"Miss Meiling, how can you sleep so easily like this ? And isn`t sleeping too much bad for you ? I mean, Miss Marisa went right through before and you didn`t even flinch."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 06:41:16 PM
>"Miss Meiling, how can you sleep so easily like this ? And isn`t sleeping too much bad for you ? I mean, Miss Marisa went right through before and you didn`t even flinch."
> "Sleep is important to replenish strength you know." Meiling says. "You should get some soon too."
> "But I'm too excited about fighting Marisa." Cirno says.
> "I could go to sleep soon I guess." Lily says.
> "I'll just stick with you, like Lady Patchouli told me to..." Koakuma says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 21, 2016, 06:42:29 PM
>Where is mini-me?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 06:45:26 PM
So I'm interested in coming back here in an hour or two after Cirno and Lily have gone home to see if we can actually take Meiling in without waking her up. I have a number of ideas for experimenting with Koa to use to pass the time.

> Oh yeah...Cirno, Lily, will you want to split off and head home soon?
> "Maybe..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 06:47:49 PM
>Where is mini-me?
> She has still been following you the entire time. Right now, she is standing next to you speak to Meiling.
So I'm interested in coming back here in an hour or two after Cirno and Lily have gone home to see if we can actually take Meiling in without waking her up. I have a number of ideas for experimenting with Koa to use to pass the time.

> Oh yeah...Cirno, Lily, will you want to split off and head home soon?
> "Maybe..."
> "Yeah." Lily says.
> "I wanna fight Marisa already though. She should hurry up and recover." Cirno says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 21, 2016, 06:49:39 PM
>Make a mental note to ask about Nitwithowever and the magic box tomorrow because we forgot to do so today.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 06:52:53 PM
> I know, Cirno, but there's nothing we can do. Beating her up now wouldn't prove anything, so all we can do is wait. Besides, the sooner you go to sleep, the sooner she'll get better, right?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 06:54:21 PM
>Make a mental note to ask about Nitwithowever and the magic box tomorrow because we forgot to do so today.
> You think about asking about the magic picture box again. Tomorrow for sure!
> I know, Cirno, but there's nothing we can do. Beating her up now wouldn't prove anything, so all we can do is wait. Besides, the sooner you go to sleep, the sooner she'll get better, right?
> "Oh! Okay." Cirno says,
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 06:58:38 PM
> Okay. One last thing here, and then we'll head home and you two can split off.
> "Oh yeah. Miss Meiling, if anyone finds a necklace from one of the...y'know, can you get it and give it to me? I guess it belonged to the boy's mother, and I think it would be nice to give it back to them, at least."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 07:00:43 PM
> Okay. One last thing here, and then we'll head home and you two can split off.
> "Oh yeah. Miss Meiling, if anyone finds a necklace from one of the...y'know, can you get it and give it to me? I guess it belonged to the boy's mother, and I think it would be nice to give it back to them, at least."
> "Okay, I'll look out for it." Meiling says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 21, 2016, 07:03:10 PM
> Nod.
> "Thanks. Have a good night!"
> Take flight and head back home.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 21, 2016, 07:04:44 PM
>"Take care Miss Meiling ! Don`t let them cut your pay !"
>Pet our Mini-Daiyousei while flying away, also give it our doll for it to hold.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 07:08:55 PM
> Nod.
> "Thanks. Have a good night!"
>"Take care Miss Meiling ! Don`t let them cut your pay !"
> "I'll try." Meiling says.
> Take flight and head back home.
>Pet our Mini-Daiyousei while flying away, also give it our doll for it to hold.
> You start flying to your house and pet the clone along the way. Your house is nearby, so you reach it easily.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 07:10:44 PM
> Let Cirno and Lily free.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 07:17:53 PM
> Let Cirno and Lily free.
> You repeat the process again, letting Cirno and Lily out. Your features become a slight mix of just yours and Koakuma's.
> Lily flies off again.
> "Goodnight Dai-chan. We'll rely beat Marisa tomorrow!" Cirno says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 21, 2016, 07:19:11 PM
>"Bye Cirno-chan!"
>So I guess it's just you and me, eh Koa?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 21, 2016, 07:21:49 PM
>We`re sort of going to sleep together. I guess ?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 21, 2016, 07:25:53 PM
>Wonder if Koakuma can experience our dreams or vice-versa
>Wonder what happens if one of us has a nightmare....
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 21, 2016, 07:28:31 PM
> Ehehe, the big fairy and the little devil stuck together for a while! But don't worry, I won't do anything to hurt you or stuff. ...At least, not intentionally.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 21, 2016, 07:29:35 PM
>Say, how did you end up working for Miss Patchouli ?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 07:33:19 PM
>"Bye Cirno-chan!"
> Cirno flies off to her igloo and enters it.
>So I guess it's just you and me, eh Koa?
>We`re sort of going to sleep together. I guess ?
> Ehehe, the big fairy and the little devil stuck together for a while! But don't worry, I won't do anything to hurt you or stuff. ...At least, not intentionally.
> "Uhehe, yeah." Koakuma laughs. "You seem to like the ice fairy a lot, huh. Are you guys... Ya know...?"
>Wonder if Koakuma can experience our dreams or vice-versa
>Wonder what happens if one of us has a nightmare....
> You could probably test these theories tonight...
>Say, how did you end up working for Miss Patchouli ?
> "She sorta summoned me... There's more to it, but..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 21, 2016, 07:35:56 PM
> Oh yeah, we're best friends! Though she kinda forgot who I was for a while until I made her remember yesterday. But that's all settled now!
> Enter our house.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 07:37:28 PM
> Oh yeah, we're best friends! Though she kinda forgot who I was for a while until I made her remember yesterday. But that's all settled now!
> Enter our house.
> "Oh, so you're just friends?"
> You enter your house. It's as it always is, now with the new table of course.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 21, 2016, 07:41:36 PM
>Yea ! Lily thought we were a couple, but it`s not like that, although Cirno-chan is a pretty nice person....
>So this is my house ! It`s not much, but we have a new table now thanks to Miss Sanae.
>Do we have any pajamas to wear ?

Accidentally posted mid-writing. :V
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 21, 2016, 07:49:08 PM
> What can you tell me about yourself?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 07:56:46 PM
>Yea ! Lily thought we were a couple, but it`s not like that, although Cirno-chan is a pretty nice person....
Accidentally posted mid-writing. :V
> "Ah..."
>So this is my house ! It`s not much, but we have a new table now thanks to Miss Sanae.
> "It looks nice." Koakuma says.
>Do we have any pajamas to wear ?
> There should be some in the pile...
> What can you tell me about yourself?
> "There's not much to me... I live with Patchouli, and work for her and sometimes Sakuya. You've already seen my ability..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 21, 2016, 08:01:23 PM
> Do we have bat wings on our head?
> Thanks!
> Your ability is the little clone, then, right?
> And what about what you like to do for fun? You can't spend all day every day dealing with books, can you?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 08:14:30 PM
> Do we have bat wings on our head?
> Thanks!
> Your ability is the little clone, then, right?
> You do. They're tiny. Your normal wings also look a bit bat-like, and your hair's longer but you didn't ask for all of this.
> "Yes. I can control it and myself independently or together."
> And what about what you like to do for fun? You can't spend all day every day dealing with books, can you?
> "Sometimes I read some books. I don't really get to do much else. Today was nice though, even if it was short...Daiyousei."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 21, 2016, 08:17:15 PM
> Hey, thanks! I've had a lot of fun today too, and I'm glad you were around for at least some of it. Hopefully we can do this more often!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 08:22:11 PM
> Hey, thanks! I've had a lot of fun today too, and I'm glad you were around for at least some of it. Hopefully we can do this more often!
> "Yeah! I hope so too."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 08:28:49 PM
> So what can you tell me about how the fusion feels on your end while it's happening? When I was pulling your energy into myself, you just kind of gradually vanished. How did it feel for you?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 08:34:57 PM
> So what can you tell me about how the fusion feels on your end while it's happening? When I was pulling your energy into myself, you just kind of gradually vanished. How did it feel for you?
> "I guess it was like I was...out of energy. Like I couldn't use any magic anymore, then when it finished, I felt much better."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 08:45:10 PM
> Was it painful at all?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 08:48:19 PM
> Was it painful at all?
> "Uh, not really. Why do you ask?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 08:56:43 PM
> Well, it wouldn't be good if it hurt!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 21, 2016, 09:15:13 PM
>Let`s take one pajama and change onto it then.
>Just tell me if you feel something painful.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 11:15:19 PM
> Well, it wouldn't be good if it hurt!
>Let`s take one pajama and change onto it then.
>Just tell me if you feel something painful.
> "Okay."
> You find a pair of pajamas in the pile. They're light blue, and don't have a pattern on them. Just basic, yet comfy nightwear.
> You start to undress when Koakuma interrupts.
> "U-Uh. A-Are you just going to, u-um...... e-even though I'm here?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 21, 2016, 11:17:41 PM
>W-Well um... Y-You can close your... um... eyes... or whatever you have in thoughtspace, right...?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 11:19:25 PM
> Well, I'm not allowed to let you leave, right? So I gotta-oh, wait, no. I wanna go back out again in a bit, so I shouldn't do this yet.
> Get back properly dressed.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 11:25:12 PM
>W-Well um... Y-You can close your... um... eyes... or whatever you have in thoughtspace, right...?
> Koakuma stays silent.
> Well, I'm not allowed to let you leave, right? So I gotta-oh, wait, no. I wanna go back out again in a bit, so I shouldn't do this yet.
> Get back properly dressed.
> You stop before taking off any clothes and keep on your regular ones for the moment.
> "What is it?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 11:31:16 PM
> You saw me trying not to wake Meiling, right? I wanted to see if I could fuse with her without waking her up. But she's awake now, so I gotta wait for a while.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 11:33:05 PM
> You saw me trying not to wake Meiling, right? I wanted to see if I could fuse with her without waking her up. But she's awake now, so I gotta wait for a while.
> "Oh. Alright."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 11:35:09 PM
> While we're talking about that, how heavy a sleeper is Patchouli, and who else there would be asleep right now?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 11:38:55 PM
> While we're talking about that, how heavy a sleeper is Patchouli, and who else there would be asleep right now?
> "Um, Miss Patchouli's sleep patterns are strange. She sleeps when she feels like it... I think only most of the fairy maids would be asleep by now..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 11:42:15 PM
> Aww, that's a shame. Oh well. Anyway, are you okay to experimentate some stuff?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 11:44:34 PM
> Aww, that's a shame. Oh well. Anyway, are you okay to experimentate some stuff?
> "I don't know. Miss Meiling might be upset with me... Or are we doing something else?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 11:45:42 PM
> Oh, no, somethings else. Leave Miss Meiling to me!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 11:46:38 PM
> Oh, no, somethings else. Leave Miss Meiling to me!
> "If you say so Daiyousei."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 11:54:56 PM
> Okay. First, why don't you try doing some stuff? Moving around, talking, that sort of thing.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 21, 2016, 11:55:55 PM
>Check on Mini-me
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 21, 2016, 11:58:03 PM
> Okay. First, why don't you try doing some stuff? Moving around, talking, that sort of thing.
> "Using your body?"
>Check on Mini-me
> You check on the miniature version of yourself. With less features, it resembles you more, and it looks more adorable.
> It's currently sitting down at the table, waiting.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2016, 11:59:37 PM
> Yep!
> Allow Koakuma control of our body.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 12:05:29 AM
> Yep!
> Allow Koakuma control of our body.
> "You already lent me control back in the library, but I guess I'll look into this more..." Koakuma starts to move her fingers and hand first, before flapping the wings a bit. She floats up off the ground some, careful not to touch the ceiling. Koakuma then feels her chest.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 22, 2016, 12:07:34 AM
>Don`t become a tomato.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: AzyWng on April 22, 2016, 12:08:44 AM
>Don`t become a tomato.
I don't know that one...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 22, 2016, 12:10:29 AM
I don't know that one...

What do you mean ? Is it the Tomato thing ? It`s just another way of saying: "Don`t blush too much."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 12:11:50 AM
>Don`t become a tomato.
> You keep yourself from blushing.
> Koakuma blushes. "S-Sorry. I forgot you were here. I mean, I knew you were there but... uh... I'm just sorry."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 12:15:43 AM
> It''s okay. I guess I did tell you to do whatever.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 12:22:48 AM
> It''s okay. I guess I did tell you to do whatever.
> She's not mad? "Uh, I'm not sure the thing you tried on Meiling will work... She woke up before, right? What if she wakes up again?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 12:24:20 AM
> Then I just gotta be stealther. And no, I'm not mad. Not to brag, but they are pretty nice, heh heh.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 22, 2016, 12:25:47 AM
Showoff >_>

>Well then, we`d better get going, right ?
>"Hey, Mini-Dai-chan, let`s go !"
>Prepare to leave.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 12:28:51 AM
> Don't prepare to leave yet.

I doubt Meiling is asleep yet, and there's still several things I want to experiment with.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 12:29:54 AM
> Then I just gotta be stealther. And no, I'm not mad. Not to brag, but they are pretty nice, heh heh.
> They really are... "H-Huh? You could hear that?"
Showoff >_>

>Well then, we`d better get going, right ?
>"Hey, Mini-Dai-chan, let`s go !"
>Prepare to leave.
> Don't leave yet.

I don't Meiling is also yet, and there's still several things I want to experiment with.
> You check your Inventory:
     > Doll: A doll made by Alice Margatroid. Resembles Alice's basic dolls. May or may nor include gunpowder. Currently being held by the miniature you.
     > Usual Blue Dress: You are wearing one of your usual blue dresses. It's nothing special, and actually pretty plain.
     > Hatate's Camera: A strange camera that can flip open and close, and doesn't look like the regular ones.
     > Aya's Camera: The digital camera that Shameimaru Aya uses. Aya claimed it wasn't her main one.
     > $0: You have no cash with you.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 12:39:05 AM
> What happened to our two new cameras?
> Yep! I can sometimes hear your thoughts, and you can sometimes hear mine.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 12:41:59 AM
> What happened to our two new cameras?
> Yep! I can sometimes hear your thoughts, and you can sometimes hear mine.
> The parser had forgotten to include them.
> "That's a bit unsettling..." Koakuma says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 12:44:23 AM
> It doesn't happen all the time, I don't think. By the way, can you put the cameras in our pockets away in the closet with the dresses?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 22, 2016, 12:46:25 AM
>But don`t worry, i won`t tell anyone about your secrets if you think of something and i hear it, that`s not right ! Thanks of the compliment, although they can get bigger...
>Before that, check the cameras, maybe we can find something in them ?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 12:49:06 AM
> Relay the camera check suggestion to Koa instead of doing it ourselves.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 12:50:24 AM
> It doesn't happen all the time, I don't think. By the way, can you put the cameras in our pockets away in the closet with the dresses?
> "The closet?" Koakuma looks around. "Uh, it doesn't look like you have one..."
>But don`t worry, i won`t tell anyone about your secrets if you think of something and i hear it, that`s not right ! Thanks of the compliment, although they can get bigger...
>Before that, check the cameras, maybe we can find something in them ?
> Relay the camera check suggestion to Koa instead of doing it ourselves.
> "You won't? Really...?"
> Koakuma checks the cameras. She isn't sure how to work Hatate's, but she manages to get to the gallery of Aya's after a bit.
> There are pictures of Aya sticking her tongue out at the camera, and other variations. The camera is apparently filled with only such photos.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 22, 2016, 12:56:33 AM
>Yes, really!
>Wait, do we have a closet?
>Wonder if fusioning with people and listening to thoughts could help us become a better matchmaker...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 12:57:32 AM
> Uh, just put them with my other dresses.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 01:00:33 AM
>Yes, really!
>Wait, do we have a closet?
> Koakuma stays quiet.
> You don't seem to have a closet. Your clothes are in a pile. You should really organize it better sometime. Or, at least when you have places to put them...
>Wonder if fusioning with people and listening to thoughts could help us become a better matchmaker...
> You think up a good idea to make matches. But you would have to first get them to think about who they like...
> Uh, just put them with my other dresses.
> "Okay."
> Koakuma takes the cameras out of your pockets and places them on top of your other clothes.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 01:07:02 AM
> Okay, keep moving around and stuff.
> This time, will our body to not do what Koakuma tries to make it do.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 01:09:09 AM
> Okay, keep moving around and stuff.
> This time, will our body to not do what Koakuma tries to make it do.
> "Alright."
> You try to prevent your body from moving, and it resists Koakuma's attempts.
> "I-I can't now. It feels like someone's holding me, and moving is really hard."
> Koakuma tries to forcibly move her arm up, but you prevent it easily.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 01:14:04 AM
> Huh, okay. I guess I can stop you from doing things.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 01:15:06 AM
> Huh, okay. I guess I can stop you from doing things.
> "That was you?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 22, 2016, 01:16:08 AM

>Wonder if we can fusion with one of Alice's dolls.
>Wonder if we could understand them then.
>Wonder who among those we've met so far might make good matches for each other.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 01:17:37 AM
Trying to fusion the dolls was on my mind when I was trying to make the MariAri fusion, yeah. Something to look into in the future.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 22, 2016, 01:21:00 AM
What about fusing the dolls with each other ? Then we`ll have a doll twice as cute !
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 01:25:35 AM

>Wonder if we can fusion with one of Alice's dolls.
>Wonder if we could understand them then.
> If you actually manage to fusion with one of her dolls, you could probably hear some of their thoughts. Though, their thoughts would likely be in their language... Though, you were told that you would start to understand them better if you listen to how they say what they...say.
>Wonder who among those we've met so far might make good matches for each other.
> You aren't sure who Mystia or Wriggle likes.
> Rumia and Flandre may be good matches for each other, but they're just friends right now.
> You've been avoiding people whenever Cirno and your relationship is mentioned. Sunny and those other two fairies are her friends too, but you aren't sure if they like her that much. She likes Letty for sure, but Sanae explained that it would be more like love for a family member, even though Letty might not be one.
> Sakuya seems to accompany the bat girl faithfully, from what you've seen.
> Reimu... might go well with that one person. Yukari, was it? Reimu did however seem to react strangely to the realization that Alice and Marisa were a pair.
> "Uh, are you thinking of couples?" Koakuma interrupts.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 22, 2016, 01:30:58 AM
>Yeah, I'm trying to become a better matchmaker. I already made two matches!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 01:34:30 AM
>Yeah, I'm trying to become a better matchmaker. I already made to matches!
> "Huh......Excuse me for asking, but are you sure you and the ice fairy are just friends? You guys call each other Cirno-chan and Dai-chan..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 22, 2016, 01:39:24 AM
>YEAH! Of course we're just friends! Really good friends! Besides, Cirno-chan doesn't even know what love is anyway...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 01:40:34 AM
>YEAH! Of course we're just friends! Really good friends! Besides, Cirno-chan doesn't even know what love is anyway...
> Koakuma nods.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 01:44:41 AM
> Anyway, I'm gonna take back control of my body and start moving around. Why don't you try to stop me, like I was able to stop you?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 01:45:52 AM
> Anyway, I'm gonna take back control of my body and start moving around. Why don't you try to stop me, like I was able to stop you?
> "Alright."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 01:46:18 AM
> Take back control of our body.
> Walk around our new table.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 01:49:20 AM
> Take back control of our body.
> Walk around our new table.
> You start to walk around your new table.
> It takes a while before you realize that there seems to be absolutely nothing trying to stop you.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 22, 2016, 01:53:14 AM
>Hey Koa - I can call you that, right? - are you doing anything?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 01:55:02 AM
>Hey Koa - I can call you that, right? - are you doing anything?
> "Oh. Uh... I-I wasn't... I'll do it for real this time."
> As you walk around the table, you get the feeling that you should stop moving. Nothing's actually stopping you however.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 01:56:37 AM
> Oh, there's...something.
> Keep going.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 01:59:08 AM
> Oh, there's...something.
> Keep going.
> You keep going around the table. The feeling gets stronger, and moving requires just a tiny bit more force than normal. Nothing you would need to worry about though.
> You can hear Koakuma struggling.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 22, 2016, 02:02:44 AM
>You alright Koa?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 02:07:23 AM
>You alright Koa?
> "I'm trying my best..." Koakuma stops struggling. "It wasn't working was it?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 02:08:07 AM
> I could feel something, at least. There was a little bit of resistance when you were trying your hardest...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 02:11:03 AM
> I could feel something, at least. There was a little bit of resistance when you were trying your hardest...
> "Hm... Hey, if you're calling me Koa, can I call you Dai?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 22, 2016, 02:13:24 AM
>Sure ! I have no problem with that !
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 02:14:59 AM
>Sure ! I have no problem with that !
> "Okay... I was also wondering... Who do you like?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 02:16:48 AM
> Huh? Well, there's Cirno-chan, obviously, and then there's Rumia, Mystia, Wriggle, Lily, Miss Meiling...Miss Marisa and Miss Sanae are pretty neat, too. And you, of course!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 02:17:36 AM
> Huh? Well, there's Cirno-chan, obviously, and then there's Rumia, Mystia, Wriggle, Lily, Miss Meiling...Miss Marisa and Miss Sanae are pretty neat, too. And you, of course!
> "No, I mean, love like."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 22, 2016, 02:18:44 AM
//*Cue jeopardy theme while we take an obscene amount of time to think this through*

>Have we ever considered liking anyone in that way?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 22, 2016, 02:19:42 AM
>Uhhh, ehhmmm.... I-I....
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 02:23:58 AM
>Uhhh, ehhmmm.... I-I....
>Have we ever considered liking anyone in that way?
> You haven't really. Your closest friends are Cirno of course, and maybe Lily. Lily probably trusts you more, since you decided against just killing her to help her, but Cirno is still much higher.
> You admire Letty some, but that's more because she can be very gentle at times.
//*Cue jeopardy theme while we take an obscene amount of time to think this through*
> Koakuma waits patiently.
> "'Love' for 500 please." you say.

Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 02:24:46 AM
> ...I don't really think that way about anyone, I guess...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 22, 2016, 02:25:47 AM
>I'm just not sure...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 02:26:27 AM
> ...I don't really think that way about anyone, I guess...
>I'm just not sure...
> "Okay." Koakuma says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 02:29:23 AM
> Sorry...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 02:31:23 AM
> Sorry...
> "It's okay... uh, Dai."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 22, 2016, 02:36:16 AM
>So... Who do YOU love like, Koa?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 02:47:54 AM
>So... Who do YOU love like, Koa?
> "Me? I love..." You can hear Koakuma gulp. "Y-You."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 02:49:10 AM
> ...Bwuh?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 22, 2016, 02:50:13 AM
>Did we hear that right?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 02:55:18 AM
> ...Bwuh?
>Did we hear that right?
> "Y-Yes. I know I only met you a while ago, but I really really like you. You're really kind, and nice, and caring too. You helped a lot of people as well. You even said that you liked my ability, even though it's not that good or useful at all for a devil..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 22, 2016, 02:58:19 AM
>Try to shield our thoughts from Koa as much as possible while we think this next part.
>Nobody's ever confessed to us before, right?
>Apply matchmaking skills to ourselves. Assess possibility.
>We've only just met and we barely know her. Do relationships ever spring up that fast?
>Wonder if this is how Sanae felt when Kogasa confessed.
>Wait... If she loves us... Then when she was putting her hands on our chest....
>Ponder how much shooting her down will go against what we said about Sanae and Kogasa, and how much it might hurt her if we did.

//Miniking, I edited. If you are already making a response, modify it accordingly, otherwise ignore this message.

Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 03:07:41 AM
Wait, what's this about her grabbing our chest being related to Sanae and Kogasa? I think I forgot that part.

EDIT: Also, I'm not sure I want to go for a complete shoot-down. Situations like this call for a "I'd need to think about it".
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 22, 2016, 03:09:33 AM
//Is it bad that I'm half-tempted to pursue a relationship with Koa (Probably at a slower pace than Koa's current abruptness) because I'm interested in seeing how this ship will turn out?

//Also, Koa grabbed our chest when we gave her control of the body. Which is why I brought it up.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 03:10:34 AM
>Try to shield our thoughts from Koa as much as possible while we think this next part.
> You start to think about a bunch of other things. Like how you need to do that picture box thingy tomorrow at the Moriya Shrine and Kanako, the tall lady, has to help because any problem can be solved, especially with bigness. And that you need to talk to this nit-wit whoever-
>Nobody's ever confessed to us before, right?
> No one has...
>Apply matchmaking skills to ourselves. Assess possibility.
>We've only just met. Do relationships ever spring up that fast?
>Wonder if this is how Sanae felt when Kogasa confessed.
> You haven't witnessed a relationship start so quickly. Sanae and Kogasa had known each other for a while, but it was a bit different. Sanae didn't really like Kogasa, from what you know.
> You don't have much room to think about matching yourself. Not when you're trying to think of other things.
>Wait... If she loves us... Then when she was putting her hands on our chest....
>Ponder how much shooting her down will go against what we said about Sanae and Kogasa, and how much it might hurt her if we did.
> You make sure you are thinking of absolutely anything but this. You have to get the picture box, and maybe still pursue Aya for that picture she took. And Alice might be a viable target for something tomorrow. And-
> You told Sanae off for hurting Kogasa's feelings, but what if you did so to Koakuma right now? There wouldn't be anywhere for her to run, and you could probably hear her thoughts. But that's if she takes it badly... Even if she takes it well however, things might still be awkward for the rest of the night... Though maybe you could explain it off.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 03:11:54 AM
No, not at all. I find it mildly intriguing even though I peg most, if not all, fairies as aro-ace. I am primarily concerned about Cirno repercussions if we let this go really far, though.

Fake edit: I think we should go the "I'd need to think about it" route. (And would actually be totally fine with letting her, uh, entertain herself in the meantime. Within reason, of course.)
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 22, 2016, 03:14:23 AM
//Agreed. At least that way we can either let her down gently, or if we want to pursue this relationship (Which I keep finding more interesting by the second, I mean, come on, both unofficially named minibosses from even numbered stages of EoSD. That's not a ship you see every day.) we can take it slowly.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 03:16:50 AM
DaiKoa might be more common than you think. ;\

>, well...thank you...for your kind words...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 03:25:19 AM
DaiKoa might be more common than you think. ;\

>, well...thank you...for your kind words...
> Did I mess up!? This wasn't too fast, was it? No, she said she liked me earlier... "I...You're wel-...Y-Yes..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 03:30:44 AM
> Well, um...I...I honestly don't know...I need time to think about it...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 03:32:57 AM
> Well, um...I...I honestly don't know...I need time to think about it...
> "Um... Okay Dai."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 03:35:14 AM
> I'm really sorry that I can't answer you now...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 03:38:48 AM
> I'm really sorry that I can't answer you now...
> Koakuma sits in the thoughtscape in silence.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 03:45:53 AM
> ...Are you okay?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 03:48:24 AM
> ...Are you okay?
> "Yeah..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 03:51:46 AM
> Do we have a small version of ourselves in the thoughtspace? If so, move it to give Koa a hug. If we don't, then just send hug-feelings to Koa.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 04:01:08 AM
> Do we have a small version of ourselves in the thoughtspace? If so, move it to give Koa a hug. If we don't, then just send hug-feelings to Koa.
> Your regular, non-fusion like self is in the thoughtspace, so you go hug Koakuma. Koakuma looks away.
> You can clearly hear her thoughts when you're this close.
> S-She's too nice...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 04:07:19 AM
> It'll be okay, okay?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 04:14:55 AM
> It'll be okay, okay?
> "Y-Yeah. Even if you......W-We could still be friends... C-Can you still hear what I'm thinking?" Koakuma continues to look away.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 04:16:30 AM
I like to imagine that this scene is unfolding inside Daipai's head while she just stands still staring blankly into space in reality, probably with a bit of drool.

> Of course we can be friends! And, um...sometimes?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 04:24:02 AM
I like to imagine that this scene is unfolding inside Daipai's head while she just stands still staring blankly into space in reality, probably with a bit of drool.

> Of course we can be friends! And, um...sometimes?
> "...R-Right."
> Don't cry. Don't cry. Something else... um, um... I-I still haven't, uh, fully organized the books. Patchouli-sama will be angry. But the report will go well. Except this. This won't be mentioned. A-And Miss Sakuya might get mad at Miss Meiling later for what she did tonight and she will also probably talk to Remili- I-I mean Mistress Remilia tonight as well-
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 22, 2016, 04:24:59 AM
//Was going to say something about rewording that last sentence because she might misunderstand it as us having made up our mind, but Miniking ninja'd me... And I guess Kilga just blew any chances of possibly pursuing this ship in the future out the window...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 04:30:23 AM
> Squeeze a little bit.
> I promise I'll think super hard about it, okay?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 04:36:08 AM
> Squeeze a little bit.
> I promise I'll think super hard about it, okay?
> "Okay."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 04:41:50 AM
> Let go of the hug and nod.
> Good.
> ...Um...would it help if I let what you were doing earlier...?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 04:44:46 AM
> Let go of the hug and nod.
> Good.
> ...Um...would it help if I let what you were doing earlier...?
> "Huh?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 04:46:56 AM
> know...the really nice things...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 04:52:34 AM
> know...the really nice things...
> "...O-Oh!" Koakuma turns to you. "I-I was just a bit jealous. I didn't mean it like that."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 04:53:14 AM
> How large is Koa's chest?
> Oh...well, you still can if you want to. I just don't want you to be sad...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 04:57:30 AM
> How large is Koa's chest?
> Oh...well, you still can if you want to. I just don't want you to be sad...
> Koakuma's chest is a bit smaller than yours, yet still larger than Reimu's or Marisa's.
> "I-It's okay, uh, Dai."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 05:00:47 AM
> Well, all right, if you say so. ...I can actually make them bigger, you know...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 05:05:26 AM
> Well, all right, if you say so. ...I can actually make them bigger, you know...
> Koakuma blushes. "Y-You don't need to. It's alright... Miss Meiling might be asleep by now, i-if you still wanted to do that..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 05:09:09 AM
> Oh, right, yeah, that! Before we do that, though, there's one final thing I want to try. Miss Meiling was able to leave on her own. Can you try to do the same thing?
> Resist any efforts by Koakuma's life energy to leave our body. Keep it trapped within us.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 05:14:34 AM
> Oh, right, yeah, that! Before we do that, though, there's one final thing I want to try. Miss Meiling was able to leave on her own. Can you try to do the same thing?
> Resist any efforts by Koakuma's life energy to leave our body. Keep it trapped within us.
> "Okay. Will we refuse though? F-For research?"
> The energy tries to leave your body, but you prevent it from doing so. It's a bit difficult.
> "Um...Dai? I don't think I can do it like Meiling does. She can manipulate life energy and qi, so I think I'm at a big disadvantage..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 05:19:24 AM
> Well, I was also trying to see if I could stop someone from leaving. I guess I can, because I think you would have been able to if I didn't stop you. It was a bit hard, though.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 05:23:33 AM
> Well, I was also trying to see if I could stop someone from leaving. I guess I can, because I think you would have been able to if I didn't stop you. It was a bit hard, though.
> "Okay. Is there anything else you needed me for Daiyousei?" Koakuma asks.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 05:26:09 AM
> Oh, we could probably experimentate all night long, honestly. Wait! Yes, there's at least one other thing I wanted to try.
> Will Koakuma to fall asleep.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 22, 2016, 05:38:55 AM
//Ok, I guess it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I guess the interesting option is still open if we decide to do it...

>Check on Mini-me
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 05:44:02 AM
> Oh, we could probably experimentate all night long, honestly. Wait! Yes, there's at least one other thing I wanted to try.
> Will Koakuma to fall asleep.
> You try to somehow make Koakuma fall asleep. It doesn't seem to be working.
//Ok, I guess it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I guess the interesting option is still open if we decide to do it...

>Check on Mini-me
> You check on the miniature version of the two of you. It's currently examining the doll Alice gave you.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 05:44:52 AM
> Will Koakuma to jump up and down.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 05:48:38 AM
> Will Koakuma to jump up and down.
> You think harder and try to make Koakuma jump. It still doesn't work.
> Koakuma starts to lie down on her side in the featureless void.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 05:50:15 AM
> Okay, let's head out.
> Keep willing Koakuma to fall asleep.
> Exit our house and fly back to the Scarlet Devil Mansion in search of Meiling.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 05:53:22 AM
> Okay, let's head out.
> Keep willing Koakuma to fall asleep.
> Exit our house and fly back to the Scarlet Devil Mansion in search of Meiling.
> "Okay."
> You continue to try to get Koakuma to fall asleep. She just seems to be twirling her finger along the void's floor.
> You open the door and fly back to the Mansion's Gate. Meiling is here, asleep this time.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 05:56:40 AM
> Sneaky-sneak quietly behind her, or at least back and to one of her sides.
> Very gently lay a hand on a hand, arm, leg, or other exposed piece of skin, being very careful not to push or poke Meiling so hard that she wakes up.
> Through this contact, get a feel for Meiling's life energy.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 05:58:56 AM
> Sneaky-sneak quietly behind her, or at least back and to one of her sides.
> Very gently lay a hand on a hand, arm, leg, or other exposed piece of skin, being very careful not to push or poke Meiling so hard that she wakes up.
> Through this contact, get a feel for Meiling's life energy.
> You repeat what you did earlier, getting behind her this time.
> Most of her skin is covered, so you place your hand on one of Meiling's legs.
> You can feel Meiling's energy once again.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 06:00:28 AM
> What is directly behind us?
> Gently flow a little bit of our own life energy into Meiling, enough that we can use it to take hold of her life energy.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 06:02:03 AM
> What is directly behind us?
> Gently flow a little bit of our own life energy into Meiling, enough that we can use it to take hold of her life energy.
> Nothing. The mansion is a bit back, but you're not against it.
> You send some of your life energy into Meiling through her leg and grab hold of her energy.
> Meiling does not seem to stir in her sleep this time.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 06:04:57 AM
> Are there any nearby walls or bushes we could warp behind to avoid being seen?
> Keeping our grip firm, gently pull our own life energy back into ourselves, pulling Meiling's life energy into ourselves along with it.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 06:10:06 AM
> Are there any nearby walls or bushes we could warp behind to avoid being seen?
> Keeping our grip firm, gently pull our own life energy back into ourselves, pulling Meiling's life energy into ourselves along with it.
> You could warp to the other side of the gate if you needed to, as the most optimal spot.
> You try to pull your energy back along with Meiling's. It starts to work, but Meiling starts to move some.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 06:11:58 AM
> Stop pulling, but don't let go, and don't move. Keep our eyes glued to Meiling's upper body, to see if she wakes up and tries to look behind her.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 06:15:10 AM
> Stop pulling, but don't let go, and don't move. Keep our eyes glued to Meiling's upper body, to see if she wakes up and tries to look behind her.
> You halt.
> Meiling doesn't move.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 22, 2016, 08:44:13 AM
>Wait a few more seconds.
>Look around during that time.
>After the seconds have passed, resume pulling the energy.

I dunno, isn't this like, counterproductive to our relationship Meiling ?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 10:00:00 AM
> Make sure to pull Meiling's energy into us gently!
> If need be, grow ourselves to avoid popping like a tick as we take in more and more of Meiling's energy.

She can't get too mad at us, given she's sleeping.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 11:44:04 AM
>Wait a few more seconds.
>Look around during that time.
I dunno, isn't this like, counterproductive to our relationship Meiling ?
> You wait a little longer, looking around. There's nothing of note besides the open gate. The clone is likely still in your house.
>After the seconds have passed, resume pulling the energy.
> Make sure to pull Meiling's energy into us gently!
> If need be, grow ourselves to avoid popping like a tick as we take in more and more of Meiling's energy.

She can't get too mad at us, given she's sleeping.
> You continue slowly and gently flowing the energy into yourself and Meiling continues to vanish.
> You finish absorbing Meiling's life energy, and it makes your hair longer, your breasts larger, and the thoughtscape void turns into a garden again with Meiling in it now.
> Meiling is still asleep.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 11:48:03 AM
> Did we have to grow at all? If so, how tall are we now?
> How full do we feel?

> Walk next to Koa in the thoughtscape and whisper to her. (Don't wanna wake Meiling up!)
> It actually worked!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 11:52:11 AM
> Did we have to grow at all? If so, how tall are we now?
> How full do we feel?
> It seems you grew a bit taller, but not up to Meiling's height, even though you hadn't used any energy to do so.
> You almost feel full of energy. You could probably take in one more person.
> Walk next to Koa in the thoughtscape and whisper to her. (Don't wanna wake Meiling up!)
> It actually worked!
> Koakuma is asleep...
> "D-Dai..." she mumbles.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 11:56:12 AM
> Oops! Don't want to wake her up, then. Back off a bit.
> NOT THAT WE'RE ACTUALLY GOING TO DO THIS, BECAUSE WE'RE NOT, but analyze Koa and Meiling's life energies to see if they could be completely integrated into our system the way Alice's magic was.
> How quickly could we get home to retrieve Mini Me?
> Can we see any activity in the mansion from where we are, or at least get a general sense of how many lights are on in the building?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 12:03:41 PM
> Oops! Don't want to wake her up, then. Back off a bit.
> NOT THAT WE'RE ACTUALLY GOING TO DO THIS, BECAUSE WE'RE NOT, but analyze Koa and Meiling's life energies to see if they could be completely integrated into our system the way Alice's magic was.
> You wonder if their life energy could mix with your very being. You would have to try it or learn more about how it works to discern whether or not it could work.
> How quickly could we get home to retrieve Mini Me?
> You could probably will her to fly here, if what Koakuma said about her ability is right.
> Can we see any activity in the mansion from where we are, or at least get a general sense of how many lights are on in the building?
> There's a duo or trio of shadows that seem to be going about the hallways near the windows. Not many lights are on, if any at all.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 12:07:10 PM
> If we tried integration and it was successful, we wouldn't be able to reverse it, correct?
> Will Mini Me to fly to us while watching the mansion for continued activity.
> While waiting for Mini Me to show up, continue willing Koa and Meiling to stay asleep.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 12:22:17 PM
> If we tried integration and it was successful, we wouldn't be able to reverse it, correct?
> No. There's nothing that leans to the side of it probably being reversible.
> Will Mini Me to fly to us while watching the mansion for continued activity.
> While waiting for Mini Me to show up, continue willing Koa and Meiling to stay asleep.
> The miniature version of yourself flies out of the house and towards you.
> You continue watching the mansion. The figures continue heading towards one area, where you can't see them anymore.
> The other you arrives with doll in hand.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 12:23:49 PM
> Did they head toward or away from the stairs we used to go down to the basement floor?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 12:24:45 PM
> Did they head toward or away from the stairs we used to go down to the basement floor?
> They used the same stairs, at least you think you saw from this position.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 12:41:01 PM
> Will Mini Me to become Meiling-height. Use Alice-magic or miracle power if necessary, but don't make contact with Mini Me.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 12:42:10 PM
> Will Mini Me to become Meiling-height.
> You will her to grow to Meiling's height, and she does so without you expending energy.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 12:45:15 PM
> Will No-Longer-Mini Me to guard the gate and not let anyone through unless they live here, are us or Reimu or Marisa, or can prove they have business here.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 12:52:13 PM
> Will No-Longer-Mini Me to guard the gate and not let anyone through unless they live here, are us or Reimu or Marisa, or can prove they have business here.
> The other you closes the gate and starts to stand near the mansion.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 22, 2016, 01:01:59 PM
>How much do we look like Meiling ? Is it possible for someone not familiar with her to mistake Dai-chan 2 for her ?
>Can we adopt Meiling's voice at will ?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 01:09:02 PM
> More specifically, could we adopt Meiling's voice without waking her up?

This is gonna be some more stealth stuff; I don't intend to pass ourselves or Maxi Me off as Meiling. (The wings would be a dead giveaway, ignoring all else.) I just want to make sure the gate is guarded while Meiling is indisposed.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 01:12:06 PM
>How much do we look like Meiling ? Is it possible for someone not familiar with her to mistake Dai-chan 2 for her ?
> You look a fair amount like Meiling. The wings no the tiny Koa wings on your head would go against this, as well as your outfit. Otherwise, your hair, height, and chest size compliment such a possibility.
> The head wings could be hand-waved as always being there, and you just never took off your hat. The clothes could just be wearing a different outfit (provided they don't know who you are), but your wings might give it away if they pay too much attention to them. Otherwise, you'll fool a lot of people.
>Can we adopt Meiling's voice at will ?
> You cannot. You just think about what you want them to say and allow them to use your body to say it.
> More specifically, could we adopt Meiling's voice without waking her up?

This is gonna be some more stealth stuff; I don't intend to pass ourselves or Maxi Me off as Meiling. (The wings would be a dead giveaway, ignoring all else.) I just want to make sure the gate is guarded while Meiling is indisposed.
> You could probably coax her into saying something in her sleep, but the sound of it would be a bit suspicious. Not to mention you probably can't do so very accurately.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 01:16:11 PM
Actually, I guess it might be less suspicious if we get caught...

> Grow our height and chest to Meiling sizes.
> Is there any sort of shack nearby that might serve as a place for Meiling to store personal belongings?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 22, 2016, 01:18:25 PM
Would you mind sharing your plan with us ? It'll be a bit better for me to find the right ideas this way.

>What are our options for entering the Mansion, besides the obvious front door ?
>If there is a shack for Meiling's belongings, try finding an spare outfit of hers.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 01:21:50 PM
I want to try as many sleep-fusions with people we haven't fused with before as we can get. Patchouli and Flan are my primary targets, if either are asleep right now. Remilia is a possibility but I don't expect it, particularly since I expect she was one of those silhouettes. Sakuya, sadly, is out entirely on the grounds of being human.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 01:28:54 PM
Actually, I guess it might be less suspicious if we get caught...

> Grow our height and chest to Meiling sizes.
> Is there any sort of shack nearby that might serve as a place for Meiling to store personal belongings?
>If there is a shack for Meiling's belongings, try finding an spare outfit of hers.
> You grow your height and breasts up to Meiling's size.
> You find no such place. There are a few chests tucked to the wall of the gate though. It's a bit dark, but there are a couple of them that you can see.
Would you mind sharing your plan with us ? It'll be a bit better for me to find the right ideas this way.

>What are our options for entering the Mansion, besides the obvious front door ?
> There are the windows, which you could break or warp past safely without opening them. You haven't checked if there are any doors on the sides or the back.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 01:31:55 PM
> Check the chests until we find a spare Meiling ensemble, then have Maxi Me change into it.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 01:37:53 PM
> Check the chests until we find a spare Meiling ensemble, then have Maxi Me change into it.
> You loot the chests. There is a tea set and various snacks in one chest. Another contains equipment, such as a watering can. The third one is spare clothing. You take it out and pass it to the other you. The last chest is locked.
> "Right here?" The other you asks, blushing. "Okay..." She sets Meiling's clothes down and begins removing her regular ones.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 01:43:59 PM
> Serve as a humanoid shield for Maxi Me while she gets changed. At least the mansion is behind us...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 01:50:24 PM
> Serve as a humanoid shield for Maxi Me while she gets changed. At least the mansion is behind us...
> You block most of the view to the other you.
> She continues to change, now putting on Meiling's clothing.
> The other you blushes more as she finishes clothing. "This dress is too open..." She whispers, trying to hold one of the sides to the other. "W-What if Aya comes and sees us?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 01:53:23 PM
> Continue to will Koa and Meiling to say sleeping.
> "She's probably asleep."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 01:56:11 PM
> Continue to will Koa and Meiling to say sleeping.
> "She's probably asleep."
> They're still asleep. You think Koakuma might be dreaming about something, because she's moving occasionally in her sleep.
> "So we'll be done before morning?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 01:58:19 PM
> "I hope so. I wanna sleep some time too."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 02:01:22 PM
> "I hope so. I wanna sleep some time too."
> "We still have that battle with Marisa too..." The other you tries to move the dress to try to cover herself better.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 22, 2016, 02:02:38 PM
> How well does the outfit fit on Maxi Me, anyway?
> Nod.
> "Presactly. I can't leave Cirno-chan high and dry."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 02:04:21 PM
> How well does the outfit fit on Maxi Me, anyway?
> Nod.
> "Presactly. I can't leave Cirno-chan high and dry."
> The outfit fits as it does with Meiling. There's a lot of one leg being shown, and you can sometimes spot her underwear from said side.
> The other you nods.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 22, 2016, 02:07:51 PM
>"Don't worry, we'll be done soon. Just make sure no stranger gets in and causes problems, else Miss Meiling will be in trouble."
>"How does Miss Meiling wear that i wonder ?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 02:13:22 PM
>"Don't worry, we'll be done soon. Just make sure no stranger gets in and causes problems, else Miss Meiling will be in trouble."
>"How does Miss Meiling wear that i wonder ?"
> "I don't get how she can wear this without feeling embarrassed..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 22, 2016, 02:26:27 PM
> Walk our thoughtscape self over to Koa and try to listen to her thoughts.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 22, 2016, 02:32:20 PM
After doing Kilga's actions:

>"Well, people are different, let's just ask her later. Okay, i'm going inside, be careful out there,  Dai-chan 2."
>Approach a window and examine the insides, if no one is on the corridor, warp inside.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 02:56:59 PM
> Walk our thoughtscape self over to Koa and try to listen to her thoughts.
> You try to listen to Koakuma's thoughts.
> Can't be friends...?But... Koakuma stirs uncomfortably.
After doing Kilga's actions:

>"Well, people are different, let's just ask her later. Okay, i'm going inside, be careful out there,  Dai-chan 2."
>Approach a window and examine the insides, if no one is on the corridor, warp inside.
> "I'll watch out." She says.
> You approach one of the windows. There aren't many lights on, but it's decently lit. You don't spot anyone, so you warp inside.
> The hallway is pretty empty, as you thought.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 03:00:05 PM
> Okay, gotta stay silent and unnoticed! Fly in the direction of the stairs we took previously to get to the basement, but keep our ears perked for any noise from anywhere.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 22, 2016, 03:22:35 PM
>Hide in a cardboard box
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 03:49:26 PM
>Hide in a cardboard box
> You hide in a cardboard box. Somehow, this feels right... (Ring Ring. Press select to answer)
> Okay, gotta stay silent and unnoticed! Fly in the direction of the stairs we took previously to get to the basement, but keep our ears perked for any noise from anywhere.
> You fly to the stairs and make it unnoticed. There's sounds down there, coming from where you think the library was.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 03:53:13 PM
> Float our way down the stairs, ducking behind anything suitable once we come into range of being able to be seen from the library door.
> Once we have cover, peek out from behind it and look at the library door.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 04:09:22 PM
> Float our way down the stairs, ducking behind anything suitable once we come into range of being able to be seen from the library door.
> Once we have cover, peek out from behind it and look at the library door.
> You make your way to the library door, sneaking around walls. The library doors are closed.
> "-mess tonight." You hear Sakuya's voice.
> "I was just playing with Marisa... She doesn't come by often." Flandre says.
> "You still need to control yourself better. Rumia will not be allowed to play with you for another day after tomorrow." A voice, you recall as that bat-girl, Remilia, says.
> "But can you please hear my side?" Flandre pleads.
> "Sakuya, please escort Flandre to her room."
> "But I can ex-"
> "We do not want it to be 3 days do we, Flandre?"
> There's silence.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 04:14:09 PM
> Where's that conversation coming from? The library, or somewhere else?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 04:15:09 PM
> Where's that conversation coming from? The library, or somewhere else?
> It's almost,definitely coming from the library.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 04:18:18 PM
> Where's the hallway that led to Flan's room?
> Did that hallway have any other rooms in it?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 04:21:38 PM
> Where's the hallway that led to Flan's room?
> Did that hallway have any other rooms in it?
> The hallway is a few turns away. You'll have to backtrack some to get there.
> There were no rooms accompanying her hallway.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 04:22:29 PM
> Did we pass any other rooms coming here from the staircase?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 04:23:15 PM
> Did we pass any other rooms coming here from the staircase?
> You did, a few.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 04:25:23 PM
> Fly back toward the staircase until we come across the room closest to the hallway that leads to Flandre's room.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 04:27:14 PM
> Fly back toward the staircase until we come across the room closest to the hallway that leads to Flandre's room.
> You start to fly back as the conversation continues.
> You come across a room just around the corner from Flandre's hallway.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 22, 2016, 04:27:43 PM
So we know that fusing doesn't wake someone up, but how about unfusing ? That might not go exactly as planned, beware.

>Stay aware of footsteps and other sounds.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 04:28:49 PM
New plan: Befriend Flan by sympathizing with her over this issue.

> Listen at the door. Can we hear any noise inside?

I'm not too concerned about unfusing waking anyone up.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 04:34:08 PM
So we know that fusing doesn't wake someone up, but how about unfusing ? That might not go exactly as planned, beware.

>Stay aware of footsteps and other sounds.
> There are footsteps coming towards here, but it might be a while before they arrive. There's also sniffling.
New plan: Befriend Flan by sympathizing with her over this issue.

> Listen at the door. Can we hear any noise inside?

I'm not too concerned about unfusing waking anyone up.
> You put your ear to the door.
> There's no sounds.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 04:35:46 PM
> Slowly open the door and peek inside.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 04:42:51 PM
> Slowly open the door and peek inside.
> You carefully look inside. There's a bed, a dresser, and a few other concepts at a quick observation, like a normal room. There's another door at one side of the room.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 22, 2016, 04:47:21 PM
>Is there any place we can fit a d hide in there ?
>If there are, warp inside and do so.
>If not, stay hidden outside and wait for them to come.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 04:52:25 PM
>Is there any place we can fit a d hide in there ?
>If there are, warp inside and do so.
>If not, stay hidden outside and wait for them to come.
> There are many places you could hide. You head inside and hide under the bed, a classic choice.
> You hear the footsteps pass by the door.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 05:03:57 PM
> Does it sound like one person or two?
> Can we still hear sniffling?
> Coming from the library, was this room before or after the turn down Flandre's hallway?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 05:16:22 PM
> Does it sound like one person or two?
> Can we still hear sniffling?
> Coming from the library, was this room before or after the turn down Flandre's hallway?
> It sounds like two people.
> You can still hear sniffling.
> This room was after the turn.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 05:19:14 PM
> Continue hiding and listen for the footsteps to head down the hallway. Also be aware that there might be a third person by themselves coming through sometime soon, so we need to listen for then as well.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 05:22:14 PM
> Continue hiding and listen for the footsteps to head down the hallway. Also be aware that there might be a third person by themselves coming through sometime soon, so we need to listen for then as well.
> The footsteps continue onwards until a door opens.
> There's some short conversation you can't make out.
> More footsteps start to come from the same place, and there's the sound of a door closing.
> The footsteps continue back the way they came.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 05:25:58 PM
> Is the door to our current room closed?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 05:28:05 PM
> Is the door to our current room closed?
>...It's not, just cracked ever so slightly.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 05:29:48 PM
> Good enough! Wait for those footsteps to go wherever they need to go.
> Continue willing Koa and Meiling to stay asleep while waiting.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 05:32:28 PM
> Good enough! Wait for those footsteps to go wherever they need to go.
> Continue willing Koa and Meiling to stay asleep while waiting.
> The footsteps continue until you can barely hear them, and more doors open. They close afterwards.
> Koakuma still stirs in her sleep while Meiling sleeps soundly.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 05:35:03 PM
> Listen in on Koa's thoughts some more.
> Crawl out from under our bed and peek out the door.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 05:45:27 PM
> Listen in on Koa's thoughts some more.
> Crawl out from under our bed and peek out the door.
> It just sounds like she's crying in her dream.
> You peek out of the door. There's no one around. You can still hear sniffling.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 22, 2016, 05:47:36 PM
>Slowly come out and go to Flandre`s door while checking the corridors, if we see someone, hide immediately.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 05:48:36 PM
> Rub Koa's back very gently in the thoughtscape.
> Leave the door cracked open behind us like it was while we were in it when we leave the room.
> Fly down the hall toward Flandre's room rather than walk.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 05:51:21 PM
> Rub Koa's back very gently in the thoughtscape.
> You rub Koakuma's back, and she starts to rest a bit easier.
> Leave the door cracked open behind us like it was while we were in it when we leave the room.
> Fly down the hall toward Flandre's room rather than walk.
>Slowly come out and go to Flandre`s door while checking the corridors, if we see someone, hide immediately.
> You leave and carefully head to Flandre's door. It doesn't look or sound like anyone's near, aside from the sniffling getting a bit louder.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 05:54:24 PM
Quiet's the name of the game here.

> Take a deep breath.
> Knock very lightly on the door.
> Lower the volume of our voice?
> "Miss Flandre?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 06:01:10 PM
Quiet's the name of the game here.

> Take a deep breath.
> Knock very lightly on the door.
> Lower the volume of our voice?
> "Miss Flandre?"
> You hear blankets shift.
> "Huh?" Flandre's voice calls.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 06:03:02 PM
> Knock lightly again.
> "Hello? Miss Flandre?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 06:14:43 PM
> Knock lightly again.
> "Hello? Miss Flandre?"
> There's more shifting, then footsteps. The door opens.
> "What is it?" Flandre asks, wiping her face.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 22, 2016, 06:17:53 PM
>Give her a bow.
>"I am Daiyousei, nice to meet you."
>"So, may i come in ? Maybe we can talk about what happened ?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 06:20:30 PM
>Give her a bow.
>"I am Daiyousei, nice to meet you."
>"So, may i come in ? Maybe we can talk about what happened ?"
> "Did big sis send you?" She frowns.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 22, 2016, 06:21:54 PM
C'mon, man, this is a child that's in trouble and really shaken up. You have to be more trustworthy than that. :l

> Shake head.
> "No. I'm a friend of Rumia's."
> Frown.
> "I heard some of the stuff that got said in the library, and I felt bad for you, so I wanted to come by and let you at least tell me your side if you wanted."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 06:23:43 PM
> Shake head.
> "No. I'm a friend of Rumia's."
> Frown.
> "I heard some of the stuff that got said in the library, and I felt bad for you, so I wanted to come by and let you at least tell me your side if you wanted."
> "Rumia?" Flandre leaves the door open and sits on the bed. "Big sis never listens to my side..." She pouts.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 06:24:35 PM
> Enter and close the door behind us.
> Is there anywhere we can sit?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 06:27:59 PM
> Enter and close the door behind us.
> Is there anywhere we can sit?
> You enter the room and close the door. It's a bit dark still, but Flandre's wings illuminate the room absolutely beautifully. If it weren't for the bodies-, actually, the blood and bodies are gone.
> There is room next to Flandre on the side of the bed, as well as a chair next to her dresser, facing her bed.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 06:29:24 PM
> Gesture to the chair.
> "May I sit down?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 22, 2016, 06:30:09 PM
I just wanted to be polite, don`t look at me like that.... (Or rather, type to me )  :ohdear:

After we sit down/If we sit down:
>"You can tell me your side, i`ll all ears."
>Give her a reassuring smile.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 06:36:59 PM
> Gesture to the chair.
> "May I sit down?"
> Flandre nods.
I just wanted to be polite, don`t look at me like that.... (Or rather, type to me )  :ohdear:

After we sit down/If we sit down:
>"You can tell me your side, i`ll all ears."
>Give her a reassuring smile.
> You sit down in the chair.
> "Well, Marisa hasn't been down here in a long while, and we made a deal that I could play with her if I let that one human go. I hadn't been able to play with Rumia either, so I was really happy and excited. We were playing and having lotsa fun, and I only broke a few things, but then big sis came and she scolded me." Flandre looks down. I didn't even do anything wrong this time."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 22, 2016, 06:40:35 PM
>"Hmmm, how did that boy get here ? I`m sure he couldn`t come all the way from the village to the Mansion."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 22, 2016, 06:41:25 PM
>"Hmmm, how did that boy get here ? I`m sure he couldn`t come all the way from the village to the Mansion."

> Don't ask this. This will lead to bad places. Remember that Flan doesn't know where her favorite food comes from, and this line of conversation can only end in one place.

> Nod sympathetically.
> "I'm sorry. I can see why you're upset. I think I would be too."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 06:45:53 PM
> Nod sympathetically.
> "I'm sorry. I can see why you're upset. I think I would be too."
> "Now I can't even play with Rumia for 2 days..." Flandre says. "It's so unfair!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 22, 2016, 06:48:25 PM
> Give a sad frown.
> "I know. I'm sorry. I know it wasn't your fault that you weren't allowed to play with Rumia for a while, because I know whose fault it is."

(This will not end in mentioning anything about the humans, just as a heads-up.)
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 06:49:32 PM
> Give a sad frown.
> "I know. I'm sorry. I know it wasn't your fault that you weren't allowed to play with Rumia for a while, because I know whose fault it is."

(This will not end in mentioning anything about the humans, just as a heads-up.)
> "Hm?" Flandre looks up at you.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 22, 2016, 06:51:25 PM
> "Rumia...she did something bad a little while ago. Something even her other friends know was bad. So it wasn't that you weren't allowed to play with her, it was that she wasn't allowed to play with you."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 06:56:53 PM
> "Rumia...she did something bad a little while ago. Something even her other friends know was bad. So it wasn't that you weren't allowed to play with her, it was that she wasn't allowed to play with you."
> Flandre stays quiet for a few seconds.
> "I don't want Rumia to be in trouble, but I don't wanna be in trouble either..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 22, 2016, 06:58:47 PM
> Nod.
> "It's really hard. And even your big sis got in trouble. Miss Reimu and Miss Marisa are pretty angry at her for what Rumia did."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 07:00:44 PM
> Nod.
> "It's really hard. And even your big sis got in trouble. Miss Reimu and Miss Marisa are pretty angry at her for what Rumia did."
> "What did she do to get in trouble?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 22, 2016, 07:03:58 PM
> "She, um...she hurt some people. She didn't really mean to hurt them, but she still hurt them."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 22, 2016, 07:09:05 PM
Uh, i`m not a great fan of sugarcoating stuff, nor a great liar either, but i`ll try.

>"And i`m sure Rumia is sad that she hurt those people, no one likes to hurt others, and i know Rumia."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 22, 2016, 07:10:16 PM
Hey, I haven't really lied yet! :V
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 07:10:52 PM
> "She, um...she hurt some people. She didn't really mean to hurt them, but she still hurt them."
Uh, i`m not a great fan of sugarcoating stuff, nor a great liar either, but i`ll try.

>"And i`m sure Rumia is sad that she hurt those people, no one likes to hurt others, and i know Rumia."
> "Oh. Big sis says I need to learn how to not hurt people too. I guess that's why she made Marisa leave..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 22, 2016, 07:13:00 PM
> Nod.
> "Hurting people isn't good. I've been hurt before, even just yesterday, and it was never fun at all. But...I hear you're really really strong. Is that right?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 07:15:29 PM
> Nod.
> "Hurting people isn't good. I've been hurt before, even just yesterday, and it was never fun at all. But...I hear you're really really strong. Is that right?"
> "Yeah, I am. Marisa's strong too."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 22, 2016, 07:17:40 PM
>"Cirno-chan also likes Marisa too, she`s always talking of how she`s strong, but do you use all that strength when playing ?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 07:19:35 PM
> "Yes, she is. And even she can get hurt. I actually saw her earlier this evening, after she left here. She has a lot of bandages on."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 07:24:47 PM
>"Cirno-chan also likes Marisa too, she`s always talking of how she`s strong, but do you use all that strength when playing ?"
> "Uhh... Yeah. Only with Marisa though, 'cuz she can take it well."
> "Yes, she is. And even she can get hurt. I actually saw her earlier this evening, after she left here. She has a lot of bandages on."
> "Oh..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 07:26:10 PM
> "She'll be okay, though. She's gone to bed and will probably be good as new tomorrow. Still, I guess you roughed her up good, even if it was an accident."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 07:27:51 PM
> "She'll be okay, though. She's gone to bed and will probably be good as new tomorrow. Still, I guess you roughed her up good, even if it was an accident."
> "But I can't not be strong. I'm not allowed to play with Rumia like that either. I wanna though."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 07:31:42 PM
> "Yeah, I understand. There's a lot of fun in playing as hard as you can. But what if Rumia got hurt real bad, and couldn't play with you anymore?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 22, 2016, 07:33:00 PM
>"Rumia is a youkai, but is weaker than Marisa, you don`t want to hurt them and i know that, but if someone gets hurt, then it`s not fun anymore right ?"
>Give a smile.
>"You just need to use a part of you power, and add more stuff that won`t hurt anyone to have more fun !"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 07:35:20 PM
> "Yeah, I understand. There's a lot of fun in playing as hard as you can. But what if Rumia got hurt real bad, and couldn't play with you anymore?"
>"Rumia is a youkai, but is weaker than Marisa, you don`t want to hurt them and i know that, but if someone gets hurt, then it`s not fun anymore right ?"
>Give a smile.
> "You mean, if she broke?" Flandre starts crying. "N-No! I don't want Rumia to break!"
>Give a smile.
>"You just need to use a part of you power, and add more stuff that won`t hurt anyone to have more fun !"
> "I don't know how to though." Flandre calms down a little.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 07:37:49 PM
> "Hmm...Have you ever played Tag?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 07:41:15 PM
> "Hmm...Have you ever played Tag?"
> "Yeah. Me and Rumia play it sometimes. And hide and seek. But I wanna do danmaku too."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 22, 2016, 07:44:35 PM
>"What about tabletop games ? You could also try and make a competition about who makes the most beautiful danmaku, this way you could use danmaku, but not on other people, so they won`t get hurt !"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 22, 2016, 07:45:51 PM
> "Ooh, those are good games. Nobody gets hurt in those. And, hmm...well, since you're so strong, I bet you win a whole lot at danmaku. What if you tried to make it more challenging for yourself to win?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 07:55:06 PM
>"What about tabletop games ? You could also try and make a competition about who makes the most beautiful danmaku, this way you could use danmaku, but not on other people, so they won`t get hurt !"
> "Ooh, those are good games. Nobody gets hurt in those. And, hmm...well, since you're so strong, I bet you win a whole lot at danmaku. What if you tried to make it more challenging for yourself to win?"
> "I guess we can ask Sakuya for some... But I wanna know how to control, like Sakuya and big sis said."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 07:59:44 PM
> "Well, Miss Reimu and Miss Marisa are really strong, but I don't think anyone tells them that stuff. Maybe you could ask them how to do it next time you see them?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 08:17:32 PM
> "Well, Miss Reimu and Miss Marisa are really strong, but I don't think anyone tells them that stuff. Maybe you could ask them how to do it next time you see them?"
> "But I don't know when they'll come back. Marisa probably won't be allowed in a long while again, and Reimu's only interested in big sis..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 08:20:12 PM
> "Have you tried asking your big sis if she'll let them teach you?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 08:25:59 PM
> "Have you tried asking your big sis if she'll let them teach you?"
> "No. She wouldn't do it anyways because she won't listen..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 08:28:13 PM
> "I don't know about that...I know that she got mad at you about this, but a lot of people have told me it wasn't your fault. Do you want to know who those people are mad at?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 08:38:20 PM
> "I don't know about that...I know that she got mad at you about this, but a lot of people have told me it wasn't your fault. Do you want to know who those people are mad at?"
> "Who? It's not Rumia too, is it?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 08:39:11 PM
> Shake head.
> "No. They're mad at your big sis. Just like how they're mad at your big sis for what Rumia did."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 08:53:00 PM
> Shake head.
> "No. They're mad at your big sis. Just like how they're mad at your big sis for what Rumia did."
> "Then how come I'm being punished?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 22, 2016, 08:56:11 PM

Help, requesting Kilga-aid.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 22, 2016, 08:59:31 PM
> How're Koa and Meiling doing? Still snoozing away?
> " hurt those other two people, right? The ones with the little boy? That's probably why, honestly."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 09:07:16 PM
> How're Koa and Meiling doing? Still snoozing away?
> Meiling and Koakuma are still asleep, but Koakuma is tossing and turning a lot more.

Help, requesting Kilga-aid.
> " hurt those other two people, right? The ones with the little boy? That's probably why, honestly."
> Flandre looks back down.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 22, 2016, 09:09:20 PM
> Rub Koa's back a little more while listening to her thoughts.
> "I'm sorry. I know you didn't mean to do it. still happened."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 09:18:42 PM
> "I'm sorry. I know you didn't mean to do it. still happened."
> "I'll try not to do it again..." Flandre says.
> Rub Koa's back a little more while listening to her thoughts.
> Koakuma continues to stir in her sleep.
> "" Please Master, I have no where else to go. D-Don't...  "NOOOO!" Koakuma wakes up screaming. She starts to breathe heavily.
> Meiling moves a bit in her sleep.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 22, 2016, 09:20:40 PM
> Rub Koa's back some more.
> Hey Koa. Um, try not to panic, should probably see where we are.
> "Of course. You seem like a good person to me, and no friend of Rumia's could be bad."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 09:26:26 PM
> Rub Koa's back some more.
> Hey Koa. Um, try not to panic, should probably see where we are.
> Koakuma continues to pant. "D-Daiyousei...?" She immediately jumps. "F-Flandre!?"
> "Of course. You seem like a good person to me, and no friend of Rumia's could be bad."
> "Thanks Daiyousei." Flandre says. "I try to be good, but it's really hard. You don't even get to do most of the fun stuff while being good."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 22, 2016, 09:29:32 PM
> Shh! You'll wake Meiling up!
> Nod in reality.
> "Yeah, it's great to get to do fun stuff, but sometimes you gotta do stuff that isn't so fun. If that other stuff helps other people, though, then it's worth doing, I think."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 09:35:03 PM
> Shh! You'll wake Meiling up!
> "Why is she here too?" Koakuma asks. "Whatever. Don't you know that she can kill us easily?"
> Nod in reality.
> "Yeah, it's great to get to do fun stuff, but sometimes you gotta do stuff that isn't so fun. If that other stuff helps other people, though, then it's worth doing, I think."
> Flandre thinks for a second.
> "Okay."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 22, 2016, 09:39:25 PM
> Well, yeah, I saw that...stuff earlier. But she won't.
> Smile in reality.
> "Good, good. Hey, you like your big sis, right? Um, when she's not mad at you, I mean."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 09:51:49 PM
> Well, yeah, I saw that...stuff earlier. But she won't.
> Koakuma shifts around uncomfortably.
> Smile in reality.
> "Good, good. Hey, you like your big sis, right? Um, when she's not mad at you, I mean."
> "Yea... most of the time." Flandre says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 09:54:27 PM
> "Well, if you do more good things even though they're not fun, not only will she yell at you less, but Miss Reimu and Miss Marisa will yell at her and punish her less. Then you both win!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 09:59:01 PM
> "Well, if you do more good things even though they're not fun, not only will she yell at you less, but Miss Reimu and Miss Marisa will yell at her and punish her less. Then you both win!"
> "Okay. I'll try Daiyousei."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 10:01:52 PM
> See?
> Smile and nod.
> "Very good. Hey, do you mind if I sit next to you?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 10:09:22 PM
> See?
> Smile and nod.
> "Very good. Hey, do you mind if I sit next to you?"
> Flandre scoots over on the bed a bit.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 10:11:45 PM
> Get up and have a seat on the bed next to Flandre.
> Pat Flandre on the head while smiling.
> "You're a good kid, Miss Flandre."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 10:15:04 PM
> Get up and have a seat on the bed next to Flandre.
> Pat Flandre on the head while smiling.
> "You're a good kid, Miss Flandre."
> Flandre smiles a bit more as you pet her.
> "You really think so?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 10:18:29 PM
> "Of course! Oh, and I didn't say so earlier, but your wings are suuuuuper pretty and cool!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 22, 2016, 10:21:45 PM
What ?!?! I`m the one who does the petting here !  :colbert:

>"You just need to work hard and learn, and then you`ll be the greatest vampire !"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 10:27:18 PM
> "Of course! Oh, and I didn't say so earlier, but your wings are suuuuuper pretty and cool!"
What ?!?! I`m the one who does the petting here !  :colbert:

>"You just need to work hard and learn, and then you`ll be the greatest vampire !"
> "Thanks!" Flandre smiles happily. "Rumia likes them too. And I'll try to be good more like you said, so big sis won't get punished, and neither will I. Then I can play with Marisa and Rumia more."
> "You're actually doing this..." Koakuma says in astonishment.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 22, 2016, 10:33:17 PM
>She`s just misunderstood, i see the good things on her person, and they are many, she only needs someone to orientate her, to aid her in controlling herself, she`s a better person than many people out there, true and innocent.
>"It`s no problem, i`m happy to help anyone ! Especially kind people like you."
>Give her a soothing smile.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 10:34:56 PM
> Well, yeah, all I had to do was listen to her. It wasn't even that hard!
> "Yeah! And next time you're outside, if you find me and Rumia and our friends, we'll play with you too!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 10:40:10 PM
>She`s just misunderstood, i see the good things on her person, and they are many, she only needs someone to orientate her, to aid her in controlling herself, she`s a better person than many people out there, true and innocent.
> Well, yeah, all I had to do was listen to her. It wasn't even that hard!
> "You're amazing..." Koakuma looks into your eyes.
>"It`s no problem, i`m happy to help anyone ! Especially kind people like you."
>Give her a soothing smile.
> "Yeah! And next time you're outside, if you find me and Rumia and our friends, we'll play with you too!"
> "Right." Flandre nods, and hugs you.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 10:44:06 PM
> Smile in thoughtscapeland.
> Thanks!
> Return the hug in realityland.
> "Ehehe~"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 22, 2016, 10:46:13 PM
>Examine Happy Flandre. :3
>"I`m so glad to be your friend !"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 10:59:03 PM
> Smile in thoughtscapeland.
> Thanks!
> Return the hug in realityland.
> "Ehehe~"
> You hold Flandre. She's not squeezing too tightly.
>Examine Happy Flandre. :3
> You examine Flandre. She has on a red outfit, and has a pink hat like Remilia's. She has blonde hair with a bit of a ponytail. She seems to be wearing bloomers. You think her crystal wings may be glowing a bit brighter than before.
>"I`m so glad to be your friend !"
> "Me too. You actually listen and you're really nice, like Miss Meiling..." Flandre continues to hug you.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 11:00:54 PM
> "Ehe, thanks! Miss Meiling's a good person, too, yeah."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 11:01:42 PM
> "Ehe, thanks! Miss Meiling's a good person, too, yeah."
> "Mhm..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 11:02:51 PM
> Oh, right! You asked why Miss Meiling was here? I figured out how to fusion with her while she was sleeping, so yeah. ...I wonder if it still counts as a fusion if I did all the work?
> "Do you ever get to play with her?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 11:06:29 PM
> Oh, right! You asked why Miss Meiling was here? I figured out how to fusion with her while she was sleeping, so yeah. ...I wonder if it still counts as a fusion if I did all the work?
> "O-Oh." Koakuma backs away from you a bit. "I kinda forgot Miss Meiling was here..."
> "Do you ever get to play with her?"
> Flandre nods slightly, then leans her head onto your shoulder.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 22, 2016, 11:09:19 PM
>"What about Miss Sakuya ? How is she ?"
>Pet Flandre again.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 11:14:11 PM
>"What about Miss Sakuya ? How is she ?"
>Pet Flandre again.
> Flandre looks up to you. "Sakuya's nice too, and she hangs around Meiling a lot. She does whatever big sis says though..."
> Flandre closes her eyes and enjoys the feeling.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 11:16:01 PM
> By the way, Koa, are you okay? You kinda woke up screaming...
> "Mmm...I hope you can still trust her with stuff."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 11:22:18 PM
> By the way, Koa, are you okay? You kinda woke up screaming...
> "It was just a bad dream..." Koakuma says.
> "Mmm...I hope you can still trust her with stuff."
> "She listens to me sometimes, but she doesn't go against big sis."
> You can hear a door opening from far away.
> There's a conversation you can't hear going on.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 22, 2016, 11:23:23 PM
>"Maybe i was a bit too harsh with her before.... hm ? Someone`s out there."
>Any places we can hide here ?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 11:24:54 PM
> Lower our voice a bit more when saying the above to Flan.
> Sounded like it. Something about having nowhere else to go...?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 11:29:53 PM
>"Maybe i was a bit too harsh with her before.... hm ? Someone`s out there."
> Lower our voice a bit more when saying the above to Flan.
> "Hm?" Flandre lifts her head off of your shoulder.
>Any places we can hide here ?
> There's under the bed, but not much other choices compared to the last room.
> Sounded like it. Something about having nowhere else to go...?
> "I-It was just a bad dream." Koakuma says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 11:33:45 PM
> Huh, well, okay. Um, but if you ever need a new place to live, you can live here in me!
> "Let's listen and make sure they don't come this way. If they catch me here, I might get in trouble."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 11:38:54 PM
> Huh, well, okay. Um, but if you ever need a new place to live, you can live here in me!
> "I don't think this is a great place to live. No offense... Well, when it's like this it's okay, but I'd still want a real place. Ya know, not in someone's mind..."
> "Let's listen and make sure they don't come this way. If they catch me here, I might get in trouble."
> "Okay." Flandre whispers.
> There's more unidentifiable conversation, and the sound of doors closing. You can hear footsteps now.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 11:42:30 PM
> Oh. Well, I have a real place, though! You saw it yourself.
> Continue willing Meiling to stay asleep.
> "Hey, Miss Flandre, is there space under your bed for me to hide if I need to?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 22, 2016, 11:43:31 PM
>Yea, i understand, but i wonder how Miss Meiling gets this field in here, maybe i could make a house then.
>Listen carefully, if they head this way, quickly shrink and hide on a small space around here. (We still have that power remember Kilgasei?)
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 11:44:10 PM
> No! Absolutely do not shrink under any circumstances. We'll explode and pass out like that other time.

I haven't forgotten about it, it's just off-limits right now.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 22, 2016, 11:45:41 PM
Oh yea, that`s a thing.

>Yea, don`t shrink, but can we make us a bit smaller without risking exploding ? Might make it easier to fit and hide.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 11:46:25 PM
Meiling fills us up a lot, and came with a natural growth spurt. I doubt we'd be able to get down too much lower than our regular size with her inside us.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 11:51:27 PM
> Oh. Well, I have a real place, though! You saw it yourself.
> Almost saw something else too. Almost... "Hah, yeah. It was a pretty nice place." Koakuma says.
> Continue willing Meiling to stay asleep.
> Meiling is practically out cold. She doesn't seem to snore, however.
> "Hey, Miss Flandre, is there space under your bed for me to hide if I need to?"
> "I think so." She whispers. "I can pull the covers over it some too."
>Yea, i understand, but i wonder how Miss Meiling gets this field in here, maybe i could make a house then.
>Listen carefully.
Oh yea, that`s a thing.

>Yea, don`t shrink, but can we make us a bit smaller without risking exploding ? Might make it easier to fit and hide.
> "Well, Miss Meiling always seems to be very gentle in every situation. Maybe this is just how her head is...even though it's your head, I think." Koakuma says.
> You continue listening. The footsteps continue past this hallway, and towards the stairs.
> "Is there anything else you need milady?" Sakuya's voice asks.
> "That is all. Enjoy your sleep Sakuya." Remilia replies.
> "Yes. Goodnight as well."
> The sounds ascend the stairs.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 11:53:34 PM
> Huh? What else did you want to see? I can show you whatever you like when we get back!
> "...I think they're gone..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 22, 2016, 11:58:37 PM
> Huh? What else did you want to see? I can show you whatever you like when we get back!
> "Uh, nothing. I forgot that happens..." Koakuma blushes.
> "...I think they're gone..."
> "Yeah..." Flandre says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2016, 11:59:59 PM
> ...I have no idea what you're talking about...
> Exhale.
> "That's a relief. Hum, out of curiosity, when you were in the library, was Miss Patchouli still awake?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 12:03:43 AM
> ...I have no idea what you're talking about...
> "It's nothing." Koakuma says.
> Exhale.
> "That's a relief. Hum, out of curiosity, when you were in the library, was Miss Patchouli still awake?"
> "Um, yeah. She mentioned fusion and stuff before Sakuya started talking about the mess I made..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 12:06:06 AM
> Grin.
> "Do you know what she said?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 12:07:42 AM
> Grin.
> "Do you know what she said?"
> "It um... It combined the properties of multiple individuals, and uh... Koakuma would return with more information."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 12:11:55 AM
> Nod.
> "Lots of big words, but that sounds about right."
> Grin wider.
> "'Cause I'm actually a fusion right now!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 12:16:18 AM
> Nod.
> "Lots of big words, but that sounds about right."
> Grin wider.
> "'Cause I'm actually a fusion right now!"
> "Wow! Really? So you have like, the properties of other indivitch- individuals?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 12:17:26 AM
> "Yep! Like, my hair is normally green, not red."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 23, 2016, 12:19:08 AM
>"And look !"
>Point Flandre our bat-wings from Koakuma.
>"I also don`t normally have these cute bat-wings. I can fuse with youkai and other fairies, but not humans."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 12:20:34 AM
> "At least, not on their own. I might be able to do it if they're already fusioned with a youkai."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 12:23:03 AM
> "Yep! Like, my hair is normally green, not red."
>"And look !"
>Point Flandre our bat-wings from Koakuma.
>"I also don`t normally have these cute bat-wings. I can fuse with youkai and other fairies, but not humans."
> "At least, not on their own. I might be able to do it if they're already fusioned with a youkai."
> Koakuma blushes when you mention the bat-wings.
> "Oh." Flandre says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 12:23:52 AM
> "Yep! I just discovered this today, so I'm still experimentating."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 12:29:10 AM
> "Yep! I just discovered this today, so I'm still experimentating."
> "How does it feel? Is it weird?" Flandre asks.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 23, 2016, 12:32:01 AM
>"Well, we can kinda hear what the other thinks sometimes, and we also have this little area in my mind to think and talk to who we`re fused with."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 12:33:43 AM
> "For me, it's a little weird, but really cool! I can do the same stuff the other person can do, and I can talk to them in my head and stuff. Sometimes we can hear each other's thoughts."
> "For the other person, I guess it feels like they're losing their magic, and then gaining it back when we're fully fusioned. Once we're fusioned, they can move my body and use my abilities if I let them, and there's a little area in our thoughts where we can all kind of see each other."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 12:43:24 AM
>"Well, we can kinda hear what the other thinks sometimes, and we also have this little area in my mind to think and talk to who we`re fused with."
> "For me, it's a little weird, but really cool! I can do the same stuff the other person can do, and I can talk to them in my head and stuff. Sometimes we can hear each other's thoughts."
> "For the other person, I guess it feels like they're losing their magic, and then gaining it back when we're fully fusioned. Once we're fusioned, they can move my body and use my abilities if I let them, and there's a little area in our thoughts where we can all kind of see each other."
> "That sounds cool..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 12:43:52 AM
> "...You wanna try it?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 12:46:33 AM
> "...You wanna try it?"
> "Yeah. Okay." Flandre gets off the bed. "So do match power and do a dance or something?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 12:47:57 AM
> Get off the bed ourselves.
> "Nah, we don't need to do anything that fanciful. Just take my hand, here."
> Hold out an open hand to Flandre. Once she takes it, use the contact to gauge her energy, and determine how much bigger we would need to be to take it all, if we needed to grow any more at all.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 12:55:40 AM
> Get off the bed ourselves.
> "Nah, we don't need to do anything that fanciful. Just take my hand, here."
> Hold out an open hand to Flandre. Once she takes it, use the contact to gauge her energy, and determine how much bigger we would need to be to take it all, if we needed to grow any more at all.
> You get off the bed and hold your hand out, but you can already tell her life energy from here...
> Either way, she grabs your hand and you check her, as usual. Her magic is a bit frightening, and she has more life energy than normal youkai. You would need to grow a bit bigger to make up extra space to take it in.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 01:00:46 AM
> How does she compare to Meiling, volume-wise?
> Purse our lips.
> "Wow, you really are super strong. That's a lotta energy you got goin' on there! Okay, give me a moment, I gotta get ready."
> Grin.
> "You're gonna get to see another power of mine first."
> Get down on both knees in front of Flandre, then use miracle power to double our current height.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 01:06:22 AM
> How does she compare to Meiling, volume-wise?
> It seems like she has more than Meiling.
> Purse our lips.
> "Wow, you really are super strong. That's a lotta energy you got goin' on there! Okay, give me a moment, I gotta get ready."
> Grin.
> "You're gonna get to see another power of mine first."
> Get down on both knees in front of Flandre, then use miracle power to double our current height.
> You crouch over, then double your height. You keep yourself from hitting the ceiling this way. This is large enough to contain her energy.
> "You can get bigger!?" Flandre says in surprise.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 01:10:02 AM
> "Yep! I can get lots and lots bigger than this, but not while I'm in here, ehehe."
> Serious face.
> "Okay, I'm going to start now. If you ever feel uncomfortable and want me to stop, tell me and I will, okay?"
> Flow enough of our own energy into Flan that we can get a grip on her life energy, and then pull it back into us and begin taking her life energy in. Don't rush it, but we don't need to go very slow, either.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 01:11:31 AM
> "Yep! I can get lots and lots bigger than this, but not while I'm in here, ehehe."
> Serious face.
> "Okay, I'm going to start now. If you ever feel uncomfortable and want me to stop, tell me and I will, okay?"
> Flow enough of our own energy into Flan that we can get a grip on her life energy, and then pull it back into us and begin taking her life energy in. Don't rush it, but we don't need to go very slow, either.
> You flow energy into Flandre and get a grip on her life energy. It starts to move, but stops.
> "It feels weird. Is that good, or bad?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 01:15:40 AM
> "Other people have told me that too, so I guess it's normal. But if it bothers you, we can stop."
> If Flandre is okay with continuing, then continue.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 01:20:30 AM
> "Other people have told me that too, so I guess it's normal. But if it bothers you, we can stop."
> If Flandre is okay with continuing, then continue.
> "If it's normal, then It's okay." Flandre says.
> You continue, and start to flow Flandre's energy into yourself. Flandre starts to vanish.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 01:22:00 AM
> "There you go, you're doing fine."
> Continue taking Flandre's energy into ourselves.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 01:27:01 AM
> "There you go, you're doing fine."
> Continue taking Flandre's energy into ourselves.
> Flandre smiles at your comment.
> You continue taking in Flandre's energy until she completely vanishes, leaving you sort of alone in the room, but not really.
> Flandre appears in the thoughtscape garden.
> "Y-You fused with her!?!?" Koakuma says, surprised.
> Meiling starts to stir in her sleep some.
> "Oh, Meiling's here too." Flandre says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 01:29:29 AM
> Did the scenery not change with Flan's arrival?
> Continue willing Meiling to stay asleep.
> Walk our thoughtscape self over to Flandre.
> Yep, but she's getting some well-earned sleep, so we should be careful not to wake her. And don't worry, I have the gate guarded while she's here.

> Check our new selves out in realityland.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 01:42:01 AM
> Did the scenery not change with Flan's arrival?
> It apparently had not.
> Continue willing Meiling to stay asleep.
> Walk our thoughtscape self over to Flandre.
> Yep, but she's getting some well-earned sleep, so we should be careful not to wake her. And don't worry, I have the gate guarded while she's here.
> "Okay, got it." Flandre says. "Is this how you really look?"
> Check our new selves out in realityland.
> You examine yourself. Your hair is a lighter shade, but still red. Your wings have returned mostly to normal; The rim is golden like it used to be, but hanging from said rim are Flandre's crystals. It looks more like her wings now. The tiny wings coming from your head are the same.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 01:46:50 AM
> Yep! Nice to finally meetcha as myself!
> "Ooh..."
> Poke at the crystals a bit.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 01:51:37 AM
> Yep! Nice to finally meetcha as myself!
> "Ooh..."
> Poke at the crystals a bit.
> You poke at your crystals. They feel smooth. Is this what Cirno's ice wings feel like? You've never gotten the chance...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 23, 2016, 02:08:11 AM
>They`re so neat, can i keep them forever ?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 02:09:03 AM
> Giggle in the thoughtscape.
> Just kidding, of course. But wow, they're so cool...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 02:13:52 AM
>They`re so neat, can i keep them forever ?
> Giggle in the thoughtscape.
> Just kidding, of course. But wow, they're so cool...
> "It's nice that you like them." Flandre flaps her wings a bit.
> "I think we should let lady Flandre and Miss Meiling go now though..." Koakuma says. "They have to get their rest, right?"
> "But I haven't showed Daiyousei my abilities."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 23, 2016, 02:24:41 AM
>Oh yea ! About that, you had this Black Staff with you when i was here with Miss Marisa, what`s that for ?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 02:33:03 AM
>Oh yea ! About that, you had this Black Staff with you when i was here with Miss Marisa, what`s that for ?"
> "It's my sword wand thingy, L?vateinn. It's really tough to move sometimes though..."
> "We should let her go to sleep now, before Sakuya comes back or Patchouli sees." Koakuma says. "Meiling too."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 23, 2016, 02:36:18 AM
>Aww, let`s just wait until she shows me her abilities.
>To Flandre:So, what do you want to show first ?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 02:39:47 AM
>Aww, let`s just wait until she shows me her abilities.
>To Flandre:So, what do you want to show first ?
> "I can do this."
> Three other versions of yourself appear next to you.
> "Cool right?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 02:45:12 AM
> Drop our jaw in surprise.
> "Whoa!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: AzyWng on April 23, 2016, 02:46:08 AM
> Drop our jaw in surprise.
> "Whoa!"
Darn, Ninja'd
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 02:49:57 AM
> Drop our jaw in surprise.
> "Whoa!"
> "Yeah. I can also blow up stu-"
> "Lady Flan I think you should really go back to bed now. It's going to be morning soon." Koakuma says.
> "You can't tell me what to do." Flandre turns to Koakuma, making her jump. "You're supposed to listen to me."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 02:51:49 AM
> Hey, whoa, it's okay, we're all friends here...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 03:02:42 AM
> Hey, whoa, it's okay, we're all friends here...
> "I-I'm not telling you not to use your powers, I-I'm just t-trying to say that-"
> "That what?" Flandre glares at Koakuma. "That I'm not allowed to play with my friends?"
> "N-No, I m-mean-" Koakuma starts to shake a little.
> "Sis only said that for Rumia. I can still play with Daiyousei until we can all play together."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 03:05:59 AM
> Wait, please, don't fight!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 03:14:09 AM
> Wait, please, don't fight!
> "O-Okay." Koakuma says, then makes the smaller, more adorable version of herself appear. "F-Flan, I'm sorry. Can you f-forgive me?" She walks up to Flandre.
> The other Koakuma closes her eyes and thinks. D-Dai, can we please put Meiling and Flandre back? Please?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 03:26:32 AM
> Think 'out loud' in the thoughtscape.
> See, Miss Flandre? We're all friends here.
> Make eye contact with the small Koa for a moment and grimace slightly before breaking it again.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 03:36:29 AM
> Think 'out loud' in the thoughtscape.
> See, Miss Flandre? We're all friends here.
> Make eye contact with the small Koa for a moment and grimace slightly before breaking it again.
> You think the smaller Koakuma looks back at you before it disappears, but you couldn't see it's expression.
> "...Oh. Sorry Daiyousei." Flandre says. "I forgot I was supposed to be good... Sorry."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 03:37:06 AM
> It's okay. I know it's hard. But I also know you can do it.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 03:43:12 AM
> It's okay. I know it's hard. But I also know you can do it.
> "I'll try harder." Flandre says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 03:57:33 AM
> How are we feeling in regards to tiredness?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 23, 2016, 04:00:15 AM
>Wonder if Mini-me encountered anybody in the time we were down here.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 04:06:49 AM
> How are we feeling in regards to tiredness?
> You've been about all day also fusioning with others. You're pretty tired.
>Wonder if Mini-me encountered anybody in the time we were down here.
> You wonder if the other you (not the other other three) has faced anyone yet. It's nighttime, so the chances might be lower.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 04:07:55 AM
> Try willing the other three uses to raise their right hands.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 23, 2016, 04:08:51 AM
>Is Mini-me more adorable than the Flan-clone-mes? Or are they equally adorable?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 04:10:35 AM
> Try willing the other three uses to raise their right hands.
> They hold their right hands up as you order them to.
>Is Mini-me more adorable than the Flan-clone-mes? Or are they equally adorable?
> The smaller you wins. The other yous look more identical to you without differences, compared to the Koa-clone one.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 04:32:21 AM
> Poke the wing crystals of the closest clone.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 23, 2016, 04:33:44 AM
>Wonder how much free will our clones have. Including Mini-me.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 04:40:50 AM
> Poke the wing crystals of the closest clone.
> You poke the wing crystals. They jingle and chime as the hit one another.
>Wonder how much free will our clones have. Including Mini-me.
> The miniature one already displayed being capable of feeling her own emotions, so maybe these will as well, among other things.
> You feel like a bit of some energy has split away from your body.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 04:42:55 AM
> "Hello, other mes!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 04:47:09 AM
> "Hello, other mes!"
> "Hi!" One of them waves.
> "Hello." Another says.
> "Do you think Meiling would object if she woke up?" The third asks.
> "Nah." The second replies. "Meiling's really kind. She would be okay with it."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 04:52:17 AM
> "Well, still, we should let her sleep. She works really hard!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 04:56:00 AM
> "Well, still, we should let her sleep. She works really hard!"
> "Sure" "Okay" Two of them say.
> "Ooh. If we can split into four total, and there's that second you, does that mean there can be four normal and four small us-es?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 04:59:10 AM
> "Oh, maybe. But the small me is the same size as me now, so maybe there can be eight us-es!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 07:18:14 AM
> "Oh, maybe. But the small me is the same size as me now, so maybe there can be eight us-es!"
> "What?" One of them asks, before counting on her fingers. "No, that's right."
> You feel another drop in your magic.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 23, 2016, 07:29:00 AM
>Um... Flandre...? Does your cloning ability drain magic, by chance...?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 01:04:50 PM
> Check in on thoughtscapeland to make sure nothing untoward has happened.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 05:33:53 PM
>Um... Flandre...? Does your cloning ability drain magic, by chance...?
> "Nope. I don't think so." Flandre says.
> Check in on thoughtscapeland to make sure nothing untoward has happened.
> You look around the garden-like thoughtscape. Flandre's smiling at you. Meiling is still sleeping and... you can't find Koakuma.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 05:39:55 PM
> ...Hey, where's Koa?
> Check head for headwings.

Please no one accuse Flan of foul play here.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 05:52:22 PM
> ...Hey, where's Koa?
> Check head for headwings.

Please no one accuse Flan of foul play here.
> Flandre looks around. "I don't know."
> You check your head for it's wings. Sure enough, they're gone.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 05:54:15 PM
> Look around the room for Koa.
> Check inside of us for Koa's life energy.
> Check our own life energy for any abnormalities.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 05:57:52 PM
> Look around the room for Koa.
> Check inside of us for Koa's life energy.
> Check our own life energy for any abnormalities.
> You look around the room. Koakuma doesn't appear to be in here, but the door is just barely cracked open.
> You can't find any of Koakuma's energy inside you.
> Your life energy feels regular.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 06:00:05 PM
> Will the three clones to stay where they are for the moment.
> Shrink down as far as we can until we feel full again, then head quickly to the door and peek out of it down the hall.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 23, 2016, 06:02:28 PM
>Aw, where did she go ......?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 06:05:30 PM
>Aw, where did she go ......?
> Flandre shrugs.
> Will the three clones to stay where they are for the moment.
> Shrink down as far as we can until we feel full again, then head quickly to the door and peek out of it down the hall.
> The other three yous nod.
> You shrink down until you're some above Meiling's height, and peek out the door down the hall.
> There's nothing down this hall.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 23, 2016, 06:07:25 PM
Theories and ideas anyone ? I find it highly unlikely this is Flandre's doing. Maybe Sakuya's ?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 06:09:42 PM
> The door's open. Maybe someone snuck nearby and got her somehow...? Now I'm worried. Let's go find her.
> By the way, did you big sis go to bed too?
> Leave the room, being quiet with the door and closing it behind us, and then start flying down the halls toward the library.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Searinox119 on April 23, 2016, 06:17:22 PM
>Wait, if Koa isn't here, then the mini-me guarding the gate must be gone, too... I should probably drop Miss Meiling off at the gate before she gets in trouble...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 06:19:05 PM
>Wait, if Koa isn't here, then the mini-me guarding the gate must be gone, too... I should probably drop Miss Meiling off at the gate before she gets in trouble...
> "But isn't Meiling usually asleep at this time?"
> The door's open. Maybe someone snuck nearby and got her somehow...? Now I'm worried. Let's go find her.
> By the way, did you big sis go to bed too?
> "She usually has Sakuya take her to bed, after me of course, so I think so... "
> Leave the room, being quiet with the door and closing it behind us, and then start flying down the halls toward the library.
> You leave the room, slowly closing the door behind you, but Flandre interrupts.
> "Y-You can't close the door like that." Flandre says. "It'll be really loud if you do."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 06:19:47 PM
> Oh, okay.
> Leave the door opened a crack.
> Hmm, I wonder if we could fusion with your big sis too, then.
> THEN start flying down the hallway.

We'll worry about Meiling later.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 06:26:01 PM
> Oh, okay.
> Leave the door opened a crack.
> THEN start flying down the hallway.

We'll worry about Meiling later.
> You leave the door cracked as it was before, then start flying down the hallways.
> As you reach the library doors, you can see Koakuma, exiting and closing the doors. She spots you, then holds her hand out, looking down and away from you.
> "Oh, there she is." Flandre says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 23, 2016, 06:28:08 PM
>Approach her slowly.
>Can we hear anything coming from the library ?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 06:29:20 PM
> Hmm, I wonder if we could fusion with your big sis too, then.
> Kneel down and grow enough to be able to take Koa back into us.
> Take Koa's hand in ours and take her back into us using the same process as with Meiling and Flandre.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 06:32:39 PM
>Approach her slowly.
>Can we hear anything coming from the library ?
> You get closer to Koakuma.
> You can't hear much from the library.
> Hmm, I wonder if we could fusion with your big sis too, then.
> Flandre doesn't answer.
> Kneel down and grow enough to be able to take Koa back into us.
> Take Koa's hand in ours and take her back into us using the same process as with Meiling and Flandre.
> You kneel and grow a bit bigger.
> You hold Koakuma's hand, and she starts to send her energy into you. Within seconds, she vanishes, and the head wings reappear.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 06:33:48 PM
> Shrink down until we're full again.
> Send Koa to the flower field thoughtscape.
> Hey, Koa, are you okay? I was worried about you...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 06:38:30 PM
> Shrink down until we're full again.
> Send Koa to the flower field thoughtscape.
> Hey, Koa, are you okay? I was worried about you...
> You're already full. You only grew a bit to take Koakuma back in.
> Koakuma's sitting down in the garden, looking into the distance.
> She doesn't answer.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 06:39:08 PM
> Frown.
> Koa...are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 06:40:44 PM
> Frown.
> Koa...are you mad at me? Did I do something wrong?
> Koakuma still doesn't answer you.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 23, 2016, 06:42:21 PM
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 23, 2016, 06:46:20 PM
>Get close to Koakuma and sit besides her.
>What happened Koa ? You're worrying me...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 06:53:39 PM
>Get close to Koakuma and sit besides her.
>What happened Koa ? You're worrying me...
> You sit next to Koakuma. She turns away as you begin to talk.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 23, 2016, 06:55:50 PM
>Koa... You're making me even more worried!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 07:00:25 PM
>Koa... You're making me even more worried!
> Koakuma gets up and walks further away from you.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 23, 2016, 07:02:10 PM
>Koa... Please... Just tell me what's wrong...? I did something, didn't I... What did I do!?!
>Try to read her thoughts.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 07:06:52 PM
>Koa... Please... Just tell me what's wrong...? I did something, didn't I... What did I do!?!
>Try to read her thoughts.
> You try to read Koakuma's thoughts. Mostly, all you hear is the words "just one night." It sounds like there's more though, if you got close enough and listened in well.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 07:07:37 PM
I was actually avoiding doing this out of respect, but I guess if we're gonna do it, we might as well go all the way. <_<

> Lean in a liiiiiittle bit closer.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 07:17:50 PM
I was actually avoiding doing this out of respect, but I guess if we're gonna do it, we might as well go all the way. <_<

> Lean in a liiiiiittle bit closer.
> You head over to Koakuma's new spot and lean in a little closer.
> -know that look meant she doesn't want me here. She'll just be here for tonight, then there's no telling if she'll come again, but I won't have to do this again anyways. I can just hide if she comes.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 07:22:07 PM
Okay, no pursuing that any further right now. We're clearing it up after we get back home.

> ...Um...all right, I'll leave you alone, then.
> Back off from Koa and look to Flan.
> Hey, Miss Flandre? I'm actually getting pretty tired myself, and Cirno-chan and I have a big day tomorrow, so I need to leave soon.
> Thoughtscape sad frown.
> I'm sorry. But...did you want to try one of my abilities before I left, while you're still inside me?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 07:25:08 PM
Okay, no pursuing that any further right now. We're clearing it up after we get back home.

> ...Um...all right, I'll leave you alone, then.
> Back off from Koa and look to Flan.
> Hey, Miss Flandre? I'm actually getting pretty tired myself, and Cirno-chan and I have a big day tomorrow, so I need to leave soon.
> Thoughtscape sad frown.
> I'm sorry. But...did you want to try one of my abilities before I left, while you're still inside me?
> "It's okay." Flandre says. "No one said we couldn't play tomorrow!" She smiles.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 07:37:20 PM
> Nod with a smile.
> Yep!
> Fly back toward Flan's room, but stop at the beginning of the hallway where her door is at the end.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 07:40:37 PM
> Nod with a smile.
> Yep!
> Fly back toward Flan's room, but stop at the beginning of the hallway where her door is at the end.
> You fly back to Flandre's room, stopping at the start of the hallway. The door is still cracked, and you can see the other yous peeking out.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 07:48:33 PM
> Okay, Miss Flandre, try moving my body around a bit, so you can get used to it before you try my power.
> Let Flandre have control of our body.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 07:53:28 PM
> Okay, Miss Flandre, try moving my body around a bit, so you can get used to it before you try my power.
> Let Flandre have control of our body.
> Flandre starts to fly up, then dashes forwards suddenly and quickly, stopping before the door.
> "Okay, it's still like mine." She smiles.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 23, 2016, 07:54:17 PM
Okay, that`s a dirty blow, now i`ll be worried sick about why Koakuma is this way, thanks Miniking.... :ohdear:

>Try warping inside the room, just focus where you want to go.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 07:56:01 PM
>Try warping inside the room, just focus where you want to go.

> Don't do this, she could accidentally warp us into a solid object, given the door is closed and she's never done it before.

> Good! Okay, turn back around and face down the hallway again. Then find an open spot in the hallway, and try to warp to it.
> Provide Flan with the same explanation we provided Koa when she was trying to warp.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 08:03:15 PM
Okay, that`s a dirty blow, now i`ll be worried sick about why Koakuma is this way, thanks Miniking.... :ohdear:

>Try warping inside the room, just focus where you want to go.
> Don't do this, she could accidentally warp us into a solid object, given the door is closed and she's never done it before.

> Good! Okay, turn back around and face down the hallway again. Then find an open spot in the hallway, and try to warp to it.
> Provide Flan with the same explanation we provided Koa when she was trying to warp.
> "Right." Flandre says, after you explain how it should work with her.
> Flandre warps further back down the hallway.
> "That's cool..." Flandre says. "But you get stuck for a bit. I'd rather move around the way I usually do."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 23, 2016, 08:05:50 PM
>Well, you can go through walls and stuff, as long as you know that the other side doesn`t have anything blocking the way, or else we`ll warp inside something and it`ll be really painful...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 08:06:42 PM
> Yeah, you can even warp objects to you! Um, but don't warp them inside of you, that hurts a lot too.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 08:08:58 PM
>Well, you can go through walls and stuff, as long as you know that the other side doesn`t have anything blocking the way, or else we`ll warp inside something and it`ll be really painful...
> Yeah, you can even warp objects to you! Um, but don't warp them inside of you, that hurts a lot too.
> "Okay. You wanna see one of my other abilities now? This one's really cool. I need something to do it with though." Flandre flies back to the room and opens the door. She starts to go through a big box full of stuff.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 08:09:31 PM
> Sure! What is it?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 08:18:20 PM
> Sure! What is it?
> Flandre takes out a stuffed animal. It's really worn down and there's a few limbs missing. She tosses it out into the hall and then raises her hand towards it.
> Flandre pauses for a second before she squeezes her hand. The toy explodes violently in response.
> Koakuma jumps for a second.
> Meiling rolls over in her sleep.
> "See. It's really cool, right?" Flandre asks.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 08:19:38 PM
> Whoa...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 08:22:33 PM
> Whoa...
> "Yeah, but Sakuya and Meiling say it's dangerous, and that I shouldn't do it on people a lot."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 08:24:36 PM
> Nod a couple of times in thoughtscapeland.
> Yeah, I understand. I think a person would die if they kablooeyed like that. It's still really neat, though!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 08:30:32 PM
> Nod a couple of times in thoughtscapeland.
> Yeah, I understand. I think a person would die if they kablooeyed like that. It's still really neat, though!
> "Mhm." Flandre says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 08:35:30 PM
> Oh yeah, how did you do the clones thing, anyway?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 08:39:23 PM
> Oh yeah, how did you do the clones thing, anyway?
> "It's one of my special moves. I call it four of a kind."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 23, 2016, 08:40:52 PM
>Cool... they even act and do stuff on their own, they just like us !
>>Soo, i think i should get going, it`s pretty late and we both should be sleeping, i have a fight along with Cirno-chan later after all ! Anything left for you to show me ?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 08:41:19 PM
> Don't mention the fight with Marisa. She'll undoubtedly refuse to leave us if we do.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 08:47:10 PM
>Cool... they even act and do stuff on their own, they just like us !
>>Soo, i think i should get going, it`s pretty late and we both should be sleeping, i have a fight along with Cirno-chan later after all ! Anything left for you to show me ?
> Don't mention the fight with Marisa. She'll undoubtedly refuse to leave us if we do.
> "No. There's nothing for me to do in the morning upstairs. I'll see you tomorrow Daiyousei."
> ...
> "How do I get out?" Flandre asks.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 23, 2016, 08:49:04 PM
>Well, everyone else got out by separating their energy from the others, maybe try to focus on only your energy and do that ?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 08:55:09 PM
>Well, everyone else got out by separating their energy from the others, maybe try to focus on only your energy and do that ?
> "Okay."
> Flandre closes her eyes, and her energy starts to leave your body. She reappears outside of you, along with her clones who are now identical to her.
> Flandre makes her clones vanish.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 09:05:03 PM
> Shrink back down to Meiling height, and give Flan another hug.
> "I'll do my best to come back. After all, I wanna see if I can fusion with you and your big sis!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 09:06:44 PM
> Shrink back down to Meiling height, and give Flan another hug.
> "I'll do my best to come back. After all, I wanna see if I can fusion with you and your big sis!"
> You shrink back to Meiling's height and hug Flandre.
> "She might not do it though."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 09:13:33 PM
> Shrug.
> "I might be able to fusion with her when she's asleep, like I did with Miss Meiling."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 23, 2016, 09:15:40 PM
>"If it doesn`t work. I`m sure we can find a way to convince her !"
>Prepare to leave.
>"I`m eager to play with you again, bye !"

FYI: Prepare to leave =/= Leave
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 09:18:27 PM
> Shrug.
> "I might be able to fusion with her when she's asleep, like I did with Miss Meiling."
>"If it doesn`t work. I`m sure we can find a way to convince her !"
>Prepare to leave.
>"I`m eager to play with you again, bye !"

FYI: Prepare to leave =/= Leave
> "Me too. Bye Daiyousei. Remember not to close the door slowly."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 23, 2016, 09:20:33 PM
>"Okay ! It`s weird how closing it faster makes less noise."
>Now we leave and close the door relatively fast to avoid creating noise.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 09:30:52 PM
>"Okay ! It`s weird how closing it faster makes less noise."
>Now we leave and close the door relatively fast to avoid creating noise.
> "Actually," Flandre stops you again. "it makes a different, but still loud noise if you close it slow. Closing it fast makes less of that noise, but still sounds like you're slamming the door. It's supposed to stop me from sneaking out. You gotta close it like this."
> Flandre grabs her pillow off the bed and stuffs a bit of it's side into where the door will close, then closes the door at a regular speed. The door closes onto the pillow, and barely any sound is made.
> "This way, you make no sound. They don't even know I know this, hehe." Flandre pulls the pillow out of the door. "Bye Daiyousei, uh, again." She says from the other side of the door.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 09:33:47 PM
> "Bye-bye!"
> Head back out to the gate, warping through the window like how we got in.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 09:42:44 PM
> "Bye-bye!"
> Head back out to the gate, warping through the window like how we got in.
> You fly through the mansion, getting back to the window, and warping through it to the gate.
> The other you isn't here. Instead, there are three fairies. The same three that included Sunny. The blue one is holding up Meiling's spare outfit.
> "-be too big." She tells the other two, before dropping the outfit.
> "Uh oh..." Sunny says as she spots you.
> "Sunny!" The blonde one calls.
> "Right!"
> The three of them vanish.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 23, 2016, 09:45:22 PM
>Move to the gate and pick up the clothes.
>Organize them and put them back in the chest.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 09:46:08 PM
> "Wait! It's me, Daiyousei!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 09:55:45 PM
>Move to the gate and pick up the clothes.
>Organize them and put them back in the chest.
> You pick up the clothes, fold them, and put them back in the chest.
> The mansion's door starts to open behind you.
> "Wait! It's me, Daiyousei!"
> The door stops in place.
> "Guys," a voice near the door says. "I think that's the fairy from before. The big one."
> "That's neat Star." You hear Sunny's voice. "We can talk to her later."
> "She's still looking this way you know..." The first voice says again.
> "That's because the door's open. She can't hear us, right Luna?"
> "Right?"
> "Well, Star didn't tell us she was coming." A different voice says.
> "I was checking out the outfit!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 09:58:14 PM
> Focus on where Sunny's voice is coming from, and try to warp her right in front of us.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 23, 2016, 09:58:37 PM
>"Hey ! Don`t go in there ! Or else Miss Sakuya will punish you guys !"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 10:00:53 PM
>"Hey ! Don`t go in there ! Or else Miss Sakuya will punish you guys !"
> Focus on where Sunny's voice is coming from, and try to warp her right in front of us.
> You try to warp where the voice is. You think you did something.
> "What!?" Sunny's voice says directly in front of you.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 23, 2016, 10:03:28 PM
>"You can`t go in there ! It`s not nice to disturb people that are sleeping !"
>Attempt to grab Sunny.
>Did the other two fairies appear ?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 10:12:26 PM
>"You can`t go in there ! It`s not nice to disturb people that are sleeping !"
>Attempt to grab Sunny.
>Did the other two fairies appear ?
> You grab something invisible. One of your hands grabs what seems like her arm, and the other grabs her side.
> "H-Hey, let me go." Sunny says. You can see her entire self, as well as the other two fairies for a second or two when you grabbed her.
> The door closes.
> "You're just gonna leave me!? Fine!" Sunny appears completely. The other two fairies appear as well, and are outside still.
> "Wait, we weren't- ah..." the blue fairy says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 10:13:23 PM
> Quick, force-fusion with Sunny the same way we did with sleeping Meiling and Flan and most recently Koa! We gotta stop them all from getting in the mansion!
> Once we've taken Sunny in entirely, though, do NOT send her to the flower field thoughtscape.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 23, 2016, 10:15:00 PM
>"What are you three try to get in at this hour anyways ?"
>At this rate, we`ll get no sleep....
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 10:16:56 PM
>"What are you three try to get in at this hour anyways ?"
> "N-Nothin." Sunny struggles.
> Quick, force-fusion with Sunny the same way we did with sleeping Meiling and Flan and most recently Koa! We gotta stop them all from getting in the mansion!
> Once we've taken Sunny in entirely, though, do NOT send her to the flower field thoughtscape.
>At this rate, we`ll get no sleep....
> You flow your life energy into Sunny, and try to pull on hers. It moves a bit, before stopping completely.
> "Eh? What are you doing?" Sunny questions.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 10:18:46 PM
> "Not letting you in the mansion."
> Pull a little bit harder, and she if she can still stop us.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 10:20:13 PM
> "Not letting you in the mansion."
> Pull a little bit harder, and she if she can still stop us.
> You pull harder, and it still doesn't move at all.
> "We got something to do!" Sunny says.
> "I think we should just listen to her before we get in trouble... She looks different." the blue one says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 10:22:28 PM
> "What are you gonna do in there?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 10:24:58 PM
> "What are you gonna do in there?"
> "We were gonna a-"
> "None of your business." Sunny says, interrupting the blue fairy. "Now let me go."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 10:26:20 PM
> Frown.
> "Sorry, I can't do that."
> Let our life energy grip on Sunny go and pull ourselves back into ourselves, then use our miracle power to shrink Sunny as far as we can, making sure not to grip her too hard as she gets smaller.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 10:30:13 PM
> Frown.
> "Sorry, I can't do that."
> Let our life energy grip on Sunny go and pull ourselves back into ourselves, then use our miracle power to shrink Sunny as far as we can, making sure not to grip her too hard as she gets smaller.
> You shrink Sunny down to a very small size, where she is about the size of your fingers. You hold her in your palm, careful not to hold to strongly or let her go.
> "Ehh!?" Sunny looks at you. "Turn me back!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 10:31:43 PM
> Look up at the other two fairies before looking back down at Sunny.
> "Why are you going in there?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 10:33:15 PM
> Look up at the other two fairies before looking back down at Sunny.
> "Why are you going in there?"
> "I'm not telling you." She says.
> "Uh..." The blue one says.
> "Let go of Sunny." The blonde haired one says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 10:35:26 PM
> Adjust our grip on Sunny so we only need one hand to hold her.
> Look at the blonde fairy.
> "Will you tell me why you're going in there?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 10:37:23 PM
> Adjust our grip on Sunny so we only need one hand to hold her.
> Look at the blonde fairy.
> "Will you tell me why you're going in there?"
> You hold Sunny in your hand so she cannot move.
> "Uh uh." She shakes her head.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 10:38:40 PM
> Warp the blonde one next to us, on the same side as our now-free hand, then grab her with that hand and shrink her down to hand-held size.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 10:40:03 PM
> Warp the blonde one next to us, on the same side as our now-free hand, then grab her with that hand and shrink her down to hand-held size.
> You warp her next to you.
> "What!? I can't move!" She says as you start to shrink her.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 10:41:12 PM
> Once we have shrunk her down to hand-held size, keep a firm-but-not-tight grip on her, then look to the blue fairy.
> "Why are you going in there?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 10:42:38 PM
> Once we have shrunk her down to hand-held size, keep a firm-but-not-tight grip on her, then look to the blue fairy.
> "Why are you going in there?"
> You get a fair grip on the blonde fairy.
> "We-"
> "Don't tell her Star! She's got no more hands to grab you with!" Sunny says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 10:46:11 PM
> Shift our respective grips so that we can transfer the blonde fairy over into the hand that Sunny is in, and hold them both in one hand.
> If this is successful, hold our other, now-empty hand up and open, and look expectantly at the blue fairy.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 23, 2016, 10:48:23 PM
>If Kilga's method fails, use Koa-powers to summon Mini-me.
>Ponder if we can force-fuse them easier when they're small.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 10:51:04 PM
> Shift our respective grips so that we can transfer the blonde fairy over into the hand that Sunny is in, and hold them both in one hand.
> If this is successful, hold our other, now-empty hand up and open, and look expectantly at the blue fairy.
> You maneuver your hands so both fairies are in one hand, and hold your other hand open.
> "This went bad quickly..." the blonde fairy says.
> "We were going to-"
> "Don't Star!" Sunny shouts. "It's only for us three, and we can come back later. The worst she can do is kill us!"
>If Kilga's method fails, use Koa-powers to summon Mini-me.
> You use Koakuma's ability to summon the smaller you.
> "She can do that too?" The blonde one questions.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 10:53:24 PM
> "I wanna hear it from you, Star, not them. Will you tell me what you're doing in there?"
> Try to force-fusion with Sunny again while watching Star. (Again, do NOT send her to the flower field if we succeed.)
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 23, 2016, 10:53:40 PM
Since I was ninja'd while editing:
>Ponder if we can force-fuse them easier when they're small.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 10:56:56 PM
> "I wanna hear it from you, Star, not them. Will you tell me what you're doing in there?"
> Try to force-fusion with Sunny again while watching Star.
Since I was ninja'd while editing:
>Ponder if we can force-fuse them easier when they're small.
> You try to fuse with Sunny again. She starts to vanish sooner, but it stops again.
> "Luna, where you feeling weird a second ago?" Sunny asks.
> "No. Why?" the blonde one; Luna, says.
> "We were going to take-"
> "DON'T YOU DARE TELL HER STAR!" Sunny shouts. "She'll steal our idea or ruin it someway!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 10:57:29 PM
> Pull harder on Sunny's life energy while she's distracted.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 11:04:45 PM
> Pull harder on Sunny's life energy while she's distracted.
> You pull hard and Sunny winces before she vanishes, and her energy starts to flow through you.
> Your hair turns a bit from red, to red-orange. Your wings also change to resemble Sunny's larger wings, except with your and Koakuma's previous design and form. Your head-wings don't appear to change.
> "S-Sunny!?" Luna jumps.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 11:07:10 PM
> How full are we now?
> Refuse Sunny any control over anything if she tries to move or speak. Using what we did with Koa earlier, block her if she tries to leave us.
> "What are you gonna do in there, Star?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 23, 2016, 11:12:01 PM
>Listen to Sunny's thoughts out of curiosity.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 11:12:50 PM
> How full are we now?
> Refuse Sunny any control over anything if she tries to move or speak. Using what we did with Koa earlier, block her if she tries to leave us.
> "What are you gonna do in there, Star?"
> You're full. You can't shrink anymore, or you might have too much energy for your body to handle.
> "Don't!" Sunny says in the nowhere-ness.
> "We were going to steal maid uniforms again and enjoy the free stuff." She says. "I was against it though, because there were signups or something, and I wanted the others to think about it. We could just leave anytime."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 11:14:21 PM
>Listen to Sunny's thoughts out of curiosity.

> Blink.
> "...Wait, why not just work there without stealing the uniforms?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 23, 2016, 11:15:02 PM
//I have joined Raf in the "having been ignored club".
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 23, 2016, 11:16:04 PM
>"You`d even get rooms and stuff."

//I`m more in the "Blocked while making his post club, but don`t be sad.... *Pet Nazgulsei*
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 11:16:54 PM
>They can`t hear you, so that`s what you were up to....

> Don't think this, we don't want to give any hints to Sunny as to what happened to her.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 11:21:35 PM
//I have joined Raf in the "having been ignored club".
//I`m more in the "Blocked while making his post club, but don`t be sad.... *Pet Nazgulsei*
> Tries to post. "Looks like it didn't post." Represses butto- "Oh sh- there was another post."
> Get's face slammed into wall. "Nother day as a Parser trina catch up with his posters..."

>Listen to Sunny's thoughts out of curiosity.
> How can she do all of this stuff? And where the heck am I!?
> Blink.
> "...Wait, why not just work there without stealing the uniforms?"
>"You`d even get rooms and stuff."
> "That's what I was trying to convince them." Star says.

> Clicks preview this time... Just a revision...
//Tries to modify before someone points out spelling error.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 11:23:02 PM
(Hahaha, sorrry, I often forget important things.)

> Look down at the fairy in our hand.
> "How does that sound to you?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 23, 2016, 11:24:09 PM
>Pet Tiny Cute Fairy.
>"So cute....."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 11:26:20 PM
> Keep listening to Sunny's thoughts.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 11:27:46 PM
(Hahaha, sorrry, I often forget important things.)

> Look down at the fairy in our hand.
> "How does that sound to you?"
> "...Well, since Sunny isn't here, I was going to say it's something we could try." Luna says.
> "How dare you!? You betrayed me!" Sunny says within you.
>Pet Tiny Cute Fairy.
>"So cute....."
> Star jumps for a second.
> "Is that all you wanted? Can we go now?" Luna asks with an annoyed tone.
> Keep listening to Sunny's thoughts.
> What does she mean Luna's cute? I'm obviously the cutest here...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 11:31:59 PM
> "Well, that all depends. Are you going to do something bad if I let you go?"
> Keep listening to Sunny's thoughts.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 23, 2016, 11:32:39 PM
>Wonder of any of these three would make good matches with each other.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 11:36:38 PM
> "Well, that all depends. Are you going to do something bad if I let you go?"
> Keep listening to Sunny's thoughts.
> "...No." Luna says.
> We'll just come back another time "Guys, let's just go for now." Sunny says to no one.
>Wonder of any of these three would make good matches with each other.
> You think about matching these three. Who would go with who? Luna seems to be saying something else since Sunny isn't here, so maybe they could be a match. But Star continues to listen to Sunny if she tells her something, so maybe it's like that...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 11:38:20 PM
> Give our blonde captive a suspicious look.
> "What are you going to do, then?"
> Keep listening to Sunny's thoughts.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 23, 2016, 11:38:24 PM
>Ponder if Sunny heard us wondering.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 11:41:37 PM
> Give our blonde captive a suspicious look.
> "What are you going to do, then?"
> "We'll just...go. It's too late. Remilia might be awake now." Luna says.
> Keep listening to Sunny's thoughts.
You guys seriously better not leave me. "Hey, what about me? Can you guys even hear me? Helooo?" Sunny says.
>Ponder if Sunny heard us wondering.
> You wonder if Sunny heard you pondering. She didn't seem to react, so it's unlikely.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 11:43:03 PM
> "Nah, she went to bed recently."
> Keep listening to Sunny's thoughts. (Is it okay to set something up so that we get Sunny's thoughts in every update, so I don't have to keep saying it?)
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 11:47:33 PM
> "Nah, she went to bed recently."
> Keep listening to Sunny's thoughts. (Is it okay to set something up so that we get Sunny's thoughts in every update, so I don't have to keep saying it?)
//Stop being lazy. I have to think up Sunny's stuff anyways. Yes, I'm implying it. You could just say to stop when you feel.
> "... Well, we have to wait for Sakuya to be awake then." Luna says.
> They're ignoring me now!? "Hey Luna! Get me out already!" Sunny says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 11:49:31 PM
> Okay, good. Thanks!
> "Oh, that's a good point, I guess."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 23, 2016, 11:54:44 PM
> Okay, good. Thanks!
> "Oh, that's a good point, I guess."
> "Right. Now let me go."
> And? Me too, right Luna!? "HEY, LUNA! GET ME OUTTA HERE TOO!" Sunny's voice manages to escape your mouth.
> "Huh?" Luna says. "Wait, where? How?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2016, 11:56:59 PM
> Shoot!
> Shut off Sunny's access to our voice and body.
> "Ah! What was that?"
> Grow bigger enough to take in another fairy. (Make sure not to squish Luna too hard!)
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 23, 2016, 11:59:38 PM
>By the way.... how is Koakuma faring right now ?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 12:01:04 AM
>By the way.... how is Koakuma faring right now ?
> Koakuma is still looking away. She's lying down know though.
> Shoot!
> Shut off Sunny's access to our voice and body.
> "Ah! What was that?"
> Grow bigger enough to take in another fairy.
> You grow a bit larger. You're still not double Meiling's size yet.
> Huh? She heard me? "LUNA! STAR! HELP!" Sunny shouts louder, and it makes you shout in her voice as well. It seems like you can't prevent it.
> "Sunny? I can't. Wait, are you in her?" Luna asks. "I don't know how to get you out."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 12:02:08 AM
> Quick, force-fusion with our captive!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 12:07:12 AM
> Quick, force-fusion with our captive!
> You flow your energy into Luna and take hold of hers, quickly pulling it into yourself. She winces as well, before vanishing. Luna's energy starts to flow through your body.
> Your wings now curve slightly upwards, and you also start to feel a bit stronger. Actually, much stronger.
> "L-Luna?" Star questions, then closes her eyes for a second, before opening them with a surprised expression. "W-What!? They're in you!?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 12:08:50 AM
> How full do we feel now?
> Update thoughts check to include Luna's as well.

> Nod.
> "Sorry. I had to stop you all somehow. Don't worry, they're fine."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 12:14:14 AM
> How full do we feel now?
> You feel full again. There's a bit of room, but you estimate that you would still need to be bigger to take in another.
> Update thoughts check to include Luna's as well.

> Nod.
> "Sorry. I had to stop you all somehow. Don't worry, they're fine."
> She got Luna too? "WE'RE NOT FINE! SHE'S TORTURING US! AAAAGGGH!" You scream loudly in Sunny's voice.
> D-Did she have to scream that loudly? Luna thinks.
> "H-Huh?" Meiling wakes up. "Eh? Here again? Koakuma?" Meiling turns to the little devil.
> "S-Sunny?" Star asks.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 12:16:58 AM
> To Sunny: Stop screaming, or I'll make it a lot worse for you!
> Point at Star.
> "Don't move."
> Move over to where Meiling was sleeping and let her go.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 12:21:57 AM
> To Sunny: Stop screaming, or I'll make it a lot worse for you!
> "Do your worst, fairy-eater!" Sunny says.
> A lot worse? Luna thinks.
> Point at Star.
> "Don't move."
> "Okay." Star stands still and watches you.
> Move over to where Meiling was sleeping and let her go.
> You release Meiling's energy. She reappears, causing Star to jump.
> "T-The gate guard?" she asks.
> "Daiyousei? You fusioned with me?" Meiling's look of surprise fades, and she frowns in a serious manner. "Did you go anywhere?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 12:23:44 AM
> Nod.
> "I did, sorry. But I left my clone out here to guard the gate and not let anyone in!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 12:30:55 AM
> Nod.
> "I did, sorry. But I left my clone out here to guard the gate and not let anyone in!"
> Meiling ducks down into one of those stances you've seen her do before, and chills run through your body like a stampede, shaking you to the core. You've got a really bad feeling about this. It's like how you used to feel when around Reimu, until you became more confident.
> Uh oh. Luna thinks.
> Uh.... Sunny thinks.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 12:33:15 AM
> "Eek!"
> Harness Sunny's power and make us invisible!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 12:37:16 AM
> "Eek!"
> Harness Sunny's power and make us invisible!
> You manage to make yourself invisible.
> Meiling does a quick kick towards you, feet engulfed in a light rainbow, and you barely dodge it.
> She quickly shoots a blast of energy right behind her as she passes you, and it grazes you across the back. It wasn't close enough to hit.
> Meiling lifts one of her legs up.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 12:38:09 AM
> Warp behind Star!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 12:40:18 AM
Before warping:
>"I`m sorry ! I was just experimenting !" Make it fast so that she doesn`t use sound to hit us.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 12:43:21 AM
Before warping:
>"I`m sorry ! I was just experimenting !" Make it fast so that she doesn`t use sound to hit us.
> Warp behind Star!
> You warp behind Star.
> "It's too dangerous to have someone around that can make you vulnerable like that." Meiling stomps the ground, and a shockwave of energy flows through the earth. It's like an earthquake, and both you and Star fall to the ground.
> By the time you look up, Meiling is already in the air, just barely away from you, coming down with her leg raised again.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 12:45:18 AM
> Warp into the air above Meiling, and turn around so we're facing where she is.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 12:46:01 AM
You really shouldn`t have pushed it that far it seems.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 12:48:40 AM
Yeah, sorry about that. We can handle this situation, though.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 12:49:49 AM
Yea, what i`m really worried about, is how badly this will affect our relationship with Meiling.  :ohdear:
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 12:50:44 AM
> Warp into the air above Meiling, and turn around so we're facing where she is.
> You warp above Meiling and move yourself so you're facing her.
> Meiling lands on the ground next to Star, and closes her eyes.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 12:54:23 AM
> Gotta get Star out of there too! Warp Star next to us, then grab her and force-fusion her.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 01:00:58 AM
> Gotta get Star out of there too! Warp Star next to us, then grab her and force-fusion her.
> You warp Star and grab her. You start to fusion with her, but she stops it.
> "Wait, this feels weird. What are you doing?"
> Meiling opens her eyes, and faces towards you and Star.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 01:02:08 AM
> "Just go with it!"
> Pull harder!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 01:07:08 AM
> "Just go with it!"
> Pull harder!
> Star doesn't resist, and you absorb her.
> Your wings turn a bit wavy at the edges, while the bat-like appearance disappears. You still have a matching, tiny pair on your head. You can still see yourself while invisible it seems.
> Meiling shoots out an orb of energy from her hands. It's a bit slow, but it's heading right towards you.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 01:09:22 AM
>"I`m sorry for everything ! Please don`t hate me..... "
>Dodge and graze the bullet by going to the right.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 01:11:02 AM
>"I`m sorry for everything ! Please don`t hate me..... "
> You start to fly away, but the orb continues to pursue you.
> Meiling crouches down again.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 01:16:48 AM
My edit !

>Graze the bullet by going to the right of it as it gets really close.
>"Please ! I didn`t mean to upset you.... does that mean i`m not welcome here again..... ?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 01:21:19 AM
My edit !

>Graze the bullet by going to the right of it as it gets really close.
>"Please ! I didn`t mean to upset you.... does that mean i`m not welcome here again..... ?"
> You wait for the bullet to get close and graze it by moving to the right a bit.
> Meiling flies into the air with her foot extended again. You can't dodge backwards, as the orb is still behind you, curving after it's miss. The orb doesn't look like it's going to hit you otherwise though.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 24, 2016, 01:33:55 AM
>Either warp reasonably far away, or warp Meiling so she misses us, whichever is more convenient.
>Listen to Sunny, Luna, and Star's thoughts.
>Check on Koakuma.
>What is Mini-me doing?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 01:39:27 AM
>Either warp reasonably far away, or warp Meiling so she misses us, whichever is more convenient.
> You warp Meiling away from you and outside the gate. She lands on the ground and looks back towards you.
> The orb dissipates.
>Listen to Sunny, Luna, and Star's thoughts.
> With time to do so now that Meiling is away, you listen in.
> This is bad... Luna is still thinking.
> We gotta get outta here already. Sunny thinks.
> Where's Sunny and Luna? Star wonders.
>Check on Koakuma.
> You check on Koakuma. She's standing up and has a concerned look on her face now.
>What is Mini-me doing?
> The miniature you is keeping watch of Meiling and trying to stay out of the fight.
> Meiling crouches down again, then leaps high into the air, far above you.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 01:46:28 AM
>"Please........ i`m sorry....."
>Let`s just get away, head towards the lake, be wary of any actions Meiling takes.
>Will our Mini-Daiyousei to go to the lake too.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 24, 2016, 01:48:06 AM
>Time to GTFO and experiment at the same time.
>Pick an empty area in the air, preferably in the direction of our house or the lake.
>Warp as far as we possibly can, so we can test our range.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 01:52:09 AM
>"Please........ i`m sorry....."
>Let`s just get away, head towards the lake, be wary of any actions Meiling takes.
>Will our Mini-Daiyousei to go to the lake too.
>Time to GTFO and experiment at the same time.
>Pick an empty area in the air, preferably in the direction of our house or the lake.
>Warp as far as we possibly can, so we can test our range.
> You and the little you both warp as far as you can.
> You appear in the air above the Forest of Magic, a good height above the trees. You're almost at Alice and Marisa's houses.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 24, 2016, 01:53:48 AM
>How far did we just travel, roughly.
>Everyone alright?

//I guess it's safe to assume we have a MUCH longer range than we expected...

//EDIT: MINIKING! I have made le edit. You know what I'm gonna say.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 01:56:18 AM
Well, absorbing Luna did give us a substantial power boost. It's not a sure thing, but that might have helped.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 01:58:10 AM
Luna absorbs power from the Moon correct ? Probably why our range is just OP mode. (Even though it`s just reflected sunlight.)
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 01:59:12 AM
>How far did we just travel, roughly.

//I guess it's safe to assume we have a MUCH longer range than we expected...
> You look back to the lake area. You can make out a structure that you believe is the mansion, but you can't see much of it's details. You might've warped as far as or further than you can see.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 02:01:08 AM
>Try warping to the lake now, just don`t go too far.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 02:02:10 AM
> Listen to our three fairy companions' thoughts in the meantime.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 24, 2016, 02:02:15 AM
>Wow, that's an impressive distance. We should try this again when we're not fused with anyone.

>Everyone alright?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 02:06:09 AM
//There's no notification for any edits while I'm posting!
>Try warping to the lake now, just don`t go too far.
> You warp over to the lake's edge. You can see Meiling just now landing next to the mansion.
> Listen to our three fairy companions' thoughts in the meantime.
>Wow, that's an impressive distance. We should try this again when we're not fused with anyone.
>Everyone alright?
> "Yeah." The three fairies say.
> That was pretty neat though. Star thinks.
> We almost died back there... Luna thinks.
> Where's the other two? How are we gonna get outta this without her knowing? Sunny thinks.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 02:11:34 AM
> Good, good.
> Chuckle a bit.
> And sorry, Sunny, but it's literally impossible for me to not know.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 02:12:43 AM
>You really shouldn`t try to do stuff like that... now i made Miss Meiling mad.....
>Head home while this is going.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 02:17:06 AM
> Good, good.
> Chuckle a bit.
> And sorry, Sunny, but it's literally impossible for me to not know.
>You really shouldn`t try to do stuff like that... now i made Miss Meiling mad.....
>Head home while this is going.
> "Eh? What? You can hear me?" Sunny says in surprise. "Let us out then."
> You and the mini-you head back to your house.
> This is a nice house. Not as nice as ours, but still nice. "This is a nice place. Is this your home?" Star asks.
> Huh, so we're being kidnapped... "Are you gonna let us go yet? Luna asks.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 02:21:06 AM
>Oh right !
>Let them go.
>"So if you want to enjoy the free stuff, just work there, it`ll be better and less risky."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 02:26:49 AM
>Oh right !
>Let them go.
>"So if you want to enjoy the free stuff, just work there, it`ll be better and less risky."
> You explain to the fairies how to leave, and let them go.
> "I don't think so." Sunny says, crossing her arms. "Last time we stole the outfits, we got off completely free, and Sakuya didn't even notice.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 02:28:27 AM
> Cross our arms in return.
> "Yeah, but you got outvoted 2 to 1 at the gate back there."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 02:30:42 AM
> Cross our arms in return.
> "Yeah, but you got outvoted 2 to 1 at the gate back there."
> Sunny frowns and looks at Luna, who shrugs in return.
> "Well I'm the leader. And I don't wanna work for my free stuff." Sunny says, then sticks her tongue out at you.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 02:34:07 AM
Aww man, we should have just let them out ourselves instead of telling them how to do it.

EDIT: Never mind, theirs are better.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 24, 2016, 02:34:48 AM
>"Well just because you're the leader doesn't mean you have to have your way all the time... I mean, Cirno-chan is a great leader. And even she sometimes doesn't get her way..."
>"And you two, are you scared of her or something? Why can't you... you know, say your opinion on things?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: AzyWng on April 24, 2016, 02:34:55 AM
>"Besides, shouldn't a leader at least listen to the people they lead?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 02:35:43 AM
> Ignore my previous command, parser.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 02:38:49 AM
>"Well just because you're the leader doesn't mean you have to have your way all the time... I mean, Cirno-chan is a great leader. And even she sometimes doesn't get her way..."
>"And you two, are you scared of her or something? Why can't you... you know, say your opinion on things?"
> "Well, she's the leader..." Star says, and Luna nods.
>"Besides, shouldn't a leader at least listen to the people they lead?"
> "I do. It's just a much better idea to steal the outfits like we did before." Sunny says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: AzyWng on April 24, 2016, 02:40:11 AM
>"Wait, you've done this before? Won't that make it worse for yourself when you finally get caught? Sakuya's bound to notice you at some point."
> "You're not Agent 47..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 02:41:42 AM
>"Wait, you've done this before? Won't that make it worse for yourself when you finally get caught? Sakuya's bound to notice you at some point."
> "You're not Agent 47..."
> "She won't, we blend in perfectly. And even if we are caught, we can easily escape."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 02:42:01 AM
> "Just like you escaped me, huh?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 02:42:31 AM
>"That`s unfair to the fairy maids and besides, Miss Meiling saw you trying to get in and now knows that you steal outfits to get the benefits, she`ll warn Miss Sakuya."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 02:45:10 AM
> "Just like you escaped me, huh?"
> "You cheated! That's why."
>"That`s unfair to the fairy maids and besides, Miss Meiling saw you trying to get in and now knows that you steal outfits to get the benefits, she`ll warn Miss Sakuya."
> "She won't know it's us..." Sunny says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 24, 2016, 02:48:49 AM
>"Well there's someone else in the mansion who knows it's you."
>Check on Koakuma.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 02:49:23 AM
>"You were trying to get in invisible, i just used my powers too, totally fair."
>"And what makes you think so ? Meiling will now know that you try to get in at night, you can`t go in at day either because it`s very busy and Miss Sakuya will also be on her guard, Cirno-chan tried a lot of times to get in."
>Are you okay....  ? I didn`t mean to concern you....
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 02:53:29 AM
>"You were trying to get in invisible, i just used my powers too, totally fair."
> "But you started before we were actually going against each other. I could totally escape if it were for real."
>"And what makes you think so ? Meiling will now know that you try to get in at night, you can`t go in at day either because it`s very busy and Miss Sakuya will also be on her guard, Cirno-chan tried a lot of times to get in."
> "We have our ways." Sunny says.
>"Well there's someone else in the mansion who knows it's you."
> "It doesn't matter. We can sneak by anyone!"
>Check on Koakuma.
>Are you okay....  ? I didn`t mean to concern you....
> Koakuma sits back down and stares into the distance again when you address her.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 24, 2016, 02:56:56 AM

>"And what if your ways don't work. What if they discover and kidnap you and force you to work for them with no benefits!?! And you two, are you just going to blindly follow her even when you disagree with her? You three are a team, right? And a team should make decisions that benefit the team, even if what the leader wants goes against it!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 02:58:08 AM
>"Well, it`s your call, it`s not the right thing to do, and neither of your friends really agree with, but ..... oh well."
>Head home.
>"I`m going home, i have to sleep to fight someone with Cirno-chan !"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 03:04:45 AM

>"And what if your ways don't work. What if they discover and kidnap you and force you to work for them with no benefits!?! And you two, are you just going to blindly follow her even when you disagree with her? You three are a team, right? And a team should make decisions that benefit the team, even if what the leader wants goes against it!"
>"Well, it`s your call, it`s not the right thing to do, and neither of your friends really agree with, but ..... oh well."
>Head home.
>"I`m going home, i have to sleep to fight someone with Cirno-chan !"
> You are...already home. The fairies are here too.
> "S-She's right Sunny." Star says. "Listen for a while, okay?"
> "Alright." Sunny says.
> "Good. So, I was thinking, that if we actually become fairy maids, we could get free stuff everyday just for doing a bit of work. Even if we stole the outfits again, we'd have to eventually work anyway, since we're in outfits. We'd also get our own free outfits if we do it, and we can always leave at any time."
> "...I'll think about it." Sunny says.
> "Good." Luna says.
> Koakuma doesn't respond.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 03:07:50 AM
Koa's probably best left until we're by ourselves again. That conversation is going to be a bit intimate and will need some focus.

> "See? This can work out."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 24, 2016, 03:08:26 AM
>"Congratulations, you are now a democracy!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 03:09:21 AM
>"Bye !"
>Head to our piles of clothing to get our pajamas.

Oh, i thought we were at the door. :V
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 03:15:01 AM
>"Congratulations, you are now a democracy!"
Koa's probably best left until we're by ourselves again. That conversation is going to be a bit intimate and will need some focus.

> "See? This can work out."
>"Bye !"
> "Thanks, uh, Daiyousei." Star says.
> "I still said I would think about it!" Sunny says.
> "Well uh, wouldn't Sakuya train us too, like she does the other maids."
> "... Okay. I guess it's a good idea." Sunny agrees."
> "Good, let's go home." Star and Luna fly out of your house.
> Sunny flies out of your house as well. "Told ya we could escape easily!" She sticks her tongue out, before the three of them fly away.
>Head to our piles of clothing to get our pajamas.
> You close the door and get out your pajamas again.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 03:17:10 AM
> Walk our thoughtscape self up next to Koa.
> Okay, Koa, it's just us now. Please, talk to me...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 03:20:04 AM
> Walk our thoughtscape self up next to Koa.
> Okay, Koa, it's just us now. Please, talk to me...
> You walk up to Koakuma, and she doesn't move away.
> "...I'm just here because Lady Patchouli told me to." She says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 03:22:56 AM
> C'mon, Koa...please...
> Lean in closer and listen to her thoughts again.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 03:24:21 AM
>Just... i.... don`t want you to be sad.... you`re...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 03:27:27 AM
> C'mon, Koa...please...
> Lean in closer and listen to her thoughts again.
>Just... i.... don`t want you to be sad.... you`re...
> I hate doing this so much. And to her... "What? I already told you." Koakuma says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 03:28:28 AM
>But i thought..... we.... can`t we even be friends ? Why ?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 03:31:19 AM
>But i thought..... we.... can`t we even be friends ? Why ?
> Koakuma stays silent.
> She won't even come around a lot. And even if she does, it'll be for something else.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 03:31:41 AM
> Give Koa a hug from behind.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 03:37:16 AM
>I want to go again, to see Flandre, to make up with Miss Meiling, and to see you too... i...
>Lie down on our bed.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 03:41:14 AM
> Don't lie down just yet, we'll need to change into our pajamas first. But that can wait.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 03:46:45 AM
> Give Koa a hug from behind.
>I want to go again, to see Flandre, to make up with Miss Meiling, and to see you too... i...
> Koakuma shakes you off and stands up, turning around.
> "What do you really want!?" Koakuma shouts. "Do you think I forgot what happened back when Flandre were arguing? I felt betrayed! Flandre was the one being aggressive, and you sided with her! She could've killed me! Do you know what happens if I die!? I go back to that place. That hell-hole. The air is practically toxic, and the land looks horrible. Not to mention the demons." Tears start to appear in Koakuma's eyes. "They treat me horribly there, and I'm powerless to do anything against them! And to top it all off, along with the horrible toxicity weakening me and the demons, I'm stuck there for an indefinite amount of time until Lady Patchouli notices I'm gone, and finally re-summons me." Koakuma drops to her knees and starts crying. "A-And the look you gave me w-when you did it too. It hurt Daiyousei..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 03:48:41 AM
> What?? No!! You were right! I agreed with you! I just...I didn't know how to tell you without her hearing...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 24, 2016, 03:50:36 AM
>I-I didn't mean to hurt you!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 03:53:58 AM
> What?? No!! You were right! I agreed with you! I just...I didn't know how to tell you without her hearing...
>I-I didn't mean to hurt you!
> "You sure didn't try to fix it afterwards!" Koakuma shouts. "You just kept playing with Flandre, not even paying attention to me!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 24, 2016, 04:05:29 AM
>If Koakuma tries to leave at all during this conversation, stop her, we'll talk this out.

//Kilga, Raf and everyone else, I'm honestly drawing a blank on what to say, and I don't want to accidentally hurt Koa even more and jeopardize the ship, so I leave the next line of dialogue to you.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 11:57:25 AM
>Oh no ! Your Mini-Daiyousei ! Will her to allow her to come in.
>Change into our pajamas.
>That doesn't mean i don't l-like you ! Flandre was in dire need of help, and i just couldn't leave her like that..... i don't want anyone to cry.... be it Miss Flandre or you..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 12:04:39 PM
> Don't change into pajamas just yet.
> Besides, I went looking for you as soon as I noticed you were gone! And I tried talking to you but you wouldn't!
> Tear up a bit.
> I'm sorry, Koa! I'm sorry!

Getting changed should be left until after we've made up with Koa, so she can watch and appreciate.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 04:40:51 PM
>If Koakuma tries to leave at all during this conversation, stop her, we'll talk this out.

//Kilga, Raf and everyone else, I'm honestly drawing a blank on what to say, and I don't want to accidentally hurt Koa even more and jeopardize the ship, so I leave the next line of dialogue to you.
> You keep ready, in case Koakuma tries to go away.
>Oh no ! Your Mini-Daiyousei ! Will her to allow her to come in.
> You and the mini-you head b/ack to your house.
> The other Daiyousei is already in your house.
>Change into our pajamas.
>That doesn't mean i don't l-like you ! Flandre was in dire need of help, and i just couldn't leave her like that..... i don't want anyone to cry.... be it Miss Flandre or you..."
> Don't change into pajamas just yet.
> Besides, I went looking for you as soon as I noticed you were gone! And I tried talking to you but you wouldn't!
> Tear up a bit.
> I'm sorry, Koa! I'm sorry!
> "But you-... she was-......Haaaaa!" Koakuma covers her face and starts to cry even more.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 04:42:14 PM
> Cry some ourselves and try hugging Koa again.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 04:52:08 PM
> Cry some ourselves and try hugging Koa again.
> You let yourself cry and try to hug Koakuma. She lets go of her face and holds you tightly.
> "I, I didn hink about your situation," Koakuma sniffles, "or F-Flandre's. I was, s-sho shelfish, and I may-, made you cryyyy!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 05:17:24 PM
>"It`s okay Koa.... i was also selfish... i fused with Miss Meiling without her will, and now i made her mad... i`m not a good fairy..."
>Keep hugging her.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 05:31:51 PM
>"It`s okay Koa.... i was also selfish... i fused with Miss Meiling without her will, and now i made her mad... i`m not a good fairy..."
>Keep hugging her.
> Koakuma's crying starts to lessen until she stops, and the two of you are sitting in silence.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 06:01:32 PM
>I`m sorry.... for all that i did..... i just, don`t want anyone to be sad.... i don`t want you to be sad. I ......

I guess either way or another, this must be brought up.... should we pursue a relationship with Koakuma ? Give me your opinions.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 06:06:18 PM
I want a definitive gauge of what Cirno is thinking before I would consider such a thing.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 06:12:58 PM
Fair enough, i`m also split between them, how about the rest of you guys ?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 06:28:47 PM
>I`m sorry.... for all that i did..... i just, don`t want anyone to be sad.... i don`t want you to be sad. I ......

I guess either way or another, this must be brought up.... should we pursue a relationship with Koakuma ? Give me your opinions.
> "I know you don't..." Koakuma says. "you're too nice. I should've known you were trying to help Flandre too..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 06:34:40 PM
>But i should have payed more attention to you ! Yet...
>Sit down somewhere and take a look at our Mini-Daiyousei.
>"Are you okay ? How did the guarding go ?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 06:46:47 PM
>But i should have payed more attention to you ! Yet...
>Sit down somewhere and take a look at our Mini-Daiyousei.
>"Are you okay ? How did the guarding go ?"
> "It was my fault for thinking wrong..." Koakuma says.
> You sit down on the ground and look at the smaller you.
> "Only those three fairies came." She starts. "And I was about to stop them, but Koakuma left..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 24, 2016, 06:52:13 PM
//I kinda lean more towards DaiKoa because it's both interesting and not that common of a ship. But I'll wait and see what happens with Cirno first.
//We could always take a third option have a harem...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 06:58:10 PM
//What are you saying ?!?! This isn`t one of those games ! *Whacks Nazgulsei with his umbrella, yea, it`s raining down here a lot*
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Searinox119 on April 24, 2016, 07:07:57 PM
//Not pursuing a relationship with Koakuma wouldn't make her happy.
//On the other hand, pursuing the relationship might do some, possibly irrepairable, damage on our relations with the others, primarily with Cirno. Then again, it might not, hard to tell... There are also difficulties with actually pursuing it, since Koakuma lives in the mansion, a place we can't just go in and out as we wish. Yes, we can visit it once in a while, but still. (The "enmaidment" is no longer a viable option, right?)

//Tl,dr:  Not doing it will hurt Koakuma, doing it is basically a gamble that might hurt everybody. I'm leaning against it for now. because an opinion of a random person who barely posts now certainly matters
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 07:15:23 PM
We don't have to make a decision immediately. Polyamory is also a legitimate option, and I am still primarily of the aro-ace mind myself with how fairies have been presented here.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 07:21:15 PM
//I don`t really see how it will affect everybody, Cirno is the most likely one to be affected, but Cirno still doesn`t really understand the concept of love yet, so we can`t put that factor totally in, we need to do as Kilgasei suggested and wait until we have a better look at everything, mainly at Cirno.

>Give our Mini-Daiyousei a petting.
>"You still did well, some could have even confused you with Miss Meiling herself ! Maybe even the trio did."
>It`s not your fault you felt like that, i made it look like that, so if anyone`s fault, it`s mine only.

//Isn`t it Polygamy ? Nevertheless, the problem with that option would be if both of them would accept it.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 07:35:08 PM
//What are you saying ?!?! This isn`t one of those games ! *Whacks Nazgulsei with his umbrella, yea, it`s raining down here a lot*
*Whacks Nazgulsei with his umbrella
//Do you even graze? :P
>Give our Mini-Daiyousei a petting.
>"You still did well, some could have even confused you with Miss Meiling herself ! Maybe even the trio did."
> "I think they did." The smaller you says. "They hid as soon as they saw me and didn't come out."
>It`s not your fault you felt like that, i made it look like that, so if anyone`s fault, it`s mine only.
> "I don't understand how you can just take all the blame yourself." Koakuma breaks the hug. "You'll get hurt being so selfless... and, about Meiling... I hadn't seen her like that, ever. Is she okay?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 07:37:11 PM
Well, yes, polyamory (similar to polygamy but not write the same) would depend on all parties involved being good with it. I was more pointing out that it is worth nontrivial consideration, since the harem end was brought up as a joke.

I'm also fairly positive Cirno has a crush on us, even if she doesn't understand it. Her behaviors throughout the course of the game post-reunion are consistent with it.

> "I don't know...maybe I shouldn't have done that to her. I just wanted to see if I could..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 07:42:43 PM
//Do you even graze? :P

//If i graze ?!?!?! *Looks at EoSD and PCB Extras and 1CCs, then at Miniking`s 1CCs* You bet i do ! The true question is, do YOU graze ?  :P
(Not bragging, you can do just as good as me ! Just never back down !)
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Searinox119 on April 24, 2016, 07:47:09 PM
//It doesn't even have to be about love - Cirno might not going to like it because of the fact her best friend had basically chosen someone else over her. Or because her best friend spends less time with her. Or something. And the whole thing with Koakuma might not even work out because a) she lives in a mansion, so contact will be difficult, and b) there's no telling what the other inhabitants of the mansion might think. Say, Patchouli decides to forbid Koakuma from talking with us because it hurts her efficiency at work or something; what then? And if it all results in both sides being hurt, our other friends are going to be unhappy with us...

//Basically, until there's information about what Cirno or Koakuma's superiors think about it, I'm against it.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 07:47:38 PM
//If i graze ?!?!?! *Looks at EoSD and PCB Extras and 1CCs, then at Miniking`s 1CCs* You bet i do ! The true question is, do YOU graze ?  :P
(Not bragging, you can do just as good as me ! Just never back down !)
//Excuse me sir but I graze too much. That's how I get all the lives that I waste not deathbombing... :smokedcheese: Haven't been playin recently either. Really should get back into it while waiting for replies from here.
> "I don't know...maybe I shouldn't have done that to her. I just wanted to see if I could..."
> "I think we should talk to her. When she's calmed down of course..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 07:54:14 PM
> Nod slowly.
> "Tomorrow, then."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 07:56:56 PM
>Now can we get our pajamas and change into them ? Good.
>After that, crumble down on our bed due to exhaustion.
>So um, you`re gonna be ok sleeping in there ?
>Try to imagine a small bed for Koakuma to sleep in the thoughtscape.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 08:10:17 PM
> Nod slowly.
> "Tomorrow, then."
> "Okay."
>Now can we get our pajamas and change into them ? Good.
> You remove your regular dress and change into your pajamas. You notice that Koakuma shields her eyes.
> "Uh..." Koakuma moves her hands. "T-That proves that I won't see even if the body's eyes are open, but mine aren't. So um, senses aren't shared, I guess."
>After that, crumble down on our bed due to exhaustion.
>So um, you`re gonna be ok sleeping in there ?
>Try to imagine a small bed for Koakuma to sleep in the thoughtscape.
> You lie down on your blanket on the floor. You really should get beds soon.
> "I'll be oka-huh?" Koakuma looks to the side as you manifest a small bed for her. "Thanks." she says. It's a bit small... "Will you be okay though?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 24, 2016, 08:19:16 PM
>Imagine the bed to be a little bigger.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 08:23:05 PM
>Imagine the bed to be a little bigger.
> The bed gets a bit bigger. Enough to fit Koakuma nicely.
> "You really need to worry about yourself more..." Koakuma sighs, then rests her head on the pillow.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 08:35:03 PM
>I`ll be fine, it`s not that i`m hurt, other people are more important than me, like you and Miss Flandre and Cirno-chan !
>Look at Mini-Daiyousei.
>"Get changed too, you helped out a lot guarding as Meiling, so you deserve some rest !"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 08:38:40 PM
>I`ll be fine, it`s not that i`m hurt, other people are more important than me, like you and Miss Flandre and Cirno-chan !
>Look at Mini-Daiyousei.
>"Get changed too, you helped out a lot guarding as Meiling, so you deserve some rest !"
> "I think it's better if I go for now." The other Daiyousei says. "I don't wanna use our friends' blankets..." She says, before disappearing.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 08:44:03 PM
>Good Night, Koa, be safe and have good dreams, i`ll be here with you.
>Drift asleep.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 08:48:13 PM
>Good Night, Koa, be safe and have good dreams, i`ll be here with you.
>Drift asleep.
> "Mhm."
> You let yourself fall asleep.
> "Daiyousei!"
> It sounds like someone's calling you.
> "Daiyousei!"
> Koakuma?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 24, 2016, 08:51:39 PM
>Is it coming from inside or outside our head?
>Get our bearings.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 09:04:11 PM
>Koa ?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 09:18:38 PM
>Is it coming from inside our outside our head?
>Get our bearings.
>Koa ?
> "Daiyousei! We gotta get out of here!" Koakuma tells you from inside of you.
> You take a moment to look around.
> The sky is still dark, and you can't move your limbs. You seem to be tied to something. There's a bunch of angry humans and youkai around you, armed with weapons, some even firearms. Patchouli and Sakuya are in the front of the crowd, talking about something. You spot Flandre being held back by Meiling as she flails her hands towards you.
> "Let her go Meiling! Let her go! She didn't do anything bad!" Flandre shouts.
> "I'm sorry Flandre, but she's too dangerous." Meiling says. "If she does something bad, it'll be too late to fix it."
> "Is Miss Kamishirasawa fine with this?" Sakuya asks Patchouli.
> "We haven't asked. It's a full moon, remember?" Patchouli says.
> "Right." Sakuya says. "We'll go until she returns. Milady." Sakuya calls towards the sky.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 24, 2016, 09:21:03 PM
>Koa, do you know what happened?!?
>Is this a nightmare?
>Does there seem to be anything preventing us from warping?

//heads up Miniking, I edited.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 09:30:47 PM
>Koa, do you know what happened?!?
>Is this a nightmare?
> "I-I don't know!" Koakuma says.
> You ponder if this could be a nightmare. You're unsure, but you hope it is.
> Something flicks you on the forehead, and it hurts some. Wait, dreams aren't supposed to hurt!
> "Such a pity that you wouldn't join." Remilia jumps down from above you. "I'm sure your power could've been put to good use. Of course what happened between you and Meiling earlier was the perfect opportunity to have more reason to do this."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 09:31:18 PM
> "Ow! What are you doing?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 09:32:33 PM
>"Eckk ! What ? Why ? How ?"
>Is there anything blocking our warp as said before ?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 24, 2016, 09:33:53 PM
//Perhaps I should start double posting whenever I edit so you'd notice...  :V
>Does there seem to be anything preventing us from warping?

>If not, pick a point far, far away, as far away in the sky as possible, just like before, but DO NOT warp yet UNLESS things get even worse quickly.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 09:38:48 PM
//Okay, this is actually hell of painful to me, it`s just.... agh !

>"Cirno-chan ! Miss Marisa ! Miss Reimu ! Miss Sanae ! Anyone ! Please......"
>Koa, i`m scared... what will they do to me..... am i..... a monster..... ?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 09:42:38 PM
> "Ow! What are you doing?"
>"Eckk ! What ? Why ? How ?"
>Is there anything blocking our warp as said before ?
//Perhaps I should start double posting whenever I edit so you'd notice...  :V
>Does there seem to be anything preventing us from warping?

>If not, pick a point far, far away, as far away in the sky as possible, just like before, but DO NOT warp yet UNLESS things get even worse quickly.
> You struggle to no avail. Your limbs are securely and tightly restricted.
> There doesn't seem to be anything.
> You pick a point high in the sky and away from this place. The mountain, yes. Over there should be safer if you can make it.
//Okay, this is actually hell of painful to me, it`s just.... agh !

>"Cirno-chan ! Miss Marisa ! Miss Reimu ! Miss Sanae ! Anyone ! Please......"
>Koa, i`m scared... what will they do to me..... am i..... a monster..... ?
> "You're not! I-I'm not leaving without you. We're both getting out of here. W-We just have to think of something." Koakuma says.
> "I'm not just going to let you worsen my mansion's reputation." Remilia says, starting to circle you. "You refused my maid's proposal, Made our gate guard vulnerable, kidnapped my friend's familiar, and snuck into my little sister's room." Something hits you in the back, and it hurts again. "The only one you haven't hurt yet, is me. And I simply won't allow that..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 09:45:44 PM
> "Ow ow! Kidnapped?!"
> Look at Patchouli.
> "You ordered her to go with me!"
> Let Koa out before she gets hurt too.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 24, 2016, 09:47:01 PM

>The mountain... Do you think... I can warp to it from here? I'm not going to try anything yet, though... And wait... Did she just say I kidnapped you!? I didn't! Do... Do you think you can back me up on this?
>"Kidnapped? I did not kidnap Koa! She was ordered to stay with me for the night!"

>If Koa says yes, do the two following:
>"Right Koa?"
>Allow Koa control of our voice

>Don't let Koa out unless it LOOKS LIKE they're going to kill us or they don't buy Koakuma's support.
>Prepare to warp, but do not warp yet.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 09:48:53 PM
>"And you never listen to Miss Flandre ! You never tried to help her control herself ! I just went to calm her down and give her care, she`s a great person, you just don`t give her credit !"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 09:51:56 PM
Why would they believe Koa's voice from our body is actually her and not us using her voice?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 10:00:24 PM
Instead, maybe this ?

>Koa, can you unfuse and tell them i didn`t kidnap you ?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 10:11:28 PM
//I think I caught all the edits and stuff... x.x

>The mountain... Do you think... I can warp to it from here? I'm not going to try anything yet, though... And wait... Did she just say I kidnapped you!? I didn't! Do... Do you think you can back me up on this?
>"Kidnapped? I did not kidnap Koa! She was ordered to stay with me for the night!"

>If Koa says yes, do the two following:
>"Right Koa?"
>Allow Koa control of our voice

>Don't let Koa out unless it LOOKS LIKE they're going to kill us or they don't buy Koakuma's support.
>Prepare to warp, but do not warp yet.
> "Ow ow! Kidnapped?!"
> Look at Patchouli.
> "You ordered her to go with me!"
> Let Koa out before she gets hurt too.
> "It's a bit far, but you could probably make it someway, then make the clone appear, and we can escape." Koakuma says. "And she should believe me... I hope."
> You allow Koakuma control of your voice.
> "Y-Yeah!" Koakuma says with your body.
> "You sure gained quite the amount of abilities." Remilia says. "Imitating voices and appearances. Such a waste..."
Instead, maybe this ?

>Koa, can you unfuse and tell them i didn`t kidnap you ?
> "Yes. They'll definitely believe us then."
> You let Koakuma's energy out, and she faces the crowd.
> "See. I wasn't kidnapped. I was told to go wit-" Koakuma suddenly vanishes, and reappears next to Patchouli.
> "I was wondering when you'd finish Koakuma... Welcome back." Patchoulis says.
> "P-Patchouli, you said that-"
> "Excuse me!?" Patchouli says. "You will address me correctly!" Patchouli manifests a fireball above her head. She looks too close to Koakuma for her to dodge.
> "By the way, we know where you live." Remilia continues, walking to your front and moving a bit further away from you. "So when you die and respawn," Remilia manifests a large red spear and arches her arm back behind her, as if to throw it at you. "we can continue this until everyone feels better..." she smiles.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 10:21:24 PM
>Try to warp Koakuma away from Patchouli.
>"Hey ! Don`t hurt her !"
>"What is the point then ? I`ll just respawn and you`ll kill me again, are you really the kind of person to feel pleasure over the suffering of others ?!?! Does that really exist..... ?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 10:22:15 PM
Hold up, I have a better idea. Try this:

> Grimace, but watch Remilia's arm carefully.
> As soon as we see her arm move forward, warp Patchouli between her and us.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 24, 2016, 10:23:06 PM
Hold up, I have a better idea. Try this:

> Grimace, but watch Remilia's arm carefully.
> As soon as we see her arm move forward, warp Patchouli between her and us.
>Don't, this will only prove or reinforce what they think of us.

>Does Patchouli look like she's going to throw the fireball?
>If the above is true or Patchouli throws it, warp it to a safe spot to protect Koakuma. We don't want Koa getting hurt.

>Does Koakuma look like she's going to provoke Patchouli into throwing it?
>If so, "Koa, don't... I don't want you getting hurt because of me..."

>If Remi throws the spear, warp it to a safe spot so it won't hit anything.

>If we have no other choice do everything below:

>Tear up a little.
>"Bye Koa..."

>Warp as far as we can in the direction of the mountain.
>As soon as that warp ends, if we're too far away, warp again.
>Warp until we're at or close to the Moriya Shrine.

>If Remi or someone else kills us before we can warp.
>When we respawn grow a little and grab our table and some of our clothes, at least we can salvage something from the home we can't return to.
>GTFO and do the warp actions mentioned above.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 10:25:41 PM
You really think they haven't taken precautions against our warping ourselves away? They obviously know we can, we've done it in front of Meiling on multiple occasions.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 10:26:09 PM
Kilga, remember, we quintuple quadruple promised to be nice ! And killing a person for nothing is just no better than what they`re doing.....
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2016, 10:26:34 PM
We didn't kill them, Remi did.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 10:28:44 PM
But we would make her kill her, hatred leads nowhere.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 10:32:31 PM
Hold up, I have a better idea. Try this:

> Grimace, but watch Remilia's arm carefully.
> As soon as we see her arm move forward, warp Patchouli between her and us.
>Don't, this will only prove or reinforce what they think of us.

>Does Patchouli look like she's going to throw the fireball?
>If the above is true or Patchouli throws it, warp it to a safe spot to protect Koakuma. We don't want Koa getting hurt.
> She does, but warping the fireball would leave you no time to dodge the spear.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 10:36:37 PM
>We can respawn, that is all the justification we need.
>Warp the fireball away from Koakuma.
>"Koa ! Promise you`ll be alright !"
>Tear up and brace ourselves.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 24, 2016, 10:38:01 PM
>When we respawn, do this:
>When we respawn grow a little and grab our table and some of our clothes, at least we can salvage something from the home we can't return to.
>GTFO and do the warp actions mentioned above.

Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 24, 2016, 10:39:17 PM
//Actually, why not warp the fireball into the spear?
//Also can't we shrink out of our restraints? And dodge the spear with our size?
//Eh, let's just roll with what happens
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 10:41:28 PM
//I`m pretty sure Remilia`s Spear will just pierce the fireball like a German Tiger`s 88mm through a American M3 Stuart`s armor, so that`s outta question.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 24, 2016, 10:42:58 PM
//I didn't mean warp it in front of the spear, I mean warp it so it's trajectory hits the spear from the side and nudges it.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 10:45:11 PM
Hold up ! I had a idea.

>Don`t do that, instead, warp the spear so it intercepts the fireball and doesn`t hit anything else, safely hitting the ground.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 10:58:10 PM
Hold up ! I had a idea.

>Don`t do that, instead, warp the spear so it intercepts the fireball and doesn`t hit anything else, safely hitting the ground.
> You warp the spear so that it pierces the fireball, destroying it and continuing into the ground. It fades afterwards.
> "Hm." Remilia scoffs, before shooting a large amount of red chains towards you. "It's your fate to get hit this time..."
> Patchouli backs away from Koakuma a lot before shooting a burst of fireballs outwards. They start to home in onto Koakuma.
> "I'm sorry Patcho- Lady Patchouli!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 24, 2016, 11:02:02 PM
>Does it look like Koa can dodge?
>If not:
  >"NO! DON'T HURT KOA!!!"

  >Warp ourselves so the fireballs hit us instead.
  >Before they hit us:
>"Koa ! Promise you`ll be alright !"
>Tear up and brace ourselves.

>When we respawn grow a little and grab our table and some of our clothes, at least we can salvage something from the home we can't return to.
>GTFO and do the warp actions
>Warp as far as we can in the direction of the mountain.
>As soon as that warp ends, if we're too far away, warp again.
>Warp until we're at or close to the Moriya Shrine.
>Otherwise, try to see if we can find a way to avoid being hit.
>Does it look like the chains will miss if we shrink?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 24, 2016, 11:16:16 PM
>Does it look like Koa can dodge?
>If not:
  >"NO! DON'T HURT KOA!!!"

  >Warp ourselves so the fireballs hit us instead.
  >Before they hit us:
    >Otherwise, try to see if we can find a way to avoid being hit.
>Does it look like the chains will miss if we shrink?
> The fireballs seem to be all heading towards Koakuma from many angles.
> You warp yourself in front of Koakuma, and ask her to promise she'll be alright.
> "I-I'll -" Koakuma starts to say.
> The fireballs converge onto you, and everything goes black.
> ...
> You wake up in your house and quickly get up, growing enough to grab the table and some of your clothes.
> You fly outside of your house and start warping towards the Moriya shrine.
> There's no one outside as you arrive.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 24, 2016, 11:21:55 PM
>Drop the table carefully and put the clothing on top of it, then shrink to Meiling size.
>Knock on the door. "Miss Sanae !!!!"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 24, 2016, 11:31:37 PM
>What places, besides the lake and our (former) house are close enough to the mansion to be considered "unsafe"?
>How many of our friends live in the "danger zone"?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 25, 2016, 12:48:34 AM
>What places, besides the lake and our (former) house are close enough to the mansion to be considered "unsafe"?
>How many of our friends live in the "danger zone"?
> You think the Forest of Magic may be the only close place to it.
> Nearly all of Team (9) lives there, as well as Wakasagihime, Flandre, and Koakuma. The Forest of Magic includes Alice and Marisa as well, so almost all of them. The exceptions might be Sanae, Reimu, Wriggle, Kogasa, Keine possibly, and Mystia.
>Drop the table carefully and put the clothing on top of it, then shrink to Meiling size.
>Knock on the door. "Miss Sanae !!!!"
> You set the table down carefully and set your clothing on top of it before shrinking back to Meiling's size. You then knock on the door and call for Sanae.
> "H-Huh!? What?" you hear Sanae scramble about inside, then the sound of something hitting the ground a bit later.
> Sanae opens the door. "W-What is it? Daiyousei?" She calms down a bit.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 25, 2016, 12:51:37 AM
>"C-Can I come in... I don't have anywhere else to go... I-I mean, if you don't want me inside, I understand... I'll find some spot on the mountain to sleep, I guess..."
>Make a mental note NOT to die, since that would put us right in the danger zone.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 25, 2016, 12:52:39 AM
>"C-Can I come in... I don't have anywhere else to go... I-I mean, if you don't want me inside, I understand... I'll find some spot on the mountain to sleep, I guess..."
>Make a mental note NOT to die, since that would put us right in the danger zone.
> You can't afford to die anymore. They'll probably be waiting...
> "What are you talking about?" Sanae asks.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 25, 2016, 12:55:04 AM
>"It`s... t-that now a lot of people and the residents of the Mansion want to capture me and kill me and all that horribleness, they took away Koa and didn`t let Flandre help me and i`m such a bad fairy !!!!"
>Breakdown and hug her.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 25, 2016, 01:06:29 AM
>"It`s... t-that now a lot of people and the residents of the Mansion want to capture me and kill me and all that horribleness, they took away Koa and didn`t let Flandre help me and i`m such a bad fairy !!!!"
>Breakdown and hug her.
> You start crying your heart out, and Sanae holds you when you hug her.
> "Wait, please wait. What are you talking about? Who's Koa?" Sanae asks.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 25, 2016, 01:10:08 AM
>"It`s Koakuma, Miss Patchouli`s familiar, forced us to get separated, and they`re like that because i went and sneaked in and talked to Miss Flandre at night and fused with Meiling while she slept without her permission, now everyone is angry.......waaaaaaaaah !"
>Keep hugging.
>"You`re not gonna let them take me right ? Please... help me...."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 25, 2016, 01:16:02 AM
>"It`s Koakuma, Miss Patchouli`s familiar, forced us to get separated, and they`re like that because i went and sneaked in and talked to Miss Flandre at night and fused with Meiling while she slept without her permission, now everyone is angry.......waaaaaaaaah !"
>Keep hugging.
>"You`re not gonna let them take me right ? Please... help me...."
> "Uh, of course I'll help you." Sanae says
> "W-What...?" You hear a voice inside you.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 25, 2016, 01:17:56 AM
>Huh...... ? Who are you ?
>"Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!"
>Give her an stronger hug.
>"I feel so alone without Cirno-chan and Koa.... and i didn`t find Miss Marisa or Miss Reimu, Miss Keine wasn`t out there either..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 25, 2016, 01:21:26 AM
>Huh...... ? Who are you ?
>"Thank you !!!!!!!!!!!"
>Give her an stronger hug.
>"I feel so alone without Cirno-chan and Koa.... and i didn`t find Miss Marisa or Miss Reimu, Miss Keine wasn`t out there either..."
> You hug Sanae more.
> "That's getting a bit tight Daiyousei." Sanae says.
> "Daiyousei?" Koakuma responds. "Oh thank GOD! W-Wait, where are we?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: AzyWng on April 25, 2016, 01:22:22 AM
>Aside from the SDM's residents, who was with us when we woke up initially?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 25, 2016, 01:24:27 AM
>"Oh... sorry..."
>Let go of Sanae.
>Examine ourselves.
>Koa ?!?! You`re here ! But how ? I though they had separated us ! We`re at Miss Sanae`s Shrine, i can`t go back home because of them....
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 25, 2016, 01:27:21 AM
>Aside from the SDM's residents, who was with us when we woke up initially?
> You don't think anyone else you knew was there.
>"Oh... sorry..."
>Let go of Sanae.
>Examine ourselves.
>Koa ?!?! You`re here ! But how ? I though they had separated us ! We`re at Miss Sanae`s Shrine, i can`t go back home because of them....
> You examine yourself. You are as tall as Meiling. You have Koakuma's traits along with your own, and you're in your pajamas.
> Eh?
> "I... Hold on. I need to recollect what happened... It's confusing me." Koakuma says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 25, 2016, 01:39:20 AM
>Wait... was it just a bad dream ? But we both saw that right ?
>"Wait, did i just have a bad dream ? Koa is still with me..." Touch our cute wings. ".....but it looked so real.. i felt pain and everything..."
>Try to summon our Mini-Daiyousei.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 25, 2016, 01:45:29 AM
>Wait... was it just a bad dream ? But we both saw that right ?
> "Yeah... When you left though, they focused their attention back on me. Lady Patchouli fired at me again, and it hit me that time... I think. I woke up in that bed you made afterwards though. I... think it was a dream." Koakuma says.
>"Wait, did i just have a bad dream ? Koa is still with me..." Touch our cute wings. ".....but it looked so real.. i felt pain and everything..."
> "It's morning." Sanae points to the sky. "So I would guess so... but you felt pain? That just makes it sound like it happened..."
> You touch your wings. They feel as they always have. A bit smooth, but not as much as Flandre's and nowhere near Cirno's.
>Try to summon our Mini-Daiyousei.
> You summon the clone again. It shares your appearance.
> "Huh. More neat moves..." Sanae says.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 25, 2016, 01:52:32 AM
>"Yeah ! She`s like a second me ! So treat her like Daiyousei Number 2 !"
>Pet Mini-Daiyousei.
>"How have you been ?"
>But it was so realistic... i guess the only way to find out is going back, but that`s too risky...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 25, 2016, 01:52:56 AM
> Well, did we actually feel any pain?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 25, 2016, 01:54:31 AM
> Something flicks you on the forehead, and it hurts some. Wait, dreams aren't supposed to hurt!

>We did, ugh, this is so confusing !
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 25, 2016, 01:57:06 AM
>"Yeah ! She`s like a second me ! So treat her like Daiyousei Number 2 !"
>Pet Mini-Daiyousei.
>"How have you been ?"
> "Just waiting." She says.
> "Alright, I will..." Sanae says.
>But it was so realistic... i guess the only way to find out is going back, but that`s too risky...
> "I'll accompany you if you need. I'm all better. And Kogasa and I also learned a bit." Sanae says. "I'll go get her."
> Well, did we actually feel any pain?
> You definitely felt the flick on your head and whatever hit your back, but the last thing didn't hurt...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 25, 2016, 02:25:20 AM
>Wait, this doesn't make any sense. If this was a dream then why are we here, talking to Sanae? Shouldn't we have woken up in our house in the same position where we slept, in a cold sweat?
>Do we have a history of sleepwalking?
>If so, have we ever warped in our sleep?
>Pinch ourselves. Hard.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 25, 2016, 02:29:26 AM
//Nazgulsei, didn`t you yourself say that once we woke up again at our home, we had to pack up and get to the Moriya Shrine ASAP ?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 25, 2016, 02:31:41 AM
//EDIT: Misread. derp

//Still, though, I specified when we respawn rather than wake up

//Besides, there was no indication that we woke up where we slept. Miniking just said we woke up in the house. Nothing more specific than that.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 25, 2016, 02:37:25 AM
>Wait, this doesn't make any sense. If this was a dream then why are we here, talking to Sanae? Shouldn't we have woken up in our house?
>Do we have a history of sleepwalking?
>If so, have we ever warped in our sleep?
>Pinch ourselves. Hard.
//From way back in the first one...> Re-spawning occurs automatically when a fairy dies. For you, you wake up back at home. You believe that Cirno does so too. Though, recently, she's been able to re-spawn near the same place she died. You thankfully keep your clothes when you re-spawn. Anyways...

> You don't recall ever sleepwalking...
> You pinch yourself hard. It hurts quite a bit, but nothing comes from doing this.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 25, 2016, 02:43:26 AM
>"Okay, thank you Miss Sanae, and how is Miss Kogasa ?"
>Wait for Sanae to get Kogasa, while that, turn towards our Mini-Daiyousei.
>"What do you think of all this ? This is very strange, have any ideas ?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 25, 2016, 02:45:10 AM
>Ow... But at least now we know we're actually awake... Hopefully...
>If that was indeed a nightmare, at least the shared nightmare theory has been proven...
>Shield this next train of thought from Koa.
>The way Patchouli treated Koa back there... Understandable if this was a nightmare... But... if that was real... does she always treat her like that?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 25, 2016, 03:06:56 AM
>"Okay, thank you Miss Sanae, and how is Miss Kogasa ?"
>Wait for Sanae to get Kogasa, while that, turn towards our Mini-Daiyousei.
>"What do you think of all this ? This is very strange, have any ideas ?"
> "I was gone... I'm clueless right now." She says.
> Sanae returns with Kogasa.
> "Hold on, we'll fusion. We learned it by the way." Sanae says.
>Ow... But at least now we know we're actually awake... Hopefully...
>If that was indeed a nightmare, at least the shared nightmare theory has been proven...
>Shield this next train of thought from Koa.
>The way Patchouli treated Koa back there... Understandable if this was a nightmare... But... if that was real... does she always treat her like that?
> "Yeah..." Koakuma says.
> You hope she doesn't...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Monarda on April 25, 2016, 03:17:40 AM
>"Okay ! Let`s see."
>Watch their fusion.
>"Well, it`s about what happened yesterday, i`ll fill you later, for now, i`m just glad you`re here !"
>Hug Mini-Daiyousei.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 25, 2016, 03:21:02 AM
>Koa... How real did that whole thing feel...? And I don't mean pain wise... I meant how everyone was acting... I mean, you've been around them a lot longer than me... They wouldn't act the same if that was a dream, right?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 25, 2016, 03:34:35 AM
>Koa... How real did that whole thing feel...? And I don't mean pain wise... I meant how everyone was acting... I mean, you've been around them a lot longer than me... They wouldn't act the same if that was a dream, right?
> "It was very unlike Lady Patchouli to attack me with spells if I do that... It's usually just hitting me with a book. T-That couldn't have been her." Koakuma says.
>"Okay ! Let`s see."
>Watch their fusion.
> Sanae and Kogasa step out of the shrine, closing the door. Sanae and Kogasa grab the umbrella together in one hand, and the other person's hand in the other. Both of them hold the umbrella up high, and Sanae flinches a little, before they start to point the umbrella towards you, making it descend slowly. The umbrella continues going down, until it gets in your view of Sanae and Kogasa, and falls to the ground. Both of them are gone.
> A gust of wind lifts up the umbrella, and starts to spin it around in a circle along with droplets of water, becoming more and more of a blur. Suddenly, the spin stops, and all the rain is lifted up into the air. A new figure is holding the umbrella upwards, and she puts it over her shoulder, smiling as the water comes down like rain.
> "It's good, right?" Sanae and Kogasa's voices ask at the same time.
>"Well, it`s about what happened yesterday, i`ll fill you later, for now, i`m just glad you`re here !"
>Hug Mini-Daiyousei.
> You hug the little you. "Uh, okay." She responds, and returns the hug.
> "Hey, don't ignore us!" The figure pouts.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 25, 2016, 03:39:52 AM
>"Looks very nice!"
>Pet Mini-me as we say this.
>So... It's very likely that was all a dream then... Good... I didn't want to be a few... fuhyew... Future... Fu... ture? Future-tuv...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 25, 2016, 03:46:06 AM
>"Looks very nice!"
>Pet Mini-me as we say this.
> "Thank you." They say. "We worked on it most of the night. We wanna call ourselves Kogasana or maybe Gasanae. What do you think?"
>So... It's very likely that was all a dream then... Good... I didn't want to be a few... fuhyew... Future... Fu... ture? Future-tuv...
> "Fugitive?" Koakuma asks. "Anyways, it couldn't have happened. There's no way those humans would do that, especially after you helped that boy. But... the thing about being dangerous..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 25, 2016, 03:49:14 AM
>Yeah, that's the word, thanks!
>...Do you really think... I could be... dangerous...?

>"Well, um... those names are... equally good... I can't really decide..."

>How similar does their current fusion look to how we fused them earlier?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 25, 2016, 04:00:23 AM
>Yeah, that's the word, thanks!
>...Do you really think... I could be... dangerous...?
> "I do." Koakuma says. "But miss Flandre is dangerous too, and she just needs to learn control. You have control, so it's a good dangerous." She smiles.
>"Well, um... those names are... equally good... I can't really decide..."
>How similar does their current fusion look to how we fused them earlier?
> "Hm." She pouts.
> Their fusion looks very different. Before, it was much more Kogasa fusing into Sanae. They both look equal here, for the most. Their hair is teal, but looks a bit greener. Their right eye is the same color, while their left is red. It's Sanae's outfit, but with the blue replaced by the same color. Their umbrella appears to be the same color as normal.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 25, 2016, 04:04:24 AM
>"You know, you look much different than when I fused you earlier... How did you manage to do that?"
>Wonder if we can get a "perfect fusion" like that.

>Well, at least it's not a "bad dangerous" then...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 25, 2016, 04:10:36 AM
>"You know, you look much different than when I fused you earlier... How did you manage to do that?"
>Wonder if we can get a "perfect fusion" like that.
> "We both fused into one thing and used the same amount of energy. That thing in question, was the umbrella." She smiles. "Well, the umbrella is Kogasa in a sense, but we made our energies the same in our body. Any extra energy, usually from Sanae, is in the umbrella."
> You wonder if you could fuse perfectly... You'd just have to follow what they did, right?
>Well, at least it's not a "bad dangerous" then...
> "Mhm." Koakuma nods.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 25, 2016, 04:25:45 AM
>"So... in order to make a perfect fusion like that... You need an object?"
>How tired are we.
>How difficult would it be for us to go back to sleep after that nightmare(?)?
>Are we alert enough to do some experimenting?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 25, 2016, 04:32:46 AM
>"So... in order to make a perfect fusion like that... You need an object?"
> "Uh, we used Kogasa's umbrella self, which I don't think counts as an object. I'm sure you could just have two people, but you'd need to both have similar energies when you fuse. So either have somewhere to put the extra energy of one person, or have someone else with the same amount as you."
>How tired are we.
>How difficult would it be for us to go back to sleep after that nightmare(?)?
>Are we alert enough to do some experimenting?
> You're up and ready, especially after running out of your house in a hurry.
> Getting back to sleep in general would be a bit tough. But thanks to that nightmare...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 25, 2016, 04:38:49 AM
>"So by somewhere to put the extra energy of one person..."
>"You mean an object..."

>Hey Koa, how tired do you feel? I mean, I don't think I'll be able to sleep for a while after THAT...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 25, 2016, 04:43:31 AM
>"So by somewhere to put the extra energy of one person..."
>"You mean an object..."
> The girl pouts again. "You're not getting it! Whatever. Put your spare energy in an object if you want. Just don't blame me if it doesn't work."
>Hey Koa, how tired do you feel? I mean, I don't think I'll be able to sleep for a while after THAT...
> "Me neither..." Koakuma shivers a bit.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 25, 2016, 04:45:18 AM
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 25, 2016, 04:52:19 AM
> "I don't know! This is how we learned it, and it might not work for you!" She calms down a bit. "Actually, Gasanae sounds like umbrella-Sanae, maybe that's better... B-But back on topic, maybe you can use an object, okay? You figure it out though."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 25, 2016, 04:56:33 AM
>What do you think about all this, Koa? I mean, logically you would put your spare energy in an object, right? I mean, where else could it go?

>"Maybe I will..."
>Look around.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 25, 2016, 05:09:31 AM
>What do you think about all this, Koa? I mean, logically you would put your spare energy in an object, right? I mean, where else could it go?
> "I guess. There's not really any other place to keep it at. It makes sense." Koakuma says.
>"Maybe I will..."
> "So what did you need again?" Gasanae asks.
>Look around.
> You look around. It's daytime. Nothing else about the normal Moriya Shrine strikes your interest. Until you spot who you think is Aya, flying towards the bottom of the mountain. She's flying slowly, and her head is down.
> You check your Inventory:

> Pajamas: You are wearing blue pajamas. There plain as well, but still comfortable against you.
> $0: You have no cash with you.
> You have a battle with Marisa planned. If you win, she has to fuse with you, but she hasn't specified what happens if she wins yet.
> Speaking of fusion, you have to find a way to fuse perfectly, as Kogasa and Sanae have demonstrated. They told you that you needed the same amount of energy from both fusees.
> You should really upgrade team ⑨'s base/your home. Maybe get some actual beds instead of just blankets. Other furniture would be nice too, like dressers and a mirror. You've recently gotten a table, but that's about it.
> Actually, now that Lily White is a member of Team ⑨, you should look into getting a larger home and group base. It would be hard to have space for all 6 of you during meetings otherwise.
> You've confirmed that the Scarlet Devil Mansion was kidnapping fairies and you're pondering involvement.
> You need to improve your matchmaking skills. Being a matchmaker will help you out in the long run...probably? Lily seems to know about matchmaking, so perhaps she could help. So far, you've not only brought Kogasa and Sanae together, but also Marisa and Alice.
> You seek to figure out why you cannot have a magic picture box, or "TV" at your home. Though Mystia has the money, Kanako claims that there are problems that can't really be worked around. There was also mentioning of this Nit-wit person.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 25, 2016, 05:16:32 AM
>Daytime already? Do we even feel well rested after that?
>"Well, I thought I was in danger, but now I'm just confused... I'm not sure if I had a nightmare or if it was re- Hey, isn't that Aya over there? She looks so... sad..."
>Did Aya and Hatate's cameras happen to be in the clothes pile we brought.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 25, 2016, 05:20:26 AM
>Daytime already? Do we even feel well rested after that?
> You do a bit. You can get through the day, but you would like to go to sleep earlier than last time.
>"Well, I thought I was in danger, but now I'm just confused... I'm not sure if I had a nightmare or if it was re- Hey, isn't that Aya over there? She looks so... sad..."
>Did Aya and Hatate's cameras happen to be in the clothes pile we brought.
> Their cameras are in the pile, along with the doll you got from Alice.
> "I think so. She does look pretty upset, at least from here." The two say.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 25, 2016, 05:25:31 AM
>"Should we go see what's up?"
>Ponder if Aya and that Hatate person could be matched. Use matchmaking skills to assess.

>Grab the cameras, and stuff them in a place where they won't be noticed, like our cleavage or our pockets if applicable.

//I have an idea...
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 25, 2016, 05:30:05 AM
>"Should we go see what's up?"
> "Yeah. We should cheer her up if she's sad." Gasanae smiles.
>Ponder if Aya and that Hatate person could be matched. Use matchmaking skills to assess.
> You think about the two. They definitely seem to be against each other at times, but Hatate did show concern when she noticed Aya crying back during their fight...
>Grab the cameras, and stuff them in a place where they won't be noticed, like our cleavage or our pockets if applicable.

//I have an idea...
> You grab the cameras and put them in your pockets.
> "What about the table and your clothes?"
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 25, 2016, 05:34:02 AM
>"I'll pick 'em up later... When I've made absolutely, positively, definitely sure that it's actually safe to go home..."
>"Y-You don't think anyone's going to steal it, right?"

>Is Aya still visible?
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 25, 2016, 05:39:58 AM
>"I'll pick 'em up later... When I've made absolutely, positively, definitely sure that it's actually safe to go home..."
>"Y-You don't think anyone's going to steal it, right?"
> Gasanae sighs, and she picks up your clothes and the doll, opening the shrine's door and putting them down. She then grabs the table and puts it on it's side, then starts to flip it until it gets inside as well.
>Is Aya still visible?
> Aya is still visible.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 25, 2016, 05:44:45 AM
>"Um... Thanks. You didn't have to do that..."
>"Anyway, let's go before we lose sight of her!"
>If no one objects, head Aya-bound!
>Check on MIni-me.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 25, 2016, 05:50:41 AM
>"Um... Thanks. You didn't have to do that..."
>"Anyway, let's go before we lose sight of her!"
>If no one objects, head Aya-bound!
>Check on MIni-me.
> You start to fly towards Aya. The smaller you is flying along with the three of you.
> You reach Aya, and Gasanae quickly grabs her shoulders as she's flying, causing her to jump and turn around.
> "Surprise!" She says.
> "Kogasa?" Aya questions.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 25, 2016, 05:53:30 AM
>"I think they go by Gasanae now or something..."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 25, 2016, 05:56:49 AM
>"I think they go by Gasanae now or something..."
> "Yup. It's Sanae and Kogasa. We fused." She says.
> "Oh." Aya pulls out a camera.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 25, 2016, 05:59:20 AM
>So she wasn't kidding when she said she had a spare one.
>Will Mini-me to cover us in case Aya tries to snap a pic of our panties again...
>"So... What's up? We saw you from the shrine and you looked kinda sad..."
>Check on Koa.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 25, 2016, 06:06:13 AM
>So she wasn't kidding when she said she had a spare one.
>Will Mini-me to cover us in case Aya tries to snap a pic of our panties again...
>"So... What's up? We saw you from the shrine and you looked kinda sad..."
> "It's nothing. Don't worry about it..." Aya says, before  snapping a few pictures of Gasanae and circling around them while taking more. She then darts below them and snaps another picture upwards.
> "H-Hey!" they say, and cover themselves as if it would help.
> Aya floats over below you, but the smaller you blocks her view. Instead, Aya just zips to the side of the smaller you and takes a picture of her underwear, before moving a good distance away. She quickly stashes the camera away.
>Check on Koa.

> You check on Koakuma. She's sitting on the bed, kicking her feet back and forth alternatively. You notice that she's her smaller self as well.
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 25, 2016, 06:12:06 AM
>"Really? You're definitely not getting your other one back now..."
>"Anyway, please, tell us what's going on. You looked completely bummed out from up there... Is it because of what happened with that Hatate person yesterday?"

>Have both us and/or Mini-me ready to take the camera by warp as soon as she brings it out again. She needs to learn!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 25, 2016, 06:17:44 AM
>"Really? You're definitely not getting your other one back now..."
> "Hehe." Aya smiles.
>"Anyway, please, tell us what's going on. You looked completely bummed out from up there... Is it because of what happened with that Hatate person yesterday?"

>Have both us and/or Mini-me ready to take the camera by warp as soon as she brings it out again. She needs to learn!
> You prepare to take the camera right when she brings it back out.
> Aya's smile turns into a sincerely upset face as you finish talking.
> "Could you please not mention that night." Aya sighs, then looks down again. "Or, the rest of the recent days... They've been really tough."
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on April 25, 2016, 06:20:06 AM
>"Why is that?"

//Post 999 again? Really? lol Also Maribel Quest really needs to catch up to this game :P
>Screw it, warp where we think she put her camera to us. That can't possibly go wrong!
Title: Re: Daiyousei Quest - Greater Fairy: Part 4
Post by: Neovereign on April 25, 2016, 06:27:37 AM
//Post 999 again? Really? lol Also Maribel Quest really needs to catch up to this game :P
>Screw it, warp where we think she put her camera to us. That can't possibly go wrong!
//I'm just postin too fast.
> You warp where you believe Aya's camera is to you and end up with a pair of white panties in your hand.
> "H-Hey!" Aya shouts at you, flying back, then kicking you off into the distance...