Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Rumia's Party Games => Mystia's Stored Games => Topic started by: Hello Purvis on December 08, 2015, 09:38:51 PM

Title: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 08, 2015, 09:38:51 PM

Previous Cover (

>You are Toyosatomimi no Miko, Gensokyo?s finest hermit!
>Yours is a curious case; once emperor of this entire nation (except for Hokkaido, Okinawa, and such), you retired away to undertake a ritual to grant you immortality and bring you closer to perfection of being. It worked beyond your wildest expectations, transforming you to the person you?ve become today. One might complain about how long it took, but the results have been worth it. You live in seclusion with your retainer, Futo, and your former consort, Tojiko, refining your mastery over the art of the Hermit and catching up on the 1500 or so years of your nation?s history that you've managed to miss out upon, and trying to understand the nature of this land of Gensokyo. You are not certain which of those two fields has managed to shock you more.
>You have stepped down as a ruler and renounced your birthright, but you do try to maintain a noble?s gravitas. Your interests these days involves perfecting your hermitry, and eventually ascending to the ranks of the celestials. While you no longer have a true interest in leading the masses, you do feel that Gensokyo need to be united under a single leader. At the very least its human population will not do particularly well in its currently weak and disunified state against the likes of the youkai, one cannot depend on corrective measures such as a shrine maiden forever?
>Of late, you have learned of a growing unrest within the human village and on the urging of Futo and Tojiko, have visited to assess the situation. To your mild surprise, you have found that a small handful of villagers have some interest in Taoism. While you have no intention of taking on any pupils, you are contemplating giving them some basic instruction and seeing how it goes over. You've also heard some rumors of a contest regarding some bit of lost onmyoudo lore.  Your investigation has led you to spend the evening in town, or rather, just outside of it. A kind farmer offered to loan you some space for the evening. This space, you were a little dismayed to discover, was her barn. However, it would have been rude to spurn her offer, so you graciously accepted and spent the evening on a pile of clean straw; thankfully the barn is currently free of livestock. Perhaps someone will build an inn someday?
>You  awoke to find your sword stolen and your attendents missing. Eyewitness accounts have said that Tojiko and Futo have been going around, carrying a wrapped bundle in the shape of a sword. You have been searching desperately for them, following a trail that has lead through through the village and into the Forest of Magic with a detour through the Bamboo Forest. You presently travel in the company of Reisen, who hopes to resolve a dispute at Eientei in favor of the rabbits, and are visiting with Alice, who seems to have had a conflict with your rogue companions. Eventually, after some pleasantries, you found that they went toward the underground.
>Following Reisen there, you descended, and soon found the earth spider she was seeking out. As well, you found that earth spider tending to a bucket youkai who had been recently ambushed and had a wand of hers stolen by an unknown assailant. Pressing onward, you entered the Ancient City of the oni, and wandering its streets searching for your comrades, learning they were there from a youkai cat, then having a tense meeting with one of the buddhists to narrow down the search. You finally found them in a dancehall, where you learned they were not the ones who had taken your sword, but rather that they had been chasing the thief themselves, with little success and much blundering, ending with Futo taking a rather nasty beating from one of the oni. They presented you with a wonderful cloak as a gift, and resolved to stay there and rest up while you searched. You decided to try to investigate the city more, and visited the establishment of Nue Houjuu, who was all too happy to sic her patrons on you. In the escape, you've been drawn into a battle with an oni whose sister you unfortunately kneed in the back.
>After a protracted but victorious battle, she directed you toward the lair of one of the Devas, an oni styled Kay. The Deva's information helped you decide that your weapon almost certainly wasn't underground, or at least not in the city. Returning to the surface, you encountered Youmu, who had much to say about your former teacher and cohort, Seiga, doing something to the Saigyou Ayakashi that resides within the Netherworld. You agreed to look into it, and also found yourself roped into some sort of stage production that the Ghost Princess is planning, after learning the Buddhist's leader was going to be involved. You then visited Reimu, who agreed with some reluctance to allow your cohorts to stay at her shrine, and suggested that you speak to either Sakuya, Marisa, or Mystia about the key you bought from Kourindou. You then proceeded toward the Netherworld, and have encountered a belligerent woman in red with a floating black box, who seems to be rather keen to chase you out. Things quickly went sour, but you were able to salvage them with some quick thinking.
>After cooling your heels for a bit with the Prismrivers and learning a great deal about nothing, Youmu managed to convince them that you weren't a threat, and you were allowed into Hakugyokurou. There, you were able to confirm what happened to the Saigyou Ayakashi, and claimed Yoshika's Talisman in order to try and track Seiga. This lead you back to Scarlet Devil Mansion, and to Patchouli. She was able to give a vague hint about Seiga's location, enough to confirm she was somewhere in Gensokyo. You deduced that she might well have gone to the Garden of the Sun, and went back to the Hakurei Shrine to share this and, after a brief flare-up with Reimu, go to investigate this. You met Yuuka, and had a somewhat tense, but largely polite meeting with her, learning that she did indeed host Seiga for some time, before she moved away the prior month.
>With that in mind, there was little to do but split up and search for Seiga. You started with Youkai Mountain and found nothing, but learned a few things about the iron key you had bought. From there you made your way toward the Bamboo Forest again, and found your way toward Eientei once more after a run-in with some very excitable faeries debating the nature of cute animals. The rabbits protesting outside Eientei mentioned that they had seen Seiga visit, and with some asking around, you found one willing to lead you to her home.
>Coming to Seiga's home, you met your estranged advisor, and found your fears confirmed as she confessed to stealing your sword, as well as the Saigyou Ayakashi's life force, and vesting them both in a swordswoman named Meira, who was of the noble house that once ruled this land, long before it separated from the outside world. Her desire was to help this person take control of Gensokyo and unify it under a proper leader, convinced that it would serve your interests and  hoped you would let her return to your good graces.  The two of you debated this for awhile, and while you could agree that her desire was correct, her methods were completely wrong, which she didn't agree upon.
>Armed with this knowledge, you reported back to Reimu and Youmu, the latter of which who set out to deal with Meira. Having little to do, you went to speak with the person who found the key, and learned she found it somewhere around the forest at the base of Youkai Mountain. Returning back to the Hakurei Shrine, you met with Youmu's companion, who reported success in defeating Meira. However, she was still possessed by the lifeforce of the Saigyou Ayakashi. You've stepped forward to deal with this, taking her back to the tree itself to set things as they should be. During the ritual, you found yourself brought elsewhere with the tree, as it tried to interfere with your efforts in its own ways. However, you managed to outmaneuver it and restored Meira.
>After meeting with Yuyuko and getting your hands on an advance script and setting up things to deal with Seiga, you parted company with everyone and reunited with Tojiko and Futo, the latter having recovered nicely from her rest. The three of you then plunged into the forests northeast of Youkai Mountain, intend on finding more about the key. Time passed, and what you found was Seiga, who was practically livid about the terms you agreed to. Shortly after, though, you managed to find an iron plate set into the ground, with an inset for the key. You placed the key, and released a flying serpentine behemoth from it. Now you are desperately trying to contain the hostile thing, as it attacks your group!

> Well, we meant 'real' more in the sense that perhaps it is a puppet or some sort of magical construct, rather than a living, sentient creature.
> Anyway, coming after us is good. Do we have the time to conjure another nondirect source or two, if we start drifting to the lleft

>Either of those things could be plausible. You've at least not felt anything like flesh within it.
>You probably do not have time at the moment.


Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 08, 2015, 09:49:07 PM
> Wait until it is facing us properly, then let loose with a horizontal wave of exploding bullets.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 08, 2015, 11:04:21 PM
> Wait until it is facing us properly, then let loose with a horizontal wave of exploding bullets.

>Where will you be sending these bullets?

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 08, 2015, 11:43:39 PM
> From left to right in front of us, roughly centered on the center of the behemoth's face, angled upward or downward as needed to be aimed at the behemoth's face.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 08, 2015, 11:51:05 PM
> From left to right in front of us, roughly centered on the center of the behemoth's face, angled upward or downward as needed to be aimed at the behemoth's face.

>You do so, as twists around to come at you from above. You unleash the wave of shots and the behemoth snakes underneath them. They explode, peppering its back, but its jaws are closing in on you!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 08, 2015, 11:57:46 PM
> Given it was coming at us from above, but tried to avoid our exploding bullets by going underneath them, is it on the same level as us? Or is it still above us?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 09, 2015, 12:06:12 AM
> Given it was coming at us from above, but tried to avoid our exploding bullets by going underneath them, is it on the same level as us? Or is it still above us?

>It is still above you, but coming from a different and lower angle now.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 09, 2015, 01:11:40 AM
> Bolt back leftward, sword at the ready in our right hand. The instant any part of the behemoth gets within uncomfortably close sword range, slash at it.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 09, 2015, 03:29:08 AM
> Bolt back leftward, sword at the ready in our right hand. The instant any part of the behemoth gets within uncomfortably close sword range, slash at it.

>You bolt back, as its maw opens wide, and it turns its head to the side to try and snap you up. Its nose comes close, and you slash at it! Again you feel the sensation of cords cutting, and a small gash opens. It does not stop.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 09, 2015, 03:34:29 AM
> Did it actually get us?
> If not, is it still coming?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 09, 2015, 03:37:32 AM
> Did it actually get us?
> If not, is it still coming?

>Not yet, and it is still coming.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 09, 2015, 03:45:49 AM
> Continue leftward, but turning our travel into something of a strafing circle rather than a simple straight line to the left. Keep slashing as the behemoth gets into appropriate range.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 09, 2015, 04:14:26 AM
> Continue leftward, but turning our travel into something of a strafing circle rather than a simple straight line to the left. Keep slashing as the behemoth gets into appropriate range.

>You strafe leftward, and the behemoth follows, closing in! You slash at its nose again, but your blade bounces off the scales.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 09, 2015, 05:02:45 AM
> Keep circle-strafing, and try a stab at the nose next.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 09, 2015, 05:49:41 AM
> Keep circle-strafing, and try a stab at the nose next.

>You keep circling, and it keeps up, then lunches forward with jaws open!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 09, 2015, 05:52:53 AM
> Wide enough that we could pass through?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 09, 2015, 06:42:22 AM
> Wide enough that we could pass through?

>Pass through in what sense? You could theoretically slide between them, trying to get from one side of its mouth to the other, but this would be profoundly unwise to try. You could try to go into its throat, but this would be cramped and you do not like the look of that purple glow at all.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 09, 2015, 11:10:43 AM
> Was thinking the second one. Has that purple glow always been there?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 09, 2015, 11:23:18 AM
> Was thinking the second one. Has that purple glow always been there?

>As far as you know.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 09, 2015, 11:46:30 AM
> How long do we have before it is upon us?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 09, 2015, 12:01:40 PM
> How long do we have before it is upon us?

>Some remnants of a second.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 09, 2015, 12:18:31 PM
Crap, I might actually have to try this.

> When we say jumping down this thing's throat would be 'cramped', how little space are we talking here? Would we still have enough room to swing a sword with any decent amount of force?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 09, 2015, 12:20:02 PM
> When we say jumping down this thing's throat would be 'cramped', how little space are we talking here? Would we still have enough room to swing a sword with any decent amount of force?

>You aren't sure, you don't really have time to makes precise measurements, but you feel that having the freedom to swing your sword around would be too much to hope for.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 09, 2015, 12:33:09 PM
Okay, most important question time, particularly since we still have our cloak on.

> How wet and gross does it look inside the behemoth?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 09, 2015, 01:01:51 PM
> How wet and gross does it look inside the behemoth?

>Not very, at the glance you have right now. More like hot and quite plausibly fatal.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 09, 2015, 01:13:52 PM
Oh, well, when you put it that way.

> Down! No sword-swinging this time, either, all efforts must be focused on speed and agility.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 09, 2015, 01:19:43 PM
> Down! No sword-swinging this time, either, all efforts must be focused on speed and agility.

>You drop, forcing yourself to descend faster than you can fall. The behemoth's jaws close around you, its teeth coming toward your face! It takes all of your discipline not to flinch, not to try to lessen the pain of the inevitable. Then there is only sky and scales in front of you, before a jolt of pain races through your scalp. Then you are falling away toward the surface, vaguely aware that someone is shouting for you. Futo?

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 09, 2015, 01:23:29 PM
> Ugh...
> Worry about the shouting later. Rebalance ourselves and refocus first.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 09, 2015, 09:08:35 PM
> Ugh...
> Worry about the shouting later. Rebalance ourselves and refocus first.

>You take a moment to refocus. In the meantime, the behemoth seems to realize that it missed, and moves to strike again from above!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 09, 2015, 09:44:13 PM
> How close is it?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 10, 2015, 12:28:23 AM
> How close is it?

>Unpleasantly close.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 10, 2015, 01:40:34 AM
> Are we still too dizzy to gauge time until impact?
> Is it trying to bite or consume or whatever us again?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 10, 2015, 03:01:11 AM
> Are we still too dizzy to gauge time until impact?
> Is it trying to bite or consume or whatever us again?

>Not long.
>It seems so.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 10, 2015, 03:56:38 AM
> How's that head pain doing?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 10, 2015, 03:58:22 AM
> How's that head pain doing?

>It still hurts. Bearable for the time being, but unpleasant.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 10, 2015, 04:07:37 AM
> Dash leftward, holding our sword with our right hand pointed in the direction of the behemoth, but not extending our arm too far. The goal is to force it to have to avoid the tip of the sword if it wants to get at us.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 10, 2015, 04:27:52 AM
> Dash leftward, holding our sword with our right hand pointed in the direction of the behemoth, but not extending our arm too far. The goal is to force it to have to avoid the tip of the sword if it wants to get at us.

>You suspect it has enough mass to just bat your sword away, really.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 10, 2015, 05:02:41 AM
> Then do that thing without holding the sword pointed at the monster. (Instead, we can put that mental energy into speeding up.)
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 10, 2015, 05:19:20 AM
> Then do that thing without holding the sword pointed at the monster. (Instead, we can put that mental energy into speeding up.)

>You speed away at it snaps at you again, scarely more than a foot off from the mark. It wastes little time in twisting its head around to follow you.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 10, 2015, 05:32:08 AM
> Leave some more exploding bullets in our travel path wake as we keep heading in our current direction.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 10, 2015, 05:45:19 AM
> Leave some more exploding bullets in our travel path wake as we keep heading in our current direction.

>You leave some more bullets behind you. This time, the behemoth stops, and seems to gather itself. You here some danmaku, and it lashes out with one of its wings, followed by a muffled cry from Seiga.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 10, 2015, 05:52:38 AM
> Damnit.
> We haven't seen Tojiko recently, have we?
> As long as it has stopped, prepare another three-round-burst nondirect source.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 10, 2015, 06:27:17 AM
> Damnit.
> We haven't seen Tojiko recently, have we?
> As long as it has stopped, prepare another three-round-burst nondirect source.

>You have not, but you would think someone else would have shouted or something had something especially bad happened to Tojiko.
>You prepare another burst, as the behemoth spreads its wings again.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 10, 2015, 10:58:53 AM
> Is this likely to be in preparation of coming after us again?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 10, 2015, 11:20:50 AM
> Is this likely to be in preparation of coming after us again?

>You think it is preparing to move very quickly. You suspect it means to move away from you, rather than through you, as it is drawing itself upright.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 10, 2015, 11:53:43 AM
> Deploy the nondirect source about a foot above the behemoth's head.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 10, 2015, 12:22:54 PM
> Deploy the nondirect source about a foot above the behemoth's head.

>It is presently out of range.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 10, 2015, 12:43:38 PM
> Oh. Fly toward it again, then.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 10, 2015, 01:16:32 PM
> Oh. Fly toward it again, then.

>You fly toward the behemoth as it raises its wings, then flaps them downward, rocketing into the air at great speed! It beats its wings again and again, turning northward and putting many yards distance between you and it.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 10, 2015, 01:33:10 PM
> Let the charged nondirect source fade. No reason to hold it now.
> Take the opportunity to look around and locate our friends, identifying the condition of each.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 10, 2015, 02:07:21 PM
> Let the charged nondirect source fade. No reason to hold it now.
> Take the opportunity to look around and locate our friends, identifying the condition of each.

>Futo is below you a few yards. She seems to be in reasonably good condition. Tojiko is to the north some yards, she is about as she was before. Seiga is to the northeast, and she has been battered a bit by the Behemoth's wing.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 10, 2015, 02:34:43 PM
> Is everyone within shouting, if not speaking, distance?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 10, 2015, 02:51:13 PM
> Is everyone within shouting, if not speaking, distance?

>You believe so.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 10, 2015, 03:03:35 PM
> Are Tojiko and Seiga on the same level as us?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 10, 2015, 10:51:29 PM
> Are Tojiko and Seiga on the same level as us?

>Tojiko is a bit higher, Seiga is about on level with you.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 11, 2015, 12:16:56 AM
> Feel at our scalp for blood with our non-sword hand.
> Call out to the others while doing this.
> "Something is amiss! Slashing the creature feels like cutting cords, not striking flesh!"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 11, 2015, 01:04:26 AM
> Feel at our scalp for blood with our non-sword hand.
> Call out to the others while doing this.
> "Something is amiss! Slashing the creature feels like cutting cords, not striking flesh!"

>You feel your scalp, and it is definitely a bit bloody and stinging.
>"What manner of youkai is this?" Futo calls back.
>"Do you think we can defeat it?" Tojiko says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 11, 2015, 01:56:19 AM
> Bring our hand in front of us so we can see the damage residue.
> "I am not sure what it is! I am not even sure it is a youkai! Be we absolutely can and will overcome it!"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 11, 2015, 03:12:46 AM
> Bring our hand in front of us so we can see the damage residue.
> "I am not sure what it is! I am not even sure it is a youkai! Be we absolutely can and will overcome it!"

>You check your hand, and yep that's blood alright.
>"What shall we do then, Crown Prince?" Seiga calls, as she drifts closer to you.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 11, 2015, 03:44:33 AM
> Grimace.
> Look back up at the behemoth. What is it doing now?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 11, 2015, 04:05:19 AM
> Grimace.
> Look back up at the behemoth. What is it doing now?

>It seems to be looping back around, several hundred yards away.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 11, 2015, 02:21:04 PM
> "We can still outsmart it by surrounding it and attacking its sides, as we have been! I have seen up close that our efforts so far have not been in vain! But right now we must not cluster together, in anticipation of another long-range energy attack!"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 11, 2015, 02:30:48 PM
> "We can still outsmart it by surrounding it and attacking its sides, as we have been! I have seen up close that our efforts so far have not been in vain! But right now we must not cluster together, in anticipation of another long-range energy attack!"

>"I"ll try to follow your lead, Crown Prince!" Futo says.
>"If you have some more specific advice, it'd be great!" Tojiko answers.
>"It's attacking!" Seiga shouts, as you observe the Behemoth's eyes are glowing powerfully, before it sends out another beam of energy that spirals toward you, widening with each loop.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 11, 2015, 08:36:49 PM
> Tojiko is currently between us and the behemoth then, yes?
> The last time this thing used this attack, we managed to avoid it by heading to the center of the spiral and having it shoot past us all around us. How much of a margin of error for that did we have? That is, how much free space was there in the center?
> Presumably Seiga is enjoying a notable boost in raw power with that wand. That aside, what are our companions' combat strengths?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 11, 2015, 10:45:30 PM
> Tojiko is currently between us and the behemoth then, yes?
> The last time this thing used this attack, we managed to avoid it by heading to the center of the spiral and having it shoot past us all around us. How much of a margin of error for that did we have? That is, how much free space was there in the center?
> Presumably Seiga is enjoying a notable boost in raw power with that wand. That aside, what are our companions' combat strengths?

>You did, and you had some space to maneuver, probably a couple yards. Very comfortable in terms of danmaku.
>You would assume so in Seiga's case. Futo is reasonably close to you in terms of danmaku and physical skill, though you usually edge her out. Tojiko is probably the least skilled, but she can coordinate well. Seiga is nominally the least powerful of the four of you, but she has her ways to make up for that; be it through Yoshika or other tricks.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 11, 2015, 10:57:21 PM
> Is the energy spiral aimed as us specifically? If not, where does it seem to be aimed?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 11, 2015, 11:24:51 PM
> Is the energy spiral aimed as us specifically? If not, where does it seem to be aimed?

>It is hard to tell at this distance. You think it may be aimed toward either you or Futo.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 11, 2015, 11:28:16 PM
> Start moving to center ourselves
> Point downward with our left hand.
> "Futo, down!"
> Pull our left hand back in while pointing rightward with our sword.
> "Seiga, right!"
> Pull our sword back to a neutral position while point right at the behemoth with our left hand again. (Good thing we just had a lot of arm coordination practice!)
> "Tojiko, center! The inside of the spiral was safe last time!"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 12, 2015, 12:23:58 AM
> Start moving to center ourselves
> Point downward with our left hand.
> "Futo, down!"
> Pull our left hand back in while pointing rightward with our sword.
> "Seiga, right!"
> Pull our sword back to a neutral position while point right at the behemoth with our left hand again. (Good thing we just had a lot of arm coordination practice!)
> "Tojiko, center! The inside of the spiral was safe last time!"

>Your companions move as directed. The spiral closes in, and it seems that your companions will be able to avoid it.
>The behemoth then sends out another one.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 12, 2015, 01:31:52 AM
> !!!
> Where is this one aimed?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 12, 2015, 01:53:02 AM
> !!!
> Where is this one aimed?

>It seems to be to the right of the first one.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 12, 2015, 02:10:10 AM
> So Futo should be in no additional danger if she avoids the first spiral by getting below it?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 12, 2015, 02:12:23 AM
> So Futo should be in no additional danger if she avoids the first spiral by getting below it?

>You think so.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 12, 2015, 02:15:13 AM
> Move ourselves toward the center of the first spiral.
> "It has fired another spiral! Seiga, keep going right! Tojiko, once the first spiral passes by, head left! Futo, stay underneath them, and follow my position!"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 12, 2015, 02:30:03 AM
> Move ourselves toward the center of the first spiral.
> "It has fired another spiral! Seiga, keep going right! Tojiko, once the first spiral passes by, head left! Futo, stay underneath them, and follow my position!"

>You move toward the center, as the first spiral approaches and seems to be set to pass around you. "Got it!" Tojiko says. You assume the others are listening as well.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 12, 2015, 03:40:16 AM
> As the tail end of the first spiral is passing us by, head rightward and get ourselves in the center of the second spiral.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 12, 2015, 04:23:58 AM
> As the tail end of the first spiral is passing us by, head rightward and get ourselves in the center of the second spiral.

>You move rightward, and slip into the center of the second spiral easily enough. Tojiko keeps pace with you.
>As the second spiral whirls around you, the behemoth spreads its wings again.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 12, 2015, 04:31:29 AM
> "Stay to its sides and below it! I will confront it head-on and draw its focus! On my mark, those to the sides should attack its wings! Futo, attack its underbelly!"
> Begin heading forward and preparing two three-round burst nondirect sources.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 12, 2015, 04:43:43 AM
> "Stay to its sides and below it! I will confront it head-on and draw its focus! On my mark, those to the sides should attack its wings! Futo, attack its underbelly!"
> Begin heading forward and preparing two three-round burst nondirect sources.

>"I understand!" Futo says.
>"Got it!" says Tojiko.
>"The wings it is," Seiga says.
>You begin to move forward, preparing another attack. The behemoth beats its wings, and soars toward you, covering dozens of yards in an eyeblink! You have just a few seconds to prepare.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 12, 2015, 06:04:43 AM
> Wait one second, then fire off the two nondirect sources, one on either side of the behemoth's current path, several yards off-center horizontally and on  the same level as the behemoth's path vertically.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 12, 2015, 06:10:43 AM
> Wait one second, then fire off the two nondirect sources, one on either side of the behemoth's current path, several yards off-center horizontally and on  the same level as the behemoth's path vertically.

>You do this, as the behemoth covers considerable distance between the two of you in the meantime.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 12, 2015, 06:34:14 AM
> "Wait for it!"
> Hold our sword ready in one hand, and beckon to the behemoth to bring it on with the other.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 12, 2015, 08:36:04 AM
> "Wait for it!"
> Hold our sword ready in one hand, and beckon to the behemoth to bring it on with the other.

>You hold your sword and beckon toward the behemoth.  It does not seem to be slowing down, and will be on top of you in no more than a second.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 12, 2015, 02:29:13 PM
> Are our nondirect sources not bother it in any way?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 12, 2015, 11:08:48 PM
> Are our nondirect sources not bother it in any way?

>Hard to tell at this split second, but at the very least its momentum doesn't seem to be affected.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 12, 2015, 11:22:28 PM
> Is it opening its mouth again?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 13, 2015, 12:39:57 AM
> Is it opening its mouth again?

>It seems to have!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 13, 2015, 03:10:28 AM
> "Fire!!"
> Drop down to get out of the way!
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 13, 2015, 04:08:25 AM
> "Fire!!"
> Drop down to get out of the way!

>You call for the others to fire and drop down as the spiral passes by below. Tojiko squawks as the behemoth charges through your familiars, passes directly over you! You hear danamku, but you suddenly find yourself being pulled along with the behemoth as it passes by! A moment later, you slam into something softish, but hard enough to hurt, and the force of the wind seems to die down a little.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 13, 2015, 04:17:52 AM
> ...Could we have smacked into Futo?
> If not, where did we get hit?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 13, 2015, 06:02:07 AM
> ...Could we have smacked into Futo?
> If not, where did we get hit?

>You think you hit someone at least! It was the across your back.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 13, 2015, 12:52:59 PM
> What is currently in our field of vision?
> If the behemoth is, is it withing stabbing range?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 13, 2015, 01:50:59 PM
> What is currently in our field of vision?
> If the behemoth is, is it withing stabbing range?

>The Behemoth is above you, and not within stabbing range. There is a fair amount of danmaku flying over you as well.
>As you take stock of your surroundings, the Behemoth suddenly begins to turn rightward, slowing for a moment.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 13, 2015, 02:20:37 PM
> Return our voice volume to normal.
> "Apologies, my fault!"
> Follow rightward and head back upward, aiming to get at the creature from below.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 13, 2015, 02:23:37 PM
> Return our voice volume to normal.
> "Apologies, my fault!"
> Follow rightward and head back upward, aiming to get at the creature from below.

>You follow as it turns. Then its wings beat above, and to the right of you once more. The force of its passage picks up considerably!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 13, 2015, 03:38:40 PM
> Grab our sword with both hands and fly straight upward, getting ready to stab at the behemoth's underbelly as it passes by.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 13, 2015, 10:57:10 PM
> Grab our sword with both hands and fly straight upward, getting ready to stab at the behemoth's underbelly as it passes by.

>It is already passing by as much as it will, you think. You charge upward, preparing to stab it. The winds its kicks up buffet you, but your blade connects, opening another brightly glowing purple gash. Then your momentum finally loses out against the behemoths, and you are ripped from the air again, tumbling among helplessly.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 13, 2015, 11:43:38 PM
> Crap. Oh well, at least we landed a solid hit.
> Take the time and energy to regain our balance and upright orientation.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 13, 2015, 11:57:36 PM
> Crap. Oh well, at least we landed a solid hit.
> Take the time and energy to regain our balance and upright orientation.

>You fight against it as best you can, and make little progress for several seconds until the pressure lightens. From there, it takes a couple seconds more to really correct yourself.
>As you regain your balance, you can see the behemoth making a turn some distance above you, looping its serpentine body around with surprising grace and spreading its wings again.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 14, 2015, 12:35:31 AM
> Take the opportunity to reassess where everyone is.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 14, 2015, 01:26:08 AM
> Take the opportunity to reassess where everyone is.

>Everyone else is some distance away to the left; or the west you suppose.  Futo is coming toward you, while Tojiko and Seiga are hanging back.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 14, 2015, 03:00:23 AM
> How do they look?
> How far away are they in terms of vocal communication?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 14, 2015, 03:09:58 AM
> How do they look?
> How far away are they in terms of vocal communication?

>Hard to tell at a glance; at least not noticably worse.
>You don't think they'd be able to make sense of your shouting.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 14, 2015, 03:23:52 AM
> Look back up to the behemoth and begin preparing two more three-round-burst nondirect sources.
> Beckon to our allies to come our way while looking up.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 14, 2015, 03:52:37 AM
> Look back up to the behemoth and begin preparing two more three-round-burst nondirect sources.
> Beckon to our allies to come our way while looking up.

>You prepare two more nondirectional sources while gesturing to your companions.  The behemoth continues to wheel around, then beats is wings and soars toward your companions with amazing speed!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 14, 2015, 04:50:30 AM
> Ah! Forget the nondirect sources and chase after it!
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 14, 2015, 07:43:38 AM
> Ah! Forget the nondirect sources and chase after it!

>You chase after the behemoth. It soars ahead of you, banking and turning sideways as it approaches you companions. It passes by Futo first, lashing at her with its arms. She manages to move fast enough to avoid the claws, but it still manages to slap her out of the air as it carries on toward Seiga and Tojiko. Seiga gives it a wide berth, sending needle-like lasers at its wings.  Tojiko does as well, but spreads its wings and climbs a little, cutting its speed dramatically and turning in midair to face them.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 14, 2015, 12:04:04 PM
> Keep up the pursuit, aiming more for its underbelly than its face.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 14, 2015, 01:41:03 PM
> Keep up the pursuit, aiming more for its underbelly than its face.

>You close in, as the behemoth snaps at Seiga, forcing her into taking defensive maneuvers. Tojiko sends out some shots, not really seeming to aim.
>You reach Futo, who is still dazed from the blow she took.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 14, 2015, 01:58:07 PM
> Does she look like she needs some immediate care? or just a moment to balance herself?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 14, 2015, 02:00:14 PM
> Does she look like she needs some immediate care? or just a moment to balance herself?

>She seems dazed from the impact. You don't imagine she is going to be very happy in the morning.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 14, 2015, 02:03:34 PM
> "You are safe for the moment."
> Gently take hold of Futo with our nonsword hand and help her steady herself, then let go and zip onward and upward toward that underbelly.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 14, 2015, 02:34:04 PM
> "You are safe for the moment."
> Gently take hold of Futo with our nonsword hand and help her steady herself, then zip onward and upward toward that underbelly.

>"Ah, thank you!" she says, steadying a bit as you take hold of her shoulder. "Just give me a moment to follow along."
>You  continue onward. The behemoth snaps at Seiga again, forcing her back, then suddenly changes tack and snaps at Tojiko instead. Caught off guard, the ghostly woman is only just fast enough to avoids its teeth, and instead catches its snouts in her gut, knocking her back some yards and leaving her off balance. Seiga takes this time to send a wave of needle-like lasers into the behemoth's face. It reacts by spreading its wings and rising into the air.
>You should be be able to shout to either of them easily. The Behemoth is just a handful of yards ahead.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 14, 2015, 02:41:22 PM
> Shout to both of them, then.
> "Tojiko, you are safe to recover yourself for the moment! Everyone, aim your fire at purple glowing slash wounds whenever possible!"
> Continue chasing after the behemoth's underbelly.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 15, 2015, 12:56:33 AM
> Shout to both of them, then.
> "Tojiko, you are safe to recover yourself for the moment! Everyone, aim your fire at purple glowing slash wounds whenever possible!"
> Continue chasing after the behemoth's underbelly.

>You shout your orders, and close in on its underbelly. The Behemoth snaps at Seiga again, forcing her to the side. Then its wings descend, battering them both.
>It rising into the air, and you find yourself closing in more on the underside of its tail than its underbelly, but you are now within just a couple yards and closing fast.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 15, 2015, 02:23:27 AM
> How thick is its tail?
> How scaley is its tail?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 15, 2015, 02:52:38 AM
> How thick is its tail?
> How scaley is its tail?

>It's tail is fairly think at the base, for a much of a base as a legless creature can have, at close to two yards in diameter. Then it slowly tapers off over about a third of its length.
>The tail is very scaly, its whole body is. But the scales seem to be smaller and flatter underneath it.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 15, 2015, 03:40:42 AM
> How do the smaller and flatter scales compare to its head scales in terms of sword blockage? We had a slash bounce off some head scales earlier - is there a similar risk here if we swing another slash at the creature's tail?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 15, 2015, 03:43:11 AM
> How do the smaller and flatter scales compare to its head scales in terms of sword blockage? We had a slash bounce off some head scales earlier - is there a similar risk here if we swing another slash at the creature's tail?

>You aren't really very used to facing large reptilians, or reptiles at all. You would assume they offer some protection, so it would be best to try to get between them.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 15, 2015, 03:50:23 AM
> Get a two-handed stabbing grip on our sword, pull back as we closes the rest of the distance to the underside of the tail, and launch a stab at the underside of the tail when we're close enough to get a fairly deep stab in.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 15, 2015, 05:06:15 AM
> Get a two-handed stabbing grip on our sword, pull back as we closes the rest of the distance to the underside of the tail, and launch a stab at the underside of the tail when we're close enough to get a fairly deep stab in.

>You move in, and plunge your sword deeply into the behemoth, feeling that odd cord-severing sensation just once, maybe twice. Its tail jerks away from you.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 15, 2015, 05:16:51 AM
> Did the tail-jerk end up ripping the sword out of the behemoth's body?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 15, 2015, 05:42:27 AM
> Did the tail-jerk end up ripping the sword out of the behemoth's body?


Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 15, 2015, 05:48:05 AM
> Start flying back toward the behemoth's head, following the curve of its body from underneath. Try to keep close to its underbelly.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 15, 2015, 07:12:03 AM
> Start flying back toward the behemoth's head, following the curve of its body from underneath. Try to keep close to its underbelly.

>You fly upward, and see its head is coming down for you!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 15, 2015, 11:42:00 AM
> How long do we have before its head reaches us?
> Is any part of its body still in sword range?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 15, 2015, 12:48:52 PM
> How long do we have before its head reaches us?
> Is any part of its body still in sword range?

>Not long!
>Not really, it seems to be pulling itself up away from you.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 15, 2015, 01:56:45 PM
> Where are our allies at present, if we can see them?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 15, 2015, 02:11:26 PM
> Where are our allies at present, if we can see them?

>Futo is somewhere behind and below you. The others are above you somewhere. You cannot see any of the others immediately.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 15, 2015, 02:47:31 PM
> Use our nonsword hand to fire a stream of knives at its mouth.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 15, 2015, 03:12:03 PM
> Use our nonsword hand to fire a stream of knives at its mouth.

>You fire a stream of knives toward its mouth. It moves its head, and then its neck, and the rest of itself in kind of a serpentine wave to the side, then comes at you from a slightly different angle. Still, you've closed a few yards in that time.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 15, 2015, 03:20:29 PM
> Did any of the knives hit anything?
> How fast is it moving now?
> Are we still traveling parallel to its body, or has its movement ruined that?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 15, 2015, 03:31:09 PM
> Did any of the knives hit anything?
> How fast is it moving now?
> Are we still traveling parallel to its body, or has its movement ruined that?

>The knives have yet to hit anything, and will likely run out before they do.
>It is about as fast as before.
>You are, more or less. It's moving away from you.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 15, 2015, 04:16:39 PM
> Prepare two three-round-burst nondirect sources and continue onward, watching its incoming head.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 16, 2015, 12:12:15 AM
> Prepare two three-round-burst nondirect sources and continue onward, watching its incoming head.

>You start preparing a couple of nondirectional sources as it lunges toward you and you fly toward it. You find will not have them finished before it reaches you, and just about on top of you!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 16, 2015, 01:53:35 AM
> Crap.
> Let their charge go and fire some more knives straight at its mouth.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 16, 2015, 02:39:27 AM
> Crap.
> Let their charge go and fire some more knives straight at its mouth.

>You fire more knives at the behemoth. It shifts course again, moving rightward and toward the parts of itself that it has yet to coil around. You may just be able to duck around it!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 16, 2015, 04:24:13 AM
> Do so, quickly! We can't afford to get smashed again!
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 16, 2015, 04:54:05 AM
> Do so, quickly! We can't afford to get smashed again!

>You dart to the side, the behemoth's head passing close enough that its horns nearly catch you!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 16, 2015, 04:56:09 AM
> Aim a stab at the behemoth's head as it passes by, knowing full-well that our momentum away from the head may not make such an attack so effective.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 16, 2015, 05:20:59 AM
> Aim a stab at the behemoth's head as it passes by, knowing full-well that our momentum away from the head may not make such an attack so effective.

>You stab at the behemoth's head, but not having time to really aim, your sword skips off of its scales.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 16, 2015, 11:57:14 AM
> Damn.
> Is part of this thing's body right next to or right behind us right now?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 16, 2015, 01:40:26 PM
> Damn.
> Is part of this thing's body right next to or right behind us right now?

>Its neck, or perhaps body for it is hard to tell with something serpentine, is right beside you. Up ahead are its wings and its arms.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 16, 2015, 02:08:48 PM
> Are we on the same level as the behemoth? Or are we a bit above or a bit below?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 16, 2015, 03:12:37 PM
> Are we on the same level as the behemoth? Or are we a bit above or a bit below?

>You are moving upward along side it, as it moves downward.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 16, 2015, 03:22:39 PM
> Wait until the horns pass us by (if they haven't already), and then alter our flight path to move us on top of the behemoth's body, ceasing upward movement in the process.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 16, 2015, 03:31:24 PM
> Wait until the horns pass us by (if they haven't already), and then alter our flight path to move us on top of the behemoth's body, ceasing upward movement in the process.

>You move to the top of its body, alone its spine. Now that you get a good look at it, it has a number row of hard fins protruding from it.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 16, 2015, 03:37:21 PM
> Are these fins positioned along the center of its back?
> Do they look sufficiently hard that we wouldn't be able to slash through them?
> How is the scale distribution on its back? Is stabbing and/or slashing feasible?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 16, 2015, 04:19:22 PM
> Are these fins positioned along the center of its back?
> Do they look sufficiently hard that we wouldn't be able to slash through them?
> How is the scale distribution on its back? Is stabbing and/or slashing feasible?

>You suspect they would be very difficult to hack though.
>The scales are about as you've seen son its sides. Stabbing through them ought to be feasible as long as you have the opportunity to aim decently and follow through on it.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 16, 2015, 04:36:17 PM
> Position ourselves so we are a bit off-center above the behemoth's spine, enough that the fins won't slice into us as its moves along its current path.
> Get a two-handed downward-stabbing grip on our sword, with the sharp edge of the blade facing out along the behemoth's body toward the tail, and give the behemoth's back a good stab. If our blade actually sinks in, use our hold on it to try to keep it sunk in.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 17, 2015, 01:03:35 AM
> Position ourselves so we are a bit off-center above the behemoth's spine, enough that the fins won't slice into us as its moves along its current path.
> Get a two-handed downward-stabbing grip on our sword, with the sharp edge of the blade facing out along the behemoth's body toward the tail, and give the behemoth's back a good stab. If our blade actually sinks in, use our hold on it to try to keep it sunk in.

>You move off center and stab downward. Your blade slips between the scales and cuts through them as the behemoth moves, the sensation of cutting cords remains. You open another gash, some feet long before the behemoth jerks away. It is also beginning to roll around.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 17, 2015, 03:13:24 AM
> Shift to a circular flight path and follow the behemoth's roll in an attempt to stay with its spine.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 17, 2015, 03:38:32 AM
> Shift to a circular flight path and follow the behemoth's roll in an attempt to stay with its spine.

>You follow it as it rolls, but it is definitely moving faster than you can circle. You also notice that its upper body is curving inward a bit.
>As well, you can see the flashes of danmaku out of the corner of your eye, further down its body, though you can't really see what is going on at the moment without looking in that direction.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 17, 2015, 04:03:24 AM
> What might that curving mean, in terms of how it is attempting to move?
> Are the flashes coming from the direction of its head or its tail?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 17, 2015, 05:03:04 AM
> What might that curving mean, in terms of how it is attempting to move?
> Are the flashes coming from the direction of its head or its tail?

>It is probably bringing its head around.
>More toward its tail.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 17, 2015, 05:58:02 AM
> How far away is its head from our current position?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 17, 2015, 05:59:34 AM
> How far away is its head from our current position?

>You look over, and both not very far at all, and coming right for you!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 17, 2015, 07:19:03 AM
> Fire another stream of knives straight at its mouth.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 17, 2015, 08:07:00 AM
> Fire another stream of knives straight at its mouth.

>You send more knives at its mouth, and it moves its head and neck to the side to avoid them.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 17, 2015, 11:16:22 AM
> Shift ourselves and our flight path to the opposite side to avoid the incoming head.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 17, 2015, 12:39:13 PM
> Shift ourselves and our flight path to the opposite side to avoid the incoming head.

>You move away to avoid it's head, and suddenly find something come at you from below! Its claws!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 17, 2015, 12:48:35 PM
> Are they bigger than our sword?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 17, 2015, 02:21:23 PM
> Are they bigger than our sword?

>You aren't in a position to check in detail, but they are certainly close to it in size, and certainly outnumber it.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 17, 2015, 03:10:16 PM
> Up, up, up!
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 17, 2015, 03:24:40 PM
> Up, up, up!

>You head up, and find that it's hands are trying to close around you, weather it means to grab you or impale you with its claws is unclear.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 17, 2015, 04:17:04 PM
> Are the palms of its hands also scaley?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 17, 2015, 04:18:46 PM
> Are the palms of its hands also scaley?

>They seem to be, at a glance.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 17, 2015, 04:35:56 PM
> Fire off shorter streams of knives to each side of us while continuing upward. Ideally, these streams will smack the thing right in the palms and make it hesitate for a fraction of a second.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 17, 2015, 04:45:36 PM
> Fire off shorter streams of knives to each side of us while continuing upward. Ideally, these streams will smack the thing right in the palms and make it hesitate for a fraction of a second.

>You fire off two streams of knives, and catch its palms, which seems to have the desires effect.  However, it does not stop the behemoth from lunging at you jaws first again!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 17, 2015, 11:35:48 PM
> Is it coming at us from directly in front of us, or some other angle?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 18, 2015, 01:17:37 AM
> Is it coming at us from directly in front of us, or some other angle?

>It is coming from the same angle as before, so still from the front, assuming you turned toward it beforehand.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 18, 2015, 04:10:52 AM
> Keep moving upward.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 18, 2015, 04:28:40 AM
> Keep moving upward.

>You keep moving upward, managing to evade the reach of its arms for the moment. Its head follows you, but you buy yourself another moment with this evasion.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 18, 2015, 05:18:35 AM
> How long do we have before its head reaches us, then?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 18, 2015, 05:26:48 AM
> How long do we have before its head reaches us, then?

>Maybe a second and a half, which is a slight improvement over before.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 18, 2015, 05:50:58 AM
> Fire off a line of exploding bullets toward the behemoth's head as we continue to ascend.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 18, 2015, 06:46:19 AM
> Fire off a line of exploding bullets toward the behemoth's head as we continue to ascend.

>You send a line of exploding shots toward its head. The behemoth ducks beneath them, and then comes at you from a somewhat sharper angle from below. As the bullets explode, the resulting shrapnel peppers its upper back.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 18, 2015, 03:23:33 PM
> Alter our flight path so that we move upward and forward, perpendicular to the behemoth's current flight path. The idea is that we will be above its head and moving away from it from its perspective, and it would have to curve itself upward to continue to chase us, which is has had a demonstarbly difficult time of in the past.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 18, 2015, 04:22:31 PM
> Alter our flight path so that we move upward and forward, perpendicular to the behemoth's current flight path. The idea is that we will be above its head and moving away from it from its perspective, and it would have to curve itself upward to continue to chase us, which is has had a demonstarbly difficult time of in the past.

>You move to fly past the behemoth's head and try to get behind it. It slows as you pass by it, and twists in mid-air.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 18, 2015, 04:37:22 PM
> Is it within stabbing range?
> Are any of the stab or slash wounds we have inflicted visible?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 19, 2015, 04:03:40 AM
> Is it within stabbing range?
> Are any of the stab or slash wounds we have inflicted visible?

>Not quite.
>You can see the one you inflicted on its lower neck, and the one you put on its nose is still there.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 19, 2015, 04:20:21 AM
> Aim some knives at the neck wound.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 19, 2015, 04:43:13 AM
> Aim some knives at the neck wound.

>You aim a stream of knives at the neck wound, as the behemoth twists to face you again. A couple of them hit home, makign the wound brighter, while others hit its scales and the effect, if any, is harder to observe.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 19, 2015, 05:14:19 AM
> Are both we and it upright, or is it appreciably below us?
> Has it resumed its pursuit of us?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 19, 2015, 07:03:39 AM
> Are both we and it upright, or is it appreciably below us?
> Has it resumed its pursuit of us?

>It is still a bit below you, but it is rising up.
>It is just resuming.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 19, 2015, 01:13:25 PM
> Are any of our companions in our field of vision?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 19, 2015, 01:25:48 PM
> Are any of our companions in our field of vision?

>Not in your very immediate field of vision, but you are aware that they are somewhere around, probably further down the Behemoth's length.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 19, 2015, 02:06:25 PM
> Fire off a horizontal wave of knives at the behemoth's mouth, one that cuts across the length of said mouth.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 19, 2015, 02:42:56 PM
> Fire off a horizontal wave of knives at the behemoth's mouth, one that cuts across the length of said mouth.

>The behemoth stops rising, and snakes under the line of knives. It begins to extend its wings.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 19, 2015, 11:07:41 PM
> If we backed up, would we eventually collide with the behemoth's body? Or is all of it more or less in front of (and below) us?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 20, 2015, 02:38:14 AM
> If we backed up, would we eventually collide with the behemoth's body? Or is all of it more or less in front of (and below) us?

>It is mostly in front of and below you right now.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 20, 2015, 05:06:07 AM
> Back up a little bit.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 20, 2015, 06:34:46 AM
> Back up a little bit.

>You back away from the behemoth. It holds its wings outward as it continues to snake its head toward you.
>You can see some danmaku hitting around its wings, though you can't really make out the source. It seems to be trying to ignore this, and you don't really have time to assess if that's working or not.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 20, 2015, 12:37:32 PM
> Can we tell to whom the danmaku belongs?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 20, 2015, 01:02:19 PM
> Can we tell to whom the danmaku belongs?

>Not at a glance, its winds obscure any immediate clues. You expect they are behind the behemoth, though.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 20, 2015, 01:19:37 PM
> Is the source of the danmaku at least within shouting distance?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 20, 2015, 01:29:57 PM
> Is the source of the danmaku at least within shouting distance?

>You think so.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 20, 2015, 02:16:47 PM
> "Excellent! Keep it up!"
> Fire a circle of exploding bullets, with a diameter that is roughly our height (if we can get it that large), in the direction of the behemoth's head as we continue to back away.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 20, 2015, 04:37:03 PM
> "Excellent! Keep it up!"
> Fire a circle of exploding bullets, with a diameter that is roughly our height (if we can get it that large), in the direction of the behemoth's head as we continue to back away.

>You send more exploding bullets toward the behemoth. It backs away a little. Then suddenly its wings swing inward, closing in on you!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 20, 2015, 05:36:38 PM
> Which part of the wings are going to slam into us first?
> How thick is the webbing of the wings?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 20, 2015, 06:04:09 PM
> Which part of the wings are going to slam into us first?
> How thick is the webbing of the wings?

>The bony arm-like parts, by the look of it. Or whatever passes for bones, at least.
>It's hard to tell, but it has to be reasonably strong to propel the behemoth as it has.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 20, 2015, 06:41:15 PM
> Is the webbing part of each wing trailing behind the the bony arm part? Or is it above or below, as if to clap the webbings together?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 21, 2015, 12:59:09 AM
> Is the webbing part of each wing trailing behind the the bony arm part? Or is it above or below, as if to clap the webbings together?

>They seem to be trailing mostly behind and slightly below.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 21, 2015, 02:21:16 AM
> Down!
> Hold our sword pointed out to our right side, using both hands to steady it. If the webbing of the wing runs into it, it'll skewer itself before it can get to us.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 21, 2015, 02:50:57 AM
> Down!
> Hold our sword pointed out to our right side, using both hands to steady it. If the webbing of the wing runs into it, it'll skewer itself before it can get to us.

>You dive down! Its wings collide together with a loud scaly clack just above you.  Its wings remain folded back, so you are safe from being swatted. But it seems to be trying to fold them around you now.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 21, 2015, 02:58:48 AM
> Head right, pulling our sword back a bit in preparation for a stab (with the sharp edge of the blade pointed downward), and then launching that stab once we get into a range such that a stab will actually sink into the wing properly instead of simply breaking the skin.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 21, 2015, 08:44:54 AM
> Head right, pulling our sword back a bit in preparation for a stab (with the sharp edge of the blade pointed downward), and then launching that stab once we get into a range such that a stab will actually sink into the wing properly instead of simply breaking the skin.

>You prepare to stab as its wings close around you. The behemoth seems to be intending to trap you in place for now. Then the fingers in its leathery wings start to constrict around you.
>You aim at one of its scaly fingers, and your blade sinks between the scales, with the sensation of cutting through cords again.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 21, 2015, 11:56:46 AM
> Slash downward to cut through the wing and possibly make a hole in it.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 21, 2015, 12:57:21 PM
> Slash downward to cut through the wing and possibly make a hole in it.

>You try to slash through the wing, and find that it is rather tough and resists such efforts. With some time, you may have more luck.
>The fingers of its other wing wrap around your legs and waist.


Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 21, 2015, 01:07:29 PM
> While we hold our sword lodged in the behemoth's wing, spawn a whole bunch of exploding bullets all around us, making sure to produce at least a couple right next to the fingers that are wrapped around us.
> Once this is done, resume trying to cut through the stabbed wing with our sword.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 21, 2015, 01:13:25 PM
> While we hold our sword lodged in the behemoth's wing, spawn a whole bunch of exploding bullets all around us, making sure to produce at least a couple right next to the fingers that are wrapped around us.
> Once this is done, resume trying to cut through the stabbed wing with our sword.

>You create a few exploding bullets. It's hard to see how well they work as they explode and the little bits go everywhere, but what you can quickly tell is that its response is to squeeze you very tightly!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 21, 2015, 01:16:48 PM
> Crap! Pull our sword out and hack at the finger squeezing our waist!
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 21, 2015, 02:05:58 PM
> Crap! Pull our sword out and hack at the finger squeezing our waist!

>You pull out your blade as your waist and legs start to ache terribly. As you prepare to hack away at its fingers, your stomach lurches as you fly backwards! Had you not freed your sword, you likely would have lost it. Dimly you are aware that it has opened its wings again, but you are still surrounded by the skin of its wings and cannot see very well. You think you feel the behemoth lurch a little, though.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 21, 2015, 02:13:45 PM
> Using both hands, stab our sword downward into the finger wrapped around our legs.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 21, 2015, 03:00:38 PM
> Using both hands, stab our sword downward into the finger wrapped around our legs.

>it is a little difficult to moves your blade with the wing wrapped around you, but you find some slack, and stab into its finger furiously! Your sword sinks into it, and you feel a relief spread into your legs.
>You feel the behemoth jerk a moment later, you don't think it was in response to your attack.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 21, 2015, 03:08:45 PM
> Superb! Go, friends, go!
> Pull our sword back a bit, then start rapid-fire stabbing into the wing webbing behind us.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 21, 2015, 03:42:28 PM
> Superb! Go, friends, go!
> Pull our sword back a bit, then start rapid-fire stabbing into the wing webbing behind us.

>You stab into its webbing, and have a hard time getting your sword to find purchase. You do think you manage to poke a tiny hole or two, or at least nick it a little.
>You have a few moments do this, as it continues to apply pressure to your waist, and its lower finger tries and fails to get a grip on your legs again, before you are suddenly jerked forward, you stomach feeling as though ti just leaped into your throat!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 21, 2015, 03:55:11 PM
> Oh crap, it's probably flying around with us in tow!
> Exploding bullets, everywhere! Don't take the time to aim, just spawn them all around us until we can't anymore or it lets us go!
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 21, 2015, 03:59:26 PM
> Oh crap, it's probably flying around with us in tow!
> Exploding bullets, everywhere! Don't take the time to aim, just spawn them all around us until we can't anymore or it lets us go!

>You start to fire exploding bullets, then suddenly the night sky is visible and hurtling through the sky with the ground perilously close ahead!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 21, 2015, 04:02:09 PM
> Is our waist still restrained by a wing finger?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 21, 2015, 04:16:49 PM
> Is our waist still restrained by a wing finger?

>No, you are presently hurtling toward the ground very quickly. Your waist, for the moment, hurts a lot less fiercely.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 21, 2015, 04:27:04 PM
> It must have tried throwing us at the ground as hard as it could, then.
> Forget firing danmaku or looking around at anyone. Put all of our energy, except for whatever is necessary for keeping a grip on our sword, into pulling up from the fall.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 21, 2015, 04:46:12 PM
> It must have tried throwing us at the ground as hard as it could, then.
> Forget firing danmaku or looking around at anyone. Put all of our energy, except for whatever is necessary for keeping a grip on our sword, into pulling up from the fall.

>That feels reasonably correct!
>You work toward pulling up. It takes a moment to come back under your own power, then the momentum of the throw has to be dealt with as you curve away, taking a wide arc that propels you from down to a direction that at least leaves the distant, darkened horizon visible. The behemoth is behind you, somewhere.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 21, 2015, 04:52:49 PM
> Use our momentum to circle upward and back around toward the battlefield.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 21, 2015, 05:27:50 PM
> Use our momentum to circle upward and back around toward the battlefield.

>You circle around and turn back toward the battlefield. The Behemoth is twisting in midair, trying to follow some. You think it is Seiga? Tojiko and Furo are trying to keep behind hit and strike, but are having difficulties with its tail and wings trying to strike them.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 21, 2015, 05:35:18 PM
> Okay, now we're angry.
> Take on a bit of a snarl and chase after the behemoth, aiming to be a bit below it.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 21, 2015, 05:45:50 PM
> Okay, now we're angry.
> Take on a bit of a snarl and chase after the behemoth, aiming to be a bit below it.

>It is hard to remain calm in the face of this, as you maneuver underneath the behemoth. With its attention turned toward the others, you have little problem evading its notice. However, it moves erratically as it pursues Seiga, making it a little difficult to place yourself.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 21, 2015, 06:06:38 PM
> Our goal should be to get underneath it low enough that we are not in danger of getting whacked in the head by its tail, make our way roughly toward the middle of it, and then shoot upward and stab it in the stomach. Keep moving toward it low enough to at least try to get below its middle.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 21, 2015, 06:09:50 PM
> Our goal should be to get underneath it low enough that we are not in danger of getting whacked in the head by its tail, make our way roughly toward the middle of it, and then shoot upward and stab it in the stomach. Keep moving toward it low enough to at least try to get below its middle.

>This will be difficult to accomplish, given its body is mostly serpentine coils that seem to be able to lash about any which way. Tail is really just a term of convenience for its rear portions, but by and large it is a snake with forelimbs.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 21, 2015, 06:31:58 PM
> Is there currently a part of the behemoth that is directly above us and is not within range of a flailing chain attached to a boar trap?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 22, 2015, 03:15:29 AM
> Is there currently a part of the behemoth that is directly above us and is not within range of a flailing chain attached to a boar trap?

>There is, for the moment. If the behemoth brought its tail around, though...

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 22, 2015, 03:55:10 AM
> Move a little bit further toward the behemoth's head, keeping our current level.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 22, 2015, 04:12:58 AM
> Move a little bit further toward the behemoth's head, keeping our current level.

>You move a bit further. This really doesn't do much to alleviate the previous danger, but you are a little further away from where its tail is right now.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 22, 2015, 05:15:20 AM
> Might as well chance it. Head directly upward, ready to launch a stab at the behemoth once its underbelly is within range.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 22, 2015, 05:37:08 AM
> Might as well chance it. Head directly upward, ready to launch a stab at the behemoth once its underbelly is within range.

>You soar upward, and strike! Your blade sinks between its scales, with the curious sense of cutting cords as before.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 22, 2015, 05:46:25 AM
> Drag our blade along through the behemoth in whatever direction the sharp edge is currently pointing. Let's see how long a hole we can cut in this thing!
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 22, 2015, 07:14:58 AM
> Drag our blade along through the behemoth in whatever direction the sharp edge is currently pointing. Let's see how long a hole we can cut in this thing!

>You move upward, leaving a long, brightly glowing gash in your wake before the behemoth jerks away, and its body twists toward you.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 22, 2015, 11:08:28 AM
> Is its head now coming after us?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 22, 2015, 01:21:48 PM
> Is its head now coming after us?

>Glancing upward, it seems so.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 22, 2015, 01:53:27 PM
> With regards to the part of its body that is twisting toward us, is it within sword range?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 22, 2015, 01:55:26 PM
> With regards to the part of its body that is twisting toward us, is it within sword range?


Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 22, 2015, 02:07:25 PM
> Slash at the close-by part of the behemoth's body.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 22, 2015, 02:41:56 PM
> Slash at the close-by part of the behemoth's body.

>You do so, the tip of your blade cutting into its scales and opening the long gash you just made a bit further.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 22, 2015, 03:15:46 PM
> Look back to the behemoth's head.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 22, 2015, 03:35:18 PM
> Look back to the behemoth's head.

>You look back, and it is very distressingly close, coming from above and to the left!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 22, 2015, 03:39:13 PM
> Down! And leave a handful of exploding bullets in our wake!
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 22, 2015, 04:18:39 PM
> Down! And leave a handful of exploding bullets in our wake!

>You drop, leaving bullets in your wake! The behemoth twists around them before they explode, closing it all the faster!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 22, 2015, 04:27:57 PM
> How much longer to we have before it catches up?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 22, 2015, 04:37:42 PM
> How much longer to we have before it catches up?

>A couple seconds at the most. One is more likely.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 22, 2015, 05:12:19 PM
> Try a horizontal line of knives, then!
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 22, 2015, 05:27:10 PM
> Try a horizontal line of knives, then!

>You send a line of knives at the behemoth. It...simply ignores them, crashing through and closing in!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 22, 2015, 06:03:54 PM
> Is its mouth open?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 22, 2015, 06:13:31 PM
> Is its mouth open?


Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 22, 2015, 06:17:21 PM
> Left!
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 22, 2015, 06:20:46 PM
> Left!

>You move leftward, and its jaws just miss you, coming so close you can feel the scales against your sleeves. However, it horns are still likely to catch you!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 22, 2015, 06:35:57 PM
> Are the horns pointed straight forward, or do they flare out to the side?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 22, 2015, 06:54:32 PM
> Are the horns pointed straight forward, or do they flare out to the side?

>They flare out, like a kind of collar, but they are coming at you fast, and seem to be quite hard.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 22, 2015, 07:28:05 PM
> A collar? So they extend from all around the neck as opposed to the top of the head?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 22, 2015, 07:29:41 PM
> A collar? So they extend from all around the neck as opposed to the top of the head?

>Primarily from the top, one or two from the sides.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 23, 2015, 01:08:30 AM
> Is the behemoth moving so fast that we wouldn't be able to grab onto a horn?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 23, 2015, 04:21:50 AM
> Is the behemoth moving so fast that we wouldn't be able to grab onto a horn?

>It would probably be a very painful and counterproductive experience to try, but it may be possible.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 23, 2015, 04:32:56 AM
> Is there enough room for us to fit between horns, then?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 23, 2015, 05:02:49 AM
> Is there enough room for us to fit between horns, then?

>There ought to be, if you can turn sideways fast enough...

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 23, 2015, 10:57:32 AM
> It's our only hope! Twist sideways and get through them!
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 23, 2015, 11:01:08 AM
> It's our only hope! Twist sideways and get through them!

>You twist, preemptively tensing up, and feel them pass over and underneath you.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 23, 2015, 12:12:51 PM
> Phew!
> Complete the barrel roll and twist ourselves back into a regular upright position, untensing in the process. Then check in with where we are relative to the behemoth's body.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 23, 2015, 12:53:44 PM
> Phew!
> Complete the barrel roll and twist ourselves back into a regular upright position, untensing in the process. Then check in with where we are relative to the behemoth's body.

>You are along the side of its neck, though it is already starting to turn around toward you.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 23, 2015, 01:03:07 PM
> Is its neck within sword range?
> Can we see any part of the behemoth that sports a sword wound?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 23, 2015, 01:06:59 PM
> Is its neck within sword range?
> Can we see any part of the behemoth that sports a sword wound?

>You would have to take a moment to look around for them.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 23, 2015, 01:13:10 PM
> Don't worry about looking for the prior sword wounds, then.
> Adjust our grip on our sword as needed to prepare a two-handed stab with the sharp edge of the sword facing in the direction of the rest of the behemoth's body (instead of back up toward the head), and then launch said stab at its neck.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 23, 2015, 04:44:14 PM
> Don't worry about looking for the prior sword wounds, then.
> Adjust our grip on our sword as needed to prepare a two-handed stab with the sharp edge of the sword facing in the direction of the rest of the behemoth's body (instead of back up toward the head), and then launch said stab at its neck.

>You stab into its neck, and feel the blade sink in with similar sensations to before.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 23, 2015, 05:23:13 PM
> Keeping our sword wedged in the behemoth, fly forward down the length of its body, slicing its body up in the process.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 23, 2015, 05:59:48 PM
> Keeping our sword wedged in the behemoth, fly forward down the length of its body, slicing its body up in the process.

>You fly down the side of its neck, opening up another long gash, the behemoth's momentum working against it. It takes a couple moments to jerk itself away from the from your sword. By this point, you've made it several yards down the length of its body, and are reasonably close to its arms and wings.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 23, 2015, 06:38:19 PM
> How scaley are the base of the arms? About as much as the rest of the body, or perhaps more so?
> Are of the bases of the arms within sword range yet?
> Take a quick peek behind us. How close is the behemoth's head to us?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 23, 2015, 07:42:39 PM
> How scaley are the base of the arms? About as much as the rest of the body, or perhaps more so?
> Are of the bases of the arms within sword range yet?
> Take a quick peek behind us. How close is the behemoth's head to us?

>You haven't noticed an especial difference, but you've not really taken the time to look, due to obvious factors.
>You look back and it see it is definitely turning to chase you, looping under itself. You also notice that the energy glowing from the wound is no longer just bright purple, there are dark splotches among it. It also seems some scales are flaking off.


Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 23, 2015, 07:48:31 PM
> Does it appear to be bleeding, perhaps?
> Turn back around and head toward the base of the closest arm. If they are equidistant from us, head for the base of the left arm.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 23, 2015, 09:07:50 PM
> Does it appear to be bleeding, perhaps?
> Turn back around and head toward the base of the closest arm. If they are equidistant from us, head for the base of the left arm.

>You don't see anything like traditional bleeding.
>You head for its right arm, it and the behemoth's wings close in on you as the behemoth moves.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 23, 2015, 09:09:07 PM
> At their current rate of closure, will they get to us before we get to the base of the arm?
> Are the wings attached to or separate from the arms?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 23, 2015, 09:10:45 PM
> At their current rate of closure, will they get to us before we get to the base of the arm?
> Are the wings attached to or separate from the arms?

>You should get to the arms first, then it is a question of keeping pace and other such issues.
>They are separate sets of limbs.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 23, 2015, 09:20:49 PM
> Hold our sword in both hands in preparation for a downward slash, and focus on the base of the arm, analyzing it for a good between-scales place to slash it from above as we head toward it.
> Once we get to the base of the arm, bring our sword slashing down on top of it at whatever location we deemed best while flying toward it.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 23, 2015, 09:24:14 PM
> Hold our sword in both hands in preparation for a downward slash, and focus on the base of the arm, analyzing it for a good between-scales place to slash it from above as we head toward it.
> Once we get to the base of the arm, bring our sword slashing down on top of it at whatever location we deemed best while flying toward it.

>You do your best to assess your target as you both move, which isn't much but is still preferable to striking blind. Then you slash as it shoulder as it comes into rage, and are rewarded with the sensation of cords cutting at your sword sinks into it.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 23, 2015, 09:39:10 PM
> How deep into the arm were we able to get?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 24, 2015, 05:10:40 AM
> How deep into the arm were we able to get?

>Most of your sword length has sank into it; it helps you are both moving in opposite directions.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 24, 2015, 05:15:07 AM
> But we were presumably not able to cut the arm clean off?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 24, 2015, 05:18:07 AM
> But we were presumably not able to cut the arm clean off?


Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 24, 2015, 05:33:24 AM
> Since our sword is embedded in the behemoth's arm, could we use it to curve our flightpath upward or downward more sharply than normal?
> How thick is the behemoth's arm? Could we wrap ourselves around it like a full-body hug? Or could we simply grab onto it with our arms and shoulders? Or is it too thick for either of those?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 24, 2015, 06:16:33 AM
> Since our sword is embedded in the behemoth's arm, could we use it to curve our flightpath upward or downward more sharply than normal?
> How thick is the behemoth's arm? Could we wrap ourselves around it like a full-body hug? Or could we simply grab onto it with our arms and shoulders? Or is it too thick for either of those?

>You might.
>It's thick enough you might have to struggle to get your arms around it.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 24, 2015, 01:23:19 PM
> Are the behemoth's wings between its arms and head, or between its arms and tail?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 24, 2015, 02:59:05 PM
> Are the behemoth's wings between its arms and head, or between its arms and tail?

>The wings are a little further back than the arms.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 24, 2015, 03:11:23 PM
> Is the base of the wing as thick as the base of the arm?
> Would the enfolding wing get to us before we got to the base of the wing?
> Based on what we've seen so far, do the behemoth's wings seem so flexible that they could grab us even if we're right up next to its body?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 24, 2015, 03:28:54 PM
> Is the base of the wing as thick as the base of the arm?
> Would the enfolding wing get to us before we got to the base of the wing?
> Based on what we've seen so far, do the behemoth's wings seem so flexible that they could grab us even if we're right up next to its body?

>It is hard to say, but you do not think so.
>You suspect it wouldn't be able to grab you, but it may pin you.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 24, 2015, 05:57:11 PM
> Give we were in range enough to slash at the base of the behemoth's arm, are we close to, if not up against, the behemoth's side now? Or did it jerk out of sword range in response to that long slash?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 24, 2015, 06:26:45 PM
> Give we were in range enough to slash at the base of the behemoth's arm, are we close to, if not up against, the behemoth's side now? Or did it jerk out of sword range in response to that long slash?

>You are within a yard of it, the behemoth has not really had time to react at this split second, and you suspect momentum may get in the way of such. You are close to its side, still.


Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 24, 2015, 07:00:47 PM
> Pull our sword out of its arm and continue flying forward, angling inward toward the behemoth's body again.
> Once we get in range to do so, stab at the behemoth's both with our sword, facing the sharp outward away from us so that, like before, both our momentum and the behemoth's opposite-direction-momentum will help us cut a long slice along its body.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 24, 2015, 07:24:41 PM
> Pull our sword out of its arm and continue flying forward, angling inward toward the behemoth's body again.
> Once we get in range to do so, stab at the behemoth's both with our sword, facing the sharp outward away from us so that, like before, both our momentum and the behemoth's opposite-direction-momentum will help us cut a long slice along its body.

>You move to pull out your sword, and then the behemoth's shoulder, which has not stopped moving, slams into your torso with the force of an falling boulder. Your body erupts with pain, and your vision explodes into brightly colored stars!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 24, 2015, 08:50:11 PM

> Did we get knocked out of the air? Or is its shoulder pushing us along? Can we even tell?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 24, 2015, 09:08:30 PM

> Did we get knocked out of the air? Or is its shoulder pushing us along? Can we even tell?

>You can't really tell, but the latter feels more likely.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 25, 2015, 12:56:46 AM
> Try to slide down off of it and let ourselves fall. Hold on to that sword for dear life, though.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 25, 2015, 05:50:10 AM
> Try to slide down off of it and let ourselves fall. Hold on to that sword for dear life, though.

>You attempt to slide off, but it seems you are fairly high up on its shoulder, and seem to be kind of draped over it. Or at least it feels that way though the pain, from the lack of falling.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 25, 2015, 06:00:13 AM
> Can we at least see better yet?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 25, 2015, 06:34:59 AM
> Can we at least see better yet?

>You think you can make out some basic shapes, maybe?

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 25, 2015, 06:49:33 AM
> Do we still have a death grip on that sword?
> Do we have the energy to flail with it, if not make actual conscious swings or stabs?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 25, 2015, 07:39:44 AM
> Do we still have a death grip on that sword?
> Do we have the energy to flail with it, if not make actual conscious swings or stabs?

>You think so.
>It's hard to tell, but you think so.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 25, 2015, 07:55:49 AM
> Try stabbing to our right, and see and/or feel what happens.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 25, 2015, 08:50:18 AM
> Try stabbing to our right, and see and/or feel what happens.

>You...attempt something like a stab. You don't know if it works, your arm at once numb and filled with pain. Things are getting painfully hot very quickly.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 25, 2015, 01:36:52 PM
> Okay, forget that. Climb-crawl forward and try to slide-drop ourselves off the creature's arm on the other side so its momentum helps our efforts instead of hindering them.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 25, 2015, 02:47:05 PM
> Okay, forget that. Climb-crawl forward and try to slide-drop ourselves off the creature's arm on the other side so its momentum helps our efforts instead of hindering them.

>You try to crawl forward, and feel the arm shifting around you. Your weight tips, and suddenly you are falling! You think...everything hurts.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 25, 2015, 04:28:27 PM
> Can we see anything now?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 25, 2015, 04:39:07 PM
> Can we see anything now?

>Kind of. You think you can see the behemoth above, curving toward you.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 25, 2015, 04:48:01 PM
> Let's at least keep falling and looking at it until we're more sure that this is what's happening.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 25, 2015, 10:44:10 PM
> Let's at least keep falling and looking at it until we're more sure that this is what's happening.

>You watch, as the behemoth twists and moves to following you, spreading its wings. Or at least this is what it seems to be doing, the blurring makes it difficult to tell.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 25, 2015, 11:24:56 PM
> Rub our eyes with our non-sword hand to clear up said blurring.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 26, 2015, 07:14:31 AM
> Rub our eyes with our non-sword hand to clear up said blurring.

>You rub your eyes, finding you're getting some control back from your hands. As you do, you can hear Seiga crying out "Crown Prince!" It sounds as though she is coming quickly.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 26, 2015, 07:26:25 AM
> Use our eye-rubbing hand to point back up at where the behemoth is.
> "Forget me! Stay on it!"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 26, 2015, 08:15:02 AM
> Use our eye-rubbing hand to point back up at where the behemoth is.
> "Forget me! Stay on it!"

>You cry out, then suddenly feel yourself hit something, but not quite. Seiga looms above, crying "Got her!"

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 26, 2015, 02:24:36 PM
> Wait, did Seiga catch us? ...Are we that light?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 26, 2015, 03:08:57 PM
> Wait, did Seiga catch us? ...Are we that light?

>You do seem to have been caught, at least.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 26, 2015, 03:15:20 PM
> "Please, keep up the assault! It is starting to show serious cracks!"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 26, 2015, 05:11:42 PM
> "Please, keep up the assault! It is starting to show serious cracks!"

>"Just a moment, Crown Prince!" comes Futo's voice, nearby. If nothing else, you're pleased to see, or rather feel, that Seiga hasn't slowed down.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 26, 2015, 07:26:44 PM
> We'll just have to put our faith in them.
> Forget speaking for the moment and focus our energy on being able to see properly again.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 26, 2015, 09:18:19 PM
> We'll just have to put our faith in them.
> Forget speaking for the moment and focus our energy on being able to see properly again.

>Your vision is clearing at the moment. Seiga looks down you, and says, "How bad is it?" The movement feels odd. Seiga couldn't fly this fast while burdened, could she?

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 26, 2015, 09:26:15 PM
> "I will live. How are you doing this?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 26, 2015, 10:43:46 PM
> "I will live. How are you doing this?"

>"What makes you think that I'm doing anything, Crown Prince?" she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 26, 2015, 11:15:00 PM
> "I am certainly not carrying myself."
> Look around. How are we still airborne?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 26, 2015, 11:17:07 PM
> "I am certainly not carrying myself."
> Look around. How are we still airborne?

>Looking around a bit more now, it seems that Seiga is standing on the deck of a boat; Futo is near the rear, focusing on a spellcard she has brandished.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 27, 2015, 12:01:22 AM
> "I see! Thank you both! But where is Tojiko?"
> Can we see the behemoth now?
> Are we still super achey?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on December 27, 2015, 03:44:46 AM
> Are we aware of how the Buddhist's boat looks like? And if so, does this look anything like it?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 27, 2015, 04:36:52 AM
It's probably Futo's boat. She has multiple spellcards that can summon one.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 27, 2015, 08:52:43 AM
> "I see! Thank you both! But where is Tojiko?"
> Can we see the behemoth now?
> Are we still super achey?

>"She is trying to distract it," says Seiga. "But it doesn't seem she is doing a very good job."
>The Behemoth is still overhead, descending toward you.
>You are going to be very achy for awhile, you suspect. but you think it's lessening a bit.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on December 27, 2015, 10:12:18 AM
It's probably Futo's boat. She has multiple spellcards that can summon one.

That's what I thought at first, but the thought crossed my mind and I had to check.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 27, 2015, 11:23:14 AM
> Are we aware of how the Buddhist's boat looks like? And if so, does this look anything like it?

>As you understand it, their vessel was converted to a temple before you began to awaken. So you technically have.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 27, 2015, 02:50:30 PM
> How soon will it get to us?
> Can we see Tojiko anywhere?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 27, 2015, 02:52:27 PM
> How soon will it get to us?
> Can we see Tojiko anywhere?

>You have a few moments at least,
>Not immediately.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 27, 2015, 02:55:13 PM
> Sit up.
> "Good. It is for the best that it pursue me."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 27, 2015, 03:10:41 PM
> Sit up.
> "Good. It is for the best that it pursue me."

>You sit up as well as you can in Seiga's arms, and have to fight back a wave of pain and nausea.
>"I would say otherwise, Crown Prince!" Seiga says. "You are in no condition to be pursued at all!"

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 27, 2015, 03:24:42 PM
> "I told you, I will live. More important is that we keep that thing within my sword range and away from the rest of you."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 27, 2015, 04:40:08 PM
> "I told you, I will live. More important is that we keep that thing within my sword range and away from the rest of you."

>"Not at the moment it isn't," says Seiga. "Give yourself a moment and place some faith in Futo."

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 27, 2015, 06:08:35 PM
> Groan, but lean back down and let them do their thing.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 27, 2015, 06:48:04 PM
> Groan, but lean back down and let them do their thing.

>You lean back down. The behemoth descends from above, but not quite so quickly as you're used to; Futo's vessel is definitely faster than you are on your own. The gash you cut around its underbelly and the one you cut along its neck are easily visible, and the energy glowing through them is not longer just bright purple. splotches of darker purple writhe and shift within it. You are certain it wasn't doing that before.  In the distance, you think you can see Tojiko, she has been all but left behind. You ache pretty fiercely, particularly along the front of your torso. It feels as though you've been burned as much as impacted.
>"Any orders, Crown Prince?" Seiga says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 27, 2015, 07:05:34 PM
> How long does Futo's boat spellcard last?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 27, 2015, 07:20:30 PM
> How long does Futo's boat spellcard last?

>You don't know off the top of your head, but some fraction of a minute.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 27, 2015, 07:56:13 PM
> Is the behemoth still faster than the boat?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 27, 2015, 08:51:55 PM
> Is the behemoth still faster than the boat?

>Yes, but the gulf between the boat's speed and your own is notably smaller than the gulf between the behemoth's and your own.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 27, 2015, 10:23:46 PM
> "Aim at those dark purple splotches."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 27, 2015, 11:09:07 PM
> "Aim at those dark purple splotches."

>"Right now, we aren't aiming for much of anything," says Seiga.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 27, 2015, 11:29:00 PM
> "If you are looking for a plan for how to escape, I have none, and refuse to attempt one."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 28, 2015, 01:21:25 AM
> "If you are looking for a plan for how to escape, I have none, and refuse to attempt one."

>"I was thinking rather things to baffle the monster," says Seiga.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 28, 2015, 01:29:38 AM
> Are any of us proficient in illusion magic?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 28, 2015, 10:47:17 AM
> Are any of us proficient in illusion magic?

>You certainly are not, and you doubt Futo is. Seiga is a mystery.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 28, 2015, 11:54:57 AM
> "What sorts of illusion magic do you know, if any?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 28, 2015, 03:21:15 PM
> "What sorts of illusion magic do you know, if any?"

>"I deal in more concrete matters, I am afraid," says Seiga. "Just what are you planning?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 28, 2015, 03:26:05 PM
> "Nothing in particular. It was going to depend on your response. I am not sure to what degree the behemoth can be tricked; I do not believe it is sentient, and it has shown willingness to ignore attacks in favor of pursuing its goal."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 28, 2015, 03:29:37 PM
> "Nothing in particular. It was going to depend on your response. I am not sure to what degree the behemoth can be tricked; I do not believe it is sentient, and it has shown willingness to ignore attacks in favor of pursuing its goal."

>"It does seem quite vicious, yes," says Seiga.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 28, 2015, 04:22:08 PM
> "This is why I hold that we should attack is recently-opened wounds, in order to end the battle as quickly and decisively as possible."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 28, 2015, 05:45:08 PM
> "This is why I hold that we should attack is recently-opened wounds, in order to end the battle as quickly and decisively as possible."

>"I am not saying you are wrong, prince," says Seiga, "But at least allow yourself a minute to recover from that impact and those burns!"

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 28, 2015, 06:13:20 PM
> Great, so we DID get burned. Wonderful.
> "Ah, yes...what inflicted these burns, anyway? Could you tell?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 28, 2015, 06:32:32 PM
> Great, so we DID get burned. Wonderful.
> "Ah, yes...what inflicted these burns, anyway? Could you tell?"

>"I think you hit the wound you had just cut into it?" says Seiga. "I didn't have a particularly good angle to see."

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 28, 2015, 06:46:24 PM
> How well does Futo's boat handle?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 28, 2015, 07:05:12 PM
> How well does Futo's boat handle?

>It's fast, and she can turn it around reasonably fast as you understand.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 28, 2015, 07:13:29 PM
> "Mmm, interesting. That would explain the intense heat I felt from its mouth. I suppose it was a wise decision to not attempt to slay the creature from within."
> "Regardless, I believe we should use our current temporary speed upgrade to continue the offensive, and get Tojiko back into play, as it were. Can you two coordinate a fly-by assault?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 28, 2015, 08:51:35 PM
> "Mmm, interesting. That would explain the intense heat I felt from its mouth. I suppose it was a wise decision to not attempt to slay the creature from within."
> "Regardless, I believe we should use our current temporary speed upgrade to continue the offensive, and get Tojiko back into play, as it were. Can you two coordinate a fly-by assault?"

>"I am not sure if Futo can do much, but I am certainly game," says Seiga.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 28, 2015, 10:26:06 PM
> Take another look at Futo. Does she look like she is capable of responding to our prompts?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 28, 2015, 10:34:34 PM
> Take another look at Futo. Does she look like she is capable of responding to our prompts?

>You imagine she can, she's definitely focusing, but she should be fine as long as you don't ask her anything that takes particular consideration, like coming up with strategies.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 28, 2015, 10:44:33 PM
> "Futo, can you bring the boat back around so Seiga can attempt a fly-by assault?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 29, 2015, 12:01:26 AM
> "Futo, can you bring the boat back around so Seiga can attempt a fly-by assault?"

>"Okay," says Futo.
>"Ah, do you think you can stand now?" says Seiga.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 29, 2015, 12:13:48 AM
> Are we more or less lying on Seiga right now?
> Are we feeling mobile enough to stand up?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 29, 2015, 01:13:55 AM
> Are we more or less lying on Seiga right now?
> Are we feeling mobile enough to stand up?

>Seiga is princess-carrying you right now.
>You...don't know. It's going to ache, certainly.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 29, 2015, 01:20:54 AM
> "Only one way to find out, I suppose."
> Attempt standing up, bracing ourselves for pain.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 29, 2015, 02:14:21 AM
> "Only one way to find out, I suppose."
> Attempt standing up, bracing ourselves for pain.

>Seiga braces you up,'s not pleasant bending like that, but you are able to mostly stand. Perhaps a bit unsteadily.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 29, 2015, 02:21:28 AM
> Take the time to regain our balance, then.
> "This will be unpleasant in the morning."
> Where exactly are we burned?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 29, 2015, 10:57:23 AM
> Take the time to regain our balance, then.
> "This will be unpleasant in the morning."
> Where exactly are we burned?

>You tentatively work toward not needing to lean on Seiga to keep yourself upright.
>Seiga doesn't answer, simply trying to help you stay steady with a hand, as Futo turns the boat around.
>You seem to have been burned on your torso and lower chest; your clothing has some scorching to it.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 29, 2015, 11:07:05 AM
> How close is the behemoth now?
> Given the burns and aches, do we have the energy to prepare and fire off a couple of nondirect sources? Or would that be too much strain right now?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 29, 2015, 01:57:41 PM
> How close is the behemoth now?
> Given the burns and aches, do we have the energy to prepare and fire off a couple of nondirect sources? Or would that be too much strain right now?

>It is some dozen yards away, and closing in faster now that Futo isn't simply fleeing from it.
>You don't know, but you feel fairly confident you can do something.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 29, 2015, 02:58:08 PM
> Let's try it, then. Prepare a single three-round-burst non-direct source.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 29, 2015, 03:28:24 PM
> Let's try it, then. Prepare a single three-round-burst non-direct source.

>You do so, and are able to keep enough focus. The pain is an issue, but you are able to set it aside.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 29, 2015, 03:56:52 PM
> Excellent. Now let's watch until the behemoth is about three seconds away, gauging its flight path and releasing the nondirect source as far away as possible that is still in its projected flight path based on our observations.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 29, 2015, 04:25:16 PM
> Excellent. Now let's watch until the behemoth is about three seconds away, gauging its flight path and releasing the nondirect source as far away as possible that is still in its projected flight path based on our observations.

>You watch as Futo brings the ship around and charges toward the Behemoth. Seiga quietly raises her wand in anticipation.
>You release the danmaku. It fires, forcing the behemoth to swoop down lower to avoid the shots. Futo's vessel lurches upward to do the same.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 29, 2015, 04:41:11 PM
> Does Seiga at least have a reasonably clean shot?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 29, 2015, 06:35:23 PM
> Does Seiga at least have a reasonably clean shot?

>You think so, she should at least be able to hit it. But hit any particular target is a different question.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 29, 2015, 06:47:35 PM
> Watch and see what happens.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 29, 2015, 07:20:43 PM
> Watch and see what happens.

>You observe, as Futo flies over the behemoth. You've certainly opened a number of glowing wounds on it, and now that you are closer, you can see that scales are definitely flaking off around it, like a fine, slow snow.
>Seiga brandishes the wand, sending a zig-zagging array of white, blue, and aqua bullets flying at the behemoth, some striking home into its wounds, creating small dark spots int eh purple glow, and others hitting its scales. Your familiar's shots pass by and fade below as the last volley fires. The Behemoth immediately twists upward, coming at the ship from behind!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 29, 2015, 08:05:40 PM
> Is it coming from directly behind, or from behind and below?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 29, 2015, 08:16:57 PM
> Is it coming from directly behind, or from behind and below?

>Behind and below.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 29, 2015, 08:31:33 PM
> "Onward to Tojiko! We will keep it at bay!"
> Prepare another three-round-burst nondirect source, but this time, rather than having it shoot in every direction, have it shoot in a semicircular arc straight forward. Don't fire it off just yet, though.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 29, 2015, 09:02:18 PM
> "Onward to Tojiko! We will keep it at bay!"
> Prepare another three-round-burst nondirect source, but this time, rather than having it shoot in every direction, have it shoot in a semicircular arc straight forward. Don't fire it off just yet, though.

>Futo doesn't reply, but the boat continues forward.
>You prepare another indirect source. Seiga sends another zig-zagging barrage toward the behemoth, but it is easily able to keep under it without losing much speed, if any.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 29, 2015, 10:55:26 PM
> Let's let it get a little bit closer, and then fire off our nondirect source when the behemoth is about two seconds away. It should be placed just below our estimation of the behemoth's flight path.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 30, 2015, 02:11:17 AM
> Let's let it get a little bit closer, and then fire off our nondirect source when the behemoth is about two seconds away. It should be placed just below our estimation of the behemoth's flight path.

>You do so, the behemoth taking long enough to catch up that you can take a moment to properly time the attack. You place it, and the behemoth twists away, allowing Futo a moment to open some distance.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 30, 2015, 02:52:57 AM
> Take a look back in Tojiko's direction to see how close we are to her.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on December 30, 2015, 06:29:07 AM
> Remind me, do we have our spellcards?
> And what did we do, if anything, to our cloak? If nothing, quick cloak check.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 30, 2015, 10:12:41 AM
> Remind me, do we have our spellcards?
> And what did we do, if anything, to our cloak? If nothing, quick cloak check.

>You do not.
>Your cloak seems as it was.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 30, 2015, 10:52:37 AM
> Take a look back in Tojiko's direction to see how close we are to her.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 30, 2015, 02:41:22 PM
> Take a look back in Tojiko's direction to see how close we are to her.

>Tojiko is still some distance away, too far to be involved with things at the moment.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 30, 2015, 07:26:48 PM
> Is she at least coming toward us? Or has she given up?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 30, 2015, 07:27:37 PM
> Is she at least coming toward us? Or has she given up?

>You think she is trying to come toward you. Or at least toward the action in general.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 31, 2015, 01:22:11 AM
> Look back toward the behemoth.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 31, 2015, 01:24:32 AM
> Look back toward the behemoth.

>The behemoth seems to be spreading its wings. You can see the damage that you've done to its fingers plainly.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 31, 2015, 01:55:38 AM
> Prepare another outward-semicircle three-round-burst nondirectional source (like the last one we fired off).
> "Be on guard, Seiga."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 31, 2015, 03:08:00 AM
> Prepare another outward-semicircle three-round-burst nondirectional source (like the last one we fired off).
> "Be on guard, Seiga."

>"I'm not the one to tell!" Seiga says. "Futo, it's about to charge!"
>You prepare another familiar, as the behemoth flaps its wings and soars toward the ship with great speed!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 31, 2015, 03:46:20 AM
> How long will it take to reach us with this newfound speed?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 31, 2015, 11:12:24 AM
> How long will it take to reach us with this newfound speed?

>It is going to be on top of you very shortly!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on December 31, 2015, 07:25:11 PM
> Fire off the nondirect source we just prepared!
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on December 31, 2015, 09:24:24 PM
> Fire off the nondirect source we just prepared!

>You fire off the source that you just prepared. In the time that it takes you to place it, the Behemoth has already crossed the distance between you. Futo pulls the boat downward, but it is not enough, as the behemoth's jaws descend...

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 01, 2016, 01:27:32 AM
> Is coming from above now?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 01, 2016, 01:48:55 AM
> Is coming from above now?

>Above and behind.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 01, 2016, 06:12:03 AM
> "Seiga, aim at its mouth!"
> Fire off a stream of knives aimed dead center down the behemoth's throat.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 01, 2016, 01:10:47 PM
> "Seiga, aim at its mouth!"
> Fire off a stream of knives aimed dead center down the behemoth's throat.

>You try to shout some orders, but Seiga is already leading away. You barely have to shout half of it before the behemoth's jaws close around the ship. The deck lurches violently as the wood screeches and breaks, and you're suddenly falling!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 01, 2016, 05:30:00 PM
> Did we at least get our shots in?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 01, 2016, 06:34:23 PM
> Did we at least get our shots in?


Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 01, 2016, 07:11:24 PM
> Crap.
> Right ourselves.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 01, 2016, 07:21:37 PM
> Crap.
> Right ourselves.

>You do this, falling some yards before you are able to stop yourself.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 01, 2016, 08:04:15 PM
> Look back up and check in on everyone's status (except Tojiko).
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 01, 2016, 10:24:38 PM
> Look back up and check in on everyone's status (except Tojiko).

>You look back up in time to see a large boat fragment falling toward you!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 01, 2016, 11:06:41 PM
> Left!
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 02, 2016, 01:56:34 AM
> Left!

>You dive to the left. letting the debris fall past. You feel it nip at your cloak, and for a brief moment you fear it was caught, but nothing happens.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 02, 2016, 02:30:40 AM
> Look back up and find everyone (except Tojiko).
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 02, 2016, 02:36:48 AM
> Look back up and find everyone (except Tojiko).

>You look back up to see the behemoth closing on you!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 02, 2016, 03:19:50 AM
> How long before it gets to us?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 02, 2016, 12:23:37 PM
> How long before it gets to us?

>You have perhaps a second.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 02, 2016, 06:15:07 PM
> Keep going left!
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 02, 2016, 06:53:01 PM
> Keep going left!

>You keep moving left!  The Behemoth's jaws snap in the air just to your right!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 02, 2016, 07:46:25 PM
> Are the horns now coming our way like last time?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 02, 2016, 10:47:13 PM
> Are the horns now coming our way like last time?

>It's not quite so close this time.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 03, 2016, 05:02:19 AM
> Stab to our right with our sword! (Use two hands, we don't want to lose it in our weakened state.)
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 03, 2016, 02:30:26 PM
> Stab to our right with our sword! (Use two hands, we don't want to lose it in our weakened state.)

>You stab rightward, your blade poking into the behemoth's upper jaw as it pulls its head back, opening a small hole.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 03, 2016, 03:19:06 PM
> Did we feel the cord-cutting sensation again?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 03, 2016, 03:53:21 PM
> Did we feel the cord-cutting sensation again?


Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 03, 2016, 04:29:50 PM
> When it pulled its head 'back', did it move 'back' relative to its perspective or ours?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 03, 2016, 06:00:06 PM
> When it pulled its head 'back', did it move 'back' relative to its perspective or ours?

>It's perspective.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 03, 2016, 07:04:11 PM
> So, given that, if we flew forward, would we pass by its head on the left again?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 03, 2016, 09:22:22 PM
> So, given that, if we flew forward, would we pass by its head on the left again?

>Assuming you were quick enough, and it didn't move in some manner to make it impossible.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 04, 2016, 02:45:00 AM
> Fire a line of knives at the hole we just created.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 04, 2016, 05:09:32 AM
> Fire a line of knives at the hole we just created.

>You fire at the wound, and you're certain a couple shots hit home, others hitting the nearby scales as it rears its head back, then lunges toward you again!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 04, 2016, 12:06:23 PM
> Left again, to take advantage of our momentum!
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 04, 2016, 12:33:16 PM
> Left again, to take advantage of our momentum!

>Having stopped to stab the behemoth, you have little momentum to speak of. Still, you dart toward the side; and its jaws close mere fractions of an inch away from you!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 04, 2016, 01:17:25 PM
> Side-stab at it again, but this time, have the sharp edge of the blade pointed toward ourselves, so that if our stab hits home, the behemoth will rip its own face open if it tries to pull its head back again.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 04, 2016, 01:41:28 PM
> Side-stab at it again, but this time, have the sharp edge of the blade pointed toward ourselves, so that if our stab hits home, the behemoth will rip its own face open if it tries to pull its head back again.

>You move to stab it, but as you draw the blade back, the behemoth's snout slams into your side and knocks you off balance and away from it; renewed pain bursts through your side.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 04, 2016, 03:33:15 PM
> Damn! Ride our new malevolent momentum and let ourselves continue to the left as we recover our balance.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 04, 2016, 05:36:56 PM
> Damn! Ride our new malevolent momentum and let ourselves continue to the left as we recover our balance.

>You keep moving leftward with the impact, and the behemoth's jaws just miss you again it twists its head to snap at you again.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 04, 2016, 06:54:00 PM
> Did it complete its most recent snap and miss, or is it presently rearing back to snap again?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 04, 2016, 07:09:41 PM
> Did it complete its most recent snap and miss, or is it presently rearing back to snap again?

>It missed.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 05, 2016, 03:41:46 AM
> Head forward and left, shooting some knives forward and right.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 05, 2016, 01:43:45 PM
> Head forward and left, shooting some knives forward and right.

>Which way will you be facing, toward the behemoth, or forward?

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 05, 2016, 02:48:04 PM
> Toward the behemoth.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 05, 2016, 03:56:49 PM
> Toward the behemoth.

>You circle around the behemoth as it turns to face you, snaking  its body around as it turns. You fire some shots, and it dips underneath them.
>In this time of relative calm, you notice several things. The purple glow from the wounds are definitely filled with darker splotches than before, and it seems like the wounds are more ragged and wider. You're also certain there is someone else flying around a little ways away, you only get a glimpse of the motion out of the corner of your eye, so you are unable to tell who it is, but it doesn't seem to be approaching. You aren't sure which way they are going.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 05, 2016, 04:40:22 PM
> Are any of our friends visible and within shouting distance?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 05, 2016, 06:21:37 PM
> Are any of our friends visible and within shouting distance?

>You don't know at this split second. You would need to take a moment to look around.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 05, 2016, 07:44:39 PM
> Is it at least exceedingly unlikely that the person in the distance is Tojiko?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 05, 2016, 09:49:41 PM
> Is it at least exceedingly unlikely that the person in the distance is Tojiko?

>It is unlikely to be Tojiko, you think.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 05, 2016, 10:57:34 PM
> If we were to look directly at the behemoth, where would this unknown person be in our field of vision?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 05, 2016, 11:28:30 PM
> If we were to look directly at the behemoth, where would this unknown person be in our field of vision?

>There's a lot of behemoth, so it depends on where you are looking. If you are looking toward it's head, your back would be to toward that unknown person.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 06, 2016, 12:43:56 AM
> Keep circling to the left, firing off a few explodey bullets directly at the behemoth's head.
> "Someone please enlist that newcomer!"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 06, 2016, 01:09:33 AM
> Keep circling to the left, firing off a few explodey bullets directly at the behemoth's head.
> "Someone please enlist that newcomer!"

>You circle around it, firing off some exploding bullets. Moving leftward, you are going to run afoul of the rest of its body very shortly. The behemoth backs its head and neck away from the exploding shots for now.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 06, 2016, 01:37:39 AM
> Are we going to run into the cut-up portions of the behemoth's body?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 06, 2016, 01:44:58 AM
> Are we going to run into the cut-up portions of the behemoth's body?

>You will come close to a wounded part.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 06, 2016, 01:48:12 AM
> Change direction and head upward, firing some knives St the wounded side of the behemoth's body.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 06, 2016, 02:55:38 AM
> Change direction and head upward, firing some knives St the wounded side of the behemoth's body.

>You ascend upward, firing along its wounds. Many of the knives hit home, creating black spots in the purple glow. The behemoth shifts directions to follow you up.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 06, 2016, 07:46:16 AM
> Are we high up enough that we can continue circling to the left without running into the behemoth's body?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 06, 2016, 02:28:35 PM
> Are we high up enough that we can continue circling to the left without running into the behemoth's body?

>Presuming it does not move further up itself.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 06, 2016, 04:40:06 PM
> Resume circling to the left, but add a bit of upwardness to our movement as well.
> Can we see the unknown person again yet?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 06, 2016, 05:10:15 PM
> Resume circling to the left, but add a bit of upwardness to our movement as well.
> Can we see the unknown person again yet?

>You spiral upward and leftward. The behemoth moves to follow, snaking over the remains of your exploding shots.
>No. You think they are behind you now.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 06, 2016, 06:08:09 PM
> Continue on this upward leftward spiraling trajectory.
> While flying, fire off some knives aimed at the top of the behemoth's head.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 06, 2016, 06:31:23 PM
> Continue on this upward leftward spiraling trajectory.
> While flying, fire off some knives aimed at the top of the behemoth's head.

>You spiral further upward, as the behemoth follows. You send another stream of knives toward the behemoth, and it raises above them, and suddenly lunges toward you!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 06, 2016, 10:04:05 PM
> Zoom straight upward! And leave a few exploding bullets in our wake.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 07, 2016, 12:24:54 AM
> Zoom straight upward! And leave a few exploding bullets in our wake.

>You move straight up, and feel the behemoth pass by closely enough that you can feel the force of its motion tug at your feet. The bullets explode, some of them peppering its scales and a few getting into its wounds. It continues to pass by, its body twisting.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 07, 2016, 02:32:57 AM
> Is it twisting upward to come after us?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 07, 2016, 02:38:48 AM
> Is it twisting upward to come after us?

>It may be, but the bulk of the motion seems to be it rolling over.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 07, 2016, 02:39:31 AM
> So it is bringing its underbelly to face upward?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 07, 2016, 03:05:00 AM
> So it is bringing its underbelly to face upward?

>It may be. At leas it's bringing its underbelly to not face downward.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 07, 2016, 03:33:22 AM
> Well then.
> Has its head and horns passed us by?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 07, 2016, 03:35:45 AM
> Well then.
> Has its head and horns passed us by?


Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 07, 2016, 04:01:10 AM
> As we ascend, spare a glance behind us for that newcomer.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 07, 2016, 04:38:11 AM
> As we ascend, spare a glance behind us for that newcomer.

>You look off to the side, and see that Seiga is there, chasing after the Behemoth's tail somewhat ineffectlively.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 07, 2016, 04:39:07 AM
> Is she at the distance that the unfamiliar person was at?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 07, 2016, 05:25:52 AM
> Is she at the distance that the unfamiliar person was at?

>You can only assume so. It is not as though you had more than a sidelong glimpse of her to start with.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 07, 2016, 12:20:16 PM
> Great. Well, whatever.
> Snap out attention back to the behemoth.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 07, 2016, 01:24:18 PM
> Great. Well, whatever.
> Snap out attention back to the behemoth.

>You look back just in time to see its wing coming at you!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 07, 2016, 03:59:15 PM
> Is it coming from below or a side?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 07, 2016, 04:09:11 PM
> Is it coming from below or a side?

>From the side, rising up from below.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 07, 2016, 04:56:13 PM
> Head further upward
> While traveling, get a two-handed stabbing grip on our sword and point it toward the incoming wing, sharp edge facing straight upward. If/When the wing gets within stabbing range, launch a stab at it.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 07, 2016, 05:41:09 PM
> Head further upward
> While traveling, get a two-handed stabbing grip on our sword and point it toward the incoming wing, sharp edge facing straight upward. If/When the wing gets within stabbing range, launch a stab at it.

>You move upward, prepare your sword, and stab! It sinks into the behemoth's wing with a sensation of cords being cut.
>A fraction of a second later, the behemoth's momentum undeterred by your comparatively meager counterattack, the wing slams into you. Your sword hilt is driven into your chest, knocking the wind out of you and sending renewed agony through your body, as the rest of its wing slams into your face and torso like a ton of bricks.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 08, 2016, 06:15:04 AM
> Shit, shit, shit! Back away, back away!
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 08, 2016, 02:04:38 PM
> Shit, shit, shit! Back away, back away!

>Though the pain, you try to back away, but you seem to be wrapped around its wing, so to speak, awhile it travels forward. Backing away isn't so simple.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 08, 2016, 11:46:30 PM
> We're wrapped around it, or it is wrapped around us?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 09, 2016, 12:57:46 AM
> We're wrapped around it, or it is wrapped around us?

>More the former, you think.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 09, 2016, 08:53:03 PM
> Try to slice our sword upward, assuming we were actually able to get the sharp edge pointed that way.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 09, 2016, 09:28:48 PM
> Try to slice our sword upward, assuming we were actually able to get the sharp edge pointed that way.

>You try to slice your weapon upward, but your meager grip and poor positioning, setting aside the pain, makes it impossible to do so.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 10, 2016, 05:24:33 AM
> Fine. Just start firing knives off everywhere.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 10, 2016, 05:33:28 AM
> Fine. Just start firing knives off everywhere.

>You fire off some knives, as the behemoth drags you along with it. It's a bit hard to focus on danmaku with your sword hilt being driven into your chest, but you manage something, and feel its wing moving upward in response.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 10, 2016, 05:53:16 AM
> Is it taking us with it?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 10, 2016, 05:56:13 AM
> Is it taking us with it?

>For the moment, at least,

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 10, 2016, 09:48:50 PM
> Keep firing off knives until it lets us go (or something else changes).
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 10, 2016, 10:45:48 PM
> Keep firing off knives until it lets us go (or something else changes).

>You find several more knives, and the direction you are being moved in suddenly changes and you are tumbling free through the sky!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 11, 2016, 04:17:22 AM
> Let that continue for a couple of seconds, and then catch and balance ourselves.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 11, 2016, 04:45:58 AM
> Let that continue for a couple of seconds, and then catch and balance ourselves.

>You fall for a few moments, then stop yourself.
>"Prince, move!" shouts a voice, you think it is Futo's.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 11, 2016, 04:55:54 AM
> Left!
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 11, 2016, 05:27:58 AM
> Left!

>You bank toward the left, moments before the behemoth's jaws snap shut where you had caught yourself.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 11, 2016, 05:36:33 AM
> At least it's definitely all about us now.
> Send a sword slash in the direction of the side of the behemoth's face.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 11, 2016, 05:40:03 AM
> At least it's definitely all about us now.
> Send a sword slash in the direction of the side of the behemoth's face.

>You prepare to counterattack, and find that you do not seem to have your weapon any longer. You suspect it has been lost during the whole being thrown off, falling,  and suddenly dodging while in considerable pain affair...

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 11, 2016, 05:44:29 AM
> Oh for the love of-
> Are we in danger of the behemoth's horns?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 11, 2016, 05:48:36 AM
> Oh for the love of-
> Are we in danger of the behemoth's horns?

>You don't think so, it seems to be pulling its head back rather than moving forward.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 11, 2016, 03:37:24 PM
> Shoot forward, traveling along the left side of the behemoth's body parallel to its body, like we have a few times already.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 11, 2016, 03:52:58 PM
> Shoot forward, traveling along the left side of the behemoth's body parallel to its body, like we have a few times already.

>The behemoth lunges again, and you fly just past it. As you pass its horns, you see it start to try to toss its head to catch you upon them, but you have already passed them by before there is any danger.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 11, 2016, 11:44:02 PM
> Keep on flying forward, parallel to its body, shouting knives at any dark splotches we travel past.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 12, 2016, 12:05:07 AM
> Keep on flying forward, parallel to its body, shouting knives at any dark splotches we travel past.

>You keep moving forward, firing into the darker parts of its visible wounds when you have the opportunity. The darkness seems to spread a little into the brighter parts as you do.
>The behemoth, from what you can see of its body motions ahead of you, is twisting to chase after you. Seiga is ahead, sending zig-zagging shots into the behemoth's back. Its wing loom ahead and you note your sword hilt, somewhat surrounded by a purple glow, still stuck into it.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 12, 2016, 02:40:13 AM
> Phew. At least we don't have to go tree-diving to get it back.
> How close to an edge of the wing is it?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 12, 2016, 03:04:53 AM
> Phew. At least we don't have to go tree-diving to get it back.
> How close to an edge of the wing is it?

>The sword is buried in its wing about a yard and a half away from its main body. Maybe two yards?

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 12, 2016, 06:46:10 AM
> If we were flying over its wing, would we be able to reach the hilt?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 12, 2016, 02:55:45 PM
> If we were flying over its wing, would we be able to reach the hilt?

>Presuming its wing kept still.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 12, 2016, 07:39:58 PM
> Is that part of the wing within shooting range?
> Is the stabbed pay off the wing any darker that the rest of the wing for having been impaled?
> Is the wing flapping all over the place?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 12, 2016, 07:51:31 PM
> Is that part of the wing within shooting range?
> Is the stabbed pay off the wing any darker that the rest of the wing for having been impaled?
> Is the wing flapping all over the place?

>It should be.
>What little you can see of the wound does not seem to be especially dark, but it is hard to tell as the would you have made is quite small.
>The wing is still at the moment, half unfurled.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 12, 2016, 08:29:22 PM
> Fly toward our sword, approaching it from just slightly above so that we can change course and vet up above the wing in case of emergency.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 12, 2016, 08:47:41 PM
> Fly toward our sword, approaching it from just slightly above so that we can change course and vet up above the wing in case of emergency.

> You make your way toward it, keeping slightly above where its wing would pass. Thus far, it stays stable.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 12, 2016, 09:09:18 PM
> Is it within grabbing distance yet? If not, how far do we have to go?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 12, 2016, 09:48:03 PM
> Is it within grabbing distance yet? If not, how far do we have to go?

>You are now two yards away, you can close that distance quickly.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 12, 2016, 11:28:13 PM
> Get the rest of the way to our sword, and grab at it to pull it out as we try to swoop over the behemoth's wing.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2016, 12:26:28 AM
> Get the rest of the way to our sword, and grab at it to pull it out as we try to swoop over the behemoth's wing.

>You bridge the distance and grab your sword! You tug at it, but find the impact from before has driven it all the way through. As such, you do not pull it out, but instead feel it catch and lever against your arm. At first you feel that you are almost about to lose it, but then the pressure against you gives as the upwards-turned blade bites into its wing further. It cuts the wound open as its tip catches against...something inside the wing, widening it by a couple before before the blade is able to slip free. You've lost a lot of momentum with this maneuver, but you have reclaimed your weapon.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 13, 2016, 01:52:54 AM
> Up!
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2016, 02:10:39 AM
> Up!

>You move upward, and none too soon as the behemoth's wing twitches upward, trying to swat you from the air!


Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 13, 2016, 02:41:26 AM
> Did it swing and miss, or is coming at us now?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2016, 02:52:38 AM
> Did it swing and miss, or is coming at us now?

>Coming for you now, ascending has kept you from already being swatted.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 13, 2016, 03:23:14 AM
> Keep going up!
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2016, 04:43:16 AM
> Keep going up!

>You keep going up! The wing closes in, raising up higher and higher, then it comes to a stop, reaching the furthest point it can stretch. You suspect the wounds you have inflicted may have a role in this.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 13, 2016, 05:00:36 AM
> Look back at where the head should be.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2016, 05:26:27 AM
> Look back at where the head should be.

>You look back to see the behemoth is twisting around to chase you. You also see Tojiko coming up behind it.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 13, 2016, 12:04:53 PM
> How far behind us is it?
> Are we currently in slashing or shooting range of anything? Presumably the top of its wing - anything else?
> How close to it is Tojiko? Is she within firing range?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2016, 04:12:25 PM
> How far behind us is it?
> Are we currently in slashing or shooting range of anything? Presumably the top of its wing - anything else?
> How close to it is Tojiko? Is she within firing range?

>It's head is a few yards behind you.
>You are not close enough to slash anything. You can shoot at its wings, or along its body for some length.
>You don't know if she is, it feels like she is close, at least.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 13, 2016, 05:08:40 PM
> And we are above the wing now, yes?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 13, 2016, 07:56:32 PM
> And we are above the wing now, yes?

>Somewhat. It could stretch higher, but it cannot stretch further inward to get you, right at this moment.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2016, 05:57:27 AM
> Keep going upward, to get to a height the wing can't reach.
> While doing this, fire off some knives at the behemoth's body, preferably at darker spots.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2016, 06:22:40 AM
> Keep going upward, to get to a height the wing can't reach.
> While doing this, fire off some knives at the behemoth's body, preferably at darker spots.

>You move upward, putting a few more yards between yourself and the behemoth. It continues to twist after you jaws-first, but you still have a couple seconds lead on it. It's wings shift away as it does.
>You shots focus mostly on its neck, and while it is hard to tell, you are sure that you've increased the darkness within a little bit.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 14, 2016, 07:37:30 PM
> Did the wings move upward or downward in the aforementioned shift?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 14, 2016, 08:16:54 PM
> Did the wings move upward or downward in the aforementioned shift?

>The one that was likely to hit you moved downward, the other moved upward, but it still no threat at the moment.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 15, 2016, 04:26:44 AM
> Alter our flight path to be horizontal instead of vertical and start flying down the length of the behemoth's body again, firing knives at the dark spots we pass by.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 15, 2016, 05:02:42 AM
> Alter our flight path to be horizontal instead of vertical and start flying down the length of the behemoth's body again, firing knives at the dark spots we pass by.

>You head toward the behemoth's tail, as it continues to twist and chase after you. You clear its wings safely, firing off shots when you can, and close in on Seiga, who seems to be following its tail. You doubt the behemoth has lost any distance behind you.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 15, 2016, 05:25:34 AM
> Take a look behind us. See if we can spot Tojiko.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 15, 2016, 05:26:48 AM
> Take a look behind us. See if we can spot Tojiko.

>You look behind you and see a whole lot of behemoth jaws closing in on you, just a few yards behind. Past that, you think you see Tojiko some more yards behind.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 15, 2016, 05:58:07 AM
> Those jaws aren't about to immediately clamp down on us, are they?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 15, 2016, 06:00:36 AM
> Those jaws aren't about to immediately clamp down on us, are they?

>Not yet.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 15, 2016, 06:08:10 AM
> Given the direction we are traveling, the behemoth's body is to our right, yes?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 15, 2016, 06:23:32 AM
> Given the direction we are traveling, the behemoth's body is to our right, yes?

>A little. It is much more in the category of below you now.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 15, 2016, 08:26:46 PM
> Is the behemoth's head directly behind us, or is it a little off-set to our left or right (as if we were facing forward)?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 15, 2016, 09:15:50 PM
> Is the behemoth's head directly behind us, or is it a little off-set to our left or right (as if we were facing forward)?

>It is directly behind and slightly below.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2016, 01:41:24 AM
> Angle our flight path to the right, to cross over the body of the behemoth.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2016, 01:47:32 AM
> Angle our flight path to the right, to cross over the body of the behemoth.

>You do so, listing toward the right.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2016, 03:21:04 AM
> Are we fully on the other side of the behemoth's body now?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2016, 03:31:26 AM
> Are we fully on the other side of the behemoth's body now?


Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 16, 2016, 07:18:46 AM
> Resume a flight path parallel to the behemoth's body, still moving toward its tail.
> Glance back to check on how much it has caught up to us.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 16, 2016, 04:59:13 PM
> Resume a flight path parallel to the behemoth's body, still moving toward its tail.
> Glance back to check on how much it has caught up to us.

>You glance back, and see that it is just but a couple yards behind you now.
>The behemoth's tail is fast approaching, due to it turning around in mid-air to chase you.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 17, 2016, 05:39:36 AM
> Dive down below the behemoth's body, leaving, some explodey bullets in our wake.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 17, 2016, 06:24:33 AM
> Dive down below the behemoth's body, leaving, some explodey bullets in our wake.

>You dive down, leaving bullets in your wake. Seiga is ahead, trying to fire into the wounds on the back parts of its body with mixed success.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 17, 2016, 01:35:23 PM
> Glance behind us again.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 17, 2016, 04:01:55 PM
> Glance behind us again.

>You look back and see you've managed to buy a little time, it the behemoth has taken a slightly slower route to avoid your shots. It has not been deterred, however.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2016, 02:57:06 AM
> Go back to the left, passing underneath the behemoth's body.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2016, 03:02:04 AM
> Go back to the left, passing underneath the behemoth's body.

>You slip under its tail, what little you haven yet to pass.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2016, 03:54:08 PM
> Fly upward again, looking behind us at how the behemoth has followed us. Did it tangle itself around its own body, at least?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 18, 2016, 05:50:44 PM
> Fly upward again, looking behind us at how the behemoth has followed us. Did it tangle itself around its own body, at least?

>What course will you take upward?

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 19, 2016, 03:10:35 AM
> Flight straight upward.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 19, 2016, 03:42:11 AM
> Flight straight upward.

>You do so, and find that be behemoth seems draw its head back entirely, then comes at you from above.
>While it doesn't seem like it is going to entangle itself, you not that its body doesn't seem to be perfectly capable of coiling upon itself.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 20, 2016, 07:34:58 AM
> Is any part of its body currently within sword range?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2016, 03:18:27 PM
> Is any part of its body currently within sword range?

>If you have flown close enough. its lower body may be within range.
>Also, its head will be catching up with you within moments if you do not change course.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 21, 2016, 04:02:29 AM
> Fly back downward. Once we are below the behemoth's body again, head back underneath it.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2016, 04:42:09 AM
> Fly back downward. Once we are below the behemoth's body again, head back underneath it.

>You reverse direction as its jaws continue to descend toward you, closing a fair amount of distance before you can fully reverse directions.  You try to get underneath its body, but only have some success as the behemoth shifts away, circling through the air to reach you. You manage to get under what you estimate to be the last fourth of its length or so, as it barely a yard behind you.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2016, 03:18:44 AM
> Leave some more explodey bullets in our wake.
> Once we've pass completely under its body, head upward, and slash at the side of its body on our way up.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2016, 04:54:16 AM
> Leave some more explodey bullets in our wake.
> Once we've pass completely under its body, head upward, and slash at the side of its body on our way up.

>You leave a few more shots. The behemoth is too close to dodge around them, and instead turns aside quickly, drawing back.
>Passing underneath it, you curve around and stab into its side! The blade sinks in, with the feeling of cords cutting. You draw it along the behemoth's side, opening another long gash before it can jerk away. The wound you open is largely dark, much of the purple glow from before is simply a few blotches in a kind of inky grayness that borders on black.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2016, 05:58:25 AM
> Where is its head now? Can we even see it, or is the body in the way?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2016, 06:50:55 PM
> Where is its head now? Can we even see it, or is the body in the way?

>You don't immediately see it, but given the way its body is curving, it has to be coming from above.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 23, 2016, 03:22:52 AM
> Reverse direction, and go back down and pass underneath it again, slashing at its underbelly as we go by.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2016, 06:28:34 AM
> Reverse direction, and go back down and pass underneath it again, slashing at its underbelly as we go by.

>You slow down to a stop and reverse direction. As you do, the behemoth twists away from you, and its jaws close in!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 24, 2016, 04:00:26 AM
> From which direction is its head now coming? Above?
> Is the main body, or at least the part we were trying to fly back under, the part that twisted away?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 24, 2016, 04:23:24 AM
> From which direction is its head now coming? Above?
> Is the main body, or at least the part we were trying to fly back under, the part that twisted away?

>Its head is coming from above.
>It has entirely twisted away.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 24, 2016, 08:30:14 PM
> To the right!
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 24, 2016, 09:31:15 PM
> To the right!

>You bank rightward, moments before the behemoth's jaws snap where you were.  You should have enough clearance to avoid its horns.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 24, 2016, 11:09:00 PM
> Head past its horns (avoiding them with the clearance we have) and down the length of its body again, slashing at its body once we get past the horns.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2016, 01:43:25 AM
> Head past its horns (avoiding them with the clearance we have) and down the length of its body again, slashing at its body once we get past the horns.

>You make your way past its horns and stab into its neck. You've already opened one wound hear, and have time to cut another into it before the behemoth can jerk away from your blade.  The wound beneath this one barely has any purple to it at all.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 25, 2016, 04:18:13 AM
> Continue flying in our current direction and have a look behind ourselves.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2016, 04:56:32 AM
> Continue flying in our current direction and have a look behind ourselves.

>You look back to see the behemoth is rising up a bit.  You also see Futo keeping her distance, tossing some colorful danmaku toward the behemoth's head.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 25, 2016, 04:57:35 AM
> Does it still seem to be focused on pursuing us?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2016, 05:31:10 AM
> Does it still seem to be focused on pursuing us?

>It's hard to tell, but you can't imagine it's absolutely forgotten about you.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 25, 2016, 04:38:52 PM
> But it is rising up instead of continuing in pursuit of us?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2016, 04:54:05 PM
> But it is rising up instead of continuing in pursuit of us?

>For the moment, at least.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 25, 2016, 04:54:56 PM
> How far is its head from us?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2016, 04:57:12 PM
> How far is its head from us?

>A few yards away, you estimate about seven or so.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 25, 2016, 08:16:25 PM
> Begin preparing another three-round burst nondirect source.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2016, 09:34:15 PM
> Begin preparing another three-round burst nondirect source.

>You do so, as the behemoth rise and you continue to fly forward, toward its arms and wings.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 25, 2016, 10:58:57 PM
> Are the wings and arms in firing range?
> What kind of condition are the wings and arms in, from what we can see?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2016, 11:22:52 PM
> Are the wings and arms in firing range?
> What kind of condition are the wings and arms in, from what we can see?

>Both of its wings have wounds, the one you are approaching more than the other.  The shoulder your are approaching, it's left, bears a deep wound, weakly purple and black.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2016, 04:01:53 AM
> Fire the nondirect source off at the more-injured wing, then change our flight path to also travel upward.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2016, 04:36:24 AM
> Fire the nondirect source off at the more-injured wing, then change our flight path to also travel upward.

>You fire at its wing, While it often has a reasonably easy time dodging its head and neck away from such things, it has a harder time moving its wing out of the way. The danmaku pelts it fiercely before it can twist itself away, interrupting its ascent, and you see more of its purple glow extinguished.
>Rising upward, you are able to catch up with the behemoth as it gets away from your attack.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2016, 05:19:53 AM
> Are we within sword range of its head? If not, are we at least within sword range of some part of its body?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2016, 05:56:28 AM
> Are we within sword range of its head? If not, are we at least within sword range of some part of its body?

>You are not quite in sword range of anything, but you are closest to its lower neck and shoulders.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2016, 06:14:03 PM
> Fly toward the lower neck, sword at the ready.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2016, 08:47:06 PM
> Fly toward the lower neck, sword at the ready.

>You do so, and note some motion beneath the behemoth, a brief glimpse of green and flash of danmaku. Tojiko, perhaps?
>You fly toward it's lower neck, sword ready, as it starts to roll in midair, turning its underbelly toward you. Its less-injured wing lashes out behind it, away from you.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2016, 10:51:41 PM
> Seiga is presumably still near the it lashing out where Tojiko was? If not, could it possibly be aiming at Futo?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2016, 11:25:07 PM
> Seiga is presumably still near the it lashing out where Tojiko was? If not, could it possibly be aiming at Futo?

>You don't know for sure, but it feels like Tojiko would be the most likely target.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 26, 2016, 11:57:29 PM
> "Tojiko, watch out!"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 27, 2016, 12:39:05 AM
> "Tojiko, watch out!"

>You cry out to Tojiko. While you cannot really see what happens next, you don't hear any cries or anything that sounds like someone being swatted out of the air.
>The behemoth moves forward as it strikes, and as it rolls, its claws grasp toward you, coming from your front and either side!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 27, 2016, 02:03:34 AM
> Is its main body currently above or below us?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 27, 2016, 02:28:09 AM
> Is its main body currently above or below us?

>A bit below, but not too much so.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 27, 2016, 03:45:45 AM
> How damaged does the behemoth's underbelly look?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 27, 2016, 03:47:38 AM
> How damaged does the behemoth's underbelly look?

>There is some damage further down.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 27, 2016, 04:20:20 AM
> Up!
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 27, 2016, 05:13:59 AM
> Up!

>You move up, and escape its claws as they come together. Its right then swipes toward you, as it moves closer to you.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 27, 2016, 05:26:19 AM
> Keep heading up, and slash at the claw as it swipes toward us.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 27, 2016, 05:45:26 AM
> Keep heading up, and slash at the claw as it swipes toward us.

>You back away and upward, slashing at its claw. Your blade claws against its scaly fingers, and is nearly torn from your hands by the force behind the blow, which passes scarcely a foot from your chest.
>The behemoth continues to bear down upon you in the meantime, closing in and following through with its other claw from the opposite direction.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 27, 2016, 05:53:28 AM
> How clear does 'forward' look?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 27, 2016, 06:04:30 AM
> How clear does 'forward' look?

>Not very, with the behemoth closing in.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 27, 2016, 06:27:01 AM
> Back!
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 27, 2016, 06:33:54 AM
> Back!

>You back away again, and this swipe passes within a few inches of your torso.
>It's first claw follows through as this one passes, the behemoth continuing to press closer.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 27, 2016, 11:15:24 AM
> From which direction is the first claw swiping?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 27, 2016, 06:10:04 PM
> From which direction is the first claw swiping?

>From right to left.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 28, 2016, 08:58:40 AM
> Up!
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 28, 2016, 10:08:29 AM
> Up!

>You ascend! The claw swipes toward you, forcing you to pull your legs up to keep them safe, Your torso, with its many wounds, protests this fiercely, enough to make you wonder if not dodging would have been less painful.
>The behemoth's left claw comes at you from below, as it continues to press forward.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 28, 2016, 07:21:34 PM
> What party of the behemoth is directly in front of us?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 28, 2016, 08:26:06 PM
> What party of the behemoth is directly in front of us?

>None at the moment, as you have risen above it.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 29, 2016, 12:51:40 AM
> Forward!
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 29, 2016, 12:57:33 AM
> Forward!

>You move forward, the behemoth's claw passing just under your feet. It rolls to keep its claws focused on you as you pass over it.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 29, 2016, 01:35:52 AM
> Do we still have a claw coming at us, or do we have a slight reprieve right now?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 29, 2016, 02:04:15 AM
> Do we still have a claw coming at us, or do we have a slight reprieve right now?

>You see to have a brief reprieve, but its arms are moving, so you imagine it's up to something.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 29, 2016, 02:33:13 AM
> Is any visible party of the behemoth's body in slashing range?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 29, 2016, 02:35:23 AM
> Is any visible party of the behemoth's body in slashing range?

>No, you will need to get closer.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 29, 2016, 04:08:43 AM
> Is its back or underbelly currently pointing toward us?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 29, 2016, 04:32:34 AM
> Is its back or underbelly currently pointing toward us?

>Its underbelly.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 29, 2016, 06:37:55 AM
> Head down, toward said underbelly.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 29, 2016, 07:06:01 AM
> Head down, toward said underbelly.

>You descend! The behemoth's claws come up toward you, and just pass overhead as it continues to try to close in on you. You practically slam into its scaly chest, but stop yourself just in time.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 29, 2016, 08:27:58 AM
> The claws are connected to its shoulders, yes? Or are they connected to its sides?
> However the claws are connected to its body, where along the length of its body are the bases of these connections relative to our current position?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 29, 2016, 08:31:17 AM
> The claws are connected to its shoulders, yes? Or are they connected to its sides?
> However the claws are connected to its body, where along the length of its body are the bases of these connections relative to our current position?

>They are connected to its arms, which are connected to the shoulders, which are connected to its neck bone body.
>To the left and right.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 29, 2016, 11:08:24 AM
> So we are currently immediately between its shoulders?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 29, 2016, 06:30:43 PM
> So we are currently immediately between its shoulders?


Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 30, 2016, 12:42:46 AM
> Stab downward into the underbelly with the sharp edge of our blade facing left, then travel left, dragging our blade behind us to slice through the behemoth some more.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 30, 2016, 02:47:38 AM
> Stab downward into the underbelly with the sharp edge of our blade facing left, then travel left, dragging our blade behind us to slice through the behemoth some more.

>You stab into its underbelly, your blade catching on the scales for a moment before sinking through with the feeling of cutting cords. Tearing the blade leftward, you open up a wound that is almost entirely inky black, with just a few motes of purple.
>As you move leftward, its right claw comes at you from above and behind.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 30, 2016, 03:10:13 AM
> How close were we able to get to the left shoulder?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 30, 2016, 05:41:17 AM
> How close were we able to get to the left shoulder?

>Within a foot and some change, you think.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 30, 2016, 02:06:40 PM
> How much longer do we have before the right claw grabs us?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 30, 2016, 05:59:54 PM
> How much longer do we have before the right claw grabs us?

>Little enough it may already be too late, depending on what you do.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 30, 2016, 09:50:42 PM
> Bank to the left.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 30, 2016, 11:10:53 PM
> Bank to the left.

>You bank leftward, racing away from the behemoth's claw. You're not fast enough, you can feel it, it has managed to catch you when you've exceeded this speed.
>Still, you seem to be opening some space as it reaches toward you, turning a bit to try and extend its grasp.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 31, 2016, 03:04:08 AM
> Bank back to the right, behind the other shoulder.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 31, 2016, 04:33:39 AM
> Bank back to the right, behind the other shoulder.

>Will you be trying to bank above or below the behemoth?

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 31, 2016, 06:40:44 AM
> Below.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 31, 2016, 07:49:46 AM
> Below.

>You bank under the behemoth! It tries to reach down after you, but it seems sluggish now, you manage to evade it.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 31, 2016, 04:59:55 PM
> How far under it did we get?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 31, 2016, 07:16:21 PM
> How far under it did we get?

>You are underneath the behemoth by a yard or so. Having rolled to follow you, you are underneath its side.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on January 31, 2016, 07:30:45 PM
(I would input a battle command, but i don`t know if i should, and god, 22 pages of Behemoth Fighting Action, memory overloaded, now let me think....)

>Can we close the gap quick enough to deal a blow?
>If yes then strike a swift slash on the creature at the most vulnerable part possible.
>If no, acquire some distance and keep an eye for what it`ll do next. Maintain your focus.

(If anything of this is dumb, disregard and leave the Pro handle it)
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 31, 2016, 08:22:03 PM
>Can we close the gap quick enough to deal a blow?
>If yes then strike a swift slash on the creature at the most vulnerable part possible.
>If no, acquire some distance and keep an eye for what it`ll do next. Maintain your focus.

>You suspect you can.
>You move in and slash just under its arm. This isn't necessarily where it is most vulnerable, but it seems reasonably so for the amount of time you have to strike. Your blade slips between its scales with the familiar sensation of cord-cutting, opening an inky wound with but a few motes of sluggishly shifting purple within, one of which seems to fade into the darkness in the moment you watch it.
>The behemoth continues you roll after you, its left claw seeking to snatch you up.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on January 31, 2016, 08:36:01 PM
>From which direction it is coming from ?
>How high is the claw ? Is there enough space to avoid it by quickly ducking or do we need to avoid by going up or to the sides ?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 31, 2016, 08:37:35 PM
Go right ahead and post whatever you like, as long as it's not intentionally self-destructive or anything.

> Can the behemoth see us right now? Or is it grabbing semi-blindly at us?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 31, 2016, 10:27:13 PM
>From which direction it is coming from ?
>How high is the claw ? Is there enough space to avoid it by quickly ducking or do we need to avoid by going up or to the sides ?

>From behind.
>It seems to be aimed for your torso, there is not much room to ascend.

> Can the behemoth see us right now? Or is it grabbing semi-blindly at us?

>You aren't sure, it's head really hasn't been in your field of vision.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on January 31, 2016, 11:15:21 PM
>If my simulations are correct, a quick dodge to the right will allow us to avoid it (IF THEY ARE CORRECT!)
>Look for a opportunity to strike the behemoth on the claw, this beast is just so resilient.
>Do we have any kind of support or special skills ? Like a spellcard or someone to try and slow the behemoth so we can strike it`s head.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 31, 2016, 11:36:44 PM
>If my simulations are correct, a quick dodge to the right will allow us to avoid it (IF THEY ARE CORRECT!)
>Look for a opportunity to strike the behemoth on the claw, this beast is just so resilient.
>Do we have any kind of support or special skills ? Like a spellcard or someone to try and slow the behemoth so we can strike it`s head.

>You move to the right, and its claw passes you by. You are certain it is more sluggish now, and can likely strike at its arm, though at the risk of possibly having your blade torn away if it draws back.
>You left your spellcards back home, not having anticipated nearly this much trouble back when you left yesterday; at worst you expected your attendants to deal with this kind of thing!

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 01, 2016, 12:41:03 AM
>Too risky to afford losing the sword, don`t attempt the attack.
>"Gah, it`s so strong, how can i defeat it if it keeps attacking, there must be some kind of weakspot i can exploit."
>Analyze the Behemoth, are there any interestings spots other than the head ? If we slash more on the existing injuries, maybe it will havea greater effect on it.
>Wait for a better oportunity to strike.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 01, 2016, 01:24:55 AM
Um, I don't know how much back-reading you've done, but this thing is on its last legs right now. We can probably just keep hacking away at it until it poofs.

> Belay the waiting and the dialogue, and just launch a stab at its arm below the wrist.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 01, 2016, 01:35:38 AM
Um, I don't know how much back-reading you've done, but this thing is on its last legs right now. We can probably just keep hacking away at it until it poofs.
I read about 14 pages, then got tired and just rushed through the others while seeing if there were any big texts. Sorry. But thanks for the heads up !
>As said before, cancel the dialogue and focus on the stab, be on the guard for another attack.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 01, 2016, 02:08:26 AM
>Too risky to afford losing the sword, don`t attempt the attack.
>"Gah, it`s so strong, how can i defeat it if it keeps attacking, there must be some kind of weakspot i can exploit."
>Analyze the Behemoth, are there any interestings spots other than the head ? If we slash more on the existing injuries, maybe it will havea greater effect on it.
>Wait for a better oportunity to strike.

> Belay the waiting and the dialogue, and just launch a stab at its arm below the wrist.

>As said before, cancel the dialogue and focus on the stab, be on the guard for another attack.

>You stab into its wrist, opening another wound with another sensation of cords cutting. Scales flake away the wound like ash, and you can hardly see any light at all within it. Its arm pulls back, but you are able to slip your sword out.
>You note its other arm coming toward you. Rather than leading with its claw, it seems to attempting to try to pin you against itself.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 01, 2016, 04:31:11 AM
> Head down toward the ground to make pinning us against its body a lot more difficult.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 01, 2016, 07:18:12 AM
> Head down toward the ground to make pinning us against its body a lot more difficult.

>You head downward, it's arm closing a moment too late.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 01, 2016, 09:07:00 AM
>Slash again on the creature's other wrist, keep pressing for attacks, just don't get caught.
>What kind of blade exactly do we wield ? Is it a regular katana or does it have any features ?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 01, 2016, 10:32:54 AM
>Slash again on the creature's other wrist, keep pressing for attacks, just don't get caught.
>What kind of blade exactly do we wield ? Is it a regular katana or does it have any features ?

>You strike at it's other wrist, but you are not quite close enough to land a hit. What you do manage to do is tear off a couple scales, sending them fluttering away.
>Your weapon is an older style chisel-tipped katana. It can serve as a danmaku focus, that is something you can use danmaku through, but does not possess any exceptional combat capacity. However, you suspect someone like Youmu or Meira could make exceptional use of its more metaphysical qualities.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 01, 2016, 11:59:36 AM
> What is the first arm doing now?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 01, 2016, 06:49:30 PM
> What is the first arm doing now?

>It seems to be trying to awkwardly reach toward you, as the Behemoth descends.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 01, 2016, 10:03:12 PM
(Tired, 11 hours of school, can't think straight)

>Is it closing in fast ?
>Can we find an opportunity to strike ?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 01, 2016, 10:24:28 PM
>Is it closing in fast ?
>Can we find an opportunity to strike ?

>Depends on how one defines an opportunity. Certainly there are places you can stick a sword in, or employ danmaku.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 01, 2016, 11:26:07 PM
>Charge some indirect danmaku (Those that are spawned from spellcircles, like the ones from Sakuya in EoSD) with a 5-shot wide sphere barrage, make them spread about 10-20 degrees from each other, and wait for the behemoth to get as close as possible in a way you get a good hitrate and still be able to avoid it no problem. I hope this does well, i can't design danmaku writing. :V
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 02, 2016, 12:40:10 AM
>Charge some indirect danmaku (Those that are spawned from spellcircles, like the ones from Sakuya in EoSD) with a 5-shot wide sphere barrage, make them spread about 10-20 degrees from each other, and wait for the behemoth to get as close as possible in a way you get a good hitrate and still be able to avoid it no problem. I hope this does well, i can't design danmaku writing. :V

>You prepare some indirect attacks.  As the behemoth drops, you unleash them, and feel a sense of satisfaction as a majority of the shots hit home. The behemoth descends faster on you.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 02, 2016, 12:51:10 AM
>Avoid the attack using your great Avoid rate. Then think as to where to cut next While i finish some dungeons, gotta get those rolls going.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 02, 2016, 01:55:21 AM
>Avoid the attack using your great Avoid rate. Then think as to where to cut next While i finish some dungeons, gotta get those rolls going.

>How do you intend to avoid said attack?

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 02, 2016, 02:24:56 AM
>Dash on a upper-right way, since he's coming from above, make him shock the earth.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 02, 2016, 03:07:29 AM
>Dash on a upper-right way, since he's coming from above, make him shock the earth.

>You circle around upward and rightward, passing close to its wing, as the behemoth descends past you.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 02, 2016, 09:00:13 AM
>Fire another danmaku wave of indirect spheres and close in for a stab.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 02, 2016, 09:05:19 AM
>Fire another danmaku wave of indirect spheres and close in for a stab.

>You prepare another indirect attack as the behemoth descends past you, and continues to descend, picking up more speed.
>How will you place this attack?

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 02, 2016, 09:51:25 AM
>The danmaku wave will be placed on the way down above the behemoth (There is no friendly fire right ?). The stab will be aimed towards the body area, preferably the wrists or the underbelly.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 02, 2016, 10:09:48 AM
>The danmaku wave will be placed on the way down above the behemoth (There is no friendly fire right ?). The stab will be aimed towards the body area, preferably the wrists or the underbelly.

>There is friendly fire, insomuch as other people can be harmed by your danmaku. Your own cannot harm you. Tojiko and Futo is fairly good at working around yours, though, and vice versa.
>You place the familiar above the Behemoth, and move to strike it along the its back, as the wrists and underbelly are on the opposite side of it. Your danmaku hits home, it doesn't even really try to dodge, and your blade slips through the scales of its back, barely even registering a sense of cutting cords. It descends more quickly.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 02, 2016, 12:01:35 PM
> Is there something or someone below us that it is chasing after?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 02, 2016, 07:00:35 PM
> Is there something or someone below us that it is chasing after?

>You don't think so, but perhaps they are obscured by its body?

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 02, 2016, 11:23:41 PM
>Follow the behemoth and try to see if it's actually headed towards a person or if he is on a free fall.
>Be careful of a sudden action from him.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 03, 2016, 12:13:40 AM
>Follow the behemoth and try to see if it's actually headed towards a person or if he is on a free fall.
>Be careful of a sudden action from him.

>You follow it as it descends, and quickly note that it is almost certainly free falling. Its wings spread, but they don't seem to be doing much more than shedding ash-like scales at a fantastic rate. More over of them flutter up from below it.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 03, 2016, 12:37:44 AM
>Focus the strongest Danmaku possible on it's wings and go for a sword strike while paying mind to any desperate moves it may try.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 03, 2016, 12:55:19 AM
>Focus the strongest Danmaku possible on it's wings and go for a sword strike while paying mind to any desperate moves it may try.

>You focus some danmaku on its wings. "Crown Prince!" Futo calls, as she approaches, "I think you've done it!"

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 03, 2016, 02:48:55 AM
> Let up on the offense, then.
> "Hm! Everyone, follow!"
> Continue pursuit of the free-falling behemoth.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 03, 2016, 04:42:56 AM
> Let up on the offense, then.
> "Hm! Everyone, follow!"
> Continue pursuit of the free-falling behemoth.

>You follow the behemoth down. Futo is close behind you, and you expect the others are behind her.
The behemoth does not break its fall. It moves against the fall weakly, but this doesn't seem to do much. After some moments, it crashes into the ground, its serpentine body smashing into trees and leveling them with a series of impacts.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 03, 2016, 09:05:20 AM
>Yatta ! Ehm, *Ahem*, examine the behemoth, look to see if it is breathing or any signs that it can't do anything anymore.
>Claim your Exp and Yen rewards.
>If it's dead, what to do now ?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 03, 2016, 09:35:20 AM
>Yatta ! Ehm, *Ahem*, examine the behemoth, look to see if it is breathing or any signs that it can't do anything anymore.
>Claim your Exp and Yen rewards.
>If it's dead, what to do now ?

>You quietly rejoice, and observe the fallen behemoth. It does not seem to be moving, but it does seem to be disintegrating.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 03, 2016, 09:59:03 AM
>*FF6 Victory Theme*
>"So, what now ?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 03, 2016, 10:46:35 AM
>*FF6 Victory Theme*
>"So, what now ?"

>Oops I hitted the wrong one (;9)
>"That is an excellent question, Crown Prince," says Futo, as the various pains you've collected over the fight start demanding your attention.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 03, 2016, 12:07:48 PM
> Are we actually on the ground yet?
> Where is the behemoth's tail?
> Look upward at our compassions. Visually address any we can immediately see for injury and fatigue, then look to Futo specifically.
> "Mmm. Do you think you could find again the location where this creature was sealed?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 03, 2016, 07:00:33 PM
> Are we actually on the ground yet?
> Where is the behemoth's tail?
> Look upward at our compassions. Visually address any we can immediately see for injury and fatigue, then look to Futo specifically.
> "Mmm. Do you think you could find again the location where this creature was sealed?"

>Not yet. Being on the ground would be very nice, though.
>The tail is a little bit to your right, much of it is draped over a tree that wasn't hit hard enough to fall.
>Looking upward, you can see that Tojiko definitely is the worst of the three, she has been battered and burned. The others look varying degrees of battered, perhaps Futo is worse off?
>"Ah, I am not sure, Crown Prince," says Futo. "The energy that emanated from it most certainly came from that monster, I cannot say there would be anything left."

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 03, 2016, 07:49:37 PM
>Now, do we know anything about this thing or anything resembling it ? Maybe it's an Aragami
>We're exhausted as bad as Little Mac when he faced Mike Tyson, time to patch up and rest.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 03, 2016, 07:53:47 PM
> Keep a mental note of where that tail wound up, though. We don't want to lose track of that trap!
> "Most likely, yes. I admit I was hoping your observational skills in regards to the formation of the land would benefit such a search."
  Give a worried look in Tojiko's direction.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 03, 2016, 08:19:10 PM
Just as a heads-up, here is my personal post-battle to-do list that had been planned for a while now.

- Fret over injured friends (Tojiko especially now)
- Retrieve boar trap attached to behemoth's tail
- Find our way back to where the behemoth was originally located, somehow, and retrieve whatever it was guarding
- Head to Eientei to get patched up properly (and to check in on the civil unrest issue)
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 03, 2016, 08:48:47 PM
>Now, do we know anything about this thing or anything resembling it ? Maybe it's an Aragami
>We're exhausted as bad as Little Mac when he faced Mike Tyson, time to patch up and rest.

>You have no idea what this thing is. You might have thought it were a dragon, but it was much too bestial.
>Rest would be a good idea right now.

> Keep a mental note of where that tail wound up, though. We don't want to lose track of that trap!
> "Most likely, yes. I admit I was hoping your observational skills in regards to the formation of the land would benefit such a search."
  Give a worried look in Tojiko's direction.

>You make a note of where the tail is. A bit north of the wrecked trees.
>"Given a few minutes, perhaps I can find something," says Futo. "But, shouldn't we be a bit more worried about your condition, Crown Prince?"
>You look toward Tojiko. While she has definitely taken some damage, she handling herself reasonably well. Or at least giving the appearance of doing such.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 03, 2016, 08:59:36 PM
> "Not before we concern ourselves with the three of you. I have earned whatever has happened to me, through irresponsible curiosity and combat recklessness. Far more important is taking care of you all, who did not ask to be put in such danger."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 03, 2016, 09:05:55 PM
> "Not before we concern ourselves with the three of you. I have earned whatever has happened to me, through irresponsible curiosity and combat recklessness. Far more important is taking care of you all, who did not ask to be put in such danger."

>"I am afraid that is completely wrong, but this is hardly the time to argue," says Futo.
>"Getting a taste for heroism, are we Crown Prince?" Seiga calls, as she catches up with the two of you.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 03, 2016, 09:11:43 PM
> Fold out arms across our chest (without actually touching our torso - no need to re-aggravate those burns) and frown at Futo.
> "You have all already spent much of your lives fretting over me. Please let me return the sentiment once in a while."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 03, 2016, 09:20:45 PM
> Fold out arms across our chest (without actually touching our torso - no need to re-aggravate those burns) and frown at Futo.
> "You have all already spent much of your lives fretting over me. Please let me return the sentiment once in a while."

>You fold your arms as well as you are able, trying to ignore the aches that causes. Futo frowns and shakes her head. "Let us proceed rather than argue, Crown Prince," she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 03, 2016, 09:33:28 PM
> Tinge or own frown with a bit of sadness, then relax our arms.
> "Very well. I must retrieve the boar trap from the behemoth's tail, but once that is done, we should search for the original location of the behemoth's seal."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 03, 2016, 10:32:01 PM
> Tinge or own frown with a bit of sadness, then relax our arms.
> "Very well. I must retrieve the boar trap from the behemoth's tail, but once that is done, we should search for the original location of the behemoth's seal."

>"I could find the trap for you," says Seiga. "It should be easy enough."

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 03, 2016, 10:40:42 PM
> Nod.
> "Thank you. Please do, then."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 03, 2016, 11:19:17 PM
> Nod.
> "Thank you. Please do, then."

>Seiga nods, and makes her way downward.
>Tojiko join you as she does. "Crown Prince, I can't believe how reckless you were fighting!" she cries. "I don't think you even tried to dodge its shoulder, did you?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 03, 2016, 11:30:51 PM
> Look away a bit sheepishly.
> "I, ah, may have overestimated my abilities there."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 03, 2016, 11:34:39 PM
>"I just made the choices that seemed better to me, even if they had a high risk/reward rate, we pulled through with no casualties, that is what matters, now i'm busy caring about you guys, let's treat those wounds."
>Be glad my mindpartner is also a caring personality.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 03, 2016, 11:55:48 PM
> Look away a bit sheepishly.
> "I, ah, may have overestimated my abilities there."

>"I just made the choices that seemed better to me, even if they had a high risk/reward rate, we pulled through with no casualties, that is what matters, now i'm busy caring about you guys, let's treat those wounds."
>Be glad my mindpartner is also a caring personality.

>"Well try to dodge better next time, I was half-expecting to have to snatch you out of the air after the stupid thing knocked you out," says Tojiko.
>"I don't think we're too far from it," says Futo, looking downward and frowning.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 04, 2016, 12:06:58 AM
> Look to Tojiko with a sad smile. "My apologies for worrying you, my dear. I will use better discretion in the future."
> Look to Futo and perk up a bit. "Truly? How fortuitous."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 04, 2016, 12:33:36 AM
>"Where shall we head towards, good friend ? And how much time it will consume for us to arrive at our destination ?"

I'm not as good as Kilga on this kind of formality.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 04, 2016, 12:39:16 AM
> Look to Tojiko with a sad smile. "My apologies for worrying you, my dear. I will use better discretion in the future."
> Look to Futo and perk up a bit. "Truly? How fortuitous."

>"Thank you," says Tojiko, her expression softening a little.
>"If I am not mistaken," Futo says with a nod. "We haven't strayed too very far from where the disk was located."

>"Where shall we head towards, good friend ? And how much time it will consume for us to arrive at our destination ?"

>"Not long," says Futo. "I believe it is over there."
>She points southeast, not too far from where the Behemoth landed.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 04, 2016, 12:46:54 AM
>"Then together, we ride onwards to the beast's prison."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 04, 2016, 12:50:08 AM
> "Let us be off as soon as Seiga retrieves the boar trap."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 04, 2016, 01:04:33 AM
>"Then together, we ride onwards to the beast's prison."

> "Let us be off as soon as Seiga retrieves the boar trap."

>"If we're going to wait, perhaps she should do so from the ground?" says Futo. "To be frank, Crown Prince, you look awful."

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 04, 2016, 01:23:08 AM
> Grimace.
> "I could do with the rest, yes."
> Land and rest.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 04, 2016, 01:39:05 AM
>Do we have any healing spells ? What about our companions ?
>Any medical items of use ? Bandages, ointments, natural bee honey, you name it.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 04, 2016, 02:45:38 AM
> Grimace.
> "I could do with the rest, yes."
> Land and rest.

>Do we have any healing spells ? What about our companions ?
>Any medical items of use ? Bandages, ointments, natural bee honey, you name it.

>You do not have any restoratives.
>You descend, Futo leading you in the general direction she believes that the behemoth's point of origin lies. Descending into the darkened trees and touching on the cool grass, you practically fall to your feet, then nearly fall to the ground as your legs struggle to support you. Futo and Tojiko steady you.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 04, 2016, 03:38:26 AM
> "Ah...thank you..."
> Use our sword as support as well. There's a time for dignity and a time for functionality.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 04, 2016, 04:13:28 AM
> "Ah...thank you..."
> Use our sword as support as well. There's a time for dignity and a time for functionality.

>You lean on your sword, which you have to do carefully to minimize the aches this brings to your torso.
>"I don't suppose either of you might happen to know what that was?" Tojiko says, glancing back toward the behemoth. You can just see it through the underbrush now, less a corpse and more an interestingly-shaped pile of ash.
>Futo shakes her head. "I cannot say. It was definitely a thing of energy rather than flesh, whatever its appearance. It bled out such when the Crown Prince pierced its hide."

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 04, 2016, 04:16:45 AM
> "Yes, it was definitely some sort of construct, rather than a sentient being. This makes me suspect it was not sealed away, but put in place to protect something."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 04, 2016, 04:28:35 AM
> "Yes, it was definitely some sort of construct, rather than a sentient being. This makes me suspect it was not sealed away, but put in place to protect something."

>"Do you think it had anything like a will?" says Futo.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 04, 2016, 04:36:05 AM
> "I am...not entirely sure. It operated on something a little bit less than instincts."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 04, 2016, 04:42:00 AM
> "I am...not entirely sure. It operated on something a little bit less than instincts."

>"It struck me as angry," says Tojiko.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 04, 2016, 04:53:06 AM
> "There were definitely desires to destroy and to lash out at anything and everything, yes. There was also a desire to find something, something critically important to itself, though what that could have been escaped me."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 04, 2016, 05:17:12 AM
> "There were definitely desires to destroy and to lash out at anything and everything, yes. There was also a desire to find something, something critically important to itself, though what that could have been escaped me."

>"Hm," says Futo. "That's very strange. It certainly didn't act as though it were seeking anything."
>"Perhaps it was simply hoping to come across it?" says Tojiko.
>As Tojiko speaks, Seiga lands nearby, her arms full.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 04, 2016, 05:22:09 AM
> "Ah."
> Take a look over to see what she has. Hopefully it's the boar trap!
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 04, 2016, 06:11:32 AM
> "Ah."
> Take a look over to see what she has. Hopefully it's the boar trap!

>One of the things she has in indeed the Steel Trap, which she drops on the ground to lighten her load. "Firstly," she says, "Here your trap, Crown Prince. It was lodge in a tree."
>She then presents the other thing she was carrying, a horn nearly as long as your leg. You immediately recognize it as one of the behemoth's, having dodhed around them a few times. "Secondly," she continues, "It seems that at least a couple of these have not dissolved into ash with the rest of its corpse."
>Seiga then quickly places the horn into some nearby brush, "Thirdly," she says as she straightens back up, "We have some-"
>"What the heck do you idiots think you're doing!?" comes the voice of Reimu from above, causing Futo to jump. Looking upward, you can see the shrine maiden flying over the tree line, glaring down at you with talismans in one hand and her gohei in the other.
>"-company..." Seiga finishes, frowning.
>Dinner has been pleasant, all in all. Kotohime has all but demanded that she cover the bill, and has urged you to eat generously as a reward for bringing a dangerous criminal to justice. The pub has been lively, but slowly quieting down as the two of you dine and talk about idle thing. Kotohime, over a sizable bowl of udon, talks animatedly about whatever seems to pop into her mind; objectss in her collection, day to day happenings she's observed in town, a bit of gossip about some of the people she deals with. She jumps from topic to topic in a manner you could have previously thought only of Yuyuko. However, whereas Yuyuko changes subjects general to make subtle points and allusions, it seems that Kotohime is just a bit scatter-brained. Or perhaps she simply has deeper memory issues than it might seem? Generally, it seems she can be coaxed back onto the original topic, but other times her train of thought derails entirely.
>Still, you've learned a few things. Collecting definitely seems to be near and dear to her heart. Perhaps greed plays some role in it, but she seems to take joy out of completing patterns that only she understands, having full sets and such. You haven't been able to detect a mean or spiteful thing in anything she's said. She seems to be fascinated by animals, but also uncomfortable in dealing with them for more than a few minutes. From what you can gather, she has lived in that bunker for nearly a year, and before that lived in a small shack near the edge of the farmlands. She claims to have defended them from faeries, but you suspect that is more incidental than anything.
>Dinner is nearing its end, or at least you have both finished your meals. You suppose there's no particular reason to finish it at the moment. Kotohime has taken to looking out of the window, and worrying at her sleeve with more and more frequency.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 04, 2016, 09:09:49 AM
Oh shit, a change of PCs, what do i do ?
*Gears in the head spinning*
>"What's the matter ? Is something disturbing you ?
>This conciousness part asks the parser (GM) to clarify who was the dangerous criminal.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 04, 2016, 09:42:02 AM
>"What's the matter ? Is something disturbing you ?
>This conciousness part asks the parser (GM) to clarify who was the dangerous criminal.

>"Huh?" Kotohime says.
>You presume she is talking about Meira, whom you stopped earlier today in a fairly vicious duel from engaging in a rather complicated plan hatched by independently Seiga to install her as a unifying ruler of Gensokyo's human population.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 04, 2016, 09:56:43 AM
(Thank you)
>"You seem worried about something, and you are looking through the window a lot, are you ok ?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 04, 2016, 10:02:23 AM
>"You seem worried about something, and you are looking through the window a lot, are you ok ?"

>"Oh," she says, frowning a bit. "Maybe just a bit nervous."


Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 04, 2016, 12:23:27 PM
Starlighthawk: I know it's a lot of reading, but given the switch, it might be a good idea to read the entire game from the beginning, to catch up on exactly what's going on. It's not really possible to summarize quickly, too much has happened.

> "You seemed very nervous earlier as well, as I recall."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 04, 2016, 04:28:45 PM
To Kilgamayan:
Ok, i'll make sure to read them, but i'll continue to try and progress the story. (Short Version, long one didn't go through due to lack of signal)

>"Both of us have finished our meals, so you just need to pay the bill (we'd better let her pay like she demanded) and, we'll be free to go. What exactly is troubling you, may i ask ?"
>Check the pub.
>What time is it exactly anyway ?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 04, 2016, 07:17:08 PM
> "You seemed very nervous earlier as well, as I recall."

>Kotohime chuckles, worrying at her sleeve some more. "You think so?"

>"Both of us have finished our meals, so you just need to pay the bill (we'd better let her pay like she demanded) and, we'll be free to go. What exactly is troubling you, may i ask ?"
>Check the pub.
>What time is it exactly anyway ?

>"Oh, you're ready to go?" she says. She reaches into her kimono and produces a small coin pouch, and starts to count out the bill.
>Looking around, there's no one who stands out much, aside from the person running the place.
>It's early evening, past sunset.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 04, 2016, 07:46:35 PM
> "Yes, I would not like to bother the residents of the bamboo forest too late."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 04, 2016, 07:55:45 PM
> "Yes, I would not like to bother the residents of the bamboo forest too late."

>"What's taking you there?" says Kotohime, as she sets the money on the counter.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 04, 2016, 07:59:28 PM
> "I would like to see if an earlier dispute there has been resolved."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 04, 2016, 08:02:44 PM
> "I would like to see if an earlier dispute there has been resolved."

>She puts away her coin purse, and you get the idea that she is doing the thing where she hasn't heard you again.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 04, 2016, 08:31:27 PM
> "I would like to visit some friends."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 04, 2016, 08:34:37 PM
>Await reply.(Just checking the thread, and Kilga got here before i could finiah this post)

Reading first one, now i kinda know that:
Kilgamayan is bound by soul to this.
Sivrup is colorblind.
Stuffman was more active back then.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 04, 2016, 08:39:38 PM
PurpleQuest changes a man.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 04, 2016, 08:43:19 PM
PurpleQuest changes a man.
And seems SilverQuest will have the same fate, i wanted Letty :(
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 04, 2016, 09:40:53 PM
> "I would like to visit some friends."

>She doesn't seem to hear you at all, as she straightens her kimono.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 04, 2016, 10:07:49 PM
> "Just personal business."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 04, 2016, 10:10:05 PM
Beaten again....
>Can't think of anything now, leave the job to Kilgamayan.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 04, 2016, 10:15:15 PM
> "Just personal business."

>"Huh?" she says, looking up at you again.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 04, 2016, 10:57:11 PM
Yeah, I tend to be really quick on the draw for this game, Miko's a huge favorite and I've been waiting for a Youmu game for a long time as well.

> "You asked why I was traveling there?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 04, 2016, 11:00:04 PM
OOC Action: Throw down phone in rage saying: "Goddamnit ! He/She is too fast !
Although i understand, if someone made one on Flandre i'd probably be first on spot.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 04, 2016, 11:15:00 PM
> "You asked why I was traveling there?"

>The money is collected without a word.
>"Ah, sorry," she says. "I suppose I lost track..."

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 04, 2016, 11:36:45 PM
>"No worries, i was saying that i'd be going to the bamboo forest to see if a dispute that happened earlier there had already been solved."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 04, 2016, 11:49:13 PM
>"No worries, i was saying that i'd be going to the bamboo forest to see if a dispute that happened earlier there had already been solved."

>Her expression goes blank again.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 05, 2016, 12:27:35 AM
> Shrug.
> "Would you like to join me on my trip?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 05, 2016, 12:37:12 AM
> Shrug.
> "Would you like to join me on my trip?"

>Her expression remains blank, but there's something different about it. She seems tense.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 05, 2016, 12:39:11 AM
> "Uh...if you don't want to go, you don't have to."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 05, 2016, 01:04:28 AM
> "Uh...if you don't want to go, you don't have to."

>She still seems tense while looking at you blankly.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 05, 2016, 01:10:32 AM
> "Hey, are you okay?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 05, 2016, 01:28:23 AM
> "Hey, are you okay?"

>She starts a little. "I'm fine!" Then she frowns slightly. "Well...maybe a little tense, I don't know why..."

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 05, 2016, 01:54:30 AM
> "Yeah, I can tell..."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 05, 2016, 01:55:55 AM
>"Now i'm really concerned about your safety, i can't do my affairs while my friend is feeling odd. When did you start feeling tense ?

Finished Chapter I :
Goddamnit Kilga ! Why bring up Yukari ? Even i know that she emanates trouble aura and that most people dislike her. I got so pissed.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 05, 2016, 02:44:48 AM
> "Yeah, I can tell..."

>She chuckles nervously, looking away.

>"Now i'm really concerned about your safety, i can't do my affairs while my friend is feeling odd. When did you start feeling tense ?

>"Just a moment ago, I guess," she says, her voice uncertain.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 05, 2016, 02:55:19 AM
I'm not putting the Eientei trip off for this. Kotohime acting funny has been a notable plot point for the past six or seven threads; part of the reason I want to go there is to drag her with us, but she refuses to believe there's anything wrong with her, so a different approach is necessary.

> "I, uh, think I may know why."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 05, 2016, 03:39:04 AM
> "I, uh, think I may know why."

>"Yeah?" she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 05, 2016, 03:42:28 AM
> "I said something that I think part of you heard and part of you didn't, if that makes sense."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 05, 2016, 03:55:51 AM
> "I said something that I think part of you heard and part of you didn't, if that makes sense."

>"Not really, no," she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 05, 2016, 04:16:12 AM
> "It's the zone-out thing again."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 05, 2016, 04:43:02 AM
> "It's the zone-out thing again."

>"You think so?" she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 05, 2016, 04:52:26 AM
> Nod.
> "I said something I figured might get no reaction, but the way you suddenly started tensing's like only your subconscious heard what I said."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 05, 2016, 05:01:36 AM
> Nod.
> "I said something I figured might get no reaction, but the way you suddenly started tensing's like only your subconscious heard what I said."

>She frowns, but doesn't say anything. She doesn't seem to be giving you a blank look, though.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 05, 2016, 05:29:28 AM
> "This is mostly a guess based on what I have seen, though. And I imagine you are very skeptical."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 05, 2016, 06:10:38 AM
> "This is mostly a guess based on what I have seen, though. And I imagine you are very skeptical."

>"I was trying not to be impolite," she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 05, 2016, 06:21:16 AM
> "And, irritatingly enough, any suggestions I have had have been blanked, most likely because of the person involved."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 05, 2016, 07:37:00 AM
> "And, irritatingly enough, any suggestions I have had have been blanked, most likely because of the person involved."

>"I suppose..." says Kotohime, her voice unsteady.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 05, 2016, 01:38:09 PM
> "So... I'm not really sure what to do. I do think you should come with me, though."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 05, 2016, 07:24:44 PM
> "So... I'm not really sure what to do. I do think you should come with me, though."

>Kotohime visible tenses up again. "I'd like to come with you, yeah..."

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 05, 2016, 07:46:14 PM
> Nod.
> "Very well. Is there anything else you wish to do here, or shall we be off?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 05, 2016, 08:28:33 PM
> Nod.
> "Very well. Is there anything else you wish to do here, or shall we be off?"

>"I suppose," says Kotohime.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 05, 2016, 08:37:15 PM
> "Let us be off, then."
> Stand up, thank Tenshi (or whoever is still here) for the food, and head outside.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 05, 2016, 09:02:16 PM
> "Let us be off, then."
> Stand up, thank Tenshi (or whoever is still here) for the food, and head outside.

>Tenshi is indeed still here; she just collected the money. However, she barely notices your thanks, as she is presently dealing with a group of farmers looking for their next round.
>You head outside. It is a lovely night out, cool and clear. Most interesting, however, is a flash of light in the horizon to the southeast.


Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 05, 2016, 10:41:47 PM
> What is in that direction?
> Point at it.
> "Hey, what's that?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 06, 2016, 12:43:01 AM
> What is in that direction?
> Point at it.
> "Hey, what's that?"

>Youkai Mountain.
>You point, The flare of light is fading, but you can still make out some faint points of purple light.
>"I don't know," says Kotohime, "But I'm not sure its legal."

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 06, 2016, 12:55:10 AM
> "Huh. Are you thinking you need to investigate?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 06, 2016, 01:06:05 AM
> "Huh. Are you thinking you need to investigate?"

>"On one hand, it's pretty far away," says Kotohime. "On the other, the law doesn't know distance... It's too quiet for fireworks."

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 06, 2016, 01:45:32 AM
> Have we seen danmaku like that before?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 06, 2016, 02:08:33 AM
> Have we seen danmaku like that before?

>You have not.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 06, 2016, 02:09:57 AM
> "It definitely does not look like danmaku, either."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 06, 2016, 02:29:02 AM
> "It definitely does not look like danmaku, either."

>"Or fireworks."


Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 06, 2016, 02:44:54 AM
> "...I guess I could put off that other business if you want to investigate this first."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 06, 2016, 04:00:38 AM
> "...I guess I could put off that other business if you want to investigate this first."

>"It's not that you have to,but I think someone has to look into it," Kotohime says, seeming remarkable upbeat compared to a few moments ago.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 06, 2016, 04:05:49 AM
> "I guess I probably should. It is partly my fault that Reimu is busy in the Netherworld right now. This is the least I can do for her in return."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 06, 2016, 04:29:06 AM
> "I guess I probably should. It is partly my fault that Reimu is busy in the Netherworld right now. This is the least I can do for her in return."

>"I don't think it's your fault," says Kotohime. "I mean, you did get robbed, right?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 06, 2016, 04:38:14 AM
> "Oh, I am not certainly not taking a lot of the blame. But there were perhaps things I could have done differently today. Regardless, shall we investigate that light?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 06, 2016, 05:19:54 AM
> "Oh, I am not certainly not taking a lot of the blame. But there were perhaps things I could have done differently today. Regardless, shall we investigate that light?"

>"Yeah, let's go!" says Kotohime.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 06, 2016, 02:18:01 PM
> Take flight and head toward the light.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 06, 2016, 05:05:56 PM
Occasional Check:
>Were there only those purple lights ? No other colors ?
>How long will it take to get to Youkai Mountain from our current location ?

OOC Note: Finished Chapter 2, my compliments towards Sivrup, i'm really enjoying the reading. And if i may, why do all Chapter Threads end with 34 pages ? Is it some kind of tradition of sorts ?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 06, 2016, 05:27:47 PM
Threads close at 1000 posts per half-tradition half-website-functionality-reasons.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 06, 2016, 06:44:04 PM
> Take flight and head toward the light.

>Were there only those purple lights ? No other colors ?
>How long will it take to get to Youkai Mountain from our current location ?

>You head toward the light.
>You think the initial burst might have been something different?
>It will take you some minutes, it depends on how fast Kotohime can be.
>As you travel over the fields outside of town, you note more purple lights opening, some of them long lines, others little motes, that seems to happen in random spots. Here and there is the flash of distant danmaku. As you reach the tree line, you start to notice that some of the lights dim, and can start to make out some kind of immense winged serpentine shape in the air. Kotohime definitely seems wary of this, but she presses onward.
>As you close in, you can make out a few figures moving and fighting with the beast. Much of its light is gone, and it continues to fade, until it falls out of the air.
>Kotohime stops. "Oh," she says, "Guess we were too late."

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 06, 2016, 07:42:19 PM
> "I wonder what that thing was. I am pretty sure I have never seen such a creature in Gensokyo before."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 06, 2016, 08:05:18 PM
> "I wonder what that thing was. I am pretty sure I have never seen such a creature in Gensokyo before."

>"I have no idea," says Kotohime. "Do you think it was a dragon?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 06, 2016, 08:49:51 PM
> "Maybe? It appears to have lost whatever combat took place, though, so I'm not too sure."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 06, 2016, 09:05:03 PM
>Are the figures still there ? Or have they went away or landed ?
>How many figures are there ?
>Approach to investigate the creature, be wary for any hostility towards us.

Also finished Chapter 3: Now i know that Kilgamayan has a thing for cloaks, and just now noticed his/her avatar is Miko (Don't complain about the slow processing of my brain, i just didn't allocate enough to notice).
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 06, 2016, 09:08:17 PM
Oh shoot, thank you for the reminder that perspective switch comes with profile switch.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 06, 2016, 09:20:33 PM
> "Maybe? It appears to have lost whatever combat took place, though, so I'm not too sure."

>"Yeah," says Kotohime. "I wonder why a dragon would be committing crimes?"

>Are the figures still there ? Or have they went away or landed ?
>How many figures are there ?
>Approach to investigate the creature, be wary for any hostility towards us.

>Hard to tell at this distance, without the danmaku lighting them.
>You are sure there are at least 3.
>You continue your approach,closing the last few minutes of distance. Below, you can see where a sizable section of trees have been leveled and the corpse of the thing lies, if it can be called that. Rather, it seems to be more like a like of ash or dirt laid out in line. You don't see the others anywhere nearby.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 06, 2016, 09:30:56 PM
> Descend and investigate the ashen corpse.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 06, 2016, 11:45:28 PM
> Descend and investigate the ashen corpse.

>You descend.
>Getting a better look at it, calling it ash is not quite correct. Rather, it is more like burnt remaints of something, scraps of ashy substance like an ashen confetti, it looks quite delicate to touch. You imagine that if you landed on it, you would sink to the bottom of the pile, which seems to be about waist deep. A feeling that is somewhat akin to death hangs around it. It is not precisely that something died, but rather that something was destroyed before, or perhaps after, it was truly alive. You aren't sure, it's a very puzzling feeling.
>"Looks kind of messy," Kotohime says, "I wonder if I have a spare bag...?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 06, 2016, 11:55:53 PM
> "Hmm...something is curious here."
> Gesture toward the remains.
> "Feel free to examine that...stuff, whatever it is. Try not to make a mess, though. I'm going to see if I can get the attention of whoever was here. I want to know what happened."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 07, 2016, 12:05:34 AM
> "Hmm...something is curious here."
> Gesture toward the remains.
> "Feel free to examine that...stuff, whatever it is. Try not to make a mess, though. I'm going to see if I can get the attention of whoever was here. I want to know what happened."

>Kotohime lands near the remnants and reaches into it. "It feels like beetle shells...oh, very smudgy. I wonder if you could use it for ink? Ah, it crumbles! Do you think it's poisonous?""
>She doesn't seem to be in much danger, at least.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 07, 2016, 12:26:58 AM
>Look around for any signs of a person, if no one is on sight, try shouting or flying up to get a better FOV.
>From which direction did we come from ? Are there any points of interest to the other directions the people fighting could have gone ? Like a Shrine or a Clinic or a house or anything.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 07, 2016, 12:29:30 AM
> Internally facepalm.
> "I would not recommend eating it. Be careful of your ears as I shout."


> Incorporate the stuff from the above post into these commands.

> Head back up a bit so we are at least a fair amount above the treeline, then loudly call out into the night.
> "Hello? Is anyone out here?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 07, 2016, 12:59:39 AM
> Internally facepalm.
> "I would not recommend eating it. Be careful of your ears as I shout."

> Incorporate the stuff from the above post into these commands.

> Head back up a bit so we are at least a fair amount above the treeline, then loudly call out into the night.
> "Hello? Is anyone out here?"

>Look around for any signs of a person, if no one is on sight, try shouting or flying up to get a better FOV.
>From which direction did we come from ? Are there any points of interest to the other directions the people fighting could have gone ? Like a Shrine or a Clinic or a house or anything.

>"Oh, I meant to touch, or breathe in," say Kotohime. "Ah, but one could brew a tea with this, no?"
>You look around, and think you see something like footprints a little ways ahead. You think you can also hear voices, just faintly in the forest.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 07, 2016, 01:25:15 AM
> "I would not recommend that either. I am going to follow these footprints. Don't wander off."
> Follow those footprints!
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 07, 2016, 01:36:32 AM
>How many footprints trails are there ?
>How well can Kotohime fare on a battle alone ?
>Can we hear the voices well enough so that we can tell what are they saying or who are they as we get closer ?
>As a trivial thought, have we ever found something our Youkai-forged blade can't cut ?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 07, 2016, 02:06:02 AM
> "I would not recommend that either. I am going to follow these footprints. Don't wander off."
> Follow those footprints!

>"I'll stay here," she says, "Don't go off too far, okay?"
>The footprints don't really seem to lead anywhere, but suggest that someone was poking around nearby.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 07, 2016, 02:17:09 AM
> "Bah, these don't seem to go anywhere."
> Follow those voices, then.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 07, 2016, 03:41:26 AM
> "Bah, these don't seem to go anywhere."
> Follow those voices, then.

>"I wonder if I could make paint out of this..." Kotohime says, not really seeming to have heard you.
>You push into the forest a bit, visibly going down noticably under the forest canopy. You follow them, and can soon just make out a voice, you are certain it is Reimu's.
>"So, you're telling me that thing came out of some little circle?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 07, 2016, 03:42:34 AM
> Call out.
> "Reimu?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 07, 2016, 05:02:05 AM
> Call out.
> "Reimu?"

>You now possess control of both Youmu and Miko. Please preface all actions and sentences with the name of the relevant character. You may summarize interactions between them as briefly or thoroughly as you please. Keep in mind that they cannot read each others' minds (Youmu lacks a desire, which throws things), so coordination will have to be arranged verbally or through gestures or the like. Also please keep in mind that both have their own goals and motivations, and may not perfectly align with every action. You may freely split them up when you please, upon which things shall continue as before.
>Miko: You are very sore, and have taken to sitting down while trying to explain what happened to Reimu, who was understandably quite angry, but quickly calmed when she saw how badly you and the others have been hurt. You have somewhat wanted to protest being forced to explain things rather than seeking out assistance, but frankly the rest has done you and your followers some good. Reimu has also helpfully provided some tea from a heat-retaining bottle that she was carrying, and evne though it's a bit lukewarm,having something to drink helps.
>"Huh, who's there?" Reimu calls, glancing over.
>Youmu: Yeah, that's Reimu.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: the old guy on February 07, 2016, 05:08:32 AM
>Youmu: do we see anyone else other than reimu?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 07, 2016, 05:11:36 AM
> Miko: How suspicious has Reimu been of the fact that Seiga is currently with us?
> Miko: Do we hear who else is talking? Perk up and look in the direction of the voice if so.

> Youmu: "It's just me. Kotohime's looking over whatever the heck that mess is."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 07, 2016, 05:37:31 AM
>Youmu: do we see anyone else other than reimu?

>You do not really see anyone. it is dark in a forest.

> Miko: How suspicious has Reimu been of the fact that Seiga is currently with us?
> Miko: Do we hear who else is talking? Perk up and look in the direction of the voice if so.

> Youmu: "It's just me. Kotohime's looking over whatever the heck that mess is."

>Miko: She hasn't said anything, but there have been some looks in her direction. Seiga has behaved and been quiet, thus far, but now you notice her expression has darkened considerably.
>Miko: No one else, right now.
>Reimu says, "Just me who? Is that Youmu?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 07, 2016, 05:40:22 AM
Changing profile layout back for the Crown Prince's special day.

> Youmu: "Yes!"
> Miko: Put on a look of mild shock, and glance over at Seiga again.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 07, 2016, 06:05:06 AM
> Youmu: "Yes!"
> Miko: Put on a look of mild shock, and glance over at Seiga again.

>"Why're you hiding in the bushes?" Reimu says.
>Miko: Seiga does not look pleased at all, and gives you a meaningful look.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 07, 2016, 08:44:33 AM
>"I'm not hiding, i was just following the footsteps while investigating this.... thing, so who's there with you ?"
>Approach without punishing the vegetation, plants are also living beings.

>Is Seiga trying to do something right now ? Can you hear any strong desires through the earmuffs from her ?
>Is our cloak still in great shape ?

Since we have control of both characters, shouldn't you put a profile avatar of both ? And i'll try to not make too many Miko Commands since i'm not well at being regal. :V
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 07, 2016, 10:37:22 AM
>"I'm not hiding, i was just following the footsteps while investigating this.... thing, so who's there with you ?"
>Approach without punishing the vegetation, plants are also living beings.

>Is Seiga trying to do something right now ? Can you hear any strong desires through the earmuffs from her ?
>Is our cloak still in great shape ?

>Youmu: make your way toward Reimu's voice, and find she is meeting with the Taoists. You aren't as surprised as you ought to be, really. However, you quickly notice Seiga.
>MIko: Seiga isn't doing anything other than standing there as she was. It would take a moment to isolate out her desires enough to make any sense of them. Your cloak is still in good condition.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 07, 2016, 12:48:36 PM
> Youmu: "Ah."
> Youmu: How do they look?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 07, 2016, 01:43:34 PM
>We lack desire correct ? So we probably won't be doing Seiga Sushi now, although she kinda deserves it.
>"So anyone mind telling what happened here ? Even with all that has happened it isn't normal to have a beast like that flying around."

>Attempt to explain again what happened and about the behemoth.
>How are our injuries doing ? What about those of our companions ?
>If they seem interested, tell them about the place the beast came from, and ask if they are willing to investigate, we aren't in shape to do so.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 07, 2016, 09:01:20 PM
> Youmu: "Ah."
> Youmu: How do they look?

>Reimu aside, they all look rather beat up, particularly Miko.

>We lack desire correct ? So we probably won't be doing Seiga Sushi now, although she kinda deserves it.
>"So anyone mind telling what happened here ? Even with all that has happened it isn't normal to have a beast like that flying around."

>Attempt to explain again what happened and about the behemoth.
>How are our injuries doing ? What about those of our companions ?
>If they seem interested, tell them about the place the beast came from, and ask if they are willing to investigate, we aren't in shape to do so.

>Youmu: Your inventory contains:
>Green Dress
>A dress heavy enough to keep you warm, and light enough to allow you freedom of movement.
>Black Hairband
>It has a cute ribbon!
>A katana forged by youkai, designed specifically to affect spirits and other intangible things.
>A wakazashi that has passed through your family for generations; it can cut through confusion.
>Pruning Scissors
>For clipping and trimming plants.
>This is 52☼
>Wooden Box
>It contained several gifts from the oni you defeated
>Aged Scroll
>A scroll depicting a sword technique of some kind. Very valuable!
>Sapphire x3
>A valuable jewel
>Carnelian x3
>A precious gem.
>Youmu: You lack one of the ten desires. You have been quite eager for revenge, honestly, as much of the irritation you've been put through today is Seiga's fault. But arrangements have been made.
>Miko: You are better for the rest, but now that the excitement from the fight has worn away, you are quite miserable.
>Miko: You summarize what has happened again. Reimu is kind enough to add some corroboration on the parts that she understands.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 07, 2016, 09:49:49 PM
> Youmu: Offer up the details of the sensation of death-ish whatever-that-was we felt from the corpse.
> Both: Take our own knowledge and combine it with the knowledge the other had provided, and see what we can conclude about the true nature of the creature.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 07, 2016, 10:18:25 PM
> Youmu: Offer up the details of the sensation of death-ish whatever-that-was we felt from the corpse.
> Both: Take our own knowledge and combine it with the knowledge the other had provided, and see what we can conclude about the true nature of the creature.

>Youmu: You offer a bit more information.
>As for what the two of you conclude, only you can say that. It hasn't brought any particularly new information to light that hasn't already been shared.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 07, 2016, 11:08:37 PM
> Miko: So this information doesn't tell us anything new and interesting?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 07, 2016, 11:19:17 PM
> Miko: So this information doesn't tell us anything new and interesting?

>You assume that means it has met its end. This isn't precisely news, nor does it clear up much about its nature. You suppose it scratches off that this was an actual proper youkai, for lack of a better term, but you really had already tossed that possibility aside. If there are further conclusions to be drawn, they aren't so obvious as to be automatically reached, and will require player input.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 07, 2016, 11:39:09 PM
> Miko: Shake head. "This simply sounds more as though my theory about the nature of the behemoth is correct, and that it is important we relocate where it was sealed."
> Miko: Look to Reimu. "Is this permissible?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 08, 2016, 12:52:12 AM
> Miko: Shake head. "This simply sounds more as though my theory about the nature of the behemoth is correct, and that it is important we relocate where it was sealed."
> Miko: Look to Reimu. "Is this permissible?"

>Reimu nods. "Sure, if you want. Might as well before Marisa finds it, anyways."

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 08, 2016, 12:55:18 AM
> Miko: Look to Youmu. "Will you be joining us as well?"
> Youmu: Shrug. "Might as well. That pile of ash will probably keep Kotohime occupied for a while."
> Miko: Nod. "Very well." Look to Futo. "Please, continue."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 08, 2016, 01:19:28 AM
> Miko: Look to Youmu. "Will you be joining us as well?"
> Youmu: Shrug. "Might as well. That pile of ash will probably keep Kotohime occupied for a while."
> Miko: Nod. "Very well." Look to Futo. "Please, continue."

>Futo nods to you, and says, "I believe it's this way."
>The group follows Futo as she makes her way further into the forest.
>Youmu: You note that Seiga is staying toward the rear of the group, off from Miko's side. You can practically feel her glaring a hole into you.
>Things proceed more or less peacefully, despite some tension in the air. Within a few minutes, you come to a place that has clearly experienced some turmoil. The underbrush has been blasted and torn, as if a small localized typhoon has passed through, fallen branches litter the ground. The metallic circle is plainly obvious to see now.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 08, 2016, 01:31:35 AM
> Youmu: "Huh. Is that thing it?"
> Miko: Smile. "Well done, Futo."
> Miko: Hobble our way toward the metal circle and have another look.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 08, 2016, 01:57:05 AM
> Youmu: "Huh. Is that thing it?"
> Miko: Smile. "Well done, Futo."
> Miko: Hobble our way toward the metal circle and have another look.

>"Geez," says Reimu, looking around. "Wasn't really all that subtle, was it?"
>Miko, you make your way toward the circle, and find that it is essentially a disk set into the ground. You can see where the key was placed, it seems to have fused into the surrounding metal. Now that you can see the linework better, you can recognize them as onmyoudo geometries. This was set to be a seal for a considerable amount of impure power.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 08, 2016, 02:06:05 AM
> Miko: Frown. "Perhaps I was mistaken. This seems to have been intended as a seal after all."
> Youmu: Have a look at the thing if we can see it from where we are.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 08, 2016, 02:21:20 AM
> Miko: Frown. "Perhaps I was mistaken. This seems to have been intended as a seal after all."
> Youmu: Have a look at the thing if we can see it from where we are.

>Youmu: You go to get a look at the disk, just about everyone is crowding around it now. Staring at it, it seems to be etched with a number of lines making all sorts of patterns. It doesn't really mean anything to you.
>"That's a seal, alright," says Reimu. "A pretty big one, too."
>"Hardly a surprise, all told," says Seiga. "Though I did hope to find a little treasure."

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 08, 2016, 02:28:21 AM
> Youmu: Who is physically stronger, ourselves or Reimu?
> Youmu: "Would there be anything else below it?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 08, 2016, 02:43:30 AM
> Youmu: Who is physically stronger, ourselves or Reimu?
> Youmu: "Would there be anything else below it?"

>Youmu: You imagine you are stronger, but Reimu is a bit taller, which may allow her more leverage depending on the situation.
>"I would imagine not," says Futo. "One would not wish to hide treasures under such a seal."
>"At least not treasures you'd want to be found," Reimu says, still looking at the plate.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 08, 2016, 02:49:01 AM
> Youmu: "So what are you going to do with this, then, if it's just some big metal disc?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 08, 2016, 02:50:07 AM
> Youmu: "So what are you going to do with this, then, if it's just some big metal disc?"

>Reimu shrugs. "Not much you can do with it, from what I can tell."

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 08, 2016, 02:54:02 AM
> Miko: Is there anything we could do with this disc?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 08, 2016, 03:27:08 AM
> Miko: Is there anything we could do with this disc?

>You really aren't certain. As it stands, the seal is wide open, and you would need to work out how to remove the key again to make it useful again. There may be more creative uses for it, but you would need time to consider them.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 08, 2016, 03:43:26 AM
> Miko: Sigh dejectedly.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 08, 2016, 04:19:32 AM
> Miko: Sigh dejectedly.

>"At least we did a good deed, Crown Prince," says Tojiko.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 08, 2016, 04:22:18 AM
> Miko: "I suppose that is true."
> Youmu: Look to Seiga, then Reimu, then Miko. Try to do this with as little head movement as possible, darting our eyes around instead.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 08, 2016, 05:40:16 AM
> Miko: "I suppose that is true."
> Youmu: Look to Seiga, then Reimu, then Miko. Try to do this with as little head movement as possible, darting our eyes around instead.

>Youmu: Reimu doesn't seem to notice your gesture, instead looking elsewhere. Seiga notices, you can tell as her eyes narrow slightly, but she does her best not to acknowledge you.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 08, 2016, 05:44:22 AM
> Youmu: "Does that mean we're all done here?"
> Miko: "It seems so, unless anyone wishes to take the metal disc as a souvenir of sorts."

We're not actually done with anyone yet, there's still stuff I want to say with both characters.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 08, 2016, 06:01:53 AM
> Youmu: "Does that mean we're all done here?"
> Miko: "It seems so, unless anyone wishes to take the metal disc as a souvenir of sorts."

>"If you guys are willing to carry the dumb thing," says Reimu. "Which I'll say is a real bad idea right now."

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 08, 2016, 06:07:00 AM
> Miko: "I am not really in a condition to do such a thing right now."
> Youmu: "Is it a good idea to leave it unattended, though?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 08, 2016, 06:14:02 AM
> Miko: "I am not really in a condition to do such a thing right now."
> Youmu: "Is it a good idea to leave it unattended, though?"

>"It's just an empty seal now, now," says Reimu. "I don't even think it can be reset anymore."

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 08, 2016, 06:18:47 AM
> Youmu: "All right. You know more about this than me, so I'll take your word for it. Since this seems under control, Kotohime and I are going to head to Eientei."
> Youmu: Look over the Taoists and frown a bit.
> Youmu: "...You all might want to pay them a visit yourself, come to think of it. They could probably patch you up."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 08, 2016, 09:32:38 AM
> Youmu: "All right. You know more about this than me, so I'll take your word for it. Since this seems under control, Kotohime and I are going to head to Eientei."
> Youmu: Look over the Taoists and frown a bit.
> Youmu: "...You all might want to pay them a visit yourself, come to think of it. They could probably patch you up."

>"I'm going home," says Reimu. "Before Meira wakes up and runs off with my tea or something."


Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 08, 2016, 11:12:59 AM
> Miko: We never worked out lodging plans for this evening, did we?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 08, 2016, 11:23:11 AM
> Miko: We never worked out lodging plans for this evening, did we?

>You had not. Originally, you were planning to return home.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on February 08, 2016, 12:34:14 PM
> Miko: "Before you do, there is one last thing I wish to tell you this evening."
> Miko: Take a calming breath.
> Miko: "Despite...appearances to the contrary in our short time here, we do wish to largely leave this land and its inhabitants be, and be treated similarly in return. We have our own businesses to attend to that require much time, focus, and dedication. But, in the odd instance where we have the time to spare, and are present in this land, please do not be afraid to ask our assistance with any incidents or other threatening issues."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 08, 2016, 06:45:49 PM
> Miko: "Before you do, there is one last thing I wish to tell you this evening."
> Miko: Take a calming breath.
> Miko: "Despite...appearances to the contrary in our short time here, we do wish to largely leave this land and its inhabitants be, and be treated similarly in return. We have our own businesses to attend to that require much time, focus, and dedication. But, in the odd instance where we have the time to spare, and are present in this land, please do not be afraid to ask our assistance with any incidents or other threatening issues."

>Reimu gives you a look, but you think it is less annoyed and more having to take a moment to decode what you're saying. "We'll see," she says. "You did alright today."

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 08, 2016, 06:51:50 PM
> Miko: Do we have healing salves of other burn treatments at home?
> Miko: How long would it take these burns to heal naturally?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 08, 2016, 09:09:15 PM
>"So Miko, will you come along ? Or do you have other plans ? After all, Eientei is just one of the places you can get treatment, although it is the preferred one."
>Do the Taoists wounds look threatening or are they manageable ?
>Would healing items such as Ointments, Healing Salves and bandages be enough for their wounds ?

I think Kilgamayan suggested before that Miko/Youmu interactions would be better with 2 or more people, i'm not too in deep with Youmu's character exactly, since i only found a Copy of PCB about 5-6 days ago, but i think i can go with her better than with Miko as i haven't played TD and don't have any good knowledge from any game after IN. So maybe we can split roles with me doing work with Youmu and Kilga working out Miko. Or is that a bad idea ? Please reply and sorry for being such a  :wikipedia:.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 08, 2016, 09:13:28 PM
> Miko: Do we have healing salves of other burn treatments at home?
> Miko: How long would it take these burns to heal naturally?

>You do have some medical things at home.
>That's an interesting question, you most certainly recover faster than a normal human, as Futo did earlier today, but you've not tested it for burns. You believe it should recover reasonably soon.

>"So Miko, will you come along ? Or do you have other plans ? After all, Eientei is just one of the places you can get treatment, although it is the preferred one."
>Do the Taoists wounds look threatening or are they manageable ?
>Would healing items such as Ointments, Healing Salves and bandages be enough for their wounds ?

>Miko looks pretty badly beat up, but you understand that hermits such as them ought to recover more quickly?
>You can't imagine that they would not help.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 08, 2016, 09:43:53 PM
I've found it easier to control both at once since it makes it more likely to accomplish what I want to accomplish (I always have unspoken plans for whatever character I control in any given game), so it's hard for me to really answer that question because it hasn't been my mindset for a long time. There's also a degree of considering hour selfish any given answer is.

> Miko: Look to our companions to r what they think.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 08, 2016, 10:01:51 PM
> Miko: Look to our companions to r what they think.

>"It might not hurt," says Tojiko. "I mean, you did take a lot more of a beating than we have."
>"I daresay the doctor would help out," Seiga says. "One does prefer to have you in better condition for future business."

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 08, 2016, 10:13:06 PM
>"I see... do you also agree with them ?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 08, 2016, 11:33:49 PM
> Miko: "Very well, I suppose I could do with a proper medical examination."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 08, 2016, 11:55:03 PM
>"Then it's decided, i'll go get Kotohime, she must still be at the behemoth's remains."
>Go find Kotohime, and take a look at what time it must be by using the sky as reference.
>Consider asking Miko later about showing her swordswomanship, maybe we can give her some tips and maybe even learn a bit too.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 09, 2016, 12:23:24 AM
>"I see... do you also agree with them ?"

> Miko: "Very well, I suppose I could do with a proper medical examination."

>"Then it's decided, i'll go get Kotohime, she must still be at the behemoth's remains."
>Go find Kotohime, and take a look at what time it must be by using the sky as reference.
>Consider asking Miko later about showing her swordswomanship, maybe we can give her some tips and maybe even learn a bit too.

>As you decide this, Reimu bows and says, "Good luck, then." She then takes to the air and departs.
>Youmu: Looking toward the sky, you can tell it's dark out. Otherwise, you assume it's getting into mid evening?
>Miko: As Youmu departs, Seiga sidles up to your side. "Surely we aren't actually letting that charlatan actually accompany us, are we?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 09, 2016, 12:31:28 AM
So much for still having stuff to say with Youmu.

> Miko: "She did mention that she was traveling there herself already."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 09, 2016, 12:47:58 AM
> Miko: "She did mention that she was traveling there herself already."

>Miko: "Is a noble expected to keep company with an extortionist because they take the same road?" says Seiga.
>Youmu: You find Kotohime about where you left her. She seems to be placing some of the ashen remains into a small bad. You are also certain that the whole pile seems to be a bit smaller than it was before.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 09, 2016, 01:14:17 AM
>Have a feeling someone is insulting you somewhere, then disregard that.
>"There you are, why are you taking it's ashes ? I'm pretty sure you shouldn't mess with that stuff. We're going to Eientei, you're coming right ?"
>After reuniting with Kotohime, go back to the Taoist group and prepare to head towards Eientei.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 09, 2016, 01:25:03 AM
> Miko: Sigh. "It would be rather obvious what we are doing if we send her off on her own, or if we depart before she returns. I would rather not cultivate further ill will if possible."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 09, 2016, 01:39:50 AM
>Have a feeling someone is insulting you somewhere, then disregard that.
>"There you are, why are you taking it's ashes ? I'm pretty sure you shouldn't mess with that stuff. We're going to Eientei, you're coming right ?"
>After reuniting with Kotohime, go back to the Taoist group and prepare to head towards Eientei.

>"It's fine," she says, before you say the last thing. Then she doesn't reply.

> Miko: Sigh. "It would be rather obvious what we are doing if we send her off on her own, or if we depart before she returns. I would rather not cultivate further ill will if possible."

>"I cannot care for the ill will of such scum," says Seiga.
>"Let us consider it oil for the machinery of negotiations?" says Futo.
>Seiga makes a face. "Hmph. If we must."

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 09, 2016, 01:50:14 AM
> Miko: "Perhaps we can attempt to renegotiate that agreement?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 09, 2016, 01:51:40 AM
>Is she done collecting the ashes ?
>"So, are we going then ? Have you finished your stuff ?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 09, 2016, 01:57:52 AM
> Miko: "Perhaps we can attempt to renegotiate that agreement?"

>Seiga sighs. "As you say, Crown Prince..."

>Is she done collecting the ashes ?
>"So, are we going then ? Have you finished your stuff ?"

>Who can tell?
>"Ah, very well," says Kotohime, as she stands up, puts the pouch away, and tries to dust off her stained hands.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 09, 2016, 02:13:26 AM
> Miko: Soften our look and tone a little bit. "I know she bothers you. Please believe me when I say I have taken that into consideration."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 09, 2016, 02:28:54 AM
> Miko: Soften our look and tone a little bit. "I know she bothers you. Please believe me when I say I have taken that into consideration."

>"That may be so, but it is little consolation, you understand?" says Seiga.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 09, 2016, 02:38:32 AM
>Get to the Taoists and pesky Taoist with Kotohime.
>"We're here ! So shall we get going ?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 09, 2016, 02:53:26 AM
>Get to the Taoists and pesky Taoist with Kotohime.
>"We're here ! So shall we get going ?"

>You make your way back, Kotohime in tow.  "Hello, again, everyone," she says, bowing toward the Taoists. Then she focuses on Seiga. "Ah, another one. I'm Kotohime, nice to meet you."
>"I am Seiga," says the blue-haired Hermit. "Forgive me if I am terse, it's been a trying day."

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 09, 2016, 03:12:09 AM
> Miko: "Indeed. And, actually, related to that, Miss Youmu, may I assume you remember the agreement we reached earlier?"
> Youmu: "Yes? Oh, wait, that reminds me."
> Youmu: Look to Seiga, then back to Miko, and make a slashing motion with our hand.
> Youmu: "You may remove the servitude concession. I have changed my mind on that matter."
> Miko: Blink with a slightly surprised look, then nod. "As you wish, then."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 09, 2016, 03:13:48 AM
> Miko: "Indeed. And, actually, related to that, Miss Youmu, may I assume you remember the agreement we reached earlier?"
> Youmu: "Yes? Oh, wait, that reminds me."
> Youmu: Look to Seiga, then back to Miko, and make a slashing motion with our hand.
> Youmu: "You may remove the servitude concession. I have changed my mind on that matter."
> Miko: Blink with a slightly surprised look, then nod. "As you wish, then."

>Seiga raises an eyebrow, her arms crossed. "What are you getting at?"


Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 09, 2016, 03:15:57 AM
> Youmu: "What do you mean?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 09, 2016, 03:21:26 AM
> Youmu: "What do you mean?"

>Seiga switched her arms to cross the other way. "Do you expect anyone to fall for this? If you were serious, you would have released Yoshika already."

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 09, 2016, 03:23:38 AM
> Youmu: "I am glad you think so highly of me, but even if I had already gone home and tried to free her, I still would be working on doing so right now."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 09, 2016, 03:43:58 AM
> Youmu: "I am glad you think so highly of me, but even if I had already gone home and tried to free her, I still would be working on doing so right now."

>"And yet, here you are," says Seiga.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 09, 2016, 03:53:43 AM
> Youmu: "Of course. I had to investigate that light, since as far as I knew, Reimu was busy taking care of other matters back in the Netherworld."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 09, 2016, 04:03:26 AM
> Youmu: "Of course. I had to investigate that light, since as far as I knew, Reimu was busy taking care of other matters back in the Netherworld."

>"Were there any sincerity to your sentiments, you wouldn't have been here to see that light," says Seiga. "You would be back there, unearthing my poor Yoshika."

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 09, 2016, 04:06:18 AM
> Youmu: Raise an eyebrow. "You have an awful lot of distrust in me for someone that believed me when I told you to go here to find your master."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 09, 2016, 04:42:57 AM
> Youmu: Raise an eyebrow. "You have an awful lot of distrust in me for someone that believed me when I told you to go here to find your master."

>"You have no idea how I came to be here or what path I followed," says Seiga. "Moreover, I see you're trying to change the topic when your poor intentions come to light."

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 09, 2016, 04:49:43 AM
> Youmu: Roll eyes. "This is what I get for being merciful, I guess."
> Miko: Rub our forehead in irritation. "May we have this argument tomorrow morning, please?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 09, 2016, 05:31:36 AM
> Youmu: Roll eyes. "This is what I get for being merciful, I guess."
> Miko: Rub our forehead in irritation. "May we have this argument tomorrow morning, please?"

>"It's what you get for offering meaningless tokens," says Seiga.
>Seiga looks to Miko, frowning. "Surely you don't intend to leave poor Yoshika with them all night?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 09, 2016, 11:06:45 AM
> Miko: "No. As I already told you, I will retrieve her myself."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 09, 2016, 07:38:02 PM
>"So are you done not believing in me ? As you already heard, Miko will go get her,  thus you won't have to worry anymore."
>"Before we proceed, has someone yet to speak something they want to ?"
>Also, how long would it take to get to the Netherworld from here ?

Also, technically, there is a really tiny chance of someone discovering Kotohime's cute crush on Youmu, and that is by Satori reading Miko's mind AND telling Youmu, Yuyuko or anyone else, but that must be something like 0.07% chance of happening, if not less. But worry not, dear friend, i'll take that secret with me to the end of the Sword Quest Series (Or until Youmu finds out herself).
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 09, 2016, 08:43:42 PM
> Miko: "No. As I already told you, I will retrieve her myself."

>"And as I said to you, Crown Prince," says Seiga, "it should not fall upon you to undo the work of of the craven when they are perfectly capable of correcting their own misdeeds."

>"So are you done not believing in me ? As you already heard, Miko will go get her,  thus you won't have to worry anymore."
>"Before we proceed, has someone yet to speak something they want to ?"
>Also, how long would it take to get to the Netherworld from here ?

>"You're quite cavalier about having the crown prince do your work for you," Seiga says.
>"And you owe Youmu some apologies," Kotohime says, "How can you run your mouth like that after everything you've done?!"
>"Because what I've "done" is try to make Gensokyo a better place, and what this fool has done is indulge in petty revenge."
>Kotohime makes an angry noise in response and visibly tenses.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 09, 2016, 09:09:06 PM
>Control urge to counterargue with your sword and slash Seiga in half.
>"Once you find a way to create a better Gensokyo that is more acceptable, then i'll gladly allow it. But you haven't. And not to be rude, but i'm pretty sure you had her charge at me and stay behind to buy you time to dig your way out of that mess, so i'd say YOU go there and assume your responsibilties as her master, but that's not a good idea, is it ? Either way, someone other than me must go and get Yoshika."

What do you mean there was a Sega ? There's nothing here. It was just your imagination.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 09, 2016, 09:14:32 PM
Just as a heads-up, Yoshika is currently buried up to her neck, presumably gapped right into the ground by Yukari (we didn't see it happen). Any non-Seiga person that retrieves her is going to have to do it through a while bunch of manual digging labor. Youmu should have no interest whatsoever in doing such a thing. I keep pushing Miko to do it in order to humiliate Seiga, because she deserves it (though Miko will never actually say this out loud).
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 09, 2016, 09:21:02 PM
I know, i just though that Seiga wouldn't trust Youmu either way, and Miko would have to go there herself, and even though i hate Seiga and her whole self (although i admit that her motives were actually positive), i'm that person that tries to help, even if it's kinda annoying. But i'll try and formulate a new dialogue, the parser might actually have a surprise for me.

Also i just noticed i wrote Sega....... It's justified.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 09, 2016, 09:30:22 PM
Seiga absolutely wants Youmu to do it and has demanded so multiple times. There are no trust concerns there. Youmu volunteering to do it is giving Seiga exactly what she wants.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 09, 2016, 09:59:21 PM
Sorry, didn't finish it, i had to do something and forgot to include that part, thanks for the heads up. :ohdear:
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 09, 2016, 10:11:15 PM
>Control urge to counterargue with your sword and slash Seiga in half.
>"Once you find a way to create a better Gensokyo that is more acceptable, then i'll gladly allow it. But you haven't. And not to be rude, but i'm pretty sure you had her charge at me and stay behind to buy you time to dig your way out of that mess, so i'd say YOU go there and assume your responsibilties as her master, but that's not a good idea, is it ? Either way, someone other than me must go and get Yoshika."

>It would be terribly satisfying...
>"And you have done nothing whatsoever except be petty, vengeful, and contrarian, so instead of trying to act as if you had a single shred of nobility about keeping hostages, go and release Yoshika and then perhaps your bluster will have grounds to stand on."
>"If the next words you say aren't an apology..." Kotohime says, her voice taking a tone you have not heard from her before.
>"And keep your dog on a leash, please," says Seiga. "We don't need her getting fleas and slobber on the wounded."

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 09, 2016, 10:22:22 PM
>Use our ghost half to keep Kotohime distracted and avoid having her fight Seiga, as much as we want to beat the shit out of Seiga, we shouldn't go for such extremes and it's better to make this only verbal.
>"Well then say that you were at your home when suddenly a stranger came in, kidnapped Yoshika and tried to use her for something that risked her life, made a great confusion, and got away, what would YOU do then ? And don't treat Kotohime like that."
>Glance at Miko to see how is she treat all of this.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 09, 2016, 10:53:50 PM
> Miko: "Enough of this!"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 09, 2016, 11:04:42 PM
>Use our ghost half to keep Kotohime distracted and avoid having her fight Seiga, as much as we want to beat the shit out of Seiga, we shouldn't go for such extremes and it's better to make this only verbal.
>"Well then say that you were at your home when suddenly a stranger came in, kidnapped Yoshika and tried to use her for something that risked her life, made a great confusion, and got away, what would YOU do then ? And don't treat Kotohime like that."
>Glance at Miko to see how is she treat all of this.

> Miko: "Enough of this!"

>You try to distract Kotohime with your ghost half, but it doesn't seem to catch her attention nearly as much as Seiga has. "Better a dog than an ass!" she cries.
>Seiga looks as though she is about to say something sharp, but stops as Miko calls for an end.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 09, 2016, 11:14:22 PM
>Thank God.
>"She's right, we're just wasting time here rambling about something that would benefit from the time we're wasting."
>Wait for Miko to say something.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 09, 2016, 11:21:41 PM
> Miko: Curtly wave Youmu off before she can say anything else.
> Miko: Take a couple of breaths while being very irritated. When speaking, take on a tone with a very obviously measured calm.
> Miko: "I will retrieve Yoshika."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 09, 2016, 11:27:20 PM
>Thank God.
>"She's right, we're just wasting time here rambling about something that would benefit from the time we're wasting."
>Wait for Miko to say something.

>Seiga gives a derisive snort, but says nothing.
>Kotohime shoots her a glare, her posture tense.

> Miko: Curtly wave Youmu off before she can say anything else.
> Miko: Take a couple of breaths while being very irritated. When speaking, take on a tone with a very obviously measured calm.
> Miko: "I will retrieve Yoshika."

>"That is not acceptable Crown Prince," says Seiga, her tone quite a bit more calm as well. "It is their scheme, it is their responsibility to set it to rights."

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 09, 2016, 11:31:27 PM
>Relax now that this discussion is settled, and step back.
>Stop yourself from answering Seiga, it will just add fuel to the fire.
>"Very well. But what shall Seiga, Futo and Tojiko do then ?"
>Where were we headed anyway before ? Eientei, right ? Let's again prepare to go there while Miko goes to get Yoshika on the Netherworld.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 09, 2016, 11:41:38 PM
> Miko: Ignore Youmu for the time being, looking directly at Seiga.
> Miko: "Your opinion is noted. I will still retrieve Yoshika."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 10, 2016, 12:35:26 AM
>"Seems like Miko will be busy, maybe we should leave her for a while and talk somewhere else while she deals with Seiga."
> Walk away from the two taoists and talk with Kotohime.
>"So what are you going to do with these ashes anyway ? Will you put them along with your collection ?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 10, 2016, 12:43:34 AM
>Relax now that this discussion is settled, and step back.
>Stop yourself from answering Seiga, it will just add fuel to the fire.
>"Very well. But what shall Seiga, Futo and Tojiko do then ?"
>Where were we headed anyway before ? Eientei, right ? Let's again prepare to go there while Miko goes to get Yoshika on the Netherworld.

> Miko: Ignore Youmu for the time being, looking directly at Seiga.
> Miko: "Your opinion is noted. I will still retrieve Yoshika."

>"And it is still unacceptable, Crown Prince," says Seiga. "These cretins already destroyed a great work, even setting aside taking a hostage. Why indulge them for even a moment?"

>"Seems like Miko will be busy, maybe we should leave her for a while and talk somewhere else while she deals with Seiga."
> Walk away from the two taoists and talk with Kotohime.
>"So what are you going to do with these ashes anyway ? Will you put them along with your collection ?"

>Youmu: You lead Kotohime away, it takes her a moment to disengaged her glare and join you. You get the feeling the she was about to do something drastic. "I can't believe the nerve of that woman!" she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 10, 2016, 01:11:58 AM
>"Calm down, this is over, you weren't thinking of doing something wrong, were you ?"
>"Examine Kotohime.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 10, 2016, 01:21:37 AM
>"Calm down, this is over, you weren't thinking of doing something wrong, were you ?"
>"Examine Kotohime.

>"...Maybe," she says
>Kotohime is a bit less tense now, but still visibly irritated.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 10, 2016, 01:31:58 AM
> Miko: "You may consider finding the answer to that question, as well as figuring out why you are the only one here that has raised it, an important step in your path back to us."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 10, 2016, 01:55:48 AM
> Miko: "You may consider finding the answer to that question, as well as figuring out why you are the only one here that has raised it, an important step in your path back to us."

>Miko: "To be honest, Crown Prince, she's not wrong," says Tojiko. "They're just holding Yoshika hostage because they can. I was just staying respectfully silent."
>Miko: "I cannot agree, Tojiko," Futo says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 10, 2016, 02:49:37 AM
> Miko: Did we ever get any sort of idea of how they got Yoshika in the ground?
> Miko: Let Futo continue.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 10, 2016, 03:04:43 AM
> Miko: Did we ever get any sort of idea of how they got Yoshika in the ground?
> Miko: Let Futo continue.

>You never really inquired about it.
>Futo seems to be content to leave it at that.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 10, 2016, 04:44:45 AM
> Miko: And Tojiko didn't respond?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 10, 2016, 05:22:51 AM
> Miko: And Tojiko didn't respond?

>She did not. You assume she is speaking to you, rather than to Futo, and has no intention of arguing with Futo.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 10, 2016, 06:04:57 AM
> Miko: "Looking at the issue from their perspective, there is no benefit in going through the aggravation of digging her out of the ground and handing her over to the party that wronged them this day."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 10, 2016, 06:51:16 AM
> Miko: "Looking at the issue from their perspective, there is no benefit in going through the aggravation of digging her out of the ground and handing her over to the party that wronged them this day."

>"There's no benefit making Yoshika into some revenge token, either," says Tojiko.  "Seiga's right about that."
>"If we presume Seiga's actions are unjust, it wouldn't be just to simply return Yoshika to her."
>"Well it's sure not just to Yoshika, no matter how you look at it," says Tojiko.
>Seiga is quiet for the time being, she knows better than to interrupt this.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 10, 2016, 06:55:11 AM
> "The circumstances surrounding Yoshika herself are admittedly a tricky affair. They did at least let her have her fill of their cherries, though, for whatever that may be worth."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 10, 2016, 07:13:31 AM
> "The circumstances surrounding Yoshika herself are admittedly a tricky affair. They did at least let her have her fill of their cherries, though, for whatever that may be worth."

>"Not much, if you ask me," says Tojiko. "She didn't do anything wrong, except what she was told."

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 10, 2016, 07:17:53 AM
> Miko: "And what guarantee do they have that she will not do it again once she is released?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 10, 2016, 07:28:39 AM
> Miko: "And what guarantee do they have that she will not do it again once she is released?"

>Tojiko give a disapproving look. "Well you sure don't mind Seiga running free, so what's stopping her?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 10, 2016, 11:15:10 AM
> Miko: How much capacity for independent rational thought does Yoshika actually have?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 10, 2016, 11:18:59 AM
> Miko: How much capacity for independent rational thought does Yoshika actually have?

>That's a hard question to answer. You know that Seiga trusted her, and other jiang shi, to guard your mausoleum, so they have to be at least smart enough for guard work. You don't really know if she could act independently, and her desires are almost impossible to read as she is dead and that throws them off considerably.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 10, 2016, 11:25:20 AM
> Miko: "I was speaking from their perspective, not mine. But perhaps we should be having this discussion on our way to the Lunarian manor? Every second spent discussing Yoshika is a second not spent rescuing her."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 10, 2016, 04:28:18 PM
>Can we play Rock-Paper-Scissors with our Ghost Half ?
>Await for Miko to finish up with her followers.
>"Even if she was wrong, we shouldn't go to such actions, you know ?"
>Make our Ghost Half bob up and down in front of Kotohime, see if that makes her less tense.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 10, 2016, 09:30:51 PM
> Miko: "I was speaking from their perspective, not mine. But perhaps we should be having this discussion on our way to the Lunarian manor? Every second spent discussing Yoshika is a second not spent rescuing her."

>"Yes, please," says Seiga.
>"As you wish," Futo says. "Shall we?"

>Can we play Rock-Paper-Scissors with our Ghost Half ?
>Await for Miko to finish up with her followers.
>"Even if she was wrong, we shouldn't go to such actions, you know ?"
>Make our Ghost Half bob up and down in front of Kotohime, see if that makes her less tense.

>You...might be? You've never really tried. You can't really change its shape, but you could possibly work out something via positioning.
>"She needs to show some respect," says Kotohime. "I'm not gonna take her just saying awful things about you anymore!"
>She does notice it a bit, this time, but it doesn't really captivate her. You imagine she's too agitated.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 10, 2016, 09:58:57 PM
>Take a look over to see the Taoists.
>"Is everything solved now ? May we continue towards Eientei ?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 10, 2016, 09:59:40 PM
> Miko: Where is that ashen corpse from here?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 10, 2016, 10:36:22 PM
>Take a look over to see the Taoists.
>"Is everything solved now ? May we continue towards Eientei ?"

>"I would not say solved," says Futo, "but we are leaving, yes."

> Miko: Where is that ashen corpse from here?

>It is to the northwest.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 10, 2016, 11:34:16 PM
>Proceed to Eientei, Youmu can't go at full speed of course as to not let the others behind.

I won't put Youmu dialogue for now, since Miko hasn't finished delivering her arguments, and i won't put Miko dialogue either because i'm not following Kilga's train of thought exactly and not being used to Miko, but i'd probably say something like although Seiga isn't part of her entourage anymore, she's still her follower of sorts, thus still being Miko's responsibility.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 11, 2016, 05:04:16 AM
>Proceed to Eientei, Youmu can't go at full speed of course as to not let the others behind.

>You all begin moving in the general direction of Eientei.
>Miko: It is not easy for you to travel on your own, the pain and general weakness are taking a lot out of you. Tojiko and Futo, however, support you and make it possible to keep in the air. Seiga seems to be content to take the lead for now.
>Youmu: Kotohime hangs near the back, and sends the poisonous looks at Seiga's back.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 11, 2016, 06:20:37 AM
> Miko: "Ah, come to think of it, Miss Konpaku, do you have any shovels?"
> Youmu: Do we?
> Youmu: Do we have alternate means of digging?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 11, 2016, 06:40:59 AM
> Miko: "Ah, come to think of it, Miss Konpaku, do you have any shovels?"
> Youmu: Do we?
> Youmu: Do we have alternate means of digging?

>You do have shovels at Hakugyokurou, at least, though you obviously had none with you right now.
>In terms of alternate means, there are a couple of dusty pickaxes, a post-hole digger, and plenty of garden spades.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 12, 2016, 12:55:24 AM
>"There are some in the Netherworld at Hakugyokurou, shovels, some old pickaxes, the needed garden shovels and some other gear, i'll be willing to lend them."

Sorry for the delay, i'm traveling and don't have a stable connection, will try to update as much as i can ASAP.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 12, 2016, 06:04:27 AM
> Miko: "Excellent, that will make things quicker."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 12, 2016, 11:35:42 AM
> Miko: "Excellent, that will make things quicker."

>"Don't even think it for a second, Crown Prince," Tojiko says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 12, 2016, 03:47:58 PM
> Miko: "Well, someone must do it."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 12, 2016, 08:27:26 PM
> Miko: "Well, someone must do it."

>"And it ought to be the people who did it in the first place," says Tojiko. "I don't see the point in giving any satisfaction for keeping a hostage well after the war's been done."
>"Wouldn't you agree there is an important value in a third party smoothing over the difficulties without either side needing to do more?"
>"I can tell you there's no value in saying it's okay to just keep a hostage out of spite," says Tojiko. "If you can tell me in the tao where that's a good idea..."

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 12, 2016, 08:36:29 PM
> Miko: "Come to think of it, Miss Kanpaku, how did you bury Yoshika, anyway? The ground did not look very disturbed."
> Youmu: "I did not. I am reasonably positive Lady Yakumo used her abilities to more or less teleport her into the ground."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 12, 2016, 09:10:24 PM
> Miko: "Come to think of it, Miss Kanpaku, how did you bury Yoshika, anyway? The ground did not look very disturbed."
> Youmu: "I did not. I am reasonably positive Lady Yakumo used her abilities to more or less teleport her into the ground."

>"On whose behest, may I ask?" says Futo.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 12, 2016, 09:51:31 PM
> "Lady Saigyouji's, if anyone's. It was certainly not on my behalf. It is more likely she acted of her own accord, though."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 12, 2016, 10:05:52 PM
> "Lady Saigyouji's, if anyone's. It was certainly not on my behalf. It is more likely she acted of her own accord, though."


Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 12, 2016, 10:17:32 PM
Goddamnit Suika Kilga :(
>"It was necessary, we don't have any prisons or jailcells to hold troublemakers, and it was too risky to put her in a storeroom as she pretty much munches on everything."

But Parser don't get mad, everybody makes mistakes.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 12, 2016, 11:22:43 PM
> Youmu: "But to actually answer your question, it was at Lady Saigyouji's, if anyone's. It was certainly not on my behalf. It is much more likely she acted of her own accord, though."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 13, 2016, 03:56:53 AM
> Youmu: "But to actually answer your question, it was at Lady Saigyouji's, if anyone's. It was certainly not on my behalf. It is much more likely she acted of her own accord, though."

>"Who is Lady Saigyouji?" says Tojiko.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 13, 2016, 11:34:01 AM
>"She is the ghost princess that is the head of Hakugyokurou and is also my mistress."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 13, 2016, 09:13:52 PM
>"She is the ghost princess that is the head of Hakugyokurou and is also my mistress."

>"So it can be said you're acting on her behalf, I assume?" says Tojiko.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 13, 2016, 09:59:11 PM
>"Yes, i act on her behalf and on the Netherworld's behalf in a sense, since Lady Saigyouji is the authority on this land."

And is it Konpaku or Kanpaku ?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 14, 2016, 12:18:59 AM
>"Yes, i act on her behalf and on the Netherworld's behalf in a sense, since Lady Saigyouji is the authority on this land."

Kon, like the stereotype fox noise.

>Tojiko gives a look to Miko.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 14, 2016, 02:16:18 AM
> Miko: Is she expecting confirmation of this fact, or just an opinion on Yuyuko?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 14, 2016, 02:21:15 AM
I had written a dialogue comparing Youmu and Yuyuko's relationship with Sakuya and Remilia's, but i guess i will wait till more details.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 14, 2016, 03:05:51 AM
> Miko: Is she expecting confirmation of this fact, or just an opinion on Yuyuko?

>Miko: You think this is probably expressing something between "See?" and "I told you so."

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 14, 2016, 04:49:50 AM
> Miko: "'This' land? Surely you do not mean Gensokyo?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 14, 2016, 06:50:32 AM
>"Not at all, i meant the Netherworld."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 14, 2016, 10:35:54 PM
> Miko: So what, exactly, is Tojiko looking for here?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 14, 2016, 10:45:16 PM
> Miko: So what, exactly, is Tojiko looking for here?

>You have about all the information you're going to get, unless you intend to ask or probe her desires.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 15, 2016, 09:51:43 PM
I'm not trained for this, help.
>What do we know about Seiga's relationship with Yoshika ?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on February 15, 2016, 09:56:07 PM
I'm not really sure any of us are.

> Youmu: Mentally scream "goddammit yukari" for making this more complicated than it has to be.
> Youmu: Do we feel any enmity coming from Tojiko?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 15, 2016, 10:38:36 PM
>What do we know about Seiga's relationship with Yoshika ?

>Miko: It is complicated, perhaps moreso than you thought. On one hand, she clearly regards Yoshika as a tool, given how she use the jiang-shi. On the other hand, she also fusses over Yoshika a fair amount, to your understanding. Someone has to keep her from decaying, at least.

> Youmu: Mentally scream "goddammit yukari" for making this more complicated than it has to be.
> Youmu: Do we feel any enmity coming from Tojiko?

>Youmu: ...She did ti again, didn't she? She actually did it again, all under the guise of being helpful!
>Youmu: You don't really feel enmity from Tojiko, but it doesn't take a genius to understand her previous words suggest she isn't happy with you.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 16, 2016, 12:12:38 AM
>"I don't see any issues in complying to a master's orders, since following them doesn't mean exactly that you approve them. Either way, this isn't an important matter for now, we shall discuss this later, now we move onwards."

Hope this does the job.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 16, 2016, 01:46:52 AM
> Miko: Hold up on the above.

I actually had an idea. Let's try this instead.

> Miko: "Mmm. I wonder, perhaps, if a joint effort is most appropriate, then."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 16, 2016, 02:34:09 AM
> Miko: Hold up on the above.

I actually had an idea. Let's try this instead.

> Miko: "Mmm. I wonder, perhaps, if a joint effort is most appropriate, then."

>"What do you mean, Crown Prince?" says Futo.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 16, 2016, 02:46:28 AM
> Miko: Why was Youmu involved in suppressing us the first time around?

> Miko: "It seems to me that both parties involved believe that Yoshika's rescue should be the responsibility of the other party. It also seems to me that each party has a reasonable argument for believing so. Given this, I believe a compromise is necessary, where both parties participate in the recovery process."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 16, 2016, 02:57:58 AM
> Miko: Why was Youmu involved in suppressing us the first time around?

> Miko: "It seems to me that both parties involved believe that Yoshika's rescue should be the responsibility of the other party. It also seems to me that each party has a reasonable argument for believing so. Given this, I believe a compromise is necessary, where both parties participate in the recovery process."

>Miko: The influx of divine spirits caused a panick, essentially. At the least, Youmu's presence seems to have deflected blame from the Netherworld.
>Futo nods. "That wouldn't be a problem."
>Tojiko is silent for a moment, then says, "Less than ideal, but it's something."

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 16, 2016, 03:34:30 AM
> Miko: "Such is the nature of compromises."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 16, 2016, 03:38:17 AM
> Miko: "Such is the nature of compromises."

>"Well let's get you fixed up first, at least," says Tojiko.
>With this matter resolved, the group is able to move on quietly and quickly.  There is still some tension in the air with regards to Seiga and Youmu, but she seems less explicitly irate than before.
>Youmu: As you draw close to the edge of the bamboo forest, you note that Kotohime is falling more and more behind.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 16, 2016, 05:18:21 AM
> Youmu: Are we closest to her, or are there Taoists in the way?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 16, 2016, 05:47:32 AM
> Youmu: Are we closest to her, or are there Taoists in the way?

>Youmu: If you have been staying with her, you are closest.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 16, 2016, 11:15:54 AM
> Youmu: Drift closer to her.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 16, 2016, 11:28:49 AM
> Youmu: Drift closer to her.

>Youmu: You drift closer. Kotohime seems visibly uncomfortable, you don't think she's even noticed your approach.
>Without a word, she suddenly turns tail and flies away in the opposite direction, as fast as she can.
>Miko: You only just notice this out of the corner of your eye, you don't know if the others do.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 16, 2016, 12:40:07 PM
> Youmu: "Hey!"
> Youmu: Give chase, angling to get in front of Kotohime. We're bound to be faster than she is.

> Miko: Wordlessly hold up a hand and slow to a stop.
> Miko: Give each of our companions a meaningful look, and then watch the proceedings between the two runaways.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 16, 2016, 12:50:11 PM
> Youmu: "Hey!"
> Youmu: Give chase, angling to get in front of Kotohime. We're bound to be faster than she is.

> Miko: Wordlessly hold up a hand and slow to a stop.
> Miko: Give each of our companions a meaningful look, and then watch the proceedings between the two runaways.

>Youmu: You call out, and Kotohime does not heed. You start to give chase, and you do close some distance on her, but she is making you work surprisingly hard for it. People don't just move like that normally...
>Miko: Your companions stop.  "What in the world?" Tojiko says, as she shifts a little to let you rest your weight on her.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 16, 2016, 12:57:46 PM
> Miko: Lower our voice.
> Miko: "There is something greatly amiss with that girl."
> Miko: Tap the side of one of our earmuffs with a finger for emphasis.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 16, 2016, 01:04:17 PM
> Miko: Lower our voice.
> Miko: "There is something greatly amiss with that girl."
> Miko: Tap the side of one of our earmuffs with a finger for emphasis.

>Miko: "Hardly surprisingly," says Seiga.
>Youmu: You are closing on her, but the lead she got on you in those few moments is significant. A couple of yards separate you now.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 16, 2016, 01:23:19 PM
> Youmu: "Where are you going?!"

> Miko: "I do not mean it that way. The details left me unsure of what to make of it, but I suspect that, at best, she has been subject to something unfathomably traumatic."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 16, 2016, 09:41:25 PM
> Youmu: "Where are you going?!"

> Miko: "I do not mean it that way. The details left me unsure of what to make of it, but I suspect that, at best, she has been subject to something unfathomably traumatic."

>Youmu: Kotohime doesn't answer or slow down. You are still gaining on her, though.
>Miko: "I wonder what happened to the poor girl?" says Futo.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 16, 2016, 10:54:21 PM
>Can we sense or see anything odd of her ?
>Is it possible that this is being caused by exposure to something ? Like the behemoth construct ashes or to something in the Netherworld ?
>How long until we catch her ?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 16, 2016, 11:20:18 PM
>Can we sense or see anything odd of her ?
>Is it possible that this is being caused by exposure to something ? Like the behemoth construct ashes or to something in the Netherworld ?
>How long until we catch her ?

>Aside from the obvious, nothing seems odd about her.
>You suppose there could be an external influence, but is it really necessary?
>It should take a few seconds to be able to grab her shoulder, a couple more after that if you intend to try and tackle her.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 16, 2016, 11:49:11 PM
>Then what is wrong with her exactly ? There must be....... *pieces stuff together* That's it ! It must be something related to the Moon People, she always zoned out or some stuff like that when we talked about it, and since we're headed to Eientei, that issue must have caused her to do this.
>Prepare to get a hold of Kotohime when a good chance appears, while being careful for feints or dodges on her part.
>Press O for Takedown.
>What do we know of her combat prowess or danmaku prowess ?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 17, 2016, 12:04:33 AM
> Miko: "I wonder if it relates to this forest or its occupants. This behaviour is quite uncharacteristic, for the short time we have been acquainted."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 17, 2016, 12:28:25 AM
>Then what is wrong with her exactly ? There must be....... *pieces stuff together* That's it ! It must be something related to the Moon People, she always zoned out or some stuff like that when we talked about it, and since we're headed to Eientei, that issue must have caused her to do this.
>Prepare to get a hold of Kotohime when a good chance appears, while being careful for feints or dodges on her part.
>Press O for Takedown.
>What do we know of her combat prowess or danmaku prowess ?

>Youmu: You close in, and she shows no real acknowledge you're even there, rather she is trying to flee as fast as she can.
>Youmu: You have never seen her in combat before.

> Miko: "I wonder if it relates to this forest or its occupants. This behaviour is quite uncharacteristic, for the short time we have been acquainted."

>"She certainly has a boorish tongue," says Seiga, "But I didn't assess her to be the type to simply run away like this."
>"Perhaps they did something to her?" Futo says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 17, 2016, 12:41:27 AM
> Miko: "Let us give them a moment, and see what happens when the half-ghost catches up. If they do not quickly return to us, then we will ask them to head back to the Netherworld to prepare for the excavation while we continue on into the forest."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 17, 2016, 12:44:32 AM
> Miko: "Let us give them a moment, and see what happens when the half-ghost catches up. If they do not quickly return to us, then we will ask them to head back to the Netherworld to prepare for the excavation while we continue on into the forest."

>"I was about to tentatively suggest so myself, Crown Prince," says Futo. "I am, ah, less than pleased to linger with your condition so."

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 17, 2016, 12:58:55 AM
>Get Kotohime.
>"Hey ! Snap out of it ! Why are you so hesitant to come to Eientei ?"
>How far are we from the Taoists and the Pesky Taoist ?

Also, wouldn't Youmu and Koto going back the Netherworld affect your plans of getting Miko to do the digging and put Seiga a bit down ? Or are you already on a backup strat ? (Almost like a speedrunner)
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 17, 2016, 01:04:33 AM
>Get Kotohime.
>"Hey ! Snap out of it ! Why are you so hesitant to come to Eientei ?"
>How far are we from the Taoists and the Pesky Taoist ?

>You grab Kotohime around the waist. She tries to struggle for a moment, but your grip is too good. Instead, she just sort of goes limp in midair, and begins to sob. It feels like she needs to land.
>You estimate you've covered a couple hundred yards over the course of the chase.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 17, 2016, 01:14:54 AM
>Slowly land and rest for a while.
>"You'll be okay, don't worry, nobody is going to hurt you."
>Return to Miko and friends.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 17, 2016, 01:30:05 AM
>Slowly land and rest for a while.
>"You'll be okay, don't worry, nobody is going to hurt you."
>Return to Miko and friends.

>You land, keeping a hold on Kotohime. She falls to her knees, wracked by sobs. You don't think she's going to be returning anywhere for awhile. She doesn't really respond to you, but you think it is more due to being preoccupied right now.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 17, 2016, 01:42:19 AM
> Miko: Are we seeing this?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 17, 2016, 01:48:18 AM
> Miko: Are we seeing this?

>Miko: You see them land. And it seems they are still together at the moment.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 17, 2016, 03:16:17 AM
> Miko: Frown. "Futo, please find out what is going on."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 17, 2016, 03:19:00 AM
> Miko: Frown. "Futo, please find out what is going on."

>"As you wish, Crown Prince," says Futo, as she gently shifts you more toward Tojiko and then glides toward the pair in the distance.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 17, 2016, 03:42:15 AM
> Miko: Watch Futo go, then take on a volume that definitely only Seiga and Tojiko can hear.
> Miko: "Thank you both for your patience with me."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 17, 2016, 03:57:23 AM
> Miko: Watch Futo go, then take on a volume that definitely only Seiga and Tojiko can hear.
> Miko: "Thank you both for your patience with me."

>"Think nothing of it, Crown Prince," says Seiga.
>"But if you take too long, we're dragging you there ourselves," Tojiko says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 17, 2016, 07:07:46 AM
>Look over to the Taoists, is any of them heading here ? If so wait for them to come.
>Which is closer right now ? The human village or Kotohime's house ?
>How long would it take for us to go and come to the Netherworld from these areas ?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 17, 2016, 07:43:36 AM
>Look over to the Taoists, is any of them heading here ? If so wait for them to come.
>Which is closer right now ? The human village or Kotohime's house ?
>How long would it take for us to go and come to the Netherworld from these areas ?

>Youmu: You see one of the approaching, Futo, if the white clothing is any indication.
>The village, easily.
>The village is about halfway between this place and the netherworld; maybe a bit less than halfway. Kotohime's home is about two thirds of the trip from here, and one third of the trip from the netherworld.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 17, 2016, 08:50:52 AM
>Wait for the person.
>Start thinking about the Rock Paper Scissor with your ghost idea while waiting. Then stop when the Taoist gets here.
>"It seems like she had a sort of emotional burst or breakdown, from what i could piece i presume it's related to the Lunarians, you can go on ahead to the Moon Manor, i need to take her somewhere to rest."
>Do we know any places in the human village where she could rest or would her home be a more suitable place?
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 17, 2016, 11:13:37 AM
>Wait for the person.
>Start thinking about the Rock Paper Scissor with your ghost idea while waiting. Then stop when the Taoist gets here.
>"It seems like she had a sort of emotional burst or breakdown, from what i could piece i presume it's related to the Lunarians, you can go on ahead to the Moon Manor, i need to take her somewhere to rest."
>Do we know any places in the human village where she could rest or would her home be a more suitable place?

>You wait, as Kotohime continues to sob in your arms. Futo arrives within a few more moments.
>"Have you tried to console the poor woman?" Futo asks, frowning sympathetically at the two of you.
>You know the human village does not have any inns or the like; there simply aren't enough travelers, and those who do travel tend to stay with friends. You imagine you might convince the Buddhists to take her in, as they likely have a spare room. Otherwise, it may just be best to get her home.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 17, 2016, 12:37:12 PM
> Youmu: "Yes, but she has been completely unresponsive so far."

> Miko: Chuckle lightly. "Of course."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 17, 2016, 01:43:00 PM
> Youmu: "Yes, but she has been completely unresponsive so far."

> Miko: Chuckle lightly. "Of course."

>Youmu: Futo frowns more deeply.
>Youmu: "I'm sorry..."  Kotohime mumbles between sobs.
>Miko: Tojiko seems satisfied with that answer.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 17, 2016, 01:59:04 PM
> Youmu: Look to Kotohime and take on a soft tone. "Do you want to go home?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 17, 2016, 02:01:43 PM
> Youmu: Look to Kotohime and take on a soft tone. "Do you want to go home?"

>She doesn't speak, as she tries and fails to choke back a sob, but she nods.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 17, 2016, 02:10:05 PM
> Youmu: Nod. "Let's get you home, then."
> Youmu: Look back to Futo. "I will meet you all just inside the entrance to the Netherworld once I have taken her home."
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 17, 2016, 09:15:11 PM
> Youmu: Nod. "Let's get you home, then."
> Youmu: Look back to Futo. "I will meet you all just inside the entrance to the Netherworld once I have taken her home."

>Kotohime just nods again, sobbing a bit more softly.
>"Very well," says Futo. "I shall make sure the Prince is aware of your generous offer. Would like her to ask anything on your behalf?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 17, 2016, 10:01:49 PM
>"As a matter of fact, yes, would you ask the Moon Inhabitants about Kotohime ? I'd like to know if she really is a Lunarian and if so why isn't she living with them. This ought to help find out why is she avoiding the place and anything related to them."
>Ask this in a way that Kotohime can't hear.
>"If that is all, i must depart with her. Farewell and have a nice voyage !"
>On the way to her home, tell her that you love her then kiss her.
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 17, 2016, 10:23:45 PM
>"As a matter of fact, yes, would you ask the Moon Inhabitants about Kotohime ? I'd like to know if she really is a Lunarian and if so why isn't she living with them. This ought to help find out why is she avoiding the place and anything related to them."
>Ask this in a way that Kotohime can't hear.
>"If that is all, i must depart with her. Farewell and have a nice voyage !"
>On the way to her home, tell her that you love her then kiss her.

>You don't think you're going to be able to keep her from hearing that, outside of covering her ears.

Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Monarda on February 17, 2016, 10:31:30 PM
>Then use our ghost half to distract her while we say that to Futo. If it doesn't work either just say it anyways.
>After Futo leaves, proceed to make ghost half take form and kiss Kotohime while we shank Seiga as she is sneaking up on us. (My first 1000th post ^^)
Title: Re: Sword Quest XII - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 17, 2016, 11:21:24 PM
>Then use our ghost half to distract her while we say that to Futo. If it doesn't work either just say it anyways.
>After Futo leaves, proceed to make ghost half take form and kiss Kotohime while we shank Seiga as she is sneaking up on us. (My first 1000th post ^^)

>Your ghost half takes form and smooches Kotohime! In turn, she manifests her inner jaw and tears into your ghost half painfully!
>"What did you expect, kissing an alien?" says Futo, as you are left to wonder if your can experience traumatic blood loss through your ghost half.