Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Rumia's Party Games => Mystia's Stored Games => Topic started by: Hello Purvis on April 14, 2015, 04:37:15 AM

Title: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 14, 2015, 04:37:15 AM

Previous Cover (

>You are Youmu Konpaku, Hakugyokurou?s finest half-ghost!
>Yours is a life at once placid and harried. On one hand, few places are really as peaceful as Hakugyokorou, and it is very easy to take life at your own pace. On the other hand, you are also the retainer of Lady Saigyouji, which can be quite hectic sometimes. While you would never say she is a cruel or unfair master, there are times when she can ask a lot from you. Or when her guests can be a royal pain. As well, you can sometimes have your hands full dealing with Hakugyokurou itself; being an estate the size of a city, sometimes it is difficult to organize proper maintenance.Still, you wouldn?t trade it for anything.
>You are a student of the Konpaku School of swordplay; presently the only one that you know of. When you can find the time, and have the energy, you focus on perfecting your art and pushing yourself further and further into it. Yuyuko sometimes jokes that you are a bit obsessed, but you feel that it is something you must do. And you?re not that obsessed... You also take a lot of joy in gardening, and you would like to think that Hakugyokurou is that much brighter for your devotion to it.
>As a half-ghost, you are privileged to have one foot within the netherworld, so to speak. While most people see ghosts as simple white blobs, you can see them as the people they are, and communicate with them. You have a tendency to favor uncomplicated answers to problems, and this sometimes leads you to be impatient. You?re trying to learn from that, though! You do sometimes have a tendency to get lost with regards to complicated things; particularly if Yuyuko herself happens to be involved. She can talk circles around you when she feels like it. As much as you hate to admit it, she is frequently right whenever the two of you disagree, so you try to have faith in her.
>You have been asked by Yuyuko to find a group of five people to act in a play she has written: One who is very tall, one who is medium-sized with red hair, one who does NOT have black hair,  one who is in really good shape, and one who is Reimu. This lead you to Gensokyo, where you encountered a reclusive by the name of Meira, who claimed to have descended from the hereditary rulers of this land. You appraised some swords for her and received a little money for it before continuing on your way to the human village. There, you managed to convince Byakuren to consider joining the play, and were quickly roped into hunting a missing satori by the name of Koishi. With a bit of diligence and luck, you were able to track her down despite her tricks, and managed to make contact with her! In the process, however, you found that the aura of death clings strongly to her, and quickly deduced that she was not far from death. With the assistance of Utsuho and Parsee, you managed to convince her to return with you to the Netherworld. Yuyuko was happy to look over Koishi, and equally happy to declare she was dying from her mind degrading due to her attempts to completely shut out her nature. While trying to make Koishi comfortable with the idea of taking steps toward recovery, you were disturbed by Seiga breaking into Hakugyokurou and ultimately robbing the Saigyou Ayakashi of its essence, leaving the tree to begin to die. You were unable to halt her escape, and while you did capture her Jiangshi servant, you had few leads.
>You decided to tell Reimu about things, and then managed to talk her down from getting involved. Yukari was there as well, and you managed to convince her to investigate the Saigyou Ayakashi and take care of matters at home. Afterward, you met with Marisa, and she agreed to look into the the old mausoleum and meet back up with you in town, while you followed a path that Miko traced out, first heading to Eientei, then underground. You manage to meet with Miko at the entrance, and learned of her story and difficulties she had. You then went underground and confirmed that Nue did not have Miko's sword. You then visited the Palace of the Earth Spirits and toward them about Koishi, and learned of Satori's own difficulties. On the way out, you got drawn into a difficult duel with an oni, which you managed to win rather elegantly and received some kind of box from her. From there, you went back to Hakgyokurou, only to learn the Prismrivers had detained Miko.
>Once home, you learned a bit more about the tree's situation, and updated your underground guests on what happened. This lead to some trouble, as Koishi ran and presumably hid before you could bring Miko to her. After attempting to find her and realizing it was futile, you departed once more for the human village, to confirm Byakuren for the play. She was gone, but you met a curious woman named Kotohime who seemed determined to arrest you, before becoming fascinated with your ghost half. She agreed to be in the play without preamble, and showed you her home. She seems to be determined to follow you as well, as you make your way toward Marisa's house.

> "Try not to poke or squeeze too much while we're in the air, okay? Let's head off."
> Take flight and head to Kirisame residence.

>"I won't!" she says, "It would be dangerous while moving,"
>The two of you take to the air, and fly toward the Forest of Magic. "I don't usually go out this way," Kotohime says. "Where are we going?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 14, 2015, 10:21:11 AM
> Did we mention the play to Marisa earlier?

> "Marisa's house."
> Stop suddenly.
> "Oh wait, I forgot! We were to rendezvous at the pub, not at her house. I apologize for wasting our time."
> Change course and head back toward the Human Village.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 14, 2015, 11:32:02 AM
> Did we mention the play to Marisa earlier?

> "Marisa's house."
> Stop suddenly.
> "Oh wait, I forgot! We were to rendezvous at the pub, not at her house. I apologize for wasting our time."
> Change course and head back toward the Human Village.

>You did not, but you did ask her about finding a red-haired person to be in it.
>"We're not too far off," says Kotohime.
>Thankfully, you haven't actually flown past the village yet, so it is easy enough to adjust course for the pub. Landing in front of it, you walk inside.
>It is somewhat crowded inside, but the lunch rush is clearly coming to an end as there are a number of tables that have seen recent use and have yet to be cleaned; you note Mokou is in the process of doing that just that when you arrive. Farmers and tradesmen occupy many of the booths and tables, but you note a few faces that stand out. In particular, Byakuren is at a corner table, along with that young woman who looks startlingly like Yukari, Merryberry some something? You also note that Wriggle is here, sharing a booth with Sanae. And your target in particular is occupying a corner booth, nursing a drink and notable collection of empty plates. She waves as you enter.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 14, 2015, 11:36:41 AM
> Return the wave and make our way over.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 14, 2015, 11:47:17 AM
> Return the wave and make our way over.

>"Hey there," says Marisa as you approach, "Who's you're friend?"
>"You're under arrest," says Kotohime, crossing her arms and giving Marisa a look.
>"Oh, now I remember!"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 14, 2015, 11:48:37 AM
> "Ah, you two are acquainted?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 14, 2015, 12:06:36 PM
> "Ah, you two are acquainted?"

>"I can't even count the number of incidences of disturbing the peace and petty theft she's racked up," says Kotohime.
>"Hey, I don't steal from town," Marisa says.
>"It still counts!"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 14, 2015, 12:15:39 PM
> "Ah, I see. Well, that aside, Marisa, Kotohime is here because she fits the profile of the sort of person I was asking you about earlier."
> Gesture to our ghost half.
> "That, and she finds my ghost half enthralling."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 14, 2015, 12:24:41 PM
> "Ah, I see. Well, that aside, Marisa, Kotohime is here because she fits the profile of the sort of person I was asking you about earlier."
> Gesture to our ghost half.
> "That, and she finds my ghost half enthralling."

>"...Huh," she says. "So, have any luck?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 14, 2015, 12:31:22 PM
> "Some. I did find their leader. She is on her way to the Scarlet Devil Mansion now, presumably for the same reason I asked you to take me there. We will be meeting at the Hakurei Shrine afterward. Were you able to find anything?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 14, 2015, 12:45:44 PM
> "Some. I did find their leader. She is on her way to the Scarlet Devil Mansion now, presumably for the same reason I asked you to take me there. We will be meeting at the Hakurei Shrine afterward. Were you able to find anything?"

>"There's nothing at all going on around that tomb," says Marisa. "I even looked around the graveyard and stuff. All I found was some horse lingering around there."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 14, 2015, 12:51:03 PM
> "I see. I encountered a woman on horseback earlier today, but she was a recluse in the forest that seems entirely unrelated to my problem."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 14, 2015, 01:10:27 PM
> "I see. I encountered a woman on horseback earlier today, but she was a recluse in the forest that seems entirely unrelated to my problem."

>Marisa nods. "I figured it was a runaway."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 14, 2015, 01:15:57 PM
> "Anyway, all I can do is wait until I hear the results of her visit to the Mansion. In the meantime, though, there is something else unrelated I meant to ask you about. Did I actually tell you precisely why I was looking for a red-haired woman?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 14, 2015, 01:21:31 PM
> "Anyway, all I can do is wait until I hear the results of her visit to the Mansion. In the meantime, though, there is something else unrelated I meant to ask you about. Did I actually tell you precisely why I was looking for a red-haired woman?"

>"I dunno, looking for a girlfriend?" says Marisa.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 14, 2015, 01:29:03 PM
> "I am sure Patchouli's familiar would be more than willing to offer, but no. Yuyuko-sama has written a play, and I have been tasked with finding five players for it, one of which was someone with red hair. Kotohime has graciously agreed to play this role."
> "I bring this up because the one role for which I do not have anyone at least strongly considering is 'someone in really good shape'. All cheesy flattery and alleged life-partner pursuit aside, I cannot think of many in better physical condition than you."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 14, 2015, 01:35:13 PM
> "I am sure Patchouli's familiar would be more than willing to offer, but no. Yuyuko-sama has written a play, and I have been tasked with finding five players for it, one of which was someone with red hair. Kotohime has graciously agreed to play this role."
> "I bring this up because the one role for which I do not have anyone at least strongly considering is 'someone in really good shape'. All cheesy flattery and alleged life-partner pursuit aside, I cannot think of many in better physical condition than you."

>"Eh, I dunno," she says. "I tend to have a pretty wild schedule from day to day."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 14, 2015, 01:38:59 PM
> "Understandable. I am sure we can accomodate, though. You are not the first to have scheduling concerns."
> What has Kotohime been doing this whole time?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 14, 2015, 01:43:40 PM
> "Understandable. I am sure we can accomodate, though. You are not the first to have scheduling concerns."
> What has Kotohime been doing this whole time?

>'We'll see," says Marisa.
>She been given Marisa a look the whole time.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 14, 2015, 01:48:04 PM
> Float our ghost half up and down a little bit in Kotohime's line of vision. Let's see if we can distract her from glaring at Marisa.
> "Very well. Thank you for your consideration. If it interests you, the other players will be Reimu, Miss Miko, and, once I have a chance to provide the information she request, possibly Miss Byakuren. And before you say anything, yes, I am aware, and I am not concerned."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 14, 2015, 02:14:07 PM
> Float our ghost half up and down a little bit in Kotohime's line of vision. Let's see if we can distract her from glaring at Marisa.
> "Very well. Thank you for your consideration. If it interests you, the other players will be Reimu, Miss Miko, and, once I have a chance to provide the information she request, possibly Miss Byakuren. And before you say anything, yes, I am aware, and I am not concerned."

>You move your ghost half around, and she does glance toward it.
>"Heh," says Marisa. "That sounds more fun to watch from a distance."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 14, 2015, 02:19:06 PM
> Good. Hopefully she stays distracted.
> "That may be, but rehearsals would provide more opportunities to watch. Though, as I said, I am not concerned."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 14, 2015, 02:54:52 PM
> Good. Hopefully she stays distracted.
> "That may be, but rehearsals would provide more opportunities to watch. Though, as I said, I am not concerned."

>"Maybe," says Marisa, "If I feel like it."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 14, 2015, 03:00:19 PM
> Nod.
> "Very well. Please let me know when you have arrived at a decision, so I can inform Yuyuko-sama."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 14, 2015, 03:08:13 PM
> Nod.
> "Very well. Please let me know when you have arrived at a decision, so I can inform Yuyuko-sama."

>"Ask me again in a a couple days," she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 14, 2015, 03:10:14 PM
> "I will do so, then."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 14, 2015, 03:14:00 PM
> "I will do so, then."

>"Anything else you're gonna need?" she asks.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 14, 2015, 03:20:30 PM
> Slowly bob out ghost half up and down a tiny bit.
> " the event your schedule does not allow you to commit, I would not refuse advice on who to ask instead. There are some other people I can think of to ask, but one of them would never be allowed to work with Yuyuko-sama, and the others are people I am not convinced are the best people to involve in such a thing."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 14, 2015, 03:26:25 PM
> Slowly bob out ghost half up and down a tiny bit.
> " the event your schedule does not allow you to commit, I would not refuse advice on who to ask instead. There are some other people I can think of to ask, but one of them would never be allowed to work with Yuyuko-sama, and the others are people I am not convinced are the best people to involve in such a thing."

>You move your ghost half a little bit. Kotohime glances at it.
>"Who've you got in mind?" says Marisa.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 14, 2015, 03:30:51 PM
> Slowly list our ghost half so it is a little more in front of Kotohime.
> Frown a tiny bit.
> " not sure naming names out loud is very polite, given what I have said. Perhaps a whisper is in order?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 14, 2015, 03:32:03 PM
> Slowly list our ghost half so it is a little more in front of Kotohime.
> Frown a tiny bit.
> " not sure naming names out loud is very polite, given what I have said. Perhaps a whisper is in order?"

>"Sure, fine," says Marisa.
>Kotohime reaches out and pokes your ghost half lightly.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 14, 2015, 03:50:54 PM
> There we go. Good, stay entertained and distracted.
> Make our way over to Marisa's side and lean into her ear for whisperin'. Try not to twitch or fidget too much while we're up close like this.
> Drop our voice to a whisper.
> "The oni are content to stay underground, and having one in the Human Village may not be the best idea. Meiling will never receive permission, Utsuho is a bit of an attitude risk, and I want little to do with Tenshi until she cleans up her act."
> Lean back away.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 14, 2015, 03:58:22 PM
> There we go. Good, stay entertained and distracted.
> Make our way over to Marisa's side and lean into her ear for whisperin'. Try not to twitch or fidget too much while we're up close like this.
> Drop our voice to a whisper.
> "The oni are content to stay underground, and having one in the Human Village may not be the best idea. Meiling will never receive permission, Utsuho is a bit of an attitude risk, and I want little to do with Tenshi until she cleans up her act."
> Lean back away.

>You whisper to Marisa. She nods. "Honestly? I'd go with that second person you named. She's cleaned up her act a lot lately."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 14, 2015, 04:08:18 PM
> Nod.
> "I had heard this myself, but I was not completely sure. If you are suggesting it, however, then I will talk to her. I will let you know if she agrees, so that you know you no longer need to keep it in mind."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 14, 2015, 04:29:08 PM
> Nod.
> "I had heard this myself, but I was not completely sure. If you are suggesting it, however, then I will talk to her. I will let you know if she agrees, so that you know you no longer need to keep it in mind."

>"Sure thing," she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 14, 2015, 04:33:02 PM
> Give Marisa a slight bow.
> "That is all I had. Thank you for your assistance. I will keep you abreast of things you wish to know as I know more."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 14, 2015, 04:36:05 PM
> Give Marisa a slight bow.
> "That is all I had. Thank you for your assistance. I will keep you abreast of things you wish to know as I know more."

>"Naw, you wanted this to be your show, and I don't wanna get in the way," Marisa says, waving her hand. "Just let me know how it all goes in a couple days or whenever."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 14, 2015, 04:44:55 PM
> "Of course. Until then."
> Make our way over to Byakuren's table, gauging the stage her meal appears to be at.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 14, 2015, 04:48:20 PM
> "Of course. Until then."
> Make our way over to Byakuren's table, gauging the stage her meal appears to be at.

>You make your way toward Byakuren's table. The meal seems to be done, and they are discussing something or other.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 14, 2015, 04:55:04 PM
> Okay, that's acceptable. Traverse the rest of the way there.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 14, 2015, 05:00:34 PM
> Okay, that's acceptable. Traverse the rest of the way there.

>You approach them. Byakuren glances over toward you. "Good afternoon, Youmu," she says.
>"Oh, hi," says the Yukari lookalike.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 14, 2015, 05:02:38 PM
> Didn't we take Little Miss Yakumo on a field trip through deep parts of the Netherworld once? What was up with that, anyway?

> "Good afternoon to you both. Please forgive my interruption. Miss Byakuren, I have obtained the information you requested."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 14, 2015, 05:09:54 PM
> Didn't we take Little Miss Yakumo on a field trip through deep parts of the Netherworld once? What was up with that, anyway?

> "Good afternoon to you both. Please forgive my interruption. Miss Byakuren, I have obtained the information you requested."

>You showed her the way there, at least. And, you recall she was after some essence from the netherworld's edge. That's about it.
>"Oh?" says Byakuren.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 14, 2015, 05:21:44 PM
> Is Kotohime still poking us?
> "Yes. Yuyuko-sama says that the play is about 'extraordinary people living ordinary days. Then the days stop being ordinary.' She did not elaborate beyond this, though she confirmed that there is no inappropriate content, unless one takes great personal offense to palindromes."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 14, 2015, 05:27:04 PM
> Is Kotohime still poking us?
> "Yes. Yuyuko-sama says that the play is about 'extraordinary people living ordinary days. Then the days stop being ordinary.' She did not elaborate beyond this, though she confirmed that there is no inappropriate content, unless one takes great personal offense to palindromes."

>No, but she had followed you.
>Byakuren nods. "That is fine, then."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 14, 2015, 05:35:46 PM
> Give Byakuren a slight bow.
> "Excellent. I do feel I should let you know now, though, that Miss Miko is indeed also participating, along with Reimu and my current companion, Miss Kotohime."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 14, 2015, 05:39:22 PM
> Give Byakuren a slight bow.
> "Excellent. I do feel I should let you know now, though, that Miss Miko is indeed also participating, along with Reimu and my current companion, Miss Kotohime."

>You think you see the phantom of something pass across her face, but perhaps it is just your imagination expecting these kind of things. "I am sure it will be fine," she says. "And it will be a pleasure to work with you, Miss Kotohime."
>"Yes, it will," says Kotohime. "I've been meaning to investigate you guys for potential crimes for some time now."
>Byakuren laughs politely.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 14, 2015, 05:51:20 PM
> Okay, no, we don't need any of that. Casually float our ghost half back in front of Kotohime.
> "I have faith that it will be fine. If nothing else, I would not have asked both of you if I thought there would be problems. But I did want to make sure both of you were okay with it as well, since the feelings and opinions of both of you matter more than mine in this context."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 14, 2015, 05:53:27 PM
> Okay, no, we don't need any of that. Casually float our ghost half back in front of Kotohime.
> "I have faith that it will be fine. If nothing else, I would not have asked both of you if I thought there would be problems. But I did want to make sure both of you were okay with it as well, since the feelings and opinions of both of you matter more than mine in this context."

>"I am sure nothing problematic will happen," says Byakuren. "Miss Miko is wise enough to behave herself."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 14, 2015, 05:59:24 PM
> Give Byakuren a slight bow.
> "On behalf of the Netherworld, I thank you. I will be sure to provide further details when I have them."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 14, 2015, 06:04:40 PM
> Give Byakuren a slight bow.
> "On behalf of the Netherworld, I thank you. I will be sure to provide further details when I have them."

>"I shall await them," she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 14, 2015, 06:09:48 PM
> "I will detain you no longer, then. When you return home and your followers tell you I visited, you can let them know that we met here."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 14, 2015, 06:21:43 PM
> "I will detain you no longer, then. When you return home and your followers tell you I visited, you can let them know that we met here."

>Byakuren nods. "Very well."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 14, 2015, 06:30:08 PM
> Give another slight bow, 'aimed' slightly more at both patrons than just Byakuren.
> "Farewell to you both."
> Exit the pub, hopefully with Kotohime in tow.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 15, 2015, 03:09:55 AM
> Give another slight bow, 'aimed' slightly more at both patrons than just Byakuren.
> "Farewell to you both."
> Exit the pub, hopefully with Kotohime in tow.

>You bow toward both of them and say you farewells.
>"Farewell to you," says Byakuren.
>"Yeah, have a nice day," the Yukari-lookalike adds.
>You then exit the establishment, and are pleased to see Kotohime following you.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 15, 2015, 03:14:51 AM
> Turn to her.
> "Kotohime, the next part of my journey is rather personal, and potentially very dangerous. I also do not know how long it will take, or where I will go. You are welcome to join me if you wish, but I cannot guarantee your safety, or that you will not spend long periods of time doing nothing of interest."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 15, 2015, 03:42:56 AM
> Turn to her.
> "Kotohime, the next part of my journey is rather personal, and potentially very dangerous. I also do not know how long it will take, or where I will go. You are welcome to join me if you wish, but I cannot guarantee your safety, or that you will not spend long periods of time doing nothing of interest."

>"Sounds like a good chance to find something for my collection," she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 15, 2015, 03:44:04 AM
> "Very well. Come."
> Take flight and head toward the Hakurei Shrine.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 15, 2015, 04:22:57 AM
> "Very well. Come."
> Take flight and head toward the Hakurei Shrine.

>You make your way toward the Hakurei Shrine, Kotohime following.
>You have made your way from the Netherworld to Scarlet Devil Mansion, traversing quite a lot of Gensokyo in the process. If nothing else, this whole escapade is doing wonders for your understanding of geography. And exercising yoru planning skills, as you've had to avoid a few clouds of faeries on the way here. But, you've managed to do so, and approach the gates of Scarlet Devil Mansion, where the gatekeeper still stands, currently engaging in some tai chi.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 15, 2015, 04:25:38 AM
> Wave as we approach once she looks in our direction.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 15, 2015, 06:01:50 AM
> Wave as we approach once she looks in our direction.

>"Hey buddy!" she calls back.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 16, 2015, 01:58:30 AM
> Land with a grin.
> "Greetings once again. It seems I simply cannot stay away from this place, does it not?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 16, 2015, 03:56:21 AM
> Land with a grin.
> "Greetings once again. It seems I simply cannot stay away from this place, does it not?"

>"Ain't that the way?" she says. "Wanna wait out the faeries?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 16, 2015, 04:04:15 AM
> "Your offer is tempting, but sadly, I am here a quick bit of important business. If  your librarian is not busy, I require her services in tracking down a certain someone."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 16, 2015, 04:24:36 AM
> "Your offer is tempting, but sadly, I am here a quick bit of important business. If  your librarian is not busy, I require her services in tracking down a certain someone."

>"Oh boy," says Meiling, as she opens the gate. "Be careful with that kind of thing. She gets irritated quickly."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 16, 2015, 04:41:51 AM
> "Of course. Thank you for the warning."
> Head on in!
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 16, 2015, 05:01:28 AM
> "Of course. Thank you for the warning."
> Head on in!

>You make your way inside, walking down the path and entering through the front doors. You find yourself in the front hall, still as impressive as the last time you saw it. The library should be just ahead, though the double doors under the balcony. A few faeries are busy sweeping the floor. One of them opening boggles at you.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 16, 2015, 10:31:18 AM
> Nod to the boggling fairy with a small.
> "Good day."
> Head into the library.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 16, 2015, 11:47:04 AM
> Nod to the boggling fairy with a small.
> "Good day."
> Head into the library.

>"Hi...?" says the maid, as you walk by.
>You enter the library and make your way toward the center of it. Patchouli is still where you left her, more or less unchanged save for an empty plate sitting off to her side. She glances up as you approach.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 16, 2015, 12:03:36 PM
> Give a wry smile.
> "Hello again. It seems we have cursed ourselves with our earlier conversation, as I have an urgent need of one of those trivial tasks you mentioned."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 16, 2015, 12:09:19 PM
> Give a wry smile.
> "Hello again. It seems we have cursed ourselves with our earlier conversation, as I have an urgent need of one of those trivial tasks you mentioned."

>Patchouli groans. "What?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 16, 2015, 12:14:00 PM
> Pull out the talisman.
> "What is the necessary compensation for locating the owner of this talisman?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 16, 2015, 12:26:59 PM
> Pull out the talisman.
> "What is the necessary compensation for locating the owner of this talisman?"

>"What do you have?" she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 16, 2015, 12:32:29 PM
> Inventory
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 16, 2015, 01:07:45 PM
> Inventory

>You inventory contains:
>Regal Clothing
>Strong enough for a monarch, simple enough for a hermit.
>A ritual baton that is part of any ruler?s regalia. You keep it as a symbol of your old office.
>Harmony Earmuffs
>This does much to cut down the babble of voices you can hear from other people. Particularly strong desires can still get through.
>Travel Bag
>A sack for keeping your things in.
>Used Clothing
>Regal, but in need of a wash
>Bag of Konpeito
>Apparently it is regarded as good manners these days for a royal to give these guests and such, they didn't have such things in your day!
>Bag of Curry Powder
>A donation from a potential follower. Quite fresh!
>Iron Key
>A simple ring-handled key made of iron.
>Steel Trap
>This trap features steel jaws and a powerful spring mechanism with a plate trigger. A bit of chain extends from it, ending in a long metal stake.
>Regal Cloak
>A high-collared cloak gifted to you by Tojiko and Futo.
>This is 80☼

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 16, 2015, 01:13:36 PM
> "Of my current possessions, I would be most willing to part with some of the money I have recently come into. How much would this service cost?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 16, 2015, 01:17:32 PM
> "Of my current possessions, I would be most willing to part with some of the money I have recently come into. How much would this service cost?"

>"...Just, just don't bother," she says. "Give me the stupid talisman."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 16, 2015, 01:25:25 PM
> Frown.
> "If you insist. I must compensate you some time in the future, however."
> Hand the talisman to Patchouli.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 16, 2015, 01:41:18 PM
> Frown.
> "If you insist. I must compensate you some time in the future, however."
> Hand the talisman to Patchouli.

>You take it and she looks it over.
>"Jiangshi?" she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 16, 2015, 01:43:36 PM
> "Yes. Her master is a former attendant of mine. This former attendant is in possession of a dangerous force that does not belong to her. I must see to it that this force is return to its rightful owner. I admit I am not completely sure that this will lead us to the master instead of the jiangshi, but I have no better options, and Miss Yakumo believes it is worth attempting."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 16, 2015, 01:49:51 PM
> "Yes. Her master is a former attendant of mine. This former attendant is in possession of a dangerous force that does not belong to her. I must see to it that this force is return to its rightful owner. I admit I am not completely sure that this will lead us to the master instead of the jiangshi, but I have no better options, and Miss Yakumo believes it is worth attempting."

>"I'm glad you told me that now and not after I tried to locate the jiangshi for you," says Patchouli. "Are there any other details I need to know? It doesn't happen to be coated in poison, is it?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 16, 2015, 01:52:59 PM
> Raise an eyebrow.
> "Of course not."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 16, 2015, 01:57:40 PM
> Raise an eyebrow.
> "Of course not."

>"Simply try to predict the trend," she says. "But to be sure, there's nothing extra I need to know?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 16, 2015, 02:01:27 PM
> "I do not believe so, unless a name or physical description of my former attendant and/or her jiangshi would be of any benefit, or perhaps the origin and nature of the force she stole."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 16, 2015, 02:05:31 PM
> "I do not believe so, unless a name or physical description of my former attendant and/or her jiangshi would be of any benefit, or perhaps the origin and nature of the force she stole."

>"Yes, why didn't you tell me this sooner?" says Patchouli. "I'm not a satori."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 16, 2015, 02:22:11 PM
> "My apologies, I am not completely clear on how this process works. Anyway, my former attendant is named Seiga Kaku. She wears a teal dress with a white vest, and her dark blue hair is put up into two large loops. The jiangshi is named Yoshika Miyako, and she wears a red shirt, a black skirt, and a blue hat. Seiga has performed a method similar to the basic Taoist rituals for transmigration to take possession of the life force of a large youkai tree in..."
> Frown again.
> "...the Netherworld. Mmm, I hope that will not be an issue."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 16, 2015, 02:29:02 PM
> "My apologies, I am not completely clear on how this process works. Anyway, my former attendant is named Seiga Kaku. She wears a teal dress with a white vest, and her dark blue hair is put up into two large loops. The jiangshi is named Yoshika Miyako, and she wears a red shirt, a black skirt, and a blue hat. Seiga has performed a method similar to the basic Taoist rituals for transmigration to take possession of the life force of a large youkai tree in..."
> Frown again.
> "...the Netherworld. Mmm, I hope that will not be an issue."

>"Hm," says Patchouli. "I can't guarantee anything outside of Gensokyo. The distances don't work right."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 16, 2015, 02:31:01 PM
> "That is fine. For what it is worth, it seems likely Seiga has escaped the Netherworld. I was more concerned because it is my understanding that your Mistress and the Netherworld's Mistress are at odds at present."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 16, 2015, 05:09:37 PM
> "That is fine. For what it is worth, it seems likely Seiga has escaped the Netherworld. I was more concerned because it is my understanding that your Mistress and the Netherworld's Mistress are at odds at present."

>"Mmm, not as bad as we used to," says Patchouli, "Not since Remilia arranged for a little payback and allied with Eientei. But we'd still rather not have anything to do with them."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 16, 2015, 05:30:14 PM
> Such delicious political intrigue! It seems that not all of the old ways have been lost.
> "I see. I will not pry further, as it is not my business. Regardless, I am not aware of anything else important about this situation related to Seiga or that tree."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 16, 2015, 06:09:05 PM
> Such delicious political intrigue! It seems that not all of the old ways have been lost.
> "I see. I will not pry further, as it is not my business. Regardless, I am not aware of anything else important about this situation related to Seiga or that tree."

>It seems even youkai enjoy the great game.
>"Alright then," says Patchouli, as she hops from her seat and proceeds toward the southeastern corner of the library.
>Following her, you come to the corner, which is curiously bare. She waves her hand over it, and the floor shimmers, revealing a curious series of interlinked circles marked with a number of unfamiliar glyphs, something entirely outside your own experience with the tao.  Looking at it, the circles somehow manage to come together in a manner that creates suggestions of other complex shapes, but you cannot quite suss out how. Patchouli chants a couple of curious words, and a flame springs to life in her palm. She wastes no time in applying the talisman to the flames, and placing it the middle of the circle. Then she begins to chant, a series of utterances that bring to mind leaves softly rustling, bearing a cadence that almost sounds like a song.
>The talisman burns to ash, and the ash begins to rise, twisting and shaping into thin lines.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 16, 2015, 06:12:13 PM
> Intriguing! Do the lines look like anything?
> Let's not interrupt this process, Patchouli doesn't seem the type to appreciate disruptions. If something goes wrong, she'll probably say something.
> Keep watch quietly.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 16, 2015, 06:21:07 PM
> Intriguing! Do the lines look like anything?
> Let's not interrupt this process, Patchouli doesn't seem the type to appreciate disruptions. If something goes wrong, she'll probably say something.
> Keep watch quietly.

>You watch quietly as the lines twist and writhe, and come together to form a crude outline of a person. The looped hair reveals it as Seiga to you immediately. The lines move, giving it the illusion that it is doing...something? Is she cleaning something she is holding?

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 16, 2015, 06:25:09 PM
> Can we tell what she is holding? ...Is it that girl's wand, or, worse, our sword?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 16, 2015, 06:27:29 PM
> Can we tell what she is holding? ...Is it that girl's wand, or, worse, our sword?

>It simply isn't shown. But from how her hand is cupped, it can't be very wide in diameter. A sword hilt or a rod of some kind could potentially fit.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 16, 2015, 06:34:57 PM
> Frown slightly. If she really did steal our sword...
> Keep watching.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 16, 2015, 06:48:09 PM
> Frown slightly. If she really did steal our sword...
> Keep watching.

>You continue to observe.
>Her mouth moves, and sounds come out. They are something like words, but you cannot make them out. It's not a spell, you are certain, but rather garbled speech. She looks over her shoulder at something.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 16, 2015, 06:49:27 PM
> So she's with someone. Maybe she found a way back to someone in that otherworld army?
> Continue observing.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 16, 2015, 07:14:47 PM
> So she's with someone. Maybe she found a way back to someone in that otherworld army?
> Continue observing.

>That isn't impossible...
>You continue to observe. There are more words, you think you can just make out a "How does it feel?"
>Then the entire ashy structure falls apart, as Patchouli begins coughing.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 16, 2015, 07:17:22 PM
> Did the 'How does it feel' sound like it came from Seiga or someone else?
> "Are you all right? I hope that was not too strenuous."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2015, 04:00:32 AM
> Did the 'How does it feel' sound like it came from Seiga or someone else?
> "Are you all right? I hope that was not too strenuous."

>You are quite certain she spoke it.
>" was..." she says between pants.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 17, 2015, 04:04:19 AM
> Frown.
> "Shall I or one of the maids fetch something for you?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2015, 04:09:09 AM
> Frown.
> "Shall I or one of the maids fetch something for you?"

>"Just...let me sit..." she says as she starts to make her way toward the center of the library.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 17, 2015, 04:09:38 AM
> "Of course."
> Follow! And help Patchouli into her chair if she looks and acts like she needs it.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2015, 04:14:08 AM
> "Of course."
> Follow! And help Patchouli into her chair if she looks and acts like she needs it.

>She could definitely do with the help, and she doesn't complain about leaning on your shoulder.
>Once you return her to her table, she plops down on a seat, picks up a small bell, and rings it. "I hope you found something...useful," she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 17, 2015, 04:17:51 AM
> "I learned a couple of intriguing things, yes. Unfortunately, where Seiga is presently located was not one of them, but what I know now is certainly better than the nothing I knew before."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2015, 04:38:30 AM
> "I learned a couple of intriguing things, yes. Unfortunately, where Seiga is presently located was not one of them, but what I know now is certainly better than the nothing I knew before."

>She is about to speak, but the red-haired youkai with bat wings appears, carrying a tray, which she places in front of Patchouli.  It contains what seems to be a steaming mixture of tea in a woman's shoe.
>"What is this." Patchouli says.
>"A number seven, just like you wanted!" says the youkai.
>"Why is it in a...shoe. Is this your shoe."
>"Didn't specify," she says, grinning.
>Patchouli groans. "PBring me a mixture seven, in a...proper drinking vessel, with all due haste, then...tell Sakuya you will be available next time the privies need to be cleaned."
>The youkai groans and departs.
>"As I was about to say," says Patchouli, "She is far away, that...much I can tell you."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 17, 2015, 04:40:18 AM
> Let's just act like that didn't happen, for Patchouli's sake.
> "You did succeed in finding her, though. I suppose that means she is at least in Gensokyo."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2015, 06:21:50 AM
> Let's just act like that didn't happen, for Patchouli's sake.
> "You did succeed in finding her, though. I suppose that means she is at least in Gensokyo."

>You suspect this may happen often enough the novelty has worn off.
>Patchouli nods. "And not close to the mansion. Though...the connection was not as strong one might...prefer."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on April 17, 2015, 09:55:48 AM
>"Was there any hint of a direction?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2015, 10:25:08 AM
>"Was there any hint of a direction?"

>"Not close is all...I can say," she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 17, 2015, 10:36:21 AM
> How far away from this mansion are the following notable landmarks: Hakurei Shrine, Kirisame House, Margatroid House, Kourindou, Human Village, PrismRiver Manor, Eientei, Youkai Mountain, Entrance to the Underground?
> Do we know approximately where the Sanzu River's dock is? IF so, how far away is it from this mansion?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2015, 10:57:12 AM
> How far away from this mansion are the following notable landmarks: Hakurei Shrine, Kirisame House, Margatroid House, Kourindou, Human Village, PrismRiver Manor, Eientei, Youkai Mountain, Entrance to the Underground?
> Do we know approximately where the Sanzu River's dock is? IF so, how far away is it from this mansion?

>Most of these places have not moved, you imagine.  The Hakurei Shrine is some distance to the Northeast. Marisa's house is a little ways to the north.  The village is some distance to the north. The Prismriver manor is far to the northeast.  Eientei is some distance to the northwest.  Mountain Mountain is some distance to the northeast, you believe, but not so far as the Hakurei shrine. The entrance to the underground is a little ways to the northeast.
>You have only a vague idea where it is, but you know it is far to the north.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 17, 2015, 11:07:15 AM
> "Hmm. Well, that does narrow down the major landmarks of which I am aware."
> Rub chin.
> "I almost wonder if she would be so bold as to hide out near the Sanzu River docks? Doubtful that many would think to look there for a hermit on the lam."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2015, 11:17:48 AM
> "Hmm. Well, that does narrow down the major landmarks of which I am aware."
> Rub chin.
> "I almost wonder if she would be so bold as to hide out near the Sanzu River docks? Doubtful that many would think to look there for a hermit on the lam."

>"I would have no idea," says Patchouli, as her breathing settles. She takes a piece of paper and and begins to scribble something down. "But if you think she is sufficiently daring, there may be worse places to look."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 17, 2015, 11:28:06 AM
> Nod.
> "Indeed. I cannot assume she has not holed up somewhere simply because it is dangerous. Particularly if she has taken that tree's life force into herself and discovered how to channel it, which is not impossible."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2015, 11:49:02 AM
> Nod.
> "Indeed. I cannot assume she has not holed up somewhere simply because it is dangerous. Particularly if she has taken that tree's life force into herself and discovered how to channel it, which is not impossible."

>Patchouli gives an absent nod, as she continues to write.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 17, 2015, 11:53:24 AM
> Wait for Patchouli to finish writing, glancing around the library in the meantime.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2015, 11:55:58 AM
> Wait for Patchouli to finish writing, glancing around the library in the meantime.

>You look around the library, noting nothing out of the ordinary. You suppose that youkai is out making...whatever a number seven is.
>"I didn't have anything to add," Patchouli says, "You can still speak. It's not an imposition."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 17, 2015, 12:02:39 PM
> "Ah. My apologies, I did not wish to interrupt your writing."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2015, 12:16:46 PM
> "Ah. My apologies, I did not wish to interrupt your writing."

>"Think nothing of it," she says, as she passes it to you. "Take that to the Moriya Shrine."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 17, 2015, 12:27:20 PM
> "This will be done."
> Take the paper.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2015, 12:33:43 PM
> "This will be done."
> Take the paper.

>You obtain: Patchouli's Note x1

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 17, 2015, 12:34:54 PM
> Do we know where the Moriya Shrine is?
> Do we know one Kanako Yasaka?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2015, 01:01:37 PM
> Do we know where the Moriya Shrine is?
> Do we know one Kanako Yasaka?

>You know it is on top of Youkai Mountain.
>You know of her in general.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 17, 2015, 01:06:21 PM
> "Sanzu River aside, my admittedly-limited experience suggests that the notable landmarks in the areas I should search include the Hakurei Shrine, Eientei, the PrismRiver Manor, and possibly also Youkai Mountain, since I now need to go there regardless. There is also the possibility of the Human Village, but that seems like a risky place for one to hide, given it is well-populated for its size."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2015, 01:37:00 PM
> "Sanzu River aside, my admittedly-limited experience suggests that the notable landmarks in the areas I should search include the Hakurei Shrine, Eientei, the PrismRiver Manor, and possibly also Youkai Mountain, since I now need to go there regardless. There is also the possibility of the Human Village, but that seems like a risky place for one to hide, given it is well-populated for its size."

>"I imagine there are places to hide there," she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 17, 2015, 02:02:15 PM
> Nod.
> "I will not entirely rule it out. Are there other notable locations in those general areas, though?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2015, 02:14:17 PM
> Nod.
> "I will not entirely rule it out. Are there other notable locations in those general areas, though?"

>"There's the Garden of the Sun, at least," says Patchouli.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 17, 2015, 02:20:45 PM
> What do we know about this place, if anything?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2015, 02:28:56 PM
> What do we know about this place, if anything?

>It is home to a dangerous and capricious individual. None of your followers have run into her, but you've heard some stories from Futo about how she is not to be messed with.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 17, 2015, 02:38:53 PM
> Nod.
> "I will keep that place in mind as well. I am aware of the stories surrounding that place and one particular denizen thereof; it would make for a good hiding place as long as Seiga could keep that person placated, as I doubt many people conduct business there or wander there aimlessly."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2015, 02:54:30 PM
> Nod.
> "I will keep that place in mind as well. I am aware of the stories surrounding that place and one particular denizen thereof; it would make for a good hiding place as long as Seiga could keep that person placated, as I doubt many people conduct business there or wander there aimlessly."

>"I have no idea if she's capable of such or not," says Patchouli.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 17, 2015, 02:59:25 PM
I think we may have actually found where Seiga is hiding, if a certain theory of mine is correct. I need to hear if Patchy doesn't disagree, though.

> "What can you tell me about this individual? I would like to be as prepared as possible if I am to investigate her domain."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2015, 03:20:11 PM
> "What can you tell me about this individual? I would like to be as prepared as possible if I am to investigate her domain."

>"Capricious, powerful," says Patchouli, "Quite willing to wreak devastation in pursuit of her goals. Strong enough to rival Yukari. Completely unafraid of a fight, and more than able to back up that lack of fear. However, when in a good mood, she is approachable as long as you mind your manners. She is a youkai of flowers, and demands respect for them."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 17, 2015, 03:33:31 PM
> "A rival for Miss Yakumo? That is formidable indeed. A youkai of flowers, you say...hmm. I may have an idea...were you able to catch any of what those ashes were projecting, or was your concentration too focused on maintaining the spell?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2015, 03:40:42 PM
> "A rival for Miss Yakumo? That is formidable indeed. A youkai of flowers, you say...hmm. I may have an idea...were you able to catch any of what those ashes were projecting, or was your concentration too focused on maintaining the spell?"

>"Little," she says. "The connection was not as strong as I would have liked."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 17, 2015, 03:42:39 PM
> Was Seiga still looking over her shoulder when she asked her mystery companion how 'it' felt?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2015, 03:44:37 PM
> Was Seiga still looking over her shoulder when she asked her mystery companion how 'it' felt?


Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 17, 2015, 03:51:02 PM
> "I saw Seiga moving as if cleaning something in her hands, something of similar size and shape as either of the day's missing weapons. She was speaking, though her speech was largely unclear. At one point, she turned her head to look over her shoulder, and before your connection was lost, she seemed to ask 'How does it feel?' of her mystery conversation companion. If this youkai in the Garden of the Sun is as powerful and capricious as you say, and she also has an affinity with flowers, is it possible that she could be partaking of the life force Seiga stole, given that life force came from a tree? Would its botanical origin be of particular use to a youkai of flowers?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2015, 03:58:50 PM
> "I saw Seiga moving as if cleaning something in her hands, something of similar size and shape as either of the day's missing weapons. She was speaking, though her speech was largely unclear. At one point, she turned her head to look over her shoulder, and before your connection was lost, she seemed to ask 'How does it feel?' of her mystery conversation companion. If this youkai in the Garden of the Sun is as powerful and capricious as you say, and she also has an affinity with flowers, is it possible that she could be partaking of the life force Seiga stole, given that life force came from a tree? Would its botanical origin be of particular use to a youkai of flowers?"

>Patchouli shrugs. "Maybe? Do I look like a flower youkai?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 17, 2015, 04:08:50 PM
> Does that theory sound plausible to ourselves, given what we know about youkai?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2015, 04:17:55 PM
> Does that theory sound plausible to ourselves, given what we know about youkai?

>It doesn't sound impossible, at least. Youkai are a highly varied people.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 17, 2015, 04:25:55 PM
> Frown slightly.
> "You look like an academic expert on a wide variety of subject matters. But if neither of us know if this theory is plausible, then I may simply need to investigate directly."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2015, 05:09:17 PM
> Frown slightly.
> "You look like an academic expert on a wide variety of subject matters. But if neither of us know if this theory is plausible, then I may simply need to investigate directly."

>"Go to the Moriya Shrine first," says Patchouli. "I don't need to wait around for however many weeks it'll take you to recover."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 17, 2015, 05:21:10 PM
> Chuckle a bit.
> "I assure you that I am no slouch myself. But I will see to it that your request is completed before I put myself in harm's way."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2015, 05:28:17 PM
> Chuckle a bit.
> "I assure you that I am no slouch myself. But I will see to it that your request is completed before I put myself in harm's way."

>"Good," she says. "In the meantime, don't take Yuuka lightly. You've probably dealt with Marisa's Master Spark; Yuuka's the one she stole it from."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 17, 2015, 05:33:44 PM
> Nod.
> "One of my most trusted advisors has given me fair warning about this person. I have no intent of disregarding her words. As well, not fighting to the best of one's capabilities is an insult to one's opponent."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2015, 05:42:28 PM
> Nod.
> "One of my most trusted advisors has given me fair warning about this person. I have no intent of disregarding her words. As well, not fighting to the best of one's capabilities is an insult to one's opponent."

>Patchouli nods.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 17, 2015, 05:48:00 PM
> "In any case, unless you have further information you wish to offer, I believe our business here is concluded. I will be off to see your delivery completed and my former attendant located."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2015, 06:09:11 PM
> "In any case, unless you have further information you wish to offer, I believe our business here is concluded. I will be off to see your delivery completed and my former attendant located."

>"Don't turn your back on the sunflowers," Patchouli says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 17, 2015, 06:41:34 PM
> Nod.
> "I will keep this in mind, thank you. Farewell, then. And, ah..."
> Glance over to the shoe tea briefly before returning our gaze to Patchouli.
> "Would you like me to dispose of that on my way out?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2015, 06:52:19 PM
> Nod.
> "I will keep this in mind, thank you. Farewell, then. And, ah..."
> Glance over to the shoe tea briefly before returning our gaze to Patchouli.
> "Would you like me to dispose of that on my way out?"

>"I will be dealt with," says Patchouli. "She'll need a drink as well, I'm sure."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 17, 2015, 07:00:19 PM
> Give a small grin.
> "That makes me wish I had the time to stay. But alas. Thank you again for your assistance. Do be sure your familiar only almost perishes."
> Give Patchouli a short box, and then exit the library.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2015, 07:13:21 PM
> Give a small grin.
> "That makes me wish I had the time to stay. But alas. Thank you again for your assistance. Do be sure your familiar only almost perishes."
> Give Patchouli a short box, and then exit the library.

>"We'll see," says Patchouli, who bobs in her seat in reply to your bow.
>You return to the front hall of the manor. The faeries have moved on, and you are alone here.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 17, 2015, 07:16:21 PM
> Exit the mansion and head back out through the front gate.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2015, 07:19:59 PM
> Exit the mansion and head back out through the front gate.

>You make your way back outside.
>"Everything go well?" Meiling asks, as she opens the gate for you.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 17, 2015, 07:22:53 PM
> "I did not learn everything I wished to learn, but I have learned everything I am going to with the resources I have at present, and it is still a fair bit more than what I knew when I first got here."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2015, 07:26:59 PM
> "I did not learn everything I wished to learn, but I have learned everything I am going to with the resources I have at present, and it is still a fair bit more than what I knew when I first got here."

>She nods. "That's something."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 17, 2015, 07:46:26 PM
> "Indeed it is. I do at least have a quality lead, even if I am not completely sure exactly where I must go. Unfortunately, time is of the essence, so I must depart into the sea of fairy rage once again. Have a pleasant day, Miss Meiling."
> Take flight and head to the Hakurei Shrine, giving any enraged cloud of fairies a respectable berth.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 17, 2015, 08:03:54 PM
> "Indeed it is. I do at least have a quality lead, even if I am not completely sure exactly where I must go. Unfortunately, time is of the essence, so I must depart into the sea of fairy rage once again. Have a pleasant day, Miss Meiling."
> Take flight and head to the Hakurei Shrine, giving any enraged cloud of fairies a respectable berth.

>"Good luck!" Meiling says.
>You arrive at the Hakurei Shrine once again, and find it is singificantly quieter than when you left it. You note the oni has departed, and it seems that Reimu herself has decided to relax on the front porch with a cup of tea. You're not certain if much more organization has gotten done since you left. Kotohime lands behind you, and seems to be taking everything in calmly.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 17, 2015, 08:08:41 PM
> Give Reimu a wave as we make our way over to her on foot.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 18, 2015, 02:26:46 AM
> Give Reimu a wave as we make our way over to her on foot.

>You wave to the shrine maiden and approach. She gives a lazy wave back.
>"Did you get arrested or something?" she asks.
>"Yep!" says Kotohime.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 18, 2015, 03:15:00 AM
> Float our ghost half across Kotohime's path.
> "Indeed. May I assume the same has happened to you before?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 18, 2015, 03:54:31 AM
> Float our ghost half across Kotohime's path.
> "Indeed. May I assume the same has happened to you before?"

>Kotohime prods your ghost half a little and grins before returning her attention to the conversation at hand.
>"Half the time I go to town, it seems like," says Reimu

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 18, 2015, 04:00:11 AM
> No one else is around, are they?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 18, 2015, 04:30:26 AM
> No one else is around, are they?

>It doesn't seem that way.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 18, 2015, 04:36:07 AM
> Keep our ghost half in front of Kotohime.
> "Anyway, are we the first here? I do not see any of the Taoists."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 18, 2015, 04:42:03 AM
> Keep our ghost half in front of Kotohime.
> "Anyway, are we the first here? I do not see any of the Taoists."

>Kotohime seems to have lost interest in it, as she goes around to look at the tables.
>"Well, Miko showed up for a little bit," says Reimu. "And that's about it for those guys. I'm supposed to be expecting the other ones, but I suppose they'll show up when they show up."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 18, 2015, 04:52:03 AM
> Eh, whatever.
> "I have also heard this. Miss Miko also told me to wait here for her. It seems she has, uh, volunteered herself for my investigation. Probably because of who is responsible."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 18, 2015, 05:37:24 AM
> Eh, whatever.
> "I have also heard this. Miss Miko also told me to wait here for her. It seems she has, uh, volunteered herself for my investigation. Probably because of who is responsible."

>Reimu nods. "Keep an eye on her."
>She then leans in and whispers, "And what's with the wannabe constable?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 18, 2015, 12:01:08 PM
> Whisper back.
> "She really likes my ghost half."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 18, 2015, 02:13:52 PM
> Whisper back.
> "She really likes my ghost half."

>"Weird," says Reimu.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 18, 2015, 02:17:36 PM
> "You're telling me."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 18, 2015, 02:20:49 PM
> "You're telling me."

>"You've got more patience than me," says Reimu. "Heaven knows I can only deal with Yukari for about two minutes before I'm trying to stab her with my gohei."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 18, 2015, 02:24:11 PM
> Is Kotohime really not following all of this?
> "She's been relatively harmless, at least. Also she'll be in the play."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 18, 2015, 02:52:29 PM
> Is Kotohime really not following all of this?
> "She's been relatively harmless, at least. Also she'll be in the play."

>She is wandering around, looking at the tables.
>"...Huh, okay," says Reimu.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 18, 2015, 03:02:56 PM
> Nod.
> "I have little reason to send her away, and it is a simple matter to keep her distracted as need be, so it is not a problem."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 18, 2015, 03:44:31 PM
> Nod.
> "I have little reason to send her away, and it is a simple matter to keep her distracted as need be, so it is not a problem."

>"She's got her reasons, I suppose," says Reimu. "Question is whether we want to know them or not."
>Kotohime, in the meantime, seems to have taken great interest in a rock near one of the tables.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 18, 2015, 03:52:07 PM
> Frown.
> "Yes, I do wonder. She invited me into her home earlier. A...great number of her possessions sensed very strongly of death."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 18, 2015, 04:20:26 PM
> Frown.
> "Yes, I do wonder. She invited me into her home earlier. A...great number of her possessions sensed very strongly of death."

>"Really?" says Reimu. "That's weird. Wait, you don't think she's like a serial killer, do you?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 18, 2015, 04:22:27 PM
> "It's...possible, maybe, but I rather doubt it. If nothing else, with the volume of death surrounding those weapons, you would have noticed a lot of deaths by now."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 18, 2015, 04:25:54 PM
> "It's...possible, maybe, but I rather doubt it. If nothing else, with the volume of death surrounding those weapons, you would have noticed a lot of deaths by now."

>"Yeah, I guess so," says Reimu. "What a weirdo, then."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 18, 2015, 04:39:53 PM
> "Actually, I do have a curiosity you may be able to answer. Is she a Lunarian?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 18, 2015, 04:41:51 PM
> "Actually, I do have a curiosity you may be able to answer. Is she a Lunarian?"

>"...Well," says Reimu. "I guess she could be? She's not a youkai, and I'm pretty sure she's not a normal human. She's not much like any of the Lunarians I met, though. They were all pure and stuff."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 18, 2015, 04:45:49 PM
> "I may have to ask Reisen, then, the next time I see her. assuming Eientei's domestic issues have cleared up to some degree."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 18, 2015, 04:54:03 PM
> "I may have to ask Reisen, then, the next time I see her. assuming Eientei's domestic issues have cleared up to some degree."

>"What are they up to?" says Reimu.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 18, 2015, 05:03:31 PM
> How much about that situation did we gather, again?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 18, 2015, 05:08:46 PM
> How much about that situation did we gather, again?

>The rabbits are upset that they aren't allowed to dig holes. That is about what you know, aside from what you've seen.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 18, 2015, 05:10:07 PM
> "The rabbits are picketing. It seems they're not happy about not being allowed to dig holes."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 18, 2015, 05:14:18 PM
> "The rabbits are picketing. It seems they're not happy about not being allowed to dig holes."

>"Well, I guess that's not my problem, then," says Reimu.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 18, 2015, 05:27:35 PM
> Wave a hand dismissively.
> "I would let them worry about it themselves, yes."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 18, 2015, 05:41:54 PM
> Wave a hand dismissively.
> "I would let them worry about it themselves, yes."

>"So, find anything worthwhile in your investigations?" says Reimu.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 18, 2015, 05:44:53 PM
> "Only a little. It seems Seiga has taken the Saigyou Ayakashi's life force for herself, but we do not know what for, nor where she has gone. Miss Miko is investigating the latter issue at present; she has taken the talisman placed on Yoshika's forehead to Patchouli in the hopes of locating Seiga that way."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 18, 2015, 05:48:53 PM
> "Only a little. It seems Seiga has taken the Saigyou Ayakashi's life force for herself, but we do not know what for, nor where she has gone. Miss Miko is investigating the latter issue at present; she has taken the talisman placed on Yoshika's forehead to Patchouli in the hopes of locating Seiga that way."

>Reimu nods. "I'm putting my trust into you."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 18, 2015, 05:50:25 PM
> "Thank you, Reimu. Truly. I promise I will not let you or Yuyuko-sama down."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 18, 2015, 06:49:31 PM
> "Thank you, Reimu. Truly. I promise I will not let you or Yuyuko-sama down."

>She nods. "Words are nice, doing it is better."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 18, 2015, 07:00:31 PM
> "Of course."
> "In other matters related to you, I have confimed that both Miss Miko and Miss Byakuren will be in that play I asked you about previously."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 18, 2015, 07:17:27 PM
> "Of course."
> "In other matters related to you, I have confimed that both Miss Miko and Miss Byakuren will be in that play I asked you about previously."

>"So her,"
>Reimu gestures toward Kotohime, "And those two? That'll experience."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 18, 2015, 07:21:56 PM
> Nod.
> "I had asked Marisa if she was willing to be the last player, because Yuyuko-sama requested someone in very well-built, but she was not sure she could commit. She did recommend asking the hell raven Utsuho, though, who may join as repayment for the help I have given her today."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 18, 2015, 07:22:56 PM
> Nod.
> "I had asked Marisa if she was willing to be the last player, because Yuyuko-sama requested someone in very well-built, but she was not sure she could commit. She did recommend asking the hell raven Utsuho, though, who may join as repayment for the help I have given her today."

>Reimu shrugs. "Could be worse. Utsuho's turned out to be an alright kid."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 18, 2015, 07:25:23 PM
> "Yes, she has been no problem to work with at all."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 18, 2015, 07:44:22 PM
> "Yes, she has been no problem to work with at all."

>"Good, good," says Reimu. She looks toward the southwest. "Ah, someone is coming."
>Looking over, you can see that a person arriving from the air, whose cape and curious hair quickly reveals her to be Miko.
>You now possess control of both Youmu and Miko. Please preface all actions and sentences with the name of the relevant character. You may summarize interactions between them as briefly or thoroughly as you please. Keep in mind that they cannot read each others' minds (Youmu lacks a desire, which throws things you), so coordination will have to be arranged verbally or through gestures or the like. Also please keep in mind that both have their own goals and motivations, and may not perfectly align with every action. You may freely split them up when you please, upon which things shall continue as before.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 18, 2015, 07:46:43 PM
> Miko: Ah, good, Youmu is here. Land close to where Youmu and Reimu are and walk over to them.
> Miko: Do we recognize the redhead?
> Miko: "Hello again, ladies."
> Youmu: "Greetings."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 18, 2015, 08:26:41 PM
> Miko: Ah, good, Youmu is here. Land close to where Youmu and Reimu are and walk over to them.
> Miko: Do we recognize the redhead?
> Miko: "Hello again, ladies."
> Youmu: "Greetings."

>Miko: You've never seen her before. She glances at you, then goes back to looking whatever it was that caught her interest in the forest.
>"Hi again," says Reimu.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 18, 2015, 08:35:38 PM
> Miko: "So I have less information regarding Seiga than I would like. In particular, Patchouli was not able to discern precisely where she was located."
> Youmu: Frown. "That's not good. What did you learn, then?"
> Miko: "I can tell you what I saw in the ashes made by the talisman."
> Miko: Recount the entire vision in the ashes, including the speech parts.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 18, 2015, 10:10:43 PM
> Miko: "So I have less information regarding Seiga than I would like. In particular, Patchouli was not able to discern precisely where she was located."
> Youmu: Frown. "That's not good. What did you learn, then?"
> Miko: "I can tell you what I saw in the ashes made by the talisman."
> Miko: Recount the entire vision in the ashes, including the speech parts.

>Reimu listens idly, then shrugs. "Doesn't make much sense to me."
>In the meantime, Kotohime wanders behind the shrine.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 18, 2015, 10:28:09 PM
> Youmu: "So Seiga is with someone else?"
> Miko: Nod. "It seems so. Patchouli did also say that Seiga was quite far away from the Scarlet Devil Mansion, though she seemed to still be in Gensokyo."
> Youmu: "Then she is at least not still in the Netherworld. That is, at least, some good news."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 18, 2015, 10:50:47 PM
> Youmu: "So Seiga is with someone else?"
> Miko: Nod. "It seems so. Patchouli did also say that Seiga was quite far away from the Scarlet Devil Mansion, though she seemed to still be in Gensokyo."
> Youmu: "Then she is at least not still in the Netherworld. That is, at least, some good news."

>"Means you can also rule out Higan and Bhava-Agra," says Reimu.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 18, 2015, 11:03:43 PM
> Youmu: "It is not the most useful information, but at least we can narrow our search."
> Miko: "Indeed. I do even have one possible theory as to who Seiga is with, and thus where she may be hiding. The information we have is that Seiga has stolen the life force of a tree, a life force that is a tremendous amount of power. She is also currently far away from the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and she asked her mystery companion how 'it' feels. It also stands to reason that, if Seiga is hiding, she would not want to hide somewhere where she could be easily discovered. Now, again, this is only a theory, but it is possible that Seiga is sharing the power of the Saigyou Ayakashi's life force with her mystery companion, and was asking this companion how that power felt. I can think of one person that lives far away from the Scarlet Devil Mansion, in a place where random Gensokyo citizens are extremely unlikely to wander upon them intentionally or by accident, and who would be interested in obtaining a great power of botanical origin."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2015, 05:26:39 AM
> Youmu: "It is not the most useful information, but at least we can narrow our search."
> Miko: "Indeed. I do even have one possible theory as to who Seiga is with, and thus where she may be hiding. The information we have is that Seiga has stolen the life force of a tree, a life force that is a tremendous amount of power. She is also currently far away from the Scarlet Devil Mansion, and she asked her mystery companion how 'it' feels. It also stands to reason that, if Seiga is hiding, she would not want to hide somewhere where she could be easily discovered. Now, again, this is only a theory, but it is possible that Seiga is sharing the power of the Saigyou Ayakashi's life force with her mystery companion, and was asking this companion how that power felt. I can think of one person that lives far away from the Scarlet Devil Mansion, in a place where random Gensokyo citizens are extremely unlikely to wander upon them intentionally or by accident, and who would be interested in obtaining a great power of botanical origin."

>"...Not again," Reimu mutters.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 19, 2015, 11:35:05 AM
> Youmu: Go a little whiter than usual. "...Surely not?"
> Miko: "I cannot be certain this is the case. Truthfully, I am not even certain the fact that the life force comes from a tree would make a difference in how well it would be received. seems more likely than other possibilities."
> Youmu: How aware are we of Yuuka's anti-trespassing policies?
> Youmu: How aware are we of any connection between Yuuka and Medicine?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2015, 12:07:25 PM
> Youmu: Go a little whiter than usual. "...Surely not?"
> Miko: "I cannot be certain this is the case. Truthfully, I am not even certain the fact that the life force comes from a tree would make a difference in how well it would be received. seems more likely than other possibilities."
> Youmu: How aware are we of Yuuka's anti-trespassing policies?
> Youmu: How aware are we of any connection between Yuuka and Medicine?

>Youmu: Yuuka does not like uninvited guests at all.  Nor are you really sure how Yuuka and Medicine are connected, but you expect they have to at least know each other.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 19, 2015, 12:13:09 PM
> Youmu: "...Reimu, is there anyone whose presence she tolerates?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2015, 12:14:10 PM
> Youmu: "...Reimu, is there anyone whose presence she tolerates?"

>"Well, there's that goon squad she has," says Reimu. "Aside from that...who knows?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 19, 2015, 12:22:05 PM
> Youmu: Which 'good squad' is this?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2015, 12:24:39 PM
> Youmu: Which 'good squad' is this?

>Youmu: You have no idea...

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 19, 2015, 12:27:10 PM
> Youmu: Look a little bit puzzled. "Um...which 'goon squad' is this?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2015, 12:41:10 PM
> Youmu: Look a little bit puzzled. "Um...which 'goon squad' is this?"

>"You go far enough into her field, you'll find her mansion," says Reimu. "She's got a few friends or lackeys or whatever living there. A kind of butler woman, some dippy vampire, and an squawky faerie who's no joke. I don't hear about 'em getting out much, so it makes sense you wouldn't have heard of them."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 19, 2015, 12:52:21 PM
> Youmu: Did we know about this mansion?
> Youmu: "Ah, I see. So there are no known outsiders that we could ask for help."
> Miko: "Hmm? Surely you could ask Miss Yakumo, if nothing else."
> Youmu: Shake head. "Yukari-sama and Yuuka are not on the best of terms. Yuuka is very territorial; I was hoping there was someone that she would not immediately consider a trespasser who could at least check to see if anything is amiss."
> Miko: "Hrm. That is unfortunate."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2015, 01:34:32 PM
> Youmu: Did we know about this mansion?
> Youmu: "Ah, I see. So there are no known outsiders that we could ask for help."
> Miko: "Hmm? Surely you could ask Miss Yakumo, if nothing else."
> Youmu: Shake head. "Yukari-sama and Yuuka are not on the best of terms. Yuuka is very territorial; I was hoping there was someone that she would not immediately consider a trespasser who could at least check to see if anything is amiss."
> Miko: "Hrm. That is unfortunate."

>Youmu: You did not.
>"There's no easy way with that," says Reimu. "Either you be forthright and hope she's in a good mood, or you sneak in and really hope she doesn't find you."


Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 19, 2015, 02:25:14 PM
> Miko: "And if she is indeed harboring Seiga in return for greater power, the likelihood of success of that first option drops dramatically."
> Youmu: Frown. "And we would then have to deal with both of them, possibly enhanced by the Saigyou Ayakashi."
> Miko: "Indeed. Though I do hope I can at least talk Seiga down from a violent confrontation."
> Miko: Are we aware of the tengu penchant for journalism?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2015, 02:27:41 PM
> Miko: "And if she is indeed harboring Seiga in return for greater power, the likelihood of success of that first option drops dramatically."
> Youmu: Frown. "And we would then have to deal with both of them, possibly enhanced by the Saigyou Ayakashi."
> Miko: "Indeed. Though I do hope I can at least talk Seiga down from a violent confrontation."
> Miko: Are we aware of the tengu penchant for journalism?

>Miko: You know some stories to the effect.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 19, 2015, 02:47:38 PM
> Miko: How problematic were the tengu back in our day?

> Miko: "Anyway, given the uncertainty and danger surrounding this theory, perhaps it would be best if we tried to gather more information before we make our next move."
> Youmu: "What other leads do we have, though?"
> Miko: "Well, if nothing else, it would not be a bad idea to ask your mistress and Miss Yakumo their opinions on our theory, particularly as it pertains to whether or not a flower youkai would be particularly compatible with life force from a tree. We can also investigate other, less hostile areas, to see if Seiga has been spotted there recently. She may not be in Higan, as Reimu pointed out, but she may have traveled by the Sanzu River on the Gensokyo side. Seiga may believe not many people would think to search for a hermit in a shinigami's domain."
> Youmu: "...Maybe. What about you, though? Surely you're not volunteering for going there."
> Miko: Shake head. "I have a delivery to make to the Moriya Shrine, as part of the agreement made to obtain Patchouli's services. I can investigate Youkai Mountain while I am there."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2015, 03:00:11 PM
> Miko: How problematic were the tengu back in our day?

> Miko: "Anyway, given the uncertainty and danger surrounding this theory, perhaps it would be best if we tried to gather more information before we make our next move."
> Youmu: "What other leads do we have, though?"
> Miko: "Well, if nothing else, it would not be a bad idea to ask your mistress and Miss Yakumo their opinions on our theory, particularly as it pertains to whether or not a flower youkai would be particularly compatible with life force from a tree. We can also investigate other, less hostile areas, to see if Seiga has been spotted there recently. She may not be in Higan, as Reimu pointed out, but she may have traveled by the Sanzu River on the Gensokyo side. Seiga may believe not many people would think to search for a hermit in a shinigami's domain."
> Youmu: "...Maybe. What about you, though? Surely you're not volunteering for going there."
> Miko: Shake head. "I have a delivery to make to the Moriya Shrine, as part of the agreement made to obtain Patchouli's services. I can investigate Youkai Mountain while I am there."

>Miko: You seldom heard of them. They were notably reclusive. Individuals did cause trouble, though.
>"My suggestion would be to not backtrack to the same place all the time without a good reason," says Reimu. "If you keep wasting time doing that, you'll never stop anything. Better to follow your heart until you know there's a good reason to do it."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 19, 2015, 03:14:54 PM
> Youmu: Has that been our experience as well?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2015, 03:24:04 PM
> Youmu: Has that been our experience as well?

>The few times you've gone out to solve incidents, you tended just to either plow ahead, or follow Yuyuko.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 19, 2015, 03:28:42 PM
> Youmu: Under what conditions were we not supposed to open the oni's box?
> Youmu: Are we presently under a roof?

> Youmu: "That...seems to have worked for me in the past, now that I think about it."
> Miko: "I see. I will defer to the professionals on that matter, then. Though, Reimu, I assume you will still want me to return so my companions do not intrude upon your hospitality for too long."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2015, 03:36:47 PM
> Youmu: Under what conditions were we not supposed to open the oni's box?
> Youmu: Are we presently under a roof?

> Youmu: "That...seems to have worked for me in the past, now that I think about it."
> Miko: "I see. I will defer to the professionals on that matter, then. Though, Reimu, I assume you will still want me to return so my companions do not intrude upon your hospitality for too long."

>Youmu: She told you not to open it in the rain. You are not under a roof.
>Reimu nods. "Yeah, that'd be nice."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 19, 2015, 03:41:23 PM
> Youmu: Is it presently raining?
> Youmu: Does the shrine porch offer a roof?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2015, 03:58:49 PM
> Youmu: Is it presently raining?
> Youmu: Does the shrine porch offer a roof?

>It has not been raining since you left the Underground. There is a roof over the porch.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 19, 2015, 04:19:16 PM
> Youmu: Did we think to ask the rabbits if they had seen Seiga (or someone matching her description)?

> Miko: "Then perhaps we should make one last plan to reunite here, at least. If nothing else, I assume you do not wish to risk having to confront Seiga and Yuuka on your own, and I do not wish to bring my companions there without extra assistance. The poor dears have dealt with enough today already."
> Youmu: Raise an eyebrow. "What did they get into now?"
> Miko: "They ran afoul of an oni most rude while searching for my sword's thief underground. Their victory was not without cost."
> Youmu: "I see. Ah, that reminds me. I received something from the oni swordswoman, but I have yet to actually inspect it properly. I suppose now is as good a time as any."
> Youmu: Take out the box and open it.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2015, 04:55:30 PM
> Youmu: Did we think to ask the rabbits if they had seen Seiga (or someone matching her description)?

> Miko: "Then perhaps we should make one last plan to reunite here, at least. If nothing else, I assume you do not wish to risk having to confront Seiga and Yuuka on your own, and I do not wish to bring my companions there without extra assistance. The poor dears have dealt with enough today already."
> Youmu: Raise an eyebrow. "What did they get into now?"
> Miko: "They ran afoul of an oni most rude while searching for my sword's thief underground. Their victory was not without cost."
> Youmu: "I see. Ah, that reminds me. I received something from the oni swordswoman, but I have yet to actually inspect it properly. I suppose now is as good a time as any."
> Youmu: Take out the box and open it.

>Youmu: You did not.
>Youmu: You open the box to reveal an aged scroll. You also noted there is something else rattling around inside, though you cannot see it.


Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 19, 2015, 05:06:31 PM
> Youmu: Remove the scroll from the box and check for what is rattling.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2015, 05:13:08 PM
> Youmu: Remove the scroll from the box and check for what is rattling.

>You lift out the scroll, and can see a few small gemstones in the box, three blue ones and three red ones. Rubies and sapphires?
>You obtain: Aged Scroll x1
>You obtain: Red Jewel x3
>You obtain: Blue Jewel x3

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 19, 2015, 05:22:20 PM
> Youmu: !!!?!?!?
> Youmu: "Wow..."
> Miko: "Hmm?"
> Miko: Glance into the box, if we can.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2015, 05:33:15 PM
> Youmu: !!!?!?!?
> Youmu: "Wow..."
> Miko: "Hmm?"
> Miko: Glance into the box, if we can.

>Miko: Looking in the box, you can confirm those are carnelians and sapphires.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 19, 2015, 05:39:28 PM
> Miko: How much of a jeweler are we?
> Miko: "Ah, carnelians and sapphires. Quite a generous gift. What does the scroll say?"
> Youmu: What's our jewelry knowledge?
> Youmu: What's a carnelian?
> Youmu: Nod absently and open the scroll, closing the box and putting it away if we need to.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2015, 05:59:56 PM
> Miko: How much of a jeweler are we?
> Miko: "Ah, carnelians and sapphires. Quite a generous gift. What does the scroll say?"
> Youmu: What's our jewelry knowledge?
> Youmu: What's a carnelian?
> Youmu: Nod absently and open the scroll, closing the box and putting it away if we need to.

>Miko: You have some basic familiarity with them, precious stones were not an infrequent subject of court interest.
>Youmu: Not much. You like the ones that are pretty. Apparently one of those things is a carnelian.
>Youmu: Opening the scroll, you quickly see that it depicts several swords stances; some in mid strike, with terse notations here and there. To most people, this would be a useless curiosity. You are not most people, and can recognize it as a scroll depicting a particular technique. The notation assumes one already has a high degree of familiarity with swordsmanship, and is practically impenetrable otherwise.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 19, 2015, 06:07:47 PM
> Miko: Can we read the scroll from where we are?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2015, 06:10:10 PM
> Miko: Can we read the scroll from where we are?

>Miko: You can see it, but you really can't read it.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 19, 2015, 06:19:28 PM
> Youmu: Reroll the scroll. "Sorry, Miss Miko, but given what is written on this scroll, I suspect the oni would rather you earn one of your own by besting her in a duel."
> Miko: "Ah."
> Youmu: Put the box away.
> Both: Do we know of any jewelers in Gensokyo?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2015, 06:51:05 PM
> Youmu: Reroll the scroll. "Sorry, Miss Miko, but given what is written on this scroll, I suspect the oni would rather you earn one of your own by besting her in a duel."
> Miko: "Ah."
> Youmu: Put the box away.
> Both: Do we know of any jewelers in Gensokyo?

>Youmu: You believe there is one in town.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 19, 2015, 06:59:45 PM
> Youmu: "Reimu, I believe there is a jeweler in town, yes? Could you tell me where they are located?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2015, 07:13:43 PM
> Youmu: "Reimu, I believe there is a jeweler in town, yes? Could you tell me where they are located?"

>"Block over from the market," says Reimu. "Pretty sure the constable back there could show you."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 19, 2015, 07:30:00 PM
> Youmu: Nod. "Thank you. I think I shall ask her, then."
> Miko: "Let us work out who should investigate where, then. Garden of the Sun aside, the most notable Gensokyo locations of which I am aware that are far away from the Scarlet Devil Mansion are this place, Youkai Mountain, the Human Village, Eientei, the musical ghost manor, and the shores of the Sanzu River. Both of you are more familiar with this land than I; is there anywhere I have missed?"
> Youmu: Is there?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2015, 07:45:29 PM
> Youmu: Nod. "Thank you. I think I shall ask her, then."
> Miko: "Let us work out who should investigate where, then. Garden of the Sun aside, the most notable Gensokyo locations of which I am aware that are far away from the Scarlet Devil Mansion are this place, Youkai Mountain, the Human Village, Eientei, the musical ghost manor, and the shores of the Sanzu River. Both of you are more familiar with this land than I; is there anywhere I have missed?"
> Youmu: Is there?

>Youmu: This feel comprehensive, save for excluding the underground.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 19, 2015, 07:58:39 PM
> Youmu: Where is the underground entrance relative to other notable landmarks?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2015, 08:14:43 PM
> Youmu: Where is the underground entrance relative to other notable landmarks?

>There really aren't any that you can recall. You just know the general area where it is.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 19, 2015, 08:30:32 PM
> Youmu: "There is also the entrance to the Underground, but it seems unlikely that she is down there, based on our travels there."
> Miko: Nod. "Does this seem to cover everything, Reimu?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2015, 08:51:07 PM
> Youmu: "There is also the entrance to the Underground, but it seems unlikely that she is down there, based on our travels there."
> Miko: Nod. "Does this seem to cover everything, Reimu?"

>"More or less," says Reimu.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 19, 2015, 08:59:30 PM
> Miko: Consider logistics of someone ourselves from here to Youkai Mountain to Eientei to here and Youmu from here to Sanzu River area to PrismRiver Manor to Human Village to here. Does this seem like a reasonable course of action, or is one itinerary clearly lengthier than the other?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2015, 09:23:43 PM
> Miko: Consider logistics of someone ourselves from here to Youkai Mountain to Eientei to here and Youmu from here to Sanzu River area to PrismRiver Manor to Human Village to here. Does this seem like a reasonable course of action, or is one itinerary clearly lengthier than the other?

>Miko: It feels like Youmu would have a faster route, the Bamboo Forest is not a place for speed.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 19, 2015, 09:34:23 PM
> Miko: Eh, she'll just have to wait for us, then.
> Miko: "Then this is what I propose. I will investigate Youkai Mountain while making my delivery, and then make my way back to Eientei and investigate there before returning here."
> Miko: Gesture at Youmu. "You will investigate the shores of the Sanzu River, then make your way back to the Human Village and ask around for information there before returning here. You may wish to confirm with your musical ghost friends that they have not seen out of the ordinary, particularly since I imagine I will be back here later than you. If neither of us finds anything meaningful, then once we have both returned here, we will decide precisely how to approach the Garden of the Sun. Is this agreeable?"
> Youmu: Did we actually ask the PrismRiver Sisters about Seiga (or anyone fitting her description)?
> Youmu: How difficult would it be to add a stop at Meira's to Miko's proposed itinerary for us?
> Youmu: Is Kotohime still wandering around out of sight?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2015, 09:38:33 PM
> Miko: Eh, she'll just have to wait for us, then.
> Miko: "Then this is what I propose. I will investigate Youkai Mountain while making my delivery, and then make my way back to Eientei and investigate there before returning here."
> Miko: Gesture at Youmu. "You will investigate the shores of the Sanzu River, then make your way back to the Human Village and ask around for information there before returning here. You may wish to confirm with your musical ghost friends that they have not seen out of the ordinary, particularly since I imagine I will be back here later than you. If neither of us finds anything meaningful, then once we have both returned here, we will decide precisely how to approach the Garden of the Sun. Is this agreeable?"
> Youmu: Did we actually ask the PrismRiver Sisters about Seiga (or anyone fitting her description)?
> Youmu: How difficult would it be to add a stop at Meira's to Miko's proposed itinerary for us?
> Youmu: Is Kotohime still wandering around out of sight?

>Youmu: You think so. As well, Kotohime is still out of sight.
>Reimu frowns. "Why not just go to where you think they are, rather than where you aren't sure they're not? If you think they're at the Garden of the Sun, don't faff around, just go there. Otherwise you're gonna risk being too late to stop them."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 19, 2015, 09:55:11 PM
> Both: Exchange uncertain looks for a couple of seconds, then look back to Reimu.
> Miko: "...I suppose."
> Youmu: "I will not expose Kotohime to this danger, though."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 19, 2015, 10:04:18 PM
> Both: Exchange uncertain looks for a couple of seconds, then look back to Reimu.
> Miko: "...I suppose."
> Youmu: "I will not expose Kotohime to this danger, though."

>"That'll be up to her," says Reimu.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 19, 2015, 11:01:18 PM
> Miko: "You should probably go fetch her, then."
> Youmu: Nod, and then head off around the back of the Shrine in search of Kotohime.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2015, 07:40:13 AM
> Miko: "You should probably go fetch her, then."
> Youmu: Nod, and then head off around the back of the Shrine in search of Kotohime.

>Youmu:  You head around back, and find Kotohime is kneeling by the pond. She seems to be having a conversation with a large turtle who is poking its head from the pond.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2015, 10:46:00 AM
> Youmu: Make our way over to them.
> Miko: "So, Reimu, what can you tell us about these mansion subordinates?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2015, 11:46:23 AM
> Youmu: Make our way over to them.
> Miko: "So, Reimu, what can you tell us about these mansion subordinates?"

>Youmu: You approach the two.  Kotohime nods toward you, then says, "Oh, and this is Youmu," to the turtle. The turtle, you note as it regards you impassively, seems to have a wispy beard.
>Miko: "Well, I've only met them the once," says Reimu. "Let's see, the vampire is kind of dumb. Like, have you met Patchouli's familiar? Sort of like that, but less creepy. The faerie has a temper problem and likes to shriek a lot, but she's a faerie so she might be a totally different person now. Really tough for a faerie, though, so don't take her lightly. Then there's the butler lady. And, be honest, she didn't really stand out for me? Kind of cocky, I guess?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2015, 12:06:22 PM
> Youmu:, why not?
> Youmu: Give a slight bow to the turtle. "Greetings."
> Miko: Chuckle lightly. "I have met Patchouli's familiar, yes. Quite the personality, that one. By chance, is this vampire related to the Scarlets?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2015, 12:34:49 PM
> Youmu:, why not?
> Youmu: Give a slight bow to the turtle. "Greetings."
> Miko: Chuckle lightly. "I have met Patchouli's familiar, yes. Quite the personality, that one. By chance, is this vampire related to the Scarlets?"

>Youmu: The turtle bobs its head back.
>Miko: "I don't think so," says Reimu. "Unless Remilia has an inbred step-cousin or something she never talks about. Which is possible I suppose, she's not been particularly good to blood relatives..."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2015, 12:46:15 PM
> Youmu: Turn to Kotohime.
> Youmu: "I must let you know that, due to Miss Miko's information, she and I will be undertaking a task far more dangerous than I had originally anticipated. I know what we discussed earlier, but I cannot, in good conscience, allow you to accompany me where I am about to go."
> Miko: "Ah, I do believe there was mention made of a younger sister in a basement. A shame to hear this assessment of their family situation.
> Miko: As we are speaking, make our way over to the shrine porch steps, locate a not-terrible place to sit, and sit there with a small exhale. Sitting next to Reimu is fine, though we should not be uncomfortably close.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2015, 01:06:42 PM
> Youmu: Turn to Kotohime.
> Youmu: "I must let you know that, due to Miss Miko's information, she and I will be undertaking a task far more dangerous than I had originally anticipated. I know what we discussed earlier, but I cannot, in good conscience, allow you to accompany me where I am about to go."
> Miko: "Ah, I do believe there was mention made of a younger sister in a basement. A shame to hear this assessment of their family situation.
> Miko: As we are speaking, make our way over to the shrine porch steps, locate a not-terrible place to sit, and sit there with a small exhale. Sitting next to Reimu is fine, though we should not be uncomfortably close.

>Youmu: "Where's that?" Kotohime asks.
>Miko: You have a seat on the porch, not far from Reimu. "She's been getting better about it," says Reimu. "Sakuya's really gotten on her about it."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2015, 01:10:29 PM
> Youmu: "The Garden of the Sun."
> Miko: Nod absentmindedly while looking over the shrine grounds.
> Miko: "...Reimu, may I ask you a forthright question, and request a frank answer?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2015, 01:33:04 PM
> Youmu: "The Garden of the Sun."
> Miko: Nod absentmindedly while looking over the shrine grounds.
> Miko: "...Reimu, may I ask you a forthright question, and request a frank answer?"

>Youmu: "You'd probably want more help for that, rather than less," says Kotohime. The turtle nods.
>Miko: Reimu gives you a curious look. "...I am not looking forward to this, but ask,"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2015, 01:39:57 PM
> Youmu: Pause for a moment, frowning.
> Youmu: "...I must warn you, if Miss Miko's theory is correct, Yuuka will be much more powerful than she normally is, and she will be accompanied by someone who is no slouch normally, but may also be experiencing a boost in power. Is this clear?"
> Miko: "There is a part of you that suspects I am responsible for this. Am I correct?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2015, 03:19:20 PM
> Youmu: Pause for a moment, frowning.
> Youmu: "...I must warn you, if Miss Miko's theory is correct, Yuuka will be much more powerful than she normally is, and she will be accompanied by someone who is no slouch normally, but may also be experiencing a boost in power. Is this clear?"
> Miko: "There is a part of you that suspects I am responsible for this. Am I correct?"

>Youmu: "Sounds like she needs arrested," says Kotohime.
>Miko: "If this is the point where you tell me you've been using us all along, I'm going to bury you," says Reimu.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2015, 03:24:42 PM
> Youmu: "You...have you met Yuuka before, or at least heard the warnings surrounding her?"
> Miko: Was the mass of divine spirits that accompanied our resurrection a natural by-product of the process, or did someone(s) in our party actively and knowingly produce them?
> Miko: Sigh. "Of course not. In fact, that reaction is exactly my concern."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2015, 03:59:29 PM
> Youmu: "You...have you met Yuuka before, or at least heard the warnings surrounding her?"
> Miko: Was the mass of divine spirits that accompanied our resurrection a natural by-product of the process, or did someone(s) in our party actively and knowingly produce them?
> Miko: Sigh. "Of course not. In fact, that reaction is exactly my concern."

>Youmu: "I do live not too far from the garden," she says.
>Youmu: "Just about everyone knows about Yuuka, dearie," the turtle says, in a reedy and whistly kind of voice.
>Miko: It was one part byproduct, and one part thing you actively encourages as you started to waken.
>Miko: Reimu shrugs. "Don't blame me. You're the one with a history of causing incidents."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2015, 04:15:04 PM
> Miko: Would the divine spirits have actually caused any harm?
> Miko: What issues have we caused, beyond the divine spirits and the odd minor disputes with the Buddhist faction?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2015, 04:35:22 PM
> Miko: Would the divine spirits have actually caused any harm?
> Miko: What issues have we caused, beyond the divine spirits and the odd minor disputes with the Buddhist faction?

>Miko: They weren't really divine spirits, but they were ultimately harmless. Panic and terror, however, is its own harm. And that about sums up the issues you know about.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2015, 04:38:05 PM
> Youmu: "I just wanted to make sure, since you seem to expect to be able to detain her physically."
> Miko: "And what 'history' is this, precisely?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2015, 04:41:39 PM
> Youmu: "I just wanted to make sure, since you seem to expect to be able to detain her physically."
> Miko: "And what 'history' is this, precisely?"

>Youmu: "Maybe afterward?" says Kotohime. "Until then, I'll deputize you!"
>Miko: Reimu gives you a sidelong glance. "If you're gonna be coy with me, I'm gonna give you goons the boot the moment I see 'em."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 20, 2015, 04:47:41 PM
> Youmu: "Um...I...don't know if I'm going to be much better at detaining her physically."
> Miko: Frown. "I ask genuinely. The spirits were harmless, and a byproduct of my resurrection besides, so the one way to prevent them would have been to not awaken in the first place. I am pointedly aware of my disagreements with that Temple, but those are personal; certainly nothing close to land-threatening."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2015, 04:49:54 PM
> Youmu: "Um...I...don't know if I'm going to be much better at detaining her physically."
> Miko: Frown. "I ask genuinely. The spirits were harmless, and a byproduct of my resurrection besides, so the one way to prevent them would have been to not awaken in the first place. I am pointedly aware of my disagreements with that Temple, but those are personal; certainly nothing close to land-threatening."

>"I'm sure we can subdue her!" says Kotohime.
>Reimu: "Are you really trying to tell me someone who's supposed to have been Emperor doesn't know how bad it is to go around terrorizing people, even if it's 'harmless'?" says Reimu. "And frankly, causing problems with the buddhists is bad enough."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 20, 2015, 04:58:16 PM
> Youmu: "...Very well. But I am not responsible for anything that may befall you. Understood?"
> Miko: "I am well aware of the problems that panic and terror can cause. What I do not understand is the logical leap from unintentionally frightening parts of the populace to intentionally placing the entire land in very real danger."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2015, 05:03:35 PM
> Youmu: "...Very well. But I am not responsible for anything that may befall you. Understood?"
> Miko: "I am well aware of the problems that panic and terror can cause. What I do not understand is the logical leap from unintentionally frightening parts of the populace to intentionally placing the entire land in very real danger."

>Youmu: "Well, of course," says Kotohime. "I couldn't enforce the law if I needed someone to look over my shoulder the whole time!"
>Youmu: "She ain't no slouch," the turtle says, "I can tell you that."
>Miko: "First, you gotta be real dumb, and I mean getting outsmarted by your average faerie dumb, to think summoning up a bunch of ghosts or desires or whatever they were was a good idea that isn't going to cause any problems," says Reimu. "Second, trying to act like it was just some coincidence is a pretty bad lie. And third, don't act like I didn't hear the things you said before I had to knock some sense into you. So is there a point this, or are you just mad that people have memories?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 20, 2015, 05:09:53 PM
> Youmu: Turn to the turtle. "You have seen her in action before, then?"
> Miko: Say nothing for a few seconds, then stand up.
> Miko: "There was, but I have heard what I needed to hear to make my decision. I will intrude upon your hospitality no longer."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2015, 05:20:09 PM
> Youmu: Turn to the turtle. "You have seen her in action before, then?"
> Miko: Say nothing for a few seconds, then stand up.
> Miko: "There was, but I have heard what I needed to hear to make my decision. I will intrude upon your hospitality no longer."

>Youmu: "Long time ago," the turtle says.
>Reimu: "Wow, you really think I don't remember what happened despite, you know, being there. You should probably try to learn a thing or two from Youmu."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 20, 2015, 05:27:53 PM
> Youmu: "Huh. All right then, I suppose, if you insist. Are you ready to go, then?
> Miko: In which direction is the underground?
> Miko: In which direction does the shrine walkway lead away from the shrine?
> Miko: Look down the length of the walkway. "There seems to be much of that situation you do not know. It is clear that trying to bestow such knowledge would fail in the face of pre-existing prejudices, however, so I will not waste your time or mine with the attempt."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2015, 05:33:24 PM
> Youmu: "Huh. All right then, I suppose, if you insist. Are you ready to go, then?
> Miko: In which direction is the underground?
> Miko: In which direction does the shrine walkway lead away from the shrine?
> Miko: Look down the length of the walkway. "There seems to be much of that situation you do not know. It is clear that trying to bestow such knowledge would fail in the face of pre-existing prejudices, however, so I will not waste your time or mine with the attempt."

>Youmu: "Sure," says Kotohime. Then she looks at the turtle. "Maybe I'll see you again, later?"
>Youmu: "My door's always open," says the turtle, "As long as it's not winter, anyways."
>Miko: The underground is to the south. The path leads westward, toward the village.
>Miko: "I sure am glad our ancestors were as noble and virtuous as they were," Reimu says. "If you tried to rule a nation today, it'd fall apart in a week."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2015, 05:46:04 PM
> Youmu: "Very well. Let us meet back up with the others."
> Youmu: Make our way back out to the front of the shrine.
> Miko: "I will see to it that neither Futo nor Tojiko will intrude upon your hospitality. Good day, Reimu."
> Miko: Take to the air, and, unless Reimu tries to stop us, head back toward the Underground.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2015, 05:52:25 PM
> Youmu: "Very well. Let us meet back up with the others."
> Youmu: Make our way back out to the front of the shrine.
> Miko: "I will see to it that neither Futo nor Tojiko will intrude upon your hospitality. Good day, Reimu."
> Miko: Take to the air, and, unless Reimu tries to stop us, head back toward the Underground.

>Miko: Reimu makes no move to stop you. "Whatever makes you happy," she says.
>Youmu: You and Kotohime make your ways around the shrine, and see Miko flying off southward.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2015, 05:54:00 PM
> Youmu: "What the- Wait! What happened here?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2015, 05:57:08 PM
> Youmu: "What the- Wait! What happened here?"

>Reimu looks over and shrugs. "I dunno. I guess she wanted a pity party, and I've got other arrangements."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2015, 05:59:21 PM
> Youmu: Look positively worry-baffled."What? What am I supposed to do now, then?! I'm not going into the Garden of the Sun without her!"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2015, 06:07:05 PM
> Youmu: Look positively worry-baffled."What? What am I supposed to do now, then?! I'm not going into the Garden of the Sun without her!"

>"Why not?" says Kotohime.
>Reimu shrugs. "Well, she's the one leaving you in the lurch. I suppose you'd best ask her. Not like you're too slow to catch her. You might need to remind her how you're supposed to act after an incident, she seems to be struggling with it."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2015, 06:19:07 PM
> Youmu: Look back and forth between Reimu and the departing Miko a couple of times, then turn to Kotohime and point emphatically at her.
> Youmu: Take on a sharp, no-nonsense tone.
> Youmu: "Stay here."
> Youmu: Take flight and speed off after the departing Miko.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2015, 06:28:38 PM
> Youmu: Look back and forth between Reimu and the departing Miko a couple of times, then turn to Kotohime and point emphatically at her.
> Youmu: Take on a sharp, no-nonsense tone.
> Youmu: "Stay here."
> Youmu: Take flight and speed off after the departing Miko.

>Youmu: "You'll come back, right!" says Kotohime, into your wake.
>Youmu: It's not difficult to catch Miko, she's fast enough, but she has nothing on you.
>Miko: It seems Youmu is gaining on you.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2015, 06:42:22 PM
> Miko: Wonderful. Well, there's no way we're going to outpace her, so we may as well not even try.
> Miko: Stop and turn around to face our pursuer.
> Youmu: Do we know anything about an incident a few years back, where Reimu found a UFO on her lawn and flipped the hell out at the Buddhists, even though it wasn't their fault?
> Youmu: How are we 'supposed' to act after an incident, anyway?
> Youmu: "Wait! What are you doing?!"
> Miko: Wait for Youmu to get into proper conversational range.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2015, 06:58:56 PM
> Miko: Wonderful. Well, there's no way we're going to outpace her, so we may as well not even try.
> Miko: Stop and turn around to face our pursuer.
> Youmu: Do we know anything about an incident a few years back, where Reimu found a UFO on her lawn and flipped the hell out at the Buddhists, even though it wasn't their fault?
> Youmu: How are we 'supposed' to act after an incident, anyway?
> Youmu: "Wait! What are you doing?!"
> Miko: Wait for Youmu to get into proper conversational range.

>Youmu: Never heard of that event. As for supposed to act, well, you aren't sure. You just tried to make the best of things after your big to-do, and it seems to have worked. You close in on Miko without further issues.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 20, 2015, 07:17:32 PM
> Youmu: Have we ever known Reimu to be wrong about who's responsible for an incident?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2015, 07:20:52 PM
> Youmu: Have we ever known Reimu to be wrong about who's responsible for an incident?

>Youmu: Ultimately, she seems to get it right. But you do recall she flailed a bit when the flower incident happened before finding her way to Komachi. But then again, everyone did.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 20, 2015, 07:21:12 PM
> Miko: Did we actually knowingly terrorize the populace with spirits?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2015, 07:24:09 PM
> Miko: Did we actually knowingly terrorize the populace with spirits?

>Miko: It wasn't what you intended to do. But on the other hand, how does one expect people to react to a gathering of ghostly things?

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 20, 2015, 07:27:59 PM
> Miko: Could we have stopped the gathering of spirits without actively interfering with our resurrection?
> Miko: At what point in the process did Byakuren try to stop our resurrection?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2015, 07:39:31 PM
> Miko: Could we have stopped the gathering of spirits without actively interfering with our resurrection?
> Miko: At what point in the process did Byakuren try to stop our resurrection?

>Miko: It wasn't a necessary component, but it was a helpful one. Byakuren's interference came late in the process, not long before you began to actually awaken and collect yourself.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2015, 07:40:51 PM
> Miko: So Byakuren's actions came after the spirits started gathering, then?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2015, 07:49:16 PM
> Miko: So Byakuren's actions came after the spirits started gathering, then?

>Miko: No, your resurrection wasn't as simple as just waking up from a long nap. There was a long process of regathering yourself and adapting to the learning and changes that you had experienced during that time. You don't know how long it lasted, precisely, but it was some length of time.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 20, 2015, 08:47:58 PM

> Miko: Put on a passive face. "My place in Gensokyo has been made clear to me. I see no reason to stick my neck out for a land that would rather I lose the battle to defend it."
> Youmu: "...What on Earth are you talking about?"
> Miko: "Simply put, Gensokyo does not desire my presence."
> Youmu: "What? Who told you th...oh, wait, never mind. Well, um, what about the Scarlet Devil Mansion? Or the swordswoman oni? Or, well, I bet there are plenty of humans in the village that like you, and Eientei probably would enjoy your company as well."
> Miko: "...That may be, but that still excludes the majority of Gensokyo's 'heroes'."
> Youmu: "Well, um...what about me?"
> Miko: Look slightly taken aback, but say nothing.
> Youmu: "...Look, I will not lie to you, only hearing about how you have supposedly dismissed Seiga after she attacked my home is...rather coincidental. But you have been patient with me and helped me out on multiple occasions today. And I am very grateful for that. But I really need you for what I am about to face."
> Miko: "...Very well. sorry for suddenly leaving you to deal with this danger yourself."
> Youmu: "Think nothing of it. Now...can we return to the Shrine briefly, before heading off?"
> Miko: Look back at the Shrine. Is any activity visible?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2015, 08:51:17 PM

> Miko: Put on a passive face. "My place in Gensokyo has been made clear to me. I see no reason to stick my neck out for a land that would rather I lose the battle to defend it."
> Youmu: "...What on Earth are you talking about?"
> Miko: "Simply put, Gensokyo does not desire my presence."
> Youmu: "What? Who told you th...oh, wait, never mind. Well, um, what about the Scarlet Devil Mansion? Or the swordswoman oni? Or, well, I bet there are plenty of humans in the village that like you, and Eientei probably would enjoy your company as well."
> Miko: "...That may be, but that still excludes the majority of Gensokyo's 'heroes'."
> Youmu: "Well, um...what about me?"
> Miko: Look slightly taken aback, but say nothing.
> Youmu: "...Look, I will not lie to you, only hearing about how you have supposedly dismissed Seiga after she attacked my home is...rather coincidental. But you have been patient with me and helped me out on multiple occasions today. And I am very grateful for that. But I really need you for what I am about to face."
> Miko: "...Very well. sorry for suddenly leaving you to deal with this danger yourself."
> Youmu: "Think nothing of it. Now...can we return to the Shrine briefly, before heading off?"
> Miko: Look back at the Shrine. Is any activity visible?

>Miko: It's a bit hard to tell from a distance. You see someone lingering in the yard, though.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: UncertainJakutten on April 20, 2015, 09:03:23 PM you have a plan for making up with Reimu, Kilga? Or do you intend to in the first place?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2015, 09:07:16 PM
> Miko: Frown. "...If I must. I am not sure I am much in the mood to deal with Reimu again so quickly, however."
> Youmu: "Yeah, what happened, anyway?"
> Miko: "Among other things not worth the energy to discuss, she seems to disagree about my level of aggression and malice when I first properly made my presence known."
> Youmu: What was our impression when we first met Miko?
> Youmu: Are we aware of any Buddhist attempts to prevent Miko's appearance?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2015, 09:24:25 PM
> Miko: Frown. "...If I must. I am not sure I am much in the mood to deal with Reimu again so quickly, however."
> Youmu: "Yeah, what happened, anyway?"
> Miko: "Among other things not worth the energy to discuss, she seems to disagree about my level of aggression and malice when I first properly made my presence known."
> Youmu: What was our impression when we first met Miko?
> Youmu: Are we aware of any Buddhist attempts to prevent Miko's appearance?

>Youmu: Your first impression is that she was kind of weird, and seemed to make a lot of assumptions about you. Things were kind of charged by that point, though. And a lot of people in Gensokyo are kind of weird, to be honest. With regards to the Buddhists, you don't know of any attempts. But clearly they don't get along; you remember Nue was particularly wary then, and that doesn't seem to have changed.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2015, 09:54:08 PM
> Youmu: " be honest, you were kind of intimidating. And Reimu does deal with threats for a living."
> Miko: Frown. "It was most assuredly not my intention to come off as hostile."
> Youmu: "I understand. But sometimes, intent is less important than perception."
> Miko: "...Perhaps so."
> Youmu: "...Come on, let's head back."
> Miko: "...Very well."
> Both: Return to the Shrine.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2015, 09:56:45 PM
> Youmu: " be honest, you were kind of intimidating. And Reimu does deal with threats for a living."
> Miko: Frown. "It was most assuredly not my intention to come off as hostile."
> Youmu: "I understand. But sometimes, intent is less important than perception."
> Miko: "...Perhaps so."
> Youmu: "...Come on, let's head back."
> Miko: "...Very well."
> Both: Return to the Shrine.

>You both return to the Shrine.
>"Welcome back," Reimu says, speaking as though nothing had happened.
>Kotohime nods, "That was faster than I expected."
>Miko: The one you saw before was a woman with red hair. Something feels off about her, but you can't put your finger on what, precisely.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2015, 10:00:45 PM
> Miko: Does she appear to be dead, or maybe a youkai?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2015, 10:06:01 PM
> Miko: Does she appear to be dead, or maybe a youkai?

>Miko: No, she's alive, you think. Definitely not a youkai. You think you would need further study to get to the bottom of it. Her desires, what you can hear of them, see odd as well.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2015, 10:15:12 PM
> Miko: Look nowhere in particular. "Yes. I, ah...may have been a little hasty earlier. Perhaps my true concerns are best left for a less charged time."
> Youmu: Look to Miko, then to Reimu, staring meaningfully right into her eyes with a carefully neutral expression.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2015, 10:22:46 PM
> Miko: Look nowhere in particular. "Yes. I, ah...may have been a little hasty earlier. Perhaps my true concerns are best left for a less charged time."
> Youmu: Look to Miko, then to Reimu, staring meaningfully right into her eyes with a carefully neutral expression.

>Reimu waves a hand. "Don't worry about it, then. You just said the important part. Anyways, I'm sorry I wound you up."
>"That must have been a very quiet fight," Kotohime says, glancing toward Youmu.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2015, 10:45:58 PM
> Youmu: "Regardless, are we ready to proceed?"
> Miko: "Wait. There is one other thing."
> Miko: Could we store our cloak in our bag? Or is the clock too big?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2015, 10:49:54 PM
> Youmu: "Regardless, are we ready to proceed?"
> Miko: "Wait. There is one other thing."
> Miko: Could we store our cloak in our bag? Or is the clock too big?

>"Ready when you are," says Kotohime.
>Miko: It would take a little folding, but it should fit nicely.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2015, 10:56:41 PM
> Miko: "Pardon me a moment."
> Miko: Remove our cloak, fold it up as necessary, and store it in our bag.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2015, 10:58:06 PM
> Miko: "Pardon me a moment."
> Miko: Remove our cloak, fold it up as necessary, and store it in our bag.

>"Meant to say: nice cape," Reimu says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2015, 11:06:04 PM
> Miko: "Ah, thank you." Smile. "It is a gift from my companions. As much as I would love to continue wearing it, given where we are going, it would not do to put such an expression of love and faithfulness in harm's way."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2015, 11:10:02 PM
> Miko: "Ah, thank you." Smile. "It is a gift from my companions. As much as I would love to continue wearing it, given where we are going, it would not do to put such an expression of love and faithfulness in harm's way."

>Reimu nods. "Makes sense."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2015, 11:29:27 PM
> Miko: "Ah, I nearly forgot! As you are still here in relative calm, may I trust that your gohei was not stolen?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 20, 2015, 11:30:50 PM
> Miko: "Ah, I nearly forgot! As you are still here in relative calm, may I trust that your gohei was not stolen?"

>"Yeah, I found it," she says. "Kinda forgot about that thing, really."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 20, 2015, 11:38:04 PM
> Miko: Nod. "Very good. At least only the two weapons are missing, then."
> Youmu: "I think it is time we were off. Farewell, Reimu. I hope to have good news next we meet."
> Miko: "Yes, farewell. And...apologies for my poor and unbecoming attitude."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2015, 06:41:44 AM
> Miko: Nod. "Very good. At least only the two weapons are missing, then."
> Youmu: "I think it is time we were off. Farewell, Reimu. I hope to have good news next we meet."
> Miko: "Yes, farewell. And...apologies for my poor and unbecoming attitude."

>"Nothing particular special about that gohei anyways,  other than it's mine and I like it," says Reimu. "And don't worry about anything, it's water under the bridge."
>"There's been more burglaries?" says Kotohime.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2015, 10:25:46 AM
> Youmu: Look to Kotohime. "Don't worry about it. Let's go."
> Both: Take flight and head toward the Garden of the Sun.
> Along the way...
> Youmu: "Okay, just to be absolutely clear, let us not accuse Yuuka of anything until we can see that Seiga is there and is working with her. In the event that she is innocent, accusing her of something will only make her mad, and get us in trouble."
> Miko: Nod. "This is sound."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2015, 10:42:46 AM
> Youmu: Look to Kotohime. "Don't worry about it. Let's go."
> Both: Take flight and head toward the Garden of the Sun.
> Along the way...
> Youmu: "Okay, just to be absolutely clear, let us not accuse Yuuka of anything until we can see that Seiga is there and is working with her. In the event that she is innocent, accusing her of something will only make her mad, and get us in trouble."
> Miko: Nod. "This is sound."

>"Got it," says Kotohime. "No calling the perp a perp."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2015, 10:46:44 AM
> Youmu: "Just to be safe, of course. We are not even completely sure yet that she is guilty."
> Miko: "By the, Miss, I do not believe we have been properly introduced. I am Toyosatomimi no Miko, a simple Taoist hermit."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2015, 12:09:03 PM
> Youmu: "Just to be safe, of course. We are not even completely sure yet that she is guilty."
> Miko: "By the, Miss, I do not believe we have been properly introduced. I am Toyosatomimi no Miko, a simple Taoist hermit."

>Kotohime nods. "I'm Kotohime, I enforce the law."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2015, 12:15:35 PM
> Youmu: Could we use our ghost half to possess someone? Or is that 'talent' full-ghost-only?
> Miko: Would simple conversation qualify as 'further study'? Or would we need more focused methods than that?
> Miko: "I see. So your job is similar to that of Reimu and Marisa, then?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2015, 02:42:45 PM
> Youmu: Could we use our ghost half to possess someone? Or is that 'talent' full-ghost-only?
> Miko: Would simple conversation qualify as 'further study'? Or would we need more focused methods than that?
> Miko: "I see. So your job is similar to that of Reimu and Marisa, then?"

>Youmu: That is not something you can do, to your knowledge.
>Miko: It might not hurt, but you think that whatever seems off about her might require you to either examine her as you did the Saigyou Ayakashi, or at least hear her desires.
>"Sort of," she says. "They resolve incidents, while I handle the law. While incidents are against the law, not all infractions of the law are incidents. So I tend to focus on the latter since that makes more sense."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2015, 02:49:22 PM
> Miko: "I suppose that explains why you were not present for my first appearance in this land, as they were."
> Miko: Remove our earmuffs and see what desires Kotohime has to offer.
> Youmu: Raise an eyebrow at Miko, but say nothing.
> Miko: Look Youmu in the eyes, then flit our gaze in the direction of Kotohime for a brief moment (and without turning our head) before looking back at Youmu.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2015, 03:07:44 PM
> Miko: "I suppose that explains why you were not present for my first appearance in this land, as they were."
> Miko: Remove our earmuffs and see what desires Kotohime has to offer.
> Youmu: Raise an eyebrow at Miko, but say nothing.
> Miko: Look Youmu in the eyes, then flit our gaze in the direction of Kotohime for a brief moment (and without turning our head) before looking back at Youmu.

>Kotohime nods. "I...was really late to the party on that one. You're the ghost gathering person, right? I was looking in the village for you!"
>Miko: There is something very unusual about this woman's desires. They seem to be...scrambled, for a lack of a better word? Or perhaps jumbled? They give you the feeling a building half demolished, then an entirely different structure being built from the remaining foundation. Something must have happened to cause that. You also immediately note she has an utter fascination with death, you'd almost want to call it a...hobby or a passion? She's not suicidal or homicidal as far as you can tell, just she has a really strange obsession with it. From this, you can tell she's also extremely fascinated in Youmu, and that seems to be present in her other desires as well; it seems she's grown rather attracted to the half-ghost and is quite nervous about that. She also seems to have a strong passion for enforcing the law, but this seems to...half remembered? Or rather, whatever seems to have warped her desires seems to have had an effect on her passion for order; in comparison her fascination with death seems kind of new? She has a strong passion for collecting things, which would be rather pedestrian if not for her obsession with death and the dead. There's other oddities as well, desires that seem to have once been there but simply are not anymore.  Her mind must be extremely muddled in some respects, you suspect her memory is very poor. She seems to be...markedly relaxed and not prone to hatred or anger. You aren't certain what she is, she's definitely neither human nor youkai, and you doubt she is a god or celestial; she's too...impure.
>Miko: Youmu is the same as always. She lacks two desires and it makes her difficult to really read. If Kotohime is a book suffering from water damage, Youmu is a book with many missing pages.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2015, 03:13:30 PM
> Miko: Wait, by 'attracted', do we mean romantically and/or sexually?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2015, 03:18:06 PM
> Miko: Wait, by 'attracted', do we mean romantically and/or sexually?

>Yup, both.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2015, 03:26:27 PM
> Miko: Oh my, that's adorable! But it's also none of our business, and irrelevant to the task at hand, so let us not concern ourselves at present.
> Miko: Wince slightly, then put our earmuffs back on.
> Youmu: "Is something wrong?"
> Miko: Give Youmu a calm look with a slight and sheepish grin. "Only that I have again forgotten just how sensitive my hearing is. There was not too much pain, thankfully."
> Youmu: "Ah, Well, please do be careful with yourself. We do not need any self-inflicted handicaps."
> Miko: Chuckle a bit. "Of course." Look back to Kotohime. "Anyway, yes, the mass of spirits was an unfortunate-but-necessary part of the awakening process. They were ultimately harmless, but I do regret the panic they caused."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 21, 2015, 03:32:11 PM
This probably goes without saying, but we are not to breath one word about Kotohime's crush to anyone. Not to Kotohime, not to Youmu, not to Yuyuko, not to Futojiko, not to Yukari, not to Reimu, not to anyone. If anyone tries to spill the beans, I will drag them into the pit with me. Got it?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2015, 03:49:58 PM
> Miko: Oh my, that's adorable! But it's also none of our business, and irrelevant to the task at hand, so let us not concern ourselves at present.
> Miko: Wince slightly, then put our earmuffs back on.
> Youmu: "Is something wrong?"
> Miko: Give Youmu a calm look with a slight and sheepish grin. "Only that I have again forgotten just how sensitive my hearing is. There was not too much pain, thankfully."
> Youmu: "Ah, Well, please do be careful with yourself. We do not need any self-inflicted handicaps."
> Miko: Chuckle a bit. "Of course." Look back to Kotohime. "Anyway, yes, the mass of spirits was an unfortunate-but-necessary part of the awakening process. They were ultimately harmless, but I do regret the panic they caused."

>Miko: Thankfully, up in the sky in a reasonably empty place for a short time, it's not too bad. You'll be fine.
>Kotohime nods. "I'll probably not arrest you, then. I'd have to figure out what the statue of limitations on ghost summoning is."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2015, 03:56:43 PM
> Miko: "I suspect it would be best for everyone here if I were not detained at present anyway."
> Youmu: "Ah, this is unrelated to that, but it occurs to me that I should mention that you two will be working together in Yuyuko-sama's play."
> Miko: Look to Kotohime. "Really now? That is splendid news."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2015, 04:03:33 PM
> Miko: "I suspect it would be best for everyone here if I were not detained at present anyway."
> Youmu: "Ah, this is unrelated to that, but it occurs to me that I should mention that you two will be working together in Yuyuko-sama's play."
> Miko: Look to Kotohime. "Really now? That is splendid news."

>"Oh, neat!" says Kotohime. "I'll be playing the...uh... the..."
>She looks to Youmu in askance.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2015, 04:07:46 PM
> Youmu: Look a bit sheepish. "To be honest, even I do not know yet. Yuyuko-sama wanted players that fit certain specific descriptions, but she did not tell me what roles they would take on."
> Miko: Wave a hand dismissively with a small grin. "I am sure she has her reasons. Besides, there is a little extra entertainment to be had in a mystery."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2015, 06:34:25 PM
> Youmu: Look a bit sheepish. "To be honest, even I do not know yet. Yuyuko-sama wanted players that fit certain specific descriptions, but she did not tell me what roles they would take on."
> Miko: Wave a hand dismissively with a small grin. "I am sure she has her reasons. Besides, there is a little extra entertainment to be had in a mystery."

>"Yeah, it'll be an experience!" says Kotohime.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2015, 06:41:18 PM
> Miko: "Quite so."
> Miko: We should try to corner Kotohime later and ask if anything earth-shattering has happened in her life that would cause such oddly muddles desires. With delicacy, of course. But we can worry about that when an opportunity arises.
> All: Continue onward to the Garden of the Sun.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2015, 06:52:46 PM
> Miko: "Quite so."
> Miko: We should try to corner Kotohime later and ask if anything earth-shattering has happened in her life that would cause such oddly muddles desires. With delicacy, of course. But we can worry about that when an opportunity arises.
> All: Continue onward to the Garden of the Sun.

>Miko: You make a mental note to try and figure out what just happened to this woman.
>You make your way northwestward, Youmu and Kotohime taking the lead. The faeries are still agitated, but this close to civilization they aren't so bad. Kotohime mumbles something about 'Unlawfully rousing faeries' along the way, but the trip goes without incident.  As you pass over the main road, and over the grassy fields that Youmu recognizes as being nearby to Kotohime's bunker, a vibrant field of flowers can be seen. Sunflowers are everywhere, while goldenrods, turtleheads, chrysanthemums, and stonecrops can be picked out, grown in seemingly random arrays.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2015, 06:55:08 PM
> Both: Is there a mansion visible anywhere in the field?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2015, 07:05:49 PM
> Both: Is there a mansion visible anywhere in the field?

>Neither of you see a mansion, but the field does stretch for some distance.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 21, 2015, 07:10:18 PM
> Youmu: "Keep to the air. No one should touch any of the flowers for any reason unless they absolutely have to."
> Miko: Nod. "I was also warned not to turn my back to the sunflowers. We should perhaps glance behind us every so often, to make sure no shenanigans are afoot."
> Both: Fly onward into the field, keeping an eye on the sunflowers.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2015, 07:12:16 PM
> Youmu: "Keep to the air. No one should touch any of the flowers for any reason unless they absolutely have to."
> Miko: Nod. "I was also warned not to turn my back to the sunflowers. We should perhaps glance behind us every so often, to make sure no shenanigans are afoot."
> Both: Fly onward into the field, keeping an eye on the sunflowers.

>You and Kotohime continue onward. Watching the sunflowers, you note there always seem to be some facing you. You never really see them turn, but they always seem to be looking in your direction.
>It doesn't take too long before Youmu notices someone approaching from beyond, someone green-haired and wearing red.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2015, 07:21:51 PM
> Youmu: Drop voice volume very low. "That's her."
> Miko: Frown and also drop voice volume low. "No disrespect, ladies, but I think I should speak on our behalf."
> Youmu: "Just do not agitate her, please."
> Miko: Put on a gentle, diplomatic smile in preparation for some fancy word-dancing.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2015, 07:26:33 PM
> Youmu: Drop voice volume very low. "That's her."
> Miko: Frown and also drop voice volume low. "No disrespect, ladies, but I think I should speak on our behalf."
> Youmu: "Just do not agitate her, please."
> Miko: Put on a gentle, diplomatic smile in preparation for some fancy word-dancing.

>"Got it," says Kotohime.
>The green-haired woman approaches, and you can soon make out the plaid of her dress and her vest. An umbrella dangles from her wrist. She wears a broad smile as she draws near. "My my my," she says, "I don't recall expecting so many visitors!"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2015, 07:38:36 PM
> Miko: Can we feel anything from this woman?
> Miko: Give the woman a slight bow. "A pleasant day to you. I do not believe we have yet met. I am Toyosatomimi no Miko, a simple Taoist hermit and a newcomer to this land of Gensokyo."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2015, 07:44:12 PM
> Miko: Can we feel anything from this woman?
> Miko: Give the woman a slight bow. "A pleasant day to you. I do not believe we have yet met. I am Toyosatomimi no Miko, a simple Taoist hermit and a newcomer to this land of Gensokyo."

>You can feel she is very much a youkai. Her desires don't seem especially awry, but youkai desires can be very very strange.
>"Ah, how lovely," says the youkai, giving you a smile that doesn't reach her eyes. "I'm Yuuka Kazami. I'm afraid you have the better of me, it's been a busy day."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2015, 08:00:16 PM
> Miko: "I hope this is not because you have been harassed by a certain intruder?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2015, 08:03:45 PM
> Miko: "I hope this is not because you have been harassed by a certain intruder?"

>"Why, you've guessed exactly right," says Yuuka.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2015, 08:04:56 PM
> Miko: Frown. "As I feared. This intruder, did she have blue looped hair?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2015, 08:06:36 PM
> Miko: Frown. "As I feared. This intruder, did she have blue looped hair?"

>"I'm afraid not," says Yuuka.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2015, 08:31:24 PM
> Miko: Let the frown give way to ever-so-slight confusion. "Really? I see...ah, to explain why we are here, we are looking for this individual. It seems she has wronged my half-ghost companion here, and we are hoping to track her down before she does the same to others, such as yourself."
> Youmu: Give a slight bow of our own. "Hello again, Miss Kazami. Please pardon our intrusion."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2015, 08:35:38 PM
> Miko: Let the frown give way to ever-so-slight confusion. "Really? I see...ah, to explain why we are here, we are looking for this individual. It seems she has wronged my half-ghost companion here, and we are hoping to track her down before she does the same to others, such as yourself."
> Youmu: Give a slight bow of our own. "Hello again, Miss Kazami. Please pardon our intrusion."

>Kotohime bows as well. "Hello, I'm Kotohime. I live in the field to the south."
>"We'll see," says Yuuka. "But yes, I am familiar with this person."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2015, 08:39:05 PM
> Miko: "My investigations have shown that this person has stolen the life force of a great youkai tree in the Netherworld. To what end, I cannot say, but I can tell that Gensokyo would be in a fair amount of danger if this life force were turned loose somehow."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2015, 09:04:52 PM
> Miko: "My investigations have shown that this person has stolen the life force of a great youkai tree in the Netherworld. To what end, I cannot say, but I can tell that Gensokyo would be in a fair amount of danger if this life force were turned loose somehow."

>"How strange," says Yuuka. "Well, I don't have anything to do with her anymore."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2015, 09:11:55 PM
> Miko: "If I may ask, does this mean she has visited you in the past'?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2015, 09:48:43 PM
> Miko: "If I may ask, does this mean she has visited you in the past'?"

>"Oh, quite," says Yuuka. "She resided with me for a time."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2015, 09:51:34 PM
> Miko: Raise an eyebrow. "Really now? I hope she was not too much of a burden."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2015, 09:56:06 PM
> Miko: Raise an eyebrow. "Really now? I hope she was not too much of a burden."

>"She was...entertaining," says Yuuka. "But she did become a bit of a bore as time wore on. But then she had the good sense to leave before she overstayed her welcome."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2015, 10:00:20 PM
> Miko: "She did not say where she was going, did she?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2015, 10:09:07 PM
> Miko: "She did not say where she was going, did she?"

>"I didn't bother to ask," says Yuuka. "It wasn't any concern of mine."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2015, 10:25:51 PM
> Miko: Nod. "Understandable. In that case, I believe I have intruded on your time and land for long enough, though if you have any questions or requests of me, I would be happy to address them. If nothing else, I would not be surprised if she spoke of me while here."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2015, 10:34:37 PM
> Miko: Nod. "Understandable. In that case, I believe I have intruded on your time and land for long enough, though if you have any questions or requests of me, I would be happy to address them. If nothing else, I would not be surprised if she spoke of me while here."

>"Oh, she did mention a hermit, yes," says Yuuka. "Something about a falling out?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2015, 10:37:55 PM
> Miko: "Yes, unfortunately. She is a former advisor of mine. I dismissed her in the hope that she would see the error of her wicked ways and better herself, but if today's events are any indication, it seems my hopes may be in vain."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2015, 10:39:39 PM
> Miko: "Yes, unfortunately. She is a former advisor of mine. I dismissed her in the hope that she would see the error of her wicked ways and better herself, but if today's events are any indication, it seems my hopes may be in vain."

>"Oh, she was amusingly amoral," says Yuuka.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2015, 10:45:24 PM
> Miko: Rub the side of our face in exasperation. "Seiga, what will I do with you..."
> Youmu: "Um, Miss Kazami, you mentioned an intruder problem earlier? Is that something we can help with?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2015, 10:55:13 PM
> Miko: Rub the side of our face in exasperation. "Seiga, what will I do with you..."
> Youmu: "Um, Miss Kazami, you mentioned an intruder problem earlier? Is that something we can help with?"

>"Why, you could leave," says Yuuka.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 21, 2015, 10:59:33 PM
> Youmu: Shrink back a bit. "Oh."
> Miko: "If this is what you desire, then we shall be off."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2015, 11:11:08 PM
> Youmu: Shrink back a bit. "Oh."
> Miko: "If this is what you desire, then we shall be off."

>"Will it involve the three of you barging in again later?" says Yuuka, "Because I would rather you just got it all out of your systems now. So ask whatever you need to."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 21, 2015, 11:17:34 PM
> Miko: "Mmm...I suppose I do have a few remaining curiosities. How long ago did she leave your domain?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2015, 11:18:31 PM
> Miko: "Mmm...I suppose I do have a few remaining curiosities. How long ago did she leave your domain?"

>"About a month ago," says Yuuka.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 21, 2015, 11:25:43 PM
> Miko: "How did she pass the time while in your company?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 21, 2015, 11:52:07 PM
> Miko: "How did she pass the time while in your company?"

>"Oh, she played with her zombie," says Yuuka. "Had meals with us, was general friendly. Lots of strange meditation and chanting, travelling every so often."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2015, 12:00:43 AM
> Miko: Nod. "And, if I may ask a more personal question, what prompted you to allow her to stay?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2015, 12:25:56 AM
> Miko: Nod. "And, if I may ask a more personal question, what prompted you to allow her to stay?"

>"I felt like it," says Yuuka. "She needed a home and I felt like providing her with one."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2015, 12:32:07 AM
> Youmu: Have all of these answers sounded reasonable, based on our experience?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2015, 12:37:21 AM
> Youmu: Have all of these answers sounded reasonable, based on our experience?

>Youmu: You aren't sure. Yuuka is can be rather capricious, so she is hard to predict. It may be accurate to say you could see all these things being true. Or they could just be glib lies spoken as challenges to say she's lying and give her an excuse to attack you for being uncouth.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2015, 12:40:02 AM
> Miko: "I see. Very well, that exhausts my curiosities." Look to Youmu. "Do you have any?"
> Youmu: Shake head. "If Seiga is long gone, then we have no further reason to be here."
> Miko: Look back to Yuuka. "That will be all from us, then."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2015, 12:41:26 AM
> Miko: "I see. Very well, that exhausts my curiosities." Look to Youmu. "Do you have any?"
> Youmu: Shake head. "If Seiga is long gone, then we have no further reason to be here."
> Miko: Look back to Yuuka. "That will be all from us, then."

>"Well then," she says. "Do take care on your way out."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2015, 12:44:22 AM
> Miko: Give a slight bow. "Your time and assistance is most appreciated. Best wishes until we meet again."
> Youmu: Give a bow of our own. "Farewell, Miss Kazami."
> Both: Turn around and head back the way we came until we're out of the Garden.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2015, 12:48:19 AM
> Miko: Give a slight bow. "Your time and assistance is most appreciated. Best wishes until we meet again."
> Youmu: Give a bow of our own. "Farewell, Miss Kazami."
> Both: Turn around and head back the way we came until we're out of the Garden.

>The both of you leave, Kotohime bowing and saying nothing. It doesn't take long to leave the garden behind.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2015, 01:23:19 AM
> Miko: "Well. I must say, that was...rather anticlimactic."
> Youmu: Nod. "At least we are safe. What do we do now, though?"
> Miko: "I believe the plan I laid out earlier is still worth following, doubly so now that we have eliminated this place as a possible hiding location. Pardon me for something unrelated for a moment, though."
> Miko: Pull out the Iron Key.
> Miko: "Do either of you recognize this, or have an idea as to what it might go with?"
> Youmu: Do we recognize the key?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2015, 07:58:06 AM
> Miko: "Well. I must say, that was...rather anticlimactic."
> Youmu: Nod. "At least we are safe. What do we do now, though?"
> Miko: "I believe the plan I laid out earlier is still worth following, doubly so now that we have eliminated this place as a possible hiding location. Pardon me for something unrelated for a moment, though."
> Miko: Pull out the Iron Key.
> Miko: "Do either of you recognize this, or have an idea as to what it might go with?"
> Youmu: Do we recognize the key?

>Youmu: You think you've seen it moldering in Rinnosuke's shop before.
>"Well, I couldn't tell you what it goes to," says Kotohime, "But what you have there is a classic example of a key. Old one, too. They haven't made one with those kind of teeth in a long time."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2015, 10:43:18 AM
> Youmu: "Is that the key from the shop in the forest?"
> Miko: "The very same."
> Youmu: Shake head. "That is about all I know about it."
> Miko: Look to Kotohime. "Do you think you could give me a rough time estimate of the era from which keys of this make come?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2015, 11:24:39 AM
> Youmu: "Is that the key from the shop in the forest?"
> Miko: "The very same."
> Youmu: Shake head. "That is about all I know about it."
> Miko: Look to Kotohime. "Do you think you could give me a rough time estimate of the era from which keys of this make come?"

>"Whew, that's a toughie," says Kotohime. "See, this design came around about...two thousand years ago? And it didn't really take much in the way of updates until maybe a couple centuries ago, when people figured out how to make more complicated locks."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2015, 11:32:08 AM
> Miko: Twirl the key in our hands a bit while inspecting it, before returning it to our bag. "I see. I suppose that may help narrow down the origins of this particular key."
> Youmu: "Why did you buy it, if you did not know anything about it?"
> Miko: Give a small grin. "There is a little extra entertainment to be had in a mystery."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2015, 11:42:07 AM
> Miko: Twirl the key in our hands a bit while inspecting it, before returning it to our bag. "I see. I suppose that may help narrow down the origins of this particular key."
> Youmu: "Why did you buy it, if you did not know anything about it?"
> Miko: Give a small grin. "There is a little extra entertainment to be had in a mystery."

>"And it looks neat," says Kotohime.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2015, 12:13:56 PM
> Miko: "Anyway, with that matter discussed, I believe we should continue our investigation of the remaining suspicious areas as I outlined earler. Is this agreeable?"
> Youmu: Nod. "That is fine. I will also be stopping by Meira's home, to ask about her interest in what we discussed earlier."
> Miko: "I suspect that my itinerary will take me longer to complete, so that should not be a problem."
> Youmu: Look to Kotohime. "Miss Miko and I are going to conduct separate investigations before meeting at the Hakurei Shrine again. What would you like to do? Do you wish to go with either of us, or do you wish to return to the Human Village?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2015, 12:20:17 PM
> Miko: "Anyway, with that matter discussed, I believe we should continue our investigation of the remaining suspicious areas as I outlined earler. Is this agreeable?"
> Youmu: Nod. "That is fine. I will also be stopping by Meira's home, to ask about her interest in what we discussed earlier."
> Miko: "I suspect that my itinerary will take me longer to complete, so that should not be a problem."
> Youmu: Look to Kotohime. "Miss Miko and I are going to conduct separate investigations before meeting at the Hakurei Shrine again. What would you like to do? Do you wish to go with either of us, or do you wish to return to the Human Village?"

>"I think I better stay with Youmu," says Kotohime. "After all, I oughta see who else I'm gonna be working with."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2015, 12:30:41 PM
> Miko: Nod. "Very well. I would like to speak to each of you individually in private later, however. I have nothing earth-shattering to say; it is simply something to keep in mind, for a time after the immediate issues are resolved. Youmu, I trust you will retrieve the missing sword and wand should you come across them?"
> Youmu: "Of course. Farewell until we meet again."
> Miko: "Best of luck to all of us."

> Youmu: Fly to Komachi's section of the Sanzu River, avoiding fairy chaos and flying back over any part of the Garden of the Sun.
> Miko: Fly to Youkai Mountain, avoiding fairy chaos and flying back over any part of the Garden of the Sun.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2015, 01:05:21 PM
> Miko: Nod. "Very well. I would like to speak to each of you individually in private later, however. I have nothing earth-shattering to say; it is simply something to keep in mind, for a time after the immediate issues are resolved. Youmu, I trust you will retrieve the missing sword and wand should you come across them?"
> Youmu: "Of course. Farewell until we meet again."
> Miko: "Best of luck to all of us."

> Youmu: Fly to Komachi's section of the Sanzu River, avoiding fairy chaos and flying back over any part of the Garden of the Sun.
> Miko: Fly to Youkai Mountain, avoiding fairy chaos and flying back over any part of the Garden of the Sun.

>You go your separate ways.
>You make your way toward Youkai mountain, mostly backtracking the course you have taken. Once you pass by the town, you turn further southeast and make your way toward the large mountain in the distant range. Soon, you find yourself coming upon the forest along its foothills, the leaves vibrantly colored. The faeries are rather thick in the air up ahead.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2015, 01:08:33 PM
> Could we avoid them if we landed and continued traveling on foot?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2015, 01:41:22 PM
> Could we avoid them if we landed and continued traveling on foot?

>You would avoid any ones in the air, at least.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2015, 01:48:40 PM
> Let's land, then, and see how the situation changes.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2015, 02:07:37 PM
> Let's land, then, and see how the situation changes.

>You land, and find yourself approaching a forest forest whose leaves have turned early. They are quite vivid. There doesn't seem to be much faerie activity that you can see.


Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 22, 2015, 02:12:07 PM
> Are there any obvious paths into the forest?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2015, 04:11:42 PM
> Are there any obvious paths into the forest?

>There does seem to be a road a little ways to the south which leads into it.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 22, 2015, 04:47:24 PM
> Head toward the road, keeping an eye out for ground-level fairies.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2015, 05:10:30 PM
> Head toward the road, keeping an eye out for ground-level fairies.

>You reach the road without incident. Looking eastward, it makes its way into the forest for as far as you can see. You note a few faeries in the woods, but they seem to be isolated.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2015, 06:00:03 PM
> Isolated fairies are not a problem. Head into the forest along the path.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2015, 06:41:22 PM
> Isolated fairies are not a problem. Head into the forest along the path.

>You make your way along the path. Brightly colored leaves adorn the trees, not quite ready to journey to the ground yet. There is a sense of something greater than meets the eye here, a kind power in the air. It is not threatening, at least. Faeries fly to and fro, making various exclamations at the leaves. Some of them seem a bit hyper, flying around recklessly and in one case smacking into a tree, then yelling at the tree for being in the way. Are you make your way further in, the sudden explosion of color just seems to stop, as the leave shift back to a tired green. Ahead, along the side of the road, you note a woman in red, floating just underneath the boughs, with a brush in one hand and what seems to be a pallet in the other.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2015, 06:46:05 PM
> Can we tell what she is painting?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2015, 06:51:13 PM
> Can we tell what she is painting?

>She seems to be painting the trees themselves, you watch as she paints the underside of a leaf red.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2015, 06:52:57 PM
> Interesting! Can we tell what she is (human, youkai, celestial, god, etc)?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2015, 07:18:11 PM
> Interesting! Can we tell what she is (human, youkai, celestial, god, etc)?

>Drawing closer, you call this is definitely a god. Her desires, what you can hear of them, are entirely on a different level than any other kind of being you've encountered.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2015, 07:46:07 PM
> Are there any general proper ways to greet/introduce oneself to a god, particular one in a position such as ours?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2015, 07:50:03 PM
> Are there any general proper ways to greet/introduce oneself to a god, particular one in a position such as ours?

>You...aren't sure. It's never come up for you before.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2015, 07:57:25 PM
> Watch the god work for about thirty seconds or so, admiring the colored of the already-changed leaves around us in the process.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2015, 08:01:53 PM
> Watch the god work for about thirty seconds or so, admiring the colored of the already-changed leaves around us in the process.

>You observe her as she works. It seems as she paints one leaf, other random leaves around it take on the same color. Then she switches to a different color. She seems content not to say thing, you don't know if she's noticed you.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2015, 08:08:46 PM
> Very well. A shame we do not have time to spend watching the chaning of the leaves unfold right before us. Perhaps some other day, though...
> Continue on down the path without disturbing the god. Once we are out of reasonable hearing range of the god, stop and put our cloak back on before continuing again.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2015, 08:11:32 PM
> Very well. A shame we do not have time to spend watching the chaning of the leaves unfold right before us. Perhaps some other day, though...
> Continue on down the path without disturbing the god. Once we are out of reasonable hearing range of the god, stop and put our cloak back on before continuing again.

>You start to make your way past the deity. "Well," she says, "Aren't you going to say something?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2015, 08:19:02 PM
> Smile.
> "I did not wish to interrupt. But yes, I would like to thank you for your work."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2015, 08:39:21 PM
> Smile.
> "I did not wish to interrupt. But yes, I would like to thank you for your work."

>She beams. "Oh, you're too kind."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 22, 2015, 08:50:09 PM
> "I must confess, I have never actually met a god before. May I ask your name?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2015, 08:54:45 PM
> "I must confess, I have never actually met a god before. May I ask your name?"

>"I am Shizuha," says the deity, still beaming, "Welcome to my lands. I've only just gotten started, as you can see."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2015, 09:01:51 PM
> Do Futo or Tojiko have a particular penchant toward the aesthetic of turning leaves?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2015, 10:07:15 PM
> Do Futo or Tojiko have a particular penchant toward the aesthetic of turning leaves?

>You would say Tojiko has a stronger one, but both seem to enjoy it. Most people do.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2015, 10:10:26 PM
> Nod.
> "I will have to return when you have finished. Hopefully I will have my regular traveling companions in tow by then, so they can also appreciate the aesthetic of your leaves first-hand."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2015, 10:48:26 PM
> Nod.
> "I will have to return when you have finished. Hopefully I will have my regular traveling companions in tow by then, so they can also appreciate the aesthetic of your leaves first-hand."

>"That would be wonderful!" says Shizuha. "Make a picnic of it!"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2015, 10:53:36 PM
> "I am sure I can arrange something."
> Add Quest: Family Picnic in the Autumn Leaves
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2015, 11:15:31 PM
> "I am sure I can arrange something."
> Add Quest: Family Picnic in the Autumn Leaves

>"Splendid!" Shizuha says. "I'm sure they'll be delighted!"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 22, 2015, 11:25:11 PM
> "Not to change the subject, but before we can reach that point, I do have an investigation to conduct at present. Have you, perchance, seen a woman with blue looped hair pass through here recently?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 22, 2015, 11:57:00 PM
> "Not to change the subject, but before we can reach that point, I do have an investigation to conduct at present. Have you, perchance, seen a woman with blue looped hair pass through here recently?"

>She shakes her head. "I have not, but I've been very busy today. There's a chance she might have slipped by."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2015, 12:00:55 AM
> Take our cloak out of our pack.
> "Ah, that is unfortunate. If you do see her, take caution. She may be hostile."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2015, 12:33:51 AM
> Take our cloak out of our pack.
> "Ah, that is unfortunate. If you do see her, take caution. She may be hostile."

>You take out your cloak.
>"Duly noted," says Shizuha.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2015, 12:56:27 AM
> Put our cloak on.
> "In that case, I shall press on. Farewell until we meet again."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2015, 01:24:59 AM
> Put our cloak on.
> "In that case, I shall press on. Farewell until we meet again."

>You cloak yourself. "You have a wonderful day!" says Shizuha, beaming.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2015, 01:37:58 AM
> Wave our goodbye, then head further on up the road (
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2015, 02:25:58 AM
> Wave our goodbye, then head further on up the road (

>You make your way further eastward. The woods green up for a brief time, then begin to change, taking on a more gnarled and leafless character. The branches intertwine to form a thick canopy, plunging the woods into deep shadows. You can hear faeries cackle and fight in the distance, but there seems to be little other animal activity. You feel that you are being watched.


Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2015, 02:34:24 AM
> Keep walking forward and act like nothing is wrong, but remove our earmuffs and see if we can tell the direction of the person watching us from the sound of their desires.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2015, 09:19:15 AM
> Keep walking forward and act like nothing is wrong, but remove our earmuffs and see if we can tell the direction of the person watching us from the sound of their desires.

>You casually remove your earmuffs and quickly regret it, there are more faeries lurking around their you thought, and their desires are a chaotic and practically unreadable tapestry. There may be other things among that, but they are lost in the swirl.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on April 23, 2015, 09:36:59 AM
>Put our earmuffs back on and mentally shake our fist at the faeries.
>Sneak a look over our shoulder.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2015, 10:27:24 AM
>Put our earmuffs back on and mentally shake our fist at the faeries.
>Sneak a look over our shoulder.

>You sneak a look over your shoulder as you replace your earmuffs.  There doesn't seem to be anyone following you; in the distance you can just glimpse Shizuha.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2015, 10:42:36 AM
> Let's just keep going up the road a bit, then, and see if someone deigns to reveal themselves. WE have a sharp enough eye to spot if something is going to go wrong.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2015, 12:04:20 PM
> Let's just keep going up the road a bit, then, and see if someone deigns to reveal themselves. WE have a sharp enough eye to spot if something is going to go wrong.

>You continue along the road. Ahead, and off to the right side, you catch a glimpse of a figure in a dark red dress moving oddly between the trees.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2015, 12:07:51 PM
> Not Shizuha, surely?
> Keep watch to the right as we walk along.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2015, 12:50:51 PM
> Not Shizuha, surely?
> Keep watch to the right as we walk along.

>The red is darker, and the cloth seems heavier. You don't think this is Shizuha.
>You keep an eye on this figure, and can make out green hair and eyes as she makes her way between the trees...dancing? She notices you, and her eyes do not leave you.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2015, 12:53:05 PM
> Is this another god? Can we even tell yet?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2015, 03:58:23 PM
> Is this another god? Can we even tell yet?

>You are not so sure this time. The air is rather crowded with desires, and she is a bit far. But, she might be? Something feels off.
>She seems to be approaching, albeit indirectly.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 23, 2015, 04:08:10 PM
> Make our way closer to her, speaking when we are in reasonable conversation distance.
> "Pardon me. I hope my presence is not disturbing your dance."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2015, 04:24:32 PM
> Make our way closer to her, speaking when we are in reasonable conversation distance.
> "Pardon me. I hope my presence is not disturbing your dance."

>"Mm, you carry a doom." she says in a pleasantly conversational tone. "How brave."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 23, 2015, 04:30:46 PM
> Inventory
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2015, 04:41:23 PM
> Inventory

>You inventory contains:
>Regal Clothing
>Strong enough for a monarch, simple enough for a hermit.
>A ritual baton that is part of any ruler?s regalia. You keep it as a symbol of your old office.
>Harmony Earmuffs
>This does much to cut down the babble of voices you can hear from other people. Particularly strong desires can still get through.
>Travel Bag
>A sack for keeping your things in.
>Used Clothing
>Regal, but in need of a wash
>Bag of Konpeito
>Apparently it is regarded as good manners these days for a royal to give these guests and such, they didn't have such things in your day!
>Bag of Curry Powder
>A donation from a potential follower. Quite fresh!
>Iron Key
>A simple ring-handled key made of iron.
>Steel Trap
>This trap features steel jaws and a powerful spring mechanism with a plate trigger. A bit of chain extends from it, ending in a long metal stake.
>Regal Cloak
>A high-collared cloak gifted to you by Tojiko and Futo.
>This is 80☼
>Patchouli?s Note
>She asked you to take it to the Moriya Shrine.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 23, 2015, 04:52:28 PM
> "...I'm afraid I don't understand."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2015, 05:00:11 PM
> "...I'm afraid I don't understand."

>"I said you're quite brave," the woman says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 23, 2015, 05:05:54 PM
> "Well, yes, that I understood. But I do not understand what you mean when you say I 'carry a doom'."
> Put on a thoughtful expression.
> "Unless you are making a literal reference to one of my possessions..."
> Fish that key out of our bag.
> "...which would most likely be this."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2015, 05:18:46 PM
> "Well, yes, that I understood. But I do not understand what you mean when you say I 'carry a doom'."
> Put on a thoughtful expression.
> "Unless you are making a literal reference to one of my possessions..."
> Fish that key out of our bag.
> "...which would most likely be this."

>She nods, never pausing her motions. "Just so!"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2015, 05:25:33 PM
> Give the key a second, ever-so-slightly disgusted look.
> "How do you know this? No one I have asked about this key today has known anything about it, beyond the most general of information."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2015, 05:40:48 PM
> Give the key a second, ever-so-slightly disgusted look.
> "How do you know this? No one I have asked about this key today has known anything about it, beyond the most general of information."

>You give it a second look. It doesn't feel odd...
>"Because it's plain to see," she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2015, 05:42:58 PM
> Look back at the dancer.
> "...May I ask who you are? I am new to this land, and I do not believe we have met."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2015, 06:27:56 PM
> Look back at the dancer.
> "...May I ask who you are? I am new to this land, and I do not believe we have met."

>"I am Hina," she says, "It's my pleasure."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2015, 06:43:04 PM
> Give Hina a slight bow.
> "Well met, Hina. I am Miko, a simple Taoist hermit."
> Look back at the key.
> "I am afraid that whatever you see in this key is beyond my capabilities to detect, however. It seems an ordinary iron key to me."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2015, 07:19:44 PM
> Give Hina a slight bow.
> "Well met, Hina. I am Miko, a simple Taoist hermit."
> Look back at the key.
> "I am afraid that whatever you see in this key is beyond my capabilities to detect, however. It seems an ordinary iron key to me."

>"Oh, it is," says Hina.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 23, 2015, 07:20:54 PM
> "Then what is this doom of which you speak?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2015, 07:24:00 PM
> "Then what is this doom of which you speak?"

>"It carries a doom upon it," Hina says. She pauses her motions to squint at it. "Hmm, very hazy."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2015, 07:27:06 PM
> Frown.
> "That mouse will hear about this. What can you tell me about the doom surrounding this key?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2015, 07:40:11 PM
> Frown.
> "That mouse will hear about this. What can you tell me about the doom surrounding this key?"

>"Very hazy, quite old," she says. "Mmm. Mmmmmmmm...."
>She pirouettes around you, never seeming to take her eyes from it. "I may have seen it before."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2015, 07:52:19 PM
> What was Hina's tone with that last line? Did she sound genuine, or is she angling for a favor that would help jog her memory?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2015, 08:51:58 PM
> What was Hina's tone with that last line? Did she sound genuine, or is she angling for a favor that would help jog her memory?

>She sounds genuine.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2015, 09:01:31 PM
> "Would that be hundreds of years, or perhaps thousands?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2015, 09:47:34 PM
> "Would that be hundreds of years, or perhaps thousands?"

>"No no no, much more recently," she says, as she turns her attention to her dance. She chuckes. "My memory isn't that good by far!"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2015, 09:51:15 PM
> "Strange. The key's design is not very new. I wonder how long it has spent in that shop?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2015, 10:01:14 PM
> "Strange. The key's design is not very new. I wonder how long it has spent in that shop?"

>"That, I cannot say," says Hina. "But, I do not travel too often, so I can't imagine where I would have seen it."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2015, 10:14:58 PM
> "Is it possible it originated from this area?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2015, 10:35:18 PM
> "Is it possible it originated from this area?"

>"I don't see what makes it impossible," says Hina.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2015, 10:45:13 PM
> "Is there such a manufacturer in the area?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2015, 10:58:54 PM
> "Is there such a manufacturer in the area?"

>"Oh, well," she says, "The kappa make all kinds of things, and so do the tengu."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2015, 11:11:30 PM
> "I see. Would they have anyone capable of inflicting doom upon a material object such as this?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2015, 11:14:12 PM
> "I see. Would they have anyone capable of inflicting doom upon a material object such as this?"

>"Who knows?" says Hina. "Doom comes in many forms. History is not to be ignored so lightly."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 23, 2015, 11:18:45 PM
> Frown slightly.
> "I suppose that is true. It is interesting to know this much about this key, at least, even if this knowledge seems to have created more questions than it answers."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 23, 2015, 11:35:44 PM
> Frown slightly.
> "I suppose that is true. It is interesting to know this much about this key, at least, even if this knowledge seems to have created more questions than it answers."

>"Such is the nature of knowledge, they say," replies Hina.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2015, 12:00:34 AM
> "I...don't suppose you can discern the nature of this doom? Or if it even has a nature?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 24, 2015, 12:11:58 AM
> "I...don't suppose you can discern the nature of this doom? Or if it even has a nature?"

>"Well, I imagine it has to do with whatever this key unlocks," Hina says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2015, 12:26:57 AM
> "Ah. A shame, for I have not an inkling as to what that may be."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 24, 2015, 12:54:39 AM
> "Ah. A shame, for I have not an inkling as to what that may be."

>"Something quite momentous, I imagine, to have such a doom on it." Hina says, as she disappears behind you again.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2015, 01:10:04 AM
> "I can only hope that makes the origin easier to find."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 24, 2015, 01:21:02 AM
> "I can only hope that makes the origin easier to find."

>"I wish I could remember more," she says, "But I think, if I remember it at all, it must have been around here at one point, no?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2015, 01:27:00 AM
> Nod.
> "That is the most logical conclusion, yes. Are there perhaps others local to this area that may also recognize it?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 24, 2015, 01:28:31 AM
> Nod.
> "That is the most logical conclusion, yes. Are there perhaps others local to this area that may also recognize it?"

>Hina appears around your other side. "It seems possible, doesn't it?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2015, 01:36:48 AM
> "I did encounter Miss Shizuha a little bit earlier on this path. I may have to inquire about this key when I return here later and see her again."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 24, 2015, 01:38:00 AM
> "I did encounter Miss Shizuha a little bit earlier on this path. I may have to inquire about this key when I return here later and see her again."

>"Oh, I don't think she'd care at all about keys or dooms right now," says Hina.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2015, 01:39:57 AM
> "...I suppose that is true."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 24, 2015, 01:45:50 AM
> "...I suppose that is true."

>"I can assure you," says Hina. "It's her time now, let's not interfere with it."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2015, 01:47:04 AM
> "That is fair. Very well, I shall instead pick the minds of those higher up on the mountain."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 24, 2015, 09:58:50 AM
> "That is fair. Very well, I shall instead pick the minds of those higher up on the mountain."

>"Do be careful," she says, "The youkai there can be very dangerous. But, I am sure you can handle whatever you come across, so long as you don't come across it too many times."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2015, 10:41:08 AM
> "I can defend myself as necessary. Ah, and speaking of, have you seen a blue loop-haired woman pass by here recently?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 24, 2015, 11:17:55 AM
> "I can defend myself as necessary. Ah, and speaking of, have you seen a blue loop-haired woman pass by here recently?"

>"I see many people with blue hair," says Hina. "The kappa live nearby."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2015, 11:21:43 AM
> "That may help narrow down the person I had in mind, as she is not a kappa."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 24, 2015, 11:30:37 AM
> "That may help narrow down the person I had in mind, as she is not a kappa."

>"I don't think I've seen many non-kappa lately," says Hina.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2015, 11:40:34 AM
> Nod.
> "If you do see her, be wary. She may be hostile, and may be dangerous."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 24, 2015, 11:42:24 AM
> Nod.
> "If you do see her, be wary. She may be hostile, and may be dangerous."

>"Oh my," says Hina.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2015, 11:50:15 AM
> "It seems she has taken the life force from a great youkai tree. I am in pursuit, in the hopes that I can restore it to its rightful owner."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 24, 2015, 12:16:14 PM
> "It seems she has taken the life force from a great youkai tree. I am in pursuit, in the hopes that I can restore it to its rightful owner."

>"Oh, that doesn't sound good at all," says Hina.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2015, 12:17:54 PM
> Shake head.
> "She and I have...much to discuss about her behavior when I encounter her."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 24, 2015, 02:14:20 PM
> Shake head.
> "She and I have...much to discuss about her behavior when I encounter her."

>"Ah, errant friends can be troublesome," says Hina.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2015, 02:31:32 PM
> "Regardless, I must press onward, as I have a delivery to make to the Moriya Shrine. If I learn more about the history of this key, I will let you know."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 24, 2015, 02:40:04 PM
> "Regardless, I must press onward, as I have a delivery to make to the Moriya Shrine. If I learn more about the history of this key, I will let you know."

>"Do be careful further up," says Hina. "The tengu get antsy when the faeries start acting up."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2015, 02:43:45 PM
> Nod.
> "I will keep this in mind. Thank you for all of your assistance. Farewell until we meet again."
> Continue our trek up the mountain.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 24, 2015, 11:43:07 PM
> Nod.
> "I will keep this in mind. Thank you for all of your assistance. Farewell until we meet again."
> Continue our trek up the mountain.

>You make your way further eastward, as Hina continues her dance.
>Soon, the trees begin to thin, and you can see a river ahead, fed by a waterfall flowing down the mountainside. Dozens of little ponds dot  the land, filled with cat tails. Small gardens filled with bushes dot the area, set between meandering dirt footpaths. There are buildings here, small rounded things plastered with cattails and moss, often partially submerged into ponds. Here and there, you see a kappa on the roads, bustling about. On the far bank of the river, you can see a large building that looks like several barns that have been awkwardly fused together, where more kappa are gathered.


Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 24, 2015, 11:51:56 PM
> What has been our past experience with kappa?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 25, 2015, 02:09:00 AM
> What has been our past experience with kappa?

>Minimal, you've read of them.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 25, 2015, 02:31:14 AM
> What's with the kappa around that large building? Does there appear to be some specific major activity? Can we even tell from this distance?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 25, 2015, 12:15:30 PM
> What's with the kappa around that large building? Does there appear to be some specific major activity? Can we even tell from this distance?

>It doesn't seem like there is a major activity going on, per se, but rather it is a place that people gather.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 25, 2015, 12:47:41 PM
> Mmm, if there's nothing immediately interesting going on, then we can maybe return here once our errand is complete.
> Continue on up the mountain.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 25, 2015, 01:44:56 PM
> Mmm, if there's nothing immediately interesting going on, then we can maybe return here once our errand is complete.
> Continue on up the mountain.

>You make your way through the village, picking your way through various footpaths around the houses. The kappa seem to be giving you a wide berth. You don't encounter any of them, but you can see them taking routes that would lead away from you, or simply moving around the houses.
>Soon you reach the edge of the village, the mountain's slope growing more and more pronounced. Ahead, the incline becomes rather steep. A path wends its way up some rather sheer cliffs. Some distance above, you can see some figures flying through the air in formation.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 25, 2015, 01:53:52 PM
> Let's take to the air and continue up the path, then. No point in exhausting ourselves if we're going to have to deal with Seiga at some point.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 25, 2015, 04:42:51 PM
> Let's take to the air and continue up the path, then. No point in exhausting ourselves if we're going to have to deal with Seiga at some point.

>You take to the air and ascend along the side of the mountain. It does not take long for you to notice the patrolling figures are drawing near.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 25, 2015, 04:48:10 PM
> No sense in trying to avoid a confrontation if we've been spotted. Let them approach.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 25, 2015, 06:08:59 PM
> No sense in trying to avoid a confrontation if we've been spotted. Let them approach.

>They approach, and one perosn approaches, a tall woman with dark shoulder-length hair. "Hello," she says, "I am going to need to know why you are approaching our airspace."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 25, 2015, 06:21:06 PM
> "Good day. I have a message from the Scarlet Devil Mansion, to be delivered to the Moriya Shrine."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 25, 2015, 11:11:13 PM
> "Good day. I have a message from the Scarlet Devil Mansion, to be delivered to the Moriya Shrine."

>"We'll have to escort you," says the woman. "We are on on heightened alert right now, and are not permitting travellers into our town."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 25, 2015, 11:23:28 PM
> Nod.
> "That is fine. I apologize for the intrusion and inconvenience."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 26, 2015, 01:45:33 AM
> Nod.
> "That is fine. I apologize for the intrusion and inconvenience."

>She makes some quick gestures toward the other tengu. Then she turns back toward you. "Please follow me."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on April 26, 2015, 01:53:51 AM
> Nod and follow.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 26, 2015, 04:12:01 AM
> Nod and follow.

>You nod, and the woman starts toward the top of the mountain, climbing away from the slopes. She leads you a good distance away from the mountainside as well as upward, until you are passing over a town of tall, tightly packed buildings. Close to the town is the mountain summit, and a large well-maintained shrine perched atop of it, with a sizable pond off to its side, dotted with tall columns. Your guide descends down, and lands in front of the shrine's torii, then gestures for you to enter.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 26, 2015, 04:22:35 AM
> Follow and enter through the torii as indicated.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 26, 2015, 04:45:56 AM
> Follow and enter through the torii as indicated.

>You walk through the torii, and onto a stone pathway passing through a meticulously kept yard. A few youkai seem to be lingering about, many who bear a resemblancee to your guide, which you are now certain is a tengu, and a lone light-haired kappa who is currently looking at the fortunes. You note the paraphernalia of a shrine are much more visible and in their proper places here; you don't think you even saw a basin for cleansing oneself at the Hakurei Shrine nor did it really feel necessary. The shrine itself is a large building made of wood, is stained timbers in excellent condition and clean. You can see the familiar form of Sanae sitting on the shrine's front porch, observing the people here. She seems to have already noticed you, but she doesn't ract in any particular way.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 26, 2015, 12:19:31 PM
> Ah, splendid, someone we know.
> Make our way over to the shrine maiden.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2015, 03:41:21 AM
> Ah, splendid, someone we know.
> Make our way over to the shrine maiden.

>You make your way over to Sanae.
>"Oh hey," she says, nodding toward you. "This isn't some kind of shakedown, is it?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 27, 2015, 03:50:28 AM
> Frown.
> "Must everyone greet me this way?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2015, 04:01:22 AM
> Frown.
> "Must everyone greet me this way?"

>"Eh, you always get suspicious when other religious people show up knocking," says Sanae. "Any one of them could be a wannabe dojo destroyer!"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 27, 2015, 04:05:03 AM
> When we first ran into our incident solver welcoming party, did they all attack us at once, or was it a one-at-a-time affair?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2015, 04:12:10 AM
> When we first ran into our incident solver welcoming party, did they all attack us at once, or was it a one-at-a-time affair?

>It was a one at a time affair. Important lessons were learned that day.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 27, 2015, 04:27:24 AM
> In what order did they combat us?
> As unpleasant as it is to consider, we were presumably suppressed each time, yes?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2015, 04:38:13 AM
> In what order did they combat us?
> As unpleasant as it is to consider, we were presumably suppressed each time, yes?

>You remember that Reimu and Marisa got to you first, respectively. You aren't sure if Sanae or Youmu came next, anymore.
>Hard-earned lessons were gained that day.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 27, 2015, 04:43:03 AM
> "Even ignoring that I have absolutely no interest in such, given past experiences and the current situation, calling an attempt to conquer or destroy your shrine by myself 'foolhardy' would be generous. But arguing my own merits is not why I am here."
> Pull out Patchouli's note and hand it over.
> "This note was written by Patchouli of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. It is to be delivered to this shrine."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2015, 04:45:26 AM
> "Even ignoring that I have absolutely no interest in such, given past experiences and the current situation, calling an attempt to conquer or destroy your shrine by myself 'foolhardy' would be generous. But arguing my own merits is not why I am here."
> Pull out Patchouli's note and hand it over.
> "This note was written by Patchouli of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. It is to be delivered to this shrine."

>"Oh!" says Sanae, as she takes it and looks it over. Then she frowns. "Huh, that might not be easy..."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 27, 2015, 04:50:31 AM
> "As long as I am here, I feel I must mention that I am currently searching for Seiga. If you see her, I advise caution, as she may be hostile, and she may be dangerous."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2015, 04:53:05 AM
> "As long as I am here, I feel I must mention that I am currently searching for Seiga. If you see her, I advise caution, as she may be hostile, and she may be dangerous."

>"I sure haven't seen her around," says Sanae, as she frowns at the letter.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 27, 2015, 04:59:32 AM
> Nod.
> "It seems unlikely that you would have, given the apparent state of tengu territory."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2015, 05:04:04 AM
> Nod.
> "It seems unlikely that you would have, given the apparent state of tengu territory."

>"Oh yeah, they get like that when the faeries get antsy," says Sanae. "They don't want incidents in their land at all."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 27, 2015, 05:10:45 AM
> "If I may ask an aside, can you tell me about a woman named Hina that I encountered on my journey here, before I reached the kappa village?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2015, 05:12:14 AM
> "If I may ask an aside, can you tell me about a woman named Hina that I encountered on my journey here, before I reached the kappa village?"

>"Oh, the curse goddess?" says Sanae.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 27, 2015, 05:16:29 AM
> "Yes, I suppose. Hrm."
> Take the key out and study it again.
> "That would certainly explain why she saw a doom on this key."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2015, 05:24:17 AM
> "Yes, I suppose. Hrm."
> Take the key out and study it again.
> "That would certainly explain why she saw a doom on this key."

>"What's that?" she says, glancing at the key.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 27, 2015, 10:36:19 AM
> Offer the key to Sanae.
> "Would you like to take a look? I must admit, I completely missed whatever it is about this key that Hina saw."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2015, 02:13:53 PM
> Offer the key to Sanae.
> "Would you like to take a look? I must admit, I completely missed whatever it is about this key that Hina saw."

>"Just looks like a key to me," says Sanae. "What's the big deal about it?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 27, 2015, 02:20:35 PM
> "That is what I wish to know. It also seems to me to be an unremarkable iron key. But this Hina claimed to see a doom surrounding it. If what you say of her is true, then there is probably merit to her assertion, unless she is known to lie for her own amusement."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2015, 02:29:37 PM
> "That is what I wish to know. It also seems to me to be an unremarkable iron key. But this Hina claimed to see a doom surrounding it. If what you say of her is true, then there is probably merit to her assertion, unless she is known to lie for her own amusement."

>"I...don't think she does?" says Sanae. "Where'd you get it?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 27, 2015, 02:38:39 PM
> "The curio shop in the forest."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2015, 02:50:44 PM
> "The curio shop in the forest."

>"Huh," says Sanae. "What do you know about it?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 27, 2015, 02:57:26 PM
> "The shop or the key?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2015, 02:58:39 PM
> "The shop or the key?"

>"The key, who cares about the shop?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 27, 2015, 03:14:03 PM
> Chuckle a bit.
> "Very well. To be perfectly honest, I know extremely little about this key, other than that this particular style of key went out of fashion a couple hundred years ago. Hina seemed to recall having seen it once before, which implies it was in this area not too long ago. The doom itself is probably related to what this key unlocks, which Hina suspects is 'something quite momentous'."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2015, 03:17:01 PM
> Chuckle a bit.
> "Very well. To be perfectly honest, I know extremely little about this key, other than that this particular style of key went out of fashion a couple hundred years ago. Hina seemed to recall having seen it once before, which implies it was in this area not too long ago. The doom itself is probably related to what this key unlocks, which Hina suspects is 'something quite momentous'."

>"So what was it even doing in the store?" says Sanae.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 27, 2015, 03:20:13 PM
> Marisa said that the key has been there as long as she can remember, yes? Or, at least, it was there before the current 'ownership' took hold?
> "It is my understanding that the shop mostly runs on a trading system. Presumably, the key's previous owner used it to purchase something else."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2015, 03:35:25 PM
> Marisa said that the key has been there as long as she can remember, yes? Or, at least, it was there before the current 'ownership' took hold?
> "It is my understanding that the shop mostly runs on a trading system. Presumably, the key's previous owner used it to purchase something else."

>Yes. You aren't certain how well you'd trust Marisa's long term memory, but presumably that means it was there for some time.
>"Hm," says Sanae. "Wonder if it's the one Wriggle found awhile back?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 27, 2015, 03:38:28 PM
> !
> Raise an eyebrow.
> "Who is this Wriggle?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2015, 03:41:36 PM
> !
> Raise an eyebrow.
> "Who is this Wriggle?"

>"She's an insect youkai who used to work for us. It's kind of an embarrassing story, that. But anyways, a few years back on the way here, she mentioned finding some key, and trading it for...I think it was a big bag of some kind of snack?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 27, 2015, 03:47:20 PM
> Nod.
> "Where can I find this youkai?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2015, 03:51:00 PM
> Nod.
> "Where can I find this youkai?"

>"She lives somewhere in the forest of magic," Sanae says. "Um, on the western side somewhere? Her house is a big mushroom. I never really got to see it myself."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 27, 2015, 03:56:30 PM
> "I will look into this. Thank you for your information."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2015, 04:02:07 PM
> "I will look into this. Thank you for your information."

>"Sure, no problem," says Sanae.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 27, 2015, 04:04:21 PM
> Gesture to the note in Sanae's hand (or whever she ended up putting it).
> "I will leave you to whatever is written in that note, then, as I must continue my search for Seiga."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2015, 04:23:50 PM
> Gesture to the note in Sanae's hand (or whever she ended up putting it).
> "I will leave you to whatever is written in that note, then, as I must continue my search for Seiga."

>"Okay," says Sanae. "Good luck with that!"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 27, 2015, 04:30:56 PM
> Nod.
> "Farewell."
> Head back to the tengu that brought us here.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2015, 04:52:03 PM
> Nod.
> "Farewell."
> Head back to the tengu that brought us here.

>You make your way back to the tengu, who is leaning against the torii. "All finished?" she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 27, 2015, 05:01:40 PM
> "I am. Before we depart, however, since I made mention of this to the shrine maiden, I should make mention to you as well. Has a blue loop-hiared woman attempted to make her way into your territory today?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2015, 05:10:35 PM
> "I am. Before we depart, however, since I made mention of this to the shrine maiden, I should make mention to you as well. Has a blue loop-hiared woman attempted to make her way into your territory today?"

>She shakes her head. "I can't speak for the other patrols, but we've not seen anything."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 27, 2015, 05:12:06 PM
> "I see. Should any of you spot her, be careful. She may be hostile, and she may be dangerous."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2015, 05:15:27 PM
> "I see. Should any of you spot her, be careful. She may be hostile, and she may be dangerous."

>"I'll take that warning to heart," says the tengu with a nod.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 27, 2015, 05:17:00 PM
> "Excellent. In that case, I am ready to depart."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2015, 05:31:32 PM
> "Excellent. In that case, I am ready to depart."

>With a nod, she takes to the air and leads you down the mountainside, leaving you about halfway down and not far from the waterfall. "If you have more business at the shrine, please seek out a patrol and we'll be happy to make sure you get there without any problems," she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 27, 2015, 05:37:41 PM
> "Thank you very much for your assistance. May I ask your name?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2015, 05:54:51 PM
> "Thank you very much for your assistance. May I ask your name?"

>"I'm Koyomi," she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 27, 2015, 06:08:06 PM
Oh boy, exactly as I hoped/feared.

> Smile.
> "A pleasure, Koyomi. I am Miko, a simple Taoist hermit. My apologies again for intruding upon your time."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2015, 06:33:15 PM
> Smile.
> "A pleasure, Koyomi. I am Miko, a simple Taoist hermit. My apologies again for intruding upon your time."

>"Don't worry, escorting people to the shrine is part of our job," says Koyomi.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 27, 2015, 06:38:54 PM
> "Still, your work is apprciated. I must be off to my destination, so farewell until we meet again."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2015, 06:59:56 PM
> "Still, your work is apprciated. I must be off to my destination, so farewell until we meet again."

>"Farewell," says the tengu. "I'll be sure to let the others know you intend to come back."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 27, 2015, 07:02:18 PM
> Nod.
> "Thank you."
> Head back down the mountain to where Hina was, traveling by air until we pass by the kappa village, then landing and proceeding on foot.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2015, 09:01:17 PM
> Nod.
> "Thank you."
> Head back down the mountain to where Hina was, traveling by air until we pass by the kappa village, then landing and proceeding on foot.

>You proceed down the mountain, passing over the kappa village, and touch down near the darkened forest on the foothills. Peering ahead, the road seems clear.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 27, 2015, 09:33:57 PM
> Head back down the mountain, keeping an eye out for Hina.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2015, 09:58:01 PM
> Head back down the mountain, keeping an eye out for Hina.

>You make your way along the path, soon getting the feeling that you are being watched again. It's hard to tell if the faeries her are more agitated than before, they definitely seem a bit louder.
>After a few minutes of walking, you think you glimpse a bit of red and green through the underbrush, in the distance.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 27, 2015, 10:53:17 PM
> "I have returned with a little more information."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 27, 2015, 11:38:51 PM
> "I have returned with a little more information."

>She moves out of sight, obscured by the trees. Every so often, you get a glimpse of her, closer than before. Soon she steps out from the trees and looks at you expectantly, as she starts to circle behind you.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 27, 2015, 11:58:53 PM
> "I know nothing more about the history of this key or the doom behind it. However, I did learn that it was that this key was discovered by an insect youkai on her way to the Moriya Shrine several years ago. She is the one that traded it to the curio shop in the forest."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 28, 2015, 01:19:07 AM
> "I know nothing more about the history of this key or the doom behind it. However, I did learn that it was that this key was discovered by an insect youkai on her way to the Moriya Shrine several years ago. She is the one that traded it to the curio shop in the forest."

>"Is that right?" says Hina. "I remember that youkai. She doesn't come by so often anymore."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 28, 2015, 01:24:07 AM
> Nod.
> "It is my understanding that she lives somewhere in the western portion of the Forest of Magic. I will be making my way there to seek her out eventually."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 28, 2015, 02:47:46 AM
> Nod.
> "It is my understanding that she lives somewhere in the western portion of the Forest of Magic. I will be making my way there to seek her out eventually."

>"Ah," says Hina.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 28, 2015, 02:55:47 AM
> "Is there anything else you can tell me about this doom? If not, that is fine."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 28, 2015, 03:11:57 AM
> "Is there anything else you can tell me about this doom? If not, that is fine."

>"It is something to be approached with care," she says. "That is what I can see."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 28, 2015, 03:24:15 AM
> Nod.
> "Very well. I will keep this in mind."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 28, 2015, 03:39:04 AM
> Nod.
> "Very well. I will keep this in mind."

>And with that, she darts back into the trees.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 28, 2015, 03:43:35 AM
> Head back down to the foot of the mountain.
> Assuming we reach the foot of the mountain uninterrupted, take flight and head toward the Bamboo Forest, avoiding any agitated fairy clouds.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 28, 2015, 03:46:26 AM
> Head back down to the foot of the mountain.
> Assuming we reach the foot of the mountain uninterrupted, take flight and head toward the Bamboo Forest, avoiding any agitated fairy clouds.

>you make your way down the path, passing through the darkened forest and into the vibrant autumnal portions of it. At a glance, you cannot see Shizuha anywhere, but you certain she is still around, just out of sight. Up ahead, though, you see a unfamiliar blonde woman in a purple dress with a white mob cap making her way up the trail.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 28, 2015, 03:47:47 AM
> Is it Yukari?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 28, 2015, 12:45:41 PM
> Is it Yukari?

>No, she is too short. But you might well be forgiven for thinking she is.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 28, 2015, 12:58:58 PM
> Let's keep going, then, unless she prompts us to stop. Give her a generic friendly greeting as we pass by, though.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 28, 2015, 02:03:03 PM
> Let's keep going, then, unless she prompts us to stop. Give her a generic friendly greeting as we pass by, though.

>You pass her by, giving a friendly greeting and receiving one in turn.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 28, 2015, 02:03:30 PM
> Make our way the rest of the way down the mountain.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 28, 2015, 02:37:54 PM
> Make our way the rest of the way down the mountain.

>It doesn't take too long to return the fields west of the mountain.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 28, 2015, 02:59:42 PM
> Take flight and head toward the Bamboo Forest, avoiding fairy clouds and aiming for that large boulder we started at the first time around.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 28, 2015, 03:39:37 PM
> Take flight and head toward the Bamboo Forest, avoiding fairy clouds and aiming for that large boulder we started at the first time around.

>You make your way toward the Bamboo Forest. The faeries are getting worse over the Forest of Magic, and you are forced to give it a wide berth in general, until it can no longer be avoided.  Actually finding that boulder is fairly tricky, the border of the two forests is about as cluttered as the forests themselves. At one point, you have to stop and let a group of cackling faeries fly past, thankfully too busy firing among themselves to really take note of you as they disappear into the bamboo.
>Which some searching, you are able to find it.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 28, 2015, 03:41:57 PM
> Here's hoping we can get through here without being accosted. Losing our way would be dreadful.
> Start following the path delineated by the boulders and arrows as we did before.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 28, 2015, 04:22:47 PM
> Here's hoping we can get through here without being accosted. Losing our way would be dreadful.
> Start following the path delineated by the boulders and arrows as we did before.

>You start to make your way through the bamboo forest. Sounds of danmaku and faeries reverberate around you, not so much echoing off the bamboo as distorted by it.  You move onward toward the next rock. How will you proceed to avoid faeries, or will you not try at all?

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 28, 2015, 04:42:56 PM
> All we can do is trudge forward. If a fairy or two gets immediately in our way, we'll have to shoot them down. Otherwise, we can just run past them until we get to the next rock.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 28, 2015, 04:54:27 PM
> All we can do is trudge forward. If a fairy or two gets immediately in our way, we'll have to shoot them down. Otherwise, we can just run past them until we get to the next rock.

>You trudge onward. The faeries get close sometimes, but thus far either don't notice you or are content to ignore you. You do notice that not all of them seem to be losing their heads, you go past one group that seems to be having a tea party not too far from you. You reach the next rock, and the one after that. As you try to make your way toward the next marker, however, you hear what sounds like faeries having an argument up ahead.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 28, 2015, 05:23:15 PM
> Drat.
> Slowly and quietly make our way forward, trying to get into proper hearing range without getting into visible range.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 28, 2015, 06:58:49 PM
> Drat.
> Slowly and quietly make our way forward, trying to get into proper hearing range without getting into visible range.

>You curse fate, then creep forward.
>It doesn't take long before you can hear the argument. "Kitties!" one faerie shouts.
>"Penguins!" another cries.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 28, 2015, 07:16:01 PM
> Oh for fuck's sake.
> We know what each of these things are, yes?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 28, 2015, 07:17:28 PM
> Oh for fuck's sake.
> We know what each of these things are, yes?

>More profanity!
>You are aware of them both, though penguins you've only read about relatively recently. They seem adorable.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 28, 2015, 07:29:59 PM
> Might as well get on with it. Keep moving forward. Hopefully the two groups will be too angry with each other to pay us much mind.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 28, 2015, 08:12:29 PM
> Might as well get on with it. Keep moving forward. Hopefully the two groups will be too angry with each other to pay us much mind.

>You keep moving forward, pushing through the bamboo.
>You soon find groups of faeries, maybe a score in total, giving each other solid glares. some of them are on the ground, others are hovering or clinging to the bamboo stalks.
>"Kitties!" on faerie cries.
>"No, penguins!" other says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 28, 2015, 08:45:05 PM
> A score of fairies or a score of groups of fairies?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 28, 2015, 08:56:15 PM
> A score of fairies or a score of groups of fairies?

>The former.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 28, 2015, 08:58:37 PM
> Are the fairies staring at each other across our path?
> Are any fairies actually directly in our path, i.e. we would smack into them if we continued on a perfectly-straight route?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 28, 2015, 09:47:57 PM
> Are the fairies staring at each other across our path?
> Are any fairies actually directly in our path, i.e. we would smack into them if we continued on a perfectly-straight route?

>You...think you could squeeze through. There's one or two that are a bit close.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 28, 2015, 09:58:10 PM
> Are there any notable landmarks in our path on the other side of the fairies?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 28, 2015, 11:12:49 PM
> Are there any notable landmarks in our path on the other side of the fairies?

>Not really, just more bamboo.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 28, 2015, 11:16:57 PM
> Take a couple steps more toward our destination.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2015, 12:27:32 AM
> Take a couple steps more toward our destination.

>You do so and the argument, as it were, doesn't seem to abate.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 29, 2015, 12:37:13 AM
> Has nobody noticed our presence yet?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2015, 12:46:45 AM
> Has nobody noticed our presence yet?

>If they have, they haven't reacted yet.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 29, 2015, 12:53:52 AM
> Might as well keep on walking, then.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2015, 01:05:24 AM
> Might as well keep on walking, then.

>You continue walking, and the faeries continue to bicker. There is one, however, who is in your way.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 29, 2015, 01:11:37 AM
> How large is this fairy?
> Could we duck under her?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2015, 01:15:28 AM
> How large is this fairy?
> Could we duck under her?

>She is about knee high to you, and on the ground.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 29, 2015, 01:17:48 AM
> Is she looking at us?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2015, 01:19:15 AM
> Is she looking at us?

>No. She seems to have locked eyes with someone on the other side.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 29, 2015, 01:20:23 AM
> How far down does our skirt hang?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2015, 01:29:16 AM
> How far down does our skirt hang?

>Just a bit past your knees."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 29, 2015, 01:35:14 AM
> Grab the bottom of our cloak with one hand and lift it up enough that we can also grab the bottom of the back of our skirt in the same hand. Use our other hand to help maneuver this as needed.
> Once we have both our cloak and skirt in one hand, grab the front of our skirt with our other hand.
> Pull our grabbed clothing up enough that it is above our knees.
> Once all of this is done, carefully step over the fairy in our path. Use high steps and be sure to keep our weight balanced on our planted leg until we have completely passed over the fairy.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2015, 01:41:10 AM
> Grab the bottom of our cloak with one hand and lift it up enough that we can also grab the bottom of the back of our skirt in the same hand. Use our other hand to help maneuver this as needed.
> Once we have both our cloak and skirt in one hand, grab the front of our skirt with our other hand.
> Pull our grabbed clothing up enough that it is above our knees.
> Once all of this is done, carefully step over the fairy in our path. Use high steps and be sure to keep our weight balanced on our planted leg until we have completely passed over the fairy.

>You hike your clothing up and step over the faerie as carefully as you can. She does not seem to notice, and in fact takes a moment to shout "Kitties!" at one point, making you fear for a split second that you stepped on her.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 29, 2015, 01:56:53 AM
> Phew.
> Take another step to make sure we are well-clear of the fairy, then let our clothes drop back down.
> Once this is done, continue on our path.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2015, 02:32:27 AM
> Phew.
> Take another step to make sure we are well-clear of the fairy, then let our clothes drop back down.
> Once this is done, continue on our path.

>You take another step, result your normal state, and continue onward.
>"Hey, Owl Lady!" one of the faeries calls out, "Which is it?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 29, 2015, 02:33:52 AM
> Oh for the love of-
> Stop, keep our body oriented in its current direction and turn our head to look over our shoulder.
> "Hmm?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2015, 02:39:11 AM
> Oh for the love of-
> Stop, keep our body oriented in its current direction and turn our head to look over our shoulder.
> "Hmm?"

>"Which is it?" says the faerie. All eyes are on you, now.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 29, 2015, 02:47:43 AM
> Tap a finger to our chin, as if in thought.
> "...Can it not be both?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2015, 03:06:06 AM
> Tap a finger to our chin, as if in thought.
> "...Can it not be both?"

>"That doesn't even make any sense!" one of the faeries cries.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 29, 2015, 03:10:09 AM
> "Are you certain? Because it was both in my time, countless years ago."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2015, 03:55:57 AM
> "Are you certain? Because it was both in my time, countless years ago."

>"That's crazy talk!" says another faerie, but she sounds less certain than before.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 29, 2015, 04:26:49 AM
> Take on a sharper tone and a slightly steelier look.
> "Hmm? What is this?"
> Turn back forward, retrieve our baton, place it on the ground between our feet and pointed in the direction we want to go, then turn around on the spot (without kicking the baton) so we can face the fairy group properly.
> If we know which fairy said the last thing, stare at her. If not, look quickly back and forth between the two groups.
> "Do I stand accused of falsehoods? Has my assistance been requested in resolving your quandary only for my generosity and wisdom to be met with scorn? Is this what I hear?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2015, 04:52:23 AM
> Take on a sharper tone and a slightly steelier look.
> "Hmm? What is this?"
> Turn back forward, retrieve our baton, place it on the ground between our feet and pointed in the direction we want to go, then turn around on the spot (without kicking the baton) so we can face the fairy group properly.
> If we know which fairy said the last thing, stare at her. If not, look quickly back and forth between the two groups.
> "Do I stand accused of falsehoods? Has my assistance been requested in resolving your quandary only for my generosity and wisdom to be met with scorn? Is this what I hear?"

>You place you baton on the ground, then approach the accusing faerie. "Umm..." she says.


Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 29, 2015, 12:13:09 PM
Actually, maybe approaching would be beneficial.

> Give the fairy an evil-eye look as we approach her.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2015, 03:17:31 PM
> Give the fairy an evil-eye look as we approach her.

>You approach, giving her the eye.
>She throws herself to the ground. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 29, 2015, 03:28:34 PM
> Pause for a moment, then relax our expression to a neutral one with just the tiniest hint of displeasure. Relax our tone as well, to one that is calm but still firm.
> "Very well. I see sincerity in your apology. You are forgiven. However..."
> Look around the assembled crowd of fairies. Make sure our baton is where we left it while doing this.
> "May I trust there are no others here prepared to assert that I do not speak the truth?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2015, 04:32:26 PM
> Pause for a moment, then relax our expression to a neutral one with just the tiniest hint of displeasure. Relax our tone as well, to one that is calm but still firm.
> "Very well. I see sincerity in your apology. You are forgiven. However..."
> Look around the assembled crowd of fairies. Make sure our baton is where we left it while doing this.
> "May I trust there are no others here prepared to assert that I do not speak the truth?"

>"But what if you're wrong?" says another faerie.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 29, 2015, 04:45:54 PM
> "Ah, a valid question. I suppose none of you may know who I am. I was quite influential in my time, and had access to swathes of information from trusted sources. Rest assured, it was indeed both."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2015, 04:47:30 PM
> "Ah, a valid question. I suppose none of you may know who I am. I was quite influential in my time, and had access to swathes of information from trusted sources. Rest assured, it was indeed both."

>"But how does that work?" says another faerie.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 29, 2015, 04:50:56 PM
> Frown in thought.
> "Hmm. That is quite the broad question. Perhaps you should detail me as to your understanding of the issue, and I will see if I can offer any extra information you may find important."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2015, 05:00:18 PM
> Frown in thought.
> "Hmm. That is quite the broad question. Perhaps you should detail me as to your understanding of the issue, and I will see if I can offer any extra information you may find important."

>"We're trying to figure out which one would look better in a bonnet!"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 29, 2015, 05:08:25 PM
> We presumably know what this is, yes?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2015, 05:24:50 PM
> We presumably know what this is, yes?

>You do.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 29, 2015, 05:35:59 PM
> "Ah, I believe I see the confusion. Perhaps my previous word choice was poor. To be clearer, I suppose I could say that they look equally good."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2015, 07:16:08 PM
> "Ah, I believe I see the confusion. Perhaps my previous word choice was poor. To be clearer, I suppose I could say that they look equally good."

>"But that doesn't work!" says one of the faeries. "How can they match a penguin's sleek watery superiotation?"
>"They aren't fluffy!"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 29, 2015, 07:22:28 PM
> "It works quite elegantly, my dear. Could you imagine telling a kitty in a bonnet that she does not look as splendid as a penguin in a bonnet, or vice versa?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2015, 08:22:48 PM
> "It works quite elegantly, my dear. Could you imagine telling a kitty in a bonnet that she does not look as splendid as a penguin in a bonnet, or vice versa?"

>"You can't!" says a faerie on the other side. "You can't say that to a kitty!"
>"Well you can't say it to a penguin!"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 29, 2015, 08:27:32 PM
> Nod with a smile.
> "Precisely. It would be abhorrent to say either of those things. The only logical thing to say, then, is that the kitty and the penguin look equally splendid in their bonnets."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2015, 08:40:07 PM
> Nod with a smile.
> "Precisely. It would be abhorrent to say either of those things. The only logical thing to say, then, is that the kitty and the penguin look equally splendid in their bonnets."

>"But...but..." says the last faerie who spoke.
>The crowd starts murmuring among themselves.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 29, 2015, 08:43:29 PM
> Make our way back over to our baton, but don't pick it up or leave just yet.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2015, 08:51:06 PM
> Make our way back over to our baton, but don't pick it up or leave just yet.

>You make your way back to the baton, while the faeries continue their hubbub.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 29, 2015, 08:58:37 PM
> "I grant that it can be difficult to fully comprehend. But truth is often strange, and sometimes unexpected."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2015, 09:06:14 PM
> "I grant that it can be difficult to fully comprehend. But truth is often strange, and sometimes unexpected."

>They don't seem to notice your words.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 29, 2015, 09:21:03 PM
> Oh well, that's for the best anyway.
> "Have a pleasant day, my dears."
> Reorient our direction based on our baton, then pick our baton up and resume our journey.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2015, 09:53:05 PM
> Oh well, that's for the best anyway.
> "Have a pleasant day, my dears."
> Reorient our direction based on our baton, then pick our baton up and resume our journey.

>You reclaim your shaku and quickly leave; noting at least one pair of faeries aren't discussion so much as making "Hrum hruhp!" noises toward each other while nodding sagely.
>You follow the marker stones as best you can. There are several other groups of faeries, but you are able to either wait until they go past or they simply don't seem to notice you. Soon, you can see the walls of Eientei just through the bamboo.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 29, 2015, 09:57:14 PM
> Phew! We'll get this path down yet.
> Make our way to the manor, visually checking for anything out of the ordinary (using our previous visit as a basis). If nothing sticks out as unusual, make our way to the front gate area.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2015, 10:01:17 PM
> Phew! We'll get this path down yet.
> Make our way to the manor, visually checking for anything out of the ordinary (using our previous visit as a basis). If nothing sticks out as unusual, make our way to the front gate area.

>Looking around, nothing really strikes you as unusual. The rabbits are there with their signs, though you note several of them dozing against trees, on in one case on the side of Reisen's wolf, who is also dozing.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 29, 2015, 10:26:13 PM
> What time is it?
> Make our way over to a less asleep group.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2015, 10:30:59 PM
> What time is it?
> Make our way over to a less asleep group.

>Early afternoon, you imagine.
>You approach a more active group, who are currently playing some kind of card game. "We're still closed," one of the rabbits says. "Unless you need the doctor?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 29, 2015, 10:41:55 PM
> Shake head.
> "I am only here with a couple of minor curiosities, the first of which is how things have progressed since I was here last."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2015, 11:23:43 PM
> Shake head.
> "I am only here with a couple of minor curiosities, the first of which is how things have progressed since I was here last."

>"Reisen, Tewi, and the spider girl are giving 'em hell right now," says the speaker, as all the card players look at you curiously. "Been at it awhile, probably be at it another while."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 29, 2015, 11:30:24 PM
> Purse our lips.
> "Mmm, I see. I hope my suggestion does not cause too much long-lasting ill will among any parties involved."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 29, 2015, 11:59:29 PM
> Purse our lips.
> "Mmm, I see. I hope my suggestion does not cause too much long-lasting ill will among any parties involved."

>"They gotta break sometime," says one of the rabbits.
>"If they want us cleaning the floors and cooking the food, anyways," another adds.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 30, 2015, 01:19:20 AM
> "Anyway, my other curiosity is if a blue loop-haired woman has ventured this way recently."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 30, 2015, 01:53:40 AM
> "Anyway, my other curiosity is if a blue loop-haired woman has ventured this way recently."

>"I don't think we've seen her today," says one of the rabbits.
>"Last week, maybe?" Another says with a shrug.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 30, 2015, 02:10:32 AM
> "She has been there before, then?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 30, 2015, 02:13:07 AM
> "She has been there before, then?"

>"Yeah, she visits sometimes," says the second rabbit.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 30, 2015, 02:52:03 AM
> "Interesting. What does she do while here?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 30, 2015, 03:26:07 AM
> "Interesting. What does she do while here?"

>"She talks with the princess," says the rabbit. "They play games."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 30, 2015, 03:38:28 AM
> "I see. Unfortunate that she seems to be skilled at not leaving much to trail her by."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 30, 2015, 04:26:34 AM
> "I see. Unfortunate that she seems to be skilled at not leaving much to trail her by."

>"I think she lives in the forest nowadays," says one of the rabbits. "I hear about her sometimes."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 30, 2015, 10:21:08 AM
> !
> "Hmm! I don't suppose you are aware of what part of the forest?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 30, 2015, 01:30:37 PM
> !
> "Hmm! I don't suppose you are aware of what part of the forest?"

>"Well, I don't," says the rabbit with a shrug. "But maybe somewhere here does?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 30, 2015, 01:37:27 PM
> Look around. How many others are awake?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 30, 2015, 02:02:53 PM
> Look around. How many others are awake?

>There are at least several dozen rabbits here.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 30, 2015, 02:14:50 PM
> "May I assume I can only ask those gathered here?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 30, 2015, 02:24:16 PM
> "May I assume I can only ask those gathered here?"

>"If you find other people, I don't see why not?" says the rabbit.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 30, 2015, 02:31:00 PM
> "I meant as opposed to those inside."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 30, 2015, 02:33:42 PM
> "I meant as opposed to those inside."

>"Sorry, it's closed," says one of the rabbits in the group. The others nod.
>"Not that the princess or the doctor would know where she lives anyway, they don't leave much," another adds.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 30, 2015, 02:50:34 PM
> "If Seiga spent as much time with your Princess as you say, then it is possible she let slip some information about her next destination. But I will respect the current state of this house."
> Make to address the general rabbit population, though don't be too loud for fear of waking anyone that is sleeping.
> "Is there anyone here, then, that may know what part of the forest she has dwelled inrecently?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 30, 2015, 02:58:30 PM
> "If Seiga spent as much time with your Princess as you say, then it is possible she let slip some information about her next destination. But I will respect the current state of this house."
> Make to address the general rabbit population, though don't be too loud for fear of waking anyone that is sleeping.
> "Is there anyone here, then, that may know what part of the forest she has dwelled inrecently?"

>You attempt to address the whole group, and quickly find it isn't going to work as well as you'd hope. Some nearby rabbits look toward you curiously, you get a few shrugs. Others are either ignoring you or don't hear you at all. Or perhaps they have no idea what you're talking about, having not paid attention to you beforehand.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 30, 2015, 03:24:28 PM
> Return our attention to the couple of rabbits that we have been speaking with and frown.
> "I suppose I did not think that all the way through."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 30, 2015, 03:47:12 PM
> Return our attention to the couple of rabbits that we have been speaking with and frown.
> "I suppose I did not think that all the way through."

>"Yeah, just because we have big ears doesn't mean we hear everything," says one of the rabbits.
>"Just go circulate around and talk to people," says another.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 30, 2015, 03:58:52 PM
> "Very well, if you do not believe I will be a bother in doing so."
> Make our way amongst the awake rabbits, asking each that did not previously shrug in response to our question if they know anything about where in the forest the 'blue loop-haired woman' currently resides.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 30, 2015, 05:10:26 PM
> "Very well, if you do not believe I will be a bother in doing so."
> Make our way amongst the awake rabbits, asking each that did not previously shrug in response to our question if they know anything about where in the forest the 'blue loop-haired woman' currently resides.

>You begin questioning the the rabbits. This'll take awhile.
>You make your way toward the Sanzu river. As you pass over the fields of flowers that grow near the docks, Kotohime says, "I'm not supposed to be around here anymore. The body woman got mad."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 30, 2015, 05:14:30 PM
> Raise an eyebrow.
> "The 'body woman'? Do you mean Komachi?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 30, 2015, 05:38:19 PM
> Raise an eyebrow.
> "The 'body woman'? Do you mean Komachi?"

>"Yeah, that one," says  Kotohime.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 30, 2015, 05:43:36 PM
> Frown.
> "What happened between you two?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 30, 2015, 07:48:33 PM
> Frown.
> "What happened between you two?"

>"She said I kept getting in the way," says Kotohime.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on April 30, 2015, 08:22:59 PM
> "I see...what are you going to do, then?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 30, 2015, 08:57:24 PM
> "I see...what are you going to do, then?"

>"I dunno..." she says. "I guess I'll go anyways. You'll protect me if she tries to hit me with that scythe, right?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 30, 2015, 09:17:50 PM
> "I would rather not get on Komachi's bad side if I can avoid it. can come with me, but you must promise to be on your best behavior. Stay close to me, and don't get in her way. And definitely don't go wandering off into the trees. Understood?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 30, 2015, 09:19:45 PM
> "I would rather not get on Komachi's bad side if I can avoid it. can come with me, but you must promise to be on your best behavior. Stay close to me, and don't get in her way. And definitely don't go wandering off into the trees. Understood?"

>"Okay," says Kotohime.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 30, 2015, 09:28:52 PM
> Nod.
> "Very well. Come."
> Continue on to the shores with Komachi's dock.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 30, 2015, 10:52:15 PM
> Nod.
> "Very well. Come."
> Continue on to the shores with Komachi's dock.

>You continue onward, following a lonely road that cuts through the flower fields. Soon, you can see a pier made of aged timbers.  A boat is tied to it, and the familiar form of Komachi idles nearby. It seems she is reading something.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 30, 2015, 10:54:54 PM
> Walk over to Komachi, hailing her when she looks up or when we get into reasonable conversation distance, whichever comes first.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 01, 2015, 12:30:58 AM
> Walk over to Komachi, hailing her when she looks up or when we get into reasonable conversation distance, whichever comes first.

>"Oh, hey Youmu!" she says, looking up from her book. "Long time, no see! Been ages!" Then her expression darkens a little bit. "Hey, is that the weird ghost girl?"


Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 01, 2015, 12:48:45 AM
> "It is. She has promised to not cause any trouble, however, and with luck, we will not be here for too long."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on May 01, 2015, 12:55:22 AM
>"Wait, what do you mean by ghost girl?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 01, 2015, 01:31:31 AM
>"Wait, what do you mean by ghost girl?"

>"That one," says Komachi, gesturing toward your silent companion. "She's obsessed with ghosts, and gums things up."

> "It is. She has promised to not cause any trouble, however, and with luck, we will not be here for too long."

>"I'll behave this time, I promise," says Kotohime.
>"...Only because you say so, Youmu," says Komachi.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 01, 2015, 01:32:58 AM
> Well. That certainly explains a lot.
> Give a sideways look at Kotohime, then return our gaze to Komachi.
> "Thank you."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 01, 2015, 02:45:48 AM
> Well. That certainly explains a lot.
> Give a sideways look at Kotohime, then return our gaze to Komachi.
> "Thank you."

>"Eh, long as you keep her under control," says Komachi. "So what brings the two of you here?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 01, 2015, 02:48:55 AM
> "Right, yes. Have you seen a blue loop-haired woman around her recently?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 01, 2015, 03:20:07 AM
> "Right, yes. Have you seen a blue loop-haired woman around her recently?"

>"Nope," says Komachi. "Hasn't been anyone around for ages."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 01, 2015, 03:24:24 AM
> Frown.
> "I see. She has stolen the life force of the Saigyou Ayakashi and has escaped from the Netherworld, so I must find her as soon as possible."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 01, 2015, 04:17:34 AM
> Frown.
> "I see. She has stolen the life force of the Saigyou Ayakashi and has escaped from the Netherworld, so I must find her as soon as possible."

>"Oh, that's bad," says Komachi, frowning.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 01, 2015, 04:28:15 AM
> "You're telling me. She is quite good at eluding me, as well. I really wish we had more to go on than 'far away from the Scarlet Devil Mansion'."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 01, 2015, 05:36:34 AM
> "You're telling me. She is quite good at eluding me, as well. I really wish we had more to go on than 'far away from the Scarlet Devil Mansion'."

>"Well, you don't get much father than here," she says. "That place is no fun to walk to."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 01, 2015, 10:27:23 AM
> "I can imagine. Anyway, if you do see her, be careful. I do believe she is a hermit, but who knows what she may do with that life force."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 01, 2015, 02:19:15 PM
> "I can imagine. Anyway, if you do see her, be careful. I do believe she is a hermit, but who knows what she may do with that life force."

>"Will do," says Komachi. "Just try to get it sorted out quick, would you? Less paperwork for everyone that way."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 01, 2015, 02:23:26 PM
> "Of course."
> Gesture at the book.
> "If I may ask, what are you reading?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 01, 2015, 02:47:10 PM
> "Of course."
> Gesture at the book.
> "If I may ask, what are you reading?"

>"Just a novel that drifted my way," says Komachi.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 01, 2015, 03:07:45 PM
> "Is it any good?"
> Can we see the title?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 01, 2015, 05:19:36 PM
> "Is it any good?"
> Can we see the title?

>"It's...embarrassingly lovey-dovey," says Komachi. "But it's not bad."
>It doesn't seem to have a visible title.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 01, 2015, 05:51:43 PM
> "Huh, I see. ...Wait, is it actually dry enough to read?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 01, 2015, 06:43:33 PM
> "Huh, I see. ...Wait, is it actually dry enough to read?"

>"I'm on the pier, the river's calm," says Komachi.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on May 01, 2015, 07:16:41 PM
> "Ah. I suppose that is true."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 01, 2015, 07:55:26 PM
> "Ah. I suppose that is true."

"I am a professional, after all," says Komachi.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 01, 2015, 08:18:16 PM
> Nod.
> "Very well. I suppose we will continue our investigation elsewhere. Thank you for your help."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 01, 2015, 08:20:26 PM
"I am a professional, after all," says Komachi.


Yes, yes you are. (Link is SFW, Danbooru might not be)
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 01, 2015, 08:22:34 PM
> Nod.
> "Very well. I suppose we will continue our investigation elsewhere. Thank you for your help."

>"What help it was," says Komachi. "Good luck!"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 01, 2015, 08:33:06 PM
> Did we ever actually ask the Prismrivers about Seiga?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 01, 2015, 09:13:59 PM
> Did we ever actually ask the Prismrivers about Seiga?

>Not in any detail. But given they know about the event, you would imagine they would volunteer anything they know.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 01, 2015, 09:41:24 PM
> "Thank you. Farewell until we meet again."
> Take flight and head back to the Human Village.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 01, 2015, 09:56:07 PM
> "Thank you. Farewell until we meet again."
> Take flight and head back to the Human Village.

>Komachi waves as you depart.
>"So what's the plan now?" says Kotohime. "And thanks for sticking up for me."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 01, 2015, 10:01:02 PM
> "Ah, you're quite welcome. Though I suppose what she said explains why you are fascinated with my ghost half."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 01, 2015, 10:14:14 PM
> "Ah, you're quite welcome. Though I suppose what she said explains why you are fascinated with my ghost half."

>"It's just so...!" she says, rolling her hands while trying to think of what to say. "It's a ghost but not a ghost and I can't make sense of it."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 01, 2015, 10:18:07 PM
> "I understand. You are certainly not the first person that has been so curious."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 01, 2015, 10:31:34 PM
> "I understand. You are certainly not the first person that has been so curious."

>"Really? Who else was?" says Kotohime.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 01, 2015, 10:32:58 PM
> "Many other people that I have met in my travels have been curious. A human that is also a ghost is not exactly a common occurrence."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 01, 2015, 10:46:13 PM
> "Many other people that I have met in my travels have been curious. A human that is also a ghost is not exactly a common occurrence."

>"I suppose so," says Kotohime. "But I've never met anyone as interested as me in stuff like that."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 01, 2015, 10:48:40 PM
> "I am not sure I have met such a person either."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 01, 2015, 11:04:46 PM
> "I am not sure I have met such a person either."

>She nods. "I dunno why, it's just all so amazing."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 01, 2015, 11:15:02 PM
> How common is death amongst Lunarians? Is it notably different from Terrans?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 01, 2015, 11:38:40 PM
> How common is death amongst Lunarians? Is it notably different from Terrans?

>It is almost unheard of, as you understand. The moon is a pure land, where death does not happen normally.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 01, 2015, 11:44:28 PM
> "I understand. I suppose that you, as a Lunarian, would not have much experience with death."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 01, 2015, 11:55:41 PM
> "I understand. I suppose that you, as a Lunarian, would not have much experience with death."

>"See, you understand," she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 01, 2015, 11:57:25 PM
> "Speaking of, have you ever spoken with the other Lunarians here in Gensokyo?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2015, 12:12:38 AM
> "Speaking of, have you ever spoken with the other Lunarians here in Gensokyo?"


Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 02, 2015, 12:20:24 AM
> Nod.
> "There are a couple of Lunarians living in the Bamboo Forest."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2015, 12:27:19 AM
> Nod.
> "There are a couple of Lunarians living in the Bamboo Forest."

>She gives you a kind of blank look, similar to what she did while you spoke to her in her home.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 02, 2015, 12:29:40 AM
> Where is the Bamboo Forest relative to Kotohime's trap door?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2015, 12:32:10 AM
> Where is the Bamboo Forest relative to Kotohime's trap door?

>Far to the south.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 02, 2015, 12:53:50 AM
> "They are far to the south of your home."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2015, 01:01:35 AM
> "They are far to the south of your home."

>She continues to stare at you as though you've grown an extra head.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 02, 2015, 01:04:05 AM
> Frown.
> "Are you all right?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2015, 01:34:31 AM
> Frown.
> "Are you all right?"

>"Yeah, I haven't been better!" she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 02, 2015, 01:36:08 AM
> "Then why are you looking at me like that?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2015, 01:48:06 AM
> "Then why are you looking at me like that?"

>"Like what?" she says, having ceased to do so the moment she answered you.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 02, 2015, 01:54:44 AM
> "I asked you about the Lunarians in the Bamboo Forest, and you stared at me as if I had grown a second head."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2015, 03:17:49 AM
> "I asked you about the Lunarians in the Bamboo Forest, and you stared at me as if I had grown a second head."


Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 02, 2015, 03:25:10 AM
> Frown.
> Speak a little bit slower.
> "I asked you about the Lunarians in the Bamboo Forest, and you stared at me as if I had grown a second head."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2015, 03:54:25 AM
> Frown.
> Speak a little bit slower.
> "I asked you about the Lunarians in the Bamboo Forest, and you stared at me as if I had grown a second head."

>She stares at you again.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 02, 2015, 03:54:49 AM
> "You are doing it again."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2015, 04:33:35 AM
> "You are doing it again."

>"Huh?" she says, snapping out of it.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 02, 2015, 04:37:19 AM
> Frown.
> "...You are not aware that you keep zoning out, are you?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2015, 04:51:38 AM
> Frown.
> "...You are not aware that you keep zoning out, are you?"

>"What are you talking about?" she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 02, 2015, 04:59:39 AM
> "You completely zone out whenever I mention certain things, and once I move away from those subjects, you snap back to reality, without any memory of what I've said."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2015, 05:24:58 AM
> "You completely zone out whenever I mention certain things, and once I move away from those subjects, you snap back to reality, without any memory of what I've said."

>"Are you sure?" she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 02, 2015, 05:26:56 AM
> "Quite sure, yes. If you do not believe me, though, then we can test you when we get to the Human Village."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2015, 05:53:42 AM
> "Quite sure, yes. If you do not believe me, though, then we can test you when we get to the Human Village."

>"That seems rather rude, don't you think?" says Kotohime, frowning.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 02, 2015, 05:59:56 AM
> "Sorry. I just want to help whatever it is that's doing that to you."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2015, 06:04:35 AM
> "Sorry. I just want to help whatever it is that's doing that to you."

>"I think you're just seeing things," she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 02, 2015, 06:11:13 AM
> Frown.
> "Very well. If I cannot convince you, then I will leave it be for the time being. But if someone else notices what I notice, then I think we should revisit this."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2015, 01:50:51 PM
> Frown.
> "Very well. If I cannot convince you, then I will leave it be for the time being. But if someone else notices what I notice, then I think we should revisit this."

>She nods. frowning slightly.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 02, 2015, 02:02:31 PM
> "Setting that aside, to answer your original question, we are traveling back to the Human Village, in order to ask around and see if anyone has seen Seiga lately."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2015, 02:23:18 PM
> "Setting that aside, to answer your original question, we are traveling back to the Human Village, in order to ask around and see if anyone has seen Seiga lately."

>"Ah," says Kotohime. "There's a lot of ground to cover, so you're lucky you have me to help investigate."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 02, 2015, 02:24:37 PM
> Nod.
> "I was hoping for your help to make the process go quicker, yes."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2015, 02:38:45 PM
> Nod.
> "I was hoping for your help to make the process go quicker, yes."

>"How do you want to break this up?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 02, 2015, 03:17:28 PM
> "It might be best to just divide the village in half, and then meet at the pub when we're done."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2015, 03:23:59 PM
> "It might be best to just divide the village in half, and then meet at the pub when we're done."

>"Got it," says Kotohime.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 02, 2015, 03:31:04 PM
> What would be a reasonable way to divide the Human Village in half for investigative purposes?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2015, 03:39:12 PM
> What would be a reasonable way to divide the Human Village in half for investigative purposes?

>You aren't really sure. Some places are more densely populated than others. It would probably be best for someone to take on housing rows on their own, and maybe the marketplace?

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 02, 2015, 03:41:30 PM
> What would that leave for the other person?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2015, 03:49:09 PM
> What would that leave for the other person?

>Just about everything else. The temple, the shops away from the market, the less densely populated parts of town.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 02, 2015, 03:50:47 PM
> "I think it would be best if one of us investigated the marketplace and the housing rows, while the other checked the other areas of town."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2015, 05:05:38 PM
> "I think it would be best if one of us investigated the marketplace and the housing rows, while the other checked the other areas of town."

>She nods. "I can do that. We meet back up at the pub, right?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 02, 2015, 05:11:46 PM
> "Yes."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2015, 05:17:59 PM
> "Yes."

>"That'll be easy, then." she says. "I'll leave no stone unturned!"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 02, 2015, 05:49:33 PM
> Nod.
> "Your help is very appreciated."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2015, 06:09:58 PM
> Nod.
> "Your help is very appreciated."

>She nods back.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 02, 2015, 06:36:59 PM
> "In that case, I will check with the temple, the shops away from the market, and the other less dense parts of the village."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2015, 06:50:01 PM
> "In that case, I will check with the temple, the shops away from the market, and the other less dense parts of the village."

>"Right," she says. "Blue hair in loops, right?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 02, 2015, 06:50:41 PM
> "Correct. Her name is Seiga Kaku. If you do find her and somehow avoid her noticing you, do not engage her or draw attention to yourself. Come find me, and we will take care of her."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2015, 07:23:30 PM
> "Correct. Her name is Seiga Kaku. If you do find her and somehow avoid her noticing you, do not engage her or draw attention to yourself. Come find me, and we will take care of her."

>"Does she have any other distinguishing features?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 02, 2015, 07:25:45 PM
> Provide a description of Seiga's body type and typical dress. Within tasteful reason, of course.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2015, 07:36:16 PM
> Provide a description of Seiga's body type and typical dress. Within tasteful reason, of course.

>"Okay, blue dress, floating shawl, ties up her hair with some kind of rod, got it!"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 02, 2015, 07:52:51 PM
> "That should do just fine."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2015, 07:58:37 PM
> "That should do just fine."

>She nods. "I won't let you down."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 02, 2015, 08:04:11 PM
> Give a small smile.
> "Thank you."
> Continue on to the village.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2015, 09:48:52 PM
> Give a small smile.
> "Thank you."
> Continue on to the village.

>She smiles back.
>You close in on the village after some minutes, and note there doesn't seem to be much activity on the streets now. You expect any farmer worthy of the name must be in the fields right now, and perhaps it is just a lazy day for the less rural folk.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 02, 2015, 09:50:40 PM
> What notable establishments are about on the line that we've used to divide the village up for investigative purposes?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 02, 2015, 10:05:13 PM
> What notable establishments are about on the line that we've used to divide the village up for investigative purposes?

>There is the temple, a few stores near it, the pub,  the more affluent part of town, then more stores past the more densely populated parts of town.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 02, 2015, 10:06:50 PM
> Let's make our way to the pub, then.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 03, 2015, 01:53:52 AM
> Let's make our way to the pub, then.

>You make your way toward the pub! Heading nearly empty. Only a couple of scattered farmer are here, as well as Wriggle, who seems to be nursing a drink at the same booth that she was in when you were last here. Most notably, it seems that Tenshi is currently behind the bar.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 03, 2015, 02:02:41 AM
> Look to Kotohime.
> "Let's ask here first, in case someone knows something. If we do not get any leads, then we will split up as planned."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 03, 2015, 02:54:41 AM
> Look to Kotohime.
> "Let's ask here first, in case someone knows something. If we do not get any leads, then we will split up as planned."

>"Sure," says Kotohime.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 03, 2015, 11:55:39 AM
> Make our way to the bar.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 03, 2015, 03:40:31 PM
> Make our way to the bar.

>You make your way to the bar. Tenshi gives you a disinterested look. "Well, I guess it's not surprising you'd show up for a drink at this time of day," she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 03, 2015, 04:19:45 PM
> ...What does she mean by that?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 03, 2015, 04:24:15 PM
> ...What does she mean by that?

>That's an excellent question.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 03, 2015, 04:25:08 PM
> Put on a confused look.
> "I beg your pardon?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 03, 2015, 04:32:51 PM
> Put on a confused look.
> "I beg your pardon?"

>She waves a hand. "So, you gonna start with the hard stuff, or the really hard stuff?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 03, 2015, 04:35:55 PM
> ...Actually, what IS our preferred level of alcohol, if we even drink at all?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 03, 2015, 05:19:58 PM
> ...Actually, what IS our preferred level of alcohol, if we even drink at all?

>You don't drink much, and tend to keep it light when you. This strategy has not always worked in your favor, particularly at gatherings.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 03, 2015, 05:40:02 PM
> "Oh, um, not right now. I am actually on investigative duty."
> Make a rueful face.
> "Though perhaps I will need one or two by the day's end, with the way it has gone so far."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 03, 2015, 05:40:53 PM
> "Oh, um, not right now. I am actually on investigative duty."
> Make a rueful face.
> "Though perhaps I will need one or two by the day's end, with the way it has gone so far."

>"Ha! So, want me to get a menu?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 03, 2015, 05:50:37 PM
> "Sadly, we cannot stick around for long. I only wish to know if you have seen a blue loop-haired woman around, or if you have heard about anyone else seeing her around."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 03, 2015, 05:54:56 PM
> "Sadly, we cannot stick around for long. I only wish to know if you have seen a blue loop-haired woman around, or if you have heard about anyone else seeing her around."

>"Uhhh, maybe?" says Tenshi. "Gimme some more details?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 03, 2015, 06:30:15 PM
> Provide a description of Seiga's body type and typical dress. Within tasteful reason, of course.
> "I am searching for her because she stole something important from the Netherworld."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 03, 2015, 07:41:30 PM
> Provide a description of Seiga's body type and typical dress. Within tasteful reason, of course.
> "I am searching for her because she stole something important from the Netherworld."

>"I think I hear people talk about someone like that sometimes," Tenshi says. "Nothing super recent, though. I just got here today."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 03, 2015, 07:46:56 PM
> "Ah. That is unfortunate, as this thievery happened this morning."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 03, 2015, 08:05:39 PM
> "Ah. That is unfortunate, as this thievery happened this morning."

>Tenshi shrugs.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 03, 2015, 08:13:22 PM
> "Very well. Thank you."
> Look to Kotohime.
> "Shall we commence our search, then?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 03, 2015, 08:16:12 PM
> "Very well. Thank you."
> Look to Kotohime.
> "Shall we commence our search, then?"

>She nods. "I'll get here as soon as you're done."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 03, 2015, 08:24:17 PM
> "Splendid. Then let us begin."
> Exit the pub.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 03, 2015, 08:31:08 PM
> "Splendid. Then let us begin."
> Exit the pub.

>The two of you exit the pub, and Kotohime quickly makes her way toward the marketplace.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 03, 2015, 10:01:29 PM
> What is the closest major establishment on our half of the town?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 03, 2015, 10:12:31 PM
> What is the closest major establishment on our half of the town?

>Either the wealthier part of town, where you found Koishi initially, to the Southeast, or some scattered stores to the north.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 03, 2015, 10:26:28 PM
> Where is the Temple from here?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 03, 2015, 10:29:32 PM
> Where is the Temple from here?

>Further north.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 03, 2015, 10:45:49 PM
> North
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 03, 2015, 11:28:49 PM
> North

>You had northward.
>You find yourself in front of a clothing store, simply named Shou's Clothes. as you recall, in the days before the Buddhists made their temple, this served as both their home and main means of support. Glancing through the windows, you can see a couple customers, and the nun from before working inside. There is not much traffic through here right now.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 04, 2015, 01:31:52 AM
> The nun will almost certainly be glad to tell us if a Taoist is on the loose and causing trouble. Enter the chothing store.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 04, 2015, 02:30:43 AM
> The nun will almost certainly be glad to tell us if a Taoist is on the loose and causing trouble. Enter the chothing store.

>You enter the store.
>Inside is a small font area, filled with racks of clothes. You can quickly discern than many of them are used and refurbished, but others are new. Tiger stripes seem to be everwhere; the floors have rugs bearing them, the empty hangers are marked with them, and there seem to be a surprising number of them along the clothes themselves. The nun, you note, is in the back behind the counter, ironing a robe. "Come on in!" she calls.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 04, 2015, 02:40:54 AM
> "Hello again."
> Make our way to the counter where the nun is.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 04, 2015, 02:51:10 AM
> "Hello again."
> Make our way to the counter where the nun is.

>You approach the counter. "Hello there," she says. "I see you managed to shake off the guardswoman."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 04, 2015, 02:55:49 AM
> "Ah, she is actually currently helping me investigate the town. We are investigating whether or not Seiga Kaku has been in the village today."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 04, 2015, 02:59:29 AM
> "Ah, she is actually currently helping me investigate the town. We are investigating whether or not Seiga Kaku has been in the village today."

>"I haven't seen that one," says the nun, shaking her head. "The rest of the gang has been here, though."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 04, 2015, 03:01:51 AM
> Did Miko ever discuss what Futo and Tojiko are up to today?
> "I hope they did not cause too much trouble?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 04, 2015, 03:21:22 AM
> Did Miko ever discuss what Futo and Tojiko are up to today?
> "I hope they did not cause too much trouble?"

>She summarized it.
>"Only a bit, to be honest," she says. "They've mostly vanished after this morning."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 04, 2015, 03:28:36 AM
> "I don't know precisely where the lackeys are, but Miko has been helping me look for Seiga. Apparently Miko and her lackeys made plans to regather at the Hakurei Shrine."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 04, 2015, 03:47:36 AM
> "I don't know precisely where the lackeys are, but Miko has been helping me look for Seiga. Apparently Miko and her lackeys made plans to regather at the Hakurei Shrine."

>"Well, at lest Reimu can keep an eye on them," says the nun.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 04, 2015, 04:04:36 AM
> "For however long that lasts. I would assume they will be joining the search for Seiga once they arrive."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 04, 2015, 04:13:28 AM
> "For however long that lasts. I would assume they will be joining the search for Seiga once they arrive."

>"What happened with those idiots, anyways?" says the nun.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 04, 2015, 04:22:34 AM
> "It seems Miko's sword has been stolen."
> Shrug.
> "If they were causing you trouble earlier, perhaps they thought your faction had taken it?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 04, 2015, 04:50:41 AM
> "It seems Miko's sword has been stolen."
> Shrug.
> "If they were causing you trouble earlier, perhaps they thought your faction had taken it?"

>"Yeah, they would blame us for their boss losing her sword," says the nun.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 04, 2015, 05:09:34 AM
> Shrug.
> "Anyway, based on what Miko said, it actually sounds like Seiga may have stolen it. Which would be nice, I guess, because it means both of our issues can be solved in one fell swoop."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 04, 2015, 05:13:24 AM
> Shrug.
> "Anyway, based on what Miko said, it actually sounds like Seiga may have stolen it. Which would be nice, I guess, because it means both of our issues can be solved in one fell swoop."

>"Huh, they're infighting now?" says the nun.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 04, 2015, 05:16:59 AM
> "It seems so. I was skeptical initially, because it is really easy to claim that you have dismissed one of your advisors after being told that said advisor has committed some malicious act, but their separation was verified by Yuuka, with whom Seiga had apparently stayed for some time several weeks ago."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 04, 2015, 05:36:53 AM
> "Seems like it. I was skeptical initially, because it is really to claim that you have dismissed one of your advisors after being told that said advisor has committed some malicious act, but their separation was verified by Yuuka, which whom Seiga had apparently stayed for some time several weeks ago."

>"Huh," she says. "Well, I guess Yuuka doesn't really have a reason to lie about it. From everything I've gathered, she wouldn't even care."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 04, 2015, 06:49:16 AM
> Nod.
> "She did not seem to have much interest in the details."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 04, 2015, 03:46:20 PM
> Nod.
> "She did not seem to have much interest in the details."

>"Not surprising," says the nun. "I don't really know her, but everything I've heard suggests she wouldn't care to be involved with any scheme that wasn't her own."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 04, 2015, 03:51:09 PM
> "Regardless, if Seiga has not been seen here, then I must continue my investigation. If you do see her, be very careful. She knows that I, at least, am after her, and it is quite possible she is substantially more dangerous than she is normally."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 04, 2015, 04:42:29 PM
> "Regardless, if Seiga has not been seen here, then I must continue my investigation. If you do see her, be very careful. She knows that I, at least, am after her, and it is quite possible she is substantially more dangerous than she is normally."

>"I'll keep that in mind," she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on May 04, 2015, 04:45:16 PM
> Nod.
> "I will intrude upon your time no further. Have a pleasant day."
> Exit the shop.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 04, 2015, 05:10:21 PM
> Nod.
> "I will intrude upon your time no further. Have a pleasant day."
> Exit the shop.

>"Come back whenever you like," says the nun. "I'm sure we'll find something to go with that hair ribbon!"
>You leave the shop.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 04, 2015, 05:21:09 PM
> Continue northward, keeping an eye out for notable shops.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 04, 2015, 06:14:36 PM
> Continue northward, keeping an eye out for notable shops.

>You continue northward. There are other shops, but many of them are closed, presumably to assist with the harvests. You do note there is a lantern shop open, though.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 04, 2015, 06:32:23 PM
> Enter the lantern shop.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 04, 2015, 06:50:24 PM
> Enter the lantern shop.

>You enter the shop. The walls are surprisingly narrow, and bear a patchwork of old and new timbers, and the ceiling is covered with a variety of paper lanterns. Toward the back, you can see wooden frames and colorful strips of paper on a long workbench, while a scent of glue hangs in the air. Sitting at the workbench is a woman with short red hair topped with a large blue bow, her face somewhat obscured by the caplet she wears.
>"Welcome!" she says. "Just look around and I'll answer any questions you have."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 04, 2015, 07:04:12 PM
> Figures that we'd start seeing redheads everywhere now.
> Is this woman human?
> How much of a use would we have for lanterns at home?
> "Pardon me. I am on an investigation for a potentially dangerous individual. Have you seen or heard about a woman with blue looped hair today?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 04, 2015, 07:22:24 PM
> Figures that we'd start seeing redheads everywhere now.
> Is this woman human?
> How much of a use would we have for lanterns at home?
> "Pardon me. I am on an investigation for a potentially dangerous individual. Have you seen or heard about a woman with blue looped hair today?"

>You don't know if she is or isn't, it's hard to tell. But you suspect not.
>You suspect there's somewhere that could do with them.
>"Why?" she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 04, 2015, 07:25:32 PM
> "She has stolen a powerful energy from the Netherworld, and is both knowledgable and amoral enough to enhance her own power with it. She also knows I am after her, and so is likely on the defensive."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 04, 2015, 07:37:14 PM
> "She has stolen a powerful energy from the Netherworld, and is both knowledgable and amoral enough to enhance her own power with it. She also knows I am after her, and so is likely on the defensive."

>"That sounds bad," she says. "I've been makings lanterns all day, though. Do you think she'll want one?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on May 04, 2015, 07:45:28 PM
> Look slightly taken aback.
> "Um...maybe? I'm not actually sure where she lives, or what she does in her free time."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 04, 2015, 08:10:12 PM
> Look slightly taken aback.
> "Um...maybe? I'm not actually sure where she lives, or what she does in her free time."

>"Then I don't think she's likely to come here," says the shop owner. "Sorry, I'm not much of a gossip."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 04, 2015, 08:24:27 PM
> Are the lantern prices visible anywhere?
> How much money do we have again?
> "I suppose that may be true. Still, if she does appear here, be cautious."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 04, 2015, 08:57:13 PM
> Are the lantern prices visible anywhere?
> How much money do we have again?
> "I suppose that may be true. Still, if she does appear here, be cautious."

>They are not. You are probably supposed to inquire, and perhaps haggle.
>You have 52☼
>"I'll keep that in mind," she says. "Is there a chance she's going to appear here?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 04, 2015, 09:21:00 PM
> "It is...admittedly possible, if she is looking for a place to hide out. We have information that she is 'far away from the vampire manor', and while that leaves a lot of Gensokyo to search, we have established that she is not at the Hakurei Shrine, the Garden of the Sun, the Sanzu River's shinigami boat dock, or underground. The local constable and I are currently searching this village, while the Taoist hermit that caused all those spirits to appear is investigating Youkai Mountain and the Bamboo Forest mansion."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 05, 2015, 12:26:12 AM
> "It is...admittedly possible, if she is looking for a place to hide out. We have information that she is 'far away from the vampire manor', and while that leaves a lot of Gensokyo to search, we have established that she is not at the Hakurei Shrine, the Garden of the Sun, the Sanzu River's shinigami boat dock, or underground. The local constable and I are currently searching this village, while the Taoist hermit that caused all those spirits to appear is investigating Youkai Mountain and the Bamboo Forest mansion."

>"That sounds real interesting," says the woman, "But, I'm afraid I don't have a lot to of with any of that."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 05, 2015, 12:31:26 AM
> "For your sake, I hope things stay that way. I do not want innocents dragged into this situation."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 05, 2015, 12:48:23 AM
> "For your sake, I hope things stay that way. I do not want innocents dragged into this situation."

>"I have a friend who lives in the bamboo forest, but she's kind of hard to find," says the lantern-maker. "She hunts around there. I dunno if she'd have anything to tell you, but it might be worth your time."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 05, 2015, 12:55:18 AM
> Did Miko tell us about a bamboo forest huntress?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 05, 2015, 02:14:48 AM
> Did Miko tell us about a bamboo forest huntress?

>Did she?

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 05, 2015, 02:28:17 AM
Eh, no reason for Miko to go into that much detail about her day.

> Nod.
> "I will keep an eye out for her if I make my way there."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 05, 2015, 02:29:47 AM
> Nod.
> "I will keep an eye out for her if I make my way there."

>"Tell her I said hi, if you do."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 05, 2015, 02:41:56 AM
> "Will do. Have a pleasant day."
> Exit the shop and continue north.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 05, 2015, 02:43:49 AM
> "Will do. Have a pleasant day."
> Exit the shop and continue north.

>You leave the shop and head northward. Soon, you come to the outskirts of town, and the Myouren Temple.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 05, 2015, 02:45:19 AM
> Make for the Temple proper.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 05, 2015, 02:50:50 AM
> Make for the Temple proper.

>You make your way back to the temple, where you note the ship's ghost is lingering around the front of the temple. She waves as you approach. "Welcome! Here to get some meditating in?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 05, 2015, 02:59:35 AM
> Shake head.
> "Unfortunately, I am only here to let you know that you should keep an eye out for Seiga. As I told your sister nun, it is quite possible she is substantially more powerful and dangerous than she normally is."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 05, 2015, 03:34:43 AM
> Shake head.
> "Unfortunately, I am only here to let you know that you should keep an eye out for Seiga. As I told your sister nun, it is quite possible she is substantially more powerful and dangerous than she normally is."

>"Ugh," says the ghost.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 05, 2015, 04:14:32 AM
> "Indeed. She is working by herself, though, for whatever that is worth."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 05, 2015, 04:15:09 AM
> "Indeed. She is working by herself, though, for whatever that is worth."

>"Is that so?" says the ghost.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 05, 2015, 04:20:23 AM
> Nod.
> "It seems Seiga was dismissed from their company some time ago. Whatever happened seems to have been bad enough that their leader is actually helping search for her."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 05, 2015, 04:31:43 AM
> Nod.
> "It seems Seiga was dismissed from their company some time ago. Whatever happened seems to have been bad enough that their leader is actually helping search for her."

>The ghost folds her arms. "Really, now? I wanna hear more about that."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 05, 2015, 04:37:30 AM
> "I know little of the details, beyond Seiga being dismissed for being too wicked or some such. I did not pry very much, since it is not really my business. And, well, truth be told, I was rather skeptical of the claim given it came on the heels of Seiga stealing an important energy from the Netherworld, but their falling out was independently verified by Yuuka, so I suppose it actually happened."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 05, 2015, 05:37:53 AM
> "I know little of the details, beyond Seiga being dismissed for being too wicked or some such. I did not pry very much, since it is not really my business. And, well, truth be told, I was rather skeptical of the claim given it came on the heels of Seiga stealing an important energy from the Netherworld, but their falling out was independently verified by Yuuka, so I suppose it actually happened."

>"Guess so, then," says Murasa.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 05, 2015, 09:12:30 AM
> "Regardless, may I assume you have not seen or heard of Seiga being around here today?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 05, 2015, 03:36:33 PM
> "Regardless, may I assume you have not seen or heard of Seiga being around here today?"

>She shakes her head. "And we've been watching since this morning."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 05, 2015, 03:51:56 PM
> "I assume this is because of the trouble caused this morning that your sister nun mentioned?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 05, 2015, 05:25:48 PM
> "I assume this is because of the trouble caused this morning that your sister nun mentioned?"

>She gives a nod.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 05, 2015, 06:01:35 PM
> "It seems their leader's sword was stolen. I cannot say for sure, but it is possible that any trouble caused was a result of investigating that theft."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 05, 2015, 07:04:23 PM
> "It seems their leader's sword was stolen. I cannot say for sure, but it is possible that any trouble caused was a result of investigating that theft."

>The ghost shrugs. "As long as they don't cause us any more trouble."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 05, 2015, 07:26:18 PM
> "Well, possibly related to that, I should let you know that Lady Yuyuko Saigyouji, Mistress of the Netherworld, has written a play that will be performed in this village at some point in the future, and both your matriarch and theirs have agreed to perform in it."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 05, 2015, 07:47:51 PM
> "Well, possibly related to that, I should let you know that Lady Yuyuko Saigyouji, Mistress of the Netherworld, has written a play that will be performed in this village at some point in the future, and both your matriarch and theirs have agreed to perform in it."

>"...What?" says the ghost, frowning.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 05, 2015, 07:53:42 PM
> Nod.
> "Both of them are fully aware of the other's involvement, of course. I would certainly not try to deceive anyone in that way."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 05, 2015, 08:26:38 PM
> Nod.
> "Both of them are fully aware of the other's involvement, of course. I would certainly not try to deceive anyone in that way."

>"Huh," says the ghost.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 05, 2015, 08:32:27 PM
> "Anyway, I figured your group and theirs would want to know ahead of time. I hope you are able to attend."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 05, 2015, 08:56:20 PM
> "Anyway, I figured your group and theirs would want to know ahead of time. I hope you are able to attend."

>"Heh, guess I'll have to, now," says the ghost, grinning.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 05, 2015, 10:00:24 PM
> Smile.
> "Splendid. I hope as many as your sisterhood can attend as possible, though I do understand that you all have many other responsibilities and obligations."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 05, 2015, 11:16:28 PM
> Smile.
> "Splendid. I hope as many as your sisterhood can attend as possible, though I do understand that you all have many other responsibilities and obligations."

>"Oh, I'm sure Hijiri will help us make time," says the ghost.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 05, 2015, 11:32:02 PM
> "That would be splendid."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 05, 2015, 11:41:51 PM
> "That would be splendid."

>"Anything else I need to know?" she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 06, 2015, 12:05:31 AM
> "I do not believe so, unless you have any personal curiosities."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 06, 2015, 12:21:05 AM
> "I do not believe so, unless you have any personal curiosities."

>"Nothin' worth bothering you about, I think," she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 06, 2015, 12:22:31 AM
> How much further North can we go until we leave town entirely?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 06, 2015, 12:49:51 AM
> How much further North can we go until we leave town entirely?

>You are pretty much there.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 06, 2015, 01:04:32 AM
> Shrug.
> "I have a little bit of time. My investigative path is notably shorter than hers. But I will not press the issue if you do not want me to."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 06, 2015, 01:35:23 AM
> Shrug.
> "I have a little bit of time. My investigative path is notably shorter than hers. But I will not press the issue if you do not want me to."

>She waves a hand. "You best get searching."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 06, 2015, 01:56:08 AM
> "Very well."
> Give the ghost a short bow.
> "Farewell until we meet again."
> Head back south through town toward the upper-class district.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 06, 2015, 02:19:48 AM
> "Very well."
> Give the ghost a short bow.
> "Farewell until we meet again."
> Head back south through town toward the upper-class district.

>"Have a good'un." she says.
>You make your way to the wealthier part of town, where the houses are larger and have a little bit of space between them. The roads here are empty, save for the odd person tending to their business.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 06, 2015, 02:27:42 AM
> Might as well start wandering the roads.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 06, 2015, 03:18:01 AM
> Might as well start wandering the roads.

>You start wandering the roads. Here and there you see the odd housekeeper or what you assume to be a resident, but none of them seem to have much interest in you. As you draw close to the house you tried to corner Koishi in, you see a young woman with purple hair wearing a green and yellow top, with a long red skirt. She looks at you curiously.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 06, 2015, 03:28:34 AM
> Have we seen this girl before?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 06, 2015, 03:39:12 AM
> Have we seen this girl before?

>Maybe? You don't think so, though.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 06, 2015, 03:41:55 AM
> Give her a wave and a small smile.
> "Good day, miss."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 06, 2015, 04:13:12 AM
> Give her a wave and a small smile.
> "Good day, miss."

>"Hello," she says. "Were you around here earlier this morning?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 06, 2015, 04:14:12 AM
> "I was, yes. I hope I did not give you cause for alarm."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 06, 2015, 04:50:39 AM
> "I was, yes. I hope I did not give you cause for alarm."

>"...Did you break into my house?" she says, frowning.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 06, 2015, 05:07:34 AM
> Look a bit sheepish.
> "...Technically, that was the doing of the person I was chasing. But I apologize for the intrusion nonetheless."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 06, 2015, 05:41:51 AM
> Look a bit sheepish.
> "...Technically, that was the doing of the person I was chasing. But I apologize for the intrusion nonetheless."

>"So you did break into my house!" she says. "Why? What'd you take?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on May 06, 2015, 07:25:16 AM
>Did we take anything?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 06, 2015, 03:09:16 PM
>Did we take anything?

>Not that you recall.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 06, 2015, 03:18:03 PM
> Wave our hands defensively in front of us.
> "Nothing! I did not take anything! Like I said, I was chasing someone!"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 06, 2015, 04:05:03 PM
> Wave our hands defensively in front of us.
> "Nothing! I did not take anything! Like I said, I was chasing someone!"

>"The neighbors only saw you," she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 06, 2015, 04:23:17 PM
> Nod.
> "The person I was chasing has the ability to make the people around her not see her. I only thought to check the house I assume is yours because I saw the door sliding shut, when it was already closed the first time I passed it."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 06, 2015, 04:48:06 PM
> Nod.
> "The person I was chasing has the ability to make the people around her not see her. I only thought to check the house I assume is yours because I saw the door sliding shut, when it was already closed the first time I passed it."

>"Go on," she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on May 06, 2015, 04:55:32 PM
> "I entered the house and saw a piece of clothing enter the kitchen. When I followed it in there, the person had vanished again, so I pretended to leave the house and took watch up against the ceiling above the kitchen door. While the person remained invisible, they had an aura of death about them, and I was able to sense them leaving the house through the same door we used to enter it, despite the door itself not moving. In the interest of not losing what little sense I had of their presence, I left the house myself and continued pursuit."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 06, 2015, 05:03:16 PM
> "I entered the house and saw a piece of clothing enter the kitchen. When I followed it in there, the person had vanished again, so I pretended to leave the house and took watch up against the ceiling above the kitchen door. While the person remained invisible, they had an aura of death about them, and I was able to sense them leaving the house through the same door we used to enter it, despite the door itself not moving. In the interest of not losing what little sense I had of their presence, I left the house myself and continued pursuit."

>"And who is this mysterious invader?" says the purple-haired woman.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on May 06, 2015, 05:07:33 PM
> "A satori from the underground."
> Frown.
> "I...would rather not name them, out of concerns for their privacy."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 06, 2015, 05:42:02 PM
> "A satori from the underground."
> Frown.
> "I...would rather not name them, out of concerns for their privacy."

>"It's the lost Komeiji, isn't it?" she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 06, 2015, 05:47:50 PM
> Blink.
> "...Um..."
> Lower voice.
> "...How do you know this?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 06, 2015, 07:56:54 PM
> Blink.
> "...Um..."
> Lower voice.
> "...How do you know this?"

>"I chronicle these things," she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 06, 2015, 08:02:57 PM
> Does that sound familiar at all?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 06, 2015, 08:18:55 PM
> Does that sound familiar at all?

>Not really.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 06, 2015, 08:31:28 PM
> "I see. Well, yes, it was her."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 06, 2015, 08:48:56 PM
> "I see. Well, yes, it was her."

>"Odd," she says. "I suppose you could be making it up, but I haven't seen anything missing, and it doesn't look like anything was broken... Unless you were up to less savory activities..."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 06, 2015, 08:57:47 PM
> Look ever-so-slightly offended in a disgusted way.
> "All personal distaste aside, Lady Saigyouji would have my hide if I were to shame her house by engaging in such matters. And I would well deserve it."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 06, 2015, 11:46:21 PM
> Look ever-so-slightly offended in a disgusted way.
> "All personal distaste aside, Lady Saigyouji would have my hide if I were to shame her house by engaging in such matters. And I would well deserve it."

>She nods. "Okay, then."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 07, 2015, 12:16:58 AM
> "If you like, 5he next time I see her, I can ask her to return here and apologize for giving you such a fright."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 07, 2015, 12:20:12 AM
> "If you like, 5he next time I see her, I can ask her to return here and apologize for giving you such a fright."

>"Huh, that would be interesting," she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 07, 2015, 12:52:32 AM
> Give a small smile.
> "I understand what you mean. She may be more willing to do it than you might think."
> Tap chin a couple of times in thought.
> "In fact...hmm, you say you record chronicles about people?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 07, 2015, 01:08:03 AM
> Give a small smile.
> "I understand what you mean. She may be more willing to do it than you might think."
> Tap chin a couple of times in thought.
> "In fact...hmm, you say you record chronicles about people?"

>She nods. "Yes."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 07, 2015, 01:20:04 AM
> "I wonder if perhaps you would be willing to write about her based on things she wants to be known. Sort of like a very open-ended interview, I suppose."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 07, 2015, 01:34:05 AM
> "I wonder if perhaps you would be willing to write about her based on things she wants to be known. Sort of like a very open-ended interview, I suppose."

>"I'd consider it," she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 07, 2015, 01:44:58 AM
> Nod.
> "I will find out if she is interested, then. Hopefully, a satori telling her story will reduce the social stigma of being a satori, even if only a little bit."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 07, 2015, 02:28:25 AM
> Nod.
> "I will find out if she is interested, then. Hopefully, a satori telling her story will reduce the social stigma of being a satori, even if only a little bit."

>The woman nods.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 07, 2015, 02:55:19 AM
> "Regardless, is there anything I can do for you while I am here?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 07, 2015, 03:36:29 AM
> "Regardless, is there anything I can do for you while I am here?"

>She shrugs. "I don't know, you're the one wandering around here. I just wanted to know if you were my burglar."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 07, 2015, 04:10:02 AM
> "Oh! Right. On the subject of suspicious people, have you seen a blue loop-haired woman pass through this area today?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 07, 2015, 05:29:12 AM
> "Oh! Right. On the subject of suspicious people, have you seen a blue loop-haired woman pass through this area today?"

>"How recently?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on May 07, 2015, 10:00:40 AM
>How long has it been since we lost sight of Seiga?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 07, 2015, 02:41:01 PM
Oh damn, we're on thread #6 and I completely forgot to check this until just now.

> Opinion of Mystia Lorelei
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 07, 2015, 05:01:57 PM
>How long has it been since we lost sight of Seiga?

>Some hours, you think.

> Opinion of Mystia Lorelei

>She was annoying the first time you met her, but the odd subsequent meeting has softened your opinion a bit. She is not a bad sort, makes a good lamprey.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 07, 2015, 05:09:05 PM
> "It has been several hours since I began my pursuit of her, so at least since then. if she passed through here before that, however, then I will take whatever information I can get."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 07, 2015, 06:20:04 PM
> "It has been several hours since I began my pursuit of her, so at least since then. if she passed through here before that, however, then I will take whatever information I can get."

>"I haven't seen her today, no," says the woman. "But I did see her leading a horse around the eastern edge of town yesterday."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 07, 2015, 06:37:25 PM
> "A horse, you say? What color was it?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 07, 2015, 06:49:08 PM
> How did Meira come into her horse, again? Did she even say?

>She implied that she found it.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 07, 2015, 06:52:16 PM
> "A horse, you say? What color was it?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 07, 2015, 07:13:27 PM
> "A horse, you say? What color was it?"

>"Brown," she says. "It didn't stand out very much, most of the horses around here are brown."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 07, 2015, 07:25:00 PM
> Was Meira's horse brown?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 07, 2015, 07:31:40 PM
> Was Meira's horse brown?


Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 07, 2015, 07:34:38 PM
> "Hmm. I did meet someone this morning that said she recently acquired a horse. I think I will ask her about this, since I was planning on meeting her again anyway."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 07, 2015, 08:20:53 PM
> "Hmm. I did meet someone this morning that said she recently acquired a horse. I think I will ask her about this, since I was planning on meeting her again anyway."

>The purple-haired woman nods.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 07, 2015, 08:38:07 PM
> "Regardless, if you do see the blue loop-haired woman again, be cautious. She may be hostile, and she may be dangerous."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 07, 2015, 08:39:51 PM
> "Regardless, if you do see the blue loop-haired woman again, be cautious. She may be hostile, and she may be dangerous."

>"I'll be sure not to approach her," says the woman.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 07, 2015, 08:45:58 PM
> Nod.
> "That would be wise. In that case, I must press onward. Before that, however, may I have your name?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 07, 2015, 08:49:38 PM
> Nod.
> "That would be wise. In that case I must press onward. Before that, however, may I have your name?"

>"I am Heida no Akyuu," she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 07, 2015, 08:53:30 PM
> That name is not familiar, is it?
> "Well met, Miss Akyuu. I am Youmu Konpaku, gardener of the Netherworld."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 07, 2015, 09:24:35 PM
> That name is not familiar, is it?
> "Well met, Miss Akyuu. I am Youmu Konpaku, gardener of the Netherworld."

>Not immediately, anyways.
>"That's what I thought," she says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 07, 2015, 09:27:11 PM
> Give a light chuckle.
> "I suppose you would have some information on me if you know of the lost Komeiji."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 07, 2015, 11:02:12 PM
> Give a light chuckle.
> "I suppose you would have some information on me if you know of the lost Komeiji."

>She nods.  "A few things."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 07, 2015, 11:27:01 PM
> How much further do we have to go in this direction before we hit the edge of town?
> "If I return here with Miss Komeiji in tow, where may I find you? Should I visit your home, or do you frequent other places?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 08, 2015, 12:00:03 AM
> How much further do we have to go in this direction before we hit the edge of town?
> "If I return here with Miss Komeiji in tow, where may I find you? Should I visit your home, or do you frequent other places?"

>There's a little ways yet.
>"I should be at home," says Akyuu.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 08, 2015, 12:06:13 AM
> "Very well, I shall seek you out when I have her in my company again."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 08, 2015, 12:15:51 AM
> "Very well, I shall seek you out when I have her in my company again."

>"Alright," says Akyuu.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 08, 2015, 12:19:49 AM
> Give Akyuu a short bow.
> "Farewell until we meet again."
> Continue on down the street in our investigation.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 08, 2015, 02:19:51 AM
> Give Akyuu a short bow.
> "Farewell until we meet again."
> Continue on down the street in our investigation.

>You bow and depart, continuing down the street.
>What few people you do see seem to have no interest in speaking with you, either due to being busy or simple disinterest. You come to the edge of the area reasonably soon.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 08, 2015, 02:34:36 AM
> What other notable areas of our half of the town have we not visited yet?
> Where is the jeweler's shop, and on who's side of town is it?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 08, 2015, 03:12:25 AM
> What other notable areas of our half of the town have we not visited yet?
> Where is the jeweler's shop, and on who's side of town is it?

>At this point, you mostly have the stores around the poorer section of town. The Jeweler's shop would be there.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 08, 2015, 03:19:23 AM
> Head toward that area, then, looking out specifically for the jeweler's shop.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 08, 2015, 03:57:39 AM
> Head toward that area, then, looking out specifically for the jeweler's shop.

>You make your way toward the Jewelry Shop. Cutting across the market, you pass through an alley  and emerge to a road and turn eastward. Up ahead, you can see two standalone houses. One is an somewhat dilapidated place with a sign that reads "Charms", with a windchime hanging outside. The other is in better repair and a bit larger, featuring a sign that reads, "Ichiro's Accessories.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 08, 2015, 04:05:16 AM
> Let's walk by them both and see if either of them is the jewelery shop.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 08, 2015, 04:09:46 AM
> Let's walk by them both and see if either of them is the jewelery shop.


Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 08, 2015, 04:10:23 AM
> The two houses, sorry.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 08, 2015, 04:27:11 AM
> The two houses, sorry.

>You glance through the windows of the Ichiro's Accessories, and note what seems to be glass cases with jewelry in them.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 08, 2015, 10:51:08 AM
> Ah, perfect!
> Enter, assuming the store is open.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 08, 2015, 05:02:02 PM
> Ah, perfect!
> Enter, assuming the store is open.

>You walk into the store!
>The front area spans only a handful of yards across, with glass cases taking up about a yard on each side. The ceiling is not particularly high, either. The cases contain a number of pieces, rings, bracelets, and necklaces in particular. A poster on the wall bears cartoon caricatures of Marisa and Reimu, warning against theft on the pain of getting their personal ire. Toward the back is a counter, and behind it a workbench scattered with esoteric tools. Standing at that bench is a small, wiry-looking man with black hair peppered with gray, beside a small woman wearing a blue coat with short shock-white hair. The man looks back toward you, revealing a sharp face starting to bear the burden of the years, and smiles at you. "Welcome," he says, "Feel free to look around just as much as you please. I can handle any questions you have."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Suwako Moriya on May 08, 2015, 05:06:12 PM
> Nod.
> "Thank you."
> Walk toward the counter. While on our way, take out the box with the jewels in it and open it, removing the scroll but leaving the jewels inside.
> "I was actually wondering what you could tell me about what I have here."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 08, 2015, 05:46:40 PM
> Nod.
> "Thank you."
> Walk toward the counter. While on our way, take out the box with the jewels in it and open it, removing the scroll but leaving the jewels inside.
> "I was actually wondering what you could tell me about what I have here."

>You present him with the box, which he comes to the counter to investigate after softly saying something to the woman, who is paying not attention to you at all. "Oh, those are not bad," he says, "Not bad at all." He reaches into his pocket and withdraws a jeweler's scope. "Would you be amenable to me taking a closer look?"

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 08, 2015, 06:31:37 PM
> How does the woman's hair compare to ours?

> "Certainly."
> Hand the box over.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 08, 2015, 07:18:24 PM
> How does the woman's hair compare to ours?

> "Certainly."
> Hand the box over.

>It...may be a bit whiter, hard to tell. It's certainly not as straight.
>You hand the box over, and the jeweler takes the gems in hand one by one. "Ah, very nice work," he says. "Where ever these came from, they know their stuff. Reasonably new work, it seems. I'd pay a good price for these, if you'd want to let them go."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 08, 2015, 07:48:32 PM
> Let our eyes light up a little bit.
> "Really now? I would not have pegged the oni swordswoman for a jeweler. I suppose this is a lesson in making assumptions. Regardless, I will need some time to dwell on your offer, as I am rather preoccupied with other concerns at the moment. I can at least promise that if I do conduct any such business, it will be here."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 08, 2015, 08:04:44 PM
> Let our eyes light up a little bit.
> "Really now? I would not have pegged the oni swordswoman for a jeweler. I suppose this is a lesson in making assumptions. Regardless, I will need some time to dwell on your offer, as I am rather preoccupied with other concerns at the moment. I can at least promise that if I do conduct any such business, it will be here."

>"Oh, this is not oni work," he says. "There's no such thing as an oni jeweler worth anything. If this came from underground, I am willing to gamble that lady with the strange wings made them. And you can take your time on selling them."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 08, 2015, 08:18:40 PM
> "Oh, you mean Nue? I did not realize she was a jeweler either. She seems to be rather multi-talented. Which I suppose is to be expected of a shapeshifter."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 08, 2015, 09:48:27 PM
> "Oh, you mean Nue? I did not realize she was a jeweler either. She seems to be rather multi-talented. Which I suppose is to be expected of a shapeshifter."

>He nods. "That she is."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 08, 2015, 10:02:25 PM
> "Anyway, yes, I will keep this place in mind. Regarding my more immediately pressing issue, however, have you seen a blue loop-haired woman in town today?"
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 08, 2015, 10:11:25 PM
> "Anyway, yes, I will keep this place in mind. Regarding my more immediately pressing issue, however, have you seen a blue loop-haired woman in town today?"

>He shakes his head. "Shuuei?" he says.
>"No," the woman says.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 08, 2015, 10:25:35 PM
> "Mmm. That is probably for the best. If you do happen to see her, be cautious. She may be hostile."
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 09, 2015, 01:31:30 AM
> "Mmm. That is probably for the best. If you do happen to see her, be cautious. She may be hostile."

>"Fair enough," says the jeweler, as he returns your things. "I didn't have any plans today anyways."

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 09, 2015, 02:19:27 AM
> Put the box away.
> "I will take my leave, then. Farewell to you both."
> Exit the shop and head further toward the edge of town in the same direction we were just traveling.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 09, 2015, 03:33:46 AM
> Put the box away.
> "I will take my leave, then. Farewell to you both."
> Exit the shop and head further toward the edge of town in the same direction we were just traveling.

>"Come on back whenever you take the notion," he says, while the woman says nothing.
>You leave and head northward, toward the edge of town. The houses give way to scattered barns and storehouses, with the occasional house. Past here are the fields and pastures.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 09, 2015, 04:31:16 AM
> Any part of our half of town that we haven't covered yet?
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 09, 2015, 05:13:20 AM
> Any part of our half of town that we haven't covered yet?

>This is about it.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 09, 2015, 05:28:30 AM
> At least we didn't go away empty-handed.
> Head back to the tavern.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 09, 2015, 05:29:51 AM
> At least we didn't go away empty-handed.
> Head back to the tavern.

>You make your way back to the Tavern, it is about in the same state as you've left it, but even more empty now. Tenshi is busy wiping the tables, and pays you no mind.

Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on May 09, 2015, 12:00:38 PM
> Wait for Kotohime to arrive.
Title: Re: Sword Quest VI - A Z-Machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on May 09, 2015, 03:55:41 PM
> Wait for Kotohime to arrive.

>Kotohime arrives, bleeding heavily from her torso. "Some girl with a yellow thing on her arm, thought she was gonna shank ya!" she says, before collapsing.