Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Hakurei Shrine~ => Touhou Addict Recovery Center => Topic started by: Abraham Lincoln on July 02, 2014, 05:33:10 AM

Title: Original Touhou game ideas, anyone?
Post by: Abraham Lincoln on July 02, 2014, 05:33:10 AM
The title says everything.

Has anyone ever thought of ideas for possible Touhou games, or characters? Original ones...

Here's a rather ridiculous one I came up with late at night, at work, based off the LEGO Movie.

A Phantasmagoria-style game - the plot being that a recent phenomenon that has been on the rise lately is youkai grouping together and altogether causing havoc, with the intent of destroying everything they consider tyranny and related to the plot to destroy the world. I know it sounds like DDC at this point, but trust me, it isn't.  :V :V :V


This is probably going to end up all on Marysuefacepalm or a similar website. They are simply horrible.

Feel free to share yours, by the way (and I would also love to receive lots of feedback  :3).
Title: Re: Original Touhou game ideas, anyone?
Post by: Imosa on July 02, 2014, 05:52:16 PM
I had a vague idea based around 4 artifacts falling from the sky and the 3 teams of heros going to investigate simultaneously (with interactions being part of this games gimmick). After two stages of squabbling with Nitori and the 3 faeries who want to keep the artifacts for themselves. The big bad Goddess and her 3 followers reveal themselves and their plan to establish their obscure religion in Gensokyo. Four stages later everyone finds out that this is actually impossible and the big bad was just stringing her followers along to move them to a safer place. The Goddess disappears and the 3 followers turn out to children, playing with their 3 toys. Only 3 toys/artifacts though. The 4th is still with Nitori who has been poking around with it the whole time, and is the subject of the Extra Stage. I figured I would make the extra stage boss this dimension hopping investigator with a really cool hairstyle (which sounds a lot more silly now that I write it here) but I think I'd want to tie it into the rest of the story a bit better.
Title: Re: Original Touhou game ideas, anyone?
Post by: Koog on July 02, 2014, 07:19:51 PM
The only idea I had was Reimu and Marisa team with weak youkai.
Title: Re: Original Touhou game ideas, anyone?
Post by: Tengukami on July 03, 2014, 12:04:22 AM
Oh, this is an idea with a lot of potential. Cast, story, possibly gimmicks related, starting a new arc or spinning off an old one. I'm going to take some notes from the wiki, give it some thought, and roll the dice.
Title: Re: Original Touhou game ideas, anyone?
Post by: Lt Colonel Summers on July 03, 2014, 12:37:28 AM
My idea:

Story begins with two new Youkai messing around with the magic of Gensokyo. The protagonists goes and teach them a lesson, but the damage they caused was already done...
The Hakurei Barrier has suddenly failed, and the Outside World now know of the Eastern Wonderland.
The United Nations, being paranoid of Gensokyo being inhabited by supernatural creatures, builds a military force to destroy all Gensokyians.
It's up to Reimu, Marisa, Sakuya, Youmu and Sanae to fend off the attacks while Yukari tries to raise the Barrier again.

New enemies includes marines, tanks, helicopters and fighter jets. Though they won't appear until Stage 3. Before that, the normal enemies of the franchise appears.
The new bosses are all super soldiers.
A total of eight stages, instead of six.
Extra stage has the protagonists go find the same pair of Youkai from stage 1 and 2, powered up and fought as mid-bosses. Then you meet the true mastermind behind those two, who turns out to be an Outsider commando that came to Gensokyo to spy on everyone. The Ex-boss reveals that she works for a rogue militant who discovered Gensokyo sometime around Mountain Of Faith, and the militant plans to use Gensokyian magic to take over the world. The protagonists defeats her, and tells her how wrong her actions so far is. She turns over a new leaf and defects to Gensokyo.
Needless to say, the Gensokyians will be seeing more of this militant in the future, setting up a new era of Windows games.

What do you think?
Title: Re: Original Touhou game ideas, anyone?
Post by: Failure McFailFace on July 03, 2014, 01:43:34 AM
Seem's rather... un-Touhou-ish.

My idea:

Touhou 15 is a phantasmagoria, with some characters from MoF and newer are playable.

Story: Continuation of ISC. The protagonists realize that impossible spell cards are not enough to stop Seija. They start to directly fight her with danmaku.

Level 1: Combo of Imitation Miracle Mallet (with no charge needed) main and Bomb sub. Has larger range with higher levels.
Level 2: Spell card: Deceit Sign "Reverse Needle Attack." Red and blue waves of alternating ovals spread from behind. Right underneath the opponent.
Level 3: Spell card: Reverse Bow "Dream Bow of Heaven & Earth." Same as DDC card, center 1/3 of screen.
Level 4: Boss card: Turnabout "Reverse Hierarchy." Same as DDC card.
Scope: Inverse of Reimu's scope.                        Ability: Bullets in the empty potion of the scope are reflected back                         Shot: Same as Doll sub

Level 1: Danmaku Bowl. About 3x the width of sprite and 2x sprites tall. Any bullets that touch the bowl are shot back as a very weak homing shot (10 bullets for 1 sunflower fairy kill). It grows larger with higher levels. Max is The width of the screen.
Level 2: Spell Card: "You Grow Bigger!" Opponent's hitbox grows to 5x in size.
Level 3: Spell Card: "Grow Bigger!" All bullets on screen grow 2x their size for 5 seconds.
Level 4: Boss Card: "Get Smaller!" All bullets are multiplied by 10 when Shinmyoumaru is on screen. All bullets are made smaller by 5x. The smallest bullet (snowball) is reduced to 4 pixels.
Scope: Growing/shrinking circle.                             Ability: Snowball bullets have no affect
Shot: A bouncing laser similar to Shinmyoumaru's non-spell's laser. 3 lasers, slight spread. Bounces once.

Strange ideas from my head.
Title: Re: Original Touhou game ideas, anyone?
Post by: TresserT on July 03, 2014, 06:12:41 AM
Here goes:

The theme of the game is rumors, lies, colors and cats. Reimu overhears that some youkai ahs been destroying the human village's food supply every night, but in exchange for prayers and a small donation a god has been growing crops for them every morning. Marisa hears that a human girl has started selling anti-magic charms in exchange for faith. Both assume it to be a Moriya Shrine conspiracy, then it goes from there.

Title: Re: Original Touhou game ideas, anyone?
Post by: Imosa on July 03, 2014, 06:21:49 AM
Oh, this is an idea with a lot of potential. Cast, story, possibly gimmicks related, starting a new arc or spinning off an old one. I'm going to take some notes from the wiki, give it some thought, and roll the dice.
What do you expect to find on the wiki?

*shrunk via magical mallet*
Its not the first time someone has talked about lowering the barrier to Gensokyo and some kind of conflict starting, and the same question is never answered for me. Why is this a problem? Consider what the Hakurei Barrier was originally established for, and the purpose it serves now. Consider the steps that must have happened for things to get from how they were then to how they are now. 
The big thing for the scenario here, is that proactive Gensokyans should have been trying to remove the barrier for  while now, and introduce magic into the world in a peaceful manner. The only reason this wouldn't be the case is if someone had an interest in the world not knowing about magic, youkai ect. I'm not sure what such an interest would be, but Yukari certainly isn't helping by trying to re-erect the barrier, and I wonder what Reimu has been thinking this whole time, so I'd start by mistrusting both of them.
Title: Re: Original Touhou game ideas, anyone?
Post by: Abraham Lincoln on July 03, 2014, 07:15:44 AM

Good grief, I love these ideas of yours.
Title: Re: Original Touhou game ideas, anyone?
Post by: 98digger on July 03, 2014, 04:29:08 PM
Here's mine:

The story starts out with the yin-yang orbs going missing. Reimu enlists the help of Marisa to find them, but at the same time Sakuya (because why not) is sent by Remilla to find them. Yuuka somehow gets involved and goes after them too. The four meet up at the Hakurei Shrine and are suddenly surrounded by a powerful energy. They all pass out, and when they wake up, they find that the Hakurei Shrine is still there, but destroyed. Both yin-yang orbs are strangely found in the wreckage. The protagonists learn that they have been sent back to the past (to the time of the first Touhou game), and that they will have to go through both Hell and Makai to find out who sent them back.

Enemies: Mix of PC-98 enemies like Bakebake and Windows enemies like the fairies.

Stage 1:
MidBoss: Large Bakebake. Boss: SinGyoku.
Stage 2:
MidBoss: Generic Greater Fairy. Boss: YuugenMagan.
Stage 3:
MidBoss: 3rd stage MidBoss from LLS. Boss: Mima.
Stage 4:
MidBoss: 1st stage MidBoss from LLS. Boss: Elis.
Stage 5:
MidBoss: 1st stage MidBoss from MS. Boss: Kikuri.
Final Stage:
MidBoss: None. Boss: Konngara first, then Sariel immediately after.

After this, the yin-yang orbs and protagonists return to the present. Later, however, one of the protagonists is suddenly transported back to the past for the extra stage.

Extra Stage:
MidBoss: None. Boss: The original (purple-haired) Reimu Hakurei.

The music throughout the game would be the exact same music as from Touhou 1 (but not the Akyu remixes). The extra stage, however, would have Silk Road Alice as the stage theme and Dichromatic Lotus Butterfly ~ Ancients as the boss theme. These songs would be PC-98 remixes.

Title: Re: Original Touhou game ideas, anyone?
Post by: Tengukami on July 03, 2014, 04:38:00 PM
What do you expect to find on the wiki?
Canon that I can use for creating a new game, e.g., if I did a spin-off of an existing arc or brought back an old character, for example?
Title: Re: Original Touhou game ideas, anyone?
Post by: bryceanater on July 07, 2014, 10:53:01 PM
I've had an Idea for a touhou game for awhile, it might seem crazy but get this:
lets say one day a portal opened up to the real world and a special forces squad was sent into to investigate, but during the entrance the helicopter crashed and you were knocked out along with your squad. you see that your body was dragged to a dungeon where you  know who awaits and tries to kill you. you escape said dungeon and make your way out of what it appears to be a giant mansion and swim across the frigid lake to the other side where you pass out. You are then woken by Marisa who has recovered a radio from the destroyed craft and informs you that your squad is missing and that Reimu is missing as well with a bunch of exposition.  You try to get in touch with your commander but its no use. Marisa also informs since the helicopters arrival, almost all the youkai, monsters, etc, are on a rampage. Marisa then ake you back to the crashes where a bunch of guns are at your disposal and she also teaches you how to use spell cards. She then informs you that she will gather more information from the wreckage and tells you that she saw you taken as well as another team member into the mansion where your quest begins.

Now basically its replaying 6-14 but in first person mode, theirs the regular difficulty curve but now its in first person. Yes, this basically Call of Duty with touhou, you have your main gun, secondary, grenades, you have cover but very limited cover of your areas and its very linear. But now you have access to a bunch of spell cards you can have at your disposal, almost like Plasmids in bioshock.  You can customize your loadout, spell card, guns etc to what meets your standards. you can have a maximum of 6 spells cards. You also have Parkour like in titanfall except with the insane running speed, where you can climb over the mansion walls, bypass hoards of oncoming youkai while shooting spells cards below you. however it cant be exploitable because well if you get careless with the parkour you made yourself a vulnerable target.  Along the road you can get partners like the comrades that you find or characters like Marisa, Remilia, Youmu etc.
Title: Re: Original Touhou game ideas, anyone?
Post by: Sssgth on July 08, 2014, 12:21:20 PM
Maybe: but has to have Nitori.

Outside World is dumb: players could be Marisa, Reimu, Sakuya, Sanae, and Youmu, all with different weapons (Hakkero, Gohei, Silver Blade, Sanae's Wind Staff, and Roukan/Hakurouken dualwield respectively.) Enemies would be fairies, bosses would be Touhou characters. If realistically designed, all mains should look around 18-21 (ZUN has stated that he would want to go drinking with Marisa and Reimu, hinting that they're around drinking age.) Fairies could look 6-8 years old, and old youkai (Yukari, Ran, etc) could be middle-aged. In addition, shot types could be switched like FPS weapons (i.e. Homing Amulets to Sealing Needles) and spell cards would be killchain bonuses and be similar in appearance to those in UNL.
Title: Re: Original Touhou game ideas, anyone?
Post by: Failure McFailFace on July 08, 2014, 02:38:31 PM
Another idea:

A boss is you. You are a boss in Touhou, and you're out to test out your new spell cards on various objects, like rocks, trees, fairies, humans, youkai, and other less mundane things.

At the starting screen, you pick what collection of spell cards to use, similar to ISC. You have to complete each "enemy" using all sets of your spell cards, by making the opponent lose all of your lives. After that, you move on to the next opponent.

It is completely out possible to beat the game using only Level 1 spell cards, but it's very hard as there's an AI constantly dodging and attacking you with shot types, and your cards aren't upgraded/optimized to Hard or Lunatic levels. Thus, there's a leveling system like ISC, but you have to optimize the cards yourself via a tech tree of sorts.

You also get to customize your card decks, like in SWR and UNL. You're able to pick between three types of spell cards: Regular, survival, and multi-phased.

Regular spell cards are your run-of-the-mill cards that you can either time out or shoot down.
Survival cards removes your hitbox (the boss you're playing as) and forces the opponent to time out the card.
Multi-phased cards are the most powerful, but you can only have three (multi-regular, multi-survival, and multi by itself). It make you invincible to bombs, and your health is twice as large as a regular spell card.

Different opponents have different special abilities:
Rocks are completely stationary, but they break apart into smaller rocks that can reduce your health.
Trees have a damage tolerance, and then fall forwards in a straight line in front of it, potentially hitting you.
Fairies have a lower bullet hit tolerance than trees, but they can move around. Fairies are the first opponents to actively try to defeat you.
Humans and youkai have the lowest bullet hit damage tolerance, losing a life of they're hit. On the other hand, the have a smarter movement AI and have more varied, stronger shots than fairies. Both humans and youkai have bombs, very hard hitting attacks that could potentially kill you if you don't have a spare spell card or non-spell available. Bombs to humans are limited, but youkai have unlimited bombs.
Title: Re: Original Touhou game ideas, anyone?
Post by: Abraham Lincoln on July 08, 2014, 02:40:58 PM
Imagine if ZUN tries to make a FPS game. It would cost him a good several years of devotion and constant labor.
Title: Re: Original Touhou game ideas, anyone?
Post by: Failure McFailFace on July 08, 2014, 11:44:34 PM
So no one comments on the wall of text I just posted?

-PC-98 comeback snip-

I would actually play that.

If the difficulty was the same as in the PC-98 games but with modern Windows mechanics (Point of Collection, DDC's Auto-collect -> lives and bombs, 2 shots per shot type, etc.), then I would enjoy the hell out of that.
Title: Re: Original Touhou game ideas, anyone?
Post by: Unroyal Paladin on July 29, 2014, 09:47:11 PM
Sorry about 'thread reviving', but... Touhou game idea~
東方魔霊伝 (Touhou Mareiden ~ Eastern Tale of Magical Spirit) ~  Second Aurora

Some strange things start to occur in Gensokyo, as always... This time, Youkai become more active, but not because of a revolution - but because of an influx of magical energy which began filling the air, which wasn't because of the miracle mallet. Seeing this, Marisa goes to investigate, not being able to overlook that her Mini-Hakkero had gone missing.

Special mechanic: Defeated enemies fill the screen with their collected magical energy. The more you move through the magic-filled parts, the more the 'special guage' fills up. On guage full: C button to use a 'Magical-Compressed' Bomb, which is stronger than the usual bomb (still uses a bomb and nullifies spell bonus as usual though) . On boss fights: When a spell card ends, a kind of a ring of the magical power appears around the boss. If you wait too long with magical energy on the screen, it just 'spreads in the air' again, much like disappearing divine spirits from Ten Desires.

The first three stages are in the Forest of Magic.
Stage 1:
Midboss: Nameless Masked Girl (Nopperabo, obviously affected by the incident, her portrait for her spell card for Hard/Lunatic shows that she actually does have a face beneath the mask, but the mask itself is the one which shows no facial features.)  :X  :X  :X  :X  :X
Boss: Sukuna Shinmyoumaru   Being mistaken for the mastermind, the poor inchling gets attacked on sight. However, because the Miracle Mallet is in its re-absorption phase, she can't just go and use it as she pleases like in DDC... (A decent reason for stage 6 boss dropping to stage 1 boss, unlike SOMEONE we know... I'm looking at you, Yuyuko.) .

Stage 2:
Midboss: Human Magician  Another side effect of the incident, was that regular humans with enough affinity to magic, started to show signs of promise. . . and then sent out of the Human Village, if they didn't keep it a top secret. This one magician reached a level only a genius would reach in such a short time, going to the forest of magic to train... however it's still very weak, and against Marisa she stood no chance. Typical stage 2 midboss.
Boss: Alice Margatroid  While not losing her mind like the other Youkai, she was hit by the incident too. She challenges Marisa, thinking that such an incident is too great a challenge to Marisa without her Mini-Hakkero... and holding back more than she did in PCB, thus stage 2 boss... could she be worrying about Marisa's safety as a fellow magician?

Stage 3:
Midboss(PCB Alice-style)&Boss: Okuri Inu  ...Basicly does what an Okuri Inu does - appears multiple times around the stage as it's following Marisa directly, and the danmaku style focuses on getting the player towards the bottom of the screen, nonspells are sort of like Seamless Ceiling, but more forgiving, since it's just stage 3 boss.

Stage 4:  Myouren Temple beneath the aurora-colored night sky
Midboss: Shou  (More forgiving curvy lasers please... just this once, Shou... but yea, difficulty spike starts here)
Boss: Byakuren  Byakuren   Being knowledgable about Youkai, Marisa goes to her for directions.

Stage 5: (The skies of Gensokyo)
Midboss: Wanyudo (In the form of a girl with a wheel on her back (this is still Touhou) , the wheel starts spinning and burning when her spell card is activated)
Boss: Shikieiki Yamaxanadu 
Marisa is on the right track, and she knows it. Shikieiki tells Marisa that in the place she's going there's an entity which commited lots of sins, without telling her who or what it is. The only thing she does tell Marisa, is that all the sins of that entity, is Marisa's fault. Imminent lecture. It's a must before going to face one's faults. *Suddenly reminded of Persona 4* ... Well in some worlds it's impossible to directly face one's faults, but in Gensokyo it's possible, alright? ^^'

Stage 6: The Artificial Miasma of Magical Power (The skies of Gensokyo)
The apparent style of danmaku for this stage is either sort of like Guze Flash if there was super super easy mode for it, or rings of bullets similar to EoSD's final stage, but rainbow-colored. At the last part of the stage, just before the boss, two fast lines of enemies come from both sides of the screen, then a death fairy comes, filling the whole screen with its large amount of absorbed magic if defeated in time.
Boss:   Marisa's own Mini-Hakkero   
It's finally revealed... the cause of the whole incident was Marisa's Mini-Hakkero itself, transformed into a Tsukumogami type of Youkai, and being as powerful a magical power source as it was, it caused a whole magical flooding of Gensokyo. Just imagine what could a fully transformed Tsukumogami Mini-Hakkero would be able to do, if not for Marisa controlling it to some extent.  ... That was the result.
It turns out that Marisa's sins got carried over to the then-tsukumogami Mini-Hakkero, thus the Yama adressed it as 'sinful'. The magic of the Tsukumogami is the magic of its user, who will be able to stop the raging Mini-Hakkero, without Marisa's infamous Master Spark?? Well, she obviously has another bomb, but fitting for a stage 6 boss, one of the spell cards used against Marisa is the Master Spark, the action most engraved into the memory of the Mini-Hakkero.

Turns out that even after the victory, the Mini-Hakkero wouldn't return to its former carryable form, however the magical engine did learn her lesson, and agreed to return to Marisa's house. . . if Marisa would treat her a bit better and not forget her in some pile of... things, again. Not that it would be possible with that new Tsukumogami body of hers...

EXTRA:  Sea of magic dyed in scarlet   (( Half Inspired by , the other half is that Patchouli is a magician like Marisa Alice and Byakuren ))
Midboss: The Human Magician
The little prodigy has improved (from stage 2, remember her~?) , apparently taking her lessons from the great Marisa, she's in the Scarlet Mansion library for the magical grimoires. A duel between uninvited guests, but the true thief remains Marisa.
Boss: Patchouli Knowledge
Patchouli used the magical influx and the not-Marisa uninvited guest to heal her illnesses, thus being able to launch a full 10 spell card onslaught on the master thief Marisa, who just came in to take a look on how to reverse her Mini-Hakkero back to her original form.

It turned out that the magic which healed her only did its work temporarily, as being the unmoving great library with all the chemicals for potions and whatnot, those illnesses don't just go away. Strike the illness at its source next time... ... next incident, if it will ever happen. Temporarily is still something though.

*I didn't come up with names for original characters, and left them as their species name... Considering this is an idea I came up with now and I didn't want to go to sleep and lose it, I just typed it here without much checking... It still went quite nicely though, if you ask me.
Title: Re: Original Touhou game ideas, anyone?
Post by: Failure McFailFace on July 30, 2014, 01:08:01 PM

Sound like something that ZUN would do.

10/10 would play it (and no, this is not sarcasm)
Title: Re: Original Touhou game ideas, anyone?
Post by: Abraham Lincoln on July 30, 2014, 02:55:50 PM

I like the plot line, special mechanics and Shinmyoumaru's involvement, it's pretty uniquely thought out, and it has that kind of ZUN-esque beauty feel to it while still maintaining its own kind of unique aura.
But then, it soon began to feel a lot like the typical fan-creation somehow more or less among the likes of works like Koishi's Heart-Throbbing Adventure.
Title: Re: Original Touhou game ideas, anyone?
Post by: Unroyal Paladin on July 30, 2014, 08:24:18 PM
Koishi's Heart-Throbbing Adventure.

I wonder what makes you say this specific name... (I watched the first 2 or 3 parts of that, but that was... kinda enough for me) Really, this random idea isn't that dark and full of hidden reasons or motives or whatever... Also it's Touhou main game style, it's not supposed to be dark... ... at least the main games aren't. Well, maybe that specific name came to mind because both this random idea and Subterranean Animism have 'reiden' in their Japanese name (Chireiden vs Mareiden ... den is different kanji though) , and both apparently have SA as their short English names... I didn't plan for that, I swear!  :o
Also, 05:55:50 pm horyshet.

Anyway, some comments about the ideas you've been writing here so far:

The big thing for the scenario here, is that proactive Gensokyans should have been trying to remove the barrier for  while now (ry

This right here, could be an idea in and of itself, with this exact situation inside Gensokyo turning into a conflict, which would, most likely, lead to danmaku. Because in Gensokyo, danmaku can be fired for less of a reason, as you may or may not know. Player character could be either the usual Reimu/Marisa (Although I doubt Marisa has a clear opinion on this one... maybe leaning towards the 'keeping the barrier' opinon, but can't point it clearly) ... or it can be teaming up like IN , with the good old border team of Reimu&Yukari being on the 'Keeping the barrier' team. ... which gives the idea of 'maybe we could make 2 different routes , and for the teams we include both for and against the barrier teams, and split the routes for [stages 5 and 6] or [stage 4 double boss], to be whoever you didn't pick, like stage 4 in IN?' .  A prequel eye say!

The story starts out with the yin-yang orbs going missing. (ry

-ahem. Well, beside the fact the I like the PC98 games, and your idea was good not just because of that, unless you imply that Sariel was the one who sent 'em all to the past, let me add something: Maybe the phantasm stage would be the culprit? (or Shinki with Yumeko as the midboss, because why not, Shinki could very well just go and do it as far as I know.) 
((Otohime from MB because of spaaa- *shot* ))
Also, Sariel as the final boss really gets my mind going on how would the last phase of hers be replicated. Because that was epicness, and with decent graphics it would amplify that epicness to the max.

  • A nurarihyon character
So I'm NOT the only one who didn't overlook this Youkai! Hooraaay!!  ((Unrelated to that idea, but check for 'Touhou 14 Phantasm' thread, which should be in the library somewhere, someone here should already know exactly what I'm getting at here. This Youkai deserves a bit more attention, really.))
Title: Re: Original Touhou game ideas, anyone?
Post by: Abraham Lincoln on July 31, 2014, 09:18:20 AM
I wonder what makes you say this specific name... (I watched the first 2 or 3 parts of that, but that was... kinda enough for me) Really, this random idea isn't that dark and full of hidden reasons or motives or whatever... Also it's Touhou main game style, it's not supposed to be dark... ... at least the main games aren't. Well, maybe that specific name came to mind because both this random idea and Subterranean Animism have 'reiden' in their Japanese name (Chireiden vs Mareiden ... den is different kanji though) , and both apparently have SA as their short English names... I didn't plan for that, I swear!  :o
Also, 05:55:50 pm horyshet.
The comparison to it mainly began as a result of me finding that idea somewhat far-fetched and highly non-ZUN-esque. Apologies for the misunderstanding.
Title: Re: Original Touhou game ideas, anyone?
Post by: CK Crash on July 31, 2014, 02:51:00 PM
Two player co-op Danmaku. I had two separate ideas for this:

A Renko and Maribel game. Renko is a normal player, but Maribel doesn't appear on the game screen. Instead, she can place borders with the mouse that affect danmaku in various ways. One border might speed up bullets in a small radius, creating a gap in a dense pattern; another might split lasers in two directions, effectively blocking aimed lasers. It's easy to make the danmaku harder, so a lot of trust is required between the players.

A Shou and Nazrin game, where Nazrin is a mouse-controlled (haha) player. Nazrin doesn't need to dodge things, but is the only one who can collect items or dowse for invisible treasures/enemies. Collecting all the pieces of a certain treasure can create items that Shou can use as shot type enhancers or bombs:  the Nazrin player has to manage the inventory and select the right items for the situation.
Title: Re: Original Touhou game ideas, anyone?
Post by: Failure McFailFace on August 01, 2014, 01:32:14 AM
Two player co-op Danmaku. I had two separate ideas for this:

A Renko and Maribel game. Renko is a normal player, but Maribel doesn't appear on the game screen. Instead, she can place borders with the mouse that affect danmaku in various ways. One border might speed up bullets in a small radius, creating a gap in a dense pattern; another might split lasers in two directions, effectively blocking aimed lasers. It's easy to make the danmaku harder, so a lot of trust is required between the players.

A Shou and Nazrin game, where Nazrin is a mouse-controlled (haha) player. Nazrin doesn't need to dodge things, but is the only one who can collect items or dowse for invisible treasures/enemies. Collecting all the pieces of a certain treasure can create items that Shou can use as shot type enhancers or bombs:  the Nazrin player has to manage the inventory and select the right items for the situation.

It would be hectic, wouldn't it?
Title: Re: Original Touhou game ideas, anyone?
Post by: utsuho on August 01, 2014, 02:27:17 AM
I think it'd be cool to have a game where some humans from the village come across some powerful artifacts or gain powers and start indiscriminately attacking youkai, so Reimu has to live up to her neutrality and take down the humans.

A twin stick shooter style danmaku game could be nice too.
Title: Re: Original Touhou game ideas, anyone?
Post by: Koog on August 03, 2014, 06:54:55 AM
I've got this sudden idea:
There's someone who's taking away the powers of the youkais and humans of Gensokyo. Our heroines can't investigate by themselves, due to the lack of power, luckily for them, there's still some youkai that still have their powers, so our heroines make an alliance with them.


Stage 1 Midboss: Wriggle Nightbug.
She still has her powers, but they aren't strong enough.
Stage 1 Boss: Youmu Konpaku.
I have already mentioned it before, Youmu is weakened, and can't do too much in danmaku.
Stage 5 Boss and Stage 6 midboss (yep! Stages 2 to 4 bosses and Stage 5 midboss are unplanned): Seija Kijin.
She has been caught by the Final Boss with her stolen powers, but this Final Boss said that she wanted to help her, she still has her stolen objects, so she uses them in this fight.
Stage 6: (name is unplanned)
She tells the heroine, that she's a common human, but made a small artifact that takes away the powers from humans and youkai alike and give it to her. She explain she did this because she was jealous of the girls and their powers, and she wanted to be the only heroine in Gensokyo.

I know it's a bit dumb, but I like it.
Title: Re: Original Touhou game ideas, anyone?
Post by: ToyoRai on August 03, 2014, 08:17:20 AM
I have few:

The first game focuses on a sudden outburst of spirits and ghost appearing around Gensokyo with no clear reason for it. The playable characters are Kasen, who wants to erase the spirits an Komachi who is made to hunt down the spirits where they belong.

The second idea focuses on Kokoro. One day, some sort of force suddenly knocks all of her masks away, leaving her almost helpless. However, she is still somehow able to operate on her own and starts her journey to collect her masks back. The game is a Metroidvania kind of game, particularly in the style of Order of Ecclesia where you fight bosses to get new masks which grant different abilities in order to explore more of the areas to find rest of the masks.
Title: Re: Original Touhou game ideas, anyone?
Post by: not ZUNs wife on August 03, 2014, 09:53:14 AM
For a while now, I've had an idea brewing about a Touhou-style game revolving around Finnish lore. It's mostly on the level of some vague cool details I'd like to include. Flying past forests and lakes, encountering things like a bear youkai, a waltz music youkai, some techie human shooting Nokia phones, and eventually the god of thunder ( ZUN-style remixes of traditional folk music abound, bits of Finlandia ( in the final boss theme.

It'd be super niche, but despite (or because) of that, I kinda feel giddy about it. I guess it'd have to be all original characters to not be completely silly, though.
Title: Re: Original Touhou game ideas, anyone?
Post by: Leon゠Helsing on August 03, 2014, 10:52:30 AM
For a while now, I've had an idea brewing about a Touhou-style game revolving around Finnish lore.
Art by Setz or GTFO. :V
Title: Re: Original Touhou game ideas, anyone?
Post by: not ZUNs wife on August 03, 2014, 12:23:55 PM
Art by Setz or GTFO. :V
Title: Re: Original Touhou game ideas, anyone?
Post by: Reinier on August 07, 2014, 12:13:35 AM
I've been thinking of an idea now:
Flandre's favorite toy goes missing, causing her to get mad. The SDM residents must look for it and return it before Flan goes to all-out rage mode.

Some boss ideas:
Stage 1 & 2 bosses: First suspects. Probably just Cirno or someone else.
Stage 3: Someone who gives a clue, but fights the characters anyway (maybe Seija?)
St 4: Someone who fits the clue, but is not really the suspect. It could be anyone.
St. 5: Marisa. Why not?
St. 6: New character, who claims that the toy has hidden powers.
EX: Probably Flan herself, who asks the characters to play with her, or someone who was affected by the toy's power.

I had another idea, but Kogasa got it already!
Title: Re: Original Touhou game ideas, anyone?
Post by: 7636kei on October 10, 2014, 11:24:00 PM
Excuse me for necro'ing an old post~

Here's an idea I've been brewing for the last several ... weeks, maybe.

The incident:
One of Makai's demons is revolting, and Shinki sent Yukari a secret message to send reinforcements from Gensokyo to quell that revolution. Yukari then asks Kanako to organize the reinforcement, since she, along with her shikigami and her shikigami's shikigami, is to keep the Great Hakurei Barrier out of Outside World intervention.

Along with the usual five suspects, Kanako asks that each gets a backup.

--> Reimu got to make do with Satori. Yukari sent invitations to the Former Hell, and they agreed to send one. It turns out that during the ballot, she only outvoted Yuugi, the next-most-popular, by one vote: Yuugi's (Satori voted for Orin, actually).
--> Marisa, of course, gets Alice to get along. What she didn't know is that this is what Yukari has hoped all along: Alice is meant as their bargaining chip to get into Makai.
--> Sanae's got Aya, as per the Great Tengu's instruction.
--> Unsurprisingly, Yuyuko didn't ask to tag along with Youmu (if the two are to tag, who will keep Hakugyokurou?). The surprising part is that Ichirin, of Myouren Temple, agreed to tag along, per Byakuren's instruction.
--> Sakuya had it even more bizzare: Remilia heard winds that Miko is going to get this solved and get Sakuya tag with her.

Special mechanism:
No idea. One thing to be sure, no IN-style team-tag. Also, each character only has one shot spread.

Stage bosses:
Act One --> Hakurei Shrine
Act mid and Act boss: Lumina Dracano (OC), a lesser youkai. Rumia-grade.

Lumina explains that xe has been defeated by a certain archer in red and blue. After they defeated Lumina, they then moves for Bamboo Forest, and Eientei within.
By the way, just after xe (yeah, I'm definitely leaving Lumina's gender up for grabs) is defeated, she asks 'Who are you?' to the party. Sanae answers that they're 'the Knights Who Say Ni'.
Cue whispers that one won't get much mileage out of the Japanese language without the particle 'ni'.

Act Two --> Bamboo Forest
Act mid: (good 'ol) Kaguya ('Gimmick': bomb immunity during spellcard patterns)
Act boss: (good 'ol) Eirin (Gimmick: during spellcard patterns, in addition of bomb immunity, she regains some HP after the bomb ends)
(Kaguya's the act midboss simply because the ten ran into her first)

The Eientei triad turns out to have a little family hunt, because Kaguya's going to have Eirin to resolve it by her own. After Eirin's defeat, she agrees to defend the Bamboo Forest instead of going out. By the way, Marisa went philosophical: since Kaguya and Eirin have been looking after each other for so long, she suggests that they might as well be adoptive sisters. She even pulls a quote off a classic that 'siblings are like limbs' (which was built up on said 'adoptive sisters' suggestion), but before Marisa got to finish it, having correctly deducing where did she pulled the quote, Eirin reparted, 'says someone whose blood siblings have barely any show time in the novel.' She admitted that 'sisterly feeling' she has to her princess, however, if only because Kaguya openly admits that she looks on Eirin as her elder sister.

Act Three --> Moriya Shrine
Act mid and Act boss: Li Mengjie, male OC, hermit, capable of shapeshifting (The Act midboss battle has him shapeshift as Kanako.) (Gimmick: periodicaly gaining invulnerability)

The ten then heads to Moriya Shrine, mainly to ask for the resident goddesses' blessing. But after 'Kanako' shows up with a very unusual spellcard - God Sign "Han Feizi" - they got into conclusion that it was too unusual to be Kanako; Satori even states that 'anyone who have ever glimpsed the real Lady Kanako would doubt if it's her'. And indeed, just after they arrived into the conclusion, 'Kanako' shows himself to be an all-out malicious hermit. They got into battle, and just after he got defeated, the mere appearance of the real Kanako manages to get him running down the slopes. Knowing where he ran, Kanako suggests them to follow and capture him, then go to the Garden of the Sun.

Act Four --> Youkai Mountain slopes, toward the Garden of the Sun
Act mid: ditto with Act Three (mid)boss
Act boss: Kobayakawa Shidai (another male OC, natural magician). (Gimmick: Timing out any pattern, spell or not, automatically kills the player. Mainly meant to ward off pacifist runs, though.)

Turns out Mengjie's escape was impeded by, of all things, the Aki sisters. The two put up some impressive resistance that when the ten actually arrives, he only has one spellcard left: "Night Walking Wearing the God Body".
(BTW, it was a pun on Hirasawa Susumu's Night Walking Wearing the Human Body, which probably flows better in Japanese; my proposed translation for that card is 「神体夜行」("Jintai Yakou"), so close with the real deal (人体夜行, Jintai Yakou) except that the card's first character is for 'God' instead of for 'human')
The boss battle, on the border of the Garden, challenges them so they won't enter the Garden underpowered.

Act Five --> Garden of the Sun
Act mid: (good 'ol) Yuuka
Act boss: Ma Liangyun (yet another male OC, youkai magician), Shidai's superior on a blacksmith within the Human Village (Gimmick: All his Act Five boss spellcards are survivals)
Since Yuuka has to go somewhere else, preventing the weak from entering the portal to Makai that suddenly appears in her Garden, the ten gets in with her noticing. A quick battle has her defeated (actually, she disengaged, sure enough that they are good enough in case they wander too close). Liangyun, who guards the gate, do notice them, and, just like his lieutenant has did, challenges them so they won't enter Makai underpowered. Yuuka noticed the fight's end, and asks them to promise that they'll survive Makai, so that she can see Liangyun and them fight another day.

Act Six --> Makai
Act mid: none (Technically, Yumeko is the act midboss. The fight contains zero nonspells and zero spells, however.)
Act boss: Gallerian Ogilvy (demon, male OC yet again) (Gimmick: First to fifth 'cards' out of seven have two possible cards, recycled from one of each of the ten's cards. Playing as one character will ensure that she won't encounter the card recycled off hers. The sixth and seventh card only has one possibility each.
To be exact, on Normal:
Playing as Reimu, for example, will ensure that the first card you'll face is Recollection "Treaty of Jaffa of 1229". The other four cards, however, are always up for grabs.)

Not long after they entered Makai, Yumeko greets them, asking whether they're ally or enemy. After Alice ensured her that they're allies, she reported to Shinki that the reinforcement she asked have arrived.

Extra --> Garden of the Sun
Act mid: Yuuka
Act boss: Liangyun (no big gimmick this time)
Basically, the promised rematch they agreed in the end of Act Five.