Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Rumia's Party Games => Topic started by: UncertainJakutten on May 09, 2014, 08:18:28 PM

Title: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 09, 2014, 08:18:28 PM
This OP mostly stolen and slightly rewritten from here (,6008.0.html), for reference

So, this thread is for a Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup relay, where we keep passing the same file around until our collective incompetence wins the Orb of Zot. If you don't know what Crawl is, you can screw around here ( to get the basic idea. You don't have to be super good to join in, half the fun is dying in a myriad of unlikely and rather stupid ways. DCSS 0.14.1 is one of the most accessible to date, so don't be too intimidated even if you're acomplete newbie to roguelikes. So, without further ado, here are the rules for the relay:

1.    Get a clean version of Crawl 0.14.1. Quite a bit changed from 0.13.x, so you might want to find that changelog. You?ll want the tiles version with mouse support, unless you really know your way around console, in which case you?d already know how to make that work. This ( should suffice.

2.    To play, you'll have to sign up in this topic.  You'll be put at the end of the list.

3.   You hear Xom?s avuncular chuckle.

4.    When your turn comes, you?ll be handed the file through Dropbox or something similar. You'll stick that in the saves file and start up the game.  You'll then have roughly 50000 auts (or 5000 turns) to play.  To check how many auts you've used, look to the HUD by turns, and that's the number we'll use (i.e. you get 5000.0 turns). As you play your turn, you are to keep track of a journal of important events that happen.  You can take screenshots or keep a very accurate pictureless journal as you play.  Screenshots are better.

5.  Failure to keep up screenshots or some sort of comprehensive log will count as a death on your part, and we'll take the last save.

6.  Once your 5000 turns are up (we allow some slight deviation, you can stop at say 5045 or something), save, copy to the files to a zip folder and upload it to a file sharing site.

7.  If you take way too many turns (6000+), I will rip your still beating heart out of your body, but take the save files and journal/log anyway.  If you reach 7000, you're off the list for the rest of the game?and also the other thing.

8.  If you take more than 3 days (72 hours) taking your turn, I'll skip you and give the save file to the next person in line.

9.  You may sign up again when your turn is over.

10.  Losing is fun.  If you die, just log that and I'll tack it onto the number of times we've lost and continue from the last save file.  Don't worry, the game is meant to be hard.  If you're inexperienced, take this chance to play a high level character and learn more about the game.

11. However, it's not fun if you save the file and give it to the next person with, like, 3 HP and surrounded by tough enemies.  We'll consider that your death and revert back to the previous save file, and I will frown disapprovingly at you.

12. At the end of your post, state if you?re up for another round. Makes everyone?s life easier and gives you the initiative in the line. Everyone wins!

13.  Feel free to suggest adding in anything I missed on this list of rules.

Current Player:  Totaku

Waiting List:

Turns on current save: 121,922
1. Raitaki: To an Ice Beast on turn 6485.
2. Validon: To a Giant Slug on turn 14493.
3. Serela: To an Iguana on turn 12893.
4. NekoNekoRex: To Roxanne on turn 34928.
5. Serela: To a Kobold Demonlogist summoned demon on turn 35,762.
6. Pirate: To a Centaur Warrior on turn 37,385.
7. Raikaria: To a Tengu on turn 38373.
8. Raitaki: To a Black Mamba on turn 45199.
9. NekoNekoRex: To a Naga Sharpshooter on turn 45,779.
10. Serela: To a black mamba on turn 45033.
11. Totaku: To a Naga Sharpshooter on turn 50,932.
12. Raitaki: To an Anaconda on turn something.
13. Pirate: To Mysterious Hellfire on turn ~58600.
14. Totaku: To an Elven Master Archer on turn 59180.
15. Ramus: To an Elven Annihilator on turn 58756
16. Pirate: To two fireballs on turn 96133
17. Serela: To a Tengu Reaver's Battlesphere on turn 98275
18. NNR: To something.
19. Raitaki: To something.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Totaku on May 09, 2014, 08:33:01 PM
You know I want to join in on this. I meant to make a mod but I've been taking too long so I'm glad you're filling in the spot for this.

Anyways signing up to play!
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on May 09, 2014, 08:43:51 PM
I tried to get into crawl once, after trying out the previous relay. Playing characters with a decent amount of non-melee abilities is pretty fun, but it sure is a trip. Also I picked up a cursed ring that warped me randomly every now and then, on the first floor, welp. `-` That was definitely... "fun"

I might sign up for a round of this now and then! But as I learned last time, keeping updates and screenshots of the play is a bit of a chore, to me. It's fun to read them though.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on May 10, 2014, 01:31:53 AM
Hmmm...I think I'm signing up! :V I've never actually gotten any runes ever yet (due to my stupid tendencies to identify all scrolls and potions by eating them and to ignore the "DO NOT ENTER THIS BRANCH IF YOU ARE CHARACTER TYPE X" warnings the wiki gave a bunch of places :V

I suggest we do one of the magic classes, by the way. More versatility, and mixing and matching multiple spellbooks is always fun :3
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on May 10, 2014, 01:33:19 AM
Well, even if I have to give myself a migrane by playing Crawl even more, at least I can entertain people at my own headache-inducing expense.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 10, 2014, 01:50:36 AM
Hmmm...I think I'm signing up! :V I've never actually gotten any runes ever yet (due to my stupid tendencies to identify all scrolls and potions by eating them and to ignore the "DO NOT ENTER THIS BRANCH IF YOU ARE CHARACTER TYPE X" warnings the wiki gave a bunch of places :V

I suggest we do one of the magic classes, by the way. More versatility, and mixing and matching multiple spellbooks is always fun :3

>Implying you can trust the wiki

Either way, yeah, feel free to vote on what type of character you want to play. You can try to go for an existing character like a touhou or something, or just make up something whole cloth and see if you can keep a consistent narrative dictated by the dungeon.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on May 10, 2014, 02:22:29 AM
The only probem I have is that I have never gotten tiles to work on my Windows XP PC, for whatever fucking reason. Console works, somehow, but Tiles does not.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 10, 2014, 02:46:16 AM
The only probem I have is that I have never gotten tiles to work on my Windows XP PC, for whatever fucking reason. Console works, somehow, but Tiles does not.

Well, give the latest install a shot, and if it fails, start troubleshooting. At worst you can use console just fine, it's just harder.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on May 10, 2014, 03:00:51 AM
Okay I finally managed to get Tiles working on my computer, after fucking around with every setting I could think of.

So everything is cool, I guess. The setting that was the problem is going to be annoying to deal with since I have to change it every time I play Crawl, but otherwise it's not a big deal.

(It's a screen resolution thing, if you wanted to know)
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: O4rfish on May 10, 2014, 07:40:18 AM
This should go in Akyu's Arcade, right?
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on May 10, 2014, 10:25:29 AM
This is a game within a game, so I'm not sure. It's not strictly about Dungeon Crawl itself, it's a forum game which utilizes Dungeon Crawl and will definitely contain roleplaying of some kind.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on May 10, 2014, 01:13:44 PM
I'm pretty sure the last Crawl Relay was also in Rumia's and it lasted awhile; it could probably comfortably fit in both Akyu's and Rumia's, since it's both about a game and also a sort of forum game we're playing together.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Totaku on May 10, 2014, 01:54:14 PM
This game has been at least 4 times in the past here on Rumia Party Games

Once or twice by Ramus who orginally started this here.

One by Anathe.

Twice by me

All of them consisted of a game with a unique sense or RPing to boot. And of course the games have been archived here in the past. It's all about making progress and coming up with creative story telling to go with it. :P

So yeah, I don't think there's really any reason to move it when it already pretty much been used here as an game / RPing type game. It's just a uniquely done hybrid.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 10, 2014, 02:57:48 PM
I admit, I wasn't really sure either, but given Tradition ( has had the Crawl relays show up here due to the roleplaying and interactive aspects, I figured it was a safe bet. If I'm wrong, it'll be moved and we'll go from there :P.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Validon98 on May 10, 2014, 03:34:24 PM
I haven't personally played Crawl in a long while (checking the version of the game I have, It was at like 0.12 something, not 0.14) and it wasn't for that much, but I would feel up for it, since I'd probably get my turn right around when I'm no longer hammered by schoolwork! :V
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 10, 2014, 11:17:49 PM
So is that a sign up Validon? (Also I dropped Crawl after 0.8 and didn't pick it up til like 3 months ago so it's a good time to relearn!)
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Validon98 on May 11, 2014, 12:29:53 AM
It is a sign up! I just need to prepare myself by actually learning the game better.
*spent some of today attempting to do so, and died with a Human Ranger at level 5 of the main dungeon, meaning he has a bit of a ways to go learning wise :V*
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on May 11, 2014, 05:01:45 PM
Don't worry, the early game is the part with the most irritating bullshit.

Not that the rest of the game doesn't also have more irritating bullshit then you could ever dream of, it's just the early game has more of it.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on May 11, 2014, 06:24:00 PM
Also, if you're playing online and are about to die and don't think you can survive, start unequipping your gear, with armor being last (assuming you'd even live that long).

One run I died with a +0/+7 ring of slaying and an enchanted sword of draining on me as the Wizard class, and next run I ran into my ghost and got slaughtered ;_;
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on May 11, 2014, 08:23:03 PM
Also, if you're playing online and are about to die and don't think you can survive, start unequipping your gear, with armor being last (assuming you'd even live that long).

One run I died with a +0/+7 ring of slaying and an enchanted sword of draining on me as the Wizard class, and next run I ran into my ghost and got slaughtered ;_;
Clearly this is a bad idea because the fun of being a ghost is being able to fuck over other players who meet your ghost.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on May 11, 2014, 09:13:23 PM
But what's the point if I can't be around to see it? :C

Also, just made the mistake of leaving Fedhas' religion. Suddenly 3-turn-kill plant army what
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 11, 2014, 10:51:49 PM
That's really bad advice in general about unequipping stuff in battle because you're sure you'll die. If you have time to take off stuff, you had time to survive and were being foolish. In general, people playing online should know to avoid ghosts until they're ready to take them anyway.

In other news, I'd say we have enough interest so what kind of character are you lot leaning towards?
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on May 11, 2014, 11:01:03 PM
I'd prefer Vine Stalker. They're a bit hard early on, but can do anything decently. Their non-magic aptitudes are all 0 or -1, but iirc they have nothing below -1, so they'd be good for a hybrid/multi-focus character which might be more fun for a relay. Their stealth is good for stabbing builds, and they pretty much can't die from poison as well.

As for starting background, I think anything but Berserker is okay, though I'd lean Wizard for the versatility and potential to go hybrid, and away from Ice Elementalist because of the iffy early game (in fact I've never gone ver far with one, especially since most undead seem to not mind ice spells). Wanderer could be quite fun to try too, though might take a few tries to stop getting something stupid like throwing/staves start with no actual throwing weapons, high spellcasting + armour start, or high spellcasting start with just one spell memorized and no books :V
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on May 12, 2014, 01:23:07 AM
I've found Conjurer to actually be really versatile in terms of ranged harming, although maybe a wizard build or a hybrid build would be cool too. VS Warper, maybe?
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 12, 2014, 06:09:53 AM
Conjurer is kind of godlike right now, FYI. Fulminant Prism and Iskenduren's Battlesphere are basically the best spells in game legit. Do not get me started on those spells because I will not shut up about how amazing they are.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on May 12, 2014, 06:38:04 AM
On other news, that's like the second Grand Grimoire I found using a 0 Spellcasting character this week.
Freaking why.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Validon98 on May 12, 2014, 12:12:37 PM
I'm personally interested in seeing a caster or physically ranged character. Race I don't know, since there's kind of a lot and I haven't tried many of them outside of Human, High Elf, and Tengu. I'd be up for seeing how VS Warper would go, though.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Totaku on May 12, 2014, 12:18:39 PM
My opinion: We're conqured the game before in a Touhou themed mod of this using a fire elementalist.

So to make things interesting why not try the opposite element for a starter Ice! To make it more interesting, why not try Merfolks? They have the advantages with water that almost everyone else can't.

And if we were to do this.... I would call her... Wakasagihime. :P
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on May 12, 2014, 02:15:39 PM
Hmm...I'm down for a thematic run as well. Though someone better grab the first non-sling ranged weapon they see cuz I'm not very good with ice elementalists.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Validon98 on May 12, 2014, 02:30:38 PM
I wouldn't mind the themed run either (yay Touhou RPing practice). But yeah, I just tried an ice elementalist just to see how they start out, and while their starting spell is okay, its melee nature along with a not-so-great spell failure rate makes them slightly awkward to use. Hopefully the dungeon will be kind and give us a bow or something, because as I've learned about rogue-likes in general, melee can quickly become pain.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on May 12, 2014, 04:00:18 PM
I wouldn't mind the themed run either (yay Touhou RPing practice). But yeah, I just tried an ice elementalist just to see how they start out, and while their starting spell is okay, its melee nature along with a not-so-great spell failure rate makes them slightly awkward to use. Hopefully the dungeon will be kind and give us a bow or something, because as I've learned about rogue-likes in general, melee can quickly become pain.
Crawl Melee isn't actually too painful with a little bit of skill and decent defenses, Merfolk at least make up for it on the skill part, although defenses and harming magic don't mix terribly well.

I agreed with VS since it's the 'new' race and they can do most things bar Heavy Melee pretty well. They have a faux vampirism attack and have really great regen too so they excel quite a bit in melee, and have the magic apts and MP to do any kind of magic too.

We could do a touhou theme but I'd like it if totaku actually got his touhou crawl mod working for .14 first, and we all know he's too addicted to Kancolle to do anything productive.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on May 12, 2014, 04:11:43 PM
Would it be too much of a stretch to call a vinestalker Minoriko? XD She's... vaguely fitting... maybe... Vine Stalker does seem like a cool species, and it's new, yeah. I guess I should sign up for the relay toooooo, yeah.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 12, 2014, 04:13:41 PM
You don't have to go for a touhou per se either (though naturally you can if you want). I'm kind of ok at Crawl so I can help answer any questions you have about the various options.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on May 12, 2014, 04:32:11 PM
Mechanically, VS could fit fairies imo. Glassy but can bounce back well, and good with magic and stealth. As for the no healing part, well you wouldn't expect forces of nature to heal the same way everyone else does :V

So yeah, VS Ice Elementalist Cirno? :3c
Serela you better not protect the death streak when it inevitably comes >:C
Edit: Soooo when are we starting, anyhow?
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 13, 2014, 02:59:21 PM
When you all agree to something and Totaku confirms starting it :P. Though I suppose I'd like some consensus by the 16th.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Validon98 on May 13, 2014, 03:04:19 PM
I'm fine with either the Wakasagihime suggestion or the Cirno suggestion. I'm just going to practice with both in the meanwhile so that when my turn comes along, I won't be completely clueless as to how to run an Ice Elementalist of either race. :V
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on May 13, 2014, 03:19:54 PM
I still don't get why it has to be an obligatory touhou character instead of an interesting build. We still don't have Totaku's touhou mod.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Validon98 on May 13, 2014, 03:22:10 PM
It doesn't have to be, but they're the only suggestions so far besides the VS Warper (which I'd be fine with as well, I honestly will go along with any build as long as we can decide on one) and to be honest I don't have any ideas of my own.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on May 13, 2014, 03:27:06 PM
never played IE myself, it could work I guess since it has a good melee form. Also summon Ice Beast later.

iirc the high level Ice spells got changed a bit too, although that might just be for Trunk.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Totaku on May 13, 2014, 03:53:14 PM
I still don't get why it has to be an obligatory touhou character instead of an interesting build. We still don't have Totaku's touhou mod.

Because at this point, it doesn't matter Rex. I'm slowly getting back to working on the mod. And it won't be much different from the vinnila version to a degree just more Touhoufied graphics on the most part and text.

Personally I do not mind playing as a Touhou character. Because we actually did this LONG before I started modding this.

Personal opinion though: Cirno as a vine stalker seems odd. Vine Stalker seems more like Yuuka's territory, even with the frailness. I always saw faires being more like Spriggans since they are also creatures that are attuned to nature. Plus I just can't see faires being anything but Vegiterians. But that's just me.

And I will note, I've done a Spriggan Ice elementalist before, and the results were awesome! But that was back at 0.13, never tested 0.14.

But at this point, I don't mind the suggestions you gave out.

The idea about doing Wakasagihime was because Merfolks are generally good hybrids in the long run.

So we have ATM:

Wagasagihime: Merfolk Ice Elementalist

Cirno: Spriggan or Vine Stalker Ice Elementalist

And yes Ice spells actually changed with this version. So many of the later spells are different.

If you make up your mind, I'll give UK the green light so we can get started.

Also in terms of my mod, when it gets completed, I'll probably do a Crawl run of my own later this year.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on May 13, 2014, 06:38:05 PM
Hmmm let's vote. It seems we're going for IE and I guess I'm fine with that as long as I don't have to deal with the first turn :V As for race, I'm voting for VS or Spriggan, equal weight for each.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on May 13, 2014, 06:39:27 PM
And I will note, I've done a Spriggan Ice elementalist before, and the results were awesome! But that was back at 0.13, never tested 0.14.
Spriggan mage isn't fun, it's just a needlessly hard challenge run.
>-3 Conj Apt
>-2 Ice Magic Apt
>No HP
>No Armor
It's suicidal. At least give us a race where we can use all the cool artifact helmets/gloves/boots/etc we find.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Validon98 on May 13, 2014, 07:41:45 PM
I don't want to do Spriggan if it means as IE we start with weakened Ice Magic (I checked that myself, and when I saw the weakened skill I kind of cried a little inside). So I vote for Merfolk IE/Wakasagihime.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on May 13, 2014, 07:51:32 PM
Hmm, looks like a 3 way tie (I'm seeing Totaku = Spriggan/Merfolk, Validon = Merfolk, NNR = VS, me = VS/Spriggan), so I guess I'll just agree with Merfolk to please the most amount of (other) people. Sorry NNR :V
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on May 13, 2014, 07:55:01 PM
I don't think Totaku actually voted for anything.

Merfolk IE is actually a bit too easy to do, since they have pretty ridiculously high aptitudes for ice magic and hybrid fighting, and I'd rather not make the game a total breeze.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on May 14, 2014, 02:06:57 AM
I vote for VS Warper. It sounds pretty fun. Also I do officially sign up for this (if I don't do it now you'll never be able to goad me into signing up because I'm lazy)
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Totaku on May 14, 2014, 02:33:13 PM
I didn't really vote, but if I did I would have used a Merfolk Ice elementalist because:

Keep in mind besides us veteran players, we have less experience players here too. I want to aim to give everyone the best experience with the game as possible. That way they'll play longer. In most cases if ends up being 2 or so player volleying between each other in the end. So by using a more easier race we can increase the chances others will stay in.

Merfolks are a good balanced race for this case.

Vinestalkers are kind of a glass cannon of sorts they require some understand of the game's mechanics to use properly.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 14, 2014, 02:38:12 PM
OK, I'm calling it here. You're playing MfIE. Totaku's argument is also exactly right, though I have heard that one you get a VS started, you can go pretty far with them.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on May 14, 2014, 04:59:44 PM
Oh rats. I didn't want to play a really generic combo but I guess we're stuck with it.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Totaku on May 14, 2014, 05:00:52 PM
Ok, since UK called it. I went and talked to her for a bit to see what we're going to do based on turn of order and such. So more or less, orders will be assigned based on when you signed up. Which means based on UK's list:

We will be going in the following order:


We haven't decided on a name for our merfolk Ice elementalist but I know people were leaning toward a Touhou character so is Wakasagihime ok with everyone?

If so I can use this I put together. (I will share you all file for this if you want [It's optional BTW])

Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on May 14, 2014, 05:02:23 PM
Isn't UK playing?

And yeah, I suppose the sprite is fine.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on May 14, 2014, 05:22:50 PM
Yup, that's fine. I'd like to play with the sprite, too, and a graphic mod for other things in the game would be even more appreciated!
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Validon98 on May 14, 2014, 05:49:05 PM
I'm completely fine with the sprite and the name. Of course, You're up first Totaku. Good luck with the early game (although since you're a veteran of this, it shouldn't be too bad for you unless the RNG decides that a group of monsters needs to swarm you early game... like they did right on the first floor with another practice run of mine earlier :V).
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 14, 2014, 07:17:03 PM
I'll be hopping in the order at some point. The issue is I have an FeCj guest LP on the SA Crawl thread I'm working on and I worry about overburdening myself. That said, it hasn't started yet. I suppose I'll just add myself to the list now and go after Serela.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on May 14, 2014, 10:15:40 PM
Also, I suggest that we do not worship Sif Muna. Free spellbooks and mana channeling are great and all, but that's kinda plain as a benefit, so a more interesting god would add more spice to relay run imo.
I suggest Kiku (rTorment and chance to resist sickness from Haunt sounds great for late game), Vehumet (also pretty plain, pretty much a more specific Sif Muna with no invocation involved) or Ashenzari (particularly nice if we decide to pick up Fulmination Prism later). I guess we can do Xom or the card god too, but older runs proved that to be a pretty rage-inducing train wreck, especially since Xom prefers to gift us things we DON'T have the skills to use :V

Also are we gonna do that thing where we replace gods with touhous?
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 15, 2014, 02:24:34 AM
@Raitiki: Since Totaku doesn't have his touhou mod, we will be keeping the gods as is.

Kikubaaqudgha is my evilsis and I am totes ok with going her. Though more for Death's Door, because I pull off some hilarious bullshit with Death's Door. Vehumet is good for blasting, Sif Muna I haven't tried but Channeling is pretty awesome I hear. Ash I've never gotten the hang of but I hear she's powerful. Xom is probably not a good idea. Nemelex, however, is really awesome and I'm not sure why you'd lump him in with Xom. Nemelex is basically Versatility+++.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on May 15, 2014, 02:47:17 AM
Well I did a cursory look at the cards and some of them can have some annoying effects, especially that one card in the deck of wonders that randomly rearranges Str/Dex/Int :V Though I guess our more experienced players would know how to use decks effectively so I guess Nemelex is a possibility.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 15, 2014, 02:55:52 AM
Shuffle is an extremely rare effect, and you /never/ blind draw it with Nemelex anyway. Basically, Nemelex lets you fix decks for piety. Triple Draw and Stack Five are really, really powerful.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on May 15, 2014, 02:57:27 AM
If we were using Kikublaghdablah with an Ice Elementalist then we could maybe do shenanigans with Simulacrum?

I'm the kind of person who never plays the game and then reads everything on the wiki (everything) because I don't know why
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 15, 2014, 02:59:45 AM
Oh, yeah, I forgot how good simulacrum would be on a Kiku worshipper. Definitely a thought.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Totaku on May 15, 2014, 09:27:35 PM
I thank you guys so much for the encouragement. As a token for encouraging me, I've decided to take a moment to transfer everything I've been working on from 0.13 and put it all into 0.14.

There are a few things I need to revisit and work on such as the yukkuri Kanakos that once made up the snake pits. Because there's new nagas, I need to figure out how to make them different enough for example.

So updates are likely to follow in the next few turns. So be prepared for new update as we make progress through the Dungeon of ZUN

For now, I've posted the files here. So feel free to get them.

How to put in the Graphic Mod

1. Download the file and open the zip

2. Go into your Crawl 0.14.1 Folder and locate the dat file open.

3. Locate the Tiles folder

4. Replace the Tiles folder with the tiles folder you downloaded.

5. Enjoy your small Touhou tweaked graphic mod.

How to set up Wakasagihime so she can be viewable

1. Upon starting you game press "-" this will take you to the doll creation system.

2.Go through the settings and use the up and down button to set up Wakasagihime's equipment and choose what you want viewable on what should be.
(In general, I preffer removing hair, helmet, body and leg gear, I'll leave it up to you guys but above is a screen shot to help show you my recommendation.)

3. Make sure she's set on custom and then hit escape, she's all set!

And with this I will begin my turn. I will have till Sunday at around at 5 AM to complete my work. I will write up an introduction to help give some flavor to the story just before I start the game.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 15, 2014, 09:37:52 PM
OK, Totaku says he's ready for the 72 hour timer, so I'm starting that now, as of 1800 EDT, May 15th, 2014. Totaku needs to have a post up by 1800 EDT, Sunday, May 18th, 2014
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on May 15, 2014, 10:01:57 PM
Yaaaay! All hail Totaku-sama!
I'm pretty hyped up for this! There's already a considerable pile of dead Sagi-chans in my morgue folder already :V I also found out that a ghostless run is a wonderful idea since on my first ghost encounter I realized that player ghosts apparently count as undead and ice attacks do approximately jack squat against them ;_;

Anyway, best of luck with opening the run! please find a book of air or anything of elec for me
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on May 15, 2014, 10:26:26 PM
Yeah, undead are right irritating as an IE. You basically can't go melee-less at all, and even then most of the stronger early zombies (like Wyverns) will right kick your ass.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on May 16, 2014, 01:18:54 AM
Well at least Merfolk have a cool 4 proficiency with Polearms

Or is that not that important

I may have trawled the wiki excessively but I've got very little actual ingame experience so
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on May 16, 2014, 01:27:03 AM
Yeah, it'd be best for us to find a polearm asap to use when we want to save mana. Though in my opinion, early game a weapon with a useful brand is always better, even if your race is crap at it. Still, a polearm on an IE would be nice, since if something that's not a rat, bat or hobgoblin gets into melee range you'd always prefer to spam Freeze on it, especially on reptiles.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on May 16, 2014, 01:57:03 AM
Merfolk proficiencies is why they're so boring, since the game is a breeze if you do things they're good at.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Validon98 on May 16, 2014, 03:36:46 AM
There's still the some of us who aren't good at the game and even making use of the aptitudes are going to get us killed. It might be "boring" to you, who is probably much more experienced with the game, but for others it might be still a matter of life or death like any other rougelike. Don't forget, the game can still screw you over RNG-wise, so... don't just say it'll be a "breeze." It sounds slightly elitist, at least to me.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 16, 2014, 03:55:59 AM
Yeah, gonna throw in that I've won my share of games and I'm kinda annoyed at your attitude here, NNR. Chill. MfIE isn't exactly going to be a walk in the park compared to something like MiFi or GrBe, the real "boring" options which still aren't. If you really don't want to play something "boring", I can remove you from the sign ups if you wish.

As for how apts affect things, basically, a +4 apt means it takes half as much XP to level the skill as it does at 0 Apt. This is really really good and lets you get more good skills, basically.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on May 16, 2014, 04:30:27 AM
Sorry, I've just been... really depressed and moody recently, it's been affecting my post quality and attitude.

I'll just shut up and wait for my turn then.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Pirate on May 16, 2014, 06:54:37 PM
Notapirate, elitist scumbag crawl player signing up.

Also, if gods haven't been decided yet I would like Kiku/Mahkleb/TSO for simulacra, Reliable heals on kills, Healing/MP and allies respectively. Since Merfolk would fit well as a magic warrior hybrid those three gods seem the most relevant.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Totaku on May 16, 2014, 08:46:11 PM
Before I get started with my run I thought I give you all an introduction to help spice the story up a bit and maybe explain some things and somehoe infuse the logic of Touhou and Crawl together to explain the dungeon in futher detail so without further ado let me begin the introduction!

Keep in mind my drawings are very crude since I am racing against the clock to get this done in my time frame.

Touhou Crawl: The Hunt for the Fabulous Beer of ZUN


Once upon a time, back before the Great Hakurei Border was set up. There was a man who lived in a small shrine located somewhere between the Hakurei Shrine and the Human Village. The shrine was not like most shrines as most of the time it appeared closed. Yet, someone usually went in there to spend time in complete solitude as he would meditate. That person would be the Hakurei Head Priest.

It was said priest would spend days, possibly weeks without leaving the place. Some wondered if they should even walk into the place. But those that ventured close to the shrine always felt a strange presence that made them leave soon after whether it be human or youkai.

However one day the head priest came out of the shrine one way with a bright expression on his face. Those that asked him what was going on he simply answered with this.
"I've seen a world unlike anyone had seen before. A world in which human and youkai work together and solve incidents together to see such a vision pleases me but I want to know how strong their bond truly will be.."

People wondered if the priest had lost it when he made such a statement. But none the less what the Hakurei Head Priest decided to do was gather all of his belongings and take them to the shrine where he meditated.

This would go on for a few month as he would make constant trips back and forth. Eventually on the day in which the Great Hakurei Border was to be erected. He went to his shrine one last time bringing with him a bottle and a drinking cup. He would stay within the shrine for many long hours as the dragon would come down from the sky as the youkai leaders and representatives of the humans would make the pact that would forge the Hakurei Border.

Once the border that was created in Gensokyo was finished, it wouldn't be too long afterward before some people would notice the Hakurei Head Priest's Private Shrine was no longer where it stood.... it had simply vanished, without explanation.

No one had a solid answer as to why his shrine vanished since it was within the border, now even the Hakurei Shrine Maiden (all she saw him was as a crazy old man who reeked of booze). Thought one source from a youkai suggested he chose to leave Gensokyo, but not through the regular means like most people would. The story has it he left to go to a different timeline to share his vision with the world and spread the tale that is Gensokyo...

The shrine itself, according to the youkai would return only when the time way right...

Gensokyo: Present Day

Many long years had passed since the Hakurei Border had happened. And yet in the more years alot of things had changed in Gensokyo. A new shrine maiden who currently holds the duties as the Hakurei Shrine Maiden has been involved in trying to solve incidents along with a companion of hers that was a magician. And with each incident that was solved the youkais and humans would slowly being to forge a bond that was different from what it once was long ago...

But on this very day something happened in Gensokyo....

A traveler would be making his way to the Hakurei Shrine one day. As he traveled down the path he felt a strange force and when he turned to look. He saw a build he has never seen before. He approached it and before him he saw a sign on the door. And it read the following:

Greeting to all those who come to this shrine.
If you are able to read this, then it means that the barrier that seal this place away has lifted.
I am the Hakurei Head Priest and this my private shrine.
Inside this the depths of this shrine, I have left many valuable that I will allow anyone to take with them.
Keep in mind though that out of all my treasures I leave unto you I have one gift that rest in the deepest and darkest depths of this shrine...
The Fabulous Beer of ZUN
Those that are willing and daring enough to venture into the darkest and most terrifying depths of this shrine shall be rewarded with this gift.
If the person returns with reward alive and escapes my shrine and consumes the beer, they shall be granted on wish of any desire they want.
Be warned though, the dungeon beneath this shrine does not follow the rules that Gensokyo may have established but follow it's own rules.
And in this dungeon be prepared for the worse possible cases. Where many terrifying things await within and possibly best friends may become your worst enemy.
I wish you luck on your journey if you choose to enter

The traveler would soon run back to the human village to talk about this strange new place and what the sign spoke of and before long word would spread about the Hakurei Head Shrine and the Fabulous Beer of ZUN that rest within...

Humans and youkai would soon make a rush to the Shrine in hopes of being the first to obtain this legendary artifact. But will the friendship they forge last....especially when they enter  the dungeon...

Wakasagihime's Story

On the day the shrine was discovered Wakasagihime and Kagerou were out on a stroll along the forest. As usual, Kagerou was carrying the mermaid princess with her since she had the lack of a proper way to travel.

"Thanks for taking me out on a stroll again Kagerou."
"Sure, it's not a problem princess. I know you want to see things outside of the lake so I'm usually free to take you." Kagerou said with a cheerful grin.
"Yes, it's always nice to see the world around be since Misty lake has it's limit." Wakasagi said with a laugh.

Just then Kagerou's ears perked up.

"What is it?" Wakasagi questioned.
"I hear a conversation going on just ahead. Let's go check it out!"

So the two make their way through the forest till they see two humans before them that were carrying lot of supplies and gear with them talking among themselves.

"Are we almost there?"
"Yes the shrine should be up ahead! Soon we'll be able to take home the treasures the Hakurei Head Priest left behind. Maybe if we're lucky enough we can get the Beer while we're at it!"
"Would you mind explaining to me why the beer's so important gain?"
"Don't you see? If we get the beer and take it to the surface, we can get whatever wish we want!"
"Oh yeah, It's just weird that a beer could grant such a wish"
"Relax, we need to get to it first before we can decide on what we want."

Just then one of the two men spot a build up ahead.

"There it is!! Let's get in!!"

And so the two men rushed into the temple and disappeared within.

Kagerou and Wakasagi looked at each other for a moment after hearing what the men talked about.

"So.. are they saying this priest left behind a beer that has enough magic  to grant any wish?" Kagerou asked.

"Seems like it to me."

Kagerou took a moment to look at her wrists and arms and before too long she turned her face up with determination.

"You know what? I'm going in! Princess you say here."

Kagerou places the princess down and starts making a mad dash to the shrine.

"Wait!! What about me! What if I wanted to come too!!"

"Don't worry about it princess! As soon as I come back we can discuss thing then with my new clean bo... I mean beer!" Kagurou said just before she dashed inside the shrine.

Wakasagihime was shocked to see she was left behind for once like a fish out of water and with no water nearby she realized she was going to be limited in her movement..

"What if I wanted to go in too? What if I wanted to make a wish? Did she forget I have a wish too?"

Wakasagihime realized this as she looked at her fish tail knowing how hard it is to move on land...

"I need to get into this shrine... maybe I can do it..."

She tried to see if she could fly, but due to what ever forces came from the shrine itself her flight abilities seem to have nulled out. So without much chose she dragged her fish body all the way to the shrine and managed to make it inside after what seemed like an hour...

" this is... so do.... without.... legs...."

As she tried to move through the shrine to figure out where the entrance was, a trap door open below her and she fell in and slid down until she crashed into a dark room.

"Ouch! What kind of shrine is this?!"

As she tried to look at her surroundings when suddenly a spirit came up before her....

"Greetings Mermaid... and the Dungeon of ZUN....I am the spirit of the ancestor of the Hakurei Head Priest"

"What? How can there be a dungeon below the shrine?!"

"Mermaid... what have you come here for.....state your answer"

Wakasaghime looked up at the sprite as answered unto it.... "I've come to seek the Fabulous Beer of ZUN which is said to rest down here."

"Very well...." the spirit said "...then I will make your journey easier for you...."

The spirit begin to grow a strange color and Wakasagihime looked down below her fish tail as it suddenly split before her and transformed into 2 human legs....
"I have human legs?! This is what I've always wanted!" Wakasagihime said with excitement.

"Keep in mind mermaid... this is only temporary and for the dungeon... you can also revert back to your fish tail when in water....but once you leave from here... unless you have the beer you will return to your normal form and... will forget this place existed...."

Wakasagihime looked at her feet as she tried to stand up on them.

"So... if I get the beer I can wish to have human legs I can keep?"

"Yes you may....", said the spirit "but before you go.... take this...."

A book fell in front of Wakasagihime

"Since your.... now in the dungeon... the rules of Gensokyo do not apply here... so you magic from out there is no good..... you must relearn it in here...."

Realizing the situation she was in Wakasaghime decided that she had to now venture into the depth of the Dungeon of ZUN in hopes of obtaining the Fabulous Beer of ZUN.


And thus....Wakasagihime's adventure begins here....

I will be writing up a report on my run come after I complete it. I will be doing the run tonight on stream sometime around 1:15-1:45 AM EST. So I will post a link up at the bottom of this post when I edit it.

Edit: And we are live! So come join!

And Stream is  over! I will a post the report in a new post.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on May 16, 2014, 09:48:46 PM
Aw dang, that's around when I'd be sleeping. Does whatever you use to stream allow you to keep a recording of it up so other people can view it later?
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Totaku on May 17, 2014, 06:16:06 AM
Aw dang, that's around when I'd be sleeping. Does whatever you use to stream allow you to keep a recording of it up so other people can view it later?

Yes, I plan to save the recording and I'll post it if neessary in case you all want to look over what I did in my run. As of now I posted the stream back in my previous post. Since I am starting now.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on May 17, 2014, 04:46:50 PM
By the way, is there an IRC channel or something where we can hang around and give tips to the current person playing? Since apparently half of us is either new or rusty and could use the advice, and I know I need someone to pull my leash when I get too reckless :V
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on May 17, 2014, 08:14:17 PM
Try #touhoucon on PPIrC, it's where Akitten, Pirate, Totaku, and me can all be found.

EDIT: Totaku aaagagagagagaghhhh you didn't set skills!
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Totaku on May 17, 2014, 08:57:29 PM
I generally hang out at #touhoucon on, but I know there's a more appropriate location called #maidenhack where these kind of things are discussed.

As far as I'm concerned you can come to either place and I'll be there. (preferably #touhoucon)

Anyways, Wakasagihime's run is done! So now it's fill you in on Wakasagihime's story thus far...

Floor One: The Adventure begins

Besides what was present on the first floor at the entrace Wakasagihime ventured through the first floor. It turned out that what Wakasagihime would find on that floor was strangely....uneventful. Very few things were on the ground there.

She picks of a few scrolls on the floor as wonders what she's going to find down here.

"This place seems very quiet to me..."

Just then however, some came crawling around the corner of the corridor.

It was a rat...

"I suppose I can try testing my magic on this."

As soon as Wakasagihime touches the rat, the freezes solid as it becomes frozen in ice before falling over.

"This might come in handy actually."

So with that the mermaid decided to venture around a bit. Before long she confronted something else different...

a short little stubby creature in brown skin that dressed in rugged clothes...
A goblin!

"Don't I remember seeing these things running around that red mansion that's just outside of my home? They awfully familiar!"

Needless to say the goblin was not willing to talk and came after Wakasagihime with his dagger. However the mermaid found some darts next to her, picked them up and started throwing them at the goblin.

She soon as the goblin came up next to Wakasagihime she touches the creature and freezes him to death.

"I'll take that!"
The mermaid snatches the dagger from the now dead goblin's hand.
"This might acutually become useful! I'll keep it for now."

With that, she takes the dagger and started chopping up the goblin into edible chunks...

"I get the feeling this dungeon is going to be pretty big... so I might need something to eat on the way..."

As she continued the first floor she confronted a taller lankier goblin.

This of course was the hobgoblin. The taller and slightly meaner cousin of the goblin. They're generally not threatening, but if you are under prepared (which Wakasagi wasn't) they can be troublesome.

Needless to say this was easy pickings for the mermaid.

Besides that she ran into a few other strange things in the first floor...
Giant newts...
Packs of Jackles....

But really... nothing too threatening.... this floor has very little to offer.

The mermaid would however find stairs that went further down...
"I guess I should go deeper within... it may be the only way I'm going to find the beer of ZUN"

And so she descends down to the second floor...

Floor 2: It's only going to get worse...

As Wakasagihime enters the second floor she noticed how things were beginning to slowly become different as she continued her adventure.

She goes and collects her belonging and finds a set of javelins. (which she might have gotten back on floor 1)

"I think I'll need these."

Before too long she came across something different.

A Remillia yukkuri! These little yukkuri are fast and frail. So at best they're annoying. Thankfully this one was asleep with onr quick stab...


It died... and became Wakasagihime's next meal.
Then Wakasagihime confronted a sleeping Gnoll.

Gnolls are dangerous since they usually come in groups and are usually armed with polearms and in some occasion have throwing nets. Obviously we're going to avoid them for now and fight them later...

Wakasagihime later came across a strange alter covered in skulls...
It was the Alter of Orin (Kiku)
Choosing to worship her would mean being able to summon corpses and develop necromatic immunities and possible protection from torment and so forth... but personally this is probably not Wakasagihime's forte so she ignored the alter and moved onward...

She soon came up to fight against a giant mite
These things are not tough but they can be annoying mainly due to the fact they can poison you with thier bites. By this point Wakasagihime has learned throw Frost which allows her to throw ice magic farther away hitting her enemies from the distance.

Wakasagihime later found a strange room that consisted of gear and inside of it were a batch of kobolds.
Generally kobold are not threatening on thier own, but on occasion they can have equipment and throwing weapons like darts and sometime blowguns with poison needles.
Keep in mind you can't eat them because they're poisonous.
One of the kobold had a poisonous dagger which she managed to poison but she successfully killed it before she could get too damaged.
(Hint: in this version, poison will show how much HP you will loose over a period of time. Keep in mind though, that if your bar is yellow all the way through that's an indicator you'll loose all your HP (give or take that you'll regenerate HP as you go. So you might get some green. But if the situation gets ugly ALWAYS use a potion of curing to remove the poison)

So with this the mermaid walked out with a poison dagger and some gloves that she is now equipped with!
Eventually she found a special spear and decided to equip it.. it was a spear of piercing!

Basiclly this spear doesn't do much different from normal spears, but it can deliver extra damage to enemies which Wakasagihime needs.

Explantion about Spear based weapons: Spear and other kinds of poll arms are notable because they have the abilitiy to reach farther than normal weapons. Most spears are capable of attacking enemies from 2 tiles away allowing you some space between you an your enemy. To top it off, mermaids like Wakasagihime here are VERY GOOD at using spears, which means having her train in this feild will allow her to eventually attack faster more efficiently with proper training. So she can be leveled up in her spear skills much quicker compared to most units.

She also confronted an adder which are pretty fast snakes that can also bite and poison you, but ice magic work effectively on them.
(Hint: Any creature that's cold blooded can be slowed down using ice magic (most paticular freeze) on them resulting in them becoming easier to fight against.)

And eventually she decided to take a short against the gnolls... to her surprise there were actually two groups close together consisting of 7-8 gnolls in total... so the only thing she could do was lore them out in slow numbers and pick them off gradually.

Eventually she got to fighting the gnoll with the halberd but she got stuck in a nasty situation once...
When fleeing... you NEVER want to get stuck between a pack of enemies because it'll spell your own doom if you're not careful. Thankfully bats fly randomly.. so the remilia yukkuri moved out of the way allowing for Wakasagihime to move to a better position to get the advantage on the gnoll.
And thus the gnoll was killed allowing for Wakasagihime to take his Halberd with her.

"This is starting to get more intense I see and I'm only two floors in... no wonder why  the spirit told me the rules of Gensokyo do not apply here... everyone after each others' blood! It's a terrifying war zone in here...just for a bottle of beer."

Wakasagihime begin to ponder about the dangers of this dungeon as she explored and found another set of stairs going down...

"I can only fear what I'll run into next..."

She proceeds down the stairs...

Floor 3:Urameshiya!
This floor looked like a series of rooms.... with multiple paths that lead to more rooms...

As the mermaid explored she came across a gap on the floor.
"I'm glad I didn't step in it, I have no idea what it might do."
 (Telepotation traps: Simple traps that when you step in them will randomly teleport you somewhere in the dungeon floor, while they may be resourceful they can also be potentially dangerous on unexplored maps such as this one. These can be nulled out if you have stasis.)
Eventually Wakasagihime found a strange room.... it was a cave full of bats... but not of the usual sorts. They were bats that were strange in thier own ways.
There were bats that were fat, bats that were small, bats the could shift through time and space, bats made of ice, bats made of leather, bats that were well past thier expiration date! It has everything!

There was only one thing to do... cue the BATMAN SONG (!
The bats would fall one by one as Wakasagihime swatted them down...eventually she managed to take out all the bats, but there was nothing notable about this she pressed onward...

It wouldn't be long until she encountered someone she didn't expect...
(Pay no heed to the "Sigmund" above her name for she's not Seigmund)

When Wakasagihime turned to see who said it she spotted a girl dressed in light blue carrying an umbrella.
"Did I surprise you? Possibly even scare you?" said the girl in light dress questioned.

"I know if I was really surprised by that honestly, but you surely stand out in the dungeon that's for sure. Do I remember you seeing you come by my lake at one point?"
Wakasagihime asked the girl.

"Perhaps, but I'm not usually fond of surprising fish, they're way too easy to surprise. But you on the other hand..."
The girl takes her umbrella and waves it around breifly as the tounge that comes out of it begins to take the form of a sharp curve blade....
"...seem to be much harder to scare compare to normal fish...."
Wakasagihime begin to step back as the girl begin to slowly approach her...
"I am Kogasa Tatara, the Karasara who is the master of surprise! If I can't scare you easily... then I shall scare you.... TO DEATH!

Kogasa is pretty dangerous to fight early on, mainly because she has a wide range of deadly spells that can incapacitate an adventurer very quickly... She can turn invisible, she can throw flames, magic darts and can confuse you! These combination are known to kill many early adventuers before they get started.

"I don't have for this, I need to get out of her and look for another direction!"

Wakasagihime fled and escaped from Kogasa and returned back upstairs and went down another flight of stairs to another place on the 3rd floor.

Kogasa mainly found lots of potions and scrolls here and the only notable thing she found was a worker ant.
Worker ants are fast and slightly tougher, plus they can poison you, but thankfully they're edible.

Thankfully Wakasagihime did not confront Kogasa again and learend Letty's Armor (Ozucobu's Armor) and Condensation Sheild.

They spells allow Wakasagihime to create a protecting film of armor and sheild out of ice... it's great to add protection from damage, but it's vunerable to fire and it will melt away in due time (much fast if hit by flames.)

She desends down to the next floor...

Floor 4: The Cat, The Rainbow Spenders, and the Kobold Slave Driver

Wakasagihime attempted to try to go down but found her surrounded and attempted to move to another place to see if she can make some progress.

She was able to make some head way when she confronted something different...

It was a cat...
Natasha: Natasha is a feild type unique that appears early in the game. She fasts and quick and can case various spells like magic darts, slow and summon imps. What make her troublesome is if she summons imps because she can surrounder heself with meat shields very quickly while she continues to pelts you with magic.

Wakasagihime readies her ice magic and fights the cat be freezing it...

The cat dies before her... but then Wakasagihime hers a raspy voice....

" die....yet......"
The catch to Natasha is that like any cat, she has nine lives... She's wasted 7 of them as of right now... so she's been brought back to life somewhere in this dungeon floor. In order to completely kill her she need to be killed to more times....

There was also Blork the Orc.... but he's not that threatening.... he was killed easily.

Wakasagihime continued to explored the dungeon till she found a door. She attempts to open it only to find it open it's mouth and bite down on her hand!
It was a Door Mimic!!

Mimics come in different varairities, but thankfully this is the weakest version of the mimics. So what Wakasagihime did was freeze the door until she broke apart.

Once again she finds Natasha and freezes the cat one more

The cats dies once more....

"I die....."

Wakasagihime realize the cat must still be alive...

She continues to explore hoping to find the more things, but she only finds more trouble.
First she finds the Alter of Mamizou (Nexluem) The Trickster god who is the master of the cards. Having her would mean you'll be using cards for most of your battles...

She also confront a batch of orcs, an orc preist and a phantom.

Orcs are pretty garden varairty enemeis, usually come armed and armored.
Orc preists on the other hand are troublesome because they tend to use the power of Byakuren's Divine Power (Brough) to smite thier enemies from the distance.

Phantoms on the other hand are harder to fight since they are undead...and because Ice Elementalist users don't perform well again the undead we have to perform a differentv method to fight them. Basiclly Ice Armor and Ice Sheild + use spear of piercing and melee them.

Before she could really prepare for it though she got surrounded really fast.
By Natasha, orcs, goblin, gnolls and an adder.

"This is getting too dangrerous! I need to get out of here!!"

She attempted to flee while taking out take the adder and Natasha!

Natsha finally falls and the vengful spirit of the cat now vanishes leaving behind a dry corpse and some potions which Wakasaghime picks up and runs as she continues to escape from the horde of enmies before her.

She find an escape hatch and kills off a few orcs before fleeing upstairs and find a set of stairs to return down...

Eventually she find the pack and kills them off and the find a human bounded in chains....
It appears to be a human slave, and he seems to be under a spell as he attempts to come after Wakasagihime and attempts to kill her. She had no choice but to kill the slave and eat his corpse. But before too long she find the slave driver..

"Who here killed on of my valuable wares? Was it you?"

Before the mermaid could answer the Kobold pulled out his whip...

"You don't look like a normal human, I bet I could fetch a valuable price if I can tame you.... my fellow salve capture this wench so I can put her up for sale!"
Pikel: A kobold slave driver who mainly captures humans and sells them off as slaves. He usually has an elemental whip that can do some form of damage. And almost always has a pack of slave near him at all times. If he's seperated from his slaves it becomes easier to fight him, but he still by no means a push over.

Wakasagihime attempted to freeze Pikel and keep her distance from him until he got closer. Eventually she started to use freeze as she was next to him. His slaves were coming closer as she continued to fight him but before the slaves could arrive. Wakasagihime was able to deliver the final blow to Pikel.

"To think... I was killed by this stupid wench.... All I wanted was make money off from you...."

With his dying breath the kobold falls to the ground and the slave suddenly wake up from thier deep trance...
"What happened.... have we finally been freed?!"

"Yes, I do not think he will be controling you anymore." The mermaid nodded.

The freed slaves bow before her as they thank her for releasing them from thier cursed lives and then flee out of the dungeon....

Wakasagihime assess what has been going on in the dungeon as she thinks to herself.

"There's so much I could accomplish if I just had legs.... and I'm begining to see this now. But yet this dungeon has so many terrible things going on in it. I wonder what in store for me here I get the feeling I have no seen the worst of it yet..."

For Wakasagihime, her has only begun and she has only taken her first few steps into the Dungeon of ZUN. Many more terrible things await her down the road... it'll only be a matter of time before she begins to see what they are... for now... she take a moment to rest and eat a pear while she gets ready for her next move...

Time take: One hour
Turns taken: 5500

My advice:
I want to remind you that Kogasa is STILL ALIVE up in floor 3 of the dungeon. So tread up there only if you think you can fight her otherwise don't pay much attention to her for now.

Wakasagihime is hungry so try to get deeper into the dungeon and get some food. She's pretty limited on food ATM so she's only get so far with it. Try to get corpses instead.

Keep in mind I have: A dagger of poison, a spear of pericing, and a halberd. Make use of them.
As for spells: Freeze, Throw frost, Letty's Armor, and Condensation Sheild. Make use of those and make sure you have food because the later spells can consume her appetite.

That's is for here! If you want to see the fortage from the run you can go here

And the file for Wakasagihime is in the attachment below.

Download it and put it in the save folder so you can continue your Wakasagihime's journey into THE DUNGEON OF ZUN!

Good luck! You will need it Raitika!

Also forgot, I'm still playing so sign me up again
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on May 17, 2014, 09:14:08 PM
Raitaki, pick up one of those tridents on the floor, it's better then a spear.

Also make sure to pick a god and learn Summon Ice Beast, which is pretty powerful
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on May 17, 2014, 09:30:52 PM
Alright, time for me to get rolling!
Now before I start, do you guys think we should just pick Kikuorin as our deity? We already found an altar, and if we decide to worship her we can get started on the piety right away.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on May 17, 2014, 09:41:15 PM
Now before I start, do you guys think we should just pick Kikuorin as our deity?
I think we should, yeah. I see a glorious future of simulacrum, which if we're lucky is even gifted to us in the second spellbook Kiku grants.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on May 18, 2014, 12:23:39 AM
Greetings, greetings! Here?s your friendly neighborhood electricity nut, Raitaki! Today, let?s turn our sights to the merry adventures of a certain mermaid we all probably know, and guide her to horrible ends creative and unusual dilemmas the ultimate goal, the Beer of ZUN!

( ?Whoa, who?s there??

No one much, just consider me a helpful patron spirit! Have some guidelines on how to keep me happy:

+ Raitaki likes it when you should have died. Raitaki likes it when you make good use of Air magic. Raitaki especially likes it when you kill things in creative novel ways!
+ Raitaki dislikes it when you consort with the pesky ?good? deities. Raitaki especially dislikes it if you let him enter a withdrawal of electric death raining upon your enemies!

Any questions?

( happens if I can?t rain electric death on anything??

Well, then tough luck!


So anyway, we continue where Totaku left off on D:4, at lv8 after killing the kobold slaver Pikel. On the stream I?ve noticed he didn?t set skills at all, so let?s have a look:


Ouch, enough exp leaked off into Stealth to level it up once, and some also went into Fighting too. We don?t need those just yet, turning ?em off. Looking at our spell list, I decide we?d want more reliability on Summon Ice Beast and Throw Icicle as our main means to deal with strong undead from afar, so I prioritize Spellcasting (which is always good to raise!) and Ice Magic.

Neko suggested we use a trident, and we have unfinished business with Kogasa upstairs, so let?s grab a blowgun and some darts, and a trident and head up!


Curses! This could mean two things: either it?s hidden under a corpse (I?ve heard that can hide items from search), or a kobold got to it first. Whatever, let?s get that trident for now.
Yep, found it on a kobold skeleton. Blowgun and 7 poisoned darts get! And a trident!


Kogasa spotted!

( might also be here for the Beer of ZUN...wouldn?t it be better to offer to team up instead??

Naah, it is impossible to find any real person from Gensokyo down here with you. Anyone you see are just soulless facsimiles of others who failed. And so, en garde!


Well that was easy. That?ll teach ?em not to mess around with our brave little fish!

( a mermaid.?



This is a good opportunity, so we also go upstairs and pledge our allegiance to Kikuorin and her necromantic commandments! Then, back to the descent!


(, it?s the phantom from before!?

Damn, it turns out Totaku didn?t finish it off after all. Time for some ghost busting!
The phantom is quite the annoying foe for low-level characters. It?s quite durable and can considerably hurt, and worst of all it?s immune to poison and loves to blink around a lot, too. Luckily all the random blinking also means it?s easy to escape it if you dance around a small block of wall until it blinks out of sight, then immediately leave. It does give good experience though, so let?s get it!


Victory! Onwards to the next floor!



Oh, a gnoll fort? Interesting, this would be my first time running into one. Unfortunately we don?t have any crowd control just yet and I expect there to be heaping mounds of gnolls in there, we?ll hold off entering it until we clear the rest of the floor and get a rank or two on Polearms.


(, what is that thing??

Ah, a sky beast! A flying creature that does electricity damage, and can occasionally turn invisible. Not too shabby, but not too dangerous either. Regardless, it?d be nice if we can somehow keep one as a pet. It has mutagenic meat, which is usually our earliest source of mutations in a run. Which it did not drop this time. Oh well.
Also, I realized I didn?t actually pick Yes at the Kikuorin altar like a derp, and rush back down to do so ;_; But on the way...


(! This thing is tough! My trident?s not denting it much, and I don?t think my ice spells would do much, either! Time to scra-?

Nope, none of that! Running is for cowards, fairies and cutthroats! You have poison, now is a good time to use it!


( hate you so much.?

Aw, there?s still time to get used to your hatred. Resume poking it with a stick!


(, fly, fly, good Fleance! Thou mayst revenge ? o slave!?

Augh what? How did that thing jump from zero damage per hit to woosh half my health bar? Seriously is Condensation Shield secretly uber badass but gets far less so as it goes away or something?


Aaaanyway, I predictably died to my stupid recklessness, as usual :V I guess we should stay away from stuff that has the resistances to deal with us until we learn Summon Ice Beasts with a reliable success rate then.

Sign me up again!
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 18, 2014, 02:30:09 AM
Ah ha ha, that was fast. Let me update the OP.

Running is probably one of the best things a Crawl player can learn :P. Also Ice Beasts are rPois~.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on May 18, 2014, 04:37:00 AM
Oh geez, I have the worst headache... I wonder why...

Oh, oh no.

Oh hell no.

I have to play Crawl, that's why.

Well, darn. I guess I might as well get this over with.

We start our adventure where Totaku last left off, somewhere dumb in the dungeon. Since Raitaki had some good ideas, I think I'll follow up on those....

Ah, and there is the blowgun, in the possession of some damn gnolls three feet away. I hate gnolls, and hopefully I won't run into a castle like Raitaki did.

Go Kiku, get a trident, get some Leather Armor (god damn it, it's cursed), we're all good here.

But WAIT, we have 4 open spell slots!

You know what that means? Time to learn the BEST SPELL IN THE WHOLE GOD DAMN GAME.

AWWWW YEAH, THIS IS THE BEST. Summon Ice Bros is without a doubt the best thing an Ice Wizardess Mermaid can get.
It's not very castable at the moment, but by setting skills to Polearms and Ice Magic only, we'll be pimpin' with Ice Bros erry day.

Oh, and I ran into that Phantom again. He died.

Now, onto floor 5!

No enemies to start is always a good sign.


One of the first things I find is a shiny new wand. Wands are cool because they're free ranged attacks, basically. Wand of Fire is kinda strong. The only downside is that each wand has so many uses, and you have to be good at evocations to know exactly how many. I'll keep some around, although I likely won't use them.

Continuing on...
Oh, here's a new enemy. It's Koakuma. One of the first demons Waggy Saggy will probably run into. Koakumas are obnoxious because they regen fast and blink around and are generally little jerks, but they're weak to ice, so they die pretty fast.

This appears to be the main feature of the floor. It's an altar to Mahkleb (Marisa), apparently. Mahkleb is an evil god who likes demons and blowing things up. BLOOD FOR THE BLOOD GOD!

Oh, cripes, some really annoying enemies I run into next.

Rumia over there is another demon. This one spams pain spells and is another pushover, but the real threat here is the Jelly.
Jellies are horrible little enemies that corrode your equips and weapons. Best to hit it with rocks or magic. Thankfully I did just that without trouble.

Oh nice, I found a cloak. Cloaks are cool, more AC is more... uh... it's good, okay?
+2 enchantment too! NICE!

Anyway, that's it for Floor 5. Next up...

Oooooh! Floor 6 appears to have a portal vault in it somewhere.

Portal Vaults are a special minibranch of the dungeon you can find and conquer for sweet loot, but you have to find it quick or else you won't be able to visit it at all.

Wandering around, I find...
Ah, a shop. Staple of RPGs everywhere.
In Crawl, you can only buy stuff in shops, not sell but there's usually something nice for sale, as long as you have enough gold.
This shop has a bunch of jewelry for sale. You can find that sort of thing on the ground, but with shops you know what you're getting. The best stuff here is the amulets and a couple rings. +5 protection is nice, but the ring of the Mage is an amazing find. I can't buy it, but I can put it on my shopping list so I'll be able to buy it easily when I have the dough.
I also bought an Amulet of Inaccuracy just to know what it looks like (24 gold is pocket change, better then wearing it later accidentally). Don't put this on though, all it does is make foes hard to hit.

A Eirinkurri, yikes. These jerks have bows and will make you a pincushion if you don't melee them. Thankfully, they're pushovers in hand-to-hand combat. Just gotta sneak up on it and...

Uh oh, the Aki sisters. A couple of jerk uniques. One's a mage and the other is a melee, and together they're kinda strong. Better retreat a bit.

Well, I lured one of them over. Aki? The other one? I can never remember which is which. Whatever, they're dead. She had a neat dagger though, so I should just pick it up and...
Ah, she doesn't look very happy I killed her sister. Crap.
Hell, she picked up the dagger. It's one of the most annoying kinds to deal with too. Getting hit with that will drain my XP, which isn't fun.
She's so mad she caught up to me fast. Can't run away... ugh...
Ah, it wore off, and she's slow now! RUN! RUN FOR YOUR LIFE! You'll pay for this embarassment!!!

Going back down another staircase, I do find a shiny new ring. It's some cursed thing though, so whatever. I'll deal with it later.

Huh. Another shop.
It's a general store with some decent stuff, but I'll save my money for that ring.

A scorpion! Yikes! These buggers have some nasty poison attacks, so kill 'em quick.

Hey look, an altar to Flandre (Xom) and a wand! Flandre is the god of randomness, so that wand is for sure a Wand of Randomness as well.
...And another store.
A scroll shop. Pass.

Next we run into a Goliath Beetle. These guys are super slow, so I can just poke them from far away with my trident. No big deal.
He did level us up though. Cool! Get more Intelligence!

And YET ANOTHER shop. Geez, they're all over this floor. This one is full of food, which probably isn't useful but it might be if we somehow eat all that we have.

I finally found the source of that sand, and a Yuyukokurri (screw you cursor)
Those enemies aren't very painful to kill, but when they hit they make you really hungry, which is obnoxious. After killing it and a few other undead, we enter an Ossuary!

Just look at all that loot waiting for us to collect. Ossuaries are full of zombies and mummies, who are kind of hard to kill as our class, but thankfully they shouldn't be too hard.
It's also chock full of traps, which are annoying but zombies can't open doors, so we can just sit and heal as we deal with it and go through.
The guards of the treasure! Mummies! Mummies are irritating undead that curse your stuff when you kill them. They also hit hard and like all undead, laugh at your ice magic. However, they don't expect me to unleash the ICE BROS!
Ice Bros are overpowered and will help you kill everything. Now that I can cast it easily, I can just kill them and get alllll that sweet, sweet loot.

More gnolls. Even more hilariously, Ice Bros act as a meat wall, and since we use polearms we can just reach over our Ice Bros and puncture our unwary losers from afar.

So we meet again, Aki sister. You may have beat me last time, but can you handle me AND my army of Ice Bros?

This floor is bloody huge so far. Now we run into another unique, Prince Ribbit.
Prince Ribbit is a Blink Frog, which are terrible enemies that do lots of damage and teleport all over the place like the jerks they are. They normally travel in packs, but Ribbit is just a singular really tough blink frog.
But frogs are also cold blooded...
So he's slow and very killable with our ice magic. Whoops.

He was guarding ANOTHER bloody shop. Seriously?
This one is full of books, most of which are Blasty Magic but not Ice Magic. The book of battle is pretty cool though, so I'll add it to the shopping list.

That's finally the end of the floor, so onto Floor 7.
A floor where I can come down the stairs and not be surrounded by Orc Priests is always a good floor.

First thing I run into is an enemy Ice Bro. Unfortunately enemy Ice Bros are hard to kill since they're immune to my magic, and poison. My Ice Bros can deal with him, though. What's more interesting is that he's guarding a glaive. A very decent two-handed polearm, definitely an improvement over that halberd we're lugging around, and even our trident. Gimmie gimmie!

Oh no! An ogre! These enemies have huge clubs and will make you a wet mess on the dungeon floor if they get a couple hits in! However they're also not very hard to kill from afar since they have no evasion. It's all ogre for you, buddy!

Next I find...
These stairs lead into the Temple, which is full of altars to various gods (which reminds me, I never actually started worshiping Kiku. Oops!). There's no Kiku altar in there, though, since we already found one.

Continuing on, I run into a bear.
Bears aren't very deadly, but they do sometimes run away when you hit them enough times, and other times they go bearserk and give you some killer attacks.

I also run into a necrophage, a strange intelligent undead that eats corpses. They're constantly rotting, so it's no fun to get hit by them and lose your valuable Max HP. Resists ice as all undead, but that won't stop Ice Bros.

Another wand... and ugh, I suddenly remember that cursed ring I had on. Geez, no wonder I'm so hungry. Time to read some scrolls to get it off. While I'm at it, I'll ID some potions.
Uncurse scrolls are kinda common, so I'll try the most common scrolls first...

Enchant item. A nice find, but nothing decent to use it on. Ugh.
Fucking teleport (god damn it), Blink (really?), magic mapping (at least I have a few of these, they're useful for finding portal vaults), immolation (oh shit), random uselessness (bloody hell, where is uncurse?!?), enchant weapon I, and FINALLY an uncurse scroll.

The wizard exploded thanks to immolation. Good thing I wasn't too close, or it would have hurt. His friends don't look too happy that his buddy got gibbed, though. Be careful who you immolate.

Now then, the potions we ID'd:
Awesome! We got Beneficial Mutation! This guarantees we have a good mutation from quaffing. It also makes Mutation Roulette more risky if we do it, but if this is good enough I don't think we'll even want to try that...
YES! Robust! This is an extremely good mutation that gives us more HP! Extremely valuable to us.

That was finally Floor 8. This will likely be the last floor, given time constraints.

(, yikes yikes yikes! Orcish warriors aren't anything like their pushover friends! They're really tough and will wallop you a good one!
Ouch! Crap! Run away! Run away! Run...
(Fuck yeah Ice Bros)

Next we run into the Spriggan Baker. Spriggans are annoying tiny little shits that dodge everything except Freeze because you can't dodge freeze. He had a whole lotta bread which is nice because that Ring of Hunger made me eat all my other bloody food.

Next I run into a Floating Eye. These are dangerous enemies that can paralyze you. They can't do anything else, so alone they're harmless, but among a group they're killer.
It was guarding a Ring of Wizardry! NICE! This will make spamm- casting Ice Bros repeatedly even easier!

Unfortunately it wasn't too far from some invisible foe! These are probably Lurking Horrors, which are very dangerous enemies like bats, but invisible and tougher. They aren't hard to run from most of the time, but if you're unlucky it'll probably chase down and kill you because it's a lot faster then you. The only way to deal with these is something that overcomes invisibility or a suicidal insistence on trying to kill it in a corridor. Even Ice Bros are worthless against their might.

But I managed to retreat, and it appears that's the last thing interesting I found.


So it's been about 5400 turns, and I'm done with Floor 8, so I'm ready to pass on the save to the next guy in line.

Some stuff:
-Start training Necromancy when you can (you might be able to now, just by worshiping Kiku), because you'll have enough Ice Magic by now to last you until you find a better book. I forgot to worship Kiku until real late in my turn, so he'll start handing you some nice Necromancy tools soon enough to use.
-Feel free to use those wands as much as you want. Ice Bros will easily kill any Hydras in Lair, so we shouldn't have much to worry about saving wands for at this point.
-Keep an eye on how much gold we have. there's a whole lot of shit we can buy, and it'll be useful the sooner we can buy stuff. If you find a scroll of acquirement, I heavily recommend asking for gold and going on a shopping spree. Books and Jewelry will be this girl's best friends. Some of the scrolls up for sale aren't too bad to get either
-The next person will likely find Lair. Make sure to dump any spare crap after the Lair entrance to save us some inventory space. We don't need to be carrying around our book or enchantment scrolls everywhere with us. We don't need to constantly have 6 potions of might handy either.
-While you're at it, don't delve too far down into the dungeon, do Lair first.
-⑨20 spam Ice Bros erry day
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 18, 2014, 06:34:48 PM
As a note, I have slightly modified the 5,000 player turn rule so it's 50,000 auts, which is 5000 turns on the HUD. The %/E screen will show a different number because that's basically literally how many actions you taken.

This doesn't actually change anything for anyone because everyone has been using the HUD turncount.

This probably seems confusing but it's functionally no different. Basically, old relays were based on Player turns, which is straight up number of actions regardless of action delay. So a 10,000 turn (and 100,000 aut) game might show as having 10,200 turns because of a lower move delay, a lower weapon delay, or any number of things. What I've changed is that now we're explicitly using the HUD count (Everything before the .x, so something like 10,911.3 turns is 10,911 turns for the purposes of the relay.). Auts are just 1/10th of a turn, and the most precise measure, and aren't really relevant besides using the proper Crawl language.

Edit: Also, Validon has until Tuesday, 05/20/2014, at 11:30 PM EDT to post his update.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Validon98 on May 18, 2014, 11:59:59 PM
Next person can go from here. I almost finished my turn... and then died due to overconfidence. And if I hadn't died stupidly, the next person would have been going strongly with necromancy and everything.

I'll write my update soon enough. I also want to stay onboard, but damnit if I don't feel stupid for having died right as the end of my turn was approaching.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on May 19, 2014, 12:27:32 AM
OH BOY time to remember how to play this game

step 1.Download Crawl

step 2.Oh god what do all these buttons do again

step 3.Pray to skull god that I don't die horribly

(I'm going to use puush for images because it's easier than imgur, so a month after no one's looked at my post all the images will break, but that's probably not a big deal)
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Validon98 on May 19, 2014, 12:30:25 AM
So here's my adventures through the beginnings of the Lair, before dying like a complete idiot.


Where NNR left off, we were just about to head to the next level.


Said next level is pretty shiny looking and stuff.


I'd be afraid of these orcs if it weren't for the power of Ice Beasts. Scary, aren't they?


And the entrance to the Lair of Beasts.


After dropping off some stuff we probably won't need, in we go!


And the beginning. It looks pretty wild down here.


They die real easily, though.


Oooooh, a second ring of wizardry! Yay magic.


We also pick up a book of Cantrips, which let's us learn Animate Skeleton. Said spell lets you animate skeletons from corpses which fight for you. You can have as many skeletons as you want, unlike Ice Beasts, but they can't follow you across floors. This will be our first major foray into the art of Necromancy.


AND OUR FIRST SKELETON IS... a green rat. Eh, better than nothing, I suppose?


Black mamba skeletons are nice too. Black mambas themselves are pretty dangerous and can poison you like most other snakes, but Ice Beasts can take care of them.


Uh-oh, a basilisk. They can petrify you as usual. Thankfully, most of my encounters with them involved me having a giant army of skeletons that were nicely able to take the petrification for me.


And the basilisk can join said undead army.




We make it to the next floor of the Lair, which has an entrance to the Volcano. Sadly, I don't find it, although it was recommended to finish the Lair first, so I would have probably not gone there anyways.


Oh hey a wand.


Could be useful.


Oh hey Iku. Ikus can shoot electric blasts at you. One of them later nearly killed me that way.


Yeah yeah, the entrance to the volcano is collapsing.


Whoa, teleport trap. Thankfully we noticed that before getting warped away from our nice army of allies.


Yikes, close to burdened already? We're going to have to be careful in that case.


Another wand, which is nice if we need backup ice magic from our own.


This could also be useful.


And a shark. These things are tough, but since they stay in water you can sidestep them. I kill it anyways, but it left me hurting a little.


And now I don't have to worry about those rock messages interrupting resting periods.


I find it funny the snake can't just slither through the very obvious gap between the fungus and the door. I mean, do fungi really take up THAT much room?


We mainly gain the ability to summon corpses, which lets us animate some skeletons in a pinch if we lack corpses to do so. We also get...


A book of Necromancy! I wasn't sure what to memorize, though, so I let it be for the time being.


And Lair 3F.


Ikus hurt a bit.


So many rats. Too bad for them, I have Ice Beasts.


There's a fire drake over there, which isn't good because my Ice Beasts will die really easily to them. Fortunately, it wasn't too hard. Neither was the black bear up top.


And there's Lannar/Letty, an elfen Ice Elementalist who starts out with the ice armor spell active. A blast from one of our wands of fire negates that, and the rest is simple.


I laugh at you, Letty. I LAUGH.


And down for the count.


I also get my very own personal Lannar! Unfortunately I forgot to take the equipment before animating the skeleton, but eh.


I also got overconfident and died to a small group of enemies. I don't know how, it just went like "whoops, your health is now all gone!"

And that pretty much sums up what happened. I was very, very close to finishing off the turn and getting ready to pass on the file, and now I feel like all that which I did has gone to waste because I was stupid. Hopefully the one next up will be able to get Animate Skeleton as quickly as I was able to, otherwise I foresee it going less well than it did for me.

Good luck to the next person, and don't be an idiot like I was.

EDIT: You can't possibly do worse than me, Serela. :V
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on May 19, 2014, 12:31:19 AM
OH BOY time to remember how to play this game

step 1.Download Crawl

step 2.Oh god what do all these buttons do again

step 3.Pray to skull god that I don't die horribly

(I'm going to use puush for images because it's easier than imgur, so a month after no one's looked at my post all the images will break, but that's probably not a big deal)
Can you even imagine how hurt I feel seeing all those blank squares reading the old 0.5 relay run
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 19, 2014, 12:57:43 AM
All right, good show Validon and I'll put you back in the list. Serela, you have until Wednesday, 5/21/2014, 9:00 p.m.

Incidentallly I'm sad our book isn't going to have sublimation of blood.

EDIT: Also, Validon, what turn did you die on?
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Validon98 on May 19, 2014, 01:12:50 AM
According to ye old morgue file, it was turn 14493. So approximately 1300 turns away from the end (based off of the turn NNR ended). Okay, so I wasn't as close to the end of my turn as I thought. Oh well.

EDIT: Also I died to a giant slug, not a green rat.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on May 19, 2014, 02:20:49 AM
Oh oh! Volcanoes and other levels that generate messages likes that are a big priority to enter! If you don't find their entrance and go in fast enough, it'll be gone FOREVER and we can't get the sweet loot inside (especially valuable armor!!!)

Ice Caves are the only portal we might want to consider avoiding since everything in there is obviously going to resist our Ice Magic.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on May 19, 2014, 02:31:50 AM
Volcanoes are harder than most other portals you can around this point in the game imo. Once I was fooling around Wizmode on a draconian and entered a Lair volcano, and there was a freaking vampire that killed me like 5 times until I went "fuck it" and start spamming wand of fireball point-blank >_>

Edit: Volcano might have fire stuff that'd murder our Ice Beasts too. Though it's not always required to clear a portal vault completely, you can either just beat up some mobs for quick exp and leave (one ossuary I ran into was great for that, it had a room full of simulacra and a room full of spectral things, both pretty easy to murder), or even in some case just loot the wares and leave.

And that's weird. I don't see vampires on the spawn list for volcano. Maybe Wizmode screws up vault spawns?
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Validon98 on May 19, 2014, 02:37:25 AM
I only didn't go in there because A- I couldn't find the entrance, and B- I was worried it would turn into face rape. :V
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on May 19, 2014, 02:45:29 AM
There was a scroll at Wakisagihime's feet.
What a wonderful explanation for everything that's surely about to happen. Welp, let's get started. Stairs, ho!
I... I thought the next level was supposed to be shiny! Well, let's banish the feeling of having already messed up, and soldier on regardless.
A shop and an Koakuma just steps away! She falls to a single icicle toss, and I quickly remember that you do not move via WASD in this game. This is after I figured out, oops, e isn't the explore key, it's "o". I didn't eat any of the permafood by accident, at least!
Can I not reach the shop in peace!? A wyvern sounds a little scarier than the other monster! With a summoned ice beast and some more icicles, it goes down easy enough, although Waki takes a hit in the process. Considering Wakisagi's already at Starving, it's probably good this happened sooner rather than later! Half a feast of wyvern corpse later and we get to check out the shop~
I'm not actually sure if we want to buy any of this, but I know there was some awesome ring NNR saw earlier in, so I won't spend any of our hard-earned cash myself.
Oh cool, it's that Lair place! Let's just check out the rest of D:9 and we can be on our way~
Okay, now things are getting started. Waki summons an Ice Buddy and starts Freezing the enemies to death, but the big group is too much for a single ice beast.
ICE BUDDY #2 LET'S GO. After the first kobold in line dies the Ice Beast takes it's place, allowing her to stab through it at the enemies in complete safety as it tanks things out for us. With the power of teamwork, the fight goes painlessly.
Jackpot! With the 6 needles already possessed, now we have 24.
The glorious power of living(?) ice shields leads to more monsters being stabbed to death flawlessly.
The hippogryph screeches! It looks dangerous, so another ice buddy tanks for us as we snipe at it.
Scroll of enchant armor, and... it's an ogre, which is scary, but it's asleep, so it's not scary, uh, right? Waki got poisoned a few turns ago by a snake that I was probably a little too reckless with. I'll be more careful in the future. Anyway, since it's an ogre, I don't take risks and do the same summon-and-snipe strategy... or actually, the ogre gets frozen and becomes confused, and I just let the ice beast wrap things up for us. This thing is just too good. Ice Magic hits 11!
Lair time.
...this really couldn't be any better could it. Anyway, we're near starving, so even though this meat is poisonous...
OKAY OKAY FINE I'll just carry it just in case. I soon decide it's necessary, but... I really can't figure out how to eat it. Welp. ( We find a porcupine and some unpleasant jackal meat to eat instead, though, so it works out.
Oh cool a wa-I MEAN A DRAGON AROUND THE CORNER, but it's only a komodo dragon and doesn't pose much of an issue. Is what I thought I was going to say, but it's bite actually took out a huge amount of HP and made us sick. Awful, but we're alive. The wand is a Wand of Confusion, but we're overloaded... recalling something NNR said, I run back to the entrance to the lair and drop a ton of things. I drop most of the potions of might, the spellbook of frost (as we learned all it's magic)
Okay, being sick sucks. Anywhere, there's the stash. I pick up the scroll of blinking this time instead of forgetting it as I leave.
Ice buddy really is the best. That crocodile didn't stand a chance against that and our glaive.
Book! And we're not sick anymore.
Oh hey, another book! Whilst it's got a whole lot in it, though, the only relevant spell (I think?) that we don't already have is Metabolic Englaciation. Whether it's useful or not, I'll let everyone else decide. Spellcasting hits 6 soon, and I turn it off along with Ice Magic and start concentrating on Necromancy. I'll turn polearms off as soon as it hits 12.
Another wand of random effects. Is that even any good? I leave it. At this point I realize I'm probably taking too many images (This is about 1.4k turns into my 5k run...) so I start turning it down.
THIS IS NOT WHAT I WANTED AAAAA. Running away ends up being a worse decision than standing and fighting, as my ice beast desummons before landing any hits and I end up having to eventually face the komodo anyway. I realize too late I also could have slowed it first, with Freeze. After the fight poor Waki is back at 29 hp and sick.
r u srs
Okay hi... Keine. Um. Eat cold projectiles.
Shit there's two, ICE BUDDY
ICE BUDDY NOOO NOW THERE'S THREE OF THEM. I summon a new one and it seems to die -instantly-, leaving me very afraid of yaks. I go 'round a corner so that I'm left with one at a time instead of two,
( (
Managed to take out one yak. Still terrified, but too dumb to use those cool scrolls that could save my life right now; thankfully more summoning means less dying.
( (
WHY. Now ontop of everything, Waki has only 3 mp left. Ozucobu's armor does not save me, so I bite the bullet and look at my scrolls... only to realize teleporting has a short delay that I'd die in first. I decide to consult NNR over irc for dire assistance. Crisis averted! (
MUCH BETTER. I drink a potion of curing to stop being sick, and slip down a hallway until I have the mp to summon and ice beast between me and the yaks, poking them with my glaive. And then...
Dear god these things are fast, getting two turns to each one of mine. I freeze it to slow it down, but it wears off and then catches up to me in no time. Before I know it I'm about to die again.
Zapping it with the wand of confusion was a very good decision apparently. Thanks for eating yourself to death!
( ( (
Somehow I lived through a floor, so now it's floor 2 of the lair. I don't like yaks anymore. Mass summoning ends up being justified because holy crap look at all those monsters. We hit level 11 during the fight.
( ( ( (
The ice beasts were not enough, run awaaaaaaay. Second image is when I realize the wolves are hitting me even as I run, which is really bad. Each time I think I'm about to find a hallway, it's just a nook in a wall. Fuck. Rounding a corner, I summon an ice beast to hopefully save me please oh god. I stop running because I'm stupid, and we kill the wolves and two yaks... and there's TWO MORE YAKS? What the hell. Since one is confused I dispatch it, but the next runs in and sets me at 3 hp, so even though it's the last yak, it's time to GTFO. And by that I mean I drink a potion of curing and keep going and kill it with 1 hp left. I'm victorious and so suicidally reckless that it's a miracle I haven't died.

I'm only 1.6k turns in! Wow. I should take less images and almost die less.

Okay, here's more exciting news than me using up precious materials because I did something stupid. +2 ring of intelligence!
A giant goldfish! "It looks dangerous." Maybe I shouldn't stand next to it as I kill the Iku. From here on the fights go a lot better. There's plenty of crocodiles, but after a freeze the ice beast rounds them up easily.
Being a merfolk means I can murder all these rats with my polearm in safety. Yessssss. More blood for the blood god.

I then made the terrible, terrible, terrible decision of resting one bit at a time using the Wait One Turn key so all my meat didn't rot away first. Watching my health bar instead of what was around me, an iguana comes up and hits me multiple times without me noticing. I died on turn 12893.

Did I mention how stupid of an idea that was?

edit:WAIT SHOULDN'T I HAVE NOTICED THAT MY HP WAS GOING DOWN? I don't even understand. I didn't see that happen. It was green and then I was dead. Maybe I was clicking too fast >>;;;
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on May 19, 2014, 02:58:01 AM
press 5 (NOT ON NUMPAD) to rest for 100 turns unless something hostile appears

i'd say i understand i did it too but THE 3 RANDARTS IN THE SHOP NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
Serela protected scum winning streak o/
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on May 19, 2014, 03:00:30 AM
press 5 (NOT ON NUMPAD) to rest for 100 turns unless something hostile appears
Oh, I knew about that button! But I only wanted to rest for like 20~30 turns and get to a workable amount of hp/mp, so all my meat didn't go bad first.

The fact that resting this way meant I wouldn't know when something was coming to eat me alive did not occur to me. `-`
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 19, 2014, 03:00:58 AM
Well, it seems Wakasagihime is failing quite a bit in the Lair of Beasts...and that it's my turn to turn this failboat around.

UncertainKitten, you have until Wednesday, 05/21/2014, 11:00 p.m. EDT to post your relay run

All right boss, I'll get right on it! Or at least I'll have something up Tuesday. Tomorrow is super busy @_@.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on May 19, 2014, 03:05:13 AM
Well, you gave it a good go, Serela. Surely I can't have left us in TOO bad of a rut, though...
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on May 19, 2014, 04:26:33 AM
In unrelated news I started a mummy necromancer run for giggles even though I know it's probably a bad idea for someone who's unfamiliar with the game, and I immediately got a +1 +2 sling of flame (which is slaughtering everything) an amulet of clarity (confuse is scary as mummies can't get rid of it) and two Protection from Fire rings (so I no longer have the mummy weakness) and a ring of wizardry. Now if I could just take off this cursed ring mail ruining my spellcasting...

e:wait what the orc priests just outright oneshot me with divine providence. Okay mummies -are- hard.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on May 19, 2014, 05:29:38 AM
Nah Beough and his followers are jerks. You're not the only one tonight ; v;

On other news, I asked someone to name a LoL champ, and they said Sejuani. So I was like fuggit let's roll a DDIE and go melee while abusing Ice Beasts. It's been pretty great, gotten to turn 15000 w/o dying so far. Though I wanted to stick with maces, early on I got a +6/+7 randart staff with ice in the Sewers so I've been sticking with it ever since. Currently doing well, but with a slight problem: Found no good branded/randart armour to replace my +3 leather of rFire, so AC is stuck at like 12 + w/e bonus Letty Armor gives, and charging the wand of healing has left me at 30 max MP (with ring of magical capacity on) for a while :C Right now I'm mainly doing Ice/Air elementalist, starter book for general use, and air book for Flight and Airstirke, with cool beans like Lightning Bolt, Conjure Ball Lightning, Deflect Missiles and Tornado waiting to be mastered C:

On other news, Qazlal Patchy in trunk is great. The elemental clouds she generates around you provide permanent Repel Missiles at a certain point, and can randomly kill many mobs quickly (it killed a 5-headed hydra in 3 hits, though normally it's less reliable since most non-undead won't walk into the clouds intentionally so the clouds have to spawn on top of them). Also, scroll of immolation is great with Qazlal Patchy if you can survive at least 1 hit from it. For each hit he gives you more temporary rFire until you can resist every explosion immolation makes. Just took out a whole pack of blink frogs that way :V Your scrolls in inventory aren't safe, though. Also, Patchy is likely to randomly kill your less tanky summons, so you pretty much give up on spammals and butterflies somewhat.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on May 19, 2014, 04:31:23 PM
Leather of rFire is basically the best mundane armor you're gonna get in the entire game for a caster class, bar maybe Mottled Armor (which doesn't come with a good resistance). Artefact Leather can also be better, sometimes, but that's rare.

If you're high-level enough and not relying on anything higher then L7 spells, Ring Mail can also work, but that's harder to cast in.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 21, 2014, 06:24:13 AM
Disclaimer: I do not claim to have any idea how to roleplay Wakasagihime. But this is what you get, so :dwi:

So, last time we left poor Wakasagihime, she was dreaming of many many deaths in a myriad of embarrassing manners, probably due to her nearly starving state.


After waking up, she reaches in her pack for an apple and continues on her journey deeper into the dungeon.  She quickly reaches a Problem merely two rooms into the 9th floor, namely an enemy ice beast, much like the ones she summons so effectively.


Naturally, the response is to summon her own and fight it off. She triumphs, and proceeds to take out a phantom in the same way after availing herself of some bread. She can feel the increasing danger of the dungeon, but knows that to achieve her dream, she must continue exploring.


A few steps later, she finds a curious staircase down, and gets an uneasy feeling. She saw this in her dreams?there are many dangerous beasts there! It?s much better to ignore that and keep going deeper into the dungeon. The devil you know, after all?like that devil up there, but she?s easily taken care of.


Her reward is this strange fan (that she completely forgets to use on several occasions like a dolt, instead burning less restorable consumables). She ponders how it works before placing it carefully in her pack and continuing on.


After taking out a few monsters with ease, Wakasagihime takes a breather, and sees, not far from her, a book. Curious, she cracks it open, finding it to be a ?Book of the Tempests?. ??first the fan and now this. I wonder if someone is trying to tell me something.? She ponders, before placing it carefully back down in the corner and continuing on. ?The spells are much too powerful for little old me to cast, though.?


A bit further and Wakasagihime sees a strange sight. A single eyeball, hovering in mid air. ?What a curious monster?how could it be dangerous?? She wonders, taking a careful step back to consider her options, feeling strangely concerned about the creature. After a moment?s hesitation, she decides to throw an icicle at it and  quickly dispatches it, but not before it turns its gaze to her, causing her limbs to briefly stiffen.


She proceeds carefully after her brush with helplessness, taking out monsters with relative ease between her magic and summons, but she then runs into a particularly well trained, well armored orc. A bit intimidated, Wakasagihime retreats, summoning ice beasts to stand in the way.


Getting hemmed in, she finally lashes out to let her ice beasts catch up, coating herself in ice for protection, and overcomes the orc warrior. ?I?ve gotten a lot stronger than I used to be?? she marvels, a bit of blood dripping off her glaive. She finishes exploring the floor, and looks around ?I have a bad feeling about what will happen when I go into the Lair of Beasts?I?d better go deeper in search of the Beer of ZUN.?


?So far, so good?? She mutters carefully, as she makes her way down and looks around. She turns the corner, quickly takes out a zombie, and finds a grove. ?Oh?this is nice.? Then she hears a roar, and a distant buzz, rapidly approaching.  She looks around, to see bees throwing themselves against one set of plants, and a bear ripping apart another. In a panic, she summons ice beasts and tries to stab through the plants, but it?s to little avail. Eventually the bees break through, and her poor ice beasts are overwhelmed?


?I have to get out of here?? She whimpers, backing slowly away from the bees that turn their gaze to her. She rifles through her scroll case as the bees advance and nick her with deadly poison. ?Oh I hope this works??


Her surroundings change slightly, and the bees are out of sight. ?Now?to get back upstairs?? She says, her voice faint from a combination of poison and hunger. Taking a few moments to catch her breath and let the poison run it?s course, she decides to set herself to make her casting more efficient so she doesn?t have to eat as often when summoning. After eating a bit more bread, she returns downstairs and has her ice beasts tear back through the bees. She continues exploring and runs into a veritable giant. She feebly summons an ice beast, but it is almost instantly flattened. ?Oh?I can?t handle that. I?I think I have to steel myself for this Lair?? She manages to flee the giant and return to the Lair staircase, looking at it with a gulp?


She steps down?and finds a pack of Kagerou yukkiris, a giant frog, and a komodo dragon closeby to greet her. ?Oh I KNEW this was dangerous? She cries, fighting them off as best she can.


She manages to draw a couple of them upstairs, panting as she stabs at them with her glaive ?There are so many of them?? She breathes, moving back to lure more, only to find they are lying in wait for her in ambush!


The nipping and slamming pack starts tearing deeply into her, likely emboldened by her freely running blood. ?I?I can?t get away. I?m?going to die here. There?s nothing?? Wakasagihime gasps as she backs away, feeling frantically in her pack as an idea occurs to her. Another scroll, which she reads as quickly as she can, and suddenly she grows to 10 times her size, her glaive growing veritable swords off the sides. ?Go AWAAAAAAAAAY!? She shouts, her voice booming, as the beasts flee her, allowing her to retreat and heal.


Breathing heavily, she tends to her wounds for a bit before reapproaching the stairs timidly, going through a few of the beasts that plagued her before ?I?I think that was most of them?? She whispers quietly, almost hopefully?


She steps down the stairs to find it quiet?well, except for the ambient animal noises and faint, almost spooky whispers. She looks around before stepping off the stairs with trepidation, making her way carefully through the jungly area. A snake drops from a vine and spits in her face, but she summons an ice beast to make it go away. After a bit more wandering, she sees a slug, and panic grips her.


?K-keep calm Wakasagi?it?s just a slug?it was just a dream?you can summon an ice beast and it will go away easily?it?s not even that fast?? She says quietly, trying to keep control of her breathing as she says the words to pull another ice beast from the aether. The ice beast lumbers forward to defeat the giant slug in front of her, rending it with ease. ?See?that wasn?t so bad?? She reassures herself, continuing forward before feeling a burning dripping from her shoulder. ?It burns!? she cries out, as she looks for the source of the acid. ?What?what kind of plant IS that?? She says, stepping back, hoping it can?t move?


?but it doesn?t seem to follow. ?I?I?ll come back later. Why does this place have to be so scary.? She remarks, caught between irritation and fear. She continues picking her way through the lair, carefully managing the packs of animals that reside here and grabbing scrolls at she sees them. She eventually comes upon?


?That?s..a strange looking frog.? She comments, almost curious, before summoning a couple ice beasts. It?s practically rote for her by now, to summon ice beasts when she sees something unfamiliar. ?At least it should be cold blooded?? she says as she readies an icicle to support her friends. The spiny frogs go down relatively easily, though not without sticking her with spines. She grabs the ring she saw, and the other items the frog was guarding, and reads a scroll to identify the ring she just got. ?This ring?sustains one?s abilities? What is this even for?? She says, more puzzled as she slips it on and continues on her way.


As the animal corpses pile up before Wakasagihime?s might, she swears she hears the faint whispering get louder, a bit spookier?but it seems almost approving. She spits another jackal, when she hears a carefree woman?s laughter in the distance, and a book appears before her. ?Orin?s?Catalogue of Black Rituals? She reads, puzzled. ?Well?I?ll take all the help I can get.? She nods, opening the book and poring over the contents, committing Animate Skeleton, Corpse Rot, and Regeneration to her memories. ?Maybe these will help me survive better?? She says, a little convinction in her voice as she continues.


After a few more close calls, she looks contemplatively at the spiny frog corpse she just made. ??well...I wonder if that spell does what I think it does. That frog was scary?maybe it?s skeleton will be too.? She walks over to the corpse and starts saying the dark, unfamiliar words to animate the skeleton, which rips itself from the flesh of the animal she just slew, making a silent croak before following her obediently ?Oh, it worked!? She exclaims, before continuing her exploration, her new subject following slowly but obediently until she passes the Oklob, which the skeleton inexorably shambles towards. ?Froggy? What are you doing?? she says uncertainly, carefully skirting the oklob. ?Froggy?? She calls out, as it doesn?t seem to follow. A lump forms in her stomach as she continues a bit past, before doubling back?to see her skeleton seemingly unharmed. ?Froggy!?


?I?m so glad you?re ok?? She says, relieved, looking towards the plant?s territory. ?But?if you?re still animated??


She takes a careful step towards the oklob, only to find it not there. ?You did that yourself? You really are strong!? She says, surprised at the results of her magic. She explores the area around where the oklob was and finds nothing of interest, and walks to a staircase. ?All right?I know Froggy and I can do anything!? She goes down the stairs boldy?only to find Froggy didn?t follow. ?Froggy?come on.? She whimpers, exhorting the skeleton to head down the stairs, but it merely stares off after her, expressionless. ?Well?well I?ll just make more, if you?re gonna be like that!? She storms off, tearing apart more beasts and reanimating their skeletons, collecting a small army.


Her skeleton horde makes the floor go much easier than the first one, and she manages to find an powerful item in the process.


?Oh?good, with this, it?ll be much harder for me to be ambushed?? She comments, sticking it carefully in her pack. Continuing on her way, her glaivework and spellcasting continue to improve, and her army grows and shrinks as new threats appear. She eventually happens on a dangerous for, however?


?I?ve heard of these?they can turn you to stone with a gaze?I have to be careful.? She orders her army to attack, but not a moment later, the basilisk locks eyes with her and her muscles stiffen. ?Oh no?is?is this it?? She whispers as her legs?arms?her entire body stiffens and becomes as a statue.


Wakasagihime blinks, confused to see a bleeding, half dead basilisk in front of her, and shallow claw marks across her stomach.


?I?m?alive? I?m hardly even hurt?I guess in this dungeon the old legends don?t play for keeps?? She remarks with wonder, dealing the final blow to the basilisk. ?Um?good job skeletons!? She says encouragingly, stretching her now mobile limbs and continuing on. She stumbles upon a pair of boots, looking at them curiously, then at her new feet. ??I can actually wear shoes now!? She exclaims, almost giddy as she slips the leather over her feet, a surprisingly snug fit. ?Oh?wow, that is nice. The hard dungeon floor was so rough?? she comments, ordering her skeleton army on and finishing her exploration of this floor of the Lair. ?I think?I?ll take a short rest here. It was scary?but at times like these I really think I can claim the Beer of ZUN and get my wish!? She says, strongly and confidently.


End turn: 16,254.9
Turns taken: 5343

State of the mermaid: Current skills I have on are Polearms (because we probably want to get at least to a halberd's mindelay, though I'm pretty sure glaives just are terrible beyond having good base damage), Necromancy, and Spellcasting so we stop running around hungry/very hungry/near starving when we need MORE ICE BROS.

I played honestly quite poorly this session, and used consumables I never should have had to. In the ambush situation especially, a fan of gales would have saved us our only scroll of fear. Still, don't let this stop you from using consumables to stay alive. It is more important to live than it is to save items, even in a situation like this.

We've broken into necromancy and it'll save you turns to always use regeneration while resting. Corpse Rot is better in cooridors when a monster is standing on a corpse (though I think bigger corpses make more miasma? Someone else will have to confirm). Skeletons are, as always, quite good.

I'd say keep exploring Lair and keep an eye out for better stuff, overall.

Pirate! You have until Saturday, 11/24/2014, 2:00 AM EDT to post your log! The save is attached to this file.

Also, following my own rule, I guess I'll subject myself to going again later.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on May 21, 2014, 06:45:08 AM
Frick yes, Air stuff, I approve!
What spells were in the book of Tempests, anyhow? We should bring it along if it has anything useful, and we might be dumping a stash in Lair after all.

Also apparently jellies would spawn on a Lair floor that has an entrance to Slime Pit or an altar to Jivya (I don't know which, the Lair floor I found the jelly on in one of my runs had both), so I think we should avoid making a stash in any floor that has either.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 21, 2014, 06:47:34 AM
Oh, right, I tend to stash books and generally non dangerous stuff where I find them. I'm sorry I'm bad at stashing, I just found it took more turns to play the organized stashing game than to just leave it wherever and Ctrl-F any spell I needed. Also, sorry I didn't get a good screen shot of what the Book of Tempests had in it. It does have some good spells, but they're outside of our element.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on May 21, 2014, 12:08:22 PM
I don't know if ingame special books spawn with more spells than these but at least it has these ones

But as UK said, they're too out of our element; we'd have to pump a lot of levels into foreign magic to even consider using any of them.

I've been practicing crawl a lil', in the meanwhile! Mobs of orcs with a few wizards and a priest suck. I mean, I can generally handle them, but eventually one tends to do me in. :T They start appearing before I've got more than the first few spells in my starter book, so there's not a lot of options... I've gotten to D:6 a few times.

Running into an aggressive monster that's faster than you and resists all your means of damage sucks a lot ;_; I'm just gonna try a conjurer next. E:It's so nice when you find your intended god on D:2
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on May 21, 2014, 02:28:25 PM
Hmm, I just checked, and it has Static Discharge, Fireball, Lightning Bolt, Shatter, and Tornado. Our Spellcasting and Conjurations alone can easily handle Static Discharge (3% failure), and personally I like Discharge, it can be a great melee spell if there are no plants or fungi or such around, though considering we already have Freeze I guess it'd only be a better choice against crowds or something cold-resistant. Lightning Bolt and Fireball are both cool AoE spells though, among which I prefer Lightning Bolt for the multizapping C: They're both at 78% with ring of wizardry on, can we train Conjurations to use LB pleeeeaaase

And yeah, orcs suck. Personally I usually have to find a narrow corridor with turns and corners in it, and lead the orcs in so that only 1 is fighting me and 3 are in sight at any given time.

Edit: Oh yeah I also saw a <SPOILER> on Lair:1. Take care if you go back up there guys :V
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Pirate on May 21, 2014, 02:58:27 PM
(Posting just so people know I'm not dead. Real game starts tomorrow while I try to get used to computer controls. Shortcut keys are welcome)

The lair.

A queer sight in the dreary stone walled dungeon, but just as dangerous. Swords and clubs replaced by the biting, gnashing of all kinds of savage animals, all too keen on feasting upon the flesh of any unlucky adventurer who was foolish to step into nature's death trap. But amongst the wandering wildlife and greenery there was a hint of polished white. Bone, crawling along the grass floor in slow, mechanical movements. They were skeletons, raised as a twisted mockery of life ready to obey the biddings of their master. And within a number of them stood a certain mermaid, resting against the moss covered rock.

"So, what do you think about the lair?"

The mermaid asked in a cheery fashion to one of her skeletons, a rat to be precise. For a moment its jaw hung open, but there was little response afterward. Not even a squeak, which disappointed her greatly.

"You guys never talk," Wakasagihime sighed, still not quite acquainted with the fact that skeletons have no mind of their own, "it's a little boring being alone...and scary too."

Her fin ears perked up however, when she saw the sight of what seemed to be a red orb. Since anything that moved was something to be killed, she decided the first course of action was to try to stab it to death or undeath.

Not that it worked, because not only was the red thing incorporeal, but it had gotten rather angry at this sign of aggression.

"Now hold on there!" It cried, "point that pruner somewhere else. What am I, target practice?"

The mermaid did lower her glaive, but only out of surprise. Nothing in the dungeon really spoke, unless it was a witty line before they tried to rip her throat out, or to sing a few bars of the orcish anthem. Not  to mention they were usually stab-able too.


"What are you?" She inquired, cocking her head to one side at this strange being, "you're red, fuzzy and..."

There was a pause as she considered some other word that would sound nicer to the ears. If the spirit had ears to speak of.

"...poorly drawn."

"Well I'm terribly sorry for that!" The orb exclaimed, its voice clearly annoyed, "the artist was a terribly lazy person and decided to slap on a couple of airbrush marks before calling it a day. Curse me, eh?"

"Oh," she nodded slowly, her mouth slightly agape.

"Anyway!" The spirit made a sound very much like a person clearing its throat, despite not having a throat to clear, "I am...a spirit! An aberration of reality! My job is to guide you through this bloodthirsty, monster filled scourge of a land for a time and ensure your reasonable safety...hopefully."

"Oh...okay!" She nodded again, smiling this time. Gods know if she even followed its words at this point. Her eyes did seem rather glazed, and her expression screamed that of an airhead. A sigh escaped from the spirit. This will be tedious.

"Now onward!" It shouted with bravado in its voice, nudging itself to the direction of the stairs leading downward, "at least, as soon as I figure out the gods smidgened controls..."


"Nothing of your concern, move on!"

Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 21, 2014, 03:10:09 PM
@Raitaki: What do you mean? I should have fully cleared Lair 1 and 2. It's possible I missed something but I don't remember anything really strange...

@Pirate: ...this is going to be amazing.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on May 21, 2014, 03:18:54 PM
(Posting just so people know I'm not dead. Real game starts tomorrow while I try to get used to computer controls. Shortcut keys are welcome)
The best advice is probably that if you hover the mouse over something (especially all the buttons on the right side of the screen) it will tell you the keyboard shortcut key. Once you get used to some of those (although keyboard spellcasting is still too weird for me if I need more than 1 spell), gameplay gets a -lot- faster. Using the arrow keys works for movement, too, although mostly using autoexplore is probably safer due to getting auto-stopped when an enemy appears.

Although yes, I'm totally looking forward to your turn now.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on May 21, 2014, 03:59:45 PM
@Raitaki: What do you mean? I should have fully cleared Lair 1 and 2. It's possible I missed something but I don't remember anything really strange...
It was a seven-headed Rankurri. If you stood one tile left of the stairs to the dungeon you'll see it just behind the upper wall. Well, it might wake up and wander off somewhere when you guys play, so I can't guarantee it'll still be there.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on May 21, 2014, 06:39:39 PM
It was a seven-headed Rankurri. If you stood one tile left of the stairs to the dungeon you'll see it just behind the upper wall. Well, it might wake up and wander off somewhere when you guys play, so I can't guarantee it'll still be there.
are a match at all for Ice Bros in numbers
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Pirate on May 22, 2014, 03:18:37 PM
Wakasagihime was enthusiastic. Too enthusiastic, for someone who was going to risk herself getting mauled by beasts.

"So, so," she spoke, her eagerness all too clear in her voice, "is it time we went, now?"

"Not yet," the spirit barked back, "as your supervisor I must know everything. Your spells, abilities...all that you must have to survive!"

It was given nothing but a simple blank stare, and it decided that it would be quicker if it just did the whole checking itself.


"Seems you have quite the arsenal...we can work with this," the spirit bobbed up and down, as if nodding.

"Uhuh, it's still a little scary though."

"We'll pull through," the spirit spoke reassuringly, "now let us be off!"

The start of the journey was uneventful. Weak monsters that fell quick to the glaive.

There went an enraged black bear, but that too was dispatched with the help of an ice bro.

"Ice bros?" The spirit cut in, a hint of disgruntlement in its voice, "why ice bros?"


"Because they're bros!" Wakasagihime replied cheerily. Not that she knew why she called them that; for some inexplicable reason she had simply picked the habit up. As with...nearly every little thing she did, really.

"Look," she pointed at one by her side, "don't you think it's rather manly and strong, and a cool buddy?"

There was a beat.

"You did not just make that pun."

"I did!" The mermaid giggled, to the subtle chagrin of the other.


Their idle conversation quickly came to an end, however, as things grew severe.


...But yet again failed to match her summons in might.


The third floor was cleared without much resistance. Victorious, she unloaded some of the less useful items she'd found by the staircase. Perhaps she was made to fight a little cautiously, but she couldn't blame the spirit. Erring on the side of caution was, after all, the best way to survive.


Fourth floor. Greeted by a spiny frog, but she crushed it with icicles. Necromancy studying was cut short, given the need for her to cast without hunger.


Fate seems to have taken a turn...


...But only for a mere, fleeting moment.

"Keep it," the spirit suggested, "a slight negative enchant will not quell its crushing power."

She did as she was told, though she hoped her companion would speak in simpler terms.


"Yaks!" The spirit cried, quivering in slight agitation, "take care, they are deadly even alone."

Again, Wakasagihime's response was that of an expressionless gaze.

"Those are hakutakus," she declared flatly.

"No they're not."

"Yes they are," her head bobbed furiously, almost an amusing sight.

The spirit would have wrung its hands then, if it had any, "fine, whatever. Hakutakus. Don't die."


But even caution did nothing to those fluffballs of pure fury and death death. She could only run, urged on by the frantic voice of her companion.

"The exit!" It cried, "to the exit!'

"Not with one of them just behind me!" She half squeaked, panting from both her wounds and exhaustion.

She had to do something. But what?


"Save me, wind!" The mermaid cried, but the breeze hardly stopped them in their rampage. A single air elemental dropped in however, striking down each yak with brutal force.


Wakasagihime had been saved from death, once more.

"So much for cautiousness," the spirit remarked dourly.

"We will be fine," she replied, ever the optimist.

"Oh, what's this?" The mermaid stopped briefly over a stack of papyrus, bounded thinly by a blue cover.

"Ohoho," the spirit remarked with a hint of arrogance, "why, that is a book of course."

"Yes, well..." the mermaid gestured to flip open the book, having no response to the sarcasm.


"A book...of power?" Her eyes widened slightly at the lists of thaumaturgy, all perfect for turning foes to dust. She kept it, though unsure just when she could cast any.



"Potions!" The spirit barked, its voice brimming with concern as the gnashing beasts mauled at her flesh.

"But I might need t-"

"What matters is the present; now do it!"

A potion of haste and healing was quaffed, and Wakasagihime dived into the safety of a corridor. With her flank protected by ice beasts, and the way in trapped by a sickly oozing gas from the corpse rot, she pulled through once more.


"This is too reckless," the spirit sighed, still unused to how deadly the animals were.


Pits, and a boulder beetle.

"If I hit it hard, do you think it will-"

"This is not golf," the spirit interrupted sharply.



"Dive to the side, you fool!"


The beetle struck the walls with a thundering crash. With one strike, it chomped off the mermaid's flesh, leaving her bleeding profusely with a single wound.


Still, the icy wall provided by the ice bros proved to be more than suitable.


The fourth floor was cleared, but not without problems.


The fifth floor opened to a suspicious clearing in some forest.


A fury of wretched, snapping teeth greeted her. Not that the sharks posed a challenge; ice bros prevailed once more.

A brief interlude.

"Our weapon is horrible," The spirit complained.

"That's what we have, though," Wakasagihime sighed, "even if this is a big, heavy weapon it's not good at all..."

"Then it's high time we made it better," The spirit huffed, "to the stash!"

The mermaid obliged, and with some scrambling for scrolls, ended up with seemed a fair result.


"This will do...hopefully."


"Death yaks," the spirit breathed.

"Death hakutakus," Wakasagihime corrected.

"Yes, yes, deathtakuhakuswhatever," the spirit resisted the urge to shout at the other, "look just stay away and..."

"HEEEEEEYYYYY!" Wakasagihime exclaimed, waving both arms in the loudest show of sound she could possibly make, "HEY I'M OVER HEEEEREEEEE!"



Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on May 22, 2014, 06:58:22 PM
Oh hey, a book of Power. More reasons to train Conjurations! \o/
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on May 22, 2014, 11:35:17 PM
I find it kinda hilarious that Ice Bros became a game-long thing now
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Pirate on May 23, 2014, 03:46:57 PM


"Why are you doing this?" The spirit yelled, outraged at the mermaid's complete lack of common sense. There was no answer given; Wakasagihime was simply having too much fun. Round the corners she sped, the death yaks a mere few inches behind her back. Blowing a quick raspberry, she left for the stairs upward, leaving behind all but one death yak.


Alone, the death yak was of little threat to her and the ice bros. It was swiftly pummelled to death.


"That was fun," she exclaimed brightly, but the spirit merely sighed. She was going to die. No insane person would live with that recklessness.

Fate seemed to agree, for Wakasagihime was set upon another conundrum.


Half dead once again, and at threat of being killed, she could only blink away for her ice bros to finish the job, but not without an earful from her companion. But as per usual she simply trundled along like the airhead she seemed to be, resuming her routine of killing things dead.

Just as she struck the killing blow however, she heard a rasping voice in her ear, noticeably familiar:

"You do well under my service, mortal...take this with you."

A book was dropped onto her lap...Kikubaaqudga's Reference Book on Sinister Secrets.

"You worship the creepiest god," the spirit complained, though it did look on to just what was contained beneath the skin-like paper.


"Oh my..." Wakasagihime breathed, a slight mischievous smile playing at her lips.

"Seems there will be some use for necromancy yet," the spirit bobbed.


The death yak returns....but the mermaid had other ideas than running.

"Run if you must," the spirit advised, all too aware of the terrain advantage. She noddded, and threw out her first trick: corpse rot. A sticking mass of rot permeated through the grass, sending the yak into a severe illness.


Those that did not succumb to the rot was led in a circle by the mermaid, swift as she was in the water. With a resounding blow she struck the third in the skull, ending the skirmish with little trouble.


The remaining herd of death yaks...dispatched with ease, of course.


...Or perhaps not.


Wakisagihime began to panic. This wasn't supposed to happen at all. Her healing potions were all but finished, for she was foolish...or reckless enough to attack the yak in its own grounds. A scroll of teleportation was quickly fished out, and she was saved from death once more.

"...We are doomed," the spirit made a cringing noise, "we are without potions."

"You told me the present was what matters!" Wakisagihime countered.

"But not reckless usage!" It snapped back.


Once last rematch...this time in the mermaids favour.


And thus the fifth floor of the lair concluded...but not without loss.


The sixth floor...also the entrance to the shoals.


There was little report. The sixth floor was cleared without resistance. There was only the final floor left...

"I knew we could do it!" Wakasagihime cheered with a little clap of the hands.

But there was no one to listen to her.

"Eh? Spirit-san, where are you?" She cupped her hands about her mouth and called for her companion, but it had long disappeared without word.

"Oh...oh well," Wakasagihime sighed, turning to the jackal skeleton with her, "it'll be back...won't it?"

Turn End

Turn: 22385.5

Of note:

Yes I quaffed all my heals in a fit of stupidity and wrong button pressing. Also some cures because I'm not used to how squishy Wasabihime was. Thankfully I unearthed a wand of healing, so reserve your recharges for that.

Simulacra is almost ready to use. I recommend getting it  online before moving to conjurations.

Stash is on Lair: 3

Corpse rot is luv, corpse rot is lyfe.

(Do put me back on the queue; I promise i won't take so long the next time ;w;)
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 23, 2014, 04:04:39 PM
/me grins happily, looking at Pirate with a ^_^ expression

So, Pirate. What is 22,385-16,254?

Is it less than 7,000? Yes. Yes it is.
But is it less than 6,000? Why no, I don't believe it is

/me growls and tears Pirate's still beating heart out of his body

AS I SAID, you are to take 5,000 turns and not many more! We will still take the log and he can sign up again, but it is unwise to continually provoke my wrath!

All that said, good update, Pirate, and Totaku, you have until Monday, May 26th, 2014, 12:00 PM EDT to post an update

Liking we have a /hw and a bardiche. When we hit 6 starts of Kiku piety, we're going to get a choice where we can either pain brand a weapon of our choice or get the Necronomicon. We probably do not want to pain brand the bardiche because as pirate pointed out to me, we need 26 polearms to hit mindelay and you want pain to go off as much as possible. However, if we find a demon trident, that likely should be something we consider heavily.

I agree with getting Simulacra online, and after that we should probably consider learning and getting Orb of Destruction castable. Fulminent Prism is really good but it's going to start to fall off as we go deeper in the game.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on May 23, 2014, 04:20:21 PM
Yessssss we got simulacrum in the gift book. Perfect.

Random question:When running a wizardy build, is it worth training up a few levels in shields if you find a buckler (as a normal-size race) to negate penalties, or should you just not bother using it when you have spells that get bothered enough to care? e:five seconds later I accidentally cast blink WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN AAAA
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on May 23, 2014, 06:43:51 PM
Yessssss we got simulacrum in the gift book. Perfect.

Random question:When running a wizardy build, is it worth training up a few levels in shields if you find a buckler (as a normal-size race) to negate penalties, or should you just not bother using it when you have spells that get bothered enough to care? e:five seconds later I accidentally cast blink WHY DID THIS HAVE TO HAPPEN AAAA
Yes, you need 5 Shields for no penalties in Spellcasting with a buckler, or only a measly couple points if you're also wearing a robe. It's never a bad idea to have one, unless you've been training in Staves and have a pretty nice 2-handed stave or lajatang
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raikaria on May 23, 2014, 07:24:39 PM
Sign me up.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on May 23, 2014, 07:26:57 PM
A potion of mutation took away my Horns 1 mutation (which I wanted so I could put my +3 int helmet back on) and then... gave me horns 1 back at the same time. What. Please.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 23, 2014, 07:45:41 PM
Sign me up.

Got it! I'll append you to the waiting list.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Seian Verian on May 23, 2014, 08:02:19 PM
I wanna give this a try! :3
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 23, 2014, 09:03:11 PM
I wanna give this a try! :3

All right, noted.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on May 23, 2014, 09:50:42 PM
Coming soon to a Suika Fortress near you

I kinda regret the fact I cleared all of Lair with just 3 I'd have had so many op suikas by now
Something like half a dozen named suikas in there atm, plus a unique (Nergalle) who has Summon Spectral Suikas and Haste Other (which the jerk never used on me ; v;)

Will this suikaball start drowning left and right the moment I enter Shoals
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on May 23, 2014, 09:54:18 PM
Coming soon to a Suika Fortress near you

I kinda regret the fact I cleared all of Lair with just 3 I'd have had so many op suikas by now
Something like half a dozen named suikas in there atm, plus a unique (Nergalle) who has Summon Spectral Suikas and Haste Other (which the jerk never used on me ; v;)

Will this suikaball start drowning left and right the moment I enter Shoals
Shoals is an allykiller, as is other common Lair branches.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on May 23, 2014, 10:09:07 PM
Why do spiny frogs do so much damage even if I cure the poison ;_; (I should have zapped it with the wand of teleport faster) At least I can feel good for having a nice run. Goodbye, +6 ring of int and innate rF/rC/Clarity. I'm even comfortable with the hunger system now! Well, I should be capable of playing better next time it's my turn, which is good since I'll probably have to actually do a hard branch by then D:
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on May 24, 2014, 07:00:47 AM
Why do spiny frogs do so much damage even if I cure the poison ;_; (I should have zapped it with the wand of teleport faster) At least I can feel good for having a nice run. Goodbye, +6 ring of int and innate rF/rC/Clarity. I'm even comfortable with the hunger system now! Well, I should be capable of playing better next time it's my turn, which is good since I'll probably have to actually do a hard branch by then D:
>Zapping anything other then yourself with /Tele
I hope nobody else here actually does this.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on May 24, 2014, 01:09:59 PM
I was really close to the stairs and wanted to go up them so I could safely rest. (I's Mystic Blast + I's Battlesphere from full hp/mp should have made me able to handle the frog) Figured teleporting myself would be more likely to not give me enough time to rest before getting in danger, since I still had a large amount of unexplored floor.

I actually had already teleported it once but even though it was offscreen it came back after I got several steps closer to stairs :T I think most of the reason I didn't rezap is because I didn't realize just how fast it'd catch up. Does it move faster on water than on land or something? (-I- was moving on land, but...)
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on May 24, 2014, 04:08:49 PM
I was really close to the stairs and wanted to go up them so I could safely rest. (I's Mystic Blast + I's Battlesphere from full hp/mp should have made me able to handle the frog) Figured teleporting myself would be more likely to not give me enough time to rest before getting in danger, since I still had a large amount of unexplored floor.

I actually had already teleported it once but even though it was offscreen it came back after I got several steps closer to stairs :T I think most of the reason I didn't rezap is because I didn't realize just how fast it'd catch up. Does it move faster on water than on land or something? (-I- was moving on land, but...)
Frogs have, like, speed 15, whereas you have speed 10. They move even faster in water.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Totaku on May 26, 2014, 10:25:21 AM
Memorial Day Weekend really took it toll on me. Because of that, I have been unable to really work on this report till now. My apaologize to everyone for the big delay. orz

But without further ado, let me continue Wakasagihime's adventure!

When we last left off the adventure, Wakasagihime has just finshed clearing out Floor 6 of the dangerous Lair of Beasts! She felt as if things would only get worse the deeper she went. And with some of her more valuable supplies being exhausted.... would she be able to survive the test of time as she battled against the odds that would come against her? So she decided to take the stairs and continue on her way down...

Lair Floor 7: The Ghostly Encounter

As Wakasagihime made her down to next floor things were running smoothly, but that all came to a short end real fast. As she encountered a ghostly figure that came before her....

The ghost had noted appearance that looked simlar to that of a Hell Raven. The Hell Ghost turned and Wakasagihime and pointed to her she unto her.
" dare try to.....venture into these dungeons..... to seek what I....was after....I shall burn you.... alive and you.... shall walk.... with among.... the dead...for eternity!"

The ghostly raven would begin flinging balls of fire at the mermaid and she attempted to summon her ice bros to protect her from the raven's onslaught. However the ice bros would prove to now be effeivent at protecting as the fireballs would melt the  icebros into water before Wakasagihime. None the less she continue to summon them and make sure the stayed in front of her as she jabbed her bradrich at the ghost. Her gamble would eventually pay off as she managed to strike down from a distance.

The ghostly hell raven let out a wail as she disappeared into nothingness...

"Whew! What kind of spirit was that?" The mermaid questioned herself. "I had no idea that they were filled with anger down here."

Needless to say... the mermaid to ponder on this matter as a poisonous frog leaped torwards Wakasagihime.

While poisonous frogs are nothing too new for the mermaid this one however was very resilient and was determined to make her life miserable.
Even though the Mermaid was victorious against the frog... The frog managed to severely poison Wakasaghime. And as a result: she was losing her strength rapidly and was on the verge of dying.

"Nooo!!!! It can't end like this!!!" the Mermaid screamed as the poison ran through her system.

"I must treat this immediately!"

Wakasagihime took out her wand of healing and attempted to heal herself... but when she tried the wand fizzled out and became useless!

"NOO!!!" The mermaid screamed as she was continuing to suffer the effects of the poison.

"I don't have a choice! It's either I drink this potion of curing, or I die here!"

She quickly gulped down her last potion of curing. Which removed the poison from her body.

"I need to be careful," the mermaid said cautiously. "If I get into a situation like this again, I will have no to survive it, I can't let myself get poisoned that badly again."
Thankfully almost everything about floor 7 of the Lair presented no threat to Waksagihime thanks to the power of her icicles and ice bros that could protect her.

But there was one odd thing on that floor.

As she passed by a flight of said going up, she ignored them until she heard a snarl come from the stairs. As she turned to look at the stairs she noticed the stairs had open it mouth and attempted to try to bite the mermaid.


"Whao!" The mermaid jumped back before the stiars could clamp it's jaws onto her tender flesh. "The stairs are alive?! How can this be?!!"

It was a stair mimic. Unlike inept mimics, regular mimics are much harder and have a tendency to poison you when they bite you.

So as usual, Wakasagihime deicded to freeze the stiars as she pleted it with Icicles and let her Ice Bros do the job of biting the stiars back. Before she knew it, the stair mimic crumbled away to nothingness!

"Whew, I never knew that things could bite back in here. I need to keep moving!."

And thus the mermaid princess ventured down a flight of stairs as she entered the final floor of the Lair...

Lair Floor 8: Pachyderms and Catobleps


Just as the mermaid entered into the final floor, she was faced with something that never expected to find down here..


Elephants are relatively dangerous in crawl because they much like yaks except they come in larger numbers and have a tendency to trample you and knock you back a square when hit you. This can be very bad if you are trying to get away from them while climbing stairs.

"This is just rediculous! I need to get out of here!" And so Wakasagihime ran up stairs before the elephant heard could get her and decided to return down another flight of stairs.
(I'm am sorry, I forgot that Wakasagihime could have jumped in the water to save herself

So as she continued down in the final floor, she attempted to fight through many obsticals which included snakes, Sukusuku Hakutakus and so forth. She did manage to find the Slime Pits.

Note: The Slime Pits is a very difficult branch that I would not recommend going into for quite a while. As you will suffer from corrosion in all shapes and forms. Get a resist corrosion amulet can help. But consider going there only after you've explored most of the dungeon and the depths.

Eventually Wakasagihime managed to find a stray Elephant from the herd which she managed to kill without issue and it left it's corpse behind.

"This looks like a wonderful opprotunity to try my new magic the mermaid cheered with happiness."

She mermaid casted the spells to make elephants skeleton come to life leaving it's flesh on the floor.

"Now I need to gather the flesh up and try this out."

She gathers the elephant flesh and hold in her hand as shes a cast a spell on the flesh...
Soon the flesh took on the frozen icy form simlar that of an elephant. She managed to make several icy clones of the same elephant with this!

"I think I just managed to perfect Ice Bros. V.2.0!! This will be exciting!" The mermaid cheered!

And thus Wakasagihime now only could now animate skeletons but also create icy zombiefied copies of the creature she killed as long as she had a chunk of its flesh she could use to create it.

So with her new found ice bros she was able to slaughter the elephants without the Lair with little difficulty except when she reached a whole different area.

The area was filled with statues which was odd considering the lair was mainly filled with trees, plants and grass. But it wouldn't take long for the mermaid to find out that this place was not made by normal means...

A Catobleps was responsible for this!
Catobleps are bull like creatures that are capable of breathing out petrifying fumes that can cause anything that is caught in it to turn into stone.

As expected the bull would turn some of the ice creatures and skeletons into stone very easily. But what it could turn into stone, it still could not fight the sheer numbers that were against him. And thus the bull fell with ease.

Wakasagihime decided that before she continue further within she would explore the rest of the place first.
Most of it was uneventful since she was able to gain the upper hand easily with her undead helpers.
But she did find another spell book.
Heading inside the petrified area she came across a batch of Sukusuku Hakutakus which proved to be a bit of a challenge since they came in regular and death flavor. She was force to tepeport out of there, but later came back after recovering to finish them off using her icicles and Ice Bros 2.0.

Eventually she fought one more Cataboleps and beat it down and finally came to the end of the Lair where she found her prizes.
Some gold and two special rare spell books!
One of the spell books focused on poisons I think, but other one was important.

The Inmaculburam of  Tailsmans and Feathers.

This one has one impotant spell worth learning in the long run: Haste!

Haste is a good spell to have in the long run because it'll allow you to escape from serious trouble. Just abuse the spell too much or you'll suffer dire consequences from it.

So with that Wakasagihime took leave from the Lair and returned to her stash pile.

"Now that I have dealt with the Lair, I can now go and organize my collect of things I found!"
she hums a certain copyrighted song about whatchamacallits and doohickies and being "part of that world." as she fixes her stash.

"There we go!" The mermaid said with cheerfulness, "I can now see everything clearly without having to dig around in one spot."

Wakasaghime thinks about her situation.

"So at this point, I can go venture into the shoals, but it be dangerous there so I'm unsure... and the snake pits is asking me simply to die there which I refuse to do right now.... so the only option I have is to simply go back to the dungeon and hopfully I will find something that will help me."

And so Wakasagihime took what belongs she through she would need and returned to the dungeon of ZUN once more...

Upon arriving there she descended deeper into the dungeon...

Dungeon of ZUN - Floor 10: Winter is Back in Full Force


Wakasagihime took a moment to read through the book of power to understand Fuliment Prism since it would likely come to use later on.

As Wakasagihime traveled deeper into the Dungeon of ZUN she noticed stange things afoot.

The first thing she noticed was a trail of cherry blossom in the dungeon.

" I never knew spring time could happen indoor?" Yet as she continued to look around the situation grew worse.

First it was sharks and bees.

Bees are annoying and dangerous because are fast and they can poison you with thier stings. Sharks are simply really strong fish, nothing too difficult about them.

She used the assistance of ice bros and icicles to help her out of this situations. But before she could relax, she saw two unsual beings before her...

Elrocha and Letty Whiterock

Elrocha is an ogre mage who knows some pretty powerful spells that include fireball, invisibilty and mystic blast, plus she can hit hard to boot!

Letty on the other hand is obvious, being the Embodiment of Winter, she has ice elemental attacks written all over her.

Only Elrocha took notice of the mermaid as she charged at her.

Wakasagihime attempted to try to fight her, but it proved to be harder than expected. Because she turned herself invisible before the Ice Bros could hit her thus they couldn't find her. This resulted in ther mermaid forcing to retreat a few times, before she was eventually successfully took down the ogre.

She continue the exploe the dungeon as she came across two rings which she gathered and put on. But she couldn't tell what they were and couldn't identify them either.
Unsure, she continued onward till she confronted a troll!

Trolls are ugly hairy brutes who will rip and tear you while healing at a fast rate. You need to him them hard and fast in order to win.

Thankfully the wonders of Ice bros 2.0 does wonders and the troll died quicly leaving it's body.

Wakasagihime took the body and butchered it and it left it's hide intact. Wakasagihime had a scroll of enchant armor on her and used it on the hide.

The hide would transform into a Troll Leather Armor.

Troll leather armor has the properties of leather armor but at the same time can also make your health regenerate slightly faster under normal means.

She also encounter Wyvern which are just really fast dragons that only bite. Nothing too dangerous with ice bros.
But then she ran into Letty....

"So the lakes haven't frozen over yet in this dungeon and before my eyes I see what looks like a mermaid before me?"

Wakasaghime looks at the yuki-onna with a complex look.

"We're you expecting me to stay under water for the whole winter season? I had important things to do then stay in the water. Just what are you doing down here? Shouldn't you be hiding away in someplace cold till the winter returns?"

Letty laughs at the mermaid's question.

"Silly fish, do you think I would miss such a wonderful opportunity to come to this dungeon to seek out the beer to be able to allow winter a little longer? I think not."

"So we both have the same goal in mind?"

"Of course,"the Yuki-onna laugh, but only one can earn the wish and I will make it'll be me."

Letty readies her ice magic...

"I am Letty Whiterock, Yuki-Onna of the Winter Season! If fish like you won't stay under the water, then perhaps I should preserver your body under ice for the next meal!

"Go ahead and try!"The mermaid said with confidence, "I think we all know that rules of Gensokyo don't apply here."

Letty attempted to try to freeze Wakasagihime, but something prevented this...

"What's going on here?" Letty questioned, "You should of been frozen by now!"

Wakasagihime realized one of her rings prevented her from being frozen solid. "So... this ring just save me!" the mermaid said with surprise.

"It doesn't matter," the yuki-onna scowled " I shall tear you apart!"
Wakasagihime fled to a more open area.

And summoned her ice bros, her ice bros 2.0s and prepared her bradrich to attack Letty from the distances.

Letty was unable to fight back properly because she was stuck at a chock point and was torn apart by Wakasagihime's Bradrich and the jaws of the ice bros.

Letty screamed as she fell to the might of the ice bros and Wagasagihime.

"I'm sorry, but winter's canceled for the dungeon!"

"So.... what are you going to do now....." Letty said as she stuggled to breath

"I think you might be of some to me." said the mermaid with a cheerful smile. "You're on the verge of death so I will be able to make use of you real quickly.

With a wave of her hand, Wakasagihime casted a spell on Letty.

Just then, the skeleton that made up Letty's body bursted out of her dying corpse leaving behind a mound of flesh in which Wakasagihime picked.

"There you go! Now you can help me as I travel further in the dungeon."

Wakasagihime read through the scroll of identify she found on the floor and identified one of her rings.

It was the ring of poison resistance!

"All right!" Wakasagihime said with a cheer, now I can be protected from the poison! But should I really go back now?"

At this point Wakasagihime was unsure what to do so she took a brake for a short bit....
And that ends my turn....

Here's an important note for you all:

1. We still do not have any potions of curing and our wands of healing are used up. So we are limited on what can do.
2. Consider training conjuration since I learned Fuliment prism for that purpose.
3. We got a ring of poison resistance! We can be protect from poison somewhat, but remember, it's not 100% garunteed.
4. If we go deeper we might find the orc mines, which might be important  for getting the a shop that contains potions or scrolls of recharging. We REALLY NEED THESE!
5. One mistake could end it for us if we get Wakasagihime too poisoned. So use caution.
6. That stair case over there seem supicious... it might be a mimic. A very badly disguised one. lololol

That's about it.

We are currently at turn 27740

I will be signing up again!

File is the bottom as usual Raitaki.

Sorry  I haven't had time to work on the mod thanks to Memorial Day Family gatherings. I will try to make up for this soon.

- Totaku

Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on May 26, 2014, 02:01:18 PM
Mmmm. We're getting pretty close to to point where we can get either the Pain brand or the Necronomicon. Would it even be worth pumping up polearms in comparison to concentrating on our magic? I suppose we only have so much mp and we can stab from behind our summons...

For that matter, wouldn't most conjurations be awkward considering we're mostly going to be covering ourselves with summons? I'm not too familiar with how many are safe, admittedly, although it'd be cool to find Freezing Cloud since most of our summons resist it. Actually I think I saw Poisonous Cloud in our list of spellbooks, which all of our undead also resist (and so can we with our ring, now) but it's a lot of magic schools away so i'unno if that's worth it? At least poison magic has a positive aptitude for us unlike conjurations

Does Simulacrum's spell power do anything other than extend the duration?
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 26, 2014, 03:52:36 PM
Conjurations and zombies work /fine/ together. We're already hybridized, so we /definitely/ want to go the distance with that. Running out of MP is a terrifying thing to do if you can't whack things with a stick as well. Freezing Cloud would be good to grab, I'm glad we have Prism, and I hope we get OoD soon, though simulacra /will/ get in the way of that. It's still a useful tool.

We're going to want a pain brand given how you will generally find a necronomicon, especially in an extended run. We do not want to brand the bardiche, even at mindelay it'll be a bit too slow. We'll probably want to pain brand the first demon trident we see, and keep the bardiche around for later when the pain brand is doing nothing for us.

Oh, also, Raitaki, you have until Thursday, May 29th, 2014, 12:00 PM EDT to post an update.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on May 26, 2014, 05:59:13 PM
Fulminant Prism is smite-targeted IIRC, so we can place down the prism then tell our summons to get the heck away from it. Also I think Conjurations would be a decent back-up plan in case we run into anything that is resistant/immune to cold and has high AC.

Anyway, gonna start my turn!
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on May 26, 2014, 06:26:07 PM
The pain brand won't be as useful as having the Necrocomicon if we're keeping the bardiche. Pain is best with a low-delay weapon, like a demon whip, and Pain is not very good in the lategame anyway. I think our current weapon is decently strong (and can be buffed well with more Enchant and Brand scrolls.

I for one think we should stick with Necromancy for now. Conjurations doesn't mince well with Necromancy, and there's powerful defensive abilities to be learned that won't get in the way of our summons.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 26, 2014, 06:42:26 PM
The pain brand won't be as useful as having the Necrocomicon if we're keeping the bardiche. Pain is best with a low-delay weapon, like a demon whip, and Pain is not very good in the lategame anyway. I think our current weapon is decently strong (and can be buffed well with more Enchant and Brand scrolls.

I for one think we should stick with Necromancy for now. Conjurations doesn't mince well with Necromancy, and there's powerful defensive abilities to be learned that won't get in the way of our summons.

Either way, it's not really an end all be all gift. And I think you have no idea how good conjurations and necro are together. My 11 rune felid was a conjurer that went into necromancy :|. You just have to, you know, actually think for two seconds as opposed to just blithely rinse and repeating the same tactics.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on May 27, 2014, 12:57:35 AM
Hello again! Your local electricity enthusiast is back again, and this time hopefully we won?t die horribly trying to fisticuff some dangerous beefy thing, especially since we now have plenty of good summons!

Let?s see, we?re burdened, and I don?t appreciate the slower speed, so I?ll be dropping some stuff. Why do we need berserk rage and might potions anyhow? We?re also past the point for the blowgun and javelins to be relevant, so dropping those, and the leather armour.

Oh yeah, here?s something we didn?t take care off. Ballistomycetes can make Lily Whites (!?) every few hundred turns if they?re active, and Lily White will fly around randomly (or at you if you?re spotted) then explode upon taking damage, reaching you or after some time, dealing moderate damage, confusing you and possibly destroying some food items in your inventory. If left alone, they can fill the floor with a lot of Lily Whites, so best to take care of them asap.
Oh, apparently it was a small fungal colony, consisting of just that one.
I also doubled up to D:9 and picked up the Book of Tempest!


( "Hey, hey, since there are some orcs here, why don?t I try out that new blasty spell I just learned?"

Great idea!

Hey that looks prett-

Pow! (My fingers weren?t fast enough to capture the explosion ; v; )
Also, the other orc moved out of the way due to being blocked, lucky bastard. But boy, that was fairly loud, we?re sure lucky nothing got attracted by the noise...

[img] "Say, is it just me, or did I just hear something that sounds suspiciously like my Ice Bros 2.0 being melted?"

Curse my tendency to go through combat quickly and in several turns at once!


( "Come on, you scary Western-looking fire-breathing reptile-thing! Take one more step, I dare yooouu!"

...Huh, are hippogriff simulacra supposed to look that...humanoid?

( "Not the time for that!"

Bam, arcane fireworks!
In any case, our simulacra finished off the dragon. Shame it didn?t leave a body, though.



A Suika Fortress Orcish Mines found! And I was wondering what was up with all those orcs on this floor, too.
I really don?t want to go down there as a mage without minions, so I?ll poke around this floor for chunks first.

A book of Enchantments! Nothing too special, Cause Fear could be a decent panic button, but with all our summons it?d be hard to attack anything that?s running away until they stop freaking out. Another Haste. Deflect Missiles is a decent defensive spell, but it?s waaay beyond our ability to cast at the moment, and also has none of the schools we're training in, so I?ll hold off on that.

After rummaging around some more, I get some hippogriff chunks and more orc chunks, so I leave some things I don?t really need (the books of Enchantment and Tempests), then onwards to Orcish Mines!

Oh, no welcoming party? That?s rare, usually there is a whole crowd of orcs waiting near the stairs when I enter Orcish Mines. Whatever, time to ransack the place!


( "Huh, what?s a human doing down here?"

Uh oh, that?s Maurice! He?s a fairly troublesome thief who likes to steal your stuff, then turn invisible and run away. Basically a sneakier and more cowardly Marisa, if you will. Best deal with him fast!
Anyway, let?s toss down a few prisms and...


( "Got him..?"

Not yet! The prism hit, but he turned invisible! Keep going with the scorched earth treatment!

Victory! It took a while and he took a few things, but surprisingly our simulacra were able to find and kill him. Lucky for us he didn?t teleport away, the loss of the wand of teleport and the ring would have really hurt.


( "Hey, doesn?t that orc sorceress over there look somehow more evil and threatening than the rest?"

You?re right! That?s Nergalle, a nasty unique orc necromancer. She can summon Spectral Orcs which can drain, cast Bolt of Draining which also drain, and cast Death?s Door to delay her demise! Luckily we have a ring of sustain abilities (thank gods for dead Maurice), so let?s put that on and challenge her!

She wasted a turn daydreaming and was swiftly overwhelmed by our minions, so she of course stood no chance.
Also, with her down, now we have 3 branded robes: +2 of rCold, +2 of MR, and +1 of positive energy. I think they?re worth keeping except for rM, but I?ll let you guys decide that so I?ll hold on to all 3 until we return to Lair.


( "Fireworks! Pretty pink fireworks for everyone!"

Unfortunately, our fireworks attracted quite a bunch of nasties, including one orc high priest who started summoning demons left and right. I think some orc had ice spells and froze some of our potions too. Almost died once to an orc warrior who somehow tanked and killed 2 of our ice bros before trying to kill me, but all is stiiill fiiine. I remembered Corpse Rot was a thing, and thanks to it the orc high priest went down just as we ran out of mana.


( ?...A giant slug with a wizard hat??

Oh crap, that?s Gastronok! He?s a dangerous caster, and though slow, his spells can hit hard and he might as well be immune to debuffs. Time to rely on our ice bros!

Blocking clear shots does wonders. Victory~
He dropped a +0 hat of see invis. Not bad, though it could use some enchant armour scrolls.

Found entrance to Eientei. I really don?t know why it would be in a place like this every time, but either way since Eientei has both strong and fast physical fighters and good mages and summoners I don?t think we?re ready for it just yet.


( ?Uh....that?s a lot of fatties.?

Immediately zapped the wand of invis and backpedalbackpedalbackpedal

Ending my turn right here would be tempting, but I still have like 1000 turns left, so I think I?ll give it a shot. And since we?re invis and have ~*~a certain means of disposing of this lot quickly~*~...

( ?Wait...You can?t mean...?

It?s exactly what you think it is!


( ?I don?t want to die a horrible nuclear death!?

I had to back off a bit and quaffed a potion of resistance for safety but, IT BEGINS



( ?Reckless nutter....?

Corpses litter the battlefield!

Sweet spoils of war! We now have an army! Time to slaughter the survivors!

( ?...Sweet! I?ll forgive you this time!?

One scroll of remove curse was destroyed in the process, but victory! Let?s hit the shops!

Holy damn, those are some decent randarts! None of them is a polearm, though...
4 shops in total, the other 3 were one armor shop and 2 general stores. Aside from a much-appreciated potion of heal wounds and another two of curing that I bought, nothing jumps out much, though there?s a lantern of shadows we might want in case we want to run away. There are some blue armours in the armor shop too, though since they were pretty cheap I figured they can?t be much better than our troll hide armour. Still, I buy the blue leather armour and try it on.
Eh...+1 of rCold. Same AC as our rCold robe, though leather can be enchanted more than robes so I?m dropping the robe for now.

Rummaging around the floor some more...Huh. Nothing else is there, and no downstairs ever. So I?ve cleared Orcish Mines, then? That?s weird, there was no big room with a ton of high-rank orcs like I usually see. I feel like my wallet isn?t satisfied with just 2229 gold somehow ; v;

Anyway, that?s about 5000 turns, so I?m done! This turn was surprisingly easy (even for orcish mines; there were a lot less casters than I feel I usually run into), and that scroll of immolation really cut my work short for me on the last floor. I left all our branded armour at the Orcish Mines entrance if you guys want to keep any/bring any back to our Lair stash, and put all the non-shitty randarts on our shopping list if you guys want to buy any for whatever reason. So that?s that, good luck NekoRex, and sign me up again!
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on May 27, 2014, 01:51:38 AM
Recap Episode!

When we last left off with Waggy Saggy, she was in the middle of Orc 4! Let's see how far she's progressed this game1
Here's an overview of the character!
We have... basically no resistances. That's no good. See Invis is great, though.
Well, actually we have a ring of rPois, and some Leather Armor of rC. Let's switch to those when we can.

Ah, here's how we're standing with our god. We can invoke torment on a corpse! That'll hurt us a lot, but it will also hurt everyone not in our undead army, which is very powerful when we're in view of a lot of foes. Thankfully, should we use it, our wall of Ice Bros should help finish our weakened foes off. And Kiku lets us resist torment.

Our spells! A pretty decent list. We can probably do away with Throw Frost. We could use some more Charms, actually. Charms are always good.

Ah, skills. This is what the next 5000 turns is going to be training. We have plenty of good offense, so it would be a good idea to get us some bulk so we're not constantly nearly dead.

Finally, our Dungeon progress! Look how far we've come! We made it all the way to D11 in fact! Lower Dungeon is actually pretty scary, so today we're gonna focus on one of the Lair branches. In fact, it's the easiest one for us, Shoals! Shoals is a cinch since we are super fast in the water!

So are you guys ready to go?! Let's go kill some merfolk!
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Pirate on May 27, 2014, 07:13:28 AM
I know people's heads must be rolling at this point, but with kiku's pizza delivery we should be fine. I recommend getting that necromancy to 10 just so we have that slight boost for delivery efficiency.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 27, 2014, 03:42:43 PM
I'm pretty sure NNR is going to get his ass killed unless he's only intending to do floors 1 through 4. In fact, I'm pretty sure he'll still get himself killed because dungeon to 15 really isn't that hard at all, but hey, dying is funny.

Oh, uh, also, NekoNekoRex, you have until Thursday, May 29th, 2014, 10:00 PM EDT to post your update
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on May 27, 2014, 03:58:36 PM
Now that we've gotten the ball really rolling, a dangerous update will be exciting :9
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raikaria on May 28, 2014, 11:01:09 AM
Now that we've gotten the ball really rolling, a dangerous update will be exciting :9

The deepest I have ever got is Dungeon : 7

I will be the trainwreck.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on May 29, 2014, 10:57:52 PM
Well let's start this trainwreck.
Waggy Saggy decided to start off her amazing journey by cleaning up a bunch of bloody messes that other people had recently left behind. Like  this nice cache of armor and potions.

She also decided to get some important shopping done.

Finally, she decided to finish up by organizing a bunch of randomly strewn about crap and casting NekoRex's Organized Piles, after she put her Leather Armor and new gear on, forgetting a useless spell, and recharging her Wand of Healing.

Not long after that she decided to learn Haste, because she'd definitely need it later.

Now onto the perilous branches of the Lair! Of course we're starting with Sho-

wait, Shoals? Did I say Shoals?

Hahahaha, of course I meant the Snake Pit.
Unbeknownst to Waggy Saggy, the Snake Pit is a poisonous part of the dungeon, filled with all sorts of deadly snakes and nagas, half-human-half-snakes.

After quickly taking out a moccassin in the way, she decided to explore a small bit.

On the way, she spotted something REALLY odd. IT appeared to be a trap, but not just any trap, it was the dreaded Zot trap! These things are some of the worst things to step on, but thankfully Waggy Saggy has pretty sharp eyes. Although not as sharp as what she encountered next.

Oh no! It's a naga! Nagas are slow and easy to run from, but not these nagas. They are Naga Sharpshooters, which are the worse distant cousins of centuars. Much slower, but their arrows REALLY hurt. If we can just summon enough Ice Bros...

Oh. He brought friends. Um... time to head over... somewhere else...

And that, my friends, was the Snake Pit. I'm glad we were able to conquer such a deadly place.
"But wait, we weren't even in there 100 tur-"

Wow, so much better.

The main dungeon is rather boring when you've already mentioned most of the stuff in it. The worse Waggy Saggy could see was this drake, who somehow killed her entire undead army before she put it down.

There was also a Book of Beasts but that's not useful.

Anyway Waggy Saggy moved onto Floor 12.

Centuars, zombies, etc, oh, there's something new. I think.
Kendamas (or Ugly Things) are annoying little pests who mutate a bunch to change colors to gain different flavors of annoying. Some corrode your gear. That one deals sickness. Others do elemental damage. They all come in packs.

After Waggy Saggy destroyed them all though, she moved on.
Or not.

Oooh! It's Patchouli! My least favorite touhou! Patchy can throw some medium-level spells, but her worst feature is that dagger she has. It can banish you or deal other unsavory effects.
Thankfully Ice Bros managed to clean everything up.

Then we run into Urug, because Uniques ahoy! Urug is a decently strong orc who hurls javelins and that's about it. He died pretty uick.

Finally on this floor we run into a mini-suika. Thankfully it's only one. When mini-suikas combine, they can become Big Suikas, and those hit about as hard as the real Suika Ibuki. So they one-shot us.
But we killed the lone mini-suika and headed down to floor 13

The best floor is always one where some killer monster is waiting right by the stairs.

Moving on we find that this floor has shops.
There's a shop.

There's a ring.

There's another shop.

And another

Annnd another.

And there's an experienced centuarkurri. Highly dangerous. tends to be found with other centuars.

And a rankurri for good measure.

Floor, uh, 14.

IT wasn't long before Waggy Saggy encountered some humans, meaning this was obviously a Vaults vault. Well, that should be fun.

Ah, well, Louise is here. Lovely. Louise can banish people to the terrible Abyss and is generally pretty strong. Not strong enough for large amounts of Ice Bros, but still quite tough.

Finally, because the ride never ends, Waggy Saggy runs into Roxanne, a unique who turned into a statue in a terrible magic accident. She then proceeded to 1-shot us because I hate waiting around to heal and Crawl hates me and is a terrible game.

Well, that wasn't fun.

Uh, I was actually expecting to die though, so I went ahead and prepared a save in advance to where I was sitting by NekoRex's Organized Piles in Lair. To save you schmucks the trouble of running around. This is after I took amnesia'd Throw Frost but before I memorized Haste, just in case people had  other idea. I also forgot to set the skills because Crawl crashed after that update post.

Also press Ctrl-G and then 1 to travel straight to the Piles in Lair. That's kinda handy.

Take it or leave it, I don't really care. But it'll be handy, maybe.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 29, 2014, 11:05:37 PM
Uh...well then. OK! Validon, you have until June 1, 2014, 7:00 PM EDT to post an update
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Validon98 on May 29, 2014, 11:22:48 PM
Wow, I have not in the slightest been paying attention to this since my turn.
Uh... how angry would you be if I said between my last turn and now I lost my motivation to take another turn? Because that's unfortunately how I feel right now.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 29, 2014, 11:25:17 PM
SOMEWHAT IRRITATED! But at least you told me now rather than, you know, letting the time run out. So, shall I remove you from the list?
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on May 29, 2014, 11:32:03 PM
Oh wow that means my turn came early! We'll see whether I feel up to it tonight, otherwise it should be done tomorrow morning. Time to get used to spamming summons.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 29, 2014, 11:33:21 PM
Ah, yes, just to have the announcement proper. Serela, you have until June 1, 2014, 7:00 PM EDT to post an update.

EDIT: All right Validon, OP updated.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Validon98 on May 29, 2014, 11:33:43 PM
Yes, I'm sorry, but I'd rather not waste people's time when I'm not feeling it.

On that note, good luck, Serela!
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on May 30, 2014, 03:40:03 PM
Oh boy let's go! I'll be using NNR's save since I don't want to even bother with organizing stashes.
An octopode with Blade Hands sounds terrifying. And looks, too, I guess, yeah. `-`

I thought NNR said he already forgot Throw Icicle, here? Whatever. I debate learning Haste- but in the end eventually it'll be really good, so I take it. I also thought "Huh, shouldn't we know Blink since it's there?" but I guess we generally have a wall of summons and I'm not as good at crawl as a lot of the other people who've been taking turns. From there I debate picking up a nifty conjuration, but I'm not sure which one we'd want. Anyway, I run through the spell success calculation (ignoring the EVP part as I think that's outdated) and Haste should be alright around Charms 7, and we have +1, so I guess I'll go for that instead of dinky Conjurations -2 (I'm not sure this is a good decision since haste doesn't increase our killing power much due to relying on summons, unlike Conjurations would, but running to live another day is nice so w/e. I should probably be going for conjurations >_>)


On D:10 I run into this thing; since everything on these floors has been dead already I don't have any allies with me. It says it should be easy... but Fulminant Prism doesn't scratch it and it's very resistant to cold. I'm still wary about letting it hit me, but I put up our defense buffs and it's slow, so I try to inch away every other turn as I realize I have no options for damage. I probably should have picked up Fireball or Lightning Bolt after all (lightning bolt could help set us up to learn clouds... hm~m.)

Stabbing it with my polearm isn't working very well either, but at least I find out it does no damage to me on hit. Aaaand then I kill it in one hit. I guess I got worried for nuthin'.  It's scary when a summoning-type character is caught without summons D:
( (
I run into d:11 and these are all still here?! How long do these things last?! Oh hey, this is new territory, nice to have buddies around then. ATTACK, MY PRETTIES. Okay nevermind it's killing you from afar in one hit, let's find something else. Maybe I shouldn't have reforgotten Throw Icicle like NNR did without picking up a new conjuration.
The cyclops follows us so I try out fulminant prism. This spell has a learning curve. >_> It works, though, and the cyclops gives me a whopping 7 meat to simulacra into worthy allies, so I guess I can mop up easily from here. That's what I think, until I realize they're all evaporating in no time, so I shouldn't have used all my meat at once ;_; Continuing to train those schools for spell power is still important, then.

Turns out everything else was pathetic stabbable things. I'm assuming I shouldn't bother picking up all the Scrolls of Noise lying around, since autopickup doesn't feel like it either. A +1 Robe of Positive Energy and a +2 Robe of Magic Resistance... wait, didn't NNR sort these things? Uh, whatever, too late to worry about that now... plus I see other things like I have a recharged wand of healing he did. Speaking of too late to worry about, I finally remember about Summon Ice Beast, which doesn't require dead things. Right. WAIT WHAT TURN AM I STARTING FROM AGAIN (I'm looking at the last image on the previous completed relay and assuming I should stop at 37500)
Oh shit it's a mummy. I've heard about mummy death curses. Time to let my summons take the blame for me.
HAVE FUN GUYS ANYTHING LOOK COOLBEANS? I'm partial to the amulet of gourmand but it's mostly only a convenience thing. Actually, since you can just take it off after eating and wear something else, it's nifty... takes 400 turns to start working fully, but that's not a whole lot. Anyway, I'll just keep it in mind for now, but it might be more exciting if we're going to tackle a corpseless branch so we could engorge ourselves first, I guess? In other news we could get cold resist +3 now (Shoals, anyone?) and teleport control may be useful in specific situations, I know double stacking wizardry is less effective though.

Found a ring of flight. Meh? At least rings are light.
Aaaaa bounty hunter guy. Let's be reckless and slaughter him in his sleep. Nevermind, the prism woke him up.
NO I DON'T BUT I DON'T CARE. The fire ring is because he used a bolt of fire on us. He uses a whole lot more, so it's worth it! Stabby victory is achieved without much damage taken. Then I find a... wand of magic dart. Uh. If it's as strong as Magic Dart is... boring. I immediately find a wand of fireball (more exciting!) and accidentally burn ourselves because I'm SMRT, at least I never removed the fire ring >_>;

Scroll of recharging, cool! Near starving, less cool, can something PLEASE actually leave a corpse? I eat some sausage I found lying on the ground. Well when you compare it to raw meat... anyway a soon found iguana takes care of that and gives me something to simulacrum as I walk into d:13. Where I immediately find 2 potions of cure mutation. This would be more exciting if we didn't have Robust, but, we still might need 'em sometime. (This is when I realize we have -no- amulet and I may as well have just bought gourmand...)
An unseen horror! *Gasp* Or it's just Koishi. I actually have summons hanging out other than ice beasts for once, so I just go in to beat it up. Easy.
( (
I round a corner and oh shit what. I take a step and then there's EVEN MORE. I can see I need to take out that demonologist ASAP, but... it's far away.
They're easier than I thought, because things start clearing up pretty well.
I say that, but I should have started summoning prisms at the summoner when I got the chance. Why didn't I learn blink, again?
( (
oops. Prisms help a lot, but HP is getting low.
Welp. I read a scroll of teleportation like 4 turns ago (and summoned another prism the turn after to hopefully kill a large swath of things), but even whilst running the weirdly named demon kept hitting me. I should have started chugging potions of heal wounds, which would have lasted me until the teleport kicked in any turn now. I died on turn... 35700~ish, I forgot to write that down before I went through the death pages.

Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on May 30, 2014, 04:02:26 PM
Well, ok then. I guess I have to get us back to not dying. UncertainKitten, you have until June 2nd, 2014, 12:00 PM EDT to post an update.

I'll get right on that! Also, if you can give me an exact turncount by looking at the morgue, I'd appreciate it Serela.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on May 30, 2014, 04:19:58 PM
Aaaah, I see. 35762.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on May 30, 2014, 04:48:23 PM
It was Throw Frost tat I amnesia'd, you big dolt.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on May 30, 2014, 04:55:01 PM
Btw, skeletons, zombies and simulacra lose max HP instead of taking damage, so their health always looks full to you. You'd have to look at the combat log to know if you've damaged them or not.

I'm pretty sure at this point we can easily wipe any skeleton and zombie we come across. Other undead might be another matter though.

Kobolds can be demonologists, interesting. I've never seen any before.

Edit: the scroll of noise is good for shoals, since I'm pretty sure it breaks you out of siren trance at least until she uses it again. Doing Shoals isn't as simple as getting rC+++, there's a lot of physical damage and drowning damage involved as well. Shoals is kind of full of ranged nasties and doesn't have a lot of chokepoints while having little space to run around in at the same time, so I'm not comfortable with attempting it when we don't have Deflect Missiles yet.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on June 01, 2014, 08:23:53 PM
I admit I really don?t actually feel like doing this so I?m probably not going to roleplay this one so much as just trip report a reasonably uneventful adventure involving fulminant prism and simulacrum.


So first off, Simulacrum is an amazing spell, as has been demonstrated amply. I finally get a corpse to animate and simulcreate with, and the necromancy adventure begins. So, here?s the thing about necromancers. They?re pretty much at their weakest when they go down stairs. If I have close calls that require consumable use, it?s almost always on stairs. Once you start getting a few bros, you can take down a lot of stuff.  Kiku actually mitigates even the stair issue, but since simulacrum takes a bit of prep, you have to be more clever than I was to properly use it.


The other thing you will see me do a lot is lay prisms. Probably excessively, I?m often out of MP for that reason. Now, here?s the funny thing about prism. It?s so strong I spent almost the entirety of this run thinking we had much better conjurations than we did. Even at friggen 4 Conjurations, I was annihilating packs with the help of my undead minions.



A better view of prism?s help on what was basically popcorn at this point, but still fun to see.
So, all that said, D: 11 was a boring ass floor. It had a lot of trolls, a bunch of orcs, and a cyclops or two.


Oh, and this, which could have been a pain, but since prism doesn?t require LOS once it?s placed, wasn?t. Not to mention the undead army following me around.


We find this along the way, and I think Summon Mana Viper might be worth investing in, in the distant future, but we have a /lot/ of directions to go and uses for our spell levels already. I?ve been training Charms, Fighting, and Dodging to get our defenses up a bit, once I got Necro to 10, but more powerful prisms and OoDs would come of Conjurations and maybe slight hex investment. In the end, I drop the book where I found it because stashing is silly.


Continuing on, we finally hit 6 star piety with Kiku. If we find a decent weapon early enough *cough demon trident cough*, we can enchant it with a pain brand. Alternatively, we can get the Necronomicon which basically is the book of the best spells in the game. It tends to generate by mid to late game when you can actually use those spells, though.


I clear that floor without breaking a sweat, and get greeted, naturally, by a pile of mini Suikas (slime creatures) and a koakuma which doesn?t even register as a thing anymore. I draw the mini Suikas up to my undead horde on the stairs above and enjoy the massacre.


Not sure if anyone?s pointed out yet that Kiku can block curses for you, and it happens REALLY FREQUENTLY at 6 star piety. This is basically why Kikubaaqudgha makes a cake walk of Tomb, to the point we could probably grab Tomb as our second or third rune (it?s no longer possible to get Tomb first because Vaults is rune locked, and the Crypt is in the Vaults, and the Tomb is in the Crypt). Still, it?s nice and saves us a lot of trouble.


First thing that actually gives me pause shows up. This is really where more conj would have helped, because prism kiting a manticore can backfire quite roughly. And it does here.


That barbs status effect there means when I move, I take damage. Can be a little, can be a lot. It means at this point I?ve basically stuck standing and fighting with the polearm. Fortunately we are not too bad with it and prevail. I wait out the barbs and then immediately run into something else that makes me panic briefly before I realize A) We have rPois, and B) We actually have HP.


Prism and polearms annihilate them, and I continue on, to where I actually had to wake up and think.


Just kidding, I Oczubu?d and Condensation?d, stood firm, and started dropping prisms like it was my job and tanked hits from that yak in front. Slowly?


But surely?



The pack dies, letting my simulacra and skeletons clean up that pathetic giant.


Another pack of yaks appears in the open and also get annihilated in a similar manner, with simulacrums providing much better back up due to the open area.


We then proceed to run into Patchy (Psyche) with an orc pack. She?s scary because she has a dagger of chaos. But, that isn?t actually all that helpful when you never get to be in melee with the people you?re trying to kill. She, naturally, didn?t get to be in melee between prisms and undead, and goes down fast.


Turns out she was carrying some really nice stuff, which is ours now. Killing Uniques is fun :). Alas, she didn?t leave a body, so we don?t have a Psyche skeleton/simulacrum.


I begin to get the impression the theme of this floor is packs as I run into and prism kite these guys. Unfortunately, they keep destroying the prisms before they can blow for massive effect because A) they?re fast, and B) I was terrible at placing them anyway. I?m out of chunks and while I could corpse drop (and should remember to do that more often), I opt to rely on an old friend.


That?s right, I actually bother summoning Ice Bros rather than relying on the undead hordes, and they winnow the pack a bit so I can finish them off without losing too much stuff to melee item destruction (a thing blissfully taken out in the current Trunk build of 0.15!). A potion of Flight does end up a casualty to the pack, though. Not much of that floor remains, and I clear it without trouble, going down to what seems to be a tame D: 13?


Which quickly gets out of hand because A)Prism is loud, and B)This is a really small, monster dense floor. Further, I was unable to use the stairs effectively because of Eiren (centaur) shooting some fucking arrows of dispersal at me.


This situation isn?t really survivable, so I read tele and get the hell out. I could have read fear as well but we had less of that.


The tele works out fine and I fight a bit of popcorn before things start catching up again, but I use the safety of this area to drop some corpses and get some simulacra going.


I return to the stairs I came in on, far more prepared and tear through the concentration with more prisms. Ugly things and a Tewi (deep elf mage) join the party, and die like the rest. Since I was able to meet pretty much the entire floor of monsters there in that center area, the rest of the floor is just clean up, and we get a wand of digging out the deal, which will be extremely useful in bad situations as well as extended.



With that floor cleared, we bravely continue down and start tame once again, with a pack of ugly things. I draw it up as is my usual strategy and let it get murdered by undead. I clear through a bit of chaff, and then I run into something that firmly convinces me I will die because Crawl is cruel.


That is a fire dragon. Fire dragons are usually at least slightly deeper, or in the Depths entrance vault. D: 14 isn?t horribly early for them, but it?s early enough so I don?t really care to rush in. I draw back a bit, throwing prisms (and forgetting throw icicle would have done me much more good), and letting simulacrums die, to little effect. I eventually close the door and retreat, recovering my magic. I come back in with a corpse drop worth of simulacra, and prevail over the dragon, though not without risk. Taking a breather, I find an interesting staff and wield ID it?


And find that, which is an ok swap if we desperately need rC+, but not super useful with our polearms being so much better.


I wander a bit more and find the Vaults entrance vault, and run into a bunch of dangerous humans like that wizard there, and risk getting LCS?d in the face for all my efforts. Fortunately, I don?t and it dies easy.


Getting close to the actual entrance, I run into a few more guards, who hit annoyingly hard if you let them. Between prism and simulacra, I do barely manage to take them out without dying in the process.


The final challenge of the run ends up being a centaur warrior with centaurs behind it, but with clever use of tactics (read, cooridor and damage races), I take them all out, and since I?m getting over my 5,000 turns, head back to the vaults entrance for the next person


Things to note!
1. I learned us OoD because OoD is so good?and then I promptly discovered we have like 5 conj. Fuck you guys. Also keep conjurations on forever. Our dodging is getting to OK, you can probably turn it off at 10, and I want to get fighting to 10 before we switch back to Necro and polearms (and, of course, Conj). We can ignore Ice, and probably Charms once haste is castable (and we have spell levels for it).

2. Simulacra and animate skeleton is your main offense. Use it excessively. Prism is good support if you can position it right. Once we have OoD, things will really get rolling.

3. There?s only one floor of dungeon left after you clear the one we?re on. After that, the choices are Elf, Shoals, Snake, or Depths. Elf 1 or 2 might be manageable because of the ring of the mage. Shoals and Snake should be doable, if difficult by this point. Depths will murder you, your children, and everyone you love. Do NOT go into depths if you value your part of the run.

4. We?re going to want to make the Kiku choice sooner rather than later, because Pain falls off fast, about at the same time that the Necronomicon starts becoming really good. If you find a demon trident, pain brand it for fucks sake.

5. Turns Taken: 5,838 (cut it close there!)
Current Turn: 38,286.3

Pirate, you have until Wednesday, June 4th, 2014, 4:00 PM EDT to post your update!

Don't mind the filename, it's what I named Neko's save file so I could keep track. It's the latest save courtesy of me.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Pirate on June 03, 2014, 11:32:34 AM
Welcome back!

It was lonely in the dungeon, Wakasagihime thought. Kill things, loot bodies, and not a single person to talk to. Any attempts at conversation were rebuffed with snarls, roars,  threats of vicious dismemberment, or all three at the same time. At one point she decided to have a jackal simulacrum as a pet, but no sooner had she taught it to sit did it promptly melt, leaving her with a mere puddle of water.

It was at this lonely juncture that she found herself wishing for the return of a certain companion and suprisingly...


"You're back!" The mermaid cheered, "you missed a lot of things! I killed a dragon! I'm real strong now!"

"Yes, yes," the spirit bobbed up and down, a note of anticipation in its voice, "do tell, do tell."


Spells and skills were demonstrated, and the backpack emptied. No comment was made on the chunks of rotting human flesh that tumbled from the pile of potions and scrolls, even as their smell began to permeate throughout the dungeon floor.

"You certainly have changed," the spirit bobbed agreeably, "let us put those conjurations to use; that orb will be useful."


They began to scour the dungeon once more, starting with the fifteenth and final level.

Wakasagihime shivered for a brief moment, "it's rather cold."

"Indeed. Best we find where that is...quickly."


"...or perhaps not."

There was a yelp and some scrambling as Wakasagihime did heel turn towards the safety of the corridors. No doubt everyone in the vicinity had been alerted to her presence...


"Kill them faster!" The spirit urged.

"That's...I don't know how to do that!" Wakasagihime replied, almost panicking at the situation.


Of course, she won. With prejudicial use of fulminant prism and body blocking, her enemies had been turned into fried flesh.


...but worse was to come.


"Ooooh this was a bad idea...!" Wakasagihime complained, having depleted all her magic from failed prisms.


But luck was a harsh mistress. None of the teleports worked, and her wand of heal wounds fizzled without a use. A centuar warrior put an end to her, and that was the last she was seen.

Turn Count: 37385

Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on June 03, 2014, 03:36:04 PM

Wait, why is your turncount lower than the one I stopped on?

ALSO: Raikaria, you have until Friday, June 6th, 2014, at 11:30 AM EDT to post your update!
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on June 03, 2014, 03:59:56 PM
Wait, why is your turncount lower than the one I stopped on?
The one in the morgue is lower than the one you see on the screen, for whatever reason, I'm pretty sure.

My morgue was like a thousand turns lower than what I -knew- I died around in the game. so I guessed the last two digits
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on June 03, 2014, 04:08:49 PM
The one in the morgue is lower than the one you see on the screen, for whatever reason, I'm pretty sure.

My morgue was like a thousand turns lower than what I -knew- I died around in the game. so I guessed the last two digits

Yeah, I do know that which is why originally we were supposed to use the "E" or "%" screen, but since no one was...ah well, intrinsic fudge factor.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raikaria on June 03, 2014, 08:07:42 PM
ALSO: Raikaria, you have until Friday, June 6th, 2014, at 11:30 AM EDT to post your update!

Oh god this is gonna be a trainwreck I've not even got past D:7 yet.

I'll probobly use the whole time to try and not die horribly viva prep.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on June 03, 2014, 08:18:24 PM
Btw, skeletons, zombies and simulacra lose max HP instead of taking damage, so their health always looks full to you. You'd have to look at the combat log to know if you've damaged them or not.

I'm pretty sure at this point we can easily wipe any skeleton and zombie we come across. Other undead might be another matter though.

Kobolds can be demonologists, interesting. I've never seen any before.

Edit: the scroll of noise is good for shoals, since I'm pretty sure it breaks you out of siren trance at least until she uses it again. Doing Shoals isn't as simple as getting rC+++, there's a lot of physical damage and drowning damage involved as well. Shoals is kind of full of ranged nasties and doesn't have a lot of chokepoints while having little space to run around in at the same time, so I'm not comfortable with attempting it when we don't have Deflect Missiles yet.
Shoals is actually for water magic, so no amount of rC will help us survive there.
Kobold demonologists were made more common for .14, they used to be pretty rare, mostly found only in certain vaults.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on June 03, 2014, 08:54:26 PM
I've not even got past D:7 yet.
Speaking of not being able to play the game by ourselves, I learned how to start with the Wizard backround properly (oh my god so much int wizard is the best) so you can reliably not Get Fucked right away, and I finally hit d:13 or so before a mob of ugly things was like, holy crap what I didn't think it was -that- scary

Maybe now I should start trying to use a species that doesn't have horrible aptitudes like Mummy, so that I can actually be able to use lv6~7 spells by the time I need them. I'm just too tempted by lack of food clock, even though I did really well the one time I used a High Elf and hunger really wasn't a big deal.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raikaria on June 05, 2014, 09:43:28 AM
Turns out it dosen't let me screenshot crawl. Apparently there are sometimes issues with Win7.

I'm gonna have to pass.

Although you can record my death at 38373 to a Tengu with a Runed Mace [Was waiting for me almost instantly on the next floor and he was too fast to escape from]
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on June 05, 2014, 01:21:29 PM
...we're going to see a lot of this, aren't we? :V

Speaking of Tengu, my TenguWz run went really well with an amulet of gourmand on D:1, Ecu Temple on d:4, and a fuggin book of annihilations on d:5 or so (they have amazing conjuration aptitude, so) and I had like 6 scrolls of blink and 5 teleportations. Of course, I didn't remember them when some wargs on d:7 or d:8 were a lot scarier than I thought they'd be and resisted all my wands and mephitic cloud and oneshotted my imps >_>; Goodbye, book of annihilations that I was about to be able to read.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on June 05, 2014, 02:10:34 PM
Turns out it dosen't let me screenshot crawl. Apparently there are sometimes issues with Win7.
Huh, that's odd. I'm on Win 7, and screenshotting by print screening works normally for me.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raikaria on June 05, 2014, 02:21:58 PM
Huh, that's odd. I'm on Win 7, and screenshotting by print screening works normally for me.

Don't for me. I just get a white screenshot.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Totaku on June 05, 2014, 07:18:10 PM
Since UK isn't here, I'm going to fill in for her...

So once again....Wakasagihime has died.... can we managed to avert the current Crisis at hand?

SeianVerian It's your turn to Crawl with Wakasagihime! You will have till Sunday, June 8 at 3 PM EST to complete your task and write up the report!
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on June 05, 2014, 09:15:54 PM
Really Raikaria <.<? And you couldn't find a screenshotting tool like gyazo or or whatever? I mean, fuck, I use Irfanview.

And yes, what Totaku said.

EDIT: Also, Tengu what, and can you at least write up a log? That was an option!
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Seian Verian on June 06, 2014, 01:25:01 AM
Um. Problem. My Crawl 0.14 copy is out of date and the library has sourceforge blocked for some ridiculous reason. I don't know if I'm going to be able to do this
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on June 06, 2014, 02:13:08 AM
Um. Problem. My Crawl 0.14 copy is out of date and the library has sourceforge blocked for some ridiculous reason. I don't know if I'm going to be able to do this

Is there any file transfer site that isn't blocked for you?
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raikaria on June 06, 2014, 11:41:11 AM
Really Raikaria <.<? And you couldn't find a screenshotting tool like gyazo or or whatever? I mean, fuck, I use Irfanview.

And yes, what Totaku said.

EDIT: Also, Tengu what, and can you at least write up a log? That was an option!

I walked down some steps and died to a Tengu with a runed mace and his crow buddies almost instantly on D:15 at turn 38373.

Not much to say.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on June 06, 2014, 04:51:40 PM
I walked down some steps and died to a Tengu with a runed mace and his crow buddies almost instantly on D:15 at turn 38373.

Not much to say.

Um...oh, there are regular unclassed tengu enemies, aren't there? I thought it was only Reaver/Conjurer/Warrior.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Seian Verian on June 06, 2014, 04:57:47 PM
Is there any file transfer site that isn't blocked for you?

Dropbox seems to be okay
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raikaria on June 06, 2014, 05:09:37 PM
Um...oh, there are regular unclassed tengu enemies, aren't there? I thought it was only Reaver/Conjurer/Warrior.

Yes, in fact, Warrior is disabled in this version apparently.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on June 06, 2014, 07:39:58 PM
o.O...must have been a very last minute change. I was playing 0.14 Trunk for awhile!

Also, I am getting SeianVarian Crawl now through the magic of DropBox, so his turn is still on. In consideration of his circumstances, SeianVarian, you now have until Monday, June 9th, 2014, 4:00 PM EDT to post your update.

Raikaria: Are you going to sign up again, preferably actually having a screenshot program?
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raikaria on June 06, 2014, 08:14:25 PM
Nope, I didn't ask to be re-signed up because of my screenshoting problems. Also I'm completely inept this deep.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Seian Verian on June 08, 2014, 08:39:30 PM
Yeah I'm having screenshot problems too, even with a screenshot program. It simply won't recognize the Crawl window, it tries to screenshot everything underneath it.

There's probably a solution, but at this point I don't want to deal with it or delay the next person's turn any further. I'm gonna ask for my turn to be skipped right now. If it's okay, I'll sign up again AFTER I've figured out a way around this problem.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on June 08, 2014, 09:37:12 PM
Fair enough, I'll wait for you to figure it out (Hrm, it's strange that everyone is having trouble with it...)

Totaku, you have until Wednesday, June 11th, 2014, 6:00 PM EDT to post an update!
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on June 09, 2014, 06:50:43 PM
I had a bit of trouble with it using Greenshot, mostly that when I was in a menu it would undo sometimes when I pressed prntscrn, but I still got it to work.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Totaku on June 11, 2014, 03:22:14 PM
Alright guys! It's time for me to give you my report on the mermaid's journey within the DUNGEON OF ZUN!
When we last left off, Wakasagihime was finishing exploring floor 14. She didn't find much left after all she went through other than a orb of energy. Which may or may not be useful, needless to say she ignored it for the time being and proceeded to the next floor!

Dungeon Floor 15: The Unimaginable Horrors

As Wakasagihime entered the floor, all seemed well at the moment. She managed to cover some ground and discovered a batch of Kedamas which she managed to kill. Some of them managed to leave thier corpses behind!

"Oh? Since when did fuzzballs have bodies?" She asked with curiosity. "Perhaps if I raise it from the dead?"
And thus the kedama skeletons bursted out of the corpses, they looked a bit ugly underneath all that fluff.

"How disturbing, they looks kind of terrifying under there, but what's this?"

Wakasagihime found a batch of Kedama flesh.
"I am feeling a bit hungry so why not eat?"

And thus the mermaid ate the kedamas.... suddenly... she felt funny inside...

Her body became weaker....
She became more hungry....
She grew molten scales over part of her body....
And she grew thin metallic scales over part of her body...

So basically now, the mermaid's become a bit hungry and has weird and unusual scales growing over part of her body now.

"I think I shouldn't have eaten that... I looks and feel so funny right now...."

Regardless she continues to explore deeper into the dungeon to see what she can find.

One strange thing she encounter was a worm with an oversized was a brain worm!

Brainworms are not threatening on the most part, but they are infamous for draining your intelligence. While Wakasagihime doesn't need to worry about this on the short run, this in turn can make spell casting harder for her in the long run. So killing it as soon as possible is a must.

The worm didn't put up much of a fight though, so all went well.
She later came across a ring and tried it on.... It was a ring of of Teleport control!

This'll allow the mermaid to teleport to any location and control where she ends up if used by her own magic.
Besides that, she also fought Yukkuri Koishis, which are generally invisible, but thanks to her hat, she can see them.

Cyclopes, which are known for chucking boulders and have lots of strength.

And then she confronted something different...
A Salamander!
Salamanders are large humanoid snake creatures who are capable of shooting fire at you. If you lack in fire protection, it can hurt A LOT!

Thankfully this one didn't decide to breath fire, so he posed very little threat with Wakasagihime's icicles.
However probably the most dangerous thing she had to face among everything she fought down here were the Tengu conjuror!

Tengu conjuoror mainly cast wind and fire spells if I recall correctly, but what makes them hard is that they are ALWAYS accompanied by ravens which will peck at you relentlessly making you loose health quickly. If you're capable of separating them, life will be easier for you. Otherwise, be prepared for tough battles or looking to teleport as an emergency retreat.

Wakasagihime needed to teleport from them at least once or twice, but did manage to beat them all.

There were also freezing wraiths, which basiclly freeze you upon touching you and in the process will drain your vigor, thus slowing you down. More or less, they're like you, except more immune to ice. Still some icebros did the trick allowing the mermaid to hit the ghost from the distance.

There was also a Dire elephant which was a stronger version of the Elephant, but thanfully it was only one, so it posed little threat. Sorry I didn't get a picture....

And with that, Wakasagihime cleared floor 15 which meant she has access to the Depth of the Dungeon of ZUN..... but it seemed too dangerous to venture that deep for now...

"I need to go and try to get the runes first. If I can get them I am one step closer to getting to the beer of ZUN!"
And so Wakasagihime returned to the Lair to begin partaking on her next step of the journey.

I seem to have poison resistant gear, so there's only one logical place to go first.....
And thus she entered....

The Kanako Pits
Floor 1: Scaly Encounters of the Unknown Kind

It wouldn't take long to find out just how dangerous the Kanako Pits were!
There were snakes of every possible kind out there! Ready to try to get a piece of her! All greating her form the entrance. It was one hell of a welcoming party!

So lemme give you a rundown on some of the enemies here:

Naga: Basic snake like creatures with human upper bodies, love to spit poisonous loogies at you, get too close to them and they'll constrict you while attacking you. So be cautious around them however remember, they're slower than you.

Naga SharpShooters: Naga that weild bows and arrows, that attack from the distance, they also know how to use portal projectile allowing them to instantly teleport thier shot to point blank range. Annoying and difficult to deal with.

Salamander Mystics: Tougher spellcasting variation of the Salamander. It uses fire themed spells and usually comes with other Salamanders in tow.

Water Moccaison: tougher variation of the adder, not too hard.

Black Mamba: Very fast and deadly. They are more notorious for tearing apart weaker adventures rather than thier poison.

Anacondas: Non venomous snake, very large, very fast and is very capable of constricting you. They are a bane for mages, try to kill them from a distance!

Wakasagihime was placed in a terrible pinch and as forced on multiple occasions to teleport, flee, and use her healing potions and wands of healing to save herself. (It was THAT dangrous!)

"This is getting dangerous! I can't find a brake I need to get out of here!"

She looked for the cloest way to escape and went down to Floor 2 to escape!

The Kanako Pits: Floor 2- Dem Dorfs Man....

Wakasagihime has some breathing space, it seem she might make it. She seem to be better of than how she was before hand.

But before she could go any futher she found something strange....
A small and short bearded man weilding a staff

"What do we have here?" The bearded man asked.

"Umm, excuse me?"

The bearded man sniffed..."Mmmm the delicious smell of fish... how I yearn for thee! You shall become my meal for tonight! Come here, I will make sure to rock this world just to get a taste of you!"

The bearded man jams his staff to the ground as the entire floor around Wakasagihime feet shakes with temendous force!

"What on earth is this!?" the mermaid said with shock as she tried to maintain her balance.

"Earth? That's only the beginning my dear fishy friend! I am Jougurn, the dwarven master of Earth! And I shall be sure to BURY YOU DEEP if you presist on being resistanting any further!"

With that the Dwarf blew up a wall beside the mermaid as the fragments hit the mermaid!

"This hurts I need to hide!!!"

She attempt to hide from the dwarf by going behind a wall... but it wouldn't take long for the dwarf to find her because he created a wall through the wall as she screamed in shock as the hole formed. The Dwarf pops out from the hole with a creepy grin as he shouts.....


"I had enough of this! I rather be up there with the snakes!!!

And thus Wakasagihime dashed up a flight of stairs to escape from insane dwarf.
Upon returning to Floor 1 she ends up fighting a Naga Warrior, a tough as nails version of the regular naga, they are very strong and should be taken with caution. It's best to fighting them from the distance.
And Naga mages, a spell casting variation, capable of casting mystic blast, and venom arrow They are rather dangerous to let run loose since they got several destructive spells. So it's based to take them down quickly if you can.

After lots of teleporting and healing later, the mermaid gained the upper hand.... and she was able to explore the dungeon more freely without fear....

She found a Halberd which she tried out. It tured out it was the +6 +3 Halbred of the Ice Cave (Freeze, rElec, +rC)
She just then fights a shock serpent, a snake capable of shooting eletricity! But thanks to the halberd, she was protected from it's eletricity!

"This might come in handy! I'm keeping this!"

Finally Wakasagihime found an armor shop!

"There better be something good in here!"

She enters the shop to find this....
There seems to be some special armor here, and the runed ring mail caught her interest.

"This might be worth trying...."

So she buys the armor and equips it....

It's the ring mail of fire resistance!
"Just what I need!!"

"Wow, I didn't expect to be so lucky I knew this dungeon was dangerous, but I didn't expcet it to be so hard.... thankfully what I've found here should help me make it through... I hope...."

The Mermaid sighed as she realized she's traveled for a while now.... I need to find a corner to rest in for a bit.... this is getting intense...

And so Wakasagihime settled down and she carefully planned her next move....

And that ends my turn!

I have the entire thing documented on stream to boot!

Anyways, Raikatai and everyone else ahead of me, remember the folllwing:

We still have teleport wands and a wand of healing ATM, so we are still good if things get dangerous. So don't be too worried for right now.

Keep in mind Jougurn is on the Second Floor of the Kanako Pits! He's tough as nails and his magic is deadly! But remember he's a Deep Dorf, he can't heal under normal means. The worse case scenario is he may have potions of healing with him, other wise, you can try to slowly take him down or try to ignore him if possible...

The new Halberd I obtained is going to be key to our survival in the Kanako pits, since it's Ice element based, that means anything cold blooded will be slowed down by the effects of this weapon.... And of course everything in snake based, thus they are.... cold blooded! And it's also really good against Shock Serpents!

Anyways here's the file, and good luck to you all!

My run ended in 43512.7.

Also signing up again!
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on June 11, 2014, 09:25:18 PM
Raitaki, you have until Saturday, June 14th, 2014 5:00 PM EDT to post an update

Seems like things are getting hard for poor Wakasagihime D:.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on June 11, 2014, 10:39:46 PM
Ahgerds, a Zot rune branch. I've been treating horribly by roughly all of it, heheh. Time to attempt to get my first rune (on a savescummed file with the assistance of multiple other people) or die run out of time trying!
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on June 12, 2014, 05:10:55 AM
The one piece of advice I have to give is that, while our summons can't follow us, you can take meat chunks and use simulacra as soon as you get onto a new floor (along with ice beasts if they still pull any weight) rather than having to run around buddyless until you getting a chance to raise skeletons.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on June 12, 2014, 05:49:46 AM
Yeah that's what I did for Orcish Mines, but snakes are fast ; v; Though if nagas are slower than us then I guess it's not so bad.

Also should I go steady and slowly fight my way to the rune, or do I just grab it and tele out? And I think we found a book with Apportation on it but not sure, book of Party Tricks in Lair I think, is it worth going back for it to grab runes?
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Totaku on June 12, 2014, 02:45:34 PM
It all depends on the set up for the final floor of the rune floor. I know that in the Kanako Pits, you're bound to have one of two possible set ups.

1. Open ended passage with lots of enemies and a Rune
2. Winding passage with a room compacted full of enemies at the end

If you end up with the second one, appication will be useless but if you happen to wind up where the rune's at, you can teleport out of there the moment you grab it. I done this on a few rare occasions, but only because the teleportation took me in the right spot, most of the time I fight my way there.

Keep in mind we have yet to fight mana vipers and Naga Mystics, which I hear are the much worse, let along the greater nagas as well (since they generally come at the very last floor). So be prepared for the worst situations.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on June 12, 2014, 05:25:56 PM
I tried Snake a few times with my save file after I did my update, I can tell you Snake is manageable, but difficult. Kiku's corpse delivery can net you a bunch of slaves and chunks to make life much easier.

The worse enemies are the Sharshooters, since they can shoot through your army and at you, and they can kill a lot of stuff before the wall of pain makes it to them. Salamanders in large numbers are also really bad.

Other nagas and most snakes won't be able to touch you since your slaves are poison-immune.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on June 14, 2014, 03:38:54 PM
Aaalright! It?s my turn again! This time, we shall be leading Sagi-chan deeper into the Snake Pits, and hopefully not get murdered horribly and obtain the Rune of Zun!

( ?That?s...quite the ?optimism? you have right off the bat...?

Hey, I?m a realist, alright?
First off, I don?t think we need the rFire or +1 AC that urgently, so I swap to the rCold leather armour to get the spell failure rates down. I also find a scroll of recharging pretty early on so I use that on the depleted wand of teleportation in case of emergency.

Found a new ring, used ID on it, ring of fire. The extra ID I used on the unknown scroll we had, it was enchant weapon III. We?re not using fire, and we have ring of protection from fire for rFire, so I drop the ring.

Anyway, I finish up on clearing the 1st floor just in case, then head down to the second.


( ?Hey! That?s the mage who jumped me earlier!?

Darn, we ran into again earlier than I?d preferred. He?s also pretty healthy too so this is going to be a tough fight, though I have an idea!


Torment! Being a follower of Orin, we can evoke torment on a corpse to halve the health of all non-resistant living creatures nearby! Orin can also protect us from torment too, so Jorgun lost half of his health while we only lost about 25%!

( ?Owowow...Should I start being afraid of all your ?ideas???

I think it was mentioned that he?s a Deep Dwarf who doesn?t regenerate over time, so I see no reason to stick around and duke it out while we?re hurt and our mana is low. I go back up to rest and request corpses before going back for round 2. Though the clever bastard already got away from the stairs when we came back with enough naga chunks to kill him twice over, so we?d have to flip this floor upside down looking for him.

Found a weapon stop. Only 3 blues, no polearms whatsoever. Pass.


( ?Wah! I think something foul just washed over me!?

That?s a naga ritualist. Their job is pretty much get you as poisoned as possible, and they can use Virulence to decrease our rPois, too. They also love Olgreb?s Toxic Radiance, which this one just tried to use on Sagi-chan the moment she entered his range. For some reason he didn?t cast anything else this time, so he was dispatched quickly.
We also ran into a whole group of naga which managed to poison us with a poisoned arrow, though Fulminant Prisms took short work of them. Forgot to screenshot.


Found Jorgun, at last. In a corner, cowering and trying to run away somehow. Sentence: Lots of prisms!
Next floor!


A bazaar! Too bad we don't have a scroll of magic mapping on hand to find it quickly...
Also our gear is getting too heavy, and the book of Power doesn?t seem to have any spell with the right schools for us (except Mystic Blast, which would be pretty hard to use what with our undead army in the way) so I ditch it.


( ?Urgh...more dwarves??

Another unique, Wiglaf. He apparently knows Might and Haste. Most likely a melee type. Not sure if my anaconda simulacra can fight that.


( ?Yay! Snakes are awesome!?

Strike that, they totally can. Constriction too stronk.


Open my eyes, what do I see?
I see serpents swarming me...


So much for snakes being awesome. Somehow during the fight a swarm of reptiles even bigger than my undead army (read: more than 12) showed up, including some salamanders who quickly got rid of the simulacra while they were distracted by the snakes who showed up first. Also three freaking mana vipers. That one right there trashed my MP right after I drank a potion of magic and summoned 2 ice bros >_> Tried to teleport away, but bitten to death while putting on the ring of tele control. Maybe that wasn?t the best of ideas.

So...on-screen timer counts turn 45199. Death by black mamba (apparently the ice bro killed the mana viper before jerk mamba bited a second time). Sign me right back up!

(in hindsight I should probably have evoked torment or something ; v; )
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on June 14, 2014, 03:56:12 PM
Alas, Wakasagihime dies again =D

NekoNekoRex, you have until Tuesday, June 17th, 2014 at 12:00 PM EDT to post an update!
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on June 15, 2014, 02:33:20 AM
I'm not sure whether I'll be more terrified of my turn if NNR lives or if he doesn't >_>;
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on June 17, 2014, 03:53:25 PM
Run will be a little late, but I'm doing the run right now so it won't be terribly long before the update is up.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on June 17, 2014, 04:08:12 PM
All right, I SUPPOSE that's ok. This once
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on June 17, 2014, 06:20:02 PM
Snakes Attempt 2: Why Did It Have To Be Snakes?

So when Waggy Saggy last left off, we were still in Snake 1. There wasn't much left of Snake 1 though, so we moved onto Snake 2.

Corpse Drops prove to be an important tool whenever Waggy Saggy enters a floor. Having a Summon Wall is vital to survival.

We quickly run into Jogrun again...

 who proves to be quite a threat... But we weaken him, and he can't heal, so we return to the floor to continue exploring. Snake 2 is pretty empty though...

Soon enough, Jogrun intercepts us yet another time.

But this time Waggy Saggy's summons and icicles prove to finally be too much for the dwarf...

And he is soundly defeated.

There's also a weapon shop but no demon tridents. Yawn.

Snake 3: Snakes On A Plain
Waggy Saggy comes down the stairs to find a Shock Serpent, who of course nearly kills her, because Shock Serpents are crap and for some reason Totaku thought it was a good idea to get rid of our health for shitty Muts.

Waggy Saggy soon runs into some hogs, which could only mean one thing...

Kirke appears! Kirke is a summoner kind of like us, who summons Kendamas and tries to turn us into a pig, which we wouldn't appreciate much.

She gets little chance to do anything though as we swarm her with summons...

But she dies, dispelling the curse on the hogs I spared before she died.

This floor is big and open, which is fine with me because it lets my summons swarm people easily enough.

 Waggy steps on a trap and a bunch of spiders jump out! But they die quickly.

We pretty much curbstomp the floor, having a huge army of undead following us around.

Only notable loot so far is this ring and a wand of magic darts. Pass.

Snake 4: I Feel Like A Mongoose

Another floor, another batch of corpse deliveries.

We run into a pretty threatening big group, but Waggy Saggy eventually overwhelms them. More corpses, no loot.

An altar to the yama! That's notable... I guess.

Pointless screenshot because nothing happennnnnnned

Snake 5: I'm Tired Of These God Damn Snakes In This God Damn Pit
Yaaay. The last floor.

We quickly find our target, the Snake Vault. Branch End Vaults are particularly dangerous, it's where we'll find our prize, the great Rune of Zot.

A large group of snakes wait outside of it, putting us in a pitched battle of summons versus salamanders.

A mystic comes in as I run out of summons, but Ice Bros eventually bail me out, leaving me to scout the floor and clear out anything that might surprise us on the escape.

Finally, with the floor cleared, all that leaves is the vault.

Snakes and nagas begin pouring out of the vault, but my army of summons and Orin providing me corpses to spare help me on my charge through the entrance.

Eventually the snakes are overwhelmed, leaving me a bounty of corpses and chunks to continue my assualt on the lair.

Down the first path we slither, forcing our way down the mouth of the spiral.

Waggy Saggy meets lots of resistance, but I have an endless supply of chunks to turn into more undead, as more and more are killed.

I briefly lead the charge with each wave, throwing a few spells before slinking back to create more undead.

Pushing onward and onward, the snakes get tougher, but never tough enough for Waggy Saggy's endless army.

Finally, we reach the end to find....


A single scroll.

Fuck you, Crawl.

Well, there's a second path that I can go down, so I take my army and push forward there as well.

The assualt continues. Onward!

I run into a huge group of nagas at the end, who finally crush the last of my summon army.

With no protection left, I quickly scurry away...

But a Naga Sharpshooter waits at the other end, and shoots me down before I can react!

So close!

I died at ~turn~ 45779, but at least Snake is beatable. Just make sure not to die to Jogrun and keep yourself surrounded by as many undead as you can.
Don't be afraid to get burdened or drop your other shit (like that quarterstaff and the bardiche and that Ring Mail why would you equip that anyway, it's so shitty god damn) so you can hold MORE CHUNKS. I was frequently burdened holding tons and tons of chunks I could summon into big armies.
Drop a bunch of stuff when you enter Snake 5 especially, you'll want all the weight you can carry.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on June 17, 2014, 06:54:09 PM
Serela, you have until Friday, June 20th, 2014 at 3:00 PM EDT to post an update

Sharpshooters are cruel, are they not :)?
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on June 18, 2014, 01:06:31 AM


NOOOO WHY ISN'T PUUSH WORKING ANYMORE it's only uploading 0 byte files regardless of what I'm trying to shot ;_; crawl or otherwise

e:Ugh the newly taken pictures seem to take up space on my account, but they still aren't actually accessible.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on June 18, 2014, 02:37:07 AM
Screw it, time to die without pictures of Wakasagihime's horrible demise.

Why are we already too burdened to pick up a single scroll as soon as I load the save? I drop a bunch of gear that isn't going to be immediately important on the rightmost down-stairs of Snake Pit 1. A lot of it is actually good stuff so it should be remembered when we're LEAVING, but I want the inventory space for actually trying to not die. Actually, I dropped basically everything I didn't think would be something helpful for the next couple floors of snakes, so yeah.

A nearby naga corpse gives me fuel to start my rampage on Pits:2. There's some scrolls of identify, a scroll of fear, vulnerability... the shop you've already heard about twice. Aaaand Jorghun, welp. Oooooh shit, summoning Ice Beasts was a bad idea- he uses Shatter to instantly blow them up and cause lots of icy pain. It's a good thing I had double cold resist on so it only did a third of Waki's HP. Unfortunately the simulacrum face similar issues as I start spamming Fulminant Prism. Most of his other Shatters are badly aimed, so I manage to deal a significant amount of damage as I slide towards some stairs... man, he's slow. With no hp regen this is a breeze. He drops... another +2 robe of positive energy. :I Thanks. The issue is it took long enough that Waki's gotten pretty hungry, and nothing's been leaving corpses, so she has to munch a lemon.

Kiku's Pizza Delivery is remembered slightly late. Oh well. Hello, new meatshields! There was a few lone nagas, but overall, pretty uneventful Pits 2 after prism'ing Jorghun. Pits 3 time~

There's a naga and salamander right off the bat, so Waki goes back up the stairs, and back down this time with a handful of chunks to get things started. Well, that worked well. There's a +1 ring of evasion (dropped), a Young Poisoner's Handbook (a bit too late for these poison skills to be of any use...) and a wand of confusion. And... a naga sharpshooter oh god it hurts. Waki ends up having to read a scroll of blinking to get out after it's buddies help kill the summons, whilst tinking her to no HP- but escape works out, and she... is constricted by two anacondas upon going up the stairs. Forced to summon ice beasts and use up healing items, she somehow survives with 4hp and 1mp. Somehow.

A naga warrior comes to attack her in her rest, but the anaconda meat makes for wonderful icy guards, so it's no biggie anymore. Returning to Pits 3 is easy with a ready army, and the slain nagas have a +1 +3 Glaive of Venom. Well, the poison might make it half okay? I imagine we're dropping it but whatever. Oh hey a book of the tempests. Don't we already have one of those? Time for Pits 4.

Hi Nikola! Or should I say... ah... I... I don't remember your name, midboss ghost of Futo's stage in TD. Sorry. I know not to get close to her, since she'll cast Chain Lightning and possibly fry me all at once. Wait... I have rElec, and she doesn't! Nevermind. I just plain bruteforce her, and her (along with a lot of undead) die easily. Running into a Naga Sharpshooter and his friends immediately afterwords, however, is not fun... and a anaconda swings in and constricts Waki as she tries to give them the slip. A scroll of teleportation ensues. Lucky it sends us right next to the stairs up. And then right back down after a rest with new undead...

And we find Vashnia, an elite naga sharpshooter with friends. Go, my newly reanimated Nikola. Get her. Get her gooood. She actually switches her bow for a long sword whilst being mobbed, but I'm left vulnerable to her sharpshooter buddy that comes in from a different side... and dear god they hurt. It's almost a relief when Vashnia blinks out of sight and I can return to hiding behind my wall of summons. It doesn't last long though. A black mamba comes slithers over and bites Waki while she's trying to slip away from the overwhelming nagas, and, having been put at low HP by the sharpshooter, it takes her out.

Maybe she should have used that Wand of Teleportation on something to make the fight easier. Oops.

Turn 46906.6 (or uh, 45033?) to a black mamba on Snake Pits 4, goodbye once more Wakasaki! All my summons were busy slaughtering Vashnia and then a sharpshooter had free reign to deal huge amounts of damage that I couldn't easily get out of, and I'd already used up the nice scrolls. At one point 2 scrolls of blinking had been burned by a salamander, that helped that occur >_>; Anyway, ah well.

e:Oh yeah... and I need to opt out of my next turn. I'm gonna be fairly busy until after the fourth of July at the least, especially around the last week of that period.

Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on June 18, 2014, 06:16:25 AM
Noted. I may have to opt out of my turn as well unless the AC gets fixed damn soon. I'll start the timer, but if I don't have AC by 24 hours before my 72 hours, I'm passing.

That said, UncertainKitten, you have until Saturday, June 21st, 2:00 AM EDT to post an update
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on June 20, 2014, 07:05:21 AM
As expected, this ain't happening. I'll jump myself in the queue when my AC is properly working, cutting in line because I can, but I'm moving it on to the next person.

Pirate, you have until Monday, July 23rd, 3:00 AM EDT to post an update
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Pirate on June 22, 2014, 06:08:32 PM
A Second Chance.


But luck was a harsh mistress. None of the teleports worked, and her wand of heal wounds fizzled without a use. A centuar warrior put an end to her, and that was the last she was seen.


The last she was seen...


Was seen...


That didn't seem right.

That can't happen.


"What is it?"

The sound of a disembodied voice broke her trance-like state. Wakisagihime shook her head, utterly confused as to what had happened.

"N-no I..." she rubbed her forehead, feeling rather queer. Just a strange, unexplainable feeling, "I think I dozed off a bit...I thought I was dreaming..."

"Dreaming? Whilst talking to me?" The spirit whizzed above her head, clearly agitated, "has anyone taught you manners?"

"I have manners!" She insisted, "I talk to my pets, I play with them, and I even say my 'please's and 'thank you's!"

"Don't call those...those abominations pets!" The spirit somersaulted, "they don't even think!"

"Oh..." Wakisagihime drooped her head, feeling rather downcast at the fact. Even though they accompanied her for so long...

"Anyway! Your equipment! Your skills! Show me!" The spirit interrupted, switching the subject in a bit to turn her attention away from being depressed. It seemed to work marvellously.

"Oh, sure!" She smiled, nodding like an innocent child.



"Hmm..." The spirit mused, "you don't need this...or this...or that..."

One by one equipment was dropped off to accommodate for more important things. The empty wand of teleportation was dropped, the wand of polymorph was dropped, the ring mail was swapped for the leather armour, and the useless stick that she'd been keeping for godsknowwhy was tossed aside, even as she complained that it was a valuable artefact.

"You have the worst hoarder's mentality," the spirit chided, to which she had nothing to say but half hearted objections.

The floor was cleared without much note, and it was time to go the second floor.


"So you see," Wakasagihime spoke animatedly, pleased to have someone around who could reply to her monologues, "I met this really short man with a stick."

"Did you kill him?"

"He was waaaaay strong," she pouted, "he'd wave his hand and it's like the dungeon just flipped the wrong way round."



"Speaking of which, isn't that the one you were referring to?"


"Aaaaah, no stay away stay away-" she cowered, clearly displeased to see him.

The spirit watched the weathered dwarf slam his quarterstaff against the ground, and let out a small sigh.

This was going to be a long day.


But of course, nothing could stop the true power of simulacra. The ice born snakes twisted and writhed, striking the dwarf before he could attack their caster. The battle ended as soon as it started.

Wakasagihime huffed, holding her staff closer to herself, "that was..."

"...surprisingly easy," the spirit finished, though not displeased. Whatever worked was fine so long as she lived, after all.

With that, the second floor of snakes was cleared without note.


Third floor. A relatively nice start.


"Anacondas!" The mermaid gasped, thanking herself for having stayed in the hallway.


Corpse rot was utilised, and ice bros put to defense.


...but more came, drawn out by the loud noise of her prisms.


"Come on, prism!" She whined, but magic only tapered out from her fingers. She was long out of magic. But even as she tried to retreat a mamba came from a flank, striking her before she could react.


"Corpse rot!" she yelled frantically, diving for cover as the mamba gave pursuit. If was dying, but she was dying quicker.

"Your wands!" The spirit urged.

"Oh, oh, great idea!" She grinned, whipping out the lovely lightning wand. Just one shot would do....


...Or not.

And thus ended the life of Wakasagihime.





"I...I totally won!" Wakasagihime huffed, right as she dashed out for the stairs and slammed the door against the mamba's face. It was slowed, too slow to give pursuit, all thanks to the effects of corpse rot.


"That was far too close," the spirit sighed, "magic is a problem."

"Sure is," she pouted, "thank Kiku I have corpses though. I can eat 'em too. Look!"

"Wait what's tha-"


There was a silence as the two stared at each other.

"I feel weird," Wakasagihime complained, to which the spirit could only do a mental face palm.


With a decent rest and actual food, Wakasagihime came back with a vengeance, equipped with an army of undead to follow her every will. This particular time she managed to get ahold of anaconda flesh, all the better to stop everything out of existence.



And with that, the third floor of snakes was cleared.



The mermaid hesitated as she watched the beady eyes of every humanoid turn to her. None seemed particularly happy. Murderous was the better word.

"...Wrong address!" She spoke, before hastily jumping up the staircase, narrowly pursued by a salamander. It was taken care of by her allies, and she proceeded down a more...peaceful set of staircases.


"Hm?" Wakasagihime shuddered as the cold breezed past her, "strange, I've felt this before..."

"Don't be silly," the spirit grumbled, "get moving."

"Fine fine."


The Ice Caves were quickly found...


Dropping off all her potions, she jumped straight into the foreign land, hopes of fantastic treasure motivating every step.


"Demons...?" The mermaid looked downcast, not particularly happy with the company. Neither was the ice devil, as it swung its claws in swathing motions.


But Kiku's delivery was a boon. An army of simulacra and skeletons were amassed, unperturbed by the biting cold.


Lovely out of LOS destruction.



A dire elephant simulacra.


"And that's..."

A twelve headed hydra simulacra.

"...This place really wants to kill me!" Wakasagihime exclaimed.

"Of course it does, don't be silly!" The spirit huffed.


More enemies, even a blizzard demon. But kiku's corpse delivery proved to be by far her most powerful weapon. Those who opposed her were splattered across the stone walls, demon or simulacra.

The rewards were not enticing. Some scrolls, a shield of reflection, nothing she wanted. Thus Wakasagihime left the ice caves in disappointment, but still thankful it was not something harder.




Nagas. Loads of nagas, and she couldn't just yell 'wrong address'.


But of course, body blocking with undead continued to be an effective offense, as fulminant prisms detonated behind the swarm.




More boom.


And then she was victorious.


"For me...? Wonderful!"

Wakasagihime jumped in glee, lifting the wand from the cold body of the salamander.

"...This is far too morbid." The spirit tilted its body to one side, wondering just how a childlike, cheery mermaid could sound so dark with her words.


The final floor arrived, but as Wakasagihime turned to brag her companion was no longer there.

"...Oh...that was earlier that I'd thought..."

She gripped her bardiche closer, looking into the distant darkness. It will be back; until then, she had to find the rune for herself...and stay alive.

Turn End.

Time: 48829.1

Not much of note. Got myself to a few near death scenarios but most of the perishables stayed unused. Corpse Rot is life, Corpse Rot is love. I dropped freeze and training for Conj, SC. She's holding the book of enchantments, so do get haste once SC reaches the next level.

Honestly I dislike how Wakasagihime has become a bit of a jack of all trades and master of none. We need to get OOD online quick, because at this point in time she isn't powerful enough to take on anything without MP, but at the same time she hasn't many powerful spells other than simulacra.

Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on June 23, 2014, 03:38:40 PM
Agreeing with Pirate's synopsis. We need more power!

Totaku, you have until Thursday, June 26th, 2014, 3:00 PM EDT to post an update.

I won't be able to update the thread this weekend because I'll be at Too Many Games, so we might have a short hiatus. Totaku is getting a little longer because Pirate hasn't uploaded the file yet. Otherwise, let's continue!
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on June 23, 2014, 03:45:07 PM
I was actually concentrating Conjurations entirely during my turn, and OoD was progressing down in failure rate really fast, but it's not like I lived or anything :V I almost considered panic-casting it at some points to pray on the 40~% chance it'd work, but mp was usually already badly low when I could use it.

The turn ending right before the final floor is probably for the best, in terms of the fact that this is totally a softcore savescum fiesta.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Totaku on June 26, 2014, 03:01:17 PM
Welp, time for me to give you my report!

Kanako Pits: Floor 5 - The Ugly Little Barnacle

The mermaid's adventures began on the final floor of the KAnako pits, as expected snakes and nagas were everywhere. She realized what she needed to do as danger would rise gradually as she ventured in there.
She came across so dangerous creatures including a shock serpent who could shoot lightning at the mermaid, but she was armed with a halberd that protected her against it's attacks, so no problems there.
Needless to say most of the outer sections of the final floor were dull as activity was minimal there was a sleeping Naga sharpshooter in which Wakasagihime tried to sneak up on however...
Undead are stupid things that love to walk on traps without a second thought. Thus having them around you isn't always a good thing.... either way the problem was handled so the mermaid was fine then...
As she kept going, she eventually came across a spell book, it was the book of envenomation! Good for poison spells, not good for this place.
She eventually came across a Naga ritualist which are deadly to you only if you get poisoned. They use spells to poison you and then follow up by magnifying the effects of the poison making it increasingly lethal. You want to take care of these guys as soon as possible.
Also along side of it was a Mana Viper, a snake who is capable of draining your magic with every bite! Course if it leave a corpse behind... it has special properties.... mutation effects!

So Wakasagihime ate the mana viper did not go well....

Her body began to feel like it was rotting away and her body also begin to buldge and twisted in a disgusting deformed manner, she was looking quite ugly for a mermaid now....
Then ran into Donald, a run in the mill adventurer. And upon glancing upon the Mermaid new remade facelift.... he flew into a panic as he screamed. "OH MY GODD!!! KILL IT!!! KILL IT!!! THING'S LIKE THIS SHOULD'T EXSIST IN THIS PLACE!!"

Wakasagihime realized there was no way she could reason with Donald and retreated into a open room as she summoned her Simacluam.
Donald was soon surrounded by the ice zombies and was quickly killed...
And in his final breath he said... "Better dead than looking at something ugly as you...."

WAkasagihime began to question herself.... am I really this ugly.... that everyone would wish to die?

She wanted to find some kind of reflection to look at herself, but there was nothing but stone walls and she then decided she needed to go to the main chamber.

A big welcome party awaited for the mermaid.... nagas are far as you can see. The most dangerous of them is the Greater Naga. Think of a Naga Guardian and a Naga mage combined with a big stat boost. They are the most threatening melee fighters in the group and possess powerful spells to boot!

Needless to say the nagas were all distrubed by the mermaid's apperance as well. They way they reacted showed they were quite repulsed by Wakasagi's look.

The mermaid tried to fight off the horde of Naga, but they were too great in numbers, so she dispatched them one by one.

However she ran into a problem when she ran low on magic and fought a naga sharpshooter...

The sharpshooterdired bolts at the mermaid and she was deeply wounded....

"I have only one shot to live...."

She takes her wand of healing and attempts to heal herself.... but it fizziles out... (I forgot I had one more charge in it before hand but I used it at some point on the floor)


Just then a bolt magically embeed itself in the mermaid's face and Wakasagihime fell and died....

Welp, I payed with my life because I attempted Gambler's roullete. Something I commonly do in Crawl. I take big risks to make big gains and I payed for it.

But thankfully since this floor is already generated it'll mean it'll be easier for the next player...

So here's what I can tell you about the floor.

1. The outer sections are not very active besides the salamanders and Naga rituallist that has snake friends with him. Other than that common snakes and low rank Naga.
2. There's a potion of healing and a book of envenomation there.
3. Donald has a shield of reflection take that into account!
4. The main chamber is an open ended one. So be prepared to use your simaculum and know when to retreat since high rank nagas come in large numbers there.
5. If you get to the Rune, grab it and RUN.

That's about it Raitaki I wish you luck in the Kanako pits as we try to finish this map up and move on....
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on June 26, 2014, 05:41:03 PM
Raitaki, you have until Sunday, June 29th, 2:00 PM EDT to post an update

FOR FUCKS SAKE STOP EATING MUTAGENIC MEAT TOTAKU >=[ (Also Donald would have said something like "First mermaid I see is the ugliest one that ever lived. I hate that!")
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Totaku on June 27, 2014, 11:50:37 AM
But it's worth the gamble! (Till I get the real good stuff) Plus it leads to beautiful things like what happen to Nue 3-4 years ago ( XD

Anyways, I know I told you this on IRC but I'll mention here as well to be respectful on the rules:

Died at turn 50932, was shot down by a naga sharpshoot who was using portal projectile.

And yes I'm signing up again to play like before.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on June 27, 2014, 05:17:17 PM
We can take Snake 5 and i nearly proved it.
I'll do it myself if I get the chance
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on June 29, 2014, 03:13:33 AM
ughugh my parents might have even more plans for tomorrow, so update might be delayed until late Sunday night/next Monday
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Ramus on June 29, 2014, 09:09:29 AM
Signing up, I figure by the time my turn gets around, I'll have caught up with the four versions of Crawl I've missed since I stopped playing.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Totaku on June 29, 2014, 07:54:37 PM
ughugh my parents might have even more plans for tomorrow, so update might be delayed until late Sunday night/next Monday

Well personally if I was running this, I would give you a 1 day extension. But this is UK's thread, so she will have to make the call.

But I myself would say you'd have till Monday 2-3 PM EST at this point.

Also Ramus? As in the same one who did the Crawl Relay back long ago and got me inspired into modding?

Anyways glad to see you want to join! I will notify UK to put you on the list when she gets back.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Ramus on June 30, 2014, 12:37:17 AM
Yeap, though I got rather busy with college after a point.


I see modding this game is as easy as ever though, however I think I'll stick with your sprite pack, they're certainly quite well made.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on June 30, 2014, 02:31:53 PM
Ok, updating the first post, and also confirming Totaku's you about 5 hours to make a post. Good luck!

Also hi Ramus, I'll add you now.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on June 30, 2014, 07:09:28 PM
Sorry for the tardiness guys, but heeere it is! Sagi-chan?s long-awaited next attempt at the Kanako Pits! Time to take the plunge!

( ?pleaseIdon?twanttodieapainfulnucleardeath.?

Apparently we had an unID?d ring and amulet in inventory, so I ID?d them. Cursed ring of teleport, dropped, and amulet of clarity. Putting on the latter, and also dropping wand of invis since we have a ring for that. We also have enough spell levels to learn Haste (12% failure), so let?s learn that!
Also why?re we using the bardiche of chopping? Wouldn?t a weapon of freezing be better against reptiles?

So after ringing up for corpse delivery, we proce-


( ?Owoah this guy just appeared out of nowhere!?

Stop talking and skewer him!


( ?Friends are awesome!?

Victory! 4 more snakes showed up while that naga guardian constricted us, including one which just came out of a corner down below, but the fan of gales plus the simulacrum vanguards saved the day! Most of the vanguards died though ;_;


A salamander mystic. I don?t know what it can do yet, but it always pays off to be wary of enemy casters in Crawl, and when we?re using simulacra fire is always unwelcome...
Our air elemental buddy immediately poofed the turn after because of course :I   


Went down surprisingly easily. Huzzah freeze procs.


Next up is Iku a shock serpent. Apparently it can discharge electricity when hit, though our halberd has rElec so not a threat on its own. Still manages to take out our skellies, though.

( ?Hey, there?s this square thing on the floor. I wonder what it i-?


( ?sKBDdsbSANdsjanSPIDERS?

Goddamnit skellies! Stop stepping on suspicious traps!


Ran into a salamander and naga warrior at the other end of a corridor. Foolishly tried to charge with my minions. Big mistake. At least the salamander is no longer in front so I can run without being scorched!


Corpse rot trap from corpse delivery was an astounding success!

( ?Yuck, don?t come over here! You stink!?

One more corridor later...


( ?Yuck, poison! I hate it when those get into rivers!?

Well then, tossing!


Oh great, a unique. He?s Donald, apparently also an adventurer. Looks like a straight melee type. I kinda hate fighting those with a summoner-esque character, but our simulacra have extra cold damage, so he went down quickly.
Also found a ring of +3 Int. Nice, but I don?t think we?d rather use that over a resist ring. Still keeping it though.


( ?aghhahgdgv?

Woah, nice! I?d like one of those shock serpents as permanent pet now <3

( ?Whose side are you on???


( ?Uh....this looks potentially bad. I?d rather crawl back into the corridor.

I completely agree!


Ooookay that?s a lot.


I prepared for round 2 and went back....straight into Tojiko. Is this day perfect or what?
She didn?t do a very quick job of frying fish, partly thanks to our rElec, but she was also too tanky/evasive/whatever to kill without summon support, and apparently she can blink to follow us even with haste on, so had to use another teleport to get out.


( ?Okay, I think I?m good enough for round three...?

Perfect! Onwards for revenge!

As expected, she went down easily to our army of simulacra. No good loot. Back to the big room!

Soo we killed a bunch of them, and I was starting to feel good about myself, buuut...


( ?More and more of them keep pouring in!?



( ?Wah...I had to run away once again...?

This is why I want lightning bolt.

Alright, we got away thanks to Haste, time to settle down and re-



Where the fuck did that come from.[/i]

Tried to teleport away, but the wand of heal wounds was dry, and 20 HP was not enough to get me the heck out of there in time ;_; I?ve had stealth snakes dropped on me like 3 times total that run. Oh well. Sign me back up!
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on June 30, 2014, 07:43:55 PM
I will not be able to do jack all until at least Thursday, so if I'm going to be up I'll need some time.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on July 01, 2014, 05:07:40 AM
Uh, Raitaki, did you play from Pirate's file >.>? I'm pretty sure you didn't.

@NNR: That's fine, you'll have til Friday. Do you think you'll need til Saturday?

EDIT: NEvermind, I got my wires crossed on who killed Donald. Carry on!
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on July 05, 2014, 04:44:40 PM
OK NNR you seriously need to post today or else
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on July 06, 2014, 06:50:38 AM
Snake 5: Round 4: Feet Are Banned
So, we're back in Snake 5 again. At least this time I don't have to gruel through 3 other floors of fucking Snakes.

The first thing Waggy Saggy does is identify some shit.
Ooh, useful amulet.

After dumping a ton of stuff (which turned out to be a bad idea because some fucker wasted some of it) I didn't need on the stairs, I started exploring the floor.

Waggy Saggy runs into Donald before she remembers to Corpse Summon some friends, so she starts running.

Thankfully though, you don't need chunks to summon ICE BROS, who are still awesome and deadly to everything.
Fuck yeah, show that asshole.

Donald quickly died, and the floor of horrors began.

Waggy Saggy used Magic Mapping and decided to clear out the main floor first before the vault, amassing a fairly sizable army
A few large groups of nagas tried to intervene, but they were all quickly swarmed over.
The final group, guarding the vault entrance, proved to be troublesome with the guardian naga, but they too were killed off and chunked.

Finally, Waggy Saggy, chunks in hand and army following, marches towards the vault, stopping only briefly to use a Wand of Digging to clear out some space. This would be vital later for the undead army swarming people.

Waggy Saggy marched straight in, summoning a massive army of Naga Ice Bros as snakes slithered out of their holes to challenge her.

The initial fight was terrifying to behold, sharpshooters, wizards, and greater nagas all in large numbers as the icy army tears at them, both sides suffering large casualties.

The nagas proved to be far too formidable though, and soon the icy army was crushed, Waggy Saggy getting driven into a corner, running out of HP.

Thinking quickly, she pulled out one of her prepared scrolls and did  short teleport away, blinking to safety.
Waggy Saggy quickly retreated, running back to heal and summon more allies to her aid.
Soon she would be marching back to continue the prolonged fight.

The hallway ended up being an area of many fights, but the widening from the dig spell allowed Waggy a small advantage, her army able to maneuver more easily to continue the swarm.

Waggy was pushed back yet again, however, although another Greater Naga had been defeated.

Several more battles took place trying to gain control over the stairs, but soon Waggy would be fighting back towards the vault yet again.
More nagas were slain as Waggy pushed back further into the vault yet again.

It seemed like there was no end to the nagas and snakes as her army attacked valuable targets under Waggy's directions.

Finally the hall was clear and the vault was once again entered.
Another army was mobilized as the undead pushed forwards against the snakes yet again.

Wizards and sharpshooters continued to be a problem as they appeared and had to be swarmed again and again.

However, someone even worse was lurking in the Snake Vault. Someone far more dangerous.
Soga no Tojiko, the most feared Air Magic user in the Dungeon of ZUN, had been hiding amongst the snakes.
Waggy Saggy ordered her undead to swarm, but she knew it was far too dangerous with her around, and scurried to the hall to gather more corpses. With luck perhaps she would be killed by the army she left behind?

She returned to find yet another Greater Naga to defeat...
...or perhaps a few. One was slain by the undead, but Greater Nagas were making short order of her undead in these numbers.
Once again she would need to retreat.

But Waggy was far from being out of undead to command.
Another great army was summoned as she went forwards yet again to challenge the vault.
Another small victory was had as another Greater Naga was defeated.

However, the battle was far from over.
Tojiko walked out from the shadows, unharmed from the earlier army. She had survived.
This time, however, Waggy Saggy made her move, directing the full might of her undead onto her, and the remaining snakes of the vault.

Finally, it was quiet.

The Snake Pit had been conquered.

Not too far ahead, Waggy Saggy's prize awaited. The Serpentine Rune, one of fifteen.
She stepped forwards and picked it up.
She had finally managed to get a rune. A great victory for the mermaid, although her quest was far from over.

With the rune in hand, it was finally time to leave Snake.
Yet, still more of the dark dungeon awaited, and yet more runes waited to be found.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on July 06, 2014, 08:11:37 AM
I also did Elf 1.

Almost died to a spriggan. Fuck those guys. I just want to be done with this so I can have my rune.

Found a book shop.

NECROCOMICON! FUCK YES. (I didn't buy it though, Kitten or whoever can.)

Anyway it wasn't very dramatic so I'm not going to bother much with that shit.

I ended on aut 53000 something I think. Pirate told me I should do something more productive then fucking around the stash for another 1000 turns (I really didn't want to die after all that Snake 5 bullshit) so I decided that we're gonna clear Elf next because fuck Elves. Worth it.

Not much advice to give. Probably should go buy Necrocomicon when we have the skills (we currently do not). OOD is up to 10% fail rate, which is better then every other bullshit spell we have. We really should learn Freezing Cloud or something so Waggy isn't so reliant on the zerg swarm.
I also learned haste because it was fairly low fail rate.

Fun fact: Snake 5 actually took me a whole 4000 turns to beat. I actually wanted to be done after I cleared it but Pirate insisted I do my whole 5000.

Sorry I took so long. Again. I've been busy because of holidays and my gaming group and having no computer most of the week so I had a lot to catch up on.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on July 06, 2014, 02:23:50 PM
Whee finally, the war is over ; v; That vault took waaay too much effort. At least we didn't get offed by stealth anacondas while resting in a corner this time :V
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on July 06, 2014, 04:11:02 PM
That looked pretty awesome, NNR, and a good show as usual. Probably will go ahead and make a post tomorrow or Tuesday, myself, and maybe update the OP at some point.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on July 09, 2014, 05:42:42 AM

Looking at tomorrow night 4 realz for my run, because I had a power outage out of nowhere tonight.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on July 10, 2014, 03:55:05 AM
Fuck it, someone else go. I'm burned out on a lot of stuff and have not had a good day.

I'll resign up when it looks like I can actually deliver.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Pirate on July 12, 2014, 05:16:20 PM
Not really in the mood to post anything since i died.

Elf 2 was a cake walk, I found a nature wiz lab and cleared it for some books and a destruction rod. Elf 3 was also fine despite failing to make my hidey hole because corpse rot elite.


Then this happened. I didn't expect a tormentor to just kill off his allies, but i had no form of los attack to finish anything off.

I tried to get close for a prism, but I didn't expect a hellfire, so down wasabihime went.

Next person needs to get sublimation of blood and rmsl. Both can be bought Drop the corpses at the hallway and start hollering for losers. Corpse rot and win. I tried to make a one tile hideyhole but the disint wand is completely empty. Elf 3 is easy, but you'll need patience and clearer thought than I had.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on July 12, 2014, 05:23:48 PM
Wait we've had access to both of those and not obtained them @_@? Sublimation of Blood is godike.

And yes, patience and caution is important to Elf 3.

Also your turn, Totaku
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on July 13, 2014, 12:51:34 AM
Sorry this is too acronym for me what is this

Come to think of it though, yeah, sublimation of blood would have been incredibly useful when I was busy dying due to lack of mp to fight back with >_> We have pretty much infinite chunks at our disposal.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on July 13, 2014, 12:53:09 AM
Repel Missiles. It's a simple Charms spell that once cast you basically never have to worry about again (last time I played crawl I only had to cast rMsl twice, getting two runes in the process and nearly a third. I learned it before orc.)
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Totaku on July 14, 2014, 05:45:08 AM
Ok guys! I'm going to get started on my run, and it fell on the weekend, I'm going to make it a special treat for you all. I'm going to stream it! And it's going to happen NOW!!!

Feel free to join in as Wakasagihime continues her adventures through the depth of Eineitei (AKA Elf Lands) as she continues to murder the bunnies (AKA Elves)

I will make another post of the event after I get rest following the stream.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Totaku on July 15, 2014, 02:18:33 PM
And it had ended and I need to give my report so because of how busy things are going this week. I'll save the lengthy story.

Eineitei: Floor 2 and 3: Mermaids die from loneliness

As Wakasagihime went deeper into Eneitei she continue to plow through the bunnies that stood before her way. Most of her fights were pretty straight forward.
(Once I decided the only way I could handle things was to depend on Orin's corpse delivery to keep myself fed and to bring corpses if needed.)

Only two things got in my way in terms of battling the Inabas.
Inaba summoners, and High rank Inaba...

While Summoners are a common thing, having them summon spiders that come in a meat sheilds is a whole nother story. And the fact that I wouldn't realize that someone put away the ring of poison resistance prior to this (Why? That thing is important for most early locations! Especially for my general aggressive approach on things.)

But what I really under estimated was the fact I would confront Inaba Demonologists, Inaba Sorcerers, and Inaba Death Mages all on the second floor. (A threat that I would likely anticipate on floor 3 of Eineitei, almost NEVER on floor 2.)

There were multiple occasions the mermaid had to flee, teleport, hide, regenerate and prepare herself. But none the less eventually she conqured all her theats and pressed on to floor 3.
The floor started off promising with the shops and low rank Inaba present, but as Wakasagihime found out real quick, she woke up the hive's nest real quickly.... which in turn had her resorting to pulling Inabas upstairs with her so that her undead minions could take them out.

There was armor shop that has nothing but junk, but the jewellery shop.... was worth it!
Wakasagihime bought the amulet of Gourmand, an amulet which can allow you to eat corpses till you're fully engourged. A must have to all dungeon travelers so you can cast spells more frequently without having to depend on Orin too often to deliver corpses to you (for food that is, you can make use of having her bring them to you so you can make more undead minions)

There was also a wizard's lab down in here too, but wakasagihime was unable to reach it in time due to complications dealing with the Inabas

Then of course the high rank Inaba got word of Wakasagi's presense and attempted to launch thier assault.
Besides the previous ones I mentioned there were also the following Inabas

Ianaba Annihilators, bunnies trained in the art of powerful magic that and rip you to shreds (Did I forget to metion, I'm deathly afraid of Annihilators mainly because of thier abilty to OHKO you if they have the right spell set?)
Inaba Sword Masters - A fast, quick Inaba who can duel weild two swords (the only character in the game that can actually do this!)
Did I forget to mention the Inaba had a +10 +12 Sword of Jihad!? ( I wanted to consider picking it up, but I wanted players to decided on this following my turn)
I did reach the treasure room hoping the threat would be over, but the mermaid found an annihilator inside.... (so much for her starting to loot stuff) so she had to escape.
Ultimately, what would kill the mermaid was an Inaba Master Archer. To describe the situation, I severely under estimated the Master Archer because the last time I fought one, they never fired as many arrows as they do now. Apparently my turn counter must of trigger the Inaba to attack me over 4 times! Because she managed to hit Wakasagihime knocking her from 132 HP to 1 before she could even have a turn!!

So in a show down the mermaid launch an icicle at the Inaba, but the missle missed, and so the Mermaid was impaled with another arrow ending her life...

Yes... I did not expect the Master archer to pull something like this at all, I usually find them non threatening but in this case, they have changed so much since I last fought one, it's a whole new ballgame for me. I should have activated condensation shield, that probably would of been the game changer right there.

(..also I got accidentally mutated by one of those mutation demons because I was trying to kill the Inaba Demonologist to rid the demons... so maybe for the better [even if it was -2 int])

And I died RIGHT AROUND the 5k mark!! (Around turn 59180)

So anyways... I guess it's Ramus's go! Get in there and show those Inabas who's boss! Look for the save up above a few posts.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on July 15, 2014, 03:42:35 PM
I really hope we aren't out of ?blinking :ohdear:

And yes, Ramus, make a post in the next 3 days[/color]
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on July 15, 2014, 04:16:16 PM
Reminder that if Totaku had actually fucking read the thread he would have lived (and memorized Repel Missiles).
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on July 15, 2014, 06:03:00 PM
Oh, right- I can go back in the queue now, not busy. And puush seems to be functioning again. (It wouldn't work for -anything- last time, not just crawl. :T )
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on July 15, 2014, 07:14:09 PM
Oh yeah, I'm gonna go on vacation soon, and I don't think I'll have much time between preparations and Mafia, so take me off the list.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on July 15, 2014, 07:43:43 PM
That works, I'll handle both of these things.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on July 16, 2014, 11:05:00 PM
On a new game I found a pearl dragon hide like right next to the starting point. rofl what. That's even POSSIBLE?
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on July 16, 2014, 11:53:14 PM
On a new game I found a pearl dragon hide like right next to the starting point. rofl what. That's even POSSIBLE?
Same. Though it was /so freaking heavy/. I ended up getting smited to death :V
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on July 17, 2014, 12:14:21 PM
Same. Though it was /so freaking heavy/. I ended up getting smited to death :V
Crawl trunk doesn't have weight anymore, thankfully. Although you shouldn't bother much with pearl dragon armor unless you're a melee-oriented class (at least a hybrid)
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on July 17, 2014, 01:11:20 PM
Ugh. The bane of my runs is when I get to double-digit dungeon floors (and then turn to do Lair or something after like d:11) I still don't have any spellbooks I can use apart from my starting one. It makes it more tempting to give up Wizard and try something else again so I have a better attack spell :/ Call Imp and Mephitic Cloud get a lot of work done, and blink gets me away from the worst, but this doesn't work forever; more enemies start resisting poison and the imps start doing less work and needing to be chainsummoned as they're killed within a few turns. Which is bad because magic dart becomes almost useless and I have to rely more and more on imps.
Like, Conjurer worked pretty well, my death there was more just a fluke- giving up the INT, Blink, impshields, and the glory of mephitic cloud to get all those good offense spells might be necessary. :T

Oh wow, no weight? That's surprising. I was actually considering going back and enchanting the hide into armor, and going melee until I found a good book on my last run, since I got a +5 +9 Cutlass of Absolution. Not that I could use it's pain brand for much, but. (I died later to something really stupid because oh huh that thing oneshots me? )
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Pirate on July 17, 2014, 06:33:58 PM
Ugh. The bane of my runs is when I get to double-digit dungeon floors (and then turn to do Lair or something after like d:11) I still don't have any spellbooks I can use apart from my starting one. It makes it more tempting to give up Wizard and try something else again so I have a better attack spell :/ Call Imp and Mephitic Cloud get a lot of work done, and blink gets me away from the worst, but this doesn't work forever; more enemies start resisting poison and the imps start doing less work and needing to be chainsummoned as they're killed within a few turns. Which is bad because magic dart becomes almost useless and I have to rely more and more on imps.
Like, Conjurer worked pretty well, my death there was more just a fluke- giving up the INT, Blink, impshields, and the glory of mephitic cloud to get all those good offense spells might be necessary. :T

Oh wow, no weight? That's surprising. I was actually considering going back and enchanting the hide into armor, and going melee until I found a good book on my last run, since I got a +5 +9 Cutlass of Absolution. Not that I could use it's pain brand for much, but. (I died later to something really stupid because oh huh that thing oneshots me? )

Wizard is  terrible starting class unless you have either magic gods to provide you with spells to learn, or are willing to hybridise whilst riding on the coattails of mephitic cloud. Conjurer will let you blast through up to lair 8 alone with battlesphere and prisms, as with with fire elementalist.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on July 17, 2014, 11:47:54 PM
Battlesphere and Magic Dart will take you up to the Lair Branches, few enemies can tank battlesphere long enough to do anything serious, and the other level 4 conjurations will get the job done otherwise if not.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on July 18, 2014, 03:05:45 AM
Ramus is beginning to run out of time...
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Ramus on July 18, 2014, 02:12:09 PM
Don't worry, it'll get done today, just been busy the past two days.  Besides, my time has been running out since it became my turn. :V
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Ramus on July 18, 2014, 03:15:39 PM
Beginning to?  I was running out of time when my turn came up.


That said, let's get this started.


Deep Elf Conjurers: Still chumps in this version.  They have no access to powerful spells and are about as tough as a wet paper bag.

Except for drain spells, apparently. Why don't we have negative energy resistance?


Summoners though?  Summoners are hell and will continue to be so through out this entire place.  The elf area is occasionally prone to large open areas with elves summoning mobs and other elves shooting you constantly.  The fact that this floor is so twisty is a blessing.


Maybe you'll have that negative energy I'm hoping for...


It's not quite what I was hoping for, but I think that's a solid upgrade over our current +1 leather armor of cold resistance.


Gnarly. Norris is actually pretty dangerous at this early level and so warrants some caution.  By which I mean, we just put on our magic ice armor, haste it up, and toss some extra orbs of destruction in there to boot.  One block of HP later and conjurations is up to level 12.

And with that, floor 2 is finished up.


As nice as that artifact halberd looks, uh, yeah, too many elves. Some dancing between floors and use of my skeleton army upstairs takes care of the issue though.  Now let's check out our new pointy stick.




I honestly don't even remember Frances in the least.  He's about as notable in combat too.


Never underestimate the power of a prism on a corner.  Later found an amulet of faith.

And then later died to a mob of Annihilators while forgetting there was a potion of magic in the bag.  Ah well.  Done and done, onto the next person.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on July 18, 2014, 04:36:20 PM
What turn did you die on, Ramus?
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Ramus on July 18, 2014, 05:22:34 PM
Right, how could I forget? 58756.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on July 18, 2014, 05:34:48 PM
I will try to get the next update out on time for once. Probably starting tomorrow though, since Friday is my busy day
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on July 18, 2014, 09:40:58 PM
All right, I'll update the OP.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on July 21, 2014, 05:35:30 PM
Tewi Is My Least Favorite Touhou: It's Elf Halls
Well apparently it's up to me to continue Nekomimi Plays Crawl To The Exclusion Of Everyone Else, so I guess I'll go show people how to beat Elf.




STEP 3: ? ? ?


Oh wait, I'm supposed to actually write a thing, yeah.

Elf 2
So Waggy Saggy went down the Tewi lair and started exploring around, after learning the above important spell. I would take lots of screenshots describing the annoying tewis but totaku already did that I think.

Waggy Saggy stumbled across the home of a wizard, which is cool. The wizard died pretty quickly, though, leaving the house empty quite fas-

Oh my, there's apparently quite a lot more to the house then she thought. The wizard was making abominations!

After a lengthy battle all the abominations were cleared, and Waggy Saggy found a treasure room! It had a rare amulet which she discovered  granted magic resistance and summons warding! (which also grants negative energy resistance!) super great!

Shortly after she discovered a strange shapeshifting animal, obviously the dreaded Glowing Shapeshifter, who changes its form between powerful monsters, healing with each shift! Thankfully it didn't maintain the anaconda form long and was dispatched quickly.

Elf is occasionally also filled with powerful orc bands, which thankfully are not as big of deal as Tewis, but can still be annoying.

Waggy Saggy soon found the lauded Hat of the High Council! This amazing hat makes it harder to cast spells, but makes them much more powerful! Currently of little use to us, since we already have trouble casting spells as-is, but later might make for a powerful upgrade.

More treasure! A potion of beneficial mutation! Unlike that rotten meat Totaku keeps eating  *glares daggers*, this can only give us helpful mutations. Well, most of the time.

This caused Waggy Saggy to grow horns.... no more helmets for us, I guess, but we stun enemies when we attack them in close melee.

Elf 3
The next floor starts dangerous and doesn't get much better from there.

Although ample summons have turned the tides with ease.

I found a summoner at one point because i felt the need for a screenshot, but the floor mostly is uneventful.

A ravenous mimic! Oh my! these are dangerous mimics that grab you and poison you, so watch out!

We came across next a weapons shop and a big band of tewis, but we beat the tewis with some effort and the shop was junk.

However we did find this mighty book, the book of unlife! Full of powerful summoning necromancies, this could prove useful if we want to switch up our summons to different types.

Finally Waggy Saggy stumbled across the dreaded Elf 3 Vault, guarded to start by three dangerous tewi priests.

Waggy was quick to skedaddle from there. It seems we'd have to lure foes out into the open for better dispatching.

So Waggy pushed back...
And forwards
Each time with another undead army to combat the tewis
Having a lot of close calls and annoying battles
Having to defeat lots of annoying tewis and their summons.

Another master archer managed to put us dangerously close to game-over like Totaku, but we used a scroll of blinking and got away.

An orc in Elf Vault 3, that's rare!
Here's Waggy Saggy biting off more then she can chew. Resist Negative Energy saved us here quite nicely.

However we eventually cleared the vault quite nicely, and started exploring for treasure.

Books! Treasure!
Boots of the Spider! GREAT! These fine boots let us do jump attacks towards our foes, make us more stealthy, and let us cling to the dungeon walls!
We also found an interesting artifact trident which we probably won't use, but it's still interesting.
More books and amazing armor we'll never wear!
Probably the most useful book we picked up from here, lots of (as in, exactly one) useful ice spells we can use to hinder our foes and claim victory.
And now everything useful is piled up in the stash! Ready to go to Shoals!

I ended at aut 59000, it took awhile to kill all the tewis.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on July 21, 2014, 10:15:38 PM
all these cool armors we'll never be able to use

but hey maybe the spellbooks are nifty know, repel missiles would have been pretty dang nice for Snake Pits too >_>;

 (my personal runs have changed from "doing well but with depressing future prospects" until sudden death, to "living dangerously, but the future looks amazing if we can get there", I'm not sure which was better. I really can appreciate how awesome call imp was at least now, but man, draining my exp gain ;_; One of my conjurers will live to be able to keep up battlesphere eventually)
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on July 22, 2014, 12:03:50 AM
Wizard is pretty dependent on spellbooks, yeah. But if you get offensive books without book-giving gods somehow while worshipping other gods, it can be pretty great. I did a Qazlal run where I found a book with Fireball relatively early on, and it went great (melee fireballs all day err day!)

Roughly the only things in Snake Pits RM would make easier are Tesla and sharpshooters. Venom spit did pitifully little against our rPois and Regen.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on July 22, 2014, 12:06:30 AM
Except sharpshooters are like, the worst thing as far as I could tell from all the deaths and almost-deaths in our relay there. (I may have died to a black mamba but it was mainly the fault of arrow doom; and two of the other deaths were sharpshooters)

edit:I pm'd NNR because this is just getting silly.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on July 23, 2014, 05:26:14 PM
Relax, I'm working on it. Pirate already knows the details of the run and all the useful shit is in the stash anyway, if it isn't equipped, so it's no big deal.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on July 24, 2014, 02:11:10 AM
Now I can generally get into the deeper parts of the dungeon and the lair, so that's progress. Now I have to live with the reality where getting low on mp with anything nearby means blowing through emergency items at the speed of light. ;_; Sif Muna, please gift me blinking faster, or at least haste...! (Given that I get a good dose of Charm for battlesphere, haste gets online pretty fast, glorious)

But, the sadness as Fire Storm stayed at 100% failure rate with 10 spellcasting/fire magic and 13 conjurations and like 29 int ;_; Not that I expected to cast it yet, but still 100% failure... Lv9 spells are no joke (I saw how fast Waki could cast simulacrum and thought... erm I also thought that was lv7 for some reason oops). I died to a mob of spiders that was horrifyingly faster than expected, and plenty strong to go with it. Well, lesson learned, I guess.

Maybe I should try a fire elementalist and see how their starter spells pan out through earlygame and Lair. As a sidenote, el o el killing out-of-depth enemies with magical doom (
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on July 24, 2014, 11:16:48 AM
Level 6 and below are usually much, much easier to cast then level 7+ spells, once you're past 6 you need pretty serious investment to throw the biggest spells in the game.

Level 9 spells in particular take huge investment and you're guaranteed not to cast them without two runes and a source of Wizardry, and what amounts to basically considering nothing but investment in that spell group, no weapon training, leaving only some moderate XP investment in your defensive stats (fighting and dodging, as well as spellcasting for the spell slots)

if you run out of MP while playing Sif Muna, you're doing something wrong, by the way. Sif has her own MP regen ability, which you need Invocations levels to use well, but it's still there.

(Vehumet is a much better god though)
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Pirate on July 25, 2014, 06:24:52 PM
Bit of a hurry, so no draws, sadly.


When Wakasagihime awoke from a brief rest, it was with the company of a certain friend.

"So we're going to get the barnacle-y rune..."

"We are."

"And there'll be loads of others like me..."

"There will be."

There was a pause as she looked at the other with gleaming eyes, "do you think we could be friends?"

There was a long silence as the spirit considered what to say.

"...I don't think so."

"Aww," the mermaid pouted a little in disappointment, but as always she had to soldier on for her ultimate goal. Already the lair pressed her on, a surprise that she noticed a little too late.


It was slaughtered, of course, and there began Wakasagihime's perilous trek into the unknown waters of the shoals.


The entry was a quiet one, but soon merfolk were alerted to her presence. Where she offered "love and friendship", they returned with javelins and stabby implements of death. Of course Wakasagihime couldn't just let them turn her into a pincushion, so down they went, and rose as obedient corpses to fuel her undead army; the perfect symbol of love and friendship, so she cheerily told her companion.


"Oh, oh, I see someone!"

Wakasagihime exclaimed, only to be shushed down by the spirit.

"Sneak up on him,' it urged, but Wakasagihime had other plans.

"Sure!" she spoke brightly, except her fingers were already glowing a bright purple, conjuring a gigantic ball of destruction that erupted into a devastating explosion. Unfortunately, short of being shredded into tiny bits of meat, the heavily armored fighter was merely knocked back by the force, and into...


...A teleport trap in the most unsatisfying 'fwip' of a sound.

"Boooo," the mermaid complained, deprived of an opportunity to pulp creatures.

Of course as fate would have it, several chunked merfolk later...


"Oh you're back, hi!" Wakasagihime greeted, except the other was in no mood to banter. Demons were brought from pandemonium, shielding their summoner from the mermaids devastating orbs. To make matters worse, her own army was decimated in a matter of seconds, leaving her alone and vulnerable.



At that point, she wisely listened to her friend's advice, swiftly abandoning the vicinity with a quick read of a teleportation scroll. Having swept through most of the first floor, it was only sensible for her to retreat downward...

Shoals, Level 2.

Another peaceful start, but more groups she came across, and more she enlisted into her army of skeletons and simulacra.


And then suddenly...


Unfortunately, as much as the mermaid wanted to try on this dazzling outfit, she was swiftly reprimanded about her compulsive hoarding, to which she reluctantly relented.

And thus, the second floor came to a close.

Shoals level 3

A more crowded place this time. needless to say Wakasagihime was in no position to fight well.

So she teleported....


and teleported...


"They're everywhere..." the mermaid lamented, zapping her teleport wand on herself for the third time...and a charm it was.


Back with a vengeance, the mermaid began sweeping the level clean of any living inhabitants.


Some hiccups along the way...but that too was rectified.

With few to resist her army, both shoals 3 and 4 crumbled under her.

Shoals level 5


Wakasagihime's ears perked as the jingle of coins caught her attention.

"A bazaar," the spirit commented.

"Best we find it then!" She answered joyously, beckoning her undead army to follow her.



There was a pause as the offending skeleton rotated its skull to look at its master, now exasperated.

'Oh deary dear..."


Cautiously skirting through the outskirts of the deep waters...the bazaar she had been looking for.


...but not without resistance.


At that point Wakasagihime knew she was close to losing. Without mana or the health to fight alone, the obvious answer was to skittle daddle into the portal, taunting the others to follow her way.


Some disappointments, some a little more useful. Wakasagihime left with a bundle of scrolls and a cloak of the thief in her backpack, ready to engage the rest of the merfolk forces.

And finally..


"The barnacle-y rune!" Wakasagihime exclaimed, gripping the rune tight within her hands, only to quickly pocket it when it started to feel gross.

"And now! For the rest of the shoals! Onward!"


"Oh...Maybe not."

Turn end: 64194


Wakasagihime has, wisely, retreated to lair: 3 to savor her victory. As you can tell, I didn't bother sticking around to mop up the rest of shoals. Not that there's anything interesting to be gotten from that mess of a branch.

There came a rude awakening when i realised I did not, in fact, have sublimation of blood, which caused a lot of trouble in my run. I was too lazy to go get it though, so someone on the next turn SHOULD get that the moment they start the run.

Not much else of note. I stopped spellcasting and was spending time to train dodging because Wasabihime was a little to squishy for my liking. Still inching slowly in conjurations though. The next person can decide what to do next.

Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on July 26, 2014, 09:01:44 PM
NNR and NotaPirate still doing work, I see.
I'm back now, put me back on the list!
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Totaku on July 28, 2014, 08:32:54 PM
Ok it's time for me to write up my report. This one's went pretty good honestly.

So when we last left off, Wakasagihime was in the Lair after she had completed the Shoals and now ventures deeper into the Dungeon of ZUN. She did go to Eintei to see if she could buy the Book of Death. Unfortunately, the book was sold for 700 gold... Wakasagihime only had 685...

Yeah.... not what I expected. So with that, the mermaid ventured into the next place she could venture to.... The Vaults...

Valuts: Floor 1- Guards.... Guards Everywhere

As the mermaid made her way to the Vaults, it wouldn't take any longer than a few moments before she ran into the first thing she mistook as a piece of equipment.
A ravenous Mimic. Unlike most mimics, ravenous ones are the toughest mimics you'll come across. They are usually capable of poisoning you and ensnaring you with thier tentacles. But otherwise, like most mimics, they're still easy kills.

Just as soon as she killed the mimic, she walks through the door only to find some Yaktuars and a Vault Warden.
Yaktaurs are going to be a common occurance in the Vaults. They are usually armed with crossbows and will shoot at you. Repel missiles is your friend. Otheewise, they're basiclly a beefier version of the Eirin yukkuri

The Vault Warden on the other hand is a much more serious threat. While they are one of many vault guards you'll fight here, they're known especially for being able to seal away the exits you can escape from when they are in the same room as you are. So if you confront one, you'll need to kill him off as soon as possible to make sure you can continue onward or escape.
And later she confronted an orb of eye. This thing can glare at you and cause you to become confused or stunned, otherwise, well... with high MR or proper resistance, you can handle it easily.

Then she confronted an Ironhand convorker, these guards can summon other monsters withing the floor of the vault to come to them and aid them in battle. Potentially they can be dangerous if they can round up enough monsterous allies, but otherwise not too threatening.
Then we found a formicide
"What is this thing doing here?" The mermaid questioned as she quickly slams the thing with ice.
To her surprise, the creature's body twists in shape as it dies revealing to be a shape shifter which left it's corpse.

You know what that means....
She eats the corpses and recived the following effects:
She get brown rugged scales +2 AC +3% HP
She loses her ability to blink (Spider boots will do)
She can now sense her surroundings around her a little bit
She also now slightly regenerate less HP around the presence of enemies. (Regenration should help in a pinch)

(As of this point, I'm officially done with Phase 1 of the "Operation Super Mermaid" the mutations have reached an equilibrium point as far as I can tell and the results are too haphazard to go on, so no more purple meat / mutation potion consumption.)
Then Wakasagi ran into a Yaktar captain a stronger variant of a standard yaktard, not much different though. But usually these guys come with a team of Yaktars.
Probably the most dangerous thing here was... the fire crab. These crabs are generally easy, unless you give them the chance to breath flames upon you. Which then they make the whole area burn with fire and it can HURT! Still they are not too troublesome if you're cautious.
Regardless of that, most of floor 1 was uneventful, since it was mostly Wakasagi performing hit and run stategy methods and surviving the floor... so she proceeds to the next floor...

Vaults: Floor 2 - O, the world of dharma is filled with light

On this floor it started off slow as well. Since Wakasagihime fought against other strange variations of creatures.

Such as the Eintei, a two headed giant that wields two clubs. Nothing too special...
Giant Orange Brains, probably the most dangerous thing present in this Vault. They by themselves are not dangerous, but every time they pulstate and you are in thier LoS, they will possibly mutate you with a bad mutation.
Vault Sentinels, another dangerous Vault guard who usually can blow a horn to wake up everyone on the dungeon floor and worse of all, mark  you, thus making EVERYONE in the dungeon floor to come after you for a short period of time. Thankfully this one was asleep and was killed quickly.
And Freezing Wraiths, a ghostly apparition that can drain your vigor and cause you to go slow as well as freeze you by touching you. Thankfully we had enough undead companions and good weapons to handle the situation.
Then finally before the end of the run the mermaid ran into a bunch of Orcs, trolls, and Byakuren....
Byakuren comes with a mass of followers that aid her in battle. She's basiclly very strong and tough and how  the power to smite you from the distance.

Thankfully dispatching her followers was easy. Byakuren however was tough, after several OoDs the mermaid was forced to run to recover. But afterward when she came back to locate Byakuren she was gone.... so with that the mermaid decided to take a brake...

So I survived the run and got the turn count rounded off to 70k.

For the next player my advice for you is simple:

1. Look for the Crypt it should be coming up soon
2. If you want the book of Death for Sublamination of Blood, we have enough money for it now go back to Einetei if you want.
3. With the current mutation set up, Wakasagihime is a tanky mage. so she might be able to handle fighting and magic (still best to keep your distance though.)
4. Regeneration and repel missles will be your best friends here. Make use of them.
5. If you find a cure mutation potion save it for later if the mutation effects become too problematic so we can attempt Phase 2 of "Operation Super Mermaid"
6. Byakuren is still on the loose, conserve you magic and prepare it so you can slaughter her quickly.

Anyways, at this point, I know what everyone has said and so I'm stopping the mutation consumption habits (Phase 1) since we are at an equalibrium point it seems as of now.

I need to prepare for Second step which will require a potion of cure mutation (in case we don't feel comfrotable under said conditions.) The plan will be to attempt to wipe out the bad mutations + the horns we got of Wakasagihime and hopefully keep most of her new scales intact. I would preffer doing it only when we get a resist mutation amulet though since we are still prone to getting bad mutations.

Also for phase 3, I recommend that if you find any potions of beneficial mutations as of this point, we stock them up now and use them after phase 2. The idea behind why I went to the trouble to mutate our mermaid was to gain as many mutations as possible and hopefully get as  many good as possible. Now it rides on wiping out the bad ones and then add MORE good ones for good measure.

I know people sometimes think my purple meat eating habits are a bad thing, but usually if done right, it can pay off if planned accordingly. But as it stands, we're at the limit (or maybe I just don't want to risk it any further)

Anyways, for the next player, the save is at the bottom like before. Go get and help Wakasagi venture further into the Vaults.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on July 28, 2014, 09:18:34 PM
Totaku, simultaneously ignoring the advice of absolutely everyone and ruining everything.

Good job
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Pirate on July 29, 2014, 12:26:18 PM
"I know people sometimes think my purple meat eating habits are a bad thing, but usually if done right, it can pay off if planned accordingly."

Never have i seen or heard such misguided thinking. Done right? Planned accordingly? What are you going to do, have a magic pixie sprinkle lucky dust on you?

But you've hadn't heeded our advice the first umpteenth times. I suppose we're all glad you stopped for this relay. Just this one, at any rate.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on July 30, 2014, 02:01:54 AM
I have a secret for you Totaku. it's confidential information only known to Elite Crawl Players. Here it is, just for you:

Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on July 31, 2014, 05:05:06 PM
Ramus Serela are you going to make a post?

EDIT: Sorry, misread my notes.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on August 01, 2014, 01:25:44 AM
oh shit my deadline was today wasn't it

I was really busy the last two days and forgot, I'll get it out tomorrow morning right after I get up. Sorry!
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on August 01, 2014, 02:13:21 AM
Stop forgetting, people!
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on August 01, 2014, 05:07:47 PM
Okay now I'm super out of depth so this is going to assuredly be bad, but I'll try to be careful. It'd be nice to -not- die, for once. If only I hadn't made the ungodly silly mistake in the Lair and accidentally had Wakisagi rest as she was eaten alive ;_; Okay moving on, VAULTS

Most of the rest of Vaults 2 isn't very eventful, until Waki stumbled upon a room full of sleeping ogres and other such things.
This is actually after I killed half of them (mostly 2-headeds and ogre mages) and then remembered to take a screenshot. And the shining glory here was... Fulminant Prism still?! A couple prisms pretty much decimated them whilst Waki's undead army kept them at bay. Which is good, because the undead army was pretty weaksauce at the moment.
Of course, it's not very weaksauce after they add to it.
Um a tentacled monstrosity sounds vaguely bad news. Meanwhile, monsters approach me in the halls from three sides and slowly get picked off by the undead and some spearpoking from a safe one-tile-of-undead distance. And a few prisms.
( (
...actually, this is starting to look a little bad. Especially how in the second image we've got 2 mp left. Well... our teleportation wand still has charges left...
This doesn't seem -that- bad, until you realize there's a conga line of enemies right behind them. Let's get out.
( (
AND FIND A DRAGON well at least we rested firs-OH GOD NO GO AWAY NOT RIGHT NOW
crawl why is this possible, for me to fire at the dragon and it walks through the orb to come closer to me. I change tactics and summon corpses to Corpse Rot. They make a convenient wall that delays Byakuren and appear to mess up the Ice Dragon enough for a prism to finish it off. That went much better than expected.
( (
...but she's still coming, so I summon more corpses and start animating to quick-harvest meat and summon an army with haste. Actually, I meant that figuratively, but that makes me realize I should totally cast Haste. ...but I only have 6mp so I'll be hard-pressed to Simulacrum any of my meat in the first place, so no haste. Welp, let's see how this goes.
( (
STOP SMITING ME EVERY SINGLE TURN AUGH I should be prepping teleport right now and leave my minions to her shouldn't I. As of hp bar image 2 I decide "yes", use the tele wand, and start desperately healing myself. Things do go better (aka, less smiting) after I use a Wand of Healing though, so I manage to poison her with the venom glaive. Lookin' good. And then POOF.
I come back to find out, wow, they really did kill her while I was gone. If we had a nice teleporting spell, we could do that more often.
back to finish you dweebs off, do you dare to walk into my rotting corpses (...they don't. awwh. I can't even Orb of Destruction here, it'd hit a wall) After the ill-planned wall runs out, I haste myself, kite them with OoD and prisms, and then make a proper army to finish off the area with.

Loot:+2 Boots of the Scribe, SInv Stealth+ (We could keep See Invisible whilst switching to the other hat we have, I suppose)
Book of the Dragon (Meh)
+0 +1 Glaive of Dragon Slaying (lol no)
I could have sworn there was more glowing glaives but I guess they just kept passing around the same one.

Well I think it's time for Vaults 3, now... especially if I can get things done a bit faster than the incredibly inefficient pace I've been pulling so far, I could clear most of it before turn end. (I'm half done already...!) We'll see.

First thing is there's a temporary Bazaar on V:3. That means I'll either miss it (likely if I don't find it sooner rather than later) or have to decide what's worth buying by myself. PREPARE FOR QUALITY DECISIONS
Hi Crypt entrance! BYE CRYPT ENTRANCE
Vampire Knight! I wonder if I should be afraid. Well, after seeing a spriggan defender behind it, I am just a little bit, but I've got plenty of army.

And then I don't have plenty of army anymore, and I go back to Haste-kiting with orbs of destruction. Now THERE'S a good problem solution. There's an uncursed runed quick blade but for us that's pretty unexciting.
NOW THIS IS SCARY. I was motivated to keep exploring rather than resting by the quickly chiming bell, but I wish I had a full mp reserve right about now. The fact that moving backwards has an Ironheart Preserver coming in from behind is REALLY BAD TIMING, because now the scary stuff is -way- harder to get rid of- and then a deep elf Inaba priest comes in from behind too, which wouldn't be so bad if only I had any spare firepower to take it out with. The fuck?! I queue up a teleport -before- I start to get my shit wrecked, because I know it's about to happen.
( (
Crisis averted. Wait... is that... oh you have got to be kidding me. Well, good a use as ever for the potion of flight I spy in our inventory. Then I can use the escape hatch -upwards- to safely come back. Time to go SHOOOOOPPINGGGGGG

After frowning at the selections (I know the weapons and "gadgets" shop seem pretty boring, and I'm fairly certain we don't care about any of these books, but maybe we'd like some of the scrolls?) I try to ask NNR for shopping advice on IRC.

Coming back to the hoard of scary things. Get some, Wiglaf. Except all my simulacrum start wearing off or getting slaughtered faster than expected, Wiglaf deals half of poor Waki's health in one hit and is as fast as we are hasted, and...
THAT IS A BAD TELEPORT. Even though we're hasted, the spriggan is terrifyingly fast, so I have to zap with wands of healing every single turn while waiting for the next tele to kick in- walking away will likely still get me hit, and Waki could die with a turn spent not healing.

I spend a minute feeling bad about how many resources just got used for no progress, before collecting my wits. I'll need a real army before I go back there. I also realize "frederick" is actually Miko. Guess she was just ahead of Byakuren, huh? Miko goes down to a huge simulacrum swarm, and the vampire knight teleports around before he goes to a cleared out spot where I OoD him. Much better.
And then, just as I'm about to cast Simulacrum to refuel the dwindled army, I accidentally drop the chunks instead of wielding them. This happens. Knowing how much damage wiglaf can do, this is a very, very unfortunate mistake. I opt to Haste and run off- I can't outrun him, but at least he's only on pace, not outrunning -me- like the spriggan could. Each time he buffs himself, I gain a space, so I barely manage to get out up some stairs without having to burn any consumables.

I make some skeletons, prepare simulacrum, and lead him back up the stairs where I've got my reinforcements waiting to take him out.
( (
You have given me too much trouble, Wiglaf. It's time to say goodbye. >:C I prism him from the side until NOOO WHY, YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO DIE. Whilst running from Wiglaf... again... I summon corpses, make a skeleton, and then Corpse Rot after wiglaf stands on one of the damned things. I make the tactical decision to -not- move so that he stands in the cloud (which he does) an-
OKAY OKAY I'LL MOVE FINE. However, his haste wears off, while mine doesn't, and I get the range on him to throw an OoD at him.
FINALLY. Let's finish off Vaults 3.

Found this with some Deep Elf Annihilators. Well, floor's cleared, let's just go check out that area that had the scary things to see if there's any good loot an-
It's one of these jerks. I've dealt with enough jerks for today, let's just OoD you in the fa-oh it didn't do that much of your health. Um. Let's do another. Very nearly dead now? Better. There's actually a -whole lot- of yaks, but I have a whole lot of Fulminant Prisms, so they die easy. Let's see, loot... Demon Whip of Flaming would be awesome if we were someone else... other good gear we don't care about... OoD the dumb vampire knight in the face twice and let the undead deal with him...
( (
This Runed Demon Blade would also be really cool if we were someone else, but we aren't. And then... oh, I missed a door. So the floor -isn't- done yet. My turn, however, very nearly is. I'll see what I can do with 100 time left.
I can run away from this and let the next person deal with it, that's what. I threw OoDs when there was only one enemy and then a lot of backup came running.

(  (
And here we are. The enemies actually very nearly died to some prisms I left as I ran, but I was out of mp, so I couldn't finish them off safely. They're on the upper left portion of this screenshot somewhere, probably, although since I rested who knows where they've gone. I've cleared most of Vaults 3 as you can see from the map, but there's still a good chunk left on the top and left. I never touched our experience allotments, so they are what they are, and the spellbooks that we probably don't care about are still in the inventory if you want to drop them. More room for chunks is always good. I emptied one of our wands of healing and the wand of teleportation- sorry. So I ID'd the other healing wand after the last screenshot, and it's got 3 charges. We still have one scroll of teleportation left and 2 of blinking. It feels like we should try to get some method of escape other than "haste -> run" online at some point, but maybe people who aren't me get into bad situations less often >_>;
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on August 01, 2014, 05:22:18 PM
Holy shit you lived Serela. Good job!

SO, as a heads up, no one should go directly to Vaults 5. Vaults 5 is a highly unhealthy place for poor Wakasagihime.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on August 01, 2014, 05:30:24 PM
Hmm. We have 3 scrolls of recharging. Maybe I should have just recharged the wand of Teleportation. WELL, actually, I probably should have just used up the scroll at some point so it doesn't keep taking up space. And the empty healing wand is droppable since we have another. But these are just tiny nitpicks.

My actual question is... what is Wakasagi's goal after finishing Vaults 4? The only things I remember being left are Crypt, which I hear is pretty scary (although then again, from what I've heard, kiku makes it less a little less scary and letting summon armies soak up mummy death curses also makes it a little less scary)  and The Depths. We cleared all the other branches I remember existing. But I suppose we're strong enough to handle The Depths now, right?

e:Oh, checking the wiki reminded me about Slime Pits (also scary, and it doesn't sound like we have the right gear unless I forgot about it in the stash) and the vaults side-stop Hall of Blades. Although the question still stands, of course. A glance at the Depths enemies, compared to what I was fighting in the vaults, makes it sound not so bad.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on August 01, 2014, 05:44:39 PM
Crypt isn't scary at all. Tomb is scary...except for us it's basically a slow and careful slog through a bunch of bags of XP. We could easily get the golden rune as our third if we really wanted to. Basically, the recommended order is Crypts to the end, Depths to the end (arguable, by Depths 2 or 3 Vaults 5 should be comfy), Vaults 5, then either Zot to 4, Tomb, or Abyss, then the next one, and then the last one you didn't pick, then Slime, then Pan, then Hells, then win. A lot of this depends on whether we get rMut or not.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on August 01, 2014, 06:20:00 PM
Various things that came to mind after going back to our stash to investigate; we could put on the Hat of the High Counsel for the spellpower boost and only suffer a couple % of extra failure on Haste/OoD (Although having them fail at all when needed would obviously suck hard, so there's always waiting until failure is nonexistant). And our cloak grants us SInv so we don't really need the SInv hat -or- boots. (So yeah, the boots I found are pretty useless compared to the ones we already had)

Spell levels! What do we still want? (6 spell levels open) There's a lot of books in the stash we could learn a spell from that's mildly useful, and then trash the book to forget it once it's done/we find something better. We sadly have no book for Freezing Cloud, but Poisonous Cloud also doesn't affect our summons at all and is 22% failure with 0 Air/Poison, so it could be gotten working well with trivial exp investment in those schools- and forget it after Zot since I don't think it's much good after? Alternatively, Metabolic Englaciation doesn't effect our summons either but I don't know how exciting it is for us?

Actually, if we're doing crypt/tomb really soon, it's probably a good time to pick up Dispel Undead, isn't it? How reliable is Kiku's mummy death curse prevention, anyway?


wait wait wait.

I haven't been wearing any armour for MY ENTIRE TURN WHAT. First thing the next person needs to do on their turn is PUT ON THE LEATHER ARMOR. How long has that been a thing!? I'm pretty sure it was like that when I started my turn! edit:Okay I looked and I apparently accidentally removed it in the middle of my turn somehow, (I... I don't know) in any case it still needs to go back on.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on August 03, 2014, 01:58:51 PM
We have the Cloak of the Thief? That's a pretty decent find, if we don't melee a whole lot. Free Fog on demand, and even higher stealth.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on August 03, 2014, 02:13:33 PM
That did kind of come to mind, although it's got a 50% failure rate with 0 evocations. (I probably would have mentioned it before buying the scrolls of fog if I'd noticed though)

Honestly, my time spent stabbing things with a polearm behind summon walls mostly felt ill-spent. The cloak may have kinda been the reason, though >_>; There's admittedly nothing else to do on low mp but having an offense spell we can use through our summon walls seems like it'd be super great. Prism sometimes works out but it's awkward as it tends to be liable to blow up several of our undead too. This is pretty much the reason I've brought up Clouds more than once- maybe next time it's my turn if we're still in a relevant branch I'll just go sidetrack to the book <.< >.> But if no one dies we might be just about done with all those already, so.

OoD is still entirely glorious, of course. A couple times I kinda thought about picking up swiftness to make haste-kiting with OoD work against even more (also for just escaping), but that spell does have downsides, and not too many things are -that- fast...

(Or maybe I could just make sure to more often go into fights with tons of chunks on hand so I can just keep summoning and summoning and summoning. Kiku's pizza delivery op)
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on August 03, 2014, 05:03:15 PM
so, Ramus, gonna post :|?
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on August 04, 2014, 04:49:06 PM
OK, we're going to drop Ramus, going to NekoNekoRex again.

Three days, etc.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Totaku on August 08, 2014, 09:58:07 PM
I think UK forgot, but Rex mentioned that he's busy with life so it's now Pirate's turn! 3 Day ect.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on August 10, 2014, 10:57:00 PM
@s forgot "was at MOTHERFUCKIN' OTAKON"

Yeah, I should have posted something here though that I wouldn't be here this weekend. So yes, Pirate turn.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Pirate on August 11, 2014, 06:37:44 PM
Quick post here. Will update with actual post.

Ended at turn 80217. Mostly nondescript, indiscriminate undead smashing. Also lots of recklessness.

Not much advice. Dispel undead is your friend, control undead for packs. If you want to do the good ol' horde smasher, kiku likes giving high powered corpses such as dragons and titans inside.

Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on August 13, 2014, 08:19:29 PM
Turn in progress. Please wait warmly~
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on August 14, 2014, 01:48:04 AM
Jeez. First crawl run in quite awhile and I get to Lair 8 quite easily- I know it's dangerous but I figure I'd peek around a little. I end up repeatedly taking one step down the stairs with Haste+Delayed Fireball up and stepping back up instantly, and then dealing with all the monsters that come... and I do that like 6 times and I still haven't even moved one tile yet on L:8, yet each time there's a new swarm of enemies. And eventually, I die before I can even step back up the stairs, because apparently three blink frogs is terrifying. Guh. I couldn't even do anything, and each time for awhile I was expecting no monsters, as there'd hardly been a thing onscreen beforehand. ;_; I guess noise is a powerful thing. Maybe sometime I should use a scroll of noise and then go down a different set of stairs instead...

And I was so close to having enough spell levels to learn Ring of Flames. I probably should have forgotten something else temporarily to grab it because ~*~Sif Muna~*~. (Although it wouldn't have been a bad run to go Vehumet since I got haste/fire spells on my own right away)
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on August 14, 2014, 06:02:47 PM
Aand after several weeks of absence, the local neighborhood reckless suicider is back in business!

( ?..What, you were making me do those kinds of things for the specific purpose of suicide??

...Maybe. They were kind of fun.

*furious sounds of protest*

Anyway, let?s double check. We?re pretty good at the magics already, with only OoD and Haste having a slightly higher than 1% failure chance. Since Glaciate is one of the few late game conjurations that won?t completely blow our summons up, I?m gonna turn Ice Magic back on to prepare for when we do get it.

We?re in Crypt:3, and since the whole map is revealed I assume there?s nothing left of interest here and proceed downwards.

( Let?s try another set of stairs.


A plague shambler and a soul eater. The soul eater does draining attack, and we have a Ward amulet so that?s fine. The plague shambler can rot, which is a problem, though. Why the heck did I not summon simulacra before exploring?
Oh dang, I just noticed, our favor with Kikuorin is no longer maxed. I guess a lack of approved things to kill down here can be a problem.


Flayed ghost.  Smites you with max HP damage that gets undone as soon as you kill it and the flayed status ends. No threat solo.


( ?Hey, that?s the silence aura from earlier!?

Yup, we?re getting closer to the source (which I assume is the blue thing we saw earlier). Let?s prepare our summons in advance so we can beat it without spells easily.


Not pictured: Heaps of dead undead things that we just killed. The silent spectre was easily dispatched.


( (...Meep?)

...Aand ran into a group while tracking down the next one. I?m going to assume the main threats are the vampire mage and the 2 jiang shi. Though the vampire mage should be a non-issue until that silence aura goes down.


The first jiang shi surprised me when it took 40% of Sagi-chan?s HP in one hit, but one choke point abuse later, we emerged victorious!

Aaand Kitten reminded me Dispel undead was a thing 2 mins later. Of course.


A group of 2 death knights and 1 lost soul. One OoD later...


( ?Picchun~?

Splat. You meant splat.

The rest of the floor was relatively uneventful (except for that one time where the simulacra decided to expire in the middle of a fight with an ancient champion and his cohorts and I almost died).


ahaha NO

Took another stairs, effortlessly smashed Komachi, found manual of Stealth which I left behind. Moving on. Smashed another bunch of guardian mummies in a big hall. There were a LOT of them, and they took out most of my simulacra.
...Then Kitten reminded me Kikuorin blocks most of the curses. ; v; Also, found one scroll of torment while looting the mummy place.


( ?Hmm...?


( ?WAIT?

A greater mummy! Kill it! YES! WE?RE WINNING! YE-


( ?No??

Wait, we can get all those skellies out of the way then blast his face.


( ?Looting tiiime~?

Let?s see, notable spoils include a Cosarys? Collected Works on Sinister Arts (Death Channel and Haunt included!) and the +7,+8 spear of Symmetry {slay drac, +Inv, rPois, Int+3}. The spear is meh so I left it behind. Bringing the book in case we want Death Channel though.
While digging around the floor some more, we found 2 potions of cure mutation! Score!

On Kitten?s advice, I drank one. Our mutations went from small horns, passively map small area, fast metabolism, healing slowly in monsters? presence, +5 AC and +3% HP to +2 AC and healing slowly in monsters? presence. Considering we?re in Crypts right now, normal metabolism is appreciated.


I spent two turns casting spells and WHAT IS THIS

( ?Nope. Torment hurts enough with one greater mummy. I?m not dealing with this. I don?t care what you say.?

Wait, Sagi-chan, calm d-

( ?nO?

~*~One session of hasterunning later~*~

Okay, we?re safe, we?ve run out of sight, they?re not chasing all the way here, so let?s heal up, then go back out and kill them one by one.

( ?...Fine. At least this sounds sensib-?

<insert missing image of the 2 greater mummies from earlier and Khufu in the same place here>



~*~Hasterunning vol. 2~*~


Okay...Just keep calm...Rest up, and do what you do best...

( ?What, swimming??

What? No! Enslaving dead remains, you fool!




NANANANA NAAAA (not really I?m not trying to mimic any song in particular, insert your personal preferred battle music here)



( ?Wait what? Don?t get in the way!?

Friendly in the way! Alpha, check your fire!




( ?Command, kill NOT confirmed!?

Uh...I just dispelled undead on Khufu while he was on very little HP, but he just turned into blue smoke and I couldn?t see his death message in the logs, so I can?t be sure :S
So I searched around a bit and there was no sign of him, so I?m assuming he?s gone. Victory!

Anyway, that was more or less the climax of the turn. I cleared the rest of Crypt without incident, then on the advice of others on the IRC we went back to buy that book of Ice from Elf for Ozocubu?s Refrigeration (screen-wide cold AoE that our summons are mostly resistant/immune to) and staff of cold to power it. It?s working pretty well, though it could use more power, and since we were also somewhat low on piety I went to Depths instead of Tombs. Got to say, it?s great to get corpses readily without pestering Orin again! Anyway, whoever the next person is can decide whether we should lug along that artifact spear we found, and probably explore Depths. Fridge should make the trip a whole lot easier. Just remember to equip the staff when you use it, and sublimate liberally :3
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Totaku on August 18, 2014, 01:32:53 PM
Sorry, I haven't had time to write a decent report because a lot of things keep happening with me on multiple ends lately. I will try to write a report later if I can but I can summarize the story like this:

Wakasagihime got killed by Reisen (Mara) who summoned her shadow dopploganger that ended up casting OoD and blew her into fish giblits. she died on floor 2 of the Depths on turn 90039.

And I'm going to make a serious note here:

DO NOT USE Letty's Refrigeration with your potions in tow. They can still brake!!! Drop all potions if you value them before casting said spell! This is personally why I preffer casting Bolt of Ice over Refrigeration due to the risks. Remember this is 0.14, not 0.15. So potions can still brake from this spell!!

I will write a full report later.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on August 18, 2014, 02:56:27 PM
Oh wow Totaku, that's too bad; you died on what was probably the last thing you were going to fight before your turn ended, given you'd already hit your 5000. Well, I'm starting my go pretty much immediately, which will be a nice change of pace!

e:Wait we have a book with freezing cloud?! Given the downsides to Refridgeration (doesn't it also kinda hurt us some, albiet we do have rC) is that really a better spell to have than that or Bolt of Cold? (I'm still kinda a newbie I guess so I wouldn't know)
e:I'm peeking around in the files but I can't figure out how to make the game display more spells, it's somewhat inconvenient to even try to -use- sublimation of blood (how long have we had that? I had no idea) or Refrigeration like this (given they're our last two spells and off the list)... then again I can probably get by just fine without them (or, well, the cast spell button isn't -that- bad)
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Totaku on August 18, 2014, 04:56:09 PM
Oh wow Totaku, that's too bad; you died on what was probably the last thing you were going to fight before your turn ended, given you'd already hit your 5000. Well, I'm starting my go pretty much immediately, which will be a nice change of pace!

e:Wait we have a book with freezing cloud?! Given the downsides to Refridgeration (doesn't it also kinda hurt us some, albiet we do have rC) is that really a better spell to have than that or Bolt of Cold? (I'm still kinda a newbie I guess so I wouldn't know)
e:I'm peeking around in the files but I can't figure out how to make the game display more spells, it's somewhat inconvenient to even try to -use- sublimation of blood (how long have we had that? I had no idea) or Refrigeration like this (given they're our last two spells and off the list)... then again I can probably get by just fine without them (or, well, the cast spell button isn't -that- bad)

Everyone I know from the chat urged me to go with dropping the potions back at the lair and using Refrigerations. Since we should be able to survive it without them. But honestly, I find it too a bit of a hassle to use. I'm more use to using spells the cast a single lined project tile, thus I strongly favor spells like bolt of Cold and bolt of fire mainly because I can hit somewhere between 2-3 enemies with it at once.

Refrigeration has benifits because it allows you to hit ANYTHING in your LoS, but sadly this isn't version 0.15 where it wouldn't destroy your potions (just make them temporatly unusuable.)

The choice is yours, but personally I'm more in favor of Bolt of Cold for the sake of using something that's less risky and doesn't invovle having to drop ever so vital potions we could otherwise need in the future. Especially if we are wreckless.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on August 18, 2014, 05:10:03 PM
As a horde of death yaks suddenly appears I learn boggarts are summoners. Summoners are jerkfaces. Although, where...
...where is our good polearm? Uh. I guess I'm going to use the one we just found with the dragonslaying. It has a lot of bonuses and Int+3 and rPois I guess.

I actually almost die to the fire dragon (wow, that would have been a short turn) as I realize walls of undead aren't stopping it's flame breath, but prisms and random things kill it just in time. The boggarts are out of sight after my slight retreat, though, so I can't do anything but snipe the summons with prisms. This is... familiar. I should probably drop my potions to use Refrigeration but :effort:.
And a fire giant. This turn start is going badly. It uses a bolt of fire to go through my summons (this is familiar...) and now poor Waki is just about dead at the very start of the turn. She manages to GTFO without another (surely lethal) hit, thankfully.

Looking at our equipment, I recall we have a spear with rC somewhere. We have a ring and an armor with rC. We could hit 3 levels of cold resist, be immune, and use Refrigeration without giving a damn for our potions. I'm backtracking.

After I get to the stash I realize the staff of cold gives cold protection. Welp. That would have worked too. I like this spear better than the other one anyway, though, I guess.
new book don't care
Fuck my death yak skeleton let's refrigerate these doofs. Okay, wow, that wasn't half bad. I'm somewhat more okay with knowing this spell at the moment.
THIS IS A PERFECTLY FINE SPELL. Shortly after I find an ice dragon and get it's hide. But I don't think we want ice dragon armor? But hey it's there if anyone cares.
( (
...I think I found something we might actually care about! It's +3 +1. There was a Necronomicon in a shop somewhere, so we could brand this with Pain and enchant it up, maybe. There's also Yuki (Balrog) and some other demon that I just kinda prism+refridgerate to death. Oh wait, isn't refridgerate hurting my prism...? Whatever.

Let's -not- use the one way gate to pandemonium right now. Oh hey, a big horde of gold. 944, we're close to necronomicon (1.2kish?) or whatever else. ...actually there's 4 hordes oh wow.
I don't like you please freeze to death. We hit lv23 and have 1.5k gold pieces! Whoever goes after me can have fun SHOPPPPIINGGGGGGGG

Depths 2! Fire Dragon hide! ...not gonna work well with Refridgeration, but, rF++ is handy, right? Well, it's right at the entrance for anyone who may care later. Also I froze a bunch of hell knights to death.
Ancient Lich and a ziggurat! I think we can clear the walls with one of our wands. I'm not touching this, though. The ancient lich is actually pretty annoying though, because it starts summoning a lot of high tier demons. I can hurt it, but not well...
( ( (
A treasure trove! I don't think we care about the staff of summoning or runed quarterstaff, though. And when I come back... the lich breaks open the walls himself. Let's do dis~
After spamming more pizza delivery into summons, I put on the bardiche of chopping and slaughter the lich. It does a lot more damage than I expected.
( (
TREASURE TROOOOOVE. It wants a book of the dragon?! Why am I even carrying this thing! TAKE IT. It's mine, all mine.
( ew
( ew
( Might be good but I'm out of identify scrolls to properly see what they are, we'll have to visit the stash for more. And... putting on the amulet of faith and subsequently taking it off -nukes- Kiku's interest in us. Ow. This is because there was also a plain faith amulet.

I take the Ring of Ice, Ring of Regeneration, the two "might be good" amulets I couldn't identify, and the amulet of conservation. Everything else was rings of evasion, str, dex, and stuff we already have. And we didn't have any more pack space. I find another identify scroll immediately after leaving, and... yep, we scored something nice!
The other amulet is -also- rMut, but with less relevant bonuses.
Well then. The game makes it sound really scary. I use the wand of disintegration and it screams and disappears. Bye! Wow, these things are nifty. There's a whole lot of crystal guardians around here too, but they're easy.
PREPARING FOR GLORY. My turn is being so delectably exciting! Waki chaincasts OoD at all three crystal guardians, and her summons clear up the rest. There's lots of gold, 2 fans of gales, a staff of death, potions of magic, and books of Clouds and Callings, neither of which we need (since we already have all the cloud spells in other books). Our... our inventory is way too full. I have to drop a bunch of stuff here. We're also at nearly 1.8k gold, so feel free to buy the necronomicon if you want.

And... I find a +1 pair of gloves with rPois while walking around. Awesome. Now we don't need to wear (or even carry) the ring of rPois. There's also a second gateway to hell, in addition to the one on D:1. I've finished d:2, as well as my turn, so good luck to the next person! And, gee, sublimation of blood is awesome when you have tons of spare meat. Too bad it's going to only use caster HP in 0.15 iirc?

Keep in mind some inventory management may be in order, as well as perhaps a shopping trip. Also, uh, that Kiku is only at 2 out of 6 stars now.
(, I could have gotten a lot more done when you realize I spent nearly a third of my turn walking to the Lair stash and back to grab a spear I didn't even need at all.

e:I reloaded my save to test some things (so this isn't reflected in my uploaded save) and, we could use the Fire/Ice Dragon Armor if we trained charms/conjurations/spellcasting a little more and used some INT boosting gear. Along with taking off the Archmagi hat, of course. Only OoD and Haste take a beating in success rate even without gear change, and their success still isn't that bad with a small amount of gear change (e.g. put on Amulet of Cast Vote and take off the -Wiz hat), so they could probably be fixed up fairly well. Although... more realistically we probably would only use it when we needed rF+++ with that plus a ring of rF, so, we could probably just take it and ignore OoD/Haste when it's on, I suppose.

Oh yeah and there's actually a Fire Giant and 3~4 rakshasas just to the right of where/when I saved, so you might want to blow them up.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on August 18, 2014, 07:55:24 PM
Wow, that sounds like a bunch of awesome finds.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Pirate on August 19, 2014, 10:45:21 AM
Remember than blind wearing amulets is a bad idea, identifying rings is a waste, and when you put on faith you don't just take it off.

Well, there goes any chance of going to tombs for exp now. Trawling Depths/clearing V:5 for piety is the only way to go for now.

FDA  isn't particularly relevant until we have to deal with OOFs.  As of now ozocubu's armour will do nicely, especially since being able to cast is a good idea. Now that we have conserve we can just put it on for fridge spamming, or alternatively leave all the potions behind (we have HW wand anyway). Fridge is too stronk to ignore.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on August 19, 2014, 01:26:09 PM
Remember than blind wearing amulets is a bad idea, identifying rings is a waste, and when you put on faith you don't just take it off.

Now that we have conserve we can just put it on for fridge spamming, or alternatively leave all the potions behind (we have HW wand anyway). Fridge is too stronk to ignore.
Keep in mind once you leave a treasure trove you can never go back, and I had a very small amount of inventory space to bring anything with, and only 2 scrolls of identify. I had to find out what was worthless and what I should bring back with me, and it was pretty much the only possible course of action without leaving behind untouched amulets. (That being said it was indeed extremely unfortunate about the double faith amulets, but what are we going to do, wear it forever? :S Seriously. I guess it'd be an okay wear if we went to Tombs and that I actually should've left one on until faith maxed back out again, on second thought... I could have taken one un'id'd amulet out fine.)

It's -very- easy for us to hit rCCC without really missing out on anything, so honestly the amulet of conservation isn't very important. If we're worried about -monsters- destroying our stuff then that's a different matter, but we can avoid destruction via refrigeration quite easily with our armor of rC, one ring or rC, and the staff or spear with rC. Instead choose your favorite between rMut with INT/DEX +2 or Warding with Magic Resist. Refrigeration will hurt -us- too if you don't do this, anyway.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on August 19, 2014, 02:28:47 PM
piety is cheap, we'll get it back pretty quick.

Ring of Regen would make a nice thing to leave on a lot.

We might be able to hit up Slime at this point as well now that we have rMut, iirc there's not a lot of cold resist in Slime. Not a lot of corpses either (slime is hell for summons) but we could manage with. We have rCorr, right?

Serela was right in taking the amulets off, we have stuff we should be wearing instead, like Cons.

In fact with Conns we don't have to do the stupid 'drop your potions' bullshit either.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on August 19, 2014, 11:53:08 PM
The only reason I'd worry about the amulet of conversation is if you're afraid of fire enemies burning our scrolls or if you really want a different ring on, because rC+++ completely safeguards our potions. That's better than 90% from conservation plus Refrigeration will deal damage to us along with everything else otherwise. Not that we particularly need the Amulet of Cast Vote's stuff at the moment anyway, though, I suppose... but more int and dex and rmut isn't half bad

And, I don't think we have rCorr, actually. However, peeking at the wiki tells me that artefact gear is immune naturally, and the only non-artefact gear we use is the Leather Armor of rC; we could just switch to something else during Slime Pits. (Although with that plus need for a rMut amulet we'd have to use something disposable that has rC if you like fridge... maybe a temp ice dragon armor which also frees up a ring slot? That or take off Mage's Ring. Or I guess we could just go ahead and drop our potions at the door and sustain minor damage on use since apparently it's worth it, I'm the only one who cares about getting rC+++ before using it :V)

e:Oh okay it only deals like 8 damage if we cast it with rC++ (or like 14 for rC+) that's not a huge deal then
I did also find another potion of cure mutation by the way
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Ramus on August 20, 2014, 10:24:53 AM
Sign me up again.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on August 20, 2014, 04:07:53 PM
The only reason I'd worry about the amulet of conversation is if you're afraid of fire enemies burning our scrolls or if you really want a different ring on, because rC+++ completely safeguards our potions. That's better than 90% from conservation plus Refrigeration will deal damage to us along with everything else otherwise. Not that we particularly need the Amulet of Cast Vote's stuff at the moment anyway, though, I suppose... but more int and dex and rmut isn't half bad

And, I don't think we have rCorr, actually. However, peeking at the wiki tells me that artefact gear is immune naturally, and the only non-artefact gear we use is the Leather Armor of rC; we could just switch to something else during Slime Pits. (Although with that plus need for a rMut amulet we'd have to use something disposable that has rC if you like fridge... maybe a temp ice dragon armor which also frees up a ring slot? That or take off Mage's Ring. Or I guess we could just go ahead and drop our potions at the door and sustain minor damage on use since apparently it's worth it, I'm the only one who cares about getting rC+++ before using it :V)

e:Oh okay it only deals like 8 damage if we cast it with rC++ (or like 14 for rC+) that's not a huge deal then
I did also find another potion of cure mutation by the way
no amount of resistance will completely safeguard our stuff, 3+ resistance isn't even immunity, aside from rN. Conservation is the most reliable and best amulet type we could wear. The only thing that I would regularly wear otherwise would be amulets with a couple resistances.

rCorr also protects us from acid damage, without rCorr. Slime Pits will wreck our shit.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on August 20, 2014, 09:18:56 PM
oh I confused the monster resistance chart with the player resistance chart


well I guess I was just lucky none of the potions ever shattered
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on August 22, 2014, 03:25:52 PM
I've had no compatible computer to play Crawl with all week so far, sorry for making people wait. I SHOULD be able to get my laptop today, if not the new hard drive I bought to complete my new computer. Unfortunately if I get the hard drive today, doing anything with it will still take another day :/

I was hoping to get things back in a more timely manner but apparently nobody wants me to have a computer.

It is aggravating.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on August 22, 2014, 07:55:14 PM
/me nods

It's fine, I can wait a couple more days.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on August 24, 2014, 07:49:32 PM
Now For Something Completely Different

Ah, Waggy Saggy is still in Depths, but we have all this nice jewelry. We should fix that.

Speaking of, this is really what we should we wearing all the time, although rF+ might be better then Regen if we don't get some rF somewhere else. Cons means we don't have to drop potions.

Anyway a quick search brings up the most important thing I'll need for the next 5000 turns.

Ran into this on the way back up. Geez, this could be dangerous, or at least worth piety.

After a long long walk back upstairs, Waggy Saggy goes to buy it then heads down to our loot pile to organize.

Drop everything we can't use in battle, switch around some rings, drop off books, drop all our potions, and drop that bardiche and some other useless armor. I upgraded our Demon Trident to a +4 Demon Trident of Piercing, and we'll bless it with Kiku once we get back to 6 star piety.

I put on the Ring of Ice since we won't need to worry about fire where we're going.

Now we just walk to our destination....
TouhouCrawl needs more Slime Girls. Entering Slime Pits.
This is the Slime Pits. As you may have guessed, it is full of slimes. Mini-Suikas are especially common here.

Also in sight is the ubiquitous Brown Ooze, which is like it's little brother the Jelly will roll up to you and try to eat you.
There's also a very dangerous Eye of Draining. Eyes are pretty common here, and none of them are fun.

Anyway the most interesting feature of The Slime Pits is the walls. Getting adjacent to the walls will actually hurt you with acid damage. Of course, the amulet we bought will grant resistance to that, but it still hurts.

Anyway most of these fights will be solved by spamming Englaciation, so the problems won't be very bad.

Waggy Saggy also runs into an Azure Jelly too. These guys are a problem for us because they resist cold. They don't resist Orb of Destruction though, ha ha.

The floors in Slime are small and there's no loot in Slime, except at the end. Some of the stairs are in disconnected bubbles throughout the floor, which means we'll be climbing up and down a lot of stairs.

Exploring Slime 2 Waggy Saggy ran into another new enemy.
Acid Blobs are the designated Ranged Enemy of Slime Pits. They're like Brown Oozes but they spit acid from a distance, which we resist. They love corroding armor though, but our amulet protects us.

No upstairs to find so Waggy Saggy goes down further to D3 and finds the usual assortment of slimes. She starts pounding them with Fridge but more enemies appear!

This purple guy is the dreaded Shining Eye, the most annoying enemy in the Slime Pits. They can't hurt us but they can mutate us often, normally with bad mutations! Just seeing one of these guys prompts a switch in amulets to the rMut one, then we freeze it and all its friends to death.

Now Waggy has some upstairs to climb up.

We go back up to Floor 2 and find more stuff to kill, before moving back down.

Now on Slime 4, a bigger floor then the last bunch we've had, but still the same as the others, until...

We run into a Golden Eye!

They travel in packs, and are deadly to deal with unprepared. They also can't hurt us, but they spam confusion and blink around, meaning if we don't wear Clarity amulets (which she switches to), then we'll be sitting ducks for any other hostiles that come near. Thankfully nobody else was around through, so Waggy Saggy killed them easily.

Down to floor 5 Waggy Saggy runs into a Pulsating Lump, which mutates with its melee attack, but we Freeze it to death before it can get to us.

There's also  Great Orb of Eyes, which loves to spam status effects, but thankfully we have high MR and it can't really hurt us much.

Death Jellies are rarer jellies that can cause rot and resist cold, and are immune to negative energy. Very dangerous, so we have to kill them with Orb of Destruction!

Finally Waggy Saggy reaches Slime 6, the final floor of the Pits. We use Magic Mapping and find the whole layout of the floor.
Slime 6 is a large floor with only one large structure in the middle. it's a big temple to Jivya, the God of Slimes, and the walls are filled with loot, and more importantly the Slimy Rune. However, we can't dig into them yet...

I clear out the outer ring of the floor first, dotted with hostile slimes, and we run into the final Eye enemy, the Eye of Devastation, who can shoot beams of immense pain at us. They're very dangerous if they have line of sight to you, so we kill it quick.

Nothing else of note, so Waggy Saggy approaches the center...

Where she meets the final enemy of Slime Pits, the boss of the floor!
The Royal Jelly is a terrifying slime. It has an immense amount of vitality, hits like a truck, and is very fast.
Most deadly of all, is that whenever it takes damage, it spits out a small army of other high-level slimes, and as such can turn a bad situation into a horrifying one. The best plan is to lure it out so we have room to Fridge it, however it's imperative to clear its friends first for the most even battlefield.

Waggy Saggy runs away for now.
Defeating the other slimes nearby, she gets a level up and starts summoning an army of friends to combat the Royal Jelly's army of slimes.

After summoning a large army, she finds the jelly and the battle ensues!

The Royal Jelly is quickly swarmed by Ice Bros, but soon enough the army is completely overwhelmed by a huge number of bad slimes.
But all is not lost, for The Royal Jelly takes a massive beating as a result.

Spamming Refrigeration as much as I can, the Royal Jelly is defeated, and our piles of loot are revealed!

But the slime army is still a problem, and Waggy has to run away with her Haste and come back to fight them one at a time.

Waggy starts digging into the vaults, and starts getting what she can find.

The first vault has an artefact amulet, which turns out to be...
Really awful.

The next one has some potions and coins and wands, nothing terribly good.

The third one has nothing at all of value that we don't have already...

But the last one...
Quite possibly the best gauntlets we'll find! I equip them immediately. Of course, there's also what we really came for here...

Waggy Saggy picks up our third rune, the Slimy Rune! The power of the rune sends waves through the dungeon, and somewhere in the deepest pits of the dungeon, a door to the most deadly realm of the Dungeon of ZUN has awakened...

Anyways I went back to the stash and spent our last turns organizing.
-Nothing much has changed since Serela's turn, except we have the third rune, new gloves, a buffed trident ready to bless, and more piety to bring us closer to enhancing our favored weapon. Oh, and one higher level (I buffed int).
-Keep Conservation on unless we're threatened with mutations or confusion, possibly put on the ring of Fire Resist over Regen. They're both excellent rings to wear. If we get some other source of Fire Resistance, keep Regen on.
-We should consider just wiping out our mutations so that the shitty -Regen one is gone, that's crippling and not worth the two AC we get in return
-You suck Totaku and so does your Mutation Roulette weekly reminder.
-Just go back to Depths, probably, best bet at the moment.
-Be prepared to scrap that halberd soon, the trident is better and rC is the only reason we keep it around, even though Fridge does only minor damage to us.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Pirate on August 30, 2014, 08:00:25 AM
Waggysaggy hasn't had much luck lately. Things biting at her, Kiku being not so happy, and potions exploding at the slightest provocation. What could possibly go worse?

Oh, it just did. Ten fold.


Vaults 4. A fairly friendly place.


A very






But of course waggysaggy is tough like that. Double enhanced dispel with death staff.


And there's vaults 5


One Mississippi.


Two Mississippi.


And there we go.


Much loot.


Very useless.


But what's this?


My my.

And then at this point Wakasagihime walks into a double fireball, and subsequently gets destroyed by a titan zappity zaps.

The end, but that's what I get for being reckless, eh?

death in 96133 turns.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on August 30, 2014, 02:40:02 PM
would have been more sad about the death if it was a hat of the alchemist
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Totaku on August 31, 2014, 10:16:37 PM
Giving everyone a heads up. Due to the fact I'm going to be going to Kantaicon and I'm trying to prepare for a panel that I have been approved for. I will have to drop my turn for the time being. So my apologize to all but this matter is a top priority for me since I'm leaving next weekend to go to the con. Sign me back up to join after the 8th UK.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on September 01, 2014, 02:01:59 AM
Nah, that's fine. Raitaki, are you planning to post?
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on September 01, 2014, 02:24:37 AM
I could most likely squeeze out a post within a few days, yes.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on September 01, 2014, 04:10:52 AM
I could most likely squeeze out a post within a few days, yes.

That would be nice, as it is your turn.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on September 02, 2014, 09:56:31 PM
Aaalright, it?s another day for dungeon crawling, yadda yadda, we all know the drill, let?s get going! Let?s stick with NAP?s plan and hit the rest of Vaults!

Minor issue with running into an ironheart preserver right as I entered Vaults 4, but since I climbed the stairs hasted, I just step away and OoD him. Easy.

Time to sneakily make an infiltration...


Infiltration successful with no witnesses!

( ?You mean except for all the orcs that used to be in the room before you fridged them??



According to the game, this thing was dangerous, but 2 OoDs cleaned him up. Bye.

Surprisingly, most of Vault 4 is pretty easy. The only problem was me forgetting to grab more food before getting down here. At least corpses gave enough without me having to dip into piety. Also found a troll hide, though spell hunger is still kind of a problem so I don?t think I?d be wearing or enchanting it.


Yaktaur herd. How convenient! Meat for the war coffers! Or so I thought, before more nasties continued to pour in as our mana waned, such as a vault guardian, and a stone giant.


no i have 3 mp go away :C
So to kill those (and the ironheart preserver that also joined them right afterwards), I ended up using like a scroll of fog and 4 heal wounds zaps. Whoops. At least we got a sizable undead army escort for the rest of the floor (or until they get wiped)!


Hall of Blades entrance. We?d be mainly fighting dancing weapons who largely ignore cold there, and I don?t think we?re likely to find a good weapon to replace ours there so I?ll skip it. Someone else can clear it if they want to.


( ?Uh...this is entirely too many guys in one place staring at me for me to be comfortable.?

Yeeeaaah. Nobody likes sausagefests. Oh, hey, look, I came down with staff of cold equipped and while hasted! Fridge time!
<re-insert NAP?s fridgesacre screenie here>

Of cooouuurse more poured in and we had to flee upstairs. Damn me for forgetting Sublimation of Blood still costs 2 MP.

Alright, I?d thought clearing those fools out of the Vault 4 stairs was easy, but then I made a few mistakes.

a) I walked upstairs for pizza delivery, but allowed a vault warden to follow me.
b) I didn?t immediately go back down before he locked the stairs.
c) All this happened while I was low health.
d) I was so darn starved I couldn?t even Raise Skeleton the pizza I just ordered.

Yeeeeaaah. Apparently our spell repertoire had way, way more spell hunger than I expected or had ever did a Crawl run with before.

Also, the following is no fault of my own, but e) The pizza had mutagenic shapeshifting topping.

I tried to duel the vault warden, since we had roughly the same amount of HP left.
I guess he had way more AC!

This turn went to hell rather fast, only took 2000 turns. Some of that was spent getting to Vault 4 while hasted.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on September 03, 2014, 05:15:49 AM
Oh yeah, protip, Vaults 5 takes prep. Always go down with haste, rMsl, and any other cool buffs up.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on September 03, 2014, 05:19:18 AM
I did...on the first attempt. Guess I shouldn't have skipped all that when I came back down to clean up the bunches that came after :V
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on September 04, 2014, 04:03:00 AM
Oh, by the way, Serela, you're up since Totaku is skipping this time.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on September 04, 2014, 12:16:20 PM
Oh, by the way, Serela, you're up since Totaku is skipping this time.
Oh! Okay! I have like 7 hours of college math to do though (half of which is waiting for the pages to load for each question UUUUGHHHHHHH) so we'll see when I manage to get it done x_x (It -will- be by deadline though, unlike a lot of the recent people)
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on September 06, 2014, 04:39:37 PM
Okay better get this done whilst I still have a bit of a time frame open.

We head down to Vaults and... oh, we never explored vaults past where I left off last time? Huh. Okay.

On V:4 we find a +4 +4 Glaive of Flaming. Not half bad, although it's probably best to just use our Demon Trident unless the enemy is weak to fire. A storm dragon almost wrecks us, along with a bunch of knights coming our way, but OoD'ing the dragon -> pizza delivery -> simulacrum is a great way to turn a fight.
So dragons come in Shadow flavor too? And then I wield-ID objects because I am smart and oh dear so uh let's just take this off and hope not to be-
WHEW. Meanwhile, the shadow dragon simulacrum KICK ASS, making the rest of the floor cake.
This is familiar.
PLEASE JUST DIE. (Thankfully, on this casting, they pretty much all did. Then I cast simulacrum with a bunch of wielded chunks.) Unfortunately that one that was remaining proceeds to deal WAY MORE DAMAGE in one hit than I was anticipating
<Serela> Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
<Serela> do scrolls of blinking cast instantaneously
<Serela> I ask because I don't have one turn to wait if waki is going to not die horribly
<NekoRex> yes
<Serela> Oh fab!
But I was not expecting to get fireballed after blinking ontop of an escape hatch. Goodbye, poor mermaid.

Wakisagihime died at turn 98275 to, not the Tengu Reaver's fireball, no; she died to the blast from it's battlesphere afterwards. Yep.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on September 06, 2014, 06:52:51 PM
So, the point is Tengu Reavers are bad. Fuck Tengu Reavers >=[.

Also, looks like Ramus is next? Or is he actually playing, I forget...
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Ramus on September 07, 2014, 01:50:29 AM
I am and since tomorrow is a Sunday, I'll be able to do it.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on September 07, 2014, 04:36:21 PM
All right then! I look forward to your post.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Ramus on September 07, 2014, 08:26:33 PM

So it takes me forever and a day to get back to the Vaults, but hey, we're there.  And that robe is looking so much nice than our +0 leather armor of cold resistance.


Granted, it takes a while to finally slip it on.


Hall of Blades, on floor 4.  I don't know why we would need to go there though?


The sentinels are starting to show up, which means we're getting closer to Vaults 5.


And yeah, before long, my 5000 turns are up, so I decided to leave the game near the staircase.  Rather uneventful, but hey, that's better than dying. Good luck whomever goes down there.

I'll resign up.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Totaku on September 08, 2014, 10:29:02 AM
I'm finally back from Kantaicon. And had a blast. So I will be resign back up to play again. Thanks for all the help UK.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on September 08, 2014, 04:22:13 PM
Huh? Your turn ended just from vaults 4? I won't complain since it means your ~*~cool robe~*~ didn't get lost from a death and it means we don't have to redo v:4 each time before dying on v:5 again, though.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on September 08, 2014, 06:09:40 PM
What turn did you end on, Ramus? Also, NNR is next. Totaku, your sign up is noted.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Ramus on September 08, 2014, 06:42:47 PM
Huh? Your turn ended just from vaults 4? I won't complain since it means your ~*~cool robe~*~ didn't get lost from a death and it means we don't have to redo v:4 each time before dying on v:5 again, though.

Due to a mix of me not being too good with necromancer type characters, just endless amounts of enemies and dragons, and having to travel to Vaults 4 from the Lair, a bunch of things ate up my turns.

What turn did you end on, Ramus? Also, NNR is next. Totaku, your sign up is noted.

Turn 96470.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on September 10, 2014, 06:12:57 PM
Waggy Saggy stares down the plain yet ominous staircase.
Terrible things await down there, just asking for the chance to rip her to shreds.

But she's still gonna kill them all.

Let's Rob A Bank: Storming Vaults 5

Well, actually, Waggy Saggy was kinda hungry and needed some meat, also to fuel her endless magic spam. She calls up some pizza and decides to go takeout.

Buffing with haste and regen, dropping some WORTHLESS GEAR, and changing around her jewelry, she heads down the stairs.


Well, that wasn't too bad...

She decided to enter the first vault, the bottom-right one, and quickly found herself swarmed by a Titan, one of those tentacley guys, and other nasties, which proved to be quite a challenge. Vaults 5 does not fuck around.
She only barely escaped, retreating up the stairs (after killing them all, of course), but this would be the last time she'd need to do that. She heals up and goes back down again.

Trudging through and killing lots of stuff, she finds meat and ice bros will make for a very fun ice army. The open space in this vault makes it rather easy.

The first Vault is cleared and gone through, nothing much to see.

She takes on the other bottom vault, a not-too-bad wide halls layout.

She quickly finds a big challenge worth her time, though, an ancient lich. Scary.

a few Orbs of Destruction wear it down quite a bit.

Soon enough it's easy pickings for her undead army. Kind of a pushover, really.

Titans turn out to be really hard to kill easily, always putting her at low health with their air spell spam. But she still manages to kill them, barely.

The interior of this vault has some decent loot, lots of useful scrolls. Manual of Axes is bleh, though.

The third vault already looks like a problem, with all the tight gaps to maneuver through.

Well, some easy enemies, and some good-looking loot, not bad so far...

Oof, not for long. Shadow Dragons are a specialty of Vaults 5, like Titans, they are pretty nasty. However they don't stand up much to Orb of Destruction and Titan Ice Bros. Titan Ice Bros are totally OP.

Trolls and a sphinx are notable I guess, they're kind of deadly yeah.

Oh goodie! Just what Waggy Saggy came here for!

I am getting really good at this Rune Collecting thing. 3 for 4 so far.

Nothing much else in that vault. Onto the last one, looks like a doozy with the tight halls.

Oh geez, Waggy Saggy stumbles into a real pile of mean enemies.

She barely escapes that encounter as well.

This vault is just no fun.

Golden Dragon turns out to be too much for her Fridging, and she's run out of meat, and there's no room for OoD. Hmm...

Oh but Titan Skeletons are still OP. Lel.

Another shadow dragon, blegh.

This one finally kills the last of Waggy Saggy's icy army, sending her packing....
( least until she has room to toss more Orbs. More Lel.

What's finally left is a rather nicely sized treasure vault, with an Obvious Mimic. But whatever....
...Make that TWO mimics. Ugh.

It gets teleported so whatever, time for loot.

The Leather is a sure keeper, the rest can go.  Yuck.

well, that's done but I still have a bunch of turns to spare. Guess I'll go get other stuff done.

Waggy stops by Vaults 3 to go visit an altar to Kiku.
Time for a long-awaited upgrade.
OUCH! That hurt, but it was worth it.

Big Lel, went to crypts for a book I wanted, it's full of Koishikurris.

I also grabbed a buckler in vaults but it was just rN+, which is meh. Instead we go somewhere unexpected to pick up a better one.

It's Shoals 5! And I have a few turns to spare, so let's clear it out!

Look! Some bimbo! Let's see how scary she is with Orb of Destruction!

Looks like the verdict is: Not Very.


-Don't fuck with our armor unless you've got a Direct Upgrade. rC+ and rF+ are the best we'll get without More Artefacts.
-Go drop our excess shit at the stash, it's on the way from wherever you're going anyway
-the Abyss or the rest of Depths is our best bet probably.
-We have the spell slots for something new, consider learning a new spell of some kind. Maybe go buy that Necrocomicon?
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Pirate on September 18, 2014, 10:53:59 PM
(No excuses for having broken the timer twice over.)

"The tombs is a lovely place, you know?" Wakasagihime commented, "it's so peaceful and quiet, it makes me want to be here with my friends all day."

There was no answer to that from her companion, and certainly not to the several skeletons trailing behind her.

"...Also!" She spun around clasping her hands together in a cheery fashion, "...Gyazo messed up our screenshots!"

"Breaking the fourth wall is forbidden!" The spirit blurted.

The Tombs

Tombs was a nice and easy place. See, when there's a mummy, Wakasagihime uses dispel undead. When there is anything else, Wakasagihime uses orb of destruction.

So tombs:1 was a cheery walk on the streets...until the greater mummies showed up, and Mennas came along...

Let's just say it didn't quite end well.

But wakasagihime managed, with the strength of random teleports, to land in the inner section of the level leading to levels 2 and 3! How fantastic.


Of course, when mummies start pouring out and summoning things...

Something like that happens.


Hearing the disco party, Boris leaves his resting place to spook wakasagihime....


And he was blasted til nothing but his robes remain.


And here's the entrance of tombs 2, open wide and ready for conquering.

Turn end at 105079

Extra notes: Level 1 has Mennas, but you should be able to take him on by the time you trash everything in tombs 3. Keep haste ready at all times, and control undead when greater mummies and mummy priests start spamming their summons. Watch as they are torn apart by the very things they tried to kill you with! Also keep the death staff at hand at all times, because that's the thing keeping you alive.

Evocations was trained proper, so spamming fog is now possible if you want a quick getaway. If you somehow manage to get out before finishing the place, a ring of tele and the necronomicon might be useful.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on September 19, 2014, 03:08:55 AM
Pirate, I need the save :V
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Pirate on September 19, 2014, 04:52:46 AM

I'll get it up by the sixth hour I'm sorry
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on September 19, 2014, 05:19:58 AM

Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Pirate on September 19, 2014, 10:57:29 AM
Nothing at all. See? Perfectly well and fine.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on September 21, 2014, 06:38:03 PM
Bluh, somehow Crawl keeps returning an "invalid trap type" error for some reason, and re-downloading 0.14 didn't fix it. This also coincides with the heap of system file-related errors my browsers have been throwing at me the last few days for some reason, so I think something's up with my laptop. I guess the next person can go, and I'll stay off the queue until I can figure out what's wrong.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on September 21, 2014, 08:00:45 PM
/me nods

Noted. Totaku, you're up.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Ramus on September 24, 2014, 09:44:35 PM
Computer blew up, take me off the list until further notice.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on September 24, 2014, 09:50:52 PM
Understandable. Hopefully you'll be able to fix it, Ramus...
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Totaku on September 25, 2014, 05:16:30 AM
*Sigh* I'm going to hate to say it here as well, but things going on in my social life in the moment have been taking my focus away I had intended to play this run, but I know it's already been 3 days. So I ask you to put in on the bottom and send the next person to do the run. My apalogize.... I will try to get things back in order next turn.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on September 25, 2014, 10:33:11 AM
Uh, all right, fine. Serela, you're up.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on September 26, 2014, 08:22:28 PM
20bux bet that I get the next rune too
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on September 26, 2014, 10:55:09 PM
...this sure is different from what I'm used to!

Walking into the middle, Wakisagi spams dispel undead and I realize it's a bit too expensive to spam on the small stuff, and then Control Undeads a mummy priest's summons for hilarity. And then... wow, we can barely carry any meat chunks at -all-, we're carrying a bit too much junk. We don't need this many scrolls of remove curse.
I guess I don't get to find out what's in here! (Spoiler:I soon realize it's one of the stairs down to tombs 2, but it's not the one I want to use)
git reqt (post edit:oops, wrong picture)

Realizing I cannot descend to Tomb 3 without using a different set of stairs, unless I'm COMPLETELY BLIND, I peek back in Tomb 1 and run into Mennas. Oh yeah, this jerk. I end up having to teleport away; I can't get out of his silence field because he's too fast. Thankfully, I can do so via a teleport trap. Coming back more prepared, I try to lob OoDs at him and he blocks ALL OF THEM. Similarly, he blocks a ton of attempts to stab him with our demon spear. I give up, and decide to use the wand of digging to reach the stairs I want after getting away again. ...except he chases us, messing up my wandly desires. I chain-summon ice beasts when I have the chances since they slow him down and let me get a lead away.

Then I realize the wand of digging doesn't work on this wall. God dammit. I don't know how he got -out- of the good area in his last turn, but the only way back is... more random teleports! And there's this dumb Mennas in the way to getting back to T2, where the teleports are far more likely to work out well. Waki does what she does best, and spams pizza delivery ice zombies at him, and then spams Refridgeration. Bye Mennas. You suck >:c

It takes a few minutes of walking into teleport traps to get into the correct part of T2. Thank goodness it's a small floor. (post edit:Oh yeah, uh, this is where t3 starts :V Important detail)
There was a lot more guardian mummies before my quicksilver dragons and refridge killed them all.
oh holy shit
Something REALLY hurts, I think I got smited and/or bad mummy curses? There's that shadow I didn't notice too, oops. The mummies are dying like flies, but I have to retreat upstairs rather than risk a sudden death.
This is after up and down the stairs again. It must be smiting and/or mummy curses, because I don't even notice until oh god my HP, and this time nothing is next to me. I'm just looking at all the enemies dying and not noticing? Thank god this isn't an "I died" screenshot. We still had six whole HP!
oh that's bad. Somehow, we survive. Also, I learned mummy guardians are pretty vulnerable to control undead. c: Waki steps out of sight to avoid smitings and lets her quicksilver simulacrum (yes we got more and they seem to rock) clean up. Except there's even more.

Oh hey we hit lv27! Anyway I end up stepping up-down the stairs a WHOLE BUNCH OF TIMES. Control undead helps a lot, refrigeration is our personal source of damage that I've wanted for so long, and simulacrum is too vital for words. And smiting is awful. Smiting nearly kills Wakisagi a lot. We lose a lot of Kiku piety from pizza delivery. But as we finally get past the stairs and step deeper in, everything is already dead. And not undead kind of dead, either.
Victory. NNR you owe me 20 bux k

I clear up the stragglers with some kickass golden dragon simulacrum that kill guardian mummies in one hit c:
A wand of paralysis and a scroll of torment and a ring of positive energy, everything else is garbage probably. Also Waki literally can't pick up a single 'nother thing! That's okay, since I'm not planning on doing anything else this turn apart from walking out and to somewhere... more relevant for the next person.

And that turned out to be Depths 2, ontop of the stairs to the unexplored Depths 3! There's a lich down these stairs, by the way. `-` I found out it wasn't explored the typical way. *cough*
Turn ended on 114674! I started at 109k somethin', so, should be close 'nuff. :3 We're carrying a LOT OF GARBAGE since I didn't weed through the loot I picked up, have fun! Maybe I should have gone to our stash instead... >.> <.<

I didn't touch our skill training screen. This is what it's at!

edit:I forgot to check the fancy green High Robe or whatever in the loot pile. It turns out it's a +2 Robe of rF+ rC+, which is actually really nice and very possibly the best thing we could be wearing from our selection. Woooow, good job me; it'll take 2k turns to trek back, get it, and come back for whoever wants it. Sorry! We also have oodles of cash to spend and the necromancy skill to be able to use the necronomicon, so, that's quite worth a consideration. We have 10 free spell levels.

e again:Ring of Diat is a little better than I thought it was, since we picked up a lot of Evocations from one person's turn we can evoke Blink/Invisibility pretty well (1% and 16% failure) and we don't have personal sources of these nifty spells right now, and rElec is there I suppose. The new equipment (mainly the boots and rCrF Robe) we've gotten means our resistances our going to be AWESOME for the rest of the game, even if I accidentally left behind the really neat robe or rCrF *cough* Robe of Night, Halberd, and Ring of Sust. are probably garbage. We can drop a bunch of armors and rings we'd been carrying about for a long time now that our rC/F are great.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on October 02, 2014, 06:41:40 PM
Ha ha oh wow, just went back to tombs to pick up that artefact robe, put on a random glowing robe, and decided it was much better.

I also went and bought the necrocomicon, then went back down to the stash to organize. Thoughts on a new spell? We have 10 spell levels and we can learn most stuff from Necrocomicon without high risk (haunt, revivification, or deaths door are solid options)

Took me basically all my time today to get crawl actually running and getting my new computer working (laptop was confiscated again), but I super duper swear I will finish this by tomorrow.

Anyways we now have rf+++, rC++, and rN++, as well as rPois and rElec (ring switch), so we are fucking solid as far as resistances go now.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on October 02, 2014, 07:42:19 PM
Grabbing all the stuff Serela left behind won't count against your turncount, as I implied in IRC.

Also yesssssss, let the DDoor begin.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on October 03, 2014, 07:15:43 PM
Got killed by a mob on Depths 4 (will check back on who did the last blow), I'll have an update once I can actually access the data again.

I also have a save made before I went to trudge back to Depths with sorted out loot, if anyone is interesting in waiting for my lame ass another day.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on October 04, 2014, 06:05:30 PM
Depths isn't terribly interesting to be honest. Especially Depths 3, since it's just "walk into area, kill a group of mobs" ad infinitum.

We're finding portals, which is decently cool, but hardly eventful.

The only remotely interesting thing about Depths 3 is this room full of gold, and gold is worthless.

I suppose I could describe these mobs in detail, but it's mostly stuff we've seen before or buff versions of older mobs.

Trolls, dragons, giants, the occasional interesting one like this Vampire Knight, and a smattering of spellcasters, mostly liches and elves.

DDoor makes things even more boring because when I get low health I just slap the effect on, haste, and run to the stairs.

I end up at low health a lot because I spam Fridge, then I run if everything isn't dead, and let the army of the corpses of mobs I am murdering mop up. I have DDoor anyway so whatever.

Depths 4 is even more boring.

Giant room of mobs. Yawn.
Got my ass kicked but I just DDoor Haste to the stairs so whatever.

Gibs are funny.

Look! Themed mob. Would be interesting if they didn't die to Fridge spam in 2 turns.

Lair mob for good measure.

At this point I ran out of time and was also bored, so I more or less just let a Tengu Reaver kill me, because whatever. Turn 116283.

Attached is our sorted loot so no more backtracking. Also I figured out the artefact was identical to the robe of resistance, so I put that on instead because artefacts don't degrade from acid.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on October 06, 2014, 06:43:19 PM
Shiny new rig get. I'm getting back in the queue :3
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Pirate on October 10, 2014, 04:10:01 PM
Once more, a review of our skills.



The last time wakasagihime woke up from a brief nap, she recalled being mangled horribly by things in the dungeon. But apparently she was alive, so that didn't quite bother her much. Things like that don't bother someone who constantly speaks to their skeletons like friends and attempt to freeze or explode everything else to itty bits and giggling over the gibs.


So depths it was, the third floor of the dastardly dangerous dungeon branch. A lich came to greet her, to which she cheerfully knocked him out with dispel undead. Moving on.


"Stop being careless!" Her spirit companion would insist.

"No way," she'd cheerfully exclaim, happily blasting away at everything and invoking her magic in the most painful way imaginable. (because it's more effective that way)


But Wakasagihime lives, because she always does.


More monsters.


"Ohhh, looks dangerous," she teased, reconstructing flesh into amalgams of ice and the undead.



And then the wall beside her shaters to pieces, revealing a nasty tentacle monster.


Then the doors to the north burst open, revealing giants that don't seem too happy.



"I-I think I can't take this," Wakasagihime finally bemoans, nonchalantly bleeding from the side.

"I told you!" Her companion would speak in a berating tone, but she had other ideas.



With renewed vigor she refreshed her reserves and restocked on her icy minions, ignoring the several airstrikes smashing against her battered body. Apparently upon thinking it is dead the body no longer incurs more injury. Convenient.


The several waves were down, but more to go. But Wakasagihime threw out her next trump card.



Just in time to back away from the new set of enemies, which she quashed with little more resistance.

"I feel invincible!" The mermaid exclaimed, stretching her arms in triumph. Only an exasperated sigh echoed throughout the dark of the dungeon.


Gibbing is fun.


Remembering her skills learnt for tombs, she bewitched the lone vampire knight, drawing him with her charming magic.




The mermaid could only step back, thrown off by those words.


"W-was that a confession?" She quickly blurted, "Ah, um, I'm really sorry I already have a...oh, what am I saying...I-I...."


"I'm sorry...!"

Tears were shed, but she did what she had to do. She could only hope that the dashing knight would find peace in the afterlife...or where ever the dead undead go.


And the rest of depths was cleared.


Depths 4.



Oh look.



Disco party.


Depths 5.

Will never stop being funny.


The zot...!


Okay now that is just teasing.


There we go. And with the unveiling of the portal to zot, the completion of the final level of depths.

Turn 116656, 121922 AUTs.

Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on October 12, 2014, 11:42:43 PM
Awesome, I'll remember to update the OP sometime between today and tomorrw. Still recovering from the move and such.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on October 13, 2014, 02:53:19 AM
Oh, is it my turn next?
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on October 13, 2014, 03:31:19 AM
That sounds right, Raitaki.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on October 14, 2014, 11:42:06 PM
Aight, so I'm finally back at uni. Gonna start the run soon. Do we want to just go grab the orb and end it once and for all, or is there any other rune/area you guys wanna attempt?
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on October 14, 2014, 11:45:59 PM
Judging from how UK/NNR were talking, I'm pretty sure the plan is to do a full run; every rune.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on October 15, 2014, 01:08:44 AM
It's up to you all, but I'm pretty sure you can handle extended on this character. Painfully, but you can probably handle it. Uh, though, those playing should vote on a change. You've seen the Zot entrance, and Pandemonium especially is going to be Long. Do we want to extend the turns to 10,000 here?
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on October 15, 2014, 01:51:02 AM
Well, for me personally that'd make surviving a turn harder, but from what I've seen Death's Door has been making things a lot easier, so I don't mind either way.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on October 15, 2014, 03:20:42 AM
We have a shit ton of resistances now and access to the better Necromancy spells. We can handle Extended.
We still need to dive the Abyss for its rune, and hells shouldn't be too hard around this point, although we're really missing on high-level ice spells, ie Glaciate.

10k turns is probably a good idea if we're not gonna clear Zot 1-4 first.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on October 15, 2014, 04:38:00 PM
Ouch, I got really bad luck on the Hell miscast effects while in Tartarus, and it somehow ate 10 Int and 5 Dex. I think I'll go back and grab a bunch of restore abilities potions just to be safe. Anyone got any tips on how to deal with/prevent stat losses from miscast effects?

EDIT: Progress report:
+ Nearly killed by: Tartarus miscast roulette (-10 Int, -5 Dex, a shadow fiend, a reaper and a zombie something dragon all at once), getting roulette'd while foolishly trying to fight a maligned gateway, getting roulette'd (shadow fiend + horde of skeleton warriors) right after a big fight after which I only had like 30% HP, no mana and close to no minions left, mobs roulette'd in while I was advancing towards a silent spectre, mobs AND ANOTHER SILENT SPECTRE roulette'd in while I was literally in the same spot about to attempt #2, a different DOUBLE ROULETTE AT THE SAME SPOT, finally found one of (yeah there were multiple) the freaking spectres except it's right next to Servant of Hell/Letty and ROULETTE'D AGAIN. See the theme?

Also, I'm a bit over 5000 turns in. I'll post the save or finish the turn once we decide if we're doing 10k turns or not.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on October 16, 2014, 01:30:20 AM
Wait why are we in Hells already?

Uh, anyway, extend to 10K.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on October 16, 2014, 01:51:28 AM
Uhhh are we not supposed to? I'm already on the last level of Tartarus so a bit late for that o vo
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on October 16, 2014, 02:07:45 AM
Well I think it's a bad move? But I mean if you can pull it off.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on October 16, 2014, 09:52:29 PM
....Of course, I get rekt in Pan after getting my first rune ever. :IIIIIIII

I died, next person can go, post will come later.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on October 17, 2014, 12:26:09 AM
>Beat a Hell this early, holy wow
>immediately goes to Pan to die

your mistake was not doing Abyss
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on October 17, 2014, 02:42:39 AM
It's...early? We're already lv27, and I legitimately beat whoever the Tartarus boss was simply by putting summons between us, hasting and poking her to death with a trident. :V 99% of the trouble I suffered from Hell came from the freaking miscast roulette. The dungeon itself was pretty easy except for those stupid silent spectres which were all over the last floor.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on October 17, 2014, 06:53:27 AM
Level doesn't matter. Skills and spells do. We don't have a level 9. We're also a bit behind on loot because no Pan and no Abyss yet (for hells, I mean). Basically, most people don't do Hells before Pan and DEFINITELY not before Abyss.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Totaku on October 17, 2014, 07:02:17 AM
I need to double check, but it is my turn now? I feel a little confused since I haven't seen the main page updated in a while and I see Raitaiki just died. I suppose I can take a whack at Hell or the Abyss.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on October 17, 2014, 02:50:43 PM
It says my turn but I think she just auto-skipped you since you haven't been able to play? In any case I think you used to go before me and you haven't had a turn in a long time, so go right ahead- I haven't started (and not sure I'd even get around to it today) so it's free game.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on October 17, 2014, 03:08:16 PM
Aaand time for me to take the stage once again! This time hopefully without dying/stealth <insert killer mob of the day here>s!
So since we?re apparently going for completionist run...


To hell we go!
Taking down Geryon wasn?t too hard. OoD spam, then use the fan once he started slinging summons then skewer him with our trident once half the summons were distracted by the elementals.


Some hell knights and a lich. At least one of them had Bolt of Fire and started chewing through the simulacra. More poured in, and something (prolly the lich) summoned a hellion, so the undead army suffered more casualties than expected. We still won safely, though!
We found the entrance to Tartarus. It appears to be undead-themed, and we have a ring of positive energy and dispel undead to work with that, so let?s go there first!

...So halfway through the first floor, I just noticed something somehow butchered 10 temporary points off our Int. Why did we bring no potions of restore abilities again?

So went back, grabbed those and a royal jelly, back to Tartarus!


Thanks, random sickness.
Aaanyway, the game repeatedly tries to convince me that this is a horrible to spend time in if I value my piety (or food stores), max HP and stats, so I give up exploring the whole thing and proceed downwards.


Oh, what?s this?


Oh...uh. I?ll leave you alone. Bye.


Thanks again, miscast effects.
Somehow survived that. Midway through I used the last of my mana to call pizza delivery. Orin gave me a shock serpent corpse. Which produced one chunk.

RNG is hard.

So after a bunch of OoDing and Dispeling Undead, we reach the last floor of Tartarus. Time to pop a magic mapping and-


Ye gods.


A spectral kraken! Yay?
It went down pretty quickly. I didn?t expect the main body to take damage from me Dispelling Undead the tentacles.

There was a mini vault or something with 4 shadow demons and a flayed ghost in it. Cleared the den, net a legendary deck of cards which I dare not use yet and a box of beast. There?s an artifact broad axe too, but I?m guessing we?re not really interested in that.
Also, some freaking thing (probably miscast effects) rotted us AGAIN. There goes the last curing potion.

Had to use DDoor for the first time of the whole run thanks to getting a bunch of miscast summons appearing right on top of me inside a silence aura. Freaking Hells.


it hasn?t even been ten turns are yOU SERIOUS

So after expending roughly all the evocables, nomming a potion magic, and DDooring, I managed to survive THAT fiasco (plus another wave of skel warriors that popped up right after I DDoored). I?m fucking done.






Godfucking damnit.




Ecstatic. They were swarming me so hard there wasn?t even space to summon simulacra. \o/


All hail the almighty Scroll of Holy Word.

Aaand apparently one of the summons gave us fast metabolism in the middle of that mess. Great. Since Fridge isn?t very useful here, I switch to the artifact amulet with rMut.


Uh, wow. Ereshkigal herself was the source of the silence aura? So much nope. I?d like to say ?time to fall back and find a way to dig into the room behind here?, but I tried everything we had once each and nothing could destroy the wall, so I fall back and ask for more pizza (the last batch was just an anaconda and an ettin that yielded only 1 chunk :<)
And neevermind, the silence wasn?t hers. Good. Still had to withdraw since a zombie hydra and a shadow demon showed up for some goddamn reason and the hydra bit a chunk of me.


Well hello there! Time to settle this.
One turn later...


....Though that was easier than I expected. The summons tanked/blocked projectiles in the doorway, and I hasted and regen?d myself beforehand so I just poked her to death. Haste didn?t affect the simulacra for some reason though.


My first rune GET! ...Rather uneventfully! Well, except for the stupid near-constant miscast roulette. I guess withstanding that for 7 floors was an achievement in a way.
The loot is meh. 2 sacks of spiders and a bunch of magic items that I ignored, an artifact great sword we probably don?t want, and an artifact ring with sustain abilities and rF+. Meeh. Though I guess it?s more useful than the ring of + energy atm, since we already have rNeg++ without it, and not getting our stats roulette?d away is nice.




Why meeeee

A few consecutive roulettes later, I remember that I?m so fucking done with this place. To hell with the remaining mini-vaults. Bye, Tartarus!


Gehenna entrance, the realm of hellfire. While our rF is currently at +++, our simulacra are weak to fire, so I don?t think I?ll be able to handle it. Skipping for now.
This is right about when I remember what UK said about Hell being too early. I guess I?ll check out Pandemonium and Abyss instead (I might have mistaken Hell = Pandemonium when I came here in the first place, oops)


Aaah, yes, Fridge, my old friend. Welcome back.
...Aaaand in an unscreenshotted moment, we ran into a Pan lord and died. Highlights include me somehow failing to cast DDoor THREE TIMES IN A ROW. Welp! That's turn 123712 according to the morgue!
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on October 17, 2014, 07:06:01 PM
>Pan easier then Hells

uhh, what? Pan is fucking brutal, Pan Lords kick ass harder then Hell bosses and always have a legion of 1s around.

We really should just do Abyss, then Zot 1-4. Zot we can still have good use of our trident for and dragons are pushovers with our resistance set, and Abyss is just not hard anymore.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on October 17, 2014, 07:34:58 PM
@NNR: I've ALWAYS had an easier time in Pan than Hell. Always.

@Totaku: Yeah, go next. Fuck I'll get around to updating the OP now, though not with deaths and such.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on October 18, 2014, 06:12:41 AM
I've ever had an easier time with Pan then Hells, aside from Hell Roulette, most of each of them are a pushover, full of dragon skeletons and the like, with 1s mostly spread apart.
In Pan the 1s tend to come in gangs (especially if the Panlord gets out of his vault). Pan is also hard to escape (typically have to beat a Pan Lord Vault to find an Abyssal portal, escape isn't guaranteed on any floor), as opposed to Hell which you can escape through any portal, and you can stumble upon an Even More Deadly special/rune floor if you're really unlucky.

Hell on the other hand has Hell Roulette, which for the most part is really not a big deal, the worst of it is random rotting in Tar, or statloss really, and occasionally it summons a 1 or surrounds you enemies, or damages you, noner of which are ever a big deal unless you're nearly dead already or something (in which case why are you not GTFOing Hell?

The only benefit of Pan to Hell I see is that Pan floors work like normal floors, where if you clear them out, they're mostly safe, where as Hell will just constantly roulette you with fun until you leave. Clearing Pan floors out, though, is the hard part. Also Pan has loot, but it's just regular D loot, so it's not really a big deal. You won't starve, I guess.

The few times I've done Pan before Hell I've been immediately rousted by a Pan Lord with Fire Storm or something equally ridiculous.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on October 19, 2014, 01:21:23 AM
Our Crawl experiences are very different, maybe it's just the way we go through the various extendeds.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Totaku on October 24, 2014, 07:28:53 AM
Welp, time to fill in Wakasagihime's report...
Mermaids in Hell

Wakasagihime decided to it was now time to venture into hell since she was partially prepared to handle it with her current gear.

She braves into the hell and fights against the many demons there, and then battles against  Hong Meiling who seems to be guarding the gated that allowed her access to hell. Wakasagihime would call upon Orin's powers to brings some corpses in which she recived dragons and giants and thus turned them into Simaclulm thus surrounding Meiling before she could summon beast of aid her.

With her vanquished the mermaid ventured into hell and found the first place she needed to go...

Gevenna, the hell of flames
Most of Gevenna was a cake walk for the mermaid as she froze most of the firey menaces before they could do anything....
And once she reached the final floor, she enters the strong hold....
And before too long confronts Amodeous, the firey lord of hell!

Using her simclumam and Letty's Refrigeration she managed to fight her way against the firey lord of hell even though she got her HP somewhat wrecked from it and the summoned minions that would slice through her health....

Needless to say she battled the hell lord till she vanquished him, but before she could even catch a breath, the echos of hell shouted "YOU DO NOT BELONG HERE!" Wakasagihime was feeling an immense pain from the inside ,a pain too unbareable and as result she collapsed and died.

She have killed the firely lord of hell, but hell decided to raise the middle finger to her and deny her mortailty....

Yes... this is the first I died due to Hell's Effect, rather than from an enemy.... this is so.... embarrasing.... and unexpected....
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on October 24, 2014, 02:34:16 PM
Unfortunately I literally don't have 2 straight hours to devote to playing crawl in the next 3 days because of college homework due on Sunday (inbetween my work shifts), but I'll get my run done on monday (or tuesday at latest). (Then again, the 3 day rule seems to have vanished at some point anyway :V)
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on October 24, 2014, 03:47:52 PM
Don't feel bad Totaku, miscast roulette from Tartarus was roughly 7 times worse than the Tartarus lord herself ; v;

Also I forgot, put me back onto the queue.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on October 24, 2014, 04:26:36 PM
@Serela: Yeah, that's fine. Sorry, I've been busy with a lot of stuff and not able to really administrate the thread consistently, so "a timely fashion" is more the rule now

@Raitaki: I'll update the OP at some point today.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on October 28, 2014, 04:10:17 PM
Okay as I start my turn the first thing I think is "there's more than one spell off my console now, can anyone please tell me how I can make that thing bigger" but last time no one responded (and I couldn't figure it out myself trawling through the .txts or the faq or whatever else I did) so w/e I'll just keep going

Writing this down before I forget. 10k turns would be stopping at... about 131~132000.

Welcome to Zot, time for fun!
...undead corn cob monsters...? ...okay.
They're lizards, so FRIDGE FRIDGE FRIDGE FRIDGE FRIDGE. It almost worked beautifully, but I ran out of mp. Retreat, get mp, get chunks, come back, simulacrum~ With the help of helpers, fridge totally slaughters these guys. Duly noted.

The enemies are pretty sparse, so OoD+frozen friends clears it easily. Honestly it feels like we can just melee half this stuff to death if we wanted to.
i forgot that pasting is ctrl+v and tried to ctrl+z a few times which is undo and I got really confused
this dragon is trivial because I came with haste and chunks, and the boots can't be exciting because we currently have godly as f boots (rPois is what made the draconians not AWFUL, rF++ is YESSSSSS, rC+ sure)
yeah no
GET OUT *Fridge* Yeah these guys were wimps, but I imagine the zot trap can be far worse. Also, tentacled monstrositys take more damage from fulminant prism than I thought they would.
Zot 3! If this feels fast to you, well, it kinda does to me too (albiet I have to actually clear out all the exp bags) each floor's only taken like 1k turns. I guess that might be a lot but now that we do 10k...
Okay, the curse toe is a little annoying. Thankfully kiku helps us resist it's torment. After it's gone Wakisagi can easily stab an ice dragon to death like a badass.
Why didn't we do Zot before hells, this is trivial. I really -am- meleeing any lone enemies to death with like zero attention, and groups of draconians just mean a little mp gets used.
Glad I didn't come this way!
ZOT FIIIIIVE~ This is the end, right? Don't worry, I'm not picking up the orb, just clearing things out. Uh... kind of concerned about what I'm doing after this.
...the orb guardians were easy, until moths of wrath moved in and berserked them all. Then things got bad.
Really kinda bad. Even with hasted me and slow'd guardian, it's scary. No, I don't have the mp for Death's Door, if I hadn't spammed a few OoDs a few turns ago I'd already be dead. ;_; Death's Door probably would have been better, but it's not even on my console so I forgot...! I could have sworn we had two scrolls of blinking, as that'd give me enough distance to get the hell out, but the single one I used to get this far seemed to have been it...
Whew. I'm just fast enough to barely, barely outpace it. This won't last long, though. ...and it un-slows on the next turn. OH HEY THERE'S ENOUGH MP TO DEATH DOOR PLEASE DON'T GIVE ME SPELL FAILURE YESSS IT WORKED. From there I wave a fan and it gets distracted with air elementals. They aren't enough to kill it alone, but Waki manages to slip away.
we're back git reqt
I'm waiting to hit enter to see how I die to Lehudib's Crystal Spear on the turn I summoned my simulacrum. That dirty lich. Why. ;_; missed. (also it was actually ice, but that still could have been so bad)
Please don't molest my undead ice monster.

Okay it died. Thank god that's over. I don't like crystal spears of over 100 damage.
...those things roast through simulacrum like nothing.
ow dear god what just hit me for 100+ damage DEATH'S DOOR
why didn't I cast haste to outspeed more of this
Wakisagi got very lucky. A hasted summoned Executioner got in the way of the very fast berserked Killer Klown, but it's summoned so it can't climb stairs. I think. That's the only reason I'm not dead right now. I'm debating whether to even go back to that floor at all; the orbs of fire slaughter simulacrum in no time and are very scary overall. You know what, I think I did enough Zot, someone ELSE can finish that floor. Probably not until we're actually grabbing the orb of zot, I guess? But that'd be their choice. I'mma GTFO.
Fun Fact:My turn would have ended right before that encounter if we were on 5k turns. Would have been a pretty good spot to have a checkpoint at! Also, a lot of good scrolls got burned up. Maybe I should have read the magic mapping before going in...? >.> Thank goodness I've been using weapon enchant scrolls right away. Our spear has gone up to +7 +5. Wait, I thought it was supposed to be +8 +6 now? Maybe the enchant III scroll failed...? Can they do that?

FUCK THAT BYE. Walk down the stairs with both Geryon and Murray onscreen? WHY. Okay, okay, no, summoning simulacrum, let's go.

I clean up the easier stuff, but dealing with all that plus geryon and murray the second I step down the stairs isn't happening- Waki's already at half hp. Poof, I'm out.

...okay, okay, I get more chunks and come back in. I don't want to drop into Pandaemonium right now. A lot of summoned undead appear for me to control, which helps.
If Geryon wasn't beating me up this would be perfect. Murray decides to plop down next to me, so I decide to Dispel Undead him a few times, which makes quick work. Okay, this isn't as bad as I thought.
...buuuut it still doesn't quite work out bye. I get lucky with a golden dragon dropping on corpse delivery so when I come back they fall down like flies. I happen to find a +5 +3 demon trident as I easily clear out the rest of the place, but it's a bit too late for that.

Mmkay. Hell cleared. Well, the entrance, that is, not the actual 4 rune branches of it. I've got about 2k more turns to go... oh wow, it's been 2 hours. Kind of intimidating to think that going further means risking death in Actually Pretty Dangerous areas after playing this long, obviously in a normal game that's permanently a risk but relay makes it different? Okay, okay, I'll do it, uh, let's see, we'll do... the fire one. Almost picked ice instead but nah. I put on the conservation amulet to avoid scrollburns.
plz stop ctrl+z'ing, hands why
Anyway finding stairs like this is neato because nope I don't like miscast roulette moving on

Philosophy I use here is "Don't take your time on the floors- but do take your time in terms of running the hell back to Hell when in any danger and then trekking back down". Sometimes bad roulettes make that a very fast thing. Liberal use of refridgeration and control/dispel undead makes clearing out the trek to the stairs not too bad, albiet lots of trips back to Hell to regen mp.

About to end my turn when-
GET OFF THE PORTAL BACK TO HELL. This guy seems to have a sword of distortion because it keeps blinking me away, and I don't have the mp to quickly slaughter these guys. I get worried when hell roulette throws in that brimstone fiend when I can't speedkill it.

Teleport wand on portal-standing zombie, stab the necromancer while waiting since it's about dead, get hellfired (AAAAAAAA) and then quickly step on the portal when zombie goes bye and GET OUT.
I hate you I hate you I hate you get out of my life. It's immune to enchantment so I don't think I can wand it away.

Kiku shields me from torment as it keeps trying to do that, but I know a single 'nother hellfire can kill me. I've used a fan of gales, but the air elementals aren't doing enough.
>19/196(202) hp

Then I put on Ring of Diat and invoke blinking the hell away. 3 blinks and a fan of gales later and I might be getting somewhere- next is evoking fog to cut off it's vision so it won't hellfire me (which is now ensured death), but sadly lava prevents me from running...! And I know it can See Invisible... screw it, please save me Blink.
Aaaaand glorious, glorious safety. I get out of Hell entirely, rest, come back and kick it's butt, and save. I'm a little over my turns but it was for the sake of not leaving the game at "you very well might die any turn now". Welp, that was a way to end the round.
I've made it to Gehenna 5. The paths to the stairs in 1~3 (and maybe 4) should be pretty clear, even accounting for there being a few different places you can appear. You might want to go back and grab a Ring/Potions of Sustain/Restore Abilities. Have fun~

Also even with conservation and barely using any of them, I lost every single scroll we had and that I found, oops.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on October 28, 2014, 04:53:35 PM
Nice surviving though seriously why do you people pick the fire hell first it is the worst >=[! Good luck NNR, you're next
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on October 28, 2014, 05:32:47 PM
I've never been in a hell I wouldn't know :V I just think "Hey I have fridge so this is a good idea right?!", it slaughters the non-undead stuff pretty hard as a lot of them are weak to cold. If I actually remembered sublimation of blood exists (oh yeah, I have -three- spells off console...) I could probably have just run through it with unending doom to my enemies.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on October 30, 2014, 06:13:46 AM
Why the fuck did you even go into Zot 5, Zot 5 is horribly deadly what the fuck

anyway I have a day off work tomorrow so I'll be doing my turn then. I'll probably continue Geh because we are an ice mage, then try the negative hell I can't remember the name of I guess.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on November 06, 2014, 05:57:18 AM
so after a thousand or so turns fucking around in Geh, I made it to the staircase of floor 5.  Apparently trying to find a quicker route on Geh 1 was a dumb idea because it almost killed me like 3 times.

Geh 6 was uneventful though so lets go to 7.
Ah fuck I forgot this was the last floor. I'll just kill these guys and run back....

Okay, attempt 2.
Yeah, uh, fuck.

Attempt 3:
Okay I'm doing a lot better now. This is the loot room on the left, as per the map here:
Fridge works wonders here, gosh.

Found Buff Weapon 3, got our trident to +7+6, and look!
BeneMut! Woot!
2 AC is a nice pickup.

Yeah here we go, reaching Asmodeus wasn't hard.

Wasn't hard to kill either. Ice Bros represent

Got the rune, time to skeddadle.

After just a couple more run-ins with Brimstone Fiends, we made it out.

Getting tired of playing but I guess I'll run a couple thousand turns in Tartarus.

Aright let's do this! WAGGGGY!!! SAGGGG-
(fuck I'm silenced, let's actually enter healed up and try this again....)


Eventually I just stairdance till I beat them, of course, but god damn that silence is annoying.
Finding this staircase is majorly fucking annoying, Tar has the worst hell roulette.

God damn it. I can barely use Ice Bros like this.

Finally make it to Tar 2, but things are seriously a pain in the ass.

Okay yeah fuck this we're going to go grab all my shit from the stash.

(a few thousand turns of running later)

Alright Hell is our new stash spot, I grabbed all the important shit from the Lair stash and took it here.

With that in mind, I dive back into Tar.
Made it to floor 3 now, at least.

And floor 4. With no loot this shit is just spooky scary skeletons and the occasional demon being irritating.

Okay wow time to fuck off back to hell.

Yeah not my problem now, someone else do this.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on November 06, 2014, 06:27:13 AM
Pirate is next, going to be at a con this weekend. When I get back, punch me to update the damn OP. Thanks NNR
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Pirate on November 10, 2014, 06:28:53 AM
Gonna need to pass it off to the next guy, I've got exams and stuff.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on November 10, 2014, 05:41:37 PM
Raitaki then, is up.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on November 12, 2014, 06:18:39 AM
Ho boy. I get to do Tartarus all over again? Lovely.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on November 12, 2014, 07:03:58 PM
Good luck >.>b
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on November 15, 2014, 05:41:17 PM
Ooookay, iiit?s time for me to clear Tartarus again like a boss! Andalsowhyisourmaxhp176/202
Since we only have one pot of restore abilities on us, I opt to wear the ring of sustain abilities in place of regen. And it?d have been nice if NNR grabbed some more food when he stopped by stash ; v; And urgh, what happened to the scrolls? The staves? Especially the staff of death or something that I liberally used to Dispel Undead everything and anything? FFFFFFFFFFFF


It appears the roulette and silentspecterrng are far more lenient this time...Hello again, Ereshkigal!


Urgh, this is a lot harder than last time for some reason. She smited quite a lot, and melee can?t take his health down fast enough >_> What I?d give for some scrolls of recharging right now ; v; Did I get hella lucky with melee attack rolls last time or something?

Oooh, so that?s how it is. The fucker has been healing herself for like, 30% of her health every time >___________>

So...I teleported myself out and...what the fuck?



WELP. I fucking jinxed it, didn?t I. Remind me to never comment on how nice the RNG is within its earshot again.

That death pissed me off. Signing up again. Dead on turn 135279 according to morgue.
Also, I think we need to grab our supplies. All our scrolls were gone except for the tp scrolls for some reason, and so were the evocables and the staves. At the very least I think we should grab a scroll of remove curse or two (hellroulette), a fan of gales (the instant distance is so good) and the staves of death and cold (death is for dispelling undead throughout Tar, cold is for fridge later). The current relatively empty inventory might be good for carrying chunks, but at least for Tar that isn't necessary since we can OoD and dispel most things, and while fighting with the Hell lords it isn't very hard to have existing simulacra block a corridor while you head out the back and call pizza delivery.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on November 15, 2014, 05:49:30 PM
Ok, Totaku, you're up. I am officially 5 updates behind on the OP ;_;.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on November 16, 2014, 03:41:55 AM
And it?d have been nice if NNR grabbed some more food when he stopped by stash ; v;
Who needs food when we have PIZZA DELIVERY
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Raitaki on November 16, 2014, 04:25:55 AM
A lot of things in the hells don't give piety though ; v; And why eat dragons)ry when you can MAKE SIMULACRA

Also honestly now that the RNG magically took away our ability to easily stab Eresh to death I've no idea how we're supposed to kill her when she pretty much spams silence as much as she could. Maybe scroll of a immolation a bunch of undead and kaboom? All the scrolls are gone for some reason though ;_;
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: NekoNekoRex on November 16, 2014, 03:11:39 PM
I dunno what happened to our consumables, but I dropped everything useful in the Hell area, so look around.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Totaku on November 25, 2014, 03:15:31 PM
Dammit, I've had my messaged deleted not one, but twice. I'm fed up with it so I'm only going to give the short story.

1. Wakasagihime is alive.
2. Tartarus is done
3. Coytus is done.
4. Dis is almost complete.

5. I used up what recharging scrolls I needed to survive.

6. Orin's not in a happy mood with corpse deliveries, use her aid wisely.

Sorry guys, but I had my message deleted twice (once from your brother, and a second time from the power company turning off you power to do a transformer maintenance, you get kinda fed up.... so yeah sorry... no story... I feel I left you hanging for too long....

So here's the save. Beat the Dispatar and go for the Abyss, we're more than ready for that location.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on November 26, 2014, 05:33:17 AM
Next is Serela, do us proud.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on December 03, 2014, 02:43:06 AM
I kept thinking "Okay, I'll have more time once the weekend is over and I don't have to go to my job and I've made progress on my collegework" but nope I actually still have a lot of work left, with it being the last week of classes right now. Whilst it's true I'm already procrastinating way too much, I totally can't justify crawling for 2~3 hours when I have so much work I'm supposed to be doing. The next person can go ahead and take their turn if they want, otherwise maybe I'll be able to get it done next monday/tuesday???
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on December 03, 2014, 06:44:20 PM
This post would have been super cool sooner. Anyway, NNR, time to grab another rune,
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Pirate on December 17, 2014, 05:58:57 PM
I was halfway. HALFWAY. Knocked out dis like a chump, was on the way to lom.

And somehow when i come back the save breaks.

I'll go cry a bit. If noone wants to wait for me to report I'll just swap with someone else.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on December 17, 2014, 06:05:23 PM
But I thought it was...

okay I have no idea who's turn it is anymore

I would have gone ahead and done it myself by now since NNR never seemed to do it either, but my life has steadily been spiraling harder, so. :T
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on December 18, 2014, 06:34:24 AM
Oh, NNR was supposed to post he was busy or something, it did shift to Pirate, yeah. Sorry, I'm bad at OP maintenance, might eventually clean it up when I have a free moment and I'm not half asleep.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Pirate on December 19, 2014, 07:39:51 PM
"It's Dis!" The mermaid exclaimed.

"It's Dis," her spirit companion agreed amicably.

And so Wakasagihime's adventure in the depths of the dungeon continues. What adventures and terrors lay in store? There is no need for pause, the question is answered within moments.


"That's a really big lizard," Wakasagihime said.

"It's a serpent."

"A really big lizard serpent," she amends.

The demonic serpent let out a roar that blew miniature shards of metal at her, encrusting her slightly curled hair with bits of steel.

"That's not very nice," she frowned, picking off the metal bits whilst chanting in an ominous language with equal nonchalance. Towering giants of ice surrounded her, and charged at her enemy without a single finger lifted by her.


In mere moments. the chanting and roaring was replaced by low, helpless whines as the serpent of hell was beaten to dust by simulacra.



Unfortunately some things are simulacra proof, but Wakasagi trudges on.

Eventually Wakasagihime encounters a large and overbearing door. Everything about it seemed foreboding, as if calling for her to retreat. But the mermaid knew nothing about retreating. Not because she was particularly courageous, but because she was utterly oblivious to danger.


And so the door is pushed open...with expected results.

"A welcoming party!" She exclaimed.

"A murdering party," the spirit said unenthusiastically.


And as per usual, simulacra rose at her command, forming a giant barricade at the entrance.


No sooner had she done so however, did the lord of Dis emerge from the thick fog she had conjured.

"Thou who art dare to trespass, prepare to be crushed!" He roared, stabbing his scepter into the iron floors. An unpleasant quake emanated from the impact; proof that this lord of hell was no pushover...


...Except Dispater is not simulacra proof.

"This is a really nice staff," Wakasagihime comments, as the body of Dispater is buried in simulacra, leaving only his arm visible and a low, guttural screaming.


And of course, the expected.


Treasure, but little Wakasagihime saw fit to take.

"That was a good one," she yawned, "I'm glad bringing just one apple as my only source of permanent food didn't cause me to run out, forcing myself to rush back to the vestibule whilst dying from starvation, and being chased by a tormentor an-"

She stopped and blinked in confusion, as the spirit gave the most disturbed and angry look it could muster with its wisp-like features.

This never happened.

Sometime later, Wakasagihime steps into the portal of Pandemonium, the last few places left to explore.

"We need to find the runes, you see," she explained to the spirit, "there are like...five? One demonic one, and four from the mighty lords of Pandemonium!"

It nodded slowly, "And, we have to train and clear the levels as we search, yes?"

"What are you saying? We're going straight for the Pandemonium lords!"

And there came one of the many loud groans that reverberated through the dungeon.


And so Wakasagihime dived through the halls of pandemonium, till she met with the aura of Lom Lobon, echoing the same emotion of disappointment and exasperation that came from her companion. Like a sweeping force of death and destruction she swept through the entire land, reducing most if not all the residing demons into a quivering pulp.

And then...


The cruel pandemonium lord Lom Lobon surveys the newcomer with his single eye. His words reverberated throughout his lair as he addressed her. An oppressive, overwhelming voice.

"Want some tea?"

( Appropriate music


The battle was a raging tide that swept between the two. Wakasagihime, with her seemingly endless torrent of glacial monsters, and the barrage of lightning and ice from Lom Lobon.


However, it was becoming clear; Wakasagihime will lose this fight. Her foe was too strong; bearing incredible magic that could reduce her minions to vapour within mere moments of chanting, whilst she herself was too weak to participate in the fight.

"Your time has come," Lom Lobon boomed, "Submit an-"

The mermaid was no longer seen, as the dome of crystal was filled with a choking curtain of multicoloured fog and smoke. When the pandemonium lord finally caught a glimpse of her green kimono, she was already standing by the very door he was guarding.


"Halt!" Lom Lobon roared, conjuring a fierce storm of raging winds to envelop his enemy, but it was too late. As if mocking him, the door was slammed shut in front of him. And as every dungeon dweller knows, not even the fearsome strength of a tornado could break the sturdy hinges of a door.


By the time Lom Lobon broke into the room housing his rune, Wakasagihime had already disappeared, leaving faint traces of translocational smoke in her wake. His forlorn groans could be heard even outside his lair.

There was little to do after. With some cajoling from her spirit that running around with 40 hp rotted and another 40 hp gone from frail 2 and thus ending with a grand total of 120hp was a bad idea, she chugged down some cure mutations and became just about mutation free. Thanks to having mistakenly misplaced her supplies, she also had to run around grabbing random scrolls and items, and a teleport ring that would serve her well in times of distress.

The last she saw her spirit companion had been quite a while, as he continued to dive through different regions of pandemonium; but it would be bakc, and hopefully she would have nothing but more success to show for it.

Miscellaneous notes:

Curse all of you scurvy laden dogs who walked around with zero supplies. Especially you Totaku. Going into hell with ONE. ONE apple. No don't tell me your gamble paid off, or that Kiku can feed Wakasagihime. That's just poor management of resources and you're going to start wondering why you're at 4 star piety and start ironically advising people to stop using Kiku's deliveries.

I managed to restock the heal wand, but the teleport wand is completely empty and recharge scrolls don't grow on trees.

I brought the ice staff along for those needed times of ozo cleansing, and a teleport ring for non emergency teleports (we only have three scrolls available). Also a bunch of useful evocables.

I picked up translocations for phase shift and controlled blink because both are incredibly useful and  I don't know why you people never took it. Ice bros and corpse rot was dropped; they served well but no longer. If anyone desires to take up summons again you'll have to find some other spell to drop. Still waiting on Glaciate.

Scumming whilst looking for demonic rune is encouraged.

We're training stealth, translocations and throwing. I haven't shown it now, but I've brought some nifty nets for throwing on any of the lords but Cerebov. Good for delaying them whilst they get hammered on for simulacra. Stealth is good for running away, and better fog abuse. Once Cblink is usable, throwing is at 10 and the stealth manual i picked up is used up we can get to training something like polearms or other melee oriented skills; most of our magics are good enough at this point.

Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on December 20, 2014, 07:34:30 PM
All right, Totaku next, and thank you very, very much for that update, Pirate, I know it was one hell of a hassle with the corruption of the file.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on January 13, 2015, 07:03:45 PM

At this point, I need an activity check and am effectively wiping the sign up list now. Tell me if you're still interested, when you can actually make a damn post, and in 72 hours I will see if the run is worth continuing.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on January 13, 2015, 11:26:30 PM

I'm available again. If you decide the run should be discontinued we could just cut things short and make a plan for grabbing the orb and running, although we also only have to grab a couple more Pandaemonium Runes to totally finish out I think? It's been awhile.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Pirate on January 15, 2015, 06:22:47 PM
Same. I'm all up for passing files between two people if need be, but I'd like to see a 15 rune run through.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Totaku on January 15, 2015, 07:28:01 PM
I will sign up, but keep in mind my life has been hectic lately so I'm going to make this my last chance to prove myself I can keep myself going. So if I fail this time, I'll voluntary drop out due to having too much going on ATM.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on January 18, 2015, 07:11:17 AM
OK! So, Serela, Pirate, Totaku. I guess we can get through with 3. Serela, take the next turn, you have 72 hours.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on January 21, 2015, 03:39:32 AM
man I sure am lazy good thing deadlines exist to rope me into line and force me to have fun

Hi Wakisagi it's been awhile! Okay let's wander around until something happens. 157.3k turns.
I haven't even left the starting room and I'm bad at this, excuse me while I remember how to properly play without dying.
There isn't a lord on this floor so I should just take each portal to a new section I see until one appears, right? I think that's right. Okay let's go.
Riiiiight the simulacrum don't follow me. I should have rested my health back first too. This was a bad idea. Maybe I can just move into some deep water and...
This was also a bad idea.
Much better. Now I only have to deal with one. At a time, at least.
Erm. This maybe isn't a shitty situation. Maybe.
the fuck?! D:
It didn't work out. I think the abyss is easy at this point so I could do that? (I'd proceed to just waste most of my turn getting out and back, though.) I could try teleporting and hope I don't run into more enemies? I guess I should try teleporting first. sends me into the same room. Whyyyyyyyy okay let's do that again.

Next one warps me into a nice corner with some big ice monster and a blizzard demon which I can actually melee to death and then rest up. Whew. I thought that was just going to be a chain of hopeless shenanigans leading to an early death. But then I get assaulted whilst resting and very nearly die again. And then again before I can barely recover at all, forcing me to use the heal wand. I believe I am doing this wrong. Actually, it just never really stops happening. Eventually I manage to rest up, summon simulacrum, and stomp through to another portal. And then do it again. Except a brimstone demon evaporates my simulacra and I get stomped by a mob whilst slipping out through another portal, and then the monsters on the end of -that- one usher me into a teleport trap, and then I kill myself with Ozucubo's Refridgeration oops.


According to the morgue I died on turn 152660!

edit:In hindsight this was really just the result of me playing super lazily, and was pretty dumb; I mostly just worked off "Make simulacrum, OoD some stuff, and spearpoke when applicable". I could have gotten away with this earlier in the game, but doing a last minute run when I'm already at mental-state of "it's bedtime" was a pretty bad idea overall and I tried to cruise when I really should have been... actually using the cool loot we had and keeping up helpful things to protect me.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on January 22, 2015, 08:59:43 PM
All right, good try Serela,

1. Pirate
2. Totaku
3. Serela

Pirate, you got 72 hours.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Pirate on January 26, 2015, 05:00:10 PM
Triple The Fun

"You know, I had this really bad dream about playing around recklessly and getting myself killed."

The spirit floated beside her, looking particularly puzzled despite lacking any facial features to speak of.

"Is that not every time?"

There was an awkward silence.

"Well! That's just rude!" Wakasagihime pouted.

The land of pandemonium was a harsh one, but Wakasagihime handled everything just fine. Something along the lines of being too lazy to summon corpses and using simulacra every time, only to meet some very nasty situations. But of course Wakasagihime being Waksagihime she lived through it all.


And so came the inevitable.

"I'm not feeling too well, to be honest," Wakasagihime complained, "you know those uhh, nex...nexo...Amanojaku..."

"Neqoxec!" Her companion interrupted, "what in the world is an Amanojaku even-"

"Neqoxecs!" Wakasagihime nodded profusely, lighting up at the name, "one of them did something to me! Uh...what was it...

But before she could speak, her surroundings seem to warp, and the mermaid found herself in a most dangerous situation.


"Oh, that's right," She slapped a fist against her palm, "something about randomly teleporting-"

"Do something about those things already!"


She obliged, blasting the monsters with a cocktail of frigid temperatures and good ol' fisticuffs, but there was worse in the distance.


Mnoleg wasn't one to be chatty. Infact being a mass of tentacles and other indescribable body parts probably made it impossible for him to speak. But that was fine; no banter was needed before she blasted her adversary to itty bits.

That is, until she found herself running out of magic.

"Oh, no worries I just need to- hrrk!"


"Oh, that didn't feel too good." Wakasagihime stumbled a little, as her blood was transfused into magic, "I think I feel a little anemic."

"A little is an overstatement!"


But simulacra being simulacra, Mnoleg was subsequently pounded into dust, his summoned eyeballs freezing into cubes the moment they arrived. And after several moments of lollygagging, almost getting killed, running around and getting random teleported, Wakasagihime happens upon the next rune.




"...Wait a second!" Wakasagihime said in a horrific voice, "...I think I'm dying!"

"Not the first time and never will be the last," her companion sighed, 'get moving!"

"W-Wait! I've got a great idea!"


And at once, she stepped into the portal, into the unknown void that was the abyss.


Thankfully the abyss was a little less murderous. The door to the dungeon was in front of her, but Wakasagihime had other plans. She roamed, through the first level, to the second, and to the third, fiending off the abyssal enemies that were perhaps a welcome change to the dreary monotony of the pandemonium halls.

And then suddenly...


"Freeze!" Wakasagihime shouted as the door burst open, literally freezing the unfortunate hell knight apart. as she did so. It was a brilliant pun that she had been meaning to use but never found the correct moment.


And then the rune, laying before the scattered remains of its unfortunate guards.



"Back...and off we go again!" The mermaid cheered, as the background slowly fades into an eerie darkness.


Off wakasagihime went, clearing the level and subsequently meeting the pandemonium lord Gloorx...


"...I forgot my simulacra!" Wakasagihime exclaimed., just as the pandemonium lord rushed at her without reservation.

"You only noticed now?!"

Off the mermaid went, escaping the clutches of Gloorx, only to find herself half dead as usual, but nonetheless alive. And when she returned to challenge Gloorx proper, there was little resistance to be had.


As Gloorx Vlog fell, Wakasagihime slumped to the ground, exhausted from the entire fiasco that had happened.

"You know, I feel like I'm almost..just hurrying towards the goal. I don't know why."

She played with the dark rune, angling it so that it reflected the dim lighting that seemed to come from nowhere.

"I wonder...what will happen once I reach the end..."

Notes; Nothing to note. Turn off translocations, keep training stealth until the manual is used; it will be useful in keeping alive. I swapped the hat of high council for a helmet of intelligence to be able to cast controlled blink earlier, but you can swap back whenever you feel like it. After stealth, probably weapons or defenses next.

Only Cerebov and the demonic rune is left; do your best, whoever's next.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on January 26, 2015, 08:21:44 PM
That would be Totaku! Good going, we might see this end eventually!

1. Totaku
2. Serela
3. Pirate
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Totaku on January 30, 2015, 06:17:17 AM
I'm sorry about this, but an unforseen situation has fallen upon me IRL. Long story short, my job is preparing to give me extra hours to work and thus I'll be running a 9-10 hours shift each day pretty much.... So due to that, I'm going to be limited on what I can do while I adjust to my new schedule.... Therefore I have to drop out all together... I'm sorry, but I was worried something like this would come up...
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on January 30, 2015, 06:18:51 AM
Kay, Serela's turn.

1. Serela
2. Pirate
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on February 02, 2015, 05:40:26 PM
Alright! Technically after the deadline, but this was my first day off <<

So, there's one Pandemonium Lord left and the randomized pandemonium rune. And then we're prepping for the orb run. I'm not entirely sure how to prep, but I guess I could see about wands of digging/recharging in our stash for cutting quick stairways... (As for anything else, let's not get ahead of myself, first I need to actually PLAY PROPERLY THIS TIME.) Turn 165k as my starting placemarker~

I switch back to the Hat of the High Council because CBlink is still just 2% failure with it on (nor is anything else worse than 2). We don't need translocations training anymore. Between all the defensive stuff, I don't really know what's the best idea, so I just leave it on stealth since others are recommending it. Then I drop a handful of things that I can be pretty certain we won't ever use with the equipment we have, because it's kinda hard to pick up chunks at present. (We should have duplicates of several of them in our stash anyway)

And woohoo! The first region I go to has Cerebov in it. Also a bunch of really weak fire monsters that can't even dream of hurting me no matter how lazily I play. (No, no, I'm not going to play lazy anyway, I know better D;)
Plz to save from smiting jerks that melt my simulacra
This was actually bad. My boots of rF++ melted into my feet and I didn't realize it for awhile. Anyway, after a fan of gales and enough mp to fridge, I recovered, and made sure to remember to keep a wall of simulacra WITH MORE MEAT READY. >:c

Okay, they keep getting quickly melted, but oh man being able to pick up a stack of 9 meat with no issue is heaven.
I don't have a wall of simulacrum because first I wanted to Refridgerate those smiting bastards out of here, which worked, but then AAAAAAUGH FIRE STORM SHORT RETREAT. Okay, that was fine. Until AUUUUUGH HELLFIRE FROM SOMETHING ELSE. Controlled Blink is a miracle of the heavens. Okay let's go back.
Even like this, I feel nervous. <.< He could fire storm me couldn't he? That'd be... scary. Even so, I Refridgerate Cerebov whilst simulacrum wail away, It works, but it's too expensive to finish the job. What if I just... let my simulacrum do it by themselves...?
So close so close so close!

A brimstone fiend is all that waits between me and the rune. I try to evoke the Destruction Rod I found for fun. It was a bolt of fire. THANKS. :I
YEAAAAAAAAAAAH (about the hp, yeah, that brimstone fiend was fought really dumbly <.<) Also stealth hit 20 so I change tooooo ennie meenie minie FIGHTING it's pretty low level and more hp never hurts I guess. Wow, this only used 1/10th of my turn up, since it was the first realm I warped to. Now I have to find the random chance rune...

Whilst peeking around the rest of Cerebov's fortress, I find a staff of energy. Hey, that's pretty awesome, isn't it? Now I'm tempted to put evocations back on, because running out of MP is the scariest... which I do until I find a manual of stealth, fine, fine, we heard you game, you really like us training stealth. The spellbooks are all crap, although... amusingly, the Book of Party Tricks (Nice hobbies, Cerebov), our 1 spell level might be decently put to use in butterflies? I'll carry it, I suppose.

Now that I have the staff of energy, I pretty much just recklessly refridgerate everything.
did I interrupt a demon party :C These guys don't seem to refridgerate well so I step out. Fuck some of them have smiting; evoking fog.

This reminds me... I don't really know how to look for this rune. I'm just checking out anything that looks vaulty <.< Anyway these rods are coming in handy when I blow all my MP on retreating and then run into something else.
Maybe behind this big Tecim guy?!
But alas, t'was not.
More big guys. Hungerless OoD is great. We reach Stealth 24 and the manual wears out. Back to evocations because I am in -love- with this Energy Staff. I OoD more than Refridgerate now that I'm out of fire land.
HOLY SHIT HELLFIRE HURTS. We hightail it all the way out of that realm rather than finishing exploration.
This... this looks like a vault that's supposed to have the demonic rune! :D Better yet, with Refridgeration, we can easily kill the demons to avoid smiting or torment or whatever it is they do.
Always SOMETHING in the way... aha! This uses electricity! And on goes the Ring of Diat~ And away goes the OoDs. Hooray!

Alright! Time to get out of dodge. Evocations 16~

1.5 turns later.
I learn hellwings can animate the dead. Suddenly the corpses that were supposed to become my defense are adding to what's trying to kill me. I end up on a loop that gets worse and worse and shit I'm not sure what to do at this point.

SCROLL OF HOLY WORD PLZ SAVE. Okay. Well. Nothing hurt me more at least. I read my second one and the situation gets somewhat better.
I go out on a limb and blow up the cacodemon with an OoD, using the last of my mp. EXCEPT IT FUCKING MISSED AND HIT THE WALL EVEN THOUGH IT'S RIGHT NEXT TO ME AAAAAAAAAA THAT'S BAD. It now occurs to me Death's Door exists. Too bad I don't have the MP anymore. It's not on my visible spell list so I don't recall it's existence much :/ Okay what's next. My summoning items! Yes! Phial of floods saves me. Thank god.

Eventually I decide this is too much effort and I'm just not finding a gate out, so I go to the abyss instead. Since we have the rune, a door should appear fairly quick, and this place is easy now right? I throw on rMut amulet~

Okay looking at these monsters maybe it's not easier. But I find a doorway deeper in like 10 seconds. Progress! And another one in about 5 seconds! Even more progress! This is when I check the wiki and find out when I'm holding the rune I don't need to descend past 1f for more likely stairs. Auuuuuuuuuuuugh.
HOME FREEEEEE. And 3k turns left. Now what's left is... clearing out the last floor of Zot, and prepping for the orb run.
The final floor, revealed via magic mapping. What else would we possibly use these scrolls for now, anyway?
This is not going to be a fun floor. rMut amulet time.
Oh yeah, liches too. I was the one who blindly attempted this area last time, too, so this brings back PAINFUL memories. ;_; Let's... not get crystal speared. Lots of electricity enemies so ring of diat~

Oh wow two shots of Dispel Undead killed it. By the way, that evocations training was so worth it, this staff is the BEST THING EVER.
Orb chambeeeeer.
RIP all my simulacrum in one turn. I hate orbs of fire. :C OoDs really wipe up... everything, though.
That's an orb? OH YEAH BEER OF ZUN
Bad Things That Happened. Prompted summon item spamming. Phials of floods seem to instakill enemies if you use it directly on them... nifty! Fluuuuush. And Energy Rod lets me evoke my mp back so fast~<3
This guy is annoying because he blocks OoDs. Melee ends up working though!
And we're set, with 1.5k turns left. It'd be awesome to finish this off right now. But, if I died, several hours of progress would go down the drain...

I start trekking down (not with the Beer of Zun) and cast the wand of digging a few times to make the trip faster, and then stop by our stash. A new wand of digging, a royal jelly for not worrying about food, and, hmm... some of these translocation spells are tempting in terms of getting rid of scary things I just need to run the fuck away from. I decide to forget Control Undead and Fulminant Prism and Ozocubu's Armor; prism's still alright even now, but for running or nuking in the run, not so much.

What to learn? Hmm. Swiftness! Yeah! Disjunction? It's only 7% fail rate. Or Summon Forest. Well, let's go with Disjunction. I pick up a wand of invisibility and drop a -lot- of stuff we won't need to make sure the orb doesn't burden us.

After that, I go back to where I left off in the descent, and dug some more quick passages to stairways. My turns were over at this point, but literally the only thing left was walking back to the orb, so I went ahead and spent the 1k turns to do that. This is it! Take the Beer of Zun and run for your life, Pirate!
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on February 02, 2015, 09:45:23 PM
HOLY SHIT SERELA. YOU DID IT! AND YOU FUCKING KILLED CEREBOV. I'm...I'm astounded. That was incredible!

Pirate, take it home.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Pirate on February 03, 2015, 05:06:56 AM
The Long Awaited Finale!

"We're going to do it!"

"We are."

"Let's do it!"


With an ecstatic cry Wakasagihime hefted the orb, dumped it unceremoniously into her backpack, and booked it for the nearest stairs. She was every bit prepared for everything that was to come, and that was with her trusty simulacra and just about nothing else.


Pandemonium Lords were no longer a problem for her...


Out of Zot!


Another lord repelled.


Out of the depths!





"So what will you do now that you have the orb?"

"Orb?" Wakasagihime swirled the bottle of beer with a hand, looking visibly confused, "it's the beer of ZUN!"

"I-" her companion struggled to find a way to explain the discrepancy, but promptly gave up, "yes, beer. What will you wish from it?"

"Wish? I'm going to drink it, of course!"


And with a deep gulp, she downed half the contents of the bottle, sighing contently as she felt the cold drink flow down her throat.

"But...wait..." it stuttered, "was this entire fiasco all for...a drink?"

"Of course! Whatever else would it be?"

Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: UncertainJakutten on February 20, 2015, 08:18:26 AM
Yay,, we're done! And somehow I missed this post forever ago, weird. But yay, success! I'll tally up the deaths sometime this weekend I guess and, uh, yeah.
Title: Re: Crawl Relay Revival, 0.14 Edition
Post by: Serela on February 20, 2015, 07:51:39 PM
Wooooo :D