Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Hakurei Shrine~ => Touhou Addict Recovery Center => Topic started by: AbdulGalaxia on April 29, 2014, 08:49:10 PM

Title: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: AbdulGalaxia on April 29, 2014, 08:49:10 PM
Hello everyone!
How did YOU became a touhou fan? ???
I became a touhou fan when i was just checking one of the videos about Touhou Hisoutensoku(12.3) Which made me download the game, played the trial, and downloaded the full game, then i became addicted. i searched for other titles. like Touhou 6 or 7 or 7.5 etc. :)
Title: Re: How did YOU became a touhou fan?
Post by: Clarste on April 29, 2014, 08:54:07 PM
I played the demos for EOSD, PCB and IN back when they were the most recent games. Then one day I accidentally stumbled into pooshlmer and read a bunch of doujins (that was back before they split off from voile).
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: aListers on April 29, 2014, 09:34:14 PM
Bad apple came up as a reccomended video because I watch so many vocaloid things. I watched the video and did my research. I believe that's how it happened but there are 2 other possibilities though. 1 was through know your meme after finding Yukkuri Shiteite ne. The other was through Chibi Miku San on danbooru and the links that the comments lead me to.
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: 98digger on April 30, 2014, 12:14:55 AM
Don't we already have a thread for this?,14101.0.html

But, anyways, I guess I'll share how I got into Touhou  :D

I've been a retro gamer for a while, and have always been interested in any obscure or little-known games. One day I was blasting game music out of my kickass 4 speaker custom stereo with YouTube, and I just so happened to stumble upon U.N. Owen in "related videos". I believe the first thing I did after that was to start looking up "Touhou anime", and soon after I found it on Wikipedia, figured out everything, and here I am now.

Actually, there was a period of time where I completely lost interest in Touhou (HOW? :o), and it was my discovery of the PC-9800 and the first five games that brought me back. :D
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: Nobu on April 30, 2014, 01:23:26 AM
I saw videos of IN's extra stage on Youtube (y'know, that one video probably everyone saw at first (, and my predilection for getting into obscure cult fandoms reared its ugly head. Eventually I started playing the games and registered for an account here.

Don't we already have a thread for this?,14101.0.html

Locked; just keep the new line of Touhou origin posts to this thread.
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: Spiration on April 30, 2014, 02:47:29 AM
There was one time I had gone to Comic Market and looked upon the entirety of the Touhou in disdain! I barely knew what it was back then. Moreover it's an ironic situation whenever I attend the event now..
That said, in a vague memory approximately 4-5 years ago, I started playing the pc-98 and windows games (EOSD PCB IN etc.) with the intention to finish them in chronological order, and from there the interest and knowledge(fanaticism) built up like a successful hedge fund. I owe it to the plethora of characters that were plunging into my face as I played through.
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: Mr. Hlaaluington on April 30, 2014, 03:03:39 AM
I learned about Touhou back in 2009, when I saw McRoll'd for the first time. I listened to the background music behind the RANs and RUUs and was like, "Hey, that sounds pretty cool..." After that, I found "U.N. Owen was Her?". I didn't get the Touhou games until 2012 though.
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: Wisp on April 30, 2014, 03:36:49 AM
About 5-6 years ago, an old friend from another forum I used to frequent linked me to Walfas. I loved its art style of its characters, and after a few days of following the blog and playing with its character creator, I found that these characters were from this videogame called "Touhou Project."
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: UnendingEmpire on April 30, 2014, 03:47:59 PM
I started to get interested after stumbling upon this little gem ( in YouTube one day (these days, I can't listen to it longer than 30 seconds, though) and began happening upon other videos featuring the same general tune.  I did a little bit of research into the origin of the song, and came to, of course, this (  After reading some YouTube comments about how unstoppable and batshit crazy Flan was, I vowed to defeat her.  That was like four or five years ago.  Still no success =.=
frickin' Pewter Gym all over again

After countless failed runs in EoSD, I began to look at other titles.  First was MoF, then IaMP.  With these, my knowledge of the Touhou franchise - and in proportion, my love for the series - grew and grew.  Biggest (and only) Touhou fan I've met in person to this very day.
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: Leon゠Helsing on April 30, 2014, 04:53:18 PM
Well, to elaborate on what I mentioned earlier somewhere, I was involved in a certain Castlevania fangame which guest starred at the time only Reimu in her Koumajou Densetsu incarnation alongside Remilia as a sort-of bonus boss, and I got curious about the game in which they came from. From there I discovered Flandre and decided to look up more of her. Things led to other things, and here we are.
Of course, I may have misremembered some events, but that's pretty much the gist of it.
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: HarroImAZN on April 30, 2014, 11:30:37 PM (
This youtuber likes Reisan and cuts to images of her during videos as a means to add a comment in about the content in the video. In the video description he states that the character in the images was a touhou project character. I did some research and obviously liked what I saw.
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: teefa85 on May 01, 2014, 03:19:19 AM
Long ago, the LP Archive had an Imperishable Night LP put up on it.  I saw it in the "Featured LP" box one day, giggled at how the game was described, then clicked in for a look.  But at that time I didn't want to watch Video LPs (don't even know myself why since they didn't take up any more or less time than a Screenshot one), so I ended up leaving.

A few years after, a friend of mine got into Touhou and was going on and on about it, with Imperishable Night being one she kept talking about (since she loved Mokou a lot).  I was listening with interest and debated checking it out...when the IN LP again was in the Featured box several days later.  So I checked it out and then went on a search for the Wiki (as the link in the OP was an old and dead one).  It just snowballed from there.
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: Abraham Lincoln on May 01, 2014, 03:42:36 AM
Aimlessly wandering onto the internet has led me to discover wonderful gems. First it started with Touhou, and then so many blessings unfolded from there.
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: Unfortunate on May 01, 2014, 07:05:20 AM
I, like many other many other Touhou fans, stumbled on the McRoll video. I really didn't get into the fandom until I dug deeper and begun listening to the music -- oh lord the music. The ratio of Touhou to non-Touhou songs I have is staggeringly one-sided.
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: Andrew on May 01, 2014, 07:19:00 AM
About 4 years ago, I heard people talking about the Touhou games and how insanely hard they were. Eventually I decided to check the series out, and I've been in love with Touhou ever since.
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: Espadas on May 01, 2014, 09:23:42 AM
I was looking for new Nuzlocke runs to read and i stumbled upon Leo Modesto's Touhoumon run..... absolutely loved it!

Since the entire run was filled with Touhou chars and the awesome flash videos made by Leo had Touhou remixes as bgm i got curious.....
and here i am now. :P
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: ElaineSpencer on May 01, 2014, 06:17:22 PM
I used to play a lot of osu! and stumbled across quite a bit of music (be it ripped from games or various IOSYS/SOUNDHOLIC etc tracks) and I came to enjoy listening to them. I finally picked up a copy of Imperishable Night around this time last year and really loved it but couldn't even clear easy mode. I can now comfortably 1cc Easy and am working on Normal Mode (consistantly clearing FinalA, but FinalB...).
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: Tengukami on May 03, 2014, 12:50:54 AM
I do enjoy these threads.

Early 2007. on Desuchan, see Marisa Stole the Precious Thing re-characterization of Suigintou and Shinku for Alice and Marisa, look into this IOSYS band, see all their credits to this ZUN person. For whatever reason it took me until 2008 to play the trial of MoF, and was at once fascinated and confused. Fell into a Touhou wikihole, which led me to Poosh, and then here shortly thereafter. By then, my love of the Gensokyo narrative has grown, and the games continue to surprise me. It is vital, varied, and continuously enjoyable to be a part of this fandom.
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: Yatakarasu on May 03, 2014, 03:42:35 AM
The ratio of Touhou to non-Touhou songs I have is staggeringly one-sided.
Before Touhou, I only had about 200 songs on my iPod. Now I have over 800 songs of just Touhou musics, I decided to just remove non-Touhou music because, eh.

Yeah, the music is what got me into Touhou mainly. I remember seeing the Bad Apple! video before the McRoll video, but didn't really know what it was from until I took a bigger interest in the games. I looked up a few gameplay videos, Lunatic runs mainly, and decided to try it out. Haven't looked back since. My fanart folder grows by the day.
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: Byronyello on May 06, 2014, 04:23:05 AM
I haven't the most spectacular memory, so the last I can really remember for sure is watching a play-through of Ten Desires on Youtube, back in 2012. I think I stumbled onto the video when I was looking for an (actually existing) bullet hell game, as it's a style of game I love but there never seemed to be any bullet hells I can remember being created on the PC platform. When I saw it I was simply stunned by the excellent visual design (there was something quite beautiful to look at in regards to the graphics of the game frame itself), and the fact it looked to be something both easy to get into, with the main difficulty being in the actual patterns themselves was something quite endearing to me.
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: Thanbo on May 06, 2014, 08:49:16 AM
2 years ago, I played a flash game "Bullet Heaven" and lost my mind to the flashy bullet. Then I played "Gundemonium Collection" and it's "walkthroughs" and see someone mentioned "Touhou". And so I went to google,  got "some" games to play for a while. In the end, the whole Gensokyo captivates me.
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: Raikaria on May 06, 2014, 05:20:22 PM

Aka: Leomodesto's Touhoumon Nuzlocke Challenge. I got into Touhou from Pokemon: Hard Mode. Yes, that's strange.

I know I posted in the old thread but that one didn't have a link to the source.
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: Espadas on May 06, 2014, 07:06:18 PM

Aka: Leomodesto's Touhoumon Nuzlocke Challenge. I got into Touhou from Pokemon: Hard Mode. Yes, that's strange.

I know I posted in the old thread but that one didn't have a link to the source.

It isn't strange, i did the exact same thing :D  That nuzlocke is so awesome i reread it even now..... along with Kitfox-crimson's ;)
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: Gilberte St. James on May 06, 2014, 08:33:57 PM
I stumbled across IOSYS' music videos one day a few years back and was instantly hooked. I spent a long time as a secondary (due to the fact that I only have a Mac) but recently I've started playing the official games. If anything, it's driven the addiction even deeper.  :V
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: Neal Kawashiro on May 09, 2014, 07:14:16 AM
Practiced piano. Then deathwaltz. Then i saw in the comments: It's not deathwaltz it's un owen was her! So i searched it. Saw flandre, searched eosd, bedazzled. Then, first game i played was SWR, next was HM, then DDC.
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: Sssgth on May 09, 2014, 11:27:40 AM
I stumbled across IOSYS' music videos one day a few years back and was instantly hooked. I spent a long time as a secondary (due to the fact that I only have a Mac) but recently I've started playing the official games. If anything, it's driven the addiction even deeper.  :V

Lol, me too.
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: Misfortune! on May 12, 2014, 11:21:26 PM
Saw a few images on Zerochan, and it looked interesting. So I searched it up, downloaded a few games (read: PoFV and the fighting games), and was hooked. Now I look at Touhou related content on Youtube and Danbooru whenever I can.
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: Dragomir7 on May 13, 2014, 03:30:33 AM
Bad apple came up as a reccomended video because I watch so many vocaloid things. I watched the video and did my research. I believe that's how it happened but there are 2 other possibilities though. 1 was through know your meme after finding Yukkuri Shiteite ne. The other was through Chibi Miku San on danbooru and the links that the comments lead me to.

I got introduced to Touhou through Bad Apple too, but it was through searching some "Hardest songs on piano" thing on YouTube in July last year, and then coming to this variation done on Synthesia. This hooked me on, so I checked out Night of Nights and Necrofantasia (two similarly "hard" Touhou themes on piano) and went on to watch the colored version of Bad Apple. After having known some characters, I started looking for IN, having read that it was the easiest game for starters. Eventually ... well.  :)
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: commandercool on May 13, 2014, 07:30:54 PM
Now that I think about it I legit don't remember. It was pretty close to exactly two years ago at this point, but I don't remember why I first played it. I remember my first game was EoSD and I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing the first couple of times I played, but not why I looked into it. Must have seen a piece of fan art or a video or something that I liked, but I wish I remembered what it was.
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: Kataze on May 14, 2014, 03:10:18 AM
Some random dude linked me to Suwako's theme nearly two years ago and I decided to look up what this touhou thing was all about. So I downloaded EoSD and played it for a bit, but since I sucked so much I just skipped to PCB before clearing it. Same thing kept happening until I eventually finished PoFV. Pretty basic stuff.
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: Evil_Nazgul0616 on May 14, 2014, 03:20:59 AM
The way I got into Touhou was as follows:

A few years ago I was looking up Gradius bosses on youtube. It was then that I stumbled upon a freeware create-your-own-boss shmup by the name of Fraxy, as I watched videos of Fraxy bosses, some of which were bullet-hell bosses, I gradually became introduced to the Danmaku genre of shmup games. Then, through Fraxy, I learned of the bullet hell games Ketsui and DoDonPachi by CAVE. It was by watching videos of the true final bosses of those games that introduced me to the word "Touhou," as one of the comments on the video was comparing it to the boss on screen. It was then that my curiosity made me look up Touhou bosses and I ended up watching a playthrough of EoSD's Extra Stage. But that didn't get me into Touhou entirely. It was my eventual stumbling upon this infamous IOSYS song ( during the week that followed that hooked me completely.
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: BedrockSolid on May 18, 2014, 10:40:09 PM
I got in to Black MIDI on an iPad: (

I saw Bad Apple!! feat. nomico as one of the black MIDIs and soon I found the actual video. I got into Touhou and ended up becoming a fan.
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: FamilyTeam on May 21, 2014, 03:30:28 AM
I already posted my story on the other thread BUUUT I don't see why can't I post it again here, so lettuce begin.
My good old friend that I still talk to frequently to this day randomly came up to me late 2010 talking about this "Touhou" thing. He showed me some videos, and that Summer day anime (which somewhat impressively, the very same video he showed me STILL IS UP on youtube, I'm just too tired to go and get it now) and tried to convince me to play the games. It wasn't until March 2011 that I actually did it. I liked the game (specifically, EOSD) but frankly I didn't think it was worth my time to actually get invested into it, so I forgot completely about it.
UNTIL OCTOBER 2012. Let's say I was wandering about some... dodgy site we all know of, and I was noticing too many images had the tag "Touhou" in them. "Huh, I know this series!" I said. I then clicked on the name tag of the girl on the picture this tag was in, which was "ibaraki_kasen", and that's how I met mai waifu.
After that, I decided to go back and play the game again, and really enjoyed it! This time around I actually decided to stick around and play this game more seriously, especially because at the time, Black Ops 2 was near and anything that would make time pass by faster was a godsent to me.
The rest is mostly history, and is either stuff unrelated or unnecessary detailed.
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: Mero on May 21, 2014, 05:00:18 AM
Back in February 2011, a friend of mine was all excited about finally getting a "game called Touhou" to work on his Mac, he was like "you should try it", and I did. Now I know that game was Mountain of Faith, but then I was just like "yeah okay", I started the game, chose Lunatic (laughing off the difficulty tag), chose the "Red girl" and I got killed instantly and gameovered not even 30 seconds into the game.

A month later, we were in computer class, and my friend was like "do you remember that game Touhou? this is another one", it was Fairy Wars. Seeing I was so into the game, my friend lent me his USB to play it at home. I played it everyday, until I beat the Extra stage. Eventually I remembered the first Touhou game he showed me (MoF), got to play it, and... I got "stuck".

I also came across the McRoll video, but that had little influence...
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: ttly not agastya on May 21, 2014, 07:09:40 PM
a friend showed me some gameplay back before i even knew what the shmup genre was.

it was all downhill from there
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: Cybeast710 on May 24, 2014, 04:44:12 AM
...Didn't I start this exact thread?

Oh, I did. It was just locked. (,14101.0.html)

Copy-pasta time!

For me, it was this playthrough of Touhou Mother ( Absolutely freaking awesome. My first completed LP. And back then, half the references flew over my head :(

I have to use completed, because I was playing a platform hell game earlier known by a simple little moniker of I Wanna Be The Guy. ...YEAH, Touhou was a welcome RELIEF to that...

If anyone wants to watch it, it is here. (

And my playthrough of the sequel (which is still in beta even as of this copy and paste): CLICK ME (
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: BreadGod on May 25, 2014, 02:19:33 AM
I discovered Touhou via YouTube Poop. I was browsing the YouChewPoop forums one day when a pooper (I believe his name was Nuthead) posted a YouTube Poop Music Video (YTPMV) that combines Dr. Rockso and a remix of "U.N. Owen Was Her" ( (The original video is long gone but someone saved the mp3.) I was amazed by what I heard, so I decided to type Touhou into YouTube. I then found this ( I loved it. I even made a YouTube Poop based on the animations I found. I then did some more searching and came across all the sexy fanart. (Oh, I found the games, too.) The rest is history.
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: Nash Fais on May 27, 2014, 02:07:38 PM
Mine started during the late 2012. I was searching random stuff that day to stave off my boredom, when I suddenly remembered about a game called "Touhou" that a friend mentioned being hard. So, I decided to download the latest Touhou game, which was during that time, was TD. I liked the game so much that I quickly started to download the whole windows era  :3.
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: Magical Mimi on May 31, 2014, 01:24:50 AM
I've always thought shrine maidens were cool ever since watching Sailor Moon as a kid, so one day I googled "shrine maiden games" or something along those lines and found Touhou.
I ran in to Touhou  few times before that though. Like the M-1 Grand Prix, some of the yukkuri videos and ofcourse the Mcdonald thing but I never investigated them further. I'm pretty ashamed of myself for that mishap.
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: Spriteadam on June 01, 2014, 03:29:37 PM
I found out about touhou after watching that top 300 memes in under 40 minutes and I saw the reimu night of nights in the video, and that suddenly sparked my interest.
Title: Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
Post by: Keiti on June 01, 2014, 03:33:57 PM
I saw a ton of art of it so i just decided to look it up.