Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Hakurei Shrine~ => Alice's Art Atelier => Topic started by: Alcoraiden on October 03, 2013, 04:09:47 PM

Title: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Alcoraiden on October 03, 2013, 04:09:47 PM
Hi! I'm Alcor! I draw things, especially Touhou things!

Right now, my plan is to make a portrait for every Touhou I particularly care about, to figure out what they look like in my head. I draw in a more realistic style rather than anime, so it's something of an effort to transition from basically any other Touhou art to this will be an exercise in creativity. Right now, I've jokingly named my initial portrait series People Facing Left, because the easiest angle for me to draw portraits is 3/4 and facing left. I dunno why. Here's a tentative list of people I'll be rendering, complete with status indicators and links! :) The list will be extended as I add more planned people to it, so fear not, I care about more of the Touhous than it looks like. :)

The angles will be boring; the backgrounds will be nonexistent. This is purely to figure out the characters' faces. Challenging myself to do things like weird head angles will only screw that up for now.

Bold = Done
Italic = In Progress
Underline = Sketched and Color-Blocked
Plain = not started

Nue Houjuu (
Yuuka Kazami
Alice Margatroid
Reimu Hakurei
Marisa Kirisame
Shikieiki Yamaxanadu
Mamizou Futatsuiwa
Toyosatomimi no Miko
Yuyuko Saigyouji (but ugh I don't like how this is turning out so it may go back to Not Done)
Utsuho Reiuji
Yukari Yakumo
Mononobe no Futo

First up, Nue! Here you go: (

Favorite part: DID ZUN GIVE HER PUPILS Y/N? (Actually, from staring at his art, I think the answer is "yes," but screw that, I wanted to do something weird. XD )
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor draws things
Post by: Genso on October 03, 2013, 05:15:47 PM
Right now, I've jokingly named my initial portrait series People Facing Left, because the easiest angle for me to draw portraits is 3/4 and facing left. I dunno why.

I have a feeling this may be a right handed thing, I like to favor that direction over the right myself.
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor draws things
Post by: Alcoraiden on October 03, 2013, 06:00:40 PM
That's my theory too, except I do know right-handed people who prefer people facing right. I think the trend is still as per handedness, though, and these folks are just exceptions.
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Alcoraiden on October 04, 2013, 02:27:17 PM
It's double-post tiem.

Hey folks, give me some ideas. I need to work on my facial expressions, so between finishing the big (and boring) portraits, I'd like to work on some purely line-art sketches of people doing expressions. But art is more fun with friends so...someone give me a combination of a single Touhou and an emotion or certain facial expression. I'll doodle them and post them here. Humble request that y'all stick to stages 4, 5, and 6 bosses if you would, just because they have more solid images in my mind. Also not Yukari, because I have a particularly hard time getting her face right and it's like when you cross your eyes, it'll stick that way if you keep doing it wrong ;)
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Freeze-Ex on October 04, 2013, 05:44:06 PM
Flandre Scarlet with Ahegao
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Kaze_Senshi on October 04, 2013, 09:38:50 PM
Pijama Yuuka sleepy
Sick Patchouli
Jelly Parsee
Anemic Yoshika
Wicked Seija
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Genso on October 04, 2013, 11:12:37 PM
I don't know why, but I'm tempted to suggest Reisen crying, it makes me oddly happy thinking about it. :V (Aaaaaaaaaaaand now I sound like a sadist of sorts)
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Delfigamer on October 05, 2013, 05:57:07 AM
Quote from: Toyosatomimi-no Miko
(source (
So it's basically a test of courage? Comical tests of courage have been around for a long time. Futo has always been a real coward from long ago. She would say that she was afraid of Buddhist statues, burn them down often and then everyone would get mad at her.
By the time anyone noticed, she would have set fire to a temple. I think she was definitely overdoing it though...
If you leave it to Futo, she'd burn it all down within a night.
So... yangire Futo burning all those scary statues down. :V
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Alcoraiden on October 05, 2013, 05:51:59 PM
Awesome, aight. Just because they're strange expressions for the characters, I'll go with...
- Ahegao Flandre (wtf I had to look that up, and it's going to look really weird in realistic face style XD)
- Freaked-out Futo with fire
- Crying Reisen

I'll get back to y'all over the next week or so. :)
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Pirate on October 07, 2013, 05:18:38 PM
Right well, I've taken a dipping into your gallery, and I'll start writing out my critique.

And what a critique it will be.

Now I haven't much to go by. Your gallery is stark naked in terms of recent artwork, so all I have is a few scraps and going by the assumption that you haven't improved much (which seems to be the case). I don't know your drawing process, so whatever I'm doing is just speculation on my part. So, let me take a stab at the dark and don't know what you're doing.

Now hold on, don't discard this yet. It's not going to be a bash fest, so read on until you reach the juicy bits. What makes me think that you don't know what you're doing? Well, you try to draw clothing, but you failed to portray the folds accurately at all; you try, but there is simply no feeling of it bearing volume, because for the most part, you're adding lines where you think the folds may be without truly considering it as what it is. You try to draw faces, but as realistic as you claim your style's not realistic at all! You place the wrong emphasis on areas, or just downright miss the mark when it comes to facial construction. Because you don't seem to know the rules you're playing with, you end up sticking close to the formula, and female characters end up looking...non-feminine. In other words, you're trying to run without knowing how to crawl. Depicting life without knowing what life is. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it certainly seems that way.

And that brings me to another point, because I have a sneaking suspicion that you're doing contour drawing without viewing a three dimensional form. If you're doing that, best you stop it. If you're not, then I'm not sure how to explain this lack of depth that you seem to show in your drawings.

Now, before I'm told that I don't know what realism is, here's a few examples of realism done (relatively) right: <- by Zucreelo <- by Tres-Iques <- by Inklou

I recommend you take a look at these and find out whatever you're doing wrong. I'm definitely no expert in realism, so it's best if you take reference to other artists as well as life. Especially life, because I feel that if  you constantly did refer to it, you wouldn't have made so many mistakes as you had.

Now, in case you didn't bother to read, or didn't get my main point, then I'll reiterate it again: You are lacking the base foundations in your drawings.

So, my recommendations for you are to get to reading on facial anatomy (especially the Andrew Loomis model), anatomy and mannequinization, gesture drawing, clothing as well as light and shadow. Basically everything, really. As with what I said above, referencing real life is incredibly important too. Remember, drawing realism without knowing what it is is just as bad as trying to draw moe-blobs by forcibly including deformed proportions and bug-like eyes.

Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Vento on October 07, 2013, 06:01:42 PM
wall of text
why are you distributing advice when you havent improved a single bit in like, 2 years?
the hypocrisy is so strong, my favourite part though, is " failed to portray the folds accurately at all;" because it relates to your inability to draw drapery so very well
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Alcoraiden on October 08, 2013, 01:30:45 AM

Whew! Hi! I did in fact read the whole post, so don't worry, I got what you were saying.

First off, thanks for the critiques. I can't improve if nobody gives me feedback. However, I'm going to say that I'm...okay, pretty confused. From what I can tell, you're basically saying I have no art ability and have to go back and start from the utmost basics. I...well, okay, I will say I don't agree, although I will certainly go look back at the specifics you brought up. Let's start with the pictures you're having me reference; that's a point that I can pull together some chat about.

1. Zucreelo's pic. Now, I like the pic, don't get me wrong, but I wouldn't have called it realism per se. The skin tones are off; the eyes are out of proportion (as with much anime-based art; it's a style thing not a failing at many times); the nose and lips are pretty simplified. It's certainly more "realism" than anime, but it's in a sort of middle ground. I certainly am not aiming for the style. But -- if I had to take something away from this pic, and I very well can and will, what struck me was that the lighting is most interesting, the shading is very good, and Zucreelo draws metal way better than I do.
2. Tres-Iques' pic. I love this artist. This is one of those "realistic anime" types, with very good body anatomy but a simplified face. I only wish I could do line art that clean! But if I must say so, I think I'm at that level of anatomy these days. The proportions certainly aren't perfect here, but I've seen way, way worse.
3. Inklou's pic. Yeah okay, I will take a back seat to the color work on this one. I'm not good at the "concept art" painting style, and this here really is something I aspire to. Foreshortening is always difficult; the fluid colors here are hard to do; it's all in all a pic I couldn't do. And that's okay! I'm working on it.

I scratch my head when you say I don't know what I'm doing. If you'd like, I can upload some works in progress; it's really that I'm picky about my DevART gallery and don't like to show things until they're done, but I guess I can put up WIPs. I just don't like being known as "that person who only puts up half-done pictures." Not like having an empty gallery is doing much, but mkay. So...well, I'm not sure what to say to someone who simply says "start over from scratch." I'm going to have to say, no. I think I'm doing pretty decently on this track, and while there are absolutely things I need to work on (let me count the ways...fabric is indeed one, and facial expressions, and foreshortening, and good backgrounds, and...), I don't think I suck nearly as much as is being said here.

Also, oh yeah, are you looking at the really old stuff in my gallery on DevART? I went to college for a few years, dropped off the map, and then started on a bunch of works that I haven't uploaded yet. If I had to mention my worst meta-failing, it would be that I'm slow to finish art. I'd certainly ask you to look at dates on the works before judging my skill based on those. (Also, that pic for Guilty Alice was like, uh, two hours of work. Hurr durr. I can't do anything at speed; I'm really working on that, but I do have lots of other projects going on..)

I would most appreciate it if you would comment on specific pictures, and preferably on DevART if what you're going to talk about is related to stuff I haven't posted here, just so I can keep all my details straight. I was confused as to how you got all that from a single portrait and a quickie sketch. I'm going to further clean out my gallery and try to start from scratch, because it's pretty clear that people are looking a lot at the old (and I mean "six or more years old") stuff.

Ah, jeez, I hope I didn't sound butthurt here.  Honestly, you kind of flummoxed me. :P Thanks for dropping in, though! I'll process it as best I can.
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Alcoraiden on October 08, 2013, 02:56:11 AM
Quickiest quickie of Futo, whipped out in .5-1 hours. I'm not sure if this is how her design is going to go, but I had to resist the urge to give her the "badass sharp face" thing that I give lots of women that are more forward/intense. This is just figuring her out before I draw the suggestion above. She looks, well, ordinary...which I actually like and is sort of the point. I didn't want her too feminine, because her outfit in the games is based on a hunting outfit that male nobles wore, so I figured I'd take her in a more masculine direction.

Still can't draw Asian eyes, hurr. Also, that hat is the most ridiculous thing. I can't figure out her hair; is that a ponytail back there or is her hair just long in the back? why do all touhous have bangs, really, also I promise that is hair and not her neck being super tiny (

gonna hate this thing tomorrow hurr.
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Pirate on October 08, 2013, 06:13:54 PM
Alright, it turns out that I haven't been too clear about what I've said, nor was I being in-depth enough, so I'm going to have to apologize for that. Again, I'm not the best guy for this fancy realism business (even though I tend to gravitate toward it just a teeny tiny bit) so it's hazy for me as well, but I'll try to explain to the best of my ability.

Now, I'm not saying you're lacking in art ability, and I'm certainly not telling you to go and practice with circles and cylinders. I'm just given the impression that you may not have a good enough foundation, or knowledge in theory, to do what you're doing. Again, this is all speculation on my part, since I have no knowledge of your creative process. Now, if you told me that you've actually heard of and tried the Andrew Loomis model for facial proportions, then I have nothing to say about your knowledge of how the overall structure of the face works.

You haven't told me whether you know about this, so I'll drop a video about the Loomis model here

The rest of this will relate ENTIRELY on your face drawings. It's clear that I can't possibly judge a thing based on your older artworks, so I only have material on how you draw faces.

Now, I haven't explained my little disagreements with how you draw facial features, so I should get around to doing that too. This time I'm only looking at the Futo, Eiki and Nue drawing, so they are fairly recent. I'm still going to speak in rather general terms, but I'll try to reference the drawings occasionally so you'll get what I'm talking about.

I feel that the way you draw noses is what I call the 'broccoli' syndrome. Unflattering name, but that's the case. This comes with different reasons, mainly the fleshy bit around each nostril (forgive me for not knowing the proper term) seemingly facing downward and obscuring the nostrils more than they should. You also seem to draw the nose such that it is three, separate rounded forms (very noticeable in the nue drawing). Think of it as...stacking one ball on top of two others. That's how your nose looks like, and it's very apparent when you draw the tip of the nose, which looks almost like a little ball shape.

And that's not right! Now, right or wrong is rather subjective in this manner, because everyone DOES look different. But when you look at a bunch of pictures of people (and I have done this myself at the time of writing), it's more accurate to portray the entire nose as a sort of a wedge shape sloping outward at the nostrils, or a trapezium prism that gets slightly larger at the end. The big problem is that you tend to draw as if the tip of the nose is really separate from the fleshy bit of the nostrils. You outline it thickly, or you just shade the space in between with a very dark tone (as with Nue) , but the transition is supposed to be gentle, not steep. You can even see this on Inklou's drawings; I'm sure we're in perfect agreement that dem noses are realistically accurate.

Another view from proko, demonstrating how to draw the nose. He's a better teacher than I am, after all.

Now, the lips. The lips don't ever look like they're part of the face; they don't reflect the fact that they're on the front plane of the face. Examples from Eiki; the lips are actually lopsided, slanting downward as they go (image)right. They don't reflect the angle of the face at all. Remember, lips are part of the face, and they should rightfully wrap around it. The effect of this is that your lips always look like someone's plastered a piece paper vaguely resembling lips on the character's face. It looks 2-d, and just very awkward in general. I also think the way you shaded the lips contribute to this 2-d feel. I can't elaborate, because I myself can't pinpoint the real problem at hand, so here's a bunch more tutorials from proko.

The rest of this is going to be a little less concrete and more speculation on my part, so feel free to challenge anything.

So for one, I'm going to stab the dark and say that you're basing your face drawings on males. I've seen the ones you've drawn for your 'persona project', and outdated as they are, they look just a mite better than these females you're drawing here. So I can only draw the conclusion that you're trying to force in a male's face into a female's one.

Remember that we're dealing with young looking females. Softer features due to more fat, and...oh, I don't know. You'll have to google for images. You draw eyebrows set too low, you draw and actually shade the area below the cheekbone (which gives the impression of sunken cheeks. We don't see those in young females do we?), stuff like this is a big problem because things will change from different facial types. Putting an old man's features on a supposedly young woman is going to give some very queer feels.

Once again, I recommend you reference from life, or if you don't want to, try Inklou's, because his work is perhaps the most realistic I know while maintaining a very appealing feel. He does draw different people, so take a look at how each face differs from the other and what effect it has on the 'feels' you get from it. This is all very vague, certainly, and of course, I'm only making semi-blind suggestions. If you feel that there is something else you can do, then by all means do so.

Now. Your shading. I'm going to focus on the Nue drawing because that's all I have available. This is incredibly important, I feel, because you're going to be showing off your knowledge of the face as a three dimensional structure as well as lighting. But unfortunately I'm not good at this either. So bleh.

The biggest problem I see here is that I have absolutely, ZERO clue where the light source is. You've shaded much of the neck, so I have to assume the chin is casting shadow, and the light source must be above....and then we start getting problems. Like how you've shaded the area under the cheekbone (again, not a very good idea because sunken cheeks on a young female...), so clearly the light source must be around the (image)left...but nothing else reflects that! Both sides of the face are highlighted with equal intensity, the hair has uniform brightness, and so the light source is utterly and completely confusing.

The best way to think about it is to just draw in the light source and its relevant rays hitting the surface. Anything perpendicular to the rays must receive the most light and thus be in highlight, while other parts that face away would obviously be in shadow. There can't be just one singular light source either; there has got to be ambient/reflective lighting, so you need to add those once you're down with the initial light source.

Now, Sycra here has done an interesting set of videos  relating to light and shadow, which I've only watched partway, but has given me a good deal of insight. Check out his videos, and see if it helps some, because even if he isn't as interesting as proko he is still (of course) a better teacher than I ever will be.

Another point to note is that you put very heavy contrasts on places where there shouldn't be much shadow. This was what I meant when I (very vaguely) said that you placed the wrong emphasis on the wrong areas. I'll give examples.

The nose. The area surrounding it is in COMPLETE DARKNESS. I mean, just look at it. You've used a almost black colour to paint the area just around the nose. That means almost no light gets in there. By doing this, you're suggesting that in the immediately vicinity of the nose, there is an abysmal pit where little light can reach. Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it?

Let's look for some more.

The...thingy. The depression just below the nose and leading to the lips. I don't know what it's called. Here, stop for a moment and touch your own. You'll find out that (gasp), it's not that deep! So why have you shaded it in such a dark colour? This depression is rather narrow, and actually smoothens a little at the end. Here it looks like a trench because you've made it look wider and deeper than it actually should be.

And then there's more. The dimples are shaded real dark, the highlights just above the lips are incredibly light. These sharp changes in lighting can be incredibly jarring. Where the dimples are, it looks like someone's gouged the part off with a thin knife. Bottom of the lips too. In contrast to that, the rest of the face has a rather smooth gradient lighting, like from the side of the cheeks and down to the chin.

The bottom line is that you seem to show a lack of knowledge of the contours of the face. Remember that you shouldn't make liberal use of such incredibly sharp changes in lighting; a smooth gradation away from the light source should lead to the same in shading, not a sharp dark colour blocked over the area.

What I greatly recommend is that, following the Loomis model, you design the face such that it's of simple planes and curves. Not airplanes. The surface kind of plane. You'll give yourself a better insight as to which parts should be under light and under shadow if you try to make the face as a blocky structure. It's not going to be terribly accurate, but it'll give you a start as to where to go.

Okay. That's all for now. I think I spent more than an hour typing this, godammit. Once again, take my suggestions at face value. They might not necessarily be the best suggestions, or I might even be wrong, because this is all conjecture that I find sensible to me. If there is anything you disagree with, then state your argument and I'll try to run it with you once more.

Also, I found this

It looks relatively good and seems to fit what you're trying to achieve, so maybe you might want to use it for reference.

why are you distributing advice when you havent improved a single bit in like, 2 years?
the hypocrisy is so strong, my favourite part though, is " failed to portray the folds accurately at all;" because it relates to your inability to draw drapery so very well

Okay, now I'll start dealing with you by asking a simple question.

"How does my (supposed) lack of improvement invalidate any of my words?"

If you think it's bad critique, then by all means prove to me that I'm wrong and, more importantly, give your objectively better advice to the artist in question. But you haven't, and in fact your entire post has little point because it's not even relevant to the topic. You're not helping the artist by posting that, you're just bashing me. Your post is the equivalent of walking into someone's house, kicking over a table, shouting a few words of ad hominem before walking out. That's not very nice, is it?
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Alcoraiden on October 08, 2013, 06:47:16 PM
That's...I admit, frighteningly long. And yes, I read it. And it's still frighteningly long.

You have good points about the lighting and contrast in shading. And yes, I am frankly quite ashamed of some of the old portraits I was drawing; I'm rapidly trying to figure out portraits, and I assure you I'm working on many of these things. I'm rather slow, but I am.

I in fact have seen the facial proportions model you're referring to.

I *will* say that I age up the Touhous and don't usually view them all as little girls, so my art here is going to differ from other people's images. That part is staying. I don't think they all look adorable, or even young.

I can't say I have too much else in response here, let alone a wall of text, except for "I'll work on it."
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Pirate on October 08, 2013, 07:06:33 PM
It's perfectly fine if you age up dem 2hus, but remember that whatever the case, we're still dealing with females, and they will still be fairly young. Definitely not teens, but not middle aged either. You will have to take that into account.

If you saw the Reimu I linked earlier, then you should have a small idea of what I mean. She's definitely aged up to adult woman looks, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. It might even be the best reference, because as far as I know the drawing fits your preferences to a T
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Delfigamer on October 08, 2013, 07:22:15 PM
I have a feeling Alcor has almost no idea about volumetric shape of face, and his knowledge is limited by just 3/4 projection.
*even worse artist herp derp*
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Alcoraiden on October 08, 2013, 07:51:52 PM
1) "Her," please.
2) I am not limited by 3/4 view. It is the easiest angle for me to draw, is all, so when I'm doodling a character for the first time, I will do so. Though I admit I have some amount of trouble with strange head angles, right now I'm trying to get my ideas out as quickly and simply as possible.
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Delfigamer on October 08, 2013, 08:12:59 PM
Gender: Female
Oh, my fault.
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Alcoraiden on October 08, 2013, 11:13:24 PM
Quickly done, but proof I can do more than 3/4 view. There was an awful lot of conclusion-jumping going on in here.

Now I have to get back to other things.
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Freeze-Ex on October 08, 2013, 11:32:20 PM
Right well, I've taken a dipping into your gallery, and I'll start writing out my critique.

Personally, it is always best to not critique someone's artworks unless someone asked for it
reason being is that when it comes to critique
everything gets very serious and tense if the artist are not prepare for it
while I believe AAA is a board is a place for artists to share their art work and tips relaxly
it would really improve and benefit the whole community as an artist if we can give suggestion and tip in a playful way

-So, let me take a stab at the dark and don't know what you're doing.
-Well, you try to draw clothing, but you failed to portray the folds accurately at all; you try, but there is simply no feeling of it bearing volume
- I recommend you take a look at these and find out whatever you're doing wrong.
-The biggest problem I see here is that I have absolutely, ZERO clue where the light source is.
-you end up sticking close to the formula, and female characters end up looking...non-feminine

One thing people can do to make a critique "less critique"
is try to stay away from the statement of definite
thought some statement can be correct in a certain extent it can be also unnecessary depending on situation
these definite statement implies a feeling of denial even when the critiquers didn't mean to
and in the wide field of art, there is no or shouldn't be any right or wrong
female in realism can be in fact looks "non-feminine" compare to the ideal feature of women body

I'm definitely no expert in realism, so it's best if you take reference to other artists as well as life. Especially life, because I feel that if  you constantly did refer to it, you wouldn't have made so many mistakes as you had.
And again try not to interfere into other people's life while it can be a very personally thing.
Words can be hurtful people even though they don't meant to be

-This comes with different reasons, mainly the fleshy bit around each nostril (forgive me for not knowing the proper term) seemingly facing downward and obscuring the nostrils more than they should. You also seem to draw the nose such that it is three, separate rounded forms (very noticeable in the nue drawing). Think of it as...stacking one ball on top of two others. That's how your nose looks like, and it's very apparent when you draw the tip of the nose, which looks almost like a little ball shape.
-The nose. The area surrounding it is in COMPLETE DARKNESS. I mean, just look at it. You've used a almost black colour to paint the area just around the nose. That means almost no light gets in there. By doing this, you're suggesting that in the immediately vicinity of the nose, there is an abysmal pit where little light can reach. Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it?
these suggestions and links are truly what makes it helpful to the artist
that is because they are straight to the point
and leads the artist out of the mistakes
The two post can be simplify just by these helpful statement
and makes less confusion to the artist and the readers
and remember AAA is a place for variety of ages and experiences of artists
giving a critique does help the artist in a way but can also be unnecessary if they are not prepare for one
By reading the two posts, you seem to be a really experience critiquer and know the foundation of human body in a theoretical way
I suggest keeping your next "suggestion" short, direct, helpful, and fun will really keep this community improving

"How does my (supposed) lack of improvement invalidate any of my words?"

If you think it's bad critique, then by all means prove to me that I'm wrong and, more importantly, give your objectively better advice to the artist in question. But you haven't, and in fact your entire post has little point because it's not even relevant to the topic. You're not helping the artist by posting that, you're just bashing me. Your post is the equivalent of walking into someone's house, kicking over a table, shouting a few words of ad hominem before walking out. That's not very nice, is it?
and again this is a forum
people will receive feedback in a certain point
if there is any unnecessary "critiques" still accrue
you can ignore it
whether if its a good or bad feedback
try to treat others the way you want to be treated in a respectful way
that way there will be less confusion and argument
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Alcoraiden on October 08, 2013, 11:52:52 PM
Apologies if it seemed like I was arguing/complaining at all (although your post was directed at Pirate).
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Genso on October 08, 2013, 11:55:35 PM
lots of things

Indeed, I was going to respond about this, but it seems Freeze beat me to it. Like he said, this place is meant for fun. Rather than a critique, some advice would be a better idea, and like he said, at the artist's permission. Looking at the previous walls of text objectively, it just sounds like bashing despite the words that suggest to say that that is not the case.

Please treat each other with respect and try not to be so serious about all this.
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Alcoraiden on October 09, 2013, 12:57:27 AM
Facing forward and tilted up. (

Done and done.

Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Delfigamer on October 09, 2013, 07:12:08 AM
Eiki profile
Eiki tilt
Cool response! I admit I felt wrong. No wonder though:
*even worse artist herp derp*
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Vento on October 09, 2013, 03:50:44 PM
sorry alco

"How does my (supposed) lack of improvement invalidate any of my words?"
If you think it's bad critique, then by all means prove to me that I'm wrong and, more importantly, give your objectively better advice to the artist in question. But you haven't, and in fact your entire post has little point because it's not even relevant to the topic. You're not helping the artist by posting that, you're just bashing me. Your post is the equivalent of walking into someone's house, kicking over a table, shouting a few words of ad hominem before walking out. That's not very nice, is it?

every time you bless a thread with your validated words they're all the same claiming that if the person actually tried hard enough they wouldn't be in their current state which while may be true is complete senseless when acompanied with your very personal lines like "my little disagreements with how you draw facial features" "The nose. The area surrounding it is in COMPLETE DARKNESS. I mean, just look at it. You've used a almost black colour to paint the area just around the nose. That means almost no light gets in there. By doing this, you're suggesting that in the immediately vicinity of the nose, there is an abysmal pit where little light can reach. Sounds ridiculous, doesn't it?"  these are completely up to the artist's style

so supposedly you seem to know a lot of theory  yet your entire gallery is 90% full of 3/4 views and stagnation  ( here's a line from yourself in this same thread, "you're adding lines where you think the folds may be without truly considering it as what it is" concerning drapery and fabric folds
so yes your entire bashposts in this entire subforum are always full of bullshit you can never back up and this is why im so pissed because you are the one that went into this thread and just kicked all the furniture apart and insulted the homeowner of not living properly

any comebacks or whatever just pm thanks
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Alcoraiden on October 09, 2013, 04:30:56 PM
Aight, guys, I'm going to call shenanigans now and request that you take the debate off my thread. I much thank all of you for advice/advice on others' advice/etc., I do -- but I don't want my art thread devolving too far. Of course, you're all welcome here, just the argument should probably be taken to PMs.

Thanks much!
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: HakureiSM on October 09, 2013, 05:57:59 PM
Still waiting on dat Flandre ahegao
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Kaze_Senshi on October 09, 2013, 06:23:30 PM
Still waiting on dat Flandre ahegao
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Alcoraiden on October 09, 2013, 06:45:59 PM
Aight aight! I'll get on it tonight. :P Sorry I got distracted with doing face angles For Great Justice.

ye gods I've never drawn flandre before we'll see how this goes
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: MaJO on October 09, 2013, 07:07:01 PM
Have you ever drawn the characters doing spell card attacks? I think that would be an interesting way to fill the background of a picture.   I dont know how they could be drawn realistically though. I have faith you or someone else will/has found a way.
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Alcoraiden on October 09, 2013, 07:29:34 PM
Ah! I have definitely given this thought, and I should give it a shot. Only recently have I come up with ideas that don't make danmaku look kind of silly in my style -- also I suck at smooth vector-y graphics, so I wouldn't be so great at traditional danmaku shapes from the games.

I will try that!
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Delfigamer on October 09, 2013, 07:41:11 PM
I have faith you or someone else will/has found a way.
Aoshi ( way (
Dogfight (
Canon (
I wonder if Danbooru... 2K, huh? (

I suck at smooth vector-y graphics, so I wouldn't be so great at traditional danmaku shapes from the games.
I think plain white orbs would be "realistic" enough. You may see that Kaguya's bullets in GoM are just blurred circles, for example.
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Alcoraiden on October 18, 2013, 03:14:25 AM
No danmaku, no portraits, and not even working on my costumes, because apparently I can't be arsed to do these things this week. Instead, have this weird shenanigans: (

I'm going to straight-up say "really now, no serious critiques" because this thing was an hour's doodle. I can tell you a thousand things wrong with it, but I like the concept, so yeah.

I like to think Nue actually looks like a freak show and that the chimeric thing we see is Mamizou putting on a show so nobody knows what she looks like. Also that other nues look different from her and each other, so each one is very unique, and nobody actually sees their real form because they blur it up all the time and disguise themselves. I do like the "vaguely awkward and disproportionate" look here -- if Nue weren't, I don't think it'd be Nue. So here she's kinda top heavy, big chest and hyena neck and heavy shoulders, with little arms. Sort of bipedal, sort of not. Loose stomach skin to hold all those humans. :P

Youkai monster forms are fun.
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Kaze_Senshi on October 18, 2013, 03:24:58 AM
Ah I was expecting a little cute girl when I saw the name "Nue" :P

My only critique is that I missed her right limbs, anyway it looks pretty good, it would be a Castlevania boss.
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Alcoraiden on October 18, 2013, 02:31:36 PM
I thought about the kinds of things I'm talking about when I say "I want to do realism." When I say "realism" here, I mean things like this:

Things you could see being real people. They don't have to be "photorealistic" -- I like the vivid colors and effects in many of them, and fantasy often looks very strange, but they are not a far cry from what you'd see were they to exist. (Note that these are not mine and are by other artists; they're just what I aspire to.)
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Freeze-Ex on October 20, 2013, 10:40:19 PM
some people called these kinda style semi-realism
maybe u can look that up
it need lots of practice on shadings and anatomy
I say maybe try to make sketches traditionally on observation drawings or photo drawings
once u get the ideal human body and facial feature try to hit the digital canvas for shading practice
never done semi realistic
I either go realistic or anime style lol
Title: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Alcoraiden on October 24, 2013, 03:05:56 AM
I'm apparently a glutton for punishment, because I'm still here. Here's a WIP of my next "people facing left" portraits -- Yuuka. (

Don't comment on the fail that is the hair or the shape of the head. That's left over from before this picture was fixed up some. While I'm at it, I'll go ahead and mention some of the things I already know is wrong with this:
- the head is misshapen because I haven't retouched the hair
- the hair shading is flat right now
- she's kind of staring into the ether, which is intentional, because I wanted to get the look right and not bother with complicated things here
- the right eye is too long, which is why the far corner is funny-looking
- obviously not all the shading is done
- the shadows around the nose are a little too sharp and look like outlines
- the hair locks around her neck don't have shadows yet
- the center of the hair part is done wrong
- ...just all the hair
- I think I'll make her a little more tanned

Things I have fixed up before posting
- The face was reproportioned to be a little more feminine and shorter than my old pictures (and this one was one of the old ones)
- The nose was adjusted to be at the right angle
- The lips were fixed to "wrap" around the face -- really, I drew alignment rings and everything
- The lighting was adjusted based on a "face planes" sketch I overlaid with the picture

Speak now or forever hold your peace if you see something so egregious that I can't change it later. Also, if you like it at all, I'd also like to know ;)

I figured I'd give people a whack at it now before I get done, get all happy about it, and then have the hammer fall :P
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Hyn on October 30, 2013, 11:21:00 PM
What an interesting take on the Touhou characters! The idea of realistic portraits of touhous is very appealing to me. But I'll have to agree with some people who have said that their faces look rather masculine in your drawings. Well, whatever, that last Yuuka art you posted shows you've tried to correct that! Because Yuuka does look feminine in this one. I liked her nose very much, but her eyebrows are a bit too close to her eyes. I'm curious about your choice of colors, though... is her skin darker because she's an outdoors person or something? I'd like to know :).

Now, I know you explicitly asked not to make any comments about her hair, but if you really are aiming to draw realistically (or semi-realistically, whatever the term is), you should work on it. It's not that bad, in fact I think it's interesting... but it doesn't suit the style you're working with. Also, please remember that you're drawing asian people, and that their facial  features are indeed softer. Yeah, even the most average-looking asian has soft facial features. There's a lot of reference books that feature asian people! A google image search could be useful too.
Title: Re: [Art] Alcor's digital paintings
Post by: Alcoraiden on November 06, 2013, 08:47:36 PM
Her skin is darker because as a nature girl of sorts, she's always outside. :)

Also, for whatever reason, I don't imagine them as all Asian. Some are more Asian-looking than others. I dunno; I draw what's in my head.

Yes, I know the hair isn't right. I'm going to fix it. That's why I explicitly asked for no comments, because I've already thrown out the hair in my latest draft in Photoshop and am completely replacing it. (Also, I generally like masculine faces; it takes me a lot of effort to draw badass characters as feminine. Just a personal bias I'm still working on.)