Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Sara's Audio-Visual Import-Overflow Retail => Topic started by: Berzul on January 16, 2013, 02:31:09 PM

Title: Kotoura-san, Satori the Anime
Post by: Berzul on January 16, 2013, 02:31:09 PM
The title says it all (

So someone decided to make yet another Anime out of yet another Manga. It's kinda cute, interesting, specially for the Satori factor.

EDIT: Let's at least include the MAL page (, too.
Title: Re: Kotoura-san, Satori the Anime
Post by: Jq1790 on January 16, 2013, 05:33:10 PM
Ooh, this looks interesting.  A bit upset they went with the 'perverted idiot' archetype for a male lead which has been done to death and back, but the concept seems interesting enough that I'll still have to follow this one.
Title: Re: Kotoura-san, Satori the Anime
Post by: Berzul on January 16, 2013, 05:39:56 PM
A bit upset they went with the 'perverted idiot' archetype for a male lead which has been done to death and back
You know... I was thinking of the same thing >.>
Title: Re: Kotoura-san, Satori the Anime
Post by: Tengukami on January 16, 2013, 05:51:11 PM
A bit upset they went with the 'perverted idiot' archetype for a male lead which has been done to death and back


We really should be doing this series more justice than this. It's not really fair to say "perverted idiot lead lol". Let's back up here.

First of all, we start with our Kotoura-san, a girl blessed with a curse - she can hear thoughts as if they were spoken. This leads to a miserable childhood of realizing even her own parents are liars, and no one wants to play with a kid who can hear what you're thinking. The first half of the episode breaks your heart, and then, she starts at a new school.

This is where we meet the male lead. He's carefree, but not stupid. The whole extent of his "perverted" nature is when he fantasizes about kissing Kotoura, and this was likely a ploy just to keep her from walking away. Kissing. That's it. No skirt flipping, no boob squeezing. A kiss.

Another way he's not so easily reduced is the fact that he accepts this girl on her own terms, and she accepts him because what he thinks and what he says seem to more or less match up.

I'm really curious to see how this series goes. It's one of only three I'm currently following this season.
Title: Re: Kotoura-san, Satori the Anime
Post by: Gpop on January 16, 2013, 06:53:04 PM
So then does this mean Haruka has a sister than can manipulate people's subconscious?

Oh god please tell me she has a sister like that
Title: Re: Kotoura-san, Satori the Anime
Post by: Berzul on January 16, 2013, 06:57:50 PM
So then does this mean Haruka has a sister than can manipulate people's subconscious?

Oh god please tell me she has a sister like that
Oh but I might used "Satori" as a Youkai species not a character name >.> (As far as the first episode goes she does not... at least for now)
Title: Re: Kotoura-san, Satori the Anime
Post by: Rin Kagamine on January 17, 2013, 04:20:36 AM
Saw the first episode in club and I'm impressed so far. I'll be keeping up with this one.
Title: Re: Kotoura-san, Satori the Anime
Post by: Gpop on January 17, 2013, 05:58:54 AM
Okay so I actually watched the first episode and...somehow I think I can get hooked to this, so I'm gonna follow this anime :V

Hooray for not watching anime since Nichijou :V
Title: Re: Kotoura-san, Satori the Anime
Post by: Prody on January 17, 2013, 06:11:48 AM
Fun fact! This show is the most popular show on Nico Channel this season, with the first episode reaching 500k views.
Title: Re: Kotoura-san, Satori the Anime
Post by: Formless God on January 17, 2013, 11:25:25 AM
Why is the thread title not Komeiji-san? I'm disappoint

I'm also following this, but I hope it will have a little bit of everything instead of just comedy/healing from now on.
Title: Re: Kotoura-san, Satori the Anime
Post by: Jq1790 on January 17, 2013, 07:04:06 PM
Welp, finally had a chance to actually watch the first episode(watching the second now), and yup, DEFINITELY gonna follow this series.  That first half of the first episode though...Ow, my heartstrings.

Edit:  Just watched Ep 2.  This show's going to be full of heartwrenching and heartwarming, isn't it?  Also Kotoura is sickeningly adorable.  Is that gonna be a trend this season with female leads?  Also,
Sad Pasuhead!Kotoura at like 9:35-9:40-ish.
Title: Re: Kotoura-san, Satori the Anime
Post by: Tengukami on January 18, 2013, 12:15:26 AM

OK, so maybe he is an eensy bit perverted after all.

I can't get over the show's very dark theme. Moments of actual tenderness are momentary; but
a love interest emotionally crippling a girl with her thoughts goes on for an uncomfortably long time. At the end of which she doesn't just burst into tears - she vomits. Everyone around the male lead is mentally damaged in some way. We had a potential villain turn sympathetic only when she surfaced a traumatic event from her childhood. A love declaration is delivered with anger and spite.

I can't help but imagine that Manabe has got to have some kind of serious issues, buried deep down beneath the weight of constant sexual fantasies. He just can't be the only normal one, can he?

But it's because of this otherwise grim existence that the brief moments of simple human kindness are all the more touching. The world is a sick, cruel place; people got to stick together.
Title: Re: Kotoura-san, Satori the Anime
Post by: Hinacle on January 18, 2013, 01:27:33 AM
This, Sasami-san at Ganbaranai, and Mondaijitachi ga Isekai Kara Kuru Sou Desu are the 3 animes I'm going to be following this season.

Episode 2 was just sad. That's all I can say.
Title: Re: Kotoura-san, Satori the Anime
Post by: Gpop on January 18, 2013, 03:56:20 AM
Man this anime, as depressing as some parts are, I can really start digging the connection between Kotoura-san and Manabe, I mean,
damn after all that he totally sticks up for her and confronts the other girl, and I was totally cheering for him for doing that. I like this guy already
Title: Re: Kotoura-san, Satori the Anime
Post by: Piranha on January 18, 2013, 10:55:02 AM
Oh, Kana Hanazawa is also in it? SIGN ME UP

Too much good stuff this season, will take a look at it later.
Title: Re: Kotoura-san, Satori the Anime
Post by: Gpop on January 18, 2013, 06:11:31 PM
You guys saw this coming (
Title: Re: Kotoura-san, Satori the Anime
Post by: Berzul on January 18, 2013, 06:32:28 PM
You guys saw this coming (
No, I saw this... and that's how I learned about this anime >.>

Also it seems the more I watch this, the more I am like... WHAT?
Title: Re: Kotoura-san, Satori the Anime
Post by: Gpop on January 25, 2013, 03:16:26 AM
Kotoura-saaaaan ;____;

I really wish bad things stop happening around her, I just want it all to already have a good ending between her and Manabe. :(

Also, I can see where this is gonna go now. They try to find Haruka and while doing so Moriya will join in due to regret of how she treated the two. After they find her she will probably go into some kind of breakdown again and ask for forgiveness, which Haruka will obviously give because she's a nice girl like that, and all will be good again :V and then Haruka finally admits her feelings....please? ;_;

That's my prediction of the next episode, it's expected I would say.
Title: Re: Kotoura-san, Satori the Anime
Post by: Prody on January 29, 2013, 12:18:57 AM
I wanna be the Kotoura-san (
Title: Re: Kotoura-san, Satori the Anime
Post by: Gpop on January 31, 2013, 08:49:44 PM
Also, I can see where this is gonna go now. They try to find Haruka and while doing so Moriya will join in due to regret of how she treated the two. After they find her she will probably go into some kind of breakdown again and ask for forgiveness, which Haruka will obviously give because she's a nice girl like that, and all will be good again :V and then Haruka finally admits her feelings....please? ;_;

That's my prediction of the next episode, it's expected I would say.

So I'm just here to say I called it yup. Well not exactly everything that happened but basically the gist of it, I knew it :V

Despite how predictable it is, I still really enjoy the comedy a lot.

I really really liked this one, I laughed quite a bit at some parts "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH"

But the only thing I didn't like was how...half-assed it felt for Hiyori to apologized. I dunno, it felt kinda rushed to fit in the end and just...suddenly be okay with them. I still don't like her after what she did. Just really disappointed in the delivery on that.

Also, I THROW HER ON THE GROOOUUUUNND (I need a gif of Yuriko throwing Haruka on the ground, because oh god)

All in all, amazing episode, just disappointed in one part.

EDIT: Woop woop episode 5.

Well I'm glad Manabe didn't like Moritani off the hook completely until much later, since it seemed he was still against her. But it started moving towards trying to like her more and kinda not liking him as much, as he really came off as an asshole at times. A funny one, but still an asshole to her.

No drama, disappointed at that. But...damn Kotoura-san was really cute. Getting boxed was just cute as hell.

Also, mori mori.
Title: Re: Kotoura-san, Satori the Anime
Post by: Berzul on February 15, 2013, 02:18:21 PM
3 ed..........
Title: Re: Kotoura-san, Satori the Anime
Post by: Gpop on February 15, 2013, 04:37:47 PM
3 ed..........
Isn't there a new ending for every episode now?

bitch mother going to return oh fuck
Title: Re: Kotoura-san, Satori the Anime
Post by: LaserTurtle on February 21, 2013, 09:31:17 PM
I only figured out the
birthday surprise
when it was revealed that Manabe got a job. Am I slow at getting things?

also Moritani knows how to make Mystery Food X.
Title: Re: Kotoura-san, Satori the Anime
Post by: Gpop on March 29, 2013, 05:17:19 AM
So I'm bumping this because the series is finally over. Thoughts?

Well thankfully the ending made up for the pretty poorly made episode 11 (though necessary to develop more on Yuriko's character and intentions), at least for me. It tied all loose ends really well, and I feel it was just as good as the first episode, with more heart-warming parts to replace the drama, which was well done IMO. As much as many hated the mom, it was heart-warming to see them (somewhat) care for each other now.

All in all, the show itself was a pretty bumpy ride, but I feel it made it's full circle in the end. This image ( really got me, seeing her eyes back to normal for that moment when she sees her daughter like that.