Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Rumia's Party Games => Topic started by: Kakyoin on July 22, 2012, 12:58:37 AM

Title: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Kakyoin on July 22, 2012, 12:58:37 AM
Neo Waking Up From The Dream (Neo WUFTD)

***Roleplay is currently OPEN and anyone can join! Please see this post (,13076.msg908284.html#msg908284) for more information if interested.***

Neo WUFTD is the second season of Waking Up From The Dream, a Touhou Project forum roleplay. This is the discussion thread for it. Any concerns or questions can be asked here, GMs are watching (and hopefully other participants too)!

Previous thread (,11766.0.html) - DO NOT NECRO PLEASE!

VERY IMPORTANT: What kind of roleplay is this?
This is not a 'Quest' roleplay.
This is not a roleplay that throws a lot of plot at you and expects you to answer a little bit before spoonfeeding you a whole bunch more, then offering another tiny window of response.
This is a roleplay where you by and large get to call all the shots (within reason). The more you put in, the more everyone else can get out of it.
This is a roleplay that prides itself on detail and interaction between participants both in and out of the roleplay.

In this roleplay, characters will be thrown into situations that are not heavily defined with loads of background, and have few guidelines. This is a roleplay best suited for those who want a roleplay experience that lets them use their imaginations and express themselves through creativity, painting a grand, intricate picture of plot, interactivity and character development as they go. If you prefer fast, short-answer roleplays, this is probably not the roleplay for you, but feel free to check out the story thread (see below for link) and see for yourself how long and detailed posts are in general. This roleplay may very well take up more time than others typically do, but we hope that writing for and reading it are worth your time. It is highly encouraged to prioritize character interaction (dialogue) in this roleplay.

As for post length, this is along the lines of the question little kids ask their parents: "How many pieces of broccoli do I have to eat?" The answer is "as much as you think you can." We like to see at least decent quality posts, and if you want to write a lot or a little, it doesn't matter, we just hope you enjoy putting reasonable amounts of time and effort into it. Just because everyone else writes small/huge posts does not mean you should feel like you have to, do it only if you want to. After all, this roleplay is for YOU.

NOTE: If you are interested in joining, please do not hesitate to contact us! Contact information is listed below.

Roleplay GMs
Nemo Ma (;u=15)
Kakyoin (;u=4527) Retired

Roleplay Starting Situation (in a nutshell)
Gensokyo has been destroyed, and its inhabitants are now forced into the real world. No longer provided energy from Gensokyo, they must rely on the inhabitants of the real world for mana to fuel their powers and their very lives. However, not everyone accepts them so easily...some desire to figure out what they truly are, or discover the secret behind their very existence...

Roleplay Rules
1. No godmodding. This is a roleplay that relies on character interaction and sharing the spotlight to enjoy.
2. Adult content IS allowed in this roleplay. However, absolutely no adult content is allowed to be posted on MotK. You must host the adult content of your post(s) elsewhere and link to it in your forum posts with it clearly marked as NSFW or 18+ or Adult Content (something that easily indicates to any readers that it is adult content). If you do not follow this rule, you are at risk of being banned from MotK, no exceptions.

How to Join this Roleplay
NOTE: Joining chance is relative to registration status (see this thread topic for registration status).

1. Applying
Regardless of whether or not registration is closed or open, anyone can apply. It is recommended that you first contact the GM before applying, but this is optional. Applying requires posting in THIS thread the following information filled out by you:

Character Name:
Character Age:
Touhou/OC Partner Choices (by priority):
1) [Top priority partner]
2) [Top priority partner]
3) [Lower priority partner]
4) [Lower priority partner]
5) [Lower priority partner]

Consult this document ( to check for Touhou partner availability to see if a Touhou is taken already or not.

You must have at least 1 partner, and you may have up to 5 partners. You may have original character partners as well, but this will require further GM consulting, and your team may have no more than half original characters as partners, rounded down. Chances are good that you can get every single partner you list, as long as you check for availability ahead of time. Participants strike a balance at 2-3 partners on average, but depending on how much you think you can handle comfortably, it is your choice.

2. Character Profile
If and once your application is approved by the GM, then you may create a Character Profile for your character in this roleplay. See below for more information on how to do that. Character Profiles should also be posted in THIS thread unless stated otherwise.

3. Once your Character Profile is approved, make sure to consult with the GM about when and how to join up in-story with your character, and how to obtain your character's partners.

We have the following expectations of participants:
1. Post once a month at least, 1-2 paragraphs at minimum.
2. Don't keep to yourself all the time in-story, interact with others at least every so often. No person or team is an island.
3. Watch for MotK PMs! This is the primary method of contact between participants and the GM.
4. If you are using other participants' characters extensively in your own posts, and you are writing the parts that have those characters in them, you must at least obtain their approval of the post before publishing it.

Important links for those interested
---  Current Story thread (,9486.0.html) (ongoing; contains ALL posts for the RP.)
---  Original Signup/Discussion Thread (,8886.0.html)
---  Story Summary ( (for those who want a hopefully brief summary of what has happened in the roleplay so far, story-wise; will be updated as posts are added to the story.)
---  Condensed Timeline ( (for those who want a cross-check detailed summary of the entire story, essentially what has happened in each post thus far; will be updated as posts are added to the story.)
---  Character Profile information (,11766.msg775061.html#msg775061) (contains a Character profile template (, which is the most up-to-date profile template for creating and describing your OC. Also see attached for the Profile Template. More information on Character Profiles here (,11766.msg782713.html#msg782713). Character profiles are to be posted in THIS THREAD until told otherwise.)
---  Teams List ( (for those who wish to see which Touhou characters are partnered with whom, and to see which Touhou characters are available for choosing)
---  New Signups List ( (Shows all new signups for Neo WUFTD, in addition to any conflicts in partner choices)
---  Information on expected post length and a brief plot summarization up to escaping the virtual Gensokyo (,11766.msg776159.html#msg776159)
---  Nemo Ma's Season 2 Description of Terms (,11766.msg788616.html#msg788616) (Wondering why the RAI "Graveyard" base is called "Graveyard", and more? Check here!)
---  Information about Mana, Mana Links and Group Posting (,11766.msg809792.html#msg809792)
---  Links to Waking Up From The Dream entries on TVTropes (,11766.msg814803.html#msg814803) (not required, but they're fun!)
---  Season 1 archives ( (Waking Up From The Dream posts, not as crucial for Season 2)
---  Information about the first round of new participants joining after Neo WUFTD began:

Important contact information (How to contact GMs)
---  Saniwa Shrine ( (A chat room for discussing Neo WUFTD; the original meeting place for participants in the first WUFTD)
---  WUFTD IRC channel: Join the channel #wuftd on if interested.

Note to ALL participants: Please check this very thread for announcements and new information about the RP, thank you.
I recommend turning Notify on (upper-right corner of this page, should be a button "Notify") so as to be notified (nifty name, huh?) when there is a new post in this thread, and I encourage all to do the same for other WUFTD-related threads such as the Story Thread (,9486.0.html). It may send email reminders, so keep that in mind.

Active teams:

Nemo Ma (;u=15)
OC: Amarillo Viridian (,8886.msg619185.html#msg619185)
Partners: Lily White, Lily Black, Daiyousei, Lunachild, Star Sapphire, Sunny Milk (yes, all the fairies (

Kakyoin (;u=4527)
OC: Ken Shojiki (,8886.msg600208.html#msg600208)
Partners: Mayalissa "Mayli" Ayume ( (another OC), Patchouli Knowledge, Eirin Yagokoro, Parsee Mizuhashi, Seiga Kaku

Newer participants and their (currently planned) teams:

Yog/Nemo (;u=6140)
OC: Ashley Fisher (,11766.msg784921.html#msg784921)
Partners: Shikieiki Yamaxanadu, Flandre Scarlet

GuardianTempest (;u=3988)
OC: Neil John Parilla (,11766.msg786197.html#msg786197)
Partners: Toyosatomimi no Miko, Rikako Asakura

Amra (;u=4145)
OC: Mao "Xuezheng" Xue Zhen (,11766.msg786213.html#msg786213) (Mao = last name, Xue Zhen or Xuezheng = first name)
Partners: Yamame Kurodani, Hina Kagiyama, Minoriko Aki, Byakuren Hijiri

Crow (;u=4451)
OC: Danao Madarang (,11766.msg786623.html#msg786623)
Partners: Suika Ibuki, Suwako Moriya, Letty Whiterock

Orphea (;u=4748)
OC: Aiko Shiratori (,11766.msg788663.html#msg788663)
Partners: Sara, Kaguya Houraisan, Mugetsu

Natten (;u=6912)
OC: Narr?n Alda Sam (,11766.msg800167.html#msg800167)
Partners: Nazrin, Shou Toramaru

YJ (;u=5058)
OC: Azrul Kyoki (,11766.msg800922.html#msg800922)
Partners: Mima

Sonae (;u=5296)
OC: Nikolas "Niko" Reinhart (,11766.msg807302.html#msg807302)
Partners: Koishi Komeiji, Yuuka Kazami

Grimarg/Duke (;u=4587)
OC: Andreas "Andy" Jaeger (,11766.msg808675.html#msg808675)
Partners: Keine Kamishirasawa

IO (;u=7347)
OC: Zachary "Zach" Hayami (,11766.msg810067.html#msg810067)
Partners: Rin Kaenbyou, Aya Shameimaru, Tenshi Hinanawi, Fujiwara no Mokou

Forte (;u=1530)
OC: Forte Blackadder (,13076.msg869939.html#msg869939)
Partners: Sakuya Izayoi

Ran-Rii (;u=9052)
OC: Owen Sterne (,13076.msg908341.html#msg908341)
Partners: Remilia Scarlet

Raikaria (;u=5840)
OC: David Farr (,13076.msg908453.html#msg908453)
Partners: Elis, Elly, Kurumi
Title: Another drop.
Post by: Kakyoin on July 22, 2012, 02:06:48 AM
I will start this thread off by stating that KuribohLv9 has dropped, so Mamizou Futatsuiwa is now available again.

I'm also considering grabbing Ran Yakumo instead of someone else on my final team...hmm...
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Registration: Closed)
Post by: Nemo★Ma on July 27, 2012, 10:25:15 AM
After some talking with some players, I want to clarify something.
For people that are not posting because they don't know what will happen in the story, don't do that.
For example: as of now, most of the new players are gathering at the door of Tourist Helpers, the timestamp is 10 p.m. Now, most people don't, and shouldn't know what's going on. since The explanation will happen at the timestamp around 1030pm. But that don't mean people come to Ken or me personally and ask what the explanation would be so they can write their part.

just post whatever you want.
This is an RP, Role Play - You just do it like what you'll do in real life - Will you know what will happen in the next few hours/days in your real life? Of course not (well, at least not everything).
So next time if you have doubts, just post. I will change things around so there will be no logic/story holes. They are not your concern, go with the flow.

and Yes, we do have plans, (and it leads all the way to Episode VIII), but as long as you don't kill off your character or any Touhous (you shouldn't anyway), or not asspulling something to defeat the boss characters (which I trust none of us will do), nothing big will get in or conflict with our plan. As for the smaller stuff, like who would be where at what time doing what, are always flexible. (flexible before they got put in posts, anyways.)

Not posting because you don't know what's happening is NOT a valid reason. I encourage you to discover new split routes and story elements yourself.
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Registration: Closed)
Post by: Kakyoin on August 01, 2012, 12:49:12 AM
just post whatever you want.
This is an RP, Role Play - You just do it like what you'll do in real life - Will you know what will happen in the next few hours/days in your real life? Of course not (well, at least not everything).
So next time if you have doubts, just post. I will change things around so there will be no logic/story holes. They are not your concern, go with the flow.

Not posting because you don't know what's happening is NOT a valid reason. I encourage you to discover new split routes and story elements yourself.

Well said.

I recently had to remove a participant from this roleplay. The issues mostly stemmed from a lack of posting due to not knowing what to do/not having things clarified, and not attempting to help the roleplay along. Please do not be afraid to ask for clarification or help if you need it, but also please mind that Nemo Ma and I are both busy with our own agendas. Use your creativity, team up with other participants, and open up some new possibilities! This more open-ended roleplay is meant for that kind of thing; the more effort each participant puts into making this exciting, the more everyone gets out of it. Be creative! Everyone in this roleplay has the chance to write amazing posts and get involved. This we prioritize highly.

Speaking of that, there was a concern that specific characters/teams (mine being one of them) are hogging most of the spotlight. The reason for this is because there was so little activity or creativity that a few participants had to spice it up themselves and take it upon their own hands to cause something exciting to happen. By no means are the more focused characters/teams more important or receiving special treatment, they are just more integrated into the story due to a need to keep the roleplay exciting and fresh. This also brings up the same point: the more effort each participant puts into making this exciting, the more everyone gets out of it. YOU make the roleplay what it is, the GMs can only do so much to set the stage. I have no doubt that everyone in here is capable of keeping this ball rolling, making the roleplay one to remember for a while. Keep it up!

Now, all that said...

I am about to advance the plot up to about 10:30pm on Day 3 with my next post, which will open up an opportunity for everyone waiting there to post and soon acquire their Touhou partners!

Jana and Trance are no longer participating, but their teams will be kept whole (except for Patchouli Knowledge, whom I have special plans for...)
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Registration: Closed)
Post by: Kakyoin on August 06, 2012, 07:26:00 PM
Jana, Trance and Vant have quit, which means the following partners are now available:

Kanako Yasaka
Hong Meiling
Komachi Onozuka

Patchouli Knowledge has been taken by me, so she's off limits.  ;)

After Nemo Ma posts again, I will post and the plot will advance. No more waiting, the time is finally upon us!
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Registration: Closed)
Post by: Forte Blackadder on August 07, 2012, 02:02:32 AM
Application here ~

Your character Name: Forte Blackadder
Character Age: 22
Touhou Choices (by priority):
1) Izayoi Sakuya
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Registration: Closed)
Post by: Forte Blackadder on August 08, 2012, 06:29:38 AM
My profile

Name: Forte Blackadder
Gender: Male
Age: 22

Visual Description
   Height: 180 cm
   Hair color/style: Black
   Eye color: Black
   Clothing: Suit/classic high class
   Accessories: Glasses
   Weight: 70 kg

   General: Open-minded, lazy, adventurous (if the travel isn't much of a hassle), perverted, self-centered, air-headed
   Likes: beautiful girls, long sleeves, all kind of food, sleeping, music, mysterious things, comedy
   Dislikes: bad food

History/Background: An idle high class guy, his parents are big bosses of an unknown organisation that grant him an allowance of 50,000 dollars a month. He is extremely enduring, and fast to recover from all kind of wound. However, his strength is that of an avarage person only. Since birth he was provided the best education available, yet due to his laziness and "strange mind", he didn't grow to an ideal inteligent gentleman. People describes him as "cunning and funny", but never "a guy you would like an advice from". At the age of 18, he started to be attracted to the opposite gender, however though he adored and flirted lots of ladies, he never went farther than a kiss on the cheek. Also, the thought of marriage frightens him.
He spends his life leisurely at his luxurious room (life-time rented) in a 5 stars hotel, yet to know about the problematic comers from Gensokyo...

Fighting Style: Basic Muay Thai, but prefer to run when the other party is angry (because of him), looking dangerous or simply unbeatable.

Goals/Objectives/Ambitions: A happy peaceful life.

Fun Facts:
He loves the Moon and can cast everything aside to be able to look at a beautiful Moon all night.
He can drink tons of beer like a boss but will get intoxicated if take a drop of wine (any kind).
He can flirt with many ladies at once, but when it comes to "serious love" he gets all shy and confused.

Additional Information/Background/History (mostly empty now, added to later)

Relationships (mostly empty now, added to later)
Title: Plot Advancement! Posting Opportunities NOW!
Post by: Kakyoin on August 09, 2012, 05:56:58 AM
Shamelessly copypasted from my most recent post. HAI GAIZ THERE'S STUFF TO DO NAO

It's finally happened!

Everyone standing outside Tourist Helpers has been shown the near-death of Patchouli Knowledge (who Ken now has a pact with) and the blood pact has been revealed as a method for creating a pact with a partner. By the way, Amra's character and Mabel were the ones that ran up to feel Patchouli, IO's character had the camera, and Crow, Marokuu, Grimarg, YJ and Aiko's characters asked questions of Amarillo, for reference.

Ken's team, Amarillo's team and everyone formerly waiting outside Tourist Helpers, including Mabel, will now make haste for the RAI Graveyard base. There are now two posting opportunities (3 windows for posts, time-wise) for those who were waiting outside Tourist Helpers:

1. Window 1 - Something miraculous unfolded before the eyes of many: A woman was saved through something supernatural, and Xuezheng and Mabel had the chance to actually make sure it was real. While on the way to the underground tunnel, feel free to speak to anyone about what was just witnessed and ask questions, because surely this was not just a bunch of magic tricks...

2. Window 2 & 3 - Since the tunnel access point is a short distance from the back of Tourist Helpers, reaching it is a cinch. However, to get to the RAI Graveyard base, everyone will take an underground passageway (see the fourth timestamp about the Underground Path, and feel free to ask GMs about the hidden tunnel if requiring clarification). Each team will ride MINECART, an automated large cart system that responds to mana. Each cart can only fit up to 6-7 people, which means that parts of Ken's and Amarillo's teams will need to be split up amongst everyone else.

Clarification: The carts will be far enough apart to not allow talking between them due to their method of summoning (mana-based), meaning you may only talk with those in your cart during the ride.

For the sake of speeding things up, I have planned out who will be in each cart (in order of cart-taking):

Cart 1:
Lily White
Mayli Ayume
Ashley Fisher (Yog/Nemo)
Andreas "Andy" Jaeger (Grimarg/Duke)
Narr?n Alda Sam (Natten)

Cart 2:
Star Sapphire
Yuyuko Saigyouji
Azrul Kyoki (YJ)
Mao "Xuezheng" Xue Zhen (Amra)
Charles "Chuck" Harker (Reisen-tanith)

Cart 3:
Sunny Milk
Fujiwara no Mokou
Kaguya Houraisan
Aiko Shiratori (Orphea)
Kristian Johansson (Marokuu)
Zachary "Zach" Hayami (IO)

Cart 4:
Luna Child
Ken Shojiki
Patchouli Knowledge
Hatate Himekaidou [unconscious]
Danao Madarang (Crow)
Neil John Parilla (GuardianTempest)

If there are issues with these pairings, or if you desire to be placed on a different cart for the sake of conversation, please let either Nemo Ma or myself know.

There is opportunity for conversation here. For the sake of clarity, there are two windows for posting during the MINECART ride (~30 minutes from the back of Tourist Helpers to the Saniwa Shrine, then extra to extend to the RAI Graveyard base). The first window is the first 15 minutes, the second window is the remaining 15 minutes. This will allow others in the same cart to respond or pick up where the first poster left off. You may use any of Amarillo's and Ken's characters (and if in Cart 3, also Mabel) for the sake of conversation. PLEASE indicate in your post(s) which window (first or second half) you are posting in when posting for the MINECART ride!

Feel free to team up with others to write group posts as well, or plan out the two halves with others. You may post as many times as you wish (more or less than 3 is fine). Happy posting!

Edit: See this post (,13076.msg870540.html#msg870540) for more clarification about these three windows of posting opportunity.
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Registration: Closed)
Post by: CrowCakes on August 09, 2012, 07:22:57 AM
Wait, so by Window 1, have we all begun to run?
Title: Clarification for posting opportunities
Post by: Kakyoin on August 09, 2012, 10:17:04 PM
Wait, so by Window 1, have we all begun to run?

Let me explain all of this in greater detail.

Firstly: for all sakes and purposes, when I refer to a "window" I am referring to a time period in which a post may be made chronologically. Each window is listed in chronological order. A post during these windows does not need to cover an entire window time-wise, and if the post is lengthy (you be the judge) it should not span multiple windows IF you wish to give others a chance to pick up where you left off during a particular window. You may include any characters present (see below for availability) in these posts, but please run your posts by any participants that control those characters to make sure they are okay with how you portrayed them, before publishing your posts.

Window 1: Those who were involved in and witnessed Patchouli's near-death scene and pact are now evacuating Tourist Helpers to avoid being caught by RAI soldiers. To do this, they will be walking from the rear entrance of Tourist Helpers to the nearby underground tunnel entrance behind Tourist Helpers. The entrance is hidden and leads below ground, the first person who posts up to this location gets to define how it is hidden and what opens the underground entrance. Save entry into the tunnel for the next window, if possible. This is a shorter window due to close proximity to the destination, but there is certainly time for interaction.

Window 1 starts at the following location and (approximate) time: 10:28 PM - Day 3 - Kamisuiwa, Japan - Tourist Helpers (Outside Rear Entrance)
Window 1 ends at the following location and (approximate) time: 10:35 PM - Day 3 - Kamisuiwa, Japan - Underground Tunnel Entrance

Window 2: The short time after arriving at/in the secret underground tunnel entrance (~2 minutes), and the first half (~15 minutes) of the magical cart transportation system ride. Carts run along tracks/rails similar to that of a light rail (,_2011_-_Israel.jpg) and produce no exhaust and very little noise. To start up a cart, someone with mana must demonstrate magical ability in front of it. After one cart sets off, another cart may be summoned and activated using the same techniques. The carts will be far enough away such that only ranged communication (phones) is possible, talking verbally out loud will not reach adjacent carts. There is enough lighting to see, and the lighting only turns on when a cart is running.

Window 2 starts at the following location and (approximate) time: 10:35 PM - Day 3 - Kamisuiwa, Japan - Underground Tunnel Entrance
Window 2 ends at the following location and (approximate) time: 10:52 PM - Day 3 - Kamisuiwa, Japan - Underground Tunnel

Window 3: The second half (~15 minutes) of the magical cart transportation system ride. Same description from Window 2 applies here. The ride was split into two windows to allow for more structured interaction between participants. Upon arriving at the destination, each cart's inhabitants will exit the cart and climb up the stairs to reach the hidden entrance in the Saniwa Shrine, which is located on the other side of Kamisuiwa compared to Tourist Helpers.

Window 3 starts at the following location and (approximate) time: 10:52 PM - Day 3 - Kamisuiwa, Japan - Underground Tunnel
Window 3 ends at the following location and (approximate) time: 11:07 PM - Day 3 - Kamisuiwa, Japan - Saniwa Shrine (Underground Tunnel Entrance)

The RAI Graveyard base, which is located not far outside the Kamisuiwa city limits, is their next goal. The underground tunnel to go from Saniwa Shrine to the RAI Graveyard base is currently not operational, so they will proceed on foot (it's not too far away from the Saniwa Shrine).

Each window has the following people available for interaction:

Window 1:
-Kakyoin's Team (Ken Shojiki, Mayli Ayume, Fujiwara no Mokou, Kaguya Houraisan, Yuyuko Saigyouji, Patchouli Knowledge, unconscious!Hatate Himekaidou)
-Nemo Ma's team (Amarillo Viridian, Lily White, unconsciousandcurrentlyinvisible!Lily Black, Daiyousei, Sunny Milk, Luna Child, Star Sapphire)
-Mabel (mysterious woman Xuezheng found outside near Tourist Helpers before the Patchouli pact incident; she appears partially-clothed for being outside so late but does not show signs of suspicious activity)
-Ashley Fisher (Yog/Nemo), Andreas "Andy" Jaeger (Duke/Grimarg), Narr?n Alda Sam (Natten), Azrul Kyoki (YJ), Mao "Xuezheng" Xue Zhen (Amra), Charles "Chuck" Harker (Reisen-tanith), Aiko Shiratori (Orphea), Kristian Johansson (Marokuu), Zachary "Zach" Hayami (IO), Danao Madarang (Crow), Neil John Parilla (GuardianTempest)

Window 2:
See this post (,13076.msg870270.html#msg870270) for cart arrangements. Your OC can interact with anyone in the cart he or she is in.

Window 3:
See this post (,13076.msg870270.html#msg870270) for cart arrangements. Your OC can interact with anyone in the cart he or she is in.

Note that there are more windows of opportunity for posting beyond these three, but to prevent an overload I have not included details for more quite yet. Let's get these taken care of, then we'll move on! :D

Any additional questions or concerns, please voice them in this thread. Thank you!
Title: Several Approvals
Post by: Kakyoin on August 09, 2012, 11:09:28 PM
My profile
Your application and character profile are approved by Nemo Ma and myself. Here are instructions for your first post, which takes place in the beginning of the "first window" (see this post (,13076.msg870270.html#msg870270) for more details):

Forte will be wandering at night near the rear entrance of Tourist Helpers, hoping to see something exciting happen before retiring to his hotel. He will see Yuyuko, who is walking a bit ahead of the larger group behind her, and be drawn to her. However, when he is seen, Amarillo will question who he is. He will not want to get heavily involved with such a large group and will try to get away, but Mokou will prevent him from running off. Since they cannot risk having their group snitched on or revealed by anyone, they will take Forte with them.

The rest of your post and future posts will follow the general guidelines given by GMs (see the previous link for more immediate details, more to come later). Forte will ride in either cart 1, 3 or 4, your choice. Please let me know which one you would like him to ride in so I can update the listings, thanks in advance.

Can I has Letty plox
Okay you didn't actually ask that here, but I'm lazy. Yes, you may have Letty. I have added it to your official signup and teams entry. It will be up to you to figure out how to encounter and make a pact with Letty inside the virtual world (which is coming up soon after these three posting windows).
Title: Mana Link Sharing - A Provider/Partner Interaction Idea
Post by: Kakyoin on August 24, 2012, 10:50:06 PM
I've been throwing an idea for character interaction around for some time. There will be plenty of opportunities to have mana providers interact with their mana partners throughout the story. However, I want to introduce another more unique, personal opportunity for mana providers to grow closer to their partners. It has to be something that participants will be rewarded for doing but not punished for not doing. I'd love feedback on this idea, if anyone has any (including Nemo Ma).

What is my idea? Why, something similar to Diving (, of course. I shall dub it "Mana Link Sharing" or MLS for now. I believe there was a similar mechanic in Season 1 (WUFTD), and now I want to bring something similar to it to Season 2 (Neo WUFTD).

What is Diving?
First a bit of background. As indicated by the link above, Diving is unique to the Ar tonelico game series. In this game series, there are human protagonists and his allies called Vanguards, and not-entirely-human females called Reyvateils ( Reyvateils aid the Vanguards through the use of Song Magic (think of them as your typical Black Mage or Squishy Wizard in RPGs that sits in the back of the party, charges up and uses powerful spells) during battles. In return, Reyvateils are guarded by these (generally) physically tougher Vanguards during combat to help preserve the Reyvateils' concentration and improve battle situations. Defending a Reyvateil is extremely high priority for Vanguards during battle for more than just victory reasons.

Now with some background, onto Dives. Diving is the process in which a Vanguard enters the mind of a Reyvateil using special Dive machines and technology, usually with the intention of helping her overcome her troubles and negative feelings. Inside of every Reyvateil (barring a few exceptions) is a world with multiple levels called a Cosmosphere. Each level of her Cosmosphere has a special environment with specific themes that is influenced by and reflects her feelings, as well as past and recent real-life experiences. Two examples follow.

1. The innocent, happy-go-lucky Reyvateil Saki in Ar tonelico Qoga: her Level 1 Cosmosphere ( (Slightly NSFW, contains stripping/lingerie scenes) is lush and colorful, then becomes a magical picture book in Level 2 with a tree house among other more childish, gentle locations.
2. The self-deprecating, troubled Reyvateil Finnel in Ar tonelico Qoga: In a sharp contrast to Saki, her Level 1 Cosmosphere ( contains bloody thumbtacks, a cage, chains and shackles, and her dark world is overseen by a giant scary eye. Her Level 2 Cosmosphere improves, but she is still feeling imprisoned and unable to make her world truly be her own.

There is another type of Cosmosphere traversal: A story. In this mode, instead of a situation similar to those two examples described right above this (the "problem solving" Dives), a story is told and everyone will play different parts in the story. An example follows.

1. The Reyvateil Shurelia in Ar tonelico Melody of Elemia: Her Cosmosphere Levels are parts of a story that unfold, with each character (including Shurelia herself) playing specific roles in it as it unfolds. Here is her Cosmosphere Level 1 (

Each Level of a Cosmosphere may contain completely different, similar or in-between settings, characters and personalities compared to previous Levels. Generally speaking, each Level, which typically revolves around one or more major issues on the Reyvateil's mind, is "complete" when the Vanguard Diving in succeeds in aiding her enough for her to get over or move on from the issue(s) at hand, thus causing a Paradigm Shift which unlocks the next Level. Once a Paradigm Shift happens, the Reyvateil will feel more validated, justified and overall more relieved in reality and is ready to show the Vanguard more of what she hides in future Levels. In the case of the "story" type Dive, the Dive is "complete" when enough plot is covered, and no Paradigm Shift occurs, but the next Level will be unlocked.

What does it all mean? It means that if a Reyvateil trusts her Vanguard partner enough and allows him to Dive into her often enough, she becomes stronger, acquiring more powerful Song Magic. However, Reyvateils that allow this will eventually show 100% of their true thoughts to the Vanguard; she will be able to hide nothing from the Vanguard. Diving is risky, but the rewards usually outweigh the risks. It is a good way to strengthen and deepen the bond between Vanguard and Reyvateil.

Okay, I read everything so far and that's cool, but how is Diving relevant to Mana Link Sharing?
Obviously Touhous are not Reyvateils, and current and soon-to-be mana providers (except for maybe Ken and Amarillo at this point) are not powerful enough to serve as Vanguards. Additionally, some Touhous such as Yuuka or Eirin are more than capable of defending themselves and even others (even with mana link limits), and do not necessarily require extreme guarding or attentive care to maintain stability. Furthermore, there cannot be assumed to be any machinery around to allow for Diving or something similar. Thus, those particular trends from Ar tonelico do not carry over.

However, I think some trends are still very obvious if carried over to Neo WUFTD. Circumstance-wise, mana providers are similar to Vanguards, and mana partners are similar to Reyvateils. Touhous cannot be Dived into without pulling strange machines out of nowhere (which I will not allow), but they share a bond between themselves and their mana provider. They are also able to occasionally feel the strength, presence and feelings of not only their mana provider, but also other mana partners attached to said provider.

That's nice, but why do you think we need it?
Why do I want MLS? Two main reasons, and they both pertain to participant delight and comfort:
1. Because it gives more power to every single participant. It will not be required and not be punishing to participants that ignore it, but rewarding in some way for those who do go forward with it. It is both satisfying and exciting to do such a thing. It's interesting as long as you make it interesting!
2. It lets people have much more freedom in how they treat and approach their partners. Sure, there are plenty of opportunities as the story unfolds for interaction and reaction to events that unfold, but MLS allows each participant to have an additional option, one that lets them control how they become more familiar and comfortable with his or her partner(s).

However, it isn't without its drawbacks:
1. We cannot let those who participate in MLS (or those who do it more often than other participants) have a superior edge in the roleplay compared to those who don't.
2. How to reasonably "reward" those who do it? It's hard to think of a way to do so right now where we currently are in-story, as a lot of things haven't unfolded.

All right. So what's your plan on how it is done in Neo WUFTD?
I envision the system working similar to what follows:

-Each participant will have "downtime" opportunities (e.g., when sleep time normally happens) periodically as the roleplay as it unfolds. Whether or not these opportunities will be specifically granted by GMs or are up to the player, or a mix of those two options, is pending.
-During a moment of downtime, such as a peaceful moment of rest, a dream, or a moment of recovery from something that happened in the story, partners will begin to share memories. When in this Shared Memory state, they will become involved in a "problem solving" or "story" type of situation (how crazy/scary/funny/etc. it gets is up to the participant writing the scene), or anything else or in-between.
-The entire situation, the environment, how the situation plays out and the outcome of said situation is completely up to the participant writing the scene. This means there are absolutely NO limits as to what the content can be (however, if you employ 18+ or any content that is otherwise non-worksafe, you are required to host that on a different site and link to it from MotK, and you MUST mark it as 18+ or NSFW). The scene may contain other characters, even those that are not present in the team the partners are on and those that are not even in reality at the time. Lots of symbolism may be involved. Be creative!
    --The situations are not real but instead occur in the minds of those involved. However, feelings and thoughts may carry over to the real world (no physical objects may be brought out of Shared Memory moments), as well as remembrance of these situations, in the minds of those involved.
-After the situation ends, the two will drift back into consciousness. Their state upon waking up is up to the participant writing the situation out. All of those who were involved in the Shared Memory situation may or may not remember what happened in the situation, this is up to the player.
    --Only those who are on the same "team" as the two who triggered the situation are eligible for remembering it; all other characters involved will not experience it at all, as they are just personas in the partner's mind that act, look and think however the character who started the Shared Memory moment sees them as.
-Depending on outcomes, the mana provider may grow closer to his or her partners, most usually the one(s) directly involved. To this extent, each participant will edit their Character Profile page (remember that thing you wrote? There were some parts towards the end we were saving for later, such as Relationships, which is where this would go!) and keep track of how close their mana provider OC is to each of his or her partners. For the sake of simplicity, each moment of closeness awarded to partners shall be a unit of 1 (example: Ken and Mayli currently have 0 score, but he has a Shared Memory moment with her and they got to know each other better, so Mayli will have a score of 0->1 afterwards on Ken's profile).
-Expanded Shared Memory moments (two or more pairs of partners on different "teams" have a Shared Memory moment): Undecided at the moment, not sure if I want this to be possible. My current idea is to have that only viable for those who have closer team relationships and have both attained a certain score with at least one partner.

Right now, none of this is final. But, I would love some feedback on it if anyone has any. :)

Interesting. How else and how often will it affect those who do it?
In other words, how will players be rewarded for doing this in-story? Aside from self-satisfaction and the freedom to do whatever you want, basically...I don't know. Honestly, I have no idea how to balance that right now. I'll have to think on it. But, I would care for some suggestions if anyone has any. :D

Thus concludes my idea for the time being.
Title: Several Drops and Team Changes
Post by: Kakyoin on September 01, 2012, 05:54:40 AM
The following participants have dropped:

Sonae - dishonorably removed for continuous problematic behavior and difficulty as a participant.
Reisen-tanith - removed for inactivity.
Erebus - removal approved by Erebus himself.

All of their teams will be retconned, and their partners will be made available for others. This means the following become available:

Yuuka Kazami
Koishi Komeiji
Mystia Lorelei
Reisen Udongein Inaba (possibly, more details below)

In other news, IdiotsOpposite will be acquiring Fujiwara no Mokou from my team, and I will acquire both Yuyuko Saigyouji (in place of Youmu Konpaku) and then Reisen Udongein Inaba and/or Nitori Kawashiro (depending on what Nemo Ma says/needs).

That said, I hope to have another post out soon so we can continue this! :D
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Registration: Closed)
Post by: Nemo★Ma on September 01, 2012, 02:06:16 PM
> Sonae - dishonorably removed for continuous problematic behavior and difficulty as a participant.

Note as of now I don't accept this as a valid reason, especially seeing what have happened during this period.

For the time being, I'll manage Sonae's team as we are putting her status on hold.
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Registration: Closed)
Post by: Kakyoin on September 01, 2012, 02:43:27 PM
> Sonae - dishonorably removed for continuous problematic behavior and difficulty as a participant.

Note as of now I don't accept this as a valid reason, especially seeing what have happened during this period.

For the time being, I'll manage Sonae's team as we are putting her status on hold.

After some GM deliberation today, Sonae may remain in the roleplay. However, only on the condition that she does not talk to me at all. Nemo Ma has agreed to manage Sonae's presence in the roleplay entirely. If this condition holds, then she may continue to participate with no problems. I will not tolerate any exceptions.
Title: An explanation and an apology.
Post by: Kakyoin on September 05, 2012, 11:53:34 PM
It has been brought to my attention that several MotK staff members were concerned about my "sudden" decision to remove Sonae from the Neo WUFTD roleplay. I feel that this needs some explanation.

Here is what this is all about:
Sonae - dishonorably removed for continuous problematic behavior and difficulty as a participant.
Now then. Firstly, let me say that I am sorry. I am apologizing for my blatantly biased, non-GM behavior earlier when I stated that Sonae was removed from the roleplay. The reasons for me doing so were not exclusively personal, but they were heavily so, and none of the problematic material was shown in the roleplay threads (this is why it seemed sudden). I will not go into details, but the reasons were very extreme and personal, and the situations between her and I were emotionally out of control. As much as I want to go into detail about the months of problems, I don't believe explaining my reasons for losing my cool will bring anything good to both Sonae and myself. I have spoken to Nemo Ma about this on multiple occasions; as the other GM, she has accepted my apology, and she understands how and why this happened as well as believing it to not be entirely unreasonable for me to react as I did given what happened.

That said, until I have softened up and forgotten about what has happened between us, I will not be interacting with Sonae through any mediums for any reasons, not even for roleplay matters (Nemo Ma has agreed to take full responsibility for managing Sonae in the roleplay for now). I have decided to place this fence between us for my own good and hers. If for some reason Nemo Ma leaves the roleplay or decides to "unmanage" Sonae before I am over what happened between us, either I will request that she leave the roleplay, or I will step down and quit the roleplay entirely (yes, it means that much to me).

That said, Sonae is still a participant in the roleplay, and her team is still whole and has not been retconned. I will make record and post changes to indicate this when I find time to.

I feel that this situation needed a bit more light shed on it, and I apologize for my very inappropriate behavior. I will see to it that something like this doesn't happen again, if I have anything to say about it.
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Registration: Closed)
Post by: Nemo★Ma on September 30, 2012, 05:02:21 PM
In case people don't receive it yet:
I send a PM regarding the September process (not like there are that much, Kiai you guys!! Osu! More Progress! RAWR!! Nipah~☆)

The future plans are "spoiled" by Sizuru upon GA-09's approval, you should know what to do.

and no, no field trips for Sizuru and Lucia or GA-09 to Kamisuiwa, they will be always Side Canon Immigrant. Since they all have seriously broken abilities for this setting.
Title: Oh boy, an update!
Post by: Kakyoin on October 12, 2012, 04:57:01 AM
Okay, it's clear that there's a lull in the roleplay. We have analyzed this and believe the following to be likely causes:

1. School just started for a lot of people, and they're now suddenly busy.
2. Personal reasons for participants getting demotivated, bored or otherwise uninspired to participate. Getting sick, etc. Perfectly reasonable, really.
3. My idea to have people interact on the MINECART carts sucked. Okay, maybe it didn't suck but it slowed things down too much.

That said, we are going to advance the plot once more. This time we will be skipping entirely over the MINECART ride from Tourist Helpers to the Saniwa Shrine, as well as the trip on foot from the Saniwa Shrine to the RAI Graveyard base. The next post will come from me, and it will take place just as Amarillo's and Ken's teams reach the Virtualization lab room in the RAI Graveyard base with the new recruits.

This means imminent exploration of the virtual Gensokyo world, which means YAY PARTNERS! Soon?.

Now I should probably get to work writing that post, huh...
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Registration: Closed)
Post by: Nemo★Ma on October 12, 2012, 05:36:20 AM
Something a little extra:
Even though we decided to advance the plot, (read: we'll assume all of the OCs really are dull and get nothing to say) and fast forward to our next plot point, you can still go back on timestamp to write your interactions on the MINECART if suddenly, you know, like, you got some inspiration. Just remember to timestamp them correctly.
though at this rate most of the players really don't get anything to say on MINECART, or are(aren't) they?
Title: Now OPEN for anyone to join!
Post by: Kakyoin on November 08, 2012, 07:23:44 AM
We have opened this roleplay for anyone who wants to jump into the story and join!

You may be wondering to yourself: "Kakyoin, why? Don't you have enough players already/Neo WUFTD is already a work in progress/how come it isn't dead yet?" :V

All right, let me get straight to the point and address questions for those interested in joining, or why this is happening at all in the first place.

Why are we looking for new roleplayers?
Simply put, it's a combination of factors. After some recent concern and GM deliberation, Nemo Ma and I decided to open it up for anyone else who wants to join. Why? Reasons follow:

1. Another chance to let those interested know what they're in for when they sign up.
The first time we reopened the roleplay for people to sign up, we didn't do a good enough job letting people know what it is they're getting themselves into. This is not a Quest roleplay. It is not a roleplay where the GMs do a lot of heavy plot lifting and context-providing and leave a few moments for participants to act out their roles before moving on. This is a roleplay where participants have a lot of freedom to control what happens in between crucial plot points. Most of the time, we will tell you situations and let you know that your character(s) must go from point A to point B, and...that's it. This sort of roleplay is worth as much to you and everyone else involved, as the time you want to put into it. If you prefer more detailed roleplaying with an emphasis on freedom in writing, flexing your creativity and taking control of character interaction and development, this is a roleplay for you. It might take more time/effort, but we hope that the experience is worth it.

We did not make the previous points clear the first time we reopened the roleplay. This time we are. We want those interested to know what they're potentially going to get themselves into. We're serious about this: this roleplay has a timeline that summarizes each post based on timestamps and locations, a constantly updated list of teams and signups, and we send monthly newsletter-style PMs here on MotK to keep you up-to-date. We want this to be thrilling and exciting, but we can only do it if everyone is eager to paint beautiful pictures with their posts. We don't want this to be an assignment, we want it to be a fun but detailed and organized experience. But we also want to try to make it a good match for those interested in it.

2. There won't be another good time for players to jump in for a while.
Currently, all new Season 2 participants are on the verge of having their OCs acquire their Touhou partners in a virtual world that mimics Gensokyo (the real Gensokyo has been destroyed). There won't be another such opportunity in-story for those joining the protagonists' cause in a considerable amount of time! This is the best chance for those interested to jump in and immediately join the cause with their OCs, picking up Touhou partners right away and learning what it all means. This means that if you are interested in joining this roleplay, you don't have to know much about what's already happened!

3. Current player roster is falling off/stagnating.
No, we are NOT doing this because Neo WUFTD is a failure or is struggling because it's a bad roleplay (and yes, I've heard from some critics, but no names will be given). The roleplay is very well-maintained and the GMs are very responsive to questions and adaptive to concerns or problems. And no, we are NOT saying that any of the current participants are performing poorly. We reopened this roleplay for others to join once before, but as indicated by reason 1 above, we likely weren't clear on what they were getting themselves into, so they could have been poorly matched up among other things. So what went wrong?

The biggest issue is that we've had quite a few players drop. Why is that? All of the Season 1 players (who roleplayed this same concept 2-3 years ago) not named Nemo Ma have retired, and this is because the roleplay changed compared to what it was before, and so they couldn't have fun with the old gang like they did back in the day. As for the others who have joined in Season 2, perhaps we just had a stroke of bad luck and they all got busy with school projects and other more important things, but we have had a big handful of newer participants quit as well.

The next biggest issue is a seeming lack of current participant spirit. As it stands now we are worried about sticking with the current roster (what's left of it) until the next opportunity for others to join the roleplay, which isn't for quite some time in-story. This does not exclude GMs either: if we were slacking off the situation would be completely our fault. But Nemo Ma and Kakyoin (myself) have tried to be particularly active in making sure things stay fresh and participants are enjoying the roleplay, as well as participating often themselves. We just can't do it all ourselves (Ken and Nemo's Bizarre Adventure (, anyone?), or rather, we COULD, but that wouldn't be fun for anyone but the two of us.

All right, now that the explanation is out of the way...

What's Neo WUFTD all about? (and why it's awesome!)
Now I know what's on EVERYBODY'S mind right now...

"Wat's a Neo WUFTD, Kakyoin?"  :V

Well, sir or ma'am, simply put it's a roleplay that revolves around Gensokyo having been destroyed in the past by a nasty organization led by Dr. Robotnik called RAI, and all of Gensokyo's inhabitants spilling out into the real world. Unfortunately, it's like throwing a human into space except less extreme: those who lived in Gensokyo used to receive energy from the world itself to fuel their powers and lives, but without it they die off very quickly. To prevent these untimely deaths, they have been forced to rely on mana, which is achieved in one of two ways: get captured by RAI and be painfully experimented on for reasons only they know, or live more freely with humans that somehow have the ability to produce mana that fuels their lives. Currently quite a few of the Touhou characters have been living in a virtual Gensokyo for years (yes, it's like The Matrix), wasting away their lives for RAI's sake (hint: these are the ones YOU get to save!). However, RAI is actively trying to hunt down and capture those who have managed to escape back to reality.

"But Kakyoin, where does my character come in?"  :V

You'll find out...Soon? ( We have plans, don't worry.

Now for some important additional information about the roleplay (in other words, this is the stuff that draws you in and makes you think that Neo WUFTD is cool):

1. Post Content > Length
If it wasn't already clear based on the previous block, Neo WUFTD is for people with creative minds who love to paint a picture and weave an interesting story when they roleplay. Make your contributions as long or short as you want (at least a paragraph a month is the minimum we ask for), we don't mind either way. We just want to make it a quality experience for everyone. Look at this post (,9486.msg904403.html#msg904403) in the story. The post is clean and well-written. It focuses more on character dialogue and interaction than describing the scenery. In Neo WUFTD, we want to focus on character interaction and development. You can even have your character(s) interact with characters that aren't even yours! Still, that post is really long. What kind of obsessed loser has the time to write such long--wait, that's my own post...   (it also only concerns my own characters and no one else's, and I tend to get carried away when I have full control over the situation. DON'T JUDGE ME!)

Anyway, the point is...your posts don't have to be that large, they can be smaller like this one (,9486.msg907438.html#msg907438). They can be anything in-between, as long as they're at least roughly a paragraph long. It's about quality of content over quantity, but if you want both, by all means go for it!   That's what I do...

2. Everyone can (and should) interact with everyone!
No one is an island. We want players to interact with each other using their characters in-story. Some posts for example:
OC to OC interaction: this one (,9486.msg876601.html#msg876601)'s good, and this (,9486.msg876872.html#msg876872).
OC to Touhou interaction: Pretty much everything else. But if you want some examples: here (,9486.msg863657.html#msg863657) and here (,9486.msg834116.html#msg834116).
Heck, there's even some Touhou to Touhou interaction (,9486.msg829625.html#msg829625)!

The point is, we want people to interact with each other often enough (not too much), not just between their OC(s) and Touhou partners but also with other participants' OC(s) and Touhou partners. Which leads to the next point...

3. YOU control character development
Okay, we all know that Touhou has a canon side and a fanon side. Yuyuko Saigyouji, for example: Canon Yuyuko had a terrifyingly unfortunate, tragic life while she was alive, then became much more whimsical as a ghost but retained her innocence and hidden cunning. Fanon Yuyuko loves teasing/abusing Youmu and eats anything not nailed down. Why am I mentioning this? To point out that Yuyuko already has "predefined" personalities. But in Neo WUFTD, there is no more Gensokyo. Gensokyo is GONE. It got DESTROYED. And now to even stay alive, Touhou characters need energy from human partners. Everything is totally different in reality. They'll meet new people, they'll make new friends, they'll experience new things...and they'll develop personalities to reflect that. In Neo WUFTD, YOU pick all your Touhou partners, YOU control how all of your characters develop and behave, regardless of how they may be canonically or fanonically portrayed. It's all in your hands, for the most part. It's definitely more open and flexible than many of the other roleplays here. Which makes the next point a shoo-in.

This roleplay prides itself on not having many constraints. If you have to get from point A to point B, you do it how you want to. We can adjust and adapt to pretty much whatever you want to do. Just let us know beforehand if it's something wild or drastic, please. Chances are good we'll allow it, though. :)


So you're interested in joining Neo WUFTD, great! What now?

0. Read the part marked "VERY IMPORTANT" in the first post in this thread and make sure you know what to expect.
1. Read the part marked "How to Join this Roleplay" in the first post in this thread for more information on how to apply to join the roleplay.
2. Read the part about participant expectations in the first post in this thread just below the part in step 1 (not step 0, step 1).
3. Feel free to ask us questions you may have about the roleplay, in this thread. We will answer them swiftly. You can also check out the "Important contact information" part in the first post in this thread to see how else to contact myself or Nemo Ma.
4. Optionally, turn on Notify for this thread (upper-right corner of this page, should be a button "Notify") so as to be notified (quite the appropriate name, huh?) when there is a new post in this thread. It may send email reminders or whatever, something like that, but at least you'll be notified when there's activity here like if we have more information for you.
5. If you're THAT interested in it and you really have your heart set on joining (chances are pretty much 100% that you'll be accepted if you apply now), check out the story thread (,9486.0.html) to see what kind of content to expect and/or consider getting a head start on creating your character using this post (,11766.msg775061.html#msg775061) as a guideline. Character profiles will need to be posted after you go through part 1 in the application process. I like how I make Neo WUFTD sound like it's a special elitist club to help students look good for getting into college, or something...

That's it! You don't need to know anything in advance (no prerequisites other than your genuine interest in a roleplay like this). No need to brush up on what's already happened so far in the roleplay or whatever, we're not going to quiz you. Thank you in advance for your interest!

(I spent over an hour on this one post to try to get peoples' attention, dammit. Where's my money, Nemo?!)
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Ran-Rii on November 08, 2012, 10:56:50 AM
-Consider post deleted, I did not read hard enough while I was inquiring...-
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: [Y]oukai [J]esus on November 08, 2012, 12:18:04 PM
is it?
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Ran-Rii on November 08, 2012, 01:16:00 PM
Okay okay pick me pick me I always wanted to join an LP, but with the short answers they give I was not to sure whether I was doing it right.
So here's an application... I hope I filled up the application right...

1. Remilia Scarlet [Last time I checked, available and no strings attached, I believe there is no further plot connection but if there is, consider this choice void.]
2. Sanae Kochiya [If the first choice is available, the second is void.]

[I only wanna manage 1... 2 might be too tough, considering schools gonna be back full force by January.]

My OC.
Name: Owen Sterne

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Visual Description
-Height: 187.39 CM
-Hair color/style: Black-Brown, with uncut sideburns and spiky, short hair.

-Eye color: Deep Purple
-Clothing: Black Jacket, Purple Tank Top and Camouflage Pants. If casual, same, but with rugged, worn-out jeans instead.
-Accessories: A waist pouch that contains a Swiss Army Knife, a MK-32 pistol stored in the pockets of his Jacket, and a Necklace and a Bracelet.

-Other: A severed left arm, a prosthetic and mechanical left arm, a deep scar in his right palm. Medium build, NOT muscular.

   Believes that only the strongest survive, and actively refrains from making acquaintances as he fears that he has to kill them someday. Also, very silent, and does not talk unless necessary, and in a no-nonsense way.
   Appreciates people who display clear independence and survival instinct, and also has ability to fend for themselves. Though, he does envy those who are able to act based on their emotions instead of logic. Also, chivalrous duelists, and those who really know what honor and dignity is worth.
   Hates on people who are whiny and dependent, and are incapable of anything. Also hates people who act rashly on emotion and the people who fake bravery.

History/Background: Owen Sterne is a member of a family of famous contract killers. They work part-time for the Singapore Military as assassins to eliminate important threats to society, and he has been raised in a world where he views all lives to be useless and merely tools. However, he himself is haunted by a memory of him having to kill a young girl in order to silence everyone at the scene of his killing of a Terrorist member, as the government would silence him regardless of whether he kills a "proper" person or not, as long as he is caught doing the act. He is on payroll of the Singapore Military's Sabotage and Espionage division, and also a contract killer that acts as long as there is a reward. However, ever since that incident that haunted him since 9 years ago, he is unable to let go of that memory, and refuses contracts that are inhumane as he deems. He used to have a comrade in a sabotage squad that he used to be in, and on one of his missions, he was the only member of his team to return and had his arm shot when he had to bail when the mission failed. Since then, he lost his best friend and comrade, and understood the true meaning of the sanctity of life - It is worth nothing. He resides in an apartment, and has spent most of his childhood in private education and also learning to use knives to kill. When his grandmother died, who was a gentle person, and did not know about the killing and the training he received in the first place, she gave a necklace she cherished to him. That was his last memory of the only person that treated him as a normal person. He also has a bracelet from young when his mother gave him during the first few months of birth before she died due to an infection and complication during the surgery done when he was born. His father is also a trained assassin, and treats him very coldly, and as if he were using him as a tool.

Fighting Style: He fights with a custom made Swiss Army Knife by his father, with the knife blade having ornate carvings on it. He specialises in swift kills, going for the neck of an enemy and tries to keep fights, if any, to as short as possible. He does not favour the use of his firearm, as it was the very firearm he killed the young girl who witnessed what he did during that specific mission with. He also tries to aim for the artery and tries to give his enemy a quick, painless death. He fights with his Swiss Army Knife with a backhand grip, and is able to fight competently with blade-wielding opponents. If the opponent uses a firearm, he will favour ambush tactics.

Ability: Sheer Effort and training from young. Impeccable mastery of the Knife renders him able to swing at high speeds, however, only at human capacity. He does not like fights, and the most favourable option will always be to stay away from trouble.

Goals/Objectives/Ambitions: He wishes to be a strong person, as he believes that humanity is weak because of all the angst and qualms that people have when they do something. He abides to chivalry [as much as he can be for someone that strikes from the shadows], and is also unorthodox when need be.

Theme Song (Optional):
The Price of Freedom: [When he is in a sentimental talk]
The World's Enemy: [When he gets into a fight he cannot get out of... his family blood takes over, and his ruthless side shows.]

Fun Facts (Optional): He keeps his Firearm in pieces, and only assembles it when he needs it. His Swiss army knife is carved with the words "Silence". He mastered a technique with his blade called the Swallow Reverse, where he dashes at an enemy and feints into a backhand slash. He only uses the blade of the knife when he is sure he can attack the neck, or he will use the blunt edge of the knife. His unkempt sideburns make him look like a wolf.
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Raikaria on November 08, 2012, 06:35:26 PM
Posting Character list for Confirmation:

Character Name: David Farr
Character Age: 19
Touhou/OC Partner Choices (by priority):
1) Elly
2) Kurumi
3) Elis
4) None
5) None
Title: @YJ, Ran-Rii
Post by: Kakyoin on November 08, 2012, 06:48:47 PM
is it?
No it's not your fault, haha. Calm down, we know people get busy/have unfortunate things happen, it's all good. ;)

Okay okay pick me pick me I always wanted to join an LP, but with the short answers they give I was not to sure whether I was doing it right.
So here's an application... I hope I filled up the application right...

1. Remilia Scarlet [Last time I checked, available and no strings attached, I believe there is no further plot connection but if there is, consider this choice void.]
2. Sanae Kochiya [If the first choice is available, the second is void.]

[I only wanna manage 1... 2 might be too tough, considering schools gonna be back full force by January.]

My OC.
Name: Owen Sterne

Gender: Male

Age: 28

This is what we were looking for at first. We're glad to see that you're excited enough to make a character profile already though! :D

Anyway, Remilia Scarlet is available with no strings attached, so I will enter your signup info with her as Owen's destined partner and not Sanae, meaning Owen will have only Remilia as his one partner.

As for the character profile:

Visual Description
-Height: 187.39 CM
-Hair color/style: Black-Brown, with uncut sideburns and spiky, short hair.

-Eye color: Deep Purple

Fun Facts (Optional): He keeps his Firearm in pieces, and only assembles it when he needs it. His Swiss army knife is carved with the words "Silence". He mastered a technique with his blade called the Swallow Reverse, where he dashes at an enemy and feints into a backhand slash. He only uses the blade of the knife when he is sure he can attack the neck, or he will use the blunt edge of the knife. His unkempt sideburns make him look like a wolf.

I like the interesting backstory and it looks great, but note that you must be responsible with your OC. Remember that Remilia will need to have roughly equal focus in the story, Owen cannot do all the work while she watches. Also, we are hesitant to allow a character with a gun in this, but seeing as he keeps it disassembled it's fine for now. Just make sure not to portray him as being overly powerful compared to someone like Remilia, that's all. Verdict: approved with warnings given.

Another thing I'd like to see in your character profile is how Owen got to Japan, since you are joining right now and the story is currently taking place in Japan. It's not necessary, but it would be weird to not mention it, which would leave a hole in his backstory.

Lastly, make sure that you read this roleplay's expectations and you understand what to expect in this roleplay in the first post in this thread. This is just me being careful, I want to make sure that people are well-matched for this roleplay. If you are all in then great! :D
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Kakyoin on November 08, 2012, 06:51:14 PM
Drat, it seems like someone added an application while I was already responding. Double posting to make it obvious that I'm responding to one particular person.

Posting Character list for Confirmation:

Character Name: David Farr
Character Age: 19
Touhou/OC Partner Choices (by priority):
1) Elly
2) Kurumi
3) Elis
4) None
5) None

"Application" accepted! Your character will be entered into our records. The next step is to fill out a character profile for David. :D
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Raikaria on November 08, 2012, 07:21:37 PM
Here's one I prepared earlier! [While thinking about characters :V]

Picture: [I have 0 art skills so you'll have to make do with Create.swf and then change it according to the desc.]

Name: David Farr
Gender: Male
Age: 19

Visual Description
   Height: 5?8?, or 172 CM
   Hair color/style: Medium-length dark brown hair with no particular style done to it, it?s left natural, which results in two curves in his hairline at the front of his head, one down, one up, almost like a slightly split ying-yang.
   Eye color: Hazel
   Clothing: David prefers loose clothing, and as such, often wears plain t-shirts, occasionally with some pattern on them, preferring shades of blue, or black, and tracksuit trousers, since they are loose-fitting. This is his standard attire even in the cold. His shoes are standard black shoes.

When it?s particularly hot he?ll put on a cream-colored cap to shade himself.
   Accessories: David almost always carries something to keep his hands occupied when he?s not doing anything else, as he can?t stay still. Usually this is a pen. He also usually bas a backpack when he goes out, usually with a pencil case and paper in, as well as things such as his wallet.
   Other: David has a large scar down each side of his left arm, the inside scar being a lot more noticeable.

   General: David almost always feels more open and comfortable around females than males, due to his lack of interest in things such as sport, and bullying in his past. He can be quite quiet and slow to embrace people, but once the shell is broken he?s pretty talkative and friendly.

David is pretty laid back in general, and has a very long temper, and will usually only show dislike for someone with the occasional jab at them when the chance arises. He?s perfectly happy to just ignore people he doesn?t like.

When David sets his mind on something he is as stubborn as an old donkey about it, and it is very hard to dissuade him. This can make him seem argumentative when his opinion disagrees with someone, but in reality it?s just him being stubborn.

David feels more at home in colder conditions, and hates hot weather and especially humid conditions when it is hot with moisture in the air.

David highly dislikes immature people, if there is one way to make him ignore you, it?s to act like a little kid around him.

He personally doesn?t swear, and will occasionally berate someone who excessively swears, but usually doesn?t care about other?s language.

Due to lack of social experience when he was younger, he can sometimes be a little awkward in some situations, especially when he is around a lot of new people at once.

To those he who don?t know him, he is reserved, serious, and somewhat hard to approach, albeit, civil. To those that do know him he?s a laid back cheery guy.

   Likes: Relaxing, colder weather, loose clothing, outsmarting others who have done him wrong
   Dislikes: Sport, hot/humid weather, immaturity, heights

David has had a pretty normal life in general. He was somewhat gifted in school, and the exact opposite in sport, which lead to him being someone segregated from the fellow male children, and even bullied by some of his male peers, leading to him finding himself more at home with females. This is compounded by his father working abroad, and having a sister, so he had very little male influence when growing up.

When he was 10 years old, in an accident, he tripped over a small spillage on some stairs, and, in the resulting fall doubled his left hand back to his elbow, breaking both bones clean in half, requiring an operation and a year in cast, putting his physical ability even further back, and his interest in sport and physical activity even lower. The required operations left his two massive scars on his arm.

Over time, as the people he was around grew older, and he met new people, the bullying stopped, and, ever so slowly, he has begun to open up more. However, he still has a thick shell even today from his past experiences.

Fighting Style: David prefers to be as far away from combat as possible. If forced to fight, he focuses on evasion and defense, until the enemy tries out, when he?ll generally try and use as little force as he can, such as tripping someone over. He isn?t above fighting dirty. While his own stamina isn?t high, just evading doesn?t tire him out very quickly. If outmatched, he is pretty fast in a straight line, although he can?t keep up his top speeds for very long.

That said, he is a big fan of indirect combat and revenge against those who wrong him, and likes to set people against each other if he feels they can be, and have wronged him before. As he puts it ?If you have two common enemies with a reason to dislike each other, just point them at each other and you win.?

However, if he is snaps, he will discard his usual rational style, and will fight almost in a berserk fashion. However, due to his low physical ability, this is not a very successful way of him fighting at all.

David has no knowledge of how to use weaponry, or any martial arts. About his extent of knowing how to use a weapon is ?insert pointy end into enemy? or ?smash people with heavy end?.

Goals/Objectives/Ambitions: David?s main goal is to stay happy, and drift through life at his pace, taking what comes his way, as he sees it, riding the rollercoaster that life is. He?s pretty aimless, and easily satisfied with even the minimums of life, he doesn?t want to be a big name with a massive house and more than he needs, he knows what makes him happy, and is happy with that. He is rational about his expectations.

Theme Song: (optional)

Fun Facts: (optional): David has a pretty large appetite, and isn?t fussy about food at all, except mushrooms.

David has a fear of heights. When above second-story height, he will purposely avoid windows to he can?t look down. Looking down from 3 floors up or higher will usually fill him with a severe sense of vertigo, which gets worse the higher up he is.

Additional Information/Background/History: None Yet

Relationships: None Yet
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Ran-Rii on November 08, 2012, 11:39:46 PM
How he got to Japan? Consider that done...
*Check character profile again...*
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Ran-Rii on November 08, 2012, 11:47:54 PM
Okay okay pick me pick me I always wanted to join an LP, but with the short answers they give I was not to sure whether I was doing it right.
So here's an application... I hope I filled up the application right...

1. Remilia Scarlet [Last time I checked, available and no strings attached, I believe there is no further plot connection but if there is, consider this choice void.]
2. Sanae Kochiya [If the first choice is available, the second is void.]

[I only wanna manage 1... 2 might be too tough, considering schools gonna be back full force by January.]

My OC.
Name: Owen Sterne

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Visual Description
-Height: 187.39 CM
-Hair color/style: Black-Brown, with uncut sideburns and spiky, short hair.

-Eye color: Deep Purple
-Clothing: Black Jacket, Purple Tank Top and Camouflage Pants. If casual, same, but with rugged, worn-out jeans instead.
-Accessories: A waist pouch that contains a Swiss Army Knife, a MK-32 pistol stored in the pockets of his Jacket, and a Necklace and a Bracelet.

-Other: A severed left arm, a prosthetic and mechanical left arm, a deep scar in his right palm. Medium build, NOT muscular.

   Believes that only the strongest survive, and actively refrains from making acquaintances as he fears that he has to kill them someday. Also, very silent, and does not talk unless necessary, and in a no-nonsense way.
   Appreciates people who display clear independence and survival instinct, and also has ability to fend for themselves. Though, he does envy those who are able to act based on their emotions instead of logic. Also, chivalrous duelists, and those who really know what honor and dignity is worth.
   Hates on people who are whiny and dependent, and are incapable of anything. Also hates people who act rashly on emotion and the people who fake bravery.

History/Background: Owen Sterne is a member of a family of famous contract killers. They work part-time for the Singapore Military as assassins to eliminate important threats to society, and he has been raised in a world where he views all lives to be useless and merely tools. However, he himself is haunted by a memory of him having to kill a young girl in order to silence everyone at the scene of his killing of a Terrorist member, as the government would silence him regardless of whether he kills a "proper" person or not, as long as he is caught doing the act. He is on payroll of the Singapore Military's Sabotage and Espionage division, and also a contract killer that acts as long as there is a reward. However, ever since that incident that haunted him since 9 years ago, he is unable to let go of that memory, and refuses contracts that are inhumane as he deems. He used to have a comrade in a sabotage squad that he used to be in, and on one of his missions, he was the only member of his team to return and had his arm shot when he had to bail when the mission failed. Since then, he lost his best friend and comrade, and understood the true meaning of the sanctity of life - It is worth nothing. He resides in an apartment, and has spent most of his childhood in private education and also learning to use knives to kill. When his grandmother died, who was a gentle person, and did not know about the killing and the training he received in the first place, she gave a necklace she cherished to him. That was his last memory of the only person that treated him as a normal person. He also has a bracelet from young when his mother gave him during the first few months of birth before she died due to an infection and complication during the surgery done when he was born. His father is also a trained assassin, and treats him very coldly, and as if he were using him as a tool.

Very recently, he received  a text message from the government, sending him on a mission to collect intelligence about a place in Japan dubbed "Virtual Gensokyo". As such, he departed for Japan to (supposedly)rendezvous with his commanding officer... However, little did he know that this was a ploy to kill him in an "accident during the mission", and no officer is really there... He continues on his supposed mission, however...

Fighting Style: He fights with a custom made Swiss Army Knife by his father, with the knife blade having ornate carvings on yit. He specialises in swift kills, going for the neck of an enemy and tries to keep fights, if any, to as short as possible. He does not favour the use of his firearm, as it was the very firearm he killed the young girl who witnessed what he did during that specific mission with. He also tries to aim for the artery and tries to give his enemy a quick, painless death. He fights with his Swiss Army Knife with a backhand grip, and is able to fight competently with blade-wielding opponents. If the opponent uses a firearm, he will favour ambush tactics.

Ability: Sheer Effort and training from young. Impeccable mastery of the Knife renders him able to swing at high speeds, however, only at human capacity. He does not like fights, and the most favourable option will always be to stay away from trouble.

Goals/Objectives/Ambitions: He wishes to be a strong person, as he believes that humanity is weak because of all the angst and qualms that people have when they do something. He abides to chivalry [as much as he can be for someone that strikes from the shadows], and is also unorthodox when need be.

Theme Song (Optional):
The Price of Freedom: [When he is in a sentimental talk]
The World's Enemy: [When he gets into a fight he cannot get out of... his family blood takes over, and his ruthless side shows.]

Fun Facts (Optional): He keeps his Firearm in pieces, and only assembles it when he needs it. His reluctance to use his firearm makes him consider hinself weak. His Swiss army knife is carved with the words "Silence". He mastered a technique with his blade called the Swallow Reverse, where he dashes at an enemy and feints into a backhand slash. He only uses the blade of the knife when he is sure he can attack the neck, or he will use the blunt edge of the knife. His unkempt sideburns make him look like a wolf.
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Kakyoin on November 09, 2012, 01:36:29 AM
Here's one I prepared earlier! [While thinking about characters :V]

Name: David Farr
Gender: Male
Age: 19


Fun Facts: (optional): David has a pretty large appetite, and isn?t fussy about food at all, except mushrooms.

David has a fear of heights. When above second-story height, he will purposely avoid windows to he can?t look down. Looking down from 3 floors up or higher will usually fill him with a severe sense of vertigo, which gets worse the higher up he is.

Additional Information/Background/History: None Yet

Relationships: None Yet
I see nothing problematic in this character profile, it looks good to me. Approved as far as I can see.

@Ran-Rii, you added the following to Owen's character profile:
Very recently, he received a text message from the government, sending him on a mission to collect intelligence about a place in Japan dubbed "Virtual Gensokyo". As such, he departed for Japan to (supposedly)rendezvous with his commanding officer... However, little did he know that this was a ploy to kill him in an "accident during the mission", and no officer is really there... He continues on his supposed mission, however...
We would much prefer it if Owen was to travel to Japan for reasons not related to RAI or the Virtual Gensokyo experiment, so we can come up with a reason of our own to pull in Owen and all the others joining up now, at the same time for the same reason. If you provide a reason, this severely limits our ability to easily tie in new OCs into the story (otherwise, if everyone comes up with their own reasons it becomes a huge mess to tie together without some sort of asspull plot device). This is not your fault, we just weren't specific enough. Please change it so other reasons have led him to Japan, thanks in advance. :D
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Ran-Rii on November 09, 2012, 05:03:11 AM
Alright, I am going to make a huge revamp to the character lore, so... [Also to create contrast between one who believes fate and one that manipulates and creates fate...]

1. Remilia Scarlet

[I figured since she was a vampire, there is a great chance she might need blood to survive, so can that be a part of the story mechanics (just for Remilia, I guess)? If not, it is fine with me.]

My OC.
Name: Owen Sterne

Alias [will be used]: Hikari Tsubame

Gender: Male

Age: 28

Visual Description
-Height: 187.39 CM
-Hair color/style: Black-Brown, with uncut sideburns and spiky, short hair.

-Eye color: Deep Purple
-Clothing: Black Jacket, Purple Tank Top and Camouflage Pants. If casual, same, but with rugged, worn-out jeans instead.
-Accessories: A waist pouch that contains a Swiss Army Knife, a MK-32 pistol stored in the pockets of his Jacket, and a Necklace and a Bracelet.

-Other: A severed left arm, a prosthetic and mechanical left arm, a deep scar in his right palm. Medium build, NOT muscular.

   Believes that only the strongest survive, and actively refrains from making acquaintances as he fears that he has to kill them someday. Also, very silent, and does not talk unless necessary, and in a no-nonsense way. He had also experienced betrayal, thus he is very conservative, and also careful. Usually he likes to talk about fate, if he ever talks.
   Appreciates people who display clear independence and survival instinct, and also has ability to fend for themselves. Though, he does envy those who are able to act based on their emotions instead of logic. Also, chivalrous duelists, and those who really know what honor and dignity is worth.
   Hates on people who are whiny and dependent, and are incapable of anything. Also hates people who act rashly on emotion and the people who fake bravery. Detests fate's rein on him.

History/Background: Owen Sterne is a member of a family of famous contract killers. They work part-time for the Singapore Military as assassins to eliminate important threats to society, and he has been raised in a world where he views all lives to be useless and merely tools. However, he himself is haunted by a memory of him having to kill a young girl in order to silence everyone at the scene of his killing of a Terrorist member, as the government would silence him regardless of whether he kills a "proper" person or not, as long as he is caught doing the act. He is on payroll of the Singapore Military's Sabotage and Espionage division, and also a contract killer that acts as long as there is a reward. However, ever since that incident that haunted him since 9 years ago, he is unable to let go of that memory, and refuses contracts that are inhumane as he deems. He used to have a comrade in a sabotage squad that he used to be in, and on one of his missions, he was the only member of his team to return and had his arm shot when he had to bail when the mission failed. Since then, he lost his best friend and comrade, and understood the true meaning of the sanctity of life - It is worth nothing. He resides in an apartment, and has spent most of his childhood in private education and also learning to use knives to kill. When his grandmother died, who was a gentle person, and did not know about the killing and the training he received in the first place, she gave a necklace she cherished to him. That was his last memory of the only person that treated him as a normal person. He also has a bracelet from young when his mother gave him during the first few months of birth before she died due to an infection and complication during the surgery done when he was born. His father is also a trained assassin, and treats him very coldly, and as if he were using him as a tool.

2 months ago, he had been sabotaged by his comrades that wanted to take his position [internal politics/office politics, if you know what I mean] in the military to go on a mission to kill a certain person in the apparent name of the government, and his comrade that sent him exposed him in order to gain his position and credit from his superiors as Owen was a very dangerous operative anyways, and the government also wanted to get rid of him due to some polictical complications. This was also when he experienced betrayal by another of his trusted comrades. As he was being hunted down in Singapore, he needed to escape. He created the false scene of him jumping into the sea and drowning, and the government never bothered to track him down as he was believed dead, or even if he was alive, would never be able to get back to Singapore with his belongings in Singapore confiscated, including his citizenship and passport. Eventually he arrived in Japan after being picked up by contacts he hired to escort him to Japan and earn him citizenship. He has since lived under the alias of Hikari Tsubame [lit. Swallow of Light/Light Swallow] and conceded to fate having him live his life this way. He still lives in a run-down apartment somewhere in Asaka, and still retains his killing profession. That is, if the contractors can find him. He works in a provision shop there in the day, and earns enough to sustain a living. He finds himself weak as he is controlled by destiny/fate.

As of now, he has no relatives, with his mother dead during birth due to complications, his father "killed in action" [government disposal after Owen's company misconduct was discovered], his grandparents dead and his comrades either dead or betrayed him. He has no friends nor contacts as of the current moment.

Fighting Style: He fights with a custom made Swiss Army Knife by his father, with the knife blade having ornate carvings on yit. He specialises in swift kills, going for the neck of an enemy and tries to keep fights, if any, to as short as possible. He does not favour the use of his firearm, as it was the very firearm he killed the young girl who witnessed what he did during that specific mission with. He also tries to aim for the artery and tries to give his enemy a quick, painless death. He fights with his Swiss Army Knife with a backhand grip, and is able to fight competently with blade-wielding opponents. If the opponent uses a firearm, he will favour ambush tactics.

Ability: Sheer Effort and training from young. Impeccable mastery of the Knife renders him able to swing at high speeds, however, only at human capacity. He does not like fights, and the most favourable option will always be to stay away from trouble. But when he does fight, he wishes to fight with all his might.

Goals/Objectives/Ambitions: He wishes to be a strong person, as he believes that humanity is weak because of all the angst and qualms that people have when they do something. He abides to chivalry [as much as he can be for someone that strikes from the shadows], and is also unorthodox when need be. He also wants to escape fate itself, which he is a believer of, yet loathes fate's reins on his life.

Theme Song (Optional):
The Price of Freedom: [When he is in a sentimental talk/talking about fate]
The World's Enemy: [When he gets into a fight he cannot get out of... his family blood takes over, and his ruthless side shows.]

Fun Facts (Optional):
He keeps his Firearm in pieces, and only assembles it when he needs it.
His reluctance to use his firearm makes him consider himself weak.
His Swiss army knife is carved with the words "Silence".
He mastered a technique with his blade called the Swallow Reverse, where he dashes at an enemy and feints into a backhand slash. It is made so the opponent will have next to no reaction time if he pulls it off while the opponent is worn out, or botches their escape/parry. [Also a devout of Bushido, thus he knows of Sasaki Kojirou and wants to honor him with his developed technique with the Swiss Army Knife]
He only uses the blade of the knife when he is sure he can attack the neck, or he will use the blunt edge of the knife.
His unkempt sideburns make him look like a wolf.
His left arm is actually able to perform like a real arm, however, it cannot grasp anything very tightly, thus is usually not used in combat [can't grasp a sword/knife/gun].
He can be said to be the worst with the gun, despite being able to assemble it within a short span of 10 seconds. With one hand. His aiming is far off, and he never devotes himself to that weapon, as it is his most traumatizing event.

Soon-to-gain abilities: Undecided, but something to do with the art of a sword/knife. May change his weapon into a real sword, or give him abilities to project a sword weapon, like how Remilia is able to project her lance in Touhou: Unthinkable Natural Law. Also thinking of stealth...
Confirmed: I will have him use his blood as fuel for his abilities in a process called "Blood Ritual", and basically is the only thing that allows him to actually harm the more supernatural beings [i.e. Anything other than an ORDINARY HUMAN. He can still inflict harm to a human with magic abilities without Blood Ritual, but yeah. Blood will be his source of ability and power, so to speak, and his blood will be upkeep for both his abilities and Remilia... Wow, what have I gotten myself in to.]

So, tell me if you need it to be altered any more. He will use his alias, but soon will abandon it when he is alone/with trusted people.

Also, to clear your worry: He can and WILL be relying on Remilia to do the fighting after he realises how physically weak he is compared to a seemingly 10 year-old girl.
Did he seriously seem so OP-ed to you...? I mean, combat useless left arm, good right arm, decent assassination skills, good knifework, and veteran... + VERY VERY BAD SHOT...

Nevermind my statement, I was just curious... yeah, please review my profile to see if it fits into your standards... thank you very much...

[Wonders how I am so excited waiting for the RP to start]

Oh, when will registration close... er... not rushing you... but yeah, I just wanna know a rough estimation, thanks!

EDIT: This ( is when he uses his Blood Ritual ability.
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Raikaria on November 10, 2012, 06:28:28 PM
This is probably gonna seem like a really silly question, but after reading some of the posts in the story thread, and the 'How to enter the game' posts linked in the OP, I'm a little confused as to how my character will join, since it is past 'Day 3 Afternoon'.

It's probably just me being stupid because that page may not be relevant anymore, but best to check.
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Ran-Rii on November 10, 2012, 11:50:47 PM
I PM'd the GM on this one before, and he said that he needed to confirm the participants, then decide on a way to make us join...
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Raikaria on November 11, 2012, 12:02:56 AM
Ah, that makes sense.
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Kakyoin on November 11, 2012, 06:22:22 PM
This is probably gonna seem like a really silly question, but after reading some of the posts in the story thread, and the 'How to enter the game' posts linked in the OP, I'm a little confused as to how my character will join, since it is past 'Day 3 Afternoon'.

It's probably just me being stupid because that page may not be relevant anymore, but best to check.
Right now, if you are interested in joining Neo WUFTD all you can and should do is:
1) Post an application (character name, age, gender, partner choices).
2) Once step 1 goes through (or if you're that bent on joining), post a character profile and make sure GM(s) approve of it.

For now that's really it. We'll handle the tying in of the new characters into the current story. We're waiting to see if there's further interest before finalizing our plans and taking action, that's why we're waiting right now. You two are just early applicants. :D

@Ran-Rii, I like the revamped character profile for Owen, good job. Still approved, of course. ;)
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: natten20 on November 16, 2012, 12:07:12 PM
hi. (I reply couldn't reply on my message so put it here instead)

I want to stay and continue to play.
I have had some serious problem at home and didn't have time to make any posts.
I am sorry that I didn't say anything to you guys and just disappeared, I hope you can forgive me.

sincerely, natten20.

P.S I can't get to the Saniwa Shrine chatroom.
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Raikaria on November 16, 2012, 03:18:02 PM
hi. (I reply couldn't reply on my message so put it here instead)

I want to stay and continue to play.
I have had some serious problem at home and didn't have time to make any posts.
I am sorry that I didn't say anything to you guys and just disappeared, I hope you can forgive me.

sincerely, natten20.

P.S I can't get to the Saniwa Shrine chatroom.

I also can't get into the chatroom, it appears it's down.
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Kakyoin on November 16, 2012, 03:59:37 PM
The Saniwa Shrine chatroom is indeed down for the moment. I believe it's an issue with down services from hosting. For now, please go to Nemo Ma's new chatroom location: ( :)
Title: Brief Update
Post by: Kakyoin on November 19, 2012, 11:32:20 PM
Update for those interested in joining:

I've been traveling to get home for Thanksgiving week, and working on a new post for the story. After that's taken care of, I'll work on getting you all set up for joining in on the action. Sorry for the wait! :D
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Raikaria on November 19, 2012, 11:42:56 PM
No problem, I'm fine with waiting.
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Ran-Rii on November 25, 2012, 04:18:10 AM
It is going to be interesting seeing how you are going to integrate the newcomers into the story, since the story looks like it has plenty momentum already.
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Kakyoin on November 25, 2012, 04:39:55 AM
It is going to be interesting seeing how you are going to integrate the newcomers into the story, since the story looks like it has plenty momentum already.
Yes, and since I just finished my next post I can start finalizing my plans for integration.

By the way, anyone else is welcome to join. Apply now! :)
Title: Information for those currently participating, and those joining now.
Post by: Kakyoin on November 26, 2012, 10:51:43 PM
First, two announcements about the roleplay's status right now for current participants:

1. "I want to post, but I'm not sure what I should do."
Everyone who is currently in the story has absolutely free reign inside Virtual Gensokyo (which is, as you hopefully know, where we are now). In your posts, you may use your own characters, other participants' characters and partners, GM characters and their partners, NPC Touhous (Touhou characters that aren't going to be 'partnered' by others), and any other NPCs in the virtual world that you want to use or invent. Naturally you should check with other participants if you have doubts about how their OCs would behave, or if you are going to make them do relatively extreme things, but otherwise you are in control of what you write. For example, in my most recent story post I introduced Kosuzu Mootori and had my two OCs Ken and Mayli interact with her briefly, even though she isn't going to be acquired by anyone. I also included Duke's character Andy; I have been collaborating with Duke to make sure our posts fit perfectly and so far that has been very successful. I highly encourage that kind of interaction when writing posts, hopefully everyone can be active in this roleplay's development. The point is, you can use ANYONE: Everyone's well-known spitefully annoying favorite protagonists Reimu and Marisa, other people's characters (Andy, Neil, etc.), my characters (Ken, Mayli, Patchouli, Eirin, Parsee), you name it. Just remember that the goal while in Virtual Gensokyo is to make pacts with your designated destined Touhous before the allotted time (~3 hours) expires. How you go about doing it is up to you. Pacts can fail, if you want. I just had a pact with Ran and my character fail, and now they have to consider what to do as a result. Your characters can be warped into the Virtual Gensokyo anywhere you choose, they can fight or encounter other Touhous, or they can go to Kourindou or visit the SDM or whatever, it's up to you. Just make sure you get your partners!

I see somewhat of a slowdown in posts right now, so I'm saying this explicitly just in case there is confusion as to what participants should be posting about. I'm hoping that this isn't a case of mismatching (participants aren't interested in this severely open-ended roleplay despite joining it earlier with other expectations) and instead a case of participants being too busy with real life/school/jobs/etc. (which is very excusable, don't worry about it, but we would certainly like to know if this is the case so we aren't left in the dark about it). Nemo Ma hoped everyone was aware of how open-ended the roleplay was becoming once we reached Virtual Gensokyo, but I had my doubts and now I hope everyone is aware of what the hell to do. This gives me an idea to make prompts that tell participants what they need to accomplish but not go into detail (you know, like those things that are the basis of you writing lots of essays about books that you hate to read in high school English class), but that's a story for another day. *ahem*


2. Please talk to us!
Contact myself or Nemo Ma if you have ANY questions or concerns about the roleplay. Ask questions here in the Discussion thread, send PMs, or whatever. We are always here, watching...waiting. Or you can contact the other participants too, it's up to you. Feedback is appreciated too: if you think the roleplay sucks, tell us how we could possibly make it more interesting for you. Heck, if you know any roleplayers that may be interested in joining this roleplay, go right ahead and invite them to sign up now! If they have questions, we can answer those too. We're doing what we can to maintain a nice roleplaying environment, but only you participants can keep it going. Let's not turn this into The Nemo Ma and Kakyoin Show (although that would be...interesting). How to contact us? Read the first post in this thread, it is the holy grail for everything Neo WUFTD after all.


Now then, for anyone else interested in joining right now (Ran-Rii, Raikaria and any others who wish to join before we close registration), I am taking the first steps now to getting you involved. Read on to see more details, just know that we will be in the process of finalizing our plans and that the ones detailed in this post may change.

1. What in general is the integration plan?
We have asked you to specify how your characters came to Japan, and we (the GMs) want to introduce a scenario which invites your characters...

...into the clutches.




You all will start the PRISONERS! *lightning, cliche evil music (* MWAH HA HA HA HA HA

Okay no but seriously, the goal is to have all of your characters be introduced as RAI captives in a second virtualization room that is hidden adjacent to the large one that everyone else is currently in right now, but they will be in a different simulation.

Nitori is currently at the controls in the primary virtualization room, and she will be able to monitor what is going on in the system. That's when she'll discover that there are others and then using her super kappa deduction skills she will figure out where they are, and realize that they are in a different simulation. She must then 'safely eject' them from the simulation they are currently in. When they come to and finally stabilize, they will explain to her what happened to them prior to their captivity.

So how did they become RAI captives to begin with? While in Japan, they were caught up in an unfortunate accident. First let's get some epic music ( going for storytelling time...all right, there we go. It was thus told...

RAI had a captive escape their laboratory into the streets of Hanamidori, Japan. RAI officials dispatched teams of elite soldiers to the streets to try to detain this individual, who was a part of their crucial experiments. The captive escaped into the Tokugawa Galleria, one of the largest mega-retailers in the region and one of Hanamidori's attractions. It is located near the border between it and its neighboring town Kamisuiwa. RAI soldiers flooded the galleria, locking it down segments at a time. They cautioned all shoppers to avoid a suspicious flighty woman and to indicate if she was spotted, claiming that she was a danger to all around her. The woman, being the captive they were chasing down, realized that she had little choice but to try to blend in with the shoppers in the galleria. During this time, she happened upon a group of what she thought were shoppers eating in the food court. They beheld her frightened, scattered face and figure and asked her to leave since they were discussing a business startup proposal.

It turns out that prior to this encounter, these individuals had been contacted by an organization called Rinji Operations, which wanted to do what it could to clean up and stave off delinquency and street crime in Japan, and that they had been singled out as trustworthy individuals due to "field observations" made in secret by several of the company's covert employees who specialized in talent acquisition. The company desired to have relatively normal citizens on its administrative board, and these individuals had eventually agreed to discuss the proposition further despite having doubts about the opportunty at first. The company seemed to be in relatively good public standing, so what could go wrong? Thus they were gathered at a business proposal over lunch in the spectacular Tokugawa Galleria.

Having stumbled upon who they suspected to be the escapee, the Rinji Operations officials suddenly tried to seize the woman after realizing who she was, one in particular resorting to physical violence to exhaust her and keep her from escaping. In the confusion, the invited individuals had seen one thing: an innocent being mistreated without proper care of authority and custody. All doubts about the company that wanted to hire them became a reality, and they began to intervene just as the RAI officers arrived. The Rinji Operations employee who had physically beat her claimed that they were staying true to their ideals, but the other officials violently opposed such intentions, claiming instead that they did not approve of those acts and were only acting out of concern for the public. Before any more discussion could be had, RAI officers acted immediately, flooding the area and seizing all who resisted. It was then that everyone caught in the skirmish realized that they had been deceived: the lone RO official had betrayed them for greedy intentions beyond their comprehension, sold them into the schemes of a greater presence. As they fought to protect the woman against this suddenly traitorous individual and the RAI officers, they were rounded up one by one, loyal RO members and the invited individuals alike, held at the mercy of RAI's advanced weaponry. The woman, with startling speed and dexterity, eluded capture and escaped into the vastness of the galleria beyond the food court.

RAI denounced the now-captives as criminals for aiding an escaped prisoner, accusing them of being in league with her. Blindfolded and handcuffed, they were led to places they could not comprehend via vehicle and foot. Before they could figure out what was going on, they were inside of a RAI base at the mercy of powerful technology. They were brought to the Kamisuiwa RAI base and forced into several testing experiments, ending with one long, virtual test that only RAI knows the intentions behind. It is then that Nitori, finally at the controls in the Kamisuiwa RAI base virtualization room, discovers their presence. She will invite them to join their quest after hearing their dislike towards RAI, asking them to aid her and her friends' cause. Having the same goal in mind, they will unite and will be entered into the virtual world known as Gensokyo, ready to put an end to the injustice they witnessed...

If you didn't guess, those invited individuals are your original characters. Very likely it will be optional to post about the scuffle in the mall, being taken to the RAI base and forced into experimentation, and then meeting with Nitori after being freed from the virtual simulation they were previous involved in. This gives you the chance to flesh out the situation as you see fit, but if you'd rather jump straight into the virtual Gensokyo action that's probably okay too. If you do post about them, the simulation for each OC will likely be up to you, but it should involve some sort of task in a virtual situation of your decision since RAI will have been testing their mental capacities and strengths over time. Unfortunately for RAI, Jeremy and Yukari broke free from their slumber in the main virtualization room and managed to take out the small RAI force overseeing the base before heading out and...getting captured again. Derp. :fail:

2. Cool story Kakybroin. So what can we start doing now?
Start thinking about the posting opportunities listed above. Even if the plot behind those situations changes, the general idea will be the same: your character will have been detained by RAI and forced into mental experiments via virtualization in the Kamisuiwa RAI base, and Nitori will free your character and invite them to join. However, please do not post in the story thread yet. See, I still haven't talked to Nemo Ma about this (shhh!) so now we have to agree on the specifics that I mentioned above...
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Raikaria on November 26, 2012, 11:12:52 PM
You know, that bgm you posted ended JUST as I finished reading the post.

I'll probably do something about the mall incident, although once RAI show up it's more of a 'run away I don't wanna fight' because David... well... hates fighting. To be planning docments!

Also I better get in contact with Sonae to ask how he/she plans to portray Yuuka, because that will have a knock-on effect on a couple of points about Elly. [eg: No point having her have mental effects from Yuuka abusing her if Yuuka isn't going to be a sadist]
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Kakyoin on November 26, 2012, 11:20:36 PM
You know, that bgm you posted ended JUST as I finished reading the post.
I'm skilled like that, so it just happens naturally, you know? Kinda like how fish jump up to form a bridge beneath Reimu's feet when--yeah okay, joke's over. :/


Also I better get in contact with Sonae to ask how he/she plans to portray Yuuka, because that will have a knock-on effect on a couple of points about Elly. [eg: No point having her have mental effects from Yuuka abusing her if Yuuka isn't going to be a sadist]
Sonae is one of the queens of canonical adherence, so I don't think you have much to worry about Sadistic Yuuka. But yes, best to drop her a message and see what she's got cooking for later.
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Ran-Rii on November 27, 2012, 01:59:54 AM
As such, right now I am in Virtual Gensokyo, yes?
And it is possible to "backtime" my posts to before I was captured...

This is interesting...
3 hours, yes?

...what was the timestamp for us...?

Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Kakyoin on November 27, 2012, 02:11:42 AM
As such, right now I am in Virtual Gensokyo, yes?
And it is possible to "backtime" my posts to before I was captured...

This is interesting...
3 hours, yes?

...what was the timestamp for us...?

Your character will not start in Virtual Gensokyo. Their first "present time" post will take place in the secondary virtualization lab after Nitori takes them out of their virtualization simulation in there. After interacting with Nitori, they will be invited to enter the Virtual Gensokyo simulation, they will presumably accept and they'll get back in their pods and she'll pull the trigger to put them in Virtual Gensokyo.

There is currently no set timestamp for all this yet, not until Nemo Ma and I finalize these plans.
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Ran-Rii on November 27, 2012, 02:19:10 AM
Your character will not start in Virtual Gensokyo. Their first "present time" post will take place in the secondary virtualization lab after Nitori takes them out of their virtualization simulation in there. After interacting with Nitori, they will be invited to enter the Virtual Gensokyo simulation, they will presumably accept and they'll get back in their pods and she'll pull the trigger to put them in Virtual Gensokyo.

There is currently no set timestamp for all this yet, not until Nemo Ma and I finalize these plans.

Alright. I think I lost you somewhere.
The part about us being able to post now still requires confirmation from Nemo Ma, huh...
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Kakyoin on November 27, 2012, 02:24:29 AM
Alright. I think I lost you somewhere.
The part about us being able to post now still requires confirmation from Nemo Ma, huh...
Reread the second step for new joiners in my initial post. :)  I already stated that it required confirmation from her. I took on the task of integrating you all in, and she's mostly approved of it so far, but she hasn't yet said "okay now let's finalize it." But knowing her, she won't unless I go to her about it.

I'll kick her for some answers asap, don't worry. Time to be a nagging husband again!
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Ran-Rii on November 27, 2012, 02:26:51 AM
Reread the second step for new joiners in my initial post. :)  I already stated that it required confirmation from her. I took on the task of integrating you all in, and she's mostly approved of it so far, but she hasn't yet said "okay now let's finalize it." But knowing her, she won't unless I go to her about it.

I'll kick her for some answers asap, don't worry. Time to be a nagging husband again!

Oh, I see!
Didn't read hard enough. Thanks!
Title: @Newcomers: details for posting.
Post by: Kakyoin on November 30, 2012, 08:25:44 AM
Good news, everyone! Nemo Ma has OK'd the integration situation I set up for newcomers (Ran-Rii, Raikaria, and others interested in joining in the near future). Details follow.

-You have many posting opportunities, or windows for posting. Optional windows have an asterisk (*) next to them. Each window has one or more timestamps that you must use to signify what day and time the content occurs at. See the story thread (,9486.210.html) for examples of how timestamps are used.

    *1. Description: How your OC got in touch with Rinji Operations and arranged to meet RO officials at Tokugawa Galleria for the business opportunity meeting. Timestamp: Day 1 - <Your choice of time> - <Your choice of location> (a city in Japan, fictional or not)

    *2. Description: The meeting with Rinji Operations officials at Tokugawa Galleria over lunch, pre-escapee encounter. Timestamp: 11:15am - Day 1 - Hanamidori, Japan - Tokugawa Galleria (Food Court)

    *3. Description: The meeting with Rinji Operations officials at Tokugawa Galleria over lunch, during the escapee encounter (RAI standoff, RO official betrayal, OCs are handcuffed and blindfolded). Timestamp: 11:30am - Day 1 - Hanamidori, Japan - Tokugawa Galleria (Food Court)

    4. Description: OC capture and detaining sequence (a. OCs are taken outside the Tokugawa Galleria to the RAI Graveyard base in neighboring town Kamisuiwa via foot and vehicle transport, then b. placed inside virtualization machines in the Graveyard base smaller virtualization room). Timestamps: a. 11:30am - Day 1 - Hanamidori, Japan - Tokugawa Galleria (Food Court) b. 11:35am - Day 1 - Kamisuiwa, Japan - RAI Graveyard Base (Inner Virtualization Room)

    *5. Description: OCs experience the mentally-stressing simulation they are put into (your choice of simulation). Timestamp: Virtual World - <Your choice of location> - Day ?, ??:??am.

    6. Description: Nitori discovers the inner virtualization room and disables the simulations, then meets the OCs in said room. OCs agree to aid Nitori's cause and she places them into the Virtual Gensokyo simulation after asking them to talk to Amarillo or Ken and then form pacts with their designated partners. Timestamp: Kamisuiwa, Japan - RAI Graveyard Base (Inner Virtualization Room) - Day 3, 11:42pm

    7. Description: OCs arrive in Virtual Gensokyo. Timestamp: Virtual Gensokyo - <Gensokyo location of choice> - Day 3, 7:40pm

    8. You are then free to do as you please in the Virtual Gensokyo, as long as you try to acquire the partner(s) of choice using pacts.

        a. Post in the story thread here (,9486.0.html).
        b. You have control over what NPC characters say, so long as the plot in your posts follows the descriptions outlined in the timestamps for each posting window. Imagination is your bff. :D
        c. You may collaborate with any other newcomers to include multiple OCs in the same post (i.e. post collaboration).
        d. You may combine any # of posting windows into any number of posts. For example, you could write content for windows 2 and 3 and put it in a single post.
        e. The escapee has long dirty blonde hair, and she is wearing a torn and tattered uniform with no recognizable insignia. Her name will not be revealed.
        More clarifications will be added here as questions are asked.

Happy posting! :)
Title: Re: @Newcomers: details for posting.
Post by: Ran-Rii on November 30, 2012, 08:42:56 AM
Good news, everyone! Nemo Ma has OK'd the integration situation I set up for newcomers (Ran-Rii, Raikaria, and others interested in joining in the near future). Details follow.

-You have many posting opportunities, or windows for posting. Optional windows have an asterisk (*) next to them. Each window has one or more timestamps that you must use to signify what day and time the content occurs at. See the story thread (,9486.210.html) for examples of how timestamps are used.

    *1. Description: How your OC got in touch with Rinji Operations and arranged to meet RO officials at Tokugawa Galleria for the business opportunity meeting. Timestamp: Day 1 - <Your choice of time> - <Your choice of location> (a city in Japan, fictional or not)

    *2. Description: The meeting with Rinji Operations officials at Tokugawa Galleria over lunch, pre-escapee encounter. Timestamp: 11:15am - Day 1 - Hanamidori, Japan - Tokugawa Galleria (Food Court)

    *3. Description: The meeting with Rinji Operations officials at Tokugawa Galleria over lunch, during the escapee encounter (RAI standoff, RO official betrayal, OCs are handcuffed and blindfolded). Timestamp: 11:30am - Day 1 - Hanamidori, Japan - Tokugawa Galleria (Food Court)

    4. Description: OC capture and detaining sequence (a. OCs are taken outside the Tokugawa Galleria to the RAI Graveyard base in neighboring town Kamisuiwa via foot and vehicle transport, then b. placed inside virtualization machines in the Graveyard base smaller virtualization room). Timestamps: a. 11:30am - Day 1 - Hanamidori, Japan - Tokugawa Galleria (Food Court) b. 11:35am - Day 1 - Kamisuiwa, Japan - RAI Graveyard Base (Inner Virtualization Room)

    *5. Description: OCs experience the mentally-stressing simulation they are put into (your choice of simulation). Timestamp: Virtual World - <Your choice of location> - Day ?, ??:??am.

    6. Description: Nitori discovers the inner virtualization room and disables the simulations, then meets the OCs in said room. OCs agree to aid Nitori's cause and she places them into the Virtual Gensokyo simulation after asking them to talk to Amarillo or Ken and then form pacts with their designated partners. Timestamp: Kamisuiwa, Japan - RAI Graveyard Base (Inner Virtualization Room) - Day 3, 11:42pm

    7. Description: OCs arrive in Virtual Gensokyo. Timestamp: Virtual Gensokyo - <Gensokyo location of choice> - Day 3, 7:40pm

    8. You are then free to do as you please in the Virtual Gensokyo, as long as you try to acquire the partner(s) of choice using pacts.

        a. Post in the story thread here (,9486.0.html).
        b. You have control over what NPC characters say, so long as the plot in your posts follows the descriptions outlined in the timestamps for each posting window. Imagination is your bff. :D
        c. You may collaborate with any other newcomers to include multiple OCs in the same post (i.e. post collaboration).
        d. You may combine any # of posting windows into any number of posts. For example, you could write content for windows 2 and 3 and put it in a single post.
        e. The escapee has long dirty blonde hair, and she is wearing a torn and tattered uniform with no recognizable insignia. Her name will not be revealed.
        More clarifications will be added here as questions are asked.

Happy posting! :)


Alright, first question: WTH is Shinji operations, (Yeah they keep peace, etc. etc.) and
what is RAI's objective/job/doing? (Or we cannot think of a simulation?)

Also, are our Partners initially restrained by RAI?
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Kakyoin on November 30, 2012, 09:19:03 AM
Q: What is RAI's objective/job/doing?
A: Secret. ;)

Q: Simulation? What do I do for that?
A: Basically, RAI is trying to test the limits of human mental capacity, and how they do it to your OC is up to you. RAI captured the OCs because they believe that they are in league with the escapee, and thus may hold clues to furthering their experimentation research.

Q: Are our partners initially restrained by RAI?
A: Yes, they are physically located inside of virtualization pods in the primary virtualization room. RAI's software has partitioned their memories, so inside of the virtual Gensokyo they have no memories of reality whatsoever, and it if your job to have your OCs convince them that they need to escape the fake world and break out into reality. Your OCs will be physically located in the inner virtualization room, but will connect to the same virtual Gensokyo world after Nitori finds them and informs them of what's going on (also they should talk to either Ken or Amarillo in the virtual world for more details).
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Ran-Rii on November 30, 2012, 09:41:18 AM
Q: What is RAI's objective/job/doing?
A: Secret. ;)

Q: Simulation? What do I do for that?
A: Basically, RAI is trying to test the limits of human mental capacity, and how they do it to your OC is up to you. RAI captured the OCs because they believe that they are in league with the escapee, and thus may hold clues to furthering their experimentation research.

Q: Are our partners initially restrained by RAI?
A: Yes, they are physically located inside of virtualization pods in the primary virtualization room. RAI's software has partitioned their memories, so inside of the virtual Gensokyo they have no memories of reality whatsoever, and it if your job to have your OCs convince them that they need to escape the fake world and break out into reality. Your OCs will be physically located in the inner virtualization room, but will connect to the same virtual Gensokyo world after Nitori finds them and informs them of what's going on (also they should talk to either Ken or Amarillo in the virtual world for more details).

Thank you. That should aid me greatly in making my paragraphs as accurate as possible.
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Ran-Rii on November 30, 2012, 11:31:33 AM
If anyone wants to write Window #2 and #3 and #4, and are looking for a partnership, please do inform me. I am interested in a collaboration for these parts.

(Raikaria, are you okay with a partnership with me?)

Also, one more question, Kakyoin, will there be mana supplied to the Touhous in Virtual Gensokyo? (What would they be doing there, minding their own business, or slaving for RAI?
One more thing, Ken, but I need approval to use your character. I shall post my proposal to the temporary chatroom.
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Raikaria on November 30, 2012, 03:32:32 PM
I intend to write all the Windows.

Last I checked Window #4 wasn't optional, however.
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Ran-Rii on November 30, 2012, 03:38:50 PM
I intend to write all the Windows.

Last I checked Window #4 wasn't optional, however.

But it would be nice to actually standardize the flow of events.
I know window 4 is not optional.
Though I suppose we can do 2, 3, 4 together? I am thinking of skipping 5, but... meh. I think, since they want to test mental capacity, they'll get mental capacity.

I judt want to make sure we will not have a continuity break, and would like to know what actions you would like to take during the part where we are attacked by RAI.
Also, the contents of the talk: What sort of business proposal? Will you be suggestive during the talk, or take a passive role?

Just for continuity's sake, sorta.

So, can we work on the events of 2, 3, 4, as a team? It is okay if you do not wish to.
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Ran-Rii on December 01, 2012, 02:21:43 PM
And so, Raikaria, what is your pick?

Us discussing the whole thing, one of us writing the story first before the other one ties in, or do we just give vague-ish information (Just the main event, not much detail, and the resemblance would be mentioned later in the fic?)

[Note: My character will be highly hostile, and would probably be very suspicious, or try to kill you people one a many times. Slightly Paranoid, I think, a little differing from the bio I wrote for him, but I will change the bio entry in due course.]
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Raikaria on December 01, 2012, 02:58:01 PM
Oh, I'm happy to go along with what you post. I don't have a solid plan for what I want to accomplish during the meeting except avoiding conflict when RAI shows up and not being happy at the abuse of the female, as well as asking a couple of questions.
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Ran-Rii on December 01, 2012, 03:03:34 PM
Oh, I'm happy to go along with what you post. I don't have a solid plan for what I want to accomplish during the meeting except avoiding conflict when RAI shows up and not being happy at the abuse of the female, as well as asking a couple of questions.

Alright. I shall go and work on the chapter now. I have pretty much some plans in mind.
I also will leave some windows, feel free to ask your questions to the people then. (Tsubame/Owen will be not paying attention for quite a while, I think. He'll be getting a drink.)
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Kakyoin on December 04, 2012, 07:19:08 PM
I like what I see so far, Ran-Rii and Raikaria, both in here and with your posts. Great reading! :D

I'll have another post up soon, starting it in the next few minutes (although knowing me, if it involves just my own characters, I tend to run away with it and make it long and detailed). In the meantime, if anyone else is interested in joining this roleplay,  please read through this thread to find out how to apply and join!
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Sonae on December 04, 2012, 09:54:05 PM
My apologies, everyone. I may not be able to post for the next few weeks. I apologize for the inconvenience. I am currently going through a very rough situation that is more or less sapping the life out of me. Please forgive me for causing any delays. I shall be back to posting when I feel I can handle the task.
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Kakyoin on December 04, 2012, 11:26:41 PM
My apologies, everyone. I may not be able to post for the next few weeks. I apologize for the inconvenience. I am currently going through a very rough situation that is more or less sapping the life out of me. Please forgive me for causing any delays. I shall be back to posting when I feel I can handle the task.

No problem, take care of more important things first. :D. This should be relatively low priority, anyway. More importantly, thank you for telling us about this. Good luck with your situation.
Title: Adult content is not allowed on MotK.
Post by: Kakyoin on December 06, 2012, 09:24:31 PM

Due to a recent problem with this subject, let me make this clear to everyone participating in Neo WUFTD: There is absolutely no adult content allowed on Maidens of the Kaleidoscope. MotK does not want to be represented by such content, regardless of intentions when discussing or showing it on these forums.

However, this roleplay allows adult content. If you would like to include adult content in your Neo WUFTD posts, you must do the following:

1. Host the adult content on an outside host website (Dropbox or any other online text hosting service will do) and link to it from your story thread post.

2. Label the link to the adult content with a clear indicator that the link leads to adult content (such as "18+", "Adult Content", "NSFW" or any combination of them).

For more information about forum rules, please read them here (,4484.0.html). Thank you in advance. Let's keep having a good time. :)
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Raikaria on December 08, 2012, 11:55:21 PM
I just noticed that Ran-Rii has been permabanned.

Which kinda sucks because I was basing what I was writing off his lead, because I was busy with Uni commitments. [3 group courseworks due within 2 weeks of each other sucks, especially when you're group leader of ALL THREE.]

Give me a chance to get a plot together to lead off where Ran-Rii left off.

Makes me wonder if the reminder has anything to do with Ran-Rii's banning...
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Kakyoin on December 09, 2012, 12:37:12 AM
I just noticed that Ran-Rii has been permabanned.

Which kinda sucks because I was basing what I was writing off his lead, because I was busy with Uni commitments. [3 group courseworks due within 2 weeks of each other sucks, especially when you're group leader of ALL THREE.]

Give me a chance to get a plot together to lead off where Ran-Rii left off.

Makes me wonder if the reminder has anything to do with Ran-Rii's banning...
The announcement did have to do with Ran-Rii's ban. It was based entirely outside this roleplay, but as such he is unable to post here anymore.

However, Ran-Rii is allowed to continue with the roleplay (I double-checked with Nemo Ma on this, it's fine). But he may not make any posts himself; they will have to be done on his behalf via myself or Nemo Ma. This means nothing is wasted, but all communication with him will have to be done through the Saniwa Shrine chat for now (unless he has another medium of communication).
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Raikaria on December 10, 2012, 07:41:48 PM
If neither of the GM's have heard from Ran-Rii by Friday I'll start planning out to move on without him.
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Kakyoin on December 12, 2012, 07:22:22 PM
If neither of the GM's have heard from Ran-Rii by Friday I'll start planning out to move on without him.
I heard from Ran-Rii yesterday, he wants to continue what he started with you. Talk to him in the Saniwa Shrine chatroom for now, please, or if he's not there then leave him a message. I'm away from my computer so I cannot do this now due to lack of the URL, but he has a message for you that I'll PM to you asap. He also has a post that I will publish on his behalf asap.
Title: Neo WUFTD "Sandbox Style" - Like or Dislike?
Post by: Kakyoin on December 27, 2012, 11:21:06 PM
Since I've seen so little activity in Neo WUFTD in general as of late due to a multitude of reasons, I'm starting to question whether or not participants are enjoying or have time for the 'sandbox' style of roleplaying that this roleplay lives and swears by. If you don't know what 'sandbox' is, imagine that a roleplay is a real, physical sandbox full of sand, plenty of toys that children would enjoy playing with, and objects with which to fill the sand with, such as buckets. Placing a child in the sandbox gives them completely free reign: they can build or do anything with the sand and the surrounding toys or objects around them. This is essentially what this roleplay is doing: it's dropping you into a situation and letting you do with it as you please.

I've been observing the frequency of activity depending on the situations we have presented in the roleplay thus far. I noticed that when we were integrating the first round of new participants in S2 (Amra, Marokuu, Sonae, etc.) we had a bustle of activity comparatively speaking. During this time we were laying out rails, or guidelines for players, significantly more than we have been otherwise during that time. Compare this to right now: participants have been thrown into the sandbox that is the virtual Gensokyo, free to do as they please as long as they eventually obtain their partners, and responses have slowed to a crawl significantly compared to the previous time period.

So now I must ask of everyone: Do you want more guidance? Would you like more situations set up for you ('spoonfed' plot)? I've been following along with what Nemo Ma has said to do so far (leave it as a sandbox), but I have my doubts about this working out well (combined with the ill-matching that I've hinted at several times already, this could spell bad news for the roleplay).
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: CrowCakes on December 28, 2012, 12:31:32 AM
For my part, Kakyoin, I've been trying to contact IO, whose character isn't far away from mine. I planned to collab with him, but he hasn't been responding, so I can't actually wrap my head around how I'm going to lay down all the events I want by myself. Recent family excursions have not been helpful.

Now that you mention this:
Quote from: Kakyoin
Do you want more guidance?
If I can find the time to: a) contact you or Nemo, and b) get started on my post, this would be extremely helpful.
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Kakyoin on December 28, 2012, 01:18:50 AM
For my part, Kakyoin, I've been trying to contact IO, whose character isn't far away from mine. I planned to collab with him, but he hasn't been responding, so I can't actually wrap my head around how I'm going to lay down all the events I want by myself. Recent family excursions have not been helpful.
IdiotsOpposite has also been occupied with his work situation. I've contacted him about it so he's aware.

Now that you mention this: If I can find the time to: a) contact you or Nemo, and b) get started on my post, this would be extremely helpful.
I had a feeling this would come up. I'll have a talk with Nemo Ma about this. In the meantime, I'll be on duty for answering anyone's questions as always.
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Nemo★Ma on December 28, 2012, 03:07:47 AM
If anyone find themselves facing the problem of "What to Start" or "How to Start" they can always come to me and we'll figure out something. Heck I'm even willing to setting up a chat room/group somewhere just to deal with this matter. (Or if you guys are willing to use QQ (, I can set up a chatgroup and since I'm on that 24/7 you'll guaranteeing to get my reply on whatever stuff you want to ask sooner or later)

But for me, I'm against laying down the guidelines in-story post. Because I don't want the RP to behave like this:
Mission: Partner the Partners!
Mission Type: Regular, Crisis
               Get into Virtual Gensokyo
               Gather your partners (0/3)
                             Gather Lily White
                             Gather Lily Black
                             Gather Daiyousei
              Get ready for the exit!
Your Next Mission in the Story Arc: Shootdown Shoot Around

no, no, NO.

Which, to put it frankly, this MMORPG-like guidelines are actually what is happening right here. and personally I don't like this, at all because it counters creativity.
Title: Some more notes about posting now.
Post by: Kakyoin on December 29, 2012, 05:19:42 AM
If anyone find themselves facing the problem of "What to Start" or "How to Start" they can always come to me and we'll figure out something. Heck I'm even willing to setting up a chat room/group somewhere just to deal with this matter. (Or if you guys are willing to use QQ (, I can set up a chatgroup and since I'm on that 24/7 you'll guaranteeing to get my reply on whatever stuff you want to ask sooner or later)

But for me, I'm against laying down the guidelines in-story post. Because I don't want the RP to behave like this:
Mission: Partner the Partners!
Mission Type: Regular, Crisis
               Get into Virtual Gensokyo
               Gather your partners (0/3)
                             Gather Lily White
                             Gather Lily Black
                             Gather Daiyousei
              Get ready for the exit!
Your Next Mission in the Story Arc: Shootdown Shoot Around

no, no, NO.

Which, to put it frankly, this MMORPG-like guidelines are actually what is happening right here. and personally I don't like this, at all because it counters creativity.
My own two cents on the matter:

Neo WUFTD is a lot to bite off (heard the expression "bit off more than you could chew" before?). In other words, this roleplay takes a lot of time and effort to make quality posts for. I think that Nemo Ma's expectations are justified; however, they are extreme and, due to likely roleplay:participant mismatching, not the best way to solve this problem. I've been following her lead on these decisions so far since she was one of the original GMs for Neo WUFTD, but I think this is taking it too far. However, she has several good points that I feel are worth reiterating:

1. We don't want to make this a series of quests. In other words, we don't want this roleplay to become an endless series of quests that limits your ability to have freedom and the ability to make your own decisions as to how the roleplay will go for you. At the same time though, we like to see initiative and a willingness to make this roleplay great with your efforts.

2. We are here if you need inspiration, ideas, or guidance. This may sound like an unfriendly answer, but you have been informed of what the current situation is (have your OC acquire partners in the virtual Gensokyo), so there is no excuse to not know what to do (although as I'm about to mention, there is likely some general confusion as to where to start). So you need to bug us if you aren't sure what to do.

The main problem I see right now, aside from obvious school/work/other real life things delaying participation, is that no one is sure of where to start. It's like an open-ended prompt on an essay in a literature class: you aren't quite sure where to begin because you can go in so many directions. There is no apparent right or wrong answer. So I propose the following:

If you don't know what you should do, shoot myself or Nemo Ma a PM or contact us otherwise and we can offer some guidance or inspiration on where to go for your next post(s) in the story. Bother us. We are here for that very reason.

I can guess that several participants would like some guidance in this sandbox roleplay. If this is the case, we will give you guard rails and point you in a direction to go. We do want to see creativity and excitement naturally occur without having to intervene, but it is not fair to participants that came into this roleplay without realizing what it is (and to be perfectly fair, Nemo Ma did not make that clear so you are all forgiven).

For example, let's take Crow's case since he recently posted about this being a desirable thing. Currently, he has not gotten very far into the virtual Gensokyo. Let's assume that he would like a bit of guidance or direction on what to do. Let's also assume that he wants to have an event with IdiotsOpposite, whos OC Zach has the destined partners Aya Shameimaru, Rin Kaenbyou, Tenshi Hinanawi, Fujiwara no Mokou. Let's consider Crow's destined partners: Suika Ibuki, Suwako Moriya, Letty Whiterock. We want him to have his OC, Danao, acquire all of them eventually. So I could give Crow some ideas:

1. Danao could encounter Suwako talking to Orin about making sure that Utsuho doesn't go wild during the disappearance crisis (the event where many of the virtual Gensokyo's inhabitants disappeared into reality). Danao could then easily set up a situation for making a pact with Suwako, and it gives IdiotsOpposite a chance to get involved in posting as well since it concerns Orin.

2. Danao could find Letty scolding Tenshi for planning on some devious blizzard to fall on Gensokyo to add to the chaos, stating it's her job; IO's OC Zach could approach them as well. This sets up a situation where they can dual post.

3. This is more of a note: Since Mokou has been used in story for a while, only recently released after Duke's OC Andy acquired Keine and subsequently Ken and Ran's pact backfiring, she should probably be acquired by IO last. So Crow shouldn't be too concerned with Mokou in his posts at all unless he visits the Human Village when Mokou happens to be there (this complicates his posting task though, since it requires more coordination and effort).

These are just a few things I could suggest to him. We can do this for any of you, so ask away if you would like guidance!
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: GuardianTempest on December 29, 2012, 01:55:47 PM
I'll be away for New Year's, so I won't be able to see whatever may happen. Also, could use some intervention.
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Raikaria on December 30, 2012, 10:51:04 PM
I'll probably need a nudge on the 'Meeting with Ken or Amarillo', in how to go about doing that exactly, since I'm not sure about how they would go about explaining to David, and don't want to mess up their characters, or exactly what those characters would explain in the first place [They can only explain what their own knowledge allows, after all]

Probably something I'd need to further discuss on the Chatroom or PM's, but just bringing it up here and now as notice [I still need to plan the encounters with the trio of girls, who I intend to meet in the order Elly-> Elis-> Kurumi, and Elis is going to be a mistaken identity case on David's part looking for Elly's old friend.]

I hope I got Nitori right.

If I got any details wrong, let me know and I'll edit them.
Title: Sorry. I'm quitting.
Post by: Kakyoin on January 07, 2013, 01:49:56 AM
After some discussion with various Neo WUFTD participants, past WUFTD participants and the other GM Nemo Ma about Neo WUFTD as a whole, I regret to say that I don't feel obligated to remain in this roleplay any longer. I'm throwing in the towel and not only stepping down as GM of this roleplay, but also ending my participation in the roleplay completely.

What does this mean for the roleplay?
-Nemo Ma will be the sole GM of the roleplay, and will be the only one who should be contacted about the roleplay now. She will also receive all documents that I have maintained in relevance to the roleplay.
-My team and characters are at the command of anyone who wishes to use them for any purposes in the story. They can be 'stored' (trapped) in the virtual Gensokyo otherwise.

Kakyoin y u do dis to me? :(
Without overextending myself, I'll say that I've grown bitter about the direction the roleplay has been going. Since Neo WUFTD (Season 2) started, the roleplay has, in my opinion, been going downhill since all of the WUFTD (Season 1) original participants left, especially the former other 2 GMs: Gappy and E-Nazrin. They were not poor leaders by any means, they just had other obligations in life. Neo WUFTD was essentially given a new skin to wear after that, and since then we've had to stretch it out to the point where we've had trouble getting participation and had to look for new, more interested/initiative-taking roleplayers to join us.
    The nail in the coffin for me is the general approach Nemo Ma has chosen for managing this very hands-off, sandbox roleplay. Since I became a GM after the others had to leave it behind, I trusted Nemo Ma to maintain the roleplay from behind the scenes, guiding it as she wanted it to be guided, while I focused on generating exciting content, pulling in new participants, organizing information and communicating as much as possible with everyone. Now that we've reached yet another lull in participation, I disagree with her management style, and I don't think it's worth it for me to continue as a GM for a roleplay with an emphasis on hands-off management. That said, Nemo Ma is not a poor leader, we are just different in how we manage things. Your best bet for contacting Nemo Ma is at the Saniwa Shrine public chat (, inside the Gensokyo - WUFTD tab.

It was a pleasure GMing a forum roleplay for the first time. I'm thinking about starting my own roleplay sometime soon, as I already have some ideas. I apologize for anyone left behind as a result of this; I know that I had pending plans with Raikaria, so perhaps something can be worked out there. I hope this roleplay continues on with as much success as it has had, if not more! :)
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Raikaria on January 07, 2013, 10:12:02 AM
In regards to me, I'll either see if I can hammer out something with Nemo Ma, or use the pre-agreed plans to establish something similar, with Ken as an NPC.

I can work around things, although naturally I'm disappointed to hear the news.
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Nemo★Ma on January 09, 2013, 09:17:07 AM
What I need to said have been already said in this thread and in various other places.

Ken's Google Documents will be transferred to Mysterious Database ( since my browser keeps trying to mess with my online identity and real identity. (Don't Ask)

I have plans for the following chapters, as of now, please acquire your partners in VR!Gensokyo. If you need any guidelines on how, when, where, and who to start, you can find me at Saniwa Shrine Chatroom. Notice I won't provide any sort of guidelines in-story via deus ex machina or Amarillo Viridian.

You can do whatever you want to acquire your partner from this point.
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Nemo★Ma on January 10, 2013, 07:25:33 PM
BUMP to provide yet another way (and 100% guaranteeing I would see it) of finding me to discuss everything you need.

You can find me on QQ, a popular Chinese IM Client, I have set up a group channel for this RP.
(before anyone goes "Chinese Overlords ruin everything": I heard some Touhou Wiki contributors are using QQ for communication too.)
It's one of the surefire ways of reaching me without using the webchat..

First, you go here ( ( and apply for a QQ account.

Then, download QQ International and install it. Don't worry, the international version don't have anything that's related to its Chinese counterpart. and it's fully English.

After you installed it, login using your QQ ID and password, then click the Find Friends button, it's the 2nd button located on the bottom of the window.

Once you're there, you should have a "Find Friends" window open. switch to the "Join a group" tab, and enter this group number:
You should see a single group appearing, click the "+" symbol to open the verification window, in this window, fill in your forum ID and your OC name and submit it.
(Don't leave that empty or I'll ignore you! It's not my fault, spambots are popular in China too!)
By the way, after your information are verified, you can open the group chat window anytime by selecting the Groups tab in the main window and double click on the group name.

After I verified you you are now in the group and you can leave messages in it so I can see it, or you can just ask me questions if I'm here.
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: natten20 on January 10, 2013, 08:49:35 PM
Nice. This will come in handy in times of need.

P.S I hope I did it right...
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Nemo★Ma on March 10, 2013, 11:55:25 PM
Okay, we're back.
Wait what?! We are never gone in the first place! don't look at me like that!!

Now, I have provided some help in-story.
Nitori just happens to have this broadcast/monitor system on-line. and Amarillo is heading everywhere to check up the status of the OCs.

That's your chance if you don't know what to do after you acquire your partner.

Though, if you don't know how to acquire your partner... my suggestion is to look at others who did it, and plan accordingly. You can also contact me via chatroom or QQ Group, if I'm not there, you can leave me a message since I'll always notice the messages.

Good Luck getting your partners! Let's get the party started.
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Raikaria on March 11, 2013, 04:11:54 AM
I really should have posted a lot sooner, but writer's block hit about how exactly Elis would be bumped into, and then I simply forgot since the thread sunk.

I've put something up now. Should be able to post again in a few days once I've decided a few specifics on how I want this Elis thing to play out.

Oh, a minor thing, and Elly and David are headed for the Lake of Blood and Mugenkan, not the Garden of the Sun. Elly doesn't know Yuuka moved after she was fired yet. That said, I'm not sure if Keine would know about Mugenkan anyway.
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: Nemo★Ma on March 11, 2013, 12:23:49 PM

Oh, a minor thing, and Elly and David are headed for the Lake of Blood and Mugenkan, not the Garden of the Sun. Elly doesn't know Yuuka moved after she was fired yet. That said, I'm not sure if Keine would know about Mugenkan anyway.

Exactly, that's why Keine directed them to the Garden of the Sun.
Deux ex Machina will direct them once they arrives, or something.
Title: Re: Neo WUFTD Discussion Thread - Mark 3 (Open! Anyone can join!)
Post by: GuardianTempest on March 14, 2013, 11:00:17 PM
Oh we're back? Woah, just as I was mubling to myself how this is another valiant effort.

Anyways, it's crunch time for me since it's finals week(s) in my place, and since how most of my finals are'll take a while.