Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Hakurei Shrine~ => Help Me, Eirin! => Topic started by: MMX on March 13, 2012, 05:36:21 PM

Title: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MMX on March 13, 2012, 05:36:21 PM
Previous thread (,6057.0.html)

Let's continue sharing our touhou derps and amazing fuckups! :D
No rage, plz! Take it easy, or go tho the current rage thread

Let's try to pull EoSD extra no-bombs with Marisa A yeah!

Deaths to Philosopher Stone, Cranberry trap, Laevatein, Kagome Kagome and nonspell after Starbow Break. Capturing the rest including Maze of love from the bottom with Marisa (
Well, i feel like skilled enough to pull this, but need some practice to recall how to do things, i guess.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: xForeverFanaticx on March 13, 2012, 11:28:50 PM
ah fck. I absolutely HATE that fairy just before Patchouli... Need to figure out some way to make my life easier... Question: How did you EVER get a death on Laevatein? O.o

Oddly enough, I once managed to capture all of Patchy's cards as MarisaA. Weird.

EDIT: @@ Tried it again. Got to Starbow Break. I can't micrododge with marisa for Maze of Love... So I must learn the right way O:

For the fairy just before Patchy, I've decided to dodge in the corner rather than plan out power drops for screenclears (just do that before the fairy comes to clear it of the old bullets).
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MMX on March 13, 2012, 11:55:21 PM
ah fck. I absolutely HATE that fairy just before Patchouli... Need to figure out some way to make my life easier... Question: How did you EVER get a death on Laevatein? O.o

Oddly enough, I once managed to capture all of Patchy's cards as MarisaA. Weird.

EDIT: @@ Tried it again. Got to Starbow Break. I can't micrododge with marisa for Maze of Love... So I must learn the right way O:

For the fairy just before Patchy, I've decided to dodge in the corner rather than plan out power drops for screenclears (just do that before the fairy comes to clear it of the old bullets).
Both fail to Laevatein and micrododging MoL were lulz out of nowhere :V As for pre-Patchouli fairy i recommend stand under her as high as possible, so you get some space behind you to retire. And after dodging every wave - try to move higher for same reason. And of course it's better to anticipate where she'll throw next wall and don't panic while avoiding it.

P.S.: Behold my new epic failure in EoSD extra ( No comments on this (

@Naut: I just thought the old thread is about to reach the limit, while noone posting in it. And i've got a new derp to share, so why not to start a new thread with it. But okay, i've got your point.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Naut on March 14, 2012, 12:10:21 AM
It's not a race to create a new thread. Please wait until the old thread is locked to create a new one.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Byaaakuren on March 14, 2012, 01:42:36 AM
Ran into an arrowhead in the beginning of stage 5, ending my run ( :derp:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on March 14, 2012, 02:07:01 AM
I love getting hit by Swallowtail Butterfly before the lasers even appear.

Seriously, what.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zil on March 15, 2012, 02:19:04 AM
This thread tends to be funny, so I'll get involved here. And what have I done recently?

7 consecutive deaths and game over to LFS! On Hard mode! It's true that I was paying no attention, but wow. I should've kept the replay.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Byaaakuren on March 15, 2012, 06:06:25 AM
Lost final life to Byakuren's first Spell Card because I decided to run into a bullet (

On Easy Modo
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Silent Harmony on March 15, 2012, 06:14:41 AM
You know Youmu's 2nd nonspell? The one were you stand still and then only tap once to dodge all 3 waves of bullets and knives?

Apparently I didn't tap hard enough.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Phlegeth on March 15, 2012, 06:23:01 AM
I can't use Reimu in UFO, I had the worst stage four run ever.  I enter it without dieing on the previous levels.  I then proceed to die twice before even reaching Murasa and then to each nonspell.  Got smacked with a anchor not even two seconds into the spell card.  Although on the brightside I did manage to capture the other two spell cards.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Erppo on March 15, 2012, 08:51:20 AM
I don't get the title.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Makai Butterfly on March 15, 2012, 09:42:22 AM
I don't get the title.

It's a reply to the original title "Derp Thread [III] Cave Edition." They're just saying that Touhou is harder.

As for my derp moment of the day, I JUST NOW realized that Sakuya's Misdirection spell card is basically entirely aimed, so if I don't move an inch until she stops firing, I can just tap to bypass everything.  WHY DID I NOT KNOW THIS UNTIL NOW!?  I was always going from one side of the screen to the other to be ready for her when she reappeared on the opposite side, causing the kunais to go everywhere.  THIS IS SO MUCH EASIER!  :toot:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MMX on March 15, 2012, 10:07:13 AM
I don't get the title.
The alternative was "I've so totally dodged this!"
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MTSranger on March 16, 2012, 01:12:58 AM
Captured VoWG and Source of Rains in the same run. >:D
Died once to opener, 2nd spell, 3rd spell  :derp:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on March 16, 2012, 01:34:05 AM
TD Lunatic



Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Byaaakuren on March 16, 2012, 02:08:57 AM
>Dies to Nitori's last card
>Nitori explodes
>Realizes he forgot to pick up the power items
>Enters Stage 4 with less power
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: strangedudemeh on March 16, 2012, 03:58:13 AM
Well, I stopped playing for about 2 months (I kinda lost interest to the games and has other stuff to do) but today I was bored, so I launched EoSD... and of course failed.  :V I died on Stage 2 and continued on Stage 4. But on a plus note, I almost perfected Remilia (except Red Magic, but that's no surprise, as I always fail at it, and some other spell, whose name I forgot)
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: pineyappled on March 16, 2012, 04:10:32 AM
Did I seriously just die to Chen on normal modo?

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MTSranger on March 16, 2012, 05:12:20 AM
Dropped more than 4 life pieces in stage 4 - so much for working hard to summon red UFOs!

Only 2 pieces, actually, but still doesn't change how derp it is.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Formless God on March 16, 2012, 05:12:59 AM
Welp, I died on the last phase of Nue's last spell.
It was a perfect run up to that point.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Desu_Cake on March 16, 2012, 10:36:23 AM
Playing TD.
Reached the start of stage 5 with 4 lives.
Lost all 4 lives before reaching Futo.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on March 17, 2012, 12:01:09 AM
> enters Mysterious Snake Show

hmmm I wonder if playing as sanae makes this any harder- my history as Reimu is like 5 / 5 on this so I don't see why

> pichuu~un

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Drake on March 17, 2012, 08:30:10 AM
ahahahaha i've been playing ufo lunatic so long that i'm actually playing worse on hard mode just because of the shift in difficulty
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on March 17, 2012, 09:14:07 AM
I need to post in this thread to stay updated about it so...

Dying twice to Nue's survival is pretty stupid. Especially considering that one of them was running into the laser grid while it wasn't moving.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on March 17, 2012, 09:43:58 AM
Oh hey there Kogasa how do you feel about my shotgunning you this fine da-

*runs into her*


I REALLY need to stop doing this. Happens way to often.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on March 17, 2012, 01:48:05 PM
Oh hey there Kogasa how do you feel about my shotgunning you this fine da-

*runs into her*


I REALLY need to stop doing this. Happens way to often.

*circles right around the first part of shizuha's nonspell
*plans to come down on other side
*misjudges horizontal position
*slides against the left side of her hitbox
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MMX on March 17, 2012, 05:54:59 PM
Today surely isn't a good day to play touhou.
I feel like a noob, who's just unlocked EoSD extra, dying to everything from deathfairy to books and cant get to Flandre without derps :fail:
And thhen i thought: "Screw this! Let's do a regular run with bombs to get further and practice her last spells!" But i gameovered on Catadioptric (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: DeltaSierra4 on March 17, 2012, 06:33:08 PM
These threads indeed look more interesting and fun to read...
So, after not playing danmaku games for about 6 months, I felt like getting back on the game... Did worse in all games (e.g. dying on 1st stage of TD on normal mode, keep hitting fairies where I shouldn't) except for PCB (always died out on 3rd stage on normal mode) because I made it to stage 5 without dying once -- possibly by luck, because I lost all my 7 lives to Youmu.

I guess my fail of the day: Running into youmu's bullets when they turn white and slow down in her spell cards (I think it was "Fasting of the Young Preta") - I confused them with Reisen's spell cards and thought I could just walk into them.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on March 17, 2012, 09:30:44 PM
Trying out SanaeB in UFO because I've never used her before, start doing a Normal run.

6 lives, 2 bombs at beginning of Murasa.
3 lives, 1 bomb at end of Murasa.
3 lives, 0 bombs at beginning of Shou.
Game over at second nonspell.

I'd have bombed a lot more if these things were actually hard instead of just clippy and stupidity-prone.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MMX on March 17, 2012, 10:22:43 PM
What could be more awesome than perfect EoSD extra stage part, enter Flandre 4/3 with over 80 mln and die to her first nonspell?

Of course - die to Laevatein too! :V

Wtf is wrong with me today? I captured Cranberry Trap and Starbow break in the same sun.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Makai Butterfly on March 18, 2012, 12:52:22 AM
Me: "Let's safe-spot Eternal Meek to keep as many resources for Remilia as possible."


Ran right into the padde-   (knifed).
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Byaaakuren on March 18, 2012, 01:05:11 AM
Died twice to Danmaku Paranoia in the same run
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: xForeverFanaticx on March 18, 2012, 01:10:17 AM
. _ .
*comes home from dinner*
*decides to try PCB hard run*
*starts stage 1*
*runs right into the first fairy that spawns*
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: DeltaSierra4 on March 18, 2012, 01:23:16 AM
1. Auto-collect fail

>Goes all the way up to the screen to auto collect the power items dropped upon death. Think I can come down before the bullet spamming starts and...


>gets hit by the first wave of bullets.

2. UFO fail
>collects all blue UFO's...
>...where all fairies only drop power up items.

3. HRtP fail
>Gets hit by Yin-Yang orb like 5 times consecutively because I shot it into the yellow barriers where they bounce off...

Not to mention the countless many fails where I get distracted by each stage boss's movement and get hit by a stray bullet (looks at Hina...)
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on March 18, 2012, 01:33:02 AM
i might have had enough extra grinding for a while

~ Taizen Chisou's Brick Walls ~

Flandre: ATTWBN
Mokou: Posessed by Phoenix
Nue: Undefined Darkness
Mamizou: Stupid Miko's False Exorcism
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MTSranger on March 18, 2012, 04:24:03 AM
died to Kogasa's opener :V
I should rest for the day.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Random on March 18, 2012, 05:22:17 AM
Today seems like a good day. I think I'll scorerun some Extra stages.

*opens up UFO, starts with SanaeB*

*fails to get first UFO after red fairy wave*

*dies during stage*

*dies on Undefined Darkness* did I pass 400 mil? o.o

Okay, that didn't really go over well. Let's try IN Extra.

The run actually goes pretty well, until I reach the survival card...

*microtaps during Possessed by Phoenix*

*realizes that I'm about to run out of space at the top*

*tries to go DOWN*

You probably know what happened next.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: LolMeiling on March 18, 2012, 07:11:43 AM
I get caught by Cirno's Icicle fall , lol. ANd I JUST realized i can just go in the big Gaping empty space on meiling's colorful wind chimes. Lol I just got the game, so tha's kind of why but really that just lol :V :]
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sungho on March 18, 2012, 08:15:15 AM
I had three extra lives when facing Kanako on Lunatic. (How did that even happen?)
Bombed every pattern expect First spellcard and Second non-card.
Naturally ran out of bombs at Source of Rain.

Died first time without regrets, then died again almost instantly, wasting 3 bombs.
Game Over'd at 1/8 health at Virtue of Wind God.

Seriously, being unable to press X when pressing 2 direction keys, Shift, and Z is getting quite troublesome.

Is it possible to make a 'GUYZ I DUN GET IT Y CANT I 1CC MOF LUNATIC' replay?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Yukarin on March 18, 2012, 09:48:34 AM
Seriously, being unable to press X when pressing 2 direction keys, Shift, and Z is getting quite troublesome.

Get Key Remap.

I'm sure somebody in this forum has mentioned it.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: DeltaSierra4 on March 18, 2012, 06:47:51 PM
Seriously, being unable to press X when pressing 2 direction keys, Shift, and Z is getting quite troublesome.

I've similar problems when playing Fairy Wars... Can't press shift, ctrl, and x at the same time while moving around lol. I guess I'll follow Yukarin's advice here.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on March 18, 2012, 07:16:53 PM
Well now. I just got hit twice by Ex-Kogasa's third card. What an epic display of crap reaction time there. And I'm not even drunk.  :V
I then proceed to get hit by the penultimate phase of Grudge Bow. That was an epic display of two embarassing things. Crappy timing and crappy bullet reading. I should've moved to the right but instead I decided I could fit in between two bullets. Normally I would've been able to do it but that's where the crappy timing comes in.  :V Move just in time to face-plant right into one of the bullets.

This was on Ultra but I don't think those two cards had much of a difference from the upgrade. (Unfortunately for Grudge Bow.) The final phase is alright but the first and third phase leaves a lot to be desired from an ultra patch considering how cool some of the other things in the stage have become. I'm thinking about EX-Kogasa's 2nd spell for example. Badass stuff. Nue's non-spells are also badass.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on March 18, 2012, 07:19:40 PM
> Charming Siege

Two bubble bullets' insides are touching each other?


Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: nintendonut888 on March 18, 2012, 09:49:56 PM
Random run of 10D stage 6 lunatic. 1DNB'd Miko. The mistake? Her fourth spell card. :fail:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MMX on March 19, 2012, 01:08:21 AM
Attempted to do a pacifist run of TD stage 5 normal. The only mistake? Tojiko nonspell (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on March 19, 2012, 02:52:59 PM
It's scary how horrendous a guy can play on a bad day.

I gameover'd on EoSD Lunatic Stage 5 after dying to the pre-midSakuya stage portion TWICE. One of them was because I derped during the cheese method, which never happens.

And, yeah, two lives. That's all I had. Which means I had a horrible Stage 3+4, basically.

I even struggled on Meiling's STATIC first spell.

Not to mention how I restarted a few times before that run.

One of those times was because of a death to Rumia's opener.

It's a good thing I'm abroad for the next week, I really need this break.  :toot: :toot:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on March 19, 2012, 08:50:40 PM
Little Sister + TD Easy

Losing the Seiga's second noncard
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Random on March 20, 2012, 12:53:50 AM
So I was on Meiling's last nonspell doing the Nitori challenge thing and I decided to glance at my email.

...what :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on March 20, 2012, 09:20:37 AM
I just game overed to Shou in practice.  :colonveeplusalpha:

I shouldn't be allowed to play these games anymore.

And Greatest Treasure pisses me off. How much practice does one need to stop sucking?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sality on March 20, 2012, 10:34:52 AM
Kanyanko will always be my enemy for her Virtue of Wind God.

My MoF life would be easier if it wasn't exist.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Lepetit89 on March 20, 2012, 11:00:53 AM
Kind of getting my ass kicked in GFW Normal, playing it seriously for the first time, but Christ, I love this game already (minus having to spam Z, I guess).
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on March 20, 2012, 03:44:34 PM
Kind of getting my ass kicked in GFW Normal, playing it seriously for the first time, but Christ, I love this game already (minus having to spam Z, I guess).
You can hold C for auto-fire.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Lepetit89 on March 20, 2012, 04:15:47 PM
You can hold C for auto-fire.

Ooh, C? That sounds much better, thanks! Though my fingers might have to get used to that first.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Deviox on March 20, 2012, 04:52:50 PM
Playing MoF. Kanako is about to die, on my last life, i then run INTO a bullet RIGHT before Kanako dies...
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MMX on March 20, 2012, 07:21:43 PM
This Nitori's random challenge thread is a perfect source of random derps. Never imagined myself trying to pacify EoSD extra, and this is what happened (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on March 21, 2012, 05:50:57 PM
> Kagome, Kagome ends

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MTSranger on March 21, 2012, 06:32:53 PM

I moved along the path of the yellow arrow.
I don't even know what to say.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Formless God on March 22, 2012, 03:44:18 AM
1-miss UFO Stage 4. Where did I die ?
Murasa's opener, while it was clearing.

A real shame. The run has my first successful attempt ever at her third too.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Phlegeth on March 22, 2012, 04:33:43 AM
Hey it's "Fist Smash" Ichirin's easiest card.  Let's ram into a bullet before they start moving to spice things up a bit.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: strangedudemeh on March 22, 2012, 12:53:11 PM
*SA Stage 4*
*Me trying to stream ball-looking bullets and failing*
"Oh, okay, let's just warp to the other side of the scree-- hey, why doesn't it works?"
"Oh wait, I'm using ReimuC-- *ball'd*"
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MMX on March 22, 2012, 01:24:03 PM
*SA Stage 4*
*Me trying to stream ball-looking bullets and failing*
"Oh, okay, let's just warp to the other side of the scree-- hey, why doesn't it works?"
"Oh wait, I'm using ReimuC-- *ball'd*"
I once tried to gap through the border with ReimuB...
In MoF :D
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on March 22, 2012, 02:34:31 PM
It's always great to confuse what game you're playing :V

> items are about to fall out
> grazes a shitton

> is playing MoF
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: chirpy13 on March 23, 2012, 03:45:12 AM
=| (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Random on March 23, 2012, 04:50:05 AM
It's always great to confuse what game you're playing :V

> items are about to fall out
> grazes a shitton

> is playing MoF

Don't remind me.

>continuously tries to go to PoC
>is playing a PC-98 game

>goes to PoC below full power, thinking that focusing will make it work
>is playing EoSD
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on March 23, 2012, 04:53:21 AM
Try this excellent one I pulled from a couple of days ago:

> attempts to deathbomb
> I end up hitting "C"
> is playing SA
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Makai Butterfly on March 23, 2012, 07:15:52 AM
For fun, I decided to try and see if I could do a challenge timeout of Satori's Border of Wave and Particle by only dodging using ReimuA gap ability to go back and forth (aka "Border of Border and Border").  I made it to [Edit] 8.31 seconds left of the card, but DAMN that is hard to keep your eyes opposite where your player is.  I would love to see someone time that card out using gap only.  The derp of it all is that it was in an actual run with 6 lives left (albeit I didn't really care at that point whether I died or not because I had to shut the game off in a minute anyway).  I lost all 6 lives on that spell. XD
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chalros22 on March 23, 2012, 03:58:20 PM
I would love to see someone time that card out using gap only. 

What difficulty are we talking? I might try it once or twice for the lulz.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Seppo Hovi on March 23, 2012, 04:02:34 PM
I decided to try counting what kind of a number would my IN easy scores get at Royalflare, using that method haku posted to the scoring thread earlier today.

Then I found out it was too hardcore mathematics for me. While I actually studied SD and such during last year, I've now happily forgotten everything about it. Geez, me.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: chirpy13 on March 23, 2012, 04:41:36 PM
Celebratory suicide! (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chalros22 on March 23, 2012, 04:53:16 PM
Celebratory suicide! (
Wow, nice one lol
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: qno2 on March 23, 2012, 08:48:50 PM
Well that was absolutely terrible. Decided to play a bit PoFV and made it to Shikeiki's flat with three lives aaaandd... lose them all. Could be acceptable but it's not like it was a hard-fought battle. I just kinda went down without ever threatening her in the slightest.

Sure, could blame that I've changed my controls again... I decided that a certain problem is far too frequent to accept it (Zengeku has the same so it's not just me, though it's apparently not as bad). So ... yeah, my right hand is in action, screw everything I've built up with my left over the last year; I just don't want to deal with this BS anymore (I was - and possibly am - very, very close to just give up on Touhou to be honest, constantly relearning your controls isn't fun*). This way there should be nothing except my own lack of skill that will hold me back now, no more technical issues.
BUT: while my motoric commands had their issues - some extreme derp against Aya - it wasn't necessarily what made me fail so badly against Shikeiki. Apparently I have lost the ability to read what's going on.
Yay me.  :V

*so I had my long analog stick period, WASD with several variations (of both movement keys and focus, fire, bombs, special), TFGH for a short while (new keyboard couldn't shoot, focus and move upwards while "up" was "w"), left-handed arrow-keys (with focus & co on the numpad) and now normal right-handed controls

edit: tried again. Heck, got closer to the 1cc on the first round that in the three I mentioned above ... combined. Not quite enough for the 1cc but it was at least a fight.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Nekomata-chan on March 23, 2012, 09:03:40 PM
Ah, a Touhou derp thread. Where do I begin?

UFO Stage 6 Normal - Byakuren's final spellcard.
I sneezed, my UP-key got stuck and I flew right through the amulets and... straight into Byakuren. On my very VERY last life. Damn.

SA Stage 4 Normal - Satori first comes in, in the middle of dialogue.
Let's do a small pre-battle lap around Satori!!
* Flies around Satori.
Yay!! Bring it on!!
* The text disappears and I get walled with her opening non-spell before I can escape.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Makai Butterfly on March 23, 2012, 10:40:30 PM
What difficulty are we talking? I might try it once or twice for the lulz.
Normal Difficulty.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: DeltaSierra4 on March 24, 2012, 03:23:26 AM
It's always great to confuse what game you're playing :V

> items are about to fall out
> grazes a shitton

> is playing MoF

Not to mention those moments when I tried to auto collect items on PCB, thinking that I was playing MoF...

Another fail I had... Or this one is more like something that would fit the rage thread but... This one from my recent Nitori challenge

>Plays GFW
>Freezes bullets and sees the percentage and score appear on the screen
>Comes up with the marvelous idea of dodging bullets underneath the text while TEXT IS STILL ON SCREEN
>Does not see a bullet coming through under the text.

Screen text, y u no disappear
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on March 24, 2012, 06:40:46 AM
Playing SA Hard, at midboss Yuugi with a perfect game behind me. I think I get cornered, so I try to bomb. Turns out I make it out okay, and I missed X somehow so I didn't waste 1 power, win win. Too bad I act like I did use a bomb for some reason and charge up the screen with the intent of collecting free graze points. I probably had half a second to stop, but I couldn't seem to take my finger off of up. >_>

I quit for the night.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Lepetit89 on March 24, 2012, 08:24:06 AM
Screw this, I'll just spam Z and call it a day, my fingers cannot figure out how to keep "C" pressed without making it seem like my hand is glued to shift. GFW's controls are rather inconvenient in that regard, though I have a bit of a geographical disadvantage because German keyboards look like this (, whoever thought it would be a good idea to add another button between Shift and Z/Y? Having to spread middle and ringer fingers so much was annoying, but I got used to it eventually.

Presently, I use my ring finger for shift, middle for Z and index finger for X because the mere idea of additional buttons being added in GFW/TD seemed improbable, though it was more bearable in TD because I'd just move my index finger to C if I was going to intentionally use Trance next.

Gaah, so annoying, I'm fairly sure I'm looking like one of those typewriter-monkeys trying to figure out these controls.

I think this keyboard-layout is fairly common in Europe, anyone got any tips?

Playing SA Hard, at midboss Yuugi with a perfect game behind me. I think I get cornered, so I try to bomb. Turns out I make it out okay, and I missed X somehow so I didn't waste 1 power, win win. Too bad I act like I did use a bomb for some reason and charge up the screen with the intent of collecting free graze points. I probably had half a second to stop, but I couldn't seem to take my finger off of up. >_>

I quit for the night.

Sounds annoying, but don't let the rage make you quit! I'd definitely prefer entering Stage 4 with a "Not like this can get any worse, I say bring it on!"-mindset than a "This is so totally the best run I've ever had, dear god, please don't let me mess this up"-mindset. My last clear actually saw one death in Stage 2 and another two in Stage 3. In that regard, that one death might have had the potential to be beneficial to your run, as rage-inducing as it might have been.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zil on March 24, 2012, 08:52:04 AM
I just mash the Z button to fire. You spend enough time using the ice shield anyway, and during stages you usually want to be somewhat selective with what you shoot because the enemy shots are useful, so constant fire isn't needed. It can get annoying during boss battles, but again you'll be charging the ice half the time anyway.

Of course, this is all the opinion of a guy who button mashes in the Phantasmagoria games all day. The resistance on my Z button is practically nonexistent compared to the others. :derp:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Lepetit89 on March 24, 2012, 09:36:51 AM
I just mash the Z button to fire. You spend enough time using the ice shield anyway, and during stages you usually want to be somewhat selective with what you shoot because the enemy shots are useful, so constant fire isn't needed. It can get annoying during boss battles, but again you'll be charging the ice half the time anyway.

Of course, this is all the opinion of a guy who button mashes in the Phantasmagoria games all day. The resistance on my Z button is practically nonexistent compared to the others. :derp:

Seems like the best option, not like I mind mashing buttons, no way I can get used to using my fingers for different things now. Don't want to start using Bombs instead of focusing all of a sudden.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on March 24, 2012, 10:00:35 AM
Get used to that C-button people. It's actually quite handy and I would probably play more PoFV if there was a C-key in it.  :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Lepetit89 on March 24, 2012, 02:47:08 PM
Get used to that C-button people. It's actually quite handy and I would probably play more PoFV if there was a C-key in it.  :V

I actually fear that we have to get used to it, it's hard to make a rule out of it since it's only been there for two games, but since it's two games in a row already; who knows what might happen.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on March 24, 2012, 02:53:55 PM
Touhou 14: C is the new bomb :colonveeplusalpha:

I can't use four fingers for my Touhou aaaaaa
The reflex in my middle finger isn't as fast as my trigger and deathtrancing is something I've yet to pull off
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Index on March 24, 2012, 02:55:37 PM
> Playing MoF

>Trying to graze so that the point items auto collect

>Wait a minute...

>Keeps grazing

>Realises mistake halfway into stage 3.... I am pretty slow sometimes.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on March 24, 2012, 03:02:25 PM
Just get used to it. It isn't hard. If MMO and RTS players can use all them hotkeys then you guys can use four buttons. If nothing else, learning the C-key will give you access to a wider roster of shooters.  ;)

I can't use four fingers for my Touhou aaaaaa

Heh. Just be happy that you aren't playing Deathsmiles then.  :D
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: ふねん1 on March 24, 2012, 03:21:58 PM
You guys above could try a key remapper or virtual joystick of some kind. That way you can use whichever key combinations feel most comfortable.

As for an actual derp, flying carelessly into a jellybean bullet again during Vajra sure counts.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: shadowbringer on March 24, 2012, 03:31:00 PM
Get used to that C-button people. It's actually quite handy and I would probably play more PoFV if there was a C-key in it.  :V

just like in Twinkle Star Sprites (not so much though due to the resilience in some stage enemies if you want proper chains, and also due to the flaming enemies the opponent throws you), you don't spam the shots (or lvl 1 charge shots unless you're Youmu or you're fighting bosses, depending on your character -- in both TSS and PoFV). Spamming shots (instead of shooting a fairy once and letting the chains go) is bad for both chaining meter and chain score in PoFV, as it resets the chain meter to a bit under 50% (instead of how it was when the chain was rolling) and the chain hit counter (iirc), just not the chain score counter.

PoFV has a lot of lvl 2 spamming, and occasionally spamming X to kill Lily White and/or the boss summon (though not both at the same time) for getting items (you normally want to kill the bosses through chain score summons, though. Not sure if chaining fairies/spirits near bosses has any effect in damaging them, though)
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on March 24, 2012, 05:23:19 PM
Spamming shots (instead of shooting a fairy once and letting the chains go) is bad for both chaining meter and chain score in PoFV, as it resets the chain meter to a bit under 50% (instead of how it was when the chain was rolling) and the chain hit counter (iirc), just not the chain score counter.

So what? Holding down the shoot key when needed, releasing it when not needed is easy enough. Besides, PoFV scoring? Does anybody even care about that?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: qno2 on March 24, 2012, 05:43:27 PM
Screw this, I'll just spam Z and call it a day, my fingers cannot figure out how to keep "C" pressed without making it seem like my hand is glued to shift. GFW's controls are rather inconvenient in that regard, though I have a bit of a geographical disadvantage because German keyboards look like this (, whoever thought it would be a good idea to add another button between Shift and Z/Y? Having to spread middle and ringer fingers so much was annoying, but I got used to it eventually.

Presently, I use my ring finger for shift, middle for Z and index finger for X because the mere idea of additional buttons being added in GFW/TD seemed improbable, though it was more bearable in TD because I'd just move my index finger to C if I was going to intentionally use Trance next.

As a fellow German: I know your pain, currently I'm using my pinkie for focus (and it hurts after prolonged play, kinda hoping that it'll go in a few days). Should get a danmaku-insurance in case something happens.  :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Lepetit89 on March 24, 2012, 05:45:49 PM
Besides, PoFV scoring? Does anybody even care about that?

If there's a score to be had, then there will always be competitors, sometimes more than at other times, but there are definitely people going for scores in PoFV. I think Zil's been active there lately.

As a fellow German: I know your pain, currently I'm using my pinkie for focus (and it hurts after prolonged play, kinda hoping that it'll go in a few days). Should get a danmaku-insurance in case something happens.  :V

Wow, I didn't think using the pinkie could be uncomfortable, actually thought it would be the most pleasant way of playing. Gonna have to get used to it eventually, but right now I can't react at all with those fingers if I use four at once, add muscle tension to that and it's downright bothersome.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Star King on March 24, 2012, 05:58:32 PM
So what? Holding down the shoot key when needed, releasing it when not needed is easy enough. Besides, PoFV scoring? Does anybody even care about that?

I care because it is hard to get some of the later extends otherwise.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on March 24, 2012, 06:14:40 PM
I didn't know that German keyboards are different too. Well, you guys should just remap keys then.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: qno2 on March 24, 2012, 07:12:08 PM
Wow, I didn't think using the pinkie could be uncomfortable, actually thought it would be the most pleasant way of playing. Gonna have to get used to it eventually, but right now I can't react at all with those fingers if I use four at once, add muscle tension to that and it's downright bothersome.
Yeah, it'll probably go away as I get used to it, no bother.

Gotta advertise controllers though (since you barely hear anything good about them) - using "c" was never an issue with it, no, it was downright intuitive. Then again, ZUN provided the opportunity to remap controller-buttons without having to resort to another program that tricks the computer and thus game into thinking that a key is different from what it actually is; which might lead to problems (though not for everyone so do as Zengeku says, personally I don't want to mess with it anymore - my computer doesn't seem to like it).

Quote from: Star King
I care because it is hard to get some of the later extends otherwise.
Therefore, you actually care about survival and not points. I don't know if 50 million is the last extend (then again never exceeded 70 million so there might be), but some people get over 100 million so they clearly have a goal aside survival.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zil on March 24, 2012, 07:19:09 PM
90mil is the last extend.

PoFV scoring = best scoring system <3
except for PoDD
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chalros22 on March 24, 2012, 07:37:28 PM
SA normal run: Perfect Satori fight, enters stage 6 with 6 lives --> Ok, this should be another standard 1cc --> dies not once, but TWICE the beginning in stage 5 where all you have to do is NOT SHOOT AND MOVE SIDEWAYS.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on March 24, 2012, 08:37:02 PM
90mil is the last extend.

PoFV scoring = best scoring system <3
except for PoDD

Maybe... If the game wasn't so boring. :trollface:
Title: Touhou is harder :v Derp Thread III
Post by: Tengukami on March 24, 2012, 08:55:41 PM
My derpingest mistakes can all be distilled to: bullets the same color and relative size of resources. Looking at you, SA ...
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: cactu on March 24, 2012, 08:59:42 PM
Died on the last second of Nue's last spellcard, and I had a perfect run up until then.
Same thing happened with Flandre.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RegalStar on March 24, 2012, 10:17:25 PM
Not gameplay related, but I can't believe it took me almost a year to get the "IT data security" thing in TD.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on March 24, 2012, 10:31:19 PM
Please explain that to me :(
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: pineyappled on March 24, 2012, 11:17:40 PM
Lunatics wish for IT data security, maybe?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zil on March 25, 2012, 01:30:07 AM
Maybe... If the game wasn't so boring. :trollface:
Not all of us find it boring. :(
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MTSranger on March 25, 2012, 02:11:17 AM
Not gameplay related, but I can't believe it took me almost a year to get the "IT data security" thing in TD.
Lunatics wish for IT data security, maybe?
It's gotta be more than that imo, which is what I don't get.
I know security holes and vulnerabilities are everywhere, not to mention "100% security" can (pretty much) never exist,
but I don't get what specifically is it a reference of.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on March 25, 2012, 08:09:23 AM
Not all of us find it boring. :(

No because clearly you have incredibly low standards.  :V

For real though, don't mind my words. I'm the guy who thinks that anything that isn't from the post MoF period is boring. (Camera-games aside). In POFV, all bosses feel like the same boss but with a longer health bar and some gimmick based on the character. You need to go fight Hibachi.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MMX on March 25, 2012, 08:30:50 AM
Please explain that to me :(
Prayer for IT data security.
 Asking gods for help is pointless. Don't play this :D
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zil on March 25, 2012, 09:17:40 AM
No because clearly you have incredibly low standards.  :V

For real though, don't mind my words. I'm the guy who thinks that anything that isn't from the post MoF period is boring. (Camera-games aside). In POFV, all bosses feel like the same boss but with a longer health bar and some gimmick based on the character. You need to go fight Hibachi.
Oh I thought you meant PoDD. Yeah PoFV story mode is pretty dull normally, especially since you just cancel the bullets away repeatedly. It's still the only game I like playing for score though.

And I need to figure out where my hitbox is before I can fight Hibachi without embarassing myself. I managed to dodge the opener once at least. :derp:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on March 25, 2012, 01:05:05 PM
Yeah well PoDD isn't half as boring no. Better music too
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: strangedudemeh on March 26, 2012, 06:37:45 PM
I don't really know if that's a derp or not, but I just noticed that one of the fairies before Flandre drops an extend. How in the world didn't I noticed this before? O_o I could've avoided some rage.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on March 26, 2012, 08:19:18 PM
Please tell me that I'm not the only one who's danmaku skills becomes shit after a few days of inactivity? It usually gets better after about an hour of playtime though.

But yeah, embarassingness go!

I haven't played since Thursday last week and when I decided to go for around four rounds of Satori I died to Terrifying Hypnotism on two of them, Flying Insects Nest on three of them and on BoWaP on all of them.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MTSranger on March 28, 2012, 10:31:20 AM
Note to myself: DO NOT take your hands off the keyboard when 01s is left on Mamizou's survival.
Death at 00s :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on March 28, 2012, 07:09:08 PM
> forgets the stage direction
> faceplants a fairy at the poc
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Arcengal on March 29, 2012, 06:27:07 AM
Lunatics wish for IT data security, maybe?

I took it to be an ironic comment that you're asking for something much harder than long life or whatnot, because technology is so fickle.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: pineyappled on March 29, 2012, 07:38:39 AM
Not to mention that current IT data security will almost certainly be obsolete by the time the easy modo-ers are halfway done with their long lives.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on March 29, 2012, 08:30:49 AM
I didn't even notice there was a invincibility timeframe when you start a run until now

when I ran into the first bullet of the first fairy in EoSD Lunatic and absorbed it

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Piranha on March 29, 2012, 11:20:22 PM
I got kicked by Reimu when she was switching sides during her nonspells. By being between her and the right edge of the screen.   :]
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Esper on March 30, 2012, 05:02:53 AM
Tried to do an EoSD Easy scoring run.

Died to Cirno's first spell.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Seppo Hovi on March 30, 2012, 05:08:34 AM
Break 2b in IN on a high scoring shot, Esu.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Esper on March 30, 2012, 05:16:10 AM
Break 2b in IN on a high scoring shot, Esu.

I'll do that I when I don't have much better to do. Thank you for suggesting, but not until I've mastered the game to the degree of curing my "Fuckup-itis" permanently.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Byaaakuren on March 30, 2012, 05:26:55 AM
Break 2b in IN on a high scoring shot, Esu.

With solo Marisa or Youmu

On Easy modo
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Esper on March 30, 2012, 01:11:21 PM
With solo Marisa or Youmu

On Easy modo

Oh. Well, I don't remember how to get the solo characters now that I've had to unlock everything from the start because my score.dat corrupted in a backup process.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on March 30, 2012, 01:21:25 PM
I'm pretty sure it's 1CC-FinalB with every team.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Coffee Fairy on March 30, 2012, 01:24:43 PM
Yay, a recent sudden failure attempt!

MarisaA in SA without focus mode on Normal, I entered stage 6 only dying once or twice along the way. Thinking that I would win no matter what at this point, I just somehow managed to lose 5+ lives against Utusho, losing them all very quickly. And yep, I lost the last life just as I finished her last spell card (Subterranean Sun?).
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MMX on March 30, 2012, 07:52:54 PM
Let's survive the whole post midboss Sakuya spam in pacifist mode and then hug one of the fairies descending right after it  :yukkuri:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Byaaakuren on March 30, 2012, 08:53:07 PM
Oh. Well, I don't remember how to get the solo characters now that I've had to unlock everything from the start because my score.dat corrupted in a backup process.

Clear Final A, then Final B with all four teams. That'll unlock the solo characters and Extra (works in Easy modo too)

Since you don't have solo characters, do it with the Netherworld Team :D
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on March 30, 2012, 10:34:01 PM
Beware, Touhou players!

If you are as unlucky as I am, it is possible to die to Nue's grid lasers in her survival's third phase, as they spawn.

Stupid prankster.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chaotic Phoenixma on March 31, 2012, 03:41:03 AM
I'm pretty sure that's not luck and the pattern of the grid is static.

But I could be remembering wrong as I haven't played UFO for a long time, and UFO Extra an even longer time.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MTSranger on March 31, 2012, 03:50:09 AM
I'm pretty sure that's not luck and the pattern of the grid is static.

But I could be remembering wrong as I haven't played UFO for a long time, and UFO Extra an even longer time.
But if you forget where the grid is, you *could* happen to stand right where one of the lasers spawn.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zil on March 31, 2012, 04:10:43 AM
Considering the bottom middle is safe it's pretty easy to remember.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Esper on March 31, 2012, 04:38:37 AM

This is Midboss Ran, not Extra Ran. I'm not stupid enough to sit at the top of the screen. She Wriggle Kicked me twice in a row because I got the bright idea to start streaming up right before Midboss Ran. That's why it's in this thread and not the GPIPJWDPGHWOPGHAPGHAPGHAPGPAHJAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA thread.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: pineyappled on March 31, 2012, 04:44:17 AM
She Ran into you, huh.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MTSranger on March 31, 2012, 04:54:20 AM
Considering the bottom middle is safe it's pretty easy to remember.
Just went and play UFO extra for fun.
Actually, there are lines before the laser spawn, no need to memorize anything.

Anyways, the reason I'm here is:
I died to Blue UFO... with Sanae B, by running up into a blue UFO. I don't even...... :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Phlegeth on March 31, 2012, 06:47:35 AM
10-1 in Double Spoiler.  I just could not get it through my head that the little red bullets are not stationary.  I died so many times just because I flew into a bullet because the path was clear while Tenshi was charging.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Lepetit89 on March 31, 2012, 08:10:06 AM
She Ran into you, huh.

No idea if I should feel bad, but I actually chuckled. I'm such a sucker for puns.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zil on March 31, 2012, 08:41:56 AM
Reminds me of before when he said he "ran into Yukari." Since he left out the "I" at the beginning it was just "Ran into Yukari," and there are some interesting ways you can interpret that.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Raikaria on March 31, 2012, 08:51:11 AM
*Grazing Demarkation for more points because points -> lifes in EoSD




I don't know how I managed to derp like that once, let alone twice.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MMX on March 31, 2012, 06:52:25 PM
90 fps EoSD normal? Why not!

Perfect stage 1 and 2, stupid derps on Meiling with full bombs in stock, death to books at stage 4, one death on Patchouli.
And then stage 5 happened and Sakuya raped my ass :ohdear: I somehow made it to Remilia with two lives in stock but died to Young Demon Lord (those laser timings) and to second nonspell twice lol
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Seppo Hovi on April 01, 2012, 07:56:27 AM
I can pull off the safespot in Kaguya's fourth last spell rather consistently, no harm done with that. But the streaming after it is horrible. I die to it. Often.

And it should be the easy part aslkdjaldkgskdj
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Random on April 01, 2012, 10:02:58 PM
I can pull off the safespot in Kaguya's fourth last spell rather consistently, no harm done with that. But the streaming after it is horrible. I die to it. Often.


Getting out of the safespot is horrible for me

Also Fire Rat, Phantasmal Emperor, and Rainbow Danmaku grazing I hate all of you

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on April 01, 2012, 10:15:40 PM
nitori why did you kill me

the obvious solution is to headbutt you

that'll learn ya
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on April 01, 2012, 11:30:24 PM
So I just attempted Seamless Ceiling at 90FPS.  :V

Also I am completely sane. No, really.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chalros22 on April 02, 2012, 06:13:28 AM
So I just attempted Seamless Ceiling at 90FPS.  :V

Does this mean 90 Fails Per Session by any chance?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Seppo Hovi on April 02, 2012, 07:48:16 AM

Getting out of the safespot is horrible for me

Also Fire Rat, Phantasmal Emperor, and Rainbow Danmaku grazing I hate all of you
There was a reason for the post to be in the derp thread, eh.

Getting out of the safespot is indeed the hard part, and it needs quite a bit of practice until you get consistent at it.

Phantasmal Empeor? Whaat! What difficulty are you playing at? Also, what routes are you using for Fire Rat and Rainbow Danmaku?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: ARF on April 02, 2012, 07:57:22 PM
Accidentally triggered Suwako's invincibility bug halfway to the clear when going for the special challenge. It's annoying because I did not plan on timing out any nonspells.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chaotic Phoenixma on April 02, 2012, 11:44:56 PM
never heard of that bug
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: ARF on April 03, 2012, 12:12:10 AM
never heard of that bug

I took the opportunity to demonstrate after failing in the stage. You can read about it on the wiki too.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Random on April 03, 2012, 12:34:02 AM
Phantasmal Empeor? Whaat! What difficulty are you playing at? Also, what routes are you using for Fire Rat and Rainbow Danmaku?

Phantasmal Emperor -

Fire Rat - Right under Kaguya. I just need to get used to the "safespot".

Rainbow Danmaku - Grazing right above the familiars. Similar to st's strategy.

All easy modo.

There was a reason for the post to be in the derp thread, eh.

Was just responding to your post, sorry if I went off topic.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: xForeverFanaticx on April 03, 2012, 12:36:02 AM
*sobsobsob* ; ~ ; I died. Right at the end. Of the last wave. Of Reflowering. On Hard. When I had a bomb. It's just. My reaction timing. Wasn't. Fast. Enough. *sob*
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: ふねん1 on April 03, 2012, 02:20:59 AM
I died on Terrifying Hypnotism.

Shoot me now.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Byaaakuren on April 03, 2012, 02:41:14 AM
I haven't touched EoSD in ages. Guess who forgot how to fight Sakuya and Remilia

on Normal
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on April 04, 2012, 09:21:11 PM
Seiga finally let me capture her last card on Lunatic!

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on April 04, 2012, 09:28:20 PM

Sounds like a paradox.  :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MMX on April 04, 2012, 09:45:00 PM
I.. I've just catched one of those random fast bullets on that fourth phase of Rumia midboss nonspell..
On normal mode :o
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zil on April 04, 2012, 09:47:13 PM
I tried to get a low score in MoF Extra. I cleared with less than 10mil, then got 80mil from the clear bonus. I'm not sure what I did wrong, or right, or whatever. :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on April 04, 2012, 10:07:01 PM
attn bored touhou player:

next time you play phantasm "for fun",

don't die to BoLaD 5 times

how did this happen I mean what
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MMX on April 04, 2012, 10:09:37 PM
I tried to get a low score in MoF Extra. I cleared with less than 10mil, then got 80mil from the clear bonus. I'm not sure what I did wrong, or right, or whatever. :V
According to wiki:
Extra clear bonus:   (Lives in Stock * 40 million) + (Power * 800,000) + (Faith * 100)  points.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chalros22 on April 04, 2012, 10:34:40 PM
I tried to get a low score in MoF Extra. I cleared with less than 10mil, then got 80mil from the clear bonus. I'm not sure what I did wrong, or right, or whatever. :V

Apparently you need to die more lol. If you could repeat the same performance and just die twice to the final spell all would be fine I guess (assuming you had 2 lives in stock according to formula posted above)
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zil on April 04, 2012, 11:11:17 PM
Oh, lol. I had 3 or 4 power and at least one extra life left. I also captured that Jade River spell accidentally. I guess I'll try again.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MMX on April 05, 2012, 12:04:54 AM
Oh, lol. I had 3 or 4 power and at least one extra life left. I also captured that Jade River spell accidentally. I guess I'll try again.
And don't forget about faith bonus. I can't be less than 5 mln.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on April 05, 2012, 10:29:15 PM
holy shit

marine benefit's lunatic mode kicked my ass
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on April 06, 2012, 06:02:40 AM
*gets to Orange*
*starts humming to Decoration Battle*
"I love how she fires her first bullets when the so-oh, right, she fires bullets."
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Ozzy on April 06, 2012, 05:51:59 PM
Sooooo, it's finally time. I've held off posting here for long enough. For almost a year, I've been like Hina, gathering the mass amounts of misfortune created by myself and some friends. But now it's time to show it all.

I'm here to unveil: Let's Fail Touhou: Volume 1 (

Enjoy watching the numerous derp moments my friends and I have committed almost since our introduction to Touhou. These fails are taken from replays made by either I have no name, DarkDespair5 (who is not a member of this forum unfortunately), or myself. Hopefully, as I record more fails, I will be able to put together additional volumes in the future. But for now, enjoy watching our most epic fails!!

BTW if this isn't the right thread to put this in, I apologize. Please let me know if that's the case.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chalros22 on April 06, 2012, 06:37:41 PM
I'm here to unveil: Let's Fail Touhou: Volume 1 (

That was worth watching, pretty funny compilation. Glad to know I'm not the only one that runs into the only bullet on screen.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Makai Butterfly on April 06, 2012, 07:09:56 PM
Orin's easily-cheesed nonspell that you can sit right below her for?  Yeah, I just died to it.  Three times.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.  :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MMX on April 06, 2012, 07:42:45 PM
I'm here to unveil: Let's Fail Touhou: Volume 1 (
LOL that was an awesome video. Totally worth of a year of collectiing. Let me participate with some of my epic fails on next volume :3
BTW if this isn't the right thread to put this in, I apologize. Please let me know if that's the case.
This derp thread is all about things like that, so don't worry ;)
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Byaaakuren on April 07, 2012, 07:10:11 PM
>Captures a Spell Card at 90 FPS
>Fucks it up at 60

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on April 07, 2012, 07:13:18 PM
*adopts a guze flash strategy

left right left right leftright left right left right leftright left right left right leftright right

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: GuppyForce on April 08, 2012, 03:46:57 PM
Died three times to Danmaku Paranoia (And once + bomb to Youkai Polygraph)

On the other hand I got my first capture of Saruta Cross (Hard) and Kanako's 2nd spell (hard)
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: chirpy13 on April 08, 2012, 05:21:49 PM
Shou. (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: ふねん1 on April 08, 2012, 07:22:50 PM
I died on boss-Yuugi's first card.

Don't ask how. Even I have no clue.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: fondue on April 08, 2012, 07:31:24 PM
I died on boss-Yuugi's first card.

Don't ask how. Even I have no clue.
Eh, that's Normal For me :3
Sometimes even on easy
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: ふねん1 on April 08, 2012, 08:01:25 PM
Eh, that's Normal For me :3
Sometimes even on easy
It functions exactly the same on all difficulties. Unless you're trying to supergraze it, nobody should be dying on it. Ever.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: fondue on April 08, 2012, 09:18:13 PM
It functions exactly the same on all difficulties. Unless you're trying to supergraze it, nobody should be dying on it. Ever.
Yuugi is harder for me on normal mode than Orin on easy mode.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on April 08, 2012, 09:19:29 PM
someone please tell me that a difference exists between Megumi Yaobi's survivals on normal and lunatic
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zil on April 08, 2012, 09:26:03 PM
Yuugi is harder for me on normal mode than Orin on easy mode.
First of all, that statement means nothing.

The point is that the spell is so easy anyone who knows the controls of the game should be able to capture it, regardless of difficulty. If you're failing it regularly you must be doing something horribly wrong.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Makai Butterfly on April 09, 2012, 01:06:45 AM
someone please tell me that a difference exists between Megumi Yaobi's survivals on normal and lunatic

On Lunatic, they spin at a slightly faster rate, forcing you to focus/unfocus back and forth a bit more to keep up with the bubbles, plus during the part where they spin in a perfect circle at the end, there is more space between each bubble in general which means they're spinning at a wider orbit and therefore faster in that phase too.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Ozzy on April 09, 2012, 01:30:31 AM
Just tried MoF lunatic with MarisaC. Rammed the opening streams of bullets at least twice. These fails have been documented.

Also, on a semi-unrelated note, if you guys would like some of your fails included in the next Touhou Fails comilation volume, send me a PM with a link to the replay. If I've got more participants, it will take a lot less time to put out the next volume.

I'm wondering if I should make a new thread for this, actually.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chalros22 on April 09, 2012, 02:04:10 AM
I'm wondering if I should make a new thread for this, actually.

That's not a bad idea, since most people who talk about fails in this thread probably don't have replays from them, unless they happen to be in an otherwise good run or something.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on April 09, 2012, 02:58:57 AM
Taboo "Kagome, Kagome"     09 / 10

how did i let this happen
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MTSranger on April 09, 2012, 06:03:34 AM
On Lunatic, they spin at a slightly faster rate, forcing you to focus/unfocus back and forth a bit more to keep up with the bubbles, plus during the part where they spin in a perfect circle at the end, there is more space between each bubble in general which means they're spinning at a wider orbit and therefore faster in that phase too.
On lunatic, the circling phase is freaking fast that if you try to focus near the end, you will die pretty easily.
The bubbles literally move as fast as your unfocus speed as Reimu
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Coffee Fairy on April 09, 2012, 11:44:28 AM
1cc UFO Hard attempts:
-Flying straight into Nazrin just after Busy Rod multiple times.

Then I managed to collect the items another attempt, then move right, and down straight into Nazrin. :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MMX on April 09, 2012, 08:42:30 PM
The fuck was that? ( I don't even.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on April 09, 2012, 09:52:59 PM
The fuck was that? ( I don't even.
That happened to me in practice on her third card. It's how I managed this.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: nintendonut888 on April 09, 2012, 10:02:35 PM
rofl this is ridiculous. Upon starting a random PCB lunatic run, I died on Letty's last spell card. Rather than restarting, I decided to make it a no bombs run.

I'm at Yuyuko, 2/3. :V This will almost surely end in failure, but this is hilarious.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on April 10, 2012, 01:38:23 AM
rofl this is ridiculous. Upon starting a random PCB lunatic run, I died on Letty's last spell card. Rather than restarting, I decided to make it a no bombs run.

I'm at Yuyuko, 2/3. :V This will almost surely end in failure, but this is hilarious.
This is where my MoF hard no bombs run came from-a death on the Stage 1 boss's last spellcard.
Of course, I had less resources for the final boss (by 2 lives) and managed to clear via Kanako perfect, but still.

In derp-related news, I tried to time out Momiji again.  It was not a pretty sight.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on April 10, 2012, 09:37:46 AM
I decided I wanted to play some Alice since hey, it's a good stage and a good boss. Everything went fine, then that third spell happened and I died on it twice. How did I perfect all the other stuff when I fucked THAT piece of easy up twice? It's almost static and I still die.

I want revenge!


And now with added Youmu rape. As in, her raping me and not the other way around. I ended up losing a ridiculous amount of lives because I refused to shoot and because Hell God Sword is a lot harder than I remembered it to be which is something that I'm actually quite happy to realize because it means that I now have a reason to play Perfect Cherry Blossom again. I want to conquer her and expand upon my grasp on her so that I can handle her whatever she does!

In other words, I've gotten exposed to me that I can't perfectly survive if I don't take her down fast. I want to change that. - So to make the embarassment abundantly clear, I died 6 times.  :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on April 11, 2012, 06:59:16 PM
Ahahaha... haha.. ha.

So. Kogasa shoots aimed red arrowheads during her last spell, right?

What, do you think, happens when an especially dumb player forgets about this?

And decides to shotgun her?

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: fondue on April 11, 2012, 07:02:30 PM
I done that once.
Still, on UFO stage 3 I died from the first fairy's attack.
I blinked AND my laptop has keyboard ghosting. Trust me, Touhou with keyboard ghosting is HELL.  :(
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Byaaakuren on April 12, 2012, 07:35:32 AM
I haven't touched Phantasm in about three months. Ended up dying at BoHaY
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on April 12, 2012, 10:06:01 AM
So. Kogasa shoots aimed red arrowheads during her last spell, right?

What, do you think, happens when an especially dumb player forgets about this?

And decides to shotgun her?

I once got hit by those arrowheads. While being properly positioned. Because I didn't move.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MTSranger on April 13, 2012, 12:22:41 AM
I died to Yuugi's first spell. enough said
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: xForeverFanaticx on April 13, 2012, 12:27:56 AM
I died to Yuugi's first spell. enough said

As in first spell as boss? Or midboss? I die to her first boss card sometimes. Because of derps. With the rings. And me forgetting. That they're. There.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on April 13, 2012, 08:26:41 AM
>Death to Parsee's opener.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on April 14, 2012, 02:46:24 AM
Okay, I wasn't expecting to seriously win with a MarisaA no-focus 90FPS PCB.

But you would think I would have reached Stage 6, after reaching Lily White with a stock of 5-0.

You would think.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Byaaakuren on April 16, 2012, 02:53:58 AM
I ran into Orin during Vengeful Cannibal Spirit ( and I wasn't even walled in or anything.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on April 16, 2012, 02:58:04 AM
Oh, right, Vengeful Cannibal Spirit!

I just casually forgot how that card worked as per a lapse in un-retardedness, so in one run I waited inside the newly formed spokes before the old bullets spread back out :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MMX on April 16, 2012, 10:48:21 AM
I ran into Orin during Vengeful Cannibal Spirit ( and I wasn't even walled in or anything.
I did the same with Spleen Eater on normal. Look for my first submission to "let's fail" thread.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Skyler on April 16, 2012, 03:08:26 PM
I can't use the Scarlet Team for the life of me.
Starting stage 6B:
Bomb the opener (as usual)
Fail to place the familiars correctly on the fairies afterward and accidently use Sakuya's bomb twice, then die
Get hit by Eirin as she comes on screen and die again
Bomb her nonspell and spellcard
Reach Kaguya 4/3
Bomb Dragon's Necklace and then deathbomb due to stupidity
Do an amazing dodge on the next nonspell and then move into a bullet
Bomb Buddha's Stone Bowl
Bomb the nonspell afterward
Fail Robe of Fire Rat due to stupid clipdeaths, then use a bomb because rage
Bomb Swallow's Cowrie Shell
Bomb Rainbow Danmaku, die, bomb, bomb
Fail first card
Cap second card
Stage clear

That was probably the worst performance of Stage 6 Normal I've ever done.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on April 17, 2012, 11:50:12 AM
Maybe I should stop moving around like a total ass to make Murasa's survival card interesting. Because it's killing me more often than anything else in her battle.  :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zodiac on April 18, 2012, 08:11:20 PM
Died to Ran's last non card. :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on April 18, 2012, 10:53:38 PM
Hey, I've never really tried any UFO shot types other than ReimuA! Let's try some out. MarisaA looks good to me! Hard is probably fine, seeing as I've already 1cced it?

*dies to Hello Forgotten World, which is 23/23 with ReimuA*
*dies to Gold Detector*
*dies to Gold Detector, same bullet as before*
*dies to Nazrin midboss 2nd nonspell*
*dies to Nazrin Pendulum as she explodes*
*dies to Nazrin boss 1st nonspell*

Maybe I'll stick with ReimuA.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Ridley 64 on April 19, 2012, 04:09:43 AM
Speaking of UFO Hard, I decided to give it another try today. My last attempt from a while ago ended somewhere in Stage 4.


Successes: Capturing Murasa's second spell, capturing Byakuren's first spell and almost "capturing" her third non-spell.
Failures: Death, bomb, and death to Murasa's three non-spells, death and two bombs at midboss Nazrin, and bombing or dying on every single thing Shou did.

Pretty sure I can do it if I learn how to actually dodge some things. At least I finally have Stages 4 and 5 unlocked for stage practice :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Seppo Hovi on April 19, 2012, 06:42:07 AM
I had trouble clearing PoFV on normal. Two times in a row.
Youmu ( || Reisen (
How do I play this game :V

E: (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on April 24, 2012, 03:45:43 AM
I just died to Border of Wave and Particle.

In SA.

On Normal.

At 60 FPS.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Lepetit89 on April 24, 2012, 07:32:26 AM
Not exactly a derp, but recording my GFW clears, I thought it was funny how you can even turn runs into clears that really make you think the replay had bugged out like they do in SA Stage 6 or MoF Stage 4.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Buu on April 24, 2012, 11:35:31 AM
I just died to Border of Wave and Particle.

In SA.

On Normal.

At 60 FPS.

Don't feel bad, I die to that spell all the time (psh, Satori generally is one of the reasons why I'm using ReimuB instead of A now). It's not the easiest one out there if you ask me, even though it really doesn't look menacing at all. =P

Anyway, yesterday got to Orin on Lunatic before my 1cc ended in hilarious derp deaths in her first spell and third non-spell. The next few continues resulted in retrying the stage over and over to reach stage 6. And what the fuck why is Okuu on Lunatic so much easier than Orin.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on April 24, 2012, 01:53:04 PM
Suddenly 90FPS SA is totally impossible :getdown:

Granted, this was the first time I've tried it.

Normal mode, got to Yuugi :fail:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: ふねん1 on April 24, 2012, 03:12:41 PM
Don't feel bad, I die to that spell all the time (psh, Satori generally is one of the reasons why I'm using ReimuB instead of A now). It's not the easiest one out there if you ask me, even though it really doesn't look menacing at all. =P
It's a memo card through and through. I don't know off the top of my head if Malkyrian has done so for BoWaP, but I point to experience when I say that dying on memo cards like that is particularly embarrassing. :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Archin on April 25, 2012, 07:55:37 AM
  :getdown: Lets throw away EOSD runs from dying to Rumia on hard, how did I mess this up. -_- To make this even more fun why not die to a bird or what ever those flying winged things are on Stage 2 while picking up a power item at the exact same time. To even fuel this ball of laughter further, I can now barely reach Sakuya when last week I was pounding on the final card on Remilia.  :getdown:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: SuccinctAndPunchy on April 26, 2012, 03:05:29 PM
I died to Youkai Orb of Mechanics or whatever (Midboss Nue's third card).


This is easy shit by my standards for christ's sake.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on April 27, 2012, 03:07:05 AM
So I started up Marine Benefit and fought Kanpukugu just because I was bored.

I lost.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on April 27, 2012, 03:52:43 AM
I first-tried Kanpukugu with both Marisa and Reimu.

I also cleared them on the second try.

But the third try for both of them were failures :getdown:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Seppo Hovi on April 27, 2012, 12:39:26 PM
What on earth am I doing. ( Six misses. one to Lily, two to Yuyuko's opener, three to Reflowering.

No scoring shenanigans or planning, but I captured Sumizone. But... Reflowering????? Yuyuko's opener???? Lily???
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on April 27, 2012, 08:47:10 PM
My perfect record on Mononobe's Eighty Sake Cups (Lunatic) dies because I died on her second nonspell and tranced into it. >_<
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Esper on April 29, 2012, 01:58:10 AM
MoF Extra scoring run (

Basically, what happened was between Red Frog of Houei 4 and Native Myth vs. Central Myth: I tried to give Suwako a hug.

Apparently she doesn't want to be hugged.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on April 29, 2012, 02:16:01 AM
Note to self. Teabagging Satori is not how you safespot Boundary of Wave and Particle.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Esper on April 29, 2012, 03:04:00 AM
Note to self. Teabagging Satori is not how you safespot Boundary of Wave and Particle.

Reimu's a girl anyway so she can't teabag Satori Why safespot BoWaP in a survival run?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on April 29, 2012, 03:38:29 AM
It wasn't something I felt like dodging properly :V

BoWaP on Hard is like... different from Normal somehow
Where Normal has like a 90% catch rate Hard BoWap only has like one out of five.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on April 29, 2012, 04:55:00 AM
Someone mind explaining to me why I'm attracted to Minoriko's finisher's lasers, instead of being repelled? One of MoF's perennial mysteries.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Seppo Hovi on April 29, 2012, 02:59:25 PM
"Hey Seppo, you've never died to Youmu's third noncard on easy, have you?"
Yeah, now I have.

Proof. (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Karisa on April 29, 2012, 11:16:14 PM
So after the concept of perfecting Suwako was mentioned, I remember there was a different Extra boss that I was closer to perfecting. After finally managing to not die on the stage portion (at least 80% of my deaths have been there), I somehow managed to die to a random amulet on Nue's 3rd non-card. And again to her 5th. Here's the replay. (

I played it out because my score upon reaching Nue was ~10 million higher than usual (I always play out a run that seems like it'll be a new high score, and I needed more practice on Undefined Darkness, Rainbow UFO, and Grudge Bow anyway), and ironically enough, I captured everything else. So now I know I can perfect Nue... though not yet, since I'm rather bored of the stage portion right now.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on May 01, 2012, 08:42:25 PM
Minoriko's first card. 0/6 before I figure out a strategy, to 15/21 as of last night, to 16/25 today. Why do I suddenly suck?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Ridley 64 on May 01, 2012, 08:55:34 PM
Well, after only hearing about it and seeing it in vids, it finally happened to me.


What I get for not playing IN in a while I guess :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Esper on May 01, 2012, 11:48:10 PM
I got midboss kicked on my first attempt at EoSD Hard (Which was my first time playing)
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: ARF on May 02, 2012, 12:17:59 AM
I have to stop derping in my speedrun attempts, I'm playing on Easy for crying out loud. It's gonna be too embarrassing when I start autobombing midboss Orin.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Esper on May 02, 2012, 01:33:27 AM
You can't speedrun an automatically progressing game.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: ふねん1 on May 02, 2012, 01:38:01 AM
You can't speedrun an automatically progressing game.
Every boss ever says hi.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on May 02, 2012, 01:46:05 AM
You can't speedrun an automatically progressing game.
Funen basically explained it, but as someone who speedruns things myself, I'm going to explain in great detail your mistake.  Any game that has an end and a part that can be done faster or slower can be speedran.  The stages autscroll, but the bosses do not.  Therefore they can be sped up, and thus speedran.  I mainly run Ape Escape, which has an on-rails section.  It will always eat up 2 minutes, but even still I can speed up the rest of the game.

Also derp bullets hurt even at 90 FPS.  Flying Fantastica 90 FPS...never a good idea.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on May 02, 2012, 01:56:27 AM

Also derp bullets hurt even at 90 FPS.  Flying Fantastica 90 FPS...never a good idea.

Have you seen Naut's 90FPS Lunatic video? :getdown:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Esper on May 02, 2012, 01:58:08 AM
Have you seen Naut's 90FPS Lunatic video? :getdown:

Is "Lunatic" even a fitting title for him anymore?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on May 02, 2012, 01:58:34 AM
Have you seen Naut's 90FPS Lunatic video? :getdown:
Naut doesn't count.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Esper on May 02, 2012, 10:00:07 AM
Naut doesn't count.

Indeed, he loves the game possibly enough to break all of the world records.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on May 02, 2012, 06:26:54 PM
Reaches UFO Lunatic Stage 6 without continues.
Loses last life to the opening fairies.

Content with achievement of *getting to Stage 6*.
Realizes he didn't choose 'Continue' instead.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on May 05, 2012, 03:18:19 AM
Hey, Taizen! Did you know that Futo's boat doesn't have a hitbox?!
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Piranha on May 06, 2012, 04:40:40 PM
Just got me killed  two times with the Scarlet Team against Keine's last spellcard by bombing with Remi, going up and forgetting the lasers don't disappear when bombing... :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MMX on May 06, 2012, 07:29:36 PM
I haven't touched any touhou for several weeks, and today decided to go for SA normal.. Holy crap! I've died to Parsee's next to last spell, Unnatural Phenomenon, 3 times at Satori (facepalm) and ragequited at Orin. :fail:
I guess, this is what happens when someone takes a huge break with no practice.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on May 07, 2012, 03:56:45 PM
A death with full bombs to the spam post-midNue @ UFO Stage 4 Lunatic, the one you need to stay in the center and not move for.

A death with full bombs to a fast red bullet at the beginning of Stage 5, a split-second away from finishing off a red UFO. (said red UFO then proceeds to get away)

A death with full bombs on the memorization part before Nazrin.

Two deaths with full bombs to midboss Nazrin.

Yes, this was all in one run.

What the unparalleled fuck.

Maybe people can get a clearer picture of "why I hate myself during runs" now.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on May 09, 2012, 07:46:43 PM
I.. am.. so disappointed.

Another Perfect Lunatic Patchouli = ruined.

And not because I played bad.

But because I died on the last spell in a really stupid way.

With ~a second or two left to end the card.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Star King on May 10, 2012, 02:29:18 PM
What Patchouli form are you trying (which character are you using)?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on May 10, 2012, 05:21:18 PM
ReimuA. So, the easy one. No surprises here.

I still find her spells far from trivial and capturing them is always fun (although I am kind of consistent at -all- of them at this point).
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on May 10, 2012, 05:34:47 PM
The MarisaB fight is pretty easy, I've done it twice and each run captured 4 spells.  i think I missed Emerald Megalith the first time and Mercury Posion the second.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Lepetit89 on May 10, 2012, 05:37:08 PM
Finally got my controller, set it up and gave 7.5 a real go! 10 minutes in and suddenly I can recall my days of playing Street Fighter as  7-year old as if it hadn't been a week since then.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on May 10, 2012, 06:05:10 PM
Since I never ever play with MarisaB (why would anyone, really?), I was not aware of how moderate the fight is, but I'm not sure it's easier than ReimuA's fight. Besides, it looks less fun. :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on May 10, 2012, 06:07:14 PM
Since I never ever play with MarisaB (why would anyone, really?), I was not aware of how moderate the fight is, but I'm not sure it's easier than ReimuA's fight. Besides, it looks less fun. :V
because I cleared lunatic with her in 1 non-restarting try  :V

that is all, aside from trying 6-5 in DS at 90 FPS.  Curvy lasers were evil enough already  :V
and yes it's a derp, not rage.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on May 12, 2012, 08:55:06 PM
I just died to Guze Flash. No explanation needed.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: fondue on May 12, 2012, 09:02:47 PM
I just died to Guze Flash. No explanation needed.
Lunatic mode?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on May 12, 2012, 09:15:28 PM
Lunatic mode?
Not even that, it happened as I was trying to perfect Stage 6 on Hard.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MMX on May 12, 2012, 09:48:53 PM
Why the fuck is Guhun Yegui (Seiga's midboss spellcard) so stupid on hard mode? I mean seriously, it's really easier on lunatic cause of those wall fly away faster. Even with ultra patch applied ( it's no problem for me, but i almost always get myself walled while playing on hard.
I've heard there're some other spells that act like that, like Nazrin's Pendulum or something.   :wat:

this maybe belongs more to rage thread, i dunno
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Paper Conan on May 12, 2012, 10:38:20 PM
Had to deathbomb to a stage 1 fairy in Imperishable Night the other day.
Well, I hadn't played in months so it's perfectly justifiable.  :ohdear:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on May 12, 2012, 11:02:34 PM
>playing mystic square

>dies to sara on normal

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on May 13, 2012, 09:37:38 PM
I died twice to Orin's last card on a no-bombs attempt. What else happened the same run? How about two deaths on Stage 3 and other hilariously dumb mistakes spread all over the run?

It's not like I expected to clear that today. It's Sunday and I've been off the shmup since Thursday so it's okay. I also game overed on Koishi. Don't ask how.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on May 13, 2012, 09:57:31 PM
I failed Magic Butterfly.
On normal.

Then captured the 3rd nonspell, Milky Way and the 4th nonspell.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Esper on May 14, 2012, 12:14:48 AM
Why the fuck is Guhun Yegui (Seiga's midboss spellcard) so stupid on hard mode? I mean seriously, it's really easier on lunatic cause of those wall fly away faster. Even with ultra patch applied ( it's no problem for me, but i almost always get myself walled while playing on hard.
I've heard there're some other spells that act like that, like Nazrin's Pendulum or something.   :wat:

this maybe belongs more to rage thread, i dunno

Do you graze the walls by going close to Seiga?

That's the problem if it is. You also need to misdirect the homing orbs somewhere far and then go under Seiga, all the way at the bottom of the screen, when she starts shooting walls, and repeat.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MMX on May 14, 2012, 08:29:16 PM
Do you graze the walls by going close to Seiga?

That's the problem if it is. You also need to misdirect the homing orbs somewhere far and then go under Seiga, all the way at the bottom of the screen, when she starts shooting walls, and repeat.
That's what i do all the time, and it works perfectly (at least on lunatic) But on hard those walls stay on the screen longer making those orbs able to comeback :derp:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on May 15, 2012, 10:47:39 PM
That last run was

Ten Desires Lunatic 90FPS (bear in mind I haven't cleared Ten Desires Lunatic 60FPS).

Let's bomb absolutely everything, derp into random bullets for no reason, forget my lack of a bomb stock and crash into bosses on FIVE SEPARATE OCCASIONS. I wish I was kidding.

The real joke was that I was doing it purely to unlock everything for spell practice, and just missed. Got to Miko's fourth spellcard before running out of continues.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Esper on May 15, 2012, 10:55:04 PM
Brain: Full Life > UFO piece

Fingers: Full life < UFO piece

Kogasa appeared I think a full second before I went for the UFO piece.


Okay, running right into a laser as Keine is exploding. Lovely.


CtC Stage 6 Reimu, why do your bullets tempt my hitbox to hug them? It's as if they have their own gravity, I went from four lives to one on two different spells.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Captainragequit on May 15, 2012, 10:55:14 PM
First time I played ten desires, I ended up failing pretty badly. Not because of the difficulty of the game, because it's easy. But because of the stupid 1-up system. In the process of trying to get extra lives, I died several times to the 3rd boss simply because she started her patterns as soon as I got close to her. Knives spawned right on top of me at least 3 times in that fight.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Byaaakuren on May 16, 2012, 05:48:04 AM
I let a 124 million Blue UFO escape, costing me that billion (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on May 16, 2012, 04:08:57 PM
Played through Mountain of Faith stage 1 on Lunatic. My first Lunatic clear was with ReimuA. This time I was using ReimuB, meaning I had to try new routes.

I made a bunch of mistakes...and yet somehow I miraculously managed to make it to the end of the stage without dying or bombing, via a ton of ridiculous dodges. I then proceed to die stupidly to the very last shot from the very last wave of fairies and quit, forgetting to save the replay. :fail:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zil on May 17, 2012, 03:20:54 AM
I thought Kyouko's name was Kyouku until roughly two seconds ago.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on May 17, 2012, 03:47:18 AM
Is that better or worse than me screwing up her name with Kyokukou? :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MMX on May 17, 2012, 08:42:58 PM
I remember i thought Miyako is Yoshika's first name.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on May 17, 2012, 08:45:21 PM
Couldn't be worse than the time I thought Koishi was "Kioshi".


Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Random on May 17, 2012, 10:41:01 PM
Sakuya Iyazoi

wait what
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: xForeverFanaticx on May 17, 2012, 11:53:59 PM
Is it bad that I have a tongue spasm when I try to say Kaguya and accidentally say Sakuya? Or Kakuya... @@
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on May 18, 2012, 12:00:25 AM
Or Kakuya... @@
Should I be flattered?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: xForeverFanaticx on May 18, 2012, 01:24:44 AM
Should I be flattered?

If you wish to be...? :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on May 18, 2012, 07:38:56 AM
*is walled on VoWG*

*passes through wall*

*smashes into solid wave next to wall*
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: fondue on May 18, 2012, 03:19:33 PM
ikr mmx
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on May 19, 2012, 01:30:45 AM
Wow, I suck at Mystic Square. Can't even 1CC Hard...with MIMA.

The hilarious thing is, I actually did really well at Yumeko. Entered 3/0, finished 2/0. But an awesome Yumeko doesn't do much good when I fail absolutely everything else.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Star King on May 19, 2012, 06:29:17 PM
Sakuya Iyazoi

wait what

Wow I'm not the only one
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: xForeverFanaticx on May 19, 2012, 08:04:31 PM
I'm on the last wave/phase of Descent of Izuna Gongen. I see the blue orb wave coming in. It's perfectly aligned with the yellow stream that I knew was safe (I was in the safespot). I decided it was unsafe to stay there. A touch to the right. Pi-chuuuun~

Both raged and laughed at that.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on May 19, 2012, 08:26:06 PM
Wait, there's a safespot for that?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Random on May 19, 2012, 11:30:07 PM
I think Touhou actually is harder (

yuugi and orin should go die
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on May 22, 2012, 01:34:05 AM
I was playing Marine Benefit Normal for fun.

Messing around with the Stage 1 boss, because there's no way any of these bullets can possibly hit me. I'm staying a few inches under her feet, dodging all the bullets easily.

She then decided to move down.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MMX on May 22, 2012, 09:17:09 PM
I think Touhou actually is harder (

yuugi and orin should go die
Again replay seems desyncd on my setup, so i can't enjoy that sheer madness once more. Though Jaimers did an 1CC of SA ultra some time ago, and T perfected stage 2.

And yeah. Yuugi's 1st spell is just whaaaaaat? :o
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on May 22, 2012, 09:23:43 PM
>is attempting a perfect run

>presses X key
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on May 22, 2012, 09:39:25 PM
Though Jaimers did an 1CC of SA ultra some time ago
Do you have a link to this somewhere? I find it hard to believe he wouldn't upload it...
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Random on May 22, 2012, 09:42:16 PM
SA Lunatic Ultra:

Stage 1 and 2 - They should usually be done with a couple bombs at most, not dying is pretty much needed for me.
Stage 3 - should take at least 2 lives because yuugi walls
Stage 4 - This is pretty easily no-deathable too. Satori's ReimuA battle actually isn't as bad as I first thought on Ultra.
Stage 5 - orin and popcorn hell suck
Stage 6 - I did a practice run of it, and I had a net loss of two lives. Utsuho's first card, Hell's Tokamak, and Orin's spell are crazy, and I doubt that I'll have full power at the start during a 1cc attempt :p

I would laugh if I beat my current high score of the regular Lunatic mode in Ultra.

Though Jaimers did an 1CC of SA ultra some time ago
Replay? :)
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Thanuris on May 22, 2012, 09:54:17 PM
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Byaaakuren on May 23, 2012, 07:36:08 AM
Way to go, dying at Flying Fantastica three times before deciding to bomb even though it doesn't do damage (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: ARF on May 23, 2012, 06:37:58 PM
I think Touhou actually is harder (

yuugi and orin should go die

It's ridiculous how you can dodge like that and still game over on stage 6 Orin when I can play 100 times worse and reach Utsuho using ReimuC. Keep trying and you will 1cc that in no time. You are freaking amazing!
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on May 23, 2012, 08:11:28 PM
Night with Bright Guest Stars?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Random on May 24, 2012, 01:54:08 AM
It's ridiculous how you can dodge like that and still game over on stage 6 Orin when I can play 100 times worse and reach Utsuho using ReimuC. Keep trying and you will 1cc that in no time. You are freaking amazing!
Hell, I'm considering using ReimuC, and she might be a possible option because:

1 - if I get used to her shot, I could wipe out enemies very quickly. Extremely useful for all of the stages.
2 - if I can do the Yuugi skip, I would save around a life. One more life could have probably gotten me that 1cc :p
3 - her bomb is damn powerful.

ReimuB and Marisa are pretty much out of the question ;P

The biggest problem I had with that particular run was that I bombed at some of the most retarded places possible. Did I really bomb on Orin's opener? While using the safespot?!

Enough with that and Touhou for now. I have finals to study for :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on May 24, 2012, 03:29:45 PM
So uhh... Question for the Lunatics.

I have somehow gained less consistency on Orin's final spell compared to her Ghost Wheels. I'm actually starting to view it as more difficult because it is less predictable with the fairies having the potential to shoot a barrage of bubbles at my shrine maiden pretty much prohibiting her means of escape. Ghost Wheels is just simple dodging with the only thing being hard about it is the potential for clipping.

Am I alone?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zil on May 24, 2012, 03:37:41 PM
Her final is her hardest in my opinion, yeah. Once you know what you're doing on Ghost Wheels it's really just a normal spell, but the last one makes you do funky stuff, and the bubbles are unpredictable, and the shuriken are impossible to see.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: xForeverFanaticx on May 27, 2012, 02:44:40 PM
That awkward moment when you defeat the fairy at the beginning of MoF stage 3, try to get to POC by moving straight up, only to run into the LAST DAMN BULLET in the way. xD Stage 3 has its ways of reducing my life stock, while stage 4 has its ways of making me bomb spam (yes, stage 3 somehow gets me before I can react all the time . _ .)
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on May 27, 2012, 07:39:14 PM
Double KO at Wall Break, one after another, both with 100% freeze. Seriously?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Star King on May 27, 2012, 07:55:42 PM
Was having a great EoSD hard run with MarisaB, dying only once or twice in the first four stages... then I somehow died four times with three bombs in stock on each life in Stage 5. Including just standing there and getting hit by the knives of the midboss spell when all I had to do was sidestep, failing to stream the easy fairies after when all I had to do... was sidestep, and on Sakuya's opener, running sideways into one of the last needle walls of a wave when all I had to do was stand still. I got to Vampire Illusion after that so I feel I definitely would have won if I didn't play so inexplicably bad on Stage 5.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Piranha on May 27, 2012, 09:32:36 PM
Why can't I just move or at least bomb?! No, I have to stand there and let Sanae kill me 3 times.  :getdown:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: ふねん1 on May 28, 2012, 12:15:13 AM
I find it odd how my personal best attempt at an SA Lunatic 1lc is not a run I did recently, but one I did shortly after my first 1cc of the game, almost two years ago. And I wasn't even going for a 1lc back then. Sure, it's not like I've been doing even occasional attempts over that time, but still, I'd expect my greater skill and knowledge of SA in particular to help me more than it is now. I just died on Stage 4's green amulet streaming section, of all things.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: xForeverFanaticx on May 30, 2012, 01:04:46 AM
I find it hilarious when I'm thinking about how I derped so badly in one such part of a stage, thinking how I won't do that this time, only to repeat my actions precisely and exactly how I did it last time. xD
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on May 30, 2012, 04:22:35 PM
>UFO Lunatic Stage 6 Practice
>Captures First and third cards, along with third nonspell.


>3 horrible deaths to Recitation.
>1 horrible death to St. Nikou's scroll.
>3 horrible deaths to LFS.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on June 01, 2012, 04:57:44 AM
Nothing says "let's try to perfect Yukari" quite like dying to her first nonspell.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on June 01, 2012, 05:16:19 AM
Doom fairies: Killing me by ramming me from off the screen before Wriggle made it cool. :V Seriously, this happens way more often than it should.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on June 01, 2012, 07:37:25 AM
Yeah sure I'm tired and can't sleep LET'S GO NO BOMB PHANTASM
-dies to spam in stage right before it ends-
-dies to first spell right before it ends-
-dies to second nonspell right before it ends-
-invents a new strategy for Boundary of Motion and Stillness, capture-
-dies to Mesh of Light and Darkness right before it ends-
-dies to Xanadu of Straight and Curve right before it ends-
-dies to the 6th nonspell by moving too far-
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Lepetit89 on June 01, 2012, 07:58:31 PM
So, Suika's third Spellcard, I'm on my second healthbar, Suika's fourth Spellcard is the one that will inevitably wreck me because as far as I'm concerned, the only way to handle it is to bomb through it with my strongest Spellcard, so I'm saving up my Spellcards. Then, for no particular reason, I use them, on the third one. I don't know what made me do it, all I know is that Suika managed to blow through two healthbars by the time her fourth Spellcard was over. At that point, I was down to roughly 10% and the run ended during the penultimate Spellcard. Geesh, fuck me for being dumb. Had lots of that in that run, though, would have managed my first Lunatic Remilia without losing any Extra Lives had I not suddenly stopped reading her during her last Spellcard.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Esper on June 02, 2012, 12:08:48 AM
DS 5-1 takes me 12 minutes. (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on June 02, 2012, 01:41:56 AM
> squint
> die
> "you know it might help if i were wearing my glasses"
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on June 04, 2012, 06:26:38 AM
Oh my God.

Oh. My God.

Only two bombs wasted due to derps up to Stage 4 is something that almost never happens.

So I... had to... die to full bombs on the opening pattern.

And to Nue.

And to the pattern after Nue.

With full bombs, of course. Because I never, ever, in my wildest dreams, derp there.

Be right back, jumping off a cliff.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: cactu on June 04, 2012, 09:36:01 AM
>Try to timeout Mokou's last nonspell
>Get there, capture it instead as I forgot to stop shooting
>Try again
>Die on the first bullet, perfectly timeout the rest
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: xForeverFanaticx on June 05, 2012, 01:31:24 AM

>No Lives on Descent of Izuna Gongen due to a fail Extra Run
>Stays Focused to see hitbox for about 20 seconds
>Sees that I'm safe and unfocuses to deal more damage to Ran
>Gets clipped somehow by the next bullet that comes, WHICH SHOULD HAVE MISSED

but lol no, the game logic just has to make it hit xD
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on June 05, 2012, 02:01:23 AM

Phantom Ship Harbor has a 100% cap rate.
What is the deal here my gooooooda lrngagnap iwbg awmgiawngpaiwngawegutarfgh
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: xForeverFanaticx on June 07, 2012, 12:22:29 AM
Amazing how I capped my life stock by the end of stage 4, and yet, I end stage 5 with 4 lives (counting the 1up dropped by Youmu), and i end stage 6 with 1 life (from the 1up in the final spell from 1k point items).

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Byaaakuren on June 09, 2012, 06:42:11 PM
*Trying to play UFO Normal for score*
*Kept failing*
"Screw this, I'll play something easier for now"
*Plays PCB Lunatic*
*Fails at Stage 2*

:getdown: :getdown: :getdown:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on June 12, 2012, 01:44:32 AM
>is attempting no-vertical SA Normal

>enters BoWaP with a 5/3 stock

>Satori battle ends with a 1/1 stock

what just happened
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Massaca on June 13, 2012, 01:21:03 PM
Just had a quick go at PCB Extra. You know it's a bad time to play when you die on Ran's first non-spell and and then her first spell.
I cannot believe I did that. Now I need to go kill myself.

Edit: So I just checked my spell card stats, apparently it didn't count it as a fail. I did rage quit alt-F4 after it, guess I quit before it saved the stats? I'm sure it reached the results screen though.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: ふねん1 on June 13, 2012, 01:57:18 PM
Edit: So I just checked my spell card stats, apparently it didn't count it as a fail. I did rage quit alt-F4 after it, guess I quit before it saved the stats? I'm sure it reached the results screen though.
Yeah, PCB only saves Spellcard records if you complete the entire stage. It's only the games after PCB that keep track of your capture history even if you quit partway through the attack in question.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Massaca on June 13, 2012, 02:03:01 PM
Ah alrighty, thanks. Even though it didn't save, I'll always remember this f*** up v_v
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Karisa on June 13, 2012, 04:38:14 PM
PCB only saves spellcard records either when you complete the game, or game over. Completing the stage isn't enough if it's a full-game run (though it is for Extra/Phantasm or stage practice of course).

The same applies to EoSD, though that game's spellcard records aren't that useful anyway considering that it combines all difficulties together.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on June 13, 2012, 07:27:41 PM
Wow, this is an amazing run of Ten Desires Normal! I've made it all the way to Miko with only one death along the way, no bombs, no trance except for that death!

How shall I complete this run? Oh, I know! It'd just be great if I do so horrendously at Miko that I don't make it to Guze Flash! And let's die twice to that card with the glowing sun rings, because that just makes everything so wonderful!

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Raikaria on June 13, 2012, 07:31:11 PM
Wow, this is an amazing run of Ten Desires Normal! I've made it all the way to Miko with only one death along the way, no bombs, no trance except for that death!

How shall I complete this run? Oh, I know! It'd just be great if I do so horrendously at Miko that I don't make it to Guze Flash! And let's die twice to that card with the glowing sun rings, because that just makes everything so wonderful!


I know that feel man. The glowing round danmaku are like magnets. So... SHINY.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: xForeverFanaticx on June 14, 2012, 07:07:17 PM
>Yay~ I actually still made it to stage 6 after failtastic stages 2-5!
>*Prepares to graze crow's kunaispam*
>Oh hey why don't I just die while I'm at it? *awesomeface*

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Phlegeth on June 20, 2012, 06:43:13 AM
It's been awhile since I played any Touhou.  But still, TWO deaths to "A Rainy Night's Ghost Story" is pretty sad.  So in my infinite wisdom, I decided to go practice Stage 5 and with a full stock of lives at my disposal I lose during Nazrin's spell card.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: xForeverFanaticx on June 20, 2012, 09:46:42 PM
>hey why don't we try a PC98 Touhou for once? :V
>*opens up Mystic Square*
>*gets to stage 4 with only 1 bomb used*
>*dies once on stage*
>*dies once on initial boss fight
>*dies 3 times to a single attack from the second boss fight phase (where you defeat one of them and another boss fight starts)*

Oh me.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Hena on June 22, 2012, 06:06:28 AM
>Tries UFO Normal with ReimuB
>Dies to Kogasa boss first card
>Clears Ichirin's last card (yay)
>Enters stage 4 with 4 lives
>Reaches survival card with 0 lives

I hate you, UFO.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Seppo Hovi on June 23, 2012, 03:26:37 AM
Netx yer I'l do IN (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Lepetit89 on June 23, 2012, 07:07:19 AM
Spending so much time raging at Yukari's penultimate Spellcard in IaMP, thinking there was no way to dodge the combination of lasers that covers the entire screen, then realizing that you can actually dodge that one with the right timing while watching the replay of my clear. Not sure if I would have been able to get the timing right consistently, but it certainly would have helped.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: ARF on June 27, 2012, 10:27:20 PM
I don't think it's possible to do the stage spam before midboss in PCB stage 6 worse than me, I go up and bomb twice, hoping to get a border, fails and dies, border is broken by dialogue and all items are picked up at practically 0 value. After beating reflowering I decide to break the border just because I'll get a new one from the cherry things from all the cancelled bullets, well, too late, I ended at 49600 cherry, no border for me.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: xForeverFanaticx on June 28, 2012, 12:54:23 AM
That awkward moment when you try to run up to POC to autocollect power items after a death, only to miss the line, come back down, bomb and go back up in hopes of getting them again, but having them fall below the screen. *sob*
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Random on June 28, 2012, 02:46:15 AM
>PCB Lunatic no vert
>Stage 3

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on July 01, 2012, 12:00:20 AM
Just died to Yuyuko's first and fourth cards. How does that even happen?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Massaca on July 02, 2012, 12:31:19 PM
Derp fail against Chen on Hard. (
Mainly the one at the 13 second mark. I didn't even move *facepalm*
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on July 03, 2012, 02:01:55 AM
I died to Heal by Desire.

And once more, this time to the first wave of Ephemerality 137. Must have struck a nerve with stage 3 bosses today.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: crystalgreatsword on July 04, 2012, 01:41:27 AM
I just recently flew straight into a bullet during Perfect Freeze. One of the frozen ones, no less.
And to continue with my derpage, I clipped during Diamond Blizzard.

Cirno, oh you.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Lepetit89 on July 04, 2012, 09:41:07 AM
I think it's going to take me some time to get used to Sanae in 12.3, terrible performance I delivered there, simply terrible.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on July 07, 2012, 01:26:26 PM
Okay, I know persistence is my greatest strength and all...but there is a point at which "I'll try this again later" is a reasonable thing to say. That point is long before 263 timeout attempts in one sitting.

Driving myself into complete physical and mental exhaustion is NOT how Touhou is meant to be played. What are you doing Malky, stop that.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on July 07, 2012, 02:08:25 PM
Depends on the timeout I think. Around 300 is pretty normal for me, equal to around 45 minutes ~ an hour.

... Is this in IN/TD or not? :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Lepetit89 on July 07, 2012, 02:49:34 PM
Duuh, sometimes the best ideas only hit me in the heat of the battle. Did Utsuho's last Spellcard in 12.3 by standing at the edge of the screen, shooting in time to hit the black ones, which did not always go particularly well. As I was torn to shreds, wondering if this Spellcard really was supposed to be that way, certain doom if you mess up even once, that is, I suddenly realized that I can just graze around in the middle which also makes shotgunning it so much easier.

Sanae's shotgunning capabilities are also a major derp though, only realized that you can absolutely destroy pretty much anything that floats by shotgunning it when I was figuring out strategies for Utsuho's penultimate Spellcard. In retrospective, doing certain Spellcards without shotgunning looks kind of funny now.

I have to say, it really did help to get used to Sanae, I'm actually starting to like her controls now.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Seppo Hovi on July 07, 2012, 06:08:56 PM
You probably should time out cards you like, Malkyrian. For example, I did SFN since I liked it so much (and still do). The main thing about Touhou is to have fun, after all.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: crystalgreatsword on July 08, 2012, 11:39:02 PM
Trying to make it through Ten Desires.
Made it to Futo.
She brings out her boat.
I die.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Lepetit89 on July 09, 2012, 03:06:12 PM
Turns out I never actually installed the 12.3 1.10 (or 1.10a for that matter) patch because I didn't realize the setup added /th123 to whichever folder I was going to install it in.
Seems like I missed out on a lot of fixes for balancing issues for the majority of everything I've done. Nonetheless, is it just me or did the patch hurt my framerate? The animations seems much less fluid at times, even though the framerate counter doesn't indicate anything like that.

Edit: Seems like those issues are related to my laptop, seems to work fine everywhere else. Weird.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: SirChaotick on July 09, 2012, 07:04:59 PM
In my efforts to do a normal 1cc of SA, I got to the fifth stage for the first time. I crawled on until that damned cat from stage 4 popped up. After some desperate dodging and actually clearing some never seen before nonspells I bomb the spell it uses. Defeat. I zoom forward to claim my loot.

...and crash into the cat, who is STILL ALIVE. Does that thing come back a fourth time? I thought it "wasn't that powerful", according to Satori.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zil on July 09, 2012, 07:22:39 PM
Does that thing come back a fourth time? I thought it "wasn't that powerful", according to Satori.
You're in for a real treat, buddy. ;)
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on July 09, 2012, 07:24:17 PM
Does that thing come back a fourth time? I thought it "wasn't that powerful", according to Satori.
Anyone else want to break it to him?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on July 09, 2012, 07:34:21 PM
Anyone else want to break it to him?

Orin is arguably the worst Stage 5 boss in Touhou, only Shou really comes close.
and Orin is worse than Shou if you don't have strategy.
Really, all you have to look forward to is this (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: SirChaotick on July 09, 2012, 08:20:39 PM
Orin is arguably the worst Stage 5 boss in Touhou, only Shou really comes close.
and Orin is worse than Shou if you don't have strategy.
Really, all you have to look forward to is this (


That is... most unfortunate.

...yet she shall fall.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on July 09, 2012, 08:21:50 PM
Might be a good time to note that hard =/= bad.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: SirChaotick on July 09, 2012, 08:36:52 PM
Might be a good time to note that hard =/= bad.

Indeed. All excruciating horrors I shall have to go through while perfecting a difficult boss only amplify the satisfaction of dancing on its grave in the end.

...that sounded really macabre. And yet it's true.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Nindella on July 09, 2012, 09:25:21 PM
Indeed. All excruciating horrors I shall have to go through while perfecting a difficult boss only amplify the satisfaction of dancing on its grave in the end.

...that sounded really macabre. And yet it's true.

And sort of weirdly fitting considering the situation (going around Hell, and she's a Kasha etc.  :derp:)

You should have fun though, Orin has some of the funnest spells (and a really fun theme) her final one is really pretty.  Just watch out for small blue dot bullets and there're always a few safespot techniques you can use if you're feeling a bit lazy  :3

Also, she comes back in stage 6, hurray! 
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: crystalgreatsword on July 09, 2012, 11:21:35 PM
Am I the only one who derps Hina's spell cards when trying to 1cc MoF?
Because I swear her attacks are just so clippy >.>
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Nindella on July 10, 2012, 12:14:48 AM
Am I the only one who derps Hina's spell cards when trying to 1cc MoF?
Because I swear her attacks are just so clippy >.>
Nope, I used to clip her alot when I was going for my normal 1cc, and even when going for my hard 1cc months later. (Caused so many restarts  :()
On lunatic I'm thinking of planned bombs for some of her things.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on July 10, 2012, 12:50:00 AM
Am I the only one who derps Hina's spell cards when trying to 1cc MoF?
Because I swear her attacks are just so clippy >.>
I perfected stage 2 before I got my lunatic 1cc, but I know I always planned to bomb her first and last boss cards during a normal run.
Died to Omoikane's Brain, fourth nonspell.

Captured Astronomical Entombing, Hourai Elixir.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on July 10, 2012, 04:05:14 AM
*calls in modbombs*
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Random on July 10, 2012, 04:11:20 AM
wait a game that isn't rotmg exists oh yeah

Since I was bored at summer camp in USC, I decided to learn the supergrazing route in Stage 4 Easy. I then proceeded to die 6 times on my first run.

Before Satori.

I think RotMG really spoiled me when it came to dodging. Damn me and my newborn instinct to rush everything when there's almost nothing to rush in Touhou >_>
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Lepetit89 on July 11, 2012, 06:45:05 AM
Gaaah, forgot that I'm going to have to clear TD Easy Mode to unlock the remaining Overdrives. Captured Yuyuko's in five tries, but I'm not going to even think about acting like there was no luck involved there. Christ, it's been almost three months since I finished GFW, that's three months of nothing but fighting games, if any games at all. I think it's going to take me some time to recover from that absence, maybe a TD Easy Mode Clear will bring me back to my former proficiency!
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on July 11, 2012, 01:42:02 PM
Nah, nah, OF COURSE I would die to Aya's final spell after perfecting the entire fight (and jesus christ what a PWG) and dying only to Momiji during the stage portion.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: crystalgreatsword on July 12, 2012, 02:00:51 AM
I hate Rainbow Wind Chime. It's an easy spell to dodge, but I ALWAYS mess up and clip it. Its usually my first death in an EoSD 1cc run.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on July 13, 2012, 02:50:02 AM
Oh hey let's try to time out Phoenix's Tail at 90 FPS.

Oh, I failed? Let's try again.

And again.

And again.


Apparently I have thoroughly mastered the vital skill of bashing my head against a brick wall. Or something.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on July 13, 2012, 02:51:54 AM
I predict when StB scene speedrunning starts you will have somewhere around half of them.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: crystalgreatsword on July 13, 2012, 03:14:53 AM
Yay for repeated failure against Miko's spinny blue orb spell!
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: nintendonut888 on July 13, 2012, 03:42:20 AM
Ha ha, oh wow. So I beat Mamizou just a bit ago, and usually when Mamizou's cards get broken, her animal familiars immediately disappear. Well, guess it's not the same with Full Moon Pompokolin, because a bunch of frogs stayed on-screen as she exploded. Doing my pre-victory dance, I ran into one and died. I even got the spell card bonus, that's how ridiculous it was. Still had two lives in stock though, so it's not like I'm mad.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on July 13, 2012, 03:47:10 AM
Not just on her final. (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on July 13, 2012, 08:48:52 AM
StB scene speedrunning
why would you do this

And yeah, the exact same thing happened with my first capture of Full Moon a decade ago. It was jarring.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on July 13, 2012, 01:00:57 PM
I failed King Kraken Strike on two runs in a row. Derp.  :(
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on July 14, 2012, 06:55:54 PM
So I just managed to die to Konoha in MB.

On Normal.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Byaaakuren on July 14, 2012, 08:13:55 PM
I died to Remilia's third Non-card (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: fondue on July 14, 2012, 08:25:22 PM (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Byaaakuren on July 15, 2012, 12:38:50 AM
That's what I get for not touching EoSD in a while and the last time I fought Remilia, it was all the way back in the beginning of June.

Plus, it was my first time getting past her first non-card in Lunatic :getdown:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Oh on July 17, 2012, 12:21:14 AM
I was trying to do No Focus lunatic EoSD
Did a perfect Meiling fight
Captured 3/5 of Patchy's (including Lava Cromlech on max rank)
Failed at Sakuya
At the transition to stage 6 my game fucking froze. I was confident about this clear! Wtf! Holy shit I'm at a loss for words, except for FUCK YOU ZUN, YOU RUINED A REALLY AWESOME RUN, FUUUCK
This has never happened to me before... Now I'm gonna cry in a corner ;_;

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: LunarWingCloud on July 17, 2012, 07:49:56 PM
Nope, I used to clip her alot when I was going for my normal 1cc, and even when going for my hard 1cc months later. (Caused so many restarts  :()
On lunatic I'm thinking of planned bombs for some of her things.
Ah, planned bombs. I essentially gave up trying to actually capture Nue's first two spellcards in the TD Extra Midboss right, and instead I just dodge for a little, bomb (I use Reimu so I get right up to Nue and steal some Trance energy), do the same on the second spellcard, then trance through the last one to get bonus heart and bomb pieces.

Though I am trying to capture her first spellcard again. I USED to be able to do it. Then I derp'd on how I used to be able to. :/
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Reiko on July 17, 2012, 09:13:11 PM
Trying EoSD hard for fun.
Midboss Meiling, I die stupidly (doesn't really matter).
Then I go to the PoC to get the extra life.
With 120 power.
Oh well, no extra life then.

Also, I broke my previous record, dying with 7 bombs in stock in IN.

So much derp, it becomes funny.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Jx31 on July 17, 2012, 09:19:15 PM
I some how managed to time out Lunatic "Radiant Treasure Gun" instead of capturing it.   :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Kaze_Senshi on July 18, 2012, 02:59:56 AM
Trying EoSD hard for fun.
Midboss Meiling, I die stupidly (doesn't really matter).
Then I go to the PoC to get the extra life.
With 120 power.
Oh well, no extra life then.

Also, I broke my previous record, dying with 7 bombs in stock in IN.

So much derp, it becomes funny.

I did something like this, in PCB extra, I defeated Chen and when going to get the extra life someone killed and I didn't get the extra life  :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Tsym on July 18, 2012, 05:23:32 AM
I figured out why SA Lunatic stage 1 is so hard for me. The communication gauge.

Basically when I stopped trying to collect the items by streaming everything, I stopped dying as much in the stage portion of Stage 1.

Score? Who needs score when you can get out of stage 1 with 3 freaking lives? It's amazing. That's what it is.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Massaca on July 18, 2012, 09:19:49 AM
> Trying to no focus timeout Scarlet Destiny (Spell 220) at 90 fps with Youmu & Yuyu in IN.
> Notices timer at <60 seconds left (from 99).
> Dies at 54 from over tapping.

It's getting really annoying cause it's just a very simple "tap left, tap right, tap right, tap left, repeat" deal but I can't seem to not over or under tap. Often right at the beginning or around the 62 mark ::)
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on July 18, 2012, 09:52:54 AM
>Let's pacify Byakuren!

I'm a fucking idiot.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on July 18, 2012, 09:57:43 AM
>Let's perfect Kanako!

I'm a fucking idiot.

Derped on the ending deathfairy, then perfected Kanako up to Source of Rains. State of mind was something like "please don't let me capture this and VoWG", I'm kind of happy I failed both. Kind of.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on July 18, 2012, 10:28:03 AM

Derped on the ending deathfairy, then perfected Kanako up to Source of Rains. State of mind was something like "please don't let me capture this and VoWG", I'm kind of happy I failed both. Kind of.
The best way to try and perfect her is to not try and perfect her. Let me help you. From now on, you're practicing Stage 6 for VoWG. Kanako just happens to be there!
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: ふねん1 on July 18, 2012, 06:49:46 PM
For the second time that I can remember, UFO Stage 5 perfect run ruined... by accidentally summoning a large UFO.

Can someone make a patch that removes these things from the game altogether, please?

I figured out why SA Lunatic stage 1 is so hard for me. The communication gauge.

Basically when I stopped trying to collect the items by streaming everything, I stopped dying as much in the stage portion of Stage 1.

Score? Who needs score when you can get out of stage 1 with 3 freaking lives? It's amazing. That's what it is.
But most of the stuff in Stage 1 in aimed, so even if you're technically not grazing a lot of it, streaming is still the ideal way to survive. If you're dying while trying to stream, then you're doing something wrong. Do you have a replay?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on July 18, 2012, 08:51:40 PM
You perfected UFO Stage 5? Or were you going to but the UFO summon made you miss? If it's the former then I would make it count personally. :/
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: ふねん1 on July 18, 2012, 09:15:32 PM
Neither. These are shots at a perfect run - one mistake of any kind, including summoning a UFO, equals instant restart, which is what I did that time. Unless I feel like I really need to practice some aspect of an attack later in the stage, there's no point in continuing if you ask me.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: PMW on July 18, 2012, 11:00:40 PM
>EoSD stage 2
>perfect everything except perfect freeze

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: LunarWingCloud on July 19, 2012, 01:47:21 AM
Cirno froze your perfect run its tracks... literally.  :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Kaze_Senshi on July 19, 2012, 03:15:13 AM
>EoSD stage 2
>perfect everything except perfect freeze


I failed at perfect freeze too these days and send the replay to the touhou fail compilation :P (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Karisa on July 19, 2012, 12:00:19 PM
I ran into a bullet while circling around on Miko's 4th card in a TD Hard survival run (survival meaning aiming to finish with as many resources as I could). I had 7 lives and 9 bombs at the time; if I hadn't died there, it would have been a max resources clear, or at least a no-death run, depending on whether I survived Miko's 6th card long enough to finish it off with one trance. (It's impossible to reach the 20 extend, correct?)

On the plus side, I somehow managed to score 1.1 billion in that run, meaning I've now reached 1 billion in every Touhou game it's possible in (7, 8, 10-13, as far as I know).
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on July 19, 2012, 03:40:57 PM
I think the 25-extend is the impossible one, actually?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Karisa on July 20, 2012, 12:42:50 AM
per life: 8, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, (22, 25?)
total: 8, 18, 30, 45, 63, 83, (105, 130?)

If I counted correctly, there are 48 pink spirits in the game (by stage: 4, 8, 8, 8, 10, 10) on Hard/Lunatic. Reaching 63 life parts requires trancing at least 15 of them, or more if you miss any spirits. Reaching 83 would require trancing at least 35 of them, and reaching anything above 96 would be impossible even if you could theoretically be in trance for every spirit.

The highest I've either reached personally or seen in a replay is around 6/20 or 7/20 towards the 8th life (in other words, 69-70 life parts collected). Although it's possible that a few more could be collected (say, by planned bombs on certain boss phases to recharge your trance more quickly), I doubt it's possible to reach 20/20.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: crystalgreatsword on July 20, 2012, 01:23:24 AM
I have recently been playing through Hard mode EoSD to prepare for my next Normal 1cc attempt.

Lo and behold I miraculously make it to Scarlet Meister.
That card is scary! O.o

Needless to say, I lost my last life to that card xD
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on July 20, 2012, 03:11:46 AM
On a so far perfect run, decided to shoot Kanako instead of stream on Source of Rains because I thought I could finish it in time.

I couldn't.

Didn't even attempt VoWG, just quit right there because I didn't want to know if I could have captured it and made that my perfect run if I hadn't been so stupid. <_<
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MTSranger on July 20, 2012, 04:35:18 AM
per life: 8, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, (22, 25?)
total: 8, 18, 30, 45, 63, 83, (105, 130?)

If I counted correctly, there are 48 pink spirits in the game (by stage: 4, 8, 8, 8, 10, 10) on Hard/Lunatic. Reaching 63 life parts requires trancing at least 15 of them, or more if you miss any spirits. Reaching 83 would require trancing at least 35 of them, and reaching anything above 96 would be impossible even if you could theoretically be in trance for every spirit.

The highest I've either reached personally or seen in a replay is around 6/20 or 7/20 towards the 8th life (in other words, 69-70 life parts collected). Although it's possible that a few more could be collected (say, by planned bombs on certain boss phases to recharge your trance more quickly), I doubt it's possible to reach 20/20.

I remembered a while ago back when the game first came out that someone posted images of ending with 8 lives and ?/22, and ending with no lives and ?/25.
Are you sure there are only 48? Even I could reach 7 lives and I'm terrible when it comes to trancing.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Karisa on July 20, 2012, 05:17:13 AM
I remembered a while ago back when the game first came out that someone posted images of ending with 8 lives and ?/22, and ending with no lives and ?/25.
Are you sure there are only 48? Even I could reach 7 lives and I'm terrible when it comes to trancing.
Here's my list. Did I miss anything? (Also if you happen to know where those images are, could you link them?)

stage 1:
1 from midboss
2 from Yuyuko's first 2 cards
1 from Yuyuko's 3rd card (Hard/Lunatic only)

stage 2:
2 before midboss
2 from Kyouko midboss card
2 before Kyouko (if you defeat the 6 green spirit enemies fast enough)
2 from Kyouko's first 2 boss cards

stage 3:
2 before Kogasa
2 from Kogasa's card (her non-card drops spirits but there's no life spirit)
2 from enemies that appear if you defeat Kogasa fast enough
2 from Yoshika's first 2 cards

stage 4:
2 before midboss
2 from Seiga's midboss card
2 from large fairies near end of stage (more fairies appear if you defeat them fast enough, but they only have green spirits)
2 from Seiga's first 2 boss cards

stage 5:
2 from set of 6 enemies near the start
2 from set of 6 enemies before Tojiko
2 from Tojiko
1 from set of 6 enemies near end of stage (the 7 enemies after that only drop 6 green spirits)
3 from Futo's first 3 cards

stage 6:
4 right before Miko (make sure not to defeat any of the large fairies without defeating the spirit enemy following it first)
6 from Miko's first 6 cards
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Seppo Hovi on July 20, 2012, 01:19:09 PM

Image credit not by me. Tool-assisted trance was used, replays are on the uploader.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: K.B. on July 21, 2012, 12:26:30 AM
Can someone make a patch that removes these things from the game altogether, please?
Fervently seconding this.

When it comes to ufos, I have to restrain myself to be courteous and heed the lecture of Thumper's dad.

Except when Naut disparages EoSD.  Then the gloves come off.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Karisa on July 21, 2012, 03:24:35 AM

Image credit not by me. Tool-assisted trance was used, replays are on the uploader.
That doesn't answer my question about whether the 20 extend is possible without any cheats... though it does raise a new question of how I managed to miss at least 11 life spirits in my list.

What do I need to play back that replay?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: FKillThisAccount on July 21, 2012, 03:37:51 AM
Here's my list. Did I miss anything? (Also if you happen to know where those images are, could you link them?)

stage 1:
1 from midboss
2 from Yuyuko's first 2 cards
1 from Yuyuko's 3rd card (Hard/Lunatic only)

stage 2:
2 before midboss
2 from Kyouko midboss card
2 before Kyouko (if you defeat the 6 green spirit enemies fast enough)
2 from Kyouko's first 2 boss cards

stage 3:
2 before Kogasa
2 from Kogasa's card (her non-card drops spirits but there's no life spirit)
2 from enemies that appear if you defeat Kogasa fast enough
2 from Yoshika's first 2 cards

stage 4:
2 before midboss
2 from Seiga's midboss card
2 from large fairies near end of stage (more fairies appear if you defeat them fast enough, but they only have green spirits)
2 from Seiga's first 2 boss cards

stage 5:
2 from set of 6 enemies near the start
2 from set of 6 enemies before Tojiko
2 from Tojiko
1 from set of 6 enemies near end of stage (the 7 enemies after that only drop 6 green spirits)
3 from Futo's first 3 cards

stage 6:
4 right before Miko (make sure not to defeat any of the large fairies without defeating the spirit enemy following it first)
6 from Miko's first 6 cards

Thanks for posting these! Now I can time my trances correctly to the lives.

On-topic I keep ruining my chances of a normal 1cc on 10D (even easier than IN) just because of Miko and her claustrophobic/clippy/fast/herding-rich spell card collection, where I derp everything except Ikaruga-dera and Guse Kannon.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: LunarWingCloud on July 22, 2012, 04:51:30 AM
I remember when I used to struggle with TD to 1cc it on Normal. Used to be so rough. Only issues I typically have now are Yoshika (because healing is unfair), Seiga (because wavy lasers ruin my perception so bad) and Miko (because bullet mass rape).

However I typically 1cc it no problem. Trance is your friend. :D

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: nintendonut888 on July 22, 2012, 07:02:43 AM
Random Eirin attempt: ND1B, last spell captured. If you were to ask me if I were angry at messing up Apollo 13 at such a critical time, I'd say...not really. But it is regrettable; I'd love to totally humiliate Eirin one day by topping off a perfect with a Hourai Elixir capture. Maybe someday I'll get that chance.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on July 22, 2012, 08:18:45 AM
Quick, make a joke about this board's name while you still can!

Seriously though, it's only a matter of time now. Good luck <_<
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: redlakitu on July 22, 2012, 08:47:01 AM
Died while trying to finally capture Hourai Elixir (Normal) with 0 seconds left on the counter... because I suddenly decided that my face and the incoming bullet really should meet each other. At least I immediately realized that it was my fault and only mumbled something to the effect  of "I knew it" instead of the usual "AAAAAAAAAARRRRRRGH".
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Reiko on July 22, 2012, 08:51:32 AM
UFO normal, reaching stage 6 after a run full of derps.
I dodge all the bullet spam from the disco ball before Byakuren for the first time ever.
"Aw yeah, I'm so going to get this 1cc"
I rush to the PoC like a madman.
Straight into the ball.
This thing has a hitbox. :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on July 22, 2012, 08:53:25 AM
So you know how in MoF stage 3, Nitori shows up and then immediately retreats? I just found out that she has a hitbox when this happens.

The really hilarious thing was that I had been making utterly ridiculous dodging on the segment before that, feeling invincible, and then NITORI KICK.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: nintendonut888 on July 22, 2012, 03:27:29 PM
Quick, make a joke about this board's name while you still can!

Seriously though, it's only a matter of time now. Good luck <_<

No thanks. I admit there's some temptation, but I really don't feel like going through that hell ever again. So long as Apollo 13 remains as impenetrable, unfun, random, and BS as it is, I will never get serious about a perfect + last spell capture.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on July 22, 2012, 03:50:06 PM

What's your capture rate? By the time I got my perfect it was a fitting 19/70, I take it yours isn't quite as good. >_>
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: nintendonut888 on July 22, 2012, 04:15:27 PM
Something about 19/100.

Just so you know, you're starting to spark it. I really really hate it, but my mind is starting to make up its decision that it wants to see this end. Even worse than last night, a run just now had everything perfected except for a hit on Astronomical Entombing; not only has this card almost never been an issue (the first time I reached it in a perfect attempt, I captured it), but it wasn't even a hard dodge - I ran into a bullet because I was careless.

*sigh* I really didn't want to ever do this again...

Well, at least I seem to be getting good at Hourai Elixir's last phase. And...grr, you really don't know what you're egging on Seiga. If I get serious, I will not be able to do ANYTHING else until I complete this. That's what I hate more than anything. I wish you hadn't egged me on to this point, but I know myself well enough to know I can't run away, and I will have to give it everything I got.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: ARF on July 22, 2012, 06:32:03 PM
Something about 19/100.

Just so you know, you're starting to spark it. I really really hate it, but my mind is starting to make up its decision that it wants to see this end. Even worse than last night, a run just now had everything perfected except for a hit on Astronomical Entombing; not only has this card almost never been an issue (the first time I reached it in a perfect attempt, I captured it), but it wasn't even a hard dodge - I ran into a bullet because I was careless.

*sigh* I really didn't want to ever do this again...

Well, at least I seem to be getting good at Hourai Elixir's last phase. And...grr, you really don't know what you're egging on Seiga. If I get serious, I will not be able to do ANYTHING else until I complete this. That's what I hate more than anything. I wish you hadn't egged me on to this point, but I know myself well enough to know I can't run away, and I will have to give it everything I got.

I hope you get it soon, it was strangely inspiring reading your post. Cheers!
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: nintendonut888 on July 22, 2012, 07:18:54 PM
I perfected Eirin.

I told myself that unlike last time, I would give Hourai Elixir everything I had. I did.

I failed on the fourth phase.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on July 23, 2012, 02:23:00 AM
And...grr, you really don't know what you're egging on Seiga. If I get serious, I will not be able to do ANYTHING else until I complete this.
That's how I felt about Eirin as well?and Marisa?and Reimu?and Youmu?and how I currently am with Kanako. Share in my misery. >_>

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on July 23, 2012, 02:24:41 AM
Go for MoF stage 4 lunatic perfect.
Or better, MoF extra perfect  :D

I accidentally didn't realize I picked Scarlet Team instead of Ghost Team until the stage 1 boss.  the BOSS, not the midboss.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on July 23, 2012, 02:43:26 AM
Or better, MoF extra perfect  :D
Tried it exactly once for fun when I was burned out from Kanako and got my first Native Myth capture ever, so I'll classify that as "not impossible". Maybe later, I still haven't perfected an extra yet.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: nintendonut888 on July 23, 2012, 02:48:05 AM
That's how I felt about Eirin as well…and Marisa…and Reimu…and Youmu…and how I currently am with Kanako. Share in my misery. >_>


Ha ha ha, I knew you would say that. Good thing I don't care about stages, and nothing you say can ever change my mind. ^_~ Besides, I perfected the stage portion dozens of times. It's not hard, which is why I give myself the liberty to screw around during stages at my leisure.

Also, you're sharing in my misery. I've perfected every boss in the series on lunatic. All of them. So you may imagine it felt nice to be free of this kind of pressure, even though my skill has only improved. Honestly, I'd rather be your mentor than a target of vitriol.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on July 23, 2012, 03:01:08 AM
Also, you're sharing in my misery. I've perfected every boss in the series on lunatic. All of them. So you may imagine it felt nice to be free of this kind of pressure, even though my skill has only improved.
Challenge accepted?someday. <_<

Does that mean you've perfected Kaguya+last spells? >_> <_<
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on July 23, 2012, 03:02:33 AM
I'm working on the windows bosses for that!

despite having never 1cced UFO or TD lunatic, though I have captured nearly every lunatic spell from all games bar UFO

Honestly, I don't know what you're thinking to gain by issuing such silly challenges.
Have a somewhat serious challenge, assuming you haven't done so already: no bomb lunatic clears
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: nintendonut888 on July 23, 2012, 03:10:29 AM
Challenge accepted?someday. <_<

Does that mean you've perfected Kaguya+last spells? >_> <_<

Honestly, I don't know what you're thinking to gain by issuing such silly challenges. To be honest, I don't like you trying to antagonize me. :[ I don't think I'm the type of person you want as an enemy.
Because then I would issue even worse challenges to you that I don't have faith you could complete.

Anyway, Kaguya's a lot harder to me than Eirin at this point (if only because I didn't have to play nearly 100 times to perfect her), so capturing all her last spells at the same time is just plain unreasonable (I have, however, captured every last spell in a single run before). For your information, I haven't perfected with last spells for Kaguya, Reimu, Marisa, or even Keine. The only reason I felt the need to do so with Eirin is because I have an especially bad history with her, and you inspired me with your perfect. Don't expect the same with the others.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on July 23, 2012, 03:21:29 AM
Because then I would issue even worse challenges to you that I don't have faith you could complete.
I have 340000 faith, bring it Yeah, you're probably right. No harm intended, but sadly my OCD says that a perfect needs to be perfect. You're lucky. >_>
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: nintendonut888 on July 23, 2012, 03:57:02 AM
I have 340000 faith, bring it Yeah, you're probably right. No harm intended, but sadly my OCD says that a perfect needs to be perfect. You're lucky. >_>

Lucky? That's only because I went through hell to get to it. :| I'll have you know I worked for years to get where I am today. As someone who is starting down the same path, surely you understand the kind of pride you hold for your accomplishments. To be told they're not good enough is the biggest insult. And, on top of that, even if your taunts are idle to you, they may be digging deeper than you think - I did just spend my whole morning fighting Eirin because of you. Just keep that in mind.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on July 23, 2012, 04:40:40 AM
Oh no, I mean you're lucky your mind can be happy without perfecting stages or last spells. I have to perfect everything.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: nintendonut888 on July 23, 2012, 05:17:28 AM
Hum. I do pity you, but, to repeat what I said some time ago, please don't impose your standards on others. You may just be venting, but to be blunt, you have to right to make others feel bad with you.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Seppo Hovi on July 23, 2012, 01:36:57 PM
You should aim for beating this score (, if you wish to improve your Kaguya.

Also she has a lot of RNGsiht, so it is a pretty stupid stage to aim for a NDNB on. The static things you want to do consistently are the 4th last spell and Hourai Jewel. Oh and I guess some other cards could be practiced too, like learning the vertical way for the third card.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Tsym on July 24, 2012, 07:39:02 AM
So I bombed the last part of SA Stage 3. There's no possible way that an enemy could spawn lasers/bullets in the literal milliseconds between the bomb ending and the damage being dealt to the enemies right?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Star King on July 24, 2012, 12:45:48 PM
I think that after I complete my very long term goal of beating all modes with every shottype and capturing every spellcard with every shottype in every Windows Touhou game, perfecting all Lunatic bosses is a good goal for me (with stages + all cards captured, Seiga style)

So I'll see you guys in 5 years  :D
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on July 24, 2012, 01:25:59 PM
VoWG death with 1cm left number four!

VoWG death on 100% static first wave number two! That's two too much. :(
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: crystalgreatsword on July 25, 2012, 02:55:03 AM
I totally did not just clip "Rainy Iwafune" twice in a row.

Nope. I didn't.

*sob* :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on July 25, 2012, 08:50:44 AM
>close to first round win vs Lunatic PoFV Yuuka
>activate spirit right below self
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on July 26, 2012, 04:37:08 PM
I had my first fight against Meiling in a long long while. I haven't really played the game much at all since like 2010 or so when I made my 1cc clear of it. But ehh.. maybe it's time to start changing that a bit. Maybe.

Anyway, the derp of the day is that I managed to somehow fail Meilings first spellcard. Yeah. The Wind Chime one. I have no idea how but it somehow happened. ; :V - After that I took revenge by perfecting her entire battle. It's not all that hard but it's a nice example of how a boss can still be fun even if it's not brutally difficult. Oh and her 3rd non-spell is nowhere near as hard to dodge as I remember it.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: PMW on July 26, 2012, 08:21:12 PM
How is it that I can easily reach stage 5 in SA lunatic ultra, but I game-over in stage 3 in the regular lunatic?????

Fail: (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on July 26, 2012, 11:59:33 PM
( (

Meh... died on Gengetsu's first phase, final phase and I think like twice on the second phase. I did manage to perfect all the way up to Gengetsu but I kinda forgot what I was doing on most you see. Not to forget the miss on the final phase which is of course worth jumping out the window for.

Oh and Mugetu is terrible. Period.

EDIT: 気合い... Fighting spirit at 83.98%. The hell is this supposed to mean?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: crystalgreatsword on July 27, 2012, 01:34:35 AM
Almost 1cc'd Ten Desires. ALMOST.

I was on Miko's last spell. HER LAST SPELL. I just HAD to somehow forget to deathbomb.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sanger Zonvolt on July 27, 2012, 09:10:15 AM

Meh... died on Gengetsu's first phase, final phase and I think like twice on the second phase. I did manage to perfect all the way up to Gengetsu but I kinda forgot what I was doing on most you see. Not to forget the miss on the final phase which is of course worth jumping out the window for.

Oh and Mugetu is terrible. Period.

EDIT: 気合い... Fighting spirit at 83.98%. The hell is this supposed to mean?
I must keep at it and beat it as well.   :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Massaca on July 27, 2012, 10:53:01 AM
I just died twice on Flandre's survival card... both times with 3 bombs in stock. Game over.

Edit: Oh, and this from a little earlier too.

Plus the fact that I've died to the fairy fight before Patchy on every single run except 1. In about 10-15 attempts. Usually on of the very last bullets. Because apparently I can't see and my bomb finger is dysfunctional. So, derps all round.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: xForeverFanaticx on July 27, 2012, 01:20:50 PM
Tried to do a no-focus of PCB Normal on my uncle's mac. I didn't change any settings, and the game lagged in places. I still lost to yuyuko's final spell (before reflowering). Durrrr
Btw, are there any settings that should be configured on a mac to optimize the game's speed? idk computers :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on July 27, 2012, 09:35:10 PM
>TD Lunatic Stage 6 practice.
>Honor the Avoidance of Defiance (the second-to-last card).
>Forced to move to the side.
>Eventually get back to the center.
>Timer is ticking.
>About to end the card.

>Perfect timeout.

Whatever you say, game.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: PMW on July 28, 2012, 04:20:53 AM
>PCB lunatic 1cc attempt
>Really dumb run with deaths with bombs in stock
>Reaches Yuyuko with 4 bombs and no lives very near to an extend
>"Ok I can still do this if I remember to bomb"
>"Remember to bomb"
>"Bomb, Bomb, Bomb"
>Dies at first nonspell

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: xForeverFanaticx on July 30, 2012, 04:54:39 PM
Goddamn ghost enemies spawning on me when I try to do TD Easy Perfect -_-"
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on July 30, 2012, 09:53:10 PM

Health and card history are relevant. :/
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on July 31, 2012, 12:36:34 PM
I should really remember to check if I'm the last poster more. <_<
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on July 31, 2012, 12:38:23 PM
You never cleared Nue before? Or is that a No Bombs run?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on July 31, 2012, 12:48:03 PM
I'm doing my perfect with MarisaA instead of ReimuA because piercing lasers. Haven't actually cleared it with her yet. <_<
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on July 31, 2012, 12:52:02 PM
Is MarisaA actually better than ReimuA? I guess the lasers help against, uh, the aimed dudes with red bullets? Is that worth it?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on July 31, 2012, 01:03:31 PM
I haven't noticed any real downsides to using Marisa aside from maybe a few more clipdeaths at Kogasa 1st card, but she makes Blue and Rainbow UFO so much easier. I'd say Green as well, if I didn't seem to always fail that card regardless of who I'm playing as. <_<

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on July 31, 2012, 01:09:04 PM
SanaeB is better than both of those two because of shotgun.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on July 31, 2012, 01:22:29 PM
And because she makes all the UFO spells trivial.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on August 01, 2012, 01:42:33 PM
That's not an issue for now, it seems, because I just failed a perfect run at Danmaku Chimaera.

I don't even.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on August 01, 2012, 11:14:52 PM
So I just bombed during a timeout attempt when I was in no danger whatsoever.

Or so I thought, since I heard the deathbomb sound, and on watching the replay, was hit by a bullet I didn't even realize was there.

...Well. Um...okay then.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: crystalgreatsword on August 01, 2012, 11:44:43 PM
I just had a massive derpfest on PCB Normal Stage 4 with ReimuB.

I kept walling myself in and going to the POC when I knew it was a bad idea to do so.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: nintendonut888 on August 04, 2012, 12:51:19 AM
[17:48] <Kuruminut> MoF extra 1DNB. The death was on Suwa War, at 20 seconds left. I hit a sun. You know, the things that are empty threats until the last ten seconds
[17:48] <Kuruminut> I didn't even get walled. I just...hit it

Teh heh, oh well, it's funny. Plus I made a sick dodge to survive the last ten seconds through a near solid wall, so it makes up for it.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: fondue on August 04, 2012, 03:20:31 PM
>Can't capture any of Shou's spellcards.
>Captures "Most Valuable Vajira".
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on August 04, 2012, 03:37:12 PM
EoSD Stage 6 Practice, why not. Perfect stage portion, cool. Hitbox-related failures on the first non and spell, whatever. Do everything else up to Meister perfectly, not bad.

Die on Meister's third wave, goddammit.

Die on Scarlet Gensokyo with <20% left on the card, fuck you Remilia.

Die on Scarlet Gensokyo again,

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Piranha on August 04, 2012, 04:41:16 PM
Died on the fairies before Momiji by backing into one of them, then tried to bomb for collecting the power items... :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: SirChaotick on August 04, 2012, 07:21:16 PM
>Can't capture any of Shou's spellcards.
>Captures "Most Valuable Vajira".

The coincidence is uncanny. That was also the first of her cards that I captured. I had died four consecutive times to Shou , and then one randomly captures her hardest card.

Not sure if an accomplishment or an embarrassment.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: fondue on August 04, 2012, 07:41:48 PM
The coincidence is uncanny. That was also the first of her cards that I captured. I had died four consecutive times to Shou , and then one randomly captures her hardest card.

Not sure if an accomplishment or an embarrassment.
For me it's probably the best accomplishments ever cuz my keyboard often ghosts, and while moving I was holding Z.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: crystalgreatsword on August 05, 2012, 01:01:42 AM
Why can't I ever make it past Stage 3 on UFO Normal? BLARRRGHHHH. :V

I need to have a long talk with Ichirin.

Anyway, my biggest problem with UFO is collecting UFOs. I can't seem to dodge danmaku and actively collect moving items on the screen. Does anyone have any tips for that?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on August 05, 2012, 01:35:33 AM
*captures Mikoto's 1st spell for the first time*
*remembers where blue balls in 2nd nonspell start a little too late*
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zil on August 05, 2012, 03:35:40 AM
Anyway, my biggest problem with UFO is collecting UFOs. I can't seem to dodge danmaku and actively collect moving items on the screen. Does anyone have any tips for that?
Usually you'll want to use bombs to collect those tokens whenever it seems like there are too many bullets in the way. Stage 4 in particular has a ton of them that you'll never get with out bombing. That's why characters who don't get slowed during bombs tend to be easier to use. Spread fire also helps keep the screen clear of detritus. *coughSanaeBcough*

Beyond that, just know that you can memorize where the tokens will be, and if it you aren't sure about going after one, you should probably ignore it.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on August 05, 2012, 09:37:30 AM
I just got hit by a bubble bullet during Sea and Sky Turbulence.

Anyone who knows what card I'm talking about is seriously groaning right about now.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: fondue on August 05, 2012, 11:04:54 AM
Oh, well well well. Looks like I was hit by one of Nazrin's lasers. But I bombed way before I was hit, but no bomb was on the screen and I died. Why did that happen, you ask?
I was moving down at the same time.
Even though she is a pretty good character, IMO she has the WORST shot types and speed in all of UFO. Unarguably. I would prefer to use MarisaB than SanaeB, but I never play as MarisaB in UFO.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: SirChaotick on August 05, 2012, 11:28:23 AM
I was moving down at the same time.Even though she is a pretty good character, IMO she has the WORST shot types and speed in all of UFO. Unarguably. I would prefer to use MarisaB than SanaeB, but I never play as MarisaB in UFO.

I'm pretty sure both ReimuB and MarisaB are a mile below Sanae, A or B. Their complete lack of focusing fire + MarisaB having pretty much the worst bomb in the game definitely puts them behind Sanae.

On the prospect of derping:
First try at TD: reach Miko's second card
Next seven tries: ragequit before stage 5
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on August 05, 2012, 11:59:09 AM
IMO she has the WORST shot types and speed in all of UFO.

Well your opinion is wrong. First of all, her damage output is actually quite good, she can shotgun stuff occasionally, she has great range which turns a lot of problem scenarios during the stages into something really easy and she has a powerful bomb that doesn't slow her down meaning you can use the rather long time it takes for the bomb to go off to set yourself up for a UFO spawn.

She is probably the best character in the game. She might not be able to beat ReimuA or MarisaA in terms of damage output but both of these characters slow down your movement making it harder, sometimes impossible, to grab UFO's during the bomb animations. Plus, they have less range.

So basically use SanaeB. She's a good girl.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: fondue on August 05, 2012, 12:19:18 PM
but SanaeA is better than SanaeB
oh ya BTW I misworded my other post kinda wrong; I was only refering to SanaeB. but still I actually have troubles with B so thats the reason why I dislike it. (And plus anyway im totally used to Persuasion Needles and Small hitboxes.)
Still SanaeA is better for me. You guys may actually have a point because she is the least used character in the game for me, so I might have to experement more with her.
Still going with ReimuA :getdown:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on August 05, 2012, 12:32:51 PM
Hey, UFO has a lot of really good shot types so if you rather want to play as someone other than the absolute best, I won't stop you. :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: fondue on August 05, 2012, 12:37:49 PM
good :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on August 07, 2012, 12:43:20 AM
I just fucked up Kogasa's 2nd spell, Ichirin's second non-spell and Boundary of Wave and Particle in one sitting. That'll teach me to play at 2:45 AM.  :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Tsym on August 07, 2012, 01:07:36 AM
10 consecutive deaths to Yuyuko on 10 different attempts of TD stage 1. Urgh what the hell. I know Yuyuko is totally doable with no deaths/bombs consistently, unlike a certain stage 1 spider, but somehow I just can't seem to do it today.

And of course I can do Yuyuko's final spell card perfectly well in spell practice (even stopping shooting for a while to account for the power difference), and yet I still fail it in the actual stage, though now I realize that the best way to do it is basically to sit at the bottom of the screen and not move. Now all the dodging antics I did before just seem silly. Sigh.

Of course I know that if I ever do beat Yuyuko, I'll be met with Kyouko's flipping non-spells. They seriously are harder than her actual cards.

Edit: Oh wow. I'm done with Touhou for the night. 4 consecutive runs lost to Yuyuko's second spellcard. You know, the one that everyone shotguns Yuyuko for spirits? I don't even know how that's possible. I didn't even see her final spell card once. This is stage freaking 1 for crying out loud.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Bang Jan on August 09, 2012, 08:43:01 AM
*Tries an EOSD normal no focus run*

*Crashes into an enemy in stage 2*

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: ふねん1 on August 10, 2012, 12:29:14 AM
Another failed SA Lunatic 1lc attempt. Where did I die? First wave of Stage 5 midboss-Orin's opener.

I know I haven't been playing a lot lately, but still. I did my hardest facepalm in what feels like forever after this happened.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on August 10, 2012, 04:35:18 PM
This. (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: fondue on August 10, 2012, 05:13:20 PM
Well done :getdown:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zerviscos on August 11, 2012, 01:24:48 PM
This. (
Dat cat... (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: PMW on August 12, 2012, 03:39:58 PM
>Marine Benefit Extra is too hard
>Try practice stage 4 with Sanae
>Perfect it in 2 tries
>Try with Marisa
>Perfect up to last spell at first try
>Die at last second of spell

what is happened

EDIT: oh my god did the exact same thing again. That last spell is easy, why am I failing it?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Bang Jan on August 12, 2012, 07:10:32 PM
In my EOSD hard 1cc, I backed into a bullet in the wallfairy section in stage 5.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on August 15, 2012, 07:29:50 AM
I died to Youkai Polygraph  :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Esper on August 15, 2012, 12:04:25 PM
*Playing EoSD Easy for the fun of it*

*Runs into Cirno during Icicle Fail*

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: fondue on August 15, 2012, 12:06:46 PM
*Playing EoSD Easy for the fun of it*

*Runs into Cirno during Icicle Fail*

We've all been through that one.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Piranha on August 15, 2012, 12:16:30 PM
We've all been through that one.

Good old times. :derp:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: crystalgreatsword on August 15, 2012, 09:28:50 PM

 :V :V :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Apparition on August 15, 2012, 09:46:51 PM
I was playing TD, and apparently I thought staying near the spawning points of spirits at the top was a good idea. Guess who died.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Daiyuyuko on August 16, 2012, 11:40:58 AM
I've been death derping more recently. xDDD And I always die at the 3rd stage for any game, except for EoSD, IN. Has anyone been accomplishing 1LC these days? C: I just can't get myself to do it. ><
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: fondue on August 16, 2012, 01:30:35 PM
I guess Patchy hates me now.
I died to her first spell.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on August 16, 2012, 02:22:39 PM
I died to Youkai Polygraph  :colonveeplusalpha:
And continuing my streak of getting hit by really stupid stuff in SA, I deathbombed Nine Syllable Stabs.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: LadyScarlet on August 17, 2012, 03:33:37 PM
Just had an abominable run of IN stage 3 Normal. I died so many times it wasn't even funny. I also died to every single one of Keine's attacks (midboss and boss) except Phantasmal Emperor. And this was after I gave up my "focus-as-least-as-possible" run.  :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zerviscos on August 17, 2012, 04:16:56 PM
IN's Eirin's Hourai Elixir [Lunatic] took me 77 retries to finish. Curse those green wavy bullets...
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: crystalgreatsword on August 17, 2012, 11:14:39 PM
I was dodging Murasa's survival card and I kept pressing 'Z' thinking it was 'X'.

I thought I had no bombs, but it was really just me being stupid.

 :V :V :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: ふねん1 on August 17, 2012, 11:28:29 PM
A random stab at UFO Stage 4 in Practice Mode, since getting a no-UFO Lunatic 1cc is near impossible without remaining somewhat fresh at the late-game stages. I manage to perfect the stage past Murasa's third nonspell of all things.

I then die on her third card because I didn't move out of the way of an anchor. I don't know, I just didn't feel like leaving focus mode. :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on August 17, 2012, 11:59:08 PM
An incredibly bad job trying to stay under Murasa on Sinkable Vortex at 1 power almost turned into a timeout, but I died with 5 seconds to go.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: crystalgreatsword on August 18, 2012, 03:14:39 PM
AGAIN it happened. Tried to bomb during Murasa's survival card with the wrong button.
What is wrong with me?  :V

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on August 18, 2012, 03:49:44 PM
AGAIN it happened. Tried to bomb during Murasa's survival card with the wrong button.
What is wrong with me?  :V
Just do what I do and keep shooting during the survival, that way your hand is anchored the same way during the survival.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: crystalgreatsword on August 18, 2012, 04:59:09 PM
I'm taking a break from UFO for now... I just derped twice to Ichirin's second non-spell.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Phlegeth on August 18, 2012, 06:31:25 PM
I'm taking a break from UFO for now... I just derped twice to Ichirin's second non-spell.

I think Ichirin's non-spells are harder than her actual spells.  Except for "A Scolding from a Traditional Old Man" I balls that up almost every time.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on August 19, 2012, 05:38:33 AM
I just died 3 times in a row to Sinking Anchor. Two of those were from getting too close to Murasa while misdirecting her first anchor, and ramming into it as she spawns it. <_<
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Piranha on August 19, 2012, 11:37:16 AM
I got hugged by Parsee (midboss, of course).

She's clingy like hell. :derp:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on August 19, 2012, 09:57:52 PM
*captured a formerly 0/35 Eternally Anchored Ghost Ship*
Awesome! I can do this!
*dies to a formerly 20/33 Dipper Creeping Close*
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Archin on August 20, 2012, 03:29:08 PM
Been practicing PCB Hard for 2 hours and confident that I can at least reach stage 4 with no problems. Frost Sign "Frost Columns" Oh look at that pretty white bullet. :ram into it: -_-
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: PMW on August 21, 2012, 01:10:14 AM
>Pacifist Marine Benefit stage 4
>Fails easy stage portion
>Fails easy first spell
>Fails very easy 2nd nonspell
>Fails very easy 3rd spell
>Reverse Side Dream Seal perfect timeout

okay then
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: nicholashin on August 21, 2012, 07:59:15 AM
You know how sad it is playing Touhou with a lame keyboard?
I just died to Mariana -10902, a.k.a. MB Stage 6 Boss 3rd spell  :colonveeplusalpha:
If the keyboard could stop killing me randomly, I would have gotten MB Normal 1cc by now  :ohdear:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Bang Jan on August 21, 2012, 04:11:45 PM
I died to Kanako's second nonspell, on Lunatic. :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: LadyScarlet on August 21, 2012, 04:38:06 PM
I decided to try a Yukari solo run if IN. Picked up the PoC stuff, then ran into Reisen as she's about to cast Invisible Full Moon.  :getdown:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: fondue on August 21, 2012, 05:39:20 PM
i cant
fairy wars
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: TheMasterOfZen on August 21, 2012, 08:07:22 PM
I got mega owned on Kanako on Easy.   :blush:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: crystalgreatsword on August 21, 2012, 08:21:49 PM
Some of Kanako's spells are actually harder on Easy, like Miracle of Otensui and Mountain of Faith.

Orbs spawned on top of me in UFO stage 2. Even though I knew they were spawning there, I was too fixated on the pretty red UFO token.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Bang Jan on August 26, 2012, 11:16:07 AM
I ran into the lasers in 9 syllable steps.:colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Cor on August 26, 2012, 12:06:47 PM
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: crystalgreatsword on August 27, 2012, 08:21:59 PM
Crashed into a blue laser after the end of the red lasers during Ultimate Buddhist.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on August 28, 2012, 03:06:58 AM
I always forget to save a replay when I do this, but when the conditions are right on Sinking Anchor (low health, clear shot) I seem to like to play chicken with the anchor. 0 for 4 so far. >_>
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on August 29, 2012, 08:20:21 PM
Hmm, I haven't tried Marine Benefit in a while. Well, let's load up Stage 5 and see how I do...

*dies to Chorus of Curses*

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: crystalgreatsword on August 29, 2012, 10:45:22 PM
Playstation buttons. AGH.....

 :V :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: fondue on August 29, 2012, 10:57:42 PM
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: crystalgreatsword on August 31, 2012, 01:41:25 AM
Got my butt handed to me by MoF Hard Stage 3. Nitori's first boss card got ten times more confusing, I swear.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Apparition on August 31, 2012, 02:17:02 AM
Got my butt handed to me by MoF Hard Stage 3. Nitori's first boss card got ten times more confusing, I swear.
Looks like I'm not the only one who sucks at MoF on Hard modo.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: SirChaotick on September 01, 2012, 09:19:33 AM
Got my butt handed to me by MoF Hard Stage 3. Nitori's first boss card got ten times more confusing, I swear.

No despair: MoF Hard might just be the easiest of them all because bombs are batshit insane. You can pretty much flatten everything with them, no sweat.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on September 01, 2012, 09:26:19 AM
You shouldn't encourage such abuse. It's far more satisfying to get a clear of the game where you actually capture most of the spellcards. If there's something you absolutely cannot do then bomb it but if you're able to do it with moderate consistency then do your best and only bomb if you are in trouble.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: SirChaotick on September 01, 2012, 09:58:07 AM
I'm not encouraging it, you should capture and play as much as possible, but bombing is preferred over dying nonetheless.

Plus, I'm merely stating the fact.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on September 02, 2012, 10:08:15 AM
Nonsense. Go for the No Bombs Clear!  :V

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Bang Jan on September 02, 2012, 11:30:43 AM
Let's try to time out Mountain of Faith easy!

*dies to the first wave*

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: nintendonut888 on September 03, 2012, 08:51:05 PM
[13:47] <Kuruminut> lol good job Donut
[13:47] <Kuruminut> Random Byakuren play, 2DNB
[13:47] <Kuruminut> Second death was at the very end of Devil's Recitation
[13:47] <Kuruminut> First death was on Magic Butterfly
[13:47] * KyoukochanKyouKyou pokes fun at donut
[13:47] * Kuruminut is made fun of :(
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: crystalgreatsword on September 03, 2012, 11:24:46 PM
Okay, after running into a bunch of random crap in stage 4 of SA Normal, I think I can safely say that I'm done for today.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: K.B. on September 04, 2012, 12:58:59 AM
I'm so bad that I can't clear Remi's opener even at negative rank.

( (

Mercury Poison ( is fun, too.

These are at a rank of -32.  [The rest of the game is how you'd expect: absurdly slow and easy, even with lingering bullets.]

More notably, the main game* is highly enjoyable at a rank of 64** (twice max rank).  Highly recommend checking this out if you like EoSD.  Just need Cheat Engine (google) and the table in Drake's thread.

Although a few things become extremely difficult (stage four books, first part of stage five, Sakuya's second non, Killing Doll), they're still a hoot, and most simply become a touch harder and a lot more fun (ex: Flower Dream Vine, Mercury Poison, Sakuya's third non).  Very few things don't benefit, although Remi's opener comes to mind as becoming too spacious and relatively easy.  Some interesting things happen as well, such as bullets curving upward in Extreme Color Typhoon and fireballs in Agni Shrine immediately swooping down to the bottom of the screen to smack your ass.  I haven't tried ultra so I don't know how this compares, but it's a lot of fun regardless.

*The extra stage didn't hold up so well.  Most of the stage becomes trivial and a lot of boss attacks are broken: either too easy or hard in a non-functional way.  Flandre's nons finally become interesting, though, and Four of a Kind is hilariously difficult (but possibly doable?).

**Can't set it much higher or some bullets won't fire.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on September 06, 2012, 08:27:58 AM
Figured out why I'd always die at popcorn fairies every time I got past Momiji!

*dies to 2nd nonspell*
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Tsym on September 07, 2012, 02:11:54 AM
So I decided to try 1ccing SA with shot types other than ReimuA, starting with ReimuB! Okay so yeah, standard stuff, got to Yuugi with no deaths. Then cue 3 deaths to Yuugi because I was being dumb/I forgot that her bomb doesn't clear the screen/Double KO. But whatever it's all good. Stage 4 is standard stuff, just doing whatever... So yeah I get to Satori, I obviously fail her spell card, I get ready for DBDB, because obvio-

Wait what the hell is this "Pandemonium" card? Oh shi- Satori changes cards based on your character! Oh double shi- I've never played with anyone other than ReimuA! Oh crap she's gathering energy? WAIT! I've seen this before in DS! She's gonn- *picchun* ... Crap.

So yeah I bomb the hell out of Satori's 3 cards, get to stage 5. Oh hey this is familiar stuff. Midboss Orin destroys me, blah blah... Okay now it's time for those easily streamable orbs that shoot walls. Just gotta get to the side and... Oh wait! She can't gap! I gotta- *picchun*

Well great. Basically I have to relearn the game :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: fondue on September 07, 2012, 06:02:55 PM
>Needs one more scene completed to get the EX scene
>Can't clear 5-5
>Can clear Kinkaku-ji
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Nindella on September 07, 2012, 06:47:03 PM
So I decided to try 1ccing SA with shot types other than ReimuA, starting with ReimuB! Okay so yeah, standard stuff, got to Yuugi with no deaths. Then cue 3 deaths to Yuugi because I was being dumb/I forgot that her bomb doesn't clear the screen/Double KO. But whatever it's all good. Stage 4 is standard stuff, just doing whatever... So yeah I get to Satori, I obviously fail her spell card, I get ready for DBDB, because obvio-

Wait what the hell is this "Pandemonium" card? Oh shi- Satori changes cards based on your character! Oh double shi- I've never played with anyone other than ReimuA! Oh crap she's gathering energy? WAIT! I've seen this before in DS! She's gonn- *picchun* ... Crap.

So yeah I bomb the hell out of Satori's 3 cards, get to stage 5. Oh hey this is familiar stuff. Midboss Orin destroys me, blah blah... Okay now it's time for those easily streamable orbs that shoot walls. Just gotta get to the side and... Oh wait! She can't gap! I gotta- *picchun*

Well great. Basically I have to relearn the game :V

Oouch, the ordeal of playing with ReimuB  :V

I reckon she's probably the hardest to 1cc the game with, on lunatic... well, at least for me  :derp:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: chirpy13 on September 07, 2012, 07:55:27 PM
Everything under the sun today.  Crashing into stage 1 enemies, sitting still while bullets are aimed at my face, double KOing on the same boss (twice), killing bosses too quickly, letting tons of items fall off the screen, bombing too early, panicbombing.  73 credits, 6 and a half hours of credits, and I've had a total of one decent run, that screwed up on stage 4.  In LLS Normal.  Normal mode of the easiest game of the series.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: crystalgreatsword on September 07, 2012, 10:43:28 PM
Everything under the sun today.  Crashing into stage 1 enemies, sitting still while bullets are aimed at my face, double KOing on the same boss (twice), killing bosses too quickly, letting tons of items fall off the screen, bombing too early, panicbombing.  73 credits, 6 and a half hours of credits, and I've had a total of one decent run, that screwed up on stage 4.  In LLS Normal.  Normal mode of the easiest game of the series.

LLS Normal is the easiest? IMO it was TD Normal. This is why I need to play the PC-98 games. Gotta finish my Windows Normal 1ccs first.

Subterranean Animism. I went for the safespot in Recollection "Border of Wave and Particle" and died. With bombs. That was a waste of a life that I could have used in the Utsuho fight :V.
I safespot because graze and because I can't be bothered to learn to dodge it. (haven't unlocked it in StB)
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Tsym on September 08, 2012, 01:20:45 AM
Funny thing about SA. Somehow everything that didn't give me trouble in my ReimuA 1cc is now giving me trouble in my attempts at ReimuB, and vice versa. Yamame used to be this gigantic wall standing in my way. Now she's pretty much cake, except for when the RNG decides to be really mean. Parsee used to be a joke. The only thing that ever gave me some pause was her second non-spell. Now, her opener feels much harder, her second non-spell feels easier, and Reimu's stupid homing things is making Parsee's second to last card 50x longer and tedious. Stage 3 has now become a nightmare, but that's because of ReimuB's bomb, and not this weird flip-flop effect. For Yuugi, I used to do her non-spells easily, and Mt. Ooe was the hardest thing. Now, I have a ~60% capture rate on Mt. Ooe, and I consistently die to her non-spells. And Satori... Well she's completely different so I can't really make a comparison there.

But really, I don't understand what's going on. UFO may be technically "harder" in terms of danmaku density/speed, but SA seems like a brick wall to me. Why? I dunno :V

Oouch, the ordeal of playing with ReimuB  :V

I reckon she's probably the hardest to 1cc the game with, on lunatic... well, at least for me  :derp:
I dunno, I'm personally dreading ReimuC, primarily because I just can't get used to that gimmick.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Oh on September 08, 2012, 02:43:44 AM
I would have cleared a no-focus no-bomb run on EoSD Hard with MarisaA except for:
2 Misses on Eternal Meek
1 Miss on YDL because Marisa speed - crashed into laser
Run ended on non-spell before Meister
Had 4 lives going into stage 6. I should have had it  :(
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chalros22 on September 08, 2012, 04:33:29 AM
I died to Kanako's second nonspell, on Lunatic. :colonveeplusalpha:

At least you can capture it, I've tried it like 15 times and can't get the rhythm right.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: ふねん1 on September 08, 2012, 06:02:28 AM
At least you can capture it, I've tried it like 15 times and can't get the rhythm right.
Is there even a true rhythm? Just tap to the appropriate side anytime before the bullets reach you.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Bang Jan on September 08, 2012, 08:05:35 PM
I can capture all of Byakuren's Lunatic cards except Magic Butterfly.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on September 08, 2012, 08:09:17 PM
I can capture all of Byakuren's Lunatic card except Magic Butterfly.

Join the club.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Bang Jan on September 08, 2012, 08:10:44 PM
Join the club.

What club?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on September 08, 2012, 08:35:10 PM

Close enough. <_<
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Bang Jan on September 08, 2012, 08:48:49 PM
Thing is I have captured Superhuman and Devils recitation twice, and everything else exept magic butterfly once.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on September 08, 2012, 09:03:31 PM
> plays practice stage 6 lunatic in UFO
> has best byakuren fight ever
> dies to LFS 5 times

...well, that went horribly. I still can't caputre anything besides superhumn more or less consistently :v fucking memo shit with magic butterfly and everything else is fucking hard. meh. the 1cc is so far away.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chalros22 on September 09, 2012, 06:03:17 AM
Is there even a true rhythm? Just tap to the appropriate side anytime before the bullets reach you.

Meh, I just always seem to ram the previous wave or wait too long because I'm afraid of running into the previous wave. I guess I might actually just have to practice *shudders*
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: K.B. on September 09, 2012, 10:43:21 PM
Just tap to the appropriate side anytime before the bullets reach you.
Hahaha... this the final answer to all dodging questions.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Tsym on September 12, 2012, 01:04:51 AM
I feel more motivated to play Touhou again, so I tried jumping straight back into SA Lunatic. No death stages 1 and 2. Pretty bad Yuugi fight. Bombed a ton of stuff, but whatever. I managed to capture Mt. Ooe at 0 power (that card seems to get more fun the more you play it!), then being the spaz I am, I felt a fly land on my arm and instinctively jerked it, thus dying in a spectacular fashion on the non-card after. Then I managed to die again, then was forced to bomb her final card because I couldn't find a path through.

Even still, the run is going pretty well. Get to boss Orin with 3 extra lives. Died to Orin's first card because it's flipping impossible at anything less than 3-4 power, and I failed to bomb in time. But whatever, I still have 2 lives to get through Orin at 3.20 power. Totally doable right? ... Then I died twice to Orin's second non-spell. You know... The one where you barely have to move. Yeah. Well... Baby steps.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: crystalgreatsword on September 12, 2012, 02:33:30 AM
Herp derp.
Failed multiple times on easy cards.

Maybe I shouldn't play Touhou while on Skype. Or maybe I shouldn't talk while playing... listening is fine.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Goldom on September 12, 2012, 02:44:41 PM
I feel like I've made a poor decision...

Turned out to actually be safe for a while, and I was wondering if I'd been a sucker to do it normally all along. Then it all caved in and nope.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chaotic Phoenixma on September 12, 2012, 04:32:37 PM
It's not a bad idea if you're planning to just bomb the attack since you'll likely get more time shooting before having to bomb. But it is useless for capturing for that reason.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on September 12, 2012, 05:40:50 PM
Three deaths on Virtue of Wind God (pacifying it). For some reason my stupid head decided it was a good idea to hit the focus key at the wrong moments and failing to move through waves.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: SirChaotick on September 12, 2012, 05:59:33 PM
I am unsure if I'm underestimating TD even more than I was told I would, or that I'm under working stress from school.

Either way I just died to Ghost Spot. Of all freaking things. GHOST. SPOT. BLECH.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on September 12, 2012, 07:18:25 PM
Failing a perfect Orin to her first spell.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on September 12, 2012, 08:38:16 PM
ok, me thinking

> alright, finished the stage. I pefected suwako before, I can do it now, too.
> dies on 1st spellcard
> restart
> but this time
> this on first spellcard again
> ...
> clears first spellcard - rams suwako on 4th spellcard
> fuck this shit

:v yeah, this might take a while. it's not a skill issue, I believe but rather a matter of getting my act together and not clip like an idiot. other places I died qould be a really stupid death on the first non and a lot of failsure due to being horrible at misdirecting fairy bullets :v though, I have a clear path now and unless I decide to ram a fairy or something, it shouldn't happen again. but I call it now: I'll fail a run against mishaguji-sama :v

with all those clipdeaths on 2 claps and 1 bow, I am thinking of glitching it out, but that' would destroy the run, even if it ended up being perfect :v
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on September 14, 2012, 02:29:26 PM
Lol, no-miss no-bombs through Stage 5 in SA only to die twice to Orin's third spell. Congratulations. I did the impossible.  :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on September 14, 2012, 02:35:45 PM
Well, playing EoSD extra to perfect.

fuck up hard, decide to continue to practice Q.E.D > reach Q.E.D with 0/3 > leaves with 0/3

freaking captured it on a run I failed miserably

next attempt was like this

> perfect everything > reach Q.E.D > die due to a double K.O > run ended horribly

I zigged when I should have zagged. Everyone who has seen sadisticpenguins failed 00 timeout as UBS knows what I mean :v

so bascially, I perfected everything, but died on the last bullet I could have died to. from that onwards, many reached Q.E.D, but all still had a sliver of health left. I think I lost like 6 runs to that spell already :v but I'm close.

and even if that one run ended with 0/3, it shattered the image of Q.E.D for me. it was always like a huge obstacle, but now I can clear it, I just have to pay attention for the last 2 seconds. sadly, I cannot play this weekend because family trips suck. welp
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on September 15, 2012, 09:59:40 PM
I deathbombed to Honest Man's Death  :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on September 16, 2012, 01:45:14 AM
*perfects SA Stage 4, stage portion, for the first time*
*dies to 1st nonspell*
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chalros22 on September 16, 2012, 02:34:16 AM
I deathbombed to Honest Man's Death  :colonveeplusalpha:


Guess it was a Honest Man's Deathbomb
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Jq1790 on September 16, 2012, 02:41:23 AM
>Trying to beat MoF Extra Stage
>Makes it to Suwako with 3 lives
>Reaches Seven Stones & Seven Trees, game overs
>Tries again
>Reaches Suwako with 6 lives
>Dies to Croaking Frog Eaten by Snake

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on September 16, 2012, 02:42:10 AM
>Reaches Suwako with 6 lives
Cheater, unless you are counting the "0 lives in stock" life.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Bang Jan on September 16, 2012, 03:30:51 PM
I deathbombed to Honest Man's Death  :colonveeplusalpha:

At least you didn't deathbomb flaw of the forgiving shrine.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Jq1790 on September 16, 2012, 04:06:09 PM
Cheater, unless you are counting the "0 lives in stock" life.
...should I be insulted here?  =p  Of course I'm counting the "zero-life" in the mix.  Even with no stars, it's still a life, yes?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on September 16, 2012, 04:35:17 PM
...should I be insulted here?  =p  Of course I'm counting the "zero-life" in the mix.  Even with no stars, it's still a life, yes?
I forgot to add a  :V at the end.  I'm just used to saying I have X lives left so when I have 0 left I'm on my last life (because 0 extras).
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Jq1790 on September 16, 2012, 07:44:21 PM
IHNN:  No worries, not actually offended.  Kinda figured it was sarcasm and/or humor.  I'm just used to calling my actual number of lives, not my number of EXTRA lives, since half the time I do better on my last lives in games than on any other one I play.  (Touhou's normally an exception, but occasionally it holds true.)
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on September 16, 2012, 08:05:14 PM
BAHAHAHA XD what is with Ran and her 6th non-spell? I never used to have any problem with anyof the nons and now every run that made it to ran failed to that non-spell. how the fuck is that even possible? that's more deaths than I had to suwa wars or Q.E.D man. to basically ran's 6th non is a level above suwa wars and Q.E.D for me :v I just dunno what is wrong with me, since I captured charming siege every time and I also captured kokkuri-sans contract and izuna a few times after continuing despite the death.
so yeah, that non-spell's the one thing stopping me from perfecting PCB extra. I doubt it's really that difficult, so it's just a matter of not being a retard when playing. so yeah, PCB is not a skill-issue. I think I'll continue tomorrow, though.

oh yeah, red and blue oni killed me a few times, too :v I am doing pretty horribly overall in some easy parts, but I do well against the harder stuff in the stage.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on September 23, 2012, 01:06:05 PM
I died to Flandre 3rd nonspell.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Phlegeth on September 28, 2012, 01:10:23 AM
Know what I learned, not playing UFO is not making me any better at it.  I learned this when I died to Murasa's second nonspell.    And I died to twice to Ichirin's Sandbag.  Also I had a panic attack at the start of Kogasa's boss fight.  Not a great return after a month or two of not playing xD
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: ふねん1 on September 29, 2012, 03:49:30 AM
I died to midboss-Yuugi's card. I think no more needs to be said.

EDIT: And now I died to Magic Butterfly. What the fuck is wrong with me? Have I been out of the game long enough that I've forgotten my rule to never play when tired?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on September 29, 2012, 02:13:27 PM
I died to The World.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on September 29, 2012, 09:31:14 PM
Guys. Here's one that is gonna top all of your embarassments.

I managed to die on Kogasa's midboss non-spell and her first boss non-spell in the same run. Badass
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Heian_Alien on September 29, 2012, 10:48:04 PM
Guys. Here's one that is gonna top all of your embarrassments.
I died to Ichirin's 1st nonspell 2 times,and 1 at her midboss one. At Hard difficulty. In a run that was going well, too.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: fondue on September 29, 2012, 11:02:07 PM
fine then lets just do an easy run of td and die to yuyuko see if i care goddammit
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on September 29, 2012, 11:24:53 PM
I died to Ichirin's 1st nonspell 2 times,and 1 at her midboss one. At Hard difficulty. In a run that was going well, too.

Well I captured all of Kogasa's spells in that run. That makes it even more epic failures  :V


Failed to pacify King Kraken Strike like 5 times in a row. I should not play this late at night.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: nintendonut888 on October 01, 2012, 05:52:36 PM
lol, that was a good one. Random Remilia play, 1DNB. The death? Vampire Illusion. I didn't get walled, but a bullet came at me near-horizontally and caught me off guard.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on October 01, 2012, 06:04:42 PM
Making me feel awfully insignificant here. :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: ふねん1 on October 03, 2012, 04:45:44 AM
Hurr how do I use focus again?

*dies on Byakuren's opener*
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on October 06, 2012, 10:56:40 PM
Trying to perfect an unspecified stage with two challenging parts and a lot of filler. Died to an attack I was 15/15 on before, which also falls after all the challenging parts. :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on October 06, 2012, 11:31:47 PM
Trying to perfect an unspecified stage with two challenging parts and a lot of filler. Died to an attack I was 15/15 on before, which also falls after all the challenging parts. :colonveeplusalpha:
TD Stage 5 clearly. Or UFO stage 3 but you're not that crazy
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on October 07, 2012, 12:02:36 AM

damn you sake cups
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on October 07, 2012, 05:26:05 AM
I knew I was out of practice at MoF Stage 6.
but dying to the 4th nonspell and luck skill dodging through a wave of the 3rd nonspell aren't normal.

Oh, and the 4 deaths to VoWG, all but 1 of them stupid.  At least my new idea for reading it works because I knew what to do on all the deaths.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on October 07, 2012, 05:32:15 AM
I knew I was out of practice at MoF Stage 6.
but dying to the 4th nonspell and luck skill dodging through a wave of the 3rd nonspell aren't normal.

Oh, and the 4 deaths to VoWG, all but 1 of them stupid.  At least my new idea for reading it works because I knew what to do on all the deaths.
You know what you must do.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on October 07, 2012, 05:40:33 AM
You know what you must do.
Trust me, I've been working towards both for a while  :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on October 10, 2012, 12:51:10 PM
Died 4 times during a SA Normal run. Seppuko time.  :V

Proof that even if you can no-miss every stage in the game on Lunatic (unfortunately not too consistently) you can still die on Normal. Not because Normal is hard or anything but because things are moving in such slow-motion that you run into bullets because you are used to them moving faster.

I'll get the NDNB but right now it's time to recover some soul by doing some meditation. By which I mean playing some Arkham City or something.  :)
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Goldom on October 12, 2012, 02:46:41 AM
POCing like a freakin' expert right here:

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: ふねん1 on October 12, 2012, 10:31:03 PM
I just died on Mamizou's second card because I forgot what the hell I was facing and didn't start the thing up top. Maybe that two-block-long dash to catch the bus wasn't such a good idea after all. :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Shikieiki on October 12, 2012, 10:54:24 PM
*starts up EoSD Hard with Marisa A*
Let's DO this.
*bombs just as Extreme Color Typhoon ends*
Okay, whatever.
*loses a life on Stage 4, loses two lives and three bombs on Patchouli*
*dies on Sakuya nonspell*
*dies on Remi's first nonspell and Young Demon Lord*
*game over on Scarlet Meister*


I also dislike all shot types except Reimu B. Seriously.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RNG on October 13, 2012, 12:30:53 AM
I've been working on UFO stage 4, and 9/10 of my deaths on the stage have been either clipping the opener trying to collect the red token, or dying right before killing the first red ufo. Not, you know, on the actual hard parts at the end, or on Murasa.

By the way, Shiki, Marisa A gets the hardest Patchy fight by far. Try Marisa B - you also get Master Spark in the bargain.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Shikieiki on October 13, 2012, 01:00:23 AM
I hate UFO Stages 4-6, most in particular Sinker Ghost and Most Valuable Vajra.

Most of my Marisa attempts have been with B, but I decided to try A for once since I think the shot is slightly stronger. I don't know for sure though.

Either way I still hate Marisa. :L
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on October 13, 2012, 02:52:58 AM
Vajra is stupidly hard, Sinker Ghost is annoying.  So it's not just you.  MairsaA is the stronger shot and can bomb through spellcards, but overall both Marisas are kinda bad.

But I'm posting here because I died to IN Stage 1.
On hard mode.  :derp:

At least I perfected Stage 2 before making a fool of myself on Stage 5, then capturing BDB.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Shikieiki on October 13, 2012, 03:10:09 AM
I've never been able to capture either. I can handle one spinny green thing but certainly not two moving at different times. >_>

Marisa is too fast. Except when I'm doing Laevatein and I move too late so Reimu is too slow to escape the laser.  :V

I attempted a blind run on IN Lunatic once just for kicks. Think I lost on Mystia.  :derp:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Tsym on October 13, 2012, 05:19:17 AM
Uh? I just had three runs in MoF Extra where I game over'd on Suwako's second spell card.
My deaths were in the same locations in all three runs.
Kanako's first spell card.
2 on Suwako's first spell card.
1 on Suwako's second spell card.

I attempted a blind run on IN Lunatic once just for kicks. Think I lost on Mystia.  :derp:
IN is actually pretty memorization heavy, so I think that's pretty normal. I know I almost never made it past Keine in that game until I bothered to sit down and learn her attacks.

I've been working on UFO stage 4, and 9/10 of my deaths on the stage have been either clipping the opener trying to collect the red token, or dying right before killing the first red ufo. Not, you know, on the actual hard parts at the end, or on Murasa.
You know that you don't need to immediately collect the UFO token during the stage 4 opener. Just let it go and cycle back around to red before nabbing it. There should basically be no bullets on the screen when you nab it.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: nintendonut888 on October 13, 2012, 06:10:23 AM
There is one very simple trick to Sinker Ghost/Dipper Creeping Close: You need to be traveling between the four corners of the screen. If you can do this successfully, you can unfocus dash between each corner, and dodge the bullets fired with a simple gap maneuver. The spell card depends entirely on whether you can get into this rhythm or not. You can't control Murasa's first positioning, and it will be at odds with you moving between corners. If you can outmuscle that initial limitation though (and there's no straight way to do that), the rest is easy, even on lunatic.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on October 13, 2012, 06:14:10 AM
Doesn't that only work on lunatic because of Murasa's speed in teleporting?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: nintendonut888 on October 13, 2012, 06:31:36 AM
I played it on normal for the first time in ages and, oops, you're right. However, the same basic strategy still applies. Here's a NDNB run of the stage:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RNG on October 13, 2012, 06:44:21 AM
You know that you don't need to immediately collect the UFO token during the stage 4 opener. Just let it go and cycle back around to red before nabbing it. There should basically be no bullets on the screen when you nab it.

Well, partly it's I'm getting killed by the large bullets like a tard, and partly that after so much stage practice your mind snaps and you have a bizarre and inexplicable desire to do really risky things because it won't be punished. In real runs, of course of course I will wait for it to cycle :3
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on October 13, 2012, 07:06:34 AM
I get to avert that whole problem by getting that first a green.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RNG on October 13, 2012, 07:30:40 AM
To pull off my life path for St. 4 (well technically it's Coreven's) I need the opening token to be red. That will let me keep the red token from blue spam Mk. 1 on the screen, which enables me to end up with 4 life pieces and 2 red tokens by Nueball rather than 2 life pieces and 1 red token without getting red. Yeah, going to rainbow is both more badass and more fabulous but I am looking for a scrubby clear and this will help that.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Cor on October 13, 2012, 08:11:01 AM
Well, partly it's I'm getting killed by the large bullets like a tard, and partly that after so much stage practice your mind snaps and you have a bizarre and inexplicable desire to do really risky things because it won't be punished. In real runs, of course of course I will wait for it to cycle :3
Hahaha. Been there. Those large orbs are such dangerous bullets. But remember that on full runs you oughta not be too cautious either. It makes for slow movement, which can get you killed. Being confident with a touch of reckless is my creed.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on October 13, 2012, 06:21:38 PM
To pull off my life path for St. 4 (well technically it's Coreven's) I need the opening token to be red. That will let me keep the red token from blue spam Mk. 1 on the screen, which enables me to end up with 4 life pieces and 2 red tokens by Nueball rather than 2 life pieces and 1 red token without getting red. Yeah, going to rainbow is both more badass and more fabulous but I am looking for a scrubby clear and this will help that.
My path gets me 2 2/3 bombs and 1 green UFO starting with 0 UFOs, and then I max out bombs in the second half.  This lets me bomb through Murasa, then get another 4 bombs in Stage 5 to bomb through Shou.  Ideally I have enough resources to not die through those 2 stages, but I can never not die to Stage 3.  Several times.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: K.B. on October 13, 2012, 10:04:26 PM
I wouldn't worry about "needing" specific color ufos by stage four, RNG.  You're better than me, and my ufo color-collection was always improvised by the end of stage three.  Just don't be afraid to bomb the fuck out of stage four because you'll always come out ahead.  And chances are that you'll get two ufos with a bomb rather than the zero you probably would have gotten by trying to dodge and letting ufo pieces escape (though I suppose that if you already have a route then you've probably already reached a balance with this).
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RNG on October 13, 2012, 10:53:32 PM
The last blue spam section is doable without bombs but very very hard so I use two there to gather tokens. Otherwise, the rest of the stage is easy enough that barring RUNNING INTO THE FUCKING FAIRIES ON NUEBALL I can expect to NMNB it.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Bang Jan on October 14, 2012, 10:09:44 AM
I died to Kanpukugu's second last nonspell before the grinders started grinding bullets. :colonveeplusalpha:

Anyone who knows what I'm talking about is seriously groaning at me right now.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on October 14, 2012, 04:53:04 PM
I randomly played a no-bombs run of Mamizou.

I failed it. What the fuck, how is this even possible?

Okay. Before you answer, let me just explain exactly what happened. First of I die to Scroll of Frolicking Animals. By running into the first set of green dogs.
Then another time on the non-spell after Wild Deserted Island. Wow
Then a third time on Stupid Miko - it's just a crappy memo card so I don't mind that too much.
And then game over on the survival because I'm too stupid to casually move up and down while dodging dogs.

What a silly day. Maybe that'll teach me not to play while sitting on a couch with the laptop on my lap. Because that's totally a valid excuse.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Tsym on October 15, 2012, 12:49:58 AM
I just died to Danmaku Paranoia because I panicked and ran unfocused straight into the purple kunai. I'm so good at this game.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RNG on October 15, 2012, 01:18:38 AM
I really really really need to stop trying to capture Parasol Star Memories in actual runs. The low health alert is a siren song, tempting me towards a suicidal dash into the waves  of bullets near Kogasa. Yes, I do this even when I have bombs.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Cor on October 15, 2012, 01:35:08 AM
I really really really need to stop trying to capture Parasol Star Memories in actual runs. The low health alert is a siren song, tempting me towards a suicidal dash into the waves  of bullets near Kogasa. Yes, I do this even when I have bombs.
Safespot that shit. Works every time, unless you're SanaeB,
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RNG on October 15, 2012, 02:34:31 AM
I can't tell if you're joking about that or not. Don't you have to be like about two pixels under her hitbox and she can still buttslam you when she moves? NTY, I'd rather bomb.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: ふねん1 on October 15, 2012, 03:13:53 AM
You know you're having a bad night when the RNG during Mamizou's fourth card shits in your face and you don't compensate for the frogs' orientations suddenly becoming really awkward. *sigh*
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Cor on October 15, 2012, 08:13:52 AM
I can't tell if you're joking about that or not. Don't you have to be like about two pixels under her hitbox and she can still buttslam you when she moves? NTY, I'd rather bomb.
There are quite a few pixels to move in. I'd say five, at least. And she can only tackle you if she's moved up and decides to move down, so if she has moved up, the instant she stops firing the barrage you just move a bit down to get out of the way, then get inside the safespot once she's moved wherever. It's really simple, actually. Completely worth it, you'll almost never fail it as long as you don't stop paying attention or something. It gets a bit harder with MarisaA, since her lasers pierce the umbrellas behind her and add some bullets to the mix, but it's completely doable. SanaeB destroys umbrellas all around, so with her it's not that viable.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on October 16, 2012, 08:14:51 PM
Somehow I managed to screw up ALL of Kaguya's rush spells aside from Rising World.

I also managed to fail ALL of her spells but perfect Mid Eirin.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on October 17, 2012, 12:04:20 AM
Okay, i've got a boat full of bad performances that I'd like to share with you all.

I found myself playing Ten Desires, more specifically Mamizou because hey, why not? Tanuki with glasses are awesome. I died two times during the run. First was on the third spell, the first one with the red birds. That is in itself pretty pathetic, then I proceed to die on the final as well because I decided to stream the wrong way. Go figure.

Then I went and played IN Extra. Because nothing reassures my confidence in being able to dodge the final non-spell than fucking easy things up in Ten Desires. I deathbombed twice on the stage and failed the capture the death-fairy. Hold on, it get's better. I then proceeded to fuck up the third non-spell and the spellcard just before the last non-spell (the one with all the fireballs that's really easy).

When I then finally get to the last non-spell, I decided to time it out and died 5 fucking times across the 60 seconds it lasts. Pretty pathetic. What a wonderful day.  :V

tl:dr - Died 5 times trying to pacify Mokou's final non-spell holy fucking shit.  :blush:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Bang Jan on October 17, 2012, 06:52:53 PM
I died to Cirno, on Normal. :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: fondue on October 17, 2012, 07:02:19 PM
I died to Cirno, on Normal. :persona:
Been there. Did that. THREE TIMES IN ONE GAME
:persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Bang Jan on October 17, 2012, 07:03:00 PM
Been there. Did that. THREE TIMES IN ONE GAME
:persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona: :persona:

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: fondue on October 17, 2012, 07:04:04 PM
Twice on her first spell.
Once on her last spell.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on October 20, 2012, 05:48:12 AM
I died to The Eight Million Laughing Gods.

The LAST PHASE of The Eight Million Laughing Gods.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Tsym on October 20, 2012, 06:17:51 AM
Tried to start a 1cc attempt for MarisaB in SA. I game over'd twice on Yamame and once on Parsee. None of my other runs have resulted in me surviving past Yamame. I still haven't seen Yuugi yet as MarisaB.

So to relax a bit, I decided to try SA extra. Alright cool I got a 1cc with ReimuB on my second attempt that got to Koishi. I can totally do ReimuC as well and finish off clearing SA extra with Reimu's shot types right?

Nope I proceeded to screw up Ember of Love and Genetics, costing me one life each, lost a life or two to Philosophy, then decided to lose all of my remaining lives to the third phase of Subterranean Rose. How did I do that?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Piranha on October 21, 2012, 12:20:07 PM
I got to Kinkaku-Ji's last phase 5 times in the last 30 minutes, and EVERY SINGLE TIME I only capture Kaguya's skirt on the last picture. :qq:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Bang Jan on October 24, 2012, 11:20:53 AM
I can't do any of Shou's lunatic spellcards, but I can do Vajra on lunatic finely.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on October 24, 2012, 02:20:31 PM
Pacifying Alice. Dies three times to first spellcard.

Dies IRL of shame.  :colonveeplusalpha: - Now's a good time to stop playing and do something else for a while.

I didn't do well at all today though so it's alright. I fought against Youmu four times and I only managed to capture her final spell 2 times despite it being so easy. I did at least get a 1-miss timeout of Hell God Sword so I guess that's something.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on October 24, 2012, 05:13:57 PM
I did at least get a 1-miss timeout of Hell God Sword so I guess that's something.
>Got a NDNB timeout first attempt
I fought against Youmu four times and I only managed to capture her final spell 2 times despite it being so easy.
>Hardest spellcard Youmu has
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Bang Jan on October 24, 2012, 05:27:51 PM
>Hardest spellcard Youmu has

The first spell begs to differ. :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on October 24, 2012, 05:31:34 PM
The first spell begs to differ. :V
I timed out the first spell in 1 try.
I died to the first wave of her final my only time perfecting to it, and when I tried timing it out I died 3 times.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Seppo Hovi on October 24, 2012, 05:40:46 PM
I timed out the first spell in 1 try.
I'm having a hard time believing this. Especially, since you seem not to understand the logic behind Youmu's attacks, given how you said you're finding the final card really hard (it's not, even I can gain some consistency against it as long as I'm not highly paniced). Or maybe you are really fucking good (even T agrees that the first card was a bitch to time out, and he's pacified the entire stage), or the RNG was smiling. Who knows, I could be wrong, but do you have any replay or anything? That's somewhat of an achievement, really.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zetzumarshen on October 24, 2012, 05:41:55 PM
Oh no, the controversial topic of "which is harder" and "got in the first try".
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on October 24, 2012, 06:02:16 PM
do you have any replay or anything?
Right here.  A few of the waves were near-trivial but most of them were pretty brutal.
(On a related note, could someone record the timeout for me?  I just tried but VirtualDub kept dropping loads of frames every time)
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on October 24, 2012, 06:10:27 PM
>Got a NDNB timeout first attempt>Hardest spellcard Youmu has

Oh, wow. Congratulations. In all truly non-sarcastic sincerity. I'm not sure if your timeout was a result of forgiving RNG nor am I sure how much weight I should put into a difficulty analysis from one who can't even 'dodge' slow moving lasers on a certain stage 3 boss. I guess I should just take your post as your way of saying 'wow, you're even worse than I am right now' but i'm not sure if that's what you meant or if you just wanted to be a dick and kick someone while he's lying down.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on October 24, 2012, 06:16:01 PM
Different people are good at different things.  That is the easiest way to put it-I was just sharing my opinion and participating in the friendly 1-upmanship that often happens on this board
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on October 24, 2012, 06:21:25 PM
Hell God Sword is like that, really. I remember 1-miss pacifying it way back as well. Haven't managed to do it since.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on October 24, 2012, 06:26:13 PM
Different people are good at different things.  That is the easiest way to put it-I was just sharing my opinion and participating in the friendly 1-upmanship that often happens on this board

You want to 1-up a person who's writing about his most embarassing failures in this thread? This isn't really the right thread for something like that.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on October 24, 2012, 06:31:44 PM
You want to 1-up a person who's writing about his most embarassing failures in this thread? This isn't really the right thread for something like that.
Hey I've had it done to me here and also didn't realize this was derps and not rage
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on October 24, 2012, 06:38:32 PM
Yeah okay. I'll let this go. Let's just try to keep things like these in appropriate threads like the accomplishments thread where we all go to brag. It's an appropriate arena for something like this.

Feel free to one-up me in there if you like/can.  :D
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on October 24, 2012, 06:39:55 PM
Hey I've had it done to me here and also didn't realize this was derps and not rage
Mmmkay hold on.

I fought against Youmu four times and I only managed to capture her final spell 2 times despite it being so easy.
Hardest spellcard Youmu has
Just timed this out without focus. (srs. S5 in PCB is really fun without focus because then the slowdown is essentially your focused movement and it is as good as sex)

I'm helping?

On the topic of 1-uppery, as I see it, the main reason it happens is because we're competitive about these things (definitely not because we're a bunch of scumbags~). You see someone struggle/succeed against X, you want to try it out yourself.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: ARF on October 24, 2012, 08:53:13 PM
Not sure where to put this, it's a huge win but also a great defeat.

Succeeded with the difficult speedrunning method for the first 3 photos in StB 9-4, double focus dodging 3 aimed murder barrages successfully, and then got myself walled before even getting off the fourth photo.
I (hopefully) won't be trying this anymore now. Far too much RNG and precise movements required.  :barf:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Reiko on October 24, 2012, 09:04:09 PM
> Resurrection Butterfly 50%
> Last blue wave coming, 5 seconds remaining, 0 resources left.
> "I got this"
> Runs straight into a laser
>  :colonveeplusalpha:

Enough for today, I guess.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on October 25, 2012, 08:37:13 PM
>90fps Max Rank Eternal Meek

Ahahahahaha what was I thinking
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Ikari on October 25, 2012, 09:33:46 PM
I tried Marine's Benefit Extra stage about 2 weeks ago.

Let's make one thing clear: I suck at Touhou, I'm an Easy-modo player who has the hardest time in the world clearing games on normal.

I freaking finished the extra stage with Reimu ON MY VERY FIRST TRY WITHOUT EVER SEEING IT.

About a few days ago, re-tried it. Game-Overed to, hmm, the very first minute of the stage? I kept running into bullets and forgetting to bomb.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RNG on October 26, 2012, 03:07:04 AM
Got hit one frame before the AoJ laser hitboxes disappeared. Also failed KKS at the last possible moment. Hey, if this is what I consider a shitrun I'm on the road to consistency~
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Star King on October 26, 2012, 03:42:07 AM
>90fps Max Rank Eternal Meek

Ahahahahaha what was I thinking

Is 90 fps Eternal Meek even possible with human reaction speed limitation? :/ (barring safespotting, nice try future smart aleck)
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on October 26, 2012, 04:04:38 AM
I died to Mysterious Snake Show O_O  (this was not a perfect attempt though so hahaha jokes on Nue)
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Thornytowers on October 26, 2012, 04:15:29 AM
Playing EOSD, fighting Cirno and in order to dodge some of her bullets i run INTO her.  :derp: Also, EOSD sort of derped on me today, in the middle of versing Meiling the game starts to think that I'm holding the left key down. So, Reimu is constantly trying to move left, and i have to fight against it by pressing the right arrow key.  :matsuriscowl:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Goldom on October 26, 2012, 05:51:10 AM
Spinning myself in circles around IN midboss-Reimu being a showoff (to no one but myself) and thinking about how odd it is that she's twice as large as my sprite of her. (Border Team vs Stage 4A is probably my favorite thing to do). Then I get border-kicked in the face. And then I proceed to fail nearly every single card, even Hakurei Danmaku Barrier.

Showing off never pays.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on October 26, 2012, 04:06:33 PM
I managed to die to Weird Dance On Medoteko.

Not satisfied with this, I then proceeded to die to the nonspell after it.

Someone shoot me now.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Bang Jan on October 26, 2012, 04:26:19 PM
Someone shoot me now.

Ok then. :flamingv:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RNG on October 26, 2012, 10:59:46 PM
Running right into a snowball at the beginning of stage 6 LIKE A BOSS
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Cor on October 26, 2012, 11:41:33 PM
Running right into a snowball at the beginning of stage 6 LIKE A BOSS
Feel you there. You gotta have 100% concentration in the beginning of stage 6.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Yatakarasu on October 27, 2012, 02:53:46 AM
During a recent UFO fail run:
-finally gets past Shou on normal-
-I have no spare lives so I know I won't get far on stage 6-
-game overs to first set of yin-yang orbs-  :V

During a SA fail run (on normal):
-gets to Okuu's last card-
-derps hard and rams right into a bullet at the start-
That was my first time getting to that on card on normal as well...
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chuckolator on October 28, 2012, 01:21:43 AM
I died to Magic Milky Way.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Yatakarasu on October 28, 2012, 01:59:40 AM
After watching the Let's Fail at Touhou videos:
"Ha! How can all these people run into the bosses?!"
-does an SA run-
-runs into Koishi during one non-spell-
Guess that was just Karma.....
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Cor on October 28, 2012, 11:24:51 AM
On a MariB UFO lunatic run, right after the second orb spam of stage 3, starting to revolve around the fairies, accidentally shooting an orb with Marisa's ass shot, eventually crashing into the bullets it revenged with while trying to spin around fairies.  :derp:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Shikieiki on October 30, 2012, 01:57:12 AM
Died on Ran's last spellcard with a quarter of her health left. If the timeout wasn't blind, I would have had a spare bomb/life left and probably would have beaten her. D:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Seppo Hovi on October 30, 2012, 01:25:35 PM
I'm..... dying to Orin's final card and Blazing Star (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: ARF on October 30, 2012, 04:07:58 PM
A phantasm scoring attempt using HS bombing route ( Very educational and high level masterful play.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on October 30, 2012, 06:56:51 PM
5 shitty 2MNB Orin fights in a row. This is quite embarassing. Will have to get revenge later if I can stop fucking up.
It's weird, i seem to be playing somewhat okay'ish today with 3/5 Satori fights turning out NMNB but apparently Orin just messed me up today. Oh well.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Yatakarasu on October 30, 2012, 11:16:09 PM
Fucking Ichirin. Sometimes I lose 0-1 lives on her, and other times I lose 4.  :getdown:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Ikari on October 30, 2012, 11:48:51 PM
Guys, please tell me I'm not the only one who does this;

> *Dies with full bombs*
> *Bombs when re-spawned for NO reasons other than petty revenge*
> *Boss doesn't die*
> ''I hate you ;___;''
> *Tackles it (thus dying again)*
> Rinse and repeat

...I'm probably the only one who does this all the time. And I wonder why I can't clear UFO on normal...
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Yatakarasu on October 31, 2012, 12:06:24 AM
Sometimes I'll just bomb for no reason after dying in an attempt to make myself feel better for dying with full bombs.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Goldom on October 31, 2012, 12:58:19 AM
Mesh of Light and Dark. I'm totally walled in by lasers and about to get hit. So I hit X and run to move to a better area. But the second I hit X, I get a border. It breaks instead of bombing, and I run face-first into the laser in front of me.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Star King on October 31, 2012, 02:02:47 AM
Mesh of Light and Dark. I'm totally walled in by lasers and about to get hit. So I hit X and run to move to a better area. But the second I hit X, I get a border. It breaks instead of bombing, and I run face-first into the laser in front of me.

This sort of thing, where I try to bomb the moment I get a border, has happened far, far too many times to me. And i raeg evry tiem.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Ikari on October 31, 2012, 02:24:59 AM
Sometimes I'll just bomb for no reason after dying in an attempt to make myself feel better for dying with full bombs.

I seriously want to rip my hair out every time I die with all my bombs. It's basically saying ''Hah, you could totally have survived this and 4 other deadly attacks, but you didn't!''
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: LadyScarlet on October 31, 2012, 03:30:45 AM
Had a pretty good PCB trial run until Alice boss. Then it became a trainwreck. Made it with two lives. Died/bombed to pretty much everything. Kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me kill me.  :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Star King on October 31, 2012, 07:23:19 AM
Tried to pacify IN stage 3 Lunatic. Holy shit. The stage portion is impossible. I challenge anyone to do this.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Seppo Hovi on October 31, 2012, 08:18:42 AM
Tried to pacify IN stage 3 Lunatic. Holy shit. The stage portion is impossible. I challenge anyone to do this.
Naut's one step ahead of you. (

I think it might be doable on normal, (or it maybe was done on normal, IIRC) but the higher difficulties are already impossible, and even normal is quite hard.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Bang Jan on October 31, 2012, 04:14:27 PM
I got a game over at Satori in practice mode. :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on November 01, 2012, 03:59:29 AM
> starts UFO lunatic run.
> bombs everything remarkly difficult,
> dies to everything not bombed
> game over on varjia.

I know just last week, someone told e I could do UFo if I worked on it, but eh - I can't dodge anything in that game consistently :V anything.

to show you how bad it is: I regularly die on gold detector. that's the 2nd spell in the whole game. yeah, me so pro.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zil on November 01, 2012, 04:45:32 AM
> starts UFO lunatic run.
> bombs everything remarkly difficult,
> dies to everything not bombed
> game over on varjia.
This could be translated into:

> Dodge nothing
> Clear most of the game

So just learn a couple spells, abuse every resource at your disposal, and learn a few tricks. You'll beat the game in no time.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Cor on November 01, 2012, 04:50:39 AM
Zil's right. You can 1cc UFO if you work on it. I can't dodge for shit, it's a game of resource management for me.
to show you how bad it is: I regularly die on gold detector. that's the 2nd spell in the whole game. yeah, me so pro.
Please. I die on the first spell. (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on November 01, 2012, 04:54:43 AM
I can't dodge for shit, it's a game of resource management for me.
I can, but it's still resource management because I suck at Ichirin.

Also: 9/18 Gold Detector.  I have so few tries at this so far but at the same time no satisfactory runs have gotten past midboss Kogasa.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Reiko on November 01, 2012, 09:00:16 AM
SA is fun :
> stage 4, dies 3 times during stage portion because apparently I forgot how to stream
> stage 5, gets rammed twice by Rin while trying to collect stuff

Well well well...
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on November 01, 2012, 10:55:43 AM
the fact that I didn't dodge anything (except busy rod, sinking anchor and eternally anchored ghost ships - no kidding. those were the only spells I captured in that run) makes the run very unsatisfying, though. I really don't want to have a bomb spam every other game I cleared; seriously :v not to mention the amounts of nons I bombed/died to

I know you're right, Zil. If I learned some spells I could probably clear it, but the thing is that even after "learning" a spell I fuck it up in the actual runs. I coudl clear it 10 in a row in practice and then die 10 times to it in the actual runs. that's how it rols with me :v

though, overall I think I can get that clear this month. (horray for november just having begun :V)
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on November 01, 2012, 11:49:43 AM
I can, but it's still resource management because I suck at Ichirin.

Also: 9/18 Gold Detector.  I have so few tries at this so far but at the same time no satisfactory runs have gotten past midboss Kogasa.

If you can dodge reasonably well you should have no problems getting past midboss Kogasa without dying. If satisfactory translates into chaining UFO's optimally you need to let that pointless survival-optimization obsession go. It doens't benefit you. And guys. Even if you do die then keep going. Restarting over mistakes is retarded. (Though i could understand that you'd restart if you died in Stage 1 but that should hardly happen at all no matter who you are)

I know you're right, Zil. If I learned some spells I could probably clear it, but the thing is that even after "learning" a spell I fuck it up in the actual runs. I coudl clear it 10 in a row in practice and then die 10 times to it in the actual runs. that's how it rols with me :v

I know how that feels. It's always easier to perform well in practice runs since it's just a no-pressure practice run with no consequences for fucking things up. Take this advice from a person who sucks at shmups, because really I do - my consistency is very awful: Try your best to dodge in every situation. Try not to think of things as auto-bombs unless they are things you absolutely cannot do. Learn the cards to the best of your ability and try your best to capture them in the full runs but maintain awareness of your situation and the moment you can't keep up with the pattern no longer, bomb it.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on November 01, 2012, 05:29:57 PM
If you can dodge reasonably well you should have no problems getting past midboss Kogasa without dying. If satisfactory translates into chaining UFO's optimally you need to let that pointless survival-optimization obsession go. It doens't benefit you. And guys. Even if you do die then keep going. Restarting over mistakes is retarded. (Though i could understand that you'd restart if you died in Stage 1 but that should hardly happen at all no matter who you are)
I'm not even demanding optimality, just not dying stupidly.  I actually need those lives, and my current reset dying before midboss Kogasa ends or 2 deaths in Stage 2.  Stage 3 I fully expect to be a disaster, but 4 and 5 I can handle reasonably well and then 6 is bomb everything.  That last line is just insulting, EVERYONE dies in Stage 1 sometimes, even Riz.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on November 01, 2012, 09:27:18 PM
> gives UFO lunatic another try

> practice stage 2: ND2B > run, stage 2: 1D2B - I can live with that, really.
> practice stage 3: 2DNB > run, stage 3: 4D2B - what_the_fuck happened there? death against kraken, 2nd non AND hook combo? plus a death in the stage PLUS two goddamned bombs in the stage. I don't even...conclusion: get fucking consistent of that stage 3 boss
> practice stage 4: 1DNB > run, stage 4: 2D3B - To be honest, it was the stage. due to fucking up ichirin so bad, I was left with 1 power when I got into stage 4. things turned bad. nueball killed be, because I couldn't kill a fairy with 1 power and it crashed me :v other death was clip, 2 bombs for ufo collecting, 1 bomb for 3rd non. captured all of murasa's spellcards, though. I've gotten pretty good at this boss fight. might wann find a UFO collect route without boming like a madman

> practice stage 5: 6DNB (yeah, I know :'D) > run, stage 5: 2D3B (game over :v) - the funny thing about this is that I had a perfect nazrin and post-nazrin (THIS NEVER HAPPENED BEFORE :V). I was wondering how the fuck I captured greatest treasure; or how I survived post nazrin when I had completely lost track of everything (no bombs left :V), but eh; the run was almost lost at this point, so I don't gain anything from it.
shou's 3rd non finished me off. I've actually come to a poitn where I can ND2B shou herself; in an optimal fight. but they don't come often

IF I WASN'T AN OBSTINATE AND STUBBORN BASTARD, I WOULD SAY "FUCK THIS SHIT :V" but you know, I've said that many times before and still managed to do what I was planning to, so I won't let this, where I can bomb to my heart's content, get me to that point :v
> hates bombing because of inability. planned bombs are fine, though. I have often eaten deaths because of that, though.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: K.B. on November 01, 2012, 10:44:37 PM
You'll beat the game in no time.
I dislike statements like this because they trivialize the accomplishment.

Either that or they stem from a queer notion of what constitutes a long time.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on November 01, 2012, 11:13:10 PM
Not really KB. The way I see it, it's more of a way to say: 'Go for it, you can definitely beat this'.

I'm not even demanding optimality, just not dying stupidly.  I actually need those lives, and my current reset dying before midboss Kogasa ends or 2 deaths in Stage 2.  Stage 3 I fully expect to be a disaster, but 4 and 5 I can handle reasonably well and then 6 is bomb everything.  That last line is just insulting, EVERYONE dies in Stage 1 sometimes, even Riz.

Any death at that time of the game is pretty stupid, sorry to say. Nazrin's spells are either memorizable and they are perfectly dodgable without memo too. The biggest thing that I could understand that people looking to clear the game would have trouble with is Nazrin's final but if that is really being such a problem then you guys should bomb it.

As for the last line; I said that it should hardly happen, as in: not very often. I'm not saying it can't happen but it just shouldn't happen very often because it's a simple stage with no spells that should challenge a person who is capable of clearing Lunatic modes. I don't know how often Riz dies on Stage 1 but my impression is that it doesn't happen very often. He's a better player than I am and I can't remember last time I died on Stage 1 except for that time when I tried 90FPS where I got killed at the end of the final card.

I'm not posting this to pick on you but because I know what you are capable of. You died pretty well on HGS so your dodging isn't half bad. Make a plan for how to no-miss the first two stages. Is Nazrin's final giving you dumb deaths? Just bomb that shit then.

@Sakurei: Keep it going mate. :)
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RNG on November 01, 2012, 11:17:46 PM
For those of you complaining about being bad at Stage 1, do you really want to see my spellcard records?

Of course you don't. But I will tell you my cap rate for Hello Forgotten World is less than half, and I'm more consistent at Superhuman and Sinkable Vortex than I am on Dipper Creeping Close.

And Zengy, how many restarts did you have for your first UFO clear? I guarantee you it was probably about 700, and most of those didn't make it to the Stage 1 boss. That's kind of how shmups work - most of your runs are aborted within a minute. It's nothing to be ashamed of, and if you give people the impression that they shouldn't be having that sort of trouble you're just causing them to doubt themselves. I would consider myself a pretty good Touhou player, good enough to clear UFO LN, but only 1/3 of my attempts made it to Busy Rod.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: chum on November 01, 2012, 11:24:02 PM
I dislike statements like this because they trivialize the accomplishment.

Either that or they stem from a queer notion of what constitutes a long time.

I disagree, it really depends on who you'd direct it towards. Apparently, Sakurai died 9 times and bombed 10 times in his run... Imagine if he actually used all of his bombs. He would have cleared. So he could definitely 1cc very quickly and with relative ease.

Any death at that time of the game is pretty stupid, sorry to say. Nazrin's spells are either memorizable and they are perfectly dodgable without memo too. The biggest thing that I could understand that people looking to clear the game would have trouble with is Nazrin's final but if that is really being such a problem then you guys should bomb it.

As for the last line; I said that it should hardly happen, as in: not very often. I'm not saying it can't happen but it just shouldn't happen very often because it's a simple stage with no spells that should challenge a person who is capable of clearing Lunatic modes.

The spells aren't difficult at all, but I find myself constantly messing up UFO summoning and such, I'm sure others do the same. Besides, It's the first stage so a restart hardly wastes any time, this means that you can play recklessly and have fun, which does result in more deaths. UFO's first stage is simply a lot twitchier than most, too, it makes sense to die in it fairly often.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on November 01, 2012, 11:45:45 PM
And Zengy, how many restarts did you have for your first UFO clear? I guarantee you it was probably about 700, and most of those didn't make it to the Stage 1 boss. That's kind of how shmups work - most of your runs are aborted within a minute.

My playing style might be a bit different then. I've probably not put more credits into it than 2 or 3 before getting my first clear. I did have over 100s of hours of playtime before getting the clear though because I rather wanted to practice it.

Also, I generally make a point of not restarting unless what I'm doing is severely messed up. My Busy Rod capture rate for SanaeB is 22/27 and 11/13 for ReimuA. Do keep in mind that i've also done 90FPS runs of the stage and more 1cc's after my first one.

108/147 for Hello Forgotten World though. What I do is to make a hell of a lot of practice runs to get as good at the different patterns as I can. Or I just do a lot of practice runs to play against that one boss I fancy at the moment. Kogasa is a great example of this. I find her enjoyable just as I do other bosses in this game but I find Nazrin to be dull and boring so I've only practiced her enough to be sure to NMNB her every time.

Most of the time I simply don't care for full runs because those involve playing through the boring parts of the game. I'm probably alone in this style of playing though. I don't consider myself good at all because I take my mistakes very seriously (unfortunately too seriously but i can't help it) and I prefer to grind the parts of the game I find the most fun for a long ass time before getting the clear. That's how I roll. :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: K.B. on November 02, 2012, 12:48:13 AM
You guys are right.  I took it the wrong way.  I'm just a sourpuss who broods over how much time he lost on a stupid item-dodging game.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Cor on November 02, 2012, 12:57:09 AM
I can totally vouch for "most of your runs are aborted within a minute". I miss collecting a token at the right second, I blow a UFO up a second too late, miss out on two power before the midboss, accidentally don't kill the fairy before the midboss, collect the wandering token during the midboss spell as the wrong color one, forget to/mess up delaying the token's color change to change its path, get hit while trying to avoid collecting the token during the midboss spell etc etc.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on November 02, 2012, 02:15:35 AM
As for the last line; I said that it should hardly happen, as in: not very often. I'm not saying it can't happen but it just shouldn't happen very often because it's a simple stage with no spells that should challenge a person who is capable of clearing Lunatic modes. I don't know how often Riz dies on Stage 1 but my impression is that it doesn't happen very often. He's a better player than I am and I can't remember last time I died on Stage 1 except for that time when I tried 90FPS where I got killed at the end of the final card.

I'm not posting this to pick on you but because I know what you are capable of. You died pretty well on HGS so your dodging isn't half bad. Make a plan for how to no-miss the first two stages. Is Nazrin's final giving you dumb deaths? Just bomb that shit then.
I die quite frequently on Gold Detector, Riz's streams have a surprising amount of Stage 1 resets (i.e., more than mine, I get to Nazrin basically every run according to plan now), I've been bombing Nazrin's last spell, I have a plan to no death the first 2 stages but I'm willing to accept a Kogasa-death.

My overall strategy for approaching this is learn the stage parts to 4 and 5 as best I can so that once I get a run past Stage 2, I can do ok in 3 then beast 4 and 5 and bomb Murasa and Shou giving me enough lives/bombs to bomb through Byakuren since I consistently only die once to LFS.  So an attempt session consits of refreshing those 2 stages then grinding out an attempt that makes sufficient progress, I figure I'll learn Stage 2 reasonably well this way (and in fact, I have learned how to do the pre-Kogasa midboss stuff).
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zil on November 02, 2012, 05:14:14 AM
Not really KB. The way I see it, it's more of a way to say: 'Go for it, you can definitely beat this'.
Yeah, this is really all I meant. Just some kind of silly encouragement. I think Sakurei's definitely good enough to clear the game with some practice. He's been cranking out so many NMNB stage runs, etc.
Then again, I do often imply that the game is a lot easier than most people make it out to be, so I can see how that comes across as trivializing the accomplishment. I'd say the same thing about pretty much every game in the series though, so I'm not just singling out UFO.
Rather I'm trivializing all of them. Ack. It's something I firmly believe though. People tend to view them as a test of reflexes, pure skill, etc. I think memorization takes you much further. (90fps runs gave me this mentality.) Maybe my point isn't all that good though. I say memorization makes things easy, but I guess you could also say that memo is the "high effort" approach to something while just trying to dodge it is easy, even if the actual dodging is hard. So when I say "It's easy if you memorize a bunch of tricks," I guess someone else might say "okay, but the memorization itself is difficult." Hmm. Maybe my perception is a little borked. I've been enjoying the hated Psikyo games, after all.

Since we're talking about practice in here, my usual method is to learn strategies for each stage and practice them repeatedly, then do full runs with no restarts, regardless of screw-ups, because I never really know how I'll perform on something until I've done it in a real run (and I get nervous so easily). Once I've determined what kind of performance is actually "mandatory," I'll restart if I think I've made too many mistakes for the run to have any hope.
My overall strategy for approaching this is learn the stage parts to 4 and 5 as best I can so that once I get a run past Stage 2, I can do ok in 3 then beast 4 and 5 and bomb Murasa and Shou giving me enough lives/bombs to bomb through Byakuren since I consistently only die once to LFS.  So an attempt session consits of refreshing those 2 stages then grinding out an attempt that makes sufficient progress, I figure I'll learn Stage 2 reasonably well this way (and in fact, I have learned how to do the pre-Kogasa midboss stuff).
So this would be a bad approach, in my opinion. Not only do you get no real practice in the last stages, but the restarts are really uncalled for (especially with such strict requirements). But... eh. Everyone practices differently. I wouldn't want to try to tell people what to do there. (Though I will say this - if you you admit to frequently messing up stage 1, even being offended when Zengeku said it should happen infrequently, do you think you will have the consistency to "beast" stages 4 and 5 so reliably, and die only once to LFS, having only experienced them in practice mode?)
Most of the time I simply don't care for full runs because those involve playing through the boring parts of the game.
I was the same before I kinda stopped playing them altogether. PoDD/FV aside, I think none of them have been cleared more than 5 times, and some just once. Actually, I think that may in fact be a very common mentality for anyone who doesn't play for score. Just judging from the usual discussion on this forum, at least. I think it's strange, in a way.

Bleh. Another wall of text. In any event, no offense intended.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on November 02, 2012, 05:29:58 AM
So this would be a bad approach, in my opinion.
It's worked for me (TD being a prime example of this) and yes, in an actual run I was consistent enough at everything I needed to dodge in those 2 stages.

I keep messing up Stage 1 because it's so easy-I lose focus and mess up on something because of that.  Well, that and silly derps that can happen anywhere.

Stage 2 is tricky but that's because I haven't felt like learning it-for Stage 2 I find it best to learn in actual runs with resources from Stage 1.

Stage 3 I hate and don't want to play at all and that' why I haven't practiced it for UFO, and Stage 6 I already did a grindfest of and the stage part is trivial enough anyway.

So what I'm doing is making sure I'm fresh on the challenging parts later in the game then trying to push for 1 good run to get there and rely on the memory of how to approach it to get me through without much loss (additionally running half of practice runs as in-run simulations helps somewhat).  This is what got me through TD, and that method of resetting to dumb deaths in Stage 2 got me through SA pretty handily.

To each their own though, I might turn my attention to a few perfects before returning to this because of Stage 2/3.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: K.B. on November 02, 2012, 08:08:19 AM
Bleh. Another wall of text. In any event, no offense intended.
I tried to take it back before it came to this!

A degree of precision is still required for some hard-memorized sections.  So, those are still skill-based, even if the only skill left is tapping.  It's simply that what's tricky for one person to tap through can be a cinch for someone much better, so it can be said that those sections are no longer skill-based for the better player.  But not everyone is the better player.  And, of course, that's leaving aside sections and patterns with any degree of variability, as those can only be soft-memorized and still require a player's full skill set when things get hairy.

Easy to you, easier-yet-still-challenging to others.

Anyway, memo is still time-consuming.  Especially if you aren't able to run hourglass and savestate-practice.

Finally, neither easy nor quick would be among words I'd use to describe torture.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: ふねん1 on November 03, 2012, 12:03:25 AM
Blargh, this recent layoff from Touhou has made me uncomfortable with FIN again, and I died on it in pretty stupid fashion in my latest 1lc attempt. I'm beginning to question if I'll have this done in time for my 3-year anniversary on the 7th.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RNG on November 03, 2012, 01:39:44 AM
I did all my TD accomplishments on version 1.00a, so most people won't be able to watch them. I didn't even remeber that I should patch so avoid desync. So I am feeling pretty stupid right now.

Ah hell, I might upload some of the replays anyways.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: ふねん1 on November 03, 2012, 11:44:24 PM
I just died to the lead-up to midboss-Wriggle twice in a row.

I know the solution to getting rid of rust is to simply keep on playing, but for multiple reasons I just don't feel like doing anything Touhou related right now.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Cor on November 04, 2012, 07:31:01 AM
Wiped out on Ichirin with SanaeB. How do people play this? This time, instead of making adjustments to the stage portions, I'll have to scrap it all and take a completely new approach. What a bother.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RNG on November 04, 2012, 07:17:53 PM
Dude, watch my SanaeB clear replay. ( I don't know how I managed it, considering I had 3 lives exiting stage 2, but the survival strats in there might help.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Tsym on November 04, 2012, 07:59:24 PM
Wiped out on Ichirin with SanaeB. How do people play this? This time, instead of making adjustments to the stage portions, I'll have to scrap it all and take a completely new approach. What a bother.
Sure, sure, stage 3 is slightly harder since you can't trivialize the middle portion since SanaeB doesn't have enough power to immediately snipe the fairies that come down, but she'll trivialize stages 4, part of stage 5, and pretty much all of stage 6, leading to less aggravating/stupid deaths. SanaeB's a net positive... Probably.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Kosachi on November 04, 2012, 09:05:11 PM
Sure, sure, stage 3 is slightly harder since you can't trivialize the middle portion since SanaeB doesn't have enough power to immediately snipe the fairies that come down, but she'll trivialize stages 4, part of stage 5, and pretty much all of stage 6, leading to less aggravating/stupid deaths. SanaeB's a net positive... Probably.

And not to mention SanaeB probably has one of the most amazing bombs in the entire game. Saves your life in stage 4/5/6 when 85% of your screen is covered in bullets.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: LadyScarlet on November 05, 2012, 03:44:04 AM

How can I be so bad at IN Stage 3? I only captured one spell in the whole stage, and bombed so much it wasn't even funny.  :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Yatakarasu on November 05, 2012, 04:41:29 AM
Stage 3 of IN gave me the most problems for the longest time, then I suddenly got it. Now stage 4 is the one to give me all the pains.

How can I fail so many times at EX Sanae in SA?! 
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: fondue on November 05, 2012, 01:36:24 PM
ofnesljklw IN stage 3 is easy, doing it un-focused most of the time with border team was easy. But Raymoo and Mareesa can go fuck theirselfes. Once I had to use two continues on the boss fight.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Kosachi on November 05, 2012, 10:44:55 PM
ofnesljklw IN stage 3 is easy, doing it un-focused most of the time with border team was easy. But Raymoo and Mareesa can go fuck theirselfes. Once I had to use two continues on the boss fight.
Especially many bullets.... they're everywhere, and no method to their madness  :qq:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Ran-Rii on November 06, 2012, 11:43:56 AM
Well, what can be more fail than playing IN for consecutive 5 hours, and on my final run after my second-to-last perfect run on 6a...

[Goes for run with Reimu for 6b Normal]
>Dies to Wriggle Kick
>Gets owned by Lorelei's Final Spellcard [No not last spell]
>Accidentally bombed on Stage 3 after I have cleared Keine's Danmaku wave
>Fights Marisa: Dies 2 times to the most stupid 2 spells: Stardust Reverie and Master Spark. Seriously, this was the only time I never died to Milky Way THEN THIS.
>Fights Reisen. Gets owned by Invisible Full Moon and the Fairy at the doorstep of this stage [Currently at 0 Lives]
>Dies during Reisen's Final Attack resulting in a double KO >Game Over<
>Somehow presses "Return to Title" instead of "Continue"

I rage.

Also, not really the traditional Touhou...
>Perfect Run [Not getting hit, only block/graze] the whole of Sanae's story mode on Normal
>Proceeds to be unable to complete "Divine Battle above Gensokyo"

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RNG on November 07, 2012, 04:15:33 AM
I did not beat UFO Extra on my first try. Even worse I died to Danmaku Snake Show.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: LadyScarlet on November 07, 2012, 04:16:57 AM
Oh my god, Marisa... I use up my continue on either her or Reisen. And Reisen is one of the easier stage 5 bosses ;_;
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Cor on November 07, 2012, 04:17:17 AM
I did not beat UFO Extra on my first try. Even worse I died to Danmaku Snake Show.
Getting that far on your first try is good in my books. Extras are all memo, after all.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RNG on November 07, 2012, 04:29:31 AM
No, I made it to Heiankyou Nighmare, but the fact that I didn't cap snake show is...
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: LadyScarlet on November 07, 2012, 04:32:36 AM
Another bad IN stage 3 run. This time I died TWICE to Keine's final spell and had something like this:
Ran: Hey Yukari, let's fly up to the familiar that's shooting bullets in Keine's third spell card!
Yukari: Great idea! :D
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on November 07, 2012, 05:07:05 PM
5 Byakuren matches. They went pretty badly. I'm not gonna be satisfied with this before I can reliably pull off 1MNB runs and I'm not quite there yet.

Posting here because I fucked up Byakuren's 2nd non four times today. I normally don't fuck it up at all. Pretty lame on my part. Also, failed LFO two times today and that's pretty embarassing now that I know how to deal with it. 

And oh god Good Omen, I still don't know how I'm supposed to consistently capture you. Same thing with Devils Recitation. It's embarassing as hell how much I fuck that card up.  :( - Oh well, had bad sleep last night so at least I have an excuse.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RNG on November 08, 2012, 03:37:53 AM
3 lives into Orin. Died twice on her opener.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Ikari on November 08, 2012, 04:46:47 AM
Oh my god, Marisa... I use up my continue on either her or Reisen. And Reisen is one of the easier stage 5 bosses ;_;

I swear I didn't get why people always complained about Marisa. I used to play IN on easy, and Reimu was to me way harder than Marisa.

Theeeen, I did a Normal run. Oh god now I miss Reimu's insanely easy to dodge non-spells. I'd trade those rings of stars that ''OOPS IMMA CHANGE DIRECTIONS RANDOMLY LOL'' for those shotgun blasts of amulets anytime.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Yatakarasu on November 08, 2012, 04:48:00 AM
3 lives into Orin. Died twice on her opener.
Sounds about right for Orin.

I swear I will never capture Murasa's survival card. -SIGH-
Now with video (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Tsym on November 08, 2012, 05:32:08 AM
3 lives into Orin. Died twice on her opener.
Which is pretty much why I always use the safespot. I really hate the idea of losing a potential 1cc because I clipped something in a ridiculously easy pattern.

I swear I didn't get why people always complained about Marisa. I used to play IN on easy, and Reimu was to me way harder than Marisa.

Theeeen, I did a Normal run. Oh god now I miss Reimu's insanely easy to dodge non-spells. I'd trade those rings of stars that ''OOPS IMMA CHANGE DIRECTIONS RANDOMLY LOL'' for those shotgun blasts of amulets anytime.
Now try Reimu and Marisa on Lunatic. You'll never ever want to play as Magic/Netherworld team again.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Goldom on November 08, 2012, 06:31:15 AM
Really? I find Reimu easier on every difficulty except maybe Hard, where Marisa is frankly easier than on Normal (half her spells don't change much at all, but Starlight Typhoon and Shoot the Moon are easier on hard than their Normal versions imo).
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on November 08, 2012, 09:31:56 AM
Man, I wish EoSD had replays without the extra hassle. I just had the most beautiful Scarlet Meister capture... followed by me going to the PoC and sidestepping into Remilia~ It was amazing.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on November 08, 2012, 08:46:00 PM
Why not just go get that hassle over with?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on November 08, 2012, 08:51:10 PM

I like my English patch. That said, that's really more of a bad excuse, I'm mostly lazy when it comes to these things.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Ikari on November 08, 2012, 10:39:33 PM
Really? I find Reimu easier on every difficulty except maybe Hard, where Marisa is frankly easier than on Normal (half her spells don't change much at all, but Starlight Typhoon and Shoot the Moon are easier on hard than their Normal versions imo).

I find her slightly harder on easy mode, but that's just because she doesn't change much; Fantasy Seal - Spread is just as deadly and Marisa's now much less dense stars barrages are more or less of a joke.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Goldom on November 10, 2012, 01:12:53 AM
I just played EoSD Extra and failed every single spell except Lavatein... and still cleared it. I fail this stage 75% of the time even while capping about half the cards. I don't know about this.  :wat:

On the plus side, I came within a second of getting Royal Flare for the first time with Reimu, but got cornered at the last moment.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Goldom on November 10, 2012, 01:14:16 AM
edit: I'm an idiot and hit quote instead of modify.

Sooo modifying this useless post into some sort of content: It's really weird about EoSD Extra. By all rights, its spells look WAY easier than any of the other extra stages. They're super spread out, and pretty slow, with the exception of Maze of Love and QED. But there's just something about it that makes me fail all the time. I dunno if its slightly different hitboxes (though I'm not sure any really are except bubbles), or just the really short deathbomb window or what.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on November 10, 2012, 10:26:57 AM
game over'd while trying to NMNB GFW extra :V god, that was a horrible, yet hilarious run. I wouldn't want it to be repeated, though. also I fail at miko. always something different, but it's always something. derp. WELL

also, ichirin and her stage. SO MUCH FAILURE :V god, why am I so bad at this? I die to kraken, I capture everything else, I capture kraken, I die to hook combo, I capture those two, I die to old man's scolding. what the hell is wrong with me?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on November 12, 2012, 02:10:16 PM
I tried four rounds of VoWG pacifism and I could not get better than 2 miss. That's pretty pathetic. I should really learn not to play Touhou this early in the day. I'm not capable of dodging things before I've had time to wake up.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on November 12, 2012, 05:26:04 PM
Try dying three times to Scarlet Meister. That's a death to every wave. And it was after a good hour or two of playing. 7_7
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Shikieiki on November 13, 2012, 08:24:18 PM
Was doing pretty well on an SA Normal run last night, up until Satori. Lost a life on her second nonspell (>_>) and another on Mt. Togakushi. Then went on to get completely obliterated by Stage 5 and Orin. Lost my last extra life on Blazing Wheel and Game Over'd to Nuclear Fusion. Worst. Run. Ever.

Oh, also Game Over'd to Youmu's first nonspell on a blind PCB Hard run. Yep, yesterday was a pretty failtastic day.

Oh, and just died to Hourai Doll with a half an inch of Mokou's healthbar remaining. I hate playing as Youmu and Yuyuko so much.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Yatakarasu on November 14, 2012, 04:21:26 AM
Dying to "A Rainy Night's Ghost Story" and "Nazrin Pendulum" several times.  "So I need to run right into the bullets right? :V"
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Shikieiki on November 14, 2012, 09:27:00 PM

Did I just

Yeah, I did.

I died to Flaw of Forgiving Shrine because for some reason I was expecting Xu Fu's Dimension. /)_-
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Ikari on November 15, 2012, 12:48:55 AM
Dying to "A Rainy Night's Ghost Story" and "Nazrin Pendulum" several times.  "So I need to run right into the bullets right? :V"

Yep, that's what I always do!

I also have a super tip for you; Die when you have a lot of bombs in stock; It gives you EXTRA POINTS! I mean, that's what I do aaaaall the time, and look at how successful I am!
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Shikieiki on November 15, 2012, 01:02:43 AM
And just lost to Byakuren's last spell cause my dad distracted me with something about Legos. Thanks Dad. >_>
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Yatakarasu on November 15, 2012, 03:35:08 AM
Woooow. Tonight was a bad night.

Crashed into every possible fairy/bullet in the first stage of TD.
Lost 5 lives on Youmu in PCB.
Didn't move up during Koishi's first card.
Didn't lose a single life the first three stages of MoF then lose 4 on stage 4 and game over on Sanae's last card the stupidest way possible.
Failed at Nazrin and her stage several times.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sungho on November 15, 2012, 04:27:15 AM
And just lost to Byakuren's last spell cause my dad distracted me with something about Legos. Thanks Dad. >_>

When I was younger, I double KO'd with Byakuren on Normal with 3 different shot types.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Seppo Hovi on November 15, 2012, 11:27:33 AM

I died on the third non with full bombs in stock? Yeah, sounds like me.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chalros22 on November 15, 2012, 12:59:55 PM
While trying to no bombs SA extra, I died on Danmaku Paranoia. Not once, but two attempts in a row.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Shikieiki on November 15, 2012, 11:35:20 PM
Wow. Was doing great on a PCB Extra run with Marisa B. Got to Ran with four lives, and had captured her first four spellcards.

Princess Tenko, you never fail to royally screw me. Yukari's Spiriting Away is so much easier.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: redlakitu on November 18, 2012, 08:26:45 PM
One of my Mystic Square Normal attempts today included the following:

-dying to the Stage 4 midboss, even though midbosses are laughably harmless in this game;
-ramming into an enemy seconds after I received my 200 Point Items extend;
-entering Stage 6 with three extra lives, but entering the fight against Shinki with just one left;
-ending up on Shinki's penultimate phase with two bombs still in stock and losing anyway because I pressed X a split second too late.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Tsym on November 19, 2012, 07:17:37 AM
My last 3 deaths to Dipper Creeping Close was because I perfectly lined myself up with the horizontal row of bullets. I think I forgot that I was supposed to be going between them, not through them :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Yatakarasu on November 19, 2012, 06:49:52 PM
Right, let's play some SA!

MarisaC attempt.
I made it all the way to stage 5 with 3.3. Should have 5.3 lives, but Parsee and Satori decided to be jerks during their last cards I double OK'd both of them. lives in tow. Didn't even make it to Boss Orin. Got hit before Midboss Orin. Got hit during Midboss Orin (first non-spell), then got hit during the very last set of ghosts before Orin. Today must be "hit everything I know I can dodge" day.

Well that sucked let's try some Koishi.
Dies during Midboss Sanae, decides to keep going. Dies during Koshi's first card, keeps going. Decided I need the practice anyway. Makes it all the way to "Genetics of the Subconscious." For such a terrible early part of that run, I made it pretty far.  :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chalros22 on November 20, 2012, 04:16:45 PM
Just realized that Ctrl is autofire in Fairy Wars. So far I'd beaten all routes on normal, extra, and A-1 hard. How the fuck did I never figure that out?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on November 20, 2012, 04:36:08 PM
I didn't know that either. And having just tried it, I can say that it feels really awkward to use that for auto-fire. The C-button does the same thing. I recommend using that instead.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Shikieiki on November 20, 2012, 09:46:49 PM
Ctrl is autofire in Fairy Wars.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Yatakarasu on November 21, 2012, 02:32:01 AM
I let the life piece from Koishi's first non-spell escape.  :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on November 21, 2012, 02:18:51 PM
Today, I've managed to fail at every Sanae spell. I've had a decently long break and now I'm back to get owned by the piss-easy bosses again.  :V

Funny thing is: Her third spell was consistently her easiest attack for me. It's a joke pattern but it's a pattern but it actually involves some dodging which is why I find it funny that it was the only thing I could reliably capture.

First spell. I have it memorized but then I started to clip lasers. 2nd spell. I know how you're supposed to stream it but I still fucked it up three times in a row. Final spell: Somehow I died more to this than the third one. I can only conclude that the third spell is the easiest of her attacks.  :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chalros22 on November 21, 2012, 03:56:17 PM

Did I just

Yeah, I did.

I died to Flaw of Forgiving Shrine because for some reason I was expecting Xu Fu's Dimension. /)_-

'll one up that, the other day I died to flaw of forgiving shrine, ALMOST died to Xu Fu's dimension, and died + 2 bombs to honest man's death. Game over on Fujiyama volcano. If anyone can beat that derp on IN extra be my guest.

I didn't know that either. And having just tried it, I can say that it feels really awkward to use that for auto-fire. The C-button does the same thing. I recommend using that instead.

I use 2 fingers on my left hand when playing touhou. 1 for shift, 1 for shoot/bomb/trance. or some reason I can't get used to using that many fingers, only time i use 3 fingers on left hand is when I use WASD controls in other games. Also I type with two fingers 99% of the time. Oh wait maybe that's why I suck lol
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: LadyScarlet on November 22, 2012, 12:30:57 AM
You know how you think you know the secret of a particular spell card or bullet pattern, yet you still can't dodge it? That's how I feel right now.

You know how much I suck at EoSD Stage 6? I've heard The Young Descendant of Tepes (stage theme) more than Septette for the Dead Princess (boss theme). :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Cor on November 22, 2012, 12:58:52 AM
I've heard The Young Descendant of Tepes (stage theme) more than Septette for the Dead Princess (boss theme). :colonveeplusalpha:
But there's no way you could have it the other way around, you know.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RNG on November 22, 2012, 03:55:32 AM
1/23 on Prince Shotoku. I was told this was easy!
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: LadyScarlet on November 22, 2012, 05:01:05 AM
*slams head on keyboard*

Just did HORRIBLY on EoSD Stage 5 after midboss Sakuya, and game over'd to Clock Corpse. WITH THREE BOMBS IN STOCK. I think that's enough EoSD for one day.  :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zork787 on November 22, 2012, 12:21:52 PM
Well I just had one of the biggest derps EVER....

Died to Normal Mode midboss Rumia's second bullet wave...

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on November 22, 2012, 01:38:06 PM
Well, let's share some embarassing moments then.

Today I've succeeded at dying twice to UFO Stage 4. And that's not on any of the hard portions but on the streaming section and the bit right after the midboss. Skillz.
Then while fighting Byakuren i died to the final non-spell. Good going there.
What else... Oh yeah. Died twice to Murasa's final non-spell and her final card. Because the final card turned BS on me and didn't give me a chance. Should've saved that replay.

ZUN can you please stop making trivial sections because it seems its the easy stuff that kills me most :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Shikieiki on November 22, 2012, 03:08:49 PM
Hooray for not being able to make it to Ran in Phantasm without bombing!
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chalros22 on November 22, 2012, 03:29:54 PM
ZUN can you please stop making trivial sections because it seems its the easy stuff that kills me most :V

What are you the Einstein of Touhou? :P

Oh wait that happens to me too...

...on a personal note,

How to almost fuck up a no bombs run of SA normal - by Chalros

1. Perfect everything through Satori (lol first perfect stage 4 normal there, fuck DBDB)
2. Die to catwalk because I forgot how it worked on normal since I did this on a whim and this was the first and only attempt.
3. Die twice to popcorn section.
4. Die to orbs near end of stage because I wanted to kill them all.
5. Die on second nonspell
6. Die on spleen eater
7. Die 2 times on ghost wheels
8. Die to Utsuho 2nd nonspell
⑨. Die to Mega Flare

Cleared with 0.8 lives left.

So glad I could put 9 steps here lol

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Lepetit89 on November 22, 2012, 04:36:26 PM
I think I'm a little out of shape. Went through EoSD Normal thrice and had much more Misses / Bombs than I expected. First run had two Misses in Stage 2, second one two in Stage 3 (who dodges a bullet, then retreats only to bump into the very same bullet?), third one had a Miss to one of those icicles towards the end of the stage portion. Generally, lots of stupid stuff, characteristics of Spellcards I completely forgot about, though I'm certainly not quite as used to deathbombing as I used to be, but input delay definitely screwed me over twice.

Well, I'll just get warmed up I guess!
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Kenta Kurodani on November 22, 2012, 10:04:27 PM
>be trying EoSD extra
>get through most of Flandre with 3 lives left
>die 4 times to Counter Clock
(I feel bad about saying I did well before, though. most of the flandre battle only gets 30 fps on my netbook so I feel like I am taking the easy way out, no matter how much I try to speed my comp up. Stahp, EoSD. All the other touhous run fine ;-;. The run I'm talking about jhad over 50% slowdown ;_;)
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Seppo Hovi on November 22, 2012, 10:12:43 PM
EoSD custom.exe should have an option for forcing 60fps. You could try it.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on November 22, 2012, 10:26:20 PM
it should also be possible to force it to 60 fps via vpatch. It also causes input lagg to disappear/get better, so there's that.

after playing for 2.5 years or so without it, I felt like god when I installed that thing.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Kenta Kurodani on November 23, 2012, 01:07:03 AM
The problem is that I can't get it to work, even though I'm in a japanese locale
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: LadyScarlet on November 23, 2012, 05:38:52 AM

How can I die to Demarcation a billion times and Icicle Fall Normal.  :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chalros22 on November 23, 2012, 08:13:01 AM
(who dodges a bullet, then retreats only to bump into the very same bullet?),

I do, at least 30 times a day
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Lepetit89 on November 23, 2012, 02:59:35 PM
I do, at least 30 times a day

That sounds frustrating, speaking of which:

My first PCB Normal run went a little better, no Misses or derps until Stage 5 where I got the rhythm wrong and took a bullet from point blank range. Two Misses against Youmu due to wrong strategies during the second NS-Pattern and the third Spellcard, though I doubt I'll ever forgot how to do those now.

Yuyuko, however. five Misses or six, I don't know, but I do know that I was seriously worried about Game Overing. Did the second Spellcard the wrong way, forgot about Bombs when I got a little too close to Yuyuko during the third NS-Pattern, then I lost another Extra Live to the fourth Spellcard because I've become somewhat bad at reading the spreading bullets at the beginning of each wave, then I lost two or three Extra Lives to her fifth one because apparently, bombing and actually watching the bullets around me are foreign concepts to me. Though I have to admit, the second Miss was a result me being somewhat irritated, at least I managed to regain my composure when that caused me to lose an Extra Live.

Man, I was totally slaughtered there.

Edit: Okay, the other runs also had a few derps, but I managed to warm up by the time I went through the game with Sakuya B. The last time, I had the most problems with her and really disliked the shottype, but I this time I thought it was the most interesting run and also had the best run, clearing the game with full Extra Lives and a Bomb, the Bomb being an Extra Life that turned into a Bomb.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Kenta Kurodani on November 23, 2012, 04:35:47 PM
If I screenshot the error vpatch gives me, can someone help me? I really want to do this legit...
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: LadyScarlet on November 23, 2012, 07:13:04 PM
If I screenshot the error vpatch gives me, can someone help me? I really want to do this legit...
Somebody PLEASE answer this! I'm having the same problem. My EoSD Folder:

and the error when I try to open vpatch.exe:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Cor on November 23, 2012, 07:20:32 PM
Rename th06e.exe to 東方紅魔郷.exe.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Raikaria on November 23, 2012, 08:13:45 PM
> Reinstalls TD at last after PC wipe

"Well I'll just 1CC this again..."

> Dies twice on Stage 6 stage portion


*On the upside I actually beat Seiga's 3rd nonspell, the one with all the knives, without dying or bombing, which I've never done before because I panic*
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Kenta Kurodani on November 23, 2012, 11:07:24 PM
Corevan, tried that, it no worky.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Goldom on November 24, 2012, 01:31:31 AM
I forget if you said earlier, are you in Japanese locale? EoSD vpatch needs both the locale and the file name changed. Applocale works fine for me too.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Kenta Kurodani on November 24, 2012, 03:10:01 AM
The problem is that I can't get it to work, even though I'm in a japanese locale
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zork787 on November 24, 2012, 07:21:30 AM
well I had one of the derpiest Sanae TD runs ever. First I completely fail on Stage 2 and use my first continue against Yoshika, then I go on to do pretty good in Stage 4 and actually have a pretty funny panic bomb moment during Seiga, unfortunately I wasn't able to save the replay since I had continued, then I go to have a pretty bad Stage 5 run and even use a Second Continue against Futo WHEN SHE CLIPS ME WITH AN ARROW DURING HER FIRST SPELL CARD!!!!! After witch I go on to having a near perfect Stage 6 run, only bombing once during Miko's last Spell Card when I get surrounded by bullets just as the last phase started.

So yeah, pretty derpy run if you ask me :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Tsym on November 24, 2012, 07:50:59 AM
For the two people having trouble with vpatch for EoSD, backup your folder or the files you'll be replacing and try adding these files ( into your EoSD folder. These are my vpatch files including the renamed .exe. If it still doesn't work, then we at least know where the problem isn't.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chalros22 on November 24, 2012, 03:40:13 PM
This is completely un-Touhou related, but it might be one of the biggest derps ever on this thread. Just cooked a pizza, took it out of the oven ,then realized the cardboard was still underneath it.

1. How the fuck did I not notice that?
2. How did it not catch on fire or start smoking or something?

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Bang Jan on November 24, 2012, 04:01:52 PM
Where should a thread about derps that happened in real life go?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chalros22 on November 24, 2012, 04:12:24 PM
Where should a thread about derps that happened in real life go?

I don't know but I thought people would laugh at that more than just feel bad as with the normal Touhou derps. Pizza still tasted fine oddly enough
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on November 24, 2012, 04:16:29 PM
>touhou derp thread
>posts somethign about pizza
>does know about the Shrinemaiden Cafe
Chalros wins at derps.

Also, I had 3 stragith PoFV runs where I fell apart Komachi round 2 AND Shikieiki round 3.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chalros22 on November 24, 2012, 05:43:07 PM
>does know about the Shrinemaiden Cafe

I haven't gone on MoTK directly in 6 months, I have Help Me Eirin on my links bar :P
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Shikieiki on November 24, 2012, 06:00:36 PM
This is completely un-Touhou related, but it might be one of the biggest derps ever on this thread. Just cooked a pizza, took it out of the oven ,then realized the cardboard was still underneath it.

1. How the fuck did I not notice that?
2. How did it not catch on fire or start smoking or something?


I once set the oven for the correct temperature for cooking frozen pizza but forgot to actually turn the dial to "bake," so yeah, it sat in a cold oven for fifteen minutes.

And once I finally did cook it it was charred on the bottom.  :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Limian on November 24, 2012, 06:09:04 PM
I once set the oven for the correct temperature for cooking frozen pizza but forgot to actually turn the dial to "bake," so yeah, it sat in a cold oven for fifteen minutes.

And once I finally did cook it it was charred on the bottom.  :V
Still better than that one time I turned on the stove instead of the oven, with a plastic toolbox standing on top. A few minutes later, one of the corners of the box had molten off, and the whole kitchen was veiled in smoke. To top it off, my mother shattered a lamp while trying to open the window.

Back on-topic, I managed to lose 4 lives and get a continue in Normal MoF Stage 2 today. Haven't played the main game in god knows how long.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Chalros22 on November 24, 2012, 06:14:35 PM
I'm glad I could start an awesome conversation like this :D
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Kenta Kurodani on November 24, 2012, 07:01:47 PM
IT WORKS! Apparently the last japanese name I copied it to was just incorrect. Well, that was a simple fix >_>
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: fsvgm777 on November 24, 2012, 07:16:54 PM
SA Normal run with ReimuA:
Yuugi rams me while initiating her first spell, thus losing two life pieces, since I let the life piece from her first non-spell drop.
Clipped a laser during Flying Insect's Nest.
Somehow died during Blazing Wheel (seriously, that spell is one of the easiest, in my opinion).

At least I got to Hell's Artificial Sun, so... I can totally do this. Good thing I can somewhat consistently capture BoWaP on Normal without using the safespot (I fail at properly getting to it anyway).
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Makedounia on November 24, 2012, 11:19:06 PM
Seems like I'll never beat Byakuren. Made it to her last spellcard with 2 lives and no bombs. Lost my last life when she had about 1cm of health left -> ragequit
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RNG on November 25, 2012, 03:11:36 AM
LNBNT progress!

On the plus side, finally made it past Seiga, but then I game overed to ghost circles.   :wat:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Lepetit89 on November 25, 2012, 02:22:18 PM
So I went through the IN Extra Stage with Sakuya&Remilia since the replay of my first clear went missing somehow. I gave every Spellcard a try or two in Spell Practice, then started the first attempt and just went through with it. Despite forgetting roughly half of the stage, failing lots and lots of Mokou's easy Spellcards, I somehow still wound up seeing Imperishable Shooting with 0 Extra Lives and 0 Bombs left by capturing many of her hard ones. Probably could have cleared 1/0, but unnecessary movement at the beginning of the last Spellcard for the sake of placing my familiars seemed to have doomed me irrevocably.

I don't know what's worse, the run itself or the fact that it still beat my old High Score for Sakuya&Remilia.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on November 25, 2012, 11:15:10 PM
Tried a LNBNT run of Ten Desires and I only made it to Seiga. This run was pretty gross. I died on Kyouko, after midboss Kogasa and lost the rest of my lives on Stage 4. That is pretty pathetic.

Maybe i should try to clear under these restrictions. Maybe.

EDIT: Hahaha, oh boy... so following the above mentioned run, i enter practice mode to play around with Seiga for a bit and I manage to fail her final non-spell three times, her final spell three times in a row and her other non-spells eventually too. I don't think i'm cut out for playing today  :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Makedounia on November 26, 2012, 10:53:14 PM
I tried MoF on hard for the first time, game over at first boss... Enough said... You know what? I'm calling it a day... This is one of those days when EVERYTHING goes wrong...  I wasn't in a good mood anyway...... Ffffuuu......
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Shikieiki on November 27, 2012, 01:03:53 AM
Game Over'd to Flying Fantastica.

Sanae A, your shot is bad and you should feel bad.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Lepetit89 on November 27, 2012, 04:49:36 PM
Couldn't even beat two of my High Scores from January 2010 in SA, too many derps certainly wrecked my scores with Reimu A and Reimu C. The other High Scores were so bad, it would have been hard not to improve them.

Which reminds me, Parsee's second Spellcard is not the best one to finally figure out how to switch shottypes with Marisa B. Switched from forward shot to the one that covers almost the entire screen and the second Parsee went completely berserk until I figured out what caused me to switch shottypes.
Still need more practice, but it's hard to get a real feel for a character if I only play it once. Guess that won't happen until I get to Hard Mode.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Shikieiki on November 27, 2012, 05:00:29 PM
...I just lost all four of my lives to Yumemi.  :X
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on November 28, 2012, 01:55:32 PM
You know, it's been eons since I've attempted SA Extra. Let's see how I do.

*perfects absolutely everything up to Genetics for the first time ever*

oh crap how do i do this card again

*dies three times to it*

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Wriggle on November 29, 2012, 09:42:57 PM
90 FPS Koishi is impossible, she's way more clippy than she is in a no-focus run. :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Lepetit89 on November 30, 2012, 05:38:32 PM
Glorious TD Normal run with Youmu, who's probably one of the coolest shottypes I've seen so far. Three Misses in Stage 2, then one to Yoshika during her second Spellcard. That one would have been the Game Over had I not managed to finish the Spellcard roughly 0,1 seconds before the Trance timer ran out. After that, I started a comeback and just concentrated on what was going on, less on charging and those awesome abilities and what not and simply did not get hit anymore (though I certainly used quite a few Bombs because I didn't want to take any risks).

I'm having a hard time getting used to her, but I'm really looking forward to seeing how I can make use of her abilities to find efficient routes through the individual stages.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on December 01, 2012, 12:03:57 PM
died once in suwapyon (2012) extra stage. after reaching 3/4 of the boss fight without a death I thought I coul do it. I forgot about the 2nd last spellcard. that thing is way too fast for me too read.but apparently  I captured it once and I can't remember ever dodging anything on it. a shame, but a 1D run on it is already pretty good, I think. I still got hit 27 times :V this game's system is so silly. also capured all of 1 spellcard thorough the fight.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Byronyello on December 01, 2012, 11:43:34 PM
This is less of a problem with my skill, and more of a problem with my jumpy cat.

My cat (whom I affectionately call Chen), was sitting on my lap while I was playing LLS stage 5 Yuuka. While I was concentrating, the door opened and out came my other cat (...whom I affectionately call Orin) which caused Chen to run off my lap to get to Orin. I tried to stop her, because she's not really friends with Orin, and she often gets into fights with him. Obviously, trying to catch a cat while playing Touhou is not really a good idea, and I lost my last life and, of course, I had a bomb in stock as well.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Yatakarasu on December 02, 2012, 03:16:15 AM
So I was bored last night and did a pacifist run of TD easy. And I mean fully pacifist, no shooting even during the stage. It was going great (didn't die or even bomb), until stage 4 and Seiga's knives.  :ohdear:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Validon98 on December 02, 2012, 03:42:01 AM
I still got hit 27 times :V this game's system is so silly.

It definitely is. I 1cced Normal blind and fought the TLB as well. And I got hit about, what, 60+ times across the whole game? Yeah, silly doesn't even begin to describe it.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RNG on December 02, 2012, 05:11:12 AM

I either have days where I do great or I barely even manage to reach Tongling Yoshika. Seiga's second non is solved now though.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Phlegeth on December 03, 2012, 03:04:42 AM
I'm playing through Double Spoiler again and here's a video of my attempt at 8-3 (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: fsvgm777 on December 03, 2012, 03:00:55 PM
Remember when I said that I could consistently capture BoWaP on Normal without using the safespot?

Well, apparently, now I can't anymore, since I have to die to a random bullet every time now.

On that note, I had one of the worst SA Normal Stage 5 runs ever. 2 deaths to the stage, 2 (3?) deaths to Orin.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Yatakarasu on December 03, 2012, 03:34:57 PM
On that note, I had one of the worst SA Normal Stage 5 runs ever. 2 deaths to the stage, 2 (3?) deaths to Orin.
Sounds like my average run of that.  :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Ikari on December 03, 2012, 05:25:11 PM
Sounds like my average run of that.  :V

Hell, that's a GOOD run of that stage to me ._.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Yatakarasu on December 03, 2012, 06:23:31 PM
SPEAKING OF ORIN (the bane of everyone's existence)! I almost captured "Spleen Eater," then I failed at the very last possible second.  :getdown:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: チソウ タイゼン on December 03, 2012, 06:27:46 PM
That is an inevitability, friend.

I remember the last Pacifist run I attempted, TD Hard it was. BOMB ALL THE PATTERNS. ALL AT 00 SECONDS. THIS IS HOW WE PLAY TOUHOU.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Piranha on December 04, 2012, 05:21:01 PM
Played EoSD again after what feels like an eternity.
I entered Stage 5 with only 1 extra life left and gameovered to Red Magic. :derp:

Still surprised I got through Stage 5 and Sakuya after that many fuckups in the earlier stages.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Nindella on December 05, 2012, 12:03:51 AM
Keep failing to reach stage 6 of SA 90fps ultra lunatic  :ohdear:

Keep making stupid mistakes everywhere!  Urghh...
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on December 05, 2012, 04:00:58 PM
horrible horrible 90 fps EoSD extra run. I died twice before I even made it to patchy (somehow). went into the flandre fight with 2/0

perfected everything up to maze of love. died 2 horrible deaths to it, only to game over on the non after starbow break, which is pure dope on 90 fps. just saying. I can definitely clear Flandre on this speed. I just have to actually use my resources.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RNG on December 06, 2012, 01:00:49 AM
Wow jesus fuck i can't even do charged yahoo consistently anymore. I mean, I keep standing right under kyouko at the last wave and getting greedy to finish it and shit blow up in my face :derp:

And I keep dying to the stages. I think i'm just not good enough for this game. If I get a run past Seiga it'll go far, guaranteed, but that hasn't been happening very often. Since that one fucking run I haven't even seen Stage 5 once...

OTOH I captured Iwafune 3 times in a row. It's not too hard.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on December 07, 2012, 01:51:05 AM
oh god, that was hilarious. horrible horrible UFO extra. even failed the survival spell, but man. it still broke the highscore because I actually summoned UFOs this time :V

I left the stage with 1 life to spare. that should never happen. ever.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Tsym on December 07, 2012, 02:31:45 AM
Wow jesus fuck i can't even do charged yahoo consistently anymore. I mean, I keep standing right under kyouko at the last wave and getting greedy to finish it and shit blow up in my face :derp:

And I keep dying to the stages. I think i'm just not good enough for this game. If I get a run past Seiga it'll go far, guaranteed, but that hasn't been happening very often. Since that one fucking run I haven't even seen Stage 5 once...

OTOH I captured Iwafune 3 times in a row. It's not too hard.
Just take a break. I get the feeling you're putting a tad too much pressure on yourself because of previous experience (i.e. Oh my God I've done this before perfectly a million times why am I dying here now oh wait I did it again even though I shouldn't be argghhhhh). Perhaps not exactly like that, but similar. It's a vicious cycle to enter, kind of like a slump. Just take a breather and come back again with a fresh mind. Perhaps try something with a different game. I know that the UFO choreographed stages got ingrained into my head like a taunt when I played it too many times (around 75-100 times without switching to another Touhou game so... yeah), and it pissed me off to no end. Breathe... Breathe.

And yeah contrary to what I thought before, Iwafune isn't tough. It's like a much easier version of Aya's Storm Day. You just have to find the area of least bullet density, and it's usually around the same place on the screen each time. It could be worse.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on December 07, 2012, 02:38:32 AM
iwafune not too hard :V say that to my history. it's something like 3/60 or so. I can't handle that thing.

then again, my PWG history is something like 15/120, too.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RNG on December 07, 2012, 02:58:07 AM
Well. Made it to Futo again on a really shitty run. I'm definitely improving - 1 death on Seiga and a total trainwreck on Yoshika, but the real derp here was Stage 5. I decided to handle the ghost circles from the bottom left corner instead of the center. That left me out of position to handle the last 13 fairies and I pretty much got fucked. Going into Futo with 3 power and no trance is... it's not very nice.

Here's the replay (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Tsym on December 07, 2012, 04:04:06 AM
iwafune not too hard :V say that to my history. it's something like 3/60 or so. I can't handle that thing.

then again, my PWG history is something like 15/120, too.
Heh I just tried it again in spell practice. Yeah it's not too bad. About 9 tries to find my danmaku legs again (haven't played in a few days to a week or so) and then in my next 10 tries, 3 captures, 4 times of almost doing it but dying to something I felt I shouldn't have (in that I saw the bullet and knew how to move to dodge it, but somehow failed) and 3 tries of "why did I move that way and give myself a much harder situation to dodge?". So yeah, definitely not that hard. After figuring it out again, I never got blind sided by a bullet. It was just me being silly. So yeah, a bit of practice and it doesn't become too hard.

Well. Made it to Futo again on a really shitty run. I'm definitely improving - 1 death on Seiga and a total trainwreck on Yoshika, but the real derp here was Stage 5. I decided to handle the ghost circles from the bottom left corner instead of the center. That left me out of position to handle the last 13 fairies and I pretty much got fucked. Going into Futo with 3 power and no trance is... it's not very nice.

Here's the replay (
Watched it, and those were an unfortunate 2 deaths on Yoshika's non-spells and Iwafune. At this point it's about acquiring enough familiarity (and a bit of luck) so you can string all those individually not too tough parts together. I think it's a matter of enough practice so that doesn't happen as often. Like in my first UFO 1cc, I bombed my way past Ichirin and Murasa for the most part. Now I use significantly less resources on a more consistent basis. Once you get familiar with everything, the mistakes will go down. Keep at it!
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RNG on December 07, 2012, 04:43:45 AM
Indeed they were unfortunate. In two of those three cases, I wasn't actually looking where I was going at all. Yoshika's second non I was looking up at where she had just moved. Bad idea.

Every time I fail Zouhuo Rumo, god kills a kitten :|
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Aurora Pteriforever Dash on December 08, 2012, 12:48:07 AM

For those too lazy to watch it, this is me attempting to use the safespot above Sakuya but dying twice anyway
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Goldom on December 08, 2012, 05:22:04 AM
"Oh wow, I captured Heiankyou for the first time!* I should try to get Grudge Bow too!"

Win at 0/0.

I don't even have an excuse for deaths 2 and 3, it was just pathetic.

*and here's the fun part, I checked my record and it wasn't even my actual first time getting Heiankyou.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on December 08, 2012, 11:41:29 PM
I died to Philosophy of a Hated Person.

The FIRST PHASE of Philosophy of a Hated Person.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: LadyScarlet on December 09, 2012, 04:41:06 AM

I entered Keine with 7 lives. Game over'd to her second-to-last spell.  :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Bang Jan on December 09, 2012, 09:26:36 AM
I died to Philosophy of a Hated Person.

The FIRST PHASE of Philosophy of a Hated Person.


At least you didn't die to the opening bubbles.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: LeviLamprey on December 09, 2012, 09:39:22 AM
Died twice to SA Stage 4 and then once to each of Satori's first three attack phases. Wiped to the spirit that appears at the top of the screen in Stage 5; ran into a circular bullet while pacifying that portion to avoid streaming bullets. On Normal.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Limian on December 09, 2012, 01:12:53 PM
oh come on
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Yatakarasu on December 09, 2012, 05:37:04 PM
At least you didn't die to the opening bubbles.
Oh oh oh! I did that during my clear! I was saving that life for the last card as well.  :ohdear:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Validon98 on December 09, 2012, 08:51:04 PM
I died to Philosophy of a Hated Person.

The FIRST PHASE of Philosophy of a Hated Person.


That happened to me once. If that didn't happen, I probably would have gotten my first SA Extra clear. Oh well.
In terms of my derp, I just corrupted my replays of my ReimuA and MarisaB Normal 1ccs while trying to figure out how to change their names from my real one. The latter one I wanted to upload, because it was a relatively amazing run, including a first-time "Flying Fantastica" capture.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: PMW on December 10, 2012, 04:42:30 AM
How to not play SA (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on December 10, 2012, 11:17:44 AM
since NBNT TD lunatic 1cc seems to be a thing everyone's attempting, so I gave it a random try.

and cam to the conclusion that everyone who does it is crazy. how can you people actually play this game on a regular basis?yeah, yoshika's nons are awesome and kyoko's nons aren't bad either, but man, this game is horrible. stage 1 is a complete catastrophe, stage two is bad, which the exception of the nons. same applies to stage 3. stage 4 is terribad in its entirety. Futo's a cool bossfight with 3 spellcards that aren't absolutely horrible, but her stage is also sleep inducingly boring.

and I don't even want to start talking about stage 6

you people are crazy.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on December 10, 2012, 12:58:26 PM
stage two is bad, which the exception of the nons.

I dunno, I like Bubble Bath :V

Other than that, I agree with what you're saying. Made it to Seiga's final when I tried it. Funny thing is that I made it further in UFO NBNUFO but that's probably because that game is 2x infinitely better  :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Ikari on December 10, 2012, 05:29:19 PM


Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Seppo Hovi on December 10, 2012, 05:31:14 PM
They're conditions.

NB is No Bombs, NT is No Trance and NUFO is No UFO summoning..
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RNG on December 10, 2012, 07:12:27 PM
since NBNT TD lunatic 1cc seems to be a thing everyone's attempting, so I gave it a random try.

If you want to complain about TD being easy and sleep-inducingly boring, please perfect the first 4 stages in a row  ;) Really there's some sort of weird mental block people have to TD. They claim it's incredibly easy, but aren't willing to completely own the crap out of it because it's "too boring". Seems like an excuse to me. Maybe the game is actually kinda challenging(???)

Wow sorry if that sounded really arrogant but I'm kind of pissed off at this "so easy XD, I'm going to bomb-spam and trance-spam through everything" attitude because playing NBNT is actually really fun and stressful and all those nice things - consistency is hard no matter how "easy" a game is - and people don't respect it because it's TD so playing it doesn't count. Or something.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on December 10, 2012, 07:20:50 PM
TD is less interesting/fun/entertaining than the other games.  It's still good, it's still fun, but less so than the basis for comparison which is why I think people dislike it.
TD normal is far easier and more mind-numbing than other normals.  When I no bombed them, I died twice to this one, one was a derp and the other was at the very end, also a derp.  UFO took 14 lives (I used UFOs, sue me) and IN took 9.  This was all around the same time as well.
TD lunatic is actually quite challenging and I'm glad at least someone agrees with me to some extent.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on December 10, 2012, 07:25:01 PM
I am not saying that it's easy. I just don't find it fun.

a NBNT run of TD is really challanging due to the scarce resources you get, originally! in a NT run, you almost halve what you get

it's difficult/challenging/etc to NBNT, but that doesn't make it fun. yeah, it's easy to clear if you are willing to use everything you have, but it gets tough once you don't. I admit that and everyone who actualy 1cc's it without using anything but deaths to clear bullets is pretty darn good.

I feel like I am repeating myself in those 3 sentences like 5 times :v
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on December 10, 2012, 11:07:20 PM
They claim it's incredibly easy, but aren't willing to completely own the crap out of it because it's "too boring". Seems like an excuse to me. Maybe the game is actually kinda challenging(???)

Sure. Staying awake is hella difficult. Kinda like PCB syndrome. The patterns are so simple and unengaging that you end up taking hits to them anyway either because you underestimate things or because you forgot how to do it because it's a game that you for very good reasons never touch. NBNT is not easy in TD since you only get 6 lives and many things can potentially kill you but just adding more challenge doesn't automatically make the game not suck.  :V

To say that 'it's too boring' is an excuse is ridiculous. Why the hell would you play a game that you already consider mediocre? Because you've got something to prove? Oh please.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RNG on December 10, 2012, 11:27:54 PM
The patterns are so simple and unengaging that you end up taking hits to them anyway either because you underestimate things or because you forgot how to do it because it's a game that you for very good reasons never touch.

Funny, I generally call that "getting hit".
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on December 10, 2012, 11:56:50 PM
So do I usually. Getting hit is getting hit. My post sounds like i'm just making excuses for getting hit, that's true but that's not the point. The point is, difficult or not, if you are not having fun playing the game then why would you?

To discard TD because it's too easy is not an excuse, it's a reason. The patterns are not hard enough to be fun but they can still get you killed.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Ikari on December 11, 2012, 12:59:09 AM
I do consider TD to be very easy, but the only reason that I refuse to perfect it any farther than normal is because unlike other Touhous, you get so little lives* that it's almost more of a survival game than a regular Touhou game.

It's funny considering TD has many, many new mechanics, like reflecting walls, boss healing, resurrection, shiny bullets meant to actively block your view, etc (Miko suns. That is all)

Basically, TD is to me a fun game, but so incredibly frustrating as every little errors you make preeeetty much seal your fate for the rest of the game.

*Note: Don't you dare to tell me you can trance to get twice as many life desires and that it's ''super easy'' to get lives. Don't. You. Dare.

As for my derps.

Playing UFO, get killed by Kogasa in a very stupid way, go batshit insane and bomb spam while weeping and saying repeatedly ''THAT'S CAUSE YOU'RE A BIG MEANIE ;-;''
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Tsym on December 11, 2012, 01:19:25 AM
I'm rather skeptical of the idea that saying it's "too easy and I get bored doing it so I won't" is a legitimate reason to dismiss TD. If it's truly easy, then you should have no problem stepping up to the plate for just long enough to get it done. If you can't do that, then it clearly isn't easy. Getting bored of a game because the patterns aren't interesting is a legitimate reason, but that's a different argument from saying that something's too easy.

I think the problem here is just this right here:
The point is, difficult or not, if you are not having fun playing the game then why would you?
I'm sure that everyone agrees with this. This would be a good argument, full stop.

But then you go on to say:
To discard TD because it's too easy is not an excuse, it's a reason. The patterns are not hard enough to be fun but they can still get you killed.
This is a purely subjective idea. People can consider patterns that get you killed if you're just slightly careless "hard". I know that I think that true mastery comes from being able to do things even if you're half asleep. Like I can do Heal By Desire even if I'm half asleep. That's simple. I also feel that I can do Seiga's final card on a fairly consistent basis. But if I'm not putting in the effort, I'm likely to screw that up. I take that as a sign that I still have much to improve on because I think mastery comes from doing things without effort. If my mind isn't quick enough to immediately process where I want to go, then I die, and I think that while the pattern may not be hard, it certainly isn't easy, and there's no reason to dismiss the early portions of the game as easy either.

But that's my view on things, and it certainly doesn't hold true for other people. Some may think that it's still a wasted effort to go through the boring first few stages to get to the juicy later bits. But you certainly won't win any opinions by deriding something as "easy" when the other person doesn't utilize the same value system that you do.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zil on December 11, 2012, 01:38:03 AM
TD has spell practice.

That makes it better than anything else post-pofv.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Ikari on December 11, 2012, 01:40:04 AM
TD has spell practice.

That makes it better than anything else post-pofv.

*opens mouth in objection*


Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on December 11, 2012, 02:04:54 AM
Getting bored of a game because the patterns aren't interesting is a legitimate reason, but that's a different argument from saying that something's too easy.

You do have a point. But I just find saying that it's too easy to be a good phrasing of the point. It's easy enough to be boring to play but not easy enough that I can clear it NBNT in one credit. But just this amount of easy is already way too much. It's boring to play. The patterns not being hard enough is part of the reason why the patterns aren't interesting. It's true what you say about there being different views on what makes a pattern easy and I can certainly tell you that mine is different than yours.

TD has spell practice.

That makes it better than anything else post-pofv.

You are a sick man.  :] What good is spell practice when the spells suck?  :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Ikari on December 11, 2012, 02:09:32 AM
What good is spell practice when the spells suck?  :V

What good!? WHAT GOOD!!??

You can admire Futo's Nice Boat without having to actually reach Stage 5!
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RNG on December 11, 2012, 02:13:46 AM
TD has some fun spells. Better than 90% of the stuff in IN, that's for sure. If you want to say IN has good spells, though, well be my guest.

Anyhow. Made it past Tongling Yoshika with 4 lives. That's a first. I proceeded to panic and run full into a kunai wall on the next non though :V Never look at how many extra lives you have, it will do bad things to you.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on December 11, 2012, 02:17:15 AM
we all always knew Zil was no sane man.

a shame that everything post PoFV is vastly better than TD. StB and DS uncluded as well as GFW. like, they're all so so much more fun than TD. despite spell practice.

so yeah, I quote Zengeku on that one. what good does it do if the spells suck.

In has a ouple fun spellcards, actually. leaving the last words aside (because nothing beats SFN), there's astronomical entombing, asteroid belt, fantasy seal fader, ephemerality, starlight typhoon is pretty fun (if that's the sepll I am thinking of :V). so yeah, IN has a couple cool spells. as opposed to TD who has all of what, 4 or 5 good spells? 3 of them are Futo's. what the fuck.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RNG on December 11, 2012, 02:21:54 AM
You named 5 "cool spells" in IN and then said TD had only 5.

I think TD shines more in the nonspells - aside from Futo's and a few of Miko's they're really damn good - but Yoshika's first 2 spells are great (if a bit easy). I also like Seiga's spells a lot but we've established that I'm crazy so uh
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Ikari on December 11, 2012, 02:25:32 AM
I have a love-hate relationship with TD's nonspells.

Stage 3 and 4 nonspells? Awesome. They're actually different stuff.


That is all.

Seiga's spells are fun. I mean, I die more against them than I've died against every other spellcards ever made put together, but hey, shiny electric balls/lasers!

I still have nightmares of Seiga's Overdrive.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on December 11, 2012, 02:37:34 AM
TD has some fun spells. Better than 90% of the stuff in IN, that's for sure. If you want to say IN has good spells, though, well be my guest.

Yes! But also 90% worse than UFO which is reason enough not to play TD!

Yes. I am very biased. I'm just gonna stop now.  Sorry for being such a douchebag but I just couldn't shut up when you made it sound like people who say that TD is easy but don't make NBNT runs are just making excuses I got provoked.

I'm sorry if I've been an annoying dick, please don't hate me.  :3

Let's be a bit more classy now: Attacks I like in TD:

- Yuyuko's 3rd, Bubble Bath, Charged Yahoo, Kyouko's non-spells, Yoshika's non-spells, Poison Murder, mid-boss Seiga's non, Futo's first card, Futo's third card, Miko's 6th card. That is 13 patterns. Adding overdrives you get Mamizous, Yoshikas, Kyoukos and Seigas. 17 all in all.

IN: Mystias 2nd, Ephemerality, Marisa's 1st and 3rd non, Asteroid Belt, Reisen's last spell, Apollo 13, Astronomical Entombing, Game of Rising, Brilliant Dragon Bullet, Reimu's Fader attack, Kaguya's 2nd non. That's 12. Then last words: Youmu, Wriggle, Yuyuko and Keine are the only ones that comes to mind.

So I can actually think of more patterns in TD I like than in IN but I will argue that I like the IN ones more though. For the most part. Plus, any IN card is better for scoring than in TD.  :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on December 11, 2012, 02:43:52 AM
I named 5 examples, not that these were the only ones. I am not going to list every spell I find cool out of 200 or whatever the game has.

but yeah, you're right if you say yoshika's nons are great. kyoko's are, too. but if you want nons, kaguya has them, too. with the exception of the last, duh. Keine's aren't as good at yoshika's or kyoko's, but they're decent enough and reimu's nons aren't too horrible either. for the most part. marisa's first non is cool, too. even if static :V

I am not sure how I feel about seiga's non, because yoshika is being weird on them, to be honest. at least they're better than most of the remaining game. I'll give them that.

seiga's overdrive is not _that_ difficult. when i saw people saying it was the hardest thing in the series, I just...couldn't...retort. I mean, you don't handle it any different than the lunatic version. you just have to actually dodge a ball for once. oh_my_god. so difficult. eh, the hell?

sure, it's the hardest overdrive, but not as difficult as people here make it out to be,

also, miko's 6th spellcard was ruined by perfecting that stage for me :V just throwing that in :v
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Wriggle on December 11, 2012, 04:21:50 AM
Tbh I also find TD kinda boring... it's still fun, and better than MoF for sure. But idk, it's kinda boring, and it has the worst Extra of the series (Mamizou's spellcards are so bad). And similar to Zengeku regarding PCB, due to finding it not that much entertaining I don't practice it much, and that makes me bad at it. Seriously, Kyouko fucks me with no mercy, she's almost as much troublesome as Seiga for me, and due to that she feels harder than Futo. I know this is lack of practice, but she just loves to clip the shit out of me. :V And Mamizou feels like the hardest Extra boss for me due to this lack of practice (I have exactly 5 clears on her, one for each character and another one no-focus with Reimu, because it was the only Extra missing for me having all Extra modes from main windows games cleared under no-focus condition).
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Seppo Hovi on December 11, 2012, 10:48:12 AM
If you want to say IN has good spells, though, well be my guest.


Let's notice that there are replays missing for several attacks, I did all of these replays this morning and I was unable to hand in replays for most of them, due to me being overly bad and unable to figure out how they're done.

1 -  蛍符「地上の彗星」 -   I'd refer to some border team Lunatic runs here. It's neat and cool, funny way of grazing the waves. I think Dotsie does it too, but I'm not entirely sure where I first came up with the tactic.
2 - 灯符「ファイアフライフェノメノン」 ( - This is a neat thing, and I enjoy doing it. There are also other tactics for it, and you can do it in several ways in order to benefit maximally from different shot-types' abilities. It's a whole world of optimisation, brought to you by the Spell Card value meddling!
3 -  灯符「ファイアフライフェノメノン」 - Lunatic verison of the same spell has an insanely hard supergrazing thingy which I'm unable to pull off. Refer to a WR, it's really, really neat! They might do it on normal and hard too, I'm not overly sure about those.
4 -  蠢符「リトルバグ」 ( - Several ways of grazing this one, already on easy. Very neat card for figuring grazing techniques. It has a different method for every one of the four difficulties, which makes it really beautiful, four times. One pattern, four cards, or more if you want to experiment around!
5 - 隠蟲「永夜蟄居」 - Beautiful and hard. Three different methods for every three difficulties that face it. I'm unable to pull off any of them correclty. Refer to WR's here!
6 - 声符「木菟咆哮」 - Now this one is interesting. There might be ways to supergraze it varying on difficulties. It's interesting, and there lies some optimalness within it yet to be reached. I'm not sure if it ever will be fully reached, though, since humanly limits of hand-eye coordination start to get on the way here. But seeing the way you guys are going to, anything is possible in the future, I'd say.
7 - 毒符「毒蛾の鱗粉」 - I enjoy dodging this one. Also it's fun how there are different methods for grazing it a bit, especially on higher difficulties.
8 - 鷹符「イルスタードダイブ」 - Termendously interesting, even on easy. Micrododging and avoiding breaking familiars... neat. Timing the end of the card correctly (you have ~~1 second, it's a very large frame of time so it's not overly hard, but I find it neat) is cool as well. Oh, and it can be supergrazed, especially on the higher difficulties. Very interesting one, refer to several WR's and attempt it out yourself a bit, I'd say!
9 - 夜雀「真夜中のコーラスマスター」 - Fascinating card. Some optimisation lies within it, possibly ??? Maybe ??? I don't know, but it seems so. Maybe I'm wrong. I was wrong. Instead of that the card before it is interesting.
10 - 産霊「ファーストピラミッド」 - Ah. Two ways of awesome. The supergraze here is very hard to be consistent at (for me, at least), and it also has the end-PoC which needs to be done correctly. Oh, and you can graze it at different locations, depending on which shot-type are you using. Easy AM's Alice, for example, is very neat.
11 - 野符「武烈クライシス」 (And it's four variables!) - Interesting, static pattern. The familiars open several possibilities for either shoot-milking or supergrazing. Fun to learn.
12 - 国体「三種の神器 郷」 - Grazing this baby is something I'm unable to comprehend. Refer to a WR. Beautiful~.
13 - 終符「幻想天皇」 ( - The replay here is st and Eternal's method. It has different, less optimal but easier, method as well. Good card. I'm not entirely sure of the other difficulties' variables, but I believe they might have some shenanigans as well. Obviously it also opens possibility for strong unfocused shots with all those familiars going around. Just remember not to break them!
14 - 未来「高天原」 - Nothing special, I guess, but it was fun to timeout back when I did it.
15 - 夢符「二重結界」 ( it has variables for every difficulty!)  - Look at THAT graze. It's pretty simple on easymode, simple enough for even me to be able to do it, but it gets more interesting on higher difficulties. Refer to a WR and enjoy.
16 - 散霊「夢想封印 寂」 - Fun to dodge! Also, you must PoC-end it WITH possibly maximal bullet cancel. Might not be overly easy, eh?!
17 - 夢符「封魔陣」 ( - MM-HMM! This one is awesome. I like it. Unfocused Sakuya has a hard time here.
18 - 回霊「夢想封印 侘」 - Grazing this one gets rather intense, or so I've heard. Refer to replays!
19 - 境界「二重弾幕結界」 ( (and it has variables for every difficulty, I believe) - Reimu can run into you, will shoot amulets you need to dodge and has external clutter-spam on difficulties above easy. Interesting one, for sure.
20 - 神霊「夢想封印 瞬」 - This shit is interesting. I've never tried it much, but all those bullets look damn promising. Refer to a WR.
21 - 魔空「アステロイドベルト」 - Fun to dodge.
22 - 黒魔「イベントホライズン」 - I could be your erotic event horizon. Ohh yeah, this one. Now, now now. There's the grazing, there's the unfocusing and avoiding familiars that can collide with you. There's the PoC-end. Lovely.
23 - 光符「アースライトレイ」 - You can micrododge this on normal. I find that funny.
24 - 幻波「赤眼催眠(マインドブローイング)」 (and the variables) - Refer to a WR and blow your mind, kid.
25 - 散符「真実の月(インビジブルフルムーン)」 ( - Shit gets wicked on WR-level optimalness. Watch Border team easy WR and try not to open your mouth.
26 - 天丸「壺中の天地」 ( I'm only able to carry this one out on easy, I believe. Has varibales, is neat-y neat. Remember to look at the familiar count for a GOOD ENDING, eh.
27 - 蘇生「ライジングゲーム」 - I like dodging this one quite a bit!
28 - 操神「オモイカネディバイス」 (and variables) - There's a way to supergraze it, but nobody uses it since it's too hard! Now how's that!
29 - 天呪「アポロ13」 ( (Variables!) - Now look at this motherfucker. It's like doing the 4th last spell-huggery several times in a row. Damn, Eirin. Damn.
30 - 秘術「天文密葬法」 - I love dodging this one.
31 - 禁薬「蓬莱の薬」 ( (Has variables that have different tactics for each) - Oh yeah, this one is awesome. I don't know why people seem to hate it so much, but it is. Maybe it suffers from the Hourai Jewel-syndrome, meaning that it needs at least 500 (was it 500? Dotsie, help me, I don't remember!) tries to fully understand the sheer awesome power within it.
32 - 薬符「壺中の大銀河」 - Differs for different difficulties. I'm not content with the way I graze it. It's interesting, hard, and intense. Refer to a WR!
33 - 神宝「プディストダイアモンド」 - I enjoy dodging this one.
34 - 難題「火鼠の皮衣 -焦れぬ心-」 (and variables) - This one... supergrazing potential. Positioning potential. Check the easy Border Team WR.
35 - 難題「蓬莱の弾の枝 -虹色の弾幕-」 ( - You could spend the entirety of the card up there! All of the seconds!
36 - 神宝「蓬莱の玉の枝 -夢色の郷-」 - Now, I always disliked this one quite a bit. But I must say that I do find it interesting how you can graze it in so many different ways. So many techniques. So much possibilities. If I played Lunatic more, I'm sure I would start to slowly love this one.
37 - 「永夜返し -初月-」 (four variables!) - Grazing potential!
38 - 「永夜返し -子の刻-」 (four variables!) - Positioning and grazing potential!
39 - 「永夜返し -丑三つ時-」 (four variables!) - Grazing potential! Has a pretty damn cool name on hard, eh?
40 - 「永夜返し -寅の刻-」 ( (four variables!) - Now this shit is just plain HUGE. Man. Damn. Shit. I'm out of words here. I'm not consistent with it. I'm... it's epic. Really nifteeh one.
41 - 「永夜返し -世明け-」 (four variables!) - I like dodging this one!
42 - 旧史「旧秘境史 -オールドヒストリー-」 - Now that's some streaming over there. Nice grazing potential by positioning! (refer to WR)
43 - 転世「一条戻り橋」 - I don't know what the fuck or how the fuck is this one done, but it sure is what the Caved-meme means. Keine literally fucks your ass. (refer to WR)
44 - 新史「新幻想史 -ネクストヒストリー-」 - Even more intense streaming. YEAH. (refer to WR)
45 - 不死「徐福時空」 - Look at the grazing here. Holy sweet damn. (refer to WR)
46 - 滅罪「正直者の死」 - Eye-fuckingly what-the-hell. Shit's gone off wheels over here, I don't know. Maybe it's easier than it looks, but from my experience, it's hard as HELL.  (refer to WR)
47 - 虚人「ウー」 - All the possibilities and different tactics open for this one... man. Opens the sheer difference of different shot-types. I also enjoyed timing it out without vertical movements, back in the day. (refer to WR)
48 - 不滅「フェニックスの尾」 - I like dodging this one. It's a bit of a glowshit, but I still do like the dodging. 
49 - 蓬莱「凱風快晴 -フジヤマヴォルケイノ-」 - Volca-oh-noes is always as interesting to dodge! 
50 - 「パゼストバイフェニックス」 - FUCK YEAH GRAZING. FUCK YEAH TIMING.  (refer to WR)
51 - 「蓬莱人形」 - Grazing. Intenseness. Dodging. Micro-movements. What a card, dude. What a card.  (refer to WR)
52 - 「インペリシャブルシューティング」 - Now then, I'm sure you're familiar with the supergrazing going on over here. Damn, dude. That's some intense shit. (refer to WR)
53 - 「季節外れのバタフライストーム」 - Fun to dodge, has a nice rythm to it.
54 - 「天網蜘網捕蝶の法」 - I like the way this looks.
55 - 「無何有浄化」 - Totally nice timing and streaming here.
56 - 「夢想天生」 - Not my favorite, but had some enjoyable grazing right there!
57 - 「待宵反射衛星斬」 - It gets a bit tedious as it takes so long, but the timeout phase has some fun portions.
58 - 「グランギニョル座の怪人」 - This is THE memoshit, dude. The memoshit. Looks nice.
59 - 「西行寺無余涅槃」 ( - This is beautiful. Fun. Impressive. Intense. Annnh, I love how the pattern alters on ultra, but let's not go over there.
60 - 「深弾幕結界 -夢幻泡影-」 - Let's finish the game with a puzzle. Yesh.


I'm warmly waiting for your list of neat TD cards you can have nice optimisation for! I'm sure you've figured out something else than X X C for the WR-region of that game, haven't you? Or, if you find IN easier than TD LNBNT, sure, I'll give you that basic bomb-it-all survival run is quite easy compared to that. But I'm also rather confident of the fact that it'd take you more effort to take 6MNB IN lunatic than TD lunatic. Oh and you have five misses you can place for your TD lunatic run, and use the deathtrance to skip five attacks. Futo's first, Tongling Yoshika, some Miko's non, most of the penultimate card.


Nice score Zil.


Dotsie = Dot_asp
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on December 11, 2012, 01:42:50 PM
This post makes me all warm and fuzzy on the inside. Thank you.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Yatakarasu on December 11, 2012, 01:51:27 PM
(Mamizou's spellcards are so bad).
I kinda like her cards.  :(
I think they are pretty fun to dodge and pretty unique.
Her non-spells do suck though. First few are waaaaay too easy. Last three can be super annoying. (well at least for me)
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Lepetit89 on December 11, 2012, 03:45:13 PM
Jesus Christ, you guys put an awful lot of heat into an argument that boils down to personal tastes and preferences.

Edit: Actually, I suppose that's exactly why. Guess things would be much easier if people didn't try to dismiss ach other's favourites as boring and what not.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on December 11, 2012, 05:38:42 PM

Died to everything possible in the worst ways possible. Still, trying to pacify the Prismrivers is fun. They are a lot harder when you are not allowed to shoot. Still, many 'dupid deaths in this run. Watch it if you want a good laugh. And don't put the replay comment into google translate.

Sepp, can I speed-kill Lily White and then pacify the rest? That might be more interesting than just pacifying easy-peasy Lily White. I'll check if it's worth doing.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RNG on December 11, 2012, 07:27:00 PM

I've said TD has a shitty scoring system and I'm not going to say anything to the contrary.  I think you're getting a bit too worked up about things, Seppo. Go ahead and say that what I'm doing is incredibly unchallenging if that's what suits you, but hey, I'm having fun doing it.

And I'm planning to capture every card. I don't do the whole "planned deathtrance" thing. I agree, a run where I intentionally skip Tongling Yoshika, Iwafune, and Honor the Avoidance... that's pussy shit right there.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Bang Jan on December 11, 2012, 07:41:08 PM
Hi! I'm Bang Jan and I just died to Remilia's 3rd nonspell. :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on December 11, 2012, 09:59:28 PM
zengeku, shame I had danish in school for 3 years and know (roguhly) what you wrote there. I chuckled. makes like, no sense from what I gather.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Yatakarasu on December 11, 2012, 10:32:35 PM
I died to Yuugi twice during Knockout.  :V I would like to add, that I did not lose a single life before that.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on December 11, 2012, 10:46:15 PM
zengeku, shame I had danish in school for 3 years and know (roguhly) what you wrote there. I chuckled. makes like, no sense from what I gather.

Why would they teach you Danish? It made sense for us to be taught German but not the other way around. Oh well as for what I wrote, It's not gibberish but it's very random and quite perverted.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on December 11, 2012, 10:53:09 PM
I lived in Flensburg. that's like...danish border, so it made sense that taught us. I ran away and moved to vienna, though :V

very random is what I mean with made no sense. I mean, where's the actual connection between the replay and that comment. that's what I mean.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RNG on December 11, 2012, 11:17:09 PM
Well, looking back at your list it seems like your criterion for "a good spell" is something that require a lot of execution to score well in. TD doesn't have many of those.

That's not what I value, though. For me, if there aren't that many random variables and I can find a way to macro through the attack, I tend to lose focus, and that's bad for me because being able to maintain focus and attain a flow state is the end-all be-all of STG playing. Not the accomplishments or the WRs, impressive as they may be. I'd have to say one of my proudest moments ever playing a shmup was my perfect of TD stage 5. I worked harder for my Ketsui clear, my UFO clear, and my Dragon Blaze high scores, but when I was playing that I was in a state of absolute concentration. I saw and reacted to gaps on Futo before my brain was aware they existed. It was beautiful, almost meditative. Maybe you've accomplished something like that, I dunno.

But for me, playing for score or milking runs at cross purposes to attaining a flow state. If there's no room for error (as is the case with p much all high level scoring), there's no way to react to the unforeseen and improvise. Maybe I'll never like scoring. But doing no-bomb runs or no-miss runs is more my thing, and I guarantee you I'll take those as far as I can.


It kind of depresses me how angry this discussion is getting. I'm just saying it's not good to denigrate peoples' accomplishments because they're playing an "easy game" and you just go ahead and trot out the whole "there are only 5 difficult attacks and you can skip all of them" and "bomb, bomb, trance, get WR" arguments which do no credit to me or you. Come on. We're all in this together, no need to squabble.

If you want my list of 10D spellcards that are good, though? I'll PM it.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: I have no name on December 11, 2012, 11:21:17 PM
If you want my list of 10D spellcards that are good, though? I'll PM it.
I'm interested in seeing this list.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: K.B. on December 11, 2012, 11:41:14 PM
It kind of depresses me how angry this discussion is getting. I'm just saying it's not good to denigrate peoples' accomplishments because they're playing an "easy game" and you just go ahead and trot out the whole "there are only 5 difficult attacks and you can skip all of them" and "bomb, bomb, trance, get WR" arguments which do no credit to me or you. Come on. We're all in this together, no need to squabble.
You don't get to pull this after insulting IN.  You either take the high ground from the beginning or apologize when you pull yourself out in the muck.  Acting like you had the high ground to begin with is deceptive and, considering how much time Seppo put into his reply, simply rude.

And nobody was getting angry, far as I can tell, unless you were.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RNG on December 12, 2012, 12:38:51 AM
"I'm warmly waiting for your list of neat TD cards you can have nice optimisation for! I'm sure you've figured out something else than X X C for the WR-region of that game, haven't you?"

I'm not sure I like the sarcasm there. Dude, we're talking about video games, no need to be so serious.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on December 12, 2012, 01:21:24 AM
I mean, where's the actual connection between the replay and that comment. that's what I mean.

Well you are right. The connection doens't exist.

It kind of depresses me how angry this discussion is getting. I'm just saying it's not good to denigrate peoples' accomplishments because they're playing an "easy game" and you just go ahead and trot out the whole "there are only 5 difficult attacks and you can skip all of them" and "bomb, bomb, trance, get WR" arguments which do no credit to me or you.

Yeah well things like these are no good either:
If you want to complain about TD being easy and sleep-inducingly boring, please perfect the first 4 stages in a row  ;) Really there's some sort of weird mental block people have to TD. They claim it's incredibly easy, but aren't willing to completely own the crap out of it because it's "too boring". Seems like an excuse to me. Maybe the game is actually kinda challenging(???)

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on December 12, 2012, 01:47:15 AM
I'm certain we can all agree the WR-replays in TD look absolutely retarded due to how the scoring system works. there is no optimisation in this game if you want to score. there is only bombspam.

conclusion: TD scoring is the worst, most retarded system any shmup has ever brought forth.

now, the issue at hand was that RNG is doing a NBNT run, which has nothing to do with scoring, really. a NBNT run in TD is like a no UFO run in UFO. score will forever be horrible.

the thing I addressed in the beginning (yes, I am the casue for this :V) was that I find the game sleep inducingly boring. But I also stated that it's pretty tough to NBNT because of the few lives you get. SO, in conclusion, everyone who manages to pull off a 1cc under those conditions definitely deserves the recognition!

next up is the comparison to IN. I think everyone will agree that Vee/Seppo's got that game down and that he absolutely deserves praise for what he's done in it. First of all is actually understanding how the scoring in that game works - because I don't. getting 2 (or was it 3 already?) World records in it on any difficulty is beast and crazy stuff. kudos to you for that, definitely. really can't press it enough. My one terrible scoring attempt at IN easy showed me how difficult it is.
the reason IN was brought up is because RNG believes it's worse (?) than TD in terms of spellcards. sorry, but that's something I, and many others, can't agree with. that's something subjective and everyone will has to bear with it. I like IN more, RNG apparently likes TD more. It's all fine if we leave it at that. there is no need to go into detailed comparison as to how IN is better in terms of gameplay and scoring etc.

we can say that what seppo did wasn't alright (referring to the sarcastic comment that had no connection to RNG NBNT runs). what RNG did wasn't alright either. insulting a game for whatever reason. Of course, the same applies to me and zengeku - it's alright to find the game boring, but I suppose shoving it into the faces of everyone who doesn't hate it was immature and I apologize.

on another note: I believe NB runs are more feasible for me currently, so I'll mix them in together with my random 90 fps shenanigans. I was thinking of doing MoF NB, IN NB and PCB NB (or intentional bordder break, for that matter). POSSIBLY EoSD NB. I might also try my hands at SA and UFO, but I doubt I'll get anywhere with those two.
if I feel like I can do it quickly, I might also throw a NBNT run in. who knows.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Goldom on December 12, 2012, 03:14:42 AM
Sometimes I'm glad I still am a mediocre player, because I love TD probably 3rd best overall, and find it plenty challenging. :V Having whole games become boringly easy isn't something I look forward to.

I do loathe TD's scoring system though. I mean, I don't even play for score and it still drives me nuts that my worst runs have the highest scores because of getting to sit on top of bosses during death and bombs.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RNG on December 12, 2012, 03:21:46 AM
Sometimes I'm glad I still am a mediocre player, because I love TD probably 3rd best overall, and find it plenty challenging. :V Having whole games become boringly easy isn't something I look forward to.

The cool thing about Touhou games in particular is that no matter what skill level you're at, there's always one particular goal that's just barely reachable. Eeven if the games start to seem easy, there's always something really fun and new to do.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Yatakarasu on December 12, 2012, 03:37:31 AM
Wow, I could not extra stage today. Sucked at every single one I tried.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: vctrz on December 12, 2012, 05:33:25 AM
6 - 声符「木菟咆哮」 - Now this one is interesting. There might be ways to supergraze it varying on difficulties. It's interesting, and there lies some optimalness within it yet to be reached. I'm not sure if it ever will be fully reached, though, since humanly limits of hand-eye coordination start to get on the way here. But seeing the way you guys are going to, anything is possible in the future, I'd say.
Funny you should mention that since I've been trying this for the past few days. I think full optimality for this spell card would look a little something like this (without the shaky ending, of course): (
Drags on for a little bit longer than the standard graze-3-waves-and-bail, but consistency would be the biggest issue with this in a full run. No doubt, one of the most interesting spell cards in the game.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on December 12, 2012, 06:23:18 PM
I don't think I can do a In no bomb run. I just tried and...

it's not that it's too difficult (fought eirin, hush). I actually cleared the game. the thing with it is that due to large sequence between "get hit" and "die" I deathbombed like 3 times on reflex :V my finger just pressed x on its own and eh, thus failed what I wanted to do.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Goldom on December 12, 2012, 08:59:17 PM
Could always use AutoHotkey to set x to some other letter.

Actually this is probably what I'd do always if I ever wanted to do no-bomb, yes-death runs (never have had that urge), so that I wouldn't take away from my bombing reflex, which already leaves a bit to be desired.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Wriggle on December 12, 2012, 09:21:45 PM
Could always use AutoHotkey to set x to some other letter.

Actually this is probably what I'd do always if I ever wanted to do no-bomb, yes-death runs (never have had that urge), so that I wouldn't take away from my bombing reflex, which already leaves a bit to be desired.

I do that whenever I'm doing no-vertical because sometimes it's unavoidable running to the POC. :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Nindella on December 14, 2012, 07:41:31 PM
Let go of shift for unfocused movement  :ohdear: (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Tsym on December 14, 2012, 07:59:56 PM
I tried playing UFO Extra with MarisaA to relax.

Captured all of Kogasa's spells. Easy. I even managed to completely read her second card, and I somehow managed to not stay under her long enough to get into the last 10 seconds of her final card. Still captured it.
Died once on the part after Kogasa because it's hard.

Alright fine. Get to Nue.
Die to first card. Die to Snake Show. Die to Danmaku Chimera. Game over on Green UFO.

Oh that was a glorious run.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Reiko on December 16, 2012, 10:16:44 PM
Mamizou's first four cards capture ratio :
Spell Practice : 80%
Actual runs : 10%

Well well well...
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on December 18, 2012, 06:31:54 PM
I have failed all of Kogasa's spells today. Someone just shoot me...  :blush:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Lepetit89 on December 18, 2012, 10:23:21 PM
When a derpy Final B run with a character earns me a lower High Score than the previous derpy Final A run with the same character, I know that I derped splendidly. Good grief, I'd better get used to faster characters.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Wriggle on December 19, 2012, 08:19:44 AM
Why am I so inconsistent at EX-Kogasa? I fail at her first card much more than the two others, damn you nonsense hitboxes. :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Goldom on December 19, 2012, 09:25:07 PM
Large Raindrops is so weird. I used to fail it all the time due to what seemed like oddly large hitboxes. Then suddenly I was capping it every time, doing nothing differently... but then sometimes I die still and have no idea I touched anything.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Shikieiki on December 22, 2012, 02:13:26 AM
Almost had a perfect Hard Patchy run. And nearly captured Scarlet Gensokyo, but instead Game Over'd with half an inch of Remi's health left. :colonveeplusalpha:

Meh, I knew it'd be bad after a horrid Sakuya run.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on December 24, 2012, 11:17:48 AM
>play UFO stage 5
>forget the fps setting at 90

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Bang Jan on December 24, 2012, 12:35:10 PM
I just lost to Kanpukugu. :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on December 24, 2012, 12:48:59 PM
>play UFO stage 5
>forget the fps setting at 90


I know that feel. I recently played EoSD normal for showing purposes and wondered why everything seemed more difficult than I remember. I died trying to cheese icicle fall. another time I played MoF stage 4 and didn't realize the setting. WAHHHHHHHHHHH. of course, it was terrible.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Yatakarasu on December 25, 2012, 05:10:39 AM
I game over'd to Byakuren with 5 bombs in stock.   :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MTSranger on December 25, 2012, 05:58:27 AM
So I realized I didn't have practice 6A unlocked for normal ghost team.
I died to Reisen's 2nd spell and Eirin's first spell and finished with NO lives. Don't ask me how :getdown:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: ZekeSulastin on December 26, 2012, 08:34:48 AM
Streaming TH05 at the behest of IRC again - I learned I have an uncanny talent for dodging into Alice's shot with about 2 pixels of health to go.  Proceeded to get slaughtered by Yuki and Mai, but I deserved it for calling Mai Remilia in IRC.

At least I'm getting more practice than usual.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Reiko on December 30, 2012, 07:57:38 PM
EoSD Lunatic, Cirno edition :
> safespot successfully the opener for the first time
> dies to the second (trivial) part of the attack
> runs into a bullet in Hailstorm
> runs into a laser in the following nonspell.

W-what ?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on December 30, 2012, 08:14:57 PM
It's okay, you can blame Cirno's bad influence for any deaths to her fight.

(You know you're ready for the clear when you consistently perfect her fight (and when you fail it'll be to the opener))
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Reiko on December 30, 2012, 10:06:15 PM
Nah, it's just the usual progression pattern : practice stages 3 to 6 like a madman, then go for full runs and fail at stupid things in stages 1-2. I usually perfect everything Cirno has past her opener.

Another derp fact : I die more often when going above Sakuya for her midboss opener, than when actually dodging it.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on December 30, 2012, 10:20:42 PM
The standard I went for back when I was trying to get the clear was "don't die until S4". You have 4 bombs for Cirno and Meiling that way. It's pretty fair.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: LadyScarlet on December 30, 2012, 10:50:47 PM

Did I just.

No, I did.

I just Game Over'd to Nitori's last spell.


 :colonveeplusalpha: :colonveeplusalpha: :colonveeplusalpha: :colonveeplusalpha: :colonveeplusalpha: :colonveeplusalpha: :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Maribel Hearn on January 01, 2013, 12:54:37 AM
I let one of my friends try EoSD. On Icicle Fall... he RAN INTO CIRNO. Just... LMAO.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Alicirno on January 02, 2013, 10:05:14 PM
Let's deathbomb twice on Ex-Keine's first spell, die to her second and deathbomb twice again to her last spell as Ghost team, then run backwards into a bullet in the same run.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Shikieiki on January 03, 2013, 07:41:10 PM
Lost to Yukari's last spell with four bombs in stock.

Why...?  :ohdear:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Pepperized on January 03, 2013, 08:32:06 PM
Let's deathbomb twice on Ex-Keine's first spell, die to her second and deathbomb twice again to her last spell as Ghost team, then run backwards into a bullet in the same run.


Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Shikieiki on January 07, 2013, 09:42:13 PM
I died to Douman-Seiman. /)_-
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Goldom on January 07, 2013, 11:27:10 PM
I just played SA Normal stage 6 just to take a screenshot of a line of dialogue, and managed to fail every single spell and 2 nonspells.

And it wasn't the right level for the line I wanted the pic of.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on January 09, 2013, 09:24:22 AM
well, I lost 3 times to yuka in Komachi's story line and almost a 4th time :V of course I game over'd on reimu. man, that was terrible shitplay.

I will never beat the story mode on 90 fps if I play shitty like that. yuka should be a 1-lose at worst. I need like 3 lives to burn through eiki, after all :'D
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on January 09, 2013, 02:57:39 PM
I somehow managed to unintentionally die to every phase of Subterranean Rose in the same run, when I can normally capture the card. I have absolutely no idea how that happened.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on January 10, 2013, 10:46:31 AM
Did two SA Normal runs for a challenge on 4chan about capturing the most amount of spells in one run. I decided to play ReimuA.

First run. Catastrophe. I managed to game over on Utsuho's 4th non. That's just ridiculous, i dunno what went wrong, it was a run with bombs and all. I think i might have done something physically impossible here. I can't remember the last time i game overed on SA Lunatic in a run that wasn't a NB run much less on Normal. So silly. Not even being early in the morning justifies that.  :V

Next run was better. Cleared the game with maximum lives. Captured 24/25 spells. So what spell did I fail? Mt. Ooe.  :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on January 10, 2013, 11:30:32 AM
Huh. That sounds interesting.

*30 minutes later*

Well, that run wasn't horrendous, I suppose. Four misses during spells (not counting hilariously awful deaths elsewhere) so I guess that makes it 21/25.

...oh, wait, was I supposed to use Reimu ( :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on January 10, 2013, 11:49:06 AM
Any shot type is welcome.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Shikieiki on January 12, 2013, 01:25:56 AM
Wow. It might just be because it was a blind run, but MoF Hard is...hard. Everything's so fast-paced. Drastic difference from Normal. Made it to midboss Sanae, which isn't horrible I guess,
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on January 12, 2013, 07:14:56 PM
I had the most amazing komachi run with losing once to marisa (eh, it's inhuman to win in the first round) and winning against yuka in the first round! (hush, I was really lucky and won at 1.30 minutes for some reason) I lost only one life by the time I reached reimu.

I then proceeded and lost 3 rounds against her. I won in the 4th round, but by that time, I only had one life to spare because, once again, I couldn't reach the 70 million. my scores were terrible in stage 2-5, so there was a lot missing. and due to the really short yuka fight, the score was really low here, too. one other thing I noticed is how terrible I actually am against eiki. I lost both round around the 1.20 mark. so even if I had had like 4 extra lives, I would have lost at this rate.
so immediate goal is probably to improve my eiki performance. oh terrible terrible matches incoming :V

here's the replay, if anyone's interested to see me get destroyed by reimu.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: chum on January 12, 2013, 11:37:41 PM

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Maribel Hearn on January 13, 2013, 09:01:24 AM


Is that... dying two seconds before a PCB perfect?

Myself, I had a big derp on one of those spells in Double  Spoiler that instantly kill you when you don't know the pattern yet (e.g. Shou flies into you right at the beginning out of nowhere). I did one of such spells from Utsuho for the first time, Red Giant (I think) and I died because she suddenly turned into a giant bullet and flew into me very quickly. I tried it another time, and I died to the start AGAIN.  :colonveeplusalpha:  :colonveeplusalpha:  :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on January 13, 2013, 10:04:12 AM
Is that... dying two seconds before a PCB perfect?

Have a look at the score and draw your conclusion from that.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Maribel Hearn on January 13, 2013, 10:24:37 AM
Don't you know what a rhetorical question is? It's fine that you helped in case it was not one though.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Seppo Hovi on January 13, 2013, 12:20:24 PM
Looks like a stage 6 practice to me.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Gokiyono on January 13, 2013, 12:54:51 PM
After what can only be described as hours of intense Touhou playing.
I thought I could beat the extra level in Touhou 9 (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Maribel Hearn on January 13, 2013, 02:31:20 PM
>Finally succeeds dodging the first two parts of Yuugyou Hijiri in DS
>Charges for third picture
>Dies when 100% charged

Aaaaargh!  :getdown:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Reiko on January 13, 2013, 05:51:54 PM
Tried some TD normal no-bombs :
> 1 death up to Miko
> game over on last spell.

Why yes, I died 6 times during the same fight  :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Goldom on January 14, 2013, 02:56:44 AM
I just had a weird experience. I'm doing horribly at PCB Extra and on the final spell with no resources. So basically I'm counting on getting lucky and hitting the safespot or I'm out.

Well, I get over to the left, and as each round adds on, I see I'm gonna be fine. The final balls start spawning, and none are hitting me, so I figure I'm clear. Then suddenly one of the arrows hits me and I die.

I've never seen such a thing happen before. I hadn't moved at all since the first round of orbs, and was still sitting to the left of Ran so she shouldn't have been moving either. I wish I'd saved replay to see what the heck happened, but I was too stunned by my sudden loss...
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: PMW on January 15, 2013, 03:38:08 PM
>Marine Benefit Lunatic Practice Stage 6
>Perfect stage section
>Captures Mikoto's first nonspell for the first time
>"I am so perfecting Mikoto this run"
>Proceeds to die on literally everything but the 2nd, 4th and 5th spells

 :colonveeplusalpha: :colonveeplusalpha: :colonveeplusalpha: :colonveeplusalpha: :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zil on January 15, 2013, 05:37:51 PM
I just had a weird experience. I'm doing horribly at PCB Extra and on the final spell with no resources. So basically I'm counting on getting lucky and hitting the safespot or I'm out.

Well, I get over to the left, and as each round adds on, I see I'm gonna be fine. The final balls start spawning, and none are hitting me, so I figure I'm clear. Then suddenly one of the arrows hits me and I die.

I've never seen such a thing happen before. I hadn't moved at all since the first round of orbs, and was still sitting to the left of Ran so she shouldn't have been moving either. I wish I'd saved replay to see what the heck happened, but I was too stunned by my sudden loss...
When it reaches the timeout phase, I believe the aim of the bullets can change a bit. That's likely what happened, unless you're sure it hadn't been going that long. If you're low on power, a bit too far out from under her, or you took a while to get into the safe spot, it can often reach that phase before you end it.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Makedounia on January 15, 2013, 08:06:06 PM
I was playing TD on hard. Kyouko took 2 of my lives. I don't know why, but when I'm playing on hard I get really nervous and start making stupid mistakes. Kinda like yesterday when I died at Yuyuko... Maybe I should stick with normal for now...
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Goldom on January 15, 2013, 10:06:01 PM
Didn't know that could happen. I was laser Marisa, not directly under and not at full power, so it's likely it was getting low on time.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: LepLep on January 16, 2013, 08:09:47 AM
I was hoping to time out "Guze Kannon" at 105 FPS (Normal Difficulty!). But unfortunately I was unable to do so this time.
The music even decided to put salt on my wound by synchronizing my death to the first piano key leading to the melody during the replay.

 My failure.  (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Critz on January 16, 2013, 12:14:26 PM (
1. Let's finally get 1cc MoF hard.
2. *Plays as pragmatically as possible, bombs anything  that has a chance to kill me from Aya onwards.*
3. *Gets to VoWG with 2 lives and 2.5 power.* Finally, I've got this covered  :3.
4. *Epic dodges until death with Kanako at 1/3 HP.*
5. *Moves upwards to place frostthrower, but too low to reach PoC*
6. ... Why the fuck I'm at 1.05 power!?
7. Panic!
8. ? ? ? ?
9.  :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on January 16, 2013, 06:49:02 PM
I died to Kasumi's opener  :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RNG on January 16, 2013, 09:20:35 PM
How many Stage 5 perfect attempts have I lost to not looking where I'm going on Killing Doll? A lot.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Reiko on January 17, 2013, 09:54:58 PM
So it seems like I'm having more trouble with stages 2-3 than 4-6 in PCB.

Logic. I has it.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Wriggle on January 17, 2013, 10:09:47 PM
Some random Lunatic no-bombs attempt on EoSD.
>makes it to stage 4 with 5 spare lives.
>reaches Patchy with 0 lives
>dies to opener

... :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Lepetit89 on January 18, 2013, 08:51:08 PM
Finally began clearing Hard Modes, starting with EoSD. The first attempt was derpy to the core, forgot a lot of stuff, eventually got to Remilia with 1 Extra Life and 3 Bombs. Figured that this would be tough, but I'd give it my best shot, mentally preparing myself for what was to come. I then got hit during the first NS-Pattern with 3 Bombs in stock and eventually lost to Scarlet Meister. The second run still a few derps, but overall, I feel that my reaction times are better than they were during my Normal runs despite not having played at all in 3 weeks.

Nonetheless, Hard Mode is certainly difficult enough to provide me with some real excitement. Wonder if this will ever feel like a grind.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: redlakitu on January 18, 2013, 11:01:57 PM
Sigh. UFO Stage 4 Normal has got to be the easiest Normal mode Stage 4 among all Windows Touhou games, the only one where I don't feel any difficult spike at all. It's like Stage 3.5.  In Practice Mode, I can perfect or at least 1-bomb everything all the way up to Sinker Ghost without much fuss. So why, why, WHY must I invariably start panicking, lose several lives and all my motivation to continue in every single full run? I wouldn't mind if it was something legitimately difficult, but right now I'm just angry with myself.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: fondue on January 18, 2013, 11:35:14 PM

AND I didn't unlock extra even though it was a 1'cc normal.
fak u zun i haet u
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: LadyScarlet on January 19, 2013, 04:37:15 AM

AND I didn't unlock extra even though it was a 1'cc normal.
fak u zun i haet u
I believe in IN you have to 1cc Normal twice to unlock the Extra stage. You have to beat both Eirin and Kaguya at least once, or you don't get the Extra stage.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Bang Jan on January 19, 2013, 09:16:25 AM

AND I didn't unlock extra even though it was a 1'cc normal.
fak u zun i haet u

That's because you 1ccd final A. :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: fondue on January 19, 2013, 10:21:59 AM
I believe in IN you have to 1cc Normal twice to unlock the Extra stage. You have to beat both Eirin and Kaguya at least once, or you don't get the Extra stage.
That's because you 1ccd final A. :V
Oh mother of various shinto gods  :persona:
Also is it BS that I only faced Eirin once and I found her easier than Resien at some points?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Bang Jan on January 19, 2013, 11:17:09 AM
Take this score.dat! (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: fondue on January 19, 2013, 12:03:15 PM
Take this score.dat! (
Thanks but no thanks, Imma gonna unlock stuff the right way~ c;
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Piranha on January 19, 2013, 10:36:31 PM
1. Trying to get the SA Normal ReimuB 1cc.
2. First three stages no death, 6 lives.
3. Losing ALL extra lives in Stage 4. :V
4. Gameover'd before Stage 5 midboss.
5. ?!?
6. :qq:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Ranko Hoshino on January 20, 2013, 06:07:33 AM
IN gives you good endings on Easy.  :derp:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: ark on January 24, 2013, 01:06:27 PM
No bomb attempt. ( Who hasn't seen this picture a million times.

( (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Shikieiki on January 25, 2013, 09:57:19 PM
Gah, was having a great TD Hard attempt. Hadn't lost a life until one of Futo's nons. Got to Miko, died to Rising Sun, (what.) once more to a non, bombed TWICE on Chaotic Dance, died again to her next non, then Game Over to the non after Ikaruga-dera with three bombs in stock. I'm not sure what happened there.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on January 25, 2013, 11:30:33 PM

Damn (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MTSranger on January 27, 2013, 06:01:57 PM
I... died to Rumia's first spell. Totally inexcusable no matter how rusty...
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Ikari on January 28, 2013, 12:03:23 AM
I... died to Rumia's first spell. Totally inexcusable no matter how rusty...

That's... pretty sad. First card on hard or normal? (AKA Moonlight Ray or Not-Moonlight Ray?)
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RNG on January 28, 2013, 01:58:54 AM
Can't seem to do Patchouli with less than 2 deaths. I'm gonna take a break from LNB for a while.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: MTSranger on January 28, 2013, 03:28:04 AM
That's... pretty sad. First card on hard or normal? (AKA Moonlight Ray or Not-Moonlight Ray?)
Something about night bird on lunatic.
And I was even good enough to capture Emerald Megalith in the same run :derp:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on January 31, 2013, 01:23:29 PM
>PoDD Lunatic as Yumemi
>Use continue at Stage 7 Rikako
>Use another continue at Stage 7 Rikako

How do you do this shit Zil

Do you literally memo every memo-able pattern

This is, like, what
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Ikari on January 31, 2013, 01:39:32 PM
So, I did a SA run on easy in front of my friend. It was an average run, it went pretty well. I end up reaching Utsuho with full power and 4 lives. This conversation ensues;

Friend: So, 4 lives is more than enough, right?
Me: Yeeaah... Utsuho is pretty tough though.
*a lot of perfectly cleared spellcards later*
Friend: Riiiiight. "Tough".
Me: ...Weird. It feels easier than usual.
*Hell's Tokamak begins*
Friend: ...
Me: Aah! THERE's the Utsuho I know!

Q.E.D. Hell's Tokamak is the worst thing ever made.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on January 31, 2013, 01:46:58 PM
Okay fuck PC-98 in general if I'm going to have this horrible input lag plaguing me
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Karisa on January 31, 2013, 03:11:36 PM
Did you set it up correctly? If you're using Anex86, you may get input lag with default settings. I did once I switched to this current computer (settings aren't transferred over apparently) until I checked this thread (,139.0.html) and made the change to the "wave" and "video" tabs.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zil on January 31, 2013, 03:54:00 PM
Yeah, make sure you do that. In particular I think setting Sync = 1 is the most important. I find that while LLS and MS still have some input lag even after doing that, PoDD is completely lag free.

Do you literally memo every memo-able pattern
Well, at this point I pretty much have, but there aren't many of them. You need to know how to respond to certain things but it's nothing worse than what you'd have to do for any of the normal games. Don't give up!
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Karisa on January 31, 2013, 10:48:02 PM
OK, I was trying to unlock UFO Normal stage 5 with MarisaB. I kept dying from MarisaB's higher unfocused speed, lower power, and unexpectedly short bomb length, and it's been a long time since I've played UFO Normal for survival, so I kept collecting blue tokens out of habit and barely summoning any red UFOs. Game over on stage 5, continued, another game over because I still kept dying and collecting blue tokens... and accidentally selected "Give Up and Retry", thinking it was stage practice or something.

No, don't bother offering me a score.dat, I prefer my gameplay to count towards my own spell histories.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Karisa on January 31, 2013, 10:50:31 PM
Yeah, make sure you do that. In particular I think setting Sync = 1 is the most important. I find that while LLS and MS still have some input lag even after doing that, PoDD is completely lag free.
Sync = 1 only synced the sound for me. It was the Wave tab that I'd forgotten about, and setting it to match the thread fixed the input lag.

Edit: A new post? I thought I clicked on "modify" before inserting that quote...
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on February 01, 2013, 11:30:46 AM
I did change the settings. Only thing that varies is that in Window -> Draw I have to choose Full Screen but I doubt that's giving me problems.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on February 03, 2013, 02:32:08 AM
I just couldn't do it ;_;


a stupid hit in the 2nd round ruined any real possibility of winning. I mean, I don't know how long you have to survive in the 2nd round, but I figure it's something like 4 minutes, so I was only halfway, but still. I swear one of these days I'll get this run. just you wait :V it will be my 2nd PoFV lunatic 1cc ever, too.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sen on February 03, 2013, 06:36:18 AM
That moment when you're trying to figure out how to dodge Hina's midboss spellcard and a bullet flies into you because you're standing still  :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on February 03, 2013, 09:40:23 AM
So I just lost a perfect PCB Phantasm. No deaths, no bombs, one border break.

Said border break happened on...wait for it...

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Bang Jan on February 03, 2013, 12:31:12 PM
So I just lost a perfect PCB Phantasm. No deaths, no bombs, one border break.

Said border break happened on...wait for it...


At least the border break didn't happen at the forth nonspell. :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Tsym on February 04, 2013, 04:04:20 AM
Welp I actually managed to do as perfect of a scorerun of MoF Extra stage as I could get, and I decided to celebrate the occasion by dying once to Suwako's opener and once to her first card. The rest of Suwako went as well as you can expect. I came within 6 million points of the Nereid's MarisaC stage portion score too, which I think is pretty good, but maybe I'm wrong about that. Still irksome though.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Bang Jan on February 04, 2013, 09:19:16 AM
I died to Orin's opener. :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Makedounia on February 05, 2013, 02:13:41 PM
I lost a match against computer in Hisoutensoku...
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Goldom on February 05, 2013, 09:58:58 PM
Not sure the best thread for this, but I'm filing it under "the game derped," so here we are.

I was just playing PCB/Stage 1/Normal for no good reason, and at the very start of the boss, the game played the timing out noise. I thought I'd imagined it, but I saved a replay and it shows up there too. Weird.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Bang Jan on February 06, 2013, 06:33:20 PM
I died twice to Danmaku Chimera.  :fail:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zork787 on February 07, 2013, 09:49:11 AM
Felt like having a practice run of Utsuho on Normal....

All the deaths....

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Reiko on February 07, 2013, 10:49:25 PM
I died to Patchouli's opener.
On Hard.

Enough for today  :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Yatakarasu on February 08, 2013, 01:53:53 AM
Horrible, horrible TD stage 5 run with Sanae on normal. Lost like 2-3 lives. Still, somehow, cleared Miko. So idk.   :getdown:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on February 09, 2013, 03:59:43 PM
played some PoDD for a change. I played lunatic with chiyuri.

I game over'd on stage 3. what the, I don't even...

hilarious failures. there will probably more than just this one.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: BT on February 09, 2013, 04:05:03 PM
That's standard fare for me

Had a run earlier today with Mima that lost 4 lives (game over) to Stage 5 Kotohime
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on February 09, 2013, 04:14:20 PM
yeah, from all my lunatic runs I've had until now, I noticed that game over'ing on early stages isn't something special to me. I just felt like sharing for once.

I don't know how Zil does this.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on February 09, 2013, 05:23:36 PM
Lost a NMNB Byakuren to LFO. By dying to it three times. How embarassing, I've got this card down pretty okay but apparently not enough.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Validon98 on February 10, 2013, 03:03:48 AM
Doing fine in a Hard run of MoF with MarisaC... and then double KOed to midboss Sanae's first nonspell.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Reiko on February 10, 2013, 10:38:50 PM
Tried some PoFV Hard with Marisa.
>lost one life to stage 4 (what ?)
>lost one life to stage 6 (okay)
>lost 3 lives to stage 7.

I'm so good at this game.
Seems I can't play anything "seriously" these days. I always go "oh whatever, I don't care" after a few minutes. How frustrating.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on February 10, 2013, 10:53:41 PM
Reiko, it's not _that_ unusual. the stage 4 death wa unfortunate and probably more of a one-time thing.

the stage 6 death is actually common and shouldn't be pondered about. you need to survive 2:30 minutes in the first round which is pretty tough.

now, stage 7 starts with 2:30 or 3:00 minutes to win. I have no idea, I never survived long enough for either :V and drops to around 2 minutes after the first death for round 2 and 3. if you don't play the game regularly, 2 minutes is a lot. and the dodging and stuff picks up from stage 7 onwards, too. unless I got ridiculously lucky, I never won against yuka (I play komachi, whose stage 7 is yuka) in the first round, for instance. if you play the game for a while, you'll find yourself reaching eiki pretty quickly. Komachi and eiki are pretty tough, though. so good luck.

that is all under the assumption that the K.O times are the same in hard, of course.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Reiko on February 10, 2013, 11:27:06 PM
Oh no, it's not really the matter.
The miss at stage 4 was purely me running straight into bullets. After that, I guess I somewhat lost focus, and didn't really care about what happened. I can usually clear stage 7 with 0 or 1 miss (surviving 3 minutes against Aya isn't unusual for me).
Actually, I've 1cc'd the game with a few not-too-broken characters on Hard (including Marisa) quite a while ago. And yes, stage 9 Eiki is probably the hardest final boss I've ever played against so far.

I was mostly considering the fact that I tend to quickly lose any incentive to dodge as hard as I can, which leads to a lot of derpy moments like this one (I should have saved this replay, it was hilarious).
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: SirChaotick on February 13, 2013, 09:10:16 PM
I remember saying something about getting working on UFO like two weeks ago.
Guess what? Nope. Nothing. Not a moment until two days ago.

And the results are pretty saddening for now. Only once have I reached Murasa (ReimuB) and only one other time did I reach stage 4 (MarisaA). The thirty other attempts were ragequits before stage 4.
I'm not even certain what shot type I'm supposed to go for. For some reason I am absolutely abhorrent with SanaeB(even more so than normal) and using her is generally nauseating. I'll never understand I guess.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RNG on February 14, 2013, 01:00:35 AM
You'll understand when you reach Stage 5. Game gets real hard without a spread shot.

Also making Murasa after only a few days of attempts is good progress, certainly faster than me.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on February 14, 2013, 01:51:04 AM
I 1cc'd with ReimuA, who certainly isn't a spread shot. don't discourage him. There is no need to rely on a spreadshot because of one section. They're generally weaker, so it just makes the game harder, imo.

as for me: I tried my hands at PCB extra scoring with SakuyaB. my goal was 900 million - 1 billion. what did I reach? well, let's just say I didn't reach my goal by a long shot.

several mistakes like failed spellcard (especially grave were fox laser, ultimate bhuddist and kokkuri san's contract), busted borders and through those mistimed borders ripped me off a few hundred million points. not to mention I died way too often. I can do it with my current route, I think (Not using HS's, the timing for his bombs in the beginning is bullshit :V) if I make no serious mistakes. this is harder than I thought :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zil on February 14, 2013, 05:02:28 AM
Don't be silly. Why would you pass up the opportunity to boost the item value so much right at the beginning of the stage? It'll take some practice to get the timing down, but it's literally the very first thing in the stage. You can just keep retrying, and once you've got it down, you'll be doing it every time. And that stage is awesome, by the way. Aim for 1 billion, at least.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Reiko on February 14, 2013, 10:29:27 PM
( (
W-what ?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: ciddypoo on February 15, 2013, 03:13:18 AM
First time ever making it to Mamizou's last card, capture is imminent, and then ... !

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on February 15, 2013, 01:56:33 PM
Died to Byakuren's Banana lasers.
Died to Byakuren's third non.
Died twice to Byakuren's 2nd non.
Died to Byakurens' second non just once but three times in a row.
Died to LFO two times.
Never captured Devils Recitation.

Please give me a hug someone.

I swear, I only drank 6 cans of beer yesterday, i shouldn't be this out of shape today. Next time i drink, i shall just drink until I fucking get knocked out since it'll obviously have the same effect on me the next day anyway.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Wriggle on February 15, 2013, 02:54:18 PM
Died to Byakuren's Banana lasers.
Died to Byakuren's third non.
Died twice to Byakuren's 2nd non.
Died to Byakurens' second non just once but three times in a row.
Died to LFO two times.
Never captured Devils Recitation.

Please give me a hug someone.

I swear, I only drank 6 cans of beer yesterday, i shouldn't be this out of shape today. Next time i drink, i shall just drink until I fucking get knocked out since it'll obviously have the same effect on me the next day anyway.

*hugs* I went to play UFO Stage 6 this morning w/o bombs, made it to Byakuren with no deaths, and game overed at LFS.

:V :V :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on February 15, 2013, 03:16:10 PM
zengeku, I feel you. I did the same as wriggle and died to everything but 1st non, good omen and devil's recitation. SOMEHOW. I managed to die twice to the 2nd and 4rd non, too. don't be sad. use this as motivation to do better than us :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on February 15, 2013, 04:28:31 PM
Thanks a lot you two  :D

I'll be sure to make a comeback soon enough! More NMNB runs are coming!
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on February 15, 2013, 04:58:04 PM
yeah, go, do it. I am awaiting for NBNUFO with anticipation

new stuff from my scoring endeavors. it was pretty fail :V


I didn't have ny busted borders for once, but I need to work on my them. I get some of them really inconveniently placed. due to the 3 bombs in the beginning of the stage and that border (yeah, what Zil said is true, not doing it is silly), I get a border in the dialogue for chen. my timing's still far from optimal (I get 20k-35k cherry from the first border, HS gets over 50k), and dur to all that, I don't have a border ready for the spamfairies before chen, even though it's important since I can squeeze 20k out of them. then there's red and blue oni. I can't milk this. too difficult and it will just cost me a life. I know HS bombed it in his run for cherry, but only very late into the spell. I don't have that confidence, so I usually capture it and take the 5-6 million from it. I often have a border ready for the next spell, try to graze as much as possible, I didn't pay attention to how much I get, but my estimation is somewhere aroun 15k. obviously, getting borders ready for the spam kedama is imperative, but I can manage that much. I actually haven't missed a single border for those yet. but my last stage potion border comes too early! it doesn't last long enough to graze the first part of the memo-section. so I somehow need to push it furhter back somehow. I also aren't managing to kill off every fairy right before the last kedama-spam. 2-3 usually survive and I have to fix that, too.

now, for the boss herself. I generally don't milk the spells, due to me having absolutely no confidence to survive through it completely. I do have 4 bombs ready for the fight, so I try to milk the first and second non as much as possible. 2 bombs on each. I am not sure if that's optimal, but I must assume it is. I also stop shooting whenever I have a border to maximize the cherry gain from the pattern. I am not sure if that has to be done every time or if I am doing a mistake through that. anyway, I milk the first and second non, but here's where I have my first big mistake. I die on the 2nd non, because the bomb didn't want to activate. that was really odd. I actually wanted to restart, but this was my best run yet, so I kept going only to die to 12 generals, too. that was pretty severe and those 2 deaths were my biggest mistake in the run. it's not that I would have gotten 1 billion had I not died, but I'd have gotten the life bonus at least.
I wanted to milk fox laser for graze, but I stopped shooting too late, so I finished it off with 7.5 million spellcard bonus only. I didn't do any major mistakes form that point onwards, but I feel like I should graze the spellcards more to get higher spell bonuses. I don't know how people are doing it to push ultimate bhuddist over 10 million, but I didn't get past 8. at least I didn't die to kokkuri-san's contract. that was 13 million if I remeber correctly. also managed to PoC after unilateral contract without getting hit. so that was something :V

3 things I need to work on: 1. border timings. I need borders when I can supergraze. simple as that; especially in the stage potion 2. don't die like a retard 3. milk better
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zork787 on February 15, 2013, 05:02:27 PM
So decided to have a ReimuB (Homing Amulets) Normal Mode run of UFO for the heck of it, actually did all right for the majority of it, even capturing Murasa's survival card for the first time, and only died once to Shou amazingly, then I get to Byakuren, so I went into her with 4 lives and 7 bombs, aaaaaaaaaaaaaaand ended up losing the lot, died once to her Curvy Lazer spellcard, Panic Bombed on Great Magic "Devil's Recitation" JUST as I was about to capture it! died once to her 3rd non spell (the one where she goes around in a circle despite bomb spam) and died twice to Final Fantasia, would've been a game over too if not for an amazing last second death bomb with my last bomb of all things I managed to pull off!

But Byakuren... The ruiner of many good UFO runs!


Blerg, I don't think I'll ever get the hang of Utsuho's first and second spell cards as well as her 2nd and 4th non spells (the ones that involve bubble bullets)
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zil on February 15, 2013, 06:09:20 PM
I don't have a border ready for the spamfairies before chen, even though it's important since I can squeeze 20k out of them.
What you need to do there, in case you weren't already doing it, is kill the the last few fairies before you reach full power in a way that let's avoid picking up the small power items, and then kill the fairy that appears on the right, also before reaching full power. Then you'll convert those extra power items into cherry items (and some bullets into star items).
but my last stage potion border comes too early! it doesn't last long enough to graze the first part of the memo-section. so I somehow need to push it furhter back somehow.
HS does that by breaking the border and instantly getting another one. You can't graze the kedama and the memo section all with just one border.
I do have 4 bombs ready for the fight, so I try to milk the first and second non as much as possible. 2 bombs on each.
How do you have 4 bombs here? If I understand your route for the stage, there is no suicide involved, so shouldn't you be out of bombs? (If you do have them, you should probably use them though.)
I also stop shooting whenever I have a border to maximize the cherry gain from the pattern. I am not sure if that has to be done every time or if I am doing a mistake through that.
In general, you should do that, but usually you also want to make sure that you don't get borders when patterns end, since you won't be able to graze the following pattern as effectively. Like with the nonspell before Youkai Laser, you should probably shoot (unfocused of course) during the border, and then actually use focused shots once the border wears off. If your cherry is too high you'll get a border from the cancelled bullets when the nonspell ends, and it won't last into the spell.

But yeah, for most of the spells you can play it safe as far as milking goes. With a good stage route, you can basically just NMNB the boss and get 1 billion.

(And don't get discouraged Zengeku. I also want to see you NBNUFO the game sometime. ;))
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RNG on February 16, 2013, 01:08:09 AM
Wind Waker HD Remake leaked footage (

Now on YouTube! (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: LadyScarlet on February 16, 2013, 01:48:03 AM
I just died twice to Lyrica's second nonspell. :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on February 16, 2013, 12:21:16 PM
- goes to face the Prismrivers with three timeouts in mind

- stage portion consisting of absolutely ridiculous moves with a side of BOMB THE EVERYTHING

- Prismrivers finally show up, proceed to attempt absolutely ridiculous dodges during them too since I'm so used to it by now

- this includes during the timeouts, which obviously do not quite succeed.

Screw you PCB Stage 4, why must you be so horribly long and so horrendously BORING?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Seppo Hovi on February 16, 2013, 04:14:44 PM
Screw you PCB Stage 4, why must you be so horribly long and so horrendously BORING?
And yet you still die to it?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: LadyScarlet on February 16, 2013, 05:19:38 PM
EoSD Stage 4 is worse IMO. There are several really hard parts (the end, with the books, fairy and FOEs and the books right before Koakuma come to mind), and I think it's even longer than PCB. At least PCB stage 4 has nicer music and better backgrounds.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on February 16, 2013, 10:52:25 PM
And yet you still die to it?
Not while taking it seriously.

Which I do almost never.  :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: ARF on February 17, 2013, 10:51:02 AM
Got the ultra patch for DS to pass some time, tried timing out 12-4 no photo because it seemed like a good idea!
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Miky200 on February 17, 2013, 06:05:58 PM
Hardest run? Close one on  Byakuren Final Spell Card.  I got 0 lives 0 bombs on final spell card but i did it.Also i'm so much noob in Eosd Extra.Stupid Lavathein.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Goldom on February 17, 2013, 09:19:43 PM
Dammit fairy stop hiding in the glowy

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Ikari on February 17, 2013, 11:54:28 PM
Dammit fairy stop hiding in the glowy


This gif describes every single run I ever did in TD, and sometimes in other games. I never managed to do a single run without this happening.

Someone kill me.

I tried to 1cc SA on normal, so I could try out Koi-Koi, my all time favorite.

Stage 3, why must I always fail you. Why. WHYYYYYYYYY.


*starts to foam and dies*
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: LadyScarlet on February 20, 2013, 03:11:34 AM
I tried to 1cc SA on normal, so I could try out Koi-Koi, my all time favorite.

Stage 3, why must I always fail you. Why. WHYYYYYYYYY.


*starts to foam and dies*
Want a save file with the Extra stage unlocked?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Ikari on February 20, 2013, 03:33:51 AM
Want a save file with the Extra stage unlocked?

...Seriouslyyyy?  :o

Yes please  :*
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: LadyScarlet on February 20, 2013, 04:13:24 AM
...Seriouslyyyy?  :o

Yes please  :*
Okay, here you go: (

If it doesn't work, let me know and I'll get another one.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Ikari on February 20, 2013, 04:19:47 AM
Okay, here you go: (

If it doesn't work, let me know and I'll get another one.

Worked nicely! Thanks a LOT for this. You've seriously given me the occasion to fight with my favorite character, and that's something that means quite a bit to me.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: LadyScarlet on February 20, 2013, 04:46:44 AM
Worked nicely! Thanks a LOT for this. You've seriously given me the occasion to fight with my favorite character, and that's something that means quite a bit to me.
Good luck! I don't have the skill to reach my favorite character, Flandre. I can never make it past EX-Patchouli without infinite lives cheat. Like you, I used a save file to unlock Extra.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Ikari on February 20, 2013, 04:54:22 AM
Well, fittingly to this thread, I am getting owned rather hard.

Admittedly, I have a hard time on Easy, so...

I mean geez, the best I did was Koi-Koi's first non-spell! Those swirly fwoosh, they're scary! :qq:

Good luck! I don't have the skill to reach my favorite character, Flandre. I can never make it past EX-Patchouli without infinite lives cheat. Like you, I used a save file to unlock Extra.

I'm actually interested by the words ''Infinite Lives''. Is there a cheatsheet for Touhou games or something?

Nevermind, SA was insanely easy to use cheat engine on. I cleared Koishi, and I'm sure my death counts reached the three digits.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: chum on February 21, 2013, 01:16:12 PM
4 hours of Komachi 90 fps attempts. 4 runs made it to Shikieiki. None of those had 4+ lives.

This is really hard. Komachi's scope messes me up so bad, I'm trying to get better with it but I really just suck with Komachi...
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Mesarthim on February 22, 2013, 10:02:51 AM
Well THIS ( is a great way of how not to play Touhou 9 as Cirno, especially on extra.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Shikieiki on February 22, 2013, 05:42:32 PM
I hate Kyouko's second non, it's pretty much and auto-trance for me 80% of the time. And it cuts into Amplify Echo so I can never "officially" capture it.

Oh and yesterday I died to midboss Keine's opener. Yay.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: RNG on February 22, 2013, 07:00:47 PM
First wave is straightforward if you're directly below her. Second wave should be easy if you move to the opposite reflecting barrier than the one she's in. TBH her first is much much scarier on Lunatic for me.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: chum on February 24, 2013, 12:00:38 PM
Plenty more runs. Best run got to 3rd round Shikieiki and survived until 02:26. No 70 million extend. I never get the 70 million extend unless I lost more rounds than I'm supposed to.

How the fuck do you score with Komachi? If I could just get more lives, because 2 or 3 lives for Shikieiki just doesn't cut it, I could win.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on February 24, 2013, 01:54:38 PM
well, this may sound weird coming from me, who can't score in PoFV for shits, but the best way to make up for the one round you're not supposed to lose is to get large chains. in my winning run, I had a chain of over 700 and it made up for the fact tht I didn't have to fight a third round against yuka or reimu. of course, simply scoring higher on average than me will world better, but eh. stuff.

beating eiki in the 3rd round is definitely possible. I had several time that were past 2:45, just never lasted these last 15 seconds. second round is kind of unrealistic, though. everything is still really fast.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Bang Jan on February 24, 2013, 02:35:45 PM
I died to Imperishable Shooting.

The LAST WAVE of Imperishable Shooting.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: chum on February 24, 2013, 04:24:42 PM
beating eiki in the 3rd round is definitely possible

I think a great deal of luck is required, though, at least for a player like me. 4th round is when I imagine it'll start to get doable for me.  I've also had some peculiar wins, Yuka lost first round at 1:38 I think, and Reimu lost first round in less than 2 minutes too at one point. Very odd. Most of my attempts end with a "the hell did you just glitch me for, game?" way  :(
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on February 24, 2013, 04:51:19 PM
yeh. and you need to play it safe. so reflect as few bullets as possible. cancelling them is better. if she casts a level 2 spell, try to dodge it instead of using fairies to get rid of it. if you reflect half the thing and eiki reflects half of that (aka you get 1/4 back) it'll be hell due to her vortexes. having as few bullets on screen as you can is probably you goal if you don't have another life.

the odd winning times occured to me, too. it's presumably just coincidence considering I restarted the story mode easily 100 times. there ar ebound to be early wins in there at some point. nothing to brood over, imo.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zil on February 24, 2013, 07:13:16 PM
I think the most annoying thing as far as luck goes is how many times Lily White decides to show up in the rounds you're hoping to win, and to a lesser extent, how often Eiki uses level 2 spells. Like Sakurei said, try not to reflect either of those. For Lily, using a bunch of spells to cancel everything is probably the best thing to do. What's really annoying about her is that even if you reflect nothing, Eiki may still reflect a ton of crap on her own side.

About scoring, in the early stages it's mostly about the clear bonus rather than keeping your chain really high, since the matches won't last long enough for that to matter much anyway. You should use as many level 2's as possible, and stay low on the screen to avoid cancelling bullets. Try to trigger boss attacks through spell points, which might mean resetting them on purpose. And the max combo bonus is probably most important. When you get a huge wall of stuff, particularly towards the end of the match, try to let the fairies cover as much of it as possible, and then shoot just a single shot to clear as much of it as you can. One really good combo can be worth millions in the clear bonus.

In the later stages it basically boils down to surviving as long as you can without getting hit.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zengeku on February 25, 2013, 08:14:48 PM
Had two more UFO NBNV attempts today (on top of a rather extensive practice session)

First one was really dumb. - Dies to Kogasa's final spellcard and then once more at the circling at the end of Stage 3. To top it all off, i die three times against Murasa on her 3rd non, 3rd card and 4th card and game over there.

Second run made it a bit further. Still had me die on the 2nd orb spam in Stage 3 and then once on KKS because I for some reason was positioned too high up the screen and got tagged by a fist. Really stupid. Stage 4 claimed lives on 2nd spell and 3rd spell both in quite annoying ways and the run ultimately terminated at Stage 5 against Greatest Treasure.

It's both embarassing and annoying to keep dying at easy parts like this but I guess there's no helping it other than keeping trying. I plan to do some different things simultaneously though because to keep playing credits of this game will make me nuts and playing the game when it's not being fun but tedious is not going to produce good results anyway.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Yatakarasu on February 26, 2013, 03:16:16 AM
I died....twice to Kanako's "Mountain of Faith" normal card. Causing me to game over. Dammit, MarisaC why is your shot type so annoying sometimes? You just don't want me to clear you don't you?!
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Goldom on February 26, 2013, 07:20:38 AM
Just playing some Normal mode Wriggle to pad out my perfect chart. You can totally see here how I can regularly play this game at Lunatic.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on February 26, 2013, 03:08:17 PM
I died to Koishi's first spellcard  :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Vincent_Prismriver on February 26, 2013, 04:01:38 PM
Once, in PCB, I've reached Yuyuko's Last Spell on Normal difficulty, but with only two bombs ...
Then I've died when there were.. like... 4 seconds left.
Ragequitted ;__;
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: oboewan on February 26, 2013, 05:52:45 PM
Two from yesterday.

First off, I'm trying to complete all the spellcards in IN practice, by difficulty level. Only Easy card I have left to do is Hourai Elixir, which I've tried Byakuren knows how many times now... most recently, I failed with less than two seconds left. And it was such a good run too.

Secondly, I managed to whiff a Lotus Land Story Normal run at the last possible second, with Yuuka's health bar in the red - so close that the game actually recorded my score as an All clear. (I managed the 1CC on my very next run - interestingly enough, my first normal mode 1CC ever! Though it wasn't on default lives.)
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Yatakarasu on February 26, 2013, 07:14:52 PM
I always wanted to 4CC TD on Hard. I just kinda gave up after I game over'd to Soga. Yes, Soga. I guess her lightning was just to tempting to not run into.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Makedounia on February 26, 2013, 11:37:07 PM
I died twice on Yuugi on normal. It's one of those days when everything goes wrong. I mean everything!
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: K.B. on February 27, 2013, 12:04:10 AM
and stay low on the screen to avoid cancelling bullets
Playing it safe in early rounds pffffffttt
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zil on February 27, 2013, 12:41:28 AM
Playing it safe in early rounds pffffffttt
Hmm? I mean when you use a spell, being lower means you'll cancel less bullets, so you can reflect them instead. If you're too high, you just eat away all the bullets you're creating.

Or maybe I'm misunderstanding what you meant.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Makedounia on February 28, 2013, 01:30:02 AM
Died on Nue's last card... again. I'm not even mad, since this was fifth time I made it that far. I WILL beat Nue one day! 
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: K.B. on February 28, 2013, 03:05:30 AM
cancel less bullets, so you can reflect them instead
I misunderstood your advice, so the demeanor of my response no longer makes sense.  And so I must now raise a different eyebrow.

I think the tradeoff works the opposite way, if there's a tradeoff at all.  I can't prove it, but I'll explain my position.  And all of this is likely irrelevant to those scoring for survival and not scoring for, uh, score.

When you jump to the top of the screen to use a spell (to cancel an influx of bullets either from an incoming enemy spell or enemy cancel, which are the only instances where this would make a difference), you will usually spell-cancel more bullets than you would have chain-cancelled, and the resulting, additional influx of bullets and spirits (after the AI cancels some of the bullets [and newly created spirits] you sent over) makes the value of your future chains increase more quickly than it otherwise would have.  It's a downpayment for future points.  It isn't a sure thing, as sometimes the AI doesn't cancel squat, but it works often enough to give a return on investment.  And the risk is minimal because, early on, there aren't enough bullets on the screen for chains to significantly increase the score counter (and, later on, there will usually be enough bullets that you won't be trying to jump through them to get to the top of the screen).

This is sort of like how, when struggling to maintain a chain in the first twenty-ish seconds, it's possible to stop chaining, let your score counter drop to zero, and shortly thereafter get a large chain that raises your score counter higher than it would have been if you had tried to maintain what you had through constant chaining.  [edit: unlike the rest of this garbage, that part is still true]  In both situations, there aren't enough bullets on the screen for chaining to be worthwhile.  Now, if you could always time early bullet influxes with fairy chains that cover most of the top of the screen, then you'd never want to spell-cancel - and I'd agree that you should always opt for the cross-screen fairy chain instead of the spell-cancel when you have the luck, vision, planning, and luck to set one up - but that happens too infrequently to make it the optimal, default action.

But - speaking to both survival and scoring, and regardless of the above - it's more important that level-two spells be used in the first minute to bridge chains, as needed, and to simply be used, in order to give the AI more bullets to cancel.  So, even if it proves beneficial to spell-cancel, this should only be done when it smoothly coincides with everything else.  And about proving/disproving... I suppose this could be tested with dozens of runs and meticulous replay-watching, but I'm not motivated enough to do that (and I'd question the sanity of anyone who would be).

I'm glad this was brought up, though, as I hadn't given it much thought before.  I feel good about how I deal with this in the early going, but I'm certain there are situations in mid/late-game where I automatically spell-cancel when I should try to chain-cancel, so I'll try to keep this in mind once I get back to playing to see where I can improve.

edit: tangentially, I feel obligated to mention that I never reset the score counter in the first five rounds in order to get a boss cancel.  I'm almost always able to get the score counter to bonus for a few seconds in at least one of the rounds, which translates to a norm of 30 million going into round six (more if Reimu is one of the opponents, since I'm always able to get bonus points from her).  For comparison, when I'm not able to get to bonus, I get about 25 million, so that's 5 million from pushing the score counter to bonus.  Looked at a couple of my most recent replays, when I was using Mystia and Marisa, and I was getting to bonus in about 1:20 (Reimu in 1:00, Reisen and probably one or two others somewhere in between).  Can't afford to take a hit, of course, but if you can manage that then I think it's worth it.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Zil on February 28, 2013, 04:10:09 AM
When you jump to the top of the screen to use a spell (to cancel an influx of bullets either from an incoming enemy spell or enemy cancel, which are the only instances where this would make a difference), you will usually spell-cancel more bullets than you would have chain-cancelled, and the resulting, additional influx of bullets and spirits (after the AI cancels some of the bullets [and newly created spirits] you sent over) makes the value of your future chains increase more quickly than it otherwise would have.
Alright. It's possible that I don't see what mean, but I think you're under the impression that when you cancel bullets by using a spell, those bullets will be sent to the opponent's field. I'm pretty sure that's not the case. The bullets just disappear. I would agree with you otherwise. In fact, I used to think that spell-cancelled bullets were reflected as well, but now I'm pretty sure they aren't. For instance, try playing a match against the AI and just lose the first round after filling your spell gauge. Then wait for the AI to use a spell, or for Lily to appear, then cast a level 4, and I think you'll see that you definitely aren't sending every pellet on your screen over to the other side.

Unless I'm missing your point and this actually has nothing to do with it. (Or I'm just wrong.)

edit: tangentially, I feel obligated to mention that I never reset the score counter in the first five rounds in order to get a boss cancel.  I'm almost always able to get the score counter to bonus for a few seconds in at least one of the rounds, which translates to a norm of 30 million going into round six (more if Reimu is one of the opponents, since I'm always able to get bonus points from her).  For comparison, when I'm not able to get to bonus, I get about 25 million, so that's 5 million from pushing the score counter to bonus.  Looked at a couple of my most recent replays, when I was using Mystia and Marisa, and I was getting to bonus in about 1:20 (Reimu in 1:00, Reisen and probably one or two others somewhere in between).  Can't afford to take a hit, of course, but if you can manage that then I think it's worth it.
What I said about resetting the counter was mainly referring to 90fps runs with Komachi, where I think it's very unlikely to reach bonus. I found that even when I felt like I was chaining things well, my score came out lower than it would have if I had done worse, or in particular, if I took lots of hits, since that gives you more spells to use and ultimately boosts the clear bonus. Under normal circumstances I agree with what you're saying here, unless maybe the enemy is Youmu or Lyrica, since they give you so few bullets to reflect.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Yatakarasu on February 28, 2013, 05:52:53 AM
Wow. I could not catch a break on Murasa tonight. She killed me four times. Last time was at the very last second. And that run was looking so good too....
Guess it's time to practice the stage eight thousand times.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: chum on February 28, 2013, 01:52:28 PM
Well I've still been keeping up with that challenge on and off, think I've made it to Shikieiki at least 15 times, and I usually have 3 lives for her now... but I really need that 4th life to win!

I also always get Lily White to show up twice on the final round (once within the first minute, then once again within 2) Is there some non-random element to hear appearances or am I just incredibly unlucky? I also like pacifying for a little while to try to decrease the amount of time spent with shitstorms, but maybe that's not a good idea?

I think It's a great challenge in a way (certainly enjoyable) but my only real problem is that I don't score high enough and that's putting me off a bit, so unless I just magically start scoring higher, I think I'll be calling it quits (or taking it easy and only doing it if I really can't think of anything better)

Interestingly I tried some other characters and couldn't 1cc with any of them (bar medicine and aya, which really are pointless chars) not even Reimu, who I expected to win with.

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Sakurei on March 01, 2013, 08:01:20 PM
chum, it took me 6 weeks, so don't feel too bad about it. it's just Zil who does it in 2 credits. I made it to eiki at least 50 times and lost every time (but once, hey). your progress is definitely faster than me. afer the first 1 1/2 (or however long you're at it), I just barely got better at reimu and yuka, but still usually had maybe 1 extra life for eiki.

I'd say the 4th life makes it a certain win, but as i said befre, doing it with 3 is definitely possible, even if you need some luck. Lily white is completely random to my knowledge, so you're probably just really really unlucky.

good luck for when you try again. it's definitely balls hard. I wouldn't blame anyone stopping, really.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: K.B. on March 01, 2013, 11:57:48 PM
The bullets just disappear.
You're right.  I should have noticed that at some point during these two or three hundred hours, but I didn't.

This is embarrassing.  Never mind everything I said about spell-cancelling.

Thanks for clarifying.  Breaking my habit could be a trick, but I'm looking forward to seeing what sort of difference it makes.  Both score-wise and chaos-wise.

What I said about resetting the counter was mainly referring to 90fps runs with Komachi, where I think it's very unlikely to reach bonus.
I forgot about the context.  Again, you're right.  Sorry about that.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Jmyster on March 07, 2013, 11:45:38 PM
Okay, first run of Lotus Land Story, and I  nearly cleared the game. I've totally got this second run!

Alllright, perfect through stage 3...*twitch* Oh. That wasn't supposed to be *twitch* but I thought I *twitch* BOMB! Okay, I'm okay, I just got to *killed by bullet swarm spawning at end of bomb*.


It wasn't even hard, just a spectacular combination of bad timing and twitching.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Wriggle on March 08, 2013, 03:09:16 AM
Two perfect Phantasms lost do DBDB. Yeah, today has been a nice day.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Yatakarasu on March 08, 2013, 06:34:27 AM
(SA Normal run) I ran into a bullet after I downed Utsuho's last card and game over'd. (MoF Extra run) I game over'd to Suwako's last card when it had sliver of health left.


Yep, those were definitely the dumbest things I've done in a while.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Reiko on March 08, 2013, 01:57:06 PM
Let's play some IN Extra with Ghost Team !
> stage portion as usual
> Mokou goes fine too, most nonspells captured, only one death
> Fujiyama Volcano : 3 deaths, 8 bombs

Oh god, that spell  :colonveeplusalpha:
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Elysia on March 09, 2013, 04:00:13 AM
Three straight attempts at perfecting Megumi lost to her opener.

What...the hell?
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: The Greatest Dog on March 11, 2013, 09:47:51 PM
You want to know how not to 1cc UFO Lunatic?
Capture Superhuman on your first attempt that ever reached it (woot 1/1 history!).
Then you realize you're still at 0/0 entering Legendary Flying Saucer.
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Gokiyono on March 16, 2013, 10:42:50 PM
So I get to Shikigami's Shot "Ultimate Buddhist".
I hit the blue manji by mistake, and then I collide with the red manji...
I feel disappointed (
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Nindella on March 19, 2013, 11:35:37 PM
MarisaC Touhou 11 Lunatic No-Focus attempt~ (

Suicided into Parsee at the start of her last spell when moving up to misdirect it~  :derp:
Died to last second of Yuugi's last spell and didn't press the X button~  :derp:
Died to start of stage 4 Orin because I can't tap my right arrow key~  :derp:
Died to last second of Satori's last Nitori spell... why  :qq:
Died to very start of stage 5 because I can't stream bullets~  :derp:

Zzzzzz.... in review, this is actually possible... hahahahaha  :V
Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Silent Harmony on March 20, 2013, 06:37:40 AM
PCB Hard Stage 3 practice. Made it to Boss Alice once without dieing once in about 20+ minutes of attempts (and ragequits).

Title: Re: Touhou is harder :V Derp thread III
Post by: Makedounia on March 21, 2013, 03:52:23 PM
I played U.F.O extra stage with the boss rush patch. I captured everything before Undefined Darkness. I lost all my lives at Undefined Darkness.