Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Rumia's Party Games => Topic started by: master105 on October 20, 2011, 05:32:52 PM

Title: Riddle Me This
Post by: master105 on October 20, 2011, 05:32:52 PM
So while my friends and I were playing cards when I Started asking riddles, only two people there were able to solve most of them. So i wonder how you guys will fare. lets find out.

ill start with an easy one.

       A man and his wife are dead. If the man had had just one quarter, his wife would have lived. if he had two quarters, he would have lived. if he had had three quarters both the man and his wife would of lived, but his brother would have died. Why?

1) The man had discovered that his brother intended to kill him and his wife.

He was attempting to phone for help in a phone booth. His brother was with his wife. With one quarter he could call his wife to save her from the immediate danger, with two quarters he could call for a ride to save himself, with three he could call the police.

2) Two people wearing helmets drank some cool beer and then died. If they had drunk warm beer, they would of lived. What happened?

A) They did not get drunk. No vehicles were involved.
B) They slowly drank some beer and suffocated to death.
C) They wanted to keep there beer cold. Very cold. They also didnt want the bottles to be wet.
D) "hey that cave looks interesting!"

they went splunking and had the beers in a cooler, which they had dry ice in. the dry ice melted, turning tinto Carbon Dioxide. because carbon dioxide is denser than air, it drove the oxygen out of the small low area of the cave they were in, suffocating them.

3) The most expensive car ever made is for sale. Although many people want to own it and can afford to buy it, nobody will do so. Why?

A)The car was used once and is in good condition, but it has not been driven for many years.
B) Most people have seen it on TV, but they can't name the man who drove it.
C)Its is not associated with any celebrity or with any remarkable historical event or tragedy, though when it was driven it was a special event at the time.
D) yes, this car actually exists.

The car is actually used for space expedition on the moon and it was kept on the moon for many years. Although many people want to buy it but "shipping is not included" and NASA is putting it on sale only as a joke.

4) A woman going a journey used a driver. Then she stopped and used a club to hit a large bird. She was very pleased. Why?

She was playing golf and hit an Eagle, two under par and a very good score.

5) What can go from there to here by disappearing and then go from here to there by appearing?

the letter "t"

6) What three-letter word complets the first word and startd the second?
                                       DON        CAR

Key. it completes the word donkey, and a key stars a car.

7) A man was determined to kill him self. He stood on top of a seaside clif and tied a noose around his neck and tied the other end of the rope to a branch on a near by tree. Then the man drank poison and set fire to his clothes. he had a gun ready to shoot himself. He jumped from the cliff and fired the gun. The man survived, How?

Answer: (one of many)
He misses with the bullet, which hits and severs the rope. He falls into the water, extinguishing the flames. The poison either wasn't a lethal dose or was too much and induced vomiting.

8.) Approximately how many house bricks does it take to complete a brick house in England?

One :| (The last one!)

If a white man threw a black stone into the Red Sea, what would it become?


10) I am as light as a feather, yet no man can hold me for long. What am I?
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: ActionDan on October 20, 2011, 06:01:11 PM
I like riddles of all kinds, although I like the kind of narrative ones most.  Ones in which the audience has to ask questions to figure it out.

I haven't thought of an answer yet, but I would like to know if we are allowed to ask questions.

For example, "Does 'quarter' refer to the monetary unit of currency representing 0.25 USD?"
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: Bardiche on October 20, 2011, 06:10:08 PM
>would of
Pet peeve detected.

What would have happened if the man had had four quarters/a whole?
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: master105 on October 20, 2011, 06:24:49 PM
but I would like to know if we are allowed to ask questions.
For example, "Does 'quarter' refer to the monetary unit of currency representing 0.25 USD?"

well ill give you guys 3 hints for each riddle if you so wish.

 and yes that is what 'quarter' refers to. (this does not count as a hint).
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: BT on October 20, 2011, 06:45:54 PM
How many quarters did the man actually have, or are we assuming that he had 0?
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: master105 on October 20, 2011, 07:01:21 PM
How many quarters did the man actually have, or are we assuming that he had 0?

the man is dead so he had no quarters, if he had some ether him or his wife or both would of survied.

i think ill give you guys a hint.
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: Bardiche on October 20, 2011, 08:27:34 PM
Ignoring me then, eh. Well then, working from the information here...

Let us state that each life is a quarter. Therefore,

1 Qt = 1 Life

We assume the wife is pregnant, and thus she accounts for two lives. As they are married, the wife and man are vowed to eachother and belong to eachother. Now then, if the man does not have any quarters, then it stands to reason neither his wife, nor his child, nor he himself can survive. If he had a quarter, then he could purchase his own life, as the wife and unborn child come as a set.

Two quarters buys him the wife + child set. However, if he has three, he can buy ALL THREE lives! However, someone must die in order for the child to be birthed: he and his wife are wed and belong to eachother, and so share a quarter each. If he has two quarters, then he himself dies and the child can be born, inhering the man's quarter.

If he wants to life AND have his wife and child, he must therefore take another quarter from somewhere, and that source is his brother.

Does that come close? :V
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: Drake on October 20, 2011, 11:17:49 PM
He was attempting to phone for help in a phone booth. His brother was with his wife. With one quarter he could call his wife to save her from the immediate danger, with two quarters he could call for a ride to save himself, with three he could call the police.

i dunno
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: master105 on October 20, 2011, 11:45:04 PM
Ignoring me then, eh. Well then, working from the information here...

Let us state that each life is a quarter. Therefore,

1 Qt = 1 Life

We assume the wife is pregnant, and thus she accounts for two lives. As they are married, the wife and man are vowed to eachother and belong to eachother. Now then, if the man does not have any quarters, then it stands to reason neither his wife, nor his child, nor he himself can survive. If he had a quarter, then he could purchase his own life, as the wife and unborn child come as a set.

Two quarters buys him the wife + child set. However, if he has three, he can buy ALL THREE lives! However, someone must die in order for the child to be birthed: he and his wife are wed and belong to eachother, and so share a quarter each. If he has two quarters, then he himself dies and the child can be born, inhering the man's quarter.

If he wants to life AND have his wife and child, he must therefore take another quarter from somewhere, and that source is his brother.

Does that come close? :V

this is the most unique answer ive gotten for this riddle. but alas no.

He was attempting to phone for help in a phone booth. His brother was with his wife. With one quarter he could call his wife to save her from the immediate danger, with two quarters he could call for a ride to save himself, with three he could call the police.

i dunno

.... and we have a winner people.

lets see if you can make it two for two. new Riddle added. (shortly)
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: BT on October 20, 2011, 11:47:25 PM
Eh I was cut but I'm posting this anyway:

Oh, I didn't try using ~imagination~. Let's try this again.

The brother's a cannibal. You're stuck in a cage with your wife. You can only get out by bribing the guard with... quarters. One for females, two for males. You're a selfish human being, so you'll save yourself first. Therefore...

One quarter: Your wife escapes, the brother eats you.
Two quarters: You escape, the brother eats your wife.
Three quarters: You both escape, your brother starves to death.

Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: ActionDan on October 21, 2011, 12:53:26 AM
nice. I was thinking of parking meters earlier.

Is the brother gonna kill his wife or something?
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: master105 on October 21, 2011, 12:56:48 AM
well you got to get creative with some of these riddles. Manly because they give you so little to work with,

Is the brother gonna kill his wife or something?

yes, he was. stupid pay phones and there pay per mintute.

anyway new riddle up, check the first post.
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: KrackoCloud on October 21, 2011, 01:22:36 AM
Why are the police the most expensive to call? :/

Anyway, for the new riddle, here's a random guess : They poured the beer into their helmets to drink, but their helmets were dirty, and had bacteria that could've been killed by heating up the drink. :UU

>would of
Pet peeve detected.
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: Conqueror on October 21, 2011, 01:24:14 AM
For the sake of sanity use "would have" instead of "would of" next time. :V

Anyway, poison in the ice cubes or something.
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: ActionDan on October 21, 2011, 01:32:01 AM
hmm.  they were underwater, wearing helmets and drinking beer through a tube.  The beer was cold, so it either froze or was more viscous, blocking air from reaching them.

Long shot, but w.e.
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: master105 on October 21, 2011, 01:53:19 AM
For the sake of sanity use "would have" instead of "would of" next time. :V

Anyway, poison in the ice cubes or something.

i "would have" to say you are incorrect.

hmm.  they were underwater, wearing helmets and drinking beer through a tube.  The beer was cold, so it either froze or was more viscous, blocking air from reaching them.

your on the right track. so much so that ill give you another hint.
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: Drake on October 21, 2011, 02:13:56 AM
Why are the police the most expensive to call? :/
Wasn't necessarily that they were the most expensive, but that they were the furthest away. The pay phone is pay-per-minute or some such thing, so the first person you would call is your wife if she were with the brother, then someone to save you, then the police to arrest the brother. Of course the specifics are a bit wonky, but I was pretty sure the answer was correct or at least was similar to the correct one.

Uh, this one I'm going to have to think about a bit. Doesn't immediately make sense.

As for this one, seeing as they were in a place where the cold of the beer is what killed them, but they suffocated instead of freezing or something, it would have to be somewhere isolated where the temperature of the beer is coincidentally low as well. Maybe in space; they'd be wearing helmets then.
My guess is that they were somewhere enclosed (such as underwater or in space where they would wear helmets), and cooled the beer with dry ice, which of course would have suffocated them once it turned into gas.
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: ActionDan on October 21, 2011, 05:38:48 AM
I like drake's observation.  It goes with the "they don't want the bottle's wet" part.

Perhaps the "wetness" they fear is from condensation, which would happen more readily if the beer was warm.  I keep wondering if A) pure sodium is involved B) if this has to do with freezing points of water/beer and C) Why they are drinking beer.

Going with the space theory.  They are astronauts who wanted to enjoy beer that wasn't originally in liquid form (because space food is tightly sealed or w/e).  Somehow they fucked up after that.  I got nothing after that.
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: Drake on October 21, 2011, 06:12:00 AM
Obviously they wanted to drink the beer cold in the most literal way possible and buried themselves in the snow, soon dying from lack of air. The helmet being worn is a beer hat so they can drink while buried.

Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: master105 on October 21, 2011, 02:43:55 PM
Obviously they wanted to drink the beer cold in the most literal way possible and buried themselves in the snow, soon dying from lack of air. The helmet being worn is a beer hat so they can drink while buried.


while this answer is better than the one I got involing a canoe, it is still incorrect.

last hint added.
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: ActionDan on October 21, 2011, 03:25:28 PM
hmmm.  So let's say they were hiking up a mountain, with snow everywhere.  They walked into a ice cave.  The entrance collasped with no way to get out.  All they had to drink was beer.  They had helmets on originally to keep out the snow.  They wanted to keep the beer cold to avoid condensation--> freezing the water because that takes up some oxygen (H2O).  But they got hypothermia and ended up having to breath a ton more air anyway for their bodies to generate internal heat to survive.  Then they suffocated.
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: master105 on October 21, 2011, 03:38:53 PM
As for this one, seeing as they were in a place where the cold of the beer is what killed them, but they suffocated instead of freezing or something, it would have to be somewhere isolated where the temperature of the beer is coincidentally low as well. Maybe in space; they'd be wearing helmets then.
My guess is that they were somewhere enclosed (such as underwater or in space where they would wear helmets), and cooled the beer with dry ice, which of course would have suffocated them once it turned into gas.
correct.  they went splunking and had the beers in a cooler, which they had dry ice in. the dry ice melted, turning tinto Carbon Dioxide. because carbon dioxide is denser than air, it drove the oxygen out of the small low area of the cave they were in, suffocating them.

though the Space theroy would of worked to.

ill put up another one shortly.

Edit: i didnt see your edit the first time. my bad
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: ActionDan on October 21, 2011, 04:54:24 PM
The car is cursed.  It killed someone, or someone was murdered inside it.  Now it's haunted by the ghosts of the dead.

Or it's a dictator's car.   (
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: Schezo on October 21, 2011, 05:00:46 PM
If someone buys it, they set a price which allows another to sell another car for more than they bought the first, thus making the first buyer no longer owning "the most expensive car ever made."
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: Bardiche on October 21, 2011, 05:01:59 PM
Someone's threatened to kill whoever owns that particular car, and there is solid grounds for belief that the killer intends to follow through with it.

Alternatively, there's a law in effect that prohibits usage of Communist cars (or Mutant cars). The car is a Communist car, owning it would be treason, and that would be grounds for summary execution. But dang, it's a mighty fine car.

Alternate to alteranate: the present owner is a Communist and dealing with Communists is treason and grounds for summary execution. While everyone wants that damn car, they can't go and buy it because doing so is treasonous and grounds for summary execution.
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: Reddyne on October 21, 2011, 05:35:29 PM
Riddle #3: Something managed to make the car stink to high heaven, ( quite possibly its former owner biting it at some point while still in it. That would explain it having a previous owner. It would also explain why the previous owner isn't specifically mentioned as the seller. As for the time gap between when it was last used and the selling time, that could be for a number of reasons after the poor sap bit it, but could be as simple as no one getting their hands on it for years after the death. The car would be in good enough condition to drive (technically), but no one would want it because of the smell. Replacing the parts that couldn't be cleaned enough would mean buying new parts, which probably means they aren't as good as the old ones, and extra money would have to be spent on them anyway. Even then, you would still have to clean it. If you had to throw away much of it and sell it for parts, it would probably be a net loss. 'Course, this is all assuming it was that bad in the first place. It could just be that something happened to make the car stink and no one wanted to touch it for years.

Riddle #2 'fridge' logic: Dry ice is -56 deg. C. Keeping it in a container that cold would cool the beers well below freezing, where they couldn't drink it at all. Silly guys.
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: master105 on October 21, 2011, 06:41:25 PM
while all your guys answers are clever and logical, they are not right. Thou Reddyne's answer is good enough to be correct, its not the answer to this partcular riddle. as the  new hints will tell.

besides, people WANT to buy the car. if it has a horibbl stench or is haunted, would you want to buy it?
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: ActionDan on October 21, 2011, 08:03:47 PM
Guess #1: It's the club car in Nantucket.

Guess #2: It's a stolen car/heist car and while people might want to drive it, it would get people into trouble with the police.

Guess #3:  People want to buy it, but somebody or something stops the transaction from going through, perhaps the owner.

Guess #4: The car was driven once in Rat race to test the land-speed-limit and is therefore fictional.  So no one can buy it even if they wanted too.  (Maybe the car was tested once in the real world and only models of the car are being sold, not the actual car.)

Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: Yonowaaru on October 21, 2011, 08:44:08 PM
The car lies on the bottom of the sea.

Alternatively, the car isn't literally a car.
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: Conqueror on October 21, 2011, 09:16:42 PM
Because it's now a museum piece and the curators won't have people buying it.

Or it's government property and involves state secrets.
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: KrackoCloud on October 21, 2011, 10:45:42 PM
Taking this literally, some people can afford this most expensive car, but that would mean they lose nearly all of their money. :Y
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: KFCbbQ on October 22, 2011, 02:45:23 AM
#3 - the only logical conclusion i can draw from these facts is that the car is located at somewhere unreachable, so my answer is something like this:

The car is actually used for space expedition on the moon and it was kept on the moon for many years. Although many people want to buy it but "shipping is not included" and NASA is putting it on sale only as a joke.
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: J.O.B on October 22, 2011, 02:58:04 AM
The car doesn't actually work?
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: Yukarin on October 22, 2011, 03:12:51 AM

Because the car's cursed?
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: master105 on October 22, 2011, 03:41:09 AM
#3 - the only logical conclusion i can draw from these facts is that the car is located at somewhere unreachable, so my answer is something like this:

The car is actually used for space expedition on the moon and it was kept on the moon for many years. Although many people want to buy it but "shipping is not included" and NASA is putting it on sale only as a joke.

you sir are correct. the car is the moon buggy that was left behind on the moon. At one point NASA did actualy put it up for sale, of couse no one bought it.

ill put up the next one in a bit.

check the first post shortly.
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: ActionDan on October 22, 2011, 04:02:03 AM
The woman is a golf player.  She hit the ball down the fairway, then switched to a club to make a birdie, which is a stroke better than par, a good result.

I think the terms are a bit off for golf, but w/e.
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: PX on October 22, 2011, 04:17:21 AM
Or she can hit an EAGLE, which is even better.
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: master105 on October 22, 2011, 04:26:10 AM
The woman is a golf player.  She hit the ball down the fairway, then switched to a club to make a birdie, which is a stroke better than par, a good result.

I think the terms are a bit off for golf, but w/e.
Or she can hit an EAGLE, which is even better.

your both right. Dan for stating the golf player, and swiching to a club. PX for stating she got an Eagle, a "large bird".

this one was easy, ill try a harder one next time.
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: J.O.B on October 22, 2011, 04:58:04 AM
The letter "t".
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: ActionDan on October 22, 2011, 05:07:41 AM
Job nailed it :D
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: Drake on October 22, 2011, 05:10:56 AM
Word-based riddles are much easier when you're reading them.
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on October 22, 2011, 05:24:13 AM
Okay, now it looks like we're getting some actual riddles. #1 through #3 weren't riddles, just questions. And questions where you really need more information than what's in the question. They're too vague for anyone to come up with an answer except by dumb luck until the hints tell us more. With a riddle, everything you need to know is in the question; you just have to think about it the right way. The golf one, for example, uses golf terms. The trick is that it doesn't tell you that it's using the words as golf terms instead of their other, more common meanings. And the 't' one, of course, is simple wordplay.

Anyways, let's have more actual riddles like the last two were, because those, at least in my opinion, are more enjoyable.

Also, I'd recommend making a new post with each riddle, not just editing the first post. It's kind of irritating to have to go back to the first page every time there's a new riddle.
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: Bardiche on October 22, 2011, 01:47:34 PM
The first two were more lateral thinking puzzles than riddles or questions.
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: master105 on October 22, 2011, 03:56:47 PM
The letter "t".

right on.

and thank you for the feed back. I have considered it and decided to implement some.

What three-letter word complets the first word and startd the second?
                                       DON        CAR
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: J.O.B on October 22, 2011, 04:07:25 PM
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: master105 on October 22, 2011, 07:44:33 PM

correct again JOB. Key completes the word donkey, and a key stars a car.

A man was determined to kill him self. He stood on top of a seaside clif and tied a noose around his neck and tied the other end of the rope to a branch on a nearby tree. Then the man drank poison and set fire to his clothes. he had a gun ready to shoot himself. He jumped from the cliff and fired the gun. The man survived, How?
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: Drake on October 22, 2011, 08:13:31 PM
I've heard this one before, but
it's quite probable that the bullet didn't cut the rope since it's almost physically impossible. Try to figure out a version that works without this!
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: master105 on October 22, 2011, 08:56:52 PM
easy remedy.

 edited the riddle.
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on October 23, 2011, 01:12:30 AM
He misses with the bullet, which hits and severs the rope. He falls into the water, extinguishing the flames. The poison either wasn't a lethal dose or was too much and induced vomiting.
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: KrackoCloud on October 23, 2011, 02:33:06 AM
He jumps, but the tree snags the noose and pulls him back the moment he tries to jump. In shock he pulls the trigger, firing the gun out into open air. The gunshot alerts nearby people who arrive and notice he's struggling (from the poison). They get him to the hospital where the doctors cure him!

Oh, and it's raining pretty heavily, so his clothes don't burn for long. I don't know :Y
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: master105 on October 23, 2011, 03:35:14 AM
He misses with the bullet, which hits and severs the rope. He falls into the water, extinguishing the flames. The poison either wasn't a lethal dose or was too much and induced vomiting.
Right on the money. though Krackos answer is valid to.

have another,

Approximately how many house bricks does it take to complete a brick house in England?
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: UncertainJakutten on October 23, 2011, 03:40:47 AM
One :| (The last one!)
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: master105 on October 23, 2011, 04:07:15 AM
One :| (The last one!)

.... i figured that one was too easy.

If a white man threw a black stone into the Red Sea, what would it become?
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: J.O.B on October 23, 2011, 04:17:57 AM
What is the "What" reffering to?
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: PX on October 23, 2011, 04:18:24 AM
You mean "it"
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: master105 on October 23, 2011, 04:33:51 AM
"It" means the rock.
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: Drake on October 23, 2011, 05:35:21 AM
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: Yonowaaru on October 23, 2011, 08:27:07 AM
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: Pesco on October 23, 2011, 08:28:13 AM
A stoner :V
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on October 23, 2011, 01:37:27 PM
Heard #7 several times, lol.

It becomes...
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: Reddyne on October 24, 2011, 02:07:43 PM
The rock? It becomes part of the seabed.
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: Yonowaaru on October 24, 2011, 04:33:20 PM
Just a question: Do these riddles really have any kind of set answer or are we just playing some forumized version of QI?
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: master105 on October 24, 2011, 05:54:27 PM


Just a question: Do these riddles really have any kind of set answer or are we just playing some forumized version of QI?

I consult a huge book of riddles of the answers. but if a riddle (like #7) can have multiple answers, ill take any of them.
anyway heres another one.

I am as light as a feather, yet no man can hold me for long. What am I?
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: Hanzo K. on October 24, 2011, 05:57:46 PM
Air, because you can only hold your breath for so long.
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on October 25, 2011, 01:19:47 AM
Brea-- dang, beat me to it.
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: Drake on October 25, 2011, 02:05:01 AM
Brea-- dang, beat me to it.
by several hours
Title: Re: Riddle Me This
Post by: Conqueror on October 25, 2011, 03:01:53 AM
Any combination of bees, fire, and debt.