Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Hakurei Shrine~ => Touhou Addict Recovery Center => Topic started by: Ultimate Soga no Tojiko fan on September 03, 2011, 01:02:29 AM

Title: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Ultimate Soga no Tojiko fan on September 03, 2011, 01:02:29 AM
Me? My username says all...

SOGA NO TOJIKO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

<Tengukami> And just so we don't end up with a thread that's just a list of names: why is your favorite Gensokyan your favorite? What makes them special to you? Do you remember when you decided she was your favorite?
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Blitzer on September 03, 2011, 01:14:29 AM
Well, I've been rather interested in Miko recently...
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: J.O.B on September 03, 2011, 01:33:58 AM
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Chronojet ⚙ Dragon on September 03, 2011, 02:28:01 AM
Anyone but Chen or Orin.

I like Futo.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: n i c o l e on September 03, 2011, 02:45:21 AM
when I was a new fan I liked Marisa best, but lately I've been more into Nue but it's not really an obsession, I just like her a lot.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: game2011 on September 03, 2011, 04:10:21 AM
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on September 03, 2011, 04:46:29 AM
I was beyond obsessed with Youmu.

Now it's Miko, for some reason.

brb, gotta write a Youmu Vs Miko fanfic.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Paper Conan on September 03, 2011, 04:52:54 AM
Renko, Kogasa, Yukari, Maribel, Miko, and Minoriko.

In that order.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Bias Bus on September 03, 2011, 06:15:40 AM


Jokes aside, yes. I do like Shinki quite a bit, although it's more a 'huge fan' kinda deal than a full blown obsession, I would say.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Drake on September 03, 2011, 07:00:22 AM

no not really
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Zil on September 03, 2011, 07:07:56 AM
Obsessed with Mokou. She's cute as a button!  :D
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Nem on September 03, 2011, 07:59:02 AM
Aya, Satori, Nue, and maybe Kogasa.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Tengukami on September 03, 2011, 11:26:50 AM
A thread that's basically just a list of names isn't going to be really entertaining.

How about saying why you like your favorite characters so much? What sets them apart from everyone else? What makes them great? What are their flaws?

EDIT: Editing the OP.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Kazero on September 03, 2011, 12:28:06 PM
I'm still new to Touhou so for now...none
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Spiderpig2398 on September 03, 2011, 01:43:27 PM
When I was first introduced to Touhou, I liked Youmu because I liked the Swords.

Now, I more prefer Cirno because I can trust her stupidity will be gotten over. Also, She is *sunglasses* A nice person(Pronounce it.).
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Ultimate Soga no Tojiko fan on September 03, 2011, 02:57:16 PM
Well now that the person edited my OP, I think I should post WHY I love Tojiko so much. Well, for starters, her design is rather unique. I don't care how many people say "OH SHE'S A MIMA LOOKALIKE SHE SUCKS" because Mima is one of my favorite characters too and I myself was disappointed when she wasn't in the awesome Ten Desires. I like how interesting her backstory was, too. She was denied ressurection, but interestingly enough, she didnt care. I also like how she looks like she wants a hug. I mean, she's not holding her arms out straight like Yoshika. It's almost like she died hugging somebody. I think that for her design, the little bit of her personality that I think I've figured out is... a little bit unfitting. But that's okay. All in all, the amazingly beautiful Soga no Tojiko is EPIC.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Gpop on September 03, 2011, 03:20:10 PM
Ah well...if it already isn't obvious enough :3
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Yukarin on September 03, 2011, 03:24:30 PM
Yukari, because I like almost everything about her.

She feels like a woman with a lot of stories and mysteries, and she's quite powerful as well. I'd actually like to chat with her everyday because I'm that interested to know about what she knows with regards to Gensokyo and the outside world.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Paper Conan on September 03, 2011, 03:28:32 PM
Renko, Kogasa, Yukari, Maribel, Miko, and Minoriko.

In that order.
I love her design so much. Freaking classy, badass, and normal compared to other Touhous.
Being a physics major and the ability to be a human GPS only makes her 20% cooler.
I also consider her to be a guy, no matter what canon says.

Emotionally-troubled simple-minded ghastly umbrella who scares the living hell out of people.
The only reason she's one of my favorites is because of her spellcards. All of them are about storms, ghosties, and rainbows.
I also have an umbrella fetis-*shot*

The "uncanny smile" that can bend reality and existence without even trying.
I personally love the depth her ability has. Being able to mess around with the boundaries of reality in this world is as cool as you'll get.
Oh, and that ZUN hat.

I have a feeling her and Renko are going to be the ones who will uncover all of Yukari's and Gensokyo's secrets.
She isn't that interesting, but her story is so amazing.

That hair. Those headphones. That sword/paddle.
And her Nights of Nights theme song.
I know nothing about her, but her overall design screams out pure badassery.

I don't know why I like her.
It's probably because she is the best character to use against Yukari in Labyrinth of Touhou.
 The way she simply annihilated her using Falling Leaves of Madness (while Yuugi couldn't even touch her) was so amazing. :*
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Wisp on September 03, 2011, 03:35:34 PM
Mystia, Koakuma, Daiyousei, and the Aki Sisters. I think they're really cute and funny.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: J.O.B on September 03, 2011, 03:49:22 PM
What isn't there to like about Suwako? :3
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Aba Matindesu! on September 03, 2011, 04:11:48 PM
Mokou, Mima, Mamizou, and
What isn't there to like about Suwako? :3

Mokou: is badass. And she wears pants.
Mima: Really, she isn't called charming demon for nothing. Just look at her MS art!
Mamizou: seems to be someone I could totally identify with for no particular reason.
Suwako: See above quote.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Aya Squawkermaru on September 03, 2011, 05:33:25 PM
Hm... I guess for me it would be Nitori and Suwako.

Nitori: I've always liked kappa(/s?), I liked how her goal in MoF was pretty much to just save Reimarisa from getting hurt, she's a freaking engineer, and I love her theme. It's so friendly, yet lonely. It makes you wonder, does the friend to all really have friends?


What isn't there to like about Suwako? :3

In all seriousness, she's so freaking adorable it's not even funny, frogs are the second best animal ever, her theme is one of my favorites, and Pyonta-kun is a gentleman hat. Who may or may not be the Flying Spaghetti Monster.

Edit: Actually, Nazrin is up there, too. Almost forgot. Funny thing is, I don't really know why I like Nazrin. I know part of that is her theme, but for me, liking Nazrin is the same thing as liking a color. I don't know why, I just do.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Shin Rokuren on September 03, 2011, 05:38:49 PM
I have a top 10 list but my absolute fave is...


Since Cirno's Perfect Math Class was the first thing that got me to Touhou, I instantly fell in love with that "headbutting white-haired teacher".
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Moerin on September 03, 2011, 05:48:16 PM
As if it wasn't obvious enough already... Rin Satsuki.  For so many reasons, but the main reason is probably because... I feel sorry for her.  It's a shame she never got to be a "real" character, even after all this time.

Also, Wriggle.  For numerous reasons, both deep and shallow, but mostly because I like bugs, tomboys and androgyny and she appeals to me in so many ways~
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Tamer Anode/Cathode on September 03, 2011, 06:11:21 PM
Patchouli for various reasons, the main one being my career choice (I'm seeking to become a librarian).
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Phlegeth on September 03, 2011, 06:13:15 PM
Yorihime, she peeked my interest when curb stomped my favorite character.  Then in Inaba when she was defeated by Tewi Reisen and Reisen of all people, she sky rocketed up my list.  And lately I realized she has the potential to be one of the greatest Comically Series characters.  Maybe even up there with Batman and Castiel.  Look at who she's surrounded by: a slightly racist peach loviing sister and her "army."  And she's easily one of the most badass characters in the cast.  Which makes it all the more funny when stuff happens to her.

And she could always use more fans.

And it's a duo, but I'm sort of obsessed Marisa and Alice.  Even pics/stories that are Safe for Erebus.  I just love it when those two are together.  No matter what personality has been latched onto them, they act as perfect foils to each other.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Nem on September 03, 2011, 06:44:31 PM
Aya-The second Touhou character I've come into contact with. To me, she's the most attractive out of the four. I thought the Tengu Geta looked strange on her, but it made her badass when I found out she can run with those on. Her Illusionary Dominance will always be once of my favorite spellcards of all time.

Satori-Personality wise, Satori wins. Her mind reading ability made her hated above ground, and she just takes it so calmly. Her only companions are her sister and the pets who do not understand their master. The only reason she fights you is basically summed up as "Um... Why are you inside my house?"

Nue-She took a while to grow on me. I'm not a fan of zettai ryouiki, but in Nue's case, it actually fits her design. Before I knew it, I was attached to her. Her wings and trident in fan art looks freaking badass. Nue wins in terms of coolness.

Kogasa-She's... too adorable...
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: VIVItheFujoshi on September 04, 2011, 01:33:17 AM
em...Rinnosuke? im very "famous" for that. (edit): i said a lot of times why i like him: glasses, pretty official art, magical intelectual, beautiful eyes, beautiful boy, clumsy, misterious, fantastic design...
and Marisa, Sariel and actually, Youki and Youmu too. Marisa, because i love her personality, is a tradititional witch and is fun; Sariel because the "true" Sariel is interesting, and because the sprites of that angel are beautiful; and the Konpakus for because they are awesome, the two. Only think who Youki never had an official apparence, but even that, all people figure him like a badass, in all forms; old, young,adult, even loli...Youmu is faithful to Yuyuko sama, to the point to risk her half life. Is constant, a hard worker, a bit inocent, but always give all of herself. and the two are green, my faborite color.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Koakkuri on September 04, 2011, 01:03:20 PM
Maybe not exactly obsessed with anyone, but anyway:

I love her dialogues, her design, her themes, and her general personality . In other words, basically everything about her. Oh, and I have a thing for both ghosts and magicians. What a charmer.  Love love~  :3

In my opinion, the kindest and most virtuous character in the series. She's just amazing. Great design too.

See Mima, minus the ghost bit.

She's the reason I got into Touhou, so I owe her a lot . That, and I like her design and danmaku, as well as personality.

I rarely like her fanon portrayals, but her canon personality is great even if it varies a little per game. And again, great themes and designs.

My favourite of the new characters. She just makes me smile.

I could go on, but then we'd be here the whole week. Let's just say I like a whole slew of characters beyond the ones listed too.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: AJS on September 04, 2011, 02:35:01 PM
Yukari, both because of her appearance and her personality.  First of all, I really like her character design.  Second of all, her mysterious and enigmatic personality.....I dunno, but I find that intriguing. :derp:

And "Manipulation of Boundaries"......Best.  Ability.  Ever.

Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Savory on September 04, 2011, 06:45:05 PM
I guess it's obvious to most of you. Hong Meiling.  Not sure why I like her (she still hands my ass to me on EoSD). I guess it's because her personality is more human than youkai, and because she's such a rebel. In a world where magic is dominant, she sticks to martial arts. Now that's commitment.

Plus, she's cute.  :3

I also love Utsuho and Kogasa. Their designs are awesome! Utusho just looks badass and is, in my opinion, one of the best final bosses in the Touhou series. Kogasa is just adorable. 'Nuff said. And extra points for heterochromia.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Elratauru on September 04, 2011, 08:48:11 PM
It may be kinda lol, but Im obsessed with Cirno...She's so cute and awww :3

Plus, her themes are so awesome, totally lovin' those~~
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: InfernalExuro on September 05, 2011, 04:21:13 AM
I wouldn't call it an obsession, per se, but Komachi thanks to her personality. I've always been a fan of characters who have a totally laid-back, carefree attitude to mask their potential for a whole can of whoopass when it is called for. For example, when she goes completely serious in fighting Tenshi during SWR's storyline.

...Plus her GREAT, BIG... scythe. :getdown:
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Sabino on September 05, 2011, 08:03:54 AM
Byakuren and Tenshi has been occupying a place in my heart for quite some while now.
...and occupying a place in my party in a certain doujin game for quite some while too...
Lv max with almost max skill sets... hmm how did this ever happen...  :X

To say the truth, I don't really know why I like these two now, since they're quite the polar opposites of each other...
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Jq1790 on September 05, 2011, 01:31:52 PM
Let's see...  How many places is she in now?
-My MotK icon
-My Facebook icon(Hisou/UNL version)
-My AIM icon(Also Hisou/UNL version)
-My computer desktop
-My phone background
-A folder with a few pics I've scouted out throughout the internet...

Yeah, I'd say the WHO is pretty obvious.

As for why?

-(Not-so-shallow)I'm almost always pulled towards the sword-users in games/anime/whatnot
-(Shallow)I like depictions of girls with silver hair, and/or short(Or alternatively, VERY long) hair.
-(Shallow)Her non-loli fanon-version is more modestly endowed(I'm not exactly interested in people with Komachi-brand flotation devices...)
-(Semi-shallow) I also like her outfit.  I don't normally go for long skirts on the ladies, but she makes it work.  (There're versions with her in a shorter skirt, like my icon, that I like even more, as an aside)
-(Not-so-shallow)I've always liked those characters who are the sort of 'knight' (Not necessarily by fighting style so much as personality) type, like the straightforward-ness and devotion to a cause(I mean, she DOES harrass you through a stage and a half...  Though many characters of her stage number do.) she shows.
-(Not-so-shallow)She may not be the first to do so, but she can fire bullets from a SWORD, and it's not silly stuff like a gunblade.
-(Is-it-shallow?)Her boss theme is my favorite of the non-final-boss themes in the series.
-(Not-so-shallow)Let's not forget that she can move at potentially what?  A quarter of lightspeed or something?  There's something inherently awesome about that, I think.

Uh...Did I overdo it, perhaps?
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Skyler on September 05, 2011, 08:28:38 PM
I wouldn't really say I'm "obsessed" with Patchouli and Mokou but they're my two favourite characters. Patchouli's adorable and Mokou is epic.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: A Complete Mystery on September 06, 2011, 07:25:07 PM
Yukari and Flandre, Why?
"Manipulation of Boundaries"......Best.  Ability.  Ever.

2: As for any other reasons, I like to stick with the idea that people prefer or are drawn to things that resemble/remind them of themselves, I'll leave what you all think that means/is talking about up for debate.....
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on September 07, 2011, 04:22:58 PM
Well, since we are saying why now.

Youmu was something pretty deep to me, I have this one story on which the main character is pretty much me with the life I wanted to have, he goes through hell in life and everything, but in the end he's "happy" (In the sense "everything's peaceful but also so dull there's nothing to do but do my job day after day asdf"), when I started to draw the chracter in my head, I kinda based him off of Youmu for some reason, subconsciously, I didn't notice that until much later, but it kinda stuck.

Miko, on the other hand, is something much simpler, she reminds me of a certain game chracter I personally like (coughcoughnekusakurabacoughcough) which immediately gives me an idea for a whole new arc in my series (even though it's pretty short), which is amazing considering that arc was everything I needed for one of the characters to get his much-needed resolution.

Then,I started to mentally compare her to various other characters, a Saint like Byakuren, a Human like Marisa/Sakuya/Reimu/Sanae, a Swordswoman like Youmu, an ability that looks weak but can actually be pretty strong, like Yuuka, and an amazing backstory, like oh so many Yukari backstory theories.

Plus her theme.
Her theme.

It's one of the very few original Touhou themes that got into my iPod, the others being A Small Desire's Starry Sky (Trance + Normal, because RAVE :geddan:), Last Remote, Lullaby For a Deserted Hell and Necrofantasia (It's just there until I find an actually good arrange of this thing that isn't Liverne's or IOSYS)

That's why I love them both and why I wanna write a Youmu Vs Miko fanfiction so badly and make it canon on my series (Latter is gonna be easy, former not so much)
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: SuikaLoli on September 08, 2011, 12:16:05 AM
she's so cute, she has a catchy, playful tune, and she's a
FREAKING TANUKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Chronojet ⚙ Dragon on September 08, 2011, 12:54:00 AM

By the way, I forgot to say why I like Futo!
Well it's actually just her hat. That, and boat.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: HakureiSM on September 08, 2011, 02:14:29 PM

no not really
well when you put it that way


because she's suppa kawaii
She's the motherfucking Hakurei. She maintains the Border. She's kicked everyone's arses. Fuck everything else.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Chronojet ⚙ Dragon on September 08, 2011, 02:31:31 PM
because she's suppa kawaii

But but but but but
That too!!
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: SuikaLoli on September 08, 2011, 10:50:34 PM

heh, sorry... :fail:
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Drake on September 08, 2011, 11:14:12 PM
omg 3 pastas?????
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Formless God on September 08, 2011, 11:17:51 PM
Renko. A human from the outside world, completely different from the rest of the cast. She seems knowledgeable from her dialogue, and her song is the best song.

Also screw you OP, Tojiko is mine
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: HakureiSM on September 08, 2011, 11:35:40 PM
omg 3 pastas?????
folders, you dolt
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: gammaraptor on September 09, 2011, 12:10:56 AM
Udonge!!!! =D
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: The Greatest Dog on September 09, 2011, 07:02:50 AM
Aya is pretty high up there, though not because she's fast. Her theme, Wind God Girl... It just seems so representative of Touhou's gameplay. Exhilarating, fast paced, yet when it slows it seems to make you appreciate the beauty in the patterns even more (even if Wind God Girl only appears in PoFV).
Her camera shooting games also probably helped with this. The idea that she can take on almost every girl in the Windows games without even using her own bullets. That's kinda why I don't believe that she should have been a stage four boss in MoF (though still a terrifyingly hard stage 4 boss).

Byakuren is probably my obsession, though. Her passion...
Doesn't bode too well for Miko, then.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: bennelsey on September 10, 2011, 10:19:03 AM
every character in a windows Touhou game for me, lol

not yet obsessed with those still under non-game / pc98 only status yet, but i did start to get obsessed with those three fairies ever since GFW

[edit] as to why, i blame the sheer amount of Touhou fan-made stuff i consume
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Bias Bus on September 10, 2011, 11:22:44 AM
lol banned.

How about saying why you like your favorite characters so much? What sets them apart from everyone else? What makes them great? What are their flaws?

The reason I love Shinki the way I do is due a few reasons. For one, Shinki was my first final boss since I had gotten into actually playing the Touhou games (only started with PC98). The fight itself was one of the best experiences I've had in-game, plus that of her theme going great with the adreneline rush she had given me as I tried my best to pretty much overcome GOD. Alongside this is Shinki herself, I've always liked things that associated with all things demonic and since Shinki is the creator of these things, it was only natural for me to become attracted to her and the world she created. This being said, she's a very powerful woman, someone you don't want to fuck with because...hi, she's a goddess. Some of you may know me for being one to be independent and someone who doesn't like taking orders but, if it were Shinki, I would let her order me around all day~

Also, is her potential to be a rather maternal character, one who cares deeply for her creations and goes to great lengths to protect. Someone who, despite having untold amounts of power, still has a soft and gentle side to them. It's kinda interesting how fans often portray Shinki as this clingy mother figure to Alice when, in the reality of it all, she has an entire dimension of children that all originated from her. I was never certain on why Alice got such special treatment but, I suppose it's because "hurr durr Alice appeared in a Windows game."

That aside, I can say that Makai itself is another thing about Shinki I liked. I find myself often wondering what it's truly like beyond what I've seen in Mystic Square and UFO. Is it a psychaedlic dimension of eldritch energies and beings? Is it similar to the netherworlds I've seen in Disgaea? Or is it divided up into Circles in a fashion that's similar to what was seen in Dante's Inferno? How big is it? I remember it being said that Makai is a popular place where folks sealed monsters...what are these other monsters like and did Shinki actually permit them being sealed there? It's these questions that keep me interested in Shinki's own little universe and has even compelled me to map it out myself, creating my own answers for the ones ZUN won't give me.

Plus, Shinki's darn cute/attractive~
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Vyrien on September 10, 2011, 06:57:23 PM
Satori, she always seemed like such a nice person and a real tragic character, being hated for being able to read minds. Not saying I wouldn't hate it if she did it to me but I like her all the same, also her character sprite funky dance makes me laugh, her theme is absolutely one of the best in Touhou for me, I love how it's very creepy and haunting, but a little tragic at the same time. Plus I like how she makes out she's awful at Danmaku then rapes my arse with double black death butterfly. ?_? Not impressed Satori.

I also like Yuuka, from both the PC-98 and PoFV, she was always just so cool, sure she's a flower youkai but she's completely awesome. And her themes are all awesome and she has a nice parasol.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: TMiles on September 11, 2011, 02:22:42 AM
Miko - I love her's theme, her's butterfly wings, her's battle, her's design, her's backstory, I guess this pretty much shows that I'm in love with her

Mamizou - I love tanukis and the origami dogs/birds/frogs/sticks made everything better, her theme is also catchy as hell

Suika - Kawaiiiiiiii, love how she acts and her's powers, she's so happy <3

Also I love her's themes too.

Nitori - I basically like smart characters in general so Nitori easily became one of my favs, I also like her's personality and theme... Kapa-pa.

Alice - She was the first character I met, on SWR, she was the first character I used so she always will have a space on my heart <3

Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Sonae on September 11, 2011, 02:36:22 AM
Too many characters are great.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Chronojet ⚙ Dragon on September 11, 2011, 02:36:50 AM
Suika - ?????

I really really wanna know what in the world you are trying to communicate there.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Spiderpig2398 on September 11, 2011, 03:12:23 AM
I really really wanna know what in the world you are trying to communicate there.

I think he/she says she is cute and likes her ability of density control. Also, her personality.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Chronojet ⚙ Dragon on September 11, 2011, 03:21:06 AM
I think he/she says she is cute and likes her ability of density control. Also, her personality.
Is that what "Kawaiiiiiiii" means?
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Spiderpig2398 on September 11, 2011, 01:31:57 PM
Is that what "Kawaiiiiiiii" means?

Not sure how I know, but yes.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Nyarly on September 11, 2011, 02:17:38 PM
I wouldn't say that I'm obsessed with any character and it's also a bit tricky to pinpoint a favorite. But if I had to choose, I'd say Youmu.

At first, she and Yuyuko reminded me of Setsuna and Konoka from Magister Negi Magi. Since Setsuna is my favorite character in that manga, it's no wonder that Youmu caught my interest. I just like "rather serious and badass swordswoman, who is devoted to her mistress" type (which may be a tad specific), but I also like her cute side. I also like the human-and-phantom-in-separate-bodies thing, but I'm not sure why.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Marokuu on September 11, 2011, 06:42:05 PM
Ahrrm, yes... I'm always terrible when it comes to motivating my opinions but here goes.

Utsuho is my absolute favorite character, only closely rivaled by Satori. I like her because of several reasons, the first one I can think of is the impression she left on me in the touhou dogfight video, which I saw shortly after discovering touhou.

That video was one of my first really strong impressions of the series, if didn't cause me to instantly fall in love with her, but it was a contributory factor to it all. Some time later, her actual battle managed to be the first battle with an attack that simply made me go "wow" and "HOLY SHIT" at the same time, every pattern before her had always been about bullets of moderate sizes weaving together into pretty patterns... but none of them had had the same type of force and "OOMPH" to them as the sun bullets. The sounds, the looks and the music all blended together into one of the most effective moments in the series for me. Though my absolute first in-game impression of her was simply her first non-spell slamming me in the face... mostly because I was expecting the same sort of pretty patterns previous final bosses had had, that probably helped my opinion in some way.

Character wise I love how she can leap between Mokou level, burning badassery, to silly, happy go lucky hell raven over to near genius levels of unexpected... err... for lack of better word, contemplation, while still seeming in character. (Ysy)s ( has one of my absolute favorite depictions of her, behavior wise.

Tying into her straight on spellcards, I also like her straight on personality. She doesn't need to mess around with you if she can just vaporize you where you stand.

I also like her friendship with Orin and the various interpretations of it.

Phew, that was a mouthfull  :V

I could probably write something about Satori too but... I like her more for personal reasons than anything else. (no)

EDIT: Oh, and as a science buff I absolutely love her ability <3
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: joelcll on September 12, 2011, 12:30:57 AM
hey i'm new here ^^

Yumemi, she has the power of SCIENCE and cutscenes, that was amazing :D

Minoriko, those nonspells are cute and i love her theme.

Satori... ?everything about her?

And Mamizou, cause she is an epic super warrior with a morphing shiny neon animal army from the ocean
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Synchronicity on September 12, 2011, 04:11:09 AM
When I first got into Touhou I was 'obsessed' with Marisa, mainly because I used MarisaB most of the time. I love her Master Spark. It's a giant laser that looks beautiful, especially when clearing a bullet-filled screen in UFO. I commend her effort to learn so much magic despite being human. Anyone who goes through that much work needs a pat on the back. Her relaxed and confident air she has when dealing with people is refreshing (it could be the result of the great feeling I get when I actually manage to beat my friend in SWR and see Marisa's victory quote).
As a sidenote, MarisaB's low-power focus is tiny, so it requires me to aim at the boss while dodging. I like that challenge.

Now, however, I'm also a bit of a Rin Satsuki fan, mainly because she doesn't exist I'm a hipster obsessed with obscure things.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Katierou on September 12, 2011, 05:44:31 AM
The Yakumo trio and Yuyuko, I'd say! Especially Ran. <3
>Yuyuko because I have a lot in common with her personality-wise. I also find everything related to her beautiful--her butterfly and cherry blossom imagery, her musical theme, and quite simply, just her. It's neat how she's super silly, yet hides great intellect.
>Chen because she's so energetic and overall amusing. She just seems really fun to be around, somehow!
>Yukari because her erratic thoughts and behavior are very enticing, especially combined with the fact she's highly intelligent and, like Yuyuko, really silly. Her ability is fascinating, and I'm interested in seeing how it works more. The laziness is somehow cute, on a side note.
>Ran because... oh my god those tails are amazingly cuddly.  I've also fallen in love with her personality; she's so dutiful yet seems really kind and overall a wonderful character. And her intelligence is astounding, even if it isn't combined with silliness like Yuyuko and Yukarin. Ran is amazing and I think it borders on being an actual obsession. :V
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: pineyappled on September 14, 2011, 04:49:11 AM
Mokou, Kaguya, Youmu, Nazrin, Yuuka, Yukari, Yuyuko, Yoshika, Tewi, Koishi, ect.

I like Mokou because of her backstory. Same with Kaguya.
Youmu and Nazrin are mostly just cute and cuddly.
Yukari- her boobs in fanon are way too big. They look like punching bags. Still, border manipulation is cool.
Yuyuko/Yoshika- I like Yuyuko's backstory. Also they can have the best eating contests ever.
Tewi's weird. I want to punch her in the face and watch her cry in a corner. Sad Tewi is cute.

I used to like Remilia the most, but now I'm neutral, leaning on dislike. Not too sure why.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Wolfsbane706 on September 14, 2011, 05:22:37 AM
I'm gonna have to go with Cirno.  She's the one who got me interested in Touhou, after all!  As a second, I'd pick Reimu.  She's an interesting character and has a habit of making me laugh.  For third, Flandre.  She deserves recognition (despite being just a little bit insane), and her theme tune is quite epic.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: locoroco1 on September 14, 2011, 05:35:49 AM
All of them.

But seriously, I like the PC-98 cast, especially Kotohime. Crazy adorable princess who goes around shooting people. What's not to like?

But obsessed? I really like Wriggle and Mystia, I think they make a great pair.(I know what you're thinking. And no. Only kind of.) But my ultimate obsessions would have to be Yamame, Koakuma, and Shizuha. Yamame is just the greatest character ever, I just love the tragedy about her, a friendly young girl sent to the underworld just because she was different and the world couldn't accept her. Koakuma, I kinda think she's pretty :3 and I like the lack of backstory/characterization because it's allowed me to make up who  I think she should be. Shizuha is the reasons for both. A tragic god of decay and death, living alone with her sister in the woods, always waiting for things that will never come.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Ivan The Mouse on September 14, 2011, 09:34:00 AM
Not exactly obsessed, but my ideal girl is Marisa.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Zirene on September 21, 2011, 03:39:02 AM
Miko because I have a Miko alarm clock on my phone. Defiantly better than waking up to just beeps.

Also, she tells me good morning and to have a nice day, so shes my favorite.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: poglogo on September 22, 2011, 04:09:32 PM
Yukari since she is mostly depicted as a troll (like me)
Suika since she is an alcoholic and i do enjoy beer
Flan since she is just pure awesome
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Derpface on September 22, 2011, 11:22:21 PM

Marisa - Magician. I like magic. 'Ufufufu ufu ufufufuu', and her ray shot type and Master Spark. So cool.
Patchouli - Same goes with Marisa. She might be the one I'm mostly obsessed with too. Elemental magic, asthmatic and book lover? Yikes, perfect score!
Sanae - Awesome green hair and wind powers. Also a shrine maiden. They're very cool.
Reimu - I like her a lot as our main character. Not sure why, but she holds an attraction to me.
Shikieiki - the judge that makes you hold your words after a great lecture (like what she did with Tewi!) Plus on green hair.
Mima - Tops as another very obsessed-with character. Her theme, her ghostly being and pranky attitude. I love Mima!
Sakuya - Knifing and time-controlling powers while being maid. What's any more impressive than that?

I think this list is a tad too big.
PS: I'm asthmatic
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: ふねん1 on September 24, 2011, 03:51:46 AM
Utsuho and Youmu.

A video of Utsuho's boss fight is what got me into Touhou in the first place. Before I fully understood the atmosphere behind Gensokyo and Touhou in general, a few things about Utsuho really stood out to me right away, namely her badass demeanor, awesome music, and visually impressive danmaku, and these traits just stuck with me ever since.

Youmu came much later on, but she really shot up once I realized that our personalities are remarkably similar, something I can't say about any other Touhou character. And it's gotten to the point where she's practically becoming my first cosplay.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Chronojet ⚙ Dragon on September 24, 2011, 06:36:38 AM
Funen, you would love this, then.
Youmu vs Utsuho! (
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Rin Kaenbyou on September 24, 2011, 11:32:02 PM
Orin, I love her...
She, and Chen
I love cat-youkais
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Skyler on September 24, 2011, 11:59:19 PM
I just realised how quickly Mima is moving up on my favourite characters list. She may surpass Youmu soon.
List goes something like this:

1. Patchouli
2. Mokou
3. Youmu
4. Mima
5. Tenshi
6. Nue
7. Murasa
8. Komachi
9. Yuuka
10. Parsee

It may not take that much for her to get past Youmu but it's going to take a lot for her to get into 2nd. Mokou is just too high up there.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: The Hating Hater on September 25, 2011, 12:52:34 AM
1. Rumia, her theme is a favorite.

2. Orin, beacuse of this. (
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: scrpn516 on September 25, 2011, 07:20:11 AM
1. Rumia, her theme is a favorite.

2. Orin, beacuse of this. (

Ah yeah I saw that one before, so awesome. My favorite char is Sakuya, her being the first Touhou character that I saw and who got me into the games. Elegant, time-stopping, knife throwing maid. ZA WARUDO!
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Nyyl on September 25, 2011, 05:56:49 PM
so today i learned that funen and i are pretty much the same people like the same characters for almost the same reasons

i love everything about utsuho, due in part to my abnormal fascination with nuclear physics. i though her battle was the most creative battle ZUN has put into a game, with klaxon-opened spell cards and huge stars for bullets, and after seeing it in a video, i knew i had to get to that fight. now i play stage 6 practice just for fun all the time, it's almost like an addiction :1

i like youmu, although i wouldn't say i'm obsessed. i just like her because she's cute and seems nice
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: lunarrabbitReisen on September 25, 2011, 08:29:33 PM
At the moment, Shou
why? well, I love her design and I love her danmaku
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Gpop on September 26, 2011, 03:31:06 PM
At the moment, Shou
why? well, I love her design and I love her danmaku

Funny, based on your current name and nick I would think it would be either Reisen or Eirin, or someone from IN :V
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Ozzy on September 27, 2011, 02:22:46 AM
Hmm, where to start? Well I guess I should start with my undisputed favorite character: FLANDRE SCARLET

I may be a bit cliche with this, but I don't really care. She's so cute and immensely powerful at the same time, though the Flan I prefer is more misunderstood than psychotic. I like to think of her as more eccentric (almost like me) than sadistically insane. I'd be lying if I said that I wasn't obsessed with her at the moment. The fact that I've collected perhaps 4 times as many Flan pictures as that of any other character is testament to that, I think. I'll admit that her theme isn't my favorite, but it's really catchy and certainly on my list of favorites.

Anyways, enough ranting about Flan. Here are my other favorite characters (in no particular order):

Marisa Kirasame - Her dialogue is hilariously ridiculous. Plus she always came across to me as a good-natured, easy-to-get-along-with regular person (if you can get past her little thieving habit).

Fujiwara no Mokou - Her backstory is interesting and pretty tragic in a way. In addition, she has awesome fire abilities. What more can you ask for? She is also the owner of my (current) top favorite touhou theme.

Remilia Scarlet - Not sure what attracted me to her in particular, but perhaps it has something to do with a certain charisma? I could also be her theme, it's one of my top favorites, so much so that I even learned how to play it on piano (mostly).

Cirno - I love her ability, design, and theme. Most of all though, I love her "never give up" attitude.

Yuyuko Saigyouji - Another character with both an intriguing and tragic backstory. Her carefree and friendly nature coupled with her theme secures her a spot in my list of top favorite characters.

Youmu Konpaku - She is so awesome and badass, I don't even know where to begin. It probably has something to do with the fact that she's one of the only sword-wielding touhou characters. Her theme is also good, underrated even (IMO).

Yukari Yakumo - Gensokyo's resident troll. Another very interesting character with a ridiculously overpowered ability. Yukari's just purely hilarious and awesome.

Sakuya Izayoi - A knife throwing, time-stopping maid, what's not to like? Her theme is one of the most badass theme's I've ever heard, from any game. It's currently my favorite boss theme from any stage 5.

Suwako Moriya - Another carefree, fun-loving, and good-natured character, much like Yuyuko IMO. Also her hat is awesome. Enough said.

Shikieiki Yamaxanadu - Probably the greatest force for justice in Gensokyo and powerful enough to scare even Yukari.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Zap on September 27, 2011, 06:52:21 AM
My favorites are Youmu, Marisa, Yuka, and Iku.

Youmu- First character I've learned about, and has always been my top favorite. I like that she is a swordsman, but also the fact that she is half human half phantom. Also her personality, how she can be so serious and formal at some times, but whenever she gets teased she gets all flustered and cute.

Marisa- Two words. Master Spark!!! That and she is very silly. Hard not to laugh at anything she does really. Plus the witch outfit is pretty cool IMO.

Yuka- She's very strong for one. She's a flower youkai for another. Finally, she is scary. Especially when she smiles...

Iku- If my name isn't enough, I'll explain. I like anything shocky, and Iku uses lightning for her attacks. Therefore, I like her. Also I like that pose of hers.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Desu_Cake on September 27, 2011, 04:38:00 PM
Yuuka, Yukari and Mima

Yuuka - Youkai moe~. And also, she is awesome whether she's being the USC or tragically misunderstood.

Yukari - She's such a brilliant troll.

Mima- See Yukari.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Skyler on September 27, 2011, 05:33:27 PM
1. Patchouli
2. Mokou
3. Youmu
4. Mima
5. Tenshi
6. Nue
7. Murasa
8. Komachi
9. Yuuka
10. Parsee

Mima is now in 3rd place, pretty much. Bear in mind that this list isn't fixed; it jumps around a lot especially from 5 down.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: shurcle on September 28, 2011, 04:02:45 AM
Yoshika is probably the only character I liked a lot.
Ever since I saw her in the ten desires demo and couldn't clear her last spell card on normal.
And the fact her shirt is red.

Before that was marisa and yuka.
 - Picked her at random on 12.3 and she was easy to use
 - speech pattern (main reason)
 - overall personality
 - generic response I gave when people asked me who my favorite character was
 - wears red clothing

I probably have more, but I forgot.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Ex-Nue on October 02, 2011, 01:46:37 AM
Miko -  Our name sound's the same. And those headphones are badass.

Koishi - I don't know why im so obsessed with her, maybe because of her music theme.

Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: GenericTouhouFailure on October 02, 2011, 01:17:46 PM
Tenshi because  ??? :V
Maybe her 'masochism' is just so fitting for me
Mokou because her theme got me into touhou
Koishi because she has penises  ??? again
Miko because true administrator is sex.
Kanako because VoWG is awesome.
Byakuren because of the story and theme and the fact that she died for your sins Think of story, listen to music, feel emotive, let emotions flow and suddenly realize why it's called emotional skyscraper. (But maybe because I'm ⑨)
Miyako Yoshika because of this video (, her theme itself and Undead murderer  :* :* :*
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: TAKE IT CACODEMON!! on October 02, 2011, 07:50:31 PM
Yuuka. Dunno why. I'll admit, I got sucked into Touhou via her USC depiction, and I have a thing for yanderes. :V

After that, though... Murasa, for some weird reason. I think it's because I've been listening to an awful lot of pirate metal. :V
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: alunral on October 04, 2011, 07:12:28 PM
I'm going to have to go with Kogasa and Medicine at the current point.  Just about everything about both of them appeal to me, in terms of design, personality, story, and of course both of their themes.  I'd love to see Kogasa become a playable at some point, even if it's just in the fighting games.  Bringing back Medicine in some way would be nice too, she got far too small of a role in PoFV for a Touhou character. 
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Esoterica on October 04, 2011, 07:52:29 PM
Patchouli, because she reminds me of myself in so many ways.

Koishi, because I really like the psychology theme.

Mokou, because really really long silver hair and phoenix motif, and an interesting backstory.  And because she's a bit of a lone wolf.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: HTFCirno2000 on October 07, 2011, 02:02:39 AM
Youmu, Marisa, Yuyuko and Yukari

Youmu because of her silver hair and she is a gardener

Marisa because of her lasers

Yuyuko because... because she seems so cute!

and Yukari due to portal manipulation (I KNOW THEY ARE CALLED GAPS >_<)

Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Marin The Magus on October 15, 2011, 11:31:10 PM
I mostly like cold lolis xD
 Like Youmu, who I love despite the fact that she gave me lots of trouble in the past
 Or Shiki Eiki~  because, well, I don't think I really need an explanation  xD (I love it when, in fanwork, she gets flustered or nervous~)
 At first I really loved Alice and Medicine, because I have a blonde-haired blue-eyed fetish xD
 But, of course, my favorite is Satorin ~ Her appearance, her theme, her personality, her *everything*~
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: game2011 on October 16, 2011, 04:59:50 PM
Well, I like Aya because I seem to be attracted to short-haired girls, so many of my favorite characters have short hair, such as Shizuha, Nue, Cirno, Minamitsu, and some others.  Aya is my favorite, though.  I can't really think of a reason why.   Among all the short-hair girls, she's just happens to be my favorite.  It's probably because of the amount of screentime she has and her relevance to the series.  Or maybe it's simply because she's beautiful and attractive.  Heheh...
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: cujo2671 on October 17, 2011, 08:15:55 AM
Obsessed? More like obsessed with getting cuddly and vengeful with Chen and Youmu. Youmu however takes priority here, as she's not a child, unlike Chen, who I consider too small to be affectionate with.

Her katana, her elegance, the fact she's aligned with death, not to mention her themes somehow get to me more than Chen does....

I will have my revenge, Youmu. But not before I hug you to death.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: game2011 on October 17, 2011, 02:32:28 PM
And just so people know, there are long-haired girls who are also among my favorites, such as Reimu, Eirin, Utsuho, and some more.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Trickster-kun on October 18, 2011, 04:59:17 AM
First post!

My absolute favorites have to be Reimu and Nue... I was really into Utsuho and Rin for a while, but that was because SA was the first shooter I really got into... but then our group over here in Japan has REALLY gotten into Hisoutensoku, and so we decided to 'focus' on certain characters so that we could create tiers of our own. So I chose Reimu and Tenshi. But ever since focusing on this shrine maiden, I started to dig deeper into fan works, I started to collect her figurines, then I played the rest of the shooters... then I got stickers, keychains, a wallet, a poster, music CDs with her on the cover, a nendoroid, shirts, card sleeves......

I'm gone down the hole. :( Hi, everyone~
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: steamcat on October 22, 2011, 03:03:39 AM
Yasaka Kanako X3   I know I'm weird. I like mokou, Yuyuko, and... oh yeah!!! Hina!( I like the spinning )    Bust most of all I like Kanako. I'm even a dude who made my own rope with little white streamers coming off. It was fun to make and e en more to wear!!!
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Chronojet ⚙ Dragon on October 22, 2011, 04:11:56 AM
stop posting

I think, Momiji. Something about wolves just appeals to me. That, and her leaf shield by itself makes her so freaking awesome.
No one shall convince me otherwise.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: cujo2671 on October 22, 2011, 08:18:56 AM
I've removed this statement so as not to anger any mods here or upset any rules.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Chronojet ⚙ Dragon on October 22, 2011, 04:58:01 PM
when you die momiji is mine
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Alfred F. Jones on October 22, 2011, 05:19:20 PM
Let's not go down the "this Touhou character is mine" path, please. That leads to nothing but trouble.

And Mewkyuu, knock it off with the "stop posting", people are just trying to have some fun.

yeah this is a mod warning but I'm trying not to sound more ominous than I have to be
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Zil on October 23, 2011, 03:24:25 AM
So I posted here early on and it was basically just the name of a character(Mokou) so I guess I'll add something to it...
Really my favorite is Patchy just because she reminds me of myself I guess. Also SA was the first game I played, so I saw Patchy's name in it but didn't know who she was. Then I finally met her in EoSD and thought "wow, she's awesome!"
Then there's Mokou. When I first met Mokou, I didn't know any of her backstory or anything. I just saw the burnt up shirt, pants with suspenders, and her hands in her pockets and I thought "Who's this bumpkin? And why is she the extra boss?" I just kinda started to like her mainly because I knew nothing about her. What I did know (she's human, immortal, dressed like a bumpkin) I thought was pretty cool/cute. Then I learned the backstory at some point and just liked her even more.
So my fave is Patchy, followed by Mokou, after that idk.
(I realize I could have edited this all into my original post, but that just feels pointless :wat:)
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: shurcle on October 23, 2011, 05:29:42 AM
So I posted here early on and it was basically just the name of a character(Mokou) so I guess I'll add something to it...
Really my favorite is Patchy just because she reminds me of myself I guess. Also SA was the first game I played, so I saw Patchy's name in it but didn't know who she was. Then I finally met her in EoSD and thought "wow, she's awesome!"
Then there's Mokou. When I first met Mokou, I didn't know any of her backstory or anything. I just saw the burnt up shirt, pants with suspenders, and her hands in her pockets and I thought "Who's this bumpkin? And why is she the exrta boss?" I just kinda started to like her mainly because I knew nothing about her. What I did know (she's human, immortal, dressed like a bumpkin) I thought was pretty cool/cute. Then I learned the backstory at some point and just liked her even more.
So my fave is Patchy, followed by Mokou, after that idk.
(I realize I could have edited this all into my original post, but that just feels pointless :wat:)
It's unlikely many people will see it if you edit it into your original post.

Anyway, I liked marisa for a similar reason.
I was somewhat a kleptomaniac before I learned of toho.
Marisa's profile came along and she somewhat reminded me of myself. (not really sure why anymore, probably her borrowing habits)
I'm probably an even bigger kleptomaniac now.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: Esper on October 28, 2011, 12:34:58 AM
Mima; An embodiment of awesome. Also, an effin' awesome shot type in MS <3

Toyosatomimi no Miko; Those fucking headphones. THOSE. FUCKING. HEADPHONES. I LOVE THEM.

Mononobe no Futo; I'M ON A BOAT

Komeiji sisters; I'm absolutely obsessed with mental ability, and this just hurts that Satoris (Youkai, not actual character) do not exist.

Patchouli Knowledge; I FUCKING LOVE ELEMENTS.
Title: Re: Any specific character you're obsessed with?
Post by: DJ Walnut on November 07, 2011, 01:01:44 AM
folders, you dolt
that still makes me hungry though