Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Hakurei Shrine~ => Rika and Nitori's Garage Experiments => Topic started by: Helepolis on July 08, 2009, 11:13:06 AM

Title: Custom user shotsheets [ 0.12m & PH3 ]
Post by: Helepolis on July 08, 2009, 11:13:06 AM
In this thread you can download custom shot sheets for 0.12m mainly and some limited for PH3. Thank you to all the authors for supporting and contributing. Please note that some downloads have readme or detailed documentation provided with them. If you spot any mistakes and/or bugs, you can report them in this thread or, preferably, directly contact the author.

0.12m shot sheets

- Puremrz shotdata: video (
- Expanded shotdata: image (
- HWoG shotdata: image (
- Tiny shotdata: image (
- Thaws' shotsheet: 1 (  2 (  3 (  4 (

PH3 shot sheets

< none so far >
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata (something I was working on. . .)
Post by: Stuffman on July 08, 2009, 11:29:42 AM
( seems like there is a limit in shotdata for declaring IDs, why is that ? )

I dunno but the maximum ID is 255, I mentioned this earlier somewhere.

Anyway I like the looks of this sheet, I noticed it has a bunch of the shades Danmakufu doesn't, looks nice. And is that multicolored facemelting sun bullets I see? I don't really like shot_all that much, I would gladly use a ripped touhou shot sheet over it.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata (something I was working on. . .)
Post by: KomeijiKoishi on July 08, 2009, 11:39:46 AM
Those look pretty good. I can't wait for this shotdata.

Maybe I will be finally able to use Komachi's coin bullets...
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata (something I was working on. . .)
Post by: Helepolis on July 08, 2009, 11:49:10 AM
I guess I will simply add Reisen's fading suppository as the IDs are reserved, saves trouble:

So 255 is afterall the limit for declaring IDs. Guess I have missed that somewhere.

To sum up the trouble/failures I have so far
- Marisa masterspark beam, bubbles look frikken ugly. No matter what I use =S
- The animating firebullets and blue/red round bullets don't have that transparancy and glow as in MoF or IN EX. How did they do this anyway?

Title: Re: Expanded shotdata (something I was working on. . .)
Post by: Stuffman on July 08, 2009, 11:54:30 AM
Did you remember to use ADD instead of ALPHA for the bubbles/glow bullets?
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata (something I was working on. . .)
Post by: Helepolis on July 08, 2009, 12:27:19 PM


Looks frikken ugly if you ask me.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata (something I was working on. . .)
Post by: Stuffman on July 08, 2009, 02:09:35 PM
Oh. You need to edit the spritesheet and trim that white outline.

If you don't feel like it you could hand the sheet over to me and I'll edit it.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata (something I was working on. . .)
Post by: Helepolis on July 08, 2009, 02:40:04 PM
I have absolutely 0% Photoshop skills as I only can copy/paste stuff like this. If you could do please that would benefit us all. Please take care of me, I 'll send you a PM.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata (something I was working on. . .)
Post by: Stuffman on July 08, 2009, 04:02:41 PM
Nngh wow this sheet is pretty messy, was this saved as JPG at any point? Anyway I'll get to work.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata (something I was working on. . .)
Post by: Helepolis on July 08, 2009, 05:09:25 PM
Nope, it is instant ripped from Touhou DAT to PNG (with brightmoon and eventually anm2png). I combined the different sheets with Photoshop (PSD format) without saving it as JPG at any point.

Title: Re: Expanded shotdata (something I was working on. . .)
Post by: Drake on July 08, 2009, 05:17:22 PM
gib to me please

Also Danmakufu's add-blending sucks incredibly hard. It's going to look terrible regardless because it ignores transparency.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata (something I was working on. . .)
Post by: Helepolis on July 08, 2009, 05:37:39 PM
It will be released probably today as soon as Stuffman let us know his advancements.

Imo: The shots really don't look bad if you use ALPHA value. Even those flames and glowing animating bullets. I think you shouldn't spend too much time on it Stuffman (though it is your own choice =) ) I believe MoF and SA engine is more friendly with shots.

I was only dissapointed in the bubble bullets, even ripping them from Touhou DAT is giving me ugly ones.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata (something I was working on. . .)
Post by: Stuffman on July 08, 2009, 09:11:39 PM
Well, here's what I turned up with. For starters, it's black-masked instead of white since I couldn't figure out how to open a PNG with transparency and preserve that. So Additive will be necessary for the bullets meant for it, unless you want a big black border around them.

I'm not sure it's a total improvement. Since Danmakufu apparently doesn't preserve glow on alpha correctly, I removed the "aura" on non-additive bullets, such as the knife and the big star.


Here's a bunch of bullets as a preview:


You can decide whether you think it's an improvement or not...
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata (something I was working on. . .)
Post by: Helepolis on July 09, 2009, 05:27:30 AM
If you open PNG directly in Photoshop the whole background is transparant. Let me try it with my shotdata txt and testspellcard which cycles through all 229 bullets.

Quote from: Stuffman
I'm not sure it's a total improvement. Since Danmakufu apparently doesn't preserve glow on alpha correctly, I removed the "aura" on non-additive bullets, such as the knife and the big star.
It does glow correctly if you use the sheet with the original BG. Actually anything ripped directly from Touhou can be used in Danmakufu without editing the bg to black. The only problem occurs, like in this case, when you try to use the bubbles or transparant bullets (glowing shots/fireballs/bubbles) Perhaps have a sheet with black and white bg? Something to expiriment on =P

Edit: Very sweet work Stuffman. I put it all together in a rar file with a readme giving credits to you. I uploaded it on my webspace which I will edit into the first post.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata ( Still working on it . . . )
Post by: Helepolis on July 09, 2009, 03:45:00 PM
Hmmmm though I wrote my post early in the morning without testing it effectively, still the looks of most of the bullets are poor as they have this black outline for them. Especially the round and oval ones.

I think I am going to attempt to merge both sheets together with Black and original background. Because as it is now it is not quite good looking.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata ( Still working on it . . . )
Post by: Tenbatsu! Myon Rabbie on July 09, 2009, 05:22:51 PM
Needs more Heart Danmaku, and those things that Prismrivers shoot in PoFV.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata ( Still working on it . . . )
Post by: Drake on July 09, 2009, 05:30:07 PM
Screw you Danmakufu, why must you make everything so hard.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata ( Finished! Read inside )
Post by: Helepolis on July 09, 2009, 05:50:00 PM
Quote from: Gargasa
Needs more Heart Danmaku, and those things that Prismrivers shoot in PoFV.
Oh right, the heart danmaku >.< And I was just finished editing everything. Want to me add those aswell? Maybe for those Koishi lovers? And the prismriver sister shots, I ignored those aswell as the Yama sticks. I only got 8 IDs available for bullets.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata ( Not finished! Working on it XD )
Post by: Drake on July 09, 2009, 06:15:06 PM
Code: [Select]
#Title[shot test]

script_enemy_main {

let f = 0;
let a = 0;
let p = 0;

@Initialize {
SetMovePosition02(GetCenterX, GetCenterY, 0);

@MainLoop {
TimeStop(100, 0, 1, 0);

task go(p){
ascent(i in 1..24){
a = 0;

They still aren't the greatest. I might try my hand at a few of them now, maybe.

EDIT: I guess I'll wait until you put Koishi's on there...?
EDIT: Updated code to make things easier to identify.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata ( Not finished! Working on it XD )
Post by: Helepolis on July 09, 2009, 06:22:42 PM
Ye give me a moment. I am adding music notes and Koishi hearts which the player can simply choose which they want to use by removing the // in front of them. I am kind of tired of it all. Took me alot of time to setup all the coordinates. =S

Title: Re: Expanded shotdata ( Not finished! Working on it XD )
Post by: Tenbatsu! Myon Rabbie on July 09, 2009, 06:41:26 PM
Also these:

Title: Re: Expanded shotdata ( Not finished! Working on it XD )
Post by: Helepolis on July 09, 2009, 06:56:34 PM
I am not going to add anymore bullets as those kind of stuff can be declared as a familiar for example or an object with it's own graphic and collision. This is pure raw bullet. Else it will be a never ending declaring /editing of bullets from PoFV. I am slowly turning into a maniac as numbers are floating in front of my eyes.

Danmakufu allows maximum of 255 shots. So yea, there you go.

I am done, reuploading and modifying 1st post once again. Eventually it became like this:
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata ( Hopefully finished =.= read inside )
Post by: CK Crash on July 14, 2009, 07:04:03 PM
I'm currently working on a way to combine this with the shot replace script, so that you don't have to memorize shot IDs. Will update this post when I finish. I also allowed both the Koishi and Prismriver shots, but at the cost of the ones to the right of the cottonball bullets, and the light green Prismriver shot.

Expanded Shot Data + Shot Replace (

Just drag this into the lib folder and use it the same way as the shot replace script. Check the readme for the bullet names/ids/whatever you call them. I only tested a few of the bullets, but it should work either way.

What Drake said. And besides, this is an easier transition for existing scripts, even those already using the CtC shot replace. And of course, you can still use the numeric ids.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata ( Hopefully finished =.= read inside )
Post by: Helepolis on July 14, 2009, 07:57:54 PM
I'm currently working on a way to combine this with the shot replace script, so that you don't have to memorize shot IDs. Will update this post when I finish. I also allowed both the Koishi and Prismriver shots, but at the cost of the ones to the right of the cottonball bullets, and the light green Prismriver shot.

Who wants to memorize the bullets anyway? I mostly have the supershot.txt opened next to me while scripting. Isn't also working with ID numbers much more flexible when you want to spawn, lets say, a rainbow of bullets? Declaring SUPxx (suppository) is kind of annoying programming wise no?

I simply ran out of IDs. As you can see I also did not added the first line of lasers. And strategically I chose either Koishi hearts or Prism bullets because the chance of combining those is like small. Though unless someone wants to make a singing Koishi.

At the end danmakufu is a bitch for not allowing more than 255 IDs for a shot data.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata ( Hopefully finished =.= read inside )
Post by: Drake on July 14, 2009, 08:02:10 PM
I just use an array declaring shot IDs and take random/linear positions in the array.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata + shotreplace script (read)
Post by: Helepolis on July 16, 2009, 04:23:10 PM
Updated first post with Othenet's shotreplace script link. Thanks.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata + shotreplace script (read)
Post by: Stuffman on July 17, 2009, 02:58:14 AM
Updated the FAQ with this alternate version of the SRS.

I keep forgetting that I'm the mod and I should actually, like, do things.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata + shotreplace script (read)
Post by: Mugen Hut on July 18, 2009, 03:54:56 AM
So this means that if I need to add the bullets without using ID's I must do a separated image with the bullets to add with the boss script and then use other method to use those new bullets?
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata + shotreplace script (read)
Post by: Helepolis on July 19, 2009, 08:51:51 AM
So this means that if I need to add the bullets without using ID's I must do a separated image with the bullets to add with the boss script and then use other method to use those new bullets?
I didn't quite get your question, hope this awnsers it: If you use my version of the expanded shot, you simply need to place the two files where you want them and use the IDs to create your shots.

If you use OnTheNet's modifyed version you can call the shots either with their ID or in the readme given names.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata + shotreplace script (read)
Post by: Drake on August 05, 2009, 06:06:50 PM
There are a few off graphics and no spinning and whatnot, but this was already a lot of work. If you don't like it, do it yourself.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata + shotreplace script (read)
Post by: Naut on August 05, 2009, 06:26:41 PM
I'm not sure how people have the audacity to complain about free stuff.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata + shotreplace script (read)
Post by: DgBarca on August 05, 2009, 06:57:20 PM
What ? I never posted that...hum...
It certainly my little brother, I learned him to use danmakufu a bit, he is always in my back so he knows that I am here, it is not the first time he is doing a such thing.
I'am gonna delete his post
He is always complaining about everything...
*insert Brofist here*
Sorry for what he's done.
(blablabla ridiculous excuse => No ! I am already too irritated)
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata + shotreplace script (read)
Post by: Helepolis on August 05, 2009, 07:52:21 PM
Now I am curious what was posted  :V

Edit: After a talk with Drake I indeed had noticed some series of bullets are off a pixel or two. So they need to be placed proper. But yea using darkbackground caused that  :V I'll try to fix it this weekend perhaps.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata + shotreplace script (read)
Post by: Helepolis on August 09, 2009, 04:32:49 PM
Requesting help testing the new SetGraphicRect coordinates for expanded shotdata.

I was quite shocked with the bullets being off ALOT but I blame that myself for using a colorful background instead of black and white. So I made this mini script where the background is black and when holding focus, it turns white. Doing so made me fix quite alot of the bullets but I want to have it checked by various people.

After that I guess OnTheNet can also update his version.

Test script is here:

Title: Re: Expanded shotdata + shotreplace script (read)
Post by: Drake on August 12, 2009, 01:54:24 AM
I actually made a new version of the sprite sheet. Attached is the psd. It still has a bunch of rect problems, but overall it looks a bit smoother. Especially noticeable if you compare the Master Spark graphics. Note that the giant spell circle is cut off a bit and there might be some spacing issues with some of the bullets.


You also had a few duplicates in there for some unknown reason.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata + shotreplace script (read)
Post by: Helepolis on August 12, 2009, 06:45:19 AM
I actually made a new version of the sprite sheet. Attached is the psd. It still has a bunch of rect problems, but overall it looks a bit smoother. Especially noticeable if you compare the Master Spark graphics. Note that the giant spell circle is cut off a bit and there might be some spacing issues with some of the bullets.


You also had a few duplicates in there for some unknown reason.
Oh, I am going to test it right away and don't worry about the RectCoordinates, I'll throw myself again on those for an hour or two XD

The duplicates I explained before didn't I? I instantly ripped the bullets from the original games but the giant stars are brighter in SA/MOF than in IN. Same goes for other bullets like the knives / oval bullets. I didn't delete them on purpose from the shotsheet to prevent messing up.

Ah yes the spellcircle, though it is not that much of a problem I believe. We'll see.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata + shotreplace script (read)
Post by: Helepolis on August 12, 2009, 08:43:02 AM
Drake, few issues and notes:

- There are still issues with the sheet you made. It is impossible to leave the bubble bullets and masterspark with white background. They are extremely ugly ingame. I had to modify them back into black otherwise they don't have proper transparancy/glow.

- The round bullets with the outer ring ( 3rd row topleft) are seriously pissing me off. At certain angles they appear 100% fine, but at 0, 90, 180 and 270 they are off a pixel or cutoff. I don't know anymore unless someone else has a brilliant idea.

- The spellcircle is no longer an issue as I simply made a seperate image for my Afro boss. Though people can use it if they want, suddenly it was off for my own use.

I'll try to upload the sheet as soon as I tested it with my script and in action with my uwabami boss.

Here it is. Please test + feedback: 


Title: Re: Expanded shotdata + shotreplace script (read)
Post by: puremrz on August 13, 2009, 02:48:16 PM
- The round bullets with the outer ring ( 3rd row topleft) are seriously pissing me off. At certain angles they appear 100% fine, but at 0, 90, 180 and 270 they are off a pixel or cutoff. I don't know anymore unless someone else has a brilliant idea.
my uwabami boss.

I had the same problem. What I did was to put an empty space of 1 pixel between each bullet. Then, if a bullet's image size was, for example 16x16 I'd write the shotscript like "0,0,17,17"
Any other visual problems are purely Danmakufu's faulty way of drawing graphics.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v3 (Read again :| )
Post by: Helepolis on August 30, 2009, 04:43:34 PM
Well, I did my best trying to fix the majority of the bullets again. The round bullets JUST refuse to cooperate. Same goes for Danmakufu. Even when I move the round bullets to an open space + make sure they have 1 pixel space between them, they still appear ugly when titled. Just extreme rage at the bullets and Danmakufu.

However the Eirin bullets seem to be better look now I think, same goes for suppository and more bullets. New link for the shotscript is in the first post.

@OnTheNet, I remember you were mentioning an update for your script aswell.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v3 (planning for v4)
Post by: Helepolis on September 22, 2009, 12:21:43 PM
Greetings everyone. I have evaluated my shotdata sheet a few times and came to the conclusion to add more bullets to it.

The following approach I am planning ( because the hard limit remains 255 )

- Removing all white coloured bullets from the bullets with more than 8 colours ( excludes the large ones ). This will open more free slots for the following bullets: Murasa droplets, Byakuren pink glowing bullet.
- Adding four more coloured bubble bullets like in CtC
- Any other suggestions for general bullets?

Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v3 (planning for v4)
Post by: DgBarca on September 22, 2009, 08:10:30 PM
UFO lasers...I really don't get how they works...
and for UFO BIG lasers...dunno...
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v3 (planning for v4)
Post by: Helepolis on September 22, 2009, 08:59:18 PM
UFO lasers...I really don't get how they works...
and for UFO BIG lasers...dunno...
Don't know if they are easy to implement. Object lasers hidden inside effect objects. The big flaming laser-thing is the effect object being spawned in a SetGraphicAngle  x  flipped. And the laser appears at the same time. Hence why they are two seperate objects.

The laser has also gray/white alpha colour, so with colour you can probably modify the colour for it. Ohwell, we'll see.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v3 (planning for v4)
Post by: Drake on September 23, 2009, 12:04:46 AM
That's exactly how they work, same with Master Spark. ZUN actually got lazy and replaced the laser code with just another bullet type.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v3 (planning for v4)
Post by: Helepolis on September 23, 2009, 09:57:26 AM
Btw I seen that the bubble bullets actually spin at extreme fast speed in the original touhou games. I am wondering if I should do this aswell.

Just a show what I am trying to implement:

- 8 type of glowing bullet colours
- 4 extra bubble bullets like in CtC
- Murasa droplets ( will follow soon )

Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v3 (planning for v4)
Post by: Drake on September 23, 2009, 02:08:16 PM
I don't see any problems at all with the screenshot. Damn nice work.

(Also give bubble bullets rotation of 30 or so)
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v3 (planning for v4)
Post by: Helepolis on September 23, 2009, 09:19:32 PM
Gave them like 20 and they are not spinning fully around their center point, so have to fix the GraphicRects. Also this version won't be compatible with the older versions because I am heavy going to modify the IDs like deleting unneccesary bullets and such.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v3 (planning for v4)
Post by: Drake on September 23, 2009, 11:42:03 PM
Good thing I haven't been using it >_>

I'm waiting until it's pretty much completely finished and I find practically no problems that aren't easily fixable.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v3 (planning for v4)
Post by: Helepolis on September 24, 2009, 02:15:35 PM
Well, this is what it has become ( only the green and yellow fireballs are disabled ) I ignored almost every white colour for the small bullets ( gray is still available ).

- 8 bubble colours ( they spin )
- 8 small dots ( fixed them, they show up ingame very nice )
- CAPTAIN Minamitsu Murasa droplets
- 8 glowing bullets ( because two is not enough )
- Added UFO laser. Go nuts now.
- Fake hitbox bullet, so you can program a hitbox easier without your own player script.
- Enchanched saturation + contrast on some of the bullets making them nicer.

- ***** round and round+ring bullets are still ugly ape shit at certain angles
- 255 IDs. . . is still the limit.

Please test out before I edit the first post: Expanded shotdata v4 (

Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 (beta, see last post)
Post by: Henry on September 24, 2009, 02:33:23 PM
However there are problems not settled, for example Shou's laser head and Konpaku's Laser.
What will you do with them?
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 (beta, see last post)
Post by: puremrz on September 24, 2009, 02:40:16 PM
Don't let the limit stop you. Just include everything, and add some // in front of bullets that cross the limit. It's very easy for the user to customize it to include the shots they want to use. (I do it all the time on my own sheet)

By the way, am I the only one with ugly lasers made out of custom bullets?
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 (beta, see last post)
Post by: Helepolis on September 24, 2009, 03:36:41 PM
However there are problems not settled, for example Shou's laser head and Konpaku's Laser.
What will you do with them?

I didn't quite get this question.

@ Puremrz, Everything is added on the sheet. I simply deducted some bullets like multiple colours for the rainbow dots and regular dots to free IDs. Same goes for the white bullets.

Basically what you see on the sheet is what you can use. The only switchable bullets are Koishi hearts and Prismsister notes as these are not really that commonly used.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v3 (planning for v4)
Post by: Naut on September 24, 2009, 03:41:24 PM
- CAPTAIN Minamitsu Murasa dorplets


I'll likely be abusing this shot sheet for some of my scripts, so thank you for making such awesomeness.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 (beta, see last post)
Post by: DgBarca on September 24, 2009, 05:28:31 PM
Are you finished with this or will we have to wait until
I can work on the shot replace for lazy people ?
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 [released]
Post by: Helepolis on September 24, 2009, 06:04:46 PM
It is basically finished (after commenting and last minute changes it will go to front page and my website). But I was wondering what Henry's post meant.

Edit: I discovered a messed up ID for the big round bullets. Double ID == BAD. (fixing, again . . . )

Edit2: Hey ! I finally got through it. Found like 5 duplicate IDs, had to move everything up 5 times over! ** starts to laugh like a maniac ** Don't worry. I will recover from the traumatic manual numbering. Enjoy the shotsheet.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 [released]
Post by: Infy♫ on September 24, 2009, 07:15:15 PM
can you please add normal lasers?
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 [released]
Post by: Helepolis on September 24, 2009, 07:45:22 PM
can you please add normal lasers?

Isn't the Shou/Nazrin laser enough? :S
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 [released]
Post by: RavenEngie on September 24, 2009, 10:04:40 PM
This probably is going to result in something breaking, but you missed a duplicate ID. You've double-entried ID 111, which are the blue and mint suppositories. Noticed it just there, and in case anyone was wondering why I was picking through that, it's to get up off my ass and do something constructive, like make the Shot Replace for the V4. But glancing at it, who'd be able to tell which was a mint suppository, and which was an aqua? My family didn't, and I can only notice a few shade's difference between them.


Also, did you leave out the RED Amulet on purpose, or was it ID constraints?
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 [released]
Post by: Helepolis on September 25, 2009, 06:05:50 AM
Nooooooooooooooooooooooooo !!! I missed ANOTHER one? 

/me hits head against the wall.

Well, I'll fix it when I am back at home. And yes, I left out the red amulet on purpose because of ID restraint, also mainky because that red amulet doesn't looks red but more like messed up dark-red ingame. The normal red amulet is still available.

Bah =.= have to edit again all IDs.

Edit: (reply from work) This is my own fault for overthrowing the entire shotsheet to fix it. I will get into modifying the shotsheet adding regular lasers aswell this time and perhaps removing some more IDs to make room for others. Everybody who already downloaded it, my apologies and I request your patience a little longer =[

Constructive critism is good ze.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v? [...]
Post by: RavenEngie on September 25, 2009, 03:28:15 PM
Like I said before, blue and mint suppositories are so alike that you'd really not be able to tell the difference while trying to dodge them, and anyway, you'd have to kick another bullet to make room for it, wouldn't you? No real point in knocking out one bullet to stick in one that's almost the same as another. Oh, and testing the Shot Replace now, I'll let you all know when it's ready.

EDIT: Finished the Shot Replace Script, attached it to the end of this post. Has a list of all the bullet ID's, and colours for each.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4
Post by: Helepolis on September 26, 2009, 03:49:11 PM
The mint suppository what you are mentioning probably lost its original colour because I increased contrast + saturation. But I will be fixing them eventually + removing / modifying because I totally forgot to add normal lasers aswell.

=S don't know if the shot replace script was a good idea already Ravenlock.

Done editing again ( for the 5933893th time ). I am going to eat my shoe if the shotdata contains errors. See first page for download link.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4
Post by: Kanako Yasaka on September 26, 2009, 05:21:32 PM
Thank you Hele, now I want to learn danmakufu. :x I'm assuming it's ridiculously hard so I'm just going to pretend this thread never happened.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4
Post by: Helepolis on September 26, 2009, 05:26:15 PM
Thank you Hele, now I want to learn danmakufu. :x I'm assuming it's ridiculously hard so I'm just going to pretend this thread never happened.

Danmakufu isn't hard. It is only hard when doing things like this. Aside that, once you got the required images and tools, it becomes piece of cake.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4
Post by: RavenEngie on September 27, 2009, 08:30:43 PM
=S don't know if the shot replace script was a good idea already Ravenlock.

Neh. Not like I've much of a life outside mah computer, won't take long to update the script. I just pity you making the damn bullets. :V
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4
Post by: Helepolis on September 29, 2009, 07:59:21 AM
Neh. Not like I've much of a life outside mah computer, won't take long to update the script. I just pity you making the damn bullets. :V

Don't pity me :V I am just contributing the community. So yea, feel free to go crazy now with the replace script.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4
Post by: canobiecrazy on September 30, 2009, 02:16:18 AM
Im not sure if this is the correct place or not... But can I request Sanae's Frogs and Snakes?

Also I would appreciate it greatly if a recolor of the frog was made so it would look frozen, I want it for Cirno attacks.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4
Post by: Drake on September 30, 2009, 02:23:13 AM
The correct place is here. (
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata ( Not finished! Working on it XD )
Post by: Sakura665 on October 21, 2009, 08:27:30 AM
I am not going to add anymore bullets as those kind of stuff can be declared as a familiar for example or an object with it's own graphic and collision. This is pure raw bullet. Else it will be a never ending declaring /editing of bullets from PoFV. I am slowly turning into a maniac as numbers are floating in front of my eyes.

Danmakufu allows maximum of 255 shots. So yea, there you go.

Oh wow, why didnt i think of that for murasa's anchor
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4
Post by: Hat on October 24, 2009, 11:00:55 PM
Hmh. With a couple of the bullets, i.e. Koishi's hearts, there seems to be a little tiny bit of... stuff that's being clipped into the bullet graphics. Same goes for 99% of the basic, small shots (the ones you stuffed in the upper left) if they get expanded into lasers. Why...?
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4
Post by: Drake on October 24, 2009, 11:19:28 PM
I would just say Danmakufu sucks, but it's becoming such an annoyance that I really want to find out why it's happening.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4
Post by: Blargel on November 04, 2009, 10:01:33 PM
So I read through this whole thread. That sounded like hell... I have trouble just defining the rectangles for sprites so I'd hate to do it for over 250 bullets. Thanks a lot for this.

Also, is there a replace script for this yet? I made my own half-assed one for only RED and BLUE (guess for what?), but it'd be great if I could get all the IDs replaced.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4
Post by: Helepolis on November 05, 2009, 08:31:50 AM
@Karfloozly Lasers are drawn with Additive blending I think. And the bullets have transparant background so they will look really fucked up if you try to extend them ingame. Though I have used the lasers images in my shotsheet for my Halloween script and didn't had problems there.

Though still strange as I haven't seen problem with Koishi hearts yet, let me take a look at it ingame. What did noticed was that that the yellow bullet doesn't rotates smoothly  ( it is slightly off )

@Drake About the bullets missing pixels. The problem is danmakufu. The only way to solve this problem is to split ALL the bullets from eachother and leave 2 or more pixels around them for angular animation. Danmakufu fucks up and doesn't keep the center when the bullet is being turned/angled. I had to intentionally cut away 1 pixel from bullets otherwise they blend into the other one.

@Blargel there is no replacescript for this. Don't be lazy and spawn them with IDs :V

Edit: I don't see any problems with the koishi hearts being cut off or anything. Are you sure you are using the latest version?
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4
Post by: Gc on December 18, 2009, 10:42:57 AM

1. Extract "ExpandedShotDatav4 in your lib folder.
2. Add #include_function "libExpandedShotDatav4shot_replace.dnh" in your enemy script
3. Add ShotInit; in @Initialize.
4. Spam bullets.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 + shotreplace ( Finally ! )
Post by: Lawence Codye on December 18, 2009, 09:55:53 PM
Finally indeed...downloads this instant...
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 + shotreplace ( Finally ! )
Post by: Fujiwara no Mokou on December 18, 2009, 10:01:35 PM
I noticed that the color for one of the bullets are off.

If you look at the small round bullets with outer layer, when it loads in Danmakufu the color isn't what it should be.  It's a lot brighter than it's supposed to be.
For some reason, having a RGB 000 black instead of a transparent layer inside fixes it.

It blocks out anything that's completely black, isn't it? Just wanted to point that out. Danmakufu is weird.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 + shotreplace ( Finally ! )
Post by: Naut on December 19, 2009, 01:12:47 AM
ADD versus ALPHA blending will change that.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 + shotreplace ( Finally ! )
Post by: Fujiwara no Mokou on December 19, 2009, 01:20:13 AM
ADD versus ALPHA blending will change that.
I know. I was using alpha. Try this and compare, you'll see the difference.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 + shotreplace ( Finally ! )
Post by: Helepolis on December 19, 2009, 07:53:59 AM
I'll test it when I returned from my exam today. I am extremely bothered about the round bullets and other coloured bullets. Also I moved the surpository towards another section on the sheet so they appear better. Though it won't affect the ID order. Cosmetic updates can be simply replaced.

Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 + shotreplace ( Finally ! )
Post by: Helepolis on December 19, 2009, 05:03:06 PM
You are right Fujiwara. Though only the round bullets with rings get better with this method. But the other regular round bullets mess up extremely hard.

I will try to improve the shotdata once more to make the bullets more beautiful. ( Here we go again :V )
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 + shotreplace ( Finally ! )
Post by: Fujiwara no Mokou on December 19, 2009, 05:26:23 PM
You are right Fujiwara. Though only the round bullets with rings get better with this method. But the other regular round bullets mess up extremely hard.

I will try to improve the shotdata once more to make the bullets more beautiful. ( Here we go again :V )

The other bullets, try to put a black background rbg 0,0,0 in the graphic rectangle. It doesn't even have to be inside the bullet, but inside the picture- the part that gets loaded in Danmakufu. you could put it in a corner or something, it won't show up since Danmakufu blocks out rgb 000, but will come out nicely.
I don't know why, but it seams Danmakufu NEEDS it to render colors properly.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 + shotreplace ( Finally ! )
Post by: CK Crash on December 19, 2009, 05:53:07 PM
Oh, just so you know, it would be nice if you had additive versions of the large round (02) bullets for a future update. It's easy to change the background of the shots to black and change the shot data yourself, but they really should be standard considering the sheet lacks anything else good for a CreateLaser01. I would recommend replacing the ones above the bubbles (seriously I don't think those have ever been used as actual bullets, they're probably bullet delay graphics or something).

And on the topic of the round bullets, the messed up graphics only ever appear for me when the bullet is fading out.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 + shotreplace ( Finally ! )
Post by: Helepolis on December 19, 2009, 06:32:03 PM
The other bullets, try to put a black background rbg 0,0,0 in the graphic rectangle. It doesn't even have to be inside the bullet, but inside the picture- the part that gets loaded in Danmakufu. you could put it in a corner or something, it won't show up since Danmakufu blocks out rgb 000, but will come out nicely.
I don't know why, but it seams Danmakufu NEEDS it to render colors properly.
I didn't quite get this, show an example please.

Oh, just so you know, it would be nice if you had additive versions of the large round (02) bullets for a future update. It's easy to change the background of the shots to black and change the shot data yourself, but they really should be standard considering the sheet lacks anything else good for a CreateLaser01. I would recommend replacing the ones above the bubbles (seriously I don't think those have ever been used as actual bullets, they're probably bullet delay graphics or something).

And on the topic of the round bullets, the messed up graphics only ever appear for me when the bullet is fading out.
I added the lasers to be used as lasers actually. But I think they require a black BG aswell with additive drawing. I'll see what I can do ( you mean the really large round bullets in the same catagory as the knives and such. )

The glowing bullets are indeed used for delay animation in ZUN's original games. I just left them in because they look nifty and people can perhaps also use them for the same reason.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 + shotreplace ( Finally ! )
Post by: Fujiwara no Mokou on December 19, 2009, 11:49:01 PM
I didn't quite get this, show an example please.


would be this

Since it's RGB 0,0,0  Danmakufu will ignore the black, and it will bring out the bullet's true color like the bullets with outer layer I posted before. Maybe this will solve your problem.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 + shotreplace ( Finally ! )
Post by: Helepolis on December 19, 2009, 11:56:44 PM
The problem is it does brings out the true colours in the bullets but it messes up the bullets in some occasions as well, leaving an ugly black border around them. I am going to play around with this tommorow and test each row of bullets section by section to see how they behave between black and transparant bg.

Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 + shotreplace ( Finally ! )
Post by: Fujiwara no Mokou on December 20, 2009, 01:47:16 AM
An ugly black border?
That's usually if the black isn't a pure black. If it is a pure black, it should be equivalent to being transparent.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 + shotreplace ( Finally ! )
Post by: Drake on December 20, 2009, 02:10:27 AM
It's been tried before earlier in this very thread. Look at the first page.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 + shotreplace ( Finally ! )
Post by: Helepolis on December 20, 2009, 04:04:22 PM
What Drake said. You should read the entire thread ( especially page 1 ) as I have been struggling for a long time with these.

Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 + shotreplace ( Finally ! )
Post by: Fujiwara no Mokou on December 20, 2009, 05:38:18 PM
Oh, I know. From the looks of it, it only includes the black that's near the colors.

If you separate it, so it's at the border of the rectangle, it just might work. Put in just a single dot of black somewhere at the corner of each bullet, away from the colors but still in the graphic rectangle. That should work.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 + shotreplace ( Finally ! )
Post by: Helepolis on December 20, 2009, 09:07:34 PM
Tried it, it doesn't work (used photoshop to compare a pixel in both bullets. No difference)
( left shotsheet with black not touching the bullet but in same rect, right no black, regular transparant bg)

Somehow the bullet needs to blend with the black BG to make it appear better. I tested EACH row of bullets section for section by adding a black BG to them to see how they appear in game. Only the Murasa bullets appear to be OK with black BG. So that makes two types suitable for black background with ALPHA drawing.

I finished the shotsheet cosmetic update. Also fixed the double ID for the Iceshots with discarding blue ( as darkblue has almost similar colour ) See attachment in next post for the script + shotdata. Test is, feedback it

Onthenet, you didn't clarify your post clearly. I have no idea what you were talking about exactly ( which bullet ).

Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 + shotreplace ( Finally ! )
Post by: CK Crash on December 20, 2009, 10:06:48 PM
the large round (02) bullets

So yeah, the ones near the knives and butterflies.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 + shotreplace ( Finally ! )
Post by: Helepolis on December 20, 2009, 11:40:20 PM
Like this?


( updated attachment, download this one for testing, removing previous )

What did I do in this update?
- Moved several types of bullets seperate vertically giving them more space, thus appearing ingame less cut off. (Like suppository, Icicles, Dark pellets etc.)
- Added black bg for the round bullets with ring + murasa DORPLETS ( :V Naut ) This seems to make them more beautiful
- Removed duplicate ID 81 ( has no impact on the order of IDs for other bullets )
- Tweaked several more SetGraphicRects for bullets
- Increased spinning of bubble bullets from 25 to 35
- Added spinning effect to the glowing bullets ( because these can be used as laser flashes, see MoF/SA/UFO )
- Added large round bullets with black BG as ADD type ( Onthenet suggested this as alternate laser bullet )
- Did some more stuff I forgot
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 + shotreplace ( Finally ! )
Post by: Fujiwara no Mokou on December 22, 2009, 04:20:21 PM
Nice update.
I'll be working a little more on supershot to see if I can patch things up a bit.
This whole color problem is really getting on my nerves. I'll be back with an update later.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 + shotreplace ( Finally ! )
Post by: Helepolis on December 22, 2009, 05:51:21 PM
Nice update.
I'll be working a little more on supershot to see if I can patch things up a bit.
This whole color problem is really getting on my nerves. I'll be back with an update later.
I am curious if you can pull something off I forgot or manage to find something. I did what I wrote in the previous post so good luck. I'll wait then a bit longer before updating this version into the first post. ( Saves trouble of editing posts :V )
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 + shotreplace ( Finally ! )
Post by: Fujiwara no Mokou on December 23, 2009, 08:45:20 PM
Hmm, I can't exactly get this thing down, but it seems to load better when it's an a 256 by 256 png, as opposed to supershot's 512 by 768 pixels.

I loaded etama from a rip of IN. You can see a difference between supershot (top) and etama (bottom).
etama seems to be more clear, especially on smaller bullets like the kuinas.

The problem I have, though, is loading multiple images for the shotdata. From what I know, I can only load one big image with all the bullets on it, as opposed to multiple 256by256s.
I'm sure it can be done, but I don't know how to do it.

I'm sure Helepolis someone knows how to do it.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 + shotreplace ( Finally ! )
Post by: Helepolis on December 23, 2009, 09:33:19 PM
Looking at your own screenshots, do you now understand how we hit v4 ? :V it is because of Danmakufu being an ass.

My shotscript combines UFO shotsheet bullets with IN marisa small stars ( because these are the best imo ). UFO has more clear and colorful bullets than the older ones. I only selected "the best" shotsheets.

I have also no idea if it is possible to load multiple shotsheets into one file. Anybody?
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 + shotreplace ( Finally ! )
Post by: Gc on December 24, 2009, 12:27:20 AM
According to the Touhou wiki, we can only have one image per shotdata, and the official manual doesn't mention a way to get around the limit.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 + shotreplace ( Finally ! )
Post by: Fujiwara no Mokou on December 24, 2009, 02:23:41 AM
Wow, what a drag.
Nuclear Cheese Someone really needs to fix it.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 + shotreplace ( Finally ! )
Post by: Helepolis on December 24, 2009, 06:57:18 AM
According to the Touhou wiki, we can only have one image per shotdata, and the official manual doesn't mention a way to get around the limit.
That is indeed a pitty. NC SAFE US!

Did you got any lucky btw Mokou? Especially with the medium and smaller round bullets which almost look like squares on the default background of Danmakufu. Even if I move them seperate ( like the smaller round bullets ) they still appear ugly. It is somehow due to their pixels around the bullet which has a weird colour surrounding each one.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 + shotreplace ( Finally ! )
Post by: Blargel on December 24, 2009, 07:43:57 AM
This is just a thought, and it's probably way WAAAAAAAAAY off, but you know how .png files have 4 values per pixel: Red, green, blue, and alpha? That means that completely transparent sections of an image still have a color, and if you open the .png with MSPaint, you can see what color everything is because Paint can't display transparency. Maybe if you make the transparent sections also black, Danmakufu would be able to make more sense out of it?
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 + shotreplace ( Finally ! )
Post by: Fujiwara no Mokou on December 24, 2009, 08:11:52 AM
Maybe if you make the transparent sections also black, Danmakufu would be able to make more sense out of it?

Tried that, check first page.
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: Helepolis on January 02, 2010, 12:48:08 PM
Bumping this thread up to notify it has now turned into a general shotsheet thread. So if anybody has a largeshot sheet which is constructed and think it is nessecary to be contributed, drop a post here with the link(s) and I'll update the first post.


On topic of discussing expanded shotdata. I am still NOT happy with the ringed-round bullets. Because putting black as background makes them REALLY messed up on certain backgrounds. I seriously don't know anymore what to do. It is only pissing me off more and more. I am going to try to touch up a few bullets and also check the large stars as they seem to be a bit off.
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: Gc on January 02, 2010, 05:04:57 PM
Hollow World of God Shot Data ( [image] (
Default HWoG/Ryujinroku bullets. Made by Dixq. Assembled by /me.

TinyShotData ( [image] (
Smaller than ExpandedShotData, but contains the UFO curvy lasers. Made by ZUN. Assembled by /me.
Title: Re: Expanded shotdata v4 + shotreplace ( Finally ! )
Post by: Johnny Walker on January 05, 2010, 07:27:52 PM
Hmm, I can't exactly get this thing down, but it seems to load better when it's an a 256 by 256 png, as opposed to supershot's 512 by 768 pixels.

I loaded etama from a rip of IN. You can see a difference between supershot (top) and etama (bottom).
etama seems to be more clear, especially on smaller bullets like the kuinas.

The problem I have, though, is loading multiple images for the shotdata. From what I know, I can only load one big image with all the bullets on it, as opposed to multiple 256by256s.
I'm sure it can be done, but I don't know how to do it.

I'm sure Helepolis someone knows how to do it.

I found that Helepolis' ShotSheet have 300dpi and both CtC ShotReplace sheet and zun's etamas has 96dpi. Does that have something to do with the image clearness? I can't test this at this moment -.-
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: CK Crash on January 05, 2010, 07:53:08 PM

Some post-StB style fireballs, made from scratch. They look like a mix of HWoG and ZUN graphics. I accidentally the whole shot data, but it should basically look like this (you may want to shrink the graphic rects to avoid huge hitbox)

Code: [Select]
// Red Fireball
ShotData{ id=1 render=ADD angular_velocity = 0 delay_color= (255,64,64)

Add them to your sheet if you need some good fireballs and don't want to steal ZUN graphics (like I do). No credit is necessary or anything (but it would be nice if you told me what you use them for :<)
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: Helepolis on January 09, 2010, 11:10:10 AM
If you add that in a zip Onthenet and upload it somewhere, I will add it to the first pose under a new catagory like contributed selfmade bullets. ( Any suggestions for a catagory name? )

Also I released 4.1 for expanded shotdata. Several experimentation with transparant and black background has resulted in no succes on other things. I checked all graphicrects once more and adjusted few here and there. It should look smoother as I tested it both on a coloured background and dark background.

See first post.
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!] (Update Expanded Shotdata 4.1)
Post by: Iryan on January 10, 2010, 11:11:14 AM

Is there a new shot_replace.dnh file to go with the new 4.1 that I missed somehow?

If not, then I think you may have misplaced some of the IDs. To be specific, I noticed that the colours for some of the icicles are switched around for me. DARKBLUE23 gives what once was called a LILA23, for example.  :-X

You might want to look into that.
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!] (Update Expanded Shotdata 4.1)
Post by: Helepolis on January 10, 2010, 02:03:42 PM
I didnt created the shotreplace for 4.1. Gamecubic had done for 4.0 but he said he fixed the duplicate ID issue there as well. I did fix a duplicate ID which kind of shifted the amulets + icecles so yes that might be the cause.

Uhm, I guess it has to be redone. I'll take the shotreplace script from 3.0 which Onthenet made I guess and use that as a base to create it for 4.1? Or are there suggestions =| I personally dislike the variable name calling for bullets but if it makes it easier for people I'll work on that then.

Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!] (Update Expanded Shotdata 4.1)
Post by: CK Crash on January 10, 2010, 02:30:50 PM
I'll take the shotreplace script from 3.0 which Onthenet made I guess and use that as a base to create it for 4.1?

That one is even worse, I'll guarantee it.
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!] (Update Expanded Shotdata 4.1)
Post by: Helepolis on January 10, 2010, 04:09:19 PM
I was more like mentioning the naming style. As I have no idea what naming style for variables I should use. Or maybe I should just use Gamecubics 4.0 and fix it fitting for 4.1. I guess I 'll do that then after dinner.
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: Fujiwara no Mokou on January 13, 2010, 07:20:23 PM
On topic of discussing expanded shotdata. I am still NOT happy with the ringed-round bullets. Because putting black as background makes them REALLY messed up on certain backgrounds. I seriously don't know anymore what to do.

I got an idea. Though it may take a bit of work...
Remember how I said it's best to load the png sheets as 256 by 256 as the shotdata? Well, you can't load more than one sheet at a time, but I'm sure you can load each one seperately, as in using one shotdata sheet at a time. Where as the boss/enemy uses a different shotdata each time, from a different png throughout the spellcards. This should fix the problem when you put them in a black background without distorting anything else, but it'll limit you to using that one shotsheet at a time.

It's either that or make custom bullets. Other than that, I don't think there's a way around it.
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!] (Update Expanded Shotdata 4.1)
Post by: Helepolis on January 13, 2010, 09:41:35 PM
CtC replace script is larger than 256x256, infact it is 512x512. I have no use for theories or suggestions if they are not tested out. Make it, upload it as attachment with a test script then we can judge to see if it is useful to adjust the methods or not.

( Also the ringed bullets have black background if you check v4.1 because at the end they were the best at the end after comparing. I just replace darkgrey with white and darkred can die off simply. )

Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!] (Update Expanded Shotdata 4.1)
Post by: Fujiwara no Mokou on January 22, 2010, 10:06:31 PM
Improved supershot sheet, right here.
Quality is improved and true colors show.

Turns out, it's not just 256 by 256 that works, but also 512 by 512, and any other of the similar matter.
I think it has something to do with 1024 bytes in a megabyte, and 512 and 256 being reagents that correspond to that.
Go ahead and try it out, I think you'll like what you'll see.

EDIT: This works with more than just shot data, but also sprites, and cutins, and all other of the similar matter. If you ever noticed that sometimes they look a bit fuzzy or blurry, try expanding the right and bottom canvas so it's either 256 by 256, 512 by 512, or 1024 by 1024. It'll come out clear as a crystal, I tried it myself. It goes in that pattern, if you're wondering whether it can go bigger if you need it.
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!] (Update Expanded Shotdata 4.1)
Post by: Helepolis on January 22, 2010, 11:04:50 PM
Testing this now. Please wait warmly.

Your fixed shotsheet ( 1024x1024 )


Regular current sheet ( 513x768 )

I do see improvement in certain colour appearances. 1024x1024 has slightly more lively colours on the certain red coloured bullets which is best noticeable ( notice the darkred iceshot ).

So what can we conclude from this? Danmakufu has retarted way of drawing images when using strange proportions?
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!] (Update Expanded Shotdata 4.1)
Post by: Prime 2.0 on January 22, 2010, 11:13:40 PM
That's missing a few things from the previous supershot though, isn't it? Like the master spark graphic.
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!] (Update Expanded Shotdata 4.1)
Post by: Helepolis on January 22, 2010, 11:18:13 PM
That's missing a few things from the previous supershot though, isn't it? Like the master spark graphic.

Was taken out in v4, because Master Spark is spawned as an effect object we concluded, like Shou's lasers. Therefor not needed in the shot script. The free IDs were used for other bullets.
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: Prime 2.0 on January 22, 2010, 11:20:49 PM
Really? I have the V4 supershot sheet right here, and it's in there, along with the UFO laser... and the hitbox graphics, oddly enough.

Also, about the shotsheet dimensions... it's because it's a power of 2. Works like that on textures as well; in fact, some videocards flat-out can't display textures that aren't a power of 2. So in theory, you could also do 2048x2048, 4096x4096 and so on.
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: Helepolis on January 22, 2010, 11:23:50 PM
Posting late is not a good idea. ( I am forgetting my own work =.= ). I meant 4.1, my apologies.

Quote from: Prime 2.0
Also, about the shotsheet dimensions... it's because it's a power of 2. Works like that on textures as well; in fact, some videocards flat-out can't display textures that aren't a power of 2.

Looking at the current size of the shotsheet, I think it would be wiser to cut it down to 512x512? I can move the glowing bullets and line them out horizontally so the bottom gets free space for the round-ring bullets.

I guess I'll do that anywhere soon =|
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: Demonbman on February 01, 2010, 04:58:19 AM
I was messing in Photoshop and made a  Little Shotsheet (
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: Shockman on February 19, 2010, 12:56:04 AM
new shot colors
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: AweStriker Nova on March 02, 2010, 04:32:43 AM
I was thinking about making one of these, but it wouldn't be like any of the ones already up. No fancy knives, hearts, etc.

Just simple geometric shapes...

all with ADD blending.

But I have no idea how shot replace scripts work  ???
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: ChaoStar on March 02, 2010, 03:11:54 PM
I was thinking about making one of these, but it wouldn't be like any of the ones already up. No fancy knives, hearts, etc.

Just simple geometric shapes...

all with ADD blending.

But I have no idea how shot replace scripts work  ???

Just make a custom shot data sheet then. :<
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: AweStriker Nova on March 02, 2010, 03:45:07 PM
Just make a custom shot data sheet then. :<

I don't know how those work either, actually...
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: Helepolis on March 02, 2010, 05:26:35 PM
People have wrong ideas about custom bullets.

But I have no idea how shot replace scripts work  ???
And these are one of them.

Shot replace script is as the name says: It replaces bullets. Which was for CtC the original Danmakufu bullets, you would say. But unfortunate, this is not 100% true. By loading UserShotData and renaming the variables to the original dnh names, it would look like as if the Danmakufu shots got replaced. Technically, they are still there, it is just optical illusion (not exactly) alike. Because you load custom data.

Custom user bullet are self designed (or ripped) bullets , thrown into a sheet and manually giving them a name, graphicrect and so on. It is like explained on the wiki  ( well (Inb4NautRage)

Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: Suikama on March 06, 2010, 06:27:23 PM
Grey looks too much like black D:
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: Suikama on March 06, 2010, 07:16:36 PM
Are you talking about the StB fireballs (bottom) or ordinary fireballs (top)?
I only changed the ordinary fireballs and orange shots.
Uh well in particular I guess the black and grey big Marisa stars are very close in color
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: Infy♫ on March 08, 2010, 03:41:06 PM
Yay! I'm especially glad with those new CAPTAIN MINAMITSU MOTHERFUCKING MURASA droplets. I wonder, though, how are we supposed to fire that big UFO laser in a different color?
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: Drake on March 08, 2010, 06:35:21 PM
You don't. I'm not sure why it's even on there. The graze circle/hitbox graphic is much too small, and both Master Spark and UFO lasers are effect objects. Also, all bullets should be kept at least like 2 pixels away from each other for dnh shitty UV drawing reasons, the five bullets below the heart bullets are old bullet-vanishing-graphics and only bullets drawn with add blending should have a black background.

Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: Helepolis on March 08, 2010, 06:50:48 PM
new shotsheet
it looked to much like green :V
Seriously, have you ever actually READ this entire thread before posting / making a shotsheet ?

That sheet is extremely outdated (excluding the ones you added like orange colour) and as well as giving everything a black background is a bad idea.
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: AweStriker Nova on March 09, 2010, 06:52:37 AM
giving everything a black background is a bad idea

There goes my idea then...
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: Drake on March 09, 2010, 07:23:58 AM
You do not give bullets that will use standard alpha drawing a black background. Danmakufu counts #000000 pixels as transparency, and will not draw them. However, the black will mix with any degree of other non-opaque pixels of a bullet, and will taint the color. With alpha drawing, Danmakufu does not count this black as transparency, so your bullet ends up looking dark and shitty. This is why you keep alpha-drawn graphics with no background.

You do give bullets that will use add drawing a black background. Add drawing means that the color of each pixel will be added to whatever is underneath it. Black plus anything = Anything, White plus anything = White, and each degree of black and white is not added and added just the same. Because of this, there is no need for transparency, since an image with a black background will be drawn as if black was transparency. So, transparency is also counted as white pixels, thereby adding tons of white everywhere. This is why you give add-drawn graphics a black background.

To note, if you make a black background and overlay an add-drawn graphic on it, it will come out as it would if it were alpha-drawn.
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: Thaws on June 01, 2010, 10:12:20 AM
Quote from: Helepolis
Please post in the  Custom user bullets thread through the sticky thread. So I can update the first post.

I made a shotsheet.  :3
Link to download the shotsheet. (
Images : 1 (  2 (  3 (  4 (

Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: Helepolis on June 01, 2010, 11:52:04 AM

I need to get my ass to work on the expanded shotdata, changing the sheet into a power of 2 image as well as fix other errors.
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: Channy on October 11, 2011, 06:52:23 AM
Maybe this thread is dead due to the release of dnh ph3, but here is ZUN's shotdata.
I did not own it, only assembled them, have fun with it.
(Updated into v6) (
( (

(For dnh 0.12m)
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: Areylie on May 21, 2012, 04:48:48 AM
U-Umm... Your link to the CtC shot replace sheet is way outdated. Due to a bunch of site moving, it's now here: (
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: saturnascends on June 24, 2012, 01:31:36 AM
Thanks for all these, they're a great thing to have. At least they're very fun to mess around with.  :D
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: numbuh1 on June 26, 2012, 02:17:53 AM
Thaws' shotsheet download link is dead  :(
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: Helepolis on June 26, 2012, 06:00:44 PM
Thaws' shotsheet download link is dead  :(
Hmm I think that is due to the old url of bulletforge. I'll ask Blargel about it, thanks.
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: fondue on June 29, 2012, 10:10:49 PM,12967.0.html (,12967.0.html)
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: puremrz on July 10, 2012, 07:15:24 PM
And that's that:

( (

My new shot sheet, 4Mb and about 800*4 bullets. It's not showing giga sized bullets and lasers, but those are the same as in my old sheet anyway.
I assume some people will want this. But I'll remove some bullets after I properly tested it and before I upload it. They're mostly the bottom-right ones that no one would use. They're just specifically made for my current game. (Coming this century!) (Maybe)

And it comes with 4 files that have all the coordinates written out for you, so don't worry. I had some free time at work, so it was time well spent :P
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: fondue on July 10, 2012, 07:36:51 PM
And that's that:

( (

My new shot sheet, 4Mb and about 800*4 bullets. It's not showing giga sized bullets and lasers, but those are the same as in my old sheet anyway.
I assume some people will want this. But I'll remove some bullets after I properly tested it and before I upload it. They're mostly the bottom-right ones that no one would use. They're just specifically made for my current game. (Coming this century!) (Maybe)

And it comes with 4 files that have all the coordinates written out for you, so don't worry. I had some free time at work, so it was time well spent :P
*Looks at my shotsheet*
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: numbuh1 on July 18, 2012, 03:16:25 PM
And that's that:

( (

My new shot sheet, 4Mb and about 800*4 bullets. It's not showing giga sized bullets and lasers, but those are the same as in my old sheet anyway.
I assume some people will want this. But I'll remove some bullets after I properly tested it and before I upload it. They're mostly the bottom-right ones that no one would use. They're just specifically made for my current game. (Coming this century!) (Maybe)

And it comes with 4 files that have all the coordinates written out for you, so don't worry. I had some free time at work, so it was time well spent :P

Oh gosh! I want it! I NEED IT!  :]

But ph3 won't let me use all of them right?  :(
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: fondue on July 18, 2012, 03:41:00 PM
But ph3 won't let me use all of them right?  :(
Yeah, it wont. But puremrz will make two shot data files so you can use all of the shots. Just remember to call one sheet per script.
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: puremrz on July 18, 2012, 06:01:42 PM
Juuni Jumon - Cultural Festival shot sheet
for 0.12m

( (
(Some of the bottom "projectiles" are missing, they're specifically for my own use. Besides, nobody would want to shoot stuff like orange slices and donuts anyway. :V)

1.1: Fixed the bad background on the Giga bullets

It contains 4 (!) files with all the bullet data, so you have to mix them together to make shot sheets for yourself, because 0.12m only lets you use 255 at a time. Which is really lame.
There's no data for the ADD and negative bullets, but it's easy to get. Just increase the Y values with 1000 for ADD, 2000 for negative, or 3000 for ADD negative bullets. (See txt files)
It's just as easy as renumbering them. Except maybe for animated ones.

I never tried ph3, so I don't know if the files are compatible with it.
If not, good luck setting the coordinates! There's a little guide to help you set the right coordinates if you want to change stuff or add bullets because I'm so nice.
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: fondue on July 23, 2012, 04:41:03 PM
Juuni Jumon - Cultural Festival shot sheet
for 0.12m

( (
(Some of the bottom "projectiles" are missing, they're specifically for my own use. Besides, nobody would want to shoot stuff like orange slices and donuts anyway. :V )

Download: (
1.1: Fixed the bad background on the Giga bullets

It contains 4 (!) files with all the bullet data, so you have to mix them together to make shot sheets for yourself, because 0.12m only lets you use 255 at a time. Which is really lame.
There's no data for the ADD and negative bullets, but it's easy to get. Just increase the Y values with 1000 for ADD, 2000 for negative, or 3000 for ADD negative bullets. (See txt files)
It's just as easy as renumbering them. Except maybe for animated ones.

I never tried ph3, so I don't know if the files are compatible with it.
If not, good luck setting the coordinates! There's a little guide to help you set the right coordinates if you want to change stuff or add bullets because I'm so nice.
Make a vidya, I want to see them in action!
Also, I guess the bottom left-most lasers are either loose lasers or curvy ones.
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: puremrz on July 23, 2012, 06:43:46 PM
Make a vidya, I want to see them in action!
Also, I guess the bottom left-most lasers are either loose lasers or curvy ones.
You can use them as both. The lasers look better if the graphic isn't stretched from a normal bullet into a long oval.
So I made graphics that are already stretched and won't lose their sharpness as much as normal bullets.
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: fondue on July 23, 2012, 07:10:17 PM
You might have over-done it with the Amulets :V
Also, the big fireballs didn't really come out as expected IMO. The flames should slowly lose transparency the farther away they are for the white circle hitbox.

Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: puremrz on July 23, 2012, 07:41:50 PM
You might have over-done it with the Amulets :V
Also, the big fireballs didn't really come out as expected IMO. The flames should slowly lose transparency the farther away they are for the white circle hitbox.

You mean the unanimated ones at 0:58? Those are meteors actually.
The amulets are a bit special, they have different kanji on them for each element: Fire, Water, Earth, Wood, Metal + Sun and Moon.
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [General thread!]
Post by: Ozzy on May 20, 2013, 01:27:10 AM
ZUN Expanded Shotsheet for Ph3

I know this thread hasn't had activity in a while, but I've finally put together a near comprehensive new ZUN shotsheet specifically for Ph3 users. You may remember an old version of this sheet being used by scripters mrfondue and TalosMistake.


The sheet is based off of the ZUN expanded shot data by Helepolis (big thanks for doing a lot of the work, I hope you don't mind). Many new bullets from recent Touhou games have been added. In addition, shots that had to be left out previously due to the 255 ID limit have been added back in. Select non-ZUN bullet graphics have also been added, including straight lasers from Concealed the Conclusion and my own fireballs. Finally, several of the bullet graphics have been touched up in to make them stand out more (particularly the dark pellets) and some redundant bullet colors have been replaced with new orange versions.

Please let me know if there are any mistakes or if there's any additional bullets you would like to see added that I missed!
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [ 0.12m & PH3 ]
Post by: Helepolis on May 20, 2013, 09:44:14 AM
Definitely not. This also gave me a good reason to reorganize the opening post.


Edit: If anybody can upload CtC shot replace script to bulletforge or an hosting site and post the link here, I can update it. It seems the link is dead/404
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [ 0.12m & PH3 ]
Post by: TalosMistake on May 20, 2013, 11:24:56 AM
Definitely not. This also gave me a good reason to reorganize the opening post.


Edit: If anybody can upload CtC shot replace script to bulletforge or an hosting site and post the link here, I can update it. It seems the link is dead/404 (
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [ 0.12m & PH3 ]
Post by: Helepolis on May 20, 2013, 01:28:37 PM
Thanks. That should about be all of them again. Checked other links as well.
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [ 0.12m & PH3 ]
Post by: Helepolis on May 31, 2015, 03:26:10 PM
Greetings everyone,

I've added my own Touhou Houenbu shot sheet for public use. You may use the shotsheet for non-profit and profit if you plan on distributing it. Just follow the Th Doujin guidelines.

Get it here - version 1.00  (

Link also added to first post.
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [ 0.12m & PH3 ]
Post by: tyrz_939 on June 02, 2015, 10:13:29 AM
Greetings everyone,

I've added my own Touhou Houenbu shot sheet for public use. You may use the shotsheet for non-profit and profit if you plan on distributing it. Just follow the Th Doujin guidelines.

Get it here - version 1.00  (

Link also added to first post.

I really like this. I hope you don't mind, I'm importing this to my project but it's not in danmakufu. I'll give credit of course!  :ohdear: :ohdear:
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [ 0.12m & PH3 ]
Post by: Helepolis on June 02, 2015, 01:07:23 PM
No worries if you don't use it for Danmakufu. I forgot indeed that nowadays people use other engines as well to make STG.

Use it as you please.
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [ 0.12m & PH3 ]
Post by: Uruwi on August 12, 2015, 03:02:40 PM
Greetings everyone,

I've added my own Touhou Houenbu shot sheet for public use. You may use the shotsheet for non-profit and profit if you plan on distributing it. Just follow the Th Doujin guidelines.

Get it here - version 1.00  (

Link also added to first post.

I hope you don't mind having it used for EIB.

Anyway, is there any reason to having 16 laser colors but using only 8 of them in your shotsheet?
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [ 0.12m & PH3 ]
Post by: Uruwi on September 16, 2015, 04:03:07 AM
Sorry to bump, but I think your shotsheet is broken, at least for players.
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [ 0.12m & PH3 ]
Post by: Helepolis on September 16, 2015, 05:40:22 AM
Sorry to bump, but I think your shotsheet is broken, at least for players.
Could be also explain / elaborate why, so we can look into it?
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [ 0.12m & PH3 ]
Post by: Uruwi on September 16, 2015, 02:29:24 PM
Could be also explain / elaborate why, so we can look into it?

The shot data silently fails to load, so any bullets with the relevant IDs are not rendered.
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [ 0.12m & PH3 ]
Post by: Helepolis on September 16, 2015, 04:16:56 PM
The shot data silently fails to load, so any bullets with the relevant IDs are not rendered.
Sounds like you didn't proper set the location of the image. Did you change shot_data path to desired location? Because it is set to my own personal game (absolute pathing).
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [ 0.12m & PH3 ]
Post by: Uruwi on September 16, 2015, 07:01:38 PM
Sounds like you didn't proper set the location of the image. Did you change shot_data path to desired location? Because it is set to my own personal game (absolute pathing).

Thanks, it worked.

You might want to note that in the readme.
Title: Re: Custom user shotsheets [ 0.12m & PH3 ]
Post by: Helepolis on September 17, 2015, 09:54:48 AM
Good suggestion. I'll update the pack soon to add it to the read and change the paths to something generic.