Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Sara's Audio-Visual Import-Overflow Retail => Topic started by: Berzul on July 16, 2011, 08:52:08 PM

Title: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Berzul on July 16, 2011, 08:52:08 PM
Well I have encountered so far 2 Zatoichi and Journey to the West. Zatoichi is somewhat a series, much the movies started much earlier than the TV series.. so it counts as a whole..

But any more you could think of this kind? Maybe you watched them yourself and want to say what do you think about them? :P
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Mimachiro on July 16, 2011, 11:28:17 PM
I could watch Sailor Moon over and over again. That's the series that got me into anime. :3
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Tengukami on July 16, 2011, 11:50:32 PM
Space Battleship Yamato ( - possibly the best anime series ever made.

More recently, Azumanga Daioh (though that hardly qualifies as "old").
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 17, 2011, 12:11:20 AM
Also not that old, but Outlaw Star.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Tamer Anode/Cathode on July 17, 2011, 12:15:19 AM
It's not an anime, but I'm watching Beast Wars and really enjoying it. The CG is really good for mid-to-late 90's, and the writing and characterization holds up really well.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Moerin on July 17, 2011, 12:25:42 AM
Thank you and good night.

...Seriously though, it's amazing how well BTAS has stood the test of time.  It was radical and daring for it's time, and even compared to the shows of nowadays it's pretty dark and mature for a kids show.  Hell, I think I've enjoyed it more watching it as an adult than I did as a child, as a lot of the stuff I was too young to really understand.

...Also it made Mr. Freeze awesome and spawned not one but two of my favourite female comics characters, The Joker's lovably peppy sidekick Harley Quinn (naturally) and the tough-as-nails lesbian (well, they never said outright on the show that she was one, but still!) cop Renee Montoya, one of the main characters of Gotham Central (my favourite Batman comic series despite the fact that the Bat himself hardly ever showed up in it) and more recently the successor to The Question (AKA that awesome faceless conspiracy nut from Justice League, which isn't as old but is still an awesome show).  Quite a legacy for what was supposedly a kids show, huh~?
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 17, 2011, 01:08:49 AM
Harvey Bullock for life.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Yakitori on July 17, 2011, 01:21:24 AM
On that note, Darkwing Duck. It's probably one of the most underrated cartoons, but it's awesome.

I would elaborate, but I have to leave. I'll edit this later, though.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: n i c o l e on July 17, 2011, 01:25:03 AM
seconding BTAS so hard. there were a lot of good cartoons in the 90s though.

but beyond that for me shows like Ab Fab, Blackadder, The Young Ones - a lot of British comedy in general is still worth watching today. I find a lot of stuff from recent years just hasn't been quite as funny sadly.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Moerin on July 17, 2011, 01:28:46 AM
but beyond that for me shows like Ab Fab, Blackadder, The Young Ones - a lot of British comedy in general is still worth watching today. I find a lot of stuff from recent years just hasn't been quite as funny sadly.
Adding to this, Red Dwarf is what got me into science fiction in the first place.  I smeg you not.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Thata no Guykoro on July 17, 2011, 01:30:02 AM
G Gundam, for one. Plus Big O.

And for some reason I still like watching the (rather cheesy) 90's Spiderman show. :V
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Tengukami on July 17, 2011, 01:32:21 AM
The Young Ones

Oh my god I can't believe someone else on this board likes The Young Ones.

"FOUR POUNDS FIFTY?! I'm not paying you money to eat black men! I can become a pig and do that for free! Right on!"
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Moerin on July 17, 2011, 01:36:55 AM

Oh my god I can't believe someone else on this board likes The Young Ones.

Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Rin Kagamine on July 17, 2011, 01:38:57 AM
How old are we talking here?  Young people these days have really screwed up perceptions of what's "old".  Are we talking Sopranos old?  Spawn old?  Doug old?  Jem old?  Starsky and Hutch old?  Mission Impossible old?  The Prisoner old?  Have Gun Will Travel old?
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Tengukami on July 17, 2011, 01:41:08 AM
I once saw Rik Mayall on David Letterman promoting Drop Dead Fred (the less said about that movie the better), and Letterman said, "So, I heard you used to be in a series called The Young Ones". A bunch of people in the audience cheered, and Rik looked utterly baffled. "I ... had no idea anyone outside the UK even heard of that show," he said.

Little did Rik know that MTV used to run The Young Ones, late at night, in the 80s. That's how I first learned about them, anyway. I'm proud to own the entire series now. Definitely some of the best British comedy has had to offer.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: n i c o l e on July 17, 2011, 01:44:56 AM
Adding to this, Red Dwarf is what got me into science fiction in the first place.  I smeg you not.
omg yes so much. I've watched Red Dwarf so many times I know half the scripts by heart and yet it is still funny to me. comedy like that just doesn't age.


Oh my god I can't believe someone else on this board likes The Young Ones.

"FOUR POUNDS FIFTY?! I'm not paying you money to eat black men! I can become a pig and do that for free! Right on!"
fdhsdsjds it's so rare I'll find somebody else who is a fan ;A; but then again I don't really know how popular British comedy is in the rest of the world.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Moerin on July 17, 2011, 01:47:13 AM
fdhsdsjds it's so rare I'll find somebody else who is a fan ;A; but then again I don't really know how popular British comedy is in the rest of the world.
Unfortunately, I've found that to most of the rest of the world, "British Comedy" means "Benny Hill".

...Y'know, when it's not Monty Python, which at least has the decency to actually be, y'know, good. >.>
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Tengukami on July 17, 2011, 01:50:21 AM
fdhsdsjds it's so rare I'll find somebody else who is a fan ;A; but then again I don't really know how popular British comedy is in the rest of the world.

The Young Ones is obscure outside of the UK. As someone born and raised in the US, I can attest that British comedy shows most Americans my age know about include:

Monty Python's Flying Circus
Black Adder
Little Britain
Are You Being Served?
All Creatures Great and Small
and yes, Benny Hill

Hope that's of some comfort.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: n i c o l e on July 17, 2011, 02:01:23 AM
ugh Benny Hill was chronically unfunny.

it is of some small comfort to know that some of our better stuff gets known abroad but when I think about how much good comedy I grew up watching I realise how obscure most of it is ): I don't know maybe the rest of the world doesn't get our sense of humour.

can't believe I forgot to mention this but Laurel and Hardy.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: theshirn on July 17, 2011, 02:02:07 AM
On that note, Darkwing Duck. It's probably one of the most underrated cartoons, but it's awesome.
How many shows include, in the first episode, the line "Clever of me to break my fall with my spine like that!"?  Classic, fantastic cartoons, and a longstanding old favorite of mine.  Also featured one of the best openings, if only for the umbrella snap part.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Tengukami on July 17, 2011, 02:13:16 AM
ugh Benny Hill was chronically unfunny.

I agree. But then, he came from a vaudeville tradition of physical comedy, bawdy musical numbers, and boob jokes. I'm sure his material was hilarious to those who still had food ration coupons in their kitchen cupboard. Fun fact: he died while watching TeleText.

Also forgot to include on the list of British comedy shows most Americans my age know about: The Office, Catherine Tate, Smack the Pony, and The Fast Show.


I don't know maybe the rest of the world doesn't get our sense of humour.

On the contrary, I think many Americans believe the British do great comedy. Evidence for this is provided in the following joke:

"In Heaven, the Germans handle the engineering, the French handle the cooking, and the British handle the comedy. In Hell, the French handle the engineering, the British handle the cooking, and the Germans handle the comedy."
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: n i c o l e on July 17, 2011, 02:28:30 AM
Also forgot to include on the list of British comedy shows most Americans my age know about: The Office and The Fast Show.
oh oh my god The Fast Show yes. I loved Harry Enfield's Television Programme too. my parents nicknamed me Frogmella and my sister Spudulike when we were little.

I'm sad about what happened to The Office.

also there is nothing wrong with our food :p
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Tengukami on July 17, 2011, 02:30:15 AM
How about Brass Eye, or Broken News?

Christ, Britain has done a lot of comedy ...

also there is nothing wrong with our food :p

Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: n i c o l e on July 17, 2011, 02:40:12 AM
How about Brass Eye, or Broken News?

Christ, Britain has done a lot of comedy ...

gags I hate kidney pie.

Brass Eye was a bit beyond me when it first aired, I was only 9 at the time. I do remember everybody being butthurt about it though. I never watched Broken News though. only comedy show I watched that year was In The Thick of it which I really recommend.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Moerin on July 17, 2011, 02:43:22 AM
...Did I hear some Brass Eye~? (

And the fallout from that special only went on to prove how hypocritical and stupid tabloid journalism was. >.>
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Tengukami on July 17, 2011, 02:53:07 AM
Broken News might be more funny to me because it's job related. Brass Eye was genuinely funny, and they were both very brave and very right to mock and ridicule the Pedophile Hysteria that was gripping the UK at the time. It made a lot of people really angry, but looking back, it was well deserved.

...Did I hear some Brass Eye~? (

"There's no evidence for it, but it is scientific fact."

God I loved that show.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Reddyne on July 17, 2011, 03:43:49 AM
I was just hooked on Legend of the Galactic Heroes. It's a space opera (duh) anime that started around 1988 I think. The events are enough to suck you in as it is, but the space battles really start to emphasize perceptive and thoughtful tactics after the start, too. Besides, without giving away too much, there is a Death Star vs. Death Star type battle. Why WOULDN'T you want to watch that?
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Bias Bus on July 17, 2011, 10:06:03 AM
On that note, Darkwing Duck. It's probably one of the most underrated cartoons, but it's awesome.
I'll second this. I grew up with this and would sell a couple organs to see it again.

Releated to this are the other, old Disney cartoons like Talespin, Rescue Rangers, and Goof Troop. There's also Eek the Cat for me, being I usually couldn't catch it that often when it was airing on Fox Kids.

Also Flint the Time Detective.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Iryan on July 17, 2011, 10:14:07 AM
I'll second this. I grew up with this and would sell a couple organs to see it again.

Releated to this are the other, old Disney cartoons like Talespin, Rescue Rangers, and Goof Troop.
This man knows what's what.

Also Flint the Time Detective.
I need more occasions to link this. (
The show was stupid, but in the best possible way~
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 17, 2011, 11:05:43 AM
I feel I should nth Darkwing Duck. It was a significant portion of my Elementary-schoolhood!

Also, given my avatar, I think I oughta recommend Twin Peaks as well. It is a surrealist/supernatural soap opera cleverly disguised as a murder mystery.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: matrilwood on July 17, 2011, 11:54:02 AM
The first season of Digimon. (I never got around to watching 2 and 3)

Even today I still enjoyed watching it. Shame the music killed it though. Seriously, if you listen to the Japanese songs and the English songs, the English songs are tarable, even for late '90s.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Kasu on July 17, 2011, 12:51:08 PM
Already been mentioned, but I loved Darkwing Duck, Beast Wars, and the first and second seasons of Digimon.

Monty Python is cool too. :3

ReBoot was an awesome show too~.  Men and my Dad absolutely love that show.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: FinnKaenbyou on July 17, 2011, 01:23:09 PM
Kasu, you are now a bro.

Seriously one of my first memories is watching that episode with the D&D ripoff. My family can practically recite that episode a capella, but I only saw a few fragments of the first three seasons because the viewing schedule was miserable. It's only been in the last few years I got a chance to actually watch the whole series as it was meant to be, and it's still easily one of my favourite shows ever.

That said, season 4 never happened.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Kilgamayan on July 17, 2011, 01:54:01 PM
I am kind of sad that people would mention Darkwing Duck and nothing else from Disney Afternoon. (At least nothing at least as old as Goof Troop, since I do remember DA going kinda downhill after that.) Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers will forever remain one of my favorite cartoons that I watched at a time where I didn't get the reference.

Also, The Super Globetrotters was hilarious if only for the premise.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Moerin on July 17, 2011, 02:06:09 PM
...I don't really want to admit that it's old.  I practically grew up with it, so admitting that it's old would be like admitting that I am old.  And I'm not old, damn it!  I'm... I'm not old... >.<

Buffy the Vampire Slayer!  I remember... Every week, the family would gather around the TV and watch it.  And... Maybe it's just nostalgia speaking, maybe it's because I've always been a fan of unconventional superhero stories, maybe it's because it was one of the few pieces of solace I had whilst growing up, but... Every time I hear that theme, the moment the organ plays and the wolf howls, I feel a chill up my back.  I'll admit that the first season was incredibly goofy, especially when compared to everything after it, and some of the later episodes were a bit... Questionable (although I did as a whole enjoy the much-maligned season six, even if I do agree that the whole "magic addiction" thing was stupid), but on the whole it had strong storylines all the way through, great action, fun characters, and that tinge of the subversive that I just love to see in anything.  Even to this day, it's my favourite show ever, although again nostalgia may have a big part to play in this as it was a pretty big part of my life whilst I was growing up.

(It's also the reason why I can never take vampires seriously as the all-powerful badass lords of the night, but take from that what you will.)

Oh right, and the spin-off Angel was pretty cool too.  At points it was even better than Buffy, it's darker tone offset by some of the weirdest stuff I'd ever seen on television up to that point (the giant talking hamburger oracle sticks out pretty strongly in that respect).  Man, I just... I just love these shows so very, very much.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Savory on July 17, 2011, 02:26:33 PM
Ranma 1/2

I still get a kick out of watching it.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Rin Kagamine on July 17, 2011, 04:53:32 PM
...I don't really want to admit that it's old.  I practically grew up with it, so admitting that it's old would be like admitting that I am old.  And I'm not old, damn it!  I'm... I'm not old... >.<

Buffy the Vampire Slayer!
It's a show from the 90s and you're younger than me.  You're not old.  Stop it.

Also, I'm pretty disappointed in this thread.  All this talk about cartoons and all of you are forgetting your roots, meaning the old Looney Tunes and associated cartoons from the 40s/50s that defined my childhood (growing up on Cartoon Network as well) and still hold up outside of nostalgia.

Also also, since 10 years counts as old now: Mission Hill was pretty amazing for the limited run it got, what a travesty it got cancelled.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Iryan on July 17, 2011, 05:08:22 PM
Also, I'm pretty disappointed in this thread.  All this talk about cartoons and all of you are forgetting your roots, meaning the old Looney Tunes and associated cartoons from the 40s/50s that defined my childhood (growing up on Cartoon Network as well) and still hold up outside of nostalgia.
Also adding Animaniacs, Pinky & Brain, and Freakazoid.

God how could I forget those.

Also Disney's Gargoyles.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 17, 2011, 05:24:02 PM
The PJs.

This cancellation of this show was when I gave up TV forever.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: The Unlimited RR on July 17, 2011, 06:27:20 PM
-Fist of the North Star SOOOO freaking hard.  It's definitely a great series to watrch whether in the 80's or in this age, and the OVA's that came out the last couple of years have peen pretty great too!
-I sometimes have a habit of watching those old 60's Spider-Man cartoon.  Mostly for narm charm, but it still has some inventive plots here and there.  Just don't watch it for anything good.
-BATMAN Fuckya!
-I've also started watching a bit of CAPTAIN HARLOCK.  It's really a great series to watch.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Moerin on July 17, 2011, 07:34:23 PM
Alright, you want something old?  How about the longest running sci-fi series ever!?  Something that's been running so long that the original episodes are in black and white, and yet still after 48 years and (to this date) seven hundred and seventy-seven episodes it's still full of fresh ideas and still retains the ability to strike awe in those who watch it.

I am, of course, talking about the one, the only, Doctor Who.  I know it's seen as a nerd series elsewhere, but over here it's very mainstream, and ever since it started has been a quintessential cornerstone of British popular culture.  Sure, there's some not so great bits in there, but come on, they can't all be winners, especially when you have so many episodes, but for every bad episode there's about a dozen great ones.  The special effects in the old series can be pretty cheesy at times, but that's really part of the charm.  Added to this is one of the greatest rogues gallery ever seen, including such classic villains as the Daleks, the Cybermen, and of course everyone's favourite renegade Time Lord and magnificent bastard par excellence, The Master.

Oh, and there's also that goofy time travelling alien guy, I guess.  He's always good for some laughs. >.>  Seriously though, the Doctor is one of the greatest characters of British fiction, a classic trickster archetype who prefers to outwit his opponents rather than overpower them, aided by neat gadgets including one of the most iconic time machines ever and his signature sonic screwdriver, and topped with a stroke of genius plot point that allows him to keep coming back no matter how long the show lasts.

Seriously, a show doesn't get to last that long and be brought back for another round due to immense public demand without doing at least something right.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 17, 2011, 08:07:47 PM
Despite every effort of RTD.

Sad thing about Doctor Who, though, is that some of the episodes simply no longer exist, due to the originals being lost or destroyed. Luckily, I don't think any of the lost episodes were really important ones.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Tamer Anode/Cathode on July 17, 2011, 10:25:33 PM
Luckily, I don't think any of the lost episodes were really important ones.
...uh, last part of The Tenth Planet? The episode that featured William Hartnell's regeneration?
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Mimachiro on July 17, 2011, 10:37:08 PM
If you want something that's old and good, Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. We watched it every week, all of us. We dropped out around Voyager, coming back for the last few episodes and Enterprise, but TNG and DS9 were what I grew up with. I would always hum the intro themes to each, I enjoyed the series so much.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Phlegeth on July 17, 2011, 10:52:24 PM
Yes, Batman!  Yes, Darkwing Duck!  Yes, Digimon!  Yes, Gargoyles!  Yes, G Gundam!  This is like one huge nostalgia rush.  Batman and G Gundam popped in my head from reading the title alone.  Also Rugrats.  They snuck some jokes in that kids would not get.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Hello Purvis on July 17, 2011, 11:30:49 PM
...uh, last part of The Tenth Planet? The episode that featured William Hartnell's regeneration?

Well fuck me.

Also:   Callin' DS9 and TNG old? Fuckin' kids...
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Thata no Guykoro on July 18, 2011, 12:30:30 AM
Despite every effort of RTD.

Sad thing about Doctor Who, though, is that some of the episodes simply no longer exist, due to the originals being lost or destroyed. Luckily, I don't think any of the lost episodes were really important ones.
Apparently all of them have audio recordings preserved though, so there's that at least.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Tengukami on July 18, 2011, 12:34:37 AM
Also, I'm pretty disappointed in this thread.  All this talk about cartoons and all of you are forgetting your roots, meaning the old Looney Tunes and associated cartoons from the 40s/50s that defined my childhood (growing up on Cartoon Network as well) and still hold up outside of nostalgia.

Does Looney Tunes count? I mean, it's an institution. They set the standards for what animated comedy is. Chuck Jones and Michael Maltese have long ago ascended to godhood, bestowing good tidings and blessings upon the world's cartoons.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: ふとくていなねこじょおう on July 18, 2011, 12:45:35 AM
Everything in old Cartoon Network. MAN do I miss the Power Puff Girls.

Reboot. I freaking loved that show.

And Super Pig. It was the only reason I woke up early on Saturday mornings. Just to watch that show with my sisters.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Yugian on July 18, 2011, 12:57:24 AM
Utawarerumono. It is beyond epic, amazing and f-ing hilarious. XD
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Mr. Sacchi on July 18, 2011, 01:52:39 AM
Digimon in general, especially Tamers, oh god Tamers  :ohdear:

As much as I love digimon though, Savers (Season 5) and Xros Wars (Season 6) never happened to me, Savers is a-ok, just not in the same level as the rest, Xros Wars is silly, at best, at the very best, the series did go kind of downhill after tamers, though Frontier (Season 4) was still bearable.

I still didn't get around to re-watching seasons 1, 2 and 3, though I did see the movie and a few of the OVAs, actually, I have the movie. My childhood is saved in that VHS.

Aside from that, the early seasons of Pok?mon, Shaman King, Dragonball in general (Especially GT, oh god that intro song still makes me cry) and... that's it.

Also if someone here besides me doesn't mention the digivolution theme for Digimon Season 1, "Brave Heart" I will kill all of you.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Rin Kagamine on July 18, 2011, 04:42:30 AM
Does Looney Tunes count? I mean, it's an institution. They set the standards for what animated comedy is. Chuck Jones and Michael Maltese have long ago ascended to godhood, bestowing good tidings and blessings upon the world's cartoons.
It may be an institute, but I think it stands because it was very conventional, consistent and relatively short-lived.  They didn't often experiment with things too different.

Utawarerumono. It is beyond epic, amazing and f-ing hilarious. XD
This is only 5 years ago, it's just like saying Higurashi or Haruhi is old.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Tengukami on July 18, 2011, 04:59:05 AM
M*A*S*H was also a good series, although it changed form with time. It took place during the Korean War, and started as this screwball comedy, but then started to have more introspective arcs about how war affects the occupiers and the occupied. The final episode was one of the most watched episodes in television history, too, and was viewed by almost half the population of the US at the time.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Yugian on July 18, 2011, 05:22:58 AM
This is only 5 years ago, it's just like saying Higurashi or Haruhi is old.

Ah. Its been mostly abandoned, if not all of it, so i guess i jumped the gun there. sorry.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Rin Kagamine on July 18, 2011, 05:40:19 AM
Ah. Its been mostly abandoned, if not all of it, so i guess i jumped the gun there. sorry.
's cool man, I'm mostly just amazed at the different perceptions the internet has of what's considered old.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Yugian on July 18, 2011, 05:54:40 AM
's cool man, I'm mostly just amazed at the different perceptions the internet has of what's considered old.
Culture evolves fast on the internet. Sadly, not in all the best ways... but eh. Need for speed now a day's. *See's this more in video games*
I personally believe something is old when its been mostly abandoned or been around a generation personally.
Another one which im pretty sure is "Old" nowaday's is FLCL? (Fooly cooly?)
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: onions on July 21, 2011, 03:28:54 AM
Also, given my avatar, I think I oughta recommend Twin Peaks as well. It is a surrealist/supernatural soap opera cleverly disguised as a murder mystery.

Oh my god I'm going through Twin Peaks with a friend right now and it is so. much. fun. Watch this.

Also POWER RANGERS just got dumped on Netflix, go watch that for massive cheesy 90s entertainment value. I'm halfway through In Space!  :]
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Moerin on July 23, 2011, 05:31:53 PM
Also POWER RANGERS just got dumped on Netflix, go watch that for massive cheesy 90s entertainment value. I'm halfway through In Space!  :]
Oh wow, I've been meaning to rewatch that for a looooooooong ti-

>.<  Ugh, just as bad as Hulu...

Um... Anyways, on a lighter note...

So, at the urging of someone who thought it might help inspire me with a project I've been working on recently, I started watching a mid-nineties MTV cartoon called The Maxx.  I was a little reluctant to do so at first, seeing how it's based on an early 90s Image comic and all (although apparently it was one of the better things to come out of early Image), but I thought hey, it's only 13 ten minute episodes, so it's not like it'd be wasting too much time.

After watching through over half of it's run, I'm already pretty glad I decided to give it a try.  It's a pretty dark show, but it has this whole weird metaphysics to it that really draws me in as it constantly switches from the dark, gritty real world to a strange dreamworld that looks like some kind of warped version of the Australian outback populated by bizarre creatures.  I'm kinda glad I didn't catch this during it's initial run, as I know I wouldn't have understood the first thing about what was going on and would probably have hated it, as it touches on quite a few themes that would be difficult for a child to follow.  One thing I really love about it, though, is the animation and artwork.  It's like a comic book that's came to life, and the way it all flows looks incredibly impressive even by today's standards.  If you're ever in the mood for some mid-ninties weirdness, you could do far worse than checking out The Maxx.

...Hey, the title only said old shows, not ones that you personally have nostalgia for. >.>
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: nintendonut888 on July 23, 2011, 06:43:04 PM
Magic School Bus. That show taught me some things that I didn't end up learning until high school, even if just the basics. Not only that, but as a grown up the awkward and contrived plots (a mechanic allegedly going to win an award is trying to tow away the bus, which is stalled because of a peanut butter sandwich he ate while taking a look at the hood) have an entirely different kind of fun than when I was a kid.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: ♛ Apher-Forte on July 24, 2011, 05:08:32 AM
If you have never watched Gatekeepers (NOT Gatekeepers 21) do watch it.

(because 21 is basically a bad ending)

It is one of those old animu that I really liked, it is old not just in that case that it was set in 1960s, but it is basically the yell out your heart and pump your fists kinda awesome old.

Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: ふねん1 on July 27, 2011, 04:25:40 AM
Glad to see I'm not the only one who would mention Digimon here. I like Tamers in particular, if you can call 10 years ago as being "old". It's one of those things where, despite being exposed to some of its darker aspects earlier in my childhood, I was only able to better understand them after growing older (for instance, I'm much more sensitive to death now). There's also being a bit more familiar with the inspirations (i.e. Lovecraft) behind the main villains, among other things, and knowing the background for all this makes me appreciate the Tamers universe more.

There are quite a few other series mentioned in this thread (too many to list) whose names I recall from my distant past, however I actually don't remember too many details about most of them. I was better at retaining memories of video games than TV shows back then.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: gammaraptor on August 04, 2011, 05:59:39 PM
Pokemon =D
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: KFCbbQ on August 04, 2011, 06:12:53 PM
I remember watching the first Digimon movie in theater, i even bought the DVD lol, ah childhood memories. =p

Oh and I want to recommend Hunter X Hunter to everyone
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Phlegeth on August 05, 2011, 03:55:04 AM
I remember watching the first Digimon movie in theater, i even bought the DVD lol, ah childhood memories. =p

That's so weird, I was going through an old DVD case earlier this week and there was that movie staring at me.  I forgot that movie had a bitchin' soundtrack.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: ♛ Apher-Forte on August 05, 2011, 04:29:15 PM
watching Appleseed (the new series now airing) I am reminded of exactly how awesome Shirow-inspired anime can be, and I think about it now, watching any of them is as good entertainment as they always will be.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: Grimarg on August 14, 2011, 01:10:47 AM
I would add (sorry if anybody said this earlier) SDF Macross, It's the first anime that I ever saw, back when I was a little kid, and it blew my mind.
Title: Re: Old series that are cool to watch even now?
Post by: onions on August 15, 2011, 02:11:13 AM
Remembered this series the other day, so I'll just leave this here.