Author Topic: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure  (Read 238944 times)

Hello Purvis

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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #510 on: November 06, 2017, 05:38:32 AM »
> "No, but if you're talking, I'm listening."

>"Fair's fair," she says. "Well, from what I've heard through the grape vine, no one knows who's responsible for this whole thing.  The Association isn't happy that this snuck up on them, the Einzberns are furious that someone's poached on their territory. The old families are all in a tizzy about some new upstart managing to sneak up on them. I hear it's nothing but snifters being thrown and fingers being pointed. As for the Church, well, they're playing it close to their vest. If they know something, they certainly aren't telling the Association. Which is what always happens, really. No one knows how the selection happened, or why."



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #511 on: November 06, 2017, 06:09:43 AM »
> "Great...well, that sounds like an even better reason to not fight. It sounds like somebody's jerking us around."
> "I'm willing to walk away if you are. I just want to keep moving towards the Grail until I find out what's going on."

Hello Purvis

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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #512 on: November 06, 2017, 06:14:31 AM »
> "Great...well, that sounds like an even better reason to not fight. It sounds like somebody's jerking us around."
> "I'm willing to walk away if you are. I just want to keep moving towards the Grail until I find out what's going on."

>"Every Grail War is just people being jerked around," says the older woman. "The whole point is you jerk back hard enough that you win. You did know that, when you joined the whole thing? You can't just do it by accident."
>"Let's not antagonize her, Eileen," says the servant.



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #513 on: November 06, 2017, 06:39:08 AM »
I'll omit a thoughtful answer to that because I'm sure Lily's thought process was a lot different when people besides me were playing her.

> Glower. "Do you want to do this now or not?"

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #514 on: November 06, 2017, 06:48:33 AM »
> Glower. "Do you want to do this now or not?"

>"Oh, kitten has some teeth!" says Eileen with a snicker.
>"Eileen, please," says the servant.



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #515 on: November 06, 2017, 03:26:11 PM »
> "Even your servant thinks it's a bad idea."
> "He must be Caster, right? I don't think a Saber would carry a gun."

Hello Purvis

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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #516 on: November 06, 2017, 05:37:42 PM »
> "Even your servant thinks it's a bad idea."
> "He must be Caster, right? I don't think a Saber would carry a gun."

>"Oh, he just really doesn't care for the war part of the grail war," says the older woman.
>"Don't make her think I'm a coward, I'm no coward," the servant says. "There's just no need for all these petty little jabs and things."
>"No one thinks you're a coward, dearie," says Eileen. "But I do need my fun.
>"I think he's a coward," Archer sends to you. "But i won't say it, since you're trying to make good-nice with these people."
>You inquire about the servant's class, and she snickers again. "Poor kitten, it must be hard when your servant gives away the game so quickly!"


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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #517 on: November 06, 2017, 05:43:03 PM »
Avenger's a possibility, innit? Or did that get ruled out earlier?
The only thing this dimension does well is show its ass. We might as well applaud it! - Albert Burneko

Well, this game happened.


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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #518 on: November 07, 2017, 04:14:35 AM »
I suppose he could be! I have no idea what abilities Avengers have, though. Also, Lily probably doesn't know about the non-standard classes.

> Do we know about the non-standard classes?
> @Archer: "If he's a Caster, he's probably not keen on fighting outside his territory...this is just a guess, but since she doesn't really care that her servant's not into this, I'm thinking that she's a pretty strong magus and she was just planning on killing me personally."
> @Archer, out loud: "Uh oh, she figured out you're an Archer. Looks like we're gonna need a new plan."

Hello Purvis

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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #519 on: November 07, 2017, 04:44:30 AM »
> Do we know about the non-standard classes?
> @Archer: "If he's a Caster, he's probably not keen on fighting outside his territory...this is just a guess, but since she doesn't really care that her servant's not into this, I'm thinking that she's a pretty strong magus and she was just planning on killing me personally."
> @Archer, out loud: "Uh oh, she figured out you're an Archer. Looks like we're gonna need a new plan."

>You do not. It seems contradictory to the whole affair. But at the same time, magi love to cheat.
>"Got it. If she tries anything hostile, I'll put an arrow through her face." Archer sends.
>"And here I thought the pincushion trick was safe," says Archer.
>"You're cute," says Eileen. "But I wouldn't be so eager to make promises you can't deliver."



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #520 on: November 07, 2017, 05:08:59 AM »
> "Look, I'm getting kind of angry, so you can consider me sufficiently taunted. Are we done here?"

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #521 on: November 07, 2017, 05:23:08 AM »
> "Look, I'm getting kind of angry, so you can consider me sufficiently taunted. Are we done here?"

>"Just a minute," says Eileen.
>A series of events follows. You can see Eileen reaching for something. Archer raises her bow and fires. Perhaps a fraction of a second later, the enemy servant raises his gun and fires, the sound reverberating through the forest. Archer's arrow falls to the ground in pieces.
>Unhindered; Eileen produces a small glass vial with some kind of yellowish substance in it and moves to toss it in your direction!



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #522 on: November 07, 2017, 05:49:01 AM »

Hello Purvis

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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #523 on: November 07, 2017, 06:02:52 AM »

>You cast the wall spell with practiced grace; the reagents hit the ground before the vial does, the wall springs up perfectly. You would be proud of yourself in any other situation.
>Archer fires off another arrow, trying to hit the vial, and this one too is intercepted, then another that is also caught. She tries to fire two more at Eileen, both of them are cut down, before she has to move as the enemy servant takes aim at her and fires again.
>The vial hits the wall and shatters, and a noxious-looking cloud of reddish gas begins to billow up from it.
>Eileen revs up her ATV's engine and takes off, starting to head northward, toward your car.



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #524 on: November 07, 2017, 06:25:14 AM »
> Back off from the gas, but do our best to keep a tree between us and the enemy servant.
> "Aaaaa, damnit! Don't touch my car!"
> @Archer: "Use your Noble Phantasm and catch up to them! Sneak up and knife her if you have to!"

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #525 on: November 07, 2017, 06:35:09 AM »
> Back off from the gas, but do our best to keep a tree between us and the enemy servant.
> "Aaaaa, damnit! Don't touch my car!"
> @Archer: "Use your Noble Phantasm and catch up to them! Sneak up and knife her if you have to!"

>You back away from the gas as it spreads. You notice the grass it touches is withering visibly.
>"I don't know!" Archer replies, as she bolts after them. "I don't know if he's an Archer too or not! it's bugging me, though!"



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #526 on: November 07, 2017, 07:00:38 AM »
> Follow Archer, try to move from one defensible position to another. Have another Wall on hand in case we need to do this trench warfare-style.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #527 on: November 07, 2017, 07:23:19 AM »
> Follow Archer, try to move from one defensible position to another. Have another Wall on hand in case we need to do this trench warfare-style.

>There is currently a cloud of gas cutting you off from Archer. How will you be getting around this?



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #528 on: November 07, 2017, 02:55:58 PM »
Just to clarify, they attacked from the south, so if they're heading north and the gas is in the way, does that mean they haven't passed us yet?

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #529 on: November 07, 2017, 05:27:50 PM »
You have been passed, the gas is spreading in every direction, and is going to be in the way if you just take a straight line.


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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #530 on: November 08, 2017, 04:30:45 AM »
I am confused. Please alter this map to correctly reflect what is happening.


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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #531 on: November 08, 2017, 05:03:56 AM »
Okay, after consulting with purvis in IRC:

> Obviously, going where the gas is not is a priority.
> Try to move northeast-ish until the cloud is sufficiently behind us. If it might overtake us just go straight east.
> @Archer: "I gotta get away from this gas, I'll be behind you after!"

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #532 on: November 08, 2017, 05:16:21 AM »
> Obviously, going where the gas is not is a priority.
> Try to move northeast-ish until the cloud is sufficiently behind us. If it might overtake us just go straight east.
> @Archer: "I gotta get away from this gas, I'll be behind you after!"

>You move toward the northeast, as the awful reddish cloud continues to billow out. The woods this way is not particularly remarkable compared to anything else you've dealt with.
>"Just keep safe!" Archer sends back.
>Archer dashes after the escaping vehicle, moving as quickly as her legs can carry her. Though faster than any human can really hope to achieve, the vehicle continues to pull away. The servant calm reloads his gun, keeping a wary eye on Archer. Part of her wants to stop and fire right there, but she knows the effort would wasted at the moment and cost her speed in exchange for a moment's satisfaction. Even if she can't keep up with them, she could at least keep track on them. And as soon as she could invoke her noble phantasm...
>The vehicle slows, and the servant leaps hops off of it, turning toward Archer with pistol raised. She immediately banks toward the right, reading the angle of the pistol's muzzle and trying to anticipate it as well as she can, but he does not take the opportunity to fire, instead keeping track of her as the ATV picks up speed and leaves him behind.
>"The servant just got off the vehicle, Master!" she sends to Lily, "Should I take the fight to him or what?"



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #533 on: November 08, 2017, 05:27:57 AM »
> "Unless you can dodge every bullet until he runs out, I think you don't have a choice!"
> "We can probably track the ATV after!"

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #534 on: November 08, 2017, 05:52:05 AM »
> "Unless you can dodge every bullet until he runs out, I think you don't have a choice!"
> "We can probably track the ATV after!"

>Archer dives to the right, a fraction of a moment before the servant's pistol cracks, sending a clod of dirt flying into the air behind her. He sighs, "I'm real sorry about this." He takes aim and fires again, as Archer tucks into a roll. This one just barely nicks her back, tearing a hole in her cloak. She rolls onto her feet and springs back up, coming into a dash and trying to keep the sudden flash of pain from bothering her. She was still confident, his aim wasn't perfect, and his gun certainly wasn't as dangerous as Assassin's. He was holding back, that much was certain. Then again, so was she. Was he testing her, or buying time for his master? Perhaps both.
>"You sound like you spilled some milk!" Archer says as she nocks an arrow and sends it flying in the other servant's direction. She doesn't even bother to really aim, something like that wasn't going to be a menace to him, but rather to force him to do something other than aim at her! A third shot, this one at the arrow itself. Archer suppresses a smirk as she changes direction, before a fourth shot comes at where she would have been.
>"I didn't want things to come to this," the servant says, sending a fifth shot toward Archer; she weaves low as he pulls the trigger, the bullet sails over her. She charges toward him. He keeps his pistol out, taking aim, waiting. "But that's how this war goes, I suppose."
>Archer closes in. He didn't seem particularly strong, maybe she could tackle him? Maybe aim high, to throw him off? No, a low strike would be best, but perhaps that's exactly why it should be avoided. The pistol stays trained on her, she weaves and bobs, keeping expert balance as she runs,  But soon the motions wouldn't be enough to throw off his aim. Maybe this was a mistake, maybe he was more patient that she thought? Maybe he was scared? No, impossible.
>Should Archer:
>>Go low
>>Go high


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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #535 on: November 08, 2017, 06:02:55 AM »
>Go high.
Did you bring a light?

Smash the Fash; The far right belongs in the TRASH.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #536 on: November 08, 2017, 06:18:07 AM »
>Go high.

>Archer committed to her plan. If he fired now it would definitely put her at a disadvantage, but it is too late to worry about something like that. She closes in, and her foot snaps upward with the grace of a pro football kicker, sailing right for his chest. At the same time, his right hand sails for her face! Her foot connects, and she can ell his fist, and the cold metal of his pistol, collide with her jaw, made all the worse for her momentum! The world spins for a moment, by instinct she twists in midair; she can hear him hit the forest ground as well as she comes down hard on all fours. The pistol looms before her face! she throws herself to her side as the sixth shot rings out, she can feel it breeze past her ear.
>Archer rolls, coming up in a crouch, as the enemy servant gets back up to his feet.
>Should Archer:
>>Press the attack
>>Draw back and regain her footing
>You push forward, leaving the noxious red cloud behind. Gunshots rang out, not far away. There's no word from Archer yet, but you're confident that she's doing reasonably well. Of greater concern, however, is that the sound of the ATV is getting louder.



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #537 on: November 09, 2017, 03:48:27 AM »
>> Press the attack. More distance is not what Archer needs.

> Deeply lament not knowing any actual attack magic.
> Get another Wall reagent in one hand, and a mana vial in the other. Whatever our next shot is, we'll make it count.
> Are there any trees or other terrain large enough to fully obscure us from the north?

I'm considering trying out Blind here, but since she's (presumably) a stronger magus than us we'll need to really put some juice into it to make it work. Another option is catching the ATV with Forbidden Zone (maybe a mudpit?)

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #538 on: November 09, 2017, 04:14:29 AM »
>> Press the attack. More distance is not what Archer needs.

> Deeply lament not knowing any actual attack magic.
> Get another Wall reagent in one hand, and a mana vial in the other. Whatever our next shot is, we'll make it count.
> Are there any trees or other terrain large enough to fully obscure us from the north?

I'm considering trying out Blind here, but since she's (presumably) a stronger magus than us we'll need to really put some juice into it to make it work. Another option is catching the ATV with Forbidden Zone (maybe a mudpit?)

>You one read in a fantasy book that one may kill with magic, supposedly, but a gentleman never would. Kind of irony that some foreign nob is the first to really try it...
>You prepare another wall spell and grab one of your vials. Looking around, there are several trees large enough that you can probably hide behind them.
>Archer springs forward, practically pouncing on the other servant. Not having time to grab a dagger, she instead aims a fist right at his groin. The other servant tries to dance back, but he hasn't quite found his footing yet and stumbles. Still, Archer's attack falls short, but it allows her to close distance and find her own way to her feet as she rests her weight on her other hand, then pushes off the ground. With a quick motion, she dismisses her bow and pulls out the two daggers in her belt. Not having time to reload, the other instead flips his gun around his hand, holding it by the barrel, and draws a knife from his belt, taking a step back as he does. Its blade is black and comes to curiously tapered point, Archer recognizes it as a modern military weapon via the knowledge given to her by the Grail system.
>She lunges, leading low with her right hand. She doesn't expect the attack to find his flesh, rather it is to force him to act so that she can capitalize on it. He moves, his knife coming down to intercept it. Unexpected, she anticipated him to pivot, but that's fine. Her other hand comes upward, aiming for the underside of the taller man's jaw; his pistol swoops in to bat the attack away. Carefully hiding her frustration, she presses onward, keeping him on the defensive as her knives darts high, low, toward his sides. Each time, he interceptions them. There's no martial art involved with this, she quickly becomes certain, rather he is simply anticipating her attacks and deflecting them.
>"No wonder you could shoot down my arrows so well!" she hisses, grinning at the man. Fighting face to face like this, it wasn't something she did often. And against this guy, she felt reasonably safe from dirty tricks, it just didn't feel like his style. and however well he could block, he definitely didn't have time to do anything else. It is a question of stamina, or perhaps cleverness....
>"You're pretty vicious, ma'am," he says back. "It's a shame we have to do this, but I can't let Eileen down!"
>Should Archer:
>>Continue to press the attack
>>Attempt to hit him with an unanticipated attack
>>Disengage and open up some range



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #539 on: November 09, 2017, 06:27:09 AM »
> Hide ourselves completely behind a large tree, and listen for the sound of the ATV's approach. We'll decide what to do based on how close she comes to passing us.

>> Attempt to hit him with an unanticipated attack. Gotta make something happen here.