Author Topic: Touhou Inquisition  (Read 12473 times)


Touhou Inquisition
« on: September 14, 2015, 12:03:37 AM »
The Touhou Inquisition.

> You are Mother Teresa.

> A 26 year old Catholic promoted to Archbishop in preparation for your mission to establish a Catholic Christianity mission within this magical land. Since you were old enough to learn your spanish father,

> Manuel taught you basics the of magic in preparation for this mission, however due to the nature of the human world as he said you couldn't execute very powerful spells. But you did learn basics such as how to project basic projectiles that could lightly warm up skin and levitate a couple feet off of the ground. He did inform you that that these abilities would be much more useful within the magical land. Levitation was the hardest ability for you to learn and you could barely move while doing it. You can find other people with a pulse that allows you to locate other humans, and being a devoted priestess allows you to feel the presence of demons.

> You've been given a few supplies to aid your journey. Primarily a lance which you've been informed will be primary used for air combat and it'll also speed up your aerial movement as well. You've also been given heavy enchanted plate armor which you've been informed will keep you safe from both magic and physical attacks, however it slows you down on the ground greatly and because of that you've been given a war horse. It allows you to keep good pace.

> You've also been given 7 priests to aid you in establishing the mission, they can't fly but they are currently very devoted to this mission, they all have one form of magical specialty. From aid to offense.

> You and your flock of 7 priests has snuck through the Japanese nation up to a mountain like valley where your father told you to hold up crystal embroidered silver cross he's given you to gain entrance into Gensokyo. Doing so appears to burn a hole into the air... large enough for you and your flock to enter. On the other side you are in a much more green forest within this Gensokyo land it seems.

Please feel free to chose the family's last name and lets go. This will be the first game I'll be running hopefully, and not into the ground as well.

> Current church emblem.

« Last Edit: September 15, 2015, 07:54:55 PM by Der_Bright_Poster »

Re: Touhou Inquisition
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2015, 02:48:04 AM »
We're playing as MOTHER TERESA?



>What family?
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi


  • Hiding from LoLK spoilers
Re: Touhou Inquisition
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2015, 03:44:30 AM »
>More information on the 7 priests (names, personalities, relationships, abilities)

>Take a good look at our new surroundings

Failure McFailFace

  • I'm h...a...p...p...y...
  • Impor
Re: Touhou Inquisition
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2015, 04:17:59 AM »
1cc Easy: DDC (all) | 1cc Normal: UFO (SanA autobomb),  DDC (ReiA, SakA) , LoLK (Sanae PD)| EX clears: DDC (MarB Ultra) | Puzzle Games: StB: 10-X, DS: Hatate unlock, ISC: All clear

Re: Touhou Inquisition
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2015, 06:08:15 AM »
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi

Re: Touhou Inquisition
« Reply #5 on: September 14, 2015, 06:12:46 PM »
>Examine the extent of magical abilities by attempting to firing a single cross-shaped projectile into the air above us.

Re: Touhou Inquisition
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2015, 06:40:41 PM »
>What do we know about Gensokyo and local customs?


  • Hiding from LoLK spoilers
Re: Touhou Inquisition
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2015, 06:41:03 PM »
>Kneel down, take a handful of dirt, and dedicate this land for Christ


Re: Touhou Inquisition
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2015, 08:34:24 PM »
We're playing as MOTHER TERESA?



>What family?

> Okay your family name is Sakamoto, you are Mother Teresa Sakamoto. You may add more names.

> You've been raised solely by your father, you don't know your mother. Your father told you she was a very beautiful, strong, and independent woman. She died from birth complications from what he's told you.

>More information on the 7 priests (names, personalities, relationships, abilities)

>Take a good look at our new surroundings

> The 7 priests, you met them just as you left for Japan and Gensokyo.
The first priest who you have a good feeling you'll get along with is Sancho No?. He is dressed in all red. His speciality is support magic. His magic will bolster your strength and increase your speed. (Offense +20%, Speed +30%) This is the priest of diligence that the church has chosen to be sent with you. He carries what is known as a mobile church. Contained within a box, that will quickly assemble once the box is opened. It was created based off of the myth of Pandora's box. Next is Gasparo Bernardo you have a feeling that that Gasparo will be a good friend. His magic will improve your persuasiveness. (Banter +15%, +10% to coercing and persuading.) He is the priest of Charity that the church has sent with you, he is dressed in all blue. The final support priest is Efra?n Attilio, he is only slightly less friendly to you then the other others. He is the priest of kindness and he should be placed in charge of keeping the party's morale, he is dressed in all yellow.
The first, offensive, Priest is Fabio Demetrio. His relationship to you's lukewarm. His ability will allow him to soak up the offenses of enemies. (-200% attack, +200% Defense.) He is the priest of patience and is dressed in all white. The next is Remigio Dar?o, he's the priest of humility. It seems like a friendship between you two would bloom.  His ability will prevent the parties egos in check, preventing in fighting, he is dressed in all green. Tulio Ricardo, the priest of temperance. He is kind to you as he is too all the others as well. His ability is to heal wounds or remove poisons. He is dressed in Purple. Last but not least is Lino Saturnino. The oranged dressed priest of temperance. His ability allows to think unhindered by the events around you and passively protect you from mental attacks.

> TL;DT relationships within the party, warm to great. So far.

> The forest around you seems calm with just the occasional far off rustle of foliage so far. The weather is great.


>Yes this almost entirely a secret known only to a small amount of Catholic church officials, within a small branch within Italy and Spain.

> The relationship between you and your father in your own opinion is that it is great. He's someone you look up to and actively attempt to impress. This mission would sure have to do that if you do well at this mission. You've told no one else this or expressed this to anyone, but you do find your father slightly attractive with him being the male that you have been around for almost your entire life.

>Examine the extent of magical abilities by attempting to firing a single cross-shaped projectile into the air above us.

> You fire a barrage of 2 Cross-shaped projectiles, they quickly dissipate a decent distance above you. (Overall magic proficiency is equal to that of a stage 4 boss.)

>What do we know about Gensokyo and local customs?

> You don't know anything about Gensokyo other than the fact that it's a den for devils, as said by your father. You know nothing about the local customs aside from the fact they're mainly japanese like.  You know absolutely nothing about Japanese culture, you feel that you're foreigner in strange lands. Your father told you that you were to bring western religion and culture to this land to civilize the peoples and liberate them from the demons.

>Kneel down, take a handful of dirt, and dedicate this land for Christ

> You can't kneel down while on top of your horse but you can plant a church emblem on banner. You pull out a banner from what was originally an arrow quiver and thud it into the ground. Marking this area. No this land as church territory.

> Please feel free to select the colors of the church. The color of the crosses on the banner and the color of the background.


  • Hiding from LoLK spoilers
Re: Touhou Inquisition
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2015, 09:05:17 PM »

Kyo Tanaka

  • Don't worry Sakuya, I will (Uuu~♥) protect you...
Re: Touhou Inquisition
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2015, 10:35:10 PM »
>Spread the words and love of our lord and savior to the nearest inhabited land!

>Any equipment and/or tools for protection against the demons?

Re: Touhou Inquisition
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2015, 11:45:18 PM »
Yes. This. So much.

>Look around and determine whether there are any paths that lead away from this forest. WE'VE GOT CHRISTIANITY TO SPREAD!

Yumemi would be proud.

Re: Touhou Inquisition
« Reply #12 on: September 15, 2015, 12:37:57 AM »
>Check out the status of our equipment.
>Try to check if land is fertile for farming
Look around to see any Heretic that dare insults the God Emprah!

Re: Touhou Inquisition
« Reply #13 on: September 15, 2015, 01:18:51 PM »
The first, offensive, Priest is Fabio Demetrio. ... His ability will allow him to soak up the offenses of enemies. (-200% attack, +200% Defense.)
Huh? So his attacks heal on hit? Why is he offensive then?

>What are we carrying with us? (tools, food, equipment, etc.)
>What are our teammates equipped with?
>What can we do with our magic, aside from levitation, no-damage projectiles and locating humans/demons?


Re: Touhou Inquisition
« Reply #14 on: September 15, 2015, 07:52:47 PM »

> That's now officially the church emblem.

>Spread the words and love of our lord and savior to the nearest inhabited land!

>Any equipment and/or tools for protection against the demons?

> Quieting your mind and feeling for the nearest large gathering of humanity you detect a decent sized settlement about a couple dozen miles to the east. You feel that you might be able to reach it by foot in the early afternoon if things go well on the trip through the light forest.

> You have your heavy platemail armor, enchanted to be more resistant to both physical and magical attacks. Your holy lance which will improve your aerial speeds when equipped. You have a couple of medkits on your horse. You have no food or water packed, you are expected to acquire food from the locals or forage for it.

Yes. This. So much.

>Look around and determine whether there are any paths that lead away from this forest. WE'VE GOT CHRISTIANITY TO SPREAD!

Yumemi would be proud.

> You have a good feeling that flying for yourself could possibly be faster than walking by foot, however that'd leave your flock behind.

>Check out the status of our equipment.
>Try to check if land is fertile for farming
Look around to see any Heretic that dare insults the God Emprah!

> You check your equipments status. Everything's brand new, cleaned and polished for the tasks ahead.

> To any sort of farming operation would require a large workforce and a lot of materials to construct an area for farming. Checking the soil would require a bit of time causing your expedition to reach the nearest settlement possibly later into the night.  2 votes (excluding SerB) in favor of this decision are required to follow it through.

> You glance around in total focus for anything you can quickly crush with great zeal for the ILLUSTRIOUS GOD EMPEROR!

Huh? So his attacks heal on hit? Why is he offensive then?

>What are we carrying with us? (tools, food, equipment, etc.)
>What are our teammates equipped with?
>What can we do with our magic, aside from levitation, no-damage projectiles and locating humans/demons?

> His attacks will barely scratch enemies or allies, not heal them. He's labeled as offensive because he meant to be used to tank on coming attacks.

> You are carrying your, weapons, armor, a quiver filled emblems for your church, a small sack for carrying smaller item, such as, vials, foodstuffs, and so forth, aside from your lance in case you end up disarmed you have your trusty cavalry saber strapped to your right leg. You have no food. You have your horse which it's equipped with barding.

> They all have their colored priests robes and lastly the same type of sack you were given. The priest of diligence was given the mobile church's box which is supposed to be deployed within or near to a settlement within this land.

> You believe your father also intended for you to learn much more powerful area affecting spells from what he taught to you. Also your attacks can apparently do more than what they did while you were on the outside of Gensokyo. You also might be able to fly better from what you would expect.

Re: Touhou Inquisition
« Reply #15 on: September 18, 2015, 09:27:02 PM »
>Is there a back entrance to the Japanese castle?
>What do we know about the castle?
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi


Re: Touhou Inquisition
« Reply #16 on: September 18, 2015, 10:27:38 PM »
>Is there a back entrance to the Japanese castle?
>What do we know about the castle?

Um? Did you mispost this by accident?


  • Hiding from LoLK spoilers
Re: Touhou Inquisition
« Reply #17 on: September 19, 2015, 12:12:27 AM »
I don't mind staying to sample the soil if anyone wants to, but since the thread has been quiet for a few days...

>Continue on towards the settlement. Stop if we notice anyone in the forest, so we can properly greet them.
>Keep an eye out for Japanese castles

Re: Touhou Inquisition
« Reply #18 on: September 19, 2015, 03:15:51 AM »
Um? Did you mispost this by accident?
I was just trying to prevent this thread from dying.
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi

Re: Touhou Inquisition
« Reply #19 on: September 19, 2015, 04:11:40 AM »
>Continue to nearest settlement.
>take out holy bible and read to kill time.

The Hating Hater

  • What's the deal?
  • YO~!
Re: Touhou Inquisition
« Reply #20 on: September 19, 2015, 04:44:18 AM »
> If the horse doesn't have a name, name it Steve.


Turn 3
« Reply #21 on: September 19, 2015, 05:44:05 AM »
> Okay this thread is back to life and I will reply more frequently to it. I've decide to step my professionalism and create character profiles for each of the priests plus Teresa.

I don't mind staying to sample the soil if anyone wants to, but since the thread has been quiet for a few days...

>Continue on towards the settlement. Stop if we notice anyone in the forest, so we can properly greet them.
>Keep an eye out for Japanese castles

> Starting off towards the settlement the christian expedition moves at a great pace. Estimated time of arrival 3:00 Pm Current time  6:00 Am every turn time will advance hour 6 until i'd make sense for it to otherwise, 1 turn remaining as you move towards the settlement. 6 AM to 12 PM.

> You keep an eye out for structures that may be used as a fortification The . This section of forest seems rather undeveloped, you can feel with your sense aside from the local wildlife and demons your own expedition, a signature religious in nature that is a short distance away it probably is an artifact of sorts you can probably assume.

I was just trying to prevent this thread from dying.

Think you that is much appreciated.  :)

>Continue to nearest settlement.
>take out holy bible and read to kill time.

> The expedition is currently moving towards detected points of interest.

> You actually don't have a copy of the Holy Bible as your father kept the only he had to himself when he left. You however have remembered the entire script of the book as your father told you remember the Bible in order to draw from its wisdom at anytime. You could remember it from start or ask for one of the priests copies for yourself.

> Also while moving your party encounters what seems to be small sprites, they appear to be little humans with wings and clothes. This stops the expedition. The sprites haven't seemed to noticed you yet. This happens around the time you detect the religious signature.

> If the horse doesn't have a name, name it Steve.

> That will be noted for the character profile. The horses name's now Steve.

Re: Touhou Inquisition
« Reply #22 on: September 19, 2015, 08:08:52 AM »
>"Who goes there? Are you willing to accept god as your saviour?
>Have defence based priest at front in case they are hostile.

Re: Touhou Inquisition
« Reply #23 on: September 19, 2015, 10:16:49 AM »
>Make sure everyone is ready to strike if the religious signature belongs to a heretic who isn't willing to swear allegiance to our God. This land will be purged of heresy and demons!
>Speaking of demons, destroy every one we meet.


  • Nefer007, Shinto God of Insects, Doctorate in Referralology
Re: Touhou Inquisition
« Reply #24 on: September 19, 2015, 02:11:48 PM »
> If the horse doesn't have a name, name it Steve.

But... but... he wants you to respect his life choices! His last name's Susan. Steve Susan the ordinary horse.

>Throw the book at the sprites!
Looking for Desunoya music! Help me obtain these ill-gotten goods!


Re: Touhou Inquisition
« Reply #25 on: September 19, 2015, 08:44:24 PM »
>"Who goes there? Are you willing to accept god as your saviour?
>Have defence based priest at front in case they are hostile.

> You shout to the sprites they turn, they are surprised.

> You motion for Fabio to come to the front of the group and he does so.

>Make sure everyone is ready to strike if the religious signature belongs to a heretic who isn't willing to swear allegiance to our God. This land will be purged of heresy and demons!
>Speaking of demons, destroy every one we meet.

> You will head towards the religious signature when you've dealt with the little issues in front of you.

> You plan to destroy to destroy the little devils in front of yourself right now.

But... but... he wants you to respect his life choices! His last name's Susan. Steve Susan the ordinary horse.

>Throw the book at the sprites!

> To destroy the little demons in front of you, you grab the holy bible from within Fabios priest robes and throw the holy bible at one the sprites like creatures. Smashing under the holy book of your religion. You hear a puchuu sounding noise come from out under the book. Achievement unlocked, religious warfare. Kill a demon with a religious text.

The horse is now the fabulous Steve Susan.

> The remaining sprite throws what seems to be a magical bullet at fabio, in his general direction it flies over his head and harmlessly into the sky. The sprite then flies off into canopy of the trees.

Re: Touhou Inquisition
« Reply #26 on: September 20, 2015, 03:12:12 AM »
>Do not peruse. Move towards the destination we were supposed to go to.
>"Battul Brodas! We are Spess Mehrens! We feiht fo dah Emprah`s feureh!" Call in a million DEEP STRIKES and finish them off with Exterminatus.
>"Good job Fabio, I guess. Well thank you for letting me borrow your Bible."


Re: Touhou Inquisition
« Reply #27 on: September 20, 2015, 04:37:15 PM »
>Do not peruse. Move towards the destination we were supposed to go to.
>"Battul Brodas! We are Spess Mehrens! We feiht fo dah Emprah`s feureh!" Call in a million DEEP STRIKES and finish them off with Exterminatus.
>"Good job Fabio, I guess. Well thank you for letting me borrow your Bible."

> You don't peruse the sprite.

> You call forth an exterminatus everything dies, however you died fighting for the ONE TRUE SAVIOR OF HUMANITY.

> Ah yes Mother Teresa I will now go retrieve it before anyone of these demons lay their demonic hands upon it.  After quickly running over to it and grabbing it he runs back to the group.

> You set towards the religious signature. The small detour leads you to what seems to be a clearing within the forest. In the center of this clearing is a similarly styled house you'd find back home. It appears western, however it's overgrown with vines. This is the structure the religious signature's coming from. Also there's a path out front of this house that seems to lead directly into the settlement you headed before this point of interest popped up.

Re: Touhou Inquisition
« Reply #28 on: September 20, 2015, 07:44:38 PM »
>Check if we can feel demon signatures inside.
>Arm ourself with our lance, just in case. Throwing books will only get us so far.
>If we can, head inside.


Re: Touhou Inquisition
« Reply #29 on: September 21, 2015, 10:57:26 PM »
>Check if we can feel demon signatures inside.
>Arm ourself with our lance, just in case. Throwing books will only get us so far.
>If we can, head inside.

> You don't detect anything except for the religious signature, not even another living person.

> You materialize your holy lance within your hand and prepare in case of any surprises.

> You walk up to the door and swing it open, it's unlocked. Looking inside the house is a pigsty. There's clutter everywhere. Also you spot witch paraphernalia and clothes everywhere amongst this clutter. The priests are standing a bit back while you're in the doors frame.