Author Topic: ZUN and Touhou status update  (Read 442369 times)

Re: ZUN and Touhou status updates: the day before the Grand Festival
« Reply #240 on: May 25, 2013, 09:39:00 PM »
It's hard to believe a god like ZUN can fanboy over someone. That person must be really special.
Or, y'know, ZUN's not a "god", metaphorical or otherwise, but just an ordinary person who has his own interests and desires and things-he-is-a-fan-of :P


  • Insert witty description here.
Re: ZUN and Touhou status updates: the day before the Grand Festival
« Reply #241 on: May 25, 2013, 11:04:05 PM »
Or, y'know, ZUN's not a "god", metaphorical or otherwise, but just an ordinary person who has his own interests and desires and things-he-is-a-fan-of :P

Burn the heretic!


  • *
Hey, he's the head priest (神主), not the god.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


  • Insert witty description here.
Hey, he's the head priest (神主), not the god.
What if the former's just a role he assumes to avoid suspicion, eh?


  • *
but it's the fans that gave him that title

dude you lost me

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


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Re: ZUN and Touhou status updates: the day before the Grand Festival
« Reply #245 on: May 27, 2013, 09:11:00 AM »
Doesn't look that heavy, though.
It weighs over 1kg and is quite fat. Staff at the entrance order you to lift it high up so they can see it. For a one time show then stuffing it back in your backpack it is quite heavy.

Unless you want to read back a booth name which you have missed on your map.

Not sure if someone has already linked it, but here it's the new Fantasy Kaleidoscope

[tso]I have no clue what site this is but unless it's on youtube/nico plz don't link it[/tso]
« Last Edit: May 28, 2013, 04:19:54 PM by helvetica »
EoSD-> Easy clear
PCB-> Normal mode clear (3cc)
MoF-> Stage 6 normal
TD-> Stage 5 normal


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Re: ZUN and Touhou status update: Touhou 13.5 Patch 1.02
« Reply #247 on: May 28, 2013, 11:13:58 AM »
No time to do a proper update. The new HM patch is out, fixing the Koishi crash, but not much else.

I also misunderstood Unabara in the previous update. They were always going to release a Day 0 patch; what was unexpected was discovering a new critical bug during the development of said patch, costing them the time they planned to spend on the gameplay video.

On an unrelated note, Unabara was also ill throughout Reitaisai.

Playable Kokoro in non-Story modes? Still a long way to come.
Touhou Fantasy News: twitter


  • Breaking news. Any season.
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Re: ZUN and Touhou status update: Touhou 13.5 Patch 1.02
« Reply #248 on: May 28, 2013, 12:11:14 PM »
Saw ZUN tweet yesterday about a blog redesign - clicked through and saw him in a group photo in the blog's banner. Any idea what that blog's about? Are they fellow developers or drinking buddies?

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


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Re: ZUN and Touhou status update: Touhou 13.5 Patch 1.02
« Reply #249 on: May 28, 2013, 12:21:53 PM »
That blog belongs to PoriPori☆Club, the game dev web broadcast.

ZUN: I realized they redesigned the blog. The site is gradually been drowned by alcohol.
Touhou Fantasy News: twitter


  • Breaking news. Any season.
  • *
  • I said, with a posed look.
Re: ZUN and Touhou status update: Touhou 13.5 Patch 1.02
« Reply #250 on: May 28, 2013, 12:30:48 PM »
Oh, cool, thanks. I had more or less worked out what the tweet said, but the blog's purpose confused me.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


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  • Probably won't respond 'til this mess is sorted o?
Re: ZUN and Touhou status update: WaHH Chapter 17 on June 14
« Reply #251 on: June 07, 2013, 12:06:51 PM »
Hahaha, I so don't have time for proper updates.

This month's Febri magazine (WaHH Chapter 17) has been delayed from June 10 to June 14.

A few days ago, ZUN said he's already finished half of his manuscript for WaHH Vol 4 (Ch 16 - 20). As a reminder, as far as we know, WaHH will conclude this December with Ch 20.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2013, 12:08:38 PM by cuc »
Touhou Fantasy News: twitter

Re: ZUN and Touhou status update: WaHH Chapter 17 on June 14
« Reply #252 on: June 07, 2013, 01:52:24 PM »
WaHH will end in chapter 20?? :o
Well, chapter 16 pretty much gave away that Kasen is an oni, I guess, so there's nothing much left. All's left is the mystery behind Kasen's arm.

Re: ZUN and Touhou status update: WaHH Chapter 17 on June 14
« Reply #253 on: June 07, 2013, 02:03:41 PM »
It would be kinda cool if we actually had a 4 chapter story arc about Kasen's past (and her arm), but somehow I expect Suika to silently watch her for two chapters doing random stuff, and then we won't deal with it until the very end.

Re: ZUN and Touhou status update: WaHH Chapter 17 on June 14
« Reply #254 on: June 09, 2013, 05:31:40 AM »
This month's Febri magazine (WaHH Chapter 17) has been delayed from June 10 to June 14.

A few days ago, ZUN said he's already finished half of his manuscript for WaHH Vol 4 (Ch 16 - 20). As a reminder, as far as we know, WaHH will conclude this December with Ch 20.

Oh hey it comes out on my birthday  :3

I'm a bit surprised that it's ending at 20 chapters though.

Re: ZUN and Touhou status update: WaHH Chapter 17 on June 14
« Reply #255 on: June 09, 2013, 05:53:05 AM »
Well, SSiB had 21, and Sangetsuei had 22 total, so it's about normal.


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Re: ZUN and Touhou status update
« Reply #256 on: June 09, 2013, 10:22:06 AM »
but it's the fans that gave him that title
As far as I know, ZUN gave himself this title 幻創神主 (Priest Creator of Fantasy) starting with IN. It's in IN's staff roll.

(The development of IN was the start of ZUN's transformation from a geek who wrote some music and made some games, into the author of Touhou Project. But that's story for another day.)


Of course there's a lot to talk about regarding the new games. For this update, I'll focus on a tiny yet infamous detail: the phrase "please watch warmly" from the splash screen of early Windows games.

"Watch warmly" is a literal translation of the Japanese phrase atatakaku mimamoru 暖かく見守る/温かく見守る. A more natural translation would probably be "keep watching with tender or caring eyes". Its meaning should be self-evident: anticipating, accompanying or safeguarding someone with care and love.

Now, in HM's omake text file, this phrase has appeared again. ZUN wrote:
It will take some more time before the final boss regains her heart and starts a new life. Then she will become ready for fighting in front of people. Please keep waiting for her with warmth.


WARNING: a bunch of largely trivial tweets about manga writing are approaching fast!

At 7PM, May 28:
ZUN: Phew, the manuscript is mostly done. Since Reitaisai, the schedule has been nothing but manuscript writing. Going to attend the meeting now.

At 11PM:
ZUN: We broke Ms. Moe's curfew again. Next time we should pick somewhere near her dormitory for our meeting.
Wait, I don't even


At 4PM, May 30:
ZUN: Alright, the manuscript is done. Next I'll go pick up the wife's dress at laundry, then only drinking remains for today.
I take it to mean the same FS chapter's script as above.


At 8PM, June 5:
ZUN: So, this manuscript, which I ought to send to Okonogi tomorrow, is still not making much progress. But since I have another meeting with Okonogi down the line, he will surely forgive me.
It's WaHH's turn now.

At 5PM, June 6:
Okonogi: During the time I spent waiting for the manuscript, I've already beaten HM and seen its ending.

ZUN: Sent. Check your message.

ZUN: The manuscript is completed~. I've already finished more than half of Vol. 4 before Vol. 3 is released, for WaHH.

At 2AM, June 7:
ZUN: In the second pub*, is this scene of three drunk old guys completely ignoring a young female mangaka. We are already used to it.

ZUN: Well, I meant Ms. Aya.

* Note: Referring to a pub ZUN often goes to. The name of Nikenme Radio also comes from this.


Other events mentioned by ZUN's twitter: Touhou Unreal Mahjong crashing on the after party of Reitaisai ("a miracle brought on by group-drinking developers"); Tanzawa Yuuichi's wedding; a "doujin soft boys' sleepover party" that chose his home for their afternoon JoJo anime marathon.

On May 29 there was also a Nikenme Radio broadcast; this one deserves its own post.
« Last Edit: June 09, 2013, 11:28:04 AM by cuc »
Touhou Fantasy News: twitter


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Not sure if someone has already linked it, but here it's the new Fantasy Kaleidoscope

[tso]I have no clue what site this is but unless it's on youtube/nico plz don't link it[/tso]

Welp, alternative link here:

Now to wait for voices and subs.....

Re: ZUN and Touhou status update: "please watch warmly" returns in HM
« Reply #258 on: June 11, 2013, 08:39:46 AM »
It has already been voiced and subbed. Please refer to this link:


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Re: ZUN and Touhou status update: "please watch warmly" returns in HM
« Reply #259 on: June 12, 2013, 03:56:13 PM »
To clarify, when ZUN asked you to "watch warmly" for Kokoro in TH13.5's omake file, he is talking about waiting for her to become playable in non-story modes.

Now patch 1.03b for TH13.5 has come out, Tasofro says "the next patch won't be for bugfixes", implying Kokoro will be playable in the next patch. It seems the artist(s) for Kokoro are still in the process of drawing new sprites for her at this moment.

EDIT: Now that I've actually looked at Tasofro's blog and twitter, apparently those sources only jumped to a conclusion after reading one half of a sentence. What Tasofro really said is more like, this patch is mainly about bugfixes and improving player control (such as C and Z not doing anything when the skill requirements are not met); the next patch will be for the actual balance adjustments. They said nothing about Kokoro.

For the part about artist(s), what really happened is this exchange:
Migel Futosi: I'm glad to receive the commission for a new Kokoro win pose. I will try to make it more impactful than the previous win poses.

Unabara: Don't set up a cliffhanger like that (what
Migel Futosi is the newbie pixel artist I mentioned who draw 1/3 of Kokoro's sprites. We don't know whether this artwork is actually finished now; but be sure to check out his current twitter portrait!
« Last Edit: June 13, 2013, 01:20:35 AM by cuc »
Touhou Fantasy News: twitter


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Re: ZUN and Touhou status update: something for Winter Comiket?
« Reply #260 on: June 19, 2013, 10:23:29 AM »
I spent all my remaining time writing research posts today, so I still can't do a full update. However, here's something important.

First, ZUN retweeted D.N.A.'s tweet, about Digital Games Expo, a new doujin/indie game convention in Tokyo's Ota Ward that D.N.A. will host in November 17. He didn't directly say it, but ZUN is such good friends with D.N.A., he will absolutely attend this con.

ZUN:What a tight schedule! This is encouraging me to move my Winter Comiket deadline even earlier.
There's a Winter Comiket deadline? Perhaps he will release another music CD for Comiket 85 this December?
« Last Edit: June 24, 2013, 10:21:25 AM by cuc »
Touhou Fantasy News: twitter


  • Insert witty description here.
Re: ZUN and Touhou status update
« Reply #261 on: June 21, 2013, 12:21:33 AM »
Oh man, suspense!
Things are getting interesting... kinda.

(The development of IN was the start of ZUN's transformation from a geek who wrote some music and made some games, into the author of Touhou Project. But that's story for another day.)

I swear, your posts keep making me want to ask questions that could derail threads.
Mind PMing me this "story"?(And maybe more detail about those SSiB criticisms if you don't mind) Cheers.

So, anyway. yeah, I'm going to bet on another music CD at the December Comiket.

Re: ZUN and Touhou status update
« Reply #262 on: June 21, 2013, 12:23:56 AM »
Oh man, suspense!
Things are getting interesting... kinda.

I swear, your posts keep making me want to ask questions that could derail threads.
Mind PMing me this "story"?(And maybe more detail about those SSiB criticisms if you don't mind) Cheers.

So, anyway. yeah, I'm going to bet on another music CD at the December Comiket.

Me too if you don't mind. I'd love to hear it.
I have to say, thanks for all of your posts, cuc. You always bring new info to the table.


Re: ZUN and Touhou status update
« Reply #263 on: June 21, 2013, 06:57:47 AM »
I swear, your posts keep making me want to ask questions that could derail threads.
Mind PMing me this "story"?(And maybe more detail about those SSiB criticisms if you don't mind) Cheers.

I also would like to be PMed about these.


  • *
  • Probably won't respond 'til this mess is sorted o?
Re: ZUN and Touhou status update: WaHH Vol 3 cover art
« Reply #264 on: June 22, 2013, 02:39:04 PM »
RE: Touhou history questions: I'll write up some very short sunmary in a few days. Please don't expect too much. /bow

For HM, Tasofro has put up a 1.04 patch. This is an emergency balance fix, with the intent to temporarily remove some gameplay exploits, until further rebalancing can be done. They also have an official twitter account now, at

Meanwhile, their artists are actively working on something...

Amazon has put up the full cover art of WaHH Vol 3. There are two variants, the special edition (bundled with a figurine) and the normal edition.

« Last Edit: June 22, 2013, 03:51:15 PM by cuc »
Touhou Fantasy News: twitter


  • Too lazy to make this a gif right now
  • Still scumming for a good pull
Re: ZUN and Touhou status update: WaHH Vol 3 cover art
« Reply #265 on: June 22, 2013, 05:22:02 PM »
RE: Touhou history questions: I'll write up some very short sunmary in a few days. Please don't expect too much. /bow

For HM, Tasofro has put up a 1.04 patch. This is an emergency balance fix, with the intent to temporarily remove some gameplay exploits, until further rebalancing can be done. They also have an official twitter account now, at

Meanwhile, their artists are actively working on something...
That "something" better be Kokoro
My Youtube Channel. I mostly upload Hisoutensoku videos.


  • *
Re: ZUN and Touhou status update: WaHH Vol 3 cover art
« Reply #266 on: June 22, 2013, 09:53:37 PM »
surprise it's actually playable kogasa

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


  • Too lazy to make this a gif right now
  • Still scumming for a good pull
Re: ZUN and Touhou status update: WaHH Vol 3 cover art
« Reply #267 on: June 22, 2013, 11:28:03 PM »
surprise it's actually playable kogasa
If Kogasa can be background and playable, then so can Shou!
My Youtube Channel. I mostly upload Hisoutensoku videos.


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Re: ZUN and Touhou status update: Harukawa Moe speaks
« Reply #268 on: June 24, 2013, 02:08:03 PM »
Nikenme Radio is still in session. The guests this time are more than a little special: they are an editor from Kadokawa (publisher of Three Fairies manga and Forbidden Scrollery), and Harukawa Moe.

The guests lef early. Harukawa left because her dormitory has a curfew, and the editor said he must return to his company before 10 PM.

Some things ZUN said (all after they've left):
- Harukawa will turn 20 soon.
- There will be more interaction between WaHH and FS (Note: for example, the events in FS Ch 6-7 were directly caused by WaHH Ch 16).
- "Don't know when WaHH will end." "It'll end when Ms. Azuma can't/won't draw (it)."

Sorry, despite the thread title, I tuned in too late and didn't get to hear what Harukwawa said.
« Last Edit: June 24, 2013, 02:18:22 PM by cuc »
Touhou Fantasy News: twitter


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Re: ZUN and Touhou status update: Harukawa Moe speaks
« Reply #269 on: June 24, 2013, 06:14:21 PM »
- There will be more interaction between WaHH and FS (Note: for example, the events in FS Ch 6-7 were directly caused by WaHH Ch 16).
That's great, but how was this? I know both stories had to do with alcohol consumption but that's about it.