Author Topic: Sake Emblem - Strategical RPG (Discussion Thread)  (Read 74679 times)


  • Transcend the edge of Dissillusion
Sake Emblem - Strategical RPG (Discussion Thread)
« on: November 11, 2010, 11:08:23 PM »
I have an amazing idea for a game, and I spent quite a while putting all the mechanics together in writing, even if I did borrow a lot of it.

Short version of the game's mechanics:

The game will play like Fire Emblem, and it will feature numerous Touhou Characters.

To those who haven't played Fire Emblem, the game will be basically played as such: I will post a picture of the current map and everybody's positions, and then the team of players has to decide, based on their characters, classes, items, etc. what to do next. This includes Moving, attacking enemies, healing teammates, trading items, and such. Each map is divided into tiles, and each tile will have a respective attribute to it, e.g. Grass is just normal, mountains act as walls and give defensive bonuses, etc. In essence, it's a strategical RPG.

The first thing that will need to be done to start this game is to choose a party of people, of which I have typed up a good list of candidates. The game can properly begin when there are at least 8 people agreed to be a character, although 10 would be nicer, with a maximum of 12. Those 8-12 people choose a character, but in their choosing they have to be wise - This game is cooperative, and a balanced team must be formed, or else the team will suffer dire consequences in a map if not careful.

The 8-12 people's goal for each respective map varies, but usually is one of the following: Defeat all enemies, Capture a certain point, or Survive a number of turns.

As the characters battle and make use of their skills, they will gain experience, which in turn will level them up. Leveling up to level 20 will grant a character an automatic Class Change, and from there their level is reset to 1, with a maximum of 20 again. There are certain classes that are an exception to this rule, and will be addressed in their description.

If a character dies, they're dead for good. Levels (maps) can be restarted any number of times needed to pass the it, although bonuses are given out if the level is completed on the first try.

I will act as any NPC, and I will calculate battle results based on the character's stats in each battle. I have a full set of DnD dice, including a 100 sided dice, that I will use to calculate chances.

Current Players (Bold+Underline = Confirmed)


Herasy...................................Kogasa........Pegasus Knight
Shim......................................Cirno............Axe Trainee
Gumba...................................Rumia.........Dark Mage

12 total players, max of 12

All Slots Filled~

Battle Generator
Game (Thread 2)
« Last Edit: February 20, 2011, 02:48:45 AM by AMZYoshio »

Re: Sake Emblem - Strategical RPG (SIGNUP AND RULES THREAD)
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2010, 11:11:12 PM »
This looks very fun and interesting. If you want to do it, you can count me in!


  • Trickster Rabbit Tewi
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Re: Sake Emblem - Strategical RPG (SIGNUP AND RULES THREAD)
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2010, 11:13:52 PM »
Sounds similar to something we did before. Gimme a slot.


  • Good gravy!
Re: Sake Emblem - Strategical RPG (SIGNUP AND RULES THREAD)
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2010, 11:16:43 PM »
Wait, so it's text-based Fire Emblem? Whaaaaat

Joining for glorious pegasi!


  • *
    • Wisdom is Not a Dump Stat
Re: Sake Emblem - Strategical RPG (SIGNUP AND RULES THREAD)
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2010, 11:18:24 PM »
In, but post your rules and mechanics.  Balance is tricky if you're playing around with this; let's see what you've got, and maybe we can all tweak it together.

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


  • Transcend the edge of Dissillusion
Re: Sake Emblem - Strategical RPG (SIGNUP AND RULES THREAD)
« Reply #5 on: November 11, 2010, 11:22:48 PM »
To those who have played Fire Emblem before, most of this post should be second nature to you. However, there are a few changes that you should pay attention to, mostly having to do with the way things are named.


Health: Hit Points. Run out, you die.
Strength: Determines damage when using Melee based weapons
Magic: Determines damage when using Magic based weapons
Defense: Determines damage reduction when hit by Melee based weapons
Resistance: Determines damage reduction when hit by Magic based weapons
Speed: Determines how many hits a unit gets per attack, as well as hinders the chances of getting hit by enemies
Skill: Determines Hit Rate and Critical Hit Rate
Luck: Has an effect on Hit Rate, Evasion rates and Critical Evasion rates

Movement: Determines how far a unit can move.

The different stat names can be abbreviated as such: HP for Health, STR for Strength, MAG or INT for Magic (INT is for Intelligence), DEF for Defense, RES for Resistance, SPD for Speed, SKL for Skill, and LUK for Luck.

For quick reference of overall stats, a HP/STR/MAG/DEF/RES/SPD/SKL/LUK format can be used. The number correspond to the order these stats have been listed in. For example, 20/10/4/11/2/15/30/12 would mean 20 HP, 10 STR, 4 MAG, 11 DEF, 2 RES, 15 SPD, 30 SKL, and 12 LUK.

MOV is the accepted abbreviation for Movement, and Movement is only used to calculate how far somebody can move, and does nothing in a battle. This equates out to the shortest distance in tiles on the map from where the unit is positioned to where the unit wishes to go, taking into account walls and such. If a unit has a MOV of 5, they can move for 5 tiles of distance.


Melee Weapons
Lances - Overall balanced weapons. Normal RNG: 1
Swords - Weaker than the other melee weapons, but lighter and critical friendly. Normal RNG: 1
Axes - Stronger than the other melee weapons, but heavier and not as critical friendly Normal RNG: 1
Bows - Balanced ranged weapons. Cannot attack if enemy is in front of you, however, it can attack 2 tiles away from your unit. Normal RNG: 2

Magic Weapons
Normal Magic - Overall balanced magic. Normal RNG: 1-2
Light Magic - Weaker than other magics, but quicker and critical friendly. Normal RNG: 1-2
Dark Magic - Stronger than other magics, but slower and not as critical friendly. Normal RNG: 1-2
Staves - Support type magic. Usually used to restore HP, however, a few other uses are available depending on the staff. Normal RNG: 1

Basic Weapon Use
Each weapon has a limited number of uses to it, and thusly attacks must be made wisely, or else the party's money will end up gone quickly. Each weapon class has several sub-classes under it, called ranks, and each individual weapon has several stats attached to it. The ranks of each type of weapon are simply letters, E through A, and then S. E is the worst kind of weapon, S is the greatest. The ranks generally go as follows for Melee weapons:

Melee Weapons: E = Iron, D = Steel, C = Specialty (Usally Killer), B = Specialty (Usually Brave), A = Silver, S = Ultimate

The Magics don't follow as easy of a pattern, but it's simple to memorize with a bit of experience - There are usually never more than 1 or 2 different kinds of weapons belonging to a rank, unless it's a specialty level. Ranks are important, as a unit cannot use a weapon unless their proficiency in that weapon is equal to or above the rank of the weapon they are trying to use.

All weapons also follow the same stat rules, which would be the following:

Might: Weapon's effectiveness, affects potentcy of attacks/effects, works with STR/MAG and the enemy?s DEF/RES
Hit: Weapon's inherent Accuracy, affects hit rate, works with SKL and LUK
Weight: Weapon's Weight, affects amount of hits allowed per attack, works with SPD
Critical: Weapon's critical strike ability, works with LUK and SKL
Range: Weapon's range. Cannot be altered.

The correct abbreviations of these terms are MT for Might, Hit for Hit (come on guys), WT for Weight, CRT or Crit for Critical, and RNG for Range.

Each Weapon's stats may be referred to as a character's stats would be, using a RANK/MT/Hit/WT/CRT/RNG formula. For example, if I said a weapon was C/10/85/2/10/1, then it is a rank C weapon, has a Might of 10, has a Hit Rate of 85%, has a Weight of 2, has a Critical Rate of 10%, and can only attack in front of the user (1 tile away). Another accepted form is to simply drop the rank and RNG from the ends, as the name of the weapon can easily tell such things, leaving the format at MT/Hit/WT/CRT.

The Weapon Triangle
Weapons work on a simple triangle of effectiveness:

Melee: Swords > Axes > Lances > Swords etc...
Magic: Normal > Light > Dark > Normal etc...

This means that Swords have an accuracy and might bonus versus Axes, Axes have the bonuses over Lances, and Lances have the bonuses over Swords. The same goes for the Magic Triangle. The two weapons that don't fit into any type of Triangle are Staves and Bows, and this is because Bows usually have no counterattack aimed at them AND they get a major bonus against flying units, and Staves having their major purpose to support and not attack.


The Skills listed in the "Normal Skillset" section of each class will be listed in order of effectiveness. For example, if one class has a high STR/DEF, while another has a high DEF/STR, the first class would have a better STR but worse DEF than the second class, despite both having the two stats as high.


Lords are the backbone of the party, and required to be present in any battle. If they die, the battle is automatically lost. They usually have very balanced stats, but that means they are not particularly good at anything, so don't get too cocky with them.

Weapons: Swords
Normal Skillset: Balanced
MOV: 5
Upgrades to: Great Lord

Magic Users

Mages are a normal magical class. They use things such as Fire and Ice to take care of their enemies. Useful as backup units, as they are frail but powerful. At higher levels, it's possible to be more independent, as their speed and health climbs.

Weapons: Normal Magic
Normal Skillset: Low STR/ DEF/HP, High RES/MAG
MOV: 5
Upgrades to: Sage, Mage Knight

Light Mages
Light Mages are the deafeaters of darkness, the wielders of the holy. That, or they just use flashy things. They're a bit of a gamble when trying to hit consistently, but their criticals can more than make up for it.

Weapons: Light Magic
Normal Skillset: Low STR/DEF/HP, High RES/SKL
MOV: 5
Upgrades to: Light Sage, Paladin

Dark Mages
Dark Mages are the destructors of good and the darkeners of the land. They hit heavily, but are usually slow, and aren't as aided by the chance of a critical than the other basic mage classes. Their slowness may cause unwanted hits, as they can't avoid things as well.

Weapons: Dark Magic
Normal Skillset: Low STR/DEF/HP, High MAG/RES
MOV: 5
Upgrades to: Dark Sage, Dark Knight

The game's healers. They are made for support and cannot attack. However, they are invaluable to the team's success, as their healing magic is more powerful than most items, and their supportive magic can be extremely useful.

Weapons: Staves
Normal Skillset: Low STR/DEF/HP, High MAG/SPD
MOV: 5
Upgrades to: Priestess, Light Sage

Lance Users

The soldier is a solid ground unit, and is great for holding a line. They aren't as powerful or mobile as some other melee classes, but have above average defense, making the good at blocking critical points.

Weapons: Lances
Normal Skillset: Low MAG/RES/SPD, High DEF/HP
MOV: 4
Upgrades to: General, Knight

A mounted unit good at rushing the enemy. They are more spritely than the soldier, and are able to wield two different kinds of weapons. They also have many choices upon upgrading their class. They are somewhat bad at blocking magical attacks, however.

Weapons: Lances, Swords
Normal Skillset: Low MAG/RES, High SPD/SKL
MOV: 7
Upgrades to: Knight, Paladin, Dark Knight

Pegasus Knight
Pegasus Knights are highly mobile and good against mages. However, they are easily shot down by arrows, and posess subpar defense. They are useful at reaching targets quickly, because they can fly across mountains and rivers and such.

Weapons: Lances
Normal Skillset: Low MAG/DEF/STR, High RES/SPD/SKL
MOV: 7
Upgrades to: Seraph Knight, Dragon Knight

Wyvern Knight
Much like Pegasus Knights in the sense of their mobility and flight, however, they are slower and stronger than Pegasus Knights.

Weapons: Lances
Normal Skillset: Low MAG/SKL/DEF, High SPD/RES/STR
MOV: 7
Upgrades to: Wyvern Master, Dragon Knight

Sword Users

Strong units that are skilled at hitting powerfully with blades. Definitely an attacking class, but prone to magical attacks.

Weapons: Swords
Normal Skillset: Low MAG/RES, High STR/SKL
MOV: 5
Upgrades to: Hero, Ranger

Skilled sword users that are quick and nimble, and adept at gaining critical hits. They are somewhat fragile and have slightly below average strength compared to a Mercenary, however, so their use is a  gamble.

Weapons: Swords
Normal Skillset: Low MAG/RES/DEF/STR, High LUK/SPD/SKL
MOV: 5
Upgrades to: Swordmaster, Assassin

Crafty and nimble units who can unlock doors and chests with lockpicks, as well as steal items from enemies. Quick, but fragile. They are more mobile than most level 1 classes.

Weapons: Swords
Normal Skillset: Low MAG/DEF/STR/RES/HP, High SPD/SKL
MOV: 6
Skill: Steal - Take items from enemies (doesn't work with certain items).
Upgrades to: Rogue, Assassin

Axe Users

Hearty attackers that are good at smashing the opposition. They are bruisers that rely on their great strength to end battles in one hit - otherwise, poor defense will become an issue.

Weapons: Axes
Normal Skillset: Low MAG/RES/DEF/SPD, High STR/HP
Mov: 5
Upgrades to: Warrior, Hero

Slightly more defense-oriented version of the Fighter. They are slightly weaker as well, but posess the special skill of being able to cross water. Their class upgrade of Berserker also makes up for the lack of strength in the end.

Weapons: Axes
Normal Skillset: Low MAG/RES/SPD, High STR/HP/SKL
Mov: 5, tiles left/2 in water (round down)
Upgrades to: Berserker, Warrior

Bow Users

Ranged class. While they do not posess overwhelming strength or defense, their bows can attack from 2 tiles away, forcing anybody with a normal melee weapon into a hit in which they can't fight back. The downside, however, is that Archers cannot defend themselves from direct attacks.

Weapons: Bows
Normal Skillset: Low MAG/DEF/HP, High SKL/SPD
Mov: 5
Upgrades to: Sniper, Ranger



Great Lord
Great Lords are essentially the same thing as Lords, but with slightly better overall stats, and better MOV.

Weapons: Swords
Normal Skillset: Balanced (Slightly better than Lord)
MOV: 7

Magic Users

Sages are the ultimate Normal Magic users. Their magical abilities are supreme, however, they still retain their poor defense. They also have limited staff use.

Weapons: Normal Magic, Staves
Normal Skillset: Same as Mage
MOV: 6

Mage Knight
Mage Knights are more defended than sages, but weaker as far as their magic goes. However, they gain the use of swords, adding to their potential usefulness. Also, they are mounted units, giving them more mobility.

Weapons: Normal Magic, Swords
Normal Skillset: Low HP/DEF (Not as low as Sages), High RES/MAG
MOV: 7

Light Sage
Akin to the Sage, however, they wield Light Magic instead of Normal Magic. Their usefulness from the Light Mage is overall upgraded.

Weapons: Light Magic, Staves
Normal Skillset: Same as Light Mage
MOV: 6

Dark Sage
Akin to the Sage yet again, except this time weilding Dark Magic. Basically upgraded Dark Mages.

Weapons: Dark Magic, Staves
Normal Skillset: Same as Dark Mage
MOV: 6

Dark Knight
Somewhat akin to the Mage Knight, except they possess more Strength than a Mage Knight. They are more suited to use Dark Magic, but do have the option of using Melee weapons. They are useful attackers with decent enough defense and resistance, but suffer from the same fallbacks as Dark Mages and Sages.

Weapons: Dark Magic, Swords/Lances (Depends on Character)
Normal Skillset: Low SPD/SKL, High MAG/STR/RES/DEF
MOV: 7

An upgraded version of the Cleric, now with Limited Light Magic use. Their high magic as a base stat helps compensate for their low magic level cap. Also, they gain the Purge


Weapons: Staves, Light Magic
Normal Skillset: Same as Cleric
MOV: 6
Skill: Purge - Instant attack bonuses toward unholy/undead creatures.

Lance Users

These units are the ultimate blockers and defenders in the game. Their defense is unmatched, and they do a superb job of holding lines or choke points. Their versatility in
weaponry, as well as their Shield skill, is also a nice plus. However, their low RES can be a downfall, as well as their sub-par speed.

Weapons: Lances, Swords, Bows
Normal Skillset: Same as Soldier
MOV: 5
Skill: Shield - (level/2, start at 1)% chance of taking zero damage from an attack. Does not work against Magic.

Mounted units that while offering less defense than a general, offer better attack in comparison. They are also mounted, adding to mobility over the general. They are very well rounded, with their only downfalls being slightly below average SPD and mediocre RES. When promoted from a Cavalier, however, their combat fallbacks are slightly averted, whereas their mobility suffers.

Weapons: Lances, Swords, Axes
Normal Skillset: Low MAG/SPD/RES, High HP/DEF/STR
MOV: 6

This class is classified as a Lance Class instead of a Magic class because their stats suit the use of physical attacks more than magical attacks, unlike the Dark Knight. Thes mounted units are great for charging front lines due to their high MOV stat, and have increased RES over Cavaliers as well as use of Light Magic. If upgraded from a Light Mage, they bring increased STR and DEF, as well as Melee weapon choices. Their mobility is among the highest in the game, although they cannot fly.

Weapons: Lances, Swords, Light Magic
Normal Skillset: Low DEF/RES/HP, High SPD/SKL/SKL (Mostly balanced in reality, just a slight lean.)
MOV: 8

Seraph Knight
This, along with the Wyvern Master, is the ultimate mobile class in the game. They are essentially upgraded Pegasus Knights, with the exception of the new ability to use Swords, as well as the Manuever skill.

Weapons: Lances, Swords
Normal Skillset: Same as Pegasus Knight
MOV: 8
Skill: Manuever - (level/2, start at 1)% Chance of dodging incoming attack. Does not work against arrows.

Dragon Knight
A flier, although not as mobile as a Wyvern Master or Seraph Knight, and it gains no special skills. However, these sacrifices come with the reward of higher STR and a more balanced DEF/RES ratio, making for a more stable character, and making attacking less of a gamble.

Weapons: Lances
Normal Skillset: Low MAG/LUK, High SPD/RES/DEF/STR
MOV: 7

Wyvern Master
This, along with the Seraph Knight, is the ultimate mobile class in the game. Essentially an upgraded Wyvern Knight, however, they gain the skill Pierce, as well as the use of Swords.

Weapons: Lances, Swords
Normal Skillset: Same as Wyvern Knight
MOV: 8
Skill: Pierce - (level/2, start at 1)% Chance of ignoring enemy defense.

Sword Users

The Hero is an amazing sword unit. Heroes get the ability to use Axes as well, which if promoted from a Fighter, would classify them as axe characters. They are versatile nonetheless, with their only fallbacks being slightly below average RES and way below average MAG.

Weapons: Swords, Axes
Normal Skillset: Low MAG/RES, High STR/DEF/HP
MOV: 6

Swordmasters are masters at getting criticals and dodging attacks. They have impecable speed and skill, as well as the Critical special skill. They suffer from stunted STR and DEF growth, however, meaning they will be less useful against armored units, and when hit, will suffer for it.

Weapons: Swords
Normal Skillset: Low MAG/RES/DEF/STR, High SKL/LUK/SPD
MOV: 6
Skill: Critical - +15% critical chance bonus to every hit

Assassins are masters of the killing arts, and are able to use lockpicks like Thieves. They don't get the critical bonus of Swordmasters, however, they do make use of the  Silencer skill, which ensures instant death to an enemy if activated.

Weapons: Swords
Normal Skillset: Low MAG/DEF/RES/STR, High SPD/SKL/LUK
MOV: 6
Skill: Silencer - (level/2, start at 1)% chance of instant death to an enemy.

Rogues are essentially upgraded thieves, although they have the new Pick ability, granting them free access to chests and doors without using keys or lockpicks. They are very swift, meaning they get constant double attack bonuses and dodging, but suffer from the same low DEF and RES as thieves.

Weapons: Swords
Normal Skillset: Low MAG/DEF/RES, High SPD/LUK/SKL
MOV: 6
Skills: Pick - Able to open doors and chests without keys or lockpicks; Steal - Take items from enemies (doesn't work with certain items)

Axe Users

The Berserker is exactly what it sounds like - A crazy unit with an axe. They are somewhat of a glass cannon, in the sense that their DEF and RES drops in growth compared to Pirates, but they gain a 15% critical bonus to every attack, as well as a nice strength boost. 1 hit kills are what you hope for when using these.

Weapons: Axes
Normal Skillset: Low MAG/RES/DEF, High STR/SKL
MOV: 6
Skill: Critical - +15% critical chance bonus to every hit

Warriors are reliable fighters, and can stand up to a number of blows. Their skills with an axe are also highly reliable. They are essentially powerhouses who never stop, although their RES tends to be low, as well as STR and SKL being slightly lower than a Berserker, and they do not get the critical bonus. They gain the ability to use Bows, however, to compensate.

Weapons: Axes, Bows
Normal Skillset: Low MAG/RES, High STR/HP/SKL
MOV: 6

Bow Users

Rangers are mounted archers with the ability to use swords. Their mounts give them good mobility, and they also gain some defensive bonuses over archers and snipers. Their SKL and ACC are not as great as a Sniper's, however.

Weapons: Bows, Swords
Normal Skillset: Low MAG/RES/DEF, High SPD/SKLL
MOV: 7

The upgraded version of the Archer, the Sniper focuses all its skill into use of the bow, giving it higher efficiency with it over any other class that is able to use Bows. They still suffer from the low defense of Archers, however, they gain the Snipe ability, which has a chance of ensuring a hit, no matter what the enemy's SPD is.

Weapons: Bows
Normal Skillset: Low MAG/DEF/HP, High SKL/SPD/LUK
MOV: 6
Skill: Snipe - (level/2, start at 1)% chance of a guarenteed hit (ignore enemy SPD).


A special class that has one of two states of being - Human and Transformed. While human, they cannot attack and have terrible stats, usually resulting in a death, or at least severe injury. When transformed, however, they become extremely powerful, and tend to end battles quickly. The only stat that is unaffected by the transformation is HP. Transformation takes place when it is the Unit's turn to attack, and then last for the rest of the attack. For example, if the Hakutaku attacked an enemy, it would be Transform > Attack > Get Attacked > Somebody's possible second attack > Transform back > resume game. However, if attacked, it would be Get attacked WHILE HUMAN > Transform >Attack, etc. This transformational procedure is essential to plan for when using a Hakutaku, for they are extremely fragile while humans. Also, the weapons they use are expensive and rare, but the attacks of the Hakutaku are worth it. Also, their attack is a neutral, non melee nor magic attack that is calculated by averaging their STR and MAG, and defended by calculating the average of DEF and RES. While the Hakutaku does not have a class that it is upgradable to, its level cap is 40 instead of 20, and gains exp at a rate halfway inbetween a normal and a upgraded class.

Weapons: Moonstones
Normal Skillset while Human: Low EVERYTHING
Normal Skillset while Transformed: Low(barely) LUK, High STR/MAG/DEF/RES/SKL
MOV: 6
Skill: Transform - Used in battles. Has to be activated by a Moonstone.

A class that is useless on the battlefield as far as attacking goes. However, this unit holds all of your extra items, and can be used as an item bank in the middle of battle. They cannot attack and have poor defenses, but are essential in the fact that each unit can only hold up to 5 items, while the convoy can hold up to 150.

Weapons: None
Normal Skillest: Really low everything
MOV: 5
Skill: Convoy - Hold massive amounts of items.

A class that is inferior to every class battle-wise. However, they can level up more quickly than the other classes, and thusly change class quicker than other classes. Also, considering they are a trainee, they get to choose the path that they wish to follow, within their own scope of learning of course. For example, a Magic Trainee can turn into a Mage, Light Mage, or Dark mage. The trainee has a level cap of 10, after which they make their Class Upgrade.

Weapons: Magic type - All 3 offensive magics (limited); Sword type Swords; Axe type - Axes
Normal Skillset: An averagely low version of whatever school of learning they belong to
MOV: 4

For those of who the class upgrades are confusing, please follow the following chart:

The way the game is played

After the party is formed, a short story will be given to lead up to the level map that the players will play on. This map will then be posted as a picture, with the characters positioned on it, as well as the enemies. From there, the startup phase will begin.

In startup, the players have the choice of repositioning themselves between their respective tiles (switching places), as well as editing their inventory from the Convoy. They have access to a basic shop, which sells E rated weapons and basic healing items.

After the preparations are completed, the party chooses to begin, and the turn will start with theirs. Each player discusses the tactical use of their turn, and forms an order of actions that will be done.

The order in which actions are taken makes all the difference.

Not every player has to listen to the others, for they are the one roleplaying as their respective character, however, this is a cooperative game, so certain bits of advice should be at least taken into consideration.

Each unit has several different actions on their turn:

Talk (In certain cases)


When it is the player?s turn, moving is based upon the MOV stat of the unit. For this example, we will use a MOV of 5.

If surrounded by nothing, a player can move 5 tiles in any direction. This does mean, however, that going diagonally counts as 2 tiles, meaning over one, up one, over one, etc. If there are objects in the way, such as Mountains, Rivers, Enemies, whatever, they must calculate the movement of their character based on the amount of tiles it takes to go around something.

Tiles that cannot be walked through (Unless your class says you can):

Mountains, Water, Walls, Pillars, Castles (not forts), Ledges, Enemies

You can also never stop on a tile that currently houses either an enemy or a friendly unit ? only one person can occupy a tile at once.

Moving is as strategical as anything in this game ? stopping on certain tiles, or in certain places, can make all the difference in a strategy.

After moving, a player may do any other action except move again.

Using Items/Equipping Weapons

Simple. Just say what item you want to use, and you?ll use it. After using an item, all you can do is equip a different weapon or end your turn, so be careful when you use it.

Equipping a weapon can be done at any time during your turn with no adverse effects ? your turn is never over after you equip. This is useful for anticipating incoming attacks, as your equipped weapon will be the weapon you use if you get attacked on the enemy?s turn.


Trading is simple. Walk up to a teammate, and say which items you wish to trade. Each person can only hold up to 5 items (Except the Convoy), so keep that in mind. Each player has to agree on the trade before it is official. After trading is complete, the unit who initiated the trade has the option to equip a new weapon, use an item, or end their turn.


When attacking, one must choose their weapon to attack with. This is important, as the weapon triangles have to be considered, as well as knowing that when your turn is over, the weapon you used last is the weapon you will use if you are attacked.

The statistics on the battle will be calculated as follows:

Hit: The % chance of hitting your target. This is raised by having a higher Hit of your weapon and having a higher SKL and LUK (More based on SKL) of the character. This is lowered by the target having a higher SPD, as well as LUK, and the Hit% may fluxuate depending on other factors such as the Weapon Triangle, tile bonuses, and such. This cannot go over 100, and cannot go under 0.

Mt: This is the Might of the attack, and translates directly as damage done. This is rased by having a higher MAG or STR, depending on the weapon, and the weapon?s own personal MT. This is lowered by the enemy having a higher RES or DEF, depending on the weapon, and this can also fluxuate based on the same factors as Hit%. This cannot go under 0, but has no upper limit.

Crit: This is the % chance of landing a critical hit. This is raised by having a higher SKL, as well as having a weapon with a higher CRT rate. This is lowered by enemies having a higher LUK. This number can also be raised or lowered by the same factors as Hit% and Mt. A critical hit means that the Mt of the blow is multiplied by 3. Crit levels are naturally low, even if a class has a high SKL.

Skills: This is a hidden value, and is rolled for every time a class with a chance based skill attacks or is attacked. The chances of this happening are (level/2)%, with the number starting at one. This means for levels 1 and 2, the chance is 1%. This number is also rounded up, so at level 3, this chance will be 2%. When a skill is activated, the corresponding effect happens.

Double hits: There is a chance that a unit will gain the chance to do a 2x hit on its target. This is calculated by the units SPD, as well as the WT of the weapon. Units with higher SPD and lower WT weapons will obtain the 2x bonus. If the skills are about equal between units, each unit gets 1 hit. Brave Weapons always have a 2x Bonus, but the SPD of the unit makes it possible to have a 4x bonus, with there being two 2x attacks.

Order of attacking: The one who initiates the attack attacks first, obviously. However, the double hit rules make this slightly complicated ? If the unit who initated the attack has the 2x bonus the order goes Attacker>Defender>Attacker. If the unit who is attacked has the 2x bonus, the order goes Attacker>Defender>Defender.

Defending works the exact same way as attacking, just backwards (the enemy is the one who initates the attacks).


Talk to someone. May or may not do anything. This is a in character talk to somebody, and can be with other characters as well as NPC?s. I will alert people if different characters can talk to eachother.

Experience and Leveling Up

Experience is gained by attacking and killing enemies, as well as using staves for clerics. 1 experience point is gained if the unit cannot attack back, or does no damage. EXP is given out based on the amount of health the enemy, the class level of the player, and a bonus for finishing off the enemy, based on how hard the enemy is. When a character has 100exp, they level up.

Each character, when they level up, has a chance to gain 1 point in 1-5 skills, and this number is determined randomly via dice, with heavier weight toward 3 skills. The chances are 10% on one skill, 20% on 2, 40% on 3, 20% on 4, and 10% on 5.

The skills they level up in are determined by the weights of their class and individual characters, with the chances being out of 100. That way, a Mage for example is more likely to level up in Magic every time they level up, and less likely in strength.

When you level up, you have 3 ?do over? levelups. This means that, throughout the course of the game, if you get stuck with a really bad level, you can roll it again in hopes of getting something better. This can only be used 3 times IN THE ENTIRE GAME, and you are stuck with whatever you roll last. You can use all 3 on the same level up if you want, but that?s kinda foolish.

After a unit hits level 10 as a Trainee, they stop gaining EXP and change classes after the enemy?s turn, and any excess EXP is not carried over. Same goes for level 20 as a level 1 class. When you hit level 20 as a level 2 class, or 40 as a Hakutaku, you stop gaining EXP period.

Declaring Actions

A player can declare an action through the following syntax:


That way, if in a hurry, somebody can simply read the actions and not all the banter around it. To undo an action before it?s actually carried out, use the same syntax, but say you?re undoing it, and state what you actually want to do. Once an action has been carried out, it is set in stone, and cannot be undone.


Note - With the Notably Good and Bad skills, they are assesed AFTER fitting them into a character archetype. For example, if a Mage has notably bad RES, their RES would still be better than quite a few classes, considering Mages have naturally high RES.


Reimu - Lord
Notably Good Skills: Strength, Skill
Notably Bad Skills: Defense, Speed, Resistance
Description: Reimu is a needed character for this game. Her stats are well rounded theoretically (Her "good" and "bad" skills are only by a small bit), however, your own luck may make her more or less a certain way. Solid Unit.

Magic Users:

Daiyousei - Trainee, magic class
Notably Good Skills: Speed
Notably Bad Skills: Defense, Resistance
Description: Daiyousei, being a trainee, needs to be watched. However, she has the potential to turn into a variety of powerful mages, depending on the player's choice. She does, however, have a bad defensive stats, even for a mage, so she needs to be looked after carefully. Her increased speed usually grants her a 2x bonus when fighting. One should have a basic idea what Daiyousei is intended to upgrade to before using, as Daiyousei loses the ability to use certain magics depending on her class upgrade, and therefore focusing on a group will ensure maximum efficiency.

Marisa - Mage
Notably Good Skills: Magic, Speed
Notably Bad Skills: Luck
Description: Marisa is a reliable mage, although she tends to just blast away, and not focus on criticals, just sheer overwhelming power. A useful mage, usually ends fights she gets into.

Alice - Mage
Notably Good Skills: Skill
Notably Bad Skills: Magic
Description: Alice is somewhat of an antithesis of Marisa, instead choosing to focus on skill, ensuring more criticals. She is not as powerful as Marisa magic wise, but brings to the table a special skill that allows her to summon dolls using special tomes ? she is the only one who can make use of these tomes. However, while she has dolls summoned, her stats suffer.

Patchouli - Mage
Notably Good Skills: Magic, Skill
Notably Bad Skills: Health, Defense
Description: Patchouli is extremely powerful, and well versed in magic, meaning she can hit powerfully and score consistent criticals. However, she is extremely frail, worse so than Daiyousei, and therefore cannot stand up to a lot of direct attacks.

Iku - Light Mage
Notably Good Skills: Resistance, Skill
Notably Bad Skills: Speed
Description: Iku is superb at defending against mages, as well as hitting her targets. However, she is a bit on the slow side as far as light mages go. Otherwise, a solid light mage, with all the perks that light mages get.

Rumia - Dark Mage
Notably Good Skills: Strength, Health
Notably Bad Skills: Speed
Description: Rumia has suprisingly good staying power for a mage, as well as a strength growth that is unheard of for a mage. This makes her a good canditate for a Dark Knight, however, she can just as easily be turned into a Dark Sage and still be effective.

Lance Users:

Sanae - Cavalier
Notably Good Skills: Skill, Defense
Notably Bad Skills: Luck
Description: Sanae isn't one to all-out overpower, but is reliable in her hits, as well as having a bit of staying power. A solid, overall good Cavalier

Shou - Cavalier
Notably Good Skills: Strength, Resistance
Notably Bad Skills: Speed
Description: Slower than your average Cavalier, but stronger and more resistant to magic attacks. Somewhat of a contrast to Sanae, although still a solid unit.

Tenshi - Soldier
Notably Good Skills: Defense, Health, Resistance
Notably Bad Skills: Strength
Description: Tenshi is a masochist, so she loves the pain she gets Tenshi has amazing defensive abilities, and therefore is good at taking blow after blow. However, her strength suffers for it, and thusly will have to be used as a finisher to gain sufficient experience.

Letty - Soldier
Notably Good Skills: Skill
Notably Bad Skills: Speed
Description: Has better attacking power than Tenshi due to her increased likelihood of criticals and more ensured hits, however, suffers from a bad speed and isn't as defensively able.

Aya - Pegasus Knight
Notably Good Skills: Speed, Skill
Notably Bad Skills: Luck, Defense
Description: Good for quick attacks and retreats, and has unrivaled speed. Her movement range makes her absolutely wonderul in maps with mountains and rivers that others would have to go around. As she attacks quickly, she doesn't have time to aim for critical shots, nor does she have time to properly defend herself. Reliably quick and accurate.

Kogasa ? Pegasus Knight
Notably Good Skills: Skill, Luck
Notably Bad Skills: Resistance
Description: Somewhat of a quirk character as far as Pegasus Knights go, she isn?t as magically defensive as most, but can surprise people with her criticals. (Surprise~)

Hatate - Wyvern Knight
Notably Good Skills: Defense
Notably Bad Skills: Speed
Description: Slower than Aya, but more powerful and has more staying power. She is not as accurate either, therefore she may end up missing more than Aya would, but her defense means she can stand up to the realiation.

Sword Users:

Chen - Trainee, sword class
Notably Good Skills: Speed, Resistance
Notably Bad Skills: Health
Description: Little Chen is very quick to act, and has good defense against magic. However, her health is somewhat lacking, making her die somewhat easily if the enemy is not taken care of immediately. Has the potential to become many powerful classes, but being a trainee, has to be initially watched very closely.

Sakuya - Myrmidon
Notably Good Skills: Skill
Notably Bad Skills: Health
Description: Slightly sub-par health, although she has deadly aim. Her bad skill, however, is not as bad as it sounds - only slightly. Simply keep an eye on her health, and she'll be fine.

Youmu - Myrmidon
Notably Good Skills: Luck, Speed
Notably Bad Skills: Defense
Description: Her amazing Luck and Speed make for a remarkable combination that is sure to land many criticals. Perfectly set up for a Swordmaster, although her poorish defense makes her a unit that you have to keep an eye on in certain situations.

Nazrin - Thief
Notably Good Skills: Speed, Skill
Notably Bad Skills: Resistance
Description: Will score consistent hits as well as dodge many, however, being a thief means she isn't going to be a frontline attacker. Her knack for getting treasure makes her useful, however, seeing how she doesn't need keys to open things.

Yuugi - Mercenary
Notably Good Skills: Health, Strength
Notably Bad Skills: Resistance, Luck
Description: Complete and utter bruiser. Yuugi is great at scoring strong hits, as well as taking a few of her own. However, she is less effective defending against Magical attacks, and her criticals are few and far inbetween.

Axe Users:

Cirno - Trainee, axe class
Notably Good Skills: Health, Strength
Notably Bad Skills: Skill
Description: Cirno is very headstrong and bounces back easily, meaning she'll certainly have a lot of vitality when properly leveled. She tends not to think, however, and misses a number of her shots. It's not a terrible disadvantage, but noticable over others.

Meiling - Fighter
Notably Good Skills: Heatlh, Skill
Notably Bad Skills: Speed
Description: Lazy by nature, she tends to be lethargic during battles, making her suffer a speed loss. However, she holds a lot of health and skill, meaning her criticals can keep her speed loss at a minimum.

Murasa - Pirate
Notably Good Skills: Defense, Speed
Notably Bad Skills: Skill
Description: Murasa is slightly more stable than Meiling, and speedier as well. Her skill suffers, however, meaning critical hits will be not as frequent with her. Also, her ability to cross water could come in handy.

Bow Users:

Reisen - Archer
Notably Good Skills: Luck, Speed
Notably Bad Skills: Defense
Description: Reisen is good at dodging attacks, as well as getting the double hit when it's her turn to attack. However, she is less defended than most, meaning she can die easily if left out in the open.

Special Units:

Eirin - Cleric OR Archer

Eirin can be played as either a Cleric OR an Archer, but not both. Once a choice has been made, it's been made. Example: somebody wants to be Eirin as a Cleric - Eirin will never be an Archer, and cannot upgrade into Archer-type Classes, and will act as a normal Cleric.

As a Cleric:
Notably Good Skills: Magic, Defense
Notably Bad Skills: Speed, Skill
Description: Eirin doesn't trifle with Light Magic, instead wanting to focus on her Healing Skills. Through this, her criticals as an upgraded class are virtually nonexistant, however, her powerful healing skill can be transferred to powerful magic. She also has somewhat good defense, making her able to stand up for herself a little more before she is able to retaliate.

As an Archer:
Notably Good Skills: Skill, Strength
Notably Bad Skills: Resistance, Speed
Description: Stronger and more Skillful than Reisen, however she is slower and and less apt at blocking magical attacks. Solid archer overall.

Byakuren - Cleric OR Light Mage

Byakuren is in the same boat as Eirin for dual classing, except she can be a Cleric or a Light Mage.

As a Cleric:
Notably Good Skills: Resistance, Skill
Notably Bad Skills: Defense, Accuracy
Description: Byakuren has the potential to be a powerful Priestess or Light Sage, with her high skill, however this is somewhat more of a gamble due to her low accuracy. She is adept at taking magical hits, but fails when it comes to being attacked with melee weapons. Her healing skills are average.

As a Light Mage:
Notably Good Skills: Magic, Skill
Notably Bad Skills: Defense
Description: A powerhouse of a Light Mage, but fragile must be watched. Her high magic means her usefulness as a healer can be unlocked with her upgraded class, but her true power will always be powerful light magic and devastating criticals.

Keine - Hakutaku
Notably Good Skills: Killing
Notably Bad Skills: Being a squishy Human
Description: As the only Hakutaku in the game, the advantages and disadvantages are already listed out in the description of her class. However, to reiterate, she is a powerhouse as a Hakutaku, but nearly defenseless and prone to death as a Human. Her weapons are also rare and expensive, but have more uses than normal weapons.

Rinnosuke (unplayable) - Convoy
Notably Good Skills: Nothing
Notably Bad Skills: Everything
Description: Nobody can embody the power than is Rinnosuke. The team as a whole decides where he shall go, and who he shall trade with in a turn. This is because he's boring and can't attack, and all he does is hold stuff. Watch out, he dies easily, and if he dies, you can continue the game, but all your items that he was holding are lost, meaning you should probably restart the level.
« Last Edit: December 18, 2010, 02:37:40 AM by AMZYoshio »


  • Transcend the edge of Dissillusion
Re: Sake Emblem - Strategical RPG (SIGNUP AND RULES THREAD)
« Reply #6 on: November 11, 2010, 11:33:55 PM »

Gensokyo, a land torn by war.

For several months now, a war has broken out between many of Gensokyo's residents, all over the strange occurences that have been happening as of late. Many of Gensokyo's residents have lost their ability to use Magic - some lucky people still hold on to their abilities, but only to an extent, as items are now needed to amplify magical power. In light of this situation, Gensokyo's denizens have taken up conventional arms and begun to riot.

Not much is known about how or why this is happening. What is certain, however, is that this is the work of powerful Youkai, as is all the incidents in this magical land.



Reimu, the resident Shrine Maiden, has begun to lead a small group of hired hands to attempt to quell the fury of the rioting and chaos within Gensokyo, although it has been to little effect thus far. On her journeys, she recieves word from one of her scouts that a trader is under attack by a group of bandits on a path to the Human Village.

"He's this way, quickly!!!" Kogasa shouted, as she led the group toward the scene.

"Remember everyone, don't get too cocky!" Reimu commanded.

"Is that so~" Rumia commented, as Sanae giggled at her.

"Eye'll show them who's the strongest, just watch!!!" Cirno boasted.

"Idiots..." Nazrin mumbled.

"Come on, put some heart into it!" Murasa nudged the mouse.

"Ok you two, we're a team, remember?" Byakuren reminded the two.

"For you, My Lady, I will protect all of Gensokyo!" Meiling vowed yet again.

"I hope they're not too rough~" Tenshi said with a grin.

"You know, no matter how many times you say it, you're STILL messed up." Alice said as she distanced herself from Tenshi.

"Alright everyone, enough talk!" Reimu said as they neared the scene of events. "We're going to split up, 50/50, and pincer them. Nazrin, Murasa, Kogasa, Alice, Tenshi - Follow me. The rest of you, circle around and catch their left. Now let's do this thing!"


"Now now, we just want all your stuff, that's all~" A fairy bandit said.

"Yeah, and your life." Said another fairy with a giggle. Rinnosuke swallowed hard. This was definitely the end.

"Hey! There's people coming!" A third yelled out.

"What? You two, go over there and check it out. You two, check over there." The first said again. "We'll deal with you later, pretty boy." The fairy taunted.


"Those guys were tougher than they looked..." Meiling noted as the party re-grouped on the path.

"Yeah, without our magic, even fairies can get the best of us if we're not careful." Reimu agreed. "However, what's most important is you." The shrine maiden turned to Rinnosuke. "Why are you here? Don't you know it's dangerous to be traveling alone these days, especially someone like you who is bound to have all sorts of goods?"

"Yes, yes, I know. And I thank you for risking your lives to save me, all of you." The shopkeeper bowed his head. "I was simply on my way back to the Human Village after delivering supplies to a smaller settlement. Or, at least what's left of the Human Village."

"What do you mean by that?" Reimu asked.

"Well, it's sort of split up in this insanity, choosing instead to spread out and create smaller groups of closely knit settlements. A bad move if you ask me, but not like I can do anything about it. Anyway, I, once again, humbly thank you and your group Reimu, and would like to show my appreciation by giving you this."

The party gains 10,000 gold.

"Wow, you sure you can just give us this?" Sanae asked inquisitively.

"Oh sure, it's easy to make if you're a trader like me. Plenty of people need supplies now-a-days. Speaking of which, would it be too much to ask if I wanted you fine ladies to escort me to the village?" Rinnosuke smiled.

"Of course not - we're out here to help people anyway." Reimu said with a smile.

Chapter 2

"Heh, all of these settlements have got to have something we can have." A fairy laughed with her friends.

"Yeah, the stupid humans spreading out like this just makes raiding villages easier." Another said.

"Oooh, looky there! Here comes that trader that we got told about!" A third mentioned, noticing figures on the horizon. "And it looks like he's got friends~"

"And we'll have plenty of friends coming by soon, the rest of our group is finishing off that settlement near the forest as we speak. They'll be here any time, I know it." The first said again.

Back with Reimu, everybody stopped as they noticed the area around the Village swarming with faries.

"Here we go again..." Nazrin sighed.

"Ms. Reimu, it is of utmost importance that I make these deliveries - those humans can't survive without basic food and water. Please, make use of what may be useful in this cart I'm pulling - I'm sure there must be a weapon or something you can use in there."

The party gains Rinnosuke and his Convoy Cart as a movable unit.

"Well then girls, you all know what we have to do!" Reimu said to the group as she reached for her sword.


"Ah, thank you lovely ladies for clearing out those troublesome fairies, now I can give these humans the supplies they've been waiting on." Rinnosuke thanked the group as he began to make his rounds to the small settlements.

"Any time, It's our job to help people like you." Reimu smiled at him.

"Miss Reimu, Ran-sama told me to-" Chen began.

"Yo, Reimu! Nice job with that one fairy back there, really gutted her good!" Murasa cut the nekomata off.

"Huh? Oh, you didn't do too bad a job either. But acutally," The shrine maiden began to lecture her group about what could have gone better in the battle.

However, Chen didn't like being cut off, so she tried a different tactic.

"EVERYONE!!!!" The small girl yelled. All 13 present stopped what they were doing, and all eyes were on Chen. "Ran-sama gave me an important message to tell you!"

Chen cleared her throat. "Tell Reimu when you can find her that my master - That's Yukari-sama - is in trouble. She's lost her powers, and fairies are beginning to take over her mansion - That'd be my house, that really isn't a house anymore. After things changed, Yukari made it look more like a castle for some reason..." Chen looked up at Reimu with pleading eyes. "Please Miss Reimu, Yukari-sama can't do much without her powers, and me and Ran don't have them either. If we don't go quickly, those stupid fairies will take us over because there's too many of them!"

"Yukari hasn't done much for me other than be a bother." Reimu somewhat glared at Chen, switching her personality from what it was before.

"Aww come on Reimu, Chen risked her life to come get our help." Byakuren reminded her.

"Yeah, besides, we're just gonna go waste some more fairies anyway, why not do it at Castle Yakumo?" Meiling chimed in.

"Fine. We're gonna help Chen." Reimu decided.

"Thank you Reimu-san~! I'll go ahead and tell Ran-sama that help is on its way!!!" Chen smiled as she ran off toward the north.

Chapter 3

"Mmmm, this doesn't look good..."

"Yukari-sama, the fairies have broken the spell on the bridge. It's only a matter of time before they breach the main gate."

"Tell me some good news."

"Well, I guess your choice to remodel our mansion to proven useful in holding off the hoards of intruders. For the most part."

The sagely Youkai looked down into her lap and folded her hands.


Just then, Chen burst into the room, panting from running so hard.

"Ran-sama! Yukari-sama! I got help, just like you wanted!!!" Chen smiled at the two.

"...Excellent. You two stay in here, just in case the fairies make it inside. Otherwise, don't intervene with Reimu. I want to see how she deals with these pests."


Reimu and her group rush towards the castle, having lost sight of Chen. However, the area is already swarming with Fairies...

"Luna! People are coming!"

"Star, quiet down! We can't show these Yakumo's that we're afraid of anything!"

"But Sunny, you do realize we're dealing with a lot more than just an old lady and her pets now, right?"

"Oh calm down both of you. You just keep going along like we planned, I'll stay here and defend our new house."

"Alright! Come on Star!"

"Wait up Sunny!!!!"
« Last Edit: February 09, 2011, 08:48:35 PM by AMZYoshio »


  • en-counse
Re: Sake Emblem - Strategical RPG (SIGNUP AND RULES THREAD)
« Reply #7 on: November 11, 2010, 11:45:10 PM »
This sounds like it'll be fun.  I'll take a slot.


  • Good gravy!
Re: Sake Emblem - Strategical RPG (SIGNUP AND RULES THREAD)
« Reply #8 on: November 11, 2010, 11:59:24 PM »
Are there Pegasus Knight trainees? This is important!


  • Transcend the edge of Dissillusion
Re: Sake Emblem - Strategical RPG (SIGNUP AND RULES THREAD)
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2010, 12:01:55 AM »
It was really late when I wrote out the list of characters, but I don't believe there are any Lance Trainees. However, if you have a suitable character, go ahead and suggest it.

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: Sake Emblem - Strategical RPG (SIGNUP AND RULES THREAD)
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2010, 12:14:18 AM »
I'm signing up. This looks like fun.

Also, there was a Lance trainee in FE8 (The Sacred Stones), so I don't see why we shouldn't have one, too. Would Remi be a good candidate? She could fit any of the potential lance classes.


  • Good gravy!
Re: Sake Emblem - Strategical RPG (SIGNUP AND RULES THREAD)
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2010, 12:16:23 AM »
It was really late when I wrote out the list of characters, but I don't believe there are any Lance Trainees. However, if you have a suitable character, go ahead and suggest it.
It's not that big of a deal, there weren't any Pegasus trainees in FE8 either :S


  • Transcend the edge of Dissillusion
Re: Sake Emblem - Strategical RPG (SIGNUP AND RULES THREAD)
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2010, 12:17:55 AM »
It's not that big of a deal, there weren't any Pegasus trainees in FE8 either :S

Indeed. Actually, it was my utter destruction of FE8, after my 5 unit run on Shadow Dragon, that led me to do this.

I'm writing up a detailed procedure on how to take turns right now, and the basic mechanics behind how battles and such are determined.

Come on people, decide on characters.


  • I Have A New Obssession
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  • ♥Puppy Love♥
Re: Sake Emblem - Strategical RPG (SIGNUP AND RULES THREAD)
« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2010, 12:20:38 AM »
I'm in. This looks so fun :3


  • 不聖女
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    • himegimi
Re: Sake Emblem - Strategical RPG (SIGNUP AND RULES THREAD)
« Reply #14 on: November 12, 2010, 12:22:49 AM »

like the motherfucking plague


元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale


  • en-counse
Re: Sake Emblem - Strategical RPG (SIGNUP AND RULES THREAD)
« Reply #15 on: November 12, 2010, 12:24:00 AM »
Oh we pick characters now?

Mr. Sacchi

  • All shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.
  • Not postponed. Not in the end. Not for long.
Re: Sake Emblem - Strategical RPG (SIGNUP AND RULES THREAD)
« Reply #16 on: November 12, 2010, 12:24:00 AM »
I'm in, and I shall be Youmu,

I will Make every enemy that comes my way RISE FROM DELUSION  :3


  • Good gravy!
Re: Sake Emblem - Strategical RPG (SIGNUP AND RULES THREAD)
« Reply #17 on: November 12, 2010, 12:24:17 AM »
Can there be more Pegasi to choose from? Aya as the only Pegasus Knight is pretty :<

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: Sake Emblem - Strategical RPG (SIGNUP AND RULES THREAD)
« Reply #18 on: November 12, 2010, 12:27:24 AM »
How many characters are we allowed to take per person? Regardless, Iku's one of my favorites, so I call dibs on her.

Re: Sake Emblem - Strategical RPG (SIGNUP AND RULES THREAD)
« Reply #19 on: November 12, 2010, 12:28:37 AM »
I'll take Nazrin, she seems pretty good.


  • Your #1 Idiot Child.
Re: Sake Emblem - Strategical RPG (SIGNUP AND RULES THREAD)
« Reply #20 on: November 12, 2010, 12:29:14 AM »
add me! I'm interested! I'm taking Rumia


  • en-counse
Re: Sake Emblem - Strategical RPG (SIGNUP AND RULES THREAD)
« Reply #21 on: November 12, 2010, 12:29:36 AM »
Ok then I'll take Byakuren.


  • Transcend the edge of Dissillusion
Re: Sake Emblem - Strategical RPG (SIGNUP AND RULES THREAD)
« Reply #22 on: November 12, 2010, 12:30:04 AM »
How many characters are we allowed to take per person? Regardless, Iku's one of my favorites, so I call dibs on her.

One per, but everyone controls Rinnosuke (he's always in your party).

Can there be more Pegasi to choose from? Aya as the only Pegasus Knight is pretty :<

Again, suggest characters and I'll think about it.

Oh we pick characters now?

Well, you don?t HAVE to, and actually, I might have been hasty in saying that. Waiting for everyone to get in here who will get in here, then deciding on a balanced team might be a better idea.

Also, give me a second, I have to keep writing out the complexity of the rules. I know what to do, but writing is painfully slow.


  • Transcend the edge of Dissillusion
Re: Sake Emblem - Strategical RPG (SIGNUP AND RULES THREAD)
« Reply #23 on: November 12, 2010, 12:31:33 AM »
Ok then I'll take Byakuren.

Byakuren as a Cleric or Light Mage?


  • en-counse
Re: Sake Emblem - Strategical RPG (SIGNUP AND RULES THREAD)
« Reply #24 on: November 12, 2010, 12:32:18 AM »
Byakuren as a Cleric or Light Mage?
I think I'll wait until we're an entire team and decide if that's ok?


  • 不聖女
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  • 2017年~ 茨心R (希望)
    • himegimi
Re: Sake Emblem - Strategical RPG (SIGNUP AND RULES THREAD)
« Reply #25 on: November 12, 2010, 12:32:26 AM »
I am rather undecided right now but it's probably a tossup between Meiling or Yuugi.

I'm also willing to help with balance and number issues.

元素召唤 || pad & msl news translator robit
twitter xx motk resident whale


  • Transcend the edge of Dissillusion
Re: Sake Emblem - Strategical RPG (SIGNUP AND RULES THREAD)
« Reply #26 on: November 12, 2010, 12:33:56 AM »
I think I'll wait until we're an entire team and decide if that's ok?


I'm also willing to help with balance and number issues.


Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: Sake Emblem - Strategical RPG (SIGNUP AND RULES THREAD)
« Reply #27 on: November 12, 2010, 12:36:03 AM »
Callin' Kisume.

Class: Hobo.

Mr. Sacchi

  • All shall be well and all manner of thing shall be well.
  • Not postponed. Not in the end. Not for long.
Re: Sake Emblem - Strategical RPG (SIGNUP AND RULES THREAD)
« Reply #28 on: November 12, 2010, 12:36:19 AM »
I'd say that the most balanced team would have 1/2 tanks, 1/2 clerics, a physical damage dealer, 2 dark mages and light mages and the rest being supportive characters. I might be wrong but that's my normal setup on strategy RPGs anyways.

Regardless, being a weak-defense character with high SPD and crit chance I shall be taking the role of a supportive character, just make sure I live, ok? :V


  • en-counse
Re: Sake Emblem - Strategical RPG (SIGNUP AND RULES THREAD)
« Reply #29 on: November 12, 2010, 12:38:21 AM »
So unless someone makes Eirin a cleric, I'll be that though I'd like to be a light mage/sage.