~Beyond the Border~ > Aya's Personals Section

Mobius and Ammy (Season 1)

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This thread is for the lovely lady Mobius to resist the gentleman's charm of Sir Ammy.

Dearest Mobius

Boy this is awkward. I didn't expect to get paired up with you. I didn't dare hope. To be honest I've been crushing on you for weeks now, but just haven't had the courage to speak up. I guess this pairing is just Fate(-chan) forcing me to face my feelings, and be honest with both of us. Surprised? I don't blame you. I mean, we've barely spoken before. But rest assured, I've admired you from afar for quite a while now.

When did this begin? That's so hard to say. I mean, I guess I always liked you, in some way. Your happy-go-lucky nature in general and your open-mindedness in the BDSM thread in particular both stood out. But it was also ... the little things. You know, like your defense of candy corn.

Even with this, I was able to keep my feelings under wraps, albeit with difficulty. That is, until the day you posted a pic of yourself, and compared yourself to McLovin from Superbad. I have to say, for a handsome specimen such as yourself to make such a self-depricating joke - well, it was effectively the straw that broke the camel's back. The drop that overfilled the cup, as it were.

It tortured me - how do I tell you? Send you a PM? Shout from the e-rooftops for all to see? It effected my game play. Even the wind seemed to whisper, "Mobiusssss ... Moooooobiusss ......" I was frozen by indecision. But then, kizmet intervened. And here we are.

Life is short, Mobius. Don't let uncertainties about what could go wrong trouble you. Think instead about the vast expanse of potential before us. You and I, Mobius. See it. Feel it. Be it!

Yours Always,

Sir Ammy,

While I am surely flattered by your statements, I regret that I must decline your advances. You see, I have fallen too far these past years. My house is not what it once was. Your status would surely sink as low were you to marry me. I would not wish such misfortune on any man. Though others would welcome a suitor in this situation, I am not so selfish as to use a man so. I wish you the best in finding one who better suits you. Think not of me, for I am content.


Lady Mobius, third daughter of House Overthere.

Dearest and Most Fair Lady Mobius, Third Daughter of House Overthere,

Ah, how your sweet self-deprecation pierces my heart with an arrow of bitter-sweet love. How can one as lovely as yourself deign to veil your beauty? I assure you, my status could only be enhanced by your acceptance, by you warming my cold shadow with your presence by my side.

May I be plain? The fact of the matter is, I have spent many a day compromising. You know, "Oh, this one has a beautiful smile, but she likes Nelly" or "Well, that one's quite clever, but she never showers" and so forth. Am I too demanding? Perhaps. My examples may be gentle humor, but the fact remains that you have satisfied everything I've ever wanted, just by being you.

You don't put on airs. Your self-deprecation speaks to that, of course, but you are also unabashedly you. You don't make an effort into being something that you're not. I'm not sure how much you realize how rare that is. In this day and age, someone as sincere as yourself is about as common as someone who can actually dance playing DDR.

Sweet Lady Mobius, your unaffected demeanour is as perfect as the strip that bears your name. My life could only be improved with you by my side. What of houses, of stature, of position? Pah! There is naught I value as much as you beside me. Come, let us embark on this journey together - the road before us is warmed by the smiling sun, as gentle zephyrs coax us forward, and the earth itself welcomes our footfalls, side by side.

Yours Always,

Sir Ammy,

It appears to me that you still wish us together. I fear that responding to you would only serve to encourage you. I cannot, however, simply ignore you. I admit that I have given the matter some consideration and can imagine what you have to offer. Thus, it is with further regret that I tell you something else. We simply cannot meet. I do not wish to speak of this, but you must know that it is impossible. I am ravaged by consumption day and night. This has confined me to my home, and I fear my days are counted. Please forget me. You needn't bear such a burden. You are an admirable man. Do not do this to yourself.




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