Author Topic: Touhou Project 17 「東方鬼形獣 ~ Wily Beast and Weakest Creature.」  (Read 229268 times)



  • mgneiptGD
  • Gensokyo accepts everyone.
    • Find Pretty Womans in your town for night
Well, Youmus dialogue with Kutaka makes it clear.

"The spirits of Hell will try to crawl into
your heart wherever there's an opening.

If you overestimate your power / you're anxious / you're conceited, there's sure to be
a spirit that'll take advantage of that weakness.

Although it seems that one such spirit
is already present inside you... "

Didn't expect our girls to be this naive but well, stupidity on behalf of plot convenience is a common thing. Then again, maybe they already have a hunch and are just feigning this naivety, trying to catch the perpetrator off guard when the spirits actually show theire true intentions. Or the spirits really are what they say they are, traitors of hell and on our side.

Anyway, I would be really disappointed if this comes around and bites our heroines in the ass later on. This kind of blatant stupidity just doesn't fit.

TBH I always saw marisa and reimu being the type of friends who share one braincell, with marisa probably having three more...  :V

Youmu however? She doesn't even have a brain. An absolute fool.

i am compelled to sing along with the midboss sync part in stage 1 theme
check for runs & creations
latest stream: Hollow Song of Birds Hard 1cc (OrangeReimu) @

TBH I always saw marisa and reimu being the type of friends who share one braincell, with marisa probably having three more...  :V

Youmu however? She doesn't even have a brain. An absolute fool.

If only Kasen where there to put some sense into them.... oh wait. :wat:


  • mgneiptGD
  • Gensokyo accepts everyone.
    • Find Pretty Womans in your town for night
If only Kasen where there to put some sense into them.... oh wait. :wat:

Kasen in the latest WaHH chapters is like.... "GO CRAZY AAAAAAAAAAAAAA GO STUPID AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA" so now Marisa and Reimu are gonna have to deal with not having someone to bug and fuss and meddle when they do something stupid. What will they do with themselves?! :ohdear:

Either way, I hope to see Kasenny somewhere in WBaWC, she must, she gotta...
« Last Edit: May 07, 2019, 10:43:04 PM by avrit »


  • こたえを探してる
Is it still necessary to spoiler out game content like that? It's been more than about time to play the game, no?
If it's for the people who still couldn't play yet, I wonder what's the time limit.


  • mgneiptGD
  • Gensokyo accepts everyone.
    • Find Pretty Womans in your town for night
Is it still necessary to spoiler out game content like that? It's been more than about time to play the game, no?
If it's for the people who still couldn't play yet, I wonder what's the time limit.

Sorry!! I don't know when the time limit is to stop using the spoiler thingy, so I'm doing an educated guess and putting them in anyway.  :)

Though my spoilers were a bit  unnecessary sometimes, everyone knows Marisa, Reimu, and Youmu are not the sharpest tools in the shed! :P

« Last Edit: May 08, 2019, 12:38:25 AM by avrit »


  • こたえを探してる
That's fine. :)
« Last Edit: May 08, 2019, 12:56:20 AM by AGS »


  • So those that live now, pledge on your fists and souls
  • Leave a sign of your life, no matter how small...
Didn't expect our girls to be this naive but well, stupidity on behalf of plot convenience is a common thing. Then again, maybe they already have a hunch and are just feigning this naivety, trying to catch the perpetrator off guard when the spirits actually show theire true intentions. Or the spirits really are what they say they are, traitors of hell and on our side.

The omake texts seem to go into this. Although they're not translated yet, google translate helps give the gist of it. Basically,
Reimu suspected something was up with the spirits but decided to accept their help anyway, both because it would give her a powerup and because she decided if it came down to it she could neutralize the spirit. Marisa on the other hand decided it would be cool to use a hell spirit to push her power further. And Youmu...doesn't seem to suspect anything. So in essence, while they may be getting in over their heads, at least Reimu and Marisa were aware of the danger going in.
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet

The omake texts seem to go into this. Although they're not translated yet, google translate helps give the gist of it. Basically,
Reimu suspected something was up with the spirits but decided to accept their help anyway, both because it would give her a powerup and because she decided if it came down to it she could neutralize the spirit. Marisa on the other hand decided it would be cool to use a hell spirit to push her power further. And Youmu...doesn't seem to suspect anything. So in essence, while they may be getting in over their heads, at least Reimu and Marisa were aware of the danger going in.

Darn it. My lazy ass didn't want to change the locale again so I skipped the omake. Thanks for the info.
Let's see how it all turns out in the end. I don't know why I'm so riled up about this but it's really nagging me.


  • 椛ちゃん、助けてぇぇぇぇぇ!
Darn it. My lazy ass didn't want to change the locale again so I skipped the omake. Thanks for the info.

Here's a fun trick for you. Open the omake in an advance text editor such as Notepad++. Then, change the character set to Japanese "SHIFT-JIS". Doing so will change all garbage characters into nice Japanese.


  • こたえを探してる
Yeah, I was gonna say that.
By the way, I also wanted to say something about the spirits. Something about someone mentioning Kutaka said the heroines are becoming more and more like them? I don't exactly remember.
At least it's good that Reimu and Marisa seem aware then, I wonder if they will actually manage to catch them if they end up being suspicious enough.
Oh, Myon's tail also has a fire-spitting dragon on its end. Pretty cool detail fitting with the other two characters' pawprints and cat figure.


  • mgneiptGD
  • Gensokyo accepts everyone.
    • Find Pretty Womans in your town for night
TBH I feel that the otter spirit might be the "trickster" of the bunch? I REALLY don't trust it's soft-spoken and cowardly personality, it might be lying about how it acts?

I remember that in one of the early translations, it was "opportunistic" and not "wishy-washy" so it really makes me think...


  • こたえを探してる
Hmm, maybe. That makes sense, though I still find the way the heroines act like that cute.

TBH I feel that the otter spirit might be the "trickster" of the bunch? I REALLY don't trust it's soft-spoken and cowardly personality, it might be lying about how it acts?

I remember that in one of the early translations, it was "opportunistic" and not "wishy-washy" so it really makes me think...

The exact wording is 日和見 , hiyorimi. Most dictionaries spit out "opportunism" or the notion of "wait and see how things turn out" i.e. opportunism. I don't know where wishy-washy comes from but I'm in no place to question it.

Here's a fun trick for you. Open the omake in an advance text editor such as Notepad++. Then, change the character set to Japanese "SHIFT-JIS". Doing so will change all garbage characters into nice Japanese.

Thats good to know. I actually had it open in Notepad++ but didn't messed around with the settings after I saw that garbled mess.


  • So those that live now, pledge on your fists and souls
  • Leave a sign of your life, no matter how small...
I think the intent behind the phrase 日和見 is "one who waits to see how something turns out and doesn't act until it's clear where everything stands." While it can be a result of opportunism, I think in this case wishy-washy is a good translation choice. One can see how a passive and non-committal attitude would translate into the timid mannerisms we see in the otter routes.

EDIT: While I was a little skeptical myself at first, neither of the other two descriptive words are as straightforward as saying they become "barbaric" or "haughty" either. The word used to describe the wolf's personality change seems to mean "gruff and prone to violence," and the eagle's as "taking an oppressive attitude towards others." Given the actual effects seem to be a little different for all three of them, I'm guessing we can just take these as ZUNisms and judge the spirit's effects by the dialogues.

Also wow when did I become one of those people who lectures others on Japanese. I'm sorry if this is too much.

On a completely different note, something cool I noticed in the demo: This is the first Touhou game where the characters have more than one expression for their defeat portraits. Even after being defeated, the bosses still emote like normal instead of being frozen in one portrait. It's always neat to see new touches like that.
« Last Edit: May 10, 2019, 03:29:04 AM by nintendonut888 »
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet

Hey, I'll take any information I can get in regards of acquiring a new language. Especially if its a vague one like Japanese, so don't worry.

I was also kinda impressed that the roaring mode/hyper mode doesn't deplete while being in a dialogue and is also carried into the next stage. Certainly, those are small things but when I realised, I was kinda impressed that there was some thought put into it.
On the topic of defeated protraits, now that we have visible wounds: Urumis scatch on her left shoulder looks pretty deep. Edgy indeed.  :V


  • Retired
On a completely different note, something cool I noticed in the demo: This is the first Touhou game where the characters have more than one expression for their defeat portraits. Even after being defeated, the bosses still emote like normal instead of being frozen in one portrait. It's always neat to see new touches like that.

IIRC that was possible even before since faces render separately on top of bodies (heads included) since 13.

Seems like WBaWC demo is coming to steam this month


  • Information Superhighway Robbery
  • *
  • I said it was a steal, but not for whom
You can thank Toby Fox for that, who asked ZUN for it directly.


  • こたえを探してる
Did he? Well either way, I don't think demos would be going to Steam.
Upon further research, it just looks like a false rumor coming from shitposting. (Is this ULiL?)
« Last Edit: May 10, 2019, 07:26:43 PM by AGS »


  • *
Uh, according to what further research lol? This was announced during Touhou Station.

The demo coming to Steam fairly soon is interesting, considering back when ZUN would upload the demos publicly to his website it would only be shortly before the final release anyways, and it isn't like you buy the demo in stores either. This is the first main game (i.e. has a demo) that ZUN's released since first working with Steam so it would be a nice trend to start.

Also to clarify, it's planned for sometime in May, and will be free. Ruw says they would like to also have it available elsewhere but their usual hosts are unreliable so they need to figure that out. Whether there will be any changes (like as 0.01b) is up in the air.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2019, 01:41:00 AM by Drake »

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


  • こたえを探してる
My apology, I was going to edit it after I saw it was true but forgot to.
I only saw it on 4chan with no source cited so I assumed it was shitposting.
It was also a bit weird to hear that because I thought the demo would be paid since it's on Steam, so that makes sense.


  • The Monthly Ghost of the Art Atelier
  • i do the music thing (!?)
It was also a bit weird to hear that because I thought the demo would be paid since it's on Steam, so that makes sense.
I assume the reason the demos usually cost a bit of money is to cover the costs of all those CDs (and all the time taken to burn the game into each one, with the disc art). Hosting it on Steam costs less or something.
Please read my posts as if I'm not taking them too seriously.

i did a lunatic 1cc of MoF once and i'm happy enough with just that


  • Myon

According to Team Shanghai Alice's legal representative Fumio Oyamada on today's [Touhou Station stream](, th17 web demo will be formally released on Steam mid-May, thanks to Toby Fox.


Oyamada said,

>今回鬼形獣に関しては、実はアンダーテールの作者であるToby Foxさんから、ZUNさんに連絡がありまして、体験版の発表をしたら、「僕も体験版やりたいです」ってZUNさんに直接連絡があったということで、ZUNさんが出します事を決めたらしんです。

about th17, Undertale's creator Toby Fox personally contacted ZUN after the demo was released. He told ZUN that he also wanted to play the demo, and ZUN just decided to make it happen.
It's fun to imagine what that large marshmallow-looking thing tastes like


  • mgneiptGD
  • Gensokyo accepts everyone.
    • Find Pretty Womans in your town for night
Also wow when did I become one of those people who lectures others on Japanese. I'm sorry if this is too much.

I'm all ears to hear more about any language as well, gotta get my knowledge juice, after all! ;)

~Shin Kuroi~

  • Sleepy Cat
  • fuwaaa... sleepy...
i love the game so far, but is anyone else having an issue where if you go to a different menu, say, the pause menu, or if you lose all your lives and go to the record replay screen, it slows down tremendously, and it either crashes or the FPS goes to very low levels (like 0.2)? this is the first time i've had this issue. i hope it isn't a PC issue or something not fixable...  :ohdear:
« Last Edit: May 11, 2019, 04:02:21 PM by ~Shin Kuroi~ »


  • Retired
Okay, wow, can't believe it took me this long to realize, but there might be a very witty reason for Youmu's inclusion. Remember IN Ghost Team's story? Between animal tokens and the bosses we've seen so far, I'd be very surprised if this won't serve as a setup for a callback to that in her ending(s).


  • Hungry Ghost
Just had a thought about the costume changes:

So far we didn't meet anyone related to the dog(?) footprints(Reimu), cat print(Marisa) or dragon/snake myon(Youmu). So what if in the stage 4/stage 5 fight everyone faces a different character relating to that?  Like with the Prismriver/Tsukumo sisters. I don't really think it will happen, since the last time we got so many new characters at once was PCB, but it's still a fun thought.
Normal 1cc: EoSD (All), PCB (All), IN (All teams), PoFV (Reimu), MoF (All), SA (ReimuA/ReimuB)
Extra stages cleared: EoSD (ReimuB), PCB (ReimuB)
StB: Level 6-X left
My Replays

Personally, given how they hint at the animals betraying you, I'm more expecting the stage 4 bosses to be wolf/otter/eagle. Or at least someone in the game having a spell that varies based on your type a la Okina.
My name is Tres. It sounds like "Tray". Tressert is "Tray-zurt"; like Tres dessert.
I've cleared every touhou game on Lunatic, and beaten every extra except SoEW.
NMNB: MoF Hard, SA Extra, UFO Extra