Author Topic: Co-seller/Partner wanted for Touhoucon artist Alley  (Read 1614 times)

Co-seller/Partner wanted for Touhoucon artist Alley
« on: April 05, 2015, 08:10:34 PM »
So yeah, I'm planning to sell stuffs at Touhoucon in the Artist Alley
The problem is:
A. I'm an international staying in the US. I can get a SSN to apply for California Seller's Permit, but if there's someone who wants to co-sell, is US citizen and is OK with dealing with the taxes and stuff, I will gladly pay him/her a certain % of my total sales or fixed amount for it.

B. If I do get a SSn and am the one dealing with the taxes and stuff, I still need a partner so that we can switch around to take turns going to events.

Ok, so what I am selling?
Prints of my stuff, maybe a Yuyuko 2016 calendar, several keychains including a set of Nitori Keychains, Promotional prints for a certain wiki project my friends are working on.
My pixiv profile is here if anyone wants to check it out ' v '

Please reply to this thread, email me at or simply message me on facebook at Hien Dang
Thanks in advance ' 3 '


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Re: Co-seller/Partner wanted for Touhoucon artist Alley
« Reply #1 on: April 14, 2015, 01:52:26 PM »
I'll be there too, and I have a table, but I don't know if it's too late to share now... But it can probably be arranged somehow if you write to them.
Seems like the tables are pretty large, so it should be possible, even if I do have a lot of stuff.