Author Topic: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure  (Read 238921 times)

Hello Purvis

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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #960 on: February 14, 2018, 01:30:03 AM »
> "Well, if you'd rather take your time we can hit the IHOP in the morning. It's a restaurant that specializes in breakfast."

>"That sounds interesting," Archer sends. "I guess you don't have to be open long if all you have is breakfast."



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #961 on: February 14, 2018, 01:59:10 AM »
> "Oh, the irony is that it never actually closes. It serves breakfast food at all hours of the day and night. Either for people who work strange hours, or people who just really like bacon and eggs."

Hello Purvis

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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #962 on: February 14, 2018, 04:10:13 AM »
> "Oh, the irony is that it never actually closes. It serves breakfast food at all hours of the day and night. Either for people who work strange hours, or people who just really like bacon and eggs."

>"...What a strange and baffling nation this is..." Archer sends.



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #963 on: February 14, 2018, 04:41:47 AM »
> "All the same, I think you'll like it."
> "I'm turning in for the night. Hopefully this bruise Eileen gave me will sting a little less in the morning. Good night."

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #964 on: February 14, 2018, 07:35:40 AM »
> "All the same, I think you'll like it."
> "I'm turning in for the night. Hopefully this bruise Eileen gave me will sting a little less in the morning. Good night."

>"Alright. I'll be nearby, just call if you need anything," she says.
>You settle into bed, finding it good enough for your purposes. The comforter is nice and fluffy; you suppose they can do that when they do laundry every day. You're sore, but you're tired enough that your thoughts feel too leaden to really race through the things you've experienced today.
>A wind blows past you, strong and so pleasingly, deliciously slow. With each moment, it slows more and more. Paper, bits of leaves, plastic wrapping all catchin the window, gracefully twirling through the air as watching a video frame by frame. It feels good, it feels right. Rundown streets and buildings surround you, this is not home, but it resembles home. Cars travel along the streets, barely moving faster than one would walk; this is good. People are on the sidewalks; their steps coming at a snail's pace. The people are mostly black, some dressed shabbily, some dressed in flashy fashions. Your eyes are drawn upward, toward an apartment building. You see her, on a floor so impossibly high, you can see her clearly. A young black woman, her hair poofy and drawn into something like a ponytail. Her back is to you, she's several feet away from her window. Electricity sizzles ever so slowly in the air, like a leaf in a lazy breeze. There is music; her music, each note a lifetime apart, you're sure of it. There is a fight below, you can hear it. She is ignoring it, trying to drown it out.  Each note comes slower than the last; you smile.
>You look away. Verdant green leaves fill the sky, a verdant forest canopy overhead. The leaves rustle, moving more slowly with each second, the rustling becomes a series of individual leaf noises growing further and further apart with each moment. This is good. You can hear women laughing, not far away. Looking toward them, you can see there are two. One is red-haired and shorter, smiling and laughing, dressed in leathers and a woolen cloak. Her hair is tangled, her clothing frayed, a bow slung against her back. With her is a smaller woman, with short, darker auburn hair, like a pile of feathers. She is smaller and slimmer,dressed much the same as her companion. They are working to pile up fallen boughs against the wooden frame. As you watch, their hands moving slower and slower, they construct a little hut, just large enough for the two of them, laughing and talking the whole time. With their hands barely moving now, their words hours apart, they blend it into the foliage. You look to the east; the sun is rising, written in pain.
>Your eyes snap open, and your body aches. For a moment, you can only stare at the unfamiliar wall and nightstand. You can hear Archer nearby, she's messing with your phone.



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #965 on: February 14, 2018, 04:17:53 PM »
For anyone trying to make sense of them, here are the previous two dream sequences:

>Snowflakes lazily make their way down the crystalline surface. With each moment, it the motion becomes slower, lazier. This is good, it is as it should be. Bit by bit, they approach an asymptotic stillness, growing ever closer, yet not quite reaching it. As it should be. This is the correct way of things. A young woman toils on the other side of the curved surface of the glass, in a dry and dusty place. The grass is brown, the trees are small huddled things. Dryness fills the air. The young woman swings a hammer at the side of a rickety trailer house, securing loose siding into place. The wind blows, disturbing the dust and kicking it into the air in sharp, unpleasant spirals. Then they slowly drift to the earth, losing the momentum that the wind imparted. This is better.
>The woman only barely knows what she is doing, but this does not bother her. She is confident in her work. There is no need to get anyone else involved. There are neighbors, but they are not welcome this deep into her life. She does not need them, they do not need her, and she is content with this. There is little hope here, but that is fine too. It is an illusion, something to be taken away at the merest whims of greater forces. This cannot be helped, this cannot be changed. All that can be done is adapt to it.
>Snowflakes drift along the glass, carried by the the whims of the world. They float aimlessly, coming closer and closer to perfect stillness, never quite reaching it. This is good. A woman in rough leathers chants in a thick forest, invoking a song to please the land in a tune that the ears of no human can decipher. Soon the time will come again, but for now all is peaceful. This is all she can ask for.

>Leaves twirl on the wind. With each moment, their motion slows, no less graceful and no less beautiful. This is good, it is as it should be. Their motion, the wind, the shaking of the trees, it all comes to an asymptotic slowness. never quite coming to a stop, but slowly inching across the sky. This is the correct way of things, bringing a sense of contentment. Forest stretches in every direction, living and vibrant. Birdsong and insect hums fill the air, each note coming a bit later than the last. You smile. It is good.
>Someone runs through the forest, their steps dulled as if moving through water. That is good. She is a young child and a mature woman, pushing the boundaries of her world. Each step takes her further into the unknown, and she rejoices. Each step is slower than the last, an you rejoice.  Her youthful enthusiasm runs wild with each new sight. Her developed sensibilities take in each new bit of information, trying to derive more knowledge from it. There is no longer a forest, simply a world of myriad combinations, numerous potential recipes and reactions. Somewhere out there is the next step toward the end of the journey. To the east, glowing like the faintest of sunsets, there is pain.
>Brown and red leaves twist through the air, drifting downward. With each moment, their descent slows. This is in accordance with the world. A woman in browns dashes through them, each step bringing a crackle of of smashed leaves. A woolen cloak flutters out behind her, the hood pulled up. Each note of of her footsteps comes slower than the last. Her run is displeasing in its speed, but it too is slowing. You can hear others chasing her, but she is not worried or frightened. They are doing precisely what she wants. Their angry shouts becomes cries of dismay, and she stops. The world is not still, but almost. It is perfect. To the east, glowing like the faintest of sunsets, there is pain.

Each dream is probably referencing a different master. #1 is probably Kimimela and #2 could be Eileen.

Since this new one obviously references us, (among other reasons), I have a feeling this is a posthumous one for Koch.

> "good mrrrngig"

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #966 on: February 14, 2018, 06:21:47 PM »
> "good mrrrngig"

>"Morning," says Archer. "Things were peaceful overnight. Though, I think maybe another master drove past around 1:30 AM?"



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #967 on: February 14, 2018, 07:34:31 PM »
> "kimimnnlnn?"

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #968 on: February 14, 2018, 10:30:56 PM »
> "kimimnnlnn?"

>"Maybe, but I don't think so," she says. "I didn't get time to really get a look."



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #969 on: February 14, 2018, 11:15:46 PM »
> "mmmm."
> Flop head back down.
> Flop head back up.
> "Crap. I forgot to make more Walls last night."

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #970 on: February 14, 2018, 11:54:19 PM »
> "mmmm."
> Flop head back down.
> Flop head back up.
> "Crap. I forgot to make more Walls last night."

>"Mmm. That might be a problem," Archer says.



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #971 on: February 15, 2018, 12:16:27 AM »
> "What time is it?"

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #972 on: February 15, 2018, 12:22:39 AM »
> "What time is it?"

>"Getting close to seven o'clock," Archer says.



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #973 on: February 15, 2018, 12:54:59 AM »
> "Okay, okay, we don't have to be out until eleven. I'll take an hour to make a few."
> Fumble out of bed and get our magic junk out of our bag.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #974 on: February 15, 2018, 01:10:21 AM »
> "Okay, okay, we don't have to be out until eleven. I'll take an hour to make a few."
> Fumble out of bed and get our magic junk out of our bag.

>You do so, although you don't really have any suitable rocks onhand.



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #975 on: February 15, 2018, 01:35:14 AM »
> Shit.
> "Archer. I need rocks." Show her one of our Wall reagents. "Ones like this. About a half dozen."
> Check our pockets from yesterday. Are those two rocks we picked up during our fight as potential distractions suitable?

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #976 on: February 15, 2018, 01:44:24 AM »
> Shit.
> "Archer. I need rocks." Show her one of our Wall reagents. "Ones like this. About a half dozen."
> Check our pockets from yesterday. Are those two rocks we picked up during our fight as potential distractions suitable?

>"Mmm. Guess we'll stop along some roadside to find them?" says Archer.
>One of the roads you grabbed may be suitable.



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #977 on: February 15, 2018, 02:24:12 AM »
> "Groan..." We'll have to find time to do it later.
> Does this hotel serve breakfast?

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #978 on: February 15, 2018, 02:34:03 AM »
> "Groan..." We'll have to find time to do it later.
> Does this hotel serve breakfast?

>"There's worse things than pulling off to the side of the road," says Archer. "We'll do it for lunch or something."
>Probably not, given what you paid for it. At best there may be some cereal boxes and a couple pieces of fruit. A muffin if you're really lucky.



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #979 on: February 15, 2018, 02:44:04 AM »
> "Alright, we'll do that."
> "But first, I believe I promised you breakfast."
> Get ready to check out and head over to IHOP!

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #980 on: February 15, 2018, 04:27:48 AM »
> "Alright, we'll do that."
> "But first, I believe I promised you breakfast."
> Get ready to check out and head over to IHOP!

>"You sure did," says Archer, as she helps gather up your stuff. "I peeked in there around 4 AM; and they were definitely still open."
>Checking out is fairly painless, there's really no one else around and the clerk is too disinterested to give you much of a hard time. Thus emancipated, and confirming they don't serve breakfast, you make your way out and toward the restaurant.



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #981 on: February 15, 2018, 06:22:33 AM »
> Proceed to the Worldwide Residence Of Griddlecakes.
> How's the weather?

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #982 on: February 15, 2018, 10:42:56 PM »
> Proceed to the Worldwide Residence Of Griddlecakes.
> How's the weather?

>The weather is fairly cloudy, there's a decent threat of rain later, you think.
>You make your want to the establishment, and Archer ushers you toward a particular booth, insisting it's the best one. It does have a nice view of the morning rush traffic through the window, if nothing else... It turns out that Archer actually is familiar with pancakes; you supposes that wheat, eggs, and flour were probably a large part of the Dark Ages diet. However, she freely admits the ones here seem tobe a lot better. The two of you end up going a bit overboard, loading up on pancakes and a few more side items than necessary. It's hard not to do that when pancakes are involved, they're so fluffy and fun and then you want some bacon, and then you want some eggs, and then you want toast... But frankly, you've earned it and the last of Eileen's money covers it easily enough. Archer certainly enjoys it herself, finding the meal familiar enough to be comfortable, but different enough to be novel. You note that her wounds have healed out by now, you wish you could say the same as the side of your face still throbs a little. But it's bothing a painkiller won't help.
>Breakfast done, the day is now yours.



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #983 on: February 15, 2018, 11:34:35 PM »
> Step outside.
> "Ahhh...alright, Archer, time to go adventuring."
> Our quest? We seek the holy Grail.
> Use our magical senses. Which way does the wind call us?

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #984 on: February 16, 2018, 01:18:27 AM »
> Step outside.
> "Ahhh...alright, Archer, time to go adventuring."
> Our quest? We seek the holy Grail.
> Use our magical senses. Which way does the wind call us?

>"Just tell me what we're doing, and I'm on it," says Archer.
>You get a generally feeling of moving south and east, much more the latter than the former.



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #985 on: February 16, 2018, 01:58:50 AM »
> "...I'm feeling we need to go to the sea, I think. I sure hope the Grail isn't in the ocean. That'll complicate things."
> Check the map, and plot a course to the coast in the desired general direction.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #986 on: February 16, 2018, 03:40:15 AM »
> "...I'm feeling we need to go to the sea, I think. I sure hope the Grail isn't in the ocean. That'll complicate things."
> Check the map, and plot a course to the coast in the desired general direction.

>"It would be a pain," Archer says.
>Checking the map, there's a whole lot of Delaware coast that faces the ocean. You aren't really sure where the closest point would be. There's certainly a lot of beaches and state parks, though.



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #987 on: February 16, 2018, 04:27:41 AM »
> Let's try the nearest town on the coast, then.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #988 on: February 16, 2018, 04:53:01 AM »
> Let's try the nearest town on the coast, then.

>If you are looking at the Delaware River coast, which is probably too far north, it would be Delaware City. If Delaware Bay is good enough, there's a little town called Kitt's Hummock right outside of Dover. FOr the Ocean proper, it seems the closest is a Rehoboth Beach, near a West Rehoboth.



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Re: JoJo's Bizarre Grail War Part 2 - A Fate/Z-Machine Adventure
« Reply #989 on: February 16, 2018, 05:11:24 AM »
> Let's start with Kitt's Hummock.
> "We'll check out this little town first. If I can't sense anything there, we'll try further out."