~Beyond the Border~ > Genji's Battle Arena
[ROGUE] Okay let's play some NetHack (and DCSS!) (and Angband!) (and Slash'em!)
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Not only is Nethack in the repositories of my Linux distro, the graphics interface isn't that bad.

I played with the graphic interface for a long time, until my friend told me to start playing on nethack.alt.org, which is on Telnet, and therefore is the old-fashioned look. It takes some getting used to, but it ain't so bad once you do.
What I like most of all is all the commands are right there, to be clicked on, but are labeled with their keyboard commands, so you eventually learn that, too.

It's pretty tough, actually. I died of starvation at Level 4. Apparently eating things you kill isn't always a good idea. Oh well, live and learn!
It is a really tough game, but that's just part of the allure to me.

And yeah, eatin' corpses isn't always the best idea. :P
I mean it when I say that it hearkens back to D&D 1ed. I feel that old familiar childhood rush of ADVENTURE! all over again.
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