~Beyond the Border~ > Akyu's Arcade
Cardboard Intervention: TCG/CCG Thread Redux 2
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Soul-Scar Mage is very powerful (especially with fucking Chainwhirler) but at least without Bomat Courier in the format it's sort of possible to profitably interact with. I think Bomat Courier is the card that pushes the red deck over the edge because it means the deck doesn't ever have to one-for-one. It can trade two burns spells for one creature, recklessly swing into Settle The Wreckage, and completely dodge Fungal Infection blowouts that should be great against it just because Courier gives it such crazy card advantage.

Is Soul-Scar Mage good in other decks? I guess UR Wizards is probably a thing in Arena, huh? I know I've seen it played occasionally on streams but I never really got an impression of whether it was good or not.
Sole yugi-representer here representing.
So a card that's been in my possession for about a year, Trickstar Reincarnation, just shot up from around 20$ to nearly 60$. I was planning on holding onto it since I like trading more than just getting money, but a friend talked me into selling it and buying a box of Dark Saviors. Which sounded like more fun so I decided to go put it up for sale along with another card (Linkuriboh for ~30$, though I don't know about this one selling since I think a common(?) reprint was just announced. But hey, it's shiny).
Dark Saviors is kinda ridiculous right now for containing Mobile - Engage!, currently at a little over a hundred $s. Which isn't my goal, since you should never buy a box aiming to make money off of a single (or even break even). But it does contain the Sky Strikers, probably the most waifu cards we've gotten in recent memory, which I'm excited to open up a box for. May post results later.
Got my first event with Modern WB Tokens in and it went great. I went 3-1. Lost to Bogles in the last round and it went to game three, my opponent was at one life at the end, and I flooded out like absolutely crazy with 5 spells to 8 lands. So... pretty good. Would WB Tokens again.
So, reporting back on about that box I said I ordered. I mentioned there was a money card, a lottery card in that set that's going for around  $100. Well yeah, I did it, I fuckin' did it, I pulled Sky Striker Mobilize - Engage!
Just made my money back. Pretty good way to cap off my day gotta say.

--- Quote from: Mеа on June 12, 2018, 12:32:01 AM ---So, reporting back on about that box I said I ordered. I mentioned there was a money card, a lottery card in that set that's going for around  $100. Well yeah, I did it, I fuckin' did it, I pulled Sky Striker Mobilize - Engage!
Just made my money back. Pretty good way to cap off my day gotta say.

--- End quote ---

Nice. I only got Beat and Widow Anchor.
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