~Hakurei Shrine~ > Help Me, Eirin!
How to get to grips with Touhou - general hints, tips and advice!
I remember reading that the deathbomb timer in EoSD gets smaller and smaller the more times you deathbomb- I dont remember who or where I read that though so it might be wrong, but it would explain why it feels so inco sistent.
Even then, its probably smaller than other games... Its way more rare IMO.
--- Quote from: IlikeBulletZ on December 20, 2016, 06:34:39 AM ---I remember reading that the deathbomb timer in EoSD gets smaller and smaller the more times you deathbomb- I dont remember who or where I read that though so it might be wrong, but it would explain why it feels so inco sistent.
Even then, its probably smaller than other games... Its way more rare IMO.
--- End quote ---
It's both.
EoSD has a deathbomb window of 6 frames (0.1 seconds), which is shorter than the window for other games: PCB has 6, 8 and 15 frames for Sakuya, Marisa and Reimu, respectively; IN has Border team and it's affected slightly by bomb stock iirc, and MoF+ games have 8 frames.
On top of that, the window does become smaller; if you deathbomb on, say, frame 2, your next deathbomb will only have 4 frames to activate. The 6 frames window resets after you die, though.
Aaa thank you for this guide! I've been trying to 1CC PCB, and this really helped me on my way haha. Again, thank you!
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