Author Topic: Touhou 15.5: 東方憑依華 (Eastern Blooms of Possession) ~ Antinomy of Common Flowers  (Read 546009 times)

Well, the recently released FS chapter might be hinting us of a possible evil entity appearing in this game.

You may be right, i think it is related. As i theorized before, i'm sure the culprit is
Kosuzu herself, either possed by something she understimated,or drunk of her own newfound power. The latter seems more probable, as Yukari helped her out.

By the way, i don't know if i should use the spoiler for this. As i'm talking about what happens in the print work, i don't want to spoil people ^^'.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2017, 09:25:28 AM by martelefort »


  • *
Yes, please use spoiler tags for FS 50 lmao

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

Genuine question as someone that doesnt read the mangas: You really think they'll have a manga-exclusive character as one of the main plot points in the game?

I dont know if that happened before, just seems weird to me.

Genuine question as someone that doesnt read the mangas: You really think they'll have a manga-exclusive character as one of the main plot points in the game?

I dont know if that happened before, just seems weird to me.

It could be possible, it's a spin-off after all. Fairy Wars is the continuation of one chapter in the Manga too, Aya was a print-work character too, so we never know.


  • Retired
It could be possible, it's a spin-off after all. Fairy Wars is the continuation of one chapter in the Manga too, Aya was a print-work character too, so we never know.

Also, Kasen.


  • "The galaxy of light is calling me!"
Genuine question as someone that doesnt read the mangas: You really think they'll have a manga-exclusive character as one of the main plot points in the game?

I dont know if that happened before, just seems weird to me.

To be honest, I also never read some official materials, but in fact, who knows if a minor character  that briefly mentioned becomes a major plot point in a certain canon game. For example, Chang'e. She's briefly mentioned in Bougetsushou's Silent Sinner in Blue, but she's become a major plot point in Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom.

Who knows in Antinomy of Common Flowers, there's one or two playable characters being a key player to stop the Perfect Possession incident, and thus ending the Urban Legend incident for good.

It could be possible, it's a spin-off after all. Fairy Wars is the continuation of one chapter in the Manga too, Aya was a print-work character too, so we never know.

Specifically, an interquel spin-off.


  • magneiptVE
    • Unsurpassed ??asual Dating - Real Women
Genuine question as someone that doesnt read the mangas: You really think they'll have a manga-exclusive character as one of the main plot points in the game?

I dont know if that happened before, just seems weird to me.
Kasen the Fairies of Light, 'nuff said.

And Aya can be considered as well, what with appearing in a literary work first.

Well i think we all know who one of the new characters for the fighting games going to be 
Kosuzu Night Parade Scroll Possessed
do not mouse over the spoiler if you don't want a serious spoiler

Genuine question as someone that doesnt read the mangas: You really think they'll have a manga-exclusive character as one of the main plot points in the game?

I dont know if that happened before, just seems weird to me.
its not weird at all
the only manga elusive characters to not show up in a touhou game are the moon sisters. and that because zun said they wouldn't

also Kasen was extremely important to the main plot in ULiL
« Last Edit: April 26, 2017, 04:42:02 PM by hazerddex »


  • Sister of the Devil
  • "So all I have to do is 'kyuu', and..."
The annoying thing is that the email notification for new posts gives like care for spoiler tags.

I must remind you guys that AoCF is going to be about the Perfect Possession incident. FS is following its own plotline though without ever even mentioning the possessions. FS Chapter 50 is currently the most recent event in the timeline while the possessions have been active since ULiL Extra. It wouldn?t make sense if the events in FS were suddenly somehow responsible for an incident that started quite some time ago. The two plotlines just don?t fit together.

I agree with your point, but i think it can still be related. The UliL Extra was likely a " trailer " to introduce the possessions and the upcoming game, i don't think it's that important if the timeline isn't respected, Zun must just have planned ahead.

And again, all i say is pure speculation, so it may be entirely wrong.

FS is in the same universe as the games as previous chapters have shown. so i don't know what your talking about own plotlines for.

the three fairies manga had a chapter that lead up to there own game so i don't see why FS latest chapters would not be connected with a game thats coming out. also there to many Coincidences  touhou 15.5 is about perfect possession and from the looks of it
Kosuzu's been possessed by the night parade scroll, also remember the scroll did show up in many chapters before so it might not be as unconnected to the Occult incident as it seems 
still you should not count out the Possibility of it. Remember they had a chapter about the Urban legends in kasen's manga before the game came out

also i'm not saying its responsible for the Incident i'm just saying its likely that
is involved much like Kasen was involved in the ULiL
« Last Edit: April 26, 2017, 05:52:43 PM by hazerddex »

I think it is a misunderstanding : Crystal knows it's the same universe, he's just saying that the UliL Extra came a bit far ago now ( i think 5 months by now ) and that
FS 50 is the first time they are talking about possessions
It's a bit weird the connection is this late without them talking about the incident once before.

I think it is a misunderstanding : Crystal knows it's the same universe, he's just saying that the UliL Extra came a bit far ago now ( i think 5 months by now ) and that
FS 50 is the first time they are talking about possessions
It's a bit weird the connection is this late without them talking about the incident once before.
remember the game mentioned a Duo  so its quite possible a second person is involved who is behind the Occult indecent   
unless it turns out to be yukari and Kosuzu
« Last Edit: April 26, 2017, 06:02:00 PM by hazerddex »


  • Retired
also remember the scroll did show up in many chapters before so it might not be as unconnected to the Occult incident as it seems 

If this turns out to be true I'll shout loudly. Something so obvious, right under our noses...

As an aside, the name of the manga makes a whole lot of sense right now. It's all because of that damned scroll...
« Last Edit: April 26, 2017, 06:05:12 PM by CyberAngel »


  • Border of Whatever
I also think they are totally unrelated.
AoCF possession is due to the urban legends and has 2 people switching places. Kosuzu's "possession" has nothing to do with the urban legends, and it looks like it works like a "normal" overtaking of the body. This assuming she is actually possessed and didn't just lose hervmind and get wild dangerous ideas.


  • *
The uses of "possession" here are different and we're only really thinking they're related because they're both "possession" in english. Even though the phenomena are not all that alike.

Kosuzu doesn't particularly seem to be "possessed" by the scroll anyways. Taken in by its influence and embracing it, more like.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

Figured this kinda belongs here aswell.

Bonus(FS Spoilers):

Those made me laugh , well done

I think I nearly spit out my drink from laughing...bravo!


  • magneiptVE
    • Unsurpassed ??asual Dating - Real Women
Figured this kinda belongs here aswell.

Bonus(FS Spoilers):
Please go ahead and spoil to me what that FS pic us about.

Please go ahead and spoil to me what that FS pic us about.

Marisa was found beaten-up at the shrine by Mamizou and Reimu. They start to burry her in a comical way, as she's still alive, and quickly gets up to tell them to not burry her alive.

I don't know if i should have done it by mail, i apoligize if it's the case.

Well I also find it possible that the word 'Antinomy' refers to the pairs being opposing personalities or sides.
So I could imagine these pairs in the game:
Reimu - Marisa (confirmed)
Ichirin - Futo
Byakuren - Miko
Mokou - Reisen (confirmed)
Nitori - Aya???
Koishi - Kokoro

I wonder how will Shinmyomaru, Kasen, Sumireko and the newcomers get paired...
(it would be weird to see a Cirno + Utsuho pair for example lol)

man I need to catch up on FS.
(I don't see a translation for chapter 50 on the Wiki, was it uploaded somewhere else or are people just reading Japanese?) Edit: nvm.

Also I really want to see gameplay of this game. Been watching the MvC:I videos that were released this week, and now I'm really hoping for AoCF having just half of the shenanigans of Mahvel.

Edit 2: caught up. Oh wow.
« Last Edit: April 28, 2017, 05:36:44 AM by shockdude »
Playing Touhou since 18 March 2012. Playing video games since 19XX.
Normal 1CC: EoSD, PCB, IN, PoFV, MoF, SA, UFO, TD, DDC, HSiFS, CtC.
Extra 1CC: EoSD, PCB+Phantasm, IN, PoFV (K&S), MoF, SA, TD, HSiFS, CtC+Phantasm.
Hard 1CC: EoSD, PCB, IN, MoF, TD, CtC.
Lunatic 1CC: EoSD


  • "The galaxy of light is calling me!"
Well I also find it possible that the word 'Antinomy' refers to the pairs being opposing personalities or sides.
So I could imagine these pairs in the game:
Reimu - Marisa (confirmed)
Ichirin - Futo
Byakuren - Miko
Mokou - Reisen (confirmed)
Nitori - Aya???
Koishi - Kokoro

I wonder how will Shinmyomaru, Kasen, Sumireko and the newcomers get paired...
(it would be weird to see a Cirno + Utsuho pair for example lol)

Seija would be a possible pair for Shinmyoumaru. But considering she's become a fugitive in ISC, it's possible to get another one like Raiko. It is possible for Sumireko and Kasen will be paired, especially in their story mode scenario where Sumireko wants to make up for what she done in ULiL.

For representation from LoLK, I want to see Clownpiece and Hecatia join the roster. If they're meet the final boss face to face, expect Hecatia will have a similar distaste like Komachi to the final boss' (or bosses if its more than one) attitude. Mainly, messing with everyone's mind and soul during the wake of urban legend incident and Lunarian "mass migration" for the hell of it at best and to make every participants' life like a living hell at worst.

Spectral Nexus

  • Idealistic Aspirer and Unacheiver
  • Hella trippy.
Sorry, I'm really uneducated about this game in general, but I've gotta ask:
Has there been any 100% confirmed information about the game revealed by Tasofro/ZUN/anybody else yet? Or is this whole chat still just speculation and prediction?
If I recall, this game was announced in December last year, and seeing as it's gonNA BE MAY nearing May, it seems a little unusual for nothing to be explicitly revealed 4 to 5 months in.
Please enlighten me. :P
COMPOSING FOR: Magical Moon Story / Mystic Memory Drive (Full Game)
- Old Chateau Story (Stage 3 and Title Themes)
- Ephemeral Unnatural Balance (Stage 2 & Stage 5 Themes)
- Illusionary Visual Twilight (Full Game)
- Hopefully a few of my own future fangames! :-D


  • The Hidden Rock
Sorry, I'm really uneducated about this game in general, but I've gotta ask:
Has there been any 100% confirmed information about the game revealed by Tasofro/ZUN/anybody else yet? Or is this whole chat still just speculation and prediction?
The confirmed info I can remember off the top of my head is: same engine as ULiL, all the characters included in ULiL including Reisen from the PS4 version + 5 new (new boss and/or characters that have yet to make an appearance in any of the fighters) ones will be included, matches are a team kind of thing where one character lends another their power (as can be seen in the new screenshot from the most recent update on Tasofro's site for the game), and a demo is coming at this Reitaisai. Story-wise we have the intro-blurb included on the website which is translated and on the wiki.

If I recall, this game was announced in December last year, and seeing as it's gonNA BE MAY nearing May, it seems a little unusual for nothing to be explicitly revealed 4 to 5 months in.
Please enlighten me. :P

As I recall for Hopeless Masquerade, we only knew about Reimu, Marisa, and Ichirin up until only a few days before the game was released, during which Tasofro updated the website with information on a new character every day with the exceptions of Mamizou and Kokoro. ULiL I'm less sure of, but if I remember correctly we knew that it would include all the previous characters + Kasen for a long while before there was finally a trailer released not super far off from the full release which showcased Sukuna and Mokou.

So having little information seems to be par for the course, at least recently.


  • Classic era Marisa-like entity
  • Failing at Touhou since 2000-something
Figured this kinda belongs here aswell.

*image removed for brevity*

Bonus(FS Spoilers):

Now that you have posted that, I request that every sub image be sourced for great justice in the preservation of all artwork (except my own) campaign.

Also, my Japanese skills are merely the ancient art of 辞書 use, and I'm lazy; does the tasfro site say anything about there being fixed pairs, or is it freeform? I hope it's freeform. More afterbattle dialogues that way.
ReimuxReimu vs. ReimuxReimu
Please wait warmly. Girls are intentionally leaving this space blank.

Since everybody has these: 1CC PoDD ez, 1CC(?) EoSD ez, PD LoLK, something something HM ULiL

Lt Colonel Summers

  • Lieutenant Colonel
  • Do not mess with a soldier
ReimuxReimu vs. ReimuxReimu

If you can have Reimu call upon herself against two of herself, that would be one heck of a doppelganger fight :]
There's nothing inscribed on the dog tag...

ReimuxReimu vs. ReimuxReimu
That's what I was talking about the other day.

Lol double sealing circle