~Beyond the Border~ > Rumia's Party Games
Seija Quest - Tsukumomommy: Part 11
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> "I don't know who Nitori is. Kasen sounds familiar, though..."

--- Quote from: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2019, 02:16:03 PM ---> "I don't know who Nitori is. Kasen sounds familiar, though..."

--- End quote ---
> "Nitori is one of the Kappa. Pretty popular, but I guess that's because she tries hard in regards to getting out and meeting people from other species."
> We're not present wearing the miracle hair clip, are we?
> "Oh. Huh, she could be worth asking, in that case. Can you take us to her place?"

--- Quote from: Kilgamayan on January 18, 2019, 02:28:19 PM ---> We're not present wearing the miracle hair clip, are we?
> "Oh. Huh, she could be worth asking, in that case. Can you take us to her place?"

--- End quote ---
> No.
> "Nitori? Uh sure. I should probably come out since she doesn't know you. Or well ,you don't know her."
> "Oh. Yeah, sure."
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