~Beyond the Border~ > Rumia's Party Games
Kogasa Quest - Perfect Possession
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--- Quote from: Tashi on October 19, 2018, 02:26:35 PM ---> We are sharing a space with Kourindou in what way? Stand-like next to it? Expansion of the aforementioned shop? Or actually inside of the usual shop, our job place being a small space?
> Relationships.
> Inventory.
> Does talking to our umbrella serve of any comfort when we feel too lonely?
> Are we alone right now?

--- End quote ---
> Inside of it.
> Not really...
> Yes.

> Relationships:
Sanae Kochiya: A friendly shrine maiden who's lovely in a lot of ways... You don't like it, but being exterminated by her isn't too bad.
Reimu Hakurei: The red white. A dangerous and powerful human that can easily be merciless...
Yoshika: A clueless girl that makes competition against you near the Myouren Temple. She hasn't driven you away from doing things there... certainly not...
Byakuren Hijiri: A gentle woman who seems to be the boss around the Myouren Temple. You hardly know the others much...
Rinnosuke: A shopkeeper who will eventually slip up and be the perfect target to get back to surprising.

> You have nothing of note in your inventory. The tools you would use aren't pocketed or anything. Otherwise, everyone keeps their spellcards on them almost all the time.

--- Quote from: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 19, 2018, 04:07:07 PM --->Check chest for usual growths
>What's our specialty when it comes to smithing? Daggers? Swords? Armor?
>Have we ever surprised anyone with our smithing skills?
>Relationships and Possible Romantic Interests
>What season is it? What was the most recent incident? How long ago was it?

--- End quote ---
> You check... They're both there.
> You're excellent with everything.
> You have. You think Reimu counted that once...
> The only general goal you have is learning to surprise people well...
> It's spring. You don't remember the last incident...

--- Quote from: Raikaria on October 19, 2018, 07:06:21 PM ---> Notable Special Abilities or talents

> Anything that is noteworthy as a trait of being a Karakasa? Specifically in relation to the 'humanoid' form and the umbrella itself. EG: Can the two seperate; how do they see; what's the hitbox

--- End quote ---
> You're great at surprising people. Or, at least, as long as you keep thinking such, it'll come true!
> You're quite skilled with your legs... You can hop on one for a long while if you needed, travel like it even.
> You're excellent at smithing.
> Many people say you're cute quite often...

> You can separate, but being away for too long isn't good...
> Your humanoid body does the seeing. It's not like you need to see from the umbrella body anyways, and it'd just make vision more confusing...
> If either of your bodies gets hurt, both are something to you. Though your umbrella body is more important.

--- Quote from: Kilgamaya[N] on October 19, 2018, 10:02:57 PM ---> Backstory

--- End quote ---
> You used to be a regular umbrella in the outside world, unfortunately ignored. With no one else seemingly wanting you at all, you slowly drifted to Gensokyo. The time here has been nice, as you've been shown attention, but the only people to really, well, care about you, have been Sanae in a sense, Byakuren, and Rinnosuke.
>How has that part-time babysitting job been?
>How good are we with kids in general

--- Quote from: Evil_Nazgul0616 on October 19, 2018, 11:10:14 PM --->How has that part-time babysitting job been?
>How good are we with kids in general

--- End quote ---
> It wasn't something you really enjoyed a lot...
> You think you're considered good with them.
> If they're that good, are our legs our best attribute?
> What's in the immediate vicinity?
>Ponder how we came to see Sanae as lovely.

//imagine if Neoverse Kogasa met Raikariaverse Kogasa...
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