~Beyond the Border~ > Rumia's Party Games
Alice Quest - The Seven-Colored Puppeteer's Week v5
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Hello Purvis:
>Glance toward Hatate, and let her have that second.

--- Quote from: Hello Purvis on June 25, 2018, 11:18:28 PM --->Glance toward Hatate, and let her have that second.

--- End quote ---
> You wait...
> "Think Aya might be coming back soon at least. If you're willing to wait, or try to meet her on the way."
Hello Purvis:
>"I do like that latter idea..."

--- Quote from: Hello Purvis on June 26, 2018, 06:58:43 AM --->"I do like that latter idea..."

--- End quote ---
> "Alright. Probably keep high, so she notices you or your shadow along the way."
Hello Purvis:
>"Do you think it is likely that she would miss me?"
>Give an amused glance to Shanghai.
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