~Beyond the Border~ > Rumia's Party Games
Alice Quest - The Seven-Colored Puppeteer's Week v5
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--- Quote from: Hello Purvis on June 23, 2018, 06:46:51 AM --->Look to the guide. "Please."

--- End quote ---
> "Well, do you have any other information on her? How she looks, who exactly she is..."
Hello Purvis:
>"What I know is that she is a baku, who tends to be in the world of dreams. But I need to find her as soon as I can."

--- Quote from: Hello Purvis on June 23, 2018, 04:33:00 PM --->"What I know is that she is a baku, who tends to be in the world of dreams. But I need to find her as soon as I can."

--- End quote ---
> "Hm... I'll try to find out more about her then, I guess."
Hello Purvis:
>"That would be appreciated. Or direct Aya toward me if you catch her."

--- Quote from: Hello Purvis on June 25, 2018, 06:20:41 PM --->"That would be appreciated. Or direct Aya toward me if you catch her."

--- End quote ---
> Your guide nods.
> "Oh, gimme a second for something." Hatate speaks, looking to her camera.
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