~Beyond the Border~ > Rumia's Party Games
RPG - Waking Up From the Dream (Summary/Status Update Thread)
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untitled servent:
After Shikieki slept (read unconscious) most of the day away she finally awoke on contact with Khinsu. After a long period of explaining, simplifying and disbelieving Shikieki finally managed to convince Khinsu that her story was true. They discovered that Khinsu was able to pour incredible amounts of mana in to things, but his reach was limited to touch and his mana share range was barely a few meters. After a large meal they head out into town searching for other residents of gensokyo. time 5:30pm, day 2.

to do
-find other gensokyo residents
-get a new job
-get more normal clothes for Shikieki
Ok, now lets see where this is gonna go,
Anthony is currently tied up with the girls, and has taken a major beating from the yakuza while being knocked out, and our guys are getting beat in the game 9-0, this looks like it will certaily be an interesting turn of events.
Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch:
Reviving this thread...

Marx has undergone a serious personality change. This is serious unprecedented affair.

Refer to profile for information

--- Quote from: Half-Etch on June 24, 2009, 03:44:54 PM ---Reviving this thread...

Marx has undergone a serious personality change. This is serious unprecedented affair.

Refer to profile for information

--- End quote ---

Marx's personality change make her similar to Amarillo except for the easy to get frightened part, hmm, things had become intesting ...
Caber Knight Etch-A-Sketch:
(bumping for the hell of it)

Teams Crios and Pirate are on the roof tops, as Team Shakin' can be anywhere.


This thread did not need bumping >:([/pesco]

sorry. Shouldn't someone lock it then?
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