Author Topic: Manga topic: and also probably titles you never even heard of~  (Read 26828 times)

♛ Apher-Forte

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Manga topic: and also probably titles you never even heard of~
« on: November 21, 2011, 11:27:20 AM »
This topic is a revival of the old manga topic, as well as me attempting to introduce you lot to certain titles which sadly have been sorely represented by others, maybe because it was only translated in Chinese or whatever, but make no doubt that these are stories too tempting to put down.

I hope with this, you too should introduce me to a manga you think is sadly underappreciated, because we all know how we wanted to discuss a show and gets ignored, or a manga and get ignored the same because 'no one else reads this shit' when in fact it is a diamond beyond the dusty covers.

So here we go:  :ohdear:


Dusk Maiden of Amnesia (Tasogare Otome x Amnesia)

Dusk Maiden of Amnesia takes place in an old school of which its foundations are rumored to be built upon hallowed grounds, and like all hallowed grounds and old school buildings, one that is over 60 years old carries a lot of legends, urban or supernatural with it, of rumors, and deaths and curses and tombstones in hidden corners and unused annexed buildings long forgotten by time itself. One day, a certain male student Niiya Teiichi loses his way in the school building of one of the many annexes of the labyrinth grounds. His stumbling brought him to meet with a 'Ghost' Yuuko-san. Who by some stroke of strange luck, can be seen by Niiya and even being touched by him (no doubt boobs first, because ghost boobs are one of those things you must sample to get a fresh taste of death, even if you don't like ghost boobs, you must touch them.) Yuuko-san and Niiya (but mostly Yuuko) does not understand why they are able to touch and see each other, but strange as fate may have it, it strewn them together to uncover the mystery behind the school's ancient history, of the rumors surrounding Yuuko's life before she was 'murdered' or 'left to die' or 'cursed to death'. As they dwell deeper into the mysteries surrounding Yuuko's death and how she came to be, sinister happenings stack together to form the clues they searched for: a truth they were better off not knowing...

Personally I think that Dusk Maiden of Amnesia (we shall call this DMA) is one of those fine fine seinen books that come with a sexy twist, not just because Yuuko is a rather well-endowed spirit, but because of her nonchalant way of speaking, her actions that define her special personality. She is open, as well as sometimes demanding of attention. She is in simple terms : cute yet surrounded by mystery. It makes me hold my breath what they are gonna reveal next on her, how she died, for what she died for, what are the circumstances she was thrust into upon death, was it agony? pain? loneliness? In all these scenes where she was being subjected to confront her being and her history, her pain and anguish were well delivered by able and experienced hands. This is a story worth a thousand reads over. Also, not dodgy fanservice? Yuuko is both a sexy girl under all that ghost (is that even possible) as well as a girl who is always afraid of being lonesome, her way of dealing with Niiya, and the way she teased him is all fun and games, and not in the least bit of dodgy. Much unlike many titles surrounding 'mystery of someone' these days which seems to have a bland vanilla flavored mystery surrounding an even more vanilla character, this is the kind of story that taste much like the chocolate truffle of the cake. Food talks aside, the mystery just keeps getting better and betterer.


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♛ Apher-Forte

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Re: Manga topic: and also probably titles you never even heard of~
« Reply #1 on: November 21, 2011, 11:35:29 AM »
Second post:

Sisters of Musashino Line ( 武藏野线的姐妹 )

Midorikawa Ranko or Ran for short made an enormous amount of money through day trading stocks and at the young age of 24, she is retired and living at home, typically playing games or going online. Her younger sister nicknamed Pandora, real name Hikaru, lives with Ran and takes care of her chores. As comfortable as her life is, Pandora feels that at this rate, she will never be able to blend into society and decides to work at a maid caf?. Ran is opposed to the idea at first, but she slowly realizes that the world outside of the internet and games can be more exciting, especially with close friends.

Definitely hilarious, according to stray rumors, this is a manga based on a live action script, which is really rare as it normally translates the other way around. Unfortunately for the non-english readers, this one is so far only translated in Chinese, which I am more than happy to provide translations to if anyone wants to edit, and put out the scanlations. It is really quite funny, and also multiple occasions of fourth wall breaking, and chiding Otakuism (from Otakus) and various other shenanigans make this one a lovely choice for reads. Also, Ranko is really really silly, and there is a trap.

Of all the stories I been reading lately on this genre of fourth wall breaking stuff, I can only imagine Seitokai no Ichizon NYAA! <--- *this is not Seitokai on its own, it is an extension as an equivalent. Definitely pick it up if you like maid cafes, and goth costumes, and most of all, to see Ranko going about her craziness. (she is much like a 32 year old uncle, with bad habits, ZAN-NEN type attitude (terrible) like a certain Boku Tomodachi female lead. From what I also heard is that there will be an anime of it soon, though not too soon mind you. This is as non-mainstream as it gets folks, if you are hardcore I AM NOT INTO MAINSTREAM stuff, this is your thing.
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Grand Octopus

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Re: Manga topic: and also probably titles you never even heard of~
« Reply #2 on: November 26, 2011, 11:30:16 PM »
Dusk Maiden of Amnesia (Tasogare Otome x Awesome)
WINNER WINNER WINNER. Of the 227 series I've (apparently) tried to read, this is one of my favourites, if not my absolute favourite.

Anyway, I heartily endorse this thread. Here're some of my (non-Tasogare) prime cuts. Not posting any direct links because I hear that's not cool.

Shingeki no Kyojin (ongoing)

Synopsis: Several hundred years ago, humankind was nearly exterminated by the titans. Titans are typically several stories tall, seemingly without intelligence, devour human beings and, worst of all, seem to do it for the pleasure rather than as a food source. A small percentage of humanity survived by walling themselves in a city protected by extremely high walls, even taller than the biggest of titans.

Flash forward to the present and the city has not seen a titan in over 100 years. Teenage boy Eren and his foster sister Mikasa witness something terrible as the city walls are destroyed by a gigantic titan that appears out of thin air. As the smaller titans flood the city, the two children watch in horror
as their mother is eaten alive
. Eren vows that he will murder every single titan and take revenge for all of mankind.

It's awesome because: The human-titan conflict has an intensity/gravity to it which makes it far more compelling than basically any other manga struggle I've seen. The majority of the cast carry themselves as if they were only a few pages away from becoming titan food, adding an atmosphere to the series that keeps the reader on edge throughout. Throw in the intrigue surrounding the origins of the titans themselves, an unusually human cast and excellent direction and you've got yourself a winner.

Franken Fran (ongoing)

Synopsis: Fran Madaraki is an artificial girl constructed by the world's leading biologist, Dr Madaraki. Every day clients with biological issues come to her, and she attempts to resolve these issues through advanced surgery. The operation scenes are explicit, the remodelings are grotesque and full of dark humor. The beauty of the protagonist and her learning make for a peculiar contrast with the raw imagery.

It's awesome because: It's a macabre 'be careful what you wish for' series, comprised of some of the most absurd and abhorrent scenarios I've ever had the misfortune to read. There's little underlying plot to speak of (or at least, that's really been addressed so far), but this just serves to keep you guessing as to what madness the next chapter will bring. I'm also a fan of the art, which is appropriately disturbing during the more graphic moments.

Liar Game (ongoing)

Synopsis: Nao Kanzaki has been dubbed a "foolishly honest girl" for her excessive faith in the best of others. When a package arrives at her house she, unsuspecting, opens it only to discover her admittance into the Liar Game -- a twisted tournament game involving 100 million yen! The profits are high, but so are the prospects of losing. Allying with an ex-convict, how will she be able to cope with the circumstances? And what is the true intent of the corporation behind the Liar Game?

It's awesome because: The 'games' that feature throughout the series are ridiculously entertaining and well-devised (past the initial stages, at least), while the strategies employed are similarly brilliant and almost impossible to anticipate. Thankfully, the series is about to resume having been on hiatus for ages.

Puella Magi Madoka Magica (completed)

Synopsis: Being meguka is suffering.

It's awesome because: It's the anime in manga form.

A Lollipop or a Bullet (finished, not fully translated)

Synopsis: Based on the book 'Sugar Candy Bullets Can?t Pierce Anything'. The plot follows two girls and their summer in a rural area, one of them claiming to be a mermaid looking for a a special friend before returning to the sea.

It's awesome because: I stumbled across this after wallowing through about 30 consecutive terrible series and was amazed by how unique, refreshing and genuinely interesting it was. It's clear from its writing and direction that it's adapted from very competent literary roots. I can't really expand on this much further because I've banned myself from picking it up again until the last chapters are translated (it's one of those series where I think reading it piecemeal detracts from the experience).

Aku no Hana (ongoing)

Synopsis: Kasuga, a self-professed enlightened literary fanatic, gives into temptation and steals the gym clothes of the girl he likes. The next day, the girl that sits behind him tells him that she saw everything! Unless he forms a "contract" with her, she will reveal his secret to the class.

It's awesome because: It's twisted in a way that goes beyond the perverted middle school antics implied by the synopsis. The characters are unorthodox and their emotions and feelings are conveyed with a strength sorely lacking from the overwhelming majority of other series. Because of this, it has (at least) one of my favourite scenes of all time.

Prunus Girl (ongoing)

Synopsis: While looking at the results of his high school entrance exam, Maki has a 'fated encounter' with a cute girl. He's thrilled to find out that the same girl, Aikawa Kizuna, not only ends up going to his school, but is in his class. However, he's not so thrilled to find out that Aikawa is actually male!

It's awesome because: I've been through a number of these comedic romance fluff series, but this one really stood out for some reason. Maybe it's because I like both sides of the main pairing for a change. Maybe it's because I actually found it genuinely amusing. Or maybe it's because I want to do dirty things to Aikawa. Kidding of course
totally not kidding.

Mirai Nikki (completed)

Synopsis: Amano Yukiteru is a boy who has problems making friends. He thinks of himself as a bystander and will always write down everything he sees in a cell phone diary. Tormented by solitude, Yuki begins to imagine fantastical things like a being called Deus Ex Machina, the Lord of Time & Space. However, Yuki soon learns that Deus is more than a figment of his imagination when he makes Yuki participate in a battle royale with eleven others. The contestants are given special diaries that can predict the future, each diary possessing unique features that give it both advantages and disadvantages. The contestants must try to survive until there is only one left standing. The winner will become the new God of Time & Space.

It's awesome because: It's a gruesome supernatural survival betrayathon where a bunch of crazy characters kill each other in crazy scenarios. Also there's this girl called Yuno in it. Go watch the anime.

Zettai Karen Children (ongoing)

Synopsis: It is the near future, and the number of espers is on the increase, requiring interventionist training to enable these people to use their power for constructive purposes. Unfortunately, there are numerous espers that abuse their powers and wield them to destructive ends. The Japanese government's solution to both challenges is the establishment of the Base of Backing ESP Laboratory (B.A.B.E.L.) for the purpose of appraising, identifying, nurturing, and protecting espers (even if that means apprehending them as if they were criminals).

Five decades later, B.A.B.E.L. locates a trio of natural Level 7 (the maximum esper potency designation) espers within Japan, and assembles them into the special esper team known as "The Children". However, all three have developed questionable attitudes because of the persecution and ostracization caused by the ignorant fear of their powers. The question now becomes whether Kaoru Akashi, Shiho Sannomiya, and Aoi Nogami can be refined into a force for good, or whether they will become the leaders in an anticipated war against the 'normals'.

It's awesome because: It's the setting and (extensive) cast which make this series stand out, particularly the interplay between The Children and PANDRA, as well as the moral ambiguity surrounding the latter's behaviour/status as 'villains'
which became much less ambiguous once Black Phantom showed up. Fucker.
. The constant question mark over which way The Children are eventually going to 'turn' is also a strong point of interest,
especially as everything so far indicates they're on the 'wrong' path to become the future leaders of PANDRA.

ReBirth - The Lunatic Taker (finished, not fully translated)

Synopsis: The story is set in a world where supernatural 'Angels' feast on the souls of humans. Those whose souls are eaten will inexplicably commit suicide a few days later. If, however, they encounter a 'sorcery device', they can avert their fate by becoming Takers, with their sorcery devices then becoming weapons of battle. All Takers have countdown tattoos on their chests, and when the countdown reaches zero, they evaporate from the world. To extend their lives, they can kill Angels or other Takers.

It's awesome because: Guilty pleasure series. Lots of death, despair, brocon yandere, yada yada. Sadly (but unsurprisingly given the author), it's ended sooner than expected and most likely on an unsatisfactory note.

Hoshi no Samidare (completed)

Synopsis: The world is in mortal peril. Sir Noi Crezant, the Lizard Knight, has been sent to gain the aid of the great warrior Amamiya Yuuhi in hopes of finding the Princess Samidare and protecting the planet from the incredible 'Biscuit Hammer' poised to crack the Earth in two. Unfortunately Yuuhi wants no part of it, and the Princess doesn't prove to be the shining 'hero of justice' that Noi had hoped for.

It's awesome because: On the surface it's a straightforward battle manga, but it has enough deviations, twists and quirks to differentiate it from its fellows and to keep it engaging throughout. It also manages to avoid many of the stereotypes and clich?s that permeate similar series, particularly in its characters and humour.

Life is Money (ongoing)

Synopsis: In a desperate attempt to raise money for a life-saving heart operation for his sister, Meguru is inadvertently tricked into participating in the high-risk 'Nightmare Game'. Forced into this life-or-death competition, he will have to co-operate with - or overcome - nine fellow competitors in order to walk away with an 100 million yen prize.

It's awesome because: Far too early to comment much on this one, but from what I've seen it's shaping up to be another of those competent warped survival series which are incredibly relevant to my interests.

Bokurano (completed)

Synopsis: During a summer camp, a group of children begin to explore a grotto by the sea. Deep within they discover computers and electronic equipment, along with a man called Kokopelli. Kokopelli claims to be a programmer working on a brand new game in which a large robot has to defend the Earth against fifteen alien invasions. He persuades the children to test the game and sign a contract. After they sign, barely a moment later they mysteriously awaken back on the shore believing that the whole thing was a dream.

It's awesome because: Mohiro Kitoh does mecha. Predictably, there's suffering by the bucketload, particularly for characters aged under 18. Disturbing, emotional and - much like a traffic accident - very difficult to look away from once you've seen it.


Probably should've added Death Note and Negima, but I guess they're well-known. Also this post is far too long anyway.

♛ Apher-Forte

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Re: Manga topic: and also probably titles you never even heard of~
« Reply #3 on: November 27, 2011, 03:06:00 AM »
I read about four books already on Shingeki no Kyoin, the titans story is really interesting, I would imagine it is a kind of... strangely placed story, the art is horrible, facial expressions remind me of 80s gore manga style, guts and shit.
interesting in the way the lead somehow ends up 'growing' his own titan I mean where does all that bio-mass even come from? The titan of titans (the supertitan) is really a scary existence, how does one get even bigger than biggest lol. (surely at that size it would cause deformations on whatever planet they are living on)


I bought Aku no Hana on a whim because the cover looks like something I will read, mainly because I read a lot of zan-nen type stories, normally depicting a socially inept person meeting with an awfully cruel guy/female person who seems to like them and decide to use them for various clown shows and stuff which are pretty much one way ticket to hell on earth. I think Aku no Hana brought out all the cards when it hits book 3 with all the forces of the crazy ass girl who wanted to him to reveal his 'true self'. It was truly beautiful, and I suppose it is gonna be quite a ride to make book 4 as interesting.


ReBirth Lunatic Taker

didn't bother beyond flipping it through, this artist? uh, no thanks and for fuck's sake please finish Unbalance x Unbalance, WHAT HAPPENS AFTER HE SCREWED HER?

Also, ah~ another Tasogare reader, it is the best after book 3 no,
I really love the tension the dark side Yuuko has put on the Teiichi and Yuuko.
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Grand Octopus

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Re: Manga topic: and also probably titles you never even heard of~
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2011, 07:57:30 PM »
Dude, are you trying to kill me with that avatar?

I actually like the Shingeki no Kyojin art. I know it leaves a lot to be desired in some aspects, but it has a rawness to it that I think makes it really effective at conveying the intensity of the human-titan struggle.
And I blame his father for the titan transformation thing. When in doubt, it's the scientific parent's fault.

Yeah, I think you actually warned me what was likely to happen to ReBirth a while back but I didn't listen.  :V Unbalance x Unbalance was pretty good early on but then I have no idea what fucking happened to it. After the hiatus it pretty much became the worst thing ever.

I wouldn't say there's a point where Tasogare's noticeably picked up for me, it's just been scorching hot throughout. I was a bit worried that the author had blown his load too early
with some of the revelations about Yuuko's death around chapter 12-13'ish, but judging from recent events there's lots more to be unearthed.

♛ Apher-Forte

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Re: Manga topic: and also probably titles you never even heard of~
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2011, 10:01:24 PM »
I just chased up Prunus Girl because you mentioned it, and I am in love with Aikawa during one chapter where he was

and also, who agrees the recent maid cafe chapter was the best chapter of all chapters? I sure as hell do.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2011, 02:29:23 AM by Akemi Homururo »
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Re: Manga topic: and also probably titles you never even heard of~
« Reply #6 on: November 29, 2011, 05:13:38 AM »
Ahh, Prunus Girl.
How it makes me question my sexual preferences.
gah that wedding dress why does he have to be a boy

♛ Apher-Forte

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Re: Manga topic: and also probably titles you never even heard of~
« Reply #7 on: November 29, 2011, 07:13:40 AM »
Tomorrow Familia

Tachimori Ashita inherited the Tachimori Mansion when his parents died in an accident. Originally owned by his great grandfather, the estate has been traditionally an inn that had many people living in it but, as of lately, it has become vacant due to Ashita losing his parents. As Ashita tries to revive the mansion in remembrance of his parents, he is surprised by a young girl looking vampire named Noi and her servant Sesera who claims to own the place.

According to Noi, she lent the mansion to Ashita’s great grandfather in return for maintaining the building until Noi returns. As a vampire, Noi has super strength, the ability to turn into mist and can cast various spells. She has a powerful dark aura that attracts evil spirits and, because of that, Noi has had to constantly be on the move. But because of that, she has been abandoned by her family and friends. Ashita decides to let Noi and Sesera stay and is determined to start a new chapter in the Tachimori Mansion history.

sadly, in this one yet again, the Chinese version is up till book three and chapter 1 has only been released. It is fairly entertaining, giving a new twist to the 'Hanako' legend, and adding new elements to strongbrew classic vampirism and monsters with its own system of youkai traits. (Much like how demons are ranked in Beelzebub and so on.)

The best bit about this one is how it focuses intentionally on the bad attitude of the child vamp, who suspiciously acts like Evangeline McDowell (Negima) and has some pretty vanilla backdrop characters to deal with it, but beyond it, the story of 'a family' made up of various youkai introduced to the boy makes for an entertaining read as they stumble along trying not to kill each other while coexisting under one roof. I suppose this reeks of superior titles like Ao no Exorcist, which has literally the same setting except wider, bigger, better organized, but consider this a light flavored Ao no Exorcist and you may find a gem in its pages.

Points up on a big breasted chick who is also not some slimy tomboy cunt who can't keep her mouth shut in Ao no Exorcist.

Oto x Maho

One day, ordinary junior high schooler Shirahime Kanata is forced by his mother, Konata to sign a contract that transforms him into a "magic girl" in times of trouble. As a magical girl herself, Konata wants to pass her job onto her son so he can protect the peace while she goes on vacation. Unfortunately for Kanata, canceling the contract means he'll permanently change into a girl, so now he's stuck doing an embarassing job. Along with the help of his supervisor, a perverted cat named Moel, Kanata will fight against the "Noise," magical enemies who try to disturb the peace...all while wearing a cute skirt!

the comedy precept of this one is as strong as the midicholrian will have it, not only is the crossdressing party in full swing with the cutest male lead ever by Suemitsu Dicca!-sama (he is also responsible with some of the hottest (18++) crossdressing love stories in the doujin market) making him wear a skirt to fight evil. The pacing is a bit hectic on this one as our lead was trampled on first but quickly and unbecomingly in a strange way, get involved in the Noise extermination business. His attribute is apparently all -malegrams related, meaning that he seems to use his magic with his terrifying brand of manliness (under that perfect exterior it seems he has balls of steel) and I guess it adds drama to his background since he could not really accept who he is and who he can be.

Moel is comedy material here as well, being twisted and turned, pulled and punched, boiled and... ok, spoilers lol. Do you have a flavor for nice boys who wanted to deck out in full Madoka madness? I think this is your thing. 
« Last Edit: November 29, 2011, 07:20:11 AM by ♛ 禁断の夢双 »
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♛ Apher-Forte

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Re: Manga topic: and also probably titles you never even heard of~
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2011, 05:54:18 PM »
Reversible! School Life

Kaidou Shuu is our protagonist born with a silver spoon in his mouth, rich, famous family that is the center of electronic conglomerates of the world/Japan. He is rich, but...socially awkward?! One day he is accused by everyone, mass media and all for spoiling the good name of the Kaidou family by apparently violating a girl!? This leads to him facing a lot of blasting from all sides, his father, disappointed in him for daring to ruin the great name of the Kaidou family and daring to shame him, sent him away to a faraway school: Saint Stokesia Academy. Kaidou joins only to realize despite being a boy's school, there are tons of girls around?!

This leads him, of all things to enroll in a school where half the boys on rotation must crossdress!

Ah! Traps!
Suemitsu Dicca is on a double mission to bring joy and peace of trapping to this world. Not only is this work actually have some pretty well carved out characters (Tsubaki-chan, one of the lead guys/Girls?!) the relationship between them is really enjoyable to read. It is sad that the main group responsible for the manga is dead in the water now, WOW! Scans is deftly behind schedule. I am reading the Chinese version so yeah, ahead by a little. This manga should be on your top selection if you like really cute boys~<3

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Grand Octopus

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Re: Manga topic: and also probably titles you never even heard of~
« Reply #9 on: December 04, 2011, 01:38:19 PM »
Nowhere Boy (ongoing)

Synopsis: 'Survival, I Am Unhappy,' the exciting game show to find the world's unhappiest person! The grand prize... is a wish granted by God! When the victor of the game show, Lee Hyun, wishes for the end of the world, God accepts this wish with a condition: the world's end will come in 100 days, and during that time, Lee Hyun is allowed to change his mind only once.

Oh Duk Hee, a quirky comic artist who specializes in unhappiness, is chosen by God to to make Lee Hyun happy again. With the pressure of mankind's destruction riding on her shoulders, will she and her 12 Apostles be able to change his mind before it's too late?

It's awesome because: It's one of those rare series that manages to successfully combine an unusual and interesting premise with outstanding humour. After all the manga I've been through, I have a very low tolerance for stereotypes/clich?s, so it's refreshing to find a series that openly pokes fun at them in such a manner. I'm also rather fond of the visual style, not least because it's nice to have some colour every once in a while.

@AF: I tried some of the series you mentioned, but didn't really warm to them. My trap-fu still needs some work.

Joveus Molai

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Re: Manga topic: and also probably titles you never even heard of~
« Reply #10 on: December 05, 2011, 02:18:48 AM »
Liar Game (ongoing)
It's awesome because: The 'games' that feature throughout the series are ridiculously entertaining and well-devised (past the initial stages, at least), while the strategies employed are similarly brilliant and almost impossible to anticipate. Thankfully, the series is about to resume having been on hiatus for ages.

Don't forget the incredibly delightful "I just got played" reaction faces.  :V

My recommendation for the day:

Cheese In the Trap

It's a Slice of Life style manga set in a Korean university, about a college junior named Hong Sul (last name, first name) who just can't get who the senior Yoo Jung is about. The pic I posted makes it kind of look like yet another "shoujo series where bland girl must choose between a male Betty and a male Veronica", but it is not the case; the illustrations are quite good  and unique (as many Naver Webtoons are wont to do), and the writing is exquisite. It switches back and forth between humor and drama, and the mystery of just exactly what sort of person the wealthy, generous, and ever-smiling Yoo Jung is makes for a compelling tale.

(I hope no one's posted a recommendation for this one already  :ohdear:)

♛ Apher-Forte

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  • Forever lost at sea, a distant bell rings for me
    • Himitsu's NSFW Blog ~ contains NSFW material
Re: Manga topic: and also probably titles you never even heard of~
« Reply #11 on: December 05, 2011, 05:08:14 AM »
I am not too fond of it mostly because I can't tell whether they are going for something or not going at anything. slice of life aside, Cheese in the Trap is .... cheesy imo.


@Heavy Arms Shell
The entire premise of Reversible School Life is probably Reactions! etc. Gotta chapter 3 when they dropped in his dorm and

I dunno about you, one of the things I seem to notice with Korean Manga is that they seem to have overly huge storyboards and they end up crashing under their own weight.
Some of you may have read Zero.

1. The strongest esper is the Korean esper, because we train them this way: if you aren't STRONG, you are WEAK. Hence all Korean espers are STRONG, because other countries rank them by SSS > SS > S > A > B > C > D > E class ranks. But we don't, we have A or B. choose one, get better or die trying. (this is fine on DBZ, then they proceed to interest the reader with tons of espers from Hong Kong, France what have you. The worse thing is that they don't kill off the smaller characters because hey if you are a lion, you have no need to kill rats, so the series is cluttered with forgetable characters who weak powers/strong powers, who suddenly gain/lose their levels of powers because STRIP BITCHES, A KOREAN IS THE HOUSE, KNEEL AND SUCK MY COCK.


2. In this storyboard, you may recall the story was about a boy, born a NOT esper trying to find the killers of his esper parents. He somehow wondrously gain esper-like ability to use gravitational force, (which creates G-forces) that kill people. So he becomes a target of the espers around him. This is all cool, apparently, then there is something mentioned how the 'soul' was the forces behind the esper abilities. Essentially telling you 'NO you can't level up esper abilities, you are born with it' but it also classes people, and says you can train if you work hard to get to SSS or SS whatever. The manga also helpfully deploys in the first chapter of 'The maximum capacity of the human body can withstand nearly 10G's of force, more so and they will be crushed' In any of the earlier chapters, it was about 50Gs. Then by book 5 or so, we are having an affair between 500Gs of Graviton Blades (apparently gravitational forces can be wrapped in a package and delivered via invisible air blade slash booms....

Everything about the story and the characters was..... indecisively big and cluttered. 

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Re: Manga topic: and also probably titles you never even heard of~
« Reply #12 on: December 11, 2011, 10:04:04 AM »
Glad I recognize a few of these, going to check out some of the others.

Ran into Ratman by Inui Sekihiko a while ago.  Shounan story about how Spunky Loser dreams about being a hero; in a twist of fate he becomes a hero, but not in the way he expects.  Some action, and some romantic interests, however the main draw is the comedy.  The Henchmen are outrageously inane and silly, the reactions and jokes are good, gets my recommendation.

♛ Apher-Forte

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Re: Manga topic: and also probably titles you never even heard of~
« Reply #13 on: December 11, 2011, 06:01:06 PM »
did anyone ever finished reading Cromartie High School?

speaking of henchmen, Mechazawa was probably the one and only the best.
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Grand Octopus

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Re: Manga topic: and also probably titles you never even heard of~
« Reply #14 on: December 13, 2011, 11:14:04 PM »
SHOCKING (lol) revelation in Negima 346. Place your bets now for Negi's crush:

Nodoka: 2/1
Yue: 6/1
Chisame: 10/1
Asuna: 10/1
Ku Fei: 40/1
Makie: 100/1
Ayaka: 200/1
Evangeline: 666/1
Chachamaru: 00000FFF/1

Couple of other interesting (though not exceptional) reads recently. Tetragrammaton Labyrinth was a decent quasi-religious action romp with enough foul moments to keep me entertained and a surprisingly powerful ending. Cage of Eden is an interesting Lord of the Flies-esque series, with too much fanservice but enough intrigue to compensate.

Alfred F. Jones

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Re: Manga topic: and also probably titles you never even heard of~
« Reply #15 on: December 14, 2011, 04:03:49 AM »
I have picked up all volumes of Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne. It is far more absorbing than I ever expected it to be.

That said, every time I finish a chapter, I mentally say a prayer of thanks that 90's fashion is over.

♛ Apher-Forte

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Re: Manga topic: and also probably titles you never even heard of~
« Reply #16 on: December 15, 2011, 03:58:57 PM »
recently procured about 14 mangas

Seitokai no Ichizon - 1 to 4
Eulen Spiegel 1 to 4 - this is quite unheard of, out of so many people hardly anyone reads it, an intense piece of work where 3 physically challenged girls get robo limbs to fight crime, they all have dark pasts and are underlying with dark natures. The cheery gold hair chick for example appearing in this work makes up silly songs while bombarding actual criminals into meat soup with missiles and all kinds of heavy weaponry. She seems to enjoy it too, like sadistic girls? this is your piece.

will post a pic soon i guess/
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Grand Octopus

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Re: Manga topic: and also probably titles you never even heard of~
« Reply #17 on: December 15, 2011, 10:12:38 PM »
Ran into Ratman by Inui Sekihiko a while ago.  Shounan story about how Spunky Loser dreams about being a hero; in a twist of fate he becomes a hero, but not in the way he expects.  Some action, and some romantic interests, however the main draw is the comedy.  The Henchmen are outrageously inane and silly, the reactions and jokes are good, gets my recommendation.
Just started reading this and it is magnificent. Seconding the excellence of the comedy (and the henchmen).

♛ Apher-Forte

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Re: Manga topic: and also probably titles you never even heard of~
« Reply #18 on: February 12, 2012, 12:39:22 PM »

It is okay to give this a bump right? Manga on their own seem to lack any and all attention in this forum, so really they don't quite deserve a topic of their own other than wasting space. This thread also serves as an introduction thread and hardly any talk of a specific title is here, if there is enough interest it would probably be in its own thread.

then again, you are free to lock this if you like if you think it will become a megathread or whatever.

recently I started collecting this:

Kyou Kara Maoh talks about a world where humans, angels, devils, various typical RPG races live together in a parallel world where knights, magicians and so on exists in a economically risen landscape. However, in this world, the Devils (demons) which Maoh belongs to; the demon race controls about 66.6% of ~*~~*~the economy~*~~*~ and has the top GDP per capita in the world. In fact, so good were they at this the current Satan, could retire into dementia and old age leaving a rather kind if not utterly bullied successor Satan II to helm the crown of the big empire one day. Although the demons and humans coexist, they also live in a non-agreeable state of limbo and status quo, many people think the Satans are causing the world to dwell longer in hunger, and that their control of ~*~~*~the economy~*~~*~ means jealousy to their eyes. Satan II is a pure and kind hearted kid born into the demon family, and the queen upon birth descended into illness, leading Sting, the butler to care for him.

However, Sting is a sadist, and does everything he can to fuck with, toy with, turn inside out with using Satan II in the name of special education, and trying to groom him into the next King. These education stints includes everything from Satan II making him a cake (even though butlers are supposed to do stuff for their masters), dress up as a girl, take part in his kooky plans to oust humans which he hates, give him free massages in the name of strengthening his grappling strength, etc.
Hilarious by all means and should be checked out... as soon as subs are available.
Greatly overlooked I think most of it because of the art, it is a bit wonky and sometimes just plain weird, but the story is good, simple and easy, and the stints of Sting make this one of the most sadistic and laughable choices of reading.

キャバクラ八犬伝 = Info

A surprisingly short ecchi manga where a spiritual warriors loses his balls (literally, orbs) of magic power into eight girls with jobs ranging from SM Queen to Bunny girl in a nightclub, he strives to touch their marks and regain his powers through them while evading a character called Alessa. Expect lots of stripping.


Durararara! The manga -

Probably I gave up too soon on this series, compared with the anime, I find the manga a well presented piece that deserves all the attention it can get.

Story is about a boy in a city who finds life too boring, but soon encounters a headless riding phantasm - Celty in the city, he begins to investigate her, and from there, meets some of the most outrageous characters that turns his life from boring to overly exciting. He does have a couple of tricks up his sleeves though and it makes for a surprising and engaging read.
Maybe the show is also as good I dunno.

« Last Edit: February 12, 2012, 12:44:39 PM by ♛ 少女の醜態るるる~~夢~天国 »
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Re: Manga topic: and also probably titles you never even heard of~
« Reply #19 on: February 12, 2012, 10:59:35 PM »
Maoyuu Maou Yuusha
Mangafox Summary: After a long and treacherous journey, our Hero finally arrives at the Dark Lady?s castle only to find himself being asked for help. The Hero explains how the war that the demons have brought upon the humans have killed thousands and put more in misery. The queen of demons however argues that this war has made the human society band together as one and showed empirical evidence how it has increased population, increased production, boosted economy and improved society overall. Furthermore, she explains to the Hero that ending this war will result in a civil war that will produce more bloodshed than there ever was. The Hero, convinced that the only way to bring peace, relatively speaking, is to join forces with the Dark Lady, agrees to help with her plans!

Review: I like it. A lot. In my opinion, it points out a lot of the problems of the whole RPG plot; killing a leader of a nation or legion doesn't solve the problem. People will still starve, towns will still be razed, and the lieutenants of said leader are still around. It's like Spice and Wolf mixed with an old school JRPG.
[23:02] <~Iced> You have sown the seeds of your own destruction Amra.
[23:20] <Stuffman> enjoy your personally crafted hell Amra

♛ Apher-Forte

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Re: Manga topic: and also probably titles you never even heard of~
« Reply #20 on: February 13, 2012, 09:07:19 AM »

I started reading Franken Fran and I must say... this is quite... intriguing.

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Grand Octopus

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Re: Manga topic: and also probably titles you never even heard of~
« Reply #21 on: February 13, 2012, 10:30:38 PM »
It is okay to give this a bump right? Manga on their own seem to lack any and all attention in this forum, so really they don't quite deserve a topic of their own other than wasting space. This thread also serves as an introduction thread and hardly any talk of a specific title is here, if there is enough interest it would probably be in its own thread.
Pretty sure it's fine. Like you say, it's basically an introduction thread for various series. If enough discussion develops about one of them then it can have its own thread etc. Also I don't think anyone'd thank us if we overran this forum with threads for obscure series which each end up with 0/1 replies.

Anyway, updating with a couple of recent catches:

Drifters (ongoing)

Synopsis: A young samurai on the verge of death suddenly finds himself cast into another, fantastic world. In this strange realm roam humans, monsters and two opposing factions of historical figures; 'Drifters', who fight to protect the world, and 'Offscourings', who want nothing more than to see all human life destroyed.

It's awesome because:
Quote from: A Huge Battleship
So Nobunaga and Toyohisa
are leading a revolt of elves with
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
to overthrow
crumbling empire. A mysterious evil guy is laying waste to everything with an army including
Jeanne D'Arc, Anastasia Romanova, Rasputin
and a fuckload of monsters.
been reduced to a mental wreck because
gone missing.
in the background laughing at everyone.

This is pure genius.

Arachnid (ongoing)

Synopsis: Alice is a senior high school student who lives with her only remaining relative, a cruel and abusive uncle.  One day, Alice witnesses the death of her uncle at the hands of an assassin called "Arachnid". She is knocked unconscious while defending herself, but upon waking up she finds herself in Arachnid's house. Now, Alice is being raised by the assassin himself!

It's awesome because: I admit, I'm a sucker for series with strong female MCs, not least because there don't seem to be many of them around. I'm also fond of the quasi-supernatural insect theme running through the characters / combat, which keeps the confrontations interesting without them degenerating into outrageous power level bullshit.


I started reading Franken Fran and I must say... this is quite... intriguing.
Excellent choice. It broke my heart to see this end recently, not least because it happened out of FUCKING NOWHERE


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Re: Manga topic: and also probably titles you never even heard of~
« Reply #22 on: February 13, 2012, 11:31:47 PM »
Maoyuu Maou Yuusha

Interesting note: I started off reading the 4-koma series of this. I liked it so much I tried to find out what it was based on.

Anyways, I second this recommendation. The plot is very simple yet so detailed in how the demon queen goes about trying to save the world from itself. She's also so goddamn adorable I want to hug her so bad.
Try it.

Grand Octopus

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Re: Manga topic: and also probably titles you never even heard of~
« Reply #23 on: February 26, 2012, 08:33:04 PM »
Shitsurakuen (completed)

Synopsis: Himoto Sora is a young, idealistic girl who dreams of becoming a knight. Upon transferring to Utopia Academy, she is shocked to learn of a virtual reality-like game played by the male students in which they use girls as weapons in battles for status and treat them as commodities. Seeing one of these girls being abused, she steps in as the first female participant of the game.

It's awesome because: It's a series where schoolgirls are subjected to cruel / degrading treatment and are routinely violated throughout.


Er, what I mean by that is that the subject matter and its presentation are abhorrent enough to emotionally involve the reader in the setting and to cause you to actually give a damn about the majority of the characters. There's also a reasonable layer of intrigue running alongside everything, backed up by a mix of plot twists and yuri. Musn't forget the yuri.

Choujin Gakuen (ongoing)

Synopsis: In a distant country, in a distant land, a demon girl lives alone in a mansion. One day a young man named Adam takes shelter in the mansion to protect himself from a storm. After a memorable first encounter, Adam and the demon - both outcasts in the human world - decide to seek out other forsaken souls and create a place where they can all live together in peace! An academy for monsters!

It's awesome because: Everything about this series, from the characters to the artstyle to the 'plot', is batshit crazy. I genuinely have no idea whether the author has any actual plans/direction or whether he's just deciding everything by roulette. Whatever the case, it's just pure, zany, unpredictable fun, something I'd like to see more of.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2012, 11:13:59 PM by Thousand Knives »

♛ Apher-Forte

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Re: Manga topic: and also probably titles you never even heard of~
« Reply #24 on: February 27, 2012, 09:42:12 AM »
Currently I am reading this one:

It is really awesome, but no scanlations yet.

Why it is awesome: Do you like Godzilla? Prepare for something even better than Godzilla, it is a fulsome book of people dying, screaming, running from giant monsters that came out of nowhere!
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Joveus Molai

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Re: Manga topic: and also probably titles you never even heard of~
« Reply #25 on: March 05, 2012, 10:24:55 PM »
Arachnid (ongoing)

Heh, I've read this one before. It's alright, but I found it to be rather Hideo Kojima-esque; lots of fanservice, lots of exposition that interrupts the flow, and lots of over-the-top ridiculousness that the author expects you to take seriously.

♛ Apher-Forte

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Re: Manga topic: and also probably titles you never even heard of~
« Reply #26 on: March 06, 2012, 04:39:17 AM »
Kokuhaku is by Anri Sakano. It's about a guy named Arai who gets roped into cross-dressing so he can talk to and ultimately confess to his first love, Ono. The first one-shot was in volume 2, Peach Group. The second was in volume 4, Blue Group. The third was in volume 6, Cherry Blossom Group. The fourth was in volume 7, Plum Group. The fifth was in volume 9, Apple Group. The sixth was in volume 10, Satsuma Group.

oh hey guess what I found.
this is so adorable it hurts.
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Re: Manga topic: and also probably titles you never even heard of~
« Reply #27 on: March 12, 2012, 05:26:01 PM »
Hentai Ouji Warawanai Neko

Yokodera is a high-schooler who has no issues with following his earthly desires. His only problem is that when he does something to satisfy them, his actions are misunderstood and he receives some reward as a result. His biggest desire is to be able to get rid of his good student ?public face? and be able to tell his real feelings. One day, his equally perverted friend completely transforms and gets rid of his ?impure thoughts?; a feat he attributes to the power of the statue of ?the cat that won?t laugh?. According to the rumors, if you give it an offering you can force something you don?t need onto someone else. As he?s making his offering to the statue (a dakimakura) in exchange for getting rid of his instinct to preserve his ?public face?, a girl arrives at the same place. The girl?s tired of always expressing the things she feels because it makes her look childish. In order to be more of an adult, she desires to be able to hide her true feelings. Together they pray for their wishes? ?for my public face and habit of hiding my true feelings with lies to disappear?? ?for my real feelings to stop showing ?? Will their wishes come true? or perhaps more importantly, will they be happy with the results? Read to find out!

Personal review:
This has been an electrifyng experience to say the least, because the art is by Kantoku (at least the cover is), everything is made better. The story itself is quite interesting, a cat that can give away things that you don't need to others, stuff like feelings and so on. I imagine there is hardly a few stories where 'be careful of what you wish for' becomes so real. The characters are rich and interesting, and that is what I look for.



Probably the hottest shit I read all week and it is still mostly worksafe Himitsu no Akuma-chan

Kurosaki Sou is a 16 year old who summons a devil to take his virginity. He hopes for a devil with flaming red hair, large horns, and black wings. He gets exactly what he wishes for, although he forgets something else rather important. Now he?s forced to live with this devil and has to think of a way to get rid of it, and most importantly ? survive its lust.

Sou immediately learns that the cute succubus he ended up with is a... trap. The wonderful story of this man struggle to say straight becomes cluttered with... seduction.

Personal review:
YES? This is for you, nuff said.
It is so cute, so wonderful... I can't even begin to describe how wondrous this piece of work is.


Funny choice of the week.
Love in the Hell

Rintaro Senkawa is a middle aged guy who got a little drunk one night and died. But that is just the beginning of this story as Rintaro finds himself most unexpectedly in Hell where he meets his guide, the devil Koyori. Can Rintaro take his situation seriously enough to repent for the sins of his former life, or will he face the favored weapon of Hell- the spiked iron club?

Personal review:
Almost immediately we are exposed to antics that isn't quite safe for work. Starting with this guy who died unexpectedly, he ends up in purgatory where a devil is assigned to him (Koyori is so cute~<3) who is at once kind-hearted as kinda coddling... Everything of this resembles Bokusatsu Tenshi Dokuro-chan, especially since it involves lots of clubbing, lots of splattering of brains and guts and ecchi content. Probably the best bit is 'Masochists are superstars in hell'

Now, if you will excuse me I gotta go level up my inner M.
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Re: Manga topic: and also probably titles you never even heard of~
« Reply #28 on: March 18, 2012, 02:30:28 AM »
The Voynich Hotel

Synopsis: A young man comes to live on a small island in the south seas, and resides in a hotel that is far from ordinary ? which matches the guests and staff?

Personal Review:  To put it bluntly, this manga is messed up.  Everyone has at least one weird quirk, whether it be a physical or mental one, and the humour is delightfully screwed up in so many ways.  Needless to say, this is my favourite manga at the moment and the cast of characters vary widely from a seemingly normal young man to a trio of women secretly growing some kind of super-drug in one of the hotel rooms.  I'd mention some more of the characters, but I wouldn't want to give away some of the more screwy personalities.
Worth mentioning that the humour can get extremely crude at times, but apart from that I definitely suggest checking it out.  The chapters are only about ten pages as well, so it's a good read if you've got some free time to waste as well.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


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Re: Manga topic: and also probably titles you never even heard of~
« Reply #29 on: March 26, 2012, 08:55:12 AM »
Voynich Hotel: For people that enjoyed reading that one, I recommend Nickelodeon by the same mangaka. It consists of (mostly unrelated) short stories that are similarly bizarre (and oftentimes funny and/or heartwarming, albeit usually in some twisted way).

Now for something different...

Anne Freaks
In short: Dude kills his mother, wants to bury her, gets helped by a girl in exchange for promising to help her with something, too.
Awesome because: One of the few manga that really manages to pull off the theme of corruption. If that's your thing, go read this now.