Author Topic: Unusual PoFV Glitch?  (Read 1646 times)

Unusual PoFV Glitch?
« on: November 30, 2015, 09:05:03 AM »
Hey guys, I'm new to the forums although I've been lurking for quite some time, so if there's something I'm doing wrong, please don't hesitate to tell me! I'm not sure if it would be more appropriate for me to post this in the Tech Support section, but I'm not really looking for help; I have a pretty interesting story, and I was wondering if others have had a similar experience.

A couple days ago, I was playing Phantasmagoria of Flower View, bored while playing tabletop games with some friends. I don't consider myself an expert player, usually preferring the normal or hard modes of the games, so at that time I was playing against the normal mode CPU as Merlin VS Eiki Shiki. It was really late when I was playing, so I wasn't really able to concentrate and let a lot of Eiki's hot dogs hit me until I reached my last life point for the first round. Desperate to survive an onslaught on danmaku, I had started charging my level 4 (boss) attack, but just when I had finished charging and initiated the attack, a bullet hit and killed me at the same instant I let go of the fire button. Nothing was summoned to Eiki's screen but I heard the "Spell-Card Use" sound that you always hear when you use any spell card attack.

Now, we proceed to round 2, and some very strange things happen. While the character sprites, background, and bullets were fine, some unusual graphics glitch had occurred that replaced the sprites of the fairies and spirits with a series of white numbers that would change about every split second. Similarly, every time a spellcard attack was used, there were bizarre graphical bugs that would appear randomly on the screen but have no real gameplay effect. Finally, after Eiki had summoned her level 4 attack, the game froze and then crashed. I had never seen a bug like this occur in my days of playing Phantasmagoria of Flower View, and the closest experience I've had in any Touhou game would probably be the buggy Legacy of Lunatic Kingdom demo. With the fortunate (or maybe unfortunate?) timing or the combination of circumstances involved, I could probably never reproduce this same bug even if I tried. Since I was so tired at the time, it didn't occur to me to catch a screenshot of the occurrence.

Since it was about 4 AM local time when the glitch occurred and I was sleep-deprived out of my mind, the graphical glitch was a bit spooky (almost in a Ben Drowned sort of way) and caught me off-guard, especially when the glitch itself was followed by a game crash. Has anybody else had a similar glitchy experience playing a Touhou game? I'd like to hear your spooky glitch stories :D