Author Topic: Weekly Writing Challenge Thread the First  (Read 489106 times)

Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #690 on: April 22, 2011, 02:49:50 PM »
*Note: This is not my entry*

Touhou Inception. Hmmm....

A figure lay face-first in the sand. It stirred lazily, attracting the attention of a few armed guards. With a practiced precision, the squad placed themselves behind the few rocks and bushes on the beach. One of their number, holding a handgun, walked warily to the person lying on the beach.

"Get up. Put your hands where we can see them.
The figure struggled upwards. After a few attempts, she manages to right herself. She complies, only a twitch of her hand betraying her unease.
The guard beamed.
"Welcome to Mayohiga"

The woman was walked over a stone path to a house. Inside, she was carefully guided through a number of rooms. A round table was the final destination; a woman in a white cap sat there. Eight clouds.


"Please tell us, ms. Yakmudo"
"Yukari will do"


  • I heard Malzaherp
  • needs a derp
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #691 on: April 22, 2011, 07:07:40 PM »
I'm probably going to regret having made it so very short, but here is my entry, bright and early;

He had been present upon grass, embracing her, the engagement of flesh an unbelievable certainty. The breeze tore at them, shredding their hair so that it streamed upon its current; the sky a sapphire infinity that possessed the clarity of glass. It was unconscionably real. A sharp breath, and he was wrenched from this attachment, the pestilential air hanging still and petulant; the firm press of hands spirited away; the violet of her dress a mere vapour of a thought. The dream was scarcely a notion in this paralysed, breathless interior.

The ceiling wounded him with its gaze; a scrutiny that he returned to that scabrous stanchion of grey, mottled white where the paint had survived debility and clung with stubborn intent. He lay without motion, intertwined amidst sheets thick with perspiration; aching to recall the apparition of her to this reality. A bauble of sweat traversed his face, his skin alarmingly stimulated by that subtle contact, and aching for the fluid to be swatted away.

Fluid. He disentangled himself from the havoc of his bed and seized water from the kitchen, gazing vacantly as he drank. Keys could be perceived in rattling conversation, as they were fought, managed, and thrust into an ignition, the corresponding engine coughing into life. The headlights that shot into the room were shredded by the blinds, spread in discord for anxious want of repair, the interior painted with pearly light, illuminating dust in slack suspension, conspicuously immerged. The lights cleaved through the body of darkness and then vanished, the engine growing ferocious, only to diminish as sound was smothered by intervening distance.

"And what is my torment?" he said, evaluating his glass as though the impeccable water should possess a response of suitable inflection. "Is it the improbable dream, or this iniquitous reality?" and he shattered his glass, the smash invoking fragments skipping across the floor. The cataleptic night was pierced; a quantity of birds flourished in the humidity outside and bore away, possessed by terror.

He directed his fury towards his cabinet, impetuously flinging out every manner of content; glasses, cups and plates irrespectively tossed; their shattering almost rhythmic and injecting turmoil into the night. He exhibited a scream, compelling his weight into the cabinet, but his agitation of spirits prohibited calculation, and so his movement conduced the turbulence necessary to bring down that wooden immensity; to bring it down upon him.

He plunged into a blackness; falling, falling; sightless atrament racing past, all sensation lost but for this interpretation of haste. This ocean prevailed for an immeasurable duration, and, upon feeling a surge of intensity crashing into his head, it cleared away. He possessed a superficial recollection of having traveled; of great ascension; of a balloon powered by flame. His vision returned, and a basket was his commode; above, a noiseless ember compelled a vast contusion of canvas. He peered over the edge of this sanctuary; this refuge; and perceived the geography of clouds, fathoms below. Billowing white cloud in paramount immensity, detailed by convolutions, and swelling, soaring pinnacles; stragglers, here and there, disengaged from the main body, but the whole a regimental fleet, sailing temperately below.

His balloon was a mottled shadow against the endless white; no horizon; just an interminable mist that concealed the closure of the world; the whole contained by that invariable haze, and the familiar blue above that opposed the dynamic cloud below. Up here, the world assumed a vivacity he could not previously had known; detail intensified, the various intricacies of the wickerwork that fabricated his basket now so very clear; a muddy brown that would always melt into a texture lighter than straw, the crystal air reaching into his lungs. Conceivably, the sun was blotted by the sight of his balloon, but the canvas shone as though it was the second day of Creation; all things united in virtuous purity. 

He staggered backwards, and this instance of his was fought from his possession, and he was not startled to discover himself again to be incarcerated by darkness. For an eternity he fell, embracing time, or perhaps living above it - it could not have signified in this featureless dimension.

And then grass; their blades a poignant certainty against his skin, delicately pricking his flesh. He could not have helped to have noticed the sun, preposterously bright; the heat, although persistent, was not oppressive. It warmed him.

She was there.

Her hair bore the colour of sunshine, pouring to her shoulders and beyond, spiraling to embrace the girth of her neck in a shining, undulating flow. It took to the air following a devoted gust from the breeze. Immediately, her name formed in his mouth, and he spoke it; but it could not be heard. She manoeuvred her umbrella with mischievous intent, the livid purple of her dress so very captivating; and all the while she was whispering something imperceptible to his ears.

A line was illustrated, procured from nothing, with a pair of bows at either end. The centre swelled to reveal a featureless interior that was suddenly populated by eyes, and so this widened to capacitate her entirety. She vanished into the portal, her features, her form; her being swallowed beyond restitution. He shook his hands despondently, and then awoke.

He inhaled the fetid air of his room and noticed the squalor, the turmoil of his present. Flushing into him was an ignited flow of agony; tears at his perpetual dissociation from that universe funneled hot from his eyes, wetting the floor, and he cursing the fallen cabinet for not having been of fatal intent. Above him, the subject of his obsession watched with the fondest sympathy, her lips pursed with resolution; and she thought, "He is desperate; but incompatible for my ambitions," and so departed. And below her had lain the man, oppressed by his connotations of happiness.
« Last Edit: May 04, 2011, 12:29:21 PM by andrewv42 »
I eat squirrels.

Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #692 on: April 22, 2011, 11:11:49 PM »
(Finished up my entry pretty quickly this time. Thanks to the people who I got to proofread it.)

 ?Big sis! Big sis! Where are you??

 Remilia sighed in partial irritation, sliding an elaborate lace bookmark in between the pages of the novel she was reading. She tossed it onto the table beside her, then rested her elbow on the arm of the couch and laid her cheek on her fist. ?Over here, Flan.?

 The blonde vampire?s head suddenly peeked around the doorframe into the living room, wearing a broad, fanged grin. ?Found you,? she chimed, the crystals of her makeshift wings tinkling lightly as she skipped cheerfully into the room, arms folded behind her back.

 Remilia did not seem as amused. The fingers of her free hand drummed rhythmically on the other arm of the couch, clearly demonstrating her impatience. She was just getting to the good part of that novel, too. ?Yes, Flan, you found me,? she grumbled. ?Now what is it that you want this time??

 ?wait. What was that smell?

 When she reached her sister, Flandre fell to her knees and rested her chin on Remilia?s lap, directing her eyes up to look at her sister?s face. ?Remi, can I play with you,? she sang, rocking her head from side to side.

 Remilia was too distracted by the oddly sweet smell that was radiating around Flandre at that moment to consider her question. It was a scent she knew she encountered every day, but it was so common that she couldn?t remember exactly what it was. ?Not right now, Flan. I?m trying to do some reading.?

 Finally, Remilia realized exactly what that slightly iron-like odor was. Her fingers suddenly stopped their rhythmic drumming as she narrowed her eyes at her sister. ?Flandre. What have you been doing today??

 The younger vampire just looked up at her sister innocently, just like she always did. ?Huh? I haven?t been doing much. I did play with Sakuya earlier, though.?


 ?Sakuya? You?re not supposed to play with her the way you play with me, Flandre. You might break her. You know that.? Remilia?s voice was starting to rise with agitation. Flandre removed her head from her sister?s lap, suddenly afraid. ?I?well?she??

 ?What did you do, Flandre??

 ?I didn?t?it was??

 Remilia suddenly slammed her fist on the arm of the chair, audibly cracking the wood from the sheer force of the blow. ?What. Did. You. Do??

 Flandre just stared at her sister for a moment. Then, slowly, the muscles around her mouth began to twitch and spasm, gradually forming a pained grimace of a grin.

 ?no, I didn?t?I never would?

 She finally brought her blood-soaked hands from behind her back. Tears formed in her eyes as she looked at her sister. ?I broke Sakuya,? she choked, sounding as if she was both about to cry and laugh.

 Remilia?s eyes widened in shock. She fell back into her chair with a slight choking sound, her head dropping slightly. ?You??

 ...Remi...I didn?t...I wouldn?t?

 Flandre suddenly started laughing. Red tears streamed from her sorrowful eyes as she looked at her sister. ?I?m sorry, Remi. It was an accident. I was just playing with her.?

 Suddenly Remilia?s hand shot up, pointing right at Flandre. She raised her head, revealing her burning red eyes with the pupils turned to tiny slits and the whites turned pure black.

 Destiny "Miserable Fate".

 Several crimson portals appeared behind Remilia. From them shot glowing chains tipped with spears, which snaked through the air toward Flandre. The younger sister had no time to react as the chains wrapped around her arms, her legs, her neck, her torso, embedding themselves in the ceiling and walls and hoisting up their catch.

 Remi! Stop! Please, I?m sorry!

 Flandre gasped in pain as the chains burned into her skin and stretched her limbs. She cast her eyes down to her sister, her laughter reduced to a choked chuckle. ?Remi, what?s wrong? You?re so angry. I was just playing. Don?t you understand??

Critical "Heart Break".

 ?You just don?t get it, Flandre, do you,? Remilia hissed as she stood up. With an electric crackling noise, a long spear of scarlet energy appeared in her hand. ?First our parents. Now Sakuya. You?re a menace.?

 No, Remi, I?m not! Something?s wrong, I didn?t do this!

 ?And the only thing left to do now is to make sure you can?t cause any more trouble. Keeping you in the basement didn?t work. I don?t have another choice.?

 Slowly, she pulled back the arm that held the spear, using her other arm to aim for her sister?s head. ?Goodbye, Flandre.?

 Unnoticed to Remilia, cuts began to appear in Flandre?s right arm, forming elaborate tattoos with her own blood. They spread down her arm until they reached her palm, where the shape of an open eye formed with a globule of the crimson liquid as the pupil.

 ?wait, no. Don?t do that. Please, don?t do that.

 A small orb floated out of the pool of liquid in the center of the eye. It swirled with fiery colors, and Flandre grasped it between her fingers.

 Please, stop it!

 Flandre looked down at her sister, the tears still streaming from her eyes as she grinned down at her. ?Bye, Remi. Sorry.?


?Flandre, what?s wrong?!?

 Flandre suddenly shot up in her bed. She panted heavily, clutching her chest as she looked frantically around the room. Her room. How did she get here??

 ?Flandre!? Remilia burst through the door, dressed in her nightgown. She wasn?t destroyed. And there was Sakuya behind her. Flandre reflexively checked her hands. No blood. No cuts.

 ?Young mistress, are you alright? Did something happen?? Sakuya was breathing heavily as well. So was Remilia. They must have run as fast as they could to reach Flandre. The younger vampire stared at the two of them in silence for a moment, then suddenly leaped out of bed and ran toward her sister, hugging Remilia tightly.

 Remilia stumbled back slightly, surprised by the sudden impact of her sister. ??you had a nightmare, didn?t you?? She sighed, resting a hand on the back of Flandre?s head and stroking her blonde hair.

 ?Sakuya.? The maid straightened up at the sound of Remilia?s voice. She looked down at the vampire, though Remilia didn?t look back at her. ?Bring a glass of warm milk up to my room for Flan. She?ll be staying there today.?
 Sakuya nodded and quickly left the room as Flandre looked up at her sister, eyes wide with surprised. ?R..really, Remi? I can sleep in your room??

 ?Just this once,? Remilia replied, lifting a finger. ?You?re too old to spend every night sleeping with your sister, you know.? She gave a short laugh, then turned and led Flandre out of the basement. ?Come on, you need your sleep. I don?t want you sleeping all night, you know.?

 Flandre giggled a bit, clinging tightly to her sister as they walked up the stairs. ??thanks, big sister. I love you.?

 ?I love you too, Flandre,? Remilia replied, resting an arm around the blonde vampire?s shoulder.

 A girl watched unnoticed through one of the large windows of the Scarlet Devil Mansion. She floated there calmly, cradling the closed blue eye that floated in front of her. She giggled as she watched the two vampires ascend the stairs.

 ?The people here are odd,? she said to herself, finally turning to fly away from the mansion. She held her black hat on her head as she flitted playfully through the air. ?I wonder who else will respond that way??
All lies and all sin, all dreams and all majesty, Everything rots in this ruined hell

[The Perfect, Elegant Maid] [Pathos of the Hated People] [Music, Projects, and Art]


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  • ふそそそそそ
    • Hydrangeamaiden
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #693 on: April 23, 2011, 01:27:43 AM »
Sorry, no wingly this time.

Three hours without shelter and a human would die.  It was a good thing she just found shelter.

Three days without water and a human would die.  She was out of water, but that was okay.  It was already raining.

Three weeks without food and a human would die.

Well, she couldn?t remember the last time she ate.  That was all she could think about, really.  She didn?t register the muddy street she had recently wandered off of, nor was she thinking about the fact that water was leaking through the crate she had turned on its side and crawled into.  She was starving.  Not to mention tired.  It really didn?t sit right with her.  She could just take a nap here and go find something




?Are you stupid or something??

The woman?s voice surprised her so badly that she leapt up, and instantly regretted it.  Her head reeled and her stomach churned.  When she steadied herself, she looked towards the source of the voice.

Had it not been pitch black, she would?ve been able to describe what she saw, but it was only a pair of white dots leering at her from the darkness.  Or maybe the darkness was the source of the voice?

"You?re hungry, right?  Why don?t you go get some food??

She hesitated?after all, how did this voice know she was hungry??but every muscle in her body screamed ?Yes!?  She felt herself turn away and start to run.  She felt as heavy as the wheel of cheese she saw at the deli all those years ago?

That?s right, cheese!  That?s what she was craving.  Cheese on its own was kind of plain, though.  Cheesecake would fill her up instantly, but it was hard to find and usually expensive.  Cheese with crackers and maybe some wine would be better.  She was still kind of a kid, but wine was her ambrosia when paired with the right foods, and cheese and crackers happened to be one of those foods.

Just the thought of it made her mouth water.  Her legs somehow found the strength to move faster, but the more she ran, the worse her hunger got, and the darker it became.  Suddenly unable to see her own two feet, she tripped and fell flat on her face.

?Help me!? she cried out.  ?I can?t see where anything is!?

?Like I care.  Just hurry and eat already.  I feel like I?m going to die??

?Uugh??  Tears welled up in her eyes as the empty feeling in her stomach intensified.  She felt like she was being stabbed, and when she tried to get up, it just felt worse.  Groaning in pain, she rolled over and

felt her head roll off the pillow.

A dream?

Rumia stared up at the ceiling as she tried to make sense of her thoughts.  Darkness, a strange voice telling her to eat, and now it was silent.  It wasn?t raining?it never rained, anyway?so now the silence felt suffocating.  She was somewhere else earlier, but she couldn?t quite remember anymore. 

Her stomach gurgled.

Oh, that?s right.  Food.

Rumia sat up, pushed the blankets off her, and looked over at the futon next to her.  The girl sleeping there was still asleep, but she wouldn?t mind waking up for just a little bit to make her something, right?  Rumia reached over and gave the girl a rough shake.

?Hey.  Hey.  Wake up.?

She did this until the girl stirred and blearily opened her eyes.


?I?m hungry.  Make me something.?

?Mgh??  She rubbed her eyes.  ?Do you have any idea what time it is??


??Okay, fine.  But after this, go back to sleep.?  The girl muttered under her breath, irritated, as she reluctantly dragged herself from her futon and padded into the kitchen.  ?Whaddya want??

?Um?Cheese!  With crackers.  And Wine.?  Rumia sucked in a bit of drool after saying this.

?That?s oddly specific,? the girl noted as she rummaged around in the cupboard.  ?But okay.?

Rumia grinned.  Did the girl think she was weird for requesting something so gourmet, and with wine of all things?  She couldn?t help it, really, she had a strange craving for that kind of food for some reason.


☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character


  • Time expired: 121:45
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #694 on: April 23, 2011, 03:31:13 AM »
It was a peaceful morning in Mayohiga.  In a familiar household, Ran was washing the breakfast dishes while Chen was playing out in the back.  The sound of cicadas could be heard in the back ground.

?AH HELL!?  a shout came from outside the home.  Ran dropped the what she was doing and rushed outside and saw Yukari and Chen staring up at the sky.  Ran followed there gaze and her jaw dropped.  ?Look at what you did, Ran.?

In the sky above the village, the peerless blue was cracked.  ?Wh, what is this!??  Ran yelled pointing at the sky.

?You let the sky break,? Yukari said.

?How is this my fault!?? she yelled.

?You weren't around to stop me from doing it, so it is clearly your fault,? Yukari nodded.

?Yes, you're right, I'm sorry,? Ran bowed.  There was a sharp sound from above and a piece of the sky fell and crushed some houses beneath it.

?Shame,? Yukari said looking over the mess, ?I liked those people.  Except for them, glad they're gone.?  She waved her hand in front of her and gap appeared.  ?I'm bored with this, Ran, fix the sky before I wake up.?  She stepped inside and the gap disappeared.

Chen walked up to Ran and tugged on her dress, ?I have some glue if that would help.?

Ran looked down and smiled gently, ?We're going to need a lot more than glue to fix this.?

A gap suddenly opened up in the same spot and Yukari came flying out.  Ran and Chen stared at the gap.  A soft laugh came from inside, ?what did you think was going to happen??  The person inside took a step out.

?Yu...kari?? Ran asked.  She grinned at her shikigami.

?You are nothing but an imposter!?  She pulled out her fan and pointed it at the Yukari lying on the ground.  ?A mere figment of someone's imagination of what is truly me!  Begone!?  She slashed at the air in front of her and a gap encased the other Yukari's head and disappeared and the headless Yukari fell motionless to the ground.  ?Ugh,? she grimaced, ?that wasn't what I was going for.?

?What's going here!? Ran yelled.

?As you can see,? Yukari pointed out to the sky with the hole in, ?the sky as a hole in it.  This is an obvious plot to make me look bad, but of course I am always three steps ahead.?  She opened her fan and started waving in front of her face.  ?My help should be arriving here shortly, but before that, let's look around.?  She looked down at the headless Yukari.  ?Let's start by getting rid of that,? she opened a gap below the body and it fell through.  ?Good,? she closed her fan and the gap.

?Yukari, look!? Chen said pointing at a piece of the sky on the ground.

?Interesting,? Yukari said.

?What is it?? Ran asked.

?I don't remember moving from our back yard and yet here we are at the wreckage of the sky.?  She looked up, ?but that's not as interesting as that.?

They all looked up and Tyrannosaurus Rex was running at them.  Everything started glowing as the dinosaur approached.  Ran and Chen looked around confused and Yukari kept a calm face staring at the beast.  When it was a few feet in front of them, everything flashed brightly and scene changed.  Where they were once in the wrecked village they were now in the sky.  The sun was directly above them and there were  surrounded by clouds of many different colors.

?You know,? Yukari said, putting up her fan and cracking her knuckles, ?deep down, I think I've always wanted to do this.?  She crouched down and sized up the dinosaur.  She pushed off with her right foot and ran at him.  She twisted and smacked into his knee with her left elbow, causing him to stagger.  She landed in front of him and not wasting any movement she jumped up and uppercut-ted the T-Rex in the jaw.  The beast staggered back a few steps before falling forwards in front of the group.  ?Awesome,? Yukari said looking over the fallen dinosaur.

There was a ripple underneath them and a giant cat fish sprang up and swallowed the T-Rex in one gulp before going back under ground.  ?Hmph,? Yukari said.  The sky shifted and they fell to the ground.  They looked around and noticed they were on a bed of flowers, floating in the middle of the sky.  There was stream cutting through the middle of it.  Yukari's gazed followed the stream up to a mountain.  She looked at the top of the mountain and saw three moons setting in the sky above it.  There was a large yellow one with a smaller red one behind it, but the smallest moon was blue and to the side.  She looked around and saw many other floating pieces of land in the sky.

?What do we do, Yukari?? Ran asked.

?Let's follow the stream,? Yukari said and started walked towards the mountain.

?What's at the end of the stream?? Chen asked.

?You're a smart girl, why don't you tell me?? Yukari smiled at Chen.

?The person who broke the sky?? Chen asked.

?Perhaps,? Yukari stopped and bent down on her knee to get eye level with Chen.  ?Tell me, who do you think would do this??

?Do this?? Chen repeated.

?Yes, who do you think could use my powers to impersonate me to frame me and why?? Yukari chuckled.  ?Don't answer now, but think on it.?

They followed the stream to the edge of the mountain.  The ground beneath them and the moons above them started glowing.  ?You shall not pass!? a voice from above them shouted and they turned to see Reisen and Tewi floating above them.  Everything suddenly flashed again and this time they were on a smaller flower bed floating in the sky and the moons were level.

?Reisen, what are you doing?? Tewi asked.

?We've got to protect Master!  No matter the cost!? Reisen said.

?No matter the cost?? Yukari asked.

?If you say so,? Tewi sighed.  ?We might need some help,? she looked off to the side and everyone's gaze followed.  There was nothing there and when they turned back, Tewi was gone.

?Doesn't matter,? Reisen said and pointed her finger at Chen.

?Oh that's a mistake,? Yukari said under her breath.  Reisen closed the bottom three finger and raised her thumb, with her index still pointed at Chen.  ?Might want to rethink this,? Yukari muttered.  She grabbed her fist with her other hand a ball of light appeared at the end of her index finger.  ?Nice knowing you,? Yukari saluted.

Reisen fired the shot at Chen and Ran jumped in front of her and caught the attack with her bare hands and threw it back at Reisen.  She held up her forearms to block the attack, but it was useless.  After throwing the attack, Ran was running up behind it and punched through it at the last moment and Reisen disappeared into a puff of smoke.  ?No one will hurt Chen as long as I'm around!?  Ran yelled.  And once again the sky shifted they found themselves at the foot of the mountain.

?Hrm,? Yukari looking behind her, ?ah, my help as finally arrived.?  Ran and Chen turned and saw Reimu flying towards them.  Yukari smiled and waved, a scowl appeared over Reimu's face and she sped up.  A look of realization appeared over Yukari's face, ?oh.?  And Reimu smacked Yukari across the face with her stick.

?Yukari!  What the hell is wrong with you!  You come into my shrine without any warning and drag me out of bed and tell me follow you.  And you couldn't even wait one second!?

Yukari flipped her hair back, ?My, my some one certainly likes their sleep.?

?You're the last person I want to hear that from!?  Reimu let out a deep sigh and looked around, ?what is this place.?

?Hrmm...I wonder,? Yukari said looking around.

Reimu pointed her stick under Yukari's chin, ?No games!?

?Truth is it's hard to say, for the time being let's just say it's a place set up to make me look bad,? she looked over at Chen.

?I'm not getting the whole story,? Reimu sighed again, ?but I guess it can't be helped.  I never am.?

?Guess what I did,? Yukari said smiling.

?What,? Reimu said unamused.

?I punched out a T-Res!?

?I don't know what that is,? Reimu sighed again and looked up.  ?What's  with the three moons.?

?That's our destination,? Yukari said.  She had a disappointed look on her face.

They started climbing the mountain and halfway up, everything flashed again.  ?What's this??  Reimu asked.

?Boss fight,? Yukari said bluntly.

They were suddenly on top of the mountain and the three moons were directly above them.  Across from them were Eirin, Kaguya, and Tewi.

?Hey, there's one more!? Kaguya moaned.

?The Shrine Maiden wasn't there before,? Tewi said.

?Don't worry I'm a doctor!?  Eirin yelled and rushed a Reimu.

?What?? Reimu cocked her head and smacked Eirin back with her stick.

?This looks like it's going to be a lot of work,? Kaguya sighed.

Eirin sprung back up and pulled out her bow.  She grinned and pulled back and shot Reimu.  She staggered back and looked down at the arrow sticking out of her shoulder.  ?Ah...huh,? she pulled it out, ?that didn't hurt??

?No, no that differentially hurts.  I'm a doctor, ya know and it is of my doctorate opinion that an arrow in the shoulder hurts,? she said as a matter of fact.

?That could.  Have.  HIT.  CHEN!?  Ran yelled and lunged at Eirin.

?Whoa,? Eirin jumped back and grabbed Tewi and used her as a shield.  Ran's claws flew through Tewi and she remained unharmed.

?I missed,? Ran said sullenly.

?My turn,? Yukari said and gapped above the three and whispered, ?let's she you luck hax out of this!?  And started bombarding the trio, throwing fire and dust into the air.  When everything cleared, no one was standing.

?Is it over?? Reimu asked.

?You really should know better than to ask that,? Yukari started rubbing her fore head.  ?Maybe I should've grabbed Marisa, she the more genre savvy one.?

There was coughing from the other side of the field, ?whew,? someone said rising, ?I thought I was going to die.?  The dust cleared and Kaguya was standing there.

?Stand back!? a voice erupted from above.  A shadowy figure dropped down from the moon.

?Interesting,? Yukari said.  The figure stood up revealing themselves as Toyohime.  Her hair was longer than normal and parted somewhere in the back.

?You shall not lay another hand on the princess!  We will not let you!?  there was another voice when she spoke.  ?We are the geniuses of the moon who orchestrated this genius plan to foil your dumb plans, Yukari!  BUT, we did not expect you to unravel that is was us!  Now we must fight!?

?What the hell??  Reimu sighed.

?Don't worry Chen!? Ran said with Chen cowering behind her.  ?I will protect you!?  Ran once again lunged at the enemy.  Right before she reached Toyohime, her hair appeared to spring to life and grab Ran.

?Now look and despair!? Toyohime shouted and turned around.  Where her hair parted her skull opened up revealing a second mouth.  It opened up wide and swallowed Ran in one gulp.  She turned back around with a malicious grin across her face and patting her stamache.

?What just happened!? Reimu yelled.

?Very interesting, the Watatsuki sisters are a two mouthed woman.  It's weird, I was just reading a book to Chen last night about the two mouthed woman.?

?I beginning to suspect it's not that weird,? Reimu said calming down.  She pulled out some talismans and threw them at Watatsuki sisters, the hair grabbed everyone and swallowed it.

?There is nothing you can do against us!  Every attack will be stopped!? they yelled.

?Hrmm...what did I do last time?? Reimu said thinking.

?You lost last time,? Yukari smirked.

?It was a draw,? Reimu corrected.

?Whatever you say,? Yukari said and hid her face behind her fan.

?R...ra...RAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!? Chen suddenly yelled after being struck silent.

?Ugh!? The Watatsuki sisters fell to their knees clutching their head.  ?Wh...what is this!?  MAKE IT STOP!?  They started convulsing for a few moments before lurching straight up as Ran exploded out of the Watatsuki sisters head.

?CHEN!  I'm sorry for leaving you!?  Ran yelled in the air.  She opened her arms and started falling towards Chen.  There was a beam of light that pierced Ran and she fell limp to the ground.  There was Kaguya holding the jeweled branch.

?Forget about someone,? she said calmly.  ?Guess I have to get serious.?  She yawned, ?Not really though, you can't beat an immortal.?  Everything around the group started breaking like glass and fell to the ground revealing a new back ground.  The sky was a deep red with black swirling clouds all around.  Chen and Kaguya were facing off in the middle of it all.

Reimu started flying towards them, but Yukari grabbed her shoulder pulled her back.  ?This is Chen's fight.?

Chen took off running towards Kaguya, many orbs appeared around her and fired lasers at Chen.  She ducked under them, while still running.  Another volley of lasers was fired and Chen started running along the sky sideways.  A panicked look appeared over Kaguya's face and many more orbs appeared around her and she fired again.  But it was too late, Chen jumped and slashed at Kaguya's face.  She fell backwards and everything went black around Yukari and Reimu.

Looking around, they noticed they were back outside Yukari's home in Mayohiga.  Yukari looked at Reimu smiling and nodded towards the house, ?Come on, Chen's going to wake up soon.?

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
  • *
  • I will set you on fire k'?
    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #695 on: April 23, 2011, 04:45:23 AM »
The little doll youkai flopped back into the field of flowers.  The fragrance of the poisonous lilies filled the air like a heavy mist , sometimes so faint as to be unnoticeable, sometimes so cloying as to be unbearable.  Her mind floated down similar patterns, occasionally focusing, frequently lost, until finally they transcended the scent becoming voice.  ?Hey Su-san, do you think dolls dream??

?We dream don't we?? her eternal companion Su-san replied reasonably.

Medicine nodded slowly as she slowly stood up and began walking through the flower fields.  ?Yes, but we're a doll youkai, not dolls.  I can't remember dreaming when I was a doll.  When I became a youkai it felt like I was waking up, but just like a child doesn't remember what happens before it was born, I don't remember any dreams before then.?

?You can't remember your dreams from when you were a doll, because you are the dolls dream,? her companion Yuka replied as they flew above fields that went into full blossom as they passed.  ?After all, all youkai are dreams and nightmares created not because they were real, but because they should have been real.  You are the dream of a doll that should have been able to cry when it was abandoned, to find it's own home among friends who cared for it.  You are the better life that doll deserved in it's dreams.?

Medicine carefully balanced on a stone over the raging river before hopping off to the next stone on the long trail of rocks.  ?But dreams can't be real.  Just like how living things are things that are not dead, reality is what isn't a dream.  If you find your dream it's now reality, and when the world changes the old reality becomes nothing more then a dream.?  She hopped across the last stone and sat next to the massive cherry tree that eternally cycled between life and death, which was never as beautiful in reality as in her dreams.

Yukari smiled as she hopped rock to rock across the river.  ?That means the dream is all that matters.  When you are the butterfly dreaming of the man, the butterfly is real, and when you are the man dreaming of the butterfly the man is real.  But who is to say which is which?  We now live in a world of dreams made reality, where reality is a dream.  Which one of us has the right to claim the other isn't real??  The river crossed Yukari sat beside her old friend, under the cherry tree that would never have become a dream if it hadn't existed in reality.

Yuyuko turned and fanned herself as she looked up at the too perfect blossoms.  ?And what if both are dreams and neither is reality??

?Then we do our best to live until we wake.?


?Young Mistress.?

Flandre slowly opened her eyes and stretched.  Looking up she saw Meiling standing above her.  ?I brought breakfast young mistress.?

Flandre looked around at her room, with it's broken toys, and broken furniture and broken space and sat up.  ?Thank you Meiling.?

Meiling turned away while Flandre pulled off her nightshirt and pulled on her dress, then turned around to help her button up.  ?Did I wake you from a dream young mistress??

Flandre nodded.  ?Yeah.?  The young vampire hopped up and walked to the scarred table where her meal sat.  ?I was dreaming about being someone who wasn't going to kill you.  It was a good dream?

Meiling gave a very strained laugh and sat down at the table as well.  ?You aren't going to kill me Flandre.  We're friends.?

Flandre stared up at the ceiling where a twisted root slowly dripped water down onto the canopy of her bed.  ?I am the Flame of Madness, who wields L?vateinn , you are the Rainbow Gatekeeper.  One day I will break free from the basement, and I will start the battle that destroys us all.  And you'll try to stop me, and we'll kill each other.  That is the story that is repeated over and over.?

Meiling slowly shook her head.  ?That's an old legend, long past.  We're different people now.  That old fate is just a bad dream from a past life, that will be gone with the morning.?

?But dreams create reality,? Flandre replied sadly.

Meiling slowly stood and move to hug the woman.  ?Then let's dream of a world where you aren't the person who will kill me.?

Suddenly Flandre understood.  She started crying tears of joy.  ?Hey Meiling, do you know those times in dreams, right before you wake up, when you finally get everything and you can fix all the bad things that happened?  And all you have to do is run off and grab something and this time, just this one time, the dream doesn't change and your going to save the day and nothing can stop you.  And then you start waking up, just before you finish, but you know you can finish if you just have a little more time.  So you fight to stay asleep, but that never really works, and you wake up, but you know, you just know it all works out in the end?  It's like that!  Come on, we need to see my big sister.?

?Young Mistress,? Sakuya protested as Flandre jumped up and started pulling her along into the mansion.  Through the library then into the many corridors.  You speed through the rooms, knowing your time is limited, but you're close, so very close.  It doesn't matter that you've never seen the Scarlet Devil Mansion, or that Sakuya isn't behind you anymore or that the colors or fading.  Remilia is close, and once you reach her everything will be fine, but you're starting to hear your alarm.

And then you wake up.  Tears on your face.  Having not quite reached your goal.

But you know, in your heart, that somehow everything will turn out well in the end.


Not my usual, and I don't even know if it's good.  But it's what I wanted to write.


  • I heard Malzaherp
  • needs a derp
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #696 on: April 23, 2011, 06:32:07 AM »
Haha, so many entries; how the thread prospers =)
I eat squirrels.


  • Here I am, dirty and faceless
  • waiting to heed your instruction
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #697 on: April 23, 2011, 08:02:07 AM »
A little tempted to just rip off the plot of Concealed the Conclusion and call it a day.  :3

On tue un homme, on est un assassin. On tue des millions d'hommes, on est un conqu?rant. On les tue tous, on est un dieu.
Every saint has a past and every sinner a future.


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #698 on: April 24, 2011, 02:46:48 AM »
A little tempted to just rip off the plot of Concealed the Conclusion and call it a day.  :3
I'm on to you, now


Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #699 on: April 24, 2011, 01:38:39 PM »
Insane and rushed. Enjoy (or don't). Thanks for reading
*May 1, 2011 Edit* not rushed anymore, but still insane. Hopefully enjoyable.

Empress of Phantasm

In retrospect it was to be expected.

After all, such a condition lent itself easily to these irregularities. Considering the other factors involved, it was more extraordinary that nothing of the sort happened for over

?Three hundred and sixty five times sixty seven plus sixteen days of sleep?
?Thank you, but I can do that myself?
"You sow what you reap."
"Health is wealth"
?So you think. By the way?
?There?s nothing more to see, hear, or say?
?What shall you do? Clean up?
?Of course.?
"You have not yet drunk from the Muses' cup"
"That was just contrived"
"Art is the thing for which we strived"
"No response"

The room was not tidy and comfortable, neatly arranged (with those special items in just the right places), and in good form (as per custom).

Instead there were only signs of disorder repeated throughout time as if repetition would create enough chance for a mistake to create more information like how life so fragile and fickle pulled itself against all probability into something that could produce those stains that so resembled last night?s meal but were instead the combined product of last year?s compounded every day in a form that floated above the matter untouched like the ceiling that was mercifully untouched by a whirlwind visit of the chaos that lies in the hearts of all thinking beings that because of an unfortunate term was conflated with the most reliable map made by those proud alchemists who inherited all of the method but little of the humility of their Ionian grandfathers who were buoyed by the hot air that wafted from the lungs of their admirers who insisted on there being some sort of order despite never understanding what order meant to them and powered our magic with endless belief that when examined closely was not at all the faith that people would have for each other but was instead egoism that insisted on the universal nature of limits that


Curiously, the futon was untouched by whatever carnage

it has the same root as meat in the romance languages maybe there is a connection that would be  conductive to a story oh yes how I love stories you can say the most outrageous things and others would believe you and you will be able to control their reality more thoroughly than even the One God could but then I don?t like how everything has to be strung together as if it all mattered and sense had to be imposed I don?t want to be limited|

had destroyed the rest of the room. The walls were dented, though that was hardly unusual, compared to the rest of the destruction that occurred in the room. The sparse bookshelf had been shredded, but the books were left untouched (The hundreds of wards finally earning their worth). More perplexing were the items

Fragility is one way to value things

that were completely unharmed, despite the complete lack of protection afforded to them. The lack of commotion outside assuaged the fear that the worst had occurred. A downward glance confirmed the suspicion that the damage was self-inflicted. Small trickles of blood ran down startlingly delicate hands as if

How long ago was it when someone else's blood stained them?



Red is life Red is emotion Red is passion Red is impulse Red is freedom Red is....


?That was only a nightmare?

fell to the floor and a chair was placed over back an eyesore was the thing at the feet chains on arms
look up person looks down view of self from above what strange eyes no memory of
shadow at edge of vision
witness a scene three people one on floor one in chair with foot on one on ground standing one with hand poised over eye
trial by jury lynching crowd oh how reputation ruins things
*kick* my heel aches i've gone blind keep pulling punish punish they deserve this speak up speak up repent repent

"Your honor, shal we commence the trial?"

justice protects the good justice rights wrongs justice can remake a |


justice punishes evil justice is vengeance

justice is cruelty


Oh, Ho! So you have the gall to even deny that. But what about your domain? See how it is reduced so. Not one of your old acquaintances remain. If only they could see you now, sitting here. What would they say? Would they chastise your waste of their deaths? Would they laugh at how you are now?
Can you not remember?

"I did my best. They did their best. We didn't know what would happen, but were fully aware of what could."

"It is the duty of the wise to understand the consequences of their actions."

then when yesterday is a month away discovering that you remembered years ago when that happened

Her entrails were soft and fragrant like the land she wished to protect and their taste would have undoubtedly betrayed her eating habits if yours were so inclined to do so but why did you even have to do this you slew two dreams with one blow and ground beneath your heel thousands of those who dreamed and that still was not enough to heal tee hee hee what you did to the rest

"She vowed to do anything her dream! She knew! She laughed with her last breath!"
"She was willing to die for her dream. You killed her for yours."
"What was so different between what we sought?"

But it is a pattern how predictable you loudly proclaimed your hatred of force but that was the only thing that held together a nation what is it anyways but some lines and people too scared to cross them

"Who is who?"

but remember our teacher and the self is not really there just a thought piled on other thoughts that needs no reader that somehow convinces nothing to be something


Your confusion is false. You know that I am you. You know that I know that you know that I know of your knowledge. Of your guilt. Behold!

frightening oh so frightened i always wanted this now all oh how much blood there was and what a pretty show fading fading fading

i love you you love me
let's sing together for eternity
in each other's embrace
proclaiming our praise
when the time comes to be put in our place
we will see that its all just a phase

Those eyes were so bright even then how warped they were full of hate when you had to reduce your Father to ash to ensure your own advancement how you plotted before to hoodwink him and then reduce him to the nothing he so feared

"It had to be done. Anything less would be hypocrisy"

"Yet you still feel guilty. You never had the will to act."

Your birthright was enough how well you filled his place and inherited it all and made things new and kept good things the same until all of it ended and you had to pay and all the people who liked your rule hated you for what you did and all the people who liked you turned out to want more and there was no point why do you even stay you are the canker that bit at the state and now you bite here over and over and over

"I belong here"
"That too is selfishness"

Where did your bravery go? You once raised mountains with your own two hands. Novelty flowed from you like water from a spring. Why? You carved a niche for yourself here, when you should be making more? Are you not ashamed? Your life has lost all meaning!


?That?s enough?

Ending 1:

?I am the Empress of Phantasm! I need no excuse! Since I sprung forth from the dreams, I was. I Am, and I Will Be.?


Yuuka Kazami sat up in bed. She scanned her room. It was still ruined, but a blur of green caught her eye.

?Wriggle, I know that you are there. I don?t have all day. Come out.?

?Spit it out. And stand where I can see you?

Wriggle cautiously shuffled into the room, being careful not to step on any of the fallen items. Her antennae twitched apprehensively. Her hands were hidden behind her back.

?ifoundthisrareflowerandiwantedtogiveittoyou?, Wriggle announced with a blush, revealing the object behind her back to Yuuka.

?How strange. I thought these didn?t grow here.? Yuuka smiled softly.

?ohi?mgladyoulikeditsobye?. Wriggle was halfway to the door by the time she finished her sentence.

?Of what do you dream??
"What did you dream of last night?"
Wriggle stood dumbstruck for a moment, and then blushed.

Ending 2:
?So what? This is not the past. We are dangerously close to it already. And what would reviving the past do? We live through it anew every day as history is written and rewritten.  Let us look forward.?

You are a fool. This is the path of certain death! You must act now, while you still have power, to reassert yourself upon this ungrateful world. When you made the Barrier and your myriad oaths, you tied your own hands while drowning. Break them all and reemerge!

?If I die, so be it. You know as well as me that our demise would be a great revolution. My first act of my own was to assert that humans were more than chattel.?


?You are. Remember, you may claim to be me, but we both know that I am not you. Since the Great Old One was defeated and split between IT?s children, I have been the Empress of Phantasm, not you. I would pity you, if that did not imply the least bit of affection. I would hate you, if that did not imply the slightest care. You are no longer anything.'?

?Lady Yukari!?

Yukari spun around. She had somehow managed to dress herself during her monologue and had wandered to the center of the room. The damage had disappeared. Yukari make a mental note to recheck the barrier between her and the rest of reality. 

So it will be another month without sleep.

She found herself facing one of her most loyal retainers

?You have made the proper preparations??
?Yes. Here?s five liters of Black Blood of the Earth and a bottle of Bailey?s?
?The rest??
?20 kilograms of fresh coffee beans, an oven, a grinder, an espresso machine with an unlimited supply of mountain spring water, and some raw eggs. The intangible aspect has been prepared as well.?
?Good. What will it be this time??
?Shikieiki and Eirin arguing the ethical implications of the research of stem cells of a species by itself. Concluded with hatesex.?

Some people stay awake with coffee. Some others read. Yukari uses uncertainty and *gap*

Ending 3:
Hong Meiling leapt out of bed in a cold sweat with a yell. Thankfully, her room was intact. Just in case, she reached for the pistol under her pillow. Even though she knew she was still in Gensokyo from the ambient pulse of its ruling dragon, she needed the feel of cold steel in her hands to calm her down. The purges do that to most people.

She checked the chambers. Sure enough, the six jade bullets were still there. Just enough to kill a so-called immortal.

?Who?s there??
A fairy maid knocked on the door. Meiling quickly hid the gun.

?Come in?

?The mistress would like to know why you are causing such a commotion this late at night.?

?I had a nightmare.?

?Alright.? The maid left without another question.

After the maid had left, Meiling slumped to the floor. She crawled over to the point exactly one meter from the left corner and pressed on the floor. One of the planks creaked upwards. She crawled over to the hidden room and opened a drawer.

"Read this when the nightmares come back"
~The Party

She pulled out and cracked open a jade tablet to reveal the slip of paper inside. It was a photograph. On its backside was a page.

The episode of Emperor Hong De is a hotly contested one in our histories. Despite being only a few decades old, the event is shrouded in speculation, some of it misinformation propagated by the many regimes that proceeded it. It is fashionable among academic circles in the "old empire" to dismiss these events as legend or even fiction. Their epithet "Empress of Phantasm" succinctly expresses this incredulous contempt. However, the repercussions of this Emperor's reign were very real. The once-monolithic empire split into a number of smaller nations, which were quickly united under different banners. As of today, the total area covered by the nations claiming the title of the Middle Kingdom far exceeds that of any previous incarnation.

If nothing else can be said of Hong De, it can be said that she was different. Professing ties to the Communist Party as well as a host of foreign powers, Hong in many ways reflected the fledgling middle-class and its cosmopolitan youth. She pushed for agricultural land reform to reduce the power of major landowners over farmers while encouraging rapid urbanization and industrialization with a combination of tax breaks and subsidies. However, these initiatives were hamstrung by political struggles and general unpopularity among the affected populations. To the residents of "treaty ports", which were at that time de facto colonies of other nations, measures favorable to foreign businesses was tantamount to betrayal by the central government. The landowning gentry, doubly disenfranchised by these movements, would halt and reverse these programs upon De's disappearance.

However, Emperor De did manage one stunning success: the The formerly convoluted and corrupt tax-collecting bureaucracy was replaced by an efficient "savant" system (reliant upon a mixture of analogue counting machines which reduced the need for input from (and potential of embezzlement by) actual workers) which eliminated about 80% of the jobs within the tax-collection service. This was bitterly opposed by most of heads of the department, who saw this unprecedented act as as unnecessary intrusion into their domain. However, when the new system produced more tax revenue in a year than the total of what was earned in the five years before its implementation, detractors quickly became proponents. To this day, De's tax code remains an almost untouched relic of her rule.

Hong De also instituted a wide range of social reforms. The age-old practice of foot-binding was banned among both human and non-human populations. Human civil service examinations were opened up to women for the first time. Laws against everything from racial discrimination to the practice of citizen censors harrying authors under the pretense of "public morality" without the explicit approval of the legal system were passed to varying degrees of success.

The Middle Kingdom could not accept such radical a rule. In a land steeped in tradition, unseated official laws can be perpetuated as custom. This is the ultimate explanation of the failure of her wide-reaching attempts at social reform. Attempts to create a hybrid merchant/technocrat/scholar middle class were opposed and eventually reversed by powerful officials. Foot binding continued in most parts of the country. Unapproved censors, far from being discouraged, stepped up their efforts to "keep our culture pure".

The rest of the page continued in a similar vein. Meiling continued to scan the page.

A note was scrawled on the bottom.


Sometimes, the present is out of our control. That is something we must accept, as the present is determined by the past. However, I have taken to heart your observation that those who control history control dreams for the future.

You have been unseated, but, even if I must die for it, our dream will remain remembered. I will not allow for our history to be written by the same hands which tore apart our new society.

Quan Qiu

The signature was pinyin in Latin characters. Meiling smiled.
Dr. Quan was one of the few friends she had before she found herself in line for the throne.

?I hope that clever dog is still safe.?
« Last Edit: May 01, 2011, 08:47:48 AM by LogosOfJ »


  • Formerly Roukanken
  • *
  • blub blub nya
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #700 on: April 25, 2011, 07:30:50 PM »
?Dammit, I hate it when that happens.?

The axe had lodged itself into the log again, and the pair rose up together as Marisa lifted it. Another lousy cut, and she could see why the moment she pulled the log out - the axe?s blade had turned an ugly shade of red as rust had worn it down.

?Your tools letting you down again??

Reimu?s words were nonchalant. The shrine maiden was too busy with her own cutting, moving at a rate that put the witch to shame. There was none of this ?axe? nonsense that Marisa was settling for - she was simply cleaving the logs in two with her hand. She?d had to go to the extent of placing a metal plate beneath her so she didn?t cut the trunk below in half as well.

Marisa sort of wished her hands could do that. All hers did was hold axes.

?Just needs a little attention.?

Marisa turned to the nearby grindstone, running the axe?s blade along the spinning wheel. It made a satisfying whirring noise as it wore down the rusted metal, revealing a still-primed surface underneath. She spun it in her hand, letting the edge glisten in the light for a moment.

She was sweating, she noticed. Even switching out to a vest and pants had only done so much. Marisa rubbed a hand across her forehead, letting out a little sigh. Reimu didn?t share in her exertion, even though for a change her armpits were less exposed than Marisa?s. It was like she wasn?t every trying.

?I could cut those for you, y?know.?

?Thanks, but I?m fine.?

Marisa was not the sort to accept charity. Maybe it?d be easier to let Reimu do the hard work for her, but then her arms would get all saggy and weak. Work kept her strong, and that was more than enough reason to keep this up.

The axe came down again, this time cutting the log with a rough slice. Splinters flew in every direction, one or two stabbing into Marisa?s arm.


She dropped the axe, which proceeded to cut into the trunk she?d been using as a balance. Pulling her arm back the witch winced a little, seeing where the wooden projectiles had hit her. It didn?t take long - they were a good four or five inches long, and had made it just under her skin. Unfazed, she tore them out, refusing to cry out in pain and instead gritting her teeth.

Rather than showing concern, Reimu looked at Marisa in confusion. Without even looking, her hand slammed down at her next log, cutting it perfectly in half.

?I?m never going to understand you, Marisa.?

The witch smirked.

?I?ll take that as a compliment.?

Reimu frowned, but otherwise disregarded the girl. She had work to do, regrettably. Marisa saw with ease the look of disappointment on the shrine maiden?s face. She didn?t want to be here. She had better things to do - drink with Suika, beat up youkai, maybe run down to the shrine for another batch of donations.

That was another way they were different, Marisa thought to herself. This was a challenge she didn?t know, something she?d never practiced before. Cutting logs was something she was bad at.

She loved being bad at things, because that made it feel worth so much more when she got better at them. Reimu probably didn?t understand that feeling - she?d probably never been bad at anything, per se. She was gifted, talented, like no human Marisa had ever met before.

Marisa had been jealous to start. Of course she?d be jealous. Mima had been training her for years to become the strongest magician mankind had ever seen, and just when she?d thought herself unstoppable some girl on a turtle had beaten the crap out of her.

Some people would have been crushed by that sort of defeat. They?d have given up, accepted that talent beat out hard work all the time, and gone off to start a new life as a housewife or something.

Marisa hadn?t gone for that route. For one, the only meal she could cook without blowing up the kitchen was mushroom soup. No man would marry a woman who prepared the same meal three times a day and called it cuisine.

Instead, Marisa had taken that experience and used it as a building point. Reimu was the goalpost, and she was going to make it past her someday. Even if it took every trick in the book to do it, even if she had to spend the rest of her life working her ass off. One day, she was going to show Reimu that talent wasn?t the only force.

Unfazed by her injury, Marisa put down another log. She had a better idea of where to cut now - both to ensure the axe went through and to stop it from showering her with splinters. She raised her weapon, ready to bring it down on the wood.

As she cut it clean in half, the birds in the forest took flight, chirping as they took to the air.


Marisa swore to herself as she failed miserably at taking to the air.

?Goddamn gravity.?

Reimu made this look so easy, didn?t she? It didn?t sound particularly difficult in principle - if gravity stopped affecting you, you didn?t fall back down to earth, and so using a charm to disregard gravity should?ve been more than enough to get her off the ground.

She?d attached the paper talismans to her legs, her arms. She even had one stuck square on her forehead. But every time she tried to jump off the ground, gravity pulled her back down again, albeit a little slower than usual.

?I thought I told you that these charms only worked with the Hakurei bloodline, Marisa.?

Reimu was staring her in the eye, hanging upside-down on thin air. That unimpressed look seemed almost like a smile from where Marisa was standing, but Reimu was not the sort to smile. Reluctantly, she started to pull the paper charms off her body, flinching like she was waxing herself.

?Don?t like taking anything I?m told as true without proof. On that note, how?s about a pint or two of that magical blood of yours??

?Forget it. I?ve still got the vampire asking me for it, and I?m not gonna let you start a queue for my bodily fluids.?

Marisa frowned. Why couldn?t Reimu take a joke every once in a while? She was guaranteed to be frustrated about something perhaps 80% of the time, and of the remaining 20% most of it was spent being thoroughly drunk. Reimu was a lot more fun to be around when she was under the influence, honestly. Those evenings spent chugging sake were the few times Reimu seemed more like the girl she really was than the woman she was supposed to be.

?Well, guess I?ve gotta go for plan B.?

If she wasn?t going to be able to fly like Reimu, she?d just have to do it her own way. Marisa raised one hand into the air and clicked her fingers. In the distance, the trees rustled as something dashed past them at speeds humans wouldn?t be able to survive. It burst out of the forest, towards the cliff, and Marisa caught it effortlessly in her hand. Her broom was more powerful than any lousy paper charm, that was for sure.

?How long?d it take you to learn that one, Marisa??

?About a week.?

At that, Reimu raised an eyebrow. Probably. It was still hard to tell when she was upside-down.

?It doesn?t look that hard. Especially since you?ve extended it to make it easier to catch.?

It wasn?t meant to be offensive. Reimu just didn?t understand what it felt like to be anything less than superhuman. Still, hearing her say that so earnestly made Marisa wince a little.

?Does it matter? It works.?

As if to prove the point, Marisa held onto the broom and channeled her power into it. It responded to only a few commands, rarely more than a syllable long. Even that was more effort than Reimu had to give - the shrine maiden could easily walk off the cliff and act like she?d never left the ground.


The broom rose a few feet into the air, Marisa holding it over her head with both hands. With another command, she had it spin so that she was upside down as well. She smirked as she looked Reimu in the eyes, her golden locks running along the ground below her.

?See? Not that hard when it comes down to it.?

?And what happens if you let go of the broom??

Of course she was going to ask that. From Reimu?s point of view, anything that wasn?t totally undefeatable was a liability.

?Doesn?t matter if I don?t let go, does it??

The shrine maiden sighed, putting a palm to her face. It had gone red from being upside-down for so long, the blood rushing to her head. So she was human after all.

?Still, isn?t it just wood? It?ll come apart eventually. Maybe even in the air.?

Marisa finally decided to right herself. She had to work harder to stay upside down than Reimu did - Reimu didn?t have to think about it, but Marisa was basically performing a handstand. She sat down on the broom, patting it like a loyal dog.

?Occupational hazard, Reimu. Witches and broomsticks go together like kappa and clockwork, after all.?

Was flying even fun for Reimu? If it came to her so easily there was no achievement, no excitement. Success only felt good if it was a challenge, Marisa thought. There had to be some difficulty, or nothing really mattered.

?...Say, Reimu. You might be good at just plain flying, but how good are you at flying fast??

Reimu, finally righting herself, looked puzzled as Marisa asked the question. She saw no need to preen her hair back into place - it fell naturally, landing in the same tight ponytail she?d tied it in, without a single stray strand to be seen. Marisa?s hair was so far beneath that it was not worth describing.

?You?re not seriously challenging me, are you??


Marisa prodded Reimu in the forehead. The shrine maiden didn?t so much as budge, but she let out a little ?hmph? as she nodded.

?Fine. First one to the bottom of the cliff wins. Loser owes the winner a drink.?

Slowly but surely, a smile started to rise onto Reimu?s face. A challenge had presented itself to her, and for Reimu that was incredibly rare. Marisa loved that smile, especially when it was her bringing it around.

?Hope you got some funding from your faithful today, Reimu, ?cause I?m about to clear you out.?

Reimu?s grin grew wider. She was getting into this. She was excited. She was happy.

And because of that, Marisa was happy too.

?Alright. Ready??

The pair of them walked over to the edge of the cliff. It was a long hard drop, maybe three hundred feet, with the crashing waves of the ocean beneath.

Reimu and Marisa held hands for the tiniest moment as they jumped off, sending themselves hurtling down into the waters below.


Marisa hurtled down towards the earth below, almost slamming herself into the ground. They were still following her every move flawlessly. She couldn?t outspeed them, so she had to outmaneuver them. She ducked in between the trees, watching as they flew past her at breakneck pace. She didn?t have time to call out orders to her broom, and instead she simply ordered it with her thoughts. Much more magically draining, but it meant the broom moved her out of the way of the oncoming trees before she even knew they were there.

The amulets were relentless, but their pathfinding skills were non-existent. They simply took the straight path between themselves and Marisa, not bothering to think whether there was something in the way. The tiny ?thwip? noise each amulet made as it slammed harmlessly into a tree was a weight off Marisa?s shoulders. She counted them carefully, waiting until the last member of the pack had given up the chase before pulling up and rising out of the forest.

?You never seemed like the sort to run away, Marisa.?

Reimu already had another set of amulets in her hand, ready to throw at a moment?s notice. They were probably Reimu?s most annoying asset - using these paper charms of hers she didn?t even have to aim. The magic more or less did all the work for her, and perhaps as a result she looked thoroughly bored as Marisa burst out from the trees below.

?It wasn?t running! Just a momentary tactical withdrawal.?

That statement might have been enough to worry a minor youkai - or at confuse them with all the big, fancy words. Given that Reimu was actually literate, it had no such effect. If anything, she looked disappointed as she stared down the witch.

?You sounded so confident when you challenged me to this duel, Marisa. What?s with all the running awa-?

?Tactical withdrawals, woman! And I?m looking for my opening.?

That was not the answer Reimu was looking for. Frowning deeply, she sent another wave of amulets hurtling through the air. Marisa saw the shrine maiden?s eyes focus on her for a moment, her hazel eyes flashing red. The order was sent, and the amulets abruptly changed direction in midair, all of them homing in on Marisa.

The witch broke to the right, the talismans barely grazing at her clothes. She heard the sound of tearing fabric, and frowned slightly. Did Reimu know how long it took to sew this stuff back together? Then again, she?d never worn anything as ornate as a witch?s garb, so maybe she really didn?t get it.

The amulets, aware they had missed their target, turned around to attack Marisa again from behind. This was going to inevitably end in another game of cat and mouse, with Marisa on the defensive for all time. She was bored of running.

?I?m about to tear the sun outta the sky and bring it down on your head!?

Reaching into her pockets, Marisa pulled out a piece of paper, and a small octagonal piece of wood. This was the Hakkero - her most prized and powerful possession, and one that granted her enough power to make even youkai think twice about fighting her.

The amulets were perhaps a few inches away from her as she cried out her incantation.

?Blazing Star!?

Initially, Reimu couldn?t understand what Marisa?s plan was. The beam of light that emerged from the Hakkero was Marisa?s trademark attack, the Master Spark. It was powerful, and dangerous, but she was also firing in the entirely wrong direction. The few paper amulets that Reimu had fired off were destroyed, blown to pieces by the blast, but Reimu herself had nothing to fear from the attack.

What she DID have to worry about, however, was the witch-shaped projectile quickly coming towards her.


It was a simple concept. One of the fundamental laws of motion Marisa had picked up in a foreign tome - for every action, there was an equal and opposite reaction. In other words, if Marisa sent an incredible force out in one direction, it would also push her back just as fiercely in the opposite direction. She was moving at speeds now that she?d never normally achieve in flight, faster than Reimu would ever fly - maybe even faster than the tengu.

It was too fast. Too big. There was no way Reimu would be able to move out of the way in time. She wasn?t just going to get hit, this attack was going to tear through her like paper. She was human, in the end. There was no physical way for her to dodge or survive this.

So instead she opted for the metaphysical.

It wasn?t a thought so much as a subconscious reaction. One moment Reimu was there, right in front of Marisa?s oncoming barrage, and the next she had disappeared. Marisa knew immediately what had happened - Reimu had more than her amulets to fight with. Thanks to a little training from that boundary youkai, she?d managed to pick up a thing or two about teleportation.

?Orbs of brilliant colour, constrain my enemy with your blinding light!?

Reimu was at Marisa?s side now, declaring her own spellcard. Marisa had no chance to stop her - it was more than enough trouble to kill off Blazing Star?s momentum before she ended up half a mile away from her opponent. Once again Reimu?s eyes flashed, for a moment turning bright blue.

?Fantasy Seal!?

She held her arms outwards, closing her eyes. From her chest, right where her heart was, four giant sphere burst upwards into the air. They were so bright that Marisa?s eyes hurt from looking at them, as if they were four tiny suns. The orbs instinctively knew their purpose, and like the amulets before they charged straight towards Marisa.

As she looked back towards them, Marisa had a strange feeling she wasn?t going to be able to dodge these. The fact that each orb was larger than she herself was served as a big clue. Still, the attack couldn?t be invincible - danmaku without a way around it was blatantly frowned upon in Gensokyo.

There. Between the four orbs, there was a tiny opening, just large enough for her to fit through. If she was off by the tiniest amount, she?d be a goner for sure. This was going to be incredibly difficult to pull off.

That was just the way Marisa liked it.

Falling forward, Marisa wrapped her arms around the broom. She needed to make herself as small as possible for this to work. The orbs charged on, the gap getting smaller and smaller as they approached. Without a word she willed the broom to charge in reverse - taking almost twice as much power as it took to travel forwards. She had to go for it given that she had no time to turn.

?All your homing crap is cheating, Reimu! Play fair like the rest of Gensokyo!?

She didn?t mean it. There were probably plenty of youkai out there with danmaku that outdid even Reimu?s in terms of being unfair. In particular, her mind jumped back to a certain tiger and her curving lasers. Still, she liked trash talking during fights. It kept her attentive, and interested. These fights were more interesting when they got emotional.

The orbs were almost upon her. The hole was tiny now, and Marisa closed her eyes so the oncoming spheres wouldn?t blind her. For a moment, she heard nothing but a deafening ?whoosh?.

Then the four orbs exploded behind her as they collided, sending her bursting forward through sheer momentum. It wasn?t quite at the level of Blazing Star, but it came close.

?Yeeeeeeah! See that?!?

Marisa twisted the broom around, facing Reimu again. The blast had blown her so far forward that the pair were only a few feet apart now. The shrine maiden seemed amazed the witch was still able to fight - the orbs had been designed to win for certain without leaving any sort of opening. And what had Marisa done? She?d found one.

The look of shock shifted to a wide grin.

?Not bad. That attack would?ve beaten you for sure way back when.?

?Sorry, girl, but Marisa Kirisame?s all grown up now.?

The two humans looked each other head on. Both of them smiled brightly, getting into the fight, getting into the moment. Marisa loved the exertion, the challenge. Reimu just loved having an opponent who could match her, someone who she could go all out against.

?So, Marisa, you want to wrap this up now? No point in letting things slow down.?

?Damn. Didn?t know you shrine maidens could read minds, too.?

The pair both pulled out their strongest cards at once, backing off slightly like honourable duelists.

?Where the powers of earth have failed me, I call upon the strength of the almighty gods!?

?Everything that has a beginning has an end - and this is gonna be yours!?

Reimu?s entire body started to shine, a spiritual force overwhelming her body. Her eyes had changed colour yet again - now, as they looked down upon Marisa, they had turned a brilliant gold.

The Hakkero in Marisa?s hand trembled, struggling to contain the power that Marisa was channeling. A small white sphere began to glow in its centre, looking ready to detonate at any moment.

The pair looked at each other for an instant. These were the moments where life was beautiful. The moments when they gave everything, unleashed every ounce of power they had. These were the fights that made Gensokyo the greatest place on earth for them.

?Fantasy Heaven!?

?Final Spark!?

Reimu yelled at the top of her voice, thousands of amulets bursting out from her in every possible direction. The white sphere in front of the Hakkero gave way, turning into a beam of light tall enough to rival a mountain.

For a few seconds, the attacks held each other off. The unending barrage of cards pushed back Marisa?s relentless blast. Both girls were pushing themselves to their limits, but they couldn?t break the stalemate.

Then, slowly but surely, the Final Spark began to press forward.

Marisa?s face twisted into a frenzied grin. She was lost to the battle now, completely caught in the moment. Reimu grimaced, her cards tearing apart the moment the light touched them. Every second, she lost more and more ground to the laser, until finally it made it to her final line of defense.

Reimu?s figure disappeared into the blinding white light that engulfed her. When at long last the attack came to an end, Reimu was lying backwards in the air, eyes lazily gazing at the sky.

?...I...did it??

Marisa needed a moment to realise the fact. She looked down at the Hakkero, then back to Reimu. The fatigue hit her like a rock - she?d put far too much energy into that last attack, and it was too much of a struggle now to even stay conscious. Reimu was onto a good idea, she thought. Maybe she could do with a nap as well.

Falling forwards onto the broom, Marisa was asleep before she?d even come to rest.

I...I beat her...!



The first thing that hit Marisa when she came to was the smell of alcohol. In particular, the alcohol that had managed to find its way all over dress. To be even more precise, the alcohol that had once filled the gourd in her hand.

?Whoa, Marisa. Yerrup??

A voice called out from beneath her. She couldn?t see the speaker, but the pair of sharp horns she felt rubbing against her shoulders was enough of a hint.

?Yeah, Suika, I?m awake.?

?Good! Now get off me already.?

Marisa complied, then immediately wished she hadn?t. Her head was throbbing, and she felt like the energy had been drained out of her completely. After she?d rolled off of the tiny oni, she found herself deciding to just lie on the floor for a while, looking up at the ceiling of the Hakurei shrine.

...A dream?

Now that she thought about it, what she remembered didn?t quite add up. Her outfit kept switching, the scenes didn?t flow properly, and some things just made no sense. An ocean, in Gensokyo?

Marisa sighed. She should have figured it wasn?t real. There was no way she?d have beaten Reimu with a brute-force tactic like that. The girl could just step out of reality if she wanted to, and then the Final Spark would be hitting nothing but air (except maybe an unfortunate planet or two that ran along its path).

That might have been her cue to stop. Accept that if her opponent wasn?t even present in this dimension, she?d have no chance of defeating her.

Marisa, on the other hand, took a mental note to work on multi-dimensional firepower the moment she?d recovered from this hangover. She was a witch, after all.

And if there witches did, it was make dreams come true.

Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #701 on: April 25, 2011, 08:24:48 PM »
I see Madoka is having a lasting effect on you Rou :3

Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #702 on: April 26, 2011, 10:18:44 AM »
So this is officially a 2-week thing, now?

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #703 on: April 26, 2011, 11:54:06 AM »
So this is officially a 2-week thing, now?
Yeah, for everyone's benefit, I suppose


  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #704 on: April 26, 2011, 02:46:28 PM »
"You will dream.

You always dream, to be frank. But this? This will make you remember it. This will guide the dream down the pleasant path ? you won't have to worry about nightmares. I'll make sure of that."

She couldn't remember who it was she was talking to, but for some reason, that line echoed incessantly as she sunk headfirst through the warm darkness.

It was a gentle pull, as though she were being pushed around on a raft in the water ? not the rush of gravity, yanking her to the ground.

She righted herself, and solid ground came up to meet her. As soon as she made contact, the darkness faded away, and she found herself atop a hill overlooking the Field of the Sun.

A pink parasol obscured everything but the bottom of a red dress, standing a short distance away from her, down the hill.

?Respect is something we all crave. It tells us where others see us, socially. But is being feared the same as being respected?? The parasol rolled over, and the girl in front of her swung it around while turning.

The parasol was replaced by a spear, and while it was recognizable as the Gungnir, the girl before her kept her face hidden. The girl didn't sound exactly as she remembered Remilia sounding, either.

?Can respect be garnered without actually going amongst the people? Can you earn it from just your reputation??

People will respect you for doing the right thing. For doing what you're supposed to do.

The spear stabbed into the ground and dissolved into smoke, and the girl threw her head back, grinning at the sky. ?Very good!?

She turned in place, and vanished.

The field at the base of the hill began to warp, enlarging and shuffling past until it completely engulfed the hill. The sunflowers had grown into proper trees, and the sunlight streamed through the canopy in beams and shafts.

Two blondes walked past her, talking back and forth as they ran their hands across the massive tree trunks.

?Love is such an interesting thing, isn't it? It's so powerful.?

?Powerful, yes, but also subtle. Love can twist, and become crippled if not nurtured properly. You can't pretend it's not there, or you invite disaster.?

?But you run the risk of being rejected. All the power behind the love, then becomes sadness. It hurts.?

?It does. And there isn't much you can do for pain like that, but keep your chin up and carry on. Persevere, pick up, and move on. Holding on to the hurt only makes it worse.?

But what if you keep yourself from loving? Then you never run the risk of being hurt.

The blondes froze for one tense moment, then whirled around to glare at her. Suddenly, they were twins, different in every fashion, from their hair being black versus white, and one being tall and broad versus petite.

?Love is forever.?

?Love is eternal.?

?Though you will not persist, the love you feel for those you care for will. To guard yourself from the love of another... at the end of the night, you'll be left with nothing. Nothing -  void, emptiness. It's not worth the temporary comfort of knowing you might not be hurt.?

?Love need not be romantic. The platonic love that one feels for their neighbor, for their sister, for their family, their mother, their daughter, this is potent love as well.?

Love can be respect, as well.

The twins finally smiled. ?It can, indeed.? The twined their hands together, and in a flash, vanished. In their place stood one woman, with her back turned. Thick black hair spilled down to her waist, obscuring the red and white maiden's outfit she wore.

?Power. Respect. Fear. Love. They aren't mutually exclusive, you know.?

I know.

?I would hope you do. All four of them are aimed at me. You know the emotions, not just what they feel like from you, but to you, as well.?

The woman began to turn slowly. The girl spotted this and was immediately anxious, and began to walk opposite to her turn, keeping herself behind the woman.

?You are a powerful person, respected and feared by those in front of you and that same power, and loved by those you guard with it. This is noble, nothing to be ashamed of.
?And yet, you still don't let yourself be looked up.?

I stole everything from you. How can I put myself in your sight after that?

?Oh, child. You did not steal it. One cannot steal what is freely given.?

But, how? The girl stopped pacing, and the woman's turn began to gain on her.

?It is the bloodline. It is passed on, from one to the next, and it always goes willingly. Be it from mother to daughter, or maiden to friend, it always persists. It is eternal, just as love is. It is respected, and feared, for it is as powerful as love.?

Why is it so powerful?

?Because it is love. Love for your land, for your friends, for your family, and most importantly, for yourself. Love is fearsome. It is powerful. But you must respect it for it to be so; you cannot have love without a touch of fear ? fear of the unknown. The future. The risk. You cannot have love without respect ? respect for yourself. Your partner. Your friends.

?But fear... you do not need to fear. You are loved and respected by your friends.?


?Yes. And by me. You didn't steal anything from me, least of all my life. I was too frail, too ill to give birth normally. But I will never be too ill to love you, ever.?

The woman had turned completely now, and she smiled down with a radiant warmth to her daughter.

?You don't need to smirk. I know the irony behind claiming to never be too ill when I'm already passed.?

The girl let the reflex smirk drop, and she looked to the ground, suddenly forlorn.

You say all this, and I hear and understand you... but I still don't feel that I can believe it. I miss you.

?Don't. I'm still here with you. It's not just a power you've inherited, but experience, too. Mine, and every maiden before you.?

But how do I know this isn't just a dream?

?It is a dream. Think about it ? your name.?


?That's enough. It is unbecoming of you to sleep all the time, and you should wake up now. But never forget, I am always near you. You are not alone ? and you are loved.?

If you really can't figure out who the characters are you have all the subtlety of a brick thrown through a window 8P

Irony, y/n: Writing a WWC entry for the prompt 'Dreams' while sleep-logged


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #705 on: April 28, 2011, 03:47:47 AM »
And here's my entry. A apologize for the formatting issues (this is the last time I try copying from a Word document to a post here). Also, no direct character paralells with Inception were intended. And also also, I didn't try to follow the movie exactly (I did a couple things about how the dream works in my own way, for instance), so don't complain if something doesn't match up (I think I got all the mandatory lines in, though). Anyways, here we go:
"Ready,? Eirin said. ?She?ll be asleep for several hours.?
"Which is more than enough. Are you sure she?s deeply enough asleep??
"Yes, already,? Eirin said. ?For the millionth time, I know what I?m doing.?
?Just double-checking. Okay, then. Koishi??
?Ready when you are,? the satori said.
?Good. Alice?? Alice nodded. ?Nazrin??
?All set,? the mouse youkai replied.
?Let?s do it,? the kappa said.
?Good. Okay, let?s-?
?You?re forgetting me, Nue.?
?No, I?m not, Kanako,? Nue said. ?There?s no room for tourists. Besides, you need to help Eirin make sure nobody comes in.?
?She doesn?t need me,? Kanako said. ?There isn?t anyone on the ship who?ll disturb us.?
?The Sanzu River Cruise has been very popular ever since it started,? Nitori mentioned. ?Trust me on this one; it?s us kappa who make the damn ships. I?m just wondering how they got the Yama to agree to it.?
?Extraction,? Alice said. ?I?m pretty sure it was Kirisame?s team that did the job.?
?What secret could the Yama have that could be used as blackmail?? Nazrin wondered.
?Not her. Saigyouji. She?s the one who convinced the Yama to allow it. She?s the one who was blackmailed.?
?Okay, people,? Nue said, ?back on topic. Nitori?s right, Kanako. These are popular.?
?Clearly,? Kanako replied. ?The number of cruise lines is evidence enough of that. But there is nobody on this ship that will disturb us.?
?Yeah? And how can you be sure? What, did you buy every single room in this wing of the ship or something??
?Actually, I bought the cruise line.?
Everyone stared at Kanako, who just shrugged. ?It seemed neater.?
?Hold it,? Nitori said. ?Where?d you get that kind of money??
?Even small donations add up over thousands of years. Anyways, everybody who?s in this area of the ship is one of my people, even the ?guests?. We won?t be disturbed.?
?Whatever,? Nue said. ?You?re still not coming.?
?I?m the client, and I want to verify the job?s success firsthand. I?m coming. That?s part of the deal.?
?Fine, then. But you will do what I or any of the team tells you without question, and you will not question anything we do. We?re the experts here.?
?That?s fine.?
?Also, your power over sky won?t work within the dream. You?re a god; your power controls the natural world, which we will not be in. Your danmaku should still work, though.?
?Right, then,? Nue said. ?Eirin, looks like we?ll need an extra dose.?
?Not a problem,? Eirin said. ?Get comfortable, people. Koishi??
?Mental connection active,? Koishi said, lying down on the sofa. ?We?re ready. Give us the stuff.?
Once everyone was lying down, Eirin walked around the room, injecting each of them in turn with a strange-looking fluid. Once finished, she sat down at the table, pulled out a notebook and a lot of reference texts, and went back to her research. No point in wasting all this time she had to herself, after all.
 -------------------------------------------   ?Rain,? Nue said. ?Why is it always raining? Can?t you give us a sunny day for once, Koishi??   ?Hey, I?m just the dreamer. I just design the place. Mokou?s the subject; it?s her mind that populates it.?
?I would not have thought rain to be part of this ?population,? Kanako remarked.
?Population doesn?t refer to people,? Nue explained. ?The dreamer-Koishi-uses the subject?s mind as a basis to construct the dream. It?s the subject who determines what?s in it, and that includes weather.?
?I see.?
?Good. All right, then, let?s get moving. Nazrin??
?I already have her location,? Nazrin said. ?Follow me.?
?Hey, guys! Over here!?
The group turned to see Nitori sitting within a large object. ?Ah,? Kanako said, ?an SUV. How convenient.?
?Not really. Koishi put it there. I just had to hotwire it. Nazrin, you take the passenger seat up front. Everyone else, pile in. Let?s do this.?
 ?I?m not objecting to modern conveniences,? Kanako said, ?but why are we in an outside-world city?? 
They were indeed in a city that looked as though it was from the outside world. Nitori was driving the vehicle through the streets, following Nazrin?s directions. It was far from the first time they?d been in such a dream, but it was unusual. When they were, though, they often used vehicles such as this one; their size allowed everyone to fit in quite easily (although Kanako?d had to remove her shimeniwa and put it in the back).
?This was all in Mokou?s head,? Koishi said, ?so I used it. Oh, and I did give us all cell phones; usual numbers. Not sure how Mokou knows what the outside world is like, though.?
?Well, things do come through from outside. I?m proof of that. Perhaps Mokou learned of life outside from things that fell through.?
?Possible,? Nue said. ?Doesn?t matter, though. Nazrin, we close enough??
?Yeah. Koishi??
?One sec,? Koishi said. ?Linking? okay, riding along.?
?She?s riding along with Nazrin?s locating ability,? Alice explained to Kanako. ?It lets her get a visual on the target?s location before we actually get there. She can?t do it if we?re too far away, though.?
?I see,? Kanako said. ?Sounds handy.?
?If you think that?s handy,? Nue said, ?just wait until you see what I?m going to do.?
?It?s a school,? Koishi said. ?Only a few people are there.?
?As one would expect,? Nue said, ?given the time of day we landed in in this dream. I imagine it?s just cleaning staff and maybe a couple teachers there this late. That?s good. Makes it easier. Bait-and-Snatch is a go, just as expected.?
?Okay,? Nazrin said, ?we?re approaching the target. Nitori, find a spot to let us out, and let?s do this.?
 -------------------------------------------   ?So,? Kanako said, ?what exactly are they doing??
?Abducting Mokou,? Nitori said. The two of them were still in the SUV, which was parked a short distance away from the school. As soon as Nitori got the signal, she would move in and pick everyone up. Then they?d book it to a preselected location to prepare the next step of the operation.
?Abducting Mokou,? Kanako repeated. ?Is this normal??
Nitori laughed. ?Hon, none of this is normal. Most teams refuse to even try inception, and of those that are willing to try, we?re the only ones who?ve ever pulled it off. See, extraction is the norm; going in with the purpose of finding something, some little bit of information. That?s simple; you just have to get to the stuff you?re after and grab it.?
?How do you find it? Nazrin?s ability isn?t quite up to that, surely.?
?Don?t underestimate her. She could give you the location of a fly clear on the other side of this city. She indeed cannot locate target information, though, as she doesn?t know what it is. If she knew the information, she could find it, but then extraction wouldn?t be needed in the first place. She can usually locate the place where it is, though, if not right away then after we?ve figured out a few things about said location. And even that we can only do because of the naturally limited number of locations we need to worry about.?
?What do you mean??
?The subject?s mind populates the constructed dream,? Nitori explained. ?The resulting dreamworld thus reflects the contents of the subject?s mind. For information, this means that things she doesn?t care about being public will be, well, public. Things she intends to keep secret, however, are, well, kept secret. But this can be exploited.?
?Yeah. You just need a secure location-a safe within a bank vault, say. The mind associates such places with security, and naturally populates them with sensitive information. All it takes from there is to break in and steal it.?
?Like a heist? Who are you, Ocean?s Eleven??
A pause.
?I have no idea what you?re talking about,? Nitori said.
Kanako waved her hand dismissively. ?Something from the outside world. Don?t worry about it. So you just have to break in, then? This is basically a flashy bank robbery??
Nitori laughed. ?Not even close. First of all, the bank was just an example; the information could be anywhere the host?s mind identifies as secure. And there are often some interesting tricks to deal with. Sometimes we even find ourselves in need of some clue from the subject.?
?For some reason,? Kanako remarked, ?I don?t think they?d give you that willingly. Although now that I think about it, a satori could do it, right? I know the secrets you people go in looking for are buried too deeply for a satori to find the normal way, but if you need, like, a password or something, couldn?t you just get the subject to think about it and have a satori pick it out??
?No. Mind-reading gets kind of wonky when you?re effectively inside someone?s mind. But there are ways to get what?s needed. And we have some? advantages.?
?Like what??
?Our team is the best,? Nitori declared proudly. ?We can do things none of the others can. That?s one reason we?re the only ones to even pull off a successful inception; there?s no team like ours.?
?How is that??
?We,? Nitori said, ?have the ideal team. First, there?s Eirin. There?s nobody else who can make safe sedatives that would work for how deeply sedated we need to be in order to hit three levels in.
?Then there?s our dreamer, Koishi. When she closed her third eye, her mind-reading ability changed; other satori read the conscious mind, but Koishi reads and can affect the subconscious. And right now, we?re basically in Mokou?s subconscious. All teams need a satori for the mind-link-otherwise we?d all merely be asleep-but she doesn?t have to be the dreamer. Koishi?s ours because her whole subconciousness thing gives her greater control when building the dream. Not total, of course; far from total. But she can do a lot more than anyone else can.
?Nazrin? well, you?ve already seen how she?s useful. I?m basically gadget-girl, given that I was an engineer before I did this. I can be handy to have around. Alice is handy, too, especially when we need to keep lookouts posted. You know, ?cause she can use her dolls.?
?They?re not with her, though.?
?Not yet,? Nitori said. ?Anyone who?s aware they?re in a dream can make some? minor changes. Calling up a few dolls is fairly simple. Anyways, yeah, Alice is handy, and that?s everyone except the boss.
?Nue?s the reason we can pull off inception; her ability is quite handy when it comes to planting the idea. And it?s extremely useful for extraction, too. Shapeshifting is just generally useful like that. And Nue?s a good planner, too, by which I mean she?s excellent at improvising a plan on the fly-I?m better when it comes to planning something ahead of time. Improvising is important, though, since there?s no way to predict exactly what we?ll find in the dream, not even with Koishi.
?So yeah, we?ve pretty much got the ideal team. The thing is, extraction just requires finding the information and getting it out. Inception is, well, trickier.?
?How so??
?You can?t just put an idea down in someone?s mind,? Nitori said. ?The mind will sense that something?s off. It?ll recognize the idea as foreign. In order for the idea to take, the subject has to be led to coming up with it herself.?
?How do you do that??
?It?s complicated. You?re planning on riding into the next level, though, right?? Kanako nodded. ?Then you?ll see. The basic idea, though, is that??
------------------------------------------   Koishi and Nazrin were waiting outside the school. Alice was nearby, keeping watch over the area with her dolls, and would let the team know if anybody was coming. Nue was inside, and would be bringing Mokou out. Nitori was in the vehicle with Kanako, and would come in as soon as she was called. Koishi and Nazrin were similarly waiting, but for something else. Their job was to ambush Mokou when Nue led her out. But until Nue got to Mokou, they could only wait. 
Eventually, the waiting came to an end. ?Nue?s found her,? Nazrin said. ?Get ready.?
 --------------------------------------   ??and when the subject awakes, she?ll think she came up with the idea on her own,? Nitori was saying. ?That?s why we went through all that research effort; we needed something about Mokou to use. She?s been wrestling with this question for some time; she?ll just think she finally reached a conclusion-which she will have, of course, just not on her own.?
?Right,? Kanako said. ?I really don?t understand a lot of that.?
?Yeah, it can be confusing. It works, though, and that?s the important part.?
?So what?s your deal?? Nitori asked. ?Why do you want Mokou to make up with Kaguya??
?I don?t,? Kanako said. ?I want to be the one who leads Mokou to making up with Kaguya, who leads them to ending their conflict.?
?Let me guess: faith??
Kanako nodded. ?Faith. Pulling off something like that would get me a lot of attention and a lot of praise.?
?So in the end, your motive is self-interest.?
?Is that a problem??
?No. As long as one isn?t actively seeking to cause harm, we don?t care why the client wants our servi-?
Nitori was cut off when her phone rang. She checked the display, then answered. ?Alice.?
?Nitori,? Alice said, ?get your ass moving. We?ve got trouble.?
 --------------------------------------   ?Mokou!? Nue exclaimed as she ran into the room. ?Mokou!?
Mokou spun to face Nue, but it wasn?t Nue?s form she saw. Nue had put her shapeshifting ability to use, and was currently wearing the form of Keine Kamashirasawa. ?Keine? I thought you were sick; that?s why they called me in to substitute.?
?Later,? Nue said. ?We have to move. I don?t know why, but there are people after you.?
?People are after-?
?Yes, and they?re almost here! Come on!? Nue took Mokou?s arm and pulled her along.
?Fine,? Mokou said, running alongside Nue, ?but you owe me an explanation.?
Nue led Mokou through the school and out, where, unbeknownst to Mokou, Koishi and Nazrin were waiting. They ambushed her and knocked her out. Then Koishi turned to Nue. ?Alice called. We have a problem. Mokou?s been trained.?
?Shit.? Nue reassumed her normal form. ?Nitori??
?On her way,? Nazrin said. ?She?s got Alice and will be here right? about? now!?
 --------------------------------------------   ?Okay,? Kanako said, ?would somebody please explain just what is going on here??
?We?re on the run from the cops.?
Kanako glared at Nazrin. ?Obviously. But why are there outside-world police officers in the dream??
?Because they fit the setting.?
Koishi smacked Nazrin, then turned to Kanako. ?Sorry. She gets sarcastic when she?s tense.?
?Right. Maybe you should explain.?
?Shit!? Nitori explained as a police car turned onto the road in front of her. ?Nue!?
?Coming right up!? Nue formed a green-colored UFO and sent it flying towards the car ahead. It moved down low and fired a laser that took out both left tires, sending the vehicle careening out of control into a collision with a building.
?We?re foreign presences here,? Koishi said. ?The subconscious recognizes this-that?s why inception is so difficult-and attempts to repel such presences. In the dream, this usually translates as people trying to kill you. It usually doesn?t happen as quickly as this, though-as long as you don?t draw attention to yourself, at least. Knocking out Mokou should?ve been the trigger, but they were already on the way when we did that. And most of the time it?s just random people. It?s disorganized, sloppy, and the people are generally poorly equipped.?
?Which is not the case here, I take it,? Kanako said.
?Right. It?s possible to train one?s subconscious to better fight off intrusion. For us, that means the people trying to kill us are organized, coordinated, well-equipped. Professional, basically. An untrained mind?s defense usually takes the form of armed citizens; a trained mind?s usually takes the form of the military or law-enforcement. In outside-world dream environments like this one, that is; in Gensokyo-based environments, it?s generally random fairies and other youkai as opposed to more ?incident-solver? types. We?ve had more than a few dicey encounters with dream-world versions of Reimu and Marisa.?
?Shit!? Alice swore. ?Helicopters incoming! Nue!?
?On it!? Nue leapt out through the open window and flew directly at the trio of approaching helicopters.
?Question,? Kanako said. ?We can all fly, so why are we bothering with this vehicle??
?Dream-Mokou thinks this is all normal, all real. We don?t want to tip her off, so we have to play by the rules. When she can see, at least; we can go nuts while she?s unconscious. Also, it?s easier to transport someone in a truck, and also also, there?s a high likelihood that we?ll end up using this thing for a kick. Oh, and with trained defenses after us, staying in one place while we?re in the next dream level isn?t the best of ideas, so we?ll be wanting this thing to put everyone in while we?re all asleep. Although we?ll likely leave two people here instead of one-Alice and Nitori, probably.?
?Okay, just how do you manage to keep all of this straight??
Charging straight at a trio of armed helicopters alone wasn?t a very smart idea. Nue, however, had a couple of advantages. First, these were outside-world types; they wouldn?t expect things such as magic or people being able to fly that were normal in Gensokyo. And second, Nue had backup.
The UFOs-blue ones-went in ahead of Nue, spraying lasers everywhere. The hits weren?t as strong as the big lasers from green UFOs, but there were more of them, and they fired more rapidly. But more importantly, the UFOs drew the helicopters? fire, allowing Nue to fly right up to one.
Nue?s weapon of choice, a trident, formed in her left hand. The weapon forming like that wasn?t related to the dream. Such a thing was quite common in Gensokyo; many people?s weapons appeared only when needed.
Nue flew up underneath the helicopter and thrust her weapon up through the bottom, using it to tear a hole in the vehicle. She threw a blue UFO inside and let it finish the helicopter off while she went for the next one, taking it out in the same way.
The third helicopter?s pilot had time to react before Nue reached his vehicle, but Nue had planned for that, and the pilot wasn?t aware that there were three green UFOs underneath him until they opened fire. As they did, Nue threw her trident, guiding it magically to its target. It penetrated into the helicopter and straight through the pilot?s neck.
With the helicopters taken care of, Nue moved quickly to catch up to the others, and saw that only one police car remained. She landed on its hood, broke through the windshield, and speared the driver?s heart with her trident. The passenger she simply grabbed by the neck and threw out of the car.
Nue leapt from the now-driverless car and returned to her team?s SUV, carefully slipping in through the same window she?d used to exit. ?Pursuers eliminated,? she said. ?Let get to the destination point before more show up.?
 -----------------------------------------   The destination was a run-down, abandoned building. Nitori had taken the SUV through a large-enough opening and parked it within the ground floor. The team had taken Mokou, exited the vehicle-Kanako once more donning her shimenewa-and gone up to a higher floor. Mokou was in one room, tied up and with Koishi watching her, while the others were elsewhere, far enough away that Mokou couldn?t have heard them even had she been awake.
?Okay, people,? Nue said, ?it looks like this is going to be nastier than we thought.?
?Yeah, about that.? Alice turned to Kanako. ?What the hell is up with this?!?
?Calm down, Alice,? Nue said. ?She didn?t know Mokou?s had training. We didn?t find any evidence either, remember? It was obviously done in secret, perhaps in the hope that Kaguya would try extraction-or inception-and fall into a trap. Very much in secret, too; not even Akyu?s records had a mention of-?
?Hold it,? Kanako cut in, ?you went to Akyu? What happened to ?covert???
?Akyu knows nothing about the job,? Nazrin assured Kanako. ?She doesn?t ask questions. She?s a very valuable resource; the works of the Child of Miare are the most complete records that exist, and are invaluable in learning what we need to know about the target. A lot of teams make use of the Chronicles, and Akyu doesn?t ask questions. Don?t worry; secrecy hasn?t been compromised.?
?More importantly,? Nue said, ?this job just got a lot tougher.?
?Can you still do it?? Kanako asked.
?Yes, I think we can. It?ll cost you an extra twenty-five percent for a trained mind, though.?
?Not a problem.?
?You are spending a lot of money on this,? Nitori remarked. ?Is getting faith from Eientei really that important to you??
?Money has no value to me,? Kanako replied. ?It is simply a tool. I have no need or want of it.?
?Yeah, but don?t you at least need to maintain your shrine and provide for your miko??
?Suwako handles that,? Kanako said. ?She is, after all, a goddess of nature. She will not allow the shrine to deteriorate or be damaged, and providing enough sustenance for Sanae-or any of the other mikos we?ve had-is also simple. There are some things that even we need to purchace, yes, but they are few and far-between, and we can usually find someone willing to donate what we need, anyways. We have little use for money.?
?And yet you encourage its donation,? Alice said.
?Donation is a symbolic act. People are materialistic, and thus often feel that faith is best expressed materially. I am not going to discourage such a thing; if it is how they express their faith, then I will actively encourage it.?
?Focus, people,? Nue said. ?Having to deal with a trained mind changes things. We won?t have the time for the original plan. Things are calm now, but as soon as we enter the next level, they?ll be on us again both here and there.?
?Inception can?t be played that fast, boss,? Nazrin said. ?It takes time to properly set up. If we try and speed it up, we?ll have a failed plant.?
?Not necessarily. We can make this work.?
?You have a plan??
?Yes,? Nue said. ?We?re going with Charlotte.?
 ------------------------------------   Nitori stood over Mokou as the latter regained awareness. ?Hi, there, Mokou,? she said.
?Who? are you??
?Somebody. It?s not important. You?re the important one here, Mokou. There?s something we need you to tell us.?
?Yeah? And just what would that be??
?The combination, of course,? Nitori said.
?The- what??
?Don?t play dumb. The combination.?
?What combination??
Nitori sighed. ?The combination to your father?s safe.?
?To- wait, what? He never had a-?
Nitori laughed. ?Oh, you didn?t know about it? Yes, he kept something precious within that safe.?
?And it?s still there after more than a thousand years? You?re full of shit.?
?Oh, not at all. You of all people, Mokou, should know that something can be made to last far longer than is natural. Your father?s safe and its contents are intact, and you?re going to give me the combination.?
?I didn?t even know about the safe. Why the hell do you think I know its combination? And that?s assuming you?re not just making all of this up.?
?You know the combination,? Nitori said. ?He passed it on to you before his death. Obviously, though, he didn?t tell you it was a combination. Some string of numbers, likely presented in conjunction with something else. A gift, perhaps.?
?There?s nothing like that,? Mokou said. ?Not that I?d tell you even if there was, though.?
Nitori gave an evil grin. ?Oh, you?ll talk. There?s something quite wonderful about torturing an immortal, you know. No matter what I do to you, you?ll survive.? She giggled. ?Oh, this is going to be so much fun!?
 -----------------------------------   ?Okay,? Kanako said, ?forgive me if I?m misunderstanding something. Are you saying we?re going to tell Mokou that she?s in a dream??
?Not yet,? Nue said. ?Not until the next level in. That?s where we?ll need her cooperation, and we won?t have enough time for most methods of getting that.?
?And you?re sure she won?t call your bluff??
?Subconscious defense training is, well, subconscious. She doesn?t actually know how her defenses work. We can use that to our advantage. We?ll convince her that someone?s after a secret in her mind, then let her find out just what that secret is.?
?And Nitori?s interrogation of her plays into this how??
?When we call her attention to the fact that she?s in a dream,? Koishi explained, ?she?ll be able to vaguely recall events in the next level up. This level. Although she won?t know that this level is also a dream. Anyways, this way, she?ll get memories of people-me and Nitori, specifically-trying to get information from her. And speaking of that, I think it?s about my turn in there.?
 -----------------------------------------   Nitori stepped to the side as she heard the door open, allowing her to keep Mokou in sight while she looked at the newcomer. ?Nothing yet?? Koishi asked.
?Nothing. She?s a tough one.?
?I thought you liked the tough ones.?
?Indeed I do, but we?re a little short on time. Maybe your? unique style would be of assistance.?
?Then stand aside and let me handle this. Man, it?s been a while since I?ve done this. Hope I?m not too rusty.?
?I wouldn?t worry about that,? Nitori remarked as she walked out of the room. ?You?re a natural.?
 -------------------------------------------   ?Okay,? Kanako said, ?I know I?ve been saying this a lot, but: question. This dream is based on the outside world, with no magic and all, but Mokou still has her feud with Kaguya, and both are still immortal? How exactly does that work??
?It?s a dream,? Nitori said. ?It doesn?t have to make perfect sense. You get little inconsistencies like this all the time.?
 -----------------------------------------------   Mokou spat out blood. ?I don?t know a goddamn thing.?
?Yes, you do,? Koishi said. ?You may not know you know it, but you do know it.?
?And just what the hell is that supposed to mean??
?Give me the numbers. Say them, whatever comes to mind. Just give me a string of digits off the top of your head.?
?And this is supposed to be this ?combination? you?re after? You?re crazy!?
?Probably,? Koishi said. ?Now, the numbers, please. Or would you like to lose another head??
?You?re insane,? Mokou said. ?Um, 1, 0, 3, 9, 2, 0, 4, 6.?
Koishi entered the numbers into a text message and sent it. The reply came quickly, and she looked at it, frowned, and swore. Then she punched Mokou in the face. ?You weren?t honest. You didn?t list off the top of your head, did you??
?Of course I did. You didn?t really think it would work, did you??
?Plan b, then,? Koishi said. ?You just sit tight for now. Oh, and we?ve got you surrounded, so don?t try anything, okay, dear? You just be a good little girl until I get back.?
   ------------------------------------------   Mokou jerked up as Koishi and Nitori threw the bound form of Keine into the room and slammed the door. ?Keine! Are you okay??
?Do I look okay??
?You look like they beat you almost as badly as they did me.?
This, of course, was deliberate; Nue had modified her form appropriately. ?I feel like shit, I know that much.? She managed to crawl her way over to Mokou and sit up beside her. ?They didn?t really tell me what the hell they wanted, though. Just kept asking for some number.?
?They think my father put something in a safe and gave me the combination.?
?Shit, how the hell?d they find out about that??
?Um, Keine??
?What are you talking about??
Nue sighed. ?Your father did have something he kept in a safe. The safe is hidden and known only to myself and Akyu.?
?Akyu? That fellow history-nut friend of yours??
?Your father was friends with her direct ancestor, Miare. He asked Miare to hide the safe, and its location has been passed down in the Heida family ever since.?
?How do you know about it??
?I?ve told you of Akyu?s illness. She?ll be lucky to live to thirty, and there?s no way she?ll manage to bear a child with her condition. Her family can?t do the job any longer, so she passed the safe?s location on to me. You were to be told of this and given the combination to it upon your father?s death, but? well, apparently you weren?t. I don?t know why he didn?t tell you.?
Mokou gave a harsh laugh. ?I know why. Did I ever tell you what his last words were??
?You said you couldn?t make them out.?
?I made out enough. He always did things for himself, didn?t ask anyone for help. He succeeded or failed only by his own hand. I was never able to be so independent, no matter how hard I tried, and at the end, he made it clear that I had failed him. He said he was disappointed. That?s all I could make out, but it was enough.?
?I? don?t know about that,? Keine said. ?From what you?ve told me about him, I always got the idea that he wanted you to be your own person.?
?Yeah, independent. Someone who doesn?t need help.?
?That?s? not what I meant. Wouldn?t he have wanted you to choose for yourself what kind of person you wanted to be??
?I know what he wanted.?
?Surely you?ve wondered about that. Did he ever seem like the type of person who?d want you to be exactly like him??
?Of course he was.? Mokou tried unsuccessfully to fight back tears. ?That?s why he never told me about this safe of his, Keine. He wanted me to be strong enough to carry on the family?s honor, and I wasn?t. I failed him. And I?m still failing him. No matter how hard I try, I can?t do it. I can?t avenge him, can?t clear his honor. He was right not to tell me about it.?
Mokou broke down and cried.
?Keine? was removed from the room by Koishi as Nitori went in for another session with Mokou. ?I think we?re on track,? Nue said as she reassumed her true form. ?We can head to the next level whenever we?re ready.?
 -----------------------------------------   The entire team was gathered in the room; Mokou had been left alone after Nitori?s second interrogation session, with some of Alice?s dolls guarding her. ?We?re ready to move on,? Nue said, ?so let?s go over the plan-and pay attention, Kanako, since this is primarily for your benefit.?
?I am aware.?
?Good. Okay, so we?ve needed to adjust to Charlotte on the fly. This causes problems. We?re at an advantage in an outside-world dream environment, since the ?people? don?t know about and can?s use any sort of magic or other powers. If we could, we?d have gone for that kind of environment for all three levels. However, Charlotte works better if the level we go for it in is as different as possible from the level above; the contrast helps the subject realize it?s a dream. So we?ll have to go with a Gensokyo-style dream environment, and that?ll make dealing with the defenses harder. In addition, we?ll need to leave at least one person at this level-and I think we?ll need two, given the whole defense training factor. Nitori and Alice, I think. Alice will be responsible for providing Nitori with cover. The rest of us will head into the next dream level.
?We?re going to have manpower issues, so Kanako, I?m actually glad you insisted on coming along, because we?ll need you. Once Mokou?s told that she?s in a dream, her defenses will go nuts and home in on Koishi, the dreamer. She could probably manage on her own, but I say we don?t take chances. Kanako, you?ll be staying in the second level with Koishi.?
Kanako thought for a moment. ?It seems this is because I?ll be more useful fending off Mokou?s defenses in that level, correct? Not because you want me out of the way??
?You?re going to be in harm?s way,? Nue said. ?You?ll be in more danger than the rest of us, but I have to go in to the third level and you?re much more powerful than Nazrin is, so you?re the best choice to stay with Koishi.?
?That is acceptable, then. But don?t you need Koishi for the mind-link??
?She can establish it even if she?s not part of it,? Nue said. ?We?ll have to use someone else as the dreamer for the third level, though, probably me. That takes away one of our advantages, but Koishi?s going to be too busy fighting off the defenses to go to sleep. You?ll be aiding her in that fight, Kanako, and when the time comes, you?ll need to make sure the kick goes off properly. While you?re doing that, Nazrin and I will perform the inception. And be careful; if you lose a danmaku battle here, the defenses will proceed to kill you.?
?That just kicks you up a level, though, right??
?Normally,? Nue said, ?and if you die there, yes, you?ll end up here, although that?ll leave Koishi on her own. But we?re too deeply sedated for death to kick us up from here back to reality, so here, extra care is needed. Nobody knows what happens to someone then, but the person?s mind does not return.?
?This level?s not your responsibility, though. You worry about your level, and make sure that Koishi survives, because timing the kick is tricky, and you probably won?t get it right.?
?Timing the kick??
?A kick knocks you out of the dream,? Koishi explained. ?Death is the easiest kick to do. Thing is, we?re sedated deeply, so just dying on this level won?t wake us up, and we do not want to wait here until the sedative wears off, since the time dilation would make it several days we?d be here for. So we?ll want to wake ourselves up.?
?And how does one do that??
?Stacked kicks. We?re going to die simultaneously in all three levels. The combined kick will knock us all the way out of the dream. We won?t actually wake up-we?ll still be sedated-but we?ll be out of the dream. It?ll be just regular sleep.?
?And what about those of us who aren?t three levels in??
?We?ll be riding the kick along with everyone else. It?ll get us out, don?t worry. And yes, we have done it before.?
?Well, that?s comforting, I suppose.?
?Okay, movement time,? Alice said. ?Police are gathering here in force. Break?s over, people. It?s back to the fight now.?
?Right,? Nue said. ?Nitori, go get Mokou.?
?Shit,? Alice said. ?They?ve got men in the building over there. We?ve got snipers to worry about now.?
?I?ll take ?em,? Nazrin said, drawing a handgun from seemingly nowhere as she headed over to a window-broken-that she could fire from.
Koishi sighed. ?She always thinks small.? She walked up beside Nazrin and pointed a rocket launcher out the window. ?You mustn?t be afraid to dream a little bigger, darling.?
?Right,? Nue said, shifting into Keine?s form, ?hold them off. Nitori, get Mokou. Alice, you have me. Let?s move!?
 -------------------------------------------------   Mokou and ?Keine? were thrown, completely bound, into the truck (Kanako bonked Mokou in the heal when putting her shimenewa in). Nitori injected Mokou with a sedative, then gave Nue the same injection. Then she and everyone else piled in, with Nitori driving and Alice in the passenger seat.
Koishi handed Kanako a pair of headphones. ?Wear these.?
?What are these for?? Kanako asked.
?We use music as a signal,? Nitori explained. ?I?ll turn the music on when I?m a few seconds from this level?s kick. With the headphones on, you?ll hear it even in deeper levels. That?s the signal to get your own kick ready.?
?Ah.? Kanako put hers on as Koishi slipped a pair over Nue?s ears.
?Okay,? Nazrin said as she and Koishi donned their own sets, ?we?re ready. Koishi??
?Mind-link up. Alice, put us out.?
Alice injected each of them with a sedative, and soon they were asleep. ?Right. Okay, Nitori, let?s do this. You drive, I?ll shoot.?
 -------------------------------   ?The Human Village,? Nazrin said.
?Looks pretty normal,? Kanako remarked.
?It should be,? Koishi said.
?Nazrin,? Nue said, ?do you have her??
?Yep. Koishi, we should be close enough.?
?Hold on? got it. Looks like the same as the last level; Mokou?s in the building after school, probably subbing for Keine just like in the last level.?
?Right,? Nue said. ?Get over there, Nazrin. I?ll take my own position. Koishi, Kanako, get ready, because soon, you?re in for a fight. Let?s move.?
Nazrin walked into the classroom just in time to be flung to the left, along with everything else in the room. You like your hard turns, don?t you, Nitori?
Mokou was on the ground, and Nazrin helped her up. ?Are you okay??
?I- I?m fine.?
?Look at me, Mokou.? Mokou did so. ?Okay, listen carefully. My name is Charlotte. Do you know who I am??
?Um, no.?
?Then remember quickly, because we may not have a lot of time.?
?What are you talking about??
?You?re under attack,? Nazrin said. ?Mental attack. This is a dream.?
?Wait, what??
?You?re dreaming, Mokou. Someone?s invading your mind.?
?Yeah? And who are you??
?I?m you,? Nazrin said. ?Specifically, I?m a subconscious construction of yours based on your mental defense training. You should be remembering this, Mokou.?
?This is a dream.?
Everything was thrown to the right. Nazrin grabbed Mokou and kept her standing. ?Yes. Things like that don?t just happen.?
?Well, they are.?
?But not here. They?re happening to your body outside the dream. Think, Mokou. You should be able to remember reality.?
?Question,? Kanako said. ?Why is everyone looking at us??
?Not ?us?,? Koishi said. ?Me. Nazrin is calling Mokou?s attention to the fact that she?s dreaming, causing her subconscious to begin searching for the dreamer. Me.? She paused, then spun to face Kanako. ?Kiss me.?
?No questions. Just do it.?
And they did, holding their embrace for a good while. When they separated, Kanako looked around, and yes, people were still looking at them. ?Um, I don?t think it worked.?
?Eh, worth it.?
 ------------------------------------   ?There was? a room,? Mokou said. ?A run-down building. They were? beating me. Interrogating me. They wanted a numerical password to some safe my father had that I didn?t even know about.?
?Possibly a fabrication to mask their true intent.?
?No, it?s real. Keine was captured, too, although she was questioned separately. Anyways, she filled me in on the safe thing.?
?Any idea who these people are??
?No, but it?s obvious who they?re working for, right??
?Miss Houraisan. A good assumption. Did they not accept that you do not know the combination??
?That?s right.?
?Hmm? okay, we need to act. They?re here somewhere, and they?ll be after you. What happened next??
?After a while, they took Keine and me and threw us into a truck and then??
?That?s when you fell asleep. And in a truck. That explains the gravity shifts.?
?Yeah, but not how they know about the safe.?
?Someone told them. But who??
?I don?t know,? Nazrin said, ?but odds are at least one of them does. So let?s go find them.
 -----------------------------------   ?Okay,? Koishi said, ?the civilians are clearing out. We should expect to see Reimu and Marisa shortly.?
?And Nue thinks you could handle this fight solo??
?Yeah, because we?ve got two advantages. The first is that we don?t have to win; we just have to not lose. We just have to hold out long enough.?
?Just wait them out, then. And the second advantage??
?Pretty much everyone in Gensokyo knows how those two fight, largely because they?ve fought pretty much everyone in Gensokyo. So we shouldn?t see a lot that?s unfamiliar. We?ve fought them, so we know what to expect. But I?ve never fought Mokou. Have you?? Kanako shook her head. ?Then she doesn?t know how either of us fights, so neither does her subconscious. We?ll be going up against opponents we?re familiar with, but they won?t be familiar with us. So yeah, we?ve got some advantages.?
Nazrin led Mokou to the village?s inn. As in the real Gensokyo, the inn was only a few stories tall. It was rarely extremely full, but there were usually some people there. Anyone who came to visit the village stayed there, whether it be humans who lived elsewhere or youkai who were visiting.
Nazrin led Keine inside. ?Okay, you?re living here while teaching in Keine?s place, right? What?s your room??
?First floor, room 039.?
?1039. Got it. Let?s- not go there. Come on!?
Nazrin led Mokou up to the second floor. ?Where are we going?? Mokou asked.
?I saw someone. Come on.?
Nazrin moved quickly down the hall with Mokou following her, eventually stopping in front of a room. Mokou read the number. ?Second floor, room 046.?
?2046,? Nazrin said. She went in here.?
 --------------------------------   ?Hey, Alice,? Nitori said.
?Maybe you should, oh, I don?t know, get rid of these guys??
?I?m trying,? Alice said. ?You just focus on the shit!?
A police car pulled out of a side street in front of them, requiring a rather sudden turn on Nitori?s part that sent the vehicle into a brief skid. Immediately upon recovery, Nitori slammed on the gas and sped down that side street as Alice sent some dolls at the car to take it out before it could get turned around.
 ---------------------------------------   There was one person in the room Mokou and Nazrin broke into. ?What the hell?? Mokou said. ?Keine??
Nazrin didn?t waste any time. She charged ?Keine? and tackled the woman to the ground. Then she injected her with a sedative.
?Okay,? Mokou said, ?what the hell was that? Keine?s a friend. Why?d you attack her??
?She?s an intruder,? Nazrin said. ?A foreign presence. She?s one of the people invading your mind.?
?What? No, she?d never-?
?She is. Makes sense, really. Why else would she tell you about the very thing your captives are after? Letting you remain ignorant would?ve made it harder for them.?
?But why would she do this? She?s been my friend for a long time. Why would she work with Kaguya??
?I don?t know,? Nazrin said. ?Let?s find out.?
 ------------------------------------   Reimu and Marisa were visible when the blast of danmaku went sailing past Koishi and Kanako. ?That?s Nazrin?s signal,? Koishi said. ?You keep those two busy; I?ll get Nazrin and Nue into the next level, then I?ll be back.?
?Understood,? Kanako said.
 -----------------------------------------   Koishi flew in through the window, startling Mokou. ?Don?t worry,? Nazrin said. ?She?s with me. She?ll send us into Keine?s head.?
?All right, but? are you sure? I don?t want to do this to her.?
?She?s doing it to you.?
?I? I guess so. Okay, let?s do it.?
?Right,? Nazrin said. ?Okay, since we?re already in your dream, what we encounter in Keine?s will be affected by your mind. Essentially, both of you will populate the dream, and we?ll find things from both of your minds in there. We may even find the information Keine?s after.?
?I just want to know why she?s doing this.?
?We?ll focus on that, then. Lie down.? Mokou did so, and Nazrin did the same. ?Okay, send us in.?
Koishi established the mind link, then injected Nazrin and Mokou, sending them into the next level of the dream. Mokou?s dream; Nazrin had lied to Mokou about whose dream they were entering. Entering a different person?s dream would have had the effect Nazrin had described, though, which served as a nice and convenient explanation for why Mokou?d be seeing things from her own mind.
With that taken care of, Koishi went back outside to Kanako. Nue and Nazrin would perform the inception; Koishi and Kanako?s job was to hold off the defenses for long enough.
 ------------------------------------------   Alice used a doll to knock a motorcycle cop to the ground, and Nitori ran him over. ?I love doing that,? the kappa remarked.
?Have I ever told you that you can be a bit sadistic someti- heads up! They?re bringing in the choppers again!?
?Well, blow them up!?
?Already on it.? And she was. She had one doll heading for each helicopter, with several others gathered around the truck providing covering fire. The dolls reached their targets unharmed and exploded. ?Choppers down.?
 -----------------------------------------   Nazrin led Mokou through the facility. ?How do you know where you?re going?? Mokou asked.
She knew, of course, by sensing Nue?s location, but she didn?t say that. ?Instinct. I?m part of your mind; I know it well. Remember, some of the stuff here is from you. I?m not completely certain where to go, thanks to the stuff from Keine, but I can tell enough to at least get a pretty good idea. Now-? Nazrin shot a security guard who came running around a corner, ?-stop talking and move it!?
 -----------------------------------------   ?God?s Rice Porridge!?
Kanako?s spellcard pushed Reimu and Marisa back far enough that they had time to dodge. Which led them right into Koishi?s attack. ?Release of the Id!?
Reimu and Marisa couldn?t react in time and began taking hits from Koishi?s heart-shaped shots. Kanako took advantage of their distraction to slam them with another card. ?Expanded Onbashira!?
Both enemies performed some expert dodging, but with their movements restricted by Kanako?s lasers, they couldn?t keep it up forever. So Marisa didn?t even try. ?Master Spark!?
Marisa?s shot was aimed at Kanako, who canceled her card and got the hell out of the way. ?Nice try. Now try this! Miracle of Otensui!?
 --------------------------------------------   Nazrin carefully peeked through the door, then quickly ducked back behind the wall. Without saying anything, she produced a pair of grenades and threw them in. As they exploded, she ran into the room wielding dual pistols and took out the survivors. ?Clear!?
Mokou came into the room. ?This the place??
?Yes.? Nazrin indicated what appeared to be the entrance to some kind of vault. ?It?s something from your head that?s in there, I think. Go. Whatever secret is locked away in your mind is in there.?
Mokou approached the vault slowly, as though unsure if she wanted to enter. ?What if? what if I wanted to forget whatever?s in there??
?It?s your choice,? Nazrin said, ?but if you ask me, I?d say it?s better to know.?
?Which is me asking myself, isn?t it??
?Hey, that can help.?
?Right,? Mokou said. ?Okay, I?ll do it. What?s the passco- actually, never mind.? Mokou approached the keypad and entered a string of eight digits: 10392046. And the vault opened.
Mokou entered the vault to find her father, badly injured, lying on a table. She ran over to his side. ?Father!?
Nue, in the form of Mokou?s mortally wounded father, turned her head to look at her. ?M-Mokou.?
?Father.? A pause. ?You?re dying.?
?Yes.? Nue coughed. ?I? Mokou, I have to? tell? you? I?m??
?Disappointed,? Mokou said. ?I know. I couldn?t  be the kind of person you wanted. I tried, Father, but I couldn?t live the way you did.?
?I?m not? disappointed? that you failed. I?m disappointed? that you tried.?
?I? never said? I wanted you to be like me. I wanted? you? to be your? own? person. I never said? you should be? the same kind of? person? I was. I want you to? choose? the kind of person you want to be. I? never sought help from others, but you? don?t have to? be that way. If you? want to? ask for help, then? do so. Ask people. Ask your friends. Ask the gods. It?s? your choice.?
Mokou failed to fight back tears as Nue continued. ?Don?t? live your life? bound to me. Live? your own life. Don?t? let me? tie you down.?
?Tie me- you want me to forgive her??
?I? want you? not to hate her? because of me. I want you? to make that? decision? for yourself. You don?t? have to? avenge? m?e?? And Nue fell silent.
?It?s time,? Nitori said. ?Play the music.?
Alice turned the music on. ?Signal given.?
Nitori pointed the vehicle towards a building and hit the gas.
 ------------------------------------------   ?Music!? Koishi called out. ?That?s the signal! Let?s go!?
Kanako and Koishi sped off, pursued by Reimu and Marisa. They found the unconscious forms of Nue, Nazrin, and Mokou, grabbed them, and took off into the sky.
 ----------------------------------------------   Mokou didn?t notice Nazrin enter the vault. The mouse youkai shot both Mokou and Nue, then turned her gun on herself and pulled the trigger.
 -------------------------------------------------   ?Wait for it,? Koishi said as they reached a sufficient height. ?Wait for it. Wait for it? now!?
Koishi was holding Nazrin, and she let go of the mouse youkai. Kanako was holding Nue and Mokou, and released the both of them. At the same time, Koishi and Kanako ceased their flight, allowing themselves to plummet to the ground alongside the others.
 ------------------------------------------   Nitori drove straight into the side of a building at maximum speed.
Kanako was the first to awaken. Eirin got out of the chair and faced her. ?Kanako. Did it work?? 
?Hopefully. I didn?t go all the way in.?
?It worked,? Nue said, picking herself up. ?We got it done. How much extra time does Mokou have asleep??
?A couple hours,? Eirin said. ?I gave her the usual extra dose.?
?Good. Okay, let?s get everyone up and get out of Mokou?s room before she even knows anybody was here.?
 ------------------------------------------   The cruise lasted for a week. The inception operation had taken place on the second day, leaving the team free to enjoy themselves. Kanako had paid for the team?s cruise, since they were doing her job during it, and aside from the job, they had that time free. Kanako herself, however, had not remained on the ship, electing to return to her shrine once the job was done, but Nue and her team took advantage of the opportunity to enjoy themselves. But at the end of the week, the cruise was over, and the passengers disembarked.
The passengers all went their separate ways. Nue?s team started away from the ship in the direction of the Human Village, where the team would split. Nue and Nazrin would be returning to the Myouren Temple nearby, Koishi would be heading back underground, Eirin would return to Eientei, Alice would go back to her own home, and Nitori would return to the mountain.
?That went well, I think,? Nue said once the team was by itself. ?Nitori??
?Kanako didn?t seem to have any idea.?
?I don?t know if we should?ve taken this job,? Alice said. ?Kaguya just wanted Kanako to prompt Mokou into action. She specifically said she didn?t want inception done on Mokou, remember? She wanted Kanako to come up with the idea of acting as mediator and had us ensure that this happened, but she wanted Mokou?s decisions to be unaffected by anyone else. But now we?ve planted the idea of getting help from Kanako in regards to the conflict with Kaguya. It just? well, it kind of feels like we betrayed a client.?
?We couldn?t have known that Kanako would decide having Mokou come to her would work better.?
?Yeah, but we should?ve turned down Kanako?s job.?
?Alice,? Koishi said, ?after what we learned about Mokou?s father, do you really think we did the wrong thing? We did the research; you know as well as I do that he wouldn?t have wanted Mokou to live the way she is. Do you honestly think that what Nue told Mokou is anything but what he?d have said? If you ask me, this job was less inception and more therapy. I don?t think we planted anything in regards to her father; we just helped her realize what was already there. The only idea we planted was that of having Kanako assist.?
?Koishi?s right, Alice,? Nitori said. ?I can understand your concerns, but really? We did the right thing.?
?Well,? Alice said after some thought, ?maybe you?re right.?
Yes, the cruse bit was included just so I could include the 'It seemed neater' line.

Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #706 on: April 29, 2011, 02:00:06 AM »
Oh man talk about competition :3



  • Though the sun may set
  • *
  • It shall rise again
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #707 on: April 29, 2011, 10:39:14 AM »
'You're waiting for a train -'
'Train? I don't wanna fight Yukari, she's annoying.'


  • So those that live now, pledge on your fists and souls
  • Leave a sign of your life, no matter how small...
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #708 on: April 29, 2011, 08:05:06 PM »
Agh, still writing. :< I may not get this done until right before the deadline, but I'm doing it, hell or high water. >X(
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet

Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #709 on: April 29, 2011, 08:13:00 PM »
So is the deadline the dawning of May 1st or the end of it?

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #710 on: April 29, 2011, 09:16:33 PM »
So is the deadline the dawning of May 1st or the end of it?
If you can get it in before the judgment hammer, it's in. And that comes at the end of May 1st.

Dead Princess Sakana

  • *
  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #711 on: April 29, 2011, 09:36:59 PM »
If you can get it in before the judgment hammer, it's in. And that comes at the end of May 1st.
Or if we stick to our usual habits, somewhere near the end of May 2nd  :derp:


  • time for kittyrina lessons
  • time to press r again
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #712 on: April 29, 2011, 10:06:50 PM »
Or if we stick to our usual habits, somewhere near the end of May 2nd  :derp:

...maybe May 7th ;p read about me playing league i guess

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #713 on: April 30, 2011, 11:50:07 PM »

“I trust our contract is acceptable?”

“As long as she won’t wake up halfway through.”

“Oh, I made sure of that.”

“Then it’s fine, Eirin.”

Koishi Komeji found herself at the edge of a burning human village. The full moon shined on high, though it was obstructed by the horn of a large silhouette at the other end of the village. The silhouette shook the ground with each step it took, in its march towards the village. And in unisons, chants of “save us Mokou!” could be heard.

“First,” Koishi declared, “Dream sign: Ass Pull!” She summoned a revolver. “Nah…” she said, pocketing it. “Dream sign: Ass Pull!” This time, she summoned rocket launcher. “Not quite… Dream sign: Ass Pull!” With one last summon, she summoned an intercontinental ballistic missile and a small remote control. “That’ll do.” She fired the missile into the air, scorching the ground as it roared into the night sky. “Now come on out, Mokou…”

As if on cue, fifty-foot long wings ignited the sky behind the monster. The firebird declared “I won’t let you harm these people, Icky-Keine!”

Lit by phoenix flames, the monster looked surprisingly un-monsterish. Koishi noted that if it weren’t for the horns and the size, it could have passed for human. An old enemy, perhaps? But Koishi didn’t stir too long on this, as between the action and guiding her missile, her attention was divided enough. The monster let out a huge roar, and assaulted the phoenix with a massive head butt. “Come to mommy, Mokou!”

The phoenix dodged out of the way in a split second, delivering waves of flames in return. The battle continued, with Keine delivering crushing blows one after another and Mokou barely slipping by, wearing her opponent down with fireballs. Koishi was impressed, but she had a job to do. She turned her attention back to her remote control, setting her missile’s target.

“What’cha doing?” the voice made Koishi jump, knocking back the small, black haired girl looking over her shouldier. “Owww…” the little girl said, clutching her nose. Koishi was taken aback, but quickly regained her composure and responded “Um, hi, I’m Koishi. What’s your name?”

“Mokou.” The little girl said. “What’cha doing?”

“I’m firing a missile at that phoenix.”


“To kill it.”


“Because if I kill her here, her mind will stay dead.”


“You can’t die in a dream without losing your mind. You always wake up first. But if you did die, then your mind would stay dead. So Eirin whooped up a shady new drug to keep you asleep while I kill you.”


“Because Kaguya hates you, and pays me well for this.”

“Wh-“ but the little girl was cut off by a bang. The revolver in Koishi’s hand still smoked, as she re-pocketed it. She returned to her controller and continued to direct her missile. It appeared as a shooting star, blazing its way across the sky to the battle across the village.

“Thanks.” A new voice said. This time, instead of jumping, Koishi took out her revolver and started firing. 5 bullets went through the head of the new guest. Each had hit their mark in the forehead. And each passed through this girl as if she were a mere flame. “Those two have been ruining my fun for centuries.” The new girl continued, in an amused tone. “Tell me, will I have fun with you?”

“Who are you?” Koishi asked.

“I am the part of Mokou that’s bored. I want to watch everything burn, have my way with everyone, and commit arson and genoside of my own amusement. The side that doesn’t think it can ever die, and wants to make the most of it. You just killed the part of me that should have died when I became immortal.” The new girl said. “And over there,” she said, glancing at the fight, “That part of me wants to be a hero, and have a normal life with Keine.” She looked at the glow the missile’s flame gave off as it dropped onto the battle. “It looks like I’ll be rid of that in three, two, one…” An explosion cracked the sky. Where a giant had been fighting a phoenix was left nothing but a smoldering crater, black smoke drifting upwards.

“Thank you sincerely,” Mokou continued, hands never leaving her pockets. “Let’s remodel. I think I’ll start with your face.”

Mokou began a flaming charge towards Koishi, who had quickly grabbed the discarded rocket launcher. With a split second, she fired directly at the girl. But the rocket passed right through Mokou, as if she was a ghost. Mokou had reached Koishi, and had grabbed her face, fingers painfully digging into Koishi’s cheeks .

Koishi woke up to see that her face was still in Mokou’s hand. Mokou said, “Oh, this will be a fun century.”
« Last Edit: May 01, 2011, 04:40:17 AM by capt. h »

Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #714 on: May 01, 2011, 01:39:31 AM »
Welp time for the good ol last minute frenzy :colonveeplusalpha:

Edit: Fuck year last minute frenzy! Now I just need to edit this thing a bit and I'm set...
« Last Edit: May 01, 2011, 06:53:33 AM by Suikama »

Bias Bus

  • It's unpleasent
  • *
  • if you're better than me
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #715 on: May 01, 2011, 07:25:33 AM »
Welp time for the good ol last minute frenzy :colonveeplusalpha:

Edit: Fuck year last minute frenzy! Now I just need to edit this thing a bit and I'm set...
I would do the same thing, but fuck it...rushwriting just isn't even worth it anymore.
No Math Zone - Tumblr (slight nsfw) | Legend of a Hot-Blooded Pig

"The only guy you know to draw fat Touhous." - Erebus

Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #716 on: May 01, 2011, 07:50:27 AM »
I would do the same thing, but fuck it...rushwriting just isn't even worth it anymore.

I was looking forward to a Yume Nikki crossover with Touhou, but I guess I'll just write my own. BV


  • Apostatical Verdant Eudaemonaic
  • This is my danmaku.
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #717 on: May 01, 2011, 09:35:47 AM »
It was the perfect weather for a picnic; the air was fresh and inviting, the weather that special blend of almost tangible sunlight and delicate breeze that makes the leaves and blossoms flow with their own unique character. Komachi watched them without too much overt interest: she'd probably just come along so that her boss, who was sitting cross-legged among the fallen petals, wouldn't find an excuse to call her a slacker.

And, to be honest, that was precisely what the Yama was thinking, at this very moment! Komachi, you slacker. You're slacking right now. I can see it in the way your hands aren't in perfect posture. A true subordinate of mine should be ready to ferry souls to my presence at any time... Even on dry land! And that vacant look! You should at least be enjoying this fine weather! Were you not the one practically begging to take a little time off to enjoy this rare occasion?

"Hey, boss. There's a meteor headed straight towards us. I feel like we should probably move. Or something." Komachi, who was now looking slightly more interested, held her fingers over her eyes - indeed, she'd have to, since the object hurtling itself through the heavens towards them was moving at the speed of sound! No, that wasn't right - it was hurtling at twice the speed of sound, perhaps even five times that amount. The Yama rose to her feet, Judge's Staff thrust into the ground like a blade. Shikieiki glared into the spot so entrancing Komachi.

"Kochiya... So it's here that you make your last stand. How fitting for the maiden of a false god!" Wheeling the rod into her palms Shikieiki swung it against the air and found it made a fitting 'whoosh'. Indeed, at some point, the rod of remorse had turned into a large baseball bat. Komachi coughed politely.

"Eh, that's kind of strange. Were we always wearing these uniforms? Anyway, Sanae is approaching pretty fast. We should probably just leave - I mean, you are the Yama. If we stick around, she'll be like 'blah blah blah' and you'll be like 'bluh bluh bluh' until she get's that she redeems some comically inappropriate part of her personality to Neo-Confucian standards." Komachi looked away as the Yama glowered. "Not that I'm complaining!"

"Komachi. Do you know the true meaning of judgment? To hold another soul in the palm of your hand, to gaze at their every flaw? Their most intimate of intimates?" Shikieiki closed her eyes, the faintest hint of a proud smile forming on her face.

"Well, yeah. It's our job, after all. Well, your job, but we've hung out for a fairly long time now. So it's kind of spilled over. I mean, not that I could take your job... Was there a point? 'Cause I'm still not seeing why we're dressed like this." Shikieiki nodded sagely. This was only natural - after all, why else were shinigami assigned to Yama, but to learn?

"Watch, Komachi. This will explain everything."

So saying, the Yama dug her feet into the ground, relishing in the screaming, green-haired meteorite that was throwing itself towards their peaceful picnic! Cherishing cherries was the right that hard work and order brought... It would not be despoiled by anyone, human or flying object! "Sanae Kochiya! Your hair is not as green as mine! Also, your gods are fish and bugs, or perhaps snakes and toads! We come from different pantheons, so this is a bit of a sticky for issue for me - what matters not is the judging, but the judgment! Heaven or hell, let's rock!"

Naturally, Sanae stopped. Her mouth might have even jolted open. It did actually, nearly unhinging until it fell to the ground and through it, digging slowly towards the deep underground. It was quite a sight, and Komachi wanted to ask if it hurt at all. But before either of them could say anything, nor Sanae announce why she was carrying the rather large box of chocolates that she possessed, the Yama had launched into her with a mighty swing, sending the shrine maiden twinkling into the sky. It was an impressive strike, to be sure, but her technique was remorseless.

"Hehe, another star is born. Your sins will be cleansed, Sanae. Next time, we meet, it shall be as sisters... Isn't that right, Komachi?... Komachi?" But her pink-haired catcher - ah, subordinate - had disappeared into the maze of birch trees they had come to share lunch around. The thick winter fog had set in, and Shikieiki was glad she had thought to bring a scarf for both herself and Komachi - although since the latter was gone... Shikieiki bit her lip in mild concern. Komachi was probably out to play some juvenile prank unbefitting of a shinigami - even still, it wouldn't have hurt to give a brief mention of where she was headed, would it not?

Pausing to pick up the fragment of jaw that still dug greedily through the earth of it's own accord, having already burrowed several meters into the rocky soil, Shikieiki threw it into a nearby pond, not even pausing to offer a brief prayer of recompense. "Komachi! You aren't allowed to slack of from when we're both slacking off - it makes me feel guilty, and we both now how I hate that!"

Her comment had been meant as a light-hearted joke, of course, but the birch trees cracked open their monotone mouths and began to laugh. "Oh, the Yama doesn't like feeling guilty? Who would have thought? Have you judged yourself, Yama? Can you look into your own soul and weigh it so easily?" Shikieiki refused to be intimidate by the trees, who had somehow closed in around her while she was walking - there was no immediate exit from the woods. Their canopies blocked flight, and the rocky ground was far too hard to dig through, though she would have no interest in that.

"Of course. As a judge, it is a simple matter. Does the wisest official not know how much they have to learn? Watch, and learn." There was shuffling; the tree's waited, until Shikieiki had removed her winter mantle. The judge motioned to herself, then stuck a hand into her waist, wincing as her fingers dug under her skin. She searched for some time until she found the glimmering blue core she was looking for, and ripped it out to show to the trees - but they were silent, and always had been.

Shikieiki realized she was holding a chunk of her own flesh, and her eyes widened as she collapsed in pain. The Judge of Paradise lay there for sometime, before realizing that despite still feeling the skin ingrained along her fingernails - she was whole. There was no wound, no pain. Ah, an illusion. Perhaps to distract me from some truth to be learned here, or a question to answer. There was only one way to go, of course - so the Yama gingerly dove into the ground, finding it cool and refreshing.

The rocks hurt, of course - especially now that she no longer had her winter clothes to protect her. But it was clear that she was meant to follow this, so follow it she did. She was no longer digging, but walking upon a road that had been left to the wayside, it's cobbled surface lined with weeds and roots. There were several paths that seemed to be more recently traveled and better maintained - but Shikieiki ignored them and continued walking for hours, the hot sun beating made worse by the black judge's clothes she wore.

"You've made mistakes, you know." A milestone informed her helpfully. She ignored it and kept on walking. "And will continue to do so." The next one was just as informative, although slightly cracked and worn. The third was in even worse condition, and it looked as if it had been damaged in a conflict between warring nations. "In fact, you are about to meet some people who will not be happy to see you." But even that would not dissuade her, and she trudged on, trying to avoid the thick mud that was beginning to seep through the stones.

"Unfortunately, that's impossible. You really should have listened to my advice." The fourth and final stone informed her. It's message was not written directly, but scrawled hatefully in red paint. Shikieiki grimaced as pain jolted through her leg - and with a sudden hiss, the world exploded in pain and heat around her - a geyser of mud and boiling oil had shot through the ground, scalding her feet and legs - her palms were next as she shielded her eyes.

Still, the judge continued to walk, even as every step became an agony. Finally, she could walk no more, and was reduced to crawling, dragging herself forward on her elbows. There was a flawless golden building up ahead - perhaps they would know where Komachi was. She still needed to give Komachi that scarf... None too far away from her face, a tiny stone rolled past. Shikieki stared at it as if expecting it to move of it's own will - but the rock did not move.

Another one, slightly larger, rolled past. Than another. The next sunk into her back, jagged edges digging into her skin. Several more followed. Shikieiki closed her eyes, relying only on her ears to tell her what was going on around her - the only thing that mattered was pulling herself forward.

You lied! You told me that I would go to the place I deserved! But there is nothing there, nothing but void! Where is my paradise? Where is my thousand-fold world?!  You were free to interpret that comment how you wished. Was it not your own belief in your righteousness that blinded you in life, as well?

Why did you judge the poor man who stole my bread less severely than? I stole no more than a crumb from many over my life - they never noticed it gone before them! You neither needed nor wanted, but stole only to sate your greed and desire. If you had forgotten desire, you would have achieved happiness. If you had absolved yourself of greed, you would have given instead of stolen.

The judge lies! She is a lying demon! We should tear her to pieces - I've heard that some Yama turn into coins when you break their bones!

Money! Money for us all! Let's kill her, and take her money home with us!

Liar! Lying judge!

The voices continued to shout, but Shikieiki was no longer listening. She wanted to cry out - but not in fear or terror, just a deep sorrow - if only they could see their sins, even now, there was still time... But aren't you scared? You have judged wrongly, have you not? Is not your sin equal to, or greater than everyone in that crowd of preta? But of course, she had judged wrongly before - did she not know that better than anyone else? Every waking moment of her life... She had to spend every waking moment... Making sure that no one would live a life of sin.

Shikieiki felt a dry thud and heard the jangling of metal, and wondered idly if she really had turned into coins. But even though she could no longer perceive the world around her, she knew that even now, she would be able to find Komachi. After all, did not all coins return to that river? So, she had to keep crawling - just a bit further...


"Shikieiki! Shikieiki, how'd you make it this far?" Komachi stared in awe at the room she'd set up to contain the feverish Yama. In the thirty minutes it'd taken her to find some gingko leaves for tea, the Yama had managed to hurl herself out of her bed, knock over Komachi's favorite coin pouch, and crawl pathetically towards the door on her elbows and knees, having finally collapsed inches from the shinigami's feet.

"Komachi... I, I've been terrible... I've never thanked you once for all the work you do... Slacking off sometimes, is important too... I made you a scarf." The Yama coughed, her blue eyes wavering as she held up some of the coins that had spilled onto the floor - than caught sight of them with her own eyes and began to cough frightfully. Komachi scooped the sickly judge up and placed her gently on the bed, expression tender.

"Don't worry, it's all accounted for, ahehehe! But what's with all of this thanking me for things? I should be thanking you - if you hadn't pulled me out of the river, that would've been something, eh? Talk about crazy - a shinigami who doesn't know how to swim!" Of course Komachi knew how to swim. But she'd been so shocked by the Yama's sudden behavior that she didn't know how to respond. Without thinking or pausing for a moment, Shikieiki had thrown herself into the treacherous waters of the River Sanzu - and as a result, was now feverishly casting about for a scarf, looking as if she might cry.

Not sure what she could do or say, Komachi retrieved the cups of gingko tea she had brought in and placed one near the bed - then smiled a crafty smile, and bowed apologetically. She could hear Shikieiki hoarsely asking her not to leave; but had no need to leave the room. It was hers, after all. Digging around in one of the several chests she kept personal possessions in, she dug out a heavy woolen scarf and held it out in front of the sickly Yama, a  huge grin on her face.

"Turns out you gave this to me right before you went under, boss. The only reason I'm not wearing it right now, is that I'd kind of trip over it. You went a little overboard on the length, didn't you..?" Shikieiki sunk into the sheets, a relieved smile settling onto her face like clouds over a lake.

"Komachi... You won't leave me, will you? I still feel a bit faint. I'm sorry for burdening you like this... I'd meant to take you flower-watching earlier, since you've been working harder than usual. Ah, I don't even know if you like flower-watching!" The Yama grew pale again, pulling the sheets over her face. Komachi stifled her laughter at this un-Shikieiki like behavior by quickly positioning her hand over her lips.

"That sounds wonderful - but it's a bit past the flower-viewing season. And given how well the last one turned out... How about we just stay indoors for now? At least until you're back to your grouchy old self! I've got some books we can read,  and a weird thing I got from that suspicious store - ooh! And a mahjong set around here, somewhere. If you aren't gonna lecture me about how people use that one for gambling!" Shikieiki laughed until she coughed, then smiled weakly at Komachi... Who smiled back, a little sheepishly.

"Eh, and about that other thing you said - I won't be leaving you, not for any time soon. We make a good time, kind of a comedy troupe of hell!... Eh, don't look so pale! If I kill you with my jokes, it'll fall to me to judge people, right? What'd happen to people then?!" Shikieiki couldn't hold back her laughter, and laughed even through fits of coughing - although the tea had already begun to soothe her aching throat. Komachi entertained her with everything from song to shadowpuppets until the Yama had finally fallen into a deep sleep, full of peaceful dreams. As she rolled a futon onto the floor, Komachi took one last look at Shikieiki's expression - and felt that those who were judged could not be in better hands.


A new challenger comes!

Perfectly late, naturally.  Ohohoho! Does this mean this is just a regular story? It's in time for Mayday, so I really should've done something about a truly evil employer... Say, does Aya pay Momiji? Ah, but Momiji probably does her work out of the good of her heart, so that wouldn't work, either... Well, enjoy!

Edit: Hnnnng, the other entries here are soooo good! Ah, sweetest discourse and literature, how I have missed thee!.. Eh, this is a terribly unobservant question, but I'm assuming previous stories and things remain up? So I have time to read them later. As right now it is late, and I am - as perennially - tired.
« Last Edit: May 01, 2011, 09:43:57 AM by Tired/Warm »

Awesome sig courtesy of Squawkers23! Thanks!

Oh, you're looking for words? My writing is here.
Do you remember me? I also remember you - and though we haven't met in so many days, I still know you and love your memories. If you stumbled upon this - good luck, in whatever you might do.


  • I heard Malzaherp
  • needs a derp
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #718 on: May 01, 2011, 10:58:07 AM »
The judges have a small book to read, it seems.
I eat squirrels.

Bias Bus

  • It's unpleasent
  • *
  • if you're better than me
Re: Weekly Writing Challenge! - Sweet Dreams
« Reply #719 on: May 01, 2011, 02:54:55 PM »
I was looking forward to a Yume Nikki crossover with Touhou, but I guess I'll just write my own. BV
Oh, I'm still going to write it. Just at my own pace.

Alot of the WWC entires I didn't put up are seperate one shots I plan to continue when I'm not a lazy prick.
No Math Zone - Tumblr (slight nsfw) | Legend of a Hot-Blooded Pig

"The only guy you know to draw fat Touhous." - Erebus