Author Topic: A Balanced Game of Mafia (Over; town wins)  (Read 70784 times)


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Re: A Balanced Game of Mafia (DAY 1)
« Reply #150 on: April 22, 2011, 01:13:46 AM »
Gah, this wagon is freaking distracting. It doesn't make me feel much better about huh what but if I were to point at someone else, the only person I wouldn't call scum for it is Kiro, but that could just be his case sounding better then the rest. The rest of you, get the hell off me and scumhunt someone who's actually scum. I'm still waiting for Dormio to tweet something that isn't about how 'scummy' I am. Stop killing yourself in DotS and give us an update that mentions more then two players. Sect said he's going to look into other players so as long as he actually does that I won't get on his case again. I don't like pressuring people who take my slightly hostile playstyle seriously, I don't like being told people don't enjoy playing with me, so yes I'm trying to hold back on him. If you don't like it question him yourself instead of sniping at him through me. Bard can explain to me how my going after huh what for being terrible makes it my fault other people went after the UnknowableKreature for blatantly trolling people since I wasn't one of them. In fact YOU started the wagon on her before any of that happened. No takebacks.
To huh what, read my above statement on Sect. In the case that you aren't actually my enemy I'd like to see a more detailed version of what you dislike about Dan or Dormio, or Polaris if he's posted again by the time you read this.

Okay, so looking at the rest of the game.

Dan: We're past the RVS, so no I'm not going to dismiss you. I do think your definition of catering is silly. I don't vote suspicious people to please anyone but myself and what you think of me isn't interesting. You're implying that no matter which of HW or Bard could be scum that Sect is newbscum along with them, can you present a case on him as well as your other targets?

Hourai: You said you have more, so I'm going to wait a post before questioning you further. I'll be less pleased if it only mentions Dan though.

Polaris: We're playing Mafia! Please post who you think is scum in more then one name! I just realized I blanked over your first sentence.
Quote from: Polaris
Aaah, and I was going to try to be unforgettable this game
No. Please be memorable or die.

Will work for words.

Kitten4u: "I'll say it plainly: THERE IS NO WAY SHADOWEH IS SCUM!" - A Balanced Game of Mafia

Re: A Balanced Game of Mafia (DAY 1)
« Reply #151 on: April 22, 2011, 01:49:55 AM »
Ugh I've been having a busy day and it's supposed to be busy all next week so I'm just ugh right now.

Regarding ActionDan:
- Case on Bard is not good due to reasons Bard has already stated[1]. Since you haven't responded to it, I'll prod you to do so. Emphasis on citing sources regarding mudslinging.
- This post is incredibly useless. Please provide a proper response to Hourai and explain how his logic is scummy, along with how the given sources are not examples of you defending Sect. You have also stated earlier that Hourai had "inane statements"[2] so if you want to say something about that you can.
- What exactly do you mean by "interesting [posts]"? You've currently stated that NeoSerela made an interesting post[3] and that huhwhat's post was interesting at first glance[4].

Regarding Omba:
Omba was someone I wanted to take a closer look at because his huhwhat vote felt more like bandwagoning than an actual case. There's only one point that I want to bring up though.
-In this post, are you saying that huhwhat's flip will have little to no effect on your view of UK? That post overall was a little confusing about how you feel about UK.

Dormio is someone who's being watched because his posts have been generally lackluster. There are no points that I need to bring up on him, though.

I have to go somewhere for another couple of hours and when I get back I will likely go to sleep. I'll warn in advance not to expect another post from me until tomorrow morning, or even after that considering the length it takes for me to write up posts.

Dormio Ergo Sum

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Re: A Balanced Game of Mafia (DAY 1)
« Reply #152 on: April 22, 2011, 02:20:08 AM »
Warning - while you were typing 7 new replies have been posted. You may wish to review your post.
Oh dear god I was meant to make this post 5 hours ago.
Words are hard.

Re: Kiro observations.
I wanted to see a reaction from Kiro but you guys suck and posted in Kiro's stead.
And no, I don't find Kiro to be scummy quite yet, but I don't like how nobody has mentioned him at all.
It's not like Kiro is some perfect being or anything.

Is everyone really giving UK a pass for now because meta?
I mean in UK's first post UK is like all "I know that Dan is town. How? Secret." Know who else knows who the town are? Scum.
Never mind how UK states "nope, not answering" before voting huh what because huh what said that Shadoweh wasn't adding anything to the Dan/Bard/UK thing.
Not to mention I really don't like how UK basically states "You would have looked more town if you had asked me about Dan in the post where you weren't looking at me at all but you didn't and so you're scum. I'm not answering that question btw." in the same post.
Out of the whole UK/huh what exchange, I think UK looks scummier.
But that's all in the past! What about the present?
After UK started the stuff with huh what, what has UK done?
... Nothing?
After that, UK pretty much just sits back and waits for someone to die, defending people that aren't huh what.
ie. "I like Omba's latest post a lot."
"Kiro is posting fairly solid analysis"
"Serela 114 is incredibly silly and not worth responding to! ... That said, don't think Serela is scum, just silly."

Why should we be looking at Kiro?
Because we should be looking at everyone.


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Re: A Balanced Game of Mafia (DAY 1)
« Reply #153 on: April 22, 2011, 02:24:31 AM »
@Dormio: Then that means your doing it wrong. PoE is how you lynch scum. I entered the game with a list of people I wasn't planning to lynch D1. I've modified it a little in reaction to things happening in the game, but there are several people who are more likely than not town. I'm not turning a blind eye to anyone, but I'm also not going to try to make shit up or spend extensive posts analyzing people I think are town. If you don't like it, :dwi:

Also, your "points" are terrible and honestly a little scummy. You should know better.

Dormio Ergo Sum

  • MotK's Official Idlebot
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Re: A Balanced Game of Mafia (DAY 1)
« Reply #154 on: April 22, 2011, 02:58:32 AM »
I don't really like meta analysis, but whatever.

Re: A Balanced Game of Mafia (DAY 1)
« Reply #155 on: April 22, 2011, 03:23:44 AM »
Other peoples.

I think it's weird how he says its weird that nobody mentions Kiro but at the same time he says he doesn't find him scummy. It's pretty waffley. If he's not perfect, what's wrong or what don't you agree with? What was this point trying to achieve?

And your vote is still on Shadoweh even though you've made a newer case. Do you still find your Shadoweh case valid, weaker, or stronger? You didn't address this in your last post.

ActionDan: Finally I can understand the stuff he's saying. Mostly thinking the "huh?" parts are just derp now.
Cool. now that you understand him better, can I get your opinion on him rather than just acknowledging his existence?
You haven't really said anything on him before this, so can I know where you stand on this?

Nice that he posted, somewhat displeased he only really furthers his case on Dan. With your general lack of content, I would like to see more opinions on who you think are scum, or are at least suspicious of.

I would normally be concerned from the vote/unvote, but her reasoning and explanations are town-based enough that I'd disregard it for the time being, and she's been looking better from the time where I questioned her on the Sect thing. Leaning more towards neutral for now.

Re: A Balanced Game of Mafia (DAY 1)
« Reply #156 on: April 22, 2011, 03:25:23 AM »
What was this point trying to achieve?

Disregard. I now see it was in response to a question. My other question still stands, however.


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Re: A Balanced Game of Mafia (DAY 1)
« Reply #157 on: April 22, 2011, 03:32:46 AM »
Quick read in between a break of SC2.

I also think Omba's #148 reflects well on him and is in effect skewing my feelings about Shadoweh and her vote on Huh What.

Polaris not having a single word about Shadoweh, rather singling out Omba over her is unusual. And your question to Omba isn't a new question, it's just repeating what Omba had already said. Is that enough for you to put Omba as one of your top suspects over say Shadoweh and if so, why?

Dormio, you talk about me and UK in your long delayed post. But by the content, you're really not taking action on those points. Also, yes, with the amount of time left today, I'm going to give UK the meta pass. Since you brought it up, are you? Is UK going to be more worthy of your vote than Shadoweh whom you're still voting now, but also did not say a single word about in #152?

Sect has been absent all of Page 5. And being annoyed about Shadoweh's vote and then clear of you didn't really answer the real question I asked you. Is Shadoweh still scum to you?

There are enough shady people on the Shadoweh wagon and with the amount of content she's got, I'm willing to see 1 or 2 flips in relation to her content and re-evaluate her tomorrow.

##Unvote Shadoweh

I'll get another post and vote in before I go to bed.

Re: A Balanced Game of Mafia (DAY 1)
« Reply #158 on: April 22, 2011, 03:37:46 AM »
Guh, trying to figure out people is making my head spin. Might as well get this out of the way:

My main interests are Shadoweh, UK, and HW.

Shadoweh: My original argument of her trying to get buddy buddy with me via confronting HH isn't useful, though her playing softball is questionable: I'm a big boy, I can handle it. Prodding me for votes, I can see as not being scum thanks to OOC playstyle comments by her, Omba, and UK. I still don't like her voting for me, but I can live with it. Her case with HW seems to be mostly follow the leader with UK.

UK: Like I said earlier, I don't like the trap she made. The early unwillingness to comment on her vote wasn't too thrilling, especially with her pulling out the cool face on Bard. She and Shadoweh seem to have a thing going on, especially earlier on. I don't recall her elaborating on why me and HH need to die, kind of interested in that.

HW: The vote on UK was suspicious, though it's not like he's the only one this game that's made a retaliatory vote. His vote on Shadoweh seems to be opportunism, considering that there was already four votes on her, though his reasons seem legitimate.

I'm not sure if I'm going to get anywhere trying to figure out these three, and my thoughts are muddled at this point (I really should start writing down this crap), but rereading this posts for the last whatever made me notice something that I've been missing, so might as well pressure him. And damn him for making me have to wade through the first half of page 2.

##Vote ActionDan

Dan! Why am I the focal point behind your attack on Bardiche and your defense against HH? Also, would you be so kind as to refer to us by our proper genders?


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Re: A Balanced Game of Mafia (DAY 1)
« Reply #159 on: April 22, 2011, 03:41:38 AM »
Wasn't planning to, Sect. Wait for it D2 or if you start exceeding HW in scumminess. I find it interesting to see what *you* think I find scummy and how you fix it, if you try~. Incidentally, I like this post, and am tempted to reread Dan tomorrow. I may follow up on that.


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Re: A Balanced Game of Mafia (DAY 1)
« Reply #160 on: April 22, 2011, 04:11:17 AM »
Going to sleep now, so longer post will have to wait a few hours.
One thing right now, though -

Mod: Since scum are only allowed to talk in private at night, does that mean they were not allowed to talk in private in the confirmation phase? (i.e. have no secret means of communicating until night 1 begins)


  • Drinks: Everything
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Re: A Balanced Game of Mafia (DAY 1)
« Reply #161 on: April 22, 2011, 08:10:10 AM »
Dormio: If you don't like meta analysis as you say in #154, why'd you do it in #152? I have not gotten an impression that you're scumhunting or building on the Shadoweh case. There is really strong active lurker-itis with you.

Huh What: Why no mention of Omba in your #137 opinions about others when he happens to be voting you? Also, I'm frowning at your town meta read on Serela. Care to explain why you feel that way about him?

I'd like to see Dan answer Sect's question as well.

(I said I was gonna give UK the meta pass earlier. But I've changed my mind).

UK: When I think about it objectively, I would never let anyone else off if they baited someone and then tunneled onto them as hard as you have. Ignore the overdefensiveness for a moment. What else is it about HW that makes him the #1 choice for you to the point that you've gone to being a passive commenter on everyone else? I can't recall a specific game, but I'm fairly certain you've done this kind of a tunneling before and have been wrong. Why should we at face value follow through with a HW lynch? If he is Scum, the benefits are obvious, but if he isn't, there will be a huge can of worms involving you and we may waste half of Day 2 pursuing you and if you're Townie, you wouldn't want that. Yet you still went with this play. In my opinion, you wanting the HW lynch is too risky because it's partially a result of anti-Town behavior from you. Convince me otherwise.

##Vote Dormio


  • I will ahn~ vote count for you
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  • The STRONGEST Day Effect
Re: A Balanced Game of Mafia (DAY 1)
« Reply #162 on: April 22, 2011, 10:36:05 AM »
Last minute post before sleep. Wanted to get these feelings out first. 6am posts are the best uncut posts!

Dormio: That's a nice case against UK you've got there. Who are you voting for again? It shouldn't take you almost a day to make a followup to your own post. Instead of YonoDormio we'd like the one that posts about the game that's actually happening right now please.

Hourai: My blurry 6am eye doesn't spy anything to press you on further. I'll try to think of something tomorrow. Stop being invisible to me. >:C

Dan: This stops now. I really, REALLY don't like the way you've been treating my wagon. How is it I've gone from scum, scummier, near scummiest on the little charts you've been making, to suddenly being a town wagon to you and reason to attack the people on me, without you ever explaining your reasonings for thinking I'm town or scum? You didn't seem to have a problem with it when it was forming. It's flattering that you're already treating me like I flipped town but how about you go back and explain it from the start. Why did you think I was scum? Why did you continue to suspect me more? What happened that suddenly changed your mind? Answers, now.

Kitten4u: "I'll say it plainly: THERE IS NO WAY SHADOWEH IS SCUM!" - A Balanced Game of Mafia

Dormio Ergo Sum

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Re: A Balanced Game of Mafia (DAY 1)
« Reply #163 on: April 22, 2011, 10:48:25 AM »
Dormio: If you don't like meta analysis as you say in #154, why'd you do it in #152?
Uh... meta where?
Anyway, things that have happened!

Firstly, Hanged Hourai asked me something!
I suspect Shadoweh to be scum! Why?
  • Tunneling on Sect for not voting when NeoSerela wasn't voting, or existing, at the same time.
  • Using emotion to completely ignore the points Sect made against her.
And, uhh... because!
I don't really have anything to add to this list right now.

What else has happened? More posts? More stuff to add to my headache? Awesome!

Hourai posts: I would like to see more opinions on who you think are scum. That isn't Action Dan, since you've been targeting him almost exclusively all game.

Kiro post: If you want to see some flips in relation to Shadoweh, which flips do you want to see?
And who do you think is as scummy/scummier at this point?

Sect post: Uh... So you're going to make various points on three people, then OMGUS on a person that you haven't even mentioned up until this point?

UK post: Uh, don't know what to make of this right now.

Omba post: Nothing to see here, folks!

Kiro post the second: Apparently me, yay!

I should get some sleep because my brain is screaming at me to but I won't because I'm a rebel!

Warning - while you were typing a new reply has been posted. You may wish to review your post.

I hate you and you should go die in a fire.

Shadoweh post: Inactivity? I blame Madoka.
Don't have anything to say about any of the other posts?

Dormio Ergo Sum

  • MotK's Official Idlebot
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Re: A Balanced Game of Mafia (DAY 1)
« Reply #164 on: April 22, 2011, 10:57:58 AM »
Since I have words left over.

I don't have anything to add to my UK case for now.
Re: Not acting on it.
I think that both UK and Shadoweh are scummy and am perfectly willing to switch my vote between the two.

@Mod: Votecount please?


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: A Balanced Game of Mafia (DAY 1)
« Reply #165 on: April 22, 2011, 11:28:13 AM »
I think I need to replace out ):

Pretty much the day this game started this turned into a really bad time for me.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • ねえ...
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Re: A Balanced Game of Mafia (DAY 1)
« Reply #166 on: April 22, 2011, 11:37:58 AM »
I think I need to replace out ):

Re: A Balanced Game of Mafia (DAY 1)
« Reply #167 on: April 22, 2011, 12:31:05 PM »
Dormio: Okay, I keep seeing "OMGUS" popping up everywhere, so I had to look it up to see what it means.

... I don't think it means what you think it means. Either that, or you don't understand the ActionDan situation (which, to be fair, is a bit boggling for me).


  • Teaching old dogs new tricks
Re: A Balanced Game of Mafia (DAY 1)
« Reply #168 on: April 22, 2011, 02:30:08 PM »
Well Tidelliwinks!!  Looks like I've got a lot of stuff to do.  Defend against 3  :derp:'s.  Chat with Shadow.  And most importantly! explain why I can't imagine moe girly girls being traps  Tell everyone why I'm willing to vote HW.  Not only do I think Bard still is scum, he's lurking now that he isn't pressed so hard.  Shadow: gonna read sect in iso again, because something doesn't feel right, even though she's a derp.

If this post was enigmatic, I'll explain shortly

Don't lynch me.


  • Teaching old dogs new tricks
Re: A Balanced Game of Mafia (DAY 1)
« Reply #169 on: April 22, 2011, 04:05:19 PM »
Let me take care of the derp attacks first:

 Hanged Hourai: Sleeping has quelled most of my anger and given me new perspectives.  That said, your post attacking me is derpy.  Whether it is scum derp or town derp remains to be decided.  Your entire post hinges on me actively defending sect.  I will state for the record, that I ignored him instead, because up to that point, he hadn't produced anything noteworthy to me.  To be honest, besides prodding (from everybody, including me) who has attacked him??? But your in luck HH, because I will attack Sect (Btw are you still suspicious of Sect? you seemed to have dropped all doubt recently).  It is the people who agree with the logic of your attack against me, people like HW that see your claims as valid and would lynch me for it, that I find highly suspicious.

Sect: How many fences can you sit on? four apparently. UK, HW, shadow, and me.  In your last two posts you simply re-hashed all the cases made against us plus adding little pokes like "UK please tell me why me and my pal  HH need to die" (this is the only thing I actually care about in your post).  Irregardless, you move on to say "I'm not sure if I'm going to get anywhere trying to figure out these three, and my thoughts are muddled at this point,"  which is a cop-out whilst parking your vote me.  Your reason? "Pressure". Your pressure question? "Dan! Why am I the focal point behind your attack on Bardiche and your defense against HH?" If you weren't such a  :derp: you'd have seen your name in HH's post one billion times.  Also the only place I can think of where I mention your name in my attack on Bard is in my Side Note , which was intended for HH only. Later you admit the "ActionDan" situation boggles you.  To me you look like  :derp:scum.

UK: you aren't  :derp:, tell me how you could possibly like Sect's post?

Polaris (K4U hydra): entire post looks like he's buying time.  Since K4U is behind him, It's possible he's trying to look scummy so as not to be NK'ed. Or he's just scum.  I'd go on about Bard, and "interesting" but I'm at the word limit. (by 14 words)

Don't lynch me.

Re: A Balanced Game of Mafia (DAY 1)
« Reply #170 on: April 22, 2011, 04:14:21 PM »
For scum picks, first choice is Dan, where my vote is and for the reasons I've stated.

Then, uhhh... you. Sorry. ;-; I'm not saying your vote is bad and you should change it, but your case on Shadoweh is largely based on her interactions with one other person earlier in the day, whom you've not given a real solid opinion on. Then the rest of your post is mostly fluff an not solid opinions on other posts, not people.

I'm not sure if you skipped this or just missed it, but what really is your opinion of Kiro? Saying that someone's not scummy while at the same time saying that you think he's not perfect and that you don't like how nobody mentions him is a little contradictory. What makes him not perfect? What's wrong about him?

That's all for now. I would like Omba to answer the question I asked in #155 if that isn't too much trouble. More solid opinions from Polaris would be nice.

Is your vote a pressure vote, or do you want to see Dan lynched today? If so, can you reiterate your case for me?

;~; Before you go, are there any opinions, points, or cases you want to tell so that that information isn't lost forever if you leave?

Also, Bard, play wif us? ;-;

Dan reply
Well I'm only going to address this point.
About Sect, he qualifies for my D1 new player pass. I'm more interested in finding out where he stands rather than being suspicious of him.


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Re: A Balanced Game of Mafia (DAY 1)
« Reply #171 on: April 22, 2011, 04:24:58 PM »
@Kiro 161: Well, the thing is, his ONLY contributions after I voted him appear to have been him tunneling me. Further, at this point, I see connections to him, both positive and negative. His flip will help me make sense of those connections. And thirdly, his first post was again, about the scummiest I'd ever seen for a first post. If you don't agree with that, that's fine. I still think HW is a far better lynch today than, you know, Shadoweh.

@Dormio 164: Terrible. Completely terrible. You've explained why you (erroneously) think I'm scum. Now explain Shadoweh. Feel free to link back to a prior post that explains it, because right now it looks like you want an excuse to be on a mislynch wagon.

@Dan 169: It read like it had townie intent. Genuine trying rather than stepping back and trying to justify terrible scummy opinions. You don't have to be right to be townie.

Anyway, depending on Dormio's answer I may want to run him up instead. I'll provide more reasoning once I have my answer.


  • Mafia: Worst Game Ever
Re: A Balanced Game of Mafia (DAY 1)
« Reply #172 on: April 22, 2011, 04:43:16 PM »
Hey Dan, how about rebutting me? 8D

##Vote; ActionDan

I'll even sweeten the deal.

Shadoweh, you're totally OK now and stuff. I'd write more but time etcetera. Basically your latest posts make me feel better about the instance where you said you had to pick between UK and HW - I took that as a tunneling effort but the latest set of posts all dispel that accusation.



  • One part the F?hrer, one part the Pope
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Re: A Balanced Game of Mafia (DAY 1)
« Reply #173 on: April 22, 2011, 05:01:37 PM »
Massive Facepalm Votecount

Bardiche (1) - Action Dan
Shadoweh (2) - Dormio, huh what
UncertainKitten (1) - NeoSerela
huh what (3) - UncertainKitten, Omba, Shadoweh
Action Dan (4) - Hanged Hourai, Polaris, Sect, Bardiche
Dormio (1) - Kiro

Not voting:

~22 hours remain in the Day.  With 12 alive, 7 are required to lynch.

Mod: Since scum are only allowed to talk in private at night, does that mean they were not allowed to talk in private in the confirmation phase? (i.e. have no secret means of communicating until night 1 begins)

Scum were allowed to communicate before the game began.

I think I need to replace out ):

Sometimes I don't know why I even fucking bother.


  • Drinks: Everything
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Re: A Balanced Game of Mafia (DAY 1)
« Reply #174 on: April 22, 2011, 05:58:10 PM »
Dormio: Alright, not really a meta analysis on UK, I'll give you that. But I get an unfocused vibe from you, particularly your hesitancy between Shadoweh and UK.

With regards to flips in relation to Shadoweh's, I want to see yours. If you flip Scum, I'm much more confident Shadoweh is Townie. You could flip Town, but with your recent posts, I'm not seeing any Townie motivation from you and feel it is a better risk than going HW or UK. You're rehashing old points on Shadoweh because let's face it, there isn't that much else  which is why I decided to drop Shadoweh for today. The inconsistency with you and UK is also something I'm keeping an eye on.

Omba: More content, less guro. Lurker has been spotted. Would you vote Dormio over HW?

@Kiro 161: Well, the thing is, his ONLY contributions after I voted him appear to have been him tunneling me. Further, at this point, I see connections to him, both positive and negative. His flip will help me make sense of those connections. And thirdly, his first post was again, about the scummiest I'd ever seen for a first post. If you don't agree with that, that's fine. I still think HW is a far better lynch today than, you know, Shadoweh.

You know, if I replaced all instances of HW with UK in the above quote, it would be reasonably accurate as well. Try it out, you'll be amazed. Stalemate imo.

Polaris: If you think Dan's case on Bard is bad, what parts of the case and Dan are enough to convince you he's actually Scum rather than potentially misguided Townie? Also, I noticed your waffle yet lack of pressure on Dormio in #151. Any new opinions there?

Bard: Did you pretty much just OMGUS Dan? More explanations please and why he's no longer a misguided Townie like you thought he was before.


  • Teaching old dogs new tricks
Re: A Balanced Game of Mafia (DAY 1)
« Reply #175 on: April 22, 2011, 05:59:00 PM »
Bardiche, are you trying to get under my skin? It's working.  I am actually surprised that you can troll this hard.

Bard, it's hard to buy "time" as an excuse for your almost 1 day lurk. On that note Huh What hasn't posted in a while either.  At least NeoS. is replacing out (and this isn't a good thing).  Before I go on with "rebutting," I'd like to mention your excuse reason for jumping off shadow. 
Shadoweh, you're totally OK now and stuff. I'd write more but time etcetera. Basically your latest posts make me feel better about the instance where you said you had to pick between UK and HW - I took that as a tunneling effort but the latest set of posts all dispel that accusation.


First: You'd better write more, I'll hold you to that. Second you commented that Shadow was tunneling. Whether she was or not doesn't matter (She wasn't IMHO).  You thought she was, thus when you unvoted, you imply you think that her latest posts must be looking at other People besides UK and HW.  Well... let's take a look at all her posts, #135, #144, #150,  and #162.   In these she defends herself, asks for input from everyone (including you bardo), pokes at dormio, and chastises and prods me (which I swears I'll answer).  Basically, if you really thought she had tunnel vision, I doubt you would have given up on her so easily.  What is much more likely, is this: You saw in Shadow's post #150,

The rest of you, get the hell off me and scumhunt someone who's actually scum

and realizing that her posts seemed chalk full of townie intent, you balked and threw your vote on me, somebody who you think atm can provide you with soft cover.  Furthermore, you are distracting me from more serious posts. One that I would like to address to Shadow directly, and One to provide a case on HW.

Looks like I got side tracked. But you know what? How about you make a serious case on someone with that srs bsns face of yours before I answer mindless prattle.

Don't lynch me.

Re: A Balanced Game of Mafia (DAY 1)
« Reply #176 on: April 22, 2011, 06:00:36 PM »
... All right, you seem to have not gotten the point of my question, Dan. I'll go ahead and walk through this: I am not going to give opinions, I am just going to make links to posts that I think are relevant to the question that I'm going to ask.

We'll start with Bardiche: Your first vote, aside from the one on HH in the beginning, was on Bardiche for voting for UK based on this message. That message was in response to your question about her "meta", which only came up because I made this vote. This is all relevant, in my eyes, because in a message to HH you said "Sect was the FIRST person to ask a serious question (about UK's silly meta)".

As pertaining to Hanged Hourai: in this post, you claim that HH and Kiro both look scummy, and point out that "HH is scumier because of tunnel vision and because of how inane her statement was", and later said that "Sect seems to have no ill motives besides the ones HH created for her". Then, you call for HH and Kiro to change or explain their votes. It's here that HH changes his vote to you. Finally, we come back to this post.

So, there are your resources for my question. I'll go ahead and reword the question, no, just divide it up into two questions: "Why is my page 1 post pertaining to UK so important to your case against Bardiche?" and "Why am I a primary factor between you and Hanged Hourai?". Please, without any personal attacks, explain. You can use any source to explain your answer.

HH: To be frank and honest, it was a pressure vote. I had tunnel vision on Shadoweh/UK/HW, and I wasn't finding the clues that I thought were there. I had been ignoring most of Action's posts because I wasn't seeing anything new come out of it, so I missed most of the references to myself until I did a reread of the game. However, his #169 post isn't really thrilling, so I want to see how he answers this post.


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Re: A Balanced Game of Mafia (DAY 1)
« Reply #177 on: April 22, 2011, 06:18:28 PM »
@Kiro: No, you really can't. Please read the actual game rather than assuming I'm tunneling. I invite you to read me in isolation and see if you can AT ALL support your tunneling accusation. Don't worry, I'll accept your apology for being completely wrong when you're done.


  • Mafia: Worst Game Ever
Re: A Balanced Game of Mafia (DAY 1)
« Reply #178 on: April 22, 2011, 06:48:52 PM »
You mean the mindless prattle you call a serious case on me, Dan? :V


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Re: A Balanced Game of Mafia (DAY 1)
« Reply #179 on: April 22, 2011, 07:42:13 PM »
I'm depressed  :(... I just spent 1 hour and 1/2 to answer Sect's logical post.  The first time this site konked out.  The second time I accidently closed the tab.

I'll give the short answers:  I think you and HH have misinterpreted my posts #60 and #42. #42: Bard wanted me to look at everyone else that wasn't UK for scum intent.  As Kiro, HH, and Sect were the only ones who posted, I looked at them.  I thought Sect's posts were harmless and being misreped by HH.  For that alone I thought HH's first serious post was bad and scummy.  Kiro voted Sect without an explaination.  I thought none of this was worth more than pursuing Bard.

I would like HH and Kiro to defend/change their vote AND I want to bomb the foxholes of the remaining lurkers  :getdown: THIS IS WAR! STOP BEING COWARDS SISSIES!!
I only wanted opinions from everyone that hadn't posted in a long time/at all (which included HH and Kiro).  It came off a little wrong.  I mean, both did chime in and change their respective votes.

anyway hope that clears it up.  feel free to ask more clarification questions if not.  I barely thought of you Sect until now.

Don't lynch me.