Bug report: Many of the cards show gibberish (looks like bad encoding of some sort?) for the card name on the stage select, as shown circled below.
http://i45.tinypic.com/fe135i.jpg (image redacted so I don't make people have to scroll moar just to get past a known issue)
I've only got through stage 2 unlocked so far (:ohdear:), but so far I can confirm this is the case for me on 1-3, 1-5, 1-6, 2-5, and 2-6. It looks like updating the best shot fixes it - I only had a silver on 1-4 before and got the gold post-patch, didn't have any shot done yet for 2-3 and 2-4, and these are the stages showing card names correctly. Unfortunately though I didn't
find where the spell card name appears on the stage select until after redoing 1-4 (and since I had no shots for the stage 2 ones, there was no card name displayed at all on those), so I can't verify if it was in fact gibberish before updating the shot and that fixed it.
Seriously, though, aside from that relatively minor issue, seems like a great job, thanks so much. ^_^
EDIT: Yes, confirming that refreshing best shot fixes the card name - I got a new best shot in 2-6 and the card name now appears correctly on the stage select.